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The rookie Cleveland police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice in a park had a poor job performance record and was forced out of a suburban police department after just a few months on the job , it was revealed today . Surveillance video released by police showed Tamir being shot by Officer Tim Loehmann within 2 seconds of a patrol car stopping near him at a park on November 22 . It shows the boy reaching in his waistband for what police discovered was an airsoft gun , which shoots non-lethal plastic projectiles . He died the next day . Scroll down for video . Bad cop : Rookie officer Tim Loehmann , pictured left , quit the Independence Police Department in December 2012 after just six months on the job . His superiors described him as lacking in maturity , weepy and distracted . Final moments : In footage released by the Cleveland Police Department , a police car pulls up alongside Tamir Rice , who reaches for his belt and gets shot . In the blink of an eye : It took Officer Loehmann 2 seconds to shoot Rice after mistaking his BB gun for a real firearm . Police said Officer Loehmann believed the boy had a real firearm . Loehmann joined Cleveland police in March after spending six months in 2012 with the police department in Independence , Ohio - a community of about 7,100 located 12 miles southeast of Cleveland . Personnel files released Wednesday showed police supervisors in Independence decided he lacked the maturity needed to work in their department . A letter in his file said there was a pattern of a lack of indiscretion and of not following instructions . ` In law enforcement there are times when instructions need be followed to the letter , and I am under the impression Ptl . Loehmann , under certain circumstances , will not react in the way instructed , ' the letter said . Loehmann 's superiors within the department described the rookie cop as being ` weepy ' and ` distracted ' during firearms qualification training , reported . ` He could not follow simple directions , could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections , and his handgun performance was dismal , ' according to the letter written by Deputy Chief Jim Polak . Polak concluded Loehmann 's evaluation by stating that in his opinion , neither time nor training ` will be able to change or correct ' the officer 's professional deficiencies . Lackluster record : Officer Loehmann 's -LRB- left -RRB- police file states that he once fell asleep during training , violated orders and on another occasion left his gun in an unsecured locker . Pointed remark : During a memorial service for Tamir Rice Wednesday , the boy 's uncle told mourners that police need to revamp how they train officers . Loehmann resigned from the Independence Police Department in December 2012 after meeting his supervisors about their concerns . He was hired by the Cleveland Police Department in March 2013 . The officer 's father has said in a recent interview that his son quit the force in suburban Independence and joined the big-city department because he wanted ` more action . ' It remains unknown if Cleveland police supervisors read Loehmann 's personnel file from Independence before hiring him . Tim Loehmann 's records indicate that the young officer 's troubled relationship with his girlfriend adversely impacted his job performance during his six-month tenure at the suburban police department . According to a report written by one of his supervisors , Loehmann once fell asleep during training and was often seen weeping . On another occasion , he left his firearm in an unsecured locker , according to 19 Action News . In November 2012 , Loehmann took off from the police dispatch center without permission and then lied about it to a supervisor . Loehmann told his superiors that he wanted to quit , move to New York City and join the NYPD where his father served for 20 years . The department was in the process of firing him when Loehmann quit of his own accord . Several hundred people attended the memorial for Tamir at Mount Sinai Baptist Church Wednesday . Pallbearers carry out the body of the 12-year-old boy from Gaines Funeral Home Wednesday . Despite all his apparent shortcomings , perceived lack of maturity and inability to follow directions , his files said he was ` eligible for rehire . ' During a memorial service for Tamir Rice Wednesday , the boy 's uncle told mourners that police need to revamp how they train officers while also looking closer at police brutality and the use of excessive force . A grand jury will consider whether to charge Tim Loehmann in connection to Rice 's shooting . Just days after the tragedy , protesters marched past City Hall and temporarily blocked rush-hour traffic on a busy Cleveland freeway . Several hundred people attended the memorial for Tamir at Mount Sinai Baptist Church earlier today . Family members and friends , some wearing shirts with Tamir 's picture , filed past displays of photos at the front of the church and stopped to hug his mother . One of his former teachers said Tamir liked to draw , play basketball and the drums . | Officer Tim Loehmann 's personnel file at Independence Police Department contains letter describing the rookie as lacking in ability to follow orders . Loehmann was allowed to quit the force in December 2012 and was hired by Cleveland Police Department in March . His father , a 20-year veteran of NYPD , said his son left suburban police department because he wanted ` more action ' Records show Loehmann fell asleep during firearms training , was often seen weeping and once left his gun inside unsecured locker . Tamir Rice was laid to rest on Wednesday . | [[1494, 1601], [4227, 4257], [4268, 4288], [580, 587], [636, 727], [1152, 1270], [2731, 2858], [2859, 2922], [2923, 3028], [2981, 2988], [3033, 3097], [3780, 3788], [3859, 3911], [728, 803], [752, 803], [1826, 1971], [2522, 2576], [2461, 2496], [3483, 3524], [3483, 3491], [3529, 3553], [3554, 3573], [3576, 3618]] |
When a huge star many times the mass of the sun comes to the end of its life it collapses in on itself and forms a singularity - creating a black hole where gravity is so strong that not even light itself can escape . At least , that 's what we thought . A scientist has sensationally said that it is impossible for black holes to exist - and she even has mathematical proof to back up her claims . If true , her research could force physicists to scrap their theories of how the universe began . A scientist from University of North Carolina states she has mathematical proof that black holes -LRB- illustrated -RRB- ca n't exist . She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity . Previously , scientists thought stars larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes as they died . The research was conducted by Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Scientists . She claims that as a star dies , it releases a type of radiation known as Hawking radiation - predicted by Professor Stephen Hawking . One of the biggest unanswered questions about black holes is the so-called information paradox . Under current theories for black holes it is thought that nothing can escape from the event horizon around a black hole - not even light itself . Inside the black hole is thought to be a singularity where matter is crushed to an infinitesimally small point as predicted by Einstein 's theory of gravity . However , a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear . This creates a paradox ; how can a black hole make matter and information ` disappear ' ? Professor Mersini-Houghton 's new theory manages to explain why this might be so - namely because black holes as we know them can not exist . However in this process , Professor Mersini-Houghton believes the star also sheds mass , so much so that it no longer has the density to become a black hole . Before the black hole can form , she said , the dying star swells and explodes . The singularity as predicted never forms , and neither does the event horizon - the boundary of the black hole where not even light can escape . ` I 'm still not over the shock , ' said Professor Mersini-Houghton . ` We 've been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about . ' Experimental evidence may one day provide physical proof as to whether or not black holes exist in the universe . But for now , Mersini-Houghton says the mathematics are conclusive . What 's more , the research could apparently even call into question the veracity of the Big Bang theory . Most physicists think the universe originated from a singularity that began expanding with the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago . If it is impossible for singularities to exist , however , as partially predicted by Professor Mersini-Houghton , then that theory would also be brought into question . During the collapse process stars release a type of radiation called Hawking radiation -LRB- shown -RRB- . But Professor Mersini-Houghton claims this process means the star loses too much mass and ca n't form a black hole . And this also apparently means the Big Bang theory , that the universe began as a singularity , may not be correct . Earlier this year Professor Stephen Hawking shocked physicists by saying ` there are no black holes ' . In a paper published online , Professor Hawking instead argues there are ` grey holes ' ` The absence of event horizons means that there are no black holes - in the sense of regimes from which light ca n't escape to infinity , ' he says in the paper , called Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting For Black Holes . He says that the idea of an event horizon , from which light can not escape , is flawed . He suggests that instead light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole 's core will be held as though stuck on a treadmill and that they can slowly shrink by spewing out radiation . One of the reasons black holes are so bizarre is that they pit two fundamental theories of the universe against each other . Namely , Einstein 's theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes . But a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear . Efforts to combine these two theories proved problematic , and has become known as the black hole information paradox - how can matter permanently disappear in a black hole as predicted ? Professor Mersini-Houghton 's new theory does manage to mathematically combine the two fundamental theories , but with unwanted effects for people expecting black holes to exist . ` Physicists have been trying to merge these two theories - Einstein 's theory of gravity and quantum mechanics - for decades , but this scenario brings these two theories together , into harmony , ' said Professor Mersini-Houghton . ` And that 's a big deal . ' | Scientist claims she has mathematical proof black holes can not exist . She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity . Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton said she is still in ` shock ' from the find . Previously , scientists thought stars much larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes when they died . During this process they release a type of radiation called Hawking radiation . But new research claims the star would lose too much mass and would n't be able to form a black hole . If true , the theory that the universe began as a singularity , followed by the Big Bang , could also be wrong . | [[343, 346], [352, 398], [497, 632], [550, 632], [633, 705], [642, 680], [2260, 2289], [2294, 2327], [0, 102], [0, 47], [77, 79], [107, 150], [719, 763], [756, 797], [719, 729], [802, 835], [992, 1056], [1047, 1126], [3035, 3096], [3087, 3127], [1881, 1896], [1899, 1959], [3146, 3258], [2639, 2730], [2980, 3034], [3317, 3352], [3317, 3329], [3355, 3375]] |
Lois Lerner , the former IRS official at the center of an investigation into the targeting of conservative groups , has spoke out for the first time since she invoked her legal right not to testify against herself at a congressional hearing more than a year ago . Lerner sat down with Politico ahead of a profile it released on her this morning and revealed that she has received death threats since leaving the government agency and has been called hateful names , like ` dirty Jew ' and told she 'll ` go down in history as the worst person ever in the United States . ' Another time someone told her she was ` going to be put away in the deepest , darkest dungeon , and they were going to lock me up and throw away the key . ' One death threat was so bad that federal agents had to guard her home , Lerner said . Despite the fallout from her admission last May that the IRS had inappropriately scrutinized some groups with political affiliations more than others , Lerner said she has no regrets about the way she handled herself throughout the controversy . ' I did n't do anything wrong , ' Lerner told Politico . ` I 'm proud of my career and the job I did for this country . ' Scroll down for video . Lois Lerner , the former director of the Internal Revenue Service 's -LRB- IRS -RRB- exempt organizations office , is pictured here during a House hearing in Washington , D.C on May 22 , 2013 . Lerner recently spoke out about a controversy involving her department 's targeting of conservatives for the first time since the congressional hearing . Lerner had mostly faded into obscurity since refusing to give testimony to a House Oversight committee last year , claiming that she could self-incriminate herself , before her lengthy interview with Politico . Although her name has been in the news consistently over the last several months as the IRS revealed to congressional investigators that a computer crash caused the loss of a large chunk of Lerner 's emails from 2011-2013 , Lerner herself has stayed out of the fray until now . In her interview Lerner defended herself against accusations being made by conservatives , including claims that she purposefully ruined her hard drive to throw investigators off her trail . ` How would I know two years ahead of time that it would be important for me to destroy emails , and if I did know that , why would n't I have destroyed the other ones they keep releasing ? ' she asked . Lerner told Politico she believes she 's receiving much of the blame for her department 's wrongdoing because she was the first IRS official to acknowledge it publicly . ' I was the person who announced it , ' she said . ' I assume the other part of it is because I declined to talk , and once I declined to talk , they could say anything they wanted , and they knew I could n't say anything back . ' Former colleagues of Lerner suggested to Politico that they agreed and argued that the former tax exempt chief was not the only IRS official who made missteps in the years leading up to the public controversy . And despite being a registered Democrat , Lerner told Politico that she 'd voted for candidates from both political parties and that generally , she 's ` not a political person . ' A former boss of Lerner 's at the Federal Election Commission , where Lerner worked for 20 years before moving over to the IRS in 2001 , backed up Lerner 's self-assessment . But two former colleagues of Lerner 's from the FEC , both of whom are Republicans , said she was a partisan to the core , as evidenced by her vocal support of stricter oversight of political donations , a stance generally held by progressives and strongly opposed by conservatives . ` Lois ' ideology is against money in politics , is ` anti-contribution ' ; that 's her bias , ' Craig Engle , a former executive assistant to a Republican FEC commissioner told Politico . ` Her ideology inhibited fair administration of the law . ' Former coworkers at the IRS also offered up mixed opinions of Lerner , with some saying they ` really loved her big personality , ' as Politico put it , and others depicting her as someone who was overly passionate about her work and ` snapped to judgment quickly . ' ` We did n't always get along , ' Nikole Flax , the former chief of staff to the IRS commissioner in charge when the targeting scandal erupted , told the House Oversight committee during its investigation into Lerner . ` We would have occasions when I would , you know , call her , and she could scream for a minute . ' ` Her fuse was short , and if you come to the IRS , you better be able to sit and listen and ask questions and absorb and rethink , and she had a hard time doing that , ' recalled Debra Kawecki , who worked with Lerner at the IRS at the beginning of her tenure there . Kawecki retired in 2006 , Politico noted , five years after Lerner began working there and the same year that Lerner took over the tax exempt division of the agency . Lerner , center , and former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman , left , were forced out of the IRS as a result of the Tea Party targeting scandal . The two are pictured here at the House hearing , where Lerner invoked her right not to self incriminate herself , with Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin , right . A former director of the same department Lerner oversaw at the IRS suggested that her limited knowledge of tax policy may have led to her division 's inappropriate probing of groups it suspected of political activity . ` When managers are not familiar with the laws they are enforcing , they make bad decisions , ' Marc Owens , a former tax exempt division head , told Politico . He also indicated that side projects Lerner pursued that were meant to streamline processes at the agency may have been a ` major contributing factor ' to slow approval process of conservative groups ' applications for non exempt status after the IRS ' investigation into them concluded . Emails of Lerner 's that were turned over to congressional committees investigating the matter show that the IRS agency sought to rectify the situation in early 2013 as a government investigation threatened to expose the department 's bad behavior . A group of emails released by a Senate subcommittee indicate that the IRS and Lerner were worried about the findings of the Treasury investigation and wanted to get their side of the story out before the government agency 's Office of Inspector General released it 's own report . Throughout the OIG 's investigation Lerner maintained that scrutiny of conservative groups was not politically motivated and was instead the result of department policy to more heavily screen organizations whose names included politically charged phrases like ` tea party ' and ` patriot . ' She also argued that the IRS ' intense examinations of those groups did not often result in them being denied tax exempt status , proving that the IRS was no more discriminatory of right-leaning groups than it was other organizations when it came to handing out tax benefits . Sensing that Treasury intended to side with conservative groups who were crying foul , the IRS concocted a plan to acknowledge the targeting , explain that that it was the result of poor management of ` front-line staff ' in it 's Cincinnati , Ohio , branch and hope that the incident blew over quickly . The IRS first planned to have Lerner apologize for providing lax oversight of the satellite office in a speech she was giving in late April but decided against it last-minute . She eventually commented on the situation at another public speaking engagement several weeks later . At that event , hosted by the American Bar Association , Lerner , who is herself a lawyer , staged a question about the affair so that she could deliver the agency 's mea culpa in a controlled environment . The admission set off a media firestorm , and within days IRS commissioner Steven Miller was forced to resign . A week after that , Lerner was put on indefinite leave . Before the IRS could terminate her employment , she followed through with a previously planned retirement and left the tax agency for good with a full pension , which is valued at approximately $ 100,000 a year . Much of that money now goes towards Lerner 's legal fees , which she says have already exceed $ 100,000 . Lerner told Politico that she 'd like to work in the tax or legal profession again but she 's been unable to find employment elsewhere and ca n't even get volunteer jobs at organizations outside of Washington in her line of work . As a result , Lerner has taken up volunteering at a local arts non profit , though she would n't tell Politico which one - ' I feel like having my name attached does nothing but cause issues for people , ' she said - and spends her remaining free time gardening and walking her dogs . Even though she 's had a difficult time recovering from the controversy both personally and financially , Lerner says not going to let her detractors ` ruin my life . ' ` Regardless of whatever else happens , I know I did the best I could under the circumstances and am not sorry for anything I did , ' she said . | Lerner spoke out for the first time since she invoked her legal right not to testify against herself at a congressional hearing more than a year ago . The former IRS official revealed that she has no regrets about the way she 's handled herself throughout the controversy . ' I did n't do anything wrong ... I 'm proud of my career and the job I did for this country ' Lerner said that one death threat she received was so bad that federal agents had to guard her home . | [[0, 11], [116, 186], [155, 263], [1434, 1555], [1556, 1668], [5167, 5223], [968, 1012], [1005, 1061], [9073, 9074], [9109, 9140], [1064, 1091], [1121, 1156], [1149, 1181], [264, 270], [349, 542], [730, 799]] |
They were once the glamorous accessories of the great characters of the 20th century . Beloved by prime ministers and film stars alike the fat , ideally Cuban , cigar was the must have item for any powerful man . But it seems the cigars so favoured by Sir Winston Churchill , Clint Eastwood and Groucho Marx may soon become a thing of the past . Falling popularity : It seems the cigars so favoured by the likes of former prime minister Sir Winston Churchill -LRB- left -RRB- and comedian Groucho Marx -LRB- right -RRB- may soon become a thing of the past . Famous fans : Actor Clint Eastwood -LRB- left , in 1972 film High Plains Drifter -RRB- and engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel -LRB- right -RRB- are also known for their cigar smoking . Over the last five years cigar consumption has dropped by a fifth , the continuation of a pattern which has seen the numbers fall by 80 per cent over the last two decades . And experts warn that if current trends persist the age-old art will become extinct in Britain by 2026 . Figures from Revenue and Customs show that while Britons bought 4.6 million lb of cigars in 1992 , last year they bought just a fraction of that at 880,000 lb . The UK cigar market as a whole fell by 20 per cent between 2007 and 2012 , helped in no small part by the rollout of indoor smoking bans across the country in 2007 . Cigar enthusiasts believe the items have been unfairly targeted by this legislation , because they last more than an hour and are designed to be enjoyed slowly as opposed to a hasty cigarette in the cold . Cigars on screen : Del Boy -LRB- Sir David Jason , left -RRB- in Only Fools and Horses and Arthur Daley -LRB- George Cole , right -RRB- in Minder . Known for smoking cigars : TV executive Michael Grade in 1969 with his father , theatrical agent Leslie Grade . The number of large cigars sold in Britain fell 40 per cent to 11.6 million in the same period - declining twice as fast as smaller cigarillos . ` They see them as something their dad or grandad would smoke ' Simon Evans , Imperial Tobacco . There are only 300,000 regular cigar smokers left in Britain , according to Imperial Tobacco , the UK 's second largest tobacco company . Ten years ago , 700,000 people were cigar smokers . Simon Evans of Imperial Tobacco told the Financial Times this is due to a lack of interest in the youth market . He said : ` They see them as something their dad or grandad would smoke . ' Two thirds of all cigars sold in Britain are the cheaper miniature variety . Despite the steady decline in cigar smokers , sales of premium cigars which are handmade and aged have risen . Luxury hotels are catering to smokers of high end cigars , providing Cosas - Comfortable Outdoor Smoking Areas . Two years ago , the Ritz Hotel opened an indoor cigar room next to its casino . | Britons bought 4.6 m lb of cigars in 1992 , but just 880,000 lb last year . UK cigar market as a whole fell by 20 per cent between 2007 and 2012 . Helped by the rollout of indoor smoking bans across the country in 2007 . Cigar enthusiasts believe items have been unfairly targeted by legislation . | [[1019, 1179], [1062, 1115], [1118, 1179], [741, 806], [1203, 1252], [1180, 1210], [1255, 1311], [1180, 1210], [1255, 1311], [1346, 1429], [1372, 1429], [1432, 1551]] |
United Flight 1637 was returning off-duty Air Force Captain Mike Gongol , his family and 157 other souls from their Christmas vacation when disaster struck . The Boeing 737 's pilot suffered a devastating heart attack at 30,000 feet on the way from Des Moines to Denver , forcing Gongol to rush to the cockpit and help guide the plane to an emergency landing . His heroic actions have gone unheralded until now , as Gongol recalls the dramatic moment he answered the chilling announcement on the December 30 flight , ` Does anyone know how to fly a plane ? ' Scroll down for video . Hero : Capt. Mark Gongol , 13th Air Support Operations Squadron assistant director of operations at Fort Carson , helped land a commercial 737 Dec. 30 when the pilot had a medical emergency . Gongol , who has flown supersonic B-1B Lancer nuclear bombers and works out of Fort Carson , Colorado , first realized something was wrong when 30 minutes into the flight he saw the engines power down to idle . Then the aircraft began to descend and bank steeply to the right . ` Over the public address system ; a flight attendant asked if there was a doctor on board the plane , ' said Gongol in his first interview since that dramatic flight , given to Air Force Space Command . ' A few more calls went out for medical professionals and the flight attendants were all hurrying to first class with their beverage carts and a first-aid kit . ' His military training told him to stay seated with his wife and daughter and remain out of the way . Suddenly , a heart-stopping announcement came over the PA system : ` Are there any non-revenue pilots on board ? Please ring your call button . ' At that gut-wrenching moment , Gongol realized the sick person was the pilot . According to Air Force Space Command , Gongol , ` looked to his wife ; as she gave him a nod , Gongol pressed his button and headed toward the flight desk . ' Walking briskly to the cockpit , Gongol saw that the pilot was desperately ill . Gongol immediately knew he was suffering a serious cardiac event . Drama at 30,000 feet : Flight 1637 -LRB- not pictured -RRB- was traveling from Des Moines to Denver when the pilot of the Boeing 737 suffered a heart attack . Hero : Quick-thinking nurse Linda Alweiss , . pictured left and right , rushed to respond when the pilot suffered a . heart-attack mid-flight . ` After they moved the pilot , I was asked by the first officer , ` are you a pilot , ' which was quickly followed with ` what do you fly , ' said Gongol . ' I knew she was in a serious situation and that question gave her five seconds to judge if I would be useful . ' I also had about five seconds to asses her , ` was she panicking , or was she OK to fly the aircraft ? ' ` We both finished our silent assessments , she made the right judgment and told me to close the door and have a seat . ' Summoning all his training , Gongol decided it was best if he adopted a supportive role to the first officer and began to man the radio and troubleshoot any issues as they approached landing . ` She was calm , but you could tell she was a little stressed , who would n't be , ' said Gongol . ` At the beginning , I interrupted her flow of operations , but we figured everything out extremely quickly . She was very impressive . ' It was then that the first officer turned to Gongol and revealed she had never landed at Omaha airport before . However , Gongol had landed there during his training and talked her through it . ' I saw nothing but the finest professionalism under pressure out of the flight attendants , the nurses and the first officer , ' said Gongol . ` Everyone aboard the aircraft remained calm , there is no doubt in my mind this contributed above all else to our successful outcome . ` In my opinion any military pilot would have done the exact same thing I did . ' Room to work : Alweiss and another nurse , Amy . Sorenson , pulled the captain out of the cockpit and into the galley , . pictured , and after the flight landed safely he was met by paramedics , . right , on the tarmac . Scary : Mrs Alweiss was flying home via Denver with her husband and 16-year-old daughter from a Christmas vacation when the frightening announcements were made . The pilot survived and has since thanked Gongol for his actions . He was helped in his survival by quick-thinking nurse Linda Alweiss , from Camarillo . Mrs Alweiss was flying home via Denver with her husband and 16-year-old daughter from a Christmas vacation . When the first announcement was made the registered nurse with decades of experience was first to respond . She said she found the pilot slumped over in the cockpit . ` He was sick and mumbling and was just incoherent , ' she told KTLA . The pediatric intensive care nurse , who only recently re-certified her advanced cardiac life support accreditation , noticed his heart was beating irregularly and determined he 'd probably suffered a blood clot or a heart-attack . On the rescheduled flight on New Years Eve , Mrs Alweiss sat next to the co-pilot who informed her the pilot had survived and was being treated in the cardiac unit of an Omaha hospital . | Air Force Captain Mike Gongol answered the PA call to fly United Flight 1637 . Pilot fell ill 30 minutes into the Des Moines to Denver flight on December 30 . Captain Gongol assisted the female co-pilot in landing the plane at Omaha airport - which she had never done before . Captain Gongol had landed there during his B-1B Lancer bomber training . The story made national news at the time - but Gongol 's involvement was not publicized . | [[158, 259], [590, 607], [697, 774], [775, 781], [879, 945], [2076, 2211], [590, 607], [697, 774], [3283, 3394], [3300, 3317], [3339, 3394], [775, 783], [788, 836], [3405, 3448]] |
When Kenny Lovelace took Molly Ryan to Coors Field to see the Colorado Rockies play the Arizona Diamondbacks last week , he had a diamond ring in his back pocket and a big plan . Lovelace had already informed Ryan 's parents that he planned on asking Molly to be his wife and that he was going to project the romantic question on the stadium 's jumbotron . Lovelace , the entire Ryan family , and secretly hired wedding photographer Kerinsa Mullins , made their way to the stadium for an unforgettable and comedic night . But their camera ready moment was ruined when a disgruntled old woman watching the game made her feelings known by flipping the bird to the camera . Kenny Lovelace -LRB- right -RRB- proposes to Molly Ryan -LRB- left -RRB- at Coors Field as an old woman -LRB- front -RRB- gives the middle finger to photographer , Kerinsa Mullins . : . Kenny Lovelace proposed to Molly Ryan by projecting ` Will you marry me , Molly ? ' on the giant stadium jumbotron : . . The couple enjoyed a romantic evening despite being flipped off by the old lady in some of the photographs taken by Kerinsa Mullins : . Molly Ryan knew that Lovelace was going to propose to her at some point but did n't know exactly when . According to coverage from WTOP , hours earlier at a taco bell , Molly picked up a hot sauce packet that read , ` will you marry me ? ' She reportedly threw the hot sauce packet at Lovelace and said , ` See ? even Taco Bell thinks you should marry me . ' When the family arrived at the game , everything was set for the jumbo plan . Kerinsa Mullins and her husband were standing a few rows away from the family ready to snap of photo of Lovelace and Ryan the moment he popped the question . Not Planned was the fact that the photographer was going to be seated near an older couple who wanted to watch the game and nothing but the game . As soon as the jumbotron flashed , ` Will you marry me , Molly ? ' the photographer stood up to take a photo of the proposal and the grouchy older couple yelled at her to sit down . Upon taking the photograph , Mullins explained to the elderly couple that she was only standing monetarily to photograph the proposal . Lovelace dropped to his knee . Molly Ryan said , ` Yes ! ' and the crowd cheered . ` He got down on one knee and that 's when I realized it was me and I just started crying and it was a great moment , ' Ryan says . Molly Ryan displays her new engagement ring after Kenny Lovelace proposed to her for the entire Colorado stadium to see . The older woman seated near Mullins was none too pleased . Another person who was with the older couple even called over a security guard because she could n't return to her seat . Mullins received glares . ` They kept yelling at me and I just ignored them because I was there to do a job and I did not want to miss something that would be so brief and so important , ' Mullins says . Once the security guard came over to Mullins , she moved out of the unhappy trio 's way . It was n't until the next day that Mullins found an unwanted surprise in an otherwise romantic photograph of Lovelace and Ryan . ` in about 20 of them , she and her friend are giving me the stink eye , ' Mullins says . Molly Ryan 's facebook page humorously displays Kerinsa Mullin 's photo as her profile picture . In one of the photos the older woman is pictured flipping her middle finger at the camera . Mullins was worried the couple might be disappointed at first , but Ryan was extremely amused . ' I could n't stop laughing . I said it was the greatest photo I 've ever seen ... There is a girl sitting behind us that is so excited for us . My mom is crying , I 'm crying , and Ken 's nervous and then there 's this lady flipping us off , ' says Ryan . Ryan Joked about making the photo a ` save the date ' magnet for friends and family . While some friends were sad for Ryan that the old woman may have ruined her special moment , Ryan maintained her sense of humor and poise . Ryan is quoted as saying that is she finds out the identity of the curmudgeon she 'd like to , ` make her famous . ` She has even offered to invite the old lady to the wedding . ' I would love for her to appear in one of my pictures at the wedding . That would be terrific , ' Ryan says . The photo of the woman flipping off her finger is now Molly Ryan 's profile photo on facebook . The Old woman has yet to reveal her mysterious identity . | ` Will you marry me , Molly ? ' read the stadium jumbotron . Just hours earlier at a taco bell , Molly coincidentally picked up a hot sauce packet that said , ` will you marry me ? ' An elderly trio in the crowd were so angry at the photographer for blocking their view that they called security to move her . | [[179, 199], [209, 356], [179, 187], [192, 356], [878, 915], [878, 892], [919, 949], [1400, 1414], [1919, 1951], [1954, 1973], [1346, 1390], [1400, 1414], [526, 627], [1802, 1862], [1986, 2072], [2048, 2100], [2574, 2632], [2661, 2677], [2683, 2754], [2959, 3003], [3006, 3048]] |
Tech billionaire Sean Parker and his wife Alexandra have welcomed their second child , a baby boy named Zephyr . Mrs Parker announced the news on Instagram Wednesday afternoon , sharing two photos of herself and her husband cradling the newborn . She wrote : ` He 's here !!! Zephyr Emerson Parker . Our newest family member born the morning of Dec. ' Scroll down for video . New arrival : Tech billionaire Sean Parker -LRB- left -RRB- and his wife Alexandra -LRB- right -RRB- welcomed their second child on Monday , a boy named Zephyr . Proud mom : ` He 's here !!! Zephyr Emerson Parker . Our newest family member born the morning of Dec. 1 , ' Mrs Parker wrote on Instagram on Wednesday afternoon . Zephyr is a younger brother to Winter , two , who apparently could n't wait to be a big sister . Mr and Mrs Parker announced that they were expecting in September , telling People : ` We are overjoyed and excited to welcome the new arrival into our family . ' Mr Parker , 35 , who served as Facebook 's first president and co-founded the music-sharing service Napster in the late Nineties , married Alexandra , a singer-songwriter , in an elaborate Game of Thrones-themed wedding in June 2013 , which reportedly cost $ 10 million . Happy couple : Mr and Mrs Parker , seen here in December 2012 , announced that they were expecting in September , saying : ` Winter ca n't wait to be a big sister ! ' Glowing : Mrs Parker showed off her baby bump on Instagram in September . Big sister : The couple -LRB- pictured in May -RRB- welcomed their first child , daughter Winter Victoria , in January 2013 . The nuptials , which took place in Big Sur , California , were attended by celebrity guests including Emma Watson , Metallica 's Lars Ulrich , Allison Williams and Olivia Munn . For the over-the-top ceremony , Mr Parker built fake ruins , waterfalls , a cottage , staircases and a dance floor on an ecologically sensitive campsite , for which he did n't have the proper permits , and was later fined $ 2.5 million by the state of California . As part of the settlement , he recently agreed to build a beach-mapping app for the California Coastal Commission . Mr Parker , who currently serves on Spotify 's board , proposed to his wife in February 2011 after dating for less than a year . He was famously played by Justin Timberlake in the 2010 David Fincher film The Social Network . | Zephyr is a younger brother to Winter , two . The Facebook founding president , 35 , married singer-songwriter Alexandra Lenas , 25 , in a lavish $ 10 million Game of Thrones-inspired wedding in June last year . | [[702, 739], [1159, 1166], [1167, 1194], [1185, 1194], [1203, 1233]] |
Footage screened on Russian TV shows the moment one of Vladimir Putin 's ` Bear Bombers ' is intercepted by British Typhoon jets over the English Channel . The video was filmed from the window of one of the huge Cold War-era Tu-95 planes which Russian military chiefs are sending to ` buzz ' British airspace . It was released to Kremlin-backed TV channels in Moscow and is believed to have been shot during a stand-off in the skies off the coast of Bournemouth last month . Two Russian bombers made similar manoeuvres this week , skirting British airspace off the coast of Cornwall , where they were intercepted and escorted by the two RAF Typhoon fighters . The footage from TV Zvedza , which is owned by the Russian defence ministry , shows armed RAF and Nato jets flying in close formation with the plane and provides clear views of the bomber 's turboprop engines . One RAF Typhoon flies so close that the pilot can clearly be seen through the cockpit glass . Scroll down for video . Up in the air : Footage of British and French fighter jets escorting a Russian bomber has been released by a Kremlin-backed TV station . The footage is believed to be from one of the previous occasions that Nato fighters have been sent to monitor the activities of Russian aircraft . The footage emerged as former military top brass warned Britain can not defend itself against the military threat posed by Russia . Military chiefs said the UK ` could not cope ' if Russia attacked because our defences had been ` decimated ' . RAF fighter jets this week scrambled to intercept two Russian bombers capable of carrying nuclear missiles as they flew menacingly off the coast of Cornwall . In a sign of the growing provocation from Russian president Vladimir Putin , the Tupolev Tu95 Bear aircraft streaked along the fringes of UK airspace , prompting the deployment of two state-of-the-art Typhoons . David Cameron defiantly dismissed the incident , saying the Russians ` are trying to make some sort of a point , and I do n't think we should dignify it with too much of a response ' . He added : ' I think what this episode demonstrates is that we do have the fast jets , the pilots , the systems in place to protect the UK . ' But former air chiefs rubbished the Prime Minister 's claims , saying the number of British fighter squadrons had plunged from 26 at the end of the Cold War to just seven following heavy RAF cuts by successive governments . Sir Michael Graydon , former head of the RAF , said : ' I very much doubt whether the UK could sustain a shooting war against Russia . We are at half the capabilities we had previously . ' Russian military planes , ships and submarines have made at least 17 incursions close to the UK since the start of last year as the increasingly truculent regime in Moscow tests Western response times . Heavily armed : The video shows the full arsenal of the Typhoon as it flies next to the bomber . The tail badge shows it comes from Lossiemouth . Tupolev Tu-95 . First flown - 1952 . Length - 46metres . Wingspan - 50metres . Crew - 6-7 . Loaded weight - 170,000 kg . Max speed - 575mph . Range - 9,000 miles . Armoury - Up to 15,000 kg of missiles and bombs . Estimated cost - # 20million . Number built - More than 500 . Eurofighter Typhoon . First flown - 1994 . Length - 15metres . Wingspan - 11metres . Crew - 1 . Loaded weight - 16,000 kg . Max Speed - 1,320 mph . Range - 2,900 miles . Armoury - Revolving cannon , 8 air-to-air missiles , laser-guided bombs . Estimated cost - # 125million . Number built - 427 so far . Sir Michael added : ` They fly in these regions to check our air defences and have probably worked out we are not as sharp as we were . ` They know it is provocative and they are doing it at a time when defence in the west is pretty wet compared to where they are . ' Since 2010 , the Coalition has axed 30,000 soldiers , sailors and airmen as well as hundreds of warships , fighter jets , spy planes and tanks in a bid to cut the Ministry of Defence 's budget by # 4.7 billion and plug a # 40 billion hole in equipment spending . Air Commodore Andrew Lambert , who commanded Allied forces in northern Iraq in 1999 , said : ` If the Russians turned up the heat , we would struggle badly . ` If Putin wanted to attack , he would not send a pair of bombers , he would send the lot and saturate our defences ; we could n't cope . ` The Typhoon is a really good aircraft but with their relatively small numbers they would be overwhelmed : the Russians would outflank us , go around us or just go through us . ' He added : ` The modern generation of politicians has grown up in absolute security -- they 've never felt a threat to their existence , safety or security . ` They 've taken peace for granted and decimated the Armed Forces . Let 's hope we do n't pay the price . ' The latest incident came as Defence Secretary Michael Fallon warned that Putin posed a ` real and present danger ' to three former Soviet satellites in the Baltics -- Lithuania , Latvia and Estonia . Vladimir Komoyedov , chairman of the Russian parliament 's defence committee , accused Mr Fallon , 62 , of ` stupidity ' . He added : ' I feel that he is a bit too old , not only in terms of his age but also in his ideas . ' Tensions : Prime Minister David Cameron -LRB- left , pictured yesterday in Suffolk -RRB- defiantly dismissed the incident , which was a sign of the growing provocation from Russian president Vladimir Putin -LRB- right , pictured yesterday in St Petersburg -RRB- . Defence Secretary Michael Fallon -LRB- centre -RRB- said that Putin posed a ` real and present danger ' to three former Soviet satellites in the Baltics . Former UK ambassador to Moscow Sir Andrew Wood BBC Radio 4 's Today programme this morning : ` It 's a dangerous moment because Russia is a state of , in a sense , frozen anarchy . It 's not a proper state . ` What they 've done in Ukraine is to begin an adventure . They do n't know how to end it , so there is some danger that their frustrations there will overspill into other areas . ` The Baltic states have been under pressure from Russia . But the majority of Russian-speaking citizens of those Baltic states actually do not want change . They are not emigrating to Russia . They would rather be in the EU and they would rather come to the West freely , which they do . ' The two Typhoons , armed with air-to-air missiles , were launched from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire on Wednesday after the Russian bombers were spotted at 6.30 pm . They were escorted as they flew south , then turned around and flew north past the Irish coast . Elizabeth Quintana , of defence think-tank the Royal United Services Institute , said : ` We have to find a way to stop the Russians because there is a chance things could get very nasty very quickly . ' The House of Lords ' EU Sub-Committee on External Affairs today accused Britain and the EU of ` sleepwalking ' into the Ukraine crisis , by failing to read Russia 's political ambitions . A report said : `` There has been a strong element of ` sleepwalking ' into the current crisis , with Member States being taken by surprise by events in Ukraine . ' It added : ' A loss of collective analytical capacity has weakened Member States ' ability to read the political shifts in Russia and to offer an authoritative response . ' A Typhoon takes off from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire at 4.30 pm on Wednesday , shortly before the Russian planes were intercepted . | RAF fighter jets scramble to intercept two Russian bombers capable of carrying nuclear missiles off Cornwall . Tupolev Tu95 Bear aircraft streaked along fringes of UK airspace , prompting the deployment of two Typhoons . Russian TV later screens footage of mid-air contact thought to have been filmed on previous interception . Country ` could not cope ' if Russia attacked because our defences have been ` decimated ' , say military chiefs . David Cameron defiantly dismissed the incident , saying the Russians ` are trying to make some sort of a point ' But former air chiefs say number of British fighter squadrons has fallen from 26 at Cold War end to just seven . | [[55, 87], [90, 155], [1517, 1623], [1554, 1586], [1624, 1675], [1567, 1586], [1595, 1675], [6354, 6493], [55, 87], [90, 155], [203, 230], [268, 310], [591, 595], [617, 659], [1554, 1586], [1624, 1675], [1676, 1750], [1753, 1825], [1676, 1750], [1753, 1783], [1828, 1887], [6354, 6493], [0, 87], [1005, 1125], [1126, 1190], [1296, 1336], [1405, 1461], [1455, 1512], [2440, 2459], [2487, 2491], [2496, 2574], [4089, 4117], [4175, 4179], [4184, 4246], [1888, 1934], [1944, 1998], [1888, 1901], [1937, 1998], [5309, 5473], [1273, 1328], [2220, 2247], [2279, 2372], [2286, 2411]] |
This is the shocking moment ISIS militants took sledgehammers to Iraqi tombstones - smashing them to pieces . The rebels , who are members of the Islamic State terror group , were filmed attacking centuries-old graves in the north-west city of Mosul in Ninevah province . Donning balaclavas and black coats , they swung sledgehammers into the tombs , causing pieces of dust and stone to fly through the air . Scroll down for video . Violent attack : An ISIS militant is filmed taking a sledgehammer to an Iraqi tombstone - smashing it to pieces . One of the devastated tombstones belonged to the Prophet Jonah -LRB- Younis in Arabic -RRB- and was revered by Muslims and Christians alike , according to Iraqi authorities . The prophet , who is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible 's Book of Jonah , is best known for being swallowed by a fish or a whale , depending on translation . The attack is the latest in the ISIS 's violent rampage across Iraq . Earlier . this week , a series of images emerged showing the destruction of almost . a dozen Shia and Sunni religious shrines in Mosul , Iraq 's second largest city , . and the town of Tal Afar , which is also currently under ISIS control . Armed : The rebels , who are members of the Islamic State terror group , were filmed attacking centuries-old graves in the north-west city of Mosul in Ninevah province . Above , an ISIS militant vandalises a tombstone . Smash : Donning balaclavas and black coats , the rebels swung sledgehammers into the green tombstones . ISIS militants believe giving special veneration to tombs and relics is against the teachings of Islam . Speaking of the latest attack , Ninevah official Zuhair Al-Chalabi , told : ` The elements of ISIS -LSB- have -RSB- controlled the . mosque of the Prophet Younis in Mosul since they invaded the city . ' ' -LSB- They -RSB- engaged in the process of tampering with the contents of the Mosque . It is . still held by them until now . ' The shrine of the Prophet Seth -LRB- Shayth -RRB- was also destroyed by rebels , according to reports . Revered tomb : One of the devastated tombstones belonged to the Prophet Jonah -LRB- Younis in Arabic -RRB- and was revered by Muslims and Christians alike , authorities said . Another belonged to the Prophet Seth -LRB- Shayth -RRB- . It . comes as more than 50 bodies have been discovered by Iraqi authorities . in an agricultural area outside the city of Hillah , just south of . Baghdad , today . Military . spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan Ibrahim said most of the 53 . bodies were found blindfolded with their hands bound and several gunshot . wounds . The grisly discovery in Hillah , a predominantly Shiite city around 60 miles south of Baghdad , has raised concerns over a possible sectarian killing amid the battle against a Sunni insurgency . Brig Gen Maan said an investigation was underway to determine the identities of the dead , as well as the circumstances of the killings . ISIS have been attacking a host of historical sites across Iraq as part of their terror campaign . The dead were all men between the ages . of 25 and 40 , and it appeared they had been killed a few days earlier . and then dumped in the remote area , said a local police officer and a . medical official . They officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to brief the media . A . lightning sweep by the insurgents over much of northern and western . Iraq in the past month has dramatically hiked tensions between the . Shiite majority and Sunni minority . At the same time , splits have grown between the Shiite-led government in Baghdad and the Kurdish autonomic region in the north . Destroyed : The photographs were posted on a website which frequently carries official statements from the Islamic State extremist group . Prime . Minister Nouri al-Maliki today accused the Kurdish zone of being a . haven for the extremists and other Sunni insurgents . The claims are . likely to further strain Baghdad 's ties with Kurds , whose fighters have . been battling the militant advance . Mr . al-Maliki lashed out at the Kurds in his weekly televised statement , . saying ` everything that has been changed on the ground must be returned ' - a reference to disputed territory Kurdish fighters have taken . He . went a step further , saying : ` We ca n't stay silent over Irbil being a . headquarters for Daesh , Baath , al-Qaida and the terrorists . ' Daesh is . the acronym in Arabic for the Islamic State group , often used as a . pejorative by its opponents , while the Baath was the party of former . dictator Saddam Hussein . But Mr al-Maliki provided no evidence to . back up his claims , which are sure to be rejected by Kurdish leaders in . Irbil . Evidence on the ground also contradicts his allegations . While . the motives in this case remain unclear , such killings hark back to the . worst days of Iraq 's sectarian violence in 2006 and 2007 . At that time , . with a Sunni insurgency raging , Shiite militias and Sunni militant . groups were notorious for killings of members of the other sect . Bodies . were frequently dumped by roads , in empty lots , ditches and canals . As . the levels of violence dropped over time , such discoveries became rare . But . sectarian tensions have soared once more and authorities have once . again begun to find unidentified bodies since the Sunni militant . offensive swept across much of northern and western Iraq . The . militant surge is led by the Islamic State extremist group , but other . Sunni insurgents have joined , feeding off anger in their minority . community against the Shiite-led government . Prime Minister : Nouri al-Maliki today accused the Kurdish autonomic region in the north of being a haven for the extremists and Sunni insurgents . He said : ` Everything that has been changed on the ground must be returned ' On the other side , Shiite militias have rallied around Mr al-Maliki 's government to fight back against the militant advance . In . the far north , Kurds have taken advantage of the mayhem to seize . disputed territory - including the city of Kirkuk , a major oil centre - . and move closer to a long-held dream of their own state . Kurdish . fighters say they only want to protect the areas from Sunni militants . Many of the areas have significant Kurdish populations that they have . demanded for years be incorporated into their territory . These moves have infuriated Mr al-Maliki , who is under pressure from opponents as well as former allies to step down . The photographs of the destroyed churches and mosques that emerged last week were posted on a website which . frequently carries official statements from ISIS . Some . of them showed bulldozers plowing through walls , while others featured . buildings being demolished by explosives in a cloud of smoke and rubble . Three Sunni clerics were also killed by ISIS gunmen in Mosul after calling on locals to reject the terror group and refusing to leave the city , authorities said . The victims were Khattab Hassan , 43 , Riyadh al-Wandi , 39 , and 48-year-old Abdul Ghafoor Salman . Today , archbishops from Baghdad , Mosul and Kirkuk said the violence . in Iraq is hastening the end of nearly 2,000 years of Christianity there . as the few remaining faithful flee Islamic State militants . War and sectarian conflict have shrunk Iraq 's Christian population to about 400,000 from 1.5 million before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 , they said on a visit to Brussels seeking European Union help to protect their flocks . And now , even those who stayed are leaving for Turkey , Lebanon and western Europe , they claimed . The three - Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako , Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Mosul Yohanna Petros Mouche and Kirkuk 's Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Youssif Mirkis - are all Eastern Catholics whose churches have their own traditional liturgy but are loyal to the pope in Rome . ` The next days will be very bad . If the situation does not change , Christians will be left with just a symbolic presence in Iraq , ' said Sako , who is based in Baghdad . ` If they leave , their history is finished . ' More than 50 bodies have been discovered by Iraqi authorities . in an agricultural area outside the city of Hillah , just south of . Baghdad , today . Military . spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan Ibrahim said most of the 53 . bodies were found blindfolded with their hands bound and several gunshot . wounds . The grisly discovery in Hillah , a predominantly Shiite city around 60 miles south of Baghdad , has raised concerns over a possible sectarian killing amid the battle against a Sunni insurgency . Brig . Gen Maan said an investigation was underway to determine the identities . and sectarian affiliation of the dead , as well as the circumstances of the killings . The dead were all men between the ages . of 25 and 40 , and it appeared they had been killed a few days earlier . and then dumped in the remote area , said a local police officer and a . medical official . They officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to brief the media . A . lightning sweep by the insurgents over much of northern and western . Iraq in the past month has dramatically hiked tensions between the . Shiite majority and Sunni minority . | ISIS militants filmed taking sledgehammers to tombstones in Mosul , Iraq . Donning balaclavas and black clothing , they swung weapons into tombs . One grave belonged to Prophet Jonah , revered by Muslims and Christians . Rebels believe special veneration of tombs is against teachings of Islam . Comes as more than 50 bodies have been found in city south of Baghdad . Most of the bodies were blindfolded with gunshot wounds , said authorities . Investigation is underway to establish the circumstances of the killings . | [[0, 109], [8, 109], [110, 120], [175, 271], [309, 348], [450, 546], [433, 447], [450, 466], [477, 546], [1196, 1201], [1269, 1365], [1374, 1415], [1461, 1519], [0, 109], [8, 109], [110, 120], [175, 271], [272, 306], [272, 300], [309, 313], [351, 383], [450, 546], [433, 447], [450, 466], [477, 546], [1196, 1201], [1269, 1365], [1374, 1415], [1416, 1421], [1424, 1458], [547, 638], [547, 579], [633, 686], [2076, 2088], [2177, 2230], [1520, 1624], [1572, 1624], [2315, 2343], [2321, 2387], [8187, 8250], [2233, 2251], [2554, 2628], [2554, 2560], [2572, 2628], [7017, 7035], [8417, 8491], [8417, 8423], [8435, 8491], [2833, 2970], [2852, 2868], [2882, 2970]] |
It 's only day two of Rosie O'Donnell 's return to The View and she 's already made an enemy of her conservative co-host , former George W. aide Nicolle Wallace . The fracas started off with the question of whether President Obama is a people person and devolved when O'Donnell took offense at the assertion by Wallace that he might not be . ` I 'm not saying things all Dems disagree with , ' insisted the Republican PR whiz , before O'Donnell went on the attack . Scroll down for video and full fight transcript : . Acrimony already ! Republican Nicolle Wallace and liberal Rosie O'Donnell traded some harsh words on just the second episode of The View 's new lineup . The once-booted co-hosted compared Wallace 's characterization of Obama with the ` international incident ' that came when rapper Kanye West publicly declared that Bush 's response -LRB- or lack thereof -RRB- to the Katrina disaster meant he hated black people . ` He revealed was how personally wounded he was by that statement , ' Wallace said of her then boss , who wrote of his dismay over West 's assertion in his 2010 memoir Decision Points . She then called O'Donnell 's words ` an attack . ' O'Donnell snatched the opportunity to turn Wallace 's words against her . ` He was very upset in the plane as he flew over Katrina , ' quipped the comedienne . ` It was a very long time before he showed up . That is a fact , not an attack . ' Wallace , who just the day before admitted on the show that she had nothing to do with Bush 's decision not to visit Katrina -- but simply fly over it -- was forced to agree . Ironically , on the season 's same inaugural episode , O'Donnell made sure to say of Wallace : ' I like her , I swear ! ' Whether that 's true or not , the hot and cold chemistry appears to have worked , at least for the time being . The season 15 premier on Monday , which also welcomed Rosie Perez to the panel , won the show its highest ratings in eight years . According to The Wrap , it 's the second most watched premier ever for the daytime series . The argument began over George W. Bush 's handling of the Katrina disaster , and O'Donnell ended up forcing Wallace to admit the president made a major mistake by taking so long to visit the ravaged southern city . Controversial : Here , Bush and his Cabinet members discuss a response to hurricane Katrina in August 2005 . Many critics point to the administrations sluggish response in helping the city of New Orleans as one of the biggest mars on Bush 's presidency . It likely did n't disappoint , at least not viewers interested in seeing Rosie O'Donnell up to her old -LRB- some say intentionally -RRB- irksome tricks . Complaining of sciatica , the comedienne did the entire show with no shoes on and at times rubbed her feet well above the table for all to see . Backstage , Goldberg said the hosts had been told the past few years to avoid political topics . That clearly was n't the case Monday , either , as the four cast members dove right into a discussion about domestic abuse and the National Football League , along with changing attitudes toward corporal punishment . O'Donnell said that while she was able to look past abuse charges against Chris Brown and enjoy his work , she could n't do that with Woody Allen and no longer sees his movies . Goldberg could n't stifle giggles when talking to Wallace about Sarah Palin , with whom she clashed while working for the GOP 's 2008 national ticket . ` When did you want to just pop her ? ' Perez asked . Otherwise , Wallace struggled to get a few words in during her first show . ` I 'm a Republican , we should get that out of the way , ' she said in introducing herself . As for Rosie , she said she 's expecting a smoother time than her previous eight months on ` The View , ' which ended in 2007 . In part that 's because longtime producer Bill Geddie is out , replaced by Rachel Maddow 's former producer , Bill Wolff . ` We had a different idea of what the show could or should be , ' she said about her first tenure . ` But when someone invites you into their house for dinner , you do n't rearrange the furniture . This is a new house with a new owner , and I was invited to consult on what the furniture should be . ' Unsanitary : Rosie O'Donnell immediately perturbed her co-hosts by insisting on doing the entire show without shoes on Monday . Back to their old tricks ? Backstage , Goldberg said the hosts had been told the past few years to avoid political topics . Unimpressed : Rosie Perez voted to move on from the topic of Katrina and George Bush after Wallace and O'Donnell traded barbs . Nicolle Wallace helped stir the first of what could be a lot of major The View sparring matches . Tuesday 's fight , which should be noted came in just the second episode of the season , started when she argued that Obama is n't much of a people person . ` Are you implying that Obama does n't -LRB- love people -RRB- ? ' O'Donnell barked . ` Yeah ... I do n't think so , ' the former Bush aide replied . ` Oh , that 's bull crap , ' new host Rosie Perez snapped . ` You are so wrong . ' Things became truly heated when Rosie O'Donnell recalled rapper Kanye West 's claims in the aftermath of Katrina that Bush ignored black people . ` Let me just ask you something , when Kanye West says `` I do n't think President Bush cares about black people '' it 's like an international incident , ' she said . ` But you can say that you do n't think Obama likes people ? ' ` George Bush , when he wrote his book , one of the most interesting things he revealed was how personally wounded he was by that statement , ' said Wallace . O'Donnell pounced , to audience applause . ' I think he was very upset in the plane as he FLEW OVER Katrina . ' ` We talked about that yesterday , ' said Wallace . ` As African Americans , one could understand the righteous anger of -LSB- West 's -RSB- statement , ' Rosie said . ` Let me just answer your attack on president Bush and Katrina , ' Wallace said . ' A lot of people were very happy with what got done to rebuild New Orleans . New Orleans is a safer place because of what it went through . ' ' I did not attack him , ' O'Donnell responded . ' I simply stated the fact that he flew over in a plane before he ever went to address the people who were there and it was a very long time before he showed up . A nodding Wallace was forced to agree . Source : HuffPost . She 's still got it ! Despite her retirement , The View co-creator Barbara Walters showed up for a cameo as the forum 's queen and proved she still knows how to produce controversy after Tuesday 's fight and Monday 's raked-in ratings . O'Donnell was the ringmaster during commercial breaks , taking a microphone and interacting with the audience . It created some moments funnier than what appeared on the air , like when one onlooker asked whether someone else might be added to the four-person cast . ` This is n't enough for you ? ' she joked . ` Get the -LRB- expletive -RRB- out . ' Onscreen , she played a brief game with an audience member and Perez , asking them to guess which Rosie had said or done certain things . Also Monday , Kristin Chenoweth came on for a song in tribute to the late Joan Rivers . Walters , who invented the format nearly two decades ago , watched the proceedings from offstage . She filmed an awkward show-opening segment seated in a ` throne ' where the four hosts briefly approached and bowed before her . Wolff said he talked to Walters a couple of times a week to get advice . The new executive producer , brought on midway through the show 's makeover , said he was largely responsible for hiring Perez and Wallace . ` This is our chance to take our leap forward creatively , ' Wolff said . He said he hoped the audience would recognize that the four cast members are all smart , accomplished , able to have vigorous conversations and disagree with one another while still liking each other at the end . It 's a work in progress : Except for one practice run-through , Monday was the first time all four women had been together . Rosie O'Donnell returned to The View today for what is being billed as a new version of the long-running show . But apparently the cantankerous comedienne is up to her old tricks behind the scenes . Sources at The View tell MailOnline that Rosie has already become a terror , only allowing the three new executive producers and co-hosts ; Whoopi Goldberg and newcomers Rosie Perez and Nicolle Wallace , to communicate with her and making it clear to everyone in earshot , she 's literally running the show . ` She was at The View for several days last week , meeting with producers and telling them `` how things are going to go '' . She has a definitive view of how she would like the show to go and wants everyone else to fall in line , ' a show insider told MailOnline . Last Wednesday , Rosie and new co-host Nicole Wallace did a test show with two fill-in hosts in an effort to build chemistry . Neither Rosie Perez or Whoopi Goldberg were present . Despite the fact that Whoopi is the regular moderator for the show , leading the discussion , Rosie took charge of the test show with Nicole . ` It was almost as though she was rehearsing for when she eventually takes over as moderator . It 's clear that she would have preferred being in that capacity as she was before , ' offered our source . Rosie joined The View in 2006 , replacing Meredith Vieira . But the following year Rosie and Elizabeth Hasselbeck had a heated exchange that got so intense producers cut to a split screen , something that Rosie despised . She walked off the set that day and never returned to the show . But Whoopi was clear after Rosie complained several times in recent days : ` I 'm moderating and that 's how it 's going to be , so work with me babe ! ' ` Rosie actually said aloud , `` This is taking forever ! I know we 're on tape , but should it take 4 hours ? '' ` No one responds when she makes snarky comments except Whoopi , because everyone else fears for their job , ' detailed the source . The sentiment backstage after the test show was that the four co-hosts were ` boring together ' and they were going to have to find some excitement before today 's show . | The yin and yang co-hosts duked it out after O'Donnell slammed George W. 's sluggish response to help ailing New Orleans . Monday 's premier won the 15-year-old show its biggest ratings in 8 years with 3.259 million viewers . The debut also included very conspicuously Rosie O'Donnell 's bare feet , which . | [[518, 534], [537, 670], [2047, 2121], [2371, 2516], [4251, 4301], [1824, 1855], [1905, 1954]] |
Disney characters are known as fun-loving and cuddly sorts -- but a Spanish man discovered that they are capable of violence if provoked . A heckler in a Madrid square pushed two street performers dressed as Mickey and Minnie Mouse over the edge and got a bloodied nose as a result . A brawl between the three erupted when entertainers Fazzio and Ticiana Yanez lost their temper at the critic , who they said ` just would n't leave us alone ' . Scroll down for videos . A heckler in a square in the Spanish capital Madrid pushed two street performers dressed as Mickey and Minnie Mouse over the edge and got a bloodied nose as a result . The punch-up -- filmed by passers-by -- shows Fazzio ripping off his Mickey Mouse head and then grappling with the heckler , getting him in a headlock . His partner then takes off her Minnie head too as she follows the tussle around the square shouting abuse and grabbing at the man 's clothing . Passer-by Aristobulo Olivarez said : ` It 's certainly not something you see every day . ' He added : ` He 'd been heckling their balloon bending magic act for some time and it seems they 'd had enough . ' Police halted the brawl by separating the heckler - later identified as Vero Arreola - and Fazzio , who by now had a bloody nose . Minnie performer Ticiana said : ` We have a good children 's show but he just would n't leave us alone . ' Police spokesman Seneca Nino said : ` Three people have been interviewed over a public disturbance . ' Police halted the brawl by separating the heckler -LRB- right -RRB- and Mickey and Minnie . According to local media the incident , which was widely shared on social media in Spain , could also have unfortunate consequences for the pair after local Disney representatives said they were not licensed , and officials are compelled to take action to ban them from using the cartoon characters in future . It follows footage emerging of a Russian driver being left dazed and confused after he was attacked by a group dressed as cartoon characters including Mickey Mouse and Spongebob SquarePants in a bizarre road rage incident . Footage of the incident , which shows the driver as he stops his vehicle in front of a minibus in the middle of the road , became an internet hit . The unverified footage , filmed on another vehicle 's dashboard camera , apparently shows the driver as he gets out of his vehicle and appears to remonstrate with the driver of the minibus . Before long however he finds himself outnumbered as four people dressed as cartoon characters , including Scrat from Ice Age and a Russian character called Luntik , sneak around the side of the minibus before confronting him . The group then appears to proceed to get the better of the driver as they force him to the ground and begin kicking and punching him . Following the attack , which lasts for about 15 seconds , the group appear to get back into the van before it drives off . | Heckler in Madrid pushes two Disney street performers over the edge . Mickey and Minnie Mouse end up brawling with the persistent critic . Spanish police eventually intervene and separate the combatants . The incident was filmed by a passer-by and the clip has gone viral . | [[139, 269], [470, 628], [529, 599], [139, 269], [470, 628], [1141, 1164], [1482, 1505], [638, 724], [638, 674], [763, 790], [2109, 2132], [2232, 2256]] |
Protesters rallying against police violence following the shooting of black teenagers Michael Brown and Vonderrit Myers held a demonstration at the NFL Monday Night Football in St. Louis . A large banner reading , ` Rams fans know on and off the field black lives matter , ' was hung over of the top of the jumbo video board during the third quarter of the game between the Rams and the 49ers . A few minutes later , about three-dozen protesters marched with their hands raised in an aisle just below the upper deck in the south end zone . Five police officers followed them . Protest : Ferguson October protesters hold up banners in the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis during the San Francisco 49er 's vs St. Louis Rams Monday Night Football game . The group could be heard chanting Brown 's name , as well as slogans such a ` hands up , do n't shoot ' , ` shut it down ' , and ` black lives matter ' . Outside the ground protesters waved placards with slogans such as ` Touchdown 4 Mike Brown ' and ` Black Lives Matter ' before , during and after the game . The protests stem from the August shooting death of Brown , who was black and unarmed , by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson . Yesterday saw hundreds of protesters rallying in pouring rain as they took to the streets of Ferguson , Missouri , with police making around 50 arrests . Among those arrested was prominent civil activist Cornel West who had joined more than 1,000 people march through the Missouri city to rally against police violence . Walkabout : Protesters rallying against police violence following the shooting death of black teenager Michael Brown march around the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis during last night 's game . A banner reading ` Rams fans know on and off the field black lives matter , ' is draped above the jumbo video board during the third quarter of the San Francisco 49ers St. Louis Rams football game . Demonstrators rally outside the Edward Jones Dome during the NFL Monday Night Football game in St. Louis , . Hundreds of people demonstrated in the pouring rain in the St. Louis area on Monday . The Princeton University philosopher and author was hauled away in handcuffs as protesters called for the arrest of a white police officer who shot dead unarmed teen Michael Brown in August . He was one of at least 50 detained by officers at the demonstrations which went on late into the night . Ahead of his arrest , West told a crowd at Saint Louis University on Monday : ` It 's a beautiful thing to see people on fire for justice but I did n't come here to give a speech . I came here to go to jail . ' He added that he wanted to help the black youth get their voices heard . ` The larger system has been victimizing and coming at them , ' he said . West joined hundreds of protesters taking part in the ` Ferguson October ' rally . The Rev. Osagyefo Sekou , a Boston-based minister and activist , was also arrested , MSNBC reported . The protesters are calling for the arrest of a white police officer , Darren Wilson , who killed Brown . Last week , another black teenager , Vonderrit Myers Jr. , also died at the hands of a white police officer - further inflaming tensions . Arrest : Philosopher Cornel West , left , and another man are taken into custody after performing an act of civil disobedience at the Ferguson , Missouri police station on Monday as hundreds others continue to march . Speaking out : West , a Princeton-educated philosopher and civic activist , is caught in a scuffle with police . Rally : Ahead of his arrest , he was pictured marching through the streets of Ferguson with other protesters . Some protesters attempted to block a door to the police headquarters and faced off with law enforcement officers wearing riot gear . Amid the tense standoff , some protesters sang the song ` We Shall Overcome , ' an anthem of the civil rights movement of half a century ago . Protesters have numbered in the thousands at some events since Friday in the St. Louis area in demonstrations aimed at drawing attention to what they say is police mistreatment of blacks . A grand jury is considering charges against Wilson , who has been placed on administrative leave . Protesters want Wilson arrested immediately and have called for the appointment of a special prosecutor . The U.S. Justice Department has launched a civil rights investigation into Brown 's death . Activists have traveled from across the United States to join in four days of protests dubbed ` Ferguson October , ' culminating on what organizers call ` Moral Monday ' with activities protesters said likely would result in many arrests . On Sunday , at least 17 protesters were arrested by police in riot gear for refusing to disperse during a spontaneous sit-in at a convenience store . Officers said protesters threw rocks , while cops responded with pepper spray , witnesses said . Just hours later , on Monday morning , hundreds of protesters descended on Saint Louis University campus and announced they were there to stay . Hands up : A police officer grabs a protester during the demo outside the police station on Monday . Reaching out : Members of the clergy and other demonstrators protest outside the Ferguson police station . Emotional : A member of the clergy sobs during a prayer calling for an end to racial injustice during the protest . The university march - which was far larger than previous overnight marches in Ferguson - was the first of what was expected to be a series of acts of civil disobedience around the region on Monday , theNew York Times reported . As they walked through the streets , they shouted : ` Indict , convict , put the killer cops in jail , the whole damn system is guilty as hell . ' When they reached the campus , they announced they were staging a sit-in . ` As of right now , this is our spot , ' a protest leader beside the clock tower on the campus said at 2am on Monday . ` We 're not going anywhere . This is our land . Everybody get comfortable . ' Vonderrit Myers Sr. , whose son was shot dead in Shaw last Wednesday , told the crowd , ` You make my heart easier , ' before he held a four-minute moment of silence . Sunday 's arrests were in the same neighborhood where the second shooting occurred . St. Louis police spokeswoman Schron Jackson said 17 people . had been arrested for unlawful assembly early on Sunday at the . parking lot of the QuikTrip convenience store . But Mervyn Marcano , who is handling media relations for a group . that provides jail support for protesters , said at least 19 . people had been arrested . St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson tweeted that protesters were throwing rocks at the police - but the . protesters responded on Twitter that they had not thrown anything . Witnesses transmitting live video from the small overnight . protest in the Shaw neighborhood - where Myers was gunned down - showed a few dozen . people sitting on the ground outside the convenience store . Witnesses said some people were hit with pepper spray and what appeared tohave been tear gas , though that could not be confirmed . The shootings - which police say came after altercations with the young men - have cast a spotlight on the state of race relations in the U.S. two years after black 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot dead by a Florida neighborhood watch officer in another high-profile incident in 2012 . The events in Ferguson have focused global attention on the state of race relations in the United States and evoked memories of other racially charged cases , including the fatal shooting of black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012 . More than 1,000 protesters shouted slogans at police on Sunday night into the pre-dawn hours on Monday in St. Louis , near where the white off-duty officer shot and killed Myers last week . Police said Myers had opened fire , but his family maintained he was unarmed . Last Wednesday , an off-duty white officer working for a . security firm shot dead 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. in the . Shaw neighborhood in what police described as a firefight . There were no reports of arrests at protest rallies on . Saturday that drew thousands of people . The police have largely . adopted a non-confrontational stance and protest organizers work . to maintain order and a non-violent approach . The mother of Michael Brown , the 18-year-old shot dead onAugust 9 by white officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson , Missouri , walked at thefront of a rally on Saturday evening in the suburb of Ferguson . Call for justice : Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson , left , gunned down 18-year-old Michael Brown , right , on August 9 . Brown was unarmed when he was shot but Wilson has not been charged with a crime . Second death : Vonderrit Myers Jr. , 18 , was shot dead by an off-duty police officer in Shaw last Wednesday . Lesley McSpadden , who has criticized Ferguson police , has . only rarely participated in protests . She eventually left the . group , which grew to over 1,000 people and moved on to Ferguson . police headquarters . Brown 's death triggered a national uproar in August over . police accountability and protesters have called for the arrest . and prosecution of Wilson . A grand jury is . now considering the case . At the culmination of the Ferguson march on Saturday night , . protesters shouted insults at a line of police in helmets and . shields , with some demonstrators wearing bandanas or scarves . over their faces . But there were no arrests or violence , a . police spokesman said . Earlier on Saturday , thousands of protesters in downtown St. Louis marched and rallied at a plaza , where organizers included . Hands Up United , an activist group that emerged after Brown 's . death . Union members , gay rights activists and people from the . Occupy movement joined in . Civil rights organizations and . protest groups had invited people from across the United States . to join vigils and other weekend events in the St. Louis area . ` This is n't going to stop until there is change with police . and black youth , ' said Tory Russell , a founder of Hands Up . United . | Peaceful protests take place inside the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis . Banner unfurled over video board read ` Rams Fans Know Black Lives Matter ' Protesters marched around the stadium chanting followed by police . Hundreds took to the streets of Missouri yesterday in pouring rain . Police made 50 arrests including veteran civil rights protester Cornel West . Two black teens have been shot dead by St Louis-area officers in recent months : Michael Brown , 18 , in August and Vonderrit Myers , 18 , last week . Early Monday , hundreds marched through St Louis and descended on Saint Louis University 's campus and announced they intend to stay . | [[0, 188], [189, 211], [1711, 1777], [1711, 1712], [1756, 1909], [0, 188], [903, 1029], [1910, 2014], [4880, 4896], [4919, 4984], [1197, 1242], [1223, 1309], [1372, 1412], [1417, 1482], [2031, 2104], [1317, 1350], [1351, 1412], [1372, 1412], [1417, 1482], [2297, 2365], [6555, 6581], [28, 119], [1530, 1634], [2221, 2243], [2248, 2296], [3050, 3059], [3062, 3084], [3114, 3188], [7383, 7386], [7542, 7588], [7754, 7780], [7790, 7814], [8536, 8573], [8583, 8620], [8631, 8644], [8727, 8739], [8769, 8825], [1197, 1242], [1372, 1412], [1417, 1482], [2031, 2104], [4880, 4896], [4919, 4984], [4880, 4896], [4899, 4916], [4919, 4941], [4989, 5024], [7625, 7740]] |
Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca were tested for the Ebola virus at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos today prior to their trip to the Islamic holy city . More than 200 Muslims from Oyo State in southwest Nigeria underwent stringent health checks by Nigerian health officials . Nigeria is the only country in the region , which has been affected by Ebola that has clearance to send pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj . Scroll down for video . A Nigerian port health official check passports before using a thermometer to screen Muslim pilgrims for Ebola at the Hajj camp before boarding a plane for Saudi Arabia at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport . Muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca undergo health check for the Ebola virus . More than 200 Muslims from Oyo State in southwest Nigeria are making the Hajj . A Muslim has his temperature checked for the ebola virus at the Hajj Camp . More than 700 more Ebola cases emerged in West Africa in one week , the World Health Organisation -LRB- WHO -RRB- has said , showing that the outbreak is accelerating . Just three weeks ago the number of new cases was around 500 for a seven-day period . The number of people believed to have been killed is now more than 2,600 , an increase of roughly 200 from the last estimate , the WHO said . Most deaths have been in Liberia . The new figures from the UN health agency show that the disease is thought to have affected more than 5,300 people . Just under half of those cases were recorded in the last three weeks . Some 318 healthcare workers have fallen ill , and about half have died . The outbreak has struck Liberia , Sierra Leone , Guinea , Nigeria and Senegal . Meanwhile , United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the number of Ebola cases is doubling every three weeks and is calling for a 20-fold increase in aid totalling almost $ 1billion to tackle the virus 's worst-ever outbreak over the next six months . The UN chief told an emergency meeting of the Security Council today that the Ebola epidemic in West Africa ` demands the attention of the world ' and ` unprecedented ' action . Ban announced that he is establishing a UN emergency mission to address the unprecedented challenge . He thanked U.S. President Barack Obama for sending 3,000 troops to provide expertise in training and engineering , read the names of about 20 other countries that have responded with contributions and urged all nations coming to the UN General Assembly ministerial meeting next week to follow suit . United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon -LRB- left -RRB- thanked U.S. President Barack Obama for sending 3,000 troops to provide expertise in training and engineering . Aid workers attacked by people they went to help . Six men trying to warn Guinea villagers of the dangers have been attacked by the people they were trying to help . The country 's government have been sending aid workers to remote areas and on Tuesday six people -- three journalists and the director and two senior doctors of a regional hospital -- were assaulted at Womey in the district Nzérékoré on Tuesday and have been missing since . To prevent more outsiders venturing to their homes , the villagers have destroyed all bridges leading to the area . ` The meeting started off well ; the traditional chiefs welcomed the delegation with 10 kola nuts as a traditional greeting , ' a local resident who was present at the meeting earlier this week and gave only his first name , Yves told The Guardian . ` It was afterwards that some youths came out and started stoning them . They dragged some of them away , and damaged their vehicles . | More than 200 Muslims from Oyo State in Nigeria on Hajj to Mecca . Nigeria is only country in the Ebola-affected region allowed to send pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj . UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says number of cases is doubling every three weeks . | [[760, 839], [329, 377], [372, 377], [383, 444], [926, 981], [1688, 1697], [1700, 1805], [1700, 1736], [1810, 1850]] |
Hagi sizes a free-kick from 25 yards before curling with his left boot in to the top corner . Kluivert ghosts in to the area unnoticed before finishing with a diving header . Two Barcelona shirts close on Zidane only for him to pirouette and spin between the hapless pair . Meet Ianis , Justin and Enzo , the teenage sons of Gheorghe , Patrick and Zinedine who are now following in their father 's stud marks and are already the subject of YouTube compilations . There are more ; Joe van der Sar , Christian Maldini , Giovanni Simeone . Then there are the Brazilians ; Rivaldinho -LRB- little Rivaldo -RRB- and Romarinho . Zinedine Zidane -LRB- left -RRB- has two sons in Real Madrid 's youth ranks , with 16-year-old Luca -LRB- right -RRB- the youngest . Enzo Zidane , pictured in action for one of Real Madrid 's youth sides , is hoping to break into the first team . Paolo Maldini 's -LRB- left -RRB- son Christian -LRB- right -RRB- , pictured as a nine-year-old , is hoping to follow his father at AC Milan . Brazil legend Rivaldo -LRB- right -RRB- poses with his son Rivaldinho -LRB- left -RRB- , with whom he has had the opportunity to play . Devante Cole 19 , Man City , son of Andy Cole . Diego Poyet , 19 , West Ham - Gus Poyet . Niall Keown , 19 , Reading - Martin Keown . Jack Barmby , 19 , Leicester City - Nick Barmby . Ianis Hagi , 16 , Vitorul Constanta - Gheorghe Hagi . Justin Kluivert , 15 , Ajax - Patrick Kluivert . Christian Maldini , 18 , AC Milan - Paolo Maldini . Rivaldinho , 19 , Mogi Mirim - Rivaldo . Romarinho , 20 , Brasiliense - Romario . Giovanni Simeone , 19 , AC Milan - Diego Simeone . Joe van der Sar , 16 , Ajax - Edwin van der Sar . Enzo Zidane , 19 and Luca Zidane , 16 both Real Madrid - Zinedine Zidane . If horse-racing superstar Frankel is commanding # 125,000 in stud fees , perhaps football clubs should consider paying a pre-birth premium for the offspring of the game 's best players . Is it , then , genetics ? Or is it nurture over nature ? Paul Ince was enjoying a kickabout with his toddler , Tom , in an apartment in Milan when something struck him . ' I suddenly realised he was left footed -- which is rare - and he just loved kicking the ball , ' recalls the former Inter and England midfielder , who has seen his boy mature in to a Premier League winger with Hull . ' I then saw how well he travelled with the ball and it all seemed natural -- I thought , `` He 's got a chance here '' . ' Martin Keown 's son , Niall , 19 , is on the books at Reading and has made the bench at senior level . The former Arsenal and England defender also knew from an early age his boy had the makings of a footballer . ' I did n't think when he was born , `` Right , my son is going to be a footballer '' , ' says the father of two . ` But you do think there might be something in the genes which could transfer . ` You keep an eye on them . You watch closely and there is a way that they move and address the ball . You think , `` Hold on , this looks a natural thing for him to do '' . ` But I 'm also a strong believer that it 's environmental . One of my sons is a footballer , the other is a journalist who knows everything about football -- that 's the environment they 've been brought up in . ' Paul Ince -LRB- left -RRB- was a defensive midfielder but his son , Hull City star Tom -LRB- right -RRB- is a tricky winger . Reading youngster Niall Keown -LRB- right -RRB- is a commanding central defender like his father Martin -LRB- left -RRB- . Gus Poyet 's son , Diego , is a 19-year-old midfielder who made his debut for West Ham in August . The Sunderland manager agrees with Keown that an immersion in football helps shape character and mindset . ' I think he has got a chance and this is why -- it is because he lives , sleeps , eats and breathes football , ' says Poyet . ` He does n't care about anything else other than football . Like his dad ! He is always thinking about playing . ' Poyet , though , decided against taking Diego with him to Wearside and instead advised him to join the Hammers from Charlton during the summer . Steve Bruce , meanwhile , has twice signed son Alex for Birmingham and Hull . Likewise , Ince managed Tom at Notts County and Blackpool . But Poyet said : ' I would love to coach him , but at the same time it would be unfair on him . ` Do you think the players on the bench would accept it if I 'm playing my son ? West Ham is a great opportunity . ' West Ham 's Diego Poyet -LRB- right -RRB- is looking to emulate his father , Sunderland boss Gus -LRB- left -RRB- . Former Manchester United striker Andy Cole -LRB- left -RRB- and his son Devante -LRB- right -RRB- , who is also a striker . Keown 's son is a centre back , and a no-nonsense one at that . Hagi 's boy , 16 , is a diminutive playmaker with a wand of a left boot . He plays for Vitorul Constanta -- The Future Football Club - in Romania , a club founded in 2009 and owned by his famous father . Kluivert 's son scores goals and Van der Sar 's is a goalkeeper , both in the Ajax academy . Rivaldo 's boy , meanwhile , recently scored a spectacular overhead-kick having first taken control of the ball on his chest , much like his dad once did for Barcelona to complete his hat-trick in a 3-2 win over Valencia in 2001 . Zidane 's eldest , 19-year-old midfielder Enzo , has trained with the Real Madrid first team and is easy on the eye . There is , however , the odd player who deviates from the father-like-son narrative . Ince Snr was a combative midfielder , Ince Jnr is a pacey wideman . ' I think it 's easier for Thomas that he has his own identity , ' he says . ` Not many people draw comparison between myself and Thomas any more , because he is so different as a player . ` Although I 'll tell you a secret - when I was younger I used to dribble around three or four and put it in the top corner as well ! I used to score 40 goals a season but West Ham made me a midfielder who got it and passed it . So I do take some credit ! ' Justin Kluivert -LRB- centre -RRB- , son of Patrick , is working his way through Ajax 's famous academy system . Kluivert chats with then Holland manager Louis van Gaal during his stint as assistant manager . Edwin van der Sar -LRB- left -RRB- also has his son and fellow goalkeeper Joe -LRB- right -RRB- in Ajax 's academy . Van der Sar Jnr dives to make a save during his dad 's testimonial match in Amsterdam in 2011 . A young Joe poses with his dad and the Champions League trophy after Manchester United 's win in May 2008 . So how much of a part does senior play in the development of junior ? ` We had an area set out at our old house where I could work with him on certain things , ' reveals Keown . ' I see a lot of me in there . But now he has to want it for himself . The next step is making your own decisions and being your own player . ' There has been an explosion of pushy parents in an age where the financial rewards of making it pro are life-changing . But what about the former players ? Keown and Poyet differ , whereas Ince plays good cop and bad cop . ' I am his biggest critic . I am terrible , ' admits Poyet . ' I do not look at what he does well , but what he does badly . That 's just me . ' Leicester 's Jack Barmby , son of ex-Liverpool midfielder Nick , came through the ranks at Manchester United . Keown counters : ' I only ever shout `` Well done '' . I 'm a strong believer in allowing the kids to play and parents should know their place . As a former footballer I also have to step back and know my place . ' I had the other side with my own dad . If I scored five goals , he would say I should have scored six . ' Ince adds : ` It was so easy for Thomas when he was very young that I just used to let him enjoy it . Then when it got serious , at about 16 , I started having a right go at him -- right in his face . ` When I managed him it was difficult to get that balance between father and son , I 'd be harsh on him and he 'd say things back he would n't to another manager . Brazilian great Romario in his pomp , beating Italy goalkeeper Gianluca Pagliuca to score in the 1997 Tournoi de France . The match , played in Lyon , was a 3-3 thriller . Nick Barmby -LRB- left -RRB- celebrates with Gary Mabbutt after scoring a goal for Tottenham against Norwich in 1993 . ` But now we 'll sit down and go through the DVD and talk about things . I think that 's the best way . ' Ince , of course , is still some way from emulating the achievements of his father , as are Hagi , Kluivert and Zidane . But if they ever do , it wo n't just be YouTube we 'll be watching them on . | A number of famous former players have sons bidding to follow in their footsteps and become world stars . Zinedine Zidane has sons Enzo and Luca at his former club Real Madrid . Christian Maldini hopes to become a legend at AC Milan like his dad Paolo . Rivaldinho and Romarinho could follow their dads Rivaldo and Romario into the Brazilian national side . | [[650, 698], [5269, 5285], [5311, 5361], [968, 1012]] |
Raising a glass to her 11 dining companions , the bubbles in Claire Lightbody 's champagne sparkle in the candlelight . A waitress emerges to clear away the goat 's cheese ravioli starter before serving each guest with a lime and lemon granita palate cleanser , complete with tiny limoncello spheres -- something Heston Blumenthal would surely be proud of . Next up is a vibrant pea , mint and honeyed ham hock soup , each bowl perched amid an ornate nest of twigs . Then , beef wellington and a mint chocolate delice for dessert . Secret weapon : Claire Lightbody , right , hires Michelle Burge , ' a home gourmet ' , to cook meals to wow her dinner party guests . You might imagine that this decadent feast is being served in a swanky Michelin-starred restaurant -- the kind most of us can only dream of affording to go to . In fact , the setting is a lot closer to home . Well , Claire 's home anyway . It is the dining room of her five-bedroom country house near Southwell in rural Nottinghamshire . More impressive still is the fact that Claire , 40 , an international sales director for a homeware company , has not lifted a finger all night . Neither , has she decanted a stash of Waitrose ready meals to pass off as her own . So how has Claire pulled off this amazing feat ? Claire 's secret is one which a growing number of middle-class women share . Quite simply , they hire a private chef to slave over their stoves so they can sit back and socialise with friends . Claire , who 's married to Jonathan , 41 , a businessman , is adamant it 's the way forward . ` Some might say that paying up to # 750 for a dinner party for 12 people is extravagant , ' she says . ` But we work long hours and earn good money , and I 'm often away in the Far East , so to me it 's a small price to pay for buying quality time with close friends . Because I 'm worth it : Claire would rather pay someone to cook so she can relax with friends . A selection of Michelle 's dishes : From left , ham hock and pea soup , goats cheese wrapped in smoked salmon and mini cheesecakes with raspberries and edible flowers . ` Having someone cook for you in your own home is intimate and indulgent , from the canapes and cocktails to the menu and even how the table is decorated . ' Still . Many women would struggle to justify the equivalent cost of a month 's food shopping for a family on one dinner party . And if friends are true friends , would n't they be equally as happy with a casual lasagne ? It would seem not . The popularity of TV shows like MasterChef and The Great British Bake Off has raised expectations of what people should serve at their own dinner parties . A hearty casserole or fish pie just wo n't cut the mustard any more . Additionally , a recent survey concluded that the average dinner party host spends six-and-a-half hours preparing food . ` There 's a significant trend for ordinary middle-class people wanting to hire chefs to cook for special occasions in their own homes , ' says Tracy Jewitt of Greycoat Lumleys , an agency that provides house staff including nannies , tutors and butlers . Hired help : Daisy Steel regularly employs chef Annie des Forges , whose company is called The Table . to dazzle her dinner party guests . More relaxing : Daisy says Annie is worth every penny as she can enjoy the dinner party and her friends do n't have a harassed host constantly dashing to the kitchen . A year ago , in response to demand , they launched a spin-off business , My Chef , dedicated purely to this . ` Many people told us they 're turning to dinner parties again because they 're fed up with the waiting lists at high-end restaurants , ' she says . ` Others said they 'd installed incredible kitchens and dining rooms at great expense yet never made use of them . ' Claire Lightbody and her husband moved into their home a year ago . ` We 've got a grand dining table that seats 12 and enough bedrooms and bathrooms for our guests to stay over . Many of them bring their little ones with them too and they sleep upstairs while we eat , ' says Claire , who does n't have children herself . Her private chef of choice is Michelle Burge , 40 , who describes herself as a home gourmet . She is based in Nottingham and her clients include sports stars . Claire first hired Michelle to accompany the extended family on a break to a cottage in Norfolk in 2011 where they celebrated her father-in-law 's 70th birthday . ` We did n't want anyone to be put upon with shopping and cooking so we paid more than # 1,000 for Michelle to come with us , which included all the food for the weekend , ' Claire adds . ` She produced every morsel that we ate , including making croissants for breakfast , picnic lunches and a posh birthday dinner party . ' She and Jonathan have since hired Michelle a dozen times to cater for them , including a five-course meal for Claire 's 40th . ` As the host , you invite your friends over because you want to spend time in their company , but when you 're doing the cooking you miss out on the conversation , ' Claire says . ` Having Michelle means we can fully engage with our friends -- she even brings a waitress . ` I 've never tried to hoodwink my guests into thinking I 've done the cooking , I always make sure Michelle gets the credit . ' The total cost sounds a lot , and per head it works out at anything from about # 50 to # 80 depending how extravagant Claire wants to be with the menu . Naturally she would never dream of asking her guests to contribute financially . Less stress : Caroline Maude calls upon chef Kathryn Rodbert -- who runs a company called Madeleine 's Kitchen -- when she feels she ca n't stand the heat in the kitchen . No sweat : Caroline says forking out for chefs at home is worth it - especially as they also do the washing up . ` It would be the height of rudeness , ' she says . ' I would n't cook a meal myself and then expect everyone to chip in . So why is this any different ? ' Meanwhile , in Frome , Somerset , Daisy Steel regularly hires a chef to dazzle her dinner guests at the farmhouse she shares with husband Jonathan , 43 , a software developer , and their five children , Jack , 22 , Poppy , 20 , Jasmine , 17 , Ben , 13 , and Joe , eight . ` We first started hiring chefs in our 30s when we lived in London , but since we moved here four years ago and discovered that the social scene revolves around dinner parties , we 've done it a lot more , ' says Daisy , 43 , who works in television . ` While I 'm happy cooking Sunday lunch for 20 people , when it comes to dinner parties I 'm a perfectionist and put myself under a lot of pressure to shine . ' The antidote to Daisy 's stress is local chef Annie des Forges , whom she discovered three years ago when she and Jonathan needed someone to create a dinner for 100 people to celebrate 25 years together . ` We were so impressed with her food that we 've been hiring her to create small dinner parties for us ever since , ' Daisy adds . ' A three-course dinner for ten people works out at about # 400 which might sound a lot , but you could spend that going to a gastropub . ' Tracy Jewitt concurs that most of the people who hire chefs through Greycoat Lumleys are time-starved professionals in their 30s to 50s . ` They work really hard , so every spare moment is precious , ' she says . ` If you think of the bill for dining in a Michelin-starred restaurant , it 's much more affordable to hire a chef . ' Daisy discovered this the expensive way . Celebrity favourite hotel Babington House -- the venue for the weddings of Zoe Ball , Amanda Holden and James Corden -- is a mile from her home and last year she organised a birthday dinner there for Jonathan . ` There were 14 of us and the bill , including booze , came to more than # 1,500 , ' Daisy says . ` Yes , it was wonderful , but we can have food cooked by Annie at home that 's every bit as delicious and costs half the price . ' Is Daisy ever tempted to squirrel Annie out of the back door and pass the food off as her own ? ` Never , ' she laughs , ` but equally I never feel like it 's a cop out . People love it -- as a guest you do n't want to see your hostess looking fraught as she dashes between dining room and kitchen either . ' It 's a sentiment shared by Caroline Maude , 50 , a freelance theatre consultant . Despite being an avid cook , she calls upon chef Kathryn Rodbert -- who runs a company called Madeleine 's Kitchen -- when she feels she ca n't stand the heat in the kitchen . ` My husband and I do quite a lot of entertaining , and we love to cook but occasionally , either as a treat or when life is just too busy , we 'll hire Kathryn to cater for a dinner party , ' says Caroline , who lives near Petersfield in West Sussex with husband Anthony , a theatre set designer , and their children Celeste , 18 , Ottoline , 15 , and Tallulah , 14 . ` The trouble is that we 're ambitious about our own cooking which means it 's expensive because we buy ingredients such as pheasant and scallops . Two days are wiped out buying the food and preparing dinner , and another half day clearing up the mess afterwards . Hiring Kathryn removes that stress . ' Claire Lightbody sums it up : ` It 's not just about eating fabulous food that you have n't had to cook yourself -- it 's the experience of being waited on in your own home . Best of all , there 's no washing up at the end of the evening . That 's got to be worth every penny . ' | Shows like MasterChef has raised expectations of what should be served . Claire Lightbody , 40 , is adamant hiring a private chef is the way forward . They slave over the stove while she socialises with her friends . ` Some might say paying # 750 for a dinner party is extravagant , ' she says . But she adds : ` It 's a small price to pay for buying quality time with friends ' She also paid chef # 1,000 to cook for them on holiday . Caroline Maude , 50 , and Daisy Steel , 43 , from Somerset , agree . | [[2537, 2660], [1477, 1483], [1536, 1570], [1889, 1936], [7269, 7290], [1571, 1659], [1769, 1840], [5071, 5131], [1375, 1426], [4558, 4560], [4569, 4606], [5968, 5977], [5980, 5988], [6002, 6081], [8253, 8302]] |
If you 've ever missed that perfect photo , scientists may have the answer . Researchers today revealed a new way to take pictures called compressed ultrafast photography . While current phone can take several shots a second at best , it is able to generate two-dimensional -LRB- 2D -RRB- colour images at up to 100 billion frames per second . Scroll down for video . Laser light moving off a mirror captured using the new camera . the time measurement is in picoseconds - that is one trillionth , or one millionth of one millionth of a second . The team were able to capture laser light reflecting off a mirror for the first time using their new camera . The new technique , described in this week 's Nature , could have a large impact in several areas of research by allowing the measurement of otherwise unobservable , time-evolving , phenomena . To demonstrate some of the uses of the technique , the authors imaged laser pulse reflection and refraction , photon racing in two media and faster-than-light propagation of wavefronts . In forensics , CUP might be used in reproducing bullet pathways , which could once again open up the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories and revive a more accurate analysis of the strange physics of the ` magic bullet . ' The team at Washington University in St. Louis , led by Lihong Wang , PhD , the Gene K. Beare Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering say the camera is the world 's fastest . Wang and his colleagues have made movies of the images they took with single laser shots of four physical phenomena : laser pulse reflection , refraction , faster-than light propagation of what is called non-information , and photon racing in two media . The research appears in the Dec. 4 , 2014 , issue of Nature . The CUP system configuration . ` For the first time , humans can see light pulses on the fly , ' Wang said . ` Because this technique advances the imaging frame rate by orders of magnitude , we now enter a new regime to open up new visions . ` Each new technique , especially one of a quantum leap forward , is always followed a number of new discoveries . ` It 's our hope that CUP will enable new discoveries in science -- ones that we ca n't even anticipate yet . ' The camera is a series of devices that works with high-powered microscopes and telescopes . Once the raw data are acquired , the actual images are formed on a personal computer ; the technology is known as computational imaging . ` This is an exciting advance and the type of groundbreaking work that these high-risk NIH awards are designed to support , ' said Richard Conroy , PhD , program director of optical imaging at the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering , part of the NIH . ` These ultrafast cameras have the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of very fast biological interactions and chemical processes and allow us to build better models of complex , dynamical systems . ' An immediate application is in biomedicine . One of the movies shows a green excitation light pulsing toward fluorescent molecules on the right where the green converts to red , which is the fluorescence . By tracking this , the researchers can get a single shot assessment of the fluorescence lifetime , which can be used to detect diseases or reflect cellular environmental conditions like pH or oxygen pressure . CUP photographs an object with a specialty camera lens , which takes the photons from the object on a journey through a tube-like structure to a marvelous tiny apparatus called a digital micromirror device -LRB- DMD -RRB- , smaller than a dime though hosting about 1 million micromirrors , each one just seven-by-seven microns squared . There , micromirrors are used to encode the image , then reflect the photons to a beam splitter , which shoots the photons to the widened slit of a streak camera . The photons are converted to electrons , which are then sheared with the use of two electrodes , converting time to space . The electrodes apply a voltage that ramps from high to low , so the electrons will arrive at different times and land at different vertical positions . An instrument called a charge-coupled device -LRB- CCD -RRB- stores all the raw data . All of this occurs at the breathtaking pace of 5 nanoseconds . One nanosecond is a billionth of a second . Wang envisions applications in astronomy and forensics , where the advanced imaging frame rate could analyze the temporal activities of a supernova that occurred light years away , or track and predict the movements of thousands of potentially hazardous pieces of ` space junk , ' refuse of old satellites and jettisoned space craft hurtling about at high speed in outer space . In forensics , CUP might be used in reproducing bullet pathways , which could once again open up the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories and revive a more accurate analysis of the strange physics of the ` magic bullet . ' In the astronomy world , CUP can be a game-changer , Wang said . ` Combine CUP imaging with the Hubble Telescope , and we will have both the sharpest spatial resolution of the Hubble and the highest temporal solution with CUP , ' he said . ` That combination is bound to discover new science . ' | Can generate 2D colour images at up to 100 billion frames per second . Could be used to analyse crime scenes and in medical imaging . | [[173, 192], [235, 343]] |
Republicans are investigating another Obama administration official who played politics on the job but escaped prosecution when the Federal Election Commission recycled her hard drive before evidence could be recovered . April J. Sands resigned her position as an FEC attorney in April 2014 after investigators confronted her with tweets she sent and a video interview she conducted during work hours , advocating for the election of President Barack Obama and other Democratic candidates -- and asking people to contribute to their campaigns . When the FEC 's Office of Inspector General began the process of filing criminal charges , however , it found that the agency had destroyed her computer 's hard drive before it could be seized . April Sands said during a September 2012 Huffington post video chat , while working for the FEC , that Mitt Romney 's presidential campaign lacked ' a unified message , ' and claimed ` there 's nothing that they can focus on with respect to the economy or anything else ' In the midst of the 2012 presidential campaign , the Federal Election Commission lawyer declared that only ` straight white men ' ought to vote for the GOP . Lois Lerner , a former IRS official who once mentored April Sands at the FEC , landed in the middle of a lost-emails scandal after the IRS told Congress it had recycled a hard drive containing evidence needed to prosecute her . Lois Lerner , a former Internal Revenue Service official at the center of an alleged years-long plot to politically target tea party groups and other conservative organizations , also has seen her legal picture brightened by the IRS 's decision to render the hard drive in her government-issued computer into scrap metal . Lerner , whose missing emails have made her a political lightning rod , was Sands ' supervisor until 2001 . FEC documents indicate that as the agency 's acting general counsel , Lerner oversaw the younger attorney 's work . Following an investigation into her partisan political activity , Sands admitted to the FEC 's Office of Special Counsel that she had violated the Hatch Act , a federal law banning partisan politicking by most government employees , and agreed not to seek employment in the federal government for two years . The special counsel wrote that she had ` posted dozens of partisan political tweets , including many soliciting campaign contributions to President Obama 's 2012 reelection campaign . ' She also ` participated in a Huffington Post Live internet broadcast via webcam from an FEC facility , criticizing the Republican Party and then-Presidential candidate Mitt Romney . ' An FEC attorney who is still employed by the agency told MailOnline on Monday that Sands was known in the agency as ` the most enthusiastic pro-Obama lawyer we had . ' ` Everyone called her Obama girl , ' said the lawyer , who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the record . ` She probably did n't worry about seeming too rah-rah and running afoul of the law , ' he added , ` because she bragged to anyone who would listen that the Obama 2012 campaign was going to hire her away from the FEC . ' The attorney also said that Sands and Lerner ` were definitely acquainted with each other ' when the two worked together in the agency 's Office of General Counsel . ` There were two mid-level associates that Lois Lerner latched on to at the time , ' he recalled , ` and one of them was April . Last year when Lerner got into hot water at the IRS , April made a point of telling everyone that her old boss got railroaded by the Republicans on the -LSB- Capitol -RSB- Hill . ' The Oversight Committee wrote in a statement Monday that ` it is unclear whether Ms. Sands ever communicated with Ms. Lerner after Ms. Lerner moved to the IRS ; however , the Committee is aware that Ms. Lerner maintained communication with some former FEC colleagues . ' Sands , a University of Texas at Austin Law School graduate , locked down her social media profiles on Monday after the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform blasted out a letter to FEC Chairman Lee E. Goodman asking how sensitive evidence in a likely criminal case wound up in a recycling bin . Sands retweeted this partisan jab during work hours on March 5 , 2013 . Sands used her personal Twitter account during the work day to publicly slam ` every single Republican ever ' Sands , an FEC attorney , was identified during a September 21 , 2012 Huffington Post broadcast only as a ` lawyer ' from Washington , D.C. . The prolific tweeter has sent more than 232,000 messages on Twitter since March 2010 , but it was just a handful of tweets she sent her 8,500 followers that got Sands into trouble . ' I just do n't understand how anyone but straight white men can vote Republican , ' read one she wrote in June 2012 . ` Dear every single Republican ever , ' Sands tweeted a month earlier , ` When will U learn that Barack Hussein Obama is simply smarter than U ? Stand down . Signed , #Obama2012 . ' In August 2012 she wrote on Twitter that ` If you 're still calling yourself a Republican after the #WarOnWomen , their stated RNC platform , & Birtherism , you are my enemy . Done . ' ` Birtherism ' is a reference to a belief among some on the Republican Party 's far right wing that Obama was born overseas , making him ineligible to serve as president . Sands ' Twitter feed , now shut from public view , indicated a gradual transition from online cheerleading for the Obama White House to direct campaigning and fundraising , all of which came during work hours . In March 2013 she tweeted a graphic produced by the Blue Street Journal , an obscure progressive blog , displaying an image of a light bulb and a riddle . ` How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb ? ' it read . ` None -- they 'd rather sit in the dark and blame it on Obama . ' But by July 2012 she was in full campaign mode , tweeting an indirect appeal for contributions toward Obama 's re-election . ` Our #POTUS 's birthday is August 4 , ' she wrote . ` He 'll be 51 . I 'm donating at least $ 51 to give him the best birthday present ever : a second term . ' ` You are my enemy ' : The taxpayer-salaried attorney tweeted her opposition to Republicans . Among Sands ' more egregious violations of the Hatch Act was this fundraising notice sent in July 2012 while she was at work at the Federal Election Commission . Protected : Sands locked down her Twitter account on Monday afternoon . Minor change : Three months ago Sands ' Twitter profile identified her as an ` Obama supporter ' The following month , as a Missouri U.S. Senate race descended into chaos following comments by the anti-abortion Republican candidate Todd Akin about whether pregnancy could result from rape , Sands directly appealed to her followers for contributions to defeat him and return Democrat Claire McCaskill to the Senate for a second term . ` Donate to @clairecmc today , ' she wrote , reacting to news that Akin had decided not to drop out of the race . It is a crime for any employee of the federal government ` to solicit or receive a donation of money or other thing of value in connection with a Federal , State , or local election , while in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties . ' Convictions can result in a $ 5,000 fine and three years in prison . Seven weeks before Election Day , Sands declared on Twitter that the presidential race was effectively over . ` Romney is toast , ' she tweeted on September 18 , 2012 , ` But POTUS ca n't do it all on his own . Do n't forget Congressional races . We need a Democratic sweep . Stay focused . ' Three days later Sands appeared in the Huffington Post broadcast as part of a six-person panel discussing political news via Google video chat . ` There are so many distractions that the Romney campaign is bringing forward , ' she complained . ` The problem is , I think , that because they do n't have a unified message there 's nothing that they can focus on with respect to the economy or anything else . ' April Sands graduated from law school the University of Texas at Austin and was admitted to the Washington , D.C. bar in 1994 , according to the Martindale-Hubbell directory . Not just Obama : Sands tried to help Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill raise money for her November 2012 re-election battle . Seven weeks before Election Day in 2012 , Sands declared on Twitter that ` Romney is toast , ' but urged her followers to also support Democrats in down-ticket races . Asked whether it was wise for former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to appear on Saturday Night LIve , Sands responded that the one-time Alaska governor ` was comedic in and of herself , because she was a walking gaffe machine . ' And on the perennial candidacy of the ` Celebrity Apprentice ' host , she took no prisoners . ` I 'm still trying to understand how Donald Trump is an expert on anything but bankruptcy , ' Sands said . It 's just really hard to take him seriously . ... Some people really believe what he says . And that 's the scary part . ' The Federal Election Commission 's Office of Inspector General later determined that she participated ` via webcam from an FEC conference room ... while on duty . ' Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa , a California Republican , demanded on Monday that the FEC turn over ' -LSB- a -RSB- ll documents and communications referring or relating to the recycling of Ms. Sands 's hard drive , including all correspondence between or among FEC employees and outside vendors or contractors involved in the recycling . ' On Monday after Issa re-opened Sands ' three-month-old professional wound , she tweeted a message about her new career goals . ' I want to teach people how to use Twitter . How to tweet & grow & stuff , ' she wrote , drawing retweets from friends . ` Someone find me a job doing that . Thanks . ' | April Sands was a Federal Election Commission lawyer before she resigned this year and accepted a ban on holding government jobs until 2016 . She was former IRS official Lois Lerner 's deputy when she was at the FEC . Like the allegations against Lerner , Sands admitted violating the Hatch Act , which prohibits government workers from advocating for candidates . And as seems to be the case with Lerner , Sands escaped prosecution because her hard drive mysteriously ` crashed ' and was recycled . She was known as ` Obama girl ' in her office , and a colleague recalled how she boasted that Obama 's 2012 campaign would hire her away . | [[221, 337], [2011, 2016], [2182, 2253], [1945, 2008], [2011, 2101], [0, 11], [103, 220], [1301, 1371], [4149, 4201], [2624, 2745], [2702, 2780], [2794, 2824], [3046, 3055], [3060, 3143]] |
Google is developing special versions of it 's most popular products for children , it has revealed . The firm hopes that a child friendly version of YouTube and its chrome browser could make the internet safer for youngsters . It says it is aiming the news products at under twelves . Google hopes its new products will make it easier - and safer - for children to use the web . A recent study said the iPad has now overtaken household names such as McDonalds and Disney to become the number one brand among American 6-12 year olds . The annual study , conducted by leading youth and family research firm Smarty Pants , ranks more than 250 brands each year . ` The big motivator inside the company is everyone is having kids , so there 's a push to change our products to be fun and safe for children , ' Pavni Diwanji , the vice president of engineering charged with leading the new initiative , told USA Today . ` We expect this to be controversial , but the simple truth is kids already have the technology in schools and at home , ' says the mother of two daughters , ages 8 and 13 . ` So the better approach is to simply see to it that the tech is used in a better way . ' Google is developing the products in a secret room at its Mountain View , ` Googleplex ' called the Kids Studio . Diwanji said her own daughter was part of the test group , and has already given the team some guidance after Googling ` trains ' and seeing a list of Amtrak train schedules pop up . ` She came to me and said , ` Mommy , you should tell Google about Thomas the Tank Engine , because Google obviously does n't know about him , '' Diwanji said . Although Google has not said which products will be released , it is believe search , youTube and Chrome are the most likely . It comes as youngsters increase have their own tablets to play on . A recent study said the iPad has now overtaken household names such as McDonalds and Disney to become the number one brand among American 6-12 year olds . A recent study said the iPad has now overtaken household names such as McDonalds and Disney to become the number one brand among American 6-12 year olds . The annual study , conducted by leading youth and family research firm Smarty Pants , ranks more than 250 brands each year . ` iPad 's number one status among kids represents the culmination of the ` tablet takeover ' -- a movement from shared screens and TV network dominance to curated content on personal devices , ' said Wynne Tyree , president of Smarty Pants . ` Kids increasingly turn to iPad for games , TV shows , videos , books , homework help and communicating with friends and family . ' In the firm 's 2014 study , Apple 's iPad trumps iconic kid brands such as McDonald 's , Toys ` R'Us , Nickelodeon , and Disney . | Google hopes apps will make web safer you children to use . Has created special lab at its Googleplex HQ to study children . Recent study said iPad has now number one brand among 6-12 year olds . | [[102, 227], [122, 227], [286, 379], [380, 522], [1832, 1974], [1987, 2129]] |
A police officer loses his cool and tells a protester to stop rioting because he has known him since he was a boy - in a dramatic exchange during the height of the Ferguson unrest . Officer Greg Casem screamed at the man in his 20s to stop destroying the community they both grew up in . He was unable to contain his emotion and , as his voice cracked , he said : ` I 've known you for a long time bro ... 25 years I 've been here . Twenty five years ! ' The extraordinary moment - captured in pictures which have come to light today - gives an insight into how hard it has been for Ferguson police to watch their own city burn . These exclusive photos were taken on the second night of unrest after a grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson . Offcer Greg Casem comes close to cracking during the riots as he comes faces to face with a demonstrator who he had known since childhood . ` You 're killing us ! We 're not killing y’ all , so stop killing us ! ' the 20-something protesters shouted . Officer Casem said : ` I 've known you for a long time bro . A long time . Since you were this big -LSB- moving hand to waist height -RSB- ' . The confrontation shows the toll on officers of the riots in a community where some have served for many years . ` Twenty five years I 've been here . Twenty five years ! ' the officer said as he came close to tears . Officer Casem , who was not wearing full protective gear , has served in Ferguson for 25 years . He shot dead Michael Brown , an unarmed black teenager , on August 9 sparking violent unrest that returned last week when no indictment was handed down . Rioters smashed up most of the historic downtown street and burned more than a dozen buildings during a night of mayhem . During the violence last Tuesday they also set alight to a police car and smashed the windows of City Hall during skirmishes around the Ferguson police station . Immediately afterwards officer Casem got into the row with the protester as he pointed to the carnage in front of him . He said : ` Look at that , look at that ! ' The protester screamed in his face : ` How you guna help ? How you guna help ? ' Officer Casem replied : ` How are these families guna eat ? How are they guna get their diapers ? ' In flames : The confrontation was the night after these scenes of destruction in the suburb of St Louis , Missouri , which came after the acquittal of Darren Wilson over the killing of Michael Brown . Gutted : Businesses in the town were badly hit , including this beauty outlet in a strip mall . Officer Casem was upset at the impact on the community of the riots and how it would struggle to rebuild . Alight : This was one of the businesses set on fire by looters and rioters in Ferguson after the grand jury cleared officer Wilson . Destruction : The suburb is now having to rebuild after the orgy of destruction which hit it . The protester moved closer to his face and shouted : ` You 're killing us ! We 're not killing y’ all , so stop killing us ! ' Officer Casem said : ` I 've known you for a long time bro . A long time . Since you were this big -LRB- moving hand to waist height -RRB- ' . The protester screamed back : ` And you 're still killing us ' . Officer Casem became emotional and pointed to his chest as he replied : ` Twenty five years I 've been here . Twenty five years ! ' Officer Casem is a long serving K-9 policeman in Ferguson and on his Facebook page says he attended the Adventist University of the Philippines , a private Christian college in the Indonesian country . MailOnline understands that officer Casem has seen the protester in his community since he was a boy but does not know him personally . During that night police in Ferguson arrested 58 people including 27 protesters from out of state and one woman from Berlin , Germany . Most arrests were for failure to disperse , though at least one person was taken in after being part of a group that was throwing smoke bombs , flares and frozen water bottles at a line of officers . Some protesters also threw rocks , tent poles , and bottles - some containing urine . Police arrested seven protesters on felony charges , including four for allegedly assaulting an officer and three for armed criminal action . | Officer almost broke down in tears as he confronted a protester on the second night after last week 's riots . Picture has only emerged today after the protests which left Ferguson businesses looted and burned to the ground . Greg Casem is a 25-year police veteran in the town where officer Darren Wilson shot teenager Michael Brown . Confronted protester who was yelling at him , asking demonstrator : ` How are these families going to eat ? ' Emotions shows toll on police of riots which scarred the town . | [[775, 792], [805, 879], [1321, 1338], [1343, 1387], [3235, 3265], [491, 502], [509, 552], [1639, 1646], [1699, 1760], [2469, 2475], [2478, 2515], [2469, 2475], [2478, 2500], [2518, 2546], [2697, 2779], [1231, 1282], [1283, 1320], [1388, 1401], [1440, 1484], [3235, 3248], [3270, 3344], [775, 792], [805, 879], [1923, 2042], [2087, 2121], [2168, 2189], [2194, 2227], [2900, 2950], [528, 533], [536, 598], [1170, 1242], [2565, 2640]] |
Former senior IRS official Lois Lerner had deeply held political biases while she was in a position of authority , according to Republican lawmakers who unveiled emails on Wednesday showing her referring to conservatives as ` crazies ' and ` a ** holes . ' Michigan Rep. Dave Camp , who chairs the powerful House Ways and Means Committee , wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder to demand what he called ' a serious investigation ' -- something he said has been lacking . Camp wants Holder to appoint an outside special counsel to probe the culture of the IRS and explain why hundreds of conservative groups were subjected to intrusive questioning and years-long delays when they applied for nonprofit tax benefits -- steps that were not taken against liberal organizations . Scroll down for videos . A ** HOLES : Former IRS official Lois Lerner let loose on conservatives several years into her agency 's alleged intense targeting of them for their political beliefs . He told the attorney general on Wednesday that the newly disclosed email correspondence ` shows Ms. Lerner 's mistreatment of conservative groups was driven by her personal hostility toward conservatives . ' The November 9 , 2012 email exchange with an unnamed colleague -- the person 's name was redacted in the copy Camp 's staff released publicly -- took place while Lerner was in the United Kingdom . ` Overheard some ladies talking about American -LSB- s -RSB- today , ' Lerner wrote . ` According to them we 've bankrupted ourselves and a -LSB- re -RSB- through . We 'll never be able to pay off our debt and are going down the tubes . ' Turning sarcastic , Lerner pounced on her British acquaintances . ` They do n't seem to see that they ca n't afford to keep up their welfare state either , ' she wrote . ` Strange . ' The conversation turned ugly when Lerner 's writing companion let loose first on conservatives . ` Well , you . should hear the whacko wing of the GOP , ' the person replied . ` The US is . through ; too many foreigners sucking the teat ; time to hunker down , buy . ammo and food , and prepare for the end . ' ` The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to . ' ` Great , ' Lerner wrote back . ` Maybe we are through if there are that many a ** holes . ' ` And I 'm talking about the hosts of the shows , ' came the reply . ` The callers are rabid . ' In . the final message of the exchange , Lerner wrote that ` we do n't need to . worry about -LSB- illegal -RSB- alien terrorists . It 's our own crazies that will . take us down . ' Lerner 's . visit to the UK coincided with a management shakeup at the IRS . On the . day of the email exchange , then-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman left . office at the conclusion of his appointed term and deputy commissioner . Steven Miller took over . Foot-dragging : Camp says Attorney General Eric Holder has n't undertaken a serious investigation of Lerner and the Obama administration 's IRS . Miller would resign seven months later after the tea party scandal broke wide open and President Obama pledged publicly to ` hold the responsible parties accountable . ` I 'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing like this happens again , ' Obama said . In England months earlier , Lerner emailed of a Friday morning meeting with ` internal `` spooks '' ' in an unnamed government agency . Then she took some leisure time . ` Ha -LSB- d -RSB- work this morning . Got to talk to their internal `` spooks '' , ' she wrote . I was going to take the train to windsor Castle , but stuff closes early in winter so it was n't going to work . Instead , went -LSB- to -RSB- Hempstead -- an Edwardian English village , full of beautiful , huge houses -- which have been ruined by letting the hoi paloi -LSB- sic -RSB- live there ! These people have ruined everything with their equality push ! ' ` Tonight -LSB- I 'm -RSB- going to a movie and dinner with -LSB- redacted -RSB- and her partner . Tomorrow at 8am , I get on a tour bus to go to Windsor Castle , Stonehenge and Oxford -LRB- or is it Cambridge ? -RRB- . Figured I may never get the chance otherwise and have always wanted to see Stonehenge . ' ` Then , ' she added , ` hopefully a nice dinner and bed to be ready for the trip home . Am being good -- no shopping . Everything is super expensive even if the dollar and pound were equal . See you soon . ' Lerner pleaded the Fifth Amendment twice in 2013 and 2014 in House hearings , refuding to answer questions about her role in targeting conservative groups on the basis of words like ` tea party ' and ` patriots ' in their names . After determining that she had waived that right by making a self-serving opening statement , House Republicans carried a vote to find her in contempt of Congress and referred her to the Justice Department for prosecution . Holder , who heads the DOJ , has taken no action . | Lerner slammed right-of-center Americans in an email to a colleague in 2012 , seven months before the tea-party targeting scandal broke . ` Maybe we are through if there are that many a ** holes , ' she wrote , responding to a comment about conservative talk radio programs . ` We do n't need to worry about -LSB- illegal -RSB- alien terrorists , ' she snarked : ` It 's our own crazies that will take us down ' Lerner presided over years of alleged partisan discrimination against conservative groups that applied for nonprofit tax benefits . | [[1016, 1114], [1177, 1239], [1322, 1345], [2941, 3023], [2110, 2136], [2147, 2161], [2222, 2254], [2395, 2434], [2486, 2519], [2492, 2507], [2513, 2519], [0, 112], [571, 713], [800, 810], [845, 938], [891, 901], [905, 968], [1016, 1114], [1065, 1174]] |
The police officer who a New York grand jury chose not to indict in the death of Eric Garner has spoken out to reveal the pain he feels in the wake of the 43-year-old father of six 's death . ` It is never my intention to harm anyone and I feel very bad about the death of Mr. Garner , ' Pantaleo said in a statement at the heels of Wednesday 's decision . ` My family and I include him and his family in our prayers and I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss . ' Pantaleo had been stripped of his gun and badge and will remain on desk duty pending an internal police investigation that could result in administrative charges . Scroll down for videos . No charges : Officer Pantaleo -LRB- center , wearing green -RRB- will not be indicted for the death of Eric Garner in July but said Wednesday he hopes Garner 's family will accept his condolences . ` Never my intention ' : The police officer who a New York grand jury chose not to indict in the death of Eric Garner -LRB- left -RRB- has spoken out to reveal the pain he feels in the wake of the 43-year-old father of six 's death . At right , the aftermath of Pantaleo 's chokehold . Police union officials and Pantaleo 's lawyer argued that the officer used a takedown move taught by the police department , not a banned maneuver , because Garner was resisting arrest . They said his poor health was the main reason he died . The Justice Department is investigating whether Brown 's civil rights were violated through excessive force . As the grand jury decision drew near , police officials met with community leaders on Staten Island to head off the kind of violence seen in Ferguson , where a grand jury decided not to indict the white officer who shot the black teen . Demonstrations there resulted in more than 100 arrests and destruction of 12 commercial buildings by fire . It is rare for either federal or state prosecutors to charge a U.S. police officer for excessive force , even when a death results . Distraught : Pantaleo asked Garner 's family in a statement Wednesday to try as accept his condolences . Here , Benjamin Carr , stepfather of Eric Garner , leaves the district attorney 's office after a grand jury 's decision not to indict Pantaleo . Speaking out : Pantaleo said that he and his family have put Garner and his family in their prayers . At right , Benjamin Carr speaks to reporters on the phone in the wake of the grand jury decision not to indict Pantaleo . The U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts have over decades ruled that police officers should have wide latitude to use violence to defend themselves and to take suspects into custody . ` There are a lot of cases where police officers do n't get indicted for what looks like extreme situations , ' said Aaron Mysliwiec , president of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers . ` Many jurors and judges tend to believe police officers more than your average witness . ' In ruling Garner 's death a homicide , the city medical examiner said police officers killed him by compressing his neck and chest . His health problems , including asthma and obesity , were contributing factors , the medical examiner said . The video of Garner 's arrest shows him arguing with police officers , saying , ` Please leave me alone , ' and later , ` Do n't touch me , ' before a group of four officers tackled him to the ground . He then began to plead with them , saying repeatedly , ' I ca n't breathe . ' Police said later that Garner had been resisting arrest . The official was not authorized to discuss the investigation by name and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity ahead of a formal announcement . New York Mayor Bill de Blasio separately said he had been told by Justice Department officials that the federal investigation into the death will now move forward . ` No Christmas ' : Garner , a father of six , wo n't be around to play Santa for them this year , a thought that had his wife in tears at Wednesday 's press event . | Daniel Pantaleo contributed to the death of Garner , 43 , but a New York grand jury chose not to indict him on Wednesday . The 29-year-old said in a statement following the decision that he 's put the Garner family in his prayers . Pantaleo was stripped of his gun and badge and will remain on desk duty pending an internal police investigation . | [[0, 18], [45, 92], [682, 692], [727, 804], [905, 923], [950, 1003], [1660, 1668], [1677, 1755], [2102, 2106], [2109, 2122], [2153, 2247], [288, 356], [373, 416], [682, 692], [809, 879], [2010, 2101], [2263, 2349], [493, 540], [493, 501], [535, 577], [560, 656]] |
Liverpool and England defender Glen Johnson fears the club may try to sell him in January as manager Brendan Rodgers shows no inclination to offer the 30-year-old defender a new contract . Johnson 's current deal on an estimated # 100,000-a-week runs out at the end of the season and he has yet to hear from the club about a renewal . Rodgers brought in two Spanish full-backs Javier Manquillo and Alberto Moreno in the summer and Johnson is virtually resigned to not be offered a new contract despite being settled personally on Merseyside after signing for Rafa Benitez in 2009 . Glen Johnson , on an estimated # 100,000-a-week at Liverpool , fears the club may try to sell him in January . Young Spanish full backs Alberto Moreno -LRB- left -RRB- and Javier Manquillo -LRB- right -RRB- were signed in the summer . Brendan Rodgers has given Johnson no sign that he will hand him a new contract , which expires next summer . With Liverpool one of several clubs under investigation by Uefa for breaching Financial Fair Play regulations , Rodgers shipped out other Benitez high-earners Pepe Reina and Daniel Agger in the last window . The Anfield club would love to recoup some money on Johnson in the January transfer window although the player would be entitled to run down his contract and become a free agent in the summer . He is free to speak to overseas clubs in the New Year if he wanted to emulate his former England colleague Ashley Cole who has joined Serie A club Roma on a Bosman . Johnson has recently returned to action after missing six weeks with a thigh injury and comes up against his former manager Harry Redknapp today -LRB- Sunday -RRB- as Liverpool travel to QPR . The right-back , capped 54 times by his country , won the FA Cup with Portsmouth under Redknapp in 2008 and has sympathy for his old boss who is expected to get the sack if Liverpool win at Loftus Road . Johnson says there is ` no manager like Harry Redknapp ' , who he once played under at Portsmouth . Johnson has struggled with injuries this season and has n't featured much this season . Daniel Sturridge will be out for at least three weeks . ` I do n't think there 's anyone like him , ' said Johnson . ` I 've worked with some very good managers but Harry 's like your mate . That 's why he gets a lot out of players . ` He gets more out of certain people just by making you feel welcome and looking after people every day . ` Of course it 's disappointing if he 's under pressure . It 's not nice to see anyone maybe losing their job , certainly not someone like Harry . He 's been a fantastic manager for years and if anyone is going to get QPR out of trouble it will be him , so I do n't know what sacking him would achieve . ` He 's always been a fantastic manager for me and one of the nicest guys I 've ever met . When I asked to leave Chelsea and went to Portsmouth , Harry was a big help to me . He gave me the chance to play every week and that 's what young players need to do . ` When I had a dip in form , Harry put a nice little video together , which made a few of the lads laugh . It was good banter but it made me realise what I should be doing and I was able to crack on . Sometimes simple things like that can make a big difference . ' After last season 's unexpected Premier League title challenge , Liverpool have lost three of their four away games so far this season and struggled to cope with the loss of Luis Suarez and injury to Daniel Sturridge , who is out for a further month with a calf injury . Redknapp 's QPR are bottom of the table and welcome Liverpool to Loftus Road on Sunday . Johnson admits balancing domestic football with a busy Champions League schedule has been difficult to come to terms with . ` We only had the Premier League to concentrate on last season while the other so-called top-four teams were playing games every four days . It was easier to keep everyone fit and we almost had our best eleven every week . ` With the game load this season , it is not going to be as simple . You will get more injuries and hard to have all the squad out on the training ground . We have n't picked as many results as when we started last season but that is down to the amount of games and losing a few bodies . ' Liverpool have a glamour European fixture coming up against Real Madrid at Anfield on Wednesday but Johnson says they ca n't afford to think about that yet . He added : ` We have to treat the next game against QPR as the priority . We have to make sure we win that and then we can concentrate on Madrid . We have to do just as well in the league as we have in the Champions League . ' | Glen Johnson 's # 100,000-a-week contract runs out next summer . Javier Manquillo and Alberto Moreno have been brought in by Liverpool . Johnson fears club could try to sell him but he may run down deal . | [[189, 279], [859, 925], [335, 426], [0, 116], [582, 594], [645, 692], [1225, 1327]] |
A bloody family street brawl in Melbourne 's north has left six people hospitalised with injuries understood to have been received after they were hit with a pole . Emergency services were called to Roxburgh Park at about 1am on Thursday , following reports from residents who were woken by angry men and screaming women who were covered in blood in the middle of the street , the Herald Sun reports . Police arrested the 12 family members involved in the dispute which allegedly began when two cars pulled up outside a property on Mackellar Drive . Police say several people got out of the vehicles and started a fight with those who came out of the house . The family dispute took place in Roxburgh Park at 1am on Thursday , north of Melbourne . Two smashed cars , star pickets , planks of wood and a metal pipe were left on the street after the brawl unfolded , the Herald Sun reports . Piles of blood-stained tissues and blankets were in front of one house as residents helped injured victims before they were taken away by paramedics . All the people were known to each other , a police spokeswoman said . Six of the family members were injured , including two men who were taken to Royal Melbourne Hospital . One of them had serious head injuries . A teenage girl was taken to the Austin Hospital with abdomen injuries , while a man in his 30s went to the Alfred Hospital with head and chest injuries . Two men in their 40s were taken to the Northern Hospital . Detectives are investigating the matter and are expecting to interview all involved . | The dispute took place in Roxburgh Park at 1am on Thursday , north of Melbourne . Six were taken to hospital with injuries after they were hit with a pole . One had serious head injuries , another suffered head and chest injuries and a teenage girl had abdomen injuries . Police say the all 12 people involved in the dispute were known to each other . | [[165, 237], [659, 724], [0, 97], [89, 97], [109, 164], [1111, 1149], [1215, 1254], [1255, 1324], [1333, 1408], [1041, 1080]] |
Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald apologized on Tuesday for telling a homeless veteran that he served in U.S. Army Special Forces . ` Special Forces ? What years ? I was in special forces , ' McDonald said when the homeless man told him he had served among the Army 's elite troops . The late January comments were caught on camera for a CBS piece about the continued large numbers of homeless veterans . But McDonald never served in Special Forces , and on Tuesday he held a press conference to beg for forgiveness and explain the lie . ' I made a mistake and I apologize for it , ' he said . ' I have no excuse for it . ' ` It was a misstatement , it was a mistake , ' he told reporters . Scroll down for video . Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald -LRB- pictured , left , and right , in his 1975 yearbook photo -RRB- admitted that he lied when he told a homeless man in Los Angeles that he had served in the Army special forces as well . McDonald had already admitted to embellishing his resume on Monday , telling The Huffington Post , ' I incorrectly stated that I had been in Special Forces . That was inaccurate and I apologize to anyone that was offended by my misstatement . ' ' I have no excuse , ' he told the news publication . ' I reacted spontaneously and I reacted wrongly , -LSB- with -RSB- no intent in any way to describe my record any different than it is , ' McDonald , who left the Army in 1980 and eventually became CEO of Procter & Gamble , said . ` As I thought about this later I knew this -LSB- claim -RSB- was wrong , ' he said of his exchange with the unidentified homeless man . The secretary completed Army Ranger training but never served in the elite force . He instead became a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division after his graduation from West Point . Asked on Tuesday if he considered resigning over the flap , McDonald was demure , and he ignored a reporter who asked if he had spoken with the president . The White House stood behind McDonald on Monday and again on Tuesday when pressed by reporters to weigh in . ` Secretary McDonald has apologized for the misstatement and noted that he never intended to misrepresent his military service , ' it said in a statement Monday . ` We take him at his word and expect that this will not impact the important work he 's doing to promote the health and well-being of our nation 's veterans . ' Noting McDonald 's past service , White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Tuesday said the VA Secretary ` understands first hand the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform make ' and again lent him the White House 's support . ` There 's no reason to think that the mistake he made should interfere with his ability to lead the fight for our veterans , ' Earnest said . McDonald also got the support of a top Republican on House Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Committees . ` The secretary 's misstatement was an error , but it does n't dim the fact that he served honorably , ' said Rep. Mike Coffman , also a veteran said . ` We should all take him at his word and Washington should n't spend the next two weeks arguing about it . ' Coffman said that McDonald ` has a job to do -- clean up the scandal-plagued VA , ' and ` this latest controversy should n't shift one iota of focus away from that long overdue task . ' McDonald 's interaction with the unidentified man was captured on camera by CBS , who were doing a story . McDonald was appointed by President Barack Obama last year and the White House released a statement saying ` We take him at his word and expect that this will not impact the important work he 's doing ' Army Special Forces , also called the Green Berets , are highly trained units analogous to the Navy SEALs or the Marine Corps ' Raider Regiment . Instead of answering to the ordinary chain of command , they fall under the Department of Defense 's U.S. Special Operations Command . McDonald replaced former Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki last year , after he resigned amid a scandal over long wait times for veterans at VA hospitals . Revelations about McDonald 's false service claims follow the suspension of NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams for repeatedly telling a false story about being shot at during the war in Iraq . Williams later said that his helicopter was right behind one that was shot at , which was also not true . A story published by the left-wing magazine Mother Jones this week also questioned whether Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly has been truthful about his reporting of the Falklands War . The new secretary 's appointment followed Eric Shinseke 's resignation amid a scandal over waiting times at VA hospitals . Journalists who were on the ground with O'Reilly at the time have rushed to his defense , however , agreeing with his version of events . Conservatives on Twitter , who mocked Williams by creating photos of him at the moon landing and other impossible places , voiced their frustration with the news about McDonald . ` Brian Williams remembers going out on a special forces mission with Robert McDonald , ' Washington , D.C. political fundraiser Nathan Wurtzel said . Special forces members generally become upset when soldiers who did not serve in one of the four designated special operations forces claims they did . Retired Army Col. Gary Bloomberg called McDonald 's remarks ' a boneheaded statement ' but said service members ' anger would not be as strong as in other cases where soldiers wear medals they did not earn . A statement from the American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm said , ` He did complete Ranger training and served honorably with the Army 's 82nd Airborne Division . But a lie is a lie . ' I ca n't believe people do this . What a disappointment from the leader of a department whose number one issue right now is the restoration of trust . He should be held to a higher standard , ' the head of the nation 's largest veterans organization said . ` The secretary has apologized , as he certainly should . We hope that he can restore the trust that he has lost . ' | Robert McDonald , who took over VA last year , told homeless veteran that he , too , served in Army Special Forces . McDonald is a veteran , but not of Army special forces . At a press conference on Tuesday he apologized and told reporters : ` My biggest motivation was to connect with the veteran ' White House says McDonald ` never intended to misrepresent ' his service . | [[0, 95], [0, 42], [65, 140], [173, 196], [863, 908], [901, 946], [3919, 3994], [418, 457], [0, 95], [464, 546], [570, 588], [680, 699], [2075, 2095], [2136, 2201]] |
The United States Department of Justice announced Wednesday it had launched an investigation into the death of Eric Garner at the hands of New York City police . The announcement came in the wake of a grand jury 's decision not to indict a white police officer , Daniel Pantaleo , who placed Garner in a chokehold that ultimately led to the 43-year-old father of six 's death . Also at the heels of the decision , President Obama said it underscores the need to strengthen the trust and accountability between communities and law enforcement . Scroll down for video . Addressed the issue : At the heels of the grand jury decision not to indict the officer whose chokehold led to Eric Garner 's death , President Obama said it underscores the need to strengthen the trust and accountability between communities and law enforcement . The president even went so far as to concede that in some cases , despite much of society 's wish to believe otherwise , police racial bias does exist . ` In some cases those might be misperceptions , ' the president said . ` But in some cases that 's a reality ' The president even went so far as to concede that in some cases , despite much of society 's wish to believe otherwise , police racial bias does exist . Obama says police have to deal with crime every day , but says they can do their jobs better if people have confidence in the law enforcement system . ` In some cases those might be misperceptions , ' the president said while speaking to the White House Tribal Nations Conference . ` But in some cases that 's a reality . ' Obama says he discussed the grand jury 's decision Wednesday with Attorney General Eric Holder . While not commenting on the decision specifically , he said there are ` too many instances where people just do not have confidence that folks are being treated fairly . ' Politico reports that the DOJ probe will be conducted by the department 's civil rights division and the U.S. Attorney 's Brooklyn office . The controversy began when a deadly encounter in July on Staten Island , New York City 's smallest borough , was captured on video , and quickly spread over the Internet fueling debate about how U.S. police use force , particularly against minorities . Obama says he discussed the grand jury 's decision Wednesday with Attorney General Eric Holder . A DOJ probe into the Eric Garner case will be conducted by the department 's civil rights division and the U.S. Attorney 's Brooklyn office . Here , Attorney General Eric Holder speaks during the opening session of The White House Tribal Nations Conference on December 3 . Last week , a grand jury in Missouri decided not to indict a white police officer in another racially charged killing of a black man . The decision in that case sparked a spasm of violence in Ferguson , Missouri , with businesses burned down and looted . Staten Island resident Eric Garner , a 43-year-old father of six , died on July 17 after police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold . The city 's medical examiner ruled the death a homicide . New York City police prepared on Wednesday for protests that could potentially paralyze major roads and tunnels in the city . About two dozen demonstrators lay down in the middle of Grand Central Station 's main hall in Midtown Manhattan in a silent protest as the evening rush hour began , as commuters crisscrossed through the terminal . President Barack Obama , while not directly commenting on the case , said the grand jury decision spoke to ` the concern on the part of too many minority communities that law enforcement is not working with them and dealing with them in a fair way . ` We are not going to let up until we see a strengthening of trust and strengthening of accountability that exists between our communities and our law enforcement , ' he said . Staten Island resident Eric Garner , a 43-year-old father of six , died on July 17 after police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold . The city 's medical examiner ruled the death a homicide . The district attorney for Staten Island , Daniel Donovan , announced the grand jury 's decision not to indict the white police officer , Daniel Pantaleo , who placed Garner in a chokehold . ` It is never my intention to harm anyone and I feel very bad about the death of Mr. Garner , ' Pantaleo said in a statement released by the Patrolmen 's Benevolent Association union . Benjamin Carr , stepfather of Garner , said he was distraught over the verdict . ` Put it in the hands of the federal government . Let them do something about it , ' he said . At the site where Eric Garner was apprehended by police and a makeshift memorial to his honor now stands , tempers flared as about a dozen protesters expressed their anger at the grand jury 's decision with a protest on the sidewalk . Some demonstrators defiantly crushed cigarettes in front of reporters and passersby - a reference to the reason that police gave for approaching Garner in the first place . It is rare for either federal or state prosecutors to charge a U.S. police officer for excessive force , even when a death results . ` There are a lot of cases where police officers do n't get indicted for what looks like extreme situations , ' said Aaron Mysliwiec , president of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers . ` Many jurors and judges tend to believe police officers more than your average witness . ' Protesters lay down in Grand Central in response to grand jury 's decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in Eric Garner 's . New York City police prepared on Wednesday for protests that could potentially paralyze major roads and tunnels in the city . About two dozen demonstrators lay down in the middle of Grand Central Station 's main hall in Midtown Manhattan in a silent protest as the evening rush hour began , as commuters crisscrossed through the terminal . The U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts have over decades ruled that police officers should have wide latitude to use violence to defend themselves and to take suspects into custody . In ruling Garner 's death a homicide , the city medical examiner said police officers killed him by compressing his neck and chest . His health problems , including asthma and obesity , were contributing factors , the medical examiner said . The video of Garner 's arrest shows him arguing with police officers , saying ` please leave me alone , ' and later ` do n't touch me ' before a group of four officers tackled him to the ground , at which point he began to plead with them , ' I ca n't breathe . ' Police said later Garner had been resisting arrest . Donovan said he had applied for a court order to authorize the release of ` specific information in connection with the Garner grand jury investigation . ' He noted in his statement that under New York law he is not permitted to disclose any details of a grand jury proceeding . The grand jury , like all in New York , had 23 members . At least 12 grand jurors must agree to bring an indictment . Donovan said that all 23 grand jurors attended every one of the sessions in the Garner case , which began on Sept. 29 and ended on Wednesday . Impassioned : New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio arrives to a news conference in which he addressed the Garner case . In a direct and sometimes passionate speech from Staten Island , de Blasio risked the ire of the NYPD by making his dissatisfaction with the failure of the jury panel not to charge Officer Daniel Pantaleo abundantly clear . | Obama said the Garner decision underscores the need to strengthen the trust and accountability between communities and cops . The president conceded while speaking to the while speaking to the White House Tribal Nations Conference that police bias can exist . Obama said he discussed the grand jury 's decision Wednesday with Attorney General Eric Holder ; a DOJ investigation has been launched . | [[383, 411], [414, 543], [702, 831], [1249, 1254], [1307, 1378], [3404, 3426], [3473, 3569], [3656, 3756], [832, 895], [832, 845], [866, 950], [1096, 1159], [1096, 1109], [1130, 1214], [1450, 1530], [0, 161], [50, 161], [162, 237], [1573, 1669], [1584, 1669], [2235, 2331], [2246, 2331]] |
A Spanish-language leaflet that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided to the Mexican Embassy in Washington advises border-crossing Mexicans that they can collect taxpayer-funded food stamp benefits for their children without admitting that they 're illegal immigrants.Underlined and in boldface type , the document tells immigrants who are unlawfully in the United States that , ` You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children . ` The USDA 's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -LRB- SNAP -RRB- , commonly known as food stamps , is funded in order to prevent hunger by helping poor families maintain a basic level of nutrition for both adults and children . Congress spent $ 86.5 billion on the SNAP program in 2012 , by far the largest single line-item in the USDA 's $ 205 billion overall budget . The underlined portion reads : ` You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children ' The Agriculture Department says SNAP benefits are only to be distributed to U.S. citizens and other legal residents . On its website , it acknowledges an education ` partnership ' with the Mexican government , but insists that its aim is to help educate only ` eligible Mexican nationals living in the United States ' about nutrition benefits for which they might qualify . That education partnership is carried out through a program called ` Ventanillas de Salud , ' meaning ` Windows to Health , ' implemented through 50 Mexican consulates in the U.S. Judicial Watch obtained the Spanish language leaflet through a Freedom of Information Act request . An attached email dates the document to March 2009 , just months after President Barack Obama took office . In an email , a spokesperson for the SNAP program told The Daily Caller , which first reported on the leaflet , that `` non-citizens who are unlawfully . present , are not , nor have they ever been , eligible to receive . Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -LRB- SNAP -RRB- benefits . U.S. Border Patrol agents walk fences on the Mexican border , and detain illegal immigrants - including children - before returning them to south of the border . A majority will try to cross the border again . The leaflet , released late Thursday by the conservative group Judicial Watch , will raise questions about the Obama administration 's commitment to limiting the expenditure of taxpayer funds to eligible Mexican nationals - meaning those with legal permission to reside in the United States . ` The revelation that the USDA is actively working with the Mexican government to promote food stamps for illegal aliens should have a direct impact on the fate of the immigration bill now being debated in Congress , ' Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement . ` These disclosures further confirm the fact that the Obama administration can not be trusted to protect our borders or enforce our immigration laws . And the coordination with a foreign government to attack the policies of an American state is contemptible . ' Fitton 's group also obtained a March 2010 USDA flyer advertising a taxpayer-funded online seminar for nonprofits serving Hispanic communities . The teaching session , promoted as being ` free for all participants , ' taught activists how to get USDA funding to provide free lunches during the summer . The federal government 's SNAP program served about 43.6 million people in November 2010 . Before the recession , the program had just 26 million enrollees . The USDA licenses food retailers like this Oregon grocery store as SNAP program participants . And in a March 2012 communication , Judicial Watch said , the USDA asked the Mexican Embassy to approve a letter addressed to that country 's 50 consulates . That letter encouraged staff at those Mexican diplomatic missions to learn in another webinar how to encourage more of ` the needy families that the consulates serve ' to enroll in the SNAP program . Judicial Watch said Thursday that the 2012 document did not discriminate between legal US residents and illegal immigrants . In August , Agriculture Under Secretary Kevin Concannon rolled out a new range of anti-fraud programs aimed at preventing food stamp funds from going to ineligible recipients . ` USDA has a zero tolerance policy for SNAP fraud , ' Concannon said when announcing new measures to clamp down on abuse of the program that he promised would ` help us hold bad actors even more accountable than in the past and discourage them from abusing the public 's trust . ' The agency 's press release , however , made no mention of efforts intended to deny SNAP benefits to illegal immigrants . People line up for their monthly debt cards and food stamps all over the country . Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack is President Obama 's Secretary of Agriculture and is responsible for the SNAP program 's operation . Last year Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions complained in writing to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack that , ` It defies rational thinking for the United States -- now dangerously $ 16 trillion in debt -- to partner with foreign governments to help us place more foreign nationals on American welfare . ' An estimated 11 million illegal immigrants are living in the United States . President Obama and a bipartisan group of eight U.S. Senators are gathering support for comprehensive immigration reform legislation that would put most of them on a path to legal residence and , conservatives allege , both amnesty and citizenship . | Conservative legal group obtained Agriculture Department flyer . ` You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children ' Program in all 50 Mexican consulates in the U.S. helps push food stamps . | [[2288, 2299], [2302, 2365], [3120, 3135], [3141, 3185], [389, 501], [880, 908], [911, 1021], [1513, 1519], [1524, 1577]] |
The language of love has gone digital through text messages and social media -- and it 's even affecting the way we flirt . Research has found we are more likely to poke someone on Facebook than ask them out on a date . And the poll revealed that the reason for the trend is that 38 per cent find chatting to someone we fancy too embarrassing . Technology is leading to people shunning the direct approach for less bold ways of telling a potential date that they are interested with many opting for a Facebook poke rather than asking someone out for a drink . The poll was commissioned by online comparison site who surveyed 2,000 British adults . Almost one in five people said they mostly use private Facebook messages to communicate while dating , while others thought a phone call or text message was more forward than a face-to-face chat . Just over a quarter said they opt for Snapchat when trying to impress someone they like . Researchers from Brigham University recently found that relationships may suffer because hi-tech communications can lead to couples ` disconnecting ' with each other on serious issues . ` The bottom line is that if you do n't have something nice to text , better not text at all , ' concluded the report . The report found that for women , using text messages to apologise , work out differences or make decisions was associated with a more unhappy relationship . For men , very frequent texting was associated with a poor relationship . However , both men and women agreed that expressing affection via text enhanced a relationship . While 50 per cent of people are confident enough to ask someone for a date face-to-face , a third confessed they would be too embarrassed or nervous to pick up the phone and call a love interest . However , the poll also revealed modern technology does have its downside when it comes to flirting . One in seven people admitted they had accidentally sent a ` naughty ' message to the wrong person - with more than a fifth of red-faced flirters sending it to a parent , while one in 10 admitted sent it to the ` wrong ' partner . Brits can be sheepish when it comes to ending relationships too with one in eight owning up to dumping a partner by text , while one in 20 -LRB- five per cent -RRB- said they had sent a private Facebook message , and a brutal three per cent admitted posting a public break-up message on Facebook . Behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings said : ` If you 're confident and looking for something fun and casual over the Christmas season , WhatsApp and Snapchat are great places to start . ` If you want something potentially a little more meaningful - or do n't want to reveal , or see , anything naughty - stick with text messages or Facebook . ` If you want someone to know that you mean serious business and you 're prepared to be bold , pick up the phone . ` It shows real effort and confidence - and could lead to a festive fumble . ' Old fashion approaches like talking face-to-face or even picking up a telephone appear to be a dying art as people prefer to hide behind technology when asking out a potential date for a drink . A quarter of people use Snapchat to impress a potential date rather than talking to them face to face , however , using technology can backfire when users send naughty messages to a parent or another partner by mistake . Even when in relationships , Brits are self-conscious with more than half the people polled -LRB- 53 per cent -RRB- saying they would n't have ` in a relationship ' on their Facebook profile after six months of being together , with almost a quarter -LRB- 23 per cent -RRB- citing the reason as feeling they had n't been together long enough . A further seven per cent even said they felt a year was n't long enough to announce their relationship on Facebook . Dominic Baliszewski , telecoms expert at , said : ` Digital dating and social media have only been around for a relatively short time but it is fascinating to see how they have altered the way we interact with one another , particularly for people seeking new relationships . ` All that online interaction can eat through your mobile data , so make sure you have a plan with enough of a download allowance to avoid any untimely interruptions to your service . ' | Poll surveyed 2,000 adults and was commissioned by broadbandchoices . Almost one in five said they use private Facebook messages when dating . Just over a quarter said they opt for Snapchat when trying to impress . Only 50 % of us are confident enough to ask someone out face-to-face . And a third confessed they would be too embarrassed to pick up the phone and call a love interest . | [[589, 634], [639, 670], [671, 771], [2251, 2332], [868, 957], [893, 957], [3165, 3253], [1599, 1680], [220, 344], [247, 344], [1683, 1789], [3373, 3399], [3402, 3457]] |
While they might seem poles apart , the lexicon of beauty is surprisingly similar to the jargon of DIY . From brushes , gloss and varnish to primers , tape and files , it 's all about preparing the surface and then making it more attractive . In a DIY store last week , I noticed the similarity between sandpaper and the foot file I use for removing rough skin off my feet -- but at a fraction of the price . It made me wonder if B&Q could actually be the cut-price beauty store I 'd been searching for . I decided to experiment , with some fascinating results ... BODY BRUSH . Beauty : Elemis Skin Brush , # 21 , . B&Q : 5-inch Masonry Brush , # 3 . Every beauty expert I 've met swears by body brushing -- using a stiff bristle brush in sweeping strokes , working from the tips of your toes and fingers towards the heart . It 's said to boost lymphatic drainage , resulting in less water retention , and promote circulation so skin looks more radiant . Some people even believe it can improve the appearance of cellulite . Normally I use the Elemis Skin Brush but I thought that a stiff plastic-bristled masonry brush could do the job just as well . And while it 's definitely less aesthetically pleasing , the bristles feel just like more expensive cactus ones of the Elemis version , although they bend more easily because they 're longer . Winner : B&Q -- although only after I 'd cut the bristles down to half their size . But when you 're saving # 18 , it 's worth a little effort . FAST-DRYING HAIR TOWEL . Beauty : Aquis Lisse Hair Towel , # 14.95 , . B&Q : Kent Car Care Extra Large Chamois Leather , # 12.78 . Hair obsessives rave about microfibre towels that absorb water from the hair more quickly than normal towels . I 've never been particularly convinced that mine does this . Working on the principle that a chamois leather , usually used for washing cars , readily soaks up water , I used one , as I do the towel , to create a turban after washing my hair . The results were miraculous . Fifteen minutes later , most of my hair was dry , in half the time it usually takes . The wet leather smelled a bit , well , leathery , but did n't make my hair smell odd . Winner : B&Q . I 'm chucking out my microfibre towel . FAKE TAN APPLICATOR . Beauty : St Tropez Applicator Mitt , # 5 , . B&Q : Mini Roller & Tray Set , # 2.75 . To avoid stained palms , the only way to apply fake tan is with a mitt -- a pocket with a plasticised inside and a fabric exterior . Rather than squirting some of my usual mousse onto a mitt , I poured a little liquid tan into the tray of a miniature roller set and set about covering my legs . It was useless . The roller soaked up far too much liquid , and the coverage was patchy . Perhaps a paint pad , less absorbent than a roller , but also used for daubing walls , would have been better ? Winner : Beauty -- efficient , if less fun than decorating yourself . FAKE TAN MITT . Beauty : St Tropez Buffing Mitt , # 3.57 , . B&Q : Kent Home Care Microfibre Mitt , # 1.38 . If you 've never been for a professional fake tan , you might not have encountered a finishing mitt . When you have been sprayed a deep mahogany colour , the therapist takes a soft mitt and pats down your skin , gently buffing away tell-tale streaks , rather as if you were a newly-waxed Bentley . It might sound absurd , but it makes the difference between a good finish and a perfect finish , so I now do the same at home . I used a mitt designed for polishing a car . Apart from being bright blue , rather than tasteful black , and about twice the size of the St Tropez version , it worked brilliantly . The microfibre fabric felt soft against my skin and the internal seam , which allows you to put fingers either side . Winner : B&Q -- easy to use and covers a bigger area . FRENCH MANICURE NAIL STICKERS . Beauty : 96 Nailene Perfect French Tip Guides , # 3.05 . B&Q : Masking tape , # 1.76 . While expert manicurists might be able to create the perfect French manicure -- pale pink with white tips -- we more cack-handed types often turn to little stickers that act as a guide so you get a perfect line . It 's what decorators do with masking tape , but on a smaller scale . Using masking tape on my nails gave a straight line rather than the traditional curved one , but the tape stuck well to the nail , the polish did n't seep underneath , and I quite liked that the straight line gave a more modern effect . Winner : B&Q -- though if you 're a purist , you might want to shell out for curved stickers . CLEANSING CLOTHS . Beauty : Three Muslin Cleansing Cloths , # 14 , . B&Q : Ten Dishcloths , # 1.98 . Eve Lom 's waxy cleanser , launched in 1983 , pioneered the trend for greasy , balm-like cleansers that are removed with warm water and a muslin cleansing cloth . Now everyone from Elemis to Boots and Liz Earle does a hot-cloth cleanser . The problem is that even if you regularly boil-wash them , the pricey cloths soon become grubby . Could a regular cotton dishcloth do the same job ? I 've been using one for a week and I 'll never go back to muslin again . The cotton was soft on my face and gives a gentle exfoliation . Winner : B&Q -- much as I love Eve Lom , I wo n't be paying the best part of # 5 for muslin when a 20p cloth does the same thing . FLEXIBLE ROLLERS . Beauty : 12 Bendy Rollers , # 4.09 , . B&Q : Verve 7m Plant Twist Tie , # 4 . Years ago , I used bendy rollers to create soft curls . It was simple : you took the curler -- essentially a wire-covered sponge -- wound a towel-dried section of hair round it , starting at the bottom and working toward the roots , and then bent over the ends of the roller to hold the hair in place . Then you let the hair dry before releasing the curls . I thought padded wire for plants might be able to do the same thing . I knew the wire was thinner than the normal rollers , but thought bending it over on itself might work . But although I managed to wrap my hair around it , no matter how many ways I bent it , the hair would n't stay put . And , to make matters worse , the rubber coating on the wire gripped the hair and caused it to pull and tangle . Winner : Beauty -- bendy rollers are a relatively simple design , but they 've proved they 're more than just a twist of wire . FOUNDATION BRUSH . Beauty : Urban Decay Good Karma Optical Blurring Brush , # 18 , . B&Q : Harris 25mm Paint Brush , # 3.98 . The soft , tightly-packed bristles of Urban Decay 's brush do a wonderful job of buffing foundation into the skin so you get a flawless finish . The same could n't be said for the paintbrush I attempted to use in its place . While actually it was pretty good at daubing my warpaint on and did n't , to my surprise , leave streaks , it was scratchy and uncomfortable to use . Winner : Beauty -- unless you really want your foundation application to double as exfoliation . FOOT FILE . Beauty : File A Foot , # 5 , . B&Q : Norton Expert Angled Sanding Sponge Fine , # 3.98 . Surely I ca n't be the only one who 's looked at an emery board or a foot file and thought , ` Is n't this just pricey sandpaper ? ' I went for a fine-grained sanding sponge , worried that anything too gritty might actually draw blood . The angled block was ` ideal for sanding contoured surfaces , corners and hard to reach areas ' -- it sounded perfect . I used the large surface on the bottom of my feet , and the pointed bit to tackle hard skin on the tips of my toes , and it was just as effective as my normal foot file . Winner : A draw -- while the block did exactly what I needed it to , and was much better at tackling toes , the foot file 's longer handle made it easier to scrub my heels . | The lexicon of beauty is surprisingly similar to the jargon of DIY . From brushes , gloss and varnish to primers , tape and files . It 's all about preparing the surface and then making it more attractive . | [[0, 33], [36, 104], [105, 137], [168, 177], [168, 205], [168, 183], [210, 242]] |
Tottenham could be without Andros Townsend when they return to Premier League action for their clash with West Brom on Sunday . The Spurs winger started in the club 's 0-0 Europa League group stage opener at Partizan Belgrade but was replaced short of the hour mark by Erik Lamela after picking up an upper leg injury . Mauricio Pochettino did n't know the full extent of the damage , claiming the England international would need to be assessed by the club 's medical team on Friday . Andros Townsend picked up an injury to his upper leg and was substituted after an hour against Partizan . The England winger Andros Townsend could be out of Tottenham 's next league game against West Brom . ` Andros has a problem with his leg , ' siad Pochettino after the game . ` It could be his glute , and Friday we 'll know if he 's available or not . ' A defensive minded Tottenham failed to have a shot on target in the Belgrade stalemate , but the Spurs boss admitted he was happy with his side 's performance - praising debutant Federico Fazio as well as Benji Stambouli who was making his first start . ' I think the result is fair because Partizan were good in the second half , ' Pochettino added . Mauricio Pochettino -LRB- left -RRB- was happy with his side 's performance despite a lacklustre draw in Belgrade . Federico Fazio , who won the Europa League with Sevilla last season , made his Tottenham debut . There was also a first start at the club for midfielder Benjamin Stambouli who was solid in Belgrade . ` It was Fazio 's first game , like Stambouli , and they play for the first time . It 's always difficult to make your debut but I 'm happy with the performance . ' Spurs made 10 changes to the side which drew 2-2 at Sunderland last week , but Pochettino rebuffed any suggestions he underestimated the Serbian outfit . ` It was difficult to play and move the ball fast and quick , but that 's no excuse , ' Pochettino continued . ' I never underestimated Partizan . We played with a team we thought would get three points . I believe that three points was most important but we 'll analyse the game . ` Besiktas an Asteras drew their game too . We need to look forward to the next game . ' Harry Kane hit the bar with Tottenham 's best chance but the visitors failed to hit the target all game . | Andros Townsend substituted with upper leg injury in Belgrade . Tottenham fail to have a shot on target in 0-0 draw against Partizan . Mauricio Pochettino praises Federico Fazio and Benji Stambouli who made their first starts for the club . | [[128, 144], [217, 319], [486, 538], [695, 728], [845, 931], [2260, 2308], [128, 204], [938, 1065], [1050, 1065], [1070, 1098], [1313, 1327], [1383, 1409], [1410, 1484], [1515, 1558]] |
Holidaymakers are being urged not to panic after leading ski resorts across the Alps and the Pyrenees delayed their openings by at least a week due to a lack of snow . Upmarket resorts such as Courchevel and Meribel had planned to open on December 6 , but are now pushing that back to December 13 . It comes after unusually warm temperatures caused early snowfall in November to melt . A live webcam at the Courchevel resort in France shows virtually no snow on the slopes today . In some areas , slopes have been left almost entirely bare . However , travel experts said that the delays in opening would not affect British holidaymakers as the ski seasons for the majority of UK tour operators do n't start until late December . Instead , it is typically only locals who use the slopes in the first two weeks of opening . Lynsey Devon , a spokesman Heaven publicity that represents a number of leading ski resorts , told the MailOnline : ` Most tour operators do n't sell holidays that begin before December 20 . Meribel 's webcam also showed bare slopes today , although experts insist snow is due in the coming days . Snow-making machines have been placed on the slopes of Gschwandtkopf mountain in western Austria . Snow-making machines stand on a snowless slope on Gschwandtkopf mountain in western Austria last week . ` It 's only locals who use the slopes in the first couple of weeks , but they do n't buy ski holidays -- they just turn up , so they wo n't be out of pocket . ` The resorts obviously do n't want weekend skiers using up the snow if there has been very little falling on the slopes , so by delaying the opening of the resorts they are preventing that from happening . ` Widespread snowfall is expected in the coming days , in some cases there will be up to 80 percent cover . ` If the worst does happen , resorts like Courcheval have invested in cutting edge snow machines which are capable of covering slopes in inches of artificial snow from bare grass in a matter of hours . ' Despite their efficiency , the machines are estimated to cost up to # 5 per cubic metre of manmade snow . ` They have invested around # 3million in Snow Factory machines which can fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool in just thirty minutes , ' said Ms Devon . France remains the most popular ski destination for British skiers , and 400,000 tourists from the UK chose Austria as their ski destination last year . News of the delayed opening comes after the Montgenevre resort in France revealed it has postponed its opening indefinitely , along with others in the region . ` We opened on the weekend of Nov 22 . Then the rain and thaw damaged the snow at the bottom of the slopes , ' said a spokeswoman for Montgenevre , near Italy . Courchevel is one of France 's most popular ski resorts and is usually covered in thick snow at this time of year . According to the national weather service , there is very little snow below 2,000 m for this time of year - and in some cases none at all - but snowfall is forecast for the end of the week . And in the eastern Jura range , the Metabief resort has also decided to open later for the same reasons . Snow-making machines have already been placed on the slopes of Gschwandtkopf mountain in the western Austrian village of Seefeld in a bid to try and attract holidaymakers . Meribel in the French Alps has also been struggling with the unseasonably warm weather this year . Similar problems have affected other Austrian resorts , including Flachau in Salzburg and Rosskopf mountain in Tirol , at a time when the snow is usually plentiful . Tourism bosses have blamed the lack of snow on unusually warm winter weather . But temperatures in the Alps were recently revealed to be rising faster than anywhere else in the world , with Alpine resorts attempting to adapt to climate change . A recent Austrian climate report found the country 's temperatures had risen twice as fast as the global average since 1880 , with the number of sunshine hours in the Alps increasing by 20 per cent . | Courchevel and Meribel set to open on Dec 13th , a week later than planned . Unusually warm temperatures caused early snowfall in November to melt . Travel experts say British holidaymakers unlikely to be affected by delay . More snow forecast across the French Alps in the coming days . | [[168, 215], [256, 263], [272, 298], [168, 215], [260, 298], [3043, 3072], [3075, 3148], [299, 341], [314, 378], [3322, 3420], [3587, 3665], [552, 729], [1073, 1120], [1691, 1743], [2996, 3042]] |
Neil Ashton : England are letting Raheem Sterling down . Raheem Sterling admits he is too skinny and wants to get stronger to better deal with the demands of representing Liverpool and England . The Anfield star insists he is active and always working out despite having to tell Three Lions boss Roy Hodgson he was too tired to play against Estonia on Sunday . The Reds midfielder dropped to the bench for England 's 1-0 win in Tallinn but did come on to win the free-kick which led to Wayne Rooney 's winning goal . Raheem Sterling , pictured in action against Estonia , admits he needs to work in the gym to get stronger . Sterling chats with his Liverpool team-mate Adam Lallana on the pitch against Estonia in Tallinn . The 19-year-old , pictured in action against West Brom , admits he is ' a bit skinny ' at present . Sterling speaks in the new edition of Forever Sports . However , 19-year-old Sterling , who has faced a backlash over his reasons for being unable to play , says he is always working on ways to improve his fitness and is regularly found in the gym . Sterling told Forever Sports Magazine : ` I 'm always active , always working out , so you do get an athlete 's body . I 'm a bit skinny at the moment so I 'm working on that , not too much -LSB- muscle -RSB- , as I do n't want to be too top heavy . I 'll be in the gym working , trying to get internally stronger . ' I try to not lift too many weights . The people at the club -LSB- Liverpool -RSB- have been trying to get me to do core as much as possible - that 's been a big factor for me so I try to do that at least a couple of times a week . ' With specialists on hand to help his development , Sterling is bidding to become stronger to cope with gruelling demands of Premier League football . ' I have the odd day where I do work on upper body and stuff like that and try to get myself stronger and fitter . There are specialists at the club who are always working on this stuff with you , and are always working on all these ways to improve , and how to get to the next level . ` That 's one of the steps that I 'm taking - at this moment in time , I 'm just trying to work hard in the gym , and on the pitch as well , to try to get as better as possible . ' Sterling has been blasted by former England captain Alan Shearer for being too ` tired ' to start for his national team . Former Newcastle striker Shearer admitted he had never heard anything like it in his career and would have made a point of speaking to the player if he had . Sterling drives away from Estonian pair Artur Pikk -LRB- left -RRB- and Dmitri Kruglov -LRB- right -RRB- at the A. Le Coq Arena . Match of the Day pundit Alan Shearer has blasted Sterling 's decision to complain about being tired . ' I genuinely have never heard something like that in my career . Certainly not in a squad I was involved in , ' Shearer wrote in The Sun . ` If I had , as either captain of Newcastle or England , I 'd have gone straight up to the player and said `` are you sure ? '' and that 's putting it mildly . ' However , former Three Lions defender Rio Ferdinand has backed the Reds youngster 's decision . The ex-Manchester United centre back , now playing for QPR , claims players are ` too proud ' to take time out and rest . In a series of tweets , Ferdinand said : ` Sterling - tired , fair play to him . English players are normally too proud to do that unlike our foreign friends . #FreshWhenItMattersMost . ` For instance , -LRB- Carlos -RRB- Tevez would come in some days -LRB- at Manchester United -RRB- and sit on the massage bed while the team trained ... `` I 'm tired ... match day - firing & energised . QPR defender Rio Ferdinand has defended Sterling , claiming some English players are ` too proud ' England boss Roy Hodgson -LRB- left -RRB- decided to start Sterling on the bench against Estonia after he complained of leg weariness the day before the game . VIDEO Sterling defends England tiredness . ` Either some real dumb heads on here or they just missed the point totally . Doing what 's better for the team & yourself long term ... ` With more rest at the right times throughout seasons -LRB- Wayne -RRB- Rooney would have gone into tournaments for England fresher 100 % ... Too proud again . ` Same could be said of -LRB- Steven -RRB- Gerrard , -LRB- Frank -RRB- Lampard , JT -LRB- John Terry -RRB- , A. -LRB- Ashley -RRB- Cole , myself , etc. - all too proud to set out of training or a match with the bigger picture in mind . ' In reply to a tweet which read ` did n't fergie used to give Ronaldo a few weeks off mid season early in his career ' , Ferdinand replied : ` yes ... defo helped him develop ' . Raheem on fitness . ` I 'm always active , always working out , so you do get an athlete 's body . I 'm a bit skinny at the moment so I 'm working on that , not too much -LSB- muscle -RSB- , as I do n't want to be too top heavy . I 'll be in the gym working , trying to get internally stronger . ' I try to not lift too many weights . The people at the club -LSB- Liverpool -RSB- have been trying to get me to do core as much as possible - that 's been a big factor for me so I try to do that at least a couple of times a week . ' I have the odd day where I do work on upper body and stuff like that and try to get myself stronger and fitter . There are specialists at the club who are always working on this stuff with you , and are always working on all these ways to improve , and how to get to the next level . That 's one of the steps that I 'm taking - at this moment in time , I 'm just trying to work hard in the gym , and on the pitch as well , to try to get as better as possible . ' Raheem on England . ' I think everyone in the England team can play . We 've been unlucky in certain games and tournaments but I do see a bright future for England . ' Raheem on his skills . ' I do keepy-uppies literally every day on the training field but I do n't do as many skills as I used to do when I was younger . I used to have 10 yards of space and no-one around me and used to do six or seven stepovers , but there 's no point if you 're not putting the ball in the back of the net . ` You 've got to realise that if you do little tricks , you 're going to get kicked in the Premier League . You 've got to really know how to pass and keep the ball moving without getting caught and getting silly injuries . ' Raheem on footballers unfairly getting stick . ' I do n't think some people realise the journey that some footballers have come on . Most people have started aged 7 , 8 , 9 or 10 and some make it to the last important step and some do n't , so it 's really -LSB- a -RSB- make or break -LSB- situation -RSB- initially that we 're in . ` We work for it from a young age and people do n't see it until we 're in the public eye , so they 're probably just thinking that we 're born into playing football really , but it 's a journey we 've come on . ` We do put hours in off the field as well and try to give back as much as possible as we do on the field . ' Raheem on his friendship with Jamaican sprint stars . ` He 's -LSB- Warren Weir -RSB- a good friend of mine and when I go to Jamaica , I try to see him or Usain as much as possible . If we 're not out together , we 're just having a laugh . ' Would he ever take on his friends on the track ? `` No , no ! That 's something I would n't fancy doing really - that 's why they 're in the sport they 're in really , because they 're the best at what they do . ' ' I have n't had a chance to get a kickabout with them yet , but I heard Usain thinks he 's a big player , ' he says in response to Bolt 's claims that he 'd like to play for Man United . ` Yeah , I 've heard that quite a few times . ' Raheem on ignoring the hype . ` It 's nice to hear the things people say but I do n't really take it in too much . I just try to block it out and concentrate purely on football , to improve and try to make people talk even more . ' Raheem on his unique running style . ` None of them -LSB- team-mates -RSB- have gotten to me yet about that , but we always have a joke and a laugh about different stuff . I have n't been bantered so much about that , I 've more had that on social networks . '' FOR THE FULL RAHEEM STERLING INTERVIEW , THE NEW ISSUE OF FOREVER SPORTS IS ON SALE NOW FROM ALL GOOD NEWSAGENTS AND SPORTS DIRECT STORES , PRICED # 2 . | Liverpool midfielder Raheem Sterling says he is ` always working out ' But he complained of tiredness while on England duty and was benched against Estonia . The 19-year-old admits he is ' a bit skinny ' and wants to put on muscle . He came off the bench in Tallinn to help the Three Lions win 1-0 . Sterling is working with Liverpool staff to improve his strength . | [[195, 299], [517, 532], [572, 624], [889, 909], [981, 1073], [1116, 1134], [1137, 1155], [1324, 1343], [2132, 2172], [4702, 4720], [4723, 4741], [4910, 4929], [5564, 5604], [308, 360], [361, 435], [2271, 2298], [2307, 2363], [2693, 2709], [2722, 2753], [3799, 3922], [57, 194], [80, 96], [57, 72], [80, 82], [101, 194], [517, 532], [572, 624], [724, 739], [781, 823], [361, 435], [517, 532], [572, 624], [1676, 1774]] |
In a move to compete with fast-casual restaurants like Chipotle and Five Guys , McDonalds is testing a new tablet ordering system which allows customers to customize their burgers with 20 mix-and-match ingredients like guacamole and tortilla chips . McDonald 's started testing the new system last year at two Orange County stores and recently expanded to two restaurants in San Diego , but the project could be rolling out to other stores soon as the chain battles its lowest sales slump in more than a decade . Experts say the Build Your Burger feature is designed to appeal to younger customers , which have stopped patronizing McDonald 's in favor of fast-casual restaurants like Chipotle where they can chose the ingredients that go into their order . McCustomizable : The Build Your Burger feature allows customers to choose from 22 different ingredients to make their sandwich the way they want it . Above , a picture of the fast-food chain 's signature Big Mac . ` The problem for chains like McDonald 's is that with this generation , the Millennials in particular , the standard of expectations has risen , ' John Gordon , owner of Pacific Management Consulting Group , told U-T San Diego . ` The standards that were OK for our parents , are n't necessarily OK for us . ' The ordering system still has a few kinks it has to work out , like the fact that customers who want to also order off the main menu must submit their order at the counter , instead of just using the Build Your Burger tablet . At the restaurants currently offering the DIY burger option , employees stand at the front of the store explaining the tablet ordering system . All burgers are made with patties used for the Quarter Pounder sandwich , and are freshly grilled for every custom order . Customers then have a choice of buttered and toasted bun -LRB- artisan or brioche -RRB- , cheese -LRB- American , sharp white cheddar , pepper jack -RRB- , and an assortment of other mix-and match toppings like guacamole , grilled mushrooms , pickled jalapenos and garlic aioili . Can I have your order please ? Above , Build Your Burger ordering systems seen above in one southern California McDonald 's restaurant . Touch start : Customers start the Build Your Burger ordering process by using a tablet , as seen above . Beef : All of the Build Your Burgers are made with the same beef pattie used in the Quarter Pounder sandwich . Bun : Customers have a choice between an artisan bun and a brioche bun . Both are buttered and toasted to order . Cheese : Instead of plain American , which McDonald 's uses on its other cheeseburgers , customers can opt out for sharp white cheddar or natural pepper jack . Extras : Other toppings include guacamole , grilled mushroom and tortilla strips . Spreads : Spicy mayo , creamy garlic sauce , ketchup , regular mayo , mustard and special sauce are among the choices of spreads . Smoky : Bacon is the only addition that costs extra in the Build Your Burger process . The only topping that costs extra is bacon , which adds 80 cents to the order . The total cost of these burgers average around $ 5.49 . When the burger is prepared , employees deliver it to the customer 's table in a metal basket instead of handing it out on a plastic tray at the counter . And when the customer is finished eating , an employee comes out again to bus the able and to ask about the experience . The new ordering program appears to be an attempt to address dropping sales at the fast-food chain . Experts say McDonald 's is trying out the program to compete with fast-casual restaurants like Chipotle , which give customers more options on their orders . Above , a line at Chipotle shows how customers choose their burrito toppings . This month , McDonald 's posted its worst same-stores sales decline since 2003 , and sales at stores open at least 13 months dragged 3.7 per cent in August . The slow sales may be due in part to the young Millennial generation 's preference for fast casual restaurants . The percentage of customers aged 19 to 21 has fallen each month by 12.9 per cent since the beginning of 2011 , and has remained flat for the 22 to 27 age group . ` McDonald 's sales are declining , so they 're looking for another way to generate revenues and reach a different crowd , ' Joel Cohen , president of the Cohen Restaurant Marketing Group , told the Chicago Tribune . | The fast-food chain started testing the program at two Orange County , California restaurants last year and recently expanded to two more . Customers order from a tablet and choose from 22 different toppings like guacamole , tortilla chips and garlic aioli . Experts say McDonald 's is trying out the program to compete with fast-casual restaurants like Chipotle , which are popular with younger people . | [[250, 330], [250, 292], [335, 384], [123, 129], [136, 249], [774, 860], [811, 883], [1776, 2056], [1936, 1996], [1999, 2056], [2693, 2766], [3, 77], [513, 597], [3498, 3547], [3510, 3601], [3893, 4005]] |
A British jihadi fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq has become notorious on social media for his love of junk food - confessing that he even dreams about KFC and Nandos while waging jihad . Known by the nom de guerre Abu Hamza al-Britani , the 21-year-old Londoner of Pakistani origin is regularly teased about his insatiable appetite by his fellow ISIS militants , who have branded him ` fat ' and advised him to stop eating so much ice cream . As well as his apparent gluttony , Abu Hamza 's other favoured topic of conversation is the pet kitten he left behind when travelling to fight on the frontline . The terrorist has repeatedly posted messages about and photographs of the ginger cat named Anbar , which he described as ` my princess ' . Although Abu Hamza spends much of his time talking about his pets and uploading photographs of junk food , the terrorists shares the same chilling desire to die in the name of radical Islam as other Britons fighting for the terror group , with his Twitter biography claiming he is ` seeking Martyrdom ' . Hungry : A photograph on social media shows Abu Hamza -LRB- left -RRB- wearing the traditional hat of the Pashtuns , and a dark robe . He is eating ice cream with his close friend Abu Hamza as-Somali in the IS held city of Mosul . As well as his apparent gluttony , Abu Hamza 's other favoured topic of conversation is the pet kitten he left behind when travelling to fight on the frontline . The terrorist has repeatedly posted messages about and photographs of the ginger cat named Anbar , which he described as ` my princess ' Food on the brain : Abu Hamza al-Britani has become notorious on social media for his love of junk food - confessing that he even dreams about KFC and Nandos while waging jihad . Abu Hamza 's endless appetite and obsession with junk food has seen his fellow militants repeatedly poke fun at his weight . ` You 're pretty fat . You should lay off the ice cream , ' one of his Twitter followers posted recently . Abu Hamza appears to take such criticism in his stride , however , responding to the user with : ` Is it my fault you 're eating salads like a rabbit ? ' In another exchange , Abu Hamza was asked : ` If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life , what would you eat ? ' The militant responded with : ` Unhealthy . Spicy wings , cake , chips . ' Such is his love of calorific cuisine that even Abu Hamza 's Twitter page is decorated with food , including what appear to be barbequed chicken legs and rice . In a recent post he told his followers about a dream he 'd had where he was ordering food from KFC , Nandos and his favourite Thai restaurant . He added that his favourite types of foods are ` Indian , Thai and Italian . ' When one of his followers asked if he was fat , Abu Hamza replied : ` No , praise be to God . But I love food and I 'm cooking as I type . ' Minutes later he revealed he was boiling vast quantities of pasta . Masked and armed : On his Ask.Fm account , Abu Hamza revealed that he had waited for five months to tell his mother that he had joined ISIS . When he eventually did , the terrorist claims his mother burst out laughing in disbelief before suggesting that she supported his actions by branding him and fellow jihadis ` lions ' Jihadi jibes : Abu Hamza 's endless appetite and obsession with junk food has seen his fellow militants repeatedly poke fun at his weight . Glutton : Abu Hamza never seems to miss an opportunity to eat something unhealthy , even admitting that he gorges on junk food while working as a guard and fighting for the terror group . Abu Hamza never seems to miss an opportunity to eat something unhealthy , even admitting that he gorges on junk food while working as a guard and fighting for the terror group . ` Cheese and onion crisps , tropical juice on the floor with my klash -LSB- AK47 -RSB- , ' he recently wrote before adding : ` Reloading my PKC chain -LSB- heavy machine gun -RSB- with bullets being fired at us through the wall and I 'm asking @hamza_somali `` what we having for Dinner brother ? '' . ' Abu Hamza often uses his private Twitter account to share photographs of his food , which ranges from large pots of Indonesian noodles to hearty Russian stews . He has revealed a great deal of personal information about himself on social media , telling followers that his family originally come from Lahore in Pakistan , he is 5ft 5in tall , and that his mother was incredibly anxious when he first went to Syria , adding that he prayed God would ` calm her heart ' . On his Ask.Fm account , Abu Hamza revealed that he had waited for five months to tell his mother that he had joined ISIS . When he eventually did , the terrorist claims his mother burst out laughing in disbelief before suggesting that she supported his actions by branding him and fellow jihadis ` lions . ' A photograph on social media shows Abu Hamza wearing a pakul , the traditional hat of the Pashtuns , and a dark robe . He appears to be eating ice cream with his close friend Abu Hamza as-Somali in the IS held city of Mosul . Abu Hamza later wrote on Twitter that the Somali fighter was his ` closest brother since I 've been in jihad . Done everything together . May Allah grant us shahada together too . ' Cat lover : Named ` Anbar ' , after Iraq 's largest province , the wispy ginger and white stray cat was adored by Abu Hamza , who posted photographs of her sleeping next to a box of bullets . Roots : Recently asked whether he missed anything about London , Abu Hamza replied : ` Miss all the different food and family . ' The unmarried fighter also revealed he wanted ` two or three ' children . Despite his apparently light-hearted approach to social media , the 21-year-old maintains a solid belief in the extremist values that define the Islamic State terror group . An avid social media user , ` Hungry Hamza ' is a keen fan of Instagram - promoting his account as offering ' a real insight into what the mujahideen of the IS get up to . ' Whilst Abu Hamza enjoys showing off photos of his food , it is his cat that has attracted most of the attention to his social media accounts . Named ` Anbar ' , after Iraq 's largest province , the wispy ginger and white stray was adored by Abu Hamza , who called her ` my princess ' and posted photographs of her sleeping next to a box of bullets while terrorists around her load their guns . He described the cat as ` crazy ' and ' a big problem ' - explaining that she was ` up all night running around and when she does sleep she only wants to sleep right on top of you . ' The fighter 's emotional attachment to his cat , proved a roblem when he had to leave her behind to go fight for the terrorists group on the frontline . A devastated Abu Hamza posted a final photo of Anbar , saying : ' I will be leaving my princess today . She 's still small but I 've had her since she was a baby ... I know it 's gna -LSB- sic -RSB- be hard to leave her . ' Abu Hamza has revealed that he has lived in both ISIS ' Syrian stronghold of Raqqa and the Iraqi city of Mosul . When asked to compare the cities , Abu Hamza said : ` Raqqa is very social it has everything you need . A bit too much dunya -LSB- multiculturalism -RSB- for me . Mosul is beautiful . It 's more for the quiet ... . kind of family . ' Recently asked whether he missed anything about London , Abu Hamza replied : ` Miss all the different food and family . ' The unmarried fighter also revealed he wanted ` two or three ' children . Despite his apparently light-hearted approach to social media , the 21-year-old maintains a solid belief in the extremist values that define the Islamic State terror group . He insists he and his fellow fighters are ` blessed with better homes than the White House and 10 Downing Street combined ' and encourages young women to join him in the Islamic State , telling them that it is safe for them to travel alone . Abu Hamza has revealed that he has lived in both ISIS ' Syrian sronghold of Raqqa and the Iraqi city of Mosul . When asked to compare the two cities , Abu Hamza said : ` Raqqa is very social it has everything you need . A bit too much dunya -LSB- multiculturalism -RSB- for me . Mosul is beautiful . It 's more for the quiet `` dinner at a restaurant '' kind of family . ' The militant has also told how ISIS fighters play pranks on one another when they 're not fighting , recalling an occasion when one terrorist put washing up liquid in a bottle of mouthwash . ` You can imagine what happened next . I 'm still coughing bubbles , ' he said . If you have any information on Abu Hamza al-Britani or any of the British IS fighters , get in touch : [email protected] . | Abu Hamza al-Britani is regularly teased about his appetite by ISIS fighters . 21-year-old Londoner of Pakistani origin often posts messages about food . Claims to dream about Western junk food while fighting on the frontline . Also posts messages about his pet cat ` Anbar ' , who he calls ` my princess ' | [[244, 367], [1833, 1889], [3277, 3289], [3292, 3380], [3360, 3416], [244, 367], [4087, 4168], [0, 131], [109, 118], [121, 172], [109, 131], [145, 172], [1680, 1689], [1692, 1743], [1680, 1702], [1716, 1743], [3427, 3436], [3449, 3604], [3605, 3614], [3627, 3782], [612, 696], [682, 696], [720, 746], [1449, 1533], [1519, 1533], [1557, 1583], [6257, 6266], [6273, 6297]] |
The Islamic State has set up terror training camps in Libya after the U.S. admitted that more than one hundred militants have gathered in the country . ISIS has already overran large areas of Iraq and Syria and a today a top US general confirmed that the Islamic extremists had set up in eastern Libya with the American military monitoring the situation closely . Western countries have been increasingly worried that Libya 's political turmoil could provide fertile ground for Islamic extremists , but General David Rodriguez ruled out military action on the ` nascent ' camps in the immediate future . Scroll down for video . The group has largely focused on Iraq and is currently fighting for control of Kobane in Syria but there are fears they are spreading into North Africa . The head of US Africa Command told reporters at the Pentagon : ` They put training camps out there ' , referring to ISIS who have seized territory in Iraq and neighboring Syria this year in a brutal and swift offensive of beheadings and forced religious conversions . ` ISIS has begun its efforts over in the east out there to introduce some people over there . ` But we 'll have to just continue to monitor and watch that carefully in the future to see what happens or whether it grows on unabated . ' He described the IS activity in eastern Libya as ` very small ' but added that there were ` around a couple hundred ' militants present at the camps , with US forces continuing to track the area . The United States has been waging an air war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria , but when asked if the training camps in Libya were a potential target for American forces , Mr Rodriguez replied : ` No , not right now . ' The four-star general said it appeared the ISIS militants in Libya were not volunteers coming from outside the country but militia members who had shifted their loyalty to the jihadist group . His comments came after the US government and European allies voiced ` grave concern ' over mounting violence and civil unrest in Libya . ISIS has already seized huge swathes of land in Iraq and Syria , including the town of Raqqa , pictured . Experts have warned that ISIS has gained a foothold in the eastern town of Derna , exploiting the chaos that has engulfed the North African state . Libya has been plagued by instability since the overthrow of autocratic leader Moamer Kadhafi in 2011 , and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently boasted of vows of allegiance from militants in the country . Analysts say a number of factions in Derna have pledged loyalty to the group , but it remains unclear how much support they enjoy . ISIS , which aims to establish an Islamic caliphate across the region , is the prime target of the US-led bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria . The group has attracted a wave of global revulsion after a series of horrific executions of Western hostages filmed and released online , as well as gruesome videos depicting the beheadings of Syrian and Iraqi forces . While largely based in Iraq and Syria , the IS organization has also attracted pledges of allegiance from militant groups in Egypt , with the Ansar Beit al-Maqdis -LRB- Partisans of Jerusalem -RRB- group last month vowing support for the group . He described the IS activity in eastern Libya as ` very small and nascent . ' ` Around a couple hundred ' militants were present at the camps and US forces would continue to track the area to see if the IS presence expanded , said Rodriguez . The United States has been waging an air war against the IS group in Iraq and Syria , but when asked if the training camps in Libya were a potential target for American forces , Rodriguez said : ` No , not right now . ' The IS group ` has begun its efforts over in the east out there to introduce some people over there , ' he said . ` But we 'll have to just continue to monitor and watch that carefully in the future to see what happens or whether it grows on unabated . ' The four-star general said it appeared the IS militants in Libya were not volunteers coming from outside the country but militia members who had shifted their loyalty to the jihadist group . His comments came after the US government and European allies voiced ` grave concern ' over mounting violence and civil unrest in Libya . Experts have warned that the IS group has gained a foothold in the eastern town of Derna , exploiting the chaos that has engulfed the North African state . Commander of the United States Africa Command General David Rodriguez , who has warned that ISIS has set up terror training campaigns for militants in eastern Libya . Libya has been plagued by instability since the overthrow of autocratic leader Moamer Kadhafi in 2011 , and IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently boasted of vows of allegiance from militants in the country . Analysts say a number of factions in Derna have pledged loyalty to the IS group , but it remains unclear how much support they enjoy . IS , which aims to establish an Islamic ` caliphate ' across the region , is the prime target of the US-led bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria . The group has attracted a wave of global revulsion after a series of horrific executions of Western hostages filmed and released online , as well as gruesome videos depicting the beheadings of Syrian and Iraqi forces . While largely based in Iraq and Syria , the group has also attracted pledges of allegiance from militant groups in Egypt , with the Ansar Beit al-Maqdis -LRB- Partisans of Jerusalem -RRB- group last month vowing support for the group . By Larisa Brown , Defence Reporter for The Daily Mail . More British troops will be sent to help the Iraqi security forces as part of a large-scale mission to defeat Islamic State jihadists . Military trainers will teach the Iraqi army how to counter deadly roadside bombs as the British Army steps up its role in the country , leading to claims of ` mission creep ' . They will join four large American training bases that will be established within weeks to train and advise the Iraqi army on a wider scale . Details are yet to be finalised but an announcement is expected in the coming days . Lieutenant General Gordon Messenger told the Defence Select Committee yesterday : ` The training and support that we are providing has been requested by both the Kurds and central Iraqi Government . ` The Americans will see the establishment of four big training bases - one of which will be in Erbil . ` As part of that we see ourselves delivering niche specialist training in the area which is much needed , particular in IEDs . ` We are still scoping the exact nature of that but we hope to have some concrete proposals in the coming days . ' He added : ` We are sending the reconnaissance forces out there to ensure that at the time when are training is needed we will be able to deliver it . ' In terms of numbers , they were still looking at both ` light ' and ` heavy ' options , he said . Islamist jihadists have started laying IEDs to take out Iraqi forces as part of a change in tactics after UK airstrikes blasted their vehicles and killed their fighters . British soldiers -- who have learnt how to detect the deadly bombs after fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan -- have been asked to help by the Iraqi government due to their specialist knowledge . The deputy chief of defence staff said British forces were also looking at other training possibilities as part of the UK 's contribution to a ` large scale venture ' in training anti- Islamic State forces . He added : ' I think importantly it is demand led ... we are delivering the type of training that these forces have asked for and need . ' Hundreds of British forces will also be sent to join American troops in training thousands of Syrian moderates outside the country . Defence sources said both Saudi Arabia and Jordan could host the training grounds but details are yet to be finalised . Peter Watkins , Director General of Security Policy , denied the further deployment of UK forces to ` advise and train ' Iraqi security forces was ` mission creep ' . He told MPs : ` Whatever we do has to be guided by the objectives we set out at the first place . ' I think if we remain guided by the objectives we can avoid mission creep . ' Lt Gen Messenger said air strikes had helped demoralise Islamic State -- but had forced the extremist fighters to change tactics . He said : ` The effect on the morale of both those organisations has been significantly enhanced by those air strikes . ' There had been an ` equivalent reduction ' in the morale of IS , who were now using guerrilla tactics such as improvised explosive devices -LRB- IEDs -RRB- . ` They were much more out in the open and even held military parades in certain areas ' Lt Gen Messenger said . ` That has stopped . They are resorting to more asymmetric tactics , including the use of IEDs . They are using quite extensive countermeasures to avoid them being struck , moving at night , using the weather , avoiding grouping in big areas . ' | ISIS has set up terror training camps for militants in eastern Libya . U.S. admits more than 100 fighters are gathered in country at various sites . General David Rodriguez says the situation is being monitored closely . The camps have been described as very small and there are no plans for military action yet . | [[0, 74], [211, 363], [847, 880], [1050, 1105], [4453, 4511], [4516, 4606], [66, 151], [1285, 1287], [1353, 1461], [3324, 3378], [211, 363], [503, 603], [1285, 1346], [3237, 3312]] |
With their near-death experiences and tumultuous love lives - plus the odd major disaster - soap characters seem to have nine lives . But even when they are killed off , it 's rarely the last we 'll see of the actors who play them . When soap stars announce they 're quitting the show for bigger things , it 's not Hollywood that 's beckoning , but Holby City or EastEnders . As ex-Emmerdale actress Claire King joins Coronation Street , we chart the fortunes of those stars who ca n't make a clean break from soap ... Claire King joined Emmerdale in 1989 as super bitch Kim Tate -LRB- right -RRB- . She quit after ten years , and from 2005 she was in Hollyoaks , in which she played no less than three roles . This month Claire , 51 , will become a Corrie regular as barmaid Erika . Ross Kemp was famed as EastEnders hard man Grant Mitchell -LRB- left with Martine McCutcheon -RRB- . He quit in 1999 and returned twice before making documentaries about real gangs . Kemp played an Army deserter in Emmerdale in 1986 -LRB- right -RRB- . Back in 1983 , Beverley Callard briefly played Angie Richards , a chip shop cashier in Emmerdale with a big mouth and bigger hair -LRB- right -RRB- . Since 1989 she 's been in and out of Corrie as landlady Liz McDonald , famous for her plunging necklines -LRB- left -RRB- . From 1992-96 , Denise Black played Corrie 's siren hairdresser Denise Osbourne -LRB- pictured right -RRB- , with a comeback in 2007 . Last year , she crossed the Pennines and arrived in Emmerdale as Joanie Wright -LRB- left -RRB- , the adoptive gran of Adam Wyatt 's son , Kyle . It 's hard to imagine June Brown as anyone other than Dot Cotton -LRB- pictured left -RRB- , the chain-smoking launderette lady in EastEnders -- a part she has played for 30 years . But in 1970 , she was briefly in Coronation Street -LRB- right -RRB- with Ena Sharples . In EastEnders , Michelle Collins was Cindy , Ian Beale 's cheating wife -LRB- right -RRB- from 1998 until she was killed off in jail ten years later . In 2011 , she joined Corrie as Stella Price -LRB- pictured left with screen husband John Michie -RRB- , quitting this year . As put-upon housewife Sheila Grant , Sue Johnston made her name in gritty Liverpudlian soap Brookside between 1982 and 1989 -LRB- centre -RRB- . In September 2012 she joined the Street , playing randy granny Gloria Price for 18 months -LRB- left -RRB- , although she 'd already appeared in the soap three times in 1982 -LRB- right -RRB- . Long before she started cutting hair in Weatherfield , Sue Nicholls played Marilyn Gates , a waitress in Crossroads , in the mid-Sixties -LRB- left -RRB- . Since 1985 she 's been Corrie regular Audrey Roberts -LRB- pictured right with Bryan Mosley as Alf Roberts -RRB- . After 25 years as the Street 's brassy barmaid Bet Lynch -LRB- pictured right -RRB- , Julie Goodyear 's departure in 1995 was big news , though she revisited the role several times . She later appeared in Hollyoaks as Mrs Temple -- a brassy B&B owner -LRB- left -RRB- . For 15 years , Gillian Taylforth was Kathy Beale in EastEnders -LRB- pictured right with Steve McFadden -RRB- before quitting in 2000 . In 2013 , Gillian joined Hollyoaks as Sandy Roscoe -LRB- left -RRB- , mum to six ne'er - do-well , murdering sons . She left this year . In 1993 , Sherrie Hewson became Maureen Naylor , the scatty shop assistant in Corrie -- axed four years later , only to return in 2006 -LRB- pictured right -RRB- . In 2001 , she was Virginia Raven , a receptionist in the revival of Crossroads -LRB- centre -RRB- . She went to Emmerdale in 2004 -LRB- left -RRB- , playing Lesley Meredith for two years . | Former Emmerdale actress Claire King is all set to join Coronation Street . She is one of many actors and actresses to jump between soap roles . We chart the fortunes of those who have struggled to quit the small screen . | [[379, 435]] |
A Houston mother has been charged with neglect after her nine-year-old daughter 's body was discovered stuffed inside a refrigerator six months ago . Amber Keyes is being held Wednesday on a charge of injury to a child-serious bodily injury . The 35-year-old Keyes has n't been charged with killing her daughter , Ayahna Comb , but Houston police say the neglect charge is linked to her death . Ayahna weighed 14 pounds when some children looking for food found her body in Keyes ' refrigerator in June . Charged : Houston mom Amber Keyes , 33 -LRB- left -RRB- , has been charged over the death of her nine-year-old daughter Ayahna -LRB- right -RRB- , whose body was found in the crisper of a fridge in June weighing just 14 pounds . Tragic : The body of Ayahna -LRB- center -RRB- was found wrapped in a blanket inside the fridge of mother Amber Keyes ' -LRB- right -RRB- apartment . Ayahna , who has a younger sister -LRB- left -RRB- , had been there almost five months , it 's believed . A neighbor called police to the Happy Home apartments in the 10100 block of Club Creek . At the time paramedics determined the little girl had been dead at least a month . An autopsy determined Ayahna , who had cerebral palsy , died of malnutrition and dehydration . Keyes says she found Ayahna unresponsive on January 29 but could n't revive her , so she wrapped the girl in a blanket and stashed her in the fridge . If the account is accurate , the child would have been in the fridge for over four months . Ayahna could not talk , was confined to a wheelchair and had to be bottle-fed . An attorney for Keyes did n't immediately comment . Bond was set at $ 50,000 . Scene : The dead girl was found in the refrigerator of a home at The Happy Home Apartments -LRB- pictured -RRB- in Houston , Texas in June . Investigators believe that she had been there for five months . Neglect : Amber Keyes - seen here in an earlier picture - is being held in the Harris County Jail on $ 50,000 bond . Keyes also has a criminal record . She was arrested for possession of a controlled substance in 1998 and spent over 12 months in prison as a result . She then spent 30 days in jail for a criminal trespass charge in 2000 . Keyes previously lost custody of another child more than a decade ago . USA Today reported that Child Protective Services removed an 18-month-old that suffered physical abuse in 2002 . The child was placed in foster care . Keyes went on to have another two other children , both daughters , one of which was Ayahna . The father of the two older girls , Armand Comb , broke down in tears after learning of Ayahna 's death earlier this year . Comb said he last saw his daughter about two months before her body was discovered and that she appeared to be in good health . Tears : The girl 's father Armand Comb said that he had no idea his daughter was dead and claimed to have seen her two months before her body was found in June . ` Last time I saw her , she was looking good . It looked like she was gaining weight . Her cheeks were kind of fat . I would never , never suspect that , ' he told KHOU in June . Comb said he spoke to his ex-girlfriend on the day his daughter was discovered and that Keyes ` was talking like she was there with them ' . ' I just want to know what happened man , why ? I was right here I would 've helped . I would 've done anything . ' | The body of Ayahna Comb , 9 , was found wrapped in a blanket inside the crisper of the fridge in her mother 's Houston apartment in June . The girl weighed 14 pounds and had been there five months , it 's believed . Cause of death was malnutrition and dehydration . Mom Amber Keyes , 33 , was charged with neglect in connection with the death on Wednesday . She told police she found Ayahna dead on January 29 . Keyes said she did n't know what to do and so put the body in the fridge . Ayahna suffered from cerebral palsy and was confined to a wheelchair . | [[0, 87], [53, 149], [0, 1], [103, 149], [395, 504], [425, 504], [505, 512], [515, 526], [555, 624], [644, 649], [652, 707], [743, 839], [734, 740], [743, 780], [791, 839], [1342, 1407], [1665, 1755], [2905, 2933], [53, 149], [395, 504], [708, 733], [884, 890], [929, 970], [973, 989], [1079, 1161], [1437, 1499], [1800, 1863], [1822, 1863], [1162, 1190], [1218, 1256], [0, 87], [332, 394], [505, 512], [515, 526], [555, 624], [1257, 1336], [53, 149], [0, 1], [103, 149], [743, 839], [734, 740], [743, 780], [791, 839], [1342, 1407], [1184, 1190], [1197, 1215], [1500, 1506], [1524, 1552]] |
Police are hunting for Huw Norfolk , 27 , an anarchist known as Badger , who they want to question over an arson attack on a phone mast and vandalism on newspaper offices . A middle-class anarchist suspected of causing criminal damage worth around # 300,000 has had a # 10,000 bounty placed on his head . Huw Norfolk , the son of a poet and a nuclear energy adviser , has been on the run for three years . Known as Badger , the heavily tattooed 27-year-old has links to anarchist communities across southern England , Europe and South America . Unable to track him down , police have taken the ` quite unique ' step for a crime of this nature by offering a financial reward of # 10,000 for information as to his whereabouts . Meanwhile , his parents have been left to deal with the humiliation of a manhunt for their son and have been questioned by police at the # 700,000 family home in Cheltenham . His father , Dr David Norfolk , 64 , is a Cambridge-educated company director who specialises in nuclear energy . His company , Norfolk Garrett Consultancy , advises nuclear operators on environmental regulations . His mother , Gill Garrett , 65 , is a poet , writer and former lecturer . The couple have told Avon and Somerset Police they have ` no clue as to his whereabouts ' and have had no contact with their son for some time . The Norfolks also have a 29-year-old daughter who is a volunteer officer in the health and social care sector and an accomplished archer . She attended Pate 's Grammar School in Cheltenham , one of the UK 's leading state schools . Their son is suspected of setting fire to a communications mast in Bath which caused about # 300,000 worth of damage and knocked out the power to thousands of homes . He is also accused of causing criminal damage to the Bristol Post newspaper office during the August 2011 riots . Officers are investigating more than 100 incidents that have resulted in a combined # 20million worth of damage and say they can not rule out his links to these other attacks . Police first appealed locally for information on Norfolk 's whereabouts in 2011 but it yielded no results . His last known address was in Bristol city centre but police said he had could have fled the country by now . A letter attributed to him and posted online in November 2011 said : ` My decision is not to comply with my judicial persecution . ' With little to go on officers decided to put the # 10,000 bounty on his head . Detective Chief Inspector Andy Bevan , who is leading the investigation , said : ` Norfolk is wanted in connection with these two serious crimes and we 're asking the public to help us to find him . The arson attack at Bathampton mast on January 3 , 2013 , caused damage worth several hundred thousand pounds and affected TV , radio and mobile phone signals to thousands of homes and businesses , including sole and small-scale traders and independent businesses that rely on their telephones to work and trade . Police from the Avon and Somerset force -LRB- pictured -RRB- believe Norfolk has connections to anarchist groups responsible for 60 fires around Bath , and other groups in Pembrokshire , Bristol , and London . ` It robbed many people of their only lifeline in the event of an emergency and put the lives of thousands of innocent adults and children at risk . ' He said the incident at the Bristol Post building , which saw windows smashed and paint thrown at it , caused thousands of pounds worth of ` mindless criminal damage ' . ` Both incidents caused huge disruption to the lives of innocent people and we 're taking them extremely seriously , ' DCI Bevan added . Norfolk is white , of a slight build and around 5ft 9in . He has green eyes and sometimes wears spectacles . The anarchist is known to regularly change his appearance and give false details , including the name of Geoffrey or Howard . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article . | Officers appeal for information on Huw Norfolk , 27 , known as ` Badger ' Will be questioned over phone mast fire set in protest at Brazil World Cup . Also want to speak to him about vandalism at offices of Bristol Post . # 10,000 offered for information but police admit he may have fled abroad . | [[42, 70], [64, 70], [82, 172], [64, 70], [82, 172], [1734, 1847], [1734, 1736], [1753, 1847], [3353, 3378], [3387, 3416], [3353, 3378], [3432, 3494], [173, 304], [266, 304], [572, 725], [2187, 2242], [2376, 2454]] |
Given that this thing is the height of a man , can disembowel a human with one thwack of its three-pronged claw and weighs up to 90lb , the locals seem remarkably relaxed that it is on the loose . In fact , as the hunt for the runaway rhea of Essex gathers momentum , they all seem to be treating the whole thing as a bit of a laugh . And last night , the jokes took a turn for the worse . Because the Daily Mail has now tracked down this giant flightless bird -- a 45mph ostrich-cum-emu usually found on South American pampas -- to a golf course outside Nuthampstead , Hertfordshire . Scroll down for video . Latest sighting : Charmaine Lake captured this image of the missing rhea bird which can run at speeds of up to 40mph at Barkway Park Golf Club , near Nuthampstead , Hertfordshire . Tracked down : Despite the missing rhea bird being capable of killing a man with a single whack of its claw , locals at the Barkway Park Golf Club , near Nuthampstead , pictured , do n't seem concerned . And by close of play yesterday evening , the ` birdie ' gags were becoming unbearable in the 19th hole at Barkway Park Golf Club . Mind you , they might not be chortling quite so happily the next time they 're poking around in the rough for a missing ball ... For even if we have now narrowed down the chase , no one seems to think there is much chance of trapping this monster feather duster in the near future . It is nearly four weeks since the six-year-old female rhea went on the run from Jo Clark 's smallholding in Brent Pelham on the Essex/Hertfordshire border . Jo has kept rheas for many years -- among her horses , sheep , geese , ducks and cats -- in order to keep down the weeds on her 11 acres . No one is entirely sure why the bird escaped , although Jo thinks it may have been spooked by the local hunt passing nearby . ` I followed her for four hours with a bucket of food , but you ca n't herd these creatures and so I gave up , ' says Jo , who still has three remaining rheas , all one-year-old offspring of the runaway mum . Since rheas are not remotely maternal -LRB- after laying their eggs , they leave the hatching and childcare to the males -RRB- , it is unlikely that this one will be feeling any pangs of remorse . Certainly , as I drop in on the abandoned trio , they all seem perfectly happy . In recent days , however , there have been sporadic sightings of Mum across a five-mile radius hereabouts . Spotted : A cyclist took this picture of the fugitive South American rhea - which stands at around six-foot tall - in countryside north east of Stevenage in Hertfordshire at the weekend . On the hunt : The Daily Mail 's Robert Hardman goes in search of the missing rhea bird in the rape seed fields of Astey , Hertfordshire . On Sunday , civil engineer Tim Bradshaw managed to take a charming shot of the animal in a field of rapeseed just outside the village of Anstey . Since then , a media circus has descended , armed with lurid warnings about the damage these birds can inflict when cornered . As I rapidly discover , though , we 're not exactly talking Beast of Bodmin , let alone Jaws . ` We 're all looking out for it now , ' says Tim 's wife , Madeleine , a piano teacher . ` It 's funny because my husband 's always been a keen photographer and so has his father . ` His dad once had a picture published in the Bath Chronicle . Now , Tim 's gone one better with a picture in the national papers and we 've even had Have I Got News For You on the phone ! ' Son Harry , ten , is determined to go one better and has been out trying to capture some video footage . Is he a little scared ? After all , the RSPCA and the cops are warning people not to approach the bird , even though Jo Clark 's young brood would n't say boo to one of her geese . He said : ` You can see the bird . standing in a couple of the shots , in the others it was grubbing around . in the rape field for food , or perhaps it was trying to bury its head in . the sand . ` It was about six feet high with its head up . ' Big bird : The runaway rhea was also photographed near Brent Pelham on Thursday by cyclist Ray Murdoch . Mr Murdoch took these two pictures with his mobile phone after the bird trotted off into a field of rape seed oil . ` I 'm not worried , ' says Harry . ` It 's good fun . ' The locals have already named the bird Chris -- after the singer , Chris Rea -- despite the fact that this rhea is a she . There is no great desire to see her returned to captivity . In fact , everyone seems to wish ` Chris ' the best of luck . ` I hope people just leave it alone . It 'll be fine out there and there 's plenty for it to eat , ' says Di Pyper . As the joint master of the local hunt , the Puckeridge , Di knows this terrain better than anyone and agrees to be my guide . She first learned of the creature from her sister-in-law . ` She 'd just fallen off her horse and came home talking about seeing an ostrich . We all thought she must have concussion and told her to lie down . Then other people started saying the same . ' Today , she has heard reports of sightings five miles away , near the 12th fairway at Barkway Park Golf Club , and off we go . It 's charming countryside , narrow lanes meandering through gently undulating crop-filled fields sprinkled with thatched cottages and handsome little churches . We 're only 35 miles from London and a short drive from Stansted Airport , but it 's a tranquil spot with plenty of hedgerows and woods to provide cover for a furtive feathered giant . Barkway Park is a delightful little . club . At the clubhouse , Anthony Smith has just finished a round . Has he . seen a grey/brown South American bird , about 5ft 8in tall ? ` So that 's . what it was , ' he says . ` I did catch a glimpse of something running . across the 11th fairway . ' Really hard to spot : The six-foot bird has been on the run for a month . They are also incredibly hard to catch because of their fast speeds . Disappeared : The rhea escaped from a smallholding in Brent Pelham on the Essex/Hertfordshire border . The hunt closes in . I meet greenkeeper Carl Edwards . He and his colleague , Anthony Lake , have not just seen the bird a few hours earlier , they have managed to capture it on their mobile phones . ` Anthony just said : `` There 's that emu ! '' . It was about my height and minding its own business so we started filming , ' says Carl , showing me the result . Sure enough , there is ` Chris ' , snooping around the western edge of the course . She certainly does n't seem to pose a threat and just ambles off into the bushes when the two men get too close . Later on , Anthony 's wife , Charmaine , says that she spotted the bird while out with her two young children and grabbed a snap of it on her phone . It is dashing across a nicely manicured fairway as purposefully as a club captain who has just spotted a non-member wearing inappropriate trousers and teeing off in the wrong direction . ` I could n't believe it when I saw it , ' she says , ` but I 'm not sure I 'd want to get too close to it . ' By last night , word of our progress had spread and the media circus had started to descend on the fairways of Barkway Park . So why should a wild South American bird take a fancy to golf ? Jo Clark has another theory : ` A few years ago , I did sell a breeding pair to a man near Barkway , and this one will be looking for a mate at this time of year . ' In which case , it may not be too long before this bit of East Anglia starts to see rather more exotic flightless birds running wild and causing mayhem . I fear I can see an Essex girl joke coming already ... | Rhea escaped from home in Brent Pelham , Hertfordshire , four weeks ago . The flightless birds have six-inch claws that can deliver fatal blow . Native South American birds are increasingly popular as pets in Britain . Owner Jo Clarke says she does n't know how to recapture it as it 's so fast . Bird has now been tracked down - to a golf course in Nuthampstead . | [[1409, 1462], [1439, 1565], [5970, 6058], [814, 898]] |
A ` feisty ' giant rhea burst past its owner and went running down a busy main road causing bemusement , just six weeks after another of a massive birds escaped . Locals in Warminster Town , Wiltshire , took photographs of the bird as it fled having avoided the attempts of several women who tried to keep it under control . Police spent three hours chasing the flightless bird before it was cornered allowing the owner to safely collect it . The giant rhea , pictured , escaped from its owner yesterday evening and ran down the street in Warminster . Local resident Andy Taylor spotted the rhea , pictured , running past his car as he was stuck in rush-hour traffic yesterday afternoon . Police officers spent three hours trying to capture massive bird after it escaped yesterday afternoon bringing traffic in Warminster to a standstill . Eyewitness Adam Taylor , 29 said : ` To be honest I did n't see it at first . I was wondering why the car in front had suddenly stopped . ` Then I saw what I thought was an albino ostrich and a women trying to shepherd it back towards her house . ' I thought , `` well that 's something you do n't see everyday '' . ` The owner managed to grab it but it shed a few feathers escaping her grasp , and then ran off stopped and turned by my car . ' I thought about getting out and helping but was n't sure how safe a choice that was , as I was unsure if it was dangerous or not . ` I 've seen ostriches before at Longleat and assumed this was the same . ' The . bird 's owner , who did not want give his name , said : ` It 's a male bird . and unfortunately he has taken a dislike to me so when I went to get the . post yesterday afternoon he just burst at me . ` He made a dash for it through the open gate and that was it . Unfortunately this time of year males can be really feisty and that 's what happened . ` It . would n't ever hurt anyone else , they are lovely creatures , my . 10-year-old can play with them just fine , it 's just me he does n't like . He made a run for it down the road and we had to wait for the police to corner it and bring it back . ' He added : . ' I used to own lots of Rhea , I had them on my farm , they are lovely . birds . I 'm in the process of selling off the house so I 'm selling off . the birds too , this was my last one . ` They are a South American bird and they keep them rather than sheep , they really are lovely . ' Police officers spent three hours chasing the bird . An earlier escaped rhea in Hertfordshire , pictured , was shot dead and turned into sausages . Baffled residents could not believe their eyes when they spotted an exotic bird - running riot in a quiet town centre . Police . called nearby Longleat Safari Park thinking that the Rhea may have . escaped from the estate , but they said all animals were accounted for . Rita the Rhea , escaped from a small holding owned by Jo Clark in Starling 's Green in Essex in mid-March . The giant bird was running wild for more than a month when it was eventually shot in the head by gamekeeper Stuart Howe . Mr Howe said he saw the bird 70 yards away in a rape seed field near Royston , Hertfordshire . After shooting Rita , Mr Howe said he was going to turn her into gourmet sausages . The giant white flightless bird was eventually cornered in a back garden in Warminster , where its owner came to pick it up . Sergeant Jim Suter , Sector Sergeant for Trowbridge and Bradford-on-Avon , informed followers of the strange chase on Twitter . ` Police responding to report of Ostrich running through #Warminster High Street , ' he tweeted . ` The Ostrich turned out to be a Rea located rear of #Warminster hospital and returned to owner . ' Local Kate Preece wrote on Twitter : ` It was BIG , long neck & legs carrying it at break neck speed down the road ! I was scared it would be killed ! ' Jamie . Wilkins said : ` I 'm a little concerned . My wife is out with friends . tonight and there 's reports of an ostrich running through Warminster . ' He later added : ` The people of Warminster can relax . It was n't an ostrich it was a rhea . It was cornered behind the hospital . ` Grace . Dickins wrote : ` Just seen picture evidence that there is indeed a loose . emu or rhea running around Warminster High Street . ' Fully-grown rheas can weigh up to 80lb , exceed 6ft in height and run as fast as 40mph . The spur on their heel is as big as their claws and they can kick with a force of 800lb per square inch . | Police in Warminster spent three hours chasing the giant flightless bird . The owner said male rheas ` this time of year can be really feisty ' The owner explained ` unfortunately he has taken a dislike to me ' The last giant rhea to escape had to be shot and was turned into sausages . | [[325, 419], [689, 753], [711, 839], [2402, 2454], [2424, 2454], [3230, 3261], [3266, 3316], [1498, 1511], [1547, 1551], [1556, 1575], [1762, 1848], [1594, 1650], [2455, 2495], [2509, 2522], [3146, 3165], [3168, 3229]] |
They are two giants of the animal kingdom , but that did not stop this male elephant and black rhino from clashing dramatically in a fearsome fight at a park in Africa . Amateur photographer Louis Kok and his wife Marthie captured these extraordinary photographs of the large elephant attacking the female rhino - flipping it into its back and leaving it with its legs in the air . The couple from Pretoria , South Africa , were photographing a rhino cow and her calf when the testosterone-fuelled , one-tusked elephant approached . Scroll down for video . Tossed and turned : The large male elephant charges at the female rhino and flips it onto its side . Relentless : The testosterone-fuelled beast lays into the mother rhino , who was protecting her calf . African assault : The one-tusked elephant attacks the rhino with its truck as it lies injured in the dust . Protective mother : The rhino was attacked while trying to protect her calf from the rampaging elephant . The pair were stunned to watch the peaceful scene transform into a brutal battle as the bull elephant charged at the protective rhino mother . Mr Kok said : ` Male elephants on musth , fuelled by exorbitant levels of testosterone , are extremely dangerous , and will attack anything which stands in their path . ' Musth is a condition during which bull elephants experience a huge rise in reproductive hormones - testosterone levels can reach up to 60 times higher than normal - and this makes them extremely aggressive . Stunned : Amateur photographer Louis Kok and his wife Marthie did not expect the fight to break out . Immobilised : The helpless rhino is left prostrate , lying on its back after the elephant 's brutal attack . Cowering : The rhino calf watches on , hiding in the shrubs as the elephant attacks its mother . Baby blues : The calf emerges in search of its mother as the elephant peers on it the background . ` The elephant immediately toppled the rhino which landed helplessly on its back with its legs in the air , ' Mr Kok continued . ` The elephant kept rolling the defenceless rhino around in the dust , while crushing it repeatedly under its enormous weight - in a traumatising display of speed , agility and brutal power . ' After the fight the rhino 's calf rushed to its injured mother 's side . ` The calf remained in the vicinity for some time , circling her mother and attempting repeatedly to help her up , ' Mr Kok said . I love you mum ! The baby rhino rushes to its mother 's side once the scene is safe and the elephant has gone . Caring child : The calf tends to its mother , which lies on the ground , groaning in pain from her injuries . Heartbreaking : The mother managed to get up after around two hours , but died days later from her injuries . Scientific name : Loxodonta africana . Height : 11 feet . Length : 19-24 feet . Weight : 6 tons . Status : Vulnerable . Habitats : Grasslands and forests . Scientific name : Diceros bicornis . Height : 5.2 feet . Length : 10 feet . Weight : 1,760-3 ,080 lb . Status : Critically endangered . Habitats : Grasslands and deserts . The pair reported the incident to the management of the park , who said that the rhino did miraculously manage to get up around two hours after the attack . The following day she was spotted about 300 metres from the scene of the fight , but unfortunately died a few days later from her injuries . The couple were requested not to identify the park to prevent the influx of poachers into the area . | Large male elephant attacked female rhino which was protecting its calf . It charged at the rhino and flipped it onto its back , leaving its legs in the air . Continued to roll the defenceless animal around and crush it with its weight . Rhino managed to get back up , but sadly died from its injuries days later . Stunning images captured by amateur photographer Louis Kok and his wife . | [[266, 330], [382, 406], [424, 532], [568, 574], [577, 628], [712, 722], [735, 760], [889, 974], [1059, 1117], [295, 311], [314, 339], [170, 213], [344, 381], [557, 563], [633, 657], [1906, 2009], [2035, 2101], [2035, 2047], [2110, 2224], [2653, 2666], [2669, 2679], [2727, 2762], [3333, 3388], [170, 213], [222, 284], [170, 213], [344, 381]] |
New figures reveal 22.5 per cent of children are obese or overweight , with the highest rates found in Hackney , east London -LRB- picture posed by model -RRB- . One in ten children are obese when they start school at the age of four or five , figures show . This rises to one in five by the final year of primary school when they are ten or 11 . But rates vary across England and are generally much higher in the most deprived areas . Hackney in East London , for example , has the highest level of obesity , with 14.4 per cent of reception age children -- one in seven -- and 26.1 per cent of those in Year 6 affected . The Government had been hoping rates were starting to stabilise or fall , but this year they are back up . Figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that 22.5 per cent of reception age children are obese or overweight , up from 22.2 per cent last year . For children in Year 6 , aged ten or 11 , the rate is 33.5 per cent , compared with 33.3 per cent last year . With the figures released a week earlier than usual , campaigners accused the Government of trying to bury bad news on the day of the Autumn Statement . The HSCIC denied this , saying the data had been ready sooner and pointing out that the Department of Health had no influence on the publication date . Tam Fry , of the National Obesity Forum , said : ` It 's very sad -- we 're just letting our children get fatter and fatter . ` It 's going to be another full year before we have any kind of strategy from the Government . ` It 's tragic . The Government are trying to bury bad news . ' Dr Colin Michie , of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health , said : ` What is startling is the gulf between health outcomes for rich and poor , the fact that childhood obesity is continuing to rise and children are getting fatter younger . ' Eustace de Sousa , of Public Health England , said : ` It is deeply concerning that there is an actual doubling of child obesity rates from reception to the end of primary school , and that children from low-income households are significantly more likely to be overweight or obese . ' Obesity levels in children had remained stable over the past few years and last year they appeared to be falling . This year 's rise has prompted concern that government strategies are not working . These include the ` Responsibility Deal ' , under which food and drinks manufacturers set their own targets for cutting sugar and fat , and the Change4Life campaign . The figures are based on data from 1.1 million children who took part in the National Child Measurement Programme . The lowest levels of obesity are in Windsor and Maidenhead , Berkshire , affecting just 5.5 per cent of reception children and 16.2 per cent of those in Year 6 . Public health minister Jane Ellison said : ` Childhood obesity rates have remained stable since 2010 but , as these new statistics show , we know there is more to be done . The whole nation needs to understand the problems obesity can cause . ' Three times as many children have tried e-cigarettes as have smoked tobacco , figures show . A study of 1,601 pupils aged ten and 11 in Wales found that 6 per cent had sampled the devices compared to 2 per cent who had smoked cigarettes . A study of more than 1,000 children found six per cent had tried e-cigarettes compared with two per cent who had smoked cigarettes . Furthermore those who tried the devices said they were more likely to smoke tobacco prompting experts to warn they are ` luring ' children to smoking . Those who had tried e-cigs were seven times more likely to take up smoking within the next two years . The findings have added to fears that e-cigs are luring children to more harmful tobacco . Campaigners called for a ` watchful eye ' on their use . Some 14 per cent of those who 'd tried e-cigs said they might start compared to just two per cent of children who 'd never tried . The battery-operated devices resemble pens or cigarettes and they contain a liquid form of nicotine that give users the same rush as smoking . Mark Drakeford , health minister for Wales said : ` These latest findings shine further light on the potential impact of e-cigarettes on our children and young people . ` I am concerned the use of e-cigarettes may act as a gateway to and re-normalise smoking , especially for a generation who have grown up in a largely smoke-free society . ' | Rates across England vary but Hackney in east London has highest level . Government had been hoping figures would fall but problem now worse . Campaigners say Downing St buried news on day of Autumn Statement . Obesity Forum said ` it 's sad we 're letting our children get fatter and fatter ' | [[76, 138], [351, 376], [436, 458], [475, 554], [1062, 1160], [1313, 1352], [1355, 1359], [1362, 1438], [1599, 1669], [1672, 1676], [1681, 1840], [1813, 1850]] |
Some silken-haired beauties are eager sidekicks to motorcycle riders , wind whipping their thick locks as passers-by watch the wild ride with envy . That is until the slobber starts . These passengers are pooches - mastiffs , Labradors and Chihuahuas often clad in goggles and tiny leather jackets that fly along in blimp-shaped buckets attached to the side of motorcycles . They are set apart from other pets by speed instead of breed . They are also the stars of Sit Stay Ride : The Story of America 's Sidecar Dogs , a documentary that was largely funded by an online crowdfunding campaign and gives a quarter of its proceeds to shelters and rescues . Scroll down for video . Cool ride : Mooloo , a Standard Poodle , rides with Rhonda Reynolds in a 2005 Triumph Tiger motorcycle in Spooner , Washington . The movie is also available for free to any animal welfare agency wanting to screen it as a fundraiser . The documentary by filmmaking couple Eric and Geneva Ristau is the unique story of 15 dogs and 18 riders who spend all the time they can on three wheels . Ian Roper , 43 , of Snohomish , Washington , and his bull mastiff Bruce love to take it easy on a slow ride . It 's a departure for Roper , who said he raced cars and motorcycles for years in Detroit and Snohomish , a city northeast of Seattle , to enjoy the speed and feel of the open air . ` It is much slower than a motorcycle , but it is a much more relaxed ride , ' Roper said . Bruce , who 's nearly four and weighs 135 pounds , keeps it interesting on the road . When they are in the forest , the dog will react if he detects a deer or other wildlife . Rrready for action : Regitze Murat , left , and Philippe Murat with their Beagles Albert and Fernand in their 2010 Ural Gear Up motorcycle in San Francisco - they are among the stars of a new documentary called Sit Stay Ride : The Story of America 's Sidecar Dogs . Joined at the hip : Ian Roper , 43 , of Snohomish , Washington , and his bull mastiff Bruce take a ride around Washington . Sit Stay Ride : The Story of America 's Sidecar Dogs - Official Trailer from Ristau & Liimatta on Vimeo . ` He is tied in so he ca n't run off , but he 'll stand up if he smells something interesting , ' Roper said . If tree branches hang over the road , ` he will grab at leaves as they go by . When we get where we are going , the sidecar is half-full of leaves . It 's a game to him . ' Things get really fun when they come to a stop sign or park at a store and a crowd gathers around . Everyone is laughing and pointing at Bruce in his sweet ride . Then , the dog will start shaking his head , splattering slobber on the crowd or their cars . Smiles fade , people move away and cars drive off . ' I never really thought about a sidecar until I got a dog , but I will never be without one again , ' Roper said . They started their travels when Roper got Bruce as a puppy and decided it would be fun to hit the road with his dog . So the mechanical design engineer took classes and bought a $ 14,000 customized motorcycle-sidecar . Do n't let the price tag scare you off , he says , anyone can get started for $ 6,000 . Roper has a stable of seven motorcycles - fast ones for his own use and the sidecar for Bruce , which has racked up 10,000 miles . Dressed to impress : Dixie the dog takes a snooze in a sidecar as it sit stationary in Visalia , California . Dude : Artie a rescued Newfoundland , rides in a side car with Rebecca Hodges and Joe Baker in Redding , California . Country jaunt : Gary McLuen , with his dog Jake the Wonderdog , in a 2008 BMW GS/A motorcycle in Port Townsend , Washington . Riding with a dog is a different experience , he said . They ca n't move around a lot or they will tip . ` Bruce leans into corners when we turn , and I would love to think he was doing that to help out , but I think he does it because he does n't want to fall over , ' he said . The Ristaus , of Missoula , Montana , spent nine months filming Roper and Bruce and the other riders in Wisconsin , North Carolina , Ohio and Washington state . They condensed about 50 hours of interviews into the finished film of 84 minutes . When they started , the couple did n't know they would get so hooked on the unique rides that they would get their own sidecar , too . ` The journey is the goal rather than the destination , ' Eric Ristau said . | Sit Stay Ride : The Story of America 's Sidecar Dogs is a new documentary telling the unique story of 15 dogs and 18 riders who spend all the time they can on three wheels . It was the brainchild of filmmaking couple Eric and Geneva Ristau . They condensed about 50 hours of interviews into a finished film of 84 minutes . | [[913, 1017], [1814, 1852], [913, 1017], [4066, 4148]] |
Taxpayers paid more than # 3,000 for every badger killed in last year 's cull . Official figures revealed the final cost to the public purse of the cull was # 6.3 million - with some 1,879 badgers killed . The Department for Environment , Food and Rural affairs revealed the figures last night . Official figures reveal the final cost to the public of the cull was # 6.3 million - with 1,879 badgers killed . The Government could have faced estimated costs of # 100 million a year if the cull , designed to protect farms from the spread of tuberculosis among cattle , had not taken place . A spokesman for the Department for Environment , Food and Rural Affairs said the price of the cull was due to rigorous safety rules and the humane methods used by its marksmen . Overall , the programme was said to have cost # 6,294,000 to kill 955 badgers in Somerset and 924 in Gloucestershire -- meaning it cost around # 3,350 per badger . Around # 2.6 million was spent monitoring ` humaneness ' and # 2.3 million on ` efficiency ' . Brian May , the Queen guitarist , joined a rally against the badger cull when it was first proposed in 2012 - the Badger Trust lost its Court of Appeal challenge to government proposals to kill wild badgers in England . A test cull began last year in the West of England , and was later extended when marksmen missed their targets . The Government has already approved a second cull for this year . However , Labour told the Daily Telegraph that last year 's attempt to reduce the spread of TB had come at a ` huge cost to the taxpayer ' with little effect . A Defra spokesman said : ` England has the highest incidence of bovine TB in Europe . The cost of the badger culls need to be seen in the context of the devastating scale of the threat bovine TB poses to our farming industry and food security - # 500million over the last decade . Doing nothing is not an option . ` We are pursuing a comprehensive strategy , including tighter cattle movement controls , badger vaccination and culling . ` Many of the costs associated with the pilot culls last year were one-offs and have not been repeated this year . ' | Official DEFRA figures revealed 1,879 badgers were killed in the cull . The farming industry could have faced estimated costs of # 100 million a year if the cull , to protect farms from spread of TB , had not taken place . Price of cull due to rigorous safety rules and marksmen 's humane methods . | [[124, 196], [178, 205], [296, 399], [386, 408], [484, 492], [495, 565], [590, 744], [726, 767]] |
The mourning widow of Eric Garner spoke out Wednesday night following a grand jury 's decision not to indict Daniel Pantaleo for killing her husband with a chokehold and said she does not accept the officer 's apology . ` Hell no , ' Esaw Garner , 46 , told a reporter who asked her if she accepted the 29-year-old cop 's condolences . ` The time for remorse was when my husband was yelling to breathe ... when he was screaming 11 times that he ca n't breathe . ' The widow 's angry reaction came out at the tail end of a press conference held for her and Garner 's mother Gwen Carr alongside Reverend Al Sharpton . ` H *** no I do n't accept his apologies ' : The mourning widow of Eric Garner spoke out Wednesday night following a grand jury 's decision not to indict Daniel Pantaleo for killing her husband with a chokehold and said she does not accept the officer 's apology . Emotional night : Esaw Garner , widow of Eric Garner -LRB- left -RRB- cries as activist Reverend Al Sharpton speaks at a news conference at the National Action Network in the Harlem . At right , Garner 's grieving daughter Emerald wipes away a tear at the event . Rev. Al Sharpton -LRB- left -RRB- President of the National Action Network , Gwen Carr -LRB- center -RRB- , mother of Eric Garner , and Esaw Garner -LRB- right -RRB- , his widow gave at times tearful , and at others angry , comments during a press conference held after a New York grand jury failed to indict the cop who killed Garner over the summer . ` He 's still working , he 's still collecting a paycheck , feeding his kids , ' Garner said of Pantaleo as Sharpton told reporters that would be the first and only question of the evening . Pantaleo said in an earlier statement , ` It is never my intention to harm anyone and I feel very bad about the death of Mr. Garner ... I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss . ' Pantaleo had been stripped of his gun and badge and will remain on desk duty pending an internal police investigation that could result in administrative charges . Garner continued : . ` My husband is now six feet under and I 'm , looking for a way to feed my kids , ' she said as she asked the question , who 's gon na play Santa Claus for their kids this year ? It was an emotional punctuation to an otherwise straightforward press event . Al Sharpton introduced Garner and her mother-in-law after calling for peaceful protests and condemning looters who 've taken advantage of the situation in Ferguson . Reverend Al Sharpton addresses reporters at the press event . The decision in Eric Garner 's case has further fueled flames of unrest in communities who feel police racial bias is a rampant problem in America , where they say the legal system is tipped in police favor . Garner 's mother Gwen Carr addresses reporters and expressed her shock over the decision . ' I do n't know what video they were looking at , ' she said . ` It was n't the same one the rest of the world was looking at ' ` There are some that take advantage of protests , they are not the protesters ' he said , before clarifying his and his allies ' stance on police . ` We are not against all police , but those who break the law should pay and be held accountable . ' Garner spoke after Sharpton and assured her supporters , many of them as furious as she over the grand jury 's decision , that the fight would go on . ` This fight ai n't over , its just begun , ' she said , before emotions took over . ` He should be here celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with his children ... He 's not here because a cop did wrong . ` As long as I have a breath in my body , ' she said , ' I will fight . ' Garner 's bereaved mother then addressed the reporters and expressed her extreme disappointment with the decision . ' I do n't know what video they were looking at , ' she said . ` It was n't the same one the rest of the world was looking at . ' Like Sharpton , Carr ended her comments with a call for peace in all the protests nationwide . ` No Christmas ' : Garner , a father of six , wo n't be around to play Santa for them this year , a thought that had his wife in tears at Wednesday 's press event . ` Never my intention ' : The police officer who a New York grand jury chose not to indict in the death of Eric Garner -LRB- left -RRB- has spoken out to reveal the pain he feels in the wake of the 43-year-old father of six 's death . At right , the aftermath of Pantaleo 's chokehold . No charges : Officer Pantaleo -LRB- center , wearing green -RRB- will not be indicted for the death of Eric Garner in July . | Esaw Garner , 46 , spoke out at a press conference in New York alongside Garner 's mother Gwen Carr and Rev. Al Sharpton on Wednesday evening . All three vowed to continue the fight despite a grand jury decision not to indict the officer , 29-year-old Daniel Pantaleo . Pantaleo was reportedly ` distraught ' just after Garner 's death and extended his condolences to Garner 's family following the jury 's decision . | [[0, 165], [464, 538], [520, 572], [661, 785], [881, 896], [899, 910], [913, 1064], [2339, 2449], [2505, 2566], [0, 165], [661, 785], [1351, 1360], [1415, 1461], [1415, 1436], [1444, 1497], [3367, 3395], [4208, 4226], [4253, 4306], [4469, 4479], [4514, 4593], [661, 785], [1825, 1894], [4312, 4317], [4333, 4416]] |
After being selected by the St. Louis Rams in the 2014 NFL Draft , then waived from their practice squad , Michael Sam 's professional football future seemed somewhat bleak . That all changed in September however when the Dallas Cowboys added him to their practice squad , though they too waived him in late October making him a free agent . Now , Sam is wondering why he keeps getting cut because he says he has the talent to play professional football . Scroll down for video . Cut : Michael Sam -LRB- above -RRB- the first openly gay NFL player , was recently asked about being cut from the St. Louis Rams and Dallas Cowboys and why he was not on any NFL team 's roster . So in love : Sam has been very public about his relationship with boyfriend Vito Cammisano . When asked by TMZ why he thought he was not on the roster of an NFL team , Sam said ; ' I think I was the SEC Defensive Player of the Year last year ... so I do n't think it had to do with talent . ' And while they took that to mean Sam was saying he was cut because he was gay , he quickly clarified his statement on Twitter . ` Despite what headlines you may read , I 've never said and have never believed that I am being kept out of the league , ' wrote Sam . ' I know I have talent to play in the NFL and I look forward to getting an opportunity once again to prove that I can help a team win . ' Clearing the air : Sam later clarified his statement to TMZ on Twitter . Reaffirming : He repeated that he knew he had the talent , but has never believed his sexuality is why he was cut or not playing . Superstar : Sam was named one of GQ 's Men of the Year . Football or not , Sam 's career has been taking off since he graduated from University of Missouri , with the 24-year-old becoming perhaps the most famous openly gay professional athlete , becoming so big he even graced the cover of GQ as they named him one of their Men of the Year . And if the NFL does n't work out he does have a big fan in Mötley Crüe front man Vince Neil , who has been very vocal about wanting him for he new Las Vegas Arena Football League team . | Michael Sam , the first openly gay player in the NFL , was dropped from the St. Louis Rams and the Dallas Cowboys this season . In an interview with TMZ he said he had the talent to play in the NFL , which is an implication that he believed he was cut for being gay . Sam later cleared up the confusion , saying he does not think his sexuality has anything to do with why he was cut . | [[342, 345], [348, 405], [369, 423], [406, 455], [978, 1026], [1234, 1292], [1457, 1499], [1389, 1442], [1443, 1454], [1457, 1459], [1506, 1573]] |
The quest for a device that will allow humans to soar like birds has led to some strange contraptions over the years . But this one could outdo even the most bizarre designs -- and you do n't even have to take off from the ground to use it . The Birdly machine lets you flap your way through the air in a similar way to the red kite that it 's modelled after . Scroll down for video ... Developed by the Zurich University of the Arts , a motor translates hand movements from a simulator into the flapping of virtual avian wings . Meanwhile , an Oculus Rift VR headset provides a stomach-churning bird-eye-view of the flight . If that was n't enough , the system also replicates the headwinds that a red kite would face using a fan . Could this take off ? The Birdly machine lets you flap your way through the air in a similar way to the red kite that it 's modelled after . Birds-eye-view : Developed by the Zurich University of the Arts , a motor translate hand movements from simulator into the flapping of virtual avian wings . Users will even smell whatever landscape they 're flying over . ` Soundwise you perceive only the roaring of the wind and the flaps of the wings , ' the designers write on their website . ` The olfactoric feedback is based on the location which the bird flies over in the scenery and ranges from the scent of a forest , soil , to several other odours of the wilderness . ' The designers claim that Birdly still needs some changes to avoid making the user feel sick . However , the machine is primarily an art installation and there are no plans to commercialise it . The device is the latest in a range of concepts designed to make use of the ultra-realistic Oculus Rift headset . Do n't look down : An Oculus Rift VR headset provides a stomach = churning bird-eye-view of the flight . For instance , the Norwegian Army is trialling a system that uses the Oculus Rift headset to drive armoured vehicles without soldiers having to stick their heads above the hatch . Cameras mounted around the vehicle film its surroundings and this footage is fed to the driver through the headset , creating the illusion that the tank is ` transparent . Another project is used the Oculus Rift headset to let you can experience all the loops , jumps and speed of Sonic the hedgehog in first-person . The Norwegian Army is trialling a system that uses the Oculus Rift headset to drive armoured vehicles , pictured . Soldiers can wear the headset , and use it drive the tank , above or below the hatch and it has been designed to protect them from gunfire and remove driving blindspots . Facebook 's . virtual world was given the go ahead earlier this year when their $ 2bn . -LRB- # 1.2 bn -RRB- deal to buy VR headset firm Oculus was approved . Oculus was founded by 21-year-old college dropout Palmer Luckey . The firm is developing the leading VR headset - with a developer version on sale for $ 350 -LRB- # 210 -RRB- . It . will first be used for immersive games , but Facebook CEO Mark . Zuckerberg promised the headset will ` change the way we work , play and . communicate . ' But virtual worlds could include advertising admitted Zuckerberg . The . purchase of Oculus put Facebook in a battle with Sony , who have already . unveiled their own version of a VR headset , destined for the PS4 next . year . Meanwhile , Swedish broadband provider recently unveiled its intriguing experiment . They programmed the headset to experience internet lag in real life , to give users an idea of what it would be like to live in a world where things buffer like an online video . The experiment is called ` Living with lag ' and sees four volunteers going through activities while using an Oculus Rift together with a Rasperry Pi , webcam and noise-cancelling headphones . Together , this combination can simulate different levels of lag , from a brief 0.33 seconds to a more frustrating three seconds . The results are rather hilariously shown in their video , which includes the volunteers struggling to dance and play table tennis . | Motor translates movements from simulator into flapping of virtual wings . Oculus Rift virtual reality headset provides a bird-eye-view of the flight . System also replicates the headwinds that a bird would face using a fan . Users will even smell whatever landscape they 're flying over . | [[1107, 1175], [530, 539], [542, 625], [1731, 1816], [2193, 2283], [651, 661], [667, 732], [1031, 1071], [1062, 1094]] |
After years being subjected to torture inside the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison , Adelaide man David Hicks wants someone to pay for his medical bills , after a US military court set aside his terrorism conviction . With his name now legally cleared , Hicks does n't care for an apology from the federal government , insisting he is too worn out and defeated but he does want help covering medical bills following years of torture inside the notorious military jail . A ruling by a US military court vacated his terrorism conviction and may have brought to an end to an almost decade-long legal saga but he received short shrift from current PM Tony Abbott and former leader John Howard . Scroll down for video . ` Defeated , worn out and no longer angry ' but David Hicks wants his medical costs paid after tortured time inside Guantanamo Bay . Hicks , 39 , is relieved the ordeal is over , but says he 's not angry . ` It is just unfortunate that because of politics , I was subjected to five-and-a-half years of physical and psychological torture that I will now live with always , ' he said . ` No , there is not anger . I think I am too defeated to have anger . I am worn out . ' He wo n't be seeking compensation at this point but wants help with medical expenses because his time locked up in the US military jail in Cuba has led to ongoing health problems . He needs operations on his left knee , right elbow and back . ` My teeth keep getting pulled because I could n't brush them for five and a half years , ' he added . ` It is becoming an expensive exercise to fix myself from torture . ' He 's issued a plea to Federal Government that ` it is an expensive exercise to fix myself from torture ' Prime Minister Tony Abbott makes no apology to David Hicks , saying ` he was up to no good ' Earlier his father , Terry , called on the federal government to apologise to his son , but Prime Minister Tony Abbott was unsympathetic . ` He was up to no good on his own admission , ' Mr Abbott told reporters in Launceston . ` I 'm not in the business of apologising for the actions that Australian governments take to protect our country . ' Asked if Australia had done enough to help Mr Hicks , Mr Abbott said : ` We did what was needed . ' Mr Hicks said he did n't care about an apology , he just wanted to live a normal life . ` It 's all over with , ' he said . But former PM John Howard says David Hicks is not owed an apology by any government . ` The US verdict is about the legal process in that country , ' Mr Howard , who was prime minster when Hicks was sent to Guantanamo Bay in 2002 , said on Thursday . ` Nothing alters the fact that by his own admission , Hicks trained with Al Qaeda , met Osama bin Laden on several occasions - describing him as a brother . He revelled in jihad . ` He is not owed an apology by any Australian government . ' Australian Greens leader Christine Milne said Mr Howard was trying to evade scrutiny . ' -LRB- Mr Howard -RRB- does n't want the scrutiny of what he did when he was prime minister in failing to stand up to the Americans , to a wrong conviction and for the rights of an Australian citizen , ' she said . Opposition Leader Bill Shorten thinks the government has questions to answer about Mr Hicks ' treatment . ` There is no doubt on one hand David Hicks was probably foolish to get caught up in that Afghanistan conflict , but clearly there has been an injustice done to him , ' he said . Hicks says he has knee , elbow , back and teeth problems as a result of his time inside the notorious military prison but claims he was on holiday when picked up in Afghanistan . In March 2007 Mr Hicks pleaded guilty while in Guantanamo to providing material support to terrorism . This was part of a plea bargain that allowed most of his seven-year sentence to be suspended and Mr Hicks to return to Australia . In 2014 , a US appeal court ruled that providing material support to terrorism was not a legally viable war crime under the jurisdiction of the Guantanamo court . Prosecutors had argued his conviction should stand because he had agreed not to appeal as part of the plea deal . But this was rejected in a unanimous decision by the US Court of Military Commission Review . Hicks ' story began about 15 years ago when he left Australia and later travelled to Pakistan and on to Afghanistan , where he joined an al-Qaeda training camp . He was handed to the US and taken in 2002 to the US Navy base and military prison at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba . Asked on Thursday what he was doing in Afghanistan in 2001 , Hicks replied : ` Having a holiday ' . He also hit out at his critics . ' I think they 're supporters of torture , ' he said . | ` Defeated , worn out and no longer angry ' but Hicks wants his medical costs paid after tortured time inside Guantanamo Bay . Issues plea to Federal Government that ` it is an expensive exercise to fix myself from torture ' Hicks says he has knee , elbow , back and teeth problems . Claims he was on holiday when picked up in Afghanistan . Prime Minister Tony Abbott makes no apology , saying ` he was up to no good ' Former PM John Howard went further saying Hicks ` trained with Al Qaeda and revelled in jihad ' | [[0, 81], [84, 151], [364, 468], [253, 258], [318, 359], [714, 724], [727, 735], [762, 846], [847, 852], [897, 919], [1126, 1167], [1134, 1167], [1168, 1183], [1186, 1188], [1238, 1287], [1279, 1366], [0, 81], [84, 151], [364, 468], [762, 846], [1534, 1599], [1602, 1643], [1651, 1705], [1279, 1366], [3451, 3568], [3451, 3456], [3573, 3597], [3580, 3629], [4567, 4580], [4585, 4601], [4583, 4601], [1708, 1766], [1708, 1734], [1769, 1798], [1942, 1983], [2622, 2778], [2653, 2663], [2676, 2703], [2779, 2801]] |
Former head teacher Alexandru Grigore Popescu donated his body , pictured , to medical science . A Romanian school has been told they can keep their skeleton staff after education officials discovered they were using the bones of a former headmaster to teach anatomy . Alexandru Grigore Popescu had been working at the rural Puchenii Mosneni elementary school in south-eastern Romania 's Prahova county for 50 years until his death . He said in his will that he had always wanted to have a skeleton in the class for biology lessons . It had never been possible , but in his will he had arranged for his skeleton to be cleaned and professionally put back together so it could be hung in the classroom where he had taught kids for 50 years . But the skeleton had been confiscated when health and safety officials discovered it was the real thing on a visit to the school and insisted on having it checked to see if it was hygienic . But now after being professionally checked and specially treated to make sure it was safe , and put in a glass case , the skeleton has now been returned to the school . Although it may seem grisly kids at the school said they found it really helpful during classes to have the skeleton , and were pleased to see a return . The former headteacher Popescu had started work as a teacher at the school in the Puchenii Mosneni commune in 1908 . History teacher Sorin Stanciu said : ` He was made head teacher 10 years after starting working there and was famous for the fact that he never missed a class . His skeleton was made into a display in the 1960s after his death and he has n't missed a class since then either . ' The skeleton is now being kept in a glass case just to make doubly sure that it is not only healthy but also that none of the kids are tempted to mess around with it . Sorin added : ' I think having our own skeleton is really one of the reasons that we always do really well with students graduating in the sciences and in particular going on to study medicine . ' Popescu taught at the school for 50 years and wanted to continue in education after his death . Education officials determined that the skeleton was hygienic and allowed it to remain in the classroom . Popescu first arrived at the school in 1908 and remained on until his death more than 50 years later . He admitted that not many however went on to become teachers , but said it was nothing to do with the fact that they were worried about ending up as teaching aids themselves . The current headteacher Violeta Badea said : ` There is nobody around now that remembers him as a teacher but I think you can say that from the shape of his chin he was probably an extremely determined and decisive individual and a man with a very powerful personality , which explains his enormous attachment to the school , this community and its children . ` The professor 's wish was fulfilled because he did not want to be put six feet under the ground but rather he wanted to be placed in the back of the classroom , which has been done as he wanted so that he could continue to assist classes . One of the pupils told local TV : ` He donated his body so that we could study biology better . Instead of reading off a book , we look at the skeleton and understand better . ' Another added : ` At the beginning I thought it was something weird because I had n't seen a real skeleton , but now I 'm used to him . ' | Alexandru Grigore Popescu taught at his Romanian school for 50 years . During his career he always wanted a skeleton to teach students anatomy . He decided that after his death , the school should receive his skeleton . Health inspectors saw the skeleton and sent it off for an inspection . Now they have determined that Popescu can remain in the classroom . | [[269, 433], [686, 739], [2015, 2056], [2217, 2224], [2265, 2319], [434, 533], [459, 472], [480, 533], [459, 461], [466, 533], [783, 810], [873, 912]] |
The Swedish government has said it will be calling for new elections next year , just two months into office . Prime Minister Stefan Lofven made the announcement after parliament rejected the left-wing minority government 's budget proposal in a vote today . The Social Democrat-Green Party coalition 's budget was voted down after right-wing anti-immigration party Sweden Democrats decided to back the centre-right opposition . Sweden 's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven , second from right , surrounded by , from left , Minister of Education Gustav Fridolin and Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson of the Green Party and Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson of the Social Democrats , announced that new elections will be held next year . The government will not officially announce the re-election until December 29 , as the Swedish Constitution states that a government has to have been in power for at least three months before doing so . Speaking at an emergency press conference this afternoon , Lofven said he will call for new elections to be held on March 22 next year . ' I have taken responsibility , I will be taking the responsibility today , ' Lofven said , adding that he blames his predecessors in government , the centre-right Alliance coalition led by Moderate Party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt , for the re-elections . ` They -LSB- The Alliance parties -RSB- are allowing the Sweden Democrats to dictate the terms of Swedish politics . ` These are irresponsible actions by five political parties that are unprecedented in Swedish history . ' Attacked : The centre-right opposition , seen here -LRB- L-R -RRB- is Anna Kinberg Batra , who is a hot candidate to take over leadership of the Moderate Party , Goran Hagglund -LRB- hidden -RRB- , Christian Democrats ; Annie Loof , Center Party and Jan Bjorklund , Liberals , were accused of letting the far-right ` dictate the terms of Swedish politics ' 182 lawmakers voted against the budget in Parliament Wednesday , while only 153 voted in favor . The far-right Sweden Democrats emerged as power-brokers after the September election , after being voted the country 's third biggest party with 13 per cent . Lofven became prime minister in October as head of a coalition with the Greens , promising to reverse many reforms by the previous center-right government . He accused the anti-immigrant party of wanting ` to knock out any government that does n't dance to their tune . ' From the start , Lofven 's minority government -- which has 138 seats in parliament -- was expected to struggle to push its agenda through . With the support of the former Communist Left Party , which stands outside the Cabinet , it controls 159 seats . The center-right opposition , made up of four parties , has 141 seats , but the 49 extra votes expected from the Sweden Democrats would be enough to topple the ruling coalition . | Sweden to hold new elections in March next year , government announces . Left-wing coalition budget voted down in Swedish parliament today . PM attack opposition for letting right-wingers ` dictate terms of politics ' | [[0, 110], [32, 78], [429, 467], [518, 632], [679, 732], [1020, 1072], [111, 258], [168, 258], [259, 372], [1330, 1444], [1771, 1814], [1817, 1867], [1771, 1814], [1841, 1879], [1852, 1905]] |
Shanesha Taylor , 35 , denied using $ 114,000 in donations to buy designer clothes and finance her boyfriend 's rap album . A mother who left her young sons in a hot car while she went for a job interview has denied squandering $ 114,000 in donations received after the story attracted public sympathy . Shanesha Taylor , 35 , from Phoenix , Arizona , who is still unemployed , said she has not used the money to finance her boyfriend 's rap album and buy designer clothes . The mother-of-three insisted she could not afford to put any of the money into a trust fund for her children , saying the idea was ` not realistic ' . ' I am here to make sure their needs are provided for , ' said Ms Taylor . ` But will I set aside a large amount of money for 16 , 18 years that we need to get by today ? That 's not realistic . ' Her trial on child abuse charges had been expected to start Wednesday , as she had previously pleaded not guilty , but a judge rescheduled it for February . Ms Taylor became an Internet sensation after her tear-stained mugshot was published following her arrest for leaving her two-year-old and six-month-old in a 100F car . She received $ 114,000 in donations , but missed the deadline to set aside the $ 60,000 for her children 's trust fund , a sum which was initially agreed with prosecutors . ` Any money spent has gone to housing , clothes , car payments as well as fast-food outings and birthday parties , ' said Ms Taylor . ` I 'm not the type of person to go out and finance someone 's rap album . ` Yes , I threw them birthday parties because they have n't had birthday parties in years , ' she said . ' I took care of Thanksgiving dinner because my mother could n't afford to take care of that . ' Ms Taylor was arrested on March 20 after leaving her two young sons in her car for about 45 minutes while she interviewed for a job with a Scottsdale insurance company . Scroll down for video . Ms Taylor left her two sons - one two years old and the other six months - in her car for about 45 minutes outside an insurance company where she was being interviewed for a job . Police said the keys were in the ignition but the air conditioning was off and the fan was blowing hot air . A witness found the six-month-old crying hysterically and sweating profusely as temperatures inside the SUV exceeded 100F . Her children were taken to hospital on the day of her arrest but were not found to have suffered any injuries . They were placed with family and Taylor was eventually allowed to see them under supervision . She struck a deal with prosecutors in July that allowed her to avoid prosecution if she fulfilled a number of requirements , such as setting up the trust funds , taking parenting classes and completing a substance-abuse treatment program . A struggling New Jersey mother set up a youcaring page for Ms Taylor which raised more than $ 100,000 . Ms Taylor 's story split public opinion between those who are supportive of a mother on food stamps trying to get ahead any way she knows how and those who believe she should never put her kids in danger . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article . | Shanesha Taylor , 35 , left her two young sons in a hot car during interview . Her story attracted sympathy and she received $ 114,000 in donations . She has been accused of buying designer clothes and financing rap album . Mother-of-three insisted she could not afford to put $ 60,000 in trust fund . | [[124, 179], [189, 250], [1025, 1147], [1732, 1831], [1926, 2011], [124, 179], [189, 250], [241, 275], [266, 303], [1148, 1183], [2845, 2854], [2861, 2889], [0, 15], [23, 123], [475, 583], [1148, 1151], [1190, 1266]] |
Most trips on the M25 involve lorries , traffic jams and a case of high blood pressure . But motorists were left stunned when they spotted something a little different - a giraffe travelling along the middle lane of the motorway . The head of the animal could be seen poking above the tailgate of a trailer yesterday afternoon . Scroll down for video . The giraffe was spotted on the M25 in Kent , being driven in a foreign-registered vehicle . The giraffe , called Valentino , was spotted on the M25 being transferred from Paignton zoo in Devon to a new home in Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent . Teacher Mark Marsh , 44 , took a picture of the giraffe as it was being transferred from Paignton zoo in Devon to a new home in Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent . Mr Marsh said the unusual sight of the giraffe , near Redhill in Surrey had ` brightened up ' his journey . The foreign-registered vehicle was spotted carrying one of Africa 's more exotic exports on the M25 in Kent . Paignton Zoo said it was a Rothschild 's giraffe called Valentino , who had been born on Valentine 's Day in 2012 . The giraffe had to be hand reared by keepers following rejection by his mother . Paignton Zoo said it was a Rothschild 's giraffe called Valentino , who had been born on Valentine 's Day in 2012 . Port Lympne said his arrival signals the start of the reserve 's breeding programme with these endangered animals . Animal director Adrian Harland said : ` We are delighted to welcome this lovely male giraffe to the reserve and to be accepted as part of this breeding programme . ` There are so few Rothschild giraffes in the wild that programmes like this one are essential . ' Port Lympne has become part of a worldwide breeding programme designed to save the endangered species . It is estimated that fewer than 700 individuals remain in the wild . Paul Beer , head of the giraffe section , said : ` The arrival of Valentino is fantastic news . He 's a good looking , healthy male and I 'm hoping that the girls take a shine to him . ' Visitors to the reserve will be able to see Valentino exploring his new surroundings on The African Experience - 100 acres of land , alive with African animals including black rhino , zebra , wildebeest and ostrich . A giraffe died last month while it was being transported along a busy highway in South Africa . Last month , a giraffe died after smashing its head into a low bridge while it was being transported along a busy highway in South Africa . The moments before the accident were caught on camera by horrified fellow driver , Thinus Botha , who described hearing a loud crack . Mr Botha , 32 , took the photo of the two giraffes after driving next to the truck for half a mile on the N1 on the outskirts of Pretoria , South Africa 's capital . He decided to pull over to capture the moment - and witnessed the gruesome accident seconds later . Some Twitter users pointed out the similarities with the film The Hangover Part III , which features lead character Alan Garner causing a 20-car pileup after accidentally decapitating a giraffe he bought . | The giraffe , called Valentino , was being transferred between Paignton zoo in Devon and Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent . It was spotted in a trailer on the M25 in Kent by teacher Mark Marsh . The giraffe was hand reared by keepers following rejection by his mother . | [[445, 456], [459, 475], [490, 601], [602, 620], [628, 768], [353, 395], [445, 456], [466, 500], [877, 986], [877, 907], [920, 986], [1103, 1114], [1119, 1183]] |
Leaping from high cliffs into dangerous , crocodile-infested waters - these are the moments a herd of gnus put their lives at risk as they migrate in search of food . Many of the animals , also known as wildebeest , do not make it out alive as they take the treacherous leap of faith down the sheer ridge . The stunning shots were taken in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya by French photography duo Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution . Leap of faith : The gnus jump from the high , sheer cliff face into crocodile-infested waters as they migrate in search of food and drinking water . Treacherous times : One gnu plunges head-first into the muddy river -LRB- left -RRB- while another slips and gets stuck down a crack in the cliff -LRB- right -RRB- . All creatures great and small : A herd of zebras joins the gnus , also known as wildebeest , as they make a slightly easier crossing through a river . Sure-footed : The gnus have to be extremely careful as they descend the steep cliff face that they do not land badly and kill or injure themselves . I believe I can fly : A brave gnu soars from the edge of the rocks and into the water below , before trying to swim across to safety . Pack mentality : The gnus travel in herds , as this makes it easier from them to overcome obstacles together and to protect the young and weak . ` The gnus need to make the dangerous trip down the cliff and across the river , so they do n't run out of food when the winter months come , ' Mr Renaud said . ` The gnus throw themselves off the ridge and some get stuck into the ridges of the cliffs , which is jaw-dropping to watch . ' The animals ' migration starts at the end of the East African rainy season , as they go off in search of drinking water and food , and they come back months later when the rain also returns . Stunning : The incredible photographs were captured by French duo Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya . What goes down must come up : The herd of gnus make their way up the bank after crossing the river -LRB- left -RRB- while one makes a huge leap down the cliff -LRB- right -RRB- . Making a splash : One of the migrating beats has a very sloppy landing as it slips from the cliff face and falls backwards into the river . Far more graceful : Another gnu looks far more comfortable as it leaps elegantly into the waters below to join its companions . You 're next : A group of gnus , including some young , stand at the edge of the cliff and wait their turns to undertake the terrifying ordeal . To tackle the obstacles that are presented to them , they travel in large herds , learning from and protecting each other . They protect the smaller , weaker members of the group from predators by keeping them in the middle of the herd , and having the strongest animals on the outsides . Mr Renaud and Ms Haution have been taking pictures together for over 20 years and they come to the Kenyan reserve every year to try and capture the incredible shots . Ms Haution said : ` We know when the gnus are going to migrate so we set our cameras up and just wait to see what happens . ` It is always so exciting and an incredible experience . I ca n't wait to go back and watch it next year . ' | Gnus , also known as wildebeest , are migratory , and have to cross treacherous river to find food and drinking water . Shots taken by French photographers Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution in Masai Mara National Reserve , Kenya . | [[543, 594], [816, 824], [832, 851], [1710, 1758], [307, 380], [1831, 1970]] |
One of the largest organized polygamy groups in Utah said this week it is investigating an allegation that its leader molested one of his daughters , who is now featured on the TLC reality TV show ` My Five Wives . ' Rosemary Williams wrote in a blog posted last month that she was molested more than two decades ago by her father , Lynn A. Thompson . Ms Williams says her father fondled her when she was 12 years old . David Watson , a spokesman for the Apostolic United Brethren , or AUB , declined to answer questions about the investigation , referring repeatedly to a news release the group sent earlier this week . ` We 're handling it internally , ' Watson said . Speaking out : Rosemary Williams of TLC 's My Five Wives wrote in a blog posted last month that she was molested more than two decades ago by her father , Lynn A. Thompson when she was 12-years-old . Investigation underway : . Rosemary Williams of My Five Wives on TLC says she was molested more than two decades ago by her father , Lynn A. Thompson -LRB- seated far left -RRB- . In the news release , the group acknowledged the allegations but declined to address specifics . The group , which has an estimated 7,500 followers in Utah and across the West , said it already works with a domestic violence organization and trains it leaders to spot and report abuse . When contacted by The Associated Press last month , Thompson said the allegations were not true . He could not be reached Wednesday . State and local authorities in Utah are unaware of any formal complaints against Thompson . Her husband , Brady Williams , said on Wednesday he welcomed an investigation . However , he questioned how serious AUB leaders are given that no one has reached out yet to talk with his third wife . ` What kind of investigation is it really ? Maybe they 're getting their ducks in a row . Maybe it takes a little bit of time ... but is their investigation just asking Lynn about this ? ' Brady Williams said . Speaking to who ? : Husband Brady Williams claims that AUB has n't even contacted his wife Rosemary Williams to ask her about the alleged assault when she was 12-years-old . The AUB is estimated to be the second-largest polygamist church in Utah , behind Warren Jeffs ' Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on the Utah-Arizona border . Unlike Jeffs ' group , which has been plagued for years by allegations of abuse and child brides , the Apostolic United Brethren in northern Utah has a better reputation . Rosemary Williams told The Associated Press she did not plan to file a criminal accusation or a lawsuit against her father because she does n't think it will do any good . She said she wanted to prevent him from abusing others , especially given his recent appointment as president of the AUB . In a second blog explaining why she came forward after so many years , she pushed back against the notion she did it for ratings for the TV show or to be in the spotlight . ' I love the family I was raised in - even with all its faults . I have been in agony over making this decision . But I made it because of my pressing conscience that it was the right thing to do , ' Rosemary Williams wrote . TLC show : Rosemary Williams is one of the stars on the TLC show My Five Wives which talks about polygamy . ` My hope is that by telling my story , people will not put their total faith in a man who would do injury to others , physically , financially or emotionally . ' The Williams live in a rural community outside of Salt Lake City where most people belong to the group Thompson leads . They are no longer members of the group after re-evaluating their core beliefs and withdrawing during the mid-2000s . The AUB said in its news release that it has been working to create an open dialogue with state officials because the attorney general 's office stopped prosecuting plural families so long as other abuses were n't occurring . They say they are trying to foster a climate where plural families feel comfortable reporting abuses , but that it 's not easy . ` The climate of secrecy and fear has been lifting , but this is a process that does not occur overnight , ` the news release said . Coupling : Brady Williams poses with two of his wives , from left to right , Robyn and Rosemary , outside of their home in a polygamous community outside Salt Lake City . | ` We 're handling it internally , ' David Watson , a spokesman for the Apostolic United Brethren , or AUB , said . Rosemary Williams of TLC 's My Five Wives said she was molested more than two decades ago by her father , Lynn A. Thompson . Rosemary 's husband Brady Williams questioned the investigation since he says no one reached out to his wife to ask any questions . | [[623, 652], [657, 670], [244, 316], [274, 330], [737, 793], [898, 1001], [3251, 3277], [1654, 1763], [1995, 2083], [2030, 2065], [2084, 2120]] |
Under pressure from federal regulators , Honda is expanding a recall of potentially lethal driver 's side airbags to all 50 U.S. states . The inflators , made by Japanese supplier Takata Corp. , can explode with too much force under certain conditions , sending deadly metal shrapnel into the passenger compartment . The defect has has so far been linked to at least five deaths in the U.S. and many more injuries . Under pressure : Honda is expanding a recall of potentially lethal driver 's side airbags to all 50 U.S. states . Hien Thi Tran , 51 , of Orlando was among those fatally wounded . She died in October after a minor crash in her 2001 Honda Accord caused the airbag to deploy . Police believed she 'd been the victim of a stabbing because of the severe nature of her injuries , according to her family 's lawsuit . But an autopsy revealed metal and plastic fragments from an exploding airbag caused her death . One incident from 2010 did n't involve a crash at all . Instead , a lawsuit claims that Kristy Williams was stopped at a red light in her 2001 Honda Civic when the airbag deployed . Victim : A lawsuit alleges that Hien Thi Tran , 51 , of Orlando was struck by plastic and metal shrapnel after a Takata airbag deployed in her 2001 Honda Accord during a minor accident . Deadly : A metal component of the airbag that critically injured Tran is shown , as Takata deals with allegations that their airbags have caused numerous fatalities while the company covered up faulty parts . Metal fragments sliced into her neck , hitting her carotid artery , and Williams was only able to survive by placing two fingers into the wound to limit the bleeding . Afterwards , the lawsuit alleges , she suffered strokes and was left with traumatic brain injury . Takata insists that current Honda recalls covering 8 million U.S. cars in high-humidity areas - where moisture in the air can trigger an explosion - are sufficient . But the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants the order expanded nationwide after some incidents outside the high-humidity zones . Ready to pop : The inflators , made by Japanese supplier Takata Corp. , can explode with too much force under certain conditions , sending deadly metal shrapnel into the passenger compartment . Rick Schosteck , Honda 's executive vice president for North America , told House lawmakers Wednesday that Honda will expand the regional recall it began in June , but will continue to prioritize high-humidity areas . These spots include Florida , Puerto Rico , areas near the Gulf of Mexico in Texas , Alabama , Mississippi , Georgia , and Louisiana , as well as Guam , Saipan , American Samoa , U.S. Virgin Islands and Hawaii . Schosteck also said Honda is working with other air bag manufacturers to make sure it has enough parts . Q : How can I find out if my car has been recalled ? A : Dozens of models made by BMW , Chrysler , Ford , General Motors , Mazda , Honda , Mitsubishi , Nissan , Subaru and Toyota dating to the 2001 model year are covered . You should have received a recall notice from your automaker . Also , you can go to and key in your vehicle identification number , which normally is printed on your registration and stamped on the dashboard . That will tell you if your car is being recalled . You can also call your dealer . Honda is Takata 's largest customer , and has so far recalled over 5 million vehicles in the U.S. alone . Q : Why are some of the recalls just in areas with high humidity ? A : Government investigators and Takata officials believe that prolonged exposure to moisture in the air makes the inflator chemical , ammonium nitrate , burn too fast , creating too much pressure . That can cause the metal inflator canisters to shatter , spewing shrapnel into drivers and passengers . They 're still conducting tests on inflators replaced by dealers to figure out what level of humidity causes the problem . Initially the recall areas were limited to Florida , Puerto Rico , areas near the Gulf of Mexico in Texas , Alabama , Mississippi , Georgia , and Louisiana , as well as Guam , Saipan , American Samoa , U.S. Virgin Islands and Hawaii . Q : I live outside the recall areas , but the humidity is still high . Is my car safe ? A : The short answer is no one is sure because the problem is still under investigation . This has some car owners confused and worried . Investigators think they have found a concentration of defective inflators inside the high-humidity zone . But there are still a lot of humid locations outside those areas . Takata says the cars are safe if they 're outside the high-humidity area . It 's difficult to tell if your car has a Takata air bag inflator . You can try asking your dealer , but even they may not know . Q : Why does n't the government just order a national recall of all Takata air bag inflators ? A : Safety regulators say two incidents outside of current recall zones involving driver 's side air bags are cause for a national recall . Takata disagrees . That could mean civil fines and a court date for Takata . Regulators can go to court to force Takata to do a recall , but they have to hold a public hearing first . Q : What 's next ? A : Other automakers are likely to follow Honda 's lead in doing a national driver 's side recall . And the investigation will continue into passenger side problems . Takata could wind up being fined and face court action for defying the government 's demand for the national recall . | The inflators , made by Japanese supplier Takata Corp. , can explode with too much force under certain conditions . Potentially deadly metal shrapnel is thrown into the passenger compartment . The defect has has so far been linked to at least five deaths in the U.S. and many more injuries . | [[138, 151], [154, 192], [138, 151], [187, 251], [2096, 2109], [2112, 2150], [2096, 2109], [2145, 2209], [138, 151], [254, 316], [1115, 1232], [2096, 2109], [2212, 2274], [3770, 3788], [317, 342], [355, 415], [317, 327], [339, 415], [1377, 1457], [1407, 1463]] |
The 20-year-old boyfriend of a troubled schoolgirl who took her own life was later arrested on suspicion of child sex offences , it emerged today . An inquest yesterday heard how Marcus Webb discovered the body of his girlfriend Ashli Blake , 15 , in September at the foot of a historic monument near Rockbourne , Hampshire . Prior to her death Ashli , who had a history of mental health problems , had sent him a text message threatening to ` jump off the tower ' , the inquest heard . Investigation : Marcus Webb , 20 -LRB- left -RRB- was dating Ashli Blake , 15 -LRB- right -RRB- who took her own life in September , an inquest heard . It has emerged he was since arrested on suspicion of child sex offences . Today Hampshire Police confirmed a 20-year-old man , confirmed as Mr Webb by his father , was arrested on November 25 on suspicion of child sex offences . He has not been charged with an offence and was bailed until February 6 while investigations continue . A spokesman for Hampshire Constabulary said : ' A 20-year-old man from the Fordingbridge area has been arrested on suspicion of engaging in sexual activity with a child and possessing indecent images in an investigation related to this death . ` He has been bailed until February pending further enquiries . ' Police declined to comment further . Mr Webb 's father Mervyn , 54 , said police quizzed his son last week and he collected him from the station later in the day . Tragedy : Ashli , pictured , was found dead by her boyfriend after a frantic search in the early hours . He said : ` The police picked him up and he got taken in for questioning by officers . I had to go and collect him from Winchester . ' I spoke with his mother today and she told me Marcus is still more than upset about it all . ' Winchester Coroner 's Court yesterday heard how Ashli , who was born with the surname Cook , was found dead by her boyfriend in the early hours of September 21 . She sent a text to him which read : ' I am going to jump off the tower . ' Mr Webb told the inquest he had not believed her threats at first , because she had made similar comments previously . But he launched a desperate search when he and her family failed to get hold of her on the day of her death . Mr Webb said he had visited the monument several times with Ashli . In a statement read to the inquest , Mr Webb said : ' I feel so guilty and I feel like it was my fault , she told me she was going to kill herself and even told me where she was going to do it and I laughed at her because I did n't believe her . ` Ashli meant more than life itself to me , I would do nothing to hurt her , I now feel there 's no reason being here . ' Ashli 's mother , Canasta Blake , 37 , told the inquest in a statement : ` They had made plans for the rest of their lives together - at 16 she was going to move in with him . ` She was besotted with him . She was always worried about him and what he was doing . ' I do not understand why she did this , she had everything to live for and often spoke of the future . Ashli 's mother Canasta Blake -LRB- right -RRB- was supported at the inquest by her partner Craig Warrilow -LRB- left -RRB- . ' I think , for her age , she was immature , in her laughing , giggling and making up silly words . Ashli was a lovely young girl , was imaginative , different and quirky , she had her own special dress sense . ` She would have grown up to be a lovely person . ' Ms Blake added that Ashli was working hard at her studies and had told family members she wanted to become an art therapist or an accountant . The coroner was told Ashli had suffered ` some bullying problems ' at Burgate School in her home town of Fordingbridge . And Ashli 's GP , Dr Charlotte Hillsley , at Fordingbridge Surgery , said she had suffered from low moods and sleeping problems . She had previously been referred to the Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services but had been discharged . However , in July she had returned to the surgery and was referred again to the clinic and was placed on its waiting list . In a statement read to the inquest , Dr Hillsley said : ` Ashli had low mood and poor sleep and was struggling with bullying at school . ` Her mother had told me she had removed razor blades from the house and taken them to work with her because she was concerned that she may self-harm . ' Pathologist Dr Eleanor Jaynes told the inquest the schoolgirl had taken no alcohol or drugs prior to her death and had died of multiple traumatic injuries due to a fall from a height . Central Hampshire Coroner Grahame Short recorded a verdict that she had intended to take her own life . Ashli Blake , 15 , was found dead in a field next to a historic monument in Hampshire on September 21 . He said : ` Ashli was a deeply troubled girl but I find that she chose to end her life on this occasion . ` It 's clear that she had a boyfriend , Marcus Webb , and I find that she was very much in love with him to a degree that only a teenager can be . ' In the wake of her death , staff at The Burgate School said they were ` shocked and saddened ' to hear of the tragedy . A school spokesman said : ` We are shocked and saddened to hear the tragic news that one of our Year 11 students has died . ` Ashli was an absolutely delightful , caring and mature young lady . ` She was working hard at school and was very well regarded and respected by staff and students alike . ` The school is pulling together as a community and supporting each other . ` Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ashli 's family at this most difficult time . ' For confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 08457 90 90 90 , visit a local Samaritans branch or click here for details . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article . | Ashli Cook , 15 , was found dead near a historic monument in Hampshire . Inquest heard she texted boyfriend Marcus Webb , 20 , before her death . It has emerged he was held on suspicion of child sex offences last month . Also suspected of having indecent images , he was bailed until February . Winchester inquest also heard Ashli had been suffering bullying at school . Coroner ruled that the ` deeply troubled girl ' intended to take her own life . | [[1781, 1942], [1781, 1802], [1829, 1834], [1867, 1942], [326, 350], [388, 462], [326, 344], [467, 486], [620, 638], [1943, 1965], [4869, 4921], [0, 50], [73, 82], [92, 126], [0, 50], [77, 126], [639, 712], [654, 666], [676, 712], [639, 641], [667, 712], [794, 856], [972, 1015], [1020, 1191], [868, 870], [900, 939], [1218, 1279], [1216, 1279], [620, 638], [3582, 3702], [3603, 3666], [4077, 4091], [4114, 4130], [4135, 4213], [29, 50], [55, 72], [4553, 4656], [4612, 4656], [4761, 4768], [4773, 4805], [4810, 4866]] |
The search for a Canadian man and a Japanese woman who went missing during a fishing trip in Montana has been suspended due to severe weather conditions . It is believed 56-year-old father-of-two Danny Heyland and 75-year-old Fuki Nishibayashi fell into Mission Lake - known for its cutthroat and rainbow trout - while out on the water on November 22 . The body of their friend , 63-year-old Canadian Kazuhiko Hayashizaki was discovered by divers three days later but now the lake has frozen over and heavy snowfall has made it almost impossible to get to . Missing : It is believed 56-year-old father-of-two Danny Heyland -LRB- left -RRB- and 75-year-old Fuki Nishibayashi -LRB- right -RRB- fell into Mission Lake , known for its cutthroat and rainbow trout , while out on the water on November 22 . There were no visible signs of trauma on Hayashizaki 's body indicating a struggle , according to the Glacier County sheriff 's office . Relatives of the fishermen reported them missing when they did not return from their one-day fishing trip in late November . They were meant to be joined by another man , who ended up staying home for health reasons . A pickup truck that the trio were travelling in was discovered at Mission Lake , along with fishing gear and Heyland 's cell phone . Recovered : The body of their friend , 63-year-old Canadian Kazuhiko Hayashizaki was discovered by divers three days later . Officers began to comb the area , using underwater sonar and scuba equipment and that 's when Hayashizaki 's body was discovered . Heyland 's sister , Jude Heyland , told the Calgary Sun that the family was n't expecting good news . ` He was enjoying what he loved to the end . We 're just wanting closure , ' she said . Heyland had apparently accompanied his two friends on fishing trips to Montana before and was a seasoned fisherman . Treacherous conditions : The search for Heyland and Nishibayashi has been suspended now that Mission Lake -LRB- pictured -RRB- has frozen over and heavy snowfall has made it almost impossible to get to . The Claresholm , Alberta resident worked as a psychiatric nurse while Nishibayashi was a retired language teacher from the University of Lethbridge . Hayashizaki , also retired , was a well-known table tennis athlete in the Lethbridge area . The three anglers had reportedly enjoyed lunch Saturday afternoon before venturing onto Mission Lake . Glacier County deputies suspect they might have fallen through ice on the lake . The agency will return to monitor the area when road and weather conditions allow . Sgt. Judd Milender said in a statement Tuesday that the sheriff 's office is ` committed ' to recovering Heyland and Nishibayashi . | It is believed 56-year-old Danny Heyland and 75-year-old Fuki Nishibayashi fell into Mission Lake on November 22 . The body of their friend , 63-year-old Canadian Kazuhiko Hayashizaki was discovered by divers three days later . The search for the missing anglers has been suspended now the lake has frozen over and heavy snowfall has made it almost impossible to get to . | [[155, 310], [568, 673], [583, 679], [644, 714], [353, 377], [380, 463], [1328, 1413], [1495, 1544], [0, 50], [101, 154], [468, 515], [501, 557], [1852, 1874], [1877, 2004], [1945, 2013], [1999, 2055]] |
China has become the world 's largest source of international tourists -- but it appears they are leaving London off their itineraries . New research from CityMetric Intelligence suggests that Chinese tourists are skipping the UK capital -- one of the most popular destinations in the world -- in favour of places such as New York , which has six times as many visitors , Los Angeles and Moscow , the most popular destination in Europe . That means London is missing out on a massive amount of business as the market for Chinese holidaymakers was worth an estimated $ 129bn -LRB- approximately # 82bn -RRB- in 2013 -- accounting for 11 per cent of the global tourism industry , according to the study . London had just 94,162 visitors from China in 2013 - ranking 22nd out of all long-haul destinations . Selfie : When factoring in Seoul and other cities that are closer to China , London ranked 33rd . It is estimated that the market could be worth $ 310bn -LRB- approximately # 200bn -RRB- in 2018 . In terms of long-haul destinations , London ranked a distant 22nd with just 94,162 visitors from China in 2013 -- well behind New York , which topped the list with 646,000 , even though it requires a longer flight . The second most popular long-haul destination was Los Angeles with 570,000 visitors , followed by Sydney -LRB- 387,000 -RRB- , Moscow -LRB- 376,500 -RRB- and Melbourne -LRB- 303,000 -RRB- . London also found itself behind Dubai -LRB- 275,675 -RRB- , Venice -LRB- 242,059 -RRB- and Paris -LRB- 226,068 -RRB- . The market for Chinese holidaymakers was worth an estimated $ 129bn -LRB- approximately # 82bn -RRB- in 2013 . Overall , Seoul had the most visitors in China in 2013 at more than four million . When factoring in cities that are closer to home for Chinese holidaymakers , London ranked 33rd on the list , which was topped by Seoul with more than four million visitors from China . Bangkok was second with more than three million , followed by Singapore with more than two million . The CityMetric Intelligence report suggests that Chinese tourists are skipping London because it is more difficult to obtain a visa for the UK than neighbouring countries , and due to the fact that the UK is not a member of the Schengen zone that allows for free travel within Europe under one visa . But it says there are signs that the numbers have improved in 2014 and the UK government is taking steps to lure Chinese tourists amid calls for the visa regime to be simplified . New York was most popular long-haul destination with 646,000 visitors from China last year . Love for Russia : Moscow was the most popular European destination for Chinese tourists in 2013 . It has made it easier for them to obtain visas and in September announced plans to refund the cost of 25,000 visas for Chinese tourists visiting the UK in organised tour groups . This is in addition to an increased marketing push in the world 's most populous country . Robin Johnson , the director of the China Project at Visit Britain , told CityMetric : ` We 've stepped up our activity considerably in China over the past 18 months to further increase visits , not only to London , but crucially across the whole of Britain . ' He said the average Chinese visitor spends more than time and more money in Britain than in other European countries , and is more likely to travel outside the capital to other destinations in the UK . | NYC is most popular long-haul destination with 646,000 visitors from China . Moscow is the most popular European destination for Chinese tourists . Market for Chinese holidaymakers is worth an estimated # 82bn worldwide . It could be worth as much as # 200bn in 2018 . | [[1128, 1136], [1145, 1173], [2489, 2581], [2600, 2679], [903, 1001], [919, 1001]] |
Falcao Fever has struck London with 13,000 tickets sold in the first four days of ticket sales for the friendly between the United States and Colombia at Craven Cottage . Jurgen Klinsmann 's team take on the Colombians on November 14 and the initial surge of demand was so great that the Fulham website crashed . It will be the first time the USA have staged a home game at the Cottage , where there are so many connections to a club dubbed FulhAmerica across the Atlantic Ocean because of former stalwarts like Brian McBride and Clint Dempsey and Fulham 's American owner Shad Khan . There has been huge demand for the friendly between Colombia and the US at Craven Cottage thanks to the presence of Manchester United 's on-loan striker Radamel Falcao . Real Madrid midfielder and World Cup Golden Boot winner James Rodriguez is also likely to feature . There is a strong 20,000 Colombian community in the capital , too , and it could be close to capacity with the lure of seeing Manchester United striker Radamel Falcao and Real Madrid 's James Rodriguez adding appeal for the neutral fans . Falcao has played only five times since moving the England in August has missed the draw against Chelsea on Sunday with injury . United fans will be both keen to see more of him and relieved Colombia are coming to England to play after their previous friendly fixtures were in North America . Fulham 's American contingent are also excited about the game , which is two days after a game against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin on November 12 . USA have never played at the Cottage before but Fulham have strong connections with America . Falcao , along with Rooney , misses Manchester United 's clash with Chelsea but should now be available . ` It 's the perfect fit , ' said McBride , who is on Khan 's five-man panel to identify the club 's next manager , and former Fulham and US captain Carlos Bocanegra added : ` I 'm thrilled that the US team will play at a stadium that has meant so much to the American players who got their chance at Fulham . ` The fans there were incredibly supportive of us , and we have so many great memories there . Craven Cottage has one of the most intimate atmospheres I 've ever played in . Sitting in the Cottage is like having a rooftop seat at Wrigley Field -- it 's an experience every fan should have in their lifetime . ' Fulham fans will be interested to see if Klinsmann names Emerson Hyndman in his squad after the 18-year-old from the club 's academy made his senior US debut against the Czech Republic in September . Owner Khan will be in London next month when his NFL team the Jacksonville Jaguars play at Wembley against the Dallas Cowboys on November 9 . USA 's coach Jurgen Klinsmann , who played for Tottenham , will return to London but this time as a manager . | Colombia and USA are playing each other at Craven Cottage . In the first four days , 13,000 tickets were sold for the friendly . There are 20,000 Colombians living in London . Radamel Falcao and James Rodriguez are likely to feature in the game . | [[36, 170], [0, 50], [36, 170], [855, 914], [755, 854], [755, 826], [842, 854], [923, 1056]] |
Liverpool midfielder Raheem Sterling has admitted that the club are badly missing the talents of striker Daniel Sturridge to help propel them back up the Premier League table . Sturridge has not featured for the Reds since picking up a thigh injury while on international duty at the start of September . The England striker 's last game for Liverpool was their 3-0 win at Tottenham at the end of August , with the club having lost their last two games since . Liverpool midfielder Raheem Sterling admits the club are missing the talents of striker Daniel Sturridge . Daniel Sturridge picked up his thigh strain while on international duty with England . Defeats against Aston Villa and West Ham have seen the club slip down to 11th in the league and Sterling , who scored in their 3-1 loss at Upton Park on Saturday , says the return of the 25-year-old ca n't come soon enough . ` Daniel is a massive miss for us with his goals and the way he plays in behind defenders , ' Sterling told Liverpool 's official club website . ` Him coming back should add another dimension to the team . It will definitely be a test of character but I think there is a lot of character in this group . ' Sterling -LRB- left -RRB- scored in Liverpool 's 3-1 defeat at West Ham on Saturday evening . | Raheem Sterling says Liverpool are missing striker Daniel Sturridge . Sturridge has been out since start of September with a thigh injury . Reds have lost both games since 25-year-old 's injury . | [[0, 176], [55, 176], [461, 567], [505, 567], [177, 304], [177, 186], [217, 276], [568, 654], [406, 460]] |
Gang leader Tavon ` Bulldog ' White -LRB- pictured -RRB- , described a culture of corruption inside Baltimore City Detention Center . A Violent gang had such control over a notorious jail that they had a Minister for Education and Minister for Finance , a court heard . Gang leader , Tavon ` Bulldog ' White , described a culture of corruption inside the centuries-old Baltimore City Detention Center , led by a group that had its own language and laws and authorities . The Black Guerilla Family 's hierarchy even included a ` minister of education ' who quizzed members on gang literature and a ` minister of finance ' who managed the profits sent by cellphones from behind bars , the court was told . White testified that the gang controlled life in the jail and that he directed guards motivated by sex and money to smuggle in drugs and cellphones and facilitate attacks on inmates who challenged his authority . The gang 's smuggling schemes even fund the bail that frees gang members who ca n't pay to get sprung from jail , he testified this week . Gang leaders , not guards , were the ultimate authority inside the jail , he said . ` We 're about to go into a strange place , an upside-down world where inmates ran the prison and correctional officers took directions from the gang leader , ' prosecutor Robert Harding told jurors in opening statements . White described a gang-run economy made possible by official corruption . White was once the government 's primary target , but has since become the prosecutors ' most valuable asset , providing information that led to a 160-count indictment against 44 people . He is testifying against the few who did not plead guilty : five corrections officers , one kitchen worker and two inmates on trial in federal court in Baltimore . White , who impregnated four of the guards while in the jail on an attempted murder charge , said he never forced a guard to participate . ' I did n't have to , ' White said . ' I had my children 's mothers , and plenty of other guards willing to do it for money . ' The vast majority of the Baltimore jail 's guards are women . One guard who had a child with White had ` Tavon ' tattooed on her wrist . Another who had two of his children tattooed ` Tavon ' on her neck . The Black Guerilla Family had such control over Baltimore City Detention Center -LRB- pictured -RRB- that they had a Minister for Education and Minister for Finance , a court heard . Defense attorneys have tried to discredit White 's testimony by drawing attention to his plea deal with prosecutors , which could potentially result in reduced time in prison . The Black Guerilla Family has a national presence but is particularly strong in Maryland , where many guards and inmates come from the same impoverished communities . And inside the Baltimore jail , there was plenty of money to be made , White said . According to one search warrant , graffiti painted on a jail wall named 14 guards willing to have sex with inmates for $ 150 a tryst , including two of the women White impregnated . White told jurors that his gang enforced its monopoly by having the minister of finance collect a 10 percent tax on any contraband smuggled in by unaffiliated inmates . The gang also decided which inmates guards could choose to be ` working men , ' taking jobs as janitors , launderers or kitchen workers that provided more mobility and access , the court heard . Drugs and cellphones would be hidden inside walls and ceilings , he said . Inmates paid guards by arranging for cash to change hands outside or by texting codes on their cellphones to draw on prepaid debit cards . Gang members enlisted guards to carry parcels to inmates on other floors or wings of the crowded jail , and the proceeds ` went into a finance bank , ' White explained . ` It went towards funding BGF members in whatever they may need . If a member came in who was indigent , we could provide money in their account for commissary , or paying bail . ` We 'd take the money out of the finance account and give it to someone responsible and they would pay the bail , ' White testified . Tavon White testified that gang leaders , not guards , were the ultimate authority inside Baltimore City Detention Center in Baltimore . White said one of the guards on trial , Travis Paylor , eagerly made deals to pick up packages of drugs on the street and smuggle them inside . Paylor then delivered a menu of illegal goods to inmates for set prices , White said . ' I spoke to him every day he was at work , ' White told the jury . ` Most times it was a package deal : one item for $ 300 , three items for $ 500 . Could be 50 Percocets , an ounce of marijuana , a cellphone , or a cellphone and two cans of tobacco -- any three items . ' White said another defendant , guard Ashley Newton , allowed the gang to stab an inmate accused of killing a gang member outside . Cellphones were so widely available , White said , that he was able to call a fellow inmate on a smuggled phone from a ` lockup ' where he had been sent as punishment for having yet another phone in his cell . White testified that he personally saw one defendant , kitchen worker Michelle McNair , smuggle tobacco in between her thighs . Earlier , Wendell M. ` Pete ' France , an operations director for the state 's prisons , described guards carrying contraband inside their lunches and in other ways that defied pat-down searches . ` If they are secreted in a body cavity you are n't going to find them , ' France testified . White , now serving a 20-year sentence for attempted murder at a location his attorneys will not disclose , was asked about the gang 's ` constitutions ' which include ` Once you pledge you take it to the grave , ' and ` We do not participate in snitching or working with the police . ' White said the rules apply to defendant Michelle Ricks , a former guard who he said joined the gang and even recited their oath to him . Judge J. Frederick Motz then interrupted , asking White directly : ` Those rules also apply to you , correct ? ' White laughed and shifted in his seat , saying ` yeah . ' White 's lawyer , Gary Proctor , said there was no way back for his client , who pleaded guilty to both state and federal charges during the probe and is hoping cooperation will mean less prison time . ` He did n't just burn his BGF bridges , he napalmed them , ' Proctor said . | Black Guerilla Family created positions at Baltimore City Detention Center , court told . Leader Tavon ` Bulldog ' White testifies that the gang controlled life in jail . Claimed gang leaders , not guards , were the ultimate authority inside facility . Five corrections officers , one kitchen worker and two inmates are on trial in corruption case . White was at the jail while awaiting a trial over an attempted murder charge . He has since pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in state prison . | [[254, 269], [351, 400], [403, 417], [683, 703], [2429, 2444], [3401, 3418], [704, 885], [4099, 4116], [4117, 4253], [1056, 1081], [1084, 1127], [4117, 4253], [4144, 4156], [4172, 4253], [1789, 1794], [1853, 1879], [5519, 5524], [5527, 5592]] |
The U.S. State Department ratcheted up the online propaganda war on Wednesday , tweeting a photo composite showing four dead ISIS jihadis who it suggested were killed in overnight airstrikes in Syria -- but later deleting it after MailOnline drew attention to the post . The ` Think Again Turn Away ' program 's Twitter account blasted out the image to its nearly 8,000 followers . The initiative 's goal is to dissuade would-be jihadis , including so-called ` foreign fighters , ' from joining up with ISIS . The U.S. government used the same account in recent weeks to distribute a mock ISIS recruiting video that lambasted the terror group for mass executions and the destruction of Muslim historical sites . SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOS . Advertising with an edge : The US State Department is using a Twitter account to frighten would-be ISIS recruits with images of dead jihadis -- implying that any aspiring infidel-hunter could be the next casualty . Shock and awe in 140 characters : America 's government is tweeting images like this one taken from the video feed of a drone in mid-attack . Trolling ISIS terrorists is more art than science , but generally includes a heavy dose of military hardware meant to strike fear into the hearts of Islamist radicals . Social media messaging has become a key element in the Obama administration 's battle for hearts and minds in the Arab world , especially since ISIS -- the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham -- began distributing graphic beheading videos that way . State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters on Sept. 5 that the anti-jihad campaign had already ` been appearing in Arabic for quite some time . We are doing more in English as well . ' The messages are produced by the agency 's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications as a pushback against Islamist terror groups that use online spaces to recruit militants and spread propaganda to young followers . Efforts from ISIS , in particular , have proven effective -- and provide ample headaches to the agencies that comprise America 's national security infrastructure . The terror army ` operates the most significant propaganda machine of any extremist group , ' according to National Counterterrorism Center director Center Matt Olsen . One ISIS-linked Twitter account with nearly 10,000 followers claimed Tuesday night that the ` first victims of air strikes by US on Syria ' were ` children and women . ' Another tweeted news stories from dubious sources claiming French fighter jets mistakenly bombed Kurdish allies , killing 75 fighters in a friendly-fire cockup . Separately , a weeks-long Twitter campaign centered around the hashtag #AMessageFromISIStoUS spread a series of chest-puffing boasts , including direct threats against the U.S. homeland . That hashtag has since been taken over by Americans who now regularly taunt ISIS Islamists . The American government aims to initiate a similar turnabout on a much larger scale so fewer ISIS sympathizers will give in to the magnetic pull of a firefight in Iraq or Syria . About one-third of the 31,000 fighters available to ISIS today came to Syria and Iraq from other countries , including an estimated 2,000 from Europe and 100 from the United States . In a rare UN Security Council meeting that featured 15 heads of state -- not just ambassadors -- a unanimous vote advanced a plan to fight terrorism with new legal penalties against ` foreign fighters ' UK Prime Minister David Cameron , left , addressed the UN Security Council summit on foreign terrorists after US President Barack Obama used the monthly-rotating gavel to hold the vote . America 's messages are ` targeted at potential recruits -LSB- and -RSB- potential sympathizers , ' Harf said , ` to show and expose the brutality of terrorist organizations , including ... ISIS . ' The larger goal is ` to point out the fallacies of what they 're talking about , point out the inconsistencies , point out how this is contrary to Islam -- and really make very clear what this group is so people do n't join it . ' The U.S. and a group of nations , including some from the Arab world , began bombing ISIS targets in Syria on Monday . The Think Again Turn Away campaign 's ` recruiting ' video went viral three weeks ago ; it used the group 's own online propaganda footage to reposition murderous jihad as a foolish aspiration . Its opening scene showed a mosque being blown up , followed by a photo of a decapitated body . Viewers were told newly minted ISIS soldiers can learn ` useful skills ' including bombing mosques with Muslims trapped inside , crucifying fellow Muslims and plundering public resources . It closed with a sarcastic slogan : ` Travel is inexpensive , because you wo n't need a return ticket ! ' Join today , a mocking State Department ` recruiting ' video said , and you too could destroy a Mosque -- as ISIS soldiers have done in their sectarian Muslim-on-Muslim holy war . Lampoon : The Obama administration 's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications even poked fun at ISIS recruits for reportedly needing to bone up on their Islam basics before reporting for duty . Discouraging American ` foreign fighters ' too : When these two Minnesota-based ISIS recruits turned up dead , the State Department hung their digital heads up for everyone in the US to see . On Wednesday in New York City , all 15 members of the United Nations Security Council approved a resolution that requires all 193 UN countries to prosecute anyone who travels abroad to help ISIS . The same rule will apply to people who finance global terror networks . Countries will also be expected to close their borders to their own citizens if they return home after fighting alongside the ISIS menace . President Barack Obama , who chaired the council meeting , said it would be ` legally binding . ' But in reality the UN has no means of enforcing its resolutions , and relies largely on peer pressure and threats of country-to-country sanctions to keep nations in line . | ` Think Again Turn Away ' social media campaign aims to dissuade would-be jihadis from joining up with ISIS . It has already tweeted pics of airstrike gunsights , rocket launches and two Americans who were killed fighting with Islamist radicals . US State Department also created phony ISIS recruiting video showing the group bombing Islamic historical sites and crucifying fellow Muslims . After Tuesday night 's airstrikes against ISIS in Syria , the State Department tweeted photos of four dead jihadis . Tweet called the bombings a ` major step towards getting -LSB- the -RSB- job done ' UN Security Council unanimously approved a plan Wednesday to close borders to ISIS ` foreign fighters ' and prosecute anyone traveling to fight alongside the terror network 's soldiers . | [[382, 477], [986, 1040], [2293, 2430], [5228, 5287], [5290, 5361], [510, 610], [582, 711], [4792, 4802], [4805, 4857], [0, 35], [80, 137], [107, 137], [142, 199], [271, 381], [818, 832], [833, 877], [986, 1040], [449, 477], [482, 509], [3268, 3305], [3365, 3468], [5371, 5400], [5403, 5513], [5493, 5567]] |
The Air Force is preparing to court-martial a female nuclear missile launch officer on drug and obstruction-of-justice charges following an investigation that led to the disclosure of a separate exam-cheating scandal that implicated nearly 100 nuclear officers . Second Lieutenant Nicole Dalmazzi , 25 , of the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base , Montana , was the first missileer , as launch officers are called , known to have been charged since the drug investigation was made public in January . The investigation came to light on the same day that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel visited the headquarters of the Air Force 's land-based nuclear missile force . Dalmazzi is a missile launch officer at Malmstrom Air Force Base , Montana , home to a third of the U.S. Air Force 's Minuteman 3 missile capability . Four missileers were subjects of the drug investigation , three were at Malmstrom and one at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming . The twin disclosures of alleged exam cheating and illegal drug use accelerated a wave of embarrassing news about the nuclear missile corps , which has been beset with discipline problems , low morale , leadership lapses and resource shortages . Last month , Hagel announced plans for top-to-bottom changes in how the force is managed and operated . Ten days later he resigned , although Air Force officials said they were confident the reforms will move ahead . Dalmazzi was charged with illegal drug use and obstructing the Air Force Office of Special Investigations -LRB- OSI -RRB- probe by dyeing her hair to ` alter the results of potential hair-follicle drug tests , ' according to Josh Aycock , a spokesman at Malmstrom . He would not elaborate on her alleged actions or the tests . He said her court-martial was scheduled for January 21 . Efforts to reach Dalmazzi for comment on Tuesday were unsuccessful . The nuclear missile corps has been beset by embarrassing news over the past year , with Defense Secretary Hagel promising a shake-up of management and operations ten days before he resigned . The investigation began in August 2013 at Edwards Air Force Base in California . When investigators examined the cellphones of two airmen at Edwards they found text messages to or from 11 other Air Force officers at several other air bases . The text messages detailed ` specific illegal drug use that included synthetic drugs , ecstasy and amphetamines , ' according to a report released in March that looked mainly at missileers ' exam cheating but also traced a connection between the drug and cheating issues . Two of the 11 officers were assigned to Malmstrom ; investigators determined that both had used personal cellphones to discuss illegal drug activity as well as answers to routine proficiency tests taken by all missileers , according to the March investigative report . That investigation focused on the exam cheating , whereas the drug probe was done separately as a criminal inquiry by the Office of Special Investigations , which has not publicly announced its results . Eventually the number of Malmstrom missileers implicated in the drug probe grew to three . The Air Force concluded that the exam cheating was confined to missileers at Malmstrom . Disciplinary action for the alleged cheating is being handled separately from the drug cases , although the Air Force has said that three officers at Malmstrom who were suspected of illegal drug activities also were alleged to have shared classified exam materials . On Tuesday , Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said the OSI criminal probe is complete . ` We 've made a big point about accountability , ' James said . ` Standards are standards , and when people fail in integrity , service and excellence there are appropriate accountability measures . ` We 've made a big point of that and that 's true across the Air Force and it has been , of course , particularly true this past year in the ICBM community . ' As a missileer Dalmazzi was trained to operate the Minuteman 3 missile , which is armed with a nuclear warhead and stands ready for launch on short notice from an underground silo that is electronically linked to a launch control center , also underground , where two missileers are on duty around the clock . Because of the sensitive nature of the job , with its many classified procedures and potential for costly mistakes , any allegation of drug use by missileers is concerning . A RAND Corporation report last year on workplace stresses for missileers and others in the nuclear missile corps found some suffering ` burnout . ' It also found an elevated rate of behavioral issues , including domestic violence . Dalmazzi 's 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom operates 150 of the Air Force 's 450 Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles , or ICBMs . The other 300 are evenly divided between Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota and F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming . The Air Force also operates a fleet of nuclear-capable bomber aircraft . | Second Lieutenant Nicole Dalmazzi , 25 , based at Malmstrom Air Force Base , Montana , was the first missileer to be charged in investigation . Four missileers being investigated on drug allegations stemming from an exam-cheating scandal that implicated nearly 100 officers . Lt Dalmazzi dyed her hair to alter the results of a potential follicle drug test . Investigators found text messages revealing ecstasy and amphetamine usage across several bases . Defense Secretary Hagel 's plans for a shake-up of operations to move ahead despite his resignation . Lt Dalmazzi 's court-martial date set for January 21 . | [[263, 357], [370, 393], [676, 826], [96, 216], [184, 199], [200, 262], [184, 216], [222, 262], [960, 1098], [1550, 1629], [2148, 2308], [2309, 2420], [2378, 2420], [2425, 2446], [1205, 1215], [1218, 1308], [1963, 2066], [1749, 1805], [1757, 1805]] |
Just a day after the CIA chose to bypass a spy for their top position because of her waterboarding past , the name of the man they chose instead was leaked on Twitter despite his still being undercover . The government is remaining mum , but Francis Archibald is likely the next spy chosen to head the Central Intelligence Agency 's National Clandestine Service . ` New head of #CIA clandestine service was head of #LatinAmerica Division since ca 2011 . Francis ` Frank ' Archibald , 57 , ' tweeted former Washington Post assistant editor John Dinges on Wednesday . Leaked : The name of the man chosen as top CIA spy was leaked on Twitter Wednesday , though he remains undercover as the agency chief in Latin America . The leak was likely related to a report Tuesday that the post would be filled by the head of the CIA 's Latin American Division , a former station chief in Pakistan who former officials said once ran the covert action that helped remove Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic from power . The top spy job was originally supposed to go to one of the agency 's highest-ranking women , an agent identified only as G . But cries rang out over ` G 's ' heavy involvement with a secret CIA prison in Thailand where high-profile terrorist suspects were subjected to so-called enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding and sleep deprivation . The officer briefly ran a secret CIA prison where accused terrorists Abu Zubayada and Abd al-Nashiri were waterboarded in 2002 , according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials . Report : Former Washington Post reporter John Dinges tweeted that the next head spy will be Francis Archibald , and Jeff Stein -LRB- pictured -RRB- of And Magazine quickly confirmed . She was also a senior manager in the Counterterrorism Center helping run operations in the war on terror and served as chief of staff to Jose Rodriguez and helped carry out his order that the CIA destroy its waterboarding videos . That order prompted a lengthy Justice Department investigation that ended without charges . Shortly after Dinges ' tweet , reports Gawker , longtime intelligence reporter Jeff Stein confirmed Archibald 's pick in AND Magazine , in a report that also supports the claim that ` G ' was passed over for her interrogation ties . ` Most likely Archibald was chosen because there 's not a whiff of scandal in his background , as far as we know , ' Stein wrote . ` `` Bland '' is a word that comes to mind . ' The CIA , while announcing G 's bypassing , denied it was the veteran spy 's waterboarding past led to the decision . ` The assertion she was not chosen because . of her affiliation with the -LRB- counter terrorism -RRB- mission is absolutely . not true , ' said CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood . Urged : The Senate Intelligence Committee 's Dianne Feinstein reportedly asked the CIA not to appoint a previous pick , named ` G , ' because of ties to torture . Professional : The CIA maintains director John Brennan , pictured , chose Archibald over G for reasons apart from G 's ` counter terrorism ' ties . Meanwhile , Sen. Dianne Feinstein , the Senate Intelligence Committee 's top Democrat , has criticized the interrogation program and personally urged CIA Director John Brennan not to promote G , according to a former senior intelligence briefed on the call . More than a decade after it last used waterboarding , an interrogation technique that simulates drowning , the CIA is still hounded by the legacy of a tactic that the U.S. government regarded as torture before the Bush administration authorized its use against terrorist suspects . Brennan 's ties to the interrogation program delayed for years his nomination to lead the CIA and Feinstein wants the agency to declassify a 6,000-page report on the interrogation program . Government officials have neither confirmed nor denied Archibald 's appointment . | Francis ` Frank ' Archibald is reportedly the next CIA head honcho as previous pick , a woman called only ` G , ' was labelled too controversial for her waterboarding past . Government officials have not confirmed the next leader of the CIA 's National Clandestine Service will be Archibald , currently head spy in Latin America , because his identity is still supposed to be a secret . | [[242, 363], [1100, 1131], [1595, 1663], [2852, 2902], [364, 453], [658, 718], [3815, 3896], [3815, 3835], [3863, 3896]] |
When most children dress up as their favourite superhero , it is usually just to play imaginary games with their friends in the back garden . But for five-year-old Harley Renshaw , it is in order to help him be brave while he undergoes chemotherapy treatment for an aggressive form of childhood cancer . Harley was diagnosed with cancer in his kidney , lung , bone and neck just after starting primary school and had to have 14 sessions of chemotherapy lasting three months . Harley Renshaw , 5 , had to undergo three months of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer . During the treatment session he wore a mask -LRB- left -RRB- decorated like his favourite Ninja Turtle . While he was treated at The Christie Hospital , Manchester , he had to wear a special face mask which he decorated like his favourite Ninja Turtle to help him feel brave . Mother Stacey Parker , 23 , and dad Oliver Renshaw , 25 , said Harley had been amazing during his treatment , also making special beads of courage . Ms Parker said : ` Not once did he complain about going for treatment . He has a big scar right across his belly which he calls his `` pirate scar '' . We could n't be any prouder of our boy . ` He has had such a lot to deal with this year and he just takes it all in his stride and gets on with it . He is a true inspiration and he is our hero . ' The family only discovered Harley was ill shortly after he started school , when his mother took him to a walk-in clinic with a pain in his stomach . He was diagnosed with neuroblastoma , a rare and aggressive childhood cancer , and was sent to Royal Manchester Children 's Hospital to undergo pioneering treatment . He has since had 80 days of intensive chemotherapy and has had an operation to remove his kidney tumour . Harley was diagnosed with cancer in his kidney , lung , bones and neck after mother Stacey took him to a walk in clinic with a stomach pain . The five-year-old has also been given an award -LRB- left -RRB- . A month later he was back at hospital for a stem cell transplant , fighting back from complications to return home for his fifth birthday , before undergoing 14 days of radiotherapy . He is now facing a further five months of treatment as he is given five rounds of immunotherapy . Stacey said : ` When we received Harley 's diagnosis , we were in complete shock . Our world came crashing down and we were terrified . ` But not once did Harley complain about going for treatment . The hospital staff were amazed at how well he behaved during his radiotherapy and how he managed to keep so still . ' Harley has now been awarded one of Cancer Research UK 's Little Star Awards which acknowledges the unique challenges faced by youngsters who encounter cancer . Cancer Research UK is calling on people to nominate more Little Stars . The awards , in partnership with TK Maxx , are open to under-18s who have cancer or who have been treated for the disease in the last five years . | Harley Renshaw , 5 , diagnosed with cancer after starting primary school . Disease is in his kidney and has spread to bones , neck and left lung . Went through three months of chemotherapy at a Manchester hospital . Made Ninja Turtle mask and courage beads in order to help him feel brave . | [[304, 310], [379, 408], [1374, 1447], [304, 373], [1797, 1867], [223, 303], [304, 310], [413, 475], [476, 490], [497, 598], [1691, 1693], [1704, 1741], [181, 183], [196, 216], [704, 749], [765, 875], [876, 926], [934, 1024]] |
Holland coach Guus Hiddink blamed Kazakhstan 's early goal for the problems his side faced breaking down the visitors before three goals in the last half-hour secured their first win of the Euro 2016 qualifying campaign . Holland dominated possession but surprisingly fell behind when Renat Abdulin 's diving header from a corner in the 17th minute gave goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen no chance . The Kazakhstan defence was like a brick wall that held firm until goals by substitute Klaas-Jan Huntelaar , Ibrahim Afellay and a Robin van Persie penalty earned victory in Group A. Klaas-Jan Huntelaar -LRB- centre -RRB- celebrates with teammates after scoring Holland 's equaliser . Guus Hiddink -LRB- centre -RRB- stands for the Dutch anthem with Danny Blind -LRB- left -RRB- and Ruud van Nistelrooy -LRB- right -RRB- . ` We were thrown back by their only corner of the game . After the opening goal they lined up in a -LRB- wall-like -RRB- defence , ' Hiddink told reporters . ` Then it is up to you to break through by executing a high-speed passing game , but that did n't always work . It is important not to panic . If you keep playing like that the goals will come sooner or later . ' The final 30 minutes proved Hiddink right after a tactical change that was the turning point in the match . The hosts started with a traditional 4-3-3 after the 5-3-2 system former Holland coach Louis van Gaal successfully used at the World Cup in Brazil did not work in their opening Euro 2016 qualifier against the Czech Republic which they lost 2-1 . The Dutch players celebrate Robin van Persie 's goal that secured three points for Holland . Van Persie -LRB- right -RRB- and Leroy Fer -LRB- left -RRB- celebrate Van Persie 's late penalty on Friday night . Hiddink added another striker when Huntelaar came on for defensive midfielder Nigel de Jong in the 55th minute . The Schalke captain paired up with national team skipper Robin van Persie up front and rewarded the coach by heading in a free kick six minutes after coming off the bench . Moments later Kazakhstan were reduced to 10 men when striker Baurzhan Dzholchiyev was dismissed for a tackle from behind on Afellay , who put the Dutch ahead with only eight minutes left to cap his return to the national team after 23 months . The Olympiakos Piraeus midfielder had been plagued by injury in the previous two seasons Which kept him out of the team . ` Afellay has had a difficult time . It is good to see he has found the way back up . I think he played with a great drive today , ' said Hiddink . Van Persie wrapped up the win with a penalty in the 89th . Hiddink has only four days to determine whether he will stick to a 4-3-3 formation with their next European Championship qualifier against Iceland scheduled for Monday . -LRB- Editing by Ken Ferris -RRB- . | Guus Hiddink described Kazakhstan 's defence as ` like a brick wall ' The Dutch coach went on to say they scored with their only corner . Hiddink made a tactical change for the last 30 minutes and it paid off . Huntelaar was brought on in the 55th minute and scored in the 62nd . | [[394, 438], [1187, 1252], [1235, 1252], [1258, 1294], [1749, 1861], [1784, 1861], [1862, 1881], [1949, 2034]] |
A young mother who lost her parents and sister to cancer has refused tests for the disease - because she fears being handed a death sentence . Diana Barrett , 22 , has been advised to have checks after both her parents died from bowel cancer and her sister was killed by a brain tumour . But despite losing her entire family to the disease , the mum-of-one said she would rather live in blissful ignorance than be told she is doomed to develop the disease . ' I know people will think it is irresponsible but the truth is after everything that has happened to my family I am terrified at the prospect of what doctors might say , ' she said . ' I would rather not know . ' Brave Diana Barrett , 22 , pictured with her one-year-old son , Darcy , has said she would rather not know if she is going to develop cancer . Miss Barrett , from Coleford , Gloucester , was only eight years old when her father Robert , 35 , passed away from bowel cancer , aged 35 , in 2001 . Nine years later her mother , Tracey , 40 , developed the same disease and died on Mother 's Day in March 2009 . In a final cruel twist , Miss Barrett 's sister Sherrie developed a brain tumour in 2011 and lost her battle with the disease last year , aged 26 . The mother to one-year-old Darcy , said : ` Nothing can prepare you for losing a mother or father but I lost everyone I loved so young . ` I 've been dealt a bad hand but have managed to keep going . ` When I held Darcy in my arms for the first time I felt an overwhelming amount for love for him . ` He gives me a purpose in life . We 're a little family but we 're a happy one . ' When their dad died , Miss Barrett was comforted by older sister Sherrie and the family briefly found happiness when mum Tracey met a new partner and had two more children . Miss Barrett 's father Robert -LRB- right -RRB- died of bowel cancer in 2001 and her mother Tracey -LRB- left -RRB- died nine years later of the same disease . Miss Barrett -LRB- right -RRB- pictured with her sister , Sherrie , who died at just 26 after developing a brain tumour . Miss Barrett -LRB- front and centre -RRB- pictured with her mother , Tracey , sister , Sherrie , paternal grandmother , Gene , and father , Robert , during a family holiday to Disneyland . But in late 2007 , when Miss Barrett was just 14 , Tracey , 40 , a doll maker , was diagnosed with colon cancer after she started having pains in her lower back . In the weeks that followed , her mum underwent keyhole surgery , radiotherapy and chemo . Tracey survived Christmas and died on Mother 's Day in March 2009 . She said : ' I was devastated . I could n't believe I 'd lost both my parents . It was impossible to take in and I started suffering from panic attacks . ' The grieving sisters had happier news when Sherrie found out she was expecting her first child , but it was short-lived when 36 weeks into the pregnancy Sherrie started to suffer from severe headaches and an MRI scan revealed she had a brain tumour . She said : ` They told her she had a rare brain tumour the size of a pear . They said it was life-threatening and had to perform an emergency c-section so they could operate on the tumour . ' Fortunately , her baby boy was delivered healthy weighing 7.3 lbs . Miss Barrett herself fell pregnant in February 2013 after a whirlwind romance and while the pregnancy was n't planned , she was thrilled and could n't wait to start a family . She said : ' I was over the moon but also terrified to bring a baby into the world in case I or the baby suffered the same fate as my family . ' Less than two weeks after Miss Barrett gave birth in November 2013 , Sherrie died . ` It was the most difficult time of my life , ' she said . Less than two weeks after Miss Barrett gave birth to her first child her sister , who she is pictured with as a child , died of a brain tumour . Miss Barrett says she does not think that it is ` healthy to know ' if she is likely to develop cancer in the future . ' I would cry every day and felt scared and helpless . ` Not only would Darcy never know his granddad or grandmother , but now he would never know his aunty either . ` But I had to stay strong as I had a baby who depended on me . ' Miss Barrett said her family 's bad luck has baffled doctors who have advised her to undergo genetic testing , but she has refused because she fears the results . ' I do n't think it 's healthy to know , ' she explained . ` If they told me it was likely I was going to develop cancer in the future it would be hard to carry on on a daily basis . ` Of course , I think about it every day - more now than ever that I am a mother - but I ca n't curl up and die , I have to keep going for the sake of my son . ` Every day I cherish and live my life to the full . ' | Mother-of-one Diana Barrett lost both her parents and sister to cancer . Her parents both died from bowel cancer and her sister of a brain tumour . Medics have urged the 22-year-old to be tested for the killer disease . She has declined because she is ` terrified ' of what doctors might say . | [[0, 90], [93, 142], [143, 156], [164, 256], [242, 287], [292, 339], [1079, 1101], [1104, 1126], [1172, 1214], [2628, 2655], [0, 90], [93, 142], [143, 156], [164, 256], [242, 287], [292, 339], [815, 843], [859, 943], [1079, 1101], [1104, 1126], [1135, 1167], [1989, 1999], [2016, 2065], [2628, 2655], [3707, 3726], [3827, 3851], [143, 156], [164, 256], [4221, 4311], [0, 90], [93, 142], [560, 626], [609, 626], [631, 641], [4314, 4365]] |
The United States government is sending thousands of military troops to the west African nation of Liberia as part of the Obama administration 's Ebola virus-response strategy , the White House said late Monday night . ` U.S. Africa Command will set up a Joint Force Command headquartered in Monrovia , Liberia , to provide regional command and control support to U.S. military activities and facilitate coordination with U.S. government and international relief efforts , ' a statement from the White House press office said . ' A general from U.S. Army Africa , the Army component of U.S. Africa Command -LRB- AFRICOM -RRB- , will lead this effort , which will involve an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces . ' Liberia is the hardest-hit of the four west African nations that have confirmed Ebola cases , accounting for more than one-half of the fatalities . The others are Sierra Leone , Guinea and , to a lesser extent , Nigeria . Scroll down for video . Even the littlest ones : Liberian Red Cross health workers wearing hazmat suits carry the body of a 18-month-old Ebola victim in Monrovia . AFRICOM is set to send 3,000 American military officers and enlisted personnel to Liberia soon . Modern-day lepers : In Liberia , suspected Ebola patients like this man -LRB- right -RRB- are seen most days lying near busy streets -- with most people terrified of touching them . Some of what America 's armed personnel will do in Liberia is unclear . The White House said ` many ' of them will be stationed at an ` intermediate staging base ' where they will supervise the movement of medical staff , supplies and heavy equipment . AFRICOM already warns its own personnel that they should ` avoid nonessential travel to Sierra Leone , Guinea , and Liberia . ' And the Defense Department is concerned , one Pentagon official told MailOnline , about the public perceptions aroused when American G.I.s patrol ground zero in a disease outbreak that could plunge three or more countries into chaos if it worsens significantly . Combat soldiers and Marines ` will be on hand and ready for anything , ' said the official , who has knowledge of some , but not all , of the Ebola-related planning . ` But hopefully it will be all logistics and hospital-building . ' ` The president has ordered us to help , and we 're eager to do it , ' he said . ` Now it looks like we 're going to be the lead dog , and that 's bound to make a lot of people nervous . It 's understandable . ' ` But no one wants U.S. personnel enforcing someone else 's martial law if things go south and the entire region is at risk . ' ` At this point in a response like this , we would normally play a support role for USAID and the CDC , ' he said , referring to the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The official spoke on condition of anonymity . The Fox News Channel reported on Sunday that the U.S. military 's emphasis on Ebola prevention , driven by President Barack Obama , has stretched thin most if not all of its other missions . A senior military official told Fox that General Martin Dempsey , chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , said at a recent meeting that ` the Department of Defense 's number one priority is combating Ebola . ' The network 's source commented that ` we do n't need to be taking planners away from the CT -LSB- counter-terrorism -RSB- mission , and that is what is going on . ' Defense spending is down 21 per cent since 2010 , the first fiscal year for which the Obama administration presided over the federal budget . But the president is insisting that the military carry much of the burden in Africa . ` National security ' : President Obama said during a recent NBC News interview that African Ebola might be a threat to the U.S. if it was not crushed out quickly , and allowed to mutate . State of the art : In America , the few known Ebola patients -- all of them flown home from Africa -- have been cared for in high-tech isolation pods like this one , shown during a biocontainment drill . Squalor : In Liberia , suspected Ebola patients often end up in the care of family members in conditions where poor sanitation and minimal medical care contribute to a township-wide downward spiral . In a Sept. 7 interview on NBC 's ` Meet the Press , ' he called it a ` national security priority . ' ` If we do n't make that effort now , and this spreads not just through Africa , but other parts of the world , there 's the prospect then that the virus mutates , it becomes more easily transmittable , and then it could be a serious danger to the United States , '' said Obama . White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest fielded questions Monday about the threat that a mutated Ebola virus could endanger the American population . ` Right now , ' Earnest said , ` the risk of an Ebola outbreak in the United States is very low . But that risk would only increase if there were not a robust response on the part of the United States . ' ` And that 's why the president -- among other things -- that 's one of the things that 's motivating the president to direct an aggressive response . ' Obama will visit the CDC in Atlanta on Tuesday for a situation update , and to give a public speech about the need to regard Africa 's public health crisis as a threat to the United States . Earnest 's office said Monday night that military engineers would be on hand in Liberia to build makeshift hospitals , and that the American government ` will help recruit and organize medical personnel to staff them . ' The Pentagon has also committed to construct and staff at least one 25-bed ` field-deployable hospital , ' in Liberia , but The Washington Post reported last week that it will treat only infected health care workers -- not civilian victims of the outbreak . Scary : LIberians have become accustomed to seeing hazmat-outfitted medics and burial workers in their neighborhoods , but American military troops will be an entirely different sight . The Ebola virus is spread through contact with bodily fluids , including blood , sweat and saliva . In some African cultures , preparing the dead for cremation involves physical contact with their remains -- something that has allowed the disease to spread quickly . The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps will send 65 administrators , clinicians and support staff to run the facility . That 's a change from a week ago , when Army Colonel Steve Warren , a Pentagon spokesman , told Reuters that the military would turn the field hospital over to the Liberian government after it was built . ` No U.S. personnel right now will be providing patient care , ' Col. Warren said on Sept. 8 . We are deploying the hospital facility , setting it up , stockpiling it . We 'll turn it over to the government of Liberia and then the DoD -LRB- Defense Department -RRB- personnel will depart , '' he said . The World Health Organization says the current Ebola Virus Disease outbreak , a form of hemorrhagic fever , has infected more than 4,900 west Africans and killed at least 2,400 , mostly in Liberia . The State Department purchased a shipment of 5,000 body bags for its USAID mission in Liberia last month . USAID is also procuring up to 160,000 hazmat suits for medical workers . The White House aid Monday night that USAID will soon airlift 130,000 of those ` sets of personal protective equipment ' to health care workers in affected countries . | The Obama administration said late Monday night that the U.S. military will set up a command post in Monrovia , Liberia , the Ebola outbreak 's epicenter . ` This effort ... will involve an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces , ' according to the White House . Pentagon official says military will ` be the lead dog , and that will make a lot of people nervous . ... No one wants U.S. personnel enforcing someone else 's martial law if things go south and the entire region is at risk ' U.S. Africa Command warns servicemen and women : ` Avoid nonessential travel to Sierra Leone , Guinea , and Liberia ' Pentagon is drawing flak for sending 25-bed ` field-deployable hospital ' that is meant to treat health care workers , not civilian victims . The U.S. president will travel to the CDC in Atlanta on Tuesday for a briefing about his government 's efforts to stem the tide overseas . | [[178, 218], [219, 300], [313, 470], [0, 175], [530, 561], [620, 703], [1092, 1188], [2336, 2381], [2388, 2435], [2467, 2532], [3577, 3658], [854, 894], [1624, 1749], [1669, 1749], [5555, 5657], [5679, 5770], [5718, 5812], [5143, 5212]] |
Holed up in a printworks and surrounded by police , killers Said and Cherif Kouachi were unaware that commandos were being tipped off about their every move . For , hidden in a cardboard box just yards away was 27-year-old Lilian Lepere . And he was able to alert police about the location of the gunmen and the layout of the building . For more than six hours the graphic designer passed on crucial information until the siege ended in a bloody shootout as the terrorist brothers , who had vowed to die as martyrs , burst out from their lair all guns blazing and were mown down in a hail of bullets . Police commandos stormed the print works where the Charlie Hebdo gunmen were holed up with a hostage and the terrorist brothers burst out from their lair all guns blazing . A huge ball of fire erupted amid gunfire and explosions as French special forces shot dead the two Charlie Hebdo gunmen . From inside his claustrophobic hideout , Mr Lepere had first sent a text message to his father when the Kouachis took over the print works at Dammartin-en-Goele , a small town just north of Paris . He wrote : ` I am hidden on the first floor . I think they have killed everyone . Tell the police to intervene . ' It is understood he was in a locked room . He continued to provide vital information to police and special forces via his phone as snipers took up position on surrounding rooftops and helicopters buzzed overhead . Lilian Lepere , 27 , hid in a cardboard box as the Charlie Hebdo gunmen held a father-of-two hostage for eight hours . Mr Lepere emerged unscathed from the shootout and was taken to a psychological assessment unit where it is understood he was to be reunited with his family last night . A hostage held at gunpoint by the terrorists was also freed . The Kouachi brothers had been on the run since killing 12 journalists and police officers in a terror raid on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Wednesday . As the huge manhunt for them continued , they dumped their stolen getaway car and fled on foot into a forest 50 miles north of the capital . This morning they managed to evade the huge police dragnet and just after 8am hijacked a grey Peugeot 206 being driven by a woman teacher near Montagny-Sainte-Felicite , 30 miles north-east of Paris . Jean Paul Douet , the mayor of the village , said a colleague saw the men force the woman into the back seat . ` She saw their weapons , and in particular their rocket-propelled grenade launcher , ' he said . The teacher was freed unhurt soon afterwards , then dozens of police cars began chasing the fugitives along the N2 highway towards Paris . During the chase , shots were exchanged . The brothers dumped their car and fled on foot to a family-run printing company on an industrial estate in Dammartin-en-Goele . They burst into the business -- posing as armed police -- and took the company 's boss hostage . Armed police surrounded the building and sealed off the town of 8,000 people . All businesses closed , nearly 1,000 children were evacuated from schools and the streets were left deserted except for lines of police vehicles and units of heavily armed officers clad in combat gear . Masked and helmeted troopers with automatic weapons were seen peering out of a blue helicopters buzzing overhead . Michel Carn , a resident , said : ` The whole zone is surrounded . We are confined to our homes . ` We can hear helicopters and there 's one currently hovering over my house . ' With so many low flying police and army helicopters , some flights were unable to land at Paris 's main Charles de Gaulle airport seven miles away . Incredibly , a salesman visiting the small print works office minutes after the gunmen seized it described an encounter with one of the fugitives -- and even unwittingly shook his hand . ` When I arrived my client came out with an armed man who said he was from the police , ' said the man , who gave his name only as Didier . Al Qaeda brothers Cherif -LRB- left -RRB- and Said Kouachi were both shot dead by police as they tried to fight their way out of the industrial building . The graphic designer was able to alert police about the location of the gunmen and the layout of the building . French special forces sharp shooters on a rooftop at the scene of the bloody siege which saw both brothers mown down in a hail of bullets . ` My client told me to leave so I left . I was in front of the door . I shook -LSB- my client -RSB- Michel 's hand and I shook the hand of one of the terrorists . ' He said the black-clad man who was wearing a bullet-proof vest and carrying what looked like a Kalashnikov rifle told him : ` Leave , we do n't kill civilians anyhow . ' He said : ` That really struck me , so I decided to call the police . I guess it was one of the terrorists . ' As the standoff continued , police attempted to negotiate with the brothers but were told : ` We are ready to die as martyrs . ' Officers also scrambled phone signals after the terrorists reportedly called with a criminal associate . As the siege continued , the town mayor 's office appealed on its website for residents to stay behind closed doors . Many workers were forced to stay huddled inside their offices and shops because it was too risky to venture onto the streets . The gunmen 's hostage , named as the company 's director Michel Catalano -LRB- circled -RRB- , is believed to have been rescued alive . Mr Lepere 's family and friends knew he had gone to work and tried in vain to reach him between 9 and 11am by phone and on Facebook . A police helicopter hovers over Création Tendance Découverte , on an industrial estate outside Paris . French gendarmerie intervention forces arrive at the scene in a Dammartin-en-Goele industrial zone . One of the pupils inside the Dammartin-en-Goele high school said by phone from inside , ` We are scared ' , adding : ` We 've called our parents to make sure they 're OK . ' A 60-year-old woman said her daughter worked close to the hostage scene . ` My daughter told me , `` Do n't be scared mummy , we 're well protected '' . She was calm but me , I 'm scared . I 'm really scared , ' the woman said , sobbing . The siege ended at just after 3pm , as dusk fell . Commandos crept on to the roof of the building and set off a series of explosions before colleagues stormed in . At least two military helicopters containing special forces landed on the factory building , another in the grounds . Members of the GIGN -LRB- National Gendarmerie Intervention Group -RRB- hovering in a helicopter at the dramatic siege involving Charlie Hebdo gunmen . Defiant to the end , the terrorist brothers charged out firing Kalashnikovs at the security forces before being shot dead . Teenager Atlantis Farina , who lives close to the scene , was returning home when he heard explosions . ` The ground here started shaking , that is what shocked me most , ' said the 17-year-old . ` Then there was lots of what sounded like gunfire , it sounded like the suspects were firing back at the police . ` There was smoke too -- like they had thrown a grenade . ` I am so glad it is over , it brought panic to the area . My mum was very worried , and I was quite scared too . ' Residents living closest to the printworks had been evacuated from their homes minutes earlier , sparking fears the terrorist may have had bombs . Alan Linck , a teacher who lives less than 100 yards from the scene , said : ` They told us all to go . ` Anti-vibration strips were fixed on the walls of the houses , I think because they were worried about a bomb explosion . I am very relieved it is all over . ' | Lilian Lepere , 27 , hid in a box during siege with Charlie Hebdo gunmen . He was initially trapped inside with father Pascal Lepère who then escaped . Graphic designer sent desperate text calling for police to take action . His intelligence input gave police a critical edge in timing the assault . Al Qaeda brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi were both shot dead by police . Hostage , Michel Catalano , is believed to have been rescued alive . | [[159, 162], [165, 238], [1424, 1437], [1445, 1495], [6565, 6616], [1177, 1207], [1182, 1207], [361, 480], [834, 896], [3964, 4022], [4010, 4118], [4297, 4313], [4320, 4370], [5296, 5317], [5320, 5374], [5296, 5317], [5403, 5431]] |
Deputy PM Nick Clegg says he is ` delighted ' by their arrival . The first giant pandas to arrive in Britain for 17 years touched down at Edinburgh Zoo yesterday after an 11-hour flight from China on a specially-chartered jet . Now , as Sunshine and Sweetie settle into their luxury enclosure and eager fans clamour to see them , hopes are high they could produce the first ever panda cub born on British soil . Here , JOHN NAISH looks at what lies in store for these very special creatures . . . A pair of international celebrities completed their much-anticipated . move to Edinburgh last night , where they are now occupying # 275,000 . suites and having their organic food flown in from the Continent . They were met on Scottish soil by photographers , dignitaries and . crowds of flag-waving locals clamouring for a glimpse of them . Earlier . this week , a website selling tickets to see the pair crashed due to the . demand . But , in a departure from the usual celebrity script , the new arrivals are a pair of giant pandas . Scroll down for video . Safe landing : Chinese panda Yang Guang arrives at Edinburgh Airport yesterday afternoon on a specially chartered flight . Peering out : The panda named Tian Tian is unloaded from a plane at Edinburgh Airport . The pair are the first giant pandas to arrive in the UK for more than 17 years . Sunshine , left , and Sweetie , right , settle in at Edinburgh Zoo . They arrived at the zoo from a conservation centre in Sichuan , China , on a private Boeing 777F flight dubbed the ` FedEx Panda Express ' Yesterday , female Tian Tian -LRB- meaning Sweetie -RRB- and male Yang Guang . -LRB- Sunshine -RRB- arrived in Edinburgh Zoo from a conservation centre in . Sichuan , China , on a private Boeing 777F flight dubbed the ` FedEx Panda . Express ' , along with a vet and two animal handlers . They are on loan from China for the next ten years . Bagpipes played . as the bears were carried carefully from the aircraft in individual . crates , each labelled ` one panda ' and taken to Edinburgh Zoo . Tian Tian and Yang Guang have been put in enclosures designed by . animal psychologists , which come complete with dens , private pools , a . viewing platform and a room where the pandas will be given health . check-ups . The new arrivals are unloaded from their Panda Express plane following an 11-hour journey from China . New home : Yang Guang is unloaded from the freight aircraft by two FedEx staff members . Welcome : People waited with anticipation to receive Tian Tian and and Yang Guang as their plane touched down . The enclosure also has a specially built ` love tunnel ' where the two . can meet if they are feeling amorous , and a nursery for any offspring . Zoo bosses believe the pandas will attract more than a million extra . visitors , and a baby panda would see numbers boom even further - . although any cubs would be the property of China . Already there is eager adulation from the panda-mad public . Earlier . this week , the zoo 's ticket website was unable to cope with the ` sheer . influx ' of people trying to book tickets and crashed . But then this pair are rare treasures : these are the first pandas in . the UK for 17 years , since London Zoo hosted Bao Bao and Ming Ming in . the early Nineties . And the bears will need to be popular in order to fund their keep . The zoo is paying the Chinese around # 636,000 a year for the privilege . of having them . It also needs to buy them # 70,000 worth of bamboo a . year . The bears will now have a fortnight to settle in before being put on . show to the public . Although they have come as a pair , they will have . separate rooms as solitary pandas only meet to mate once a year . Excited : A youngster wore a panda hat and joined hundreds of other well-wishers to catch a first sighting of the giant bears at the airport . Their new living quarters are five-star . The animals love to clamber , . so each has a climbing frame that will enable them to see each other . over the tops of their enclosures . The animal psychologists also designed the accommodation to simulate . their natural habitat . Small caves are intended as outdoor bedrooms . There are his 'n' hers ponds and shaped rocks that act like . panda-recliners , so they can lie back to chew on their bamboo . Alison Maclean , the pandas ' head-keeper , is delighted with the . enclosure 's design . ` It 's perfect , ' she says . ` The visitors have huge . viewing panels , both looking into the interior and exterior of the . enclosures . It 's virtually soundproof , so the pandas wo n't get . disturbed . ' Pandas spend much of their time munching - as much as 14 hours a day . chewing bamboo . Each year , they will eat up to 18,000 kg -LRB- over 39,000 lb -RRB- . of the stuff - around 20 three-metre stems a day . This is no ordinary . bamboo , either . Most of it will be imported from a specialist organic . grower on a plantation just outside Amsterdam . After all , you do n't want to let pandas get hungry . They can get very . bearish . In 2009 , for example , a giant panda killed eight sheep in a . village near a nature reserve in Leshan in China . First sight : Chinese panda Yang Guang at Edinburgh Airport . Arrival : Giant pandas Tian Tian -LRB- Sweetie -RRB- and Yang Guang -LRB- Sunshine -RRB- arrive at Edinburgh Airport on the FedEx Panda Express . Touch down : The FedEx Panda Express lands at Edinburgh Airport . In captivity , they have been known to maul humans . Even when . well-fed , pandas are not completely herbivore . Around one per cent of . their diet is carnivore -- popular snacks are rats , mice and insects . The one mod-con the pandas should not need is climate control . The . weather in Edinburgh is very similar to that of their native Sichuan . Province . With all the right conditions , Edinburgh 's zoo keepers hope that the pampered pandas will be in the mood for love . The conservation purpose of their decade-long stay is to produce offspring that can be returned to the wild . Ten years is a significant proportion of a captive panda 's lifespan : . they are normally expected to live for 30 years . Both are now eight . Hopes are high that their stay will prove fruitful : Tian Tian and . Yang Guang have both successfully mated before , but with other partners . While pandas are notoriously difficult to mate in captivity , Tian Tian . and Yang Guang are said to stand a better chance than most of producing . young . The ` boisterous ' male , Yang Guang , is said to be better endowed . than the average panda . He has already sired a string of cubs in the . Ya'an reserve in China , where both pandas were born and raised . And although Tian Tian , has been described as ` a very quiet and nervous character ' , she has given birth to two cubs . Through the keyhole : Yang Guang is seen eating bamboo branches through a whole of the FedEx container transporting the pair to Edinburgh . Nervous flyer ? Yang Guang is fed with apples in the minutes before being loaded onto the plane to Scotland . Heavy load : Giant panda Yang Guang is hauled onto the plane at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport , ready for his trip to Scotland . Special delivery : The FedEx Panda Express has special livery for the flight . Hugh Roberts , chief executive of the Scottish zoological society , . said he was ` very confident ' the pandas would become the first in . Britain to breed naturally . ` They both know what to do and that 's a . start , ' he said . ` I do n't think Yang Guang 's sexual prowess is in . doubt . ' Nevertheless , the last British attempt ended in an acrimonious . divorce : London Zoo 's Bao Bao and Ming Ming fought savagely and had to . be separated . Bao Bao was sent to Berlin Zoo in 1993 and Ming Ming . returned to China in 1994 . Their predecessors had fared little better . In 1974 , the Conservative . prime minister , Edward Heath , attempted to lighten the gloom of a . Britain struck by economic crisis by bringing over Chia-Chia and . Ching-Ching , in what was considered a coup of ` panda diplomacy ' with the . Communist regime . But although the pair were loved by visitors to London Zoo , they did n't seem to love each other , and were cubless to the end . Loaded up : Tian Tian sat peacefully in a cage , before being taken to the airport . Pandas ' problems are exacerbated by the female 's very short period of . fertility . Jennifer Butler , a spokeswoman for Edinburgh zoo , says : . ` They only have a period of three days a year when the female is . receptive . Within this , there is only a window of between 24 and 48 . hours when she is fertile . ' Worse still , male pandas can prove lackadaisical . In 2007 , keepers at . Northern Thailand 's Chiang Mai Zoo resorted to sitting a male called . Chuang Chuang in front of a TV showing raunchy videos of bears mating in . an attempt to spark his interest . The chief veterinarian , Kanika . Limtrakul , was disappointed to admit ` Chuang Chuang seemed indifferent ' to the films . If Edinburgh does hit the panda cub jackpot , then it would prove a . welcome boost to conservation efforts : there are as few as 1,600 giant . pandas in central China . Farewell party : A Chinese woman sees off the pandas , who will have an extended stay in Edinburgh . Fragile cargo : The bears are loaded into special crates before boarding a plane heading for Edinburgh . Not everyone is a supporter , however . Chris Packham , the BBC wildlife . presenter , has said pandas should be allowed to die out and the money . spent on conserving them should go on other species . His words outraged . the Chinese and threatened the loan deal for Tian Tian and Yang Guang . But if a rare cub is produced , Edinburgh can expect an unprecedented . frenzy because there is something about these creatures that pulls the . heart strings . For example , a video on YouTube entitled Baby Panda . Sneezing has been viewed 190 million times . If such an adorable creature were to be born in Edinburgh , the . visitor bonus to the nation would certainly not be worth sneezing at . Bring me Sunshine : Giant pandas Sweetie and Sunshine arrived in Scotland after a 5,000-mile journey from China . Bulking up : Sunshine pictured tucking into some bamboo in his enclosure before embarking on his journey . Going the distance : Sweetie and her mate Sunshine will be the first pandas to live in the UK for 20 years . | Arrival of pair hailed as ` significant chapter ' in relationship between China and the UK . The pair are first giant pandas to arrive in Britain for nearly 20 years . They will live at Edinburgh Zoo for at least a decade . Deputy PM Nick Clegg says he is ` delighted ' by their arrival . | [[1269, 1349], [1282, 1349], [10319, 10324], [10340, 10427], [1350, 1379], [1390, 1418], [9237, 9253], [9258, 9299], [0, 64], [26, 43]] |
var twitterVia = ` MailOnline ' ; . DM.later -LRB- ` bundle ' , function -LRB- -RRB- -LCB- . DM.has -LRB- ` shareLinkTop ' , ` shareLinks ' , -LCB- . ` id ' : ' 2069217 ' , . ` title ' : ` Daniel the gas chamber miracle dog enjoys a new \ ` leash of life \ ' as guest on U.S. chat show ' , . ` url ' : `' , . ` eTwitterStatus ' : ' via @ ' + twitterVia , . ` articleChannelFollowButton ' : ` MailOnline ' , . ` isChannel ' : false , . ` placement ' : ` top ' , . ` anchor ' : ` tl ' -RCB- -RRB- ; . -RCB- -RRB- ; . 1 . View comments . DM.later -LRB- ` bundle ' , function -LRB- -RRB- -LCB- . DMS.Article.init -LRB- ` top ' -RRB- ; . -RCB- -RRB- ; . He was the plucky canine who defied death after surviving a gas chamber when animal control workers tried to put him down . But after coming away from the chamber unscathed and finding a new home , Daniel the beagle has gone from strength to strength and is now even becoming a media star . The miracle dog was abandoned and was due to be put down by workers at the animal control facility in Florence , Alabama in a stainless-steel box . Happy tale : Daniel appears on the Anderson Cooper show with his delighted owners Joe and Jenny Dwyer . Miracle mutt : Daniel went through the gas-filled chamber in a stainless steel box but somehow survived and emerged wagging his tail . Daniel came out of the carbon monoxide-filled chamber wagging his tail however , and has since found a new home after his stay of execution . The brave newly-adopted pet , who was named after the biblical figure who survived the lion 's den , made a television appearance on the Anderson Cooper chat show and looked in good health . He has been adopted by Jenny and Joe Dwyer , who rehomed the lucky beagle from Eleventh Hour Rescue , the organisation who took possession of him last month . About half of applications from people around the country seeking to adopt Daniel said they were not interested in adopting another dog if he was not available . As Daniel excitedly sniffed his way round the chat show set , owner Joe Dwyer , from Nutley , New Jersey , explained : ` As far as we know , he was put into the gas chamber with multiple other dogs . ` When they opened the door after the gas was let in , he came out with his tail wagging , and it 's nothing short of a miracle . It 's just unbelievable . ' The couple adopted Daniel , who has gone to live with them and their four other dogs . Beagle : Daniel , who is better known as the ` Miracle Dog ' , sits still while waiting for a treat in the home of Mark and Jill Pavlik after surviving the gas chamber . Miracle : Jill Pavlik plays with Daniel moments after arriving home from work . The stray beagle mix cheated death in an Alabama dog pound . Mr Dwyer said he and his family had two ` meet-and-greets ' with Daniel before being approved for adoption , and the dog has become fast friends with the Nutley family 's other four pooches . They have two dachshunds , a beagle mix and a pit bull mix . ` By Thursday evening they were all lying down together , ' he said . ` It was wonderful to see . ' Only three animals have survived the gas chamber at the animal control facility in Florence in the past 12 years . ` Maybe God just had a better plan for this one , ' city spokesman Phil Stevenson said . He said that the dog may have survived because his breathing was shallow thanks to a cold . Other variables that could allow a dog to survive include the number of animals placed in the chamber . ` Maybe we 'll get a cosmetic surgeon to make all our dogs look like Daniel ' In addition the concentration of carbon monoxide , whether the chamber is airtight or gas is leaking out and the health of the animal can also have an impact on improving their slim survival chances . At least 15 states , including New Jersey and New York , have banned carbon monoxide for euthanising shelter animals , but it is still a method used in many parts of the country . ' Mr Dwyer added that Daniel was n't put back in the chamber after defying the carbon monoxide because workers ` did n't have the heart to put him back in ' . He added : ` They thought that possibly from the after-effects of the gas , he might die during the night . But the next morning he was still wagging his tail . ' | Adoptive owners tell remarkable survival story on Anderson Cooper . One of only three hounds to survive animal control facility in 12 years . | [[3245, 3359]] |
Hundreds of mourners paid their last respects today to a young woman hailed as a hero , who suffered fatal injuries after intervening to help two teenage girls being harassed by a group of men . Tugce Albayrak had been in a coma since mid-November following an early-morning altercation in Offenbach , near Frankfurt . She died on Friday , her 23rd birthday , after her family gave permission to switch off her life support . Albayrak 's funeral was held outside a mosque in Waechtersbach in central Germany . Her coffin , covered by a green cloth with Arabic script in gold , was placed on a stone table , flanked by German and Turkish flags . Turkey 's ambassador to Germany and the Hesse state governor also attended the ceremony , conducted in both Turkish and German . Scroll down for videos . Tugce Albayrak 's coffin stands outside a mosque during a funeral ceremony in Waechtersbach , Germany . Killed for standing up for what she believes in : Tuğçe Albayrak was left in a coma after she stepped in between two men who were harassing female students . Tugce Albayrak had been in a coma since mid-November following the altercation . The bravery of the Turkish-German woman triggered an outpouring of public sympathy in Germany . The country 's president was among many who have lauded her as a role model . Hundreds of thousands have signed an online petition urging that Albayrak be posthumously awarded a national medal of honor . Albayrak and two friends came to the help of two teenage girls who were being harassed by several young men inside a bathroom in the McDonald 's at about 4 a.m. on November 15 . Later outside , one of the men allegedly hit Albayrak in the head , and she fell to the ground . A Serbian man , 18 , is in custody over the attack . He is said to have admitted striking Albayrak . Preliminary autopsy results were inconclusive about whether the fatal blow was struck by the man or came from hitting the ground . Albayrak , a student at Justus-Liebig University in Giessen , hoped to become a high school German and ethics teacher . Her aunt , Reyhan Kes , told The Associated Press : ` She was a strong-minded girl . I believe she would have been a perfect teacher . ' Albayrak was to be buried in the cemetery of her hometown in Bad Soden-Salmuenster , 8 kilometers -LRB- 5 miles -RRB- from Waechtersbach . Circled is the suspect being blocked off from reaching Albayrak outside the fast food restaurant . However , the man eventually breaks through and strikes the university student on the head . The coffin is carried to the funeral ceremony . Hundreds of thousands have signed an online petition urging that Albayrak be posthumously awarded a national medal of honor . The Imam prays near Tugce Albayrak 's coffin . She died on Friday , her 23rd birthday , after her family gave doctors permission to switch off her life support . Albayrak , a student at Justus-Liebig University in Giessen , hoped to become a high school German and ethics teacher . Albayrak 's coffin , covered by a green cloth with Arabic script in gold , was placed on a stone table , flanked by German and Turkish flags . The bravery of the Turkish-German woman triggered an outpouring of public sympathy in Germany . Turkey 's president was among many who have lauded Albayrak as a role model . Sorely missed : Albayrak 's aunt described her as ' a strong-minded girl ' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article . | Tugce Albayrak was attacked after standing up to men harassing two girls . She intervened after a group of men molested two teens in a McDonald 's . Incident occurred in early hours of the morning in town near Frankfurt . Afterwards one of the men she 'd stood up to allegedly struck her . Albayrak fell to the floor and never regained consciousness . She died on Friday after family allowed life support to be turned off . Albayrak 's funeral was held outside a mosque in Waechtersbach . | [[79, 85], [92, 159], [79, 85], [134, 194], [951, 1023], [1016, 1023], [1028, 1060], [79, 85], [92, 159], [79, 85], [134, 194], [1484, 1504], [1509, 1619], [235, 318], [1620, 1633], [1636, 1685], [2454, 2461], [2492, 2536], [1692, 1716], [319, 337], [366, 425], [2758, 2776], [2805, 2872], [426, 509], [799, 890]] |
Edinburgh Zoo is celebrating the birth of Rica , its first ever armadillo pup . The three-banded armadillo , a native to Brazil , was born to mum Rio and dad Rodar in August weighing just 0.1 lb -LRB- 81g -RRB- . Keepers said the animal has rapidly ` grown in to her shell ' and already weighs around 1lb -LRB- 450g -RRB- - having grown more than five times her birthweight to the size of a grapefruit . New arrival : Edinburgh Zoo is celebrating the birth of Rica , its first ever armadillo pup -LRB- pictured -RRB- . The three-banded armadillo , a native to Brazil , was born to mum Rio and dad Rodar in August weighing just 0.1 lb -LRB- 81g -RRB- . Gareth Bennett , senior presentations keeper at Edinburgh Zoo , said the birth was an ` amazing achievement ' as Rio and Rodar only arrived from Plock , in Poland , in March . ` This is the first birth of any armadillo species at Edinburgh Zoo , and it is amazing how quickly little Rica is growing up , ' he said . The Brazilian three-banded armadillo has a blackish-brown armour plating , which covers its body , head and tail . The plating comes in the form of two domed shells which are separated by three armoured bands of flexible of skin , allowing the armadillo to roll up into a ball . Family affair : Keepers say the animal has rapidly ` grown in to her shell ' and already weighs around 1lb -LRB- 450g -RRB- . Here Rica is pictured with her mum , Rio . ` You would never know that Rio was a first time mother as she is incredibly protective of Rica , ' said Gareth Bennett , senior presentations keeper at Edinburgh Zoo . The Brazilian three-banded armadillo has a blackish-brown armour plating , which covers their body , head and tail . The plating comes in the form of two domed shells which are separated by three armoured bands of flexible of skin , allowing the armadillo to roll up into a ball . It has a great sense of smell , and uses it to find termites under the soil . The armadillo will thrust its nose into the soil and then use its tongue to reach its prey . The species reaches at most 20 inches -LRB- 50cm -RRB- in length and about 3.3 lbs -LRB- 1.5 kg -RRB- . This has allowed it to survive 140 million years of evolution , but the creature is now listed as ` vulnerable ' because it lost nearly 50 per cent of its habitat in the last 15 years . The species produces one single offspring each year , so populations are slow to recover when hit by loss of habitat . This has allowed it to survive 140 million years of evolution , but the creature is now listed as ` vulnerable ' because it lost nearly 50 per cent of its habitat in the last 15 years . The Caatinga dry forest , where most of these armadillos live , once covered about 11 per cent of the Brazilian territory , and that has now been reduced to around six per cent . The species produces one offspring each year , so populations are slow to recover when hit by habitat loss . ' -LSB- Rica -RSB- is just amazing to watch , always full of energy and scurrying about her surroundings like a perfectly formed miniature of a fully grown three banded armadillo , ' said Mr Bennett . ` For her first few weeks she could not quite roll up into a perfect ball because of her huge claws and softer , smaller shell , but she has now grown into her shell and can quickly pack herself into the tightly sealed ball which adult three-banded armadillos are known for . ` You would never know that Rio was a first time mother as she is incredibly protective of Rica , constantly watching or carrying her , but mum is also very relaxed and has had no problem getting her new-born to suckle from her . A star is born : Rica becomes the zoo 's fourth three-banded armadillo , along with parents and ten-year-old Dillon . Mr Bennett said the keepers discovered Rio was pregnant after discovering scratch marks on her back , and an ultrasound scan showed up a peanut-sized baby . Endangered : The Brazilian three-banded armadillo has a blackish-brown armour plating , which covers their body , head and tail . The plating comes in the form of two domed shells which are separated by three armoured bands of flexible of skin , allowing the armadillo to roll up into a ball . ` Rica remains off show for now but she is doing great and will soon be out meeting the public . They grow up very fast - she will reach maturity within a year . ' Rica becomes the zoo 's fourth three-banded armadillo , along with her parents and ten-year-old ` retired star ' Dillon . Mr Bennett said the keepers discovered Rio was pregnant after discovering scratch marks on her back , and an ultrasound scan showed up a peanut-sized baby . ` When she first arrived at Edinburgh Zoo it did not take long for mum Rio to come out of her shell , very quickly becoming one of the stars of the Animal Antics hilltop shows , scurrying about through the feet of the audience , ' he said . ` However , after a few months , we noticed a slight change in her body weight and a few scratch marks on her back . Putting two and two together we investigated with an ultrasound and were able to make out a peanut sized little armadillo shape . ` The family all lived together just after the birth , however in the wild all armadillo species are solitary animals . ` We recently had to take dad Rodar away as female armadillos are ready to mate again about two weeks after the birth and another offspring would have been a bit too much for Rio at this stage . ' Back home : The Caatinga dry forest , where most of these armadillos live , once covered about 11 per cent of the Brazilian territory , and that has now been reduced to around six per cent . | Rica was born to mum Rio and dad Rodar in Scotland in August . She weighs around 1lb -LRB- 450g -RRB- and is now the size of a grapefruit . Three-banded armadillos are native to the Caatinga forest in Brazil . Species are listed as ` vulnerable ' as they have lost half their habitat . | [[213, 321], [213, 220], [279, 323], [311, 321], [324, 403], [1328, 1372], [2209, 2228], [2236, 2251], [2254, 2326], [2209, 2221], [2225, 2251], [2254, 2326], [2514, 2533], [2541, 2556], [2559, 2631], [2514, 2526], [2530, 2556], [2559, 2631]] |
Islamic State militants are planning the creation of a ` cyber caliphate ' protected by their own encryption software - from behind which they will launch massive hacking attacks on the U.S. and the West . Both Islamic State and Al Qaeda claim to be actively recruiting skilled hackers in a bid to create a team of jihadist computer experts capable of causing devastating cyber disruptions to Western institutions . They are now boasting it is only a matter of time before their plan becomes a reality . Scroll down for video . ISIS militants marching through the streets of Syria . The group now claim to be creating an army of hackers . The group boasts of its plans to create a ` cyber caliphate ' . Pictured are ISIS forces preparing for battle in Iraq . Junaid Hussain , who was jailed two years ' ago for hacking personal information from Tony Blair , is thought to be spearheading the ISIS cyber team 's activities from Syria where he fled to last year . Fox News reported the terror groups were using social media to attract more computer-savvy young recruits . Thought to be among those working within the organisation 's cyber team is British jihadist Junaid Hussain , who escaped to Syria while on police bail last year . Hussain , 20 , was jailed in 2012 for hacking into former Prime Minister Tony Blair 's gmail account and posting the details online . Steve Stalinsky , an executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute , told Fox News : ` They are forward thinking and are experimenting with hacking . In the future , the jihadists ' cyber army 's activities will become a daily reality . ' It was reported the possible targets of the jihadists ' cyber attacks will be the websites of U.S. government organisations , energy companies , transport systems and banks . Islamic State is noted for its use of advanced technology and social media on a scale unprecedented for such rebel groups . Tweets posted by British cyber jihadist Junaid Hussain from the Middle East , using an alias . Large numbers of Islamic State fighters are young , highly educated Westerners who are fighting the holy war with sophisticated backgrounds and training with digital technology . Militants ' use of Twitter and Facebook allows them to target an entire new generation of young possible recruits , while the beheading videos of James Foley and Steven Sotloff were created using skilled video and audio editing techniques . Meanwhile , president Barack Obama has announced U.S. airstrikes on Islamic State targets will extend into Syria . In a four-point plan laid out last night the U.S. leader announced coming airstrikes in both countries , additional support for Iraqi army units , counter-terrorism activities to hamstring ISIS , and renewed humanitarian aid for victims of ISIS militants . President Barack Obama pictured during yesterday 's announcement U.S. airstrikes will extend into Syria . ` This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady , relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist , ' Obama vowed , referring to ISIS by its alternate name , ` using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground . ' A senior Pentagon official confirmed that ` the U.S. military is ready to conduct direct action against ISIL targets in Syria . ' Britain has already drawn-up extensive plans to support the US that includes airstrikes and UK Special Forces forming ` advisory ' training teams to instruct Kurdish fighters how to use heavy machine guns ` gifted ' by Britain this week . Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the advance of Islamic State poses a ` clear and immediate ' threat to British national security . | Islamic State boasting of its plans to create a sophisticated cyber army . Plans to use ` cyber caliphate ' to launch attacks on banks and governments . British hacker once jailed for cyber attack on PM thought to be involved . Comes as President Obama announces air strikes will extend into Syria . | [[0, 72], [416, 420], [425, 483], [583, 638], [639, 668], [0, 72], [289, 415], [1623, 1692], [1639, 1797], [759, 775], [780, 855], [1233, 1240], [1243, 1245], [1248, 1325], [2437, 2446], [2449, 2526], [2449, 2471], [2486, 2551], [2809, 2914]] |
Troubled AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd was taken to court by police on Thursday after breaching his bail conditions in relation to the charges against him of threatening to kill and drug possession . Rudd was filmed being handcuffed by police next to a black sports car by the side of Cameron Road , on the North Island of New Zealand and was then taken to the local station . However , his lawyer Paul Mabey told Daily Mail Australia that Rudd is now back out on bail . ` He 's appeared on a breach of bail by speaking to a witness and has been rebailed . He 's been to court and gone home , ' Mr Mabey said . Scroll down for video . AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd is lead to a police car by the side of Cameron Road , on the North Island of New Zealand . Troubled Rudd leaves Tauranga District Court after he was detained by police on Thursday . No charges were made against Rudd on Thursday . The Bay of Plenty Times reported his other lawyer Craig Tuck told Judge Paul Geoghegan his client acknowledged that he had breached the condition by having contact with a police witnesses at a local shop . Rudd is due back in court on February 10 and now has a further bail condition - he must not take illegal drugs . In November , Rudd was charged with attempting to procure a murder . That charge was dropped a day later , but the drummer has entered not guilty pleas on charges of threatening to kill , possessing cannabis and possessing methamphetamine . Rudd admitted to breaching his bail conditions by speaking to a witness . Rudd gives a thumbs up as he leaves District Court on Thursday . The only Australian-born member of AC/DC , he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame in 2003 with other members of the band . He had moved to New Zealand in 1983 after he was told to leave the group , but he rejoined them in 1994 . Settling in Tauranga , he opened a restaurant where staff later took a case to the Employment Relations Authority . After appearing in court recently to answer charges of threatening to kill and drug possession he jumped onto the back of a minder after leaving the building and took a piggy-back ride along the pavement . His bizarre behaviour raised eyebrows . Rudd jumped onto the back of a minder after leaving court recently . The AC/DC drummer is pictured here gesturing to members of the media after leaving Tauranga District Court on November 26 . Rudd is due back in court on February 10 and now has a further bail condition - he must not take illegal drugs . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article . | Rudd was driven to a police station in Tauranga on Thursday . An onlooker filmed a video of the rocker being placed in handcuffs . Earlier this week he pleaded not guilty to charges of threatening to kill and possession of methamphetamine . In court on Thursday Rudd was given a new bail condition - he must not take illegal drugs . | [[0, 163], [194, 198], [333, 370], [629, 704], [744, 834], [789, 834], [145, 193], [1309, 1379], [1313, 1324], [1365, 1387], [1313, 1324], [1380, 1387], [1401, 1442], [1974, 2006], [1984, 2034], [1089, 1093], [1134, 1201], [2379, 2383], [2424, 2491]] |
An ostrich caused traffic chaos in this country lane after racing alongside cars at speeds of more than 40mph . The escaped bird was seen dashing past more than 20 cars on the main road between the villages of Rusthall and Speldhurst in Tunbridge Wells , Kent , yesterday . Adult ostriches can run up to 60mph and grow to more than 9ft-tall , and while this youngster is just over 2ft-tall , it was still able to run at more than 40mph , according to locals . An escaped ostrich caused traffic chaos after it was seen dashing past more than 20 cars on this country lane in Tunbridge Wells . Motorists slammed on the brakes after spotting the flightless bird running up and down the busy main road - causing queues of more than 20 minutes between 8.30 am and 9am . Jokers have now set up a Twitter account for the bird called TWellsOstrich . Posts include : ` Time to hit the road ! Watch out for me this morning ' and ` I 'm very tired from running around Tunbridge Wells all day ! ' Other posts include ` There I was confidently gambolling down the road and everyone started staring at me . I do n't know why ' , and ' I am a free range Ostrich I have you know ' . Local resident Colin Grant , 45 , said : ` It was dashing around pretty fast - when I first saw it it overtook me and I was doing about 30mph , so it must have been going at 40mph plus . ` It was a very curious sight - it must have escaped from an ostrich farm nearby . ' Adult ostriches can run up to 60mph and grow to more than 9ft-tall , and while this youngster -LRB- left -RRB- is just over 2ft-tall , it can still run at more than 40mph , according to locals -LRB- right , file picture -RRB- . The Tunbridge Wells Ostrich has even gained a following on Twitter . One motorist caught in the queue said : ` There was a queue of about 20 cars pulled over and I assumed it was a lorry coming down . ' I noticed a couple of people getting out of their cars and others leaning out of their windows and taking pictures . ' He added : ` Then I saw this young perky ostrich confidently gambolling down the road , with its funny gait . ` It came right up to our window and looked at us but I only managed to get the first shot on my phone . ' The police and local council were alerted to the incident . The ostrich is a large flightless bird native to Africa which can ran at speeds of up to 60mph . It is not the first time an exotic animal has been seen on the loose in Britain . In October and November last year wild wallabies were caught in Highgate Cemetery . The first was caught in October by the RSPCA while a second was found two weeks later . It is believed that someone dumped both marsupials in Highgate Woods and that they made their way to the famous cemetery . The ostrich is a large flightless bird native to Africa which can ran at speeds of up to 60mph . The largest living species of bird , they can weigh between 10 and 20 stone and also lay the largest eggs of any living bird . They also have a long lifespan for birds - in captivity , ostriches have lived as long as 62 years and seven months . On the African savanna however they may face a number of predators including lions , leopards and hyenas . But their extraordinary running power means they are often able to outrun most predators , other than the cheetah . | Bird was seen dashing past more than 20 cars at speeds of up to 40mph . Motorists forced to slam on the brakes after spotting escaped animal . The bird now even has its own Twitter account telling followers of escapades . | [[112, 273], [112, 128], [138, 273], [392, 435], [460, 590], [500, 590], [1166, 1192], [1200, 1204], [1209, 1264], [1310, 1352], [460, 590], [591, 696], [1666, 1734]] |
A Texas school district has banned a football team T-shirt with the slogan ` Shhhhhhh just let it happen ' after questions over whether the message could also have a rape innuendo . The issue came up after Arlington Martin High School 's bi-monthly newspaper raised concerns about the shirt in a staff editorial . The shirt was designed by senior football team members and printed by the football booster club . It reads ` Martin Football ' in big gray letters above an image of a Native American man that represents the school 's Warrior mascot . Scroll down for video ... Double meaning ? An editorial in the school newspaper suggested that the slogan also implied rape rather than just power on the football field . Taking charge : The Warrior Post 's editor-in-chief Jerred Osterman , 18 , a Martin senior , said that the paper 's staff was motivated to write its editorial after a female student had concerns over the T-shirt . Checking it : Osterman said neither he nor his staff questions the motivation of the players or their message of team unity behind the shirt -- only the wording of the message and how it might be perceived . To the left of the man is a pirate flag , with a skull and crossbones , along with the words ` We take what we want , ' and below the flag is the phrase ` Shhhhhhh just let it happen . ' The editorial read : ` The shirt 's main message is to state the player 's idea that there is no need for the opponent to put up a fight in letting our team take the ball away from them . ` Can this saying be easily misunderstood ? Yes . Though it certainly was not the goal of the shirt , its slogan connotes rape culture . This is not what we want to display as a slogan for our Varsity football program , ' the editorial reads . The Warrior Post 's editor-in-chief Jerred Osterman , 18 , a Martin senior , told NBC 5 that the paper 's staff was motivated to write its editorial after a female student approached a news staff member with concerns over the T-shirt . Martin coach Bob Wager and booster club president Kevin White said they never considered the message on the shirt to be potentially inappropriate . ` It 's inappropriate , and it 's not something that you want to represent Martin with , ' Osterman said . School sensitivities : How the article appeared in the Warrior Post - the school newspaper . Growing population : 280 children go to school at the Arlington Martin High School in Arlington , Texas . ` It 's inappropriate , and it 's not something that you want to represent The Martin School with , ' Osterman said . The coach of the team , Bob Wager , said that they did not consider the shirt to be inappropriate or offensive in any way adding that they would never have allowed it to be made or worn . He said it referred to ` the act of piracy , taking what you want . What we want is the football ' . School district spokeswoman Leslie Johnston said that officials believed the team had not intended to be offensive but that the t-shirts had been banned . ` Certainly the booster club and the coaches , nobody construed it in that manner , ' said Leslie Johnston , director of communications for Arlington ISD , who estimates that around 50 of the shirts were printed . ` They were never intended or thought to have any meaning other than a football-related meaning -- taking yardage , the ball . ' ` They just thought it was a football shirt . And when that was pointed out , that it could be taken in that way the students have , they are no longer wearing them . ' | School in Texas has banned students from wearing its football team 's t-shirts , following concerns that they promote rape culture . Arlington Martin High School football seniors wore the shirts for team unity . They include the phrases : ` We take what we want ' and ` Shhhhhhh , just let it happen ' | [[0, 74], [2857, 3011], [2911, 3011], [77, 181], [1265, 1316], [1224, 1279], [1283, 1325], [2756, 2758], [2801, 2823]] |
No repeat of mistaken identity . Andre Marriner took charge of an Arsenal game for the first time since he wrongly sent off Kieran Gibbs instead of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain when they played Chelsea in March . During that match Oxlade-Chamberlain tipped Eden Hazard 's shot around the post with his hand , but the referee had a nightmare and showed the red card to Gibbs instead . He apologised for the mistake afterwards . Fortunately for Marriner , Gibbs started on the bench , so there was less chance of confusion . Andre Marriner books Southampton 's Toby Alderweireld during Arsenal 's win over Southampton . Marriner mistakenly sends off Kieran Gibbs in March after confusing him with Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain . Henry 's wardrobe error . Arsenal legend Thierry Henry worried fans by wearing a ` Spurs ' bobble hat soon after manager Arsene Wenger had hinted he would one day return to the club in some capacity . A video emerged on Wednesday of the former striker -- who spent eight years at the club -- wearing the hat as he said goodbye to his team-mates in the dressing room after his final match for New York Red Bulls . Not to fear , Arsenal fans . Henry has not switched allegiance to their north London rivals , it was actually a hat for NBA team San Antonio Spurs . Thierry Henry was spotted wearing a Spurs hat , but Arsenal fans need not be too worried . The head-gear , which the Arsenal legend wore in the Red Bulls dressing room , is a San Antonio Spurs hat . Podolski frustration . Outcast Lukas Podolski had to watch the start of the match from the bench again and will hold showdown talks with manager Arsene Wenger later this month . The Germany international is unhappy with his role in Wenger 's first-team plans and is open to leaving the club when the January transfer window opens . Podolski 's representatives plan to sit down with the Arsenal boss in the coming days to discuss his future . Lukas Podolski had to settle for a place on the bench again against Southampton as his future remains unclear . | Referee Marriner made no repeat of last season 's mistaken identity . Gunners legend Henry was spotted wearing a San Antonio Spurs hat . Frustrated Podolski once again had to settle for a place on the bench . | [[1286, 1323], [1369, 1382], [1448, 1476], [1500, 1579], [1919, 1998]] |
Google is expanding its presence in Los Angeles with the $ 120 million purchase of a dozen acres of vacant land in the Playa Vista area on the city 's west side . The parcel is zoned for nearly 900,000 square feet of commercial space that could house offices or studios , the Los Angeles Times reports . The plot is next to a historic hangar where aviator Howard Hughes built his famous ` Spruce Goose ' airplane . Google also was expected to lease the hangar , which recently housed soundstages for movie and television , according to the newspaper . Acres : Google is expanding its presence in Los Angeles with the $ 120 million purchase of a dozen acres of vacant land in the Playa Vista area on the city 's west side . Google : The parcel Google purchased is zoned for nearly 900,000 square feet of commercial space that could house offices or studios holding as many as 6,000 workers . City Councilman Mike Bonin , who represents the area , said the purchase ` brands Playa Vista as the tech and innovation capital of Los Angeles . ' The Mountain View-based tech giant would n't detail its plans for the properties . Last year Microsoft opened a 20,000-square-foot space in Playa Vista , a neighborhood near major freeways , several neighborhoods and Los Angeles International Airport . Facebook has operations nearby , as do other major media companies and ad agencies . Three years ago , Google opened a campus in Venice , where it leased 100,000 square feet in three buildings for about 600 employees . One of those buildings is the famous Binoculars Building , a three-story office on Main Street designed by architect Frank Gehry . ` Spruce Goose ' : The plot is next to a historic hangar where aviator Howard Hughes built his famous ` Spruce Goose ' airplane . A Google spokeswoman said the company , which typically likes to expand near its existing properties , will continue to rent the 69,000-square-foot Binoculars Building . Google views the Playa Vista land purchase as a long-term investment and has no particular design in mind for the site , she told the Times . Google also rents a 41,000-square-foot video production facility for subsidiary YouTube in a renovated former Hughes building in Playa Vista . Google already has bought or rented about 6.2 million square feet of space this year in the San Francisco Bay Area , bringing its total there to 15 million square feet , according to real estate brokerage statistics cited by the Times . | Google purchased 12 acres of land in Los Angeles for $ 120 million that could hold as many as 6,000 workers . The plot is next to a historic hangar where aviator Howard Hughes built his famous ` Spruce Goose ' airplane . The parcel is zoned for nearly 900,000 square feet of commercial space that could house offices or studios . | [[0, 162], [560, 715], [304, 341], [324, 341], [348, 414], [1661, 1698], [1681, 1698], [1705, 1771], [163, 233], [217, 233], [239, 269], [732, 819], [803, 819], [825, 855]] |
If you 're going to learn to box , then why not be taught by the best ? Pop star Justin Bieber has been picking up the tricks of the trade from Floyd Mayweather Jnr who took him on the pads in his Las Vegas gym . Bieber has long been part of Mayweather 's considerable entourage and has been nicknamed ` Moneybags ' by the pound-for-pound No 1 . VIDEO : Scroll down to watch Floyd Mayweather and Justin Bieber in the ring . Floyd Mayweather takes Justin Bieber on the pads for a workout in his Las Vegas gym . Bieber throws a jab as he is given a workout by the best boxer in the world . Bieber has long been part of Mayweather 's sizeable entourage and is often ringside for his fights . Mayweather laces up Bieber 's gloves before giving him a training session in the ring . The 20-year-old is shown boxing from a southpaw stance and throws several jabs as he takes a break following his latest tour . Mayweather , meanwhile , has revealed he is considering putting on a show in London later this year having visited the city as part of a whistle-stop European tour . ' I went back to Paris before going to London , England to look at some different venues because I 'm looking to do a show out there in December , ' he told . ` Not me , but Mayweather Promotions . ' A video of Mayweather being accosted by a woman in a Brixton barbers went viral after she claimed not to know who he was . ` There 's a lot of people that may not know who Floyd Mayweather is , ' he added . ` You must realize this , there 's a difference between me and any other athlete . ` You have to pay extra money to see me ; you can watch them for free . You can just turn on any local cable or satellite network and see athletes , but with me , you have to pay . ' Bieber celebrates with Mayweather 's belts after his victory over Miguel Cotta in 2012 . Bieber was also with Mayweather for his victory over Saul ` Canelo ' Alvarez last year . Mayweather has yet to announce his next opponent as he enters the final two fights of his Showtime deal . His win over Marcos Maidana in their rematch last month took his record to 47 victories from as many fights . British speedster Amir Khan is among those hoping to get the call but Mayweather looks unlikely to accept a fight with Manny Pacquiao . He rubbished comments from his dad , who doubles as his trainer , which suggested a long-awaited clash with his rival would definitely happen . | Floyd Mayweather took Justin Bieber on the pads in his gym . The pop star has long been part of Mayweather 's inflated entourage . He has been given the nickname ` Moneybags ' by the boxer . Mayweather has yet to announce his opponent for his next fight in May . Revealed his promotional company is looking to put a show on in London . | [[144, 164], [169, 212], [354, 423], [424, 509], [530, 587], [588, 649], [213, 219], [283, 345], [1935, 1983], [1935, 1945], [1954, 2040], [904, 914], [917, 1003], [1118, 1214]] |
Most 19-year-old boys can only dream of living a billionaire 's lifestyle of fast cars , superyachts , luxury mansions and parties with the stars . But for tycoon 's son Rufus Caudwell , it is a nightmare that has left him housebound for years with agoraphobia . Rufus -- the son of Phones 4u founder John Caudwell -- may have developed the anxiety disorder as a result of his parents ' divorce and the pressure of living in the shadow of his phenomenally successful father . Scroll down for video . Billionaire businessman John Cauldwell , left and his son Rufus , right , who suffers from agoraphobia . He has lived with its crippling effects since 2006 , when Mr Caudwell made his fortune by selling his mobile phone empire for # 1.5 billion . The business made headlines earlier this week after it was forced into administration . Rufus claims that despite being treated by experts and psychiatrists , he may never be cured so he can enjoy his father 's lifestyle . The teenager is appearing on a television show to explain how his life has been affected by his father 's immense wealth -- and by his own illness . Speaking on Jon Richardson Grows Up on Channel 4 with his sister Libby about the luxury and opportunity Mr Caudwell 's success offers , he said : ` We will never quite live up to dad , whatever we do . We will never quite get there . ` We almost feel guilty that we have this . You think , `` What have I done ? Why do I deserve this ? '' . It is the luck of the draw . I just happened to be born from a certain set of parents . ' Similar concerns caused Libby , 26 , to ask her 61-year-old father to cut off her allowance two years ago . John Caudwell , with his girlfriend Claire Johnson . Mr Caudwell separated from Rufus 's mother Kathryn in 2001 after nearly three decades of marriage . They had three children -- Rufus , Libby and their sister Rebekah . The tycoon lives with his partner Claire Johnson and their young son Jacobi in a Grade I-listed mansion in Staffordshire and a five-storey mansion in London 's Mayfair . He often entertains his celebrity friends and supporters of his charity for disabled youngsters , Caudwell Children , such as the Duchess of York , Rod Stewart , Robbie Williams , Joan Collins , Sir Bruce Forsyth , Elizabeth Hurley , Peter Andre and Boris Becker . But Mr Caudwell 's star-studded lifestyle clearly intimidates Rufus . He tells comedian Richardson : ` I ca n't quite understand the life my father leads because it is so glamorous . I just sit there on Facebook in my bedroom . He is desperate for me to live this life with him and it is incredibly frustrating for him . ' Libby adds : ` The stuff dad does ! There are ski chalets and boats . Dad has got an unbelievable life and Rufus has not been to any of it . ' Agoraphobia , which affects up to 450,000 Britons , makes sufferers feel extreme anxiety in situations others take for granted , such as leaving the house or taking public transport . It is often brought on by a traumatic experience . Professor Kevin Gournay , from the Institute of Psychiatry , King 's College London , and the Priory Hospital , said youngsters can be affected if their parents separate or a parent is a high-flier -- both of which apply to Rufus . Professor Gournay added : ` The stresses of divorce could trigger agoraphobia . It 's fair to say the children of parents who are in the limelight -- high achievers -- are often under terrific pressure to emulate their parents . That can lead to anxiety , which can lead to agoraphobia . ' For Rufus , it means days spent alone in his bedroom playing video games or using social media . Revealing how his life has been affected , he said : ` I suffer from -- and I have done for about eight or nine years -- agoraphobia . Which is basically a phobia of leaving the house . That has been the biggest part of my life . At the moment it is an achievement if I can go four minutes in the car out of the house . ` A normal day , depressingly , is devoid of much purpose . I just wake up when I want to . I will lie in bed for an hour , maybe get up and play some Xbox . There have been times when I have not been able to leave my bedroom . For the past eight years on and off that has pretty much been my life . ` For once in his life -LSB- my father -RSB- ca n't really make an impact . I have had numerous therapists , but I do n't think anyone can cure me . It is all down to me . ' | Rufus Caudwell , son of billionaire businessman John has agoraphobia . The condition has left him housebound for the past nine years . The anxiety disorder may have been brought on by his parent 's divorce . Jon Richardson Grows Up will be screened at 10.35 pm on Monday . | [[550, 557], [578, 604], [152, 165], [187, 262], [605, 655], [3677, 3684], [3689, 3751], [4139, 4181], [4182, 4222], [4239, 4253], [263, 268], [306, 475], [3247, 3270], [3275, 3326], [3273, 3326]] |
Mr O'Leary insisted the erotic movies would be visible only on personal devices , rather than screened on the back of Ryanair plane seats . The boss of budget airline Ryanair wants to launch a pay-per-view pornography service for passengers to watch during flights , it has been claimed . Ryanair chief Michael O'Leary said he hopes to launch an app for the airline where travellers can watch sex scenes on their iPads or smartphones while in the air . The planned service would also allow Ryanair passengers to gamble and play games , as well as watch erotic movies , according to The Sun . Mr O'Leary told the paper : ` I 'm not talking about having it on screens on the back of seats for everyone to see . It would be on handheld devices . ` Hotels around the world have it , so why would n't we ? ' But the move raises the prospect of passengers watching porn films with children sitting barely feet away . Ryanair said the pornography plans would take at least a year to introduce on their flights , as establishing a cost-effective way of having a solid broadband connection on their planes would be a major obstacle . It is not the first controversial proposal for the airline from its outspoken chief executive . Last month he said he was looking at removing all but one toilet from his planes to put in extra seats . While he has previously proposed charging passengers for using the toilet in-flight . The latest brainwave from the budget airline boss was revealed as Ryanair bucked airline industry gloom by raising its full-year net profit forecasts by 10 per cent to # 377m . The airline , which carried 75m passengers last year , raised its guidance despite a 37 per cent surge in jet fuel prices to # 778m during the first six months of the year . On the up : Ryanair bucked airline industry gloom by raising its full-year net profits . | Airline boss : ` Hotels have it , why would n't we ? ' Service would be provided via passengers ' iPads . | [[743, 776], [709, 742]] |
Violent sex offender Christopher Charles Gardner has been found by police after breaking free last night from his GPS tracking device . Violent tattooed sex offender Christopher Charles Gardner has just been found by police after being on the run since late Thursday night when he broke off his GPS tracking device . The 29-year-old offender was arrested in New South Wales Friday morning after being last seen in the Wacol area , a suburb of Brisbane , Queensland where he had been living in contingency housing . He remains in custody . Police reported the dangerous sex offender missing Friday morning but it is believed the dangerous sex offender broke free Thursday night . Gardner was under supervision by correction officers since July 6 2012 under the Dangerous Prisoners Sexual Offenders Act 2003 and was due to expire in 2017 . He served seven years in jail for rape , attempted rape , indecent assault and deprivation of liberty and posed a threat to anyone who approached him . Queensland police warned the public to steer clear of the dangerous sex offender and have urged people not to approach him . Gardner who has been described as having multiple tattoos over his body , shaven blonde hair with a purple streak , fair complexion and blue eyes . The 180-centimetre tall offender weighs approximately 88-kilos and has a tattooed dot under his right eye , ` CP ' ` Marlina ' and ` Cherise ' on his arms , ` Jamal ' , a cross and ying yang symbol on his legs and a scar below his left knee . Anyone with information should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24 hours a day . Christopher Charles Gardner , 29 , was last seen in the Wacol area , a suburb of Brisbane , Queensland where he had been living in contingency housing after serving seven years in jail for rape . | Christopher Charles Gardner has been just found in NSW by police . The violent offender was last seen in Wacol , the suburb of Brisbane where he had been living . He served seven years in jail for rape and assault and has been under supervision since 2012 . Police urged the public to not approach this dangerous man . Has a tattooed dot under his right eye and tattoos covering his arms and legs . | [[0, 135], [136, 272], [317, 428], [1630, 1657], [1665, 1673], [1679, 1696], [1630, 1657], [1674, 1696], [838, 876], [990, 1070], [990, 1007], [1062, 1114], [1115, 1122], [1127, 1262], [1115, 1262], [1263, 1295], [1330, 1417]] |
Where the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson , Terry Venables and Alan Pardew have failed , Sam Allardyce has succeeded . It 's hard to believe Teddy Sheringham has spent the past six years out of the game . But here he is back at West Ham United , wrapped up to the nines in his training gear after leading a coaching session at chilly Chadwell Heath . The former England striker is back in football . Not that he looks like he has ever been away . Teddy Sheringham reveals why he decided to take time away from football following his retirement . TEDDY on ... BIG SAM . I could n't have asked to work with a better boss for my first real impression of what managerial life is like . He 's been very open with me and I 've got the utmost respect for that . He 's very experienced . TEDDY on ... CARROLL . It 's not now or never for Andy . He 's getting there and he 's a still very young man in footballing terms . He has surprised me in how good his finishing is . But he 's got to take that on to the pitch . With a cool head , he 'll get goals . TEDDY on ... DOWNING . I 've loved working with him . I ca n't believe he only had one goal last year and one the previous season . He 's an outstanding talent ... phenomenal . He 's got every finish in the book , so he should be scoring goals . Sheringham still looks as fit and sharp as he did throughout the golden years of a career in which he played until 40 , a record age for an outfield Premier League player . West Ham fans drool at the way Sheringham zips the ball around during pre-match warm-ups . Up in the stands the talk turns to whether he could still do a job on the pitch . So what has kept Sheringham away so long ? ` It 's all about timing , ' he says . ` I saw Alan -LSB- Pardew -RSB- out in Germany last summer - West Ham and Newcastle crossed paths as we were in the same tournament - and he was like , `` What are you doing here ? '' So I said , `` I do n't know , what am I doing here ? '' ` Quite a few managers have tried to get me on that path of taking my badges and doing coaching . Terry Venables always told me that I need to be involved , not just for myself but for football . Sir Alex always said to me `` get your badges done because you 'll love it '' . ` It was the same with Pards when he came to West Ham . My view was that I was either a player or a coach or a manager . It 's black or white for me . But the gaffer 's call in the summer was just perfect timing and the scenario was , too -- on a part-time basis . ' Sheringham claims the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson and Terry Venables tried to get him into coaching . The 48-year-old chats with Sportsmail 's Matt Lawless at West Ham 's Chadwell Heath training ground . Sheringham spends two days a week working with West Ham , three if there is a home match . And having just returned from a sun-kissed week in Dubai , it 's an arrangement that suits him to a tee . Despite their defeat by Everton last weekend , West Ham have started this season with a bang . They have scored twice as many goals -LRB- 20 -RRB- as they managed last season in the opening 12 games and sit just one point below the top four . Survival is no longer up for discussion . The talk is of Europe as they eye the ultimate send-off before moving to the Olympic Stadium . Sheringham , 48 , who had three years as a player at West Ham , refuses to take the credit , but ultimately he wants to be the man calling the shots at the top . ` I 'm loving it . Really loving it , ' he says . ` It has been very different . I 'm on the other side of the fence and it 's a big change . The situation with myself and Sam was : `` Look come in two days a week and see what happens and if you do n't like it , we 'll part our ways '' . Sheringham had spells at many clubs including Nottingham Forest -LRB- left -RRB- Portsmouth -LRB- centre -RRB- and Colchester . Sheringham spent three years as a player at West Ham between 2004 and 2007 . The former frontman revealedTerry Venables -LRB- right -RRB- encouraged him to take his coaching badges . Former West Ham boss Alan Pardew -LRB- centre -RRB- also believed Sheringham should go into management . ` But if I 'm going to do it , I want to be the best I can . I 'm an all or nothing type of bloke . And I hope that will take me into management . That 's the way I 'm feeling . I want to go full steam ahead . ` I 'm a coach at the moment but I 'd like to be a manager . ' So how has he it found it working with the likes of Andy Carroll , Stewart Downing and Enner Valencia ? ` The players have been very good towards me , ' says Sheringham . ` I 've played here , been around the place before and scored goals . But it 's a little bit different trying to explain that to other people . Sheringham has been putting on training sessions for the likes of Andy Carroll -LRB- left -RRB- and Diafra Sakho . The former England international believes it 's ` now or never ' for Hammers frontman Carroll . Hammers boss Sam Allardyce called Sheringham in the summer to ask if he would return as a coach . ` It 's about getting to know those players . It 's not just about putting on a session . It 's about talking to the players and finding out where they are - discover their mindset - because that 's crucial . I was a little bit apprehensive about coming in and putting on my first session because I do n't know how it 's going to go . ` They 're looking at me and probably thinking , you 're this ex-player who 's been around and knows his stuff . Well , go on then ... show us what you can do . And it 's a bit like , well I 've never put on a session before ! West Ham are currently sixth in the Premier League table with 18 points from 12 games . Sheringham believes West Ham winger Stewart Downing is an ` outstanding talent ' ` It 's a little bit of trial and error . If you put on two or three bad sessions , they 'll soon be saying , `` No thanks . I 'll go and do my shooting with someone else '' . Touch wood , it has not been like that . ' Sheringham draws on the experiences of playing under George Graham , Brian Clough , Venables , Ferguson , Glenn Hoddle and Harry Redknapp . ` Cloughie and Fergie were great , but did n't really coach much . But then there 's George Graham . At Millwall , he would put on a shooting session and show us exactly what he wanted . ` It was unbelievable at the time for a 19-year-old boy . I was like `` Oh , wow '' . Shooting , heading , volleying . He was fantastic . And you 'd think , `` Right , so that 's what you want me to do , '' and you 'd try and emulate it . Sheringham believes Sir Alex Ferguson was the manager he played under , but ` did n't really coach much ' Sheringham believes the way some Newcastle fans treated Pardew was ` disgusting ' ` I 've tried to take some of that experience into it . ` I was lucky to have so many great coaches , great managers that I worked under and at the right stage of my career as well . ` You try and think about what would they have said to me at that particular time - what would he have done . But I 've had a few bad ones along the way too . I 've seen first-hand the wrong way to do things . You ca n't have it all good . Despite fans calling for him to be sacked , Pardew 's side are now on a run of six successive victories . Roberto Martinez -LRB- left -RRB- and Allardyce patrol the touchline during Everton 's win against West Ham . Sheringham admits that he will have to be thick-skinned if he is to take up a management role . Andy Carroll is on the cover of West Ham 's programme for Saturday 's game with Newcastle . ` And this is the thing with the boys at Manchester United . They worked under Sir Alex Ferguson and that 's all they know . ` He was the best , without a doubt , as a manager . But they 've not sampled the bad managers . They 've not sampled the ups and downs . I 've been in and around pretty much every scenario in football . ' Pardew 's Newcastle visit West Ham on Saturday looking for their seventh straight win -- all on the back of heavy criticism from supporters who campaigned for him to be sacked . ` Some of it was disgusting , ' says Sheringham . ` You would n't wish it upon your worst enemy . ` It was the same for Sam with some of the stick that he 's taken . But they are thick-skinned these managers . You look at them and think , `` How are you taking that ? '' In no other job in the world would you get people barracking in your ear . ` They 'll be trying to concentrate on the pitch but all they can hear is thousands of people all around screaming , `` You 're useless '' . How does that work ? So you have to take your hat off and applaud them for doing a good job . ' One day people may applaud Sheringham , the manager , for doing a good job too . The full interview with Teddy Sheringham appears in the Official West Ham United programme for the game against Newcastle . Also inside , Andy Carroll talks about how he has changed his lifestyle and Les Ferdinand looks back on his career with both clubs . You can order a copy from or download a digital issue -- complete with exclusive video content -- from 9am on matchday . | Teddy Sheringham discusses his new role as a West Ham coach . Former striker has spent six years away from football . 48-year-old revealed he his ` really loving ' Hammers coaching role . Sam Allardyce called Sheringham in the summer to offer the job . | [[114, 199], [114, 119], [125, 199], [442, 540], [3444, 3460], [3461, 3477], [4946, 5043]] |
Per Mertesacker hailed an important response to Tuesday night 's results after Arsenal 's late winner against Southampton . Alexis Sanchez 's 89th-minute goal saw off the 10-man Saints - depleted by Toby Alderweireld 's injury after they had used all of their substitutes - and kept Arsenal in touch with the Premier League 's top four . Manchester United , fifth-placed surprise package West Ham and under-performing Liverpool all won on Tuesday , as did leading pair Chelsea and Manchester City elsewhere on Wednesday . The towering Per Mertesacker of Arsenal celebrates with Alexis Sanchez , who won the game for the Gunners . Arsenal beat Southampton after they were reduced to 10 men through injury with all three substitutions used . Burnley 1-1 Newcastle United . Leicester City 1-3 Liverpool . Manchester United 2-1 Stoke City . Swansea City 2-0 QPR . Crystal Palace 0-1 Aston Villa . West Brom 1-2 West Ham . And Mertesacker told BT Sport : ` We needed that win desperately because everyone won yesterday so we were a bit under pressure . We just kept going , we always believe in ourselves . ` They were unlucky , they were one man down because of an injured player , but we deserved it because we kept going . ' The win was Arsenal 's third in succession , following those against Borussia Dortmund and West Brom , and their German defender said : ` We want to continue that run and be more consistent , especially in the Christmas period . We have potential , everyone knows , but we have to show it . ' Southampton manager Ronald Koeman believed Alderweireld 's injury left his side struggling at the crucial moment . The win was Arsenal 's third in a row after beating Borussia Dortmund and West Brom recently . Sanchez celebrates giving Arsenal an 89th-minute lead against Southampton on Wednesday night . ` If you lose a match in the last few minutes , it 's always frustrating , ' he said . ` It was a good reaction after last Saturday -LRB- losing 3-0 to Manchester City -RRB- , we had our chances but we were a bit unlucky with the injuries . ` After the third change , Alderweireld had a hamstring injury and then it was 11 against 10 , and that made the difference . ` It 's no points today but if we keep playing this way , no problem . ' Goalkeeper Fraser Forster had kept Southampton on level terms with excellent saves from Danny Welbeck and substitute Olivier Giroud in the second half . And Koeman said : ` Fraser had two or three great saves in the second half , -LRB- the save from -RRB- the header of Giroud was amazing , but it was not enough . ' Southampton goalkeeper Fraser Forster had kept Southampton on level terms with excellent saves . VIDEO Koeman unhappy with second half performance . | Arsenal beat Southampton at the Emirates on Wednesday night . Alexis Sanchez scored an 89th-minute winner against the 10-man Saints . Per Mertesacker believes it was needed following pressure from Tuesday . | [[0, 123], [1726, 1820], [0, 123], [124, 277], [167, 184], [187, 337], [578, 592], [599, 629], [630, 732], [1726, 1820], [0, 123]] |
Rickie Lambert wants Steven Gerrard to sign the contract on offer from Liverpool and end his career at the club . The striker , a lifelong Liverpool fan , hopes Gerrard will not let his contract come to an end and leave in the summer . Gerrard has become a rare one-club player but will be able to talk to clubs outside of England from the start of next year . Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard is in his final year of contract at the club . Brendan Rodgers speaks to skipper Gerrard during the win at Leicester . The Liverpool skipper proved his worth to the club once more at Leicester on Tuesday night , capping off a fine display with a goal in the Reds ' 3-1 win . Lambert said : ` We are desperate to keep Stevie . It 's his and the club 's decision but I think he needs to stay at Liverpool for the rest of his life . Stevie is his own man but he is Mr Liverpool . ` He has got more than enough in the tank . He is still one of the best players around . ' Rickie Lambert -LRB- front right -RRB- has urged Liverpool and Gerrard to come to an agreement . Gerrard -LRB- right -RRB- was instrumental in Liverpool 's 3-1 Premier League win at Leicester on Tuesday night . | Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard is in the final year of his contract . Reds boss Brendan Rodgers has offered him a new deal at the club . Gerrard scored Liverpool 's second in their 3-1 win at Leicester on Tuesday . | [[361, 440], [513, 534], [606, 668], [1059, 1136]] |
He 's the 7-foot son of a Melbourne car mechanic who made it big in the US after he became the first Australian player to be drafted number one overall in the NBA . His skills on the court have not only landed the 30-year-old a place on Californian basketball team the Golden State Warriors but a $ 14 million-a-year salary to play with . So what does Andrew Bogut spend his cash on ? Australian basketball star Andrew Bogut plays for Californian team the Golden State Warriors . Bogut , who was born to Croatian immigrants Mišo and Ankica and grew up in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills , now lives in a luxurious home in Walnut Creek , California , which he paid for straight-up . He told sport 's website ESPN his most expensive habit is his passion for muscle cars . Bogut said his most prized possession is his '69 Ford Mustang Boss 429 , as part of his huge car collection that includes ` about six in the States , about 10 in Australia ' . ` They 're older , muscle , antique-type cars . I do n't buy new Bentleys and that kind of c ** p , ' he told ESPN . ` Good to come home from the road trip to this , ' Bogut said of his vintage Camaro car . Andrew Bogut wrote on Twitter : ` Good to have #blackfalcon over for some billards . Notice how many of @hbarnes stripes are left on the table ? #ouch ' . He bought the table for $ 225 . He claims to spend roughly $ 2,000 a week on expenses such as food and drink , transport and shopping -- including feeding his two Siberian husky dogs . In October , he had a new $ 225 billiard table installed in his house and told ESPN : ` The table weighs like 600 pounds - it took two or three guys to take it out of storage and put it together in the living room . I 'll happily cough up the cash instead of hurting my back . ' Bogut grew up in Melbourne playing AFL and tennis in addition to basketball . One of Bogut 's two Siberian husky dogs that he lives with in California . Bogut has his very own pinball machine at home in the house he paid for in cash . At 15-years-old he was cut from the Victoria junior state representative team but he did not give up on his dreams and later went on to attend the Australian Institute of Sport . He led the Australian team that won the 2003 FIBA Junior World Championships before moving to Salt Lake City in Utah to play college basketball in the States , going on to begin his successful and lucrative NBA career . Last year , Bogut revealed how he finds it hard to let new people close to him because he worries about their possible ulterior motives . ` Unpacking some boxes and came across some old photos ! My very first car ! #Lplates #VRBerlina , ' Bogut wrote on Twitter . ` Glad I got these babies through customs coming back from China ! #childhooddream , ' he wrote alongside a photo of some nunchucks . He told the Herald Sun : ` The last thing I want to do is lose all my money , everything I worked hard for . ` Unfortunately for me there is more bad because what I make is public and , where money is involved , the bad people come out . ` Everyone knows what I earn , so everyone sees me as a walking dollar sign . ' Back home in Australia , Bogut has used some of his earnings to develop a basketball academy in his Carrum Downs , Melbourne . The Andrew Bogut Basketball Academy , which opened in 2011 , is open to Juniors currently playing representative basketball from Under 12 to Under 20 age groups . Matt Barnes of the Los Angeles Clippers goes up for a shot against Andrew Bogut . | Bogut , 30 , grew up in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills . He now owns a house in California which he paid for in cash . He has two Siberian husky dogs and around 16 cars but is n't ` extravagant ' Bogut previously revealed he thinks ` everyone sees me as a walking dollar sign ' | [[480, 485], [544, 594], [480, 485], [597, 642], [630, 642], [667, 689], [1983, 1992], [1996, 2014], [862, 885], [891, 949], [3084, 3127]] |
The will of legendary director Mike Nichols was filed in Manhattan Surrogate 's Court Wednesday . Nichols , who passed away last month at the age of 83 from cardiac arrest , left his $ 20million fortune to his wife , newscaster Diane Sawyer , and three children , Max , Daisy and Jenny Nichols . Beyond that , only a few specific gifts were detailed . Scroll down for video . Final will : Mike Nichols -LRB- above with wife Diane Sawyer , son max and daughter Jenny -RRB- will was filed on Wednesday , with his $ 20m fortune going to wife Diane and his children Daisy , Jenny and Max . In charge : Nichols ' wife Diane Sawyer was also named the executor of his will . According to Page Six , ' a J.F. Herring painting will go to his son Max Nichols and his wife will get all his tangible property including furnishings , automobiles and clothing . ' The will was signed last May , and Nichols appointed Sawyer as the executor . Sawyer will also likely continue to live at their penthouse on New York City 's tony Fifth Avenue and keep their vacation home on Martha 's Vineyard . Nichols had a long and illustrious career in show business , getting his start as a comedy duo with Elaine May before going on to become one of the greatest directors of all time . He is one of just a few people to have collected a Grammy , Emmy , Tony and Oscar , for works including the film The Graduate , the play Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and the television special Angels in America . Art : Nichols ' son Max -LRB- above -RRB- will also receive a J.F. Herring painting . At the time of his death he was preparing to direct Meryl Streep as Maria Callas in a film version of Master Class for HBO . Streep , a longtime friend , had worked with Nichols on Silkwood , Heartburn , Angels in America and Postcards From the Edge . She was just one of the many actors who came to remember him following his passing , a sign of the special bond he shared with those he worked with over the years . Said Streep of Nichols , ` An inspiration and joy to know , a director who cried when he laughed , a friend without whom , well , we ca n't imagine our world , an indelible irreplaceable man . ' | The will of Mike Nichols was filed in a Manhattan court on Wednesday . The director , one of only a few people to win a Grammy , Emmy , Tony and Oscar , left his $ 20m fortune to wife Diane Sawyer and his three children . Nichols passed away at the age of 83 in November as the result of a cardiac arrest . | [[0, 97], [389, 423], [460, 499], [98, 105], [174, 214], [507, 585], [885, 927], [1273, 1341], [98, 105], [112, 151]] |
After weeks of hard work organising the Invictus Games , Prince Harry finally got to celebrate his 30th birthday last night with a black tie event at Clarence House . The royal has been too busy making sure his pet project went off without a hitch in recent weeks to properly mark the milestone date . But he enjoyed a party befitting a prince at the royal residence opposite Buckingham Palace last night - with a special performance from singer Ellie Goulding . His brother Prince William joined the celebration but Harry 's pregnant sister-in-law , the Duchess of Cambridge , who has been suffering from severe ante-natal sickness , had to stay away . Scroll down for video . Prince Harry , left , celebrated his 30th birthday with a black-tie event featuring Ellie Goulding , right . Guests arrive at Clarence House last night for a black-tie party to celebrate Prince Harry 's 30th birthday . Security was tight for the party , with policemen checking in guests wearing formal evening dress . Police protecting the gates wave through a Land Rover as the Prince 's friends arrive for the event last night . With his father , Prince Charles , and step-mother , the Duchess of Cornwall , on holiday in Scotland , the party-loving prince was given the run of their London residence . The birthday boy drove himself in through the rear entrance to the house at 7.20 pm with his protection officer by his side in the top-of-the-range Audi . But it was unlikely , given Harry 's fondness for a good time , that he would be driving himself home to Kensington Palace again . His brother , Prince William , arrived shortly afterwards , also driving himself in a brand new Range Rover . Most of Harry 's guests drove up through the gates in their car , pressing a printed invitation with a cypher on the top up against the window to a waiting police office for identification . Several arrived by foot , however , wearing a mixture of suits and tuxedos and evening dresses . Singer Ellie Goulding - who performed at William and Kate 's wedding reception - was said to have played at the bash . Guests arrive at Clarence House , which Prince Charles allowed Harry to use while he is away in Scotland . A guest shows their much sought-after invitation to a policeman at the back gates of Clarence House last night . The party was a welcome break for Harry , who has been busy organising the Invictus Games this month . The Prince of Wales allowed Prince Harry to use Clarence House to host the formal event last night . Sources said she would be singing an ` intimate acoustic ' set of some of her best-known hits , such as Lights and Burn , as well as a few special requests from Harry . The singer and the prince have become firm friends , hugging and posing for photographs backstage at the closing concert of the prince 's Invictus Games on Sunday . On Monday night - which was Harry 's actual birthday - Ellie tweeted a picture of a sunset and wrote : ' Gorgeous sunset tonight . Happy Birthday H. ' Rumours that Harry was having a ski resort-themed party at Kensington Palace organised by Kate and her former party-planner sister , Pippa Middleton , at the weekend appear to have been wide of the mark . But the party was still a well-deserved pat on the back for Harry after the phenomenal success of the Invictus Games , his Paralympic-style competition for injured servicemen which could be rolled out worldwide . The birthday party came amid rumours that Harry 's romance with ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas is back on . The pair are said to have watched new romantic comedy Sex Tape at the Odeon in Kensington , west London together , five months after their relationship was said to have ended . Harry 's birthday fell at the end of the Invictus Games , where he is said to have shared ' a beer ' with competitors . The party came amid rumours Harry 's romance with ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas , pictured together during a rugby match in March 2014 , is back on . | Prince Harry was given Clarence House for the night by Prince Charles . Prince William drove himself to the party , but sickly Kate stayed at home . Ellie Goulding sang at the black-tie event hosted for friends and dignitaries . Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were on holiday in Scotland . | [[2410, 2510], [2438, 2510], [463, 474], [490, 548], [551, 575], [635, 653], [734, 786], [787, 851], [834, 896], [1968, 1989], [1996, 2046], [1968, 1991], [2049, 2086]] |
For months its brutality has been documented in propaganda designed to frighten the world into considering its terrorist cause . But footage of life under the rule of ISIS has revealed the lasting effects of the group 's barbarity , with women and children strolling past the decapitated bodies of Syrian soldiers in the city of Raqqa without giving them a second glance . Unaffected by the sight of the decaying corpses , civilians do not even acknowledge the men 's impaled heads positioned on fences across the city which has become a recruiting hub for extremists . Scroll down for video . Another day of terror at the hands of ISIS : Civilians walk past bodies lying across the pavements in Raqqa seemingly unaffected by the horrors being carried out . The decapitated bodies of Syrian soldiers were left scattered in the streets of Raqqa by ISIS fighters . Heads impaled on spikes look down on the city 's pavements in a constant reminder of the group 's barbarity . It is among the most gruesome hallmarks of life under the group 's control since jihadis stormed President Assad 's army and took hold earlier this year . The video , filmed in July , offers a rare glimpse into civilian life since ISIS launched a campaign of terror against Syria and Iraq . Scattered corpses lie on pavements and roads with some tied to fencing , their severed heads stuck between their legs , as black-clad ISIS fighters patrol the streets . In other parts of the town preachers urge children , with black balaclavas disguising their innocent faces , to disobey their parents and join the militant group . ' I swear to god we will see a caliphate based on the prophecy . Be with the state or you will be the ones who get killed , ' a man threatened one group of silent youngsters to a backdrop of the group 's ominous flag . While the corpses of President Assad 's troops will be removed within three days , the threat of death is enduring for everyone else , one civilian revealed . ` They hate to see the murder but they can not speak because of fear , ' one civilian living in the city told MailOnline . Soldiers decapitated bodies were tied to fences with their trousers around their knees in the horrifying images . The corpses were removed within three days though it is not known where they were taken , a civilian revealed . By-passers do not raise an eyebrow at the horrific scenes with ISIS fighters patrolling the city 's streets . As American and Arab forces continue to bomb ISIS strongholds across Syria and Kurdish forces sustain a ferocious defence of the Turkish border , Raqqa remains under the sinister rule of extremists . Among the most prolific images of terrorist fighters are those taken in the city which has been rendered a ` ghost town ' by fanatics patrolling the streets in black uniforms and balaclavas . Footage of young soldiers brandishing machine guns and walking in single file emerged online as early as January this year , while the civilian website Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently offers a backlog of the atrocities residents have been subjected to . Just this month a 17-year-old was crucified in the town 's centre , alleged to have taken photographs of jihadis in action . Several weeks ago photographs emerged of ISIS fighters splashing around in hotel swimming pools and dining in expensive restaurants while the town 's hospitals shut down and children were banished to training camps . Meanwhile residents home have been ravaged by what effects the airstrikes have had on the area . ` Our city will be destroyed , we will pay with our blood , ' one resident said , adding : ` It will be a very big war , and in big wars , the civilian will pay . ' Of the cameraman who captured the disturbing images , he said : ` It is possible the Daash -LRB- ISIS -RRB- -LRB- will -RRB- kill him on this . ' Earlier this month another civilian revealed how extremists were living like royalty in the town while ordinary residents plunged further into poverty . Using a pseudonym he revealed how jihadis had taken control of the town 's food supplies and marched through its mostly deserted streets waving the group 's flag . Since the haunting footage was taken in summer , insiders say the city has quietened with the fear of airstrikes at the hands of American and Arab forces imminent . Once heaving with rows of ISIS soldiers , a member of the group , Raqqa Is Being Silently Slaughtered , likened its streets to a ghost town in a recent online post . American and Arab forces have launched a series of airstrikes on areas they consider ISIS strongholds including the border town of Kobane , where Kurdish fighters continue to wage bloody warfare on the group . A picture taken in June shows an ISIS fighter jubilantly brandishing the terror group 's flags through the deserted streets of Raqqa . Young soldiers in balaclavas and black uniforms patrol the streets of Raqqa with guns earlier this year . Life has become easier for fighters in Raqqa under Islamic State rule , with jihadists rewarded with higher salaries and bonuses while civilians plunge further into poverty . Dozens have been buried in the Turkish town of Suruc as the battle for Kobane , once considered an ISIS stronghold , rages on . At the beginning of the month jihadis approached the town from the desert , planting their flag on Tilsehir hill . Yesterday , after weeks of bloody conflict and devastating air strikes , it was replaced by a yellow Kurdish flag in one of the first signs of hope for fighters defending the border . But with so many refugees having fled the grasp of fanatics in recent months , dozens have died alone with no traces of family available to their comrades . An estimated 1.6 million refugees have crossed the border into Turkey since fanatics took hold of more towns earlier this year . Tilsehir Hill , where the black flag of ISIS stood triumphantly for weeks , was obliterated by an American-Arab airstrike earlier this week . Praying for peace : Hundreds of mourners in the Turkish town of Suruc gather to bury Kurdish fighters who perished in the battle for Kobane . | WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT IN THE BELOW IMAGES AND VIDEO . Footage filmed in Raqqa shows decapitated corpses scattered in street . Syrian soldiers ' heads have been impaled on spikes as a message to civilians . Civilians walk past scenes of unimaginable horror seemingly unaffected . | [[570, 593], [238, 334], [639, 701], [758, 862], [758, 799], [810, 862], [863, 886], [863, 972], [238, 334], [2324, 2400]] |
At the end of Arsenal 's 1-0 win over Southampton on Wednesday , the spotlight focused on Arsene Wenger 's strikeforce . How can he get Danny Welbeck to improve after missing a host of chances against Saints ? How much longer can he rely on Alexis Sanchez to get Arsenal out of jail ? Should he get Thierry Henry at the club as a coach , passing on his expertise , as soon as possible ? Everyone , it seemed , had forgotten about one of the World Cup winners missing from Arsenal 's ranks . Mesut Ozil watched Arsenal beat Southampton and gave his approval of the result by saying ` job well done ' Mesut Ozil -LRB- centre -RRB- in action for Arsenal against Tottenham earlier in the Premier League season . Alexis Sanchez -LRB- right -RRB- fires past Fraser Forster -LRB- centre -RRB- of Southampton to win all three points for Arsenal . But playmaker Mesut Ozil watched his team break down Ronald Koeman 's side and while the performance had plenty of room for improvement , the result got his seal of approval . ` Job well done ' he put , alongside a picture of him watching the game wrapped up in a blanket as winter sets in across England . Ozil was ruled out of action for 12 weeks with a knee injury at the start of October and Arsenal will no doubt be hoping he can return to top form when he returns in the new year . | Injured Mesut Ozil watches on as Arsenal beat Southampton 1-0 . Alexis Sanchez scored the decisive goal in the 89th minute for Arsenal . Ozil was ruled out for around 12 weeks in October with a knee injury . | [[491, 534], [843, 923], [708, 722], [801, 838], [1146, 1206]] |
The Baltimore Ravens say they did n't write a script for Ray Rice and Janay Rice during their joint news conference on May 23 . In an interview this week on the ` Today ' show , Janay Rice said the team suggested to her that she apologize for her involvement in the February incident in which Ray punched her in an elevator . Janay Rice also said the Ravens gave the couple ' a general script ' for the news conference . Janay Rice told Today : ' I was ready to do anything that was going to help the situation . Help the way we looked in the media , help his image , help obviously his career . They told us earlier that week we would do the press conference , and I was fine with it . ' Denial : Despite what Janay Rice told Today , the Baltimore Ravens deny they ever asked her to apologize during her joint news conference with abusive husband Ray Rice in May . ' I was basically ... not doing what I was told , but at the same time , I did n't think it was completely wrong for me to apologize because at the end of the day , I got arrested , too . So I did something wrong , too . Not taking any light off of what Ray did because I agree with everybody else . It was wrong . ' Kevin Byrne , Senior Vice President of Public and Community Relations for the Ravens , said in a statement Wednesday that the team provided talking points to Ray , but not Janay . ` At no time prior to the May 23 session did we provide talking points , a script or suggested script to Janay or speak with her about the press event , ' Byrne wrote . ` We did not recommend or suggest to Ray or Janay that she apologize in any way . ' After Ray Rice told the Ravens he wanted Janay to speak to the media at the news conference , Byrne said he asked the running back ` on two different days if Ray wanted me to speak with Janay in advance of the press session . Both times , Ray declined and said : ` She 's good . She knows what she wants to say . ' Janay Rice told Today that the Baltimore Ravens gave both her and Ray Rice a script and told her to apologize at their joint press conference . Meanwhile , Troy Vincent , the NFL 's executive vice president for football operations , conceded that the case involving Ray Rice was handled poorly . ` The commissioner -LRB- Roger Goodell -RRB- has acknowledged those mistakes , ' Vincent told a packed hearing by the Senate Commerce , Science and Transportation Committee . ` We failed . This is all part of our evaluation as we look at a new personal conduct policy ... But we learned from those mistakes . ' Representatives of the four major U.S. sports were on hand at the hearing on domestic abuse although none of the commissioners were present and only one of the top players ' union officials , Michele Roberts of the National Basketball Association . Domestic abuse has been a flashpoint issue ever since the NFL 's handling of the Rice case , in which Goodell suspended the former Baltimore Ravens running back for twogames for knocking out his fiancée , who later became his wife . Only when graphic video emerged showing him knocking out his then-fiancee did the Ravens release him and the NFL suspend him indefinitely . Repealing the NFL 's tax-exempt status and favorable anti-trust position was discussed by the senators should the league fail to implement an effective domestic abuse policy . Kevin Byrne , Senior Vice President of Public and Community Relations for the Ravens , said in a statement Wednesday that the team provided talking points to Ray , but not Janay . ` When young people see athletes committing acts of violence , and when those acts are excused , glossed over , and given pathetically weak punishments , they learn that domestic violence is not taken seriously , ' said Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal . Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller , a West Virginia Democrat , said he knew of six NBA players who were charged with domestic violence recently but not sanctioned by the league because there were no convictions . ` The Commissioner -LRB- Adam Silver -RRB- has acknowledged that we need to do more in this issue in terms of discipline going forward , ' said Kathleen Behrens , the NBA 's executive vice president for social responsibility . ` Mostly in terms of due process and not really relying on the criminal justice system , ' she added . Vincent , who played in the NFL for 15 years , broke down when discussing his childhood . ` Domestic violence was a way of life in my home growing up , ' he said . ` My brother and I watched helplessly numerous times as my mother was beaten and knocked unconscious while we dialed 911 . ' ` We saw how she struggled to seek help and find the courage to say ` no more ' . ' Domestic abuse has been a flashpoint issue ever since the NFL 's handling of the Rice case , in which Goodell suspended the former Baltimore Ravens running back for two games for knocking out his fiancée , who later became his wife.Only when graphic video emerged showing him knocking out his then-fiancee did the Ravens release him and the NFL suspend him indefinitely . | The Baltimore Ravens say they did n't write a script for Ray Rice and Janay Rice during their joint news conference on May 23 . However , this week on ` Today ' , Janay Rice said the team gave her talking points and suggested she apologize for her involvement in the incident . The team denied this Wednesday and said they provided talking points to Ray Rice only . | [[0, 127], [25, 127], [1363, 1513], [128, 175], [178, 283], [326, 336], [342, 420], [421, 442], [711, 732], [1958, 1978], [2019, 2074], [1958, 2014], [1183, 1267], [1270, 1344], [3336, 3420], [3423, 3497]] |
Alexis Sanchez scored another crucial goal for Arsenal at the Emirates , just as as all appeared to be lost against Southampton . The Chile international hauled Arsenal from the depths of despair once more and it did not go unnoticed . Fraser Forster appeared to be a thorn in the Gunners side but Sanchez popped up with a late , late winner and Twitter did not hesitate to show its relief that he managed to do so . Alexis Sanchez scored an 89th minute winner for Arsenal against Southampton at the Emirates Stadium . Sanchez is mocked up as Daniel Sturridge in his trademark celebration for Liverpool . The Arsenal squad look around as Alexis Sanchez appears to dig them out of another hole . Arsene Wenger offers Alexis Sanchez some instructions but he seems to know what he is doing . The Arsenal crest is amended to show how important Alexis Sanchez is to the club . Alexis Sanchez appears to be carrying the whole weight of the Arsenal team this season . | Alexis Sanchez scored in the 89th minute against Southampton . Arsenal secured a 1-0 win to move them up to sixth place in the Premier League on 23 points . Sanchez , a # 30m summer buy , hit his tenth Premier League goal . | [[417, 518], [0, 70]] |
Manuel Pellegrini has fired a warning to Premier League leaders Chelsea by declaring that his champions are back to their title-winning best . Manchester City were impressive 4-1 winners at Sunderland last night with Sergio Aguero -LRB- two -RRB- , Steven Jovetic and father-to-be Pablo Zabaleta on target . They fell behind to Connor Wickham 's 19th-minute effort on the ground where they have been beaten 1-0 on their last four visits . VIDEO Scroll down for Manuel Pellegrini : We are returning to our form from last season . Sergio Aguero drives home Manchester City 's first goal to equalise at the Stadium of Light in their 4-1 win . Pellegrini returns the ball to the pitch as his City side , he says , returned to the form that won last year 's title . But Aguero soon drew them level before teeing up Jovetic for a second . Zabaleta -- who married fiancée Christel during the summer - celebrated news of her pregnancy with a classy third after the break and Aguero then stole in for his 19th of the season . It keeps the gap to Chelsea -- 3-0 winners over Spurs -- at six points . Pellegrini said : ' I think we are returning to the performances we had last season . I think if we continue playing this way of course we will fight for the title , but I think three or four other teams will also be there . ' Another masterful performance from Aguero drew qualified praise from Pellegrini , who was keen to stress the team effort which enabled his side to end their run of four consecutive 1-0 defeats at the Stadium of Light . Stevan Jovetic makes it 2-1 as his shot ends almost directly behind 6ft 8in keeper Costel Pantilimon . Aguero -LRB- left -RRB- and Jovetic -LRB- right -RRB- after the former set up the latter for their second goal of the match . Pellegrini said : ` He is an important player but it is not just Sergio Aguero - we play in a way that it is very useful for him to score but it is important for him not just to think about scoring but to play for the team . ` There are a lot of good strikers but I said before the last game that I am sure he is one of the best five players in the world because he is not just scoring , he is playing very well . ' Meanwhile Pellegrini had encouraging news on captain Vincent Kompany , who has been ruled out for at least a week with a hamstring injury and is in a race against time to be fit for the crucial UEFA Champions League clash with Roma next Wednesday . Pellegrini added : ` Vincent is improving and maybe it is not such a serious injury as we thought at the beginning - but he needs to see the whole week and we will see what happens with him . ' Manuel Pellegrini warmly greets Aguero as his star striker is replaced in the 74th minute . Pablo Zabaleta celebrates his second half goal , City 's third , with a gesture to his pregnant wife Christel . Sunderland boss Gus Poyet admitted his side could have no complaints about the manner of City 's victory but rued his side 's inability to hold on to their early lead for more than two minutes . Poyet said : ` Sergio is unique and at this moment in time he is one of the top three on-form strikers . He has performed week in , week out whether it is against us or Bayern Munich and it shows . ' I ca n't have too many complaints - they were better than us in every aspect of the game . We started well and had a chance before we scored our goal , but then Aguero appears from nowhere and does something special . ' Connor Wickham opens the scoring for Sunder but that 's where the good news ended for the hosts . Poyet admitted his side 's gruelling fixture schedule told against City , coming so soon after a gutsy goalless draw against Chelsea at the weekend . He added : ` It 's hard on us to play these two games consecutively and the physical demands were a lot . ` We thought before the game we would be on the same level and we would be able to compete - but we were not . ' | Manchester City beat Sunderland 4-1 at the Stadium of Light . Manual Pellegrini said his City side can challenge for the title . He said : ' I think if we continue playing this way ... we will fight for the title ' Sergio Aguero again drew praise for his work beyond his two goals . Black Cats boss Gus Poyet said : ` They were better than us in every aspect ' | [[143, 211], [529, 639], [529, 542], [585, 639], [1219, 1253], [1219, 1253], [1317, 1396], [3223, 3283], [3241, 3313]] |
The eldest daughter of former Dallas Cowboys star Pettis Norman would have celebrated her 50th birthday Wednesday , but on Monday she was found shot dead inside her downtown Dallas apartment . The body of Sharneen ` Shawn ' Norman was discovered by officers performing a welfare check at around 5pm . The woman 's family , including her father , contacted police after having been unable to reach her by phone for several days . Scroll down for video . Slain : Sharneen ` Shawn ' Norman , 49 , was discovered murdered inside her Dallas apartment Monday evening . Shocking find : Police performing a welfare check discovered Miss Norman shot dead inside her apartment at 222 Browder Street in Dallas . Dallas police say Miss Norman , a former Sony Music Entertainment executive , died from a gunshot wound and her death has been ruled a homicide , reported Dallas Morning News . Pettis Norman , 75 , a former Cowboys tight end , said his daughter 's apartment in the DP&L Flats building at 222 Browder Street showed no evidence of forced entry . Miss Norman met up with her father and younger sisters on Thanksgiving Day for an early birthday celebration . Then on Friday she went to Pettis Norman 's home to talk about their family business , a hair product company called Liquid Love , which she had been running from her apartment . In an interview with MyFox DFW , an emotional Mr Norman recalled how on the eve of his daughter 's birthday he talked to her about how people in their family lived long lives . Reflecting upon the upcoming milestone in his daughter 's life , Norman told her that she still had many years ahead of her and urged her to live them well . Heartbroken : Former NFL star Pettis Norman , 75 , became concerned for his eldest daughter , Shawn , after failing to reach her for several days . Miss Norman , who was divorced and had no children , moved to Dallas from New York two years ago . Shawn Norman graduated from Howard University and worked as an executive at Sony Music Entertainment handling promotions in New York City . About two years ago , Miss Norman moved back to Dallas and joined her father 's business . She was briefly married in the 1990s but had no children and lived alone . The woman was said to be very close to her father and sisters , calling and texting them every day and meeting up with her dad 4-5 times a week . Pettis Norman , a Georgia native and graduate of Johnson C. Smith University , was drafted by the Cowboys in 1962 and played for the Dallas team until 1970 . He also spent two seasons with the San Diego Chargers before retiring in 1973 . NFL legend : Norman , a Georgia native , spent 11 years playing for the Dallas Cowboys -LRB- left -RRB- and the San Diego Chargers -LRB- right -RRB- . Entrepreneur : After retiring from the NFL in 1973 , Norman -LRB- pictured in No 84 jersey -RRB- became a successful businessman . In his later life , Norman reinvented himself as a successful businessman in a wide variety of ventures , including fast food franchises , real estate , beauty products and conventicle stores . Norman 's grandson , Alex Norman , currently plays defensive tackle for the Texas Longhorns . | Sharneen ` Shawn ' Norman , 49 , found dead from gunshot wound inside her Dallas home Monday evening . Norman , eldest daughter of former Dallas Cowboys tight end Pettis Norman , lived alone after moving from New York to Dallas in 2012 . Death has been ruled a homicide , even though her apartment showed no signs of forced entry . | [[120, 192], [193, 257], [453, 458], [461, 486], [453, 458], [494, 562], [624, 700], [719, 730], [779, 804], [0, 113], [1818, 1829], [1871, 1916], [2057, 2076], [2079, 2111], [2148, 2151], [2209, 2222], [805, 844], [993, 1044]] |
Arsene Wenger praised the fighting spirit of Alexis Sanchez after the Chile striker fired Arsenal to a 1-0 Barclays Premier League victory over Southampton at the Emirates Stadium . Sanchez pounced in the 89th minute for his 14th goal in 22 appearances since his summer arrival from Barcelona as the Gunners narrowed the gap on the top four to two points . ` Alexis is one of the players who had to dig deep , but he still had such desire to fight . He always finds something special to get a goal , ' Arsenal boss Wenger said . VIDEO Scroll down for Arsene Wenger : Sanchez finds something special to get a goal . Alexis Sanchez shows his delight after his 10th Premier League goal of the season against Southampton . Sanchez tapped home from close range in the 89th minute to snatch maximum points for Arsenal . ` It 's difficult to find examples of someone who has settled at a club so quickly . He arrived in July and now it 's December . ` When you look at the number of goals he has and the impact he has on the team , it 's fabulous . ' Arsenal benefited from the 65th-minute arrival of Olivier Giroud , whose physical presence made the difference when Saints had been reduced to 10 men after Toby Alderweireld limped off with a hamstring injury . Alderweireld 's exit came after Saints had used their three permitted substitutes . Arsenal players gather around ` fighter ' Sanchez -LRB- second right -RRB- after his dramatic late winner . ` Olivier 's physical presence made a difference , ' Wenger said . Arsenal 's hopes of exposing Southampton as top-four imposters looked destined to be dashed by a goalless draw until Sanchez 's late intervention and Wenger was relieved to be able to reflect on a third successive victory . ` We deserved that because we gave very few chances away and had more chances than Southampton and because we kept a clean sheet , ' Wenger said . ` It was a bit hard to get going at the start because we 'd given a lot against Dortmund and West Brom . This was our third game in -LRB- eight -RRB- days . Arsene Wenger hails the ` fight ' in Sanchez but says it was Olivier Giroud 's physical presence that made a significant difference when he came off the bench . Wenger admitted he felt the Emirates crowd getting nervous after they lost their last match at home . ` We had to dig deep against a good team that is very well organised . We had to be patient and wait for our chances . ` We have the right attitude and a good solidarity in the team , a good focus , and that 's a good basis for us . ` It was important to win because we lost our last home game and you could see the crowd was nervous . ' Southampton manager Ronald Koeman admitted the departure of Alderweireld with six minutes to go encouraged Arsenal to pour forward in search of the winner . ` For the first hour we were outstanding and our team gave a very good reaction after the loss last Sunday , ' Koeman said . Saints goalkeeper Fraser Forster looks on in despair as he is finally beaten in an outstanding display . Ronald Koeman was pleased with his side 's first hour coming off a heavy defeat by Manchester City . VIDEO Koeman unhappy with second half performance . ` We were unlucky with the injuries and that gave Arsenal the motivation to bring more in the last 10 minutes , pressing with 11 players against 10 players . ` Toby could n't play on . If it 's a kick on the ankle you can ask them to play on , but it was a hamstring problem . You ca n't continue with a hamstring injury . ` Our goalkeeper Fraser Forster was outstanding but it was n't enough to keep a clean sheet . ' Jack Cork and Dusan Tadic also suffered respective ankle and groin injuries . | Alexis Sanchez scored in the 89th minute to snatch victory for Arsenal . Chilean converted simple chance to take three points from Southampton . Arsene Wenger praised his July buy 's ability to dig deep when it matters . | [[0, 181], [66, 181], [182, 252], [719, 813], [719, 726], [775, 813], [1631, 1737], [66, 181], [719, 813], [719, 726], [775, 813], [0, 181], [502, 528]] |
Ever wondered if you 're akin to the rest of the fans who support your team ? Well thanks to a survey from YouGov you can discover if you like the same food , hobbies as well as a lot more . Based on a sample size of 608 fans , below Sportsmail have picked out 12 of the most eye-catching responses from West Ham supporters . Over 600 West Ham fans were surveyed as part of the YouGov questionnaire . What are their favourite foods ? Bizarrely , the survey found that West Ham fans enjoy roast pigeon as their favourite dish , followed by a good curry . What are their favourite hobbies ? Hammers supporters spend their spare time painting , gardening and reading non-fiction books . What pet are they most likely to own ? They are most likely to own fish . What are their political views ? West Ham fans would tend to vote for right-leaning parties . Personality-wise what are they like ? West Ham fans are caring about the environment , easy-going and pretty thoughtful but on occasion their mind can wander back to the good old days . What car are they most likely to drive ? West Ham fans are most likely to be seen driving around in a Ford . What are their top five favourite movies ? Among a West Ham fan 's DVD collection would be the Japanese Manga film Akira , Looper , The Incredible Hulk , Gone Girl and , intriguingly , the Muppets Most Wanted . What are their top five favourite TV shows ? A real mixed bag on the box with BBC quiz show Only Connect , gorge-fest Man V. Food , Twin Peaks , The Sweeney and Big Brother . What are their top five favourite music artists ? A nice retro twist on the iPod -LRB- or tape deck -RRB- with Adam Ant , Echo & The Bunnymen , The Dandy Warhols , Neil Diamond and Caro Emerald featuring . Who are their top five favourite celebrities ? Hammers fan and rabble-rouser Russell Brand , Sky Sports presenter Georgie Thompson , East End hard man Ray Winstone , BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker and American actor Vincent Price . Who are the top people they follow on Twitter ? The Gavin and Stacy and Two Pints actress Sheridan Smith , Aussie comedian Adam Hills , political commentator Iain Dale and former Really Wild Show presenter Chris Packham . What newspapers and magazines do they prefer to read ? West Ham fans generally read The Sun and , apparently , Metal Hammer magazine . | Results based on a survey from YouGov who asked 608 West Ham fans . They enjoy watching quiz show Only Connect , painting and gardening . Adam Ant , Dandy Warhols and Echo & The Bunnymen are fave musicians . | [[191, 225], [326, 400], [589, 683]] |
Ringo Starr and his wife , former Bond Girl Barbara Bach , are trying to unload a big portion of their real estate . Just last week , Starr put his palatial country estate in Surrey , England on the market for over $ 20million , and now it seems like he is also trying to find a buyer for his Colorado ranch . That property has been listed at $ 3.85 million , making it the second time the famed Beatles drummer has tried to sell the property in two years . Scroll down for video . On the market : Ringo Starr is selling his Colorado ranch for $ 3.85 million . Moving on : Star and wife Barbara Bach -LRB- above -RRB- are said to spend little time at their Colorado residence . Second time 's the charm : Starr tried to sell the property for the same amount last year . Tranquil : The ranch is located in Woody Creek , 30 minutes outside Aspen . Starr 's ranch , located about 30 minutes outside Aspen in Woody Creek on 15.8 acres , sits on the banks of the Roaring Fork River . There are three bedrooms , a living room that features vaulted ceilings , exposed wood beams and a neat rock fireplace , and a kitchen with , according to Curbed , ` pretty blue tile countertops . ' There is also a horse pasture on the grounds . Lush grounds : The property sits on 15.8 acres and has a horse pasture . Interior : It also has three bedrooms and a large living room . Big money : Starr bought the property in 1991 for just under $ 1.2 million . Nature : The ranch sits on the banks of the Roaring Fork River . Starr tried to sell the property last year as well for the same exact price , a big step up from the $ 1.164 million he paid for it in 1991 . The Surrey estate meanwhile is a 17th-century mansion that sits on 200 acres of land , and was purchased for just $ 3.1 million by Starr in 1999 . That means he is set to take home over $ 17million should it sell for its asking price . There is an indoor pool , a screening room , a helipad , five reception rooms , a spa , and eight bedrooms and seven bathrooms spread out across the 18,332-square-feet . For sale : Starr is also selling his estate in Surrey for $ 20million . The couple say they are unloading the properties as they are mainly living between their flat off the King 's Road in London and their American residence in California . ` We have spent 15 years at Rydinghurst and will always have wonderful memories of our time there . It is a beautiful home with some very special features , but we are , reluctantly , unable to spend as much time there as we would wish , ' Starr told The Sunday Times . ` With commitments in American and our family all in England , we will continue to divide our time between Los Angeles and London . ' | Ringo Starr has just listed his Colorado Ranch for $ 3.85 million , the same price he tried to sell it for last year . He bought the property for just under $ 1.16 million in 1991 . He is also trying to sell his Surrey estate in England for over $ 20million , far more than the $ 3million he paid in 1999 . he and his wife , Bond Girl Barbara Bach , say they will split their time between a London apartment and home in California . | [[310, 357], [310, 323], [360, 457], [482, 495], [498, 560], [678, 702], [705, 769], [1504, 1579], [1374, 1438], [0, 24], [59, 116], [117, 131], [134, 181], [1646, 1663], [1731, 1792], [2063, 2123], [2176, 2293], [2625, 2695]] |
It may be too soon to give up the day job , but Wayne Rooney took to the stage at Manchester United 's Christmas party to give everyone a taste of his singing voice . The England captain posted an Instagram picture of himself belting out a song with the house band while his teammates enjoyed a festive evening out at The Place in Manchester on Wednesday . Rooney , a known fan of artists including Ed Sheeran and the Stereophonics , had a concentrated expression on his face while clicking his fingers by his side - and accompanied the picture with the caption : ` My turn to do a song at the @manchesterunited Christmas party ! ' In another post from the evening , Rooney is pictured possibly enjoying another player 's efforts from the dance floor as his wife Coleen and players including Darren Fletcher and Ashley Young laugh in the background . VIDEO Scroll down to Watch United WAGs leaving Christmas party in Manchester . Wayne Rooney sings with the band on stage at Manchester United 's Christmas party . The Manchester United captain takes to the dance floor with wife Coleen -LRB- third left -RRB- . Rooney is a known indie music lover - and even has a Sterephonics inspired tattoo on his right arm . After a dire start to their season under Louis van Gaal , few would have expected to see the United players smiling so brightly come December . But here they are , after four consecutive Premier League wins , grinning from ear to ear with something to celebrate at their annual Christmas Party . Striker Robin van Persie donned a big curly-haired wig , seemingly mocking his team-mate Marouane Fellaini , in a happy snap with the Belgium midfielder and back-up keeper Anders Lindegaard . Robin van Persie wears a wig in this Christmas Party snap with Anders Lindegaard and Marouane Fellaini . Lindegaard and Fellaini were ` looking after ' 19-year-old Adnan Januzaj at the dinner . The Place is a Grade II listed building which was a former railway warehouse built back in 1867 . In 1998 it was transformed into The Place Aparthotel but kept many of the key features . The most expensive bottle of wine on the menu is Chateauneuf du Pape at # 35.95 and a bottle of Champagne Pol Roger will set you back # 165 . ` Great xmas dinner with the boys ! ' Van Persie posted on Instagram . The players and their partners enjoyed a night of live music , singing and a disco until the early hours of Thursday morning . Lindegaard was also confident teen star Adnan Januzaj was in good hands with himself and Fellaini ` looking after ' the 19-year-old as they celebrated their season 's turnaround in form . Meanwhile , Radamel Falcao and his wife Lorelei Taron were beaming as they await the arrival of their first baby . Also at the party , among others , were Chris Smalling and his partner , ex-page three girl Sam Cooke , Daley Blind and girlfriend Candy-Rae Fleur and Phil Jones and girlfriend Kaya Hall . As the players and their partners headed home from the night out , the women clutched goodie bags from cosmetic company Jo Malone . Radamel Falcao poses with his pregnant wife Lorelei Taron on Wednesday night . Ashley Young puts an arm around fellow midfielder Juan Mata as Anderson sits behind the duo . England and United defender Chris Smalling and his girlfriend Sam Cooke were also in the festive spirit . Louis van Gaal and assistant manager Ryan Giggs leave United 's Christmas party at The Place . Giggs sits in the car as wife Stacey lies down on his lap . Jonny Evans leaves the United party with a red wine stain on his shirt . Jonny Evans ' wife Helen heads home as does Kaya Hall , Phil Jones ' other half . United defender Phil Jones leaves the Christmas party with his girlfriend Kaya Hall . Jessie Lingard and girlfriend -LRB- left -RRB- look in good spirits as did Tyler Blacket and his girlfriend . Wayne Rooney leaves United 's Christmas party in the back of a car . Falcao holds hands with his pregnant wife Lorelei Taron as they leave the party . Robin van Persie is all smiles as he and wife Bouchra leave the Christmas party . David de Gea is hugged as he gets into a taxi at the end of the night . Angel di Maria and partner Jorgelina Cardoso leave their first Manchester United Christmas party . Di Maria and his partner Jorgelina head home in a Lamborghini . Luke Shaw looks in good spirits as he leaves the Christmas party as Juan Mata heads for a taxi . Young United stars Andreas Pereira and James Wilson leave the seasonal shindig . Daley Blind and girlfriend Candy-Rae Fleur leave The Place . Adnan Januzaj , Anders Lindegaard and Marouane Fellaini leave The Place in Manchester together . Anderson heads home alone while goalkeeper Ben Amos leaves hand in hand with girlfriend Dani Emery . Sam Cooke and boyfriend Chris Smalling head home after the festive party . Michael Carrick and wife Lisa head home as do Rafael and his wife Karla . United started the season with a home defeat against Burnley before draws against Sunderland and Burnley , either side of an embarrassing defeat by League One MK Dons in the Capital One Cup . But now , while not totally convincing , United have overcome Crystal Palace , Arsenal , Hull and Stoke on Tuesday night in their last four games and are now fourth in the Premier League table . A Southampton side coming off the back off back-to-back defeats by Manchester City and Arsenal await United on Monday before games against Liverpool , Newcastle and Tottenham over the festive period . | Manchester United 's Christmas party held at The Place on Wednesday . Wayne Rooney posted a picture of himself singing with the band on stage . Robin van Persie wore a big wig seemingly mocking Marouane Fellaini . United have won four consecutive Premier League games but face Southampton , Liverpool , Newcastle and Tottenham in December . | [[271, 356], [930, 1013], [3324, 3418], [167, 264], [930, 1013], [1508, 1562], [1565, 1614], [1700, 1804], [1360, 1373], [1376, 1418], [1382, 1418], [1421, 1429], [5271, 5471]] |
Vincent Kompany is almost certain to miss Manchester City 's Champions League group decider at Roma . The skipper suffered a hamstring injury during Sunday 's 3-0 win at Southampton and missed Wednesday 's 4-1 victory at Sunderland . He is out of this weekend 's visit of Everton and is unlikely to make the squad for the trip to the Italian capital next Wednesday . VIDEO Scroll down for Manuel Pellegrini : Kompany is improving but we will see this week . Vincent Kompany is almost certain to miss Manchester City 's Champions League group decider at Roma . Kompany suffered a hamstring injury during Sunday 's 3-0 win at Southampton and missed Sunderland . City boss Manuel Pellegrini said : ` Vincent is improving and maybe the injury was n't as serious we thought at the beginning . ` He needs this whole week to see what happens . I do n't think we will see him against Everton on Saturday . I do n't know if he has a chance to play against Roma , we will see . ` Sometimes those types of injuries can be a month out , but it 's still difficult for him to recover in 10 days . ' Kompany is likely to miss the visit to Roma for City 's Champions League group decider . | The Manchester City skipper suffered a hamstring injury at Southampton . Vincent Kompany missed City 's 4-1 win against Sunderland on Wednesday . Kompany will miss the visit of Everton to the Etihad on Saturday . | [[102, 181], [560, 659], [102, 113], [186, 233], [560, 567], [640, 659], [0, 15], [34, 91], [458, 473], [492, 549], [837, 897]] |
Andres Iniesta scored once and provided two assists to help Barcelona romp to a 4-0 rout of third-tier Huesca in the last 16 of the Copa del Rey on Wednesday . Ivan Rakitic opened the scoring for Barcelona in the 12th minute when he struck a free kick into the top left corner beyond Huesca goalkeeper Daniel Jimenez 's reach . Iniesta , who returned from an injury sustained in his team 's 3-1 loss at Real Madrid on Oct. 25 , netted four minutes later after he latched onto Rakitic 's pass . Barcelona team-mates celebrate Andres Iniesta 's goal during a 4-0 win against Huesca in the Copa del Rey . Andres Iniesta -LRB- left -RRB- captained a young side and played an influential part in the outcome of the game . Huesca -LRB- 4-2-3-1 -RRB- : Jimenez Lopez , Álvarez , Moreno Hernández , García Fernández , Morillas , Ferrández Pomares -LRB- Esnáider 73 ' -RRB- , Ros , Camacho Barnola , Gassama -LRB- Sebastián 57 ' -RRB- , Del Pino Ramos -LRB- Cabezas Chounavelle 62 ' -RRB- , Misut . Subs not used : Gálvez Burgos , Chueca Agoiz , . Booked : Moreno Hernández . Barcelona -LRB- 4-3-3 -RRB- : Stegen ; Douglas , Bartra , Mathieu -LRB- Miguel 64 ' -RRB- , Adriano ; Samper , Rakitic -LRB- Sergi 64 ' -RRB- , Iniesta ; Pedro , Munir -LRB- Ramirez 76 ' -RRB- , Rafinha . Subs not used : Montoya , Masip . Booked : Mathieu . Scorers : Rakitic 12 ' , Iniesta 16 ' , Pedro 39 ' , Rafinha 72 ' ` We 're confident in what we do and I think this will take us closer to success , ' said Iniesta . ` Our effectiveness and the way we played this game made us feel quite relaxed , ' he said . ` What 's important is that the players who are in the squad are well equipped to play because titles are n't won by just five or six , but by a whole team . ' Barcelona reserve goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen made an athletic save from Tyronne del Pino in the 32nd and looked solid throughout the match . Pedro Rodriguez controlled Iniesta 's pass , ran forward and unleashed a powerful shot inside the near post in the 39th before Rafinha deflected his shot off Alex Garcia into goal for Barcelona 's fourth in the 72nd . Elsewhere , Atletico Madrid swept to a 3-0 victory over third-tier L'Hospitalet . France midfielder Antoine Griezmann broke the deadlock in the 67th minute of the first leg match when he headed home defender Jesus Gamez 's cross from the right . Gabriel Fernandez converted a penalty in the 81st after Atletico 's attacking midfielder Alessio Cerci was held by Agustin Fernandez as he advanced in the area . Cristian Rodriguez struck the third from outside the area in the second minute of stoppage time . Iniesta -LRB- centre -RRB- congratulates Ivan Rakitic after the Croatia midfielder opened the scoring with a free-kick . Spain international Pedro -LRB- left -RRB- raced on to Iniesta 's disguised pass to score Barcelona 's third goal . Young Barcelona striker Munir El Haddadi -LRB- left -RRB- was given a chance to impress with many stars rested . Barcelona youngster Rafinha celebrates after completing the rout with a deflected shot in the second half . Barcelona players celebrate after practically securing their passage into the next round . Malaga drew 1-1 with Deportivo La Coruna . Ignacio Camacho scored the opener for Malaga in the 11th from an assist by Luis Alberto and Deportivo forward Jose Verdu equalized in the 68th . Also , Granada beat Andalusian rival Cordoba 1-0 thanks to a goal by Colombian forward Jhon Cordoba in the 24th . In another match , Sevilla routed Sabadell 5-1 with striker Iago Aspas scoring a four-minute hat trick . | Barcelona defeated Huesca 4-0 in first-leg of last 32 Copa del Rey clash . Ivan Rakitic opened the scoring with a 25-yard curling free-kick . Andres Iniesta doubled Barca 's lead with a sliced effort on the break . Iniesta set up his Spain team-mate Pedro for the Catalan club 's third . Youngster Rafinha completed the rout with a deflected shot after half time . | [[0, 14], [31, 159], [494, 601], [160, 301], [230, 327], [2615, 2735], [1891, 1906], [1952, 2035], [2018, 2108], [2965, 3072], [3030, 3051]] |