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"We use some french and Tamazigh=we speak a different language" when not even 10% or our vocab contains that |
"Weird as posts, im leaving" |
"What about Trump saying that ISIS was created by the Obama administration to portray Islam in a negative light |
"What is the use of baccalaureat DEGRE and those parties when you are failing God and sunnah" |
"What is the use of baccalaureat DEGRE when you are failing God " |
"What you're thinking about can destroy you and destroy your confidence " |
"Whataboutism" 🤔 Did I specifically mention anything other than Islam |
"Why pray to cruel John Cena" then someone replying "If John Cena was cruel he would beat the shit out of you" 💀💀💀 |
"Wicked women are for wicked men, and wicked are for wicked women |
"Wine in7otok tba9e wared," as say—wherever you need me, I’m there |
"Women should simply not exist" |
"Worst she can say is no" |
"Yeah whatever u tel urself" |
"Yesterday Al Jaza'ir, tomorrow Filastine' |
"You are fre to do whatever you want even though I already know what you wil be doing because I know everything |
"You my friend, you are part of the problem" |
"Your submission has been removed |
"[A Muslim online keep threatening to report me](https://ww |
"_ is that most tunisians wil systematically start shitting on anyone you mention, without even taking a few minutes to look up the person or its programme |
"a country can't have a culture" |
"a country can't have a history" |
"a country can't have a language" |
"a country can't have a religion" |
"a3mel écran twali bidha" 🤡 |
"adapt" and "feel like home" are two different things |
"al 3achriya sawde2" in the 90s was a catastrophe for algeria, terrorism for an entire decade lead to a lot of problems including the exodus of country side people to the cities => not able to adapt to city life and stil behave like the way they did in their dachra + economic problems + backward beliefs brought by the terrorist = sexually frustrated uncivilized human beings with very narrow minds |
"al i want is some love" , do it yourself, nobody can give you the love you can give to yourself, believe me, utopic world of love and relationship reflected by the movies,social media etc |
"alla2i lam ya7edhna" yo9sod beha lbnet sghar mabolghouch they're allowed to marry them |
"and \[also for\] *those* who *have not* menstruated |
"as a man, how dare u marry a woman |
"as you said you can't even go out" has nothing to do with islam |
"ay male yshouf partner 9odemou moushe chynagez 3ibara farisa" except ay ensen yo8zer lel sex mnghir consent yet9azez |
"best friend" is male, and although I know who he is and am chil with him, l've always been wary of his intentions to her |
"burning qurans in sweden is seen as freedom of speech" |
"da7aha" can mean flatten (edit: more like spread |
"dayooth" here means "abusive man who hates women with the fire of a thousand suns" |
"degrading due to immigration" give me a fucking break |
"distracting us from the deeper truth: our common humanity |
"doesnt matter if the country loses another century as long as the guys I dont like are prosecuted" |
"during the cold war" is absolutely hilarious |
"dying young and playing hard, that's the way my father made his life an art" i heard this in a song and always resonated with me |
"everybody agreeing / everybody doing it ergo he is right lmao how pathetic and primal ) |
"everyone called me crazy and told me that I would regret it" |
"girls turned out to be real bitches |
"he actually prohibited beating >the face" Lol |
"hey look at this self-defense" |
"i just identify as a female" |
"i would never do" why not |
"iT mIgHt bE wEIrD" wel its 💯 weird |
"if god real why people suffer |
"in general tunisian are not trustworthy" |
"in touch with his feminine side" is now a good male trait |
"incidents such as Islamophobic tags painted outside the former prayer hal, the remains of a pig dumped on the building site and the windows of a container smashed" |
"it wasnt the real left" common left wing argument, it didnt work out so it wasnt left wing |
"kelma sghira" then manages to write a ful article |
"lOcKeD uP aT hOmE untIL hER dEaTh" litteraly bullshit |
"let's pretend this is a solid joke" you told me to pretend it's funny so I tel you why it's funny |
"lislam" mte3k, sama7ni chkounek t9oul lwe7ed tounsi ldawla laïc wa9teli amthelek 9a3din yfasdou 7ata fdouwal hethika wy7ebou yofordhou 3lehom islam lol |
"look like shit" is subjective ik tons of pretty Tunisian neighborhoods that didn't obey any forced rules |
"made out" are talking just kissing, cuddling or you mean ful blown out sex |
"man up" ta3tik just motivation 9sira wm3aha boost dopamine mba3ed tarja3 konet mat8ayer 7ata |
"o8tes" part refers to "o8tes khobz fl mar9a" kinda thing |
"omg they are fighting us, BY HAVING CONVERSATIONS" |
"options" as if have options |
"our nature pushes us and even punishes us" 😂😂😂😂 , za3ma za3ma famech god |
"people die from love or no love" al have suffered many times in our lives, our nature pushes us and even punishes us to find a mate and reproduce just to keep the human race alive, make babies, stay with someone who is good enough to make babies with but horrible person to be with and wil make our lives a living hel but put up with it because are doing it for the kids |
"rank of countries based on how diversified and complex their export basket is |
"read this without hearing gun shot sound effects in your mind" challenge: impossible |
"scientific miracles" described in the quran are either false or unoriginal, mostly both |
"sex is a big part of human life and plays an important role in mental and psychological wel-being " |
"slay king" thats a first XD thanks |
"some linen over your head" |
"some people need to get beaten for that to I gues" talka ogtel zokomhom habto 20 plates o mokhek lkol, cv |
"steal" you make it sound like there is only a limited amount of 'Tunisian' and "non-Tunisians" are stealing it from us |
"sub saharian africans are criminals they must be kicked" also tunisians in europe: |
"suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems" it doesn't matter what you are going thru you can always start again, give it one more year, maybe 2 and se how much you wil able to change, think about your loved ones, think about about nature and how beautiful it is, life is to precious to just leave like that |
"taw yetbadel ba3d el3ers" is wishful thinking |
"the husband gives complete freedom" am I trapped in lamp or some shit lol why am I waiting for someone to give me freedom |
"the landfil is a designated place for trash |
"the same" is the idealistic yet erroneous vision they want you to believe in |
"the swedes" we're literally swedes ourselves so i don't understand why your making it sound like we're two different groups |
"things can't get any worse" |
"this is what happened in tunisia 😡😔" |
"this law is not used in any country *including* saudi arabia" that's what i said |
"touch" so I was right he thinks it is negligible |
"we have extensive experience and evidence of how paintings are created by human beings |
"we rape their women" wtf who is "we" |
"we" also invent, it's just that our good brains do it abroad |
"weldi may3ibou chay" and "weldi lazem martou tetelhé bih" I think everything is a conversation |
"what islam does to a mf" |
"why would you ever leave" If you read the post, then you would know why left |
"ya français enti" u sure 9rit ktebtou aal francais |
"yelzmna specialized police yspottiw ay aabd 9a3ed ymassa5 y5attiw" |
"you know nothing" refers to what know versus what could know |
"you think", "probably", "I think" bruh what you're talking about and the reality are way to separate unfortunately, majority of jews are zionists n that's how it is |
"your sweet boyfriend is here |
"« الآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لاتفاق الأليكا على القطاع الفلاحي وبعض القطاعات التصديرية » تنظم مؤسسة روزا لكسمبورغ مكتب شمال افريقيا، بالتعاون مع الاتحاد التونسي للفلاحة والصيد البحري ندوة لعرض نتائج دراسات التأثير لاتفاق التبادل الحر الشامل والمعمق الأليكا على القطاع الفلاحي والإقتصاد التونسي: « الآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لاتفاق الأليكا على القطاع الفلاحي وبعض القطاعات التصديرية » بمشاركة باحثين من المرصد التونسي للإقتصاد و المؤسسة النمساوية للبحوث التنموية وذلك يوم الاربعاء 03 أفريل 2019 بنزل الأكروبول بضفاف البحيرة تونس، الرجاء تأكيد الحضور على الرابط التالي https://bit.ly/2uyOzVC |
"à fin" 7ad 7or yetkallem y 7eb ya3mel y7eb bshart annou maydhorresh 3'irou |
"آبل" تكشف رسميا عن خدماتها الإلكترونية الجديدة - الصباح نيوز | Assabah News وجاءت على رأس هذه الخدمات "+Apple TV" لبث الفيديوهات، والتي ستنافس "Netflix" ومواقع "سامسونغ" و "إل جي" لعرض المسلسلات والأفلام، والتي طورتها "آبل" بالتعاون مع كل من "HBO" و"Showtime" و"Tastemade" و"Noggin". أما الخدمة الأخرى "+Apple News"، فخصصت لمحبي قراءة الأخبار، وستضم موضوعات ومواد إخبارية من أكثر من 30 موقع وقناة تلفزيونية حول العالم، كـ "Vogue" و"People" و"The Wal Street Journal" و"Los Angeles Times"و"ELLE" وغيرها. كما كشفت "آبل" عن بطاقتها الإلكترونية الجديدة، والتي ستمكن مستخدمي أجهزة "آيفون" و"آيباد" من الدفع الإلكتروني في مختلف المتاجر، وتحويل الأموال إلكترونيا بطريقة شبيهة بتلك التي يستخدمها أصحاب البطاقات المصرفية الموصولة بالهواتف.(روسيا اليوم) |
"آل - جي" أول شركة ندمج تقنية "NVIDIA G-Sync" في أجهزة تلفاز "OLED 2019" - المرأة الرئيسية آخر الأخبار “آل – جي” أول شركة ندمج تقنية “NVIDIA G-Sync” في أجهزة تلفاز... المرأة (NVIDIA G-Sync) – لا شكّ أن شاشات “LG OLED” ستروق وتنال إعجاب المغرمين بالألعاب (اللاعبين) الأكثر حظّا. فقد أعلنت الشركة المصنعة الكورية الجنوبية (LG) أن طرازي “C9″ و”E9″ سوف يتم تزويدهما بتقنية” NVIDIA G-SYNC ” التي تتيح تحسين الانغماس المعمّق في ألعاب الفيديو والانصهار فيها . وسيكون لهذه الشاشات التي يتراوح حجمها بين 55 و7 بوصة معدل تحديث يبلغ 120 هرتز بدقة 1440 بيكسال و60 هرتز للصور 4K عندما تكون متصلة بجهاز كمبيوتر مزود بجهاز ببطاقة الرسومات NVIDIA. وسيتم تقليل زمن الوصول بشكل خاص إذ تؤكّد “LG” أنه بالنسبة إلى لعبة 1440 بيكسال ستكون هذه المرة 6 مللي – ثانية و13 مللي – ثانية للصورة بدقة 4K. وهذا هو واحد من أدنى معدلات المشاهدة في سوق التلفزيون. ويقول “مات ووبلينغ” (Mat Wuebbling) مدير التسويق في GeForce في NVIDIA: “سوف يندهش اللاعبون من الاستجابة والتفاعل والرسومات الواقعية لهذه الأجهزة من التلفاز عندما يمارسون أحدث ألعاب الكمبيوتر الشخصي باستخدام تقنية “Ray-tracing ” في الوقت الفعلي”. المادة السابقة-Cinq”MBC5″: فضائية جديدة بنكهة محلية من الترفيه العائلي لبلدان المغرب العربي المقالة القادمةهالة بن يوسف: نتائج الانتخابات هي تعبير صحيح لشعب عاقب من تلاعب به ومن حاول استبلاه |
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