Qualification & Experience: Master degree or equivalent in Business Administration, Public Administration (Specialization HR) or Social Sciences from an HEC recognized university. Foreign qualification will be preferred. Public Sector/ Ex-Army officials are encouraged to apply for this position. At least 10 years of post-qualification experience in relevant field. Qualification & Experience: 16 years of education in Civil Engineering with the course in Contracting or/ and Supply Chain/ MSC in Contract Management from an HEC recognized university. foreign qualification will be preferred. Public Sector/ Ex-Army officials are encouraged to apply for this position. Qualification & Experience: Masters in HRM, MBA-HRM from an HEC recognized university. Foreign qualification will be preferred. At least 6-8 years relevant experience in Organization Development and Complex Employee Relation handling. Qualification & Experience: 16 years of education or Master degree in relevant discipline from an HEC recognized university. Foreign qualification will be preferred. Qualification & Experience: Minimum 16 years of education in the field of Environmental Science/ Environmental Engineering/ Environmental Management, Urban Planning from an HEC recognized university. Foreign qualification will be preferred. At least 3 years of relevant experience or similar operational experience in a well-established renowned public/ private organization. Further details are available at: www.lwmc.com.pk/careers. Applications are needed to be submitted online through above website by February, 27, 2015. Manager (Human Resource), Lahore Waste Management Company, 4th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore. Tel: 042-99205153/55. // Web: www.lwmc.com.pk. Making haste to clean waste At Lahore Waste Management Company, we feel and care about the city we live in. Besides performing operational duties to maintain cleanliness in Lahore, we are spreading the word to involve communities and make them own the Clean Lahore motto so that we leave this city to future generations in a better shape than we were given it.
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The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) campaign group has welcomed commitments by signatories of the Montreal Protocol to tackle concerns over high levels of emissions containing the ozone depleting substance CFC11. The conclusion of the latest meeting of parties singed up to the Montreal Protocol in Ecuador last week set out new steps to understand the source of the CFC11 emissions that an EIA investigation attributed to a number of factories in China. The campaign group said it welcomed the reaction to an investigation it had undertaken into "widespread and pervasive" use of CFC-11 for construction purposes in China. It argues the investigation has raised important questions over the wider effectiveness of existing monitoring and enforcement of greenhouse gas emissions. Information will now be required during the next meeting of the parties concerning CFC11 levels in the atmosphere and an analysis of existing monitoring work and reporting on the substance as part of the protocol, according to the EIA. EIA UK climate campaigns leader Clare Perry said the organisation commended China over its stated commitments for trying to tackle illegal production of CFC11. However, she said that the latest commitments from the Chinese and other parties signed up to the Montreal Protocol still faced significant challenges. The campaign group added that all signatories had agreed during the meeting to introduce provisions for reporting details around HFCs under the Kigali Amendment to the protocol. This will take effect in January 2019. Agreement was also reached during the meeting to consider making use of a financial mechanism under the protocol to provide extra funding for energy efficiency initiatives in low volume consuming countries, the EIA added. Avipsa Mahapatra, who leads the EIA's US climate campaign, said that China's response to enforcing CFC11 production on the back of its campaigning reflected the importance of the Montreal Protocol.
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First-Cruise-Ship, a photo by U.S. Coast Guard on Flickr. JUNEAU, Alaska – A Coast Guard Station Juneau 45-foot Response Boat – Medium crew escorts the first cruise ship of the season into port May 3, 2012. In addition to Station Juneau Coast Guardsmen, many Sector Juneau personnel are involved in ensuring safety aboard cruise ships in Southeast Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Grant DeVuyst. ← A helicopter delivers cargo.
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Group Of Tulsa Business Owners File Lawsuit Against Mayor Bynum, City Council Over Mask Mandate Tuesday, August 18th 2020, 12:17 pm TULSA, Okla. - Some local doctors and citizens are suing Tulsa's Mayor over the mask mandate. The lawsuit includes Tulsa Health Department and city councilors, saying the masks can make people sick and the mandate should be lifted. One of the things the lawsuit said is that people are not wearing masks properly and could be causing more harm by spreading bacteria on the masks each time they are used. "Lots of people have respiratory diseases and disabilities and genetic changes that make wearing a mask uncomfortable inducing anxiety, dizziness, brain fog, etc. and we have to understand that and we need to allow those people with those disabilities to make a decision for themselves," said Dr. Jim Meehan, MD. Dr. Meehan along with several Tulsa business owners filed the lawsuit. Back in July when the mask mandate passed, Mayor G.T. Bynum said it was the right decision based on the advice of health experts. "We're hearing from doctors from around the state that something like this should be put in place. We're hearing from the superintendents of all three of our school districts now that we need this in place," said Mayor Bynum. The lawsuit said the mask mandate puts the burden of enforcing the ordinance on business owners, which puts them at risk for a potential lawsuit. "They were made to be enforcers of the city ordinance. So when an employer is forced to enforce a mask mandate in their employees and they are also violating OSHA occupational safety and health administration regulations that's a set up for a real problem," said Dr. Meehan. News On 6 reached out to Mayor Bynum's office, Tulsa City Councilors, and Tulsa Health Department for a comment, but they said they cannot comment at this time since this is ongoing litigation. Watch: Tulsa Dream Center Talks Importance Of Volunteer Work Watch: Broadway Actress Discusses 'Jesus Christ Superstar' Musical In Tulsa Meteorologist Stacia Knight Announces Birth Of Baby Girl
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"For years, people have been asking those of us who study cooperation about the motive that is behind an action," said Harvard Professor Martin Nowak. Nowak (from right), Moshe Hoffman, and Erez Yoeli have developed a first-of-its-kind model, dubbed the "envelope game," that can help researchers to understand not only why humans evolved to be cooperative but why they evolved to cooperate in a principled way. Aside from the obvious, what is it that distinguishes Mother Teresa from Sean Penn? Both performed charitable acts. Mother Teresa worked for decades in the slums of Calcutta, and Penn was among those who traveled to New Orleans to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. But while the late Mother Teresa is today recognized as a near saint, Penn was widely mocked for bringing an entourage — including a publicist and a personal photographer — to document the aid effort. Martin Nowak, professor of mathematics and biology and director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED), Moshe Hoffman, a research scientist at PED, and Erez Yoeli, a visiting scholar at PED and a researcher at the Federal Trade Commission, might argue that the difference between the two could be chalked up to what the public perceives as contrasts in motivation. While Mother Teresa's efforts were seen as purely altruistic, Penn's actions suggested his aid might amount to little more than a publicity stunt. To understand why it matters to people what Mother Teresa's motives were, Nowak, Hoffman, and Yoeli have developed a first-of-its-kind model, dubbed the "envelope game," that can help researchers to understand not only how cooperation evolved, but why people care so much about others' motives. The model is described in a paper recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The solution, Hoffman explained, was to add a new wrinkle to the traditional "cooperation game" used by researchers, one that offers players the chance to consider the costs of cooperation. As outlined by Nowak, Hoffman, and Yoeli, the game works this way: Before deciding whether to cooperate, one player has the option of opening an envelope telling him or her whether the cost of cooperation is high or low. Based on that information, that player can choose whether to cooperate or not, and the second player — who knows whether the counterpart looked in the envelope — can then decide whether to repeat the interaction, with a new envelope, or end the relationship. The model can also help to explain why a New Orleans rescue mission ultimately became fodder for criticism. That's not to suggest, Nowak said, that that sort of cooperation is bad. That analysis, Hoffman said, revealed the conditions under which people are more likely to trust those who do not open the envelope — that is, those who are true altruists — more than those who do. Since authentic altruists, he continued, never look in the envelope, they cooperate regardless of the cost. Understanding how motives affect cooperation, Hoffman said, is more than just an academic exercise. The model described in the paper also offers insights into a host of real-world situations ranging from politics to the boardroom and beyond, clarifying when people should care about motives as well as whether policymakers should respect these considerations. The new model could also be applied to the business world, Yoeli said, where managers could benefit from demonstrating their principles to employees. Yoeli adds that the model suggests when people should care if businesses are principled: when the firm's temptation to misuse personal data or reduce the quality of their products varies considerably over time, and users will have already given up their sensitive information or be locked into the firm's products. The model sheds light onto laws banning practices such as prostitution or selling organs. According to Yoeli, this model suggests that laws banning the sale of organs enables policymakers or voters to signal their trustworthiness at the cost to those who are in need of a kidney. Most importantly, the authors hope, this model can bring principled behavior and authentic altruism out of the domain of philosophy and theology and provide an evolutionary explanation for such phenomena. This illustration features two spiral galaxies — each with a supermassive black hole at its center — as they are about to collide and form an elliptical galaxy. New research shows that galaxies' dark-matter halos influence these mergers and the resulting growth of supermassive black holes.
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As the technology and economic is developing, the environment problem is becoming a severe problem, and the people are seriously affected. The sustained damage to the environment has caused a serious problem, such as air pollution, sand storm, extraordinary weather, and diseases etc., people suffer from what they have done to the environment. However. People have realized that it will be too late if they don't do anything to prevent things from getting worse. For example, there is an "Earth Hour" on a Saturday of March of each year. It is a global movement, usually it lasts from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. It is also called "Light-off for One Hour". During this hour, all the light will be turned off. The purpose of this movement is not only to save energy, but also to warn the people to realize the importance of protecting the mother earth, and to stop violating the environment. Anyway, people and the environment have to keep a balance relationship. People take from the environment, and have to protect it too. Shen Xing moved to study diligently, just to see Shen Sihai to the accounts to check in advance. He saw the meaning of his father, as if do not want to continue cooperation with Dominique, and thought his proposal has finally worked. At the time of Shen Sihai's visit, Du Mingli brought good news. After the incident was over, under the invitation of Beller, the empress dowager and emperor allowed Shen Xing to escalate to any of them. Even after all the Shen family business, Beller must invest in stocks. Although Shen Sihai think this connection is worth 30% of shares, but still was out of Dominic Wu's move impressed. He knew that with this booklet, Jingyang all business will be attributed to its own. Du Mingli again spoke of the people who were dismissed last time were dismissed, the adults of the Ministry of Punishment were sent back to the country, and even Zhao Baishi was reduced from four to seven. Shen Sihai Beller's strength more confidence, could not help but be happy.
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On tonight's brand new episode of ONCE UPON A TIME, viewers will get to delve deeper into the love story at the center of the series — the relationship between Prince Charming and Snow White. But if you think you know their story, get ready to be surprised by what unfolds onscreen. Will you be tuning in to tonight's brand new episode of ONCE UPON A TIME.
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I did genetic tests with a very famous genomics company, and they gave me a 14-megabyte document full of genetic code which I could not decipher by myself. The test taken by Ran's child cost 6,500 yuan ($940) and was developed by DaAn Gene, a Guangzhou-based genomics company that only began offering personal genetic testing products in 2015. Affiliated with Sun Yat-sen University, DaAn had been focusing on research-related gene studies and working with institutions. It was only in the past two years that it started targeting members of the public as customers. In China, there are over 150 genomics firms. Currently, 70 percent of them mainly offer gene-testing services, and an increasing number of them have started to offer tests to individual consumers. With attractive advertisements and mysteriously advanced technology, genomics firms have become attractive choices for investors. A rough calculation by CN Healthcare says that 40 Chinese gene companies received investment in 2016, worth over 80 billion yuan in total. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute in the U.S., genome sequencing costs started to fall sharply in 2007, when the cost per genome was around $10 million. By 2015, that number had dropped to less than $1,000. As these businesses increasingly target the public, two types of gene companies have emerged: On one side, there are the traditional gene technology companies that entered the market before 2012; on the other side are the startups targeting individual customers and promoting the commercial use of genomics. But at the same time, there are also companies like DaAn Gene that cover both professional and personal tests. "As a leading company in the genomics industry, it's our responsibility to help more people learn about gene studies, with lower prices and from a simpler angle," a spokesperson at DaAn Gene told Chinese business newspaper 21st Century in 2015. China has strict rules for public hospitals hoping to distribute gene products developed by private companies: An official approval from the China Food and Drug Administration is needed, but in a general sense, the official attitude appears to favor the wider use of gene technology in medical fields. In 2015, the Chinese health ministry for the first time allowed 107 hospitals to conduct non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPTs). One year later, the ban was lifted, and all hospitals with an obstetrics department could do the test. Worldwide, DNA-based tests are available for over 1,500 diseases in people of all ages, yet so far in China, the NIPT, which costs about 2,000 yuan per test, is the most common and screens for three kinds of genetic disease. Although the government has allowed nearly all hospitals to conduct NIPTs, these tests which involve widely accepted science, still aren't a direction many startup companies plan to specialize in. This is largely because two companies, Berry Genomics and BGI, basically dominate the NIPT service market, leaving slim opportunities for newcomers. If a parent forces their child whose genes showed athletic ability to play sports even though the child prefers piano, there are obvious ethical problems. Zheng Hongkun founded Biomarker Technologies in 2009 after working at BGI for nine years. With an estimated market value of 1 billion yuan, his company develops sequencing technologies and provides data and sequencing services for research institutes. Zheng says Biomarker will put more effort into developing genetic applications for early tumor detection and more precise medical treatment. "Apart from reproductive health, tumors are the other area in which genomics can play an important role," he adds. After doing two genetic tests, Huang Jinzhang, the former editor-in-chief of Phoenix Weekly, decided to start his own genomics company, Gese DNA, which focuses on providing "readable content." The aim is to present information in a straightforward way, without technical jargon or figures. "I did genetic tests twice in 2013 with a very famous, very professional genomics company, and they gave me a report: a 14-megabyte document full of genetic code which I could not decipher by myself," Huang told China Newsweek magazine in December 2016. Afterward, he decided to develop a more user-friendly alternative. The package offered by Gese DNA, which costs 499 yuan, claims to answer questions relating to six aspects of health and character — for example, how fast you can learn new things, whether you're easily addicted to something, or if you have an introverted personality. If you're a man, it can even tell you the probability that you'll go bald. Compared to medical uses like NIPT and tumor treatment, personal genetic tests, which purport to answer people's questions about their health, lifestyle, and personality, tend to be more explicit, have less scientific backing, and be less regulated. On Taobao, China's largest online e-commerce platform, there are clear rules banning the sale of these genetic products, although gene-testing packages, ranging in price from 99 to 2,999 yuan, can still be found at over 40 stores. Most of these target parents who want to find out more about their children's talents. Though recognized by many people and favored by startups and venture capitalists, genetic tests remain controversial. "If a parent forces their child whose genes showed athletic ability to play sports even though the child prefers piano, or if an employer wants to see the test results, there are obvious ethical problems," says Huang Shangzhi, a professor at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing. But ethical issues and accuracy are not primary concerns for many businesspeople. WeGene, another personal genetics company, not only generates talent reports, but also gives health resolution packages that include advice on losing weight or curing insomnia. Once you part with your genetic information, there can't be guarantees of privacy and anonymity. Selling health solutions to consumers is a common business model applied by companies, but there is also another approach: data collection. California-based 23andMe has become a role model for many Chinese genomics companies. Initially a personal genetics startup, 23andMe has now become a research company that partners with drug developers and medical institutions. In 2015, it announced a deal with Pfizer, giving the giant drugmaker access to data it collected from 650,000 individuals. Will 23andMe's Chinese acolytes follow a similar path to monetization by selling data? Cheng says that companies like Gese DNA and WeGene can certainly accumulate a lot of data, which is a core component for genetic research. Personal genetic testing startups can see a path to becoming data-oriented research companies, provided they can get enough private data and permission to use it. Alternatively, they can try to develop their medical teams, becoming more service-oriented by partnering with hospitals and medical institutions to offer health solutions. The qualifications to decode genes could be a determining factor for startups, Professor Huang says. For talent tests, accuracy might not be vital, but medical treatment is different — and Huang says China lacks trained genetic consultants. "The genetic test results are useful tools for clinical diagnosis and treatment, but only people with both genetic knowledge and clinical experience can make sense of the data," he says, adding that only an estimated 5 percent of doctors in China are qualified to do this. This is an original article by CKGSB Knowledge and has been used with their permission. The article was first published here on Feb. 8, 2017.
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This is a software issue that has been bugging me these past few weeks. I put my computer to sleep, I wake it up, and everything boots up but the backlight. The problem is not hardware because the light does come on eventually. Problem is, that this issue is not reproducible, but it most likely happens when the laptop is not attached to the AC. Now the only reason I'm posting about this issue now, is that I've rebooted my A1211 many times and the backlight is still stubbornly off. It may turn on again eventually, but at this point, I don't know. Here's what I've found online. If anyone can add more to this issue, please do. Start it up in "Safe Mode" by holding down the "Shift key". This failing boot from the system installation disk by inserting the disk and restarting holding down the "C" key. If the problem persists, then it's a hardware issue. While using my friend's monitor, the backlights magically turn back on again! I didn't even touch the LCD, maybe the wiggling of my typing did something, but what hardware issue does that point to? I'll try your reboot method next time the lights go out. I'm hoping this is due to the software issue I posted, but so far, I really haven't come across any evidence of what the source of the problem might be. It really is a random issue. It comes and goes when it pleases. Isn't there a diagnostic test I could perform? I really don't want to jump the gun and spend money on a replacement until I'm sure it's the inverter. I agree with reMacberlin for the inverter board issue or a flaky inverter cable connection but if you want to explore the software issue boot the MBP from another source than your hard drive and check if the problem persists. If one of your friends has a Intel Mac just connect to his Mac via firewire target mode and boot your MBP from his hard drive or boot from an external firewire or USB drive. Well I am getting a firewire external HDD soon. (I can fresh install 10.6 on it right?) So unless there is another test I could perform, I'll go down that road. I found these solution on the Apple forums. Vahan C será eternamente grato(a).
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Datsun Go fails crash test, dismally Industry news / 6 November 2014, 09:27am / Jason Woosey The Datsun Go's structure performed so badly that fitting an airbag would be futile, says Global NCAP. The Maruti Suzuki Swift, it was concluded, would perform better with airbags. Luckily SA models are fitted with these essential safety items. The Datsun Go recently hit South African streets with a refreshingly affordable price tag of just R89 500, yet it also came under fire for not offering basic safety features like airbags and ABS. Now it appears that airbags might not help much anyway. In a recent crash test conducted by Global NCAP's new Indian division, the Go's structure collapsed during the 64km/h frontal offset test. According to Bharat NCAP, the crash test dummy's readings "indicated a high probability of life-threatening injuries." While the lack of airbags ensured that the driver's head hit the steering wheel and dashboard, even having them on board might not have made much of a difference as the organisation also remarked that "the failure of the body shell makes fitting an airbag redundant." ZERO STARS ACROSS THE BOARD Little surprise then, that the Datsun Go received an adult occupant rating of zero stars. Bharat NCAP also announced the crash test results of the Maruti Suzuki Swift and although it also failed to gain a single star, its structure performed better in the tests. It appears that main problem here was a lack of airbags, causing the dummy's head to hit the steering wheel. The structure did show some signs of collapsing in the frontal offset crash test, however the crash testing authority concluded that "the fitting of airbags would improve occupant protection." Suzuki South Africa sources its 1.2-litre Swift models from India and thankfully our cars do have airbags fitted across the range. Providing that the structure remains relatively stable, these explosive cushions actually do appear to make a big difference. Earlier this year, Global NCAP crash tested a batch of compact hatchbacks, including the Ford Figo and VW Polo, and all of them were slapped with a zero star rating. However, the Polo was later retested with airbags, after they were made standard, and the car suddenly achieved a four-star rating. IS IT SCAREMONGERING? However, the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers has dismissed the crash test reports as "scaremongering". Its director general, Vishnu Mathur, said: "Global NCAP can do what they want. We have our own safety road map that we are going to follow and are already following." Mathur accused Global NCAP of not considering that average speeds are lower in India than in more developed countries, as a result of bad roads and heavy traffic. Strange then, that these conditions have not prevented India from having one of the worst road death tolls in the world, with around 1.2 million deaths recorded in the last decade, according to Reuters. And if it's ok for cars to be less protective because of India's 'slow' roads what are the implications, then, when these cars are imported to the not-so-slow streets of South Africa? Do we even matter? THREE PILLARS OF PROTECTION The moral of the story is that a seatbelt alone is not going to stop you from striking the steering wheel during a frontal crash, although it will most certainly soften the blow of the impact and you really have to be an idiot not to wear one. But to maximise your changes, you need a seatbelt, airbag and a decent structure around you. And if you're going to Go for the Datsun, it is a rather solid and affordable car, just make sure you never have an accident. NOW WATCH THE CRASH TEST VIDEOS:
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Agents Of SHIELD Season 8 Release Date And Spoilers in Web Shows by Ritika Negi December 7, 2021, 8:00 pm Marvel's Agents of SHIELD has entertained the fans in a marvelous way. Though all the fans have one question in common will there be a season 8? sadly, according to the sources chances of season 8 happening are fairly low. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is an American television series created by Joss Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon based on the Marvel Comics organization S.H.I.E.L.D. ABC Studios, Marvel Television, and Mutant Enemy Productions collaborated on the project. S.H.I.E.L.D was the first in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you're wishing that the ABC series will bring it back for season 8, we're sorry to inform you that there's a slim chance that the superhero show will return in the near future for a new season of the show. Agents Of SHIELD Season 8 Release Date The cast of SHIELD thought the series would come to an with the 5th season. Even the last episode of the 5th season was titled "The End". Marvel threw in a surprise, as expected, and it was later renewed by ABC for two more seasons. While season 8 is unlikely, a possible remake could take the Agents of SHIELD storyline beyond season 7. Last May, after mentioning a number of remakes rumors that were shot down in recent months, Deadline asked Loeb and his fellow executive producer Jeffrey Bell if the series is "genuinely over" after its very last episode. Season 7 marketing consistently emphasized this as the team's final battle. It even became a major part of the plot when the Chronicom Enoch predicted the team would break up after winning the Time War. The team has split up, as evidenced by a one-year-forward scene in the season 7 finale. This means that Season 8 of Agents of SHIELD is unlikely. Agents Of SHIELD Season 8 Cast The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. deal with a wide range of exceptional cases and enemies. Including Hydra, Life Model Decoys, Inhumans, alien species such as the Kree and Chronicoms as well as time travel. Numerous episodes have direct intersections with MCU films or other television series. Most notably Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), which had a significant impact on the series during its first season. In addition to Gregg, other actors from the MCU appear in cameo roles. The SHIELD team became embroiled in a Time War with an alien race known as the Chronicles. The expedition revealed the secret history of their platform at the Lighthouse, the history of their allies the Koenigs, and several new Barbarous menaces. It was a wise strategy, transforming Agents of SHIELD season 7 into a true "Last Gasp" for what had become Marvel's iconic TV series. ALSO READ: IS NARUTO REAL? KNOW ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE ANIME CHARACTER! The series premiered on ABC in the United States on September 24, 2013, and ended with a two-part series finale on August 12, 2020, with 136 episodes aired over seven seasons. It stars Ming-Na Wen as Melinda May, Brett Dalton as Grant Ward and Hive, Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson and Sarge. Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Elizabeth Henstridge plays the role of Jemma Simmons, and lain De Caestecker plays Leo Fitz. Nick Blood stars as Lance Hunter, Adrianne Palicki stars as Bobbi Morse, Luke Mitchell stars as Lincoln Campbell. John Hannah stars as Holden Radcliffe, Natalia Cordova-Buckley stars as Elena Rodriguez andJeff Ward stars as Deke Shaw. Agents Of SHIELD Season 8 Story Season 8 of Agents of SHIELD is complete, but that doesn't mean none of these characters will return. The timeline is clearly no longer linked to the mainstream MCU. But a mention of the Quantum Realm in the Agents of SHIELD season 7 finale was significant. It identified Agents of SHIELD as existing in the same Multiverse as the films. The multiverse might play an important role in Loki and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Aside from a possible prequel, it's possible that some of the Agents of SHIELD characters will make the leap to the big screen. After all, a link to the Quantum Realm in the season 7 finale made it abundantly clear that the TV show and the movies are both parts of the same Multiverse. Season 7 of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD concluded on Wednesday night. If you're wishing that the ABC series will bring it back for season 8, we're sorry to inform you that there's a slim chance that the superhero show will return for another season of the show in the near future. ALSO READ: DEXTER: NEW BLOOD EPISODE 5 RELEASE DATE RECENT UPDATES! Previous article What Is The Release Date Of Berlin Money Heist? Next article 10 Shows Like Betaal You Must Watch! Written by Ritika Negi What Is The Release Date Of Berlin Money Heist? 10 Shows Like Betaal You Must Watch! 8 Bengali Movies On Netflix To Enjoy In Your Weekends! Is Beasts Of The Southern Wild Based On A True Story? Is Kitz Season 2 Release Date Going To Face Delay? 10 Series Like No Good Nick That You Must Not Miss! Here Are The Blue Period Season 2 Release Date Updates! How Many Dr. Strange Movies Are There? Know Here!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) specialize in normal pregnancy and birth, and care for women from adolescence to beyond menopause. Our scope of practice includes primary care, gynecology, birth control, prenatal care, postpartum care and early newborn care. CNMs are Master's Degree prepared Advanced Practice Nurses who are board certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB). In California we are independent practitioners and licensed by the Board of Nursing. Where can you find a midwife? CNMs in Los Angeles work in hospitals, birth centers, health centers and attend homebirths. You can find us at UCLA, Kaiser, Cedars-Sinai, Planned Parenthood and many more locations. To find a midwife, click here. In California, UCSF, UCSD and California State University at Fullerton offer Master's programs in midwifery. Learn more about becoming a midwife. For new and experienced midwives interested in connecting through a mentorship program please see the student page of the CNMA website.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Every year around this time in the Berkshires, it seems like spring may have sprung. Even though it was 60 degrees out last week, we're now fully back to winter, so we will continue our winter cleaning tips and suggestions. Our family here at S&S Janitorial Services have collected a list of ways to help you clear the clutter out of last year! Tips and suggestions that will keep you ahead of your cleaning routines. We're here to help make Spring-cleaning a bit easier, especially when mother nature decides to tease us with warmer weather, only to bury us with snow the next day. We may have mentioned some of these same tips in the past, but as a professional cleaning company, we see these topics come up often. First, it's time to clean out those closets! If you want to eliminate clutter, this is an easy step. Organize your clothing and decide what is a keeper, and what to give away. Not only will this help you, but donating clothing that doesn't fit you, or that you don't wear, will help the community. The best way to tell if you can give away that favorite sweater or coat is time – if you haven't worn it in two years, it's a giveaway. The keepers? Wash, mend, or send them to the dry cleaners. Next, pair up your mittens and gloves, and stack them neatly where they can be easily found. Single ones can be thrown out, or mismatched to similar singles. Just be sure that you actually use the singles, and don't just hang on to them "just in case". Our third tip is to clean any boots and winter shoes thoroughly, and spray with a protective solution to keep them ready for the next year. If they don't fit, or you have not worn them in two winters, donate them. If you have a few pairs that need it and you have to keep; polish and clean shoes. Put them where you can readily find them, and keep them organized. The end of the year means taxes, and taxes most often means paperwork. Get your tax papers together now, if you start early, there will be plenty of time to go after missing receipts and add up deductions. If you have everything that you need, you can send your return to your accountant earlier (fi you use one) and get your refund faster. When this is done, you can avoid any last-minute roadblocks, and this will clean up some of the office clutter. You may even find that you can hire professional cleaners to assist you with some of the chores you really don't want to do your self! If you do a lot of work at home or make your living there, inevitably piles of papers, books and files can be a major eyesore. Now is the time to go through them systematically. File what needs filing, and recycle what doesn't. If you're not sure of something, ask yourself: Do I need it? Will I need it? Is there a better place for it? While you're at it, do the same with your computer and laptop. Delete old files, empty the trash, store files you want to save on disks or a hard drive, organize your desktops. If you really want to deep clean your keyboard, take a look here. Taking this time now will put the finishing touches on a clean and organized work space. You'll notice a clear difference in the way you feel, too, as studies have found a connection between stress and office clutter. If your dishes, silverware, pots, and pans tend to end up in a jumble, perhaps you have too many. Consider a more convenient storage system for frequently used pans, such as a hanging rack (or drawer) near where they're used. Pans that are used less frequently can be stored further away, or even in another room. The same can be said for dishes, or dinnerware that is saved for special occasions. You don't need your holiday platter taking up space with your daily dishware! Go through your spices and throw away any that are expired. Add to those the containers that have just a teeny bit left in the bottom. A good trick is to add a note to the label of the date you bought them, and then after six months, which is when most dried spices lose their oomph. Return them to the rack in alphabetical order, making retrieval much easier. The Clutter is almost gone – You CAN do it! Pull all those cans and boxes of food out of cupboards and reorganize them. Some things get shoved to the back over time, and you end up with multiples. Who needs three cans of baby beets? If it's still good but you really are never going to eat it, give to the food bank. If you need help, remember, we are always just a call or email away. We can provide free estimates on all of your cleaning needs, from entire office buildings to single rooms in your home. Keep coming back for our cleaning tips and suggestions for home and work!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Bundle of holding have a couple of offers up just now for Ars Magica, the magical fantasy RPG from Atlas Games. It was originally published by Lion Rampant and then by my beloved White Wolf. Indeed, it was created by Mark Rein-Hagen, who also created Vampire: The Masquerade and, with it, the World of Darkness. What a pedigree! Bundle of Holding have two bundles at the moment. One should be considered the 'core' bundle, whilst the second goes into detail on Mythic Europe. The first bundle was originally put out a few years ago and has been re-released a few times, since. The first tier of the bundle – priced at $14.95 – contains the core rulebook and a few supplements. The rulebook is really nicely put together – I have the physical copy sitting next to me as I type this! Of the supplements included in this tier, the True Lineages book and the Apprentices book are the most interesting. Apprentices lets you start out at a lower magical ability, as an apprentice or child. The True Lineages book outlines four hermetic houses, along with just more content such as magic, flaws, virtues and rules for undertaking research. The second tier of this bundle is priced on a threshold that is currently sitting at $25.78. It includes a further five books. The two Houses of Hermes books expand on the Hermetic Houses, whilst the Broken Covenant gives you a pre-made adventure to play through with your group. This tier, though not essential, does add a lot more content for you to use in your games. The first bundle is pretty solid, but it doesn't have anything new. It gives the same books that the old bundle did and so there's nothing there for those who have already bought into this game. As with the first bundle, the second tier of this offer is priced on a threshold. At the time of writing, this threshold is $27.23. As with the first tier, this one consists of four supplements, each further fleshing out the setting. I'm particularly interested in Antagonists, which gives you well-defined and developed villains for your stories, and Grogs, which helps to flesh out minor characters in your games. Whereas the first tier of this bundle is about the setting, the second is focused more on the characters who live there. Between the two tiers you've actually got a really strong, fleshed-out setting, vibrant with interesting organisations and characters. As usual, part of the proceeds of this bundle will go to a charity. In this case, some of your money will go to Doctors Without Borders – a very worthwhile cause! If you're interested in picking up one or both of these bundles, you can click here to visit the first, 'core' bundle or you can go ahead and click here to visit the second bundle, on Mythic Europe. If you do pick it up, let me know! Or if you have already played Ars Magica, also let me know, as I've got my copy here, but have not been able to play it yet. Would love to hear about the experiences of others.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
You need to do both the shooting plan and the exercise plan to be an Archery Athlete! Below are examples of exercise plans for each skill level. Doing these routines in tandem with the shooting plans will help you see improvements in your archery skills more quickly and help you maintain those improvements long term. where we are most comfortable and must push ourselves to succeed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Budapest Forum questions efficiency of international human rights frameworks news | Published on 27 Nov 2018 27 Nov 2018 11th Budapest Human Rights Forum highlights global religious persecution Sharp increase in violations of religious freedom worldwide BUDAPEST (27 November 2018) – From 27 to 28 November, the 11th Budapest Human Rights Forum is taking place in the Hungarian capital. Recognizing the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the event focuses on current human rights violations across the globe. The two-day conference is dedicating one of its three panel discussions to the protection of religious minorities and freedom of religion. Amongst the speakers are Fernand de Varennes, UN Special Rapporteur for Minority Issues, Tristan Azbej, Hungarian Secretary of State for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, and Paul Coleman, Executive Director of ADF International. "No-one should be persecuted because of their faith. Beginning with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international community has woven freedom of religion into the fabric of international law and freedom of religion is now recognized almost universally. At the same time, we see the persecution of religious minorities on the rise across the globe. The recent treatment of Asia Bibi serves as a telling example, though there are sadly countless others," said Paul Coleman, who will address the current state of religious freedom across the globe at the Forum. Religious freedom in particular need of protection The conference highlights some of the attacks on religious freedom worldwide and calls for greater action by the international community. The Forum will address issues such as the role of education in the protection and promotion of human rights, increasing the efficiency of the UN Human Rights Council, and the protection of religious minorities. "As we move forward in protecting the rights of religious minorities, we must recognize that unjust laws preventing the free exercise of religion, must be repealed or modified. Those countries most dedicated to being beacons for religious freedom must lead the way," said Coleman. ADF International is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration with the I'm Human, Right? campaign and The Geneva Statement. Supported by tens of thousands of signatures the campaign urges the international community to uphold the fundamental right to life, family, and religious freedom, as recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Find The Geneva Statement at ImHumanRight.org. Images for free use in print or online in relation to this story only Court suspends Geneva worship ban, religious gatherings resume GENEVA (4 December 2020) – Geneva's total ban on religious services and events has been suspended by the Swiss Constitutional Chamber of the Canton of Geneva. The court has yet to decide whether the ban is a violation of the... Geneva COVID-19 worship ban challenged GENEVA (1 December 2020) – Can the state ban all religious services while allowing other public gatherings to continue? In Geneva, concerned citizens filed a legal challenge against the total... Restrictions on religious freedom at all-time high, EU's top position addressing persecution still vacant BRUSSELS (30 November 2020) – Government restrictions on religious freedom have reached their highest levels...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
William Carey cheerleader drains an unbelievable back-flip bomb. Give William Carey University cheerleader Ashley Arnau credit. What many skeptics initially suspected was a cleverly doctored viral ad campaign—for Coke, maybe?—is, apparently, the real thing. Arnau has reportedly attempted the stunt at every WCU home game for the past two months. Last night, she finally sunk it.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Migrating an ASP.NET app to Java I'm trying to migrate a small ASP.NET MVC 2 app to Java on Tomcat 6. I know the basics of JSPs and servlets. I don't know any MVC Java web framework. So I'm trying to determine how to proceed in a way that will keep the migration effort to a minimum. I know I'll have to rewrite the app in Java but how do I map ASP.NET concepts to Java world? What Java web framework should I choose given my lack of experience and my deadline of 4 weeks from now? What's the most agile way to go about this? Note that I can't use Grails or JRuby or anything like that. This port must be done using standard Java web frameworks. I also won't have admin access on the production Tomcat server that this will eventually deployed to. Are there any migration guide that would be useful? Among other things, I need to understand how best to rewrite the security [current using ASP.NET profiles] and database access [currently using LINQ]. A: Why "This port must be done using standard Java web frameworks"? Is it your boss' requirement? If really so then it looks like you have not much choice. Strictly speaking a "standard" framework is the one supported by Oracle. Below is what I found on oracle site: http://download.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnadp.html It looks like currently only JSF is mentioned and thus recommended. I recall more technologies were recommended before? * *The Java EE 6 Tutorial Part II The Web Tier Part II * *Chapter 3, Getting Started with Web Applications *Chapter 4, JavaServer Faces Technology *Chapter 5, Introduction to Facelets *Chapter 6, Expression Language *Chapter 7, Using JavaServer Faces Technology in Web Pages *Chapter 8, Using Converters, Listeners, and Validators *Chapter 9, Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology *Chapter 10, Java Servlet Technology A: As far as I know, Scooter framework is a rapid web application development framework which just requires developers to know basic JSP/Servlet and MVC concepts. Since your deadline is only 4 weeks away, you can try it. It comes with many examples. See the Hello World example and Blog example. The downside is it may not support LINQ. It does support Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Transferring MySQL Workbench to Server I am trying to move my database model from mysql workbench to mysql server. I am using the reverse engineer sql create script but when importing it gives me an error. I have tried to google the problem but no luck to my situation. -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `MapLibrary`.`Books` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Books` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Books` ( `ISBN` VARCHAR(13) NOT NULL, `date_of_publication` INT NULL, `book_title` VARCHAR(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ISBN`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `MapLibrary`.`Genre` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Genre` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Genre` ( `genre_code` INT NOT NULL, `genre_name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`genre_code`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `MapLibrary`.`Books_By_Genre` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Books_By_Genre` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Books_By_Genre` ( `genre_code` INT NOT NULL, `ISBN` VARCHAR(13) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`genre_code`, `ISBN`), INDEX `Books_idx` (`ISBN` ASC), CONSTRAINT `Books` FOREIGN KEY (`ISBN`) REFERENCES `MapLibrary`.`Books` (`ISBN`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `Genre` FOREIGN KEY (`genre_code`) REFERENCES `MapLibrary`.`Genre` (`genre_code`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; ERROR: ERROR 1022 (23000) at line 89: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'books_by_genre' Operation failed with exitcode 1 A: The problem is that the ISBN is NOT a unique identifier on its own in the referenced tables. I assume, that the Books table is your base table and the three referenced tables are M:N link tables. If this is true, then your foreign keys are pointing in the wrong direction. (Try to drag the connection in the other direction?)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Bond Revoked in Miami Health Care Fraud Case Bond Revocation, Health Care Fraud, Medicare Fraud June 16, 2022 December 20, 2022 palmbeachfederaldefense A South Florida man awaiting trial for allegedly submitting more than $4 million in fraudulent health-care claims was detained on a jet ski as he tried to escape to Cuba, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. U.S. Coast Guard officers found the man on a broken-down jet ski in the Florida Keys along. Another man known to law enforcement for smuggling illegal aliens was aboard the jet ski along with him. "The jet ski was outfitted with a special fuel cell to allow for long trips, and within the compartments of the jet ski, law enforcement discovered a trove of food and water bottles," officials said. According to allegations in the criminal complaint, the man owned a Florida corporation which purported to provide durable medical equipment ("DME") to eligible Medicare beneficiaries. The complaint alleges that the man, in only a two-month period in 2022, submitted approximately $4.2 million in fraudulent health care claims to Medicare for DME that he never provided, and that Medicare beneficiaries never requested. As a result, Medicare paid the man over $2.1 million. A judge agreed with prosecutors that the man posed a flight risk and should not be given a bond. Officers also confiscated his passport. He will remain at the Federal Detention Center in Miami until his trial. How is Crypto Fraud Investigated and Prosecuted? 15 Charged in Prescription Drug Fraud Scheme
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Handling a terminal cancer diagnosis There's no set playbook for how to handle a terminal cancer diagnosis. "The sky's the limit," said Dr. Erin Costanzo, a psychologist with the UW Carbone Cancer Center Health Psychology Clinic. "Pretty much any feeling is normal." There's pain. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Or, she said, for many people the news might not sink in right away. It's an overwhelming situation, and it's normal to feel numb to it right away. "Often it takes some time for that information to settle in, for people to connect to it," she said. "I've certainly talked with many patients over the years who are very capable of understanding what their doctors are saying, but that information about a difficult prognosis just doesn't set in until later." These reactions can be complicated and will differ from person to person. It can be especially tricky if loved ones have different reactions and emotions about the diagnosis. Costanzo said while a patient may be in shock and not have any emotional response immediately, a spouse may have a strong, immediate reaction. Costanzo said it's OK to be in different places about the news, and she suggested having open conversations about how each other feels without trying to "fix" or change the other's thinking. "The most important thing is to be a good listener and ask curious questions," she said. "Focus on getting concerns and feelings and thoughts out there without trying to quickly move into, 'What should we do about this?' mode." Costanzo also said it can be easy for a loved one or caregiver to push their own feelings aside. The opposite also can be true. "Often patients will say, 'This is awful, but I can be OK with this. I'm really worried about my spouse, or my child, or somebody else very close,'" she said. "Everybody needs to remember to make space for their own emotions." Costanzo recommends "The Complete Bedside Companion: A No-Nonsense Guide to Caring for the Seriously Ill" as a helpful book for loved ones who are serving as caregivers. The Carbone Cancer Center Health Psychology Clinic provides consultations and brief treatment to patients who would like help coping with cancer, treatment, and prognosis. In addition to helping address difficult emotions and thoughts, Costanzo said staff can also help with strategies for patients having trouble sleeping, who are fatigued or who have treatment-related pain. Carbone's Palliative Care Team is a useful resource for patients, offering medical care focused on quality of life and pain management as well as spiritual resources and social worker support. Costanzo also highly recommends that patients who may have weeks or months left to live reach out to their local hospice provider. Those agencies not only care for patients but also offer helpful support services for families. Figuring out how to tell others about a terminal diagnosis can be difficult. Costanzo said patients should take time to focus on themselves and ask questions of their physician. That creates a wiser space to decide on how they would like to share information and with whom they would like to share it. "One of the things that patients worry about is that people may treat them differently when they hear they have a poor prognosis," she said. "I usually advocate for letting people close to you in your inner circle know, but beyond that, it's really up to the patient how much they want to share and with whom." Discussing the topic with children can be daunting. Costanzo recommends the book, "How to Help Children Through a Parent's Serous Illness: Supportive, Practical Advice from a Leading Child Life Specialist," as a resource with age-appropriate advice. Costanzo said some patients find comfort in creating legacy gifts for children, such as a stuffed animal with a recording of a loved one's voice, or video and audio recordings for special occasions in the future. Once they have had some time to process news about a difficult prognosis, Costanzo said it is common to think about what to do with their time left. Should they create a "bucket list" of big events to achieve? For some, she said, making lists like that can be helpful and give fulfillment. But it is also common to continue in normal routines and daily activities for as long as possible, including continuing to work. She advised that patients pursue whatever activities best reflect their values and priorities — there is no obligation to do things a certain way. "For many people, it may be a hybrid or compromise," she said. "Maybe you do something you've been putting off, like a trip or a family reunion, and continue with the daily activities and routines that can also provide a sense of comfort and meaning. "There's no right or wrong answer." Costanzo added that it is normal for special moments to bring complex emotions: Joy at spending time with friends and loved ones, but also grief over an event that could be "the last" one for them. "While it is normal and understandable to think 'I don't want to have hard, difficult emotions like fear and sadness,' if you don't make room for them, you may also block out other emotional experiences like joy, connectedness, and gratitude," she said. "It's very normal have a wide range of these emotions that change or shift or even occur all at once." From Advances Subscribe to Advances, the monthly newsletter from the UW Carbone Cancer Center to learn about the latest innovations and research. Subscribe today
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The Power of Dowsing The power of dowsing mystifies, attracts or goes unnoticed. Which describes you? Those who are interested in psychic powers or tools for change may be drawn to dowsing. Others may find it confusing or out of reach. But the majority of people don't even notice the power of dowsing. This includes dowsers themselves. Why Can't We All Embrace The Power of Dowsing? Why is dowsing not seen as practically a superpower that can change your life dramatically? Because unless you have the intention of improving your life, you won't notice when the Universe presents you with a simple, affordable and natural tool. At best, most dowsers use dowsing infrequently for a few situations, like testing their supplements or predicting the future. Do we underuse dowsing because we lack the intelligence or imagination to recognize its power? I don't think so. I think our energies determine how we respond to dowsing. Dowsing is a very empowering natural intuitive tool for making your life easier, healthier and happier. But if you don't want those things or if you focus instead on how disempowered and vicitmized you are, you won't even see the opportunity dowsing presents. If you have poverty mentality or a sense of not being good enough, dowsing will slip by you, because you don't resonate with its potential as a natural, affordable tool for creating the life you want. How Can You Embrace The Power? You'll need to shift or transform energies like the following: Poverty mentality Beliefs that involve negativity It is possible to change your energies and your outlook using any number of tools. We often recommend meditation (click here for our favorite free meditations), yoga nidra, guided visualization, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and other energy practices to create a more harmonious, empowered state of being. These methods are cheap and easy to learn and practice, and they will help you recognize the power of dowsing as a creative tool. How Can Dowsing Be Powerful? You could ask, why is dowsing so powerful? Isn't dowsing simply a tool for getting answers to questions? That's true. But if you master dowsing and use it, you become vastly more intelligent than when you only use your brain for charting a course through life. Having the answers is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself. In addition, dowsing technique, meaning learning all the steps to proper dowsing, is a transformational experience. You can't be fearful and dowse accurately. Seeing yourself as a victim blocks good answers to your questions. Also, it's vital to have a calm center to tap into your dowsing state. All of these skills are easy to learn and will transform you to a victor. Dowsing has been the most empowering tool of the very many we have mastered in the past twenty years. It has helped us to become conscious co-creators of the life we want to live. How has dowsing empowered you? Dowsing and Religion READ MORE Why You Need To Learn Dowsing: Empowerment READ MORE Dowsing and Enlightenment READ MORE Dowsing and Living Consciously READ MORE Dowsing and Empowerment: A Lie? READ MORE The Myth About Psychic Powers READ MORE It's Hard To Dig A Grave... READ MORE Are You Dowsing the "Man in the Mirror"? READ MORE Pendulum Healing READ MORE Crystal Dowsing Can Be Revealing READ MORE Dowsing Gurus READ MORE Dowsing The Aura READ MORE Use Your Brain - Both Of Them! READ MORE How Dowsing Works READ MORE Talent vs. Skill: Why Most People Don't Dowse Much READ MORE Pendulum Dowsing Exercise #1: Restaurant READ MORE Why Dowse? Why Bother? READ MORE What is the Dowsing State and Do You Need It? READ MORE The Water Diviner with Russell Crowe READ MORE The Bare Bones Of Dowsing READ MORE Why You Need To Learn Dowsing: Be Self-Aware READ MORE Intuitives As Rebels READ MORE Dowsing Doesn't Work? READ MORE How To Dowse Past Lives READ MORE How To Power Intention READ MORE Bad Dowsing Questions READ MORE Are You a Spiritual Know-It-All? READ MORE Hollywood Gets It Right: Watch This Dowsing Movie! READ MORE Yes and No Scale: Refine your dowsing answer! READ MORE Dowsing: Skill or Psychic Ability? READ MORE Dowsing For Baby Gender READ MORE How To Make A Dowsing Pendulum READ MORE Dowsing READ MORE Be Prepared For Change READ MORE Greg Carroll on August 5, 2020 at 6:59 am Thank you for sharing the free videos and for this post. I was interested in dowsing 4/5 years ago and had an experience using a pendulum and letter chart that scared me off. I now know that I regularly shield and protect myself with love. So I'm starting from scratch again and you are helping. Many thanks, Greg from Whitley Bay, UK. Maggie Percy on August 6, 2020 at 7:08 am We are glad that you are once again dowsing, Greg! We look forward to answering any questions you have. Peter Foxx on August 5, 2020 at 6:47 pm Yes it is so important to have the right answers, especially the right answers for as an individual. There are so many answers out there via OP opinions etc. Asking questions and getting my answers are now part of my internal dialogue. It took time and some clearing of old patterns but boy was it worth it. You guys played a major role in that so thank you. Thanks for the kind words! We look forward to continuing to support you on your dowsing journey. Thanks Maggie. I bought new dowsing rods recently and only the right hand one moved- the left one only moved when I asked questions about direction. I had more consistency with a little pendulum so have ordered a small pendulum. Interestingly, my 11 year old daughter picked them up, asked what 'yes' was, got a very clear answer, and then started chatting away with yes/no questions. She asked "Are you a loving spirit guide?" and got a yes and a bit later, after some more questions, told me "I have a 35 year old female spirit guide who's a relative on my side of the family. We (not just me any more!) are very new to this. Does all that seem normal ? I promise not to pester you with questions!! Thanks, Greg (and Eve!)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: hadoop2.2.0 installation on linux ( NameNode not starting ) I am trying to run a single node hadoop cluster on my machine with the following config: inux livingstream 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am able to format the namenode without any problems however when I try and start the namenode using : hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode I get the following errors : ishan@livingstream:/usr/local/hadoop$ hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated. mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/log/hadoop/ishan': Permission denied chown: cannot access `/var/log/hadoop/ishan': No such file or directory mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/run/hadoop': Permission denied starting namenode, logging to /var/log/hadoop/ishan/hadoop-ishan-namenode-livingstream.out /usr/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh: line 138: /var/run/hadoop/hadoop-ishan-namenode.pid: No such file or directory /usr/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh: line 137: /var/log/hadoop/ishan/hadoop-ishan-namenode-livingstream.out: No such file or directory head: cannot open `/var/log/hadoop/ishan/hadoop-ishan-namenode-livingstream.out' for reading: No such file or directory /usr/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh: line 147: /var/log/hadoop/ishan/hadoop-ishan-namenode-livingstream.out: No such file or directory /usr/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh: line 148: /var/log/hadoop/ishan/hadoop-ishan-namenode-livingstream.out: No such file or directory I did not create a separate user "hduser" for hadoop installation. I am using my exsisting username. May be that is why I am facing the problem. Can someone please help me with this . Exactly what permissions do I need to alter to get this working ? UPDATE After fiddling around and getting around the permission problems I have moved on to new stupidity of errors posted here : hadoop Nanenode wont start I will forever keep you guys in mind if you can nudge me in the right direction so that I can start some real work on this.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The Florida Strawberry Growers Association represents over 75 grower members farming over 10,000 acres of strawberries in Florida with the majority being in the Plant City-Dover area. In addition, FSGA offers associate memberships to allied industries that would like to join our vast network. FSGA is a voluntary organization that represents the majority of Florida strawberry growers as members. Growers pay $50.00 per planted acre as dues. The Association represents growers on a wide variety of issues and policies, works to increase consumption and helps keep strawberry production profitable in Florida. Member Service has always been a top priority for the Florida Strawberry Growers Association. FSGA is leading the fight to reduce and streamline regulations and eliminate duplication. FSGA representatives have served on the Planning Commission, Greenway's Task Force, and the Agricultural Task Force. Currently, FSGA holds positions on the Agricultural Economic Development Council and Southwest Florida Water Management District Agricultural Advisory Committee. Issues include land use and funding for migrant housing, Greenbelt issues, open space, upland habitat, wetlands, environmental regulations and property rights. The Association has been in the forefront during every crisis over the past decades, representing growers during drought, hail, floods and freezes. Whenever growers need to provide input to governmental agencies, FSGA serves as the industry's mediator. Our Associate Membership consists of 5 levels and the dues are payable annually. Our associate members receive various benefits throughout the year based on the level of membership that they choose. According to our Bylaws we cannot publish our grower addresses. However, one of the perks that our Associate Members have found to be very beneficial is our mail-out service. Any member can prepare a mail-out that they would like to send to our growers (stuff it, seal it, and stamp it), and send it to us. We will attach address labels and deposit in the mail it for them. This allows Associates to reach our growers without having access to our list. There is a $25.00 charge for this service if you are a base member. The Board of Directors are hardest working members of our organization and they do it all for free.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Youngsters across the area could win cash for their school and a camera in a national photographic competition. Two runners-up in the remaining categories will each win £500 for their school to spend on print or photographic equipment/material, as well as receive a camera worth £100. Closing date for entries is Friday, May 6, 2016. A national competition has been launched offering the snap-happy youngsters of the South West the chance to win £1,000 for their school. cartridgesave.co.uk is challenging children aged four to 11 across the country to print off and send in a photo of something that matters to them. Alongside each entry they must explain, in fewer than 100 words, why the person, event, place or object depicted is so important to them. In return a panel of judges will award the photographer of the very best entry £1,000 for their school to spend on print or photographic equipment. Two runners-up will receive £500 for their school and all three placed entrants will bag themselves a camera worth £100. In addition, the top 50 entries from across the UK will be showcased in a free-to-download-and-print photo album. This album will become a testament to the things that mattered to children in 2016, that can be printed and physically handed down to their children's children. The Generation P competition will be judged by Stuart Nicol, former head of pictures for The Daily Telegraph and group picture editor of The Press Association. As a photographer, Stuart covered major news events all over the world including the invasion of Lebanon by Israeli forces, famine in Ethiopia and Southern Sudan and the protests in Tiananmen Square. Closer to home he covered multiple royal weddings, the miners' strike, and the conflict in Northern Ireland. He will be joined by Dr Sandi Mann, a behavioural psychologist from the University of Central Lancashire, who specialises in the analysis of things that matter to people. Children can access hints and tips from Stuart Nicol and Dr Sandi Mann on what makes a good photo and how best to explain why it matters, plus full details of how to enter here. Stuart Nicol is excited about seeing the emerging talent of Britain's youngest photographer. He said: "The most amazing thing about photography, is that it allows you to steal a moment in time, a moment never to be repeated. "A printed photograph has immense power. It allows you hold onto that memory, that moment, forever. Dr Sandi Mann believes that this competition will encourage youngsters to build a very special testimony to their lives. Ian Cowley, managing director of cartridgesave.co.uk continued: "We'll never be able to 100 per cent rely on technology, so printing is the only way to guarantee that an image won't be lost.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
From very small beginnings, it seems that South Korea's electronics giant LG is placing plenty of R&D cash into OLED technology, for watches, for computer screens and now for large-screen TVs. According to DisplaySearch data, the company is already enjoying a 90 per cent market share of the 400,000 large-screen units expected to be sold this year. DisplaySearch says the OLED TV market grew to 35,200 units in Q1, more than seven times greater than the 4,600 units sold in the same period last year, showing rapid growth in the premium TV market. DisplaySearch says this will grow to a staggering seven million units globally by 2019. And currently LG has this market – more or less – to itself. Neither Samsung nor Sony has yet joined the OLED market. Samsung is said to be much more cautious over large-screen OLEDs, while Panasonic abandoned a j-v with Sony for producing OLEDs. LG said last year that it had cured the very high wastage level on larger screen production (said by informed sources to be worse than 60 per cent) and was now generating positive yields of 80 per cent, and better. With these higher yields has come tumbling prices. A 55" curved screen was once strictly in football player and Russian oligarch territory as far as pricing was concerned, at some $15,000. The same unit today costs about $2,500, and the price continues to fall. LG is currently marketing what it claims is the first 'true black' OLED display. An LG executive, speaking in Australia on July 7th, said that the company expects to take around 30 per cent of the overall 4K/UHD market by 2020. LG reportedly is to open a second OLED factory later this year at a cost of some $750 million for wearables and smart phones, and is also considering a third facility. Nevertheless, not all in LG's garden is rosy. To date, according to The Economist magazine, LG has invested some $3 billion on OLED production – and has yet to see a profit.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Christine + Frank got married on a beautiful fall day in late-September at St. Francis in Medford with a reception at The Andover Country Club. Every so often, we get the chance to get to know a couple deeper than the initial phone consultation and booking and sometimes we even become good friends. Leading up to the big day I had several phone conversations with Christine about all sorts of topics and she even hooked us up with Game 6 World Series tickets and we were lucky enough to see the big win in person at Fenway. So when the day finally arrived, I couldn't wait to share in such a momentous moment in Christine + Frank's lives. Such a fun, loving couple, the day was amazing. Christine + Frank, Thank you for letting me share in your day and provide you with a one of a kind wedding video! Much love to you both and here's to years of happiness! Are All (Wedding) Photographers The Same? I hope this blog sees you well. I came across this blog post done by Andrea Joki and thought it was brilliant so I am reposting. A question I am asked frequently is why photographers charge what they do. There is such a discrepancy in prices – and those shopping purely on price alone are nearly always going to go the least expensive route. But is that the wisest decision? One phrase I hear a lot is, "it only costs 10c to make a print – so why do you charge so much?" And if the value of the image was only the print paper cost itself, that would be a valid question. But then again, a lawyer makes several thousands and all they produce is paper worth less then a penny. So why do we pay lawyers upwards of 100 euros an hour? The easy answer is that an experienced photographer – one who has spent years studying the craft, honing skills, and perfecting style, is going to give you a much better image than the beginner who is simply clicking a shutter button. If clicking the shutter is the only parameter of a professional photographer, I'd like to offer the services of my 7 year old – she takes great pictures (everyone says so!) and I'm happy to hire her out for $200 for a disk of images. She'll be happy too – she'd love a new Lego Star Wars set. But why pay $200 for my 7 year old (or a beginner photographer) when you can just have the grandparents click the button instead – and for free? I could make this post longer by summing out costs of being a photographer: VAT/taxes, insurance, business development costs, time, software, equipment, the desire to not work for free for other people ……. but really, I would think that most would recognize there are obvious costs behind owning any business. Would you really feel you were saving money if you hired a lawyer who had no formal training or education but who felt they would be good at winning lawsuits because they saw someone do it on TV? The parallel is true since many photographers are encouraged by friends and family (would you tell your best friend that the image she shot and is so proud of has a kid in dappled light and a telephone pole sticking out of his head with a white balance so off that he is practically blue?). Similarly, many photographers are not licensed business owners – so if you get charged for poor portraits, you have no recourse. I would love to charge less – and certainly my photography business isn't going to buy me a Lexus. But at the same time, it is frustrating to be legal, pay taxes, and yet lose customers to those operating illegally. Truly: professional images comprise a lot of factors – otherwise, why would you hire someone to photograph your children if you could just do it yourself? Composition, metering, focus, white balance, skin tones, light in the eyes, pose, post processing….. these are skills that take time to develop. And the difference in quality should be fairly obvious if you compare portfolios. Which always leads to the next question: "It's just the camera, right?" And that one hit kind of home for me. One day last year, my sister told me she wanted to take images of her family and have them be as good as mine – so she asked which DSLR she should buy. I answered her honestly: unless you are going to shoot in manual modes (not auto) and learn ISO, F-stop, Shutter speed, spot metering, etc, she could spend thousands and thousands and not have as good images. Good images are about using the equipment and reading the light correctly – neither of which can be obtained in AUTO by clicking a button. If you don't believe me, go ahead and spend thousands. But also be prepared to admit that it's not the camera, it is the artist BEHIND the lens, that is making the creative and beautiful portraits. And as for my sister? She bought a prosumer and not a DSLR and has been very happy since. And saved quite a bit of money in the process. One thing I really find interesting is that people will buy Coach purses, fancy flatscreen TVs, expensive toys and sets for their children, and all manner of luxury goods that have maybe a 1-2 year lifespan. But when it comes to professional portraits, which will last a lifetime, they base the decision purely on price. I'm not sure at what point children and family become less important than a fancy purse. But I can tell you that those who purchased high quality portraits have a beautiful reminder of a time that has past – and those portraits are still hanging or displayed while the purse has long since been thrown away. Sure, parents can choose to purchase inexpensive photography based solely on price. Not everyone can afford the price of a good photographer and the compromise often is quality. But I truly hope and encourage buyers to really consider what they are buying and why – and not to choose solely on price. Your memories do not have a price tag and once this moment is gone, you forever lose the chance to have hired a true professional to beautifully capture your family. Choosing the best you can afford will always be the best advice given to anyone looking for quality professional portraits. As with anything hand-made and requiring an artistic eye, those who produce quality work often charge more – it compensates for the amount of time they have spent learning and perfecting their art. Choose not based on price – but on how the photographer expresses themselves – and how that will translate into your family's portrait work. Choosing based solely on price is saying that all photographers are the same – and that really isn't true. Sure, price may not always reflect skill. That's where a buyer's judgment and comparison of portfolios come in. But it is a good bet that a lot of the cheaper photographers will disappear in a year as they realize they are actually losing money and working for nearly free. And that is also a concern because they may not have an interest in protecting or archiving your photos. Attention fellow wedding vendors / venues! Would you like some new pictures and video to showcase your work to potential clients?! Peter and I would like to extend a free offer to all of our fellow wedding vendors and venues that we have the pleasure of knowing and working with during wedding season. We would love to provide you with some new photos (digital and/or prints) of your work/products so that you can showcase your incredible talents through your website, facebook page, print materials and at bridal events. We would also like to offer you a 2-3 minute promotional video that you can feature on your website, facebook page or where ever else that's appropriate! Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 603.888.7204 / 603.865.7445!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
@class UIImage; @interface CHChatMessageLocationVM : CHChatMessageFileVM<CHChatMessageViewModelProtocol> @property (nonatomic ,readonly) double longitude; @property (nonatomic ,readonly) double latitude; @property (nonatomic ,readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D coor; @property (nonatomic ,readonly) NSString *areaDetail; @property (nonatomic ,readonly) NSString *areaName; @property (nonatomic ,readonly) UIImage *snapshot; @end
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Hamburg, Germany — Hapag-Lloyd will retrofit its 15,000 TEU ship "Sajir" to operate using liquified natural gas (LNG). In future, the engine system will be able to function using either of two types of fuel: LNG or low-sulphur fuel oil (LSFO). The contract for the retrofitting was signed at the end of last week with Hudong HONDHOA Shipbuilding (Group) Co., LTD. The conversion will be carried out in the Shanghai-based shipyard Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
EatFeaturedNews Room International Hot Dog Day – celebrating the fast food favourite by Press Release 17 Jul 2020 ONE of the most popular fast foods after hamburgers and pizzas has to be the hot dog and, in honour of International Hot Dog which is celebrated on Wednesday, July 22, here is the history of this sausage-in-a-bun that has been around for hundreds of years. Historians believe that the origin of the wiener sausage used in hot dogs can be traced all the way back to era of the notorious Roman emperor Nero. In Roman times it was customary to starve pigs for one week before the slaughter. Nero's cook Gaius was watching over his kitchen when he realised one pig had been brought out fully roasted, but somehow not cleaned. He stuck a knife into the belly to see if the roast was edible and out popped the intestines: empty because of the starvation diet, and puffed from the heat. According to legend, Gaius got the idea to stuff the intestines with ground game meats mixed with spices and wheat and … behold … the sausage link was created. After that, the humble sausage travelled across Europe, making its way eventually to present-day Germany, where the locals took to it as their own, creating an estimated 1 500 different versions that exist today. But it's two towns that vie to be the original birthplace of the modern hot dog sausage. Frankfurt claims the frankfurter was invented there in 1484 – some 736 years ago, but the people of Vienna (Wien in German) say they are the true originators of the "wienerwurst". Photo by Tiara Aracama But whoever is correct, it's agreed that German immigrants to New York were the first to sell wieners from a pushcart in the 1860s which led to the modern-day hotdog as we know it. There are many stories of people who claim to have brought together the wiener and the bun but according to Josh Chetwynd, author of How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun, there are only two credible contenders: One story takes place in the 1880s in St Louis where hot dogs were referred to as "red hots." A vendor was selling red hots on the city streets and passed out white gloves so people who bought them wouldn't get burnt or have greasy hands. But after people began stealing the gloves, the vendor turned to his brother-in-law to help solve the problem. His brother-in-law, a baker, suggested the vendor pair a soft roll with the red hots. Voila – the complete hot dog! Another story takes place on Coney Island, involving a man named Charles Feltman, who sold sandwiches on his cart. Unable to completely fill up his cart, he decided to sell something else and wondered if red hots could be added to a bun and eaten the same way as a sandwich. The rest is hot dog history. "The noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it" ~ Lawrence J Peter But how did the sausage and bun combination get the actual name "hot dog"? No one is certain, but one theory has it that in the 1890s, the sausage and bun vendors would sell their wares outside student dorms at several major US universities and their carts became known as "dog wagons," a slang term from the popular belief that dog meat was used in making the sausages. It was not long before the students began referring to them as "hot dogs". Whatever the facts though, there is no doubt the hot dog is as popular today as it ever was. Served with lashings of ketchup and mustard it is standard fare at sporting events, children's parties and almost always on food truck menus. In South Africa, the much-loved "boerie roll" is a close relative of the hot dog and is often served with chutney, chakalaka or fried onions. But what other topping options are there for hot dogs – or "horrogs" as locals like to pronounce it. Photo by Victoria Shes Chefs from the Capsicum Culinary Studio share their favourites. Says Lungi Makiza: "I'm a lover of all things cheesy and spicy, so a mix of mozarella and gouda with jalapenos or piquant peppers is my go to topping," while Mark Coombe likes a sriracha mayo to give a little spicy kick to the hot dog. "I also like to add some fresh rocket for a peppery flavour," he says. Natasha Jooste enjoys topping her hotdog with caramelised onions and blue cheese, and for Bianca Jacobs nothing beats Mexican salsa with white cheddar cheese. "Try it and you'll never look back," she says. Whatever your preference there's no doubt that this simplest of fast foods is going to be around for a long time and enjoyed by generations to come. Sanitising is all our lives now Celebrating the environment of Lozärn Chardonnay 2019 Veganuary is the perfect time to try a... Feasting on tapas at Judd's Local in Kloof... Al fresco moments to savour at the Mount... Suanne Braun on her role in Netflix's Princess...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Do Deer Move In The Rain? The Facts You Need To Check Out For A Great Hunt! →Do Deer Move In The Rain? The Facts You Need To Check Out For A Great Hunt! Sure, a lot of you have already hunted under the blazing heat, or even began targeting your game on tree stands and transporting guns to your boat, but have you ever attempted hunting during inclement weather? It seems difficult, especially when predicting the way your game moves during the rainy season. It has people wondering: Do deer move in the rain? Instead of just guessing and missing out on a good hunt just because of a bit of wet weather, read on to learn more about how deer move during the rain and how you can successfully have a good hunt despite these "limitations!" So, have you ever heard of deer moving under other types of weather besides the usual sunny day? Whitetail deer (or any other deer) do not have the luxury of sleeping under the roof of a cozy home with warmth and blankets. They live outdoors and are better adapted to the outdoor life as compared to us humans. They have the metabolism that can withstand cold temperatures that would usually freeze us, as well as the fur coats that keep them warm. During windy weathers, deer do not mind the light breeze. But once the wind becomes stronger, that is when they start to hide or avoid moving. This is because it's hard to detect or identify predators as it removes the scent and makes it difficult to hear predators and in what direction it's coming from. The same would go for rainy weather. A light drizzle is fine, or even a bit stronger than that. But once it's a torrential downpour, all your senses are unable to work. Just like us, humans, deer would have difficulty smelling, seeing, or even hearing predators approach. Because of this, they would avoid moving during the extremely rainy weather until it begins to subside. Deer have the ability to predict approaching storms, feeding lightly before and after minor storms or feeding heavily before and after the major storms. So, is it recommended to hunt deer during this type of weather? If it's slightly windy or simply drizzling, then that's totally fine. You'll still be able to find a few bucks or does roaming around the fields. But don't bother hoping for a sight of the game during inclement weather, as deer are seeking shelter or do not move at these times. Before you begin the hunt, make sure that you check the weather first. Being knowledgeable with when a storm is approaching will have you be able to determine if deer will be out or hiding during the day. To avoid getting sick or being uncomfortable during the rainy hunt, I recommend that you wear quality clothing, such as a hat, jacket, boots, and gloves, on top of your usual hunting gear, of course. You won't need to change your tactics during the light rain or drizzle. But once the moderate rain begins, attempt still-hunting or reverting pastures, as spot-and-stalk is effective. Use your eyes more so than your legs! Still-hunting is a great way to hunt during moderate rain. When doing so, always go for very slow movement, taking one step and stopping each time you do so. Spend time looking at your surroundings with binoculars for hunting. If there is nothing, take another step and begin glassing again. Keep your eye on the back trail as well, as there are some bucks that come in behind you. Stop against a tree or any type of cover (like a hunting blind). This makes it easier to blend in and has you lean on something. When it begins to rain heavily, I suggest that you wait it out rather than risk your life for the hunt. The drying out period is great, as this is when you find animals resuming their normal activities. Are there some of you who wish to achieve a great feat of hunting in just about any weather? Hunting during the rainy season may seem daunting at first, but once you realize that a bit of rain won't steer deer clear from the fields, you'll probably enjoy it more (and even like the breeze that goes with it!). I hope that this article answers your question: "Do deer move in the rain?" Now that you know how your game goes around the fields as you hunt, begin planning your next expedition today! If you have any questions or would like to share your tips and experiences with hunting in the rain, then comment down below. I would love to hear what you have to think.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
/ Carstares, William Carstares, William Carstares or Carstairs, William, 1649–1715, Scottish statesman and Presbyterian divine. While studying theology at Utrecht, he became a friend of William of Orange (later William III of England). He was imprisoned in Edinburgh (1674–79) for alleged coauthorship of An Account of Scotland's Grievances and again imprisoned and tortured in Edinburgh (1683) as a suspect in the Rye House Plot. He returned to Holland where he was made chaplain to William of Orange. He accompanied William to England in 1688 and became so powerful in his efforts to reconcile the new king and the Scottish church and to frustrate the Episcopalian Jacobites that he was nicknamed the Cardinal. His influence continued under Queen Anne as he worked for the union of England and Scotland, served as principal of the Univ. of Edinburgh from 1703, and was four times moderator of the general assembly of the Church of Scotland.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Beautiful eyes define elegance, many people want to have longer, thicker and darker eyelashes. To make eyelashes look their best, woman began to opt for excellent mascara and a really great eyelash curler. But here is the problem, because of aging, poor makeup habits, product overuse, medical issues, etc, some people get thinner eyelashes. So more and more people search for a proper method to obtain a natural long eyelashes for themselves. In this years, FEG eyelash enhancer is becoming more and more popular, because its effectiveness and affordable price. The FEG Eyelash Enhancer is very easy and convenient to use. Even if you are on the go, you can use the product. You should use it everyday, at least once. If you prefer to use it in the morning and night or, even more, you can also safely do so. Apply it in same way as you apply the eyeliner. Draw a line at the base of your eyelash. To get the best results, you need to continuously use the product. Many of those who have already applied this product would attest for its efficacy. This entry was posted in FEG Eyelash Enhancer and tagged Eyelash Growth, FEG Eyelash Enhancer.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill returned to the House of Lords on Tuesday 2 February for consideration of Commons amendments in 'ping pong'. What is ping-pong/consideration of amendments? Lords members discussed MPs' amendments relating to fund-raising and the powers of the Charity Commission. Members discussed subjects including the regulation of fundraising. The Bill now goes to the Commons for its consideration. Cabinet Office minister, Lord Bridges of Headley (Conservative), introduced the bill as one which would 'strengthen the public's trust in charities and help charities to do more'. He explained the majority of the proposals within the bill concern the powers of the Charity Commission. Members of the Lords offered broad support for the bill, but called for additional powers for the Charity Commission and extra responsibilities for charities to be added. Several members identified the issue of proper protection for vulnerable people and children as an area which needs more consideration as the bill progresses. Committee stage, the chance for line by line scrutiny, begins in the Lords on Tuesday 23 June. The bill is designed to protect charities from people who present a risk of abuse, and give the Charity Commission for England and Wales new and tougher powers to tackle serious abuse of charities. It also seeks to give charities a new legal power to invest their funds in a way that provides a financial return, and furthers the charity's aims.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: How to make the RecyclerView's ItemTouchHelper work on only part of the list(drag & drop) I use RecyclerView's ItemTouchHelper to change the order(drag & drop),And I want to move only a part of the list. I don't want to move after a certain index. How can I handle it with one RecyclerView? If I explain a little more about what I want to make, The active items are sorted up and the non-active items are sorted down. And only the activated items will shift the order. Right now, when I drag an active item, it goes down to the area of ​​the non-active item, but I want to prevent it from going down. How can I do it? UPDATE open class SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback(private val mAdapter: ItemTouchHelperAdapter) : ItemTouchHelper.Callback() { private var isLongPressDrag = true fun setLongPressDragEnable(isLongPressDrag: Boolean) { this.isLongPressDrag = isLongPressDrag } override fun isLongPressDragEnabled() = isLongPressDrag override fun getMovementFlags( recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder ): Int { val dragFlags = ItemTouchHelper.UP or ItemTouchHelper.DOWN val swipeFlags = 0 return makeMovementFlags(dragFlags, swipeFlags) } override fun onMove( recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, target: RecyclerView.ViewHolder ): Boolean { return mAdapter.onItemMove(viewHolder.adapterPosition, target.adapterPosition) } override fun onSwiped(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, i: Int) { mAdapter.onItemDismiss(viewHolder.adapterPosition) } } A: Use ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback and override getDragDirs and onMove methods: ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback( UP or DOWN, 0 ) { override fun getDragDirs(recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder): Int { val selectedPosition = viewHolder.adapterPosition val isActive: Boolean = // retrieve your model from list and check its active state return if (isActive) super.getDragDirs(recyclerView, viewHolder) else 0 } override fun onMove( recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, target: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, ): Boolean { val toPosition = target.adapterPosition val isActiveTarget: Boolean = // retrieve your target model from list and check its active state if (!isActiveTarget) return false val fromPosition = viewHolder.adapterPosition moveItem(fromPosition, toPosition) return true } } Returning 0 on getDragDirs prevents inactive item selection, while returning false on onMove prevents item movement while dragging.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
GIG REVIEW: Olly Murs Welcome to UK Music Reviews » GIG REVIEW: Olly Murs Categories: Gig Reviews Olly Murs performing at Sherwood Pines Mansfield on Friday 23rd June 2017. Images and Review by Kevin Cooper In a week that saw the searing heat break all weather records, it was a cold, damp and windy night that welcomed Essex boy Olly Murs to Sherwood Pines last night. In the beautiful Forestry Commission setting it was 2015 X Factor winner, Louisa Johnson who opened the first of three concerts taking place over this weekend. Welcoming a crowd of adults and children, her soaring voice immediately engaged as she owned the stage with her single releases, Best Behaviour and So Good. Proving that she is a class act with Forever Young she then handed over the stage to the star of the night. Love or loathe Olly Murs, what he does have in bundles is a natural charm and an endearing cockiness. With no fancy visuals or pyrotechnics as evidenced when he came to the Motorpoint Arena in March this year, the crowd right at the back were able to see every bum wiggle and pout with the aid of the backdrop screen as he opened with the lively You Don't Know Love. Delivering a set list of fun filled showmanship with strokes of laddish behaviour, dad dancing and chart toppers such as Wrapped Up and Grow Up, he entertained from the off. Running around the stage he is the consummate performer making sure that everyone in his audience is having as much fun as he clearly is. With a voice that reached all parts of the forest he treated his fans to the lovely ballad, Up, which came after talk of heartbreak which was followed by some outrageous flirting with the ladies. Informing them that he was single and that he had renamed the tour 'The Find A Girlfriend Tour 2017', there was no shortage of volunteers to fill the vacancy. With Back Around morphing into Tina Turner's What's Love Got To do With It, there was plenty of opportunity to have a dance, and when Louisa Johnson joined him on the stage for his latest single, Unpredictable, there was a mass sing along from the adoring crowd. There was an old school music segment with KC & The Sunshine Band's That's The Way (I Like It), Luther Vandross' Never Too Much and MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This along with She's Got That Vibe, Can't Stop The Feeling as well as Jump Around which for a very entertaining ten minutes, the crowd did just that. With a very talented band and brilliant backing singers he wrapped things up with Dance With Me Tonight and an arm waving rendition of Years And Years. Murs had delivered 90 minutes of high energy, pure pop fun that was never less than entertaining and eight years after his X Factor days, it's still a 'Yes' from Sherwood Pines. Tags: Olly Murs INTERVIEW: Olly Murs
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Urs of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti at Ajmer Part 2 Fairs Recommended Temples Uncategorized A symbol of divine love and compassion, the marvellous marble mausoleum of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti attracts devotees of different faiths and beliefs in great numbers not only during the annual Urs which marks his death anniversary but all through the year. Pilgrims from all walks of life and from all parts of the world consider it to be their great privilege to offer their homage and pray at the shrine. Born around 1143, at a small village Sanjar in the area of Sistan in Iran, Moinuddin lived a life of deep devotion and great austerity. Even at an early age of nine years he had commited to memory the holy Quran. He got a flour mill and a garden at the age of 15, when his father Ghjayas-ud-din died. His mother's name was Mah-e-noor. His coming in contact with Hazrat Ibrahim Kandozi made him renounce all wordly desires and he sold all that he possessed. During his stay at Samarkand, he studied holy scriptures till he was 20. Khwaja travelled to several places and met Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harun. While in Meeca, he got a divine order to go to India and spread the message of Sufism there. This brought him to India where he stayed till he left for his heavenly abode. In between, Khwaja visited plaes like Gazni, Bagdad, Lahore and Delhi. Khwaja's great emphasis on the humanitarian aspect of Islam had a great appeal for persons of all castes, creeds and conviction. The aim of his life was to get divine knowledge through prayer and meditation and then educate the masses about true religion, the core of which was to love man and tend to his needs. For him it was not enough for a Sufi saint just to pray, so he strived hard for ameliorating the lot of suffering human beings, especially the poor. This earned him the name of Gareeb Nawaz, the protector of the poor. He believed in the wise dictum of a Sufi poet who had said that to please the heart of an unhappy person was an act like going on Haj. Following the tenets of Sufism which are very close to some Indian religions, earned him great reverence of different sections of the society. A great believer in simple living, Khwaja had brought with him to India just two set of clothes, a stick, a bow and arrow, a salt case and a 'datoon'. And these were his only possessions through out his life. He never bought a third set of clothes. He himself would wash his clothes and put patches on patches when they were torn. It is said that this made his clothes weigh as much as twelve kilos at the end. He would not waste 'chapatis' and soak dried ones in water and eat them. He would spend a lot of time reading the Quran and was so lost in prayer that he would not do anything else for several days. The Urs is held from the 1st to 6th day of the Islamic month of Rajjab. The exact date of his death is not known as he had shut himself up in his cell for prayer and meditation and was found dead by his disciples when they opened it after six days. So the celebrations take place for six days. The Urs ceremonies commence with the hoisting of a flag at the Buland Darwaza. The privilege of bringing the flag now belongs to the Gauri family of Bhilwara in Rajasthan, whereas during pre-partition days it was brought from Lal Shah Baba across the border. With this ceremony, the time of the afternoon service at the main shrine changes to 7.30 p.m. The sandal paste that had deposited on the shrine during the year is peeled off and it is then distributed among the pilgrims. The Jannati Darwaza in the east of the shrine remains open all through the six days of the Urs. In the evening, it is fascinating to watch the presentation of the 'chhadi' by the Kalandars. A great attraction of the Urs fair is the visit of a class-by-itself set of pilgrims called Kalandars who come here not for the fulfilment of any desire of their own or their family, but to keep up the old tradition of their ancestors. Their prayer to the Khwaja is for the health, peace and prosperity of every citizen of the country. They are always in search for opportunities to serve humanity and also enthuse others to do so. By no means, they are beggars. The Kalandars love to spend their lives in serving at big and small 'dargahs' all over the country. They give up all wordly relations and only then are initiated into their sect. Their participation in various ceremonies during Urs adds colour to the festival. At several places in the Dargah premises can be enjoyed the singing of lilting 'qawwalis'. The Shahi Mehfil of 'qawwals' takes place in the 'mehfilkhana'. On the sixth day, before the Qul ceremony, the pilgrims wash the outer walls of the shrine with rose and lavender water, collect the holy liquid in bottles and carry it home as 'tarbarruk'. One special feature of the last day is the closing of Jannati Darwaza and another one is the holding of a mass prayer. A highly interesting sight in the shrine is the looting of rice cooked in two large 'degs' (cauldrons) with a capacity of 40 quintals and 30 quintals each Rich devotees pay for this. Cooking goes on all through the night. At dawn with the firing of a cannon, 'pirzadas' with their bodies wrapped in rags plung into the steaming food and scoop out the contents in buckets, as they have hereditary right to do so. The looted rice is then sold as 'tabarruk'. After the morning prayer, people start gathering at the holy tomb. Celebrating the Qul Day devotees recite Quran, Darood, Shigra-e-Chistia and other verses. They also tie small turbans on each other's head and pray for peace and prosperity. Thus falls the final curtain on an event at the great Sufi saint's resting place which had been bustling with people from all over the sub-continent for a week and the site of fascinating ceremonies. Ajmer Urs of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
"Bringing Back Bill" - in the news! William "Bill" Anthony Hoppin Howland died of natural causes on Monday, Oct. 3, 2005, in Moorestown, N.J., at the age of 92. Born in Asheville, N.C., on Aug. 5, 1913, he was the proud son of Reginald Howland and Frances Theobald Howland. Bill was a graduate of Kent School in Connecticut and the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD., class of 1937. He served as a lieutenant junior grade in the U.S. Navy until 1941. He retired to Asheville from American Airlines in 1973 after 32 years of service as a pilot based in New York. He received his masters in education and taught mathematics for New York and North Carolina schools. After retirement he volunteered and tutored inmates earning their G.E.D. He was an avid golfer and longtime member of Biltmore Forest Country Club. There was a great secret – some mystery that he feared would die with him if he didn't figure it out soon. My dad had just turned 90, and for the past year he'd been alluding to this mystery concerning two brothers – calling me almost daily and asking me to travel from New Jersey to his home in Asheville, NC to look for clues…in a graveyard. Then the quest began in earnest. Dad and I went to Asheville and found Rex's grave. We learned a lot about him from Asheville School and from old newspapers in the local library. Rex had left old family pictures and books to dad and we poured over these looking for verification. Once we felt confident that Rex was truly dad's father, we went back and changed the family genealogy records to reflect William A. H. Howland, my dad's, true parentage/lineage. It was now early 2004 and our discovery was proving overwhelming for both of us. I contacted my friend, Dr. David Grand, who specializes in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), to see if he could help us. David was utilizing EMDR with people nearing the end of their lives and seeing amazingly positive results. David and dad met on Long Beach Island where dad's EMDR session lasted over two hours. This was remarkable due to dad's age and frailty. And it completely changed the rest of his life. "It was as if I put on a pair of glasses and saw my whole life through them differently." He told me that all of his life he thought there was something inherently unlovable about him and that explained why his "father" Stanley treated him so poorly. He thought the reason he inherited money from his "uncle" Rex was because he was the only male child who could carry on the family name. This false perception induced him to marry young and repeatedly (3 times), in order to fulfill this responsibility and also in an attempt to find a sense of family life. It's also why he had six kids! I think mom might have had something to do with that as well. In July of 2004, dad participated in a Sky Help retreat in Westchester, NY. He attended with firemen, FBI employees, a stone mason, volunteers from 9/11 and several others. While the other attendees shared the experience of the September 11th attacks, dad's "life changing event" was realizing who his true father was late in his life. He was a beloved inspiration to the other's attending the retreat. Dad was one of Sky Help's original board members and back in 2000, had helped me to fill out and file the tons of paperwork needed to apply for status as a non-profit organization. We never anticipated then how integral Sky Help would be in helping our own family through trauma and powerful transformation. Though I was not a participant in this particular workshop, my heart overflowed with love and pride when I realized what a positive and inspiring impact dad had on the group and how emotionally attached to him they were. The greatest part was to see dad enjoying this and to see him joking around with the Irish stone mason and a NYC fireman. He turned out to be the "star" of the workshop. The next great adventure was in February of 2005 when dad, the NYC fireman, the Irish stone mason and I went to St. John, USVI on vacation together. We stayed in what we dubbed, the "handicapped tent" since dad was using a cane. The shower was a hung up water hose and the only thing remotely handicapped was a ramp that led to the cabin door! This didn't stop dad at all… he was a total trooper! We watched the Super Bowl at a bar, spent lots of time with binoculars on the beach and laughed so hard we cried for days. Dad and Sean wanted to eat smelly dead fish (kippers) for breakfast, just to gross everyone out. Sean and Jim also kept threatening to throw the "old bloke" over the railing if he didn't stop making fun of them. It was my favorite vacation ever and dad was definitely at his wittiest and most charming. Experiencing dad's transformation was a life changing and healing experience for me. He was transformed as a father and the kind smile that his journey had finally given him was there every day for the rest of his life. He enjoyed sitting around and thinking about his real father and remembering things from his life. There was no longer a single soul alive that could be embarrassed or shamed by the news. Dad wanted to shout his truth from the mountain tops. Which brings me to the film about his life, "Bringing Back Bill." Dad said that no one could make up a better story and the fact that it was true gave it a more powerful reason to be told! I am in the process of compiling the facts of Dad's discovered mystery – which includes a WWII torpedo bomber named the Devastator crashed off the coast of San Diego, a mysterious tattoo, the talented and sometimes disturbing art of a searching mind, the acceptance of an autistic son, a family legacy in dispute and a series of plot twists that continue to keep everyone guessing. We have about 6 to 8 hours of film footage and I'm talking with a couple of independent film producers. I could never have done any of this if dad had not believed in me, encouraged me, helped with the details and participated directly. My life's work – Sky Help, Inc. – is the direct result of William A. H. Howland's epiphany and his willingness to share his journey with all those who would grow and heal from the experience.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
As an alumnus of the celebrated Screwed Up Click, rapper Lil' Keke knows that his fans have been anticipating his much-delayed Swishahouse debut, Loved By Few, Hated By Many, for roughly two years. Planning for the album to finally be heard later this year, Don Ke has scooped up fellow Houstonians, Slim Thug and Paul Wall, for a tribute to everyone making Money In Tha City (whether legally or illegally). With Baton Rouge native Tre Virdure's hook vocals and Mr. Lee's street-certified production, Money In Tha City has the makings of yet another underground street anthem in the veins of Chunk Up The Deuce and Ima G. Loved By Few, Hated By Many is currently scheduled for release this September.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Above is a photo of a new "sky island" species of Vaejovis, Vaejovis grayae. This Arizona Scorpion pic was taken in northern Arizona. Vaejovis grayae is related to Vaejovis trinityae Ayrey, 2013 and Vaejovis crumpi Ayrey & Soleglad, 2014 but is a distinct new species. Download the description here. I am very fortunate to have pics of rare scorpions like this one. This Flagstaff Arizona Scorpion site © Rich Ayrey 2014. Arizona Scorpion World page created 05/23/14. Arizona Scorpion World page last updated 07/26/14.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Langtang is the closet mountain can be seen from Kathmandu valley as white wall on northern side.The Langtang Himal forms the western portion of a complex of mountains, which also includes the Jugal Himal, home of Shisha Pangma (Tibetan Mountain). This complex lies between the SunKoshi valley on the east and the TrisuliGandaki valley on the west. LangtangLirung lies near the TrisuliGandaki, and north of the LangtangKhola. LangtangLirung is the highest peak of the Langtang Himal, which is a subrange of the Nepalese Himalayas, southwest of the Eight-thousander Shisha Pangma. The close up view of Yala Peak, Dorjelakpa, Shishapangma and more than 100 of mountain peaks can be viewed. Short stope of KyanjingGompa for refreshment tea/coffee is another excite on this program. After the take off, the landscape of the Kathmandu valley changes almost drastically into high alpine country then comes the main course, the Langtang valley a unique world on its own, undisturbed by the crowed modern world. The valley's pristine purity will inspire you, and may even challenge you softly to come back and trek in its national park. You can easily view Gosaikund Lake, one of the important pilgrimage places of Hindu. The Langtang National Park area is famous for the rare Himalayan Red Panda and Yak Cheese. Depart from Kathmandu Airport early in the morning. Langtang National Park Fee: Inr. 1875.00 per person direct pay at KanjinGompahalt place. Tea / coffee at KyanjinGompa.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Norfolk 1939. The start of World War II brings about dramatic changes for the de Lacey family. Their eldest daughter Elizabeth is expected home any day from France when an accident detains her with the war rumbling ever closer. Her sister Amy has returned from finishing school full of possibilities for her future. Jack, the eldest son, is distracted by his blossoming romance with Lucy Storey, the daughter of the village stationmaster. And the youngest de Lacey, Edmund, is seeking adventure with the new evacuees. The war is bringing changes for all at Nayton Halt, changes they must embrace.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
These Glory Days is created by Mr. Magnus Beckman. His interest for fashion began in his childhood as his grandfather, Lennart, was an employee at the famous NK department store in Stockholm, and introduced him to the classical look of a true gentleman. The inspiration for this brand are gentlemen who appreciate design, fit & details, like his grandfather did. These Glory Days believe that price should reflect quality, and our ambition is that everybody should be able to afford well-designed clothes. Most of the clothes are based on old classic garments that every gentleman should have in his wardrobe.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Time to Regroup on Iran Israelis - and Jewish people the world over- now know that neither the Democratic administration nor American Jewry will be there for them on critical matters of security. David Friedman Aug 31, 2015, 11:50 AM (GMT+3) Iran Nuclear ProgramProportionality The JCPOA is not going to be thwarted by Congress. Even if the Senate musters the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster and reject the deal, there is no chance that it will produce enough votes to override a presidential veto. So for the near term, the United States will be a party to this reckless act of appeasement. Our political leaders, especially the Jewish ones, have failed us. Jerry Nadler, an outspoken supporter of Israel and a long time congressman from one of New York's most Jewish districts, proved to be all talk and no action. Obama had him at hello. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a congresswoman from a heavily Jewish district in South Florida and head of the Democratic National Committee, elevated politics over principle. Over and over again, she went on the airwaves to defend the Iran deal, spouting the nonsensical talking points fed her by the administration. Other Jewish legislators were no better. Even Chuck Schumer, who will vote against the deal, did nothing to exercise the considerable influence he has over his colleagues. Our non-political leadership failed us as well. While there were notable exceptions, many prominent American Jews – in the rabbinate, academia, the arts and elsewhere – were all too quick to support the Iran deal. In the face of united opposition to the deal from the State of Israel – spanning the far left to the far right – many American Jews, none with any expertise in military security, nonetheless honored their loyalty to Obama above all else. Incredibly, a greater percentage of American Jews support the Iran deal than the population at large. We must now confront the painful reality that Israel currently cannot trust a Democratic administration nor a majority of the American Jewish community to side with it on critical and existential matters of security. That is not to say that the relationship between the two countries is, God forbid, irreconcilably broken. A Republican administration will hopefully emerge that will share Israel's world view, and, even under a Democratic administration, military cooperation and coordination between the USA and Israel is at a very high level (in the interests of both sides) and does not appear to be in jeopardy (at least not yet). But it is unfortunately apparent that many of Israel's friends in America have disappointed us and proven unreliable in observing their pledges of loyalty and support when needed the most. Incredibly, a greater percentage of American Jews support the Iran deal than the population at large. Among the perilous consequences of the current situation is the potential loss of Israel's power of deterrence against its enemies. Terrorist organizations read the same newspapers that we do, and they are gleeful in their perception that the United States, including its Jewish leaders, has abandoned Israel in its time of need. As they see Israel in an increasingly weakened state, their aggression is likely to increase proportionately. Israel must respond to its rejection by the United States and send a clear message to its enemies who undoubtedly are salivating over their good fortune. If I were Bibi Netanyahu, I might write a letter that looks something like this: Mr. President: You have acted in a manner that you deem in the best interests of your country. Now Israel must do the same. For decades, Israel has shown great restraint against its hostile neighbors to accommodate the geopolitical goals of the United States. In the First Gulf War, Israel was besieged by scud missiles from Iraq but held its fire to permit the United States to maintain a coalition with Arab countries. Following each of its defensive wars, Israel has returned land validly captured at the request of the American administration. More recently, Israel has responded to indiscriminate rocket fire into its population centers with the type of limited force that no other country would consider, all at the request of our American ally. "Ten years ago, Israel evacuated 8000 Jews from Gaza with the support of the United States in an attempt to demonstrate its commitment to Palestinian self-determination. The evacuation almost split the country in half and ultimately proved disastrous, but it was at least accompanied by a letter from then-president George W. Bush that recognized the permanence of a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ripped up that letter virtually the day you appointed her. Israel thus has proven, time and time again, that it is willing to make great sacrifices on account of its friendship with, and loyalty to, the United States, with only mixed results in return. But never have Israel's concerns been so completely rejected as in the case of the Iran agreement. Your intent to implement a deal with Iran at all costs puts my country at an untenable risk, both in the short and the long term. In the short term, you will be funding Hezbollah and Hamas with billions of dollars to terrorize our population. In the long term – only 10 years from now – you will have created a nuclear Iran. As our enemies rejoice in their good fortune and predictions of Israel's demise – all a direct result of the JCPOA -- Israel must re-calibrate its security platform in response. With our enemies expected to grow stronger with enhanced weapons, and more emboldened by the return of Iran to the community of nations, we can no longer follow a path of 'proportionate force' in response to attacks against our people -- attacks that American leaders have acknowledged will result from the implementation of the JCPOA. Such proportionality, followed to its logical conclusion, will only encourage further militancy and ultimately lead to our destruction. Rather, we are respectfully informing the leadership of the United States, our greatest friend, as well as all of our enemies, that any further attacks on Israel, whether by rocket, by tunnel, by incursion or otherwise, will be met with entirely disproportionate force – the type of force every other nation has used and will use under comparable circumstances -- designed to immediately end the battle and discourage and deter further misconduct. You have left us with no other choice. Winston Churchill is considered by many to be the greatest leader of his generation. To defeat the Nazis, Churchill, in coordination with American forces, bombed population centers in Dresden, Germany and elsewhere in early 1945. Civilian life was lost but the war quickly ended, Nazism was defeated and Churchill was regaled as a hero. No one holds life to be more precious than the People of Israel and we will never target civilians. But we will no longer permit human shields to limit our self-defense and we will send a clear message to deter the terrorist attacks that we know are coming. We will not be held to a different standard than the United States, we will not bow to the world's hypocrisy and we will defeat Islamic terrorism by any and all means necessary. I hope this clarifies our position in response to the JCPOA's approval. Binyamin Netanyahu
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Drill – styl muzyki rap, który narodził się w South Side w Chicago na początku 2010 roku. Jest definiowany przez mroczną, brutalną i nihilistyczną treść liryczną i agresywne beaty inspirowane trapem. Drill wszedł do amerykańskiego mainstreamu w połowie 2012 roku po sukcesie raperów i producentów, takich jak Young Chop, Chief Keef, Lil Durk, Fredo Santana i Lil Reese, którzy mieli wielu lokalnych fanów i znaczącą obecność w Internecie. Artyści z tego gatunku są znani ze swoich tekstów związanych z przestępczością w Chicago. Od 2012 r. W Londynie, zwłaszcza w dystrykcie Brixton, pojawił się podgatunek regionalny – UK drill. Charakterystyka Teksty drillowych utworów wydają się być gwałtowne i bardzo szorstkie. Lucy Stehlik z The Guardian powiedziała, że "nihilistyczny drill odzwierciedla prawdziwe życie, w którym zawiodły jego nieskomplikowane hip-hopowe odpowiedniki". Z ubiegiem czasu drill miał tendencję do gloryfikowania i celebrowania wzrostu bogactwa. Teksty zazwyczaj odzwierciedlają życie na ulicach i wydają się być, brutalne, realistyczne i nihilistyczne. Raperzy używają ponurego, śmiertelnie poważnego przekazu. Często filtrują wokal poprzez Auto-Tune. Raperzy z Atlanty Gucci Mane i Waka Flocka Flame mieli znaczący wpływ na scenę drillową. Chociaż ma wiele podobieństw do muzyki trap, prędkość tempa muzyki drill jest na ogół wolniejsza przy umiarkowanym tempie, około 60 do 70 uderzeń na minutę. Niektórzy producenci pracują w szybszym tempie, na przykład 130 do 140 uderzeń na minutę. Raperzy drillowi są zazwyczaj młodzi; wielu wybitnych muzyków na scenie zaczęło przyciągać uwagę, gdy byli jeszcze nastolatkami. Jeden z najwybitniejszych muzyków tego gatunku, Chief Keef, miał 16 lat, kiedy podpisał wielomilionowy kontrakt na płytę z Interscope. Raper Lil Wayne podpisał kontrakt z zaledwie 13-letnim drillowcem Lil Mouse. Krytycy zauważyli brak metafory lub gry słów w drillu. Chief Keef od powiedział, że jego flow to świadomy wybór stylistyczny: "Wiem, co robię. Opanowałem to. I nie używam metafor ani punchline'ów." Bo nie muszę. Ale mógłbym. ... Myślę, że to za dużo. Wolę tylko rapować, o tym co się teraz dzieję. ... Nie lubię takich metafor ani puent." Moser napisał, że piosenki Keefa są "lirycznie, rytmicznie i emocjonalnie osłabione, przez co brzmią tak bezwietrznie i klaustrofobicznie. Z rzadkimi wyjątkami muzyka ta wydaje się być pozbawiona przekazu, nastawiona na złość i przemoc. Instynkt podpowiada, by nazwać tę twardą, bezlitosną i konkretnie twardą muzykę pozbawioną radości, ale w rzeczywistości jest ona w swojej ciemności żywiołowa. Większość praktykujących drillowców to młodzi ludzie, którzy rozwijają swoją kreatywność w kontekście skandalicznej przemocy w Chicago, szczególnie wśród młodych ludzi – z każdym rokiem w Chicago umierają dziesiątki nastolatków, którzy często są powiązani z gangami. (Istnieje długa historia zbieżności między chicagowskimi gangami i chicagowskim rapem). To, że ich muzyka jest symfonią złych gróźb, nie powinno być zaskoczeniem. Artystki są na scenie od samego początku gatunku. Miles Raymer z Pitchfork powiedziała, że "zamiast rapować o byciu" hitta "- lokalne określenie strzelca – rapuję, że jest zakochana w hittach." Kobiety, które robią drill, mieszają w swoich piosenkach motywy przemocy i miłości. Stehlik nazwał styl produkcji drillu "dźwiękowym kuzynem trapu z 808". Young Chop jest często określany przez krytyków jako najbardziej charakterystyczny producent tego gatunku. Muzyka trapowego producenta Lexa Lugera ma duży wpływ na drill, a Young Chop zidentyfikował Shawty'ego Redda, Drumma Boya i Zaytovena jako ważnych prekursorów drillu. Historia David Drake z Complex powiedział, że drill nie jest definiowany przez żaden konkretny styl produkcji, ale "dotyczy całości kultury: żargonu, tańców, mentalności i muzyki, z których większość wywodzi się z" Dro City "-terytorium bloków miejskich w sąsiedztwie Woodlawn." W ulicznym slangu "drill" oznacza walkę lub odwet, i "może być użyte do wszystkiego, od przebierania kobiet po całą wojnę na ulicach". Raper Pacman z Dro City, uważany za stylistycznego twórcę gatunku, jest uznawany za pierwszego, który zastosował ten termin do lokalnej muzyki hip hop. Drake opisał scenę drillu jako główny czynnik powstania chicagowskiego hip-hopu na początku 2010 roku i opisał tę scenę jako "oddolny ruch, który inkubował w zamkniętym, zazębiającym się systemie: na ulicach i w mediach społecznościowych, w klubach i na imprezach i wśród szkół średnich." Drill rozwinął się w południowej części Chicago, w środku eskalacji przemocy i zabójstw. Mark Guarino napisał dla Salon, że muzyka drill wzrosła podczas "przejścia od historycznych waśni między organizacjami przestępczymi kontrolującymi tysiące członków i mniejszymi hybrydowymi grupami, których kontrola rozciąga się zaledwie na kilka przecznic ... Zaostrzona rzeczywistość życia w tych dzielnicach jest tym, co ukształtowało muzykę Drill. " Na scenie drillu, konflikty rapowe i konflikty gangów nakładają się na siebie, a wielu młodych raperów pochodzi ze środowisk doświadczających przemocy. Sam Gould z The Independent napisał, że Chief Keef "reprezentuje zarówno przerażającą odmianę współczesnej kultury hip hopowej, jak i poważnie wyalienowaną grupę w amerykańskim społeczeństwie". Pod koniec 2012 roku raperzy z innych scen i gwiazdy hip hopu, tacy jak Kanye West, Drake i Rick Ross, współpracowali z muzykami drillowymi. Kanye West zremiksował utwór "I Don't Like" na składankę "Cruel Summer" z 2012 roku jako "Don't Like" z udziałem Westa, Chief Keefa, Pusha T, Big Seana i Jadakiss'a. West opisał drill jako wpływ na swój album Yeezus z 2013 r., Chief Keef i King Louie mieli gościnny udział na albumie. Tematyka Drillu silnie kontrastuje z tematem wcześniejszych raperów z Chicago, takich jak Kid Sister, Lupe Fiasco, Psalm One, Rhymefest i The Cool Kids, Starsi raperzy z Chicago byli mieszani w swoich reakcjach na popularność i teksty drillu. W wywiadzie radiowym raper Lupe Fiasco powiedział: "Chief Keef mnie przeraża. Nie on konkretnie, ale kultura, którą reprezentuje… Wskaźnik morderstw w Chicago rośnie w zawrotnym tempie i widzisz, kto to robi i jest sprawcą? – wszyscy wyglądają jak Chief Keef. "Po tym jak Chief Keef zagroził Fiasco na Twitterze, Fiasco powiedział, że rozważa opuszczenie sceny muzycznej. Rhymefest napisał na Twitterze, że drill jest "motywem muzycznym do morderstwa". Podczas gdy muzyka drillowa z Chicago straciła na popularności, w Wielkiej Brytanii pojawiła się nowa scena i pod koniec drugiej dekady XXI wieku zyskała popularność, rozprzestrzeniając się w Europie, wpływając na tworzenie scen drillowych na całym kontynencie. Muzyka drill w Wielkiej Brytanii i rozwinęła swój własny, odrębny styl produkcji w porównaniu do drillu z Chicago. W połowie drugiej dekady XXI roku pojawił się drill z brooklynu, na które niemal całkowicie wpłynęło Chicago, z takimi artystami jak Bobby Shmurda i Rowdy Rebel. Później pojawili się drillowcy z Brooklynu w Nowym Jorku, tacy jak Pop Smoke, Sheff G, Fivio Foreign, Sleepy Hallow, Smoove'L, 22Gz, Nick Blixky, Blizz Vito, Bizzy Banks i Rah Swish. Później produkcja drillu na Brooklynie jest pod silnym wpływem drillu z Wielkiej Brytanii, a artyści tacy jak Fivio Foreign, Sheff G, Smoove'L, Bizzy Banks i Pop Smoke współpracują z brytyjskimi producentami drillu, takimi jak 808Melo, Yamaica Productions, Yoz Beats i AXL Beats. Piosenka Pop Smoke'a "Welcome to the Party", wyprodukowana przez 808Melo, była jednym z hitów w 2019 roku i zawierała remiksy Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill i brytyjskiego rapera MC Skepta. Singiel "No Suburban" Sheffa G (wydany w 2017 r.) I "Suburban" 22Gz (wydany w 2016 r.) Zostały uznane za zwrócenie uwagi na drill z Brooklyna. UK drill UK drill to podgatunek muzyki drill i rapu ulicznego, który powstał w dzielnicy Brixton w południowym Londynie w 2012 roku. Pod wpływem stylu chicagowskiej muzyki drillowej, brytyjscy artyści często rapują o brutalnym i hedonistycznym stylu życia przestępców. Zazwyczaj ci, którzy tworzą ten styl muzyczny, są związani z gangami lub pochodzą z ubogich dzielnic, gdzie przestępczość jest dla wielu sposobem na życie. Muzyka brytyjska jest mocno związana z road rapem, brytyjskim stylem gangsta rapu, który stał się popularny w latach poprzedzających istnienie drillu. Muzycznie, brytyjski drill często pokazuje brutalny język, różnorodność lirycznej wypowiedzi i zaciekłą rywalizację. Od 2016 roku pojawiły się bardziej nowoczesne grupy, takie jak 814, Silwood Nation, Block 6, Y.ACG, Zone 2, BSide, Moscow17, CGM (dawniej 1011), 12World, SMG, OFB, NPK i Harlem Spartans. Brytyjskie grupy drillowe polegały na platformach internetowych do dystrybucji swojej muzyki, szczególnie na YouTube, gdzie platformy takie jak Link-Up TV, GRM Daily, SB.TV, Mixtape Madness, PacMan TV i PressPlay Media pomogły różnym grupom zgromadzić tysiące, a czasem miliony wyświetleń. Brytyjski drill rozwinął inny styl produkcji niż drill z Chicago, czerpiąc wpływ z wcześniejszych brytyjskich gatunków, takich jak grime i UK garage, do tego stopnia, że nazwano go "New Grime", a producent drillu Carns Hill skomentował, że potrzebuje nowej nazwy tej muzyki. Jednak Mazza, brytyjski producent drillu, nie zgodził się z nazwą "nowy grime", utrzymując, że chociaż drill i grime mają tę samą energię i surowość jednak te dwa gatunki różnią się na swój sposób. Beaty drillowe w Wielkiej Brytanii są generalnie szybsze w porównaniu z ich odpowiednikiem w Chicago. Instrumentale często mają również przesuwający się bas, mocne kopnięcia i mroczne melodie. AXL Beats wyjaśnił, że 808 i szybkie tempo są pochodną muzyki grime. Oba gatunki zazwyczaj wykorzystują tempo około 140 bpm. Brytyjskie grupy drillowe często angażują się w spory ze sobą, czasami brutalne, często publikując wiele ścieżek dysproporcji. Godne uwagi spory obejmują grupę Zone 2 przeciwko Moscow17, 150 z 67, OFB / NPK przeciwko WG / N9 i SMG przeciwko 814 (członek 814, Showkey, został zadźgany na śmierć w 2016 r. W niepowiązanym incydencie). Brytyjski drill zyskał światową uwagę w 2017 roku, kiedy komik Michael Dapaah wydał nowatorską piosenkę "Man's Not Hot". Utwór sampluje rytm wykonany przez brytyjskich producentów drillu GottiOnEm i Mazza; po raz pierwszy został użyty przez grupę drillową 86 w piosence "Lurk", a później 67 z "Let's Lurk" z udziałem Giggsa. Działania prawne Niektórzy londyńscy urzędnicy publicznie skrytykowali drill w Wielkiej Brytanii i otaczającą go kulturę, argumentując, że sprzyjały one brutalnym przestępstwom. Detektyw Superintendent Mike West stwierdził, że "pojawiają się gesty przemocy [w teledyskach drillowych w Wielkiej Brytanii], z sygnałami dłońmi sugerującymi, że strzelają z broni i graficznymi opisami tego, co zrobiliby sobie nawzajem." W 2017 roku, 17- letni raper Junior Simpson (znany jako M-Trap), który pisał teksty o atakach nożem, był częścią grupy ludzi, którzy zadźgali 15-letniego chłopca na śmierć, za co otrzymał dożywocie Sędzia Anthony Leonard QC powiedział Simpsonowi: "Sugerowałeś, że teksty są tylko na pokaz, ale nie wierzę w to i podejrzewam, że czekałeś na odpowiednią okazję do ataku." W 2018 roku komisarz Metropolitan Police Cressida Dick wymieniła drill w Wielkiej Brytanii jako jedną z przyczyn wzrostu liczby ataków nożami w Londynie i wezwał duże firmy internetowe do usunięcia treści, które "propagują przemoc". W maju tego roku YouTube poinformował, że usunął ponad połowę teledysków, o których usunięcie poproszono platformę; zidentyfikowano je jako przyczyny brutalnych przestępstw w Londynie. W sumie usunięto ponad 30 filmów. Później tego samego roku urodzony w południowym Londynie MC drillowiec i aspirujący burmistrz Londynu Drillminister wydał utwór zatytułowany "Political Drillin", który został wyemitowany w Channel 4 News, a następnie stał się wiralem, wykorzystując komentarze brytyjskich parlamentarzystów, aby podkreślić ich hipokryzję i ich brutalny język. W lipcu 2019 r. YouTube zdecydował, że nie będzie już usuwać brytyjskich teledysków drillowych na YouTube. W czerwcu 2018 r., Co zostało opisane jako bezprecedensowe z prawnego punktu widzenia posunięcie, nakazem sądu członkom brytyjskiej grupy drillowej 1011 zakazano wspominania o obrażeniach lub śmierci w swojej muzyce oraz wspominania niektórych słów slangu w "kontekście gangów". Nakaz wymaga również, aby powiadomili policję w ciągu 24 godzin od opublikowania nowego nagrania wideo, oraz aby z 48-godzinnym wyprzedzeniem o dacie i miejscu wykonania dowolnego z ich występów lub nagrań oraz umożliwili funkcjonariuszom policji uczestniczenie w nich. Nakaz był krytykowany przez wielu, w tym przez Jodie Ginsberg, dyrektor generalny grupy kampanii Index on Censorship, która powiedziała: "Zakazywanie określonego rodzaju muzyki nie jest sposobem radzenia sobie z pomysłami lub opiniami, które są niesmaczne lub niepokojące" oraz "To nie będzie dotyczyło kwestii, które doprowadziły do powstania tego rodzaju muzyki." W czerwcu 2018 r. Victor Maibvisira był jednym z pięciu członków gangu, którzy zostali skazani za morderstwo i skazani na dożywocie, po zadźganiu Kyle'a Yule na śmierć w Gillingham w hrabstwie Kent, w październiku 2017 r. Podczas pobytu w areszcie, jego rapowanie o przestępstwach z użyciem noża i gangach zostało umieszczone w Internecie. Szerzenie międzynarodowe Styl produkcji brytyjskiego drillu rozprzestrzenił się poza Wielką Brytanię, a artyści i grupy z innych krajów rapują w różnych stylach i wykorzystują produkcję pod silnym wpływem brytyjskiej muzyki drillowej, a także kooptują brytyjski slang, popularny w brytyjskiej muzyce drillowej. Brytyjscy producenci, produkują beaty dla artystów z innych krajów. W szczególności z Irlandii, Holandii i Australii wyróżniający się artyści z innych krajów to: OneFour z Australii, Chuks i J.B2 z Dublina w Irlandii i 73 De Pijp z Holandii. Styl rozprzestrzenił się również w Nowym Jorku, gdzie artyści tacy jak Sheff G, 22Gz i Pop Smoke współpracowali z brytyjskimi producentami drillu. Artyści z Hiszpanii tworzący muzykę drillową również przejęli wpływ jej brytyjskiego odpowiednika, z różnymi odniesieniami i podobną produkcją do beatów brytyjskich. Kanadyjski muzyk Drake wykonał freestyle "Behind Barz" dla Link Up TV w 2018 roku, gdzie rapował do brytyjskiego drill beatu. Drake zaprosił również brytyjskiego artystę drillowego Loski na swój album z 2018 roku, Scorpion. W 2019 roku Drake wydał "War". Utwór wykorzystywał styl produkcji brytyjskiego drillu i został wyprodukowany przez brytyjskiego producenta AXL Beats. Rap Drake'a w obu przypadkach przypominał brytyjskich artystów drillowych, a styl produkcji szybko staje się popularny wśród innych artystów z obszaru Toronto i Metro Vancouver, co skłania do spekulacji, że może pojawić się nowy hybrydowy podgatunek muzyki drillowej, łączący elementy amerykańskie i brytyjskie z Kanady. Wpływ Drillowe teksty często zawierają agresywne motywy, widoczne w niektórych teledyskach tego gatunku, co może powodować, że styl będzie postrzegany jako negatywny. Niektóre kluczowe osoby publiczne próbowały powiązać muzykę drillową z gwałtownymi zachowaniami wśród londyńskiej młodzieży. Komisarz policji metropolitalnej Cressida Dick pomyślnie zwrócił się do YouTube o usunięcie 30 drillowych teledysków w 2018 roku. 25 lipca 2015 roku policja zamknęła koncert z udziałem Chiefa Keefa, rapera, który pomógł popularyzować muzykę drillową w USA. Chociaż koncert był charytatywny dla rodzin Dillana Harrisa i Marvina Carra, małego dziecka i 22-letniego mężczyzny, którzy zginęli 11 lipca, uznano go za zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa publicznego. Rzekomy związek między muzyką drillową a rosnącymi wskaźnikami przestępczości jest kontrowersyjny. Brytyjski raper Drillminister zakwestionował zarzuty ofiary ataku nożem, która oskarżyła gatunek o podżeganie do brutalnego zachowania. Drillminister wyjaśnił, że wiele osób szybko wskazuje palcem na muzykę drillową bez zrozumienia okoliczności. Wielu raperów używa okoliczności swojego życia jako temat swoich tekstów. Daniel Levitin, profesor psychologii z McGill University w Kanadzie, stwierdził, że inne czynniki, takie jak osobowość ludzi, mogą powodować, że oddają się przemocy, a nie są pod wpływem muzyki drillowej, i że słuchacze bez przemocy mogą słuchać drillu. Polski drill W Polsce drill cieszy się dość małą popularnością. Prekursorami drillu w Polsce jest grupa Alcomindz, którzy nagrywali na beatach podobnej produkcji drillowej muzyki z Chicago. Akcenty drillu pojawiały się w utworach takich raperów jak: Young Multi (w utworze FCK FAME pojawiło się dwóch popularnych drillerów z Wielkiej Brtyanii – Skengdo i AM) oraz Żabson (w utworze Szrot pojawił się członek brytyjskiej grupy drillowej 67, Monkey). 6 października 2020 roku warszawski raper pochodzenia angolskiego Alberto znany z wytwórni rapera Malika Montany GM2L, wydał drillowy utwór "Dwutakt", który cieszył się dużą popularnością i zdobył 34 milionów wyświetleń na YouTube. 24 listopada 2020 roku Alberto wydał singiel "Czarny Charakter" z raperem OLEK. Przypisy Gatunki muzyczne Podgatunki hip-hopu
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
package ch.bastiangardel.easypay.exception; public class CheckOutNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { public CheckOutNotFoundException(String message){ super(message); } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Ruth Benedict, ameriška antropologinja, * 5. junij 1887, New York, New York, ZDA, † 17. september 1948, New York, ZDA. ↑ 1,0 1,1 Blain V., Grundy I., Clements P. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present — 1990. — P. 80. Čas zadnje spremembe strani: 21:25, 21. oktober 2015.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Getting GraphicDeviceManager from another class I've been searching for a way to use the GraphicDeviceManager in other classes that don't inherit from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game I'm using the Game State Management example. I've got a class called "FirstLevel" which is essentialy GamePlayScreen from the example, I'm trying to get that class to use the GraphicsDeviceManager to do code such as the following; this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1920; this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 1080; But it has no idea what "graphics" actually is. What are my options in terms of getting a hold of a GraphicsDeviceManager and using it in the FirstLevel class? I can't inherit from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game because my class is already inheriting from GameScreen. I heard somwhere that you can use the DrawableGameComponent class to access a GraphicsDeviceManager, such as the class "ScreenManager" which inherits from this class. I cant pass Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game into the constructor of firstLevel because other classes that call it need to get the GraphicsDeviceManager to pass into it. Any help guys? Thanks. A: The usual is passing to your GameScreen constructor the game instance as a Game parameter. A GraphicDeviceManager is used to initializate graphics, inside a game you should use the GraphicsDevice instance provided by the game instance. public class GameScreen { public Game Game; public GameScreen(Game game) { this.Game = game; } public void Update() { Game.GraphicsDevice.... } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
> > sched_domains_numa_level now equals 2 on 2 node systems. > > machines. The Identity node is only needed on very few systems. > > sched_domains_numa_distance and sched_domains_numa_masks tables. > > init_sched_groups_capacity() (sg != sd->groups is always true). > then the degenerate code would take it out. > Why is that not working (right) and can we fix that instead? Here is my analysis on another box showing same issue. groups per sched-domain, so the problem is masked. i.e On a topology update, the sched_domain_numa_mask aren't getting updated. archs can help build correct/proper sched_domains.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
An extraordinary 79% of 2-16 year olds taking antipsychotics in 2009/10 were prescribed risperidone, a drug at the centre of multi-billion dollar lawsuits in the US and capable of causing irreversible damage to the nervous system and life-threatening diabetes. The number of children taking antipsychotics overall increased 69% between 2007/08 (5,727) and 2009/10 (9,683), 759 of them in 2010 aged 6 or under. The Citizens Committee on Human Rights (CCHR) said an investigation is needed into the potential conflicts of interest between pharmaceutical companies and psychiatrists writing treatment guidelines and the influence of these on prescription trends. Concerns have escalated with federal government plans for GPs to screen 3-year-olds for highly subjective mental disorders when already this group has been heavily marketed to by the pharmaceutical-psychiatric consortium and prescribe 72% of antipsychotics, 86% of antidepressants and 94% of sedative-hypnotics.1 CCHR says Medicine Australia's proposed Code of Conduct disclosing conflicts of interest with doctors and consumer groups is a whitewash, needing federal legislation similar to that in the US which names all doctors receiving more than $100 from pharmaceutical companies. CCHR national executive director Shelley Wilkins says the pharmaceutical-psychiatric industry needs to disclose any funding of psychiatric training manuals, treatment guidelines, and research. In 1998 in Australia, Janssen-Cilag sponsored the development of a Resource Kit for General Practitioners aimed at integrating GPs into outpatient services for young people who were given psychiatric treatment for early psychosis. The treatment algorithm in the Training Pack and subsequent Early Psychosis Treatment Guidelines is similar to that exposed in the recent Texas case against Janssen, which was developed by psychiatrists funded by Janssen around the same time as the Australian training pack and early psychosis guidelines were produced. Rothman exposed how the company's phrase "unrestricted educational grant" was misleading, aimed really at expanding Risperdal's market. Treatment guidelines were turned into a powerful marketing tool, he said.2 Medical education and research were "thinly disguised marketing activities" and "funding of these activities created conflicts of interest that subverted scientific objectivity and professional medical integrity."3 Psychiatrists were paid to develop treatment guidelines with a $65,000 bonus for completing on time. Government officials were given kickbacks to make Risperdal a preferred drug in insurance rebates. Like the US Schizophrenia Guidelines, the Australian Early Psychosis Training Pack, Australian Clinical Guidelines for Early Psychosis and The Diagnosis and Management of Psychosis: A Booklet for General Practitioners, recommended risperidone, quetiapine and olanzapine as treatment for early psychosis/first episode psychosis. PBS expenditure on antipsychotics has soared 3,700% since 1992/93. Expenditure on just three brand-name antipsychotics Risperdal (risperidone), Zyprexa (olanzapine) and Seroquel (quetiapine) year-ending 30 June 2011 reached $343,121,352; total costs with co-payments were $362,728,613.4 Between April 2010 and March 2011, Janssen in Australia spent over $1 million on 563 events attended by psychiatrists, representing 36% of all their sponsored medical events. One J&J employee, Rob Kraner, explained J&J's approach to colleagues: 'One of the reasons Janssen committed substantial funding was to develop treatment guidelines/algorithms for schizophrenia that positioned atypicals as the first line agents (at the time atypicals were usually positioned after conventionals) and test it in a real world setting. The rationale was to develop this approach in Texas, find out the most effective way to roll it out, and then other states could replicate [it] with minimal investment.' (Italics added) [Page 18]. Like the US Schizophrenia Guidelines, between the Australian Early Psychosis Training Pack, Australian Clinical Guidelines for Early Psychosis (including updated 2010 version) and The Diagnosis and Management of Psychosis: A Booklet for General Practitioners, the atypical antipsychotics risperidone, quetiapine and olanzapine are recommended as treatment for early psychosis/first episode psychosis. 2010, October: The Australian Early Psychosis Treatment Guidelines produced by Orygen Youth Health and edited by McGorry and others recommended risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine and three other atypical antipsychotics. Individual or Class Action lawsuits may be the only way for Australians to learn the truth about all adverse drug events and potential collusion between pharmaceutical companies and psychiatrists conducting industry-funded studies and/or writing treatment guidelines that could influence prescription sales in the country. Mental Health Minister Mark Butler does not appear to monitor conflicts of interest within the mental health system. An investigation should be conducted into whether pharmaceutical company-funding of antipsychotic research and treatment guidelines or potential influence over government preference of prescription psychiatric drugs. How does the Minister account for the 69% increase in 2-16 year olds prescribed antipsychotics between 2007/08 and 2009/10? How does the Minister account for the fact that of 2-16 year olds taking antipsychotics in 2009/10 (9,683) 79% were prescribed risperidone, a drug which is the subject of lawsuits in the U.S. against one of its manufacturers, Janssen-Cilag? What statistics are collected annually on number of children/teens prescribed antipsychotics, antidepressants and psychostimulants through federally-funded youth mental health programs, such as headspace and Orygen Youth Mental Health? If statistics in (3) are not collected, what will the Minister do to obtain such information and make it publicly accessible and accountable? What investigation(s) have been initiated or will be initiated to determine what, if any, conflicts of interest may be influencing government treatment guidelines for psychosis, schizophrenia and depression in children, youths and the elderly? How does the Minister explain the over-representation of risperidone use in the elderly [of all elderly aged 72 and above in 2009/10 taking antipsychotics (87,911), 48% were taking risperidone (42,478), 24% were taking Zyprexa (21,099), and 11% Seroquel (10,203)]? Is the Minister aware of the recent lawsuits in the U.S. against Janssen-Cilag, the maker of Risperdal (risperidone) resulting in $1.9 billion in fines and settlements over misleading promotion and concealing adverse effects risperidone? Does the government have guidelines or any policy that makes Risperdal (risperidone), Seroquel (quetiapine) or Zyprexa (olanzapine) "preferred" drugs to be prescribed in mental health facilities? Does the Minister intend implementing a regulation/law where any government-subsidised healthcare facility, organisation, and or researcher and doctor must disclose complete past and present pharmaceutical company or medical device financial support or affiliation? Can the Minister provide a current breakdown of the number of Australians prescribed antipsychotics, antidepressants and psychostimulants, by age, gender, state and by itemized drug in these classes? Of the total number of 2-16 year olds taking antipsychotics in 2009/10 (9,683) 79% were prescribed risperidone, towering over quietapine at 9% and alonazapine at 7%. NB: The total number of people PBS reports take clozapine is low: 894 in 2007/08, 952 in 2008/09 and 1003 in 2009/10, compared to olanzapine for the same period, 101,012; 105,337 and 104,407 respectively. That means the risk of death could be 87,000 or greater for those taking Clozapine. In Australia, obtaining statistics on psychiatric drug usage, especially by age group and drug is a lengthy and costly affair—upwards of $4,000 per request. Medicare has informed those seeking such statistics that they now must provide a detailed explanation for wanting the information and how it will be used. This is information that should be provided annually in health care statistics as a matter of transparency. See near bottom of this page for statistics references. Early Psychosis Training Pack, Module, 4, p. 6. Early Psychosis Training Pack, Module, 4, pp. 15-16. Richard Gosden, Ph.D., Chapter 10, Schismatic Mind: Early Psychosis, pp. 298-299. "Johnson & Johnson fined $1.1bn in Risperdal case", Herald Sun, 12 April 2012. "Clozapine monitoring least stringent in Australia," Medical Observer, 28 Feb 2012.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The company boosts interoperability improving its Cloud Partner Program to provide support services to cloud platforms. The IoT company expands the partner ecosystem adding compatibility with Arrow, Haibu and Labeeb Cloud Services. Today, at Mobile World Congress, Libelium presents new IoT solutions ready to be deployed on smart environment scenarios to develop projects for green cities, flood prevention, security and golf courses. With the aim to extend the interoperability that Libelium provides nowadays with a network of 36 certified cloud partners, the IoT company launches a new program providing business opportunities, technical support and marketing benefits to the clouds. This new Cloud Partner Program focuses on offering interoperability with Meshlium IoT Gateway to build successful cloud based services and better market positioning. "The best way to speed up the IoT adoption is offering our partners special services and benefits to create new business development opportunities together and to gain visibility and wider presence in a very fragmented market. Now we have a complete program that meets our partners' needs", states Alicia Asín, Libelium CEO. The company will be presenting the Cloud Program at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (February 27 – March 2) at stand 8.0F9 in the IoT Pavilion (hall 8). Libelium has packaged new solutions ready to be deployed in the form of kits available in The IoT Marketplace. These kits are direct translations from market needs and the result of leveraging the wide ecosystem of the company. With these new kits, The IoT Marketplace -launched one year ago now -moves forward with 50 final products packaged to accelerate the easy adoption of the IoT. Smartis has designed with Libelium a Green Cities Solution Kit that includes sound level sensor and dust particle matter (PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10). Cities and organizations demand meeting environmental regulations for air or noise pollution levels. EnsuraC&C has included new three IoT solutions. Flood Prevention Solution Kit allows to monitor water flows to provide an early warning system to prevent floods or other natural disasters. Smart Security Solution Kit enables Security, Defense, and First Responder forces to manage situations in real-time. The company has also worked on an IoT Development Kit to program any kind of solution based on EnsuraC&C Cloud. BaseN has worked on a Smart Golf Solution Kit to manage golf courses in terms of maintenance needs, player volumes and service information for users about weather and other environmental conditions. Hirisens has launched a Smart Parking Sigfox Solution Kit with Libelium technology that has been tested in the Basque Country (Spain) with more than 70 nodes deployed. Kerlink Development Kit is LoRa SPN embedded and allows to program a LoRaWan IoT solution with no fees associated. Labeeb IoT Development Kit provides the opportunity to develop solutions on top of Labeeb IoT platform. Haibu Smart Cloud is an horizontal IoT Platform that offers functionalities to gather, integrate, store and analyze data from sensors, analyzing information in real-time and visualizing insights to improve decision making and process optimization. Our dashboard integrated with historical and real-time data allows predictive models. Labeeb™ IoT is an Internet of Things applications enablement platform, which works according to the Platform-as-a-Service paradigm. It provides a wide of range of services to ease the development and deployment of IoT solutions. With the Labeeb™ IoT comprehensive suite of platform capabilities, tools and SDKs, third party companies and developers can achieve faster time-to-market for their IoT projects while reducing their overall R&D costs.
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American heritage brands' lack of extravagant ad campaigns or the perception of a complicated marketing strategy is a major part of their appeal. The idealized heritage brand marches on unaware and unconcerned with fashion trends, instead focusing on core customers and quality products. Filson is now trying to expand their business while staying loyal to their brand image. The Portland store exemplifies these efforts. I met Nathan Gray, Filson Store Manager, a couple days ago on my visit to the store and chatted a little about the possibility of Goldwin Inc, Filson's Japanese Distributor, opening a store in Tokyo. Yesterday I exchanged a few emails with Nathan and continued our conversation about the heritage movement and Filson's retail strategy. Here are a few questions with Nathan. Foster: How much business do you get from people buying Filson due to the recent interest in American heritage brands? Nathan: So far, the vast majority of our sales have been from our loyal Oregon customers who are delighted that we've opened a store closer than Seattle. I hope that our great location in the Pearl will turn a lot of new customers on to our brand. I believe that Portland will be an ideal location for us due to the interest in American heritage brands and the strong attraction this community has for natural products. Foster: So Filson is using the Portland store as concept store to test the waters of expanding Filson to a new market? Interesting. Nathan: I don't know that I would describe us as a "concept test store." One of the goals of any retailer is to increase their customer base, and hopefully the amount of exposure we will get here in the Pearl District will help in that aim. Filson's apparent marketing strategy differs from that of other American heritage brands like Woolrich and Red Wing, who have launched sub-brands to capture on the resurgence movement. These sub-brands, Woolrich Woolen Mills and Red Wing Heritage, have their own websites, sales distribution, and collections. Filson has instead tried to overhaul their own brand by putting up vintage ads on their website (as attached in the article), and launching stores in strategic locations, Portland and potentially Tokyo, to capitalize on the resurgence movement. My conversation with Nathan accentuated the differences between Filson and Woolrich and Red Wing's approach to capitalizing on the resurgence movement. It will be interesting to see how these two different approaches will weather the economic crisis and the current heritage fashion trend.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
John Kelly of the Irish Chamber Orchestra at the 2011 Irish America Wall Street 50 John Kelly of the Irish Chamber Orchestra plays a riveting rendition of "O'Carolan's Cocerto" follwed by an encore performance of "The Orange Blossom Special" at the annual Irish America Wall Street 50 awards dinner on September 22, 2011 at the New York Yacht Club. 2011 Wall Street 50 Awards Highlights Irish America magazine celebrated the 2011 Wall Street 50, an annual celebration of the best and brightest Irish Americans in finance, on September 22, 2011 at the New York Yacht Club. Among the speakers were Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore, Governor Martin O'Malley and keynote speaker Brian Ruane, CEO of BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services John KellyRead more.. Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore addresses the Irish America Wall Street 50 Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore delivers a speech at the Irish America Wall Street 50 awards dinner on September 22, 2011 at the New York Yacht Club. Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland addresses the Irish America Wall Street 50 Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland speaks at the 14th Annual Irish America Wall Street 50 awards dinner on September 22, 2011 at the New York Yacht Club. Brian Ruane of BNY Mellon Keynote address at the Irish America Wall Street 50 Brian Ruane, CEO of BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services delivers his Keynote address at the Irish America Wall Street 50 awards dinner. The Wall Street 50 awards honored the best and brightest Irish Americans in finance on September 22, 2011 at the New York Yacht Club.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
import * as React from 'react'; import { useUtils } from './useUtils'; import { ParseableDate } from '../constants/prop-types'; import { PickerOnChangeFn } from './useViews'; import { getMeridiem, convertToMeridiem } from '../time-utils'; export type OverrideParseableDateProps<TDate, TProps, TKey extends keyof TProps> = Omit< TProps, TKey > & Partial<Record<TKey, ParseableDate<TDate>>>; export function useParsedDate<TDate>( possiblyUnparsedValue: ParseableDate<TDate>, ): TDate | undefined { const utils = useUtils<TDate>(); return React.useMemo( () => typeof possiblyUnparsedValue === 'undefined' ? undefined : utils.date(possiblyUnparsedValue)!, [possiblyUnparsedValue, utils], ); } interface MonthValidationOptions { disablePast?: boolean; disableFuture?: boolean; minDate: unknown; maxDate: unknown; } export function useNextMonthDisabled( month: unknown, { disableFuture, maxDate }: Pick<MonthValidationOptions, 'disableFuture' | 'maxDate'>, ) { const utils = useUtils(); return React.useMemo(() => { const now = utils.date(); const lastEnabledMonth = utils.startOfMonth( disableFuture && utils.isBefore(now, maxDate) ? now : maxDate, ); return !utils.isAfter(lastEnabledMonth, month); }, [disableFuture, maxDate, month, utils]); } export function usePreviousMonthDisabled( month: unknown, { disablePast, minDate }: Pick<MonthValidationOptions, 'disablePast' | 'minDate'>, ) { const utils = useUtils(); return React.useMemo(() => { const now = utils.date(); const firstEnabledMonth = utils.startOfMonth( disablePast && utils.isAfter(now, minDate) ? now : minDate, ); return !utils.isBefore(firstEnabledMonth, month); }, [disablePast, minDate, month, utils]); } export function useMeridiemMode<TDate>( date: TDate, ampm: boolean | undefined, onChange: PickerOnChangeFn<TDate>, ) { const utils = useUtils<TDate>(); const meridiemMode = getMeridiem(date, utils); const handleMeridiemChange = React.useCallback( (mode: 'am' | 'pm') => { const timeWithMeridiem = convertToMeridiem<TDate>(date, mode, Boolean(ampm), utils); onChange(timeWithMeridiem, 'shallow'); }, [ampm, date, onChange, utils], ); return { meridiemMode, handleMeridiemChange }; }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Philadelphia school district starts 3-year solar training program By SD News On Oct 29, 2021 The Philadelphia Energy authority marked a milestone in Pennsylvania's just transition to clean energy with the opening of the Solar Training Lab at Frankford High School. "Philadelphia is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and that effort will create thousands of jobs," said Mayor Jim Kenney. "We need our young people to access those careers, and this lab will make sure they do. Congratulations to the school district, Frankford High School and the Philadelphia Energy Authority on this important milestone." Bright Solar Futures (BSF), funded by the US Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office, PECO and other industry partners, provides access to solar careers for young Philadelphians. The first of its kind three-year career and technical education (CTE) vocational training program will launch young people for careers in clean energy. "Supporting Bright Solar Futures and the opening of this new Solar Training Lab is at the intersection of two very important priorities for us at PECO: supporting clean energy sources to reduce the impact of climate change and promoting initiatives to empower the workforce. of tomorrow in clean energy," said Mike Innocenzo, PECO President and CEO. "We are proud to be involved in this program and look forward to the 'bright' future for these students." Emily Schapira, CEO of Philadelphia Energy Authority, said: "We are so proud to be here in Frankford today with these partners and these students. Solar energy is the fastest growing job in Pennsylvania, and this lab will ensure equal access to this Bright Solar Futures students train in solar installation, sales and design, along with weatherproofing, construction basics, and site safety, so that Philadelphia has the best-trained clean energy workforce in the region." News release from the Philadelphia Energy Authority FCNews kicks off annual Fantasy Football for a Cause Solar BOS Survey Report
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Fundamenta Informaticae - Volume 153, issue 1-2 ISSN 0169-2968 (P) ISSN 1875-8681 (E) Fundamenta Informaticae is an international journal publishing original research results in all areas of theoretical computer science. Papers are encouraged contributing: - solutions by mathematical methods of problems emerging in computer science - solutions of mathematical problems inspired by computer science. Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to): theory of computing, complexity theory, algorithms and data structures, computational aspects of combinatorics and graph theory, programming language theory, theoretical aspects of programming languages, computer-aided verification, computer science logic, database theory, logic programming, automated deduction, formal languages and automata theory, concurrency and distributed computing, cryptography and security, theoretical issues in artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, algorithmic game theory, bioinformatics and computational biology, quantum computing, probabilistic methods, & algebraic and categorical methods. Recommend this journal Editorial board Submissions Subscribe Methods for Distributed and Concurrent Systems: Special Issue on the occasion of the 60th Birthday of Professor Gabriel Ciobanu Authors: Aman, Bogdan | Kleijn, Jetty | Koutny, Maciej | Lucanu, Dorel Article Type: Other DOI: 10.3233/FI-2017-1528 Citation: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 153, no. 1-2, pp. v-vi, 2017 Modelling and Analysing Qualitative Biological Models using Rewriting Logic Authors: Alhumaidan, Abdullah | Steggles, Jason Abstract: Qualitative logical modelling techniques play an important role in biology and are seen as crucial for developing scalable methods for modelling and synthesizing biological systems. While a range of interesting work has been done in this area there still exists challenging issues that need to be addressed for the practical application of these modelling techniques. In this paper we present an algebraic framework for exploring these issues by developing techniques for modelling and analysing qualitative biological models using Rewriting Logic (RL) . The aim here is to develop a universal formal framework which is able to integrate models expressed in …different formalisms (e.g. Boolean networks, Petri Nets and process algebra) and provide a basis for new work in this area (e.g. merging models based on different formalisms; compositional model construction and analysis; and tools for synthetic biology). We take as our starting point Multi-valued networks (MVNs) , a simple yet expressive qualitative state based modelling approach widely used in biology. We develop a semantic translation from MVNs to a corresponding RL model and formally show that this translation is correct. We consider both the asynchronous and synchronous update semantics, and investigate the use of rewriting strategies to enable synchronisation to be modelled. We illustrate the RL framework developed and the potential RL analysis possible by presenting two detailed case studies. Show more Keywords: rewriting logic, qualitative modelling, genetic regulatory networks, multi-valued networks Citation: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 153, no. 1-2, pp. 1-28, 2017 Contradiction-Tolerant Process Algebra with Propositional Signals Authors: Bergstra, J.A. | Middelburg, C.A. Abstract: In a previous paper, an ACP-style process algebra was proposed in which propositions are used as the visible part of the state of processes and as state conditions under which processes may proceed. This process algebra, called ACPps, is built on classical propositional logic. In this paper, we present a version of ACPps built on a paraconsistent propositional logic which is essentially the same as CLuNs. There are many systems that would have to deal with self-contradictory states if no special measures were taken. For a number of these systems, it is conceivable that accepting self-contradictory states and dealing with …them in a way based on a paraconsistent logic is an alternative to taking special measures. The presented version of ACPps can be suited for the description and analysis of systems that deal with self-contradictory states in a way based on the above-mentioned paraconsistent logic. Show more Keywords: process algebra, propositional signal, propositional condition, paraconsistent logic Citation: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 153, no. 1-2, pp. 29-55, 2017 Semantics for Specialising Attack Trees based on Linear Logic Authors: Horne, Ross | Mauw, Sjouke | Tiu, Alwen Abstract: Attack trees profile the sub-goals of the proponent of an attack. Attack trees have a variety of semantics depending on the kind of question posed about the attack, where questions are captured by an attribute domain. We observe that one of the most general semantics for attack trees, the multiset semantics, coincides with a semantics expressed using linear logic propositions. The semantics can be used to compare attack trees to determine whether one attack tree is a specialisation of another attack tree. Building on these observations, we propose two new semantics for an extension of attack trees named causal …attack trees . Such attack trees are extended with an operator capturing the causal order of sub-goals in an attack. These two semantics extend the multiset semantics to sets of series-parallel graphs closed under certain graph homomorphisms, where each semantics respects a class of attribute domains. We define a sound logical system with respect to each of these semantics, by using a recently introduced extension of linear logic, called MAV, featuring a non-commutative operator. The non-commutative operator models causal dependencies in causal attack trees. Similarly to linear logic for attack trees, implication defines a decidable preorder for specialising causal attack trees that soundly respects a class of attribute domains. Show more Keywords: attack trees, semantics, causality, linear logic, calculus of structures P Systems Simulating Bacterial Conjugation: Universality and Properties Authors: Păun, Andrei | Rodríguez-Patón, Alfonso Abstract: We refine the modeling in the P systems area of the way bacteria transmit genetic information in bacterial colonies, specifically the conjugation process. We study this new model from the computational power perspective using methods and ideas in the area; we are able to prove the universality of these systems. We show that systems working in a homogeneous manner and using only 75 species of objects in the regions and 13 species of "on-membrane" objects are enough for reaching universality. The system starts in a initial state with only few (nine) bacteria needed and the "bacteria" from this system are …homogeneous, all have the same rules. Show more Keywords: P systems, Bacterial conjugation, universality, small universal machines Citation: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 153, no. 1-2, pp. 87-103, 2017 Binary Analysis based on Symbolic Execution and Reversible x86 Instructions Authors: Stoenescu, Teodor | Stefanescu, Alin | Predut, Sorina | Ipate, Florentin Abstract: We present a binary analysis framework based on symbolic execution with the distinguishing capability to execute stepwise forward and also backward through the execution tree. It was developed internally at Bitdefender and code-named RIVER. The framework provides components such as a taint engine, a dynamic symbolic execution engine, and integration with Z3 for constraint solving. In this paper we will provide details on the framework and give an example of analysis on binary code. Citation: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 153, no. 1-2, pp. 105-124, 2017 Concurrency Semantics in Continuation-Passing Style Authors: Todoran, Eneia Nicolae | Papaspyrou, Nikolaos Abstract: We present a denotational semantics designed in continuation-passing style (CPS) for an abstract language providing operators for nondeterministic choice, sequential and parallel composition, and a general mechanism of interaction between multisets of distributed actions. We show that the basic laws of concurrent systems are satisfied in this semantics. Next, by customizing the behavior of continuations we obtain denotational semantics for a couple of concurrent languages and a nature-inspired formalism. The languages discussed include Hoare's communicating sequential processes (CSP), and two formalisms based on multiparty interactions: a version of CSP extended with communication and synchronization on multiple channels, and a language …similar to a process algebra for DNA computing introduced by Cardelli. We accomplish the semantic investigation in the mathematical framework of complete metric spaces. Show more Keywords: continuation-passing style, denotational semantics, metric spaces, concurrency semantics Computational Efficiency of Minimal Cooperation and Distribution in Polarizationless P Systems with Active Membranes Authors: Valencia-Cabrera, Luis | Orellana-Martín, David | Martínez-del-Amor, Miguel A. | Riscos-Núñez, Agustín | Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. Abstract: Polarizationless P systems with active membranes are non-cooperative systems, that is, the left-hand side of their rules have a single object. Usually, these systems make use of division rules as a mechanism to produce an exponential workspace in linear time. Division rules are inspired by cell division, a process of nuclear division that occurs when a parent cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells. On the other hand, separation rules are inspired by the membrane fission process, a mechanism by which a biological membrane is split into two new ones in such a manner that the contents of the …initial membrane is distributed between the new membranes. In this paper, separation rules are used instead of division rules. The computational efficiency of these models is studied and the role of the (minimal) cooperation in object evolution rules is explored from a computational complexity point of view. Show more Keywords: Membrane Fission, Membrane Computing, Active membranes, Separation rules, Complexity classes, SAT problem Issue 2,3,4
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1. In a saucepan, heat the water on the stove.2. Add the teabags to the water, along with milk and spices.3. Bring tea to boil, boil till darkened to color you desire, preferably a rich caramel color.4. Now add the sugar or condensed milk and boil for another 30sec. 5. Remove from heat, and using a tea strainer, serve the tea in mugs immediately. Note: If using cardamom flavoured evaporated milk, there's no need to use cardamom pods. If using condensed milk then no use for sugar.
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to be mandatory at the beginning of 2020. during the lifetime of the plan. Fair Share Mitigation Impact Fees. Next message: domainremoved: "Another Winning Trade" Previous message: domainremoved: "Concerns re Willows Traffic Changes Proposed for 12/5 meeting"
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home/Sports/Clifford takes Kingdom out of the corner with belated idleness when Mayo boss Horan refuses to speak in solidarity act Clifford takes Kingdom out of the corner with belated idleness when Mayo boss Horan refuses to speak in solidarity act Kerry remains in a high position to secure a third Allianz League title after ending both Mayo's unbeaten run this season and their 12-season unbeaten run on Kerry soil last night. Notably, this was Kerry's first win over Mayo at home since 2009 when Jack O'Connor was in the first season of his second term as Kingdom boss. A point from David Clifford in sixth minute of stoppage time substitute Stephen O'Brien earned two points for Jack O'Connor's side. So far in this reign, his team has barely misplaced a single foot. They are currently on an eight-match unbeaten streak and have secured a spot in the tournament final with the most unlikely combination of the remaining penalty shootouts. Mayo still has a chance to be the tournament decider by the first weekend of April although at this stage their focus is probably shifting to the Connacht title match against Galway on April 24. . Mayo dominated territory early but converted only one of their three early scoring opportunities through Matthew Ruane as they struggled with Kerry's protective defence. Kerry responded with a brace – a spectacular first attempt by Clifford after he missed marker Oisín Mullin. Mayo nearly scored in the 11th minute when Fergal Boland was overturned and Dara Moynihan linked up with David Clifford, but Tony Brosnan chose to punch the ball over the bar rather than test goalkeeper Rob Hennelly. When given the opportunity, Mayo cornered Kerry and gave Shane Murphy a headache. Ruane flipped one of his re-emergences and linked up with Fergal Boland, who turned it into a one-point (4-3) game after 16 minutes. David Clifford was engaged for the only goal of the game as he started to move to link Adrian Spillane on the right and his pass was successfully completed by Tony Brosnan. Mayo should have responded immediately after Aidan O'Shea put Aiden Orme past, but he shot far away – and Mayo's poor finish cost them in the half as they went up 5 points from 3 the home team's goal, although Kerry missed three. short photo. Scores appreciated for the rest of the half and even though Clifford fouled Stephen Coen to kick Kerry's sixth point. All but two of those scores came directly from Mayo's first leg. Mayo's growing dominance in the middle third becomes more apparent despite Ruane, Jordan Flynn and Aidan O'Shea making major changes. The away team should have scored in stoppage time. Once again, Ruane joined the rally, but 'keeper Murphy made a brilliant save from Diarmuid O'Connor's shot that went wide of the post '45, Rob Hennelly diverted it to give Kerry a 1-6 to 0 lead- 6 at break. Brosnan and O'Donoghue (free) swapped points early in the second half. Then Kevin McLoughlin, who had only seconds on the field, overturned Kerry's possession. He teamed up with Aidan O'Shea, who linked up with Fergal Boland for a third. David Clifford was awarded a visionary corner, but O'Donoghue from the corner helped the game two points after scoring a superb mark. Paudie Clifford missed a 13-yard penalty where Kerry should have had a four-point advantage in the 56th minute and when O'Donoghue scored a harder goal on the other end shortly after, the game resumed. with 2 points again. Dara Moynihan was penalized for being too close to Rob Hennelly's long-range shot and O'Donoghue took the free kick before Ruane leveled with seven minutes remaining. Clifford free posting has restored Kerry's advantage; Paddy Durcan had two dangerous shots from long range in the sixth minute of stoppage time. Mullin won a questionable penalty that O'Donoghue nailed to level the score in the 73rd minute. But Kerry got out and Aidan O'Shea fouled his replacement Stephen O'Brien whom Clifford converted and it proved the winning score. For the first time Kerry prevailed in a tight finish. They will have concerns about the effectiveness of their midfield pairing. But on a night when the weather turns into a sport spoilt, they will be happy to finally win at home against Mayo. Mayo coach James Horan did not speak to the media before and after the game. According to a spokesman for the County Board of Directors, he was acting in solidarity with the GPA, who are in dispute with the Croke Park administration over the players' expenses. Scorer – Kerry: D Clifford 0-6 (2f); T Brosnan 1-2; J Savage 0-2 (2f); D Moynihan J Barry, 0-1 each. Mayo: R O'Donoghue 0-7 (6f, m); F Boland 0-3; M Ruane 0-2; R Hennelly ('45), A Orme 0-1 per team. Kerry: S Murphy; D Casey, J Foley, T O'Sullivan; G O'Sullivan, T Morley, B O'Beaglaioch; D O'Connor, J Barry; D Moynihan, J Savage, A Spillane; P Clifford, D Clifford, T Brosnan. Subs: S O'Brien to A Spillane (46), K Spillane to Savage (48), G Crowley to Casey (56), M Burns to P Clifford (66), P Warren to G O'Sullivan (70 + 4 ) . Mayo: R Hennelly; P O'Hora, L Keegan, M Plunkett; P Durcan, S Coen, O Mullin; J Flynn, M Ruane; D O'Connor, A O'Shea, J Carney; F Boland, A Orme, R O'Donoghue. Subs: E Hession to Coen (ht), K McLoughlin to Carney (43), F Irwin to Orme (56), C Loftus to Boland (67), F McDonagh to O'Connor (70 + 1). Referee: B Cawley (Kildare). https://www.independent.ie/sport/gaelic-games/gaelic-football/clifford-gets-kingdom-out-of-a-tight-corner-with-late-free-as-mayo-boss-horan-refuses-to-talk-in-solidarity-action-41440118.html Clifford takes Kingdom out of the corner with belated idleness when Mayo boss Horan refuses to speak in solidarity act Migrant fisherman sustains head injury during 18-hour shift: 'I want to be able to work legally' 'Fan token' company Socios accused of manipulating cryptocurrency prices Everton is "not for sale" despite takeover talks, emphasizes Farhad Moshiri Paul Gascoigne 'tore to pieces' an England hotel room after the World Cup axe. Tottenham manager Antonio Conte downplays Matt Doherty's injury fears Liverpool condemn Man City fans after 'disgusting' chants about stadium disaster
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El Greco's single-minded style rejected naturalism and rejected accessibility. Works such as The Disrobing of Christ (1577–79), The Burial of the Count of Orgaz (1586–88), and The Vision of St John (1608–14) reveal elongated, twisted figures; unreal colors; and an experimental rendering of space — all resistant to easy viewing and intent, instead, on an art of epic grandeur and intellectual beauty. Michael Scholz-Hänsel studied art history, history, theater studies, and Hispanic studies in Berlin and Hamburg, earning his doctorate in 1984. He has taught at Leipzig University since 2002 and has published widely, especially on topics relating to the Hispanic world. His research focuses on cross-cultural influences in the Mediterranean area, for example in the work of El Greco and Jusepe de Ribera.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe (Saimiri cassiquiarensis) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Kapuzinerartigen, die im westlichen Amazonasbecken vorkommt. Sie wird in zwei Unterarten unterteilt. Unterarten und Verbreitung Saimiri cassiquiarensis cassiquiarensis, die Nominatform, kommt im kolumbianischen Amazonasgebiet südlich des Río Guaviare, in Venezuela am Oberlauf des Orinoko (der Südwesten des Bundesstaates Amazonas) und in Brasilien nördlich des Solimões (Oberlauf des Amazonas) und des Rio Japurá vor. Der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe (Saimiri cassiquiarensis albigena) kommt in einem schmalen Streifen zwischen dem östlichen Abhang der nordöstlichen Anden (Cordillera Oriental) und den kolumbianischen Llanos zwischen den Provinzen Arauca und Boyacá im Norden und dem oberen Río Guaviare und dem Quellgebiet des Río Magdalena in der Provinz Huila im Süden vor. Für diese Unterart wurde 2009 der Artstatus vorgeschlagen. Merkmale Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe erreicht ein Gewicht von 550 bis 1200 g (Weibchen) bzw. 650 bis 1380 g (Männchen), hat eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von 28 bis 34 cm (Weibchen) bzw. 35 bis 37 cm (Männchen) und einen 34 bis 45 cm langen Schwanz. Alle Unterarten ähneln in ihrer Färbung sehr stark dem Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen (Saimiri sciureus). Bei der Nominatform des Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen ist die Basis der Haupthaare lediglich etwas mehr gelbbraun als beim Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen und der Rücken ist mehr rötlich, beim Pusch-Totenkopfaffen eher orange. Weibchen des Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen besitzen zwei schwarze Streifen über dem Ohr, die sich nach hinten bis in den Nacken und nach vorn bis über die Augen ziehen. Die Arme des Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen sind eher orange, eher grau beim Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen und aguti-grau beim Pusch-Totenkopfaffen. Weibliche Pusch-Totenkopfaffen haben einen dünnen, dunklen Backenbart, die weiße Gesichtsmaske reicht bis zu den Ohren. Lebensweise und Ernährung Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe lebt im immergrünen tropischen Regenwald, in Bergnebelwäldern, in Sümpfen, die mit Mauritia-Palmen bestanden sind, und in Galeriewäldern der Llanos. Die Affen leben in größeren Gruppen von 18 bis 35 Individuen und ernähren sich vor allem von Früchten und Insekten. Systematik Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe wurde 1840 durch den französischen Naturforscher René Primevère Lesson als Unterart des Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen beschrieben, der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe 1942 durch Pusch. Genetische Untersuchungen haben ergeben das die Nominatform sehr nah mit einer zwischen Solimões und Rio Juruá vorkommenden Population des Ecuador-Totenkopfaffen (S. macrodon) verwandt ist, wodurch S. macrodon polyphyletisch wird. Diese könnte bei einer zukünftigen Revision dem Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen als weitere Unterart zugeordnet werden. Gefährdung Die Nominatform wird von der IUCN als ungefährdet (Least Concern) gelistet. Der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe wird als potenziell gefährdet (Near Threatened) angesehen. Literatur Anthony B. Rylands, Russell A. Mittermeier, Bruna M. Bezerra, Fernanda P. Paim & Helder L. Queiroz: Family Cebidae (Squirrel Monkeys and Capuchins). Seiten 392 und 393 in Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 3: Primates. Lynx Edicions, 2013 ISBN 978-8496553897 Einzelnachweise Weblinks Kapuzinerartige
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Inspir' Talks Tech 30 September 2018 <18 November 2018 GOOGLE UPGRADES ENGAGEMENT IN AFRICA WITH AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) LABORATORY AND AN AI MASTER'S PROGRAMME by Isabella Muma Dr Moustapha Cisse (Courtesy of Sucess Story Africaines) Exponential growth in technology has led many to believe, the world is witnessing the start of a fourth industrial revolution, characterised by a combination of technologies that seek to merge the physical, digital and biological worlds. Being part of a technology driven society, it was only a matter of time before Africa became actively and strategically involved in the new age revolution swiping across the globe. According to Nouha Abardazzou of Africa Business Insight, although many African countries are still dealing with issues related to the first, second and third industrial revolutions such as electricity, mechanisation of production and automation, the ongoing industrial revolution, if used well, will enable Africa to become a major player in the world economy. Topping the charts in the realm of technological advancement is none other than the very popular Artificial Intelligence. An international analytics powerhouse known as SAS, describes Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a technology that makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. AI performs frequent, high-volume, computerized tasks reliably and without fatigue. AI analyses more and through deep neural networks, which was previously impossible, AI achieves incredible accuracy. AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms to let the data do the programming, also it gets the most out of data. When algorithms are self-learning, the data itself can become intellectual property. Most importantly, AI adds intelligence to existing products. Taking all these benefits into consideration, it is obvious that, if used responsibly, AI offers a wonderful opportunity to create a future of efficiency, reliability and satisfaction for our fast-paced world. Research from PricewaterhouseCoopers estimated artificial intelligence technologies could increase global GDP by $15.7 trillion, a full 14%, by 2030 of which $1.2 trillion would be added for Africa. In summary, AI is the future. No wonder IT moguls such as Google LLC has been very keen on scaling up its activities in this area. Find out how IHUB is taking tech to the next level in Nairobi In 2016, the company reportedly invested $30 billion on AI and machine learning research. Two years later it drew attention to itself by announcing a major move in the very young and fragile AI sector of Africa. Google decides to take this major step in Africa when majority market share models are now much more possible with AI as indicated by Eric Schmidt, former executive chairman and current technical advisor at Google. "AI has great potential to positively impact the world. So, it makes sense to us the world should be well represented in the development of AI. Our new AI centre in Accra joins the list of other locations around the world where we focus on AI"– Google. The Google AI research centre in Africa will be led by Senegalese born Dr. Moustapha Cisse, a former research scientist at Facebook. Mr. Cisse who recently joined the Google AI Research also doubles as an AIMS professor and founder of the organization Black in AI. This grand technological venture is expected to mobilize top notched machine learning researchers and engineers who will be committed to AI research, and its applications on the continent. Key areas of the project are research on medical diagnosis and treatment, fairness in machine learning, and interpretability and understanding of machine learning models, as disclosed by a Google spokesperson to VentureBeat. "We're excited to combine our research interests in AI and machine learning and our experience in Africa to push the boundaries of AI while solving challenges in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and education."-Moustapha Cisse, leader of Google AI Africa and Jeff Dean, senior fellow Google AI. Why Ghana? Although Africa has witnessed noticeable changes and recognisable advancement in terms of the internet technology, Africa continues to deal with the underlying issues of poor infrastructure and insufficient connectivity which hinder a mile stone technological development on a large and significant scale within the continent. None the less a few African countries have distinguished themselves from the others by taking significant action towards addressing these issues and creating a much more convenient nest for highly advanced technological endeavours like the AI project. Ghana ranks itself high on the list. Jeff Dean narrows Google's reasons to the robust network of academic institutions such as local universities and research centres like the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) as well as infrastructure present in Ghana. The company is said to be a major investor in bolstering these institutions and the infrastructure around it. The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) recently started a one-year intensive African Master's in Machine Intelligence (AMMI) in partnership with Facebook and Google, at the AIMS-Rwanda campus in Kigali, Rwanda. The AMMI program will provide brilliant young Africans with state-of-the-art training in machine learning and its applications. Each course on AMMI will be lectured by leading experts from prestigious African and international institutions, providing the AMMI students the best possible foundation. As pioneers of a growing ecosystem of African machine intelligence specialists, these students will be able to bring in leading edge skills to Africa's economy, governance and society at large. "Our goal with AMMI is to train a generation of young scientists who will bring a fresh perspective to machine intelligence research and contribute to advancing its development across Africa, for the benefit of its society" said Dr. Mouhamadou Moustapha Cissé, Founder and Director of the AMMI program and Professor of Machine Learning at AIMS. Meanwhile Facebook seeks to drive positive social and economic impact across Africa, and this partnership is a major move towards driving innovation by supporting the continent's already exciting tech ecosystem and talent pool. Get tips for tech entrepreneurs willing to attract investment Since Google entered the African technological sphere over ten years now, 10 million Africans are estimated to benefit from its overall digital skills training program with 2 million people having already completed the course. Google is supporting 100,000 developers and over 60 tech Start-ups through its Launchpad Accelerator Africa, while trying to adapt its products to make it easy for people to enjoy proper internet services, even on low-RAM smartphones or unstable network connections. It may not seem as such, but Africa is in the process of transforming into a technological playground and a viable player on the global market. Artificial Intelligence can take Africa there! From the 13th through the 15th of November 2018, the world's number one AI event for business will take place in Cape town, South Africa under the theme, Human capacity truly reimagined. The launch of the AI Summit Cape Town as part of AfricaCom this year is expected to bring together leading global multinationals as well as regional powerhouses with the aim of uncovering the true opportunity AI presents for the most forward-thinking enterprises, tackling the challenges around people-change management, upskilling the workforce, creating deeper relationships with customers and partners as well as understanding the business case. Advanced technologies are therefore not a luxury. It is crucial to Africa, as stated by Getnet Assefa, founder of iCog, Ethiopia's first AI lab. Artificial Intelligence, Ghana, Google, Mouhamadou Mustapha Cisse, Senegal Isabella Muma More from Isabella Muma AFRICA'S MARKET: THE SEARCH FOR SKILLED LABOUR IS ON THE RISE Considering the fact that Africa is now actively partaking in the promising... MEET CATHERINE MAHUGU, FOUNDER OF SOKO 4 QUESTIONS TO CHRIS KWEKOWE FINTECH IN AFRICA: CHATBANKING BRINGS THE BANK TO YOU! Previous articleTHE NEW MILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY Next articleROTATING SAVINGS AND CREDIT ASSOCIATION : FROM THE VILLAGE TO THE MOBILE Victoire Djanhan: "I am convinced that many African entrepreneurs would have a bigger chance to access credit if they had benefitted a strong education on finance" Simi Launay: "SOW is a wellness brand that has been created with the needs of people of African, Asian and Arab origins in mind" EUNICE AJIM: "MORE AFRICAN ENTREPRENEURS NEED TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES ON WHAT VCs LOOK FOR IN COMPANIES" SIMI LAUNAY: "As an artist, you have to fit into the program of many brick and mortar galleries for them to add you to their roster." Oxford Africa Business Forum 2020: 'The Youth of Africa: Accessing the Opportunity, Navigating the Challenge' Albert Habimana on MALLENCE BART WILLIAMS: "AFRICA SUFFERS OF A VIRUS THAT NEEDS TO BE CURED:'EUROPEAN INFLUENCIA' Zachary A. Lomo on MALLENCE BART WILLIAMS: "AFRICA SUFFERS OF A VIRUS THAT NEEDS TO BE CURED:'EUROPEAN INFLUENCIA' adejoke on THE OYOTUNJI VILLAGE: A MINI YORUBA EMPIRE IN THE USA Sadiq Abdul-rahman on MALLENCE BART WILLIAMS: "AFRICA SUFFERS OF A VIRUS THAT NEEDS TO BE CURED:'EUROPEAN INFLUENCIA' Isabella on THE BOOK BAR #4 : A BLACK STORY Business, Tech SAFARICOM'S M-PESA ACADEMY: REVOLUTIONIZING INNOVATION
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Clay City, Illinois is the 10,693rd largest city in the United States as of 2017. Clay City, Illinois is a village. Clay City, Illinois is currently 7.6% smaller than it was in 2000, the year of its peak recorded population. Clay City, Illinois's growth is below average. 68% of similarly sized cities are growing faster since 2000.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
WHAT COLOR WAS JESUS THE CHRIST The most common answer, "He was not blond and blue-eyed like they show him in movies and paintings. He was darker than that, like the people who live in North Africa today." However, the average American today looks nothing like the average American 500 years ago when Columbus arrived. So why expect the North Africans of today to necessarily resemble those of more than 2,000 years ago? Some point to phrases in the Bible that say, "His eyes are like blazing fire, his feet like burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of many waters." which would indicate a very black man with a deep voice. And there are depictions of Christ like this in some Black churches, and some ancient statues and paintings show him this way. However, doesn't the second commandment explicitly forbid the making of "graven images?" So how come there are so many depictions of Christ, as Black or white? Muslims have no depiction of Jesus Christ or any of the prophets, neither do Jews, or many Christian sects. However, Catholics and many Protestant sects do have icons, usually of a white Jesus. And note that it is Catholics and the Protestant sects with the white Jesus icon that sent out missionaries in the wake of the European conquerors and colonizers. Note that the literal meaning of "Catholic" is "universal." The Catholic Church purports to be universal, a faith for everyone. However, how can any faith that holds that certain of its members look like God, and others do not, be all-encompassing? Once the prophets, or God himself, as many Christians hold Jesus Christ to be, is pictured as any color, then all who are not of that color would have to have a lesser status. However, there is an even deeper question. Did Jesus Christ really exist? Because this is a predominantly Christian country, the mass media acts as if Jesus Christ is an undisputed, real historical figure. As a result many, if not most, are not aware that there is a historical debate as to whether or not such a person really existed. Who or what one believes, or does not believe, is a purely personal matter. But it is a fact that there is great controversy over Christ's authenticity. Here is a little test. Tell me, who am I referring to? He died in his 33rd year. He said the man married to his mother was not his father. He said he was fathered by a God. He was called, "King of Kings." And the name "Issus" was connected to him. Who was that? Jesus? Yes, but all these things are also true of Alexander the Great. It has been claimed that Christ is a re-configuring of the supreme Western conquerer, Alexander, as a supremely religious figure. The Persians invaded and conquered Egypt in 666 BCE. The Greeks under Alexander came in 333 BCE. Alexander's general Ptolemy, after Alexander's death, inherited the throne of Egypt and was declared Pharaoh. The Ptolemaic line was the last Pharaonic dynasty; its last member was Cleopatra. After Cleopatra, the Romans seized Egypt. The Romans, at first, persecuted the Christians until, that is, the Emperor Constantine converted to the Christian faith. However, Walter Williams in The Historical Origins of Christianity disputes that last claim. He offers evidence that Constantine did not convert to Christianity, but, instead, created it! Williams says that the Romans were not putting Christians to death, that they were persecuting the last stubborn remnants of the original, ancient Egyptian religion. Constantine, says Williams, ceased his attacks on them once they agreed to convert Egyptian religion into what is now known as Christianity. That is why the earliest statues of Christ and his mother are Black. They are based on the Egyptian holy figures Isis and her son, Osiris. Notre Dame and many European cathedrals are, in fact, built on sites that were originally temples to Isis. Notice, how in Southern Europe the "Mother of God," is often given as much, if not more, attention and veneration than Christ. Williams, and others, say this is because Mary is really a refiguring of the goddess Isis, and Jesus is a recasting of her son, Osiris. The Romans badly needed a central religious figure to hold together their ever expanding Empire. Observe that the Pope is called the "Pontiff." One of the titles of the Roman Emperor was "Pontifex Maximus." Also, look at the hat, called the "mitre," that the Pope and all the bishops of the Catholic Church wear. It is based on the double crown of the Egyptian pharaoh. The pharaoh was the intermediary between the people and the gods, the Roman Emperor and later the pope assumed that pivotal role. After the fall of Rome, the various kings that rose up across Europe claimed to rule by, "Divine Right." So we see that starting with the simple question, "What color was Christ?" we can explore a host of historical issues and perspectives. But, bottom line, what is the truth? Only you can decide. However, unless you read and think for yourself, others will make up your mind for you and thereby decide your fate. Would that not be a waste? by Dr. Arthur Lewin, author of Africa Is Not A Country: It's A Continent www.AfricaUnlimited.com www.ReadLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt.com 2018-05-13T07:05:27+00:00By Ramsees|Comments Off on WHAT COLOR WAS JESUS THE CHRIST
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Do you know of any legally published process for making certain you have the most important feature novelty, recency in the thesis for your essay? Thought so. Me neither of them. Textbooks and teachers just show you pieces of writing that contain newness in them, and they say, Do it like that. Means, sure, they give you isolated types of the forms you should use, including Introductions, Thesis Statements, Matter Sentences, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions. But they never give you a specific, reusable p-r-o-c-e-s-s for creating any of them, do they? They have kind of like a shoemaker exhibiting an apprentice a pack full of shoes and stating, Here's what they look like. Right now make some like these. Right? Yeah, right! That's why I've truly written this to share with you a proven process for creating novelty, recency for your essays. Avtohlamu - Horror gothic adjectives by eyeofthefly teaching. Worksheet used with year 7 8's in conjunction with 'gothic novel create your own' resource, as a feed in to them exploring the castle of otranto and frankenstein suggestion: circle three from the options and then add three 'unique' adjectives of y. Study the word list: adjectives to describe a scary setting. Study the word list: adjectives to describe a scary setting learn about the words: adjectives to describe a scary setting using look, say, cover, write, check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. Horror scary: a horror of adjectives. Horror writers in particular hear the siren call of the adjective we want to scare people, to describe our settings, monsters, and scenes in the most gruesome and frightening way possible, and to improve on every image by pouring a syrupy sauce of adjectives over them. Eyeofthefly teaching resources tes. Eyeofthefly horror gothic adjectives this resource was revised from its original format in april 2016 after teaching further analysis of the wonderful 'poppies' jane weir and belfast confetti by ciaran carson all poems listed have extensive notes within each table an extensive resource showing title author birth date learning. Gothic horror adjectives for events bing. Source #2: adjectives test 9th grade free pdf download english teaching worksheets: 9th states and events for s level gradable adjectives gothic horror adjectives for free pdf download now!!! related searches for gothic horror adjectives for events related searches modern gothic horror. Adverbs: a horror story? : wordshop :. : wordshop when developing writers are striving to be more "descriptive" and vivid in their creative writing, they often turn to adverbs as one of their enhancement tools understandably since they are words that are intended to modify or qualify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs however, when students begin to learn some of the more sophisticated standards for writing. Horror lesson plans & worksheets lesson planet. Horror lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning lesson planning articles timely and inspiring teaching ideas that you can apply in your classroom and choosing the best adjectives and verbs for their writing use the get free access see review improving a paragraph. Adverbs: a horror story? : wordshop : thinkmap visual. Thinkmap visual thesaurus: wordshop when developing writers are striving to be more "descriptive" and vivid in their creative writing, they often turn to adverbs as one of their enhancement tools understandably since they are words that are intended to modify or qualify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs however, when students begin to learn some of the more sophisticated standards. Vocabulary words for writing scary stories pen and the pad. Description is one of the four main forms of discourse, according to david grambs' "the describer's dictionary " when writing scary stories, use a thesaurus or other vocabulary reference book to enhance your description of events, places and characters the more interesting your vocabulary, the better your readers. Gothic horror short stories resource pack & sow for year. Teaching & learning resource from zigzag education for gothic horror short stories resource pack & sow for year 9 gifted & talented pupils study 4 gothic horror stories all carefully selected for their interest these short, accessible texts invite analysis of complex aspects such as narrative structure and language gothic horror.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Workers passing busy hours at a factory of Hatil. Photo: Collected from internet. Furniture export from the country has been experiencing a positive trends over the last ten years. In continuation of that trend, the sector has exceeded the export target set by the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) in the last fiscal. In fiscal year 2017-18 (FY18), the country exported furniture products worth $6.31 crore, up 20.27 percent from the fiscal 2016-17 (FY17). Furniture items worth $5.25 crore were exported in FY17. According to EPB, the country targeted to export furniture products worth $6.10 crore in FY18. That means, the real figure surpassed the export target by $21 lac. Quoting president of Bangladesh Furniture Exporters' Association (BFEA) K M Akhtaruzzaman BSS said, the furniture industry has been able to consolidate its position in the domestic market over the last ten years. The manufacturers are producing quality products with innovative designs, quality wood and technical skills.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
#include <iostream> #include "eval.h" #include "env.h" #include "load.h" #include "utils.h" namespace { using namespace mclisp; ConsCell *Evcon(const ConsCell *clauses, ConsCell *env) { TYPECHECK(clauses, Listp); if (Null(clauses)) return kNil; TYPECHECK(Car(clauses), Consp); if (*Eval(Caar(clauses), env)) return Eval(Cadar(clauses), env); return Evcon(Cdr(clauses), env); } ConsCell* Evlis(ConsCell* lst, ConsCell* env) { TYPECHECK(lst, Listp); if (Null(lst)) return kNil; return Cons(Eval(Car(lst), env), Evlis(Cdr(lst), env)); } } // namespace namespace mclisp { ConsCell *Eval(const ConsCell *exp, ConsCell *env /* env::g_user_env */) { if (Atom(exp)) return env::Lookup(env, exp); if (Atom(Car(exp))) { if (EQ(Car(exp), QUOTE)) return Cadr(exp); if (EQ(Car(exp), ATOM)) return FromBool(Atom(Eval(Cadr(exp), env))); if (EQ(Car(exp), EQ)) return FromBool(Eq(Eval(Cadr(exp), env), Eval(Caddr(exp), env))); if (EQ(Car(exp), COND)) return Evcon(Cdr(exp), env); if (EQ(Car(exp), CAR)) return Car(Eval(Cadr(exp), env)); if (EQ(Car(exp), CDR)) return Cdr(Eval(Cadr(exp), env)); if (EQ(Car(exp), CONS)) return Cons(Eval(Cadr(exp), env), Eval(Caddr(exp), env)); if (EQ(Car(exp), DEFUN)) { ConsCell *fname = Cadr(exp); ConsCell *formals = Caddr(exp); ConsCell *body = Cdddr(exp); ConsCell *lambda = Append(List(BUILTIN(LAMBDA), formals), body); env::g_user_env = env::Extend(env::g_user_env, fname, lambda); return fname; } if (EQ(Car(exp), EVAL)) return Eval(Eval(Cadr(exp), env), env); if (EQ(Car(exp), LOAD)) { // We append ".lisp" because '.' can't be a valid symbol character (since // symbols can have whitespace and '.' is also used for dotted lists). LoadFile(ToLower(SymbolName(Eval(Cadr(exp), env))) + ".lisp"); return kNil; } if (EQ(Car(exp), PRINT)) { ConsCell *v = Eval(Cadr(exp), env); std::cerr << *v << std::endl; return v; } return Eval(Cons(env::Lookup(env, Car(exp)), Cdr(exp)), env); } if (EQ(Caar(exp), LABEL)) return Eval(Cons(Caddar(exp), Cdr(exp)), env::Extend(env, Cadar(exp), Car(exp))); if (EQ(Caar(exp), LAMBDA)) { ConsCell *body = Caddar(exp); ConsCell *formals = Cadar(exp); ConsCell *parameters = Cdr(exp); if (Listp(formals)) PARITY_CHECK(formals, parameters); // The double Listp check is wasteful, but I think it makes the code easier // to read. auto extendfn = Listp(formals) ? env::ExtendAll : env::Extend; ConsCell *values = Evlis(parameters, env); ConsCell *newenv = extendfn(env, formals, values); return Eval(body, newenv); } ERROR("Invalid expression: " + ToString(exp)); } } // namespace mclisp
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Find you lots of treasures! Hello. I'm Rosemarie, and welcome to my wonderful Directoire Knickers Website. All my life I have been involved with knickers in one way or another, and this website has been created to complement my old-established Directoire Knickers, Corsetry and Traditional Underwear Business. Its other purpose is to openly present knickers as a continuing source of fun, pleasure, and satisfaction for you all. So why not come in and take a look around because I feel sure that all you lovers of women's knickers will be delighted with what you will find! A few examples of my wonderful directoire knickers! Of rayon, lovely nylon, AND cotton for a change. They'll fit the slimmest person or those wide in the beam. You want to have some pleasure? Then we will show you how. There's over a hundred items and the prices are special too. So if you have a favourite then mail me before it's sold. Fills me with dread. I hope you like the lot. There's knickers for fourteen to twenty eight waists. The prices are good so I'm sure they won't hurt.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Does the dark web aid and abet terrorist groups? Juliana Kenny Mar 31, 2016, 2:58 PM EDT (Source: Image Catalog/flickr) As the threat of ISIS spreads around the world, taking hold of countries including France, Belgium, and the U.S., governments are grasping to understand how the terrorist organization proliferates. One fact has become clear: ISIS has money, and governments are now looking at systems such as the "dark web", bitcoin, and other underground networks to see if they are partially to blame for helping terrorist groups find and secure funding. The 2016 CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey on Internet Security and Trust, undertaken by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and conducted by global research company Ipsos interviewed 24,143 web users in 24 countries between November 20, 2015 and December 4, 2015. 71% of those respondents said that the "dark net" should be shut down. Three in 10 respondents said the dark net should remain in existence. This disparity highlights a few points, one of which is that most users probably don't know exactly what the dark net is and associate it with the underbelly of the internet and criminal activity. Indeed, the dark net — networks primarily used for illegal file-sharing and what have become associated with systems such as the Silk Road and Pirate Bay — is the home for plenty of illegal activity. But in the wake of devastating terrorist attacks, the world is scrambling to understand how groups such as ISIS stay funded, and it sees the dark net as a threat in this regard, mainly because most people don't understand what it is or how it works. That isn't the only unknown. Some governments are attempting to figure out if and how they should regulate systems like bitcoin to get a better hold on the underbelly of the internet. In January, Germany and France both called for stricter bitcoin regulation and regulation of payments systems on the web to insure against financing terrorism. It's difficult to find evidence of bitcoin used for funding terrorist group activity, but because the jury is still out on whether or not the dark net allows such financing to fly under the radar, it's a popular culprit. Still, around one-third of respondents to the aforementioned survey believe the dark net should stay — something no amount of government policy or public opinion will actually determine. And Fen Hampson, director of CIGI's Global Security & Politics Program and co-director of the Global Commission on Internet Governance says that the anonymity aspect of the dark web is what complicates the issue for many people. He said: "The opinions expressed by global citizens on the Dark Net, a faceless realm functioning purely on anonymity, demonstrate the complexity of this issue for policymakers and governments around the world. Simply put, anonymity and the privacy of users must be central determinants in guiding the future of creating systems and boundaries to govern the Internet." As the global threat of ISIS continues to impact policy-making, the shadowy sections of the internet will undoubtedly remain in the mix. France-Technology U.S.-Technology Germany-Technology Australia-Technology The net neutrality debate is in for the long haul Social media grows as primary news source France unveils plan for de-radicalization Sinai insurgency reshaping region through chaos Morocco foils ISIS chemical attack U.S. agency looks to social data to fight ISIS Netanyahu's trip aims to boost Israel-Africa ties Dozens dead in suicide attack at Istanbul airport
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Put your beer-drinking skills to good use on a self-guided beer tour and mystery investigation through Carrboro. Solve a mysterious disappearance as you enjoy a blind beer tasting and scavenger hunt. Explore Carrboro by foot on a guided walking tour. Check out the scenic sights with a professional, snapping plenty of photos long the way. Cute date night idea, we enjoyed it!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment Association Membership Purpose Board of Directors Constitution Reunions Scholarships KIA Index KIA Photos Needed KIA Tributes Rosters History War Stories Photos Guestbook Links Contact Back KIA Index Search 1LT James Oris Blankenship In memory of our fallen brother "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother" 2nd Battalion "Not For Fame or Reward Not For Place or For Rank But In Simple Obedience To Duty as They Understood It" The 35th Infantry Regiment Association salutes our fallen brother, 1LT James Oris Blankenship, who died in the service of his country on January 8th, 1968 in Quang Tin Province, Vietnam. The cause of death was listed as Rocket/Mortar. At the time of his death James was 24 years of age. He was from Independence, Missouri. James is honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Panel 34E, Line 4. The decorations earned by 1LT James Oris Blankenship include: the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Parachute Badge, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal and the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Unit Citation. My husband, James Oris Blankenship, was killed in VN on Jan 8, 1968. We met just before he graduated from OCS at Ft Benning (Class #10-66). We dated while he was assigned to jump school at Ft Benning. It was truly Gods design to have us fall in love and have what little time we had together. We were married at Ft Sill, Oklahoma where we were blessed with a son before he left for VN (Douglas James, now 42). Our sons twin daughter (Julia Mae), died 7 days after birth. In those 2 months of fatherhood before going to VN, I saw a man torn between the desire to be with his family and raise his son and his loyalty to his country. We mourn his loss each day. And feel sad for those who never had the chance to spend time with this wonderful and beautiful person. Jill Blankenship Riedel -- Peoria AZ USA -- 05/30/2010 Lt. Blankenship is buried at Fort Sill, OK From the book Through the Valley, Vietnam, 1967-1968 by James F Humphries, at p. 134: "More troops were on the way to reinforce 4-31. During the early evening hours of 8 January the Americal Division had directed the 2-35th Infantry, 3d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division into the Hiep Duc Valley. The 2-35th Infantry would share FSB West with 4-31 and operate between Hill 445 and the Chang River. The battalions Company D would go first, with the remainder of 2-35 closing sometime on the 10th. And from page 138: "By 0430 (9 January) the movement had ceased, and the NVA pulled back down the hill. Mellon reported the company at 50 percent alert. Company D, 2-35th Infantry, in positions on the south side of the perimeter, had two (Jackson and Quitmeyer) killed and three wounded during the NVA attack." "At the end of February, the 3d Brigade, 4th Infantry Division ceded its operational area to the 196th LIB and, minus the 2-35th Infantry that followed later, moved south to rejoin the 4th Infantry Division. ... When the dust settled 4-31 was on LZ Colt; 1-6 had secured LZ Baldy; 2-35 had FSB Ryder; 2-1 was at LZ Ross; 3-21 remained on FSB Center; and 1-1st Cavalry Squadron continued to operate in the eastern sector of the Que Son Valley and the costal lowlands." (His BSM Citation) The Bronze Star Medal is presented to First Lieutenant James O Blankenship for meritorious service in connection with military operations against an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. First Lieutenant Blankenship distinguished himself while serving as a Platoon Leader with Company D, 2/35th Infantry during the period September 1967 to January 1968. Upon taking command of his platoon, First Lieutenant Blankenship demonstrated fine leadership ability and honed his men in infantry tactics as a small unit as well as an integral part of the company. Under the strain and hardships of combat, he remained calm and accomplished all missions in a highly professional manner. Through his cheerful attitude and deep concern for his men, he earned the respect and admiration of his men, fellow officers, and superiors. On 9 January 1968, First Lieutenant Blankenship was participating in a combat assault in Quang Tin Province when fragments from a nearby exploding mortar round mortally wounded him. His aggressiveness, professional integrity, and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Heretic Outreach picks Sundance Competition title "Human Factors" Heretic Outreach is proud to add to its slate the sophomore suspense drama HUMAN FACTORS (previously known as ZORRO) by Ronny Trocker, produced by Zischlermann filmproduktion, Bagarrefilm, Snowglobe and ZDF and set to world premiere in competition at Sundance. Told through narrative loops and shifting lenses, the film places in the center of the narrative a family only to unveil the fragility of truth in the hyper-mediatized world and the power of individual perspective. The film follows Jan, Nina and their two kids, a cosmopolitan, middle-class family. Nina and Jan have a successful career as account executives at their advertising company, but when Jan accepts to work on the campaign of a political party, Nina's exclusion from the decision-making leads to doubting and mistrust. When they decide to spend a family weekend at their house in a coastal holiday resort, a mysterious home invasion sets everything off balance. While they try to put the incident into perspective, agitation triggers off a shake in the family core. Ioanna Stais, Head of Sales & Acquisitions at Heretic Outreach, comments: "HUMAN FACTORS is a visually stunning and intense experience. When diving into the world of the film, you can't help falling for its narrative techniques and the intriguing characters. What we find remarkable about the film is that, weeks after first watching it, we are still peeling off different layers of the narrative and discovering new ways of approaching it". Ronny Trocker was born in Bolzano, Italy, and grew up in a small village in the Northern Italian Alps. He lives and works mainly in Brussels. His work includes documentary, fictional and experimental short films as well as video installations, which have been shown at various festivals worldwide. In 2016, his first feature film THE EREMITES premiered in Venice Film Festival's Orizzonti section. The film was nominated for the FIPRESCI Prize at the European Film Awards 2017.
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HomePosts tagged 'church and state' Pittsburgh Christian Academy Tries to Become a Charter School to Cash in on Taxpayer Funding February 5, 2019 February 5, 2019 stevenmsinger Accountability, Betsy DeVos, Budget, capitalism, Charter Schools, church and state, Civil Rights, Corporate Education "Reform", Education, Local Control, Parents, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Public Schools, Politics, privatization, School Choice, School Funding, school vouchers, Schools, Students, Teachers, Tom Wolf charter schools, church and state, education, First Amendment, Imani Christian Academy, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Public Schools, public schools, separation of church and state, U.S. Constitution The line between public and private school is getting awfully thin in Pittsburgh. City public school directors received a request from Imani Christian Academy, a religious school in the East Hills, to be allowed to transform into Imani Academy Charter School for the Fall term of 2019. Though parochial schools have metamorphosed into charter schools in Florida, Tennessee and Washington, D.C., this would be the first such transformation in Pennsylvania, according to Ana Meyers, executive director of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools. The change would require Imani to give up its religious curriculum in exchange for being fully funded by taxpayer dollars. However, there are numerous red flags in the school's application that make one wonder if operators are being entirely honest about giving up a faith-based curriculum. First, there is the proposal by the school, itself. The application does not specify that religious values will be taught in the classroom. However, its personnel budget lists a comparative religion teacher on staff. The list of proposed teachers also includes a middle/high school religious studies teacher. That's not exactly common practice at most public schools though teaching about religion in a secular context is allowed. According to the Anti-defamation League's Website: "Public schools may not teach religion, although teaching about religion in a secular context is permitted. The Bible may be taught in a school, but only for its historical, cultural or literary value and never in a devotional, celebratory or doctrinal manner, or in such a way that encourages acceptance of the Bible as a religious document." Even so, it's awfully convenient that a school whose mission statement currently includes "We share Christ with our children daily and seek to help them grow into mature Christians" would somehow magically become secular overnight. If Imani's charter is approved, it would be required to discontinue any religious component in its curriculum. The state school code requires even charter schools to be "nonsectarian in all operations." The proposed academy would not be permitted to display any religious objects or symbols on the premises. Yet one wonders who will check to make sure this actually happens. Charter schools are not required to be nearly as transparent as fully public schools. They are not required to have open meetings of school directors, release their documents for public inspection or any of a host of other safeguards that you'll find standard at the state's hundreds of fully public districts. Pennsylvania charter schools have had operators embezzle millions of dollars from taxpayers to buy private jets, apartments and jewelry. It took investigators years to uncover such graft. Will the few auditors tasked with keeping charter schools honest even be equipped to determine whether parochial schools suddenly turned charter actually refrain from ministering to students? According to Public Source, a nonprofit digital newspaper covering the Pittsburgh area, one of the qualities Imani is looking for in an operator for its charter school is the ability to use the school building after-school hours for religious instruction and activities. So during the day, there will be an entirely secular K-12 school at the site of the present day parochial school that just happens to teach comparative religious studies. Then at a certain time of day, it will transform into an optional religious school offering church functions!? This is a violation of the Separation of Church and State waiting to happen. But it's not only the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution that is in danger of being trampled. Imani's proposal is not fiscally responsible. The charter application proposes its CEO/head of school be paid a salary of $145,000 a year for an institution that would enroll merely 230 students. Pittsburgh Public School Superintendent Dr. Anthony Hamlet earns a salary of $210,000 a year and he oversees a district with 24,652 students! The proposed academy would also employ a principal at $85,000 annual salary. That's not exactly good reimbursement of services for the outlay of cash taxpayers are expected to pay. Imani has struggled financially for several years. In 2014, the school had more than $400,000 in additional expenses over its revenue, according to its form 990 filed with the IRS. The very next year, it had a budget surplus of almost the same amount. By 2016 – the most recent year on file – its expenses again were more than its revenue – this time by more than $500,000. Imani CEO and Head of School Paulo Nzambi explained the up and down budgeting to state officials in 2017 this way. The parochial school relied on the state's defacto school voucher program – the Education Improvement Tax Credit. However, payments were delayed resulting in the use of a line of credit to pay bills. It's just such financial uncertainties that are pushing Imani to become a charter school in the first place. Even with school vouchers, parochial schools rely heavily on tuition from parents. However, you always know where the money is coming from in a charter school. Like religious and private schools, these institutions are privately managed – but like public schools they're funded entirely by taxpayers. Before setting up shop, any new charter school in Pennsylvania must get the approval of the school board from the district where it would be located. If the board does not approve the application, charter school administrators can appeal to the state Charter Appeals Board. Pittsburgh school board held a public hearing on Imani's application in December and earlier this month. Next, the district's review team will offer its suggestions on the application. District solicitor Ira Weiss says the board is scheduled to vote on the matter at its Feb. 27 meeting. If approved, the district would be required to pay for each student at the new charter school based on the district's per-student spending formula. The Pittsburgh district already pays approximately $82.8 million – about 13 percent of its total budget – for charter school tuition. Imani Christian Academy currently operates out of the former East Hills Elementary School building, which it purchased from the city school district for $1 million in 2008. The objections brought up here are really just the tip of the iceberg. The proposal leaves many questions unanswered. For instance, though the new academy would be located within the geographical boundaries of the Pittsburgh Public School District, where would it get its students from? Would current students at the religious school get preferential enrollment – and what if they don't already live in and pay taxes to Pittsburgh? Let's hope Pittsburgh school directors do the right thing and deny this request. Still can't get enough Gadfly? I've written a book, "Gadfly on the Wall: A Public School Teacher Speaks Out on Racism and Reform," now available from Garn Press. Ten percent of the proceeds go to the Badass Teachers Association. Check it out! School Choice Week – Choosing Away Your Choice January 24, 2018 stevenmsinger Accountability, Betsy DeVos, Budget, capitalism, Charter Schools, church and state, Civil Rights, Corporate Education "Reform", Education, Local Control, Parents, Politics, Prejudice, privatization, Propaganda, Racism, School Choice, school closings, School Funding, school segregation, school vouchers, Schools, segregation, small class size, Social Justice, Standardized Testing, Students, Teachers, Unions charter schools, church and state, Local Control, Privatize, propaganda, public schools, scam, scandal, School Choice, School Choice Week, school vouchers School Choice Week is one of the greatest scams in American history. It is a well-funded, thoroughly organized attempt to trick parents into signing away their right to make educational choices about their children. It goes like this: Salesman: Would you like a choice? Parent: Sure! Salesman: Then just agree to never have another choice again. That's it in a nutshell. Choose not to choose. When you decide to send your child to a so-called choice school – a charter or voucher institution – you lose almost every other choice about what happens at your child's school. Sound impossible? Let me count the decisions you lose by signing on the dotted line. When you send your child to a school paid for with public money but run by a private organization, you lose: –AN ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD, so you have no say about what the school does. –OPEN DOCUMENTS, so you have no right to see budgets, spending agreements, bids, contracts, etc. –OPEN MEETINGS, so you have no public place to speak up to the people who run your school. –RIGHT TO SELF-GOVERNMENT, so you have no right to run for a leadership position on the school board. Instead you're at the mercy of appointed flunkies. –THE RIGHT OF ENROLLMENT, so school operators get to choose whether your child gets to attend, unlike public schools which have to accept your child no matter what – so long as you live in the district. –QUALITY SERVICES, so school operators can cut services for your child and pocket the savings as profit or use it to advertise to get more paying butts in seats. –QUALITY TEACHERS, because most charter and voucher schools aren't required to hire educators with 4-year degrees, and since they don't pay as well as public schools and often refuse to let their teachers unionize, they attract less experienced and distinguished educators. –DIVERSE CLASSMATES, because charter and voucher schools increase segregation. Your children will be educated with more kids that look just like them. That's healthy! And that's merely at MOST privatized schools. But that's not all. At some privatized schools you can lose even more! You may also lose: –COMMON SENSE DISCIPLINE POLICIES, so your children will be held to a zero tolerance discipline policy where they may have to sit quietly, eyes forward, marching in line or else face aggressive public reprimands and harsh punishments. –AN UNBIASED SECULAR EDUCATION, so your children will be taught religion and politics as if they were fact – all funded by public tax dollars! Hear that sound? That's our Founders crying. –FREE TIME, so you'll be required to volunteer at the school regardless of your ability to do so. Gotta' work? Tough! –MONEY, so you'll have to pay tuition, buy expensive uniforms, school supplies or other amenities. And if your children are struggling academically, you may also lose: –ENROLLMENT, so your child is given the boot back to the public school because he or she is having difficulty learning, and thus costs too much to educate. You lose all that if you decide to enroll your child in a charter or voucher school! But that's not all! If you DON'T decide to send your child to a so-called choice school, you can still lose choice! Why? Because of the rubes who were fooled into give up their choice. When they did that, they took some of your choices, too. Because of them, you still lose: -NECESSARY FUNDING, because your public school has to make up the money it lost to charter and voucher schools somewhere, and that means fewer resources and services for your child. -LOWER CLASS SIZES, because your public school has to fire teachers and increase class size to make up for lost revenue. -FAIR ASSESSMENTS, because the state and federal government require your child to take unfair high stakes tests to "prove" your public school is failing and thus justify replacing it with a charter or voucher school – as if those have ever been proven to be better, but whatever! CA-CHING! CA-CHING! This is what you get from School Choice Week. It's a uniquely American experience – selling the loss of choice — as choice. And all the while they try to convince you that public schools are the ones that take away your alternatives. Yet public schools are where you get all those things you lose at privatized schools. You get elected school boards, open documents, open meetings, the right to self-government, the right of enrollment, quality services, quality teachers, diverse classmates, common sense discipline policies, an unbiased secular education, free time and money! That's right! You actually get all that and more money in your pocket! I'm not saying public schools are perfect. There are many ways they need to improve, but it's difficult to do so when many of the people tasked with improving these schools are more concerned with sabotaging them to make room for privatized systems. These are paid employees of the charter and voucher school movement who want to kill public schools – BUT THE KILLER IS ALREADY IN THE HOUSE! Imagine if we dedicated ourselves to making our public school system better! Imagine if we committed to giving parents and students more choices in the system and not trying to replace that system with one that gives all the benefits and choices away to corporate vultures! So, yeah, School Choice Week is a scam. But, hey, enjoy those yellow scarfs. Stupid Ass School Voucher Bill Back for Pennsylvania Vote Tomorrow October 23, 2017 stevenmsinger Accountability, church and state, Civil Rights, Corporate Education "Reform", Democrat, Education, Parents, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Schools, Pittsburgh Public Schools, Politics, Poverty, privatization, Propaganda, Republican, School Choice, School Funding, school vouchers, Schools, small class size, Students, Teachers church and state, John DiSanto, Pennsylvania, Politics, private schools, Privatize, School Choice, school vouchers, separation of church and state Close your eyes and imagine a school like the one where I teach. The public middle school is right next door to a Catholic middle school. Some of the wealthiest families send their kids to the religious school. The rest send their kids to the public school. Now imagine that the state passes a school voucher bill. Those wealthy families can now use public tax dollars to help fund their kids' Catholic school tuition. A truckload of taxpayer wealth would be redistributed away from the public school and into the religious one. And this is for children who weren't attending public school in the first place. Imagine what an impact that would have on the two schools. At the Catholic middle school, not much would change. At most a few more kids might enroll. And wealthy parents would get to pay less in tuition. At the public middle school, however, the results would be disastrous. It would have to survive on much less funding than it was already receiving. Services for the majority of students in the district would be degraded. Class sizes would balloon. Educational quality would take a nose dive. So why wouldn't more kids from the public school move to the Catholic one? Well, first of all, few kids in the district are Catholic. Should they be forced to be indoctrinated in a faith in which they don't believe? Second, tuition at the Catholic school costs more than the price of the voucher. Parents would have to pay above and beyond what they're paying now to make tuition at the Catholic school. And this is a mostly poor neighborhood. Parents simply can't afford it. THIS is the situation the Pennsylvania Education Committee will vote on tomorrow. The committee will decide whether State Sen. John DiSanto's school voucher bill should be voted on by the state Senate and House. School vouchers are not popular at both the national and state level. Around 70% of people across the country oppose school vouchers, according to the PDK-Gallup public opinion poll about U.S. education. Moreover, Harrisburg wastepaper baskets are lined with school voucher bills that fail to pass despite being introduced every few years. DiSanto's bill is called Education Savings Accounts for Students in Underperforming Schools or SB 2. And guess what!? It's almost exactly the same as a pile of similar bills offered by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act, The Foster Child Scholarship Program Act, "Opportunity Scholarships," The Smart Start Scholarship Program – all ALEC bills that do almost the same thing. They designate some group of at risk students and say, "Hey, you know what they need? School vouchers!" Well, my goodness. I'm sure glad DiSanto didn't stress himself out writing something new. I'm certain his constituents wanted him to plagiarize someone else's bill and pretend like it was his own. And how exactly will spending public tax dollars on non-public schools help these kids succeed? That's never explained. Fools like DiSanto just pretend that it will help as a matter of faith. And since the overwhelming majority of school vouchers go to religious school coffers, this makes sense. It is a blatant violation of the separation of church and state. But privatization supporters don't give a crap about that. They don't care about the values on which this country where founded. Their only concern is doing what their rich donors demand. SB 2 would target students living in districts with the most underfunded schools serving the most impoverished populations. You know – "failing schools." If passed, kids living in these neighborhoods would have whatever the district sets aside for each student put in a savings account to be spent in almost any way parents see fit so long as they could somehow justify it as educational. Send your kids to a private or parochial school? Homeschool your child? Go on a trip to the life-sized replica of Noah's Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky? You betcha! And the best part is there is hardly any accountability built in to the law, so we probably wouldn't even know how this money was spent. Your tax dollars at work. Somehow. Somewhere. Out of sight. I guess that's what Pennsylvania Republicans like DiSanto call fiscal conservatism. If passed, the bill would affect 800 schools – the 15% lowest performing in the state – including mine. Take a look at the list. Every school serves mostly poor students. Every school is severely underfunded. Pennsylvania ranks 45th out of 50 for school funding. There are only five states in the country where the state government pays less of the cost of educating students. The Commonwealth relies on local municipalities to make up the difference. That means local property taxes, so the richer an area you live in, the more money it can afford to pay to educate children. The poorer an area where you live, the less it can pay. This is why Pennsylvania has the widest disparity between how much it spends on rich kids vs. poor ones. Wealthy children are cherished and coddled. Poor ones are left to fend for themselves. This voucher bill would only exacerbate the situation. It's a giveaway to those who don't need it at the expense of those who can least afford to pay. If you live in the Commonwealth, please call and/or write your state Senator and Representative and ask them to oppose this bill. Supreme Court Paves the Way to Taxing Churches June 27, 2017 stevenmsinger Accountability, church and state, Civil Rights, Corporate Education "Reform", Donald Trump, Education, Judicial Reform, Politics, privatization, Republican, School Choice, School Funding, school vouchers, Schools church and state, Politics, religion, Republicans, School Choice, school vouchers, separation of church and state, Supreme Court, Taxation Finally some good news! A U.S. Supreme Court decision yesterday pokes a hole in the separation of church and state. But that hole goes both ways. Justices ruled 7-2 that Missouri could not withhold tax dollars to resurface a playground at a church preschool simply on the grounds that it's a religious institution. Therefore, one can expect any day now a ruling that the church can't be exempted from paying taxes for the same reason. Here's the key issue. Traditionally, the government doesn't pay for the church. But now our highest court in the land has ruled that's discriminatory! Never mind that Missouri actually relented in this case and paid for the concrete anyway making the entire ruling moot and something that no other Supreme Court in history would have voted on because doing so would expose justices as being activists legislating from the bench. No. Now that Republicans stole the seat of President Barack Obama's rightful nominee, Merrick Garland, with President Donald Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch (i.e. Scalia 2.0), the court is a decidedly fascist institution. In other words, it's no longer a body of scholarly justices dedicated to interpreting the law. It's now a shell corporation of paid corporate lobbyists issuing justifications to support the mandates of the billionaire class. The five wealthiest people in the country have as much money as 750 million people – each. And most of these mega-rich want to destroy our public school system so they can hoover up tax dollars into their private portfolios. (Once you've got that much money, it's just a game where you're playing against other multi-billionaires to see who can get all the money, flip over the board and proclaim themselves King.) To do this, they need school vouchers to help destabilize the system. Chop it down, remove any pretense of accountability to taxpayers about how that money is being spent and then sweep up that sweet, sweet money. It also has the added benefit of ensuring the next generation is dumb enough to – I don't know – continue voting for reality TV stars as President. But that's just the most obvious implication. Now that the state has been shown to be responsible to support the church, the reverse has also been proven: the church has responsibilities to support the state. That's right. No more tax free status for houses of worship. Get ready to dig deep into your pockets, parishioners. Uncle Sam needs a new pair of shoes. Who's paying for all those needless wars of aggression? The Church Lady! That's who! Where are we going to get the money to keep up the counterproductive war on drugs? The collection plate! Yep. The assembled flock is about to get fleeced! What conservatives seem to forget is that the wall of separation between church and state wasn't erected just to protect the state from influence by religion. It also was set up to protect religion from the state. Once you have money flowing from one to the other, regulations are soon to follow. Expect your cute little parochial school to put away the Bible and replace it with "The Origin of Species". What? Your faith compels you to believe in the Creation of Man by God and not scientific evolution of organisms through heritable traits? I guess you'll just have to teach the controversy. Some people in America still think that there's value in having both public and private schools. They seem to think that it's actually a benefit having school systems where people are taught differently. But this new ruling paves the way (pun intended) to breaking down the walls between each type of institution. Yes, public schools will become more like religious schools. But religious schools will also become more like public schools. The entire education system will become one big watered down whole. And – giggle – those pushing for it actually call the process "School Choice"! Oh the plutocrats will do their best to cover it all up with culture war nonsense. You'll hear hours of cable news blather about poor conservative bakers fighting not to make cupcakes for gay people. But behind this high profile grist for the mill will be active efforts at homogenization, government overreach and oligarchy. There's one way in which this is good news. Some people have always thought churches were getting off easy, that they were being allowed undue influence on politics without having to pay the entrance fee of taxation like the rest of us. However, this was only ever true at some houses of worship. Others were dedicated to spirituality, community and charity while eschewing affairs of state altogether. This new ruling rips away protections from those authentically beneficent congregations as it does those more politically inclined. It exposes the preacher and the partisan equally. Moreover, anyone who doesn't want their tax dollars supporting someone else's religious beliefs can expect their cries to fall on deaf ears. Christians will fund Muslims and Jews will fund Christians and all will pay for the Church of Satan and whatever sect is formed to take advantage of this brave new source of tax revenue. Religion is now decidedly in the public domain and all that goes with it. The results are bound to displease everyone – except the mega-rich. In short, you can't tear down the rules that were set up to protect everyone without opening us all up to ruin. America's religious people are about to find that out. It's almost poetic justice. Get ready to reap what you sow. Betsy's Choice: School Privatization Over Kids' Civil Rights June 7, 2017 June 8, 2017 stevenmsinger Accountability, Betsy DeVos, Budget, Campaign Donations, capitalism, Charter Schools, Civil Rights, Congress, Corporate Education "Reform", Democrat, Donald Trump, Education, Obama, Politics, Prejudice, President, privatization, Racism, Republican, School Choice, School Funding, school vouchers, Schools, Sexism, Teachers Betsy DeVos, charter schools, children, church and state, Civil Rights, Donald Trump, LGBT, Privatize, Republicans, School Choice, school vouchers Betsy DeVos seems to be confused about her job. As U.S. Secretary of Education, she is responsible for upholding the civil rights of all U.S. students. She is NOT a paid lobbyist for the school privatization industry. Yet when asked point blank by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) whether her department would ensure that private schools receiving federal school vouchers don't discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) students, she refused to give a straight answer. She said that the these schools would be required to follow all federal antidiscrimination laws but her department would not issue any clarifications or directives about exactly how they should be doing it. "On areas where the law is unsettled, this department is not going to be issuing decrees. That is a matter for Congress and the courts to settle," DeVos said at a hearing before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education yesterday. "I think you just said where it's unsettled, such discrimination will continue to be allowed under your program. If that's incorrect, please correct it for the record," Merkley replied. DeVos did not correct him. Instead she simply repeated, "Schools that receive federal funds will follow federal law, period." Merkley said she was dodging the question. "I think that's very important for the public to know, that today, the secretary of education, before this committee, refused to affirm that she would put forward a program that would ban discrimination based on LGBTQ status of students or would ban discrimination based on religion," he said. "Discrimination in any form is wrong. I don't support discrimination in any form," DeVos replied. But that doesn't mean she'll fight against it. She held firm to her position that it is not her job as Secretary of Education to fight for students' civil rights. That is the responsibility of Congress and the courts. But she's wrong. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is part of the Department of Education. According to the department's own Website, the "OCR's mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation's schools." There is nothing "unsettled" about that at all. What IS unsettled is how and if the U.S. Constitution allows federal funds to be spent on private schools in any manner whatsoever. At very least, it has been argued that giving tax dollars to parochial schools violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment guaranteeing a separation of church and state. Moreover, the degree to which voucher schools that don't explicitly teach religion would have to abide by federal laws about what they can and should do is likewise "unsettled." Yet DeVos has no problem advocating for the school privatization industry. In fact, it has been her lifelong calling. As a billionaire Republican mega-donor, that's exactly what she's done for years – shoving bundles of cash at candidates and lawmakers to support school vouchers and charter schools. Someone needs to remind her that that is no longer her role. In her official capacity as Secretary of Education, her job is not to advocate for school choice. But it IS her job to protect students' civil rights – regardless of the type of school those students attend. If a school is at all public, she is responsible for ensuring those students' rights. And receiving public funds makes a school public. Specifically, she is responsible for ensuring no child is discriminated against on the basis of race, color and national origin, according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This includes protecting children who are being treated unfairly due to limited understanding of the English language or who are still learning to speak the language. This includes children experiencing bigotry as a result of their shared ancestry, ethnicity or religion such as Muslims, Sikhs or Jews. It is also her job to protect children from sexual discrimination as per Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. No matter her own personal conservative views, she must protect pregnant teens or teen parents. And to speak toward Merkley's point, according to the Department's Website, this explicitly includes, "…sex stereotypes (such as treating persons differently because they do not conform to sex-role expectations or because they are attracted to or are in relationships with persons of the same sex); and gender identity or transgender status." She is also required to be a champion of students with disabilities as per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Moreover, Title II explicitly forbids public entities – whether or not they receive federal funds – from demonstrating any partiality against students with disabilities. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. She has to protect against age discrimination per the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and enforce the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act. She is responsible for investigating complaints about equal access to youth groups conducting meetings at public schools and/or that receive federal funding. To quote the Website, one more time: "These civil rights laws extend to all state education agencies, elementary and secondary school systems, colleges and universities, vocational schools, proprietary schools, state vocational rehabilitation agencies, libraries and museums that receive federal financial assistance from ED [the Education Department]." I'm not so sure DeVos understand this – at all. Nor do I expect her to get much help from the political ideologues she's using to staff the department. Take her choice for Assistant Secretary in the Office for Civil Rights, Candice Jackson. She's an ANTI-Civil Rights activist. She literally doesn't believe in the office she's running. The 39-year-old attorney is anti-women's rights, anti-distributive justice and possibly even anti-compulsory education and anti-Civil Rights Act of 1964! She once filed a complaint against her prestigious college, Stanford University, for discriminating against her rights as a rich, white person by refusing to allow her access to free minority tutoring. For all its faults, the Barack Obama administration took civil rights seriously. So much so that conservatives often criticized the Democratic organization as being overzealous in the execution of its duties. The Obama era Education Department issued so many clarifications of the law that it received a record number of civil rights complaints. This required hundreds of additional lawyers and investigators and increasing the civil rights division by 30 percent. Complaints went from more than six thousand in 2009 to almost ten thousand in 2015. Of these, the largest increase was in complaints of sex discrimination. However, President Donald Trump has recommended the Department be downsized in his budget proposal. The Reality TV star would cut the Department's budget by 13 percent, or $9 billion, eliminating after-school and summer programming for kids and professional development for teachers. Instead, he would invest $250 million in a school voucher incentive program and an additional $168 million for charter schools. Also, getting a boost is personal security for DeVos, herself. She is spending an additional $1 million a month for U.S. Marshalls to guard her against protesters. It should come as no surprise that Trump and DeVos don't support the mission of the Department of Education. Both have expressed interest in disbanding the office altogether. In a February magazine interview, DeVos said, "It would be fine with me to have myself worked out of a job. But I'm not sure that – I'm not sure that there will be a champion movement in Congress to do that." Likewise, Trump wrote in his 2015 book "Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America" that "if we don't eliminate [the department] completely, we certainly need to cut its power and reach." That is exactly what DeVos is doing. Under Presidents George W. Bush and Obama, it could be argued the Department was guilty of overreach. But Trump and DeVos are going in the opposite extreme. Someone has to look out for students' civil rights. That someone has traditionally been the Department of Education. With DeVos abdicating her responsibilities and continuing her role as a school privatization cheerleader, it is anyone's guess who – if anyone – will step into the void. Charter Schools and Voucher Schools are Virtually Identical May 18, 2017 stevenmsinger Accountability, Betsy DeVos, Budget, Campaign Donations, Charter Schools, Corporate Education "Reform", Cyber Charter Schools, Democrat, Donald Trump, Education, Obama, Politics, Prejudice, President, privatization, Propaganda, Republican, School Choice, School Funding, school vouchers, Schools, Standardized Testing, Teachers Betsy DeVos, charter schools, church and state, Democrats, Donald Trump, education, neofascist, neoliberal, Politics, Privatize, rebranding, Republicans, school vouchers The stark orange monolith that was Donald Trump is starting to crumble. And with it so are the dreams of corporate education reformers everywhere. Where in previous administrations they could pass off their policies as Democratic or Republican depending on whichever way the wind blows, today their brand has been so damaged by Trump's advocacy, they fear it may never recover. Under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, they could champion both charter schools and school vouchers with impunity. But now the privatizers and profiteers hiding in progressive clothing are trying desperately to rebrand. Not only is Trump's voucher plan deeply unpopular, but the public has already begun to associate any kind of school privatization with a doomed President. So like cockroaches, neoliberals have begun to skitter to one type of privatization over another. Fake Democrats hide beneath unfettered charter school expansion. Bought-and-sold Republicans cling to the idea that we should spend taxpayer dollars on private and parochial schools. But is there a real substantial difference between each of these so-called "choice" schemes? Or are they both just scams when compared with traditional public schools? Charter Schools and Private Schools are basically the same thing. The biggest difference between the two is funding. Charter schools are completely funded by tax dollars. Private schools – even when school vouchers are used – often need to be subsidized by parents. For instance, many private schools charge tuition of $30,000 – $40,000 a year. Vouchers rarely provide more than $6,000. So at best they bring the cost down but still make it impossible for most students to attend private schools. Sure they may start as an effort to allow only impoverished children to use tax dollars towards private and parochial school tuition. But they soon grow to include middle class and wealthy children, thus partially subsidizing attendance at the most exclusive schools in the country for those families who can already afford it. Parochial schools, meanwhile, are exactly the same except for one meaningful difference. They teach religion. Their entire curriculum comes from a distinctly religious point of view. They indoctrinate youth into a way of seeing the world that is distinctly non-secular. Progressives complain that using tax dollars to pay for student tuition at such schools – even only partial tuition – violates a foundational principal of our nation. Using public money to pay for religious teaching has historically been interpreted as a violation of the establishment clause of the first Amendment to the Constitution – namely, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" Thomas Jefferson called it "a wall of separation between Church and State." This is further exacerbated in many parochial schools where religious teaching includes a blatant political bias toward conservatism. Children at many of these schools are taught that supply side economics, voter disenfranchisement and prejudice are normative bedrock truths. These are the main distinctions between voucher and charter schools. In short, they're not all exactly the same. And corporate reform apologist are trying to rebuild their brand on these split hairs. But the similarities between these types of school are much more striking. THE SIMILARITIES The biggest commonality between these types of educational institutions is how they're run. Unlike traditional public schools – which are governed by duly-elected school boards – charter, private and parochial schools are overseen by private interests. They are administered by independent management firms. They rarely have elected school boards. Their operators rarely make decisions in public, and their budgets and other documents are not open to review by taxpayers. This is true despite the fact that they are funded to varying degrees by public tax dollars. So in all three cases, these schools are run privately, but taxpayers pick up the tab. It's ironic. Sending kids to charters, private and parochial schools with public money is called school choice. However, each of these types of schools gives taxpayers much less choice about how their money is being spent. The community funds the school, but almost all decisions are made by people outside of the community – people appointed, in fact, by bureaucrats or business managers. To be sure, parents can express their displeasure of administrative decisions by disenrolling their children in the school. But beyond this nuclear option, they are powerless. Even more troubling, taxpayers without children or with children who do not attend these schools have no say whatsoever about how their money is spent. And to add insult to injury, it doesn't even really allow the parents to choose which schools their children attend. They can put in a request for their kids to attend a choice school, but enrollment decisions are made by these same private equity managers. In short, administrators make the ultimate choice – not parents. If the religious school doesn't want to accept your child for whatever reason including operators' disapproval of your religious beliefs, they don't have to accept him. If the private school doesn't want to accept your child based on race, gender or nationality, they don't have to accept him. If the charter school doesn't want to accept your child because of bad grades or troublesome behaviors, they don't have to accept him. The traditional public school, however, cannot refuse a child who lives in district borders for any of these reasons. In effect, school choice really isn't about parental choice. It's about increasing choice for the operators of privatized schools – letting them choose their students and how to spend your money without any meaningful input from you. And it's true at all three types of school! Those are pretty considerable similarities. Moreover, they highlight major differences between these so-called choice schools and traditional public schools. This is important because we don't even have to get into the academic records of individual schools. The way each type of school is structured shows the clear inferiority of choice schools compared to traditional public schools. By their very structure, public schools give parents and taxpayers much more agency in children's education and how taxpayer money is spent. Second, the latitude for school administrators to perpetrate fraud on the public is maximized in so-called choice schools and minimized in public schools. This doesn't mean public schools are perfect, but it is much better to have a school under public scrutiny and local control than otherwise. This is demonstrated by the huge numbers of charter school scandals popping up in the news every day, where charters close suddenly, money is misspent on luxury items for operators that have nothing to do with education, and – especially in cyber charters – the quality of education students receive is literally lower than having no formal education at all. Finally, if public schools struggle, it is almost always due to a lack of equitable funding and a surplus of impoverished students. It is no accident that poor students receive less resources and larger class sizes than middle class or wealthy ones. Nor is it an accident that we judge the effectiveness of schools primarily on standardized tests which are so good at highlighting the results of lack of resources rather than any academic deficiency. If we spent our education dollars ensuring equitable resources instead of funneling tax dollars to charter, private and parochial schools, we would better increase the quality of children's education. But for the last few decades that has not been the goal of education policy. It has instead been to enrich these same privatized school managers and investors – the corporate education reform industry. Nor is it a coincidence that this industry and its subsidiaries counts itself as major donors to both political parties. Before she was elevated to Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos was exactly that – a billionaire mega-donor pushing school privatization while getting richer off investments in the same. Now that she's driving school vouchers off a cliff in the Trump train, her co-conspirators are getting nervous. Neoliberal Democrats may try to save the movement by claiming charter schools are completely different. But they aren't. They are fundamentally the same. The public sees the clear similarities between these kinds of schools. And much of that is thanks to the incompetent boobery of Donald J. Trump.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Superlight SL4267 is a commercial grade LED downlight suitable for large scale projects requiring a robust and powerful downlight solution. The fitting features toughened construction and high powered LED light source with integral LED driver. Applications include exterior lighting, airports, malls, galleries and auditoriums, marine locations, harsh environments, hazardous locations, convention centres, retail and hospitality projects, industrial projects. Superlight SL4267 downlight features an integral phase-dimmable LED driver. The fitting is compatible with most universal style phase control dimmers.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This is a simple process for clarifying your thinking for getting things done. It is based on the interrogative questions of Why, What, Who, How, When and Where. The diagram speaks for itself, I hope you find it useful. It seems to be designed for capturing ideas and turning them into reality. You can use this for creating a product, a project or anything where an idea needs some clarification of thoughts. You will notice that there is no copyright on it. I have a piece of paper that came my way and it fitted in with my approach to IT Architecture. If I can find the people who originally authored this (with your help), I'm happy to acknowledge the ownership rights to the correct individuals or corporations. A full size PDF Version is available here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We require a minimum 7 days notice to guarantee therapist availability to accomodate your booking. A minimum of 2 hours per booking. Bookings that operate inclusive of the hours 10pm-7am will incur a late night fee at an additional 15%. Late bookings (less than 7 days notice) will incur a 15% late booking fee. Cancellation is required 2 days prior. Late cancellation (48-24) will incur a 25% fee of the cancelled booking, within 24 hrs will incur a 40% fee due to efforts that will be required to reschedule. Punctuality is our highest priority we will endeavour to be on time and we request the same of our clients. If individuals are unavailable to be massaged at their allocated time the therapist will require direction from the key contact to offer their massage to other staff members. Breaks may be required. Depending on the booking duration this may vary the length and number of breaks required. Booking time extensions are sometimes requested. If the need arises for the therapist's to extend the booking time and they are available to do so, approval by the key contact and BAMS wellness authorised person will be required. A minimum of 30 minutes extension maybe invoiced and will be invoiced payable within 7 days. Travel for areas over 15 kilometers North and West, 30 kilometers South and East from Melbourne CBD travel fees or higher minimum bookings may apply. Please enquire for travel fees that may apply. Parking – when off street parking is required these charges maybe invoiced to recover the fees for our therapists. It is the recipients responsibility to allow sufficient time to book their treatment before expiry of their certificate. Client no show will forfeit the massage and fees paid or gift voucher. * Recommendation to book no later than one month prior to the Expiry date. Changes to the Terms and Conditions may occur at anytime. Legal notice governing use of this website. Copyright 2012 to 2015. All Rights Reserved. All content on this website is protected by Australian and international copyright laws. Any unauthorised use of any content on this website is prohibited. Permission is not given for any online republishing or translation. Links to the original articles or posts on this site are welcome. If you think material from bamswellness.com would be of interest to readers of your own website or blog, standard "fair use" practice is to quote a paragraph or two from the article and provide a link to the original source. Reposting a substantial amount of material is not permitted, even if the author is credited. Sharing material from bamswellness.com with your family, friends, and co-workers is encouraged, so long as this sharing is personal rather than commercial in nature. Copying substantial amounts of material from this site without permission is stealing. If you are interested in off line reprinting or translating, a request should be submitted via the contact form. Opinions expressed by me on bamswellness.com are my personal opinions. I am not a licensed health care provider nor do I engage in patient diagnosis or the practice of medicine. I am a registered Remedial massage therapist. In the like I am not a doctor, chiropractor, physiotherapist, counsellor, psychologist or therapist. Liability is not accepted for any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information on this site. No warranties of any kind, express or implied, are made. The publisher will provide no remedy for indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental damages arising from this site, including such from negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty or contract, even after notice of the possibility of such damages. Due to potential mistakes and inaccuracies in the content of this website no decision that may potentially lead to any damages of any kind should be made based on information on this website before the accuracy of that information is checked. If you are unsure whether such decisions may potentially lead to damages seek assistance before making any decisions. Please inform me about any mistakes or inaccurate information on this website so that I can correct it. This website allows third parties to post comments about the blog posts and these comments are published on this website unless they are clearly objectionable as described later in this legal notice. All responsibility related to the content of comments posted by third parts is declined to the full extent allowed by applicable laws. This website contains links to external, third party websites. By providing links to other websites, I do not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products available at these websites. A link does not indicate any association between me and the linked site. Using sites linked from this website happens at the user's own risk. I decline to the full extent allowed by the applicable laws all responsibility and liability for any damages resulting from the use or the attempt to use any sites linked from this website. This site allows readers to post comments to articles. All comments are moderated by me and will not be published if I consider them to be offensive or inappropriate in any way. If a comment is approved and published, it will not be changed by me, but I will remove parts if I consider it necessary. If your comment is published and you wish to modify it, you may contact me to request this. This site respects each site visitor's right to personal privacy. Any information about you collected by this site is kept private. Your personal information is never shared with or disclosed to anyone else. This site collects names and email addresses when voluntarily submitted by readers so they can receive updates about the site. Subscribers may unsubscribe at any time. Any information on the subscription list is kept private, and will never be given out, shared, sold, traded or otherwise revealed unless required by a court of law. This legal notice page may be updated at any time.
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In May 2017 we were invited to meet with BMT Hi-Q Sigma to discuss developing their branding. design146 had previously worked with the client at Altus and were keen to be involved. BMT Hi-Q Sigma is a Management Consultancy, based in Bath, providing services across Government, Defence, Energy and Transport sectors to improve their portfolio, programme and project performance. They already have a set of existing brand guidelines, but needed some help to develop them further to show how they might be adapted to more flexible layouts that are efficient on space. To kick things off, we have worked on a branding development presentation and some Case Studies and White Papers. We're looking forward to seeing how the branding develops as we work on other marketing collateral to include infographics, branded merchandise, and internal comms pieces.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Our in-depth pieces on the people and events in and around the culture Moondog – Takin' It To The Streets From Mumblecore to Mainstream: A Look into Greta Gerwig's Path to Stardom How the Joker is the Perfect Embodiment of Carl Jung's Jester Archetype Just our "humble" opinions Let's Talk Music: Camila Cabello, Griselda, JACKBOYS, Moneybagg Yo, and more In Defense of Oscar Thirst Francesca Brown – "Hashslingin' Blues" Reaction The latest happenings around the culture Trailer Roundup 1/6-1/19 Dario Hunt· Video Roundup 1/12-1/18 Ljubinko Zivkovic· Gardeners discover an original Gustav Klimt painting… by accident Petar Petrov· Netflix becomes the first streaming service to lead the Oscars in nominations Concept art has finally been revealed of the long-gestating 'Avatar 2' Another piece of classic Beatles memorabilia is up for sale – and for a hefty sum Two posthumous David Bowie albums are on their way in 2020 Our conversations on culture, creativity, music, and current events What's our top 25 albums of 2019? The "Coachelification" of Art Basel, Kanye West (again), & Martin Scorsese UNKLE's "living album", the unprecedented loss of music's greatest masters, & the curious case of Miley Cyrus and hip-hop Our collection of shots from various shoots, interviews, and events All Things Go Fall Classic Festival Recap Sea.Hear.Now 2019 Festival Recap IDLES : 9:30 Club LIVING Script Beanie in Heather Grey The Wave Hoodie in Heather Grey Cutout Pullover Hoodie in Black Women's Cultured AF Tri-Blend Tee The Curious Disappearance of Judith McNaught: What Happened to 'The Sweetest Thing'? Hacksaw Ridge Reaction Museums around the world should clear ivy more regularly Claudine Longet and All Her Shades of Grey Stephen Silver· "You Suck, Dick! Love, Deep Throat": 'Dick' at 20, and the Bygone Age of Strong Political Satire This month marks the 20th anniversary of Dick, a beautifully sharp satire of the Watergate scandal. The film arrived in August of 1999 (25 years after Nixon's resignation) and was full of in-jokes aimed at boomers who had lived through the Watergate scandal and knew its details backwards and forwards, mostly from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's books, the All The President's Men movie, and Oliver Stone's Nixon, which had arrived just four years earlier. The genius of Dick's script, credited to director Andrew Fleming and his co-writer Sheryl Longin was that it filled what were then the mysteries of Watergate, from the identity of Deep Throat to the story behind the 18 1/2 minute gap. The film arrived in August of 1999 (25 years after Nixon's resignation) and was full of in-jokes aimed at boomers who had lived through the Watergate scandal… In the film, a pair of 15-year-old girls (played by Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst) live in the Watergate complex, and through a series of misunderstandings, are invited to become the official dog walkers for Checkers, the dog belonging to President Nixon (Dan Hedaya). Their interactions with Nixon, Forrest Gump-like, help lead to a wide variety of world historical events between 1972 and 1974. They feed Nixon pot brownies, leading him to enter into peace talks to end the Vietnam War. They accidentally convince John Dean to resign and cooperate against Nixon. And then they become "Deep Throat," a fact that stayed a secret for decades because Woodward and Bernstein (Will Ferrell and Bruce McCulloch) were too embarrassed to tell anyone about it. No X in Nixon The movie is funny on its own merits, while also full of hilarious in-jokes for people who know every detail of Watergate. Dan Hedaya is one of the better movie Nixons, up there with Philip Baker Hall and Anthony Hopkins, and the cast is chockful of veterans of The Kids in the Hall in mid-'90s-era Saturday Night Live. And watch for a young Ryan Reynolds, as Haldeman's teenaged son. It's hard to top the ending of All The President's Men, but Dick somehow matches it: Today's Dick As you may have noticed, there hasn't been the equivalent of a movie like Dick recently. It's not exactly a golden time for political satire, especially at the movies. A lot of people believed that the Trump era would be a strong time for comedy, but it really hasn't worked out that way, as every once-formidable major comedy organ from Saturday Night Live to The Onion to The Daily Show has utterly failed to contend with the Trump era. A lot of people believed that the Trump era would be a strong time for comedy, but it really hasn't worked out that way… The major Trump-era comedy touchstones, it appears, are Alec Baldwin's weak-tea Trump impression and late-night hosts who have turned to "clapter" – liberal platitudes that may earn audience applause, but certainly not laughs. Re-assessing 'American Beauty' On Its 20th Anniversary Adam McKay, the longtime writing partner of Will Ferrell (who played Bob Woodward in Dick), not only has pivoted from comedy to earnest political films, but made a movie last year not about the Trump Administration but rather Dick Cheney. There's some funny stuff at the margins, like James Adomian's impression of Sebastian Gorka, and while the Showtime cartoon Our Cartoon President does occasional decent material, its Trump character is a dud at all times. Even Sacha Baron Cohen's Who is America? drew most of its brilliant humor out of its Israeli colonel character; the more Trump-adjacent parts of the show were much less successful. Why has comedy struggled with Trump so much? I return to Patton Oswalt's analogy: "Imagine there's a guy out on the sidewalk, and he's just taking a dump on the pavement, and he's yelling about Hitler, and he's hanging wallpaper. So you think of the funniest joke about a guy taking a dump on the sidewalk, and you turn to tell your friend. And as you turn to tell your friend, behind you, he has scooped up his poop and made a sombrero out of it." A 21st Century Dick? Will we get better satire about Trump at some point in the future? It's certainly possible. Dick, after all, came out a quarter century after Nixon's fall. In the meantime, I would love to see an In the Loop-style treatment of the Trump Administration, or one that finds a strange, side-entrance into mockery of the current White House. But a Trump satire along the lines of Dick? It's just hard to imagine it working. America is so fragmented, with "shared memory" essentially a thing of the past, that it's hard to imagine lightning striking twice in such a way. Don't miss out on weekly new content or exclusive deals 'Atlanta' is returning for a third season, but not until 2021 The series will officially return for a two-part, 18-episode third season Nick Hilden· Cinema Is Alive and Well: The Top 10 Films of the 2010s 'Ford v. Ferrari' Led the Charge on a Big Year for Car Movies The Return of Rage: The Influences and Influence of Rage Against the Machine You are not wrong, but how in gods name did... Adam Weisman Would give a lot to cozy up with a brand... It's another kind of world, and I think she thinks... I loved what you wrote about JM. You found the... COPYRIGHT 2019 LIVING LIFE FEARLESS We are, as simply as we can put it, a creative entity that strives to curate, cultivate, and create content covering culture and the people that shape it. music Hip Hop Rap film Rock Who's the best of the month: July 2019 (VOTING)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
<?php namespace Phalcon\Logger { /** * Phalcon\Logger\Item * * Represents each item in a logging transaction * */ class Item { protected $_type; protected $_message; protected $_time; protected $_context; /** * \Phalcon\Logger\Item constructor * * @param string $message * @param integer $type * @param integer $time */ public function __construct($message, $type, $time=null){ } /** * Returns the message * * @return string */ public function getMessage(){ } /** * Returns the log type * * @return integer */ public function getType(){ } /** * Returns log timestamp * * @return integer */ public function getTime(){ } public function getContext(){ } } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
How To Stop Procrastinating "Tomorrow - A mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement are stored" Regardless of how many productivity books we've bought (and haven't read) or how many motivational videos we've watched (and never acted upon), we all struggle at some point during our lives with the productivity plague of the modern era - procrastination. In fact, procrastination is not new. Ancient Greek philosophers developed a word for it – akrasia – meaning to act against our better judgement by doing one thing even though we know we should be doing something else. Since then, this innate affliction to act against our better judgement, delay necessary action and procrastinate over our personal tasks has evolved to such an extent that the humour of the opening quote really comes from the fact that it's so painfully true. In this post, we'll discuss (1) Why we all procrastinate, (2)How we can stop procrastinating. Why do we procrastinate? Procrastination is a perfect example of present bias. Present bias is the idea that even though we can set as many goals for our future self as we want, it's our present self that has to do the action to get there. Unfortunately, our brains aren't wired to appreciate long term benefits and our present self will always prefer short-term pleasures in the form of instant gratification which often comes at the expense of longer term outcomes. Here's what a 2013 study called procrastination: Procrastination is the primacy of short-term mood repair … over the longer-term pursuit of intended actions. In other words, procrastination is about being more focused on the immediate urgency of managing negative moods and pushing the problem away than getting on with the task in the present moment. When we put things off until some point in the future (eg: tomorrow, next week or worst of all, 'at some point'), the tension we feel disappears. The task is lifted off our shoulders. We feel happy that we've assigned a time to get the task done, even if that time is 'at some point in the future'. The confusing thing about procrastination is that, in certain scenarios, we know we can't afford to procrastinate. In my job as a doctor, I can't delay treating someone just because it involves doing something unpleasant, or if it means I have to stay overtime. But when I have the space and freedom to manage my own time, suddenly that world of distraction and the ability to make excuses to myself means that I feel able to offload many tasks onto my future self. And yet we know that procrastination isn't good for us. Delaying tasks that we simply have to do is going to catch up with us at some point. Especially if those tasks have deadlines, or carry consequences for not doing them. Eventually we'll feel the effects of our delaying tactics. So what can we do about procrastination? Well, for me, understanding the truth behind two key factors - motivation and momentum - and using a couple of simple rules - the two minute rule and the ten minute rule - have all helped reduce the burden that procrastination brings to my life. It's typical to hear people say "I just can't summon up the motivation", "I wish I had more motivation" or "I need some motivation to start". Source: Screw Motivation What You Need is Discipline The truth is, we've got motivation wrong. Motivation is not the spark or the cause of action, it's the result of that action. As Jeff Haden says in his book 'The Motivation Myth' Motivation isn't something you have, motivation is something you get, automatically, from feeling good about achieving small successes. If action is conditional on feelings, waiting for the right mood becomes a particularly insidious form of procrastination. Whether we like to admit it or not, motivation is basically a myth. So, if not motivation, then what? I've started to replace the idea of motivation with that of discipline. Discipline is like an engine that, once started, actually supplies energy to our system. It also creates habits which means that we don't have to rely on willpower alone to try to summon up some short term burst of energy. In essence, discipline produces action which leads to a more sustainable form of motivation. Source: Procrastination: A Scientific Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating Overcoming or getting past the idea of 'finding' motivation can help you get started. Getting started is the key factor for the other critical idea - Momentum. The resistance we have to a task is usually at its greatest before we begin. The simple thought of starting and overcoming that resistance is where procrastination thrives. In fact, Steven Pressfield in his book, THE WAR OF ART, describes this feeling of 'the resistance' as a universal force that has one sole mission: to keep things as they are, preventing action, creativity and progress. In other words, resistance provides the beating heart of procrastination. BUT as soon as we start, as soon as we cross the action line, the pain begins to subside. The problem is not doing the work but just starting the work. Momentum can't build up by putting something off. A ball can't start rolling down a hill until you push it over the edge but once you've pushed it over the edge, it builds momentum and is difficult to stop. James Clear calls this the "physics of productivity" because of how it relates to Newton's First Law of Motion or the Law of Inertia which states that: Every body remains in a state of constant velocity unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. When we're procrastinating we're in a state of rest - motivation doesn't start the ball rolling. Only action can act as the "external unbalanced force" to push us into a state of motion. Once moving, a feedback loop develops and it becomes harder to stop because the desire to complete tasks provides the drive necessary to continue moving forward. As soon as I realised this, I began to be more mindful of developing this momentum. It reinforces the importance of starting, in whatever way possible, because any action will start the ball rolling, making subsequent actions easier and procrastination more difficult. The Two Rules for Beating Procrastination For many of us, procrastination usually revolves around tasks that are either: Small and annoying OR Large and daunting. After learning to appreciate the importance of motivation and momentum, I've found two techniques that are particularly helpful in overcoming each of these types of task: the two-minute rule and the ten-minute rule. The Two-Minute Rule The two-minute rule is a concept put forward by productivity guru David Allen in his book Getting Things Done. The main idea is that, if we have a pending task that can be completed in less than two minutes then we should do it right away. No hesitation, no delay. If it'll take longer than two minutes we should write it down on a list to return to when we have more time. It's as simple as that. This strategy of time management eliminates unnecessary procrastination over small chores or tasks and reduces the clutter in our brain that distracts us from the bigger picture. The 10-Minute Rule Clearly there are some tasks that we can't just complete in two minutes. Planning, writing and filming a whole YouTube video can't be completed in two minute segments. Writing a thesis would be difficult to complete in 2 minute intervals. Creating a presentation at work is difficult to create in 2 minutes. You get the idea. However, if we do find ourselves procrastinating over these larger, more daunting tasks, the other technique I use to get started is the 10-minute rule. The 10-minute rule is simple. If I'm finding myself procrastinating from something I have to do, I tell myself that I'm just going to do it for 10 minutes. No more, no less. Just 10 minutes. But the power behind this technique goes back to the idea of momentum. Once I've got going, having done 10 minutes, I don't want to stop especially when I'm making progress. Suddenly momentum builds up, one task leads to another which leads to another. Obviously, you might be bored after 10 minutes but we don't like leaving tasks half-done and so 10 minutes quickly turns into 20, then 30 and suddenly you're making progress. Some people call this the 30 minute rule, the 20 minute rule, the 5 minute rule - it doesn't really matter what it's called, the idea is the same: we're tricking our brain into getting started because we think we won't be doing it for long. Fundamentally, overcoming procrastination is about maintaining discipline, generating momentum and ensuring that the tasks that you need to do on any given day are achievable and manageable. Despite the advice that I've given in this article, I still struggle with moments of procrastination. We all do. Procrastination is a character flaw that we all have. What matters is that we can recognise it, learn to manage it, develop strategies to overcome it and create a system that minimises the opportunity for it to emerge in the future - that's something we can all start developing today, or maybe leave it till tomorrow...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
A scarce view of Genoa naming some 56 important locations. A scarce c. 1725-1750 panoramic view of Genoa, Italy by Martin Engelbrecht. This view follows the work of Jeremias Wolff who produced a large format view of Genoa earlier. Engelbrecht presents us with a busy harbor, with merchant ships coming and going. In the city itself he identifies some 55 specific buildings. This view was drawn by Martin Englebrecht and published in Augsburg by Friederich Bernhard Werner. Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756) and his brother Christian were artists, print sellers, and engravers based in Augsburg, Germany, during the first half of the 18th Century. The Engelbrecht firm was established in 1717 and produced more than 5,000 printed. Among their work are city views issued by Friedrich Bernhard Werner and others. The duo are better known for creating miniature diorama cards which, inserted into a display box offered religious scenes from a three dimensional perspective. They are the only engravers to have been granted a royal permission to produce such scenes – which at the time seemed magical. They also produced portraits of monarchs and other local dignitaries. The work of the Engelbrecht brothers has been called "beyond compare." The Engelbrecht firm launched the careers of several other artists, including Jeremias Wachsmuht and Johann David Nessenthaler. Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1778) was a German-born civil engineer, trained in Nice, who went on to become an accomplished copper-plate engraver, interested in subjects of cityscapes, monuments, churches, and public works. During the mid-18th century Werner travelled extensively in Central Europe documenting the architecture of its most prominent cities. Good. Blank on verso. Marginal soiling.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Force page refresh and jump to a #section It seems that I must be missing something completely elementary. What I'm trying to achieve looks like quite a common case, and so it makes me wonder why there is no straightforward way. The problem is that I would like to refresh the current page from JavaScript and simultaneously land on a #section. If I do simply: document.location.href = document.location.href + "#section"; all browsers I tested just scroll to that #section (no reload). It makes sense in a way. Just for completeness, if I do document.location.assign(document.location.href + "#section"); it does the same thing (not surprisingly; it boils down internally to the same function for sure). Finally, the document object seems to have also the document.reload() function which takes an optional boolean argument specifying whether I want to force the reload, but obviously, it does not allow to specify the #section. The only way I could find (using these methods) was the following combination: document.location.assign(document.location.href + "#section"); document.location.reload(); But it is not ideal, because as you have probably guessed, it scrolls and then reloads which causes the browser to actually scroll three times in the end. I know that there are ways around it: server side redirect or adding some unique random query string parameter, but it seems strange that there is no simple way. A: That is the "hash" value of the location object. You need to set it like this... location.hash = "#section"; If that does not work consistently, you might want to consider using a scrollToElement function... function scrollToElement(elem) { if(typeof elem == 'string') elem = document.getElementById(elemId); var top = 0; if(elem) { if(elem.offsetParent) { top = elem.offsetTop; while(elem = elem.offsetParent) { top += elem.offsetTop; } } window.scrollTo(0, top); } } If you absolutely need a page reload (not sure why you ever would), try opening a window in itself... window.open(location.href + '#section', '_top'); Or try replace... location.replace(location.href + '#section'); A: There is a much much simpler solution: if (document.location.href.match(/[?]/)) document.location.href = document.location.href + '&fake_param=' + Math.random() + '#section' ; else document.location.href = document.location.href + '?fake_param=' + Math.random() + '#section' ;
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Alrighty, still getting used to the culture. @Baavgai, so I tried testing that code out in a console app and I got this message from the debugger, what should I do? Show your code. How did you implement the class Val? Note, I only gave the header, the body is an exercise for you. Well I haven't really implemented it per se, basically just copied your code to see if I could get it working in a Win32 console program as I usually test concepts in command line instead of windows forms. I think I need to do some tutorials today on implementing classes. I will be back after I get a little more familiar with classes. I added your code to a .cpp item not a header though. I'm not using a header because for this test because I usually just compile a lone .cpp file when I'm doing command line apps. Let me do some research on classes and report back. Thanks again! Curious - how do you read that error? White on turquoise is not really conducive to reading.. like white on yellow. I have the hue adjusted on my video adapter. There are two screens and I offset the hue on one so that on my programming screen light blue is light purple and the brightness is turned down so it's easier to read than it appears there. That seems.. odd. Why would you want to misrepresent colors? Why not just use a different default highlight color? He's likely running f.lux. I've started using it to keep from waking my kids up while I use the dual monitor. OK so I'm learning about classes, I see where you're going with this. So basically you've created a class that will keep the values for the integers within the specified boundaries? I'm still going to have to figure out why it's giving that message but at least I now understand what this class thing is doing. Please forgive me, I've only been programming in C++ in my free time (which isn't much) and the only other programming language that I know is TI Basic (which is far simpler for trigonometric functions and input/output) so I'm still getting used to the complexities and intricacies of C++. I'm at work, we have windows 10 here, windows 10 is extremely boring looking. I use the hue to spice up the interface a bit because when I was kid we used to have gradient title bars in windows 98 and it made the OS less BORING. Did you try playing with these settings? Anyway other than the new flat "Metro" UI making a statement about departure from older versions of Windows, it actually also has the side effect of being much more energy efficient because a lot less CPU/GPU power is needed to render screen. This was a big boost in helping the battery life for Windows laptops and tablets. Of course, if you have a $1500 gaming video card on your desktop, it pretty much underutilized even if most of Windows 10 uses DirectDraw. Enough offtopic from me, though. OP: baavgai's class is such that when you instantiate an object of it, you give it a starting value, and min and max values. The object stores those values for later use. You probably should make sure that the value is in the min...max range, BUT, depending on what you want - you may even let the starting value be lesser than min, or larger than max - you'd just have to take care off appropriately setting the starting "direction" of the step. // 1, 4, 7, 10, ...? Xupicor, NICE!!!!! TY! I'm going to give this a shot. Be back in a second. Appreciate the help. Skydiver, yes I changed that but the personalization options that have been in windows since 98 are all gone as of Win10. I understand what you're saying about the resource usage but that's not a good reason to remove features IMO. They should still be present, they're in Win7 you just have to switch to the classic theme but you can't do that in the latest release. I remember being on the Win8 team when the perf team revealed the results of their testing for Aero UI vs. Metro UI. The difference was more than double in terms of watts used on Intel processors. It was even more dramatic for Atom processors. Since at the time, there was a company wide drive to be more power usage aware, the die was cast.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The pin in the map is the location of Sri Sai Ram Medical & General Stores. Please use the arrows to scroll in upto 8 possible directions. You can also zoom out using the buttons on top. Move from Chatri towards Fish Market, in about 75 yards, on the right side of the road, you will find the address. Move from Fish Market towards Chatri, in about 75 yards, on the left side of the road, you will find the address. There are no events at Sri Sai Ram Medical & General Stores scheduled currently. fullhyd.com has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Sri Sai Ram Medical & General Stores!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
'Not duty of government to bail ADCs from financial crunch': Meghalaya Deputy CM Stating that the Government cannot provide any kind of financial assistance to help the ADCs in the payment of the salaries, he said that it is the job of the District councils to pay the salaries from its own resources. Meghalaya Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong. (File Photo) Meghalaya Deputy Minister, Prestone Tynsong has clarified that it is not the duty of the State Government to bail out the three Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) who are facing severe financial crunch. "The ADCs are separate entities and it is not under the State Government. As per agreement, which was arrived long time back, the responsibility of the government was to release the outstanding dues of the share from royalties on the mineral sources to the three ADCs," Tynsong told reporters here today. The Deputy CM also informed that the Government had recently released an amount of ₹ 45 crore from which was sanctioned by the 15th Finance Commission under the special plan assistance. Tynsong stated that out of the ₹ 45 crore which was released, the total amount of funds which was allocated to the three ADCs include KHADC (₹ 20.47 crore), GHADC (₹ 18.20 crore) and JHADC (₹ 6.82 crore). Earlier, the District Council Affairs Minister, Lahkmen Rymbui had stated that the funds which were released are meant for various developmental activities as per plans and estimates proposed by the three ADCs. (Edited by Christopher Gatphoh) TNT-The Northeast Today news Northeast India Autonomous District Councils TNT-The Northeast Today
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
University of Central Florida psychology doctoral student Julia Wright agrees, noting that we show others how we want to be treated in the way we conduct ourselves and the way we dress. As an older graduate student returning to school after a 25-year career as a product design engineer, Wright notes that dressing appropriately is more important than many students think. "You should not look like you just rolled out of bed or that you're ready to go play volleyball at the beach," she says. It's also about being engaged in the program. "The people I hear complain about being treated fairly are those who, when the professor is lecturing or they're part of a group discussion, are sitting there surfing the web on their laptops or texting people on their cellphones." Gutierrez urges students to treat graduate school as their first real entrance into the job market. "People who dress appropriately, who interact with others appropriately, and who carry themselves as professionals are going to get the respect professionals ought to receive," he says. Believe in yourself. Have confidence in your capacity because people can see that, Gutierrez says. But also understand that you don't have to know everything to feel and be competent. "Asking someone with more experience for help is never a bad thing," he notes. "In fact, it demonstrates maturity." Speak up. When someone implies that you're too young or inexperienced, correct them. Point to all you've done to get where you are in your career so far, the research you've completed, the publications you've been involved with, even if you weren't recognized as a co-author, and the experience you do have with the field of psychology. "I think if we all asserted ourselves more — in a respectful way, of course — we could really change people's views," Lima says. "Our silence endorses the status quo." Recognize that it's not you. Kraha says it's important to keep in mind that the disrespect or unfair treatment you may experience is not really about you as a person or what you can and will accomplish. It often stems from a lack of understanding or awareness. "It always helps me to remember that," she says. "What they're saying isn't a reflection on you, it's a reflection on who they are and where they are in their lives." Become an advocate. Gutierrez says it's never too early to get involved in activism. As psychologists and psychology students, we know too much about human behavior not to get involved in advocating for political or social or institutional changes. It can also help you learn more about your institution — and can leave you feeling more empowered. "I'm not saying that everyone has to go out and form a labor union, but if you don't want to feel taken advantage of as a student, get involved in the system and do something about it," he says. n Civilian Psychology Careers CivilianMedicalJobs.com FIND JOBS POST RESUMES APPLY TODAY Army Medicine Civilian Corps employees are NOT subject to military requirements such as "boot camp," enlistments or deployments. THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Vast Opportunities Exceptional Benefits Rewarding Careers » Exceptional Benefits » Opportunities Worldwide » Rewarding Careers » Flexible Work Schedules Care for military personnel, beneficiaries and their families at Army hospitals and clinics worldwide. Search jobs online today at CivilianMedicalJobs.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home Celebrities News 'Is this something that we have just realised?,' asks Sushmita Sen on... 'Is this something that we have just realised?,' asks Sushmita Sen on the existence of nepotism in Bollywood The former Miss Universe made a career in Bollywood on her own in 2000s with movies such as Biwi No 1, Aankhen, Filhaal, Samay, Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya and Main Hoon Na but decided to take a break from acting to focus on her health and raising her daughters Renee and Alisah. Her performance in Aankhen, Filhaal and Samay received critical praise but the films did not do well at the box office at the time of their release. "I always believe I am a satellite hit because whatever work I did when it came on satellite, it became a hit and people started applauding the performance. But back then, when it was in the theatres, it didn't work," the actor told PTI in an interview. Sushmita Sen, 44, believes what kept her strong during those years was a faith in her abilities. "I define my success, I acknowledge my failures but I also acknowledge that I haven't failed, my attempts have. There is a big difference. When people don't know how to differentiate between the two, everybody piles on with the insecurity of being called a failure. That is a very big mistake that people allow others to make on their behalf". The actor says she is "open to criticism" and one can review her "badly" with "some sugar and salt" but she will continue to focus on her work and try to give her best. Previous articleAmrish Puri, Kamal Haasan And Sarika In A Priceless Throwback Pic Next articleMadhuri Dixit shares her "Quarantine thoughts" on Instagram; also reveals the song she is listening to right now!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Kristen Stewart's mom shooting a transgender prison drama by Kim Grundy Kim Grundy http://twitter.com/KimGrundy Kim's Most Recent Stories These Angelic Baby Names Are Perfect for Your (Let's Hope) Little Angel Top Stretch Mark Creams Moms Swear by During Pregnancy These Boy-Girl Twin Names Are the Perfect Match — & Twice the Cuteness July 26, 2011 at 5:35pm PM EDT Kristen Stewart isn't the only one in her family in the Hollywood biz. Her mother, Jules Stewart, is directing a transgender prison drama that Kristen was supposed to star in… that is, until she dropped out. Related story Kristen Stewart's New Princess Diana Movie Is the One You've Been Waiting For Kristen Stewart's mom, Jules Stewart, is gearing up to direct her first indie film called K-11, about a transsexual prisoner with autism. Kristen was actually going to play the lead role until the busy Twilight actress had to drop out due to sheduling conflicts. Her moms is still keeping the family involved, casting her brother Cameron (pictured below with Kristen in 2008) in small role in the film. "It's just one of those things where you try and get a movie off the ground that's small," Kristen Stewart told MTV about the film. "I don't know [whether it will get made]. Like, right now it's harder [to get indie films made]. It just never got legs. I still really hope to do it." Between the Twilight films and starring in Snow White and the Huntsman, Stewart apparently does not have time to make it. In fact, Kristen is not the only Twilight star that recently backed out of the film. Nikki Reed dropped out of the film after telling MTV in November that she and Kristen have been involved with the movie since 2008. "It's about a little-known section of the men's county jail. I'm playing a man, and Kristen's playing a boy," Reed said. Even though Kristen and Nikki are no longer involved in the film, it will be interesting to see Kristen's older brother, Cameron, making his film debut, even if his role is a small part. The film will star Goran Visnjic (ER), D.B. Sweeney (Hard Ball), Kate del Castillo and Portia Doubleday (Youth in Revolt), with supporting actors Jason Mewes and Tommy "Tiny" Lister.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
\subsection{Deligne's category $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t)$} From the perspective of the Killing-Cartan-Weyl classification of simple Lie algebras and their representation theory in terms of highest weights, root systems, Weyl groups and associated combinatorics it is not so easy to understand the extreme uniformity in the representation theory that exists among different Lie groups. With possible application to a universal Chern-Simons type knot invariant in mind, P. Vogel \cite{Vog1999} tried to define a universal Lie algebra, $\mathfrak{g}(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)$ depending on three {\em Vogel parameters} that determine a point $(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)$ in the {\em Vogel plane}, in which all simple Lie algebras find their place. The dimension of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)$ is given by a universal rational expression \begin{equation*} \dim \mathfrak{g}(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)\, = \, \frac{(\alpha-2t)(\beta-2t)(\gamma-2t)}{\alpha\beta\gamma},\qquad t=\alpha+\beta+\gamma , \end{equation*} and similar universal rational formulas can be given for the dimensions of irreducible constituents of $S^2\mathfrak{g}, S^3\mathfrak{g}$ and $S^4\mathfrak{g}$. Although the current status of Vogel's suggestions is unclear to us, these ideas have led to many interesting developments, such as the discovery of $E_{7\frac{1}{2}}$ by Landsberg and Manivel, \cite{LM2002}, \cite{LM2004}, \cite{LM2006}, \cite{LM2006a}, \cite{LM2006a}. In order to interpolate within the classical $A,B,C,D$ series of Lie algebras, Deligne has defined $\otimes$-categories \[ \mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t),\;\; \mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(O_t), \] where $t$ is a parameter that can take on any complex value. (The category $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(Sp_{2t})$ is usually not discussed as it can be expressed easily in terms of the category $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(O_T)$ with $T=-2t$.) If $n$ is an integer, there are natural surjective functors \[\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_n) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Rep}}(GL_n)\] In the tannakian setup one would attempt to reconstruct a group $G$ from its $\otimes$-category of representations $\mathop{\mathrm{Rep}}(G)$ using a fibre functor to the $\otimes$-category $Vect$ of vector spaces, but Deligne's category has no fibre functor and is not tannakian, or, in general, even abelian. (However, when $t$ is not an integer, the category \emph{is} abelian semisimple.) According to the axioms, in an arbitrary rigid $\otimes$-category $\mathcal{R}$ there exist a unit object~${\bf 1}$ and canonical evaluation and coevaluation morphisms \[ \epsilon: V \otimes V^* \to {\bf 1},\qquad \delta: {\bf 1} \to V \otimes V^*\] so that we can assign to any object a dimension by setting \[ \dim V =\epsilon \circ \delta \in \mathop{\mathrm{End}}({\bf 1}) \in \mathbb{C}. \] A simple diagrammatic description of $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t)$ can be found in \cite{CW2012}. One first constructs a skeletal category ${\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}\,}_0(GL_t)$, whose objects are words in the alphabet $\{\bullet, \circ\}$. The letter $\bullet$ corresponds to the fundamental representation $V$ of $GL_t$, $\circ$ to its dual $V^*$. A~$\otimes$-structure is induced by concatenation of words. The space of morphisms between two such words is the $\mathbb{C}$-span of a set of admissible graphs, with vertices the circles and dots of the two words. Such an admissible graph consists of edges between the letters of the two words. Each letter is contained in one edge. Such an edge connects different letters of the same word or the same letter if the words are different. $$\vcenter{ \xymatrix{ \bullet \ar@/_2ex/@{-}[rr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ld] & \circ & \circ \ar@{-}[d] \\ \bullet \ar@{-}[rrd] & \circ \ar@/^/@{-}[r] \ar@/_/@{-}[r]& \bullet & \circ \ar@{-}[lld] \\ & \circ & \bullet & \\ } } = t \cdot \left( \vcenter{ \xymatrix{\bullet \ar@/_2ex/@{-}[rr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ddr] & \circ & \circ \ar@{-}[ddll] \\ & & \\ & \circ & \bullet & \\ }} \right) $$ The composition is juxtaposition of the two graphs, followed by the elimination of loops, which results in a factor $t$.\\ Deligne's category is now obtained by first forming its additive hull by introducing formally direct sums and then passing to the Karoubian hull, i.e. forming a category of pairs $(W,e)$, consisting of an object together with an idempotent: \[\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}} (GL_t) =({\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}\,}_0(GL_t)^{\text{add}})^\text{Karoubi}. \] \bf Example. \rm Consider the word $\bullet \bullet$ and the morphisms $\mathrm{Id}$ and $\mathrm{Swap}$ with the obvious meaning. One then can put \[ S^2V=(\bullet \bullet, s), \;\;\wedge^2 V=(\bullet\bullet, a),\] where \[ s=\frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{Id}+\mathrm{Swap}),\;\;a=\frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{Id}-\mathrm{Swap})\] so that in $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(Gl_t)$ one has: \[ V \otimes V=(\bullet \bullet ,Id)=S^2V \oplus \wedge^2V,\] which upon taking dimensions is the identity \[ t^2 = \frac{t(t+1)}{2}+\frac{t(t-1)}{2} .\] \subsection{`Spaces of sections' as objects in Deligne's category and the beta integral.} As above, we assume that $n$ is a natural number. Write $t=N+1$ and let $V_t=V$ be the fundamental object of $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t)$ so that $\dim V_t=t$. We do not define the projective space $\P =\P^N$, but we can pretend that, in the sense of Deligne, the space of global sections is \[ H(\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n)) :=\mathop{\mathrm{Sym}^n}(V_t^*) \in \mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t) .\] Its dimension is then, as expected \begin{equation} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n)) :=\dim H (\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n))={N+n \choose n} \label{chi-interpret}, \end{equation} (interpreted in the obvious way as a polynomial in $N$ if $N\not\in\mathbb{Z}$), so that e.g. \[\chi(\mathcal{O}_{\P^{1/2}}(2))=\frac{3}{8}.\] The Poincar\'e series \[P(y):=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n)) y^n =\frac{1}{(1-y)^{N+1}},\] which is consistent with the idea that $\dim V_t = N+1$. \medskip Returning to the question posed at the beginning, `is there a way to extend the interpolation of $\chi$ individually to the Chern and the Todd ingredients?', we reason as follows. If $X$ is a smooth projective $n$-dimensional variety, and $E$ a vector bundle on $X$, then the Euler characteristic \[\chi(X,E):=\sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^i\dim H^i(X,E)\] can be expressed in terms of characteristic numbers \[\chi(X,E)=\int_X \mathop{\mathrm{ch}}(E) \cdot \mathop{\mathrm{td}}(X) . \] Here the integral in the right hand side is usually interpreted as resulting from evaluating the cap product with the fundamental class $[X]$ on the cohomology algebra $H^*(X)$, and the Chern character and Todd class are defined in terms of the Chern roots $x_i$ of $E$ and $y_i$ of $TX$: \[\mathop{\mathrm{ch}}(E)=\sum_{i=1}^r e^{x_i}\,, \qquad \mathop{\mathrm{td}}(X)=\prod_{i=1}^n \frac{y_i}{1-e^{-y_i}} .\] The cohomology ring of an $n$-dimensional projective space is a truncated polynomial ring: \[H^*(\P^N)=\mathbb{Z}[\xi]/(\xi^{N+1})\,, \qquad\xi=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1)),\] and it is not directly clear how to make sense of this if $N$ is not an integer. Our tactic will be to drop the relation \[\xi^{N+1}=0\] altogether, thinking instead of $\mathbb{Z}[\xi]$ as a Verma module over the $sl_2$ of the Lefschetz theory, and replacing taking the cap product with integration. As we will be integrating meromorphic functions in $\xi$, the polynomial ring is too small, and we put \[ \hat{H}(\P) :=\mathbb{Z}[[s]] \supset \mathbb{Z}[s] .\] One has \[ \chi(\mathcal{O}(n))=e^{n\xi}\,, \qquad \mathop{\mathrm{td}}(\P)=\left(\frac{\xi}{1-e^{-\xi}}\right)^{N+1}, \] so Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch reads \[\chi(\mathcal{O}(n))=\left[e^{n\xi} \left(\frac{\xi}{1-e^{-\xi}}\right)^{N+1}\right]_N\] where $[...]_N$ is the coefficient at $\xi^N$ in a series. This can be expressed analytically as a residue integral along a small circle around the origin: \begin{equation*} \chi(\mathcal{O}(n))=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint e^{n \xi}\left(\frac{\xi}{1-e^{-\xi}}\right)^{N+1}\frac{d\xi}{\xi^{N+1}} . \end{equation*} As it stands, it cannot be extended to non-integer $N$ since the factor $(1- e^{-\xi})^{-N-1}$ is not univalued on the circle. The usual way to adapt it is to consider, for $n \ge 0$, the integral along the path going from $- \infty - i \varepsilon$ to $ - i \varepsilon$, making a half--turn round the origin and going back, and choosing the standard branch of the logarithm. Because of the change in the argument this integral is equal to \begin{equation*} J(N,n) = \frac{e^{2 \pi i (N+1)}-1}{2 \pi i} \int_{-\infty}^0 \frac{e^{n \xi}}{(1-e^{-\xi})^{N+1}} d \xi , \end{equation*} or, after the substitution $s=e^{\xi}$, \begin{equation*} J(N,n) = \frac{e^{2 \pi i (N+1)}-1}{2 \pi i} \int_0^1 s^{n-1} (1-1/s)^{-N-1} ds = \frac{\sin \pi (N+1)}{ \pi } \int_0^1 s^{n+N} (1-s)^{-N-1} ds . \end{equation*} Using Euler's formulas \begin{equation} \Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x) =\frac{\pi}{\sin \pi x} \,, \label{gamma-one-minus-argument} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \int_0^1 s^{\alpha-1}(1-s)^{\beta-1} ds = \frac{\Gamma(\alpha)\Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)} \,, \label{beta-integral} \end{equation} and \begin{equation*} \frac{\Gamma(N+n+1)}{\Gamma(n+1) \Gamma(N+1)} = {N+n \choose n} \,, \end{equation*} we arrive at a version of RRH `with integrals': \medskip \noindent \bf Proposition 1. \rm Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Assume $\mathop{\mathrm{Re}} N < 0, \, N \notin \mathbb{Z}$. Interpret the Euler characteristic of~$\P ^N$ via formula \eqref{chi-interpret}. Then \begin{equation*} \label{little-propo} \chi_\P(\O (n)) = \frac{e^{2 \pi i (N+1)}-1}{2 \pi i} \int_{-\infty}^0 \frac{e^{n \xi}}{(1-e^{-\xi})^{N+1}} d \xi . \end{equation*} \qed \bigskip \medskip \subsection{The grassmannian and the Selberg integral.} For $\P^N$, we ended up with the beta function, a one-dimensional integral, as the cohomology ring is generated by a single class~$\xi$. In the cases where the cohomology ring is generated by $k$ elements, for example the grassmannian $G(k,N+k)$, we would like to see a $k$-dimensional integral appear in a natural way. For $N \in \mathbb{N}$ the cohomology ring of the grassmannian $\mathbb{G}:=G(k,N+k)$ is given by \[H^*(G(k,N+k))=\mathbb{C}[s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_k]/(q_{N+1},q_{N+2}, \dots, q_{N+k}),\] where the $s_i$ are the Chern classes of the universal rank $k$ sub-bundle and $q_i=c_i(Q)$ are formally the Chern classes of the universal quotient bundle $Q$ (so that the generating series of $q$'s is inverse to that of $s$'s). In the same vein as before, we set: \begin{equation} \hat{H}^*(\mathbb{G}):=\mathbb{C}[[s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_k]]=\mathbb{C}[[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_k]]^{S_k} \label{drop-rel} \end{equation} by dropping the relations. A $\mathbb{C}$-basis of this ring given by the Schur polynomials \[\sigma_{\lambda} :=\frac{\det(x_i^{\lambda_j+k-j})}{\det(x_i^{k-j})}\] where $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_k)$ is an arbitrary Young diagram with at most $k$ rows. There is a Satake--type map for the extended cohomology: \[ \mathrm{Sat}: \hat{H}(\mathbb{G}) \to \wedge^k \hat{H}(\P) \] obtained from the Young diagram by `wedging its rows': \[\sigma_{\lambda} \mapsto s^{\lambda_1+k-1} \wedge s^{\lambda_2+k-2}\wedge \ldots \wedge s^{\lambda_k-1}. \] We are therefore seeking an expression for the values of the Hilbert polynomial of $G(k,N)$ in terms of a $k$--dimensional integral of the beta type involving $k$--wedging. Euler's beta integral \eqref{beta-integral} has several generalizations. Selberg introduced \cite{Selberg1944} an integral \cite{FW2008} over the $k$-dimensional cube \begin{equation*} S(\alpha, \beta,\gamma, k):=\int_0^1\ldots\int_0^1 (s_1 s_2\ldots s_k)^{\alpha-1}((1-s_1)(1-s_2)\ldots(1-s_k))^{\beta-1}\Delta(s)^{2\gamma} ds_1ds_2\ldots ds_k \end{equation*} where \[ \Delta(s)=\Delta(s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_k)=\prod_{i <j} (s_i-s_j) ,\] and showed that it admits meromorphic continuation, which we will also denote by $S$. \medskip \noindent {\bf Proposition 2.} For $k \in \mathbb{N},\, n \in \mathbb{Z}_+$, let $\chi(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{G}}(n))$ denote the result of interpolating the polynomial function $\chi(\mathcal{O}_{G (k,k+N)}(n))$ of the argument $N \in \mathbb{N}$ to $\mathbb{C}$. One has \begin{equation*} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{G}}(n))= \frac{(-1)^{k(k-1)/2}}{k!}\left( \frac{\sin \pi(N+1)}{\pi}\right)^k S(n+N+1,-N-k+1;1,k) . \end{equation*} \rm {\sc Proof.} The shortest (but not the most transparent) way to see this is to use the expressions for the LHS and the RHS in terms of the product of gamma factors found by Littlewood and Selberg respectively. By Selberg, \begin{equation} S(\alpha,\beta,\gamma,k)=\prod_{i=0}^{k-1} \frac{\Gamma(\alpha+i\gamma)\Gamma(\beta+i\gamma)\Gamma(1+(i+1)\gamma)} {\Gamma(\alpha+\beta+(k+i-1)\gamma) \Gamma(1+\gamma)} \label{Selberg-formula}. \end{equation} By Littlewood \cite{Lit1942}, for $N \in \mathbb{Z}_{>0}$ one has \begin{equation*} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{G(k,k+N)}(n)) =\frac{{N+n \choose n} {N+n+1 \choose n+1} \ldots {N+n+(k-1) \choose n+(k-1)}}{ {N \choose 0} {N+1 \choose 1} \ldots {N+(k-1) \choose (k-1)}}, \end{equation*} where there are $k$ factors at the top and the bottom. Rearranging the terms in the RHS of \eqref{Selberg-formula} and using \eqref{gamma-one-minus-argument}, we bring the $\Gamma$-factors that involve $\beta$ to the denominator in order to form the binomial coefficients at the expense of the sine factor. \qed \bigskip As an example, for $k=2$ and $N=-1/2$, we get the Hilbert series \[ \sum_{k=0}^\infty \chi(\mathcal{O}_{G(2,3/2)}(n)) \, y^n = 1+6\, \frac{t}{16} +60\left(\frac{t}{16}\right)^2 + 700 \left(\frac{t}{16} \right)^3+8820 \left(\frac{t}{16} \right)^4 +\ldots \] which is no longer algebraic, but can be expressed in terms of elliptic functions. More generally, one can consider a Selberg--type integral with an arbitrary symmetric function rather than the discriminant in the numerator and use separation of variables together with the Jacobi--Trudi formula in order to obtain similar expressions in terms of the gamma function in order to interpolate between the Euler characteristics of more general vector bundle on grassmannians (or the dimensions of highest weight representations of $GL_{N+k}$). \subsection{Towards a gamma conjecture in non--integral dimensions.} \label{gamma-phenomena} The by now standard predictions of mirror symmetry relate the RRH formalism on a Fano variety $F$ to the monodromy of its regularized quantum differential equation. It is expected that this differential equation arises from the Gauss--Manin connection in the middle cohomology of level hypersurfaces of a regular function $f$ defined on some quasiprojective variety (typically a Laurent polynomial on $\mathbb{G}_\mathrm{m}^{\, d}$), called in this case a Landau--Ginzburg model of $F$. By stationary phase, the monodromy of the Gauss--Manin connection in a pencil translates into the asymptotic behavior of oscillatory integrals of the generic form $I (z) = \int \exp (izf)\, d\mu (\mathbb{G}_\mathrm{m}^{\, d})$, which satisfy the quantum differential equation of $F$, this time without the word `regularized'. The asymptotics are given by Laplace integrals computed at the critical points, and the critical values of $f$ are the exponents occurring in the oscillatory integrals $I_i(z)$ that have `pure' asymptotic behavior in sectors. One wants to express these pure asymptotics in terms of the Frobenius basis of solutions $\{ \Psi_i (z) \}$ around $z = 0$. The gamma conjecture \cite{GGI2016} predicts that such an expression for the highest--growth asymptotic (arising from the critical value next to infinity) will give the `gamma--half' of the Todd genus and therefore effectively encode the Hilbert polynomial of $F$ with respect to the anticanonical bundle. At first sight, none of this seems capable of surviving in non--integer dimensions. Yet, to return to the example of $G(2,N+2)$, define the numbers $c_j$ and $d_j$ by the expansions \begin{equation*} \Gamma_\P^{(0)} (\varepsilon) = \Gamma (1+\varepsilon)^{N+2} = \sum_{j=0}^\infty d_j \varepsilon^j , \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} \Gamma_\P^{(1)} (\varepsilon) = \Gamma (1+\varepsilon)^{N+2} e^{2 \pi i \varepsilon} = \sum_{j=0}^\infty c_j \varepsilon^j. \end{equation*} Put \begin{equation*} F(\varepsilon,z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{z^{l+\varepsilon}}{\Gamma(1+l+\varepsilon)^{N+2}} \end{equation*} and \begin{equation*} \Psi (\varepsilon,z) = \Gamma_\P (\varepsilon) F (\varepsilon, z) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \Psi_k (z) \varepsilon^k. \end{equation*} \medskip \noindent \bf Claim \rm (rudimentary gamma conjecture). For fixed $N > 2$ and $i, \, j$ in a box of at least some moderate size, one should have \begin{equation*} \label{claim-grass} \lim_{z \to - \infty} \frac{\Psi_i (z) \Psi'_j (z) - \Psi_j (z) \Psi'_i (z)}{\Psi_1 (z) \Psi'_0 (z) - \Psi_0 (z) \Psi'_1 (z)} = \frac{c_i d_j - c_j d_i}{c_1 d_0 - c_0 d_1} . \end{equation*} \bigskip \bigskip \noindent The LHS and RHS mimic, in the setup of formula \eqref{drop-rel}, the $\sigma_{[j-1,i]}$-coefficients in the expansion of the `principal asymptotic class' and the gamma class of the usual grassmannian: in the case when $N \in \mathbb{N}$ and $0 \le i,j \le N$ one would use the identification of $2$--Wronskians of a fundamental matrix of solutions to a higher Bessel equation with homology classes of $G(2,N+2)$. Preliminary considerations together with numerical evidence suggest that the claim has a good chance to be true, as well as its versions for $G(k,N+k)$ with $k > 2$. \bigskip \bigskip \bigskip The first--named author is grateful to Yuri Manin and Vasily Pestun for stimulating discussions. We thank Hartmut Monien for pointing us to \cite{FW2008}. \bigskip \nocite{MV2017} \nocite{GM2014} \nocite{Bra2013} \nocite{BS2013} \nocite{Etingof1999} \nocite{Etingof2014} \nocite{Etingof2016} \nocite{EGNO2015} \nocite{FW2008} \nocite{Man2006} \nocite{Opd1999} \nocite{Man1985} \nocite{Lit1942} \nocite{Lit1943} \nocite{BD2016} \nocite{LM2002} \nocite{LM2004} \nocite{LM2006} \nocite{LM2006a} \nocite{GW2011} \nocite{Del2002} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{}
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
About/Acerca Mission/Misión Our Team/Equipo Our Board/Mesa Directiva Contact/Contacto Get Involved/Se Involucra Get Connected/Invítenos Volunteer/Voluntario Resources/Recursos History of School Privatization Historia de la Privatización de las Escuelas National Privatization Groups Grupos Nacionales de Privatización​​ Impacts of Privatization Media/Noticias Donate/Donar Ducey Lies to Expand Vouchers with Covid-Relief Funds 2021, Arizona Schools, Education Funding, Teacher / January 4, 2022 January 3, 2022 / 2021, Arizona, Arizona Schools, Education, Mandates, Resources, teacher Governor Ducey has long prioritized expanding private school vouchers over funding public schools, so it comes as no surprise that he is misusing federal Covid relief dollars to create yet another form of voucher. Arizona public schools have already lost billions in education funding over the past decade as lawmakers have expanded private school vouchers again and again. Ducey Lies to Push Anti-Mask Voucher Programs Ducey's newest voucher program encourages parents "unhappy with their public school district's COVID-19 mitigation efforts" (as in, mask mandates) to apply for $7,000 in federal dollars to take to private schools even if they have mask mandates! Three months after Ducey's anti-mask voucher program was first announced, the Governor's office claimed they'd received more than 2000 applications which exceeded the $10 million in allocated funding. However, these claims about the popularity of the program don't hold up. According to AZ Republic reporter Stacey Barchenger in "The Gaggle" podcast, public records requests revealed that only 1400 voucher applications were started, only 650 were completed and submitted, and only 93 were approved. In short, Gov. Ducey lied about the popularity of these programs. And if history tells us anything, he will double down on this lie in order to sell expansion of the program this upcoming legislative session. The Governor's office claimed they'd received more than 2000 applications which exceeded the $10 million in allocated funding. However, these claims about the popularity of the program don't hold up… In short, Gov. Ducey lied about the popularity of these programs. Unused Voucher Funds Could Help 1.1 Million Students In the interview, Barchenger points out that less than $50,000 has been spent of the $10 million set aside by Ducey for this purpose. The remaining $9.9 million remains unused. As Save Our Schools Arizona Director Beth Lewis recently pointed out in the AZ Republic, "The governor's claims are absolutely misleading. The governor's office is holding $10 million dollars hostage saying they're receiving all these applications, and that money is not in the classroom helping kids right now." Federal dollars that could be used for aides, academic support, counselors, and PPE to keep students, teachers, and staff healthy and in the classroom are sitting in the state's coffers. While touted by the governor to be vastly successful and popular, the program has proven to be the opposite. Barchenger reported that when confronted with the data, Ducey responded that "helping any number of families through what he called 'good policy' was worth it in his mind." For the governor, it's preferable that millions of dollars sit unused in order to justify expanding vouchers at all costs. Voucher Fraud & Abuse Like Arizona's ESA voucher program, the Governor's latest private school voucher plan is rife with misspending. The program was billed as a way to "get kids back into classrooms," yet a full third of approved vouchers are being used to send kids to online school. And despite an income cap meant to prioritize low-income kids, several awarded vouchers went to wealthy families. Barchenger says that her research uncovered several inconsistencies with what the governor said the purpose of the voucher program was and the actual outcomes. "[Ducey] said the programs were to keep kids in classrooms, but a third of the people who have been approved for the vouchers were approved to send their kids to online school so they're not in classrooms at all," she noted. "The language coming from [Ducey's] office was, 'We want to support districts and parents that are following the law," Barchenger reported, referring to the law prohibiting districts from imposing mask mandates that was recently ruled unconstitutional. "But that law doesn't exist anymore, so [Ducey's] shifted a little bit to the latest defense that anything we can do to keep kids in classrooms helps stem the digital divide that has emerged after COVID." And yet many families are using the funds to attend online school. The US Treasury has said federal Covid relief dollars were intended to help with economic recovery and slow down the spread of the virus, and that Ducey's programs do the opposite. "These programs were unveiled just after the CDC recommended universal masking in schools, and they do the opposite of that. They put financial incentive to districts that don't follow those guidelines," said Barchenger. "[Ducey] said the programs were to keep kids in classrooms, but a third of the people who have been approved for the vouchers were approved to send their kids to online school so they're not in classrooms at all." Stacey Barchenger, AZ Republic Tweet AZ Parents Choose Public Schools The program's failures underscore the well-known fact that private school vouchers are not an effective or efficient way to help Arizona kids in need. Despite this, as well as the ongoing struggle between AZ and the federal government on whether voucher expansion is an appropriate use of federal dollars, Gov. Ducey insists that there will be a need to expand the program. Once again, his office is using lies and exaggerations to expand eligibility, which is extremely concerning when $9.9 million in Covid relief dollars sits unused. Gov. Ducey continues to prioritize unpopular and inefficient voucher programs while Arizona public schools remain last in the nation in education funding. Arizona families overwhelmingly choose public schools, and voters rejected private school voucher expansion by a 2-1 margin in 2018. AZ voters have spoken: Governor Ducey and the legislature must prioritize public education and support the 1.1 million students attending Arizona's public schools. Subscribe here to receive our latest blog content Join our movement! Sign up HERE to volunteer or join a Community Action Team near you. Copyright © 2020 Save Our Schools Arizona Network. All rights reserved. Stay Connected | Donate
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The Ensco 8503 semi drilled the Zama-1 discovery well for Talos Energy in the Salinas-Sureste Basin offshore southeast Mexico. The Zama-1 discovery, which was announced last year, yielded one of the world's largest shallow-water finds in the past 20 years and is estimated to hold 600 million bbl of commercial reserves. Ensco is now in discussions with operators for more drilling work offshore Mexico and is participating in rig tenders for exploration and appraisal work in 2019 and beyond. Mexico's newly elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador – who has been an outspoken opponent of the country's 2013 energy reform that ended PEMEX's oil sector monopoly – made a statement at a press conference in early August that he will ban hydraulic fracturing in Mexico. "If such a ban was implemented and includes natural gas production, unconventional gas exploration will go by the wayside, and Mexico will either be forced to import more American gas or seek gas offshore," said David Goldwyn, Chairman of the Energy Advisory Group and Non-Resident Senior Fellow with the Atlantic Council's Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center. It remains to be seen, however, whether the president-elect's statement is just politics or if he will follow through. Since he picked up more than 50% of the vote to win Mexico's 1 July presidential election, Mr López Obrador has promised to respect existing contracts, and analysts believe he is unlikely to reverse ongoing reforms in a major way. Currently, only incremental changes are expected once the new president takes office on 1 December. One change that has already come to pass is a delay in additional licensing rounds in order to give the new administration more time to review license terms. On 18 July, Mexico's National Hydro-carbons Commission (CNH) announced it had moved bidding rounds 3.2 and 3.3 and seven farm-outs with PEMEX from the original date of 5 September this year to 14 February 2019. The change came at the request of Mexico's Ministry of Finance, which was seeking more time to finalize contract terms and to give companies more time to analyze the associated data, according to Óscar Roldán, Head of CNH's National Data Repository. "It also gives CNH a chance to work hand-in-hand with the federal government's transition team to review current contracts and adjust future contract terms," he added. In 2013, energy reforms approved in Mexico opened the country to investments from private and foreign companies by creating a framework for acreage licensing rounds and by allowing new E&P contract models. These include licenses, production-sharing, profit-sharing and service contracts. Prior to the constitutional reforms, foreign companies could only participate in service contracts where companies were paid for services. They were not allowed shares or profits associated with oil and gas production, according to a 2017 report by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). With the populist president soon taking office, however, changes to these reforms are anticipated. In addition to delays in new licensing rounds, local content requirements could also be revised and hinder investments in the process, Mr Goldwyn said. It's also been speculated that the new president might end the PEMEX joint venture (JV) program, which was established in 2014 to provide the NOC with the technology and capital needed to reverse its production declines. The program's ultimate goal is to increase profits for both the NOC and the national government. "JVs play a central role in mitigating PEMEX's production decline, but Mr López Obrador has publicly voiced opposition to the JV program. His Mexico-first ideology is likely to take the form of a stronger PEMEX capable of leveraging more advantageous terms in the JV process," said Maria Cortez, Senior Research Manager with consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie. While there is a chance the JV program could be pulled, she believes the new administration will show pragmatism once it considers the additional production and revenues that could be generated under the ongoing reforms. In particular, she pointed to pressures that will be exerted on the new government to fund education, youth job training and pensions – all programs that Mr López Obrador proposed during his campaign. Even if the JV program is left in place, changes to how it's run may be made, such as allowing PEMEX to choose its own partners. The government currently appoints partners for the NOC after going through a bidding round, but this lack of control for PEMEX has led to its reluctance to participate in farm-outs. As a result, almost no farm-outs were conducted during the first four years of the Peña Nieto administration, Mr Goldwyn said, noting the negative impact this had on PEMEX's production. It's also uncertain how big a role the new government will want PEMEX to play in the country's oil and gas sector going forward. For example, it might require the NOC to participate in every consortium, or perhaps it will allocate new acreage solely for PEMEX, similar to what was done with Round Zero in August 2014, Mr Goldwyn said. During that licensing round, PEMEX was given the right of first refusal on all acreage offered. PEMEX ended up being awarded the right to develop 83% of Mexico's proved and probable reserves and 21% of total prospective resources. Still, Mr López Obrador will face significant constraints in terms of what he can do with PEMEX, regardless of his ambitions. "The factors that drove the energy reform, which were a lack of capital and technological expertise in PEMEX for both deepwater and unconventional production, are unchanged," Mr Goldwyn said. Moreover, PEMEX's finances remain under the control of Mexico's Ministry of Finance, and significant change is unlikely unless PEMEX gets financial autonomy and is able to raise funds on the stock market. The new president recently announced that he will move ahead with his plan to build a new refinery in the Tabasco region, at a reported cost of $8.6 billion. He is also planning to inject $4 billion into PEMEX for exploration, and additional money for proposed refinery renovations in Mexico's six existing facilities. Since the 2013 energy reforms, nine licensing rounds have been held, from Round Zero in 2014 to the shallow-water Round 3.1 in March this year. More than 100 onshore and offshore blocks – including 46 onshore blocks and 58 shallow- and deepwater blocks – have been awarded for E&P. So far, 16 exploration wells that were committed to under the licensing rounds have been drilled, four are drilling and six are planned for drilling. Companies that have participated have been diverse, from supermajors such as Shell and foreign national oil companies such as Qatar Petroleum to regional independents like BHP Billiton and new Mexican operators like Sierra Oil & Gas. These companies are bringing not only additional capital to fund new E&P projects but also a wide range of technical expertise that Mexico sorely needs. Wood Mackenzie attributed the success of Mexico's recent licensing rounds to the creation of a fiscal regime with reasonable minimum bids. These have allowed the country to compete internationally. At the same time, the government has been able to establish progressive factors in the contracts, such as with the contractual oil price, R-factors for statistical modeling, and internal rate of return adjustment mechanisms, that will maximize value for the country. Further, the country has smartly set lower minimums for less prospective acreage; this has facilitated the award of marginal blocks that could yield important discoveries, according to a May 2018 report from Wood Mackenzie. Over the next four years, 63 exploration and appraisal wells – evenly split between deepwater and shallow water – have been committed for drilling as part of the licensing rounds. If all of these wells are drilled, they would represent a total spend of $5 billion for deepwater and $2.5 billion for shallow water. Wood Mackenzie estimates the 63 wells could yield up to 20 discoveries, assuming they are primarily exploration wells and have a success rate of approximately 30%, the global average for frontier plays. Wood Mackenzie also estimates that, by 2024, investment from Round One, which includes several shallow-water projects and one deepwater project, will contribute approximately 500,000 BOE to Mexico's overall production. That growth will be driven partly by Eni's Amoca-2 and Talos Energy's Zama-1 discoveries. Both are located in the Salinas-Sureste Basin in southeast Mexico, which includes several sub-basins from onshore to ultra-deepwater. The Amoca-2 exploration well, drilled in March 2017, was the first well drilled following the energy reform's passage. It was drilled to a total depth of 3,500 m and encountered approximately 110 m of net oil pay from several Pliocene reservoir sandstones. Amoca-2 is located in Contractual Area 1, 1,200 km west of Ciudad del Carmen, in Campeche Bay in 25 m of water. Eni currently is drilling the Amoca-3 appraisal well on the Amoca field, where production is expected to begin in the second half of 2019. Wholly owned and operated by Eni, Amoca is likely to be the first greenfield project to come on-stream following passage of Mexico's energy reform. Talos' Zama-1 discovery is also expected to contribute significantly to Mexico's production growth in the coming years. Drilled by the ENSCO 8503 semisubmersible in 546 ft of water, Zama-1 struck a contiguous gross oil-bearing interval of more than 1,100 ft – with up to 650 ft of net oil-bearing reservoir in the Upper Miocene sandstone reservoirs. It yielded one of the world's largest shallow-water finds in the past 20 years, estimated to hold 600 million bbl of commercial reserves. In Q4 2018, Talos plans to start appraising the Zama field using the Ensco 8503. During the appraisal campaign – in which Talos must drill at least three boreholes and conduct a drill stem test and extensive coring and reservoir fluid sampling – the company plans to deepen one wellbore to test the Marte prospect. Once a front-end engineering design study is completed and a unitization agreement is reached, Talos expects to announce the final investment decision in Q4 2019 or Q1 2020. The company has been in discussions with Mexico's Energy Ministry to unitize efforts to develop Zama, whose reserves extend into another block held by PEMEX. Production is expected to begin in 2022 and increase through 2024 as additional field facilities are added, Talos announced in May. Ensco is in discussions with operators for more drilling work offshore Mexico and is participating in rig tenders with PEMEX and IOCs for midwater floaters and jackups for exploration and appraisal work in 2019 and beyond, said Gilles Luca, Senior VP Western Hemisphere for Ensco. "Right now it's mostly exploration programs and a bit of appraisal work, but because of the high success rate we've seen in the new acreage, you would expect some development programs to commence down the road," he said. Mexico's energy reform is generating a new wave of exploration and development activity, including Talos Energy's Zama-1 discovery. The energy reform also resulted in the Amoca-2 discovery, expected to be Mexico's first project to come on stream under the country's energy reform. Wood Mackenzie also estimates that, by 2024, investment from Round One, which includes several shallow-water projects and one deepwater project, will contribute approximately 500,000 BOE to Mexico's overall production. Both Amoca-2 and Zama-1 are located in the Salinas-Sureste Basin in southeast Mexico. The drilling contractor had operated jackups in Mexico nearly continuously from 2008 to 2016, which provided valuable experience as Ensco navigated regulations in the country's reformed energy sector since 2013. "Our knowledge in starting operations in the region is proving extremely beneficial and allows international operators who may not have had experience working in Mexico the ability to leverage our experience," Mr Luca said. He added that staying agile when dealing with new regulations and new regulatory bodies in the country has also helped to keep the process manageable. "The reform, from the standpoint of local content, was very realistic and didn't pose constraints that slowed our work down," he noted. Lessons have also been learned around the management of logistical support for materials, boats and helicopters. Mexico's offshore support logistics industry is undergoing a transition as they are now partners with new entrants into the market, Mr Luca said. Although efforts to develop Mexico's unconventional resources have remained scarce so far, this sector of the market could shift into higher gear under the new administration. There is worry in Mexico that US President Donald Trump could disrupt US natural gas exports to Mexico to try and influence NAFTA negotiations, Mr Goldwyn with the Atlantic Council said. This could lead the Mexican president to push PEMEX or other Mexican-based operators to invest in shale developments in order to boost natural gas production. In 2017, the US exported 4.6 billion cu ft/day of natural gas to Mexico via pipeline or liquefied natural gas cargoes, according to the EIA. It's difficult to say whether Mr López Obrador will follow through with his vow to ban hydraulic fracturing, said Samantha Gross, Fellow in Foreign Policy focused on energy and climate issues with the Brookings Institution. Once the president-elect sees the "cold hard reality" of what a fracking ban and other changes to Mexico's energy regulations could mean, he could change his mind. Ms Gross believes the energy reform is good for Mexico and Mexicans but is scratching her head over the president-elect's statements on energy reform and what they could ultimately mean for the country. Two bidding rounds – 3.2 and 3.3 – are currently scheduled for early 2019. The former offers 37 onshore conventional blocks and the latter offers nine onshore unconventional blocks. Round 3.3 will offer companies a chance to bid on nine licenses that touch the Pimienta formation of the Upper Jurassic unconventional play, which CNH considers one of the most attractive areas of Mexico for future gas, wet gas and oil production. Companies also will be able to bid on seven farm-out opportunities with PEMEX, covering 4,500 sq km of acreage with 2P and 3P reserves and a mix of historical production and newer, unexplored fields. Wood Mackenzie sees challenges to the development of Mexico's onshore unconventional oil and gas, however. Mexico does have spare onshore drilling capacity, but developing Mexico's shale resources will require the import of higher-spec rigs to drill and complete wells 3,000 m deep, as well as hydraulic fracturing equipment. "We expect this will be a difficult undertaking for two reasons. First, service companies will need to sort out logistical challenges of operating in Mexico, likely a process which will dampen interest for smaller companies," Ms Cortez explained. Second, the 2018 uptick in activity in the Permian Basin has depleted some of the excess capacity of rigs from the downturn. Rig rates in North America – estimated at $20,000/day to $25,000/day – and demand for pressure-pumping equipment also have tightened. "We would expect early Mexico shale developers to compete head to head with US market share, while also paying the premium for crossing the border. They will need to sort out the logistical challenges associated with importing equipment, staging it and storing it. We believe service companies will not be incentivized to do this without seeing a significant uptick in activity," Ms Cortez explained. Ensuring safety and security in the region against gang-related crime and violence will likely be the biggest challenge these companies face for unconventional and conventional plays and will likely narrow the playing field of E&P and service companies. "Locally incentivizing governments to improve security in oilfields will greatly increase the odds of development, as will demonstrating tangible local benefits," Ms Cortez said.
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Photo voltaic solar energy is a clean source of energy with much lower carbon footprint than other sources. However, the vast land requirements of solar energy arrays may make installation impractical when available land is better suited for other purposes. The goal of this research was to investigate changes to the environmental physics, grass production, and grass species diversification under solar panels in an active pasture. To this end, different land characteristics were studied observationally including the length of the growing season, the greenness, the production per acre), and the environmental physical processes.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Are you ready to gather all the revenue you're leaving on the table? I'm Juliana Stachurski, and I work with entrepreneurs to create strategic marketing roadmaps, optimize systems, and leverage classic direct response to blow past sales goals and set you up to scale. If you'd like to see how this might work with your business, enter your contact information below and answer the questions on the next screen. Whether you're looking for a plan of action, you want us to train a group, or you need a website that generates leads, we've got you covered. This is the foundation of all your marketing activities. All tactics point back to the playbook, and each play leads to specific, measurable results. Start here to eliminate random acts of marketing. Your website doesn't have to be a resource hog that generates no revenue. Our sites are designed with three things in mind: leads, list growth, and conversions. Click here to find out more. Having led teams that generated millions of dollars of online revenue and tens of thousands of book sales, our founder Juliana Stachurski is a great fit for your next conference or event that needs a powerhouse marketing presentation.
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Farber > Articles > You Like Them But Can They Do the Job? You Like Them But Can They Do the Job? Much has been made in the last few years of a creeping "confirmation bias" when it comes to job interviews. In some cases, a slice of as little as the first 10 seconds of an interview can predict the outcome. It seems that if we like applicants at the start, we spend the interview subconsciously looking for reasons to like them more. If we dislike the candidate, we will use the time finding reasons to support that judgment. The problem is that these judgments are incredibly unreliable when it comes to figuring out whether or not a person can do the job. For any hire, your reputation is on the line, so you should carefully scrutinize the process. One of the best predictors of how a person will perform is previous performance. You can use behavioral interview questions to gain insight into how a candidate has solve problems in the past. This won't be a perfect predictor of traits like collaboration or ability to learn, but it could give you a like-for-like assessment. Questions like "Tell me about a time you…" require candidates to tie past experiences to new scenarios. It's become conventional wisdom that extroverts will tend to do better in an interview than introverts, but that isn't always the case. Extroverts are not always aggressive and introverts are not always meek. Moreover, the idea that these personality tendencies fit certain jobs better than others has been debunked. Behavioral interview questions help you see past the personality to assess whether or not the candidate will be capable of doing the job. Conducting effective interviews does take a good deal of preparation. You need to detail the abilities you're looking for ahead of time and carefully construct the questions so that the responses you get will be measurable. The questions you ask should be carefully correlated to the competencies you're looking for. It's a good idea to create a rubric or scorecard in advance as well. This will give you a reference point as to what you're looking for and allow you to make notes during the interview. It helps you look past the personality. Once all of the interviews are over, you can enter the information into a spreadsheet and calculate the results. The spreadsheet will let you grade and rank the candidates, and will enable a more reliable, fact-based decision. When you like a particular candidate, you have to be careful that the halo effect isn't clouding your judgment. Having a hiring committee of objective individuals is a good way protect against that bias. At the very least, having a second opinion who doesn't just default to what you want to hear will help you let you check your assessment. No one element of an interview gives you a perfect prediction of a candidate's success. Effective interviews will blend a number of the strategies such as assessing past work experiences and measuring cognitive ability to get a fuller picture of a candidate's abilities. Matching those abilities to the competencies you need in your team is the key to determining whether or not they will be able to do their job. It's a difficult task, and you're not going to be right 100% of the time, but your professional reputation, maybe even your career, require that you get it right as often as possible. Charlene Bergman is the Managing Director of the Interim Management & Executive Search practice at Farber. Her expertise lies in building long term relationships by supporting clients and candidates to meet their corporate and career aspirations. Charlene can be reached at 416.496.3752 and [email protected].
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Plan ahead! Take a look at our full 2018-2019 Calendar. 10:15 Welcoming Circle The project of the day will be introduced and materials will be provided (this project/lesson will reflect the curriculum given to families in the beginning of the school year). 10:30am Exploration We believe in the power of nature to provide the environment for deep place-based exploration. Children will build relationships with their peers, mentors, and environment. Project ideas organically surface through unencumbered play and experimenting with new tools and materials. Mentors observe and document strong group interests while providing supporting questions, materials, and tools to encourage deeper learning. 12pm Lunch/Snack EverWild will provide a snack for the group to share. 1pm Sacred Project Time The group will revisit and begin the Project/Lesson of the day. 2pm Nature Journaling Students find a quiet space in nature for reflection and creative expression. This can be in the form of written word, sketches, paintings, videography, photography, or group discussions. 2:30pm Gratitude Circle The group honors the work done for the day and gives gratitude and thanks to the Earth, animals, and one another.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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