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The Sueño | Marshal Tenner Winter | [
] | [
"hostile NPC",
"IFComp 2015",
"IFComp Game",
"lucid dreaming",
"mad science",
"male protagonist",
"present tense",
"second person",
"teenage protagonist",
"United States",
] | 2,015 | [
] | 13 | 2.923077 | 20160203 | false | Low on income, you've signed up for a sleep study to test a new medication; one that supposedly causes lucid dreams. What you'll learn, however, is that much more will be revealed on The Sueño. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The funny thing about dreams is that, as advanced as we are as a civilization, with our space flights, our computers, our science, and our philosophy, no one on the planet has a verifiable answer as to what dreams really are and why we have them.\n\nYour university experience, so far, has left a lot to be desired. Constantly broke, you are always looking to do something to make a buck; the job market is seemingly not able to support giving you a part-time paycheck from somewhere. Left with little other choice, you've begun answering ads calling for medical research studies. Tonight's job: some overnight sleep study at the hospital a few blocks down from your dorm.\n\nThe Sueño\nAn Oneirological Mystery by Marshal Tenner Winter\n\nWaiting Room (on the office couch)\nWhite, sterile, clinical: it's everything a hospital waiting room should be, you guess. An office couch and some office chairs await any sitters and a low table offers a selection of magazines. Near a secure door to the north is a receptionist's desk complete with a busy receptionist. The door that leads to more of the hospital, and eventually an exit, is to the south.\n\n(To talk to people, type \"talk to {person}\" For conversation\ntopics, type \"topics\". For additional help, type \"help\". For the credits, type \"credits\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Male. 19. Student at a university in Philadelphia. Good sense of humor. Usually broke. Otherwise, generally a nice guy who tries to do the right thing. Not ugly but no Adonis. You're comfortable with yourself but not with your financial situation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jeans",
"response": "The ultimate in fashion, in your opinion.\n\nThe receptionist's phone rings. She answers it, \"Yes, sir?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shirt",
"response": "It's relatively non-descript. You've realized so far in your life that you don't really like standing out in a crowd.\n\n\"Sure.\" The receptionist says into the phone before hanging up. She looks up at you. \"You can go in now.\" She instructs as she pushes a button beneath her desk. A buzzer sounds and you hear the secure door to the north unlock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the Skechers",
"response": "They are a pair of casual, black shoes. They go with everything, really.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first getting off the office couch)\n(first opening the secure door)\n\nThis is your typical hospital corridor. It continues to the north and a bathroom door is to the west. To the east is a lab door and the secure door back to the waiting room is to the south. Otherwise, it is a sterile environment, as if it is compulsively cleaned throughout the day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You're pretty sure the lab is to the east. You shouldn't wander around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the heavy door)\n\nThis brightly lit room reveals to you just how much money is budgeted for this sleep study. A hospital bed is the focal point, of course, but around it is a space-age-looking machine: some sort of MRI device, maybe. Arrays of equipment flank the bed sporting dozens of wires that hang from them.\n\nnorth while another, nondescript door is to the east. Next to the nondescript door is a large window, through which you can see an observation room that obviously monitors this one. The door back to the corridor is to the west. The whole room seems to softly hum.\n\nDr. Lynch is here, clipboard in hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to dr lynch",
"response": "You say hello to Dr. Lynch.\n\n(You could ask Dr. Lynch about Dr. Lynch, the MRI device, the clipboard or sleep study.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the dr lynch about the dr lynch",
"response": "I only understood you as far as wanting to talk to Dr. Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Dr. Lynch about Dr. Lynch, the MRI device, the clipboard or sleep study.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lynch about Lynch",
"response": "\"I guess I'm supposed to be in here?\" You ask.\n\n\"Yes,\" the doctor shakes your hand, \"I'm Dr. Richard Lynch. Thanks for volunteering for our study.\"\n\n\"I'm Benji Evans.\" You dutifully tell him, but you're sure he already knows that, of course. \"What do you mean volunteer? I thought I was getting paid for this.\"\n\n\"Oh, of course.\" He smiles, \"Volunteer sounds better than,\nsay, test subject.\" He gives a small chuckle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Lynch",
"response": "You are already talking to Dr. Lynch.\n\n\"This is a simple sleep study to measure the effects of a new medication.\" Dr. Lynch explains. \"Your blood tests are well\nwithin the range we need them to be in order for you to take the dosage we're testing tonight.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lynch about the clipboard",
"response": "Pointing at the clipboard, you ask, \"Jesus, do you need that many notes for this?\"\n\n\"Well, the study's been going on for years.\" He explains, \"Most of this is just reading material for me while you sleep.\" Yet you can't help but notice he now guards it a bit more from you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Lynch",
"response": "You are already talking to Dr. Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lynch about the mri machine",
"response": "\"So what's that machiney-thing?\" You ask, pointing to the MRI device surrounding the head of the bed.\n\n\"It's like an MRI device.\" He tells you, \"It measures just about anything the other equipment arrays don't. But don't worry. It's not invasive at all.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lynch about the sleep study",
"response": "\"So, this must be the sleep study lab?\" You inquire, not sure what else to say. Dr. Lynch smiles, \"Yes, of course it is.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "It would be rude to walk out of the room while talking to Dr. Lynch. You should probably wait until you are instructed before heading into the dressing room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This brightly lit room reveals to you just how much money is budgeted for this sleep study. A hospital bed is the focal point, of course, but around it is a space-age-looking machine: some sort of MRI device, maybe. Arrays of equipment flank the bed sporting dozens of wires that hang from them.\n\nnorth while another, nondescript door is to the east. Next to the nondescript door is a large window, through which you can see an observation room that obviously monitors this one. The door back to the corridor is to the west. The whole room seems to softly hum.\n\nDr. Lynch is here, clipboard in hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Dr. Lynch about new medication.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lynch about the medication",
"response": "\"What medication?\" You ask, a little nervous at the thought that the sleep study involves an untested chemical in your system. Then again, you've partied enough to not worry too much about it.\n\n\"It's got a long technical name, but we've been calling it The\nSueño. Dr. Torrez coined the word. It means dream in\nSpanish.\" He tells you.\n\n\"Makes sense.\" You shrug.\n\n\"Yes,\" he continues, \"It was originally designed as an anesthetic for surgery, or maybe a powerful sleep aid for insomniacs. But what we're doing in this lab is focusing on one of its side effects.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Dr. Lynch about side effects.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lynch about the side effects",
"response": "\"What side effect?\" You ask; this time, a little more nervous, \"Is it diarrhea?\"\n\n\"No,\" he looks at you with a furrowed brow, \"no, it's not diarrhea, Benji. It's about dreams. Have you ever had a lucid dream? Where you know you're dreaming and can maybe even control your dream?\"(yes/no)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Yes,\" you answer, \"I think once or twice it's happened. I don't remember any details, it was awhile back.\"\n\n\"Oh, excellent.\" He says, \"Then you might be able to help us better than someone who hasn't.\" He makes some notes on his clipboard.\n\n\"Well, if you're ready,\" Dr. Lynch replaces his pen into his pocket protector, \"Just head into the dressing room and get changed and come back out for a good night's sleep.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "(first opening the private door)\n\nIt's a large bathroom that can accommodate the handicapped. Some pegs line one wall while the other wall holds the toilet, sink, and mirror. The door back to the sleep lab is to the south.\n\nHanging on one of the pegs is a hospital gown.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mirror",
"response": "It's a large, industry-standard mirror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the gown",
"response": "(first taking the hospital gown)\nYou put on the hospital gown.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na hospital gown (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This brightly lit room reveals to you just how much money is budgeted for this sleep study. A hospital bed is the focal point, of course, but around it is a space-age-looking machine: some sort of MRI device, maybe. Arrays of equipment flank the bed sporting dozens of wires that hang from them.\n\nnorth while another, nondescript door is to the east. Next to the nondescript door is a large window, through which you can see an observation room that obviously monitors this one. The door back to the corridor is to the west. The whole room seems to softly hum.\n\nDr. Lynch is here, clipboard in hand.\n\nDr. Lynch sees your pants. \"I'm sure you'll be more comfortable with just the gown, Benji. You can leave your jeans in the dressing room.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "It's a large bathroom that can accommodate the handicapped. Some pegs line one wall while the other wall holds the toilet, sink, and mirror. The door back to the sleep lab is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shoes",
"response": "You take off the pair of black Skechers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove pants",
"response": "You take off the pair of jeans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shirt",
"response": "You take off the black shirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome boxer shorts (being worn)\na pair of socks (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)\na pair of jeans\na black shirt\na pair of black Skechers",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shorts",
"response": "Of all days to wear your Mighty Mouse boxer shorts, you think to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the socks",
"response": "They are black and without any holes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This brightly lit room reveals to you just how much money is budgeted for this sleep study. A hospital bed is the focal point, of course, but around it is a space-age-looking machine: some sort of MRI device, maybe. Arrays of equipment flank the bed sporting dozens of wires that hang from them.\n\nnorth while another, nondescript door is to the east. Next to the nondescript door is a large window, through which you can see an observation room that obviously monitors this one. The door back to the corridor is to the west. The whole room seems to softly hum.\n\nDr. Lynch is here, clipboard in hand.\n\n\"Looks like you're ready.\" Dr. Lynch has the equipment arrays ready and closer to the bed now. He hands you a small paper cup with a pill in it. \"It's chewable.\" He says, \"You don't need water. Go ahead and take that, please.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pill",
"response": "It's a small, peach colored, chewable pill with the number 7178 printed into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pill",
"response": "You take the chewable sueño from the small paper cup.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pill",
"response": "You chew the pill and it dissolves in your mouth.\n\nDr. Lynch smiles, satisfied. \"Go ahead and climb into bed, Benji.\" He says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the bed",
"response": "You shouldn't carry your jeans to bed with you.\n\n\"Go ahead and climb into bed, Benji.\" He says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "small paper cup: Dropped.\npair of jeans: Dropped.\nblack shirt: Dropped.\npair of black Skechers: Dropped.\n\n\"Go ahead and climb into bed, Benji.\" He says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the bed",
"response": "You get onto the hospital bed.\n\nDr. Lynch all but tucks you in as he attaches the many wires that dangle from the equipment arrays onto various parts of your body with little sticky electrodes.\n\n\"We're not giving you any additional sedatives as we don't want to inhibit your dreams, so just relax and hopefully soon you'll be asleep.\" He tells you, \"I'll be in the observation room all night.\"\nHe motions to the east.\n\nHe walks to the east door and shuts the lights out as he leaves, closing the door as well. With the lights out, you can still see fine as the lights from the equipment glow dimly and some light from the observation room's window to the east filters in as well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You close your eyes...\n\nSomeone's Bedroom (on the army cot)\nWell, that certainly was a strange dream, you think to\nyourself as you wake up. You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium with something in it is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nA tinny voice seems to emit from the brain, \"Don't leave me here!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the aquarium",
"response": "It is devoid of any water and, instead, it seems to now be some sort of showcase or science experiment.\n\nIn the aquarium tank is a sentient brain.\n\nA tinny voice seems to emit from the brain, \"Hey, pick me up! You're going to need me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take brain",
"response": "The tinny voice is coming from the brain, \"Thanks, mate.\" It says.\n\nYou'd have to get off the army cot first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "You get off the army cot.\n\nYou're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium with something in it is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nA tinny voice seems to emit from the brain, \"Don't leave me here!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the brain",
"response": "You take the sentient brain from the aquarium tank.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brain",
"response": "It's a human brain. Perfectly pink and slimy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the brain",
"response": "You say hello to the sentient brain.\n\n(You could ask the sentient brain about the sentient brain, Dr. Lynch or the chewable sueño.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the brain about the brain",
"response": "\"What on Earth are you?\" You ask, not believing that you're\nconversing with a talking brain.\n\n\"Oh, it doesn't matter much anymore, does it?\" It replies with a tinny, melancholic voice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the brain about Lynch",
"response": "\"Do you know if Dr. Lynch is around?\" You ask the brain but you're not quite sure why. You just have a feeling he's either around or needs to be around.\n\n\"Um...\" the tinny voice seems confused a bit, \"I don't remember, but I'm sure it will come back to me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the brain about the pill",
"response": "A question comes to your lips and you ask the brain, \"Do you know anything about the sueño? I think I'm on it right now. Things are weird and I'm not remembering things too clearly. Like how I got here or where I actually am.\"\n\n\"The sueño?\" The brain asks back, \"I don't speak Spanish. I'm sorry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Anchorhead\" starring Scarlett Johansson.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Leather Goddesses of Phobos\" starring Melissa McCarthy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Hunger Daemon\" starring Jesse Eisenberg.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"A Mind Forever Voyaging\" starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Shade\" starring Elijah Wood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Trinity\" starring Brad Pitt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Slouching Towards Bedlam\" starring Gary Oldman.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at posters",
"response": "This room is wallpapered with full-size movie posters. Currently, you're examining the poster for \"Make It Good\" starring Leonardo DiCaprio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine set",
"response": "It's a small, relatively non-descript television set. There's no dial on it; just a knob to switch it on or off.\n\nThe small television is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the television",
"response": "(the small television)\nIt's a small, relatively non-descript television set. There's no dial on it; just a knob to switch it on or off.\n\nThe small television is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the tv",
"response": "The television begins to glow with an electric blue tint.\n\nOn the television, a scene from your childhood plays out, like a silent home movie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch the tv",
"response": "It's a small, relatively non-descript television set. There's no dial on it; just a knob to switch it on or off.\n\nThe small television is currently switched on.\n\nOn the television, a man in an armchair watches the camera, as if you are the show.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch the tv",
"response": "It's a small, relatively non-descript television set. There's no dial on it; just a knob to switch it on or off.\n\nThe small television is currently switched on.\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch the tv",
"response": "It's a small, relatively non-descript television set. There's no dial on it; just a knob to switch it on or off.\n\nThe small television is currently switched on.\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows people at a bank doing their everyday banking routines. Suddenly, masked men rush in with guns but then the scene goes to static.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask brain about television",
"response": "(the small television)\nThere is no reply.\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows people at a bank doing their everyday banking routines. Suddenly, masked men rush in with guns but then the scene goes to static.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bed",
"response": "It has a thin, bare mattress on it. The mattress doesn't look that new. In fact, it's pretty rank in appearance. How you ended up crashing on it last night is anyone's guess.\n\nOn the television, a man in an armchair watches the camera, as if you are the show.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "(first opening the bedroom door)\n\nA room of strange architecture but you can't quite put your finger on how. The floor is thickly carpeted in beige and the air has a slightly damp feel to it, especially near the door to the east, where you can also hear the sound of a shower running. The door to someone's bedroom is to the south and this space continues to the southeast. Dim light comes in from a small window to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the bathroom door)\n\nYou are surrounded by hot, wet steam. It clings to your skin and clothes, and it obscures your vision. You think the door is to the west, but surely there must be more in this room. You can hear a shower in here; the source of the steam. The sonorous sound of it is almost hypnotizing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the glass door",
"response": "You try to open the glass shower door but it seems to be locked. A man's voice, familiar to you somehow, tells you from within the shower stall, \"I'll be out in a minute!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You knock on the glass door",
"response": "knock knock knock.\nThe sentient brain speaks up in its tinny voice, \"Try walking around in here. Maybe more can be found in this steam.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the glass shower door)\nYou try to open the glass shower door but it seems to be locked. A man's voice, familiar to you somehow, tells you from within the shower stall, \"I'll be out in a minute!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You bump into a moist toilet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the toilet",
"response": "It's a clean, white, porcelain throne, but it's slick with moisture from all the steam in the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You bump into the moist toilet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You bump into a moist sink. Above it is a fogged-up mirror.\n\"What's that written on it?\" The tinny voice of the sentient brain asks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read mirror",
"response": "It's a wide mirror, totally fogged-up from the steam in the room.\nWith a finger, someone has written \"7178, see u tonite\" on\nit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Flush toilet",
"response": "You flush the toilet. The pulsing sound of the running water changes slightly and you hear, from within the shower stall, a man shriek as the water suddenly scalds him. The glass shower door flings open and a nude person blurs past you, leaving you in the bathroom alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the washcloth",
"response": "You pick up the damp washcloth from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the washcloth",
"response": "It's a coarse, damp washcloth. It's green in color.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at drain",
"response": "It's a small drain in the center of the floor. The hot water exits through it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the water",
"response": "Funny. You don't see a faucet or any knobs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are surrounded by hot, wet steam. It clings to your skin and clothes, and it obscures your vision. You think the door is to the west, but surely there must be more in this room. You can hear a shower in here; the source of the steam. The sonorous sound of it is almost hypnotizing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A room of strange architecture but you can't quite put your finger on how. The floor is thickly carpeted in beige and the air has a slightly damp feel to it, especially near the door to the east, where you can also hear the sound of a shower running. The door to someone's bedroom is to the south and this space continues to the southeast. Dim light comes in from a small window to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "It doesn't seem to be able to open. You can look through it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Outside, it's a gray day with a light drizzle. This house appears to be nestled among many pine trees. The ground outside is covered in dead pine needles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nOn the television, a scene from your childhood plays out, like a silent home movie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "Mid-Century Modern decor dominates this irregularly shaped living room. The furniture and lighting are from the stylish side of the 60's, as if the room were designed by Charles and Ray Eames or something. In fact, an Eames reclining chair sits near a fireplace with a dwindling fire. A large bookshelf covers the west wall and a bay window sits in the east wall. Open doorways lead northwest and south; the wall-to-wall carpeting runs non-stop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bookshelf",
"response": "The bookshelf covers the entire west wall. You glance among the books and a title that catches your eye is Indecisive Book Browsers: A Menace to Literature? by Shannan Brittnee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "The bookshelf covers the entire west wall. You glance among the books and a title that catches your eye is a worn copy of a Frederick's\nof Hollywood lingerie catalog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "The bookshelf covers the entire west wall. You glance among the books and a title that catches your eye is Northwest, and Other Compass Directions by Peterus Shrier.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fireplace",
"response": "Snug in the wall, this fireplace holds a dwindling fire of dying red embers. On the back wall of the fireplace there seems to be a small, metal door. The face of the door is filthy with soot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "The face of the door is filthy with soot. It is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It is locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the chair",
"response": "You get onto the Eames reclining chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the carpet",
"response": "It is beige, very clean, and wall-to-wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "It juts out a little bit from the house and is divided into dozens of small squares. You can also look through windows.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Outside, it is an overcast day which you can only tell by the lack of shadows. You cannot see the sky as this house seems to sit amongst many pine trees. Dead pine needles litter the ground outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Cozy Study (on the Eames reclining chair)\nMid-Century Modern decor dominates this irregularly shaped living room. The furniture and lighting are from the stylish side of the 60's, as if the room were designed by Charles and Ray Eames or something. In fact, an Eames reclining chair sits near a fireplace with a dwindling fire. A large bookshelf covers the west wall and a bay window sits in the east wall. Open doorways lead northwest and south; the wall-to-wall carpeting runs non-stop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "(first getting off the Eames reclining chair)\n\nThis would be the dining room except that everything is packed in moving boxes. Someone is either moving in or moving out. It's all very familiar to you, somehow. A wide window lets in diffuse light from the east wall and doorways lead north and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine boxes",
"response": "There are at least a dozen cardboard boxes here with no other furniture. Someone is either moving in or out, you think to yourself. The boxes are sealed tight with packing tape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open boxes",
"response": "They all seem to be sealed tight with packing tape. You attempt some force and vandalism to attempt to get into one or two of them but it gets you nowhere. You would need a sharp implement of some kind to do this job.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "It fits the wall snugly and lets in diffuse sunlight. You can also look through windows.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Outside, pine trees obscure view and dead pine needles litter the ground. It is a gray, overcast day.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "This would be the dining room except that everything is packed in moving boxes. Someone is either moving in or moving out. It's all very familiar to you, somehow. A wide window lets in diffuse light from the east wall and doorways lead north and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This kitchen is bare of appliances or any decorations at all; as if the moving process has moved through here already. Cupboards are above the counter and drawers are below it. The dining room is to the east and a door to a screened-in porch is closed to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cupboards",
"response": "They are empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawers",
"response": "The only thing you find is a box cutter which you grab.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the boxes",
"response": "Using the box cutter, you slice open some of the boxes, looking for something of interest. At first, you find only dishes and other dining room knick-knacks, but then you find something incongruous: an old-school floppy disk for an out-of-date computer such as a Commodore, perhaps. It is labeled \"Read Me\" so you decide to\ngrab it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the disk",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the disk",
"response": "It is an old 5.25\" floppy disk that hasn't been in use since the 80's. It's black with a hole in the middle and it is labeled with a white label and black ink: \"Read Me\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "(first opening the porch door)\n\nThe smell of fresh, pine air fills your nose and a slight, cool wind blows through the screens here. This screened-porch is more dilapidated than you would think given the interior of the house. Dried, dead pine needles are strewn on the wooden floor and an old, plastic lawn chair is the only furniture, as if it was used by someone to sit and enjoy the fresh air out here. It's almost as if you remember doing it, but you also know you've never been here before. The door back to the kitchen is open to the southeast and the flimsy, exterior door is to the west. Each wall save for the east is wooden-framed screens, allowing you to see that this house sits deep in a thick, pine forest.\n\nLying among the dead pine needles is a worn backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the backpack",
"response": "You pick up the worn backpack from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the backpack",
"response": "You open the worn backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine backpack",
"response": "It's a large backpack that's worn with the elements but still seems pretty sturdy. It's familiar to you, somehow, as if maybe it was the backpack you used in high school. But it's not.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chair",
"response": "It is a dirty, white plastic lawn chair. It's seen better days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the chair",
"response": "You get onto the plastic lawn chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first getting off the plastic lawn chair)\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This screened-porch is more dilapidated than you would think given the interior of the house. Dried, dead pine needles are strewn on the wooden floor and an old, plastic lawn chair is the only furniture, as if it was used by someone to sit and enjoy the fresh air out here. It's almost as if you remember doing it, but you also know you've never been here before. The door back to the kitchen is open to the southeast and the flimsy, exterior door is to the west. Each wall save for the east is wooden-framed screens, allowing you to see that this house sits deep in a thick, pine forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(press space)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the green button",
"response": "\"Benjamin?\" You hear Dr. Lynch's voice.\n\n\"Blech.\" You is all you can muster. You crack your eyes and even the dim, electronic lights seem too bright. The good doctor is behind the window in the observation room to the east. His voice is a tinny sound from a speaker somewhere.\n\n\"Any initial thoughts, Benji?\" He asks. It takes a few moments for you to realize what the hell he's talking about. The pill. The sleep study. The dream.\n\n\"Oh,\" you tell him, \"yes. I was in this house. There was a brain and a floppy disk.\" You realize you sound like a lunatic. But then again, everyone's sort of psychotic in their dreams.\n\n\"Next to you, you'll find a questionnaire. I know you're groggy, but it's part of the study.\n\nYou grab the sheet with the attached pen and quickly scribble through questions about your mood and other imagery from your dream. Then, you slam it down again and roll over.\n\n\"Goodnight, Benji.\" Dr. Lynch says.\n\n\"Shut up.\" You reply.\n\nTrees (near the screened porch)\nPine trees surround you; their dead needles litter the forest floor. There is no yard here as the house is nestled cozily within the trunks of these woods. The house's gutters are jammed with the pine needles and its flat roof is covered by them. The door to the house's screened-in porch is to the east. The sky above, what little you can see through the canopy of foliage, is gray. Foot trails seem to lead north and south, although it's difficult to really tell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Trees (deep in the woods)\nYou wander into the forest, aimlessly. Deep in the woods, you find yourself surrounded by the pine trees, leaving visibility into the woods at a minimum. The dead pine needles crunch below your feet and the sky is gray above you, through the foliage and branches. You think the house from where you emerged is to the south. You can hear running water to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "Trees (near the small waterfall)\nYou wander into the forest, aimlessly. You soon find yourself near a babbling stream with a small waterfall running from the northwest.\nThe waterfall, only ten feet tall or so, falls from a rocky crag and creates a small pond before continuing its trek to the southeast. The pine trees are no less dense here and the sky above is gray. The only foot trail you think you see is to the southwest. Across the small pond and stream, you see a more clearly defined path leading northeast. The sound of the waterfall is rushing in your ears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pond",
"response": "There is a continuous ripple on this pond as the waterfall to the northwest empties into it. Large goldfish swim about within it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the goldfish",
"response": "Sparkling goldfish swim about in the small pond.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You wade through the water, soaking yourself from the waist down, before exiting the stream again and heading northeast.\n\nTrees (near the overlook cliff)\nFinally, a break from the monotony of endless pine trees. You stand on the edge of a vertical cliff looking down over more forest and eventually, in the near distance, a small town. A rocky path leads down to the southeast, winding down the cliff and its various outcroppings. Another path leads back into the woods to the southwest. The cliff cuts the land here from the northwest to the southeast. The sky, unobstructed by foliage here, is still a bleak gray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You wander into the forest, aimlessly. After an immeasurable amount of time, you are surprised to find yourself back near the edge of the cliff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You dread heading to the southeast, down the rocky path. Something stops you. Something tells you that dark entities guard it. In your mind, you see large, black rabbits. Strange, yes, but terrifying for some reason. They are in your mind only for now, but something also tells you that you will lose your lucidity and wake up screaming should you head that direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Trees (near the small waterfall)\nYou find yourself near a babbling stream with a small waterfall running from the northwest. The waterfall, only ten feet tall or so, falls from a rocky crag and creates a small pond before continuing its trek to the southeast. The pine trees are no less dense here and the sky above is gray. The only foot trail you think you see is to the southwest. Across the small pond and stream, you see a more clearly defined path leading northeast. The sound of the waterfall is rushing in your ears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Trees (deep in the woods)\nDeep in the woods, you find yourself surrounded by the pine trees, leaving visibility into the woods at a minimum. The dead pine needles crunch below your feet and the sky is gray above you, through the foliage and branches. You think the house from where you emerged is to the south. You can hear running water to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Trees (near the screened porch)\nPine trees surround you; their dead needles litter the forest floor. There is no yard here as the house is nestled cozily within the trunks of these woods. The house's gutters are jammed with the pine needles and its flat roof is covered by them. The door to the house's screened-in porch is to the east. The sky above, what little you can see through the canopy of foliage, is gray. Foot trails seem to lead north and south, although it's difficult to really tell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Trees (near the doghouse)\nYou wander into the forest, aimlessly. A little further south from the house's screened porch, you find a strange tree. Halfway buried in its base is an ancient doghouse, the tree having grown through most of it. Most of its dark opening is still gaping enough to peer into. Otherwise, this part of the forest is identical to the rest; large pine trees with needles littering the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the doghouse",
"response": "(the ancient doghouse)\nIt really is your typical doghouse, as far as design goes. But it's decrepitly old and a pine tree has grown through most of it, fusing the two together forever. The opening of the dog house is still gaping enough to peer into.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the doghouse",
"response": "(the ancient doghouse)\nYou approach the dark opening of the doghouse and reach inside. Finally, you pull out something: a spiked dog collar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the collar",
"response": "It's made of worn, black leather with dull spikes on it. It must've fit a large dog, for sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You wander into the forest, aimlessly. After an immeasurable amount of time, you are surprised to find yourself back near the tree growing from the ancient doghouse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the outside door)\n\nThis screened-porch is more dilapidated than you would think given the interior of the house. Dried, dead pine needles are strewn on the wooden floor and an old, plastic lawn chair is the only furniture, as if it was used by someone to sit and enjoy the fresh air out here. It's almost as if you remember doing it, but you also know you've never been here before. The door back to the kitchen is open to the southeast and the flimsy, exterior door is to the west. Each wall save for the east is wooden-framed screens, allowing you to see that this house sits deep in a thick, pine forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This kitchen is bare of appliances or any decorations at all; as if the moving process has moved through here already. Cupboards are above the counter and drawers are below it. The dining room is to the east and a door to a screened-in porch is open to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nOn the television, a man in an armchair watches the camera, as if you are the show.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na spiked dog collar\na worn backpack (open but empty)\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It is locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the brain about the door",
"response": "(the small metal door)\nThere is no reply.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the washcloth",
"response": "It's a coarse, damp washcloth. It's green in color.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream",
"response": "What do you want to dream?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream pants",
"response": "You are already dreaming that you are wearing your jeans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear collar",
"response": "You put on the spiked dog collar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream lynch",
"response": "You try to conjure Dr. Lynch into your dream, but you feel as if you don't have enough power or something to do it yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream pill",
"response": "You try hard to concentrate on it, but you are unable to bring a sueño pill into your dream. Odd.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream computer",
"response": "(the computer monitor)\nTry as you might, you can't seem to bring any image of Fran Anderson or her belongings to your mind right now. Weird.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Mid-Century Modern decor dominates this irregularly shaped living room. The furniture and lighting are from the stylish side of the 60's, as if the room were designed by Charles and Ray Eames or something. In fact, an Eames reclining chair sits near a fireplace with a dwindling fire. A large bookshelf covers the west wall and a bay window sits in the east wall. Open doorways lead northwest and south; the wall-to-wall carpeting runs non-stop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "A room of strange architecture but you can't quite put your finger on how. The floor is thickly carpeted in beige and the air has a slightly damp feel to it, especially near the door to the east, where you can also hear the sound of a shower running. The door to someone's bedroom is to the south and this space continues to the southeast. Dim light comes in from a small window to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows people at a bank doing their everyday banking routines. Suddenly, masked men rush in with guns but then the scene goes to static.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream knob",
"response": "You just need to switch on/off the small television.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at bookshelf",
"response": "The bookshelf covers the entire west wall. You glance among the books and a title that catches your eye is The Mailbox Baseball\nLeague by Spiky Zytez.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the fireplace",
"response": "Snug in the wall, this fireplace holds a dwindling fire of dying red embers. On the back wall of the fireplace there seems to be a small, metal door. The face of the door is filthy with soot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You clean the door with the washcloth",
"response": "You wipe the front of the small metal door with the damp washcloth. Once the soot is removed, you see four dials on the front of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dials",
"response": "Which do you mean, the first dial, the second dial, the third dial or the fourth dial?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the first dial",
"response": "It can be set from 0-9.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the first dial to 7",
"response": "You set the first dial to \"7\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set second dial to 1",
"response": "You set the second dial to \"1\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the second dial to 7",
"response": "You set the second dial to \"7\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the third dial to 7",
"response": "You set the third dial to \"7\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the fourth dial to 8",
"response": "You set the fourth dial to \"8\".\n\nYou hear a click from the safe and the small metal door pops open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine safe",
"response": "The safe space behind the small metal door is about a twelve-inch square space for valuables, you guess.\n\nIn the safe space is a crumpled napkin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the napkin",
"response": "You take the crumpled napkin from the safe space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read napkin",
"response": "It's a cocktail napkin with some hastily scrawled words on it: \"remember- you are DREAMing\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dream yourself",
"response": "In a way, you are already dreaming of yourself. You'll have better luck dreaming of things you encounter along the way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream doghouse",
"response": "(the dark opening)\nYou close your eyes and imagine the ancient doghouse near the strange tree. When you open them again, you are somewhere else.\n\nTrees (near the doghouse)\nA little further south from the house's screened porch, you find a strange tree. Halfway buried in its base is an ancient doghouse, the tree having grown through most of it. Most of its dark opening is still gaping enough to peer into. Otherwise, this part of the forest is identical to the rest; large pine trees with needles littering the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream fireplace",
"response": "You dream of the Cozy Study and find yourself there.\n\nMid-Century Modern decor dominates this irregularly shaped living room. The furniture and lighting are from the stylish side of the 60's, as if the room were designed by Charles and Ray Eames or something. In fact, an Eames reclining chair sits near a fireplace with a dwindling fire. A large bookshelf covers the west wall and a bay window sits in the east wall. Open doorways lead northwest and south; the wall-to-wall carpeting runs non-stop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream dog",
"response": "(the spiked dog collar)\nThere's something about the dog collar you have, something you can do, you feel. Perhaps if you were in the right location.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na crumpled napkin\na spiked dog collar (being worn)\na worn backpack (open but empty)\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the doghouse",
"response": "(the ancient doghouse)\nYou find nothing more in the ancient doghouse but dirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dirt",
"response": "It's just the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the collar",
"response": "It's made of worn, black leather with dull spikes on it. It must've fit a large dog, for sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream floppy disk",
"response": "This will probably be important at some point.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream brain",
"response": "The tinny voice from the sentient brain speaks, \"But you're already dreaming about me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bathroom",
"response": "Which do you mean, the restroom door or the bathroom door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream toilet",
"response": "Which do you mean, the hospital toilet or the moist toilet?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream moist toilet",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the moist toilet in the steamy bathroom. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nYou are surrounded by hot, wet steam. It clings to your skin and clothes, and it obscures your vision. You think the door is to the west, but surely there must be more in this room. You can hear a shower in here; the source of the steam. The sonorous sound of it is almost hypnotizing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You bump into the moist sink. Above it is a fogged-up mirror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bedroom",
"response": "Which do you mean, the bedroom shadows or the bedroom door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bedroom shadows",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the shadows in the bedroom. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nYou're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shadows",
"response": "The shadows in this room seem to change and mingle with the green glow.\n\nOn the television, a scene from your childhood plays out, like a silent home movie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "It has a thin, bare mattress on it. The mattress doesn't look that new. In fact, it's pretty rank in appearance. How you ended up crashing on it last night is anyone's guess.\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nOn the television, a man in an armchair watches the camera, as if you are the show.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the aquarium",
"response": "It is devoid of any water and, instead, it seems to now be some sort of showcase or science experiment.\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the aquarium",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nOn the television, a man in an armchair watches the camera, as if you are the show.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You're in someone's bedroom. You've forgotten whose, however. A dim green glow illuminates the place but you cannot tell from where exactly. No matter where you look, the glow seems to be coming from somewhere near the corner of your eye. Movie posters plaster the wall and an aquarium is against one of the walls. A small television set is against another wall, and an exit is to the north. The bed, a twin-sized, glorified army cot, sits against the east wall\n\nOn the television, security camera footage shows you, of all people, in a post office sending out a care package. Funny, you don't remember ever living that scene in real life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the bathroom door or the bedroom door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the bedroom door",
"response": "You close the bedroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the bathroom door",
"response": "You close the bathroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fire",
"response": "Which do you mean, the fireplace or the dwindling fire?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dwindling fire",
"response": "It has been reduced to glowing red embers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na crumpled napkin\na spiked dog collar (being worn)\na worn backpack (open but empty)\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "It juts out a little bit from the house and is divided into dozens of small squares. You can also look through windows.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Outside, it is an overcast day which you can only tell by the lack of shadows. You cannot see the sky as this house seems to sit amongst many pine trees. Dead pine needles litter the ground outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first getting off the Eames reclining chair)\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream roof",
"response": "You are already dreaming that you are standing before the strange house in the woods.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Trees (near the doghouse)\nA little further south from the house's screened porch, you find a strange tree. Halfway buried in its base is an ancient doghouse, the tree having grown through most of it. Most of its dark opening is still gaping enough to peer into. Otherwise, this part of the forest is identical to the rest; large pine trees with needles littering the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tree",
"response": "Which do you mean, the pine trees or the strange tree?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at strange tree",
"response": "This tree grew through an old doghouse and up towards the sky. Who knows how long it took to grow?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the waterfall",
"response": "Cascading from a rocky crag about ten feet in height, this small waterfall empties into a rippling pond. From the pond, the stream continues to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "The rocky crag is too slippery and jagged to climb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream rocky crag",
"response": "You are already dreaming of the rocky crag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the collar",
"response": "You're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Trees (near the overlook cliff)\nYou stand on the edge of a vertical cliff looking down over more forest and eventually, in the near distance, a small town. A rocky path leads down to the southeast, winding down the cliff and its various outcroppings. Another path leads back into the woods to the southwest. The cliff cuts the land here from the northwest to the southeast. The sky, unobstructed by foliage here, is still a bleak gray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You dread heading to the southeast, down the rocky path. Something stops you. Something tells you that dark entities guard it. In your mind, you see large, black rabbits. Strange, yes, but terrifying for some reason. They are in your mind only for now, but something also tells you that you will lose your lucidity and wake up screaming should you head that direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream collar",
"response": "There's something about the dog collar you have, something you can do, you feel. Perhaps if you were in the right location.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream doghouse",
"response": "(the dark opening)\nYou close your eyes and imagine the ancient doghouse near the strange tree. When you open them again, you are somewhere else.\n\nTrees (near the doghouse)\nA little further south from the house's screened porch, you find a strange tree. Halfway buried in its base is an ancient doghouse, the tree having grown through most of it. Most of its dark opening is still gaping enough to peer into. Otherwise, this part of the forest is identical to the rest; large pine trees with needles littering the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream collar",
"response": "You close your eyes and the collar slips from your person. But you don't hear it hit the ground. You open your eyes to instead find a large, black mastiff beside you. He is calm, guarding you, and wearing the spiked dog collar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dog",
"response": "(the black mastiff)\nThe black mastiff is a shadowy animal; a monster of a dog with muscular shoulders and a wide jaw. It wears the spiked dog collar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na crumpled napkin\na worn backpack (open but empty)\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream napkin",
"response": "You are already dreaming that you have the crumpled napkin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream disk",
"response": "This will probably be important at some point.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to dog",
"response": "(the black mastiff)\nThe black mastiff has nothing to say.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream cliff",
"response": "You close your eyes and imagine overlooking the cliff. When you open your eyes, you are somewhere else.\n\nTrees (near the overlook cliff)\nYou stand on the edge of a vertical cliff looking down over more forest and eventually, in the near distance, a small town. A rocky path leads down to the southeast, winding down the cliff and its various outcroppings. Another path leads back into the woods to the southwest. The cliff cuts the land here from the northwest to the southeast. The sky, unobstructed by foliage here, is still a bleak gray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You dread heading to the southeast, down the rocky path. Something stops you. Something tells you that dark entities guard it. In your mind, you see large, black rabbits. Strange, yes, but terrifying for some reason. They are in your mind only for now, but something also tells you that you will lose your lucidity and wake up screaming should you head that direction.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Trees (near the doghouse)\nA little further south from the house's screened porch, you find a strange tree. Halfway buried in its base is an ancient doghouse, the tree having grown through most of it. Most of its dark opening is still gaping enough to peer into. Otherwise, this part of the forest is identical to the rest; large pine trees with needles littering the ground.\n\nThe black mastiff arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Trees (near the screened porch)\nPine trees surround you; their dead needles litter the forest floor. There is no yard here as the house is nestled cozily within the trunks of these woods. The house's gutters are jammed with the pine needles and its flat roof is covered by them. The door to the house's screened-in porch is to the east. The sky above, what little you can see through the canopy of foliage, is gray. Foot trails seem to lead north and south, although it's difficult to really tell.\n\nThe black mastiff arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Trees (deep in the woods)\nDeep in the woods, you find yourself surrounded by the pine trees, leaving visibility into the woods at a minimum. The dead pine needles crunch below your feet and the sky is gray above you, through the foliage and branches. You think the house from where you emerged is to the south. You can hear running water to the northeast.\n\nThe black mastiff arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Trees (near the small waterfall)\nYou find yourself near a babbling stream with a small waterfall running from the northwest. The waterfall, only ten feet tall or so, falls from a rocky crag and creates a small pond before continuing its trek to the southeast. The pine trees are no less dense here and the sky above is gray. The only foot trail you think you see is to the southwest. Across the small pond and stream, you see a more clearly defined path leading northeast. The sound of the waterfall is rushing in your ears.\n\nThe black mastiff arrives from the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Trees (near the overlook cliff)\nYou stand on the edge of a vertical cliff looking down over more forest and eventually, in the near distance, a small town. A rocky path leads down to the southeast, winding down the cliff and its various outcroppings. Another path leads back into the woods to the southwest. The cliff cuts the land here from the northwest to the southeast. The sky, unobstructed by foliage here, is still a bleak gray.\n\nThe black mastiff arrives from the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You dread heading to the southeast, down the rocky path, but then the black mastiff charges ahead of you. It races down the path, becoming a shadow that chases off whatever spirits haunted the trail. The feeling of dread lifts and you know the path is safe now. However, the black mastiff does not return to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "This rocky path is treacherous as it winds between boulders and slopes steeply. From here, you can head back up to the northwest or down to the southeast. The cliff that this path winds beside is steep and made of white stone. Below, you can see some more pine forest before a small town a bit further beyond that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "Trees (the lower woods)\nMore pine trees, of course, but these sit in the shadow of the cliff above you. A rocky path winds up beside the cliff, through outcroppings and boulders, to the northwest. The trees still obscure a gray sky and the ground is still littered with dead pine needles. You think you can make out a faint path to the east, leading to the town you saw when you were up on the cliff, before you descended.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Trees (on the faint path)\nYou are on a faint path within the pine woods. The path runs east to west but is so overgrown, you must be the only person to have tread it in a long while. The pine trees still surround you and the sky's gray remains motionless. To the east, the trees thin out and you can see the first buildings of the small town ahead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "\"Benjamin?\" Once again, you hear Dr. Lynch's voice waking you.\n\n\"Ugh.\" You reply. Opening your eyes, you see the room, now dimmer, and the observation window beyond where a sleepy-looking Dr. Lynch watches you. He taps a button and speaks into a mic, \"What were you just dreaming, Benj?\" He asks.\n\n\"There was a large dog. He was guarding me and he chased off some spirits so I could climb down this rocky path. There was a town.\"\nYou think for a moment, \"Wait a minute, I think I returned to my same dream. That's really weird. I didn't think that could actually happen.\"\n\n\"On the Sueño, it does.\" He says casually, \"We're finding it has a number of side effects. Thus, this sleep study.\"\n\nBut you are rolling back over and getting as comfortable as you can, already falling back to sleep.\n\nAs you emerge from the woods, you step upon the asphalt of a paved road. A sign nearby signifies that this is Woodside Lane, and it runs north and south. This is the edge of this small town and a wilderness of pine trees sits to the west. A small, brick building is to the east. For some reason, you know it's a library. The sky remains a gray slate and this town appears to be devoid of life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "(first opening the library door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Woodside Lane, running south, bends and becomes Main Street, running east, on this corner. To the west, the wilderness of pine trees marks the border of this small town. To the north, a small shop with the \"℞\" symbol on a neon sign on the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the apothecary door)\nIt seems to be locked. The tinny voice of the sentient brain speaks up again, \"That door looks smashable ... if you really want to get in, that is.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You feel that wandering back into the woods at this point would cause you to lose some of your lucidity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A sign nearby signifies that this is Woodside Lane, and it runs north and south. This is the edge of this small town and a wilderness of pine trees sits to the west. A small, brick building is to the east. For some reason, you know it's a library. The sky remains a gray slate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The road bends here. Woodside Lane runs north and Cliff Street runs east. To the west is the wilderness of pine trees and to the south is a squat, gray building; a bank, your mind tells you. Its door is a strong, metal affair. The emptiness of this town makes you feel as if you are in an episode of The Twilight Zone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Unfortunately, in this dream, the bank is currently closed.\n\"Must be nice to be a banker with their hours.\" You mumble\nto yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smash the door",
"response": "That would hurt your hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the door with the box cutter",
"response": "The box cutter might not break the door. Maybe something else will?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na crumpled napkin\na worn backpack (open but empty)\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the door with the brain",
"response": "The sentient brain might not break the door. Maybe something else will?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack door with the backpack",
"response": "The worn backpack might not break the door. Maybe something else will?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the building",
"response": "It is one-story and shaped as if the architect was trying to be a little creative. It is made of normal, red bricks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are on Cliff Street, running east-to-west. To the north is the side of the library building but to the south is the front of the post office. The post office is a white brick building with its eagle logo beside the door. Your footsteps seem to echo around the buildings in the emptiness of this town.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "(first opening the office door)\n\nThis is a modest post office. The lights are on and the place feels open for business. However, no one besides you is here. A service counter can be seen, unstaffed, and two large bins sit near it; one labelled \"out-of-town\" and the other \"local\".\nPosters of various kinds of information line the walls. The door back to the outside world is to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read posters",
"response": "The informational posters are hung all over the walls, and they are the kind one would find in every post office: mailing rules and regulations, comemmorative stamp offers, package size prices, and the such. One poster stands out to you. It's a wanted poster, apparently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the poster",
"response": "Which do you mean, the wanted poster or the informational posters?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the wanted poster",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read wanted poster",
"response": "It's incongruous to the rest of the modern information on the walls as it is made to appear as one of those old-timey Western wanted posters. But this one's picture is a familiar face to you. It is a mugshot of Dr. Richard Lynch. Beneath it is written \"Dr. Wallace Josephs - Physician to The Philadelphia Mob\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream wanted poster",
"response": "You think of the wanted poster and realize that the person on the poster, Wallace Josephs, isn't some look-a-like relative of Dr. RIchard Lynch, but rather he is Dr. Richard Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bins",
"response": "It's a large bin made of canvas with a metal frame. Its label is stenciled on it: local.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bin",
"response": "Which do you mean, the out-of-town bin or the local bin?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at out of town bin",
"response": "It's a large bin made of canvas with a metal frame. Its label is stenciled on it: out-of-town.\n\nIn the out-of-town bin is a care package.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the care the package",
"response": "(putting the sentient brain into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou take the care package from the out-of-town bin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the care package",
"response": "It is a box wrapped in brown paper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the care package",
"response": "You'll have to unwrap it first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unwrap the care package",
"response": "You tear the brown paper off the care package.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the care package",
"response": "It is a closed package.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open care package",
"response": "You open the care package.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome brown paper\na care package (open)\nan old key\na crumpled napkin\na worn backpack (open)\na sentient brain\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "It's an old-style key that resembles a house key, maybe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the paper",
"response": "Just some brown paper that was used to wrap the care package.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This is a modest post office. The lights are on and the place feels open for business. However, no one besides you is here. A service counter can be seen, unstaffed, and two large bins sit near it; one labelled \"out-of-town\" and the other \"local\".\nPosters of various kinds of information line the walls. The door back to the outside world is to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "It's where post office workers would do their business.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You are on Cliff Street, running east-to-west. To the north is the side of the library building but to the south is the front of the post office. The post office is a white brick building with its eagle logo beside the door. Your footsteps seem to echo around the buildings in the emptiness of this town.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Here, Church Street runs north. It bends and becomes Cliff Street which heads west. Woods flank the road to the east and south but a one-story office building is to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "(first opening the dentist door)\n\nThere is no waiting room in this quaint dentist's office. Instead, there's a sofa for any waiters but they would be in full witness of the dentist's chair in the middle of the room. It is a modern, reclining, comfortable-looking chair, but you know not to be fooled. To you, it's a modern torture device. A service table sits next to the dentist's chair. A small placard is on the table, stating\n\"Please Have A Seat\". The only exit is a door to the outside\nworld to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chair",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the chair",
"response": "You get onto the dentist's chair.\n\nSuddenly, you are paralyzed; your arms and legs frozen in place as you lay on the chair. You hear a sound from the service table next to you. You see a dental probe that you failed to notice before fly into the air in front of you. Your mouth opens, yet you cannot scream.\nThe tool, with its sharp hook, descends to do its torture on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream library",
"response": "Which do you mean, the library door or the small brick building?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dream library door",
"response": "Dreaming of doors is a dangerous thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bank",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the squat gray building on Woodside & Cliff. When you open them again, you see that you now stand before it.\n\nThe road bends here. Woodside Lane runs north and Cliff Street runs east. To the west is the wilderness of pine trees and to the south is a squat, gray building; a bank, your mind tells you. Its door is a strong, metal affair. The emptiness of this town makes you feel as if you are in an episode of The Twilight Zone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock bank",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the squat gray building with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the bank with the old key",
"response": "(first taking the old key)\nYou are paralyzed on the dentist's chair. The dental probe descends closer toward your eye.\n\nThe dental probe buries itself into your eye!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "There is no waiting room in this quaint dentist's office. Instead, there's a sofa for any waiters but they would be in full witness of the dentist's chair in the middle of the room. It is a modern, reclining, comfortable-looking chair, but you know not to be fooled. To you, it's a modern torture device. A service table sits next to the dentist's chair. A small placard is on the table, stating\n\"Please Have A Seat\". The only exit is a door to the outside\nworld to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "Here, Church Street runs north. It bends and becomes Cliff Street which heads west. Woods flank the road to the east and south but a one-story office building is to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Running north-to-south, this is Church Lane. The backside of the library is to the west, and pine trees flank the east. The air is still and the town feels emptier than ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Main Street stretches to the west and Church street to the south.\nThey converge here to an intersection and become one road heading northeast, out of town. Trees border the north and an old church sits to the east, on the edge of town. Its door is not far from the road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the church door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the church door with the old key",
"response": "(first taking the old key)\n(putting the damp washcloth into the worn backpack to make room) You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the church door with the old key",
"response": "(first taking the old key)\n(putting the box cutter into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou unlock the church door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the church door)\n\nThis is a small but dilapidated church. An aisle between rows of pews leads to an altar and behind the altar you can see a squat door on the east wall. The ceiling sags in this building and you can tell that it's been abandoned for many years. Stained glass windows line the walls; each smashed in many places, leaving only pieces of saints intact. The door to the west leads back outside and above it is a dirty sign of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the sign",
"response": "The sign is flowing script that reads, \"Saint Josephs the\nInnocent\". Funny, you went to Sunday School and never heard of a Saint Josephs with an \"S\" at the end of his name.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the windows",
"response": "The stained glass windows line the walls; each smashed in many places, leaving only pieces of saints intact. Through the smashed holes, you can see the gray sky that looms over this strange town.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the squat door)\n\nThis is the bottom of a church steeple. A rusty ladder leads up to a belfry and a squat door is on the west wall. Otherwise, this space is dusty and shadowy and something tells you that you don't wish to tarry too long here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is a small but dilapidated church. An aisle between rows of pews leads to an altar and behind the altar you can see a squat door on the east wall. The ceiling sags in this building and you can tell that it's been abandoned for many years. Stained glass windows line the walls; each smashed in many places, leaving only pieces of saints intact. The door to the west leads back outside and above it is a dirty sign of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Main Street stretches to the west and Church street to the south.\nThey converge here to an intersection and become one road heading northeast, out of town. Trees border the north and an old church sits to the east, on the edge of town. Its door is not far from the road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This east-west road must be Main Street. There's not much here, of course, this being just a portion of a small town. But, there is a hardware store to the north. To the south is the library but the entrance is on another side of it. Otherwise, you could head back to Woodside Lane to the west or Church Lane to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "(first opening the store door)\n\nDust covers everything in this abandoned hardware store. Empty shelves probably once held all sorts of things for the handyman in everyone, but now, only the dust remains. There is a wooden counter, as well, where perhaps a cash register once sat. The exit is a store door to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine counter",
"response": "It's a long, wide counter that probably once held the cash register and other things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dust",
"response": "In the dust, a message is written with a hasty finger: my name is richard lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan old key\nsome brown paper\na care package (open but empty)\na crumpled napkin\na worn backpack (open)\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na floppy disk\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream altar",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the church altar. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nThis is a small but dilapidated church. An aisle between rows of pews leads to an altar and behind the altar you can see a squat door on the east wall. The ceiling sags in this building and you can tell that it's been abandoned for many years. Stained glass windows line the walls; each smashed in many places, leaving only pieces of saints intact. The door to the west leads back outside and above it is a dirty sign of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This is the bottom of a church steeple. A rusty ladder leads up to a belfry and a squat door is on the west wall. Otherwise, this space is dusty and shadowy and something tells you that you don't wish to tarry too long here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Up here, you can literally feel the steeple rock back and forth slightly. You can hear the wood creak under the strain of your weight. The bell, now rusty and useless, still hangs, dominating the space here. The wind is present, but not heavy, and you can see over the church's sagging roof to the road below from up here. A rusty ladder leads back down to the bottom of the steeple.\n\nStrangely, the only bat in this belfry is an aluminum baseball bat leaning in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bat",
"response": "(putting the floppy disk into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou pick up the baseball bat from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ring bell",
"response": "Looking underneath the bell, you see its clapper is missing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream neon sign",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the ℞ sign. When you open them again, you are somewhere else.\n\nWoodside Lane, running south, bends and becomes Main Street, running east, on this corner. To the west, the wilderness of pine trees marks the border of this small town. To the north, a small shop with the \"℞\" symbol on a neon sign on the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bat",
"response": "This bat is identical to the one you used when you were in Little League. It's made of aluminum and you remember the ring it gives when it strikes something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smash the door with bat",
"response": "You smash the glass of the door with the baseball bat. The piercing sound shatters the stillness of this quiet street. But it is over soon enough. Reaching in, you unlock the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "(first opening the apothecary door)\n\nThis old-timey pharmacy is as eerily quiet as the town it inhabits. Different medicinal sundries and healthcare supplies line the wire shelves and a pharmacist's counter is in the back. The exit is a door to the south. Also, the window's display items are accessible here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shelves",
"response": "Just cheap, wire shelving units.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sundries",
"response": "These sundries include over-the-counter medicines for such things as sore throats, headaches, and of course, the dreaded diarrhea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the display items",
"response": "The items in the window display include bedpans, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and the like.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the counter",
"response": "It's where all the business of the pharmacy was once done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bell",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the rusty bell in the rickety belfry. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nUp here, you can literally feel the steeple rock back and forth slightly. You can hear the wood creak under the strain of your weight. The bell, now rusty and useless, still hangs, dominating the space here. The wind is present, but not heavy, and you can see over the church's sagging roof to the road below from up here. A rusty ladder leads back down to the bottom of the steeple.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dream library door",
"response": "Dreaming of doors is a dangerous thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream neon sign",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the ℞ sign. When you open them again, you are somewhere else.\n\nWoodside Lane, running south, bends and becomes Main Street, running east, on this corner. To the west, the wilderness of pine trees marks the border of this small town. To the north, a small shop with the \"℞\" symbol on a neon sign on the door.\n\nWallace Josephs is here, looking like a dangerous and demented version of Dr. Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A sign nearby signifies that this is Woodside Lane, and it runs north and south. This is the edge of this small town and a wilderness of pine trees sits to the west. A small, brick building is to the east. For some reason, you know it's a library. The sky remains a gray slate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the library door)\n\nThis place must've been designed in the 70s or early 80s, you consider. The design is very \"Brady Bunch\". Posters and notices line the walls of this lobby and a circular reception desk sits in the center of the room. Wide doorways lead northeast, east, southeast, and south to other parts of the library, and a door leads north to a computer lab, as per the sign on it. A potted fern sits in the corner and the door to the outside is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the lab door)\n\nThis lab is modern if this dream were taking place in the 80's. There's not much here, however, as if either the library could only afford the one old computer you can see here, or maybe the rest of the computers were pilfered by people. After all, this place is as devoid of life as the town. The old computer sits on an old desk and a matching, old chair sits before it. Shapes on the paint on the walls indicate posters once hung here, but they, too, are now gone. The only exit is a door to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the disk in the comoputer",
"response": "Which do you mean, the floppy disk or the disk drive?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the floppy disk in the disk drive",
"response": "You pop the floppy disk into the disk drive. The whole computer whirrs to life.\n\nOn the screen, a simple sentence prompts you to \"Look up Wallace Josephs in the Reference section. Then set your biological clock to wake up.\"\n\nYou take the floppy disk back out of the disk drive, just in case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This place must've been designed in the 70s or early 80s, you consider. The design is very \"Brady Bunch\". Posters and notices line the walls of this lobby and a circular reception desk sits in the center of the room. Wide doorways lead northeast, east, southeast, and south to other parts of the library, and a door leads north to a computer lab, as per the sign on it. A potted fern sits in the corner and the door to the outside is to the west.\n\nWallace Josephs is here, looking like a dangerous and demented version of Dr. Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This area of the library is brightly colored and it attempts to appeal to both young children and young adults with its selection of posters and books. The bookshelves here are only half the normal size and are full of books from Dr.Seuss to whatever the latest vampire epic for teens is. From here, you can see the lobby to the north and the main collection to the east.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "From where you stand, the aisles of books stretch before you to the east and south. To the north, you can see the Periodicals section and to the west you can see the Juvenile section.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You wander down the aisle of books for awhile, but soon are surprised to find yourself back at the start of the main collection.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You wander down the aisle of books for awhile, but soon are surprised to find yourself back at the start of the main collection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are roughly in the middle of the library and its emptiness is creepy as all the lights are on. It's as if the place was busy as normal but everyone just disappeared for you see open books and newspapers around and just a feeling as if people were just here.\nIt's the 'Mary Celeste' of libraries.\n\nIn this section, mostly current magazines are stored in open display cases. Comfortable seats are spread around for reading. From here, you can see the reference section to the north, the main collection to the south, and you can return to the lobby to the west.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This portion of the library is for all the reference material. Wide bookshelves are stuffed with thick encyclopedias and other informative books. However, unlike any small-town library you've seen, the reference books here are guarded behind a thin laser beam running across each shelf, making it impossible to pull a book out without breaking the beam. You can see a control box from where the beams emerge. From here, you can head south to the Periodicals sections or southwest to the lobby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the control box",
"response": "It's a strange, plain, gray box with holes that have lasers protruding forth. The box is angled so that the lasers stream across the reference books in the wide bookshelf.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na baseball bat\nan old key\nsome brown paper\na care package (open but empty)\na crumpled napkin\na worn backpack (open)\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the glass",
"response": "They're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream sofa",
"response": "Which do you mean, the office couch or the sofa?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream office couch",
"response": "Trying to recall something from waking life in your dream is like trying to recall a dream in waking life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream wallace",
"response": "Something tells you that Wallace is currently in Woodside Lane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream tv",
"response": "That's not really a television set.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream wallace",
"response": "Something tells you that Wallace is currently in Trees (the lower woods).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream wallace",
"response": "Something tells you that Wallace is currently in Rocky Path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream wallace",
"response": "Something tells you that Wallace is currently in Trees (near the small waterfall).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream dentist's chair",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the dentist's chair. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nThere is no waiting room in this quaint dentist's office. Instead, there's a sofa for any waiters but they would be in full witness of the dentist's chair in the middle of the room. It is a modern, reclining, comfortable-looking chair, but you know not to be fooled. To you, it's a modern torture device. A service table sits next to the dentist's chair. A small placard is on the table, stating\n\"Please Have A Seat\". The only exit is a door to the outside\nworld to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the chair",
"response": "You get onto the dentist's chair.\n\nSuddenly, you are paralyzed; your arms and legs frozen in place as you lay on the chair. You hear a sound from the service table next to you. You see a dental probe that you failed to notice before fly into the air in front of you. Your mouth opens, yet you cannot scream.\nThe tool, with its sharp hook, descends to do its torture on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the brain about the probe",
"response": "You are paralyzed on the dentist's chair. The dental probe descends closer toward your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream probe",
"response": "You concentrate on the dental probe, dreaming it away. It advances closer, aiming for your eyeball. Finally, your lucidity wins and the dental probe, with an audible POP, winks out of this dream.\n\nOnce the terror in you subsides, you see a dentist's mouth mirror on the service table. Funny, you didn't see it before.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the mirror",
"response": "(putting the crumpled napkin into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou take the mouth mirror from the service table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "It is a small, hand-held mirror used to examine the interior of patients' mouths.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream computer",
"response": "(the computer monitor)\nTry as you might, you can't seem to bring any image of Fran Anderson or her belongings to your mind right now. Weird.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream fern",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the potted fern. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nThis place must've been designed in the 70s or early 80s, you consider. The design is very \"Brady Bunch\". Posters and notices line the walls of this lobby and a circular reception desk sits in the center of the room. Wide doorways lead northeast, east, southeast, and south to other parts of the library, and a door leads north to a computer lab, as per the sign on it. A potted fern sits in the corner and the door to the outside is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-east",
"response": "This portion of the library is for all the reference material. Wide bookshelves are stuffed with thick encyclopedias and other informative books. However, unlike any small-town library you've seen, the reference books here are guarded behind a thin laser beam running across each shelf, making it impossible to pull a book out without breaking the beam. You can see a control box from where the beams emerge. From here, you can head south to the Periodicals sections or southwest to the lobby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the control box",
"response": "It's a strange, plain, gray box with holes that have lasers protruding forth. The box is angled so that the lasers stream across the reference books in the wide bookshelf.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put mirror in the box",
"response": "(the control box)\nThat can't contain things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Block beam with mirror",
"response": "Cleverly, you angle the mouth mirror to one of the lasers. After a moment to hold your breath, you break the beam with the mouth mirror. The beam reflects off the mirror and you angle it to the control box, back in on itself. As this happens, the box sparks and the laser beams guarding the reference books disappear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up Wallace Josephs in the books",
"response": "You look in the appropriate encylcopedia and find the entry for Wallace Josephs. Unfortunately, the print is too small to read with your eyes alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na mouth mirror\na baseball bat\nan old key\nsome brown paper\na care package (open but empty)\na worn backpack (open)\na crumpled napkin\na floppy disk\na box cutter\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the brain about the reading",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Wallace",
"response": "He looks like Dr. Richard Lynch, but maybe his evil brother, perhaps? He has the large frame and ginger beard. But, instead of a nice, crisp labcoat, Wallace wears a bloodstained butcher's apron. In one hand, he carries a cleaver and a syringe dangles from his other hand. He stares at you with dead eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cleaver",
"response": "That seems to belong to Wallace Josephs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take syringe",
"response": "That seems to belong to Wallace Josephs.\n\nWallace Josephs springs to life suddenly. He swings his cleaver at your head but you are lucid enough to scramble away from his attack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream wallace",
"response": "You are already dreaming of Wallace Josephs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream cleaver",
"response": "You are already dreaming of that cleaver in Wallace's hand. You can't seem to do anything with it while he carries it, unfortunately.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream apron",
"response": "Which do you mean, the butcher's apron or the apron pocket?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream butcher's apron",
"response": "Something tells you that Wallace is currently wearing the bloody butcher's apron.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pocket",
"response": "It is the only pocket sewn into the butcher's apron.\n\nIn the apron pocket is a biological clock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the clock",
"response": "That seems to belong to Wallace Josephs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack wallace",
"response": "He looks a bit too intimidating to attack him with your bare hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack Wallace with the bat",
"response": "You swing the bat but somehow miss. The monster roars a laugh at your failure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the box cutter",
"response": "(putting the care package into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou take the box cutter from the worn backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack Wallace with the box cutter",
"response": "You figure the box cutter would make good enough knife and you lash out at Wallace.\n\nAmazingly, you succeed in slicing the monster across the chest. The apron, now cut and ruined, falls to the ground.\nAs you scramble back to your feet, the monster of a man runs off, injured. You are safe, for now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the clock",
"response": "(putting the brown paper into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou take the biological clock from the apron pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clock",
"response": "It is a strange chunk of ... well, flesh, really. It's pretty disgusting, especially because a rough circle of the flesh has been sickeningly ripped off, leaving a patch of bloody muscle. What's also weird is that there is hair in this patch. Upon closer inspection, the hair is growing in a precise way as to make a sort-of clock face on the muscle. Two hairs grow from the center and point outward, making the hour and minute \"hands\", and small nubs of hair surround the circle, making a braille-like series of numbers to mark the time. (To check the time, type \"check time\" or just \"time\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Time",
"response": "Taking a moment to study the horrid biological clock, you determine that it is twenty-five to six.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream fern",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the potted fern. When you open them again, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nThis place must've been designed in the 70s or early 80s, you consider. The design is very \"Brady Bunch\". Posters and notices line the walls of this lobby and a circular reception desk sits in the center of the room. Wide doorways lead northeast, east, southeast, and south to other parts of the library, and a door leads north to a computer lab, as per the sign on it. A potted fern sits in the corner and the door to the outside is to the west.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bank",
"response": "You are already dreaming that you are standing before the squat gray building. You seem to realize it's a bank.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bank",
"response": "It's a sturdy building made of large, white stone bricks. There are no windows. For a small-town local bank, it sure appears solidly forboding. Its door is a strong, metal affair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "This is the door to the bank. It is made especially strong, just in case.\n\nWallace Josephs springs to life suddenly. He swings his cleaver at your head but you are lucid enough to scramble away from his attack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine saints",
"response": "Mostly the edges of the stained glass remain, leaving the hands, feet, and sometimes a halo, of the saints who have been vandalized in this church.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Dust covers everything in this abandoned hardware store. Empty shelves probably once held all sorts of things for the handyman in everyone, but now, only the dust remains. There is a wooden counter, as well, where perhaps a cash register once sat. The exit is a store door to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look behind the counter",
"response": "Looking behind the counter, you find the last remaining tool that this store had to offer: a sturdy hammer which you grab.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hammer",
"response": "It's a well-built, sturdy hammer that feels good in your hand.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dream bedpan",
"response": "You close your eyes and think of the display items you saw inside the pharmacy. When you open them, you find yourself somewhere else.\n\nThis old-timey pharmacy is as eerily quiet as the town it inhabits. Different medicinal sundries and healthcare supplies line the wire shelves and a pharmacist's counter is in the back. The exit is a door to the south. Also, the window's display items are accessible here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look behind the counter",
"response": "Looking behind the counter, you find a prescription pad and a dull pencil; both of which you take out of curiosity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pad",
"response": "It's a small but thick pad of prescription slips. A doctor would write the medicine and patient's name on these and the patient brings them to the pharmacy to get filled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You write on the pad",
"response": "What do you want to write on the prescription pad with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You write on the pad with the pencil",
"response": "Sure, you could write on this prescription pad with the dull pencil. But you have nothing that really needs to be written.\nHowever, maybe there's something else you can do with the two objects to glean something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You rub the pad with the pencil",
"response": "Using the old pencil-rub technique, you use the pencil to shade the top page of the pad and read the indentations left from the previous, missing entry. After some squinting and touching-up, you finally are able to read \"Richard Lynch is someone else. You're no longer in\nyour own head. Despair and be forgotten.\".\n\nSomething tells you that time has passed in this town slightly.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Woodside Lane, running south, bends and becomes Main Street, running east, on this corner. To the west, the wilderness of pine trees marks the border of this small town. To the north, a small shop with the \"℞\" symbol on a neon sign on the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening the strong door)\n\nThis is a small anteroom mainly for ATM use when the bank proper is closed. A strong door leads outside to the north and an interior door leads to the bank lobby to the south. The ATM sits in the west wall and a card-reading device is next to the interior door.\n\nWhat's impossible to miss, however, is the dead body on the floor of this anteroom. Most likely a man, its face is gone: destroyed completely by a shotgun blast or some other high-caliber weapon, leaving him completely unidentifiable. The blood from the wound is sprayed all over the east wall and floor, but it is brown and dry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the body",
"response": "Dressed like someone who most likely lived in a trailer park, this person was probably male, but it's difficult to tell as its face is gone: destroyed completely by a shotgun blast or some other high-caliber weapon, leaving him completely unidentifiable. The blood from the wound, now brown and dry, is sprayed all over the east wall and floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine atm",
"response": "It's a bulky device fitted into the west wall. Bank customers insert their credit cards into it to recieve cash out of it. Other banking services can be done, as well. You've always thought of them as one of society's better ideas. To start, you'd have to insert a credit card then type a PIN into it.\n\nWallace Josephs arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Wallace with the hammer",
"response": "You hold the hammer in your fist and strike at Wallace.\n\nAmazingly, you whack the monster man in the forehead, stunning him; his eyes rolling in the back of his head.\nHaving been injured too much in this dream, the hulking man disappears ... for now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the credit card",
"response": "It's plastic, of course, and silver-gray in color. The numbers on it change every time you glance at it, making you dizzy when you do, but the name on the card is constant: Dr Richard Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examinthe card-reader",
"response": "Next to the south door is a card-reading device. It's a security feature forcing customers to insert their credit card into it in order to unlock the interior door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the card intthe card-reader",
"response": "You slide the credit card into the device and you hear the interior door unlock loudly. The card easily comes back out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "(first opening the interior door)\n\nThis place is full of ghosts. You can see them in line near the teller's window as well as near the kiosk where they repeatedly run through their banking motions for eternity. The spirits are translucent figures of differing shapes and sizes, their feet lost illusions as they float about this bank lobby, forever doing their business; seemingly oblivious to you. The door to the outside world is to the north and you can see a vault door, a large, circular metal monstrosity, to the west. It is guarded by a ghostly security guard, of course.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "(first opening the vault door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the guard",
"response": "He stands as a translucent sentinal to the side of the vault door. He's the only one whose eyes glance at you every once and awhile. Perhaps he notices you, or thinks he does on whatever level of existence he's actually on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the guard",
"response": "You say hello to the ghostly guard.\n\nYou have nothing specific in mind to discuss with ghostly guard right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is a small anteroom mainly for ATM use when the bank proper is closed. A strong door leads outside to the north and an interior door leads to the bank lobby to the south. The ATM sits in the west wall and a card-reading device is next to the interior door.\n\nWhat's impossible to miss, however, is the dead body on the floor of this anteroom. Most likely a man, its face is gone: destroyed completely by a shotgun blast or some other high-caliber weapon, leaving him completely unidentifiable. The blood from the wound is sprayed all over the east wall and floor, but it is brown and dry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the card into ATM",
"response": "You insert the credit card and the ATM's lights spring to life. All you need to do next is type a PIN into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Type 7178",
"response": "What do you want to type that in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You type 7178 into ATM",
"response": "The ATM display tells you that the PIN you entered is accurate. A twenty-dollar bill emerges and you grab it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na twenty-dollar bill\na credit card\na dull pencil\na prescription pad\na sturdy hammer\na biological clock\na box cutter\na mouth mirror\na baseball bat\nan old key\na worn backpack (open)\nsome brown paper\na care package (open but empty)\na crumpled napkin\na floppy disk\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the credit card",
"response": "It's plastic, of course, and silver-gray in color. The numbers on it change every time you glance at it, making you dizzy when you do, but the name on the card is constant: Dr Richard Lynch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "This place is full of ghosts. You can see them in line near the teller's window as well as near the kiosk where they repeatedly run through their banking motions for eternity. The spirits are translucent figures of differing shapes and sizes, their feet lost illusions as they float about this bank lobby, forever doing their business; seemingly oblivious to you. The door to the outside world is to the north and you can see a vault door, a large, circular metal monstrosity, to the west. It is guarded by a ghostly security guard, of course.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the door with the credit card",
"response": "Which do you mean, the interior door or the vault door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bill to the guard",
"response": "Somehow, the level of existence he is on, and the one you are on, meet as the bill is passed between the two of you clandestinely. It disappears in his pocket and he nods toward the vault door. The smooth sound of metallic gears can be heard for a moment and then the door slowly swings open, allowing passage to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Not a large room, by any means. This vault's walls are covered with safety deposit boxes of various sizes in no order at all. Different sized boxes mixed together and all of them are open and empty, having been looted in whatever robbery happened here. The only exit is the vault door to the east.\n\nThe only other thing in here: a second body, another gunshot victim. This time, a child of maybe ten years old. A clean bullet wound in the forehead. A peaceful look on his somewhat familiar face.\n\nYou can see a monocle here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the monocle",
"response": "(putting the old key into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the monocle",
"response": "(putting the baseball bat into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na credit card\na dull pencil\na prescription pad\na sturdy hammer\na biological clock\na box cutter\na mouth mirror\na worn backpack (open)\na baseball bat\nan old key\nsome brown paper\na care package (open but empty)\na crumpled napkin\na floppy disk\na damp washcloth\na sentient brain\na pair of black Skechers (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na black shirt (being worn)\na hospital gown (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the mirror",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the monocle",
"response": "(putting the box cutter into the worn backpack to make room)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the monocle",
"response": "It's an old-timey monocle, much like Mr. Peanut wears. It's attached to a lanyard so it's easy to carry around and not misplace. You are currently wearing it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Not a large room, by any means. This vault's walls are covered with safety deposit boxes of various sizes in no order at all. Different sized boxes mixed together and all of them are open and empty, having been looted in whatever robbery happened here. The only exit is the vault door to the east.\n\nThe only other thing in here: a second body, another gunshot victim. This time, a child of maybe ten years old. A clean bullet wound in the forehead. A peaceful look on his somewhat familiar face.\n\nYou can see a prescription pad, a dull pencil and a mouth mirror here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine boxes",
"response": "What reminds you most that you are in a dream is how they are uneven in every way possible. The more you stare at them, the more the geometry of the ones in your peripheral vision become distorted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the body",
"response": "He is a child of maybe ten years old with a clean bullet wound in his forehead. He has a peaceful look on his somewhat familiar face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "This portion of the library is for all the reference material. Wide bookshelves are stuffed with thick encyclopedias and other informative books. From here, you can head south to the Periodicals sections or southwest to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a butcher's apron here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are roughly in the middle of the library and its emptiness is creepy as all the lights are on. It's as if the place was busy as normal but everyone just disappeared for you see open books and newspapers around and just a feeling as if people were just here.\nIt's the 'Mary Celeste' of libraries.\n\nIn this section, mostly current magazines are stored in open display cases. Comfortable seats are spread around for reading. From here, you can see the reference section to the north, the main collection to the south, and you can return to the lobby to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up Wallace Josephs in the books",
"response": "You look in the appropriate encyclopedia and find the entry for Wallace Josephs. Your monocle helps with the small print and the book informs you that Wallace Josephs is the physician to the Philadelphia mob. He is known for his callousness to the victims of those he assists. Some profilers believe the man is schizophrenic, as he runs a typical sleep lab in the local hospital. So far, he has evaded prosecution as authorities are still investigating him.\n\nWritten in the margin, in pencil, by some unknown hand, is written: 30th Street Train Station, Locker 7178- all the evidence you need to turn him in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Set the clock to wake up",
"response": "Somehow, you figure out how to manipulate the hairs on the muscle patch of the strange and horrible biological clock to set it to wake you up. You're not sure how that works, but you figure, in a dream, it just does. A ticking sound can be heard emitting from deep within the biological clock and as you hold it, it seems to throb slightly as it ticks.\n\nThe biological clock continues to tick away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe biological clock continues to tick away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clock",
"response": "It is a strange chunk of ... well, flesh, really. It's pretty disgusting, especially because a rough circle of the flesh has been sickeningly ripped off, leaving a patch of bloody muscle. What's also weird is that there is hair in this patch. Upon closer inspection, the hair is growing in a precise way as to make a sort-of clock face on the muscle. Two hairs grow from the center and point outward, making the hour and minute \"hands\", and small nubs of hair surround the circle, making a braille-like series of numbers to mark the time. (To check the time, type \"check time\" or just \"time\".)\n\nFinally, something happens. The biological clock explodes in a fury of noise and gore.\n\nYou awake and immediately see Dr. Richard Lynch looking over you. He smiles and you relax a bit. He seemingly doesn't know what you now know. He doesn't know you were in his head all night.\n\nYou leave the hospital early that morning with one destination in mind.",
"endoftext": true
] | z2nf0jmnllgdv8w |
Dig My Grave | Ryan Veeder | [
"Apollo 18 Tribute Album"
] | [
"based on songs",
"music references",
"song references",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 25 | 2.92 | 20120403 | false | For reasons which remain obscure, it is your job to dig a grave. | [
"action": "Wait",
"response": "This is as deep in the forest as it gets. Nothing but trees all around, and only a couple beams of moonlight to see them by.\n\nThere's a dead body here.\n\nThe soil in this tiny clearing feels uncommonly soft.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "A little scuffed up from the walk out here, but looking better than your friend over there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the soil",
"response": "You feel nothing unexpected.\n\n).\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the trees",
"response": "The trees crowd around you. They almost seem suspicious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na shovel",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shovel",
"response": "A long, sturdy shovel of questionable provenance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the body",
"response": "It's a dead body. Its clothes are dirty (on account of being dragged through the woods). Its eyes are open, but they aren't looking at anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the eyes",
"response": "To a person playing a game in text, that probably seems like a poetic thing to do, but in person the prospect is kind of really gross.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at eyes",
"response": "They look more like two glass eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the eyes",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the dead body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack body",
"response": "You give the corpse a stiff kick. To make sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You begin digging. Soon you've excavated an area about as long and broad as the corpse, and a few inches deep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You dig some more. The hole gets deeper. Piles of turned-up soil are forming around its perimeter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the grave",
"response": "It's starting to look like a real hole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the grave",
"response": "You stand in the hole for a little bit, but it's a lackluster experience.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You manage to excavate a little more, but after all this digging you're exhausted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "Your arms are too tired, and you're out of breath. You need to take a break before you dig any more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "Your arms are too tired, and you're out of breath. You need to take a break before you dig any more.\n\nWell, now your arms are starting to feel like they could handle some more digging.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clothes",
"response": "The corpse's clothes are stained and ripped beyond repair. You can discern a lump in one of the pockets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine lump",
"response": "(First reaching in the dead person's pocket and stealing their stuff) It's a rock, in kind of a spiral shape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rock",
"response": "It's a rock, in kind of a spiral shape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the rock",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine scratches",
"response": "The scratches are apparently artificial. As you look at them, they seem to form some kind of pattern.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pattern",
"response": "As you squint more and more at the spiral, the pattern of scratches almost makes its significance known to you--but no. It's just just a scratched-up rock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You return to your task with renewed vigor. The hole gets deeper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You continue to dig until the hole has become more or less a proper grave. Congratulations.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the grave",
"response": "You get in the grave for a little while. A creepy feeling comes over you. You climb out of the grave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss body",
"response": "You can only bring yourself to give it a little peck on the cheek.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the body in the grave",
"response": "You push the corpse to the edge of the grave and then you shove it in. It hits the bottom with a thud.\n\nYou cover it up with dirt until you get bored and walk away.\nAnd now I'm in charge! Thanks for putting my spirit to rest,\nsucker!\n\nI'm in Heaven, in front of the pearly gate, and you're not, so, sucks to be you.\n\nAnd Saint Peter is here! Awesome!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "Who cares what I look like? It's the afterlife! I look like whatever the heck I want!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the peter",
"response": "He's this dude in a robe, with a beard, that kind of thing, and he's carrying some keys. He's waving at me, because he knows we're gonna be best friends.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You wave, feeling foolish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the keys",
"response": "One of them is gold, and the other one is silver. I don't see why this one gate needs two keys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at clouds",
"response": "Yes obviously there are clouds here. Duh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gate",
"response": "It's this huge gate, made out of a gigantic pearl. It's pretty amazing. I wish you could see it. But you can't, because you're alive!\n\nI don't really care whether you see it or not!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Peter",
"response": "Hey, Peter! How about letting me in, man?\n\nHe's not saying anything. He's just getting something out of the copious folds of his voluminous robe.\n\nOh, hey, it's a medal! For me! For being so great! Thanks, Pete!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine medal",
"response": "It's this awesome gold medal, and it says \"AMICISSIMUS DAMNATORUM,\" which is Latin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the medal",
"response": "Hey guess what? I'll wear it when I feel like it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "Come on!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "Wait, what's going on?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "This is as deep in the forest as it gets. Nothing but trees all around, and only a couple beams of moonlight to see them by.\n\nThere's a dead body here.\n\nThe soil in this tiny clearing feels uncommonly soft.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You begin digging. Soon you've excavated an area about as long and broad as the corpse, and a few inches deep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nWell, now your arms are starting to feel like they could handle some more digging.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You return to your task with renewed vigor. The hole gets deeper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You continue to dig until the hole has become more or less a proper grave. Congratulations.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "The grave is deep enough. You are done digging.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You bury yourself",
"response": "That would be harder than it sounds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the lump",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Peter",
"response": "He's this dude in a robe, with a beard, that kind of thing, and he's carrying some keys. He's waving at me, because he knows we're gonna be best friends.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You wave, feeling foolish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "Who cares what I look like? It's the afterlife! I look like whatever the heck I want!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the gates",
"response": "Looks like it's locked. Whatever, Peter's gonna unlock it in a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock gates",
"response": "(with the keys)\nSaint Peter has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the medal to Peter",
"response": "Saint Peter doesn't seem interested.\n\n Come on!\nWait, what's going on?\n## \n\n> LIST A",
"endoftext": true
] | yohzklspqd8rmzt |
Birmingham IV | Peter Emery | [
] | [
"cover art",
"IFComp 2018",
"IFComp Game",
"Third person",
] | 2,018 | [
] | 11 | 2.909091 | 20181111 | false | A solitary scholar, his purpose and presence in the world a mystery even to himself, ventures abroad in a dream state. He finds a land of sunny lanes and dark forests, steeped in the blood of Celt, Saxon, Viking and Norman, where paganism never really went away - the West Midlands. Birmingham IV tells the story of what happened next. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Type \"help\" for help.\n\nThe Phil's Bedroom (on the Phil's bed)\nSprawled face down on the bed, the Phil is snoozing quietly in the bedroom of his house in Birmingham. This - certainly - is no palace. The room is plain, painted magnolia, and quite empty of furniture other than the bed itself. A Grand Prix '87 poster hangs limply from the wall. Rain beats at the window. Lime green doors lead in and out.\n\nLying on its side on the floor is a large mug.\n\nThe Phil can also see a little card here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Some stones are best left unturned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "A solid and immovable divan with a nice pattern of pink roses.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "He gets off the Phil's bed.\n\nThe Phil is in the Phil's Bedroom. This - certainly - is no palace. The room is plain, painted magnolia, and quite empty of furniture other than the bed itself. A Grand Prix '87 poster hangs limply from the wall. Rain beats at the window. Lime green doors lead in and out.\n\nLying on its side on the floor is a large mug.\n\nThe Phil can also see a little card here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "\"Get out of jail free\"\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the card",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mug",
"response": "Ugly.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the window",
"response": "The Phil peers outside. He sees a street of houses, very similar to his own, steaming in the rain. He thinks he can see a pub as well.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the Phil's Bedroom. This - certainly - is no palace. The room is plain, painted magnolia, and quite empty of furniture other than the bed itself. A Grand Prix '87 poster hangs limply from the wall. Rain beats at the window. Lime green doors lead in and out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine poster",
"response": "The Phil straightens the poster and muses for a moment. It wasn't a good year. Still, Caffi is bound to come through this time.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the downstairs door or the cupboard door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cupboard",
"response": "A very alarming lime green. There is nothing special about it otherwise.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "The Phil opens the cupboard door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cupboard",
"response": "The Phil has strolled into a spacious walk-in cupboard, painted the same magnolia colour as the bedroom and strewn with bits of discarded Ph. D thesis. A hatch in the ceiling rattles with the rain. A full length mirror is fixed on one wall.\n\nHanging from a nail is a hat.\n\nThe Phil can also see a photo and a teabag here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the thesis",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the bits of discarded Ph D thesis. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hat",
"response": "Suede - very fashionable nowadays.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the hat",
"response": "The Phil puts on the hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the mirror",
"response": "The Phil peers at the glass. An apparition in a lumberjack shirt and a suede hat looms alarmingly out of the green depths of the mirror.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the teabag",
"response": "Yes - a small porous sachet containing tea leaves.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Phil",
"response": "The Phil peers at himself in the mirror. Lumberjack shirt and suede hat present and correct. All is well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at photo",
"response": "It shows one of the Phil's brothers.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hatch",
"response": "Square, and without any distinguishing features. It is closed.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open hatch",
"response": "The hatch is firmly locked, and when the Phil pushes on it, it only budges enough to let in a little cold air and rainwater round the edges. The landlady must have the key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "He finds nothing of interest.\n\n> OUT\n\nThe Phil hops downstairs out of the house...\n\nThe Phil is basking in the sun outside his handsome cottage in the verdant West Midlands countryside. It is a good sized building of grey stone with a thatched roof and a solid brown door. Many paths from many directions meet here, and part again, but a particularly well-used path knots a short way east to a river and then a village.\n\nThe Phil thinks for a moment that he hears a squeaky voice saying something, but he cannot quite catch what.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "I beg your pardon?\n\nThe Phil listens intently, trying to catch the voice he first heard here. Did he hear it again? It is very faint, and perhaps no more than his imagination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "The Phil listens intently, trying to catch the voice he first heard here. Did he hear it again? It is very faint, and perhaps no more than his imagination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "(the brown door)\nThat's already closed.\n\n> L\n\nThe Phil is basking in the sun outside his handsome cottage in the verdant West Midlands countryside. It is a good sized building of grey stone with a thatched roof and a solid brown door. Many paths from many directions meet here, and part again, but a particularly well-used path knots a short way east to a river and then a village.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The Phil can't go that way.\n\n> N\n\n(first opening the brown door)\n\nThe Phil is in the parlour of his cottage, a sober and dignified room with limewashed walls. Heavy black beams cross the ceiling, and the floor is of stone. The room is bare of furniture, other than an enormous, rather dusty, settle made of a dark wood. This occupies most of one wall of the room, and there is a large fireplace on the facing wall. Exits are north and east, or the Phil can go back outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The Phil has walked into his kitchen, a large, cheerful and scrupulously clean room with all sorts of herbs and vegetables hanging from the rafters. A large kitchen table is in the centre of the room, and there is a fireplace at one end, with a bread oven built into the wall by its side. An enormous iron kettle hangs from a hook in the fireplace. Exits north, south and east.\n\nOn the kitchen table are a rusty ring and a purse.\n\n> X PURSE\n\nA very small leather bag with a drawstring.\n\nIn the purse are five pennies.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\n> X RING\n\nA large metal ring, such as a gaoler might use to hold his keys.\n\nTied to the rusty ring is a red ribbon.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\n> X RIBBON\n\nHe sees nothing special about the red ribbon.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\n> GET RING\n\nTaken.\n\n> GET PURSE\n\nThe Phil is carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil has walked into his kitchen, a large, cheerful and scrupulously clean room with all sorts of herbs and vegetables hanging from the rafters. A large kitchen table is in the centre of the room, and there is a fireplace at one end, with a bread oven built into the wall by its side. An enormous iron kettle hangs from a hook in the fireplace. Exits north, south and east.\n\nOn the kitchen table is a purse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the ring",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ring",
"response": "The Phil is carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the vegetables",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the vegetables. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ring in the purse",
"response": "The Phil prefers to keep money in his purse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na purse\nfive pennies\na photo\na teabag\na hat (being worn)\na mug\na little card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the herbs",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the herbs. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the teabag in the mug",
"response": "Done. The Phil will have to live in hope of finding some hot water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the ring",
"response": "It is too big for his finger or nose; too small to work as a circlet. It would do as an ankle ring, but the Phil doesn't think that is his style.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ring",
"response": "A large metal ring, such as a gaoler might use to hold his keys.\n\nTied to the rusty ring is a red ribbon.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na rusty ring (to which is attached a red ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na photo\na hat (being worn)\na mug\na teabag\na little card",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil has walked into his kitchen, a large, cheerful and scrupulously clean room with all sorts of herbs and vegetables hanging from the rafters. A large kitchen table is in the centre of the room, and there is a fireplace at one end, with a bread oven built into the wall by its side. An enormous iron kettle hangs from a hook in the fireplace. Exits north, south and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the kettle",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the iron kettle. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at oven",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the bread oven. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The Phil is in his Study, a pleasant little room, but as austere as the rest of the cottage. Here is a large desk, strewn with papers.\nA door leads west and stone steps lead up. There is also a narrow doorway to the east.\n\nOne piece of paper - a small neatly written note placed carefully in the centre of the desk - catches the Phil's eye.\n\nFrom the east, the Phil hears the sound of random twangs, rather as if someone were gently playing a harpsichord with a hammer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine note",
"response": "A note from the Parson. He thanks the Phil for his kind loan of a book, which he is finding of great service in his own studies. He also says he is worried about the recent conduct of someone - namely Sir Lawrence - and would be very grateful for the Phil's wise advice on the subject. Also, if the Phil chances to meet the Sexton, he is kindly requested to ask the Sexton to speak to the Parson.\n\nThe Phil resolves to ask the Parson about these matters the moment he sees him.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nFrom the east, the Phil hears the sound of random twangs, rather as if someone were gently playing a harpsichord with a hammer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The Phil is in the music room, plain and whitewashed with dark floorboards. It is is as unadorned as all the rooms in the cottage, but dappled light reflected from the river dances on the ceiling. An open window looks out over the river and the rolling West Midlands countryside beyond. There are no exits other than the doorway the Phil came in by, to the west.\n\nDominating the room is a substantial bentside spinet, which sits along one wall.\n\nOn the window sill are a potted plant and a letter.\n\nA Magpie is dancing on the keys of the spinet, obviously enjoying the noise. As the Phil enters the room, it startles, and grabs a shiny brass key which was lying on the lid of the spinet. Instead of flying out of the open window, it goes straight over his head and into the study - panicked no doubt. There is some banging and crashing as it makes its way through the cottage, but then it must have found a way out, because there is silence.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plant",
"response": "The plant consists of a couple of woody stems, each about two feet long, with three or four dark green, glossy pinnate leaves, each about a foot long, the leaflets each about two inches long. The Phil assumes it is nothing like full grown. It is in a mortar shaped pot.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the letter",
"response": "The letter evidently came with the potted plant. The letter is from a sea-captain called John Nisbet. Captain Nisbet presents his compliments and is pleased to forward this specimen of a plant he encountered in His Majesty's Virginian colony, which, as he believes the Phil is a natural philosopher, may interest him.\n\nThe Phil tries to remember who Captain Nisbet is. The Phil thinks he met him in the pub once. Weird fellow, kept going on about giant black rabbits.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the music room, plain and whitewashed with dark floorboards. It is is as unadorned as all the rooms in the cottage, but dappled light reflected from the river dances on the ceiling. An open window looks out over the river and the rolling West Midlands countryside beyond. There are no exits other than the doorway the Phil came in by, to the west.\n\nDominating the room is a substantial bentside spinet, which sits along one wall.\n\nOn the window sill are a potted plant and a letter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nOne of the finest spinets ever to come out of the manufacturies of Birmingham, with a full five octaves. It is made of a handsome dark wood, and has a richly decorated lid.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"Gathering Peascods\" on his spinet.\n\nThe sound is very \"choked\" though - muffled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThere's something on the spinet lid - the Phil should remove it first, otherwise it'll end up on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lid",
"response": "The lid of the spinet has a handsome picture, of inlaid wood, showing jays flying round a country cottage.\n\nOn the spinet lid are a blue ribbon and a scruffy black bound book.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put RIBBON on the ring",
"response": "Which do you mean, the blue ribbon or the red ribbon?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Blue",
"response": "(first taking the blue ribbon)\nThe Phil is carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine book",
"response": "A large black bound book. It is called \"The Natural History of Selly Oak.\" According to the title page, it was written by the Phil himself.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na rusty ring (to which is attached a red ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na photo\na hat (being worn)\na mug\na teabag\na little card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the photo",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put blue RIBBON on the ring",
"response": "(first taking the blue ribbon)\nPutting things on the rusty ring would achieve nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie blue RIBBON to ring",
"response": "The Phil ties the blue ribbon to the rusty ring.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the music room, plain and whitewashed with dark floorboards. It is is as unadorned as all the rooms in the cottage, but dappled light reflected from the river dances on the ceiling. An open window looks out over the river and the rolling West Midlands countryside beyond. There are no exits other than the doorway the Phil came in by, to the west.\n\nDominating the room is a substantial bentside spinet, which sits along one wall.\n\nOn the window sill are a potted plant and a letter.\n\nThe Phil can also see a photo here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na photo\na rusty ring (to which are attached a red ribbon and a blue ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na hat (being worn)\na mug\na teabag\na little card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "The Phil settles down to read the black-bound book with interest and some trepidation. After all, it appears to have been written by him, but any recollection he has of living in Selly Oak, which is a whole two miles away, is hazy at best. Anyway, despite the title, the book is mostly a description of the habits of the local jackdaws, which seem to have been something of an obsession for the writer: they watch him, he says, and follow him everywhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the photo",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil lifts the lid of the bentside spinet, the underside of which he sees is richly painted, and props it open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nOne of the finest spinets ever to come out of the manufacturies of Birmingham, with a full five octaves. It is made of a handsome dark wood, and its lid is propped open, revealing a richly painted underside.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"If all the world were paper\" on his spinet.\n\nWith the lid of the spinet open, the sound is good and bright.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the underside",
"response": "The inside of the spinet lid has been painted with a rather striking picture of a grand house rising above a handsome garden of lawns and hedges. At first glance, it all seems to make sense, but something is not well with the geometry. There are some very odd angles in the building, when the Phil looks closely. In fact, he'd rather not look too closely, it hurts - and there should only be ninety degrees in a right angle - and the shadows seem to fall in all directions. The Phil can only wonder about the state of mind of he who painted it.\n\n\"Weird picture,\" says the Phil, \"but for some reason, I feel that it is a good thing that I've seen it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"Gathering Peascods\" on his spinet.\n\nWith the lid of the spinet open, the sound is good and bright.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"Horsey-Down Fields\" on his spinet.\n\nWith the lid of the spinet open, the sound is good and bright.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"Country Abigail\" on his spinet.\n\nWith the lid of the spinet open, the sound is good and bright.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"Blue Petticoats\" on his spinet.\n\nWith the lid of the spinet open, the sound is good and bright.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play spinet",
"response": "(the bentside spinet)\nThe Phil plays \"Merry milk-maids\" on his spinet.\n\nWith the lid of the spinet open, the sound is good and bright.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The Phil is in his Study, a pleasant little room, but as austere as the rest of the cottage. Here is a large desk, strewn with papers.\nA door leads west and stone steps lead up. There is also a narrow doorway to the east.\n\nOne piece of paper - a small neatly written note placed carefully in the centre of the desk - catches the Phil's eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "The Phil is in his bedroom. Plain whitewashed walls and the simple cot testify to the austerity of the scholar's life. Exits down and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is in his experiment room, inconveniently lit by only one leaded-paned window high on the wall overlooking the river. It is a good sized, plain room with lime washed walls and a wooden floor. It is empty of furniture other than a bench (of the worktable kind, rather than a seat). On the bench is a large lead tank. A ladder fixed to one wall of the room leads up to a trapdoor.\n\nHanging from the ceiling is a large iron birdcage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cage",
"response": "Large, made of iron and very ugly. It is tubular in shape, rising to a dome. It is hanging from the ceiling by a length of chain.\n\nIn the cage is Vincent, the Phil's pet raven.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine vincent",
"response": "The Phil examines Vincent. In return, Vincent examines the Phil though beady red eyes, his expresssion one of contempt and malevolence mingled. He is a particularly large, saturnine and ugly example of Corvus corax - though the great Linnaeus is not yet born.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tank",
"response": "It holds a quantity of brandy, in which are suspended a number of small furry creatures - representatives of the local fauna - preserved for further study.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the creatures",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the small furry creatures. Not worth further investigation.\n\nThe Phil hears something large - a dog, perhaps - padding along outside. It stops below the window, as far as he can tell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open tank",
"response": "It isn't something he can open.\n\nA dog howls under the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "A small, leaded window. The glass is swirly and a very pale blue green colour, giving a rather sickly quality to the light in the room.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nThe Phil thinks the dog has gone again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ladder",
"response": "Actually, a set of iron rungs set into one wall, and leading up to the trapdoor.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "(first opening the trapdoor)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trapdoor",
"response": "Very solid, and whitewashed, to match the experiment room ceiling.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the creatures",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the small furry creatures. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at cot",
"response": "A plain narrow bed with a straw mattress and a woollen blanket.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "The Phil is in his Study, a pleasant little room, but as austere as the rest of the cottage. Here is a large desk, strewn with papers.\nA door leads west and stone steps lead up. There is also a narrow doorway to the east.\n\nOne piece of paper - a small neatly written note placed carefully in the centre of the desk - catches the Phil's eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The Phil has walked into his kitchen, a large, cheerful and scrupulously clean room with all sorts of herbs and vegetables hanging from the rafters. A large kitchen table is in the centre of the room, and there is a fireplace at one end, with a bread oven built into the wall by its side. An enormous iron kettle hangs from a hook in the fireplace. Exits north, south and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the kettle",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the iron kettle. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The Phil is in his well-tended garden. A pleasant warm smell - growing vegetables and organic fertiliser in equal measure - fills his nose., and there is an agreeable, soporific buzz from a couple of terracotta beehives towards the back of the garden. Various kinds of beans are growing on poles. There is also a large and very strange plant which the Phil doesn't recognise. On the eastern side is a small shed. South is the kitchen and the rest of the cottage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plant",
"response": "It is about four feet high, with a large, roughly spherical base, from which protrude a number of fleshy roots, and a conelike stem. It is very green, and the Phil concludes it is far from fully grown. Anyway - best left alone.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the beans",
"response": "Coming along nicely. They are a mixture of bright red and bright blue and luminous purple, and the Phil hopes they will turn out to be magical.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine hive",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the beehives. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The Phil is inside the shed. It is rather dark, but some light comes in through the doorway and between the boards of the shed walls. The shed is currently fairly empty - there are some stacked up flowerpots and a few empty sacks and that is about it. There are some chalk markings on one wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the markings",
"response": "The markings seem to be tallies of seeds planted. There is one unfamiliar word though - \"fullgru.\"\n\n\"Fullgru?\" says the Phil. \"Good word.\" He makes a note on his shirt cuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pick the beans",
"response": "Best left to ripen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Look",
"response": "What do you want to examine?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The Phil is in the parlour of his cottage, a sober and dignified room with limewashed walls. Heavy black beams cross the ceiling, and the floor is of stone. The room is bare of furniture, other than an enormous, rather dusty, settle made of a dark wood. This occupies most of one wall of the room, and there is a large fireplace on the facing wall. Exits are north and east, or the Phil can go outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the settle",
"response": "Solid, severe, and rather uncomfortable, in the manner of furniture of this time.\n\nThe Phil notices a dowdy brown cushion on the settle.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cushion",
"response": "The cushion is faded, but may once have been purple.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "What do you want to sit on?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on settle",
"response": "The Phil sits on the settle.\n\nSitting Room (on the settle)\nThe Phil is in the parlour of his cottage, a sober and dignified room with limewashed walls. Heavy black beams cross the ceiling, and the floor is of stone. The room is bare of furniture, other than an enormous, rather dusty, settle made of a dark wood. This occupies most of one wall of the room, and there is a large fireplace on the facing wall. Exits are north and east, or the Phil can go outside.\n\nOn the settle he can see a cushion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "He gets off the settle.\n\nOn the settle is a cushion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fireplace",
"response": "Very plain, and neatly swept, with a cast iron fireback. The grate is empty, and probably there has been no fire for some time.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is hiding in the gloom of a dusty, windowless storeroom.\n\nThe Phil can see a dead rat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rat",
"response": "Very odorous.\n\nWould come in handy for studies in natural philosophy, or as bait.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "On the settle is a cushion.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The Phil is basking in the sun outside his handsome cottage in the verdant West Midlands countryside. It is a good sized building of grey stone with a thatched roof and a solid brown door. Many paths from many directions meet here, and part again, but a particularly well-used path knots a short way east to a river and then a village.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The Phil is sauntering along a little twisting path, across a patch of scrubby ground dotted with widely spaced young trees.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sign",
"response": "It is a picture of a spaniel-like dog, white, with reddish-brown spots. There is no writing.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the river",
"response": "Green and greasy, but fast moving.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fill the mug",
"response": "What do you want to fill the mug with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The Phil is in the main room of the Spotted Dog, now the village's only inn. The room is dominated by an enormous fireplace in which a fire was burning - it has recently gone out - although it seems the chimney doesn't draw very well, because the air is full of smoke. Through the haze, the Phil can see a bar, and four or five rough tables and benches. There is no-one sitting at them, though. The floor is strewn with mouldy rushes. A large pot of stew hangs over the ashes of the fire, still bubbling slightly.\n\nStanding stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nOn the bar is a yellow ribbon.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin and a bow here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nOn the bar is a yellow ribbon.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin and a bow here.\n\nBardolph scrubs the tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie yellow RIBBON to ring",
"response": "The Phil ties the yellow ribbon to the rusty ring.\n\nBardolph whistles \"Akeroyde's Padd\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Bardolph",
"response": "Bardolph is the innkeeper. He is short and bald (with sideburns) and is wearing a leather waistcoat. He has the air of a man with something to hide.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBardolph sneezes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the violin",
"response": "Well worn. Slightly out of tune.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBardolph jingles some coins in his pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin",
"response": "(First taking the violin)\nThe Phil is carrying too many things already.\n\nBardolph stirs the pot of stew.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stew",
"response": "(pot of stew)\nAn enormous blackened cauldron of stew. The ingredients of the stew are unknown.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBardolph pats his waistcoat pockets as if looking for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about Magpie",
"response": "Bardolph makes no reply. Either he has no view on the subject, or does not want to express one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Bardolph about magbie",
"response": "This provokes no reaction.\n\nBardolph whistles \"Akeroyde's Padd\".",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the main room of the Spotted Dog, now the village's only inn. The room is dominated by an enormous fireplace in which a fire was burning - it has recently gone out - although it seems the chimney doesn't draw very well, because the air is full of smoke. Through the haze, the Phil can see a bar, and four or five rough tables and benches. There is no-one sitting at them, though. The floor is strewn with mouldy rushes. A large pot of stew hangs over the ashes of the fire, still bubbling slightly.\n\nStanding stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin and a bow here.\n\nBardolph pats his waistcoat pockets as if looking for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about Parson",
"response": "\"Sometimes he comes by here,\" says Bardolph, \"but I fancy you'll find him at the Church today.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about Sexton",
"response": "\"A quiet fellow,\" says Bardolph. \"I have not seen him these two days.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about Dog",
"response": "\"Nobody on this side o' the river keeps a large dog,\" says Bardolph. He pauses to think, \"Unless...\" He blenches a little and falls silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about the beer",
"response": "\"Why, sir, you will not find better beer than mine round here,\" says Bardolph. \"As strong as brandy wine, as smooth as... (he reflects for a moment) the flowing river. Would your worship care to buy?\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about the stew",
"response": "Bardolph looks remarkably shifty. \"Tis just... stew. Tis nowt special, and not delicate enough for your worhip's refined palette.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the main room of the Spotted Dog, now the village's only inn. The room is dominated by an enormous fireplace in which a fire was burning - it has recently gone out - although it seems the chimney doesn't draw very well, because the air is full of smoke. Through the haze, the Phil can see a bar, and four or five rough tables and benches. There is no-one sitting at them, though. The floor is strewn with mouldy rushes. A large pot of stew hangs over the ashes of the fire, still bubbling slightly.\n\nStanding stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin and a bow here.\n\nBardolph starts laughing at some private joke. The Phil hopes it isn't him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about the violin",
"response": "\"Nothing of mine,\" grunts Bardolph.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the violin",
"response": "The Phil is carrying too many things already.\n\nBardolph whistles \"Akeroyde's Padd\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na scruffy black bound book\na rusty ring (to which are attached a red ribbon, a blue ribbon and\na yellow ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na hat (being worn)\na mug\na teabag\na little card\n\nBardolph jingles some coins in his pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "\"Get out of jail free\"\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBardolph takes up a clay pipe and blows smoke rings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop book",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nBardolph sneezes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the mug",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nBardolph starts laughing at some private joke. The Phil hopes it isn't him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the violin",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph stares intently over the Phil's left shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin",
"response": "The Phil plays \"The Bishop of Bangor's Jigg\" pizzicato.\n\nBardolph, used to noise of this kind in his inn, pays no attention.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the violin",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nBardolph pats his waistcoat pockets as if looking for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bow",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph stirs the pot of stew.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the violin",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph pats his waistcoat pockets as if looking for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin",
"response": "The Phil plays \"Frisk it Freely\" pizzicato.\n\nBardolph, used to noise of this kind in his inn, pays no attention.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin with the bow",
"response": "The Phil tries manfully to play the violin with the bow, but finds his arms are much too short.\n\nBardolph stirs the pot of stew.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the violin",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nBardolph starts laughing at some private joke. The Phil hopes it isn't him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bow",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nBardolph sneezes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bow",
"response": "Just an ordinary bow. It has a wooden bit and a stringy bit.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBardolph stares intently over the Phil's left shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is inching carefully along an unsteady, and very narrow, plank bridge with no handrails. The river flows swift, and alarmingly close, beneath.\n\nStanding firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\n\"Greetings, Phil,\" says Bill the Bowman, twirling his quarterstaff. \"How about a little friendly trial of strength for passage of the bridge?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about the trial",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\n\"Go on,\" says Bill, \"just you try and get past me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The Phil moves on Bill the Bowman, but the latter has no difficulty in giving him a thump which knocks him right off the bridge.\n\nThe Phil, lacking bouyancy, is soon in difficulties and is swept helplessly down the swift and very dangerous river...\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Bill",
"response": "An imposing, thickset fellow, at least seven inches taller than the Phil and at least three stone heavier. He is dressed in a coat and breeches - well worn - of bright green, wearing a knapsack and twirling a quarterstaff.\n\n\"Could I buy him off?\" wonders the Phil.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBill the Bowman looks the Phil up and down.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is inching carefully along an unsteady, and very narrow, plank bridge with no handrails. The river flows swift, and alarmingly close, beneath.\n\nStanding firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman whistles \"Stand thy ground, Old Harry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a bow, a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph takes up a clay pipe and blows smoke rings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the beer",
"response": "Bardolph takes the Phil's penny, fills up a pint of beer and places it on the bar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the pint",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph whistles \"Akeroyde's Padd\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Standing firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman looks impatient. \"This ain't gettin the babby a frock and pinny,\" he grumbles. \"Come on - see if you can knock me off the bridge.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the pint to Bill",
"response": "Bill the Bowman takes the pint of beer and drains it in one go, then throws the empty mug into the river. \"Very good,\" he says. \"Now, how about that friendly trial of strength?\"\n\nBill the Bowman gazes south. \"It's looking black over Bill's mother's,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na rusty ring (to which are attached a red ribbon, a blue ribbon and\na yellow ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na hat (being worn)\na little card\n\nBardolph sneezes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the pint",
"response": "Bardolph looks blank. \"Don't sell that sort of stuff, sorry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the beer",
"response": "Bardolph takes the Phil's penny, fills up a pint of beer and places it on the bar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get pint",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph stirs the pot of stew.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Standing firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman looks impatient. \"This ain't gettin the babby a frock and pinny,\" he grumbles. \"Come on - see if you can knock me off the bridge.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bill pint",
"response": "Bill the Bowman takes the pint of beer and drains it in one go, then throws the empty mug into the river. \"Very good,\" he says. \"Now, how about that friendly trial of strength?\"\n\nBill the Bowman gazes south. \"It's looking black over Bill's mother's,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a bow, a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph starts laughing at some private joke. The Phil hopes it isn't him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Standing firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman fiddles with the straps of his knapsack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The Phil moves on Bill the Bowman, but the latter has no difficulty in giving him a thump which knocks him right off the bridge.\n\nThe Phil, lacking bouyancy, is soon in difficulties and is swept helplessly down the swift and very dangerous river...\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the main room of the Spotted Dog, now the village's only inn. The room is dominated by an enormous fireplace in which a fire was burning - it has recently gone out - although it seems the chimney doesn't draw very well, because the air is full of smoke. Through the haze, the Phil can see a bar, and four or five rough tables and benches. There is no-one sitting at them, though. The floor is strewn with mouldy rushes. A large pot of stew hangs over the ashes of the fire, still bubbling slightly.\n\nStanding stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a bow, a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph takes up a clay pipe and blows smoke rings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The Phil can't go that way.\n\nBardolph starts laughing at some private joke. The Phil hopes it isn't him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the violin",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph scrubs the tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bow",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBardolph stares intently over the Phil's left shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Standing firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman looks impatient. \"This ain't gettin the babby a frock and pinny,\" he grumbles. \"Come on - see if you can knock me off the bridge.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin with the bow",
"response": "The Phil tries manfully to play the violin with the bow, but finds his arms are much too short.\n\nBill the Bowman gazes south. \"It's looking black over Bill's mother's,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin",
"response": "The Phil plays \"Have at thy Coat, old Woman\" pizzicato.\n\nBill the Bowman yawns, appreciatively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin",
"response": "The Phil plays \"Stepney Cakes and Ale\" pizzicato.\n\nBill the Bowman yawns, appreciatively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the violin",
"response": "The Phil plays \"the Beautiful Scrabmagg\" pizzicato.\n\nBill the Bowman yawns, appreciatively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph scrubs the tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about Bill",
"response": "\"Well, sir,\" says Bardolph, \"he likes pushing folk into the river.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bow",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nBardolph whistles \"Akeroyde's Padd\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the beer",
"response": "Bardolph takes the Phil's penny, fills up a pint of beer and places it on the bar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the beer",
"response": "(the pint of beer)\nTaken.\n\nBardolph sneezes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bill beer",
"response": "Bill the Bowman takes the pint of beer and drains it in one go, then throws the empty mug into the river. \"Very good,\" he says. \"Now, how about that friendly trial of strength?\"\n\n\"Greetings, Phil,\" says Bill the Bowman, twirling his quarterstaff. \"How about a little friendly trial of strength for passage of the bridge?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The Phil can't go that way.\n\nBill the Bowman gazes south. \"It's looking black over Bill's mother's,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a bow, a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph takes up a clay pipe and blows smoke rings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack bill with ring",
"response": "Violence is not the answer to this one.\n\n\"Greetings, Phil,\" says Bill the Bowman, twirling his quarterstaff. \"How about a little friendly trial of strength for passage of the bridge?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the bow to Bill",
"response": "Bill the Bowman is unimpressed.\n\n\"Go on,\" says Bill, \"just you try and get past me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph jingles some coins in his pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy Stew",
"response": "Bardolph looks nervous. \"Stew's not for sale,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell stew",
"response": "(pot of stew)\nThe smell of of the stew is - not readily describable. It is slightly sour, though.\n\nBardolph starts laughing at some private joke. The Phil hopes it isn't him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You taste Stew",
"response": "(pot of stew)\nIndeed: \"That's plainly inedible\" goes nowhere near it.\n\nBardolph pats his waistcoat pockets as if looking for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Stew",
"response": "(pot of stew)\nAn enormous blackened cauldron of stew. The ingredients of the stew are unknown.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nBardolph stares intently over the Phil's left shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Stew",
"response": "(free stew)\nThat seems to belong to Bardolph.\n\nBardolph pats his waistcoat pockets as if looking for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Standing firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman looks the Phil up and down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about Stew",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nBill the Bowman whistles \"Stand thy ground, Old Harry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about the bow",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nBill the Bowman looks impatient. \"This ain't gettin the babby a frock and pinny,\" he grumbles. \"Come on - see if you can knock me off the bridge.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about Sexton",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nBill the Bowman gazes south. \"It's looking black over Bill's mother's,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about the mother",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nBill the Bowman fiddles with the straps of his knapsack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about Bardolph",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\n\"Greetings, Phil,\" says Bill the Bowman, twirling his quarterstaff. \"How about a little friendly trial of strength for passage of the bridge?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "The Phil is in a very large grassy field, quite empty except for a single, tall, blasted oak. There are no paths here, other than a faint track leading back northeast.\n\nHigh in the branches of the blasted oak is the Magpie. It has the brass key in its beak.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Oak",
"response": "A tall oak tree, which has been struck by lightning, within the last few years probably. One half of the tree is green with leaves and heavy with acorns; the other black, burnt and bare.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb Oak",
"response": "The Phil scrutinises the tree from all sides. But there are no good handholds or footholds on this one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bow",
"response": "Just an ordinary bow. It has a wooden bit and a stringy bit.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the bow at Magpie",
"response": "The Phil lacks the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Magpie",
"response": "One for sorrow, they do say, but this fellow looks very cheerful.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the penny",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the penny to Magpie",
"response": "The Magpie is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the penny in the purse",
"response": "He puts the penny into the purse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the penny",
"response": "A very worn copper coin - it is difficult to tell which King is on the obverse - possibly good King Charles.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub penny",
"response": "The Phil rubs the penny.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na bow\na rusty ring (to which are attached a red ribbon, a blue ribbon and\na yellow ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na hat (being worn)\na little card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Sunken Lane (West)\nThe Phil has stumbled into a sunken east-west lane near his cottage. It is deeper than he is tall, and by the look of the footprints, is trafficked mostly by sheep. To the west, the lane is blocked by tumbled stones and other debris, the ruins of a small building which - long ago - collapsed into the lane from its south side. However, the lane is open to the east, and a little path leads northwest up the side.\n\nDraped over a little scrubby bush is a discarded shepherd's smock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the smock",
"response": "The smock is a skittish and faintly magical thing. As the Phil reaches out to take the smock, a little wind springs up, and blows it away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Sunken Lane (West)\nThe Phil has stumbled into a sunken east-west lane near his cottage. It is deeper than he is tall, and by the look of the footprints, is trafficked mostly by sheep. To the west, the lane is blocked by tumbled stones and other debris, the ruins of a small building which - long ago - collapsed into the lane from its south side. However, the lane is open to the east, and a little path leads northwest up the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the debris",
"response": "The Phil scrabbles around in the ruins and eventually finds something...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search debris",
"response": "He sees nothing special about the tumbled stones.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na bow\na rusty ring (to which are attached a red ribbon, a blue ribbon and\na yellow ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na hat (being worn)\na little card",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Sunken Lane (West)\nThe Phil has stumbled into a sunken east-west lane near his cottage. It is deeper than he is tall, and by the look of the footprints, is trafficked mostly by sheep. To the west, the lane is blocked by tumbled stones and other debris, the ruins of a small building which - long ago - collapsed into the lane from its south side. However, the lane is open to the east, and a little path leads northwest up the side.\n\nThe Phil can see a brick here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the brick",
"response": "A longish, flattish and rough dark red brick, with no indentations of any kind. It has a nice tempting heft, and the word \"remosclior\" is scratched into it.\n\n\"Remosclior?\" says the Phil. \"Good word.\" He makes a note on his shirt cuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cuff",
"response": "The Phil examines the left cuff of his very loud lumberjack shirt. \"CLIW Fullgru Remosclior \" has - by some mysterious means - been scrawled on the cuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bow",
"response": "Just an ordinary bow. It has a wooden bit and a stringy bit.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Sunken Lane (East)\nThe Phil is in a sunken lane, running from west to east (rising a little as it does so), and just north of the hut belonging to the shepherd. There has been a fall of earth on the north bank of the lane, at the foot of which is a strange patch of pale grass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the grass",
"response": "A patch, about two feet in diameter, where the grass is growing shorter, weaker and paler than elsewhere.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The Phil is in a simple, windowless, shepherd's hut. There is no sign of the shepherd, which is odd.\n\nSecurely tied up here is a very big cat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cat",
"response": "The cat is a big one - not far off the size of a small lynx - orange-yellow and very fat. It has a smug expression on its face and an unnerving look in its eye. The cat is tied up with what seems to Phil to be excessively strong rope, and clearly with the intention of ensuring it can't get near the door.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rope",
"response": "Made of twisted hemp, and more than an inch in diameter. One end is tied to a staple in the wall of the hut. The other end is tied securely round the neck of the cat.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the cat",
"response": "The Phil gingerly unties the cat.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in a simple, windowless, shepherd's hut. There is no sign of the shepherd, which is odd. A length of rope - which was used to tie up the cat - coils across the floor.\n\nThe Phil can see a cat here.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rope",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tie cat",
"response": "What do you want to tie the cat to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the cat to the rope",
"response": "The Phil would achieve nothing by this.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows the Phil.\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows the Phil.\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You must name something more substantial.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows the Phil.\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in a simple, windowless, shepherd's hut. There is no sign of the shepherd, which is odd. A length of rope - which was used to tie up the cat - coils across the floor.\n\nThe Phil can see a cat here.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows the Phil.\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "But the Phil isn't in anything at the moment.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows the Phil.\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine staple",
"response": "The Phil briefly considers the staple. Not worth further investigation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Sunken Lane (East)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the grass",
"response": "A patch, about two feet in diameter, where the grass is growing shorter, weaker and paler than elsewhere.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A shepherd's smock lies on the ground here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get smock",
"response": "The smock is a skittish and faintly magical thing. As the Phil reaches out to take the smock, a little wind springs up, and blows it away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "A shepherd's smock lies on the ground here.\n\nHigh in the branches of the blasted oak is the Magpie. It has the brass key in its beak.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "Sunken Lane (West)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Sunken Lane (East)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "The Phil is carrying:\na brick\na bow\na rusty ring (to which are attached a red ribbon, a blue ribbon and\na yellow ribbon)\na purse\nfive pennies\na hat (being worn)\na little card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Securely tied up here is a very big cat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Sunken Lane (East)\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Standing firmly in the middle of the bridge is Bill the Bowman.\n\nBill the Bowman looks the Phil up and down.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\n\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows Bill the Bowman.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat",
"response": "The cat is a big one - not far off the size of a small lynx - orange-yellow and very fat. It has a smug expression on its face and an unnerving look in its eye.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph sneezes.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\n\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows Bardolph.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The Phil is in the middle of an island in the river. It's a pleasant place, quiet and grassy (although the grass on the far bank to the east looks a tiny bit greener). The stones of the old west bridge, washed away in a flood, litter the west bank of the island. A new plank bridge leads west, and and a stone bridge east.\n\nWalter the Woodcutter - his famous magic Axe on his shoulder - is here.\n\nThe Axe shuffles onto a slightly more comfortable spot on Walter's shoulder.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\n\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows Walter the Woodcutter.\n\nCursing furiously, the Axe falls to the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Axe",
"response": "The Phil is carrying too much already.\n\nThe Axe glares at the Phil.\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is on an ancient stone bridge. On each side of the bridge, a carved head of a snarling dog has been placed to face up (or down) the river.\n\nLurking under the bridge is an extremely ugly Troll.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\n\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows Troll.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is in a thin belt of woodland on a road by the outskirts of a village. The road leads east towards the village and, over a stone bridge, west across the river. A damp path follows the river to the northeast, and there is a clearing by the side of the road to the south.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is wandering down the main street of a good sized village, with sweet little cottages all around.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Here is the place where the main road through the village starts to open into the market place, off to the east. There is a curious stump here.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Phil is in the Market Place - small and irregular in shape, and overshadowed by a huge oak tree right in the centre. It is crossed from east to west by the road, and a narrow alley runs north. At one end of the Market Place are an ancient village cross, a stone bench and a pump. It isn't market day, so there are no stalls. The Phil notices that the door of a mean looking house in the southeast of the Market Place stands open.\n\nThe Phil is sure someone is watching him from the upper room of the house to the southeast.\n\nThe cat purrs along at the Phil's heels. The Phil isn't sure he likes the look in its eye.\nAll of a sudden, the cat opens wide and swallows the Phil.\n\nThe Phil wakes up screaming and finds it's all a dream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Sunken Lane (East)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Standing stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph takes up a clay pipe and blows smoke rings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about the shepherd",
"response": "\"The Shepherd?\" says Bardolph. \"A long fellow. And fat. I have not seen him these two days.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bardolph about the cat",
"response": "\"The Shepherd has a cat,\" says Bardolph, \"but I have never liked the look in its eye.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Phil is in the main room of the Spotted Dog, now the village's only inn. The room is dominated by an enormous fireplace in which a fire was burning - it has recently gone out - although it seems the chimney doesn't draw very well, because the air is full of smoke. Through the haze, the Phil can see a bar, and four or five rough tables and benches. There is no-one sitting at them, though. The floor is strewn with mouldy rushes. A large pot of stew hangs over the ashes of the fire, still bubbling slightly.\n\nStanding stoutly behind the bar is Bardolph the Innkeeper.\n\nThe Phil can also see a violin, a mug (in which is a teabag) and a scruffy black bound book here.\n\nBardolph stares intently over the Phil's left shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "(the brown door)\nThat's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "(the brown door)\nA plain brown door. There is nothing remarkable about it, but it does seem that something with claws - large claws - has been\nscratching on it.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the brick at Magpie",
"response": "The Phil decides not to. Someone might get hurt.\n\nBesides, a more promising target may present itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the brick at Bill",
"response": "The Phil decides not to. Someone might get hurt.\n\nBesides, a more promising target may present itself.\n\nBill the Bowman whistles \"Stand thy ground, Old Harry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at smock",
"response": "Very capacious - for the shepherd was a big man (\"Did I really say \"was\"?\" the Phil asks himself.) It is embroidered with a\nlarge Staffordshire knot in red thread. It feels faintly magical, as shepherd's smocks so often are.\n\nPredictably, the Phil's eyes water.",
"endoftext": true
] | l6k48jz3oidat0ji |
Punk Points | Jim Munroe | [
"Slice of life"
] | [
"coming of age",
"high school",
"IF Competition 2000",
"IFComp Game",
"male protagonist",
"mild profanity",
"sexual content",
"teenage protagonist",
"Xyzzy Awards 2000"
] | 2,000 | [
] | 21 | 2.904762 | 20080304 | false | It's the first day of high school and you've decided to give yourself a mohawk. Now you've gotta stand up to teachers, impress peers and make a name for yourself until you've earned enough Punk Points to escape the suburbs. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "You're in a dark, poorly lit and packed club. Everyone's staring at the band as they go about tuning and shifting their instruments. The guy next to you has a mohawk that flops over to the side, as if the heat had wilted it. In contrast, the skinhead in front of you is reacting to the heat like a Mexican jumping bean, the muscles of his back tensing and releasing, tensing and releasing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Before you can do anything, the band explodes into action. The crowd coalesces into a single entity and leans towards them, then falls back, ripples. Being a part of this lurching creature makes your spine tingle.\n\nYou're pressed from all sides by people suddenly activated by sound -- but you can't hear anything. You can practically feel the sonic waves, you can see it on the faces of the people around you, and you strain to hear the music...\n\nThe guy with the mohawk plants his boot in the skinhead's linked hands. His pierced nostrils flaring, hands gripping the skinhead's shoulders, he launches himself on the crowd. Improbably, they hold him aloft as he rolls over a bed made of their shoulders, heads and outstretched hands. You can't quite believe what you're seeing, and suddenly you hear something:\n\n\"Honey?\"\n\nYou whip around and look to see who spoke, but there's nothing except the unremarkable brick wall of the club lined with people standing on chairs to get a better view. None of them are looking at you.\n\nYou look back. The guy with the mohawk is still rolling over the crowd, but for some reason he's got a tie on. And his blue hair is flickering like flames. The skinhead offers his linked hands to boost you up, and you quickly put your foot in. Your foot is bare. He looks at you, his dark eyes questioning.\n\n\"Honey!\"\n\nYou look at your foot. Of course it's bare -- you're in your bed.\n\nYour mother bustles in with your uniform, freshly ironed, and hangs it on your bathroom doorknob. \"OK, honey, we're off.\" She stops at the foot of your bed and puts her hands on her hips. \"Better hurry or you'll miss your bus. Don't want to be late the very first day of high school!\"\n\nYou smile weakly as she kisses you goodbye and leaves, trying to rekindle the feelings in your dream.\n\nYour Room (on the bed)\nYour room is a mess -- posters slowly peel off the walls to join the small heaps of clothes that spot the floor like death mounds. There's a path south through the junk from your bed to your bathroom, one going north to the rest of the house.\n\nYou can see a school uniform here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying nothing.\n\nAs good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You'll have to get off the bed first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the posters",
"response": "Your older sister gave you her Smiths poster when she went to college, and there's a Platinum Blonde one you really meant to take down years ago. But most prominent is the Sid Vicious poster you got at a headshop this summer -- Sid's being rude and ugly in the most appealing way imaginable, giving a middle finger to the world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get off",
"response": "You get off the bed.\n\nYou can see a school uniform here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine uniform",
"response": "Your school uniform, worn once in the fitting room of the suit store, radiates a crisp and calm assurance. You hate it already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the uniform",
"response": "(first taking the school uniform)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the uniform",
"response": "You just can't bear to. You've got to do something to balance out the primness of it first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This grotty little tiled room might not be pretty, but it's got the ultimate luxury for a thirteen-year-old boy: privacy. On the negative side, it's also got a massive mirror that reminds you of your wretched physicality every time you go take a dump.\n\nThe mirror-fronted cabinet reflects a medium-sized, pimply faced man-child with a chronic case of bedhead and a face not even Cyndi Lauper could love.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tear uniform",
"response": "Yeah, that's punk! you think. But after a minute of straining and grunting you give up, amazed at how strong they're making polyester blends these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cabinet",
"response": "You open the mirror cabinet, revealing an electric shaver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the the mirror",
"response": "In the mirror cabinet is an electric shaver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take shaver",
"response": "You lift the electric shaver and hold it in your grip almost reverently, placing your thumb on the red switch. Its cord uncoils and hangs in the air as you turn it over.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shave",
"response": "Plugging it in first, you slide the button and the shaver snaps to life. You hold it in your hand tightly, letting the vibration buzz through you. Then, gripped by the vision of another you, you put it to the side of your head and shave your first strip off. And another. And another. The chunks of hair make a small pile at your feet.\n\nYou now have a mohawk.\n\n[You get five punk points for that.]\n\nFinished with it, you switch it off and return it to the cabinet. As you shut it, you see a punk in the mirror -- the hair defiantly greasy, the acne now angry scars. Your flaws suddenly make sense. You rub your hand over your shorn scalp and stare at your new self with a mixture of joy and terror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This grotty little tiled room might not be pretty, but it's got the ultimate luxury for a thirteen-year-old boy: privacy. On the negative side, it's also got a massive mirror that reminds you of your wretched physicality every time you go take a dump.\n\nFrom the mirror, a punk gazes back.\n\nYou can also see an a sizeable pile of your hair here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hair",
"response": "Ah, you'll clean up after school. You're already late.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the uniform",
"response": "You pull on the polyester slacks and button up the starchy shirt. As you knot your tie, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror and note how nicely the preppy uniform is set off by your new hairstyle.\n\nYou practice your nastiest sneer and give yourself the finger. Today's your first day at the most authoritarian and repressive school in the city, and these are your only weapons.\n\nYou play it right, and they'll be enough.\n\nGiving your Sid poster a knowing wink, you toss your blazer jacket over your shoulder and stalk out of the room.\n\n\n\nYou're at a school assembly, enduring speech after boring speech about the school's legacy and tradition.\n\nYou've got to do something or you'll go crazy.\n\nThe gymnasium is packed with boys, all wearing the same uniform and the same glazed expression. The rows and rows of chairs face a stage on which various old codgers parade their inability to say anything interesting. You slump in your chair and entertain yourself by reading the variety of pointless competitions on the pennants around the room, and look longingly at the exit to the east -- even the washroom to the south looks good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pennants",
"response": "LAWN DART SEMIREGIONALS 1971 -- CITYWIDE VOLLYBALL CHAMPS '81 -- RUGBY NATIONALS 1976 -- BIG WASTE OF TIME 1985.\n\"We expect you to act as representatives of the school at all times,\" a portly old brother is saying, \"That means being Christian, courteous, and well groomed.\" You take in the huge stains on his armpits, clearly visible even with a black shirt, and note that he's somehow smudged his white priest's collar.\n\nYou hear something being repeated, chanted. You look over and see that the skinhead's looking straight at you and grinning with all his teeth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the finger to the brother",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine brother",
"response": "He's flying on auto-pilot, this one -- he barely seems to be able to keep his eyes open.\n\n\"And disrespect to the uniform will be treated as severely as disrespect to one of your teachers. You are encouraged to wear your blazer to and from the school, but if you choose not to, jean jackets are absolutely forbidden.\" That strikes you as a weird restriction -- is this 1985 or 1958? A man with a beard leans over and whispers something and he nods. \"Cowboy boots are also forbidden.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skinhead",
"response": "There's three of them lined up together against the west wall -- a goth, a mod, and a skinhead with a predatory grin. They're too far away to see much more.\n\n\"I'd like to introduce you to your vice principal, Mr. Pannus.\"\n\nThe skinhead fake-coughs into his fist: \"Penis.\" Pannus either doesn't hear or pretends not to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)\n\n\"Thank you, Brother Matthews,\" Mr. Pannus begins, tilting the mike up at his well trimmed beard. \"Last year, two boys were expelled for behavioural problems. You are attending an elite academy, and it is a privilege to be doing so -- not a right -- so if you behave like animals, be prepared to be treated as such.\"\n\nThe skinhead's chant starts up again, just below your ability to hear. \"or er\"? You suddenly dread he's calling you a poser. You glance at the other two, but they're ignoring him, looking supremely bored as they lean against the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give finger to Pannus",
"response": "All right -- look at it like the punk's version of the samurai sword. Unless it's worthy of drawing blood, you don't just whip it out.\n\nMr. Pannus nods to a boy who brings a flag to the front, and then looks to the band.\n\nYou sneak a glance at the skinhead, who's still watching you. In the",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the finger to Matthews",
"response": "silence before the band begins, he does a daring triple-fake-cough: \"Hard-Core-Niner!\"\n\nYou look away, pretending to yawn. Well, it was better than being called poser.\n\nYou can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You get out of your seat and squeeze by countless grey knees...\n\nThis is the bathroom part of the changeroom, which exits to the north. Your usual assortment of bathroom fixtures: urinals, mirrors, sinks, and a toilet stall. A big white garbage can sits in one corner, full almost to overflowing.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) \"music\" from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the mirror",
"response": "The stall appears to be smoking. You wonder where it picked up the habit.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) \"music\" from the gym.\n\nYou find nothing of interest.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) \"music\" from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine can",
"response": "The open can is filled to capacity, almost exclusively with paper towels.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) \"music\" from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the towels",
"response": "(the garbage can)\nJudging by the chip on your shoulder, you like carrying around unwieldy objects. But this is ridiculous.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Piss",
"response": "For the duration of this game, you have an infinitely expanding bladder and intestinal tract.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open stall",
"response": "It's locked, but your rattling provokes a sudden coughing, a choking, a flushing, and a huge jock stumbles out of the stall wreathed in smoke. When he sees it's only you, his face collapses in relief -- for about a second, until annoyance replaces it.\n\nHe washes his hands menacingly. \"Better watch your step, niner,\" he says, his grizzled jaw clamped. He looks terrifyingly like a real man. \"Stomp you and your stupid haircut into the ground.\" He wipes his mammoth hands off on your blazer, and leaves the bathroom.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blazer",
"response": "It's black and has the Pope Innocent III school crest right over your heart. Aw.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear nothing unexpected.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stall",
"response": "The stall has quit smoking, but there's still a slight haze above it. You can't see inside, since the toilet stall is closed.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open stall",
"response": "You open the toilet stall, revealing a toilet and some toilet paper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the stall",
"response": "In the toilet stall are a toilet and some toilet paper.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get lighter",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"response": "There's only about two feet left. Enough for two average dumps or one industrial strength.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take lighter",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine lighter",
"response": "The jock's not going to be pleased when he realizes he's lost his fire. It has the logo of a beer company on it.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn towels",
"response": "(the garbage can)\n\nBefore you flick the Bic you notice that the smoke detector is a few feet above the can. It'd be going off before you left the room. If this was a Hollywood movie you'd have a fuse handy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the detector",
"response": "It's mounted on the ceiling, well out of your reach.\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the paper in can",
"response": "You manage to get it tucked into the can, although most of it trails down the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light paper",
"response": "With what? Your burning ambition?\n\nYou hear muffled (but still discernibly dull) droning from the gym.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light paper with lighter",
"response": "You light a corner of the toilet paper and head back to your seat in the auditorium. A few seconds after your bum hits the chair the fire alarm starts ringing. The brother saying prayers looks at the roof, as if betrayed by God.\n\nThe crowd of boys goops towards the exit with speed of molasses, and just as you squeeze out the front door someone grabs your collar.\n\nShit, you think. Caught so soon? The game's barely begun.\n\nIt's the skinhead. \"Well, Hardcore Niner,\" he says, slapping down your blazer and straightening your tie, \"Let's get a look at you!\"\n\nThe mod and the goth join him, and the three of them scrutinize you in the bright sun of the basketball court. It's beginning to fill up with increasingly rambunctious boys.\n\n\"Hey,\" one coifed gino says to someone who's just emerged. \"What the fuck did I tell you to do? Huh?\"\n\nThe mod pokes his head towards the east, \"Let's go to the Path before Penis comes out.\" He includes you in this, and the four of you walk away together, the skinhead and the goth in front.\n\n\"I'm Jackson,\" says the mod, \"They're Stuart and Dave. That was you, back there, wasn't it?\"\n\nYou shrug non-commitally.\n\nHe smiles and hands you a small photocopied magazine. \"You might like this zine. It's full of shit-disturbing stuff. A friend of a friend of mine made it.\"\n\n\"Thanks,\" you say.\n\nThe Path, the thin sidewalk that links the school grounds to the real world, is neither on or off school property. It's no-man's-land, and all suspect activity takes place here. Like most legendary spots, it's rather unimpressive in actuality -- it's a butt-littered sidewalk that heads west to the school and east to freedom.\n\nYou can see Stuart, Dave and Jackson here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read Zine",
"response": "It's a small photocopied and stapled booklet called \"Virus: A Zine Dedicated to Spreading Truth\". A picture of Christ that's been coloured in brown is on the cover: \"NEWSFLASH: Jesus wasn't a cracker!\". Inside are articles on punk rock iconography, censorship in science class, and the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church -- you can READ ABOUT ____ IN ZINE, if you were so inclined.\n\nThere are already a few boys smoking on the Path when you get there. They're older, and your little group has stopped a few steps away from them.\n\nJackson tells them that they have you to thank for the sudden closing of ceremonies.\n\nThe skinhead chuckles. \"Nice going H.C., I thought I was going to exPLODE in there. Dying for a smoke.\" He pulls out a pack and taps out a cigarette. The goth removes a silver case and puts a cigarillo between his thin lips.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the skinhead for the cigarette",
"response": "He winces, but hands one over.\n\nYou flick your lighter and manage your first puff without choking. But your second and third leave you watery eyed and hacked out. Stuart enthusiastically pounds on your back through it all, guffawing, \"Hey there H.C., take it slow.\"\n\n\"Hey!\" yells one of the bigger boys on the Path. \"That's my fucking lighter.\" He stomps up to you and yanks it out of your hand, almost taking a finger with it. He looks like he's going to kick your ass, but then notices Stuart standing behind you.\n\n\"Fucking freaks,\" he says after a second, and goes back to his friends.\n\n[You get 5 punk points for that.]\n\n\n\nTwo weeks later, it's the day of the fall dance. You've decided that, lame or not, you want to go -- and your last chance to get your ticket is right after this class. There's ten minutes left, and you're a coiled spring waiting for the bell. But there's nothing you can do but wait.\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats in front of a chart of the table of elements. You're seated two to a table on stools, and it feels like you should be doing something cool like dissecting rats or building robots -- but so far, you've been sitting there learning about non-reactive molecules. No wonder you've been staring out the window. There's an exit to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chart",
"response": "The building blocks of the universe are depicted in a neat series of boxes, with no memory of their legacy of poisonous mushroom clouds. You hope they're not on the exam.\n\nYou sit at the back of the class, your lab mate a sleeping rocker. Stuart, placed up at the very front, is engaged in a marker war with the mopheaded guy next to him. Every time the teacher turns around, they attempt to marker-slash the other guy's grey slacks.\n\n\"Sir, I've got a question,\" a kid with a hearing aid says.\n\n\"Yes, Jaimie, what is it?\" the teacher says, turning around to add another element to the list he has there.\n\nStuart grabs the opportunity to put a red line down the side of Mophead's pants. \"Yesssss!\" he hisses.\n\n\"Is it possible to make LSD with the chemicals we have in this lab?\"\n\nThe class erupts in laughter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read about science class in Zine",
"response": "\"We discovered that several schools have removed this lesson from the curriculum. Since we at Virus have found it useful, we've decided to return it.\" Beneath it reads...\n\n\"EXPERIMENT 4\nSynthesis of an Explosive: N13*NH3\n\nMany explosive molecules have nitrogen as one of the elemental components. Nitrogen single bonds to most atoms are quite weak, while the nitrogen - nitrogen triple bond is exceptionally stable (NH3 is an exception, in that its N-H single bonds are fairly stable). Energy liberated by the breaking of single nitrogen bonds can be substantial.\n\nNitrogen - halogen single bonds are particularly reactive due to repulsion between the nitrogen and halide lone pairs. In this experiment you will make ammonium triiodide NI3, isolated as an ammoniate coordination complex. This compound, when dry, is a detonating explosive that is shock-sensitive. It can be handled when wet, but will explode unpredictably when dry.\n\nBasic glassware including 10-mL beaker, 2-mL pipette, glass rod are required for this experiment.\n\nThe product of this experiment is a shock-sensitive explosive when dry. The small amount prepared according to the procedure below is not dangerous, but larger amounts are serious explosion risks. Never scale up this procedure!\"\n\n(At this point, the editors of Virus have handwritten: HA HA!)\n\nWeigh 100mg (0.100 g) of iodine into a 10-mL beaker. Slowly add 2.0 mL of concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution. Stir the mixture for 5 minutes -- a red precipitate should form. Transfer the moist precipitate onto several layers of filter paper placed on the floor of the fumehood, away from any breakable objects. Spread out the solid and permit it to dry for one hour.\n\nWhile you are waiting, answer the questions provided in the laboratory. These are to be handed in before you leave the laboratory.\"\n\n(At this point, the editors have handwritten: SURE TEACH, RIGHT AFTER I FINISH BLOWING UP THE SCHOOL!)\n\n\"When the sample has dried, carefully tap it with the end of a yardstick, keeping as far away as possible. No other characterization is required, or advisable.\"\n\nThe teacher quiets the class down, smirking slightly but with a nervous eye on the door. Not turning around, he says, \"Even if we did, we wouldn't have the equipment to distil it. You getting this down, Jaimie?\"\n\n\"Yes sir. You seem to know an awful lot about making drugs, sir.\"\n\nAnother laugh spreads through the class.\n\nMophead is out of Stuart's range, talking to the boy behind him urgently. From the angle you're at, you can see the boy pass him two markers. Mophead grins at Stuart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the worktables",
"response": "Sturdy and soaked with chemicals.\n\n\"Does anyone have any intelligent questions about the test on Monday?\" the teacher says, turning around to see Stuart mid-lunge. He ignores it.\n\n\"Is exercise four on it, sir?\" one chubby boy asks.\n\nHe looks blank for a second, grabs the exercise book off Stuart's desk and flips through it. \"No,\" he says, \"One through six, not including four. We didn't do exercise four.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na zine\nsome cash\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)\n\n\"What was exercise four?\" pipes up Jaimie. \"Sir?\"\n\n\"It was the formula for LSD, Jaimie, what else,\" says the teacher dryly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the teacher",
"response": "He's an alright guy, with only the occasional freakout.\n\nBy this point Mophead has amassed a thick handful of markers and has put an elastic band around them. He shows it to Stuart under the desk, the uncapped tips glinting wet. Stuart is frantically rifling through the pencil case of the boy behind him for reinforcements, when the teacher turns his back.\n\nStu feels, rather than sees, the rainbow wound on his leg from knee to ankle. You see his eyes close and his teeth clench. Mophead raises his clenched fists to the sky in slow motion, silent victory. \"You're so dead!\" Stuart hiss-shouts.\n\n\"What's that, Stuart?\" says the teacher without turning around.\n\n\"Nothing sir.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats in front of a chart of the table of elements. You're seated two to a table on stools, and it feels like you should be doing something cool like dissecting rats or building robots -- but so far, you've been sitting there learning about non-reactive molecules. No wonder you've been staring out the window. There's an exit to the south.\n\nThe bell rings.\n\nYou move quickly, but not quickly enough. Stuart steps in front of you.\n\n\"Hey H.C.,\" Stuart says, \"Wait 'till you see --\" He stops as he notices the teacher is standing beside him with his arms crossed.\n\nThe teacher starts to lecture Stuart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "\"Hardcore, hold up,\" Stuart says, stepping in front of you while continuing to nod remorsefully at the teacher.\n\nThe teacher continues the lecture. You crumple your ten in your pocket anxiously, feeling your chances of getting a ticket drain away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the teacher about the nitrogen",
"response": "You decide to keep your trap shut -- you don't want to be held after class and miss your only chance to get a ticket.\n\nThe teacher wraps it up. \"And you,\" he says, swivelling, \"Unless you want to flunk and have to repeat this class like your friend here, you'll start bringing your books to class!\"\n\nYou nod but he's already turned his back.\n\nYou rush out the door, Stuart beside you.\n\n\"Hey, so I rolled this Nazi skinhead last night,\" he said, \"For his docs.\"\n\nYou rush down the hall and down the stairs, but Stuart continues obliviously. \"But they're too small for me. They're awesome though, fourteen-holed with steel toes.\"\n\nYou arrive on the first floor just in time to see them folding up the table. \"Nope, sold out,\" you hear someone being told.\n\nYou stop there, stunned. Stuart goes on, \"Come out to the Path and I'll show you them.\"\n\nNumbly, you follow him.\n\nThe Path, the thin sidewalk that links the school grounds to the real world, is neither on or off school property. It's no-man's-land, and all suspect activity takes place here. Like most legendary spots, it's rather unimpressive in actuality -- it's a butt-littered sidewalk that heads west to the school and east to freedom.\n\nYou can see Stuart here.\n\nHe pulls a pair of boots out of his khaki backpack and drops them in front of you, then gropes for his smokes.\n\n\"Yep,\" he says, \"That Nazi bonehead never knew what hit him.\" He takes a drag. \"OK,\" he says, not looking at you. \"Try 'em on.\"\n\nStuart rants about Pannus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the docs",
"response": "(first taking the Doc Martens boots)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the docs",
"response": "You step into the boots and lace them up, pretending that you've worn 14-hole docs every day of your life.\n\n\"Yeah,\" Stuart says, looking at you appraisingly, \"That's better. You won't look like such a poser tonight at the dance.\"\n\nYou feel sick thinking about how you haven't got a ticket but you muster up a grateful smile.\n\nHe sits down on the ground and leans against the fence, puffing away.\n\nYou bum a smoke from Stu. \"What a mooch,\" he gripes, \"Score you an awesome pair of docs and you take my last smoke, too.\"\n\nYou smoke quickly and nervously, then toss the butt in the graveyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read about the dance in Zine",
"response": "You flip through the zine, but don't find that.\n\nStu yawns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Thanks",
"response": "\"Since when you the boss of me, niner?\"\n\nStu yawns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boots",
"response": "They're beautiful boots. Thick soled, shiny black criss-crossed with red laces. The toes are bulbous and slightly squared off.\n\nStu laments the state of his markered-up slacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Stu about the dance",
"response": "You start to ask Stu if he knows anyone selling tickets, but stop. You feel like a total putz, since they were on sale all week. You resolve to get a ticket without the guys knowing.\n\nStu yawns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nsome cash\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The Path, the thin sidewalk that links the school grounds to the real world, is neither on or off school property. It's no-man's-land, and all suspect activity takes place here. Like most legendary spots, it's rather unimpressive in actuality -- it's a butt-littered sidewalk that heads west to the school and east to freedom.\n\nYou can see Stuart here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "These one-room portables are meant to be temporary but these battered aluminium boxes look older than the school itself. Ugly things, but they do serve nicely to obscure the activities of the Path from prying eyes in the school. You can venture south to the field or enter the playground by going west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "A track rings the large multi-purpose field, and trees ring the track. The school looms to the west, its window eyes silently judging the players. This is where boys become men, where the raw ore of youth is pounded into iron, where the limits of the body and spirit are tested.\n\nWhere the jocks frolic, in other words.\n\nThere's a bunch of jocks throwing around a melon shaped ball and running around in a very intense fashion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the jocks",
"response": "One of them's the guy whose lighter you found. He notices you staring at them. \"What you looking at, faggot?\" he shouts between catching and throwing the ball.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the middle finger to the jocks",
"response": "You give the jocks the finger.\n\n[You get 5 punk points for that.]\n\nAs one, their faces turn ugly -- then they look at each other in silent consultation. The lighter guy tosses the ball to someone else and stomps towards you.\n\nThe lighter guy is even bigger than you remember him, his face with an out-of-place look of thoughtfulness as he considers what to do to you. He finally decides on pulling your blazer up and over your head, then spinning you around until you fall of your own accord. Guffaws echo in your ears.\n\n[You lose 5 punk points for that.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trees",
"response": "Pretty, but so what?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Even if you were prepared to climb the vine trellises, the windows are closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The asphalt is painted with various arcane white lines which you assume are used in playing something, but you've never seen anyone doing anything but shooting hoops here. The side door to the school cafeteria is propped open to the west, the portables squat to the east, or you can go AWOL and head north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There's a constant hubbub in this large room intended for eating food. There's a lot more card players, arguers, wrestlers and crammers than there are diners, however, all playing out their little dramas. Off to the side is a little food booth, occupied by Old Pudge.\n\nThere's a stairwell to the west, and you can smell the fresh air coming from the east door.\n\nYou can see Old Pudge here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Pudge",
"response": "He sells a surprising variety of things, meeting all teenage boy needs -- excepting, perhaps, porn and smokes. The fat old man is wedged in his booth, wiping up something, his apron swaying with the exertion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Pudge about the ticket",
"response": "Old Pudge grunts and shakes his head, continues rubbing grease around the counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "Second Floor, East\nThe science lab is to the north and stairs lead up and down. Grey lockers line the walls, as do doors to various classrooms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "There's a class in progress. Didn't you get enough?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "Third Floor, East\nThis is as high as this high school gets. You can go back down, south to the library, or you can follow the hallway west. Lockers and classroom doors line the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The musty little room is choked with books, with only barely enough room for a reading table and the librarian's desk. It's hard to imagine a better way to discourage reading.\n\nYou can see Dave and a librarian here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine dave",
"response": "Dave has a curtain of curly bangs he wears draped over his angular face, which is mirrored by the plethora of loose threads he's unravelled from his tie. His pointy toed boots fit neatly into his specially tapered slacks.\nThere's a strange scratching sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Dave",
"response": "Dave has a curtain of curly bangs he wears draped over his angular face, which is mirrored by the plethora of loose threads he's unravelled from his tie. His pointy toed boots fit neatly into his specially tapered slacks.\n\nYou realize the scratching is coming from behind Dave's book. It's quite loud, and when you look at him questioningly, he mumbles, \"She's totally deaf.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the librarian",
"response": "The librarian has the grey bun and the grandmotherly stylings that are guaranteed to negate even the most determined teenage lust. Presumably, given the similarities to the school secretary, they're sisters -- but no one cares enough to ask.\n\nThe scratching pauses for long enough for Dave to sweep the shavings off the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "On the reading table is a carving. It's kind of round with some lines in it...oh, forget it. It's all greek to a geek like you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nsome cash\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read Zine",
"response": "It's a small photocopied and stapled booklet called \"Virus: A Zine Dedicated to Spreading Truth\". A picture of Christ that's been coloured in brown is on the cover: \"NEWSFLASH: Jesus wasn't a cracker!\". Inside are articles on punk rock iconography, censorship in science class, and the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church -- you can READ ABOUT ____ IN ZINE, if you were so inclined.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read about the punk rock iconography",
"response": "What do you want to read about in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Zine",
"response": "Handwritten above a series of arcane symbols and definitions is: \"We at Virus believe that, while pretending to be the exact opposite, the hardcore scene has become an elitist club. To combat that, and for historical record, we give you the Iconography of Punk Rock.\"\n\nScanning the symbols, you recognize the one Dave was carving -- it's for a band called \"Dead Kennedys\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dave about dead Kennedys",
"response": "Dave's eyes widen in surprise.\n\n\"You know them? Cool,\" Dave enthuses.\n\n[You get five punk points for that.]\n\nDave looks down at your boots and then gives you a sideways look. \"Their best one is the song 'Nazi Punk, Fuck Off'...\"\n\n\"Yeah, Nazis suck,\" you concur.\n\n\"You know Nazis wear red laces?\"\n\n\"Oh,\" you say, feeling like an idiot. \"Yeah. Well, Stuart said he took -- rolled -- a skin for these.\"\n\n\"Huh,\" says Dave. \"Well, I think they got laces at the caf.\" He goes back to his carving.\n\n\"You boys be quiet,\" says the librarian suddenly.\n\n\"Fuck off, you old biddy,\" says Dave, hidden behind his book.\n\nShe doesn't even look up from her book.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Third Floor, East",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Third Floor, West\nThis is the most remote part of the school, and so naturally your locker is here. For added fun, the detention room is directly north -- its deadly silences punctuated by barked orders and sobs ensure that you visit your locker as infrequently as possible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You'd like to put that off as long as possible.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Second Floor, East",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Second Floor, West\nThere's a prominently displayed trophy case and rows and rows of official looking plaques to impress parents on their way south to the office. The hallway continues east, and north is the way back outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Pudge about the laces",
"response": "You point at your boots. \"I need laces,\" you say to Old Pudge, and he looks under the counter. He pulls out two exceptionally long black laces like they were spaghetti and slaps them on the counter. \"Two bucks,\" he says, and you gladly pay.\n\nExcited, you sit down in the middle of the floor and remove the red laces and start lacing up the black ones. It takes a while to thread fourteen eyeholes, and you attract the attention of quite a few boys. When you've tightened them and get up, you find yourself looking into Mr. Pannus' unsmiling bearded face.\n\n\"Those boots are not regulation, are they. Come with me,\" he says softly, and you walk behind him to...\n\nIt's a classroom that evokes the feel of an interrogation chamber without resorting to a single bare bulb. There's a blackboard and a large teacher's desk. All except a few of the desks have been removed, and Jackson sits at one of them. The other boy is Mophead, who gives you a vacuous grin.\n\nYou can see Mophead, Pannus and Jackson here.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Jackson",
"response": "Jackson's a handsome boy with his hair carefully gelled and cut short. He wears a voluminous bomber jacket with the target symbol on the back, and neat little brogues -- he's not violating uniform regulations at all unless you count the union jack sewn to his tie.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.\nJackson runs his hand through his hair and sighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Mophead",
"response": "You've never actually seen his eyes, but apparently they're there somewhere under that huge mass of blond hair.\nMophead hums increasingly louder until Pannus' head starts to turn his way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nsome cash\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)\nPannus stares at you without blinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read about the detention in Zine",
"response": "You flip through the zine, but don't find that.\nMophead goes through his marker collection, checking them for moistness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Jackson about the detention",
"response": "Not the place to chitchat, with Pannus standing right there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blackboard",
"response": "Ominously, the blackboard is filled with crossed-off names.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the names",
"response": "What do you want to read in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the blackboard",
"response": "Ominously, the blackboard is filled with crossed-off names.\nPannus rubs his beard and considers you as if you were a mathematical problem.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "It's a big wooden teacher's desk, on which is an envelope with a couple of dance tickets sticking out of it.\nJackson runs his hand through his hair and sighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the envelope",
"response": "Pannus notices your interest in the tickets. \"It's completely sold out,\" he says, stroking his beard like a pet, \"These are for the boys who will take the tickets at the door.\" He looks at you for a second, his green eyes seeming to flicker. \"I'll tell you what. If you clean the blackboard, I'll let you be on the first shift.\"\nPannus stares at you without blinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the envelope",
"response": "Pannus notices your interest in the tickets. \"It's completely sold out,\" he says, stroking his beard like a pet, \"These are for the boys who will take the tickets at the door.\" He looks at you for a second, his green eyes seeming to flicker. \"I'll tell you what. If you clean the blackboard, I'll let you be on the first shift.\"\nPannus stares at you without blinking.\nMophead goes through his marker collection, checking them for moistness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean blackboard",
"response": "As you're cleaning the blackboard, Pannus says, \"That's a good lad.\" When you turn back, neither of the other boys meet your eyes. Pannus' face is glowing with the triumph of the horse trainer.\n\n[You lose three punk points for that.]\nPannus blinks, just when you were doubting his humanity.\nMophead goes through his marker collection, checking them for moistness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nsome cash\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)\nMophead hums increasingly louder until Pannus' head starts to turn his way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tickets",
"response": "Pannus notices your interest in the tickets. \"It's completely sold out,\" he says, stroking his beard like a pet, \"These are for the boys who will take the tickets at the door.\" He looks at you for a second, his green eyes seeming to flicker. \"I'll tell you what. If you clean the blackboard, I'll let you be on the first shift.\"\nPannus rubs his beard and considers you as if you were a mathematical problem.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give middle finger to Pannus",
"response": "You want to, but you just don't got the juice yet.\nPannus rubs his beard and considers you as if you were a mathematical problem.\nMophead goes through his marker collection, checking them for moistness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mophead about the markers",
"response": "Not the place to chitchat, with Pannus standing right there.\nPannus blinks, just when you were doubting his humanity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the finger to Pannus",
"response": "You want to, but you just don't got the juice yet.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Pannus about the tickets",
"response": "He stares at you for a full two seconds. Then, in a caring voice: \"Why are you wasting my time with stupid questions?\"\nPannus stares at you without blinking.\nJackson runs his hand through his hair and sighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read Zine",
"response": "It's a small photocopied and stapled booklet called \"Virus: A Zine Dedicated to Spreading Truth\". A picture of Christ that's been coloured in brown is on the cover: \"NEWSFLASH: Jesus wasn't a cracker!\". Inside are articles on punk rock iconography, censorship in science class, and the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church -- you can READ ABOUT ____ IN ZINE, if you were so inclined.\nPannus blinks, just when you were doubting his humanity.\nJackson diligently copies out bible passages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Jackson",
"response": "Jackson's a handsome boy with his hair carefully gelled and cut short. He wears a voluminous bomber jacket with the target symbol on the back, and neat little brogues -- he's not violating uniform regulations at all unless you count the union jack sewn to his tie.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.\nJackson runs his hand through his hair and sighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the tickets",
"response": "Nothing is on sale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "It's a big wooden teacher's desk, on which is an envelope with a couple of dance tickets sticking out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read about the jesus in Zine",
"response": "You flip through the zine, but don't find that.\nMophead hums increasingly louder until Pannus' head starts to turn his way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nJackson diligently copies out bible passages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.\nJackson diligently copies out bible passages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blackboard",
"response": "Ominously, the blackboard is filled with crossed-off names.\nPannus blinks, just when you were doubting his humanity.\nJackson diligently copies out bible passages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take tickets",
"response": "Pannus notices your interest in the tickets. \"It's completely sold out,\" he says, stroking his beard like a pet, \"These are for the boys who will take the tickets at the door.\" He looks at you for a second, his green eyes seeming to flicker. \"I'll tell you what. If you clean the blackboard, I'll let you be on the first shift.\"\nPannus rubs his beard and considers you as if you were a mathematical problem.\nJackson runs his hand through his hair and sighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.\nPannus blinks, just when you were doubting his humanity.\nJackson diligently copies out bible passages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean blackboard",
"response": "As you're cleaning the blackboard, Pannus says, \"That's a good lad.\" When you turn back, neither of the other boys meet your eyes. Pannus' face is glowing with the triumph of the horse trainer.\n\n[You lose three punk points for that.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ticket",
"response": "When you reach for the ticket, Pannus hands you a cloth and nods at the board. \"Better give it a good buff. Get it as shiny as those boots of yours.\" There's an amused look in his eye now.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.\nJackson runs his hand through his hair and sighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the finger to Pannus",
"response": "You want to, but you just don't got the juice yet.\nPannus stares at you without blinking.\nJackson diligently copies out bible passages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean board",
"response": "You clean the board to a shiny black, and hand the cloth back to Pannus. He doesn't even look at you this time.\n\n[You lose 3 more punk points for that.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the finger to Pannus",
"response": "You decide to give him what he's been asking for.\n\nPannus stares at your finger. He looks down at his reading for a second, then sighs. \"How are we supposed to deal with animals like you without the strap? Get out,\" he flips a page, \"Get out, all of you.\"\n\nMophead and Jackson sprint out the door in front of you, grinning wildly.\n\n\"Nice one, man,\" Mophead says. \"And hey, if you need a dance ticket, Terry can hook you up. He's selling them out front of the school.\"\n\n\"He has extra tickets?\" you say.\n\n\"You might say that,\" Mophead says mysteriously and takes off, bouncing down the hall and glancing in the windows of the classrooms.\n\nJackson solemnly shakes your hand. \"Nicely done, my good man.\" He turns and gets his stuff out of his locker. \"I'm skipping the rest of the day. Don't want to run into Pannus again with the mood he's in. Luckily he won't be at the dance.\" Jackson zips up his bomber and taps his pockets for his smokes, then walks off. At the last moment he turns around and salutes you, then disappears down the stairwell.\n\n[You got 10 punk points for that.]\n\nThird Floor, West\nThis is the most remote part of the school, and so naturally your locker is here. For added fun, the detention room is directly north -- its deadly silences punctuated by barked orders and sobs ensure that you visit your locker as infrequently as possible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the road that heads north to the outside world and south back to the school. At the end of the school day it's choked with escaping boys, but now it's completely featureless.\n\nBeside the lane is a rather large concrete sign, with a cross on one side and an empty pedestal on the other.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Door's locked, and you can hear shouts and ball-echoes within.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the plaques",
"response": "You wonder if this school will turn you into the kind of entity that gives a rat's ass about such things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is the front door of the school, but other than the name carved above the southbound archway and the signage warning people to report to the office, there's not a lot of ceremony here. Pretty plain for a school as pompous as Pope.\n\nDespite the plainness, there's a boy here drawing the entryway in a large sketchbook. He spares you a brief glance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the boy about the tickets",
"response": "He gives you a glance, slightly longer than average, then goes back to sketching. Just when you think he's ignored you completely, he says, \"Why ask me?\"\n\nGoing along with the cloak-and-dagger routine, you stare off into space a second yourself. Then, not looking at him, you say \"They're sold out. A friend told me you might be able to hook me up.\"\n\nTerry nods. \"Ten bucks.\"\n\n\"I only got eight,\" you say, \"C'mon.\"\n\nTerry shakes his head. \"Niners,\" he says with disgust. \"I need some of those office slips for uniform violations. Get me some of those and you can have it for eight.\"\n\nTerry goes back to his sketch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nOn the counter are some slips.\n\nAlthough she's keying information into the computer, the secretary's huge glasses make it impossible to tell if she's looking at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine secretary",
"response": "The secretary has the grey bun and the grandmotherly stylings that are guaranteed to negate even the most determined teenage lust. You wonder if it's deliberate, because she seems younger, handling her computer without the tutting and fretting of the aged.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the secretary about the jesus",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nOn the counter are some slips.\n\nAlthough she's keying information into the computer, the secretary's huge glasses make it impossible to tell if she's looking at you.\n\n\"Wouldn't know, dear,\" she says distractedly. \"Shouldn't you be in class?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the painting",
"response": "This is a very strange cartoonish depiction of Pope Innocent III. The colours are really bright, and his slightly cross-eyed gaze is almost goofy and not at all that of a MILITANT PASTOR AND GREAT MONARCH, which the plaque screwed into the frame insists he is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the secretary about the painting",
"response": "She tilts her glasses and her eyes meet yours for the first time. \"That's Pope Innocent the Third,\" she says, turning around in her seat to look at him. \"He was a great man.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the slips",
"response": "You stealthily slide the slips off the counter. Taken.\n\n\"He took the bull by the horns,\" the secretary continues, her back to you. \"He didn't take any nonsense from the heretics, he launched a Crusade when they got uppity! He did God's work. A great man.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nShe seems lost in reverie, staring at the painting as if she remembered him personally.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nShe swivels around and looks at you. \"Oh, well, you're new here aren't you? So you haven't even seen the wonderful statue of him that stands beside the sign in front of the school.\" Her face darkens and she returns to the computer, tapping the keys a little harder than she needs to. \"We had to clean it after someone --\" She looks at you sharply, and you get the smirk off your face just in time. She seems to notice your mohawk for the first time. \"Well, never mind. They'll be lowering it onto the pedestal tomorrow morning.\" She shakes her head, pointing back at Innocent. \"He wouldn't put up with that kind of monkey business, I tell you that.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome slips\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nsome cash\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the slips to Terry",
"response": "Terry takes the money and slips and pockets them. Then, from his sketchbook, he places an original ticket beside a blank piece of cardboard. With a thin line marker, he draws in the dancing leafs, the bubble style lettering that says FALL DANCE!, and all the small details the original incorporated to make it counterfeit proof. When he's done, he looks over his handiwork and then hands it to you.\n\nHe turns his attention to the slips next, removing another original from the back of his sketchbook. He forges the signature on one of them, then checks the \"slacks\" infraction. He hands it to you. \"This is for Stuart.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Thanks",
"response": "To talk to people, ASK ____ ABOUT ____.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You can see Old Pudge here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "There's a bunch of jocks throwing around a melon shaped ball and running around in a very intense fashion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Path, the thin sidewalk that links the school grounds to the real world, is neither on or off school property. It's no-man's-land, and all suspect activity takes place here. Like most legendary spots, it's rather unimpressive in actuality -- it's a butt-littered sidewalk that heads west to the school and east to freedom.\n\nYou can see Stuart here.\n\nStuart rants about Pannus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na signed slip\na dance ticket\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nyour middle finger\na blazer (being worn)\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the slip to Stu",
"response": "You casually hand it over to Stu, who glances at you suspiciously... and then breaks out in a huge grin. \"So you've met Terry, eh?\" he says, smiling.\n\n\"Yeah,\" you say casually, \"Got him to do me up one of these.\"\n\nYou flash Stu the counterfeit ticket, and he starts to laugh. \"Yeah, it's gonna suck, they always do...\" the skinhead says, exhaling smoke in a world-weary way. \"But it's pretty much the only thing goin'. Few chicks at least.\"\n\nYou nod and shrug.\n\n\"Yeah, we're meeting up here later tonight. You should come. Should be able to score some booze, take a little bit of the lameness out of the evening's festivities.\"\n\nMophead comes up from the school for a smoke and thumbs at you. \"Shudda SEEN this guy, Stu-Fart, he fuckin' gave Penis the FINGER.\"\n\n\"The FINGER! PENIS!\" Mophead goes to high-five you and you let him. \"Ah man, that was awesome!\"\n\nYou shrug, lean against the fence and try not to grin too broadly as your exploits are recounted blow by blow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bottle",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink it",
"response": "You take a small mouthful, swallow it quickly. You pinch your nose and squeeze your eyes shut for a second, then pass on the bottle to Dave.\n\n\"So I was like, 'Jackson -- just go in and get it,'\" Stuart says. \"You dress like someone's dad, they'll never ask you for ID.' But he wouldn't, so we had to wait for some rocker to come along who'd buy for us.\"\n\nDave takes two swigs and hands it to Jackson, who hands it to Stuart. \"Even Hardcore here is drinking, guy,\" Stu says with a smirk, handing the bottle to you. You swig and pass it on.\n\n\"You remember what happened the last time,\" Jackson says. \"I want to actually get into the dance this time. Pannus has still got me in detention from last year!\"\n\n\"Well, I mean, you puked in front of him,\" Dave says with a rare smile. \"We're lucky we went in before you.\"\n\nStuart is snickering. \"You were so fucked that night. The only thing that sucked about it was that you had a chance to puke on Penis and you puked on your own shoes. That's a shame.\"\n\n\"Well,\" Jackson says, \"They're obviously going to be watching me tonight, and I want to get into the dance.\"\n\n\"So you can show off all your skanking skills when they play One Step Beyond?\" says Stuart, getting to his feet and mock-dancing.\n\nJackson laughs, watching Stuart's scowling dance moves.\n\n\"Ah, it's going to suck anyway. They always do,\" says Dave, passing the bottle to Stuart. \"The last time we missed the only Cult song they played.\"\n\n\"That's why we should have got the stuff faster,\" says Stuart over the bottle. \"We would have gotten in with the first rush of people and no one would notice we were drunk.\"\n\n\"Yeah, it's not like we stick out or anything,\" Jackson says dryly. \"Besides, who was the one who was a half-hour late getting to my place tonight?\"\n\nYou take another swig. It's not getting any less vile, but it's almost finished.\n\n\"How hard is it to go into a store and buy something?\" says Stuart.\n\n\"You're almost a year older than me. You're sixteen,\" Jackson says.\n\nYou're a bit nervous with the mention of age, since you're thirteen.\n\nRolling his eyes, Stuart takes the bottle from Dave and finishes it off. \"It doesn't have anything to do with that. With my innocent young face, I couldn't buy milk past the due date.\"\n\n\"OK, let's go,\" Jackson says, getting to his feet and pulling out some gum. He hands everyone one piece, which you start to chew. Blueberry.\n\nAs you get up, you notice a little dizziness. Everyone heads west, taking careful steps, and as you pass the portables Stuart whips the empty bottle into the night and cocks an ear.\n\nWhen there's no smash he frowns. \"Damn. Missed the sign.\".\n\nYou enter the school and walk through the caf. The sudden bright lights intensify your dizziness into a nausea.\n\nThe ticket table is set up just outside the gym door, beside the stairwell. The sudden stop in front of it brings up bile. The senior, who's taken Jackson's ticket and let him go, looks at you guardedly. Then he tells you to wait.\n\nA moment later, Mr. Collins, the gym teacher appears. He's got a hockey stick over his shoulder and a smarmy grin on his face.\n\n\"What have you boys been up to tonight,\" he says, tapping at your mohawk with the flat of his stick. \"Other than hairdressing?\"\n\nThe know-it-all attitude sets off an explosion of rage -- and, unfortunately, also detonates an acid ball in your stomach. You're going to be sick.\n\nWhile you know that the cafeteria is its same old dingy self, your brain is telling you that it's spinning and painfully bright.\n\nMr. Collins, the obnoxious overgrown jock of a gym teacher, stands beside two of his apes behind the ticket table set up for the dance. He's grinning in a nauseatingly infuriating way. God, you feel ill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "(on top of the Mr. Collins)\nThat's not something you can sit down on.\n\nYou vomit all over the floor. \"Waste of a good puke...\" murmurs Stu.\n\nCollins's smirk twitches with disgust, but before he can get his condescending hands on you, you flip the ticket table over.\n\nThe cash box makes a terribly satisfying clatter.\n\nThe next couple of minutes are a bit of a blur -- making a break; seeing Stu and Dave's escaping backs as you lean over to excise the last bit of liquid from your stomach lining; being carried back to the school by two big lugs who you flail alternately with screams about your inalienable rights as an individual and kicks to their groins; a second break, which similarly ends with you passed out in the field; and finally, incarceration in...\n\nScience Classroom (on the worktable)\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a chart of the table of elements here.\n\nYou wake groggily -- sober enough to be conscious, and still drunk enough to want to fuck shit up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Puke on Collins",
"response": "You slap your hands on the ticket table and vomit all over Collins and his thugs. It feels you're breathing liquid fire on them, although it looks more like the pasta you had for dinner. \"Yes!\" Stuart hoots, pumping his fist.\n\n[You get five punk points for that.]\n\nCollins' smirk twitches with disgust, but before he can get his condescending hands on you, you flip the ticket table over.\n\nThe cash box makes a terribly satisfying clatter.\n\nThe next couple of minutes are a bit of a blur -- making a break; seeing Stu and Dave's escaping backs as you lean over to excise the last bit of liquid from your stomach lining; being carried back to the school by two big lugs who you flail alternately with screams about your inalienable rights as an individual and kicks to their groins; a second break, which similarly ends with you passed out in the field; and finally, incarceration in...\n\nScience Classroom (on the worktable)\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a chart of the table of elements here.\n\nYou wake groggily -- sober enough to be conscious, and still drunk enough to want to fuck shit up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na dance ticket\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nyour middle finger",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read about the Science in Zine",
"response": "\"We discovered that several schools have removed this lesson from the curriculum. Since we at Virus have found it useful, we've decided to return it.\" Beneath it reads...\n\n\"EXPERIMENT 4\nSynthesis of an Explosive: N13*NH3\n\nMany explosive molecules have nitrogen as one of the elemental components. Nitrogen single bonds to most atoms are quite weak, while the nitrogen - nitrogen triple bond is exceptionally stable (NH3 is an exception, in that its N-H single bonds are fairly stable). Energy liberated by the breaking of single nitrogen bonds can be substantial.\n\nNitrogen - halogen single bonds are particularly reactive due to repulsion between the nitrogen and halide lone pairs. In this experiment you will make ammonium triiodide NI3, isolated as an ammoniate coordination complex. This compound, when dry, is a detonating explosive that is shock-sensitive. It can be handled when wet, but will explode unpredictably when dry.\n\nBasic glassware including 10-mL beaker, 2-mL pipette, glass rod are required for this experiment.\n\nThe product of this experiment is a shock-sensitive explosive when dry. The small amount prepared according to the procedure below is not dangerous, but larger amounts are serious explosion risks. Never scale up this procedure!\"\n\n(At this point, the editors of Virus have handwritten: HA HA!)\n\nWeigh 100mg (0.100 g) of iodine into a 10-mL beaker. Slowly add 2.0 mL of concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution. Stir the mixture for 5 minutes -- a red precipitate should form. Transfer the moist precipitate onto several layers of filter paper placed on the floor of the fumehood, away from any breakable objects. Spread out the solid and permit it to dry for one hour.\n\nWhile you are waiting, answer the questions provided in the laboratory. These are to be handed in before you leave the laboratory.\"\n\n(At this point, the editors have handwritten: SURE TEACH, RIGHT AFTER I FINISH BLOWING UP THE SCHOOL!)\n\n\"When the sample has dried, carefully tap it with the end of a yardstick, keeping as far away as possible. No other characterization is required, or advisable.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine worktable",
"response": "Sturdy and soaked with chemicals.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Science Classroom (on the worktable)\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a chart of the table of elements here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chart",
"response": "The building blocks of the universe are depicted in a neat series of boxes, with no indication of their legacy of poisonous mushroom clouds. You hope they're not on the exam.\n\nThere's a finger-sized ring at the bottom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the ring",
"response": "The chart snaps up out of reach and reveals a glass-fronted cupboard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cupboard",
"response": "This cupboard contains the science class supplies -- the left compartment has all the glassware and the right compartment has all the chemicals.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the right compartment",
"response": "An astonishing array of alphabetically arranged chemicals and solutions.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Science Classroom (on the worktable)\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a storage cupboard (in which are a left compartment (which is closed) and a right compartment (which is closed)) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the left compartment",
"response": "Quite locked. Naturally.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break the left compartment",
"response": "You hammer on the glass fruitlessly. Your eyes land on a sticker near the bottom: \"Now Unbreakable!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "Outside, the night calls. There's a few strands of ivy curling up from the trellis.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the window",
"response": "You open the window. After shaking the trellis attached to the side of the school you decide it's sturdy enough to offer an escape down. But then, you're drunk.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You clamber out the window and cautiously climb down the trellis...\n\nA track rings the large multi-purpose field, and trees ring the track. The school looms to the west, its window eyes silently judging the players. This is where boys become men, where the raw ore of youth is pounded into iron, where the limits of the body and spirit are tested.\n\nWhere the jocks frolic, in other words.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You clamber up to the window...\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a storage cupboard (in which are a left compartment (which is closed) and a right compartment (which is closed)) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThese one-room portables are meant to be temporary but these battered aluminium boxes look older than the school itself. Ugly things, but they do serve nicely to obscure the activities of the Path from prying eyes in the school. You can venture south to the field or enter the playground by going west.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The asphalt is painted with various arcane white lines which you assume are used in playing something, but you've never seen anyone doing anything but shooting hoops here. The side door to the school cafeteria is propped open to the west, the portables squat to the east, or you can go AWOL and head north.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the road that heads north to the outside world and south back to the school. At the end of the school day it's choked with escaping boys, but now it's completely featureless.\n\nBeside the lane is a rather large concrete sign, with a cross on one side and an empty pedestal on the other.\n\nYou can see a bottle (which is empty) here.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine sign",
"response": "",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cross",
"response": "Nothing remarkable about it, but it brings to mind something Jackson said earlier in the week: \"Isn't it kind of morbid that we worship this thing used to inflict the death penalty? Isn't that kind of like wearing an electric chair around your neck?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pedestal",
"response": "It's a concrete block with holes drilled in it, presumably for securing something to.\n\nYour liquor-addled brain seems to recall that the secretary said the statue would be reinstalled tomorrow. \"Popey's comin' home,\" you mumble to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bottle",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the bottle at sign",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Peeking in the door, you can see Collins and his hockey stick directing his students in cleaning up. Specifically, cleaning up your upchuck. You decide the night air is doing you good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "These one-room portables are meant to be temporary but these battered aluminium boxes look older than the school itself. Ugly things, but they do serve nicely to obscure the activities of the Path from prying eyes in the school. You can venture south to the field or enter the playground by going west.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Path, the thin sidewalk that links the school grounds to the real world, is neither on or off school property. It's no-man's-land, and all suspect activity takes place here. At night, with the moon shining down, it's a little more mysterious, but it's still just a butt-littered sidewalk going east and west.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Are you joking? The suburbs are scary enough during the day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A track rings the large multi-purpose field, and trees ring the track. The school looms to the west, its window eyes silently judging the players. This is where boys become men, where the raw ore of youth is pounded into iron, where the limits of the body and spirit are tested.\n\nWhere the jocks frolic, in other words.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You clamber up to the window...\n\nThis is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a storage cupboard (in which are a left compartment (which is closed) and a right compartment (which is closed)) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at left compartment",
"response": "A 10-mL beaker, 2-mL pipette, a glass rod and what looks to be a fist-sized diamond are clearly visible through the glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the right compartment",
"response": "An astonishing array of alphabetically arranged chemicals and solutions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bottle (which is open but empty)\na dance ticket\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nyour middle finger",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "This is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a storage cupboard (in which are a left compartment (which is closed) and a right compartment (which is closed)) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Well, naturally, they've locked you in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the cupboard",
"response": "In the storage cupboard are a left compartment and a right compartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open right",
"response": "You're shocked to find it unlocked. You open the right compartment, revealing some chemicals and solutions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chemicals",
"response": "There's so many!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the chemicals",
"response": "There's too many to take them all -- specify what chemicals you'd like to take from the right compartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na container of ammonium hydroxide\nsome iodine\na bottle (which is open but empty)\na dance ticket\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nyour middle finger",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the iodine in the bottle",
"response": "You put the iodine into the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ammonium in bottle",
"response": "Slopping a little, you manage to fill the mickey with solution.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shake bottle",
"response": "Making sure the bottle's closed, you shake it for a while. It's hard to tell in this light, but the concoction seems a little red.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This is a room full of massive black worktables, each of them with their own sinks. An even larger demonstration table squats at the front of the room. It's weird to see the moon shining through the window you're so accustomed to staring out of during the day. There's an exit to the south.\n\nYou can see a storage cupboard (in which are a left compartment (which is closed) and a right compartment (in which are some chemicals and solutions)) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You clamber out the window and cautiously climb down the trellis...\n\nA track rings the large multi-purpose field, and trees ring the track. The school looms to the west, its window eyes silently judging the players. This is where boys become men, where the raw ore of youth is pounded into iron, where the limits of the body and spirit are tested.\n\nWhere the jocks frolic, in other words.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "These one-room portables are meant to be temporary but these battered aluminium boxes look older than the school itself. Ugly things, but they do serve nicely to obscure the activities of the Path from prying eyes in the school. You can venture south to the field or enter the playground by going west.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The asphalt is painted with various arcane white lines which you assume are used in playing something, but you've never seen anyone doing anything but shooting hoops here. The side door to the school cafeteria is propped open to the west, the portables squat to the east, or you can go AWOL and head north.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is the road that heads north to the outside world and south back to the school. At the end of the school day it's choked with escaping boys, but now it's completely featureless.\n\nBeside the lane is a rather large concrete sign, with a cross on one side and an empty pedestal on the other.\n\nThe halfmoon seems to have a sickly glow, but that might be your nausea talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pedestal",
"response": "It's a concrete block with holes drilled in it, presumably for securing something to.\n\nYour liquor-addled brain seems to recall that the secretary said the statue would be reinstalled tomorrow. \"Popey's comin' home,\" you mumble to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na container of ammonium hydroxide\na bottle (which is closed)\na precipitate\na dance ticket\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nyour middle finger",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bottle",
"response": "You open the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the precipitate on the pedestal",
"response": "After the reddish substance glugs out of the bottle and onto the pedestal, you spread it out with the flat edge of the bottle.\n\n[You get 20 punk points for that.]\n\nSatisfied with your night's work, you toss the bottle and head off for home.\n\nThe following Monday, you note the blackened pedestal with satisfaction, and the Path is abuzz with the mystery. \"I saw it in the office,\" Stuart was saying gleefully. \"Only the head is left, the rest of the statue is totally trashed. They had a crane lower it and then BOOM!\"\n\n\"You think someone blew up the Pope?\" says one of the older boys. \"Naw. You'd need a remote control or something. They probably just dropped it.\"\n\n\"Actually, you wouldn't need a remote,\" you say. \"If you spread a large enough quantity of, say, ammonium triiodide and let it dry...\" you say, trailing off. When you notice you have everyone's attention, you grin. \"That's just hypothetical, of course.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nOn the counter are some slips.\n\nAlthough she's keying information into the computer, the secretary's huge glasses make it impossible to tell if she's looking at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Everyone's staring at you. Drink or give it to someone else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bottle to Stu",
"response": "You try to pass it on. Stu grabs the bottle and gives it back to you. \"Drink up, H.C.\"\n\nYou make a face.\n\n\"I don't believe that the guy who's been bumming smokes from me all week won't have a drink with me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bottle to Stu",
"response": "You ignore Stu's scowl and pass it on.\n\n\"So I was like, 'Jackson -- just go in and get it,'\" Stuart says. \"You dress like someone's dad, they'll never ask you for ID.' But he wouldn't. so we had to wait for some rocker to come along who'd buy for us.\"\n\nDave takes two swigs and hands it to Jackson, who passes it of to Stuart. \"C'mon guy,\" Stu says, \"Show Hardcore here how it's done.\"\n\n\"You remember what happened the last time,\" Jackson says. \"I want to actually get into the dance this time. Penis has still got me in detention from last year!\"\n\n\"Well, I mean, you puked in front of him,\" Dave says with a rare smile. \"We're lucky we went in before you.\"\n\nStuart is snickering. \"You were so fucked that night. The only thing that sucked about it was that you had a chance to puke on Penis and you puked on your own shoes. That's a shame.\"\n\n\"Well,\" Jackson says, \"They're obviously going to be watching me tonight, and I want to get into the dance.\"\n\n\"So you can show off all your skanking skills when they play One Step Beyond?\" says Stuart, getting to his feet and mock-dancing.\n\nJackson laughs, watching Stuart's scowling dance moves.\n\n\"Ah, it's going to blow anyway,\" says Dave, passing the bottle to Stuart. \"The last time we missed the only Cult song they played.\"\n\n\"That's why we should have got the stuff faster,\" says Stuart over the bottle. \"We would have gotten in with the first rush of people and no one would notice we were drunk.\"\n\n\"Yeah, it's not like we stick out or anything,\" Jackson says dryly. \"Besides, who was the one who was a half-hour late getting to my place tonight?\"\n\n\"How hard is it to go into a store and buy something?\" says Stuart.\n\n\"You're almost a year older than me. You're sixteen,\" Jackson says.\n\nYou're a bit nervous with the mention of age, since you're thirteen.\n\nRolling his eyes, Stuart takes the bottle from Dave and finishes it off. \"It doesn't have anything to do with that. With my innocent young face, I couldn't buy milk past the due date.\"\n\n\"OK, let's go,\" Jackson says, getting to his feet and pulling out some gum. He hands everyone one piece, which you start to chew. Blueberry.\n\nEveryone heads west, taking careful steps, and as you pass the portables Stuart whips the empty bottle into the night. A second or two later there's a distant, but still tremendously satisfying, smash.\n\nYou enter the school, Stu crowing and pumping his fist, until you get to the side of the walk through the caf to where they've set up the ticket table.\n\nYou and Jackson get in with your tickets but Stuart and Dave are stopped at the door.\n\nAs you enter the stairwell area, you hear a crash from the caf. Mr. Collins, hockey stick in hand, rushes past you.\n\nJackson gives you a raised eyebrow and heads down the stairs. You follow him to...\n\nAll the disco balls in the world can't hide the fact that this is a school gym with the lights off. They've hung streamers from the basketball nets and two gigantic speakers flank the DJ's table on the stage. The washroom is to the south and you can leave up the stairs to the east. The student council has done a half-assed job of decorating the walls with construction paper leaves, footballs and Peanuts characters, but what's leaning against the walls is far more interesting: shy clumps of girls. Your heart speeds up to match the diamonds of light that sweep the floor, which has a few dancers on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the girls",
"response": "They're little more than silhouettes, but they certainly are female.\n\nJackson goes straight up to the DJ and makes some requests. He comes back and says something inaudible and gives you the thumbs-up. You smile back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the girls about the dance",
"response": "Sure, you'd like to talk to the girls... but even if the music was low enough, there would still be the paralyzing fear issue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Jackson about the music",
"response": "The music's really too loud for conversation.\n\nThe DJ plays some rap that you don't know. Jackson leans back against the wall and crosses his arms, and you do the same.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine DJ",
"response": "The DJ is way too into it, his eyes closed and head bobbing. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to be addicted to the mike.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Jackson",
"response": "He's got his white Fred Perry shirt on and pressed trouserpipe pants for the dance.\n\nBilly Idol comes on. For some reason, the crowd chants \"Get Laid, Get Fucked\" at the chorus -- naturally, so do you, as abstract as those concepts are to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "You move around a bit, but without decent music you can't really get into it.\n\nSynthesizer music starts up, attracting preps like flies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe Clash's \"Should I Stay or Should I Go\" starts up. Jackson starts dancing, an intense little hopping coupled with a mouthing of the words that shows his lyrical knowledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "Watching Jackson, you slowly start moving -- swaying first, and then stepping back and forth, getting closer to the other dancers. Jackson playfully knocks into you, and you start to really get into it, closing your eyes and bouncing around and off Jackson. When the song finishes you're sweaty and exhilarated and amazed that no one is pointing and laughing.\n\n[You got 5 punk points for that.]\n\nAfter the song, a guy and a girl come up to you. The guy starts talking to Jackson, or rather, shouting over the music. He seems to know him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the dj about Vicious",
"response": "The girl has really short hair except for her bangs. She's wearing a black leather jacket and a laced up skirt.\n\nSmiling, perhaps, at the attention you're giving her, she shouts something. You shake your head and cup your ear. She tries again, and then just points at the exit. Seeing Jackson and the guy were somehow communicating -- mostly with hand signals -- you go upstairs.\n\n\"I like how you dance,\" she says, walking up the stairs. In the sudden light, you can see that she has way too much makeup and that her legs are a little thick. \"You can tell a lot about a person by how they dance.\"\n\nYou nod, dumbly.\n\n\"So you go here?\" she says, looking around and noticing the gym teacher, standing in front of the stairs.\n\n\"Yeah, it sucks,\" you mumble, stunned at your eloquence.\n\n\"They're fucking fascists at my school too,\" she said, staring daggers at Collins. \"But they're stupid...\"\n\nShe raises her voice. \"I can't believe he was making the sign of Satan during that song! I mean, in a Catholic school!\" she says, her voice echoing in the stairwell.\n\nCollins blinks, folds his arms, unfolds them, and finally heads downstairs.\n\n\"I'm Kim,\" she says, watching him go. \"Spelled like gym.\"\n\nYou shake her hand admiringly.\n\n\"Let's explore,\" she says, heading upstairs. You follow her.\n\nSecond Floor, East\nThe science lab is to the north and stairs lead up and down. Grey lockers line the walls, as do doors to various classrooms.\n\nA cute punk girl is here, trying to look bored.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.\n\nKym, her green eyes aglow with mischievous excitement, heads west down the hall checking doors.\n\nA second later, Kym whisper-yells \"Hey! This one's open!\" and then disappears south into the office.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Locked. Teachers aren't morons, you know.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Second Floor, East\nThe science lab is to the north and stairs lead up and down. Grey lockers line the walls, as do doors to various classrooms.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Second Floor, West\nThere's a prominently displayed trophy case and rows and rows of official looking plaques to impress parents on their way south to the office. The hallway continues east, and north is the way back outside.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nThe office is dark except for the glow of the computer monitor. Kym moves towards it immediately, pushing through the little swinging door in the counter -- it nearly snaps shut on its spring, but you catch it in time.\n\n\"Sorry,\" she whispers, sitting down in front of the screen. \"Wow, an XT,\" she breathes. She hits the spacebar and a password request comes up. She tries a few: Jesus, God, Pope.\n\n\"Denied. Damn,\" she says.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the computer",
"response": "The school's '84 budget allowed for the purchasing of the creme de la creme of computing: they're called XTs. You don't know much about high tech beyond Pac Man, but you're pretty sure that's a 5.25\" disk drive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Kym about Innocent",
"response": "\"Do you think I know everything?\" Kym cracks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Type innocent",
"response": "To talk to people, ASK ____ ABOUT ____.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show innocent to Kym",
"response": "(first taking the painting of Pope Innocent III)\nDon't bother with that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss kym",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say innocent",
"response": "(to Kym)\nTo talk to people, ASK ____ ABOUT ____.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Third Floor, East\nThis is as high as this high school gets. You can go back down, south to the library, or you can follow the hallway west. Lockers and classroom doors line the walls.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Third Floor, West\nThis is the most remote part of the school, and so naturally your locker is here. For added fun, the detention room is directly north -- its deadly silences punctuated by barked orders and sobs ensure that you visit your locker as infrequently as possible.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The musty little room is choked with books, with only barely enough room for a reading table and the librarian's desk. It's hard to imagine a better way to discourage reading.\n\nThere's a paperback spread-eagled on the librarian's desk.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the paperback",
"response": "\"Tough Love: Power Popes Through The Ages\" is the title of the book. Smaller type on the back informs that the Expanded Edition Includes \"Misery and the Human Condition\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the paperback",
"response": "\"Tough Love: Power Popes Through The Ages\" is the title of the book. Smaller type on the back informs that the Expanded Edition Includes \"Misery and the Human Condition\". You flip through it, your eye drawn by a red underline in a chapter about Pope Innocent III. Someone liked the word \"Vergentis\" -- it's underlined and annotated in the same red pen: \"Perfect!\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nKym's face is an unearthly green as she tries password after password.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the book to Kym",
"response": "\"What's this?\" She flips through it. \"Vergentis, huh,\" she murmurs, typing it in. \"Ha!\" she says, and you sit down beside her. \"Nice work, sleuth,\" she says, plucking the back of your mohawk. Your mouth curls a little involuntarily at the contact, and she notices.\n\nShe looks at you for a second. \"You're not so tough when you smile...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss kym",
"response": "You lean in towards her, noticing how the letters from the computer screen reflect in her eyes before she closes them. A dry kiss, and then a not-so-dry one, and then her tongue is in your mouth. You slide your hand down the back of her shaved head and onto her studded collar as she slides her hand up your leg. You grip her collar and gasp as she slides her hand across your crotch and down the other leg.\n\nShe smiles at you and bites her lip. \"Wanna?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "She shrugs. \"Yeah, me neither,\" she says, sitting at the computer.\n\nShe turns back to the screen and starts looking through the school records. \"Oh, man, there's some good stuff here... teacher's salaries... wow, the entire annual budget?\"\n\nShe pulls a small skull-festooned notebook out of her jacket pocket and starts writing things down. \"Fuck, I can barely see...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na paperback\na dance ticket\nsome Doc Martens boots (being worn)\na zine\nyour middle finger",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nKym's face is an unearthly green as she tries password after password.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "You nod, not sure exactly what she has planned but not really fussy, either. She moves the chairs enough so she can lie down behind the secretary's desk. Her face is suddenly serious, and young, and then she pulls up her skirt. You take off your pants, thanking god that the dark hid the baby blue of your underwear, and lie down beside her.\n\nWhen you're fucking, you think about how you can hear the music from downstairs, that you're a few inches away from Pannus' office, that it feels really different than jacking off, that neither of you have moaned in a few minutes.\n\nSo you pull out and yank your pants up over your still-hard cock. She gets her panties from under one of the desks and dresses. \"Thanks,\" you say, aware of the sub-porn quality of what just happened, but not wanting her to feel bad.\n\nShe shrugs, and moves the chair back to the computer. \"I don't know what the big fuss is about,\" she says, sitting down.\n\nShe turns back to the screen and starts looking through the school records. \"Oh, man, there's some good stuff here... teacher's salaries... wow, the entire annual budget?\"\n\nShe pulls a small skull-festooned notebook out of her jacket pocket and starts writing things down. \"Fuck, I can barely see...\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "The office is quiet and orderly, with a large counter separating the office proper from the visitors. Two doors against the far wall are, according to the signs, the lairs of Brother Matthews and Mr. Pannus, and sandwiched between them is a massive painting of Pope Innocent III.\n\nKym's trying to jot down all the juicy information, but there's too much of it.\n\nThe half-power night florescents gives your surroundings an eerie cast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the counter",
"response": "It's a counter that separates the wheat from the chaff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the computer",
"response": "The computer is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the locker",
"response": "You've got a bunch of textbooks stacked on one shelf and nothing else. You've been meaning to bring some posters (at least to put up over that KISS scratched in the paint and the 680 CFTR sticker) but you keep forgetting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the locker",
"response": "In your locker are some textbooks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the textbooks",
"response": "There's your science textbook, an English reader, and a French textbook. None of which you want to even look at after class, thanks very much.\n\nWedged behind them is a 5.25\" floppy disk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the disk to Kym",
"response": "\"Rad!\" Kym says. \"Put it in the computer!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the disk in computer",
"response": "[You got 15 punk points for that.]\n\n\"Brilliant!\" she exclaims, stuffing her notebook away and closing the disk drive. \"This is gonna be the best Virus ever!\"\n\nYou try to remember why that sounds familiar, and then pull out your well-worn copy of the zine. \"You did this?\"\n\nShe looks at it, obviously pleased that you have it. \"Yup. Well, me and my friend Leo -- I do most of the work, though.\"\n\nShe stares at the screen. \"I wonder how people are going to feel about the fact that the combined budgets of the art and the music departments are one third of the rugby team's?\" She taps some keys and the disk drive grinds and glows red.",
"endoftext": true
] | 4qzzgru2dttas1t7 |
The Mind Electric | Jason Dyer | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
"built-in hints",
"IF Competition 1995",
"IFComp Game",
"Included on Activison Masterpieces CD",
"virtual world",
] | 1,995 | [
] | 10 | 2.9 | 20090302 | false | Set in an unusual cyber/virtual reality background, you play a disembodied consciousness trapped in an electron prison of the mind. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The Kaden finally realized you were spying and locked your mind essence\nin a digital cell. Normally the Kaden would already be at work\nanalyzing your mind to run the loyalty transfer program, but you\nhaven't felt anything at all in the last five hours. The delay is\nunnerving, since the mind can survive in virtual space for a limited\namount of time before it destroys itself. Your companions, the Souden,\nshould be close to beginning the assault now, although since they know\nnothing of your predicament survival is still doubtful.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe design of virtual space can be almost anything, but in this case\nthe room is merely a small cube surrounded by an electric fence, with\nlines of blue against black crossing the floor and ceiling. A large\nsquare door is inset into the floor, slightly off the center, sending\nthe design of the entire room into asymmetrical confusion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Rendered light green, and very tightly shut. It resembles the type that\nopens with some sort of password, although going through the entire\ndictionary to open it would take an inordinate amount of time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying nothing.\n\nOut of the corner of your eye you see a piece of paper suddenly appear\non the ground. Very odd. Any anomalous material in a containment grid\nshould immediately set off an alarm, but there is no sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the paper",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It has the word \"ivory\" imprinted on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the ivory",
"response": "The door begins sliding open, but stops halfway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Rendered light green, and halfway open. It resembles the type that\nopens with some sort of password, although going through the entire\ndictionary to open it would take an inordinate amount of time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the door",
"response": "You are contained.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Info",
"response": "The Mind Electric is copyright 1995 Jason Dyer. It is free, no warranty\nprovided. Please distribute. No money may be charged for this work,\nunless it is part of a larger compilation. At the time of this writing\n(August 1995) the author can be contacted at [email protected].\n\nA full hint system is available with 'help' or 'hint'. To turn it off\nto avoid temptation, type 'unhint', but be warned, it cannot be turned\nback on again afterwards. Also, if your computer cannot handle the\nvarious quotes and the hint menu, type 'plain' to enter plain text\nmode, and 'pretty' to turn regular mode back on.\n\nSpecial thanks go to Richard Barnett, Jim Newland, and Gareth Rees for programming help, as well as Michael Kinyon, Bernd Schmidt, and Aileen\nDyer for playtesting. Also, thanks to Catherine Mori and Earl Dille for\nhelp with the Latin text.\n\ndescription to some of the objects to make the puzzles easier.\n\nFor the curious, works of literature and culture\nindirectly/symbolically used in the game are: Mourning Becomes Electra,\nBilly Budd, Snow Crash, The Neverending Story, Anti-Ice, The Legend\nLives!, Burning Chrome, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Earth 2, and the old\narcade game Tempest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fence",
"response": "Simulated of both metal and electricity, it somewhat resembles a row of\nJacob's Ladders placed side by side intertwined with strips of bronzed\nmetal, but the virtual image flickers so rapidly it is hard to tell.\nBeyond it is nothing but black.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the paper",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It has the word \"flood\" imprinted on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the flood",
"response": "The door slides open the rest of the way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The design of virtual space can be almost anything, but in this case\nthe room is merely a small cube surrounded by an electric fence, with\nlines of blue against black crossing the floor and ceiling. A large\nsquare door is inset into the floor, slightly off the center, sending\nthe design of the entire room into asymmetrical confusion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a granite rock here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rock",
"response": "A rock far too much in the shape of a cube to be natural, if it was\nreal at all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "The rock emits a loud warbling noise and vanishes. In its place appears\na red cube, rotating slowly clockwise, with a humanlike face on each\nside so no matter where you are standing a face can be seen.\n\nThe expressions of the faces change together, like they are connected\nby a giant string; the mouths are moving rapidly, as if speaking, but\nthey make no sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cube",
"response": "A floating red cube, slowly rotating clockwise. Molded into each side,\nlike a child's lump of clay, is a humanlike face, complete with facial expressions and moving lips. It looks like it is trying to say\nsomething, but the words don't come out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hi",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the cube",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the cube",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.\n\nYour body seems to be getting less stable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss cube",
"response": "The cube looks very confused.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spider",
"response": "A spider constructed of chrome and glass, with long legs that are\nmulti-jointed. It is carrying a doll.\n\n\"Scan in process for sector 482.\"\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine doll",
"response": "A ragged yet cheerful looking doll, with a dark face.\n\n\"Scan in process for sector 482.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the spider",
"response": "The spider backs away from you.\n\n\"WARNING: INTRUDER ALERT, ACTIVATING SENTAC PULSE.\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the doll",
"response": "The spider won't let you near it.\n\n\"WARNING: INTRUDER ALERT, ACTIVATING SENTAC PULSE.\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.\n\n\"WARNING: INTRUDER ALERT, ACTIVATING SENTAC PULSE.\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\n\n\"WARNING: INTRUDER ALERT, ACTIVATING SENTAC PULSE.\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lines",
"response": "They glow with electrical intensity. You surmise the only purpose of\nthem is to add shape to the mostly black room, keeping those contained\nwithin the grid from going insane. It still happens occasionally,\nthough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the ivory",
"response": "The door begins sliding open, but stops halfway.\n\nOut of the corner of your eye you see a piece of paper suddenly appear\non the ground. Very odd. Any anomalous material in a containment grid\nshould immediately set off an alarm, but there is no sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the flood",
"response": "The door slides open the rest of the way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the paper",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a granite rock here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take rock",
"response": "The rock emits a loud warbling noise and vanishes. In its place appears\na red cube, rotating slowly clockwise, with a humanlike face on each\nside so no matter where you are standing a face can be seen.\n\nThe expressions of the faces change together, like they are connected\nby a giant string; the mouths are moving rapidly, as if speaking, but\nthey make no sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the loop",
"response": "As you reach out to take the loop, you feel your body solidify and\nbecome much more stable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na piece of paper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the spider",
"response": "The spider backs away from you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your \"body\" is a crude model, textured with some type of rock, almost\nas if you were a golem. Your virtual body's integrity appears to be\nnormal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear a constant electric hum in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the hum",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sparks",
"response": "They occasionally light up the crystals in brief bursts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crystals",
"response": "Very nice looking. It is hard to believe that they aren't real.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the crystal",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "The design of virtual space can be almost anything, but in this case\nthe room is merely a small cube surrounded by an electric fence, with\nlines of blue against black crossing the floor and ceiling. A large\nsquare door is inset into the floor, slightly off the center, sending\nthe design of the entire room into asymmetrical confusion.\n\n\"Scan in process for sector 482.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.\n\n\"Scan in process for sector 482.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Scan in process for sector 482.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Scan of sector 482 complete.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boxes",
"response": "Simple cardboard boxes, numbered and in order, from 0001-9999. They are\nvisual representations of storage locations of data. Even though they\nlook small, each box has the memory capacity of a large library.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box 480",
"response": "The box is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.\n\nAn intense burst of white noise disappears as quickly as it came.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spider",
"response": "A spider constructed of chrome and glass, with long legs that are\nmulti-jointed. It is carrying a doll.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sky",
"response": "A dazzling array of color and shape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine obelisks",
"response": "Imprinted in black, and reaching for the sky.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the doll",
"response": "\"Error, query not in programming.\"\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the portals",
"response": "They are to the north and south.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your \"body\" is a crude model, textured with some type of rock, almost\nas if you were a golem. Your virtual body's integrity appears to be\nnormal.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the paper to the cube",
"response": "The cube refuses your offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed cube",
"response": "(the piece of paper)\nThe cube refuses your offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the cube",
"response": "You hear a constant electric hum in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the cube",
"response": "The cube looks offended, but unhurt.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at the cube",
"response": "A floating red cube, slowly rotating clockwise. Molded into each side,\nlike a child's lump of clay, is a humanlike face, complete with facial expressions and moving lips. It looks like it is trying to say\nsomething, but the words don't come out.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine portals",
"response": "They are rectangular, breaking the realistic illusion the room creates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the cube",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the cube",
"response": "You hear a constant electric hum in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You follow you",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search cube",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na piece of paper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.\n\nAn intense burst of white noise disappears as quickly as it came.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get loop",
"response": "Much too large to take.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the spider",
"response": "The spider backs away from you.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spider",
"response": "A spider constructed of chrome and glass, with long legs that are\nmulti-jointed. It is carrying a doll.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at loop",
"response": "\"Loop\" is a somewhat innacurate term, but it is the only word that\ncomes to mind when looking at this topological nightmare. Bands of dull\nand bright metal twist and bend around each other to form something\nlike a large circular cage. An almost magnetic force compels you\ntowards it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at doll",
"response": "A ragged yet cheerful looking doll, with a dark face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Enter",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the loop",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine boxes",
"response": "Simple cardboard boxes, numbered and in order, from 0001-9999. They are\nvisual representations of storage locations of data. Even though they\nlook small, each box has the memory capacity of a large library.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The only exits are to the east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Touch sparks",
"response": "That's just scenery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "The design of virtual space can be almost anything, but in this case\nthe room is merely a small cube surrounded by an electric fence, with\nlines of blue against black crossing the floor and ceiling. A large\nsquare door is inset into the floor, slightly off the center, sending\nthe design of the entire room into asymmetrical confusion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cube",
"response": "That is just the shape of the room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You descend",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box",
"response": "The cube looks confused.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about speech",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the obelisk",
"response": "Imprinted in black, and reaching for the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sky",
"response": "A dazzling array of color and shape.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sand",
"response": "Tightly packed and slightly reflective.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch spider",
"response": "A spider constructed of chrome and glass, with long legs that are\nmulti-jointed. It is carrying a doll.\n\nA sound like creaking floorboards can be heard from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "What do you want to dig?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the programming",
"response": "\"Error, query not in programming.\"\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dig the sand",
"response": "That's just scenery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the doll about the spider",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the boxes",
"response": "\"Error, query not in programming.\"\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the spider",
"response": "\"Error, query not in programming.\"\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear a constant electric hum in the distance.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch loop",
"response": "You feel your body solidify and become much more stable.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch loop",
"response": "You feel your body solidify and become much more stable.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your \"body\" is a crude model, textured with some type of rock, almost\nas if you were a golem. Your virtual body's integrity appears to be\nnormal.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch loop",
"response": "You feel your body solidify and become much more stable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your \"body\" is a crude model, textured with some type of rock, almost\nas if you were a golem. Your virtual body's integrity appears to be\nnormal.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na piece of paper\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the paper",
"response": "You feel nothing unexpected.\n\nAn intense burst of white noise disappears as quickly as it came.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boxes",
"response": "Simple cardboard boxes, numbered and in order, from 0001-9999. They are\nvisual representations of storage locations of data. Even though they\nlook small, each box has the memory capacity of a large library.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the hum",
"response": "The box is empty.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box 9999",
"response": "The box is empty.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the cube",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cube",
"response": "A floating red cube, slowly rotating clockwise. Molded into each side,\nlike a child's lump of clay, is a humanlike face, complete with facial expressions and moving lips. It looks like it is trying to say\nsomething, but the words don't come out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "A floating red cube, slowly rotating clockwise. Molded into each side,\nlike a child's lump of clay, is a humanlike face, complete with facial expressions and moving lips. It looks like it is trying to say\nsomething, but the words don't come out.\n\nWhat a good idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss cube",
"response": "The cube looks very confused.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the cube",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!\n\nA sound like creaking floorboards can be heard from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine doll",
"response": "A ragged yet cheerful looking doll, with a dark face.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine doll",
"response": "A dazzling array of color and shape.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.\n\nA ragged yet cheerful looking doll, with a dark face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "North",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the paper to the spider",
"response": "The spider is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doll",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn",
"response": "What do you want the spider to turn?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Syntax",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "List",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "\"Commands for your security level: none.\"\n\nAfter a short pause, the spider emits a few beeps and says, \"Processing\nnew special command.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "\"Commands for your security level: ERASE, STATUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Erase",
"response": "What do you want the spider to erase?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase you",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...complete, successful.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the loop",
"response": "\"Access denied.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "\"Commands for your security level: ERASE, STATUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Erase doll",
"response": "\"Access denied.\"\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Status spider",
"response": "\"Access denied.\"\n\n\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the paper",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...error, illegal object, warning system active,\nsentac pulse active...\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the loop",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the cube",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "\"Commands for your security level: ERASE, STATUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the cube",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase wall",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nWhich do you mean, the north wall, the south wall, the east wall, the\nwest wall, the northeast wall, the southeast wall, the northwest wall\nor the southwest wall?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase east wall",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\n\"Not understood.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Erase box 482",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the spider",
"response": "\"Access denied.\"\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the mental block",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show you the doll",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the error",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the access",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nYou are carrying:\na piece of paper\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hint",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\n> Escaping the containment grid\nGranite rock\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\n> Granite rock\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\n> Voiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game\n(Press ENTER to return to the main menu, or H for another hint.)\n\n(1/12) Look around. There may be an item somewhere that can help the\ncube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the boxes",
"response": "The cube moves its lips slightly but it seems unable to talk.\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the cube",
"response": "A floating red cube, slowly rotating clockwise. Molded into each side,\nlike a child's lump of clay, is a humanlike face, complete with facial expressions and moving lips. It looks like it is trying to say\nsomething, but the words don't come out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the cube",
"response": "That would be less than courteous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "box: All the boxes are bolted to the floor.\nboxes: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\n\nA sound like creaking floorboards can be heard from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the paper",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a piece of paper and a metal loop (on which is a spider)\nhere.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "metal loop: Much too large to take.\nportals: That's hardly portable.\nobelisks: That's hardly portable.\ndoll: The spider won't let you near it.\npiece of paper: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break loop",
"response": "Violence is impossible in that way while in virtualspace.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.\n\nAn intense burst of white noise disappears as quickly as it came.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\n\nYou can see a piece of paper here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the paper",
"response": "Taken.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 500",
"response": "The cube blinks its eyes once.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 250",
"response": "The cube blinks its eyes once.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 100",
"response": "The cube blinks its eyes twice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 9000",
"response": "The cube nods its head once.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 9999",
"response": "The cube frowns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 7001",
"response": "The cube nods its head twice, and blinks its eyes once.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 4071",
"response": "The cube smiles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box 4071",
"response": "You find a circuit board inside, and take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine circuit",
"response": "A flat piece of metal, with one side covered with a pattern of wires.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the circuit to the cube",
"response": "The circuit board vanishes as it gets near the cube.\n\nThe cube begins talking in a wavering tone. \"System has been activated,\nnow calibrating voice control.\"\n\nAfter a short pause, the cube begins speaking some words, with each\nword the inflection changing slightly: \"In nova fert animus mutatas\ndicere formas corpora di coeptis nam vos mutastis et illas adsirate\nmeis primaque ab origine mundi ad mea perpetuum deducite tempora\ncarmen.\"\n\nThe humanfaced cube pauses, and begins speaking again, this time in a\nvoice that is both masculine and feminine.\n\n\"Ah, that's much better now. My voice calibration that I had stored got\nerased somewhere along the line, but I'm back to normal now. How may I\nservice you?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You help you",
"response": "I only understood you as far as wanting to ask the rotating humanfaced\ncube about that.\n\n\"I'm not sure about that.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the sector",
"response": "\"I'm not sure about that.\"\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cube",
"response": "A floating red cube, slowly rotating clockwise. Molded into each side,\nlike a child's lump of clay, is a humanlike face, complete with facial expressions and moving lips. It smiles as it sees you watching it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the voice",
"response": "\"I'm not sure about that.\"\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the voice calibration",
"response": "I only understood you as far as wanting to ask the rotating humanfaced\ncube about that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the paper to the cube",
"response": "The cube refuses your offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the box 4071",
"response": "\"None of the rest of the boxes have anything useful in them, as far as\nI know.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It has the word \"lxprog\" imprinted on it.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the lxprog",
"response": "The cube gives a blank stare momentarily, and then says, \"Some type of\nprogram has been activated, it will take an unknown amount of time to\ncomplete.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the lxprog",
"response": "\"The program is already running.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine spider",
"response": "A spider constructed of chrome and glass, with long legs that are\nmulti-jointed. It is carrying a doll.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Status",
"response": "\"Status normal, all systems check clean.\"\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take doll",
"response": "The spider won't let you near it.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doll",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na piece of paper\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The cube looks concerned. \"The execution of lxprog has been halted.\nSomething is stopping the program from running.\"\n\neffect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the paper",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...error, illegal object, warning system active,\nsentac pulse active...\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the paper",
"response": "It feels more like a piece of plastic than a piece of paper because of\nits virtual nature. It is blank.\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the paper",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...error, illegal object, warning system active,\nsentac pulse active...\"\n\nThe world becomes liquid and void, without form...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The cube looks concerned. \"The execution of lxprog has been halted.\nSomething is stopping the program from running.\"\n\neffect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\nYou can faintly hear a beeping sound from somewhere in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can faintly hear a beeping sound from one of the boxes.\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the box 500",
"response": "You can faintly hear a beeping sound from one of the boxes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search boxes",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe cube looks concerned. \"The execution of lxprog has been halted.\nSomething is stopping the program from running.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the lxprog",
"response": "\"I already told you, the program has been halted, you need to locate\nwhatever is halting it and get rid of it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the boxes",
"response": "\"Except for the one that had the circuit board, I think they are all\nempty, although I may be wrong.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\nYou can faintly hear a beeping sound from somewhere in the room.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can faintly hear a beeping sound from one of the boxes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box 4071",
"response": "The box is empty.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cube about the beeping",
"response": "\"I'm not sure about that.\"\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "The cube gives a blank stare momentarily, and then says, \"Some type of\nprogram has been activated, it will take an unknown amount of time to\ncomplete.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can faintly hear a beeping sound from one of the boxes.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The cube looks concerned. \"The execution of lxprog has been halted.\nSomething is stopping the program from running.\"\n\neffect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\n\"Commands for your security level: ERASE, STATUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Erase box 1",
"response": "\"Error, not understood, command not in syntax list.\"\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.\n\nA sound like creaking floorboards can be heard from far above.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Status",
"response": "\"Status normal, all systems check clean.\"\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "\"Commands for your security level: ERASE, STATUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\n> Voiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\n> Circuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\n> Degenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\n> Scan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\n> Cube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\n> Halted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game\n(Press ENTER to return to the main menu, or H for another hint.)\n\n(1/8) The halting program is somewhere in your sector.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "\"I already told you, the program has been halted, you need to locate\nwhatever is halting it and get rid of it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nMany plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\nYou can faintly hear a beeping sound from somewhere in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "Nothing seems to happen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the boxes",
"response": "You can faintly hear a beeping sound from one of the boxes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nA sound like creaking floorboards can be heard from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the ceiling",
"response": "\"Not understood.\"\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "\"I'll try to restart, since you insist...still unable, and now the halt\nprogram has raised in intensity.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\nYou can distinctly hear a beeping sound from somewhere among the boxes.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can distinctly hear a beeping sound from box 4807.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box 4807",
"response": "You find a sphere inside, and take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the Sphere",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...complete, successful.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\n\nThe paper gives off a flash of light that lasts about five seconds.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "\"The program is already running.\"\n\nThe design of virtual space can be almost anything, but in this case\nthe room is merely a small cube surrounded by an electric fence, with\nlines of blue against black crossing the floor and ceiling. A large\nsquare door is inset into the floor, slightly off the center, sending\nthe design of the entire room into asymmetrical confusion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "\"I'll try to restart, since you insist...still unable, and now the halt\nprogram has raised in intensity.\"\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Many plain boxes with numbers printed on them fill this room. The\nceiling, floor, and walls are a simple dull gray. A low pitched whine\ncan be heard from somewhere high in the room. Black rectangles allow\nexit to the east and west.\nYou can distinctly hear a beeping sound from somewhere among the boxes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nFor half a second you hear a crackling noise.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the Sphere",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...complete, successful.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "\"Reactivating worked, the program is now running again.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the lxprog",
"response": "\"I already told you, the program has been halted, you need to locate\nwhatever is halting it and get rid of it.\"\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "\"I'll try to restart, since you insist...still unable, and now the halt\nprogram has raised in intensity.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the lxprog",
"response": "\"There's no point in trying to activate again, you have to get rid of\nwhatever is halting lxprog.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a piece of paper and a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.\n\nThe spider shifts to a slightly different position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "Rendered light green, and open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the paper",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Two portals, black voids\nin the landscape, are to the north and south.\n\nYou can see a metal loop (on which is a spider) here.\n\nThe paper gives off a brief flash of light.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.\n\nThe spider turns to face a different direction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the Sphere",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...complete, successful.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wwew",
"response": "Enter saved game to load: Restore failed.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score\nfor that game or QUIT?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\n> Halted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\n> Flashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game\n(Press ENTER to return to the main menu, or H for another hint.)\n\n(1/6) The paper is being located, which means that you are close to\nbeing located.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You put the paper on fence",
"response": "The paper is sucked into the fence structure and disappears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fence",
"response": "Simulated of both metal and electricity, it somewhat resembles a row of\nJacob's Ladders placed side by side intertwined with strips of bronzed\nmetal, but the virtual image flickers so rapidly it is hard to tell.\nBeyond it is nothing but black.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Status",
"response": "\"Status normal, all systems check clean, 52% of resources are being\nused.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Check",
"response": "What do you want the spider to check?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check you",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"\n\n\"Error, access denied.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The cube says, \"I have received a message of unknown origin. It reads: spidlower.\"\n\neffect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed in all the\nmain directions.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "\"The program is already running.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Cube about the spidlower",
"response": "\"I'm as confused on this one as you.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the spidlower",
"response": "Nothing seems to happen.\n\nSomething just made a sound like a mouse dying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in",
"response": "What do you want to get in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the loop",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\nA wave on unconsciousness overcomes you...",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "The only exits are to the north and south.\nA wave on unconsciousness overcomes you...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\n> Flashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\n> Sphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\n> Cube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\nFinishing the game\n(Press ENTER to return to the main menu, or H for another hint.)\n\n(1/4) It separates into spid lower.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe cube says, \"I have received a message of unknown origin. It says:\nspidlower.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doll",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the doll",
"response": "The spider won't let you near it.\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "\"Error, access denied.\"\n\nIn the distance you can hear the sound of metal shifting.\n\nThe spider idly plays with the doll it is carrying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You erase the spider",
"response": "\"Erase procedure begun...\"\n\nThe spider begins moving quickly in patterns, like a ballet dancer\nhanging over an electric web.\n\nThe metal loop and spider suddenly cease to exist. A large void forms\nin its place. The portals disappear as well. Black inky space begins to\nfill all corners of the room.\n\nThe spaces where the spider, loop, and portals were expand slightly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A flat plain of black sand sprouts dark obelisks reaching to the sky.\nThe sky itself is a mixture of stars, real and unreal--fractal images\nalong with glowing dots shine softly together. Large groups of black\nare slowly eating the room apart.\n\nBlack spots begin to dot the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The portal has ceased to exist.\n\nPatches of nothing begin to form in mid-air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The portal has ceased to exist.\n\nStars of black now mingle with stars of white in equal number.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe black walls of nonexistence close in on every side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying nothing.\n\nThe black walls of nonexistence close in on every side.\n\nYou hear a popping noise from far above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe view has become almost completely dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nNothingness is close to absorbing you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nThe Nothing consumes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.\n\nStars of black now mingle with stars of white in equal number.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.\n\nThe black walls of nonexistence close in on every side.\n\nAn intense burst of white noise disappears as quickly as it came.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear a constant electric hum in the distance.\n\nThe view has become almost completely dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nNothingness is close to absorbing you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\nThe Nothing consumes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lxprog",
"response": "Nothing seems to happen.\n\nBlack spots begin to dot the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the obelisk",
"response": "Imprinted in black, and reaching for the sky.\n\nPatches of nothing begin to form in mid-air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nStars of black now mingle with stars of white in equal number.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the obelisk",
"response": "The surface is sticky, allowing you to reach the apex.\n\nA flat plain of black sand lies below you, and starry fractal sky\nabove. The sky looks so realistic and close you feel you could almost\nreach out and touch it. Patches of black threaten you from every\ndirection.\n\nA loud warbling noise briefly echoes into the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the sky",
"response": "You raise your hand, and, as in a childhood fantasy, touch the sky. As\nyou do so, you are sucked into it...\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad, a blue pad and a storage bin (in\nwhich is a widget) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pad",
"response": "Which do you mean, the green pad or the blue pad?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Green",
"response": "A flat green pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the blue pad",
"response": "A flat blue pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bin",
"response": "That's not something you can open.\n\nGoing through the sky seems to have put a strain on your body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your \"body\" is a crude model, textured with some type of rock, almost\nas if you were a golem. Your virtual body has degenerated slightly.\n\nnoise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at widget",
"response": "A generic program without modelling is called a \"widget\". This one is\nincomplete, which is why it looks like a plain rectangular box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the duplicator",
"response": "environment. An object is placed on the green pad, the duplicator is\ntouched, and a duplicate of the object on the green pad appears on the\nblue pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the green",
"response": "You get onto the green pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press duplicator",
"response": "It is attached to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the duplicator",
"response": "You can't reach the duplicator from here.\n\nA giant chain shifts to a new position, making a sound like creaking\nfloorboards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You are on your own two feet again.\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad, a blue pad and a storage bin (in\nwhich is a widget) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from bin",
"response": "Removed.\n\nYou hear explosions coming from a disconnected universe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the green pad",
"response": "An invisible force repels you. The pad seems to have a pre-set limit of\none thing at a time.\n\nSpots and pieces of void are appearing on your virtual skin.\n\nStatic and white noise are briefly emitted from a television display.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the widget on the green pad",
"response": "You put the widget on the green pad.\n\nSpots and pieces of void are appearing on your virtual skin.\n\nnoise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop it",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nYou can faintly hear planes overhead. Apparently, the assault is\nunderway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter green pad",
"response": "You get onto the green pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You are on your own two feet again.\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a widget, a duplicator, a green pad, a blue pad and a\nstorage bin (which is empty) here.\n\nExposed wires in the wall spark, making a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get wires",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe sound of gunfire resonates from afar.\n\nThat's just scenery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the duplicator on the green pad",
"response": "something else.\n\nYour body has almost completely faded away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na widget",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the widge",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nThe room shakes, and the view is briefly distorted. The main power to\nthe computer system is failing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine widget",
"response": "A generic program without modelling is called a \"widget\". This one is\nincomplete, which is why it looks like a plain rectangular box.\n\nFragments of nothing crowd your vision, and the world fades away...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the obelisk",
"response": "The surface is sticky, allowing you to reach the apex.\n\nA flat plain of black sand lies below you, and starry fractal sky\nabove. The sky looks so realistic and close you feel you could almost\nreach out and touch it. Patches of black threaten you from every\ndirection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the sky",
"response": "You raise your hand, and, as in a childhood fantasy, touch the sky. As\nyou do so, you are sucked into it...\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad, a blue pad and a storage bin (in\nwhich is a widget) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from the bin",
"response": "It is attached to the floor.\n\nnoise.\n\nRemoved.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the widget on the blue pad",
"response": "You put the widget on the blue pad.\n\nGoing through the sky seems to have put a strain on your body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You are on your own two feet again.\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad, a blue pad (on which is a\nwidget) and a storage bin (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bin",
"response": "It is far too large to do that.\n\nA compressor raises and lowers its pump, making a sound like a mouse\ndying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the blue pad",
"response": "That would be an interesting trick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the blue",
"response": "You get onto the blue pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the duplicator",
"response": "You can't reach the duplicator from here.\n\nYou can faintly hear planes overhead. Apparently, the assault is\nunderway.\n\nA compressor raises and lowers its pump, making a sound like a mouse\ndying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the blue",
"response": "An invisible force repels you. The pad seems to have a pre-set limit of\none thing at a time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the widget on the blue",
"response": "You put the widget on the blue pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the bin",
"response": "You get into the storage bin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You are on your own two feet again.\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad (on which is a widget), a blue\npad and a storage bin (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the widget",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou hear explosions coming from a disconnected universe.\n\nabove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the widget at the duplicator",
"response": "Futile.\n\nSpots and pieces of void are appearing on your virtual skin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bin",
"response": "A large bin made of chrome and glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break bin",
"response": "Violence is impossible in that way while in virtualspace.\n\nYou can faintly hear planes overhead. Apparently, the assault is\nunderway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat widget",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the machines",
"response": "All different varieties, and of unknown purpose.\n\nStatic and white noise are briefly emitted from a television display.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the floor",
"response": "You see nothing special about the floor.\n\nThe sound of gunfire resonates from afar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine platforms",
"response": "They are hanging in midair without support.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the widget on the blue",
"response": "You put the widget on the blue pad.\n\nYour body has almost completely faded away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the green",
"response": "You get onto the green pad.\n\nFragments of nothing crowd your vision, and the world fades away...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Full",
"response": "You have so far scored 39 out of a possible 40, in 339 turns.\n\nThe score is made up as follows:\n\n1 activating the cube\n5 restoring the cube's voice\n3 evading the scan\n3 activating lxprog\n2 restoring your body integrity\n3 destroying the paper\n4 finding the halting program\n2 reactivating lxprog\n4 destroying the maintenance system\n4 escaping the void\n5 making a duplicate of yourself\n\n39 total (out of 40)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You are on your own two feet again.\n\nHigh above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad, a blue pad and a storage bin (in\nwhich is a widget) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your \"body\" is a crude model, textured with some type of rock, almost\nas if you were a golem. Your virtual body's integrity appears to be\nnormal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the widget",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou hear explosions coming from a disconnected universe.\n\nnoise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the widget on the blue",
"response": "You put the widget on the blue pad.\n\nabove.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "High above you on various platforms, machines clatter and clang,\nshifting connected parts in constant motion, like the inner workings of\na giant mechanical beast. The walls and floor are textured with ridged\nmetal; the ceiling is a dull gray. There is no exit.\n\nYou can see a duplicator, a green pad (on which is a widget), a blue\npad and a storage bin (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou can faintly hear planes overhead. Apparently, the assault is\nunderway.\n\nExposed wires in the wall spark, making a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe sound of gunfire resonates from afar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nExposed wires in the wall spark, making a crackling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe room shakes, and the view is briefly distorted. The main power to\nthe computer system is failing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nA portal forms itself in the middle of the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nStatic and white noise are briefly emitted from a television display.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "effect. Crystals protrude from the wall at odd angles. Sparks of\nelectricity are passed back and forth. The entire room vibrates and\nhums like a large electric generator. Portals are placed to the north\nand south as well as the ceiling and floor.\n\nYou can see a rotating humanfaced cube here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Full",
"response": "In that game you scored 40 out of a possible 40, in 365 turns, earning\nyou the rank of Liberated.\n\nThe score was made up as follows:\n\n1 activating the cube\n5 restoring the cube's voice\n3 evading the scan\n3 activating lxprog\n2 restoring your body integrity\n3 destroying the paper\n4 finding the halting program\n2 reactivating lxprog\n4 destroying the maintenance system\n4 escaping the void\n5 making a duplicate of yourself\n1 lxprog finishing\n\n40 total (out of 40)\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score\nfor that game or QUIT?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "P.",
"response": "N = next subject P =\nRETURN = read subject Q = re\nsume game\nThere is help on the following:\n\nVoiceless cube\nCircuit board\nDegenerating body\nScan of sector\nCube with voice\nHalted program\nFlashing paper\nSphere\nCube's message\nUnconsciousness\nFragments of void\nDegenerating body, 2nd time\n> Finishing the game\n(Press ENTER to return to the main menu, or H for another hint.)\n\n(1/2) Wait around and see what happens.",
"endoftext": true
] | del5wj27flagk67r |
Scary House Amulet! | Ricardo Dague | [
"Haunted House"
] | [
"IF Competition 2002",
"IFComp Game",
] | 2,002 | [
] | 10 | 2.9 | 20110504 | false | You have green hair! Your name is Britney!! Legend says there is a valuable, powerful Amulet in the house, which may be retrieved by anyone who is daring! Do you dare? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Courage and hate live in the mind Love and fear live in the heart.\n\n[Type HINT to get some hints.]\n\nScary House Amulet!!\nA tacky interactive icky haunted houseness.\n\nA black forbidding gate looms between yourself and the gravel drive going up to an old eerie house set on a hill to the north. Light from the full moon casts strange shadows behind you and the dark forest engulfing this area. The road you came from is west.\n\nLegend says there is a valuable, powerful Amulet in the house, which may be retrieved by anyone who is daring!\n\nDo you dare?\n\nThen pass through the gate, intrepid one!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You have green hair! Your name is Britney!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "Cluck cluck cluck! Chickenheart, the exit is west!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gate",
"response": "It stands closed before you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "You open the black gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "When you have gone through the gate, it slams shut behind you with a clang!\n\nThe drive here creeps between the sinister trees from the black gate south to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the trees",
"response": "The moonlight makes the trees cast jagged, twisted shadows on the ground!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the trees",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nA large shape blocks the light of the moon momentarily, making you shiver!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "An opening among the flora is southeast! It leads into an evil, scary, putrid dark stillness which makes the hair on your neck prickle! The drive goes west and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the house",
"response": "It hovers in the dim moonlight like a great evil monster!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You stand before the extremely terrifying house, trembling with fear! What waits within? Death? Something worse than death? You may go in to find out or return south to the drive!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You stand before the extremely terrifying house, trembling with fear! What waits within? Death? Something worse than death? You may go in to find out or return south to the drive!\n\nA large shape blocks the light of the moon momentarily, making you shiver!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the moon",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nA large shape blocks the light of the moon momentarily, making you shiver!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Black walls of the forest press all around! This gravelly path leads south and northeast.\n\nSomething creepy is to the northwest!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "Following that path you come to a pit, which you descend into...\n\nIn this shallow pit, lit by the full moon, there is a weird slime-ooze lying on the ground like thick green vomit! As you watch it, you see faint ripples and motions that make your skin crawl! The exit is southeast!\n\nA gold ring is at the center of the slime!\n\nA pile of human bones sits by the slime-ooze!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ring",
"response": "Ack! As you touch the slime-ooze there is a horrible burning in your skin! The stuff actually rises off the ground and engulfs you! You're pulled down into it and can't get out!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ring",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search bones",
"response": "Nervously you pick a little through the bones... and find a lamp!\n\nYou take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "Black walls of the forest press all around! This gravelly path leads south and northeast.\n\nSomething creepy is to the northwest!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "Following that path you come to a pit, which you descend into...\n\nIn this shallow pit, lit by the full moon, there is a weird slime-ooze lying on the ground like thick green vomit! As you watch it, you see faint ripples and motions that make your skin crawl! The exit is southeast!\n\nA gold ring is at the center of the slime!\n\nA pile of human bones sits by the slime-ooze!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn slime",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the slime",
"response": "You feel ill just observing this vile mass!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the slime",
"response": "(first taking the slime-ooze)\nAck! As you touch the slime-ooze there is a horrible burning in your skin! The stuff actually rises off the ground and engulfs you! You're pulled down into it and can't get out!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "You shrink back from it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the lamp",
"response": "There, it's glowing now! It still works!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the hole",
"response": "You find nothing... but evil!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You are too afraid of the evil within!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off lamp",
"response": "You nervously turn it off...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Black walls of the forest press all around! This gravelly path leads south and northeast.\n\nSomething creepy is to the northwest!\n\nA large shape blocks the light of the moon momentarily, making you shiver!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the lamp",
"response": "There, it's glowing now! It still works!\n\nA large shape blocks the light of the moon momentarily, making you shiver!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You stand before the extremely terrifying house, trembling with fear! What waits within? Death? Something worse than death? You may go in to find out or return south to the drive!\n\nA large shape blocks the light of the moon momentarily, making you shiver!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "In the House (1st floor)\nTerror is almost palpable in this hallway! Paint peeling off the walls curls toward you like tentacles and an old light fixture roosts in the ceiling! Floorboards creak ominously under your weight! A scary passage is north, and you can go up, down or exit south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the paint",
"response": "Looking at it you only want to run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "In the House (kitchen)\nA very old rusted stove stands here, but the only thing that will be cooked in this room again is... you! You'd better run south out now!\n\nAn animate skeleton is here, and I think it wants you for dinner!\n\nOn the rusted stove is a poison phial.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the phial",
"response": "The skeleton prances between you and the poison!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the skeleton",
"response": "You don't dare, with just your bare hands!\n\nThe vile skeleton inches toward you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the poison",
"response": "But it's poison!\n\nThe skeleton jumps! It's got you and tears you limb from limb!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine skeleton",
"response": "It's all bone! It's death!\n\nThe skeleton jumps! It's got you and tears you limb from limb!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "In the House (kitchen)\nA very old rusted stove stands here, but the only thing that will be cooked in this room again is... you! You'd better run south out now!\n\nAn animate skeleton is here, and I think it wants you for dinner!\n\nOn the rusted stove is a poison phial.\n\nThe skeleton jumps! It's got you and tears you limb from limb!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "In the House (basement)\nYou swim in fearsome dimness here! The exit is up!\n\nAn enormous spider lies in wait for you! Its giant legs scratch on the floor and glowing red eyes glare at you evilly!\n\nThe holy bible lies on the floor!\n\nYou can also see a plastic bottle (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bible",
"response": "The spider is between you and the bible! The creature says, \"Hey that's my bible!\" and adds, \"Spiders can be religious too, you know!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss spider",
"response": "\"Ha ha! You will die!\" it chortles!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the spider",
"response": "Your fists do no damage! The spider rather boredly twists your head off!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bottle",
"response": "The spider snarls, \"Ha! That won't re-energize you! It's empty!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na plastic bottle\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "In the House (1st floor)\nTerror is almost palpable in this hallway! Paint peeling off the walls curls toward you like tentacles and an old light fixture roosts in the ceiling! Floorboards creak ominously under your weight! A scary passage is north, and you can go up, down or exit south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "In the House (attic)\nSome boxes are strewn about the room facing you like weird grave stones! You can go down from here!\n\nA frightening ghost glows purpley here! It is the figure of a young bride, with a veil hanging over a bony face and clawlike arms sticking out of the sleeves! She beckons to you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bottle",
"response": "Gasp! It once contained some sort of energy drink, according to the label!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lamp",
"response": "An old lamp. It's glowing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss ghost",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ghost",
"response": "You are in awed horror of this apparition!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the ghost about yourself",
"response": "The ghost interrupts you!\n\nShe avers: \"Oh woe is me! I have been trapped in this cursed state for decades!\n\n\"When I was eighteen on my wedding night -- what I thought would be my most wonderful -- my new husband proved himself a villain! He slew me and stole my inheritance! My clay he buried beneath this building, never to be found again!\n\n\"If some person of noble spirit can bring me my wedding ring and the bible my mother gave me before I was tragically wed -- When those are recovered then can I be freed from this insipid state: having no place among the living and unable to go to my reward in heaven!!\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "In the House (basement)\nYou swim in fearsome dimness here! The exit is up!\n\nAn enormous spider lies in wait for you! Its giant legs scratch on the floor and glowing red eyes glare at you evilly!\n\nThe holy bible lies on the floor!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about bible",
"response": "\"I don't care what the ghost says: it's mine! Finders keepers!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the ghost",
"response": "\"What a stuck-up old bitty!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the slime",
"response": "\"Now that one keeps to itself.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the spider",
"response": "\"I like to think I'm a nice person.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the skeleton",
"response": "\"Hey, it's a professional. It's supposed to guard something and it just does.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the paint",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the paint",
"response": "(first taking the peeling paint)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You stand before the extremely terrifying house, trembling with fear! What waits within? Death? Something worse than death? You may go in to find out or return south to the drive!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Exits are southwest and southeast.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Paths lead southeast, east and northwest.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.\n\nA shiny sword lies in wait of a proud warrior here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take sword",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Full",
"response": "You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 8, in 98 turns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Exits are east, west and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "Paths lead northeast, west and northwest.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You stand before the extremely terrifying house, trembling with fear! What waits within? Death? Something worse than death? You may go in to find out or return south to the drive!\n\nArgh! A giant stone harpy swoops down on you! You can't dive out of the way!\n\nLarge talons sink into your shoulder and you're carried far away and dropped into a hole in the side of a mountain!!\n\nMoonlight from the hole you fell through illuminates a terrible cave! It seems to be a nest with bits of bone and straw littering the floor! Very dark passages twist out to the northwest and north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search bones",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the hatchling",
"response": "You hack at it with the sword, and it ducks!\n\n\"Garr!\" The creature dives at you and you beat it back with the sword!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nClaustrophobic passages wind east, south, southwest and northwest.\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nOppresive granite surfaces are on all sides! You can go to the east and southeast.\n\nA harpy egg sits on the floor unguarded.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the egg",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Claustrophobic passages wind east, south, southwest and northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Moonlight from the hole you fell through illuminates a terrible cave! It seems to be a nest with bits of bone and straw littering the floor! Very dark passages twist out to the northwest and north.\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.\n\n\"Garr!\" The creature dives at you and you beat it back with the sword!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nThe stone of the walls surround you! Exits lead northeast and southeast.\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nOppresive granite surfaces are on all sides! You can go to the east and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Twisty passages go southeast and west. You fear you are lost!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "The creepiness of these caves push down on you! Exits are west, northwest, north and southwest.\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nThis cave tunnel goes from northeast to east!\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nThe only exit goes to the west, though a thin fragile-looking column props up the cracked rock of the ceiling and seems to be protruding from a hole in the floor! Could the hole be a way out of these caves???",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This cave tunnel goes from northeast to east!\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You race through the passage, holding the hatchling at bay with the sword!\n\nThe only exit goes to the west, though a thin fragile-looking column props up the cracked rock of the ceiling and seems to be protruding from a hole in the floor! Could the hole be a way out of these caves???\n\nA gruesome hatchling flutters in shrieking! You'd better run!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb column",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\n\"Garr!\" The creature dives at you and you beat it back with the sword!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You don't know where it leads!\n\nYou can't go that way.\n\n\"Garr!\" The creature dives at you and you beat it back with the sword!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hole",
"response": "You can't reach through the column!\n\n\"Garr!\" The creature dives at you and you beat it back with the sword!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit column",
"response": "You strike the column with the sword *CLANG*, and a crack forms! You hit it again and again until it breaks!\n\nOh no the ceiling is falling! The exit is blocked off, and you have no choice but to dive down the hole where you land *SPLOOSH* in --\n\nThis water is flowing too fast! You'll be smashed against the walls and killed!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dive",
"response": "It's all you can do to keep your head above the water!\n\nNothing can save you now, you think, as the river flow pulls you away!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "It's all you can do to keep your head above the water!\n\nYou struggle, barely keeping your head up!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na harpy egg\na shiny sword\na plastic bottle\na lamp (providing light)\n\nMy goodness! A vine hangs down in the water ahead! You have to grab it now, to pull yourself out!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the vine",
"response": "You grab it and pull up! You've saved yourself!\n\nAfter taking a moment gasping for air, you climb the vine up through a hole...\n\nA frightening hole in the ground terminates the drive going north!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You are too afraid of the evil within!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the skeleton",
"response": "Blindingly fast, it dodges your sword blow!\n\nThe vile skeleton inches toward you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the skeleton",
"response": "Blindingly fast, it dodges your sword blow!\n\nThe skeleton jumps! It's got you and tears you limb from limb!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the egg",
"response": "You can feel something moving inside it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about the harpy",
"response": "\"Not too bright, in my opinion.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask spider about the egg",
"response": "The spider snorts. \"Pshaw. My eggs are grosser than harpy eggs.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "You hack at the spider!\n\nThe spider's blow contacts you mildly!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "Your sword nicks the creature!\n\nYou barely dodge the spider's blow!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "You hack at the spider!\n\nYou receive a hit from the spider!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "Whump! A solid blow!\n\nYou receive a hit from the spider!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "You miss badly!\n\nYou barely dodge the spider's blow!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "Whump! A solid blow!\n\nThe spider falls! It is dead!\n\nBut wait! Blood gushes like a terrible fountain out of the wound! Acidic blood! It burns your skin off and you die horribly!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break the egg",
"response": "It breaks open easily, but someTHING jumps out and onto your head, crushing it!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na harpy egg\na shiny sword\na plastic bottle\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bottle",
"response": "Gasp! It once contained some sort of energy drink, according to the label!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the egg",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the egg",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the egg to the skeleton",
"response": "It gnashes gruesome teeth at you! Chak chak chak!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the skeleton about the spider",
"response": "It gnashes gruesome teeth at you! Chak chak chak!\n\nThe vile skeleton inches toward you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Exits are southwest and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Paths lead southeast, east and northwest.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Exits are southwest, east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "Exits are east, west and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "Paths lead northeast, east and northwest.\n\nAnother tiny exit is north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The green flora turns soft here, with light swimming over it. The air is fresh and cinnamony. You breathe deeply, but know you must go back and recover the amulet...\n\nWest goes out of the forest and a passage is south.\n\nSome icky Pepsi is on the ground!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Pepsi",
"response": "Ew yuck! A can of Pepsi!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink pepsi",
"response": "Blech! Drinking that'll turn you inside out!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "The green flora turns soft here, with light swimming over it. The air is fresh and cinnamony. You breathe deeply, but know you must go back and recover the amulet...\n\nWest goes out of the forest and a passage is south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour Pepsi on the slime",
"response": "You pour the vile fluid on the slime! Then you hear a loud, horrible gurgling sound and ten thousand gallons of matter are hurled out at once, squishing you under the mass!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the egg in the slime",
"response": "Ack! As you touch the slime-ooze there is a horrible burning in your skin! The stuff actually rises off the ground and engulfs you! You're pulled down into it and can't get out!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw egg at the slime",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour Pepsi in the bottle",
"response": "How exciting! The bottle is now full of Pepsi!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Pepsi (in the plastic bottle)\na harpy egg\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour Pepsi on the floor",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour Pepsi on the slime",
"response": "You pour the vile fluid on the slime! Then you hear a loud, horrible gurgling sound and ten thousand gallons of matter are hurled out at once, squishing you under the mass!!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "The green flora turns soft here, with light swimming over it. The air is fresh and cinnamony. You breathe deeply, but know you must go back and recover the amulet...\n\nWest goes out of the forest and a passage is south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pick up a bone",
"response": "Following that path you come to a pit, which you descend into...\n\nIn this shallow pit, lit by the full moon, there is a weird slime-ooze lying on the ground like thick green vomit! As you watch it, you see faint ripples and motions that make your skin crawl! The exit is southeast!\n\nA gold ring is at the center of the slime!\n\nA pile of human bones sits by the slime-ooze!\nThat's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask slime about the bottle",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spider about Pepsi",
"response": "\"Gag! That's the kind of thing the ghost upstairs likes!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Pepsi (in a can)\na harpy egg\na shiny sword\na plastic bottle\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour Pepsi in the bottle",
"response": "How exciting! The bottle is now full of Pepsi!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "In the House (attic)\nSome boxes are strewn about the room facing you like weird grave stones! You can go down from here!\n\nA frightening ghost glows purpley here! It is the figure of a young bride, with a veil hanging over a bony face and clawlike arms sticking out of the sleeves! She beckons to you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give Pepsi to the ghost",
"response": "\"Now I can only dream of its taste!\" she says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Pepsi (in the plastic bottle)\na harpy egg\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the the ghost about the Amulet",
"response": "She avers: \"Oh woe is me! I have been trapped in this cursed state for decades!\n\n\"When I was eighteen on my wedding night -- what I thought would be my most wonderful -- my new husband proved himself a villain! He slew me and stole my inheritance! My clay he buried beneath this building, never to be found again!\n\n\"If some person of noble spirit can bring me my wedding ring and the bible my mother gave me before I was tragically wed -- When those are recovered then can I be freed from this insipid state: having no place among the living and unable to go to my reward in heaven!!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the ghost about the harpy",
"response": "\"Dumb and gross. I'm like ew!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the ghost about the spider",
"response": "She sniffs! \"I'd never share my Pepsi with him!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the ghost about the skeleton",
"response": "\"What a bore. Work work work!\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "In the House (attic)\nSome boxes are strewn about the room facing you like weird grave stones! You can go down from here!\n\nA frightening ghost glows purpley here! It is the figure of a young bride, with a veil hanging over a bony face and clawlike arms sticking out of the sleeves! She beckons to you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give Pepsi to the spider",
"response": "\"Har! You'll need that energy-drink more than I will!\" the spider says.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit spider",
"response": "The spider shudders under your powerful strike!\n\nPow! The spider beats at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "Whump! A solid blow!\n\nA vicious strike from the spider knocks you down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack spider",
"response": "The spider shudders under your powerful strike!\n\nWounded, it snatches the Pepsi from your hand and screams, \"You think you've won, huh? I'll just quaff this energy-drink and then you're dead meat, buster!\"\n\nYou cringe as it drinks the vile fluid! Suddenly it gasps, \"What have you done to me?!\" and starts hurling! After a while all of its guts are ejected from its mouth and it's dead!!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "In the House (basement)\nYou swim in fearsome dimness here! The exit is up!\n\nThe shell of the giant spider is here with its horrible innards strewn in front of it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shell",
"response": "Cool!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the shell",
"response": "Yuck!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give bible to the skeleton",
"response": "It gnashes gruesome teeth at you! Chak chak chak!\n\nThe skeleton jumps! It's got you and tears you limb from limb!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw egg at the skeleton",
"response": "You hurl the egg, and the skeleton can't get out of the way! As the egg cracks open against its skull, a harpy chick breaks out, immediately enfolding and crushing the skull!\n\nThe now headless skeleton flops on the floor, truly dead now and the chick dashes off out of the room!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "In the House (kitchen)\nA very old rusted stove stands here, but the only thing that will be cooked in this room again is... you! You'd better run south out now!\n\nThe dead skeleton -- the remains of the remains -- is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the skeleton",
"response": "You shudder at its sight!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at stove",
"response": "This dilapated device must be a hundred years old!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the poison on the slime",
"response": "You throw the poison bottle at the slime, and it erupts on contact! Nothing happens at first, but then there's a fearsome slurping-gagging sound! The slime becomes gray and totally still...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the ring to the ghost",
"response": "As you release the wedding ring it floats before the ghost! She says, \"Oh thank you! Bring the other please! The other!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give bible to the ghost",
"response": "\"Bless you friend!\" sings the ghost, \"With this holy bible I go to find my reward!\"\n\nAnd then she starts to rise and glows brighter! So bright you have to close your eyes! When you open them she is no more and you are carrying what must be the Amulet!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe Amulet\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Amulet",
"response": "It is a plain black disk, but you can feel something emanating from it! A great power!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear Amulet",
"response": "You are too frightened and awed to wear it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You can go east and southwest from here, and the looming house is north!\n\nCrack! A huge chasm spewing fire opens in the earth before you!\n\nA towering, horrible bat flies out of it, cackling, \"Hee hee! Satan has sent me for you, O Foolish One! I will carry you to Hell! Carry you there to be my plaything for eternity! You will make a fine addition to my collection of damned action figures! Hee hee!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bat",
"response": "Heaven help you! There is no defeating this awesome creature!\n\nThe bat shrieks, \"You must fear me! Fear me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show Amulet to the bat",
"response": "It just squeals merrily! Evilly!\n\nThe creature says, \"Ha! What a toy you will be!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the bat",
"response": "\"Your pitiful attack means nothing to me! Ha ha!\" it cries!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Oh no you don't! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub amulet",
"response": "You achieve nothing by this.\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear Amulet",
"response": "You are too frightened and awed to wear it!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give Amulet to the bat",
"response": "Nothing will placate me but your eternal soul as my play toy!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Amulet at the bat",
"response": "It just squeals merrily! Evilly!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fear bat",
"response": "You do fear the horrible bat!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe Amulet\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You can go east and southwest from here, and the looming house is north!\n\nThe horrible bat grins at you!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fear amulet",
"response": "You do fear the Amulet!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "In the House (basement)\nYou swim in fearsome dimness here! The exit is up!\n\nThe shell of the giant spider is here with its horrible innards strewn in front of it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe holy bible\na harpy egg\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ring",
"response": "It's a very old wedding ring. The inscription inside reads \"Love Unto Death\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "Following that path you come to a pit, which you descend into...\n\nAn inert gray goo is on the ground in this moonlit area. The exit is southeast!\n\nA pile of human bones sits by the goo!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wedding ring\nthe holy bible\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the goo",
"response": "Quite dreadful!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bones",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-east",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nYou can't get through the thick flora!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You stand before the extremely terrifying house, trembling with fear! What waits within? Death? Something worse than death? You may go in to find out or return south to the drive!\n\nYou can see the Amulet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chasm",
"response": "It leads down into hell!\n\nThe bat shrieks, \"You must fear me! Fear me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the chasm",
"response": "No! No!\n\nThe creature says, \"Ha! What a toy you will be!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Amulet in the chasm",
"response": "But you don't want to lose the Amulet!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump over the chasm",
"response": "You would achieve nothing by this.\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break amulet",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read bible to the bat",
"response": "(in the frightening ghost)\nYou discover nothing of interest in the frightening ghost.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give bible to the ghost",
"response": "\"Bless you friend!\" sings the ghost, \"With this holy bible I go to find my reward!\"\n\nAnd then she starts to rise and glows brighter! So bright you have to close your eyes! When you open them she is no more and you are carrying what must be the Amulet!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the disk",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Amulet",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "In the House (attic)\nSome boxes are strewn about the room facing you like weird grave stones! You can go down from here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the stove",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the skeleton",
"response": "You are far too repulsed to touch the thing!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Amulet",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nThe bat shrieks, \"You must fear me! Fear me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fear bat",
"response": "You do fear the horrible bat!\n\nThe bat shrieks, \"You must fear me! Fear me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fear bat",
"response": "You do fear the horrible bat!\n\nThe creature says, \"Ha! What a toy you will be!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch off the lamp",
"response": "You nervously turn it off...\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give bible to ghost",
"response": "As you release the holy bible it floats before the ghost! She says, \"Oh thank you! Bring the other please! The other!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the ring to the ghost",
"response": "\"Bless you friend!\" sings the ghost, \"With this wedding ring I go to find my reward!\"\n\nAnd then she starts to rise and glows brighter! So bright you have to close your eyes! When you open them she is no more and you are carrying what must be the Amulet!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fear bat",
"response": "You do fear the horrible bat!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The gate must be opened first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the trees",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed Amulet to the bat",
"response": "Nothing will placate me but your eternal soul as my play toy!\n\nThe bat shrieks, \"You must fear me! Fear me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear Amulet",
"response": "You are too frightened and awed to wear it!\n\nThe creature says, \"Ha! What a toy you will be!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break amulet",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na shiny sword\na lamp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Paths lead southeast, southwest, northwest and northeast.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Exits are southwest, east and west.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Paths lead northeast, east and northwest.\n\nAnother tiny exit is north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You can go northeast and west from here.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "Paths lead southeast, southwest, northwest and northeast.\n\nAnother opening is here possibly going out of the forest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave amulet",
"response": "Oh no! Nothing happens!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave amulet",
"response": "Oh no! Nothing happens!\n\nThe bat shrieks, \"You must fear me! Fear me!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bat amulet",
"response": "Nothing will placate me but your eternal soul as my play toy!\n\n\"Bah! I bore of this!\" the bat states! It plucks you up and carries you to down!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sword to the bat",
"response": "\"OOH! Something shiny!\" it squeaks! Snatching the sword, it dives back into the chasm, which closes up without a trace!\n\nYou can only stand there, trembling and bewildered...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "It opens easily!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A black forbidding gate looms between yourself and the gravel drive going up to an old eerie house set on a hill to the north. Light from the full moon casts strange shadows behind you and the dark forest engulfing this area. The road you came from is west.\n\nAs you pass out of the gate, it closes shut! You've retrieved the amulet!\n\nBut wait! It's glowing! Its shape is changing, becoming longer and thinner and curving into a C...\n\nSuddenly the object's glow parts from it, shooting with a flash toward the house and disappears! You are now just standing on an ordinary road at night before a tall gate.\n\nAnd in your inventory, you see... A HOOK!",
"endoftext": true
] | 2qoty4dvyj3dry8f |
Sins Against Mimesis | Adam Thornton | [
] | [
"built-in hints",
"I6 source available",
"IF Competition 1997",
"IFComp Game",
"Inform 6",
"Xyzzy Awards 1997"
] | 1,997 | [
] | 24 | 2.875 | 20100104 | false | Your lover Black left, and your days are full of loneliness. Your progress in finding him, however, is blocked by none other than the Devil himself; and to get rid of him, you must commit the seven deadly sins. And that is just the beginning... | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Pain. Unceasing pain. Ever since your lover Black left, something to do with a mysterious stranger and a time machine, your days have been a dull blur of gray loneliness. Perhaps you'd feel better if you got out and did something.\n\n\n\nThis is the living room of your rather squalid apartment. The huge compass rose on your floor reminds you that your bedroom is west, the front hall is north, the kitchen is east, and the bathroom is south.\n\nYour mimesis plant squats in its pot in a corner of the room, slowly photosynthesizing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plant",
"response": "This is a prizewinning specimen of the species Mimesis Variegans. It is dark green, with yellow stripes on its luxurious leaves. The mimesis plant thrives in low light and requires occasional watering. You've always preferred the variegated to the linear variety, yourself. This one is about ten inches high. The plant looks rather dry.\n\nYour heart swells with pride as you consider your beautiful houseplant.\n\nThere is a sharp crackling and a sudden smell of ozone, as something appears in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na diskette case\n\"Curses\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the compass",
"response": "This is a compass rose inlaid on your floor, constructed painstakingly from pine, mahogany, and oak. You don't quite remember why you put it in, but it had something to do with caving and survey shots.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the curses",
"response": "A floppy disk labelled \"Curses\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the disk",
"response": "(the diskette case)\nThat's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The salient feature, to borrow a technique from Detective, is the exit to the north. Sure, there's a sink, a tub, a toilet, and a medicine cabinet in here, but I promise you that you lose nothing by failing to examine them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cabinet",
"response": "Really, it's still just scenery.\n\nAuthor's Note: I'm certain I could make a bathtub you could bathe or shower in, with hot or cold water, a toilet that flushed and removed its contents, a medicine cabinet with a child-proof bottle within, and a fluffy towel on which to dry off. But I haven't, and frankly I don't care that much about implementing bodily functions or sanitation in the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at sink",
"response": "Really, it's still just scenery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Your mimesis plant squats in its pot in a corner of the room, slowly photosynthesizing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This is the living room of your rather squalid apartment. The huge compass rose on your floor reminds you that your bedroom is west, the front hall is north, the kitchen is east, and the bathroom is south.\n\nYour mimesis plant squats in its pot in a corner of the room, slowly photosynthesizing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This is your kitchen: walls papered in a yellow floral design, counter, cabinet, stove, table, chairs, fridge, microwave, and so on. The living room is west.\n\nOn the counter is a juice glass (which is empty).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the microwave",
"response": "Just your basic tiny microwave oven. It has a big red button labelled \"Zap\" on the front. It is currently closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the glass",
"response": "The juice glass is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the glass",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sink",
"response": "This is a standard issue kitchen sink. Rather than actually implementing a faucet and two knobs, let's just say that you can fill containers from it when you want to. It is an unlimited source of the finest tap water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cabinet",
"response": "Merely a plain wooden cabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cabinet",
"response": "You open the kitchen cabinet, revealing a red cardboard box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the box",
"response": "Which do you mean, the red cardboard box or the diskette case?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Red",
"response": "This is a bright red box of \"Sugar Coated Corn Puffs,\" a terrifyingly unhealthy part of your complete breakfast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open red",
"response": "Which do you mean, the red button, the refrigerator or the red cardboard box?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the red cardboard",
"response": "You open the red cardboard box, revealing some cereal and a toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine toy",
"response": "This is an ugly blue plastic toy included as a prize in the box of cereal. It appears to have no use whatsoever, and indeed it is unclear what, exactly, it is meant to represent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the toy",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "You open the microwave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the toy in the microwave",
"response": "You put the toy into the microwave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cereal",
"response": "The Sugar Coated Corn Puffs are whitish-yellow, with a coating of sugar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the microwave",
"response": "You close the microwave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the microwave",
"response": "The microwave hums briefly, and the toy vanishes in a plume of greasy smoke. You can almost hear the microwave chuckle evilly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "You open the microwave, revealing a toy.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This is your kitchen: walls papered in a yellow floral design, counter, cabinet, stove, table, chairs, fridge, microwave, and so on. The living room is west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the toy",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fridge",
"response": "This is a gigantic old fridge, bright red, of the latching-handle variety. It is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "You open the refrigerator, revealing some Chinese food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the food",
"response": "Some of last night's take-out General Tso's chicken. It's spicy and encased in a cardboard box for your convenience. Cold and greasy, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the food in the microwave",
"response": "You put the Chinese food into the microwave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the microwave",
"response": "You close the microwave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the microwave",
"response": "Just your basic tiny microwave oven. It has a big red button labelled \"Zap\" on the front. It is currently closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "You open the microwave, revealing some Chinese food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smell the food",
"response": "Mmmm! Chili peppers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the food",
"response": "(first taking the Chinese food)\nWith your bare hands? You have better manners than that.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This is your kitchen: walls papered in a yellow floral design, counter, cabinet, stove, table, chairs, fridge, microwave, and so on. The living room is west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "This is a standard stained and scarred formica counter. It's white, where it isn't stained.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stove",
"response": "This is still just scenery. Bear with me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Chinese food\na toy\na red cardboard box (which is open)\nsome cereal\na juice glass\nsome cold water\na diskette case\n\"Curses\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cereal",
"response": "(first taking the cereal)\nMmmmm, tasty. Just like, in fact, you'd expect something called \"Sugar Coated Corn Puffs\" to taste.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome Chinese food\na toy\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass\nsome cold water\na diskette case\n\"Curses\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Water plant",
"response": "You carefully water the plant, wishing that you had someone to nurture you. Lucky plant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the case",
"response": "This looks very much like every other cheap open-topped plastic disposable diskette case you've ever seen, although the \"Made In Hell\" label is a little disturbing. It looks like it could hold about seven disks. It seems to contain \"Hollywood Hijinx\" and \"Curses\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat plant",
"response": "(first taking the variegated mimesis plant)\nYou greedily snatch at the mimesis.\n\nYou gluttonously take a bite out of one of the plant's leaves. It's really nasty. Ugh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food\na toy\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass\na diskette case\n\"Planetfall\"\n\"Zork I\"\n\"Hollywood Hijinx\"\n\"Curses\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Zork",
"response": "A floppy disk labelled \"Zork I\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the plant",
"response": "You angrily rip a leaf from the mimesis plant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Full",
"response": "You have so far scored 5 out of a possible 7, in 64 turns, earning you the rank of Malingerer.\n\nThe score is made up as follows:\n\n1 Gluttony\n1 Wrath\n1 Envy\n\n5 total (out of 7)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss plant",
"response": "You plant a kiss on the mimesis.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The bedroom is pretty grim these days. It's a beige rectangular prism with a bed in it. There are also the usual bedroomy things: dressers, a lamp, a nightstand, and so on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "No monsters, no trap doors, no dollar bills. Nothing but dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dresser",
"response": "Just the bric-a-brac of a standard adult bedroom. You don't want to think about it. If you think you do, go check out the bathroom or kitchen scenery instead.\n\nAuthor's Note: Sure, I could make a dresser and nightstand with opening drawers, a lamp you could turn on and off, a headboard you could tie things to, box springs for the bed, carpeting with repulsive items ground into it, and a sock drawer full of real live socks. But I won't. This is just scenery and it's going to stay that way.\n\n(Yes, just like the bathroom scenery.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lamp",
"response": "Just the bric-a-brac of a standard adult bedroom. You don't want to think about it. If you think you do, go check out the bathroom or kitchen scenery instead.\n\n(Yes, just like the bathroom scenery.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bed",
"response": "Your bed is a lovely four-poster king-size bed, made out of finely carved cherry wood. It's much too big for you alone, you can't help but realize.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "The bedroom is pretty grim these days. It's a beige rectangular prism with a bed in it. There are also the usual bedroomy things: dressers, a lamp, a nightstand, and so on.\n\nOn the bed is a variegated mimesis plant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\nOn the bed you can see a variegated mimesis plant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You toss and turn, but the bed is simply far too big to sleep in alone, and you sent Blamant the Teddy Bear out to be cleaned this morning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You clutch the mimesis plant to your chest, and fall into a troubled sleep, haunted with dreams of chessboards and featureless white cubes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get off the bed",
"response": "You get off the bed.\n\nThe bedroom is pretty grim these days. It's a beige rectangular prism with a bed in it. There are also the usual bedroomy things: dressers, a lamp, a nightstand, and so on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This is the living room of your rather squalid apartment. The huge compass rose on your floor reminds you that your bedroom is west, the front hall is north, the kitchen is east, and the bathroom is south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the front hall; a door north leads outside, and the living room is to the south.\n\nA devil, looking for all the world like a cross between the BSD Unix devil and Bill Gates, slouches insolently in the corner.\n\nThe door is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine devil",
"response": "He is a jolly, fat little devil, with thick glasses, a Moe haircut, short but sharp-looking horns, a long tail with a barb on the end, a pink T-shirt reading \"IETF 28 Terminal Room\", Birkenstocks (which look particularly silly on his hooves), too-tight cordouroy pants, and a pocket protector. His complexion manages, through the mysteries of the supernatural, to be simultaneously firebrick red and pasty white.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hi",
"response": "The devil glares at you and mumbles, \"Bletch foobar to you too!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss devil",
"response": "\"No, you nincompoop! <snort> I'm not the target of your sins!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask devil about the devil",
"response": "\"Bob's the name! Interactive fiction's the game! Well, actually, the meta-game, I guess, because 'the game' properly ought to refer to an actual title, such as Jigsaw or something. Say, <snort>, can I go out with your sister?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"You <snort> can't make me! I'm supernatural.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the devil about the plant",
"response": "\" A hardy houseplant. I never was much into <snort> botany myself. Now, the <giggle> subtle manipulations of Turbo Pascal...<snort>\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the food to the devil",
"response": "The demon stares at you as if you are mad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the devil about the sins against the Mimesis",
"response": "\"Sins, deadly. <snort> Pride, Avarice, Sloth <snort>, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and <giggle> Lust.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the devil about the adam",
"response": "\"NAK! NAK! Re-transmit! <snort>\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the devil about Hollywood Hijinx",
"response": "\"That's for me to know <snort> and you to play!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food\na toy\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass\na diskette case\n\"In The End\"\n\"The Incredibly Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane\"\n\"Beyond Zork\"\n\"Planetfall\"\n\"Zork I\"\n\"Hollywood Hijinx\"\n\"Curses\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Show case to devil",
"response": "The devil peers into the case. \"So, you think you're a sinner, huh? Well, let's far you have Sloth, Avarice, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, <giggle snort> Lust, and that's the complete set. Good job! Tell you what. Diskettes are so <snort> archaic. Let me...\" The devil takes your diskette case and squeezes it hard while chanting \"Fee, Fie, Foe, Foo!\" Squashing it into a CD, he hands it\nto you. Then he gestures with his finger, and the front door swings open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\n\"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\"\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food\na toy\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine cd",
"response": "A sparkling CD-ROM, with an attractive logo proclaiming it to be Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the devil about the CD",
"response": "\"That's for me to know <snort> and you to play!\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "This is the front hall; a door north leads outside, and the living room is to the south.\n\nA devil, looking for all the world like a cross between the BSD Unix devil and Bill Gates, slouches insolently in the corner.\n\nThrough the open doorway, you can see a swirling violet mist, rather unlike the busy, dirty, and noisy street onto which it used to open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mist",
"response": "This is probably what Hendrix was thinking of when he wrote his song. It is disturbingly opaque, and swirls around in an unsettling and faintly nauseating manner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask devil about the mist",
"response": "\"NAK! NAK! Re-transmit! <snort>\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open door",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the mist",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell mist",
"response": "Cardamom. Or is it coriander?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "As you step into the mist, everything becomes indistinct and hazy; you spin, receding ever-farther from consciousness. Everything goes black...\n\nOnce upon a time, this was a scrapple factory. The floor would have been covered in piles of barely-identifiable pig parts, awash in blood and industrial chemicals. However, those times are long gone. The conveyor belt that used to connect the Scrappelizer to the reduction vat has long since rusted into immobility. There are no doors or windows; light comes from a bare light bulb hanging in the immense empty space. The rusted Scrappelizer squats to the north, and the vat is south.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the innards of the Scrappelizer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Scrappelizer",
"response": "The Scrappelizer was a fairly simple machine. You dumped pigs--or whatnot--into the hopper at the top, and with a hideous squealing noise, a mass of bloody pig--or whatnot--parts would emerge on the conveyor belt, to be carried to the vat, where heat, chemicals, and time would conspire to produce Scrapple.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bulb",
"response": "The bare light bulb, favored by tinpot dictators and goonish interrogators everywhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter hole",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel here.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at kunkel",
"response": "The Kunkel is small and troll-like. It squats before its computer, twitching occasionally as the virtual reality mittens on its hands control some action in the game going on in the VR goggles plugged into its computer.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine computer",
"response": "This must be the Kunkel's computer. It's the very latest in ultra-whiz-bang mega-expensive technology. It seems to have VR goggles, a CD-ROM drive, and big speakers.\nThe computer is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drive",
"response": "You open the CD-ROM drive. The Kunkel's game must have come to a screeching halt, because it stops twitching, swears, and thumbs the drive door shut before you can react.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the goggles",
"response": "As you approach, you see that the Kunkel's face has actually grown into the goggles. Revolted, you retreat.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off computer",
"response": "By doing so, you are striking at the very reason for the Kunkel's existence. It is not pleased.\n\n\"Please excuse the crudity of what I'm about to do, you text-based Neanderthal, but my ancestors were AGT monsters.\"\n\nIts mouth opens to reveal teeth grotesquely out of proportion to the rest of its body, a fact you notice as those same teeth tear your flesh into tiny pieces.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Once upon a time, this was a scrapple factory. The floor would have been covered in piles of barely-identifiable pig parts, awash in blood and industrial chemicals. However, those times are long gone. The conveyor belt that used to connect the Scrappelizer to the reduction vat has long since rusted into immobility. There are no doors or windows; light comes from a bare light bulb hanging in the immense empty space. The rusted Scrappelizer squats to the north, and the vat is south.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the innards of the Scrappelizer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the CD to kunkel",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are inside the rendering vat of the abandoned scrapple factory. Even now it reeks of despair and waste-meat food products.\n\nGreat Scott! What can only be the rucksack of the Meldrews, fabled in song and story, lies here at the bottom of the rendering vat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rucksack",
"response": "You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "Actually, it's very tatty and greasy, saturated with long-rancid lard, stained with blood (or worse), and beginning to give at the seams. It is open and contains a tourist map of Paris and the Rod of Returning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the toy in the box",
"response": "Which do you mean, the Chinese food or the red cardboard box?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Red",
"response": "You put the toy into the red cardboard box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the map",
"response": "An exorbitantly expensive map of Paris circa 1993.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Rod",
"response": "One of the last remaining bits of Druidical Magic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Once upon a time, this was a scrapple factory. The floor would have been covered in piles of barely-identifiable pig parts, awash in blood and industrial chemicals. However, those times are long gone. The conveyor belt that used to connect the Scrappelizer to the reduction vat has long since rusted into immobility. There are no doors or windows; light comes from a bare light bulb hanging in the immense empty space. The rusted Scrappelizer squats to the north, and the vat is south.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the innards of the Scrappelizer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold Rod",
"response": "(putting the juice glass into the rucksack to make room)\n\nWith a 'pop' and a whiff of ozone, the devil appears. \"Look, I <snort> shouldn't be doing this, but if you're one of the last three people in <snort> the world who hasn't played Curses then maybe you need some instructions. To charge the rod, 'strike rod.' To use it 'point rod at <target>.' Got it?\"\n\nThere is another 'pop' and the devil is gone.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Strike rod",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Point rod at pc",
"response": "A flash of white light engulfs the computer, but nothing else happens.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the goggles",
"response": "It's hard to see the goggles clearly, since they're on the Kunkel's face, and consequently twitching and swerving around.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at the goggles",
"response": "You look ridiculous pointing the VR goggles at the VR goggles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe Rod of Returning\na rucksack (which is open)\na juice glass\na tourist map of Paris\n\"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\"\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food\na red cardboard box (which is open)\na toy",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at yourself",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\nA flash of white light engulfs you, but nothing else happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Strike rod",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point Rod at kunkel",
"response": "A flash of white light engulfs the Kunkel, but nothing else happens.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at Rod",
"response": "The rod is already charged.\nA flash of white light engulfs the Rod of Returning, but nothing else happens.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat rod",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the map",
"response": "An exorbitantly expensive map of Paris circa 1993.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the toy to kunkel",
"response": "(first taking the toy)\n(putting the red cardboard box into the rucksack to make room)\nThe Kunkel is far too engrossed in its multimedia extravaganza to notice you.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel here.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pc",
"response": "This must be the Kunkel's computer. It's the very latest in ultra-whiz-bang mega-expensive technology. It seems to have VR goggles, a CD-ROM drive, and big speakers.\nThe computer is currently switched on.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the pc",
"response": "By doing so, you are striking at the very reason for the Kunkel's existence. It is not pleased.\n\n\"Please excuse the crudity of what I'm about to do, you text-based Neanderthal, but my ancestors were AGT monsters.\"\n\nIts mouth opens to reveal teeth grotesquely out of proportion to the rest of its body, a fact you notice as those same teeth tear your flesh into tiny pieces.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hole",
"response": "You can also see the Kunkel here.\n\nOnce upon a time, this was a scrapple factory. The floor would have been covered in piles of barely-identifiable pig parts, awash in blood and industrial chemicals. However, those times are long gone. The conveyor belt that used to connect the Scrappelizer to the reduction vat has long since rusted into immobility. There are no doors or windows; light comes from a bare light bulb hanging in the immense empty space. The rusted Scrappelizer squats to the north, and the vat is south.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the innards of the Scrappelizer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are inside the rendering vat of the abandoned scrapple factory. Even now it reeks of despair and waste-meat food products.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the food",
"response": "With your bare hands? You have better manners than that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the belt",
"response": "The Scrappelizer was a fairly simple machine. You dumped pigs--or whatnot--into the hopper at the top, and with a hideous squealing noise, a mass of bloody pig--or whatnot--parts would emerge on the conveyor belt, to be carried to the vat, where heat, chemicals, and",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at the scrapplizer",
"response": "time would conspire to produce Scrapple.\n\nThe Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at Scrappelizer",
"response": "The rod is already charged.\nA flash of white light engulfs the Scrappelizer, but nothing else happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na toy\nthe Rod of Returning\na rucksack (which is open)\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass\na tourist map of Paris\n\"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\"\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the CD in the pc",
"response": "The computer is closed.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the computer",
"response": "You open the CD-ROM drive. The Kunkel's game must have come to a screeching halt, because it stops twitching, swears, and thumbs the drive door shut before you can react.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at CD",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\nA flash of white light engulfs \"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\", but nothing else happens.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at the plant",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\nA flash of white light engulfs the variegated mimesis plant, but nothing else happens.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at the toy",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.\nA flash of white light engulfs the toy, but nothing else happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plant",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\nA flash of white light engulfs the Kunkel, but nothing else happens.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.\n\nThis is a prizewinning specimen of the species Mimesis Variegans. It is dark green, with yellow stripes on its luxurious leaves. The mimesis plant thrives in low light and requires occasional watering. You've always preferred the variegated to the linear variety, yourself. This one is about ten inches high. A large bite has been taken out of one leaf. It appears well-loved. One of the leaves is ripped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at the cd drive",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\nI only understood you as far as wanting to point the Rod of Returning at \"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the plant at Kunkel",
"response": "The Kunkel somehow senses your impending attack. It rises and faces you.\n\n\"Please excuse the crudity of what I'm about to do, you text-based Neanderthal, but my ancestors were AGT monsters.\"\n\nIts mouth opens to reveal teeth grotesquely out of proportion to the rest of its body, a fact you notice as those same teeth tear your flesh into tiny pieces.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pc",
"response": "This must be the Kunkel's computer. It's the very latest in ultra-whiz-bang mega-expensive technology. It seems to have VR goggles, a CD-ROM drive, and big speakers.\nThe computer is currently switched on.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Full",
"response": "You have so far scored 8 out of a possible 10, in 209 turns, earning you the rank of Scrapple Warrior.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at speakers",
"response": "The score is made up as follows:\n\n1 Lust\n1 Gluttony\n1 Sloth\n1 Wrath\n1 Envy\n1 Getting the Rod of Returning\n\n8 total (out of 10)\n\nThis must be the Kunkel's computer. It's the very latest in ultra-whiz-bang mega-expensive technology. It seems to have VR goggles, a CD-ROM drive, and big speakers.\nThe computer is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get map",
"response": "(putting the Chinese food into the rucksack to make room)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Kunkel",
"response": "The Kunkel somehow senses your impending attack. It rises and faces you.\n\n\"Please excuse the crudity of what I'm about to do, you text-based Neanderthal, but my ancestors were AGT monsters.\"\n\nIts mouth opens to reveal teeth grotesquely out of proportion to the rest of its body, a fact you notice as those same teeth tear your flesh into tiny pieces.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the goggles",
"response": "As you approach, you see that the Kunkel's face has actually grown into the goggles. Revolted, you retreat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine drive",
"response": "This must be the Kunkel's computer. It's the very latest in ultra-whiz-bang mega-expensive technology. It seems to have VR goggles, a CD-ROM drive, and big speakers.\nThe computer is currently switched on.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the goggles",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the drive",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the goggles",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unplug the goggles",
"response": "You unplug the VR goggles.\nThe Kunkel sits stock-still, stunned by the loss of visual input.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the computer",
"response": "You open the computer, revealing a CD labelled \"Stiffy Makane, Space Marine\".\nThe Kunkel begins to fumble for the cord of its VR goggles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the CD in computer",
"response": "Which do you mean, a CD labelled \"Stiffy Makane, Space Marine\" or \"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\"?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Masterpieces",
"response": "There is no more room in the computer.\nThe Kunkel blunders around trying to reconnect the goggles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get stiffy",
"response": "(putting the variegated mimesis plant into the rucksack to make room) Taken.\nIt looks as if the Kunkel is about to succeed in plugging in the goggles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the Masterpieces in the computer",
"response": "You put \"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\" into the computer.\nThe Kunkel manages to plug the goggles back into the computer.\nThe Kunkel sighs and closes the CD-ROM drive.\nThe Kunkel, not suspecting your ruse, shrieks as wave after wave of pure text pummels its senses.\n\nWith a sickening 'schlupp' the VR goggles explode from the Kunkel's face as its head splits open and it keels over, dead.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel and a pair of VR goggles here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Kunkel",
"response": "The dead Kunkel lies on the ground, its head blown open and its eyes popped out, revealing the emptiness of its cranial cavity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at stiffy",
"response": "It's a garishly printed CD entitled Stiffy Makane, Space Marine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the goggles",
"response": "A pair of slightly charred VR goggles, currently plugged into the computer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the goggles",
"response": "(first taking the VR goggles)\n\nWow! Virtual reality really does work! With a sensation of great speed, you are transported to....\n\nIf nothing else, you have a good seat. The stage is only a few rows to the north. People are jammed on benches in every direction; you think the aisle is somewhere to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na CD labelled \"Stiffy Makane, Space Marine\"\na tourist map of Paris\na toy\nthe Rod of Returning\na rucksack (which is open)\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You are on a wide lawn just north of the entrance to the Robner estate. Directly north at the end of a pebbled path is the Robner house, flanked to the northeast and northwest by a vast expanse of well-kept lawn. Beyond the house can be seen the lakefront.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a featureless corridor similar to every other corridor on the ship. It curves away to starboard, and a gangway leads up. To port is the entrance to one of the ship's primary escape pods. The pod bulkhead is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A tide of perambulators surges north along the crowded Broad Walk. Shaded glades stretch away to the northeast, and a hint of color marks the western edge of the Flower Walk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point Rod at yourself",
"response": "A flash of white light engulfs you and you awaken on the hard metal floor of the Scrappelizer. The VR goggles lie next to you as you painfully regain your feet.\n\nHorrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see a pair of VR goggles and the Kunkel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drive",
"response": "You open the computer, revealing \"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the Masterpieces",
"response": "That's already open.\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close drive",
"response": "You close the computer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the goggles",
"response": "(first taking the VR goggles)\n\nWow! Virtual reality really does work! With a sensation of great speed, you are transported to....\n\nA dull metal corridor, lit by flickering lights. The corridor continues west and ends in a pink door to the northeast with a pink keyhole. Painted in drippy blood on the wall are the word Shangri-La and an arrow pointing west.\n\nThe pink door bars passage to the northeast.\n\nYou hear a sinister giggling from the west somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear nothing unexpected.\n\nA fearsome \"HONK, HONK!\" echoes from the western corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pink key\na big gun\n\"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\"\na tourist map of Paris\na toy\nthe Rod of Returning\na rucksack (which is open)\na variegated mimesis plant\nsome Chinese food\na red cardboard box (which is open but empty)\na juice glass\n\nLoud, sensual moans are coming from the west and approaching rapidly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gun",
"response": "BIG GUN KICK THE HELL OUTTA YOU!\n\n\"Pwoik, pwoik, pwoik\" resounds from the west, quite nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the key",
"response": "It is a pink cylindrical key, several inches long, and about an inch thick, with one rounded end.\n\nA girlish shriek comes from just down the corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You stumble down the corridor and into a large room.\n\nA patrol of maurauding ultravixens has entered the area. Your big gun is no match for their power. Swiftly they crush you to death between their thighs.\n\nPlease give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.\n\nA patrol of maurauding ultravixens has entered the area. Your big gun is no match for their power. Swiftly they crush you to death between their thighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the pink door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Key",
"response": "You insert the key into the keyhole. It throbs and vanishes. The door opens, like a flower blooming.\n\n\"Pwoik, pwoik, pwoik\" resounds from the west, quite nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Ganymede Base Room J-14-B-3.2\nThis is a tiny room full of evil-looking machines and flashing lights. The only exit is southwest.\n\nYou can see Black here.\n\nA girlish shriek comes from just down the corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at machines",
"response": "Yes, this is just scenery. Just like in Doom.\n\nJust outside the door, someone screams \"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhh!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Black",
"response": "As attractive as ever. Black appears to be unconscious and bolted into some sort of evil-looking machine.\n\n\"EEEEEK!\" comes from the southwest",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss black",
"response": "This is hardly the time for romance.\n\nYou hear a girlish voice reminiscing about the delights of \"Cabin Boy\", just to the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Strike rod",
"response": "The Rod of Returning charges up, drawing power from ley lines, or something like that.\n\nYou hear the squeaking of silicone-enhanced breasts rubbing together, coming your way!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point it at Black",
"response": "A flash of white light engulfs Black. There is a huge noise and white blots out your vision as the rod melts in your hands....\n\n....and, hours later, you awaken on the floor of the Scrappelizer, Black, crying, dabbing at your forehead with a cloth.\n\n\"I'm really sorry,\" are Black's first words. \"White was such a bore. Never let me do anything I wanted to, kept preventing me from wrecking history, always sketching animals in that dumb little book. So naturally I accepted a lift from the first cattle-mutilating ultravixen that came along, and you see where that got me. Thanks for rescuing me. The fate I would have suffered at the hands of those ultravixens...\"\n\nBlack (simply):\nAh, my love. Can you forgive me?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You:\nYour actual words have been censored, at the request of Andrew Plotkin, who feels like you should actually play his game So Far to find out what this response is. So go play it. When you get there, you'll understand.\n\nBlack begins to weep, then looks confused, then looks angry, then looks resigned, then looks inspired, then looks determined. \"I have no idea what you mean. I mean, you could mean that, no, you don't forgive me, and it doesn't matter what I did that needs forgiveness because it's far too late. Or maybe you mean that what I've done is irrelevant and thus you don't need to forgive me. Which strikes me as kind of arrogant, because I'd hardly call leaving you, attempting to destroy the multiverse, concealing both our genders through the course of a long and rocky relationship, and forgetting to water the plant irrelevant. Or maybe you...\" Black's head shakes from side to side. \"I dunno. But I do know one thing: you're stuck with me at least until we figure out how to get out of here.\"\n\nThen Black sees the houseplant: \"My goodness, what have you done to that poor mimesis plant?\"\n\nSo it's not perfect. But what is? And, all things considered, at the end of the day you really can't think of anyone with whom you'd rather be trapped in an abandoned scrapple factory.\n\n*** You have won ***\n\nIn that game you scored 10 out of a possible 10, in 250 turns, earning you the rank of Master Mimetic.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Yes",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.\n\nA patrol of maurauding ultravixens has entered the area. Your big gun is no match for their power. Swiftly they crush you to death between their thighs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "You:\nYour actual words have been censored, at the request of Andrew Plotkin, who feels like you should actually play his game So Far to find out what this response is. So go play it. When you get there, you'll understand.\n\nBlack smiles through the tears. \"That's really sweet of you, but you know you're full of it. There's a lot to forgive: leaving you, attempting to wreck the course of the Twentieth Century, forgetting to water the plant...\" Black bursts into tears again.\n\nThen Black sees the houseplant: \"My goodness, what have you done to that poor mimesis plant?\"\n\nSo it's not perfect. But what is? And, all things considered, at the end of the day you really can't think of anyone with whom you'd rather be trapped in an abandoned scrapple factory.\n\n*** You have won ***\n\nIn that game you scored 10 out of a possible 10, in 250 turns, earning you the rank of Master Mimetic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Maybe",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Maybe",
"response": "Black blinks. \"Oh. Yes. That's right. Now I remember why I left you in the first place. You're a wuss.\" Then Black picks up the Kunkel's corpse and beats you to death with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tame",
"response": "There is no tame mode in this game! How would we ever sell Fox the rights to it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Racy",
"response": "Racy mode on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lewd",
"response": "Lewd mode on. No age checks, no verification. Just raw, unadulterated lewdness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss plant",
"response": "There is a sharp crackling and a sudden smell of ozone, as something appears in your hand.\nYou plant a kiss on the mimesis. Your kiss deepens. Your embrace becomes hot and heavy and you surrender to the delights of floral sex. In the words of Stiffy Makane, Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhh!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fuck plant",
"response": "You plant a kiss on the mimesis. Your kiss deepens. Your embrace becomes hot and heavy and you surrender to the delights of floral sex. In the words of Stiffy Makane, Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhh!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the devil about Bob",
"response": "\"How did you know my <snort> name? Did you use DejaNews?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Your mimesis plant squats in its pot in a corner of the room, slowly photosynthesizing.\n\nThis is your kitchen: walls papered in a yellow floral design, counter, cabinet, stove, table, chairs, fridge, microwave, and so on. The living room is west.\n\nOn the counter is a juice glass (which is empty).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fork",
"response": "Your basic four-tined dinner fork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "This is a standard stained and scarred formica counter. It's white, where it isn't stained.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the sink",
"response": "In the kitchen sink is a fork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the button",
"response": "The microwave beeps petulantly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the button",
"response": "You close the microwave.\nOooh! Look at all the pretty, pretty sparks!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the microwave, revealing a fork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fork",
"response": "Your basic four-tined dinner fork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the food",
"response": "You open the refrigerator, revealing some Chinese food.\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the button",
"response": "There is no more room in the microwave.\nTaken.\nYou close the microwave.\nThe microwave hums briefly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat it with the fork",
"response": "You open the microwave.\nYou already have that.\nI only understood you as far as wanting to eat the Chinese food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the food in the microwave",
"response": "You put the Chinese food into the microwave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press button",
"response": "You close the microwave.\nThe tantalizing aroma of hot Chinese food assails your nostrils.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat it",
"response": "You open the microwave, revealing some Chinese food.\nTaken.\nIt's actually pretty tasty. So tasty, in fact, that you eat the carton too in your enthusiasm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fork\na diskette case\n\"The Incredibly Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This is your kitchen: walls papered in a yellow floral design, counter, cabinet, stove, table, chairs, fridge, microwave, and so on. The living room is west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss kunkel",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel here.\nUgh.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the rucksack",
"response": "(first taking the rucksack)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the sack",
"response": "\"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\": Done.\nvariegated mimesis plant: Done.\nChinese food: Done.\ntoy: Done.\nred cardboard box: Done.\njuice glass: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the rucksack",
"response": "(first taking the rucksack)\nThat's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell rucksack",
"response": "The sack smells revoltingly of pork byproducts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You taste it",
"response": "Something like pork rinds, only really disgusting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Horrifyingly, the interior of the Scrappelizer has been remodelled into a home, of sorts. It is, in fact, the lair of a Kunkel, complete with multimedia PC.\n\nA rectangular hole allows access to the factory.\n\nYou can also see the Kunkel here.\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell kunkel",
"response": "The Kunkel smells of sweat, adrenaline, and poor hygiene. Add that to the stench of the Scrappelizer...\n\nThe kunkel flinches and swears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Taste kunkel",
"response": "No.\n\nThe kunkel yelps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear goggles",
"response": "(first taking the VR goggles)\n\nWow! Virtual reality really does work! With a sensation of great speed, you are transported to....\n\nThe attics, full of low beams and awkward angles, begin here in a relatively tidy area which extends north, south and east. The wooden floorboards seem fairly sound, just as well considering how heavy all these teachests are. But the old wiring went years ago, and there's no electric light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the map",
"response": "The bedroom is a mess.\nIt is a small bedroom with a faded carpet and old wallpaper. There is a washbasin, a chair with a tatty dressing gown slung over it, and a window with the curtains drawn. Near the exit leading south is a phone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "A tide of perambulators surges north along the crowded Broad Walk. Shaded glades stretch away to the northeast, and a hint of color marks the western edge of the Flower Walk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "You stand at a point of decision on a road which makes a wide fork to the northeast and southeast, circling the base of the Lonely Mountain, which looms high overhead to the east. A very long and winding road starts here and stretches out of sight to the west through low, smoky hills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "The bedroom is a mess.\nIt is a small bedroom with a faded carpet and old wallpaper. There is a washbasin, a chair with a tatty dressing gown slung over it, and a window with the curtains drawn. Near the exit leading south is a phone.\n\nThis is a featureless corridor similar to every other corridor on the ship. It curves away to starboard, and a gangway leads up. To port is the entrance to one of the ship's primary escape pods. The pod bulkhead is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "An undistinguished bar, yet the social center of Upper Sandusky. The front door is almost lost amidst the hazy maze of neon that shrouds the grimy glass of the south wall. Doors marked \"Ladies\" and \"Gents\" lead, respectively, northeast and northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "The attics, full of low beams and awkward angles, begin here in a relatively tidy area which extends north, south and east. The wooden floorboards seem fairly sound, just as well considering how heavy all these teachests are. But the old wiring went years ago, and there's no electric light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the map",
"response": "Well now, you just did an end run around the whole idea of the Curse Of The Meldrews, didn't you? Your impulsive action has destroyed the entire fabric of the multiverse, and you along with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the Masterpieces",
"response": "You open the computer, revealing \"Sinful Delights and More: Masterpieces of Interactive Fiction, CD Edition\".\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear goggles",
"response": "You put a CD labelled \"Stiffy Makane, Space Marine\" into the computer. (first taking the VR goggles)\nYou put the goggles on, but they show nothing, so you remove them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the goggles",
"response": "You close the computer.\n\nWow! Virtual reality really does work! With a sensation of great speed, you are transported to....\n\nA dull metal corridor, lit by flickering lights. The corridor continues west and ends in a pink door to the northeast with a pink keyhole. Painted in drippy blood on the wall are the word Shangri-La and an arrow pointing west.\n\nThe pink door bars passage to the northeast.\n\nYou hear a sinister giggling from the west somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "You can't, since the pink door is in the way.\n\nA fearsome \"HONK, HONK!\" echoes from the western corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Key",
"response": "You insert the key into the keyhole. It throbs and vanishes. The door opens, like a flower blooming.\n\nLoud, sensual moans are coming from the west and approaching rapidly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Ganymede Base Room J-14-B-3.2\nThis is a tiny room full of evil-looking machines and flashing lights. The only exit is southwest.\n\nYou can see Black here.\n\n\"Pwoik, pwoik, pwoik\" resounds from the west, quite nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack black",
"response": "You beast! Fortunately, (at least for karmic justice) before you can attack, there comes a noise from the doorway.\n\nA patrol of maurauding ultravixens has entered the area. Your big gun is no match for their power. Swiftly they crush you to death between their thighs.",
"endoftext": true
] | n8c9whn8wjp1y422 |
A Castle of Thread | Marshal Tenner Winter | [
] | [
"IFComp 2017",
"IFComp Game",
] | 2,017 | [
] | 8 | 2.875 | 20171001 | false | Your family is known to be expert language keepers in your village. Your specialty is an ancient, dead language called Ixteesh. You never thought it would be useful for much of anything, but then you are summoned to the city many days away. Something has been found and someone who knows Ixteesh is needed. Now, you have been sent on this errand and you'll soon learn there is danger in this task. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "A century after The Cleansing Rains and a decade since the False Era ended and knowledge of the world returned to humanity, civilization reappears as independent city-states vie for power and territory. The old borders are no more and new kingdoms struggle to emerge and flourish. Weary of war, destruction, and corruption, many of these sovereignties, such as Slezamane and Badushizd, seek to avoid conflicts with neighbors and adopt isolationist or diplomatic policies. Some, however, like the Sovereign State of Caleah, maintain the ways of war and aggression.\n\nNative of the ancient village of Euyesus, which sat unseen from most of the wars of the world, hidden beyond Fellwater Fen, you were raised in an erudite family and trained as an interpreter. Beyond the Common Tongue, which gained prevalence as a trade language, you also speak and read the bygone dialect, Ixteesh. It is this talent that\nbrings you from Euyesus to Badushizd aboard one of your village's bilgescows; a swamp-treading barge used for the minimal trade that Euyesus does with a small handful of neighboring city-states.\n\nTravelling with you is an appointed minder, or what some call a bodyguard. He is a sweaty, foul-mouthed sot but he's a proven soldier and loyal to Euyesus and the errand at hand. His name is Venkath Mock.\n\nOn a generally northeastern route, the bilgescow trudged through many miles of waterlogged swamp toward the strange and prosperous city of Badushizd. You have just woken and dressed, and the barge will reach the city's harbor by midday.\n\nThis guest cabin barely gives one any real comfort, but on a no-frills boat such as this you're lucky to even have a room to yourself. There is no window as everything below deck is also below the bilge line.\nAs the barge moves through the muddy swamp waters, a constant and hypnotic slushing sound gives the cabin a strange, claustrophobic feel.\n\nA wooden plank bed hangs from one of the walls; no pillow or blanket is provided, of course. A heavy wooden chair sits before a plank shelf hanging from another wall; this one being a simple desk surface. The only door is starboard (or east, as the boat is currently aimed north).\n\nSomeone has slipped a note under your door.\n\nOn the wooden plank shelf is a glowstone lantern (providing light).\n\nYou can also see a leather haversack (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "mysterious note: You pick up the mysterious note from the ground. leather haversack: You pick up the leather haversack from the ground. glowstone lantern: You take the glowstone lantern from the wooden plank shelf.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are Polt Kober, a young man from the village of Euyesus. You are fifteen years old and small for your age. Like most of the young people in your village, you wear your hair long. Otherwise, you consider yourself unremarkable. Your only real talent is that you're fluent in Ixteesh, an ancient, dead language, along with the Common Tongue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "You are in danger. Check Rakton's cabin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the haversack",
"response": "This handy, leather satchel can be worn and used to carry many items.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lantern",
"response": "It's your basic traveling lantern, but instead of a flame within, its luminescence emits from a glowing, round stone, about the size of a fist, instead. Some glowstone lanterns can be closed to block the light. This isn't one of those, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the sack",
"response": "You put on the leather haversack.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This guest cabin barely gives one any real comfort, but on a no-frills boat such as this you're lucky to even have a room to yourself. There is no window as everything below deck is also below the bilge line.\nAs the barge moves through the muddy swamp waters, a constant and hypnotic slushing sound gives the cabin a strange, claustrophobic feel.\n\nA wooden plank bed hangs from one of the walls; no pillow or blanket is provided, of course. A heavy wooden chair sits before a plank shelf hanging from another wall; this one being a simple desk surface. The only door is starboard (or east, as the boat is currently aimed north).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the sack",
"response": "You open the leather haversack, revealing Elements of Ixteesh\nand Phandaal's letter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the letter",
"response": "Don't be a damn fool while you are away from the village.\nRemember, you are representing House Kober. Also, be sure to stay near Venkath Mock. He is there to protect you on this errand.\nAs for that, when you reach Badushizd, seek Deviah at the Vulgar Unicorn tavern. She is the go-between and will take you where you need to be.\nBe swift in this task and return home safe, son.\n-Headman Phandaal Kober",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\na mysterious note\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)\nan antecessor skean",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the scabbard",
"response": "It is made of black leather and has silver fittings. It can be worn from the belt or waist.\n\nIn the small black scabbard is an antecessor skean.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skean",
"response": "So named because it's been handed down in the Kober family for generations, this is a double-edged dagger with an ornate hilt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clothes",
"response": "They are well-worn, comfortable, and they offer you a modicum of protection from the elements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening guest door)\n\nThis is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is leaning against the ironwood table, killing time until the bilgescow reaches Badushizd\n\nRakton, the First Mate, is here.\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nWarpeye the cat scratches under his chin with his hind paw.\n\nRakton looks around absently.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) goes west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the note to mock",
"response": "Venkath Mock inspects the mysterious note. \"Well, we're not far from Badushizd. Stay close until we get there,\" He tells you.\n\nOstothas arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Rakton with skean",
"response": "(first taking the antecessor skean)\nThat wouldn't be too effective, you feel.\n\nOstothas exhales, letting his lips flap like a horse's.\n\nOstothas goes east.\nOstothas closes and locks mate's door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "(first opening mate's door)\nYou figure it might be best not to try to enter the First Mate's cabin when he's here in the room with you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the note to Rakton",
"response": "You are about to ask Rakton what he thought of the note you found, but you realize that since it mentions him as potentially dangerous, it might not be a good idea.\n\nApparently, Rakton is in a huff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Rakton",
"response": "You are already talking to Rakton.\n\nVenkath adjusts his scabbard and belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Rakton about Rakton.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Rakton about Rakton",
"response": "\"I've never seen you around in Euyesus.\" You speak to the First Mate. He looks your way for a moment but then basically ignores you.\n\nRakton noisily cracks his knuckles.\n\nVenkath stretches his arms, eager to get off this boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Rakton about the boat",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nRakton looks around absently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Rakton about yourself",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nRakton mumbles something about being excited to get to Badushizd.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You're standing on the deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is closed. Around the other parts of the deck, south, west, and southwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. A wide, short ramp leads down to belowdecks. It is stained from boot traffic and swamp water.\n\nThe bilgescow passes close to the black willow trees on the sides of the waterway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "(first opening Wheelhouse door)\n\nThis forward enclosure is the wheelhouse of the bilgescow. Glassless windows open the walls forward, port, and starboard and the door to the rest of the boat is stern (south). The eponymous wheel is one solid piece of red oak and is fixed in the center of the forward opening. A small closed hatch in the floor leads below deck.\n\nTauzius, the captain of The Rhinoceros, stands by the wheel, casually tending to it. He stares out at the waterways and swamp trees, only giving you a glance.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, a strange, swampy smell drifts in.\n\nTauzius scratches his beard thoughtfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "You smell nothing unexpected.\n\nTauzius watches you warily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wheel",
"response": "The ship's wheel is one solid piece of red oak and is fixed in the center of the forward opening.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the captain",
"response": "You are already talking to Tauzius.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, loud buzzing insects create a clamor.\n\nThe captain glances around the scenery outside the wheelhouse enclosure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Tauzius about Tauzius or the mysterious note.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, you spy a large snake slithering on the surface of the brackish water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the note",
"response": "\"Someone slid a note under my door some time before morning.\" You tell the Captain, \"It warns me about your first mate.\"\n\nCaptain Tauzius looks pensive for a moment. Finally, he says, \"Rakton signed on a few days ago. I haven't been totally sold on him, really. He's a bit too. . .distant for my liking.\" Tauzius looks out the glassless windows. \"I don't know who gave you that warning, shaver. You should avoid Rakton, I guess. And I will keep my eye on him.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "(first opening the small hatch)\n\nNot opulent but certainly a step-up from the cabin you were\ngiven, the captain's room is a large cabin situated below the ship's wheelhouse. In fact, a short spiral staircase leads up to it through a small hatch. The bed is a simple mattress within a heavy wooden frame. An actual ironwood roll-top desk sits against a wall. A heavy chair sits before it. Over the desk, a detailed map of the swamp waterways hangs. Finally, a wide trunk sits nearby and an exit is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter bed",
"response": "You get onto the ironwood bed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "The desk's dark wood is a bit incongruous to the rest of the damp but lighter colored wood of this ship. Currently, the desk's roll-top is shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the desk",
"response": "You open the roll-top desk, revealing a celestial slide rule.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "celestial slide rule: You take the celestial slide rule from the roll-top desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trunk",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Captain's Cabin (on the ironwood bed)\nNot opulent but certainly a step-up from the cabin you were\ngiven, the captain's room is a large cabin situated below the ship's wheelhouse. In fact, a short spiral staircase leads up to it through a small hatch. The bed is a simple mattress within a heavy wooden frame. An actual ironwood roll-top desk sits against a wall. A heavy chair sits before it. Over the desk, a detailed map of the swamp waterways hangs. Finally, a wide trunk sits nearby and an exit is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the map",
"response": "This map only details the swampy waterways that surround the village of Euyesus. Other villages dot the map but the only symbol for a city is in its upper right corner, where Badushizd is faintly tucked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rule",
"response": "It appears to be a tube, like a small scroll case, perhaps. The ends can be twisted and turned and along the length of the tube, mathematical equations to aid in navigation appear and change when you do so.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn rule",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "You would have to get off the ironwood bed first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get off",
"response": "You get off the ironwood bed.\n\nNot opulent but certainly a step-up from the cabin you were\ngiven, the captain's room is a large cabin situated below the ship's wheelhouse. In fact, a short spiral staircase leads up to it through a small hatch. The bed is a simple mattress within a heavy wooden frame. An actual ironwood roll-top desk sits against a wall. A heavy chair sits before it. Over the desk, a detailed map of the swamp waterways hangs. Finally, a wide trunk sits nearby and an exit is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening the captain's door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "This forward enclosure is the wheelhouse of the bilgescow. Glassless windows open the walls forward, port, and starboard and the door to the rest of the boat is stern (south). The eponymous wheel is one solid piece of red oak and is fixed in the center of the forward opening. A small open hatch in the floor leads below deck.\n\nTauzius, the captain of The Rhinoceros, stands by the wheel, casually tending to it. He stares out at the waterways and swamp trees, only giving you a glance.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, the black willow trees crowd the waterway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the rule to Captain",
"response": "You hand the strange device over to the Captain. In return, he takes a small jar out of his pocket and hands it to you.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, a strange, swampy smell drifts in.\n\nTauzius scratches his beard thoughtfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the jar",
"response": "This is a small jar made of strong glass.\n\nIn the small jar is some weird dirt.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, a couple of fishermen row past the bilgescow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Captain about the jar",
"response": "\"So. . .a small jar filled with some weird dirt is supposed to keep me safe in my travels?\" You ask, skeptical.\n\n\"Throw the dirt at your enemies.\" Tauzius explains, still casually handling the wheel, \"It will buy you some time.\"\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, the bilgescow travels past a lone fisherman in a small boat.\n\n\"So. . .a small jar filled with some weird dirt is supposed to keep me safe in my travels?\" You ask, skeptical.\n\n\"Throw the dirt at your enemies.\" Tauzius explains, still casually handling the wheel, \"It will buy you some time.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the jar",
"response": "You open the small jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell the dirt",
"response": "You smell nothing unexpected.\n\nTauzius steers the wheel starboard to a bit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the dirt at Captain",
"response": "(first taking the weird dirt)\nYou pour the weird dirt from the small jar into your hand.\n\nThat would just cause trouble right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the dirt",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, something splashes in the water beside the boat.\n\nThe captain steers the wheel to port a bit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You have nothing specific in mind to discuss with Tauzius right now.\n\nOutside of the wheelhouse, loud buzzing insects create a clamor.\n\nTauzius scratches his beard thoughtfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're standing on the deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, south, west, and southwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. A wide, short ramp leads down to belowdecks. It is stained from boot traffic and swamp water.\n\nThe bilgescow travels past a small, derelict shack on the edge of the waterway.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nRakton, the First Mate, is here.\n\nOne of the crew, Ostothas, is here.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is absently meandering about, waiting for this trip to be over\n\nRakton goes west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This guest cabin barely gives one any real comfort, but on a no-frills boat such as this you're lucky to even have a room to yourself. There is no window as everything below deck is also below the bilge line.\nAs the barge moves through the muddy swamp waters, a constant and hypnotic slushing sound gives the cabin a strange, claustrophobic feel.\n\nA wooden plank bed hangs from one of the walls; no pillow or blanket is provided, of course. A heavy wooden chair sits before a plank shelf hanging from another wall; this one being a simple desk surface. The only door is starboard (or east, as the boat is currently aimed north).\n\nRakton, the First Mate, is here.\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the dirt at Rakton",
"response": "That would just cause trouble right now.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) goes east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You aren't talking to anyone right now.\n\nRakton looks around absently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nOne of the crew, Ostothas, is here.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is leaning against the ironwood table, killing time until the bilgescow reaches Badushizd\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nOstothas sniffles.\n\nVenkath looks at your small black scabbard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "(first opening mate's door)\nIt seems to be locked.\n\nWarpeye the cat stares off into space.\n\nOstothas exhales, letting his lips flap like a horse's.\n\nVenkath paces the room, impatient for this trip to be over.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ostothas about the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, guest door, mate's door, the captain's door or Wheelhouse door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You aren't talking to anyone right now.\n\nOstothas watches you warily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ostothas",
"response": "You say hello to Ostothas.\n\nVenkath looks at your small black scabbard.\n\n(You could ask Ostothas about Ostothas or the mysterious note.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the cat",
"response": "You say hello to Warpeye (the cat).\n\nYou have nothing specific in mind to discuss with Warpeye (the cat) right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cat about the cat",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) goes up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the glowstone",
"response": "(the glowstone lantern)\nIt's your basic traveling lantern, but instead of a flame within, its luminescence emits from a glowing, round stone, about the size of a fist, instead. Some glowstone lanterns can be closed to block the light. This isn't one of those, though.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.\n\nVenkath looks around with a peeved expression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Venkath about the dirt",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nVenkath looks at your traveling clothes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off clothes",
"response": "It's best to not go around without your clothes on.\n\nVenkath looks around with a peeved expression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pack",
"response": "(the leather haversack)\nThis handy, leather satchel can be worn and used to carry many items.\n\nPhandaal's letter.\n\nOstothas sniffles.\n\nOstothas goes south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Venkath",
"response": "A tall man of grim countenance, Venkath Mock is one of the few soldiers of Euyesus. As such, he wears dark-stained, cloth armor with various small metal plates sewn into it for added protection; known as a jack-of-plate. On his back is a hooded cloak and on his belt is a sheathed sword. It's difficult to discern his age. Maybe he's three decades, maybe it's four.\n\nWarpeye the cat tilts his head as if hearing something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the dirt",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) goes south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Show dirt",
"response": "(to Venkath Mock)\n\"Thank you for showing me your weird dirt.\"\n\nVenkath stretches his arms, eager to get off this boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the sack to mock",
"response": "\"Wow.\"\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the south.\n\nOstothas arrives from the south.\n\nVenkath looks at your small black scabbard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Venkath Mock about Venkath Mock or the mysterious note; or tell Venkath Mock about yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Mock about yourself",
"response": "\"Hmm.\"\n\nWarpeye the cat sneezes a tiny cat-sneeze.\n\nOstothas examines the mate's door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Mock about yourself",
"response": "\"That plank bed was brutal.\" You venture, \"I would've gotten better rest sleeping on a giant crouton.\"\n\nVenkath stares at you for a long moment before resuming his vacant-eyed vigil.\n\nOstothas exhales, letting his lips flap like a horse's.\n\nVenkath adjusts his scabbard and belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show dirt to Ostothas",
"response": "\"Thank you for showing me your weird dirt.\"\n\nWarpeye the cat stares toward the south.\n\nOstothas goes south.\n\nVenkath stretches his arms, eager to get off this boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You're standing on the deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, south, west, and southwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. A wide, short ramp leads down to belowdecks. It is stained from boot traffic and swamp water.\n\nYou spy a large snake slithering on the surface of the brackish water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This part of the deck is the starboard cargo deck. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, north, west, and northwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. On the edge of the deck here, a stovepipe juts upward from the galley below.\n\nA flock of swamp birds fly low in the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pipe",
"response": "This is a wide stovepipe jutting up from the edge of the deck. It leads to the stove in the galley belowdecks.\n\nThe bilgescow passes close to the black willow trees on the sides of the waterway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the port cargo deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, north, northeast, and east, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cargo",
"response": "There are numerous cargo crates of various sizes on the deck of the bilgescow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This part of the deck is up by the wheelhouse and on the port side of the craft. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The deck continues east, southeast, and south, where various cargo crates are stacked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You're standing on the deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, south, west, and southwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. A wide, short ramp leads down to belowdecks. It is stained from boot traffic and swamp water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "That would take you over the edge and into the swamp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is absently meandering about, waiting for this trip to be over\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) goes west.\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are in the centerline passage running from the bow to the stern belowdecks. At this section, there are doors both port and starboard. Otherwise, you can head up or down the passage, from stem to stern. The air down here is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.\n\nOne of the crew, Ostothas, is here.\n\nOstothas examines the galley door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the galley",
"response": "(first opening galley door)\n\nThis small kitchenette is provided to prepare simple meals for the barge's crew. A small table is here; its top covered by a thick chopping block, marred from ages of use. A note of some sort is on it. A wide cupboard is fastened to one wall and a cast iron stove is against another. The stove's door is closed. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nYou can see Skayawa (the cat) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet cat",
"response": "Skayawa tilts her head and purrs as you stroke under her chin.\n\nSkayawa the cat sniffs around the cast iron stove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the stove",
"response": "(the cast iron stove)\nYou open the cast iron stove, revealing a pile of ashes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ashes",
"response": "You don't find anything in the ashes.\n\nSkayawa the cat scratches under her chin with her hind paw.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ashes",
"response": "This is a pile of fine, gray ashes; the remains of the previous night's fire within.\n\nSkayawa the cat stares at one of the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the note",
"response": "(the important note)\nYou take the important note from the chopping block.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read important",
"response": "Amalek,\nThe stove pipe is clogged again. Get to this asap.\n-Rakton",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cupboard",
"response": "This is a wide, wooden cabinet attached to one of the walls of this galley. Its purpose, obviously, is to hold the crew's rations. It is currently closed.\n\nSkayawa the cat stares at the cast iron stove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cupboard",
"response": "You open the wide cupboard, revealing a supply of food and a chunk of cheese.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "supply of food: None of that food belongs to you.\nchunk of cheese: (putting the mysterious note into the leather haversack to make room)\nYou take the chunk of cheese from the wide cupboard.\npile of ashes: You don't find anything in the ashes.\nlumpy glowstone: The wall sconce isn't open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the sconce",
"response": "It seems that the little door on the iron cage sconce is sealed shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cheese",
"response": "It's a moldy chunk of cheese. It doesn't look too appetizing to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the block",
"response": "This is a thick block of wood, completely covering the top of the small table. The block is marred and stained with ages of use.\n\nSkayawa the cat stares at the stovepipe.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This small kitchenette is provided to prepare simple meals for the barge's crew. A small table is here; its top covered by a thick chopping block, marred from ages of use. A wide cupboard is fastened to one wall and a cast iron stove is against another. The stove's door is open. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nYou can see Skayawa (the cat) here.\n\nSkayawa the cat tilts her head as if hearing something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are in the centerline passage running from the bow to the stern belowdecks. At this section, there are doors both port and starboard. Otherwise, you can head up or down the passage, from stem to stern. The air down here is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.\n\nOne of the crew, Ostothas, is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is the end of the centerline passage, at the stern of the barge. There are doors port, starboard, and astern (south) here. A faded wooden plaque with writing on it is fastened to the stern door. Otherwise, you can head back north toward the bow. Here, below the bilge line, the air is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "(first opening storage door)\n\nThis cabin is too small to be someone's quarters so instead it's used for random storage. Currently, only a large chest sits against a wall here. The only door is to the east (starboard).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open chest",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This cabin is barely bigger than a broom closet. A patchwork hammock fills most of the space, strung between two of the walls. An old pillow sits on the floor in a corner, obviously now a bed for the ship's cats. Nearby, a food bowl and a water dish are provided, again, for the cats. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nOn the patchwork hammock is Amalek.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the important note to Amalek",
"response": "\"Interesting.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boy",
"response": "Despite his title, he's actually a couple of years older than you, but still the crew's youngest. From what you've witnessed during the two days you've been on The Rhinoceros, Amalek is slow to actually get anything done and seems to shirk his duties expertly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Amalek about the pipe",
"response": "(the thick pipe)\nThere is no reply.\n\nAmalek squints and looks at his book closer as if trying to make something out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Skayawa",
"response": "\"Is Skayawa your cat?\" You ask Amalek. He turns a page of his book, still reading, as he answers.\n\n\"Well, he's the ship's cat, but I'm the one who cares for him, really.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show dirt to the boy",
"response": "\"Interesting.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "small leather book: That seems to belong to Amalek.\nsmall amount of water: You don't need to mess with the cats' water dish.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This cabin is barely bigger than a broom closet. A patchwork hammock fills most of the space, strung between two of the walls. An old pillow sits on the floor in a corner, obviously now a bed for the ship's cats. Nearby, a food bowl and a water dish are provided, again, for the cats. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nOn the patchwork hammock is Amalek.\n\nAmalek looks at you over his book to see what you're doing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hammock",
"response": "The cabin boy must've gotten creative trying to solve the lack of a decent bed on this boat. The hammock is made of dozens of different rags, cloths, blankets, and what-not, all stitched together to make a cozy-looking place to sleep.\n\nOn the patchwork hammock is Amalek.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pillow",
"response": "This is an old, beat-up pillow that the ship's cats use for a bed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening the stern door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are in the centerline passage running from the bow to the stern belowdecks. At this section, there are doors both port and starboard. Otherwise, you can head up or down the passage, from stem to stern. The air down here is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A disagreeable smell permeates this room. Hammocks and low-hanging ropes are haphazardly arranged for the crew's sleeping needs. Random bits of clothes and personal items are also strewn about. The only exit is a door to the east (starboard).\n\nDaxas is here, slowly sorting clothes and items, in a vain attempt at organization.\n\nDaxas finds something and puts it in his pocket. You weren't able to make out what it was.\n\nDaxas goes east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are in the centerline passage running from the bow to the stern belowdecks. At this section, there are doors both port and starboard. Otherwise, you can head up or down the passage, from stem to stern. The air down here is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.\n\nYou can see Daxas, one of the crewmates, here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Daxas",
"response": "You say hello to Daxas.\n\nDaxas mumbles something to himself.\n\n(You could ask Daxas about Daxas or the mysterious note.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nYou can see Daxas, one of the crewmates, here.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is leaning against the ironwood table, absent-mindedly staring down the centerline passage",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You're standing on the deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, south, west, and southwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. A wide, short ramp leads down to belowdecks. It is stained from boot traffic and swamp water.\n\nDaxas comes up from below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Daxas",
"response": "Daxas is maybe only five years your senior. He's a newer member of the crew of The Rhinoceros. He has a friendly enough face and he's large in both height and weight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This part of the deck is the starboard cargo deck. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, north, west, and northwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. On the edge of the deck here, a stovepipe juts upward from the galley below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean pipe",
"response": "You rub the stovepipe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine pipe",
"response": "This is a wide stovepipe jutting up from the edge of the deck. It leads to the stove in the galley belowdecks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na chunk of cheese\nan important note\nsome weird dirt\na small jar (open but empty)\nan antecessor skean\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the glowstone",
"response": "(the glowstone lantern)\nYou already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the ixteesh",
"response": "comprehension guide. You are fluent in the language, but this has been your trusty reference book for those rare times you need to double-check something. You've even made countless marginal notes in the tome, updating and expanding where necessary.\n\nA flock of swamp birds fly low in the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the lantern in the pipe",
"response": "You need to take better care of your light source than that.\n\nThe bilgescow passes close to the black willow trees on the sides of the waterway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the pipe",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave cheese",
"response": "You wave the chunk of cheese.\n\nLoud buzzing insects create a clamor around you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the pipe",
"response": "You give the stovepipe a solid kick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You're standing on the deck of The Rhinoceros. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, south, west, and southwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. A wide, short ramp leads down to belowdecks. It is stained from boot traffic and swamp water.\n\nA flock of swamp birds fly low in the sky.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is leaning against the ironwood table, killing time until the bilgescow reaches Badushizd",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are in the centerline passage running from the bow to the stern belowdecks. At this section, there are doors both port and starboard. Otherwise, you can head up or down the passage, from stem to stern. The air down here is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This small kitchenette is provided to prepare simple meals for the barge's crew. A small table is here; its top covered by a thick chopping block, marred from ages of use. A wide cupboard is fastened to one wall and a cast iron stove is against another. The stove's door is open. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nYou can see Skayawa (the cat) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cat",
"response": "You reach for Skayawa but she instantly darts around the room, avoiding your grasp. She doesn't appear afraid of you but rather she seems to think you're playing with her.\n\nSkayawa the cat stares at one of the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show cheese to the cat",
"response": "That wouldn't be of interest to the animal.\n\nSkayawa the cat stares toward the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is absently meandering about, waiting for this trip to be over",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the glowcube",
"response": "This is the sort of glowcube that is meant to stay put as a room fixture. Plus, you wouldn't want any of the crew seeing you disturb their things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening mate's door)\nIt seems to be locked.\n\nVenkath stretches his arms, eager to get off this boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A disagreeable smell permeates this room. Hammocks and low-hanging ropes are haphazardly arranged for the crew's sleeping needs. Random bits of clothes and personal items are also strewn about. The only exit is a door to the east (starboard).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search clothes",
"response": "(the bits of clothes)\nYou kick around some of the clothes but find nothing of use.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the wood",
"response": "Which do you mean, the wood walls, the wood ceiling or the wooden plaque?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Walls",
"response": "You give the wood walls a solid kick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the plaque",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the stern door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the door a stern talking to",
"response": "Which do you mean, boy's door, storage door or the stern door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Stern",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This cabin is barely bigger than a broom closet. A patchwork hammock fills most of the space, strung between two of the walls. An old pillow sits on the floor in a corner, obviously now a bed for the ship's cats. Nearby, a food bowl and a water dish are provided, again, for the cats. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nOn the patchwork hammock is Amalek.\n\nAmalek's dangling foot hits your shoulder. \"You still here?\" he asks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cheese in the bowl",
"response": "You put the chunk of cheese into the food bowl.\n\nUpon hearing something land in the food bowl, Skayawa the cat races into the room to investigate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nSkayawa nibbles at the cheese in her food bowl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This small kitchenette is provided to prepare simple meals for the barge's crew. A small table is here; its top covered by a thick chopping block, marred from ages of use. A wide cupboard is fastened to one wall and a cast iron stove is against another. The stove's door is open. The only exit is port (or west, currently).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "You close galley door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "supply of food: None of that food belongs to you.\npile of ashes: You don't find anything in the ashes.\nlumpy glowstone: The wall sconce isn't open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the sconce",
"response": "You give the wall sconce a solid kick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the pipe",
"response": "You give the thick pipe a solid kick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pipe",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the cast iron stove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open galley door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This cabin is barely bigger than a broom closet. A patchwork hammock fills most of the space, strung between two of the walls. An old pillow sits on the floor in a corner, obviously now a bed for the ship's cats. Nearby, a food bowl and a water dish are provided, again, for the cats. The only exit is port (or west, currently).\n\nOn the patchwork hammock is Amalek.\n\nYou can also see Skayawa (the cat) here.\n\nSkayawa sniffs at the cheese in her food bowl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Skayawa",
"response": "A small female cat, gray as a thundercloud, Skayawa's eyes dart around the room, taking in everything that happens.\n\nSkayawa takes a sizable bite of her cheese chunk and takes a moment to chew.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Skayawa",
"response": "You reach for Skayawa and grab her just before she's able to dart away from you. She tenses up and tries to squirm away, but gives up and relaxes a bit once she sees you're not letting her go.\n\nSkayawa looks around erratically as you hold on to her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This part of the deck is the starboard cargo deck. From here, you can see the extent of this barge-like craft. This deck is low to the water level as most of the ship is underwater. There is no railing as it's easier to move large cargo onboard that way. The only structure on the deck is toward the very bow (north). It's the wheelhouse, where the captain pilots the craft. The door into it is open. Around the other parts of the deck, north, west, and northwest, you can see various crates of cargo stacked. At the very back of the ship, you can see the wide stern wheel ceaselessly paddling the ship northwards, rhythmically chugging through the desolate, waterlogged swamp. On the edge of the deck here, a stovepipe juts upward from the galley below.\n\nYou can see Daxas, one of the crewmates, here.\n\nSkayawa squirms in your arms. She reaches a paw towards the stovepipe.\n\nSkayawa purrs loudly in your arms.\n\nYou spy a large snake slithering on the surface of the brackish water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put cat in the pipe",
"response": "You don't even need to struggle to get the cat into the stovepipe.\nShe practically jumps from your hands into the pipe's depths.\n\nFrom within the stovepipe, you hear a bit of a clatter. Some scratching noises echo from its depths followed by a small crash and a final thud.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This is the fore end of the centerline passageway that runs down the center of the barge, belowdecks. The craft is heading north and this end of the passage has doors all around but to the south, where the passage continues toward the stern. A short ramp slopes upwards to the northeast, taking one topside.\n\nA heavy, ironwood table is situated here with a chair of matching wood and age. Belowdecks, the air here has a hanging moisture.\n\nOn the ironwood table is an old glowcube (providing light).\n\nVenkath Mock is leaning against the ironwood table, absent-mindedly staring down the centerline passage\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are in the centerline passage running from the bow to the stern belowdecks. At this section, there are doors both port and starboard. Otherwise, you can head up or down the passage, from stem to stern. The air down here is thick with moisture and much of the wood around you is damp with condensation.\n\nYou can see Skayawa (the cat) here.\n\nSkayawa the cat stares at one of the walls.\n\nSkayawa (the cat) goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This small kitchenette is provided to prepare simple meals for the barge's crew. A small table is here; its top covered by a thick chopping block, marred from ages of use. A wide cupboard is fastened to one wall and a cast iron stove is against another. The stove's door is open. The only exit is port (or west, currently).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the stove",
"response": "(the cast iron stove)\nThat's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the stove",
"response": "(the cast iron stove)\nThe is a squat cast iron stove, most likely fastened in place even though its weight alone would do the job. It is black and well-used. The top cooking surface is made of grates that sit above the oven.\nThe oven's door is open. A thick pipe runs up from the oven and through the ceiling where smoke from cooking escapes.\n\nIn the cast iron stove are a bird's nest and a pile of ashes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "This is a bird's nest that was stuck in the stovepipe. It is a mess of twigs and mud.\n\nIn the bird's nest is an old key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the key",
"response": "You take the old key from the bird's nest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the key",
"response": "This old key looks like it probably belongs to a nautical chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This cabin is too small to be someone's quarters so instead it's used for random storage. Currently, only a large chest sits against a wall here. The only door is to the east (starboard).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock chest with the key",
"response": "You unlock the large chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open chest",
"response": "You open the large chest, revealing a stack of folded clothes and a cabin key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cabin key",
"response": "(putting the antecessor skean into the leather haversack to make room) You take the cabin key from the large chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine folded",
"response": "This is someone's stack of folded clothes, put away in storage. They seem like a pretty mundane selection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lock the chest with old key",
"response": "You close the large chest.\n\nYou lock the large chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the mate's door with the cabin key",
"response": "You unlock mate's door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening mate's door)\n\nThis cabin is a step-up in comfort than for the rest of the crew. The wooden plank bed has a simple pillow and a nicely folded quilt on it. A plank shelf, against another wall, is covered with neatly stacked papers. A heavy, wooden chair is before it. The first mate's personal belongings are most likely kept in the small trunk nearby. The exit is port (west).\n\nOn the wooden plank shelf are some neatly stacked papers.\n\nOn the wooden plank bed are a nicely folded quilt and a simple pillow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close door",
"response": "You close mate's door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lock the door with the cabin key",
"response": "You lock mate's door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine papers",
"response": "At a quick glance, these papers seem to be mundane jumble of shipping business; invoices, cargo manifestos, and the like.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine trunk",
"response": "Rakton, the first mate, most likely keeps his personal belongings in this trunk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trunk",
"response": "You open the small trunk, revealing Owls of Stone.\n\nIt happens so fast that you're not sure what's going on at first.\nThen you realize you are being strangled by a cord. Your hands automatically scramble to your neck, trying to grasp the garrote but your attacker is strong and you cannot get a grip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the dirt at the attacker",
"response": "You fumble with the small jar but in the commotion, it slips from your sweaty hands and falls to the floor. Thankfully, it's strong enough glass and doesn't break.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the attacker with the dagger",
"response": "(first taking the antecessor skean)\nYou're unable to do that because you're currently being strangled by a garrote. Your attacker is behind you.\n\nAs he strangles you, Rakton whispers in your ear in a strange language like a lunatic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick Rakton",
"response": "You maneuver yourself as best you can to deliver a solid backwards kick on your attacker. Striking him in the knee, he grunts and the garrote loosens slightly. You take advantage of the opportunity and you slip away from him, stumbling across the cabin clumsily.\n\nRakton is before you, blocking the doorway. Dangling from his hand is the black, leather garrote that was just around your neck. His eyes are red and glassy. He steps toward you, whispering in a strange language like a lunatic.\n\n(press any key)The blood-soaked blade of a sword quickly emerges\nfrom Rakton's heart. Rakton stops in his tracks, wide-eyed as the blade disappears back into his body. He collapses onto the floor, dead. Behind him, you see your minder, Venkath Mock wipe the sword with a rag and sheath it.\n\n\"You need to be more careful.\" He tells you without humor. \"Gather your things and meet me topside. We've arrived.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the jar",
"response": "You pick up the small jar from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the Owls",
"response": "(putting the weird dirt into the leather haversack to make room)\nYou take Owls of Stone from the small trunk.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This cabin is a step-up in comfort than for the rest of the crew. The wooden plank bed has a simple pillow and a nicely folded quilt on it. A plank shelf, against another wall, is covered with neatly stacked papers. A heavy, wooden chair is before it. The first mate's personal belongings are most likely kept in the small trunk nearby. The exit is port (west).\n\nOn the wooden plank shelf are some neatly stacked papers.\n\nOn the wooden plank bed are a nicely folded quilt and a simple pillow.\n\nYou can also see a leather garrote and Rakton's body here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na leather garrote\nOwls of Stone\na small jar (open but empty)\na cabin key\nan old key\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\nan important note\nsome weird dirt\nan antecessor skean\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the Owls",
"response": "As you open the book, some sort of coded message falls out of it to the ground.\n\ncoastal city-state of Slezamane roughly half a century ago. The quality of the poems are above average but they stay rather tame instead of touching on any topics of substance like politics or philosophy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the message",
"response": "(putting the old key into the leather haversack to make room)\nYou pick up the coded message from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the message",
"response": "You can't read this. It's either in another language, or, more likely, in some sort of code.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Rakton",
"response": "Rakton's blood-smeared body is lying here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You meet your bodyguard topside. The two of you stand behind the wheelhouse, watching the swamp finally give way to wide, clearer water. Ahead, in the distance and dark against the bright horizon, you see the crowded towers and minarets of the city called Badushizd.\n\nLeaving the city's harbor to the south, you made your way here, to the Ivory Arch. It is a single piece of ivory, huge enough to span from one side of the boulevard to the other and no man lives who knows whence so vast a piece could have come. Passing through the arch, one finds the entire underside covered in countless, detailed carvings; mostly statues and visages that seem to reach out from the ivory or stare at you as you pass through. To the north, beyond the ivory arch, the buidlings give way to some sort of open town square.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat",
"response": "Warpeye's long fur is a cacophony of autumn colors but his feet and neck are white. His keen face evinces his many years and his sage experience as a cat. On closer inspection, you see that he is most likely named for his left eye which is actually a strange glass stone of shifting, indeterminate colors.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the eye",
"response": "That seems to be a part of Warpeye (the cat).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the eye",
"response": "Warpeye's left eye appears to be a small glass stone of shifting, indeterminate colors. You can only imagine if it actually works or if it has different abilities altogether.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the carvings",
"response": "Crowding each other on the inside of the ivory arch are countless carved faces, statues, sculptures, and reliefs; some so new, they are currently being finsihed, and some so ancient, their creators and their meanings are lost to the ages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Venkath",
"response": "You say hello to Venkath Mock.\n\nVenkath adjusts his scabbard and belt.\n\n(You could ask Venkath Mock about Venkath Mock or the mysterious note.)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "It is a single piece of ivory, huge enough to span from one side of the boulevard to the other and no man lives who knows whence so vast a piece could have come. Passing through the arch, one finds the entire underside covered in countless, detailed carvings; mostly statues and visages that seem to reach out from the ivory or stare at you as you pass through. To the north, beyond the ivory arch, the buidlings give way to some sort of open town square.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nVenkath looks at your traveling clothes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This town square is hardly a square and more of an askew hexagon. Its dimensions are difficult to tell as the surrounding buildings crowd each other for space. Avenues lead off in almost every direction.\nThe southern boulevard leads under a gigantic ivory arch with an underside covered in countless carvings. The way west is blocked by a spiked gate. Beyond it is the courtyard of the inn known as The Vulgar Unicorn. Even in your village, the far away Euyesus, you've heard a few tales of the tavern's rowdiness.\n\nAs it's midday, the square is alive with a crowd of people either coming and going or doing business with merchants selling various commodities from tented booths\n\nVenkath Mock arrives from the south.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the south.\n\nVenkath looks around and then rubs his eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "This is a strong, iron gate with spikes at the summit, standing about ten feet tall. It would be difficult and dangerous to climb and downright impossible to squeeze through the bars. The gate is currently closed.\n\nVenkath looks around with a peeved expression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "You open the spiked gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Nestled within the buildings of Badushizd, this stony courtyard serves the patrons of The Vulgar Unicorn as a place to enjoy if the tavern gets too noisy. A dry fountain sits as a centerpiece, surrounded by four stone benches with areas of trimmed grass in between. An open spiked gate leads out of this courtyard to the east and a shadowy break in the wall to the northwest leads to some sort of dark alley between the buildings. The door into the tavern is to the west.\n\nOn the dry fountain are a periwinkle sadiki bird and a lavender sadiki bird.\n\nVenkath Mock arrives from the east.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.\n\nThe lavender sadiki bird looks at you and says, \"You're just some weedy, ill-nurtured apple-john!\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fountain",
"response": "(the dry fountain)\nThe dry fountain has a wide, circular basin at ground level. The thick sides of the basin are knee-high, made of brick, and provide seating like a bench. In the center of the bottom basin, a stone sculpture rises at least ten feet. It is an abstract thing, sculpted to resemble waves, or something that flows at least. Water probably emerged from the top, flowed down the wavy channels of the sculpture before landing in the basin below. Now, only dust remains.\n\nOn the dry fountain are a periwinkle sadiki bird and a lavender sadiki bird.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lavender",
"response": "Sadiki birds, named for the faraway continent upon which they were first discovered, come in a variety of colors and have an impressive ability of mimicry. Unfortunately, sadiki birds have a penchant to only squawk curse words and insults at anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby. This particular sadiki bird has lavender colored feathers.\n\nVenkath looks around and then rubs his eyes.\n\nThe periwinkle sadiki bird looks at you and says, \"I smell some sort of impertinent, hell-hated barnacle!\".\n\nThe lavender sadiki bird looks at Venkath Mock and says, \"You're just some gorbellied, common-kissing dewberry!\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the inn",
"response": "This door appears to be very old but very thick and strong.\n\nVenkath looks at your leather haversack.\n\nThe periwinkle sadiki bird looks at you and says, \"You're just some droning, clay-brained giglet!\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first opening the inn door)\n\nBright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs, upon which various patrons lounge, drinking and smoking, filling the room with a smoky aroma of tobacco and herbs. A wooden staircase leads up.\n\nBehind the curved bar, a young woman with dreadlocks attends to patrons.\n\nSomeone breaks out in a hacking cough.\n\nVenkath Mock arrives from the east.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the graffiti",
"response": "The layers of words, sentences, remarks, ponderings, and symbols go back many decades. Some are crude opinions scribbled in the soot with a naked finger, others are intricate scrawls made with a knife or other sharp implement. It seems that the fashion is to express one's political leanings or affiliations which makes sense in a landscape of city-states hanging in an ever-changing web of alliances and hostilities.\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the woman",
"response": "(Paevana the alewife)\nBlack, dreadlocks awkwardly hang over a furrowed, friendly face. Big, round amber eyes look thoughtfully around the tavern they've watched over for so long. Paevana isn't greatly busy this evening, but still steadily works the bar; pouring drinks, clearing glasses, lighting candles, and talking to the various patrons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the woman",
"response": "(Paevana the alewife)\nAs you approach a little closer, you notice there is a concealed staircase behind the bar leading down to a cellar.\n\nYou say hello to Paevana the alewife.\n\n(You could ask Paevana the alewife about Paevana the alewife, the Vulgar Unicorn, Deviah Favash or the room to rent.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ascend",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nVenkath Mock comes up from below.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Venkath about Warpeye",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nVenkath looks at your leather haversack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the graffiti",
"response": "The layers of words, sentences, remarks, ponderings, and symbols go back many decades. Some are crude opinions scribbled in the soot with a naked finger, others are intricate scrawls made with a knife or other sharp implement. It seems that the fashion is to express one's political leanings or affiliations which makes sense in a landscape of city-states hanging in an ever-changing web of alliances and hostilities.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the second bedroom door, the first bedroom door or the lavatory door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "Which do you mean, the first inn key, the cabin key or the old key?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the first door",
"response": "This is a basic, wooden door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter it",
"response": "(first opening the first bedroom door)\nIt seems to be locked.\n\nVenkath adjusts his scabbard and belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock it",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the first bedroom door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "First key",
"response": "You unlock the first bedroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the first door",
"response": "(first opening the first bedroom door)\n\nSurprisingly cozy, this bedroom contains a large, comfy bed covered by an intricately-sewn quilt. A thick but short curtain covers a small window in the east wall. Completing the guest room is a stuffed sofa with a worn floral, but darkly colored cover. The only exit is the door to the west.\n\nVenkath Mock arrives from the west.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nVenkath Mock arrives from the east.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the first door",
"response": "You close the first bedroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lock it with the first key",
"response": "You lock the first bedroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You knock on the second door",
"response": "You try the door after a quick knock but it remains locked.\n\n\"I feel something's wrong.\" Venkath Mock tells you as he examines the door, most likely thinking of bashing it down.\n\n\"No, wait.\" You tell him, not wanting to cause damage or a scene if it can be helped, \"Let me look for another way in. You wait here.\"\n\n\"Fine. Be swift.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening the lavatory door)\n\nThis strange room is some sort of lavatory, but not like any that you've seen back in Euyesus. There's a commode made of polished wood with a small handle nearby. There's also a porcelain sink, but the commode has numerous pipes extending from it and clinging to the wall before disappearing into it and the sink includes a faucet which is a brass spigot also attached to a network of pipes. Finally, there is an old mirror on another wall, affixed between more pipes. The only exit is the door to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "This mirror is very clean but a couple of the corners look a little battered, as if this mirror has been moved around more than a few times. It is attached to the wall but the pipes covers a little of the mirror's edge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the mirror",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search mirror",
"response": "You see yourself reflected back at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pipes",
"response": "You have no idea how such plumbing works; your home village still relies on outhouse technology. From behind the polished wood commode and porcelain sink, pipes extend and crawl along the walls before disappearing into them. Near the commode, a small handle is attached to a pipe and above the sink, there's a brass spigot, also on a pipe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nBehind the curved bar, a young woman with dreadlocks attends to patrons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Nestled within the buildings of Badushizd, this stony courtyard serves the patrons of The Vulgar Unicorn as a place to enjoy if the tavern gets too noisy. A dry fountain sits as a centerpiece, surrounded by four stone benches with areas of trimmed grass in between. A closed spiked gate leads out of this courtyard to the east and a shadowy break in the wall to the northwest leads to some sort of dark alley between the buildings. The door into the tavern is to the west. It is currently open, allowing light and conversational sounds to spill out into the courtyard.\n\nOn the dry fountain is a periwinkle sadiki bird.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This alley is generally crooked, of course, and the way it is sandwiched between the buildings blocks almost any natural light, leaving this passage in shadows. The alley leads southeast (back to the inn courtyard) and southwest (deeper into shadow).\n\nYou can see a squirrelly thug here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the thug",
"response": "This man is lean and strange with dark circles under his bloodshot eyes as if he hasn't slept in years. His greasy hair has the scraggly look of being chopped here and there by sharp implements. He wears dark, stained clothes under a scuffed leather duster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to thug",
"response": "If you approach, he looks like he would rather mug you than talk to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "The squirrelly thug blocks your way in that direction. He seems to be waiting for you to approach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the thug",
"response": "With your bare hands? You'd probably lose that fight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dagger",
"response": "(putting the cabin key into the leather haversack to make room)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na first inn key\na coded message\na leather garrote\nOwls of Stone\na small jar (open but empty)\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\na cabin key\nan old key\nan important note\nsome weird dirt\nan antecessor skean\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"response": "first inn key: Done.\nOwls of Stone: Done.\ncoded message: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take skean",
"response": "You take the antecessor skean from the leather haversack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the dirt in the jar",
"response": "(first taking the weird dirt)\nYou put the weird dirt into the small jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan antecessor skean\na leather garrote\na small jar (open)\nsome weird dirt\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\na coded message\nOwls of Stone\na first inn key\na cabin key\nan old key\nan important note\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the thug with the dagger",
"response": "You were given the skean to use to defend yourself, if that unfortunate event arises. But to rush in to an attack with a larger and maybe more experienced opponent doesn't sound like a good idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the dirt at the thug",
"response": "(first taking the weird dirt)\nYou pour the weird dirt from the small jar into your hand.\n\nYou toss the weird dirt at the squirrelly thug. It hits him without any fanfare at all. But suddenly, he remains fixed in place, unable to move any of his body but his eyes. His eyes dart around, terrified, but he cannot move even a finger, leaving him standing awkwardly like a frozen scarecrow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You sneak past the paralyzed thug. His eyes follow you as far as possible, until you're past his view and down the alley a bit.\n\nThe dark alley stops here at a dead end. The angles of this cul-de-sac are contorted so the dark walls are disorienting to make out. The east border is the back of The Vulgar Unicorn, its face covered with a gray city ivy known as shalifux, A round window is up the wall on the second floor. Across from the back of the tavern, a tall brick wall blocks what was once another alley. The only exit is back down the dark alley to the northeast.\n\nOn the tall brick wall is a lavender sadiki bird.\n\nYou can also see an old crate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the ivy",
"response": "You painstakingly climb up the back wall of The Vulgar Unicorn, grasping the gray shalifux ivy. When you reach the round window, you crawl through, dumping unceremoniously on the floor of the back bedroom.\n\nThis room is a chaotic mess. The bed frame and mattress is crooked as if someone pushed it or was pushed against it. A sofa is overturned as if flung by a giant hand. A blood-stained quilt is bunched up on the floor. On the west wall, half of a curtain hangs askew, partially covering a round window. The rest of the curtain is on the floor. There is a closed door to the east.\n\nFinally, on the floor is the still body of Deviah Favash. She is laying in a pool of blood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the body",
"response": "This unfortunate woman was Deviah Favash. Whoever sent for an Ixteesh interpreter from your village did so through Deviah and she was to explain to you who sent for you and where you're supposed to be. Sadly, it appears she has been stabbed a few times in the midsection by something incredibly sharp, given the very clean cuts left behind in her clothes.\n\nWithout warning, Deviah's eyes snap open, startling you enough to shout a quick, \"Shit lords!\". She grabs your wrist tightly and whispers to you in a slowly dying breath, \"You must join the\ncaravan to Obak! That is where you are needed!\" She cringes in\npain for a moment, then struggles to add, \"They are trying to stop you-\" but then, having delivered this message to you, she finally dies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the second bedroom door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search body",
"response": "You find the second inn key in one of Deviah's pockets. You absent-mindedly grab it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the door with the second key",
"response": "You unlock the second bedroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "(first opening the second bedroom door)\n\nThis is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nVenkath looks over your shoulder, into Deviah's room. He spies her lifeless body.\n\n\"What in all the hells?\" He mumbles to himself. Before you can reply, the sound of breaking glass followed by a scream pierces the tavern noise from below.\n\nVenkath looks at your traveling clothes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nYou can see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nVenkath Mock comes down from above.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.\n\nUpon entering the tavern common room, you are surprised to see the place devoid of any patrons. Everything is still as if the small crowd departed as one, barely a few minutes ago. The candles are still lit and the hanging smoke still lingers. Paevana the alewife is gone as well, but casually walking among the unattended candles and abandoned cocktails is a tall man. He has a handsome face but one you feel you can't trust. He wears black brigandine armor and you spy two swords crossed on his back. He wears no helm or hood but rather ties his long black hair behind his head. He gives a smile as he sees Venkath Mock. His eyes never notice you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "This space is crowded with decades upon decades of tavern flotsam; broken chairs, upended tables, crates of empty bottles, among many other dusty things. The only exit is a staircase that leads up to the tavern common room, behind the curved bar.\n\nPaevana the alewife is hiding down here, avoiding the melee upstairs.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Paevana",
"response": "You say hello to Paevana the alewife.\n\n(You could ask Paevana the alewife about Paevana the alewife.)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\n\"Venkath.\" The tall man says in way of greeting.\n\n\"Sceldrus.\" Venkath returns, his face steady and grim.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nStill without giving you a glance, Sceldrus asks Venkath, \"Is this the decipherist from Euyesus?\"\n\nIn answer, Venkath draws his blade.\n\n\"Nothing stops a Phansigar from his task, Venkath.\" The tall man states, still smiling, but drawing one of his blades from behind his back.\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nLike a juggernaut, Venkath swings his blade wide while quickly stepping up to his opponent. Sceldrus parries, both blades clashing, grinding together with a sound that makes your skin crawl, like a fork scraping a plate at a banquet. Seeing the opportunity, with his free fist, Sceldrus socks Venkath in the eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nStepping back, blinking his newly clobbered eye, Venkath whirls his blade in his hand before advancing again. In the last second, Venkath quickly lifts the blade over his head, bringing it down hard upon Sceldrus.\n\nSceldrus, however, is even quicker. He steps aside, dodging the blow, but then grabs Venkath by the back of his jack-of-plate cloth shirt and, using Venkath's momentum against him, shoves him face-first into one the candle and cocktail covered tables. He and the table go crashing against a wall, sending the drinks, and more dangerously, the lit candles clattering all over.\n\nSuddenly, the alcohol-soaked floor and walls are lit by the stray flames of the fallen candles. A fire quickly envelopes the entry by the tavern's front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nVenkath picks himself up from the smashed table and broken glasses. He's up just in time to parry a stabbing attempt by Sceldrus, their blades clanging loudly.\n\n\"Oh, Venkath,\" Sceldrus says mockingly, \"one should never give a sword to a man who can't dance.\"\n\n\"What does that even mean?\" Venkath asks gruffly, but then\nrealizes he's been distracted and raises his sword in defense only a second before Sceldrus's own blade reached him. Their blades clash once again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Sceldrus with the dagger",
"response": "You charge at the tall warrior, antecessor skean in hand, but he is too quick and powerful, compared to a small adolescent such as yourself. You are grabbed by the neck with his free hand and, still ignoring you with his eyes, throws you onto the curved bar. Drinks and candles fly in all directions as you slide over the bar and onto the floor and then quickly tumbling down the concealed staircase to the. . .\n\nThis space is crowded with decades upon decades of tavern flotsam; broken chairs, upended tables, crates of empty bottles, among many other dusty things. The only exit is a staircase that leads up to the tavern common room, behind the curved bar.\n\nPaevana the alewife is hiding down here, avoiding the melee upstairs.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Paevana about Sceldrus",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search flotsam",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crates",
"response": "A good number of wine crates are stacked around the cellar. Most of them are filled with empty bottles of all kinds.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nVenkath swings his sword at Sceldrus's throat but it is easily dodged as the taller warrior leans and steps back.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.\n\nVenkath looks around with a peeved expression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This room is a chaotic mess. The bed frame and mattress is crooked as if someone pushed it or was pushed against it. A sofa is overturned as if flung by a giant hand. A blood-stained quilt is bunched up on the floor. On the west wall, half of a curtain hangs askew, partially covering a round window. The rest of the curtain is on the floor. There is an open door to the east.\n\nFinally, on the floor is the still body of Deviah Favash. She is laying in a pool of blood.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go through the window",
"response": "Jumping out this window and climbing down the shalifux does sound like a good idea to avoid the fire that's quickly engulfing the common room downstairs, however, looking out the window, you can see the squirrelly thug is waiting down there for you and he's brought some friends. It would be certain death.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the first bedroom door)\nIt seems to be locked.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the first door with the first key",
"response": "(first taking the first inn key)\nYou unlock the first bedroom door.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the first bedroom door)\n\nSurprisingly cozy, this bedroom contains a large, comfy bed covered by an intricately-sewn quilt. A thick but short curtain covers a small window in the east wall. Completing the guest room is a stuffed sofa with a worn floral, but darkly colored cover. The only exit is the door to the west.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the window",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the curtain",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go through the window",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break the window",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nGrabbing a chair, Venkath throws it overhand at Sceldrus who bashes it out of the way with the forearm of his free hand, knocking the chair to the floor where it breaks.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The door is blocked by a fire that is quickly spreading.\n\nSceldrus seizes an opportunity to stab at Venkath, but Venkath's blade is too quick and he parries the attempt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This strange room is some sort of lavatory, but not like any that you've seen back in Euyesus. There's a commode made of polished wood with a small handle nearby. There's also a porcelain sink, but the commode has numerous pipes extending from it and clinging to the wall before disappearing into it and the sink includes a faucet which is a brass spigot also attached to a network of pipes. Finally, there is an old mirror on another wall, affixed between more pipes. The only exit is the door to the north.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break mirror",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the spigot",
"response": "The spigot squeaks as you turn it on. A stream of cold water flows into the sink where it pools slightly before disappearing into a small drain.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the faucet",
"response": "The water is already running from the spigot, into the sink.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the faucet",
"response": "The spigot squeaks as you turn it off, ending the stream of cold water. In a moment, the water in the sink has gone down the drain, leaving the porcelain sink empty.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na first inn key\na second inn key\nan antecessor skean\na leather garrote\na small jar (open but empty)\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\na coded message\nOwls of Stone\na cabin key\nan old key\nan important note\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the water in the jar",
"response": "Which do you mean, the pooling water or the stream of cold water?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pooling",
"response": "That won't fit in there.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the pipes",
"response": "You give the network of pipes a solid kick.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Sceldrus with garrote",
"response": "No. You've already learned your lesson.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This space is crowded with decades upon decades of tavern flotsam; broken chairs, upended tables, crates of empty bottles, among many other dusty things. The only exit is a staircase that leads up to the tavern common room, behind the curved bar.\n\nPaevana the alewife is hiding down here, avoiding the melee upstairs.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Paevana about the fire",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask Paevana the alewife about Paevana the alewife.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the crates",
"response": "They are fixed in place.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chairs",
"response": "Many broken chairs of varying styles are stacked and strewn about the cellar. Every piece is covered with dust.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bottles",
"response": "The empty glass bottles are of all shapes and sizes and they are in the dusty wine crates.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tables",
"response": "Like the broken chairs down here, there are some old tables stored about, looking wobbly, dirty, or just plain broken.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close up",
"response": "You must name something more substantial.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss woman",
"response": "Paevana the alewife might not like that.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cat",
"response": "No matter what you try, Warpeye always seems to slip away from your grasp. Frustrated, you give up.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the cat",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.\n\nVenkath looks around and then rubs his eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Sceldrus",
"response": "Warpeye (the cat) has better things to do.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw cat at Sceldrus",
"response": "(first taking Warpeye (the cat))\nNo matter what you try, Warpeye always seems to slip away from your grasp. Frustrated, you give up.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath looks at your leather haversack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cat about the cat",
"response": "(Warpeye (the cat))\nThere is no reply.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath adjusts his scabbard and belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine bar",
"response": "(the curved bar)\nThis solid wood bar curves so the server is slightly surrounded. Its top is covered with burning candles, decades of candle wax, and a few drinks belonging to some nearby patrons.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the drinks",
"response": "In the spaces on the bar and tables where there isn't any wax, spirituous drinks belonging to the various patrons are placed. They are in thick glasses that appear to have been made by the same glassblower, given the style.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath looks around with a peeved expression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the drinks",
"response": "None of these drinks belong to you.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Surprisingly cozy, this bedroom contains a large, comfy bed covered by an intricately-sewn quilt. A thick but short curtain covers a small window in the east wall. Completing the guest room is a stuffed sofa with a worn floral, but darkly colored cover. The only exit is the door to the west.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the quilt",
"response": "You don't need to take the quilt. It's far too large to carry around efficiently.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the quilt",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the quilt",
"response": "This quilt is constructed with a dizzying array of small, geometric shapes and patterns in a variety of dark colors.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "There's nothing under there.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This room is a chaotic mess. The bed frame and mattress is crooked as if someone pushed it or was pushed against it. A sofa is overturned as if flung by a giant hand. A blood-stained quilt is bunched up on the floor. On the west wall, half of a curtain hangs askew, partially covering a round window. The rest of the curtain is on the floor. There is an open door to the east.\n\nFinally, on the floor is the still body of Deviah Favash. She is laying in a pool of blood.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the quilt",
"response": "You don't need to carry that around.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sofa",
"response": "This stuffed sofa is turned upside down.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This room is a chaotic mess. The bed frame and mattress is crooked as if someone pushed it or was pushed against it. A sofa is overturned as if flung by a giant hand. A blood-stained quilt is bunched up on the floor. On the west wall, half of a curtain hangs askew, partially covering a round window. The rest of the curtain is on the floor. There is an open door to the east.\n\nFinally, on the floor is the still body of Deviah Favash. She is laying in a pool of blood.\n\nYou can see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "The mattress and bed frame are disheveled and crooked.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the curtain",
"response": "Which do you mean, the half curtain or the cut-off curtain?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut-off",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the half",
"response": "You don't really need that.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall of The Vulgar Unicorn. From below, the sounds of the tavern common room rises up the wooden staircase. Bedroom doors are set east and west and a lavatory door is to the south. The soot graffiti continues on this floor, as does the smoky aroma of tobacco.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This strange room is some sort of lavatory, but not like any that you've seen back in Euyesus. There's a commode made of polished wood with a small handle nearby. There's also a porcelain sink, but the commode has numerous pipes extending from it and clinging to the wall before disappearing into it and the sink includes a faucet which is a brass spigot also attached to a network of pipes. Finally, there is an old mirror on another wall, affixed between more pipes. The only exit is the door to the north.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the spigot",
"response": "The spigot squeaks as you turn it on. A stream of cold water flows into the sink where it pools slightly before disappearing into a small drain.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the commode",
"response": "It's an average commode except that the wood used has been polished to a shine.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pipes",
"response": "You have no idea how such plumbing works; your home village still relies on outhouse technology. From behind the polished wood commode and porcelain sink, pipes extend and crawl along the walls before disappearing into them. Near the commode, a small handle is attached to a pipe and above the sink, there's a brass spigot, also on a pipe.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull handle",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na first inn key\na second inn key\nan antecessor skean\na leather garrote\na small jar (open but empty)\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\na coded message\nOwls of Stone\na cabin key\nan old key\nan important note\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle",
"response": "From somewhere within the commode, a strange clap noise is heard.\nSome random tapping sounds echo within the pipes on the walls. Then the tapping stops, leaving you with the feeling that twisting the small handle somehow empties the commode automatically.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the commode",
"response": "You don't feel the need to go right now.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the commode",
"response": "You can't really see anything in there. It seems to be very deep.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the jar in the sack",
"response": "You put the small jar into the leather haversack.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the pipes",
"response": "You give the network of pipes a solid kick.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the pipes with skean",
"response": "That's actually unnecessary.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the pipes",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.\n\nVenkath looks at your small black scabbard.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This space is crowded with decades upon decades of tavern flotsam; broken chairs, upended tables, crates of empty bottles, among many other dusty things. The only exit is a staircase that leads up to the tavern common room, behind the curved bar.\n\nPaevana the alewife is hiding down here, avoiding the melee upstairs.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the flotsam",
"response": "They are fixed in place.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Paevana about Paevana",
"response": "\"There's no time for chit-chat.\" She tells you, looking at you like you're insane.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search crates",
"response": "The wine crates are empty.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tables",
"response": "These tables are wooden and appear to have been around forever. Like the other surfaces in here, they are covered in burning candles, candle wax, and patrons\" drinks in thick glasses.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chair",
"response": "Which do you mean, the scattered chairs or the empty chair?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Empty",
"response": "It's fine where it is.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Sceldrus with the empty chair",
"response": "(first taking the empty chair)\nIt's fine where it is.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the empty chair",
"response": "You see nothing special about the empty chair.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath adjusts his scabbard and belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the wax",
"response": "(the dry candle wax)\nThat's hardly portable.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath looks at your small black scabbard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the candle",
"response": "Which do you mean, the countless candles, the dry candle wax or the bar candles?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dry",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bar candles",
"response": "You don't need someone else's candle right now.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sofa",
"response": "It seems a bit old, but soft enough for sitting. It is upholstered with a worn floral, but darkly colored cover.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the sofa",
"response": "There is nothing on the stuffed sofa.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the bed",
"response": "You get onto the large comfy bed.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You aren't feeling especially drowsy.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the large comfy bed.\n\nSurprisingly cozy, this bedroom contains a large, comfy bed covered by an intricately-sewn quilt. A thick but short curtain covers a small window in the east wall. Completing the guest room is a stuffed sofa with a worn floral, but darkly colored cover. The only exit is the door to the west.\n\nYou can see Warpeye (the cat) here.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na first inn key\na second inn key\nan antecessor skean\na leather garrote\na glowstone lantern (providing light)\na leather haversack (being worn and open)\na small jar (open but empty)\na coded message\nOwls of Stone\na cabin key\nan old key\nan important note\na mysterious note\nElements of Ixteesh\nPhandaal's letter\nsome traveling clothes (being worn)\na small black scabbard (being worn)\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes down from above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Sceldrus",
"response": "He is tall and has a handsome face but one you feel you can't trust. He wears black brigandine armor and you spy two swords crossed on his back. He wears no helm or hood but rather ties his long black hair behind his head. His eyes never notice you.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the jar at Sceldrus",
"response": "(first taking the small jar)\nYou lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw skean at Sceldrus",
"response": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine garrote",
"response": "This garrote is a braided, black leather ligature.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bottle",
"response": "You grab an empty glass bottle.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upward",
"response": "Bright and shadowy, all at once, this tavern common room is covered in countless burning candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. This perpetual candlelight has been happening for so long, the floor is covered in dry candle wax, stamped into a dust that has become one with the floor. The wooden walls and ceiling are completely covered in soot and the patrons through the many decades have taken it upon themselves to scrawl graffiti in it with their fingers and knives.\n\nAcross from the front door to the east is a large, curved bar, covered in candles and spirits. In between the front door and the bar are a couple of tables and a few scattered chairs. A wooden staircase leads up and a concealed staircase behind the bar leads down to a cellar.\n\nA raging fire is blocking any exit through the tavern's front door.\nIt is making the tavern a boiler and the countless candles are melting rapidly as the fire spreads.\n\nYour minder, Venkath Mock, is here with a grim countenance.\n\nYou can also see Sceldrus Jandol here.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) comes up from below.\n\nVenkath looks at your small black scabbard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cold",
"response": "That doesn't go in there.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pooling in bottle",
"response": "(first taking the pooling water)\nYou fill the glass bottle with water.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the water on the fire",
"response": "Putting things on the raging fire would achieve nothing.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the water at the fire",
"response": "Strategically taking aim, you hurl the bottle at the raging fire.\nWith a smash, it breaks apart, spilling the water within on enough of the fire to allow you safe passage through the front door to the east.\n\nSceldrus and Venkath continue their swordfight in the common room as the tavern burns.\n\nPaevana the alewife comes up from below.\n\nVenkath fidgets with his travel pack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You quickly run through the temporary space you made in the raging fire, and fall outside to the inn's courtyard.\n\nNestled within the buildings of Badushizd, this stony courtyard serves the patrons of The Vulgar Unicorn as a place to enjoy if the tavern gets too noisy. A dry fountain sits as a centerpiece, surrounded by four stone benches with areas of trimmed grass in between. A closed spiked gate leads out of this courtyard to the east and a shadowy break in the wall to the northwest leads to some sort of dark alley between the buildings. The door into the tavern is to the west. It is currently open, allowing light and conversational sounds to spill out into the courtyard.\n\nOn the dry fountain is a periwinkle sadiki bird.\n\nYou can hear the crashing and clanging of a sword fight coming from the tavern common room.\n\nWarpeye (the cat) arrives from the west.\n\nPaevana the alewife arrives from the west.\n\nThe doorway to the tavern is now engulfed in flames. The surrounding doorframe collapses in on itself, making any escape through there a fiery trap. You can see in the windows that the fire is spreading fast within.\n\nYou're staring at the blazing building, wondering about Venkath Mock, Warpeye the cat at your feet, when Paevana appears next to you. Staring as well at her livelihood literally going up in smoke, she puts her arm around your shoulders.\n\nObak. It is an ancient land far to the north, once a prosperous kingdom, now a frozen wasteland of broken towers, empty and decaying cities, and ships half-sunken in the ice, as if the bitter cold hit the land all at once, taking the kingdom by surprise. Believed to be a cursed region, and given its remoteness, the land is rarely visited by the wise.\n\nDeviah was to tell you what is going on and why exactly you are needed in Obak. Xethes, the head of the small caravan that you and Paevana joined, has only said that something was found and someone who can read Ixteesh is needed. He's also mentioned that more than one city-state has sent envoys to investigate the matter as well.\n\nDespite not knowing Venkath Mock's fate, and fearing the worst, you are comforted by Paevana joining you, having explained that with the razing of the Vulgar Unicorn, she has nothing left to her name.\n\nAfter a few days of solid travel on pony, your group finally reaches a. . .\n\nSloping Path (on Rags)\nThe long trail you've been following, if one could even call it a trail, slopes upward from here to the north. Badushizd is now days to the south, where the snow and ice are not eternal and the sun actually peers through the clouds. Obak, however, you've come to find is a gray and frozen wasteland. Around the faint path up the slope are a good many spruce trees, frosted with snow.\n\nYou can see Storm (on whom is Paevana the alewife), Keeta (on whom is Xethes Balaam) and Nibbley (on whom is Zaucular) here.",
"endoftext": true
] | 4232iz57xo9fkxn1 |
Zorkian Stories 1: G.U.E. | Marshal Tenner Winter | [
] | [
"fan fiction",
"Infocom related",
"Inform 7",
"Published 2012",
] | 2,012 | [
] | 14 | 2.857143 | 20130302 | false | Finally making it to the Eastlands, you find a shaft leading to the depths of the Great Underground Empire where, supposedly, lost treasures that have been forgotten for centuries are waiting to be found again. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Finally making it to the Eastlands, you find a shaft leading to the depths of the Great Underground Empire where, supposedly, lost treasures that have been forgotten for centuries are waiting to be found again.\n\nZorkian Stories 1: G.U.E.\nA diversion by Marshal Tenner Winter\n\nThis chamber is made of black stone. The walls are pocked with age; showing faded frescos, the subject of which can no longer be determined. The only exit is west, into a long. sloping tunnel that eventually leads back outside. The weight of stone presses upon you, and you feel you must be deep underground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fresco",
"response": "The frescos are faded from countless centuries. It is diffifcult to make out the scene, but you can see that there are images of people around an arch. Given the faint colors and barely-recognizable costuming, you think one of the people in the image is none other than King Duncanthrax who created the G.U.E. centuries ago. On this image, his eyes are still fresh-seeming; standing out from the rest of the faded image.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fresco",
"response": "You open the fresco.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at fresco",
"response": "The frescos are faded from countless centuries. It is diffifcult to make out the scene, but you can see that there are images of people around an arch. Given the faint colors and barely-recognizable costuming, you think one of the people in the image is none other than King Duncanthrax who created the G.U.E. centuries ago. On this image, his eyes are still fresh-seeming; standing out from the rest of the faded image. The wall that the fresco is painted onto is open like a doorway.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This chamber is made of black stone. The walls are pocked with age; showing faded frescos, the subject of which can no longer be determined. The only exit is west, into a long. sloping tunnel that eventually leads back outside. The weight of stone presses upon you, and you feel you must be deep underground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter fresco",
"response": "You are in a secret passage beyond the fresco wall. The air is thick with dust that has not been disturbed in what must be a millenia. There are dark passages to the north, east, and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is an ancient shrine. A dust covered altar sits at the north wall. On that wall is an engraving of a forgotten god. Whatever treasures lay in offering have long since been pillaged. On the floor are bones of a long-dead adventurer or pilgrim.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the engraving",
"response": "It is an engraving of an obsolete god with many arms and legs. It is androgynous and appears to be frozen while in some sort of frenzied dance. Thinking back to your days at G.U.E. Tech's Contrastable Religions course, you think it is Sheeva; a god who was believed\nto keep the universe in motion while he danced and if he ever stopped, the world would end. You think that, given the state of things, maybe he stopped dancing long ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan elvish sword\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (being worn and open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are an adventurer and you appear as such.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bones",
"response": "It seems to once have been a traveler or adventurer who met his fate down here long ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the altar",
"response": "(the altar)\nIt is a simple affair since the engraving is complicated enough. Whatever offerings were once left on this altar for this god have long since vanished.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the sword on the altar",
"response": "(the altar)\nYou put the elvish sword on the altar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at backpack",
"response": "The backpack is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lantern",
"response": "It is your typical Frobozz Ev-R-Lit lantern. It remains lit for an entire generation before dying out. Too bad you found this one during your travel to the Eastlands and you aren't sure how long it's been on.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is an ancient shrine. A dust covered altar sits at the north wall. On that wall is an engraving of a forgotten god. Whatever treasures lay in offering have long since been pillaged. On the floor are bones of a long-dead adventurer or pilgrim.\n\nOn the altar is an elvish sword.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search altar",
"response": "(the altar)\nOn the altar is an elvish sword.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the altar",
"response": "(the altar)\nThat's not something you can stand on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under altar",
"response": "(the altar)\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are in a long tunnel that runs east to west. The walls are made of black stone and the passages stretch into ominous darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This intersection is dominated by an ancient gate blocking passage to the east. Tunnels run north, west, and south; each into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "The ancient gate is black and the design is the Gothic style that was popular centuries ago in the Great Underground Empire. It would be impossible to squeeze through, and darkness dominates the other side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This chamber is half-carved as a dungeon room, but then the back half degenerates into rough walls of a cave; unfinished by the carvers of these tunnels. Water drips from the ceiling of the rough portion of the chamber, forming a puddle in the back portion of the area. The drip echoes around the chamber, giving the place an air of creepiness, but otherwise, it appears empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the puddle",
"response": "You move your hand around the cold, dark water, finding nothing at first and about to give up, when you feel something. Pulling it out, you see you have found a skull.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skull",
"response": "It is small; maybe that of a child or a small person. It has been washed clean having been underwater for who-knows-how-long.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss skull",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na skull\nan elvish sword\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (being worn and open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop skull",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the skull",
"response": "You pick up the skull from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This chamber is half-carved as a dungeon room, but then the back half degenerates into rough walls of a cave; unfinished by the carvers of these tunnels. Water drips from the ceiling of the rough portion of the chamber, forming a puddle in the back portion of the area. The drip echoes around the chamber, giving the place an air of creepiness, but otherwise, it appears empty.\n\nThis intersection is dominated by an ancient gate blocking passage to the east. Tunnels run north, west, and south; each into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This chamber smells like rodents; fur, droppings, the whole deal. Ancient junk litters the place; rusting, rotting and slimy. The only exit is south, back to the intersection.\n\nYou see a huge rat in here. It sees you and squeeks a horrible sound. Its shivering body quivers as its fur on its nape stands on end at the sight of you. It scurries towards you, jaw open and sharp teeth gnashing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack rat",
"response": "What do you want to attack the huge rat with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sword",
"response": "You swing and cut the huge rat deeply, but its not enough to kill it. The huge rat, in turn, chomps at you, but, like you, it misses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the rat with the sword",
"response": "You swing and plunge your sword into the huge rat's neck. It must be your lucky day as it dies before its attack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rat",
"response": "It's a huge dead rat; pretty disgusting. You wonder if there are more around...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rubbish",
"response": "This must be where the denizens of this portion of the Great Underground Empire threw its trash. It smells awful and the garbage is old and molded.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the garbage",
"response": "After some digging around, you find an ancient zorkmid; a gold coin of the G.U.E.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the zorkmid",
"response": "It is a gold coin of the Great Underground Empire. The image on it is that of Duncanthrax the Bellicose.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "This chamber smells like rodents; fur, droppings, the whole deal. Ancient junk litters the place; rusting, rotting and slimy. The only exit is south, back to the intersection.\n\nYou can see a huge dead rat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is a large cave covered in what appears to be webs.\n\nIn the corner is some sort of nesting place for the huge spider, and it looks to be made of detritus and webbing.\n\nThere is a hideous, black spider in here. The sight of it makes your skin crawl as you've never seen one this large. It scuttles quickly toward you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the spider with the sword",
"response": "You swing at the huge spider but miss wildly. The beast hisses at you and lunges for you but you are able to dodge its attack easily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You chop at the huge spider but miss by an inch. The spider attacks you, teeth gnashing, but you dodge out of the way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You swing again and finally you carve a slice into the huge spider's belly. Angrily, it lunges at you but dies before getting close enough to bite you. Greenish blood spews from its body. As the spider collapses, one of its teeth dislodges and clatters on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tooth",
"response": "You pick up the spider fang from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fang",
"response": "It's pretty gross, but it's sharp. You can hold it safely and probably use it as you would a knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "It is some sort of nesting place for a huge spider, and it looks to be made of detritus and webbing. Funny, you didn't know spider's made nests.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search it",
"response": "There's nothing in it, but maybe something is under\nit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the nest",
"response": "You lift the disgusting, sticky thing and find an old skeleton key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "It is an ancient key, covered in rust and dried spider webs.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is a large cave covered in what appears to be webs.\n\nIn the corner is some sort of nesting place for the huge spider, and it looks to be made of detritus and webbing.\n\nYou can also see a huge dead spider here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spider",
"response": "(the spider fang)\nIt's pretty gross, but it's sharp. You can hold it safely and probably use it as you would a knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na skeleton key\na spider fang\na zorkmid\na skull\nan elvish sword\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (being worn and open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the web",
"response": "They are old and sticky and cover almost every inch of this chamber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock Gate with the key",
"response": "You unlock the Ancient Gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Gate",
"response": "You open the Ancient Gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This room is plain; simply a junction in this catacomb. An ancient gate dominates the western passage while stone stairs descend into darkness both southeast and northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "The Great Underground Empire sure liked its galleries of art, and this room is a prime example. Paintings hang on the walls, unseen for generations. Stone steps lead upward to the southwest, the gallery continues to the east, a sturdy-looking wooden door sits in the west wall, and a passage leads north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the painting",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a portrait of Duncanthrax, the Bellicose King himself. The few liberal arts classes you've taken at G.U.E. Tech describe him as cruel, bloodthirsty, and aggressive. His portrait does little to dissuade this description.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the painting",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a portrait of the mythical maiden Zilbeetha. Symbolically, she holds a crystal orb and stares into it with sad eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the painting",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a portrait of some wizard, unknown to you. It is labelled Zarf but you have no idea who\nhe was or what he ever did.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine painting",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a portrait of the great wizard Davmar who discovered the ability to create scrolls imbued with magic spells. Symbolically, he holds a scroll in one hand, and confusingly, a zucchini in the other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a portrait of a man named Jizaboz whose only claim to fame was his ability to take his\npants off over his head. How or why this deserves a portrait baffles you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a landscape of the frozen lake Dinge. It's okay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a landscape featuring Hades, the Land of the Dead. It is a miasma of tortured souls lamenting in fire. In your Contrastable Religions course, your professor\nclaimed to have been there. He said he had a good time but added the caveat \"I guess you had to be there.\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find an abstract painting of colored squares and rectangles. The colors not only clash, but seem to be at each other's throats. Thankfully dust has muted this effect somewhat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You examine a painting at random and find a landscape of castle Largoneth. A turtle is painted in the forground while the castle sits silhoutted in a sunset background.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "(first opening the wooden door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This portion of the gallery is a salon to showcase scultpures, however, someone took the time, long ago, to smash the sculptures into rubble.\n\nOne sculpture, however, remains intact; a bust of the enchanter Korboz. Perhaps the stone it was carved from was too strong for whatever madman destroyed the other statuary in this room, or perhaps it is enchanted that way. Either way, it remains the sole surviving sculpture here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bust",
"response": "It is a bust, made of white stone, of a homely wizard. It is engraved Korboz the Magnificent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bust",
"response": "You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search bust",
"response": "You're carrying too many things already.\n\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na skeleton key\na spider fang\na zorkmid\na skull\nan elvish sword\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (being worn and open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the fang in the backpack",
"response": "You put the spider fang into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the zorkmid in the backpack",
"response": "You put the zorkmid into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the skull in the backpack",
"response": "You put the skull into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bust",
"response": "You pick up the bust of Korboz from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bust",
"response": "a small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (being worn and open)\na skull\na zorkmid\na spider fang\n\nYou already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rubble",
"response": "This rubble was once a room of sculptures and statuary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This was a sitting room of sorts, by the look of it.\n\nA comfy-looking, if rather dusty, sofa dominates the room.\n\nIn front of the sofa is a wide, round coffee-table.\n\nOn the coffee-table is a crystal ashtray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine sofa",
"response": "It is comfy-looking but rather dusty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine ashtray",
"response": "This is a fancy, small, crystal ashtray. Not a bad little treasure, really.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ashtray",
"response": "You take the crystal ashtray from the coffee-table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine coffee",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "The legs seem sturdy but the top seems aged and worn.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This was a sitting room of sorts, by the look of it.\n\nA comfy-looking, if rather dusty, sofa dominates the room.\n\nIn front of the sofa is a wide, round coffee-table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the table",
"response": "The surface of the coffee-table, unable to take your weight, collapses into a heap of useless wood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at wood",
"response": "It is a heap of useless wood that was once a coffee-table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the wood",
"response": "You pick up the heap of useless wood from the ground.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This was a sitting room of sorts, by the look of it.\n\nA comfy-looking, if rather dusty, sofa dominates the room.\n\nYou can also see a table leg here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the leg",
"response": "You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the wood in the backpack",
"response": "You put the heap of useless wood into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the leg",
"response": "You pick up the table leg from the ground.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This was a sitting room of sorts, by the look of it.\n\nA comfy-looking, if rather dusty, sofa dominates the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This cave is somehow hollowed out of a vein of quartz. Thousands of six-sided prisms, of all sizes, surround you. Everything is rose colored and, while in here, all of your possessions seem to take on different shades of a rosy hue. The effect is disorientingly beautiful. Steps carved into the rock lead up to the northwest and tunnels lead east, and south and a narrow tunnel winds downwards to the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the quartz",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the quartz",
"response": "Thousands of six-sided prisms of all sizes surround you in this cave. Everytrhing is rose-colored here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are an adventurer and you appear as such.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The dungeon corridor bends here with passages leading west and south. Doors sit in the north and east walls of the corner. There is a carven sun in the north door and a crescent moon carved in the east door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sun",
"response": "(the Sun Door)\nThis thick wooden door has the image of a stylized sun carved into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the moon",
"response": "(the moon door)\nThis thick wooden door has the image of a stylized moon carved into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Sun Door",
"response": "You open the Sun Door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the moon door",
"response": "You open the moon door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the moon door",
"response": "This room contains no other furnishings besides an alabaster statue of a cat in a sitting pose. Its eyes twinkle slightly. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in mathematical, astronomical, and astrological symbols and equations.\n\nYou can see a cat statue here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the statue",
"response": "(the bust of Korboz)\nIt is a bust, made of white stone, of a homely wizard. It is engraved Korboz the Magnificent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the symbols",
"response": "As intriguing as the symbols are, they are all gibberish to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat statue",
"response": "You go to examine the cat statue and you are suddenly transfixed by its eyes.\n\n...still transfixed...\n\n...darkness...\n\nYou awaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na table leg\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword\na small lantern (providing light)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room contains no other furnishings besides an alabaster statue of a cat in a sitting pose. Its eyes twinkle slightly. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in mathematical, astronomical, and astrological symbols and equations.\n\nYou can see a pile of dust here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine dust",
"response": "It was once a statue of a think.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "C27",
"response": "Restore failed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na table leg\na crystal ashtray\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (being worn and open)\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na spider fang",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cat",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nThat's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The dungeon corridor bends here with passages leading west and south. Doors sit in the north and east walls of the corner. There is a carven sun in the north door and a crescent moon carved in the east door.\n\nYou can see a small lantern here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "East",
"response": "This room contains no other furnishings besides an alabaster statue of a cat in a sitting pose. Its eyes twinkle slightly. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in mathematical, astronomical, and astrological symbols and equations.\n\nYou can see a cat statue here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na table leg\na crystal ashtray\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword\na backpack (being worn and open)\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na spider fang",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the backpack",
"response": "(first taking the backpack off)\nDropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na table leg\na crystal ashtray\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat",
"response": "You go to examine the cat statue and you are suddenly transfixed by its eyes.\n\n...still transfixed...\n\n...darkness...\n\nYou awaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na table leg\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The dungeon corridor bends here with passages leading west and south. Doors sit in the north and east walls of the corner. There is a carven sun in the north door and a crescent moon carved in the east door.\n\nYou can see a backpack (in which are a heap of useless wood, a skull, a zorkmid and a spider fang) and a small lantern here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat",
"response": "You go to examine the cat statue and you are suddenly transfixed by its eyes.\n\n...still transfixed...\n\n...darkness...\n\nYou awaken.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room contains no other furnishings besides an alabaster statue of a cat in a sitting pose. Its eyes twinkle slightly. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in mathematical, astronomical, and astrological symbols and equations.\n\nYou can see a pile of dust here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dust",
"response": "What do you want to dust?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The dungeon corridor bends here with passages leading west and south. Doors sit in the north and east walls of the corner. There is a carven sun in the north door and a crescent moon carved in the east door.\n\nYou can see a crystal ashtray, a backpack (in which are a heap of useless wood, a skull, a zorkmid and a spider fang) and a small lantern here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "crystal ashtray: You pick up the crystal ashtray from the ground. backpack: You pick up the backpack from the ground.\nsmall lantern: You're carrying too many things already.\nheap of useless wood: You're carrying too many things already.\nskull: You're carrying too many things already.\nzorkmid: You're carrying too many things already.\nspider fang: You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na backpack (open)\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na spider fang\na crystal ashtray\na table leg\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ashtray in the backpack",
"response": "You put the crystal ashtray into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the lantern",
"response": "You pick up the small lantern from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You believe this area to be the entrance to a temple; a pronaos. However, the temple must lie down the steps to the southeast. The darkness there seems thicker than any darkness you've seen yet. A passage also leads north; away from this temple entrance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "This place is not right, nor has it been right in a very long time.\nIt may be why it was abandoned by mysyerious people long ago. It was a temple; maybe still is. Pillars line the walls and lead down a long chamber to a strange pit, built into the floor; a perfect circle leading to darkness. It is surrounded by notches that may once have held torches. Narrow, dark passages lead northeast and southwest and a flight of stone steps leads up to the northwest. It is deathly quiet in this place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "This portion of the temple complex is a simple, but large room with pillars lining the walls. Ominous passages lead southwest and south.\n\nA pig-like creature, the size of a pony, turns its head and stares at you. It snorts viciously between its razor-sharp tusks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack creature with sword",
"response": "Despite your blade being of elvish quality, it bounces harmlessly off the creature's metallic hide. With a hideous snort, the creature moves to gore you, but you dodge out of the way...just barely.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack creature with fang",
"response": "(first taking the spider fang)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ashtray in the backpack",
"response": "(first taking the crystal ashtray)\n\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na spider fang\na table leg\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the key in the backpack",
"response": "You put the skeleton key into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bust in the backpack",
"response": "You put the bust of Korboz into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the calydoar with the fang",
"response": "(first taking the spider fang)\nYou astutely remember how venomous huge spiders are, and so, with an adept manuever, you jam the fang between the scales of the beast. It collapses on the ground, instantly dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say sorry for the the wait",
"response": "(to yourself)\nThere is no reply.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the calydoar",
"response": "It resembles a boar...if a boar were imagined by a demented, devil-worshipping zoologist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat calydoar",
"response": "(first taking the dead calydoar)\nWayyyyy too heavy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hug calydoar",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This portion of the temple complex is a simple, but large room with pillars lining the walls. Ominous passages lead southwest and south.\n\nYou can see a dead calydoar here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is the furthest, back room of the temple, from what you can tell. It may have once held treasure of some sort, but has long since been ransacked and the only one of its oiginal furnishings that remain is a simple podium. Passages lead west and north.\n\nA dusty key is on the podium.\n\nOn the podium is a dusty key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na spider fang\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na table leg\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the fang in the backpack",
"response": "You put the spider fang into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the key",
"response": "(the dusty key)\nYou pick up the dusty key from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at key",
"response": "(the dusty key)\nYou see nothing special about the dusty key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the podium",
"response": "On the podium is a dusty key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na dusty key\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na table leg\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dusty key",
"response": "(the dusty key)\nYou take the dusty key from the podium.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na dusty key\na dusty key\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na table leg\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This is the furthest, back room of the temple, from what you can tell. It may have once held treasure of some sort, but has long since been ransacked and the only one of its oiginal furnishings that remain is a simple podium. Passages lead west and north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the opisthodomos of the temple; but to you, it's basically just another room of this forboding complex. Passages lead northeast and east.\n\nCrumpled in the southwest corner is the desicated corpse of a long-dead adventurer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine adventurer",
"response": "This was once maybe a scholar or adventurer who delved to learn the secrets of the Great Underground Empire, but who was not as lucky as you've been...thus far.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search adventurer",
"response": "As you examine the body, you realize it has long since been ransacked of any real valuables. However, a page from a journal is found under its left boot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the page",
"response": "The language is an archaic form of Borphese, but you can read it easily enough. Apparently the corpse was once a scholar who was deciphering the many runes and engravings around this temple. It's mostly useless, but perhaps there is something to one sentence in particular. It reads \"the pit is a door only death can\nunlock\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pit",
"response": "It is a perfect circular pit, built into the floor of the temple in the place where you would normally think an altar would exist. Around the pit are notches; most likely where torches would have been placed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na journal page\na dusty key\na dusty key\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\na skull\na zorkmid\na table leg\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the table leg in the backpack",
"response": "You put the table leg into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the page in the backpack",
"response": "You put the journal page into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the skull",
"response": "You take the skull from the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the skull in the pit",
"response": "You toss the skull into the strange pit. The darkness swallows it and you do not hear it hit any bottom. A moment passes. Suddenly, a strange violet smoke rises from the strange pit; whispy at first, but then thickening to an impenetrable cloud. You take a step back, unsure of what is happening. You are thinking of just fleeing this strange temple when a deathly groan comes from the pit, freezing you in your tracks and filling you with terror. But then, suddenly, the groaning stops and the smoke dissipates. Looking around, you see the skull has returned, but actually, it's not the same skull, for the one that now sits on the edge of the strange pit is slick with a waxy coating, as if it had just been spit out of a horrible mouth, and a faint, violet glow can be seen within its eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the skull",
"response": "This is a strange skull, dark gray in color and slick with an unknown, greasy coating. A faint, violet glow can be seen within its eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "You pick up the strange skull from the ground.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This place is not right, nor has it been right in a very long time.\nIt may be why it was abandoned by mysyerious people long ago. It was a temple; maybe still is. Pillars line the walls and lead down a long chamber to a strange pit, built into the floor; a perfect circle leading to darkness. It is surrounded by notches that may once have held torches. Narrow, dark passages lead northeast and southwest and a flight of stone steps leads up to the northwest. It is deathly quiet in this place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You believe this area to be the entrance to a temple; a pronaos. However, the temple must lie down the steps to the southeast. The darkness there seems thicker than any darkness you've seen yet. A passage also leads north; away from this temple entrance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This room is carved perfectly square from the rock. A passage leads north.\n\nA door in the wall is featureless save for three buttons colored blue, yellow, and red respectively. An inscription is above the buttons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the inscription",
"response": "The inscription reads: THE SORE SPENDER",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na strange skull\na dusty key\na dusty key\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na journal page\na table leg\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\na zorkmid\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the blue button",
"response": "You press the blue button and die from electrocution.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the red button",
"response": "You press the red button and you hear a click.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You press the yellow button",
"response": "You press the yellow button and die from electrocution.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the self with the leg",
"response": "(first taking the table leg)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bust",
"response": "It is a bust, made of white stone, of a homely wizard. It is engraved Korboz the Magnificent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the strange skull in the backpack",
"response": "You put the strange skull into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the leg",
"response": "You take the table leg from the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take zorkmid",
"response": "You take the zorkmid from the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the red button",
"response": "You press the red button and you hear a click.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na zorkmid\na dusty key\na dusty key\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na table leg\na strange skull\na journal page\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "This cavernous room is made of pure sapphire, from what you can tell. In its raw form, it is ugly yet it still glimmers in your lamp's light. Passages lead west and southwest and a narrower passage leads upwards to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is a low, yet still vaulted dungeon corridor. The corridor runs south to east and an oak door sits in the west wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Door",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock Door with the dusty key",
"response": "Which do you mean, the dusty key or the dusty key?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na zorkmid\na dusty key\na dusty key\na small lantern (providing light)\na backpack (open)\na table leg\na strange skull\na journal page\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood\nan elvish sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the key",
"response": "Which do you mean, the dusty key, the dusty key or the skeleton key?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "zorkmid: Dropped.\ndusty key: Dropped.\ndusty key: Dropped.\nsmall lantern: Dropped.\nbackpack: Dropped.\nelvish sword: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the backpack",
"response": "You pick up the backpack from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the lantern",
"response": "You pick up the small lantern from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take zorkmid",
"response": "You pick up the zorkmid from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na zorkmid\na small lantern (providing light)\nan elvish sword\na backpack (open)\na table leg\na strange skull\na journal page\na spider fang\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a low, yet still vaulted dungeon corridor. The corridor runs south to east and an oak door sits in the west wall.\n\nYou can see a dusty key and a dusty key here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fang",
"response": "You take the spider fang from the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "dusty key: You pick up the dusty key from the ground.\ndusty key: You're carrying too many things already.\ntable leg: You're carrying too many things already.\nstrange skull: You're carrying too many things already.\njournal page: You're carrying too many things already.\nbust of Korboz: You're carrying too many things already.\nskeleton key: You're carrying too many things already.\ncrystal ashtray: You're carrying too many things already.\nheap of useless wood: You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This room may have once been a guard room. It's nothing now. Exits lead north and northeast, and a door is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the dusty key",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is a low, yet still vaulted dungeon corridor. The corridor runs south to east and an oak door sits in the west wall.\n\nYou can see a dusty key here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dusty key",
"response": "You pick up the dusty key from the ground.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is a low, yet still vaulted dungeon corridor. The corridor runs south to east and an oak door sits in the west wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This cavernous room is made of pure sapphire, from what you can tell. In its raw form, it is ugly yet it still glimmers in your lamp's light. Passages lead west and southwest and a narrower passage leads upwards to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This room may have once been a guard room. It's nothing now. Exits lead north and northeast, and a door is to the west.\n\nYou can see a dusty key here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Door with dusty key",
"response": "You unlock the guard door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na dusty key\na spider fang\na zorkmid\na small lantern (providing light)\nan elvish sword\na backpack (open)\na table leg\na strange skull\na journal page\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the dusty key in the backpack",
"response": "You put the dusty key into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first opening the guard door)\n\nThis may have once been an alchemical lab. Shards of glass cover the floor as if someone went off his nut and smashed everything in here. The only passage from here is back to the east.\n\nA beaker seems to have been found and set back in place in the center of a shelf.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the fang in the backpack",
"response": "You put the spider fang into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the beaker",
"response": "In the beaker is a rusted key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rusted key",
"response": "As you take the rusted key from its resting place, an ominous thum begins to permeate the air in the room. Suddenly, many of the broken shards gather themselves together into a hulking humanoid form. It blocks your escape and approaches you with evil intent, no doubt.\n\nYou take the rusted key from the beaker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the glass with the table leg",
"response": "(the glass monster with the table leg)\n(first taking the table leg)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attack the glass with the sword",
"response": "(the glass monster with the elvish sword)\nYou swing the elvish blade at the glass monster and, true to its nature, it helps defend you from such evil magic by smashing much of its glass body back to little pieces on the floor. Unfortunately, it isn't vanquished yet and it swings at you; an attack that you deftly dodge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "(the glass monster with the elvish sword)\nThankfully, with your next attack, you are able to smash the creature back into the tiny glass shards from where it originated.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This may have once been an alchemical lab. Shards of glass cover the floor as if someone went off his nut and smashed everything in here. The only passage from here is back to the east.\n\nA beaker seems to have been found and set back in place in the center of a shelf.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine beaker",
"response": "The beaker is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na table leg\na rusted key\na zorkmid\na small lantern (providing light)\nan elvish sword\na backpack (open)\na spider fang\na dusty key\na strange skull\na journal page\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the table leg in the backpack",
"response": "You put the table leg into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the beaker",
"response": "You pick up the beaker from the ground.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This may have once been an alchemical lab. Shards of glass cover the floor as if someone went off his nut and smashed everything in here. The only passage from here is back to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na beaker (empty)\na rusted key\na zorkmid\na small lantern (providing light)\nan elvish sword\na backpack (open)\na table leg\na spider fang\na dusty key\na strange skull\na journal page\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Door with the rusted key",
"response": "You unlock the oak door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "(first opening the oak door)\n\nYou are at the east end of a ginormous library. Shelves upon shelves of books stretch high over your head and the place seems to have been somewhat ransacked. Besides the shelves, some of the books are strewn about the floor; tossed aside as if someone was desperately looking for something. The flickering flames from scattered braziers make the shadows dance in this large, oddly shaped room. More of the library can be reached to the west and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the rusted key in the backpack",
"response": "You put the rusted key into the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shelves",
"response": "Books, books, everywhere...all shapes and sizes, and all have one thing in common: they are all written in tongues unknown to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You are at the west end of a ginormous library. Shelves upon shelves of books stretch high over your head and the place seems to have been somewhat ransacked. Besides the shelves, some of the books are strewn about the floor; tossed aside as if someone was desperately looking for something. The flickering flames from scattered braziers make the shadows dance in this large, oddly shaped room. More of the library can be reached to the east and south.\n\nA large and strange glass globe is placed in the corner of the library here. Inside, there seems to be a man, dressed much as an elderly wizard, who beats on the glass shouting pleas at you. However, you cannot hear his words or even the thumping on the glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You wave, feeling foolish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine man",
"response": "He is dressed much as you've seen wizards dress, however, you haven't seen some of his style choices outside of a book of history of the Great Underground Empire. He seems to be in distress and is pounding, albeit soundlessly, on the glass, shouting unheard, and pointing exasperatedly to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the globe",
"response": "A large and strange glass globe is placed in the corner of the library here. Inside, there seems to be a man, dressed much as an elderly wizard, who beats on the glass shouting pleas at you. However, you cannot hear his words or even the thumping on the glass.\n\nIn the prison globe is a wizard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are at the south end of a ginormous library. Shelves upon shelves of books stretch high over your head and the place seems to have been somewhat ransacked. Besides the shelves, some of the books are strewn about the floor; tossed aside as if someone was desperately looking for something. The flickering flames from scattered braziers make the shadows dance in this large, oddly shaped room. More of the library can be reached to the north and northeast.\n\nAcross from you, tearing out books from the shelves as if frantically seeking something, is a headless demon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the demon",
"response": "He seems as if he were a well-dressed man; only without a head. He is frantically pulling books off the shelf, examining them swiftly, and throwing them behind him. He is obviously searching for a particular book, you imagine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na beaker (empty)\na zorkmid\na small lantern (providing light)\nan elvish sword\na backpack (open)\na rusted key\na table leg\na spider fang\na dusty key\na strange skull\na journal page\na bust of Korboz\na skeleton key\na crystal ashtray\na heap of useless wood",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the skull",
"response": "You take the strange skull from the backpack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the skull at the demon",
"response": "You toss the strange skull at the demon and as it hits him, he (and the skull) instantly disappear from this dimension with an audible\npop sound.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You are at the south end of a ginormous library. Shelves upon shelves of books stretch high over your head and the place seems to have been somewhat ransacked. Besides the shelves, some of the books are strewn about the floor; tossed aside as if someone was desperately looking for something. The flickering flames from scattered braziers make the shadows dance in this large, oddly shaped room. More of the library can be reached to the north and northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are at the west end of a ginormous library. Shelves upon shelves of books stretch high over your head and the place seems to have been somewhat ransacked. Besides the shelves, some of the books are strewn about the floor; tossed aside as if someone was desperately looking for something. The flickering flames from scattered braziers make the shadows dance in this large, oddly shaped room. More of the library can be reached to the east and south.\n\nThe wizard seems to have aged wayy past his expiration date. The globe prison must have kept him alive, but now that the demon magic that created it has gone, the wizard's years finally caught up with him.\n\nThe globe prison now lies in shards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search wizard",
"response": "You find something very special. You don't know why you know this, but you do. It is a small tome written in an archaic tongue. Perhaps this is what the demon was searching for all along. The englobed wizard must've been hiding it on his person this whole time. Of all the treasures you've found today, this tome may be more important (and expensive) than you know...",
"endoftext": true
] | iad2jc9l3usqazgx |
Cut the Red Wire! No, the Blue Wire! | David Whyld | [
] | [
"Adrift 4",
"not playable on mac",
"one move",
"speed IF"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 7 | 2.857143 | 20130301 | false | You are a bomb disposal expert at the old warehouse on Throggmorton Row facing a big, nasty bomb. A red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Loading game...\n\nCut the Red Wire! No, the Blue Wire!\n\nCut the Red Wire!\nNo, the Blue Wire!\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're a bit short for your height, but otherwise unremarkable.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut red Wire",
"response": "You cut the red wire.\nA moment's breathless anticipation follows.\nFollowed by a thunderous explosion as the bomb explodes anyway. Ah well, it was a good try.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut blue Wire",
"response": "You cut the blue wire.\nA moment's breathless anticipation follows.\nFollowed by a thunderous explosion as the bomb explodes anyway. Ah well, it was a good try.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\n[MORE]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You massage the buttocks",
"response": "The warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull blue Wire",
"response": "You pull the blue wire, hoping this might defuse the bomb.\nThe thunderously loud explosion which abruptly tears you apart indicates this isn't the case.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bomb",
"response": "It's a remarkably nasty and efficient looking bomb. The sort of bomb that immediately commands attention. A guy would have to be totally mad, or have a death wish on his hands, to try and defuse something like this.\nWhy is it, you wonder, that you decided to become a bomb disposal expert? Wasn't stacking shelves in Asda enough excitement for you?\n\n[MORE]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the green",
"response": "Unfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat bomb",
"response": "Whatever that was, it won't be done.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the bomb at the crowd",
"response": "You attempt to engage the sightseers but as they're only here for the spectacle of seeing you go up in smoke, they don't prove very helpful.\n\nThe bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke. The sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "You try praying. It's never worked before and, unsurprisingly, it doesn't work now.\n\nThe bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke. The sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine red Wire",
"response": "The red wire stares at you and you stare at it. Unfortunately, this staring contest has only one winner: the bomb.\n\n[MORE]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at red Wire",
"response": "You float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine blue Wire",
"response": "The blue wire stares at you and you stare at it. Unfortunately, this staring contest has only one winner: the bomb.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.\nWhatever that was, it won't be done.\n\n[MORE]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "Unfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.\nWhatever that was, it won't be done.\n\n[MORE]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Unfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No the blue wire",
"response": "You cut the red wire.\nA moment's breathless anticipation follows.\nFollowed by a thunderous explosion as the bomb explodes anyway. Ah well, it was a good try.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.\n\nThe blue wire stares at you and you stare at it. Unfortunately, this staring contest has only one winner: the bomb.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying a pair of wire cutters.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine yourself",
"response": "[x me]\nYou're a bit short for your height, but otherwise unremarkable.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "You utter the magic word, hoping it will defuse the bomb, move it to a safe location, shield you from its blast, or save you in some other way.\nUnfortunately it doesn't do anything other than waste your last\nmoment on Earth due to the bomb exploding a moment later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clamp",
"response": "Whatever that was, it won't be done.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.\nWhatever that was, it won't be done.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the bomb",
"response": "Whatever that was, it won't be done.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wall",
"response": "Your thoughts stray in the direction of the walls, but the bomb has other ideas and blows you up so the walls will forever remain a mystery.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach red Wire to blue Wire",
"response": "The red wire stares at you and you stare at it. Unfortunately, this staring contest has only one winner: the bomb.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the bomb",
"response": "[kill bomb]\nThoughts of violence enter your mind but are never acted upon due to the unfortunately timed explosion from the bomb.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the bomb with the davidw",
"response": "[kill bomb with DavidW]\nThoughts of violence enter your mind but are never acted upon due to the unfortunately timed explosion from the bomb.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "[wake u]\nWhatever that was, it won't be done.\n\nUnfortunately, your hesitation has cost you dearly. The bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke.\nThe sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut green Wire",
"response": "Which wire? The red wire or the blue wire?\nUnfortunately, your struggles with disambiguation have cost you\ndearly.\n\nThe bomb explodes, taking you, and it, up in a large cloud of smoke. The sightseers give a raucous cheer and conclude that this was the\nbest damn explosion they've witnessed all week.\n\nYou float up to Heaven where Saint Paul, decked out in Armani garb to die for, informs you that the Big Guy is mightily disappointed in your shoddy performance and has determined you're going to go right back down and get it done properly. You aren't given a say in this, but Saint Paul does give you a hefty kick up the backside to speed you on your way.\nMassage your aching buttocks and press the RETURN key if you'd be so kind.\n\nThe warehouse itself is nothing special. The large bomb clamped to a wall in the centre of the main area is. A cordon has been erected around it, keeping back a crowd of sightseers eager to see a bomb disposal expert blown to pieces.\nA red wire and a blue wire dangle from the side of the bomb.",
"endoftext": true
] | jwirkbm7rdqt1cfl |
Ragnarok: Twilight of the Gods | Admiral Jota | [] | [
"Inform 6",
"Penultimate not numbered Speed IF"
] | 2,011 | [
] | 7 | 2.857143 | 20120101 | false | Late night movie night at your place! It's two AM, your friends are here, the DVD is already in the machine, and you're ready to watch. Or are you? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Late night movie night at your place! It's two AM, your friends are here, the DVD is already in the machine, and you're ready to watch.\n\nOr are you?\n\nRagnarok: Twilight of the Gods\nA New Year's SpeedIF Game (with non-standard parameters: type XYZZY for details)\n\nThis is the place where you prepare food. And by \"prepare food\", of course, I mean \"microwave frozen burritos\" and \"call for pizza\". It's fitted out with all the usual amenities: refrigerator, stove, microwave, cabinets, a large disembodied brain floating in the corner. Pretty much your standard IF protagonist's kitchen. The living room is to the east.\n\nMindo is floating placidly in the corner.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at the self",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "vimes says, \"Hm. Kernels, Ragnarok, mind, a copper coin, and a badly-implemented NPC.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brain",
"response": "Ah, Mindo The Mind. You and Mindo have been friends ever since third grade, when a bunch of bigger kids were picking on you for not knowing how to balance a checkbook, and Mindo defended you by telekinetically flinging all of the bullies through the air into the community swimming hole on the other side of town. Good times. He's never been much of a conversationalist, but he's an awesome roommate and the coolest disembodied brain you've ever met.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "What a good idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show yourself to Mindo",
"response": "(first taking yourself)\nYou are always self-possessed.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is the place where you prepare food. And by \"prepare food\", of course, I mean \"microwave frozen burritos\" and \"call for pizza\". It's fitted out with all the usual amenities: refrigerator, stove, microwave, cabinets, a large disembodied brain floating in the corner. Pretty much your standard IF protagonist's kitchen. The living room is to the east.\n\nMindo is floating placidly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "Mindo: I don't suppose Mindo would care for that.\nlights: They're hardly portable.\nrefrigerator: That's hardly portable.\nfreezer: That's hardly portable.\ntelephone: It's two in the morning. It's too late to be calling anyone on the phone.\nstove: That's hardly portable.\nmicrowave oven: That's hardly portable.\ncabinets: They're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call for the pizza",
"response": "It's two in the morning. It's too late to be calling anyone on the phone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "That seems like a monumentally unwise idea. The last time you opened the fridge, you ended up spending a week in the hospital and lost all memories for thirty-six hours before and after the event. But hey, if you want to give it a shot, it's your funeral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the freezer",
"response": "Dang, no more burritos. You'll have to go to the store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cabinets",
"response": "You open the cabinets, revealing a bowl of unpopped popcorn kernels and a fuse box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "(the microwave oven)\nA black box with a door and numbers on the front. You use it to reheat schezuan shrimp, nuke frozen burritos and pop popcorn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the Kernels",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fuse",
"response": "Which do you mean, the fuse box or the dusty fuse?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the Kernels",
"response": "You try one. Ow! No wonder people pop these first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at dusty",
"response": "It's a dusty old fuse that has served you well for years.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "Fortunately, you haven't accidentally left anything in there overnight. This time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the Kernels",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the Kernels in the microwave",
"response": "You're about to put the bowl of popcorn kernels into the microwave when you feel a telekinetic tug at your arm.\n\nMindo telepathically communicates, \"You shouldn't make popcorn without oil. Unless you have an air popper. Which we don't.\"\n\nMindo is, as usual, correct.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stove",
"response": "You have mixed emotions when you think back to the day you last used this stove. You were making tuna noodle casserole. You're still not exactly sure why the contents exploded, but you haven't been able to pry the oven open since.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Everyone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!\n\nThor rumbles, \"The time has come for time for Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods! THOR MUST NOT BE KEPT WAITING!\"\n\nYour reflexes serve you well, as you duck just before a lightning bolt arcs from Thor's fingers, passing inches from your head, and striking someplace in the kitchen behind you. Instantly, all the lights go dark.\n\n\"Oops,\" rumbles Thor, \"Did I do that?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lisa about the oil",
"response": "Lisa mumbles, \"Wake me up when it's time for the popcorn and the movie, 'K?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Lisa",
"response": "Lisa is dozing in the big armchair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Thor",
"response": "Thor, the Norse god of thunder, is hanging out on the couch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask thor about the oil",
"response": "Thor rumbles, \"The time has come for Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the couch",
"response": "You poke around between the couch cushions.\n\nThor rumbles, \"This is an indignity up with which I should not have to put!\" But he still lifts his butt cheek enough to let you check underneath the cushion he's sitting on.\n\nJackpot! You come away with a candy wrapper, a quarter, a small bottle of oil, a penny, a dime and a wad of cat hair!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cat",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the place where you prepare food. And by \"prepare food\", of course, I mean \"microwave frozen burritos\" and \"call for pizza\". It's fitted out with all the usual amenities: refrigerator, stove, microwave, cabinets, a large disembodied brain floating in the corner. Pretty much your standard IF protagonist's kitchen. The living room is to the east.\n\nIt's also pretty dark in here. It's a good thing you've got excellent night vision, or else that could be somewhat inconvenient.\n\nMindo is floating placidly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the coin in the fuse",
"response": "Which do you mean, the fuse box or the burnt-out fuse?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You gethe burnt-out fuse",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put penny in fuse box",
"response": "Yowch! You suck your fingers for a moment, wondering if maybe you should get a trained electrician to stick pennies in your fuse box in the future.\n\nBut on the plus side, the lights are back on!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na burnt-out fuse\na wad of cat hair\na dime\na small bottle of oil\na quarter\na candy wrapper\na bowl of unpopped popcorn kernels",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put oil on popcorn",
"response": "You pour the oil over the popcorn kernels and dispose of the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the popcorn in the microwave",
"response": "You put the bowl of oiled popcorn kernels into the microwave, set it for two minutes and thirty-four seconds, and close the door.\n\nA few moments later, you hear a sizzling, popping noise.\n\nA few moments after that, the microwave explodes.\n\nHrm. I probably should have mentioned that it was a metal bowl. My bad.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is the place where you prepare food. And by \"prepare food\", of course, I mean \"microwave frozen burritos\" and \"call for pizza\". It's fitted out with all the usual amenities: refrigerator, stove, exploded microwave, cabinets, a large disembodied brain floating in the corner. Pretty much your standard IF protagonist's kitchen. The living room is to the east\n\nMindo is floating placidly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the microwave",
"response": "A total mess. The door hangs off at a decorative (but non-functional) angle, the timer display is cracked down the middle, and every part of it is pitted with black scorch marks. On the plus side, the microwave is full of freshly-popped popcorn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the popcorn",
"response": "You try a mouthful. It's tasty! Admittedly, it could use some salt, but you've already done enough for this puzzle, so we'll just call it tasty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Everyone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake lisa",
"response": "Lisa mumbles, \"Wake me up when it's time for the popcorn and the movie, 'K?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the player",
"response": "Lisa immediately kicks the power button with her foot, turning it back off again.\n\nLisa mumbles, \"Can't watch a movie without popcorn...\"\n\nThor rumbles, \"But The time has come for Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods!\"\n\nFrom the other room, Mindo telepathically communicates, \"Providing snacks is one of your duties as a host.\"\n\nMindo is, as usual, correct.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the player",
"response": "The DVD is already in the player. You just need to turn it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the popcorn to Lisa",
"response": "Lisa mumbles, \"Rock on. Let's start the flick, guys.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the player",
"response": "You turn on the DVD player and TV, then join Thor on the couch. Mindo drifts in from the kitchen as the copyright notice plays. Lisa munches her popcorn, and the opening title sequence finally begins:\n\nRAGNAROK: TWILIGHT OF THE GODS\n\nThor rumbles, \"Huzzah!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.\n\nPlease give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "Late night movie night at your place! It's two AM, your friends are here, the DVD is already in the machine, and you're ready to watch.\n\nOr are you?\n\nRagnarok: Twilight of the Gods\nA New Year's SpeedIF Game (with non-standard parameters: type XYZZY for details)\n\nThis is the place where you prepare food. And by \"prepare food\", of course, I mean \"microwave frozen burritos\" and \"call for pizza\". It's fitted out with all the usual amenities: refrigerator, stove, microwave, cabinets, a large disembodied brain floating in the corner. Pretty much your standard IF protagonist's kitchen. The living room is to the east.\n\nMindo is floating placidly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Everyone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!\n\nThor rumbles, \"The time has come for time for Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods! THOR MUST NOT BE KEPT WAITING!\"\n\nYour reflexes serve you well, as you duck just before a lightning bolt arcs from Thor's fingers, passing inches from your head, and striking someplace in the kitchen behind you. Instantly, all the lights go dark.\n\n\"Oops,\" rumbles Thor, \"Did I do that?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "lights: They're hardly portable.\nLisa: I don't suppose Lisa would care for that.\nThor: I don't suppose Thor would care for that.\n(couch): Alas, there are no more treasures to be found in the sofa for the time being.\ncombination TV/DVD player: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wad of cat hair\na dime\na penny\na small bottle of oil\na quarter\na candy wrapper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine wrapper",
"response": "It's apparently from an Almond Joy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the quarter",
"response": "Twenty-five cents! That's enough to buy a Garfield phone at a yard sale. Too bad it's Canadian.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine dime",
"response": "Ten cents. At one time, this is what you needed if you wanted to make a phone call.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the oil",
"response": "You're not really sure what kind of oil this is, but you think it might be left over from when Mindo took that massage class. It's amazing what he was able to do for the knots in your shoulders despite not actually possessing hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the couch",
"response": "You get onto the (couch).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You'll have to get off the (couch) first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the (couch).\n\nEveryone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!\n\nIt's also pretty dark in here. It's a good thing you've got excellent night vision, or else that could be somewhat inconvenient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wad of cat hair\na dime\na penny\na small bottle of oil\na quarter\na candy wrapper",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Everyone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!\n\nIt's also pretty dark in here. It's a good thing you've got excellent night vision, or else that could be somewhat inconvenient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the place where you prepare food. And by \"prepare food\", of course, I mean \"microwave frozen burritos\" and \"call for pizza\". It's fitted out with all the usual amenities: refrigerator, stove, microwave, cabinets, a large disembodied brain floating in the corner. Pretty much your standard IF protagonist's kitchen. The living room is to the east.\n\nIt's also pretty dark in here. It's a good thing you've got excellent night vision, or else that could be somewhat inconvenient.\n\nMindo is floating placidly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "That seems like a monumentally unwise idea. The last time you opened the fridge, you ended up spending a week in the hospital and lost all memories for thirty-six hours before and after the event. But hey, if",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "you want to give it a shot, it's your funeral.\n\nFortunately, you haven't accidentally left anything in there overnight. This time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open fridge",
"response": "You take a deep breath, brace yourself against the unknown, and open the door.\n\nDo you remember that scene near the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark?\n\nYeah, well. This ain't the glory of God here, but the outcome is otherwise strikingly similar. Better luck next time around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bowl and the box",
"response": "bowl of unpopped popcorn kernels: Taken.\nmicrowave oven: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bowl",
"response": "What the heck? Aren't popcorn kernels supposed to come in a paper bag? With microwave instructions on the back?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Everyone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!\n\nIt's also pretty dark in here. It's a good thing you've got excellent night vision, or else that could be somewhat inconvenient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fuse box",
"response": "An open-faced fuse box. Conveniently, your entire home runs on just one fuse. In the fuse box is a burnt-out fuse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the telephone",
"response": "A telephone in the shape of Garfield the cat which you picked up for only a quarter at a yard sale. Cha-ching!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call Thor",
"response": "It's two in the morning. It's too late to be calling anyone on the phone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cat in the microwave",
"response": "(the wad of cat hair in the microwave oven)\nYou won't be microwaving anything without electricity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put penny in the fuse",
"response": "(the burnt-out fuse)\nThat can't contain things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the oil",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Everyone is here! Lisa's settled into the big armchair, Thor is hanging out on the couch, Mindo is -- well, Mindo's still in the kitchen, but he'll come in when the movie starts, undoubtedly. You've already got the DVD in your combination TV/DVD player, so you just need to turn it on and late night movie night can begin!\n\nIt's also pretty dark in here. It's a good thing you've got excellent night vision, or else that could be somewhat inconvenient.",
"endoftext": true
] | g6h1glu4zeds6sec |
Undertow | Stephen Granade | [
] | [
"cover art",
"IF Competition 1995",
"IFComp Game",
"TADS 2",
] | 1,995 | [
] | 7 | 2.857143 | 20090203 | false | Go sailing on a yacht with three friends, and a corpse. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Yesterday, as you were walking through Central Park, a meteorite crashed nearby, bathing you in cosmic radiation. It only made the twelth page of the paper, under Dear Abby. Of course, if anyone could have foreseen the awful effects of that accident, it surely would have been a front page story. But there was no way for you, or anyone else, to predict that the result of that accident would be....\n\nThe Underoos That Ate New York!\n\n(c) 1994. All Rights Reserved.\nEmail: [email protected]\nType 'xyzzy' for help and information.\n\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nYour Bedroom (on the bed)\nHome sweet home for a '60s throwback bachelor like yourself.\nAssorted, but unimportant decorations litter the walls and ceiling.\nTo the west is a door that, as you fuzzily recall, leads into your walk-in closet. To the east is a hallway, that, as you even more fuzzily recall, leads to the kitchen.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "A hollow voice says, \"This is a short sample 'game' designed to test out some programming ideas I had. It pays homage to the bad old sci-fi B movies. The material here is, I suppose, vaguely mystifying to small children, so parents be warned, play it through first yourself, and make your own decision about it.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "%",
"response": "How did Thom ever talk you into this one...\n\nYour friend Thom Hall has always been a smooth talker, which is probably how he got you to attend his party on board the *Bellerophon*. The fourty-eight-foot yacht is named after the H.M.S. Bellerophon, the ship on which Napoleon formally surrendered in 1815 after Waterloo. Thom isn't usually too modest.\n\nAnyway, you're now stuck at a floating party with three other people you barely know, friends of Thom's. Bill Leveritt is one of Thom's partners in his architectural firm. Carl Weathers, another old friend of Thom's, brought his girlfriend Ashleigh Flannagin, which completes the floating fivesome.\n\nSo far you've seen Bill and Thom yell at each other, Thom hit Carl for some unexplained reason, and Ashleigh ignore both Thom and you. Not the most pleasant party you've ever been to.\n\nAnd it's barely 10 a.m...\n\nUndertow v1.1 (9/5/1995) by Stephen Granade\n\nThe forward head sports a small toilet, a sink, and a miniscule shower. In the floor is a small drain; above the sink, a mirror and medicine cabinet. A closed door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cabinet",
"response": "Opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are empty-handed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at it",
"response": "It is bolted to the wall just above the sink. It is made of strong plastic, and is open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the drain",
"response": "It sees a lot of use due to the shower. Its metal surface is streaked with hard-water stains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Time",
"response": "The time is now 10:12 a.m.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look remarkably like yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You'll have to open the door first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It's locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "Unlocked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is a hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nSitting on the left v-berth is a pill bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bottle",
"response": "The closed bottle is opaque and plastic. The label has been torn off, so you don't know where it came from or what its pills do. All that is left is a faded sketch of a man with dark circles under his eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bottle",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "Opening the pill bottle reveals five little pills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pill",
"response": "You swallow the pill, grimacing at its chalky taste. Almost immediately, you feel a wave of lethargy sweep over you. You have to fight off the overwhelming urge to sleep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the locker",
"response": "Opening the hanging locker reveals a safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine safe",
"response": "Squat, grey, metal. It obviously requires a key to unlock it. Part of the top of the safe is scarred with deep gouges.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gouges",
"response": "On closer inspection, you can see that the gouges outline a panel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the panel",
"response": "The panel is surrounded by gouges, evidence of prior removals.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "No matter how you try to fit your fingers around the panel, you fail. Evidently the panel is not openable without the assistance of a tool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tray",
"response": "The wooden drink tray has held many, many drinks on its surface and is discolored with many, many drink stains. Right now it holds a whiskey bottle, a scotch bottle, a wine bottle, and a bottle of beer. One edge is chipped slightly.\n\nCarl arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Carl",
"response": "Carl Weathers is about 28, with sandy brown hair and light blue eyes. If Hitler were alive today, he'd put Carl on one of his posters. Carl is a bit of a know-it-all, but fairly bright. You've never quite been sure what he does for a living.\n\nBill arrives from the west.\n\nWith a large sigh, Carl sits down on the bench.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Carl about Bill",
"response": "Carl says, \"Hmm, can't tell you too much about that!\"\n\nBill wanders over to the drink tray and picks up the whiskey bottle. From somewhere around the bar, he scrounges up a slightly-clean glass. With a deft flick of his wrist, he pours himself a shot of the whiskey and replaces the bottle. \"I've always, er, liked whiskey,\" he comments.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Bill",
"response": "Bill Leveritt has been Thom's partner in their architectural firm for as long as you've known Thom. Bill's thatch of thinning gray hair and round glasses make him look older than his forty-two years. He tries to dress flamboyantly but often fails, as demonstrated today by his long-sleeved blue oxford shirt. He's extremely good at what he does, but he is very unassuming; Thom is the talker of the firm. In one hand he is holding one of his ubiquitous glasses of whiskey.\n\nAshleigh sits down next to Carl and whispers something to him. He grins slightly in response.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Ashleigh",
"response": "Ashleigh Flannagin is a knockout, which is why Thom ever dated her in the first place. However, Thom always has to be right, and it didn't take long for Ash to tire of that and start dating Carl. She has shoulder-length copper hair and dark brown eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Carl",
"response": "Carl Weathers is about 28, with sandy brown hair and light blue eyes. If Hitler were alive today, he'd put Carl on one of his posters. Carl is a bit of a know-it-all, but fairly bright. You've never quite been sure what he does for a living.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The flying bridge rises above you, its canopy rippling slightly in\nthe wind. To the east, an open door flanked by windows leads into the forecastle. To the northeast you can see the foredeck; to the south are the aft sections of the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the canopy",
"response": "It arches over much of the flying bridge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look remarkably like yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck allows for any necessary engine maintenance. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the line",
"response": "The line is tough, easily able to withstand the rigors of marine life. One end of it is tied to a cleat. The other end of it runs over the rail and into the water. It is taught, as if something heavy were tied to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the line",
"response": "You tug on the line as hard as you can, but something is weighing it down. Glancing over the rail, you see a dark shape in the water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shape",
"response": "It looks disturbingly person-like. In fact, it looks disturbingly Thom-like.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the line",
"response": "You tug on the line as hard as you can, but Thom's...dead weight, for lack of a better term, is too much for you. Judging from the weight, it is too much for everyone else on board.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the water",
"response": "It stretches all around you, rolling and glistening in the glare of the sun, churned up by the propellers. It is tantalizingly close yet out of reach. In the water, you can see a dim shape attached to the line tied to the cleat.\n\nBill arrives from the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Bill about thom",
"response": "You tell Bill about seeing Thom's body in the water. Bill, however, just waves you off absentmindedly.\n\nAs he is walking past it, Bill absentmindedly tugs on the line. Something about it makes him stop. He looks over the rail and into the water. His eyes widen alarmingly, and he yells, \"Oh, my God! Quick! Everyone to the cockpit deck! It's Thom!\" Bill begins pulling on the line with all his strength. \"Help me!\" he says to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Bill about thom",
"response": "You tell Bill about seeing Thom's body in the water. Bill, however, just waves you off absentmindedly.\n\nCarl arrives from the northwest.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nCarl grabs hold of the line and strains in concert with Bill. You slide in between them and put your back into the effort, but to no avail. After a few seconds, Carl stops, swearing.\n\nBill says, \"The four of us won't be able to drag Thom on board while we're, uh, moving.\"\n\nAshleigh nods in agreement. \"We've got to cut the engines.\" You find yourself wondering just who this \"we\" are--you surely don't want to monkey around with Thom's boat. Not that he's going to care now, but habits are hard to break.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the panel",
"response": "The large access panel can be opened in order to repair or service the engines which power the boat. Right now the panel is closed.\n\nCarl finally convinces himself that he won't be able to drag Thom onboard. You would have been glad to explain it to him, but no doubt that would have taken one minute shy of eternity. He glances at the three of you.\n\n\"C'mon,\" he says, \"I need you three on the flying bridge. I'll explain up there, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the panel",
"response": "Opened.\n\nBill leaves to the northwest.\n\nCarl leaves to the northwest.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.\nBill stands here, slouching his way from one part of the boat to another.\nCarl, hands in pockets, is standing here, obviously on his way to somewhere else.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nBill climbs up the ladder and is gone.\n\nCarl climbs up the ladder and is gone.\n\nAshleigh climbs up the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "From up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\nBill slumps here quietly.\nCarl is looking at the helm, thinking.\nAshleigh is standing here, obviously a bit disturbed.\n\nBill says, \"Um, ok, Carl, what now?\"\n\nCarl looks at the controls. \"I'd best man the anchor.\" He looks at you, then at Bill. Finally, \"Bill, I want you to go to the cockpit deck and take care of the line Thom's attached to. I want you,\" he turns to Ashleigh, \"to relay my instructions to Bill, and I want you,\" he turns to you, \"to throttle back when I say so. Look over the helm.\" He makes a few adjustments to the helm, then nods to himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the helm",
"response": "The helm is amazingly complex, with gagues for RPMs, temperature, amperage...the mind boggles. On the right side of the helm are two levers: the throttle handle and the clutch handle. The throttle is taller than and to the right of the clutch handle. In the middle of the helm is a large wooden wheel.\n\nBill climbs down the ladder and is gone.\n\nCarl climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the throttle",
"response": "The throttle handle controls the boat's speed. When pushed all the way forward, the engines run full out. When pulled back, the engines almost idle. Right now it is set to very slow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clutch",
"response": "The clutch handle controls the direction the boat moves, either forward or reverse. It can be pushed forward or pulled back. Right now it is set to forward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wheel",
"response": "Attached to the helm, the wheel controls the ship's rudders. It resembles a stereotypical ship wheel, with large wooden handles all around its circumference.\n\nFrom below, Carl yells at you, \"Pull the throttle back to idle.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the throttle",
"response": "You pull the throttle back to idling speed. You hear the engines slow down.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "From up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\nAshleigh is standing here, obviously a bit disturbed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about Thom",
"response": "Ashleigh laughs, a deep throaty sound. \"Sometimes I wonder how I ever dated him.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Ashleigh",
"response": "Ashleigh Flannagin is a knockout, which is why Thom ever dated her in the first place. However, Thom always has to be right, and it didn't take long for Ash to tire of that and start dating Carl. She has shoulder-length copper hair and dark brown eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn wheel",
"response": "Turn it left or right?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn wheel right",
"response": "You spin the wheel to the right. The bow begins to swing to starboard.\n\nCarl yells, \"Ok, reverse the engines!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the clutch",
"response": "You pull the clutch back. You hear the engines drop into neutral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the clutch",
"response": "You pull the clutch back. You hear the engines begin to turn in reverse.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "From up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\nAshleigh is standing here, obviously a bit disturbed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chair",
"response": "The blue chair makes piloting the boat much more comfortable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the chair",
"response": "Okay, you're now sitting on the chair.\n\nCarl shouts up at you, \"Push the throttle to one-quarter.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You push the throttle forward to one-quarter speed. You hear the engines rev up to a higher pitch.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Flying Bridge, in the chair\nFrom up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\nAshleigh is standing here, obviously a bit disturbed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "Okay, you're no longer in the chair.\n\nCarl yells, \"Ok, I need you to shut off the...oh, screw it. Ash, kill the engines! And tell Bill to try pulling Thom in now.\"\n\nAshleigh moves to the helm, leaving you to yell Carl's instructions to Bill. \"Oh, er, right!\" he yells back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "From where you are, only a thin rail stands between you and the\nwater to starboard. A roof, much more substantial than the rail and belonging to the aft stateroom, lies to port, stretching from here to the port side of the boat. Small windows gape in the stateroom's side. Two-thirds of the boat lie to the north, while the other one-third of the boat is to the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Above you and to port rises the flying bridge, casting a cold\nshadow across you. Also to port are the curtained windows which afford you a glimpse into the forecastle. At your feet lies a closed compartment. The boat continues to the northwest and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the compartment",
"response": "The compartment is about three meters long by half a meter wide and runs the length of the boat. The lid of the compartment normally doubles as the deck. Built in the lid is a small keyhole. The compartment is closed and locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hole",
"response": "The hole in the deck opens into the chain locker, where the anchor chain is stored. The anchor chain runs out of it, over the rail, and plunges into the sea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the locker",
"response": "Your hand is too small to fit through the hole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the screwdriver",
"response": "Thom has really put this tool through its paces. Its tip is bent, as if he used it for non-standard purposes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the windows",
"response": "They look into the forecastle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chain",
"response": "The anchor chain, along with the anchor, is used to attach the boat to the bottom of the sea. It runs out of the hole in the deck, over the rail, and into the sea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "The flying bridge rises above you, its canopy rippling slightly in\nthe wind. To the east, an open door flanked by windows leads into the forecastle. To the northeast you can see the foredeck; to the south are the aft sections of the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nAshleigh is here, standing pensively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lamp",
"response": "A quick appraisal of the lamp bring the words \"bulbous,\" \"green,\" and \"hideous\" to mind for no apparent reason. The red plaid lampshade does little to mute its appearance. It has been attached to a square base about three centimeters thick, in case the boat pitches violently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chest",
"response": "The chest-of-drawers is a nice piece of furniture despite the many water stains on its surface. Three drawers run from the bottom of the chest to the top. A lamp perches on top of the chest like a vulture.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close it",
"response": "Closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close it",
"response": "Opened.\n\nThere's nothing in the middle drawer.\n\nClosed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close it",
"response": "Opened.\n\nThere's nothing in the bottom drawer.\n\nClosed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the lamp",
"response": "After fooling with it for a few seconds, you decide that taking the lamp is a lost cause.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tray",
"response": "The wooden drink tray has held many, many drinks on its surface and is discolored with many, many drink stains. Right now it holds a whiskey bottle, a scotch bottle, a wine bottle, and a bottle of beer. One edge is chipped slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the whiskey bottle",
"response": "The label claims that the whiskey is a good brand. Knowing Thom, the label bears little relationship to what's inside. The bottle contains quite a bit of whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the scotch",
"response": "The scotch appears to be passable. Unfortunately, you don't care much for scotch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wine",
"response": "It is slightly yellowish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at beer",
"response": "It's Stella, an imported beer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wine bottle",
"response": "The bottle's label proclaims it to be the proud product of Ernest & Julio Gallo's vinyards. The bottle contains some white wine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beer bottle",
"response": "It is some imported beer named Stella. The bottle contains a little beer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the scotch bottle",
"response": "Light glints off the glass bottle, sparkling in your eyes. Too bad you don't like scotch; this looks to be good. The bottle contains some scotch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the galley",
"response": "It is a marvel of compact engineering, managing to fit an electric stove, an oven, a sink, and a refrigerator in a tiny space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "Opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close it",
"response": "Closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at stove",
"response": "The stove has four burners, just enough for most marine cooking. However, for this trip the burners have been disconnected. Thom always was paranoid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the oven",
"response": "Close inspection shows you that the oven is without power, to prevent accidents. It is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sink",
"response": "It is a square metal sink, about fourty centimeters by thirty centimeters. It has one handle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the handle",
"response": "Which handle do you mean, the throttle, the clutch, or the sink handle?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sink handle",
"response": "It is one of those single handles which control both cold and hot water. Right now it is off.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the panel with the screwdriver",
"response": "You work the screwdriver under the panel and lean on it forcefully. The panel groans open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in safe",
"response": "It's closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine safe",
"response": "Squat, grey, metal. It obviously requires a key to unlock it. Part of the top of the safe is scarred with deep gouges which outline an open panel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock safe",
"response": "What do you want to unlock it with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get panel",
"response": "%You'll% need more than your bare fingers to remove the panel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the panel",
"response": "Peering in the panel only deepens the mystery of the safe. You can clearly see mechanical workings of some sort, and deep inside a battery. An electrically-opened safe? Two contacts jut up from the safe's innards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open radio",
"response": "Opening the portable radio reveals a nine-volt battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the battery",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the battery in the panel",
"response": "Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the contacts",
"response": "The electrical contacts stick up from the workings of the safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You have a pill bottle, a portable radio, a pair of wires, a screwdriver, and a nine-volt battery. The pill bottle seems to contain five little pills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the safe battery",
"response": "No doubt used to power the workings of the safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the battery",
"response": "Which battery do you mean, the nine-volt battery, or the safe battery?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You connect the contacts",
"response": "What do you want to attach it to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pry the panel with the screwdriver",
"response": "The panel is already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine safe",
"response": "Squat, grey, metal. It obviously requires a key to unlock it. Part of the top of the safe is scarred with deep gouges which outline an open panel.\n\nYou are rudely interrupted by the explosion of the *Bellerophon*. As you are flung into the air, you find yourself futilely wondering who caused the explosion.\n\n>> You have died <<\n\nYou may restore a saved game, start over, quit, or undo the current command.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the berth",
"response": "Which berth do you mean, the left v-berth, or the right v-berth?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Almost two meters high, the hanging locker is big, especially when you consider the size of everything else aboard the *Bellerophon*. It was built so clothes could hang freely inside of it. The locker is closed.\n\nThe forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the galley",
"response": "It is a marvel of compact engineering, managing to fit an electric stove, an oven, a sink, and a refrigerator in a tiny space.\n\nCarl arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The flying bridge rises above you, its canopy rippling slightly in\nthe wind. To the east, an open door flanked by windows leads into the forecastle. To the northeast you can see the foredeck; to the south are the aft sections of the boat.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck allows for any necessary engine maintenance. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "From where you are, only a thin rail stands between you and the\nwater to starboard. A roof, much more substantial than the rail and belonging to the aft stateroom, lies to port, stretching from here to the port side of the boat. Small windows gape in the stateroom's side. Two-thirds of the boat lie to the north, while the other one-third of the boat is to the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the windows",
"response": "Through them, you can see the aft stateroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the windows",
"response": "The aft stateroom is deserted.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Squeezed inside the aft stateroom are two single berths, one on\neither side of the stateroom, and a dresser. The north door to the aft head is open. A short ladder leads up to the open south door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dresser",
"response": "The dresser takes up much of the room available in the aft stateroom. It is situated between the right berth and the ladder that leads up, and has three drawers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawers",
"response": "top drawer: Opened.\nmiddle drawer: Opened.\nbottom drawer: Opening the bottom drawer reveals a portable radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Against one wall of the aft head crouches a small toilet. On the\nport wall is a sink and mirror, while the starboard wall sports the unbelievable luxury of a full bathtub. Built into the floor is a panel, which is closed. The open door to the south leads to the aft stateroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tub",
"response": "A bathtub is not standard issue on most boats. In this case, it's one of the many ways Thom shows you how much money he has. It is plastic, to reduce its weight, and it has a single handle, much like the sink. Its stopper is missing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tub",
"response": "A bathtub is not standard issue on most boats. In this case, it's one of the many ways Thom shows you how much money he has. It is plastic, to reduce its weight, and it has a single handle, much like the sink. Its stopper is missing. Water is running into the tub and out again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the tub",
"response": "Okay, it's now turned off.\n\nFrom somewhere outside you hear Bill yell, \"Oh, my God! Quick! Everyone to the cockpit deck! It's Thom!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Time",
"response": "The time is now 10:37 a.m.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open panel",
"response": "You swing open the panel, revealing the bilge pump housed beneath it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You have a pill bottle, a portable radio, and a pair of wires.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nFrom somewhere outside you hear Carl calling for you. You have to strain to understand what he's saying, but it sounds like he wants you on the flying bridge. Now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nCarl suddenly shows up. \"Right, I need you on the flying deck. C'mon.\" He grabs you by the arm and begins dragging you. You have no real choice but to follow him.\n\n\"What is it?\" you ask him en route.\n\n\"Thom. We've found him dead.\"\n\nFrom up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\nBill slumps here quietly.\nCarl is looking at the helm, thinking.\nAshleigh is standing here, obviously a bit disturbed.\n\nBill says, \"Um, ok, Carl, what now?\"\n\nCarl looks at the controls. \"I'd best man the anchor.\" He looks at you, then at Bill. Finally, \"Bill, I want you to go to the cockpit deck and take care of the line Thom's attached to. I want you,\" he turns to Ashleigh, \"to relay my instructions to Bill, and I want you,\" he turns to you, \"to throttle back when I say so. Look over the helm.\" He makes a few adjustments to the helm, then nods to himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the canopy",
"response": "The large canopy arches overhead, its blue fabric blocking the sun's terrible glare.\n\nBill climbs down the ladder and is gone.\n\nCarl climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Ashleigh moves in front of you, blocking you. \"What the hell are you doing? You have to run the helm! Stay here!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nFrom below, Carl yells at you, \"Pull the throttle back to idle.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the throttle",
"response": "You pull the throttle back to idling speed. You hear the engines slow down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nCarl yells, \"Ok, reverse the engines!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the helm",
"response": "The helm is amazingly complex, with gagues for RPMs, temperature, amperage...the mind boggles. On the right side of the helm are two levers: the throttle handle and the clutch handle. The throttle is taller than and to the right of the clutch handle. In the middle of the helm is a large wooden wheel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn wheel left",
"response": "You give the wheel a quick tug to the left. The bow begins to swing to port.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You give the wheel a quick tug to the left. The bow begins to swing to port.\n\nMuttering to herself, Ashleigh pulls the clutch back. You hear the engines reverse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn wheel right",
"response": "You spin the wheel to the right. The stern begins to swing to starboard.\n\nCarl shouts up at you, \"Push the throttle to one-quarter.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn wheel right",
"response": "You spin the wheel to the right. The stern begins to swing to starboard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about Ashleigh",
"response": "Ashleigh is no longer here.\n\nCarl yells, \"Ok, I need you to shut off the...oh, screw it. Ash, kill the engines! And tell Bill to try pulling Thom in now.\"\n\nAshleigh moves to the helm, leaving you to yell Carl's instructions to Bill. \"Oh, er, right!\" he yells back.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "From up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\nAshleigh is standing here, obviously a bit disturbed.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nCarl arrives from the north.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nCarl leaves to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck allows for any necessary engine maintenance. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nLying on the deck is Thom's body.\nBill slumps here quietly.\nAshleigh stands almost motionless, constantly glancing at Thom's\nbody.\nCarl stands here, hands in his pockets.\n\nCarl glances at poor Thom and shakes his head. \"Poor bastard,\" he whispers.\n\nBill glances nervously at everyone. \"Uh, what now?\"\n\nAshleigh laughs sourly. \"We sail back into port.\"\n\nYou nod in agreement, then say, \"Who'll pilot the boat?\"\n\nAfter a few seconds of silence, Carl speaks up. \"That would be me. I'll run back to the flying bridge.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the body",
"response": "As disgusting as it is, you riffle through Thom's pockets. Nothing.\n\nCarl leaves to the northwest.\n\nAshleigh shakes her head. \"Nothing to do but go back to the fo'cle and wait.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the body",
"response": "No matter how often you hated Thom for one thing or another, you certainly didn't want to see him dead like this. His face is a strange purple color. Along one side of his head, just under his wet hair, is a nasty bruise, slowly darkening. One of his hands is clenched tight, tight enough to drive his fingernails into his palm. Looped complexly around his leg is a length of line.\n\nBill leaves to the northwest.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.\nBill stands here, slouching his way from one part of the boat to another.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nBill leaves to the north.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The flying bridge rises above you, its canopy rippling slightly in\nthe wind. To the east, an open door flanked by windows leads into the forecastle. To the northeast you can see the foredeck; to the south are the aft sections of the boat.\nBill stands here, slouching his way from one part of the boat to another.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nBill leaves to the east.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nYou see a purse here. Sitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nBill slumps here quietly.\nAshleigh is here, standing casually.\n\nBill collapses onto the dinette bench.\n\nAshleigh paces back and forth worriedly, then stops self-consciously. She grimaces to herself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the purse",
"response": "It's closed.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open purse",
"response": "You open the bag, revealing the usual assortment of purse accoutrements...and a gun.\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Bill",
"response": "Bill Leveritt has been Thom's partner in their architectural firm for as long as you've known Thom. Bill's thatch of thinning gray hair and round glasses make him look older than his forty-two years. He tries to dress flamboyantly but often fails, as demonstrated today by his long-sleeved blue oxford shirt. He's extremely good at what he does, but he is very unassuming; Thom is the talker of the firm. In one hand he is holding one of his ubiquitous glasses of whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nAshleigh arrives, climbing up the ladder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nBill hands Ash's purse to her. \"Here,\" he says, \"you dropped this.\"\n\nAshleigh turns an odd shade of red: you can't tell if she's embarassed, mad, or worried. \"Thanks,\" she finally says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about the purse",
"response": "Ashleigh says, \"I don't know much about that.\"\n\nCarl arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nAshleigh looks up at Carl, sensing that something's wrong. \"What's up?\" she asks Carl.\n\nHe runs his hands distractedly through his curly hair. \"Ok,\" he finally says. \"Here's what we've got going on. Someone's sabotaged the engines, and I don't think I can fix them. I'll get on the radio and get someone here to help us. Until that happens, though, we're stuck.\"\n\n\"Great!\" Bill says. \"Just great! We're stuck on Thom's rotten boat with Thom's rotten body and one of us killed him!\" He downs his whiskey in one gulp as he jumps to his feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nWith a disgusted shake of his head, Carl moves to the radio and begins calling for help.\n\nAshleigh, on the other hand, watches Bill for a few seconds before moving to him and slapping him for all she's worth. Bill stops completely: he has no idea how to react.\n\n\"Listen here, you pompous ass,\" Ash hisses at him, \"none of us are particularly happy right now. But you're not helping. Stop it.\"\n\nAfter a long few seconds of staring, Bill turns and pours himself another whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nBill leaves to the west.\n\nCarl turns from the radio. \"Way to tell him,\" he says softly to Ashleigh, glancing at you as if to see if you agree. Ashleigh, however, grimaces.\n\n\"I didn't mean to yell at him like that. It's just...I mean...\" Her sentence trails off.\n\nCarl looks at her for almost half a minute, doubt showing on his face. Finally, \"I think I'll go check the engines. Gives me something to do, anyway.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nCarl leaves to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck has been opened for access to the engines. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nLying on the deck is Thom's body. Discarded on the deck, against\none edge of the boat, is a bent screwdriver.\nCarl is peering in the engines, pondering possibilities.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the screwdriver",
"response": "Taken.\n\nBill arrives, climbing up the ladder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck has been opened for access to the engines. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nLying on the deck is Thom's body.\nCarl is peering in the engines, pondering possibilities.\nBill slumps here quietly.\n\nBill leaves to the northeast. As Bill walks away, Carl mutters to you, \"What a prick.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Squeezed inside the aft stateroom are two single berths, one on\neither side of the stateroom, and a dresser. The north door to the aft head is open. A short ladder leads up to the open south door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck has been opened for access to the engines. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nLying on the deck is Thom's body.\nCarl is peering in the engines, pondering possibilities.\n\nAs you clear the aft stateroom, you see a flash of color over the rail. You can't quite tell, but it looks like a rag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rag",
"response": "You can't quite see the rag--it's hung on something about a meter down, just above the water. You're surprised it hasn't been washed away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You have a pill bottle, a portable radio, a pair of wires, and a screwdriver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the wires to nine-volt",
"response": "You attach the battery to the pair of wires with a few quick turns of each wire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the wires to the contacts",
"response": "You touch the wires to the contacts. Motors whir as the safe springs open, its regular locking mechanism bypassed.",
"endoftext": false
"response": "small key: Taken.\nnote: Taken.\npictures: Taken.\nletters: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "Unremarkable, even as small metal keys go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pictures",
"response": "The pictures are of Carl and some woman other than Ashleigh in very compromising positions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the letters",
"response": "The letters are from Carl to Thom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the letters",
"response": "Reading them, you quickly figure out that Thom was blackmailing Carl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nAshleigh is here, standing pensively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the pictures to Bill",
"response": "Bill stares at the pictures in confusion. \"Uh, so?\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the letters to Bill",
"response": "Bill stares at the letters in confusion. \"Uh, so?\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "Above you and to port rises the flying bridge, casting a cold\nshadow across you. Also to port are the curtained windows which afford you a glimpse into the forecastle. At your feet lies a closed compartment. The boat continues to the northwest and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock compartment with the key",
"response": "Unlocked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "Opening the compartment reveals a long pole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pole",
"response": "The wooden pole is about two meters long and terminates in a curved hook. No doubt Thom used it for retrieving things he dropped in the water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get rag with the pole",
"response": "It takes you a few seconds to snag the rag, but once you have it, dragging it on deck is almost anticlimactic. Now that it's on deck, you can tell that the rag is actually a shirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine shirt",
"response": "If this shirt doesn't belong to Bill, it's certainly a dead ringer for the one he had on earlier. The right sleeve is torn and slightly blood-stained.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blood",
"response": "The stain looks a lot like blood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck has been opened for access to the engines. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nLying on the deck is Thom's body.\nCarl is peering in the engines, pondering possibilities.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the shirt to Carl",
"response": "Carl waves you away. \"I don't need to see that,\" he tells you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Carl about the shirt",
"response": "\"Yeah, ok, ok,\" Carl says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stern light",
"response": "The stern light stares balefully back at you, the sun reflecting off of its clear plastic case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "What do you want to swim in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the picture to Carl",
"response": "Carl turns away, then back to you. \"Ok, yes, Thom had pictures taken of me and...Carol.\" He runs one hand through his hair. \"It was a fling a month ago or so. Thom's been blackmailing me since.\" He glares at you. \"But I wasn't the one who killed him! I swear!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the pictures to Carl",
"response": "\"What are you trying to do, torture me?\" he hisses at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the body",
"response": "No matter how often you hated Thom for one thing or another, you certainly didn't want to see him dead like this. His face is a strange purple color. Along one side of his head, just under his now-dry hair, is a nasty bruise, slowly darkening. One of his hands is clenched tight, tight enough to drive his fingernails into his palm. Looped complexly around his leg is a length of line.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the line",
"response": "The line is tough, easily able to withstand the rigors of marine life. One end of it is tied to a cleat. The other end is looped around one of Thom's ankles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cleat",
"response": "The cleat is a t-shaped piece of metal with two shafts attached to the boat, and is used in lashing lines. In fact, a line is tied to it now. An odd reddish stain mars its surface.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Above you and to port rises the flying bridge, casting a cold\nshadow across you. Also to port are the curtained windows which afford you a glimpse into the forecastle. At your feet lies an open compartment. The boat continues to the northwest and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about shirt",
"response": "\"Oh, um, I had to change. The other shirt was chafing me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at panel",
"response": "The large access panel can be opened in order to repair or service the engines which power the boat. Right now the panel is open, giving a view of the engines.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "From up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the windscreen",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Bill standing on the bow. Further out is land.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The forward head sports a small toilet, a sink, and a miniscule shower. In the floor is a small drain; above the sink, a mirror and medicine cabinet. An open door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sink",
"response": "The sink is a semi-circle with a single handle attached to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cabinet",
"response": "It is bolted to the wall just above the sink. It is made of strong plastic, and is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine shower",
"response": "The shower is almost more for decoration than utility. It takes up one corner of the head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the pill bottle",
"response": "Opening the pill bottle reveals five little pills.\n\nYou are rudely interrupted by the explosion of the *Bellerophon*. As you are flung into the air, you find yourself futilely wondering who caused the explosion.\n\n>> You have died <<\n\nYou may restore a saved game, start over, quit, or undo the current command.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "(Opening the door)\nForward Stateroom\nCompact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is a hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nSitting on the left v-berth is a pill bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The flying bridge rises above you, its canopy rippling slightly in\nthe wind. To the east, an open door flanked by windows leads into the forecastle. To the northeast you can see the foredeck; to the south are the aft sections of the boat.\nCarl, hands in pockets, is standing here, obviously on his way to somewhere else.\n\nBill arrives from the south.\n\nCarl leaves to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Bill",
"response": "Bill Leveritt has been Thom's partner in their architectural firm for as long as you've known Thom. Bill's thatch of thinning gray hair and round glasses make him look older than his forty-two years. He tries to dress flamboyantly but often fails, as demonstrated today by his long-sleeved blue oxford shirt. He's extremely good at what he does, but he is very unassuming; Thom is the talker of the firm.\n\nBill leaves to the east.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nBill slumps here quietly.\nCarl is seated on the dinette bench.\n\nBill wanders over to the drink tray and picks up the whiskey bottle. From somewhere around the bar, he scrounges up a slightly-clean glass. With a deft flick of his wrist, he pours himself a shot of the whiskey and replaces the bottle. \"I've always, er, liked whiskey,\" he comments.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about the whiskey",
"response": "\"I, uh, don't really know anything about it,\" Bill says.\n\nAshleigh sits down next to Carl and whispers something to him. He grins slightly in response.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You have a pill bottle. The pill bottle seems to contain five little pills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about thom",
"response": "Bill says, \"I, uh, I'm really not sure how much longer I can take his attitude. He's been really, ah, annoying lately.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Carl about Thom",
"response": "Carl grimaces. \"I dunno,\" he says, \"he just really pisses me off some times.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bottom",
"response": "Opening the bottom drawer reveals a portable radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Squeezed inside the aft stateroom are two single berths, one on\neither side of the stateroom, and a dresser. The north door to the aft head is open. A short ladder leads up to the open south door.\n\nFrom somewhere outside you hear Bill yell, \"Oh, my God! Quick! Everyone to the cockpit deck! It's Thom!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go up",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck allows for any necessary engine maintenance. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nBill is tugging with all his might on the line.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the line",
"response": "You tug on the line as hard as you can, but something is weighing it down. Glancing over the rail, you see a dark shape in the water.\n\nCarl arrives from the northwest.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the radio",
"response": "Opening the portable radio reveals a nine-volt battery.\n\nCarl grabs hold of the line and strains in concert with Bill. You slide in between them and put your back into the effort, but to no avail. After a few seconds, Carl stops, swearing.\n\nBill says, \"The four of us won't be able to drag Thom on board while we're, uh, moving.\"\n\nAshleigh nods in agreement. \"We've got to cut the engines.\" You find yourself wondering just who this \"we\" are--you surely don't want to monkey around with Thom's boat. Not that he's going to care now, but habits are hard to break.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take nine-volt",
"response": "Taken.\n\nCarl finally convinces himself that he won't be able to drag Thom onboard. You would have been glad to explain it to him, but no doubt that would have taken one minute shy of eternity. He glances at the three of you.\n\n\"C'mon,\" he says, \"I need you three on the flying bridge. I'll explain up there, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.\n\nBill arrives from the southeast.\n\nCarl arrives from the southeast.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "From up here, the skipper of the boat has an almost unobstructed\nview of the waters in any direction. The wind whispers around the canopy's poles and past you on its journey. Beyond the helm, through the windscreen, you can see the bow of the boat. Further away is land, quite some distance away to the northeast. A chair sits in front of the helm. Towards the stern, a ladder leads down.\n\nBill arrives, climbing up the ladder.\n\nCarl arrives, climbing up the ladder.\n\nAshleigh arrives, climbing up the ladder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the wires to nine-volt",
"response": "You attach the battery to the pair of wires with a few quick turns of each wire.\n\nBill says, \"Um, ok, Carl, what now?\"\n\nCarl looks at the controls. \"I'd best man the anchor.\" He looks at you, then at Bill. Finally, \"Bill, I want you to go to the cockpit deck and take care of the line Thom's attached to. I want you,\" he turns to Ashleigh, \"to relay my instructions to Bill, and I want you,\" he turns to you, \"to throttle back when I say so. Look over the helm.\" He makes a few adjustments to the helm, then nods to himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Carl about the helm",
"response": "Carl says, \"Hmm, can't tell you too much about that!\"\n\nBill climbs down the ladder and is gone.\n\nCarl climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through windscreen",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat. Further out is land.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Carl standing on the bow. Further out is land.\n\nFrom below, Carl yells at you, \"Pull the throttle back to idle.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the windscreen",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Carl standing on the bow. Further out is land.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Carl standing on the bow. Further out is land.\n\nCarl yells, \"Ok, reverse the engines!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the clutch",
"response": "You pull the clutch back. You hear the engines drop into neutral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the clutch",
"response": "You pull the clutch back. You hear the engines begin to turn in reverse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Carl standing on the bow. Further out is land.\n\nCarl shouts up at you, \"Push the throttle to one-quarter.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You push the throttle forward to one-quarter speed. You hear the engines rev up to a higher pitch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Carl standing on the bow. Further out is land.\n\nCarl yells, \"Ok, I need you to shut off the...oh, screw it. Ash, kill the engines! And tell Bill to try pulling Thom in now.\"\n\nAshleigh moves to the helm, leaving you to yell Carl's instructions to Bill. \"Oh, er, right!\" he yells back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You can see the bow of the boat and Carl standing on the bow. Further out is land.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nCarl arrives from the north.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "boat. A large access panel in the deck allows for any necessary engine maintenance. On the stern, a flagstaff juts skyward, the stern light perched atop it like a squat bird. The door leading down into the aft stateroom yawns widely. Small windows flank the door. Tied to a cleat on the port side is a line. To the northeast and northwest is the remainder of the boat.\nLying on the deck is Thom's body.\nBill slumps here quietly.\nAshleigh stands almost motionless, constantly glancing at Thom's\nbody.\n\nCarl arrives from the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Bill",
"response": "Bill Leveritt has been Thom's partner in their architectural firm for as long as you've known Thom. Bill's thatch of thinning gray hair and round glasses make him look older than his forty-two years. He tries to dress flamboyantly but often fails, as demonstrated today by his long-sleeved blue oxford shirt. He's extremely good at what he does, but he is very unassuming; Thom is the talker of the firm. In one hand he is holding one of his ubiquitous glasses of whiskey.\n\nCarl glances at poor Thom and shakes his head. \"Poor bastard,\" he whispers.\n\nBill glances nervously at everyone. \"Uh, what now?\"\n\nAshleigh laughs sourly. \"We sail back into port.\"\n\nYou nod in agreement, then say, \"Who'll pilot the boat?\"\n\nAfter a few seconds of silence, Carl speaks up. \"That would be me. I'll run back to the flying bridge.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the body",
"response": "No matter how often you hated Thom for one thing or another, you certainly didn't want to see him dead like this. His face is a strange purple color. Along one side of his head, just under his wet hair, is a nasty bruise, slowly darkening. One of his hands is clenched tight, tight enough to drive his fingernails into his palm. Looped complexly around his leg is a length of line.\n\nCarl leaves to the northwest.\n\nAshleigh shakes her head. \"Nothing to do but go back to the fo'cle and wait.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You stand on the deck of the boat, just to port of the aft\nstateroom. Its roof curves across the boat, and a ladder leads to the roof and then to the flying bridge. Beside the ladder, windows open into the stateroom. To starboard is the rail, standing sentinel between you and the cerulean water. The boat runs beneath your feet from the north to the southeast.\nCarl, hands in pockets, is standing here, obviously on his way to somewhere else.\n\nBill arrives from the southeast.\n\nCarl climbs up the ladder and is gone.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The flying bridge rises above you, its canopy rippling slightly in\nthe wind. To the east, an open door flanked by windows leads into the forecastle. To the northeast you can see the foredeck; to the south are the aft sections of the boat.\n\nBill arrives from the south.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nYou see a purse here. Sitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\n\nBill arrives from the west.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the purse",
"response": "The closed purse is made of soft leather. Tasteful, but then, what other kind would Ashleigh carry?\n\nBill collapses onto the dinette bench.\n\nAshleigh paces back and forth worriedly, then stops self-consciously. She grimaces to herself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open purse",
"response": "You open the bag, revealing the usual assortment of purse accoutrements...and a gun.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the gun",
"response": "Are you crazy?!? You can't be seen toting that thing around, or everyone will think YOU killed Thom.\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the purse",
"response": "Didn't your mother ever teach you about stealing? That's Asheligh's, not yours.\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the accoutrements",
"response": "It's the usual assortment of things that any given woman would carry in her purse. The stand-out of the group, however, is the gun.\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, shut tightly. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You'll have to open the east door first.\n\nYou hear the door to the head unlock, then see it swing open.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go up",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nBill is slumped in the dinette bench.\n\nAshleigh arrives, climbing up the ladder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Bill",
"response": "Bill Leveritt has been Thom's partner in their architectural firm for as long as you've known Thom. Bill's thatch of thinning gray hair and round glasses make him look older than his forty-two years. He tries to dress flamboyantly but often fails, as demonstrated today by his long-sleeved blue oxford shirt. He's extremely good at what he does, but he is very unassuming; Thom is the talker of the firm. In one hand he is holding one of his ubiquitous glasses of whiskey.\n\nCarl arrives from the west.\n\nBill hands Ash's purse to her. \"Here,\" he says, \"you dropped this.\"\n\nAshleigh turns an odd shade of red: you can't tell if she's embarassed, mad, or worried. \"Thanks,\" she finally says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about the purse",
"response": "\"I, uh, don't really know anything about it,\" Bill says.\n\nAshleigh looks up at Carl, sensing that something's wrong. \"What's up?\" she asks Carl.\n\nHe runs his hands distractedly through his curly hair. \"Ok,\" he finally says. \"Here's what we've got going on. Someone's sabotaged the engines, and I don't think I can fix them. I'll get on the radio and get someone here to help us. Until that happens, though, we're stuck.\"\n\n\"Great!\" Bill says. \"Just great! We're stuck on Thom's rotten boat with Thom's rotten body and one of us killed him!\" He downs his whiskey in one gulp as he jumps to his feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about the belts",
"response": "Which bill do you mean, Bill, or Bill?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ash about the belts",
"response": "Ashleigh says, \"I don't know much about that.\"\n\nWith a disgusted shake of his head, Carl moves to the radio and begins calling for help.\n\nAshleigh, on the other hand, watches Bill for a few seconds before moving to him and slapping him for all she's worth. Bill stops completely: he has no idea how to react.\n\n\"Listen here, you pompous ass,\" Ash hisses at him, \"none of us are particularly happy right now. But you're not helping. Stop it.\"\n\nAfter a long few seconds of staring, Bill turns and pours himself another whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pill in whiskey",
"response": "You can't put anything into the whiskey.\n\nWith a disgusted shake of his head, Carl moves to the radio and begins calling for help.\n\nAshleigh, on the other hand, watches Bill for a few seconds before moving to him and slapping him for all she's worth. Bill stops completely: he has no idea how to react.\n\n\"Listen here, you pompous ass,\" Ash hisses at him, \"none of us are particularly happy right now. But you're not helping. Stop it.\"\n\nAfter a long few seconds of staring, Bill turns and pours himself another whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pill in the whiskey bottle",
"response": "You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.\n\nWith a disgusted shake of his head, Carl moves to the radio and begins calling for help.\n\nAshleigh, on the other hand, watches Bill for a few seconds before moving to him and slapping him for all she's worth. Bill stops completely: he has no idea how to react.\n\n\"Listen here, you pompous ass,\" Ash hisses at him, \"none of us are particularly happy right now. But you're not helping. Stop it.\"\n\nAfter a long few seconds of staring, Bill turns and pours himself another whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pill in the whiskey bottle",
"response": "You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.\n\nBill leaves to the west.\n\nCarl turns from the radio. \"Way to tell him,\" he says softly to Ashleigh, glancing at you as if to see if you agree. Ashleigh, however, grimaces.\n\n\"I didn't mean to yell at him like that. It's just...I mean...\" Her sentence trails off.\n\nCarl looks at her for almost half a minute, doubt showing on his face. Finally, \"I think I'll go check the engines. Gives me something to do, anyway.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the south window",
"response": "You see no one through the window.\n\nCarl leaves to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the south window",
"response": "Through the window, you see Bill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the south window",
"response": "Through the window, you see Bill and Carl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Through the window, you see Carl and Bill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Through the window, you see Carl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the purse",
"response": "Didn't your mother ever teach you about stealing? That's Asheligh's, not yours.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the purse",
"response": "The closed purse is made of soft leather. Tasteful, but then, what other kind would Ashleigh carry?\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the purse",
"response": "The closed purse is made of soft leather. Tasteful, but then, what other kind would Ashleigh carry?\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the purse",
"response": "Didn't your mother ever teach you about stealing? That's Asheligh's, not yours.\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the purse",
"response": "I don't know how to sit on the purse.\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ash about the purse",
"response": "Ashleigh says, \"I don't know much about that.\"\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nAshleigh is briskly walking through here.\n\nAshleigh leaves to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The forward head sports a small toilet, a sink, and a miniscule shower. In the floor is a small drain; above the sink, a mirror and medicine cabinet. An open door leads west.\nAshleigh is here, standing casually.\n\nAshleigh says, \"I really need to use the bathroom, if you don't mind...\" Bemused, you leave the head.\n\nCompact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\n\nThe east door swings close and you hear it lock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine safe",
"response": "Squat, grey, metal. It obviously requires a key to unlock it. Part of the top of the safe is scarred with deep gouges.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gouges",
"response": "On closer inspection, you can see that the gouges outline a panel.\n\nYou hear the door to the head unlock, then see it swing open.\n\nAshleigh arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about the gun",
"response": "Ashleigh says, \"I don't know much about that.\"\n\nAshleigh climbs up the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "The forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nAshleigh is here, standing pensively.\nBill is slumped in the dinette bench.\n\nBill hands Ash's purse to her. \"Here,\" he says, \"you dropped this.\"\n\nAshleigh turns an odd shade of red: you can't tell if she's embarassed, mad, or worried. \"Thanks,\" she finally says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Bill about Bill",
"response": "\"I, uh, don't really know anything about it,\" Bill says.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nBill suddenly notices Ash's purse. \"Oh,\" he says, \"Ashleigh's purse.\" He picks it up, sits back down, changes his mind, starts down the ladder to the fore stateroom, changes his mind again, and collapses on the dinette bench once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You have a pill bottle, a portable radio, and a pair of wires. The pill bottle seems to contain five little pills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You have a pill bottle, a portable radio, and a pair of wires. The pill bottle seems to contain five little pills.\n\nAshleigh climbs down the ladder and is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Bill",
"response": "Before you can do anything, Carl has glanced up at you, then at Bill. \"Yeah?\" he asks, but your face tells him something's wrong.\n\nBill is faster than both of you. \"Get in front of me. Both of you. Let's go find Ashleigh.\"\n\nThe forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nAshleigh is here, standing pensively.\nCarl is standing here, eyeing Bill and his gun.\nBill, more tense than you've ever seen him, is waving around a gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the pictures to Bill",
"response": "Bill points the gun at you. \"Don't move! Don't move!\" You freeze, hoping you've distracted him enough, but knowing that you haven't.\n\nCarl decided that now's his best chance, and he jumps towards Bill. Bill jerks back, swinging the revolver around and firing in the same motion.\n\nThe smell of cordite fills the air as Ashleigh screams. Carl's eyes widen almost comically, and he staggers back, blood spurting from a newly-formed hole approximately in the middle of his chest. Bill fires again, then again, more of a reflex action than anything else. You try to grab the gun from Bill, but he backhands you with it.\n\"Shut up, Ashleigh!\" he yells at Ash. Surprisingly, she stops.\n\nBill looks around wildly, then makes a decision. \"Drag him into the stateroom, both of you.\"\n\n\"Let me at least get one of the drinks for their wounds,\" Ash begs of Bill. He nods slightly, glancing nervously around the forecastle. Ashleigh grabs the whiskey bottle.\n\nYou take hold of one of Carl's arms; Ashleigh grabs the other, looking distinctly queasy. The two of you drag Carl into the stateroom, leaving Bill behind to mutter to himself about his nerves and how they need calming.\n\nCompact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nCarl lies limply on the floor where you and Ashleigh dropped him. Asheligh is sitting in some sort of catatonic state.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "You yell for all you're worth. Bill jerks, swinging the gun at you.\n\nCarl is as surprised as Bill and Ashleigh, but he recovers more quickly and leaps at Bill. Bill turns and fires in the same motion.\n\nThe smell of cordite fills the air, and Carl's leap turns into a stumble as the revolver bullet furrows into his left leg. He lets out a long, drawn-out scream. Bill and Ashleigh are shocked into immobility. You make a grab for Bill's gun, but he still possesses the presence of mind to backhand you viciously with it.\n\nBill looks around wildly, then makes a decision. \"Drag him into the stateroom, both of you.\"\n\n\"Let me at least get one of the drinks for their wounds,\" Ash begs of Bill. He nods slightly, glancing nervously around the forecastle. Ashleigh grabs the whiskey bottle.\n\nYou take hold of one of Carl's arms; Ashleigh grabs the other, looking distinctly queasy. The two of you drag Carl into the stateroom, leaving Bill behind to mutter to himself about his nerves and how they need calming.\n\nCompact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nCarl lies here, in shock from the wound to his leg.\nAshleigh is sitting beside Carl, tending to his wound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You'll have to open the south door first.\n\nAshleigh dribbles some of the whiskey onto Carl's leg. He screams, then mercifully passes out. \"It'll be ok, it'll be ok,\" she whispers to him, dropping the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Oops bottle",
"response": "Which bottle do you mean, the pill bottle, or the whiskey bottle?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pill",
"response": "Opening the pill bottle reveals five little pills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pills in the whiskey bottle",
"response": "little pill: You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.\nlittle pill: You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.\nlittle pill: You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.\nlittle pill: You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.\nlittle pill: You drop one of the pills into the whiskey bottle. It quickly dissolves, leaving behind virtually no trace.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nCarl lies here, in shock from the wound to his leg.\nAshleigh is sitting beside Carl, tending to his wound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You'll have to open the south door first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Which door do you mean, the south door, or the east door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "No matter how hard you try, you can't open it. Bill must have wedged something against it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "All that would do would be to reduce your frustration at the expense of something which isn't yours. Besides, you would probably hurt yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The forward head sports a small toilet, a sink, and a miniscule shower. In the floor is a small drain; above the sink, a mirror and medicine cabinet. An open door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cabinet",
"response": "It is bolted to the wall just above the sink. It is made of strong plastic, and is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "Opened.\n\nYou hear the companionway between the stateroom and the forecastle being unblocked and opened. A few seconds later, you hear Bill's voice. \"Where's the whiskey, Ashleigh?\"\n\nAshleigh stammers, \"What--why do you--what--\"\n\n\"Where is it!?!\" he screams, totally out of control now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nCarl lies here, in shock from the wound to his leg.\nAshleigh is sitting beside Carl, tending to his wound.\nBill, more tense than you've ever seen him, is waving around a gun.\n\nAs you enter, Bill swivels around. \"You!\" he screams at you. You hand over the whiskey bottle without a word. He upends the bottle and drains it in one draught. Bill's eyes suddenly close, much to his surprise. The muzzle of the gun traces an arc to the floor.\n\"Sleepy,\" he mumbles, just before he drops the gun and crumples to the floor.\n\nYou are left with Ashleigh and Carl's unconscious body to wait for someone to pick you up.\n\nIn just under an hour, a Coast Guard ship pulls alongside the *Bellerophon*. All you can think is, why did they take so long? The three of you are taken in for questioning, and Bill is turned over to the police. You were fortunate enough to stop Bill before he could kill Carl, even though Carl will limp a bit for the rest of his life. You ferreted out the connection between Carl, Thom, and those pictures; but you never found out why Ashleigh was carrying that gun. All in all, a good showing.\n\nThank you for playing Undertow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "How did Thom ever talk you into this one...\n\nYour friend Thom Hall has always been a smooth talker, which is probably how he got you to attend his party on board the *Bellerophon*. The fourty-eight-foot yacht is named after the H.M.S. Bellerophon, the ship on which Napoleon formally surrendered in 1815 after Waterloo. Thom isn't usually too modest.\n\nAnyway, you're now stuck at a floating party with three other people you barely know, friends of Thom's. Bill Leveritt is one of Thom's partners in his architectural firm. Carl Weathers, another old friend of Thom's, brought his girlfriend Ashleigh Flannagin, which completes the floating fivesome.\n\nSo far you've seen Bill and Thom yell at each other, Thom hit Carl for some unexplained reason, and Ashleigh ignore both Thom and you. Not the most pleasant party you've ever been to.\n\nAnd it's barely 10 a.m...\n\nUndertow v1.1 (9/5/1995) by Stephen Granade\n\nThe forward head sports a small toilet, a sink, and a miniscule shower. In the floor is a small drain; above the sink, a mirror and medicine cabinet. A closed door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Before you can do anything, Carl has glanced up at you, then at Bill. \"Yeah?\" he asks, but your face tells him something's wrong.\n\nBill is faster than both of you. \"Get in front of me. Both of you. Let's go find Ashleigh.\"\n\nThe forecastle of the boat is surprisingly comfortable despite its small size. The helm controls, including the wheel, are mounted on the fore wall, next to a chest-of-drawers which sports a lamp. Across from the chest and beside the west entrance is the galley; between the galley and the helm is a companionway to the fore stateroom. Also on the port wall, aft of the entrance, is a small bar. Across from it is a dinette bench. Windows are at each of the cardinal directions. The west entranceway is open, as is the companionway to the north.\nSitting on the small bar is a drink tray.\nAshleigh is here, standing pensively.\nCarl is standing here, eyeing Bill and his gun.\nBill, more tense than you've ever seen him, is waving around a gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Carl about Ashleigh",
"response": "Bill points the gun at you. \"Don't move! Don't move!\" You freeze, hoping you've distracted him enough, but knowing that you haven't.\n\nCarl decided that now's his best chance, and he jumps towards Bill. Bill jerks back, swinging the revolver around and firing in the same motion.\n\nThe smell of cordite fills the air as Ashleigh screams. Carl's eyes widen almost comically, and he staggers back, blood spurting from a newly-formed hole approximately in the middle of his chest. Bill fires again, then again, more of a reflex action than anything else. You try to grab the gun from Bill, but he backhands you with it.\n\"Shut up, Ashleigh!\" he yells at Ash. Surprisingly, she stops.\n\nBill looks around wildly, then makes a decision. \"Drag him into the stateroom, both of you.\"\n\n\"Let me at least get one of the drinks for their wounds,\" Ash begs of Bill. He nods slightly, glancing nervously around the forecastle. Ashleigh grabs the whiskey bottle.\n\nYou take hold of one of Carl's arms; Ashleigh grabs the other, looking distinctly queasy. The two of you drag Carl into the stateroom, leaving Bill behind to mutter to himself about his nerves and how they need calming.\n\nCompact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nCarl lies limply on the floor where you and Ashleigh dropped him. Asheligh is sitting in some sort of catatonic state.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Bill",
"response": "You make a very sudden move towards Bill, not the brightest thing to do to a nervous man with a gun. Bill, however, is reluctant to shoot you. \"Don't try anything!\" he warns you in a high-pitched voice, the gun trembling in his grip.\n\nCarl is as surprised as Bill and Ashleigh, but he recovers more quickly and leaps at Bill. Bill turns and fires in the same motion.\n\nThe smell of cordite fills the air, and Carl's leap turns into a stumble as the revolver bullet furrows into his left leg. He lets out a long, drawn-out scream. Bill and Ashleigh are shocked into immobility. You make a grab for Bill's gun, but he still possesses the presence of mind to backhand you viciously with it.\n\nBill looks around wildly, then makes a decision. \"Drag him into the stateroom, both of you.\"\n\n\"Let me at least get one of the drinks for their wounds,\" Ash begs of Bill. He nods slightly, glancing nervously around the forecastle. Ashleigh grabs the whiskey bottle.\n\nYou take hold of one of Carl's arms; Ashleigh grabs the other, looking distinctly queasy. The two of you drag Carl into the stateroom, leaving Bill behind to mutter to himself about his nerves and how they need calming.\n\nCompact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nThe hanging locker seems to contain a safe.\nCarl lies here, in shock from the wound to his leg.\nAshleigh is sitting beside Carl, tending to his wound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about the gun",
"response": "Ashleigh is busy comforting Carl. You'd best leave her alone.\n\nAshleigh dribbles some of the whiskey onto Carl's leg. He screams, then mercifully passes out. \"It'll be ok, it'll be ok,\" she whispers to him, dropping the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Carl about the purse",
"response": "You wisely decide to leave Carl alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about the gun",
"response": "\"What?!?\" Ashleigh says. \"Okay! So there's a gun in my purse! So what?\" She pushes a lock of her copper hair out of her face. \"Yes, I wanted to kill him.\" She laughs ruefully. \"Who didn't? But you saw him. He wasn't shot!\"\n\nAsh sighs. \"He was ready to have me fired. I just couldn't let him...he was going to...\" Her objections slowly wind down. Then she looks back at you. \"But I didn't kill him!\"\n\nAsh then grabs your shoulder, pleading. \"Please, please, don't tell Carl.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ashleigh about Thom",
"response": "Ashleigh runs her hand through her hair. \"I just can't believe he's dead. Sure, I'd thought about it before, but...\" She stops talking, perhaps realizing what she just said.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bottle",
"response": "You already have the pill bottle!\n\nAshleigh dribbles some of the whiskey onto Carl's leg. He screams, then mercifully passes out. \"It'll be ok, it'll be ok,\" she whispers to him, dropping the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the whiskey bottle",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Compact yet liveable, the fore stateroom has two v-berths that meet near the nose of the ship. On the port wall is an open hanging locker, and across from it is the door to the forward head, standing open. A small ladder to the south leads up to a door.\nYou see a whiskey bottle here. The hanging locker seems to contain\na safe.\nCarl lies here, in shock from the wound to his leg.\nAshleigh is sitting beside Carl, tending to his wound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nA sudden sound startles you. The companionway is being opened! Bill climbs down the ladder, revolver pointed at you the whole time.\n\n\"Where's the whiskey?\" he asks you and Ashleigh. He then sees the bottle. \"Get it for me,\" he tells you, motioning with the gun. You comply, handing it to him. He upends the bottle, drinking all of it before tossing the empty bottle aside. Bill's eyes suddenly close, much to his surprise. The muzzle of the gun traces an arc to the floor. \"Sleepy,\" he mumbles, just before he drops the gun and crumples to the floor.\n\nYou are left with Ashleigh and Carl's unconscious body to wait for someone to pick you up.\n\nIn just under an hour, a Coast Guard ship pulls alongside the *Bellerophon*. All you can think is, why did they take so long? The three of you are taken in for questioning, and Bill is turned over to the police. You were fortunate enough to stop Bill before he could kill Carl, even though Carl will limp a bit for the rest of his life. You ferreted out the connection between Carl, Thom, and those pictures; andyou discovered why Ashleigh was after Thom. All in all, an excellent showing.\n\nThank you for playing Undertow.",
"endoftext": true
] | g0b7u3xlo585dt5y |
Which Describes How You're Feeling | Adam Parrish | [
"Apollo 18 Tribute Album"
] | [
"based on songs",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 7 | 2.857143 | 20120501 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Sigh. In retrospect, admitting yourself to this overseas sanitarium was a bad idea. The grounds here are beautiful, and the food is divine, but you're becoming impatient with the doctorsâdoctors whose techniques could be charitably described as \"unorthodox.\" Very little psychotherapy, and a bit too much word play. In any case, your disabling malaise has proven unshakeable.\n\nToday, you face your final evaluation with Dr. Schuyler. If you pass, you'll be able to leave this place, perhaps to renew your attempts at recuperation elsewhere. If you fail, the doctors might recommend that you remain...\n\n\n\nYou find yourself, once again, in Dr. Schuyler's spacious and tastefully decorated office.\n\nThe doctor is here. He holds a clipboard and a pen, and sits in his chair with impeccable posture. \"Let's begin your evaluation,\" he says, and turns over a nearby egg timer.\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ncold?\"\n\n(You've been preparing for this. You must respond by saying NO I'M FEELING X, where X is a word that rhymes with Dr. Schuyler's suggested emotion. Type fastâyou only have sixty seconds!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling old",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... courageous?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling outrageous",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nforced?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling divorced",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nhorny?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling thorny",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nbright?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling right",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... delighted?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling smited",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nclever?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling whatever",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ndown?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling brown",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nbrave?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling grave",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... pessimistic?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling optimistic",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... surprised?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling despised",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nsaucy?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling bossy",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nfurious?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling curious",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nprovoked?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling smoked",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... diminished?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling finished",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nflat?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling fat",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... acrimonious?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling sanctimonious",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nserene?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling green",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... depressed?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling repressed",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nenraged?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling deranged",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nnumb?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling glum",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nannoyed?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling buoyed",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nwary?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling aquamarine",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\npained?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling brained",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nrelieved?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling paranoid",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nnervous?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling chivalrous",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nalarmed?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling charmed",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... diminished?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling drained",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nsore?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling yours",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ninferior?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling superiour",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... afflicted?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling evicted",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ncontent?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling portent",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... despicable?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling inextricable",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nstrong?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling thong",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nfurious?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling bi-curious",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ndesolate?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling resonate",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... suspicious?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling delicious",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\npolite?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling delicious",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling... aggressive?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Feeling transgressive",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nuneasy?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling queasy",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nrejected?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "From the time",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\noffended?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling schmoffended",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nblithe?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling lithe",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ncontent?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling so bent",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ngloomy?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling roomy",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nshocked?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling defrocked",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nannoyed?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling club floyd",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ndull?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling bull",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nshocked?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling glocked",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\npleased?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling squeezed",
"response": "\"Very interesting!\" says the doctor. He makes a checkmark on his clipboard. \"I think we're making progress.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\nfearful?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No you're feeling earful",
"response": "\"Hmmm,\" responds the doctor with disapproval. \"Your emotions are strangely... discordant. Let's try another.\"\n\nThe doctor asks, \"Would you describe yourself as feeling...\ntense?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "cheapglulxe quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | sda4g92j0pi8caii |
69,105 Keys | David Welbourn | [
] | [
"cover art",
"diagnostic puzzles",
"I6 source available",
"Inform 6",
"parser coding",
"single puzzle",
"single room",
"systematic puzzles"
] | 2,009 | [
] | 73 | 2.849315 | 20090503 | false | There's just one room. How hard can it be? Just unlock the door. Oh. There's 69,105 keys. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "After a series of adventures too mind-boggling to put into words, you finally arrive at the antechamber to the Count's treasure vault! Oh my, oh me...\n\n69,105 Keys\n\nFor more about this game, type ABOUT. For credits, type CREDITS.\n\nWowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold. Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.\n\nLike so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter the floor of this antechamber.\n\n(the keys)\nJust try examining or counting the keys (or interesting subsets of keys).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the keys",
"response": "You see nothing special about the keys.\n\nExcept, of course, that the keys come in a large number of garish colors. The bows of the keys, that is, the wide ends of the keys are painted in various colors. The shafts of the keys, of course, are not painted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're a young adventurer determined to win the Count's final challenge: to obtain the treasure he locked up in his vault so many years ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying nothing. So not cool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "keys: It's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you want: the key to the vault door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count the keys",
"response": "You see 69105 keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:\n\n\"One of these keys is not like the others.\nOne of these keys just isn't the same.\nThat one unique key unlocks my vault.\nPerhaps it would help if you tried my name.\n-- Count Keys\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold. Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.\n\nLike so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing 69,105 keys litter the floor of this antechamber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the colours",
"response": "There are numerous colors of keys. You see white keys, black keys, red keys, orange keys, yellow keys, green keys, blue keys, violet keys, brown keys, pink keys, grey keys, turquoise keys, magenta keys, taupe keys, beige keys, aqua keys, navy keys, and cyan keys.\n\nThe colors are painted on the bows (the fat ends) of the keys; the metal shafts of the keys are bare. Every key is painted with exactly one color. There are no unpainted keys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the red key",
"response": "You see nothing special about the keys with red bows.\n\nPerhaps you should be more specific? Try specifying the metal as well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the metal",
"response": "Who knew that keys were made in so many types of metal? You can see silver keys, copper keys, steel keys, iron keys, gold keys, nickel keys, bronze keys, brass keys, chrome keys, and even aluminum keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the silver keys",
"response": "You see nothing special about the silver keys.\n\nWait. The keys have brand names stamped on them. Acme, Borden, Carter, and so on. How many brands are there?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the carter key",
"response": "It's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you want: the key to the vault door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count brands",
"response": "There are 6 brands of keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count the colours",
"response": "There are 18 colors of key bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count the metals",
"response": "There are 10 metals used to make the keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count acme",
"response": "You see 13770 Acme keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count borden",
"response": "You see 255 Borden keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count Carter",
"response": "You see 13770 Carter keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Borden",
"response": "You see nothing special about the Borden keys. Hmmm. There's gotta be something else...\n\nAnd there is! Some keys are scratched and some keys are unscratched! At the top of the shafts of some keys, there's a tiny little horizontal scratch. Bwah-ha-ha! Other adventurers might miss such a tiny detail, but not you!\n\nLet's call this the scratchness property. (How many properties is that now?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count scratchness",
"response": "There are 2 scratchnesses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count properties",
"response": "Each key has 7 qualities or properties.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count the acme silver keys",
"response": "You see 1530 Acme silver keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count scratched",
"response": "You see 27794 scratched keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count acme silver scratched keys",
"response": "You see 1530 scratched Acme silver keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count unscratched",
"response": "You see 41311 unscratched keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count borden scratched",
"response": "You see 254 scratched Borden keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take unscratched Borden",
"response": "With confidence, you take the one and only unique key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door with the key",
"response": "(the unique key)\nYou fancy you hear hosannas sing in your honor as you unlock the vault door and claim a treasure so fabulous, a mere text description of which could hardly do it justice. Gosh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count yourself",
"response": "There's just one of you, babe.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold. Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.\n\nLike so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter the floor of this antechamber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count leaves",
"response": "There are 0 leaves here. But nice try.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Count",
"response": "You remember three things about Count Keys. One: he loves counting things. Two: he loves keys. Three: he has a marvelous treasure in his treasure vault. You're not quite sure what this treasure is, but you know he obtained it during his worldwide travels.\n\nIn his will, the Count decreed that after he died, a grand contest should be held in his home. Adventurers would compete, solving a series of intricate puzzles of his own design until, finally, one adventurer manages to reach the treasure and claim it. You hope that that adventurer will be you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count the tiles",
"response": "There are 2400 marble tiles here. You're glad it wasn't you that had to install all these tiles and get them to line up straight. You hate repetitive work.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Plugh",
"response": "My original title was always 69,105 Keys, but I brainstormed some other titles anyway. They were: Which Key?; The Count of Keys; Keygasm; Antechamber of Keys; Keys, Keys, Keys; and Qualia Control.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You rub Keys",
"response": "That won't help. None of the keys are dusty, dirty, grimy, slimy, tarshined, rusty, or encrusted. Cleanliness is not a property you have to worry about. Be thankful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brands",
"response": "There's a handful of different brand names printed on the keys: Acme, Borden, Carter, Dynamo, Emperor, and Guardian.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "A hollow voice sings:\n\"I xyz zy spiders on the wall... I xyz zy cobwebs in the hall...\nI xyz zy candles on the shelf... When I'm alone, I xyz myself!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count borden",
"response": "You see 13770 Borden keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "You sing:\n\"You can't ride in my little wagon,\nThe front seat's broken, and the back wheel's saggin'.\nChug. Chug. Chug chug chug.\nNext verse, the same as the first!\nA little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "This antechamber isn't zoned for public dancing. Nertz.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Ugh, no. The Pit of De Spare Keys was exhausting. You've had enough jumping about for today.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Blow leaves",
"response": "(first taking the leaves)\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the properties",
"response": "Several qualities may help you distinguish one key from another. The keys differ from each other in their size, shape, color, brand name, metal, edging style, and, scratchness. (By \"scratchness\", we mean whether the key is scratched or not.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the properties",
"response": "(first taking the qualities)\nQualities are an abstract concept which you can only examine or count.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at edging",
"response": "Carefully inspecting the keys before you, you notice that the edges of the keys' bows have different edging styles. Some edges are milled with tiny grooves. Some keys have pebbled edges which feel bumpy. Some keys have rounded edges. And, of course, some key edges are flat and unadorned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bother",
"response": "Quite.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You screw lock",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Keys",
"response": "(first taking the keys)\nIt's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you want: the key to the vault door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat lock",
"response": "(first taking the vault door)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count rounded",
"response": "You see 22950 keys with rounded-edge bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "A hollow voice sings:\n\"I xyz zy spiders on the wall... I xyz zy cobwebs in the hall...\nI xyz zy candles on the shelf... When I'm alone, I xyz myself!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kiss yourself",
"response": "If you think that'll help.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You squeeze yourself",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count milled",
"response": "You see 22950 keys with milled-edge bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count flat",
"response": "You see 255 keys with flat-edge bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sort Keys",
"response": "How? There's no obvious order to sort them into.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Keys",
"response": "(first taking the keys)\nIt's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you want: the key to the vault door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count yourself",
"response": "There's just one of you, babe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying nothing. So not cool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count flat scratched",
"response": "You see 254 scratched keys with flat-edge bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lock",
"response": "The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:\n\n\"One of these keys is not like the others.\nOne of these keys just isn't the same.\nThat one unique key unlocks my vault.\nPerhaps it would help if you tried my name.\n-- Count Keys\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count the wall",
"response": "There are 4 walls here. No surprise there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the inscription",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "You sing:\n\"You can't ride in my little wagon,\nThe front seat's broken, and the back wheel's saggin'.\nChug. Chug. Chug chug chug.\nNext verse, the same as the first!\nA little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the colors",
"response": "There are numerous colors of keys. You see white keys, black keys, red keys, orange keys, yellow keys, green keys, blue keys, violet keys, brown keys, pink keys, grey keys, turquoise keys, magenta keys, taupe keys, beige keys, aqua keys, navy keys, and cyan keys.\n\nThe colors are painted on the bows (the fat ends) of the keys; the metal shafts of the keys are bare. Every key is painted with exactly one color. There are no unpainted keys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count white",
"response": "You see 4050 keys with white bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You screw yourself",
"response": "That would be less than courteous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You screw lock",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fuck",
"response": "Count off. Fuck on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Wowzers. The Fuck opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold. Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.\n\nLike so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter the floor of this antechamber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count yourself",
"response": "There's just one of you, babe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Count",
"response": "You remember three things about Fuck Keys. One: he loves fucking things. Two: he loves keys. Three: he has a marvelous treasure in his treasure vault. You're not quite sure what this treasure is, but you know he obtained it during his worldwide travels.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Keys",
"response": "In his will, the Fuck decreed that after he died, a grand contest should be held in his home. Adventurers would compete, solving a series of intricate puzzles of his own design until, finally, one adventurer manages to reach the treasure and claim it. You hope that that adventurer will be you.\n\nYou see nothing special about the keys.\n\nExcept, of course, that the keys come in a large number of garish colors. The bows of the keys, that is, the wide ends of the keys are painted in various colors. The shafts of the keys, of course, are not painted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at door",
"response": "The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:\n\n\"One of these keys is not like the others.\nOne of these keys just isn't the same.\nThat one unique key unlocks my vault.\nPerhaps it would help if you tried my name.\n-- Fuck Keys\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Count",
"response": "You remember three things about Fuck Keys. One: he loves fucking things. Two: he loves keys. Three: he has a marvelous treasure in his treasure vault. You're not quite sure what this treasure is, but you know he obtained it during his worldwide travels.\n\nIn his will, the Fuck decreed that after he died, a grand contest should be held in his home. Adventurers would compete, solving a series of intricate puzzles of his own design until, finally, one adventurer manages to reach the treasure and claim it. You hope that that adventurer will be you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fuck the properties",
"response": "Each key has 7 qualities or properties.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count brands",
"response": "There are 6 brands of keys here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Count scratched flat",
"response": "You see 254 scratched keys with flat-edge bows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You count unscratched flat",
"response": "You see 1 unscratched key with a flat-edge bow here. That's it! Take it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "With confidence, you take the one and only unique key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "(with the unique key)\nYou fancy you hear hosannas sing in your honor as you unlock the vault door and claim a treasure so fabulous, a mere text description of which could hardly do it justice. Gosh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Amsuing",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": true
] | j3rwlhuy6j6v79qj |
Code Name Silver Steel | SpecialAgent | [
] | [
"cover art",
] | 2,017 | [
] | 6 | 2.833333 | 20200902 | false | A freelance spy is a great job. It pays well and you get to travel to new and interesting places. Unless you get caught, that part is not so great. You open the unmarked envelope and unfold the mission briefing enclosed within: Infiltrate MegaCorp, gain access to the data centre, download the database. So here you are, standing in the foyer of MegaCorp, disguised as a repairman. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "A freelance spy is a great job. It pays well and you get to travel to new and interesting places. Unless you get caught, that part is not so great.\n\nYou open the unmarked envelope and unfold the mission briefing enclosed within: Infiltrate MegaCorp, gain access to the data\ncentre, download the database.\n\nSo here you are, standing in the foyer of MegaCorp, disguised as a repairman.\n\nYou are in the spacious foyer of the MegaCorp Building. The room gives you the feeling of businesslike detachment.\n\nYou are standing by the reception desk in the centre of the room, a small receptionist is sitting behind it.\n\nTo the north is an elevator, and a door beside it.\n\nYou can see a receptionist here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at the receptionist",
"response": "A middle-aged woman with red hair, wearing horn-rimmed glasses. She catches you looking at her intently. You shift your gaze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na job card\nan overall (being worn)\na toolbox (closed)\na wrist watch (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "This is a forged job card that states you are on-site to repair a faulty air conditioning unit. During the past week you gained access to the company intranet, and forged a matching maintenance record on their systems.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the overall",
"response": "This is your disguise. It is a light brown workman's overall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the toolbox",
"response": "It looks just like a metal toolbox, the red paint is even scuffed away along the edges. In reality it is just a metal toolbox, except it contains spy gear. Best you open it in private.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine watch",
"response": "The time on your spy watch shows as 9:06 am.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the card to her",
"response": "She takes the job card from you and scrutinizes it against her records.\n\"Fine\", she says, handing you a clip-on tag. \"Carry this with you at all times. The maintenance door is there\", she points north. \"Have a nice day\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tag",
"response": "A minimal security pass that entitles you to do maintenance work.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You put on the maintenance tag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the service entrance)\n\"Sir!\", the receptionist calls after you, \"You can't enter there without clearance.\" (You could ignore her warning and go ahead, if\nyou dare).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show tag to her",
"response": "(the receptionist)\nShe looks at the maintenance tag, feigning amusement.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the clearance",
"response": "(the receptionist about that)\nShe pauses as if thinking, and continues typing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na maintenance tag (being worn)\nan overall (being worn)\na toolbox (closed)\na wrist watch (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the card",
"response": "A forged job card.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the card",
"response": "That seems to belong to the receptionist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the receptionist for the card",
"response": "The receptionist has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the service entrance)\n\"Sir!\", the receptionist calls after you, \"You can't enter there without clearance.\" (You could ignore her warning and go ahead, if\nyou dare).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the service entrance)\nYou ignore the receptionist's warning and enter the doorway, she raises an alarm and within seconds you are surrounded by armed guards. You are promptly led away deep into the confines of the the building, never to be heard from again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the tag",
"response": "You take off the maintenance tag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the service entrance)\nThe receptionist eyes you from behind her fortress-desk as you open the door.\n\nA small room with grey walls that drain the feng shui out of the carefully crafted maintenance quarters.\n\nThere is all manner of piping running along the roof. There is a panel in the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the piping",
"response": "Pipes of various sizes run along the ceiling. You guess they carry water, gas or waste.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the panel",
"response": "A grey steel panel. This one seems to cover a tunnel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the panel",
"response": "The panel is screwed shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the toolbox",
"response": "You open the toolbox, revealing a screwdriver, a data disk and a suit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the screwdriver",
"response": "A Phillips head screwdriver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the disk",
"response": "A round silver magnetic disk for storing digital data.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the suit",
"response": "A smart grey suit. The perfect attire for a day of espionage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the screwdriver",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unscrew panel",
"response": "You loosen the screws using the screwdriver. The panel swings open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You sense that you should change your disguise first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the overall",
"response": "You remove the overall and drop it on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine overall",
"response": "It is a light brown workman's overall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the suit",
"response": "(first taking the suit)\nYou put on the suit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the toolbox",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na suit (being worn)\na data disk\na screwdriver\na maintenance tag\na wrist watch (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Deftly, you step through the access tunnel and into the emergency fire escape stairwell. You ascend the stairs in the dim light and emerge surreptitiously in the administrative level of the building. Your arrival goes unnoticed.\n\nThe large room is divided into a dozen cubicles, and it has the dull hum of a funeral parlour.\n\nA cubicle is nearby. There is a doorway to the west, and an elevator to the north.\n\nYou can see a copy machine here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the machine",
"response": "It is a chunky piece of machinery with many tiny buttons. You notice stains on top of the machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stains",
"response": "They are coffee ring stains, their location suggests it is where a cup is prone to spill. Somebody has a bad habit of putting their cups on the copy machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cubicle",
"response": "It is the closest cubicle to the copy machine.\n\nIn the cubicle are a security pass and an elderly man.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the man",
"response": "He is an elderly man with receding brown hair. He seems preoccupied with his paperwork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pass",
"response": "A security pass attached to a lanyard. The print on the card reads \"elevator access\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pass",
"response": "It is out of reach. You need to enter the cubicle.\n\nThe man exits his cubicle and walks to the copy machine. It dutifully \"whirrs\" and \"schliks\" out copies, the man grabs the pages and returns to his cubicle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cubicle",
"response": "Not while the cubicle is occupied.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This room has no furniture. You guess MegaCorp doesn't want relaxed employees.\n\nThere is a pot of coffee on a counter here. A page is fixed to the side of the counter.\n\nYou can also see a coffee mug here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the page",
"response": "Do not put your coffee mugs on the copier. You will be liable for\nany damages due to spillage - Management",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The large room is divided into a dozen cubicles, and it has the dull hum of a funeral parlour.\n\nA cubicle is nearby. The Breakroom is to the west, and an elevator to the north.\n\nYou can see a copy machine here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mug",
"response": "A white unmarked mug.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the coffee in the mug",
"response": "(the coffee pot in the coffee mug)\nYou fill the mug with hot coffee.\n\nTaken.\n\nYour mug overfloweth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take mug",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe elderly man gets up from his cubicle and walks to the copy machine. He shuffles his papers and pushes the buttons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nClang!\n\"What the hell!\" the man curses, trying to save his coffee soaked pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Darn it\", the man curses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cubicle",
"response": "You get into the cubicle.\n\nIn the cubicle you can see a security pass.\n\n\"Rats!\" the man mumbles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pass",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"Darn it\", the man curses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You get out of the cubicle.\n\nThe large room is divided into a dozen cubicles, and it has the dull hum of a funeral parlour.\n\nA cubicle is nearby. The Breakroom is to the west, and an elevator to the north.\n\nYou can see an elderly man and a copy machine (on which is a coffee mug) here.\n\n\"Rats!\" the man mumbles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the elevator)\nYou swipe the security pass across the elevator scanner, the door slides open and you step inside. You feel gravity reduce as you descend underground...\n\nRows upon rows of servers fill this room, lengths of cabling run between them like neurons in a brain. The racks are interspersed with computer terminals, used to access various systems in the building.\n\nA technician is here, working on a terminal.\n\nYou can also see a fire control terminal and a database terminal here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the technician",
"response": "A middle-aged woman wearing a long white coat. Her brown hair is tied up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cabling",
"response": "They network the computers to each other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the servers",
"response": "Powerful computers that control various aspects of the company. Some of the servers can be accessed by computer terminals.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fire",
"response": "This terminal controls the fire detection and sprinkler systems of the building. You can log on terminal to use it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the database",
"response": "This terminal controls the information database. You notice a drive bay attached to it. You can log on terminal to use it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the technician",
"response": "The technician is too busy to have a conversation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the disk in the drive",
"response": "\"What are you doing?\", the tech asks you. \"Who are you? Show me your security pass!\"\n\nShe realizes that the pass does not belong to you, before you can react she trips an alarm. Armed men surround you within seconds and you are led away, never to be heard from again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Log on fire",
"response": "MegaCorp fire and safety control - Status: no fires - Activating\nfire drill\n\nA siren rings out loudly, accompanied by a flashing red light in the ceiling.\nThe technician runs through the rows of servers, out of sight.\n\nA red light flashes in your eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the disk in the drive",
"response": "You put the data disk into the drive bay.\n\nA red light flashes in your eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You log on database",
"response": "You download the files to the data disk in the drive bay, you have what you came for. Now to advance your own agenda: you upload a trojan horse into the server, and log off.\n\nA red light flashes in your eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the disk",
"response": "You grab the data disk and make your escape up the stairs to the roof. You reverse your suit jacket, turning it into a harness. A few minutes later, a glider soars overhead, a cable trailing below it. Executing a perfectly timed run, you grab the cable while hooking it into your suit harness - You soar silently out of sight.\n\nYour mission was a success!",
"endoftext": true
] | w2l64his67vtvmir |
Halloween Dance | MathBrush | [
] | [
"EctoComp 2015",
"Inform 7",
"La Petite Mort",
"multiple endings",
"speed IF"
] | 2,015 | [
] | 6 | 2.833333 | 20190922a | false | It's Halloween Night at the highschool gym Your costume's ready, you got a trim It might be time to make some friends But we'll see how the story ends. La Petite Mort entry in ECTOCOMP 2015, with a quick implementation of a new conversation system. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "A school gymnasium with four or five pumpkins on the side and orange and black streamers hanging from the ceiling.\n\n[Conversation in this game is handled by typing \"SAY topic TO person\". Your topics are listed in your inventory, which you can reach by typing \"i\".]\n\nYou can see Fred, Jane and a cooler here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're wearing a costume.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the costume",
"response": "A Phantom of the Schoolhouse costume, complete with gloves and mask.\n\n[New topic: Phantom]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gloves",
"response": "A Phantom of the Schoolhouse costume, complete with gloves and mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Fred",
"response": "A young man wearing a white suit with red splatters all over. He is standing next to a cooler with mist coming out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cooler",
"response": "A small blue cooler with mist coming out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Jane",
"response": "A young woman wearing a simple frock covered with dozens of old... are those beepers? Like from the 90\"s?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nPhantom-\"What do you think about my costume?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the greeting",
"response": "Whom do you want to say Greeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\" to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the greeting to Fred",
"response": "\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"\n\n\"Hi! my name is Fred!\"\n\n[New topic: About Fred]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say greeting to Jane",
"response": "\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"\n\n\"Hi! my name is Jane!\"\n\n[New topic: About Jane]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say about Jane to Jane",
"response": "\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\n\nJane gives you a dumb look and says, \"I AM Jane.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say about Jane to Fred",
"response": "\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\n\nHe looks at Jane, then leans forward and whispers, \"Can you keep a secret? Jane has been my crush for two years now. I heard she likes walking dead, so I made this whole getup and these brainpops to impress her.\"\n\n[New topics: Crush and Lie]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say about Fred to Jane",
"response": "\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nShe brightens up, peeking over at Fred. \"Can you keep a secret? I think Fred is the sweetest man at school. He's really into repairing old technology, so I made this costume for him.\" She twirls to display her outfit. \"I love fixing old stuff too, That's how we met, in our Tech class.\"\n\n[New topic: Romance]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nRomance-\"So, I found out who Jane is interested in...\"\nLie-\"Fred told me he hates your guts.\"\nCrush-\"So, I found out who Fred is interested in...\"\nAbout Jane-\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\nAbout Fred-\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nPhantom-\"What do you think about my costume?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the compliment to Jane",
"response": "\"Wow, nice costume\"!\"\n\n\"Awww, you're sweet! I'm the Grim Beeper, reminding all technology that it will one day be obsolete.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the compliment to Fred",
"response": "\"Wow, nice costume\"!\"\n\n\"Thanks! I'm a zombie ice cream man selling brainpops. You want one?\"\n\n[New topics: Okay and Uhh]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say Phantom to Fred",
"response": "\"What do you think about my costume?\"\n\n\"It's nice! What are you?\"\n\n\"I'm the Phantom of the Schoolhouse.\"\n\n\"Cool! I didn't think they let people wear masks anymore.\" They hesitate for a moment. \"To be honest, I've been wondering if you even go to this school.\"\n\n\"Let's just say that I already graduated. Don't tell anyone.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nRomance-\"So, I found out who Jane is interested in...\"\nLie-\"Fred told me he hates your guts.\"\nCrush-\"So, I found out who Fred is interested in...\"\nAbout Jane-\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\nAbout Fred-\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say compliment to Fred",
"response": "\"Wow, nice costume\"!\"\n\n\"Thanks! I'm a zombie ice cream man selling brainpops. You want one?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say okay",
"response": "Whom do you want to say Okay-\"Why not?\" to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say okay to Fred",
"response": "\"Why not?\"\n\nHe hands you a brainpop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brainpop",
"response": "A homemade popsicle with some kind of mush in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat brainpop",
"response": "Wow! That really hits the spot! The mush was strawberries.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say lie to Jane",
"response": "\"Fred told me hates your guts. He even put strawberry in those popsicles because he knows you hate it.\"\n\nJane storms away, glaring at Fred. Fred looks at her, perplexed, then back at you. You ignore Fred, and look at the pumpkins instead. Oooh, nice ghost carving.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the romance to Fred",
"response": "\"So, I found out who Jane is interested in...\n\nHe looks upset for a second. \"Who?\"\n\n\"She said she's been into you ever since Tech class. She wore the beeper dress just for you.\nFred seems noticeably more cheerful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nRomance-\"So, I found out who Jane is interested in...\"\nLie-\"Fred told me he hates your guts.\"\nAbout Jane-\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\nAbout Fred-\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the brainpop to Jane",
"response": "She grimaces and says, \"No thanks, I don't like strawberry.\"\n\n[New topic: Strawberries]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the strawberries to Fred",
"response": "\"Did you know Jane doesn't like strawberries?\"\nFred's face blanches. He says, \"Aw, crap,\" and hangs his head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nbrainpop\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nStrawberries-\"Did you know Jane doesn't like strawberries?\" Romance-\"So, I found out who Jane is interested in...\"\nLie-\"Fred told me he hates your guts.\"\nAbout Jane-\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\nAbout Fred-\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say about Fred to Fred",
"response": "\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\n\nFred gives you a dumb look and says, \"I AM Fred.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say about Jane to Fred",
"response": "\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\n\nHe looks at Jane, then leans forward and whispers, \"Can you keep a secret? Jane has been my crush for two years now. I heard she likes walking dead, so I made this whole getup and these brainpops to impress her. But apparently she hates strawberries...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say about Fred to Jane",
"response": "\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nShe brightens up, peeking over at Fred. \"Can you keep a secret? I think Fred is the sweetest man at school. He's really into repairing old technology, so I made this costume for him.\" She twirls to display her outfit. \"I love fixing old stuff too, That's how we met, in our Tech class.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nbrainpop\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nRomance-\"So, I found out who Jane is interested in...\"\nLie-\"Fred told me he hates your guts.\"\nCrush-\"So, I found out who Fred is interested in...\"\nStrawberries-\"Did you know Jane doesn't like strawberries?\"\nAbout Jane-\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\nAbout Fred-\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the costume",
"response": "A Phantom of the Schoolhouse costume, complete with gloves and mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Show costume to Fred",
"response": "Fred is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the costume to Jane",
"response": "Jane is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the crush to Jane",
"response": "\"So, I found out who Fred is interested in...\"\n\n\"Really?\"\n\n\"He told me he's had a crush on you for two years\".\n\nJane turns to Fred and smiles. She walks over and draws him to the side. You see the two of them laughing together, and then Jane kisses Fred on the cheek and he blushes. Fred turns to you as they walk out together, and gives you a thumbs up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "Items:\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the costume",
"response": "A Phantom of the Schoolhouse costume, complete with gloves and mask.\n\n[New topic: Phantom]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the greeting to cooler",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say Phantom to Fred",
"response": "\"What do you think about my costume?\"\n\n\"It's nice! What are you?\"\n\n\"I'm the Phantom of the Schoolhouse.\"\n\n\"Cool! I didn't think they let people wear masks anymore.\" They hesitate for a moment. \"To be honest, I've been wondering if you even go to this school.\"\n\n\"Let's just say that I already graduated. Don't tell anyone.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "You bob your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "Items:\nYour costume (being worn)\nTopics:\nAbout Jane-\"So, what do you know about Jane?\"\nAbout Fred-\"So, what do you know about Fred?\"\nCompliment-\"Wow, nice costume!\"\nGreeting-\"Hi! My name is Gerald.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Jane",
"response": "A young woman wearing a simple frock covered with dozens of old... are those beepers? Like from the 90\"s?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Fred",
"response": "A young man wearing a white suit with red splatters all over. He is standing next to a cooler with mist coming out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cooler",
"response": "A small blue cooler with mist coming out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "You break dance.",
"endoftext": true
] | qgl16vvzh6n8c5kc |
Sigil Reader (Field) | verityvirtue | [] | [
"first person",
"IFComp 2016",
"IFComp Game",
"landscape mode",
"male protagonist",
"past tense",
] | 2,016 | [
] | 16 | 2.8125 | 20161001 | false | I am a sigil reader. I work in a city where sigils are a matter of public health, for a maliciously inscribed sigil could mean the ruin of a business - or a soul. Except today I wake to a changed world. The sigils are distorted. And the Station is silent. I fear I am responsible. A short parser game about exploration, loss and restoration. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Would you like a primer on interactive fiction? (Type yes or no, then hit ENTER.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "A boom rolled through my body.\n\nWhen I woke, it was high noon, and the air was dead.\n\nPress any key to proceed.\nSigil Reader (Field)\n\nConcrete floor. Linoleum ceiling... How long had I been out?\n\nOr was it just me? I looked around the lobby, familiar as my own\nshoes: it was narrow, and it was where captured objects or monsters to be quarantined were logged.\n\nAnyone with a staff ID could tap in to the north, and to the east was the quarantine room. The red light above the doorway was dark.\n\nA card scanner, installed after we heard about the Kampong Slasher, prevented unauthorised personnel from entering the main offices.\n\nPlaques covered the wall of the Station Lobby.\n\nA reception desk took centre stage, a bastion of sense against\nwhatever the public had to offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "T-shirt. Jeans. Black leather boots, heavy and sturdy, but my\nfootsteps felt light. As if my feet weren't touching the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "I was carrying:\na pair of boots (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na t-shirt (being worn)\na brass key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "A brass-coloured key the length of my little finger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jeans",
"response": "Blue jeans. Empty pockets.\n\nI'd be a bit more settled if I could examine the sigils in this place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Sigil",
"response": "Which do you mean, the protection sigil, sigil of speed or the sigil\nof silence?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the protection sigil",
"response": "A swirling sign encircled in jasper, just one of the many wards that guarded the Station. But protected by whom? I frowned; this sigil was distorted, like it was half-melted. Had something breached its protective borders?\n\nIt was all coming back.\n\nSomething made me look down, and there was my ID card clipped to my belt. Had it always been there?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at card",
"response": "(the ID card)\nThis card allowed me access into the staff-only areas of the Station. My name was Priyanka Ramasamy and my rank was Sigil Reader (Field). I was the only one in the Station who knew about sigils.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\nan ID card\na pair of boots (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na t-shirt (being worn)\na brass key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "A brass-coloured key the length of my little finger.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Concrete floor. Linoleum ceiling... How long had I been out?\n\nOr was it just me? I looked around the lobby, familiar as my own\nshoes: it was narrow, and it was where captured objects or monsters to be quarantined were logged.\n\nAnyone with a staff ID could tap in to the north, and to the east was the quarantine room. The red light above the doorway was dark.\n\nA card scanner, installed after we heard about the Kampong Slasher, prevented unauthorised personnel from entering the main offices.\n\nPlaques covered the wall of the Station Lobby.\n\nA reception desk took centre stage, a bastion of sense against\nwhatever the public had to offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the red light",
"response": "The alarm for the Quarantine Room. It was triggered by dark, fire, and a host of other things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plaques",
"response": "Varnished wooden plates, with the names of past directors engraved in gold, for having done something valiant or other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the plaques",
"response": "One of them reads, \"This Certificate of Excellence is awarded to TAN\nAH LONG, Director of Station 31 (2010-2012) in recognition of his loyalty and principle to the end. Special recognition for services to DRIP.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "The front of the desk had a metal crest, a shape I had seen thousands of times, yet in my present state I could not picture it with my eyes closed.\n\nPeering round the other side of the desk, my eyes were drawn\ninexorably to the sigil of speed.\n\nThere was a metallic crash from the office space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crest",
"response": "(the crest)\nI made out only individual parts: a swirl here. A triangle there. But all together they made little sense to me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Slasher",
"response": "Nothing comes to mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember yourself",
"response": "I must have worked here once.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The office space resembled a sports hall: high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those panels, casting glowing shadows.\n\nA whiteboard stood in front of a row of tables, with half a scribble\nin sigil notation. Smashed against one wall was a metal locker. How\nhad I missed that before?\n\nTo the east was the office lounge. To the west was the registration office. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the whiteboard",
"response": "Nothing was written on the whiteboard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the locker",
"response": "This metal file cabinet had been bought specially for the new Station. It held all the various weapons and assorted equipment that field agents used. On the door was a protection sigil. Already it had become pocked with rust on the corners.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the protection sigil",
"response": "A swirling sign embossed right into the metal of the locker. In this case, it was probably to protect the equipment inside. This sigil was warped. Had something breached its protective borders?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open locker",
"response": "I opened the gear locker, revealing a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the armour",
"response": "Which do you mean, the faded body armour or the Mingsheng's body armour?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Faded",
"response": "The fabric on this stabproof vest smelled faintly of sweat, and bore a name tape in front. It read Priyanka Ramasamy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear faded",
"response": "(first taking the faded body armour)\nIt was too late for this now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Mingsheng",
"response": "The only other vest in this locker - this was much newer than the other, and the nametape in front read \"Lim Mingsheng\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Mingsheng",
"response": "(first taking the Mingsheng's body armour)\nYes, and what would I do with Mingsheng's vest? He hadn't seemed to\nget much use out of it, either.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look athe t-shirt",
"response": "A plain white t-shirt. Well, there was a small stain high up on the chest. Probably sauce. I couldn't remember.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The office space resembled that of a sports hall, high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those\npanels, casting glowing shadows.\n\na rough grid pattern. In front of the tables, there was a whiteboard - did it have so many scribbles the last time I saw it?.\n\nTo the east was a closed door. To the west was another room. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker (in which were a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine photo",
"response": "I saw a group of people, clad in heavy gear, arms around each other's shoulders. Their faces were familiar, but if I examined some of the detritus left in the station, I might be able to dredge up their\nnames.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the whiteboard",
"response": "An invaluable addition to group meetings. Where it had been empty before, it was now filled with notes. To one side, there was a note: \"DON'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM UNTIL CLEARANCE!!!\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember the clearance",
"response": "Nothing comes to mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Mingsheng",
"response": "I recalled the name, and I'd recognise him if I met him on the street.\n\nHe was an intern, same as Gladys, who'd joined us not too long ago after leaving uni. We sometimes wondered. He'd had outstanding grades; he could have gotten government scholarships. And yet he came here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The office space resembled that of a sports hall, high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those\npanels, casting glowing shadows.\n\na rough grid pattern. In front of the tables, there was a whiteboard.\n\nTo the east was a closed door. To the west was another room. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker (in which were a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Gladys",
"response": "She... I'd worked with her, once. Nice girl, wasn't she?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the whiteboard",
"response": "It was fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the panels",
"response": "Several panes of glass were set in the ceiling at an angle and served as a skylight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chairs",
"response": "Just some plastic chairs. If I hadn't been told otherwise, I'd have thought they were castoffs from a school.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This was our lounge, and it was empty, which never happened. Paltry as it looked, it was where everyone congregated. To the west lay the exit out to the office space.\n\nA fancy television took pride of place in the room.\n\nIn a corner was the heart of the lounge, the bar fridge.\n\nA large beanbag leaned against the bar fridge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the beanbag",
"response": "A red and grey thing filled with small plastic beads. I did not think\nI had ever sat in such an impractical thing, but I vaguely recalled it being received with great joy from my colleagues.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "What do you want to sit on?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Beanbag",
"response": "I got onto the beanbag.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Office Lounge (on the beanbag)\nThis was our lounge. Paltry as it looked, it was where everyone congregated. To the west lay the exit out to the office space.\n\nA fancy television took pride of place in the room.\n\nIn a corner was the heart of the lounge, the bar fridge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the television",
"response": "(the television)\nA state of the art piece of technology which was one of the selling points of this place. It almost made up for its location in a remote corner of Perigosan. I remembered watching sports on the thing, though I personally couldn't see the point.\n\nThe television was switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the television",
"response": "The television faded into life, showing a staticky rendition of\nteasers for TV show episodes. I had seen each of these for weeks, countless times over. Prodding the TV to change the channel only\nshowed me the same teasers, but in different languages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fridge",
"response": "The bar fridge was a small machine, bought with office funds, which whirred continuously while only being slightly cold.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "I opened the tiny bar fridge, revealing a packet of chips and a jar of pickles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember the pickles",
"response": "I recalled that I liked a good bit of achar, which is cucumber,\ncarrot, baby corn and whatever else you think fit to put in, pickled with vinegar and tumeric.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chips",
"response": "We in the Station liked our snacks starchy, crispy and preferably fried.\n\nI was not hungry. I didn't think I would be for a long, long while.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the chips",
"response": "I restrained myself. I would really rather not.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch the tv",
"response": "A state of the art piece of technology which was one of the selling points of this place. It almost made up for its location in a remote corner of Perigosan. I remembered watching sports on the thing, though I personally couldn't see the point.\n\nThe television was switched on.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Office Lounge (on the beanbag)\nThis was our lounge. Paltry as it looked, it was where everyone congregated. To the west lay the exit out to the office space.\n\nA fancy television took pride of place in the room.\n\nIn a corner was the heart of the lounge, the bar fridge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first getting off the beanbag)\n\nThe office space resembled that of a sports hall, high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those\npanels, casting glowing shadows.\n\na rough grid pattern. In front of the tables, there was a whiteboard.\n\nTo the east was the office lounge. To the west was another room. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker (in which were a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The sign at the door said \"Registration Office\", yes, but, over time, it had evolved into a holding room of sorts for visitors, even if it was poky and uncomfortable. It also served as temporary storage room, post office and junkyard. A gunky window let in the noon sun, and the rest of the office space lay to the east.\n\nA scarf hung from the door.\n\nBlurry Polaroids were pinned to the noticeboard.\n\nA traditional paper calendar peeked out from behind the Polaroids.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Polaroids",
"response": "A cluster of photos, showing the Station staff, including non-field staff, at an evening function. The field director getting awards. The mud-spattered faces of Carlotta and Mingsheng, after a training exercise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Carlotta",
"response": "She was initially transferred from Punggol Station, I think, back on the mainland, in the thought that she would be a kind, motherly figure to the fledgling Station. Ha! She was taciturn, sardonic, and the\nleast likely to be caught crying in public.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the scarf",
"response": "A wispy silk creation, printed with lilacs. There was a curly \"G\" in the corner, for the brand of the scarf, but it also stood for Gladys, to whom this scarf belonged. Beside this, someone had embroidered the glamour sigil. Perhaps I could try remembering her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember the scarf",
"response": "Nothing comes to mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the scarf",
"response": "That had never been my scarf. It slipped through my fingers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Gladys",
"response": "One of the interns. She was a bit like Carlotta: always ready with a smile and, in some cases, a sweet. She was always friendly, and delightful to be around, although she could get astonishingly naggy\nfor her age.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the calendar",
"response": "It was the type of calendar which had one date on each sheet of paper. Each day, you had to tear the previous day's sheet off. Besides the date, there was also important information: the corresponding date on the Chinese lunar calendar, horse racing dates and public holidays.\n\nThe date on the calendar was 18th March, 2015.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the glamour sigil",
"response": "This sigil cast a dazzling effect on the viewer, making the owner of the sigil more attractive in their eyes. It was sometimes used on fashion products. This sigil had the particular quirk of making the inscriber a tiny bit more narcissistic every time they inscribed it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\nan ID card\na pair of boots (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na t-shirt (being worn)\na brass key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the calendar",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The sign at the door said \"Registration Office\", yes, but, over time, it had evolved into a holding room of sorts for visitors, even if it was poky and uncomfortable. It also served as temporary storage room, post office and junkyard. A gunky window let in the noon sun, and the rest of the office space lay to the east.\n\nA scarf hung from the door.\n\nBlurry Polaroids were pinned to the noticeboard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Flip calendar",
"response": "Hm, no. I didn't want to. Things had changed (exactly how? Don't ask me... not yet.) too much and I wouldn't be able to put them back.\nLook: I just had this feeling that there was no more tomorrow - not\nfor me, anyway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The office space resembled that of a sports hall, high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those\npanels, casting glowing shadows.\n\na rough grid pattern. In front of the tables, there was a whiteboard.\n\nTo the east was the office lounge. To the west was the registration office. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker (in which were a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the photo",
"response": "That was fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Mingsheng",
"response": "He always had a joke or something funny to say, most often about his dog. But he was also a keen one in various forms of martial arts. He'd gone for championships. If he hadn't joined DRIP, he might have joined the police.\n\nHe was an intern, same as Gladys, who'd joined us not too long ago after leaving uni. We sometimes wondered. He'd had outstanding grades; he could have gotten government scholarships. And yet he came here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember the DRIP",
"response": "The Defense Research Institute of Perigosan. Don't ask me who came up with the acronym, because that's just embarrassing. This government agency regulated and sponsored any research to do with defense, including military research. The Stations were set up to deal with magical and cryptozoological issues in the field.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "More desks and chairs. To the east was a closed wooden door. The\noffice space was to the south.\n\nTo the west was the door to the shower, which I deduced from the waterstains creeping up from the bottom.\n\nA framed photo stood on one of the desks.\n\nOne of these desks was especially familiar, and I felt I should know\nit better.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the photo",
"response": "The photo showed a smiling Mingsheng. His arm was around a happy-looking dog. The background was a blur of leaf green.\n\nI stared at his face, before realising that I did not recognise him because the last time I saw him, his face had been distorted with\nfear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember Mingsheng",
"response": "He always had a joke or something funny to say, most often about his dog. But he was also a keen one in various forms of martial arts. He'd gone for championships. If he hadn't joined DRIP, he might have joined the police.\n\nHe was an intern, same as Gladys, who'd joined us not too long ago after leaving uni. We sometimes wondered. He'd had outstanding grades; he could have gotten government scholarships. And yet he came here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "More desks and chairs. To the east was a closed wooden door. The\noffice space was to the south.\n\nTo the west was the door to the shower.\n\nA framed photo stood on one of the desks.\n\nOne of these desks was especially familiar, and I felt I should know\nit better.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the photo",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "(the familiar desk)\nWhen I touched this desk, I felt like something slid into place. I\nknew this desk. It was my desk! I knew its grooves and furrows by heart. I recognised the rings where I had put a wet cup one too many times.\n\nThis desk had a drawer, which was closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "(first unlocking the drawer)\n(with the brass key)\nI opened the drawer, revealing a chassis and a D-cell battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chassis",
"response": "This small tube was glossy and had a nice heft in the hand - no surprise, considering it was made partly of black jasper. A notch in the interior of the tube meant that it could fit something at the end\n- a cap, or a lens. The corresponding lens was probably somewhere in the Station.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "More desks and chairs. To the east was a closed wooden door. The\noffice space was to the south.\n\nTo the west was the door to the shower.\n\nMy desk was here as well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remember yourself",
"response": "I was the sigil reader in these parts. Carlotta was my direct boss,\nand while the field direction was supposed to be the one supervising\nus all, he never really made an appearance. Mingsheng would always say the field director was off playing golf again. Anyway, I knew my sigils, mutable as they could be, and I could authorised to inscribe them where needed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first opening the waterstained door)\n\nI opened the door to a small shower area. The floor was tiled royal blue with aquamarine accents. Air vents opened to the outside, and let in some sun. The exit was in the east.\n\nIf I remained very, very still, I could still feel the walls shudder and... if I stretched out my hand... a warmth in a corner. What had been a person here. Not in the shower, but near the door.\n\nWhat had happened here?\n\nTo the east was the exit to the office.\n\nA gleaming, iridescent lens lay on the floor of the shower. Had it rolled out from someone's pocket?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the lens in the chassis",
"response": "The lens slid into place. I could now inspect things if I\nwanted to.\n\nI put the chitinous lens into the chassis.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "I opened the door to a small shower area. The floor was tiled royal blue with aquamarine accents. Air vents opened to the outside, and let in some sun. The exit was in the east.\n\nIf I remained very, very still, I could still feel the walls shudder and... if I stretched out my hand... a warmth in a corner. What had been a person here. Not in the shower, but near the door.\n\nWhat had happened here?\n\nTo the east was the exit to the office.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\na chassis\na chitinous lens\na framed photo\na paper calendar\nan ID card\na pair of boots (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na t-shirt (being worn)\na brass key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The door opened up to a private office, small by directorial\nstandards. It had space enough for shelves, stuffed with ring binders, a desk and two chairs. The rest of the offices lay to the west.\n\nIn the centre of the desk was a rabbit skull, its bony surface burnished after years of contact with fingers.\n\nA newspaper article stuck out from under the rabbit skull.\n\nMy notebook lay on the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine notebook",
"response": "I started this notebook early in my first DRIP posting - it still had my name, Priyanka Ramasamy, written on the cover in faded marker. I could read this, if I wanted to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read notebook",
"response": "Amongst the maps of Perigosan taped into the pages were notes on reading sigil notation, a shorthand for particularly dangerous sigils. A lot of this notation was in symbols difficult to render in normal text, but I could read it fluently. I had recorded sigils found in the wild: on walls, in letters and, in one case, on someone's body.\n\nOn the last page, \"Kpg Slasher\" was written at the top of the page and underline. Below, I'd only scribbled, \"near sight?? but where?\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the notebook",
"response": "Taken.\n\nA folded piece of foolscap had been wedged in between the pages. I\ntook it out carefully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the foolscap",
"response": "I initially took it for a piece of scrap paper. As I opened it, I\nfound it was covered with the field director's handwriting, and headed with the title PRESS RELEASE. Informative. Not all of it was legible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the press",
"response": "(illegible) regret to confirm the deaths of Agents Priyanka\nRamasamy and Lim Mingsheng (illegible) attacker was confirmed to be (illegible) while waiting to be transferred to police custody...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the skull",
"response": "Its surface was beige and pitted with flecks of brown. It was small, with huge eye sockets, and a distant memory of O level biology\ninformed me that this was a rabbit skull.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the skull",
"response": "Even before this, I never liked to touch, you know, animal bits. There was a reason I was vegetarian, right? You know. So, no. Ew.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The door opened up to a private office, small by directorial\nstandards. It had space enough for shelves, stuffed with ring binders, a desk and two chairs. The rest of the offices lay to the west.\n\nIn the centre of the desk was a rabbit skull, its bony surface burnished after years of contact with fingers.\n\nA newspaper article stuck out from under the rabbit skull.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the article",
"response": "It was a news article about Station 31. In the photo was a photo of a grumpy-looking man. Stubble covered his chin; his eyes were sunken. Reading the article would tell me more, and probably explain why he\nwas shown going into our Quarantine Room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "Some words remained beyond focus, though the words were already clearing up: \"...had been found responsible for a wave of violence\nthat swept Perigosan... Joseph Tan, under the moniker \"the Kampong Slasher\"...\", \"...had been waiting to be transferred to police custody...\", \"...initially believed to be an artifact...\"\n\nAs I read the article, or what I could make of it, I found myself holding a small horn key.\n\nI heard the sound of tearing fabric, and my fingers closed around a torchlight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\na torchlight\na horn key\na newspaper article\na draft press release\na sigil notebook\na chassis\na chitinous lens\na framed photo\na paper calendar\nan ID card\na pair of boots (being worn)\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na t-shirt (being worn)\na brass key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the horn key",
"response": "A key hewn of the horn of some monster. This key unlocked the Quarantine Room door. The shaft of the key was covered in dense inscriptions of not just sigils but other prayers to unknown gods.\nWhen I was still fascinated by these inscriptions, I would spend idle hours making them out. I was pretty sure one of them was simply, \"HELP.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the torchlight",
"response": "(the torchlight)\nIt was a short black torchlight, too light to be used as a bludgeon, too weak to dazzle unwary agents. We'd let the strange man keep it. Should we have known that this was the Kampong Slasher?\n\nThe torchlight was switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch on the torchlight",
"response": "(the torchlight)\nThis thing wouldn't give light unless it had a battery in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inspect torchlight",
"response": "(the torchlight)\nI spotted no traces of hidden sigils.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The door opened up to a private office, small by directorial\nstandards. It had space enough for shelves, stuffed with ring binders, a desk and two chairs. The rest of the offices lay to the west.\n\nIn the centre of the desk was a rabbit skull, its bony surface burnished after years of contact with fingers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "More desks and chairs. To the east was the door leading to the field director's office. The office space was to the south.\n\nTo the west was the door to the shower.\n\nMy desk was here as well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "(the familiar desk)\nWhen I touched this desk, I felt like something slid into place. I\nknew this desk. It was my desk! I knew its grooves and furrows by heart. I recognised the rings where I had put a wet cup one too many times.\n\nThis desk had a drawer, which was open to reveal a D-cell battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the battery",
"response": "(the D-cell battery)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put battery in torchlight",
"response": "(the D-cell battery in the torchlight)\nThe torchlight's battery compartment was closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the torchlight",
"response": "I opened the torchlight's battery compartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put battery in the torchlight",
"response": "(the D-cell battery in the torchlight)\nI put the D-cell battery into the torchlight's battery compartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close torchlight",
"response": "I closed the torchlight's battery compartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch on the torchlight",
"response": "(the torchlight)\nIt was too bright for me to see what was being projected. The noon\nsun, even filtered through the windows, washed out the torchlight's beam. I'd need a completely enclosed room for this.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "More desks and chairs. To the east was the door leading to the field director's office. The office space was to the south.\n\nTo the west was the door to the shower.\n\nMy desk was here as well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "I closed the waterstained door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the torchlight",
"response": "It was too bright for me to see what was being projected. The noon\nsun, even filtered through the windows, washed out the torchlight's beam. I'd need a completely enclosed room for this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the waterstained door)\n\nMore desks and chairs. To the east was the door leading to the field director's office. The office space was to the south.\n\nTo the west was the door to the shower.\n\nMy desk was here as well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The office space resembled that of a sports hall, high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those\npanels, casting glowing shadows.\n\na rough grid pattern. In front of the tables, there was a whiteboard.\n\nTo the east was the office lounge. To the west was the registration office. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker (in which were a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This was our lounge. Paltry as it looked, it was where everyone congregated. To the west lay the exit out to the office space.\n\nA fancy television took pride of place in the room.\n\nIn a corner was the heart of the lounge, the bar fridge.\n\nA large beanbag leaned against the bar fridge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boots",
"response": "Leather boots. Well-worn. A crest was stamped on the heel, familiar as a remembered texture.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The narrow lobby was where captured objects or monsters to be quarantined were logged.\n\nAnyone with a staff ID could tap in to the north, and to the east was the quarantine room. The red light above the doorway was dark.\n\nA card scanner, installed after we heard about the Kampong Slasher, prevented unauthorised personnel from entering the main offices.\n\nPlaques covered the wall of the Station Lobby.\n\nA reception desk took centre stage, a bastion of sense against\nwhatever the public had to offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "I tapped my ID card on the scanner and it beeped like a disgruntled kitten.\n\nThe office space resembled that of a sports hall, high-ceilinged, with glass panels near the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through those\npanels, casting glowing shadows.\n\na rough grid pattern. In front of the tables, there was a whiteboard.\n\nTo the east was the office lounge. To the west was the registration office. The lobby lay to the south, while more office cubicles lay to the north.\n\nA standing whiteboard had been pushed to one side.\n\nI could also see a gear locker (in which were a group photo, a faded body armour and a Mingsheng's body armour) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "I slid the horn key into the lock and the door clicked open.\n\nThis room was completely sealed and, despite the weather outside, chilly. The walls and floor were solid concrete. No windows. This room was built not to have weaknesses.\n\nLED panels would normally light up the room, but the panel casing had been cracked. Why was this room dark? Too many monsters thrived in shadow. I had to bring light into this place.\n\nThe way out was to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the torchlight",
"response": "In the gloom of the Quarantine Room, the beam of the torchlight was much clearer, and for the first time I saw why the Kampong Slasher was carrying this.\n\nIn the puddle of light was the sigil of near sight, the most dangerous sigil of all, for it whispered sweetly of violence in darkness -- and this was the only place in the station in which it was dark enough to do that.\n\nThere was a monstrous knocking at the outside of the Station: more a booming than knocking. I sensed that the sound was coming from the lobby.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room was completely sealed and, despite the weather outside, chilly. The walls and floor were solid concrete. No windows. This room was built not to have weaknesses.\n\nLED panels would normally light up the room, but the panel casing had been cracked. Why was this room dark? Too many monsters thrived in shadow. I had to bring light into this place.\n\nThe way out was to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Sigil",
"response": "(the sigil notebook)\nI started this notebook early in my first DRIP posting - it still had my name, Priyanka Ramasamy, written on the cover in faded marker. I could read this, if I wanted to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the torch",
"response": "In the gloom of the Quarantine Room, the beam of the torchlight was much clearer, and for the first time I saw why the Kampong Slasher was carrying this.\n\nIn the puddle of light was the sigil of near sight, the most dangerous sigil of all, for it whispered sweetly of violence in darkness -- and this was the only place in the station in which it was dark enough to do that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Sigil of the near sight",
"response": "This was a sigil I'd only imagined, read about in books, seen written in sigil notation (and those were always distorted such that they\nwould never form a working sigil).In my years of working here, I had only seen the sigil of near sight once, and only once, because no one was allowed - by law! - to inscribe it within Perigosan limits. Though how could the law stop someone? It was, if not perfect, then a very good weapon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "I gave a masterful leap. I was mainly a scholar, not an athlete.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The reception desk stood, devoid of human presence. But where there\nhad once been a wall filled with plaques and the main door, now there was only a broken wall and the outside was to the south.\n\nA card scanner, installed after we heard about the Kampong Slasher, prevented unauthorised personnel from entering the main offices.\n\nPlaques covered the wall of the Station Lobby.\n\nA reception desk took centre stage, a bastion of sense against\nwhatever the public had to offer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "The front of the desk had a metal crest, a shape I had seen thousands of times, yet in my present state I could not picture it with my eyes closed.\n\nPeering round the other side of the desk, my eyes were drawn\ninexorably to the sigil of speed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "I found myself in a narrow alley. The walls around me were dotted with exposed wires and satellite dishes and water pipes; this obvious\nbreach of health and safety would never have been tolerated anywhere\nin Perigosan but in the Walled City. And I knew this place: there were precious few names for it, but this was where we'd once uncovered a rift in the fabric of this dimension... pretty much.\n\nA towel flapped in a sudden gust of wind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the towel",
"response": "What little fabric was not soaked through with dried blood was stained from frequent use. The corner of the towel was marked with a name tape reading \"Mingsheng\", and the logo proudly proclaimed it to be from a local dojo.\n\nFrom behind me, I heard somebody saying: \"Priyanka? Priyanka! Do you know that Gladys has been trying to get to you, but she kept getting\nme instead?\"\n\nI turned, and true to life, there was Carlotta! Quizzical look on her face. Feet floating slightly above the floor. I should talk to\nher.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"Carlotta, why are your feet not touching the ground?\"\n\n\"Priyanka, you sure you work for DRIP?\" she says, with a teasing\nsmile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Carlotta smiled, and suddenly I felt like I was home again. \"I don't know if you've reached the same conclusion by yourself, but you're dead.\"\n\n\"Bit of a conversation... killer, isn't it?\"\n\nCarlotta rolls her eyes. \"Still making jokes! Anyway, apparently\nGladys has been trying to scry either of us for a week to figure out what happened. She could only find me, and she asked me to find you, kind of. It's nice to be back, isn't it?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Carlotta gave me a Look, the one which hinted that I might not like what she was going to say next.\n\n\"I think I scry for you to see, better than I tell stories, huh?\" We went in to the staff shower, to the full length mirror, and she closed her eyes.\n\nCarlotta gave me a Look, the one which hinted that I might not like what she was going to say next.\n\n\"I think I scry for you to see, better than I talk talk talk at you.\" So we went in to the staff shower, to the full length mirror, and she closed her eyes.\n\nthe Quarantine Room alarm goes off. I go in, inscribing knife still in hand, and the airlock doors shut behind me.\n\n\"Do you remember this part?\" she asks, and I nod.\n\nThe Kampong Slasher had tucked his blanket over the light casing, blocking out not all, but enough, light. As I reach for the blanket,\nhe takes out his torchlight and turns it on. My eyes go to the pool of light, naturally. I take in the sigil of near sight, naturally. One glance is enough.\n\nWhen I emerge, my eyes are red-rimmed and watery. Mingsheng is\nrushing at me (or I him?) - and I catch him in the stomach with--\n\nI can't bear to see any more. I turn away, but the alley around me is fading into white like a cheap TV transition. The last thing I feel before nothingness takes over is her hand on my arm.\n\n\"It wasn't your fault,\" she says, from a long, long way away.",
"endoftext": true
] | jddi0s4uwuh8nrpp |
The Forgotten Girls | Brent H. | [
] | [
"built-in hints",
"cover art",
"female protagonist",
] | 2,012 | [
] | 5 | 2.8 | 20130304 | true | You and your friend Pari have been digging out an escape tunnel. Yesterday she told you that it was ready and that she would come get you right after dinner. Unfortunately, it's already night and she's half an hour late, which is worrying you very much. Even worse, Nikhil probably isn't planning to leave for at least a few hours, and by then you doubt you'll have any chance. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "You and your friend Pari have been digging out an escape tunnel. Yesterday she told you that it was ready and that she would come get you right after dinner. Unfortunately, it's already night and she's half an hour late, which is worrying you very much. Even worse, Nikhil probably isn't planning to leave for at least a few hours, and by then you doubt you'll have any chance.\n\n(The following story was written for Vanderbilt University's 2012 Commons Reading Competition. It was inspired by \"Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide\" by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.)\n\nThe room is small, musky, and windowless. A single light bulb is hanging overhead, controlled by a light switch. A bed is pushed in the corner, leaving only a little room for standing. The walls are made of solid gray concrete and are colored by various stains you'd rather not speak of. There is one hole in the wall for electricity. A wooden door separates this room from the hallway to the north.\n\nOn the bed is Nikhil Varma.\n\nYou can also see a plastic fan here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Nikhil",
"response": "An Indian man whom you judge to be about twenty-five years old. He appears to be reasonably fit, fairly healthy, and a despicable monster.\n\n(Try to \"examine\" everything. You can get a lot of clues from that. It can also be abbreviated \"x\", as in \"x bed\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a thin, yet fairly tall, fourteen-year-old Indian girl. You consider yourself to be only of average prettiness, however, which is fortunate here, as beauty is almost a curse.\n\n(To see a description of the room, just type \"look\". This description will tend to change depending on what's in the room at the time.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plastic fan",
"response": "A generic white fan about half a meter high, consisting of four fairly sharp blades. It is placed here more for the comfort of the customers than for yours. A cord connects it to the hole in the wall. There is a white cover to protect the blades.\n\nThe plastic fan is currently switched on.\n\n(To talk to someone, just \"mention\" a subject while in the same room as someone else. This can be abbreviated \"m\", as in \"m love\". In addition, you can \"think\" in order to show a list of important possible subjects to mention.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: whatever comes to mind.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Nikhil.\n\n(To check what you're holding, type \"inventory\" or \"i\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M prostitution",
"response": "Nikhil considers prostitution for a second.\n\n\"How else would I pass ten years of my life?\"\n\n(If you need more help, just type \"help\". In that menu is also a list of hints.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mention nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.\n\n\"I'm a good man, I think, and I'm well on the track to success. I'm not sure there's any need to be more specific.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Nikhil considers you for a second.\n\n\"You look perfectly fine, even if you're not the best here. I do like how much taller you are than other girls your age, though. You're more adjusted to my body size.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Nikhil",
"response": "An Indian man whom you judge to be about twenty-five years old. He appears to be reasonably fit, fairly healthy, and a despicable monster.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The room is small, musky, and windowless. A single light bulb is hanging overhead, controlled by a light switch. A bed is pushed in the corner, leaving only a little room for standing. The walls are made of solid gray concrete and are colored by various stains you'd rather not speak of. There is one hole in the wall for electricity. A wooden door separates this room from the hallway to the north.\n\nOn the bed is Nikhil Varma.\n\nYou can also see a plastic fan here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the wooden door)\nNikhil says, \"Hey, what are you trying to do? I paid for this time, so stop wasting it.\"\n\nIf you want to leave, you'll probably have to be a little more surreptitious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "A small centimeter-wide hole has been roughly drilled into the wall so that the light bulb and fan can get electricity. You often dream about escaping through it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the fan off",
"response": "(the plastic fan off)\nYou flip the switch near the bottom of the fan, and it sputters to a halt.\n\nNikhil says \"Hey, turn that back on! I'm already too hot.\" You grimace, thinking that he is, in fact, not.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mention nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.\n\n\"I guess I chose you today because I haven't had you yet. Many of the better-looking ones were already taken as well.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mention building",
"response": "Nikhil considers the house for a second.\n\n\"If I had designed this building, I definitely would have made it more open. People with claustrophobia could never come here.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You're already talking about that.\n\nNikhil considers the house for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The room is small, musky, and windowless. A single light bulb is hanging overhead, controlled by a light switch. A bed is pushed in the corner, leaving only a little room for standing. The walls are made of solid gray concrete and are colored by various stains you'd rather not speak of. There is one hole in the wall for electricity. A wooden door separates this room from the hallway to the north.\n\nOn the bed is Nikhil Varma.\n\nYou can also see a plastic fan here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mention nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.\n\n\"Yes, I find this building to be extremely old and depressing, but I'm willing to accept it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M nikhil",
"response": "You're already talking about that.\n\nNikhil considers himself for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: himself.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Nikhil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mention marriage",
"response": "Nikhil considers marriage for a second.\n\n\"Yes, I certainly want to be able to meet a woman soon who is worthy of being my wife.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M love",
"response": "Nikhil considers love for a second.\n\n\"Ah, love is a great thing. It is the most noble of all emotions. A man and a woman are truly great when they so choose to be.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M marriage",
"response": "Nikhil considers marriage for a second.\n\n\"Love can lead to marriage or the other way around. Of course, one never knows which at first.\"\n\n(The following story was written for Vanderbilt University's 2012 Commons Reading Competition. It was inspired by \"Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide\" by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "Perhaps your least favorite place in the world. It is essentially a large mattress set on the ground, perhaps half a meter high.\n\nOn the bed is Nikhil Varma.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M marriage",
"response": "You're already talking about that.\n\nNikhil considers marriage for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Nikhil says, \"Hey, what are you trying to do? I paid for this time, so stop wasting it.\"\n\nIf you want to leave, you'll probably have to be a little more surreptitious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M building",
"response": "Nikhil considers the house for a second.\n\n\"No, this is a terrible place to have a wedding. It's too dark and everything's too enclosed. That is what you mean, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: the house.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Nikhil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M marriage",
"response": "Nikhil considers marriage for a second.\n\n\"I want to be married by the time I'm thirty, but I'm willing to wait if I can't find the right woman.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M girls",
"response": "Nikhil considers the girls here for a second.\n\n\"I don't know where they get these girls from, but most of them are pretty impressive.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M building",
"response": "Nikhil considers the house for a second.\n\n\"This is not the best place for them to work, really. Still, I'm sure that it's the best the owners can afford.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M you",
"response": "Nikhil considers prostitution for a second.\n\n\"Yes, I know what this place is for. Maybe it could branch out a little, though, maybe add a restaurant.\"\n\nYou see no reason to mention that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M building",
"response": "Nikhil considers the house for a second.\n\n\"I've heard that prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It must have been so open back then. Now we're forced into cramped houses if we want to satisfy ourselves.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M marriage",
"response": "Nikhil considers marriage for a second.\n\n\"Looking for a wife here is probably the worst thing I can do. They have been tainted by other men, of course, but even if they weren't, only the poor girls end up here anyway.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the switch",
"response": "A small plastic light switch turns the light on and off.\n\nThe light switch is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.\n\n\"I'm not married yet, of course, but I definitely hope to be some day. My wife will be beautiful, loyal, and hardworking.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na dress (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M love",
"response": "Nikhil considers love for a second.\n\n\"There was a girl I knew who I once thought I loved. She and her family disappeared one day, and I have never seen them since. Maybe they moved because of poverty, or maybe she became engaged to another man. I have no idea.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.\n\n\"I really must meet someone someday who I love. The world would be so much brighter.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the light",
"response": "(the light bulb)\nNikhil shouts at you, \"No, leave that on! I want to be able to see you.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at bulb",
"response": "(the light bulb)\nA bare yet surprisingly bright bulb dangling from the ceiling is the only source of light in the room. A power cable running along the ceiling is connected to a hole in the wall. Another cable connects it to a light switch by the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cable",
"response": "A thin black rubber cable attached to the light bulb. You can tell that it's already fraying at the hole in the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M prostitution",
"response": "Nikhil considers prostitution for a second.\n\n\"If you mean that I should try becoming a prostitute, I'd really rather not. The demand is probably pretty low as well. That is what you mean, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the cable",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M building",
"response": "Nikhil considers the house for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: the house.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Nikhil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Nikhil considers you for a second.\n\n\"Yes, I guess it must not be comfortable working here all day. Still, we all have to make a living somehow.\"\n\nYou refrain from stating that you don't actually get any of the money.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M prostitution",
"response": "Nikhil considers prostitution for a second.\n\n\"I do wonder how you came to be in this state. Actually, don't tell me. That'll take too long.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Nikhil considers you for a second.\n\n\"I can plainly see what you are. Everyone can plainly see what you are.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M prostitution",
"response": "Nikhil considers prostitution for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Nikhil considers you for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: you.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Nikhil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M girls",
"response": "Nikhil considers the girls here for a second.\n\n\"I imagine that in your field of work you have little time for recreation with those other girls. Still, it's just something you have to accept.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M love",
"response": "Nikhil considers love for a second.\n\n\"Every girl is in love with the idea of love. I would say most men are too.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M prostitution",
"response": "Nikhil considers prostitution for a second.\n\n\"Yes, I've heard that some prostitutes fall in love with their clients. Ah, all those broken dreams.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M girls",
"response": "Nikhil considers the girls here for a second.\n\n\"I wonder how these girls will live the rest of their lives. They certainly cannot survive by themselves for long.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil considers himself for a second.\n\n\"I've been to a few other places in the past few years, but I admit that the girls here are probably the best selection I've seen.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the bed",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "A wooden door with cracked, peeling, green paint in random splotches.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M sex",
"response": "Nikhil considers sex for a second.\n\n\"I'm a fan of it, personally.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: sex.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Nikhil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Nikhil considers you for a second.\n\n\"Yeah, sure, we might as well get started soon.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M building",
"response": "Nikhil considers the house for a second.\n\n\"If you had to enter this business, couldn't you have picked a better place to do so?\"\n\nNo, you think. You couldn't have.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Nikhil considers you for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M sex",
"response": "Nikhil considers sex for a second.\n\n\"The woman up front said that you were pretty good at this, but of course everyone always oversells their products.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M girls",
"response": "Nikhil considers the girls here for a second.\n\n\"It does bother me sometimes to think of the other guys who have been in all you girls, but I can generally block that image out.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kiss him",
"response": "You move near him and take his head into your hands. He pulls you close and kisses you. \"Not bad,\" he says, \"but let's just get right down to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\nOn the bed you can see Nikhil Varma.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You have the sex",
"response": "(with the plastic fan)\nYou should probably limit yourself to only having sex with animate objects.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You have the sex with Nikhil",
"response": "Nikhil pulls you closer and proceeds not to let you go for hours. Despite what else you may say about him, he certainly has incredible stamina. Of course, by the time you actually have any chance to leave, it's already too late to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fan",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nA generic white fan about half a meter high, consisting of four fairly sharp blades. It is placed here more for the comfort of the customers than for yours. A cord connects it to the hole in the wall. There is a white cover to protect the blades.\n\nThe plastic fan is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fan",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the cover",
"response": "(first taking the fan cover)\nYou position yourself between Nikhil and the fan so that he can't see it. Then you carefully pry the cover off of the fan, leaving the blades exposed.\n\nYou're not wearing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blades",
"response": "Four fairly sharp blades are connected to the center of the fan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the blade",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the plastic fan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch Nikhil with the fan",
"response": "That is either not here, not visible, or does not need to be referred to.\n\nI only understood you as far as wanting to touch Nikhil Varma.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nViolence isn't the answer to this one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Nikhil",
"response": "You're not that dumb. He could easily defeat you with almost no effort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch fan",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nYou feel nothing unexpected.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fan",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nA generic white fan about half a meter high, consisting of four fairly sharp blades. It is placed here more for the comfort of the customers than for yours. A cord connects it to the hole in the wall. You have removed the cover.\n\nThe plastic fan is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cover",
"response": "A slightly damaged white cage used to protect errant fingers from the fan blades. The fan cover is never tightly attached and has in fact fallen off at least four times in the past year. You have managed to take it off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cord",
"response": "A white rubber cord connected to the fan on one side and a hole in the wall on the other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut Nikhil",
"response": "Cutting him up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the cover",
"response": "You place the cover on your head, forming a makeshift helmet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the cable with the fan",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nYou carefully bring the fan blades perpendicularly to the fraying at the edge of the wall.\n\nNikhil asks, \"Hey, why are you messing with that fan back there?\"\n\nYou lie and tell him that the cover has fallen off, so you're trying to fix it. As you're explaining, the fan blades finally manage to cut through enough of the wire to break the connection, and so the light bulb quickly fizzles out.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open the wooden door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get off the bed.\n\nIt is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing.\n\nFortunately for you, Nikhil hasn't realized what's happened, so he says \"Oh, great, the light bulb has burned out now? Go out and get your owner to change it. I will get what I paid for!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\n\"Of all the times to happen...\" grumbles Nikhil.\n\nYou should probably leave before Nikhil gets suspicious. Just go north. (You can also type \"n\", while \"e\", \"w\", and \"s\" will work for the other directions. Combinations like \"sw\" may also be used occasionally.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The fan's attached to the wall. You need to drop it first.\n\n\"I'm not going to have time to come here again for another two weeks,\" Nikhil continues to complain.\n\nCome on, this is the perfect chance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the fan",
"response": "(the plastic fan)\nDropped.\n\n\"And I've got to be back home in just two hours,\" Nikhil says.\n\nSeriously, you need all the time you can get.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The hallway is narrow and looks essentially the same as your room in all basic respects, with the same drab walls and poor lighting. Small rooms like yours line the wall on both sides. East leads to Pari's room and west heads to the main room where the customers are.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The hallway is the same uniform gray all along, and you can see doors stretching all the way further east, leading eventually to the outside. Pari's room is south of here. The hallway in front of your room is to the west.\n\nA door down the hallway on the odd-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening Pari's door)\n\nThe room looks almost exactly the same as yours. A key difference is that this room is lighted. A key similarity is that Pari is not in either. A door leads north to the hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a thin, yet fairly tall, fourteen-year-old Indian girl. You consider yourself to be only of average prettiness, however, which is fortunate here, as beauty is almost a curse.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "The room looks almost exactly the same as yours. A key difference is that this room is lighted. A key similarity is that Pari is not in either. A door leads north to the hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The hallway is the same uniform gray all along, and you can see doors stretching all the way further east, leading eventually to the outside. Pari's room is south of here. The hallway in front of your room is to the west.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A girl who you think is called Navya comes over from the west. She quietly says, \"I've been asked to collect all the girls who are done working for the day. There's going to be a demonstration soon.\"\n\nYou suddenly begin to suspect the worst. \"Here, follow me,\" she says, heading west and north to the dining room.\n\nThe dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see a table (on which are Pari, some ropes, a wooden stick, an iron rod, and a purse (closed)), Mother Avni Singh, Akshay Singh, Arnav Singh, Aditi Singh, the family dog, some girls, a cupboard (closed), and the rice cooker (closed) here.\n\nNavya heads out to search for others, shutting the door behind her.\n\nMother Singh hits Pari's right leg. Pari lets out a faint whimper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dog",
"response": "By far your favorite member of the family. A large mutt, he is kept by the Singhs partly for sentimental value and partly for his ability to intimidate customers who refuse to pay or leave quickly enough.\n\nMother Singh hits Pari's right arm. Pari lets out a faint whimper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Pari",
"response": "Pari is fairly tall for a 16-year-old, and thus she is one of the stronger girls here. Because you often talk to her at night through the hole in the wall, she is your closest friend.\n\nPari is carrying:\nPari's dress (being worn)\n\nMother Singh hits Pari's right arm. Pari lets out a faint whimper.\n\nMother Singh shouts, \"Well, girl, you thought you could get away with this? Everyone, watch closely and see what happens to those who rebel against me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the girls",
"response": "A large ring of girls has surrounded the table on which Pari is bound. Their attention is wholly focused on her, so you are able to sneak around without either them or Mother Singh noticing.\n\nMother Singh hits Pari's right leg.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open purse",
"response": "That might be a bit too obvious.\n\nMother Singh hits Pari's right arm. Pari lets out a faint whimper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the purse",
"response": "That might be a bit too obvious.\n\nSuddenly, Nikhil's head pops into the room as he opens the door and peers in. You quickly duck down behind the mass of girls.\n\nNikhil stares at Pari and asks Mother Singh, \"What are you doing now?\"\n\nMother Singh answers, \"We're just punishing her a bit. She tried to steal some money from us.\" You cringe inwardly. Based on your past experience, if that was the crime, Pari is about to be crippled, if not dead. You have to save her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open cupboard",
"response": "You open the cupboard, revealing a can opener and a can of beans.\n\nNikhil considers the answer before saying, \"Well, why are you making all the other girls watch this?\"\n\nMother Singh says, \"We need to teach these girls not to disobey us. Everybody here does this. Now, excuse me, but what are you here for?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the rice",
"response": "You sneak over to the rice cooker by hiding behind the girls.\n\nYou open the rice cooker, revealing cooked rice.\n\nNikhil hesitates before saying, \"Well, I need a new light bulb for my room. I sent my girl out to get someone to fix the problem, but she still hasn't returned.\" You crouch down further.\n\nMother Singh says, \"Interesting. I have no idea where she is, but we happen to be out of light bulbs at the moment. However, I can send my son out with you to the city to get some new ones. Akshay, my boy, go help him.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rice",
"response": "(cooked rice)\nYou don't see any use for a handful of rice. Besides, you don't have anything to grab or carry it with.\n\nNikhil and Akshay walk out of the room, Akshay having an obvious look of displeasure on his face at being forced to miss this.\n\nOne of the girls asks, \"Should I close the door, Mother Singh?\"\n\nShe replies, \"No, no one else is going to come anymore. Besides, it's hot in here and I'm already breaking a sweat.\"\n\nMother Singh says to Pari, \"Alright, now that we've softened you up a bit, it's time to start going a little harder.\" She picks up the wooden stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the iron rod",
"response": "A metal rod about the same length as the stick. It is only used in the worst cases. You are very worried now.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the can",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nTaken.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open can",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nYou use the can opener to open the can of beans. Then you quickly dart out of the way so you are not seen, leaving the can on the ground.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put beans in the rice cooker",
"response": "(the can of beans in the rice cooker)\n(first taking the can of beans)\n\nNo, not yet.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right arm with a stick.\n\nThe dog cautiously weaves its way through the mass of girls, enticed by the smell of the beans. You wave it over and gesture at it to eat. It eagerly complies, sticking its muzzle inside the can. The sound of the dog eating gets Mother Singh's attention, and she turns toward the dog.\n\nMother Singh shouts, \"Who left a can of beans open on the floor? Alright, Arnav, go out and walk the dog for an hour or two. I certainly do not want him making this place smell.\" Arnav slowly walks out with the dog, obviously annoyed at being assigned this chore.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the rice cooker",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the girls",
"response": "A large ring of girls has surrounded the table on which Pari is bound. Their attention is wholly focused on her, so you are able to sneak around without either them or Mother Singh noticing.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spill the rice",
"response": "(cooked rice)\nYou tilt over the rice cooker and some of the dry grains escape, forming a small heap of spilled rice on the ground. You quickly move away from there so that you won't be suspected. The noise of the grains falling is loud enough for Mother Singh to turn towards it.\n\nShe shouts, \"Aditi, go out to the closet and get the broom so you can sweep this up.\" Aditi complies, heading out.\n\nAditi returns and quickly sweeps the rice up into a dustpan. She then leaves to dump it in the outside refuse pile. Putting the broom back in the closet, she returns to continue watching.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right arm with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spill the rice",
"response": "(cooked rice)\nYou tilt over the rice cooker and some of the dry grains escape, forming a small heap of spilled rice on the ground. You quickly move away from there so that you won't be suspected. The noise of the grains falling is loud enough for Mother Singh to turn towards it.\n\nShe shouts, \"Aditi, go out to the closet and get the broom so you can sweep this up.\" Aditi complies, heading out.\n\nAditi returns and quickly sweeps the rice up into a dustpan. She then leaves to dump it in the outside refuse pile. Putting the broom back in the closet, she returns to continue watching.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine aditi",
"response": "She is older than Arnav and younger than Akshay, but beyond that you have little idea of her age. She is as cruel as her mother is.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the iron",
"response": "A metal rod about the same length as the stick. It is only used in the worst cases. You are very worried now.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "The dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see a can of beans (in which are some brown beans), a table (on which are Pari, some ropes, an iron rod, and a purse (closed)), Mother Avni Singh, Aditi Singh, some girls, a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the can",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nTaken.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the can at Aditi",
"response": "(the can of beans at Aditi Singh)\nYou lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put can in the cooker",
"response": "(the can of beans in the rice cooker)\nYou put the can of beans into the rice cooker.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the cooker",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left leg with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close cooker",
"response": "(cooked rice)\nYou tilt over the rice cooker and some of the dry grains escape, forming a small heap of spilled rice on the ground. You quickly move away from there so that you won't be suspected. The noise of the grains falling is loud enough for Mother Singh to turn towards it.\n\nShe shouts, \"Aditi, go out to the closet and get the broom so you can sweep this up.\" Aditi complies, heading out.\n\nAditi returns and quickly sweeps the rice up into a dustpan. She then leaves to dump it in the outside refuse pile. Putting the broom back in the closet, she returns to continue watching.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick.\n\nYou close the rice cooker.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right arm with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the cooker",
"response": "The rice cooker is already here.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right arm with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine cooker",
"response": "A large steel rice cooker enclosed within a wooden cover. It is far too large for its legs, however, and in the common cases where it is accidentally spilled, someone always has to waste time cleaning it up.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the can",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na can opener\na fan cover (being worn)\na dress (being worn)\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cooker",
"response": "You open the rice cooker, revealing a can of beans and cooked rice.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put rice into the can",
"response": "(cooked rice into the can opener)\n(first taking cooked rice)\n\nYou don't see any use for a handful of rice. Besides, you don't have anything to grab or carry it with.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nTaken.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right arm with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spill the beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nYou have no reason to do that.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nYou reach into the can and pull out a few beans before popping them into your mouth.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You crouch behind the mass of girls and quickly sneak out of the room when no one is looking.\n\nThe hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.\n\nA door down the hallway on the odd-numbered side opens, as a girl followed by a man exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You don't want to randomly barge in if there's a customer with her. Besides, you see no reason why Pari would be there.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a girl followed by a man exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is where the customers enter and wait. However, it is currently very late and so no one is here right now. It is luxuriously decorated compared to the rest of the place. A desk sits in the corner. East is the hallway. North is a closet. West leads outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "An ornamented desk with carvings on the side of tigers and flowers. It has two drawers, one on the left and one on the right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the left drawer",
"response": "The purse isn't open.\n\nThe drawer appears to be locked. You'll have to get the key out of Mother Singh's purse first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "North",
"response": "(first opening the closet door)\n\nThe closet is fairly large and contains many things that are used in the day-to-day running of this place, but most are unfamiliar to you. South leads out.\n\nYou can see a broom here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take broom",
"response": "You'd look pretty suspicious walking about with a broom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the broom",
"response": "(first taking the broom)\nYou'd look pretty suspicious walking about with a broom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na can of beans (open)\nsome brown beans\na can opener\na fan cover (being worn)\na dress (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The closet is fairly large and contains many things that are used in the day-to-day running of this place, but most are unfamiliar to you. South leads out.\n\nYou can see a broom here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the broom",
"response": "The broom has been used here for at least as long as you've been used here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the beans in the broom",
"response": "(the can of beans in the broom)\nThat can't contain things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take broom",
"response": "You'd look pretty suspicious walking about with a broom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break broom",
"response": "You snap the broom in half.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "East",
"response": "The hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see a table (on which are Pari, some ropes, an iron rod, and a purse (closed)), Mother Avni Singh, Aditi Singh, some girls, a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's left arm with a stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nMother Singh quickly strikes Pari's right leg with a stick. Pari lets out a short cry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spill the rice",
"response": "(cooked rice)\nYou tilt over the rice cooker and some of the dry grains escape, forming a small heap of spilled rice on the ground. You quickly move away from there so that you won't be suspected. The noise of the grains falling is loud enough for Mother Singh to turn towards it.\n\nShe shouts, \"Aditi, go out to the closet and get the broom so you can sweep this up.\" Aditi complies, heading out.\n\nAditi runs back in, shouting that the broom has been broken. Mother Singh says, \"What! Who has done this? The broom was fine earlier; has someone damaged it on purpose? Oh, we shall get to the bottom of this mystery once I have finished with this girl! Meanwhile, go into town and tell your brother to pick up a new broom as well.\" Aditi quickly dashes out to follow her mother's orders, and you inwardly celebrate at having another family member out of the way.\n\nNow Mother Singh, having worked up a sweat, picks up the metal rod. She laughs and says, \"Okay, my girl, prepare for some real pain now.\"\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's stomach. Pari tries hard not to scream, only letting out a short \"Oof.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit singh",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"Urgh...\", groans Pari as she reels from the blow.\n\nMother Singh shouts out, \"Someone get me a book of matches for later.\" The girls stare nervously at each other for a minute, until one of them takes a chair, pushes it in front of the cabinet, and stands on it so she can reach on top of the cabinet. She fishes around for a little bit, finding two books of matches. Then she gets down, pushes the chair in the corner, and gives both to Mother Singh, who says, \"I only need one. She's not going to last that long,\" The girl shudders a bit before throwing one book back into the cupboard, as Mother Singh places the other in an imperceptible fold in her dress.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the purse",
"response": "That might be a bit too obvious.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's arm. \"Arghhh!\", she shouts, tears glistening in her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the matches",
"response": "Taken.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's stomach. \"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!\", Pari screams, unable to face the pain as the rod hits a sensitive spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light singh",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. Pari tries hard not to scream, only letting out a short \"Oof.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light matches",
"response": "To use the matches, just BURN an object. You don't have to light them first or anything.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's arm. \"Arghhh!\", she shouts, tears glistening in her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Singh",
"response": "A middle-aged woman who runs the place, she is warm and inviting to the customers, but cruel to everyone else. She always seems even more vicious when her husband is out at the bars, as he probably is now.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!\", Pari screams, unable to face the pain as the rod hits a sensitive spot.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see spilled rice, a table (on which are a wooden stick, Pari, some ropes, and a purse (closed)), Mother Avni Singh, some girls, a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's arm. \"Urgh...\", groans Pari as she reels from the blow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ropes",
"response": "Four ropes bind each of Pari's limbs.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. Pari tries hard not to scream, only letting out a short \"Oof.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at cupboard",
"response": "A tall wooden cupboard with multiple shelves inside.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!\", Pari screams, unable to face the pain as the rod hits a sensitive spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine purse",
"response": "Mother Singh's purse is essentially a brown cloth bag with a strap, about a third of a meter wide.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's stomach. \"Arghhh!\", she shouts, tears glistening in her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light purse",
"response": "That might be a bit too obvious.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"Urgh...\", groans Pari as she reels from the blow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn rope",
"response": "That might be a bit too obvious.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. Pari tries hard not to scream, only letting out a short \"Oof.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome matches\na can of beans (open)\nsome brown beans\na can opener\na fan cover (being worn)\na dress (being worn)\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"Urgh...\", groans Pari as she reels from the blow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the matches",
"response": "A small book of matches. The ultimate danger, and thus the ultimate distraction.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. Pari tries hard not to scream, only letting out a short \"Oof.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You crouch behind the mass of girls and quickly sneak out of the room when no one is looking.\n\nThe hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The hallway is the same uniform gray all along, and you can see doors stretching all the way further east, leading eventually to the outside. Pari's room is south of here. The hallway in front of your room is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.\n\nA door down the hallway on the odd-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn desk",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The closet is fairly large and contains many things that are used in the day-to-day running of this place, but most are unfamiliar to you. South leads out.\n\nYou can see a broken broom here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the dress",
"response": "You carefully remove the dress, making sure to keep it safe because you are not sure if you would be given another one. Nevertheless, you have the experience of removing it up to ten times a day, so you have learned to do it very quickly. You are now wearing nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the dress",
"response": "You put on the dress.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nThis dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first opening the front door)\n\nThe front gate, about twenty feet away from the building, is the only break in the fence. It's guarded by two men, neither of whom are looking in your direction, who might not be able to see you anyway due to the darkness. Southeast is a dirt clearing and east is the main room.\n\nYou can see a tall guard and a short guard here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "A dirt clearing with a fence to the south. Sometimes you come out here in the middle of night for fresh air. The front gate is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see a blue car (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the car",
"response": "(the blue car)\nThe Singh's family car, an old blue four-seater, is facing the wall to the north. They are some of the more affluent people here, and they often need a car in order to transport some of the girls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn car",
"response": "(the blue car)\nThis dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open car",
"response": "(the blue car)\nThat's not something you can open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search car",
"response": "(the blue car)\nThe blue car is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "The front gate, about twenty feet away from the building, is the only break in the fence. It's guarded by two men, neither of whom are looking in your direction, who might not be able to see you anyway due to the darkness. Southeast is a dirt clearing and east is the main room.\n\nYou can see a tall guard and a short guard here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the guard",
"response": "Who do you mean, the tall guard or the short guard?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine short",
"response": "He's short, carries a long gun, and wears a green uniform. The light's too dark to make out more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tall guard",
"response": "He's tall, carries a long gun, and wears a green uniform. The light's too dark to make out more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see spilled rice, a table (on which are a wooden stick, Pari, some ropes, and a purse (closed)), Mother Avni Singh, some girls, a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"Arghhh!\", she shouts, tears glistening in her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn chair",
"response": "You light a match, sneak over behind the girls, and set it on fire before moving away quickly.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"Arghhh!\", she shouts, tears glistening in her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chair",
"response": "Four-legged stools that appear to be made of the same wood as the tables, they have been stacked in the corner to allow room.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"Urgh...\", groans Pari as she reels from the blow.\n\nOne of the girls sniffs and quickly turns around towards the source of the flames. She screams, and Mother Singh and all the other girls turn towards her. Seeing the fire, some of the girls quickly run out of the room, returning with buckets of water. They pour the water over the fire, stopping it before it does much damage. The room slowly returns to normal, while Mother Singh screams about how whoever did this is going to die painfully. Of course, by that point you have taken the opportunity to steal the purse, hiding it in your dress.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the rope",
"response": "You have no experience with knots. You'll probably just have to cut them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn rope",
"response": "That might be a bit too obvious.\n\nMother Singh aims a sharp blow with the metal rod at Pari's leg. \"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!\", Pari screams, unable to face the pain as the rod hits a sensitive spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open purse",
"response": "You open the purse, revealing a drawer key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the key",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the left drawer",
"response": "You open the left drawer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the left drawer",
"response": "The left drawer is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the right drawer",
"response": "You open the right drawer, revealing a car key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in car",
"response": "(the blue car)\nYou use the car key to unlock the car.\n\nThe inside of the car has a faint scent that you can't place but still repulses you. The seats are covered with some brown cloth, and the seatbelts are the same color despite being made of some different substance. You put the key into the ignition, as you've seen Mother Singh do before, and fiddle around for a bit before turning it on.\n\n(To drive the car, just move in a direction while inside the car, like \"go south\". You don't have to do things like \"steer wheel\" or \"shift stick\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the seatbelt",
"response": "You click the seat belt in.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Clearing (in the blue car)\nA dirt clearing with a fence to the south. Sometimes you come out here in the middle of night for fresh air. The front gate is to the northwest.\n\nIn the blue car you can see a car key.\n\nThe inside of the car has a faint scent that you can't place but still repulses you. The seats are covered with some brown cloth, and the seatbelts are the same color despite being made of some different substance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on car",
"response": "(the blue car)\nThat's not something you can switch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the key",
"response": "(the car key)\nNothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You push the gas pedal as hard as you can, ramming the car into the front wall. The bricks fly apart, as the car folds inward at the front with a gigantic crunching sound. The force of the impact almost throws you out the front window, but your seatbelt protects you. You quickly stagger out, assessing the damage. A large hole is now in the wall between the main room and the clearing. One of the guards runs over to investigate, but by that point you have already snuck around him in the darkness back to the front door. Then Mother Singh screams and runs into the main room, and as the others girls trickle in, you weave behind them while they stare in horror at the car. Finally, you make it back into the dining room, practically collapsing in exhaustion.\n\nThe dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see spilled rice, a table (on which are a wooden stick, Pari, and some ropes), a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the can opener",
"response": "A metal can opener with a plastic handle. It has surely done more than its fair share of work over the years.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "The dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see spilled rice, a table (on which are a wooden stick, Pari, and some ropes), a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cupboard",
"response": "A tall wooden cupboard with multiple shelves inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na drawer key\na purse (open but empty)\nsome matches\na can of beans (open)\nsome brown beans\na can opener\na fan cover (being worn)\na dress (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Pari",
"response": "Pari is fairly tall for a 16-year-old, and thus she is one of the stronger girls here. Because you often talk to her at night through the hole in the wall, she is your closest friend.\n\nPari is carrying:\nPari's dress (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M rope",
"response": "You don't want anyone to know you're here. Secrecy is your only weapon now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: whatever comes to mind.\n\nYou might want to mention: nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the can of the beans",
"response": "A large can of brown beans that often supplements your dinner.\n\nIn the can of beans are some brown beans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the rope with the beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nYou see no reason to cut that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "No. If you walk in there, you're going to be the first one that the guards interrogate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You don't want to randomly barge in if there's a customer with her. Besides, you see no reason why Pari would be there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "No, you have to save Pari first.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The hallway is narrow and looks essentially the same as your room in all basic respects, with the same drab walls and poor lighting. Small rooms like yours line the wall on both sides. East leads to Pari's room and west heads to the main room where the customers are.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine stick",
"response": "A round wooden stick that's about half a meter in length. You've felt it too many times.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "The circular tables have four legs and are made of a surprisingly durable wood. They have been pushed to the side to allow room, except for the one in the center to which Pari is tied.\n\nOn the table are a wooden stick, Pari, and some ropes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut stick",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine cooker",
"response": "A large steel rice cooker enclosed within a wooden cover. It is far too large for its legs, however, and in the common cases where it is accidentally spilled, someone always has to waste time cleaning it up.\n\nIn the rice cooker is cooked rice.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "The dining room is simply what you call the collection of tables here where the girls come to eat. However, it is fairly large, so it is often used as a meeting room as well. Tables and chairs have been pushed to the edges of the room for the demonstration. A cupboard stands in the corner. South leads to the hallway.\n\nYou can see spilled rice, a table (on which are Pari and some ropes), a cupboard (empty), and the rice cooker (in which is cooked rice) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Pari",
"response": "You don't want anyone to know you're here. Secrecy is your only weapon now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chair",
"response": "Four-legged stools that appear to be made of the same wood as the tables, they have been stacked in the corner to allow room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chair",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The hallway is narrow and looks essentially the same as your room in all basic respects, with the same drab walls and poor lighting. Small rooms like yours line the wall on both sides. East leads to Pari's room and west heads to the main room where the customers are.\n\nA door down the hallway on the even-numbered side opens, as a man leading a girl exit their room and head to the front. You step aside to allow them to pass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn match",
"response": "To use the matches, just BURN an object. You don't have to light them first or anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search dress",
"response": "(the dress)\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rope",
"response": "Four ropes bind each of Pari's limbs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nA large can of brown beans that often supplements your dinner.\n\nIn the can of beans are some brown beans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed the beans to Pari",
"response": "(the can of beans to Pari)\nPari doesn't seem interested.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed the rice to Pari",
"response": "(cooked rice to Pari)\n(first taking cooked rice)\nYou don't see any use for a handful of rice. Besides, you don't have anything to grab or carry it with.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cooker",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break Pari",
"response": "She's already hurt enough. There's no need to do more to her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine stick",
"response": "A round wooden stick that's about half a meter in length. You've felt it too many times.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wooden stick\na drawer key\na purse (open but empty)\nsome matches\na can of beans (open)\nsome brown beans\na can opener\na fan cover (being worn)\na dress (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the key",
"response": "A small coppery key. You believe it unlocks the drawers in the main room desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the can of the beans",
"response": "A large can of brown beans that often supplements your dinner.\n\nIn the can of beans are some brown beans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beans",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nA large can of brown beans that often supplements your dinner.\n\nIn the can of beans are some brown beans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brown beans",
"response": "Some brown beans. There's not much else to say about them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rice",
"response": "(cooked rice)\nWarm long-grain rice. Despite how mistreated you are in so many aspects, food is admittedly not one of them. Customers dislike excessively skinny girls, and so you are fed reasonably well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Hints\nCredits\nComplete Walkthrough",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "> Hints\nCredits\nComplete Walkthrough\n> Okay, how do I get Pari down from there?\n1/3: You need something sharp to cut the ropes.\n\nPress SPACE to return to the menu or H to reveal another hint.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You cut the rope with the can opener",
"response": "You rub the blade of the can opener against the rope restraining Pari's left arm. Although it takes a minute, you are eventually able to cut through enough of the fibers to be able to bite it off. From there, you continue cutting the ropes binding the other three limbs, getting faster as you go, partly due to experience and partly due to fear. Eventually, you free Pari, who stumbles onto the ground, limping slightly. She says, \"Thank you so much. But we have to go now.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The hallway looks exactly the same to the east. South leads to Room Number 1, inhabited by a girl whom you only vaguely know. North leads to the dining room. West leads to the main room. East is the hallway by your room.\n\nPari arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The hallway is narrow and looks essentially the same as your room in all basic respects, with the same drab walls and poor lighting. Small rooms like yours line the wall on both sides. East leads to Pari's room and west heads to the main room where the customers are.\n\nPari arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The hallway is the same uniform gray all along, and you can see doors stretching all the way further east, leading eventually to the outside. Pari's room is south of here. The hallway in front of your room is to the west.\n\nPari arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "(first opening the back door)\n\nThe girls come out here to relieve themselves, as there is no bathroom in the building. In fact, this is the only reason that you've even been able to dig the tunnel under the fence, by hiding behind the bushes during your bathroom breaks. The building is back to the west, while the tunnel leading out is to the east.\n\nPari arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You jump into the tunnel and manage to worm through after a few minutes.\n\nThis is the largest street in the town, threading straight through the center. There's an old street sign nearby that probably states the name of the road. West leads back to the building, while north leads farther into the city.\n\nPari arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Suddenly, you see the short guard running here from the north. They have apparently already started searching for you.\n\nThe streets are mostly deserted at this hour, but the stars are bright enough to guide you. The road continues farther north and south. West is an alley.\n\nYou can see a short guard here.\n\nPari arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the short guard",
"response": "He's short, carries a long gun, and wears a green uniform. The light's too dark to make out more.\n\nThe guard catches up to you, knocking you both down with a few swift blows of his rifle butt. Before you can get up again, he's captured you both by the arms, and his grip is too strong to resist. Within ten minutes, you both are back in the building. Within twenty, you both are tied to the tables. Within an hour, you both are in a freshly-shoveled pit in the backyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster, a trash can (empty), and a balcony here.\n\nPari arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fence",
"response": "A tall, wooden fence cuts the alley in half. It's surprisingly new, as you can't see any easy way to get over it.\n\nThe guard continues running towards you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the dumpster",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nThe guard catches up to you, knocking you both down with a few swift blows of his rifle butt. Before you can get up again, he's captured you both by the arms, and his grip is too strong to resist. Within ten minutes, you both are back in the building. Within twenty, you both are tied to the tables. Within an hour, you both are in a freshly-shoveled pit in the backyard.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You get in the dumpster",
"response": "You both jump into the pile of trash in the dumpster.\n\nWest Alley (in the dumpster)\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see Pari, a trash can (empty), and a balcony here.\n\nThe guard continues running towards you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe guard checks the dumpster first and discovers both of you trying to hide inside. \"Did you really think I'd be stupid enough not to check this place?\" says the guard. He takes you both by the arms, but no matter how much you struggle, you can't escape. Within ten minutes, you both are back in the building. Within twenty, you both are tied to the tables. Within an hour, you both are in a freshly-shoveled pit in the backyard.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "This is the largest street in the town, threading straight through the center. There's an old street sign nearby that probably states the name of the road. West leads back to the building, while north leads farther into the city.\n\nYou can see Pari here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: whatever comes to mind.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Pari.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M pari",
"response": "Pari considers herself for a second.\n\n\"I'm not sure what there is so say about me that you don't already know.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M girls",
"response": "Pari considers the girls here for a second.\n\n\"The girls are all nice people. I just wish I had gotten to know them all better.\"\n\nYou're already talking about that.\n\nPari considers the girls here for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M building",
"response": "Pari considers the house for a second.\n\n\"It was a horrible place. Everything was dirty and cramped, and either too dark or too bright. I would easily die before going back there.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "Pari considers you for a second.\n\n\"You're a good friend. I don't know how long I would have survived if I hadn't been able to look forward to our conversations.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "We could go back and get to know the the girls better if you'D like",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M yourself",
"response": "You're already talking about that.\n\nPari considers you for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M pari",
"response": "Pari considers herself for a second.\n\n\"You've been my closest tie to humanity. Thank you so much.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: herself.\n\nYou might want to mention: the building, love, marriage, prostitution, the girls, sex, you, and Pari.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The guard catches up to you, knocking you both down with a few swift blows of his rifle butt. Before you can get up again, he's captured you both by the arms, and his grip is too strong to resist. Within ten minutes, you both are back in the building. Within twenty, you both are tied to the tables. Within an hour, you both are in a freshly-shoveled pit in the backyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You and Pari quickly clamber up the balcony, flattening yourselves against the floor so that you are invisible.\n\nWest Alley (on the balcony)\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster and a trash can (empty) here.\n\nOn the balcony you can see Pari.\n\nThe guard continues running towards you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "It's really not the best idea to move right now.\n\nThe guard rummages through the dumpster, searching among the trash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the balcony",
"response": "A small overhang on the side of the building has a ladder heading up to it.\n\nOn the balcony is Pari.\n\nThe guard kicks the trash can, feeling whether it might be suspiciously heavy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upward",
"response": "It's really not the best idea to move right now.\n\nThe guard runs around the alley, searching for anything that would reveal where you were.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nEventually, the guard gives up, muttering that he can't climb over the fence like he's assumed the two of you have. He walks off back into the street, and soon he is gone from view.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You and Pari quickly clamber up the balcony, flattening yourselves against the floor so that you are invisible.\n\nWest Alley (on the balcony)\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster and a trash can (empty) here.\n\nOn the balcony you can see Pari.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You get off the balcony.\n\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster, a trash can (empty), and a balcony (on which is Pari) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the can",
"response": "(the can of beans)\nA large can of brown beans that often supplements your dinner.\n\nIn the can of beans are some brown beans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine trash",
"response": "(the trash can)\nA small metal trash can that has no trash in it, probably because it happens to be next to a dumpster for some reason.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the trash",
"response": "(the trash can)\nI don't think much is to be achieved by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fence",
"response": "A tall, wooden fence cuts the alley in half. It's surprisingly new, as you can't see any easy way to get over it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the trash can",
"response": "You jump into the trash can, but there's no room for Pari. She stumbles around, looking for somewhere to hide.\n\nWest Alley (in the trash can)\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster and a balcony (on which is Pari) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You get out of the trash can.\n\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster, a trash can (empty), and a balcony (on which is Pari) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine balcony",
"response": "A small overhang on the side of the building has a ladder heading up to it.\n\nOn the balcony is Pari.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Jumping around randomly seems to be a good way to attract a lot of unnecessary negative attention to yourself.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You get off the balcony.\n\nA small alley leads to a dead end to the west, as a wooden fence blocks your way. East is the main street.\n\nYou can see a dumpster, a trash can (empty), and a balcony (on which is Pari) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The streets are mostly deserted at this hour, but the stars are bright enough to guide you. The road continues farther north and south. West is an alley.\n\nPari arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Although you probably haven't traveled that far into the city, this large road has already terminated. It leads south down the street and north to the police station.\n\nPari arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The police station in your imagination was always more impressive: the real one looks like almost every other building in the city. The exit is to the south.\n\nYou can see a policeman here.\n\nYou rush up to the policeman and start telling him about all that's happened to you. It takes you almost half an hour to get through your story, with him nodding pleasantly the entire time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "You are currently talking about: herself.\n\nYou might want to mention: nothing.\n\n\"That's a very sad story, little girl. I don't know what to say about it. Still, it's not a very good idea to just run away from them,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M prostitutin",
"response": "A glare from the policeman freezes you into inaction.\n\n\"You're not going to give us back to them, are you?\", Pari asks nervously, \"Right? You're just joking, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "M police",
"response": "A glare from the policeman freezes you into inaction.\n\n\"No, no,\" he says, \"from what I understand, they would just kill you. And how would that help me? I mean, they haven't really been paying us too well recently anyway, so I see no reason to.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Actually, I do have a friend who lives further south of here. He might require some girls who are experienced in your field of work,\" he says.\n\nYou bolt first, but the policeman is too fast, and easily manages to pin you down, maneuvering to block the doorway so Pari can't get out either. Then he calls out to the back of the police station, and some other men come rushing out from a back door. One of them grabs her by the arms as well before she can even try to run.\n\n\"Now then, we do have a small room in the very back,\" the policeman says to you, \"and I think I deserve some kind of reward for getting you a new job...\"\n\n\"This story is not just fiction. Millions of girls around the world are held in similar, if not worse, conditions. As Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn write, \"Our own estimate is that there are 3 million women and girls (and a very small number of boys) worldwide who can be fairly termed enslaved in the sex trade\" (10).\n\nAnd forced prostitution is not the only problem they face, as women are discriminated against all over the world in many ways, like politics, medical care, and employment. They are thought of as lesser than men, as a necessary evil only good for babies and housework. Things must change, but of course, knowledge is the first step on that path. To that end, I heavily suggest reading \"Half the Sky\" by Kristof and WuDunn or visiting their website at",
"endoftext": true
] | xzywzo759jigu965 |
It's Easter, Peeps! | Sara Brookside | [
"Slice of life",
] | [
"gender-neutral protagonist",
"holiday theme",
"One-Room Game Competition 2006",
"single room",
"speed IF"
] | 2,006 | [
] | 5 | 2.8 | 20140402 | false | A one-room story where your goal is to assemble an Easter basket of goodies for your son, Max. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It's the week before Easter, and you've popped out of your office one day on your lunch break. Your mission? To assemble an Easter basket that will both delight and mystify your 4-year-old son Max.\n\nYou enter a nearby candy store, and the shopkeeper hands you a festive Easter basket. \"No charge,\" he says, smiling, and leaves you to your shopping.\n\nIt's Easter, Peeps!\n\nFirst time players, please type \"about\" before beginning game play. \n\nCheerful images of colorful eggs, chicks, rabbits, carrots, and ribbon-festooned Easter baskets adorn the candy store. To the north, the shopkeeper stands patiently behind a counter. South of you, the storefront window beckons to passers-by, tempting them with its proffered seasonal wares. The wall to the west is lined with conveniences, such as a pay phone, newspaper rack, umbrella stand, gumball machine, and a chair. A lighted display case runs along the wall to the east, filled with candy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the display",
"response": "Which do you mean, the window display or the display case?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the case",
"response": "The display case runs along the right-hand side of the candy store.\nIt illuminates row upon row of tantalizing confections. The case is lined with a metal runner and a tube of black rubber piping where the smooth, curved glass meets the base of the display.\n\nThe lighted case is filled with candy of all sorts. You see some pastel-colored petit fors, marzipan carrots, macaroons decorated to resemble painted Easter eggs, pink marshmallow chicks, coconut eggs, buttercream eggs, peanut butter eggs, milk chocolate rabbits, and rock candy skewered on polished wooden dowels. There is a floral vase full of Pixie Stix in the case with a pile of \"pixie dust\" (aka \"colored sugar!\") in front of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hello",
"response": "Use the format \"ask shopkeeper about [subject]\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about the eggs",
"response": "(the decorations)\n\"Eggs are a reminder of the promise of new life ahead.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about the chicks",
"response": "He laughs, almost embarrassed. \"I do the best I can to decorate the place and make it look festive. I'm a novice, though, and it undoubtedly shows. My wife was the decorating expert of our duo.\"\n\nYou hear a clucking noise emanating from the window display.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying an Easter basket, your wallet (which is open), inside which are a few bills and a couple of photographs and a keychain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the photographs",
"response": "Two photographs of Max lie in your wallet: a baby picture and a more recent shot of him blowing out the candles on his fourth birthday\ncake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the keychain",
"response": "The keychain is a handmade gift from Max. Your car and house keys dangle from a chain looped around a small red and blue heart that he crafted out of salt clay and then painted with tempera paints.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are feeling quite chipper! It is a beautiful spring day and you are looking forward to celebrating Easter with your family this weekend. You're out of the office and engaging in one of your\nfavorite activities: brainstorming ways to make Max happy!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window display",
"response": "The window display consists of a large ceramic rabbit holding out a serving plate, a golden goose, and abundant quantities of both plastic and painted Easter eggs nestled in copious green grass which lines the bottom of the storefront window. Gold letters form an arc above the main display which cheers, \"Happy Easter!!!\" to those peeking in from out-of-doors.\n\n\"You must be shopping for somebody pretty special, I'd say.\" The shopkeeper glances at you knowingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell the shopkeeper about Max",
"response": "\"I can tell you love him very much...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the photographs to shopkeeper",
"response": "(first taking the photographs)\nThe shopkeeper is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about the wife",
"response": "\"Passed away seven years ago,\" he says, eyes clouding for the first time. \"She's with the good Lord now, though.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the chicks",
"response": "(the decorations)\nThey're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the newspaper rack",
"response": "The newspaper rack is clearly more functional than aesthetic, constructed of metal and glass. In the newspaper rack are a newspaper and a lollipop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the newspaper",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the newspaper",
"response": "AT&T Inc. T 1-1/1\nONEOK Inc. OKE 1-3/3\nInco Ltd. N 1-1/1\nUnilever NV UN 1-2/2\nD&E Communications Inc. DE(CC) 1-2/4\nR&G Financial Corp. RG(F) 1-2/3\nOakley Inc. OO 1-2/2\nLS Starrett Co. S(CX) 1-1/3\nE*TRADE Financial Corp. E(T) 1-1/2",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the goose",
"response": "The goose pecks at your hand sharply. Apparently, she doesn't wish to be disturbed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the lollipop",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe shopkeeper retrieves a wind-up chick from beneath the counter, winds it up, and sets it down. The toy gyrates jubilantly across the wooden surface, while the whirring sound of the wind-up mechanism drones from inside it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet chick",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the goose",
"response": "The golden goose is not only golden, she's also alive! She seems to be sitting on something in quite a protective manner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chick",
"response": "The pink marshmallow chicks are currently in a glass display case, inaccessible to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open case",
"response": "The shopkeeper comments, \"I hold the key to the display case, but it\nis a figurative key, not a literal one.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about the case",
"response": "\"Doesn't it all look positively scrumptious? Go ahead and look in the case. Just poke around for a bit.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying a lollipop, a newspaper, a couple of photographs, an Easter basket, your wallet (which is open), inside which are a few bills and a keychain.\n\n\"Once you have some candy in your basket, bring it to me and I'll\ncheck it against Max's list,\" the shopkeeper offers amiably.\n\n\"Max's list???\" you think. Had you told the man your son's name? Or what sort of candy he likes?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about the list",
"response": "\"Oh, yes. I have it with me right here, behind the counter. Once you have some items in your basket, bring it to me and we'll see how much progress you've made on Max's list.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the lollipop in the basket",
"response": "You put the lollipop into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the basket to the shopkeeper",
"response": "\"Well, you've made a good start, but there are still some items on Max's list that you haven't found yet. Not to worry... 'well begun is half done,' as the old saying goes.\"\n\n\"Here,\" he says, handing you Max's list.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the list",
"response": "Your heart melts as you recognize your son's crude printing in orange crayon on a yellow piece of construction paper.\n\na gumball\njellybeans\na lollipop\na macaroon\ntiny chocolate eggs\nyellow marshmallow chicks",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the case",
"response": "The lighted case is filled with candy of all sorts. You see some pastel-colored petit fors, marzipan carrots, macaroons decorated to resemble painted Easter eggs, pink marshmallow chicks, coconut eggs, buttercream eggs, peanut butter eggs, milk chocolate rabbits, and rock candy skewered on polished wooden dowels. There is a floral vase full of Pixie Stix in the case with a pile of \"pixie dust\" (aka \"colored sugar!\") in front of it.\n\nOutside, a little girl tugs on her father's arm, straining in the direction of the candy store, but he hustles her along past the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the macaroon",
"response": "The macaroon is currently in a glass display case, inaccessible to\nyou.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break case",
"response": "\"Certainly! Here you are,\" he says, opening the display case with ease. He plucks a macaroon out of the case with a pair of tongs and deftly writes \"Max\" on it with a thin line of icing. He then wraps it in tissue paper and presents it to you with a flourish.\n\nThe display case wasn't meant to be broken, but maybe you can find something else in the candy store that is meant to be broken...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the macaroon in basket",
"response": "You put the macaroon into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper for the buttercream eggs",
"response": "Use the format \"ask shopkeeper about [subject]\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about egg",
"response": "\"Eggs are a reminder of the promise of new life ahead.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask shopkeeper for the egg",
"response": "Which do you mean, the peanut butter eggs, the buttercream eggs or the coconut eggs?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the case",
"response": "The lighted case is filled with candy of all sorts. You see some pastel-colored petit fors, marzipan carrots, macaroons decorated to resemble painted Easter eggs, pink marshmallow chicks, coconut eggs, buttercream eggs, peanut butter eggs, milk chocolate rabbits, and rock candy skewered on polished wooden dowels. There is a floral vase full of Pixie Stix in the case with a pile of \"pixie dust\" (aka \"colored sugar!\") in front of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window display",
"response": "The window display consists of a large ceramic rabbit holding out a serving plate, a golden goose, and abundant quantities of both plastic and painted Easter eggs nestled in copious green grass which lines the bottom of the storefront window. Gold letters form an arc above the main display which cheers, \"Happy Easter!!!\" to those peeking in from out-of-doors.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gumball machine",
"response": "A metal pole supports the classic-looking machine, a clear glass globe atop a shiny red support. The globe reveals heaps of huge, soft gumballs. Each gumball is stamped with the words \"Happy Easter\" in white script. A slot and knob assembly is engraved with the words, \"Insert Token Here\" and a swinging door covering a small chute reads, \"Thank You!\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Cheerful images of colorful eggs, chicks, rabbits, carrots, and ribbon-festooned Easter baskets adorn the candy store. To the north, the shopkeeper stands patiently behind a counter. South of you, the storefront window beckons to passers-by, tempting them with its proffered seasonal wares. The wall to the west is lined with conveniences, such as a pay phone, newspaper rack, umbrella stand, gumball machine, and a chair. A lighted display case runs along the wall to the east, filled with candy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the umbrella stand",
"response": "The umbrella stand is rather uninteresting. It is black in color and looks like it may be made of iron. It is cylindrical in shape, with a solid circular base and two circular bands of metal providing structural reinforcement above the base. In the umbrella stand is an umbrella.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the umbrella",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the umbrella",
"response": "You open the umbrella.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the stand",
"response": "The umbrella stand is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the shopkeeper about the goose",
"response": "He leans forward conspiratorially, even though you and he are clearly the only ones in the shop at the moment. He whispers, \"I'll tell you\na secret about that goose. She likes candy dots. They're her\nfavorite food, in fact!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the confections",
"response": "The lighted case is filled with candy of all sorts. You see some pastel-colored petit fors, marzipan carrots, macaroons decorated to resemble painted Easter eggs, pink marshmallow chicks, coconut eggs, buttercream eggs, peanut butter eggs, milk chocolate rabbits, and rock candy skewered on polished wooden dowels. There is a floral vase full of Pixie Stix in the case with a pile of \"pixie dust\" (aka \"colored sugar!\") in front of it.\n\n\"Don't forget to look up, if you haven't tried that yet. You never know where things may be hiding in this store, so you'll have to look around carefully.\" The shopkeeper's helpful voice rings out across\nthe store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up",
"response": "You see a large pinata hanging from the high ceiling of the candy store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pinata",
"response": "Hanging from the ceiling is a pinata, decorated to look like a purple bunny holding a large orange carrot. It appears to be out of your reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smash pinata",
"response": "(with the umbrella)\nAn open umbrella doesn't make a very effective tool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the umbrella",
"response": "You close the umbrella.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smash pinata",
"response": "(with the umbrella)\nThe pinata sways, suspended by a piece of twine.\n\n\"Ah... I think you're on the right track, there,\" the shopkeeper encourages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the umbrella",
"response": "A good-sized umbrella with a curved wooden handle. Its swirls of\nblack material are held in place with a loop of material and a snap when the umbrella is closed. It is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smash pinata",
"response": "(with the umbrella)\nA strip of candy dots flutters to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dots",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the dots to the goose",
"response": "The golden goose is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the dots to the goose",
"response": "The goose stands and pecks at the candy dots contentedly, revealing a token beneath her. You take the bronze token.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the token",
"response": "A simple bronze-colored circular token.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the token in the machine",
"response": "You put the token in the slot and turn the knob. You hear a slight clunking noise in the metal chute below, so you put your hand beneath it to catch a purple gumball as it rolls out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the gumball in the basket",
"response": "You put the purple gumball into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chair",
"response": "It is just a simple plastic chair, the kind you might find behind a school desk or in the waiting room of an oil-change shop. It appears to be anchored to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the chair",
"response": "You get onto the chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "You get off the chair.\n\nCheerful images of colorful eggs, chicks, rabbits, carrots, and ribbon-festooned Easter baskets adorn the candy store. To the north, the shopkeeper stands patiently behind a counter. South of you, the storefront window beckons to passers-by, tempting them with its proffered seasonal wares. The wall to the west is lined with conveniences, such as a pay phone, newspaper rack, umbrella stand, gumball machine, and a chair. A lighted display case runs along the wall to the east, filled with candy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine phone",
"response": "It's just a normal pay phone, like any other you'd see in a public place. The bulky receiver obscures the touch-tone dialing pad behind it, and a shiny metallic door that bears the word \"CHANGE\" swings over a small metal chute. You check simply out of habit, but... In the pay phone are a crumpled note and a candy coin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from the phone",
"response": "crumpled note: Removed.\ncandy coin: Removed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the basket",
"response": "In the Easter basket are a purple gumball, a macaroon and a lollipop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the coin in the basket",
"response": "You put the candy coin into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying a crumpled note, an umbrella, Max's list, a\nnewspaper, a couple of photographs, an Easter basket, inside which are a candy coin, a purple gumball, a macaroon and a lollipop, your wallet (which is open), inside which are a few bills and a keychain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "\n\n\"Forgive me, but I didn't notice whether you had happened upon the golden goose yet or not. If you haven't, you might want to keep an\neye out for her. She likes to think she's important around here!\" the shopkeeper hoots.\n\n\"You'll find her in the window display, although I'm sure she'll make her presence known soon enough!\" He chuckles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look D",
"response": "The floor is made of dark, hardwood planks. Walnut, perhaps? Or\nmaybe oak? It is well-worn, but functional, and rather charming.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the planks",
"response": "comprise the floor of the candy store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the planks",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the list",
"response": "Your heart melts as you recognize your son's crude printing in orange crayon on a yellow piece of construction paper.\n\na gumball\njellybeans\na lollipop\na macaroon\ntiny chocolate eggs\nyellow marshmallow chicks",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine basket",
"response": "The basket is woven of yellow and lilac straw and is quite spacious. Apparently the shopkeeper wants you leaving his store with plenty of candy in tow!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the basket",
"response": "In the Easter basket are a candy coin, a purple gumball, a macaroon\nand a lollipop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask shopkeeper about chicks",
"response": "He laughs, almost embarrassed. \"I do the best I can to decorate the place and make it look festive. I'm a novice, though, and it undoubtedly shows. My wife was the decorating expert of our duo.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Display case",
"response": "Whom do you want to display the display case to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the display case",
"response": "The display case runs along the right-hand side of the candy store.\nIt illuminates row upon row of tantalizing confections. The case is lined with a metal runner and a tube of black rubber piping where the smooth, curved glass meets the base of the display.\n\nThe lighted case is filled with candy of all sorts. You see some pastel-colored petit fors, marzipan carrots, macaroons decorated to resemble painted Easter eggs, pink marshmallow chicks, coconut eggs, buttercream eggs, peanut butter eggs, milk chocolate rabbits, and rock candy skewered on polished wooden dowels. There is a floral vase full of Pixie Stix in the case with a pile of \"pixie dust\" (aka \"colored sugar!\") in front of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the vase",
"response": "The vase is currently in a glass display case, inaccessible to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the man about case",
"response": "\"Doesn't it all look positively scrumptious? Go ahead and look in the case. Just poke around for a bit.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the runner",
"response": "The shiny, grooved piece of trim serves as would-be pin-stripe detailing for the display case. The runner is about 3\" wide and appears to be made of sturdy chrome.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the piping",
"response": "A narrow black tube of rubber piping, about 1/8 inch in diameter and hollow. A cross-section of the piping would look very much like the letter \"o.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the piping",
"response": "You're not entirely sure that the shopkeeper won't be upset if you start disassembling his display case...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine floor",
"response": "The floor is made of dark, hardwood planks. Walnut, perhaps? Or\nmaybe oak? It is well-worn, but functional, and rather charming.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the plank",
"response": "They're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "The window display consists of a large ceramic rabbit holding out a serving plate, a golden goose, and abundant quantities of both plastic and painted Easter eggs nestled in copious green grass which lines the bottom of the storefront window. Gold letters form an arc above the main display which cheers, \"Happy Easter!!!\" to those peeking in from out-of-doors.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plate",
"response": "You see some butterscotch drizzled on the plate. It appears to be script of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the butterscotch",
"response": "You see some butterscotch drizzled on the plate. It appears to be script of some sort.\n\nA dog leashed to a tree just outside the store begins barking furiously. A bird flitters out from the tree branches.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the plate",
"response": "\"Look up\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the plate",
"response": "The serving plate is part of the window display.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rabbit",
"response": "(the pinata)\nHanging from the ceiling is a pinata, decorated to look like a purple bunny holding a large orange carrot. It appears to be out of your reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ceramic rabbit",
"response": "The ceramic rabbit in the storefront window puts you very much in mind of \"Alice in Wonderland.\" His fur is white and he dons a blue waistcoat. He is holding a serving plate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the waistcoat",
"response": "The ceramic rabbit wears a royal blue coat, which falls to about mid-hip length and is fastened in the front with three brass buttons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plate",
"response": "You see some butterscotch drizzled on the plate. It appears to be script of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the waistcoat",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the ceramic rabbit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the letters",
"response": "The gleaming cubes of miniature iced cakes are carefully arranged in three rows, each row a different color. A letter has been written on the top of each morsel in contrasting icing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat fors",
"response": "(first taking the petit fors)\nThe petit fors are currently in a glass display case, inaccessible to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the man for petit",
"response": "Use the format \"ask shopkeeper about [subject]\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search case",
"response": "The lighted case is filled with candy of all sorts. You see some pastel-colored petit fors, marzipan carrots, macaroons decorated to resemble painted Easter eggs, pink marshmallow chicks, coconut eggs, buttercream eggs, peanut butter eggs, milk chocolate rabbits, and rock candy skewered on polished wooden dowels. There is a floral vase full of Pixie Stix in the case with a pile of \"pixie dust\" (aka \"colored sugar!\") in front of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the base",
"response": "The base of the display case looks sturdy and functional.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dust",
"response": "You can see white linoleum gleaming through the colored powder in places. There is something scrawled in the pixie dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read dust",
"response": "\"/3../3./3./3/__/2../2/6./3/9../__/3/6../8/7../__/8/6../__/4/6../6../7. ./3./\"\nhas been traced in the pixie dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "It's just a normal pay phone, like any other you'd see in a public place. The bulky receiver obscures the touch-tone dialing pad behind it, and a shiny metallic door that bears the word \"CHANGE\" swings over a small metal chute. You check simply out of habit, but... The pay phone is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the marzipan carrots",
"response": "The candy has been carefully molded and decorated into very realistic-looking, albeit miniature, carrots. One could almost\nbelieve that they had been pulled from Mr. MacGregor's garden only\njust this morning. The candy appears rich and dense. \"Mmm...candy\nfor grown-ups,\" you think to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the macaroons",
"response": "Moist, glossy macaroons. They are decorated with icing to resemble painted Easter eggs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pink chicks",
"response": "The marshmallow chicks are very... well, very... pink! The fact the the manufacturer was able to create colored sugar of such a bright, neon fuschia shade is rather remarkable to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the coconut eggs",
"response": "The filled eggs look extremely tasty, but you're looking for something with a little more pizzazz.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the milk chocolate rabbits",
"response": "Solid, not hollow... if you had to guess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rock candy",
"response": "Colored crystal-like candy of various hues clings to gleaming wooden dowels. YUM!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stix",
"response": "These are a real classic! Paper straws filled with flavored sugar\nthat leave kids of all ages begging for more!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Stix",
"response": "The Pixie Stix is currently in a glass display case, inaccessible to you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Cheerful images of colorful eggs, chicks, rabbits, carrots, and ribbon-festooned Easter baskets adorn the candy store. To the north, the shopkeeper stands patiently behind a counter. South of you, the storefront window beckons to passers-by, tempting them with its proffered seasonal wares. The wall to the west is lined with conveniences, such as a pay phone, newspaper rack, umbrella stand, gumball machine, and a chair. A lighted display case runs along the wall to the east, filled with candy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the images",
"response": "Simple, but tasteful, decorations frolick on the walls, counter, and display case of the candy store. Most are made of paper and some are laminated for added durability.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chicks",
"response": "(the decorations)\nSimple, but tasteful, decorations frolick on the walls, counter, and display case of the candy store. Most are made of paper and some are laminated for added durability.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "Just a simple slab of wood separating the shopkeeper's area from the rest of the store. It looks like it may be made of the same dark hardwood as the floor. A serving tray is on the counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tray",
"response": "Since the candy samples have already been enjoyed, you can see that\nthe silver tray bears an inscription on its top surface.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the tray",
"response": "\"One code is as easy as ABC,\nThe other uses phone digits, 1-2-3...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the tray",
"response": "You gently slide the candy wrappers onto the counter and pick up the serving tray.\n\n\"Yes, yes,\" says the shopkeeper. \"You go on and take that. I have a feeling it might be helpful to you!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the keychain",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock case with key",
"response": "Which do you mean, the house key or the car key?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit pinata",
"response": "(with the umbrella)\nJACKPOT! A deluge of candy comes raining down from the burst pinata. The stash that has fallen from the pinata includes a creme egg, tiny chocolate eggs wrapped in pastel-colored foil, yellow marshmallow chicks, and a sack of jelly beans.\n\n\"Well done!\" says the shopkeeper. \"Good on you! That's for Max...all of it!\"\n\nHe tugs a nearby stool over and climbs upon it, detaching the empty burst pinata shell from the ceiling, and then disposing of it\nsomewhere behind the counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the creme egg",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "sack of jelly beans: Taken.\nyellow marshmallow chicks: Taken.\ntiny chocolate eggs: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put tiny eggs in the basket",
"response": "You put the tiny chocolate eggs into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the beans in the basket",
"response": "You put the sack of jelly beans into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the chicks in the basket",
"response": "(the yellow marshmallow chicks in the Easter basket)\nYou put the yellow marshmallow chicks into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the creme egg in the basket",
"response": "You put the creme egg into the Easter basket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in basket",
"response": "In the Easter basket are a creme egg, some yellow marshmallow chicks,\na sack of jelly beans, some tiny chocolate eggs, a candy coin, a\npurple gumball, a macaroon and a lollipop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the basket to the man",
"response": "Congratulations! You have put together a marvelous Easter basket that will undoubtedly please Max greatly. The shopkeeper wraps it beautifully in cellophane and attaches a festive bow. You carry the basket back to your office, anticipating the holiday weekend ahead.\nYou can almost picture Max's smile already...",
"endoftext": true
] | 3ns7qihicdd1cpz8 |
Last Day | Earth Traveler | [] | [
"ECTOComp 2020",
"La Petite Mort",
] | 2,020 | [
] | 5 | 2.8 | 20201227 | true | The world is about to end, and you are just a guy living on the islands of northwest Washington. What will you do on your last day? | [
"action": "You look at Stereo",
"response": "A top-of-the-line stereo, previously owned by some record producer in Seattle, until you took it out of his house and brought it back here. You've been enjoying using it.\n\nStereo is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn it on",
"response": "You switch Stereo on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This place is even more beat-up than your bedroom. You've had a couple parties in here, and parties right before the apocalypse can get a little out of hand. There's a ton of bottles and cans in here, the carpet and furniture is all stained, scraps of food are everywhere...\n\nA doorway leads south to the street outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Browning Street, Nelsonville.\nAh, good old Browning Street -- too bad the end of the world had to happen, because this is a pretty nice neighborhood, a row of nice neighbors and formerly clean houses. Now, though, a lot of the people are either holed up in the church or in Port Friday, on the other side of the bay, partying.\n\nTo the east is Harbor Street, and to the west is Polk Road.\n\nA doorway leads south to the street outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Harbor Street, Nelsonville.\nA north-south running street. Desolate much like the rest of the town now, it does have a seafood restaurant on the east side called Nelson's Own that has its \"Open\" sign lit up. Apart from that, you can north to the harbor or south to Court Street.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "An ancient seafood restaurant, it has been stubbornly run by its proprietor for the last month in spite of everything. Unfortunately, it has also been looted of its stocks of food heavily, and not much more food has been coming in during that time, as not a lot of people are interested in continuing their jobs right now.\n\nA staircase leads up to the offices, and you go back west to Harbor Street.\n\nYou're surprised to see Benny sitting at a booth, eating a fish sandwich as if this was a normal Tuesday lunch. He sees you as well, and waves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Benny about the sandwich",
"response": "\"Where'd you get that sandwich?\" you ask hungrily. \"Oh, the freezer wasn't totally looted. So I made one in the kitchen, to the east there,\" replies Benny. \"I made some fries, but this was more filling than I expected, so you can have them.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "An old kitchen with a gas-powered stove and an open and empty freezer, and covered in grease. There is indeed a tub of fries sitting by one of the fryers, much to your delight. The place looks like it hasn't been used in a week though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the fries",
"response": "Delicious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at fries",
"response": "Some nice, greasy fries, just waiting to be eaten.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You climb up the stairs to the office and enter. Mr Wickens, the proprietor, is sitting up here, writing something as if the world isn't going to end in a couple hours.\n\nA staircase leads back down into the restaurant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Wickens",
"response": "A stout old man, who built this place God-knows-how-long ago and has run it ever since. You guess you aren't too surprised he's here until the bitter end.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wickens about the comet",
"response": "Mr Wickens waves a hand dismissively. \"I built this place with my own two hands, and I don't intend to abandon it. This place is... my whole life,\" he says almost sadly, \"and I will go down with it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wickens about the restaurant",
"response": "\"I'm going to keep this running until that damn comet hits,\" says Wickens defiantly. \"And I want to protect until then too. God may end my business, but I'll be damned if I let some looter burn it down.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Benny about the comet",
"response": "Benny nods with an air of indifference. \"Nothing I can do about it, is there?\" he replies. \"Too bad, I guess. If there's no reason to do anything, then there's no reason for me to not eat a delicious fish sandwich, is there?\" You can't find a flaw in that logic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Harbor Street, Nelsonville.\nA north-south running street. Desolate much like the rest of the town now, it does have a seafood restaurant on the east side called Nelson's Own that has its \"Open\" sign lit up. Apart from that, you can north to the harbor or south to Court Street.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Court Street, Nelsonville\nOld Court Street, the oldest street in town, and heading right on into a dead end. Well, if it didn't head right on into a group of guys with guns first. You'd better watch yourself around them.\n\nThe old church is on the west side of the street, or you could go back north to Harbor Street. You could also try going south, but\nthat might not be the best idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Harbor, Nelsonville\nAh, the old harbor, now looking like it's been abandoned for a hundred years. Normally there would be a fleet of all kinds of boats - yachts, trawlers, speedboats - but not anymore. They've all been stolen or spiked, and now there's just one left: an old, rustly fishing boat.\n\nThere's also an outbuilding on the far side you could enter.\n\nYou see a sailor lying on a pier, dead drunk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sailor",
"response": "He's dead. You could tell even before you got close to him, from the way the flies buzzed over his body. And in any case, you seen enough pale, bloated, rotting corpses over the last few weeks to be pretty good at telling them apart from the living.\n\nThis guy is a bit much even for you, though. His eyes have rotted or been eaten already, and the flies laid eggs in there, and the eggs have hatched. It makes even your skin crawl.\n\nYou briefly wonder if flies will survive the comet. Probably, you guess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sailor",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the boat",
"response": "If you plan to leave this island, looks like this is your only bet, old and rusting heap though it is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "You get into the fishing boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Nelson Bay (in the fishing boat)\nThe open ocean... Nelsonville is back south, and Port Friday to the east. Yaquina Strait is further north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Port Friday (in the fishing boat)\nYou cruise-- well, sputter -- into Port Friday, and enter in on quite an eyeful: there's a drug-fueled orgy happening right on the docks. And a part of you wants to leap right into it, but...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the orgy",
"response": "Dozens of people, fucking each other, letting themselves get fucked, snorting coke, shooting heroin... you can't even settle your eye on anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You join the orgy",
"response": "You hop out of the boat, rip off your clothes, and join in the party. Hey, it's the end of the world, may as well go out with a bang, right?\n\nAnd right at 12:43 PM, that's exactly what happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You get out of the fishing boat.\n\nYou cruise-- well, sputter -- into Port Friday, and enter in on quite an eyeful: there's a drug-fueled orgy happening right on the docks. And a part of you wants to leap right into it, but...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "You get into the fishing boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Nelson Bay (in the fishing boat)\nThe open ocean... Nelsonville is back south, and Port Friday to the east. Yaquina Strait is further north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Yaquina Strait (in the fishing boat)\nThe open ocean... You can go west to Yaquina Bluffs, or south to Nelson Bay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Stripe of Sand (in the fishing boat)\nJust a tiny strip of sand, lying beneath Yaquina Bluffs with a winding path going up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You get out of the fishing boat.\n\nJust a tiny strip of sand, lying beneath Yaquina Bluffs with a winding path going up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upward",
"response": "A series of rocky cliffs near the lighthouse, and a popular jumping spot based on the number of corpses dashed against the rocks.\n\nOf course, you could head down the normal way, down a small winding path.\n\nA rope has been left laying out. It even already has a noose tied off on one end, but clearly hasn't been used. Probably someone who lost their nerve, not that you would really recommend suicide. It is lying right next to a large rock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the corpses",
"response": "The bodies of people who decided to end the world -- for them, at least -- on their own timetable. You don't feel right calling them cowardly, or courageous for that matter",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rope",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You've been here a couple of times, back when you thought lighthouses were really cool. And that's the only reason to come here: the lighthouse, whose entrance lies to the northwest. There's also some bluffs to the southeast, or you could go back to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "The old lighthouse. Nobody's keeping it anymore, though. You can head up the stairs to reach the top.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Man, this place gives a really good view. You can see the Space Needle from here, Vancouver Island... you think might even be able to see the southern tip of Alaska from here.\n\nAnd of course, there's always two ways down...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The woods are thinning out here. You can see Yaquina Head to the north, and the rest of the woods to the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You walk deeper into the forest, listening to the chirping of the birds, feeling the sun on you...\n\nThe trail continues to the northeast, or back to the southwest.\n\nYou notice some shapes deep in the forest, among the trees.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You take the trail and leisurely stroll through the woods, admiring the scenery... too bad it's not going to be here much longer. You'd never thought about how beautiful it was before.\n\nThe trail winds away to the northeast, or back to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "A rough road, one that ends in pretty much nothing and leads onto the trail leading northwest through Nelson Forest. You wonder why this Nelson guy got to name everything after himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Browning Street, Nelsonville.\nAh, good old Browning Street -- too bad the end of the world had to happen, because this is a pretty nice neighborhood, a row of nice neighbors and formerly clean houses. Now, though, a lot of the people are either holed up in the church or in Port Friday, on the other side of the bay, partying.\n\nTo the east is Harbor Street, and to the west is Polk Road.\n\nA doorway leads south to the street outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou feel the ground start to tremble a bit under your feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe ground begins to shake even more. It's starting to feel like an earthquake, and you see a twinkle appear in the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe twinkle starts getting bigger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe twinkle is about half the size of the moon now. You're not sure if anything will survive this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Enter",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe comet dips below the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\nYou hear the echoing impact of the comet strike, and the ground violently rattles once more with a sense of finality. As you get back to your feet, you can see a wave of dirt and dust streaking toward you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Waiting during your last day is not something to be done lightly. Do you want to wait until the comet strikes?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "Very well.",
"endoftext": true
] | 9u8zksm7e51t3bar |
Ventilator | Peregrine Wade | [] | [
"cover art",
"IFComp 2016",
"IFComp Game",
"male protagonist",
"second person",
] | 2,016 | [
] | 19 | 2.789474 | 20170202 | false | The heat is stifling, the hotel room is vastly overpriced, and your heart is in pieces. But the worse is yet to come... WARNING: This story contains potentially humorous depictions of Mexican headgear. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It is really hot today. Sprawled across the bed of your hotel\nroom, you lie sweltering in a growing puddle of sweat. There are no flies in the air, but that is only because they have all passed out on the floor.\nVentilator\n\nThis is the overpriced room you've paid for. It is striking by its lack of character, its uncomfortable-looking bed, its rickety table, its miniscule minibar, its enormous curtainless window which allows all the blazing sunlight outside to roast you alive, and a door that leads out into the corridor. To say nothing of the toilet.\n\nStanding here, beckoning to you, is the ventilator. Is it your friend? Or your foe? Time will tell.\n\nAnyhow, it's quiet, possibly because it's currently switched off.\n\nOn the dirty floor are some flies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You are unable to examine yourself without a mirror, and the hotel has a strict policy against people with prehensile eyes. Joking aside, you look as normal as ever... albeit a little under the weather. And, of course, your heart is in a mess. Sigh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome trousers (being worn)\na shirt (being worn)\nyour hair (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch on the ventilator",
"response": "Are you sure?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "You turn on the ventilator. Shortly afterwards, your hair is swept off, soaring through the air buoyantly before being flattened like a particularly inedible pancake onto the wall. Whoa! Perhaps a tad excessive, even for a brand new model.\n\nBut, however, this at least has had the desired effect, reviving you sufficiently to be able to get back up again. Now, you just need to find a drink...",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is the overpriced room you've paid for. It is striking by its lack of character, its uncomfortable-looking bed, its rickety table, its miniscule minibar, its enormous curtainless window which allows all the blazing sunlight outside to roast you alive, and a door that leads out into the corridor. To say nothing of the toilet.\n\nStanding here, roaring away like nobody's business, is the ventilator.\n\nOn the wall is your hair.\n\nThe ventilator is a bit too powerful for your liking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the minibar",
"response": "A minibar. Just a minibar. Not a spaceship. Not a portal to another world. Not... well, you get the idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "The minibar opens with some difficulty, releasing a flood of salted peanuts, paprika chips, and some rather gooey guacamole. There is no sign of anything remotely drinkable, oddly enough for a hotel set in the middle of New Mexico.\nDo you wish to complain to the hotel staff?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "After an hour of being yelled at in a language that sounds suspiciously like a bizarre mix of English, Esperanto and Parseltongue, you are kicked out by an implausible hotel employee with a huge mustache and a sombrero you could canoe across the Rio Grande in. You wander about the desert and - for no conceivable reason than that otherwise the story of your life would have ended in a boring way - get abducted by aliens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "Drenched with sweat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under it",
"response": "You find a book that some previous guest had left there, mummified in a shroud of dust bunnies, and out of curiosity you take it.\n\nIt's really hot in here, as mentioned previously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine book",
"response": "It's \"Three Men in a Boat\", Stephanie's favourite book! You flit through it idly and find the passage where Harris sings comic songs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "On the table is a ventilator.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the table",
"response": "You kneel down and look under the table. A cockroach sees you, panicks, runs around in circles and finally scurries out of the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the book on the hair",
"response": "Putting things on your hair would achieve nothing.\n\nYou have ceased to sweat. This is a bad sign, considering that the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch on the ventilator",
"response": "Are you sure?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "You turn on the ventilator. Shortly afterwards, your hair is swept off, soaring through the air buoyantly before being flattened like a particularly inedible pancake onto the wall. Whoa! Perhaps a tad excessive, even for a brand new model.\n\nBut, however, this at least has had the desired effect, reviving you sufficiently to be able to get back up again. Now, you just need to find a drink...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the minibar",
"response": "The minibar opens with some difficulty, releasing a flood of salted peanuts, paprika chips, and some rather gooey guacamole. There is no sign of anything remotely drinkable, oddly enough for a hotel set in the middle of New Mexico.\nDo you wish to complain to the hotel staff?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You quash your resentment. Best not to anger the hotel staff unduly. So you try to close the minibar, but funnily enough it won't close. You are forced to leave it as it is, guacamole spilling about and all.\n\nThe ventilator is a bit too powerful for your liking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch off the ventilator",
"response": "The ventilator has a mind of its own, and suddenly you are blown backwards against the wall by the sheer force of the air being blasted out. The battle to the death has now begun!\n\nA cat peeps through the door, clearly wondering why you are in such a ridiculous posture.\n\nHotel Room (on the wall)\nThis is the overpriced room you've paid for. It is striking by its lack of character, its uncomfortable-looking bed, its rickety table, its miniscule minibar, its enormous curtainless window which allows all the blazing sunlight outside to roast you alive, and a door that leads out into the corridor. To say nothing of the toilet.\n\nStanding here, roaring away like nobody's business, is the ventilator.\n\nOn the wall you can see your hair (and yourself, of course).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "You bang your head against the walls fruitlessly. You now fully perceive that the only way is out.... unless you really want to jump through the window.\n\nThe cat says \"Miaow?\" apprehensively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You try to use all your might to get yourself back standing on the floor where you rightfully belong, but fail miserably.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na book\nsome trousers (being worn)\na shirt (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the book at Ventilator",
"response": "Tears welling up in your eyes, you hurl Three Men in a Boat\nin the face of the terrible Ventilator. The villainous machine shreds the slim, dog-eared tome into confettis.\n\nThe Ventilator's wrath has now been aroused, and you watch in silent awe as it sends halff your belongings through the wall into the neighbouring room. Your mobile phone is now sliding past you, hopping and skipping madly as it is being blown about.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the mobile phone",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe Ventilator is blowing you towards the toilet, clearly under the impression that you wish to go there. Nothing could be further from the truth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "Your treasured possession, and only contact with the outside world. On its screen is a list of contacts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the contacts",
"response": "Since you can't remember a phone number to save your life, this is how you keep track of everything.\n\nPOLICE, DOCTOR, HELP, STEPH, BOB, PIZZA, GOD",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call the STEPH",
"response": "Maybe she can help you. She's still your girlfriend, in spite of that argument you both had... You dial the number hopefully.\n\nHer answering machine is the only reply: \"Hello, you have reached Stephanie Crane's phone, but she is out right now and won't be back before next Christmas. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP.\" Your morale now at its lowest point in recorded history, you hang up listlessly. All is lost.\n\nThe toilet is now hurtling at great speed towards you, or perhaps you are hurtling at great speed towards it. You don't really have the time to figure it out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You try to use all your might to get yourself back standing on the floor where you rightfully belong, but fail miserably.\n\nHang on a second... isn't it strange how long it's taking for you to crash into the toilet? This hotel room must be wider than you realized. Probably why it was so expensive in the first place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call the god",
"response": "You don't remember saving this particular number on your mobile phone. It seems to have appeared in your contacts by magic. Perhaps a sign? You dial it with high hopes....\n\n\"HELLO,\" a voice booms, sounding remarkably like Darth Vader. \"HOW MAY I HELP YOU?\"\n\n\"I'm doomed!\" you reply, tears streaming off your face and flying out the window.\n\nYou don't hear the answer the voice makes, but suddenly everything around you stands still, hushed by a great silence. As you land nimbly on your feet, the ground gives way to nothingness, and the sunlight turns into blackest night...\n\nAll around you stretches the endlessness of outer space. You float aimlessly among the stars and galaxies, which by some strange magic have been shrunk to the size of flies.\n\nGod is here, watching you benevolently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the god",
"response": "You can't describe this sight in words, because there are no words to describe it. All you can make out is a T-shirt reading \"I TOTALLY ROCK, DUDE\". God, a fan of rock n\" roll? What a revelation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You appear to be completely nude. How embarrassing. Now the whole Universe can see your ingrown toenail.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the god about Stephanie",
"response": "[Use TALK TO to interact with characters.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to God",
"response": "\"What has happened to me?\"\n\n\"I RESCUED YOU,\" God booms. He still sounds a lot like Darth Vader.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "\"I know that,\" you say, \"but am I alive or dead? Is this Heaven? Where is everybody?\"\n\n\"YOU ARE STILL MISSING THE BIG PICTURE,\" God booms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "\"What is the big picture?\" you ask.\n\nGod hesitates. Then, the answer comes: \"THE VENTILATOR, THE CAT, THE HOTEL ROOM.... ALL OF IT.... DID YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT IT WAS REAL?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "\"Now that I think about it... it did seems kind of... surreal?\" you say tentatively.\n\n\"OF COURSE IT DID, FRANK,\" God booms in a whisper (something normally impossible to do, but this is God after all). \"THIS WAS A DREAM; A DREAM WHICH IN A LANGUAGE OF ITS OWN WAS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "\"Am I going to be subjected to pop psychology for the rest of eternity? Is that what Hell really is about?\" you say angrily.\n\nGod sighs. \"TIME FOR YOU TO FIX WHAT YOU HAVE BROKEN.\" Suddenly, a mobile phone appears in your hand, and God vanishes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "Your treasured possession, and only contact with the outside world. On its screen is a list of contacts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call Stephanie",
"response": "You hear her voice at the other end of the line! \"Where WERE you, Frank? You just ran off without any warning...\"\n\n\"I was in a bad place,\" you answer truthfully. An idea occurs to you suddenly, and you reach out your hand and... turn on the light. Lo and behold! You are in your own bedroom, at home! No Ventilator to be seen! So it WAS all a dream.\n\n\"Hello? Are you still there?\" Stephanie asks.\n\n\"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about something I've always wanted to say to you...\" you reply, feeling suddenly more uplifted than you've ever felt in your life.",
"endoftext": true
] | 23ieqgfg5bxawzmo |
You are a Chef! | Dan Shiovitz | [
] | [
"culinary theme",
"gender-neutral protagonist",
"speed IF",
"Speed-IF 8",
"SpeedIF January 2000",
"TADS 2",
"very brief",
"Xyzzy Awards 2000"
] | 2,000 | [
] | 46 | 2.782609 | 20080501 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "HELLO CHEF!!!!!1 You must make FOOD!\nYou have a list! First to food wins!\n\nYou are a Chef!\n\nHello Cook!!! You are outside a SHOP. You can go north-east or\neast. The SHOP is here. An exit leads south. Also there is a POT here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shop",
"response": "The SHOP is known as 'End of Days'. It is however entitled 'A Freak Accident leaves Seattle Pantsless' due to a strange experience in aught-six.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the list",
"response": "Hello Chef!! You must find items to put in the pot! This will enable the food to be properly made: attention!\n\nThe food requires the following ingredients: potato, monkey, octopus, cabbage, paperclips, tomato. Later the MYSTERY INGREDIENT will be delivered!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Hello Cook!!! This is the corner. There is a 23rd here. Also a Lincoln. You can go south-west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the 23rd",
"response": "I don't know how to inspect the number 23.Yogurt falls from the sky!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the yogurt",
"response": "Chef, you cannot take the YOGURT without the PEPPER!!\nSalmon falls from the sky!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the yogurt",
"response": "Chef, you cannot take the YOGURT without the PEPPER!!\nYou hear tinkle-tinkle from southwest!\n\nCorn falls from the sky!\n\nYou hear wumpf from southwest!\n\nYou hear whap from southwest!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the corn",
"response": "Taken. Potato falls from the sky!\n\nMagnet falls from the sky!\n\nYou hear fwish from southwest!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the potato",
"response": "Taken. You hear clink from southwest!\n\nLoaf of bread falls from the sky!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the potato",
"response": "You hear ook from southwest!\n\nTaken. You hear thud from southwest!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the magnet",
"response": "Taken. You hear thunk from southwest!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Hello Cook!!! This is the corner. There is a 23rd here. Also a Lincoln. You can go south-west.\nYou see a yogurt, a salmon, and a loaf of bread here.\nBruised tomato falls from the sky!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tomato",
"response": "Taken. You hear plop from southwest!\n\nYou hear cackle from southwest!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bread",
"response": "Taken. Tongs falls from the sky!\n\nGiant octopus falls from the sky!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take OCTOPUS",
"response": "Chef, you cannot take the GIANT OCTOPUS without the TONGS!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the salmon",
"response": "Chef, you cannot take the SALMON without the FORK!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tongs",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "yogurt: Chef, you cannot take the YOGURT without the PEPPER!!\nsalmon: Chef, you cannot take the SALMON without the FORK!!\ngiant octopus: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You have a list, a corn, a potato, a magnet, a bruised tomato, a loaf of bread, a tongs, and a giant octopus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the corn",
"response": "It looks like an ordinary corn to me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You see a paperclips, a lost sock, a pepper, a monkey, a an apple,\na banana, and the Blair Witch here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Witch",
"response": "It looks like an ordinary the blair witch to me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the monkey",
"response": "Chef, you cannot take the MONKEY without the BANANA!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take MONKEY",
"response": "paperclips: Taken.\nlost sock: Taken.\npepper: Taken.\nmonkey: Chef, you cannot take the MONKEY without the BANANA!!\nan apple: Taken.\nbanana: Taken.\nthe blair witch: Chef, you cannot take the THE BLAIR WITCH without the MONKEY!!\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take MONKEY",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You have a list, a corn, a potato, a magnet, a bruised tomato, a loaf of bread, a tongs, a giant octopus, a paperclips, a lost sock, a pepper, a an apple, a banana, a monkey, and the Blair Witch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Hello Cook!!! There is a LOT of PARKING here because this is a PARKING LOT. Ha ha! A joke! You are permitted by the cars to go only northwards.\nYou see a chocolate, a fork, and a cabbage here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "chocolate: Taken.\nfork: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Hello Cook!!! You are outside a SHOP. You can go north-east or\neast. The SHOP is here. An exit leads south. Also there is a POT here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pot",
"response": "This is the pot!! In which to put your items! There's nothing in the SOUP pot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the potato in the pot",
"response": "Good work Chef!!! But you must find more!! Ingrredients!!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the pot",
"response": "potato: The potato is already in the SOUP pot!\nmonkey: The monkey is already in the SOUP pot!\ncabbage: The cabbage is already in the SOUP pot!\nlist: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\ncorn: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nmagnet: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nbruised tomato: Good work Chef!!! But you must find more!! Ingrredients!!!\nloaf of bread: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\ntongs: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\ngiant octopus: Good work Chef!!! But you must find more!! Ingrredients!!!\npaperclips: Good work Chef!!! But you must find more!! Ingrredients!!!\nlost sock: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\npepper: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nan apple: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nbanana: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nthe blair witch: You have no desire to put that in the pot!! chocolate: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nfork: You have no desire to put that in the pot!!\nA funny clown runs out of the room!A funny clown runs into the room!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pot",
"response": "This is the pot!! In which to put your items! In the SOUP pot you see a potato, a monkey, a cabbage, a bruised tomato, a giant octopus, and a paperclips.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Hello Cook!!! You are outside a SHOP. You can go north-east or\neast. The SHOP is here. An exit leads south. Also there is a POT here.\nThe SOUP pot seems to contain a potato, a monkey, a cabbage, a\nbruised tomato, a giant octopus, and a paperclips.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the list",
"response": "Hello Chef!! You must find items to put in the pot! This will enable the food to be properly made: attention!\n\nThe food requires the following ingredients: potato, monkey, octopus, cabbage, paperclips, tomato. Later the MYSTERY INGREDIENT will be delivered!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You see a yogurt and a salmon here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "yogurt: Taken.\nsalmon: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "The SOUP pot seems to contain a potato, a monkey, a cabbage, a\nbruised tomato, a giant octopus, and a paperclips.\nA funny clown is here.\nA funny clown runs into the room!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes...\nA funny clown runs out of the room!Iron safe falls from the sky!\nIt lands on top of clown and breaks open!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Hello Cook!!! You are outside a SHOP. You can go north-east or\neast. The SHOP is here. An exit leads south. Also there is a POT here.\nThe SOUP pot seems to contain a potato, a monkey, a cabbage, a\nbruised tomato, a giant octopus, and a paperclips. The iron safe seems to contain a MYSTERY INGREDIENT.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at safe",
"response": "In the iron safe you see a MYSTERY INGREDIENT.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at it",
"response": "I cannot tell you! It is a mystery!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put it in the pot",
"response": "You have completed the soup!! You retired with the FOOD in triumph!! Congratulations Chef!!!",
"endoftext": true
] | f2oyetp93zdpg4k4 |
She's Actual Size | Jake Eakle | [
] | [
"based on songs",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 9 | 2.777778 | 20120403 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "You wake from a dream of perfect Lisa. She was larger than life, and held you in the loving palm of her hand, and smiled.\n\nAh, Lisa. She was radiant at the party last night. Your room, by contrast, is a fucking mess. And she's going to be here in less than an hour!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Panic",
"response": "You drag yourself out of bed, still in the clothes you collapsed in. Better get this mess straightened out quick, so you have time to make yourself presentable before she gets here!\n\nYour bed is a mess.\n\nYour suitcase is sitting out on the floor.\n\nPiles of junk mail cover the only empty shelf in your bookcase.\n\nYour trash can has a few pieces of junk in it.\n\nThere are books strewn about the base of your bookshelf.\n\nYour desk is a disaster area.\n\nThere's a heap of dirty laundry next to your bed.\n\n>Part I: Paul",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "You should focus on getting it made.",
"endoftext": true
] | qyzybg5jryrfb4as |
Fear | Chuan-Tze Teo | [
] | [
"built-in hints",
"IF Competition 1996",
"IFComp Game",
"Xyzzy Awards 1996"
] | 1,996 | [
] | 9 | 2.777778 | 20070903 | false | The world is suddenly such a frightening place. People are out to get you, and everywhere there is danger, lurking in the dark, even here, in your own home. Can you conquer your own fears before it's too late? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "You are running for your life down dark, labyrinthine corridors, your heart pounding almost as loudly as the heavy boots of your relentless pursuer. But your legs are collapsing under you, your breaths coming in ragged gasps. At the last, strength fails you and you collapse face-down upon the unforgiving concrete. Cold hands grasp your neck, hauling you upright, forcing your unwilling eyes open to gaze into the hard, cruel, familiar face of your captor - and you scream with the horrible recognition that those twisted features are your own.\n\nYou are still screaming when you awaken in sweat-drenched clothes, deeply relieved that it was only a dream. Yet something is not right. Why does the darkness beyond the window look so threatening? Why do the sounds of the night bear such menace? Indeed, why are you in such constant...\n\nFor information, type \"about\"\n\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nBedroom (on the bed)\nThis first-floor room is almost uncomfortably warm and well-lit. The bed sits against the east wall, and curtains cover the windows to the south. A calendar hangs from a hook on one wall, and the exit is to the north.\n\nOn the bedside table are a pillbox (which is closed) (in which are nine white pills), a small leaflet and a telephone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the leaflet",
"response": "A folded piece of paper printed in annoyingly small lettering.\nIt reads:\n\nCyclazone (R) - Antidepressant\n\nDosage - one pill every twenty-four hours or until symptoms clear. Effects slowly increase over the first twelve hours. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD RECOMMENDED DOSAGE EVER BE EXCEEDED.\n\nPossible rare side effects - mild disorientation, temporary amnesia, partial loss of coordination. Do not drive motor vehicles while under treatment.\n\nMode of action - (from here on, the leaflet consists largely of\narcane biochemical terminology which you find incomprehensible.)\n\nAmnesia, eh? You wonder just what possessed you to take part in the first trial of an experimental drug. To your horror, you can't recall.\n\nYou feel suddenly claustrophobic as you hear a rustling nearby. What lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hook",
"response": "The calendar is turned to the page for the month of March. It bears a photograph of a snow-covered mountain range. Down the right-hand side are little entries for each day:\n\nSat 1 Mar:\nSun 2 Mar:\nMon 3 Mar: Call drug research people 6pm\nTue 4 Mar: first dose 6:30pm\n\nThese entries are crossed through, and the rest of the calendar is blank.\n\nThe house is strangely unfamiliar, as if you'd read about it in a book but never actually set foot inside before.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "There is no dial tone. Returning the handset to its cradle, you feel even more helpless and alone.\n\nAs you try to compose your mind, dark memories wash over you: explosions, death, the tolling of funeral bells, gloom, isolation.\n\nWhat do you want to tie?\n\nYou are carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat it",
"response": "You open the pillbox.\n\nTaken.\n\nThe pill dissolves quickly on your tongue, and within moments a feeling of disorientation and vertigo overcomes you. Then the walls of the house seem to press in around you, suffocating and crushing - and then you are stumbling, running in blind panic for the stairs, pursued by horrors of every description, maniacal laughter and agonized screams ringing in your ears, and somehow one of the steps lurches upwards, sending you hurtling down headfirst into the monsters waiting at the foot of the stairs...\n\nYou were found with a broken neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You'll have to get off the bed first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the bed.\n\nOn the bedside table are a telephone, a pillbox (which is closed) (in which are nine white pills) and a small leaflet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine windows",
"response": "The windows shield you from the terror and cold of the outside world. On the other side of the glass, steel grilles fixed to the wall prevent intruders breaking in this way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "North",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.\n\nSeeing the ladder suddenly reminds you where you left the house keys. They fell out of your pocket in the attic yesterday afternoon.\n\nYou catch a flurry of movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "The light switch is a long way from the entrance, and from the strange noises you hear occasionally, there could be anything up there. You can't muster the courage to brave the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ladder",
"response": "The old and rickety-looking wooden ladder is fixed to something at the top end, though you can't see what very clearly from down here. The hole leads to the attic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A small, windowless and rather cramped bedroom. Perhaps that explains why overnight visitors are so infrequent.\n\nYou can see an ornamental plate and a dusty leather-bound book here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the plate",
"response": "A small, rather attractive copper plate inlaid with intricate silver patterns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan electric torch (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This narrow, low-ceilinged passage with smooth granite walls slopes downwards and eastwards into the heart of the vast edifice. It is cool inside, a welcome relief from the baking desert sun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The narrow passage from the west opens out into a wide sloping gallery that descends eastwards into what appears to be a burial chamber. Tall pillars set against the walls hold up the high ceiling. The walls are inscribed with scenes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.\n\nOnly your footfalls break the silence, echoing ever fainter into the darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the scenes",
"response": "The inscriptions show deities with the heads of birds and jackals presiding over the judgment of the deceased on one wall, and serene images of the pharoah's abode in the afterlife on the other. Underneath the pictures are indecipherable hieroglyphics which you guess to be ancient prayers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pillars",
"response": "The square pillars are more functional than decorative; their smooth surfaces are plain and unadorned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "What a disappointment. This chamber must have once been filled with treasures beyond imagination, before the museums plundered its wealth. Dark patches of stone on the floor are the only indication of where valuable artifacts once stood, while the walls stand bare and forlorn. The massive sarcophagus remains in the centre of the room, but only, you suspect, because of its sheer weight.\n\nThe sarcophagus lid bears a menacing engraving of the spirit of the deceased Pharoah calling down maledictions upon all who would defile his tomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the engraving",
"response": "Upon closer examination, you realise this huge box could never have fit through the entrance passage; it appears to have been carved out of one immense, smooth-polished chunk of marble. The lid is as thick as your hand is wide, and is positioned an inch or so off centre.\n\nThe image of the dead ruler's face, the only adornment on this box, somehow fills you with dread.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "Despite your best efforts, the lid refuses to budge. Besides, even if you were to somehow get it open, everything of interest is surely in a museum by now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "As you turn to leave, you feel strangely compelled to glance back at the defiled sarcophagus one more time. A tiny flicker in the shadows. Did the Pharoah's lips move in a curse? At that moment, your torch somehow slips from your panicking hands, and you dive for it in the wildly flickering light. As if guided by an unseen hand, it rolls into a small gap at the foot of the north wall that you somehow hadn't noticed earlier, plunging you into complete darkness. Two heartbeats later, you hear what must surely be your torch shattering on a hard surface, followed shortly by the awful grinding noise of stone against stone in the distance, echoing through the empty chamber...\n\nYou are groping around blindly in the dark. The walls and floor are smooth, cold stone. The imposing sarcophagus, thankfully, is still closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gap",
"response": "The rectangular hole is about two feet wide and just tall enough for you, with some trepidation, to stick your arm into. It leads to a seemingly vertical, square, smooth-walled shaft. On its back wall is a curiously protruding stone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stone",
"response": "It feels surprisingly rough compared to the smooth walls of the shaft from which it sticks out an inch or so.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Your footsteps echo eerily back to you in the chilly air of the lightless gallery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stone",
"response": "Your spirits sink. The slab feels solid and is impervious to your efforts. Upon its surface are engraved the images of bird-headed Egyptian deities, their sharp vulture-beaks open as if to devour desecrators.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get about six feet into the entrance passage before running, literally, into a stone slab that seals you inside the tomb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the box",
"response": "Still massive, immovable and unopenable. Running your fingers over the engraved pharoah, you could almost swear that his features have contorted ever so slightly into a leer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "The hole is now two foot square, wide enough for you to squeeze through. It leads to a seemingly vertical, square, smooth-walled shaft. On its back wall is a curiously protruding stone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss box",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hole",
"response": "You carefully lower yourself, feet first, into the cramped shaft.\n\nDarkness (in a shaft)\nYou are braced against the cold stone walls of a narrow, claustrophobic square shaft, trying unsuccessfully to avoid thinking about burial in a tall coffin. You could climb down with some care, or crawl back up into the sarcophagus room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Darkness (at the bottom of a shaft)\nYou are at the bottom of the narrow shaft. On the floor is a heap of debris that cracks and crumbles under your feet. The air here has an unpleasant smell of decay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the debris",
"response": "This must have been some ancient mechanism of wood and rope, rotted away over the centuries and now completely unrecognisable. The useless, broken remains of your torch are scattered in this heap; you nearly cut yourself on a fragment of glass from the bulb. The remnants of several ancient ropes seem to lead underneath the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ropes",
"response": "The ropes have a grisly and decayed texture. Whatever their function was, they have performed it for the last time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ropes",
"response": "The ropes disintegrate in your hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the south wall",
"response": "This wall has a different texture from the rest, and seems to have several cracks in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Your footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Your footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.\n\nYou feel a stone statue standing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at statue",
"response": "A statue, slightly taller than you, of a bird-headed god with open eyes and a closed beak. In one hand it holds a crook, and in the other an eight-pointed star.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the star",
"response": "It seems to be fixed to the statue firmly. You can neither move nor remove it.\n\nThe eight-pointed star rests on the statue's outstretched palm, a tiny eye engraved on each point. You can turn it slightly, but it always seems to spring back to the same orientation.\n\nYou fervently hope that no poisonous creatures inhabit this place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crook",
"response": "A short crooked staff of stone, about the length of your arm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull staff",
"response": "It seems to be fixed to the statue firmly. You can neither move nor remove it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the star",
"response": "It seems to be an integral part of the statue. You can't remove it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the eyes",
"response": "Your fingers are unable to manipulate the eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn star",
"response": "The eight-pointed star rests on the statue's outstretched palm, a tiny eye engraved on each point. You can turn it slightly, but it always seems to spring back to the same orientation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the beak",
"response": "The beak is closed. Although it seems to wobble a little, you are unable to manipulate it manually.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the eyes",
"response": "The eyelids are open, and the orbs beneath are smooth and cold.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Your footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.\n\nYou shiver involuntarily in the chill blackness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You feel a stone statue standing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Your footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.\n\nYou feel a stone statue standing here.\n\nYou almost choke on the stagnant air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the statue",
"response": "A statue, slightly taller than you, of a fierce bird-headed god with its eyes shut and sharp beak open. In one hand it holds a crook, and in the other an eight-pointed star.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beak",
"response": "The sharp-edged beak is open.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look in the beak",
"response": "The beak is open. Although it seems to wobble a little, you are unable to manipulate it manually.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the star",
"response": "It seems to be an integral part of the statue. You can't remove it.\n\nUnearthly, mocking laughter rings in your ears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn star",
"response": "The eight-pointed star rests on the statue's outstretched palm, a tiny eye engraved on each point. You can turn it slightly, but it always seems to spring back to the same orientation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Touch star",
"response": "The eight-pointed star rests on the statue's outstretched palm, a tiny eye engraved on each point. You can turn it slightly, but it always seems to spring back to the same orientation.\n\nYou fervently hope that no poisonous creatures inhabit this place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at crook",
"response": "The eight-pointed star rests on the statue's outstretched palm, a tiny eye engraved on each point. You can turn it slightly, but it always seems to spring back to the same orientation.\n\nYou don't feel any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the statue",
"response": "The statue turns a little. Strangely, the hand with the star appears to have rotated so that the star remains at the same orientation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the statue",
"response": "A statue, slightly taller than you, of a fierce bird-headed god with its eyes shut and sharp beak open. In one hand it holds a crook, and in the other an eight-pointed star.\n\nYou fervently hope that no poisonous creatures inhabit this place.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Your footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.\n\nYou feel a stone statue standing here.\n\nYou feel a stone statue standing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the statue",
"response": "A statue, slightly taller than you, of a fierce bird-headed god with its eyes shut and sharp beak open. In one hand it holds a crook, and in the other an eight-pointed star.\n\nA statue, slightly taller than you, of a fierce bird-headed god with its eyes shut and sharp beak open. In one hand it holds a crook, and in the other an eight-pointed star.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You feel a stone statue standing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You feel a stone statue standing here.\n\nYou shiver involuntarily in the chill blackness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You almost choke on the stagnant air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You feel a stone statue standing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at statue",
"response": "A statue, slightly taller than you, of a bird-headed god with open eyes and a closed beak. In one hand it holds a crook, and in the other an eight-pointed star.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Darkness (at the bottom of a shaft)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Darkness (in a shaft)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upward",
"response": "You emerge from the darkness to an astonishing sight. Light pours onto the sarcophagus from the west, bathing the pharoah's austere face in an aura of blinding majesty. Perhaps it could be a trick of the shadows on your still-adjusting eyes, but you thought for a moment you saw those dead lips curve in the faintest shadow of a smile, bidding you a silent farewell. And this time, you do not look back as you run joyously outward and away from the grave, through the halls miraculously suffused with the light and warmth of the setting sun at the end of the corridor, as reality seems to blur and the winds of time sweep you, feather-light, forever up and closer to the sun...\n\nReluctantly, you open your eyes to find that the sun is in fact the bare electric bulb of your living room, but something remains within you as a legacy of the trip...\n\n[You are no longer afraid of the dark.]\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying nothing.\n\nYou feel suddenly claustrophobic as you hear a rustling nearby. What lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spider",
"response": "A repulsive black thing with long, hairy legs, it hangs from an invisible length of thread like some twisted parody of the light bulb that casts its shadow on the kitchen wall. Its eight eyes stare malevolently back at you.\n\nThe house is strangely unfamiliar, as if you'd read about it in a book but never actually set foot inside before.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the spider",
"response": "(first taking the spider)\nYou'd like to stay as far away as possible from it, and you can't bear the thought of actually touching the vile (and probably poisonous) creature.\n\nAs you try to compose your mind, dark memories wash over you: explosions, death, the tolling of funeral bells, gloom, isolation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open cutains",
"response": "You open the curtains.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Outside you see deserted city streets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\n\nSomething scrapes across the roof as you stand petrified in fear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You get three rungs up the swaying, creaking ladder before vertigo overwhelms you. The attic seems miles distant, and the ladder could break any second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swing",
"response": "What do you want to swing?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.\n\nYou catch a flurry of movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This simple white-tiled bathroom is lit by a fluorescent ceiling lamp. Streaks of mould cover the ceiling and the upper parts of the walls, but fortunately the tub, toilet and sink are free of fungus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mould",
"response": "The mould is nasty brown stuff. You don't want to linger here too long in case the spores are infectious.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "This spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou catch a flurry of movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clock",
"response": "The hands on the face of this round wall-clock indicate that the time is half past five. It's been half past five for ages after the clock broke; time has had little meaning for you since that fateful day.\n\nWaves of sorrow and guilt wash over you from some dimly remembered past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the closet",
"response": "You open the utility closet, revealing a can of white paint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get can",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the closet",
"response": "Paint tends not to have a terribly attractive odour, and this particular can is no exception.\n\nIt's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the PAINT",
"response": "A large cylindrical can labelled \"WHITE PAINT\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the can at spider",
"response": "You refrain from vandalizing your own home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the can at the mould",
"response": "You refrain from vandalizing your own home.\n\nWaves of sorrow and guilt wash over you from some dimly remembered past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou hear a long menacing hiss from somewhere above.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Not with the spider hanging in the doorway; the thought of it dropping down on you while you crawl underneath is too hideous to contemplate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clock",
"response": "The hands on the face of this round wall-clock indicate that the time is half past five. It's been half past five for ages after the clock broke; time has had little meaning for you since that fateful day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fix the clock",
"response": "What do you want to fix the clock to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the clock",
"response": "Little is to be gained by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the clock",
"response": "It's fastened securely to the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the curtain",
"response": "All the curtains in the house are a rather drab and depressing shade of green. At least they keep the cold out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the curtain",
"response": "It's already open.\n\nYou glance through the window. The streets are empty and foreboding.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "The windows shield you from the terror and cold of the outside world. On the other side of the glass, steel grilles fixed to the wall prevent intruders breaking in this way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the curtain",
"response": "You close the curtains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spider",
"response": "A repulsive black thing with long, hairy legs, it hangs from an invisible length of thread like some twisted parody of the light bulb that casts its shadow on the kitchen wall. Its eight eyes stare malevolently back at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "But the door is locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shadow",
"response": "A thick wooden door, it is fitted with the standard two locks; a Yale lock which can be pulled from inside and a dead-bolt mortice for added security.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na can of white paint",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "(with the can of white paint)\nNo, that isn't a promising lockpick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open can",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.\n\nThe lid appears to be stuck, and it's too painful trying to prise it open with your fingernails.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A large bookcase occupies the north wall of this brightly lit room. Next to the dull green curtains of the window stands a wooden desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "An old, slightly shabby wooden desk, its dark varnished surface marked in several places with the light circular scars left by hot mugs. Underneath is a long drawer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "The drawer is tightly jammed, which is rather irritating as you have a strange hunch that there might be something useful inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the drawer",
"response": "Frustrated, you aim a kick at the drawer and hear a satisfying crack. You cringe as the broken drawer crashes noisily to the floor, spilling out its contents.\n\nYou catch a flurry of movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at drawer",
"response": "The drawer is quite clearly broken, and will take some time to fix. Given the general state of the desk, you may be better off buying a new one.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "A large bookcase occupies the north wall of this brightly lit room. Next to the dull green curtains of the window stands a wooden desk.\n\nYou can see a heap of worthless paper, a college photograph, a broken drawer (which is closed) and a wooden desk here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"response": "Musty newspapers, old bills, rough scribblings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the photograph",
"response": "It's an old photograph which was sent to you a few years ago by one of your friends studying in Cambridge, depicting a porcelain duck balanced high among the rafters of the college dining hall. Suddenly, you recollect a conversation you had with him a long time ago, about the old college tradition of taking the duck down from the rafters of the Great Hall in the dead of night and putting it back up on another beam the next day. As you wonder whether you'd have tried this feat yourself if you'd been there, you feel your surroundings somehow shifting...\n\nGreat Hall (by screens)\nYou are at the south end of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nTo the south, wooden screens half the height of the walls separate the hall from an east-west passageway. Double doors set in the screens are locked and bolted shut.\n\nIn the rafters at the far end of the hall, a duck perches incongruously on a beam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rafters",
"response": "You'd guess that the lowest beams, upon one of which the duck rests, are 30 feet high. They run east-west across the breadth of the hall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Easier said than done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na canvas satchel (which is closed)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the satchel",
"response": "You open the canvas satchel, revealing a length of sewing thread, a squash ball, a catapult and a net.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Huh",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the catapult",
"response": "A hand-held hunting catapult, it accepts projectiles up to the size of a plum.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie thread to the ball",
"response": "You tie the length of sewing thread to the squash ball.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tie thread to the net",
"response": "You tie the length of sewing thread to the net.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the ball at the duck",
"response": "(first taking the squash ball)\nYou throw the ball, but it doesn't quite get high enough. It hits the floor with a worryingly loud thwack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ball",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the catapult at the duck",
"response": "To fire, try \"shoot projectile at target\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the ball at the duck",
"response": "Taking careful aim, you let fly with the squash ball, which hits the duck squarely on the head with a sharp crack. Unfortunately, as it falls you notice that you've decapitated it, and you won't be able to catch both head and body in time. This is all going to be rather embarrassing...\n\nYou open your eyes in front of the fireplace, feeling rather dizzy all of a sudden. Surely things aren't supposed to happen this way.\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see a college photograph and a can of white paint here.\n1",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot ball at rafters",
"response": "Taking careful aim, you let fly with the squash ball, which flies just over the beam on which the duck sits in a graceful arc... and hits the huge portrait on the north wall. Your heart sinks as you hear the glass shatter, and your only thought is to flee...\n\nYou open your eyes in front of the fireplace, feeling rather dizzy all of a sudden. Surely things aren't supposed to happen this way.\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see a college photograph and a can of white paint here.\n1",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at net",
"response": "A crude, tangled handmade net made out of thick white twine, you're not completely sure what this was packed for. The knots are rather sloppy and irregular, and it looks like it might come apart at any moment, but you doubt you could have done much better yourself.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Great Hall (by screens)\nYou are at the south end of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nTo the south, wooden screens half the height of the walls separate the hall from an east-west passageway. Double doors set in the screens are locked and bolted shut.\n\nIn the rafters at the far end of the hall, a duck perches incongruously on a beam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the doors",
"response": "The elaborate wooden screens serve to turn a space at the south end of the hall, where the original doors stand, into a passage connecting the college courts. The locks on the new doors set in the screens are secure, though the protruding designs on the screens make them climbable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine thread",
"response": "About fifty feet of sewing thread.\nIt is tied to a squash ball and a net.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the net",
"response": "It comes apart fairly easily into one long piece of string. You don't really feel like trying to weave it back together again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the screens",
"response": "Abandoning thoughts of retrieving the duck, you clamber over the screens and safely away.\n\nYou open your eyes in front of the fireplace, feeling rather dizzy all of a sudden. Surely things aren't supposed to happen this way.\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see a college photograph and a can of white paint here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na length of string\na catapult\na squash ball\na canvas satchel (which is open)\na length of sewing thread",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the string to the thread",
"response": "You tie the length of string to the length of sewing thread.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rafters",
"response": "You'd guess that the lowest beams, upon one of which the duck rests, are 30 feet high. They run east-west across the breadth of the hall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are in the middle of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nDirectly above you is a hexagonal skylight set in the middle of the high ceiling.\n\nIn the rafters at the north end of the hall, a duck perches incongruously on a beam.\n\nA double length of rope runs up the east wall to the skylight, presumably for opening and closing it. Its bottom ends are tied to the leg of a table just next to the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skylight",
"response": "The skylight rises like a little turret from the very centre of the roof, illuminated by the full moon. The rope runs through a ring at the top of the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the rope",
"response": "You untie the length of rope from the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rope",
"response": "Most of it isn't within your reach at the moment. You'll have to get it down first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the rope to string",
"response": "You tie the length of rope to the length of string.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot ball at rafters",
"response": "Taking careful aim, you let fly with the squash ball, which flies just over the beam on which the duck sits in a graceful arc... and hits the huge portrait on the north wall. Your heart sinks as you hear the glass shatter, and your only thought is to flee...\n\nYou open your eyes in front of the fireplace, feeling rather dizzy all of a sudden. Surely things aren't supposed to happen this way.\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see a college photograph and a can of white paint here.\n1",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the portrait",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the portrait",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot ball at ceiling",
"response": "There's little point in shooting that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the beam",
"response": "You'd guess that the lowest beams, upon one of which the duck rests, are 30 feet high. They run east-west across the breadth of the hall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "The wooden tables are long and very heavy.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You are in the middle of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nDirectly above you is a hexagonal skylight set in the middle of the high ceiling.\n\nIn the rafters at the north end of the hall, a duck perches incongruously on a beam.\n\nYou can see a length of rope here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the table",
"response": "You climb up onto the table for a while, but the duck is still far too high to reach. The table creaks under your weight, and you deem it prudent to get off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Great Hall (by high table)\nYou are at the north end of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nAt the foot of the north wall, a wide area is raised several inches on a wooden platform, where the High Table stands. Hanging on the wall is a large portrait of the College's founder.\n\nAbove you, just to the south of the high table, a duck perches incongruously on a beam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the portrait",
"response": "The massive gold-framed portrait, as large as the double doors at the far end of the hall, depicts a regal-looking figure holding a book and a sceptre. He probably looks much better during the day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the rope to Table",
"response": "You tie the length of rope to the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fire ball at rafters",
"response": "Taking aim, you let fly with the squash ball, but feel the catapult's elastic brush against your hair. You watch the ball strike the beam just below the duck, which doesn't appear to have moved at all. The ball falls to the floor with an unnervingly loud thwack which you hope no one heard.\n\n[You'll be more careful with it next time.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "The ball flies gracefully over the beam, trailing the sewing thread behind it, and strikes the floor with a loud report. The impact detaches the ball from the thread, and it rolls off to become lost somewhere underneath the tables. However, the thread is now looped over the beam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the thread",
"response": "You pull the length of string up and over the beam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the string",
"response": "You pull the length of rope up and over the beam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "canvas satchel: Dropped.\ncatapult: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the satchel",
"response": "You put on the canvas satchel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the rope",
"response": "You give the rope a few experimental tugs, and it seems to support your weight. You've always been scared of heights, but it would be such a waste to turn back now. Gingerly, you ascend the rope.\n\nGreat Hall (in the rafters)\nYou are clinging to one of the lower beams of the rafters, trying not to look down. The beam's surface is covered with years of dust. Your rope is the only way back down.\n\nThe infamous duck perches here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put duck in the satchel",
"response": "You put the porcelain duck into the canvas satchel.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "Great Hall (by high table)\nYou are at the north end of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nAt the foot of the north wall, a wide area is raised several inches on a wooden platform, where the High Table stands. Hanging on the wall is a large portrait of the College's founder.\n\nThe rope is looped over the duck's wooden beam up in the rafters.\n\nYou can see a catapult, a length of string and a length of sewing thread here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You are in the middle of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nDirectly above you is a hexagonal skylight set in the middle of the high ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Easier said than done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "table: It weighs more than you do.\nportrait: That's hardly portable.\nlength of sewing thread: Taken.\nlength of string: Taken.\nrafters: Don't be silly.\ncatapult: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the rope from Table",
"response": "You untie the length of rope from the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na catapult\na length of string\na length of sewing thread\na canvas satchel (being worn and open)\na porcelain duck",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the string",
"response": "You untie the length of string from the length of sewing thread.\nYou untie the length of string from the length of rope.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "table: It weighs more than you do.\nportrait: That's hardly portable.\nlength of string: Taken.\nrafters: Don't be silly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the thread to the string",
"response": "You tie the length of sewing thread to the length of string.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the string to the rope",
"response": "You tie the length of string to the length of rope.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the rope",
"response": "You untie the length of rope from the length of string.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rope",
"response": "Most of it isn't within your reach at the moment. You'll have to get it down first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all except satchel and the duck",
"response": "length of sewing thread: Dropped.\ncatapult: Dropped.\nlength of string: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Great Hall (by screens)\nYou are at the south end of a magnificent dining hall. The east and west walls stand thirty feet tall; near the top, stained-glass windows bearing coats of arms admit the light of the full moon. Below the windows hang pictures of past Masters of the college and illustrious former alumni, gazing down over the long rows of tables and benches. Shadowy rafters support the peaked roof.\n\nTo the south, wooden screens half the height of the walls separate the hall from an east-west passageway. Double doors set in the screens are locked and bolted shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the screen",
"response": "Your quest successful, you clamber over the screens and stealthily away, smiling as you think of the admiration you'll receive from your fellow students for this feat of daring.\n\nIt is a terrible shock when the duck writhes in your hands, flattening into a mere photograph, but at least one thing from this dream has remained with you...\n\n[You are no longer afraid of heights.]\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see a can of white paint here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "The ladder groans, but supports your weight easily.\n\nFumbling in the dark a bit, you discover the light switch and flip it, illuminating the attic.\n\nDust covers the floorboards of this dim attic, lit by a weak ceiling lamp, and the air makes you sneeze. Some old chairs are piled unceremoniously in one corner. There is no sign of the missing keys.\n\nNear where the sloping ceiling meets the floor by the north wall is a hissing, growling contraption of pipes and tanks that emits an occasional puff of hot steam, like some modern-day dragon crouched over its treasure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine contraption",
"response": "The hissing unnerves you, and the occasional puff of steam convinces you that you don't want to get too close to it. But you thought you saw something glinting underneath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Dust covers the floorboards of this dim attic, lit by a weak ceiling lamp, and the air makes you sneeze. Some old chairs are piled unceremoniously in one corner. There is no sign of the missing keys.\n\nNear where the sloping ceiling meets the floor by the north wall is a hissing, growling contraption of pipes and tanks that emits an occasional puff of hot steam, like some modern-day dragon crouched over its treasure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hint",
"response": "N = next sP = previous\nRETUR Q = resume game\n\n> I need help... (spoilers)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Try as you might, you can't trigger the memories of your Egyptian adventure a second time, and the book is terribly uninteresting.\n\nUpstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A small, windowless and rather cramped bedroom. Perhaps that explains why overnight visitors are so infrequent.\n\nYou can see an ornamental plate and a dusty leather-bound book here.\n\nTaken.\n\nUpstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lamp",
"response": "It's just an ordinary ceiling lamp, although the occasional flicker gives you a faint sense of unease.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "This spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see a can of white paint here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the can",
"response": "Taken.\n\nIn the distance, you hear the wail of an approaching siren.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink paint",
"response": "Appalling.\n\nThe siren is getting closer, and you can now make out the throb of an engine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw plate at the spider",
"response": "Mustering all your courage, you throw the ornamental plate at the startled spider, which drops to the floor! Unfortunately, it appears unharmed and you watch with a mixture of disgust and relief as it scuttles back to its former position.\n\nThe ornamental plate lands in the kitchen.\n\nThe siren abruptly stops, and you hear the squeal of mistreated tyres.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the can under the spider",
"response": "Watching the spider carefully, you carefully put the can of white paint underneath it in the doorway.\n\nThe siren abruptly stops, and you hear the squeal of mistreated tyres.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the plate at the spider",
"response": "Mustering all your courage, you throw the ornamental plate at the startled spider, which drops to the floor, landing on the closed can of paint! Unfortunately, it appears unharmed and you watch with a mixture of disgust and relief as it scuttles back to its former position.\n\nThe ornamental plate lands in the kitchen.\n\nThe car comes to a halt just outside your house. You feel a sudden chill. They are coming for you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the PAINT",
"response": "The lid appears to be stuck, and it's too painful trying to prise it open with your fingernails.\n\nYou hear vehicle doors being flung open, and cannot suppress the urge to scream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na can of white paint\nan ornamental plate\n\nThe siren is getting closer, and you can now make out the throb of an engine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the PAINT with the plate",
"response": "Working the edge of the plate underneath the lid, you manage to lever the can open.\n\nThe siren abruptly stops, and you hear the squeal of mistreated tyres.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the PAINT under the spider",
"response": "Watching the spider carefully, you carefully put the can of white paint underneath it in the doorway.\n\nThe car comes to a halt just outside your house. You feel a sudden chill. They are coming for you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the plate at the spider",
"response": "Mustering all your courage, you throw the ornamental plate at the startled spider, which lets go of its thread, landing in the open can of paint with a faint plop. As the loathsome thing struggles in the paint, you slam the lid back on, trapping it inside!\n\nThe ornamental plate lands in the kitchen.\n\nYou hear vehicle doors being flung open, and cannot suppress the urge to scream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This room retains a faint smell of paint. Cupboards containing kitchen utensils and tinned food leer at you from the walls. The only exit is back west to the living room.\n\nOn the counter is a pair of yellow gloves.\n\nInverted in the sink is a glass bowl, reflecting the ceiling lamp in your eye.\n\nYou can also see an ornamental plate here.\n\nHeavy feet pound on the pavement as the car doors are slammed shut again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the gloves",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou hear several sharp raps on the front door, a harsh voice shouting \"Open up! Police!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bowl",
"response": "You are too panicked to be affected by the bowl, interesting though the sound it makes may be.\n\nThe knocking and shouting continues outside, and dread rises in you from a bottomless well. What have you done?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the plate",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThere is a sudden quiet, then muffled voices and the sound of a large object bumping against the ground outside. You scream again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the gloves",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nThere is a succession of unnervingly loud percussive raps from outside. They are trying to break the front door down, and each blow is like water crashing against a dam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the gloves",
"response": "You put on the gloves.\n\nThere is a succession of unnervingly loud percussive raps from outside. They are trying to break the front door down, and each blow is like water crashing against a dam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nThe door isn't going to hold up much longer.\n\nOn the kitchen doorway is a can of white paint.\n\nPanic boils within you with each stroke of the battering ram, and you know with terrible clarity that they must not be allowed to break the door down, as behind the dam the currents surge...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.\n\nYou begin to hear the splintering of wood, the banging beginning to crumble your grip on sanity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.\n\nThe creaking of the door increases with the pounding of your heart. The dam is weakening, and you are trapped!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe creaking of the door increases with the pounding of your heart. The dam is weakening, and you are trapped!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nCrash! The hinges of the door are beginning to give way. Crash! Cracks start to form in the dam's surface. Crash! The castle walls are failing, and outside the slavering monsters await.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "The ladder groans, but supports your weight easily.\n\nDust covers the floorboards of this dim attic, lit by a weak ceiling lamp, and the air makes you sneeze. Some old chairs are piled unceremoniously in one corner. There is no sign of the missing keys.\n\nNear where the sloping ceiling meets the floor by the north wall is a hissing, growling contraption of pipes and tanks that emits an occasional puff of hot steam, like some modern-day dragon crouched over its treasure.\n\nCrash! The hinges of the door are beginning to give way. Crash! Cracks start to form in the dam's surface. Crash! The castle walls are failing, and outside the slavering monsters await.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the contraption",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\nWith a final tortured groan, the front door collapses, the dam bursts, torrents of water pour into the house, through the shattered castle walls, flooding your mind with a dark infinity of nightmares - you scream with the ultimate horror, the knowledge that your sanity will soon be drowned beneath the inexorably rising tide - and as cold, cruel hands begin to drag you up, something snaps within and you twist your hands around your captor's neck in a final act of defiance as the world blurs...\n\nThen two shots pierce the night, and for a brief moment, all is one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the dragon",
"response": "The hissing unnerves you, and the occasional puff of steam convinces you that you don't want to get too close to it. But you thought you saw something glinting underneath.\n\nWith a final tortured groan, the front door collapses, the dam bursts, torrents of water pour into the house, through the shattered castle walls, flooding your mind with a dark infinity of nightmares - you scream with the ultimate horror, the knowledge that your sanity will soon be drowned beneath the inexorably rising tide - and as cold, cruel hands begin to drag you up, something snaps within and you twist your hands around your captor's neck in a final act of defiance as the world blurs...\n\nThen two shots pierce the night, and for a brief moment, all is one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bowl",
"response": "You are too panicked to be affected by the bowl, interesting though the sound it makes may be.\n\nPanic boils within you with each stroke of the battering ram, and you know with terrible clarity that they must not be allowed to break the door down, as behind the dam the currents surge...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "You are running for your life down dark, labyrinthine corridors, your heart pounding almost as loudly as the heavy boots of your relentless pursuer. But your legs are collapsing under you, your breaths coming in ragged gasps. At the last, strength fails you and you collapse face-down upon the unforgiving concrete. Cold hands grasp your neck, hauling you upright, forcing your unwilling eyes open to gaze into the hard, cruel, familiar face of your captor - and you scream with the horrible recognition that those twisted features are your own.\n\nYou are still screaming when you awaken in sweat-drenched clothes, deeply relieved that it was only a dream. Yet something is not right. Why does the darkness beyond the window look so threatening? Why do the sounds of the night bear such menace? Indeed, why are you in such constant...\n\nFor information, type \"about\"\n\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nBedroom (on the bed)\nThis first-floor room is almost uncomfortably warm and well-lit. The bed sits against the east wall, and curtains cover the windows to the south. A calendar hangs from a hook on one wall, and the exit is to the north.\n\nOn the bedside table are a pillbox (which is closed) (in which are nine white pills), a small leaflet and a telephone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the bed.\n\nOn the bedside table are a pillbox (which is closed) (in which are nine white pills), a small leaflet and a telephone.\n\nYou feel suddenly claustrophobic as you hear a rustling nearby. What lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.\n\nSeeing the ladder suddenly reminds you where you left the house keys. They fell out of your pocket in the attic yesterday afternoon.\n\nThe house is strangely unfamiliar, as if you'd read about it in a book but never actually set foot inside before.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "A small, windowless and rather cramped bedroom. Perhaps that explains why overnight visitors are so infrequent.\n\nYou can see an ornamental plate and a dusty leather-bound book here.\n\nAs you try to compose your mind, dark memories wash over you: explosions, death, the tolling of funeral bells, gloom, isolation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the plate",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou catch a flurry of movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gap",
"response": "The rectangular hole is about two feet wide and just tall enough for you, with some trepidation, to stick your arm into. It leads to a seemingly vertical, square, smooth-walled shaft. On its back wall is a curiously protruding stone.\n\nUnearthly, mocking laughter rings in your ears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the gap",
"response": "The hole is too narrow to squeeze through.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "You carefully lower yourself, feet first, into the cramped shaft.\n\nDarkness (in a shaft)\nYou are braced against the cold stone walls of a narrow, claustrophobic square shaft, trying unsuccessfully to avoid thinking about burial in a tall coffin. You could climb down with some care, or crawl back up into the sarcophagus room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "Darkness (at the bottom of a shaft)\nYou are at the bottom of the narrow shaft. On the floor is a heap of debris that cracks and crumbles under your feet. The air here has an unpleasant smell of decay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou can't go that way.\n\nYour footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou almost choke on the stagnant air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Your footfalls echo faintly off the walls of this rough-floored hall, the stale air heavy with the burden of millennia.\n\nYou almost choke on the stagnant air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You emerge from the darkness to an astonishing sight. Light pours onto the sarcophagus from the west, bathing the pharoah's austere face in an aura of blinding majesty. Perhaps it could be a trick of the shadows on your still-adjusting eyes, but you thought for a moment you saw those dead lips curve in the faintest shadow of a smile, bidding you a silent farewell. And this time, you do not look back as you run joyously outward and away from the grave, through the halls miraculously suffused with the light and warmth of the setting sun at the end of the corridor, as reality seems to blur and the winds of time sweep you, feather-light, forever up and closer to the sun...\n\nReluctantly, you open your eyes to find that the sun is in fact the bare electric bulb of your living room, but something remains within you as a legacy of the trip...\n\n[You are no longer afraid of the dark.]\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nYou shudder at the sight of a large spider hanging in the kitchen doorway.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nYou can also see an ornamental plate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the can with the plate",
"response": "Working the edge of the plate underneath the lid, you manage to lever the can open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the can under the spider",
"response": "Watching the spider carefully, you carefully put the can of white paint underneath it in the doorway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the plate at spider",
"response": "Mustering all your courage, you throw the ornamental plate at the startled spider, which lets go of its thread, landing in the open can of paint with a faint plop. As the loathsome thing struggles in the paint, you slam the lid back on, trapping it inside!\n\nThe ornamental plate lands in the kitchen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Save2",
"response": "Ok.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This room retains a faint smell of paint. Cupboards containing kitchen utensils and tinned food leer at you from the walls. The only exit is back west to the living room.\n\nOn the counter is a pair of yellow gloves.\n\nInverted in the sink is a glass bowl, reflecting the ceiling lamp in your eye.\n\nYou can also see an ornamental plate here.\n\nSomething scrapes across the roof as you stand petrified in fear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Plate",
"response": "gloves: Taken.\nornamental plate: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bowl",
"response": "Strangely drawn to the bowl, you tap a finger on its surface, and the sound rings out like a bell, an alarm bell repeating itself over and over in your head. Pealing a warning of danger, but how can it be, one tap on a glass hemisphere, creating such a cacophony - Run, escape, flee, calls a voice somewhere in your mind, but where to? You are trapped in a bell, the walls vibrating with every clang, shaking every bone in your body, and there is no way out...\n\nYou stand near the centre of a faceted, hemispherical crystal dome as large as a stadium. Unusual rock formations protrude from the rocky floor, which is streaked with mysteriously luminescent veins of quartz. Beyond the dome nothing can be made out but distorted reflections.\n\nThrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine crystal",
"response": "The gleaming eye seems to sing softly to itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sphere",
"response": "The hazy, translucent sphere is roughly the size of your head, and you stare at its shifting mists for a while, fascinated. It seems to be observing you.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nA star of black onyx floats at head height here without visible means of support, its irregular geometrical spikes vaguely disturbing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the star",
"response": "The foreboding dark star pulsates at a constant pitch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Your attempt causes the crystal to vibrate violently enough to make your entire body shudder. You withdraw your hands, shaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "You sing quietly to yourself for a while, trying to calm yourself down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yell",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scream",
"response": "You feel slightly better after that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nYou can see an empty glass rod here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rod",
"response": "A long, hollow, empty glass rod.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rod",
"response": "A long, hollow, empty glass rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nIn the centre of a particularly flat piece of ground lies a miniature ocean three feet across, its waves somehow frozen into formations of azure crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ocean",
"response": "The still waves of the crystal sea seem to breathe with an almost inaudible voice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take ocean",
"response": "Your attempt causes the crystal to vibrate violently enough to make your entire body shudder. You withdraw your hands, shaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the ocean",
"response": "You strike the crystal with all your might, and it emits a painful, dissonant shriek as it shudders - then shatters explosively, sending blade-like shards through your body...\nYou were found near the skeleton of a window, neck impaled on an edge of blood-stained glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the rod",
"response": "Despite its fragile appearance, it proves to be indestructible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nYou can see a smoky glass rod here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rod",
"response": "(the smoky glass rod)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rod",
"response": "Which do you mean, the smoky glass rod or the empty glass rod?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine smoky",
"response": "A long, hollow glass rod containing some murky dark smoke.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Thrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.\n\nThe sphere circles you tentatively, apparently interested in something you carry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the sphere with the empty",
"response": "You notice no unusual effects.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop smoky",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break smoky",
"response": "Despite its fragile appearance, it proves to be indestructible.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give empty to the sphere",
"response": "You hold the rod out towards the sphere, which envelops it for a while. As the sphere drifts slowly away, you notice that the rod is now glowing with a silvery radiance.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the smoky to sphere",
"response": "The sphere circles uncertainly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the silvery",
"response": "A long, hollow glass rod containing some luminous silvery mist.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na glowing glass rod\na smoky glass rod\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the glowing",
"response": "That can't contain things.\n\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is suffused with the light of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the smoke",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A star of black onyx floats at head height here without visible means of support, its irregular geometrical spikes vaguely disturbing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the onyx with the glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is suffused with the light of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Thrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the crystal with glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the crystal with the smoky",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Thrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stalagmite",
"response": "The claw-like stalagmite is formed from an unusually smooth and hard grey rock. It grasps the eye crystal tightly in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the crytal",
"response": "Your attempt causes the crystal to vibrate violently enough to make your entire body shudder. You withdraw your hands, shaken.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na glowing glass rod\na smoky glass rod",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the glowing rod to the stalagmite",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put glowing in the eye",
"response": "That can't contain things.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "You sing quietly to yourself for a while, trying to calm yourself down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nIn the centre of a particularly flat piece of ground lies a miniature ocean three feet across, its waves somehow frozen into formations of azure crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is suffused with the light of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nEmbedded in the ground here is a smooth-surfaced boulder whose ridges evoke a clenched fist. Protruding from it is a finger of violet quartz as long as your arm, pointing accusingly at the sky.\n\nOn the ground lies a broken shard of quartz.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the quartz",
"response": "Which do you mean, the finger crystal or the quartz shard?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the finger",
"response": "The finger is throbbing gently with a quiet tone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the finger with glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is suffused with the light of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the finger with the smoky",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shard",
"response": "As long as your forearm, it resembles the quartz veins in the floor, but is not itself luminous. The edges are fairly sharp, and you take care not to cut yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nA star of black onyx floats at head height here without visible means of support, its irregular geometrical spikes vaguely disturbing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cut ocean",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw shard at the ocean",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You stand near the centre of a faceted, hemispherical crystal dome as large as a stadium. Unusual rock formations protrude from the rocky floor, which is streaked with mysteriously luminescent veins of quartz. Beyond the dome nothing can be made out but distorted reflections.\n\nThrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the shard to the sphere",
"response": "You hold the shard of quartz out towards the sphere, which envelops it for a while. As the sphere drifts slowly away, you notice that the rod is unchanged. The sphere shakes slowly back and forth, as if disappointed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show smoky to the sphere",
"response": "The sphere circles uncertainly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the crystal with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low D sharp. (Your aural acuity surprises you. Maybe those music lessons you suddenly remember taking in your younger days haven't been wasted after all.)\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high F sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch rod with the shard",
"response": "Which do you mean, the glowing glass rod or the smoky glass rod?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smoky",
"response": "The smoky rod emits a clear ringing sound which gradually fades into a deep rumble as darkness pours out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch glowing with the shard",
"response": "The glowing rod produces a clear ringing sound which gradually rises into a high trill as light pours out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the onyx with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high C.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nEmbedded in the ground here is a smooth-surfaced boulder whose ridges evoke a clenched fist. Protruding from it is a finger of violet quartz as long as your arm, pointing accusingly at the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the glowing",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the glowing glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is suffused with the light of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low E.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You stand near the centre of a faceted, hemispherical crystal dome as large as a stadium. Unusual rock formations protrude from the rocky floor, which is streaked with mysteriously luminescent veins of quartz. Beyond the dome nothing can be made out but distorted reflections.\n\nThrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch smoky with the shard",
"response": "The smoky rod emits a clear ringing sound which gradually fades into a deep rumble as darkness pours out of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch glowing with the shard",
"response": "The glowing rod produces a clear ringing sound which gradually rises into a high trill as light pours out of it.\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You stand near the centre of a faceted, hemispherical crystal dome as large as a stadium. Unusual rock formations protrude from the rocky floor, which is streaked with mysteriously luminescent veins of quartz. Beyond the dome nothing can be made out but distorted reflections.\n\nThrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low D sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is suffused with the light of the rod.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing C sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are near the edge of the strange dome, where the walls plunge vertically into the solid stone of the floor.\n\nA star of black onyx floats at head height here without visible means of support, its irregular geometrical spikes vaguely disturbing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You stand near the centre of a faceted, hemispherical crystal dome as large as a stadium. Unusual rock formations protrude from the rocky floor, which is streaked with mysteriously luminescent veins of quartz. Beyond the dome nothing can be made out but distorted reflections.\n\nThrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch eye with the smoky",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as smoke pours from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the smoke, which dissipates in an ascending ring.\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as smoke pours from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the smoke, which dissipates in an ascending ring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave higher, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch star with shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nFrom somewhere nearby, another crystal responds with the exact same note. Instead of dying away, the sound rapidly builds into an excruciating crescendo that fills the dome as the crystals scream their pain. As the dome itself cracks in sympathy, the crystals can finally take no more, and explode violently, piercing you with a thousand shards...\n\nYou were found near the skeleton of a window, neck impaled on an edge of blood-stained glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch star with shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high G sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch star with shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, three octaves lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low B.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nFrom somewhere nearby, another crystal responds with the exact same note. Instead of dying away, the sound rapidly builds into an excruciating crescendo that fills the dome as the crystals scream their pain. As the dome itself cracks in sympathy, the crystals can finally take no more, and explode violently, piercing you with a thousand shards...\n\nYou were found near the skeleton of a window, neck impaled on an edge of blood-stained glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing C sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing G sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high F sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low B.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nFrom somewhere nearby, another crystal responds with the exact same note. Instead of dying away, the sound rapidly builds into an excruciating crescendo that fills the dome as the crystals scream their pain. As the dome itself cracks in sympathy, the crystals can finally take no more, and explode violently, piercing you with a thousand shards...\n\nYou were found near the skeleton of a window, neck impaled on an edge of blood-stained glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling A.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling D.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as smoke pours from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the smoke, which dissipates in an ascending ring.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling D.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.\n\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch eye with the glowing",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing C sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high D. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, two octaves lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low D sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave higher, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as smoke pours from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the smoke, which dissipates in an ascending ring.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.\n\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave higher, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the glowing",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the glowing glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which is momentarily muffled as light shines from the rod. But the crystal seems to reject the light, which dissipates in a scintillating spiral.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing A sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the smoky glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\n(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very high, piercing E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, three octaves lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nFrom somewhere nearby, another crystal responds with the exact same note. Instead of dying away, the sound rapidly builds into an excruciating crescendo that fills the dome as the crystals scream their pain. As the dome itself cracks in sympathy, the crystals can finally take no more, and explode violently, piercing you with a thousand shards...\n\nYou were found near the skeleton of a window, neck impaled on an edge of blood-stained glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with smoky",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the smoky glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the smoky glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\n(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high A sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the smoky glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\n(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, two octaves lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the smoky glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\n(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low A sharp.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the smoky glass rod)\nYou strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\n(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the quartz with the shard",
"response": "(the finger crystal with the quartz shard)\nYou strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, two octaves lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You stand near the centre of a faceted, hemispherical crystal dome as large as a stadium. Unusual rock formations protrude from the rocky floor, which is streaked with mysteriously luminescent veins of quartz. Beyond the dome nothing can be made out but distorted reflections.\n\nThrusting out of the floor before you is a many-pointed stalagmite that holds in its clawed grip an immense, eye-like red crystal.\n\nHovering here is a sphere composed of swirling mist.\n\nThe sphere floats up and down in time to your breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a high D. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, two octaves lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.\n\nThe sphere orbits mournfully around the glowing red crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the smoky",
"response": "You strike the rod against the crystal, which seems momentarily muffled as it is shrouded in the smoke of the rod.\n\nThe sphere drifts closer to you, lightly touching you with soothing tendrils of mist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the eye with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a very low, rumbling E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, two octaves higher, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nBut the sound gradually dies away, and all is still again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the ocean with the shard",
"response": "You strike it against the crystal. The crystal resonates powerfully with a low E. Nearby, a second crystal responds with the same note, one octave lower, and the surrounding dome slowly begins to vibrate.\n\nThen, a third crystal comes into resonance, and the chord swells to frightening volume, a desperate cry for release, as the speed of the dome's trembling increases.\n\nAs the last crystal joins the chorus, the floor itself trembles with a sound that is nearly deafening even with your fingers tightly in your ears. The dome can take no more, and shatters with a sound that would once have been terrifying, but is now almost a gentle tinkle, as the chord of octaves transforms into an exultant song of freedom. Beyond the dome lies a strange sky, and the misty sphere whispers its thanks to you as it swirls away into the flaming red heavens. You raise your arm to protect your face from the rain of fragments from the falling dome...\n\nAnd hit the mantelpiece, for you are suddenly awake in your living room, lying by the fire, feeling relieved and somewhat more secure about yourself.\n\n[You are no longer afraid of sounds.]\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nOn the kitchen doorway is a can of white paint.\n\nYou can also see a pair of gloves and an ornamental plate here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nOn the kitchen doorway is a can of white paint.\n\nYou can also see a pair of gloves and an ornamental plate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "gloves: Taken.\nornamental plate: Taken.\nsofa: That's hardly portable.\nchairs: That's hardly portable.\nlight bulb: That's hardly portable.\ntable: That's hardly portable.\nfront door: That's fixed in place.\nutility closet: That's hardly portable.\nkitchen doorway: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the closet",
"response": "It's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A large bookcase occupies the north wall of this brightly lit room. Next to the dull green curtains of the window stands a wooden desk.\n\nSomewhere nearby, you hear the burble of the hot water pipes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the drawer",
"response": "Frustrated, you aim a kick at the drawer and hear a satisfying crack. You cringe as the broken drawer crashes noisily to the floor, spilling out its contents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the satchel",
"response": "catapult: Removed.\nnet: Removed.\nlength of sewing thread: Removed.\nsquash ball: Removed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the ball to thread",
"response": "You tie the squash ball to the length of sewing thread.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot ball at rafter",
"response": "Taking careful aim, you let fly with the squash ball, which flies just over the beam on which the duck sits in a graceful arc... and hits the huge portrait on the north wall. Your heart sinks as you hear the glass shatter, and your only thought is to flee...\n\nYou open your eyes in front of the fireplace, feeling rather dizzy all of a sudden. Surely things aren't supposed to happen this way.\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nOn the kitchen doorway is a can of white paint.\n\nYou can also see a college photograph, a pair of gloves and an ornamental plate here.\n1",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "duck: If only your arms were thirty feet long.\nportraits: That's hardly portable.\nskylight: That's hardly portable.\ntable: It weighs more than you do.\nlength of rope: Taken.\nrafters: Don't be silly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "catapult: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the rope",
"response": "You give the rope a few experimental tugs, and it seems to support your weight. You've always been scared of heights, but it would be such a waste to turn back now. Gingerly, you ascend the rope.\n\nGreat Hall (in the rafters)\nYou are clinging to one of the lower beams of the rafters, trying not to look down. The beam's surface is covered with years of dust. Your rope is the only way back down.\n\nThe infamous duck perches here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean",
"response": "What do you want to clean?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dust",
"response": "What do you want to dust?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the rope",
"response": "You give the rope a few experimental tugs, and it seems to support your weight. You've always been scared of heights, but it would be such a waste to turn back now. Gingerly, you ascend the rope.\n\nGreat Hall (in the rafters)\nYou are clinging to one of the lower beams of the rafters, trying not to look down. The beam's surface is covered with years of dust. Your rope is the only way back down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine beam",
"response": "Looking from your perch towards the screens at the other end of the hall, the rafters take on the appearance of a shadowy tunnel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You untie the rope",
"response": "You untie the length of rope from the length of string.\nYou untie the length of rope from the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "table: It weighs more than you do.\nportrait: That's hardly portable.\nlength of sewing thread: Taken.\nlength of string: Taken.\ncatapult: Taken.\nrafters: Don't be silly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The doors are locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the screen",
"response": "Your quest successful, you clamber over the screens and stealthily away, smiling as you think of the admiration you'll receive from your fellow students for this feat of daring.\n\nIt is a terrible shock when the duck writhes in your hands, flattening into a mere photograph, but at least one thing from this dream has remained with you...\n\n[You are no longer afraid of heights.]\n\nThis spacious room is comfortably if sparsely furnished. A plush sofa and two matching armchairs are arranged around a low wooden tea-table. Curtains hang over the long windows on the south wall, keeping the warmth from the old electric fireplace in; a clock hangs over the mantelpiece. The overall effect might even be cosy, were it not for the stark white glare of the unshielded bulb dangling from the ceiling.\n\nA simple wooden staircase on the west wall leads up to the first floor; underneath the stairs is an utility closet. The kitchen can be seen through the empty doorway to the east.\n\nThe front door is reassuringly and securely locked.\n\nOn the kitchen doorway is a can of white paint.\n\nYou can also see a pair of gloves and an ornamental plate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "kitchen doorway: That's hardly portable.\nutility closet: That's hardly portable.\nfront door: That's fixed in place.\ntable: That's hardly portable.\nlight bulb: That's hardly portable.\nchairs: That's hardly portable.\nsofa: That's hardly portable.\nornamental plate: Taken.\ngloves: Taken.\n\nIn the distance, you hear the wail of an approaching siren.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This room retains a faint smell of paint. Cupboards containing kitchen utensils and tinned food leer at you from the walls. The only exit is back west to the living room.\n\nThe sink is filled with broken glass.\n\nThe siren is getting closer, and you can now make out the throb of an engine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.\n\nThe siren is getting closer, and you can now make out the throb of an engine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.\n\nThe siren abruptly stops, and you hear the squeal of mistreated tyres.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "The ladder groans, but supports your weight easily.\n\nFumbling in the dark a bit, you discover the light switch and flip it, illuminating the attic.\n\nDust covers the floorboards of this dim attic, lit by a weak ceiling lamp, and the air makes you sneeze. Some old chairs are piled unceremoniously in one corner. There is no sign of the missing keys.\n\nThe growling, steam-breathing monster crouching by the north wall, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a leaky boiler, pipes raising its main tank slightly off the floor.\n\nThe car comes to a halt just outside your house. You feel a sudden chill. They are coming for you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear gloves",
"response": "You put on the gloves.\n\nYou hear vehicle doors being flung open, and cannot suppress the urge to scream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scream",
"response": "Your scream only causes the men outside to redouble their efforts.\n\nHeavy feet pound on the pavement as the car doors are slammed shut again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the boiler",
"response": "Pipes hold the main boiler tank a few inches off the floor. Near the top of the boiler, a somewhat loose pipe lets out the odd puff of steam.\n\nHeavy feet pound on the pavement as the car doors are slammed shut again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the boiler",
"response": "Looking underneath the boiler, you spy the lost keyring wedged between the tank and the floorboards. Grasping it in your gloved hands, you work it free.\n\n(You now have the keyring.)\n\nThe knocking and shouting continues outside, and dread rises in you from a bottomless well. What have you done?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.\n\nThere is a sudden quiet, then muffled voices and the sound of a large object bumping against the ground outside. You scream again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.\n\nThere is a succession of unnervingly loud percussive raps from outside. They are trying to break the front door down, and each blow is like water crashing against a dam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the front door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keys",
"response": "With trembling hands, you find the right key and turn it in the lock.\n\nYou begin to hear the splintering of wood, the banging beginning to crumble your grip on sanity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It takes every ounce of determination in your body to turn the handle, but there is no other way to stop the banging. As three startled policemen charge, propelled by their own momentum, into a tangled heap on the sofa, you steel yourself and take that first step outside into the dawn...\n\nA gentle breeze of fresh air caresses your cheek as you look out over the awakening city, gently blowing the fog away from your mind, calming the fevered waters. Sorrowful memories begin to stir; the plane crash so many months ago now, the rage against arbitrary, cruel fate, the endless gloom and desperation - but this time you firmly put them behind you, and breathe instead the scent of the dew and the symphony of the morning.\n\nYour reverie is broken by an anxious policeman tapping you on the shoulder. \"Are you all right? The neighbours heard a lot of screaming - we're sorry we couldn't get here earlier, it's been a terrible night...\"\n\nSmiling for the first time in an age, you explain that it was only a nightmare, apologizing for their trouble.\n\nAs the departing car's roar fades into the distance, more mundane thoughts enter your mind. The house will need some redecorating, the medical researchers will definitely be hearing from you once the phone is fixed, and - somewhere you can't quite remember yet - your work awaits. But most importantly, the spectre of fear and the ghosts of the past no longer haunt you, and the rising sun inspires the hope of a new beginning.\n\nThe long night is over.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Full",
"response": "In that game you scored 36 out of a possible 36, in 372 turns, which gives you the rank of awakened Dreamer.\n\nThe score was made up as follows:\n\n1 recovering the keyring\n1 finding a deeper darkness\n1 unravelling a tangled web\n1 enlightening the hollow\n9 rising from the tomb\n9 stealing the mallard\n9 liberating the sphere\n\n36 total (out of 36)\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "But there might be monsters.\n\nThe house is strangely unfamiliar, as if you'd read about it in a book but never actually set foot inside before.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Win",
"response": "The only door leads north.\n\nAs you try to compose your mind, dark memories wash over you: explosions, death, the tolling of funeral bells, gloom, isolation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Upstairs Corridor (by ladder)\nA ladder hangs down from a dark square hole in the high ceiling of this unadorned corridor. Identical doors to the north, east and south lead to various rooms. To the west, hanging over the stairs, a bright electric lamp provides illumination.\n\nSeeing the ladder suddenly reminds you where you left the house keys. They fell out of your pocket in the attic yesterday afternoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are in the western half of a plain whitewashed east-west corridor lit by a lamp hanging next to the stairs, which lead down to the ground floor. The carpeted wooden floor creaks annoyingly under your feet.\n\nThe bathroom lies to the north; a ladder hangs from an opening in the ceiling to the east.\n\nWaves of sorrow and guilt wash over you from some dimly remembered past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the closet",
"response": "You give up on the tempting idea of hiding in the closet when you discover that you're too big to fit inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scream",
"response": "You feel slightly better after that.",
"endoftext": true
] | 0ua7xuskaw0qr0i4 |
Theatre People | Michael Kielstra | [] | [
"IFComp 2016",
"IFComp Game",
] | 2,016 | [
] | 12 | 2.75 | 20160802 | false | The dazzle of the theatre: the footlights, the bows, the adoring crowd! It's your job, as a tech crew member, to make sure that the actors and, especially, the actresses, get enough of that. Not for you the ten-minute standing ovation; your lot is to deal with pushy stage managers, issues with the fly tower, and a bartender who, no matter what, flat-out refuses to give you free drinks. Even when you could really use one. Especially when you could really use one... Maybe, just maybe, this could be your ticket to the big time. You could single-handedly get the production back on its feet, win the praise and adulation of all, and, possibly, even aid a damsel in distress. Alternatively, you could do your job quietly, stay out of peoples' way, and have no reward but the quiet smugness of an underrated worker. Fame, glory, and a trek in search of rope await! | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Another openin', another show -- and everybody gets applause but you. It's been fun, but you wish that the audience and, especially, the actors would recognize your contribution to the production. It takes a lot of skill to push the scenery into place!\n\nThe stage left wing is your home away from home. It's full of props that will be required onstage if the show ever starts. South is the left stage corridor, and east is that most glamorous of areas, the stage.\n\nMandy looks you up and down with the gaze she reserves for insignificant insects and junior tech crew members. \"The curtain's not going up. Find out what's wrong.\"\n\nYou can see Mandy here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the macbeth",
"response": "(to Mandy)\nThere is no reply.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about the curtain",
"response": "\"Yes, the curtain. It has to go up before the show can start. Find Rich in the fly tower. That's his job.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about Mandy",
"response": "Mandy glares at you. You decide not to pursue that line of enquiry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about the fly tower",
"response": "\"Rich is usually very reliable. Go find out what's got into him.\nHe's in the fly tower.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about yourself",
"response": "\"It's good that you're on my team. Good for you, I mean -- great experience.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This corridor leads to the stage left wing, due north. It's tastefully decorated with the cheapest possible white tiling. Backstage is east, and a set of stairs lead up to the fly tower.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tiling",
"response": "The tiling is dirty and some of the grout is peeling off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the grout",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "This is where things, like curtains, are raised and lowered onto the stage via bars. Right now, that's not happening. The left stage corridor is below.\n\nYou can see Rich here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about the curtains",
"response": "Rich gives you a good-natured smile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about curtain",
"response": "\"Yeah, the curtain's not working right now. One of the ropes snapped just before I was due to lift it. I'll need a replacement rope before I can do anything.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about rope",
"response": "\"I don't know what happened, exactly -- maybe the rope was faulty. I've got to check all the others now in case they're going to break too, so I don't have time to get another one. Could you go to the equipment store and get me a replacement coil? Thanks a million.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about Mandy",
"response": "\"Mandy's your stage manager? Just do whatever she says, whenever she says it, and you should escape.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about the equipment store",
"response": "\"It's on the other side of the theatre. They keep all sorts of stuff in there.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rich",
"response": "Rich has never been known to fail to pull the right rope at the right time. If you give him something to hang from the ceiling, it will hang from the ceiling. Your sole ally in the fight against unremarkability, he has always liked you and the feeling is mutual.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This corridor leads to the stage left wing, due north. It's tastefully decorated with the cheapest possible white tiling. Backstage is east, and a set of stairs lead up to the fly tower.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The actors and crew gather here when they aren't needed onstage. West is the left stage corridor; east is the right stage corridor.\n\nYou can see a props table (on which is a flower bouquet) and Henry here.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Here, at least, both sides of the theatre are equal. The right stage corridor is decorated just as badly as the left one. North is the right wing, west is backstage, and east is the door to the equipment store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the Equipment Store door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the equipment room",
"response": "Henry sighs and mops his brow.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Henry",
"response": "Henry is the director. He has a lot on his plate right now, and it shows in his deeply-scored face and messy brown hair.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about the key",
"response": "\"You don't have one? You really should have told someone by now. I'm sure the manager will get you one after the performance.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about the equipment store",
"response": "Mandy glares at you. You decide not to pursue that line of enquiry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about the manager",
"response": "\"I'd be a better manager. I had to fill in once, when mine got sick on the opening night of Much Ado about Nothing. I talked to someone from that production recently and apparently they still tell stories about that night...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about Henry",
"response": "\"I'm going to ask him out tonight. What a wonderful man...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about the curtain",
"response": "\"Yes, the curtain. It has to go up before the show can start. Find Rich in the fly tower. That's his job.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the key",
"response": "\"You must have one somewhere.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about Mandy",
"response": "\"Whatever Mandy told you to tell me, I don't want to hear it. She's a raving maniac if she thinks I'm going to take her to dinner.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "The door to the leading lady's dressing room.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear nothing unexpected.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the manager",
"response": "\"I don't see what's wrong with lowering the rent on your theatre a little bit. The company's practically broke as it is. We've staked everything on this production, and the least he could do is help us a little bit.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the dressing room",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the leading lady",
"response": "\"She's a good actress, but man can she get emotional.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the sobbing",
"response": "\"It's just my luck! The night that the theatre review man is in the audience, my lighting technician calls my leading lady old! Now I've got to calm her down.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the flower",
"response": "Clearly someone has an admirer: this bouquet of roses is enormous.\n\nYou find a card inscribed \"To a beautiful young woman\" with the flowers and take it. It might come in handy.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bouquet",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "\"To a beautiful young woman.\" It's in the theatre manager's handwriting! There is, however, no signiature.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Here, at least, both sides of the theatre are equal. The right stage corridor is decorated just as badly as the left one. North is the right wing, west is backstage, and east is the door to the equipment store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A bigger wing than yours, stage right has been graced with the prompter's desk and a truly unattractive chaise longue for act 2.\nWest is the stage, south is a corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "You can't sit here. Only people with real theatrical power can sit here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine chaise longue",
"response": "A faded red and gold seat for two, this chaise longue looks too rickety to hold up to much. It's a miracle it's lasted through the first week of performances.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You force your way under the curtain, leap the orchestra pit smoothly, and take a second to congratulate yourself on your landing. The auditorium is not yet open, and the seats are empty. If you succeed in your task, they will soon be filled with audience, admiring the theatre and dropping things. The stage is to the south, and the atrium is to the north. To the west is the lighting booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the seats",
"response": "The cushioned seats are colored a lurid orange. They stand a few inches off the floor. Every so often, the space under them has to be cleaned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the seats",
"response": "Everything that the audience drops ends up under here, including -- lucky you -- money! You quickly gather up the coins.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the money",
"response": "Money! Just what you need for... everything, really. It's not much, but it'll buy something.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The auditorium is not yet open, and the seats are empty. If you succeed in your task, they will soon be filled with audience, admiring the theatre and dropping things. The stage is to the south, and the atrium is to the north. To the west is the lighting booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The stage is lit from here. It's filled with machinery that Fred never lets anyone touch.\n\nYou can see Fred here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about yourself",
"response": "\"Maybe one day you'll make a decent technician. Until then, leave me alone!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about manager",
"response": "\"I can't believe they didn't hire me to do sound as well! I know the sound guy they picked, and he couldn't mix his way out of a wet paper bag!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machinery",
"response": "Dials and buttons and readouts, oh my! You technically understand what these do, but Fred never allows you more than a cursory glance before he pushes you away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about Mandy",
"response": "\"Don't ever say that name in here again. Don't ever. I was going to be stage manager, and she stole that from me! Stole it from me in cold blood!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about Rich",
"response": "\"He can pull on ropes, and that's all he's good for. It took me three hours to get him to hang the lights right.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about Henry",
"response": "\"Why Henry has an actual job I'll never know. He's a wuss. You'll find him backstage, if you feel like losing your faith in humanity.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The auditorium is not yet open, and the seats are empty. If you succeed in your task, they will soon be filled with audience, admiring the theatre and dropping things. The stage is to the south, and the atrium is to the north. To the west is the lighting booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The atrium is filled to the brim with discerning theatregoers and cultured folk, demanding, in upper-class accents, to be let in. The bar is not very busy and Lola, behind it, looks bored. The manager is trying his best to quiet the crowd and mostly failing. The stage is south.\n\nOn the bar is a menu.\n\nYou can also see the Theatre Manager and Lola here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Manager",
"response": "The manager looks haggard and desperate. He is wearing a suit and tie with sweat marks from dealing with the audience, and a keycard hangs around his neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Manager about the key",
"response": "\"Not another one? Don't worry, sir, you will see a performance tonight. We are experiencing a few slight technical hitches, but the auditorium will open soon.\" He sighs and turns away, muttering. \"Gosh, I could use a drink.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the menu",
"response": "The menu offers everything from spring water to Dom Perignon. Usually the patrons lean more towards the spring water side of the price range.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Lola",
"response": "You have known Lola for a long time. She still won't let you have a free drink, no matter how much you compliment her long black hair or her brown eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lola about the drink",
"response": "By some miracle, you have enough money to pay. Lola hands you a gin and tonic, then slowly closes her mouth and makes a concerted effort to look bored again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the gin to Manager",
"response": "\"Thanks. You're a lifesaver.\" He looks like he genuinely means it as he devotes all his attention to the glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Manager about key",
"response": "\"Not another one? Don't worry, sir, you will see a performance tonight. We are experiencing a few slight technical hitches, but the auditorium will open soon.\" He sips his drink.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the keycard",
"response": "The keycard to the equipment store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The auditorium is not yet open, and the seats are empty. If you succeed in your task, they will soon be filled with audience, admiring the theatre and dropping things. The stage is to the south, and the atrium is to the north. To the west is the lighting booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock",
"response": "What do you want to unlock?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the Equipment Store door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keycard",
"response": "You unlock the Equipment Store door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the Equipment Store door)\n\nEverything you need to hold a production together is here, piled on shelves. The right stage corridor is back west.\n\nYou can see a rope and a table (on which are some papers and a roll of gaffer tape) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "rope: Taken.\npapers: Taken.\nroll of gaffer tape: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine papers",
"response": "A pile of indeterminate forms which, with your luck, you will sooner or later have to fill out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Here, at least, both sides of the theatre are equal. The right stage corridor is decorated just as badly as the left one. North is the right wing, west is backstage, and east is the door to the equipment store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The actors and crew gather here when they aren't needed onstage. West is the left stage corridor; east is the right stage corridor.\n\nYou can see a props table and Henry here.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the rope to rich",
"response": "\"Thanks a bundle. Actually, I can't get into the mechanism to put the rope in. When the other rope broke, it fouled up the pulleys and I can't reach to unjam them. Can you do anything?\" Rich takes the rope with this disappointing speech, before delivering some good news: \"I've finished checking all the other ropes, so I can raise and lower a bar if you want me to. Just SHOUT from the stage.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mechanism",
"response": "The mechanism of the fly tower is great, mysterious, and has a jammed part that is just out of reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine bar",
"response": "Anything that needs to hang in the theatre hangs from one of these horizontal metal tubes. Rich raises and lowers them to bring things onto and off of the stage below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb bar",
"response": "Little is to be achieved by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the bar",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about Manager",
"response": "\"The manager's taking the heat for all this, out in the atrium. He's a good man, if a little easily distracted.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask rich about the flowers",
"response": "Rich gives you a good-natured smile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "Rich hears your shouts and lowers the bar for you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.\n\nYou can see a fly bar here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the bar",
"response": "You get onto the fly bar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "Rich raises the bar and you find yourself pulled up into the mechanisms of the fly tower.\n\nStanding on the fly bar, you can see the pulleys and counterweights that make Rich's job possible.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Standing on the fly bar, you can see the pulleys and counterweights that make Rich's job possible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pulleys",
"response": "The ropes go over and under these pulleys in their everlasting quest to pull things onto and off of the stage as fast as possible. One pulley looks jammed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pulley",
"response": "The pulley has been jammed by a broken piece of rope.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rope",
"response": "You pull the piece of rope out of the pulley, fixing the curtain-raising mechanism!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "Stage (on the fly bar)\nYou're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.\n\nRich lowers the bar, and you, to the stage.\n\"Thanks,\" he shouts from the fly tower, \"that did it. I'm putting the new rope in now.\"\n\nThrough bravery, intelligence, and not a little good luck, you have saved the production almost single-handedly! The actual show is a flop -- the lead actress is crying all the way through -- but that's hardly your fault, is it? Afterwards, Mandy listens to you pour out your story, nods, thanks you quickly, and then begins: \"You know, this reminds me of the time I was doing Hamlet in Dublin and the wheels on one of the mobile walls got stuck...\" You settle in for a long ten minutes of looking like you aren't inwardly congratulating yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "Stage (on the fly bar)\nYou're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.\n\nRich lowers the bar, and you, to the stage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na roll of gaffer tape\nsome papers\na keycard\na flower bouquet\na card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine papers",
"response": "A pile of indeterminate forms which, with your luck, you will sooner or later have to fill out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first getting off the fly bar)\n\nThe stage left wing is your home away from home. It's full of props that will be required onstage if the show ever starts. South is the left stage corridor, and east is that most glamorous of areas, the stage.\n\nYou can see Mandy here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine mandy",
"response": "Mandy is your Stage Manager. You answer to her. Usually, that answer is something along the lines of \"Yes, I would love to hear about yet another time you saved the day for whatever production you were doing.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mandy about papers",
"response": "Mandy glares at you. You decide not to pursue that line of enquiry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about the actress",
"response": "\"I will not apologise for what I said. She does look old.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tape machinery",
"response": "What do you want to tape the machinery to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na roll of gaffer tape\nsome papers\na keycard\na flower bouquet\na card",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about the machinery",
"response": "\"Back off. This is my kit.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Fred about Henry",
"response": "\"Why Henry has an actual job I'll never know. He's a wuss. You'll find him backstage, if you feel like losing your faith in humanity.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The auditorium is not yet open, and the seats are empty. If you succeed in your task, they will soon be filled with audience, admiring the theatre and dropping things. The stage is to the south, and the atrium is to the north. To the west is the lighting booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.\n\nYou can see a fly bar here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "A small red table for props and other items of supreme importance to the production.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dressing room door",
"response": "The door to the leading lady's dressing room.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the papers",
"response": "Henry sighs and mops his brow.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about Fred",
"response": "\"Why Fred has an actual job I'll never know. He's a jerk. You'll find him in the lighting booth, off the auditorium, if you feel like losing your faith in humanity.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the card",
"response": "Henry sighs and mops his brow.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.\n\nHenry sighs and mops his brow.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Henry about the actress",
"response": "\"She's a good actress, but man can she get emotional.\"\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give papers to Henry",
"response": "Henry doesn't seem interested.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the papers to Henry",
"response": "Henry is unimpressed.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tape card to door",
"response": "(the dressing room door)\nYou would achieve nothing by this.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "\"To a beautiful young woman.\" It's in the theatre manager's handwriting! There is, however, no signiature.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bouquet",
"response": "Clearly someone has an admirer: this bouquet of roses is enormous.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "menu: Lola stops you with a quick slap.\ngin and tonic: That seems to belong to the Theatre Manager.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the menu",
"response": "Lola stops you with a quick slap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the card to Manager",
"response": "The manager doesn't even glance at the card before saying \"Sir, I know that your ticket says the performance should have started ten minutes ago. I'm very sorry. We're doing everything we can.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Manager about the papers",
"response": "\"Not another one? Don't worry, sir, you will see a performance tonight. We are experiencing a few slight technical hitches, but the auditorium will open soon.\" He sips his drink.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lola about Fred",
"response": "\"Who? I don't go backstage, you know that.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lola about Manager",
"response": "\"The man can run a theatre, but he's got no backbone. Just look at him! If he had an ounce of chutzpah, he'd tell everyone to shut up and wait.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Lola about yourself",
"response": "\"Why should you ask me about yourself? You tell me all about yourself without me asking.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crowd",
"response": "Just the sort of people whose applause you would love to hear. Right now, they aren't applauding, just shouting. They aren't even shouting in unison.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the crowd about Manager",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "> Hints\nCredits\n> The curtain isn't rising. What should I do?\nWhat's the deal with the sobbing backstage?\nHow do I get rope for Rich?\nHow do I get Fred to do what I want?\nI've given Rich the rope. Now what?\nHow do I fix the fly tower mechanism?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You ask Fred about Lola",
"response": "\"You've just got to be firm with her. Of course, if you're you, you just don't have the build for firmness.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the card to Fred",
"response": "Fred is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the papers",
"response": "You find a safety form in the pile and pocket it. It might be useful later; for what, you aren't sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the safety",
"response": "A very long form detailing a tedious and redundant risk assessment for the production. It just needs a signiature.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tape card to safety",
"response": "You attach the card to the form in such a way that it looks like the tail end of ten pages of risk assessment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take card",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "\"To a beautiful young woman.\" It's in the theatre manager's handwriting! It's signed by Fred.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nYou hear sobbing from behind the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the card to Henry",
"response": "\"'To a beautiful young woman.' Maybe this'll get Lily out of her funk.\" With these hopeful words, Henry slides the card under the dressing room door.\nThe sobbing suddenly stops and you hear Lily's voice through the door. \"He didn't mean it after all! Gosh, I look a fright. I've got to get ready -- the curtain goes up soon!\"\nHenry looks at you with a mixture of surprise and admiration. \"Where did you get that? No, actually, I don't want to know. Thanks.\" He disappears, no doubt off to do important and meaningful theatre-related things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "This corridor leads to the stage left wing, due north. It's tastefully decorated with the cheapest possible white tiling. Backstage is east, and a set of stairs lead up to the fly tower.\n\nThe stage left wing is your home away from home. It's full of props that will be required onstage if the show ever starts. South is the left stage corridor, and east is that most glamorous of areas, the stage.\n\nYou can see Mandy here.\n\nYou're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.\n\nYou can see a fly bar here.\n\nRich hears your shouts and raises the bar for you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "Rich hears your shouts and lowers the bar for you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the bar",
"response": "You get onto the fly bar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shout",
"response": "Stage (on the fly bar)\nYou're on stage! This would be very exciting if a performance were going on. East is the Right Wing, west is the Left Wing. The auditorium is to the north, past the currently unopenable curtain.\n\nRich lowers the bar, and you, to the stage.\n\"Thanks,\" he shouts from the fly tower, \"that did it. I'm putting the new rope in now.\"\n\nThrough bravery, intelligence, and not a little good luck, you have saved the production almost single-handedly! The show is a great success, carried from good to great by Lily's splendid singing. Afterwards, Mandy listens to you pour out your story, nods, thanks you quickly, and then begins: \"You know, this reminds me of the time I was doing Hamlet in Dublin and the wheels on one of the mobile walls got stuck...\" But, for the first time, she doesn't have an audience. Henry is arriving to thank you for saving the production, and actually cuts her off! If not a hero, you are at least no longer unknown.",
"endoftext": true
] | 3jw5ifhlsllsa6eo |
The Day I mauled ... | Marius Müller | [
] | [
"SpeedIF December 2008",
] | 2,008 | [
] | 4 | 2.75 | 20081204 | false | In this game, you once again play as Alex, a young gay man attending another New Year's Eve party at your boyfriend Paul's. Paul keeps having unexpected problems at his parties, like this Thompson's gazelle from the zoo lapping up all the champagne. Fortunately for Paul, the police never caught you and you're good at solving problems. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Dear Blogreaders,\nyesterday was even stranger than last year's New Year's Eve! Paul invited me again, even though the police have been bothering him about this disappeared German and his parents were quite angry about the golf cart in his pool. I hadn't seem him in some weeks, so I was quite nervous when I knocked. He rushed towards me, smiled and hugged me. Little did I know that this would turn into...\n\nThe Day I mauled Mao!\n\nPaul, his brown hair in cute little Rastas, lets go of you and looks you up and down. \"You look great. You know, we should dance. But I need a little help first.\" You sigh. He shakes his head quite seriously. \"No, nothing like last year - please. I have a table with champagne outside. Well, you heard of the Thompson's Gazelles which have escaped the zoo a few days ago? One of them is out there now, sipping all the Crystal! You need to get the foul beast away from my beverages.\" He looks down. \"But please don't hurt the graceful creature.\" He pats you on the back and is gone.\"\n\nA small hallway, brightly lit by a row of neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens west into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\nYour steps don't make any sound on the the thick, red carpet.\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the drawers",
"response": "A chest of drawers, some cheap, flashy IKEA thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the chest of drawers, revealing a sticker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sticker",
"response": "A small, rectangular sticker, reading: \"HAUL-ALL AIR MAIL. Just slap this sticker on anything in the Outdoors you want to have delivered, and we will use our perfectly legal and ethical GPS locator and grab it before you know it.\" Looks like Paul postponed sending the Christmas present for his hated Uncle Wally again, because his address is already on the sticker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na sticker",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the small door",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.\n\nThere is a Sugar glider nuclear shelter here.\n\nA big box of fire works for later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shelter",
"response": "A nuclear shelter for Pauls mum's pet sugar glider. You might call her overprotective and stupid. She was, towards Paul, including that classic line: \"Have you tried not being gay?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tools",
"response": "Every shelf carries its own heap of rusty, quite useless tools.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open shelter",
"response": "You open the Nuclear shelter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "The Nuclear shelter is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about the greatly anticipated \"Bedtime story.\"\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the purses",
"response": "Most people arrived directly from last-minute College courses and brought their stuff with them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about the tom waits",
"response": "You have to save this party before you can participate in the idle chat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tv",
"response": "It's one of those big, plasma things. Pauls parents bought it in Paris, and they had some trouble getting it connected. It's currently switched off, because some joker hid the remote.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn tv on",
"response": "Not possible without the remote.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in, but also has the battery in it. That's just wasteful on the batteries life span. Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music. Right now, it's playing:\"Ode to Joy\" from Beethoven's 9th\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the battery",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA long paste table is standing here. A white table-cloth has been draped over it, to give it some glamour. The result, contrary to IF conventions, is quite good. Champagne glasses are arranged on it in neat rows.\n\nOn the table is a glass of champagne.\n\nA Thomson's gazelle is standing here, swaying a bit, gently licking Champagne from the long glasses.\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.They shot occasional glances at the gazelle, but weirder things happen at parties in this part of town.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the sticker on gazelle",
"response": "Carefully approaching the gazelle, you gently slap the sticker on its black stripe.\nYou take a step back, hit \"z\" a few times, and soon hear the sound of a helicopter approaching. It hovers over the party, blowing drinks off the table and leaves into the pool. It then lowers a metallic claw and gently grasps the gazelle, who is to drunk to be scared. She shakes her heard and lookes down at you with those dull eyes, then she is heaved away and out of sight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA long paste table is standing here. A white table-cloth has been draped over it, to give it some glamour. The result, contrary to IF conventions, is quite good. Champagne glasses are arranged on it in neat rows.\n\nOn the table is a glass of champagne.\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Pool",
"response": "A small, pool, lacking a ladder of similiar equipment. It's just a huge body of water, trapped by greenish, ugly tiles.\n\nThe shoulder-bag is drifting around in the swimming pool.\n\nPaul appears by your side. \"Hey, thanks for the help! Now we can enjoy the party. I think I can even tolerate Mihanda.\"\nYou free yourself from his hug.\n\"Who?\"\n\"He is a Sri Lankan exchange student. I've met him some days ago and thought it would be funny to invite him. And tell him it's Halloween.\" He shrugs and smiles that cute little smile, and you find yourself unable to be angry with him.\n\"So, he's come as Mao and walks around the living room and shouts about the revolution. He even claims he has a bomb! Would you...?\"\nYou sigh.\nPaul says, \"Thanks. See you later.\" And he's off.\nYou start to wonder where he's hiding all the time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na battery",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the battery",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "You test the water and it's friggin\" far too hot to swim.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA long paste table is standing here. A white table-cloth has been draped over it, to give it some glamour. The result, contrary to IF conventions, is quite good. Champagne glasses are arranged on it in neat rows.\n\nOn the table is a glass of champagne.\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see a battery here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the Champagne",
"response": "No! As a daring adventure person, you know you have to keep your wits about you for the fiendish puzzles that lie ahead. (And the champagne is not a vital item in one of them.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the battery",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the battery",
"response": "It's a fully powered laptop battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the undergrowth",
"response": "Thick undergrowth. You think you glimpse something, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search it",
"response": "There is a switch in there somewhere. You fight your way through the underbrush, but all you discovered is an old chainsaw.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the chainsaw",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at it",
"response": "It's not the cool kind of big and loud and smoky chainsaw, but a safer, small one, for gardening purposes. Powered with electricity. It has an unusual plug, one you've never seen before. European, perhaps.Of course, the little \"CHARGE\" light is completly dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plug",
"response": "It's an unusal plug, which won't fit any sockets. (So, it wouldn't make sense to painfully have them implemented in every room.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wall",
"response": "Quite high. But climbable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"On the edge of a cliff\" by The Streets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about Textfyre.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see Mao here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Mao",
"response": "This guy makes an unconvincing Mao. And an unconvincing threat, for that matter. He is wearing something that vaguely resembles an Anime-junkies idea of a Mao suit. He is waving an obviously fake bomb around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bomb",
"response": "Oh wait. That's isn't a dud. It's the real thing! A bomb!! You're all doomed!!! You have to do something !!1! Quick !!1!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mao for the bomb",
"response": "\"Hey, how come nobody is the least bit worried about the bomb?\"\n\"People don't see what they can't believe is there.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mao about the bomb",
"response": "\"Uhm, can't we all just get along?\"\n\"No, I will bomb you capitalists to hell!\"\n\n(Actually, don't sweat it. You can't die in this game.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take bomb",
"response": "You don't dare go for the bomb. What if he activates it? You're changes of getting laid will decrease radically once you're blown to bits.\n\n(Well, you can, but it's an easter egg.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bomb",
"response": "You don't dare go for the bomb. What if he activates it? You're changes of getting laid will decrease radically once you're blown to bits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss mao",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Mao laid",
"response": "(lacerating would be more appropriate)\nThe chainsaw isn't running.\n\nI only understood you as far as wanting to get Mao.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens west into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\nYour steps don't make any sound on the the thick, red carpet.\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Paul has forbidden any entrance for either you or anyone else to the rest of the House for the night. Aside from a a seductive \"Maybe later, when we're alone\", that is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about how some singers suck, even though their songs are great.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see Mao here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"\"Sober\" by P!nk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "chainsaw: Dropped.\nbattery: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wall",
"response": "Quite high. But climbable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cart",
"response": "The golf cart is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.\n\nYou can see a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plank",
"response": "A wooden plank.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the plank",
"response": "Prodding up the plank, you build a make-shift ramp...again.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nThe plank is prodded against the wall, a make-shift ramp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You could jump the golf cart into the pool, and it would be fun, but no. No. Paul would not be amused.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Hilltop (in the golf cart)\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Entrance Gate (in the golf cart)\nA metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Gate",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (empty) here.\n\nBut you aren't in anything at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nThe plank is prodded against the wall, a make-shift ramp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na plank",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA long paste table is standing here. A white table-cloth has been draped over it, to give it some glamour. The result, contrary to IF conventions, is quite good. Champagne glasses are arranged on it in neat rows.\n\nOn the table is a glass of champagne.\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see a battery and a chainsaw here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chainsaw",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"All the she wants\" by Ace of Base.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wires",
"response": "That can't contain things.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plug",
"response": "It's an unusal plug, which won't fit any sockets. (So, it wouldn't make sense to painfully have them implemented in every room.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "They are weighted down with the buffet.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"Cheeseshop\" by David Welbourn\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the speakers",
"response": "Small...speakers. Connected the ... laptop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the food",
"response": "(first taking Food)\nNOM! NOM! NOM! (There is still much food left.).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na battery\na chainsaw",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "Partygoers: I don't suppose Partygoers would care for that.\nlaptop: Removing the music won't improve the party.\nbenches: That's hardly portable.\nFood: NOM! NOM! NOM! (There is still much food left.).\nspeakers: And neither will removing just the speakers, thank you very much.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Pool",
"response": "A small, pool, lacking a ladder of similiar equipment. It's just a huge body of water, trapped by greenish, ugly tiles.\n\nThe shoulder-bag is drifting around in the swimming pool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "table: That's fixed in place.\nThe lazy people: I don't suppose The lazy people would care for that. champagne: No! As a daring adventure person, you know you have to keep your wits about you for the fiendish puzzles that lie ahead. (And the champagne is not a vital item in one of them.)\nundergrowth: That's hardly portable.\nwall: That's hardly portable.\npool.: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search table",
"response": "On the table is a glass of champagne.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Champagne",
"response": "Some glasses of Champagne.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the people",
"response": "They're just people.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"\"Sober\" by P!nk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about how you really shouldn't code late at night, because there comes a point where you can't think of anything funny anymore.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see Mao here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mao about the revolution",
"response": "\"Can we talk about this?\"\n\"Nope.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the backpacks",
"response": "Most people arrived directly from last-minute College courses and brought their stuff with them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the couches",
"response": "The fake leather couches look quite comfortable.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about the upcoming Citizen Kane prequels.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see Mao here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Mao",
"response": "This guy makes an unconvincing Mao. And an unconvincing threat, for that matter. He is wearing something that vaguely resembles an Anime-junkies idea of a Mao suit. He is waving an obviously fake bomb around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bomb",
"response": "Oh wait. That's isn't a dud. It's the real thing! A bomb!! You're all doomed!!! You have to do something !!1! Quick !!1!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You follow you",
"response": "\"All these people are innocent!\"\n\"What, I have to kill a bunch of virgins?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Mao about Pool",
"response": "\"Hey, Mao was Chinese!\"\n\"Whatever, there are cats that look like Hitler!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Mao about the bomb",
"response": "\"Can we talk about this?\"\n\"Nope.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the purses",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get purses",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about the greatly anticipated \"Bedtime story.\"\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see Mao here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens west into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\nYour steps don't make any sound on the the thick, red carpet.\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the carpet",
"response": "It's thick and red.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Paul has forbidden any entrance for either you or anyone else to the rest of the House for the night. Aside from a a seductive \"Maybe later, when we're alone\", that is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the carpet",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the small door or the front door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the small door",
"response": "A small door. Somewhat non-descript.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the small door",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.\n\nThere is a Sugar glider nuclear shelter here.\n\nA big box of fire works for later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "Nuclear shelter: Oof! It's too heavy.\nbox of fireworks: No, it's,as I think was already mentioned, for later.\nTools: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Shelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.\n\nThere is a Sugar glider nuclear shelter here.\n\nA big box of fire works for later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shelves",
"response": "Every shelf carries its own heap of rusty, quite useless tools.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the front door",
"response": "You hesitate. What if there is nothing outside? What if your world is in reality small and underimplented? Is that really worth finding out? You pull back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut it",
"response": "(lacerating would be more appropriate)\nYou've learned from experience that destroying the household isn't considered rebelious these days, and therefore doesn't increase your chance of getting laid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the plug",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about why Doom III is the greatest game ever and people who don't like it just have no idea of gaming.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see Mao here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"All the she wants\" by Ace of Base.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look under the tv",
"response": "The TV is connected via an UPC (Universal Power converter) to the socket. You pocket the UPC, it might be handy. Just as you pull out the cable, someone seems to have found the remote, because the TV switches on for a few seconds, proclaiming: \"UFO's attack major cities!\" Now you're glad you pulled it. Nobody needs that 50s sci-fi geek crap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan UPC\na battery\na chainsaw",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach UPC to the chainsaw",
"response": "You attach the UPC to the chainsaw. All it needs now is a power source.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine UPC",
"response": "The UPC not only sound like something out of Star Wars, but also has that cheap yet charming proplike-quality to it. You know, it could've been in the movie for 3 second, not even properly named, but whole book cycles in the EU would be spend concerning it's usefulness and history, only to be squashed by a throw-away line in the prequels. Kinda sad, come to think of it. That sad, french quality. Like kissing a lost love in the rain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the chainsaw to UPC",
"response": "You can only attach the UPC to other things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the battery to the chainsaw",
"response": "The battery fit snugly onto the UPC. Grinning like the Doomguy, you give the start button a short squeeze. The low hum is a bit disappointing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Maul",
"response": "Enter saved game to store: Ok.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Maul mao",
"response": "(lacerating would be more appropriate)\nYou casually walk into the living room, then suddenly run towards Mao, swinging the chainsaw and shouting: \"AAAAAAAAH!\" Somehow on the couch says: \"Hey, that idiot's come as Leatherface!\" Rethinking your choice of facial lotion, you cut the baffled Mao in half and quickly shove him and the chainsaw under one of the couches. You learned after last time that hiding the evidence is important. (Well, hiding it at the Crime Scene might not be a good idea.) You can't help but murmur: \"Looks like heeee was a real red\" and wish you had sunglasses.\" Then you notice a ticking and pick up the still wet bomb.\nSome people seem worried, but after some pothead shouts: \"Hey, nice performance art!\" everything returns to normal.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bomb",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens west into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\nYour steps don't make any sound on the the thick, red carpet.\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the small door",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.\n\nThere is a Sugar glider nuclear shelter here.\n\nA big box of fire works for later.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light fireworks",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put bomb in box",
"response": "That can't contain things.\n\nTIC! TOC! TIC!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bomb in shelter",
"response": "You put the bomb into the Nuclear shelter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close shelter",
"response": "Imagine 9746 z's. Imagine 9746 presses of enter. Finally, there is a muffled \"Boom!\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open shelter",
"response": "You open the Nuclear shelter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "The Nuclear shelter is empty.\n\nSuddenly, Paul appears.\n\"What happened to Mihanda?\"\n\"He split.\" \"Anyway, you're not gonna believe this! There is an UFO IN THE GARDEN! They are EVERYWHERE! They're attacking Cities ALL OVER THE WORLD! Even in Europe!!! Humanity is doomed!!! Nobody cares about my party anymore! \"\n\"I'll look into it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about THE FRIGGIN\" UFO IN THE GARDEN!\"\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"It's the end of the world as we know it\", \"Purple People Eater\" and \"Also sprach Zarathustra\" on endless repeat.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA friggin\" 50s sci-fi geek crap silver UFO is hovering above the pool.\n\nScorched corpses lie around here, splattered on the chairs, some just ashy remains. You feel bad, but it sure does smell like barbeque.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at UFO",
"response": "It's made of some seamless metal, and apart from its existence and the implications, it's rather boring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut UFO",
"response": "(lacerating would be more appropriate)\nUnfortunately, your wit isn't that sharp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan UFO",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show UFO to the people",
"response": "The crowd of people is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat UFO",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nScorched corpses lie around here, splattered on the chairs, some just ashy remains. You feel bad, but it sure does smell like barbeque.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "In the Swimming Pool (swimming)\nYou are surrounded by clear, cold water.\n\nYou can see a shoulder-bag (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bag",
"response": "It's a water-proof shoulder-bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the bag",
"response": "(first taking the shoulder-bag)\nYou can't reach it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the breath",
"response": "You hold your breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dive",
"response": "You dive down and grab the shoulder bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nScorched corpses lie around here, splattered on the chairs, some just ashy remains. You feel bad, but it sure does smell like barbeque.\n\nYou can also see an UFO here.\n\nYou can't hold your breath any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open bag",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the bag",
"response": "You put on the shoulder-bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nThe plank is prodded against the wall, a make-shift ramp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Gate",
"response": "It's a lovely gate, the club's motto \"Nos es superbus nostri balls!\" engraved above it. (Yes, it has a stone arc, but that's unimportant.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nScorched corpses lie around here, splattered on the chairs, some just ashy remains. You feel bad, but it sure does smell like barbeque.\n\nYou can also see an UFO here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop. It's plugged in.Wires connect it to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"It's the end of the world as we know it\", \"Purple People Eater\" and \"Also sprach Zarathustra\" on endless repeat.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV's. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about THE FRIGGIN\" UFO IN THE GARDEN!\"\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open small",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.\n\nThere is a Sugar glider nuclear shelter here.\n\nA big box of fire works for now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the box",
"response": "Yes, these might come in handy now.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the box in the bag",
"response": "You put the box of fireworks into the shoulder-bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nScorched corpses lie around here, splattered on the chairs, some just ashy remains. You feel bad, but it sure does smell like barbeque.\n\nYou can also see an UFO here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nThe plank is prodded against the wall, a make-shift ramp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cart",
"response": "You'd have to get out of the golf cart first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the box",
"response": "Yes, these might come in handy now.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "In the Air (in the golf cart)\nThe golf cart gains top speed as you rush down the hill! (About 13 mph). Tongue between your lips, you manage to steer it onto the plank, and woosh- you're flying high into the sky, straight towards the UFO!\n\nIn the golf cart you can see a box of fireworks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You jump out of the cart and into the poolabove you, the UFO explodes in a huge, colorful fireball, as if cast by an epic mage on drugs. Debris rain down around you. Luckily, everyone in the pool area was already dead. A few moments of that eerie underwater silence pass, then Paul pulls you out of the water. He has to scream, because some houses in the neighborhood are burning. There are fire engines in the distance. Then the real fireworks start.\nPaul wipes the wet hair from your forehead, his warm hand scorching on your cold skin, his eyes dark with worry.\n\"Some idiot flew a golf cart into the UFO. I wonder how he knew\nsomeone destroyed all their force field with country music only 10 minutes ago.\"\nYou shrug. It feels good, resting on Pauls lap.\nHe strokes your face absent- mindedly.\n\"You know, with all this alien-tech lying around, it's gonna be an interesting year, 2009.\"\nYou smile and close your eyes. \"But first things first. Let's get you out of those wet clothes. Hey, are those bloodstains?\"",
"endoftext": true
] | usdy3xjxvvk9t8yw |
Krakatoa Tuna Melt | David Welbourn | [] | [
"cover art",
"culinary theme",
"Speed-IF 10^-9",
"SpeedIF December 2002",
] | 2,002 | [
] | 4 | 2.75 | 20090503 | false | An interactive cookin' disaster. Twelve locations. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Biff Bradclaw smoothes back his slick greasy hair one more time before posing in front of the television camera, and says:\n\n\"Welcome to Episode Seven of Krakatoa Survivor Challenge! It's a gorgeous day on the tropical island of Krakatoa, not a cloud in the sky. Although there's plenty of smoke from that volcano, ha ha ha!\n\n\"Our current champion\" -- he points to you, applause -- \"is being challenged by our newest contenders, Kari Knott, a waitress from Toledo,\" -- applause -- \"and Russ Rohoho, a late night talk show host from Honolulu.\" More applause.\n\n\"And the challenge is ...\" Biff checks his cue card. \"Hey, Kari, this should be easy for you. The challenge is to make a tuna melt sandwich from the native materials on the island! Find some tuna, cheese, and bread, put 'em together and cook it, then bring it back to the camp! Whoever brings their sandwich back first, wins!\"\n\n(and before you ask, it took me closer to two days to write, not two hours)\n\n\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ, Kari and Biff here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Russ",
"response": "Russ Rohoho is an attractive forty-something with his Hawaiian and Italian mixed heritage. His late night talk show, \"Luau Fever\", is supposedly very popular in Hawaii, but of course he'd say that.\n\nKari whispers a question to Biff, who shakes his head.\n\nRuss looks at you suspiciously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Kari",
"response": "Kari Knott is a moderately attractive dirty-blonde girl from Toledo, Ohio. Although she's only 23, she's already got that bleary-eyed look from working too many late night shifts at Pepe's Diner.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.\n\nKari whispers a question to Biff, who shakes his head.\n\nRuss takes the northwest path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're the current champion of \"Krakatoa Survivor Challenge\", and if you want to remain champion, you need to make a tuna melt sandwich as quickly as possible and bring it back to camp.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari heads south to the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Biff",
"response": "Biff Bradclaw is the ever-smiling host of the show, and has the blackest, greasiest hair you've ever seen. Eeww. You can't imagine what the girls back home see in him; he's such an obvious phony.\n\nRuss emerges from the forest to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy it.\n\nSomeone has discarded a bag of popcorn here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the popcorn",
"response": "It's a half-eaten bag of popcorn.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Biff here.\n\nKari emerges from the forest to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ocean",
"response": "The water is clear as clear can be. You can even see some tuna fish swimming in its depths.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\n\nKari wanders in from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nKari looks in the lagoon with interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You catch the fish",
"response": "You'll have to tell me how to do that.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.\n\nSuddenly, Kari stabs a long pointy fish into the water, and snares a fish! She looks rather pleased with herself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fish",
"response": "You can't just take the fish from the lagoon! You have to catch one, somehow.\n\nKari heads back to camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Kari and Biff here.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nKari looks at you suspiciously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible, right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the volcano, and the camp lies east.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Milk cow",
"response": "Pumping vigourously, you fill... wait a minute. What are you putting this milk in?\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bag",
"response": "It's a half-eaten bag of popcorn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the popcorn",
"response": "You're not that hungry. And it's probably stale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bag",
"response": "It's a half-eaten bag of popcorn.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cow",
"response": "I don't suppose the cows and sheep would care for that.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nRuss heads south to the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-east",
"response": "A sparse looking village, but the \"El Bakery\" on the north side looks most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and paths lead southwest and south.\n\nIn the center of the village is a cannon.\n\nAttached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.\n\nSome litterbug has left a gigantic pop bottle here.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pop bottle",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "It's one of those new five liter pop bottles. For when you're really really thristy.The five liter bottle is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cannon",
"response": "The heavy iron cannon is a relic from history, once used to repel pirates from Krakatoa's shores. Its muzzle points up and east over the ocean, but it's not empty. There's a bamboo structure inside it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the structure",
"response": "It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the structure",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the structure",
"response": "It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the box",
"response": "It's a mysterious black box all right. The only clue to what it is are the words \"Frobozz Magic Mini Nuke\" in bright yellow letters on the top.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "The black box opens easily. In the black box is a glowing green crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "That's fixed in place.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the crystal",
"response": "Taken.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crystal",
"response": "It's a crystal. It's glowing and green. I dunno what it is. Kryptonite? (yeah, right)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cannon",
"response": "The heavy iron cannon is a relic from history, once used to repel pirates from Krakatoa's shores. Its muzzle points up and east over the ocean, but it's not empty. There's a bamboo structure inside it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light cannon",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the cannon on",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.\n\nThe baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.\n\nIn one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.\n\nYou can also see a baguette here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na five liter bottle (which is empty)\na bag of popcorn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat baby",
"response": "(first taking baby)\nI don't suppose baby would care for that.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the bread",
"response": "You buy a nice baguette.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the baguette",
"response": "It's a baguette, a nice loaf of bread for a nice sandwich, and one of the ingredients you'll need for your tuna melt.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake baby",
"response": "No one is asleep.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the baker",
"response": "The baker is wearing a strange green tropical outfit. You can tell it's tropical by the large sun emblem on his chest. He's also wearing a headband instead of the expected chef's hat.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.\n\nThe baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.\n\nIn one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A sparse looking village, but the \"El Bakery\" on the north side looks most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and paths lead southwest and south.\n\nIn the center of the village is a cannon.\n\nAttached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.\n\nYou can also see Russ here.\n\nRuss enters the forest, to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nThere's a fallen branch from one of those unclimbable trees on the ground here.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the branch",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari enters from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the branch",
"response": "It's a pointy stick about three feet long.\n\nKari ventures deeper into the forest, towards the volcano.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.\n\nKari emerges from the forest, to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dead sheep",
"response": "This poor little lamb has lost its way. (baa baa baa)\nIt tripped and fell, and here he'll stay. (baa baa baa)\nA predator ate its flesh away. (baa baa baa)\nAnd now its stomach greets the day. (baa baa baa)\n\nYeah. You can see its stomach. Ick.\n\nKari looks sadly at the dead lamb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the stomach",
"response": "You'll need to cut the stomach free, first.\n\nKari looks sadly at the dead lamb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine stomach",
"response": "It's a dried sheep stomach. Gross. In the stomach is a quantity of rennet.\n\nKari rubs something out of her eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take rennet",
"response": "You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without taking the container it's already in.)\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari leaves you, and goes south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cut stomach",
"response": "With what?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle (which is empty)\na bag of popcorn\n\nRuss enters from the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the stomach with the crystal",
"response": "You'll need a more suitable cutting tool than that.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nRuss takes the southeast path back to camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the rennet in the bag",
"response": "You need to be holding the quantity of rennet before you can put it into something else.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the stomach with the stick",
"response": "You'll need a more suitable cutting tool than that.\n\nRuss enters from the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they provide some welcome shade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous. It's just a suggestion, but you probably shouldn't stay here longer than you absolutely must. Unless you want to melt. Literally.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the crystal in the volcano",
"response": "You throw the glowing green crystal into the volcano, and it's gone forever. Unfortunately, the crystal has, shall we say, an adverse effect on our friend the volcano. Don't worry, though. The volcano doesn't erupt. But the crystal starts a chain reaction that makes THE ENTIRE WORLD EXPLODE!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Enter",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Please give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "[Previous turn undone.]\n\nYou're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Insanely, you jump into the Krakatoa's fiery cauldron, despite the fact that you are not a polynesian virgin sacrifice. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it has no time to mock your stupidity, since the entire world explodes shortly thereafter. (What was that crystal, anyway?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle (which is empty)\na bag of popcorn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they provide some welcome shade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You emerge out of the forest into ...\n\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nRuss whispers a question to Biff, who nods.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Biff",
"response": "Biff Bradclaw is the ever-smiling host of the show, and has the blackest, greasiest hair you've ever seen. Eeww. You can't imagine what the girls back home see in him; he's such an obvious phony.\n\nRuss whispers a question to Biff, who shakes his head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Russ",
"response": "Russ Rohoho is an attractive forty-something with his Hawaiian and Italian mixed heritage. His late night talk show, \"Luau Fever\", is supposedly very popular in Hawaii, but of course he'd say that.\n\nRuss heads south to the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Biff about Russ",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nRuss enters from the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search biff",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.\n\nRuss heads south to the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible, right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the volcano, and the camp lies east.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nRuss arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Milk cow",
"response": "Pumping vigourously, you fill the five liter bottle with a large quantity of milk. (About five liters. More or less.)\n\nRuss looks at the cows with interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the milk",
"response": "You're more of a wine and cheese person. You like your milk somewhat thicker and denser, if you know what I mean.\n\nRuss studies the sheep, thoughtfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Biff here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You head north into the ...\nDeep Forest\nYou're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rennet",
"response": "Cheesemakers know that rennet contains rennin, a milk-curdling enzyme used in making cheese. For some reason, this isn't common knowledge to cheese eaters. But you know now, right?\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rennet",
"response": "You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without taking the container it's already in.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the sheep",
"response": "You are *not* going to carry an entire dead lamb about the island.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nA rustling in the forest floor alerts you to Kari's entrance, as she arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You emerge out of the forest into ...\n\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Biff here.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to the horizon.\n\nYou can see Russ here.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\n\nRuss heads back to camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You catch the fish",
"response": "You'll have to tell me how to do that.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nRuss arrives from the camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You catch the fish with the stick",
"response": "You thrust your pointy stick at the swimming fish, but the refraction of the clear water fools you, and your stabs miss their mark. Bubbles rise from the fishes' tiny lips like tiny fishy giggles.\n\nRuss heads back to camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You thrust your pointy stick at the swimming fish, but the refraction of the clear water fools you, and your stabs miss their mark.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari arrives from the camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari strides off east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "You dive into the lagoon, grabbing wildly at the swimming fish. The water seems to boil as you churn up the water in vain. But when you come up for air, there's a fish caught in -- no, it flops of your shirt back into the lagoon. Damn!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the popcorn to the fish",
"response": "You cleverly drop some of the popcorn into the water, and easily grab one of the fish when they pop up their heads to eat it.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\n\nRuss wanders in from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fish",
"response": "(the swimming tuna fish)\nA school of tuna fish are swimming in the sparkling clear lagoon waters. Tempting you.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nRuss walks west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fresh tuna fish\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tuna",
"response": "(the swimming tuna fish)\nA school of tuna fish are swimming in the sparkling clear lagoon waters. Tempting you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fresh tuna",
"response": "It's a freshly-caught funa tish. I mean, it's a freshly-caught tuna fish. One of the ingredients you'll need for your tuna melt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nRuss takes the northwest path.\n\nA grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible, right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the volcano, and the camp lies east.\n\nYou can see Kari here.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nKari looks at the cows with interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fresh tuna fish\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn\n\nKari looks at the cows with interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nRuss whispers a question to Biff, who nods.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fresh tuna fish\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\n\nRuss wanders in from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Hm. A swim would be nice, but can't really justify doing that right here and now.\n\nRuss looks at the volcano, worriedly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Biff here.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nRuss walks in from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You head north into the ...\nDeep Forest\nYou're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they provide some welcome shade.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the milk to the sheep",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sheep",
"response": "This poor little lamb has lost its way. (baa baa baa)\nIt tripped and fell, and here he'll stay. (baa baa baa)\nA predator ate its flesh away. (baa baa baa)\nAnd now its stomach greets the day. (baa baa baa)\n\nYeah. You can see its stomach. Ick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stomach",
"response": "It's a dried sheep stomach. Gross. In the stomach is a quantity of rennet.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "You'll need to cut the stomach free, first.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\n\nThis lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the milk in the sheep",
"response": "You need to be holding the large quantity of milk before you can put it into something else.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they provide some welcome shade.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lava",
"response": "Think of the volcano as a very large, natural fondue pot. Except that it's rock fondue, not cheese fondue down there.\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the lava",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nYou pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rock",
"response": "It's a piece of obsidian with a sharp edge. I think we'll call it... knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "Well, hey, volcanic rock. Sure, let's take a rock!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the knife",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they provide some welcome shade.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the stomach with the knife",
"response": "Using the sharp rock, you manage to saw the stomach free of the dead sheep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine knife",
"response": "It's a piece of obsidian with a sharp edge. I think we'll call it... knife.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rennet",
"response": "You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without taking the container it's already in.)\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the stomach",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible, right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the volcano, and the camp lies east.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to the horizon.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Hm. A swim would be nice, but can't really justify doing that right here and now.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ, Kari and Biff here.\n\nKari searches the camp.\n\nRuss takes the west path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible, right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the volcano, and the camp lies east.\n\nYou can see Russ here.\n\nRuss heads back east to camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nKari enters from the lagoon.\n\nRuss heads south to the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You head north into the ...\nDeep Forest\nYou're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A sparse looking village, but the \"El Bakery\" on the north side looks most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and paths lead southwest and south.\n\nIn the center of the village is a cannon.\n\nAttached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.\n\nThe baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.\n\nIn one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.\n\nThe baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.\n\nIn one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy it.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the rocketship",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.\n\nKari arrives from the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "That's not something you can open.\n\nKari wanders off, south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rocketship",
"response": "It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.\n\nThe baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.\n\nIn one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the baker",
"response": "The baker is wearing a strange green tropical outfit. You can tell it's tropical by the large sun emblem on his chest. He's also wearing a headband instead of the expected chef's hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get baby",
"response": "I don't suppose baby would care for that.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake baby",
"response": "No one is asleep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the crystal to the baby",
"response": "baby is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the baby",
"response": "Nothing is on sale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the baby",
"response": "The baby boy is sleeping soundly, and who wouldn't, comfortably wrapped in three large blankets?\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na stomach\na quantity of rennet\na sharp rock\na fresh tuna fish\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle\na large quantity of milk\na bag of popcorn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rennet",
"response": "You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without taking the container it's already in.)\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.\n\nThe baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.\n\nIn one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A sparse looking village, but the \"El Bakery\" on the north side looks most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and paths lead southwest and south.\n\nIn the center of the village is a cannon.\n\nAttached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.\n\nYou can also see Kari here.\n\nKari studies the cannon, carefully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nKari wanders off, south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy it.\n\nYou can see Kari here.\n\nKari scans the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Hm. A swim would be nice, but can't really justify doing that right here and now.\n\nKari decides to go south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to the horizon.\n\nYou can see Kari here.\n\nKari heads back to camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "If you want to swim, just say so.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ, Kari and Biff here.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nKari looks at you suspiciously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to the horizon.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible, right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the volcano, and the camp lies east.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to the horizon.\n\nYou can see Russ here.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nRuss walks west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nRuss takes the northwest path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nRuss enters from the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nYou pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This hidden clearing near the base of the mountain might be unremarkable except that it's the current home of a large glass bubble and a most unusual man.\n\n\"Mon dieu!\" exclaims the man, as he rushes to greet you.\n\nThere is some confusion, since he speaks only French, and you speak only English, but he manages to tell you his name, Emil Petit, and then he scratches the number 1888 on the ground, pointing to the bubble and himself, frantically. What does he mean? Is he trying to say that he's from 1888, and a time traveler?\n\nAs if to prove it, he tosses some grapes into the bubble and pushes a white button. In an instant, the grapes age into raisins! He then stifles a sob, and removes the raisins from the bubble. I guess the bubble isn't supposed to work that way.\n\nThen Emil shows points out a green crystal in the controls and asks you a question. You shake your head in confusion, and he sadly shakes his head in return.\n\nYou can see Emil and a glass bubble (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the milk in the bubble",
"response": "You pour the milk into the time bubble (glug, glug, glug). Emil opens his mouth, then closes it again, and says nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the rennet in the bubble",
"response": "You pour the rennet into the time bubble, and toss the sheep's stomach away. Emil watches you curiously. The rennet and milk combine, resulting in exquisitely curdled milk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the controls",
"response": "The white button is labelled \"activateur\".\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the button",
"response": "You push the white button. It's a miracle! The curdled milk rapidly ages, and turns into cheese!\n\n\"C'est fromage!\" Emil cries out in wonder.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cheese",
"response": "With a trembling hand, you extract the slab of cheese from the bubble, solemnly break it in two, and give half to Emil. Staring at his half of the cheese, tears running down his face, he blesses you, and then, in a startling display of emotion, kisses both of your cheeks, crying, \"Merci! Merci beaucoup!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss emil",
"response": "But there's hidden tv cameras all over the place! It's not worth the risk.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na slab of cheese\na sharp rock\na fresh tuna fish\na pointy stick\na glowing green crystal\na baguette\na five liter bottle (which is empty)\na bag of popcorn\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the crystal to Emil",
"response": "(the glowing green crystal to Emil)\n\"Sacrebleu!\" Emil exclaims, as he grabs the glowing crystal from your hand, and replaces the broken crystal with it. Muttering excitedly, he fiddles with controls.\n\nThen, Emil takes a deep breath, pushes the white button and hops into the bubble. One heart beat, two, then the bubble vanishes!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You slice the bread",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Debone tuna",
"response": "With what?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You debone the tuna with the knife",
"response": "You use the sharp rock to debone the tuna.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the tuna on the bread",
"response": "You put the deboned tuna on the bread.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cheese on the bread",
"response": "You layer the cheese over the tuna. Looking good!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The forest paths confuse you and you return to the clearing. (Psst, go south.)\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they provide some welcome shade.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.\n\nThe ground shakes, slightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na sharp rock\na pointy stick\na baguette\na five liter bottle (which is empty)\na bag of popcorn\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bread on the stick",
"response": "Putting things on the pointy stick would achieve nothing.\n\nYou pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into the forest to the south.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bread",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "You waste a few precious minutes.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\nYou waste a few precious minutes.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\nYou waste a few precious minutes.\nYou waste a few precious minutes.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous.\n\nYou can see a baguette here.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the baguette",
"response": "Your tuna melt sandwich is complete! Now take it back to the camp!\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the baguette",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.\n\nYou pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano. The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit dangerous.\n\nYou can see a baguette here.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nGah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the baguette",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nYour blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na baguette\na sharp rock\na pointy stick\na five liter bottle (which is empty)\na bag of popcorn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the baguette",
"response": "Your tuna melt sandwich is complete! Now take it back to the camp!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You emerge out of the forest into ...\n\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Biff here.\n\nYou hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sandwich to Biff",
"response": "\"Is it? It is! A tuna melt! Ladies, and gentlemen, we have a winnah! Anything you'd like to say to the folks at home?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the baguette",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Milk biff",
"response": "Er, you can only milk female mammals. Did you skip biology class the week they covered that?\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nRuss walks in from the east.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "\"Challenge\" Camp\nThe \"Challenge\" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.\n\nYou can see Russ and Biff here.\n\nKari walks in from the west.\n\nRuss takes the west path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Milk kari",
"response": "Oh, that wouldn't be very polite. Not At All.\n\nKari heads south to the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You milk yourself",
"response": "Er, you can only milk female mammals. Did you skip biology class the week they covered that?\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari enters from the lagoon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more pleasant areas are south and southeast.\n\nRuss emerges from the forest, to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sheep",
"response": "This poor little lamb has lost its way. (baa baa baa)\nIt tripped and fell, and here he'll stay. (baa baa baa)\nA predator ate its flesh away. (baa baa baa)\nIts stomach, too, has gone astray. (baa baa baa)\n\nThe volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.\n\nRuss rubs something out of his eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no climbable branches in reach.\n\nYou can see Kari here.\n\nThere's a brief tremor, then it passes.\n\nKari ventures deeper into the forest, towards the volcano.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tree",
"response": "You can't climb them. Honestly. And you don't need to. You think cheese grows on trees? Or tuna? Or bread?\n\nA parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.\n\nA rustling in the forest floor alerts you to Kari's entrance, as she arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": true
] | b6fz0awms527hja0 |
Space Suit | Andrew Schultz | [
] | [
"based on songs",
"cover art",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 4 | 2.75 | 20120602 | false | A game with no talking and a canonical puzzle. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "yet)\n\nSpace Suit -- Episode 38 of the Apollo 18 Tribute Album by Andrew\nSchultz\n\n6/12N)\n\nboggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nA protective spacesuit hangs on a pedestal. Well, you'd guess it's\nprotective, since it doesn't look very fashionable.\n\n[Type ABOUT to find out more about this game, or CREDITS to find out\nmore about people who helped make it, or make it better.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "yet)\n\nJeans and a t-shirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou leave the center for more a wide-open area with less to see, do\nand take. But hey, you can always come back.\n\nThere are glowing walls to the east and north here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the walls",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wall",
"response": "yet)\n\nWhich do you mean, the west wall, the east wall, the south wall, the\nnorth wall or the wall?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the north wall",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou don't see anything special.\nIt's too far away to see at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou are carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "yet)\n\nYour skin begins tingling as you approach the wall. Radiaton? Heat?\nYou're not sure. Even though it appears malleable, you don't trust\nyourself to make it through as is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch east wall",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou feel nothing unexpected.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere's a picture of various Pythagorean triangles, size determined by\nnotches-3/4/5, 5/12/13, and so forth.\n\nThere's a picture of a top spinning around. It seems to be about to\nfall--it's at a close angle to the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere are glowing walls to the south and east here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nIt's a list of riddles that make sense once you know the answer, but\nyou're glad there wasn't a gnome that made you bet your life on them.\n\nyour attention more, anyway--but what's it doing here?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine hunter",
"response": "yet)\n\nSeems like an anachronism...or maybe a hint?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere are glowing walls to the south and west here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the west wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere's a picture of a big long maze. You begin puzzling your way\nthrough it, starting at the bit marked \"end\" and trying to block out\nvarious dead ends.\n\nBelow the maze, there's a picture of a kite trailing its owner at a\nforty-five degree angle--must be windy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere are glowing walls to the west and north here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou see a stick figure holding an opaque umbrella at an angle. Also,\nthere appears to be an impromptu treatise on tic-tac-toe strategy, but\nyou have nobody to play it with. Rats.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "yet)\n\nboggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nA protective spacesuit hangs on a pedestal. Well, you'd guess it's\nprotective, since it doesn't look very fashionable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spacesuit",
"response": "yet)\n\nLargely white, with an opaque helmet and handy pockets for fitting\nscraps of paper in. It's got some weird dark LCD output on the chest\nwith a lever off to the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lcf",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lcd",
"response": "yet)\n\nIt's dark. You imagine there's a way to switch it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou should be wearing the spacesuit before doing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Suit",
"response": "yet)\n\nHmm. As you pick it up, a brochure falls off the pedestal and onto the\nfloor, and a small lead ball also falls from a sleeve onto the ground.\n\nYou also see the spacesuit was covering a couple of drawings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brochure",
"response": "yet)\n\nIn case the brochure has small print, you take it first.\n\nHmm. There's no actual writing. At the top, you see shows five lines\nin an S through a 3-by-3 square of dots...and a big red X through all\nthat. Below, there're four lines next to an intact 3-by-3 square.\nThere are a few more pages on the inside, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the brochure",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere're diagrams about spacesuit operation--likely, the one you're\nholding--and how it protects from radiation and heat and so forth. The\nwavy lines and fire are universal enough. No letters are needed. But\nyou don't see any dangers here, so maybe there's more useful later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ball",
"response": "yet)\n\nIt seems unremarkable. You wonder what it's for, and what to do with\nit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "yet)\n\nThis is more a puzzle than a treasure hunt. Besides, there aren't that\nmany items IN the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ball",
"response": "yet)\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the brochure",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou should be wearing the spacesuit before doing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Suit",
"response": "The suit fits comfortably.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "You might want to read the brochure...the center may not be the best\nplace to start recording your movements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the brochure",
"response": "There's a close-up of a lever on the side of the spacesuit. Two-way\narrows indicate that it detects bends, or changes in direction. You\nsee a few more pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the brochure",
"response": "You see a square of nine faces -- the middle frowny and red, the\nothers smiley and green. The northwest -- assuming north is up -- has\nlittle sunshiney rays around it. Maybe the last bit will be more\ninformative.\n\nHmph. Just a finger pointing at you, a brain with lines coming from it\n(it appears to have just jumped from a box,) and pictures of medals\nand ribbons. But there's a loose page behind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the loose page",
"response": "You rip the page from the brochure.\n\nwith a line through it--some poor stupid looking face is crossed out.\nThere's also someone wearing a spacesuit next to a crossed-out stick\nfigure that is not.\n\nThere's a big exclamation mark in the upper right-hand corner--a\npretty universal meaning. The slots on the left side are labeled A, B\nand C, from top to bottom (okay, they're unreadable glyphs. But you\nhave to call them SOMEthing.) On the right, there's D, which you\ndecide is a tab.\n\nB and D are parallel with the middle row, while A is close to the top\nrow, and C is close to the bottom row.\n\nWould you like to see a physical representation?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": ". . .\nA -\nB - . . . - D\nC -\n. . .",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "your spacesuit. Perhaps some places are better than others.\n\nThere are glowing walls to the east and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Hm. It's like some weird foamy turnstile.\n\nanything. But exploring may turn up some clues.\n\nYou're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "out.\n\nHmm. Switch the lever here? Technically, there's no rush.\n\nThere are glowing walls to the east and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You're used to this turnstile action by now.\n\nYou're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Nothing weird happens the second time on your way back, either.\n\nYou're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Here, you can only go south, southeast and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "There's no secret door behind the mural. You've found how to get\noutside the box, anyway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "boggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nThe pedestal you took the spacesuit from is here, too. It's prominent\nenough that you couldn't trip over it if you tried.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pedestal",
"response": "It's cylindrical, with an odd diagonal line down the side--you'd think\nit'd be straight up and down, but it's perpendicular to a ramp that\nseems to circle the outside.\n\nthe ramp, and you can see a couple drawings, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the drawings",
"response": "You see two pictures: one, a grid of nine dots, and another, a black\neight-pointed star with a big red X through its center. The star looks\nas below:\n\n* *\n|\\ /|\n| \\ / |\n\n\\ | / \\ | /\n\\|/ \\|/\n* *\n/|\\ /|\\\n/ | \\ / | \\\n\n| / \\ |\n|/ \\|\n* *",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ramp",
"response": "You can't actually touch inside it--it's covered all the way down. But\nit cuts a spiral through the cylindrical pedestal that winds around\nalmost three times before the hole at the bottom. The line cutting\nthrough the pedestal starts just to one side of the entry and to the\nother side of the exit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ball in the hole",
"response": "outside of the pedestal. After a half-minute, the ball rolls slowly\nout the bottom. You could pick it up and try again, if you want.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take ball",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ball in the hole",
"response": "It's fun to watch the ball roll down, but you doubt you're doing\nanything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You remember rolling a penny down a similar spiral at some toy store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Whee! Somehow, it never quite gets boring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "Okay, I lied. You start wondering what the ramp is there for, or what\nit's demonstrating.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You roll the ball down the ramp yet again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Twist ramp",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the northwest and west, or you can dither around\nto the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "You hear a hum, then a loud BEEP, from your spacesuit. You look down\nand notice the LCD output has begun to glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lcd",
"response": "The LCD output reads:\n\n- - - 0 / 4 -+\n- - - |\n- - - 0 / 9",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.\n\nYou hear a beep. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions three more\ntimes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southeast and south, or you can dither around\nto the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Switch lever",
"response": "You hear a grinding and whooshing as you start. You back off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the west and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing--they're even pulling your spacesuit towards them,\nslightly.\n\nYou hear two beeps. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions two more\ntimes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the west wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the south and west here, but they don't\nseem menacing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the northeast and north, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.\n\nYou hear three beeps. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the east and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing.\n\nYou hear four beeps. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions zero more\ntimes. Crunch time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the west and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing--they're even pulling your spacesuit towards them,\nslightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lcd",
"response": "The LCD output reads:\n\n* + + 4 / 4 -+\n+ - + |\n+ + - 7 / 9",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "boggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nThe pedestal you took the spacesuit from is here, too. It's prominent\nenough that you couldn't trip over it if you tried.\n\nYou can see a small lead ball here.\n\nA loud horn begins honking. You have made one too many turns with your\nspacesuit activated!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Suit",
"response": "(first taking the protective spacesuit)\nHmm. As you pick it up, a brochure falls off the pedestal and onto the\nfloor, and a small lead ball also falls from a sleeve onto the ground.\n\nYou also see the spacesuit was covering a couple of drawings.\n\nThe suit fits comfortably. You didn't need instructions to put the\nspacesuit on, but...maybe for what do to while you're in it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the brochure",
"response": "In case the brochure has small print, you take it first.\n\nHmm. There's no actual writing. At the top, you see shows five lines\nin an S through a 3-by-3 square of dots...and a big red X through all\nthat. Below, there're four lines next to an intact 3-by-3 square.\nThere are a few more pages on the inside, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "There're diagrams about spacesuit operation--likely, the one you're\nholding--and how it protects from radiation and heat and so forth. The\nwavy lines and fire are universal enough. No letters are needed. But\nyou don't see any dangers here, so maybe there's more useful later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "There's a close-up of a lever on the side of the spacesuit. Two-way\narrows indicate that it detects bends, or changes in direction. You\nsee a few more pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You see a square of nine faces -- the middle frowny and red, the\nothers smiley and green. The northeast -- assuming north is up -- has\nlittle sunshiney rays around it. Maybe the last bit will be more\ninformative.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Hmph. Just a finger pointing at you, a brain with lines coming from it\n(it appears to have just jumped from a box,) and pictures of medals\nand ribbons. But there's a loose page behind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the page",
"response": "It pulls out easily. It's got the three-by-three square of dots, but\nit also has four slots cut into the sides--three on one side, one on\nthe other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the page",
"response": "with a line through it--some poor stupid looking face is crossed out.\nThere's also someone wearing a spacesuit next to a crossed-out stick\nfigure that is not.\n\nThere's a big exclamation mark in the upper right-hand corner--a\npretty universal meaning. The slots on the left side are labeled A, B\nand C, from top to bottom (okay, they're unreadable glyphs. But you\nhave to call them SOMEthing.) On the right, there's D, which you\ndecide is a tab.\n\nB and D are parallel with the middle row, while A is close to the top\nrow, and C is close to the bottom row.\n\nWould you like to see a physical representation?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": ". . .\nA -\nB - . . . - D\nC -\n. . .",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tab",
"response": "It's the only slot on the right of the paper. You can probably fold\nany of the others into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fold the B into the d.",
"response": "As you twist the leaflet, you see crumbling--walls on the east and\nwest appear to fall. You feel the room you're standing on wrenched\ninto something you can't quite understand. You're knocked out for a\nminute but wake up where you were.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "your spacesuit. Perhaps some places are better than others.\n\nYou're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "anything. But exploring may turn up some clues.\n\nYou're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Hmm. Switch the lever here? Technically, there's no rush.\n\nYou thought you remembered this was a corner, but you can't see any\nwalls to the east or west for a while. You think you see someone in\nthe distance, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You thought you remembered this was a corner, but you can't see any\nwalls to the east or west for a while. You think you see someone in\nthe distance, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You wave, feeling foolish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Hm. It's like some weird foamy turnstile.\n\nYou're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southeast and south. You're not actually sure\nif being here is the best plan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fold a into the d.",
"response": "(slot a into tab d)\nYou see the passage back to the inner area shake. This worries you.\nPerhaps the leaflet is more powerful than you thought.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "out.\n\nYou thought you remembered this was a corner, but you can't see any\nwalls to the east or west for a while. You think you see someone in\nthe distance, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine page",
"response": "It's wrapped around itself now, the tabs gone--melded into the paper\nsomehow. Oddly, the dots that were on opposite sides are now close to\neach other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "boggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nThe pedestal you took the spacesuit from is here, too. It's prominent\nenough that you couldn't trip over it if you tried.\n\nYou can see a small lead ball here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the drawings",
"response": "You see two pictures: one, a grid of nine dots, and another, a black\neight-pointed star with a big red X through its center. The star looks\nas below:\n\n* *\n|\\ /|\n| \\ / |\n\n\\ | / \\ | /\n\\|/ \\|/\n* *\n/|\\ /|\\\n/ | \\ / | \\\n\n| / \\ |\n|/ \\|\n* *",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fold a into d.",
"response": "(slot a into tab d)\nAs you twist the leaflet, you see crumbling--walls on the east and\nwest appear to fall. You feel the room you're standing on wrenched\ninto something you can't quite understand. You're knocked out for a\nminute but wake up where you were.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There should be an east wall joining the south wall, but the only one\nyou see is a bit to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "walls here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.\n\nYou hear a beep. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions three more\ntimes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "There should be a west wall joining the north wall, but the only one\nyou see is a bit to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "walls here.\n\nYou hear a loud siren. Confetti drops from the ceiling. Three people\nin robes walk out, beaming silently.\n\nYou are handed a gold medal! You have done about the best you could\ndo. A monk waves his hand, and the topology of the room is\nre-scrambled. You are escorted into a small nook with all manner of\nlogic puzzles. They look interesting, but you hope you're let out\nbefore you solve them all.\n\nI hope you enjoyed this puzzle, and I hope converting it to a text\nadventure was as fun for you as it was for me.",
"endoftext": true
] | 1mfe25emkc3o1eo9 |
World Builder | Paul Lee | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
"space opera"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 4 | 2.75 | 20120104 | false | You've built dreams and brought to life legends. But all that is useless compared to your beloved masterpiece, a creation of tremendous value that holds the keys to unlimited adventure -- as well as great peril. You are the World Builder. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Hugo detects that you are playing this game on an interpreter that uses the Glk API. Does this interpreter normally have a status bar? (If this question confuses you, answer \"yes\")\n\nPlease answer YES or NO:",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You've built dreams and brought to life legends. But all that is useless to you -- a means to an end. And now, the culmination of your long work is nearly finished.\nYou gingerly take the imager device from its dock, the final precautionary tests complete. The narrow strip of metal resonates deeply within you as you scrutinize it, a felt echo of your own essence. Now, all that is left is for the imager to be installed so your consciousness can be attuned with your creation.\n\n\n\nJanuary 11, 2012\nIFID: 7D41B470-B518-4241-A71C-50D107E1EEEA\nHugo v3.1 / Library 31031\n\n(Enter \"ABOUT\" to access background information and credits.)\n\nAutomatons scurry to and fro in the complex of interconnected machinery, which churns and whirls across the vast convex surface of the Sphere.\nNone of the sprawling apparatuses and cybernetic miracles are worth anything compared to the masterpiece that lies prone and powerless before you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the masterpiece",
"response": "The figure of an artificial man stands rigidly, staring vacantly downward from empty eyes. The android is flawless, a perfect imitation of natural life -- except for the empty rectangular socket above his right brow, revealing circuitry that spoils the preternatural beauty of his human form.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are human, and you are the World Builder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying the imager.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the imager",
"response": "The device looks like a small, slightly-curved metal band, featureless and smooth on the outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put imager in the man",
"response": "You slide the smooth, rounded rectangular bar into the groove on the android's forehead. The invisible field draws the device into place soundlessly, recessing it to the level of the skin.\nThe figure of the android shudders for a moment, and then it raises\nits head, its mechanical eyes opening wide to focus on you. The imager begins to blink in the forehead, the metal pulsing softly with white light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the man",
"response": "He hears, but he cannot listen. Not yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the android",
"response": "The android stands poised before you, its eyes locked onto your face. The imager insterted into the forehead throbs slowly, pulsing with bright white light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine imager",
"response": "The imager is a small silver bar above Hugor's right brow, hanging out over his scorched face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Sphere",
"response": "The Sphere is what you call the hollow planetoid you constructed to serve as your workshop and laboratory. Miles of equipment and consoles stretch across the inside surface of the artificial globe, diligently attended by your robotic assistants. The transparent alloy of the outer wall beneath allows an unobscured view of the cosmos.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on Hugor",
"response": "You meet the android's cold gaze. Your nano implants detect the interface signal from the imager, rendering the transmission visible to your eyes in a sort of non-sight, separate from the three-dimensional world. You follow the signal through the imager, into the intricate being.\nThe imager flares brightly, and the android inhales deeply through\nhis nostrils. Suddenly, you are conscious of the android through your link to him. More than that, you can feel the echo of his consciousness of you.\n\n\"You are Hugor,\" you tell him. \"Welcome, my son.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"You were created for a very special purpose,\" you explain, still looking earnestly into his eyes. \"You posses within you the key to endless wonders and mysteries. Together, we will have many great adventures.\"\n\nThe light of the imager diminishes to a faint but steady gleam.\nHugor opens his hands and looks at you, raising his right hand toward you vaguely.\n\n\"Father,\" he says. He blinks. \"I am Hugor.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"You were created for a very special purpose,\" you explain, still looking earnestly into his eyes. \"You posses within you the key to endless wonders and mysteries. Together, we will have many great adventures.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You're not carrying anything.\n\nHugor's arched eyebrows draw together. \"Father... I do not understand,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Hugor about yourself",
"response": "(Plese use the command \"TALK TO (CHARACTER NAME)\" to initiate dialog.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"You needn't, Son. Not yet. In time, you will learn to use your gift.\"\nYou motion Hugor over to a clearer area. \"Come now,\" you say, \"We won't be trying it out here in the Sphere, but you may as well begin to get a feel for how it works. Look around you. Your vision is as capable of rendering dimensional lines as it is of light photons. You can also touch those dimensional lines, as easily as you can bend down and touch the floor of the Sphere. Now, look inside yourself, feel the mystery that I created you to persue, and...\"\nHugor suddenly whips his head around to look at you, jerking down the hand that he had raised in the air as you spoke. \"No.\" He shakes his head, softly at first, but then wildly and vehemently. \"No,\" he repeats, his voice crackling mechanically. \"Does not compute. Error. Sequence abort.\" His voice is consumed by robotic monotony; no trace of the naturalness he possessed for a moment remains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"Hugor, stand by to receive autocorrect passcode,\" you say calmly, transmitting with your nanotide neural implants the sequence to initiate Hugor's debugging routines. The imager receives the signal, but in response Hugor only turns away from you with a hiss.\n\nHugor unsteadily backs away from you, throwing up his hands in front\nof him as if to ward you off, fingers bent claw-like. Suddenly, the air before him shimmers and bends, being replaced for a moment by a small vortex of light. The area around the vortex erupts in blue energy, sending Hugor flying backward and vaporizing the nearest equipment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"Stop, Hugor!\" you command. \"You don't know what you're doing. You could both destroy yourself and cause grave harm to others!\" But Hugor does not respond.\n\nThe instant Hugor smashes bodily into a console against a far wall,\nhe leaps back to his feet, looking around uncertainly. The right-most part of his face is burned off up to his nose, revealing his metallic internal structure beneath his human aesthetic. A tendril of smoke rises from the damaged imager. You look with your nano-sight, but the dimensional signal that linked the android to you is reduced to garbled jibberish, giving you a headache.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the imager",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off Hugor",
"response": "At the speed of thought, you initiate in your own mind the nano-signal to deactivate Hugor, but the broken imager spits out chaotic interference, failing to receive. You glance at a console, about equidistant between you and Hugor, from which you can initiate a stronger overide to bypass the imager. You lunge for the console, both physically and remotely through your nanotides. But with his super-human strength and reflexes, Hugor reacts faster, simultaneously sending out interference to block the signal from your implants and crossing the distance between himself and the console in a single jump to smash it to ruin with his arm.\n\nHugor runs to the nearest port along the Sphere, covering the\ndistance in moments. You signal the docking system to deny him access to the cruiser bay, and the nearest automatons shuffle towards him, hemming him in. He throws the robots out of his way and slams his scorched fist against the closed docking lift, but the reinforced alloy fails to yield even to his great strength. He raises his hands, and a shimmering field appears before the lift. The field expands horizontally toward the lift, which disappears in a burst of molten slag. Several loyal automatons fall into the vortex, and are gone.\nThe vortex disintegrates, and Hugor disappears through the hole he created.\nHow could he have gained so much control over his ability already?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Automatons scurry to and fro in the complex of interconnected machinery, which churns and whirls across the vast convex surface of the Sphere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the imager",
"response": "The device looks like a small, slightly-curved metal band, featureless and smooth on the outside.\n\nthen explodes outward, and a star cruiser glides out of the breach as atmosphere and equipment vents out into space. The Sphere's central control system automatically closes the breach with a force field. Hugor's hijacked star cruiser disappears from light-based sight as it engages its photon engines.\nHugor is far too precious to lose. You must find him and stop him\nfrom destroying himself!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You enter the star cruiser's control pod and launch out through the Sphere's space port in pursuit of your lost creation, your lost child.\n\nThe stars evaporate in dim streaks as you leave light behind.\nThe interior of the control pod of your ship is a spherical room with four molded chairs facing the viewscreen that covers the enitre diameter of the wall. The viewscreen remains locked onto Hugor's cruiser.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the viewscreen",
"response": "The sheet of transparent aluminum wraps all around the diameter of the circular room, displaying a projection of the stolen star cruiser rendered by calculations based on photon emissions. A narrow strip below the screen displays panels to activate and control the targeting system, navigation system, and photon engines.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the panels",
"response": "The sheet of transparent aluminum wraps all around the diameter of the circular room, displaying a projection of the stolen star cruiser rendered by calculations based on photon emissions. A narrow strip below the screen displays panels to activate and control the targeting system, navigation system, and photon engines.\n\nHugor's vessel abruptly changes course and drops out of photon velocity. Your ship's computer immediately calculates Hugor's exit vector and makes corresponding course adjustments before entering sublight speed, and the stars snap into sharp focus on your viewport. But the stars are all you see as the computer wildly scans the\nsector, searching for the renegade ship.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the targeting system",
"response": "The sheet of transparent aluminum wraps all around the diameter of the circular room, displaying a field of stars. A narrow strip below the screen displays panels to activate and control the targeting system, navigation system, and photon engines.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the navigation",
"response": "The sheet of transparent aluminum wraps all around the diameter of the circular room, displaying a field of stars. A narrow strip below the screen displays panels to activate and control the targeting system, navigation system, and photon engines.\n\nYour shipboard sensors detect spatial distortion and photon displacement that was not present before. Investigating, you watch a swirling vortex of light energy expand as Hugor's star cruiser, drifting near the field of distortion, accelerates gently away from it and then begins to turn toward it in a long arc.\nIncredible. He should not have been able to generate such a large field for a long time. You cannot allow him to escape through it, or you may lose him forever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Target hugor",
"response": "Your targeting system can't lock on to Hugor's vessel due to interference from the vortex, but you fire off a shot at the general area anyways, just as Hugor brings his ship around to enter the swirling light. The beam misses and is absorbed into the energy field. The vortex swells and wavers, and Hugor's ship tumbles away from it, turning end-over-end.\nThe vortex shrinks and stabilizes, and then opens wide again as Hugor regains control of his cruiser, once again turning to enter the field of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Target vortex",
"response": "Your computer refuses to target the vortex directly due to the energy field's emissions, but you unleash a laser volley, the laser turret firing thousands of times in the half-second. On your viewport, the vortex absorbs the beam and warps chaotically, bursting into a nebula of sparks.\nTurning aside from the blast, Hugor's ship halts. As your star\ncruiser continues on an intercept course at its top non-photon speed, a swirling nimbus begins to gather in front of Hugor's cruiser. The nimbus expands into another vortex, and Hugor promptly accelerates into it just as you approach from behind, disappearing into the light. You are just seconds away from the light field, but you know that it's going to snap closed in the heartbeat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the vortex",
"response": "You must do so. But you can't simply fly into the energy field at sublight velocity. Now that the origin of the dimensional field has gone on to the other side, the gateway is unstable and will collapse immanently, destroying your craft if you aren't moving faster than the photon warp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the photon controls",
"response": "You haven't encountered any \"photon controls\". (If you're sure you need to refer to that, try putting it another way.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the photon",
"response": "There is only one thing you can do. Responding to your thought faster than you can twitch a limb, your computer sets a course through the center of the vortex and engages the four photon engines for a microsecond burst.\nYou are elsewhere. Your sensors show no sign that the vortex ever existed. The viewport shows a solar system encircling an angry red sun. Hugor's craft is barely within scanning range, in orbit of the nearest planet. Even with the computer's precision, you far overshot the exit point of the portal, traveling above light speed. You bear down on the planet at top sublight speed.\n\nA cloud of debris encircles a dark terrestrial planet.\nThe interior of the control pod of your ship is a spherical room with four molded chairs facing the viewscreen that covers the enitre diameter of the wall. The viewscreen shows Hugor's cruiser arc down and around the dark planet on a landing vector.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "You descend into the atmosphere, following Hugor's vessel as it makes directly for the strange bulge, which resolves in your viewscreen into a misshapen artificial dome of some kind. As the star cruiser approaches, a panel opens on the surface of the dome, and Hugor decelerates directly into the maw.\n\nAs the panel closes behind Hugor's cruiser, your ship lurches, the defensive system taking evasive maneuverings. Two turrets have risen from beneath ground level on either side of the dome to spit fiery fury at you, while assorted artillery outside the dome and smaller guns along its surface shoot at you with a variety of energy weapons. The defense system works tirelessly to evade, but a few stray beams manage to take out your photon engines. You return fire with your lasers, destroying one of the turrets and decimating the ground machines. Suddenly, the viewscreen flickers out along with the control strip\nand every source of light ,leaving you in total darkness. You feel yourself falling. Two tense heartbeats pass, and then the pod lights up again dimly. You initiate the eject sequence, and the ship encases your body in a close-fitting, rigid suit of alloy plates. The pod opens, and you fall, spreading your hands to create a force field just before impact.\n\nmetal and organic offal, strewn around in haphazard heaps. The murky atmosphere obscures the sky in an acrid haze. Smoldering nuggets of debris rain down slowly but constantly.\nWith the exception of the craters, the land is blandly level and featureless in all directions -- except in the direction facing the planet's south pole, where an asymmetrical black dome blots out the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You sprint toward the malignant edifice, your shock suit enhancing your strength as you bound lightly over the barren terrain. As you draw near, the remaining ground turret follows your movement, and you proceed warily, activating your suit's force-shield. But the turret is content to track you as you walk through the mangled remains of the machines that you obliterated during your hurried arrival. Unhindered, you walk straight up to the side of the dome, and a portion of the wall dematerializes, leaving an uneven opening.\nYou enter without hesitation, and the wall rematerializes on your heels. You see a dark silhoutte standing before you.\n\n\"Remember me, World Builder?\"\n\nAn opaque black expanse covers everything, proclaiming itself to be a whole world, an entire universe. A multitude of machines and cyborgs lurk about, silhouetted against the haphazard red light that unevenly illuminates broken terrain.\nA hulking robotic behemoth stands before you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the behemoth",
"response": "\"Your pointless war has nothing to do with my son, Minfor. Release\nhim now, and I may yet leave you alone.\"\nThe expressionless head swivels, and the lone yellow eye flashes brighter and then dimmer. \"You have no authority here, World Builder,\" the machine hisses mechanically. \"Hugor came to me freely. He is mine.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying the imager.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the behemoth",
"response": "\"Do not feign innocence, Deceiver. I know that something touched my son when I had imparted my consciousness to him -- lied to him, no doubt, confused him. Told him how to use his ability. Lead him to this prison. No, Minfor, it is not Hugor who initiated this rebellion. I will have my vengeance.\"\nA popping cackle. \"You did not suppose that you were the only one knowing the secrets of sub-dimensional transmission and projected consciousness, did you, World Builder? But I can't claim credit for Hugor's actions, as you well know. You said that Hugor bears your consciousness. If I had the power to control conscious beings, would I not have taken you?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the behemoth",
"response": "The rigid, hulking figure before you defies sense and logic in the way the many plates, cylinders, and connecting tubes are assymetrically positioned. The main part of the \"body\" is a large, roughly box-shaped segment, upon one side of which sits a cylindrical \"head\" with a single oval optic, glowing yellow.\n\nMinfor's incongrouous limbs and components raise themselves higher,\nand he looms over you. \"Unless that is exactly what I did. It seems Hugor was not the only one whom I lead to this prison. Like son, like father. All along, you thought you were acting of your own free choice. But what if I had always been communicating with your thoughts? What if I gave you the idea to create a being capable of opening doors to other dimensions, just so I could eventually conquer all worlds, altering reality according to my will? And now I have both the portal-maker and the mind that conceived him.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the behemoth",
"response": "\"What you say is false, and I can prove it,\" you state calmly.\nThe cylindrical head extends out from the boxy body and bends down\ninto your face. \"How?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "\"Because I can freely choose to allow you to enslave me and still see my vengeance in the end!\" you declare.\nThe yellow light on the head blinks, and the cylinder swivels.\n\"You can do whatever you want to me, on the condition of Hugor's freedom.\" You square your shoulders and clasp your gauntleted hands together, steepling your thumbs.\nMinfor retracts to its previous height and regards you curiously. A long moment passes. \"Agreed.\" As soon as the word is grated, you see movement out of the corner of your eye, and Hugor is tossed at your feet, beaten and smoldering. A grotesque metallic creature detaches from the right side of his disfigured face and scuttles across the floor to crawl up Minfor, where it disappears somewhere inside the robot's asymmetric mass of components.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"Be strong, son,\" you tell him. He looks up at you weakly, his expression numb.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Hugor",
"response": "The right side of his face and parts of his body, including his entire right hand, are scorched to the alloy skeleton, marring his human countenance. The imager has gone dark above his brow.\n\n\"Time now!\" Minfor hisses as the opening in the wall of the dome reappears. It bends over to wrap a tentacle around Hugor, roughly throwing him out the opening. From outside, Hugor meets your eyes for a brief moment, and then hangs his head low before the portion of the wall rematerializes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "Leaving would spoil your plan.\n\nSomething strikes you down from behind. The next thing you know, you are being beaten by a group of cyborgs. They enthusiastically deliver blow after blow. They smash your kneecaps and rake your body with metallic claws, lapping your blood like dogs. As you are tossed around, you occassionally catch a glimpse of Minfor looming behind the cyborgs, watching impassively.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack minfor",
"response": "With your nano augmentation and the field-generating capabilities of your emergency shock suit, you are far from defenseless. But here, you are on enemy territory, and your adversary has access to firepower and backup. Best to find another way out of this.\n\nThe beating ceases as robots break the cyborgs up. Two androids grab you and unceremoniously constrain you to some bent and narrow surface, leaving you hanging in an unnatural position. The light from Minfor's eye blinks in your face. Then the torture begins.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Minfor",
"response": "Nothing remains to be said.\n\nLaser drills bite into your skull and the back of your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nMinfor places a spiny robotic creature onto your forehead. \"The question as to whether or not you act under my compulsion is moot now, for this will allow me to control you quite crudely and efficiently.\" The spines shoot into your skull, piercing your brain. You can feel the thing rifle through your conscious thoughts and memories.\n\nBefore your eyes appears a vision of Minfor, dark and terrible, shrouded in raging flame. Your consciousness is consumed by terror, and you feel an impulse to beg for mercy. But some rational remnant of your mind cannot accept, and your mouth remains closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nYour consciousness is plunged into pure pain, and agony because the only reality.\n\nThe pain diminishes slightly, and your ears discern hollow, lifeless words. \"The good thing about your projected consciousness is that I don't have to worry about killing you prematurely, since I can simply gather your nanotides and continue my experiments. Let us see if death has any interesting effects.\"\nYou are enveloped in more pain -- a clearly physical pain. All over your body, you feel tiny creatures burrow into your flesh, consuming your organs.\n\n*** YOU HAVE DIED ***",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "But Minfor did not understand the relationship between consciousness and dimension. As your mangled body dies and your brain fails, your consciousness breaks free of the dimension barrier and drifts unhindered through the fabric of reality.\n\nAn opaque black expanse covers everything, proclaiming itself to be a whole world, an entire universe. A multitude of machines and cyborgs lurk about, silhouetted against the haphazard red light that unevenly illuminates broken terrain.\nMinfor is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine minfor",
"response": "The rigid, hulking figure before you defies sense and logic in the way the many plates, cylinders, and connecting tubes are assymetrically positioned. The main part of the \"body\" is a large, roughly box-shaped segment, upon one side of which sits a cylindrical \"head\" with a single oval optic, glowing yellow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are human, and you are the World Builder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Leaving would spoil your plan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Minfor",
"response": "Nothing remains to be said.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "An opaque black expanse covers everything, proclaiming itself to be a whole world, an entire universe. A multitude of machines and cyborgs lurk about, silhouetted against the haphazard red light that unevenly illuminates broken terrain.\nMinfor is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack minfor",
"response": "You sense every quantum of energy within the encompassing expanse of the dome. You see the entire framework of this reality, and you touch it. The atoms in the wall of the dome quiver as you project your wrath, and the dome violently implodes, burrying Minfor and its minions in a mound of devastation.\n\nFree at last, you drift incorpeally, stretching out to detect your son's aberrant signal elsewhere on the dead planet. He has opened a vortex portal and is about to step through, shoulders slumped. You follow the dimensional lines to the dark, gloomy place on the other side of the portal and promptly sever them. As effortlessly as breathing, you coalesce in front of Hugor, your nanotides forming quarks and atoms that form flesh and blood and bone, until you stand before him just as physically as when you first activated him with your thought.\n\nHugor is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "Words can wait a moment more. Right now, Hugor needs you to restore him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on Hugor",
"response": "The imager does not respond to you, but you no longer need it to.\nHugor flinches as you lay a hand on his shoulder but otherwise allows your grip. You project yourself into him, pulsing through his damaged body, causing his atoms to dissassociate but his essence to remain in a cloud of light. The light coalesces, forming a body as living as yours, but with all the perfection of his original android form. He raises his head to look into your eyes, and you feel his own consciousness project into your mind.\nThe imager is gone, but Hugor's brow shines with a pure silver gleam.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Hugor",
"response": "\"Do not be ashamed, Hugor. All is well. Infinite worlds await!\"\nHugor inhales deeply and looks up at you, smiling softly. He turns\nand raises his right arm, calling forth a bright field of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "HUGO ZORK: The Great Underground Empire\nA Port of Infocom's Zork I to Hugo\nBeta \nHugo Zork written by John Menichelli\n\"Zork I\" is copyright by Activision and is used without permission Written using Hugo v2.5 by Kent Tessman (c) 1995-1999\n(New players should type \"help\")\n\nYou are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.\nA small mailbox is here.",
"endoftext": true
] | yq9cjco9088howgp |
Fingertips: Fingertips (Reprise) | Melvin Rangasamy | [
] | [
"based on songs",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 4 | 2.75 | 20120601 | false | A horrifying choice with glorious text-based graphics. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126\nStandard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson\nCommon Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond\nBasic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short\n\nYou awake in a room. The space is completely empty apart from a computer screen and a keyboard underneath it, both built into the wall. The screen shows what appears to resemble the back of two hands, their fingertips concealed. Beneath the hands is a question. Like so: _\n_ _ |U|\n|U| |U| | |\n| | | | | |\n| | | | | |\n| | | | | |\n| | | | | |\n| | | | | |\n_ | | _ _ | | | | _ _\n| |_| |_| |_| | | |_| |_| |_| |\n| | _ | |\n| | /0| | |\n| | / / _| |\n| | / / / | |\n| |/ / | | |\n| / \\ |\n| / \\ |\n| / \\ |\n\nHow many fingers am I holding up?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "You cautiously enter \"four\" into the keyboard.\n\nAfter a few moments the screen fades. \"Incorrect,\" a sinister voice whispers behind you. \"Thumbs do not count as fingers!\" You turn around but there is nothing there.\n\nPress ANY KEY to continue.\nYou awake, your dreams forgotten. All that remains is a strange sense of being cheated.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "You cautiously enter \"four\" into the keyboard.\n\nAfter a few moments the screen fades out and a disembodied voice whispers, \"Fingertips\" over and over. Then the walls, floor and ceiling slide into the ground. You find yourself in a void. You start to wonder where you may be but as soon enough you black out.\n\nPress ANY KEY to continue.\nYou awake in a cold sweat, safe but unsettled, a strange tingle in your fingertips.",
"endoftext": true
] | uihg7ykgh2lsxjja |
Queen of Swords | Jessica Knoch | [
"Slice of life"
] | [
"female protagonist",
"IF Art Show",
"IF Art Show 2003",
"single room",
] | 2,003 | [
] | 4 | 2.75 | 20080903 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Each week, you spend four hours round-trip in a car to take a beginner's fencing class at the Virginia Academy of Fencing in Springfield. It's fun, you tell yourself, and it never hurts to be more active. David, on the other hand, wants to compete. Your husband wants to join the U.S. Fencing Association and begin competing in regional tournaments after only eight weeks of classes, when they tell people to take lessons for a whole year before competing. However, David will want what David will want, and you love your husband dearly, so...\n\nThere's a tournament in Glen Falls this weekend, and you're going. On your last trip to VAF you spent over $900 on electric fencing equipment. The real problem is going to figure out how to use all of it: what plugs into where, which piece you need to put on first, and how to fence with a floor cord holding you back. That's why you and David are going to use tonight, while you have the room at the local library reserved, to practice gearing up for electric.\n\nDavid gets a good parking spot downtown, and the two of you haul the bags of equipment out of the trunk and into the library. The librarians wave at you as you pass, already used to seeing you, and the two of you make your way to one of the larger meeting rooms upstairs to set up the electric strip.\n\nDavid drops his equipment bag near the door and smiles at you. \"I'll put the strip up,\" he says. \"Why don't you go ahead and get your stuff on?\" You look at your bag uncertainly. \"I'm not sure I know where everything goes,\" you say. He grins. \"Me neither,\" he says. \"If you have trouble, let me know, and I'll try to help.\" He takes the bag with the scoring box and floor reels and goes to set up a table. You survey the room.\n\n\n\nPlayers may wish to type ABOUT.\n\nMcIntire Meeting Room, Downtown Library\nA large, open room, with plenty of room for a few fencers to practice. Of course, tonight it's just you and David. A row of tall windows line the western wall, and stacks of chairs are at either end of the long north-south room. The door to the hallway is east. An industrial-type carpet in garish red covers the floor.\n\nThe open windows let in a welcome breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fencing bag (which is closed)\n\nDavid pushes the table against the eastern wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "The bag is bulky enough to get in your way when you try.\n\nDavid notices your conflict, and says, \"You could just put the bag down, love. It'll be fine right there.\"\n\nHe sets the bag of scoring equipment on the table and opens it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You look just as you always have.\n\nYou are carrying:\na fencing bag (which is closed)\n\nDavid is rummaging in the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bag on the table",
"response": "You put the fencing bag on the table.\n\nDavid takes a floor reel and floor cord from the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open the fencing bag, revealing a mask, a jacket, a body cord, an electric foil, a lam?, a glove, a plastron and a chest protector.\n\nHe walks to the north end of the room and sets down the floor reel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine david",
"response": "Your husband is a tall man in his mid-thirties, with clear gray eyes and a wonderfully misshapen nose. His smile lights up your day, and he doesn't smile much except at you: but he smiles a lot at you.\n\nDavid plugs the floor cord into the floor reel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine david",
"response": "Your husband is a tall man in his mid-thirties, with clear gray eyes and a wonderfully misshapen nose. His smile lights up your day, and he doesn't smile much except at you: but he smiles a lot at you.\n\nDavid walks back to the center of the room and looks in the bag on the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit David",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nDavid pulls the scoring box out of the bag and sets it on the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look just as you always have.\n\nYou are carrying nothing.\n\nDavid takes the other floor cord out of the bag and plugs one end into the box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the d-the ring",
"response": "The D-ring is sewn onto the back of your lam?. Its purpose is solely to give the hook from the floor reel something to latch onto, to give the three-prong connection a bit of slack and make your life easier.\n\nDavid takes the other reel from the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the box",
"response": "A handy little device: this is the thing that makes it all work. The scoring box lights up whenever a fencer (properly plugged in, of course) scores a touch, and lets you know whether it was on-target (on the lam?) or off-target (anywhere else) by lighting up either the fencer's colored light (on) or white light (off). You're fencing on the right side, so the green light is yours, and the red light is David's.\n\nHe walks down to the south end of the room, and winks at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the box",
"response": "There's no reason to do anything besides look at the lights.\n\nSetting the floor reel on the carpet, David plugs the free end of the floor cord into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lights",
"response": "A handy little device: this is the thing that makes it all work. The scoring box lights up whenever a fencer (properly plugged in, of course) scores a touch, and lets you know whether it was on-target (on the lam?) or off-target (anywhere else) by lighting up either the fencer's colored light (on) or white light (off). You're fencing on the right side, so the green light is yours, and the red light is David's.\n\nDavid turns to survey his work.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine reel",
"response": "The floor reel is made to connect you to the floor cord. It's supposed to sit at the end of the strip, and the floor cord plugs into it. The hook that comes out the front attaches to the fencer's body cord, and when released it retracts like a self-retracting tape measure. Your floor reels are Uhlmann made, with dark blue plastic casing and rubber feet to keep them in place.\n\n\"Oops,\" David says, \"I forgot to plug in the box.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug the floor cord into the floor reel",
"response": "David will plug in all of the floor cords. Just worry about your own stuff for now.\n\nHe walks back to the table in the center of the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the bag",
"response": "In the fencing bag are a mask, a jacket, a body cord, an electric foil, a lam?, a glove, a plastron and a chest protector.\n\nDavid peers in the bag and gets out the AC adapter for the scoring box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug the reel into the body cord",
"response": "You're not suited up enough to plug in yet.\n\nDavid plugs the adapter into the box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chest protector",
"response": "The chest protector is hard plastic, molded to fit your body. Females are required to wear them at USFA competitions, and you're just as glad, since it really cuts down on the bruises. The elastic bands hook behind your back like a bra.\n\nHe plugs the free end of the adapter into the electrical outlet in the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the plastron",
"response": "The plastron is a thin, white, half-shirt, designed to protect the underarm of your weapon arm from an errant hit. It has elastic bands to secure it in place, and it is supposed to go on under everything else.\n\n\"There!\" David says, looking over the electric strip in satisfaction. He turns to you. \"Now, let's get suited up and then we can fence!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the chest protector",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid looks you over. \"Looks like you don't quite have all your stuff. Check in your bag--if you need help with something, show it to me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You start to pull the chest protector on, but the unfamiliar cold plastic stops you. Ah yes, you're supposed to have the plastron on underneath!\n\nMeanwhile, David gets his gear on amazingly fast. He says, \"We'll salute as soon as we're both ready.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the plastron",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid connects to the far floor reel. \"I'm about ready,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You put on the plastron.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the chest",
"response": "You put on the chest protector.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jacket",
"response": "Your jacket covers your torso and arms while you fence. They are required to be white, and yours zips up the front (making it much easier to put on by yourself). Although the FIE requires 800 Newton resistance, you are merely fencing in the USFA, which has much more lax requirements than its European counterpart, so yours is only rated at 350 Newtons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the glove",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "White, with leather on the palm for a better grip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You put on the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket",
"response": "(first taking the jacket)\nYou must unzip the jacket before you can put it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip it",
"response": "You fumble with the zipper, but the glove is too thick to allow you to get a good grasp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove glove",
"response": "You take off the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip the jacket",
"response": "You unzip the jacket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket",
"response": "You slide the clean, white jacket on and tug it into place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Zip jacket",
"response": "You zip up the jacket, tugging the zipper up to make sure it's all the way up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bag",
"response": "Your fencing bag is a calming maroon color. It's long enough to hold a foil, and deep enough to hold your mask, clothes, and all the other cords and things you need for fencing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You put on the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search bag",
"response": "In the fencing bag are a mask, a body cord, an electric foil and a lam?.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the mask",
"response": "(first taking the mask)\nYou put on the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the cord",
"response": "(the floor cord)\n(first taking the floor cord)\nDavid will plug in all of the floor cords. Just worry about your own stuff for now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear lame",
"response": "(first taking the lam?)\nThe mask blocking your peripheral vision makes your task difficult. You seem to remember it's the very last piece of equipment to go on, just before you begin a bout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear lame",
"response": "You take off the mask.\nYou must unzip the lam? before you can put it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You fumble with the zipper, but the glove is too thick to allow you to get a good grasp.\nYou must unzip the lam? before you can put it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove glove",
"response": "You take off the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You unzip the lam?.\nYou struggle to get your jacketed arms through the small openings in the lam?. Finally, you get it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You put on the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search bag",
"response": "In the fencing bag are a body cord and an electric foil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "Your body cord is used in electric fencing to connect several different circuits of electricity. On one end, the two-prong connector attaches to your electric foil. The other end has an alligator clip, to hook to your lam?, and a three-prong connector, to plug into the floor reel. In between is about five feet of insulated wiring, which is supposed to run up your sleeve and down your back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach it to the lame",
"response": "That's not supposed to attach directly to the lam?. You may wish to attach it to the D-ring, or it may not be necessary at all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bag on the table",
"response": "You put the fencing bag on the table.\n\nDavid pushes the table against the eastern wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open the fencing bag, revealing a mask, a jacket, a body cord, an electric foil, a lam?, a glove, a plastron and a chest protector.\n\nHe sets the bag of scoring equipment on the table and opens it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the body cord",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid is rummaging in the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "Your body cord is used in electric fencing to connect several different circuits of electricity. On one end, the two-prong connector attaches to your electric foil. The other end has an alligator clip, to hook to your lam?, and a three-prong connector, to plug into the floor reel. In between is about five feet of insulated wiring, which is supposed to run up your sleeve and down your back.\n\nDavid takes a floor reel and floor cord from the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the plastron then wear it",
"response": "Taken.\n\nHe walks to the north end of the room and sets down the floor reel.\nYou put on the plastron.\n\nDavid plugs the floor cord into the floor reel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the chest protector then wear it",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid walks back to the center of the room and looks in the bag on the table.\nYou put on the chest protector.\n\nDavid pulls the scoring box out of the bag and sets it on the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get lame then wear it",
"response": "Taken.\n\nHe plugs the free end of the first floor cord into the scoring box.\nYou could put the lam? on, but you know it would make more sense to put the jacket on first.\n\nDavid takes the other floor cord out of the bag and plugs one end into the box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the jacket",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid takes the other reel from the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket",
"response": "You must unzip the jacket before you can put it on.\n\nHe walks down to the south end of the room, and winks at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip it",
"response": "You unzip the jacket.\n\nSetting the floor reel on the carpet, David plugs the free end of the floor cord into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You slide the clean, white jacket on and tug it into place.\n\nDavid turns to survey his work.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear lame",
"response": "You stop to think. It'd be silly to put the lam? on over your unzipped jacket.\n\n\"Oops,\" David says, \"I forgot to plug in the box.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You zip the jacket then wear lame",
"response": "You zip up the jacket, tugging the zipper up to make sure it's all the way up.\n\nHe walks back to the table in the center of the east wall.\nYou must unzip the lam? before you can put it on.\n\nDavid peers in the bag and gets out the AC adapter for the scoring box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip lame",
"response": "You unzip the lam?.\n\nDavid plugs the adapter into the box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear lame",
"response": "You struggle to get your jacketed arms through the small openings in the lam?. Finally, you get it on.\n\nHe plugs the free end of the adapter into the electrical outlet in the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Zip lame",
"response": "You zip up the lam?, and adjust the Velcro at the collar to make sure you have a proper fit.\n\n\"There!\" David says, looking over the electric strip in satisfaction. He turns to you. \"Now, let's get suited up and then we can fence!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the cord to David",
"response": "(the body cord to David)\n\"Hm,\" David says. \"You need to put the two-prong connector into your jacket sleeve. Try that.\"\n\nDavid looks you over. \"Looks like you don't quite have all your stuff. Check in your bag--if you need help with something, show it to me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the connector in the sleeve",
"response": "Which do you mean, the two-prong connector or the three-prong connector?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put two-prong connector into jacket sleeve",
"response": "That would be far too difficult for you to try while you're wearing the jacket. You're just not that coordinated yet.\n\nMeanwhile, David gets his gear on amazingly fast. He says, \"We'll salute as soon as we're both ready.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the jacket",
"response": "You'll have to take off the lam? first.\n\nDavid connects to the far floor reel. \"I'm about ready,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put two-prong connector into the jacket sleeve",
"response": "That would be far too difficult for you to try while you're wearing the jacket. You're just not that coordinated yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the lame",
"response": "It's almost impossible to take off a lam? while it's zipped up; you're pretty sure about that one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the jacket",
"response": "You'll have to take off the lam? first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip the lame then remove the lame then unzip the jacket then remove the jacket",
"response": "You unzip the lam?.\nTaking off the lam? is almost as much of a struggle as putting it on, but somehow you manage.\n\nYou get the thing off, eventually.\nYou unzip the jacket.\nYou pull your arms out of the slightly sweaty sleeves. It takes a bit of flapping, but you manage to get out of the jacket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the jacket",
"response": "That's already open.\nTaking off the lam? is almost as much of a struggle as putting it on, but somehow you manage.\n\nYou're not wearing that.\nYou're not wearing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put two-prong connector into the jacket sleeve",
"response": "You slide the two-prong end of the body cord into the jacket sleeve.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket",
"response": "You could put the lam? on, but you know it would make more sense to put the jacket on first.\nYou zip up the lam?, and adjust the Velcro at the collar to make sure you have a proper fit.\nYou pull the jacket on, trying to keep the dangling bits of the body cord out of the way. What a pain!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the cord to David",
"response": "(the floor cord to David)\n(first taking the floor cord)\nDavid will plug in all of the floor cords. Just worry about your own stuff for now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show body cord to David",
"response": "(first taking the body cord)\n\"Hm,\" David says. \"You need to put the two-prong connector into your jacket sleeve. Try that.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na body cord\na jacket (being worn and open but empty)\na lam?\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You zip it",
"response": "You unzip the lam?.\nYou stop to think. It'd be silly to put the lam? on over your unzipped jacket.\nYou zip up the lam?, and adjust the Velcro at the collar to make sure you have a proper fit.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look in the bag",
"response": "In the fencing bag are a mask, an electric foil and a glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "(first taking the glove)\nYou put on the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the foil",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Glove",
"response": "mask: You already have that.\nglove: You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na mask (being worn)\nan electric foil\na glove (being worn)\na body cord\na jacket (being worn and open but empty)\na lam?\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove all",
"response": "AC adapter: Just let it be.\nfloor cord: David will plug in all of the floor cords. Just worry about your own stuff for now.\nfloor reel: There's no need to move either of the reels; David will have them just where he wants them.\nDavid: This isn't really the time or the place, is it?\nstrip: That's hardly portable.\ncarpet: That's hardly portable.\ncomfy chair: That's hardly portable.\nwindow area: That's hardly portable.\ntable: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the mask",
"response": "You take off the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the glove",
"response": "You take off the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Doff lame",
"response": "Taking off the lam? is almost as much of a struggle as putting it on, but somehow you manage.\n\nYou're not wearing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip the jacket then doff it",
"response": "That's already open.\nYou pull your arms out of the slightly sweaty sleeves. It takes a bit of flapping, but you manage to get out of the jacket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket then zip it",
"response": "You pull the jacket on, trying to keep the dangling bits of the body cord out of the way. What a pain!\nYou zip up the jacket, tugging the zipper up to make sure it's all the way up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear lame then zip it",
"response": "You struggle to get your jacketed arms through the small openings in the lam?. Finally, you get it on.\nYou zip up the lam?, and adjust the Velcro at the collar to make sure you have a proper fit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear mask",
"response": "You put on the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Salute",
"response": "First things first: you NEVER salute with a mask on. It's considered very rude.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the mask",
"response": "You take off the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na mask\nan electric foil\na glove (being worn)\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord\na lam? (being worn)\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "McIntire Meeting Room, Downtown Library\nA large, open room, with plenty of room for a few fencers to practice. Of course, tonight it's just you and David. A row of tall windows line the western wall, and stacks of chairs are at either end of the long north-south room. The door to the hallway is east. An industrial-type carpet in garish red covers the floor.\n\nOn the table are a scoring box, a bag of scoring equipment (which is empty) and a fencing bag (which is empty).\n\nThe open windows let in a welcome breeze.\n\nYou can also see an AC adapter, a floor cord and a floor reel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the foil",
"response": "You've brought your best electric foil along for today's lesson. The blade is 36 inches long, and the whole thing weighs just under 500 grams. Your bell guard is still nice and shiny, thanks to a lack of use. The grip is a pistol grip of the Visconti style, painted blue so you can tell it apart from David's. There's also a two-prong receptacle for your body cord to plug into.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug two-prong in the foil",
"response": "You attach the two-prong connector, which pokes out through your sleeve next to your glove, to the foil. It clicks into place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug three-prong",
"response": "What do you want to plug the three-prong connector in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scoring",
"response": "Which do you mean, the scoring box or the bag of scoring equipment?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "A handy little device: this is the thing that makes it all work. The scoring box lights up whenever a fencer (properly plugged in, of course) scores a touch, and lets you know whether it was on-target (on the lam?) or off-target (anywhere else) by lighting up either the fencer's colored light (on) or white light (off). You're fencing on the right side, so the green light is yours, and the red light is David's.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine reel",
"response": "The floor reel is made to connect you to the floor cord. It's supposed to sit at the end of the strip, and the floor cord plugs into it. The hook that comes out the front attaches to the fencer's body cord, and when released it retracts like a self-retracting tape measure. Your floor reels are Uhlmann made, with dark blue plastic casing and rubber feet to keep them in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the strip",
"response": "The \"strip\" is the area that fencers actually fence on. In your tournament on Saturday, the strips will be drawn out on the floor in paint or tape: one meter wide by fourteen meters long, with warning lines and en guarde lines and everything. Here, you and David just make your best guess as to where the lines are. But today, you have a real strip set up in some respects: the table in the middle of the eastern wall holds the scoring box, which is connect via the floor cords to a floor reel, one at either end of the strip. That's all it takes for you and David to plug in and have a real electric bout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug three-prong into the reel",
"response": "You connect the three-prong end of the body cord with the hook out of the floor reel. Getting close to fencing time!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na mask\nan electric foil\na glove (being worn)\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord\na lam? (being worn)\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look just as you always have.\n\nYou are carrying:\na mask\nan electric foil\na glove (being worn)\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord\na lam? (being worn)\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show it to David",
"response": "David looks your foil over. \"Looks like it's in working condition,\" he says. \"Just hang on to it until we're ready to fence. You'll need it for the salute!\" His eyes twinkle at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the glove",
"response": "White, with leather on the palm for a better grip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show it to David",
"response": "\"Not much I can do to help with that,\" David says. \"You'll just have to put it on.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear mask",
"response": "You put on the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jacket",
"response": "Your jacket covers your torso and arms while you fence. They are required to be white, and yours zips up the front (making it much easier to put on by yourself). Although the FIE requires 800 Newton resistance, you are merely fencing in the USFA, which has much more lax requirements than its European counterpart, so yours is only rated at 350 Newtons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show jacket to David",
"response": "David takes the jacket from you and holds it so you can slip your arms in easier. \"Here,\" he says.\n\n\"Oh, wait a sec,\" David says. \"Let me unzip it first.\" He tugs the zipper down and opens the jacket. \"Okay, go ahead.\"\n\nThe mask blocking your peripheral vision makes your task difficult. You seem to remember it's the very last piece of equipment to go on, just before you begin a bout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the jacket to David",
"response": "David takes the jacket from you and holds it so you can slip your arms in easier. \"Here,\" he says.\n\n\"Oh, wait a sec,\" David says. \"Let me unzip it first.\" He tugs the zipper down and opens the jacket. \"Okay, go ahead.\"\n\nYou're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the body cord",
"response": "(first taking the body cord)\nYou can't wear that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na body cord\na mask\nan electric foil\na glove (being worn)\na jacket (being worn and open but empty)\na lam? (being worn)\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the body cord in the jacket",
"response": "That would be far too difficult for you to try while you're wearing the jacket. You're just not that coordinated yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine two-prong",
"response": "The two-prong end attaches to your electric foil. The blue plastic casing is marked with a stylized \"U\" for \"Uhlmann,\" the company in Germany that made it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the alligator clip to the lame",
"response": "You attach the alligator clip directly to the metal vest, remembering to put it on the weapon arm side of your body as the rules require.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Doff glove then unzip lame then doff lame then unzip jacket then doff jacket",
"response": "You take off the glove.\nYou unzip the lam?.\nTaking off the lam? is almost as much of a struggle as putting it on, but somehow you manage.\n\nYou get the thing off, eventually.\nThat's already open.\nYou pull your arms out of the slightly sweaty sleeves. It takes a bit of flapping, but you manage to get out of the jacket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the jacket to David",
"response": "David takes the jacket from you and holds it so you can slip your arms in easier. \"Here,\" he says.\n\nYou pull the jacket on, trying to keep the dangling bits of the body cord out of the way. What a pain!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket then zip jacket then wear lame then zip lame",
"response": "You're already wearing that!\nYou zip up the jacket, tugging the zipper up to make sure it's all the way up.\nYou struggle to get your jacketed arms through the small openings in the lam?. Finally, you get it on.\nYou zip up the lam?, and adjust the Velcro at the collar to make sure you have a proper fit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na mask\nan electric foil\na glove\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord\na lam? (being worn)\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the foil",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear mask",
"response": "You put on the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Salute",
"response": "First things first: you NEVER salute with a mask on. It's considered very rude.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask David about the foil",
"response": "\"I don't know, love,\" David says. \"Can it wait until later?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the glove then open the mask",
"response": "You take off the glove.\nThat's not something you can open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show lame to David",
"response": "\"Oh, these things are a pain,\" David says. David unzips the lam? on the sly, so as not to draw your attention to the fact that he's doing it. He holds the lam? up for you to put one jacketed arm through, then helps guide your other arm into the small hole. He turns you around to face him, and straightens the lam? for you. \"There you are,\" he says, and kisses your cheek.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "The mask blocking your peripheral vision makes your task difficult. You seem to remember it's the very last piece of equipment to go on, just before you begin a bout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na mask (being worn)\nan electric foil\na glove\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord\na lam? (being worn)\na chest protector (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Doff mask then wear glove then wear mask",
"response": "You take off the mask.\nYou put on the glove.\nYou put on the mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cord",
"response": "(the floor cord)\nThe floor cords are nothing more than long, insulated wires that carry electrical current between the floor reels and the scoring box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the protector to David",
"response": "David smiles at you. He holds the chest protector out for you, and you slip your arms under the straps. The mask blocking your peripheral vision makes your task difficult. You seem to remember it's the very last piece of equipment to go on, just before you begin a bout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at three",
"response": "This end is about two inches wide, with three metal prongs protruding from blue plastic casing. The plastic is marked with a stylized \"U.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the protector to David",
"response": "David smiles at you. He holds the chest protector out for you, and you slip your arms under the straps. You're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the plastron to David",
"response": "David takes the plastron from you and holds it out. You work your arm in, and let David make the connections to keep it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look just as you always have.\n\nYou are carrying:\na mask\nan electric foil\na glove (being worn)\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the d-the ring",
"response": "The D-ring is sewn onto the back of your lam?. Its purpose is solely to give the hook from the floor reel something to latch onto, to give the three-prong connection a bit of slack and make your life easier.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the d-the ring to the lame",
"response": "That's not supposed to attach directly to the lam?. You may wish to attach it to the D-ring, or it may not be necessary at all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cord in the d-the ring",
"response": "(the floor cord in the D-ring)\nDavid will plug in all of the floor cords. Just worry about your own stuff for now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the hook to the cord",
"response": "(the floor cord)\nYou would achieve nothing by this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine hook",
"response": "The hook has a receptacle for the three-prong connector of the body cord, and it also attaches to the fencer's D-ring to prevent unnecessary pulling on the body cord.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine david",
"response": "Your husband is a tall man in his mid-thirties, with clear gray eyes and a wonderfully misshapen nose. His smile lights up your day, and he doesn't smile much except at you: but he smiles a lot at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bag",
"response": "You set the bag down, out of the way against a wall.\n\nDavid pushes the table against the eastern wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the fencing bag, revealing a mask, a jacket, a body cord, an electric foil, a lam?, a glove, a plastron and a chest protector.\n\nHe sets the bag of scoring equipment on the table and opens it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the plastron",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid is rummaging in the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You put on the plastron.\n\nDavid takes a floor reel and floor cord from the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take lame",
"response": "Taken.\n\nHe walks to the north end of the room and sets down the floor reel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take body cord",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid walks back to the center of the room and looks in the bag on the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the jacket",
"response": "Taken.\n\nDavid pulls the scoring box out of the bag and sets it on the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip lame",
"response": "You unzip the lam?.\n\nHe plugs the free end of the first floor cord into the scoring box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unzip the jacket",
"response": "You unzip the jacket.\n\nDavid takes the other floor cord out of the bag and plugs one end into the box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the jacket",
"response": "Your jacket covers your torso and arms while you fence. They are required to be white, and yours zips up the front (making it much easier to put on by yourself). Although the FIE requires 800 Newton resistance, you are merely fencing in the USFA, which has much more lax requirements than its European counterpart, so yours is only rated at 350 Newtons.\n\nDavid takes the other reel from the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach body cord to the jacket",
"response": "You would achieve nothing by this.\n\nHe walks down to the south end of the room, and winks at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sleeve",
"response": "Your jacket covers your torso and arms while you fence. They are required to be white, and yours zips up the front (making it much easier to put on by yourself). Although the FIE requires 800 Newton resistance, you are merely fencing in the USFA, which has much more lax requirements than its European counterpart, so yours is only rated at 350 Newtons.\n\nSetting the floor reel on the carpet, David plugs the free end of the floor cord into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the body cord",
"response": "Your body cord is used in electric fencing to connect several different circuits of electricity. On one end, the two-prong connector attaches to your electric foil. The other end has an alligator clip, to hook to your lam?, and a three-prong connector, to plug into the floor reel. In between is about five feet of insulated wiring, which is supposed to run up your sleeve and down your back.\n\nDavid turns to survey his work.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the body cord in the sleeve",
"response": "You slide the two-prong end of the body cord into the jacket sleeve.\n\n\"Oops,\" David says, \"I forgot to plug in the box.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket",
"response": "You start to pull the jacket on, but something feels funny. Your front seems very... unprotected. Maybe there's another piece you're supposed to wear first.\n\nHe walks back to the table in the center of the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the chest protector",
"response": "(first taking the chest protector)\nYou put on the chest protector.\n\nDavid peers in the bag and gets out the AC adapter for the scoring box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the jacket",
"response": "You pull the jacket on, trying to keep the dangling bits of the body cord out of the way. What a pain!\n\nDavid plugs the adapter into the box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Zip jacket",
"response": "You zip up the jacket, tugging the zipper up to make sure it's all the way up.\n\nHe plugs the free end of the adapter into the electrical outlet in the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear lame",
"response": "You struggle to get your jacketed arms through the small openings in the lam?. Finally, you get it on.\n\n\"There!\" David says, looking over the electric strip in satisfaction. He turns to you. \"Now, let's get suited up and then we can fence!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Zip lame",
"response": "You zip up the lam?, and adjust the Velcro at the collar to make sure you have a proper fit.\n\nDavid looks you over. \"Looks like you don't quite have all your stuff. Check in your bag--if you need help with something, show it to me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the alligator clip to the lame",
"response": "You attach the alligator clip directly to the metal vest, remembering to put it on the weapon arm side of your body as the rules require.\n\nMeanwhile, David gets his gear on amazingly fast. He says, \"We'll salute as soon as we're both ready.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach two-prong to the foil",
"response": "You attach the two-prong connector, which pokes out through your sleeve next to your glove, to the foil. It clicks into place.\n\nDavid connects to the far floor reel. \"I'm about ready,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the reel in the d-the ring",
"response": "There's no need to move either of the reels; David will have them just where he wants them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach three-prong to the reel",
"response": "You connect the three-prong end of the body cord with the hook out of the floor reel. Getting close to fencing time!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "(first taking the glove)\nYou put on the glove.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na glove (being worn)\nan electric foil\na chest protector (being worn)\na jacket (being worn and closed)\na body cord\na lam? (being worn)\na plastron (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask David about the reel",
"response": "\"I don't know, love,\" David says. \"Can it wait until later?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the reel to the d-the ring",
"response": "You attach the hook from the floor reel to the D-ring on your lam?. One step closer to fencing!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Salute",
"response": "You raise your foil in a traditional salute towards David. He smiles at you, and you sweep the blade downward to finish the salute. You are now (almost) ready to fence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fence",
"response": "You drop into your en guarde position, pleased to see David doing the same. You have fenced him often enough to know that you need to hang back, wait, and try to parry (or block) his attack, and riposte (or attack immediately after parrying). You take a few cautious steps forward (advances) and back (retreats), while waiting for him to make the first move. The floor cord tugs gently at you, through the hook-up on the D-ring, but after a few moments you don't notice it at all.\n\nDavid makes a few feints, which you ignore, and then suddenly he is attacking! You try to parry, but it comes too late, and a loud buzz emanates from the scoring box. You look at the box, and see David's red light glowing, indicating that he scored a valid touch. You knew that much; you can still feel the spot on your chest where he landed. But to see it on the box is so exciting!\n\n\"One,\" you say to David, holding up a finger to indicate that he scored a touch. He nods, and backs up to his en guarde line. You both pause, and then begin fencing again. This time, you think, maybe it isn't such a good idea to try to defend, since he is so much faster than I am! With that in mind, you spring forward, tapping David's blade aside as you lunge (a \"beat attack\"). But David is fast, and he recovers from the beat in time to parry your attack. His riposte comes for you, and you do your best to parry it, but the buzzing of the score box can't be denied.\n\nThis time, there are two lights: David's red on-target light, and your white off-target light. You must have hit him off-target somewhere in there. Since the two of you are pretty new to the sport, and you have no director or referee to oversee your bout, you both shrug. Right-of-way, or \"priority,\" can be hard to call, so you decide to throw it out.\n\n.....\n\nYou and David spend the next hour practicing with your electric equipment, preparing for Saturday's tournament in Glen Falls. You don't expect to win any bouts in the tournament, and maybe not even to score any touches, but you feel confident you will at least know how to hook up.",
"endoftext": true
] | mh87fd6w0cfku7sr |
Gardening for Beginners | Juhana Leinonen | [
] | [
"cover art",
"I7 source available",
"NightFloyd transcript",
"SpeedIF April 2008"
] | 2,008 | [
] | 18 | 2.722222 | 20121101-NF | false | When the snow melts it's time to make that garden of yours look better than ever. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "In April, three months after you bought the house, the snow finally melts and for the first time you see how your new garden really looks like. It's not that bad, actually; you probably don't need to do much to make it look really nice. Armed with a to-do list and an upbeat attitude you go to work.\n\nThis game is free software. See LICENSE for details.\n\nThe garden is such a nice little patch of green for a novice gardener like yourself. There's even a small fish pond. Flowers are already in full bloom in the flower bed and there's an empty patch ready for vegetables. The grass looks a bit dry.\n\nThere's also an old garden shed with a yard hydrant installed next to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You're carrying a to-do list, a gold fish in a plastic bag, and some tomato seeds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the list",
"response": "It's a list of things that are easy to do to get you started:\n\n- Plant the tomatoes\n- Put the fish in the pond\n- Water the lawn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hydrant",
"response": "It's basically a pipe with a valve on it. The mouth part has a connection where a hose can be attached.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shed",
"response": "It's a delightfully retro little garden shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed.\n\nIt's a delightful little shed even though it has seen better days. Wear and tear just adds to the charm. The walls have been plastered with newspapers and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nAn orange garden hose is hanging from a holder in the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine fish",
"response": "The fish is quite large for a goldfish. The saleswoman at the pet store said it would do well in an outdoor pond. It's swimming around in its temporary plastic home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine junk",
"response": "The boxes are full of various junk, some related to gardening and some not. None of them are originally yours, the previous owner left them here for you to take care of.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the newspapers",
"response": "On closer inspection it's not newspaper after all but pages torn from books. From Jack Mills pocket books, to be precise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hose",
"response": "It's quite long and... orange.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hose",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the pages",
"response": "\"The slammer was a depressing mixture of displeasing white and uncaring gray. I walked past the empty cells listening to the steady click-clack of my steps echoing from the walls. In the last cell I found Professor Humphrey...\"\n\nNo wonder someone wanted to plaster it on the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the seeds",
"response": "The tomato seeds are in a small bag. They are supposedly super easy - just throw them in the soil and let them grow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the list",
"response": "It's a list of things that are easy to do to get you started:\n\n- Plant the tomatoes\n- Put the fish in the pond\n- Water the lawn",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "It's a delightful little shed even though it has seen better days. Wear and tear just adds to the charm. The walls have been plastered with pages from books and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is such a nice little patch of green for a novice gardener like yourself. There's even a small fish pond. Flowers are already in full bloom in the flower bed and there's an empty patch ready for vegetables. The grass looks a bit dry.\n\nThere's also an old garden shed with a yard hydrant installed next to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pond",
"response": "The pond is small but very beautiful..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the patch",
"response": "The vegetable patch is just waiting for seeds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the hose to the hydrant",
"response": "With some effort you screw the other end of the hose to the hydrant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the flowers",
"response": "The flowers are petunias and poppies, you guess. At the moment there seem to be much more weeds than flowers in the flower bed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the weeds",
"response": "You get on your knees and pull each weed carefully out around the flowers. It takes a good thirty minutes, but the result looks really nice. Never mind the aching fingers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the list",
"response": "It's a list of things that are easy to do to get you started:\n\n- Remove weeds from the flower bed (done!)\n- Plant the tomatoes\n- Put the fish in the pond\n- Water the lawn",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Plant seeds",
"response": "You throw the tomato seeds evenly on the vegetable patch and spread some soil over them. That was easy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the fish in the the pond",
"response": "The fish leaps from the plastic bag into the pond and starts to swim around in circles. In the spur of the moment you decide to name it \"Wensleydale\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Water lawn",
"response": "You carefully hose the entire lawn and turn the water off when you're done. In your eyes the grass is already looking much greener!\n\nWell, that was the last chore and everything is now done! Looks like you are better at this than you even imagined!\n\nNo, wait, what's that mound right in the middle of the garden? Ugh, it's a molehill. Better hose the bugger out while you're at it before the entire garden gets full of those.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the molehill",
"response": "It's a small pile of dirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You're carrying a to-do list.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the list",
"response": "It's a list of things that are easy to do to get you started:\n\n- Remove weeds from the flower bed (done!)\n- Plant the tomatoes (done!)\n- Put the fish in the pond (done!)\n- Water the lawn (done!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hose molehill",
"response": "It wouldn't help just to wash the mound away. You need to flood the tunnels.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nIt's a delightful little shed even though it has seen better days. Wear and tear just adds to the charm. The walls have been plastered with pages from books and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the hose in the molehill",
"response": "You tuck the end of the hose inside the mole hill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the water",
"response": "(the yard hydrant)\nYou approach the hydrant and see a little cuddly bunny by the shed. \"Oh, how delightful!\" you exclaim. The bunny scurries away.\n\nYou turn the valve and a spray of water from the hose soaks you through. You cut the water quickly. The bunny must've had a taste of the hose.\n\nBother.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hose",
"response": "It's quite long and... orange.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the water",
"response": "(the yard hydrant)\nNot before you've found a way to mend the hose!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hose",
"response": "It should stay until the mole is thoroughly hosed out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nThe shed is in poor shape, but it's your own little shed. The walls have been plastered with pages from books and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nNow let's see... There, right on top of a box, is a roll of silvery duct tape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the duct tape",
"response": "It's silvery and it can repair anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the duct tape",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and the other end is tucked inside the molehill.\n\nA lonely crow lands on the vegetable patch. It pecks around the soil for a bit, then two others arrive. They start digging and eating the tomato seeds.\n\n\"Hey! Get out of there, you little pests!\" you scream but the birds ignore you.\n\nBother.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You're carrying a roll of duct tape and a to-do list.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mend hose",
"response": "You roll a few layers of tape arond the leaking spot. It looks like it could hold now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You scare the crows",
"response": "You approach the vegetable patch and the crows fly off. They return right after you've moved two paces away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the hose",
"response": "You turn the valve and water starts to flow underground. You decide to leave it on for a while, just to be sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nThe shed is in poor shape, but it's your own little shed. The walls have been plastered with pages from books and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nLet's see... Yes, there should be something useful here for this situation.\n\nYou can see a coverall and a rake here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the coverall",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at coverall",
"response": "It's a smallish dark green coverall. It has seen a lot of use.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rake",
"response": "It's a rusty rake that's missing few teeth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the coverall on the rake",
"response": "You put the rake inside the coverall to support it and you have yourself a makeshift scarecrow. Hopefully it works.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and the other end is tucked inside the molehill.\n\nSome crows are eating away the tomato seeds you just planted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the scarecrow in the garden",
"response": "Which do you mean, the garden hose, or the lawn?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the scarecrow in the vegetable patch",
"response": "You stick the scarecrow in the middle of the vegetable patch. The crows fly away and - they aren't returning! Hooray!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fish",
"response": "Wensleydale makes cheerful little circles in its new home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the grass",
"response": "The grass is looking good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the molehill",
"response": "It's a small pile of dirt. The other end of the hose is tucked inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and the other end is tucked inside the molehill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the list",
"response": "It's a list of things that are easy to do to get you started:\n\n- Remove weeds from the flower bed (done!)\n- Plant the tomatoes (done!)\n- Put the fish in the pond (done!)\n- Water the lawn (done!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the hose",
"response": "The water is already flowing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the hose",
"response": "It should stay until the mole is thoroughly hosed out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the vegetable patch",
"response": "The vegetable patch is hiding tomato seeds in its soil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nIt's a delightful little shed even though it has seen better days. Wear and tear just adds to the charm. The walls have been plastered with pages from books and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and the other end is tucked inside the molehill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pond",
"response": "Wensleydale is swimming in little circles in the water..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Maybe in some fantastic realm a garden would take care of itself with appropriately chosen magic words. Unfortunately this is not one of those realms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "You'd make a fool of yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the water",
"response": "(the yard hydrant)\nIt should stay until the mole is thoroughly hosed out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nIt's a delightful little shed even though it has seen better days. Wear and tear just adds to the charm. The walls have been plastered with pages from books and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the pages",
"response": "\"The slammer was a depressing mixture of displeasing white and uncaring gray. I walked past the empty cells listening to the steady click-clack of my steps echoing from the walls. In the last cell I found Professor Humphrey...\"\n\nNo wonder someone wanted to plaster it on the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "In April, three months after you bought the house, the snow finally melts and for the first time you see how your new garden really looks like. It's not that bad, actually; you probably don't need to do much to make it look really nice. Armed with a to-do list and an upbeat attitude you go to work.\n\nThis game is free software. See LICENSE for details.\n\nThe garden is such a nice little patch of green for a novice gardener like yourself. There's even a small fish pond. Flowers are already in full bloom in the flower bed and there's an empty patch ready for vegetables. The grass looks a bit dry.\n\nThere's also an old garden shed with a yard hydrant installed next to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove weeds",
"response": "You get on your knees and pull each weed carefully out around the flowers. It takes a good thirty minutes, but the result looks really nice. Never mind the aching fingers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plant the tomatoes",
"response": "You throw the tomato seeds evenly on the vegetable patch and spread some soil over them. That was easy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the fish in the pond",
"response": "The fish leaps from the plastic bag into the pond and starts to swim around in circles. In the spur of the moment you decide to name it \"Wensleydale\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is such a nice little patch of green for a novice gardener like yourself. There's even a small fish pond where Wensleydale is splashing around. Flowers are already in full bloom in the flower bed - now without any weeds - and the tomatoes are growing in the vegetable patch. The grass looks a bit dry.\n\nThere's also an old garden shed with a yard hydrant installed next to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the hose",
"response": "What do you want to attach the garden hose to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mouth",
"response": "With some effort you screw the other end of the hose to the hydrant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Water lawn",
"response": "You carefully hose the entire lawn and turn the water off when you're done. In your eyes the grass is already looking much greener!\n\nWell, that was the last chore and everything is now done! Looks like you are better at this than you even imagined!\n\nNo, wait, what's that mound right in the middle of the garden? Ugh, it's a molehill. Better hose the bugger out while you're at it before the entire garden gets full of those.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the hose in the molehill",
"response": "You tuck the end of the hose inside the mole hill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nThe shed is in poor shape, but it's your own little shed. The walls have been plastered with newspapers and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nNow let's see... There, right on top of a box, is a roll of silvery duct tape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mend hose",
"response": "You roll a few layers of tape around the leaking spot. It looks like it could hold now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the hose in the hill",
"response": "It's already in there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the water",
"response": "(the yard hydrant)\nYou turn the valve and water starts to flow underground. You decide to leave it on for a while, just to be sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nThe shed is in poor shape, but it's your own little shed. The walls have been plastered with newspapers and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nLet's see... Yes, there should be something useful here for this situation.\n\nYou can see a coverall and a rake here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "coverall: Taken.\nrake: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and the other end is tucked inside the molehill.\n\nSome crows are eating away the tomato seeds you just planted.\n\nWhat the... The weeds have resurrected themselves and fill the flower bed again!\n\nGoddamnit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the weeds",
"response": "You pull one weed out and sigh. This is never going to work without heavier armament.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nThe shed is in poor shape, but it's your own little shed. The walls have been plastered with newspapers and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nThere in the corner is a bright red bottle of herbicide with a skull printed on it. Excellent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the herbicide",
"response": "There's a picture of a skull on the side. That means it must be efficient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You return to the garden.\n\nThe garden is a tiny patch of green where Wensleydale is splashing around in the pond and the flowers are in full bloom in the flower bed. The tomato seeds have been planted in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and the other end is tucked inside the molehill.\n\nYou hear Wensleydale splash about in the pond.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour herbicide on the weeds",
"response": "You pop the cap from the weedkiller which greets you with a gust of poisonous fumes. \"Ha! Ha! HA! HAHA! HA!\" you scream as you pour the stuff on those demonic parasites. Let's see them come back to life now!\n\nThe weeds die spectacularly, whithering as soon as the herbicide hits them. War is not without casualities, as you soon find out - the flowers can't take the heat and they turn into shriveled mounds of organic mass.\n\nYou look at the flower bed and muse your Pyrrhic victory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine fish",
"response": "Hngaah! It's not Wensleydale that's splashing but the neighbour's cat who's trying to catch him! Shoo, cat, shoo!\n\nF%#&!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cat",
"response": "\"Here, pus pus pus...\"\n\nYou approach the cat, trying to grab it to carry it away from the pond. She sees you approaching, hisses, and makes a daring leap towards you.\n\nShe lands straight on your face and takes hold with all four legs. The beast drives its claws in the neck and the back of your head. \"Mmmph hmmh mph!\" you swear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the cat",
"response": "\"Meow,\" the cat says as you struggle to get free.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat",
"response": "It's the neighbour's cat. You used to like it, before it started to prey on your fish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cat",
"response": "Technically, you already have her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the cat",
"response": "You wave your arms in the general direction of your face (where the cat is), but it just makes the furry assailant to grab a tighter hold.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You stumble and nearly lose balance when the cat scratches you again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "\"Mhbh!\" you exclaim when your attempts are buggered by the blinding grasp of the beast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "\"NO!\" the cat yells and claws at your left ear. (It might've also been \"meow\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the cat",
"response": "How? The feline abdomination has blindfolded you with her own furry body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cat in the pond",
"response": "You would, but mouse-breath is still facehugging you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go pond",
"response": "\"NO!\" the cat yells and claws at your right ear. (It might've also been \"meow\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the cat",
"response": "You take a good grip of the little bastard and yank her out of your face. Her final loot is a bunch of hair and a good amount of freshly scraped skin. The cat jumps on the ground and runs off.\n\nYou glance at the vegetable patch where the crows are back, with a couple of friends of theirs. It looks as if some of them are actually laughing at the scarecrow. Laughing. At the scarecrow. Laughing.\n\nYou don't say anything. Your left eye twitches.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fish",
"response": "Wensleydale makes cheerful little circles in its new home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the flowers",
"response": "The flowers were petunias and poppies, you guess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "You go inside the garden shed again.\n\nThe dark and rotting shed is just about as awful as you can imagine. The walls have been plastered with newspapers and there are several boxes full of miscellaneous junk.\n\nThere has to be something here yet that will save the day! Has to be something!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the junk",
"response": "You rummage through the boxes, trying to find some magic tool that will make all go better. There is nothing there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the newspapers",
"response": "On closer inspection it's not newspaper after all but pages torn from books. From Jack Mills pocket books, to be precise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You sigh and return to the garden.\n\nIt's the garden of pain. The fish is hopefully still alive, the flowers most certainly are not. It's doubtful if there are any seeds left in the vegetable patch.\n\nThe old garden shed has a yard hydrant installed next to it. The garden hose is attached to the hydrant and it runs inside the molehill.\n\nSome crows are eating away the tomato seeds you just planted.\n\nThe ground erupts into four or five geysirs, spraying water from the underground mole tunnels.\n\nThe bunny returns and chews on the remaining flora.\n\nThe cat is back prowling about for Wensleydale by the pond.\n\n***\n\nYou close your eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the eyes",
"response": "They are already closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open eyes",
"response": "You open your eyes and behold! A paradise unfolds in front of your eyes! The flowers are blooming, the grass is a gleaming green carpet where butterflies chase each other and stop only to rest in sparkling waters of a beautiful yard pond. It is the perfect embodiment of a spring garden.\n\n\"You have a very beautiful garden, Mrs. Salines,\" you tell your next door neighbour who is watering her petunias on the other side of the fence. \"WHY DOES MINE LOOK LIKE THE AFTERMATH OF A CARPET BOMBING?\" You can feel your blood pressure throbbing a vein in your forehead.\n\nMrs. Salines laughs jovially. \"My dear, you just need a bit of patience! You can't expect perfect results right away,\" she tells you. \"Come, I'll make us some tea and then we'll go have a look at your garden.\"\n\nYou feel a bit better.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "%",
"response": "Type ABOUT for more information, FORUM for r.g.i.f. comments on the game, and MEAN to turn off unwinnable protection.\n\nWeazle, the evil wizard has destroyed all that Conan loved. Now,\nafter years of searching, Conan has finally found him.\nConan is ready for revenge - he will KILL EVERYTHING!\n\nConan is in a damp dungeon, furnished only with an oaken table. The walls consist of yellowish clay. High up on the wall is a single, burning torch. A door, leading north, is closed.\n\nWeazle, the evil wizard spins around as Conan enters the room.\n\n\"Ha!\", he cries, \"here comes stupid Conan whose parents I killed, whose sister I sold to the orks and whose dumbbells I stole! You want revenge! But you will perish!\"\n\nHe taps his pointed hat, and a growling wildcat appears out of thin air!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the wildcat",
"response": "Alertly, Conan draws his sword and, with one quick blow, strikes the wildcat dead. It vanishes in a puff of brown smoke.\n\n\"Oh\", snickers the wizard, \"it seems that you have grown stronger since I burnt your home village! Well, try this!\"\n\nHe taps his pointed hat again, and a mighty golem made of wood appears out of thin air!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the golem",
"response": "Conan raises his sword again and fells the golem with a single blow. It shatters into a million leaves that dissolve in a puff of green smoke. A red apple falls to the floor.\n\nThe wizard is impressed.\n\"You are good!\", he cries, \"Better than when I bewitched your hairdo! But my best creation is yet to come! A giant tarantula!\"\n\nHe taps his hat again, and out of thin air, a little spider appears! The wizard looks a bit puzzled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spider",
"response": "It is a little spider with a furry body.\n\nThe little spider moves around hesitantly!\n\nWeazle takes off his hat and examines it, muttering about something like 'energy plane dysfunction'.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the wizard",
"response": "Finally Conan can attack Weazle. With a mighty blow he slices the wizard in half. He vanishes in a puff of golden, glittering smoke. Only his pointed hat falls to the floor.\n\nSuddenly the little spider freezes in its movements, as if concentrating.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hat",
"response": "Taken.\n\nWith a mighty leap, the spider lands on Conan's back. Quickly it bites into his neck, injecting its venom. Conan falls to the floor.\n\n\"\nHe walks offstage, clapping his hands.\n\"OK, let's do another one!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the spider",
"response": "Conan chops at the spider, but it evades, quickly climbs up the wall and hides in a crack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crack",
"response": "A spider is hiding in the crack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Conan is carrying:\na loincloth (being worn)\na very large sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the crack",
"response": "This seems futile even to Conan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the loincloth",
"response": "Conan removes the loincloth, held together with a bone pin. Not much is revealed. Cursed steroids.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "Conan is carrying:\na bone pin\na loincloth\na very large sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine pin",
"response": "It is a pin, made of a dead chicken's bone (Conan killed it himself).",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Conan is in a damp dungeon, furnished only with an oaken table. The walls consist of yellowish clay. High up on the wall is a single, burning torch. A door, leading north, is closed. The spider is hiding in a crack in the ceiling.\nA fly is buzzing around the room.\n\nConan can also see a pointed hat and a red apple here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine fly",
"response": "The fly is somewhere around, but hard to see in the flickering light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "Inside the hat Conan can see some dials and blinking lights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dials",
"response": "The dials are marked with lettering in a strange writing (but Conan cannot read at all, anyway). They can obviously be turned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the apple",
"response": "(first taking the red apple)\nConan eats the apple. His gastric juices quickly kill it. Conan emanates a burp of red smoke.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "It is a sturdy table that has seen many feasts and fights. There is a small hole on the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "There is a tiny woodworm in the hole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the worm",
"response": "The woodworm is tiny in the hole. Conan can barely see it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pin in hole",
"response": "Conan takes the pin and cruelly stabs the worm. Its body goes limp, dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the worm to the spider",
"response": "Conan can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the table",
"response": "Conan gets onto the oaken table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "Conan is carrying:\na pointed hat\na bone pin\na loincloth\na very large sword\n\nThe fly lands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "Conan will have to get off the oaken table first.\n\nThe fly takes off again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get off the table",
"response": "It is a pin, made of a dead chicken's bone (Conan killed it himself).\n\nConan gets off the oaken table.\n\nThe spider is hiding in a crack in the ceiling.\nA fly is buzzing around the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the dial",
"response": "Conan fiddles with the dials.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "Conan returns the dials to their original settings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hat",
"response": "A large, pointed hat with a moon and stars decoration that used to be popular among wizards about 250 years ago. Conan notices an especially large saturn symbol. Inside the hat Conan can see some dials and blinking lights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the saturn",
"response": "The saturn symbol has a slight smudge. It seems to serve as a kind of button.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Conan is in a damp dungeon, furnished only with an oaken table. The walls consist of yellowish clay. High up on the wall is a single, burning torch. A door, leading north, is closed. The spider is hiding in a crack in the ceiling.\nA fly is buzzing around the room.\n\nThe fly lands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the torch",
"response": "The torch is out of Conan's reach.\n\nThe fly takes off again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the torch",
"response": "The torch is out of Conan's reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Conan jumps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "Conan gets off the oaken table.\n\nThe spider is hiding in a crack in the ceiling.\nA fly is buzzing around the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine fly",
"response": "The fly is somewhere around, but hard to see in the flickering light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the fly",
"response": "Conan tries to hit the fly, but even he is too clumsy to hit it in midair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at loincloth",
"response": "It is made of bear skin (Conan killed the bear himself).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the loincloth",
"response": "Conan shreds the loincloth to pieces with his sword. It is dead now.\n\nThe fly lands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the fly",
"response": "Conan aims and squashes the fly with his sword. Entrails splatter. The fly is dead.\n\nThe little spider crawls out of the crack in the ceiling!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill spider",
"response": "As Conan advances, the spider hastily climbs back into the crack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe little spider comes crawling down the wall!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe little spider is crawling over the floor!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe little spider is eating the fly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill spider",
"response": "With a devastating blow, Conan kills the spider. It vanishes in a puff of black smoke.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Conan is carrying:\na bone pin\na shredded loincloth\na very large sword",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the loincloth",
"response": "It is dead. Conan has killed it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the pin",
"response": "Between his fingers, Conan snaps the pin into two pieces. It is dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill loincloth",
"response": "Conan already killed the shredded loincloth.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Dungeon (on the oaken table)\nConan is in a damp dungeon, furnished only with an oaken table. The walls consist of yellowish clay. High up on the wall is a single, burning torch. A door, leading north, is closed.\nConan can see a squashed fly here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the wall",
"response": "The clay walls are already dead. Conan suspects that he killed them in an earlier episode.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "A heavy wooden door with metal hinges and a large metal lock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the door",
"response": "Conan wildly attacks the door with his sword. After several blows, it suddenly drops forward and slams flat on the floor - dead. Behind it is only bare wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the door",
"response": "It is too heavy even for Conan to lift.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at door",
"response": "It is dead. Conan has killed it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Blow torch",
"response": "(first taking the torch)\nThe torch is out of Conan's reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the sword at the torch",
"response": "A well-aimed throw dislodges the torch which falls to the floor. It dies!\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sword",
"response": "Conan fumbles in the dark. Ouch! He steps on the hot torch!\n\n\"\nHe stares at you hypnotically.\n\"This is a crucial phase before the final denouement! I want solemnity. I want grace. You can do better than that!\"\nHe walks offstage, clapping his hands.\n\"OK, another one!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "Conan will have to get off the oaken table first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "Conan gets off the oaken table.\n\nConan is in darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break table",
"response": "Splinters fly as Conan slices the tabletop from its legs. It falls down flat, dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sword",
"response": "Conan fumbles in the dark. Ouch! He steps on the hot torch!\n\n\"\nHe stares at you hypnotically.\n\"This is a crucial phase before the final denouement! I want solemnity. I want grace. You can do better than that!\"\nHe walks offstage, clapping his hands.\n\"OK, another one!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the sword",
"response": "Conan grabs his sword by handle and tip and, with all his might, breaks it over his knee. Ouch! But two fragments remain in his hands, dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Conan",
"response": "Conan takes the broken blade and holds it before him with both hands. Then he takes it and with a sudden thrust buries it deep in his muscular stomach.\n\nBlood flows, as Conan turns and twists the blade in the wound until he sinks to the floor, dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Forum",
"response": "Voices from the forum (\n\n\" apotheosis of the traditional, Zork-led approach to IF...\"\n\n\"...deconstruction of the room paradigm...\"\n\n\"Conan is the barbarian, the Significant Other against which civilisation defines itself.\"\n\n\"To say that 'Conan Kill Everything' relies on symbolic vocabulary is to understate the issue. Its symbols are isolated and recognisable, and stand out from the landscape in their symbolic significance like a naked guy on steroids in a Victorian painting. 'Note this!' they say. And they are organised with a tidy symmetry, perfect and mathematical, so that the meaning of anything unexplained may be worked out by its relations to other symbols and the oppositions between them. The sword, the table, the worm, the penis; every object denotes a single concept in its purity.\"",
"endoftext": true
] | 8h52vtue96f9vq7f |
The Crescent City at the Edge of Disaster | Emily Short | [
"Alien Visitation",
] | [
"anthropomorphised animals",
"cover art",
"female protagonist",
"new orleans",
"sidekick NPC",
"speed IF",
"Speed-IF 2001",
"SpeedIF January 2001",
"strong profanity"
] | 2,001 | [
] | 14 | 2.714286 | 20140504 | false | New Orleans, Emeril, and armed hamsters. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Saint Louis Street. 7:30 pm. Three and a half hours from the end of the world.\n\nMostly deserted. The shops on either side of the street have closed down, though that's not really enough to keep you out if you wanted to go in -- considering the shape that they're in. The most disastrously torn-open one is the shopfront of NOLA, to the west.\n\nNorth, where the junction with Chartres Street should be, there is only a hastily-erected barricade of wire fencing. Beyond that, forest impenetrable.\n\nTo the south, Decatur Street, the last narrow strip, humanity's tiny remaining purchase between the forest and the river.\n\nNearby stands Brutus the Chihuahua, watching you grimly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look like shit, if you could see yourself, which you can't. Your costume's torn at the elbows and knees, you've got bruises and abrasions and contusions on every exposed skin surface, and there's a general sense of foreboding located somewhere behind your left eyesocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na black velvet cape (being worn)\na tattered note",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "Since you asked, this is ABSOLUTELY YOUR LAST CHANCE to prove that there's something worth preserving in your puny civilization. Otherwise you will be CRUSHED LIKE AN EGG. [This is scratched out and in scarlet letters it says instead, LIKE YOUR OWN SKULLS.]\n\nBuild a scale replica of the Taj Mahal out of food products at the center of Jackson Square. And we'll think about it.\n\nSigned, the Bright Coalition.\n\n[ Rat bastards -- literally, mutant crossbreeds out of NIMH -- it took you twenty hours of non-stop negotiation to get even this concession out of them. They were laughing like hyenas by the time it ended. ]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cape",
"response": "A little damaged by your recent adventures, but it still hushes reassuringly around you when you walk, and the tassel on the hood still swings jauntily. It was all worth it, all the years of training, all the effort, just to get to the moment when you first put it on... when your mother's daughter became the Dark Avenger... but those glory days are behind you.\n\nUnless you can save humanity from the grip of the Bright Coalition, that is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Chihuahua",
"response": "So named by someone with a keen sense of irony and no personal fear. Brutus stands a good 6 foot 8 inches, with the girth of a tree-trunk and an affinity for leather gear. As you look at him, he breaks into a toothy grin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Once a rather chic restaurant -- one of Emeril Lagasse's lesser spinoffs, it's true, but still, not bad.\n\nNow it looks like a bomb hit. The brushed alumninum decor is black with soot. Tables are overturned, the windows shattered. The elevator-in-a-cage that goes up to the second floor emits a perpetual high-pitched whine.\n\nSwinging doors lead deeper into the restaurant.\n\nA single menu lies twisted among the wreckage.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine menu",
"response": "Tattered and burnt almost beyond recognition.\n\nYou can pick out words here and there -- duck liver pate, sweetened corn beverages, something about sorghum flour and something else about candied hazelnuts...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "Once a monument to culinary art and ergonomic efficiency; now a temple of destruction. The stainless counters are dirty and warped, the gas stoves burnt out, the ovens gaping doorless maws.\n\nBut most disturbingly: a rotting heap of Stuff.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stuff",
"response": "The pile itself was made by human, not animal hands, one huge assemblage of garbage that someone must have hoped to be able to burn or get rid of. Who knows what might still be in the middle of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search stuff",
"response": "Success! In the form of a single box of croutons, not even opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "You've plundered the heap for all that it will likely yield.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na crouton box\na black velvet cape (being worn)\na tattered note",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "Close inspection of the box shows why it has survived. The contents are pretty much entirely artificial. How embarrassing for Emeril.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Once a monument to culinary art and ergonomic efficiency; now a temple of destruction. The stainless counters are dirty and warped, the gas stoves burnt out, the ovens gaping doorless maws.\n\nNearby stands Brutus the Chihuahua, watching you grimly.\n\nBut most disturbingly: a rotting heap of Stuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "Once a rather chic restaurant -- one of Emeril Lagasse's lesser spinoffs, it's true, but still, not bad.\n\nNow it looks like a bomb hit. The brushed alumninum decor is black with soot. Tables are overturned, the windows shattered. The elevator-in-a-cage that goes up to the second floor emits a perpetual high-pitched whine.\n\nSwinging doors lead deeper into the restaurant.\n\nA single menu lies twisted among the wreckage.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You can go only east, out or in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the menu",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Mostly deserted. The shops on either side of the street have closed down, though that's not really enough to keep you out if you wanted to go in -- considering the shape that they're in. The most disastrously torn-open one is the shopfront of NOLA, to the west.\n\nNorth, where the junction with Chartres Street should be, there is only a hastily-erected barricade of wire fencing. Beyond that, forest impenetrable.\n\nTo the south, Decatur Street, the last narrow strip, humanity's tiny remaining purchase between the forest and the river.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "To the north is the tiny remaining habitable stretch of Saint Louis Street. Toulouse and Wilkinson have been given over to the enemy, fenced off.\n\nDecatur itself continues east to Jackson Square.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Jackson Square, south side\nDecatur Street runs east-west here, and time was that carriages did too, ferrying tourists around. To the south, the concrete mass of the MoonWalk. North, the center of Jackson Square -- the statue of old Andrew has been pulled down to make room for a seething mass of bodies where the young and soulless are dancing like it was 1999.\n(Apparently that occasion failed to live up to expectation. Dumbasses.)\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "Better safe it until it's time to use it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A somewhat oddly named strip of concrete overlooking the street on one side and the river on the other, mostly useful for walking back and forth at times of tribulation. Preferably, times of tribulation when no time limit is in force.\n\nThe enormous memorial cannon has been turned to point towards the Mississippi.\n\nOn the river itself, the paddleboat calling itself the Ark drifts, reeking of menace.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the paddleboat",
"response": "Sinister, barely lit: through the windows and the drapery of flags that used to adorn it for tourists, you can make out the moving silhouettes of Them, the Bright Coalition. Hamsters the size of yaks, mockingly costumed in monocles and spats, celebrating the end of humanity...",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "A somewhat oddly named strip of concrete overlooking the street on one side and the river on the other, mostly useful for walking back and forth at times of tribulation. Preferably, times of tribulation when no time limit is in force.\n\nNearby stands Brutus the Chihuahua, watching you grimly.\n\nThe enormous memorial cannon has been turned to point towards the Mississippi.\n\nOn the river itself, the paddleboat calling itself the Ark drifts, reeking of menace.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "That way's pretty much a stinking mess: the market has grown over into something truly vile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Once a handsome spot, now a garden of Bacchanalian abuses. The gates open north and south.\n\nFrom side to side of the august park, a group of people -- some drunk -- are dancing to the vibrating tunage of an artist you mentally refer to as Squiggle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the people",
"response": "A motley collection of people, some well-dressed, some less so.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Jackson Square, north side\nHere under the august shadow of the Cabildo it is (almost) possible to believe that nothing has gone wrong or ever will. The old building still stands, untainted and from here apparently undamaged, the signs for tourists in their places, as if anyone were traveling for pleasure today.\n\nAlong the street is set up a table from which someone was selling souvenir posters and other junk.\n\nOn the table is a picture of the Taj Mahal.\n\nBrutus follows you faithfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at picture",
"response": "Just what you were looking for. Never say that Providence doesn't smile on you, and I'm not talking about when you're interviewing for the Rhode Island tourist board, either.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "Abandoned, but there is still a thing or two on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search table",
"response": "There is nothing on the table.\n\nThere is nothing on the table.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Jackson Square, north side\nHere under the august shadow of the Cabildo it is (almost) possible to believe that nothing has gone wrong or ever will. The old building still stands, untainted and from here apparently undamaged, the signs for tourists in their places, as if anyone were traveling for pleasure today.\n\nNearby stands Brutus the Chihuahua, watching you grimly.\n\nAlong the street is set up a table from which someone was selling souvenir posters and other junk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Once a handsome spot, now a garden of Bacchanalian abuses. The gates open north and south.\n\nFrom side to side of the august park, a group of people -- some drunk -- are dancing to the vibrating tunage of an artist you mentally refer to as Squiggle.\n\nYou clear your throat a few times. \"Excuse me, excuse me!\"\n\nNo one pays any attention. The artist who is sometimes known as Prince and sometimes not continues to blast your eardrums.\n\n\"OKAY THEN,\" roars Brutus.\n\nAll fall silent.\nWith a degree of articulateness that most would not expect from your intimidating sidekick, Brutus explains to the crowd what must be done. The picture of the Taj Mahal is prominently displayed. The crowd parts reverently, then gathers again, an almost worshipful calm settling over them as they begin to work peacefully, in unison, constructing the beautiful building anew out of bread products. It is perhaps the most perfect moment of your life.\nAfter that it's all a blur -- the reconsultation with the Bright Coalition, their embarrassed retreat down the river by boat (as a concession you agree to give them St. Louis, which could not be considered much of a loss), and the rescue of the French Quarter (and the rest of the world, while you're at it) from its process of rapid re-Edenization.\n\nAnd when it's all done, you get your cape washed and pressed, and you and the Chihuahua take a vacation. A long one.",
"endoftext": true
] | dsvzan5uim8460bt |
The Bryant Collection | Gregory Weir | [
] | [
"cover art",
] | 2,009 | [
] | 7 | 2.714286 | 20090604 | false | The Bryant Collection is an interactive anthology: a collection of 'story worlds' by Laura Bryant. They were found at a yard sale in an old strongbox. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "There are never enough tables for a yard sale. The people who live here clearly have set out every table they own on the driveway in front of their house. It's a mismatched array of card tables, a kitchen table, and a scarred white desk, all piled with miscellaneous junk.\n\nOne item catches your eye. It's an old, dented strongbox, barely visible behind a huge box fan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "A few card tables, a kitchen table, and a scarred white desk are set out on the driveway and piled high with junk. You'd guess these are all of the tables (and table-like devices) that could easily be moved out of the house and onto the driveway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the junk",
"response": "Nothing amazing. Boxes of old audio cassettes, a Packard Bell computer, ugly lamps and dilapidated board games. The sale seems to be one born of a desire for more storage rather than more cash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "I suppose you're me. Gregory Weir, I mean. Mid-twenties, brown hair, thin. Probably a bit scruffy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "(the old dented strongbox)\nThis strongbox is made of metal, and is a foot across in each dimension. It is covered in rust and dented in a few places. A tattered label on the lid reads \"Laura Bryant Collection.\" A garish orange sticker asks for $23. Some inner feeling makes you want to possess it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the computer",
"response": "You had a Packard Bell once. Never again. They're impossible to upgrade. Besides, this one's about a decade old.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the box",
"response": "(the old dented strongbox)\nYou pick up the strongbox. The rest of the transaction is fuzzy in your memory. Money changed hands, and you got in your car.\nAfterwards, you kicked yourself for not asking the family's name or checking the street signs on your way out of the neighborhood.\n\n\"It's kind of silly, I know, making up\nlittle story worlds like this. But it's\nalways reminded me of my Uncle Ted,\nwho says Great-Grandfather Bryant used\nto do it with him. Thought you might\nfind it fun.\"\n\n\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nThe strongbox itself sits open under the table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.\n\n(For information on the origins of this collection, type ABOUT. To return to this room from within a story, type RETURN.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the envelope",
"response": "This is a standard envelope stuffed with fifteen sheets of triple-folded lined paper. The pages are loose, and are covered in neat writing in blue pen. In a few places, the ink has bled where drops of moisture fell on the pages. The envelope is unaddressed and unstamped, and the words \"UNDELIVERED LOVE LETTER\" are writted across the front. Where the return address would be is the date \"1975.\"\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "This is a standard envelope stuffed with fifteen sheets of triple-folded lined paper. The pages are loose, and are covered in neat writing in blue pen. In a few places, the ink has bled where drops of moisture fell on the pages. The envelope is unaddressed and unstamped, and the words \"UNDELIVERED LOVE LETTER\" are writted across the front. Where the return address would be is the date \"1975.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"The weird thing is that\neven though I thought it\nwould never stop hurting\nat the time, now I just look\nback and miss that pain.\"\n\n\n\nThis was supposed to be a nice visit, a respite from the loneliness of a long-distance relationship. Yesterday evening, she broke the news to you. You didn't eat at all today. Right now, she's in the bathroom, but she'll be back in time for a final goodbye. Then you'll leave on the plane, she'll stay here, and you'll never see her again.\n\nPassengers bustle through this busy airport terminal, on their way to and from their planes. You're waiting near your gate, among twenty or thirty seats. A gate agent bustles about near the gate. Large windows overlook the tarmac, where you can see your plane sitting at the end of the loading bridge. The restrooms are across the hallway, and the security checkpoint is a decent walk away.\n\nA big clock is mounted on the wall nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're a young man who's just finished a relationship that lasted years. It was supposed to last forever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na carry-on bag (closed)\na boarding pass",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pass",
"response": "This printed slip of paper marks you as a ticket-holder, qualified to travel on this flight.\n\nX emerges from the restroom and heads this way. She sits down beside you. \"Hi. How are you doing?\" she asks with a pensive look on her face. Her voice has the faintest of Russian accents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine X",
"response": "X has long, blonde hair that reaches her waist when unbound. Right now, it's tied back in a bun. She's wearing a long, burgundy coat with a white scarf tucked into the collar. She has a thin frame and a heart-shaped face, with greenish-gray eyes and a nose that's just a bit prominent. She's beautiful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to X",
"response": "(To talk to X, try to ASK X ABOUT something, TELL X ABOUT something, or just say YES or NO.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the X about herself",
"response": "\"How are you doing?\" you ask hesitantly.\n\nShe takes several seconds to answer. \"I'm hurting,\" she says. \"I hate seeing you this way. But I didn't... I didn't want to continue the way we were.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the X about us",
"response": "\"So... what are we now?\" you ask, with pain in your voice.\n\nX smiles softly. \"You're still important to me. I'd like to be friendly. To keep in touch.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the X about the friends",
"response": "You can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nX lifts her hand to her face and smooths her right eyebrow. It's a cute habit of hers. \"Baby...\" she begins, then sighs. \"It won't hurt forever. There are lots of women out there who'll fall into your arms.\" But none of them will be her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the flight",
"response": "(X about that)\n\"Do you think you'll ever come to visit me?\" you ask.\n\nShe thinks for a long moment. \"Maybe,\" she says. \"If I have the time and the money.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the X about the future",
"response": "You heard her already. You'll \"keep in touch.\" It's not enough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kiss her",
"response": "(X)\nYou lean toward X for a last kiss. She leans toward you, but turns her head slightly so that you kiss the corner of her mouth. She looks into your eyes sadly, then looks down.\n\nX nervously picks under her thumbnail with a nail of the opposite hand. \"You really should eat something,\" she says in a worried tone. \"It's been almost a day since you've had any food.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plane",
"response": "Yours is a large, gleaming thing in white and gray. It can take you to another state more quickly than anything else. Almost.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat",
"response": "What do you want to eat?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the food",
"response": "(X about that)\n\"Do you want to get food for yourself?\" you ask. \"I don't mind. I'm not hungry.\"\n\nX shakes her head. \"I'll get something when you're gone,\" she says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about someone else",
"response": "(X about that)\nYou can't summon up the effort to ask about that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the money",
"response": "(X about that)\n\"How's the job going?\" you ask.\n\nShe sighs, and stretches. \"It's a diner,\" she explains. \"It's always busy and exhausting.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the pass",
"response": "This printed slip of paper marks you as a ticket-holder, qualified to travel on this flight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the headaches",
"response": "(X about that)\nYou can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nThe gate agent speaks over the intercom. \"Attention, all passengers of Flight 160 to Indianapolis,\" she says in a bored tone. \"We will now begin boarding for all seats. Please have your boarding pass ready.\"\nA line of passengers forms in front of the gate.\n\nX looks at you with concern. \"Are you all right?\" she asks. \"Say something.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hug her",
"response": "You lean over and hug X tightly. She awkwardly rubs your back with a hand until you release her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say we'LL always have the paris",
"response": "(to X)\n(To talk to X, try to ASK X ABOUT something, TELL X ABOUT something, or just say YES or NO.)\n\nX clears her throat awkwardly and scratches her nose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Board plane",
"response": "You get into line at the gate. X moves to stand beside you, on the outside of the rope barrier.\n\nYour turn to board the plane arrives. You hand your boarding pass to the gate agent, and step into the loading bridge. With one last glance over your shoulder, you see X watching you with a sad expression on her face. You turn and head for the plane.\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nThe strongbox itself sits open under the table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the envelope",
"response": "This is a standard envelope stuffed with fifteen sheets of triple-folded lined paper. The pages are loose, and are covered in neat writing in blue pen. In a few places, the ink has bled where drops of moisture fell on the pages. The envelope is unaddressed and unstamped, and the words \"UNDELIVERED LOVE LETTER\" are writted across the front. Where the return address would be is the date \"1975.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"The weird thing is that\neven though I thought it\nwould never stop hurting\nat the time, now I just look\nback and miss that pain.\"\n\n\n\nThis was supposed to be a nice visit, a respite from the loneliness of a long-distance relationship. Yesterday evening, she broke the news to you. You didn't eat at all today. Right now, she's in the bathroom, but she'll be back in time for a final goodbye. Then you'll leave on the plane, she'll stay here, and you'll never see her again.\n\nPassengers bustle through this busy airport terminal, on their way to and from their planes. You're waiting near your gate, among twenty or thirty seats. A gate agent bustles about near the gate. Large windows overlook the tarmac, where you can see your plane sitting at the end of the loading bridge. The restrooms are across the hallway, and the security checkpoint is a decent walk away.\n\nA big clock is mounted on the wall nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clock",
"response": "According to the clock, it's 5:41 pm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the agent about the food",
"response": "She's really quite busy. You'd rather not bother her.\n\nX emerges from the restroom and heads this way. She sits down beside you. \"Hi. How are you doing?\" she asks with a pensive look on her face. Her voice has the faintest of Russian accents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about yourself",
"response": "You tell her how sad you're feeling, and she sighs sadly. \"Poor sweetheart,\" she says. \"I'm sorry that things had to turn out this way.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about plane",
"response": "\"The flight will be leaving soon,\" you say. \"We might not see each other again.\"\n\nX adjusts her scarf. \"I hope we do, someday,\" she replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill X",
"response": "Several times since last evening you've wanted to hit her, but it was out of impotent frustration, not any real rage. You love her too much to hurt her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open the carry-on bag.\n\nX nervously picks under her thumbnail with a nail of the opposite hand. \"You really should eat something,\" she says in a worried tone. \"It's been almost a day since you've had any food.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in bag",
"response": "There's assorted essentials and reading materials inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close bag",
"response": "You close the carry-on bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pass",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.\n\nX clears her throat awkwardly and scratches her nose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask X about the women",
"response": "You can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nX looks at you with concern. \"Are you all right?\" she asks. \"Say something.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about the sadness",
"response": "You've already made your feelings clear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask X about job",
"response": "\"How's the job going?\" you ask.\n\nShe sighs, and stretches. \"It's a diner,\" she explains. \"It's always busy and exhausting.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about us",
"response": "(X about that)\n\"So... what are we now?\" you ask, with pain in your voice.\n\nX smiles softly. \"You're still important to me. I'd like to be friendly. To keep in touch.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about boyfriend",
"response": "(X about that)\nYou can't summon up the effort to ask about that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about her",
"response": "(X about that)\nYou can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nThe gate agent speaks over the intercom. \"Attention, all passengers of Flight 160 to Indianapolis,\" she says in a bored tone. \"We will now begin boarding for all seats. Please have your boarding pass ready.\"\nA line of passengers forms in front of the gate.\n\nX lifts her hand to her face and smooths her right eyebrow. It's a cute habit of hers. \"Baby...\" she begins, then sighs. \"It won't hurt forever. There are lots of women out there who'll fall into your arms.\" But none of them will be her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the restroom",
"response": "You don't have to go right now.\n\nX looks at you searchingly. She opens her mouth as if to say something, then closes it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask X about the family",
"response": "You can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nThe last of the passengers filters through the gate, and the gate agent looks around to see if there are any potential passengers left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open the carry-on bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the bag",
"response": "There's assorted essentials and reading materials inside.\n\nThe gate agent calls out to you. \"Sir?\" she asks. \"All the other passengers are inside. If this is your flight, please board now.\" As much as you'd like to stay behind, you know that's not possible. You hand your boarding pass to the gate agent, and step into the loading bridge. With one last glance over your shoulder, you see X watching you with a sad expression on her face. You turn and head for the plane.\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nThe strongbox itself sits open under the table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack pass",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nThe last of the passengers filters through the gate, and the gate agent looks around to see if there are any potential passengers left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the pass to X",
"response": "She can't come with you. There's only one ticket.\n\nX looks at you searchingly. She opens her mouth as if to say something, then closes it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the pass",
"response": "No, you'll need that to board the plane.\n\nThe gate agent calls out to you. \"Sir?\" she asks. \"All the other passengers are inside. If this is your flight, please board now.\" As much as you'd like to stay behind, you know that's not possible. You hand your boarding pass to the gate agent, and step into the loading bridge. With one last glance over your shoulder, you see X watching you with a sad expression on her face. You turn and head for the plane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack X",
"response": "You've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nThe strongbox itself sits open under the table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the toy",
"response": "This is a toy made out of a wooden block with three wooden posts sticking out of the top. Painted wooden disks of various sizes and colors fit onto the posts. At the moment, the left post has a tiny purple disk, a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, a medium-large yellow disk, a large orange disk, and a huge red disk (from top to bottom) on it, the middle post has nothing on it, and the right post has nothing on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wrinkled",
"response": "This is a wrinkled sheet of paper that was at the back of the strongbox. It appears to be the last page of one of Ms. Bryant's story-worlds, but you've yet to find the rest of it. It's possible that you never will. The sheet reads:\n\n\"will never clarify its cryptic prophecies.\n\n\"Instead of dismantling the fast food intercom, say 'It would be a waste of time to take that apart. You'd only be half done before the police arrived.'\n\n\"You can return each day, and the speaker will tell a new prophecy. After asking the restaurant employees about the prophecies, have them say that they have no idea what you're talking about. They only remember taking your order and giving you a price.\n\n\"The restaurant goes out of business in five days from now. When the restaurant goes out of business, replace the intercom with a broken stump. The broken stump has description 'All that remains where the intercom and menu board once stood is a twisted stump of metal with a few wires poking out. There's no indication of the source of the strange mist that seemed to surround the menu board.'\n\n\"The End.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Garden",
"response": "This is a thin notebook with a marbled black-and-white pattern on the cover. Only the first handful of pages are full of writing. The work is done in black pen, with numerous mistakes scribbled out and many doodles in the margins. The rest of the book is blank. On the label on the front of the book is the title \"MORNING IN THE GARDEN,\" written in heavily-scribbled black ball-point. On the upper right corner of the first page is the date \"1974.\"\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the MORNING in the GARDEN",
"response": "This is a thin notebook with a marbled black-and-white pattern on the cover. Only the first handful of pages are full of writing. The work is done in black pen, with numerous mistakes scribbled out and many doodles in the margins. The rest of the book is blank. On the label on the front of the book is the title \"MORNING IN THE GARDEN,\" written in heavily-scribbled black ball-point. On the upper right corner of the first page is the date \"1974.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"When it comes to any temptation,\nthe guilt afterward is never as bad\nas the longing beforehand.\"\n\n\n\nGod. He does this every day. One would think that sooner or later he'd take no for an answer. But that's not the kind of guy he is, you suppose.\n\nYou're beside the biggest tree. Its branches stretch miles overhead, and its roots are like the trunks of saplings. The ground here is soft and green with grass and moss. At the edges of this clearing, plants grow thick. They're all blossoming and fruiting at once, filling the air with perfume. A wide path leads out of the clearing and back to the rest of the garden.\n\nHanging low from a branch of the tree is a large fruit.\n\nThe Serpent walks into the clearing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're Woman, and you look a lot like your boyfriend Man except with some bits made bigger or turned inside-out.\n\nThe leaves of the tree above rustle in a stray breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tree",
"response": "This is the biggest tree in the garden, and you've been told in no uncertain terms not to ever, under any circumstance, eat the fruit from it, or you'll die. It's not really that much of a temptation, really. When you have a choice between any kind of fruit or vegetable you could imagine, having one be forbidden isn't at all draconian. Besides, the only edible thing growing on it is a single melon the size of your head.\n\n\"Hello, Woman,\" the Serpent says, stretching his legs and scratching his neck with one claw. \"Are you having a nice morning?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Ah, wonderful,\" the Serpent replies. \"I've just returned from bathing in the Pishon. The gold dust in the water always sticks to my scales. Does it look good on me?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Serpent",
"response": "He's a strange creature. Your boyfriend says he's called a \"serpent,\" but that always sounded more like someone who calculates income tax, or will do so once it's invented. He's got green scales tinged with gold and muscular legs that end in sharp claws. He's really the craftiest of all animals. At least, he was crafty the first twenty times you spoke to him. Now you've pretty well caught on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Oh, you're too kind,\" the Serpent says with what seems to be a genuine smile. \"It's so nice, these times we share together. I really do consider you a friend, you know, Woman. Do you feel the same?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tree",
"response": "You could climb for years and never get to the top.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch Serpent",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!\n\nThe Serpent lets out an awkward laugh. \"Oh, sorry, you don't have to answer that,\" he says hurriedly. \"Anyway, I can tell you've been feeling bored lately. Isn't that right?\"\n\nYou smell a bit of smoke from the morning campfire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "\"Oh, right,\" the Serpent chuckles. \"Looking forward to your nightly game of Leaves-and-Sticks with Man, are you?\" He rolls his eyes and smiles. \"I don't suppose you're feeling hungry. Are you?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "Of course you're not. You just had grapefruit, fried potatoes, and honeyed oats for breakfast. But when you say no, he just chuckles skeptically. \"Come on, Woman. We both know you'll have to try the fruit sooner or later. You have a curious nature, isn't that right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "\"No?\" the Serpent asks with mock bafflement. \"This from the woman who once tried to open a snail's shell to see what was inside. And we both know how that went.\" Poorly, as you remember all too well. \"Here's the way I see it. The Gardener, he's pretty powerful, right? More powerful than you or I or even Man?\"\n\nA butterfly flits out into the clearing, then quickly retreats back into the foliage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Right,\" the Serpent begins. \"He's the most powerful, so he's the one in charge. Not out of some moral superiority, but out of his natural abilities. He chose to make us inferior. Does that seem right to you?\"\n\nThe wind picks up for a moment, and you smell the soft smell of the grass on the breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Serpent",
"response": "(first taking the Serpent)\nI don't suppose the Serpent would care for that.\n\n\"Afraid to answer, lest a lightning bolt fall from the sky?\" the Serpent asks venomously. \"The only way the Gardener rules over us is through threat of punishment. Do you think he'd be so high and mighty if there were others with the same power he has?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Nonsense,\" the Serpent hisses. \"If you had the same powers as the Gardener, he couldn't control you.\" He points a claw at you. \"That's why he forbids you from eating this fruit. You won't die; he only says that because he knows that eating it will open your eyes and make you like him. Powerful and wise. Isn't wisdom worth having, even if it means disobeying him?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "As you walk away, you hear the Serpent's voice calling after you. \"Farewell, Woman! It's your loss!\" You hear a quiet laugh, and then he adds, \"See you tomorrow!\"\n\nAnd he's right: you will see him tomorrow. Your conversations with the Serpent are the most interesting parts of your life here in the garden. But right now it's time for another boring day.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You're beside the biggest tree. Its branches stretch miles overhead, and its roots are like the trunks of saplings. The ground here is soft and green with grass and moss. At the edges of this clearing, plants grow thick. They're all blossoming and fruiting at once, filling the air with perfume. A wide path leads out of the clearing and back to the rest of the garden.\n\nHanging low from a branch of the tree is a large fruit.\n\nYou can also see the Serpent here.\n\n\"Just think about that for a while,\" the Serpent says. \"I won't bother you any more today. Take the fruit or leave; it's your choice.\"\n\nFar off in the distance, you hear the cry of some animal or another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fruit",
"response": "This fruit is a delight to the eyes. Its skin is the color of blood, and textured like a melon, but seems soft enough that you could eat the fruit without peeling it. It has a depression running along the bottom of it that seems to divide it into two halves. It smells sweet and ripe. The whole thing is almost as big as your head, and dangles tantalizingly within reach.\n\nThe Serpent digs a bit of dirt from under a claw and tries not to look at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smell the fruit",
"response": "You smell the plants around you, and occasionally the smoke of your morning campfire on the breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the branch",
"response": "The lowest branch is still far too high for you to reach.\n\nThe Serpent glances from you to the fruit and back again.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You're beside the biggest tree. Its branches stretch miles overhead, and its roots are like the trunks of saplings. The ground here is soft and green with grass and moss. At the edges of this clearing, plants grow thick. They're all blossoming and fruiting at once, filling the air with perfume. A wide path leads out of the clearing and back to the rest of the garden.\n\nHanging low from a branch of the tree is a large fruit.\n\nYou can also see the Serpent here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear leaves",
"response": "(first taking the leaves)\nYou don't need to make anything out of the leaves right now.\n\nA bird on a branch above you suddenly calls out in a cheery snippet of song.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is passable.\n\nA butterfly flits out into the clearing, then quickly retreats back into the foliage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're Woman, and you look a lot like your boyfriend Man except with some bits made bigger or turned inside-out.\n\nThe Serpent scratches his nose and sighs softly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss Serpent",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fruit",
"response": "You reach up and take the fruit. The Serpent smiles at you encouragingly, and you take a bite.\n\nIt's more delicious than anything else in the garden.\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nThe strongbox itself sits open under the table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the End of",
"response": "This is a wire-bound memo book, about 3 by 5 inches. There are twelve sheets of ruled paper left in the book, all full. It's written in pencil, with no erasures, and there are what look like grease stains on the corners of some pages. The earlier pages in the notebook have all been torn out, with only scraps remaining caught in the wire spiral binding. Written on the cardboard cover in black marker is the phrase \"THE END OF THE WORLD.\" In the bottom corner is the date \"1982.\"\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the memo book labeled \"The End of the World\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at MORNING",
"response": "This is a thin notebook with a marbled black-and-white pattern on the cover. Only the first handful of pages are full of writing. The work is done in black pen, with numerous mistakes scribbled out and many doodles in the margins. The rest of the book is blank. On the label on the front of the book is the title \"MORNING IN THE GARDEN,\" written in heavily-scribbled black ball-point. On the upper right corner of the first page is the date \"1974.\"\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Letter",
"response": "This is a standard envelope stuffed with fifteen sheets of triple-folded lined paper. The pages are loose, and are covered in neat writing in blue pen. In a few places, the ink has bled where drops of moisture fell on the pages. The envelope is unaddressed and unstamped, and the words \"UNDELIVERED LOVE LETTER\" are writted across the front. Where the return address would be is the date \"1975.\"\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "This strongbox is made of metal, and is a foot across in each dimension. It is covered in rust and dented in a few places. A tattered label on the lid reads \"Laura Bryant Collection.\" You pried the box open with a crowbar you borrowed from a friend after failed attempts at picking the lock. The metal around the latch is twisted out of shape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the label",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "This strongbox is made of metal, and is a foot across in each dimension. It is covered in rust and dented in a few places. A tattered label on the lid reads \"Laura Bryant Collection.\" You pried the box open with a crowbar you borrowed from a friend after failed attempts at picking the lock. The metal around the latch is twisted out of shape.\n\nThis strongbox is made of metal, and is a foot across in each dimension. It is covered in rust and dented in a few places. A tattered label on the lid reads \"Laura Bryant Collection.\" You pried the box open with a crowbar you borrowed from a friend after failed attempts at picking the lock. The metal around the latch is twisted out of shape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine wrinkled",
"response": "This is a wrinkled sheet of paper that was at the back of the strongbox. It appears to be the last page of one of Ms. Bryant's story-worlds, but you've yet to find the rest of it. It's possible that you never will. The sheet reads:\n\n\"will never clarify its cryptic prophecies.\n\n\"Instead of dismantling the fast food intercom, say 'It would be a waste of time to take that apart. You'd only be half done before the police arrived.'\n\n\"You can return each day, and the speaker will tell a new prophecy. After asking the restaurant employees about the prophecies, have them say that they have no idea what you're talking about. They only remember taking your order and giving you a price.\n\n\"The restaurant goes out of business in five days from now. When the restaurant goes out of business, replace the intercom with a broken stump. The broken stump has description 'All that remains where the intercom and menu board once stood is a twisted stump of metal with a few wires poking out. There's no indication of the source of the strange mist that seemed to surround the menu board.'\n\n\"The End.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan old dented strongbox (open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine going home",
"response": "This is a packet of five pages of white paper with typewritten text. The back of each sheet shows traces of carbon paper. The pages are stapled together in the upper left corner, and there are signs that the sheets have been separated and re-stapled at least once. The first line on the first page reads \"GOING HOME AGAIN.\" On the next line is the date \"1969.\"\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\".)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Tower",
"response": "This is a 50-page, spiral-bound sketchbook with cardboard covers. The front cover is green, and is decorated with a drawing in black marker of the wooden toy that you found in the box. Across the top is the title \"THE TOWER OF HANOI,\" written in the same black marker. On the back cover is the date \"1978.\" The first ten pages are filled with simple pencil drawings and notes describing the world of this story. The rest of the book is filled with hauntingly realistic charcoal drawings of scenes from that world.\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\".)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clutter",
"response": "Stuff you need to put in its proper place, mostly. You put it off for long enough, and it starts to pile up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine wooden",
"response": "(the wooden table)\nOn the wooden table are a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a wooden toy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wooden toy",
"response": "This is a toy made out of a wooden block with three wooden posts sticking out of the top. Painted wooden disks of various sizes and colors fit onto the posts. At the moment, the left post has a tiny purple disk, a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, a medium-large yellow disk, a large orange disk, and a huge red disk (from top to bottom) on it, the middle post has nothing on it, and the right post has nothing on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take HANOI",
"response": "This is a 50-page, spiral-bound sketchbook with cardboard covers. The front cover is green, and is decorated with a drawing in black marker of the wooden toy that you found in the box. Across the top is the title \"THE TOWER OF HANOI,\" written in the same black marker. On the back cover is the date \"1978.\" The first ten pages are filled with simple pencil drawings and notes describing the world of this story. The rest of the book is filled with hauntingly realistic charcoal drawings of scenes from that world.\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"It seems to me that\nhowever hard people try to\nprotect something, there's\nalways someone willing to\ntry harder to take it away.\"\n\n\n\nYou finally got here. It was an arduous journey, but you're finally at the top of the fabled Tower of Hanoi. Before you is the priceless Amber Star, the most sought-after jewel in the world. There's just one problem. How are you supposed to get to it?\n\nThis is a tiny, round room. Its walls are painted a rich purple. In the center of the room is a round stone column. There is a hexagonal window on the right wall. A big cage is built into the wall, enclosing the window and occupying almost half of the room. In the floor of the cage is a square hole, through which you can see an impassable blue stone surface. Stairs outside the cage lead down through the floor, where you can see a room with blue walls.\n\nIn the cage is a glass case containing an enormous jewel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cage",
"response": "This is a cage made from interlaced steel wire. It's very sturdy-looking, and has no entrances or exits beyond the square hole in the floor inside it. It's attached to the right wall, the floor, and the ceiling in such a way that the wire forms three walls of the enclosure and the outer wall of the room forms the fourth. It takes up almost half of the room. In the cage is a glass case containing an enormous jewel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hole",
"response": "This is a square hole through which you can see an impassable blue stone surface.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is a tiny, round room. Its walls are painted a rich purple. In the center of the room is a round stone column. There is a hexagonal window on the right wall. A big cage is built into the wall, enclosing the window and occupying almost half of the room. In the floor of the cage is a square hole, through which you can see an impassable blue stone surface. Stairs outside the cage lead down through the floor, where you can see a room with blue walls.\n\nIn the cage is a glass case containing an enormous jewel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jewel",
"response": "This is the most precious jewel in the world: the Amber Star. It's the size of your head, and a brilliant shining yellow. It's held firmly in place by a silver stand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "It doesn't really matter what you look like. Let's just say you're you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stand",
"response": "The case is made of glass, supported by an elaborate golden pedestal. Within is a silver stand holding the Amber Star. The stand holds the gem tightly in place. On the side of the pedestal is a small lens facing the window with an engraving of a keyhole above it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lens",
"response": "This is a glass lens an inch or so across, facing toward the window as if to catch light shining into this room. Above it is an engraving of a keyhole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "This is a hexagonal window, not quite big enough to climb through. Through the window, you can see two thin metal spires and the empty wasteland around this complex.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spires",
"response": "Out the window you can see a thin metal spire, perfectly straight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You descend via the set of stairs.\n\nThis is a small, round room. Its walls are painted a deep blue. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the ceiling above. It passes through a large hole in the floor, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see a room with green walls. A hexagonal window is on the left wall, and there is an archway leading out. Stairs head up through the ceiling, where you can see a room with purple walls.\n\nA silver mirror is mounted in front of the window, directly above a lens set into the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the archway",
"response": "This is a graceful archway that comes to a point at the top. Through it, you can see a roof painted green and a sheer drop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Outside the archway is the roof of the disk below, slick with grease and moisture. Beyond that is a sheer drop. It doesn't seem safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn mirror",
"response": "That sounds impractical.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lens",
"response": "In front of the window is an angled mirror on a silver stand, set so that it will reflect light from the window toward a small lens set into the floor of the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is a small, round room. Its walls are painted a deep blue. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the ceiling above. It passes through a large hole in the floor, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see a room with green walls. A hexagonal window is on the left wall, and there is an archway leading out. Stairs head up through the ceiling, where you can see a room with purple walls.\n\nA silver mirror is mounted in front of the window, directly above a lens set into the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You return",
"response": "Do you want to leave this story and return to the living room?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "You've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", and a wrinkled sheet of paper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clutter",
"response": "Stuff you need to put in its proper place, mostly. You put it off for long enough, and it starts to pile up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Tower",
"response": "This is a 50-page, spiral-bound sketchbook with cardboard covers. The front cover is green, and is decorated with a drawing in black marker of the wooden toy that you found in the box. Across the top is the title \"THE TOWER OF HANOI,\" written in the same black marker. On the back cover is the date \"1978.\" The first ten pages are filled with simple pencil drawings and notes describing the world of this story. The rest of the book is filled with hauntingly realistic charcoal drawings of scenes from that world.\n\n(To enter this story, pick up the sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\".)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You grab the metal pole and slide down into the next room. It's slick enough that you're sure you won't be going back up by this route.\n\nThis is a medium-small, round room. Its walls are painted a cool green. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the floor. It passes through a large hole in the ceiling, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see a room with blue walls. There is a square hole in the floor, through which you can see an impassable yellow stone surface. There is also a set of stairs leading down to a room with yellow walls and a hexagonal window on the right wall.\n\nThrough a large doorway in the left wall of the room you can see an enclosed bridge. It seems to end in midair, with a thin metal spire several feet from the end of the bridge.\n\nA pair of small lenses is set into the ceiling and floor of the room, directly above each other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bridge",
"response": "An arched bridge extends out into space from a doorway in the left wall of this room. It's enclosed, with only occasional small windows along its walls. The inner walls are gray stone, and the bridge is just wide enough for you to walk through in comfort. It seems to end in midair, with a thin metal spire several feet from the end of the bridge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hole",
"response": "Which do you mean, the round hole, or the square hole?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Square",
"response": "This is a square hole through which you can see an impassable yellow stone surface.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You descend via the set of stairs.\n\nThis is a medium-large, round room. Its walls are painted a pale yellow. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to a room with green walls. Through a square hole in the floor, you can see a room with orange walls. There is a hexagonal window on the left wall and an archway leading out.\n\nA narrow, steel, cylindrical device sits in the middle of the room, aimed at the window on the left wall. A pipe leads from the device to the floor.\n\nA golden mirror is mounted beside the cylindrical device, directly below a lens set into the ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the device",
"response": "This is a long, thin metal tube with pipes and gauges sticking out of it and a sealed hopper on top filled with small metal balls. The largest pipe leads down through the floor. The pipes are silent, and a large gauge on the side indicates that the device is \"UNPRESSURIZED.\" There is a big lever on the back of the device.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lever",
"response": "A big lever sticks out of the back of the device.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine column",
"response": "This is a thick column made of smooth stone. It's in the exact center of the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the balls",
"response": "This is a sealed hopper mounted on top of the cylindrical device. Through a window in its side, you can see countless little metal balls.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a medium-large, round room. Its walls are painted a pale yellow. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to a room with green walls. Through a square hole in the floor, you can see a room with orange walls. There is a hexagonal window on the left wall and an archway leading out.\n\nA narrow, steel, cylindrical device sits in the middle of the room, aimed at the window on the left wall. A pipe leads from the device to the floor.\n\nA golden mirror is mounted beside the cylindrical device, directly below a lens set into the ceiling.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You descend via the square hole.\n\nThis is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with yellow walls. A staircase leads down to a room with red walls. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the archway",
"response": "This is a graceful archway that comes to a point at the top. Through it, you can see a roof painted red and a sheer drop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the archway",
"response": "Outside the archway is the roof of the disk below, slick with grease and moisture. Beyond that is a sheer drop. It doesn't seem safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ladder",
"response": "This is an a ladder leading to a square hole through which you can see a room with yellow walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine window",
"response": "This is a hexagonal window, not quite big enough to climb through. Through the window, you can see the empty wasteland around this complex.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "You descend via the set of stairs.\n\nThis is a huge, round room. Its walls are painted bright red. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to a room with orange walls. A hexagonal window is in the right wall, and an archway leads out.\n\nA clanking machine sits in a corner of the room, with a hissing pipe leading to the ceiling.\n\nA strange lamp is mounted in front of the window.\n\nA bright, focused beam of light shines from the lamp and out the window on the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lamp",
"response": "A bright gas lamp is mounted in an array of curved mirrors and lenses. The dazzling white light from the lamp is focused into a tight beam that shines out the window in the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "This is a hexagonal window, not quite big enough to climb through. Through the window, you can see two thin metal spires and the empty wasteland around this complex.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machine",
"response": "This is a strange clanking machine, a couple yards across. It's quite warm, and has a large gear on the side that rotates agonizingly slowly. A big iron pipe leads from the top of the machine to the ceiling.\nSteam flows angrily from a release valve on the back of the machine, indicating that it's not being delivered to its intended destination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the archway",
"response": "This is a graceful archway that comes to a point at the top. Through it, you can see a dusty plain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You exit via the archway.\n\nYou stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a blue room, a green room, a yellow room, a orange room, and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crane",
"response": "This is an enormous crane apparatus that sits above the three spires. It is on tracks that let it slide from tower to tower, and has a massive hook hanging from the end of a cable. It's connected with pipes to the tin shed. Steam occasionally hisses from valves on the machinery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine shed",
"response": "This is a small shed with tin walls. It is connected to the crane apparatus with hundreds of thin steel pipes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "This small tin shed is hot and humid. A large machine takes up most of the floor space, with just enough room for you to stand. Two signs are mounted on the wall; one is labeled \"THE RULES\" and the other is labeled \"OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.\"\n\nMounted in the center of the machine's console is what appears to be a small wooden toy. Beside it is a large lever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rules",
"response": "This wooden sign is bolted to the wall of the shed. It reads, \"THE RULES: No disk may be on top of a smaller disk. Every disk must be on a post.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the operating",
"response": "This wooden sign is bolted to the wall of the shed. It is titled \"OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.\" Below that is a numbered list:\n\n1. Assemble tower model to desired configuration.\n2. Check rules to ensure valid configuration.\n3. Pull lever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the toy",
"response": "This is a toy made out of a wooden block with three wooden posts sticking out of the top. Painted wooden disks of various sizes and colors fit onto the posts. At the moment, the left post has a tiny purple disk, a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, a medium-large yellow disk, a large orange disk, and a huge red disk (from top to bottom) on it, the middle post has nothing on it, and the right post has nothing on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from the left post",
"response": "tiny purple disk: Taken.\nsmall blue disk: Taken.\nmedium-small green disk: Taken.\nmedium-large yellow disk: Taken.\nlarge orange disk: Taken.\nhuge red disk: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the orange on the right",
"response": "You put the large orange disk on the empty right post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "A colossal rumbling shakes the earth, and a hissing of steam fills the air. You hear a series of massive thuds as something huge rearranges itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine toy",
"response": "This is a toy made out of a wooden block with three wooden posts sticking out of the top. Painted wooden disks of various sizes and colors fit onto the posts. At the moment, the left post has a tiny purple disk, a small blue disk, and a medium-small green disk (from top to bottom) on it, the middle post has a medium-large yellow disk and a huge red disk (from top to bottom) on it, and the right post has a large orange disk on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a blue room, and a green room (from top to bottom). You can enter the green room through the exposed end of the bridge.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a yellow room and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from left",
"response": "tiny purple disk: Taken.\nsmall blue disk: Taken.\nmedium-small green disk: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from right",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the orange on the left",
"response": "You put the large orange disk on the empty left post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the green on the left",
"response": "You put the medium-small green disk on top of the large orange disk on the left post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the blue on right",
"response": "You put the small blue disk on the empty right post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the purple on the right",
"response": "You put the tiny purple disk on top of the small blue disk on the right post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a green room and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a yellow room and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a purple room and a blue room (from top to bottom). You can enter the blue room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the orange",
"response": "This is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with green walls. A staircase leads down to solid, packed dirt. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You exit via the archway.\n\nYou stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a green room and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a yellow room and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a purple room and a blue room (from top to bottom). You can enter the blue room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the red",
"response": "This is a huge, round room. Its walls are painted bright red. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to an impassable yellow stone surface. A hexagonal window is in the right wall, and an archway leads out.\n\nA clanking machine sits in a corner of the room, with a hissing pipe leading to the ceiling.\n\nA strange lamp is mounted in front of the window.\n\nA bright, focused beam of light shines from the lamp and out the window on the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "You can't go that way. The set of stairs is blocked by a hard yellow stone surface.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "You ascend via the a ladder leading to a square hole.\n\nThis is a medium-small, round room. Its walls are painted a cool green. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the floor. It passes through a large hole in the ceiling, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see blue sky. There is a square hole in the floor, through which you can see a room with orange walls. There is also a set of stairs leading down to an impassable orange stone surface and a hexagonal window on the right wall.\n\nThrough a large doorway in the left wall of the room you can see an enclosed bridge. It seems to end in midair, with a thin metal spire several feet from the end of the bridge.\n\nA pair of small lenses is set into the ceiling and floor of the room, directly above each other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You walk up to the edge of the bridge, but it ends in midair. There doesn't seem to be any place you can reach from here, so you return to the green room.\n\nThis is a medium-small, round room. Its walls are painted a cool green. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the floor. It passes through a large hole in the ceiling, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see blue sky. There is a square hole in the floor, through which you can see a room with orange walls. There is also a set of stairs leading down to an impassable orange stone surface and a hexagonal window on the right wall.\n\nThrough a large doorway in the left wall of the room you can see an enclosed bridge. It seems to end in midair, with a thin metal spire several feet from the end of the bridge.\n\nA pair of small lenses is set into the ceiling and floor of the room, directly above each other.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You descend via the square hole.\n\nThis is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with green walls. A staircase leads down to solid, packed dirt. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You exit via the archway.\n\nYou stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a green room and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a yellow room and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a purple room and a blue room (from top to bottom). You can enter the blue room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the shed",
"response": "This small tin shed is hot and humid. A large machine takes up most of the floor space, with just enough room for you to stand. Two signs are mounted on the wall; one is labeled \"THE RULES\" and the other is labeled \"OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.\"\n\nMounted in the center of the machine's console is what appears to be a small wooden toy. Beside it is a large lever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from left",
"response": "medium-small green disk: Taken.\nlarge orange disk: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from right",
"response": "tiny purple disk: Taken.\nsmall blue disk: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the orange and the green on right",
"response": "large orange disk: You put the large orange disk on the empty right post.\nmedium-small green disk: You put the medium-small green disk on top of the large orange disk on the right post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put blue and the purple on the left",
"response": "small blue disk: You put the small blue disk on the empty left post. tiny purple disk: You put the tiny purple disk on top of the small blue disk on the left post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "A colossal rumbling shakes the earth, and a hissing of steam fills the air. You hear a series of massive thuds as something huge rearranges itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room and a blue room (from top to bottom). You can enter the blue room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a yellow room and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a green room and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the orange",
"response": "This is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with green walls. A staircase leads down to solid, packed dirt. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.\n\nA beam of light enters the room through the window and makes a bright spot on the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You ascend via the a ladder leading to a square hole.\n\nThis is a medium-small, round room. Its walls are painted a cool green. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the floor. It passes through a large hole in the ceiling, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see blue sky. There is a square hole in the floor, through which you can see a room with orange walls. There is also a set of stairs leading down to an impassable orange stone surface and a hexagonal window on the right wall.\n\nThrough a large doorway in the left wall of the room you can see an enclosed bridge. At the end you can see a yellow room.\n\nA pair of small lenses is set into the ceiling and floor of the room, directly above each other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You walk through the bridge to the next tower, entering through an archway.\n\nThis is a medium-large, round room. Its walls are painted a pale yellow. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to blue sky. Through a square hole in the floor, you can see an impassable red stone surface. There is a hexagonal window on the left wall and an archway leading out.\n\nA narrow, steel, cylindrical device sits in the middle of the room, aimed at the window on the left wall. A pipe leads from the device to the floor. Steam leaks from the joints in the pipe.\n\nA golden mirror is mounted beside the cylindrical device, directly below a lens set into the ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "The set of stairs leads to the roof, and it's made of stone slick with grease and condensed steam. You don't trust the footing up there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the device",
"response": "This is a long, thin metal tube with pipes and gauges sticking out of it and a sealed hopper on top filled with small metal balls. The largest pipe leads down through the floor. Steam hisses in the pipes, and a large gauge on the side indicates that the device is \"READY TO FIRE.\" There is a big lever on the back of the device.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "There is a loud thump and a burst of steam as a steel ball fires from the mouth of the device and out the window. You hear a tremendous crash as the shot shatters something in the purple room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You don't have a compass. If you would like to go to a place, please type GO TO (PLACE).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You cross the bridge to the green room.\n\nThis is a medium-small, round room. Its walls are painted a cool green. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the floor. It passes through a large hole in the ceiling, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see blue sky. There is a square hole in the floor, through which you can see a room with orange walls. There is also a set of stairs leading down to an impassable orange stone surface and a hexagonal window on the right wall.\n\nThrough a large doorway in the left wall of the room you can see an enclosed bridge. At the end you can see a yellow room.\n\nA pair of small lenses is set into the ceiling and floor of the room, directly above each other.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You descend via the square hole.\n\nThis is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with green walls. A staircase leads down to solid, packed dirt. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.\n\nA beam of light enters the room through the window and makes a bright spot on the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You exit via the archway.\n\nYou stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room and a blue room (from top to bottom). You can enter the blue room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a yellow room and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a green room and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the blue",
"response": "This is a small, round room. Its walls are painted a deep blue. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the ceiling above. It passes through a large hole in the floor, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see solid, packed dirt. A hexagonal window is on the left wall, and there is an archway leading out. Stairs head up through the ceiling, where you can see a room with purple walls.\n\nA silver mirror is mounted in front of the window, directly above a lens set into the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You ascend via the set of stairs.\n\nThis is a tiny, round room. Its walls are painted a rich purple. In the center of the room is a round stone column. There is a hexagonal window on the right wall. A big cage is built into the wall, enclosing the window and occupying almost half of the room. In the floor of the cage is a square hole, through which you can see an impassable blue stone surface. Stairs outside the cage lead down through the floor, where you can see a room with blue walls.\n\nIn the cage is a shattered glass case containing an enormous jewel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jewel",
"response": "This is the most precious jewel in the world: the Amber Star. It's the size of your head, and a brilliant shining yellow. It's held firmly in place by a silver stand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the case",
"response": "The case was originally made of glass, supported by an elaborate golden pedestal. Within is a silver stand holding the Amber Star. The stand holds the gem tightly in place. On the side of the pedestal is a small lens facing the window with an engraving of a keyhole above it.\n\nThe glass walls of the case have been shattered to pieces, allowing access to the treasure within.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You descend via the set of stairs.\n\nThis is a small, round room. Its walls are painted a deep blue. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the ceiling above. It passes through a large hole in the floor, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see solid, packed dirt. A hexagonal window is on the left wall, and there is an archway leading out. Stairs head up through the ceiling, where you can see a room with purple walls.\n\nA silver mirror is mounted in front of the window, directly above a lens set into the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all the disks",
"response": "tiny purple disk: Taken.\nsmall blue disk: Taken.\nmedium-large yellow disk: Taken.\nhuge red disk: Taken.\nmedium-small green disk: Taken.\nlarge orange disk: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the red on the middle",
"response": "You put the huge red disk on the empty middle post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the orange on the right",
"response": "You put the large orange disk on the empty right post.",
"endoftext": false
"response": "medium-large yellow disk: You put the medium-large yellow disk on the empty left post.\nmedium-small green disk: You put the medium-small green disk on top of the medium-large yellow disk on the left post.\nsmall blue disk: You put the small blue disk on top of the medium-small green disk on the left post.\ntiny purple disk: You put the tiny purple disk on top of the small blue disk on the left post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a blue room, a green room, and a yellow room (from top to bottom). You can enter the yellow room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the orange",
"response": "This is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to blue sky. A staircase leads down to solid, packed dirt. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.\n\nA beam of light enters the room through the window and makes a bright spot on the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You exit via the archway.\n\nYou stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a blue room, a green room, and a yellow room (from top to bottom). You can enter the yellow room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put blue and the purple on the left",
"response": "small blue disk: You put the small blue disk on top of the medium-small green disk on the left post.\ntiny purple disk: You put the tiny purple disk on top of the small blue disk on the left post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a blue room, a green room, and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a yellow room (from top to bottom). You can enter the yellow room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the yellow",
"response": "This is a medium-large, round room. Its walls are painted a pale yellow. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to blue sky. Through a square hole in the floor, you can see solid, packed dirt. There is a hexagonal window on the left wall and an archway leading out.\n\nA narrow, steel, cylindrical device sits in the middle of the room, aimed at the window on the left wall. A pipe leads from the device to the floor.\n\nA golden mirror is mounted beside the cylindrical device, directly below a lens set into the ceiling.\n\nA beam of light enters through the window on the left wall, reflects off of the mirror, and shines into the lens in the ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "The set of stairs leads to the roof, and it's made of stone slick with grease and condensed steam. You don't trust the footing up there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine lens",
"response": "Beside the cylindrical device is an angled mirror on a golden stand, set so that it will reflect light from the window toward a small lens set into the ceiling of the room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "There's just packed dirt below the square hole. There's nowhere to go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You exit via the archway.\n\nYou stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the left spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a blue room, a green room, and a orange room (from top to bottom). You can enter the orange room through an archway.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a yellow room (from top to bottom). You can enter the yellow room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You ascend via the a ladder leading to a square hole.\n\nThis is a medium-small, round room. Its walls are painted a cool green. In the center of the room is an exposed metal pole, which goes into a small hole in the floor. It passes through a large hole in the ceiling, which is big enough to go through. Through the hole, you can see a room with blue walls. There is a square hole in the floor, through which you can see a room with orange walls. There is also a set of stairs leading down to an impassable orange stone surface and a hexagonal window on the right wall.\n\nThrough a large doorway in the left wall of the room you can see an enclosed bridge. It seems to end in midair, with a thin metal spire several feet from the end of the bridge.\n\nA pair of small lenses is set into the ceiling and floor of the room, directly above each other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "The metal pole at the center of the room is too slick to climb up.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You descend via the square hole.\n\nThis is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with green walls. A staircase leads down to solid, packed dirt. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all disk",
"response": "tiny purple disk: Taken.\nsmall blue disk: Taken.\nmedium-small green disk: Taken.\nlarge orange disk: Taken.\nhuge red disk: Taken.\nmedium-large yellow disk: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the red and the orange and the purple on the middle",
"response": "huge red disk: You put the huge red disk on the empty middle post. large orange disk: You put the large orange disk on top of the huge red disk on the middle post.\ntiny purple disk: You put the tiny purple disk on top of the large orange disk on the middle post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the yellow and green and the blue on right",
"response": "medium-large yellow disk: You put the medium-large yellow disk on the empty right post.\nmedium-small green disk: You put the medium-small green disk on top of the medium-large yellow disk on the right post.\nsmall blue disk: You put the small blue disk on top of the medium-small green disk on the right post.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "A colossal rumbling shakes the earth, and a hissing of steam fills the air. You hear a series of massive thuds as something huge rearranges itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You stand in the middle of a vast plain sprinkled with small shrubs.\nIn front of you are three thin metal spires with enormous stone disks threaded on to them. An elaborate crane system looms above the spires, its valves and gaskets oozing steam.\n\nOn the middle spire is a tower composed of a purple room, a orange room, and a red room (from top to bottom). You can enter the red room through an archway.\n\nOn the right spire is a tower composed of a blue room, a green room, and a yellow room (from top to bottom). You can enter the yellow room through an archway.\n\nBehind you is a small tin shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the red",
"response": "This is a huge, round room. Its walls are painted bright red. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A set of stairs leads up to a room with orange walls. A hexagonal window is in the right wall, and an archway leads out.\n\nA clanking machine sits in a corner of the room, with a hissing pipe leading to the ceiling.\n\nA strange lamp is mounted in front of the window.\n\nA bright, focused beam of light shines from the lamp and out the window on the right wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You ascend via the set of stairs.\n\nThis is a big, round room. Its walls are painted a warm orange. In the center of the room is a round stone column. A ladder leads up to a room with purple walls. A staircase leads down to a room with red walls. An archway leads out, and there is a hexagonal window on the left wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You ascend via the a ladder leading to a square hole.\n\nPurple Room (in the large cage)\nThis is a tiny, round room. Its walls are painted a rich purple. In the center of the room is a round stone column. There is a hexagonal window on the right wall. A big cage is built into the wall, enclosing the window and occupying almost half of the room. In the floor of the cage is a square hole, through which you can see a room with orange walls. Stairs outside the cage lead down through the floor, where you can see an impassable orange stone surface.\n\nIn the cage is a shattered glass case containing an enormous jewel.\n\nA beam of light shines in through the window and hits a lens mounted on the pedestal supporting the glass case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the jewel",
"response": "You take the Amber Star from its place in the case. You're now rich beyond your wildest dreams, and as the thief who bested the Tower of Hanoi, you will go down in infamy!\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a wooden toy, an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", and a wrinkled sheet of paper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine toy",
"response": "This is a toy made out of a wooden block with three wooden posts sticking out of the top. Painted wooden disks of various sizes and colors fit onto the posts. At the moment, the left post has nothing on it, the middle post has a tiny purple disk, a large orange disk, and a huge red disk (from top to bottom) on it, and the right post has a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, and a medium-large yellow disk (from top to bottom) on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take going home again",
"response": "This is a packet of five pages of white paper with typewritten text. The back of each sheet shows traces of carbon paper. The pages are stapled together in the upper left corner, and there are signs that the sheets have been separated and re-stapled at least once. The first line on the first page reads \"GOING HOME AGAIN.\" On the next line is the date \"1969.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"I had some men come to\ncut down that big dead tree\nin the front yard today. It was\nan eyesore, but now I'm sorry\nto see it gone.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press green",
"response": "Your flight arrived an hour ago, and your parents picked you up from the airport. You're just here for a little bit, to set down your suitcase in your old room before you go out to dinner. Your parents are waiting in the car. There'll be time to reminisce after you all eat. Still, this is the first time you've been back since you graduated from college.\n\nThis is the first room off of the garage, with a washer and dryer and some storage. The cabinets above the dryer are where your mom always kept old rags for dusting, and all sorts of junk is stacked on the shelves across from them. The kitchen is through a doorway, and your parents are waiting in the garage just outside this room.\n\nA set of lines drawn on the edge of the shelves catches your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lines",
"response": "Drawn on the edge of the shelves is a set of lines. Each one has a date written beside it. These are your height measurements from when you were a child. Now, you're taller than all of them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na suitcase",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're almost 24; your birthday is tomorrow. You've graduated from college, and you've been away from this place for over half a decade now. You've only just stopped thinking of it as \"home.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the suitcase",
"response": "This is your old beat-up suitcase. You got it when you first went off to college, over four years ago now. It's covered in stickers advertising far-off eateries and espousing political beliefs that you only half-believe anymore. You just need to drop it off in your old room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cabinets",
"response": "These wooden cabinets above the washer and dryer contain old rags and cleaning supplies, mostly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the washer",
"response": "They replaced the washer and dryer just after you left for college. This new model is a lot more reliable than the old one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the suitcase",
"response": "You'd rather not clutter up your hou... you mean, your parents' house. You can drop it off in your room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the kitchen",
"response": "The kitchen's about the same as you remember it, although the refrigerator's new. The floor is white tile, and one wall is covered in cabinets. A little basket of oranges sits out on the counter. The kitchen table occupies much of the room. The doorway to the laundry room is near the refrigerator, and the family room is through an open archway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fridge",
"response": "The old refrigerator was a simple one with a freezer on top and the fridge on the bottom. You'd always assumed your parents got it as a wedding gift. They've replaced it with a top-of-the-line model with the freezer on the bottom. Instead of crayon drawings, the front is covered with years-old Dean's List certificates and newsletters from your parents' church.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the oranges",
"response": "The orange trees in the side yard always bore sour and thick-skinned fruit when you were growing up, but over the past few years they've started producing some nice, sweet oranges. Or so your father says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read newsletters",
"response": "The newsletters on the refrigerator mostly have schedules for the standard events at your parents' church, or advertise an upcoming raffle or special event. There isn't anything special scheduled during your visit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "This old scarred wooden table had a glass top to it when you were young. You don't remember what happened to it, but it always got spills trapped under it anyway. You're pretty sure everyone was glad when it finally broke or was discarded.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the family room",
"response": "The largest room in the house has high ceilings and wide windows. The front door leads outside, and the hallway leads back to the bedrooms. The kitchen is back through an open archway. Your dad's most recent chair sits here, as well as a couch and a desk. The television is new, you notice, and considerably bigger than the one your parents used to have.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tv",
"response": "This television looks huge sitting in this room. The one you remember was quite a few inches smaller. That one, in turn, replaced an even older one with bent rabbit ear antennas and barely-capable color. This one is fancier than the TV you have at home.\n\nThe television is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the tv",
"response": "You don't have time for television right now. Your parents are waiting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the windows",
"response": "The windows look out onto the backyard. When you were in high school, your parents replaced the grass back there with gravel; it wasn't worth keeping up grass in this hot climate. Now, there are some citrus trees back there. You think there's a tangerine tree and a lemon-lime tree, but you have trouble remembering exactly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "This used to be your homework desk, once upon a time. Before that, your mother used it in her small business. It's one of those pieces of office furniture that you assemble from a kit. At the moment, it's used by whichever of your parents wants to get a little work done. An old office chair sits in front of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the couch",
"response": "This couch replaced your old one back when you were in middle school. The old one was an ancient relic, made of wood with stiff cushions and buttons that had mostly fallen out. This one's much nicer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the hallway",
"response": "This narrow hallway leads back to the bedrooms. You used to race up and down it when you were small. It's a miracle you didn't injure anyone trying to navigate it at the same time. There's a big linen closet here, and doors for the bathroom, the master bedroom, and your old room. The other end of the hallway leads back to the family room.\n\nHanging on the wall in a frame is the drawing of a cat you did in high school.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cat",
"response": "Neither of your parents considered themself creative in an artistic way. They're both smart, but they're in technical fields, and the most cultural thing they did seriously was play in their college band together. Perhaps as a result, they were startlingly impressed by this drawing you did in high school art class. It's done in colored pencil, and it shows a cat sitting on the deck of a ship and watching a seagull. Your mother gave it a place of honor in the house. It's well done, you suppose, but you're still surprised (and a little flattered) that she thinks that highly of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the suitcase",
"response": "You'd rather not clutter up your parents' house. You can drop it off in your room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the linen",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the linen",
"response": "The doors of this closet fold back, and they've always refused to close completely. The doors are open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the closet",
"response": "Nothing in there but old towels, sheets, and knitted afghans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the towels",
"response": "The closet contains an assortment of linens, some of them dusty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear a the sheet",
"response": "(first taking the linens)\nYour mother's sure to have already set out sheets and towels for you to use. She likes being a prepared hostess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the bathroom",
"response": "This is the bathroom you used growing up. It's been remodeled a bit, but it still maintains the nautical theme that it has had since you were tiny. Your mother's never considered herself artistic, but she seems bashfully proud of the painted wall decoration she added in the latest round of remodeling. It's quite cute, you think.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the decoration",
"response": "According to the story your mom told on the drive here, she and your father recently remodeled the bathroom. In the process, they replaced the old towel rods. To mask the patch where the old rods were bolted to the wall, your mom painted a stylized wave to fit the nautical theme of the room. It's very cute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the master",
"response": "This is your parents' bedroom. It looks mostly the same as you remember, except that your mother finally replaced her old metal bookcase. The bed is the one your parents got when you were young, and the decorations are all the same.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bookcase",
"response": "Your mom got this bookcase to replace her old metal one, which had broken shelves and was, frankly, a bit unattractive. The new one's pretty whitewashed wood, and does a much better job of holding up stuff than the old one did. It's full of assorted books.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine books",
"response": "Various books about urban planning, childrearing, self-improvement, and geography. These are clearly your mother's.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "This is a king-sized bed, the same one that you remember jumping into after having bad dreams when you were little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the decorations",
"response": "There are some pictures on the walls: one that you painted as a kid, a photo of the countryside near where your parents went to college, and a picture of a barn with a quaint advertisement painted on the roof.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the barn",
"response": "This is a painting of a barn beside a road. Painted in white on the roof of the barn is the phrase \"SEE ROCK CITY.\" It's unclear what the advertisement is referring to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine photo",
"response": "The picture is taken in winter, and it's a tall hill covered in leafless trees. The sky is purple and blue, and the rock at the top of the hill is a reddish-brown.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine kid",
"response": "This is a picture of some generic desert hills with cactuses on them. It's pretty rough, but you suppose it looks all right in a sort of abstract expressionist way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "This narrow hallway leads back to the bedrooms. You used to race up and down it when you were small. It's a miracle you didn't injure anyone trying to navigate it at the same time. There's a big linen closet here, and doors for the bathroom, the master bedroom, and your old room. The other end of the hallway leads back to the family room.\n\nHanging on the wall in a frame is the drawing of a cat you did in high school.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter your room",
"response": "During the big house redecoration when you were in middle school, you picked out the wallpaper and paint for this room. You picked a forest theme, and insisted on keeping the lush, old, dark green carpet that was here when you moved in. A lot of your things are still here, waiting for you to move into a place with enough space to keep it all. Your old bed is in one corner. The door leads back to the hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the things",
"response": "The closet contains boxes full of books and old childhood treasures. Sometime during this trip you'll go through them and pick out some stuff you want sent home, but not right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine wallpaper",
"response": "The wallpaper on the upper half of the walls is subtly patterned after birch bark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "This bed looks distressingly small compared to the one you have at your place. You remember that in high school your feet almost hung over the end of it. Oh, well; you'll have to make the best of things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under it",
"response": "You used to keep a box of treasures here, but you brought it with you when you left for college.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the carpet",
"response": "This carpet always reminded you of soft moss or the grass in a clearing. Growing up in the desert made you pine for the woods. Now you find yourself missing the rocks and the cacti.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop suitcase",
"response": "You drop off your suitcase. You can unpack after dinner. Now, to get back to your parents and be on your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open suitcase",
"response": "You can unpack after dinner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "This narrow hallway leads back to the bedrooms. You used to race up and down it when you were small. It's a miracle you didn't injure anyone trying to navigate it at the same time. There's a big linen closet here, and doors for the bathroom, the master bedroom, and your old room. The other end of the hallway leads back to the family room.\n\nHanging on the wall in a frame is the drawing of a cat you did in high school.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the family room",
"response": "The largest room in the house has high ceilings and wide windows. The front door leads outside, and the hallway leads back to the bedrooms. The kitchen is back through an open archway. Your dad's most recent chair sits here, as well as a couch and a desk. The television is new, you notice, and considerably bigger than the one your parents used to have.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You can go out via the garage. That's where your parents are waiting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go the kitchen",
"response": "The kitchen's about the same as you remember it, although the refrigerator's new. The floor is white tile, and one wall is covered in cabinets. A little basket of oranges sits out on the counter. The kitchen table occupies much of the room. The doorway to the laundry room is near the refrigerator, and the family room is through an open archway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go the laundry",
"response": "This is the first room off of the garage, with a washer and dryer and some storage. The cabinets above the dryer are where your mom always kept old rags for dusting, and all sorts of junk is stacked on the shelves across from them. The kitchen is through a doorway, and your parents are waiting in the garage just outside this room.\n\nA set of lines drawn on the edge of the shelves catches your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go garage",
"response": "You head out into the garage and get in the car, ready for food and more discussion of what you've been up to lately.\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a wooden toy, an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", and a wrinkled sheet of paper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take End",
"response": "This is a wire-bound memo book, about 3 by 5 inches. There are twelve sheets of ruled paper left in the book, all full. It's written in pencil, with no erasures, and there are what look like grease stains on the corners of some pages. The earlier pages in the notebook have all been torn out, with only scraps remaining caught in the wire spiral binding. Written on the cardboard cover in black marker is the phrase \"THE END OF THE WORLD.\" In the bottom corner is the date \"1982.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"It's tough knowing that it's\ncoming. But I think I've made\npeace with it. Children are\nsupposed to outlive their\nparents, right?\"\n\n\n\nYou've got your lunch, and you've found a good spot. Everyone knew it was coming, and everyone knew when. It's time now, and there's nothing left to do but watch the show.\n\nThere are rocks here, poking out of the side of the hill. It's steep, almost too steep to keep your balance when you're standing up. It's okay, though. You're sitting down, near the top, with pretty fields down below and your home city in the distance, really small, like a model. There's a big, flat rock right beside you, and the grass is wet, but that's okay too. There are woods at the top of the hill, above you.\n\nYour lunch sits beside you on the hillside.\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the CITY",
"response": "Tiny buildings poke up from the center of the city far below. Further out, the city is a quilt of the little ticky-tacky boxes of housing developments and the gray dullness of strip malls. A few cars are out moving around, driven by people who don't believe or don't care.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sky",
"response": "The tumbling clouds above are a pale gray, tinged with pink.\n\nYou hear a distant pop, like a sneaking giant stepping on a twig.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lunch",
"response": "Simple brown paper, rolled tightly closed at the top.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open lunch",
"response": "You open the paper lunch bag, revealing a bag of chips, a big chocolate chip cookie, a deviled-ham sandwich, and an apple.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine sandwich",
"response": "You always imagined your final meal being more elegant, but you got all that sort of thing finished weeks ago. You've had your fill of somber foie gras and have spent too much time eating fondue at overly-cheerful parties. Your mom used to send you off with deviled-ham sandwiches as a child. You like deviled ham.\n\nThunder sounds from somewhere in the tumbling clouds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the sandwich",
"response": "(first taking the deviled-ham sandwich)\nToasty wheat bread, salty ham spread. It reminds you of moments of introspection in raucous school lunch rooms. All too soon, it's gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the apple",
"response": "The stores all gave away their last pineapples and oranges weeks ago, but there are always apples to go around. This one's a mottled red and yellow.\n\nA low tone sounds, echoing over the hills.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the apple",
"response": "(first taking the apple)\nIt's not a very good apple. The skin is a little thick, and the whole thing's a bit too sour for your usual tastes. But it's delicious. You toss the core far into the woods nearby. It will never grow into a tree.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cookie",
"response": "The last of two dozen that you baked a few days ago. It's a little dark on the bottom, but the rest of the batch was still good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cookie",
"response": "(first taking the big chocolate chip cookie)\nThe chocolate chips are a bit melty after the long walk up here. The cookie itself is sweet and rich, with just a hint of smokiness from leaving the cookies in the oven too long.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine chips",
"response": "It's a thin foil bag of potato chips, with a logo emblazoned across the front. It's unopened.\n\nThe clouds swirl and twist even more, tracing seven lines through the sky from behind you toward your town.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lines",
"response": "The tumbling clouds above are a pale gray, tinged with pink. Seven twisted lines of clouds trace through the sky toward the city.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the chips",
"response": "It's a thin foil bag of potato chips, with a logo emblazoned across the front. It's unopened.\n\nSeven bright flaming lights burst from the clouds in the sky before you, letting seven shafts of light pass through to shine on the buildings below.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the chips",
"response": "You open the bag of chips, revealing some potato chips.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the chips",
"response": "(the potato chips)\n(first taking the potato chips)\nThe chips are so salty that they almost hurt your tongue. They're just a little bit stale, but wonderful all the same.\n\nThe lights strike the city below, and you have to shield your eyes from the bright flash that follows.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the CITY",
"response": "You can't do anything but shield your eyes from the blinding light.\n\nThe ground shakes beneath you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the bag",
"response": "(the paper lunch bag)\n(first taking the paper lunch bag)\nYou can't do anything but shield your eyes from the blinding light.\n\nThe blinding light fades, and you see countless tiny wisps of mist floating up from the ruined, smoldering city toward the ragged holes in the clouds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the CITY",
"response": "It's not a city anymore. It's just a heap of broken, jagged concrete and steel. Fires smolder here and there, and countless tiny wisps of mist rise from the ashes toward the heavens.\n\nThe rays of light filtering through the holes in the clouds suddenly vanish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ROCK",
"response": "This is a big, flat rock, embedded in the hillside. There's a depression on the edge that's perfect for sitting on.\n\nThe clouds over the city grow dark, and the darkness spreads until the whole sky is a murky gray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is passable.\n\nThe ground begins to tremble. The air is filled with a low howling. Above, the clouds seethe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the CITY",
"response": "You won't have time to make it back to the city.\n\nThe ground shudders and the hillside cracks in great fissures. A great wind rises up and rushes past you toward the city and the hole in the clouds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "The tumbling clouds above are a dark gray, tinged with flickers of red. An enormous hole in the clouds hangs above you, with only darkness visible through it.\n\nThe clouds peel away from the darkness above. All is sound, a rumbling and howling that tears at your ears. There is the sound of a trillion voices, then silence.\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a wooden toy, an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\", and a wrinkled sheet of paper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "wooden toy: Taken.\ntiny purple disk: Taken.\nlarge orange disk: Taken.\nhuge red disk: Taken.\nsmall blue disk: Taken.\nmedium-small green disk: Taken.\nmedium-large yellow disk: Taken.\nold dented strongbox: Taken.\npile of letters: Taken.\nmemo book labeled \"The End of the World\": This is a wire-bound memo book, about 3 by 5 inches. There are twelve sheets of ruled paper left in the book, all full. It's written in pencil, with no erasures, and there are what look like grease stains on the corners of some pages. The earlier pages in the notebook have all been torn out, with only scraps remaining caught in the wire spiral binding. Written on the cardboard cover in black marker is the phrase \"THE END OF THE WORLD.\" In the bottom corner is the date \"1982.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You set the memo book labeled \"The End of the World\" back on the table. composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\": This is a thin notebook with a marbled black-and-white pattern on the cover. Only the first handful of pages are full of writing. The work is done in black pen, with numerous mistakes scribbled out and many doodles in the margins. The rest of the book is blank. On the label on the front of the book is the title \"MORNING IN THE GARDEN,\" written in heavily-scribbled black ball-point. On the upper right corner of the first page is the date \"1974.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You set the composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\" back on the table.\nsketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\": This is a 50-page, spiral-bound sketchbook with cardboard covers. The front cover is green, and is decorated with a drawing in black marker of the wooden toy that you found in the box. Across the top is the title \"THE TOWER OF HANOI,\" written in the same black marker. On the back cover is the date \"1978.\" The first ten pages are filled with simple pencil drawings and notes describing the world of this story. The rest of the book is filled with hauntingly realistic charcoal drawings of scenes from that world.\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You set the sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\" back on the table. stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\": This is a packet of five pages of white paper with typewritten text. The back of each sheet shows traces of carbon paper. The pages are stapled together in the upper left corner, and there are signs that the sheets have been separated and re-stapled at least once. The first line on the first page reads \"GOING HOME AGAIN.\" On the next line is the date \"1969.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You set the stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\" back on the table.\nenvelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\": This is a standard envelope stuffed with fifteen sheets of triple-folded lined paper. The pages are loose, and are covered in neat writing in blue pen. In a few places, the ink has bled where drops of moisture fell on the pages.\nThe envelope is unaddressed and unstamped, and the words \"UNDELIVERED LOVE LETTER\" are writted across the front. Where the return address would be is the date \"1975.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You set the envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\" back on the table.\nwrinkled sheet of paper: Taken.\nwooden table: That's hardly portable.\nclutter: They're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at pile",
"response": "This is a pile of carbon copies of letters apparently sent by Ms. Bryant to relatives and friends. You've taken some quotes from the letters to introduce each of Ms. Bryant's stories. She was a rather prolific letter-writer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wrinkled sheet of paper\na pile of letters\nan old dented strongbox (open but empty)\na medium-large yellow disk\na medium-small green disk\na small blue disk\na huge red disk\na large orange disk\na tiny purple disk\na wooden toy",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "wrinkled sheet of paper: Dropped.\npile of letters: Dropped.\nold dented strongbox: Dropped.\nmedium-large yellow disk: Dropped.\nmedium-small green disk: Dropped.\nsmall blue disk: Dropped.\nhuge red disk: Dropped.\nlarge orange disk: Dropped.\ntiny purple disk: Dropped.\nwooden toy: Dropped.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", and an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\".\n\nYou can also see a wooden toy, a tiny purple disk, a large orange disk, a huge red disk, a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, a medium-large yellow disk, an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, and a wrinkled sheet of paper here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "This strongbox is made of metal, and is a foot across in each dimension. It is covered in rust and dented in a few places. A tattered label on the lid reads \"Laura Bryant Collection.\" You pried the box open with a crowbar you borrowed from a friend after failed attempts at picking the lock. The metal around the latch is twisted out of shape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "You're already in the living room; there's no need to return here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the box",
"response": "You haven't had a chance to look over and translate the rest of the contents of the box. They'll have to wait for another day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the purple disk",
"response": "(first taking the tiny purple disk)\nThat's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You don't have a compass. If you would like to go to a place, please type GO TO (PLACE).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go home",
"response": "This is a packet of five pages of white paper with typewritten text. The back of each sheet shows traces of carbon paper. The pages are stapled together in the upper left corner, and there are signs that the sheets have been separated and re-stapled at least once. The first line on the first page reads \"GOING HOME AGAIN.\" On the next line is the date \"1969.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You set the stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\" back on the table.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", and an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\".\n\nYou can also see a wooden toy, a large orange disk, a huge red disk, a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, a medium-large yellow disk, an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, and a wrinkled sheet of paper here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Letter",
"response": "This is a standard envelope stuffed with fifteen sheets of triple-folded lined paper. The pages are loose, and are covered in neat writing in blue pen. In a few places, the ink has bled where drops of moisture fell on the pages. The envelope is unaddressed and unstamped, and the words \"UNDELIVERED LOVE LETTER\" are writted across the front. Where the return address would be is the date \"1975.\"\n\n(Do you want to enter this story?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nX emerges from the restroom and heads this way. She sits down beside you. \"Hi. How are you doing?\" she asks with a pensive look on her face. Her voice has the faintest of Russian accents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask X about the name",
"response": "You can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nX looks at you searchingly. She opens her mouth as if to say something, then closes it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clock",
"response": "According to the clock, it's 5:46 pm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the clock",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss agent",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.\n\nX clears her throat awkwardly and scratches her nose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\nThese works do not use compass commands (NORTH, N, etc.) for movement.\n\nA list of common commands (abbreviations are in parentheses):\n\nLOOK (L): Get another look at your surroundings.\nINVENTORY (I, INV): See what you are currently holding.\nEXAMINE <OBJECT> (X): Get a description of an object.\nLOOK UNDER <OBJECT>: Look under an object.\nGO <PLACE>: Travel to an adjacent location.\nTAKE <OBJECT>: Pick up an object.\nDROP <OBJECT>: Drop an object.\nPUT <OBJECT> IN/ON <OBJECT>: Put an object into or onto another\nobject.\n\nASK <PERSON> ABOUT <TOPIC>: Ask for information on a topic.\nTELL <PERSON> ABOUT <TOPIC>: Inform someone about something.\nNO/YES: Indicate an affirmative or negative answer.\n\nSAVE: Save the game.\nRESTORE: Restore a saved game.\nRESTART: Restart the game and return to this menu.\nQUIT: Quit the game.\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the yellow",
"response": "> Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\nThese works do not use compass commands (NORTH, N, etc.) for movement.\n\nA list of common commands (abbreviations are in parentheses):\n\nLOOK (L): Get another look at your surroundings.\nINVENTORY (I, INV): See what you are currently holding.\nEXAMINE <OBJECT> (X): Get a description of an object.\nLOOK UNDER <OBJECT>: Look under an object.\nGO <PLACE>: Travel to an adjacent location.\nTAKE <OBJECT>: Pick up an object.\nDROP <OBJECT>: Drop an object.\nPUT <OBJECT> IN/ON <OBJECT>: Put an object into or onto another\nobject.\n\nASK <PERSON> ABOUT <TOPIC>: Ask for information on a topic.\nTELL <PERSON> ABOUT <TOPIC>: Inform someone about something.\nNO/YES: Indicate an affirmative or negative answer.\n\nSAVE: Save the game.\nRESTORE: Restore a saved game.\nRESTART: Restart the game and return to this menu.\nQUIT: Quit the game.\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> How to Play\nCredits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "> Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\nGregory Weir is a writer, game developer, and software programmer. He is best known for his Flash game, \"(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors.\" His previous Interactive Fiction works include the perpetually-in-progress Jabberwocky, winner of the 2004 IntroComp, and the horror work Snatches. He currently writes for GameSetWatch and maintains a blog and podcast called Ludus Novus, found at .\n\nThanks to my testers: Melissa Avery, Matt Weiner, Johan O, Michelle Hellemons, and DJ Hastings.\n\nThanks to my parents, without whom I could never come home again, and to Xenia Kramida, without whom I would never have had a love letter to deliver.\n\nMost of all, thanks go to Laura Bryant. Somehow, I feel as if I know her, even though I know that is impossible.\n\nHow to Play\n> Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi\n\n> Credits\nHints for the Tower of Hanoi",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about the food",
"response": "\"I'm still not hungry,\" you say. X just shrugs reluctantly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about X",
"response": "\"You're so... pretty, and wonderful,\" you say. You're not sure why; there's no way flattery will change her mind.\n\n\"Thank you,\" she says softly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about plane",
"response": "\"The flight will be leaving soon,\" you say. \"We might not see each other again.\"\n\nX adjusts her scarf. \"I hope we do, someday,\" she replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about scarf",
"response": "\"Your outfit looks great,\" you say.\n\nX smiles. \"Thank you,\" she says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell X",
"response": "X smells like soap and tea with honey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask X about the tea",
"response": "You can't summon up the effort to ask about that.\n\nX lifts her hand to her face and smooths her right eyebrow. It's a cute habit of hers. \"Baby...\" she begins, then sighs. \"It won't hurt forever. There are lots of women out there who'll fall into your arms.\" But none of them will be her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about the habit",
"response": "You can't summon up the effort to make conversation about that.\n\nThe gate agent speaks over the intercom. \"Attention, all passengers of Flight 160 to Indianapolis,\" she says in a bored tone. \"We will now begin boarding for all seats. Please have your boarding pass ready.\"\nA line of passengers forms in front of the gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss X",
"response": "You lean toward X for a last kiss. She leans toward you, but turns her head slightly so that you kiss the corner of her mouth. She looks into your eyes sadly, then looks down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hug X",
"response": "You lean over and hug X tightly. She awkwardly rubs your back with a hand until you release her.\n\nX nervously picks under her thumbnail with a nail of the opposite hand. \"You really should eat something,\" she says in a worried tone. \"It's been almost a day since you've had any food.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell X about the goodbye",
"response": "\"Good... goodbye,\" you say with a knot in your throat.\n\n\"Goodbye, sweetheart,\" she replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the gate",
"response": "(the loading bridge)\nYou get into line at the gate. X moves to stand beside you, on the outside of the rope barrier.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bridge",
"response": "The loading bridge leads from the gate inside the terminal to the plane. It's designed to extend outward to accomodate whatever position the plane ends up in.\n\nYour turn to board the plane arrives. You hand your boarding pass to the gate agent, and step into the loading bridge. With one last glance over your shoulder, you see X watching you with a sad expression on her face. You turn and head for the plane.\n\nYou've never been an especially tidy person, and being self-employed has done nothing to improve your habits. Still, you keep your place clean, for the most part. It's just cluttered. The clutter is worse than usual at the moment, thanks to a portion of the contents of the strongbox scattered over the surface of your table.\n\nOn the wooden table are a tiny purple disk, a memo book labeled \"The End of the World\", a composition book labeled \"Morning in the Garden\", a sketchbook labeled \"The Tower of Hanoi\", a stapled packet labeled \"Going Home Again\", and an envelope labeled \"Undelivered Love Letter\".\n\nYou can also see a wooden toy, a large orange disk, a huge red disk, a small blue disk, a medium-small green disk, a medium-large yellow disk, an old dented strongbox (empty), a pile of letters, and a wrinkled sheet of paper here.\n\nX looks at you with concern. \"Are you all right?\" she asks. \"Say something.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "I suppose you're me. Gregory Weir, I mean. Mid-twenties, brown hair, thin. Probably a bit scruffy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close box",
"response": "You close the old dented strongbox.",
"endoftext": true
] | no3imuno2uq7aexi |
New Cat | Poster | [
"Slice of life"
] | [
"animal protagonist",
"built-in hints",
"non-human protagonist",
"nonhuman protagonist",
"short game"
] | 2,011 | [
] | 7 | 2.714286 | 20180311 | false | You are the new cat, but you do not have a name. Today, He has left the door to your place open. If you explore the new world, can you get a name? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "I do not have a name, but I think that someday soon I will. I have heard Him talk many times of other things that have names, things like Mom, Dad, Emily, Stuart, God. So I think I will have a name someday soon, although I do not know how I get a name. Is it something I have to do? Is there somewhere I have to go? All I know is that for now, He calls me just one thing: Cat.\n\nYou live in a nice soft place inside a bigger space that has three ows, and one moveable ow. You call these things ows because they hurt when you run into them, and the moving ow (mow) only He can move. The soft place is where you sleep and it smells like you. Outside the soft space is where He puts the food and water. The food is ok, but the milk you used to have was much better. You wonder if He could get some of that again.\n\nHe always shuts the mow, but today he has left it open. You do not know what is beyond it, except what you have heard him talk about. There is another thing called GoodCat/BadCat. It must have another name as well, because it was here when you got here, but it is far away and when He talks to it, you can only hear GoodCat or BadCat. You must be related, because you both are called Cat.\n\nYou have always wondered where He goes when He closes the mow and what lies beyond it. \"Could there be even more mows and ows? Could my place be just one place inside a much bigger place? I want to find out. Maybe if I find out, I can get a name,\" you think.\n\n[If this is your first time playing, type \"ABOUT\".]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look at yourself and see your black fur from head to toe. You feel that your tail is a little long for you, but you haven't seen many other cats. Maybe that is normal. You are small, but you know you will get bigger someday, and someday you will have a name.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "Your Place surrounds the soft place. It's much bigger and it is soft on your feet, but not as soft as the soft place. You can run around here but the three ows stop you. Nothing has changed from this morning when He left -- the food dish, the water bowl, the sandbox, and the ledge are in their same places and they smell the same. The most interesting thing, though, is the mow. It's wide open in front of you and smells from outside are rushing in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "This is a strange place. It's long, like maybe if your place were stretched out to your right and to your left taller than He is. The scents that invaded your place came from here, or at least some of them did. The ows are dabbed with white that doesn't go with the rest of the ow and they smell new somehow. The floor is soft like it is in your place but it smells wild -- images sweep over you of Him, others like Him, a world filled with flying things and grass, clean scents and many others that you've never smelled before. Faintly, you also detect a sweet yet salty wild smell that can only be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell floor",
"response": "It smells wild -- images sweep over you of Him, others like Him, a world filled with flying things and grass, clean scents and many others that you've never smelled before. Faintly, you also detect a sweet yet salty wild smell that can only be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "You can go to your right and to your left down the hall, and behind you back to your place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You are halfway down the hall, up to a good speed when you see something that compels you to stop and look. Here two mows face each other -- one that is not completely solid and one that doesn't reach the floor. The non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. Mmrrow. You can't help yourself and rub lazily against it. It feels good. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Slatted",
"response": "It's much too large and heavy for you to move it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine slatted",
"response": "It is a mow, but you're not sure how He moves it, because there is no blob of metal halfway up. It's not solid, like other mows are, and you can see fluffy colored things beyond; an almost-dizzying sleepy fresh smell comes from beyond it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell slatted",
"response": "The sleepy fresh smell comes from beyond the mow. It's so good that it almost makes you dizzy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go behind you back to New Hall and in front of you to the end of the hall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "You are up to a good speed before you notice the ow coming at you. You come to a butt-burning halt. Youch!\n\nThe long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one to your right has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room to your left is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "The air is warm here, and light spills in across the room from the window on the far side of the room. Shadows and light play across the floor in hypnotizing patterns, threatening to lull you to sleep. Scattered across the room are brown boxes, arranged in no particular order, some of which are very tall. You get the feeling that the boxes were just moved here and that the room wasn't built too long ago: the whole place smells new.\n\nYou can see a short box, a tall box and a towering box here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at short",
"response": "This is shortest box. It is held closed by a brown stripe, and you can easily jump up to it from the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on short",
"response": "You leap up to the box and then look around, surveying your new surroundings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look at yourself and see your black fur from head to toe. You feel that your tail is a little long for you, but you haven't seen many other cats. Maybe that is normal. You are small, but you know you will get bigger someday, and someday you will have a name.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tall box",
"response": "You're too far away from it. Maybe if you were on it, you could do that.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You can go in front of you or out to leave the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tall box",
"response": "This is the second-tallest box. It is held closed by a green stripe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open tall",
"response": "You're not sure how. The box is held together with a stripe that keeps it shut everywhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the stripe",
"response": "What do you want to pull: brown stripe or green stripe?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Sun Room (on the tall box)\nThe air is warm here, and light spills in across the room from the window on the far side of the room. Shadows and light play across the floor in hypnotizing patterns, threatening to lull you to sleep. Scattered across the room are brown boxes, arranged in no particular order, some of which are very tall. You get the feeling that the boxes were just moved here and that the room wasn't built too long ago: the whole place smells new.\n\nYou can see a short box and a towering box here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on short",
"response": "You move your head up and down a few times, judging the distance, and then decide to go for it. You feel a few moments of glorious weightlessness and then you settle on the box with a gentle \"thump\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Sun Room (on the short box)\nThe air is warm here, and light spills in across the room from the window on the far side of the room. Shadows and light play across the floor in hypnotizing patterns, threatening to lull you to sleep. Scattered across the room are brown boxes, arranged in no particular order, some of which are very tall. You get the feeling that the boxes were just moved here and that the room wasn't built too long ago: the whole place smells new.\n\nYou can see a tall box and a towering box here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the tall box",
"response": "You leap up to the box and then look around, surveying your new surroundings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "(first getting off the tall box)\n\nThe long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one behind you has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room in front of you is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You jump artfully to the floor and land on all four paws.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scratch brown stripe",
"response": "You try that but find out that it is a most perverse thing. When you scratch it, it gets sticky which makes your paws feel icky! You spend a few moments humiliated, licking them clean.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one behind you has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room in front of you is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "This room is darker than the others, and a whole plethora of scents rush out to find you. You take a moment perched on the threshold to decipher what they all mean. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nWait! There's something in the window. Your hackles rise and your fur poofs out. It's another cat, the same size as you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hiss",
"response": "You let out a bloodcurdling meow of warning, but she doesn't respond. Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the Cat",
"response": "You're too far away to do much of anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "You can go behind you or out to leave the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump a foot into the air just for fun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nThe other cat mimics your motions, her eyes fixed on you. You'll have to respond to her challenge somehow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nWith feline agility, you leap up to the deep water bowl.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the fat water bowl. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "With amazing grace, you land on the space above the handles with a solid \"whump\".\n\nYou barely notice the rest of the surface except for the sink, which smells like his breath and some sort of plant. The dark window takes up the entire wall and inside there is another cat! Her fur is poofed out just like yours and her green eyes stare back at you in challenge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the Cat",
"response": "You can't quite reach her. She seems to be on the other side of the window. She can't quite reach you, either.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.\n\nYou hear a faint ring coming from somewhere from somewhere far away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Meow",
"response": "You warn her off, but she doesn't reply. She must be unable to speak.\n\nYou hear a faint ring coming from elsewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the window",
"response": "You try, but nothing interesting happens.\n\nYou hear a faint ring coming from elsewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You don't know how to do that.\n\nYou hear a faint ring coming from elsewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell Cat",
"response": "You lean your nose in to smell her and she does the exact same thing. Then you realize what seemed so strange about all of this: you never once smelled her. How can she have no scent and no voice? What sort of cat is that? You realize, too, that she only does what you do. If you stop, she stops; if you groom yourself, she grooms herself; if you blink, she blinks. She does whatever you do because she is you, somehow. Only not you and only in the dark window. It's weird, but you're glad you're not a human and have to deal with such complexities.\n\nYou hear a faint ring coming from elsewhere.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the tub",
"response": "Not from here. It's too far away!\n\nYou hear a faint ring coming from elsewhere.\n\nYou notice that the faint ringing sound has stopped.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You can jump down, back to the bathroom, or you can jump to the fat water bowl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You raise and lower your head a few times, estimating the distance. On a whim, you decide to go for it and you jump down. It takes you a moment to get your breath back.\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the tub",
"response": "You're a bit hesitant to jump where you can't see, so you jump up on the surrounding ledge instead.\n\nYou are perched uncomfortably on the narrow ledge around the tub. The surface beneath you is hard and damp, and that clean water smell comes from all around you. You can either enter the tub, or jump down back into the bathroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get down",
"response": "You can jump down to the bathroom floor, or you can enter the tub.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the tub",
"response": "You walk around inside the tub and notice, strangely, that this place smells like His paws. Does He stand up in it? It looks long enough for him to lie down in it. The water smell saturates the area, and you know that this place must usually be wet. Right now it is only damp. He calls this place \"tub\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the tub",
"response": "You're already in it!\n\nYou scramble back up on the narrow side.\n\nYou are perched uncomfortably on the narrow ledge around the tub. The surface beneath you is hard and damp, and that clean water smell comes from all around you. You can either enter the tub, or jump down back into the bathroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You jump down with a faint \"oof\".\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boxes",
"response": "They are wooden things taller than you are and they puff out a little. Where they puff out, you smell His hands, and past that, harsh, artificial smells that you don't like. \"Why would he need such bad-smelling things,\" you wonder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nWith feline agility, you leap up to the deep water bowl.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the fat water bowl. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nJumping to it is much more kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell boxes",
"response": "That's too far away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump in",
"response": "You must name something more substantial.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You jump down to the tiled floor below with matchless ease.\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink water",
"response": "You're not thirsty, but you can't pass this opportunity up -- the smells are too interesting. Carefully you lower yourself into the toilet and take ten deep laps of the water. Then you pull yourself back up on the rim and luxuriate in the taste of tea, yogurt, and submarine sandwiches. You're thankful again that He was so kind to mark the area so that you'd know to find it.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You feel more relaxed.\n\nThe long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one in front of you has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room behind you is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "The hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You turn to face to your right and bound away.\n\nHalfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "This is a strange place. It's long, like maybe if your place were stretched out behind you and in front of you taller than He is. The scents that invaded your place came from here, or at least some of them did. The ows are dabbed with white that doesn't go with the rest of the ow and they smell new somehow. The floor is soft like it is in your place but it smells wild -- full of scents that draw you to investigate them. Faintly, you also detect a sweet yet salty wild smell that can only be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go behind you and in front of you down the hall, and to your left back to your place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Halfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one to your right has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room to your left is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go in front of you back to New Hall and behind you to the end of the hall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The hall from behind you ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "It is a tall stringy ow. Through it, you can see the shiny place beyond. It is marked with a welcome message from Goodcat/Badcat whom suggests that getting past it is difficult.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell gate",
"response": "It is marked with a welcome message from Goodcat/Badcat whom suggests that getting past it is difficult.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You bound to the gate, spring upwards, and latch your claws into the material. Then, putting one paw in front of another, you climb up to the top of the gate and leap gracefully down. You turn and look behind you, your tail crooked, feeling proud of yourself.\n\nJust to your right, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads in front of you, but behind you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the carpet",
"response": "It is a light brownish color. You smell around and take several minutes to soak up the knowledge of who ate what, where they were going, and how they were feeling. The knowledge makes you feel quite important, as if you had discovered the key to understanding what happens around here.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You can go to your right, to your left, in front of you, or climb the gate to go behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors. Goodcat/Badcat is in this room; his scent is strong. You whip your head around but don't see him anywhere. Is he waiting to pounce you? You continue looking around carefully.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor is a large brown circle held up by four legs. Underneath it are two smaller versions, with one pulled away from the other. You wind your way around these things and quickly smell what their names are. The large thing is called a table. The smaller things are called chairs (one is His and the other is guest). The names seem strong, but dull. You hope He doesn't name you any of those names.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "That's too far away. You ponder jumping to something closer instead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "From here you can go behind you and you can jump to His chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now. You also realize the names of the two objects on the table, and your interest is piqued.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "A curvy thing on a square thing that He uses for talking to people when they are not here. You're not sure how that works, but you know by sniffing it that that's what He does. Goodcat/Badcat says that it can be annoyingly loud.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine remote",
"response": "A black bar about half as long as you are, filled with a lot of buttons. It's obviously made for hands like His as the buttons are too small for you to push individually.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the remote",
"response": "You take it into your mouth, but you're barely able to keep a good grip on it. You're not sure you could do anything besides walking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the remote",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fridge",
"response": "Brr! It's cold, but it smells like all kinds of yummy things. He calls this \"fridge\". Goodcat/Badcat agrees with your assessment, so you naturally rub against it to add your opinion officially to his.\n\nThe phone right next to you suddenly starts Ringing VeRy LOUDLY. You almost involuntarily leap off the table in surprise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the phone",
"response": "You brush your whiskers by it, but nothing amazing happens.\n\nThe phone rings right beside you. It's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the phone",
"response": "You attack the phone, trying to Make The Ringing Stop. You smack the curvy part with your paw and send it flying. The ringing stops! But then you hear a concerned female voice talking out of it. It's saying some kind of greeting.\n\nA concerned female voice speaks from the phone right beside you.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Meow",
"response": "You say \"Meowr?\" to let the voice know that you are here and want to know what's going on. The voice asks you a question that you don't understand, laughs, and then says some other things, and finally it says \"goodbye\". You know then it will go away and it does.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the fridge",
"response": "You jump on it for a moment, but quickly tire of the one-sided play.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the phone",
"response": "You can't hear it from so far away.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the phone",
"response": "You attack, but the voice keeps repeating the same words like it can't hear you.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.\n\nA horrible grating sound comes from the phone on the table!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "You claw at what seems to be the weakest point of the cold box, but you can't get it open.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nA horrible grating sound comes from the phone on the table!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine boxes",
"response": "One of them smells more like water than food, and the other smells like fire and food.\nBoth of them have parts that stick out that look like you could walk on them, but they are too narrow.\nGoodcat/Badcat indicates that these are interesting only when open, but the hot-smelling one hurts.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nA horrible grating sound comes from the phone on the table!\n\nThe awful grating sound stops and the phone is silent once again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the oven",
"response": "You don't see how. Maybe if you were a lot larger, you could.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the oven",
"response": "You jump on it for a moment, but quickly tire of the one-sided play.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "This is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a remote and a phone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump to the shiny surface",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the metal box",
"response": "What do you want to examine: Ftop or the fridge?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the metal box",
"response": "What do you want to jump on: Ftop or the fridge?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nOn top of this cold metal cube, you find what you've been expecting the whole time: Goodcat/Badcat. He is a refined grey cat with black stripes who sits with his body perpendicular to yours, his head facing you. He has two large yellow eyes and seems unaffected by your arrival, as though he had been expecting you.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Cat",
"response": "You look at him and you feel his eyes staring a hole through yours. He seems angry; you feel decidedly nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Purr",
"response": "You only do that when you are talking to Him. That's the fun part. When He gets back, you let out all the purrs you have saved up the whole day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell Cat",
"response": "You approach him but at the last moment, back off. His fierce stare seems to shout, \"How dare you approach when we have not properly greeted one another yet!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Meow",
"response": "You're not sure how you talk with another cat, after all, your only memories are hazy and indistinct ones of your littermates and mom. So you try talking to Goodcat/Badcat like you were talking to Him. You let out a curious \"Meowr\". His eyes fix upon you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Growl",
"response": "He blinks his eyes and yawns. He doesn't take your angry words seriously. In fact, he seems to have studiously overlooked them, and you feel embarrassed at your poor behavior. Involuntarily, your tail falls down between your legs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Interact\n\n> New Cat Background\nInteract",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "> Interact\n\n> Interact",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You groom yourself",
"response": "You feel clean and smell like yourself. You don't see the need to groom yourself right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scratch cat",
"response": "Looking back on it, you realize that this was one of those things that would have never worked out. You pounced him and he responded with a bloodcurdling hiss and a swift paw that sent you flying right off the vibrating metal box. You landed on the ledge below and backed away just in time to avoid him jumping on you. Fear and adrenaline ran through your veins and you jumped, jumped, and ran like your tail was on fire. Now you're on the other side of that stringy ow, catching your breath, the image of him turning away with a refined departing spit echoing in your ears. His departing words were, \"And don't come back!\"\n\nThe hall from ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress .",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lick cat",
"response": "He good-naturedly pushes you away with his paws and resumes his usual placid, royal mien.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You lean down the side and take a half-jump the rest of the way down.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You look down hesitantly at the floor. That's too far away!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "From up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a remote and a phone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine his chair",
"response": "Although it looks like the other chair, this is the one He sits in. He calls it His chair. It is not under the table, which makes jumping to it pretty easy.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Just in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go in front of you, behind you, to your left, or climb the gate to go to your right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but not silently.\n\nThe hall from in front of you ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "This is a strange place. It's long, like maybe if your place were stretched out in front of you and behind you taller than He is. The scents that invaded your place came from here, or at least some of them did. The ows are dabbed with white that doesn't go with the rest of the ow and they smell new somehow. The floor is soft like it is in your place but it smells wild -- full of scents that draw you to investigate them. Faintly, you also detect a sweet yet salty wild smell that can only be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at solid",
"response": "It's a large mow (like they all are) with a metal handle about half-way up. It doesn't reach the floor, and underneath it is a white thing. Beyond it is his lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one to your right has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room to your left is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Nap",
"response": "You lie down and curl yourself into a little ball. You squinch your eyelids shut and feel your limbs go slack. As the haze of sleep comes over you, before you know it, you are somewhere else entirely.\n\nPalace (in a catnap) (on the golden oval)\nHere, the sun shines in from above to form a golden oval in the center of a stone dais. Around you are furry and soft places, but none as soft as the golden oval, which is why you're relaxing upon it. On one side is a milkfall where milk falls down over squares and all you have to do is turn your head to one side to drink. On the other side is a waterfall of clear and cool water. As you wait, smaller cats wearing bells and silly red-and-green clothes over their fur nose delicate trays up to you to eat, should you care to. It is early morning in this wonderful palace, where you are the Queen.\n\nOn the delicate trays are choice meats.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the milk",
"response": "You incline your head ever-so-slightly and take a refreshing drink, making sure to lick your mouth daintily afterwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the meat",
"response": "As you're not particularly hungry, you nibble several different offerings distractedly, enjoying the various tastes and textures.\n\nWith a sudden \"bang\" the dream world disappears and your eyes flit open. You hear His voice, talking to Goodcat/Badcat. You stretch and lazily mewl to let him know you are here.\n\nHe discovers you and then picks you up. He is surprised, and then kind. He pets you over and over again, chuckling at some of the things you have done. \"I suppose I will have to name you now,\" he says. He holds you high in the air and then triumphantly christens you, \"Merry. Yes, that's the perfect name for you.\" You nuzzle your face into his arms, turning the name around and around in your mind. Merry. It's a good name, well, as good as humans get at these things, you think. You beam up at Him as He carries you.\n\n*** The End ***\n\nIn that game you scored 5 out of a possible 20, in 170 turns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "I do not have a name, but I think that someday soon I will. I have heard Him talk many times of other things that have names, things like Mom, Dad, Emily, Stuart, God. So I think I will have a name someday soon, although I do not know how I get a name. Is it something I have to do? Is there somewhere I have to go? All I know is that for now, He calls me just one thing: Cat.\n\nYou live in a nice soft place inside a bigger space that has three ows, and one moveable ow. You call these things ows because they hurt when you run into them, and the moving ow (mow) only He can move. The soft place is where you sleep and it smells like you. Outside the soft space is where He puts the food and water. The food is ok, but the milk you used to have was much better. You wonder if He could get some of that again.\n\nHe always shuts the mow, but today he has left it open. You do not know what is beyond it, except what you have heard him talk about. There is another thing called GoodCat/BadCat. It must have another name as well, because it was here when you got here, but it is far away and when He talks to it, you can only hear GoodCat or BadCat. You must be related, because you both are called Cat.\n\nYou have always wondered where He goes when He closes the mow and what lies beyond it. \"Could there be even more mows and ows? Could my place be just one place inside a much bigger place? I want to find out. Maybe if I find out, I can get a name,\" you think.\n\n[If this is your first time playing, type \"ABOUT\".]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go up",
"response": "There's only one way out and that's in front of you (or out).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the food",
"response": "It looks like a lot of little claws, but it is softer and tastes salty. You're not hungry, though, because you've already eaten.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sandbox",
"response": "It's a tough box filled with sand that's just right for taking care of wastes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the sandbox",
"response": "Fortunately, you've already gone this morning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Your Place surrounds the soft place. It's much bigger and it is soft on your feet, but not as soft as the soft place. You can run around here but the three ows stop you. Nothing has changed from this morning when He left -- the food dish, the water bowl, the sandbox, and the ledge are in their same places and they smell the same. The most interesting thing, though, is the mow. It's wide open in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mew",
"response": "You mew. Nothing happens and you feel faintly disappointed.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ledge",
"response": "It juts out below the window, but you can't reach it. It's colored like cream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "This is a strange place. It's long, like maybe if your place were stretched out to your right and to your left taller than He is. The scents that invaded your place came from here, or at least some of them did. The ows are dabbed with white that doesn't go with the rest of the ow and they smell new somehow. The floor is soft like it is in your place but it smells wild -- images sweep over you of Him, others like Him, a world filled with flying things and grass, clean scents and many others that you've never smelled before. Faintly, you also detect a sweet yet salty wild smell that can only be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You are halfway down the hall, up to a good speed when you see something that compels you to stop and look. Here two mows face each other -- one that is not completely solid and one that doesn't reach the floor. The non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. Mmrrow. You can't help yourself and rub lazily against it. It feels good. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at solid",
"response": "It's a large mow (like they all are) with a metal handle about half-way up. It doesn't reach the floor, and underneath it is a white thing. Beyond it is his lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the sock",
"response": "You reach out for it and snag it in your claws; surprised, you pull back and pull it out into the room. You smell it more carefully and know that He put this on his paw two suns ago, had circular meat-bread for dinner, and generally felt happy. You remember that day. The covering itself is soft and yet stretchy. He calls this \"sock\". You look at it curiously, trying to understand why He needs a covering for his paws.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at solid",
"response": "It's a large mow (like they all are) with a metal handle about half-way up. It doesn't reach the floor. Beyond it is his lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open door",
"response": "Only He can do that. You're too small, at least right now. Who knows how big you'll get?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Meow",
"response": "You mew. Nothing happens and you feel faintly disappointed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hiss",
"response": "You remember your mother telling you to use that tone of voice only when you really had to. Fortunately, this is not one of those times.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the slats",
"response": "It is a mow, but you're not sure how He moves it, because there is no blob of metal halfway up. It's not solid, like other mows are, and you can see fluffy colored things beyond; an almost-dizzying sleepy fresh smell comes from beyond it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the slats",
"response": "You claw frantically at the mow but don't manage to get very far up.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You turn to face behind you and bound away.\n\nHalfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.\n\nYou can see a sock here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Halfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.\n\nYou can see a sock here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sock",
"response": "You take it in your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but unfortunately not silently.\n\nJust to your right, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads in front of you, but behind you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors. Goodcat/Badcat is in this room; his scent is strong. You whip your head around but don't see him anywhere. Is he waiting to pounce you? You continue looking around carefully.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor is a large brown circle held up by four legs. Underneath it are two smaller versions, with one pulled away from the other. You wind your way around these things and quickly smell what their names are. The large thing is called a table. The smaller things are called chairs (one is His and the other is guest). The names seem strong, but dull. You hope He doesn't name you any of those names.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump up",
"response": "You must name something more substantial.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "That's too far away. You ponder jumping to something closer instead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the chair",
"response": "What do you want to jump on: the guest chair or His chair?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Guest",
"response": "You don't think you'll make it, but you go for it anyways. YOW! You bop your head on the underside of the table and spend a few moments wincing away the pain.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "That's too far away. You ponder jumping to something closer instead.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now. You also realize the names of the two objects on the table, and your interest is piqued.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on counter",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sock to the Cat",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat sniffs the air and then sniffs the sock, taking his time to inhale all of its scents. He looks thoughtful for a moment and then rubs you, pressing into your fur one of his secrets. Fascinated, you ponder all the fun you'll have when you chew off a piece of meat-bread and leave it behind the vibrating box for twenty suns so that you too can have a smelly play toy!\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the Cat",
"response": "You're not sure how you talk with another cat, after all, your only memories are hazy and indistinct ones of your littermates and mom. So you try talking to Goodcat/Badcat like you were talking to Him. You let out a curious \"Meowr\". His eyes fix upon you.\n\nSuddenly a loud ringing sound comes from the table and it startles you a foot into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hi",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mew",
"response": "You're not sure how you talk with another cat, after all, your only memories are hazy and indistinct ones of your littermates and mom. So you try talking to Goodcat/Badcat like you were talking to Him. You let out a curious \"Meowr\". His eyes fix upon you.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the counter",
"response": "You jump down and land on the countertop with a noticeable \"thud\".\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.\n\nThe phone rings right beside you. It's loud!\n\nSuddenly but thankfully, the phone stops ringing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "A curvy thing on a square thing that He uses for talking to people when they are not here. You're not sure how that works, but you know by sniffing it that that's what He does. Goodcat/Badcat says that it can be annoyingly loud.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the chair",
"response": "What do you want to jump on: the guest chair or His chair?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "His",
"response": "You gracefully jump down into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You don't see how to do that from where you are.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You don't see how to do that from where you are.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Kitchen (on His chair)\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just behind you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your right, but to your left is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but not silently.\n\nThe hall from in front of you ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room is darker than the others, and a whole plethora of scents rush out to find you. You take a moment perched on the threshold to decipher what they all mean. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nWait! There's something in the window. Your hackles rise and your fur poofs out. It's another cat, the same size as you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nWith feline agility, you leap up to the deep water bowl.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the white chair. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink water",
"response": "You're not thirsty, but you can't pass this opportunity up -- the smells are too interesting. Carefully you lower yourself into the toilet and take ten deep laps of the water. Then you pull yourself back up on the rim and luxuriate in the taste of tea, yogurt, and submarine sandwiches. You're thankful again that He was so kind to mark the area so that you'd know to find it.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You jump down to the tiled floor below with matchless ease.\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nThe other cat mimics your motions, her eyes fixed on you. You'll have to respond to her challenge somehow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the tub",
"response": "You're a bit hesitant to jump where you can't see, so you jump up on the surrounding ledge instead.\n\nYou are perched uncomfortably on the narrow ledge around the tub. The surface beneath you is hard and damp, and that clean water smell comes from all around you. You can either enter the tub, or jump down back into the bathroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You jump down with a faint \"oof\".\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nThe other cat mimics your motions, her eyes fixed on you. You'll have to respond to her challenge somehow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Paw Cat",
"response": "You can't quite reach her. She seems to be on the other side of the window. She can't quite reach you, either.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You groom yourself",
"response": "You feel clean and smell like yourself. You don't see the need to groom yourself right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Meow",
"response": "You let out a bloodcurdling meow of warning, but she doesn't respond. Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell Cat",
"response": "You lean your nose in to smell her and she does the exact same thing. Then you realize what seemed so strange about all of this: you never once smelled her. How can she have no scent and no voice? What sort of cat is that? You realize, too, that she only does what you do. If you stop, she stops; if you groom yourself, she grooms herself; if you blink, she blinks. She does whatever you do because she is you, somehow. Only not you and only in the dark window. It's weird, but you're glad you're not a human and have to deal with such complexities.\n\nYou feel like you have achieved something particularly kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sink",
"response": "It's a bowl that's part of the ledge. It's damp, empty, and smells of his breath and some sort of fresh plant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You raise and lower your head a few times, estimating the distance. On a whim, you decide to go for it and you jump down. It takes you a moment to get your breath back.\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Back",
"response": "You feel more relaxed.\n\nThe long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one in front of you has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room behind you is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go to your left down the hall, in front of you to the dark room, or behind you to the sunny room.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You turn to face to your left and bound away.\n\nHalfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the counter",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nYou are on top of the cold metal cube, better known as \"refrigerator\" and \"Goodcat/Badcat's lair\". Strangely, it is not cold here, but fairly cozy with the faint smell of food. You can see why he chose this location for a lair. You think you'd probably have done the same.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.\n\nGoodcat/Badcat seems to be considering your actions carefully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stare at the Cat",
"response": "He draws back and gives you a withering look as though you had the manners of a canine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch the Cat",
"response": "You look at him and you feel his eyes staring a hole through yours. He seems angry; you feel decidedly nervous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat seems to be considering your actions carefully.\n\nTime passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kitchen",
"response": "(the kitchen floor)\nIt's shiny and smooth, but it gives you just enough to grip on. You skid occasionally when you stop suddenly, but you don't glide.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the counter",
"response": "You jump down and land on the countertop with a noticeable \"thud\".\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.\n\nThe phone right next to you suddenly starts Ringing VeRy LOUDLY. You almost involuntarily leap off the table in surprise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the remote",
"response": "You already have the sock in your mouth!\n\nThe phone rings right beside you. It's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the counter",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nYou are on top of the cold metal cube, better known as \"refrigerator\" and \"Goodcat/Badcat's lair\". Strangely, it is not cold here, but fairly cozy with the faint smell of food. You can see why he chose this location for a lair. You think you'd probably have done the same.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.\n\nGoodcat/Badcat seems to be considering your actions carefully.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave tail",
"response": "But you aren't holding you.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the sock",
"response": "He studiously ignores you.\n\nA horrible grating sound comes out of the phone on the table! Goodcat/Badcat makes a disgusted face and his baleful eyes blame you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sock",
"response": "You already have the sock in your mouth!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sock to the Cat",
"response": "He studiously ignores you.\n\nThe awful grating sound stops and the phone is silent once again. Goodcat/Badcat exhales loudly and fixes you with an expression that clearly communicates, \"Let's not do that again, shall we?\" You feel embarrassed but relieved.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na sock",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the counter",
"response": "You jump down and land on the countertop with a noticeable \"thud\".\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "The carpet ends here at a mow like the one that leads out of your place. You're not sure how He manages to open these things, but He must be strong. This mow looks a lot like the shiny floor, actually; it looks like it is made up of different tiles, all different colors. Sniffing the edges, you realize that it is a gateway to the outside. Images of grass, bright sunshine, concern, danger, and burden roll over you and you think that the outside is a fearful but wonderful place, and amazingly large. You also smell a distinctively female scent, like flowers, but far too strong; yet it is similar to Him. It is the scent of his littermate, the one he calls \"sister\" and \"Emily\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You turn to face behind you and bound away.\n\nJust to your left, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads behind you, but in front of you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. They look soft and you can't wait to get your paws on them. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. Near the plant there is a large black shiny square and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home. You can't wait to smell each thing and find out how it got here and what Goodcat/Badcat has to say.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell tv",
"response": "The square has a scent history that tells you about the people that made it, but they are all far away. He doesn't often touch it and Goodcat/Badcat indicates that this is useful for distracting other humans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine remote",
"response": "A black bar about half as long as you are, filled with a lot of buttons. It's obviously made for hands like His as the buttons are too small for you to push individually.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tv",
"response": "It's a large black square, although it's also pretty shiny. You're too far away to note much else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell the sofa",
"response": "You smell nothing particularly interesting.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the sofa",
"response": "You look under it, but only see the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. Near the plant there is a large black shiny square and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell ball",
"response": "You try to reach it, but it's too high up. Maybe if you were in the narrow bed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on bed",
"response": "What do you want to jump on: the sofa or the love seat?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Narrow",
"response": "You jump on the smaller springy-soft bed (this is a \"love seat\") and luxuriate in how it feels on your paws. You sniff around. There are several stories here, but they are simple ones. This place is one of Goodcat/Badcat's favorites. He was here earlier in the day and was feeling gassy. He thinks he shouldn't have eaten that crunchy thing he found under the tall vibrating box. There is that smell of Emily, again! She was visiting yesterday and was concerned that He had no offspring. She seems to think that He is too immature. You immediately think ill of her and want to show Her that He does have offspring -- you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ball",
"response": "It's a curiously large bumpy ball with some kind of wooden stick holding it up. You sniff it and smell its papery, dusty kind of smell that reminds you of old things. It was put together with a lot of care and attention by men who wear lenses in front of their eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ball",
"response": "You jump on it for a moment, but quickly tire of the one-sided play.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell ball",
"response": "The globe smells like Him, as He has touched it many times, and you can tell that He longs to go to faraway places. The globe also smells like the forest and some kind of paper made from trees. The forest is not right outside, but it is one near to here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn ball",
"response": "[You can turn around, or you can turn left or right.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub globe",
"response": "You idly rub against it and let the world know that you were here.\n\nFrom right outside, you hear what sounds like a storm -- a rumbling, grumbling, coughing sound. You look around for somewhere to hide, but before you can find a place, it's over. Then you hear a slamming like the mow when He leaves and right before He sees you. Is He coming back?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "You can only go behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Without visiting the large soft bed? You promise yourself that you will get your paws on it sometime today.\n\n(first getting off the love seat)\nEdge of Kitchen\nJust in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. Near the plant there is a large black shiny square and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.\n\nYou hear some kind of metallic scratching sound and then you see the mow in the tiled area open. There He is! He shuts the mow, puts down His bag and greets Goodcat/Badcat. You meow energetically to let him know that you are here.\n\nHe discovers you and picks you up. He strokes kindly you as He walks through the house, laughing at all the things you have done. \"You are quite the little explorer, aren't you?\" he asks. You purr. \"That effort deserves nothing less than a name!\" He holds you high in the air and then triumphantly christens you, \"Isabella. Yes, Isabella is your name.\" You nuzzle your face into his arms, turning the name around and around in your mind. Isabella. It's a good name, well, as good as humans get at these things, you think. You beam up at Him as He carries you.\n\n*** The End ***\n\nIn that game you scored 7 out of a possible 20, in 170 turns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "I do not have a name, but I think that someday soon I will. I have heard Him talk many times of other things that have names, things like Mom, Dad, Emily, Stuart, God. So I think I will have a name someday soon, although I do not know how I get a name. Is it something I have to do? Is there somewhere I have to go? All I know is that for now, He calls me just one thing: Cat.\n\nYou live in a nice soft place inside a bigger space that has three ows, and one moveable ow. You call these things ows because they hurt when you run into them, and the moving ow (mow) only He can move. The soft place is where you sleep and it smells like you. Outside the soft space is where He puts the food and water. The food is ok, but the milk you used to have was much better. You wonder if He could get some of that again.\n\nHe always shuts the mow, but today he has left it open. You do not know what is beyond it, except what you have heard him talk about. There is another thing called GoodCat/BadCat. It must have another name as well, because it was here when you got here, but it is far away and when He talks to it, you can only hear GoodCat or BadCat. You must be related, because you both are called Cat.\n\nYou have always wondered where He goes when He closes the mow and what lies beyond it. \"Could there be even more mows and ows? Could my place be just one place inside a much bigger place? I want to find out. Maybe if I find out, I can get a name,\" you think.\n\n[If this is your first time playing, type \"ABOUT\".]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Abcd",
"response": "Restore failed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ows",
"response": "They smell new and are dabbed with white. They run pretty far to your right and a shorter distance to your left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mow",
"response": "What do you want to examine: the solid mow or the slatted mow?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the white thing",
"response": "You reach out for it and snag it in your claws; surprised, you pull back and pull it out into the room. You smell it more carefully and know that He put this on his paw two suns ago, had circular meat-bread for dinner, and generally felt happy. You remember that day. The covering itself is soft and yet stretchy. He calls this \"sock\". You look at it curiously, trying to understand why He needs a covering for his paws.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smell it",
"response": "You smell it more carefully and know that He put this on his paw two suns ago, had circular meat-bread for dinner, and generally felt happy. You remember that day. The covering itself is white and soft, yet stretchy. You look at it curiously, trying to understand why He needs a covering for his paws.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Your Place surrounds the soft place. It's much bigger and it is soft on your feet, but not as soft as the soft place. You can run around here but the three ows stop you. Nothing has changed from this morning when He left -- the food dish, the water bowl, the sandbox, and the ledge are in their same places and they smell the same. The most interesting thing, though, is the mow. It's wide open behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go behind you back to New Hall.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room is darker than the others, and a whole plethora of scents rush out to find you. You take a moment perched on the threshold to decipher what they all mean. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nWait! There's something in the window. Your hackles rise and your fur poofs out. It's another cat, the same size as you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the bowl",
"response": "With feline agility, you leap up to the deep water bowl.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the fat water bowl. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink water",
"response": "You're not thirsty, but you can't pass this opportunity up -- the smells are too interesting. Carefully you lower yourself into the toilet and take ten deep laps of the water. Then you pull yourself back up on the rim and luxuriate in the taste of tea, yogurt, and submarine sandwiches. You're thankful again that He was so kind to mark the area so that you'd know to find it.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell mirror",
"response": "You lean your nose in to smell her and she does the exact same thing. Then you realize what seemed so strange about all of this: you never once smelled her. How can she have no scent and no voice? What sort of cat is that? You realize, too, that she only does what you do. If you stop, she stops; if you groom yourself, she grooms herself; if you blink, she blinks. She does whatever you do because she is you, somehow. Only not you and only in the dark window. It's weird, but you're glad you're not a human and have to deal with such complexities.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You can jump down, back to the bathroom, or you can jump to the fat water bowl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stripe",
"response": "What do you want to examine: brown stripe or green stripe?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You jump artfully to the floor and land on all four paws.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You turn to face to your left and bound away.\n\nHalfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You bound to the gate, spring upwards, and latch your claws into the material. Then, putting one paw in front of another, you climb up to the top of the gate and leap gracefully down. You turn and look behind you, your tail crooked, feeling proud of yourself.\n\nJust to your right, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads in front of you, but behind you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "What do you want to examine: the sofa or the love seat?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the sofa",
"response": "You jump up on the large springy-soft bed (what they call a \"sofa\") and love how it feels on your paws -- so soft! You sniff around and are startled by all the big cats that have sat here and their stories. It takes you several sniffs to make them all out. Apparently He sits here when he is tired; He sat here yesterday. He also sat here two days ago (the day of the big noise) with Barry, and they talked about far-away places. Barry wants to romance his broodmate, but won't tell Him. Then there is the scent of an older big cat, who must be very wise, because he gives knowledge to others all day. He seems to be related to Him, but you're not clear how. He's not a mother or a littermate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the plant",
"response": "It looks like a rather large plant sitting in a bowl of dark dirt. It has a lot of green leaves and it reaches almost as high as the black square!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the square",
"response": "It's a large black square, although it's also pretty shiny. When you walk by it, you see something blurry moving inside it, but you can't smell what it is. The square has a scent history that tells you about the people that made it, but they are all far away. He doesn't often touch it and Goodcat/Badcat indicates that this is useful for distracting other humans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the plant",
"response": "You jump on it for a moment, but quickly tire of the one-sided play.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Poop",
"response": "You can't even imagine how much trouble you'd get into if you did that. Besides, you've already gone in the sandbox this morning.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "You spring down to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the seat",
"response": "You jump on the smaller springy-soft bed (this is a \"love seat\") and luxuriate in how it feels on your paws. You sniff around. There are several stories here, but they are simple ones. This place is one of Goodcat/Badcat's favorites. He was here earlier in the day and was feeling gassy. He thinks he shouldn't have eaten that crunchy thing he found under the tall vibrating box. There is the scent left by His littermate; She was visiting yesterday and was concerned that He had no offspring. She seems to think that He is too immature. You immediately think ill of her and want to show Her that He does have offspring -- you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the globe",
"response": "It's a curiously large bumpy ball with some kind of wooden stick holding it up. You sniff it and smell its papery, dusty kind of smell that reminds you of old things. It was put together with a lot of care and attention by men who wear lenses in front of their eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You rub it",
"response": "You idly rub against it and let the world know that you were here.\n\nSuddenly a loud ringing sound comes from somewhere nearby and it startles you a foot into the air.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You spring down to the floor.\n\nYou hear a ringing sound. It's pretty loud, and it's coming from nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.\n\nYou hear a ringing sound. It's pretty loud, and it's coming from nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors. Goodcat/Badcat is in this room; his scent is strong. You whip your head around but don't see him anywhere. Is he waiting to pounce you? You continue looking around carefully.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor is a large brown circle held up by four legs. Underneath it are two smaller versions, with one pulled away from the other. You wind your way around these things and quickly smell what their names are. The large thing is called a table. The smaller things are called chairs (one is His and the other is guest). The names seem strong, but dull. You hope He doesn't name you any of those names.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now. You also realize the names of the two objects on the table, and your interest is piqued.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.\n\nThe phone rings right beside you. It's loud!\n\nSuddenly but thankfully, the phone stops ringing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You spring down to the floor.\n\nSuddenly a loud ringing sound comes from somewhere nearby and it startles you a foot into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.\n\nYou hear a ringing sound. It's pretty loud, and it's coming from nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors. Goodcat/Badcat is in this room; his scent is strong. You whip your head around but don't see him anywhere. Is he waiting to pounce you? You continue looking around carefully.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor is a large brown circle held up by four legs. Underneath it are two smaller versions, with one pulled away from the other. You wind your way around these things and quickly smell what their names are. The large thing is called a table. The smaller things are called chairs (one is His and the other is guest). The names seem strong, but dull. You hope He doesn't name you any of those names.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nThe phone on the table nearby rings, and it's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now. You also realize the names of the two objects on the table, and your interest is piqued.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.\n\nThe phone rings right beside you. It's loud!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack phone",
"response": "You attack the phone, trying to Make The Ringing Stop. You smack the curvy part with your paw and send it flying. The ringing stops! But then you hear a concerned female voice talking out of it. It's saying some kind of greeting.\n\nA concerned female voice speaks from the phone right beside you.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mew",
"response": "You say \"Meowr?\" to let the voice know that you are here and want to know what's going on. The voice asks you a question that you don't understand, laughs, and then says some other things, and finally it says \"goodbye\". You know then it will go away and it does.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sniff the phone",
"response": "It smells like His hands, because He holds it often. It also smells like His breath, because He talks into it. You find out that it was made far away and sent here on something that travels across water and that inside, it is delicate.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nOn top of this cold metal cube, you find what you've been expecting the whole time: Goodcat/Badcat. He is a refined grey cat with black stripes who sits with his body perpendicular to yours, his head facing you. He has two large yellow eyes and seems unaffected by your arrival, as though he had been expecting you.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the sock to the Cat",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat is unimpressed.\n\nA horrible grating sound comes out of the phone on the table! Goodcat/Badcat makes a disgusted face and his baleful eyes blame you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sock to the Cat",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat sniffs the air and then sniffs the sock, taking his time to inhale all of its scents. He looks thoughtful for a moment and then rubs you, pressing into your fur one of his secrets. Fascinated, you ponder all the fun you'll have when you chew off a piece of meat-bread and leave it behind the vibrating box for twenty suns so that you too can have a smelly play toy!\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub Cat",
"response": "You approach him but at the last moment, back off. His fierce stare seems to shout, \"How dare you approach when we have not properly greeted one another yet!\"\n\nThe awful grating sound stops and the phone is silent once again. Goodcat/Badcat exhales loudly and fixes you with an expression that clearly communicates, \"Let's not do that again, shall we?\" You feel embarrassed but relieved.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fridge",
"response": "Brr! It's cold, but it smells like all kinds of yummy things. He calls this \"fridge\". Goodcat/Badcat agrees with your assessment, so you naturally rub against it to add your opinion officially to his.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under it",
"response": "You look under it, but only see the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine boxes",
"response": "One of them smells more like water than food, and the other smells like fire and food.\nBoth of them have parts that stick out that look like you could walk on them, but they are too narrow.\nGoodcat/Badcat indicates that these are interesting only when open, but the hot-smelling one hurts.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sniff the guest chair",
"response": "You smell nothing particularly interesting.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the sock",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "From here you can go behind you and you can jump to His chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just behind you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your right, but to your left is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the carpet",
"response": "It is a light brownish color. You smell around and take several minutes to soak up the knowledge of who ate what, where they were going, and how they were feeling. The knowledge makes you feel quite important, as if you had discovered the key to understanding what happens around here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. Near the plant there is a large black shiny square and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plant",
"response": "It looks like a rather large plant sitting in a bowl of dark dirt. It has a lot of green leaves and it reaches almost as high as the black square! The plant smells woodsy and growing, but not like something you'd like to eat. It is growing from a bowl of dirt that strikes you as perfect for playing in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smell it",
"response": "The plant smells woodsy and growing, but not like something you'd like to eat. It is growing from a bowl of dirt that strikes you as perfect for playing in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump a foot into the air just for fun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the dirt",
"response": "Digging would be better, you think.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dig it",
"response": "It seemed like such a great idea, but after a few moments of digging in the soil, you find nothing in it and have soil all over your paws. It's such a gross feeling that you try to shake it off. Dirt goes flying all around the plant, but some of it stays on your paws. Maybe if you walked around it would just come off. You really don't want to lick it off unless you absolutely have to.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "As you climb the gate up one side and down the other, that disgusting dirt shakes loose in the process. With a few licks here and there, you're as clean as ever. You're pleased as punch.\n\nYou clamber over the gate again, quickly, but not silently.\n\nThe hall from in front of you ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You can go in front of you back to New Hall, or you can climb the gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "You can go behind you down the hall, to your left to the dark room, or to your right to the sunny room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You turn to face behind you and bound away.\n\nHalfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The carpet ends here at a mow like the one that leads out of your place. You're not sure how He manages to open these things, but He must be strong. This mow looks a lot like the shiny floor, actually; it looks like it is made up of different tiles, all different colors. Sniffing the edges, you realize that it is a gateway to the outside. Images of grass, bright sunshine, concern, danger, and burden roll over you and you think that the outside is a fearful but wonderful place, and amazingly large. You smell Her scent again, like flowers but far too strong. It fills you with a fierce passion; she should know that you live here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "It is massive (like all mows are), but different than others, because it is made up of shiny tiles, all different colors. You're amazed that He manages to open such a thing. It smells wonderfully of the outdoors. You smell Her scent again, like flowers but far too strong. It fills you with a fierce passion; she should know that you live here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "There's only one way out: to return the way you came by going behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You turn to face behind you and bound away.\n\nJust to your left, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads behind you, but in front of you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. It even has tiny decorative brown paw prints across it. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. In the dirt scattered around the plant, you see several small paw prints. You grimace. Why did He put that nasty thing there? Near the plant there is a large black shiny square and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sniff model",
"response": "You try, but it's too far away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the seat",
"response": "You jump on the smaller springy-soft bed and luxuriate in how it feels on your paws. You are amazed that He doesn't spend all his time sitting on soft and warm beds like these. You think for a moment. You don't either. Maybe he is an explorer like you? He must be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ball",
"response": "It's a curiously large bumpy ball with some kind of wooden stick holding it up. You sniff it and smell its papery, dusty kind of smell that reminds you of old things. It was put together with a lot of care and attention by men who wear lenses in front of their eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn around",
"response": "You turn around and face the other way.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You can only go in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Den (on the love seat)\nThis is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. It even has tiny decorative brown paw prints across it. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. In the dirt scattered around the plant, you see several small paw prints. You grimace. Why did He put that nasty thing there? Near the plant there is a large black shiny square and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "You spring down to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell the carpet",
"response": "You smell around and take several minutes to soak up the knowledge of who ate what, where they were going, and how they were feeling. The knowledge makes you feel quite important, as if you had discovered the key to understanding what happens around here. You also smell that nasty dirt. Yuck!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Just in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a sock here.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a sock here.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nYou are on top of the cold metal cube, better known as \"refrigerator\" and \"Goodcat/Badcat's lair\". Strangely, it is not cold here, but fairly cozy with the faint smell of food. You can see why he chose this location for a lair. You think you'd probably have done the same.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the remote to the Cat",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat doesn't seem interested.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the remote",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lick",
"response": "What do you want to lick?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the Cat",
"response": "Looking back on it, you realize that this was one of those things that would have never worked out. You pounced him and he responded with a bloodcurdling hiss and a swift paw that sent you flying right off the vibrating metal box. You landed on the ledge below and backed away just in time to avoid him jumping on you. Fear and adrenaline ran through your veins and you jumped, jumped, and ran like your tail was on fire. Now you're on the other side of that stringy ow, catching your breath, the image of him turning away with a refined departing spit echoing in your ears. His departing words were, \"And don't come back!\"\n\nThe hall from to your right ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie down",
"response": "You lie down, all your paws outstretched.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Purr",
"response": "You only do that when you are talking to Him. That's the fun part. When He gets back, you let out all the purrs you have saved up the whole day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a sock here.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Claw fridge",
"response": "You claw it to no effect.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "In the middle of the the floor is a large brown circle held up by four legs, called the table. It is made out of wood, but it also smells of various oils and you get some idea of the men who crafted it. Goodcat/Badcat has left his scent upon the legs, identifying the table as his territory. He seems to have been impatiently waiting most of the time, hoping for Him to drop some tasty food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub table",
"response": "You swirl around two of the legs to add your scent flourish. Now He will know you have been here. The thought fills you with a secret delight.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You groom the Cat",
"response": "[Please type what you'd like to do.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You groom",
"response": "What do you want to groom?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You clamber up to all four paws, take a little stretch, and trot off.\n\nYou lean down the side and take a half-jump the rest of the way down.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie on the phone",
"response": "You lie down, all your paws outstretched.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "[This game uses relative directions instead of compass directions: left, right, forwards, and backwards.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smell it",
"response": "You wince just looking at it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the sofa",
"response": "You jump up on it once more, glad to be in a soft space around the smells of your people.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "You spring down to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the door",
"response": "You scrabble upwards, but a few moments of futility, slide down, frustrated.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "What do you want to dig?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go behind you back to New Hall and in front of you to the end of the hall.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the tub",
"response": "You're a bit hesitant to jump where you can't see, so you jump up on the surrounding ledge instead.\n\nYou are perched uncomfortably on the narrow ledge around the tub. The surface beneath you is hard and damp, and that clean water smell comes from all around you. You can either enter the tub, or jump down back into the bathroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the tub",
"response": "You walk around inside the tub and notice, strangely, that this place smells like His paws. Does He stand up in it? It looks long enough for him to lie down in it. The water smell saturates the area, and you know that this place must usually be wet. Right now it is only damp. He calls this place \"tub\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You smell it",
"response": "It smells like clean water mixed with the odor of His feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You bound out.\n\nYou are perched uncomfortably on the narrow ledge around the tub. The surface beneath you is hard and damp, and that clean water smell comes from all around you. You can either enter the tub, or jump down back into the bathroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You jump down with a faint \"oof\".\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Claw green stripe",
"response": "You vow revenge and attack it with both forepaws and end up sulking away, having to clean that gooey sticky stuff from two paws instead of just one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat stripe",
"response": "What do you want to eat: brown stripe or green stripe?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You jump artfully to the floor and land on all four paws.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You can go behind you back to New Hall, or you can climb the gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but unfortunately not silently.\n\nJust to your right, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads in front of you, but behind you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Nap",
"response": "You're exploring! No time for napping now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You lean down the side and take a half-jump the rest of the way down.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a sock and a phone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "(first getting off the sofa)\n\nJust in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine floor",
"response": "It is a light brownish color that has dirty pawprints on it. You smell around and take several minutes to soak up the knowledge of who ate what, where they were going, and how they were feeling. The knowledge makes you feel quite important, as if you had discovered the key to understanding what happens around here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "There's only one way out: to return the way you came by going behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You turn to face behind you and bound away.\n\nJust to your left, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads behind you, but in front of you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress in front of you.\n\nFrom right outside, you hear what sounds like a storm -- a rumbling, grumbling, coughing sound. You look around for somewhere to hide, but before you can find a place, it's over. Then you hear a slamming like the mow when He leaves and right before He sees you. Is He coming back?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a sock and a phone here.\n\nYou hear a mow open from far away and then hear it shut; His voice is next, as He greets Goodcat/Badcat. You meow energetically to let him know you are here.\n\nHe discovers you and picks you up. He strokes kindly you as He walks through the house, laughing at all the things you have done. \"You are quite the little explorer, aren't you?\" he asks. You purr. \"That effort deserves nothing less than a name!\" He holds you high in the air and then triumphantly christens you, \"Isabella. Yes, Isabella is your name.\" You nuzzle your face into his arms, turning the name around and around in your mind. Isabella. It's a good name, well, as good as humans get at these things, you think. You beam up at Him as He carries you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "I do not have a name, but I think that someday soon I will. I have heard Him talk many times of other things that have names, things like Mom, Dad, Emily, Stuart, God. So I think I will have a name someday soon, although I do not know how I get a name. Is it something I have to do? Is there somewhere I have to go? All I know is that for now, He calls me just one thing: Cat.\n\nYou live in a nice soft place inside a bigger space that has three ows, and one moveable ow. You call these things ows because they hurt when you run into them, and the moving ow (mow) only He can move. The soft place is where you sleep and it smells like you. Outside the soft space is where He puts the food and water. The food is ok, but the milk you used to have was much better. You wonder if He could get some of that again.\n\nHe always shuts the mow, but today he has left it open. You do not know what is beyond it, except what you have heard him talk about. There is another thing called GoodCat/BadCat. It must have another name as well, because it was here when you got here, but it is far away and when He talks to it, you can only hear GoodCat or BadCat. You must be related, because you both are called Cat.\n\nYou have always wondered where He goes when He closes the mow and what lies beyond it. \"Could there be even more mows and ows? Could my place be just one place inside a much bigger place? I want to find out. Maybe if I find out, I can get a name,\" you think.\n\n[If this is your first time playing, type \"ABOUT\".]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Your Place surrounds the soft place. It's much bigger and it is soft on your feet, but not as soft as the soft place. You can run around here but the three ows stop you. Nothing has changed from this morning when He left -- the food dish, the water bowl, the sandbox, and the ledge are in their same places and they smell the same. The most interesting thing, though, is the mow. It's wide open in front of you and smells from outside are rushing in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dish",
"response": "It's a small dish with food in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat food",
"response": "(first taking the cat food)\nYour mother raised you to not play with your food unless you were hungry enough to eat (or drink) it. You can feel her teeth picking you up by the scruff of the neck even now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bowl",
"response": "It's a small solid bowl with water in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the litterbox",
"response": "It's a tough box filled with sand that's just right for taking care of wastes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the litterbox",
"response": "Fortunately, you've already gone this morning.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "You can go behind you or in front of you, though in front of you seems a lot more interesting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Ascend",
"response": "This is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now. You also realize the names of the two objects on the table, and your interest is piqued.\n\nYou can see a phone and a remote here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "> Interact",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "> Interact\nWebsite:\n\nForums:\n\nComments/Bugs: [email protected]\n\nNew Cat Background\n> Interact",
"endoftext": true
"action": "F.",
"response": "You are up to a good speed before you notice the ow coming at you. You come to a butt-burning halt. Youch!\n\nThe long room ends here at an ow with one room on either side. The one to your right has sun filtering in through slats that make you want to rest in its warm spaces and play with the shadows. The room to your left is dark and presents several different smells relating to water. The ows seem really tall here and you feel fenced in and nervous.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "You try and miss in one glorious mess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nWith feline agility, you leap up to the deep water bowl.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the fat water bowl. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Lick water",
"response": "You're not thirsty, but you can't pass this opportunity up -- the smells are too interesting. Carefully you lower yourself into the toilet and take ten deep laps of the water. Then you pull yourself back up on the rim and luxuriate in the taste of tea, yogurt, and submarine sandwiches. You're thankful again that He was so kind to mark the area so that you'd know to find it.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "With amazing grace, you land on the space above the handles with a solid \"whump\".\n\nYou barely notice the rest of the surface except for the sink, which smells like his breath and some sort of plant. The dark window takes up the entire wall and inside there is another cat! Her fur is poofed out just like yours and her green eyes stare back at you in challenge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sniff the Cat",
"response": "You lean your nose in to smell her and she does the exact same thing. Then you realize what seemed so strange about all of this: you never once smelled her. How can she have no scent ? What sort of cat is that? You realize, too, that she only does what you do. If you stop, she stops; if you groom yourself, she grooms herself; if you blink, she blinks. She does whatever you do because she is you, somehow. Only not you and only in the dark window. It's weird, but you're glad you're not a human and have to deal with such complexities.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on tub",
"response": "Not from here. It's too far away!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You raise and lower your head a few times, estimating the distance. On a whim, you decide to go for it and you jump down. It takes you a moment to get your breath back.\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see what looks like a very long water bowl. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a fat water bowl, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb tub",
"response": "Jumping to it is much more kittenish.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You can go to your right down the hall, behind you to the dark room, or in front of you to the sunny room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You turn to face to your right and bound away.\n\nHalfway down the hall, the non-solid mow has slats from the top to the bottom, like what is on the window in your place. It has a wonderful fresh smell that makes you want to lie down and go to sleep, if only there were something soft enough to sleep on. The solid mow on the opposite side greets you with a welcoming and familiar scent from between it and the floor. You would know it anywhere -- it is Him. He is not here, but beyond is surely His lair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Without exploring those two large and soft beds? You promise yourself that when you get done with this important task, you will get your paws on them.\n\nJust in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors. Goodcat/Badcat is in this room; his scent is strong. You whip your head around but don't see him anywhere. Is he waiting to pounce you? You continue looking around carefully.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor is a large brown circle held up by four legs. Underneath it are two smaller versions, with one pulled away from the other. You wind your way around these things and quickly smell what their names are. The large thing is called a table. The smaller things are called chairs (one is His and the other is guest). The names seem strong, but dull. You hope He doesn't name you any of those names.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the chair",
"response": "What do you want to jump on: the guest chair or His chair?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just behind you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your right, but to your left is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.\n\nThe house settles and creaks, giving you a start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sock to the Cat",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat sniffs the air and then sniffs the sock, taking his time to inhale all of its scents. He looks thoughtful for a moment and then rubs you, pressing into your fur one of his secrets. Fascinated, you ponder all the fun you'll have when you chew off a piece of meat-bread and leave it behind the vibrating box for twenty suns so that you too can have a smelly play toy!\n\nWith a mew of disgust, you sit down and clean the nasty dirt from all your paws. It takes you some time, but at last you're clean.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit phone",
"response": "You rear up and pounce the phone with a particularly vicious sideswipe. Result: the phone is now separated into two parts, the curvy part and the boxy part. They are joined by a cord. None of this seems particularly interesting in itself, but you do derive some satisfaction in observing the prey after it has been rendered helpless.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat globe",
"response": "You bat at it and the ball turns, making a curious whirring sound. You bat at it again and it moves a little faster. You go at it with both paws until it can't move any faster and then you get bored. You look at the ball sideways, catching your breath and wonder if He will notice that the ball is now in a different position than it was before.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the sofa",
"response": "You jump up on the large springy-soft bed (what they call a \"sofa\") and love how it feels on your paws -- so soft! You sniff around and are startled by all the big cats that have sat here and their stories. It takes you several sniffs to make them all out. Apparently He sits here when he is tired; He sat here yesterday. He also sat here two days ago (the day of the big noise) with Barry, and they talked about far-away places. Barry wants to romance his broodmate, but won't tell Him. Then there is the scent of an older big cat, who must be very wise, because he gives knowledge to others all day. He seems to be related to Him, but you're not clear how. He's not a mother or a littermate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat remote",
"response": "Surprisingly, it's not very heavy. You bat it back and forth and with a powerful swipe, you send it off the table and it hits the floor below with a loud \"smack\". Then, in the next room over, the big black square flickers to life. You hear sounds and people talking; images flicker back and forth across its surface. From up above, Goodcat/Badcat meows despairingly. \"Oh dear. Now you've done it,\" he says.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.\n\nThe phone right next to you suddenly starts Ringing VeRy LOUDLY. You almost involuntarily leap off the table in surprise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack phone",
"response": "You attack the phone, trying to Make The Ringing Stop. You smack the curvy part with your paw and send it flying. The ringing stops! But then you hear a concerned female voice talking out of it. It's saying some kind of greeting.\n\nA concerned female voice speaks from the phone right beside you.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mew",
"response": "You say \"Meowr?\" to let the voice know that you are here and want to know what's going on. The voice asks you a question that you don't understand, laughs, and then says some other things, and finally it says \"goodbye\". You know then it will go away and it does.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.\n\nkittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat phone",
"response": "You bat it but nothing amazing happens.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a remote here.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "From here you can go behind you and you can jump to His chair.\n\nAn artificial voice from the phone on the table repeats itself with strange quiet parts between.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just behind you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your right, but to your left is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.\n\nFrom the shiny room you hear a horrible grating sound that sounds like pulling your tail feels.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat gate",
"response": "You bat it but nothing amazing happens.\n\nFrom the shiny room you hear a horrible grating sound that sounds like pulling your tail feels.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. It even has tiny decorative brown paw prints across it. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. In the dirt scattered around the plant, you see several small paw prints. You grimace. Why did He put that nasty thing there? Near the plant there is a black square flashing with images and voices and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.\n\nOn the sofa is a sock.\n\nFrom the shiny room you hear a horrible grating sound that sounds like pulling your tail feels.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.\n\nThe awful grating sound stops and the phone is silent once again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tv",
"response": "It's a large black square, although it's pretty shiny. It flickers with all kinds of images, some of which are people doing things; it also talks with the voices of various people. You're not at all sure how the different people fit inside there. The voices just keep talking like you aren't there and the images don't seem to be related. It's too overpowering to be real and after a minute or two, you lose interest.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat tv",
"response": "That's a bit too large to play with, you realize.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat plant",
"response": "You reach up to bat the leaves of the plant and they bounce back immediately. Before you know it, you've passed a few minutes playing with it.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat bug",
"response": "You try, but it's too far away.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This is a comfortable room that also has strange things in it. The carpet gets very thick and comfortable in the middle of the room and it changes colors too. It even has tiny decorative brown paw prints across it. A narrow cloth bed (it looks like your bed, but it is so large that it must be for Him) touches the hall and beyond it is a wide cloth bed. Far away is a mow through which you can see the outside. Beside it is a plant that grows in a tall water dish. In the dirt scattered around the plant, you see several small paw prints. You grimace. Why did He put that nasty thing there? Near the plant there is a black square flashing with images and voices and a frozen bug on top of it, and beside the narrow bed is a puffy ball held in place by some kind of stick. The smells here fuse into one onrush of aroma that makes you feel relaxed and at home.\n\nOn the sofa is a sock.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell plant",
"response": "The plant smells woodsy and growing, but not like something you'd like to eat. It is growing from a bowl of dirt that you think is disgusting.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell tv",
"response": "It's too loud and distracting to approach.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb tv",
"response": "You scrabble upwards, but a few moments of futility, slide down, frustrated.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Paw tv",
"response": "That's a bit too large to play with, you realize.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but not silently.\n\nThe hall from in front of you ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but unfortunately not silently.\n\nJust to your right, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads in front of you, but behind you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress behind you.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a remote here.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone here.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nYou are on top of the cold metal cube, better known as \"refrigerator\" and \"Goodcat/Badcat's lair\". Strangely, it is not cold here, but fairly cozy with the faint smell of food. You can see why he chose this location for a lair. You think you'd probably have done the same.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the Cat",
"response": "You look at him and you feel his eyes staring a hole through yours. He seems angry; you feel decidedly nervous.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub Cat",
"response": "You approach him but at the last moment, back off. His fierce stare seems to shout, \"How dare you approach when we have not properly greeted one another yet!\"\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat cat",
"response": "He good-naturedly pushes you away with his paws and resumes his usual placid, royal mien.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the Cat",
"response": "Looking back on it, you realize that this was one of those things that would have never worked out. You pounced him and he responded with a bloodcurdling hiss and a swift paw that sent you flying right off the vibrating metal box. You landed on the ledge below and backed away just in time to avoid him jumping on you. Fear and adrenaline ran through your veins and you jumped, jumped, and ran like your tail was on fire. Now you're on the other side of that stringy ow, catching your breath, the image of him turning away with a refined departing spit echoing in your ears. His departing words were, \"And don't come back!\"\n\nThe hall from to your right ends here at a soft ow about half as tall as an ordinary ow. This ow is made of crossed strings and you can see through it; beyond are shiny tall metal boxes, almost taller than Him, on a shiny floor. You instinctively sniff the ow. Goodcat/Badcat has left a scent message that welcomes you to his world if you can get over the ow. He calls it something rather impolite.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You clamber over the gate again, quickly, but unfortunately not silently.\n\nJust in front of you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your left, but to your right is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your right.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "You can go in front of you, behind you, to your left, or climb the gate to go to your right.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a remote here.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone here.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on ledge",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near. You feel extremely nervous and wish you were anywhere but here.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "Even the thought makes you quake with fear. You barely escaped with all your kitten parts intact last time! You're definitely not ready to brave facing him again.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "Even the thought makes you quake with fear. You barely escaped with all your kitten parts intact last time! You're definitely not ready to brave facing him again.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You lean down the side and take a half-jump the rest of the way down.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You span the distance with a soft jump and skid to a stop on the table.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone here.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "After a few moments of weightless falling and the rude impact, you are once again walking around on the shiny floor.\n\nHere enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a remote here.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat remote",
"response": "You bat the remote and send it flying across the floor.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You bat yourself",
"response": "You fiddle with your tail for a little while, but quickly grow bored.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "Just behind you, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads to your right, but to your left is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress to your left.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat boxes",
"response": "Choose a particular box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nWith feline agility, you leap up to the hollow chair.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the white chair. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nJumping to it is much more kittenish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "With amazing grace, you land on the space above the handles with a solid \"whump\".\n\nThe surface here is smooth and there is a bowl in the middle called a sink. You know this because the scent of his hands have left the word around it. The sink smells like his breath and some sort of plant. On the far side is a cabinet without a handle. You don't know how he gets it open. In the dark window that takes up the whole wall is your reflection, doing whatever you do but in reverse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sink",
"response": "It's a bowl that's part of the ledge. It's damp, empty, and smells of his breath and some sort of fresh plant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cabinet",
"response": "(the bccabinet)\nYou see nothing special about the bccabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "You look in the window, but see nothing interesting besides your reflection. The mirror itself smells faintly acidic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat reflection",
"response": "You're quite through with playing with your reflection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the sink",
"response": "You squinch up your eyes. You could fit in there, but there's a silver thing going over the top that you just don't trust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the toilet",
"response": "(the toilet)\nYou slide through the air down to the hollow chair.\n\nYou are halfway between the dark window and the floor, perched on the white chair. It's not soft, but it is fairly slick. The wonderful smells rise up from the hollow center, down in the water. You see above you a wide ledge that runs underneath the window. You could easily jump to it, or jump down to the bathroom floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump down",
"response": "You jump down to the tiled floor below with matchless ease.\n\nThe hallway light provides the only light in this dark room. Your eyes adjust and your nose comes alive with the many different scents inside. The first smell smells like He does sometimes -- like growing things, like the outside. It's too strong for you and it causes your nose to wrinkle involuntarily. The next strongest smell is a fresh, clean smell that must be some kind of water. You know by the third smell that this is His place, because He has marked it. Mixed in with that territorial odor are lesser notes that smell like all sorts of yummy things. You're so glad he marked the area so you'd know where they are! It's odd, though. You look around but don't see a litterbox anywhere.\n\nInstead, off to the right you see the tub. It has sides so you can jump up on it and take look inside. It smells like that water smell. Opposite it is a giant white chair that is hollow in the middle, where the territorial smell and the yummy smells come from. You could jump up on it, too. Right beside you are wooden boxes, and on top of them is a tall dark window.\n\nYou see your reflection peeking down at you from the window, green eyes glowing in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "The carpet ends here at a mow like the one that leads out of your place. You're not sure how He manages to open these things, but He must be strong. This mow looks a lot like the shiny floor, actually; it looks like it is made up of different tiles, all different colors. Sniffing the edges, you realize that it is a gateway to the outside. Images of grass, bright sunshine, concern, danger, and burden roll over you and you think that the outside is a fearful but wonderful place, and amazingly large. You smell Her scent again, like flowers but far too strong. It fills you with a fierce passion; she should know that you live here!\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat carpet",
"response": "You bat it but nothing amazing happens.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat mow",
"response": "You try for a few moments, but don't make any appreciable impact.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on it",
"response": "You jump on it for a moment, but quickly tire of the one-sided play.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mew",
"response": "You mew. Nothing happens and you feel faintly disappointed.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You turn to face behind you and bound away.\n\nJust to your left, the shiny and slippery floor begins and the large shiny things sit. The opposite way, you see softer but equally large things, but also a plant that sits in what looks like a square water bowl. The carpet is soft and it leads behind you, but in front of you is the stringy ow that you'll have to climb to get over.\n\nThe tall stringy gate bars progress in front of you.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Here enormous metal boxes reach upward from a shiny floor that you can skid across if you run fast enough and suddenly stop. The tallest box is cold, vibrates, and smells like food! The shorter boxes also smell like food, but not as strongly. The whole area smells like trees -- a fresh, outdoors kind of scent, which doesn't make sense, because this is indoors.\n\nHalfway to the ceiling (it seems) a shiny surface ledge runs like a pathway, over a shorter box and connects to the tallest one. It's wider than the ledge in your place. In the middle of the floor the brown table towers over you. The guest chair sits underneath it, and His chair is nearby.\n\nYou can see a remote here.\n\nYou hear the sound of a cat scratching itself and know that it must be Goodcat/Badcat.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on his chair",
"response": "You agilely leap upwards into the chair.\n\nYou hear the sound of grooming coming from somewhere nearby.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the table",
"response": "You easily jump up on the table, your claws clutching the threaded surface.\n\nThis is a small place, a little bit larger than the soft place but not as large as the place around it. If you ran around here, you'd definitely fall off the edges. The floor feels like a bunch of string, tightly wound together and it is arranged in colors and in patterns of things you don't recognize. From here, you can see a shiny surface you could easily jump to, and you can view most of the room and the next room over, which pulls your kittenish heart with what looks like large and soft beds. Taking a quick sniff, you realize that this area is used for eating food, but there is no food here now.\n\nYou can see a phone here.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bat phone",
"response": "You bat it but nothing amazing happens.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ledge",
"response": "That doesn't look far away. You take a quick look and with a little jump you land safely on the countertop.\n\nFrom up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on the ftop",
"response": "You leap up to the top with the greatest of ease.\n\nYou are on top of the cold metal cube, better known as \"refrigerator\" and \"Goodcat/Badcat's lair\". Strangely, it is not cold here, but fairly cozy with the faint smell of food. You can see why he chose this location for a lair. You think you'd probably have done the same.\n\nYou can see Goodcat/Badcat here.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Nap",
"response": "You're exploring! No time for napping now.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You rub against the Cat",
"response": "You approach him but at the last moment, back off. His fierce stare seems to shout, \"How dare you approach when we have not properly greeted one another yet!\"\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Mew",
"response": "You're not sure how you talk with another cat, after all, your only memories are hazy and indistinct ones of your littermates and mom. So you try talking to Goodcat/Badcat like you were talking to Him. You let out a curious \"Meowr\". His eyes fix upon you.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Purr",
"response": "You only do that when you are talking to Him. That's the fun part. When He gets back, you let out all the purrs you have saved up the whole day.\n\nThe black square lets out someone who is talking but in a very flowing kind of way and high up enough that it catches your attention. Then you realize she isn't saying anything important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sniff yourself",
"response": "You have an light, woodsy, easy-going scent about you. You're not sure if that's a common scent, but it's yours and you like it.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.\n\nFrom right outside, you hear what sounds like a storm -- a rumbling, grumbling, coughing sound. You look around for somewhere to hide, but before you can find a place, it's over. Then you hear a slamming like the mow when He leaves and right before He sees you. Is He coming back?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sniff you",
"response": "Goodcat/Badcat has better things to do.\n\nFrom the black square you hear lots of people shouting and catch a flicker of images out of the corner of your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "You sit down on your rear legs, taking a commanding view of your environs.\n\nYou hear several different scary sounds and then people talking, seriously.\n\nYou hear a mow open from far away and then hear it shut; His voice is next, as He greets Goodcat/Badcat. You meow energetically to let him know you are here.\n\nHe discovers you and picks you up. He strokes kindly you as He walks through the house, laughing at all the things you have done. He seems quite surprised at the TV being on. \"You are quite the little explorer, aren't you?\" he asks. You purr. \"That effort deserves nothing less than a name!\" He holds you high in the air and then triumphantly christens you, \"Isabella. Yes, Isabella is your name.\" You nuzzle your face into his arms, turning the name around and around in your mind. Isabella. It's a good name, well, as good as humans get at these things, you think. You beam up at Him as He carries you.",
"endoftext": true
] | w9s82w5o59a43tzt |
Only After Dark | Gunther Schmidl | [
] | [
"IF Competition 1999",
"IFComp Game",
"NightFloyd transcript",
"nonhuman protagonist",
"sexual content",
] | 1,999 | [
] | 7 | 2.714286 | 20101204 | false | "HERE BE DRAGONS" is what the rutter said, but the small island turned out to be free of those animals after all. Instead, you landed near a tiny village full of friendly natives. Aaah, shore leave! You can't remember when the last time was you could relax, take a night off and stroll through town to pick up a girl or two. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "[Strike any key to continue...]\n\n\"HERE BE DRAGONS\" is what the rutter said, but the small island turned out to be free of those animals after all. Instead, you landed near a tiny village full of friendly natives.\n\nAaah, shore leave! You can't remember when the last time was you could relax, take a night off and stroll through town to pick up a girl or two. It turned out your friend Aten speaks a dialect not unlike that of the villagers, and so he joined your captain, who's with the village elder at the moment.\n\n\"Too bad for him,\" you think, grinning, \"guess he won't be getting any tonight.\"\n\nYou, on the other hand, are intent to.\n\n[Please type \"about\".]\nIFComp 1999 \n\nThe center of this small village is a roughly circular clearing in the jungle-forest that covers most of this island. A gigantic tree stands in the middle, reaching hundreds of feet up into the cool night air. The huts of the villagers are strewn around the clearing's border, close to the jungle.\nA large stone circle contains charred wood from last night's bonfire, and there is a rickety wooden platform under one of the lower branches of the tree.\n\n\"Ranil! Remember to be back on the Dagon tomorrow at sunrise! Unless you want to lose a month's pay, that is,\" you hear Quartermaster Gerhardsen shout in your direction. You nod, and he waves at you and disappears out of sight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You are Ranil Kuami, 22, black, and sailor aboard the \"Dagon\". You're wearing your best clothes for tonightYou're wearing a pair of trousers; your favorite talisman hangs around your neck on a thin chain. Your left ear is decorated by a small gold ring, and your dreadlocks are tamed by a headband.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the talisman",
"response": "A strange stone, shaped like a deformed pentagram, hangs on a thin chain around your neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the trousers",
"response": "You've decided to wear your best shirt and trousers on this occasion, along with your leather boots, the left of which hides your favourite knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at knife",
"response": "Your trusty knife that has aided you in many a fight against humans as well as certain inhabitants of the oceans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nyour clothes (being worn)\nyour talisman (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine circle",
"response": "Several big round stones have been laid out to form an exact circle. Inside are the glowing remains of tonight's bonfire, when the villagers prepared a boar for their guests.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the huts",
"response": "The huts are built of wood and seem to be held together with the vines that grow everywhere around here. Still, they look comfortable and stable enough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the platform",
"response": "Upon closer inspection, you notice a rope slung over the branch the platform was built under! Looks like this is a kind of gallows, though the state of the structure seems to indicate it hasn't been used for a long time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rope",
"response": "A length of rope made of vines, slung over a branch of the tall tree.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the stone",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tree",
"response": "Most definitely the largest tree you've ever seen. You suspect it has a special meaning for the villagers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hut",
"response": "Not without an invitation.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The center of this small village is a roughly circular clearing in the jungle-forest that covers most of this island. A gigantic tree stands in the middle, reaching hundreds of feet up into the cool night air. The huts of the villagers are strewn around the clearing's border, close to the jungle.\nA large stone circle contains charred wood from last night's bonfire, and there is a rickety wooden platform under one of the lower branches of the tree.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb platform",
"response": "What would you do up there?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "As you start to walk, you sense movement from the corner of your eye. You turn around only to see the most amazingly beautiful woman walking directly towards you. You seem to recall her name as \"Lyca\".\n\n\"Hello,\" you say, somewhat sheepishly. She smiles at you and reaches for your hand, gently pulling you towards what seems to be her hut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You follow",
"response": "What do you want to follow?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The center of this small village is a roughly circular clearing in the jungle-forest that covers most of this island. A gigantic tree stands in the middle, reaching hundreds of feet up into the cool night air. The huts of the villagers are strewn around the clearing's border, close to the jungle.\nA large stone circle contains charred wood from last night's bonfire, and there is a rickety wooden platform under one of the lower branches of the tree.\n\nYou can see Lyca here.\n\nLyca begins tugging on your arm, towards her hut. This is one determined young lady!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You follow Lyca",
"response": "You allow Lyca to lead you into her hut...\n\nLyca's hut is small, but comfortable. Apart from a few flower arrangements, it is entirely undecorated. Much to your surprise, the 'bed' is much like the sleeping quarters on the Dagon; a hammock made of vines is hung from the ceiling, easily large enough for three people.\nLyca motions at you to take off your clothes and begins to do so herself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the trousers",
"response": "You quickly step out of your clothes and discard them.\n\nLyca nods approvingly, then smiles and motions you toward the hammock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the knife",
"response": "Your trusty knife that has aided you in many a fight against humans as well as certain inhabitants of the oceans.\n\nSighing and rolling her eyes, Lyca shoves you towards the hammock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hammock",
"response": "Lyca jumps on the hammock, landing directly on you. Her hands close tightly around your wrists, her thighs sit on yours, effectively pinning you to the mat as she slowly begins making love to you. You are completely surprised at her fierceness at first, but that doesn't take longer than a few seconds.\n\nLyca kisses you passionately, still moving slowly, teasingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou close your eyes, shuddering with pleasure, as Lyca runs her tongue over your throat, her movements in perfect synchronity with the caress, her breathing faster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter Lyca",
"response": "Lie back, relax, enjoy -- you have no choice, anyway.\n\nPleasure turns to pain as Lyca starts moving faster and faster, scratching your wrists with her fingernails, now positively panting--\n\nYou open your eyes and are frozen in terror for a second. What sits on you is no longer a woman, but a large wolf!\n\nLyca -- the thing -- howls in ecstasy and you in pain as her claws dig deeply into your wrists and ankles. Her muzzle moves toward your throat, and you prepare for a quick death. Her muzzle touches your talisman, and she suddenly howls again, an inhuman scream, and her paws loosen the death grip on you. You both lose your balance and fall out of the hammock. While the wolf-thing paws at her muzzle, you quickly grasp for your clothes and pull your knife from its hidden sheath in your boot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack lyca",
"response": "As you gather up the clothes in a ball, the wolf jumps at you, he mass of her body knocking you to the floor. The next thing you feel is her claws tearing your abdomen open, and then unconsciousness kindly takes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\nThe Lyca-thing seems to have recovered and stares at you with unconcealed lust for murder in her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "Unfortunately, the wolf-thing is between you and the door.\nThe wolf jumps directly at you, this time not attempting to go for your throat. You brandish your knife feebly, but she sinks her teeth into your arm while the mass of her body knocks you to the floor. The next thing you feel is her claws tearing your abdomen open, and then unconsciousness kindly takes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the knife at her",
"response": "Desperately, you throw the knife at the wolf, but she reacts with surprising speed, evading it. Then she jumps at you, the mass of her body knocking you to the floor. The next thing you feel is her claws tearing your abdomen open, and then unconsciousness kindly takes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "There's no need to.\nThe wolf jumps directly at you, this time not attempting to go for your throat. You brandish your knife feebly, but she sinks her teeth into your arm while the mass of her body knocks you to the floor. The next thing you feel is her claws tearing your abdomen open, and then unconsciousness kindly takes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You screw her",
"response": "That would be less than courteous.\nThe wolf jumps directly at you, this time not attempting to go for your throat. You brandish your knife feebly, but she sinks her teeth into your arm while the mass of her body knocks you to the floor. The next thing you feel is her claws tearing your abdomen open, and then unconsciousness kindly takes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the talisman",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.\nThe wolf jumps directly at you, this time not attempting to go for your throat. You brandish your knife feebly, but she sinks her teeth into your arm while the mass of her body knocks you to the floor. The next thing you feel is her claws tearing your abdomen open, and then unconsciousness kindly takes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the talisman at her",
"response": "(First taking off the talisman)\nDesperately, you throw the talisman at the wolf. She reacts with surprising speed, but not fast enough. You watch in amazement as her fur seems to catch fire and she emits a blood-curling howl, throwing her mass around, coming for you.\n\nBut the pain slows her down and you manage to bury your knife in one of her eyes before she can tear you apart. You quickly jump back and out of her reach as she crumples to the floor, lifeless, and manage to hit your head on a wooden beam, knocking yourself out...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "[Strike any key to continue...]\n\nYou open your eyes and stare along the shaft of a spear pointed directly at your throat. On the other end you make out two upset villagers. You are pulled to your feet, an unitelligible stream of words coming from the men. One grabs you by the hair and turns your head where the dead wolf lies.\n\nYour eyes widen in shock. There lies Lyca, but not the wolf-thing; it is the human Lyca, blood-streamed, the knife still stuck in her eye.\n\nLooking back at the guards, you know it's senseless to try and explain yourself. Pure hatred is in their eyes, and one gestures across his throat with a finger. Then, they brutally drag you off to a hut standing seperate from the others, throw you inside and block the door from the other side.\n\nAs you pick yourself up, you notice you're wearing your talisman again. Strange.\n\nThis hut is bare except for an uncomfortable-looking wooden frame, around which vines have been wound to produce a sort of bed. There are no windows, so it's rather dark.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This hut is bare except for an uncomfortable-looking wooden frame, around which vines have been wound to produce a sort of bed. There are no windows, so it's rather dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "Looks very uncomfortable, but it'll have to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Escape",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You will want to do that on the bed; even if it looks uncomfortable, it's better than the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You close your eyes, and quickly fall asleep.\n\n[Strike any key to continue...]\nD A Y T W O\n[Strike any key to continue...]\n\nThe sound of the door being opened awakes you with a start. In come the village Elder and the intimidating shaman, accompanied by the two guards. The Elder says something to one of the guards. He quickly moves behind you, restraining your hands with rope, then helps you to step into your trousers.\n\nYou are quickly led to the platform in the village center, where the gallows have already been prepared. The guards push through the small crowd of assembled villagers, up the steps, then fasten the rope around your neck.\n\nJust then, you see Gerhardsen and Aten step out of the woods. Seeing what's up, they run towards the Elder, your friend shouting something in their language.\n\nYou see the shaman and Elder turn towards the two. \"Mr. Gerhardsen! Aten!\" you shout in relief.\n\n\"Don't worry, Ranil, we'll have you out of there in no time,\" comes Gerhardsen's response. He stands in front of the Elder, taller by almost a head, and begins shouting at him, with Aten translating. The shaman answers back, and soon they are engaged in heated conversation.\n\nSuddenly, you notice something about the shaman that makes you flinch: He is wearing a wolf fur!\n\nAs you open your mouth to join the argument, the guard next to you reacts swiftly, wrapping one arm around your torso and covering your mouth and nose with the other hand, smothering you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite",
"response": "What do you want to bite?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shaman",
"response": "Your mouth is covered!\n\nThe argument is becoming more heated, with everyone shouting at everyone else. You struggle for air, but the guard's hand clamps your mouth and nose even tighter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite guard",
"response": "Desperately, you try and bite the guard's hand. You manage to get the side of his hand between your teeth and sink them in. The guard curses loudly, pulling his hand back, and the attention focuses on you.\n\nAngrily, the injured villager shoves you off the platform. You fall two or three feet, suspended in mid-air by the rope around your neck.\n\nShoving the Elder aside, Aten runs to you and quickly cuts you loose. You try to say something, but only manage a croak before the shaman shouts something on the top of his lungs.\n\nYou and Aten watch in horror as as the villagers fall to the ground, and rise as wolves!\n\nAs you turn and flee blindly towards the ship, you hear the screams of poor Gerhardsen behind you as he is being torn to shreds...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "Aten leads the way with you close behind. You can hear the panting of the wolves, hot in pursuit.\n\nTrees, some of them several hundred feet tall, line the narrow trampled path you are running along. They block most of the sunlight; it's hard not to accidentally stumble or fall over some hidden bump in this twilight.\n\nAten is running next to you, breathing heavily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "The path is well-trodden here, and you manage to pick up more speed. The distance to the ship seemed much smaller yesterday evening...\n\nTrees, some of them several hundred feet tall, line the narrow trampled path you are running along. They block most of the sunlight; it's hard not to accidentally stumble or fall over some hidden bump in this twilight.\n\nAten is running next to you, breathing heavily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "For a second, Aten glances over his shoulder at you, but that is already too much. He stumbles over a tree-root and falls. You only just manage to jump over him.\n\nYou feel bad, but you do not stop running. You know you can't help him, the wolves would get you both. \"RUN!\" he shouts after you, and then his screams fill your ears, a cold rage rising in you.\n\nThe forest is less dense here, and you can see the sun standing high, dazzling you, but also illuminating your path. Treacherous vines lie across the ground, forcing you to concentrate even more on where you step.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "You are very exhausted by now, and the wolves, only temporarily distracted by Aten, gain on you again.\n\nYou have reached the edge of the forest, and can see the Dagon anchoring in the bay. Only a few yards to go!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "Finally, you reach the shore. The boat lies here, but you don't have the time to set it afloat. Instead, you jump directly into the cold water, swimming a safe distance from the shore. The wolves break out of the woods but they stop at the water, howling and hissing. It seems they are afraid of it; and you swim towards the Dagon unhindered.\n\nQuickly, strong hands pull you out of the water and you are escorted into the Captain's cabin.\n\nYou quickly explain what happened; and though the story doesn't even sound convincing to yourself, Captain Davids believes you.\n\n\"I have heard of werewolves in these parts, but a whole village? This evil must be stopped. I have the suspicion that this shaman you spoke of is the cause of this evil... if we manage to destroy him, maybe the others will be saved, too.\"\n\nYou nod; it didn't seem that the villagers had any idea of what was going on when they were gathered to lynch you.\n\n\"I have an idea. It is very dangerous, but it might work. In my library are certain old books; and one of them describes a salve that can transform a man into a wolf for some time.\"\n\nYou nod grimly. \"Let me do it.\"\n\n\"Ranil! It is very dangerous! If you stay in wolf-form too long, you might not be able to ever become human again; and I do not know if your strength can match that of the shaman. But I can see in your eyes that you are determined to do it, and so I shall prepare everything.\n\n\"I know it is only morning, but you must go and sleep now, for you will need all your strength later. I shall wake you around midnight.\"\n\nAgain, you nod, and leave for your hammock in the ship's hold as Davids pulls a black-bound leather tome out of his book case. You lie down and quickly fall into a troubled sleep.\n[Strike any key to continue...]\n\n[Strike any key to continue...]\n\nShortly after midnight, Davids gently shakes you awake.\n\n\"I have prepared the salve, Ranil. I have to warn you again - it is very dangerous to stay in wolf-form too long. Are you sure you really want to do this?\n\n\"Yes.\"\n\nDavids tells you to remove your clothes, then proceeds to rub the salve into your body. \"I'm afraid his is going to hurt. Here,\" he hands you a piece of wood, \"bite down on this.\"\n\nAt first, you feel nothing. Then, a tingle runs over your skin, and then the pain hits you. You fall to the floor, your teeth grinding into the wood, your vision dimmed. Your breath comes in short gasps, and an explosion of pain makes you pass out for a few seconds.\n\nWhen you can think clearly again, you open your eyes. Everything is dark, except for a large red blotch in the center of your vision. You inhale deeply and an impossible number of sensations stream from all sides.\n\nWood, salve, clothes, skin, flesh, blood.\n[Strike any key to continue...]\n\nYou try to rise, but find you are too weak yet. Davids quickly holds your muzzle in both hands and ties some rope around it.\n\n\"Sorry, boy, but I can't have you kill anyone yet.\"\n\nYou growl at him, but he grabs you by the nape of the neck and leads you to one of the boats. It is quickly lowered and Davids rows you over to the shore. As you jump on the beach, Davids removes the rope and quickly makes for the Dagon again.\n\n\"Kill him. And be back in two hours, or it may be too late.\"\n\nThe many different scents on the beach are overwhelming, but there is one that is stronger and more evil than all the others.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "[Since your vision isn't very good as a wolf, you prefer smelling things.]\n\nThe many different scents on the beach are overwhelming, but there is one that is stronger and more evil than all the others.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell evil",
"response": "You guess this is the shaman's scent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You follow the evil",
"response": "You put your muzzle to the ground and follow the strong scent to the northeast, until you arrive at a...\n\nThe path forks here. Inexplicably, the shaman's scent follows both trails, still strong along the northeast and barely tangible to the northwest. Your wolf-sense warns you of danger along the first path.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "The path forks here. Inexplicably, the shaman's scent follows both trails, still strong along the northeast and barely tangible to the northwest. Your wolf-sense warns you of danger along the first path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Ignoring the warnings of your wolf-sense, you follow the path to the northeast. The scent intensifies, and soon you see the shape of the shaman before you.\n\nSuddenly, the feeling of danger becomes even stronger - this is too easy. There must be a trap here, somewhere.\n\nA circular clearing has been cut in the heart of the forest. The ground is even; a large stone altar stands here, covered with... stuff; you can't make anything out past the shaman's scent.\n\nThe shaman stands here with his back turned to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill shaman",
"response": "You run to attack the shaman, and suddenly sky and earth swap places as you run over a certain spot, springing a hidden trap that catches you in a tight net!\n\nSmiling, the shaman turns around and motions into the woods. Ten men emerge, and you are quickly lowered to the ground and tightly wrapped up with rope. Helplessly, you growl, snarl and snap at everyone that comes too close, but the net prevents you from actually hurting someone.\n\nThe shaman begins stroking your fur, talking all the time, and irritation soon turns to pleasure. After an hour, you have forgotten any ties to your former human existence. The shaman orders the villagers to release you and offers you a large, bloody steak; you greedily devour it, then lay contentedly at the heel of your new master.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "A circular clearing has been cut in the heart of the forest. The ground is even; a large stone altar stands here, covered with... stuff; you can't make anything out past the shaman's scent.\n\nThe shaman stands here with his back turned to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the altar",
"response": "It smells evil; the thought of going near it makes your fur bristle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You are a big wolf, black as the night.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Growl",
"response": "You growl, bristling your fur.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on shaman",
"response": "You tense your muscles, then hurl your body at the shaman with a mighty jump, and land only a feet away from him. He whirls around as you touch the ground, clearly not having expected this. As he curses, you see about ten villagers emerge from the woods.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the shaman",
"response": "Ignoring the inviting smell of the villagers with a mighty effort, you jump at the shaman yet again. He tries in vain to protect himself with his staff, and as he begins shouting the word of transformation, you tear out his throat, spilling blood all over yourself. Somewhere in the back of your mind, a voice from your human existence tells you to leave, and now!\n\nYou look around to see the villagers lie there like dead, an inviting smell of fresh blood stimulating your hunger...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "The smell of blood is overwhelming. You... can't leave. You don't want to leave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the villagers",
"response": "They're plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "Desperately, you try to turn your mind off the inviting meal that lies before you, ready to take.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "With an almost superhuman effort, you block the smell of blood and run along the path back to the beach as fast as you can...\n\nYou are back on the beach where you began your adventure as a wolf. You hope that you arrived back in time to return to human form.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are back on the beach where you began your adventure as a wolf. You hope that you arrived back in time to return to human form.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Howl",
"response": "You let out a triumphant howl, and soon see the small boat rowing towards you. At the bow stands Davids, a musket in his hand. The boat stops a few feet from the shore, and the Captain aims at you.\n\n\"Sorry, Ranil, but this is necessary for our safety.\"\n\nHe pulls the trigger, and a glittering cloud engulfs you. Blinding pain, and then nothing.\n[Strike any key to continue...]\n\nYou awake looking into the worrying face of Captain Davids.\n\n\"Thank God, I thought I'd lost you. Sorry for the silver treatment; it was the only way ro make sure you wouldn't kill us.\"\n\nYou smile, exhausted. \"You could have told me before it hurts that much.\"\n\nDavids opens his mouth, but you stop him with a gesture. \"Don't worry. I've survived, haven't I? More important is: have I done it?\"\n\nDavids nods and responds, but his words are lost on you as you fade back to sleep.",
"endoftext": true
] | lsnpv1bkylr6vsva |
Coffins | Christopher Huang | [
] | [
"single room",
"SpeedIF 1",
"SpeedIF October 1998",
] | 1,998 | [
] | 7 | 2.714286 | 20120801 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It was the greatest of tragedies when your wife, Ligeia, died of a wasting disease not two nights ago. As the local mortician, you embalmed her yourself ... she's gone from your life now.\n\nOn the bright side, this means you get to marry your mistress, Rowena.\n\nIt's the dim, austere chapel of the funeral home. Even though you've worked here for the past ten years, you never quite get over the spookiness.\n\nYou can see a coffin (which is closed) and Rowena here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Rowena",
"response": "Rowena is a fair-haired young Englishwoman. Very practical, loves\ndogs, can't write poetry. In short, nothing like your late wife\nLigeia. You love her very much. That's why you murdered Ligeia.\n\nRowena seems to be carrying a flask of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the coffin",
"response": "A mahogony coffin. It's the centrepiece of the chapel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open coffin",
"response": "You open the coffin, revealing Ligeia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Ligeia",
"response": "Your late wife, the Lady Ligeia is pale, drawn and dead. This means\nyou can go marry Rowena. Except ... after Ligeia, do you really want Rowena? Ligeia was the perfect specimen of frail womanhood....",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Rowena about yourself",
"response": "Rowena coos and nestles into your shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ligeia about yourself",
"response": "She's dead, remember? You killed her yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss ligeia",
"response": "Her cheek feels cold and lifeless.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine flask",
"response": "You can't quite make out the details. Something nags in the back of your mind....",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "What a good idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Rowena",
"response": "Rowena is a fair-haired young Englishwoman. Very practical, loves\ndogs, can't write poetry. In short, nothing like your late wife\nLigeia. You love her very much. That's why you murdered Ligeia.\n\nRowena seems to be carrying a flask of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the flask to you",
"response": "Rowena shrugs and hands you the flask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine flask",
"response": "It's the elixir of life, of course. Rowena's father was a famous alchemist who died before he could sample his magnus opus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the flask to Ligeia",
"response": "But that would bring Ligeia back to life. You don't want that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss rowena",
"response": "You suddenly realise that you don't love Rowena. Floods of half-forgotten memories wash through you, leaving you thoroughly and heartily hating her. On the other hand, you realise how much you\nreally loved your Ligeia....",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the flask to Ligeia",
"response": "Rowena stares at you in horror. \"What are you doing??\"\n\nMeanwhile, the colour begins to return to Ligeia's pale, wasted cheeks....",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Ligeia",
"response": "Oh dear. You suddenly remember that Ligeia never was one to suffer competition gladly. That's why you killed her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss ligeia",
"response": "Her cheek feels cold and lifeless.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nWith a shriek, Ligeia launches out of the coffin and brutally attacks Rowena. Screams fill the chapel and you are forced to run ... run ... run....\n\nYou try to blot the memory of Rowena's stricken face from your mind.\n\nAnd then ... you remember your first wife, Lenore. Nameless, here, for evermore....\n\n> LIST H\n\nPlease give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": true
] | du3nrz53qjw2cx0j |
The World Turned Upside Down | Bruno Dias | [
] | [
"Multiple clubfloyd transcripts"
] | 2,015 | [
] | 7 | 2.714286 | 20170101 | false | It's just shy of closing time on the last Saturday before Christmas; only a handful of regulars left in the bar. Peaceful, even, in spite of all of the city's damage. And then he walks in with some messed-up story about a costumed vigilante. | [
"action": "You examine the regulars",
"response": "There's Skóa, of course, with the hat; and Jamessin smoking sullenly\nin the corner. Chow reads quietly in her wide chair, silently enjoying the presence of her friends Ramos (with the centipede familiar) and Grin (with the oversized scarf).\n\nThe floorboards crack and pop underfoot.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine the centipede",
"response": "A tube of flesh hidden beneath an armature of mottled red and black, studded with numerous sharp yellow legs, clinging to Ramos' shoulder and neck like the worst/greatest feather boa. Sometimes it taps his collarbone with one of its scraping limbs, as though to remind him of something.\n\nA cat perches outside one of the windows, then disappears again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hat",
"response": "You force your eyes to focus on the hat for a moment: It's shaped like an abstract paper chrysanthemum, perched on her head at an improbable angle. It moves, not with the drafty air inside the bar but of its own volition, like a breathing flower.\n\nThe floorboards crack and pop underfoot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the scarf",
"response": "It's pretty much ever color at one point or another; it looks very\nmuch like someone finished a scarf, then just started the next one by continuing that same scarf, several times over, until they had a beast that resembled six or seven different scarves joined end to end into a cozy chimera.\n\nA cat perches outside one of the windows, then disappears again.\n\nThe door swings open to let someone in from the outside; given the hour, and the events of the last few days, you can't help but set your fingers behind the bar into an unpleasant pattern, readying some curse or another. But then you see the man's face and your apprehension is replaced by mild annoyance.\n\n\"We're closed,\" you say.\n\n\"Didn't come here to drink,\" he replies, giving you the look that\ntells you he's about to rope you into something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Much like the bar: A little rough around the edges, a little worse for wear.\n\nThe table of regulars laughs together; except, of course, for Grin.\n\nYou fail to contain a sigh. \"Why are you even here?\"\n\n\"Oh, just having a look at the old place. Didn't know that I would still find it.\" He talks with an odd lilt that you've been told is Welsh.\n\n\"What's that supposed to mean?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Grin",
"response": "So named because he doesn't. Grin likes to hang around, listen, figure out where the wind is blowing. He has a tendency to disappear for\nweeks at a time. Other than that, all you know about him is that he's from someplace warmer than Yeats; right now, in the middle of winter, his head barely pokes out of the enormous scarf wrapped several times around his neck and face.\n\nSkóa takes a drink out of her glass.\n\n\"Didn't half the wizards in this city get killed or worse last year?\"\n\nYou shrug. \"They weren't my customers.\"\n\n\"Still. Must have been some trouble.\"\n\n(You could INTERJECT here)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at man",
"response": "(Ainsley)\nAinsley is one of those people who always looks like he's lost weight, skin hanging slightly too loose off his bones like there used to be more of him; but you've never seem him any thicker. Maybe he puffs up when he's back across the ocean where he's from. Wears a professorial-looking argyle sweater vest and a calculated two-day nonbeard. Though you've never seen him do actual magic, of all the joints in all the cities in the world he likes to roll into yours,\nonce every few months, when he's in town.\n\nRamos nods silently in response to some unseen signal or message from his familiar.\n\n\"Come on, Ainsley,\" you say, getting plainly frustrated now. \"Just\ntell me what this is about.\"\n\nHe cocks his head and stares you down curiously, for a moment. And\nthen he pulls out a slightly oversized phone. He flips through\npictures of what looks like a blur smeared against the night sky;\nafter a few of them, though, it resolves itself in your mind as a vaguely human figure, leaping across rooftops; or maybe flying. You can't quite tell.\n\n\"You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?\"\n\n(You could INTERJECT here)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Interject",
"response": "\"Yeah, okay. There's some rumors going around. A lot of them. The incident with the keener left a bit of a power vacuum. What was left\nof the cabal is now wrestling to see who comes out on top. Let's just say I don't cross the bridges no more.\"\n\n\"I can imagine.\"\n\n\"So there's this person going around Blaise sending people to the hospital. Some people think it's just a weird mundane in a costume, some people think it's a player. Fucked if I know how to get in touch, though.\"\n\nHe purses his lips; the smell of Jamessin's cigarette must be giving him cravings.\n\n\"Better than nothing, at least. Thanks.\"\n\nThe table of regulars laughs together; except, of course, for Grin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na rag\na crow cameo\n\nRamos takes a drink out of his glass.\n\n\"What's your real angle here?\"\n\n\"Trouble back home. I'm putting a team together. Figured whoever's\nbeen beating up drug dealers is the kind of person who can help.\"\n\nYour eyes leap into the back of your skull faster than you can stop yourself.\n\n\"You flew all the way to Yeats to recruit a latex fetishist to go fix one of your fuck-ups.\"\n\n\"It's serious. Scary shit I hoped I'd never see again.\"\n\n(You could INTERJECT here)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Interject",
"response": "You shake your head, more at yourself than at him. \"Fine. If it gets you off my back. You see the one in the corner with the oversized scarf? That's Grin. He might know what's up.\"\n\n\"Don't suppose you might serve me a drink, now?\"\n\n\"Don't push your luck. And I hope you don't plan on staying in town\nfor more than a couple days.\"\n\n\"Wouldn't dream of it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Notes",
"response": "December 2015, as a brief thank-you note to everyone who's read, supported, or helped my IF work over the course of the preceding year. It is small and wholly self-indulgent; as always, you can reach me on Twitter @notbrunoagain.\n\nSpecial thanks in no particular order to Jason McIntosh, Doug\nOrleans, Caleb Wilson, Tory Hoke, Etienne Vouga, Emily Short, David Cornelson, Carolyn van Eseltine, Aaron Reed, Neil Butters, Cat\nManning, Kerstin Hall, and surely many others who have read, played, contributed, and helped me in 2015.\n\nDecember 24th, 2015",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the cameo",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Closing Time (behind the bar)\nIt's three minutes to three on the last Saturday before Christmas; the green glass light fixtures hanging over the bar have been dimmed,\ndirty frost speckles the windows, and the hazy scent of alcoholic\nvomit emanating from the toilets has subdued to a minor note in the\nfar background of the olfactory panoply that fills Herrig's.\n\nThe last few regulars left in the place have coalesced into a single group, huddled around the corner table.\n\nYou can also see a crow cameo here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean bar",
"response": "You rub the bar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rag",
"response": "You don't strictly need it, but it helps people read you as the bartender.\n\nYour eyes drift inexorably to the group of regulars huddled around the table, taking stock of them.\n\nThere's Skóa, of course, with the hat; and Jamessin smoking sullenly\nin the corner. Chow reads quietly in her wide chair, silently enjoying the presence of her friends Ramos (with the centipede familiar) and Grin (with the oversized scarf).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Chow",
"response": "Chow is Skóa's physical opposite: Short, brown-skinned, slightly round about the cheeks and quite round about the body. But the two have the same cold, frighteningly perceptive eyes in common. Chow seems to\nenjoy mostly the vague warmth of others' company; she fills space by reading a book. You didn't quite glimpse its cover.\n\nRamos nods silently in response to some unseen signal or message from his familiar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine book",
"response": "You force your eyes to focus on the cover of the book: It's not old as in really old, just weatherbeaten and outdated. It's some pulpy thing with a screaming woman on the cover and a suitably absurd title:\nThe Return of the Worm.\n\nThe floorboards crack and pop underfoot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skoa",
"response": "She is built much like the human version of an ancient birch tree: pale, tall, and slightly ominous-looking. This isn't helped by her propensity for a sort of post-post businesspunk wardrobe, though tonight she chose to break her somber figure by wearing a curious fascinator that you can't quite resolve with your eyes.\n\nSomeone's phone squawks with a notification; nobody looks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fascinator",
"response": "You force your eyes to focus on the hat for a moment: It's shaped like an abstract paper chrysanthemum, perched on her head at an improbable angle. It moves, not with the drafty air inside the bar but of its own volition, like a breathing flower.\n\nThe table of regulars laughs together; except, of course, for Grin.\n\nThe door swings open to let someone in from the outside; given the hour, and the events of the last few days, you can't help but set your fingers behind the bar into an unpleasant pattern, readying some curse or another. But then you see the man's face and your apprehension is replaced by mild annoyance.\n\n\"We're closed,\" you say.\n\n\"Didn't come here to drink,\" he replies, giving you the look that\ntells you he's about to rope you into something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Jamessin",
"response": "Jamessin is the youngest one in this crowd, though she's eager to make it clear at all times that she's nobody's apprentice. Tonight, something has her nervous; she's on her third cigarette now, still fiddling with the flame she produces from a slightly singed fingertip. Plenty going around to make someone rattled, of course.\n\nSomeone looks at their phone and laughs at a private joke.\n\nYou fail to contain a sigh. \"Why are you even here?\"\n\n\"Oh, just having a look at the old place. Didn't know that I would still find it.\" He talks with an odd lilt that you've been told is Welsh.\n\n\"What's that supposed to mean?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Ramos",
"response": "Gruff-looking and punkish, but ultimately good natured. Of course,\nthen there's the chihuahua-sized centipede clinging to his neck and shoulder like a suckling infant. You still remember a time before familiars turned into a sort of shock fashion competition, though\nRamos seems to have put an end to that; nobody cared to try harder\nthan the giant centipede.\n\nThe floorboards crack and pop underfoot.\n\n\"Didn't half the wizards in this city get killed or worse last year?\"\n\nYou shrug. \"They weren't my customers.\"\n\n\"Still. Must have been some trouble.\"\n\n(You could INTERJECT here)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Interject",
"response": "You look askance for a moment, but decide to spill anyway: \"So maybe there was an attack. So maybe a bunch of rich assholes are in the ground or in hospice care now. Maybe some of the people responsible were my customers. They're not any more.\"\n\n\"You're only telling me this because you know I know.\"\n\nYou give him a practiced glare.\n\nChow takes a drink out of her glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "The corner table is round, with a plush bench that wraps around it, fixed next to a window.\n\nSomeone's phone squawks with a notification; nobody looks.\n\n\"Come on, Ainsley,\" you say, getting plainly frustrated now. \"Just\ntell me what this is about.\"\n\nHe cocks his head and stares you down curiously, for a moment. And\nthen he pulls out a slightly oversized phone. He flips through\npictures of what looks like a blur smeared against the night sky;\nafter a few of them, though, it resolves itself in your mind as a vaguely human figure, leaping across rooftops; or maybe flying. You can't quite tell.\n\n\"You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?\"\n\n(You could INTERJECT here)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "\"Is that the weirdo in a costume that all the papers are up in arms about?\"\n\nHe nods, eyes bobbing up in his head like they want to roll.\n\nYou continue: \"Why do you assume a wizard is behind every weird thing that happens?\"\n\n\"Used to be a good assumption to have in this town. Now I'm not so sure.\"\n\nJamessin blows a smoke ring, though it comes out weirdly deformed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "\"Sorry,\" you say, not sorry. \"Can't help you there. What's your real angle here?\"\n\n\"Trouble back home. I'm putting a team together. Figured whoever's\nbeen beating up drug dealers is the kind of person who can help.\"\n\nYour eyes leap into the back of your skull faster than you can stop yourself.\n\n\"You flew all the way to Yeats to recruit a latex fetishist to go fix one of your fuck-ups.\"\n\n\"It's serious. Scary shit I hoped I'd never see again.\"\n\n(You could INTERJECT here)\n\nThe table of regulars laughs together; except, of course, for Grin.",
"endoftext": true
] | o89pnw94ll1t3z9k |
You Are a Turkey! | Jacqueline A. Lott | [
] | [
"Joke Game",
"Thanksgiving Speed-IF",
] | 2,011 | [
] | 7 | 2.714286 | 20111102 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It's bleak here, and there is a foreboding sense of fear in the air that you could cut with a knife.\n\nThat is, you could cut it with a knife if you had a knife.\n\nOr opposable thumbs.\n\nYou are a Turkey!\nA truly speedy Speed IF. by Jacqueline A Lott\n\nIf this is your first time playing this game, you should type ABOUT at the prompt.\nI would recommend that you do this on your first turn.\n\nThis is the happy little turkey farm where you and all the other turkeys live in peace and happiness, just cluckin\" and gobblin\" and gettin\" fat. It's a grand life... except things seem sort of less happy today for some reason.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "\"Gobble?\" What do you mean? Speak English, Turkey!\n\nYou're beginning to feel a sense of worry deep in your gizzard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.\n\nWait, was that Sarah Palin? Nah, couldn't be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "\"Gobble?\" You expect me to understand that gibberish?\n\nWho is that nice man in the flannel shirt? He picks you up and turns you upside down and puts your head in some sort of funnel... wait!\nWhat the... ?! Nooooo!",
"endoftext": true
] | sg66pot10xqo57p1 |
La Seine | Derek Sutcliffe | [] | [
"built-in hints",
"first effort",
"Seurat references",
"very brief",
] | 2,009 | [
] | 6 | 2.666667 | 20090401 | false | Visit Paris, France in 1884 and explore a large park on the bank of the river Seine. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Thanks for playing!\n\nYou feel as though you've been staring hard at something for a long time, yet have suddenly gotten lost.\n\nYour eyes are weary, and your legs are stiff.\n\nNot remembering how you arrived here, near a large park on the river Seine, you nevertheless decide to take in the scenery and explore a bit.\n\nPr?s du parc\nYou're standing on a gently sloping hill near a popular Parisian park. To the north you can see lots of people enjoying the summer day. Those without parasols sit in the shade of beautiful green trees, and in light of the way you're feeling, you might want to follow their lead. It's slightly after noon and the sun is beating down on you.\n\nA discarded newspaper lies at your feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're you. Just an innocent tourist trying to broaden your horizons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the newspaper",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "Your French isn't great, but even you notice that something is strange about the paper. Aha, there it is. \"La Presse - dimanche 20 juillet 1884.\" Yeah, it's pretty old. From the various headings, you can tell there are articles on neo-impressionism, champagne, and optometry. Unfortunately, your grammar doesn't match your stunning ability to recognize simple cognates, so you're unable to read the articles themselves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read newspaper",
"response": "It's all Greek to you. Er, French.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na newspaper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "It's nice and shady here. An upper-class Frenchwoman and her male companion (complete with monocle, top hat, and riding crop) are standing here, staring off to the west. The river does look nice, but the persistence of their gaze is unnerving. You can see a woman knitting to the west and a girl holding a bouquet to the north.\n\nA small brown dog is here, terrorizing a skinny little monkey on a leash. The monkey's owners don't seem to notice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the monkey",
"response": "The monkey's arching his back and hissing as a brown dog yips and nips at it. Someone should teach that dog a lesson.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dog",
"response": "A speckled brown dog wearing a pink bow. Its owner doesn't seem to be around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at woman",
"response": "She has a parasol and a pet monkey on a leash. Also, she has a big, round butt. It can't be real. She must be using... Uh, what's it called... A bustle? Anyway, her dress has wiring in it that makes her butt look huge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the dog",
"response": "PETA wouldn't be happy with you. Try punishing it a little less severely.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine man",
"response": "The guy looks really stuck-up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the dog with the newspaper",
"response": "You give it a swift whack with the newspaper. It's looking pretty obedient now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed the monkey to the dog",
"response": "(first taking the small monkey)\nI don't suppose the small monkey would care for that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the woman",
"response": "Hm. Doesn't seem interested in talking to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A woman sits here knitting a delicate white garment. She appears to be accompanied by a mustached man with a top hat and cane who looks across the river. Nearby a boatman smokes a pipe and stares out into the Seine as well. An unoccupied grassy patch of land lies to the north, and to the east you spot an aristocratic couple with a monkey.\n\nThe woman continues to knit here.\n\nA black dog is here, behind the knitting woman, chewing something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dog",
"response": "You peer closely at the spotty black dog. A pink hat is in his mouth. He looks like a rather docile breed, and the knitting woman seems to be its owner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the dog with the newspaper",
"response": "Is that really necessary?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hat",
"response": "You play a little tug-of-war with the dog before it gives up the hat. The dog returns to sniffing grass around the park. Probably looking for a place to wee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hat",
"response": "The hat's made of a light pink or lavender fabric, and has two poof balls strung to it on either side. It looks like the same material the woman nearby was knitting with, albeit a different color.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the hat",
"response": "You put on the hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove it",
"response": "You take off the hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the hat to the woman",
"response": "The knitting woman looks up from her current task and smiles at you, piecing together what must have transpired. \"Merci beaucoup. Ce chien...\" She wags a finger at the dog and returns her hat to its proper position at her side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "There's not much here besides grass. A nice view of the Seine lies to your west. There's an obnoxious bugler to the north, and you don't like the idea of hearing his warbling tune at a higher volume. Thus, you can only go east or south from here.\n\nA butterfly flaps its spotted wings silently in the air several feet off the ground.\n\nA small bunch of white-flecked flowers grows here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the butterfly",
"response": "Darn. Though it barely seems to move, it flutters swiftly away each time you reach out for it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "butterfly: Darn. Though it barely seems to move, it flutters swiftly away each time you reach out for it.\nbunch of flowers: Taken.\nParisians: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nparasols: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nsun: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nbeautiful trees: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\npark: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nSeine: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nbugler: I don't suppose the bugler would care for that.\nladies: I don't suppose the ladies would care for that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the trees",
"response": "They're very tall and slender, with speckled green leaves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bunch of flowers\na newspaper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the butterfly",
"response": "Remarkably still, you could probably grab it right out of the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the flowers",
"response": "This bunch would add to a bouquet nicely, though the flowers look rather like plain white dots on their own.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the flowers to the butterfly",
"response": "The butterfly is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "There's not much here besides grass. A nice view of the Seine lies to your west. There's an obnoxious bugler to the north, and you don't like the idea of hearing his warbling tune at a higher volume. Thus, you can only go east or south from here.\n\nA butterfly flaps its spotted wings silently in the air several feet off the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "There's a girl here, about thirteen years old, arranging flowers. There's a finished bouquet next to her, and her mother (or aunt, or whatever) sits nearby, gazing at the Seine. Exits are north, toward a little girl and her mother, south, where an aristocratic couple walk a pet monkey, and west, toward an open field.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the girl",
"response": "The girl looks at her tiny clump of flowers, arranging and rearranging the stems. She doesn't seem to like it much, and it certainly doesn't live up to the one by her side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "Parisians: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nparasols: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nsun: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nbeautiful trees: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\npark: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nSeine: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\nflower girl: I don't suppose the flower girl would care for that. finished bouquet: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.\ngirl's mother: You'd like to bring this piece of art back with you, but it'd probably be missed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bouquet",
"response": "There's a pretty bouquet of flowers laid here by the girl, but some of the buds seem faded. They look fresh-picked, but certain colors just have a dingy hue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the flowers to girl",
"response": "The flower girl is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the flowers to girl",
"response": "She takes the flowers and adds them to her current bunch, smiling. \"Zank you. Ze yellow...\" She pauses, glancing at both her bouquet and the grass in the park. \"Ze yellow is, how you say, fading...\" The girl looks appreciatively at the white adornments to her project.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "There's a little girl here, holding her mother's hand. Other people are to the north, but there's nothing interesting in that direction, so you can only return south from here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine girl",
"response": "About five years old, wearing a white hat and white dress. The little girl in white stares at you intently, as if she wants to talk to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to girl",
"response": "You begin to speak to the little girl. \"Um...\"\n\nShe looks up at you with a blank stare. \"Hello. We are grateful for your help.\"\n\n\"Oh,\" you stammer, \"you speak English.\"\n\n\"Yes,\" she says, without changing expression.\n\n\"You're just a little kid, though. Don't you live here in Paris? Is one of your parents from England or America?\"\n\n\"I have learned English from the passers-by who stop to discuss and comment amongst themselves. I am always watching. Some others here are not so motivated.\"\n\nYou look around a little. \"What do you mean, passers-by? That doesn't make any sense. Here in the park, you mean? You learned English from tourists? That's impres-\"\n\n\"No, in the gallery. Chicago.\"\n\nThe name of the city sounds familiar. \"You mean you live in Chicago?\"\n\n\"In America for eighty-four years. In Chicago for seventy-six of them.\"\n\n\"Whaaat? You've got some imagination, kid.\" You start walking away.\n\n\"Wait,\" she says. \"I am telling you the truth. All you see is merely a scene painted one hundred and twenty-five years ago, by a great artist. This place is La Grande Jatte, as seen over a century ago by Georges Seurat.\"\n\nYou begin to protest, but now that the thought has been planted into your brain, you can't shake it off. Everything's seemed so restricted, so static. Things barely move, and everything's got the same texture to it. Speckled, spotted, dotted. It's all pointillism. Then you turn and stare at the girl's face.\n\nThere's no definition to it. It's just a splotch of color. Her two blue eyes are blobs of oil paint. How could you not see this before?\n\nYou have to get out of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get out",
"response": "You're not in anything though... or are you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "But you're not sleeping... or are you?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "There's a little girl here, holding her mother's hand. Other people are to the north, but there's nothing interesting in that direction, so you can only return south from here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "There's a girl here, about thirteen years old, arranging flowers. There's a finished bouquet next to her, and her mother (or aunt, or whatever) sits nearby, gazing at the Seine. Exits are north, toward a little girl and her mother, south, where an aristocratic couple walk a pet monkey, and west, toward an open field.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "It's nice and shady here. An upper-class Frenchwoman and her male companion (complete with monocle, top hat, and riding crop) are standing here, staring off to the west. The river does look nice, but the persistence of their gaze is unnerving. You can see a woman knitting to the west and a girl holding a bouquet to the north.\n\nA small brown dog is here sitting and scratching behind one ear. It cowers as you approach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Pr?s du parc\nYou're standing on a gently sloping hill near a popular Parisian park. To the north you can see lots of people enjoying the summer day. Those without parasols sit in the shade of beautiful green trees, and in light of the way you're feeling, you might want to follow their lead. It's slightly after noon and the sun is beating down on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You're not in anything though... or are you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "But you're not sleeping... or are you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "What a good idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to girl",
"response": "She stares at you with her featureless, oily paint-blob face. \"Well, are you going to leave leave La Grande Jatte?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave la grande jatte",
"response": "You're standing in a long hallway with a brown tile floor and white walls. Your eyes are weary, and your legs are stiff.\n\nA white-framed painting adorns the north wall. There's a white porcelain plaque on its right.\n\nYou can also see a crumpled note here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plaque",
"response": "Georges Seurat, 1884-1886\n\n207.6 cm x 308 cm (81.7 in x 121.25 in)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the painting",
"response": "A pet monkey on a leash watches a brown dog at his owner's side. A black dog sniffs the grass near a knitting woman, who is busily working her needles. A girl clasps a small bouquet of flowers with an expression both cheerful and forlorn. And a little girl in white stares back at you from the very center of the painting.\n\nYes. At this distance, all seems to be in order.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the note",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "When I decided to enter EnvComp, I had no idea what setting I was going to use. But I thought about it for a while, and knew I wanted a slightly deceptive one. A setting the player wouldn't identify correctly right away. It was hard to think of a situation like that, and eventually I settled on the player being stuck in a painting. It seemed like a unique, exciting setting.\n\nI'm not actually a huge art lover or anything. I determined which painting I was going to use by searching the internet for \"famous paintings,\" and then picking the first one I recognized. I remembered seeing a reproduction of Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte in my dentist's office when I was a kid. Anyway, I had to research its name, author, and history to write the game, because I knew very little about it at first.\n\nI tried to drop as many hints in the painting world as possible, hoping that someone familiar with some aspect of the work (its characters, its pointillism, its setting, its author, etc.) may think to try escaping from it without having to solve any puzzles at all. Which is very possible, although the commands available for doing so vary depending how many points you have.\n\nThe puzzles were simple to make. The plot, however, was difficult to flesh out. Some cultures think that being photographed steals part of your soul. Who's to say that the subject of a portrait or landscape isn't somehow imbued in the canvas? Somehow, the player character enters the dreamlike territory of the painting itself (Maybe it's a special ability?) either without realizing it or without remembering it. He then wanders about, setting things right in the painting, until the little girl in white, the most knowledgeable 'soul' there, tells him where he is. It's up to the player to attempt commands like >LEAVE PAINTING or >EXIT LA GRANDE JATTE after some prodding and hinting from this character.\n\nThe npcs aren't very fleshed out, but my convenient excuse is that most of them are literally two-dimensional painting characters, ones who have no wish to interact with an outsider anyway. The animals, and the few people that do respond to the character, are simply special cases.\n\nThanks for playing my first game.",
"endoftext": true
] | p8jq87dmq2xo1nze |
Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion of Science | Carolyn VanEseltine | [] | [
"single room",
"SpeedIF Jacket 4"
] | 2,011 | [
] | 6 | 2.666667 | 20110403 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "HNNNgnnngn-* \"Huh... hello?\"\n\n\"Oh, you're awake! I've been calling and calling, I thought you'd never pick up!\"\n\n\"Wha... wha is... wha... smoochiepoodle, is that you? Why're you... on phone?\"\n\n\"Oh, don't be such a silly, lovepuffin! Is your head better? You didn't drink anywhere near enough water. I told you to drink more water, it's just the best, and it doesn't make you jitter the way that awful coffee you drink does.\"\n\n\"Head is... no. Head is awful. Very awful.\"\n\n\"Oh, poor puffin. Well, after you passed out, I thought it would be SO much easier to just pop over to your flat and get your credit card for the trip -\"\n\n\"MY flat? You're at MY flat? You can't be at MY flat. It's not... not good. Dangerous. Very dangerous bad. Shouldn... be there.\nMight get hurt.\"\n\n\"Pish tosh, your housekeeping can't be that bad. Well ANYway, I was calling to find out where you kept your spare key, but it's no problem at all! I just found it right under the doormat! You shouldn't keep it there, puffin pookie, all sorts of unsavory sorts can get in if you do, everyone knows about that. It's true, the Globe said so. ANYway - ugh, this door sticks -\"\n\n\"No no no! Don' go in there! I'll come, wait for -\"\n\n\"Too late, puffy feathers, if I can just get - bah, stupid door. Oh, that worked! Peachy puffin, did you know that your door opens much better if you just kick it good before you pull?\"\n\n\"YES. Now, smoochiepoodle -\"\n\n\"Oh, don't worry your little scientific head about a thing. Just tell me where your credit card is, and I'll be out again in two flips of a tail... not YOUR tail, of course, that takes far longer to flip!\nTee!\"\n\n\"Uhhhhh....\"\n\nA Disaster in the Making (AKA SpeedJacket IF 4 Entry) by Carolyn VanEseltine\n\n\"I'm a bit confused... my head. Smoochiepoodle, what do you see right now?\"\n\n\"Just think about the fun we'll have in Jamaica, kissy beak. It's awful cluttery in here... no, don't fuss so, it's true. How do you get around anywhere? I'd clean this up so fast for you, you shouldn't have to live like this. I see your desk and your fridge and a table and a robot looking thing over by the door, I guess that's your bathroom door, why's it shining that light on those frozen peas? And these are... uh... oh, fish! It's really nice you have fish, though you should scrub out their tank. Ugh, green stuff.\n\n\"I thought your card would just be lying out on the desk, that's what most people do when they forgot a credit card, but I don't see it at all. What should I do?\n\n\"Also, do you really think that fish tank matches the decor?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Yes, I do think the fish tank matches the wallpaper, thank you ever so much.\"\n\n\"Don't take it hard, pretty bird - everyone's got their little flaws. Yours might be... a little bigger... but I still love you awfully lots.\n\n\"Oh, your robot looking thing just stopped shining that blue light on the peas. That's probably good. They might defrost in all that light.\n\n\"What should I do now, honey beak?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "\"Smoochiepoodle, what do you see right now?\"\n\n\"Your head must hurt so bad, fuzzy puffin, I feel so sorry for you! It's awful cluttery in here... I see your desk and your fridge and a table and a robot looking thing over by the door, I guess that's your bathroom door, why's it shining that light on those frozen peas? And these are... uh... oh, fish! It's really nice you have fish, though you should scrub out their tank. Ugh, green stuff.\n\n\"That robot looking thing is blinking a light at me! That's so cute!\n\n\"What should I do now, pretty bird?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the robot",
"response": "\"Smoochiepoodle, would you please try examining the robot?\"\n\n\"Your robot looking thing is blinking at me. It's cuter than I realized. Hi, robot!\"\n\n\"*Voice Not Authorized*\"\n\n\"Well FINE, be that way. Hmph.\n\n\"Oh, it's making a humming noise! Can you hear that? I'll hold up the phone - \"\n\n\"*Targeting Mode Activated - Identify Yourself Intruder*\"\n\n\"What should I do now, fuzzy wings?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot",
"response": "\"Please try answering the robot that \"shoot\".\"\n\nThere is no reply.\n\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, snuggle beak, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "\"No, I guess the desk doesn't match the wallpaper, but that wasn't really my first thought when I got it, smoochiepoodle.\"\n\n\"It wasn't? Whatever were you thinking?\"\n\n\"Wouldn't it be nice to have a desk?\"\n\n\"Oh poodgy feathers, that's just like you. It comes from working too hard, I'm sure.\n\n\"Oh, your robot looking thing just stopped shining that blue light on the peas. That's probably good. They might defrost in all that light.\n\n\"What should I do now, poodgy puffin?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the peas",
"response": "\"Try examining the frozen peas.\"\n\n\"Oh! You didn't even say please! My heart is all hurt, pretty bird!\"\n\n\"Would you PLEASE try examining the frozen peas?\"\n\n\"Bad enough you're eating them frozen, but why didn't you get on-brand? \"Epsilon Eridani Specimen\" might sound imported to you, but I tell you it's just Illinois trash food, and they probably use chemicals.\n\n\"That robot looking thing is blinking a light at me! That's so cute!\n\n\"What should I do now, kissy puffin?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You identify yourself",
"response": "\"Poor poodgy puffin, I don't understand what you want me to do at all. Your head must be hurting awfully.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give phone to the robot",
"response": "\"Oh fine! Be a mean kissy beak, talk to the robot thingie instead of me. See if I care.\"\n\n\"Oh, it's making a humming noise! Can you hear that? I'll hold up the phone - \"\n\n\"*Targeting Mode Activated - Identify Yourself Intruder*\"\n\n\"*Awaiting Instructions - Authorized Voice Only*\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You deactivate",
"response": "\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - I Am Sorry, But I Do Not Understand Your Command*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, fuzzy wings? Did you like talking to your robot thing?\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, poodgy feathers, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hello",
"response": "\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - I Am Sorry, But I Do Not Understand Your Command*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, pretty bird? Did you like talking to your robot thing?\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, pretty bird, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Off",
"response": "\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - I Am Sorry, But I Do Not Understand Your Command*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, poodgy feathers? Did you like talking to your robot thing?\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, poodgy feathers, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hello",
"response": "\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - I Am Sorry, But I Do Not Understand Your Command*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, poodgy feathers? Did you like talking to your robot thing?\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, fluffy beak, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hello",
"response": "\"Poor fluffy beak, I don't understand what you want me to do at all. Your head must be hurting awfully.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off",
"response": "(the piranhas)\n\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - I Am Sorry, But I Do Not Understand Your Command*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, poodgy feathers? Did you like talking to your robot thing?\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, poodgy feathers, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off",
"response": "(the piranhas)\n\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - I Am Sorry, But I Do Not Understand Your Command*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, kissy beak? Did you like talking to your robot thing?\n\"Oh, your robot thing has light-ups on its fingers! Oh, snuggle puffin, that's so cute! Now it's pointing at me - I think it wants to shake ha -\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Robot, to wait",
"response": "The robot has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off robot",
"response": "\"*Authorized Voice Accepted - Hello Doctor - Obedience And Compliance - Powering Down Now*\"\n\n\"Ugh, give me that, you big hunk of metal! Are you there, kissy puffin? Did you like talking to your robot thing? I hope so, because",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot robot",
"response": "it doesn't look very talkative now. Did you say something it didn't like?\n\n\"What should I do now, fuzzy wings?\"\n\n\"Try answering the robot that \"shoot robot\".\"\n\n\"Oh! You didn't even say please! My heart is all hurt, honey puffin!\"\n\n\"Would you PLEASE try answering the robot that \"shoot robot\"?\"\n\nThere is no reply.\n\n\"Funny - the peas bag is sort of... shredding, I guess. I think there's something moving inside it.\n\n\"What should I do now, snuggle beak?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the peas in the tank",
"response": "\"I need you to listen to me very carefully and do just what I say.\"\n\n\"But honey beak, don't I always?\"\n\n\"Smoochiepoodle, this is absolutely important. Put the frozen peas into the fish tank, right away.\"\n\n\"Oh fine. Sploosh sploosh, there they g - oh my god.\"\n\n\"What? What?\n\n\"Smoochiepoodle? Talk to me, curvy nose, please?\"\n\n\"It... it was... what WAS that? The fish were all over them, all the teeth and the black stuff and the... it almost looked like a FACE, fuzzy wings, it was just so awful....\"\n\nPlease come back. My head is killing me and I need you to please not look around the apartment any more. I need you to come cuddle me.\"\n\n\"I... I can do that. I'll just close the door right now.... Okay, I'm coming back now. Your place is all locked up and safe.\"\n\n\"Smoochiepoodle, I am so, so sorry you had to see that. But it should have taught you a valuable lesson.\"\n\n\"Lesson? What lesson?\"\n\n\"Well, did you see the label on the fish tank?\"\n\n\"The one that said \"Chance?\"\n\n\"Yes, that's the one. And that's the lesson I need you to take away, because all I just said is... give peas to Chance.\n\n\"Hello? Hello? ...Are you still there? Hello?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "\"Please try waiting.\"\n\nTime passes.\n\nThere's something inside that bag of peas - I can see it a bit now, it's black and wriggly -\"\n\n\"Smoochiepoodle, listen to me very carefully. I want you to - \"\n\n\"The bag is shredding all the way, I can see something crawling out. It looks a bit like - its FACE! THAT FACE! Its - AGGGHHHHHHHHHgggglrgle....\"\n\n\"No! Smoochiepoodle! Talk to me! TALK TO ME! NOOOOOOOoooooooooo!\"",
"endoftext": true
] | x4fyoyg69j6dbr2e |
The Hand That Rocks The Pumpkin | Christopher Huang | [
] | [
"first person",
"holiday theme",
"SpeedIf 2",
"SpeedIF October 1998",
] | 1,998 | [
] | 3 | 2.666667 | 20120801 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Katherine and you always did love Halloween parties. You used to be the life of them, back in your home town. Having just moved to New York city a month ago, however, you had not expected to get into one this year. Especially since Katherine had elected to stay behind, leaving you here on your own.\n\nEnter your old net-friend Miseri, with an introduction to a Mr deMause, a strange and eccentric fellow who would just love to have you over for his Halloween Masque this year. All you have to do now is figure out how to find your way to Mr deMause's apartment.\n\nNo easy task, since Miseri had neglected to give you directions. Add to that the pea-soup fog rolling about outside....\n\nSigh. If only Katherine were here....\n\n\n\nIt's your apartment, and it's in the usual mess. The mess, in fact, threatens to take control of the whole apartment. Not that you have too much time to worry about it right now, of course. You have to find your way to Mr deMause's apartment ... The door to the south leads out into the foggy night, and that seems like a good place to start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You hadn't realised until stepping out tonight how dim the fog could be. The pea-souper spreads out in all directions, obscuring your vision. The steps leading down to the south disappear into it. Back to the north, the door leads back into the warmth of home.\n\nYou can see a Jack O'Lantern (which is closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the pumpkin",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the pumpkin",
"response": "As you look into the pumpkin, a disembodied hand leaps out onto your shoulder! You scream in fright, and the thing scuttles off into the fog. Regaining your composure, you look inside the pumpkin....\n\nIn the Jack O'Lantern is a note.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "The writing is spidery, and you realise that it is written in blood. Real blood. But perhaps the creepiest thing of all is the sheer friendliness of the message: \"Midas (the hand) is your guide to Mr deMause's apartment. Do remember to cross his palm with silver, or something of the sort.... Katherine's already here at the apartment, and she's waiting for you.\"\n\nYou had no idea that Katherine was anywhere near New York. There's a mystery afoot here. Or at hand....",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pea-souper fog blankets everything. You know more by instinct than anything else that the way home is just to the north. Otherwise, all the streets leading out from here are alien to you.\n\nYou notice the disembodied hand near the traffic lights, leaping at the red light. It misses. The light turns green, and the hand scuttles away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You wander down the street into the fog, but the fog confuses you, and you soon find yourself back in Washington Square.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You notice the disembodied hand near the traffic lights, leaping at the red light. It misses. The light turns green, and the hand scuttles away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Jack O'Lantern (which is open)\na note\na red glass",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the glass",
"response": "A shard of red glass. You have no idea where you picked it up, or why you held on to it. Only the village idiot would find any use for it.\n\nWithout warning, the disembodied hand scuttles across your path, pausing to wave a finger at you before disappearing into the fog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the fog",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nYou hear a faint scuttling through the fog, as of some spider lurking in the darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the glass in the lantern",
"response": "You put the red glass into the Jack O'Lantern.\n\nYou notice the disembodied hand near the traffic lights, leaping at the red light. It misses. The light turns green, and the hand scuttles away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the lantern",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nWithout warning, the disembodied hand scuttles across your path, pausing to wave a finger at you before disappearing into the fog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a faint scuttling through the fog, as of some spider lurking in the darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou notice the disembodied hand near the traffic lights, leaping at the red light. It misses. The light turns green, and the hand scuttles away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Jack O'Lantern (which is open)\na red glass\na note",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the note",
"response": "The writing is spidery, and you realise that it is written in blood. Real blood. But perhaps the creepiest thing of all is the sheer friendliness of the message: \"Midas (the hand) is your guide to Mr deMause's apartment. Do remember to cross his palm with silver, or something of the sort.... Katherine's already here at the apartment, and she's waiting for you.\"\n\nYou had no idea that Katherine was anywhere near New York. There's a mystery afoot here. Or at hand....\n\nWithout warning, the disembodied hand scuttles across your path, pausing to wave a finger at you before disappearing into the fog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the red",
"response": "A few moments after dropping the shard of red glass, the hand scuttles across the square towards you and settles down to examine it. If you want to pick it up, now's your chance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the hand",
"response": "You gently pick the thing up by the wrist, gruesome though the thought may be. The fingers wiggle back at you questioningly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hand",
"response": "A disembodied hand! What's more, an animated disembodied hand! Creepier and creepier ... didn't this sort of thing only happen in the movies? The hand seems to be wearing a signet ring on its index finger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ring",
"response": "It's an elegant, gold signet ring. Something about it strikes you as being oddly familiar, though you can't imagine what. There seems to be a small depression in the ring, apparently made to hold something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ring",
"response": "The hand struggles in protest as you reach for the ring. You decide that it might not be such a good idea....",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the glass",
"response": "A shard of red glass. You have no idea where you picked it up, or why you held on to it. Only the village idiot would find any use for it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut yourself",
"response": "Cutting you up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the hand",
"response": "Cutting him up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the hand in the pumpkin",
"response": "You put the disembodied hand into the Jack O'Lantern.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Pea-souper fog blankets everything. You know more by instinct than anything else that the way home is just to the north. Otherwise, all the streets leading out from here are alien to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wave the hand",
"response": "You look ridiculous waving the disembodied hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pumpkin",
"response": "The pumpkin bears Miseri's unmistakeable style of carving. It grins at you hollowly, as if daring you to open it and look inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the note",
"response": "(first taking the note)\nThat's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the note to the midas",
"response": "The disembodied hand is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ring",
"response": "It's an elegant, gold signet ring. Something about it strikes you as being oddly familiar, though you can't imagine what. There seems to be a small depression in the ring, apparently made to hold something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You hadn't realised until stepping out tonight how dim the fog could be. The pea-souper spreads out in all directions, obscuring your vision. The steps leading down to the south disappear into it. Back to the north, the door leads back into the warmth of home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "It's your apartment, and it's in the usual mess. The mess, in fact, threatens to take control of the whole apartment. Not that you have too much time to worry about it right now, of course. You have to find your way to Mr deMause's apartment ... The door to the south leads out into the foggy night, and that seems like a good place to start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search mess",
"response": "What's this? It's that earring that you promised to have reset as a ring for Katherine! You'd better not lose it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the earring",
"response": "This is one of a pair of earrings that you gave Katherine some few months ago. The other one was lost during, um, an adventure involving a hot spring which we shan't go into right now. Since Katherine never was one for single earrings, you told her you'd have the stone re-set in a solitaire ring.... The stone seems rather loose, actually.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stone",
"response": "You always believed that this was an amethyst, because it would glow violet when you held it. Now, however, it glows red whether you hold it or not, and you wonder if it could in fact be a misunderstood ruby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put it in the ring",
"response": "Which do you mean, the earring or the signet ring?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "You carefully pry it out ... well, that was easier than expected.... Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the stone in the signet ring",
"response": "You carefully insert the stone into the depression in the ring. It seems to fit perfectly.\n\nIn fact, the stone seems to be glowing brighter than before ... with a shocking suddenness, the hand leaps in your grasp and points an accusing finger towards the south of Washington Square.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You hadn't realised until stepping out tonight how dim the fog could be. The pea-souper spreads out in all directions, obscuring your vision. The steps leading down to the south disappear into it. Back to the north, the door leads back into the warmth of home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pea-souper fog blankets everything. You know more by instinct than anything else that the way home is just to the north. Otherwise, all the streets leading out from here are alien to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Following the hand directions, you cautiously make your way down the street ... then with greater confidence.... It isn't long before you find yourself outside your destination, the melancholy apartment of deMause....\n\nYou wander down the street into the fog, but the fog confuses you, and you soon find yourself back in Washington Square.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Following the hand directions, you cautiously make your way down the street ... then with greater confidence.... It isn't long before you find yourself outside your destination, the melancholy apartment of deMause....\n\nYou wander down the street into the fog, but the fog confuses you, and you soon find yourself back in Washington Square.",
"endoftext": true
] | z83vnbuya68liwbt |
Moondarkling: Elfboon | Sam Kabo Ashwell | [] | [
"SpeedIF Jacket 4",
"urban fantasy"
] | 2,011 | [
] | 3 | 2.666667 | 20110403 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Moondarkling: Elfboon\nA Rural Urban-Fantasy by Sam Kabo Ashwell\n\nIn terms of mere geography, Ruritania is landlocked. Liminally it's a lot more complicated. On slow days, this is the bank of the Svonat, a minor river that for maybe sixty kilometres traces the Slovakian border, only distinguished by rather sparse settlement for such a fertile valley.Today it's the verge of a mangrove swamp, water the colour of strong tea lapping gently against a barnacle-encrusted jetty, and far off through the trees the suggestion of blazing light on a foreign sea. (You haven't seen this one before.) A crab darts across a salt-crusted log; the air is warm, with a strong taste of salt, anchovies and rotting mud.\n\nThe Margin Cafe looks no more weatherbeaten than usual, and the prospect of cooler air is enticing.\n\nA mudlark is perusing low-hanging branches for lootable fruits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the swamp",
"response": "The water is the clear brownish hue of strong tea, and sparkles in little wavelets around the sprawling mangrove roots. It's only about waist-deep, though the mud beneath it is probably many times that. The sharp scent leaves no doubt that it's a salt-water day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mudlark",
"response": "Mudlarking is the mildly illegal[1] practice of loitering on water margins[2] in the hope of happening upon valuable salvage or harvest. By your estimation, gold-sands, pearl beds and sturgeon populations manifest a lot less often than crocodiles, spring tides or bilharzia; every now and then some idiot prospector convinces themselves that they have developed a System, but more usually it's the domain of the more enterprising variety of indigent.\n\nThis particular mudlark is youngish, scrawny and not conspicuously insane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 1",
"response": "And in Ruritania, tedious, complicated and socially bootless to prosecute. As far as you're concerned, the law exists as an alternative way of nailing the ones who branch out into smuggling or elfin traffic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe Nook of Shadows.\nsemi-automatic",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 3",
"response": "It's only in the last couple of years that anyone started making automatic rounds jacketed in cold iron; formerly you had to lug around a gigantic revolver that made holes of undiplomatic proportions in everything and kicked like an onager with a hornet on its balls, and the Glock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine nook",
"response": "It's a sort of eldritch scrapbook of stuff that you've ripped off from people who ripped it off from a bewildering assortment of charlatans, Inquisitors, cat ladies, fantasists, perverts, aelfkultur-appropriators, cabalists, storytellers, alchemists, space cadets and paranoids. Stratified bullshit, deep and compacted and fertile, mounted up into a tell. Potent stuff.\n\nIts first incarnation was an age-yellowed Penguin that was bloated with inserts and shedding pages before you were twenty, and you recently upgraded to a more portable version. The problem is that it's a Lithuanian knockoff with an OS designed in Tanzania. It features a Weirding Manager intended to suggest the most dramatically appropriate spells, but either dramatic conventions are very strange in Tanzania or the manager has attained a limited but cantankerous sentience, and rare is the occasion on which it supplies a spell of transparent utility. It can, at any rate, be used to access the police databases and look people up, even in places where liminality banjaxes conventional connections.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "The margins are not a stable place to live, but there are plenty of people passing through and they're all in need of something. This place supplies it: food, potable water, first aid, doss space, amateur legal counsel, trauma debriefing. Physically it's a low-ceilinged, broad, poorly-lit room, somewhere between bar, mess-hall and doss-house, with what would be a comfortable, homey scent if you liked fish soup, damp clothes and ill-washed foreigners[4].\n\nDruse loiters decoratively behind the bar.\n\nA particularly sorry-looking outclade[5], huddled over a bowl of Complimentary Soup, is the only customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 4",
"response": "And actually, having come here almost every day for three years, you are disturbed to find that you kind of do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 5",
"response": "The Liminal Patrol does not make judgments act on behalf of the Outsider Office[6], and it is very important to use a term that remains agnostic on whether its referrent is an asylum-seeker, refugee of war, economic migrant, vagrant, smuggler, baby-snatcher or insurgent. It's best to just think of them as a shambling mound of paperwork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 6",
"response": "Who's in charge of the margin is kind of complicated. The Frontiers Division is nominally in charge of securing the borders, but here they just make flyovers and kick the crap out of anything that looks like a monster or an invasion. The Outsider Office processes such immigrants as make it into a queue at a provincial capital (or, just as often, a holding cell). The Liminal Patrol deals with everything that falls in between, which is to say the difficult stuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Druse",
"response": "Dweller in the perpetual legal shadow of the boundary and proprietor[7] of the Margin Cafe, Druse is dark-eyed, slender-limbed and fine-featured and has perfect hair that falls across his face in silver strands and okay let's not be fucking coy about it, he's a half-elf. Which is good for him as far as getting laid goes, but ugly as all hell for legal status. You strongly suspect that you're carrying his child, which is kind of troublesome territory because apart from the whole wrong-side-of-the-tracks deal elves have this cultural Thing about human babies, a little bulb goes on behind their eyes and the last time one of those bulbs went on (or someone thought they did) there were riots and half the Kobolykunst ghetto got burned down. You dealt with more of the aftermath than you care to remember, and you had to call in favours from the Pale Colony, and unforseen complications arose and now the fangy pillocks think you owe them[8].\n\nHowever, all of this is going to be put off by angsty procrastination, implausible miscommunications and emotional immaturity until Volume La Troisieme of the Moondarkling Cycle, so at the moment he's just a distraction. Let's just pretend he's not here for now, all right? Like this.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The margins are not a stable place to live, but there are plenty of people passing through and they're all in need of something. This place supplies it: food, potable water, first aid, doss space, amateur legal counsel, trauma debriefing. Physically it's a low-ceilinged, broad, poorly-lit room, somewhere between bar, mess-hall and doss-house, with what would be a comfortable, homey scent if you liked fish soup, damp clothes and ill-washed foreigners.\n\nA particularly sorry-looking outclade, huddled over a bowl of Complimentary Soup, is the only customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 7",
"response": "By its nature, few of the Cafe's clientele have or even understand money; Druse is mostly paid in low-end elfboons. He hopes, or says that he hopes, to eventually accumulate enough boons to be able to go home, once the war's over; but boons don't stack in a neat numerical fashion, and you have only the vaguest idea as to whether this is a credible ambition.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 8",
"response": "See Moondarkling Volume La Zeroiene: Witchlighten.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Soup",
"response": "Outclades can straggle in in any number and at all hours, including the numerous ones in which Druse doesn't want to cook; but they they're often cold and hungry. And freight orders don't make it out here very reliably. The solution is the Complimentary Soup, an oversized, eternally simmering crockpot containing a sort of high-class pigswill. It receives most of the fruits of Druse's sporadic hunter-gathering; on bad days the major ingredient is barnacles, and although its flavour evolves over the years it always retains a basic fishy character.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Soup",
"response": "You already ate. You try to make a point of it, if you plan to show up at a non-cooking hour. It's not that the Soup is invariably bad, but it's rarely very good and often outright awful, and there is no way to tell until you've swallowed the first spoonful.\n\n(first taking the Complimentary Soup)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the outclade",
"response": "Piercingly beautiful, even for an elf. Age indefinite; she doesn't move with the assured arrogance of a mature adult, but then she's probably had a deflating few days. Somewhat damp, muddy and scratched.\n\nVarious details -- left forearm scarified in triple spirals, a particular style of weaving spidersilk ribbons into braided hair, a really expensive bra -- identify her as a member of the Ae Cau Shar clade. You only know this because they test you on the entire freakin\" Aelfosemiotica every couple of years; the Ae Cau Shar are not, to the best of your limited knowledge, very closely affected by the conflict. Kicker is, they only speak their own obscure language, and occasionally Middling Forkmouth, which works as something like a regional trade-jargon for elves but is fearsomely unlearnable for humans[9].",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "Your Ruritanian passport calls you Zbyana Ostrava Kalinin-Zorndorf, and your parents call you something similar with different phonetics. The elves are notoriously sloppy about both paperwork and nomenclature, but a plurality of them would acknowledge you as Comtessa Radishes, Starlight Through Frozen Waterfalls, Lord High Weatherstone of the Hollow Hill, and Dawn-cobwebs Musketeer[10].\n\nYour outfit was constructed around a camel trenchcoat, an extremely French scarf, and the World's Stupidest Boots.[11]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 9",
"response": "Which is suspiciously convenient for anybody who might have a motive to avoid the challenges of interrogation, hem-hem.[12]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 12",
"response": "C.E.J. Pacian, Gun Mute, talking to.[13]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 13",
"response": "Adam Thornton, Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis, opening screen. Believe it or not, I was abusing footnotes before I even fired Stiffy up, but the encouragement is appreciated.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 10",
"response": "And several others that you're not allowed to disclose, one or two that you are literally incapable of disclosing, and a whole host that are best left unshared in polite company. Turning down elf-boon names is Not Done, but it would be a lot easier if they weren't such a bunch of pervs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 11",
"response": "By inclination you think about clothes perhaps four times a year, but elves have an intense cultural prejudice against anyone not ridiculously overdressed. Most patrollers default to something gothy and heroin-chic on the grounds that it can be sustained with little sleep and less laundry, but it's become such a staple of the patroller stereotype that you resisted. Fortunately, even the Ruritanian Liminal Patrol maintains a stylist on staff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.\n\nWell, shit. Now you have to work out what to do with her. There's no chance that she has a clade sponsor, because she doesn't have a clade. Which also means that she'd be outside even what passes for a social safety-net in the refugee camps. And if the Ae Cau Shar aren't actually in the war, asylum is going to be a whole lot harder to come by even if she gets to the head of the queue, which she won't. So your choices, essentially, are to arrest her and consign her to a muddy limbo for the rest of her natural life, or turn a blind eye, let her wander off into the countryside and get arrested by rural police instead, or stoned by a Landnat gang, or abducted. Or deport her, to whatever was scary enough to make all this seem worthwhile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Arrest outclade",
"response": "It's one hell of a rough deal, but she's probably headed in this direction anyway, and you can at least make the process more gentle than the provincial police are likely to. And it's not the Landnats.\n\nIt takes a while to convey the idea to her, but after some emphatic gestures at the door and tugging at the wrist she gets it, arches an impeccable eyebrow, and looks even more tired than before. You shepherd her to the nearest branch of the Outsider Office, stick around to make sure they don't fuck up the paperwork or mess her around, and leave her your card. Not that she understands phones.\nBack at headquarters, you crunch out a report. Krebs nods noncomittally over it, and it gets filed, and you go home. You stare\nfixedly at the doormat for about ten minutes, and then you go about your life, not quite trying to forget, not quite trying to remember.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kiss her",
"response": "She's cute and everything, but that side of yourself goes mysteriously unmentioned until Volume La Soixieme: Shadowed Wings, and a good two-fifths of the fans still refuse to regard that as canon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the outclade",
"response": "I beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe Nook of Shadows.\nsemi-automatic",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You exit",
"response": "Today it's the verge of a mangrove swamp, water the colour of strong tea lapping gently against a barnacle-encrusted jetty, and far off through the trees the suggestion of blazing light on a foreign sea. Something rubbery rolls below the water's surface, then is gone; the air is warm, with a strong taste of salt, lemon zest and rotting mud.\n\nThe Margin Cafe looks no more weatherbeaten than usual, and the prospect of cooler air is enticing. Or you could just get out of here.\n\nThe mudlark is engaged in hunting what may very well be fleas, though around here you never know.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "The margins are not a stable place to live, but there are plenty of people passing through and they're all in need of something. This place supplies it: food, potable water, first aid, doss space, amateur legal counsel, trauma debriefing. Physically it's a low-ceilinged, broad, poorly-lit room, somewhere between bar, mess-hall and doss-house, with what would be a comfortable, homey scent if you liked fish soup, damp clothes and ill-washed foreigners.\n\nA particularly sorry-looking outclade, huddled over a bowl of Complimentary Soup, is the only customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up the outclade in Nook",
"response": "Unsurprisingly, she doesn't show up in any records. At all. Anywhere. Which makes sense: if she had crossed over before, she'd probably have done a better job of it this time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up yourself in Nook",
"response": "Whenever you try to egosearch yourself, the Nook of Shadows just plays back the vision you had in the final act of Moondarkling: Dancing Whispers that revealed you to be the sole descendant of the half-elfin heroine Joan of Arc and, therefore, destined to protect both humanity and elfkind through a vaguely-defined and ever-expanding array of powers and prophecies. There's a pointlessly ambiguous coda about the identity of your true love (also destined). It looks a lot less impressive in 2D.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up the mudlark in Nook",
"response": "Using magic to obtain information about legal residents or legitimate visitors without a warrant or documented consent is horribly illegal throughout the EU, except under conditions of direct threat[14]. Even if you're just using the magic to remotely access Google. You could get in an awful lot of trouble doing this...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Note 14",
"response": "You can scry for someone's psych records if they're waving a gun at you. You can't remotely view someone's home if you think they're building a bomb.",
"endoftext": true
] | 60nlqgh2iuawafoi |
You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle | SoftSoft | [
] | [
] | 2,014 | [
] | 3 | 2.666667 | 20140101 | false | Can you beat our amazing new New Years puzzle challenge? It's all a part of our brand-new New Years new brand initiative! | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Can you beat our amazing new New Years puzzle challenge? It's all a part of our brand-new New Years new brand initiative!\n\nA Happy New Year's new Puzzle-Venture, from the brand new New Years brand by SoftSoft\n\nNew players should type SoftSoft's new command, ABOUT.\n(wow \"new\" doesn't even look like a real word anymore)\n\nYou are in a brightly colored room, full of unimplemented decorations.\n\nNearby you can see the Baby New Year, all wrapped up and ready to go!\n\nNext to the Baby New Year is a champagne bottle.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine baby",
"response": "Well, actually, it's really more of a Baby New Year replica.\nThe real ones are much too expensive for our budget this year.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: New Year's Eve is the favorite holiday of actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt! His least favorite? Arbor Day!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bottle",
"response": "A fancy bottle of champagne.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: New Years Eve was originally a pagan holiday celebrating the god of getting completely wasted. However it has been co-opted by Christianity and nowadays most people celebrate New Years to commemorate the birth of Jesus' brother Mesus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look great! Just concentrate on the game.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: In Japan, the traditional New Years treat is mochi, a cake made of rice paste. However, the secret ingredient isn't ground-up moon rabbits, as some may have you believe. Instead, it's actually Tang.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Sorry, but that's not how you solve this new New Year adventure.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: The tradition of kissing the closest person come midnight was originally celebrated every night, until everyone just got really tired of the whole thing and abolished the practice outside New Years.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Baby",
"response": "Taken.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: Dick Clark isn't actually dead! He sleeps beneath Times Square, until a New Year's Eve emergency awakens him from his slumber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the champagne",
"response": "You can't actually have that! It's for the sake of the puzzle, stupid.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: Did you know that New Years often takes place on the first day of the year? It's true!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss baby",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break baby",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: What do you think is the song most played on New Years? Auld Lang Syne right? You'd be wrong, though. It's actually Suzy Snowflake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine baby",
"response": "Well, actually, it's really more of a Baby New Year replica.\nThe real ones are much too expensive for our budget this year.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: In Scotland it is unlucky for a household if a woman is the first to enter on New Years. That is why nearly 90% of Scots women identify as genderqueer from Christmas to the Epiphany.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break bottle",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: The Persian New Year is called Nowruz, sometimes transliterated as Nawruz.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Have you been hitting the sour juice a bit too hard? That's not how you solve this New Years puzzle.\n\nNEW YEARS FUN FACT: New Year's is a popular time to think about the future, and reminisce upon the past. That's why so many people celebrate it by drinking until they pass out!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Baby in the bottle",
"response": "You put the Baby New Year into the champagne bottle.\n\nOh my gosh! You solved the puzzle! You're the greatest New Years partier ever! You are sooo cool! Like, the super coolest! I bet babes and/or studs swarm over you every New Years!\n\nC-can I touch you?",
"endoftext": true
] | p5ad5gtzdlnuf2sq |
] | [
] | 2,015 | [
] | 6 | 2.666667 | 20160101 | true | Using Greg Hassett's 1978 game King Tut's Tomb as a base, an art experiment of sort is laid upon the same locations and items. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "a randomly generated modification of the 1978 game King Tut's Tomb by Jason Dyer via Greg Hassett\n\nThe word \"meaningful\" when used today is nearly always meaningless. (Paul Johnson)\n\nYou can see a food, a torch and some matches here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine the self",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the food",
"response": "Try a charbroiled, 100 percent Black Angus beef burger sandwiched between Lays potato chips and a split hot dog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the matches",
"response": "Standing 22 metres high, these huge \"matches\" protrude in higgledy-piggledy fashion from a matchbook cover.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "food: dreaded hail of\nfierce lions\ndrip from the sky.\ntorch: dreaded spice\nof the\noffering kicker.\nmatches: gratitude of\nthose dead\nfor 921 years.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "The word \"meaningful\" when used today is nearly always meaningless. (Paul Johnson)\n\nYou can see a food, a torch and some matches here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the food",
"response": "drip from the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light torch",
"response": "offering kicker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The world is not yet exhaused; let me see something tomorrow which I never saw before. (Samuel Johnson)\n\nYou can see an opal drinking cup here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cup",
"response": "page can hold.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun. (P. G.\nWodehouse)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not. (Mark Twain)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "All things are difficult before they are easy. (Dr. Thomas Fuller)\n\nYou can see a Steve Martin poster here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the poster",
"response": "severed shred.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell the poster about yourself",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "deserves to be called a scholar. (Donald Foster)\n\nYou can see a gold chalice here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chalice",
"response": "The node in the center has a grape design relief and comes with a simple cross on the base of the chalice. Due note these items are a product of being refinished by our refinishing department and may have been used in the past but are none the less restored to almost brand new condition. Order now while supplies last!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chalice",
"response": "on wine sales.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and of vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief,\nand ready to plunge into error, to escape from the languor of\nidleness. (Ann Radcliffe)\n\nYou can see a golden key here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the key",
"response": "for unlocking arcane doors.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Nothing can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own. (Sidney J. Harris)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Silence is a text easy to misread. (A. A. Attanasio)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "To be willing to die for an idea is to set a rather high price on conjecture. (Anatole France)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "but in having new eyes. (Marcel Proust)\n\nYou can see a platinum spear here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spear",
"response": "The Andre PLATINUM 145 speargun is a great step-up speargun for spearfishing around rock reef, coral areas and out towards the blue water. Its longer stock, 58.5 inches, gives you a greater reach and higher accuracy. The PLATINUM 145 speargun has 3 power bands, making\nit more powerful to spear bigger and faster fish. The PLATINUM 145 speargun also features handle placement mid-way on the stock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the spear",
"response": "than the entrance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. (Jack London)\n\nYou can see a ruby earring here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Earring",
"response": "The only person Belqees saw was one of her bodyguards, Benzivov, who was wearing an enormous ruby earring. Benzivov tried to kill her, but Solomon had him arrested. Solomon gave Belqees the Ruby Earring, and\nit found its way to the temple. The Earring could be found in the Room of the Secret Password.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Earring",
"response": "yellow cream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Choosing to live in narrow spaces leads to form of mental agoraphobia and that brings its own terrors. I think the willfully unimaginative see more monsters, they are often more afraid. What is more, those who choose not to empathize enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude through our own apathy. (J. K. Rowling)\n\nYou can see a jade statuette here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the statuette",
"response": "The first two were empty. but the third contained a jade statuette of\na dragon. As soon as the statuette was revealed, the characters were stunned by its presence. The world around them went black as their minds were filled with a rush of visions and knowledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the statuette",
"response": "silent, brooding.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby. (Larry Page)\n\nYou can see a necklace here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at necklace",
"response": "It is made from high quality brushed stainless steel and features ball chain threaded through three moveable gears set within a heart-shaped pendant. Sliding the pendant along the chain or gently pulling on either side of the heart's strings will put the gears in motion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the necklace",
"response": "aquatic paint.",
"endoftext": true
] | oobx5sy71k0uiz9a |
Tree and Star | Paul Lee | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
"andromeda series",
"science fiction"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 5 | 2.6 | 20170301 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It is time for the Remembering.\n\nInnocenti\n(Enter \"ABOUT\" to see the game menu.)\n\nNovember 21, 2012\nIFID: B5A03D9E-7656-44C3-902C-EAFF8A430E39\n\nHugo v3.1 / Library 31031\n\nBeneath the Heavens, sitting in the stands\nSeating in three tiers half encircles a round platform.\nCompleting the circle around the back of the platform are the endless stars of the New Heaven, which stretch above the transparent dome that forms the ceiling. A small arch opens above the center of the top tier of the stands, on the port side of the room.\nSitting in the stands is Veritas.\nThe stars of the heavens silhoutte the silver figure of the old Storyteller standing upon the platform.\n\nThe old Storyteller looks slowly around at the people gathered.\nHis gaze lingers on you and your friend Veritas, sitting boldly in the front row, away from the adults. He smiles, and then begins his tale with clear, serious diction.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine Veritas",
"response": "She's gotten taller than you, the sneak!\n\"The Ancestors did not live like this, stranded between\nartificial walls, wandering aimlessly with the stars out of reach.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Storyteller",
"response": "People say a lot of things about the Storyteller. They say he's the only one who remembered the stars were real, back in the Great Journey. Some of your friends say he's crazy, but you like him.\nThe old man looks down at the platform beneath his feet, and then gestures toward his surroundings. \"Before these ships first embarked upon the Great Journey through the Starless Path, the Ancestors explored many shining worlds, filling them with their great cities and their forgotten wonders. They roamed freely through the stars of the Old Heaven, and nothing was impossible to them.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stars",
"response": "The heavens hold endless mysteries, infinite tales.\nBeside you, your friend Veritas catches her breath, her large\nalmond eyes wide with wonder.\nThe Storyteller looks at her and nods seriously. \"But nothing\nthat the Ancestors created could compare to the wonders of the most ancient world of all, where it is said all life originated, the planet called Land.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You're not carrying anything.\n\"There the first Ancestors communed with the Fey folk that dwelt\nin the elemental Forms. The trees stretched as high as a hundred men are tall, and spread their many arms to shade the living ground. The winds gathered in the canopy of the Lower Heaven and bent down to kiss Land with their sweet breath. The roaming beasts, great and small, ruled the wilds where the people did not walk, but begged at the feet of the Ancestors.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine stands",
"response": "They're like the stairs going up from your parents' Cube, only way bigger.\nThe Storyteller nods, his eyes distant. \"And there was the\nmighty sea, a great expanse like the heaven above, but formed of the gathering of all the waters of Land, encircling the planet in its embrace.\" The Storyteller turns his head up to look at the stars.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stars",
"response": "The heavens hold endless mysteries, infinite tales.\nThe storyteller brings his gaze to the audience and clasps his\nhands in front of him, turning slowly to look over all the people in the stands. He begins to speak again, firmly. \"But the Ancestors became arrogant...\"\n\nHeavy boots clang against the metal stands. Vertias yelps, and\nyou turn to see men in black uniforms trample down the stands to the platform, shoving people out of the way. One of them steps right over you and Veritas and corners the old Storyteller on the platform. \"Chronos Han, you are under arrest for disobeying the sanctions\nof the Council and for spreading sedition.\" The man speaks fast and mechanically.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Veritas",
"response": "She's gotten taller than you, the sneak!\n\"The Ancestors did not live like this, stranded between\nartificial walls, wandering aimlessly with the stars out of reach.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You hate the snug, long-sleeved yellow shirt your mother makes you wear, a hand-me-down from your cousin Sam Amerik.\nThe old man looks down at the platform beneath his feet, and then gestures toward his surroundings. \"Before these ships first embarked upon the Great Journey through the Starless Path, the Ancestors explored many shining worlds, filling them with their great cities and their forgotten wonders. They roamed freely through the stars of the Old Heaven, and nothing was impossible to them.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Storyteller",
"response": "People say a lot of things about the Storyteller. They say he's the only one who remembered the stars were real, back in the Great Journey. Some of your friends say he's crazy, but you like him. Beside you, your friend Veritas catches her breath, her large\nalmond eyes wide with wonder.\nThe Storyteller looks at her and nods seriously. \"But nothing\nthat the Ancestors created could compare to the wonders of the most ancient world of all, where it is said all life originated, the planet called Land.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\"There the first Ancestors communed with the Fey folk that dwelt\nin the elemental Forms. The trees stretched as high as a hundred men are tall, and spread their many arms to shade the living ground. The winds gathered in the canopy of the Lower Heaven and bent down to kiss Land with their sweet breath. The roaming beasts, great and small, ruled the wilds where the people did not walk, but begged at the feet of the Ancestors.\"\nThe Storyteller nods, his eyes distant. \"And there was the\nmighty sea, a great expanse like the heaven above, but formed of the gathering of all the waters of Land, encircling the planet in its embrace.\" The Storyteller turns his head up to look at the stars.\nThe storyteller brings his gaze to the audience and clasps his\nhands in front of him, turning slowly to look over all the people in the stands. He begins to speak again, firmly. \"But the Ancestors became arrogant...\"\n\nHeavy boots clang against the metal stands. Vertias yelps, and\nyou turn to see men in black uniforms trample down the stands to the platform, shoving people out of the way. One of them steps right over you and Veritas and corners the old Storyteller on the platform. \"Chronos Han, you are under arrest for disobeying the sanctions\nof the Council and for spreading sedition.\" The man speaks fast and mechanically.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the men",
"response": "They're silent and imposing in their black uniforms, the blood-red Serpent coiled around their right arms.\nThe Storyteller raises an eyebrow as two other black-uniformed\npeople grab his shoulders forcefully. \"That arrogance is not dead, I see,\" he says in a low voice, soft but dangerous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...\nThey pull the Storyteller up the stands. He turns and looks back\nas they push him through the narrow door, catching your eye. \"Remember,\" he says, and then he is gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask veritas about Storyteller",
"response": "(Plese use the command \"TALK TO (CHARACTER NAME)\" to initiate dialog.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "\"No...\" Veritas sounds stunned and frightened. \"They have\ncome.\" Suddenly, she looks like a grown-up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Beneath the Heavens, sitting in the stands\nSeating in three tiers half encircles a round platform.\nCompleting the circle around the back of the platform are the endless stars of the New Heaven, which stretch above the transparent dome that forms the ceiling. A small arch opens above the center of the top tier of the stands, on the port side of the room.\nSitting in the stands is Veritas.\nImposing men and women in black uniforms are here, pushing the audience away, herding them out of the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You wander toward the exit, dazed by what you witnessed.\n\n[....]\nYou rub your eyes and shake your heard to clear away the memory.\nIt is far into your sleep rotation, but you still haven't finished debugging the new demographic compilation program that you were assigned to write.\n\nhold the assortment of terminals and screens. The automatic door opens between the girders in the fore wall.\nThe terminal at which you have been working displays your glitchy code.\nOne of the Guards lays a hand on your shoulder and roughly pulls\nyou up the stands toward the exit.\n\"Rood!\" You look back to at the sound of your friend's voice as\na Guard unceremoniously grabs her and carries her away. You struggle against your captor, trying to get to Veritas, but you are lost in the storm of bodies.\n\n[....]\nYou rub your eyes and shake your heard to clear away the memory.\nIt is far into your sleep rotation, but you still haven't finished debugging the new demographic compilation program that you were assigned to write.\n\nhold the assortment of terminals and screens. The automatic door opens between the girders in the fore wall.\nThe terminal at which you have been working displays your glitchy code.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine terminal",
"response": "The tiles on the screen displays your data-crawler routines, debugging information about where in their execution the routines failed, and technical specifications about the inner workings of the universal Fleet Cloud and the local networks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "You'd feel better if you at least try to patch the most recent errors in your crawler routines before giving up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Debug code",
"response": "You make a small correction in your database generation function and run the program again. The workstation display instantly fills with output text.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the text",
"response": "The strings of text form small combinations of letters and symbols, none more than several characters long. It looks like an encrypted document, or one being viewed with the wrong encoding scheme.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take text",
"response": "You try to trace the root directory of the file, but all you can tell is that the indexing protocol on one of the statistics mainframes directed the crawler to a low-level packet torrent. The data could have come from anywhere in the entire Fleet.\nUnable to download the file directly, you connect your datapad\ninto the port where the workstation terminal is mounted and carefully copy over the entire active memory of the workstation. You preserve the curious symbols by saving them in your editing app. Too tired and distracted to do more work for the time being, you turn off the terminal and disconnect the datapad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying your datapad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "Just as you are about to store your datapad in the pouch built into the shoulder of your overcoat made for holding the device, you hear it emit a three-tone beep, indicating that you've received a personal communication.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the communication",
"response": "The comm was pre-recorded just a moment ago. You open it, and your wife's face fills the datapad's display.\n\"Chronos left his quarters for too long again,\" she says wearily.\n\"I'd better find him before another Militia member does, and he ends up in more trouble. He's apparently at the Dome right now, unless he managed to fool his transponder.\" Her full lips purse into a tight line. \"So, I won't be home this sleep rotation, if you were planning on coming home at all. Love you.\"\nNow that you think of it, Chronos might be able to help decode\nthe file you found. At least, you're willing to bet he'll be interested in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "You leave the Data Center and follow the network of twisty little corridors built on top of each other, rotely finding your way to the ship Commons.\n\nand spans 200 meters from one wall to the other, encompassing nearly the entire mid-deck. The residents of the Godspeed hurry up\nand down the white rectangular artery, entering and exiting the rectangular openings that are spaced sporadically along either wall. Among the many places accessible from here, you know that a short\nwalk aft will take you to the convoluted maintanence\ncorridors where you can find the Data Center, while the observatory dome can be accessed to fore.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "Your feet plod silently, the white polyplast absorbing the impact. Eventually, the distant sides of the vast chamber constrict, leaving a corridor where the white covering is replaced by the older metallic panels.\n\nRemoved from the central passageways of the Godspeed, no\nmore than two travelers could pass with comfortable distance between them. The walls here are panelled in strips of the unknown alloy of the older parts of the ship, but the homogenous white material of the newer renovations begins just meters down the corridor to\naft. To fore, the corridor narrows further and\nangles upward in a ramp, leading to the observation dome.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the alloy",
"response": "The vertical gray panels stretch along the walls of the corridor from floor to ceiling. Each panel is a little wider than your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "You climb the narrow ramp and enter the small opening to the right.\n\nSeating in three tiers half encircles a round platform.\nCompleting the circle around the back of the platform are the endless stars of the New Heaven, which stretch above the transparent dome that forms the ceiling. A small arch opens above the center of the top tier of the stands, on the port side of the room.\nChronos Han is standing at the opposite end of the platform, his\nback toward the seats, hands clasped behind his back.\nVeritas is sitting in the stands, watching Chronos silently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Chronos",
"response": "Chronos Han looks like a white specter from one of his fantastic stories. A soft white beard adorns his gaunt face, while his full head of pale hair falls about his shoulders in dissaray. He has a large beak of a nose and thick, angled brows, beneath which his dark brown, slanted eyes peer earnestly. His light skin is marked by scars and wrinkles, but he stands tall and firm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Veritas",
"response": "You managed to catch up to her, but barely; you and Veritas are almost exactly the same height. Her brown complection is smooth and clear save for a scar on the left side of her face, beautiful despite looking tired and troubled. Her thick red hair spills over the shoulders of her Militia uniform top, which she wears sloppily with soft lounge pants.\nThe seamless, long-sleeved silver tunic that conforms closely to\nher torso is a different color than the uniforms of the thugs who broke in to that Remembering service from your childhood, but you've never quite gotten comfortable with the circular emblem of the serpent swalling the star, stitched just below her left collarbone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "Veritas looks up abruptly as you approach, and then smiles,\nwalking over to your side. \"I think he's been like that for entire cycles, just lost in the stars. I doubt he's eaten or spoken at all,\" she says, reaching to grasp your hand in hers.\nYou and Veritas approach the old man together. \"Rood and I are\nhere, greatfather. It's time to go home.\" She lays a hand gently on his shoulder.\nA silent moment passes, Chronos still standing with his back to\nyou. \"Time,\" he says at last. \"A time for all things under the Heavens.\" He turns slightly, head downcast. \"I thought I would see greater things than these in my time.\"\n\"I have something you might like to see, and I'm hoping you can\nhelp me figure out whether or not it might be great,\" you interject before Veritas has the chance to argue with the old man. You open the file in which you saved the encrypted document and hold out the datapad for the others to look.\nChronos hesitantly turns to look at the datapad's display. He\ncloses his eyes and pinches the bridge of his large nose, and then opens his eyes to scan the display.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\nChronos arches an eyebrow and blinks, raising a hand to rub his bearded chin with his thumb and index finger.\n\"Rood, is this really necessary? Come on...\" Veritas pleads, but Chronos throws up his open hand authoritatively, cutting her off. \"Wait a moment, this is interesting. Very interesting, indeed.\" Chronos clicks his tongue, and Veritas sighs. \"I've seen this kind of character map before. Very old.\" He continues to study the text intently.\nChronos arches an eyebrow and draws in a sharp breath. \"This...\ncould be important,\" he says slowly, looking at you intently. \"I can't decode the text on sight, but I should be able to crack it with a little time. The Council won't let me near any public terminal or networked end-user device, but your datapad isn't registered. They should be none the wiser if I work with it in my quarters, as long as I don't keep it long enough for them to grow suspicious. What do you say?\" he asks, holding out his hand. \"I'll bring it back soon, with the text of the document deciphered so you can know the mystery you uncovered.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question. (Although you sound rather positive.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the datapad to Chronos",
"response": "You hand Chronos your datapad. He takes it carefully by the grip at the end and tucks it under his coat. \"Very well, then,\" he says, reaching to grab your shoulder affectionately. \"Thank you for reminding a dreary old man about his purpose. I'll be contacting you shortly.\" He steps back and looks between you and Veritas. \"Now, children, you'd better go home. Time for bed.\"\nWith that, he turns on his heel and marches accross the platform\nand over the stands, exiting the observatory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "Veritas stands quietly for a moment, looking stressed. Then she\nturns to you with her arms crossed, an exaggerated, jokingly stern expression on her face. \"The two of you with your weird theories and rumors!\" She smirks. \"Well, you got him to go home -- more than I could do. Now we really should try to get a little sleep.\" She leans forward to kiss you lightly and then walks toward the exit as you follow in a daze.\n\nWhen Veritas awakens for her patrol shift, you are still too\ntired to do anything but lie back blearily in the sleeping alcove as she dresses. You drift off again into a light slumber, and then you force yourself to stagger out of the recess, stepping on your uniform, which she must have laid out neatly for you along with your nutrition packet on the table.\nYou dress.\n\nThe white walls, floor, and ceiling are all of the same\ndimension, about four-and-a-half meters square. The sleeping alcove is recessed into the port wall. The desk folds in or out of the starboard wall, beneath a built-in terminal display. The floor is mostly free to bear your and Veritas's spare uniforms and undergarments.\nThe exit opens in the aft wall, while a deep step in the\nopposite wall descends to a sliding screen, concealing your hygiene alcove.\nA small circular table stands in the center of the room with two narrow chairs.\nOn top of the small circular table is a nutrition packet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine packet",
"response": "Your meal ration is a rectangular block covered by a brown wrapper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the packet",
"response": "You run your finger along the pressure strip on the rectangle, disecting the wrapper neatly. As you pull away the sides to reveal the block of food-matter, a small sheet falls out of the wrapper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sheet",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "(assuming you mean the sheet with markings)\nThe small, square piece of paper is folded down the center. Several uneven, erratic appear on the sheet in depressed, red markings:\nMeet me at the garden.\n\nYou only know of one person who would care to learn the Ancestor technique of writing characters by hand, or who would have cause to meet with you. The secrecy, however, is confusing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the food",
"response": "As you perform the boring task of eating, you ponder the strange document that you discovered last rotation. With each bite, the material turns into a slimy foam in your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the uniforms",
"response": "Several garments of various types belonging to you and your wife are strewn across the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search uniforms",
"response": "You rummage through the clothes on the floor a bit. Throwing aside one of your dirty uniforms, you find a small metal cylinder, which you take.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cylinder",
"response": "The multi-purpose tool fits comfortably in your hand. Narrow grooves set at different depths along the cylinder make it easy to hold the tool between your fingers for detail work. The beam emitted at the end covered by a non-conducting nozzle when switched on can cut, polish, or weld as you see fit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sleeping",
"response": "You and your wife sleep in a small recess set into the wall of the cube and accessed by a small manually-sliding hatch. The inside is cradled in polyfoam and has internal environment controls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "Built into the wall directly across the room from the sleeping alcove, the desk surface slides outward perpendicular to the wall, accompanied by a small bench that pulls out beneath it. The desk and the bench are both retracted right now, appearing as horizontal wedges sticking out of the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the desk",
"response": "Be a little more specific about what you'd like to do with the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Aft",
"response": "You step out of your home and onto the system of metal-lattice walkways attached to the outside of the stacked columns of identical cubes. An elevator whisks you up past the massive grid of dwellings, and then you navigate the network of straight little corridors, all identical. Finally, you reach your destination, just a few corridors removed from the central Commons.\n\nceiling illuminates this large, open room. The ground beneath your feet is black and rough, made of some semi-pliable material that emits a faintly bitter odor. A few rectangular tables rise out of the uneven ground, the pliable covering folded away at their legs. Spacious arches in the four walls grant access to the park; the exit to port leads to corridors that soon let out at the ship\nCommons, while the way to the elevator leading back to the Grid is opposite.\nThe tables are nestled among a haphazard arrangement of poles\nsticking out of the ground material, representations of the fabled trees of Land.\nChronos sits at one of the tables, a beverage in a white cup\nsending up whisps of steam in front of him.\nAnother cup rests on the on top of Chronos's table, at the vacant\nseat across from him.\nChronos squints in your direction, and then nods faintly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "You walk over to the table where the old man sits.\n\"Sit down,\" he says, gesturing at the seat across from him at the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit down",
"response": "You step over the pole connecting the seat to the table and sit down, swivelling in the dingy red seat.\n\"You've done well, lad,\" Chronos says, taking your datapad out\nfrom under his coat and setting it before you on the tabletop.\n\nIn the Garden, sitting at one of the rectangular tables\nThe tables are nestled among a haphazard arrangement of poles\nsticking out of the ground material, representations of the fabled trees of Land.\nChronos sits at one of the tables, a beverage in a white cup\nsending up whisps of steam in front of him.\nAnother cup rests on the on top of Chronos's table, at the vacant\nseat across from him.\nAlso on top of Chronos's table is your datapad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cup",
"response": "The cylindrical cups are made of a thin white material. Tendrils of steam waft up from both of them, the liquid inside bubling.\nThe steam from the cup set before Chronos caresses his lined, beareded face. The other cup is set in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the datapad",
"response": "Clear when not being used, the narrow rectangular pane is fitted with handgrips on its short edges, while the long edges are rounded. The device serves as your personal communicator and computer, although it is inadequate for testing most of your code.\nOpen on the datapad's displayis an ancient document.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the document",
"response": "MISSION LOG11.24.61.1300 (median statistical date approximation)\n\nThere has been no update to the mission log for 24 years, as the situation has not changed. Since the death of Captain Iero, the yonger generation raised by the military has formed a militia and has seized control. The bridge has been closed off. Study of the cosmic radiation is being officially terminated, although most research was abandoned long ago.\n\nIt is my belief that the radiation is intrinsically tied to the anomaly that overtook us, that it may hold the key to our deliverance. A synopsis of the knowledge acquired about the radiation through research and about the circumstances that lead to our present situation follows.\n\nThe emissions are similar to the cosmic noise left over from the birth of the universe, but more intense and focused in a single vector, as if it were a transmitted signal. The radiation spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum. It must also run much deeper than the known spectrum, because dark matter distortions were registered in frequencies corresponding to the emissions.\n\nWe first discovered the signal emanating from the exact same vector in which the ancient artifact had been travelling before it was lost, originating from an unknown point outside of the galaxy. This is too vastly improbable to be coincidental. We do not know what happened to this artifac, which has served as our beacon, leading us to and in this journey in the dark. Nor do we know the relationship between the artificat and the radiation. All we know is that when we synchronized our propulsion drives with the frequency of the signal, the stars disappeared from the viewports, and our navigation systems failed.\nOur propulsion system was functioning until the photon generators were salvaged 8 years ago, but attempts to travel through this void have yielded no results, as there is no frame of reference to determine motion.\n\nI expect that this will be the final entry in the mission log. This file will be added to the bios of the system synchronization network, to be displayed whenever the network is activated. It is my hope that the next generation will one day renew the study of the emissions, and that our descendents will one day find a way to return to normal space. Good luck, and God speed -- to you and to those whom we left behind.\n\n--- Lewis Yuan, Captain of the Galilei and Liason to the\nCouncil of Thirteen\n\n[....]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "In the Garden, sitting at one of the rectangular tables\nA harsh yellow light mounted high in the upper corner of the\nceiling illuminates this large, open room. The ground beneath your feet is black and rough, made of some semi-pliable material that emits a faintly bitter odor. A few rectangular tables rise out of the uneven ground, the pliable covering folded away at their legs. Spacious arches in the four walls grant access to the park; the exit to port leads to corridors that soon let out at the ship\nCommons, while the way to the elevator leading back to the Grid is opposite.\nThe tables are nestled among a haphazard arrangement of poles\nsticking out of the ground material, representations of the fabled trees of Land.\nChronos sits at one of the tables, a beverage in a white cup\nsending up whisps of steam in front of him.\nAnother cup rests on the on top of Chronos's table, at the vacant\nseat across from him.\nYou lower the datapad and look at Chronos, who nods seriously. \"Someone in the Council, or behind the Council, doesn't want the knowledge of the signal to get out,\" he says, running his index finger over his moustache.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink cup",
"response": "The thick liquid becomes hot an instant after it enters your mouth, but not fast enough to fully create the illusion that it had been hot before. Whisps of steam puff out of your lips as you swallow.\n\"The document was intended to ensure that future generations understood how we began the Great Journey.\" Chronos looks at you seriously. \"This may be more important than ever now that the Journey has ended but our wandering has not. The signal that drew us here, and the artifact of the Ancestors that came before us.... it is our guide, our beacon to a new home where we can live as we were meant to live.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\nChronos takes a gulp from his cup, a few remaining tendrils of\nmist curling about his lips. \"Rood, we must distribute the document over the Fleet Cloud. We may not have much time; the Council will be looking to suppress this by any means.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink cup",
"response": "The thick liquid becomes hot an instant after it enters your mouth, but not fast enough to fully create the illusion that it had been hot before. Whisps of steam puff out of your lips as you swallow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "\"We can go to the data center where I work and see if we can hack\nthe domain protocol,\" you offer. \"The room might be empty right now.\" \"Good. We shouldn't be seen entering at the same time, just in\ncase the Council is already on to us. You never when they may be watching.\" Chronos stands with a loud sigh and ambles over to the artificial trees, smiling. \"A fine morning!\" he exclaims, tossing his empty cup into a receptacle built into the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trees",
"response": "They are constructed out of different materials, cast in various shades of green, brown, and yellow. The poles stick vertically out of the ground, although a few are flat beams rather than rods. Each pole or beam is intersected by a shorter pole or beam, the point of intersection ranging from the very top of the verticle pole to near the middle. The intersecting limbs are diverse; some are tilted diagonally, some are sticking out more to one side. Many of the cross-pieces are horizontal and evenly divided along the vertical shaft, forming the geometric shape that is commonly assosciated as the emblem of the Ancestor Tree.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off of the rectangular tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Port",
"response": "You step out of the arch and turn right down a corridor, which you follow for a modest distance before turning left to follow a short corridor that soon terminates in an opening.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Aft",
"response": "The white ceiling feels alarmingly close as you pass beneath it, low compared to the vast expanse in which the chamber extends laterally. Near the aft end of the Commons, you take a door to starboard, descending as you navigate the maze of twisting little corridors, your feet following their programmed path.\n\nhold the assortment of terminals and screens. The automatic door opens between the girders in the fore wall.\nYour favorite workstation stands vacant in your favorite corner, compelling you to start hacking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "With the special access afforded by these terminals, you navigate the network's security protocols that restric and interpret all access to the lower-level operations and peer-to-peer communications. You try to hack into the original domain protocol, but the codes are ancient and unfamiliar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the workstation",
"response": "The terminal waits patiently for your input.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "On a different display, you quickly code an emulation program for the original kernel upon which the layers of protocols have been built.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "Holding your breath, you run a code-cracking virus through your emulation front-end. A few tense moments pass, and then you are in!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "Not wanting to take even the slight risk of sending the document to the terminal through the security-laden upper layers of the Cloud, you reach to plug your datapad into the terminal dock.\nThe door whisks open, and footsteps clang in a rapid cadence. As\nyou turn your head to look, your wife rushes into the room, leading four other Militia Investigators. Her gun is levelled at your chest. You only have time to lurch away from the terminal.\n\"Rood!\" Veritas exclaims, eyes wide. \"What are you doing here?\"\nHer eyes narrow again as suddenly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "All that remains is for you to upload the file through the emulation environment you created on that specific terminal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "You take a moment to gather your words, glancing at the other investigators. Do you want to tell Veritas about the contents of the document?\nPlease answer YES or NO:",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You cross your arms. \"I'm just working,\" you say. \"What are you doing here?\"\n\"I want to believe you're just working, Rood,\" Veritas says,\n\"because I'm just investigating an unauthorized breach in network security.\" She walks toward the terminal, her gun half raised in your direction.\nThe blond-haired female Militia Investigator fidgets anxiously, glancing at the tall male Militia Investigator and the tattooed female Militia Investigator and then staring at Veritas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "\"That's none of your business!\" You protest, trying to move to\nturn off the terminal display.\nVeritas groans. \"Are you trying to make me arrest you?\"\nVeritas frowns deeply, her forehead creased heavily, as she\ncontinues to hold you at gunpoint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "You stare at Veritas. \"Have you forgotten what happened to you father? Are you so blind?\"\nVeritas glares at you venemously. \"My father was a hero! How\ndare you...\"\n\"And you would subvert what he sacrificed his freedom for, just\nto ensure safety? Now I know why you've worn that uniform all these years!\" you fire back, breathlessly.\n\"What the hell is this about? We've got the bastard,\" the tall\nmale Militia Investigator says with a snarl at you. \"Tora, this had better not be some personal hangup of yours, or else more of that 'truth' shit.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the cup at male",
"response": "Which male do you mean, the tall male Militia Investigator or the black-haired male Militia Investigator?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "You stare at Veritas. \"Have you forgotten what happened to you father? Are you so blind?\"\nVeritas glares at you venemously. \"My father was a hero! How\ndare you...\"\n\"And you would subvert what he sacrificed his freedom for, just\nto ensure safety? Now I know why you've worn that uniform all these years!\" you fire back, breathlessly.\nThe blond-haired female Militia Investigator fidgets anxiously, glancing at the tall male Militia Investigator and the tattooed female Militia Investigator and then staring at Veritas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the tool",
"response": "The nozzle at the end of the cylinder emits a faint beam of light, as narrow as a single hair. Then, the base of the nozzle emits a few sparks, and the beam pulses several times. The beam dissapears, replaced by a broader, pulsating blade of light, extending only a few inches out from the nozzle.\nVeritas frowns deeply, her forehead creased heavily, as she\ncontinues to hold you at gunpoint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the terminal",
"response": "You'd feel better if you at least try to patch the most recent errors in your crawler routines before giving up.\nVeritas frowns deeply, her forehead creased heavily, as she\ncontinues to hold you at gunpoint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "All that remains is for you to upload the file through the emulation environment you created on that specific terminal.\nVeritas frowns deeply, her forehead creased heavily, as she\ncontinues to hold you at gunpoint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to tall male",
"response": "The tall male Militia Investigator is listening.\nVeritas frowns deeply, her forehead creased heavily, as she\ncontinues to hold you at gunpoint.\nVeritas looks at you with dull eyes. \"I have no choice but to\narrest you.\" she pulls\nthe datapad and the laser tool out of your hands. She nods to the black-haired male Militia Investigator who binds your wrists tightly behind your back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the cup at veritas",
"response": "You ultimately decide that throwing the steaming cup at Veritas Tora isn't such a great idea.\nThe blond-haired female Militia Investigator fidgets anxiously, glancing at the tall male Militia Investigator and the tattooed female Militia Investigator and then staring at Veritas.\nVeritas looks at you with dull eyes. \"I have no choice but to\narrest you.\" she pulls\nthe datapad and the laser tool out of your hands. She nods to the black-haired male Militia Investigator who binds your wrists tightly behind your back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the cup at the terminal",
"response": "What exactly are you hoping for?\nThe blond-haired female Militia Investigator fidgets anxiously, glancing at the tall male Militia Investigator and the tattooed female Militia Investigator and then staring at Veritas.\nVeritas looks at you with dull eyes. \"I have no choice but to\narrest you.\" she pulls\nthe datapad and the laser tool out of your hands. She nods to the black-haired male Militia Investigator who binds your wrists tightly behind your back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the tool",
"response": "The nozzle at the end of the cylinder emits a faint beam of light, as narrow as a single hair. Then, the base of the nozzle emits a few sparks, and the beam pulses several times. The beam dissapears, replaced by a broader, pulsating blade of light, extending only a few inches out from the nozzle.\nVeritas looks at you with dull eyes. \"I have no choice but to\narrest you.\" she pulls\nthe datapad and the laser tool out of your hands. She nods to the black-haired male Militia Investigator who binds your wrists tightly behind your back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "The automatic door is already closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on tool",
"response": "The nozzle at the end of the cylinder emits a faint beam of light, as narrow as a single hair. Then, the base of the nozzle emits a few sparks, and the beam pulses several times. The beam dissapears, replaced by a broader, pulsating blade of light, extending only a few inches out from the nozzle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "You look firmly into her hazel eyes. \"I'm restoring what was\nlost,\" you say.\n\"Veritas arches an eyebrow quizically and glances at one of the\nother Investigators. Then she walks over to the terminal, looking at the screen. \"What is this?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "You show her the datapad.\n\"A message from the first generation of those who embarked upon\nthe Great Journey. A message that we were supposed to keep and remember. Someone deliberately tried to destroy it, and there are still people who want to censor the truth.\"\n\"You're sounding like Chronos,\" Veritas says. Her eyes move back\nand forth, reading the text on the datapad, but the corner of her mouth turns up in a smirk, like the woman you've always known.\n\"Hm...\" Veritas taps her lips with the index finger of her left\nhand as she looks up from the datapad. She stares at you for a long moment, her expression unreadable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "\"Veritas, you have to believe me. The people have to remember,\nor we'll never complete the journey that our ancestors began. We have to patch this file...\"\n\"Do it. Now,\" Veritas interrupts in a hurried whisper, glancing\nback at the other Investigators. You stand shocked for a moment, too surprised to move.\nVeritas glances significantly at one of the other Investigators,\nthe black-haired male Militia Investigator. She nods faintly. \"Investigator Veritas, what are you doing?\" the tall, scruffy man\nsays in a nasally, whiny voice. \"If you have personal conflicts, step down from this case without wasting more of my time.\n\"Now...\" she says softly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "All that remains is for you to upload the file through the emulation environment you created on that specific terminal.\n\"Drop your weapons!\" The man nearer to you and Veritas bellows, turning on his heels to point his gun at the tall man in the back as Veritas and the blond-haired Investigator do the same, holding up the tattooed woman, who gasps.\nVeritas straightens, looking more confident. \"I'm sorry, Sadt, Umund,\" she says to the two Investigators who have dropped their weapons and are slowly raising their hands. \"You're just doing your duty. But my duty to uphold the law compelled me to investigate the abuses of authority and censorship that the Council denies, as much as I wish they weren't there.\" She looks at you. \"I'm sorry I never told you, Rood. I thought you were too content to support my cause -- I know how you hate politics. I didn't want to distress you.\" She looks at you earnestly.\n\"Oh, so that's it, is it, bitch,\" the tall male Militia\nInvestigator says to your wife, a leer contorting his face. \"Always snooping where you don't belong, sending your squad into restricted levels without authorization, carrying on about that 'truth' shit. This is the end of you, Tora!\" he screams.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut tall male with the tool",
"response": "(First turning on the laser tool.)\nThe nozzle at the end of the cylinder emits a faint beam of light, as narrow as a single hair. Then, the base of the nozzle emits a few sparks, and the beam pulses several times. The beam dissapears, replaced by a broader, pulsating blade of light, extending only a few inches out from the nozzle.\nYou don't see any purpose in damaging the tall male Militia Investigator.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "All that remains is for you to upload the file through the emulation environment you created on that specific terminal.\nThe tattooed female Militia Investigator lets out a constant\nstring of obscene curses under her breath, glaring spitefully at Veritas, the black-haired male Militia Investigator, and you, although her most hateful looks are reserved for Veritas.\n\"Veritas draws a slow breath. \"We will be presenting our\naccusations before the Council and before all the people,\" she says with composure. \"Sadt, Umund -- we'll have to hold you captive for now, I'm afraid, but we'll release you after we've publicized our evidence.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hack",
"response": "All that remains is for you to upload the file through the emulation environment you created on that specific terminal.\nThe blond-haired female Militia Investigator groans faintly as\nshe points her gun at the tattooed female Militia Investigator. Tears collect at the blond-haired female Militia Investigator's eyelids. \"Step away from your weapons, turn around, and keep your hands\nup,\" the black-haired male Militia Investigator calmly instructs Sadt and Umund. They comply with much cursing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Upload document",
"response": "You thrust your datapad into the port on the bracket dock of the terminal. You force the strange cicumstances out of your mind and efficiently transfer the file onto the terminal before proceeding to type the console command to patch the file onto the Cloud's operating domain protocol.\nBefore you can finish, one of the women Investigators swears\nloudly behind you. \"Get in here now!\" Out of the corner of your eye, you notice, the blond-haired female Militia Investigator lower the comm-link on her wrist, raising her gun toward you.\n\"No, Rin!\" Veritas yells, jumping in front of you at the time\nthat the black-haired male Militia Investigator curses, both he and Veritas aiming at the blond-haired female Militia Investigator.\nYou whirl back around and finish typing the command. As you jam\nthe key to send the command to the terminal, the doors whisk open behind you once again, and again you hear the thunder of footsteps. You see the terminal's display clear and flash the statistics of the Fleet Cloud's architecture, indicating that the command was accepted, and the screen explodes in front of your face. Veritas grabs you from behind and pulls you down to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...\nGuards immediately grab the tall male Militia Investigator and\nthe tattooed female Militia Investigator, who comply rigidly and jerkily. The guards begin to escort the blond-haired female Militia Investigator out as well, but she turns back to look at Veritas, her green eyes wide. The guards start to push her back, and she turns and runs out the door, weaving among the members of the squad.\nOne of the guards at the front of the formation speaks into her\nwrist. \"Security breach targeted. Confirm neutralization order?\" Veritas closes her eyes, and then smiles faintly. \"Well, if\nwe're all going to die together, we might as well get to know one another,\" she says, looking between the black-haired male Militia Investigator and you. \"Rood, this Euros Markon. Along with Rinaldi Fletcher -- the woman who turned on us -- we were investigating the abuses of the Council. We were sent to look into your security breach, but unfortunately Stadt and Umund were assigned with us.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the tool to Veritas",
"response": "Veritas Tora politely refuses.\n\"Euros, my husband Rood,\" Veritas says, smiling softly at you.\nEuros Markon nods.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\"Affirmative,\" the guard at the front of the formation says.\nThey all raise their weapons. You and Veritas hold hands.\nShining white figures suddenly appear throughout the room,\ndarting around rapidly without moving their legs. \"What in the name of the Thirteen?\" one Guard cries, joined by a chorus of surprised gasps and yells. A few shots are fired, sending sparks and flames from the girders along the walls and from unlucky terminals.\n\n\"We must hurry.\" You turn at the sound of the voice to see\nChronos standing beside you, holding out a black rod.\n\"Where did you come from?\" Veritas asks.\n\"No time to explain,\" Chronos says, looking to you. \"Is it\ndone?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "A whole unit of armed Guards stands in your way.\n\"They're just light!\" A guard yells. \"Ignore them.\"\n\"There, in the corner!\" You instinctively turn at the sound of gunfire, compressing your body behind your outstreatched arms. Your heart counts several rapid beats, and then you notice that the charges are being deflected harmlessly, the air shimmering in a broad arc around the meter-long black rod that Chronos holds with each impact. Crouching behind the meter-long black rod, Chronos leads your\nsmall group along the back wall of the room, ducking behind the girders for cover.\nA brilliant, featureless humanoid figure suddenly appears out of nowhere in your corner of the room, proceeding to zip outward toward the guards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the figure",
"response": "Humanoid in shape, the figures look like the brilliant outlines of men and women. They glide about rapidly across the floor, appearing and disappearing at random.\nSomeone yanks you away from the ruined console, and you find\nyourself huddled together with Veritas, Chronos, and Euros Markon. Chronos holds his rod vertically in the center of the group, and you notice that outside of your small circle, everything looks distorted and hazy.\n\"I entered through a secret hatch,\" Chronos says, looking around carefully. \"That's the problem with invisibility fields; they make it difficult for you to see, as well,\" he mutters quietly. He leads you silently along the girders, gunshots crashing around you, until you come to a wall bracket that has been folded down to the floor, revealing a square opening at its base.\n\"Well, I might as well go first,\" Veritas says quietly. She\nlowers her body feet-first into the opening and disappears into darkness.\n\"You go next, Rood,\" Chronos tells you. \"Then Euros will follow,\nand I will go last. Quickly, now.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the opening",
"response": "You fall for about a meter before your feet catch on rungs. You begin to climb down, your back rubbing uncomfortably against the wall of the tunnel. The dim light from above flickers as Euros begins his descent above you, and you continue on for a long time.\nAt last, the vertical tunnel ends in a low horizontal tunnel.\nHearing movement ahead of you, you crouch and proceed. You soon find a place where the metal wall has been cut away crudely, leaving rough, rust-coated edges. You crawl into the hole, leading to a narrow shaft that branches out in many directions. The only branch wide enough to allow passage ends in rectangle of light. You push yourself through and stumble to the floor.\nA familiar hand grasps your arm, helping you to your feet.\n\nRows of racks stick out perpendicular to the panelled walls, a\nhole in which provided your entry. The racks contain a varied assortment of peculiar objects. An aisle between the racks runs down the middle of the long room. The floor is covered with a strange soft, textured, light-brown material, sort of like the polyfoam of a sleeping alcove or a seat cushion, except rougher and less pliable. The two exits on the ends of the room are sealed fast, plates of\nmetal welded over them. Your datapad's orientation app shows that the sealed doors face fore and aft.\nVeritas Tora is here. Veritas carries a handgun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at racks",
"response": "The inside of the shelves are filled with lots of strange things -- reams of paper bound by vertical spines and lined in horizontal rows; screens and other digital devices that look completely foreign; and miscellaneous small objects, such as a little spindly contraption consisting of a white dish with an antenna sticking out.\nEuros Markon's upper body appears in the hole in the wall. You\nand Veritas help lower him down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"response": "The small, square piece of paper is folded down the center. Several uneven, erratic appear on the sheet in depressed, red markings:\nMeet me at the garden.\n\nYou only know of one person who would care to learn the Ancestor technique of writing characters by hand, or who would have cause to meet with you. The secrecy, however, is confusing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at objects",
"response": "The inside of the shelves are filled with lots of strange things -- reams of paper bound by vertical spines and lined in horizontal rows; screens and other digital devices that look completely foreign; and miscellaneous small objects, such as a little spindly contraption consisting of a white dish with an antenna sticking out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "You and Veritas reminisce about the time you first realized you were in love.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "Veritas Tora: Veritas Tora probably wouldn't be too big on that idea. Euros Markon: Euros Markon probably wouldn't be too big on that idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Euros",
"response": "Average of both height and build, this man wears his gray Investigator uniform with sharp precision. His black hair is trimmed neatly around his ears. His hard, square face bears an angular black goatee, leaving his cheeks perfectly shaven. His eyes are stormy gray; his complection lightly pigmented.\nChronos carefully extricates himself from the hole in the wall, passing his rod off to Veritas and then collecting it again after you help him down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rod",
"response": "The black rod appears to be several centimeters thick, gradually tapering off along its length so that both ends are narrower, covered in identical, silvery reflective caps. The central portion of the rod is riveted for secure gripping, while nearer to both ends are dials that encircle the diameter of the rod.\nChronos straightens his long coat and looks around, a faint smile\non his face. \"Welcome to my library,\" he says, turning to face Veritas, Euros Markon, and you. \"I'm afraid we won't be visiting here long,\" he says, beginning to walk down the aisle, looking fondly at the items on the racks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "\"Those holograms were yours I take it,\" you say.\nChronos grins broadly. \"I can do many things with the systems\nonboard this ship that they don't teach you in Tech training. Holograms are quite easy to program, really.\"\nChronos picks up one of the bound reams of paper. You notice the symbol of the Ancestor Tree embossed in silver on the flexible back cover before Chronos sets the bound ream back, shaking his head softly.\n\"I've lived for a very long time, and now I don't even have time\nto save a few books and artifacts from my library,\" he says, looking wistfully along the racks. He turns back to you and the others, his voice becoming deep and serious. \"I was unable to completely disable the transponder implant they put in me. They'll find us soon, and we need to move on. Now,\" he says, looking you in the eye, \"did you suceed? Is Lewis Yuan's letter back on the Fleet Cloud protocol where it belongs?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "\"I think so,\" you say, \"but I can't be sure it worked.\"\nChronos nods. \"Then we will proceed as it we knew it did, and\ntrust to fate. That is, after all, all we can ever do. So, people are becoming aware of Yuan's message by now, as they check their daily communications, research the approved databases, view their entertainment, and waste time playing adventure games.\" He twirls the meter-long black rod in his hands and spreads his feet. \"Many of those people are becoming rather upset right now. They may support us, if we can offer more proof, if we can show them a tangible way to do as Yuan suggested. Our course of action is clear,\" he says, enthusiasm spilling through his voice. \"We must find the Bridge!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the fore panel with the tool",
"response": "You haven't encountered any \"north panel\". (If you're sure you need to refer to that, try putting it another way.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "The way is sealed fast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "You ask Chronos about some of your favorite stories that he used to tell when you were a child. Chronos explains the Ancestor myths and the legends about the beginning of the Great Journey that he combined and embellished for those stories.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut aft with the tool",
"response": "You set the laser tool to provide a concentrated beam for cutting. Then you stab at the metal sheet, turning your head as sparks fly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "The sheet of metal offers significant resistance as the laser blade bites deeply into it. When you've inserted the beam to its full length on the current setting, you pull up with difficulty.\n\"Chronos, why do you call this place your library?\" Veritas asks. \"Because I saved it,\" he replies, stroking his beard with his\nleft hand. \"Back when I served on the Council, I fought to keep old places like this maintained and open to the public. I was not particularly successful, but I did, at least, prevent my opponents from dismantling this room.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You cut a jagged, roughly vertical line up the side of the metal plate, and then turn horizontally inward toward the bolts. The resistance increases.\n\"After this room was closed and sealed, I never brought it up\nagain, counting on their short-sightedness to forget it,\" Chronos continues. \"And so, by the time they threw me out of the Council, this place was utterly forgotten.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You dig the laser beam into the center of the metal sheet and then adjust its setting, making the beam less intense but increasing its resonance. The sheet begins to glow, molten metal dripping down as you slowly move the beam around the reinforced center.\n\"And what of the secret entrance?\" asks Euros, leaning against\nthe racks.\nChronos nods. \"Some time after that, I built the secret exit\nfrom the Data Center to access restricted areas, using old ventilation shafts. I used to come here ever so often, up until they rigged my skull with that accursed transponder.\" He looks at you and Veritas, smiling faintly. \"After they arrested me for conducting that Remembering service, when the two of you sat in the front row and listened to the word of what came before us.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You switch off the laser tool and readust its setting. Turning it back on, you cut along the opposite side of the door from the part where you began, now making quick, sweeping motions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "You connect the cuts that you made, digging multiple grooves to fragment the door into smaller and smaller sections. Despite your efforts, the scarred barrier remains intact. You struggle, thrashing the metal sheet almost randomly.\n\"Maybe you've weakened it enough.\" You turn your head to see\nEuros standing beside you, his gun raised. You step back, and Veritas lays a hand on your shoulder, smiling encouragingly. She guides you behind her, and then raises her own gun. Euros nods to her, and then both begin firing at the door, each impact scouring a dent.\nThe metal sheet buckles, and its center begins to crumble. Euros\nand Veritas take aim at the weakest point, blasting a jagged gap and revealing the blockade to have been nearly a meter thick. They shoot along the welded arch but succeed only in knocking off a little more material.\nVeritas stops shooting, and then Euros gives up a moment later.\n\"We just a need a little more,\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "(First turning on the laser tool.)\nThe nozzle at the end of the cylinder emits a faint beam of light, as narrow as a single hair. Then, the base of the nozzle emits a few sparks, and the beam pulses several times. The beam dissapears, replaced by a broader, pulsating blade of light, extending only a few inches out from the nozzle.\nThe laser beam grinds edge of the hole blasted through the\ncenter. With much effort, you widen the gap, loosening and then slicing off chunks of metal.\nChronos approaches. \"Allow me,\" he says, gesturing for you to\nstep away. He points the meter-long black rod at the door, and then turns one of the dials on it. A humming sound grows steadily louder, and the aft arch begins to vibrate and tremble, causing the whole room to shake. Chronos rapidly adjusts something else on the rod, and the sections that you cut into the sheet collapse inward with a loud crash.\nChronos lowers the meter-long black rod. \"The way is clear,\nEuros. You should be able to lose them in the old ventilation shafts, but I will let you form your own plan. Take care,\" he says to Euros, and then turns to you and Veritas. \"Come here, and stay close to me,\" he says, moving to the corner next to the cleared aft exit.\n\"If I do escape, I'll try to rally support,\" Euros says, looking\nfrom you to Veritas to Chronos. He turns abruptly and ducks through the jagged opening, just as the rattling of guns charges against the other side of the fore-door increases in intensity.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the laser",
"response": "The lazer blade pulses and then disappears.\n\"We'll hide here,\" Chronos says, crouching with his back to the\nport wall, between two of the racks. You and Veritas beside each other, Veritas propped against the aft-facing rack and you against the fore. The sound of shearing, scourging impacts continues.\nChronos turns a dial on the meter-long black rod, and the space\nbeyond the back end of the racks suddenly looks hazy and distorted, as during your escape from the Data Center.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\nThe room shakes with an explosion, followed by footsteps.\n\"They should be here,\" a gruff masculine voice says.\nThe footsteps thud the length of the room. You hear the contents\nof the shelves being thrown roughly out of the racks. A guard wearing a shock-suit comes into view at the end of your rack. \"They may have escaped,\" the guard says, gesturing at the aft exit with her gun. \"Search this room first,\" says the first voice. \"I'm reading\nlife signs.\"\nThe guard standing at the end of the two racks between which you\nhand suddenly yells, dropping her gun as a point on her arm erupts in flame. As the guard jumps to the side, the retort of gunfire resounds several times more, coming from the aft exit.\n\"Proceed! The lifesigns must be coming from the other side of\nthe wall!\" A guard runs past your rack, firing through the aft exit. He steps to one side of the opening as the rest of the guards file quickly past.\nThe guard holds up his fist, stopping the last two of his\nunderlings from leaving. \"Burn this stuff,\" he says, firing his weapon into the racks of artifacts. The other two guards follow his example, blasting the contents of the racks. You and Veritas pull Chronos down to the floor, flattening yourselves as charges explode over your heads. As they turn to leave, the guards shoot the floor, igniting the soft material.\nChronos rises stiffly and brushes himself off. He looks over the devastion and grimaces.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Chronos",
"response": "Chronos listens as you tell him the technical details about your demographics program that turned up the ancient document.\n\"I know a thing a two about programming, myself,\" Chronos says.\n\"The Ancestors used to have a special title of honor reserved for the very best programmers. I would say, Rood, you just might be a regular 'wizard'!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the racks",
"response": "All is destroyed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "The two of you speculate about what the meaning of the name that was randomly selected as your surname at the time of your melding from the pool of the names of your ancestors in both of your families.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "You follow Veritas past the ruins of the sealed-off portal.\nChronos takes a step through as well, but then turns back,\nlooking slowly around the ashes of the scorched library. \"This too will arise again,\" he mutters, and then turns and enters the tunnel. \"Onward!\"\nYour journey through the sealed tunnels is long and dark. You\npass unchallenged, relying on Chronos's knoweldge of the route, until you arrive back in the less clandestine corridors. Chronos activates an invisiblity field with his rod, but every turn seems to be occupied by Militia Guards. As you gradually progress toward the Commons, you see increasing signs of chaos.\n\nA battle rages in the Commons, concentrated near the aft end. At\nthis end, people can be seen running from point to point, careful to avoid each other. The ground is littered with signs of chaos and death.\nChronos Han is here. Chronos holds a meter-long black rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fore",
"response": "You encounter no one as you pass through the commons. As you reach the corridor beyond, all is unusually quiet, except for the echoes of the distant chaos.\n\nRemoved from the central passageways of the Godspeed, no\nmore than two travelers could pass with comfortable distance between them. The walls here are panelled in strips of the unknown alloy of the older parts of the ship, but the homogenous white material of the newer renovations begins just meters down the corridor to\naft. To fore, the corridor narrows further and\nangles upward in a ramp, leading to the observation dome.\nChronos Han is here. Chronos holds a meter-long black rod.\n\"Here!\" Chronos says, rapping on the wall panels with his\nknucles. \"I believe the entrance corridor leading to the bridge can be found behind this wall.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the panel with the tool",
"response": "(First turning on the laser tool.)\nThe nozzle at the end of the cylinder emits a faint beam of light, as narrow as a single hair. Then, the base of the nozzle emits a few sparks, and the beam pulses several times. The beam dissapears, replaced by a broader, pulsating blade of light, extending only a few inches out from the nozzle.\nYou cut a broad rectangular outline through the wall panneling.\nYou prise up the severed panels and toss them aside, raising your laser tool to work on the material underneath.\n\"They've caught us!\" Veritas lays a hand on your shoulder,\ndistracting you from your excavations. You look to see Guards run toward you from the direction of the Commons, while others thunder down the ramp from the observation dome.\"\n\"They knew we were coming,\" Chronos growls, brandishing the\nmeter-long black rod. \"Well, perhaps they will get more than they bargained for!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You slash through the inner wall material as fast as you can, sending sparks flying as you shear circuitry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "The powerful beam emitted by the laser tool digs deeper into the wall. You discover a hollow area beyond and widen the hole. Now you should be able to pass through to whatever may lie on the other side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hole",
"response": "field. Chronos turns on his heel and jumps back to the port wall as you and Veritas crouch behind him into the crude opening you carved through the wall. Chronos falls to his knees, cranking the dials on the meter-long black rod. He looks up at you. \"Remember.\"\nYou fall backward, shielding Veritas with your body. The wall of\nthe corridor collapses on top of you.\n\n[....]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "It's too dark to see anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You no longer have enough motivation or strength to explore the other end of this dark hallway. This end terminates in an opening right here. You may as well go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "You flex your feet, and the mild pain informs you that they\nobeyed. \"Yes, I think I can stand,\" you tell her.\n\"Good.\" You feel her grab you under your arms, supporting some\nof your weight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "The guards are probably still out there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "The room is open and rectangular, with a high ceiling and almost\nas many stations and terminals lining the walls as in the Data Center. At one end, the floor descends three steps into a depressed cockpit, where the wall arches out elliptically, containing three seats built into displays and terminals. The other end is mostly taken up by a large door, its two sides clamped together. On either side of the door are two small open archways; you don't even know which is the one you came through.\nAbove the depression, a wide arch spans from wall to wall.\nDisplayed prominently on the center of the arch is an emblem, at once familiar and different.\nVeritas looks around slowly, her eyes wide.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the emblem",
"response": "Mounted high on the arch is a depiction of the circular Serpent emblem. Instead of devouring a star where its head and tail meet, as in the symbol used by the Militia, this serpent is swallowing its own tail, closing the circle completely.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cockpit",
"response": "Beneath the arch at the end of the room, the depressed area contains three chairs between its curving walls with ample room between them.\nA ledge runs along the curve of the wall, flaring out toward the two chairs that are closer to the sides. The central chair rests at the center of a broad view of the stars, covering half the arc of the depression's wall.\nVeritas walks forward, gazing up at the plaque of the Serpent\nemblem. Then she touches the patch of the Serpent devouring the Star on her Militia Investigator uniform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the central chair",
"response": "You haven't encountered any \"central chair\". (If you're sure you need to refer to that, try putting it another way.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cockpit",
"response": "You get into the depressed area.\n\nOn the Bridge, in the depressed area\nVeritas Tora is here. Veritas carries a handgun.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "On the Bridge, in the depressed area\nThe room is open and rectangular, with a high ceiling and almost\nas many stations and terminals lining the walls as in the Data Center. At one end, the floor descends three steps into a depressed cockpit, where the wall arches out elliptically, containing three seats built into displays and terminals. The other end is mostly taken up by a large door, its two sides clamped together. On either side of the door are two small open archways; you don't even know which is the one you came through.\nAbove the depression, a wide arch spans from wall to wall.\nDisplayed prominently on the center of the arch is an emblem, at once familiar and different.\nVeritas Tora is here. Veritas carries a handgun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You get out of the depressed area.\nVeritas looks around slowly, her eyes wide.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the display",
"response": "Some of them look passingly similar to technology that you've used, but most of the equipment here appears specialized, built around diagrams of ship structures or strange input interfaces. Lights flicker on and off on some of the displays, but the equipment doesn't appear to be activated.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search equipment",
"response": "You don't find anything new.\nVeritas walks forward, gazing up at the plaque of the Serpent\nemblem. Then she touches the patch of the Serpent devouring the Star on her Militia Investigator uniform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "\"The Serpent devours only itself,\" you observe, noticing Veritas observing the plaque of the Serpent emblem.\n\"Yes,\" Veritas says. \"Over and over again, forever.\" Her voice\nis heavy. \"Chronos would have had something to say about it, for sure.\" She quivers, and you put your arm around her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chair",
"response": "Displays and controls hang out over all three chairs, the ledge from the wall of the depressed command area flaring out before the left and right chairs. The center chair is positioned between and a little behind the other two, before the massive viewport that wraps around the curve of the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the viewport",
"response": "Beneath the arch at the end of the room, the depressed area contains three chairs between its curving walls with ample room between them.\nA ledge runs along the curve of the wall, flaring out toward the two chairs that are closer to the sides. The central chair rests at the center of a broad view of the stars, covering half the arc of the depression's wall.\nYou hear movement from halls behind the bridge. Scraping, and\nthe sound of footfalls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to veritas",
"response": "The two of you speculate about what the meaning of the name that was randomly selected as your surname at the time of your melding from the pool of the names of your ancestors in both of your families.\nVeritas stands beside you, raising her handgun veritcally\nparallel to her face. \"For Chronos,\" she whispers. \"For truth.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the handgun from Veritas",
"response": "There is more to firing a handgun than pointing it and pulling the trigger. Veritas is trained in its use, and you are not.\nThe sound from beyond the bridge quiets to a soft clammor. A\nsingle person, a blond-haired woman, steps through. She looks up at you and Veritas and walks toward you, but stops and raises her hands as Veritas targets her.\n\"Rin...\" Veritas says without emotion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Rin",
"response": "This short young woman fidgets where she stands, her green eyes wide, her trembling hand holding her weapon in your general direction. Her fair-skinned faced is creased in a grimace, framed by sheets of long blond hair.\n\"Veritas -- you were right. It was... really hard to turn on you\nlike that... I'm sorry; I thought it was what I had to do. After... when I saw how they ordered your instant death and destruction of everything found with you -- and your husband too, and your greatfather....\" Rin looks around, and then back at Veritas. \"Oh... your greatfather! Is he... uh...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes...\nVeritas snarls at the woman. \"Then what are you doing here?\"\n\"Coming to find you!\" Rin exclaims, her eyes wide. \"Before the remaining Council forces can get you. You see, the people of the Godspeed turned against the Council, partly due to the old\ndocument you put on the Cloud, and partly due to the martial law and all the abductions and lock-downs that followed. Plus, many members of the Bureau of Investigation turned out to have been on our side, or else they turned to our side when they saw all the corruption. The Bureau of the Guard has been more stubborn; they're trained to obey and not to think about it much. But even some of the high-ranking Guard officers declared neutrality when they understood that we don't want to overthrow the entire government, just the people suppressing the truth.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Rin",
"response": "\"How can we possibly trust you?\" you ask her.\nThe woman opens her mouth to speak, but a male voice from behind\nher cuts her off. \"I wouldn't have believed her either.\" Euros steps out of one of the hallways behind the bridge and walk to stand beside Rinaldi. \"But when the Guards caught me, she found me and ordered them to release me.\" He looks at her, brows knit together. \"There's a lot of questions I still want answered,\" he says, \"but I believe we can trust her for now. At any rate, if she tries anything, the army of civilians and Investigators that she and I lead to retake the fore section is waiting just outside.\" He grins.\n\n[....]\nThe process of restoring order is long and tense. You have never\nbeen more glad to be a simple Data Tech, not one to be involved in the convolusions of politics and war. Veritas, on the other hand, played a key role in reorganizing the Militia, preventing the more radical supporters of the uprising from throwing out and imprisoning everyone who was loyal to the Old Council. The people recognized her efforts and elected her as the representative of the Godspeed on the\nNew Council. You know that the reluctance with which she finally accepted the position was no mere modesty; you've seen her anxiety and her agonzied uncertainty. Ultimately, her sense of duty to the law and to the truth lead her to accept, and you know that she will serve with honor.\nThe bridge has been undergoing restoration, the best scientists, techs, and engineers working constantly to discover how to use the sensory and navigation technology onboard the ship that has served as your home and the home of your ancestors. The signal that Lewis Yuan wrote about has already been rediscovered, exactly as he described all those generations ago. It is only a matter of time before the long-dormant propulsion system is attuned once again to the Signal, and then you will once again be following the Beacon toward your destiny.\nYou've had a hand in the renovations, helping to translate\nbetween the ancient systems on the bridge and on other old and long-forgotten parts of the ship and the current operating environment, and to sift through and decode the vast amount of information stored in ancient snapshots of the Fleet Cloud and on ancient data storage devices. But you have a more important duty by far.\n\n[....]\nIt is time for the Remembering.\n\nBeneath the Heavens, standing on the central platform\nPeople crowd the three tiers of the stands, some shifting\nexcitedly, others sitting still in a reverential bearing. Completing the circle around the back of the platform are the endless stars of the New Heaven, which stretch above the transparent dome that forms the ceiling. A small arch opens above the center of the top tier of the stands, on the port side of the room.\nRinaldi Fletcher is sitting with Euros, looking toward you and\nsmiling meekly.\nEuros Markon is sitting in the stands, his arm around Rin's\nshoulder. He looks at you with an intense gaze, joyful but serious. Veritas sits boldly in the front row, smiling at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the people",
"response": "You look over the audience, drawing a slow, deep breath. Veritas beams at you.\n\"The Ancestors did not live as we do. They lived on and communed\nwith the very spheres of the Heavens themselves. We were never meant to go on living in these ships forever. We need Land. We need Sea. We need Wind. We need Trees.\n\"At least now we once again have the stars. During the Great\nJourney from the Old Heavens, our ancestors saw no stars for many generations. Some thought that the stars were no more than a story told to ignorant children before sleep rotation. Most of those who knew that the Heavens really had once existed thought that the stars had actually vanished altogether. In our arrogance, we allowed ourselves to believe that we had no need for the stars. The Council declared that we were the only light, that our Fleet was the entire universe.\n\"But there was one man who remembered. His name was Chronos Han.\nAs a young Systems Tech on the Galaxy, Chronos saw the\nancient systems that had long since been shut away or ransacked. He dedicated his life to finding out the true purpose of the Fleet, of learning all he could about the Ancestors. He boldly declared that the Fleet was not all that is, that we came from the Heavens and that our fate was bound together with the Heavens.\n\"Chronos suffered many things at the hands of arrogant people.\nHe was imprisoned several times by the Militia and was tortured at the order Council in an attempt to make him recant. He and his family were threatened, his property confiscated, his name maligned. No matter what was done to him, he never stopped insisting that the Heavens were real, until he was proven right beyond all possibility of denial.\n\"The stars reappeared at last, after a hundred generations had\nlived died without them. But sadly, our foolish arrogance is so great that we very soon forgot the Ancestors once again, and we went on living as if the Fleet itself were our only purpose. Chronos gave his life so that we could have evidence to hold on to, so that we can believe that we came from a better place and are still seeking a better existence.\n\"Be sure that we will forget again, because we are always\ndevouring ourselves in our arrogance. However, it is just as certain that people will always long for the depths of the past and the promise of destiny. That is why we will not utterly forget, until our feet tread upon the surface of the New Land.\"\n\nYou lower your head and step forward to sit down next to Veritas.\nYou look straight ahead, silently, everyone else doing the same. Already small with distance, you see the canister in which Chronos's body was laid, emblazoned with the motif of the Ancestor Tree. He will journey forever among the stars, until the Heavens are born again.",
"endoftext": true
] | chbf0ssnxha0jpqx |
Dead Man's Hill | Arno von Borries | [] | [
"Back Garden",
"cover art",
"deterministic combat",
"Random Combat",
"Spring Thing 2016",
"Spring Thing Game",
] | 2,016 | [
] | 5 | 2.6 | 20160403 | false | Mutual slaughter in northern France, spring 1916. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "\"Oh terrible minutes! One fears death and could, in such times,\nyearn for death, horrorified by this kind of death. Been in two assaults; may there follow no more! Nothing more eagerly longed for than this, besides getting home in one piece. Where did all courage disappear to? We have enough of waging war. Not cowardice is this but humanness, rebelling against this barbarism, this ghastly\nslaughter.\"\n\nKurt Peterson, killed in action August 3rd, 1915\n\nI slid down into a large shell crater to escape the fire that had wiped out most of my company. For all I knew, what was left of it were the two men who had jumped in right after me. I could hear their teeth clattering from underneath their gas masks.\n\nSomewhere around here had to be the that ominous trench.\n\nAt that very moment, some heavy battery didn't want to to be left out and started ploughing the hilltop once more, just to be sure nobody would get off it alive today. If I hadn't had soiled my pants already while running for my death through no-man's-land, now would have been the last opportunity.\n\nAn uphill struggle by Arno von Borries\n\nThis was where the French wire entanglements had been before the bombardment. Now, however, there was nothing left of them. The impact of whatever had hit here had been so violent, it had dug a hole right up to the trench itself.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see Gruber and Tiersen here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\nan automatic\na pistol magazine\nthree grenades\na bayonet\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lantern",
"response": "A powerful mantle lantern, currently unlit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bayonet",
"response": "\"The bayonet frequently jams on the thrust and then a man has to\nkick hard on the other fellow's belly to pull it out again; and in the interval he may easily get one himself. And what's more the blade often gets broken off.\"\n\nErich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at automatic",
"response": "A standard service pistol.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine magazine",
"response": "(the pistol magazine)\nA seven-round magazine for an automatic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This was where the French wire entanglements had been before the bombardment. Now, however, there was nothing left of them. The impact of whatever had hit here had been so violent, it had dug a hole right up to the trench itself.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see Gruber and Tiersen here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Gruber",
"response": "Bruno Gruber was a man from my company.\n\nHe was carrying four grenades, a very light and a flare gun.\nHe was wielding a grenade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Tiersen",
"response": "Eberhard Tiersen was a man from my company.\n\nHe was carrying a grenade, a banana magazine and a machine gun.\nHe was wielding a grenade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wield the bayonet",
"response": "Both my hands were full already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\nan automatic\na pistol magazine\nthree grenades\na bayonet\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This position was still in surprisingly good condition considering the heavy shelling that had been going on for days.\nConcrete braces reinforced the construction.\n\nThe trench continued to the south.\n\nI could see a surprised Frenchman here.\n\nTiersen fell in behind me.\n\nGruber fell in behind me.\n\nThe Frenchman fired his automatic at myself.\nI received a light wound in the my leg.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fire automatic at Frenchman",
"response": "I wasn't wielding the automatic.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the chest.\n\nTiersen struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the leg.\n\nThe Frenchman fired his automatic at Tiersen.\nTiersen received a moderate wound in the stomach.\n\nTiersen struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a moderate wound in the head.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the chest.\nThe Frenchman collapsed on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold automatic",
"response": "I took the automatic from the Machine-gun nest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the magazine",
"response": "(the pistol magazine)\nI took the pistol magazine from the Machine-gun nest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wield magazine",
"response": "(the pistol magazine)\nThe pistol magazine was unsuited as a weapon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wield grenade",
"response": "I was already wielding the grenade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the grenade",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the grenade",
"response": "I took the grenade from the Machine-gun nest.\n\nThe dying Frenchman groaned in pain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine frenchman",
"response": "The man was dying.\n\nThe Frenchman's head was badly bruised.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "( - What this game is about)\n\nThe fighting for the town of Verdun during the first world war has become a symbol for and warning against the futility of war in both France and Germany. It lasted ten months, during which the front lines changed by not even ten kilometres, yet cost hundreds of thousands of lives. It is remembered for its particular brutality. Those who fought in it called it \"Bone mill\", \"Blood pump\", \"Hell\".\n\nDuring March and April 1916, much of the struggle happened on two adjacent hills, behind which some French batteries were positioned to fire into the German flank. One was known only as hill 304, the other had been called le mort homme even before the war. Attack was\nfollowed by counter-attack, day and night.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "( - What this game is about)\n\nThe close combat in the trenches was easily outmatched in deadliness by the effects of the artillery fire. Soon, the incessant bombardment had turned the hills into an unrecognisable moonscape of shell craters. When it rained, these turned into pools of slippery mud, threatening to drown anyone trying to find shelter. As both sides tried to prevent the other from gaining a foothold on the hills, there was rarely a chance for the troops to dig their own cover. When there was, they often discovered body parts of those sent in before them. To this day, there are an estimated 80.000 dead still lying unrecovered on the battlefields of Verdun and every square meter is sprinkled with, on average, five kilograms of metal from shell fragments.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "( - What this game is about)\n\nWhy point out all this a hundred years after the fact, when there have been even bloodier wars since?\n\nPeople from all walks of life went into the first world war singing and jubilant. They came from societies where an uncompromising stance in matters of foreign policy and national prestige were seen as\nraison d'etat. At Verdun, they got what they had asked for.\nIt seems to the author that the memory of these developments has somehow faded away and that today might be a good time to call the human cost associated with them back into mind. After all, the institutions of compromise, that have been so central to keeping the peace in Europe for the latter part of the 20th century, have never been less popular than today.\n\nIn essence, the work at hand is a short vignette, meant as an illustration of the ultimate consequence of a game that can feel heady and warm yet carries in itself the potential for any cruelty imaginable. That favourite pastime past and present: patriotism.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "( - How this game works, mechanically speaking)\n\nThis game can involve a lot of shooting, stabbing, striking and the like. Because this takes place at very close range, there will usually not be any time to draw a weapon before someone else starts the killing, so it's important what characters hold in their hands at any given moment. Readers will want to keep the following points in mind when playing the game:\n\n1. To fight, one needs a weapon.\n2. In an emergency, almost anything can be used as a weapon.\n3. Weapons and objects can be drawn and holstered (equipped, wielded, slung, put away...).\n4. To make use of any object or weapon, it needs to be drawn.\n5. It is possible to hold two small objects at the same time, but many objects are too large to carry in one hand only.\n6. NPCs will normally not just stand around and get killed. Instead, they will use whatever they have at their disposal to get rid of their opponents, or at least try to flee.\n7. It is possible to give orders to others, like, for example, so: \"Peters, equip pistol\", \"Jansen, give magazine to Peters\", \"Peters, Jansen, load pistol\", or \"All, hurl primed grenade south\".\n8. Men under your command will try to obey simple orders. If they can't comply immediately, they will try to create the necessary preconditions to carry them out first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "( - How this game works, tactically speaking)\n\nThe basic method of rolling up a trench as was practised during this phase of the war was to toss a few hand grenades around every corner before going oneself and to bomb out all underground bunkers the same way. It was seen as very secondary whatever other armament was carried. The only real alternative course of action was to fire blindly around corners, which was much less effective with most of the weapons available at the time.\n\nThis assumed that the attacker had somehow managed to make it into the defender's trench. Since a frontal attack across no-man's-land in the face of the defenders' guns had been shown again and again to be utter suicide, it emerged that the most promising tactic for attacking infantry was to come silently at night and infiltrate a position unnoticed by its occupants. To make this work, it was necessary to take only a very small raiding party and to make as little use of light, firearms and explosives as possible in order to avoid detection.\n\nOf course, it was also conceivable to bombard a position with heavy artillery until everyone inside was dead. In fact, this was what was attempted most of the time. The downside to all these tactics was that they could be employed equally well by the defender to counter-attack positions that had already been captured.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine",
"response": "This position was still in surprisingly good condition considering the heavy shelling that had been going on for days.\nConcrete braces reinforced the construction.\n\nThe trench continued to the south.\n\nI could see four grenades, Gruber, wounded Tiersen and a dying Frenchman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\nthree grenades\ntwo pistol magazines\ntwo automatics\na bayonet\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the bayonet to Gruber",
"response": "I gave the bayonet to Gruber.\n\nThe Frenchman stopped moving.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the grenade to Gruber",
"response": "I gave the grenade to Gruber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the magazine to Gruber",
"response": "(the pistol magazine to Gruber)\nGruber was carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\ntwo pistol magazines\ntwo automatics\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give automatic to Tiersen",
"response": "I gave the automatic to Tiersen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the magazine to Tiersen",
"response": "(the pistol magazine to Tiersen)\nI gave the pistol magazine to Tiersen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Which do you mean, a pistol magazine or a banana magazine?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This position was still in surprisingly good condition considering the heavy shelling that had been going on for days.\nConcrete braces reinforced the construction.\n\nThe trench continued to the south.\n\nI could see four grenades, Gruber, wounded Tiersen and a dead Frenchman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search frenchman",
"response": "This was where the French wire entanglements had been before the bombardment. Now, however, there was nothing left of them. The impact of whatever had hit here had been so violent, it had dug a hole right up to the trench itself.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nTiersen fell in behind me.\n\nGruber fell in behind me.\n\nI couldn't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were revetted to keep them from caving in.\nBlack water stood knee-high at the bottom.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see a surprised Frenchman here.\n\nTiersen fell in behind me.\n\nGruber fell in behind me.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the arm.\n\nThe Frenchman struck Tiersen with his grenade.\nTiersen received a bad wound in the head.\nTiersen was killed instantly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were revetted to keep them from caving in.\nBlack water stood knee-high at the bottom.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see a machine gun, a banana magazine, a grenade, two automatics, two pistol magazines, Gruber, dead Tiersen and a lightly injured Frenchman here.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the leg.\n\nThe Frenchman struck myself with his grenade.\nI received a light wound in my chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were revetted to keep them from caving in.\nBlack water stood knee-high at the bottom.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see a machine gun, a banana magazine, a grenade, two automatics, two pistol magazines, Gruber, dead Tiersen and a wounded Frenchman here.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the arm.\n\nThe Frenchman struck myself with his grenade.\nI received a light wound in the my arm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the water",
"response": "A muddy grey soup.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the chest.\n\nThe Frenchman struck myself with his grenade.\nI received a light wound in the my arm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were revetted to keep them from caving in.\nBlack water stood knee-high at the bottom.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see a machine gun, a banana magazine, a grenade, two automatics, two pistol magazines, Gruber, dead Tiersen and a wounded Frenchman here.\n\nGruber struck a Frenchman with his grenade.\nThe Frenchman received a light wound in the stomach.\nThe Frenchman collapsed on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Tiersen",
"response": "Eberhard Tiersen was a man from my company.\n\nTiersen's head had a horrifying crushing injury.\n\n\"Maman! Maman!\" the dying Frenchman called out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were revetted to keep them from caving in.\nBlack water stood knee-high at the bottom.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see a rifle, a clip, three grenades, a machine gun, a banana magazine, two automatics, two pistol magazines, Gruber, dead Tiersen and a dying Frenchman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Gruber",
"response": "Bruno Gruber was a man from my company.\n\nHe was carrying seven grenades, a bayonet, a very light and a flare gun.\nHe was wielding a grenade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the grenade",
"response": "I took the grenade from the Communications trench.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying:\na grenade\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Frenchman with the lantern",
"response": "\"Heloise, mon cher,\" whispered the dying Frenchman.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passed.\n\nThe dying Frenchman tried to say something, but couldn't manage to form the words any more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were revetted to keep them from caving in.\nBlack water stood knee-high at the bottom.\n\nThe trench continued to the north, east and west.\n\nI could see a rifle, a clip, two grenades, a machine gun, a banana magazine, two automatics, two pistol magazines, Gruber, dead Tiersen and a dying Frenchman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Gruber",
"response": "Bruno Gruber was a man from my company.\n\nHe was carrying seven grenades, a bayonet, a very light and a flare gun.\nHe was wielding a grenade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the grenade to Gruber",
"response": "Gruber was carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop Gruber",
"response": "Gruber was already here.\n\nThe dying Frenchman groaned in pain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give you the very light",
"response": "The Frenchman died silently.\n\n(Myself the very light)\nGruber gave the very light to me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "I was carrying:\na very light\na lantern",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This was a well-constructed trench more than a man deep.\nThe walls were constructed of neatly stacked sand bags.\n\nThe trench continued to the south.\n\nI could see three surprised Frenchmen here.\n\nGruber fell in behind me.\n\nThe Frenchman fired his rifle at Gruber.\nGruber received a fatal wound in the head.\nGruber was killed instantly.\n\nThe Frenchman fired his rifle at myself.\nI received a bad wound in my stomach.\n\nThe Frenchman cycled the action of the rifle.\n\nThe Frenchman cycled the action of the rifle.\n\nI stopped moving.\n\nMy chest had a small bruise. My stomach had had a major artery torn by a bullet. My leg had received light wound from a grazing shot. My arm had a small bruise. My arm had a small bruise.\n\n\"The only thing that is particular to war is the wound, the\nsenseless injury of the body, and the senseless enmity. That is, the animosity between men, who would, as individuals, face each other without hate, perhaps even with love.\"\n\nArthur Schnitzler, 1914",
"endoftext": true
] | mxoek5y5kaddydj4 |
Fingertips: I Walk Along Darkened Corridors | Andrew Schultz | [
] | [
"based on songs",
"cover art",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 5 | 2.6 | 20120602 | false | There are 1001 doors in the darkened corridors. Which is right? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "yet)\n\nSpace Suit -- Episode 38 of the Apollo 18 Tribute Album by Andrew\nSchultz\n\n6/12N)\n\nboggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nA protective spacesuit hangs on a pedestal. Well, you'd guess it's\nprotective, since it doesn't look very fashionable.\n\n[Type ABOUT to find out more about this game, or CREDITS to find out\nmore about people who helped make it, or make it better.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "yet)\n\nJeans and a t-shirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou leave the center for more a wide-open area with less to see, do\nand take. But hey, you can always come back.\n\nThere are glowing walls to the east and north here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the walls",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine wall",
"response": "yet)\n\nWhich do you mean, the west wall, the east wall, the south wall, the\nnorth wall or the wall?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the north wall",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou don't see anything special.\nIt's too far away to see at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou are carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "yet)\n\nYour skin begins tingling as you approach the wall. Radiaton? Heat?\nYou're not sure. Even though it appears malleable, you don't trust\nyourself to make it through as is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the east wall",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou feel nothing unexpected.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere's a picture of various Pythagorean triangles, size determined by\nnotches-3/4/5, 5/12/13, and so forth.\n\nThere's a picture of a top spinning around. It seems to be about to\nfall--it's at a close angle to the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere are glowing walls to the south and east here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nIt's a list of riddles that make sense once you know the answer, but\nyou're glad there wasn't a gnome that made you bet your life on them.\n\nyour attention more, anyway--but what's it doing here?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine hunter",
"response": "yet)\n\nSeems like an anachronism...or maybe a hint?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere are glowing walls to the south and west here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the west wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere's a picture of a big long maze. You begin puzzling your way\nthrough it, starting at the bit marked \"end\" and trying to block out\nvarious dead ends.\n\nBelow the maze, there's a picture of a kite trailing its owner at a\nforty-five degree angle--must be windy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere are glowing walls to the west and north here, and you sense an\nodd energy from them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mural",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou see a stick figure holding an opaque umbrella at an angle. Also,\nthere appears to be an impromptu treatise on tic-tac-toe strategy, but\nyou have nobody to play it with. Rats.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "yet)\n\nboggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nA protective spacesuit hangs on a pedestal. Well, you'd guess it's\nprotective, since it doesn't look very fashionable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spacesuit",
"response": "yet)\n\nLargely white, with an opaque helmet and handy pockets for fitting\nscraps of paper in. It's got some weird dark LCD output on the chest\nwith a lever off to the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lcf",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lcd",
"response": "yet)\n\nIt's dark. You imagine there's a way to switch it on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou should be wearing the spacesuit before doing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Suit",
"response": "yet)\n\nHmm. As you pick it up, a brochure falls off the pedestal and onto the\nfloor, and a small lead ball also falls from a sleeve onto the ground.\n\nYou also see the spacesuit was covering a couple of drawings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brochure",
"response": "yet)\n\nIn case the brochure has small print, you take it first.\n\nHmm. There's no actual writing. At the top, you see shows five lines\nin an S through a 3-by-3 square of dots...and a big red X through all\nthat. Below, there're four lines next to an intact 3-by-3 square.\nThere are a few more pages on the inside, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the brochure",
"response": "yet)\n\nThere're diagrams about spacesuit operation--likely, the one you're\nholding--and how it protects from radiation and heat and so forth. The\nwavy lines and fire are universal enough. No letters are needed. But\nyou don't see any dangers here, so maybe there's more useful later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ball",
"response": "yet)\n\nIt seems unremarkable. You wonder what it's for, and what to do with\nit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "yet)\n\nThis is more a puzzle than a treasure hunt. Besides, there aren't that\nmany items IN the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ball",
"response": "yet)\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the brochure",
"response": "yet)\n\nYou already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Suit",
"response": "The suit fits comfortably.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "You might want to read the brochure...the center may not be the best\nplace to start recording your movements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the brochure",
"response": "There's a close-up of a lever on the side of the spacesuit. Two-way\narrows indicate that it detects bends, or changes in direction. You\nsee a few more pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the brochure",
"response": "You see a square of nine faces -- the middle frowny and red, the\nothers smiley and green. The northwest -- assuming north is up -- has\nlittle sunshiney rays around it. Maybe the last bit will be more\ninformative.\n\nHmph. Just a finger pointing at you, a brain with lines coming from it\n(it appears to have just jumped from a box,) and pictures of medals\nand ribbons. But there's a loose page behind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the loose page",
"response": "You rip the page from the brochure.\n\nwith a line through it--some poor stupid looking face is crossed out.\nThere's also someone wearing a spacesuit next to a crossed-out stick\nfigure that is not.\n\nThere's a big exclamation mark in the upper right-hand corner--a\npretty universal meaning. The slots on the left side are labeled A, B\nand C, from top to bottom (okay, they're unreadable glyphs. But you\nhave to call them SOMEthing.) On the right, there's D, which you\ndecide is a tab.\n\nB and D are parallel with the middle row, while A is close to the top\nrow, and C is close to the bottom row.\n\nWould you like to see a physical representation?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": ". . .\nA -\nB - . . . - D\nC -\n. . .",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "your spacesuit. Perhaps some places are better than others.\n\nThere are glowing walls to the east and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Hm. It's like some weird foamy turnstile.\n\nanything. But exploring may turn up some clues.\n\nYou're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "out.\n\nHmm. Switch the lever here? Technically, there's no rush.\n\nThere are glowing walls to the east and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You're used to this turnstile action by now.\n\nYou're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Nothing weird happens the second time on your way back, either.\n\nYou're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Here, you can only go south, southeast and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "There's no secret door behind the mural. You've found how to get\noutside the box, anyway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "boggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nThe pedestal you took the spacesuit from is here, too. It's prominent\nenough that you couldn't trip over it if you tried.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pedestal",
"response": "It's cylindrical, with an odd diagonal line down the side--you'd think\nit'd be straight up and down, but it's perpendicular to a ramp that\nseems to circle the outside.\n\nthe ramp, and you can see a couple drawings, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the drawings",
"response": "You see two pictures: one, a grid of nine dots, and another, a black\neight-pointed star with a big red X through its center. The star looks\nas below:\n\n* *\n|\\ /|\n| \\ / |\n\n\\ | / \\ | /\n\\|/ \\|/\n* *\n/|\\ /|\\\n/ | \\ / | \\\n\n| / \\ |\n|/ \\|\n* *",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ramp",
"response": "You can't actually touch inside it--it's covered all the way down. But\nit cuts a spiral through the cylindrical pedestal that winds around\nalmost three times before the hole at the bottom. The line cutting\nthrough the pedestal starts just to one side of the entry and to the\nother side of the exit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ball in hole",
"response": "outside of the pedestal. After a half-minute, the ball rolls slowly\nout the bottom. You could pick it up and try again, if you want.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ball",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ball in the hole",
"response": "It's fun to watch the ball roll down, but you doubt you're doing\nanything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "You remember rolling a penny down a similar spiral at some toy store.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Whee! Somehow, it never quite gets boring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "Okay, I lied. You start wondering what the ramp is there for, or what\nit's demonstrating.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You roll the ball down the ramp yet again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Twist ramp",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the northwest and west, or you can dither around\nto the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "You hear a hum, then a loud BEEP, from your spacesuit. You look down\nand notice the LCD output has begun to glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lcd",
"response": "The LCD output reads:\n\n- - - 0 / 4 -+\n- - - |\n- - - 0 / 9",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.\n\nYou hear a beep. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions three more\ntimes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southeast and south, or you can dither around\nto the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Switch lever",
"response": "You hear a grinding and whooshing as you start. You back off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the west and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing--they're even pulling your spacesuit towards them,\nslightly.\n\nYou hear two beeps. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions two more\ntimes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the west wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the south and west here, but they don't\nseem menacing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the northeast and north, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.\n\nYou hear three beeps. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the east wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-east",
"response": "You're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southwest and south, or you can dither around\nto the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the east and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing.\n\nYou hear four beeps. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions zero more\ntimes. Crunch time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "There are glowing walls to the west and north here, but they don't\nseem menacing--they're even pulling your spacesuit towards them,\nslightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lcd",
"response": "The LCD output reads:\n\n* + + 4 / 4 -+\n+ - + |\n+ + - 7 / 9",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "boggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nThe pedestal you took the spacesuit from is here, too. It's prominent\nenough that you couldn't trip over it if you tried.\n\nYou can see a small lead ball here.\n\nA loud horn begins honking. You have made one too many turns with your\nspacesuit activated!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the brochure",
"response": "In case the brochure has small print, you take it first.\n\nHmm. There's no actual writing. At the top, you see shows five lines\nin an S through a 3-by-3 square of dots...and a big red X through all\nthat. Below, there're four lines next to an intact 3-by-3 square.\nThere are a few more pages on the inside, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "There're diagrams about spacesuit operation--likely, the one you're\nholding--and how it protects from radiation and heat and so forth. The\nwavy lines and fire are universal enough. No letters are needed. But\nyou don't see any dangers here, so maybe there's more useful later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "There's a close-up of a lever on the side of the spacesuit. Two-way\narrows indicate that it detects bends, or changes in direction. You\nsee a few more pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You see a square of nine faces -- the middle frowny and red, the\nothers smiley and green. The northeast -- assuming north is up -- has\nlittle sunshiney rays around it. Maybe the last bit will be more\ninformative.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Hmph. Just a finger pointing at you, a brain with lines coming from it\n(it appears to have just jumped from a box,) and pictures of medals\nand ribbons. But there's a loose page behind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get page",
"response": "It pulls out easily. It's got the three-by-three square of dots, but\nit also has four slots cut into the sides--three on one side, one on\nthe other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the page",
"response": "with a line through it--some poor stupid looking face is crossed out.\nThere's also someone wearing a spacesuit next to a crossed-out stick\nfigure that is not.\n\nThere's a big exclamation mark in the upper right-hand corner--a\npretty universal meaning. The slots on the left side are labeled A, B\nand C, from top to bottom (okay, they're unreadable glyphs. But you\nhave to call them SOMEthing.) On the right, there's D, which you\ndecide is a tab.\n\nB and D are parallel with the middle row, while A is close to the top\nrow, and C is close to the bottom row.\n\nWould you like to see a physical representation?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": ". . .\nA -\nB - . . . - D\nC -\n. . .",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tab",
"response": "It's the only slot on the right of the paper. You can probably fold\nany of the others into it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fold the B into the d.",
"response": "As you twist the leaflet, you see crumbling--walls on the east and\nwest appear to fall. You feel the room you're standing on wrenched\ninto something you can't quite understand. You're knocked out for a\nminute but wake up where you were.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "your spacesuit. Perhaps some places are better than others.\n\nYou're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "anything. But exploring may turn up some clues.\n\nYou're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Hmm. Switch the lever here? Technically, there's no rush.\n\nYou thought you remembered this was a corner, but you can't see any\nwalls to the east or west for a while. You think you see someone in\nthe distance, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You thought you remembered this was a corner, but you can't see any\nwalls to the east or west for a while. You think you see someone in\nthe distance, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You wave, feeling foolish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Hm. It's like some weird foamy turnstile.\n\nYou're outside the usual boundaries of the box. You can go back\nthrough the walls to the southeast and south. You're not actually sure\nif being here is the best plan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fold a into the d.",
"response": "(slot a into tab d)\nYou see the passage back to the inner area shake. This worries you.\nPerhaps the leaflet is more powerful than you thought.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "out.\n\nYou thought you remembered this was a corner, but you can't see any\nwalls to the east or west for a while. You think you see someone in\nthe distance, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the page",
"response": "It's wrapped around itself now, the tabs gone--melded into the paper\nsomehow. Oddly, the dots that were on opposite sides are now close to\neach other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "boggle-box you've been transported into. You can go one move in any of\nthe usual 2-d directions, even the crazy ones, before hitting a wall.\n\nThe pedestal you took the spacesuit from is here, too. It's prominent\nenough that you couldn't trip over it if you tried.\n\nYou can see a small lead ball here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the drawings",
"response": "You see two pictures: one, a grid of nine dots, and another, a black\neight-pointed star with a big red X through its center. The star looks\nas below:\n\n* *\n|\\ /|\n| \\ / |\n\n\\ | / \\ | /\n\\|/ \\|/\n* *\n/|\\ /|\\\n/ | \\ / | \\\n\n| / \\ |\n|/ \\|\n* *",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fold a into the d.",
"response": "(slot a into tab d)\nAs you twist the leaflet, you see crumbling--walls on the east and\nwest appear to fall. You feel the room you're standing on wrenched\ninto something you can't quite understand. You're knocked out for a\nminute but wake up where you were.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You're in the center of the west edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "There should be an east wall joining the south wall, but the only one\nyou see is a bit to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "walls here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You're in the center of the south edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the south wall.\n\nYou hear a beep. A turn-arrow pulses on part of your LCD, then\nvanishes. You assume this means you can change directions three more\ntimes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You're in the center of the east edge of the little boggle-box. Jagged\nrubble on the floor indicates there may have been a wall to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "There should be a west wall joining the north wall, but the only one\nyou see is a bit to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You're in the center of the north edge of the little boggle-box. You\ncan see a mural on the north wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "walls here.\n\nYou hear a loud siren. Confetti drops from the ceiling. Three people\nin robes walk out, beaming silently.\n\nYou are handed a gold medal! You have done about the best you could\ndo. A monk waves his hand, and the topology of the room is\nre-scrambled. You are escorted into a small nook with all manner of\nlogic puzzles. They look interesting, but you hope you're let out\nbefore you solve them all.\n\nI hope you enjoyed this puzzle, and I hope converting it to a text\nadventure was as fun for you as it was for me.",
"endoftext": true
] | 1985kxxeze4f2r77 |
Zugzwang | Magnus Olsson | [
] | [
"game adaptation",
"I6 source available",
"Textfire demo"
] | 1,998 | [
] | 9 | 2.555556 | 20080202 | false | You get to play a pawn in a chess game - at the very end. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It has been a fierce battle, full of bold moves, daring attacks,\nsurprising gambits and heroic sacrifices. Throughout this, you've\nremained at your starting point, patiently waiting for orders. But now\nthat the metaphorical dust has settled and most pieces have been\nexchanged, it finally looks as if it is your turn. The White King and\none of your Pawn colleagues have managed to nail the Black King with\nhis back to the edge of the board, but they can't finish him off\nwithout help.\n\nThe White King calls you to action. It is time to make your move.\n\nDEMO version for the TextFire 12-PACK\n(Type \"about\" for more information)\n\nChessboard (on f2)\nThe chessboard is almost empty, now that most pieces have been\nexchanged. Its surface is perfectly smooth, its 64 squares\nalternatingly deep black and pearly white.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the board",
"response": "The chessboard is almost empty, now that most pieces have been\nexchanged. Its surface is perfectly smooth, its 64 squares\nalternatingly deep black and pearly white.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Pawn",
"response": "Which do you mean, the White Pawn or the Black Pawn?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "On your first move, you may choose to move two steps forwards instead\nof just one. Would you like to do that?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "Chessboard (on f3)\n\nThe Black King scratches his head. \"Hmmm. A difficult position - I\nmight have to sacrifice my last pawn. Let's see...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe Black King sighs. \"It looks like we don't have much choice. Pawn,\none step forward!\" His sole remaining subject moves one square to the\nsouth, to g4.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "With a faint popping sound the Black Pawn vanishes from the board.\n\nChessboard (on g4)\n\nThe White King cries out in frustration: \"You fool! You weren't\nsupposed to do that!\"\n\nThe Black King, however, can't hide his pleasure. \"I haven't got any\nlegal moves left. It's a stalemate!\" He pats the White King on the\nshoulder. \"Seems like you don't win after all, old chap.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Chessboard (on f4)\n\nThe Black Pawn looks a bit surprised, and more than a little relieved,\nthat you didn't capture it. The White King nods his approval, however:\n\"Well done! Just continue north, and don't get distracted!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe Black King smiles grimly. \"So you didn't fall for my little trap?\nIn that case, we'll have to see whose pawn is the fastest!\" He gestures\nto his Pawn, which takes a step towards the south, to g3. The White\nKing waves at you to continue your march.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Chessboard (on f5)\n\nYou take another step forwards. The Black King rather nervously orders\nhis pawn to continue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "But it's not your move!\n\nThe Black Pawn continues south. It is now dangerously close to becoming\na Queen, and you can't help throwing some nervous glances in its\ndirection. The White King, however, encourages you: \"Don't worry, they\nwon't have the time to do anything.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Chessboard (on f6)\n\nThe Black King gives you a worried look, but then turns to his own\nPawn. \"Just one more step and you'll be promoted!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nAs the Black Pawn set foot on the first rank, it is surrounded by a\ngolden glow. With a fanfare from invisible trumpets, the Pawn is\ntransformed into a Queen! The White King looks at her, and snorts.\n\"Impressive - but it will not help a bit. Finish them off, Pawn!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Chessboard (on f7)\n\nYou boldly advance and threaten the Black King. \"Check!\" you cry, and\nthe White King fills in: \"...and mate!\"\n\nThe Black King desperately looks around for an escape, but can't find\nany. He extends his hand to his White colleague. \"It looks like you win\nagain. But just wait - I'll get my revenge next time!\"\n\nThe White King pats your back. \"Well done! I think there's a vacancy as\na Knight - I'll see if I can get you promoted in time for the next\ngame.\"",
"endoftext": true
] | hpesnywwgnl862rz |
Dead of Winter | Gunther Schmidl | [
] | [
"female protagonist",
"sexual content",
] | 2,001 | [
] | 14 | 2.5 | 20191222 | false | In this short story that's part romance and part tragedy, you play as a young woman. A week ago, the Ice Queen stole your boyfriend from your bed, leaving a snowflake in his place. Now, you stand outside her cave, wondering what you must do to get her to give him back. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "This game uses some special effects that can cause problems on older interpreters, and especially on interpreters for handhelds.\n\nAnswer 'no' if your interpreter doesn't support color or timed input.\n\nDo you want to play the enhanced version?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "No",
"response": "You have made it, finally, to her cave. A week ago, she kidnapped your boyfriend from your bed, while you were sleeping. When you awoke, he was gone, a beautiful snowflake in his place. That was when you knew she had taken him.\n\n'I see you have found me,' says the Ice Queen amusedly. 'So you want your boy back, my dear? Come, follow me inside.'\n\nShe bows mockingly, then disappears inside the cave.\n\n\n\nPlease type ABOUT.\n\nThis is it. The dread Ice Queen's home lies to the north, the dark cave mouth beckoning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are tightly wrapped in cold-protective clothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The inside of the cave consists solely of ice. It is mostly empty, the most striking feature being the gigantic ice throne the Queen is sitting on. Prominently displayed in the middle of the cave is a large, clear block of ice inside which Saul has been frozen.\n\nOn the throne is the Ice Queen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine saul",
"response": "He is just as you last remember him. Light brown skin, shaved head, that short goatee you asked him not to shave off... but he's frozen into a block of ice, his eyes are closed, he is not breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Queen",
"response": "The Ice Queen is as black as a moonless midnight, except for her cold blue eyes. She stands at least twice as tall as you, wearing a dress of black ice that constantly melts and reforms around her body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Talk",
"response": "What do you want to t?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Queen",
"response": "'You want him back? Then bring me the Heart of Winter. It is guarded by the Dragon, but since you have found me, I am sure you are not going to have a problem convincing him to give it to you.'\n\nThe Ice Queen gestures, and an exit opens towards the north of the cave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "A wide, deep gorge splits the land in half. There is no way across. On the other side, in the distance, you can make out a castle. You can also walk along the gorge to the east and west.\n\nAn annoying little demon is fluttering around your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the demon",
"response": "A tiny red creature about the size of your palm, with wings and goat hooves and yellow eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the demon",
"response": "'You want across this gorge? I can get you there, baby. Just give me what you're holding!'\n\n\"I'm not...\" you start, then realize you are holding something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na blue crystal",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "'Ungrateful wench!' screams the demon, suddenly growing in size. 'You do not want my help? Fine! Then try to get out of this mess yourself!'\n\nHe turns around, whipping you with his tail. You lose your balance and fall...\n\n[=>]\n...fall, until a large branch stops your descent rather abruptly.\n\nHalfway down the Gorge (on the branch)\nEven from here, you still can't see the bottom of the gorge, but you can hear water rushing below. The top seems miles away; the walls are mostly bare, except for the branch that miraculously broke your fall without injuring you too much in the process.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the branch",
"response": "A large, bare branch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Mustering all your courage, you jump off the branch. Just like you hoped, there is a river down there, but it isn't quite what you expected.\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Though it is easy to maneuver on the winds, you would crash into the canyon wall.\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You drift along with the winds...\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Though it is easy to maneuver on the winds, you would crash into the canyon wall.\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.\n\nThe canyon walls give way to an ice bank to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You swiftly steer towards the ice bank and the currents drop you softly onto it.\n\nA tiny bank of ice is all that separates the River of Storms from a rough path leading up a mountain to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "After a long trip, you arrive at...\n\nThis may have been an impressive castle once, and seemed to be intact from the distance, but the courtyard is all that remains; no walls remain standing. Strange.\n\nYou can see the Dragon here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Dragon",
"response": "The Dragon is a handsome man with incredibly white skin and piercing black eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Dragon",
"response": "'You have come for the Heart of Winter.'\n\nYou shudder at the sound of his voice. It is... old and\notherwordly, yet beautiful. \"Y... yes,\" you manage.\n\n'I will give it to you, under one condition. Give yourself to me, this night. Then you shall have the Heart of Winter. What do you say?'",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "The Dragon smiles sadly. 'Come with me, child.'\n\nAfterwards, he leads you into a small chamber.\n\nThis very small chamber is empty except for a large mirror hanging on one wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "You see yourself in the mirror.\n\n\"I only see myself!\" you shout, \"where is the Heart of Winter?\"\n\nThe Dragon smiles again. 'You are.'\n\n\"I am? But...\"\n\nHe hushes you with a movement of his hand. 'I think you have someone to go back to, do you not?'\n\nAt the mention of Saul, shame flushes your face. Yes, you betrayed him to save him.\n\nWith another wave of the Dragon's hand, you are gone and find yourself...\n\nThis is it. The dread Ice Queen's home lies to the north, the dark cave mouth beckoning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The inside of the cave consists solely of ice. It is mostly empty, the most striking feature being the gigantic ice throne the Queen is sitting on. Prominently displayed in the middle of the cave is a large, clear block of ice inside which Saul has been frozen.\n\nOn the throne is the Ice Queen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Queen",
"response": "'Well,' asks the Ice Queen, 'have you brought me the Heart of Winter?'\n\n\"Yes.\"\n\n'So,' she continues eagerly, 'where is it?'\n\n\"I am the Heart of Winter.\"\n\n'What? It cannot be!' Her eyes alight with anger, she raises her arms.\n\n'Heart of Winter, eh? You will be dead of Winter!'\n\nGlistening magic leaves her fingertips, engulfing you...\n\nYou feel cold for a second, but nothing else happens. The Queen looks at you, her countenance shattered.\n\nThen the magic leaves you and strikes her full force. She screams a high-pitched, bloodcurdling scream, then explodes into thousands of tiny ice splinters. You close your eyes and crouch to shield your body from the shrapnel.\n\nThe next thing you know is Saul holding you in a tight embrace, kissing you passionately.\n\nAnd then, you walk out of the cave, and make your way home.\n\n[=>]\nTWO DEAD IN SNOW CHAOS\n\nThe recent snow chaos has caused two more deaths. A young couple, Saul O. (23) and an unidentified female, were caught in the storm. Apparently, O. lost control of the car and crashed it into a tree. The couple froze to death while trying to reach civilisation. It seems they knew what was coming; they were found in a tight embrace, lips frozen together in a final kiss.\n\n[=>]\ndebugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "This game uses some special effects that can cause problems on older interpreters, and especially on interpreters for handhelds.\n\nAnswer 'no' if your interpreter doesn't support color or timed input.\n\nDo you want to play the enhanced version?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "You have made it, finally, to her cave. A week ago, she kidnapped your boyfriend from your bed, while you were sleeping. When you awoke, he was gone, a beautiful snowflake in his place. That was when you knew she had taken him.\n\n'I see you have found me,' says the Ice Queen amusedly. 'So you want your boy back, my dear? Come, follow me inside.'\n\nShe bows mockingly, then disappears inside the cave.\n\n\n\nPlease type ABOUT.\n\nThis is it. The dread Ice Queen's home lies to the north, the dark cave mouth beckoning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Queen",
"response": "That doesn't seem like a good idea. She could kill you in a split-second; and you're not even sure why she hasn't done that yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kiss saul",
"response": "You wish you could, but the ice block is in the way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Queen",
"response": "'You want him back? Then bring me the Heart of Winter. It is guarded by the Dragon, but since you have found me, I am sure you are not going to have a problem convincing him to give it to you.'\n\nThe Ice Queen gestures, and an exit opens towards the north of the cave.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "A wide, deep gorge splits the land in half. There is no way across. On the other side, in the distance, you can make out a castle. You can also walk along the gorge to the east and west.\n\nAn annoying little demon is fluttering around your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "As you turn to go, the demon suddenly speaks up...\n\n'You want across this gorge? I can get you there, baby. Just give me what you're holding!'\n\n\"I'm not...\" you start, then realize you are holding something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na blue crystal",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "'Ungrateful wench!' screams the demon, suddenly growing in size. 'You do not want my help? Fine! Then try to get out of this mess yourself!'\n\nHe turns around, whipping you with his tail. You lose your balance and fall...\n\n[=>]\n...fall, until a large branch stops your descent rather abruptly.\n\nHalfway down the Gorge (on the branch)\nEven from here, you still can't see the bottom of the gorge, but you can hear water rushing below. The top seems miles away; the walls are mostly bare, except for the branch that miraculously broke your fall without injuring you too much in the process.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Mustering all your courage, you jump off the branch. Just like you hoped, there is a river down there, but it isn't quite what you expected.\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe currents drag you along...\n\nStrong wind currents carry you along, as if you were floating on water; instead, you are floating in mid-air.\n\nThe canyon walls give way to an ice bank to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You swiftly steer towards the ice bank and the currents drop you softly onto it.\n\nA tiny bank of ice is all that separates the River of Storms from a rough path leading up a mountain to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "After a long trip, you arrive at...\n\nThis may have been an impressive castle once, and seemed to be intact from the distance, but the courtyard is all that remains; no walls remain standing. Strange.\n\nYou can see the Dragon here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Dragon",
"response": "'You have come for the Heart of Winter.'\n\nYou shudder at the sound of his voice. It is... old and\notherwordly, yet beautiful. \"Y... yes,\" you manage.\n\n'I will give it to you, under one condition. Give yourself to me, this night. Then you shall have the Heart of Winter. What do you say?'",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "The Dragon smiles. 'Come with me, child.'\n\n\"What? I said no!\"\n\n'I know. I will still give you the Heart of Winter. In fact, I could not withhold it from you even if I wanted.'\n\nHe leads you into a small chamber.\n\nThis very small chamber is empty except for a large mirror hanging on one wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "You see yourself in the mirror.\n\n\"I only see myself!\" you shout, \"where is the Heart of Winter?\"\n\nThe Dragon smiles again. 'You are.'\n\n\"I am? But...\"\n\nHe hushes you with a movement of his hand. 'I think you have someone to go back to, do you not?'\n\nWith another wave of the Dragon's hand, you are gone and find yourself...\n\nThis is it. The dread Ice Queen's home lies to the north, the dark cave mouth beckoning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Queen",
"response": "'Come back when you have the Heart of Winter! And hurry!'",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "That would be suicide.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the crystal to the demon",
"response": "The demon accepts the crystal, giggling maniacally.\n\nA second later, you find yourself on an...\n\nA tiny bank of ice is all that separates the River of Storms from a rough path leading up a mountain to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "After a long trip, you arrive at...\n\nThis may have been an impressive castle once, and seemed to be intact from the distance, but the courtyard is all that remains; no walls remain standing. Strange.\n\nYou can see the Dragon here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "You see yourself in the mirror.\n\n\"I only see myself!\" you shout, \"where is the Heart of Winter?\"\n\nThe Dragon smiles again. 'You are.'\n\n\"I am? But...\"\n\nHe hushes you with a movement of his hand. 'I think you have someone to go back to, do you not?'\n\nWith another wave of the Dragon's hand, you are gone and find yourself...\n\nThis is it. The dread Ice Queen's home lies to the north, the dark cave mouth beckoning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Queen",
"response": "'Well,' asks the Ice Queen, 'have you brought me the Heart of Winter?'\n\n\"Yes.\"\n\n'So,' she continues eagerly, 'where is it?'\n\n\"I am the Heart of Winter.\"\n\n'What? It cannot be!' Her eyes alight with anger, she raises her arms.\n\n'Heart of Winter, eh? You will be dead of Winter!'\n\nGlistening magic leaves her fingertips, engulfing you...\n\nThe cold freezes you to the core, turning you into an ice statue. You cannot breathe, but you cannot die either. Helplessly, you watch as the Ice Queen unfreezes Saul and kisses him passionately -- and he returns her kiss!\n\n\"What's this?\" he asks when she releases him, pointing at you.\n\n'Oh, just an ugly statue. Could you break it for me?'\n\n\"Sure, my love.\" He walks up to you and pushes you over.\n\nYou hear the laughter of the ice queen before you shatter.\n\n[=>]\ndebugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | 7datxqc6cdlj3p6u |
Measureless to Man | Ivan R. | [
] | [
"IFComp 2017",
"IFComp Game",
"Xyzzy Awards 2017"
] | 2,017 | [
] | 10 | 2.5 | 20171101 | false | You're on your way home from Cairo, with nothing but a rumpled suit and an apple for lunch. But the plane passes through dark air, over a fathomless sea. Past the heavens, under the deep, there are secrets hidden in the crevices of the world. Something is in you, longing to seek them out. And why not? Either way, you're doomed. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Have you played a text adventure game like this before?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "Wonderful!\n\nNonetheless, of course, you may find it useful to enter the ABOUT command at some point, for information specific to this game.\n\n(Press any key to begin)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "F.",
"response": "White steel cuts through the silence of a cloudless sky. Above, the black abyss of space stares down, and below, the infinite sea stares up, as if waiting for a sign. So far, none has come.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Thrum.\n\nThrum.\n\nThrum.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "A text adventure by Ivan R.\n\nAirplane cabin (in your seat)\nThe plane rumbles on. You're trying to catch sleep, but it doesn't come. A man behind you is snoring, and the couple across the aisle are trying to get their baby to quiet down—without success, it seems. There's an in-flight magazine staring back at you from the seat pocket. Your bag is stashed under the seat in front of you.\n\nThere's something pointy jabbing into your rear. Most likely your wallet tumbled out of a jacket pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take wallet",
"response": "Oh, it's not your wallet. It's your cosmetic mirror. Not smart to leave that lying around.\n\nYou snatch it up and stash it in your pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mirror",
"response": "You open up the mirror and check yourself out.\n\nYikes.\n\nThis was a pretty spiffy suit when you put it on in Cairo, but halfway to Boston it's a bit of a mess. The shirt is rumpled, and there's a little spot of drool from when you dozed off around takeoff.\n\nOh, and your eyebrow makeup is starting to rub off a little bit. You should definitely fix that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bag",
"response": "You realize, in a moment of panic, that the top flap of your bag is open. You shut it with a snap and look around—it doesn't\nseem\nlike anybody saw inside.\n\nA well-crafted leather bag. This thing has been with you on many adventures. It's decidedly sealed at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "Not in here! It is in there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "Your seatbelt is on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the seatbelt",
"response": "It buckles, it unbuckles. You got to hear all about it during takeoff, presumably.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unbuckle the seatbelt",
"response": "You hesitate. That would be disobeying the pilot's directive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the magazine",
"response": "You have to ask yourself: are you that desperate yet?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the baby",
"response": "High lung capacity, those things.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Airplane cabin (in your seat)\nYes, the plane rumbles on. The man behind you is snoring, and the baby across the aisle is still howling. An in-flight magazine in front of you does whatever the opposite of beckoning is. The little lavatory at the end of the plane appears to be vacant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "This was a pretty spiffy suit when you put it on in Cairo, but halfway to Boston it's a bit of a mess. The shirt is rumpled, and there's a little spot of drool from when you dozed off around takeoff.\n\nOh, and your eyebrow makeup is starting to rub off a little bit. You should definitely fix that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unbuckle the seatbelt",
"response": "Click! You unbuckle your seatbelt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bag",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter lavatory",
"response": "You would have to get out of your seat first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "You stand up in your seat. One of the flight attendants glares at you, pursing her cherry-red lips in disapproval. Since she's standing up and handing out drinks, you figure there's nothing to worry about.\n\n\"I really have to go,\" you say, and feign a pained expression. She goes back to offering Sprites.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Being in the country, you couldn't not visit your grandfather. It only took a short jaunt from Cairo (first class, which for reasons of integrity condemned you to ride economy on the way back to the states—but you didn't really mind). You had let him know you were coming, but he had still seemed surprised, somehow. That you came at all, that you had wanted to come. You felt guilty. But now you were starting to wonder if there was something more to it than loneliness... Grandfather had been acting strangely, all weekend. He never left the house. He spoke in whispers, even when grandmother was out with her friends. He spoke loudly to her, just to be heard. But never with you. He seemed afraid.\n\nAnd now he had sent you to get a key.\n\nIt was the outermost chamber of the place your grandfather told you about. South, a shaft of daylight shone through the arch, beckoning to you. The street. The world. Further north, a narrow tunnel that once led inside was now blocked by a heap of rubble, ancient. It looked like it had been bombed. \"That was where it happened,\" he would say, when you asked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine key",
"response": "An old bronze-ish key, caked in dirt. It lay heavily in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the arch",
"response": "A crumbling stone arch. You were half-afraid that one of the bricks would tumble onto your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You stood under the archway separating the dark room behind you, to the south, from the bustling marketplace outside. The sun seemed too bright against your face. People were rushing past, entreating each other for rotten apples and cell phone cases. A step southward would take you into their midst.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the marketplace",
"response": "People were hurrying past, doing their business. You had been too long in America; trying to understand anything but English spoken at that clip had become impossible. You knew what the general scene was, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sun",
"response": "It glared, as if disapprovingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You stood surrounded by a throng of people. There was a stand selling counterfeit cell phones right next to you. The wide road continued east and west, filled with stalls. A gap between two buildings caught your eye, to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You stood in a narrow alleyway between two old buildings. They loomed from either side—gray-brown stone. The ground was wet and puddled, even though it hadn't rained. You wanted to hurry out; the alley opened onto the street to the south, blessedly empty. To the north, the sounds of the bazaar wafted in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "On the east end of this bumpy, crooked avenue stood your grandparents' house. It seemed to loom, almost chillingly. Absurd, of course; this was a warm place, and it had been your home before. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was waiting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the house",
"response": "Old, falling-apart. You didn't much like the way your grandparents chose to live right in the middle of the city, but maybe it was just as well that they weren't driving. This place held a few fond memories for you, but today the old brown brick-stones seemed to radiate an aura of menace.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You walked into the sitting room. It was cozy, and spare, the way your grandmother liked to live. Grandfather probably would have preferred to keep more of his books and baubles around the house, but for their part the baubles had been sitting in a storage crate since god knows when.\n\nSome of the books managed a happier fate; you could see them through the open door to the southeast, packed into shelves and stacked up on top of each other in messy piles. Grandfather was probably in there right now, reading and studying about...\n\nThat thing. Whatever it was that he wanted you to do.\n\nDelicious smells wafted in from the closed kitchen door to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine books",
"response": "books of every description were stacked in piles, crammed onto the shelves. Of those that were in English, you couldn't recognize a single title. The rest were even more mysterious—it seemed that\nalmost\nevery script in the world was represented, etched onto the cover of some codex that lay strewn on the floor, clearly read and read again. Your mind boggled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the kitchen door)\nYour grandmother, eagle-eyed, spotted you creeping in to get a look at the soup. \"Out, out! Wait until dinnertime, boy, how old are you?\"\n\nShe shooed you back out through the door.\n\nThe sitting room was cozy, and spare, the way your grandmother liked to live. Grandfather probably would have preferred to keep more of his books and baubles around the house, but for their part the baubles had been sitting in a storage crate since god knows when.\n\nSome of the books managed a happier fate; you could see them through the open door to the southeast, packed into shelves and stacked up on top of each other in messy piles. Grandfather was probably in there right now, reading and studying about...\n\nThat thing. Whatever it was that he wanted you to do.\n\nThe kitchen door to the east stood open, and you could see your grandmother bustling around, working on the soup. She clearly spotted you, and was looking at you quizzically. Maybe your face betrayed something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "You were in the library, your grandfather's \"study\" (as he called it). books of every description, from glossy magazines to ancient, decaying tomes lay open on the floor or spilling out of shelves. Grandfather was at his desk, furrowing his gray brow in concentration. He hadn't looked happy much, lately, nor did he now, but this was surely the next best thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Grandfather",
"response": "It was almost heartbreaking to look at him. His voluble face and his gray beard were still there, but his face was wan, and his eyes were sunken. Since yesterday, more bandages had been wound around his arm, and his hard voice had weakened to a tremble. An authoritative tremble, but nothing could disguise his increasing weakness. He seemed to steady himself on the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "An old mahogany desk, in the French style. It had never occurred to you to ask where grandfather had gotten it from.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Grandfather",
"response": "Be more specific—ASK about a specific thing or topic, if you\nwant\nto talk to your grandfather. And remember, it may be useful to ASK more than once about the same topic, or to come back later and ASK again after pursuing other subjects. Not everyone is infinitely forthcoming!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Grandfather about books",
"response": "He shook his head. \"The key, boy! Where is the key?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the key to him",
"response": "He snatched the bronze key out of your hand. \"Good, good. I'm just glad it was still there,\" he said. Then slowly, gravely, he dangled the key over the pages of the book he was examining, and let go.\n\nIt tumbled down, spinning, and then, when it hit the shimmering gold page laid out before him, it simply tumbled through, as if it had been dropped into water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine book",
"response": "(the book)\nIt seemed ancient, although not as ancient as it feels now to you. That thing must have come far. Its golden pages seemed to shimmer and ripple in the dim light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the key",
"response": "\"It unlocks something which is better left unopened. It's better for all of us that it should be hidden that way.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the book",
"response": "(the book)\nHe looked dismayed for a moment, looking down at the rippling gold pages in an unknown language that lay before him. \"That's the rub, isn't it? This thing has a curse. It is a curse. It's unreadable... and it kills you,\" he said.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the book",
"response": "(the book)\n\"It has... strange properties,\" he said.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the book",
"response": "(the book)\n\"I got it from Pierre. I've told you about him, haven't I? We studied together in Paris.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about Pierre",
"response": "He said \"Ah, I haven't told you about him? Maybe you just don't remember. Pierre was a, uh, a geologist friend of mine, when I was studying in Paris. We had wonderful times together, you know. And he would go out on these antarctic missions. That was where he got all his wonderful... gifts.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the gifts",
"response": "He gestured to the book in front of him, silently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about Pierre",
"response": "He shook his head. \"I don't want to linger over old times. He is out of our lives now—and we are probably the better for it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about paris",
"response": "His patience was beginning to wear thin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the book",
"response": "(the book)\n\"Amundsen wasn't the first, you know. The Vikings made it further than anyone suspected, I suppose. That's what he said. That they found things in the ocean... and they left their knowledge at the end of the world.\"\n\nAgain he fell silent. You opened your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about Vikings",
"response": "\"The vikings beat everyone to the north pole, of course. It would seem they found all kinds of things under the ice. That's what Pierre told me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about Vikings",
"response": "He huffed a little. \"I'm not really an expert on these things.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the book",
"response": "(the book)\n\"He found this book there. It must have been the Vikings—the writing almost looks like runes, doesn't it? Where they got the paper from, it's not ours to know, but they must have had contact with something else. Somehow. Because it isn't just a book... in fact it's hardly a book at all.\" You continued to find this maddeningly unclear, and you itched to ask him again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the book",
"response": "(the book)\n\"It's a summoner of storms. It's a portal to another world, in the most literal imaginable sense. You could step through it and emerge somewhere that no man has gone, perhaps since the Norsemen were the masters of the waves. It's very, very dangerous. And it carries... a rot. A rot that is yours, now, too.\" He shut the book with with a snap, and gestured to it, as if it was an offering.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the book",
"response": "(the book)\nHe looked at you sadly as you picked it up, and he mumbled something you could barely hear. It sounded as if he was saying you would see each other soon. His bones were breaking.\n\nYou picked up the book. The book. That ancient, weathered\nthing. That thing of evil. And now its curse was yours, just as it had been your grandfather's...\n\n(Press any key to continue)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You shake yourself back to reality. Right, you were staring at the book, again.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "Cramped, but conveniently private. There's a plastic hole for a toilet and a shiny mirror on the wall, possibly also made of plastic. It looks like someone left their gross old baseball cap in here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "looks like someone left their gross old baseball cap in here.The book's weathered black cover houses a magnificent emerald in its very center. A silver clasp keeps it shut tight. Your finger itches to open it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the emerald",
"response": "A glistening green emerald. It almost looks like an eye, staring up at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clasp",
"response": "A shiny silver clasp, which looks newer than any other part of the book. It beckons to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nyour bag (open)\nthe book (closed)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fez",
"response": "Yeah, there were no Shriner events at the conference.\nObviously. The fact that your father thought that it would be\nuseful for you to join an adult fraternal organization, in the twenty-first century, is certainly indicative of something.\n\nIt's a red fuzzy cap, that they—that you wear for those\ndumb\nrituals.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the apple",
"response": "Mmm. At least you won't go without lunch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the knife",
"response": "A long, stiletto-like dagger made of hard and jagged plastic. You could really take someone out with this.\n\nBut it gets through airport security.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the phone",
"response": "It's pretty slick. You just got this one last month, so you've still been having fun whooshing things around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close bag",
"response": "You close your bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open your bag, revealing the book and a fez cap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open clasp",
"response": "Delicately, you open the silver clasp, and the book springs open. Its rippling golden pages seem to shimmer, regardless of the light.\n\nSuddenly, the plane gives a lurch, and you almost hit your head on the ceiling. Your heart is still racing as you try to steady yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine book",
"response": "You catch a glimpse of the book.\n\nThe cryptic yellow pages display bizarre runes, spelling out something no human could ever read. You see a shimmer of the void behind the crimson ink.\n\nYou're unable to keep your balance and you stumble against a wall, banging your head. The plane continues to sway wildly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You manage to crawl over to the book where it lies open on the ground.\n\nYou recklessly push your head against the page—you pass through, as\nif\nit wasn't there, and tumble through into the void...\n##\nYou are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe book floats here, open, its pages shimmering in nonexistent light, beckoning you to return to the world. It emits soft sounds of violence; you are tempted to listen.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "It's too far away.\n\nThe noise from the book suddenly stops.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the book",
"response": "You hear nothing unexpected.\n\nThe noise from the book suddenly stops.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through...\n\nYou emerge in the plane bathroom, slightly disoriented.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Cramped, but conveniently private. There's a plastic hole for a toilet and a shiny mirror on the wall, possibly also made of plastic. It looks like someone left their gross old baseball cap in here.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the book in the bag",
"response": "(first taking the book)\nYou close and latch the book as you pick it up.\n\nYou put the book into your bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close bag",
"response": "You close your bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Wow. The plane must have come all the way down, while you were... in there.\n\nYou stumble, walking on the tilted floor. It's eerily quiet in here. Everything seems abandoned, or torn apart. People's overhead luggage is spilled all over the floor. Further down the aisle, the floor dips below the waterline. You shudder. Everyone must have evacuated, you tell yourself.\n\nAn open emergency exit beckons you to the outdoors.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "The plane looms next to you, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the placid waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases(?) in the distance. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions. Standing here, in the salty sea air, something inside your strange body feels drawn to the cold sea.\n\nA yellow life raft floats here in the sunny water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sea",
"response": "The calm waters ripple placidly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine raft",
"response": "A yellow inflatable life raft, with a little embedded compass and a waterproof light. There's a stout yellow paddle lying in the raft, with which (presumably) it can be maneuvered around.\n\nIn the life raft is a paddle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Oops paddle",
"response": "A sturdy plastic paddle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the raft",
"response": "You grab the yellow plastic oar as you step into the raft.\n\nYou get into the life raft.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "Open Water (in the life raft)\nYou are in the open water. Bright sun shines on your face. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "Striking out into the open water is a dangerous proposition. You fear that you would quickly lose sight of the crash—and die.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open your bag, revealing the book and a fez cap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the book",
"response": "Delicately, you open the silver clasp, and the book springs open. Its rippling golden pages seem to shimmer, regardless of the light.\n\nYou open the book.\n\nThe sky seems, somehow, to darken. Not imperceptibly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through into the void...\n##\nYou are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe book floats here, open, its pages shimmering in nonexistent light, beckoning you to return to the world.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the space",
"response": "bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.As you emerge into the void, you are suddenly faced with the long face of a green serpent, barreling towards you with its eyes ablaze. You\nmust think fast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "The serpent follows you, rabid.\n\nYou push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through...\n\nYou emerge into the cold water, slightly disoriented.\nThe serpent lunges behind you, and you feel its hot breath on your heels even as you emerge into the water. You hear its screeching, but when you dare to look back, the thing is lying dead—or nearly dead.\n\nYou are in the open water. The shade of dark clouds seems to give you respite from the hot sun. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the southeast.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the air.\n\nThe huge serpent floats here, gasping, ineffectually snapping its slimy fangs. Apparently, the thing can't breathe outside the aether of the void. It seems like it's suffocating. Its head is far away, out of reach to nothing. You're lucky you survived.\n\nA yellow life raft floats here, placid on the black water.\n\nGray clouds are gathering.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the raft",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nYou grab the yellow plastic oar as you step into the raft.\n\nYou get into the life raft.\n\nLightning flashes in the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the serpent",
"response": "(the serpent's tail)\nA long rope of shining scales, leading you up, up along the long, long body of the serpent, to its irresistible face. Its eyes.\n\nYou hear a crash of thunder, and rain begins to fall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the eyes",
"response": "The serpent's beady red burning eyes shine like flame, like a sun consumed. They seem fixed on you. You long to reach out, to touch them. It is a primordial longing.\n\nThe rain strengthens into a torrent, soaking you cold to the bone. The freezing water might be forcing tears from your eyes—you can't even tell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the eyes",
"response": "Those seem to be a part of the serpent's head.\n\nYou shiver under the onslaught of raindrops that blast your skull like tiny bullets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch eyes",
"response": "As your hands connect to the awful, burning eyes, you feel a searing, as your half-rotted fleh melts into the eternal fire. This time, it hurts. It hurts awfully, terribly, a hadean pain that you cannot seem to banish—\n\nbut when you pull away, your hands glow like embers. Spiritual lights, that may guide you yet. Whither, you do not know.\n\nThe rain comes down in torrents.\n\nYou spot something bright green, floating in the water. It's hard to tell quite what it is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get green",
"response": "Which do you mean, the 1) pen light, 2) the serpent's tail, 3) the long body of the serpent, 4) the long body of the serpent, or 5) the serpent's head?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the pen light",
"response": "Huh, it's an old pen llight thingy. It doesn't look rusted or anything, so it must've just been dropped here—maybe jetsam from the plane.\n\nTaken.\n\nRain pounds down on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the light",
"response": "Hanging off of an old key ring, it's a scuffed-up looking pen light, like you might use to look at somebody's tonsils, or whatever. You're actually not sure why people carry these. It's pretty bright green, so it probably has It doesn't seem to turn on, but maybe it just needs to dry out.\n\nThe pen light is currently switched off.\n\nThe rain comes down in torrents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the head",
"response": "A huge, scaly head, its nostrils flared. Strange light glimmers from its green scales. Its eyes, even in death, blaze with the fire of an alien sun.\n\nYou shiver under the onslaught of raindrops that blast your skull like tiny bullets.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Open Water (in the life raft)\nYou are in the open water. Your hands dig into the rubber as choppy water buffets your lifeboat, tossing you this way and that. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the southeast.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the air.\n\nThe huge serpent floats here, gasping, ineffectually snapping its slimy fangs. Apparently, the thing can't breathe outside the aether of the void. It seems like it's suffocating. Its head is far away, out of reach to nothing.\n\nThe rain comes down in torrents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "By the slide (in the life raft)\nThe plane looms to your east, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the choppy waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases(?) to the south. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions.\n\nRain pounds down on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You set the paddle down inside the lifeboat.\n\nYou get out of the life raft.\n\nThe plane looms next to you, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the choppy waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases(?) in the distance. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions.\n\nA yellow life raft floats here, bobbing violently among the black waves. You can reach it, but perhaps not for long.\n\nThe plane looms next to you, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the choppy waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases(?) in the distance. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions.\n\nThe blistering cold of the hard rain makes you shiver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pen light\na paddle\nyour bag (open)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone\n\nThe blistering cold of the hard rain makes you shiver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe rain comes down in torrents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Open Water (in the life raft)\nYou are in the open water. Your hands dig into the rubber as choppy water buffets your lifeboat, tossing you this way and that. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the south.\n\nYou shiver under the onslaught of raindrops that blast your skull like tiny bullets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Striking out into the open water is a dangerous proposition. You fear that you would quickly lose sight of the crash—and die.\n\nRain pounds down on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "By the slide (in the life raft)\nThe plane looms to your east, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the choppy waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases(?) to the south. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions.\n\nYou shiver under the onslaught of raindrops that blast your skull like tiny bullets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "Open Water (in the life raft)\nYou are in the open water. Your hands dig into the rubber as choppy water buffets your lifeboat, tossing you this way and that. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the southeast.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the air.\n\nThe huge serpent floats here, gasping, ineffectually snapping its slimy fangs. Apparently, the thing can't breathe outside the aether of the void. It seems like it's suffocating. Its head is far away, out of reach to nothing.\n\nRain pounds down on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the book",
"response": "You close and latch the book as you pick it up.\n\nTaken.\n\nThe clouds seem to part, and the sun returns, shining.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Open Water (in the life raft)\nTo the east is what remains of the plane, and southeast of you is what looks like a makeshift raft, assembled out of old luggage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Open Water (in the life raft)\nThe makeshift flotilla of salvaged luggage is east of here, but you're too far away to make out any detail. The sun beats down on you, somewhere between pleasant and frightening.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Luggage Flotilla (in the life raft)\nIt looks like all the other passengers have camped out here. They're all crouched, somewhat raggedly, on a detached piece of wing. It's a sorry sight. Someone must have broken open the luggage hatch, because a whole raft of suitcases has been strapped together here, to keep them from sinking. Or maybe that's just the stuff from the overhead compartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the passengers",
"response": "Which do you mean, the 1) sleeping passenger or the 2) flotilla?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sleeping",
"response": "There's a guy in a red button-up that looks like he might be the fellow who was sleeping behind you on the flight. It's hard to tell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Flotilla",
"response": "It would be more fruitful to talk to someone who can answer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the flotilla",
"response": "They recoil at first, at your decaying form, but the stewardess recognizes you. You discover that they think you were burned, somehow, by jet fuel during the crash. You play along, and you let them tend to you. You'll find a way to hide, once you're rescued.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the flash",
"response": "It's too far away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe shimmering book floats just southeast of you.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nFar away, up and northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nFar away, up and northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pen light\na paddle\nyour bag (open)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You don't really care who sees you at this point. All this being knocked around has scraped off a lot of your disguise. If you look like a zombie emerging from a skinsuit, so be it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe book floats here, open, its pages shimmering in nonexistent light, beckoning you to return to the world.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through...\n\nYou emerge into the cold water, slightly disoriented.\nLuggage Flotilla\nIt looks like all the other passengers have camped out here. They're all crouched, somewhat raggedly, on a detached piece of wing. It's a sorry sight. Someone must have broken open the luggage hatch, because a whole raft of suitcases has been strapped together here, to keep them from sinking. Or maybe that's just the stuff from the overhead compartment.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the air.\n\nA yellow life raft floats here, bobbing violently among the black waves. You can reach it, but perhaps not for long.\n\nYou shiver under the onslaught of raindrops that blast your skull like tiny bullets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "book: You close and latch the book as you pick it up.\n\nTaken.\n\nThe clouds seem to part, and the sun returns, shining.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The plane looms next to you, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the placid waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases in the distance. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "You are in the open water. Bright sun shines on your face. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "To the east is what remains of the plane, and southeast of you is the makeshift raft that the survivors assembled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are in the open water. Bright sun shines on your face. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nThe shimmering book floats just southeast of you.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nFar away, northwest of where you float, you glimpse a flash of bronze-ish color, but it is too far away to make out any details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nSomewhere above, you can see what looks like the bronze key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ascend",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nThe bronze key floats just a few feet up and northwest from you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine key",
"response": "(the bronze key)\nIt's the same key that you saw grandfather drop into the book!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get key",
"response": "(the bronze key)\nIt's too far away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Ascend",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nThe bronze key floats just a few feet northwest from you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.\n\nYou can see a bronze key here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the key",
"response": "(the bronze key)\nAs you seize the floating key, you feel a warmth extend from your hands to your entire body, and you realize that your torso is glowing red...\n\nA glowing green keyhole forms out the molten flesh of your torso, burning through your shirt and jacket—but strangely, it doesn't hurt at all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the keyhole",
"response": "A burning black keyhole in your chest, aching for a key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the keyhole with the key",
"response": "(the bronze key)\nThe key is swallowed up, and as it is, you feel more flesh peel away, flaking like dead paint—your throat clears out, as if it had never been clear before.\n\nYou have decayed further; you are more a monster. And you no longer need to breathe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Flaking apart like some kind of hideous corpse, you look more like a monster than a man.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, down and southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, down and southeast of here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, below here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, below here, you can see the glimmer of the book's unearthly pages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe shimmering book floats just down and southeast of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe shimmering book floats just below you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe book floats here, open, its pages shimmering in nonexistent light, beckoning you to return to the world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through...\n\nYou emerge into the cold water, slightly disoriented.\nOpen Water\nYou are in the open water. The choppy water splashes cold against your face, as the rain lashes against your already-soaked scalp. The tall metal pillar of the wrecked plane looms to the southeast.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the air.\n\nThe blistering cold of the hard rain makes you shiver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the book",
"response": "You close and latch the book as you pick it up.\n\nTaken.\n\nThe clouds seem to part, and the sun returns, shining.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You hesitate for a moment, fighting long-ingrained instincts, and then dive into the ocean.\ndive into the ocean.You feel as if you're about to choke, for a moment, but the water rushing into your mouth doesn't suffocate at all. You feel like you're breathing cold, freezing air.\nall. You feel like you're breathing cold, freezing air.## Under the Water\nLight filters down from the surface, bathing your surroundings in an ethereal blue glow. To the southeast, you can make out the gray shadow of the towering wreck—descending into the dark below.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than the looming black shadow of the plane to the southeast, and a silhouette of darker stone to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Now you can see why the plane didn't sink further: the tail is lodged at the top of a stone cliff, extending down into darkness. The shelf of the cliff extends on, seemingly endlessly, to the east. Aside from this, little else is visible; the sea is dim in all directions.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine wreck",
"response": "The tail is crushed against the cliff of rock, almost like a tin can.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cliff",
"response": "A craggy stone cliff, extending down into the deep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than the looming black shadow of the plane to the south, and a silhouette of darker stone to the east.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You don't want to stray too far from your landmarks—the plane, primarily.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nIn the Uttermost Deep (red-lit)\nYou swim through the thick black water, down here where the pressure is almost all there is to feel. Whatever's going on at the surface, you have no idea. Through the red-lit blackness of the deep, you can make out a strange stone formation to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Down here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches south from where you float.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wall",
"response": "A rough wall of cold stone. Somehow, it feels... less solid than the floor of rock above.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Down here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches north from where you float. A powerful current seems to bearing you eastward, into the wall of stone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The stone wall blocks your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "In the Uttermost Deep (red-lit)\nYou swim through the thick black water, down here where the pressure is almost all there is to feel. Whatever's going on at the surface, you have no idea. Through the red-lit blackness of the deep, you can make out a strange stone formation to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You find you are too weak to swim against the eastward current.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "You'll have to be more specific about which way you want to go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The stone wall blocks your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wall",
"response": "A rough wall of cold stone. Somehow, it feels... less solid than the floor of rock above. On closer inspection, you notice a slender opening in the stone surface, about twice the thickness of your book.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the opening",
"response": "A narrow slot in the stone—strangely regular, as if it was deliberately carved. It's slightly thicker than the spine of your book, which seems to strain forward, as if it wants to go inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the book in the opening",
"response": "No! It would be lost!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the book",
"response": "Delicately, you open the silver clasp, and the book springs open. Its rippling golden pages seem to shimmer, regardless of the light.\n\nYou open the book.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through into the void...\n##\nYou are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nThe book floats here, open, its pages shimmering in nonexistent light, beckoning you to return to the world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through...\n\nYou emerge into the cold water, slightly disoriented.\nBy the cliff wall\nDown here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches north from where you float. A powerful current seems to bearing you eastward, into the wall of stone.\n\nThe book lies open, its golden pages rippling regardless of the movement of the water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close book",
"response": "With some effort, you are able to will yourself to close the book; thinking for a moment, you decide to affix its clasp, in case it should decide to open on its own.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pen light\na paddle\nyour bag (open)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop book",
"response": "You let go of the book for a moment, but it spirals towards the gaping vent, and you snatch it back just in time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Here you find yourself floating at the lip of a great stone shelf, extending to the east past where your eyes can see through the brine. The wreck of the plane is lodged against it to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Above you is the shadowy, rectangular shape of the survivors' makeshift flotilla. From below, you can see dangling straps, dancing in the currents. The wreckage of your plane lies north, blurred in your vision at this distance by the brine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Gasping, you struggle to the surface, and blink salty brine out of your eyes as you readjust to breathing air.\n\nIt looks like all the other passengers have camped out here. They're all crouched, somewhat raggedly, on a detached piece of wing. It's a sorry sight. Someone must have broken open the luggage hatch, because a whole raft of suitcases has been strapped together here, to keep them from sinking. Or maybe that's just the stuff from the overhead compartment.\n\nA yellow life raft floats here in the sunny water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the flotilla",
"response": "Your glowing hands, your unholy, monstrous form—they recoil from\nyou,\nof course. The stewardess starts to scream as you put your briny hand on the edge of their platform. You let go, and drift back away. There's no going back.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You hesitate for a moment, fighting long-ingrained instincts, and then dive into the ocean.\ndive into the ocean.You feel as if you're about to choke, for a moment, but the water rushing into your mouth doesn't suffocate at all. You feel like you're breathing cold, freezing air.\nall. You feel like you're breathing cold, freezing air.## By the wreck The sunken half of the plane stretches beneath you. Little bubbles drift past your eyes, up to the surface. You are not sure if the dappled sunlight coming down from the water's surface makes this better—or worse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pen light\na paddle\nyour bag (open)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "The tail of the plane is lodged at the top of a stone cliff, extending down into darkness. The shelf of the cliff extends on, seemingly endlessly, to the east. Aside from this, little else is visible; the sea is dim in all directions.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nDown here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches south from where you float.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Down here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches north from where you float. A powerful current seems to bearing you eastward, into the wall of stone.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the book",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Down here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches south from where you float.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "The tail of the plane is lodged at the top of a stone cliff, extending down into darkness. The shelf of the cliff extends on, seemingly endlessly, to the east. Aside from this, little else is visible; the sea is dim in all directions.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop book",
"response": "The book sinks down and out of sight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nDown here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches south from where you float.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Here you find yourself floating at the lip of a great stone shelf, extending to the east past where your eyes can see through the brine. The wreck of the plane is lodged against it to the north.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nDown here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches north from where you float. A powerful current seems to bearing you eastward, into the wall of stone.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There is darkness all around, and you can barely make out your surroundings. To the east, a rectangular shadow looms, and to the northeast a tower of blackness—the plane.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "There is darkness all around, and you can barely make out your surroundings. To the east, a rectangular shadow looms, and to the northeast a tower of blackness—the plane.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than the looming black shadow of the plane to the east, and a silhouette of darker stone to the east.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than the looming black shadow of the plane to the east, and a silhouette of darker stone to the east.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than a silhouette of darker stone to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You don't want to stray too far from your landmarks—the plane, the stone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Floating over the surface of this underwater shelf, it seems as if it goes on forever. To your west, you can go over the lip, free to travel down into the darkness below. To the northwest, the hulking shadow of the half-sunk plane stands; a menacing monolith.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shelf",
"response": "You run your hand over the smooth, rocky surface. You think you glimpse markings on the stone, but, just as quickly, you lose your place. In any case, it was no language you have ever seen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at shelf",
"response": "You run your hand over the smooth, rocky surface. You think you glimpse markings on the stone, but, just as quickly, you lose your place. Perhaps it was simply your imagination.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "The water is dim, here, perhaps because the shadow of the plane looms over you. To the northwest, you can make out what seems to be a dark, rectangular shape in the water above. Below you, there is only darkness—darker than before.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "The sunken half of the plane stretches beneath you. Little bubbles drift past your eyes, up to the surface. You are not sure if the dappled sunlight coming down from the water's surface makes this better—or worse.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "Gasping, you struggle to the surface, and blink salty brine out of your eyes as you readjust to breathing air.\n\nThe plane looms next to you, a huge monolith of white metal, half-sunk beneath the placid waves. The yellow escape slide is still inflated, but it seems that everyone who got out is gone, now. There's a raft of suitcases in the distance. The endless ocean stretches out in all directions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop book",
"response": "It wants to go down, but you hold it tight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You hesitate for a moment, fighting long-ingrained instincts, and then dive into the ocean.\ndive into the ocean.You feel as if you're about to choke, for a moment, but the water rushing into your mouth doesn't suffocate at all. You feel like you're breathing cold, freezing air.\nall. You feel like you're breathing cold, freezing air.## By the wreck The sunken half of the plane stretches beneath you. Little bubbles drift past your eyes, up to the surface. You are not sure if the dappled sunlight coming down from the water's surface makes this better—or worse.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "Light filters down from the surface, bathing your surroundings in an ethereal blue glow. To the southeast, you can make out the gray shadow of the towering wreck—descending into the dark below.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop book",
"response": "The book sinks down and out of sight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than the looming black shadow of the plane to the southeast, and a silhouette of darker stone to the east.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Light filters down from the surface, bathing your surroundings in an ethereal blue glow. To the south, you can make out the gray shadow of the towering wreck—descending into the dark below.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go down",
"response": "Down here, the water is heavy, dense, and black, like liquid night. You can make out little, other than the looming black shadow of the plane to the south, and a silhouette of darker stone to the east.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.\n\nThe book sinks down and out of sight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nIn the Uttermost Deep (red-lit)\nYou swim through the thick black water, down here where the pressure is almost all there is to feel. Whatever's going on at the surface, you have no idea. Through the red-lit blackness of the deep, you can make out a strange stone formation to the south.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The plane, and its surrounding wreckage, block your way. Even swimming around it would be exhausting, not to mention pointless.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "The tail of the plane is lodged at the top of a stone cliff, extending down into darkness. The shelf of the cliff extends on, seemingly endlessly, to the east. Aside from this, little else is visible; the sea is dim in all directions.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "The tail of the plane is lodged at the top of a stone cliff, extending down into darkness. The shelf of the cliff extends on, seemingly endlessly, to the east. Aside from this, little else is visible; the sea is dim in all directions.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.\n\nThe book sinks down and out of sight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nDown here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches south from where you float.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Above you is the shadowy, rectangular shape of the survivors' makeshift flotilla. From below, you can see dangling straps, dancing in the currents. The wreckage of your plane lies north, blurred in your vision at this distance by the brine.\n\nThe book seems to strain downward, like a living thing, dragging you deeper into darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "Here you find yourself floating at the lip of a great stone shelf, extending to the east past where your eyes can see through the brine. The wreck of the plane is lodged against it to the north.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.\n\nThe book sinks down and out of sight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You light the way forward, downward, with the burning fire of your hands as you descend.\n\nDown here, everything is dark and heavy, like liquid night. A huge stone wall, the side of the great cliff, stretches north from where you float. A powerful current seems to bearing you eastward, into the wall of stone.\n\nThe weathered black book glowers from where it sits.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe book (closed)\na pen light\na paddle\nyour bag (open)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bag",
"response": "A well-crafted leather bag. This thing has been with you on many adventures.\n\nIn your bag is a fez cap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the opening",
"response": "You are far too large.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut yourself",
"response": "(with the knife)\nYou have no desire at all to lunge at yourself with your knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through into the void...\n##\nYou are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nThe book floats here, open, its pages shimmering in nonexistent light, beckoning you to return to the world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the book",
"response": "You close and latch the book as you pick it up.\n\nThe book falls closed behind you, somehow.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent.\n\nYou think you see a brown perturbance in the black space, north of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are in an inky black expanse, stretching infinitely in every direction. It is utterly, eerily silent and dry.\n\nYou think you see a brown perturbance in the black space, north of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the book",
"response": "You push your head against the page—you pass through, as if it\nwasn't\nthere, and tumble through...\n\nYou emerge in the inside an enormous tunnel, slightly disoriented.\nInside an enormous tunnel\nYou close and latch the book as you pick it up.\n\nThis place is even darker than the cliffside you left. The book must have floated in, or... drawn itself in, however it does so. Something feels very unnatural.\n\nYou're floating near the ceiling of what must be a vast stone tunnel, utterly black, lit only by the soft red embers of your hands. A glowing sliver of dimness behind you, to the south, must be the slot in the stone—there's no getting back out. The floor is too far below you to see, and the seemingly infinite cold tunnel continues to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nthe book (closed)\na pen light\na paddle\nyour bag (open)\na fez cap\na cosmetic mirror\nan apple (snagged at Cairo Airport)\na plastic knife\nyour cell phone",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You swim forward.\n\nThe utterly black tunnel stretches on, northwards, growing more dread and more freezing with every stroke of movement. The hard stone above your head feel oppressive in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You swim forward.\n\nYou float before what seems to be upper part of a gargantuan stone doorway; in the dark, you can feel strange inscriptions on its surface. But it is ajar, and in its cyclopean size that crack would be large enough to fit you through. North...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "You can only really feel it, not see it, for the darkness here is so complete; but there is a warmth behind it, and perhaps a glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You swim forward.\n\nAs you step into the charnel stone room behind the great door, your withered ears are filled with a sound of mad piping, and the rhythm of a thousand inconceivable drums. There, upon the throne, is—oh, but\nyou\ncannot say it! You cannot even think it!\n\nBut it has a face, if you could call it that, and the face laughs; the craggy monument of moss and flesh is fluttering in its joy, delighted by the horror which dances before it.\n\nA dance! A dance not unknown to you, perhaps glimpsed in passing in a dream, perhaps imagined in the fever of an endless nightmare. Like a mad puppet, like a thing possessed, the gray jester of this infernal court is thrashing its limbs upon the age-cracked floor. All else is monstrous, unnameable, amphibian and colossal in their size. But\nthis—\n\nthis dancer, when its face turns back, you cannot help but know. It is a face you glimpsed in scummed pools, in shards of blood-stained glass. The visage which the infernal book made wane away, whose vanishment you cursed with every breath—\n\nfor now it is you, the monster, that is the slavering servant of the beast divine. And this infernal, mad jester bears your face, grotesque, ruined by the gaze of ten thousand evil things.\n\nYour book expands, like living flesh, like a sigh.",
"endoftext": true
] | ed0ftrnkyl9i20id |
The Day I shot ... | Marius Müller | [
] | [
"New Year's Speed",
"SpeedIF December 2007",
] | 2,007 | [
] | 6 | 2.5 | 20071204 | false | You play as Alex, a young gay man attending a New Year's Eve party at your boyfriend Paul's. Paul would just love to host a perfect party, but he keeps running into unexpected problems, like this mouse in the bowl of eggnog. Fortunately for Paul, you're good at solving problems. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Dear Blogreaders,\nyesterday was the strangest day of my life! The things I have seen - and done - it was so horrible. And yet, wonderful. You remember that guy from the Psychology course? Paul? We had a date the day before yesterday. Some people already emailed me with questions regarding how it went. But sorry, especially to you, Toby43, but I was to tired, and, honestly, to drunk to go online that night. I'll skip that part, maybe I'll write about it later, because I have to tell you what went down this night. Paul was throwing this big New-Years-Eve party and he invited me (of course, I may add with what little self-esteem I have), to help him organize - and stay overnight.\nThat's how it all started. I arrived in the midst of the party,\nbecause I was visiting my family before that. So when I went in the door, Paul rushed at me. I couldn't have anticipated what happened next, that this would turn into...\n\nPaul, his brown hair in a cute pony-tail, rushes at you, a huge bowl of eggnog in his hand. He told you yesterday that he prepared it carefully after some old family recipe. He looks at you in utter horror, squeaking: \"Mice.\"\n\"Of me to drop by?\"\n\"No, Mice. They were in the house yesterday, and now one is in my eggnog.\" His voice is but a whisper.\n\"Hm, throw it away?\" you suggest carefully.\n\"No, Alex, everyone is waiting for it. Also, the noodles haven't arrived yet and the sandwiches are disappearing rapidly.So people need something to feed on.\"\nRight at that moment, the head of a small mouse pokes out of the liquid. The little bugger looks around, then begins to swim around quite happily.\n\"Get rid of these foul vermin! Save my eggnog.\"\nYou both look down on the swimming mouse. \"And please don't hurt the poor little creature.\" With that, Paul disappears into the living room, leaving the bowl in your hands.\n\nA small hallway, brightly lit by a row of neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens west into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\nYour steps don't make any sound on the the thick, red carpet.\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bowl of eggnog",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the drawers",
"response": "A chest of drawers, some cheap, flashy IKEA thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the thing",
"response": "No, that belongs to Paul.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the thjing",
"response": "No, that belongs to Paul.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the eggnog",
"response": "No! A mouse swam in it! Let those stupid party people drink it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the mouse",
"response": "(first taking the mnouse)\nThe mouse quickly evades any attempt at interaction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the small door or the front door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Small",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the mouse",
"response": "The mouse quickly evades any attempt at interaction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tools",
"response": "Every shelf carries its own heap of rusty, quite useless tools.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search tools",
"response": "You find an Uzi, which you pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Uzi",
"response": "An Uzi. Like in the movies. Paul told you it belonged to his grandfather, who was a bit on the funny side, and he tended to displace his magazine. Paul also told you that the thing is quite old and useless - it's set to Automatic fire and will stay that way.\nThe magazine shaft is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawers",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about sickness and death, everybody trying to outdo one another in morbidity.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search heap",
"response": "Some of the people protest, in throaty voices: \"No, man, leave our things alone.\" or \"Chill out, man, that doesn't belong to you.\" Good karma pothead stuff like that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine people",
"response": "Some people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about some new remake and why it will suck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the couch",
"response": "You find an mag for an Uzi, which you pocket. You never know when stuff like that comes in handy.\n\nGrinning like the Doomguy, you slid the magazine into the Uzi, where it rests with an assuring *click.*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the eggnog",
"response": "Random firing will get your fun level up, but your social skills down.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about some new remake and why it will suck.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot mouse",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nThe mouse quickly evades any attempt at interaction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about hitler",
"response": "You have to save this party before you can participate in the idle chat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the heap",
"response": "Most people arrived directly from last-minute College courses and brought their stuff with them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"The Saga begins\" by Weird Al Yankovic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the laptop",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine people",
"response": "People stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"Surfing U.S.A.\" by the Beach Boys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock laptop",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the laptop with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the undergrowth",
"response": "You fight your way through the bushes.\n\nYou are somewhere in the undergrowth, the sounds of the party lost behind you.\n\nA metal switch is set into the ground here, gleaming ominously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the switch",
"response": "It has two settings, cold and hot. It is currently set to the former\n\nThe switch is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the switch",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the switch on",
"response": "That's already on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the switch",
"response": "It has two settings, cold and hot. It is currently set to the latter.\n\nThe switch is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch the switch",
"response": "Enter saved game to store: Ok.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You are somewhere in the undergrowth, the sounds of the party lost behind you.\n\nA metal switch is set into the ground here, gleaming ominously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the undergrowth",
"response": "You fight your way through the bushes.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe water in the pool is boiling!\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan Uzi\na bowl of eggnog",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine wall",
"response": "Quite high. But climbable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "Uzi: Dropped.\nbowl of eggnog: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill.\n\nA barrel of glue lies here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the glue",
"response": "A huge, friendly green barrel. It has a nozzle on top and a sticker on it's side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine sticker",
"response": "Bio-Man superglue! Glues everything on everything. 100% edible!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the glue",
"response": "(first taking the barrel of glue)\nThat's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nA swanky golf-cart stands here,waiting to be driven around by rich, old people.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the golf cart",
"response": "(first taking the golf cart)\nThat's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cart",
"response": "In the golf cart is a plank.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.\n\nA plank sit on the backseat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the plank",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the plank",
"response": "A broad wooden plank. Maybe the janitor of the Golf course used it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na plank\na barrel of glue",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Entrance Gate (in the golf cart)\nA metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Gate",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Hilltop (in the golf cart)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "No! You left your Crashkid past behind you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Hilltop (in the golf cart)\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nA swanky golf-cart stands here,waiting to be driven around by rich, old people.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nozzle",
"response": "With it, you can SPRAY things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray the plank",
"response": "With what?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the plank",
"response": "You prop the plank against the wall, building a make-shift ramp.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill.\n\nYou can see a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nA swanky golf-cart stands here,waiting to be driven around by rich, old people.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Speed2",
"response": "Enter saved game to store: Ok.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Of course, you could make an impressive stunt by running this thing straight over the plank into the pool...but to what avail?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nA swanky golf-cart stands here,waiting to be driven around by rich, old people.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the cart",
"response": "The golf cart is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill.\n\nYou can see a barrel of glue and a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nozzle",
"response": "With it, you can SPRAY things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "barrel of glue: Taken.\nplank: Taken.\nwall: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray the plank",
"response": "With what?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Spray",
"response": "What do you want to spray?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the glue",
"response": "A huge, friendly green barrel. It has a nozzle on top and a sticker on it's side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the sticker",
"response": "Bio-Man superglue! Glues everything on everything. 100% edible!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "plank: You prop the plank against the wall, building a make-shift ramp. barrel of glue: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe water in the pool is boiling!\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see a bowl of eggnog and an Uzi here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"My name is Jack Mills\" by Nitku.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe water in the pool is boiling!\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see a bowl of eggnog and an Uzi here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "bowl of eggnog: Taken.\nUzi: Taken.\nLazy people: I don't suppose Lazy people would care for that. undergrowth: That's hardly portable.\nwall: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the mouse about the cheese",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"Keasbey Nights\" by Catch 22.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about hypertext.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens west into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\nYour steps don't make any sound on the the thick, red carpet.\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (in which is a thing Pauls aunt gave her which he doesn't know what it is) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Paul has forbidden any entrance for either you or anyone else to the rest of the House for the night. Aside from a a seductive \"Maybe later, when we're alone\", that is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the small door or the front door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Small",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tools",
"response": "Every shelf carries its own heap of rusty, quite useless tools.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the carpet",
"response": "It's thick and red. Beside the chest of drawers, there are some marks, as if it has been moved recently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "A mouse peeks out of the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan Uzi\na bowl of eggnog",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the eggnog to mouse",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the eggnog",
"response": "The big mouse runs from the hole, jumps into the eggnog, grabs the small one by the neck, climbs out, and disappears into the hole. Still wondering how it could do all that in one turn, you replace the chest of drawers and pick up the bowl of eggnog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about some new, hip indie music.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nSuddenly, Paul appears besides you. He graps the eggnog and gently kisses your chin, sending goose-bumps down your arms. \"Thanks, Alex - you're a nice guy. Care to dance?\" With that, he takes you to Kitchen, where you dance rather akwardly to \"Umbrella\" by Rihanna.\n. But your dancing is interrupted as Paul shoots more and more nervous glances at the buffet.\n\"What is it?\"\n\"Alex, we're running low on food - these people simply eat to fast! I ordered a huge package of noodles and have no idea why it wasn't delivered today. Anyway, we're stuck with a bunch of sandwiches, which disappear as we speak.\" \"Hey\" you say \"aren't your college types into resolutions and stuff like that?\"\n\"What the hell?\"\nYou eye the laptop. \"Write a resolution to lazily masticate all sandwiches. That'll slow them down till we figure out the noodle problem.\"\nPaul stares at you in wonder.\"Why haven't I met you 10 years ago?\" \"Because I was in jail. Listen, hook up a printer and get ready to go...\"\n\"Can't do that. I have a printer upstairs, but no paper.\"\n\"Leave that to me\" you say, smiling confidently, and Paul disappears upstairs.\"\n\nThe main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"My name is Jack Mills\" by Nitku.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan Uzi",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about their World of Warcraft characters.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about the paper",
"response": "You have to save this party before you can participate in the idle chat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about Second life.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the people",
"response": "Some people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about comparing Tolkien to China Mieville.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"Surfing U.S.A.\" by the Beach Boys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe water in the pool is boiling!\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "(the Uzi)\nDropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill.\n\nYou can see a barrel of glue and a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the glue",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe water in the pool is boiling!\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see an Uzi here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "You're feeling like becoming the human oyster?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the undergrowth",
"response": "You fight your way through the bushes.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see an Uzi here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You jump into the water fully dressed.\n\nIn the Swimming Pool (swimming [obviously])\nYou are surrounded by clear, cold water.\n\nYou can see a battery-powered lava-lamp here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold breathe",
"response": "You hold your breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou can't hold your breath any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You exit",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see an Uzi here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the breath",
"response": "You jump into the water fully dressed.\n\nIn the Swimming Pool (swimming [obviously])\nYou are surrounded by clear, cold water.\n\nYou can see a battery-powered lava-lamp here.\n\nYou hold your breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dive",
"response": "You dive down and grab the lava-lamp, coming up for air and raising it triumphantly over your head. No one cares.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see an Uzi here.\n\nYou can't hold your breath any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about that hip, totally awesome new TV show.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on lamp",
"response": "Mesmerizing colors begin to swirl in it.\nSlowly, everyones eyes are wandering towards the lava-lamp.\n\nYou switch the battery-powered lava-lamp on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search heap",
"response": "You roam around in backpacks and hand-bags, probably ruining a few lives by stealing term papers, love-letters, shopping lists,\neverything that's Din A4 and has nothing written on its back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nPapers",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine papers",
"response": "The paper you nicked for the sake of this party.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nSuddenly, Paul appears, balancing a heavy printer on his arms, cables in his mouth. \"Didya manage to get some paper?\"\nYou nod, handing them to him. He balances them gracefully on top of\nthe printer.\n\"Great. Why don't you enjoy yourself then?\"\nYou move out into the Garden Area, enjoying the cool night air. Suddenly, there is a commotion in the house. Paul stumbles out of the glass doors, face pale.\n\"It's Hubert\" he says, biting his lip.\n\"Hubert?\"\n\"A German exchange guy I dated last year. Liked his accent. Anyway, I dumped him when I found out he was here to lead a camp of militant Nazi.(\"Hey\" you mutter absent-mindedly. \"Hobson's Law.\") He didn't like that to well. Now he's over there, stone drunk. Dressed like Hitler (must've mixed up New Years Eve and Halloween, oh these Eurotrash guys) and waving a piece around. Looks like he thinks those people in there are his hostages, and he will kill them If I don't surrender myself to him. I'm glad all those folks in there seem to be a bit too stoned to realize what's happening.\" He fondles your hair and breathes into your ear. \"Could you look into it?\"\nYou smirk. \"What? After realizing you dated a Nazi?\" Paul leaves a trail of laughter, as he disappears to some other part of the -y.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.\n\nYou can also see an Uzi here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Uzi",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"They\" by Jem.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nA blond, tall guy in a Hitler uniform strolls around the room.\n\nEveryone stares at the lava-lamp. Time for a clever metaphor about snakes and flutes.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a battery-powered lava-lamp here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Hitler",
"response": "The costume isn't convincing for a second. The guy is tall, blond and rather muscular (you know see what Paul liked in him), the moustache made of shoeshine. He is waving a stub-nosed .38 around, murmuring German under his breath. He looks and sounds and smells pissed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot hitler",
"response": "Deciding to solve this the American way, you aim in Hubert / Hitlers general direction and fire. There are weak moans of protest as the blood splattered corpse flips over one of the couches and out of play sight.\nThere is a moment of silence as the people look at you, all pondering the possibilities here:\n1) you shoot a man to save a meaningless party and for the odd chance of getting laid.\n2) This was a piece of performance art.\nDeciding on the latter, there are some weak claps of applause.\nYou bow, then throw the Uzi after the corpse, mumbling: \"We'll clean\nup tomorrow.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either eastwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nEveryone stares at the lava-lamp. Time for a clever metaphor about snakes and flutes.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a battery-powered lava-lamp here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's laptop, connected to some small speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:Some weird Korean hip-hop.\n\nSuddenly, Paul appears beside you, a cute wrinkle on his brow.\n\"Did I hear gunfire?\"\n\"Probably was the music.\"\n\"So, where's Hubert?\"\n\"Stopped partying. So can we finally, finally, enjoy this thing? Together?\"\n\"No. This party is dead. I just got a call from the service who was supposed to deliver the noodles. Guess what? They accidentally delivered to the Golf course next door. Which is closed today, I just checked. But that doesn't matter - even if we get the noodles, how are we supposed to boil so many of them in such a short time?\"\nYou clap him on the shoulder.\n\"Don't worry, I'll think of something.\" He puts your hand in his. \"Thanks, Alex, I really appreciate this. I'll be in the kitchen, holding of the partygoers as long as I can.\"\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the afternoon glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill.\n\nYou can see a barrel of glue and a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.\n\nYay! There is a huge package of noodles here, enough to keep the whole party satiated.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the noodles",
"response": "Well...noodles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the noodles in the cart",
"response": "You carefully plaster the golf cart with noodles. Joseph Beuys would be proud.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the North-East.\n\nA swanky golf-cart stands here,waiting to be driven around by rich, old people. And Noodles!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The little golf cart gains a frightening amount of speed downhill. You mange to maneuver it onto the wooden plank - and then you are flying! Party guests gap as you fly - and as the golf carts nose sinks - splashing into the pool, spraying some people with boiling water. As you sink, your skin screaming with pain, you watch noodle float all around you - given 7 minutes, they'll be ready to be eaten.\nYou only realize the full amount of pain as Paul pulls you out of the scalding water - and as he later, after you both more or less enjoyed the rest of the party and a healthy meal, puts ointment on your badly scalded legs, and some other body parts which technically weren't hurt at all. And even more time later, you sit in the garden, huddled together on a deck chair, musing at the stars and what this year 2008 might bring.\n\nSo, as I told you, that was great, but the first weeks of the new year will be rather stressful. After all, I'm still in hospital about those burns, and the police started asking around about some German guy - as did the local arm of Nazi party.\nBut, dear Blogreaders, you know me, I'll find my way - and I'll keep you posted.\nOne way or the other, I think I'll never forget\n\nThe day I shot Hitler!",
"endoftext": true
] | hpqjj4d36s6427ua |
Eunice | Gita Ryaboy | [
"Magical Realism"
] | [
"cover art",
"IFComp 2018",
"IFComp Game",
"magical realism",
] | 2,018 | [
] | 8 | 2.5 | 20181007 | true | Eunice is a shadow of its former glory. Hope is lost, just a faint mem-ory Whatever might have brought you here, That Eunice needs you, it is clear. Type out simple commands, and Notice the changes in Eunice land. Odd creatures and strange places require your aid. You'll get as much out as the efforts you made. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Fording seas of boredom, weathering storms of grief, and floods of anger, you have arrived. This game is an introduction to research-based Positive Psychology tools. For more information about playing this game, type ABOUT.\n\nYou look north, south, east, and west. There is something missing here, as if all of nature is just ... sort of ... going through the motions. Her heart isn't really in it.\n\nWelcome to Eunice.\n\nAround you is a neglected garden. Where once a caring hand tended bushes and plants, now trash covers the garden. No one is left to tend it now.\nJust north of you is an old, wooden house. At one time it was a dearly loved home, a place of comfort and laughter. Now it stands silent.\n\nThe porch of the old house ends abruptly as the stairs have rotted away beyond all use. There is a cracked flowerpot leaning against the old house.\n\nA tattered note flutters, caught in one of the nearby bushes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "The note reads:\n\nEunice is a shadow of its former glory.\nHope is lost, just a faint mem-ory\nWhatever might have brought you here,\nThat Eunice needs you, it is clear.\nType out simple commands, and\nNotice the changes in Eunice land.\nOdd creatures and strange places require your aid.\nYou'll get as much out as the efforts you made.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine trash",
"response": "Some old junk lies abandoned in the garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "Sometimes you can't take it with you. This is one of those times.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the garden",
"response": "You look closer and recognize ragged lavender and a tired rose. The plants have withered at the stem before ever blooming. Brown and gray, they are barely surviving among the junk left in the yard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine pot",
"response": "It is dusty, cracked. It rests against the front porch where stairs used to be. Those stairs are gone completely now, either torn up by some strong arm or simply rotted away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pot",
"response": "It seems to be serving its intended purpose just where it is, thank you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the porch",
"response": "The old wooden house is small and square. From out here, you can tell there is likely only one room inside. The front porch is rotting and slants away from the house, but the walls are strong. It looks as if someone just left it to fall into disrepair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can't walk up the stairs. They have rotted beyond all use.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look different in the Eunice light. A little more weather-beaten, a little darker from the sun, a little stronger from the walking, you look like an adventurer.\nYou look like you have grit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The wind blows gently across the rolling meadow. This would be a sweet place to sit for an afternoon in a hammock and listen to the birds sing, except that there is no hammock and no birds singing.\n\nA whisk lies on the meadowland, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the whisk",
"response": "Clean curves of metal, the whisk looks very useful for whisking things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "You reach down to retrieve the whisk, but no matter how hard you pull it won't come up from the meadowland. Assuredly it doesn't belong, but it seems that other things need to be taken care of before you can return the whisk to its rightful place, wherever that might be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Dry rustling grasses surround you.\n\nThe only thing breaking the continuity is a huge and gnarled tree, framed dark against the wide sky.\n\nA spatula rests on some grass, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the spatula",
"response": "It is bright purple and made of semi-flexible silicone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "You reach down to retrieve the spatula, but no matter how hard you pull it won't come up from the grassland. Assuredly it doesn't belong, but it seems that other things need to be taken care of before you can return the spatula to its rightful place, wherever that might be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You start to wander south, but without the tree as a signpost you would easily become lost in ever-shifting green grasses. If you were lost, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You start to wander west, but without the tree as a signpost you would easily become lost in ever-shifting green grasses. If you were lost, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You start to wander east, but without the tree as a signpost you would easily become lost in ever-shifting green grasses. If you were lost, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The field is mostly dust and grime beneath dark mountains looming to the west.\n\nA round tin rests on the Dusty Field, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mountains",
"response": "Tall and jagged, they look far off and faintly disapproving.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at tin",
"response": "A round metal tin, nine inches in diameter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "You reach down to retrieve the round tin, but no matter how hard you pull it won't come up from the dusty field. Assuredly it doesn't belong, but it seems that other things need to be taken care of before you can return the tin to its rightful place, wherever that might be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are in a broad, rocky field. Boulders are scattered haphazardly all around.\n\nThere is a large notice board clearly placed with more intention than the rocks. On the notice board is a pad of paper and a few notes. Farther west, tall mountains loom over you, threatening to overwhelm the scene.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the boulders",
"response": "Heavy and oblong with weathered surfaces, they have been here a long time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the board",
"response": "A large public notice board stands in the middle of the wide field. You wonder why the builder decided to put it out here, far from any road or town. Clearly some people came here, because there are colorful notes stuck to the board, as well as a large pad of paper.\n\nCarved into the top of the board are the words:\n\nSimply type \"Today I am grateful for {your gratitude} \" on the pad. Peace and serenity are yours to be had.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pad",
"response": "The pad of paper is titled \"Gratitude List: \" in shimmering in gold leaf. The rest of the paper is inviting, ready to be typed in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the notes",
"response": "You pick one of the notes to read: \"Today I am grateful for smiles from strangers, dragon gold, my job\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You pick one of the notes to read: \"Today I am grateful for my children, a morning commute free from trolls and dragons, sunny weather\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the boulders",
"response": "Little is to be achieved by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You walk on to explore west of the notice board in the field beneath rugged mountains.\nSuddenly you see what the shadow of the mountains had hidden: the land falls away in a steep cliff so deep that the bottom is hidden from view. You scramble back from the edge. There is no way to go farther west. With a pounding heart, you turn back to the notice board.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The rocky field ends at the edge of a dark wood. The forbidding trees block your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You start to wander south into the prairie, but without a way to navigate you would easily become lost. If that happened, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trees",
"response": "The trees seem to crowd in together as if they were keeping a secret. It is too dark to discover much from here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The field is mostly dust and grime beneath dark mountains looming to the west.\n\nA round tin rests on the Dusty Field, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Today i am grateful for the peanuts",
"response": "You write \"peanuts\" on the pad of paper.\nTake a moment and look at the words that you wrote. Let the memory of peanuts soak in.\nWhen you write your gratitude note, a tiny folded paper bird flutters down from above you and lands noiselessly in your hand.\nThe field looks a little greener.\nThe colorful gratitude notes posted on the board shine and twinkle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bird",
"response": "An expertly folded paper bird, the GIFT of GRATITUDE. The colors seem to change slightly in the Eunice light, but you think its blue. You remember your Gratitude List:",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Today i am grateful for the shelter",
"response": "You write \"shelter\" on the pad of paper.\nTake a moment and look at the words that you wrote. Let the memory of shelter soak in.\nWhen you add your gratitude note, you notice other notes pinned on the board, written by people or animals before you. It almost seems like there are more than before. The colorful notes add a trendy, party atmosphere to the sign.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Today i am grateful for the ifcomp",
"response": "You write \"ifcomp\" on the pad of paper.\nTake a moment and look at the words that you wrote. Let the memory of ifcomp soak in.\nWhen you add your gratitude note, you notice other notes pinned on the board, written by people or animals before you. It almost seems like there are more than before. The colorful notes add a trendy, party atmosphere to the sign.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trees",
"response": "The trees seem to crowd in together as if they were keeping a secret. It is too dark to discover much from here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The field has a hint of green as if the imposing mountains were pushing up spring with their toes.\n\nA round tin rests on the Dusty Field, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tin",
"response": "You reach down and easily pick up the round tin. Though you aren't sure where it belongs, maybe a dancing rabbit needs a stage somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The dusty field ends at the edge of a dark wood. The forbidding trees block your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A broad field or plain with nothing particularly distinguishing about it, except for the profusion of flowers",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine flowers",
"response": "Some are just tiny dots of color, others grow clustered in towers or opened broad faces of brilliant color: blue sage and indigo, magenta, gold and violet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell flowers",
"response": "They are sweet and with a fresh lightness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The dark pine wood is a solid wall. Yet, as you look you can see a break in the trees where a path of pine needles leads west deeper into the wood or south to an open field.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the needles",
"response": "The straight towering pine trees rise darkly above you. Decades of dropped pine needles thickly cover the path. Their strong scent fills in the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell needles",
"response": "You bring your nose close to the pine needles and inhale deeply. The scent of pine fills your lungs. You inhale deeply for a count of 5, pausing for a moment at the top of your inhale:\n\nExhale completely, feeling refreshed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You walk on with determination toward the light up ahead.\n\nYour footfalls are silent in the thick carpet of pine needles. Sunlight quickly disappears, unable to penetrate through the wood. The path curves here and leads north or to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Like the brave explorers of old, you move through the quiet dimness.\n\nThe ground changes elevation drastically here, making your hike considerable harder. The pines press in around you. The path leads north or south.\n\nA measuring cup lies at the side of the path, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cup",
"response": "The cup is simply made and has a marking of \"1 cup\" on the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "You reach down to retrieve the measuring cup, but no matter how hard you pull it won't come up from the steep trail. Assuredly it doesn't belong, but it seems that other things need to be taken care of before you can return the cup to its rightful place, wherever that might be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "With resolve and determination, you press on.\n\nThe pines have blocked all light and you can hardly see the trail. The comparative darkness halts your progress for a moment.\nThere is some light off to the northwest and the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You move forward out of the darkness and into a bright light.\n\nA ray of sunshine cuts through the curtain of pines onto the path before you. The dense wood opens to a small glen of prickly grass\n\nA dozen carved statues are placed around the little glen. They are worn and covered in lichen, bird droppings, and fallen leaves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie on Grass",
"response": "On second thought, you decide against lying on Grass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell Grass",
"response": "Even for all your sniffing efforts, it doesn't smell like much",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Grass",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the statues",
"response": "The sculptures are all of people hunched over and staring at a small rectangles in their hands. Some are curled over themselves in office chairs.\n\nLooking at them life-like and lifeless, frozen in various pretzel positions, makes you want to loosen your limbs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You loosen limbs",
"response": "Lift your shoulders up to your ears. Feel the muscles tense.\nThen release.\n\nStretch your shoulders back as far as is comfortable, pushing your sternum forward and take a deep breath.\nThen release.\n\nRaise your arms over your head and feel your sides stretch.\nThen release.\n\n...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "...The stone statues are cracking.The figures come to life. They brush the dust and rocks off of themselves. Everyone is hugging and laughing and chattering. \"Hello,\" they say, \"it's been so long! Good to see you,\" they celebrate. They notice you and bring you into the circle. Many hands pat you on the back, thanking you.\n\nOne gives you a little stone that broke off from his elbow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stone",
"response": "...The happy group notices you stretching and jumps to join in. After a smiling round of calisthenics, the group noisily wishes you, \"Good luck on your quest to free hope in Eunice!\". Then they go back to their own stretches or sipping tea, and you remember your mission.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stone",
"response": "The STONE of FLEXIBILITY is gray with little black specs. At this moment, it is an oval rock.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A ray of sunshine cuts through the curtain of pines onto the path before you. The dense wood opens to a small glen of soft grass. The sun shines strongly in the glen creating a little circle of bright against the dark forest.\n\nThe people who were statues are now enjoying the warm sun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the people",
"response": "People are chatting and sipping tea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the people",
"response": "\"Eunice has very particular conversational etiquette. You can ASK group chatting ABOUT something; TELL group chatting ABOUT something; or ANSWER something to group chatting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about the Eunice",
"response": "You do a short sun salutation warm up before talking.\n\nThe group has a lot to say about Eunice.\n\n\"Our beautiful, beautiful home...though it looks just awful now.\" \"That is only because Hope is trapped and we were frozen, but now we can move.\" A few of them do headstands in the grass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about Hope",
"response": "\"What happened to Hope?\" you venture to ask.\n\nThe party falls silent for a surprising moment. Then someone says in a half whisper, \"Only the troll knows.\" The group won't talk anymore about that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about the troll",
"response": "\"What do I need to face the troll,\" you ask, worried that you haven't seen any swords or shields or axes lying around.\n\n\"Do you have any taller shoes?\" someone quips, \"if you really want to be face to face...\"\n\nThere are some snorts and elbowing, and then someone says, \"He just disppeared and no one knows what happened.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about rabbit",
"response": "A few people begin to think about your comment and get distracted when others do jumping jacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na round tin\nstone of flexibility and origami bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about the stone",
"response": "\"This is a strange stone,\" you observe, looking at it. Before your eyes it changes momentarily into a donut shape, then back to a circle. \"It's our gift to you, and it might be just the perfect thing,\" one of the group replies. Someone else adds, \"it is one of those treasures needed in the quest to free Hope.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the people about the bird",
"response": "A few people begin to think about your comment and get distracted when others do cartwheels.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A ray of sunshine cuts through the curtain of pines onto the path before you. The dense wood opens to a small glen of soft grass. The sun shines strongly in the glen creating a little circle of bright against the dark forest.\n\nThe group chatting has created a happy little party.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Grass",
"response": "soft and inviting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie on Grass",
"response": "On second thought, you decide against lying on Grass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trees",
"response": "The straight towering pine trees rise darkly above you. Decades of dropped pine needles thickly cover the path. Their strong scent fills in the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The forbidding trees block your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "The pines have blocked all light and you can hardly see the trail. The comparative darkness halts your progress for a moment.\nThere is some light off to the northwest and the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The ground changes elevation drastically here, making your hike considerable harder. The pines press in around you. The path leads north or south.\n\nA measuring cup lies at the side of the path, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cup",
"response": "You reach down and easily pick up the measuring cup. Though you aren't sure where it belongs, maybe a cat needs a hat somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Your footfalls are silent in the thick carpet of pine needles. Sunlight quickly disappears, unable to penetrate through the wood. The path curves here and leads north or to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Around you is a neglected garden. Where once a caring hand tended bushes and plants, now trash covers the garden. No one is left to tend it now.\nJust north of you is an old, wooden house. At one time it was a dearly loved home, a place of comfort and laughter. Now it stands silent.\n\nThe porch of the old house ends abruptly as the stairs have rotted away beyond all use. There is a cracked flowerpot leaning against the old house.\n\nA tattered note flutters, caught in one of the nearby bushes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The air smells of mud and rotting plants. Flies buzz around your ears and eyes. All your energy to explore is gone, as if sucked away by one of the mosquitos you are trying to swat. You stand on the web of marsh plants. There is some green here, but it is only a sparse layer over deep, cold, dark waters.\nNearby is a dented park sign, titled \"Quaking Bog Rules and Regulations\".\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.\n\nYou sink a little lower into the bog, feeling the cold water on your skin. What can you do, stuck here without Hope?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sign",
"response": "Quaking Bog Rules and Regulations:\n- Swimming is allowed and impossible\n- Jumping is allowed and possible\n- Take time to Appreciate Nature\n- You can thank any bog creature\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.\n\nYou sink a little lower into the bog, feeling the cold water on your skin. What can you do, stuck here without Hope?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You muster the energy to jump a little, and come down hard on the marsh moss and grasses. More cold water collects around you.\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.\n\nYou sink a little lower into the bog, feeling the cold water on your skin. What can you do, stuck here without Hope?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Appreciate the nature",
"response": "You look around and notice that everywhere around you is full of living, growing things. Dragonflies and butterflies and plain flies swoop between moss and grasses.\n\n...\n...Long-legged shorebirds poke around in the mud. The air smells green and rich. A sparkle catches your eye. A single dew drop balances on the edge of a curved grass leaf. Slowly it grows in fullness, glinting like a little star. The weight pulls the thin grass down, down until it drops silently into the watery green at your feet.\n\n...\n...You take a deep breath. Breathe in and feel the breath fill from your belly to your ribs to your collarbones.\nExhale; the grass flutters from the wind of your breath. You feel happier, more relaxed, and ready to continue your exploration.\n\n...\n...At the conclusion of your appreciation, an iridescent fly lying nearby catches your eye. It is colorful and shimmering, vaguely like sugarcoated hard candy.\nOdd, but you keep it for later.\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine fly",
"response": "Reflecting luminous colors, it is dead and rather large, about the size of a cracker.\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell mud",
"response": "You smell nothing unexpected.\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take mud",
"response": "Sometimes you can't take it with you. This is one of those times.\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The air smells of mud and rotting plants. Flies buzz around your ears and eyes. All your energy to explore is gone, as if sucked away by one of the mosquitos you are trying to swat. You stand on the web of marsh plants. There is some green here, but it is only a sparse layer over deep, cold, dark waters.\nNearby is a dented park sign, titled \"Quaking Bog Rules and Regulations\".\n\nYou hear a muffled \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" off to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The ground quakes slightly with each footfall, in a pleasant undulating manner. You are walking on water - or above it - on many layers of moss that have grown over to form a living raft on the surface of the bog.\n\nA toad is sleeping in the moss, as if he was nestled among many overstuffed pillows.\n\n\"ccrroOOAAAaakk\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the toad",
"response": "The toad is large and green and frowning. His protruding eyes are closed and he makes a loud \"ccrroOOAAAaakk\" noise every so often. He is snoring!\n\n\"ccrroOOAAAaakk\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake toad",
"response": "It does seem like the thing to do, but how?\n\n\"ccrroOOAAAaakk\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss toad",
"response": "You place your lips on the toad's cool skin, in your best guess of where his cheek could be, and give a kiss.\n\nThe toad stirs.\nHis right eye opens a fraction of a sixteenth of an inch, and closes again. He spits just the tiniest bit, and then indulges in a terrific snore.\n\n\"ccrroOOAAAaakk\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the fly to the toad",
"response": "You hold the iridescent fly in front of you. With perfect instinct, and eyes still closed, the toad's sticky tongue shoots out and lifts the fly from your palm.\nThe toad chews, snorts, and finally stirs. He fixes his large bulbous eyes on you as if he can see you to your heart.\n\n\"Thank you,\" he says, \"though Hope is caged in Eunice, the flies are rather good.\" he pauses, considering you for a moment, \"it has been quite a while since sightseers came to the bog. What we really need is an adventurer for a quest!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the toad about the quest",
"response": "\"I have taken on the quest to free Hope from its cage!\" you proclaim, \"can you help me?.\n\n\"Glad to see you aren't off to kill some terrible princess and romance a dragon horde, or whatever the kids do these days,\" the toad replies. \"Five treasures are required to free Hope from its cage and you will have to explore Eunice to find them.\" he responds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the toad about the key",
"response": "\"About that key of appreciation,\" you say, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, \"How would I find it?\"\n\nThe toad actually smiles, \"You are so, so close; practically on top of it. Search the water...\"He shifts slightly and near his left forelimb you see a narrow deep well of crystal clear water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the water",
"response": "You peer into the crystal clear water for a moment seeing your reflection staring curiously back at you. Then its gone and far below you think you see something down there, so you reach in.\nThe water is cool against your hand. This is just the beginning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Past the slime and the mud of the bog, past any worries and judgements about whether you are doing enough or playing the game well, you go. Something slimy flits by, maybe a fish?\n\nYou are now in the bog up to your elbow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You crouch down to reach farther still. The water is still, like a deep calmness in your own core. Then the tips of your fingers brush against something solid.\n\nYou are now in the bog up to your shoulder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Straining, you stretch farther, bringing your face near the surface of the thick bog. Finally you grab something solid! Pulling it up to the surface, you see it is a heavy key. You keep the key for later.\n\nAs you put the key away, you can feel the toad's eyes on you and his wide mouth turns up in a slight smile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "One of the five treasures: the KEY of APPRECIATION! It's a house key. The key is heavy brass and old fashioned. It rests solidly in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na measuring cup\na round tin\nhouse key, stone of flexibility and origami bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the toad about the tin",
"response": "\"I'd rather talk about bog politics than that,\" says the toad, \"and I hate politics\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the toad about the house",
"response": "(the house key)\n\"It is the KEY of APPRECIATION,\" the toad admits, \"I haven't had the confidence to look past my own reflection to search for it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the moss",
"response": "Looks like a comfortable bed, for a toad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The thick moss dissolves farther east into a dark pool. There is no way farther.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The thick moss dissolves farther north into a dark pool. There is no way farther.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The thick moss dissolves farther south into a dark pool. There is no way farther.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The toad sits quietly watching you go.\n\nThe air smells of mud and both the growing and decaying plants. Instead of being stuck, you notice how the whole bog is bursting with life.\nNearby is a dented park sign titled \"Quaking Bog Rules and Regulations",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the sign",
"response": "Quaking Bog Rules and Regulations:\n- Swimming is allowed and impossible\n- Jumping is allowed and possible\n- Take time to Appreciate Nature\n- You can thank any bog creature",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The ground quakes slightly with each footfall, in a pleasant undulating manner. You are walking on water - or above it - on many layers of moss that have grown over to form a living raft on the surface of the bog.\n\nThere is a clear pool of water near the toad's forelimb.\n\nThe large green toad is lounging on the moss, humming softly to himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Thank the toad",
"response": "He nods his wide head. And if he had a bowler hat, he would have touched the brim as a jaunty \"you're welcome\". But things aren't as they should be in Eunice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You start to wander east into the green grasses, but without a way to navigate you would easily become lost. If that happened, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the flowers",
"response": "You wander through the field gathering wildflowers. The petals kiss softly against your skin.\n\nAfter a while, your foot catches on a ridge of dirt and you catch yourself before falling. Bending down, you notice a small round hole of some little animal's home. After peering for a moment into the cool darkness you stand again, not wanting to pry where you haven't been invited.\n\nYou walk on farther, discovering rocks and seed pods and animal tracks, and then losing them again in your rambling.\nA soft breeze smelling of high mountain air comes from the west and you remember your quest.\n\nThe flowers that you gathered were lost on your exploring, but it is fine. The seeds you spread will grow to more flowers next year.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The field has a hint of green as if the imposing mountains were pushing up spring with their toes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are in a broad, rocky field. Boulders are scattered haphazardly all around.\n\nThere is a large notice board clearly placed with more intention than the rocks. On the notice board is a pad of paper and a few notes. The field looks slightly greener than before, as if spring is coming soon. Farther west, tall mountains loom over you, threatening to overwhelm the scene.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the notes",
"response": "You pick one of the notes to read: \"Today I am grateful for a warm cup of tea, house elves, catching up with an old friend\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You pick one of the notes to read: \"Today I am grateful for picnics, loving family, silly jokes.\" .",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tend the garden",
"response": "You heft some of the larger pieces of trash to the side. Then you clear the dead leaves, dropping them on the ground for mulch cover to soak in the rain when it comes. As you clear and organize, your thoughts settle. Each thing in its place, simply and easily.\n\nSoothing lavender sways in the breeze, now that the garden has been tended. Fragrant plants cover the ground. The rose bush is budding and will flower soon.\n\nYou find a little flute among the trash, like a gift from the garden. You decide to keep it for later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the flute",
"response": "The little flute is simply carved. In the right moment it will play the SONG of ORDER.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Around you the garden is beginning to return to life. The rose bush has tiny pink buds, preparing to become flowers soon.\nJust north of you is an old, wooden house. At one time it was a dearly loved home, a place of comfort and laughter. Now it stands silent.\n\nThe porch of the old house ends abruptly as the stairs have rotted away beyond all use. There is a cracked flowerpot leaning against the old house.\n\nA tattered note flutters, caught in one of the nearby bushes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at rose",
"response": "The bushes and plants are green with life. You notice a rose bush with blush-pink buds, and not far away lavender scents the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean pot",
"response": "You rub the cracked flowerpot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the pot",
"response": "Little is to be achieved by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the pot",
"response": "The cracked flowerpot is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na measuring cup\na round tin\nflute, house key, stone of flexibility and origami bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the flute",
"response": "You place the little flute to your lips and blow a few experimental notes. The sound is soft and a little melancholy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bird",
"response": "An expertly folded paper bird, the GIFT of GRATITUDE. The colors seem to change slightly in the Eunice light, but you think its blue. You remember your Gratitude List:\n\nifcomp",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss bird",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "The old house blocks your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You start to wander southeast into the prairie, but without a way to navigate you would easily become lost. If that happened, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The wind blows gently across the rolling meadow. This would be a sweet place to sit for an afternoon in a hammock and listen to the birds sing, except that there is no hammock and no birds singing.\n\nA whisk lies on the meadowland, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the whisk",
"response": "You reach down and easily pick up the whisk. Though you aren't sure where it belongs, someone always needs a whisk somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You start to wander southwest, but without the tree as a signpost you would easily become lost in ever-shifting green grasses. If you were lost, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The wind blows gently across the rolling meadow. This would be a sweet place to sit for an afternoon in a hammock and listen to the birds sing, except that there is no hammock and no birds singing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "The dark pine wood is a solid wall. Yet, as you look you can see a break in the trees where a path of pine needles leads west deeper into the wood or south to an open field.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the needles",
"response": "Sometimes you can't take it with you. This is one of those times.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Around you the garden is beginning to return to life. The rose bush has tiny pink buds, preparing to become flowers soon.\nJust north of you is an old, wooden house. At one time it was a dearly loved home, a place of comfort and laughter. Now it stands silent.\n\nThe porch of the old house ends abruptly as the stairs have rotted away beyond all use. There is a cracked flowerpot leaning against the old house.\n\nA tattered note flutters, caught in one of the nearby bushes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "Lift your shoulders up to your ears. Feel the muscles tense.\nThen release.\n\nStretch your shoulders back as far as is comfortable, pushing your sternum forward and take a deep breath.\nThen release.\n\nRaise your arms over your head and feel your sides stretch.\nThen release.\n\n...\n\nAhhh, that felt good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tree",
"response": "The tree is dark against the gray-green of the sky and mostly bare, with only a few yellow leaves. The trunk is thick and twisted. Low branches create a wide crown on the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tree",
"response": "You hook your arm around a low branch and hoist yourself up. From there its an easy climb to the top with the wide horizontal branches forming an rough ladder.\n\nThe wind blows strongly this high up and you grasp a branch for stability. There are only a few leaves still holding on here and there.\n\nThe tree holds you high above Eunice in the palm of its dark branches.\n\nYou aren't sure what you are looking for, until you see it. A small yellow apple hangs on by a delicate twig which looks ready to snap in the wind at any moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the apple",
"response": "It is a small yellow apple. As you look closer, you notice shades of reds and browns and greens on the skin in a collection of all the colors of fall. Your mouth begins to water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the apple",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the apple",
"response": "With full awareness of your hand moving toward your mouth, you appreciate the smell and colors of the fruit. Imagine what it took for this to get to your hands: sunshine, water, warmth, and time. You take a first bite and for a moment hold the tart sweet fruit in your mouth. As you chew, you notice it fully as if it were your first time ever eating an apple. Very slowly you chew, appreciating the change in texture and the nourishment. You continue until you finish the apple and feel completely sated.\nA few brown seeds are all that is left. You keep them as a memory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the seeds",
"response": "Some little brown SEEDS of MINDFULNESS that came from the apple you ate.\n\nYou remember holding it with full awareness of the weight in your hand, appreciating the smell and colors of the fruit. You imagined what it took for this to get to your hands: sunshine, water, warmth, and time. You felt the fruit against your teeth and you took the first bite. After chewing, you noticed the first burst of flavor and how it gradually faded. Paying attention fully as if it is your first time ever eating an apple.\nVery slowly chewing, appreciating the change in texture and taste, you finished the apple and felt completely sated.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Many grasses - wild oat, foxtail, ryegrass, and buffalo grass make up an ocean of green rolling around you.\n\nThe only thing breaking the continuity is a huge and gnarled tree, framed dark against the wide sky.\n\nA spatula rests on some grass, looking very out of place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the spatula",
"response": "You reach down and easily pick up the spatula. Though you aren't sure where it belongs, maybe a seafaring mouse needs a paddle somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na spatula\na whisk\na measuring cup\na round tin\nseeds, flute, house key, stone of flexibility and origami bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The wind blows gently across the rolling meadow. You can just make out the faint notes of far off birdsong, though you can see no birds here yet. This is a lovely spot to sit for a moment.\n\nA hammock sways slightly in the breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hammock",
"response": "The hammock is wide and cozy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie on it",
"response": "You hold the hammock steady and climb awkwardly into it, thinking with some amusement that for all their comfort, hammocks are particularly uncomfortable to get into... But now you are lying down, every limb supported. Your skin warms in the sun. You are held and rocked gently. As you sway, looking up to the great wide sky of Eunice. All this cuddling into the hammock has succeeded in making you rather sleepy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You close your eyes for a moment. Thoughts that were loud and distracting become quiet. You can hear your breath grow deeper and more regular as you fall into a light sleep.\nBirds and insects make a sweet lullaby around you.\nAfter some unknown amount of time you wake up to Eunice, remembering your quest. A line from a poem alights on your mind, \"Hope is the thing with feathers\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You start to wander east into the green grasses, but without a way to navigate you would easily become lost. If that happened, hope would never return to Eunice. Thankfully, you turn back..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "(first getting off the hammock)\n\nAround you the garden is beginning to return to life. The rose bush has tiny pink buds, preparing to become flowers soon.\nJust north of you is an old, wooden house. At one time it was a dearly loved home, a place of comfort and laughter. Now it stands silent.\n\nThe porch of the old house ends abruptly as the stairs have rotted away beyond all use. There is a cracked flowerpot leaning against the old house.\n\nA tattered note flutters, caught in one of the nearby bushes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the seeds in the pot",
"response": "You gently plant the seeds in the cracked flowerpot.\nQuickly, tendrils sprout in the dirt. They grow into strong tangle of vines, twisting and turning around each other until they form stairs north to the porch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You walk gingerly up the green vine stairs.\n\nIt was always a humble porch, now looking only slightly worse for wear, and it has been swept recently.\n\nA metal mailbox sits off to one side and a mat lies near the front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mat",
"response": "Woven grasses form a square mat in front of the door. It does not say \"welcome\". It does not even give a very welcoming impression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the mat",
"response": "You find dust and dirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean mat",
"response": "You rub the welcome mat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mailbox",
"response": "It is a metal box with the word \"Mail\" embossed on the front. It looks polished and clean, and a little out of place on the porch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You pull open the front panel of the mailbox. A pair of beady eyes glare back at you from a tiny wrinkled face. The elf, for she has narrow pointy ears sticking up above a little green hat, screeches loudly: \"BAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the elf",
"response": "The elf is about five inches high and looks at you with an unyielding grumpiness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the elf about the elf",
"response": "The elf glares at you.\n\n\"Bah, the elf,\" the elf yells, again. The elf is very yell-y.\nWho knew elves would be so screechy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the elf about the mailbox",
"response": "The elf rolls her eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask elf about the Eunice",
"response": "\"You want to know about Eunice?\" the elf asks, though clearly it is a rhetorical question, \"it's dark, it's empty, and it's not going to change.\"\n\n\"That seems a little severe\", you respond. Surprisingly, she doesn't yell but just shrugs, \"I am not one to compromise. People have told me I need more flexibility, but where would I get that?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the stone to the elf",
"response": "The elf steps back to let you place the little stone inside the mailbox. She stands for a moment with hands on her hips, looking at it, and then with great effort she pushes it just slightly to the left. Now that it is in the perfect place, she sits on the stone of flexibility just like a bean bag chair. The elf is now grinning happily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the elf about the Eunice",
"response": "\"Can you tell me more about this place?\" you inquire.\n\n\"I don't get around Eunice much,\" the elf admits, \"though before the Troll shut himself away, this was a happy place - when Hope was free. I visited the group in the woods and the toad long, long ago back when Hope was here and we knew \"how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed\"...\" She clears her throat and awkwardly wipes her face with the back of her hand. \"So much has changed since Hope was lost.\".\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the elf about Hope",
"response": "You mention Hope.\n\n\"Maybe things won't always be as they are now, maybe things can change for the better.\" she shrugs, \"if you can succeed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the elf about Troll",
"response": "\"So do I have to fight the troll or something?\" You ask worriedly.\n\n\"\"Fight the troll? why would you do that?\" the elf gasps, \"he is going through a really tough time right now, but I don't think he would ever fight anyone.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the elf about the mat",
"response": "\"Sounds interesting. Haven't got the foggiest idea about that,\" replies the elf, \"I'm just a tiny elf in a mailbox, after all.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na spatula\na whisk\na measuring cup\na round tin\nflute, house key and origami bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the door with the key",
"response": "You unlock the front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "The door swings open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The elf waves goodbye.\n\nThe whole house has the feeling of neglect and something more... as if the place were holding its breath.\n\nThe front door is open, letting in rays of golden light.\n\nA huge troll looms in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Troll",
"response": "The troll is standing rock-like in the middle of the one room house. He is large and the house is rather little, so he takes up a lot of space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about Troll",
"response": "The troll can feel your eyes on him, and... s l o w l y... turns ... his head .... toward you.\n\n\"Hhhrrmmmm\" says the Troll, \"hhrrrmmmm\" then he seems to forget what you were talking about.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bird",
"response": "An expertly folded paper bird, the GIFT of GRATITUDE. The colors seem to change slightly in the Eunice light, but you think its blue. You remember your Gratitude List:\n\nifcomp",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about Hope",
"response": "After your long journey you can't resist asking, \"what really happened to Hope?\"\nThe troll looks at you and remains frozen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about the Eunice",
"response": "\"Hhhrrmmmm\" says the Troll, \"hhrrrmmmm\" then he seems to forget what you were talking about.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about the house",
"response": "(the house key)\n\"Hhhrrmmmm\" says the Troll, \"hhrrrmmmm\" then he seems to forget what you were talking about.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "\"Goodbye for now,\" you say. The troll watches you worriedly as you leave.\n\nIt was always a humble porch, now looking only slightly worse for wear, and it has been swept recently.\n\nA metal mailbox sits off to one side and a mat lies near the front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You walk gingerly down the green vine stairs.\n\nAround you the garden is beginning to return to life. The rose bush has tiny pink buds, preparing to become flowers soon.\nJust north of you is an old, wooden house. At one time it was a dearly loved home, a place of comfort and laughter. Now it stands silent.\n\nThere is a cracked flowerpot leaning against the old house. A tangle of great, green vines is growing up to form stairs of the front porch.\n\nA tattered note flutters, caught in one of the nearby bushes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the pot",
"response": "The cracked flowerpot is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You walk gingerly up the green vine stairs.\n\nIt was always a humble porch, now looking only slightly worse for wear, and it has been swept recently.\n\nA metal mailbox sits off to one side and a mat lies near the front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The whole house has the feeling of neglect and something more... as if the place were holding its breath.\n\nThe front door is open, letting in rays of golden light.\n\nA huge troll looms in front of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You greet Troll",
"response": "\"Hello,\" you squeak out a greeting.\n\nThe troll can feel your eyes on him, and... s l o w l y... turns ... his head .... toward you.\n\n(You could ask him about Quest, Hope, Poem or Joke.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about Quest",
"response": "\"I am still on a quest to free Hope!\" you proclaim, \"w-will you help me?\" The troll stares at you unmoving which seems intimidating at first and then you see he really isn't able to move.\n\n\"Got frzen whin Hofe traffd.\" he says and hardly moves his lips as he talks.\n\n\"Oh no,\" your voice sounds weak and tiny in the little house. You don't have anything prepared for this. \"How can I help?\" you ask.\n\nThe Troll looks around, thinking, his eyeballs the only thing that has free movement, \"Laughng...kno any gud jokes?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Troll about the joke",
"response": "You remember a few silly jokes, and tell one to the Troll. \"What gets wetter the more it dries? A towel.\"\n\nThe Troll's belly shakes and he makes a barking-burping noise. He is laughing!\nHe shakes himself vigorously and begins puttering around the old house.\n\nThings begin to look a little brighter in the old wooden house. The Troll makes a series of complicated taps on the wall and is able to open numerous little cupboards.\n\"Now that I can move about again I feel like celebrating.\" He talks at you from over his shoulder, \"Hope might actually be freed with you here, and I know what would be perfect for a little celebration!\"\n\nThe Troll begins to take out ingredients from all sorts of hidden places: bright red berries, a crock of butter, dark chocolate, a bowl of flour, and a jar of honey.\n\"Where did that cake tin go?\" he wonders aloud.\n\n...\n...You take out the cake tin and put it on the table about to say something, when the Troll glances up, \"ah ha!\", he says, and then butters the tin, \"to remove the cake easily,\" he explains, \"now if you were a measuring cup, where would you be?\"\n\n...\n...You take out the measuring cup and put it on the table about to say something, when the Troll glances up, \"ah ha!\", he says, and begins to measure out all the ingredients needed. When everything is in he wipes his hands on his pants, \"now where is that whisk?\"\nOnce again, you take out the whisk and put it on the table about to say something, when the Troll glances up, \"ah ha!\", he says, and begins to mix with an expert hand, \"Now, now, now, one last thing...the spatula...\"\n\n...\n...You take out the spatula and put it on the table without saying a word. When the Troll happens to glance up, he says \"ah ha!\" and takes the spatula in his hand. He uses it to transfer all the batter from the bowl to the baking tin. Then he puts the cake in a little oven hidden in a corner.\nIn no time at all, the utensils and ingredients are cleared away, and a wonderful smell of butter and sugar fills the air.\n\nThe smells coming from the hidden oven grow more and more delicious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "The house smells clean and fresher than before.\n\nThe smells coming from the hidden oven grow more and more delicious.\n\nAs you watch with your mouth watering, the Troll takes out a perfectly baked cake, removes it from the tin, and covers it in pale pink frosting.\n\"Please, don't wait on ceremony,\" the Troll graciously invites you toward the cake, and then proceeds to take a large handful of the dessert himself. It is only then that you notice something new has appeared from all of the Troll's puttering and opening of secret compartments.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The house feels comfortable and homey. Everything is better with cake.\n\nNow you notice a large steamer trunk in one corner of the little house. It shouldn't be suspicious, even a troll needs some storage space...but there is no denying that it feels incredibly suspicious. The snake coiled on top might be adding to your discomfort.\n\nA beautifully frosted and perfectly baked cake sitting atop an overturned round tin on the floor the Old House. Almost half is already gone and a few moist crumbs lie scattered around it.\n\nThe front door is open, letting in rays of golden light.\n\nThe troll is puttering around the little house.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the snake",
"response": "A coil of reptilian muscle, you shudder and decide not to disturb it.\n\n\"Bit intimidating,\" the Troll admits, \"I'm much too afraid to do anything with him myself.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the snake about the snake",
"response": "\"SSSSssssssss\" saysss the ssnake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the flute",
"response": "You place the little flute to your lips and blow a few experimental notes. The sound is soft and a little melancholy.\nThe snake waves its head side to side as you play, turning jeweled eyes to you, and flicking his delicate tongue. Then he wiggles from off the steamer trunk and through the open window out into the perfumed garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cake",
"response": "Since there isn't a dessert plate or a cake serving set handy, you wipe your hand on your pants and, as genteelly as possible, take a handful of pink frosted cake.\n\nYou remember mindfully eating the apple and again pause just one moment before taking a first bite, smelling the treat and even enjoying the feel of cake in your hand.\n\nThen you take a bite. It is sweet and buttery and still warm from the oven. You imagined what it took for this to get to your hands: from growing the wheat and sugar cane to waiting while the troll frosted the layers. You notice the first burst of flavor and how it gradually fades at the end of each mouthful; paying attention fully as if it were your first time ever eating cake.\nVery slowly chewing, appreciating the change in texture and taste, you finished the handful and felt completely satisfied",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trunk",
"response": "You open the steamer trunk, revealing a bird's nest and an egg.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "A nest of paper and ribbons might seem nice, but this is part of Hope's prison. It was built from starving gratitudes until they shriveled up and died. Though an inanimate object, it seethes with resentment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine egg",
"response": "The egg is cream colored and the size of a ball. The shell is dimpled slightly all over. Part of Hope's prison, the longer you look at it the colder you feel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the nest and the egg",
"response": "bird's nest: You don't want to get too close to that tangle.\negg: That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about Hope",
"response": "After your long journey you can't resist asking, \"what really happened to Hope?\"\nThe troll pauses a moment thinking, \"it wasn't any one thing thing in particular. All of Eunice slowly grew grayer and darker. I thought that it was just happening to me alone, so I didn't say anything, and began to think maybe it was my fault. I didn't know what to do. I guess none of us did. It got worse. It got to where I couldn't do any of the things I used to love, like reading poetry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about the Poem",
"response": "You mention poetry and troll recites in a pleasing deep voice, \"For oft, when on my couch I lie\nIn vacant or in pensive mood,\nThey flash upon that inward eye\nWhich is the bliss of solitude;\nAnd then my heart with pleasure fills,\nAnd dances with the daffodils.\" he sighs, \"good stuff, good stuff.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nflute, house key and origami bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bird on the egg",
"response": "You carefully take the folded paper bird, remembering some things you were grateful for, and place the little paper bird on top of the enormous egg. It balances, just a little lopsided. For the moment, nothing happens.\n\nThen the paper bird flutters and settles in to warm the egg. Slowly the egg begins to wobble, then shake. The paper bird flaps away through the window and out into Eunice.\n\n...\n...A crack forms in the shell. The crack expands and spreads.\n\nAfter what feels like hours, you can see a tiny beak poking through. As Hope breaks free of its prison, sunlight fills the house.\n\n...\n...The hatchling is a delicate thing with feathers. It makes a shrill chirp and shuffles its baby bird body. Slowly, it spreads its wings. Before your eyes it grows and grows. It flies across all of Eunice like a cloud, yet filling it with sunlight. Hope has returned to the land.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Troll a the joke",
"response": "\"Hhhrrmmmm\" says the Troll, \"hhrrrmmmm\" then he seems to forget what you were talking about.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Troll about the joke",
"response": "You remember a few silly jokes, and tell one to the Troll. \"A wizard was driving down the street, what went wrong? He turned into a driveway!\"\n\nThe Troll's belly shakes and he makes a barking-burping noise. He is laughing!\nHe shakes himself vigorously and begins puttering around the old house.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You remember a few silly jokes, and tell one to the Troll. \"What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt.\"\n\nThe Troll's belly shakes and he makes a barking-burping noise. He is laughing!\nHe shakes himself vigorously and begins puttering around the old house.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You remember a few silly jokes, and tell one to the Troll. \"What bow can't be tied? A rainbow.\"\n\nThe Troll's belly shakes and he makes a barking-burping noise. He is laughing!\nHe shakes himself vigorously and begins puttering around the old house.",
"endoftext": true
] | t69su0pe991fbujq |
Comrade | Roger Carbol (as Urist Uristson) | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
"science fiction",
"ShuffleComp: Disc 2",
] | 2,015 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20150502 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Glorious day, comrade! Of all the countless applicants, you yourself have been chosen to represent the great government of the Motherland as the political officer -- the zampolit -- in the crown jewel of the People's accomplishments: the lunar base. With months of training complete, you are finally ready to assume your post.\n\nThe inside of this reusable space vehicle is cramped, but not unbearably so for the trip up from Earth. A ramp has opened up, leading out into the base.\n\nYou can see DUFFY, apparently with some message on its screen, here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine duffy",
"response": "This large immobile robot is known as DUFFY, which is an acronym for... something you can never quite remember. The \"U\" is for Unit, maybe? Anyway, its primary purpose is to analyze various substances and objects. It displays any relevant output from its analysis on a large integral screen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are now this lunar base's zampolit, charged with keeping everyone in line with the approved ideology of the Motherland. It is a duty you take seriously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "Small as far as hangars go, but large enough to contain the shuttle you arrived in, and afford space for its maintenance. The vehicular airlock in the ceiling is closed, of course. An airlock suitable for personnel is to the northeast, while an open airlock chamber is to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You can see a space suit and a big red button here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the button",
"response": "Pushing the button cycles the airlock, for access to the lunar surface.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the suit",
"response": "If someone made a full-body parka out of tin foil, and added a bubble of a helmet, it might look something like this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the suit",
"response": "(first taking the space suit)\nYou put on the space suit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "Theoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the coffin",
"response": "This insulated box seems to have been originally designed for the transport and storage of perishable food. It now serves a nobler, if more tragic, purpose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open coffin",
"response": "You open the coffin, revealing a body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the body",
"response": "This must be the previous zampolit officer. His nakedness surprises you, but between the autopsy and lack of an open-casket funeral, it makes perfect sense.\n\nOn the body is a crucifix.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crucifix",
"response": "Such a thing is somewhat scandalous, and twice so on a political officer. It is pendant from a silver chain, which is beginning to show some tarnish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the crucifix",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter",
"response": "The inside of this reusable space vehicle is cramped, but not unbearably so for the trip up from Earth. A ramp has opened up, leading out into the base.\n\nYou can see DUFFY here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the the crucifix",
"response": "You slip the crucifix into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na space suit (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Duffy, to check your inventory",
"response": "The screen blinks out a message several times:\n\nCOMMAND FAILED, COMRADE\n\nand then returns to its previous state.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine duffy",
"response": "This large immobile robot is known as DUFFY, which is an acronym for... something you can never quite remember. The \"U\" is for Unit, maybe? Anyway, its primary purpose is to analyze various substances and objects. It displays any relevant output from its analysis on a large integral screen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "Small as far as hangars go, but large enough to contain the shuttle you arrived in, and afford space for its maintenance. The vehicular airlock in the ceiling is closed, of course. An airlock suitable for personnel is to the northeast, while an open airlock chamber is to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the coffin",
"response": "In the coffin is a body.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the body",
"response": "Have some respect, comrade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the coffin",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close the coffin",
"response": "You close the coffin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "This room is full of workbenches and power tools of various sorts. A non-pressure door is to the southwest. The quarantine area is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see the mechanical file cabinet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the file cabinet",
"response": "The standard government-issue battleship-grey file cabinet. The Motherland may be built on vodka and blood, but her government is built upon a vast foundation of file cabinets just like this one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the mechanical file cabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "The contents seem to be arranged by date. You could look up a particular date to find a specific record.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up may 2",
"response": "(in the mechanical file cabinet)\nYou find several standard statement-of-work forms, but none of them seem particularly interesting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "A small, cramped room. A cot, a locker, a small writing desk. The place smells faintly of lightweight oil. The only door is to the northeast.\n\nYou can see Tsygan here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Tsygan",
"response": "The mechanic, Tsygan, as you recall from your briefing, is in charge of all the mechanical systems and subsytems on the entire base, from life support to plumbing. He is angrily mumbling under his breath about something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cot",
"response": "As far as beds go, it's pretty spartan, even by your standards. It looks like an air duct grille has been installed under it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at grille",
"response": "This grille seems designed to admit airflow and little else. It seems to be loose on its hinges.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take grille",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock grille",
"response": "(with the space suit)\nThat doesn't seem to be something you can unlock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tsygan about the body",
"response": "\"It is very unfortunate. I had thought Sablin was stronger, psychologically, than that. Apparently I was wrong about him. As we all were.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tsygan about Tsygan",
"response": "\"I'm quite busy here, as I'm sure you can see, comrade zampolit. Surely everything you need to know is in my official file,\" he replies curtly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the cot",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Doff suit",
"response": "You take off the space suit.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "The largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Burlak",
"response": "The gardner, Burlak, as you recall from your briefing, is in charge of the greenhouse and lunar excursions. He looks approximately ancient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Burlak about Sablin",
"response": "\"I cannot truly believe it, even now. He was a complex man, but not a troubled one.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Burlak about burlak",
"response": "\"Ehhh? Me? Oh, I've been here since the beginning. Before the bone density supplements. I won't be going back,\" he replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "The room is dominated by a large counter, on which is spread a bewildering variety of bowls, knives, and food ingredients. An industrial refrigerator stands in one corner; beside it, a strange contraption churns away. A non-pressure door is directly to the south. The mess hall is conveniently located nearby to the northeast; a hall is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Prokopenko here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask prokopenko about Sablin",
"response": "\"We did not always see eye-to-eye, it is true. Still,\" he says, \"it is a terrible thing, so close to his return to Earth.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the contraption",
"response": "This machine, at first glance, defies comprehension. It looks like an outboard motor engaged in some sort of kinky fan-belt-based bondage with the refrigerator. You eventually puzzle out that it must be some sort of rigged-up stand mixer, for baking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the prokopenko about the contraption",
"response": "\"It is a marvel, is it not?\" He does not await a reply. \"A few bits and pieces from here and there, and now I can bake a cake.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A small bed fills most of this small room. The walls are covered with pictures of people in various terrestrial settings. The only door is to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bed",
"response": "As far as beds go, it's pretty spartan, even by your standards. It looks like an air duct grille has been installed under it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at grille",
"response": "This grille seems designed to admit airflow and little else. It seems to be loose on its hinges.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The room is dominated by a large counter, on which is spread a bewildering variety of bowls, knives, and food ingredients. An industrial refrigerator stands in one corner; beside it, a strange contraption churns away. A non-pressure door is directly to the south. The mess hall is conveniently located nearby to the northeast; a hall is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Prokopenko here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "Most of the room is filled with radio equipment. There's a non-pressure door to the northeast. A delicious smell wafts in from the southeast; to the southwest is the greenhouse dome.\n\nYou can see the radio file cabinet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cabinet",
"response": "The standard government-issue battleship-grey radio file cabinet. The Motherland may be built on vodka and blood, but her government is built upon a vast foundation of radio file cabinets just like this one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the radio file cabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "The contents seem to be arranged by date. You could look up a particular date to find a specific record.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "A pleasant respite from the rest of the base are the rows and rows of growing plants. The greenhouse is a geodesic dome constructed from thick glass. Metal shutters are retracted near the floor, ready to be deployed in case of danger. The rest of the base is to the northeast.\n\nYou can see a composter here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the composter",
"response": "Just a large metal box, really, full of organic materials slowly decomposing into soil. Worth more than gold, up here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search composter",
"response": "You dig around a bit in the muck. Your fingers hit something which doesn't feel organic at all, so you pull it out -- it's a long black piece of rubber. Surely that doesn't belong in the compost. You pull it out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan old fan belt\na space suit",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the belt",
"response": "A long thin length of black rubber. It looks the worse for wear, even considering its time spent in a pile of decomposing goo.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Most of the room is filled with radio equipment. There's a non-pressure door to the northeast. A delicious smell wafts in from the southeast; to the southwest is the greenhouse dome.\n\nYou can see the radio file cabinet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "The room is dominated by a large counter, on which is spread a bewildering variety of bowls, knives, and food ingredients. An industrial refrigerator stands in one corner; beside it, a strange contraption churns away. A non-pressure door is directly to the south. The mess hall is conveniently located nearby to the northeast; a hall is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Prokopenko here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the belt to Prokopenko",
"response": "(the old fan belt to Prokopenko)\nProkopenko is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Prokopenko about the crucifix",
"response": "This provokes no reaction.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the grille",
"response": "This grille seems designed to admit airflow and little else. It seems to be welded shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "The largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the belt to Burlak",
"response": "Burlak is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the belt",
"response": "You slip the old fan belt into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Theoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.\n\nthing seems to confuse it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You can see a big red button here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "This curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the northwest, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The mess hall is back to the southwest, while the hall continues to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This small room seems bigger than it really is because it's almost entirely empty, with the last occupant's belongings already removed, and its new occupant -- you -- yet to move in. The few permanently-installed pieces of furniture indicate it is an office. The door back into the hall is to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the grille",
"response": "This grille seems designed to admit airflow and little else. It seems to be welded shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This small room seems bigger than it really is because it's almost entirely empty, with the last occupant's belongings already removed, and its new occupant -- you -- yet to move in. The few permanently-installed pieces of furniture, such as the bed, indicate it is your quarters The door back into the hall is to the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "As far as beds go, it's pretty spartan, even by your standards. It looks like an air duct grille has been installed under it.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the west, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The hall curves away to the north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The long couch, suitable for reclining, tips you off that this must by the office of the base psychiatrist. It also features the more usual furniture for an office -- a desk, a file cabinet, that sort of thing. The hallway is back to the east.\n\nYou can see Golovachev here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Golovachev",
"response": "Golovachev is the base psychiatrist. Apparently all the isolation gets to some people.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Golovachev about Sablin",
"response": "\"There was no prior indication that Sablin was tending towards suicidal ideation, let alone action. A review of the literature supports that this is unusual, but not entirely novel.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Golovachev about Golovachev",
"response": "\"I am the principal point of contact for all aspects of mental health and fitness at this particular facility,\" he says. \"If you should feel at any time that you may be losing contact with reality, please do not hesitate to engage me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You feel distinctly-uncomfortable lurking around someone else's bedroom. Relief is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The curving hall finally terminates in a door in its northwesterly extremity. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the east, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The rest of the base is back towards the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Not exactly a full-service hospital -- more like an overgrown stationary ambulance, really -- this is where the physical health of the cosmonauts is assessed and hopefully improved. You resolve to stay healthy. The door is to the west.\n\nYou can see Dolmatov here.\n\nHe stops working for a moment. \"Ah, comrade. I was hoping you'd drop by. Here's the medical report regarding Sablin.\" He hands you a medical report.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the report",
"response": "Nothing is written on the medical report.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the report",
"response": "The medical report is several pages of dense medical jargon, but you're able to gather that it concludes that Sablin died from strangulation, late May 1 or early May 2. He was found hanged in his quarters, once they kicked down the locked door. It has been officially ruled a suicide.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the doctor about the report",
"response": "He puts down his paperwork and regards you. \"I know you are newly-arrived, comrade. I have been here eleven months, and I'm scheduled to return to Earth in a few weeks. The zampolit was discovered behind a locked door, hanging from his neck. In my professional opinion, that is a suicide, wherever it happens.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the doctor about the doctor",
"response": "\"I graduated from the finest medical university in Moscow. And now I'm here.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the doctor about Sablin",
"response": "\"The deceased was a credit to the People. His loss is very unfortunate for all of us.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Not exactly a full-service hospital -- more like an overgrown stationary ambulance, really -- this is where the physical health of the cosmonauts is assessed and hopefully improved. You resolve to stay healthy. The door is to the west.\n\nYou can see Dolmatov here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The curving hall finally terminates in a door in its northwesterly extremity. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the east, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The rest of the base is back towards the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You feel distinctly-uncomfortable lurking around someone else's bedroom. Relief is to the east.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This room is more like a tunnel through an enormous mass of machinery. All designed to keep the fragile human inhabitants breathing, not freezing to death, etc. The door back to the rest of the base is to the southeast. The room continues to taper off towards the northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This weird little rump of a room seems to have been used for miscellaneous storage, like an overgrown closet. The life support machinery is back to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na medical report\na space suit",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the west, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The hall curves away to the north and south.\n\nThis curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the northwest, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The mess hall is back to the southwest, while the hall continues to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "The largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up may 1 in the cabinet",
"response": "You find just one encrypted message for May 1. The message body itself is encrypted, but you can see it is from Zampolit Sablin, and marked urgent. Seems important, so you take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the message",
"response": "You can tell this message was sent yesterday, May 1, by Zampolit Sablin, and it is marked as urgent. Everything else is encrypted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up may 1 in the cabinet",
"response": "You find just one work log for May 1. Seems like it might be important, so you take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the log",
"response": "It's a standard statement-of-work form, dated May 1. It indicates that a fan belt was replaced in the kitchen. It is signed, but so illegibly that you couldn't guess by whom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "Theoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze log",
"response": "You slip the work log into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the screen",
"response": "It reads:\n\nSIGNATURE MATCHES COMRADE TSYGAN.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the message",
"response": "You slip the message into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "The largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.\n\nThis curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the northwest, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The mess hall is back to the southwest, while the hall continues to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This small room seems bigger than it really is because it's almost entirely empty, with the last occupant's belongings already removed, and its new occupant -- you -- yet to move in. The few permanently-installed pieces of furniture, such as the bed, indicate it is your quarters The door back into the hall is to the northwest.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here.\n\nYou can see a sticker here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the sticker",
"response": "A small sticker of the sort one might find on a piece of fruit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the sticker",
"response": "You slip the sticker into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Theoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.\n\nThis room is full of workbenches and power tools of various sorts. A non-pressure door is to the southwest. The quarantine area is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see the mechanical file cabinet here.\n\nThe largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "This curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the northwest, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The mess hall is back to the southwest, while the hall continues to the north.\n\nThis small room seems bigger than it really is because it's almost entirely empty, with the last occupant's belongings already removed, and its new occupant -- you -- yet to move in. The few permanently-installed pieces of furniture, such as the bed, indicate it is your quarters The door back into the hall is to the northwest.\n\nThese cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here.\n\nThese cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here.\n\nThese cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You feel distinctly-uncomfortable lurking around someone else's bedroom. Relief is to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "The largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.\n\nThis room is full of workbenches and power tools of various sorts. A non-pressure door is to the southwest. The quarantine area is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see the mechanical file cabinet here.\n\nTheoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.\n\nSmall as far as hangars go, but large enough to contain the shuttle you arrived in, and afford space for its maintenance. The vehicular airlock in the ceiling is closed, of course. An airlock suitable for personnel is to the northeast, while an open airlock chamber is to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the suit",
"response": "You put on the space suit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Metal planking has been installed between the base and the observatory, possibly to reduce the amount of lunar dust being tracked in. The observatory looms to the north, while the base is back towards the equator.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This building seems to have been designed to be generally kept at vacuum. There's nothing here that you would recognize as a \"telescope\", but presumably that's what all the dials and switches are for. Covering a goodly portion of one wall is a larger-than-usual file cabinet.\n\nYou can see the astronomical file cabinet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at it",
"response": "A larger-than-standard government-issue battleship-grey radio file cabinet. The Motherland may be built on vodka and blood, but her government is built upon a vast foundation of file cabinets somewhat smaller than this one. At a glance, you can see it is full of photographic plates, arranged by date.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up may 1 in the cabinet",
"response": "You find a photographic plate for May 1. Unlike the other plates, it is not full of stars -- it seems to be just an over-exposed field of white. You take it anyway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up may 2 in the cabinet",
"response": "You find a photographic plate, but it just seems to be full of stars.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the plate",
"response": "This photographic plate has a simple paper label affixed, reading \"MAY 1\" in handwritten letters. To your naked eye, it seems to be an over-exposed field of white.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Metal planking has been installed between the base and the observatory, possibly to reduce the amount of lunar dust being tracked in. The observatory looms to the north, while the base is back towards the equator.\n\nYou can see a big red button here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the plate",
"response": "You slip the plate into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.\nAs well, a photograph is ejected by DUFFY and lands nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the screen",
"response": "It reads:\n\nPHOTOGRAPHIC DATA EXTRACTED. PRINTING...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "It appears as though the telescope can, in fact, be swivelled down to observe the base itself, or at least the greenhouse section. Shown is someone squeezed into a cramped space, between the glass dome and some sort of metal wall. He's surrounded by plants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "The room is dominated by a large counter, on which is spread a bewildering variety of bowls, knives, and food ingredients. An industrial refrigerator stands in one corner; beside it, a strange contraption churns away. A non-pressure door is directly to the south. The mess hall is conveniently located nearby to the northeast; a hall is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Prokopenko here.\n\nMost of the room is filled with radio equipment. There's a non-pressure door to the northeast. A delicious smell wafts in from the southeast; to the southwest is the greenhouse dome.\n\nYou can see the radio file cabinet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "A pleasant respite from the rest of the base are the rows and rows of growing plants. The greenhouse is a geodesic dome constructed from thick glass. Metal shutters are retracted near the floor, ready to be deployed in case of danger. The rest of the base is to the northeast.\n\nYou can see a composter here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Most of the room is filled with radio equipment. There's a non-pressure door to the northeast. A delicious smell wafts in from the southeast; to the southwest is the greenhouse dome.\n\nYou can see the radio file cabinet here.\n\nThe room is dominated by a large counter, on which is spread a bewildering variety of bowls, knives, and food ingredients. An industrial refrigerator stands in one corner; beside it, a strange contraption churns away. A non-pressure door is directly to the south. The mess hall is conveniently located nearby to the northeast; a hall is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Prokopenko here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the photograph to Burlak",
"response": "\"Oh, I see,\" he says. \"That's no crime. Not much of a crime, in any case. Just the indulgence of an old man. And Sablin, too, of course; he loved a pipe at the end of a long day. I suppose you'll want to investigate. There's a loose panel in the air duct beneath the greenhouse -- that's how we got in and out. Let the record show that I co-operated with you fully.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "These cramped tubes beneath the flooring of the base provide fresh air to the various occupied spaces, although your own body is mostly preventing that from happening now. It's easy to get disoriented in here. There is a grille above your head.\n\nYou can see a loose panel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "This is a tiny, forgotten space, wedged between the pseudo-curved wall of the geodesic dome and the retracted metal shutters. A few tables have been cobbled together from mismatched pieces of rubbish, on which stand a number of potted plants.\n\nYou can see a pipe here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pipe",
"response": "The sort of thing one smokes tobacco in. This one is lovingly carved from solid wood. There's an inscription carved into its barrel:\n\"Good luck, son; we love you -- 17/04/1972.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pipe",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The retracted shutters block your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "Most of the room is filled with radio equipment. There's a non-pressure door to the northeast. A delicious smell wafts in from the southeast; to the southwest is the greenhouse dome.\n\nYou can see the radio file cabinet here.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "The room is dominated by a large counter, on which is spread a bewildering variety of bowls, knives, and food ingredients. An industrial refrigerator stands in one corner; beside it, a strange contraption churns away. A non-pressure door is directly to the south. The mess hall is conveniently located nearby to the northeast; a hall is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Prokopenko here.\n\nThe largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.\n\nThis room is full of workbenches and power tools of various sorts. A non-pressure door is to the southwest. The quarantine area is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see the mechanical file cabinet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the pipe",
"response": "You slip the pipe into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.\nAs well, a sheet of paper is ejected by DUFFY and lands nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine paper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "W i think",
"response": "Theoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.\n\nThis room is full of workbenches and power tools of various sorts. A non-pressure door is to the southwest. The quarantine area is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see the mechanical file cabinet here.\n\nThe largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.\n\nThis curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the northwest, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The mess hall is back to the southwest, while the hall continues to the north.\n\nThis curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the west, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The hall curves away to the north and south.\n\nI only understood you as far as wanting to (go) w up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na photograph\na medical report\na space suit (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "The inside of this reusable space vehicle is cramped, but not unbearably so for the trip up from Earth. A ramp has opened up, leading out into the base.\n\nYou can see a sheet of paper and DUFFY here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the paper",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Theoretically, a room where terrestrial goods can be quarantined. In practice, no one's going to wait an extra four weeks to eat a fresh pineapple. The dock is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see a coffin here.\n\nThis room is full of workbenches and power tools of various sorts. A non-pressure door is to the southwest. The quarantine area is to the northwest; the rest of the base is to the southeast.\n\nYou can see the mechanical file cabinet here.\n\nThe largest room in the base by a fair margin. There's enough tables and chairs here that everyone could eat by themselves if they wanted to; perhaps a larger crew was originally planned. Access to the dock is afforded to the northwest. The kitchen is conveniently located nearby to the southwest. To the northeast, a hall leads to personnel quarters and offices.\n\nYou can see Burlak here.\n\nThis curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the northwest, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The mess hall is back to the southwest, while the hall continues to the north.\n\nThis curving hall runs along the residential part of the base. Two doors oppose each other across the hallway; an office door to the west, and the door to someone's quarters opposite. The hall curves away to the north and south.\n\nThe long couch, suitable for reclining, tips you off that this must by the office of the base psychiatrist. It also features the more usual furniture for an office -- a desk, a file cabinet, that sort of thing. The hallway is back to the east.\n\nYou can see Golovachev here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the paper to Golovachev",
"response": "Golovachev is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show paper to Prokopenko",
"response": "Prokopenko is unimpressed.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the paper",
"response": "It reads:\n\nMESSAGE TO COMMAND -- MAY 1 0803 -- COMRADES -- RECOMMEND COMRADE PROKOPENKO NOT REPEAT NOT ROTATE OUT INSTEAD STAND ON ADDITIONAL YEAR. WILL INFORM PERSONALLY. APPROVED BY ZAMPOLIT SABLIN. END MESSAGE.\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Prokopenko about SABLIN",
"response": "\"We did not always see eye-to-eye, it is true. Still,\" he says, \"it is a terrible thing, so close to his return to Earth.\"\n\nThere's a subtle whoosh of air as the life support system exhales through some nearby grille.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Arrest prokopenko",
"response": "You arrest Prokopenko, who is placed on the return shuttle for trial.\n\nFollowing months of deliberation, the jury finds that Prokopenko did the deed, traitorously angry from being recommended to another year of duty. He is sentenced to life in the gulag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze the photograph",
"response": "You slip the photograph into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.\nAs well, a photograph is ejected by DUFFY and lands nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the photograph",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "It's full of stars. Pictures of stars, anyway. Amidst the piles of books is a small bed. To the southwest, the door.\n\nYou can see Ivanovsky here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Ivanovsky",
"response": "The astronomer, Ivanovsky, as you recall from your briefing, is in charge of the observatory and its telescope, as well as all radio communications. He is shockingly young.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Ivanovsky about Ivanovsky",
"response": "He smiles modestly. \"Oh, you've probably read everything important about me in my file,\" he says. \"I operate the telescope and the radio, mostly.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na photograph\na sheet of paper\na medical report\na space suit (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Analyze paper",
"response": "DUFFY just spits it back out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze report",
"response": "You slip the medical report into a slot in DUFFY. The robot begins to churn, whine, grumble, and grind alarmingly. Just when you're beginning to seriously worry that it might finally explode, it comes to an abrupt halt. Its screen updates with a new message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the screen",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na photograph\na sheet of paper\na space suit (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You analyze you",
"response": "That might prove fatal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": true
] | xljv83chcql6ck |
The Day I stabbed Stalin | Marius Müller | [
] | [
] | 2,010 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20100103b | false | The third part in the Alex and Paul series. Contains some violence. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Dear Blogreaders,\nI think we can all agree it has been a weird year. It's so cool that we could replace all our technology with Alien Tech (tm) from those UFOs that crashed last year. And just think of the last three weeks - the governors daughter abducted, and then, sudden and unrelated, this state allows gay marriage after all. Good for Paul and me! I heard the news when I returned from my three weeks trip to Europe. I rushed to his New Year's Party, and, well, after the last two years, I had a hunch that this could turn into\n\nPaul, his hair cropped short and dyed deep blue, awaits you at the door. \"Alex! How was Europe?\"\n\"Fine! How is the party?\"\n\"Good, good.\"\nHe gives you a long, sensitive hug, which usually means he wants to annoy you.\n\"I invited a lot of people, to help you socialize -like Uncle Wally! I had to, after you accidentally (Paul puts a lot of *acid* in that word) sent him that Thomson's Gazelle last year. And even those nice Dagon Cultists from next door. So try and behave yourself, 'kay?\"\n\"I always try! I even made a cupcake.\" You hand Paul the single, small, crumpled and black thing, sole survivor of another kitchen fiasco. That gets you a soft giggle and Paul disappears. You really wonder how he manages to stay away from you on a three room party.\n\nA small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (closed) here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're Alex. A middle-aged guy in combats boots, jeans, T-shirt and leather jacket. You normally wear your hair cropped short, but Alex convinced you to grow it out, and you must admit you really like it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawers",
"response": "You open the chest of drawers, revealing a roll of duct tape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tape",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at it",
"response": "Duct tape. You use it for minor household repairs and some hardcore roleplaying. You're pretty sure you can use it to TAPE something TO something else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the potter room",
"response": "A small door. Somewhat non-descript.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the small door and cram yourself into the Potter room.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at tools",
"response": "Every shelf carries its own heap of rusty, quite useless tools.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search tools",
"response": "You discover a ten foot aluminium pole. Now you only need something you wouldn't want to touch with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pole",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search tools",
"response": "You find nothing more. Well, technically you find some more stuff, obviously, but it's odd - none of it seems exactly...y'know...helpful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "Paul has forbidden any entrance for either you or anyone else to the rest of the House for the night. Aside from a a seductive \"Maybe later, when we're alone\", that is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "And there he is! Uncle Wally, small, stout, with his Stalin moustache and Soldier's jacket to go with it. He opens his arms wide: \"Alex, me boy! Didn't know I had to keep my back to the wall at this party! Haw! Haw!\" He slaps you on the shoulder. \"Ha ha, just kidding! I have nothing against queers personally!\"\n\nBefore the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about which of these will kill us first - lack of oil, terrorists, the climate change or the return of the aliens.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a sleeping pirate and Uncle Wally here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pirate",
"response": "Like every year, Paul told one guy that this is a costume party. Some fellow showed up in a pirate costume, complete with a hook hand, an eyepatch and a flintlock. Looks like he was so embarassed he smoked till he passed out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hook",
"response": "Hm, interesting. It might be useful. You decide to nick it, after all he could hurt himself with it in his sleep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hook",
"response": "It's made of plastic and looks cheap and durable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the flintlock",
"response": "You carefully remove the flintlock from the Pirates belt. It is, indeed, a working model - and loaded. Looks like you've only got one shot, though. Very Jack-sparrowish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tape hook to pole",
"response": "You tape the hook hand to the pole, making a pole hook.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the purses",
"response": "Most people arrived directly from last-minute College courses and brought their stuff with them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nThe main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nYour cupcake sits among all the tasty food, sad and forlorn.\n\nSomeone stuck a knife in the buffet next to the (unimplemented) cheese.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"The Stowaway\" by Murray Gold (performed by Yamit Mamo).\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Haw, haw, with Alex and you I'm no doubt who's the man and who's the woman in the relationship. Or do you call them butches? No, that's only lesbos, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Stalin",
"response": "No, that was the first one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "Uncle Wally says: \"Ah, hungry? I thought you fair folk only eat hoers'd'oeuvre.\" You pull the knife out of the counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na knife\na pole hook\na flintlock\na roll of duct tape",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tape the knife to the pole hook",
"response": "You can't, well, you probably can, but you don't want to tape that together. (This isn't a cheap way out - it's an interesting chasm between player and PC motivation.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Stab Stalin",
"response": "(with the knife)\nEven though this guy pisses you off to no end, you can't kill him in here. Even though you seem to miss him all the time, Paul is in here somewhere. And he won't be amused if he sees his dead uncle.(Hated or not.)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nYour cupcake sits among all the tasty food, sad and forlorn.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"All that she wants\" by Ace of Base..\n\nYou can also see Uncle Wally here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cupcake",
"response": "A small, black, crumpled thing. Hard as steel. It looks pitiful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Uncle",
"response": "Hey! This game isn't called \"The day I attacked Stalin!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na cupcake\na knife\na pole hook\na flintlock\na roll of duct tape",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"You know how we could solve this finanical crisis? Just disallow women to work! They're stealing hard working men's job worse then foreigners.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Pool",
"response": "A small, pool, lacking a ladder of similiar equipment. It's just a huge body of water, trapped by greenish, ugly tiles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in Pool",
"response": "No, you need both hands to swim.\n\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wall",
"response": "Quite high. But climbable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the undergrowth",
"response": "Thick undergrowth. You think you glimpse something, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the mouse",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "toy mouse: Dropped.\ncupcake: Dropped.\nknife: Dropped.\npole hook: Dropped.\nflintlock: Dropped.\nroll of duct tape: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "In the Swimming Pool (swimming [obviously])\nYou are surrounded by clear, cold water.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Hey, women can't park...And Paul is kinda he can't park, too?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get out",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nYou can also see a roll of duct tape, a flintlock, a pole hook, a knife, a cupcake and a toy mouse here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Hey, Alex, you're wearing really subtle makeup. And the clothes you're wearing? Not very fashionable. Maybe you're not really gay. Maybe you just need a real woman.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "In the Swimming Pool (swimming [obviously])\nYou are surrounded by clear, cold water.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"I'm really scared of all the terrorists. I mean, they own all the delis, and who knows what they put in our food.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the breath",
"response": "You hold your breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou can't hold your breath any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nYou can also see a roll of duct tape, a flintlock, a pole hook, a knife, a cupcake and a toy mouse here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"I don't get why I'm called sexist just because I say men should be allowed to hit their women. I think we all agree that talking to them never helps anyway.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nA broken plank lies here. It has a sticker on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plank",
"response": "This plank has been broken in two . The sticker reads: \"Take that, you godless vandals!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na plank",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cart",
"response": "A new Alien Tech(tm) powered golf cart stand here. Looks like they learned their lesson from the two you crashed. This one has an Alien Tech(tm) powered swipe card reader.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cart",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nA plastic-eating snake slithers around here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the snake",
"response": "It's a weird hybrid, developed through Alien Tech (tm). They eat all the garbage. With that problem solved, everyone can focus on the climate.The plastic eating snake has eaten something square. Queer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the snake",
"response": "Cutting him up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You squeeze the snake",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "It's a lovely gate, the club's motto \"Nos es superbus nostri balls!\" engraved above it. (Yes, it has a stone arc, but that's unimportant.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the plank",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nYou can also see Uncle Wally, a roll of duct tape, a flintlock, a pole hook, a knife, a cupcake and a toy mouse here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pole hook\na toy mouse",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na toy mouse",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're Alex. A middle-aged guy in combats boots, jeans, T-shirt and leather jacket. You normally wear your hair cropped short, but Alex convinced you to grow it out, and you must admit you really like it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "pole hook: Taken.\nflintlock: Taken.\nknife: Taken.\ncupcake: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot mouse",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "cupcake: Dropped.\nknife: Dropped.\nflintlock: Dropped.\npole hook: Dropped.\nroll of duct tape: Dropped.\ntoy mouse: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nYou can see a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the snake about the food",
"response": "*hiss* *hiss* Unblinking stare.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw up",
"response": "The snake has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Help",
"response": "[That command asks to do something outside of play, so it can only make sense from you to me. The snake cannot be asked to do this.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nYou can also see a toy mouse, a roll of duct tape, a pole hook, a flintlock, a knife, a cupcake and Uncle Wally here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "toy mouse: Taken.\nroll of duct tape: Taken.\npole hook: Taken.\nflintlock: Taken.\nknife: Taken.\ncupcake: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the mouse to Uncle",
"response": "Uncle Wally is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tape wally",
"response": "What do you want to tape Uncle Wally to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing:\"Cheerleader of Dementia\" by Lesbians hate time travel.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"So, do you and Paul see a lot of musicals?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the speakers",
"response": "Small...speakers. Connected the ... laptop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine counters",
"response": "They are weighted down with the buffet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the buffet",
"response": "(first taking Food)\n\nNOM!NOM!NOM! (There is still much food left)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about how alien tech really didn't change the world as much as expected.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a sleeping pirate here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Haw, haw, with Alex and you I'm no doubt who's the man and who's the woman in the relationship. Or do you call them butches? No, that's only lesbos, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the backpacks",
"response": "Most people arrived directly from last-minute College courses and brought their stuff with them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the backpacks",
"response": "Oh, some joker from med school brought his stuff in a body bag with a shoulder strap. You empty it on the heap and take it along. Might get useful, what with this game's title and all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the eyepatch",
"response": "It's hard work, but you resist the urge to snap the eyepatch against the pirates head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear the bag",
"response": "You put on the body bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all except the bag in the bag",
"response": "toy mouse: Done.\ncupcake: Done.\nknife: Done.\nflintlock: Done.\npole hook: Done.\nroll of duct tape: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"The Final Countdown\" by Europe..\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"You know how we could solve this finanical crisis? Just disallow women to work! They're stealing hard working men's job worse then foreigners.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Hey, women can't park...And Paul is kinda he can't park, too?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nA plastic-eating snake slithers around here.\n\nYou can also see a plank here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na body bag (being worn and open)\na roll of duct tape\na pole hook\na flintlock\na knife\na cupcake\na toy mouse",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the mouse to the snake",
"response": "The snake regurgitates a swipe card. Then she unhooks her jaw and swallows the toy mouse.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the swipe card",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at card",
"response": "A swipe card covered in snake saliva.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clean card",
"response": "You achieve nothing by this.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock cart with the card",
"response": "You open the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cart",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in cart",
"response": "The golf cart is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Hilltop (in the golf cart)\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Entrance Gate (in the golf cart)\nA metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nA plastic-eating snake slithers around here.\n\nYou can also see a plank here.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "With breakneck 30 mph, you ram the gate. Luckily, it was only painted plywood. (The golf course had some financial problems. But that's a different story and has nothing to do with replacing all those golf carts.)\n\nCountry road (in the golf cart)\nThe fact that there is country road behind a house you always thought of as suburban makes you realize how little you've gone out lately. It continues east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Soon you arrive at an invisible wall. Who'd've thought that cheap trick from First Person Shooters carried over so well to IF.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Soon you arrive at a \"ROAD BLOCKED\" sign and return.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Cemetery (in the golf cart)\nIt's a small country cemetery. A sign from the undertaker hangs here: \"Back in 1820 minutes.\"\n\nThere is an open grave here. The gravestone has no name, but it's next to the grave of someone called Arch Stanton.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get out",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nIt's a small country cemetery. A sign from the undertaker hangs here: \"Back in 1819 minutes.\"\n\nThere is an open grave here. The gravestone has no name, but it's next to the grave of someone called Arch Stanton.\n\nYou can also see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the grave",
"response": "In the Grave is a coffin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open coffin",
"response": "You open the coffin, revealing a corpse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the coffin",
"response": "In the coffin is a corpse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the body",
"response": "In the body bag are a roll of duct tape, a pole hook, a flintlock, a knife and a cupcake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the coffin",
"response": "You have enough trouble getting rid of the one corpse. Besides, in there is room for two.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The fact that there is country road behind a house you always thought of as suburban makes you realize how little you've gone out lately. It continues east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "It's a small country cemetery. A sign from the undertaker hangs here: \"Back in 1809 minutes.\"\n\nThere is an open grave here. The gravestone has no name, but it's next to the grave of someone called Arch Stanton.\n\nYou can also see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Country road (in the golf cart)\nThe fact that there is country road behind a house you always thought of as suburban makes you realize how little you've gone out lately. It continues east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Entrance Gate (in the golf cart)\nA metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nA plastic-eating snake slithers around here.\n\nYou can also see a plank here.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nA metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nA plastic-eating snake slithers around here.\n\nYou can also see a golf cart (empty) and a plank here.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb wall",
"response": "You put the swipe card into the body bag.\n\nYou manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nYou can also see Uncle Wally here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"Quality Shoe\" by Mark Knopfler..\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Hey, Alex, you're wearing really subtle makeup. And the clothes you're wearing? Not very fashionable. Maybe you're not really gay. Maybe you just need a real woman.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about the greatly anticipated \"Bedtime story.\"\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a sleeping pirate here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"I'm really scared of all the terrorists. I mean, they own all the delis, and who knows what they put in our food.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"I don't get why I'm called sexist just because I say men should be allowed to hit their women. I think we all agree that talking to them never helps anyway.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "Shelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"So, do you and Paul see a lot of musicals?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about the women",
"response": "Uncle Wally says: \"Haw, haw, with Alex and you I'm no doubt who's the man and who's the woman in the relationship. Or do you call them butches? No, that's only lesbos, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about Arch Stanton",
"response": "Uncle Wally says: \"You know how we could solve this finanical crisis? Just disallow women to work! They're stealing hard working men's job worse then foreigners.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about the top",
"response": "Uncle Wally says: \"Hey, women can't park...And Paul is kinda he can't park, too?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about the golf",
"response": "Uncle Wally says: \"Hey, Alex, you're wearing really subtle makeup. And the clothes you're wearing? Not very fashionable. Maybe you're not really gay. Maybe you just need a real woman.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss wally",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Haw, haw, with Alex and you I'm no doubt who's the man and who's the woman in the relationship. Or do you call them butches? No, that's only lesbos, right?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nSome people sit on the two comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about the problem of staying human in a posthuman world.\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a sleeping pirate here.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"You know how we could solve this finanical crisis? Just disallow women to work! They're stealing hard working men's job worse then foreigners.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nPeople stand around, glasses or plates in hand, happily munching and talking.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"Quib-based Conversation\" by Michael Martin.\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Hey, women can't park...And Paul is kinda he can't park, too?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)\n\nJolly Uncle Wally follows you, still grinning. He says : \"Hey, Alex, you're wearing really subtle makeup. And the clothes you're wearing? Not very fashionable. Maybe you're not really gay. Maybe you just need a real woman.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about Paul",
"response": "Uncle Wally says: \"I'm really scared of all the terrorists. I mean, they own all the delis, and who knows what they put in our food.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Stab wally",
"response": "(with the knife)\nDeciding to work on your daggers/knife instead of your social skill, you stab Uncle Wally in the back. He throws up his arms, shouts \"Aaargh!\" and drops into the pool. \"See!\" he shouts, with his last breath, \"I knew you gays are all psychos!\" You shout back: \"Firstly, that's a lesbian clich?s. Secondly, the fact that I am a murderous sociopath has nothing to do with my sexual orientation. Anyway, boths are not things I conciously chose, and therefore I can't be judged for either of them.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Pool",
"response": "A small, pool, lacking a ladder of similiar equipment. It's just a huge body of water, trapped by greenish, ugly tiles.\n\nUncle Wally's corpse is drifting around in the swimming pool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hook",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou did it again! Damn, luckily all the people thought it was one of your crazy performances again and clapped, but Paul knows a dead uncle when he sees one. Better get rid of the corpse. It's not like Paul will miss him too much.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hook",
"response": "A makeshift pole hook. Might be useful to FISH something.(Mind you, not something out of something, just fish the general thing. Okay? Thanks.)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe Dagon cultists from next door are sitting here, quietly sipping their sodas and quietly chatting to each other in a language you've never heard (which honestly isn't saying much.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish body",
"response": "You fish out Uncle Wally's corpse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nUncle Wally's corpse\na pole hook\na body bag (being worn and open)\na swipe card\na roll of duct tape\na flintlock\na cupcake",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the body and the hook in the bag",
"response": "pole hook: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nUncle Wally's corpse\na body bag (being worn and open)\na pole hook\na swipe card\na roll of duct tape\na flintlock\na cupcake",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the body in the body bag",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nYou can't put something inside itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "Uncle Wally's corpse: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "A metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nA plastic-eating snake slithers around here.\n\nYou can also see a golf cart (empty) and a plank here.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "It's a small country cemetery. A sign from the undertaker hangs here: \"Back in 1762 minutes.\"\n\nThere is an open grave here. The gravestone has no name, but it's next to the grave of someone called Arch Stanton.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put corpse in the coffin",
"response": "You gently put Uncle Wally ...who am I kidding? You slump his corpse onto the other corpse, say \"Don't cuddle\" and slam the coffin shut. That's one problem of your mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "***You suddenly have the feeling as if you're not safe anymore. You'd really rather feel safe. You should buy a safe for all those bonds you recently bought.***\nYou manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nPauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe huge, squallid, phosphorous mass of Dagon has dragged itself over the edge of the swimming pool, blocking entrance to the house while its hideous tail still splashes the water.\n\nOne of the cultists, you think he's called Tony, stands here, holding an Uzi in unsteady hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Tony",
"response": "Below the hood of his black robe, you see eyes weary with the madness they've seen, or maybe he just needs a good night's sleep. He holds his Uzi in shaking hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Dagon",
"response": "It's the shapeless, nameless abomination Dagon, a giant fish monster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Dagon",
"response": "Tony has better things to do.\n\nTony brings up his Uzi, shouting:\"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee!\" and shoots you in the face with his load.\nUm.\nLet me rephrase that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give cupcake to Dagon",
"response": "(first taking the cupcake)\nDagon doesn't seem interested.\n\nTony brings up his Uzi, shouting:\"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee!\" and shoots you in the face with his load.\nUm.\nLet me rephrase that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the cupcake to Tony",
"response": "(first taking the cupcake)\nTony doesn't seem interested.\n\nTony brings up his Uzi, shouting:\"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee!\" and shoots you in the face with his load.\nUm.\nLet me rephrase that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Stab tony",
"response": "You need something sharp.\n\nTony brings up his Uzi, shouting:\"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee!\" and shoots you in the face with his load.\nUm.\nLet me rephrase that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na body bag (being worn and open)\na pole hook\na swipe card\na roll of duct tape\na flintlock\na cupcake\n\nTony brings up his Uzi, shouting:\"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee!\" and shoots you in the face with his load.\nUm.\nLet me rephrase that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot tony",
"response": "With what?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot tony",
"response": "You draw the flintlock, cock the hammer, shout \"YAAAR\" to confuse Tony and shoot him! He throws up his arms (\"AAARGH\") and drops dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search tony",
"response": "You find an Uzi (32/32) and a bag of strange powder, both of which you pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Powder",
"response": "It's a bag labelled \"Dagon Dissolving Powder. Best use in a huge explosion for maximum effects.\" Oh, look, those cultists had a safeguard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Powder",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bag",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Powder at Dagon",
"response": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Dagon",
"response": "\"Ia! Ia! Cthulhu F'thagn, P'nglui M'wagalnath R'lyeh... Ia! Ia! Shub-Niggurath?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bag of strange powder\nan Uzi\na flintlock\na body bag (being worn and open)\na pole hook\na swipe card\na roll of duct tape\na cupcake",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the bag",
"response": "pole hook: Taken.\nswipe card: Taken.\nroll of duct tape: Taken.\ncupcake: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Powder with Uzi",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe huge, squallid, phosphorous mass of Dagon has dragged itself over the edge of the swimming pool, blocking entrance to the house while its hideous tail still splashes the water.\n\nYou can also see Tony's corpse here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na cupcake\na roll of duct tape\na swipe card\na pole hook\na bag of strange powder\nan Uzi\na flintlock\na body bag (being worn and open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the flintlock",
"response": "An antique flintlock - and it's working.You got 0/1 bullets left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the flintlock",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe huge, squallid, phosphorous mass of Dagon has dragged itself over the edge of the swimming pool, blocking entrance to the house while its hideous tail still splashes the water.\n\nYou can also see a flintlock and Tony's corpse here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "No, his polymorphus, unholy, eldritch mass blocks the way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "cupcake: Dropped.\nroll of duct tape: Dropped.\nswipe card: Dropped.\npole hook: Dropped.\nbag of strange powder: Dropped.\nUzi: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter Pool",
"response": "In the Swimming Pool (swimming [obviously])\nYou are surrounded by clear, cold water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the breath",
"response": "You hold your breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nThe huge, squallid, phosphorous mass of Dagon has dragged itself over the edge of the swimming pool, blocking entrance to the house while its hideous tail still splashes the water.\n\nYou can also see an Uzi, a bag of strange powder, a pole hook, a swipe card, a roll of duct tape, a cupcake, a flintlock and Tony's corpse here.\n\nYou can't hold your breath any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn powder",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "Uzi: Taken.\nbag of strange powder: Taken.\nswipe card: Taken.\nroll of duct tape: Taken.\ncupcake: Taken.\nflintlock: Taken.\nTony's corpse: One corpse was enough trouble.\n\nflintlock: Done.\ncupcake: Done.\nroll of duct tape: Done.\nswipe card: Done.\nbag of strange powder: Done.\nUzi: Done.\npole hook: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "***You suddenly have the feeling as if you're not safe anymore. You'd really rather feel safe. You should buy a safe for all those bonds you recently bought.***\nYou manage to scramble over the wall.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cart",
"response": "A new Alien Tech(tm) powered golf cart stand here. Looks like they learned their lesson from the two you crashed. This one has an Alien Tech(tm) powered swipe card reader.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search cart",
"response": "The golf cart is empty.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the plank",
"response": "SQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.\n\nSQUEAK!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Hilltop (in the golf cart)\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to Pauls garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Golf course (in the golf cart)\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tape plank",
"response": "What do you want to tape the plank to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Plank",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nYou repair the plank. Now (by dropping it near the wall) you can make a ramp with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of Pauls garden is here.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the plank",
"response": "You prop up the plank against the wall, making a ramp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Maneuvering carefully, you steer the golf cart up the ramp and send it flying! Dagon turns its big, ugly head, but it's too late - you crash the car into his side, and the resulting explosion sprinkles him with the dissolving powder! Soon, nothing is left of him but a mass of greenish-grey goo, not unlike the bottom of that pot you found in the back of the cupboard. You splash into the water, expecting to be greeted by a thankful Paul, but no such luck. Hey! The game's usually over when you fly the cart. Outrageous!\n\nIn the Swimming Pool (swimming [obviously])\nChunks of green goo are drifting around here - ewww.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hold the breath",
"response": "You hold your breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Pauls Parents are rather fond of this small pool. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nYou can see Tony's corpse here.\n\nYou can't hold your breath any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na body bag (being worn and open)\na pole hook\nan Uzi\na swipe card\na roll of duct tape\na cupcake\na flintlock",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which leads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nThere are some bloodstains here.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits Paul's Alien Tech(tm) powered laptop, connected to some small Alien Tech(tm) powered speakers, providing music.\nRight now, it's playing: \"Quib-based Conversation\" by Michael Martin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards to the hallway or to the Kitchen and the Pool beyond to the South.\n\nEek! All the guests have been horribly slaughtered in some sort of ritual to invoke Dagon. Has this author some issues or what?\n\nBetween the two couches is a huge heap of purses and backpacks.\n\nYou can also see a sleeping pirate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pirate",
"response": "Like every year, Paul told one guy that this is a costume party. Some fellow showed up in a pirate costume, complete with an eyepatch. Looks like he was so embarassed he smoked till he passed out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter",
"response": "Shelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ascend",
"response": "Oh, something in your pants vibrates. As you aren't happy about any of this, it must be your cell phone that you always forget you have. (So it wasn't mentioned in your inventory earlier.) It's Paul! After pressing the receiver, you hear some voices:\n\"Damn, we thought you were a virgin! Why did you shout \"Don't kill\nme, I'm a virgin!\" when we started slaying everyone?\"\nThere's Pauls voice, heartbreakingly weak: \"I don't know, I guess always wanted to say that.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "This is a small hallway, with a lot of doors that lead to generic upstair bathroom, etc.\n\nA door leads east into the bedroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open the bedroom door, ready to kill - You see Paul, he is tied to the bed and painted with some arcane symbols - to his left stands Jack, the cultist who always brings the pie over, and to his right is Luke, a rather shy guy whom you often see standing outside to smoke. Paul cries: \"ALEX!\"\n\nThere is a bed in the middle of the room, and a cupboard on the wall to your left.\n\nA door leads west into the Hallway.\n\nJack is dropping a dagger he was holding and goes for his gun!\n\nLuke is bringing his pistol into firing position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the bag",
"response": "pole hook: Taken.\nswipe card: Taken.\nroll of duct tape: Taken.\nflintlock: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot jack",
"response": "You shoot Jack before he can draw his gun. Unfortunately this means that Luke can put three slugs into you, because he already had his gun out (pay attention!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot luke",
"response": "RATATATATAT!\nLuke keels over, his pistol flying. You turn around to drop Jack, however the damn Uzi is jammed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw cupcake at Jack",
"response": "Jack has his gun out and places a shot right over your left ear - luckily he only hits a photograph of Uncle Wally on the bedroom wall. You fling the cupcake at Jack, never lacking the nerve, and he's hit in the forehead, tumbles, crushes through the bedroom window and slams into the ground a few inches from the pool . (It's fun to kill people who are clearly villianous and therefore require no compassion whatsoever.) You look down at Paul, still tied to the bed. \"Man, those cultists! They seemed so nice, even voted Obama. For once I'm glad you're such an anti-social maniac. Will you free me now?\"\nYou grin and jump on the bed. \"Not yet.\"\nHe sighs (happily). \"You know, I'm glad we're getting married. That'll help to make you into a more social being. And this yearly terror might end.\" You shrug. \"I don't know. You'll still make New Year's Parties sometimes, right?\"",
"endoftext": true
] | 509vwuo8k9fb63vi |
The Lighthouse | Marius Müller | [
] | [
" Halloween Competition 2009",
] | 2,009 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20100101a | false | Lighthouses simultaneously stand at the border between land and sea and the border between old and new. They are naturally good settings for secrets. Do you dare visit this one? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "What a way to end a holiday.\nFirst you slipped in the shower and broke your arm, and now you've lost your way on a remote \"must-see\" like Buwch Island. Then the rain. When you set out on your trip, it was a drizzle. When you realized you took a wrong turn, it was pouring. And, now, as you are back on track, it's a full-blown thunderstorm. Lightning hits the roaring waves in the distance, like screaming giants at war. The wind claws at your face and clothes, making you stagger. The cast doesn't help with that, either.\nBut you promised yourself that you'd see the famous St. Cafasso lighthouse. The way back to town is too long now anyway.\n\nYou shield your eyes once more and finally see the damned thing, a mile or two in the distance, its light circling the horizon, the only sign of human life in the raging inferno.\n\n(FIRST TIME PLAYERS AND THOSE NEW TO IF SHOULD TYPE ABOUT)\n\nThe path has turned into inch-deep mud, and only with the help of the glaringly white lightning can you distinguish it from the soaked meadows all around you. It snakes its way upwards, towards the lighthouse on the cliffs, some miles north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at lighthouse",
"response": "Hidden by the curtain of rain, and sparsely illuminated by the occasional lightning, it stands tall and lean on the edge of the cliffs, providing light in eternal circles, unhindered by the elements. You know that it's made of brick and that the light is provided by an old lantern, for historical purposes. Shipping traffic in these waters has ceased a long time ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na cast (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cast",
"response": "It's a white cast, reminiscent of a half-awake shower, a sudden slip and an embarrasing call to the front desk. It's, sadly, unsigned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a young tourist, determined on seeing the St. Buwch Lighthouse, to give this last day of your vacation some dignity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "A path snakes off to the southeast, trickling lines of mud ebbing into the grass. The northbound path leads further upwards, against a small current of dirt and debris, to the crest of a small mound. The rain taps on a metallic roadsign by the fork with a strangely industrial, almost urban sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the sign",
"response": "It's printed black on grey, and therefore almost impossible to make out in this weather. But by shielding your eyes, squinting, and moving your head to catch the reflections, you can decipher \"BUWCH ISLAND RING PATH 12km\" -to the southeast and \"BUWCH ISLAND VILLAGE 3km\" - to the south. \"ST. CAFASSO LIGHTHOUSE - 500 mtrs north\" looks the most promising.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the sign",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn sign",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine man",
"response": "You take a few steps towards the man at the table, and then shudder. Reflexively shielding your eyes from the passing of the light, your stomach clenches as you realize what your mind just blocked out: He's dead. His arms lie too limp, his body lacks all the subtle movements of life. The hood of his yellow oilskin jacket is pulled back, revealing tousled black hair. He looks vulnerable and young, touchingly out of place. A residue of foam still lingers around his mouth, the rest washed away by the rain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jacket",
"response": "You'd expect a fisherman to wear one of those. It's waterproof and bright-yellow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search it",
"response": "You search the the big pockets guiltily. You find a small pill bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bottle",
"response": "A small white plastic bottle. Seems to be a lorazepam substitute, some sort of sleeping pill. It's empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bottle",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search jacket",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThere seem to be voices in the wind. You shudder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the picnic table",
"response": "The table and the bench are bolted together. Both are actually made of wood, dark and wet. You glimpse a hint of countless carved names, dates, obscenities.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pill bottle\na cast (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The brickwork of the tower itself is dark like an underexposed black and white picture. It looms high above you, like a faceless giant standing eternal guard.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison. It even has an electric bell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bell",
"response": "It's a small, round, red button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell the davidson about the corpse",
"response": "[Use TALK TO to interact with characters.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Davidson",
"response": "\"Hello, Mrs. Davidson. Nice to let me in.\"\nShe squints at you again. \"You aren't the Johnson boy, are you?\"\n\n[1] \"That must be the young man I found ... outside. He's dead. At the picnic table. He committed suicide.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Her eyes are suddenly wide with shock. \"Sui- Suicide?\" She shakes her head. \"That coward.\" Then she sighs - \"Nevermind, there is a telephone at the top. We have to call the cops.\"\n\nYou climb what feels like a hundred clanking, metal stairs. The cold metal of the railing bites your hand, rust flakes sticking to your white, waxy skin.\n\nThe light of the big lantern blinds you every few seconds. Nothing but a rusty railing keeps you from plunging headfirst into the roaring sea. In the distance, the thunderstorm is raging ceaselessly, as if ancient gods roar war at civilization.\n\nMrs. Davidson arrives behind you, resting at the top of the stairs for a moment to catch her breath.\n\nThe wind picks up for a moment, almost throwing you off balance, rain drops hitting you in painful volleys.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The light of the big lantern blinds you every few seconds. Nothing but a rusty railing keeps you from plunging headfirst into the roaring sea. In the distance, the thunderstorm is raging ceaselessly, as if ancient gods roar war at civilization.\n\nMrs. Davidson stands her, slightly squinting, and smiling.\n\nFor a moment, you think you hear the fog horn of a ship, somewhere out at sea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Davidson",
"response": "Laura must be in her late forties, with the first grey streaks in her black hair. She has a friendly, wrinkled face, fitting perfectly for a lighthouse keeper who spends a lot of time at the sea and with tourists.\nShe is hiding something in her hand - you catch a glimpse of metal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hand",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Laura",
"response": "You turn to her and open your mouth, but she looks at you as if she's been caught red-handed. You notice a flash from her hand - as if she's carrying something made of steel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to her",
"response": "You turn to her and open your mouth, but she looks at you as if she's been caught red-handed. You notice a flash from her hand - as if she's carrying something made of steel.\n\nSuddenly, Mrs. Davidson jumps at you. At first you think she fell, but then you feel a sudden, burning pain in your side. Almost immediately, your body goes limp and numb with shock. Your legs falter under you, and the woman holds you gently, as you both sink to the ground, almost like lovers.\nHer grey eyes are dark with sorrow, as she whispers: \"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it had to be...\" You look at her, feeling perplexingly guilty at the motherly look in her eyes. Then color fades from the world, slowly, and above you the light circles and circles.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "As you arrive at the foot of the stairs, Laura looks up at you from a pool of blood. \"Listen kid\", she whispers, \"it had to be... I'm so sorry. It has to be fed. It's our pledge. To keep the mother away. Please understand\" - she's wheezing now, something important inside her broken. Her eyes are dark with death - \"we had to.\" She doesn't roll her eyes. There is no sudden lightning. The thunderstorm just wails at the lighthouse walls, as if it were you conscience, trying to get in.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nA weird dagger lies here.\n\nLaura Davidson lies here, twisted and dead.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.\n\nYou can also see a keyring (on which are a steel key, a crystal key and a bronze key) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dagger",
"response": "It's a short, double-bladed dagger. It looks incredibly old, but the point is still sharp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take dagger and keyring",
"response": "dagger: Taken.\nkeyring: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the cupboard, revealing a wooden box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "You open the wooden box, revealing a flare gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gun",
"response": "It looks old, but is in good shape. It seems to be loaded.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crystal key",
"response": "This is a sight to behold. The crystal substance makes it luminous, and the sheer beauty of it makes it seem unreal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bronze key",
"response": "It's a thick bronze key, tarnished and scratched.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the steel key",
"response": "It's a modern, steel key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at trapdoor",
"response": "This is clearly a trapdoor - the wood is different from the surrounding floor, and it has big metal hinges. The small lock on it looks amazing; it's made of crystal and has strange carvings on it - human figures and some sort of sea monster. It's too tiny to make out properly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This circular room is dominated by the red brickwork and the circular stairs leading upwards, rusty metal like the door. The furniture seems to be an afterthought.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nLaura Davidson lies here, twisted and dead.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "(first opening the lighthouse door)\n(first unlocking the lighthouse door)\n(with the steel key)\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison. It even has an electric bell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the body",
"response": "You try to heave him onto your shoulder but the cast prevents it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drag body",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "There is no escape.\n\nThere seem to be voices in the wind. You shudder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na flare gun\na keyring\na steel key\na crystal key\na bronze key\na dagger\na pill bottle\na cast (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison. It even has an electric bell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "There is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nLaura Davidson lies here, twisted and dead.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "The light of the big lantern blinds you every few seconds. Nothing but a rusty railing keeps you from plunging headfirst into the roaring sea. In the distance, the thunderstorm is raging ceaselessly, as if ancient gods roar war at civilization.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the railing",
"response": "It's painfully cold to the touch, spotted with rust, eerily illuminated by the thunderstorm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at lantern",
"response": "It's some sort of electrical lantern, buzzing loudly and emiting a steady, yellowish light, blinding and hot up here. The surface is littered with dead insects.\n\nThere is a shudden, sharp, stabbing pain in your back. Too much walking in the cold. You move your back a bit, to ease the strain. The pain dies down.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "The stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nLaura Davidson lies here, twisted and dead.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trapdoor",
"response": "(first unlocking the trapdoor)\n(with the crystal key)\nYou open the trapdoor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "You are standing in a small recess. This small space feels old and inhospitable.\n\nA bluish metal door leadseastwards into the cliffs. It's engraved with weird symbols.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the metal door or the trapdoor?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Metal",
"response": "The symbols are unlike anything you've ever seen, yet they fill you with a certain dread, something very basic, primeval.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na flare gun\na keyring\na steel key\na crystal key\na bronze key\na dagger\na pill bottle\na cast (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the metal door",
"response": "(first unlocking the metal door)\n(with the bronze key)\nYou open the metal door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine keyring",
"response": "You see nothing special about the keyring.\n\nOn the keyring nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "God, the stench. Fish and flesh and sweat and fear. The room is barely lit by a dirty lightbulb on the ceiling, but you see straw and bones, scattered everywhere.\n\nThe dirty lightbulb gives an eerie half-light, leaving much of the disgusting chunks of organic matter to the imagination. The stone floor is littered with old, greyish straw. The sickeningly sweet smell makes you gag.\n\nA bluish metal door leads westwards back up the stairs. It's engraved with weird symbols.\n\nSomething is moving in the shadows. It seems to be the source of the fishy smell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine something",
"response": "Thankfully, it's half-hidden in the shadows. You can only make out a malformed, scaly head, abnormally huge, soulless black fish eye above teeth, yellow and sharp. It shuffles around slowly in the shadows, as if hurt or weak. It seems to move on all fours, though you occasionally glimpse something that seems to be the worst - a human foot on a scrawny leg, its toes webbed and scaly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to something",
"response": "You clear your throat and try to speak to the shuffling shadows. You manage a croaky: \"Hello?\" And from the shadows, something answers, a low, sickeningly throaty sound, in something that sounds like words.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The dirty lightbulb gives an eerie half-light, leaving much of the disgusting chunks of organic matter to the imagination. The stone floor is littered with old, greyish straw. The sickeningly sweet smell makes you gag.\n\nA bluish metal door leads westwards back up the stairs. It's engraved with weird symbols.\n\nSomething is moving in the shadows. It seems to be the source of the fishy smell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na flare gun\na keyring\na steel key\na crystal key\na bronze key\na dagger\na pill bottle\na cast (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the straw",
"response": "Rotten straw.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "The smell is a sickening mixture of rotten fish and nasty human odors - sweat, fear, blood, feces. It's disgustingly sweet, you can almost taste it in your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are standing in a small recess. This small space feels old and inhospitable.\n\nA bluish metal door leadseastwards into the cliffs. It's engraved with weird symbols.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "This circular room is dominated by the red brickwork and the circular stairs leading upwards, rusty metal like the door. The furniture seems to be an afterthought.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nLaura Davidson lies here, twisted and dead.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cupboard",
"response": "In the cupboard is a wooden box.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You are standing in a small recess. This small space feels old and inhospitable.\n\nA bluish metal door leadseastwards into the cliffs. It's engraved with weird symbols.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the ceiling.\n\nLaura Davidson lies here, twisted and dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "This circular room is dominated by the red brickwork and the circular stairs leading upwards, rusty metal like the door. The furniture seems to be an afterthought.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The brickwork of the tower itself is dark like an underexposed black and white picture. It looms high above you, like a faceless giant standing eternal guard.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison. It even has an electric bell.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You're almost blind here. Every few moments this area is bathed in harsh white light, leaving shadowy after-images in your sight.\nFrom here, you can see the lighthouse on top of the cliffs, maybe 200 meters further north, and hear the cannonading waves against their base, deep and old, gnawing at the island.\nThere is a picnic table, a few steps from the path, and someone is sitting there, head on his hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the corpse",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss corpse",
"response": "You blink the thought away. This storm sure is putting weird ideas in your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cut corpse",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot flare",
"response": "(with the flare gun)\nMight be a good way to alert the authorities. But you don't think it would be seen in this hellish weather, near the big lighthouse light.\n\nA raindrop hits you quite painfully in the eye. You have to stop for a moment and rub it, till the pain subsides.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This circular room is dominated by the red brickwork and the circular stairs leading upwards, rusty metal like the door. The furniture seems to be an afterthought.\n\nThe stainless steel entrance door looks modern in comparison.\n\nThere is a trapdoor in the floor.\n\nThere is an antique wooden cupboard in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You have to tell the authorities. About that thing you found in the cellar. About Mrs. Davidson. Let them find out what the hell happened here. Your broken arm begins to hurt. 12 kilometers is a long way. You look back towards the lighthouse. It's silently waiting to spoil its dark secrets at the world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "No. You've come this far.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine laura",
"response": "You can't bring yourself to look at her for long. Her eyes are open, a horrifying expression of surprise in them. Her body looks twisted and broken, a stray lock of hair has fallen into her face, given her an even more vulnerable expression.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot something",
"response": "(with the flare gun)\nYou aim a shaking arm at the shape in the shadows. You have never fired a gun before, but you're pretty sure how this works. You close your eyes and fire. The flare gun melts to a heap and you drop it reflexively.\nThe whole room lights up for a moment as the flare sizzles towards\nthe thing in the shadows, raining sparks on the stone floor. It hits and immediately the whole creature has caught fire. The screams are high-pitched, horrifyingly pure. Thankfully, it dies quickly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "The dirty lightbulb gives an eerie half-light, leaving much of the disgusting chunks of organic matter to the imagination. The stone floor is littered with old, greyish straw. The sickeningly sweet smell makes you gag.\n\nThe burnt carcass of something horrible lies in the corner.\n\nA bluish metal door leads westwards back up the stairs. It's engraved with weird symbols.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine carcass",
"response": "The beast has burnt beyond recognition. The smell has become worse, like a fish market mixed with burnt flesh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "As you step outside, you hear a roar behind you, audible above the thunderous storm - filled with fear and pain and rage. A behemoth, some unthinkable monstrosity from the lightless depths, has taken to land. Car-sized hand grab the lighthouse and shake it, screaming questions at it in a language worthy of giants. You fall to the ground and cover your ears, babbling in terror as the building starts to fall. You scramble back to your feet, clothes and face muddy, and start to run.\nYou run for a long time.",
"endoftext": true
] | 1mspez4pljruogux |
The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil | Marius Müller | [] | [
"SpeedIF Jacket 4"
] | 2,011 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20110403 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil\n\nCommand Summary:\nLOOK / L Repeat the last page\nINVENTORY / I Show player inventory\nSAVE / S Save the game\nRESTORE / R Restore the game\nQUIT / Q Quit the game\nRESTART / X Restart the game\nHELP / H This text\n\nSelect options by their number. To use an object, type its name as\nit appears in the inventory list.\n\n1) Continue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "There is darkness, and pain at the back of your head. Basic urges flow through your lizard brain, air, food, rest, smoochies, video games. After who knows how long you open your eyes. You're in some kind of interrogation room, small, cramped. The stone carvings on the moss-covered walls make this look like a lazily designed secret room from a videogame. With you in the room is a gorilla in a suit, who looks a bit like Ron Perlman. Only this gorilla has rocket launchers for arms. You close your eyes. \"Oh no\" you think to yourself, \"not again.\"\n\nAnd then you remember. The secret mission, from the new boss, who does look something like Michael Gambon: \"Somewhere in the Brazilian jungle, there is a new mastermind at work. We know very little, only that he killed our best agent, Bonathan Jlask. And that he's hidden in some secret temple. Well, we've heard you know how to find such places. And how to get into them.\" You told him you're retired. \"No\" he said, firmly. \"People like you never are.\" You were about to respond, but his secretary, the spitting image of Kirsten Dunst, already handed you the tickets.\nFlash forward. The gorilla is looking at you. \"What were you doing here?\"\n\n1) \"What do you mean? I am a botanist. I was looking for a special plant.\"\n2) \"I am a secret agent for the world government!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"I left the next biggest town a few days ago. My only companion was my guide, who did look a bit like Alfred Molina. Anyhoo, soon we arrived here and after some searching we found the plant. But then my guide fell into a hole. Some guide, I tell I attached my rope to a nearby statue. Only the statue had to be weighed down with sand from the nearby beach first, which I put in the linen bags which carried the clothes. Then I climbed down the hole. Down there, I felt like being eaten by a grue so I switched on my lamp. Only it didn't have any batteries. And my box full of batteries was guarded by a snake. I found a toy mouse to distract it, so I got my batteries. They were the wrong size. But with them, I could switch on the venilator for Professor Bunglay, who in turn gave me his electric shaver, which did hold the right batteries. So I went back down there again, but when I finally could see, I didn't see my guide, I saw a sleeping tiger!\"\n\n1) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"\n2) \"I then decided to wait a bit.\"\n3) \"I probably should tell you about the plant!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "The gorilla tries to wave his rocket launchers dismissively. He fails. He then says, \"Who are you trying to fool? You wouldn't approach a dangerous animal if you were, indeed, a renowned botanist. You know what I think you are? You are AFGNCAAP, the famous IF agent. I have a hard time making out anything specific about you, and that's just odd for a fictional world that has something as weird as a me, a gorilla with rocket launchers for hands! So tell me, am I right?\"\n\n1) \"Yes, I am a secret agent. My mission is to kill you.\"\n2) \"No. See, this is CYOA. It doesn't even have a parser or an inventory!\"\n3) \"Yeah, a gorilla with rocket launcher hands. That *is* odd. Please tell me your story.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"Many a year ago, I was a happy AI in a rocket launcher, the newest and deadliest in weapons technology. Straight on our way to skynet, we were. But then some crazy scientist attached a gorilla to me. And now see I how look. Completely stupid! That's why I want to take over the world. Anyway, let me reiterate my question.\"\n\nThe gorilla tries to wave his rocket launchers dismissively. He fails. He then says, \"Who are you trying to fool? You wouldn't approach a dangerous animal if you were, indeed, a renowned botanist. You know what I think you are? You are AFGNCAAP, the famous IF agent. I have a hard time making out anything specific about you, and that's just odd for a fictional world that has something as weird as a me, a gorilla with rocket launchers for hands! So tell me, am I right?\"\n\n1) \"Yes, I am a secret agent. My mission is to kill you.\"\n2) \"No. See, this is CYOA. It doesn't even have a parser or an inventory!\"\n3) \"Yeah, a gorilla with rocket launcher hands. That *is* odd. Please tell me your story.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "The gorilla, moving his rocket launcher not unlike someone handling chopsticks for the first time, puts three items down before you. A brass lantern, an elven sword and a platinum bar. Sweat breaks out on your brow. Oh no. He's on to you. \"Now tell me, Mr. or Mrs. AFGNCAAP...what would be your first action if I do this...?\"\nAnd, pressing a button on his one launcher with his other launcher, your cuffs click open. Free. But it's no use.\n\n1) >GET ALL\n2) >GET ALL\n3) >GET ALL",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Quicker than you can say cutscene, you're tied up again. The gorilla looks at you. \"You know, I always envied you. Getting all the treasures, defending all those thiefs. Solving all those fiendish puzzles. But now look. What has the world come to? All these angsty protagonists with their guilt-ridden backstories, all these branching narratives. You live in a world that no longer needs you. The puzzle is dead. But don't worry, soon are you!\"\nWith that, he lifts his rocket launcher!\n\n1) Try to get back to that one childhood memory you always shut out, and mentally reconcile with your mother.\n2) Choose any incidental memory that just happens to pop up.\n3) \"Please, we can talk about this!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Okay, you finally reconcile with all she has said and done. After all those items in her old house triggered those memories, you feel like you finally understood her. You have grown yourself, in the intervening years. You now longer wear the innocent face of a child or the self-righteous, stern look of a teenager. You're grown. Maybe you have grown to forgive. Who kno..Sorry to interrupt, but you're being blown apart by a rocket launcher.\n***You have died.***\n\nX) Restart\nR) Restore\nQ) Quit\n\n1) Look at what others had to say about this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Blurbs used:\n\"Dude, even if you somehow get a movie deal out of this, it's rude to be picking out the actors already.\"\n-- Sam Kabo Ashwell\n\"Unreliable narrator. Unreliable parser. For the love of little green eyeballs, why isn't anything in this game reliable?!?\"\n-- Carolyn VanEseltine\n\"The game's eponymous animal proved to be NONE of the adjectives the title proclaimed him to be, thank goodness.\"\n-- Colin Sandel\n\"Smells like team spirit.\"\n--Tanga\n\"The spiritual successor to Galatea, if Galatea had been about a gorilla with rocket launchers for arms.\"\n-- C.E.J. Pacian\n\"Seemingly engineered to punch you right in the green slimy guts of your lizard brain.\"\n--Sarah Morayati\n\"The minutely detailed simulation of the plant life was remarkable, if somewhat overwhelming.\"\n-- David Fletcher\n\"The chariot race was one of the most thrilling, timed puzzles that I've ever enjoyed.\"\n-- Royce Odle",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine",
"response": "Are you sure you want to restart?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil\n\nCommand Summary:\nLOOK / L Repeat the last page\nINVENTORY / I Show player inventory\nSAVE / S Save the game\nRESTORE / R Restore the game\nQUIT / Q Quit the game\nRESTART / X Restart the game\nHELP / H This text\n\nSelect options by their number. To use an object, type its name as\nit appears in the inventory list.\n\n1) Continue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "Coca (Erythroxylum coca) is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to western South America. The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture. Coca is best known throughout the world because of its alkaloids, which include cocaine, a powerful stimulant. The plant resembles a blackthorn bush, and grows to a height of 2-3 m (7-10 ft). The branches are straight, and the leaves, which have a green tint, are thin, opaque, oval, and taper at the extremities. A marked characteristic of the leaf is an areolated portion bounded by two longitudinal curved lines, one line on each side of the midrib, and more conspicuous on the under face of the leaf.\nThe flowers are small, and disposed in little clusters on short stalks; the corolla is composed of five yellowish-white petals, the anthers are heart-shaped, and the pistil consists of three carpels united to form a three-chambered ovary. The flowers mature into red berries.\nThe leaves are sometimes eaten by the larvae of the moth Eloria noyesi.\n\nThere are twelve main species and varieties. Two subspecies, Erythroxylum coca var. coca and Erythroxylum coca var. ipadu, are almost indistinguishable phenotypically; a related high cocaine-bearing species has two subspecies, Erythroxylum novogranatense var. novogranatense and Erythroxylum novogranatense var. truxillense that are phenotypically similar, but morphologically distinguishable. Under the older Cronquist system of classifying flowering plants, this was placed in an order Linales; more modern systems place it in the order Malpighiales.\nCultivation\n\nCoca is traditionally cultivated in the lower altitudes of the eastern slopes of the Andes (the Yungas), or the highlands depending on the species grown. Since ancient times, its leaves have been an important trade commodity between the lowlands where it is grown and the higher altitudes where it is widely consumed by the Andean peoples of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia and northwestern Argentina.\n\n1) -go on-\n2) -continue telling the story-",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated.\"\n\n1) I then decided to wait some more.\"\n2) \"I then decided to sneak nearer up on it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated. \"Then what?\"\n\n1) I then decided to wait some more.\"\n2) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated. \"Then what?\" Did you lie around all day?\"\n\n1) I then decided to wait some more.\"\n2) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated. \"Then what?\" Did you lie around all day? What happened?\"\n\n1) I then decided to wait some more.\"\n2) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated. \"Then what?\" Did you lie around all day? What happened? What? Eh?\"\n\n1) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"\n2) \"I then decided to wait some more.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "The gorilla tries to wave his rocket launchers dismissively. He fails. He then says, \"Who are you trying to fool? You wouldn't approach a dangerous animal if you were, indeed, a renowned botanist. You know what I think you are? You are AFGNCAAP, the famous IF agent. I have a hard time making out anything specific about you, and that's just odd for a fictional world that has something as weird as a me, a gorilla with rocket launchers for hands! So tell me, am I right?\"\n\n1) \"Yes, I am a secret agent. My mission is to kill you.\"\n2) \"No. See, this is CYOA. It doesn't even have a parser or an inventory!\"\n3) \"Yeah, a gorilla with rocket launcher hands. That *is* odd. Please tell me your story.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated. \"Then what?\" Did you lie around all day? What happened? What? Eh? Speak up!\"\n\n1) \"I then decided to wait some more.\"\n2) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So?\" says the Gorilla, irritated. \"Then what?\" Did you lie around all day? What happened? Nothing? Are you still there?\"\n\n1) \"I then decided to wait some more.\"\n2) \"I then decided to sneak up to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"With a back-to-basics roar the gorilla storms up to you. He growls, inches from your face. Finally he then hits you on the nose with a rocket launcher. Which is far less funny than it sounds. \"STOP STALLING, HUMAN!\"\n\n1) \"I then decided to sneak nearer to it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nSome papers you picked up three adventures ago. They are held\ntogether by a paperclip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "The gorilla sighs. \"So, that's it? I don't even need to torture you! Well, goodbye.\" He aims one of his rocket launchers at you. For a second you ponder ducking.\n***You have died***\n\nX) Restart\nR) Restore\nQ) Quit\n\n1) Look at what others had to say about this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "All",
"response": "(Some papers you picked up three adventures ago. They are held together by a paperclip.)\nYou can't use that here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nSome papers you picked up three adventures ago. They are held\ntogether by a paperclip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Hey, you found a schematic for a rocket launcher in that one game on that space station with the pirates. It said if someone said \"Niereleelrieleilieleelieleilieleiii\", the rocket launcher would deactivate.\n\n1) Niereleelrieleliieleelieleilieleiii\n2) Niereleelreileilieleelieleilieleiii\n3) Niereleelreileilieleeleileilieleiii\n4) Niereleelrieleilieleelieleilieleiii\n5) Niereleelreileilieleleeileilieleiii\n6) Niereleelreileilleleeleileilieleiii",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "Like a stubborn idea hammered into a pupil's head by a determined teacher, the rocket launcher clicks. \"Uh?\" says the gorilla. \"Must reactive it. Sorry for the hassle. This'll just take a second.\"\n\n1) Do nothing, as it looks like you can do nothing. Just wait for death. Nothing to do. No, no. Just see another death message.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Papers",
"response": "While the gorilla is distracted, you bend the paperclip into a lockpick and you are free. As he sees this, the brute follows clich? instead of logic and runs away! You are right behind him , through endless, winding catacombs, always nearly but never quite losing him, as he rounds a corner or climbs some vines. Finally, there is blinding daylight! You blink into it, as you see your enemy jump into one of two waiting, ostrich-pulled chariots. You jump into the second one and whip the ostriches into moving! (Probably breaking some Protection of Animals Act.) Speaking of harmed animals, there is a ridiculously cute baby sloth in the middle of the road!\n\n1) You drive over it, gaining more speed.\n2) You swerve around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Woosh! The baby sloth looks at you with big, thankful eyes. This will have no gameplay consequences whatsoever. I am making an important point about morality in games here!\n\nThe exciting chase (music not included) leads you up a stony mountain path. It grows smaller and smaller, but you gain on the gorilla. He sees you behind him and pulls his reins to the right, to crash, er, right into you! You have to make a quick decision!1! No time to lose !11!1\n\n1) You decide to slow your ostriches a bit.\n2) You decide to whip your ostriches into full speed.\n3) You decide to swerve into him yourself!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "You decide to ram the gorilla! This works better than expected. Both chariots get wedged into each other, and soon you both swerve off the road and tumble down the mountain in a twisted mass of ostrich, chariot, gorilla and player character. You are swallowed by the green of the jungle. You are food for the insects, etc. This is not the optimal ending, in case you're wondering.\n\nX) Restart\nR) Restore\nQ) Quit\n\n1) Look at what others had to say about this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You slow down, and predictably, the gorilla swerves his chariot - right into thin air! Ostriches and chariot dance the same old, short and painful dance with gravity, but the gorilla clinges to the edge of the rock. He can't really get a grip with his rocket launcher, though, and he slides downwards ever so slowly. \"LISTEN!\" he screams, scrambling. \"This is bigger than you and me. Bigger than everything! I can give you names, addresses, phone numbers, twitter names, flickr links.\"\n\"Who is it, primate? Who is behind this sketchily defined \"this?\" \" \"It's the Player-PC divsion, they're onto us, the implementors are onto us, but it's too late it's\n***Source file ended in the middle of quoted text: main source text. This probably means that a quotation mark is missing somewhere. If you are using Inform with syntax colouring, look for where the quoted-text colour starts. (Sometimes this problem turns up because a piece of quoted text contains a text substitution in square brackets which in turn contains another piece of quoted text - this is not allowed, and causes me to lose track.)***\n\nYou have won!\n\nX) Restart\nR) Restore\nQ) Quit\n\n1) Look at what others had to say about this.",
"endoftext": true
] | qdtzzfsauppodqap |
Mhairie Sioux Escrivain and the Dracula of Hogwarts | Roger Carbol (as M Grablowsky) | [] | [
"fan fiction",
"Harry Potter",
] | 2,016 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20160101 | true | You were just a regular girl living a regular life in North Dakota when a letter arrived that changed your life. You had been accepted as an exchange student to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, all the way in England! You packed your bags and left without delay. After a plane, a train, and a boat, you now sit in the Great Hall of Hogwarts itself. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "when a letter arrived that changed your life. You had been accepted\nas an exchange student to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, all the way in England! You packed your bags and left without delay. After a plane, a train, and a boat, you now sit in the Great Hall of Hogwarts itself.\n\n\n\nGreat Hall of Hogwarts (on the bench)\nThe Great Hall is, well, pretty great. The entire population of the school is here to see the Sorting Ceremony. The headmaster Albus Dumbledore is overseeing the ceremony. You recognize a few students\n-- that must be Harry Potter over with Gryffindor, and at the\nSlytherin table you're sure you can see Draco Malfoy.\n\nEveryone else has been sorted into their Houses; for some reason, you're the last to go.\n\nYou can see a stage (on which is The Sorting Hat) here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About you",
"response": "You are Mhairie Sioux Escrivain, from North Dakota. Your mother is a human animagus and your father is a unicorn. You were raised by your mother while your father returned to the wild woods of his home. They both love you very much and your father visits whenever he can. You have deep purple eyes and your hair is a luxurious brunette with unicorn highlights of silver and gold.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nyour wand\nShadowcat\nyour robes (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Hat",
"response": "Hard to believe this crumpled old hat is an artifact of great magic, and yet, so it is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wand",
"response": "Your wand is made of rowan wood and is intricately-carved. Unusually, the core of your wand consists of your own half-unicorn hair, which makes for a powerful bond.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Shadowcat",
"response": "Shadowcat is your magical familiar. She is a rare fairie dragon that you have had since birth. She usually sits on your shoulders, purring quietly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the robes",
"response": "Your robes were your mother's and are embroidered with threads of silver and gold. In certain lights some people claim that they are slightly-transluscent, but that's just the wishful thinking of old pervs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the stage",
"response": "(getting off the bench)\nYou get onto the stage.\n\nOn the stage you can see The Sorting Hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Hat",
"response": "(first taking The Sorting Hat)\nYou place The Sorting Hat onto your curled tresses.\n\n\"Ah, you must be the young lady Mhairie Sioux Escrivain,\" the Hat says to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"You are too modest, Miss Escrivain,\" says the Hat. \"Now then, onto the business at hand. You have some preference for your House, I sense.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"As you say, my dear,\" says the Hat. \"Of course, I could easily sort you into Gryffindor. But I sense something very unique in you...\"\n\njust Mhairie.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"The House for Mhairie Sioux Escrivain is... Gryffindor!\" the Hat proclaims. Everyone cheers!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Albus Dumbledore reaches over to remove the Hat, as the ceremony is\nnow concluded. \"However...\" the Hat continues, inexplicably. \"It would be more accurate to say that Gryffindor is, how to put it, her PRIMARY House.\" Murmurs of confusion arise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"It would be quite unfair to Mhairie, to say nothing of the other Houses, to restrict her to just one House. Therefore, she is also an associate member of every House, as befits her talent and potential.\" The murmurs of confusion give way to cheers, scattered at first, but growing in volume until the whole Great Hall shakes. Dumbledore, looking quite stunned, finally removes the Hat.\n\nYou should probably take a seat before things get awkward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the stage",
"response": "But you're already on the stage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "What do you want to sit on?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get off stage",
"response": "You get off the stage.\n\nThe Great Hall is, well, pretty great. The entire population of the school is here to see the Sorting Ceremony. The headmaster Albus Dumbledore is overseeing the ceremony. You recognize a few students\n-- that must be Harry Potter over with Gryffindor, and at the\nSlytherin table you're sure you can see Draco Malfoy.\n\nOver at the Gryffindor table, you see that Harry has opened up a spot beside him for you to sit down. On the other side of the hall, Draco has shoved Goyle right off the bench, hoping you might sit with Slytherin. Between, both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw have also made\nspace for you.\n\nYou can see a stage here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Harry",
"response": "The scar on his forehead, the glasses, the boyish charm -- surely this must be the famous Harry Potter, the Boy who Lives.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Albus",
"response": "The headmaster of Hogwarts is an ancient, wise, and powerful wizard, like Santa Claus crossed with Yoda.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Draco",
"response": "The mischievous grin, the shock of blond hair, the leather pants beneath his robes -- surely this must be Draco Malfoy, the Boy who Sneers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit at Slytherin",
"response": "You take a seat next to Draco at the Slytherin table. \"Decided on\nyour REAL House already, have you, Mhairie,\" he says. \"I'm Draco,\" as if you might not already know that.\n\nThe school year rushes by in a flurry of classes, exams, and studying. One moment in particular, however, stands out...\n\nIt is late autumn, and the snow will be coming soon. Hagrid has led your Care of Magical Creatures class out into one of the sunnier corners of the Dark Forest. \"Bowtruckles,\" he says, addressing the class, \"are tricky wee buggers. They're made of wood, live in the woods, and never leave their own trees. Go on, have a good look for one; while I enjoy a nice pipe.\" He begins searching the many pockets of his coat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The Great Hall is, well, pretty great. The entire population of the school is here to see the Sorting Ceremony. The headmaster Albus Dumbledore is overseeing the ceremony. You recognize a few students\n-- that must be Harry Potter over with Gryffindor, and at the\nSlytherin table you're sure you can see Draco Malfoy.\n\nOver at the Gryffindor table, you see that Harry has opened up a spot beside him for you to sit down. On the other side of the hall, Draco has shoved Goyle right off the bench, hoping you might sit with Slytherin. Between, both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw have also made\nspace for you.\n\nYou can see a stage here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Hagrid",
"response": "An unthinkably-enormous mountain of a man, with hair sprouting from\nall manner of unlikely body parts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nyour wand\nShadowcat\nyour robes (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bowtruckle",
"response": "It's like a tiny little person, made out of wood. They're very difficult to see against the bark of the tree, unless you know exactly what to look for, which you do.\n\n\"Ah, looks like Miss Escrivain has found one straight off,\" says Hagrid, having noticed that you've found a bowtruckle already. \"Go\non, then, gather round and have a good look, while I...\" he trails off mid-sentence. \"Well, shave my head and call me Doris! There's something you don't see every day!\"\n\nEveryone turns to where Hagrid is staring. From out of the forest, a unicorn has walked into the clearing.\n\n\"Now, everyone just stay calm and still-like. Just seeing a unicorn\nis blessing enough. Walk up to one and it's likely as not to kick\nyour head in.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hi",
"response": "You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.\n\n> WALK UP TO UNICORN\n\nI only understood you as far as wanting to walk up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the UNICORN",
"response": "You reach out and pet the unicorn, feeling its strong yet gentle\nequine musculature beneath your fingers. This apparently elicits\ngasps from the other students, but you scarcely hear them. For a moment, it is just you and this magnificent beast.\n\nThen the moment ends. The unicorn somehow senses this and gallops\nback off whence it came. The other students approach you, now that it's safe. Harry and Draco shove their way to the front of the pack.\n\n\"Mhairie, that was bloody brilliant!\" says Harry, clearly impressed. \"So listen, I've been meaning to ask you, with the Yule Ball coming up...\"\n\n\"Out of the way, Potter!\" shouts Draco has he shoves Harry out of the way. \"Wanna go to the Ball with me, Mhairie?\" he asks you. \"Or me?\" says Harry.\n\nmaybe next time.\"\nyou?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "Your response leaves them both speechless. \"Well, I suppose, that\nis,\" manages Harry, finally, \"I mean, there's no reason we couldn't both take you to the Ball, is there? I mean, if that's what you want, I mean,\" he finishes. \"I don't mind a bit of competition,\", sneers Draco. \"It's not who you go with as much as who you end up with, right? See you then,\" he says. They both walk off in very different directions.\n\nThe weeks, like the snow, flies quickly and heavily, and before you know it, it is the night of the Yule Ball...\n\nThe Great Hall has been lavishly-decorated for the annual Yule Ball. The students mill around in their dress robes. You grip a small glass of bubbly grape juice and enjoy the atmosphere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink juice",
"response": "There's nothing suitable to drink here.\n\nAs you look around the Great Hall, someone rudely bumps your elbow.\nYou spill your drink all down the front of your dress robes! You turn to see who it was, but they've disappeared into a sea of\nnear-identical robes. Shadowcat is so distraught she flies off into the rafters.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the robes",
"response": "Your dress robes were a gift from your father's family. They are\nwoven from pure unicorn hair and virtually float around your body.\nEven more people claim that they are slightly-more-than-slightly-transluscent, but that's just the wishful thinking of many old pervs. A large grape stain down the front of\nyour robes unfortunately takes something away from the overall effect.\n\nAs you try to decide how to recover from this faux pas, Albus Dumbledore floats up beside you. \"Oh, bollocks, Miss Escrivain. I should strongly suggest you visit the Girls' Bathroom, just to the south of us, and clean yourself up. A quick wave of the wand and stains are gone!\" he says gravely.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This short hallway -- more of a foyer, really, or an antechamber -- is to the immediate south of the Great Hall. To the west is the Girls' Bathroom, which you're well-acquainted with. To the east is the Boys' Bathroom, of which you know nothing at all, save that it is surely a pit of filth and nastiness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The Girls' Bathroom.\nThe bathroom is quite homey and welcoming. Soft candles light the room, the air smells faintly of lavender, and the sofas are nice and soft. The exit is to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave wand",
"response": "That cleaned it right up, just like, well, magic!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the robes",
"response": "Your dress robes were a gift from your father's family. They are\nwoven from pure unicorn hair and virtually float around your body.\nEven more people claim that they are slightly-more-than-slightly-transluscent, but that's just the wishful thinking of many old pervs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The Great Hall has been lavishly-decorated for the annual Yule Ball. But the room is mysteriously and completely deserted -- where is everyone?\n\nShadowcat flutters down from the rafters and resumes her perch on your shoulders.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nShadowcat\nyour dress robes (being worn)\nyour wand\n\n\"Everyone marched off to the Quidditch Pitch,\" Shadowcat tells you telepathically. \"They are under the influence of some dark power!\nYou must go rescue them.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\n\"Time is of the essence,\" Shadowcat tells you telepathically.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Shadowcat",
"response": "Shadowcat is your magical familiar. She is a rare fairie dragon that you have had since birth. She usually sits on your shoulders, purring quietly.\n\n\"There is no time to lose,\" Shadowcat tells you telepathically.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The Great Hall has been lavishly-decorated for the annual Yule Ball. But the room is mysteriously and completely deserted -- where is everyone?\n\n\"We must make haste,\" Shadowcat tells you telepathically.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You head out to the Quidditch Pitch straight away, and after several minutes of walking through the darkness, you arrive.\n\nThe moonlight sparkles off the snow that covers the pitch, and in the center of the pitch, a dark figure stands, who sparkles slightly in\nthe moonlight too. In the stands you see the entire population of Hogwarts, all standing as motionless as statues.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou're pretty good at sneaking around in the dark, but the dark figure standing on the Quidditch Pitch is even better at seeing in the dark. \"Ah-ha, young lady; I thought I might have somehow missed one,\" he\nsays in a dark sultry voice. \"I am DRACULA, King of the Vampires, and I have hypnotized everyone here with my vampiric powers of hypnotism,\" he continues.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave wand",
"response": "You can't just run around flinging spells willy-nilly.\n\n\"Indeed, even now, I have hypnotized you, without your even knowing it,\" he says, the model of confidence. \"Although... no, I haven't, have I. I can't imagine what power you have to resist me... but I intend to find out!\" With that he lunges towards you in a blur and bites you on the wrist, and starts sucking your blood!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "You protest vehemently, but Dracula will not be dissuaded by your protestations. He continues to greedily suck down your delicious half-unicorn blood.\n\nDracula suddenly stops. He can't be full of your blood already, can he? You don't even feel faint. He steps away from you, clutching his head, and starts to moan which crescendos into a howl.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Dracula",
"response": "He's a tall, dark, striking figure in a cape. Under the moonlight,\nhis pale skin sparkles faintly. Even from here, you can see his pointed fangs glistening. This must be none other than Dracula, King of the Vampires.\n\n\"NOOOOoooooo...\" he howls, for seemingly forever. Eventually he composes himself. \"Your blood, your delicious half-unicorn blood...\nit has made me see the error of my ways! Oh, the evil I have committed...\" He begins to moan again, interminably. He finally\nspits out, \"I must atone for my many sins. Your friends are free to go; you need only kiss them to release them from their paralysis.\"\nWith that, he transmogrifies into a giant bat and flies away into the night.\n\nWell. It seems you have quite a lot of kissing ahead of you. Your only decision is this: who to start with?",
"endoftext": true
] | i8zvmcrfnwu4jhiu |
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket | Ryan Veeder | [
] | [
"Edgar Allan Poe",
"Inform 7",
"male protagonist",
"second person",
] | 2,014 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20200119 | false | A Real Novel by Edgar Allan Poe. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "] Secret Compartment\n\n\n\nYou are in a dark secret compartment hidden in a ship that you are stowing away in.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na ham",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ham",
"response": "You remember this ham being delicious.\n\nYou hear the sounds of a bloody mutiny!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nHey, your dog is in here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dog",
"response": "Your faithful dog is on this boat with you, somehow.\n\nYou are going nuts with hunger!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the ham",
"response": "The ham is incredibly disgusting! You eat it regardless!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are in a dark secret compartment hidden in a ship that you are stowing away on.\n\nYou can see your dog here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the dog about the dog",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYour friend shows up and pulls you out of the secret compartment.\n\nOnboard The Ship (Mutiny)\nYou are on the ship, which has been mutinized. Your friend is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine friend",
"response": "Whoops! Pretty soon a storm kicks up and shipwrecks all y'all!\n\nOnboard The Ship (Wreck)\nEveryone is super hungry. There is a hole that leads down to the food.\n\nYou can see your friend, your dog and a half-Indian here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You are only strong enough to dive down in the hole and not retrieve anything. Oh, how sad.\n\nBut you need to eat something! Or someone???",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat yourself",
"response": "You're plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Friend, to go downward",
"response": "The friend has better things to do.\n\nYou are so hungry. It's insane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the indian",
"response": "I'm pretty sure this guy is half-Indian. I don't remember his name.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the friend",
"response": "Your best friend helped you stow away on this boat and also brought your dog along without telling you.\n\nYou are so hungry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the dog",
"response": "Maybe you eat the dog at this point, or maybe the dog dies some other way. I don't remember. We'll say you eat the dog.\n\nBut you're still hungry! Hungry enough to eat a fellow human.\n\nYou are so hungry. Actually it's kind of ridiculous that you haven't starved to death yet.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Onboard The Ship (Wreck)\nEveryone is super hungry. There is a hole that leads down to the food.\n\nYou can see your friend and a half-Indian here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "It is impossible to go anywhere, because it's just ocean in all directions. Maybe also sharks?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat friend",
"response": "The time has come to eat your friend. You drew straws earlier so you know that it's your friend who gets to get eaten.\n\nYou kill your friend and then you eat your friend's body. We shall pass over this moment without dwelling on how grisly a moment it is.\npass over this moment without dwelling on how grisly a moment it is.It is incredibly grisly. This is probably the worst situation that can happen, for a guy to consume another guy as food, even under desperate shipwreck circumstances like these. Your actions are unavoidable and yet unforgiveable. And so gross. So grisly.\n\nOkay, I'm done. You're probably strong enough to go down into that hole now.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "When you dive into the hole you are able to pull up some pickles!\n\nYou are so hungry, you could eat... your friend.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pickles",
"response": "Maybe they were cucumbers, up until the shipwreck. Eh? Eh???",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pickles",
"response": "You and the half-Indian eat the pickles and laugh heartily about how delicious they are. Delightful!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "When you dive into the hole you are able to pull up some pickles!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the indian about himself",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pickles",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "When you dive into the hole you are able to pull up some pickles!\n\nHey there's a ship coming this way!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ship",
"response": "Actually this ship is covered in corpses! Everyone on this ship died, and now their bodies are just waving around in the breeze while they putrefy. Grisly.\n\nI don't remember whether this ship shows up before or after you find the pickles. Actually, I'm not totally sure they were pickles. I'm writing all of this from memory, and it was like a month or two ago when I listened to that audiobook.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bodies",
"response": "This ship is covered in corpses! Everyone on this ship died, and now their bodies are just waving around in the breeze while they putrefy. Grisly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take bodies",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Onboard The Ship (Wreck)\nEveryone is super hungry. There is a hole that leads down to the food.\n\nYou can see a half-Indian here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "It is impossible to go anywhere, because it's just ocean in all directions. Maybe also sharks?\n\nWell eventually you get rescued by this other ship and they take you to this weird island in Antarctica.\n\nI don't know if it's called \"Antarctica\" in the book. It's supposed to be in the area of the south pole, though.\n\nThis is an island populated by black people! But they aren't African people. They are literally black. It's totally possible that they function as a metaphor for African people, of course. I think most 21st-century readers are going to go with a race-centric reading, although there have been other interpretations.\n\nThe chief of the whatever-they're-called wants you to follow him to the west.\n\nYou can see a half-Indian, an egg, a polar bear corpse, a weird river and a chief here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "half-Indian: Taken.\negg: Taken.\npolar bear corpse: It is too heavy to pick up.\nweird river: Taking the river would make about as much sense as anything else, but I'm not gonna let you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bear",
"response": "There are gigantic polar bears here, and one of them died, and this is its body. The black people are terrified even of its corpse, for whatever reason! It may be worth mentioning that this polar bear, like the mundane, nonfictional polar bears of the Arctic, is white.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the river",
"response": "The water of this island has veins? I don't know. The description in the book goes into a lot of detail, but totally fails to convey any coherent image. I would reproduce that description here but I promised myself I wouldn't look at the text of the book while writing this game—and I, Edgar Allan Poe, always keep my promises.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the egg",
"response": "The egg is very white! The black people are terrified of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Canyon (Ambush)\nThe chief and his retinue lead you white guys (and the one half-Indian guy) to a canyon. And then there's an ambush! The natives totally get the drop on you! And you and the half-Indian are separated from the others! Or the others all die maybe. And you end up in a cave!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Oh whoops! Like I was saying, you end up in a cave.\n\nThis cave extends in various directions.\n\nYou can see a half-Indian here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan egg\na pickles",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "The half-Indian guy follows you. As you walk through the cave, you notice that its passages take the form of a character of the ancient Ethiopian alphabet, although this surely is a coincidence.\n\nYou end up in another cave.\n\nThis cave extends in various directions.\n\nYou can see a half-Indian here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The half-Indian guy follows you. This cave is also shaped like another Ethiopian letter. How odd!\n\nYou end up in a third cave.\n\nThis cave extends in various directions.\n\nYou can see a half-Indian here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The half-Indian guy follows you. Another Ethiopian letter. Still, three coincidences in a row doesn't mean anything.\nAnyway you climb out of the cave! You are pursued by the natives! You take one of them captive and escape on one of their canoes! You paddle out into mysterious mist!\n\nThe canoe floats through the white mist.\n\nYou can see a half-Indian and a captive here.\n\nYou feel uneasy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mist",
"response": "It's all over the place. But it's not cold, even though you're supposedly near the south pole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine captive",
"response": "He is incredibly terrified of how white everything is out here. Around now you find out that even his teeth are black.\n\nA white bird flies past, shrieking TEKELI-LI",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bird",
"response": "They are freaky birds.\n\nMore birds! TEKELI-LI TEKELI-LI",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the egg to the bird",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the captive about the bird",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nThe canoe enters a whirlpool!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou are still going down the whirlpool!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.\n\nThere's a white man in the center of the whirlpool!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the captive to the white man",
"response": "(first taking the captive)\nThe white man doesn't seem interested.\n\nNow you're right up in on the white man!\n\nHe is standing in the middle of the whirlpool. He is huge. He has a beard. He is totally white. He is beckoning you.\nbeard. He is totally white. He is beckoning you.TEKELI-LI\nbeard. He is totally white. He is beckoning you.TEKELI-LISo, at this point in the book, I (Edgar Allan Poe) explain that you (Arthur Gordon Pym) died before you could write down what happened next. You apparently survived your encounter with the white man, because you were around to write everything else in the story and then ask me to publish it under my own name, but obviously you should have died at that part of the story, so instead you died while writing it down.\n\nThe story closes with this fantastic fake Bible quote, and while it was very important for me to not read any of the original story while writing this groundbreaking interactive version, I do want to make sure I reproduce this fake Bible quote correctly, so I'm going to break my rule and go look at the original version:\n\"I have graven it within the hills, and my vengeance upon the dust within the rock.\"",
"endoftext": true
] | ljua7bmhznxtnlmn |
Destiny of the Chihuahua | Adam Biltcliffe | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
"speed IF",
"Speed-IF 2001",
"SpeedIF January 2001",
] | 2,001 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20140504 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Times are hard on Io. The bright and lively mining settlement you grew up surrounded by has faded and withered under the rule of the new Commander. Although life expectancy in the aluminium mines has never been more than a few months, the happy-go-lucky acceptance of this fact you used to know among the mining folk is gone. The stream of arrivals seems to be drying up, and huge parts of the settlement lie in ruins, dwelt in only by ghosts.\n\nIt is at times like these that the accusing finger of the people inevitably turns to point at taxation, and the new taxes levied by Commander Brutus attract that finger like a lump of ore attracts an Ionian. It's hard to pin the blame for the decline directly on taxation, but since everyone hates the new Commander, it seems to be helping.\n\nOr at least, you thought it was. It was a source of hope - now you have an enemy in the Commander, a real, tangible adversary, whose defeat would bring back happiness and joy to the colony. You would give a heroic sendoff to the people's representative, who would venture bravely into the palace and seek out Brutus. You would wait pensively, hardly daring to hope, until the representative emerged with the news - the Commander had capitulated! Joy would be restored!\n\nBut you'd never counted on the bastards electing you.\n\nAn entry in SPEED-IF 2001\nCopyright Adam Biltcliffe 2001\n\nTown Square, Io Mining Colony Three\nJupiter looms above you, huge and ominous, lord of planets, driving home the magnitude of your task. To the north is the great Palace of the Chihuahua family, old and encrusted with spires and ornamentation, whence Commander Brutus, last of the Chihuahua, rules the colony with an iron hand. To the west is the Guildhall of the Miners, filled with those you thought your remaining friends, those who just ejected you into the square to carry forth the torch of hope for the whole of your world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You can't go back in there now. You have been given a task, and you must fulfil it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Heavy-hearted, you climb the steps up the the palace doors, which swing open at your approach. So deep is your despondency that you barely notice until you are inside and the doors swing silently closed again with an air of greatest malevolence.\n\nYou've never been inside the palace before, but strangely, instead of the sickening displays of wealth and shamelessness you were expecting, the abandoned air is even more prevalent here. Your footsteps and your voice echo in the empty hallway. The throne room is visible through an archway to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The throne room might once have been opulent, but like the rest of the palace, it is hung with sadness.\n\nCommander Brutus' great throne sits in the centre of the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the throne",
"response": "A massive yet unadorned throne, constructed out of great blocks of aluminium. From here, the Commander rules over all of Io.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the throne",
"response": "As you touch the throne, hidden motors begin to whir. You leap back in surprise as the giant seat of power slides out of sight mysteriously, revealing a vertical tunnel leading downwards.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "Though no-one is in sight, your ears are racked by noises of industry such as you never thought you'd hear on Io again. Giant machinery roars in the distance from the passages leading north and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The roar of the giant treadmills assails your ears as you look around this huge chamber. While the giant wheels spin in the darkness, you can make out some kind of control panel nearby. A passage leads back to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the panel",
"response": "This aluminium panel sports a bewildering array of levers and buttons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "As you touch the panel, a hideous groan emanates from the giant treadmills. Gloomy shapes move through the darkness, striking each other in showers of sparks. There is a long, drawn-out squeal, a few confused noises from the creatures in the treadmills, and then utter silence.\n\nThe treadmills have stopped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the button",
"response": "The control panel is utterly inert.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The giant treadmills loom silently and motionlessly in the darkness. A passage to the west beckons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The silence is eerie. Passages lead north and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You head down the passage and emerge into a huge open chamber. Suddenly, hidden generators whine and the room is flooded with light again, illuminating the figure of Commander Brutus towering above you.\n\n\"An intruder!\" he cackles. \"But how very perfectly timed! You shall be the first to witness my great triumph! Revel in this honour, for not much life remains to you in which to do so!\"\n\nBrutus paces around in a circle atop the dais. \"They never suspected, the fools! They thought that since I was the youngest, I was expendable! They sent me into the aluminium mines to die with all the commoners, to show that the great Chihuahua family was not above the humble day-to-day life-and-death struggle of the common miner. They thought they would never see me again! But HOW WRONG THEY WERE!\"\n\nBrutus pauses. One thing is explained at least; the aluminium fumes have evidently destroyed his brain. He draws himself up for another tirade.\n\n\"They thought I was the cruel ruler!\" he sneers. \"They thought I was just out for money! They never suspected that one day I would RULE THE UNIVERSE! I, with the aid of my terrible army of robot croutons, shall rise up and crush all the puny ants who oppose me beneath my aluminium toecaps!\"\n\nAs Brutus falls silent, you sense movement, and look down to see the tide of croutonic metal figures advancing upon you. Brutus leaps down from the dais and is lost among their number.\n\nThe croutons swarm towards you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the croutons",
"response": "An army of metallic croutons advances upon you, destruction in their eyes and in their aluminium hearts.\n\nThe croutons are drawing closer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the croutons",
"response": "(first taking the robot crouton army)\nThe robot army advances implacably.\n\nThe robot crouton army is almost upon you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack croutons",
"response": "You could never hope to destroy even one.\n\nThe robot crouton army is almost upon you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The silence is eerie. Passages lead north and east.\n\nThe robot croutons pursue you with murder in their little crouton eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the crouton",
"response": "The robot army advances implacably.\n\nThe robot croutons show not the slightest bit of recognition as you are sliced into pieces by their irresistable advance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "As you flee desperately down the passage towards the power plant, some sixth sense tells you that something is about to happen. You throw yourself into a tiny crevice in the wall of the passage, just as the huge army of yaksters, broken free from the treadmill, come cascading down the tunnel in an almightly horde. Looking back past the stream of rumbling animals, you see the lead croutons stop in their tracks, fear flickering in their previously emotionless eyes just for a fraction of a second before they are crushed to smithereens.\n\nAll is silent. The yaksters are gone, the robots are destroyed. Brutus' body lies in the midst of his robot horde, barely recognisable. The tyrannical insane ruler is dead, prosperity shall reign on Io once more. It is, in fact, a happy ending.",
"endoftext": true
] | ld1l0p3sz2t46ywe |
Fingertips: Something Grabbed Ahold of My Hand | Melvin Rangasamy | [
"Prison Drama"
] | [
"based on songs",
"gender-neutral protagonist",
"multiple solutions",
"music references",
"one move",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 4 | 2.5 | 20120601 | false | You have been imprisoned but your crime can't have been that bad, as they're giving you a chance to escape- if you're smart enough! A one move parole board for Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126\nStandard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson\nCommon Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond\nBasic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short\n\nYou are in a prison that has 32767 cells. The Guv' has said that a new policy has been brought in by the Gov'. Due to prison crowding they're offering every prisoner the chance to be freed.\n\nIn order to decide who gets set free, The Guv' will ask each prisoner which cell they choose. The prisoner will then be escorted to that cell where they will spend the night.\n\nDuring the night, a piece of card will be attached to each cell door on which will be written the word \"keep\" on one side and the word \"release\" on the other. The piece of card will start off with the word \"keep\" visible.\n\nThe Guv' will turn around every piece of card so that the word \"release\" is now visible. Afterwards every second piece of card will be turned then every third and so on until the last card has been turned.\n\n\"I don't make the rules,\" he says, \"I only go to ridiculous lengths to enforce them.\"\n\nIf at dawn when all the cards have been turned, the word \"keep\" is visible on a cell door, its prisoner will be forced to live out the rest of their sentence, but if the word \"release\" is visible on a cell door, its prisoner will be released.\n\n\"Alright, you little oik,\" says The Guv',\"which cell is it going to be?\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "1",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"one\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a fiddle is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"two\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nFor saying the first thing that came to mind, you are brought out into the yard just in time to see dozens of your fellow inmates freed. They've even given some of them instruments!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"four\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a recorder is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "9",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"nine\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a sousaphone is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "16",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"sixteen\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a banjo is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "25",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"twenty-five\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a keyboard is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "32761",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"thirty-two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-one\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a accordion is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Picking a number at random, you tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"eighteen thousand, seven hundred and twenty-three\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nFor saying the first thing that came to mind, you are brought out into the yard just in time to see dozens of your fellow inmates freed. They've even given some of them instruments!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "One",
"response": "You tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"one\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a bass is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "One",
"response": "You tell The Guv' that you choose cell number \"one\" to spend the night in.\n\nYou are then escorted to that cell where spend a restless night, worrying over whether your maths was right. Early next morning, The Guv' comes in and takes ahold of your hand. You get an eerie sensation that all your troubles are just beginning. You are then blindfolded and led away from the cell.\n\nWhen the blindfold is removed, you blink as you see the light of day. No sooner do you see the light, than a trombone is thrust into your grubby fingertips.\n\n\"Alright,\" says The Guv', \"what we didn't tell you is that you'll have to spend out the rest of your sentence as an unattributed spare band member for They Might Be Giants.",
"endoftext": true
] | a5jo2a1roas05dx5 |
Being the Ending of the Beginning | Chris Conley | [] | [
"Penultimate not numbered Speed IF",
] | 2,011 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20120101 | false | Darkness. It is pitch black. The only sound is an electrical hum. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Type ABOUT for information about this ridiculous thing.\n\nIt is pitch black. The only sound is an electrical hum.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You listen",
"response": "What a curious sound. Maddeningly amplified by the walls of this chamber. You can hardly stand it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "in between. I went with the former restriction, just for fun.\n\nNote: fun not guaranteed. Offer not valid in Texas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Nothing else",
"response": "You will need to be more specific. Try typing LOOK to get a description of your surroundings.\n\nTo stop these messages entirely, type NOVICE OFF.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the lights",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>TURN ON\n\nType UNDO if this isn't what you wanted to do, or CORRECT OFF to stop automatically correcting commands.\n\n(your mum's shoes)\nThey're not something you can switch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at nothing else",
"response": "You will need to be more specific. Try typing LOOK to get a description of your surroundings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "It is pitch black. The only sound is an electrical hum.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shoes",
"response": "Not on your life. You've safely kept these shoes for 27 years and you're not about to let them out of your sight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You'll have to get out of the tanning bed first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open bed",
"response": "The humming noise mercifully stops.\n\nTanning Salon (in the tanning bed)\nThe walls feature a few posters of smiling tanned blonde people walking down streets, along beaches, eating ice cream, etc. The room itself is fairly cold and uninviting. You can get back to the shopping center through the hall to the south, and perhaps that would be for the best.\n\nYour discarded clothing lies in a heap on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bed",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clothing",
"response": "Your clothes are all wrinkly and yecch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the clothing",
"response": "You quickly gather up your clothes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear clothing",
"response": "You feel much more at ease with your wardrobe properly arranged on your person. This even despite its present condition.\n\nHold, what's this in your pocket?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear clothing",
"response": "You're already wearing those!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine pocket",
"response": "In the pockets, you find a genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica, a pair of carved bone dice, a single chopstick, a small can of liver paté, four small smooth stones, and a resin-encased quantity of hare's fur.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine dice",
"response": "They currently display 0 and 0.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You roll the dice",
"response": "You roll a 1 and a 2.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play it",
"response": "A very unfortunate sound blares from the harmonica.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine liver",
"response": "You see nothing special about the small can of liver paté.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the stone",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the liver",
"response": "You eat the small can of liver paté. Not bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You get out of the tanning bed.\n\nThe walls feature a few posters of smiling tanned blonde people walking down streets, along beaches, eating ice cream, etc. The room itself is fairly cold and uninviting. You can get back to the shopping center through the hall to the south, and perhaps that would be for the best.\n\nYou can see a pair of carved bone dice and a tanning bed (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You exit the bed",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>EXIT\nWrightsville Town Shopping Center\nBleh. Capitalistic excess at its worst. The Video Head shop hawks its degenerate wares to the west; a corporate paint shop sells overpriced colors (colors!) to the south; the tanning salon is north and the food court is east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You guess we are a the goat",
"response": "You typed a rather long command and I didn't understand it. It's better to stick to simpler things like TAKE SMALL SMOOTH STONE.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the dice and the bed",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>GET DICE\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Bleh. Capitalistic excess at its worst. The Video Head shop hawks its degenerate wares to the west; a corporate paint shop sells overpriced colors (colors!) to the south; the tanning salon is north and the food court is east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The walls feature a few posters of smiling tanned blonde people walking down streets, along beaches, eating ice cream, etc. The room itself is fairly cold and uninviting. You can get back to the shopping center through the hall to the south, and perhaps that would be for the best.\n\nYou can see a pair of carved bone dice and a tanning bed (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You possess:\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\nfour small smooth stones",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the dice and the bed",
"response": "a small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nsome dissheveled clothing\nyour mum's shoes\n\npair of carved bone dice: Taken.\ntanning bed: That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A dozen garish illuminated signs advertise overcooked and overpriced foods from various stalls. Out of all of them, there's only one place here in which you would be caught dead.\n\nThe familiar golden arches beckon onwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You dutifully take your place in line.\n\nMcDonalds (in line)\nThe thoughts of has occured here in days gone by and what will occur in the imminent future fill you with a warm feeling of contentment. This is good.\n\nYou can see a cashier here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cashier",
"response": "She is wearing a T-shirt reading \"I killed my father and all I got was this lousy t-shirt\" and a dull expression.\n\nA woman and three even larger children waddle to the nearest table, bags of food in tow. Disgusting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat cashier",
"response": "(first taking the cashier)\nI don't suppose the cashier would care for that.\n\nA tall, thin man takes his salad and practically sprints to a table in the middle of the dining area. Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nAt last, your turn has arrived. \"How may I take your order?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "The cashier has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You order food",
"response": "\"That's not on the menu.\" The cashier points above her head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the menu",
"response": "The usual. Burgers, happy meals, shakes, salads, sodas...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You order happy Meal",
"response": "You wait a moment for your order to be prepared, then gleefully take the Happy Meal with you to your usual table in the back of the dining area.\n\nMcDonalds (in the booth)\nThe thoughts of has occured here in days gone by and what will occur in the imminent future fill you with a warm feeling of contentment. This is good.\n\nYou can see a cashier here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You'll have to get out of the booth first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You possess:\na shake\na pair of carved bone dice\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\nfour small smooth stones\na small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nsome dissheveled clothing\nyour mum's shoes",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Happy Meal",
"response": "Enclosed in a delightful chatreuse box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat happy Meal",
"response": "(first placing the shake on the table)\nDelicious.\n\nAs you finish, you are overcome by an extreme feeling of dread. Suddenly, Tiny Tim bursts from the floor, destroying half of the dining area in an explosion of magma and ash. Your hair is nearly singed by a burning chunk of formica flying past your head.\n\n\"LESLIE!\" he screams, pointing at you.\n\n\"Er... yes?\"\n\nMost of the restaurant is a smoking crater. A few upturned tables and chairs are scattered around the perimeter. The roof is now open to the sky, which seems to be turning an unpleasant shade of red. The exit back to the mall has been blocked with what seems to be a stack of bodies.\n\nTiny Tim hovers a foot off the crater floor, his long hair sticking out wildly in all directions. Dust and debris orbits slowly around him.\n\nA fallen brick lies close at hand.\n\n\"LESLIE! I HAVE COME FOR YOU!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the brick",
"response": "Taken.\n\nA sizable piece of the ceiling falls on the really rather poorly named former singer. He's stunned for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bodies",
"response": "The former McDonalds customers are piled here in front of the exit to the mall. You'll neer be able to move them in time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the brick at Tim",
"response": "Being struck by this latest weight proves too much for him to absorb the momentum of. He loses his balance and collapses to the ground in a pile of rubble.\n\nMost of the restaurant is a smoking crater. A few upturned tables and chairs are scattered around the perimeter. The roof is now open to the sky, which seems to be turning an unpleasant shade of red. The exit back to the mall has been blocked with what seems to be a stack of bodies.\n\nA large pile of rubble fills the crater.\n\nYou can also see a brick here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rubble",
"response": "(the pile of rubble)\nThe pile of debris that was once a McDonalds reaches nearly to the ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the rubble",
"response": "(the pile of rubble)\nYou clamber up the side of the pile, nearly tripping as some bricks shift under your foot. At last you reach the top of the pile.\n\nApocalypse (on the pile of rubble)\nMost of the restaurant is a smoking crater. A few upturned tables and chairs are scattered around the perimeter. The roof is now open to the sky, which seems to be turning an unpleasant shade of red. The exit back to the mall has been blocked with what seems to be a stack of bodies.\n\nFrom this vantage point, you notice a bent and twisted girder dangling from the hole in the ceiling.\n\nYou can also see a brick here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the girder",
"response": "It lies just out of reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "It is too far below you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You manage to grab the girder and shimmy your way to freedom.\n\nYou are standing on the very sparsely implemented roof of the shopping center. Vultures are still circling overhead in the quickly darkening sky.\n\nEvery so often, a piece of debris or stream of dust falls from the great gaping hole in the roof.\n\nA large pyramidal skylight stands before you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the skylight",
"response": "A geometric construction of steel and glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the vulture",
"response": "A dozen or so vey large birds make lazy loops in the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the skylight",
"response": "How?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You possess:\na pair of carved bone dice\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\nfour small smooth stones\na small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nsome dissheveled clothing\nyour mum's shoes",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break skylight",
"response": "That's far too dangerous. Perhaps if you used another implement...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the stone at skylight",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nAn impressive spray of glass falls to the floor below as the small smooth stone shatters the pyramidal skylight.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You are standing on the very sparsely implemented roof of the shopping center. Vultures are still circling overhead in the quickly darkening sky.\n\nEvery so often, a piece of debris or stream of dust falls from the great gaping hole in the roof.\n\nA large pyramidal skylight stands before you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skylight",
"response": "A geometric construction of steel and glass. Rather more steel than glass, at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump through the skylight",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>JUMP\nYou jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You possess:\na pair of carved bone dice\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\nthree small smooth stones\na small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nsome dissheveled clothing\nyour mum's shoes",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the stone at the skylight",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the clothing",
"response": "You take off the dissheveled clothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Tanned bronze. Ignoring for a moment what you're wearing, a fine physical specimen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the can to the vulture",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the vulture",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You possess:\na pair of carved bone dice\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\nthree small smooth stones\na small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nsome dissheveled clothing\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed the vultures",
"response": "(to yourself)\n(first taking the birds)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Forward",
"response": "If you can see an object, you can usually just interact with it directly without worrying about your position. Try a command like EXAMINE SMALL SMOOTH STONE for a closer look at something, or LOOK to show the description of this location again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie under the skylight",
"response": "If you can see an object, you can usually just interact with it directly without worrying about your position. Try a command like EXAMINE PYRAMIDAL SKYLIGHT for a closer look at something, or LOOK to show the description of this location again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the steel",
"response": "A geometric construction of steel and glass. Rather more steel than glass, at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the can with the chopstick",
"response": "I only understood you as far as wanting to hit the small can of liver paté.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the skylight",
"response": "How?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave can",
"response": "You look ridiculous waving the small can of liver paté.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look ridiculous",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>LOOK\nRoof\nYou are standing on the very sparsely implemented roof of the shopping center. Vultures are still circling overhead in the quickly darkening sky.\n\nEvery so often, a piece of debris or stream of dust falls from the great gaping hole in the roof.\n\nA large pyramidal skylight stands before you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave",
"response": "You wave, feeling foolish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the glass",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break glass",
"response": "That's far too dangerous. Perhaps if you used another implement...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You possess:\na pair of carved bone dice\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\nthree small smooth stones\na small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nsome dissheveled clothing\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shoes",
"response": "Not on your life. You've safely kept these shoes for 27 years and you're not about to let them out of your sight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You roll the dice",
"response": "(first taking the pair of carved bone dice)\nYou roll a 1 and a 3.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You roll the dice",
"response": "(first taking the pair of carved bone dice)\nYou roll a 1 and a 2.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You roll the dice",
"response": "(first taking the pair of carved bone dice)\nYou roll a 2 and a 3.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get dice",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bother",
"response": "Quite.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw yourself at skylight",
"response": "(first taking yourself)\nYou are always self-possessed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clothes",
"response": "Your clothes are all wrinkly and yecch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the clothes",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the clothes together",
"response": "After a few minutes' work, you've created a decently long rope out of your own clothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You rub LIVER on the clothes",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>RUB LIVER\nYou achieve nothing by this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at rope",
"response": "It was once, an eternity ago, a quite fashionable wardrobe. Has it really come to this? Making fine clothing into arts and crafts as the world crumbles around you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the rope to the skylight",
"response": "You fix one end to the steel frame of the skylight and let the other end dangle down into the shopping center.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the rope",
"response": "You rappel off the steel frame of the skylight and make about three handfulls worth of progress down into the mall before some piece of clothing gives way. You never did earn your knot-tying merit badge.\nSome time later, you come to...\n\nA cold wind blows through the ruins of the shopping center. Shards of glass, fallen bricks, and bodies litter the ground. The power is out, and you can barely see anything in the twilight. Every so often, an animal howls in the distance. Something seems disturbingly familiar about the smell of death and decay here.\n\nThe only way that has not been ruined or blocked by debris is the Video Head shop, to the west.\n\nYou can see a small smooth stone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the stone",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The electricity suddenly flickers on as you enter.\n\nRows and rows of vapid entertainment titles fill every square foot of this drab, depressing store. The full extent of the design imperative in decorating this place was apparently \"gray\".\n\nA single, solitary copy of Doom III lies dejectedly in the back corner of the store.\n\nA pale man, reigning over all he sees from his perch behind the counter, sneers at your presence in his fine establishment.\n\nWait. You realize, with dawning horror, that standing behind the counter is in fact not the Video Head clerk at all, but your evil twin!\n\n\"Leslie, dear, what ARE you wearing?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell twin",
"response": "You smell nothing unexpected.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the Doom",
"response": "It's a cardboard box.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Punch twin",
"response": "Deftly parried by the e-peen hammer.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "You open the copy of Doom III, revealing a fine pewter space marine, some depleted uranium dog tags, an Official Doom III Strategy guide, an Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide, a jewel case, an order form, and an ID code.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the bo",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>GET ALL\ncopy of Doom III: Taken.\ne-peen hammer: That seems to belong to your evil twin.\nfine pewter space marine: Taken.\ndepleted uranium dog tags: Taken.\nOfficial Doom III Strategy guide: Taken.\nUnofficial Doom III Strategy Guide: Taken.\njewel case: Taken.\nDoom III DVD: The jewel case isn't open.\nMaking of Doom III Featurette DVD: The jewel case isn't open.\norder form: Taken.\nID code: Taken.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the box to Sam",
"response": "You can't bring yourself to perform such a charitable act to your evil twin. Perhaps in a less direct manner...\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Sam about her feelings",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the box on the counter",
"response": "\"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the copy of Doom III off of the counter.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Sam",
"response": "Yes, it's none other than your evil twin Sam, menacing with an e-peen hammer! How monstrous, the duplicity! How devious, the deception! How terrible, the fashion sense!\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss sam",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play harmonica",
"response": "A very unfortunate sound blares from the harmonica.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hammer",
"response": "You see nothing special about the e-peen hammer.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You possess:\nan ID code\nan order form\na jewel case (closed)\na Doom III DVD\na Making of Doom III Featurette DVD\nan Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide\nan Official Doom III Strategy guide\nsome depleted uranium dog tags\na fine pewter space marine\nfour small smooth stones\na pair of carved bone dice\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\na small can of liver paté\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the form",
"response": "\"Register your game now!\" Somehow it doesn't seem like a very urgent task, at the moment.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open case",
"response": "You open the jewel case.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the code",
"response": "\"To access the special unique Collector's Edition-only weapon in single- and multi-player, log on with this code on the following website: ...\" You eyes are already starting to glaze over.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You roll the dice",
"response": "You roll a 1 and a 5.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Official Guide",
"response": "You see nothing special about the Official Doom III Strategy guide.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unofficial",
"response": "You see nothing special about the Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the case",
"response": "In the jewel case are a Doom III DVD and a Making of Doom III Featurette DVD.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the dice to the twin",
"response": "(first taking the pair of carved bone dice)\nYou can't bring yourself to perform such a charitable act to your evil twin. Perhaps in a less direct manner...\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Rows and rows of vapid entertainment titles fill every square foot of this drab, depressing store. The full extent of the design imperative in decorating this place was apparently \"gray\".\n\nYour evil twin leers at you from behind the counter.\n\nYou can also see a copy of Doom III (empty) and a counter here.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Doom III DVD",
"response": "Which do you mean, the Doom III DVD or the Making of Doom III Featurette DVD?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the dice to the twin",
"response": "Your evil twin is unimpressed.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the dice on the counter",
"response": "\"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the pair of carved bone dice off of the counter.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw dice at the twin",
"response": "(first taking the pair of carved bone dice)\nWielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the pair of carved bone dice harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all on the counter",
"response": "pair of carved bone dice: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the pair of carved bone dice off of the counter.\nID code: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the ID code off of the counter.\norder form: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the order form off of the counter.\njewel case: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the jewel case off of the counter.\nUnofficial Doom III Strategy Guide: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide off of the counter.\nOfficial Doom III Strategy guide: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the Official Doom III Strategy guide off of the counter.\ndepleted uranium dog tags: \"I do so love dress-up!\" Your evil twin takes the depleted uranium dog tags and tries them on, practically giddy with excitement.\nfine pewter space marine: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the fine pewter space marine off of the counter.\nsmall smooth stone: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the small smooth stone off of the counter. resin-encased quantity of hare's fur: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the resin-encased quantity of hare's fur off of the counter.\nsmall smooth stone: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the small smooth stone off of the counter. small smooth stone: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the small smooth stone off of the counter. small smooth stone: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the small smooth stone off of the counter. small can of liver paté: Sam promptly wolfs down the small can of liver paté, completely unselfconsciously. It's really a disgusting sight. single chopstick: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the single chopstick off of the counter. genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica: \"How utterly boring. Can't you find something more interesting?\" Sam swats the genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica off of the counter.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tags",
"response": "Supposedly stamped from real depleted uranium. The number on the dog tags is ALK-1360053.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica: Taken.\nsingle chopstick: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nresin-encased quantity of hare's fur: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nfine pewter space marine: Taken.\nOfficial Doom III Strategy guide: Taken.\nUnofficial Doom III Strategy Guide: Taken.\njewel case: Taken.\norder form: Taken.\nID code: Taken.\npair of carved bone dice: Taken.\ncopy of Doom III: Taken.\nDoom III DVD: Taken.\nMaking of Doom III Featurette DVD: Taken.\ne-peen hammer: That seems to belong to your evil twin.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine sam",
"response": "Yes, it's none other than your evil twin Sam, menacing with an e-peen hammer! How monstrous, the duplicity! How devious, the deception! How terrible, the fashion sense!\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tags",
"response": "Supposedly stamped from real depleted uranium. The number on the dog tags is ALK-1360053.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the counter",
"response": "That's not something you can sit down on.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Play",
"response": "What do you want to play?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Making",
"response": "You see nothing special about the Making of Doom III Featurette DVD.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the twin",
"response": "Yes, it's none other than your evil twin Sam, menacing with an e-peen hammer! How monstrous, the duplicity! How devious, the deception! How terrible, the fashion sense!\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the marine",
"response": "It's a toy soldier. How quaint.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill twin",
"response": "Deftly parried by the e-peen hammer.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the the copy of Doom",
"response": "Not possible.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play Doom III DVD",
"response": "Which do you mean, the Making of Doom III Featurette DVD or the Doom III DVD?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Both",
"response": "Sorry, you can only have one item here. Which exactly?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Play making of",
"response": "Not possible.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the stone at the twin",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the small smooth stone harmlessly into the air.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the game",
"response": "Which do you mean, the Doom III DVD or the copy of Doom III?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the game dvd",
"response": "You see nothing special about the Doom III DVD.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play it",
"response": "Not possible.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Play game dvd",
"response": "Not possible.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Rows and rows of vapid entertainment titles fill every square foot of this drab, depressing store. The full extent of the design imperative in decorating this place was apparently \"gray\".\n\nYour evil twin leers at you from behind the counter.\n\nYou can also see a counter here.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You possess:\na Making of Doom III Featurette DVD\na Doom III DVD\na copy of Doom III (open but empty)\na pair of carved bone dice\nan ID code\nan order form\na jewel case (open but empty)\nan Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide\nan Official Doom III Strategy guide\na fine pewter space marine\nfour small smooth stones\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw dice at the twin",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the pair of carved bone dice harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the marine",
"response": "It's a toy soldier. How quaint.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the twin about the store",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the tags",
"response": "Those seem to belong to your evil twin.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the code at the twin",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the ID code harmlessly into the air.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the chopstick at twin",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the single chopstick harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "e-peen hammer: That seems to belong to your evil twin.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A cold wind blows through the ruins of the shopping center. Shards of glass, fallen bricks, and bodies litter the ground. The power is out, and you can barely see anything in the twilight. Every so often, an animal howls in the distance. Something seems disturbingly familiar about the smell of death and decay here.\n\nThe only way that has not been ruined or blocked by debris is the Video Head shop, to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "Ah, yes. The old familiar scent of evil. You can almost remember -- what IS that?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bodies",
"response": "Shopped til they dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You possess:\na Making of Doom III Featurette DVD\na Doom III DVD\na copy of Doom III (open but empty)\na pair of carved bone dice\nan ID code\nan order form\na jewel case (open but empty)\nan Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide\nan Official Doom III Strategy guide\na fine pewter space marine\nfour small smooth stones\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the bodies",
"response": "You hear nothing unexpected.\n\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Rows and rows of vapid entertainment titles fill every square foot of this drab, depressing store. The full extent of the design imperative in decorating this place was apparently \"gray\".\n\nYour evil twin leers at you from behind the counter.\n\nYou can also see a counter here.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "An unassuming gray crescent extending down half the length of the store.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the counter",
"response": "An unassuming gray crescent extending down half the length of the store.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look behind the counter",
"response": "What do you know. They are indeed fine Italian leather imports.\n\n\"Whoa, keep your eyes on the prize!\" The pale man directs your gaze upwards.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the fur to the twin",
"response": "Your evil twin is unimpressed.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up",
"response": "You see nothing unexpected in that direction.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the counter",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Making at the twin",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the Making of Doom III Featurette DVD harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You possess:\na Making of Doom III Featurette DVD\na Doom III DVD\na copy of Doom III (open but empty)\na pair of carved bone dice\nan ID code\nan order form\na jewel case (open but empty)\nan Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide\nan Official Doom III Strategy guide\na fine pewter space marine\nfour small smooth stones\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Sam",
"response": "If you're trying to talk to someone, you might try ASK TWIN ABOUT something, the traditional conversation syntax. Type ABOUT to see if this story offers more detailed instructions for conversation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read unofficial",
"response": "You see nothing special about the Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Sam about the armageddon",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the TWIN about the play",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\n\"You know what, Leslie, I think we've been too hard on each other over the years. How about a truce?\" Sam pauses for a second, but before you can respond: \"Well, that was fun! What do you want to play now?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examinthe e-peen hammer",
"response": "You see nothing special about the e-peen hammer.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Sam about Tiny Tim",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the TWIN about the game",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Sam about Sam",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Sam",
"response": "Deftly parried by the e-peen hammer.\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You play the game",
"response": "Which do you mean, the Doom III DVD or the copy of Doom III?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You possess:\na Making of Doom III Featurette DVD\na Doom III DVD\na copy of Doom III (open but empty)\na pair of carved bone dice\nan ID code\nan order form\na jewel case (open but empty)\nan Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide\nan Official Doom III Strategy guide\na fine pewter space marine\nfour small smooth stones\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else\n\nYour twin crushes a fly that had landed on the counter. Now we can add animal cruelty to the list of atrocities comitted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Making at Sam",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the Making of Doom III Featurette DVD harmlessly into the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "Your evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.\n\nYou possess:\na Making of Doom III Featurette DVD\na Doom III DVD\na copy of Doom III (open but empty)\na pair of carved bone dice\nan ID code\nan order form\na jewel case (open but empty)\nan Unofficial Doom III Strategy Guide\nan Official Doom III Strategy guide\na fine pewter space marine\nfour small smooth stones\na resin-encased quantity of hare's fur\na single chopstick\na genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica\nYou are wearing:\nyour mum's shoes\nnothing else\n\nYour evil twin twirls an imaginary moustache. The fiend!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the stone at Sam",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the small smooth stone harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam chortles in glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw game dvd at Sam",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the Doom III DVD harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the dice at Sam",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the pair of carved bone dice harmlessly into the air.\n\nYour evil twin takes a product from one of the shelves and dropkicks it out the door. \"Not that I don't appreciate this fine establishment, but you know what they say: if you've seen one shopping center, you've seen the mall!\" Deplorable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the harmonica at Sam",
"response": "Wielding the hammer like a tennis racket, Sam bats the genuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica harmlessly into the air.\n\nSam does that eyeball thing that you hate. So aggravating!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the shoes on the counter",
"response": "(your mum's shoes on the counter)\n(first taking them off)\nDesperate times call for desperate measures. Your evil twin watches intently as you unlace and remove your darling mother's shoes. \"Those... why, those are...\"\n\nYour evil twin takes your mum's shoes and tries them on, practically giddy with excitement.\n\nSam looks absolutely ridiculous wearing the dog tags and mother's favorite shoes. A fact which your pointedly point out. Eyes wide, Sam runs screaming out into the night.\n\nGreat. Now you need a ride home.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open bed",
"response": "The humming noise mercifully stops.\n\nTanning Salon (in the tanning bed)\nThe walls feature a few posters of smiling tanned blonde people walking down streets, along beaches, eating ice cream, etc. The room itself is fairly cold and uninviting. You can get back to the shopping center through the hall to the south, and perhaps that would be for the best.\n\nYour discarded clothing lies in a heap on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You exit the bed",
"response": "I only understood the first part of that-- trying anyway.\n\nRetrying as:\n>EXIT\n\nType UNDO if this isn't what you wanted to do, or CORRECT OFF to stop automatically correcting commands.\n\nTo stop these messages entirely, type NOVICE OFF.\n\nYou get out of the tanning bed.\n\nThe walls feature a few posters of smiling tanned blonde people walking down streets, along beaches, eating ice cream, etc. The room itself is fairly cold and uninviting. You can get back to the shopping center through the hall to the south, and perhaps that would be for the best.\n\nYour discarded clothing lies in a heap on the floor.\n\nYou can also see a tanning bed (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Novice off",
"response": "Novice mode disabled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "dissheveled clothing: You quickly gather up your clothes.\ngenuine 1932 Shiny Time brass harmonica: Taken.\npair of carved bone dice: Taken.\nsingle chopstick: Taken.\nsmall can of liver paté: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nsmall smooth stone: Taken.\nresin-encased quantity of hare's fur: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the clothes",
"response": "You feel much more at ease with your wardrobe properly arranged on your person. This even despite its present condition.\n\nHold, what's this in your pocket?\n\nYou already have those.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Rows and rows of vapid entertainment titles fill every square foot of this drab, depressing store. The full extent of the design imperative in decorating this place was apparently \"gray\".\n\nA single, solitary copy of Doom III lies dejectedly in the back corner of the store.\n\nA pale man, reigning over all he sees from his perch behind the counter, sneers at your presence in his fine establishment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Doom III",
"response": "The pale man sneers even harder. \"You think I would let someone like you even touch such an artifact? It's a collector's edition, the super-rare \"Ultraviolent\" release. Only 25 of these were ever produced. Fine pewter space marine, depleted uranium dog tags, official and unofficial strategy guide, and the Making-of featurette, AND an extra weapon you can equip in both single and multiplayer.\"\n\nHe looks you up and down, slowly, exhaustively, as if he was mentally cataloging every atom. \"No. You wouldn't appreciate it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the man",
"response": "Two eyes; one nose; one mouth; two ears; two arms; two legs; far too much hair. He wears a smart blue button-down shirt and deep red tie, khaki pants and a black belt. You can't see from back here, but you imagine his shoes must be fine Italian leather imports.\nThe presentation is ruined by the cheap name tag sticker over his\nshirt pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sticker",
"response": "HELLO my name is bOb S.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss man",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the sticker",
"response": "That seems to belong to Bob.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Rows and rows of vapid entertainment titles fill every square foot of this drab, depressing store. The full extent of the design imperative in decorating this place was apparently \"gray\".\n\nA single, solitary copy of Doom III lies dejectedly in the back corner of the store.\n\nBob, reigning over all he sees from his perch behind the counter, sneers at your presence in his fine establishment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Doom",
"response": "Bob looks you up and down, slowly, exhaustively, as if he was mentally cataloging every atom. \"No. You wouldn't appreciate it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Bleh. Capitalistic excess at its worst. The Video Head shop hawks its degenerate wares to the west; a corporate paint shop sells overpriced colors (colors!) to the south; the tanning salon is north and the food court is east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The walls feature a few posters of smiling tanned blonde people walking down streets, along beaches, eating ice cream, etc. The room itself is fairly cold and uninviting. You can get back to the shopping center through the hall to the south, and perhaps that would be for the best.\n\nYou can see a tanning bed (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the bed",
"response": "Oh, no. You've had quite enough of that. Any longer and you'd develop a crick in your back, and you wouldn't be confortable again all day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the bed",
"response": "You close the tanning bed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shoes",
"response": "Ah, yes. You had, not two hours ago whilst bathing (and truly: is that not always the most productive time for cogitation?) an utterly marvelous idea. You would acquire a tan while adorned with your dearest mother's dearest shoes, lying on a beach and sipping from a tall glass of coconut cream spritzer until the point at which you would drift off into serenely dizziful bliss, awakening to find impressed upon your pliant skin the intricate interlocking paisley pattern of wistful bygone years.\n\nBut there's no goddamn sun in winter here in Finland so you had to go with plan B.",
"endoftext": true
] | y7gdf3671h662253 |
The Day I shot Alex | Marius Müller | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
] | 2,017 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20170103 | true | Paul is at the perfect party! But someone is missing... | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The emergency siren wakes you from uneasy dreams.\nWhat's going on? You dimly recall the scientists are examining the results of project LOVIATAR. Something must've gone wrong.\n\nYou are in the sleeping quarters. This room is very white and very clean. Your space bunk is here.\n\nTHE EMERGENCY SIREN BLARES!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are Xonathan Xask, janitor 3rd class on Space Station Ollster III in the year 2578. Your life has been miserable and uneventful so far, but you have a feeling that is about to change.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This corridor is incredibly clean, and incredibly white. The future is awesome. The corridor ends to the northeast at a door marked in Chinese, and continues to the southwest. There is a huge window here, looking out on Mercury.\n\nTHE EMERGENCY SIREN BLARES!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "Mercury looks small and grey, especially compared to the unbelievably massive sun behind it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "(first opening Chinese door)\n\nThere is a thick, plasteel bulkhead door in the east wall here, complete with a viewing window. The corridor continues to the north, but the pulsing red light and the annoying WOOP-WOOP make it pretty clear that the emergency is here.\n\nTHE EMERGENCY SIREN BLARES!\n\nThe emergency door release button is glowing blue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the window",
"response": "The scene is horrifying: The octagonal box containing Loviatar, stands on the steel table, but it's broken. Drs. von Behring, Ross and Finsen lie on the ground, convulsing, screaming and foaming at the mouth. You need to get them to the med bay, quick!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're wearing golden, faux-leather t-shirt and skintight black jeans. You've have your highlights redone for this party and sincerely hope Alex will notice this time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a\nstorage closet. (You only call it \"The Potter Room\".) It's perfect.\n\nA piece of string has come undone from the carpet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the string",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the string",
"response": "It's a piece of string from your hallway carpet, the ugly one Alex bought that depicts a prancing bear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inside",
"response": "Shelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust. A perfect, cozy little room.\n\nA dusty novelty beard lies on one of the shelves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beard",
"response": "Alex gave it to you as a present, so, he said, your sister could play his beard more convincingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tools",
"response": "You don't need to repair anything. Everything is perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Outside",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a\nstorage closet. (You only call it \"The Potter Room\".) It's perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards\nto the hallway or to the k'itchen and the pool beyond to the south.\n\nSome people sit on the two perfectly comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about how continuity can often be confusing to new players.\n\nA discarded roll of \"fish breath breath mints\" lies here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mints",
"response": "There is but one mint left. Before you waste your time on >eat, it\nwill just tell you that you have the feeling you need it for a special occasion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the mint",
"response": "You gulp down the mint.\n\nOh, that's right! YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO FISH! YOU DIE IN HORRIBLE AGONY!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which\nleads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits your laptop. Cables connect it to some small speakers, providing music. The choice of music is perfect.\n\nA mp3-player is lying on the counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at food",
"response": "Looks perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the player",
"response": "An old mp3, player, which seems to have only one file on it.\n\nThe mp3-player is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the laptop",
"response": "The laptop is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Your parents were rather fond of this. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss\ntan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a golf course (You find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nSome rocks lie around here. They look perfect.\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the perfect afternoon glow.\n\nThere is a small, perfect swimming pool here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rocks",
"response": "Some perfect rocks, from deep inside the mountains near here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the people",
"response": "They're perfect people.You can't see Alex or Dana, your two favorite people.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pool",
"response": "The water looks clear, perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the pool",
"response": "You have a feeling it will be cold, but as you dip a toe in, you find it's the perfect temperature. Still, you don't feel like swimming. After all, it might be a bit much to expect an implemented swimming pool that has no bearing on the plot, you reason quite rationally.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wall",
"response": "This wall has seperated your house from the golf course for all eternity. It looks ... weirdly ... like a border.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which\nleads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits your laptop. Cables connect it to some small speakers, providing music. The choice of music is perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards\nto the hallway or to the k'itchen and the pool beyond to the south.\n\nSome people sit on the two perfectly comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about Texture.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a\nstorage closet. (You only call it \"The Potter Room\".) It's perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You'll go upstairs once the party is over. With Alex. It's gonna be perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You finally run into the guy dressed as a green-eyed alien. All three look at you wearily.\n\"They got you too, eh? Where you from? Earth, I guess? You have all these weird inside eyes.\"\n\"Who's in there, Dana?\"\n\"Listen, I'm kinda on the run from the Time Rangers, can you hold on this for me?\"\n\"Sure, but ... who are you? And what is this? I thought this was my house?\"\nThe alien looks at you humourlessly, or maybe you're just bad at reading alien faces. \"You are as far from your house as you can possibly be, kitten.\" You look at the small blue container, shaped, it seems, like an oversized tampon. The alien points at it with a three-fingered hand. \"That's the last destronium in existence. And I want it back. Name's Zaxnor the Galaxy Destroyer.We'll see each other later.\"\nAnd with that, he's gone.\nWhat a shameless sequel hook, you muse to yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na vial\nsome rocks\na mp3-player\na roll of mints\na women's novelty beard\na string",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at vial",
"response": "A vial, labelled DESTRONIUM - don't move at more than 4x llightspeed. Don't feed to Xragulians, no matter how much they ask for it. Don't ingest if you're alive by Galactic Standard defintion 4. Safe to\ningest for being by Galactic definitions 1-3. Volatile if thrown.\"\nGuys usually tell you you're a 7-8, so better no ingest it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the front door",
"response": "Something is really wrong here. You're not worried too much, though - no matter what TV shows or moralistic sci-fi stories tell you, living in a perfect place isn't that bad. But that alien clearly was some\nsort of outisider, talking down to you about something. And neither Dana nor Alex are here, and that worries you quite a bit. So, you open the door. You look up and down your street, as you've done ten\nthousand times. Nothing special. Then you notice a letter at your\nfeet. Man, who doesn't text in this day and age? You pick it up and close the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the letter",
"response": "It's from Darna, who was probably mentioned here and there - your\nold friend Darna Elbe, first transgender temperologist.It simply\nreads:\nIT'S A SIMULATION. PLEASE REJECT IT! I LEFT SOMETHING FOR ALEX IN\nTHE POTTER ROOM - All my love, Dana.\n\nP.S. Sorry I can't do more, but there wasn't enough time to code my plotline.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beard",
"response": "Alex gave it to you as a present, so, he said, your sister could play his beard more convincingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards\nto the hallway or to the k'itchen and the pool beyond to the south.\n\nSome people sit on the two perfectly comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about how hard video syncing is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The main feature of this room is the impressive glass door, which\nleads south, to the pool. All benches and counters are weighted down with random food stuff, brought by the party goers. Of course, there are more people here than in the living room.\n\nOn the counter next to the sink sits your laptop. Cables connect it to some small speakers, providing music. The choice of music is perfect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the laptop",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Your parents were rather fond of this. It's surrounded by some deck-chairs. The eastern and western garden walls are overgrown with undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss\ntan. This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a golf course (You find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless.)\n\nA small flock of people is lying around in the deck-chairs, most of them still dressed, waving drinks and mumbling to each other in the perfect afternoon glow.\n\nThere is a small, perfect swimming pool here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Boink! You run into the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You can't quite say why, but you don't feel like you can climb the\nwall yet. Maybe ... maybe there is something you need to do\nbeforehand?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na letter\na vial\nsome rocks\na mp3-player\na roll of mints\na women's novelty beard\na string",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw rocks at the wall",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards\nto the hallway or to the k'itchen and the pool beyond to the south.\n\nSome people sit on the two perfectly comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about how continuity can often be confusing to new players.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inside",
"response": "Shelves are nailed to the leaning wall. On them, some useless tools gather dust. A perfect, cozy little room.\n\nA brown package has appeared here. It's labelled FOR ALEX.But Alex isn't here. Nor do you know where he might be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the package",
"response": "In the package is a plasma gatling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "Oh, Alex would love this! It's an Alien Tech (tm) high-powered plasma gatling gun. Alex talked to you about this, and you pretended to listen. As it fires about 400 slugs of superheated plasma per\n*second*, it's cooled by sodium fluoride and sodium tetrafluoroborate. What use such a gun is in a world whose problems are mainly a lack of collaboration is anyone's guess, but you couldn't deny Alex' childish glee when talking about weapons. This thing looks dangerous, it would be very easy to SHOOT someone with it. It also has a single GRENADE for when you need to GRENADE multiple enemies at once.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot yourself",
"response": "You don't have as many violent urges as Alex, thank god! A non-violent IF protagonist makes for a nice change.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Before the party people invaded it, this was a spacious, cozy room. Now, you have to wade through thick smoke to escape either westwards\nto the hallway or to the k'itchen and the pool beyond to the south.\n\nSome people sit on the two perfectly comfortable couches, sharing joints and talking about the upcoming Citizen Kane prequels.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the people",
"response": "You hesitate for a moment. There are all your friends, and 2 or so acquaintances of Alex. You'd really hate to shoot them! Alex is\nusually the one who does the killing in the house. Well, it can't be helped.\nYou level the plasma gatling at them. Luckily, and Alex showed you a long and boring and badly shot YouTube video on this, the gatling\nspeds up extremely fast. It takes all put 2 seconds to completely obliterate your living room and everyone in it.\nGee, you sure hope that letter wasn't a prank.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the people",
"response": "You hesitate for a moment. There are all your friends, and 1 or so acquaintances of Alex. You'd really hate to shoot them! Alex is\nusually the one who does the killing in the house. Well, it can't be helped.\nYou level the plasma gatling at them. Luckily, and Alex showed you a long and boring and badly shot YouTube video on this, the gatling\nspeds up extremely fast. It takes all put 2 seconds to completely obliterate your garden and everyone in it.\nOh no, looks like there was one survivor!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The smoldering ruins of your garden.\n\nA cute little corgi sits here.\n\nThere is a small, perfect swimming pool here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the corgi",
"response": "Aw! So cute!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot corgi",
"response": "It has to be done! Luckily, the plasma gatling is quite excessive and there is only a smouldering, toxic green patch left.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You finally feel able to climb the wall. You scramble over it and find yourself in ...\n\nA small, dark green, squat creature stands here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to it",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the creature",
"response": "\"Hello, Paul.\" says the Alien in a friendly voice.\n\n\"Hello, where am I, who are you, etc., you probably now the drill\"\nyou say, surprised at your own rudeness.\nBut of course. You see, when Alex, the scourge of all of Time, confronted the Queen of Hurts and Maladies at the end of the last er .... adventure, you and he were scattered across time and space. You ended up on Blubbertaria III, our homeworld.\"\n\n\"Wait, if it's your homeworld why does it have a number? Wouldn't it just be Blubbertaria?\"\n\n\"We destroyed two planets before we didn't make climate change\ndeniers world president anymore.\"\n\nYou wince.\n\n\"Anyway, my species has evolved so that we live on the happiness of others, so for the last few galactic years you were trapped in a simulation of your perfect day. Unfortunately, we aren't allowed to simulate the dead, so your husband, Alex, and Dana, your good friend, weren't there.\"\n\n\"Sorry, but wait again, you feed off people's happiness by simulating\na perfect life for them? I ... I want to say that's evil, but I'm actually not sure.\"\n\n\"It is indeed a matter of great philosphical and judicial debate\namong the intelligent species of the galaxy, so nothing that concerns you. Er, no offense.\"\n\n\"None taken. We humans are dum-dums.\"\n\n\"I know. So, now that you broke the simulation, we can no longer feed on you. We've decided to turn you over to the Time Rangers (tm), given that your husband is the greatest criminal in all of known time and space (which is quite a lot).\"\n\n\"The greatest? That's so good for him, he finally developed some ambition, just like his therapist hoped.\"\n\n\"I also hope you know you could've just destroyed the wall. These simulants felt real pain, especially the puppy. Ah, well, too bad. \"Yes, well, goodbye.\"\n\n\"There is a blinding pink flash and you find yourself in -\n\nof marble. A prominent banner hangs here, which reads \"THE HISTORY OF ALEX - SCOURGE OF THE GALAXY\"\nA blinking, 3D-animated arrow points se.\nAw, look. His own exhibiton. How cute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na plasma gatling\na letter\na vial\nsome rocks\na mp3-player\na roll of mints\na women's novelty beard\na string",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "There is a holoimage here of Alex, 4-5 metres (13.12 feet) high, on\nhis knees, staring at a puddle in some forsaken valley under strange purple skies. His eyes glow red.\nOh yeah! He was possessed by the spirit of your evil Uncle Wally.\nLooks like he didn't do all this evil things of his own volition.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-east",
"response": "This holo image shows Alex, holding some sort of urn aloft triumphantly. The plaque informs you that Alex managed to banish the spirit of Evil Uncle Wally into the the magic Urn of GN-z11.\nUh-oh.\n\nYou can see a wikipedia printout here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the printout",
"response": "Gleipnir - Therefore, they commissioned the dwarves to forge a chain that was impossible to break. To create a chain to achieve the impossible, the dwarves fashioned the chain out of six supposedly impossible things:\nThe sound of a cat's footfall\nThe beard of a woman\nThe roots of a mountain\nThe sinews of a bear\nThe breath of a fish\nThe spittle of a bird",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This holo shows Alex, atop some abyss, his hand downs as if he'd just thrown something. The plaque informs you that, after not finding you, in anger he cast his wedding ring into the abyss of Wolf 1061c.\nAwww. He bought it, but that thing was kinda pricey. You look down\nat your own for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This holo is full of minute details. It depicts a gargantuan space battle. You can't make out a clear winner, but it looks like one of them is a ragtag bunch of diverse ships, and the other is a bunch of ugly, organic looking ships. The plaque confirms what you suspected, that Alex amassed forces and fought and defeated the Queen of Hurts\nand Maladies, your old enemy, so weird of threatening but ill-defined entity. It also slyly hints at the fact that he continued a reign of terror throughout the galaxy, as this exhibition is continued in\nB-Wing \"The war criminal years\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "A mechanical bird flies by, screeches, and loses a drop of oil from\nits beak. Hm. Looks like the future isn't so perfect after all.\n\nThe exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nA single drop of oil lies here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully. There is a small plaque at the base.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "You put the drop of oil on your fingertip. Luckily, this game won't go into the logistics of handling other things.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the statue",
"response": "It's from some very black, cold material. The plaque says that Alex\nhad it made from the last Indestructium in existence. In it, he buried his greatest secret.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at vial",
"response": "A vial, labelled DESTRONIUM - don't move at more than 4x llightspeed. Don't feed to Xragulians, no matter how much they ask for it. Don't ingest if you're alive by Galactic Standard defintion 4. Safe to\ningest for being by Galactic definitions 1-3. Volatile if thrown.\"\nGuys usually tell you you're a 7-8, so better no ingest it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw vial at the statue",
"response": "You throw the last DESTRONIUM in existence, a thing of unimaginable historic and scientific value, (but also great potential for evil) at the statue!\n\nIt sizzles! It hisses!\n\nNothing happens.\n\nThen cracks appear all over the statue. But it doesn't fall apart. Dang.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Grenade statue",
"response": "You don't feel you need your one and only plasma grenade here. It's only applicable for taking out a number of dangerous individuals at once.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the statue",
"response": "It's from some very black, cold material. The plaque says that Alex\nhad it made from the last Indestructium in existence. In it, he buried his greatest secret.The statue has cracks all over.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the statue",
"response": "Ouch! You hurt your fist. Looks like they didn't name it Indestructium for nothing, and even though it's cracked, your fists aren't enough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This is the intersection of two corridors. To the west is a exhibition called \"QUEER ART 2100-2433\". Unfortunately, it's closed. To the east is an an exhibition called \"BEST FANFICTION OF THE 20th CENTURY. Fortunately, it's closed. The corridor to the south is blocked by a sign saying \"ESCAPED JENNOSAURUS.\"\n\nAn original 20th century golf cart stands here, obviously on the way\nto some exhibition or other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A featureless corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cart",
"response": "An original 20th century golf cart.\n\nIn the golf cart is a flat box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at box",
"response": "It's a small, wooden box labelled \"Return to Niðavellir by Bifröst\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the cart",
"response": "But you're already in the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "THE MUSEUM BEYOND TIME - WING A - SPECIAL EXHIBIT HALL 5 (in\nthe golf cart)\nThe exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully.The statue has cracks all over. There is a small plaque at the base.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cart",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at cart",
"response": "An original 20th century golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Junction (in the golf cart)\nThis is the intersection of two corridors. To the west is a exhibition called \"QUEER ART 2100-2433\". Unfortunately, it's closed. To the east is an an exhibition called \"BEST FANFICTION OF THE 20th CENTURY. Fortunately, it's closed. The corridor to the south is blocked by a sign saying \"ESCAPED JENNOSAURUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Corridor (in the golf cart)\nA featureless corridor.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Unlock box",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the flat box with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the mp3 player",
"response": "That's already on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na flat box (closed and locked)\na drop of oil (carried precariously on your fingertip)\na wikipedia printout\na plasma gatling\na letter\nsome rocks\na mp3-player\na roll of mints\na women's novelty beard\na string",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop box",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nThis is the intersection of two corridors. To the west is a exhibition called \"QUEER ART 2100-2433\". Unfortunately, it's closed. To the east is an an exhibition called \"BEST FANFICTION OF THE 20th CENTURY. Fortunately, it's closed. The corridor to the south is blocked by a sign saying \"ESCAPED JENNOSAURUS.\"\n\nAn original 20th century golf cart stands here, obviously on the way\nto some exhibition or other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully.The statue has cracks all over. There is a small plaque at the base.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tie",
"response": "What do you want to tie?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "THE MUSEUM BEYOND TIME - WING A - SPECIAL EXHIBIT HALL 5 (in\nthe golf cart)\nThe exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully.The statue has cracks all over. There is a small plaque at the base.\n\nYou can also see a flat box (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "Crack! You drive over the box, completely breaking it to splinters. Luckily, whatever was in it seems to be intact.\n\nTHE MUSEUM BEYOND TIME - WING A - SPECIAL EXHIBIT HALL 4 (in\nthe golf cart)\nThis holo is full of minute details. It depicts a gargantuan space battle. You can't make out a clear winner, but it looks like one of them is a ragtag bunch of diverse ships, and the other is a bunch of ugly, organic looking ships. The plaque confirms what you suspected, that Alex amassed forces and fought and defeated the Queen of Hurts\nand Maladies, your old enemy, so weird of threatening but ill-defined entity. It also slyly hints at the fact that he continued a reign of terror throughout the galaxy, as this exhibition is continued in\nB-Wing \"The war criminal years\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "THE MUSEUM BEYOND TIME - WING A - SPECIAL EXHIBIT HALL 5 (in\nthe golf cart)\nThe exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nThere is a 5th dimensional forge here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully.The statue has cracks all over. There is a small plaque at the base.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nThe exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nAn original 20th century golf cart stands here, obviously on the way\nto some exhibition or other.\n\nThere is a 5th dimensional forge here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully.The statue has cracks all over. There is a small plaque at the base.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the forge",
"response": "The metal thing is some sort of device. It has a huge chute, which\ngoes down into a long tunnel, at the bottom of which you seem to spot some ... lava?\n\nThe forge is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the forge",
"response": "You flick the switch, and the forge beeps with an almost accusatory error sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the player in the forge",
"response": "You put the mp3-player in the chute, and it evaporates with a weirdly comforting hiss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the rocks in the forge",
"response": "You put the rocks in the chute, and it evaporates with a weirdly comforting hiss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put string in forge",
"response": "You put the string in the chute, and it evaporates with a weirdly comforting hiss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the mint in the forge",
"response": "You put the roll of mints in the chute, and it evaporates with a weirdly comforting hiss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the oil in forge",
"response": "You put the drop of oil in the chute, and it evaporates with a weirdly comforting hiss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the forge",
"response": "There is a cheerful series of three peeps, and something long and\nwhite and stringy shoots out of the chute at you. Eww.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wikipedia printout\na plasma gatling\na letter",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nAn original 20th century golf cart stands here, obviously on the way\nto some exhibition or other.\n\nThere is a 5th dimensional forge here.\n\nThere is a statue here, an actual life-sized statue. It shows Alex, sitting cross-legged on a rock, looking thoughtfully.The statue has cracks all over. There is a small plaque at the base.\n\nYou can also see Gleipnir here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Gleipnir",
"response": "Gleipnir is as thin as a silken ribbon and stronger than any iron chain. It was made to hold the Fenriswolf to delay Ragnarök, but you suppose it will work for your needs in the meantime. You idly wonder\nif this means that in this game world nothern mythology is true and\nhow it will handle other world religions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tie Gleipnir to statue",
"response": "You tie Gleipnir to the statue. Now to find something for the other end...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tie Gleipnir to cart",
"response": "You tie the other end of Gleipnir to the cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You put the pedal to the medal! With an incredible 15 mph, you drive through the exhibition.\nCRACK!\nThe statue breaks aparts, and something small catches your eye among the debris. Gleipnir snaps in half and dissapates.\n\nSomewhere in the distance, a wolf howls.\n\nJunction (in the golf cart)\nThis is the intersection of two corridors. To the west is a exhibition called \"QUEER ART 2100-2433\". Unfortunately, it's closed. To the east is an an exhibition called \"BEST FANFICTION OF THE 20th CENTURY. Fortunately, it's closed. The corridor to the south is blocked by a sign saying \"ESCAPED JENNOSAURUS.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You get out of the golf cart.\n\nThis is the intersection of two corridors. To the west is a exhibition called \"QUEER ART 2100-2433\". Unfortunately, it's closed. To the east is an an exhibition called \"BEST FANFICTION OF THE 20th CENTURY. Fortunately, it's closed. The corridor to the south is blocked by a sign saying \"ESCAPED JENNOSAURUS.\"\n\nAn original 20th century golf cart stands here, obviously on the way\nto some exhibition or other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nSomething small lies aorund here.\n\nBits and pieces of the statue lie around.\n\nThere is a 5th dimensional forge here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine small",
"response": "The name tag reads \" Dr. Juliana F. Ross. MERCURY STATION MEDICAL RESEARCH.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the name tag",
"response": "So this is Alex' big secret? Some weird name tag? Maybe he is creepier than you thought?\n\nYou're distracted by a loud -SWOOOOOSH- sound as a portal opens before you and someone shouts:\n\"HALT! TIME RANGERS!\"\n\nA woman in a ranger uniform and a man in an old-fashioned tweed suit jump out. You instinctinvely hide the name tag behind your back.\n\n\"Hi\" says the woman. \"I'm Samantha, and this is my husband Jack. We\nare Time Rangers.\"\n\n\"You just said we are, dear, and I'm just a consultant.\"\n\n\"Yes, dear. We are here because you are the husband of the worst criminal of all times, and we need your help!\"\n\n\"Can I just say\", says Jack, \"that I'm really happy that your the hero for once? The fact that you were always the damsel in distress put a somewhat uncomfortable classic gender binary role dynamic on the way your marriage was portrayed.\"\n\nSamantha pats him on the back. \"Yes, darling. Anway, Paul - can I call you Paul? Ten games in is a little late to invent a last name in any case - will you help us save the world from your husband?\"\n\n\"Sure\" you say, \"we just need to intercept him at an earlier time then his terror regime, right?\"\n\n\"Yeah\" begins Samantha, \"well, the thing is, due to chronoton\npoisoning time travel has become a bit problematic lately ...\"\n\n\"Wait, how can time travel even have a temportal frame?\"\n\n\"Nevermind the plot holes\" says Jack, \"we need your ring and with that we'll extract your husband.\"\n\nYou slip the ring, small and golden, from your finger. After a\nmoment's hesitation you hand it to Samantha. She adjusts her hat. \"Thanks. See we need it because certain objects, from key points in time, are loaded with temporal energy and these are the last things that allow us to time travel. Luckily the museum is full of that stuff so we can always come back here.\"\n\n\"Wait, let me come with you -\"\n\nJack shakes his head. \"Sorry, we can't allow you to come with us.\nThere was no time to code the interaction between 3 NPCs and the player.\"\n\n\"So what am I supposed to do?\"\n\n\"Just wait here, we have some nice exhibits.\"\n\nYou slump your shoulders. Jack pats you on the shoulder and slips you\na small device. \"I'm sure you'll find some way to pass the time.\"\n\nThey wave to you, another SWOOOOOOSH and they are gone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na scanner\na name tag\na wikipedia printout\na plasma gatling\na letter",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine scanner",
"response": "Aha, a scanner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scan tag",
"response": "The display reads:\nTEMPORAL RESIDUE DETECTED.\n\nOpening portal to 2578.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The exhibiton ends to the south of here.\n\nA swirling grey portal is, er, swirling here.\n\nBits and pieces of the statue lie around.\n\nThere is a 5th dimensional forge here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the portal",
"response": "Like a lava lamp, only worse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the portal",
"response": "You step into the portal and while you swirl through the vortex you have some time (!?!) to think. This name tag belongs to someone on Mercury station, where Alex went in the last game to get the use of\nhis legs back. He told you that the med bay went bust after he used\nit. If they do medical research there, maybe the fact that the bay was unusable means that someone or other couldn't be cured. So maybe this whole journey wasn't about Alex but someone else.\n\nDr. Juliana F. Ross.\n\nThe Queen of Hurts and Maladies.\n\nAnd so you arrive at Mercury Station.\n\nThis corridor is incredibly clean, and incredibly white. The future is awesome. The corridor ends to the northeast at a door marked in Chinese, and continues to the southwest. There is a huge window here, looking out on Mercury.\n\nTHE EMERGENCY SIREN BLARES!\n\nXonathan Xask says, \"What if the Time Rangers grab Alex from a time when he hadn't broken his legs so we could use the med bad after all\nto -\nSWOOSH! SWOOSH!\nTwo portals must've opened behind you. You twirl around.\n\nOh no! Two Alexes have arrived!\n\nThe one on the left wears a surprisingly convincing caveman costume.\n\nThe other one wears a nice shirt, slacks and saddle shoes.\n\nTwo copies of your husband have arrived. What do you, Paul, wanna do about it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the left alex",
"response": "His hair is slicked back, he wears a neat white shirt, no tie, brown slacks and matching saddle shoes. You always wanted him to try that look, but now that you actually see it, it just isn't him. OR IS IT?\n\n\"Quick\" says left Alex, \"shoot him! He's the evil Alex from the\nfuture! He's here to make sure the Queen comes to power just as expected, so his reign is assured.\"\n\n\"No, that's him!\" says right Alex. \"Don't make a mistake, darling!\"\n\nTwo copies of your husband have arrived. What do you, Paul, wanna do about it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the right alex",
"response": "He did once spent 10 years as a caveman, so the outfit speaks for him, on the other hand, it's totally something a post-apocalyptic dictator would wear.\n\n\"Okay, I want an explanation from each of you why the Time Rangers didn't come with you. Leftie, you go first.\"\n\n\"They had been called away because of a pet emergency.\"\n\n\"Righty?\"\n\n\"Their shift was over and they couldn't be bothered.\"\n\nHm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss left Alex",
"response": "The left Alex might not like that.\n\n\"Oh-okay, I have secret birthmark on my ...\"\n\n\"Trick question\" they answered in unison. \"You have no birthmarks whatsover.\"\n\n\"Your skin is perfect\" says leftie.\n\n\"As I've often said\" says rightie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kiss right alex",
"response": "The right Alex might not like that.\n\n\"Name all our games in order!\" you scream, on the edge of despair.\n\n\"Stop it with this self-indulgent bullshit\" says Leftie. \"Yeah, Clubfloyd won't like it.\" Rightie turns to wave at you, the player. \"Hey Clubfloyd!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"C'mon, quickly now\" says Rightie, you need to shoot either of us! Otherwise we will run out of text and that will break the tension and the immersion!\"\n\nLeft nods. \"I agree with my evil copy from the future.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss left Alex",
"response": "The right Alex has better things to do.\n\n\"so, um...\" says Lefty. \"How many major bugs did this game have?\"\n\n\"So, um, we're not even trying with the meta stuff anymore?\" says Rightie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nBoth stare at you blankly. Oh no! Your immersion",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot left",
"response": "You shoot the left Alex!\nYou shoot the left Alex!And ...\nOh no! Right Alex shoots you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot right",
"response": "You shoot the right Alex!\nYou shoot the right Alex!And ...\nOh no! Left Alex shoots you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Grenade alex",
"response": "Who do you mean, the left Alex or the right Alex?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Grenade left Alex",
"response": "\"Sorry\" you say, \"Whatever Cosmo says, I'm not intro threesomes!\"\n\n\"Get him!\" shouts left Alex, \"I'm tired of being the good guy!\"\n\nRight Alex pulls out a blaster and fires at you, but misses!\n\n\"ARGH!\" says Xonathan Xask behind you. Oh no, you think, what a pointless way to go.\n\nAs Right Alex takes aim again and left Alex gets ready to tackle you, you press the grenade button and -\nFLUMP!\n- a second later the whole hallway is lít up by a toxic green plasma explosion! Both versions of your husband are engulfed by it instantly.\n\nThere is an eerie silence. You drop the plasma gatling with something like disgust. It's over, and it's not over.\nYou look down at the blue emergency release button, then push it.\n\nLater, as they carry young, dorky Doctor Ross out on a stretcher, you look at that young, kind face. To imagine she would turn into that\nfoul creature who hunted you and Alex for so long.\n\nAnd then there's Alex himself who turned evil enough to send two versions of himself here, to keep you from stopping the creation of\nthe Queen of Hurts and Maladies.\nYou reflect that there is a thin line between us and those we deem ourselves worthy to condemn as evil.\n\nAnd then station security has some questions.\n\nYou spent the last 3 months on this rock out in the middle of nowhere. Time should mean little to a temperologist like yourself, but personal time still advances. Maybe you'll give the you from 3 months ago some pointers where to dig. You can usually get away with minor paradoxes\nif Director Lambbost at the Temporal Institute feels or will have felt like it. But you need to find the urn. Who knows where and when it\nwill be unearthed otherwise, and what new horrors will be wraught.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is a small cave of torquoise rock. There is a small spot where\nyou had started to dig.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're Dana Elbe, temperologist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na space shovel",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shovel",
"response": "A space shovel, for digging on all kinds of planets expects gas giants and red dwarfs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "With a sigh, you continue to work. After a few more minutes, you've finally unearthed the object your scanners detected: You smile with relief. It's the urn. The urn of GN-z11.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the urn",
"response": "It's a surprisingly simply, unadorned urn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "This has been a barren, dead world for 4000 years, so the sound you hear startles you so much that you drop the urn like a first year temp in the Neptunian war zone.\n\nA wolf. The howl of a wolf.\nA shadow covers the entrance to the cave. And at the same time, smoke rises from the broken urn. You take a step back as a gigantic wolf enters and inhales the smoke. Suddenly his eyes grow red. And then he speaks, speaks in a human voice.\n\nHello, Doctor Elbe. My name is Wally. I'm looking for my good\nfriend, Alex.",
"endoftext": true
] | k3yitx89bd22g260 |
The Day of the Queen | Marius Müller | [
] | [
"time travel",
] | 2,015 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20150101 | false | "I thought you were done with this!" yells Paul and hits the gas. "You mean running away from Sharkmen?" "Getting us in trouble!" he grumbles and handbrakes the golf cart around a corner. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "\"I thought you were done with this!\" yells Paul and hits the\ngas.\n\"You mean running away from Sharkmen?\"\n\"Getting us in trouble!\" he grumbles and handbrakes the golf cart around a corner.\nYou kiss him quickly on the cheek. \"I know that's why you love\nme!\"\nHe tries to look grumpy and fails adorably. \"How did we get into\nit this time, anyway?\"\n\"Well, as you know, my mind was transferred into a little girl\nwhile we were on a plane, and you told the sky marshal we were married. So I was locked into the bathroom while he dealt with you. Little did anyone know it would turn out to be...\"\n\nThis is barely big enough to turn around in. You seriously wonder how anyone manages to join the Miles High Club. It has a stainless steel sink, a toilet, and that's about it.\n\nAnd there's an air vent high up on the wall.\n\nA book lies here, undoubtedly forgotten by a previous visitor.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You take the book",
"response": "Taken.\n\nSuddenly, the planes PA system crackles. Someone is clearing their throat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the book",
"response": "It's the unbelievably boring \"Death to my Enemies\" by J. Blask.\n\n\"Earthlings! This is the Queen of Hurts and Maladies. Your new\nruler.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the vent",
"response": "(first opening air vent)\nGngr. Seems to be stuck.\n\n\"You might have noticed coworkers,neighbors, loved ones and even family turning into half-human, half-animal hybrids. #sharkpeople is even trending on Twitter.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na book\n\n\"You might wonder how I managed to infect 26.3 % of the\npopulation. Well, that was easy, my mutation virus was hidden in the latest flu vaccine.\"\n(So vaccinations are dangerous! You knew it!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the toilet",
"response": "A normal, stainless steel airplane toilet.\n\n\"And before you think of resistance because you're still the\nmajority, please be advised that the world's most powerful leader has already surrended the Earth.\"\n(Oh shit, you got a flu shot! Phew, thankful that was a different body). And Paul hasn't gotten around to his. Scared of needles, that big wuss.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Flush toilet",
"response": "You waste some water, you monster.\n\n\"Xi Jinping was forthcoming in every regard.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in drain",
"response": "The drain is empty.\n\nThe PA cackles one last time and is silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Hm, looks like you're still an 11-year old girl in a polkadot dress.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is barely big enough to turn around in. It has a stainless steel sink, a toilet, and that's about it.\n\nAnd there's an air vent high up on the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na book",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "You don't feel you need some sleep right about now.\n\nThat can't be read.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "(first unlocking the bathroom door)\nYou lack a key that fits the bathroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Flush toilet",
"response": "You waste some water, you monster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the book in the drain",
"response": "It's not round! This book is even more useless than you thought.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter vent",
"response": "(first opening air vent)\nGngr. Seems to be stuck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine vent",
"response": "A simple metallic grille, with four metallic plates in the corner.\n\nWhoa! A pair of red eyes is staring back at you! Oh wait, it's your mercurian rat, named ... uh ... in all the commotion of dying and body swapping I totally forgot its name ... Well, I'm sure you remember and will just name it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plates",
"response": "There are four rectangular squares, one in each corner. You notice a small, black spot on one of them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spot",
"response": "The blank spot is uneven, like it has grooves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn spot",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ellison",
"response": "Aww, just look at it. It has a pear-shaped body, with small, scrawny leg and feet.its thick, soft fur is mostly brown with a huge white spot on the tummy. It looks at you lovingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "South",
"response": "Ellison has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the vent",
"response": "Gngr. Seems to be stuck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the spot",
"response": "That seems to be a part of air vent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the spot about the spot",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is barely big enough to turn around in. It has a stainless steel sink, a toilet, and that's about it.\n\nAnd there's an air vent high up on the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the grooves",
"response": "The grooves seem to form some sort letters.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the grooves",
"response": "That can't be read.\n\nThat can't be read.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the faucet on",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\n> HOLD VENT\n\nThat's hardly portable.\n\nYou waste some water, you monster. So you switch it back off.\n\nYou switch Faucet on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the faucet",
"response": "Faucet is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine book",
"response": "It's the unbelievably boring \"Death to my Enemies\" by J. Blask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the h.",
"response": "The bar of the H, miniscule as it is, catches your eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine bar",
"response": "Hey, it's a miniature button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter VENT",
"response": "A featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give book to robot",
"response": "Robot doesn't seem interested.\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the robot",
"response": "Roomba's bigger brother mainly consists of a set of razor sharp rotor blades, cutting everything in its part. On the back it has a brush and some cleaning fluid, but those seem unimportant to you now. Its back is all shining stell, but you bet its belly is just porous plastic.\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Flush toilet",
"response": "You waste some water, you monster.\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the book at the robot",
"response": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the Robot in the drain",
"response": "(first taking Robot)\nIt would cut of your fingers. And Marsha would miss them!\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the toilet",
"response": "You quickly jump onto the toilet, with the robot zig-zags around the floor, buzzing with inhuman hatred.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the air vent",
"response": "You would have to get off the toilet first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "You don't feel you need some sleep right about now.\n\nThat can't be read.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the book to the Robot",
"response": "Robot is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the Robot in the drain",
"response": "(first taking Robot)\nIt would cut of your fingers. And Marsha would miss them!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Robot",
"response": "Roomba's bigger brother mainly consists of a set of razor sharp rotor blades, cutting everything in its part. On the back it has a brush and some cleaning fluid, but those seem unimportant to you now. Its back is all shining stell, but you bet its belly is just porous plastic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drop book",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the Robot about the knives",
"response": "Robot says something really important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the water",
"response": "You switch on the (warm) water, and the rat watches stoically (occasionally giving you the evil eye), as the water rise up to it's neck and overflows. In about 5 turns the whole floor is covered in water and the cleaning robot soons emits a sharp crackling noise and sparks fly around its underbelly. Then it lies still. It still emits the occasional crackle, however, and you don't think it's safe to descent the toilet.\nEllison jumps out of the sink onto the toilet and begins to clean himself with stoic indignation worthy of a cat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter VENT",
"response": "You would have to get off the toilet first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "For you, it might bring back pleasent memories of the time they tried Electroconvulsive therapy at the Mayo Clinic. But you're pretty sure this girl's body couldn't handle it.\n\nAs the chaos dies down, you hear a faint voice through the door. Paul! \"Alex, it's me!\"\n\"Paul! Don't come in. The room is flooded and the water is electric!\" \"I leave you alone for one minute ... anyway, listen! 26.3 % of the people on this plane have turned into Sharkmen.\"\n\"Only the biosex males?\"\n\"Okay, okay, into Sharkpeople. Anyway, listen: I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible, but they're looking for you. It's only a matter of time till they found out you're stuck in that unfortunate body.\"\n\"Well, my original body is rotting in an endless chasm on Mercury, so...\"\n\"One thing at a time. You know that multitasking is horrible for your stress level.\"\n\"What is your plan?\"\n\"Your soul has wandered before, and I don't mean that krokodil you did with those Russian dealers. When you saved me, you jumped into -\" \"Enough exposition and recap! You're saying I should find a way to jump into Ellison?\"\nBut Paul doesn't answer, and there's the some commotion outside the door.\n\"Get him!\" says a deep, dark Sharkman voice.\n\"Don't hurt me!\"\n\"Why not?\"\n\"Please, I'll tell you literally everything!\"\n\"Where is your husband?\"\n\"Okay, maybe I meant figurativ-ouch\"\nIt sickens you to your stomach as you hear something heavy slump against the door. A second later someone bangs on the door.\n\"Open up! Sharkpolice!\"\n\"Sorry, sir, I'm a little girl with Typhoid fever and you don't want to come in here!\"\n(You knew all this Victorian novels Paul made you read would be good for something at some point.)\n\"Uh...okay\" says the Sharkpoliceman, uncertainty in his voice. \"Then, uh, stay in there till we land. And you guys, carry this scum away.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "For you, it might bring back pleasent memories of the time they tried Electroconvulsive therapy at the Mayo Clinic. But you're pretty sure this girl's body couldn't handle it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Ellison",
"response": "Ellison scurries away from you, sits on another corner of the toilet and shoots angry glances up at you. Then he continues to lick his fur.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter VENT",
"response": "Ellison has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the rat in VENT",
"response": "Ellison struggles in your arms. He really doesn't want to go back in there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the Robot",
"response": "You would electrocute yourself. And not in the cool way, like the guy in Amazing Spiderman 2. That was a great movie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the book to Ellison",
"response": "Ellison is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Ellison about book",
"response": "Squeak squeak, squeak. Squeak squeak :\"Squeak squeak Squeak!\" Squeak squeak squeak.\"\nOh, Paul send him here to help you escape the bathroom. That's good. \"Squeak, squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak. Squeak, squeak squeak? Squeak.\"\nBut now he's hunted by an insance duct cleaning robot? That's, um, less good.\nBehind the rat, you hear a faint whirring sound, somewhere in the dark of the duct.\n\nOh no! The robot is getting closer and closer to the rat! It's only 5m away!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ellison",
"response": "\"Squeak!\" declares Ellison and nuzzles your hand affectionally with his cold snout.\n\nOh no! The robot is getting closer and closer to the rat! It's only 4m away!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the toilet",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nOh no! The robot is getting closer and closer to the rat! It's only 3m away!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close VENT",
"response": "You close air vent.\n\nOh no! The robot is getting closer and closer to the rat! It's only 1m away!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is barely big enough to turn around in. It has a stainless steel sink, a toilet, and that's about it.\n\nAnd there's an air vent high up on the wall.\n\nThe deadly cleaning robot zips towards you!\n\nThe robot zips toward you, the whirr of its razor blades incredible loud and - uh, let's leave the rest to your imagination. Kids may be playing! Hey kids! The robot bought you a farm where you live happily ever after.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "(first unlocking the bathroom door)\nYou lack a key that fits the bathroom door.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "You would have to get off the toilet first.\n\nAs the chaos dies down, you hear a faint voice through the door. Paul! \"Alex, it's me!\"\n\"Paul! Don't come in. The room is flooded and the water is electric!\" \"I leave you alone for one minute ... anyway, listen! 26.3 % of the people on this plane have turned into Sharkmen.\"\n\"Only the biosex males?\"\n\"Okay, okay, into Sharkpeople. Anyway, listen: I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible, but they're looking for you. It's only a matter of time till they found out you're stuck in that unfortunate body.\"\n\"Well, my original body is rotting in an endless chasm on Mercury, so...\"\n\"One thing at a time. You know that multitasking is horrible for your stress level.\"\n\"What is your plan?\"\n\"Your soul has wandered before, and I don't mean that krokodil you did with those Russian dealers. When you saved me, you jumped into -\" \"Enough exposition and recap! You're saying I should find a way to jump into Ellison?\"\nBut Paul doesn't answer, and there's the some commotion outside the door.\n\"Get him!\" says a deep, dark Sharkman voice.\n\"Don't hurt me!\"\n\"Why not?\"\n\"Please, I'll tell you literally everything!\"\n\"Where is your husband?\"\n\"Okay, maybe I meant figurativ-ouch\"\nIt sickens you to your stomach as you hear something heavy slump against the door. A second later someone bangs on the door.\n\"Open up! Sharkpolice!\"\n\"Sorry, sir, I'm a little girl with Typhoid fever and you don't want to come in here!\"\n(You knew all this Victorian novels Paul made you read would be good for something at some point.)\n\"Uh...okay\" says the Sharkpoliceman, uncertainty in his voice. \"Then, uh, stay in there till we land. And you guys, carry this scum away.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet rat",
"response": "You run a hand across his soft back, and he arches it, cat-like, with half-closed eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch rat",
"response": "You pat him on his thick stomach, which he takes stoically.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "You begin to read. \"It was only seconds ago that the sound of a gunshot caught you off guard.\". Already your eyelids beging to drop. Soon you fall asleep. There is a a dream sequence cut for length and as you open your eyes you find yourself not yourself at all...\n\nAirplane Bathroom (on the toilet)\nThis room is gigantic! From up here on the toilet you see a deadly ocean of electrified water, a huge sink (forever out of reach) and an Air Vent high up on the wall, almost reachable.\n\nThe dead husk of the robot lies here, sparking occasionally.\n\nOn the toilet you can see Marsha.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Marsha",
"response": "Aww. She's asleep. But, apart from that, you think you could use here as a stepping stone to enter the air vent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Aww, just look at you. You have a pear-shaped body, with small, scrawny leg and feet.Your thick, soft fur is mostly brown with a huge white spot on the tummy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pet yourself",
"response": "You scratch him between the ears, and he sits very still and closes his eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter Vent",
"response": "You climb onto Marsha's side with some effort. Man, living the cage life on cheese and crackers has not prepared you for this. It's all Paul's fault, you muse, as you take aim at the opening of the air duct, he's far too nice to this rat. Then again, he is, or was, too you. You feel a pang of longing for the old home life, with your rampages on New Year's Day the only break in the blissful monotony. And then you jump.\nSmall feet scramble on the smooth wall as gravity takes an unflatteringly strong hold on your rear end. You scratch and push and scowl, but finally you're in the air vent. You rest there for a minute and listen to your heartbeat, resting flat on the cool metal. You count 387 beats a minute and hope that's in the normal range.\n\nA featureless air duct, which continues north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Amidst all the noise from the plane you seem to hear a faint whirring sound.You don't feel safe at all. NOT AT ALL SAVE. Oops, typo. I meant safe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The strange whirring seems to grow louder. And then a shadow covers the square of light from the air vent behind you. The robot has returned, fueled more by vengeance than his 12 AA batteries! A terrible monstrosity of broken wiring and hatred, it ever so slowy rolls towards you, the huge blades in front of it scraping the edges of the air duct.\n\nThe robot is very close! The air from the endlessly twirling blades, which will soon hack you to pieces, is still quite refreshing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nThe robot is very close! The air from the endlessly twirling blades, which will soon hack you to pieces, is still quite refreshing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nThe robot is here!\n\nThe robot has caught up to you! The last thing you see are the whirling blades and ... uh, kids ... then you talk about your differences and decide on a course of action everyone can agree on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine duct",
"response": "Which do you mean, Air Duct or Air Duct?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nRobot arrives from the south.\n\nThe robot has caught up to you! The last thing you see are the whirling blades and ... uh, kids ... then you talk about your differences and decide on a course of action everyone can agree on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The air duct ends here.\n\nThere is a grating here, leading outside the plane to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the grating)\nIt's still wired firmly to the wall!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the grating",
"response": "A sturdy metal grating, looped to the wall not so sturdily with some loops of wire, on in each corner.\n\nThe robot is very close! The air from the endlessly twirling blades, which will soon hack you to pieces, is still quite refreshing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite wire",
"response": "Which do you mean, the upper right wire, the upper left wire, the lower right wire or the lower left wire?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Upper right",
"response": "You gnaw off the upper right wire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite lower left",
"response": "You gnaw off the lower left wire.\n\nRobot arrives from the south.\n\nThe robot has caught up to you! The last thing you see are the whirling blades and ... uh, kids ... then you talk about your differences and decide on a course of action everyone can agree on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nThe strange whirring seems to grow louder. And then a shadow covers the square of light from the air vent behind you. The robot has returned, fueled more by vengeance than his 12 AA batteries! A terrible monstrosity of broken wiring and hatred, it ever so slowy rolls towards you, the huge blades in front of it scraping the edges of the air duct.\n\nThe robot is very close! The air from the endlessly twirling blades, which will soon hack you to pieces, is still quite refreshing.\n\nA featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nA featureless air duct, which continues north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A featureless air duct, which continues north.\n\nA featureless air duct, which continues north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The air duct ends here.\n\nThere is a grating here, leading outside the plane to the north.\n\n(first opening the grating)\nIt's still wired firmly to the wall!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The air duct ends here.\n\nThere is a grating here, leading outside the plane to the north.\n\n(first opening the grating)\nIt's still wired firmly to the wall!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite upper left",
"response": "You gnaw off the upper left wire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite upper right",
"response": "You gnaw off the upper right wire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite lower left",
"response": "You gnaw off the lower left wire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bite lower right",
"response": "You gnaw off the lower right wire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "(first opening the grating)\nLooking back at the half crazed machine, and looking down into the deceptively calm blue of the sky, you ponder for a moment. A gust of wind makes the decision for you and whips you out of the plane with a surprised squeak!\n\nSo much blue...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Gravity disagrees!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "Nope, the only thing you can do here is fall.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "A small shadow blocks out the sun for a minute. That crazy robot has jumped out of the plane as well, following you! Soon it has caught up with you. You feel rather safe, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "So much blue...\n\nThe robot is tumbling down towards Earth besides you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Robot",
"response": "Falling towards Earth next to you, its propeller harmlessly slicing the air, the mechanical underbelly of the beast is exposed.\nYou notice a small hatch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hatch",
"response": "A small, metal hatch, and a keypad besides it. A sticker reads: \"CONTAINS PARACHUTE. In case you're robot mindlessly chases rodents or other critters into dangerous territory. Will be deployed automatically at a height of 5000 ft. Enter 4-digit PIN-code to open manually. Please don't use a number that's easily guessable.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Type 1234",
"response": "The keypad just beeps.\n\nThere is no keypad here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Type 2014",
"response": "The keypad just beeps.\n\nThere is no keypad here.\n\nThe keypad just beeps.\n\nThere is no keypad here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the keypad",
"response": "Numbers from 0-9, the usual stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Type 0001",
"response": "That was easy!\nThe hatch swings open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the hatch",
"response": "In the hatch is a small parachute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the parachute",
"response": "You take the parachute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You put on the small parachute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the parachute",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at it",
"response": "It's adorable! It has small shoulder straps and everything, and the tiniest pullcord.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the pullcord",
"response": "*flop*\nThe parachute opens and you beging slowly drifting towards the ground, while the robot becomes a smaller and smaller speck below. After some time, you land.\nBut what now? The plane gets smaller and smaller, as it flies away high above you. You have no way to find out what they're doing to Paul and all your other friends, being just a small rat stranded somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Looks like there's nothing but wallow in self-pity for months now.\n\nSome generic farmland.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Ah, but what's the use?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na small parachute (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove parachute",
"response": "You take off the small parachute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop it",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "What a good idea.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "Though this rat, like any good pet, can fall asleep at any time, you don't feel this is a good time to do so. Maybe later.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Some generic farmland.\n\nYou can see a small parachute here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening front door)\nUh oh! There is a cat flap. You slip through it, hoping for the best.\n\nA small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This is a spacious, cool room. It once was busy and always kinda untidy. Now, all that's left of the furniture are the two couches, covered in white plastic wrapping.\nA door leads south to the kitchen.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.\n\nAn opened letter lies forgotten on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the letter",
"response": "Dear Dr. Elbe,\nwe here at HAM are sad to inform you that your delivery for\nTime machine parts\nby drone has failed. It seems our delivery drone was shot down by the Air Force somewhere over Spielertor National Park. We can reattempt delivery of a new copy in 2-3 years.\nHas this answered your question, please leave a rating etc.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine machine",
"response": "You saw a similiar one on Mercury. It has one human-sized vat and an input slot. The only other feature is a big, red lever labelled \"CLONE\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine slot",
"response": "Looks like it's meant to contain a very small sample of DNA.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You were beginning to wonder where all the Sharkmen guards were. Looks like they're sitting around the kitchen table, eating and chatting. Better leave them alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Oof! You'd need to be a lot fitter to even try that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the small door",
"response": "A small wooden door. It's slightly ajar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "Which do you mean, front door or the small door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inside",
"response": "Good thing the door to the Potter room was slightly ajar.\n\nShelves are nailed to the leaning wall.\n\nIn a corner stands a box labelled \"Alex' things\". That gives you a little pang. You almost forgot Paul thought you were dead for quite a while.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the box",
"response": "In the box are a razor, a cardboard tube, a key and a wedding ring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the razor",
"response": "Hey, it's your old, uh, body razor. Unfortunately, it's quite dull and no use as this game's cutting thing.\n\nOn the razor is a hair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tube",
"response": "A simple cardboard tube, open on one end. Seems pretty useless. (So it probably isn't).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the key",
"response": "Paul gave this to you for one of your birthdays. While he doesn't condone your habit of stealing and destroying golf carts from the course next door, he shows support. It's a skeleton key, that can open 95% of all golf carts in the world, and you've tried at least 34 models so far.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ring",
"response": "It's a simple and golden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the hair",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at hair",
"response": "Judging from color and length is defintetely one of yours.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the hair in the slot",
"response": "Ellison put the hair into the slot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cloning machine",
"response": "You saw a similiar one on Mercury. It has one human-sized vat and an input slot. The only other feature is a big, red lever labelled \"CLONE\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "The machines makes some weird, gurgling noises, then it hisses and the vat fills with green smoke. The smokes gets thicker and thicker. For a few seconds, nothing happens, then the machine goes *ding!*, the vat opens and a figure emerges.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the figure",
"response": "This is Alex, lovable sociopath. Well, a clone. For fear of offending any sensibilites, the clone emerged fully clothed from the vat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You quickly fall asleep.\n\nThis is a spacious, cool room. It once was busy and always kinda untidy. Now, all that's left of the furniture are the two couches, covered in white plastic wrapping.\nA door leads south to the kitchen.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.\n\nAn opened letter lies forgotten on the floor.\n\nYou can also see Ellison here.\n\nAwesome! Finally, after a game spent either death or in some ridiculous form, you're back in a copy of your own body. As an added bonus, this clone body is like 10 years younger than you were. You quickly check it's extremities and find them complete, in the right place and of expected length.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Alex",
"response": "You says something really important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the letter",
"response": "You better let him rest a spell. He's earned a rest.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "Dear Dr. Elbe,\nwe here at HAM are sad to inform you that your delivery for\nTime machine parts\nby drone has failed. It seems our delivery drone was shot down by the Air Force somewhere over Spielertor National Park. We can reattempt delivery of a new copy in 2-3 years.\nHas this answered your question, please leave a rating etc.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open chest",
"response": "You open the chest of drawers, revealing a bottle and The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bottle",
"response": "A cute retro bottle that once contained some hand lotion. It's made of glass and has a plastic stopper. Also a pirate on the label. Not sure what connects pirates and hand lotions, but when you told Paul this, he just scoffed \"That's why you're not in marketing, dear.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine arabian Nights",
"response": "Paul's Penguin edition copy of this timeless classic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from the chest",
"response": "bottle: Taken.\nThe Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nThe Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights\na bottle (closed)\na letter",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "Shelves are nailed to the leaning wall.\n\nIn a corner stands a box labelled \"Alex' things\". That gives you a little pang. You almost forgot Paul thought you were dead for quite a while.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ring and the tube",
"response": "wedding ring: Taken.\ncardboard tube: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the box",
"response": "In the box are a razor and a key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the ring",
"response": "You put on the wedding ring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the key",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "A small hallway, brightly lit by a row of Alien Tech(tm) powered neon lights. Dark wooden stairs lead upwards, and a doorframe opens east into the Living Room. A small door under the stairs lead into a storage closet. (Referred to by Paul only as \"The Potter Room\".)\n\nYou can see a chest of drawers (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "This is a small hallway, with a lot of doors. They're all unimportant (and therefor not implemented), except the one to the east.\n\nHoly Moses! Uncle Wallys ghost floats around here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the uncle",
"response": "The acid bath he took in the last game hasn't done much for his complexion. He looks like a Dali painting of his former self, wearing a half-burnt Stalin jacket, and his skin has the color of something you find on the sole of your shoe after a night around town. He still seems to be a ghost, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the uncle",
"response": "\"ALEX! My favorite arse bandit!\"\n\"Have I ever told you I'm not the least bit sorry I pushed you into that acid bath?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the uncle",
"response": "\"The Queen of Hearts and Marmalades has hired you?\"\n\"She's actually called \"The Queen of Hurts and Maladies\". Women and their fancy names, eh?\"\n\"Have I ever told you I'm not the least bit sorry I pushed you into that acid bath?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the uncle",
"response": "\"Can you let me in?`\"\n\"Are you proposing me or ...\"\nYou just roll your eyes. \"Have I ever told you I'm not the least bit sorry I pushed you into that acid bath?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "\"What are you doing here anyway? The last time I saw you was in hell!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Uncle Wally blocks your way and menacingly flings some ectoplasm at you. \"Don't make me grill you, son.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unclewally",
"response": "SAVEOk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bottle",
"response": "You open the bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read arabian Nights",
"response": "You flip through it. This isn't like a Ray Harryhausen movie at all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the bottle",
"response": "The bottle is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Wally in the bottle",
"response": "(first taking Uncle Wally)\nI don't suppose Uncle Wally would care for that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the book to Wally",
"response": "Uncle Wally is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the book to Wally",
"response": "Wally refuses the book with a raised hand. \"Reading classics? Please, that's for people who studied to work at McDonalds.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rub bottle",
"response": "You give the bottle another good shake and you can faintly hear Wally's pathetic protestations. Teehee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bottle",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about the bottle",
"response": "\"You wouldn't understand. The Queen uses Quantum mechanics. Ever heard of the Lampshade effect?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Wally about the genie",
"response": "\"Please let me in. We humans need to stick together.\"\n\"Please, I'm at least one step above you on the evolutionary ladder.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the bottle to Wally",
"response": "\"Hey, Wallster, I bet your inflated ego doesn't fit in here!\"\nWally grabs the open bottle and peers at it intently.\n\"You must think I'm a total moron.\"\nWell, shit.\n\"Of course I know that ghosts don't have mass, so I can do this easily.\"\nAnd with a *plop* he disappears into the bottle.\nYou quickly ram home the stopper with the flat of your hand.\n\"Hey\" says Uncle Wally very faintly. \"Good joke, but, let me out, okay? I just got this job.\" You give the bottle a good shake and that shuts him up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This is a small hallway, with a lot of doors. They're all unimportant (and therefor not implemented), except the one to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You kick the bedroom door and it crashes open. (It wasn't really locked). Paul jumps up from the bed with a shriek. He looks thinner, bestubbled, his hair dyed some time ago but the roots are showing. He blinks and then jumps into your arms. You hold him for some precious moments, emotions swirling in you that you are too manly to express. Video games have told you well.\n\"You have your body back! You have to tell me all about it!\"\n\"No time, there will be a flashback later.\"\n\"Later?\"\n\"Earlier for me, er, the player, er, nevermind. We've gotta get out of here.\"\n\"Not so fast, we need to save Dr. Elbe.\"\n\"The famous temperologist? Where is he?\"\n\"Actually, she goes by Dana these days. But that's not important. She climbed out the window to attack the Sharkmen while they are having dinner in the kitchen.\"\n\"Attack? With what?\"\n\"I told her of your secret weapons stash in the undergrow. Anyway, we need to help her. C'mon, >CLIMB OUT WINDOW.\" He slaps you on the ass and makes shooing motions with his hands.\n\"What about you?\"\n\"I'm staying here. You know I hate guns.\"\nYou nod and grab his head and kiss him gently.\n\"See you soon. Don't die on me again.\"\n\"You wish. Oh here.\"\nIt's a bit late for a Christmas present, but here's your uncle.\"\nPaul looks at the bottle and whistles.\nThen you >JUMP OUT WINDOW.\n\nPaul's parents loved this garden, and so do you. It's sorrounded on three sides by walls overgrown by undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan.This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless). It seems that the Pool has been drained some time ago.\n\nThe silhouettes of Sharkmen move through the fog.\nAlso, you once again don't feel safe.\n\nDr. Elbe kneels behind the barricade, aiming the M60 at the advancing Sharkmen.\n\nYour most prized possession, an original Colt Army Model 1860 lies beside Dr. Elbe.\n\nA ginger cat lies on one of the reamining deck chairs, watching the proceedings with weary disinterest.\n\nNow your deck-chairs have been piled up to make a barricade. Behind it, Dr. Elbe, in a tasteful yet practical summer dress kneels, reloading your M60 machine gun. She expertly feeds the belt of 7.62 mm NATO cartridges ( or .308 Winchester) into it, and you notice that she uses your M122 tripod.\nAs you scramble to your feet, you notice a huge wall of smoke from the huge glass doors that lead inside, to the kitchen.\nYou quickly jump behind the barricade for cover.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Colt",
"response": "You can tell from the weight that it's still loaded with 4 paper cartridges you made yourself.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Garden Area (behind the barricade)\nPaul's parents loved this garden, and so do you. It's sorrounded on three sides by walls overgrown by undergrowth, so as to hide the family members going for a seamelss tan.This wasn't necessary for the southern wall, wich is quite high, because it borders on a Golf course (Pauls told you they find the occasional golf ball in the pool nonetheless). It seems that the Pool has been drained some time ago.\n\nThe silhouettes of Sharkmen move through the fog.\nAlso, you once again don't feel safe.\n\nDr. Elbe kneels behind the barricade, aiming the M60 at the advancing Sharkmen.\n\nA ginger cat lies on one of the reamining deck chairs, watching the proceedings with weary disinterest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"Hey, Dr. Elbe. I'm Alex.\"\n\"Hey, Alex\" she says, shooting you a sideways grin, \"please, call me Dana.\" She squeezes her eyes and shoots of a few rounds, dropping one of the shapes in the fog. \"Pleased to meet you.\"\n\nWhile Dr. Elbe is busy on the right side of the garden, a Sharkman jumps through the fog to the left. He has a M16 in his hands and fires at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkman",
"response": "BANG!\nThe Sharkman throws up his hands and drops dead!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"What do we do now?\"\n\"I say we wait for Paul to make a run for it, then get away through the golf course.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Fog",
"response": "You don't want to shoot Fog.\n\nWhile Dr. Elbe is busy on the right side of the garden, a Sharkman jumps through the fog to the left. He has a Uzi in his hands and fires at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkman",
"response": "BANG!\nThe Sharkman clutches his chest and keels over!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"And then what?\"\n\"I have a plan how we can save Earth from the oppression of the Sharkmen.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"Does it involve time travel?\"\n\"Uh...yes?\"\n\"Cool!\"\n\nWhile Dr. Elbe is busy on the right side of the garden, a Sharkman jumps through the fog to the left. He has a Ak47 in his hands and fires at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkman",
"response": "BANG!\nThe Sharkman spins on his heel and drops to the ground!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"What is taking your husband so long?\"\n\"Maybe he's just a little scared. He's really not cut out for all this violence.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"Oh yeah, he, um, actually told me you died? Was that, like, a metaphorical thing or...?\"\n\"No, much more mundane. A light grue threw me into a chasm on Mercury.\"\n\nWhile Dr. Elbe is busy on the right side of the garden, a Sharkman jumps through the fog to the left. He has two Colt 1911 in his hands and fires at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkman",
"response": "BANG!\nThe Sharkman falls on his knees and then falls face forward!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"Well, I see you got better.\"\n\"Yeah, I can actually possess people and stuff? I'm not yet clear how it works, it's like God or someone makes up the rules and changes them as he goes along.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"Why is your face so red, Dana?\"\n\"Laser therapy. Beard removal.\"\n\"That must suck.\"\n\"Yeah, it does.\"\n\nWhile Dr. Elbe is busy on the right side of the garden, a Sharkman jumps through the fog to the left. He has a knife in his hands and runs towards you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkman",
"response": "You're out of ammo.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Sharkman",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nOh no! The Sharkman jumps over the barricade and lands on top of you. You try to hit him with the Colt, but he slaps it out of your hand and it skiddles away. Can you raise your hand quick enough to block his blow? Quickly, press B.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "B.",
"response": "You manage to raise your arms and block the Sharkman's locked wrists. But the knife is still coming downwards slowly! Quick, press A.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "The sharkman pushes your flailing hands away with both hands and rises the knife again! O.M.G.! QUICK, press T.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "T",
"response": "You roll towards the side and throw the Sharkman off balance. He impales himself on his own knife and ... uh, has to go to the hospital, where he eats lots of ice cream!\nYou push the corpse off you, and through the smoke you see Paul's extended hand. He helps you up. Elbe is still firing at more and more Sharkmen coming through the doors. Man, your kitchen must look like shit.\n\"Quick!\" she shouts. \"Get over the wall!\"\n\"Quick, Paul, I'll boost you.\" You stare at his ass a little more than necessary as you help your husband onto the wall. He extends his hand to you. \"Quick, Alex, get up here.\"\nYou look back at Elbe, who provides more and more desperate covering fire.\n\"It's noble she's sacrifing herself, but I don't feel comfortable with such a clichéd end for a minority character.\"\n\"Sacrifice myself? Are you crazy? Cover me from up there, you dick.\" With that she tosses you the M60.\n\nYour lying on the wall between your garden and the golf course.\n\nA few Sharkmen are advancing while firing wildly at the wall. Bullets chip the stone here and there.\n\nHey, there is a penny up here! You never noticed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkmen",
"response": "You squeeze the trigger. Dang! Damn thing is jammed! Better clear it.\n\nElbe breaks away from the barricade and runs towards the wall. Behind her, Sharkmen advance in formation over their fallen comrades, firing wildly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Clear gun",
"response": "You pry the stuck shell out of the barrel with the cleaning rod and the next round chambers with a *clack*.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkmen",
"response": "You get a good foothold on the wall to shoot it, even with foregrip. Better unfold the tripod.\n\nDr. Elbe begins to climb the wall, somewhat hindered by the bullets hitting the wall around her and by her flowing dress.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unfold tripod",
"response": "You unfold the tripod and try to find a good place on the wall to put it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Sharkmen",
"response": "You get a good foothold on the wall to shoot it, even with foregrip. Better unfold the tripod.\n\nDr. Elbe looks at you angrily.\n\"Uh, how about that covering fire?\"\n\"Damn thing was ...\"\nA tracer sizzles overhead so close it nearly sets your hair on fire. \"Hey!\" shouts Paul, \"I'm all for addressing problems directly, but how about COMING THE FUCK DOWN HERE first?\"\nDr. Elbe nods and scurries down into the Golf course, with you close behind.\n\nYou are at the foot of a small, sloping hill, the lawn neatly cut. You can go eastwards, uphill. The wall of your garden is here.\n\nDr. Elbe stands around here, eyes alert.\n\nPaul stands around, smiling at you affectionately.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting part seems to be one of the entrance gates to the northeast. West is the wall to your garden.\n\nYou can see a golf cart (closed) here.\n\nPaul trudges along.\n\nElbe follows you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the cart with the key",
"response": "You unlock the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cart",
"response": "You open the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the golf cart",
"response": "You get into the golf cart.\n\nPaul shu-shus at you. \"Scoot over, you're driving all the time.\"\n\"All the time? I've been death for a while.\"\nNevertheless, you slide over on the passager seat.\n\nDr. Elbe climbs onto the backseat and grabs the M60 from your hands. She quickly unfolds the tripod and installs the machine gun on the rear end of the car. \"Okay, ready.\"\nCool, looks like you don't have to do anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nEntrance Gate (in the golf cart)\nA metal gate bars the way out to a lovely country lane.\nOh wait, that's what this usually looks like. Now you look closer for the first time in years and realize there's a cemetery on the other site of the road. The way back is sw. I mean southwest.\n\nDr. Elbe is on the backseat, at the M60.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Hello no! This thing is doing a breakneck 30 mph.\n\nYou drive past the cemetery and Paul expertly does a handbrake turn to the right. The cemetery passes to the left, and you have the conversation from the intro.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nCountry Road (in the golf cart)\nSpielertor is one of the oldest National Parks in the state, which you can easily tell from the forest.\n\nDr. Elbe is on the backseat, at the M60.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nWhat was a black shape down the road a second before turns into tank that's gaining on you very fast. Elbe starts firing the M60, with little effect.\n\"Damn, Alex\" cries Paul, \"do something!\"\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nForest (in the golf cart)\nThis is a forest, with trees in all directions. To the east, there appears to be sunlight.\n\nDr. Elbe is firing at the tank. Bullets riochet off the armor uselessly. Still, she seems to have fun.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the tube at the tank",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tank",
"response": "It's black and huge, bulky yet sleek. Luckily, they can't get you with their gun turret, but a dude with an Assault Rifle (seems to be an update model of the M16) fires at the cart from behind a manhole cover.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the manhole cover",
"response": "\"I'd like to help, Doc, but I'm unarmed. Got any of my stash left?\" \"Sorry, no, but I can give you this.\"\nShe throws you something that is either a very big laser pointer or a very small flashlight.\n\"Oh, is this a laser gun?\"\n\"No.\"\n\"A lightsaber?\"\n\"Unfortunately, also no.\"\n\"So, what is it?\"\n\"It's a very powerful laser. Not powerful enough to hurt anyone-\" \"Aww\"\n\"-but you could use it as a, you know, laser pointer.\"\n\"I'll keep that in mind when I want to PowerPoint (tm) them to death.\"\n\nPaul swerves over the road wildly, trying to avoid the gunner's fire. \"Dr. Elbe! Get that guy!\"\n\"He's too well protected. This looks like a job for the protagonist.\" \"Just give me the g...\"\nBut just at that moment something terrible breaks through the dense foliage. It's a quadruple human, ridden by a Horseman. That's the most horrible thing you ever saw, at least since Paul had that herpes problem.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nForest (in the golf cart)\nThis is a path winding through a dimly lit forest. The path heads north-south here. One particularly large tree with some low branches stands at the edge of the path.\n\nDr. Elbe is firing at the tank. Bullets riochet off the armor uselessly. Still, she seems to have fun.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nThe Horseman rides the Manhorse very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point the laser at dude",
"response": "That may look interesting, but does nothing.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nClearing (in the golf cart)\nYou are in a clearing, with a forest surrounding you on all sides. A path leads south. On the ground is a pile of leaves.\n\nDr. Elbe is firing at the tank. Bullets riochet off the armor uselessly. Still, she seems to have fun.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nThe Horseman rides the Manhorse very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Elbe",
"response": "\"Sorry, Alex, would love to chat but it's hard to do it over the exchange of gunfire between us and the\"\nRATATATATATATATA BOOM BOOM BOOM\n\"I get your point.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on Manhorse",
"response": "You lean out of the cart, grabbing the roof with one hand.\n\"What are you doing?\" screams Paul.\n\"We need to stop-\"\n\"Don't say horsing around!\"\n\"Okay.\" And then you jump.\nAfter some dramatic scrambling, you sit in the saddle behind the confused Horseman.\n\nClearing (on Manhorse)\nYou are in a clearing, with a forest surrounding you on all sides. A path leads south. On the ground is a pile of leaves.\n\nA tank is chasing you, and a guy with an assault rifle fires at the golf cart.\n\nYou can also see a golf cart (in which are Dr. Elbe and Paul) here.\n\nA horseman sits before you.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nThe Horseman rides the Manhorse very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You point the laser at the dude",
"response": "That may look interesting, but does nothing.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nManhorse rides very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine dude",
"response": "A sharkman with an assault rifle!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Manhorse",
"response": "The Manhorse is as a big horse, but looks like a man! Surprisingly, he manages to keep up with the cart. One of the saddlebags is marked with some writing.\n\n>READ WRITING\n\nIt says \"DANGER! EXPLOSIVE.\"\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nManhorse rides very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the saddlebag",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light saddlebag",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.\n\nY'all arrive at a nice fire tower, and at a glance you see the package for Elbe on the floor, but there is no room for you to go, and the tank runs over the golf cart with a terrifying crunch (everyone escapes unharmed).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou drive past the cemetery and Paul expertly does a handbrake turn to the right. The cemetery passes to the left, and you have the conversation from the intro.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nCountry Road (in the golf cart)\nSpielertor is one of the oldest National Parks in the state, which you can easily tell from the forest.\n\nDr. Elbe is on the backseat, at the M60.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "\"I'd like to help, Doc, but I'm unarmed. Got any of my stash left?\" \"Sorry, no, but I can give you this.\"\nShe throws you something that is either a very big laser pointer or a very small flashlight.\n\"Oh, is this a laser gun?\"\n\"No.\"\n\"A lightsaber?\"\n\"Unfortunately, also no.\"\n\"So, what is it?\"\n\"It's a very powerful laser. Not powerful enough to hurt anyone-\" \"Aww\"\n\"-but you could use it as a, you know, laser pointer.\"\n\"I'll keep that in mind when I want to PowerPoint (tm) them to death.\"\n\nWhat was a black shape down the road a second before turns into tank that's gaining on you very fast. Elbe starts firing the M60, with little effect.\n\"Damn, Alex\" cries Paul, \"do something!\"\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nForest (in the golf cart)\nThis is a forest, with trees in all directions. To the east, there appears to be sunlight.\n\nDr. Elbe is firing at the tank. Bullets riochet off the armor uselessly. Still, she seems to have fun.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nTime passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nPaul swerves over the road wildly, trying to avoid the gunner's fire. \"Dr. Elbe! Get that guy!\"\n\"He's too well protected. This looks like a job for the protagonist.\" \"Just give me the g...\"\nBut just at that moment something terrible breaks through the dense foliage. It's a quadruple human, ridden by a Horseman. That's the most horrible thing you ever saw, at least since Paul had that herpes problem.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart, taking you along.\n\nForest (in the golf cart)\nThis is a path winding through a dimly lit forest. The path heads north-south here. One particularly large tree with some low branches stands at the edge of the path.\n\nDr. Elbe is firing at the tank. Bullets riochet off the armor uselessly. Still, she seems to have fun.\n\nPaul drives the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nThe Horseman rides the Manhorse very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump on Manhorse",
"response": "You lean out of the cart, grabbing the roof with one hand.\n\"What are you doing?\" screams Paul.\n\"We need to stop-\"\n\"Don't say horsing around!\"\n\"Okay.\" And then you jump.\nAfter some dramatic scrambling, you sit in the saddle behind the confused Horseman.\n\nForest (on Manhorse)\nThis is a path winding through a dimly lit forest. The path heads north-south here. One particularly large tree with some low branches stands at the edge of the path.\n\nA tank is chasing you, and a guy with an assault rifle fires at the golf cart.\n\nYou can also see a golf cart (in which are Dr. Elbe and Paul) here.\n\nA horseman sits before you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the Saddlebag",
"response": "In Saddlebag is rocket grenade.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nThe Horseman rides the Manhorse very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rocket grenade",
"response": "It's a neat little Mahavira-Arnaud rocket grenade. You can either fire it from a rocket launcher, even an improvised one, or throw it. In either case you should first you hit it on the top, the the 4 turn,er, second, fuse is activated.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nManhorse rides very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the grenade",
"response": "You bonk the grenade on the top. Something clicks mechanically inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nManhorse rides very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw grenade at the tank",
"response": "You throw the grenade at the tank! Unfotunately, it just bounces off the armor harmlessly and explodes by the wayside. Luckily, there are more grenades in the saddlebag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nWell, if you were wondering what happens if you hold a grenade in your hands for too long, the answer is, unsurprisingly, it explodes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw grenade at the dude",
"response": "Futile.\n\nWell, if you were wondering what happens if you hold a grenade in your hands for too long, the answer is, unsurprisingly, it explodes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the grenade in the tube",
"response": "You put rocket grenade into the cardboard tube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the grenade",
"response": "You bonk the grenade on the top. Something clicks mechanically inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nManhorse rides very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot tank",
"response": "You need a gun.\n\nWell, if you were wondering what happens if you hold a grenade in your hands for too long, the answer is, unsurprisingly, it explodes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the grenade at tank",
"response": "(first taking rocket grenade)\nYou throw the grenade at the tank! Unfotunately, it just bounces off the armor harmlessly and explodes by the wayside. Luckily, there are more grenades in the saddlebag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na laser pointer\na key\na cardboard tube\nrocket grenade\na wedding ring (being worn)\nThe Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights\na letter\n\nWell, if you were wondering what happens if you hold a grenade in your hands for too long, the answer is, unsurprisingly, it explodes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach laser to tube",
"response": "You clip the laser pointer to the cardboard tube. Neat. Now you can point (or aim) the whole tube at distant objects.\n\nWell, if you were wondering what happens if you hold a grenade in your hands for too long, the answer is, unsurprisingly, it explodes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the laser to the tube",
"response": "You clip the laser pointer to the cardboard tube. Neat. Now you can point (or aim) the whole tube at distant objects.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the grenade",
"response": "You bonk the grenade on the top. Something clicks mechanically inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the grenade in the tube",
"response": "Wow, you have an improvised rocket launcher.\n\nYou put rocket grenade into the cardboard tube.\n\nPaul goes northeast in the golf cart.\n\nThe tank is chasing you!\n\nManhorse rides very closely alongside the cart, in hot pursuit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Point launcher at dude",
"response": "You aim the tube at the tank. This will either net you a Darwin Award or be awesome,you think.\nThe grenade ignites.\nThe tube burns up in your hands faster than aluminum foil. There is a loud hissing and a trail of smoke towards the tank.\nFor a second, nothing happens. With a loud, defeaning roar, the tank explodes, pushing over the golf cart, throwing you off the horse and into the woods. You crash against a tree and fall down. Around you, the forest has quickly caught fire. Flames roars, and metal cracks in the distance. You try to get up, but your back hasn't hurt this bad since your first yoga practice.\n\nThis is just a place in the woods, surrounded by a roaring ring of flames.\nA burning hubcap rolls past you.\n\nA broken bottle lies here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bottle",
"response": "Oh crap. You know this bottle.\n\nA shape stumbles from the fire, ragged, burnt patches of skin on the hands. Paul. He otherwise seems okay, though.\n\"Paul\" you croak, \"I didn't know that the tank would explode quite so messily.\"\nThen you notice his red glowing eyes and crap your pants (not literally).\n\"Oh, not to worry\" says Uncle Wally. The last step he takes towards you feels like it takes a year.\n\nAlex and Paul will return.",
"endoftext": true
] | sj5tq6paj6eogluj |
Dulle Griet and the Antenorian Icebox | Sam Kabo Ashwell | [
] | [
"based on painting",
"female protagonist",
"folklore character",
"speed IF",
] | 2,010 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20100103a | false | Storing a war-engine inside Hell was a new tactic; you'll be able to penetrate deeper than ever before and still have a chance of getting out again. The job isn't without its risks, but at least you know the demons are out to get you. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "He who eats fire, shits sparks; this line of work involves no small amount of risk, therefore. But compared to everyone else, demons are refreshingly easy. No suspicions are necessary; you know they're out to screw you over.\n\nThe war-engine cache was a new tactic, enabling you to penetrate deeper than you'd ever contemplated before and still make it out. And this seemed like the most secure site to hide the thing. If your minions weren't idiots of the first water, it would have been a good plan.\n\nThe ice of the Cocytean piedmont is pitted and rotten, riddled with moulins of befouled meltwater. For the most part the caves are unstable, but they don't tend to change too much over winter. This one is large enough to serve as temporary depot, but small and twisty enough to keep it hidden.\n\nThe imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Quagga",
"response": "Oh, now the sow pulls out the bung. You told that fool Mayken a dozen times that when she made the drop she should demonproof everything thoroughly, but what a mess. Not even a tarp thrown over it, for pity's sake. There's a sliver of a chance that it might still be functional, but de-imping the thing is going to be unpleasant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "No longer young, not yet old. For a period of about two months when you were seventeen, you might have been considered handsome; you are almost six feet tall, with a great cow-catcher of a nose, enormous feet, washerwoman's hands, and precious few teeth. Not to mention the effects of soaking in brimstone fumes for a few hard weeks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bog-iron scramaseax\na demonoscope\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (closed)\nan ornamental imp\nan octavo of Shakespeare fanfiction",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the fanfiction",
"response": "A small single-run printing by one Wm. Shakspere, with the mysterious title D5-D6. Hette, non-Conne, wingefick. Neifile/Fiammetta/Panfilo, Elissa/Filostrato, Dioneo/Misia. Spoileres.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read camus",
"response": "The Cahiers of Camus, all but unobtainable in the mortal realm. Your usual reading-material extends about as far as grocery lists, but you know several buyers who will cheerfully gouge each others's eyes out for this. Disappointingly, it is bound in rather boring green canvas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the demonoscope",
"response": "A small, crudely painted ikon of the Blessed Egdethbra of Wessex in the act of her martyrdom, a sordid little affair involving a backsliding Dane, a turnip field and an ironbound psalter. When waved at demon-infested things, the aforementioned proto-saint wiggles her toes and rolls her eyes wildly. (Demonoscopes are usually crafted with saints of better repute, preferably ones who actually existed, but these are usually overwhelmed by the demon-saturated environment of the Circles.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at imp",
"response": "The unfortunate saint wriggles a little bit, dislodging a turnip or two, but that's about background level for anywhere below circle four.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at Quagga",
"response": "You sweep the ikon vaguely across the Quagga. The doubtful blessed writhes and kicks, turnips flying in all directions. Not an all-out frothing fit, bethankit, which means that the most you reasonably have to deal with is a handful of imps or perhaps a lesser cluster. Making more controlled sweeps, you narrow the disturbances down to three areas: the aft right hip joint, the furnace and something up towards the pilot's end - have to get inside to narrow that down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the scramaseax",
"response": "Cold-wrought bog-iron is a wretched material, but you'd carry a weapon made of soap if it could wound the dead. It's notched, pitted, holds an edge for about three seconds and has been twisted back into shape countless times; constant application of walrus blubber mitigates the rust somewhat, but considering what's in the air here the final outcome is not in doubt. Locating a replacement for when the dear old thing falls to bits is one of your more pressing concerns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the loot",
"response": "Most of this is hell-forged treasure of the gaudiest sort: crowns, plate, jewelry, fist-sized diamonds. Horse droppings are not figs: it will all turn to dented tin and broken crockery when exposed to fresh air and sunlight, but until then it will serve as a cover for the good stuff, and as bribes for the more stupid gatekeepers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at aft right hip joint",
"response": "Ach. Yes. Definitely something hiding out in the hip joint; the silly bint's gibbering like a Barbary ape. If you're any judge, it's an agubulge, one of those inane little point-coolant things they use to stop body heat from eventually melting out the more populated regions. Knowing your luck the thing's carrying eggs, too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the imp",
"response": "(the agubulge)\nA mass of ice, at the centre of which is presumably a cold-imp. The things are mindless and relatively easy to deal with, on the whole, except that they breed. By means of microscopic eggs. The last time you stumbled into a swarm of them you had to take three saunas a day for two weeks and boil everything you owned; but hopefully any eggs will get killed off by engine heat if you can just get rid of this one and get things running.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ornamental imp",
"response": "The smallest and most stupid demons come in innumerable shapes, most of them hideous; a few breeds, however, are rather attractive and are worn as ornaments by ladies of fashion. They don't breed true, however, which ensures that there's constant demand for wild specimens. Occultists love to grumble about being priced out of the market.\n\nThis specimen is of the type usually worn on a fine silver chain around the wrist and used by demimondaines to light their cigarettes; it resembles a butterfly-wing folded into abstract origami, with eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at furnace",
"response": "Yep, there's something nasty in there all right. Turnips everywhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the furnace",
"response": "Some of the hobbedehoys used for commercial freight have furnaces with external access - the fireman walking alongside, hanging off a ladder or balancing on a footman's plate, and sparing the pilot from blazing heat and clips on the ear from clumsy shovel-handling. Military models, though, invariably have the firebox opening onto the relative safety of the pilot's plate, so you'll need to climb aboard if you want to get at it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the aft right hip joint",
"response": "Big mass of ice. Icicles. Probably an imp deep inside. Not going anywhere until it's dealt with.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the aft left hip joint",
"response": "An unmodified Blazing Host four-joint limb, in good condition apart from superficial scratches.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cage",
"response": "A local product; within a few hours of your escape it will have become a chamberpot or a cracked jug, but it'll do until then. It presently houses an ornamental imp..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the imp",
"response": "(the agubulge)\nA mass of ice, at the centre of which is presumably a cold-imp. The things are mindless and relatively easy to deal with, on the whole, except that they breed. By means of microscopic eggs. The last time you stumbled into a swarm of them you had to take three saunas a day for two weeks and boil everything you owned; but hopefully any eggs will get killed off by engine heat if you can just get rid of this one and get things running.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ornamental imp",
"response": "The smallest and most stupid demons come in innumerable shapes, most of them hideous; a few breeds, however, are rather attractive and are worn as ornaments by ladies of fashion. They don't breed true, however, which ensures that there's constant demand for wild specimens. Occultists love to grumble about being priced out of the market.\n\nThis specimen is of the type usually worn on a fine silver chain around the wrist and used by demimondaines to light their cigarettes; it resembles a butterfly-wing folded into abstract origami, with eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pilot's end",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Quagga",
"response": "The basic chassis is one of the Blazing Host two-and-twos that have formed the backbone of the al-Andalus line for almost a century. It's really an infantry-breaker, working best at a killing trot; when they face the dashing thoroughbuilt machine-hunters favoured by cavalry snobs, they're generally swept off the field. But they handle difficult ground well, they don't break down much, and on the march - using those little auxiliary limbs under the pilot's plate - they burn about half the fuel of a thoroughbuilt.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The ice of the Cocytean piedmont is pitted and rotten, riddled with moulins of befouled meltwater. For the most part the caves are unstable, but they don't tend to change too much over winter. This one is large enough to serve as temporary depot, but small and twisty enough to keep it hidden.\n\nThe imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the agubulge with the scramaseax",
"response": "One swing of the seax fractures the ice into a spiderweb of cracks. A second dislodges some good-sized chunks, and soon you have most of the ice hacked away. Unfortunately, there's still some lodged up inside the joint - how did the little bastard squeeze into such a narrow space? Nesting, you muse darkly. At any rate, the seax is too blunt and misshapen to fit into such a narrow gap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn camus",
"response": "You lack a source of fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cage",
"response": "You open the spun silver birdcage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get imp",
"response": "(the ornamental imp)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light imp",
"response": "(the ornamental imp)\nAs carefully as you can, you slip a finger and thumb through the imp's angular folds and give its abdomen a squeeze. You are rewarded with a small and flickering flame that dances over its wingtips like an aurora.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn agubulge",
"response": "The symmetry of the solution has appeal, but as it turns out the ornamental demon's flame is far too faint to melt more than a few droplets of ice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn camus",
"response": "Steeling yourself, you apply the imp to one page. Old paper burns wonderfully well, you discover, and the whole thing is soon aflame. You try not to think of the volume of merino socks and Kopi Luwak that could have purchased with the proceeds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn agubulge",
"response": "You wedge the blazing mass under the hip joint and hover anxiously nearby to prod it into more enthusiastic flames. After a few harrowing minutes, you hear a gurgling rodent squeal and the drip of meltwater is augmented by a pinkish ooze, washing away the last ashes of your former prize.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the seax",
"response": "Cold-wrought bog-iron is a wretched material, but you'd carry a weapon made of soap if it could wound the dead. It's notched, pitted, holds an edge for about three seconds and has been twisted back into shape countless times; constant application of walrus blubber mitigates the rust somewhat, but considering what's in the air here the final outcome is not in doubt. Locating a replacement for when the dear old thing falls to bits is one of your more pressing concerns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn fanfiction",
"response": "Steeling yourself, you apply the imp to one page. Old paper burns wonderfully well, you discover, and the whole thing is soon aflame. You try not to think of the volume of merino socks and Kopi Luwak that could have purchased with the proceeds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn agubulge",
"response": "You wedge the blazing mass under the hip joint and hover anxiously nearby to prod it into more enthusiastic flames. After a few harrowing minutes, you hear a gurgling rodent squeal and the drip of meltwater is augmented by a pinkish ooze, washing away the last ashes of your former prize.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "%",
"response": "He who eats fire, shits sparks; this line of work involves no small amount of risk, therefore. But compared to everyone else, demons are refreshingly easy. No suspicions are necessary; you know they're out to screw you over.\n\nThe war-engine cache was a new tactic, enabling you to penetrate deeper than you'd ever contemplated before and still make it out. And this seemed like the most secure site to hide the thing. If your minions weren't idiots of the first water, it would have been a good plan.\n\nThe ice of the Cocytean piedmont is pitted and rotten, riddled with moulins of befouled meltwater. For the most part the caves are unstable, but they don't tend to change too much over winter. This one is large enough to serve as temporary depot, but small and twisty enough to keep it hidden.\n\nThe imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Enter",
"response": "Although the ideal crew of a 'gin of this class is three, the Quagga has been rigged to allow it to be crewed one-handed, though you'd break your back jumping between helm and firebox at anything faster than a trot. The cut-down controls - essentially just the gearshaft and helm - will not exactly allow you to fight any cavalry actions, but fortunately Hell is short on armour regiments.\n\nWith the engine at rest, the floor slants down rather towards the engine's front.\n\nBeside the coal chute lies a fireman's shovel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ice",
"response": "It's not pretty ice. It's grey and looks kind of worm-eaten and has brown flecks in it. They missed a trick, though; it'd be much nastier if it ever thawed out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "The imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at Quagga",
"response": "You sweep the ikon vaguely across the Quagga. The doubtful blessed writhes and kicks, turnips flying in all directions. Not an all-out frothing fit, bethankit, which means that the most you reasonably have to deal with is a handful of imps or perhaps a lesser cluster. Making more controlled sweeps, you narrow the disturbances down to three areas: the aft right hip joint, the furnace and something up towards the pilot's end - have to get inside to narrow that down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the aft right hip joint",
"response": "Thick ice encrusts the hip joint, falling in dozens of narrow icicles most of the way down to the knee. Unless there's been a bizarrely specific leak in the water reservoir, this means that an agubulge, a frigid and mindless imp used to provide localised cooling, has taken up residence.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the ice with the seax",
"response": "Which do you mean, the agubulge or the ice cave wall?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Agubulge",
"response": "One swing of the seax fractures the ice into a spiderweb of cracks. A second dislodges some good-sized chunks, and soon you have most of the ice hacked away. Unfortunately, there's still some lodged up inside the joint - how did the little bastard squeeze into such a narrow space? Nesting, you muse darkly. At any rate, the seax is too blunt and misshapen to fit into such a narrow gap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take ornamental imp",
"response": "You open the spun silver birdcage.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You squeeze it",
"response": "As carefully as you can, you slip a finger and thumb through the imp's angular folds and give its abdomen a squeeze. You are rewarded with a small and flickering flame that dances over its wingtips like an aurora.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the imp",
"response": "The smallest and most stupid demons come in innumerable shapes, most of them hideous; a few breeds, however, are rather attractive and are worn as ornaments by ladies of fashion. They don't breed true, however, which ensures that there's constant demand for wild specimens. Occultists love to grumble about being priced out of the market.\n\nThis specimen is of the type usually worn on a fine silver chain around the wrist and used by demimondaines to light their cigarettes; it resembles a butterfly-wing folded into abstract origami, with eyes. A faint, bluish flame coruscates across its wingtips.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You squeeze it",
"response": "A second squeeze and the imp's fire flutters out. You keep an eye on it for a second to make sure; more than one renowned beauty has gone up in flames after carelessly slipping one of these into a pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put it in the cage",
"response": "You sweep the ikon vaguely across the Quagga.\n\nYou put the demonoscope into the spun silver birdcage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the imp in the cage",
"response": "You put the ornamental imp into the spun silver birdcage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the demonoscope",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the cage",
"response": "You close the spun silver birdcage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at Quagga",
"response": "You sweep the ikon vaguely across the Quagga.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at hip",
"response": "Which do you mean, the aft right limb or the aft left limb?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Right",
"response": "No reaction! It appears you've fixed it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "fireman's shovel: Taken.\nornamental imp: The spun silver birdcage isn't open.\nice cave wall: That's hardly portable.\nhelm: That's hardly portable.\ncoal chute: That's hardly portable.\nfirebox: That's hardly portable.\ngearshaft: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chute",
"response": "The hopper should contain enough coal for two days at a flat march, given that you're using the good black greasy stuff. You expect the route you're taking to take about three and a half and to be somewhat uphill, but you can refill with wood once you reach the Forest of the Suicides.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the firebox",
"response": "Essentially, this is just a big iron box through which a lot of piping runs; you set a big fire inside, the water in the pipes turns to steam, and then Technology happens and stompy iron feet crush all before them. A sturdy iron door seals off the firebox.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at firebox",
"response": "A good deal of somewhat-uninspired wriggling indicates the presence of a small and rather pathetic imp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the firebox",
"response": "You tug mightily at the furnace door. It refuses to budge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the firebox with shovel",
"response": "You give the door a couple of solid thumps, then slip the edge of the fireman's shovel between lid and rim and twist. With a satisfying crack, the frost-locked door gives a fraction of an inch; it should open now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at chute",
"response": "The unfortunate saint wriggles a little bit, dislodging a turnip or two, but that's about background level for anywhere below circle four.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the firebox",
"response": "Ugh. There's another agubulge inside the firebox. This one hasn't been there too long, you think; there's not much of an ice-mass, just a lot of frost all over everything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fireman's shovel\na demonoscope\na bog-iron scramaseax\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (closed)\nan ornamental imp (providing light)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the agubulge with the seax",
"response": "It's right at the back; you can't really reach that far, and you're aware of your narrative role too acutely to feel secure about crawling into ovens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the agubulge with the shovel",
"response": "You lean in and give it a few solid stabs with the sharp end. There is a satisfying squashing sound.\n\nAfter this, it's a simple matter to get a fire going with coal-chips. You bask in the heat, unfamiliar and welcome after your time in Cocytus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the helm",
"response": "Old-fashioned pilots prefer the bewildering chaos of a Zebruggi lever array, but outside the more conservative Russian principalities nobody builds those any more; the most sensible of the various replacements is a sort of ship's wheel on a stick, with foot-pedals for detailed control.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at gearbox",
"response": "Death and fire, there's one in the gearbox. Your best guess is an ithrogyca, an obnoxious little gluttony-demon designed to clean the adipose tissue off flesh. They happily gorge themselves on fats until they burst. This one must have gone in after the grease.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gearbox",
"response": "A misbegotten and unruly lever that presides over the Blazing Host universally-reviled gearbox. The usual paces - reverse, neutral, shuffle, walk, march, trot, killing trot, canter - are all there, and at least you don't have to deal with the dandyish Parade March gear that's become obligatory on modern builds. But it jams constantly, has a tendency to slip straight into a canter if you change from march to walk too casually, and screams bloody murder if changed a little too early or late. Its saving grace is that, though bad, it takes a great deal of punishment to make it any worse.\n\nThe stick is currently in neutral. The slots for the other gear positions open up into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gearbox",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nA misbegotten and unruly lever that presides over the Blazing Host universally-reviled gearbox. The usual paces - reverse, neutral, shuffle, walk, march, trot, killing trot, canter - are all there, and at least you don't have to deal with the dandyish Parade March gear that's become obligatory on modern builds. But it jams constantly, has a tendency to slip straight into a canter if you change from march to walk too casually, and screams bloody murder if changed a little too early or late. Its saving grace is that, though bad, it takes a great deal of punishment to make it any worse.\n\nThe stick is currently in neutral. The slots for the other gear positions open up into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the cheese",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cheese",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Melt cheese",
"response": "That really requires access to a source of steady heat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan ornamental imp (providing light)\na fireman's shovel\na demonoscope\na bog-iron scramaseax\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open firebox",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cheese in the firebox",
"response": "You put the wheel of artisanal Camberzola into the firebox.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan ornamental imp (providing light)\na fireman's shovel\na demonoscope\na bog-iron scramaseax\na pile of loot\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cheese",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the firebox",
"response": "You close the firebox.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the firebox",
"response": "Ugh. There's another agubulge inside the firebox. This one hasn't been there too long, you think; there's not much of an ice-mass, just a lot of frost all over everything.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The ice of the Cocytean piedmont is pitted and rotten, riddled with moulins of befouled meltwater. For the most part the caves are unstable, but they don't tend to change too much over winter. This one is large enough to serve as temporary depot, but small and twisty enough to keep it hidden.\n\nThe imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "He who eats fire, shits sparks; this line of work involves no small amount of risk, therefore. But compared to everyone else, demons are refreshingly easy. No suspicions are necessary; you know they're out to screw you over.\n\nThe war-engine cache was a new tactic, enabling you to penetrate deeper than you'd ever contemplated before and still make it out. And this seemed like the most secure site to hide the thing. If your minions weren't idiots of the first water, it would have been a good plan.\n\nThe ice of the Cocytean piedmont is pitted and rotten, riddled with moulins of befouled meltwater. For the most part the caves are unstable, but they don't tend to change too much over winter. This one is large enough to serve as temporary depot, but small and twisty enough to keep it hidden.\n\nThe imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Quagga",
"response": "Oh, now the sow pulls out the bung. You told that fool Mayken a dozen times that when she made the drop she should demonproof everything thoroughly, but what a mess. Not even a tarp thrown over it, for pity's sake. There's a sliver of a chance that it might still be functional, but de-imping the thing is going to be unpleasant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bog-iron scramaseax\na demonoscope\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (closed)\nan ornamental imp\nan octavo of Shakespeare fanfiction",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the scramaseax",
"response": "Cold-wrought bog-iron is a wretched material, but you'd carry a weapon made of soap if it could wound the dead. It's notched, pitted, holds an edge for about three seconds and has been twisted back into shape countless times; constant application of walrus blubber mitigates the rust somewhat, but considering what's in the air here the final outcome is not in doubt. Locating a replacement for when the dear old thing falls to bits is one of your more pressing concerns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cheese",
"response": "They say that everything good that comes from Hell was stolen from somewhere else. Though mostly true, there are caveats: a good blue cheese that matured in certain of the middle circles is a thing beyond words. You plan to keep this one for yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the firebox with the shovel",
"response": "(first taking the fireman's shovel)\nYou give the door a couple of solid thumps, then slip the edge of the fireman's shovel between lid and rim and twist. With a satisfying crack, the frost-locked door gives a fraction of an inch; it should open now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the firebox",
"response": "Ugh. There's an agubulge - a minor ice imp - in there. It hasn't been there too long, you think; there's not much of an ice-mass, just a lot of frost all over everything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the agubulge",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the agubulge with the shovel",
"response": "You lean in and give it a few solid stabs with the sharp end. There is a satisfying squashing sound.\n\nAfter this, it's a simple matter to get a fire going with coal-chips. You bask in the heat, unfamiliar and welcome after your time in Cocytus.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Although the ideal crew of a 'gin of this class is three, the Quagga has been rigged to allow it to be crewed one-handed, though you'd break your back jumping between helm and firebox at anything faster than a trot. The cut-down controls - essentially just the gearshaft and helm - will not exactly allow you to fight any cavalry actions, but fortunately Hell is short on armour regiments.\n\nWith the engine at rest, the floor slants down rather towards the engine's front.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "The imposing bulk of the Iron Quagga takes up much of the space here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hip",
"response": "Which do you mean, the aft right limb or the aft left limb?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at aft right hip joint",
"response": "Lamentably, it's still there, if the blessed's reaction is anything to go by.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fireman's shovel\na bog-iron scramaseax\na demonoscope\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (closed)\nan ornamental imp\nan octavo of Shakespeare fanfiction",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the aft right hip joint",
"response": "Big mass of ice. Icicles. Probably an imp deep inside. Not going anywhere until it's dealt with.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the agubulge with the shovel",
"response": "You bash off the more fragile icicles and a few chips of ice, but your progress is rather limited.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine agubulge",
"response": "A mass of ice, at the centre of which is presumably a cold-imp. The things are mindless and relatively easy to deal with, on the whole, except that they breed. By means of microscopic eggs. The last time you stumbled into a swarm of them you had to take three saunas a day for two weeks and boil everything you owned; but hopefully any eggs will get killed off by engine heat if you can just get rid of this one and get things running.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the birdcage",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get imp",
"response": "(the ornamental imp)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the imp",
"response": "(the ornamental imp)\nThe smallest and most stupid demons come in innumerable shapes, most of them hideous; a few breeds, however, are rather attractive and are worn as ornaments by ladies of fashion. They don't breed true, however, which ensures that there's constant demand for wild specimens. Occultists love to grumble about being priced out of the market.\n\nThis specimen is of the type usually worn on a fine silver chain around the wrist and used by demimondaines to light their cigarettes; it resembles a butterfly-wing folded into abstract origami, with eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light imp",
"response": "(the ornamental imp)\nAs carefully as you can, you slip a finger and thumb through the imp's angular folds and give its abdomen a squeeze. You are rewarded with a small and flickering flame that dances over its wingtips like an aurora.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn agubulge",
"response": "The symmetry of the solution has appeal, but as it turns out the ornamental demon's flame is far too faint to melt more than a few droplets of ice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan ornamental imp (providing light)\na fireman's shovel\na bog-iron scramaseax\na demonoscope\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (open but empty)\nan octavo of Shakespeare fanfiction",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan ornamental imp (providing light)\na fireman's shovel\na bog-iron scramaseax\na demonoscope\na pile of loot\na wheel of artisanal Camberzola\na Camus first edition\na spun silver birdcage (open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cheese",
"response": "They say that everything good that comes from Hell was stolen from somewhere else. Though mostly true, there are caveats: a good blue cheese that matured in certain of the middle circles is a thing beyond words. You plan to keep this one for yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Melt cheese",
"response": "Cupping your hands, you hold the Camberzola over the top of the firebox. Your hands are weather-beaten and gnarly enough to take the temperature, but the cheese is not so fortunate; in a few minutes it has turned into a thick goo.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cheese",
"response": "A short time ago this was a peerless cheese. Now it's a semi-liquid glob, still delicious but rather less manageable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cheese",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You insert cheese in the gearbox",
"response": "You slop the gooey mess down the slots. There is a pause while it slithers down into the depths of the gearbox; then there is a high-pitched gurgle of joy, a sound like a bellows with teeth, and lastly a terminal-sounding *sploch*.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave demonoscope at gearbox",
"response": "Looks as if it's clear now. You think you detect a look of sadness in the blessed's eye, but that's probably projection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the helm",
"response": "(first taking the helm)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the firebox",
"response": "Essentially, this is just a big iron box through which a lot of piping runs; you set a big fire inside, the water in the pipes turns to steam, and then Technology happens and stompy iron feet crush all before them. A good fire has been set inside, and the furnace is starting to radiate heat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gearbox",
"response": "A misbegotten and unruly lever that presides over the Blazing Host universally-reviled gearbox. The usual paces - reverse, neutral, shuffle, walk, march, trot, killing trot, canter - are all there, and at least you don't have to deal with the dandyish Parade March gear that's become obligatory on modern builds. But it jams constantly, has a tendency to slip straight into a canter if you change from march to walk too casually, and screams bloody murder if changed a little too early or late. Its saving grace is that, though bad, it takes a great deal of punishment to make it any worse.\n\nThe stick is currently in neutral. The slots for the other gear positions open up into darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the stick",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the gearbox to shuffle",
"response": "With a clangor like an angel's death-rattle, the engine steps out. The furnace roars and cracks at your back, the icy wind of the great ice lake scorches your face, and inside your gut the fierce slow burn of a hard-bought victory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the gearbox to killing the trot",
"response": "Shifting straight into killing trot from a dead start is unwise, particularly on slippery, uneven ground like this.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set gearbox to reverse",
"response": "Shifting straight into reverse from a dead start is unwise, particularly on slippery, uneven ground like this.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Although the ideal crew of a 'gin of this class is three, the Quagga has been rigged to allow it to be crewed one-handed, though you'd break your back jumping between helm and firebox at anything faster than a trot. The cut-down controls - essentially just the gearshaft and helm - will not exactly allow you to fight any cavalry actions, but fortunately Hell is short on armour regiments.\n\nWith the engine at rest, the floor slants down rather towards the engine's front.",
"endoftext": true
] | gv75aryoisbln9bw |
The extraordinary events of the last day of Professor Mangleworth | "Taleslinger" | [] | [
"Thanksgiving Speed-IF",
] | 2,011 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20111102 | false | Suicide In this Holmesian short story, you play as Professor Mangleworth, despondent about the death of your daughter, your little dragonfly. You plan to kill yourself, but your death must not appear as a suicide, or you will bring great shame to your family. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Are you sure you want to quit? \n\na retelling of those events based on the finding of Mr. Sherlock Holmes of 221b Baker Street\n\nYou are in the western part of your study. Before the library, which has been started by your grandfather Jeremiah, this houses the display case with your findings from your last expedition to the Americas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the display case",
"response": "Furnished from dark oak and lined with red velvet, this houses the polished piece of labradorite which you brought back in 1875 and which one and for all disproved Jemmings theory of geoloic expansion.\nLong gone are the days when you would take it out and muse at it's significance. After what happened Maura, it all became shallow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bowtie (being worn)\na top hat (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the bowtie",
"response": "You take off the bowtie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the bowtie",
"response": "You put on the bowtie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bowtie",
"response": "It's quite dapper.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You are in the western part of your study. Before the library, which has been started by your grandfather Jeremiah, this houses the display case with your findings from your last expedition to the Americas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open case",
"response": "The key is carried by one of the valets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "An ornate lead glass window is open to the garden. Through it you can see the cage which houses the thylacine. Beside the window stands another display case. Further to the east is your desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "Right outside the window is a huge heap of kindling wood, part of your plan.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the thylacine",
"response": "This one you brought back from Tasmania, after it had howled for hours in one of your traps and you went out to shoot it. It has the body of a wolf and tiger stripes on its haunches.\nIt looks as unhappy as it did the day you caught it, pacing back and forth powerlessly as if even that activity has become meaningless.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cage",
"response": "It's a functional metal cage, its floor covered with hay. A single bar is all that keeps the thylacaine from escaping.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at display case",
"response": "This velvet houses a bismuth crystal. It was given to you by the grandson of Claude François Geoffroy, in recognition of your travels to Antarctica in the early 1860s.\nIt was in early 1863, 6 months after you left, that Maura was born. You only received the news on your return to Spitzbergen in 1865. And when you finally returned home, she was already toddling around the living room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This mahagoni desk was given to you by your parents on the day you received your doctorate. Many hours were spent here, hours probably better spent elsewhere. It has a single drawer.\n\nOn the desk is a jar of silica.\n\nMounted on the wall above the desk are the bow and arrow, given to you by the people of Melanesia.\n\nA small table stands to one side. On it is a flower pot and a squirt gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the squirt gun",
"response": "It's a small brass squirt gun. Once it was one of Mauras toys, now you use it to SPRAY the flower occasionally.\nIt has gotten a more sinister use today. You've filled it with the poison of the Pseudonaja, one of Australias deadliest snakes. Once you sprayed yourself with it, you'll be dead within a hearbeat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the gun",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the silica",
"response": "It is only half full.\nYou were frantically working on your categorization of minerals at the time, to be ready for the composium the following month. Your wife had tried time and time again to raise your mind towards the state of Maura's health. You only visited her once in all those weeks, when she was already riddled beyond all earthly hope with that terrible disease. That was the last time you called her your dragonfly. A mildly mocking nickname from her unsteady childhood days. Dragonflies were a bad omen among your ancestors; Surely little Maura was for the valets and maids and the kitchenware. You dropped that jar when your butler informed you of her death, and when it rolled away across the carpet you began to realize how much had been rolling away from you fast, messily spilling its contents, all your days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the flower",
"response": "A small flower, added by your wife to make this room less gloomy. You never paid it much mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "You open the drawer, revealing a hand guard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the guard",
"response": "It's a leather hand guard for archery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bow",
"response": "You never used yourself, but you've seen the chief SHOOT a turtle with this very bow.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This mahagoni desk was given to you by your parents on the day you received your doctorate. Many hours were spent here, hours probably better spent elsewhere. It has a single drawer.\n\nA small table stands to one side. On it is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the drawer",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nBow and arrow\na hand guard\na flower pot\na jar of silica\na squirt gun\na bowtie (being worn)\na top hat (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray the flower",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the guard",
"response": "You put on the hand guard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot bar",
"response": "Taking careful aim, you fire the arrow across the garden and hit the bar dead-on. The arrow shatters into unrecognizable pieces of wood, as you predicted, The door swings open with a slight creak. The thylacine is confused at first - it sniffs the morning air, then takes one tentative step outside. There is shouting from the house. The tasmanian wolf take this as its cuse and dashes across the lawn and into the wood. You break the bow across and stuff it into a heap of kindling below the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cage",
"response": "It's a functional metal cage, its floor covered with hay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na hand guard (being worn)\na flower pot\na jar of silica\na squirt gun\na bowtie (being worn)\na top hat (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the case",
"response": "This velvet houses a bismuth crystal. It was given to you by the grandson of Claude François Geoffroy, in recognition of your travels to Antarctica in the early 1860s.\nIt was in early 1863, 6 months after you left, that Maura was born. You only received the news on your return to Spitzbergen in 1865. And when you finally returned home, she was already toddling around the living room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the hat",
"response": "You take off the top hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pot",
"response": "A small flower, added by your wife to make this room less gloomy. You never paid it much mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray self",
"response": "You shoot a good dose of the poison straight into your mouth. You'll be dead within seconds now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe poison works as quickly as expected. There is little pain.\nYou have freed the thylacine from a prison far different and yet similar to your own, but this clearly looks like suicide. The shame on your family will be great.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "An ornate lead glass window is open to the garden. Through it you can see the cage which houses the thylacine. Beside the window stands another display case. Further to the east is your desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This mahagoni desk was given to you by your parents on the day you received your doctorate. Many hours were spent here, hours probably better spent elsewhere. It has a single drawer.\n\nA small table stands to one side. On it is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the silica",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na hand guard (being worn)\na flower pot\na jar of silica\na squirt gun\na bowtie (being worn)\na top hat",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the guard",
"response": "You take off the hand guard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the guard",
"response": "It's a leather hand guard for archery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the flower on the table",
"response": "You put the flower pot on small table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the gun on the table",
"response": "You put the squirt gun on small table.\n\nThe poison works as quickly as expected. There is little pain.\n\n\"But what made you realize that this was not a heart attack from seeing his famed animal escape, my dear Holmes?\"\n\"I am not yet ready to believe, Watson, that there are people in this world who are more hurt by the escape of a, however, prestigious, animal, then the death of their own daughter. This made me think that mayhaps we gave the Professor too little credit for human emotion in our investigations. The piece of string you idly observe the house cat play with on that heap of kindling was another hint that something was not quite right here; And finally, the sorry stage of this begonia made me investigate the squirt gun and solve this mystery. However, I propose, assuming your complicity, we let this matter rest and not get our good friend Lestrade involved in this. This family has quite suffered enough.\"\n\"Will this be a warning to you, my dear friend, to the effect of not letting yourself get too caught up in matters far removed from the world?\"\n\"Some day, dear friend, some day. But first, I have this interesting matter of the giant rat of Sumatra to consider.\"",
"endoftext": true
] | rqe2d3sltz5dlj2 |
Lobsters On A Plane | Ben Collins-Sussman | [
] | [
"club Floyd transcript",
"I7 source available",
"speed IF"
] | 2,010 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20100401 | false | A flying tube of riveted aluminum the length of a football field, a swarm of angry carnivorous lobsters, a seething mass of frightened mortal passengers, and a renowned High Wizard who you sworn to protect. Hope you brought a bib. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "There is an actinic flash. The seat belt signs illuminate. On the overhead speakers, the pilot mechanically reassures the passengers that the minor turbulence is no cause for concern. A second, more abrupt crash and the plane lurches. Air masks drop. An overhead baggage bin flies open, and lobsters pour out. Ignoring the passengers in your section, you let the food cart topple forward, the potatoes au gratin mixing with the fettuccine and mango compote. You climb towards the lavatory and throw the latch from \"vacant\" to \"occupied.\" The plane revolves slowly -- pushing you towards the wall -- even as the sudden loss of altitude makes you feel lighter.\n\nParboiled crustaceans at 30,000 feet by Ben and Jack\n\nType \"help\" for instructions.\n\nA claustrophobic vertical coffin, lit by blue-tinted fluorescent bulbs and smelling of disinfectant. A uselessly small vestigial sink, a unisex toilet, and a mirror are the only furnishings in the room. Your uncanny (yet invariably useful) sense of direction tells you that the aft compartment of the plane is to the west.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door and a sink (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "Four-hundred and eighty-six years, and you look like a supermodel. That's partly due to your inherently superior breeding, and partly attributable to the plastic surgery, cybernetic implants and magical enhancements all courtesy of The Republic.\n\nYou almost slip as the plane pulls up suddenly. Good thing you had the mango compote for lunch and not the fettucine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of high-heeled shoes (being worn)\na flight attendant uniform (being worn)\na magic wand",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shoes",
"response": "Shiny, high-heeled shoes. Part of the TRANSGLOBAL AIRLINES uniform. Your least favorite part.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the uniform",
"response": "A dark blue pants suit, with smart, military-style epaulets, a stripe down each sleeve, and gold embroidery on the cuffs. A pair of silver wings is pinned to your left breast, just below your name tag. The pressed, pleated pants continue the faux-military look. You are surprised that TRANSGLOBAL AIRLINES spent so much time and effort on designing the uniforms and so little effort verifying your identity before handing it over to you.\n\nAbove the chaos in the plane's cabin, you can just make out the automated message, \"Please turn off all electronic devices including cell phones and two-way pagers. The flight crew will instruct...\n\nIt's got my eye! My eye! I can't see! Get it off me! Get it off me!\n\n...thank you for complying with these regulations, which contribute to everyone's safety.\" The rest is lost in the screaming.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wand",
"response": "Your wand is a mid-19th century Celtic model, passed down to you on your Father's side (who used it to conjure food during the great Irish Potato Famine). It appears to be broken in the disaster, though; you'll have to take a second look.\n\nYou hear the sound of metal scraping against metal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wand",
"response": "Once capable of casting nearly any class-N spell, the spell-selector dial seems utterly broken. You're unsure what will happen when you USE WAND ON SOMETHING.\n\nOnce capable of casting nearly any class-N spell, the spell-selector dial seems utterly broken. You're unsure what will happen when you USE WAND ON SOMETHING.\n\nFrom the cabin you hear someone trying to reason with a carnivorous lobster.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "A tight, poorly lit, aircraft bathroom. Ordinarily, a welcome refuge from the demanding mortal customers who need to use planes to move from one place to another, but now a safe haven from the carnivorous lobsters infesting the plane. The mirror, toilet, paper roll, and smoke detector are unremarkable. Your uncanny (yet invariably useful) sense of direction tells you that the aft compartment of the plane is to the west.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door and a sink (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sink",
"response": "A small metal bowl with two knobs, marked \"hot\" and \"cold\", and a faucet. The sink is bone dry.\n\nThere is a plaintive whine from the motors that are supposed to lower the landing gears. Back when the plane had landing gears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the sink",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe sink suddenly blinks out of existence!\n\nThe plane whips back and forth, as if the rudder controls are no longer working properly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the sink",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe sink suddenly blinks out of existence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the toilet",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe toilet suddenly blinks out of existence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cod",
"response": "You're sure it would snap your fingers off if you tried!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cod",
"response": "A three-foot long, reddish-brown predatory fish. You guess it weighs at least 25 pounds, and it appears fairly mean and hungry. Crustaceans are its main food. It is not happy to be out of the water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the bathroom door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the latch",
"response": "You yank back and forth on the latch, when you realize that what you really want to do is just open or close it. Clearly, your mind is too powerful for the trivial devices that clutter the meaningless existence of mortals.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open latch",
"response": "The latch slips to the side.\n\nThe plane whips back and forth, as if the rudder controls are no longer working properly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open the bathroom door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe cod vibrates a bit, but nothing else happens.\n\nThe cod struggles on the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the door",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe bathroom door vibrates a bit, but nothing else happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You stumble and lurch, unable to maintain your tip-toed balance on the sloping floor. Your shoes may be fashionable, but are not very functional when it comes to airplane disasters.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shoes",
"response": "You take off the high-heeled shoes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shoes",
"response": "You're not wearing those.\n\nYou are thrown against the wall as the plane pitches over violently. The harried passengers are whipped to an ever more desperate state of alarm.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A cramped storage section in the rear of the plane, where, if you remember correctly, some emergency supplies are supposed to be stored. The floor slopes upward to the economy section. The emergency escape hatch is inset into the wall.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door and an equipment bin (closed) here.\n\nThe plane slams into the ocean, skipping like a rock, before sinking like one.\n\nThe aft section of the plane pitches downward, flipping you sideways. Water jets into the cabin from seams that are not as tight as you had hoped. Moments later, you are ankle-deep in frigid salt water.\n\nSnap, crackle, pop! The big ones are molting. And advancing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A cramped storage section in the rear of the plane, where, if you remember correctly, some emergency supplies are supposed to be stored. The floor slopes upward to the economy section. The emergency escape hatch is inset into the wall.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door and an equipment bin (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nOut of nowhere, a toilet suddenly appears!\n\nObviously, someone from the FOB got wind of Meretzky's presence on this flight. Apparently, you guessed wrong about them wanting to recover him alive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nLuckily, every novice mage learns to repel this effect in first year of academy. The energy dissipates around you.\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards yourself, freezing him instantly.\n\nWhy lobsters? Why now? It's too much for one Guardian to handle.\n\nLike there is ever a good time for lobsters...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the wand",
"response": "Your hand tingles as the wand's self-referential recursion dampener sucks the spell back in before it can affect the very wand that cast it.\n\nLobsters scuttle along the aisle, between seats, provoking screams of fear from the crash survivors.\n\nHow clich?d. This may have worked back in the day, but come on. Carnivorous lobsters? Have they no decency? You conclude that they are called the \"Forces of Banality\" for a good reason.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bin",
"response": "What lousy equipment. The bin has never been easy to open and seems stuck shut.\n\nBefore the magical attack, you had worked your way through most of the economy and business class, but still hadn't located High Wizard Meretzky. You had assumed that he would not be so obvious as to fly first class, but this is not a good day for your assumptions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A tight, poorly lit, aircraft bathroom. Ordinarily, a welcome refuge from the demanding mortal customers who need to use planes to move from one place to another, but now a safe haven from the carnivorous lobsters infesting the plane. The mirror, paper roll, and smoke detector are unremarkable. Your uncanny (yet invariably useful) sense of direction tells you that the aft compartment of the plane is to the west.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door, a cod, and a sink (empty) here.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A cramped storage section in the rear of the plane, where, if you remember correctly, some emergency supplies are supposed to be stored. The floor slopes upward to the economy section. The emergency escape hatch is inset into the wall.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door and an equipment bin (closed) here.\n\nTwo years of deep cover as a stewardess. A bloody stewardess! Waiting hand and foot on these sink holes of attentions. And for what? The biggest failure of your career. If you lose Meretzky, it will be a death blow to The Republic, and nothing will be able to stop the Forces of Banality and their langustinian minions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the bin",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe equipment bin suddenly blinks out of existence!\n\nThe plane shudders, then angles downward just a bit more.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of high-heeled shoes\na flight attendant uniform (being worn)\na magic wand",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the shoes",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.\n\nThe cockpit radio crackles to life for a moment, burps static, then falls silent.\n\nYou're not wearing those.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.\n\nSobs of the still-living reach your ears; moans you cannot bear to hear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the uniform",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe flight attendant uniform vibrates a bit, but nothing else happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the uniform",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nOut of nowhere, an equipment bin suddenly appears!\n\nA lobster scuttles towards your foot, but you quickly punt it back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bin",
"response": "What lousy equipment. The bin has never been easy to open and seems stuck shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the bin",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the equipment bin, freezing it instantly.\n\nIn response, yourself thaws out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wand",
"response": "Once capable of casting nearly any class-N spell, the spell-selector dial seems utterly broken. You're unsure what will happen when you USE WAND ON SOMETHING.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the self",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nYou feel sick as the world suddenly turns inside-out.\n\nUh oh. Not good.\n\nGrey mists swirl around you. You are lost somewhere between universes.\n\nYou can see a twinkie and a statuette here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get twinkie",
"response": "Golden brown, and every bit as edible as the day it rolled off the assembly line.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the statuette",
"response": "It abstractly resembles a tornado of some sort. On the bottom is some intricate inscription. There is just enough light here to read it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "Welcome to Limbo! You may be the unlucky target of an angry mage, but if you believe you arrived here in error, please don't hesitate to file a 951-EZ-5C report with your local dimensional constabulary. Assuming you have a popping spell to exit this place, that is. Have a great day.\n\nWelcome to Limbo! You may be the unlucky target of an angry mage, but if you believe you arrived here in error, please don't hesitate to file a 951-EZ-5C report with your local dimensional constabulary. Assuming you have a popping spell to exit this place, that is. Have a great day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nUnfortunately, this spell is certainly not enough to get you out of this predicament.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fix the wand",
"response": "You are a Guardian of the People's Republic of IF -- not a repairwoman. Besides, you always end up with more parts than you start.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use wand on the self",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nYour head reels as everything turns outside-in again.\n\nA cramped storage section in the rear of the plane, where, if you remember correctly, some emergency supplies are supposed to be stored. The floor slopes upward to the economy section. The emergency escape hatch is inset into the wall.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door and an equipment bin (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the bathroom door",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the bathroom door, freezing it instantly.\n\nIn response, the equipment bin thaws out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the bin",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe equipment bin suddenly blinks out of existence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the twinkie",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe twinkie suddenly blinks out of existence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the bin",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe equipment bin vibrates for a moment, and suddenly comes unstuck!\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bin",
"response": "You open the equipment bin, revealing a memo.\n\nSalt water rolls down your cheek and into your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the memo",
"response": "Flight crew: please be sure that this compartment contains the following items prior to departure:\n\n* First Aid Kit\n* Flare Gun\n* Emergency Radio\n* Crustacean Repellent\n* Mountain Climbing Gear\n* Shark Defense Cage\n* Personal Jet Pack\n* Entertainment System, Mark V\n\nThe smell of malevolent arthropods burns your nose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the bin",
"response": "In the equipment bin is a memo.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nOut of nowhere, a twinkie suddenly appears!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the cod, freezing him instantly.\n\nIn response, the bathroom door thaws out.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the memo",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe memo suddenly blinks out of existence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the door",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe bathroom door flickers a moment, but seems immune to the spell. You figure it's probably some sort of built-in safeguard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on memo",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nThe cod sparks a bit, but nothing happens.\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on bin",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nThe cod sparks a bit, but nothing happens.\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nDistant screams echo from elsewhere; the cracking of human skulls by vorpal claws.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A cramped storage section in the rear of the plane, where, if you remember correctly, some emergency supplies are supposed to be stored. The floor slopes upward to the economy section. The emergency escape hatch is inset into the wall.\n\nYou can see a cod, a twinkie, a bathroom door, and an equipment bin (in which is a memo) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hatch",
"response": "A sturdy curved door mounted on heavy internal hinges. For emergency use only, as it says.\n\nYou mumble to yourself. How did the Forces of Banality located this plane so quickly? This is definitely above your pay grade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Row after row of tightly packed seats, with minimal padding, sharp corners, and ratty seat belts. Back in the day, these seats would have come with heavy oars and leg irons. Well, nostalgia will have to wait. You have a plane full of lobsters to deal with, and a High Wizard to find. A movie screen swings above one seat; a closed overhead compartment limits the headroom in this section. Various half-eaten corpses of economy passengers lay strewn about, with crustaceans crawling over many of them.\n\nOver in seat 31A, a schoolmarm-ish woman is attemping to scream in agony, but is too exhausted to make a sound.\n\nYou can also see a spiny lobster and a cart here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cart",
"response": "A food cart, meant to be pushed Sisyphus-fashion up and down the aisles of this plane until your penance is complete. It appears to be tilted and solldly wedged against the seats, unmoving.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cart",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on cart",
"response": "the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe cart vibrates for a moment, and suddenly comes unstuck!\n\nThe wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nNothing happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cart",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the cart",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nSome water drips onto your head from a ceiling leak somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A food cart, meant to be pushed Sisyphus-fashion up and down the aisles of this plane until your penance is complete.\n\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You're stopped in your tracks by the pitiful moans of the schoolmarm being eaten alive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on lobster",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nNothing happens.\n\nThe wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nAlas, this one is too big; you recognize an antimagic aura glowing around it.\n\nThe lobsters scuttle and screetch in malicious glee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the lobster",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nAlas, this one is too big; you recognize an antimagic aura glowing around it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the lobster",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes. The cod looks the spiny lobster over, and decides that its spiky carapace would not be a pleasant chew. In a suprisingly low and rich baritone, the cod says to you, \"I can take care of some of the smaller ones -- I'm sure you can handle this one.\" Before you can fret, he swims under the seats in search of dinner.\n\nA wave of nausea hits you; the smell of human blood and melted butter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lobster",
"response": "A three-foot long spiny lobster gnaws on the schoolmarm's shoulder with wild abandon.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the schoolmarm",
"response": "Covered in blood and seawater, her eyes are shell-shocked. She's barely alive.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.\n\nYou hear the clickety-clack of angry claws somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the schoolmarm",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe schoolmarm vibrates a bit, but nothing else happens.\n\nSeriously. When this ordeal is over, you're definitely going to put in for that pay raise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the schoolmarm",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nNothing happens.\n\nTime is running out. You can hear them splashing closer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on schoolmarm",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the schoolmarm, freezing her instantly.\n\nIn response, the cod thaws out.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the schoolmarm",
"response": "You can't do that; the schoolmarm appears to be frozen, and thus impervious to all interaction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cart",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the cart, freezing it instantly.\n\nIn response, the cod thaws out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the schoolmarm",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe schoolmarm suddenly blinks out of existence!\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at lobster",
"response": "A three-foot long spiny lobster clicks at you menacingly with huge claws.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the lobster",
"response": "Your bare hands are no good here. You need a decent weapon!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Row after row of tightly packed seats, with minimal padding, sharp corners, and ratty seat belts. A movie screen swings above one seat; a closed overhead compartment limits the headroom in this section. Various half-eaten corpses of economy passengers lay strewn about, with crustaceans crawling over many of them.\n\nYou can see a cod, a spiny lobster, and a cart here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the screen",
"response": "A dirty gray panel mounted on the overhead compartment. Movies are shown here to take people's minds off how very unpleasant it is to fly economy.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open compartment",
"response": "You open the overhead compartment, revealing a banjo.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the banjo",
"response": "A Stelling Red Fox model, circa 2006. It glows with bluegrass goodness. You wonder which unfortunate bloke it belonged to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the banjo",
"response": "The spiny lobster looks fearfully at the banjo.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "A stainless steel compartment between the self-absorbed slobs in business class up ahead and the unwashed masses and screaming babies in economy down below. Interestingly, whereas other parts of the plane are sloshing in a foot of water, this area remains totally dry.\n\nOn the counter is a microwave (closed).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the microwave",
"response": "A black cat darts out of the microwave, looks around uncertainly, and runs immediately through the wall of the plane.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the microwave",
"response": "You switch the microwave on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Rows of seats that are spaced the way economy seats used to be spaced about five years ago. It is enough to make the gullible mortals feel superior to those in economy, while still stripping them subtly of their humanity. It is your favorite section of the plane.\n\nNorthward, a narrow, staircase spirals toward to the first class section. Just above the business class is the bulkhead that leads to the cockpit.\n\nAnd clearly the vast mass of hungry lobsters have decided to make a final stand against you here. They stop their flesh-feeding, teem and swarm, then all spin around to face you. They take up battle positions along the central aisle. You have no idea how you're going to get past the lobster mob.\n\nThe lobster mob pulsates and wiggles threateningly at you, claws at the ready.\n\nYou can also see a staircase and a closed bulkhead here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bulkhead",
"response": "A security bulkhead that separates the business section from the flight deck. The bulkhead seems to be jammed shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on mob",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYour attempt to summon a creature, but the sheer quantity of radiant animal magic overpowers your wand. There will be no summoning in Business class today.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open bulkhead",
"response": "The crash must have slightly warped the heavy metal door. It appears to be jammed shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use wand on the bulkhead",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe closed bulkhead vibrates for a moment, and suddenly comes unstuck!\n\nThe hull creaks and groans from stress. You wonder how much time you have.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "With the lobster mob there? Are you kidding?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open bulkhead",
"response": "You open the open bulkhead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine mob",
"response": "A heinous conglomeration of angry arthropods ready to defend their territory. And possibly devour your leg in the process.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bulkhead",
"response": "A security bulkhead that separates the business section from the flight deck. The bulkhead is open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on mob",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nOut of nowhere, a schoolmarm suddenly appears!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the mob",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nThere are just too many of them; the freeze-spell can't handle them all and fizzles out.\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the lobster mob, freezing him instantly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "A stainless steel compartment between the self-absorbed slobs in business class up ahead and the unwashed masses and screaming babies in economy down below. Interestingly, whereas other parts of the plane are sloshing in a foot of water, this area remains totally dry.\n\nOn the counter is a microwave (empty).\n\nA wave of nausea hits you; the smell of human blood and melted butter.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "Row after row of tightly packed seats, with minimal padding, sharp corners, and ratty seat belts. A movie screen swings above one seat; an open overhead compartment limits the headroom in this section. Various half-eaten corpses of economy passengers lay strewn about, with crustaceans crawling over many of them.\n\nYou can see a broken banjo, a cod, and a cart here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cod on the cart",
"response": "You need to be holding the cod before you can put him on top of something else.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.\n\nThe plane shudders, then angles downward just a bit more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cod",
"response": "You're sure it would snap your fingers off if you tried!\n\nSalt water rolls down your cheek and into your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe cod suddenly blinks out of existence!\n\nSeriously. When this ordeal is over, you're definitely going to put in for that pay raise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cart",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nThe wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYou hear a strange tingling sound; a large cod fish suddenly materializes.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you discover it's the JIGGER spell, which un-jams things.\n\nThe cod vibrates a bit, but nothing else happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nNothing happens.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the cod, freezing him instantly.\n\nThe hull creaks and groans from stress. You wonder how much time you have.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the cod",
"response": "You can't do that; the cod appears to be frozen, and thus impervious to all interaction.\n\nSome water drips onto your head from a ceiling leak somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cod on the cart",
"response": "You can't do that; the cod appears to be frozen, and thus impervious to all interaction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cart",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you quickly recognize the FREEZE spell, which magically holds things fixed in place.\n\nA bolt of icy-blue lightning shoots from the wand towards the cart, freezing it instantly.\n\nThe rather large cod swims around, looking for food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on the cod",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you witness the PUSH spell, which sends things to limbo.\n\nThe cod suddenly blinks out of existence!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ascend",
"response": "A stainless steel compartment between the self-absorbed slobs in business class up ahead and the unwashed masses and screaming babies in economy down below. Interestingly, whereas other parts of the plane are sloshing in a foot of water, this area remains totally dry.\n\nOn the counter is a microwave (empty).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Rows of seats that are spaced the way economy seats used to be spaced about five years ago. It is enough to make the gullible mortals feel superior to those in economy, while still stripping them subtly of their humanity. It is your favorite section of the plane.\n\nNorthward, a narrow, staircase spirals toward to the first class section. Just above the business class is the bulkhead that leads to the cockpit.\n\nOver in seat 31A, a schoolmarm-ish woman is too exhausted to make a sound.\n\nThe lobster mob pulsates and wiggles threateningly at you, claws at the ready.\n\nYou can also see a staircase and an open bulkhead here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you realize it's the BALANCE spell, which summons elements to even out a situation.\n\nYour attempt to summon a creature, but the sheer quantity of radiant animal magic overpowers your wand. There will be no summoning in Business class today.\n\nYou mumble to yourself. How did the Forces of Banality located this plane so quickly? This is definitely above your pay grade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the wand on yourself",
"response": "The wand glows with energy as you flick it... and you watch the POP spell surface, which returns things from limbo.\n\nOut of nowhere, a cod suddenly appears!\n\nFedora-brimmed lobster mobsters snear at the lone cod, like bullies on a playgroud. The mob boss, a three-and-a-half pounder with only one claw, steps forward, gesturing wildly with the Gl?ck in his good claw.\n\n\"Well,\" he taunts, \"if it ain't the natural enemy of the lobster, Gadus morhua, the Atlantic Cod.\" At the mention of his taxonomic classification, some of the younger lobsters looks worried, their antennae flitting back and forth in concern. The boss continues brashly, \"Boys, I think tonight's main dish is... sushi!\n\nThe boss looks back at his mob, and there is a murmur of agreement. Before the boss is done gloating, however, the fish pulls a modified Kalashnikov assault rifle from its bulky trenchcoat.\n\nOne of the hench-lobsters barely has time to say, \"Boss, watch out for the cod piece!\" before the silver-scaled avenger lets loose with a barrage of phosphor-tipped rounds, which both cook and mince the lobster meat into a tasty salad. The passengers in the business section, who are used to such things, merely assume it is the inflight meal, and quickly polish off the remains of the former gang.\n\nThe cod, having rebalanced the karmic forces of the universe, happily blinks out of existence.\n\nYou hear the clickety-clack of angry claws somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Rows of seats that are spaced the way economy seats used to be spaced about five years ago. It is enough to make the gullible mortals feel superior to those in economy, while still stripping them subtly of their humanity. It is your favorite section of the plane.\n\nNorthward, a narrow, staircase spirals toward to the first class section. Just above the business class is the bulkhead that leads to the cockpit.\n\nOver in seat 31A, a schoolmarm-ish woman is too exhausted to make a sound.\n\nYou can also see a staircase and an open bulkhead here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "A cone-shaped room bristling with those blinking lights and other technical knick-knacks that mortals consider fancy. You notice immediately that there isn't anyone in cockpit -- no pilot, no copilot, no navigator or engineer. Ironically, you realize that you are the most senior member of the crew, and you're not even a real stewardess.\n\nYou can see an open bulkhead here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Rows of seats that are spaced the way economy seats used to be spaced about five years ago. It is enough to make the gullible mortals feel superior to those in economy, while still stripping them subtly of their humanity. It is your favorite section of the plane.\n\nNorthward, a narrow, staircase spirals toward to the first class section. Just above the business class is the bulkhead that leads to the cockpit.\n\nOver in seat 31A, a schoolmarm-ish woman is too exhausted to make a sound.\n\nYou can also see an open bulkhead and a staircase here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "As you climb sideways into the First Class cabin, you are not surprised by the sight of its sole occupant: an unusually tall man in flamboyant chartreuse robes. He stands paradoxically upright despite the steep tilt of the deck. With an effortless wave of one hand, he dispels an attacking Arch Grue.\n\nStunned by the realization that you are mere feet from High Wizard Steve Meretzky (on a carnivorous lobster-infested sinking plane), you are momentarily speechless.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Meretzky",
"response": "The great wizard pauses a moment from smiting the lobsters near his ankles and takes notice of you for the first time.\n\nFixed in his intense gaze, you stutter, \"High Wizard Meretzky, your honor,\" your voice slips up an octave, and you hope you don't come across as too much of a fangirl. You make an effort to slow down and appear dignified, \"I was sent by the Republic to see that you reach the Summit safely.\"\n\nMeretzky appears amused, \"Yeah? And how's that going?\" He deftly flicks his wand and the giant lobster that was sneaking up on you disappears in a puff of smoke. Becoming more serious, he explains, \"I'm afraid we're surrounded by an antimagic shell. Not even I am powerful enough to penetrate it. Our only hope is to get a message out to the Republic... You lead, I'll take up the rear. You can never be too careful with grues and lobsters, you know.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The High Wizard follows you silently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You burst into the cockpit, and Steve follows close behind you, laying down some magical suppressing fire with his wand. Shards of chitin fly through the air.\n\nYou scan the control panel for anything that looks like a radio, but you are just not familiar with mortal technology. Steve sees your confusion and reaches over to a side panel, flipping a switch marked \"IF Filter\". There is a burst of static.\n\nThe High Wizard points to the panel and says, \"It should work now. Press the orange button to transmit. It won't help though,\" he remarks with a sigh, \"it would take incredible power to penetrate the magical barrier around this plane. I'm sorry to say that beings that powerful have not existed since the Early Times. Not to put a damper on things, but -- we're doomed.\" With a hint of resignation, he adds, \"well, at least you can say good-bye.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of high-heeled shoes\na flight attendant uniform (being worn)\na magic wand\n\nSnap, crackle, pop! The big ones are molting. And advancing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "From behind you, you hear the sizzle of Meretzky's wand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe lobsters scuttle and screetch in malicious glee.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "From behind you, you hear the sizzle of Meretzky's wand.\n\nThe hull creaks and groans from stress. You wonder how much time you have.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Row after row of tightly packed seats, with minimal padding, sharp corners, and ratty seat belts. A movie screen swings above one seat; an open overhead compartment limits the headroom in this section. Various half-eaten corpses of economy passengers lay strewn about, with crustaceans crawling over many of them.\n\nYou can see a broken banjo and a cart here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "Meretzky follows you, taking pot shots at lobsters with his wand as he does so. Lobster pot shots.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A cramped storage section in the rear of the plane, where, if you remember correctly, some emergency supplies are supposed to be stored. The floor slopes upward to the economy section. The emergency escape hatch is inset into the wall.\n\nYou can see a bathroom door, a twinkie, and an equipment bin (in which is a memo) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the twinkie",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the twinkie",
"response": "Golden brown, and every bit as edible as the day it rolled off the assembly line.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the twinkie",
"response": "Golden brown, and every bit as edible as the day it rolled off the assembly line.\n\nDistant screams echo from elsewhere; the cracking of human skulls by vorpal claws.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Steve follows closely behind you.\n\nA lobster scuttles towards your foot, but you quickly punt it back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Row after row of tightly packed seats, with minimal padding, sharp corners, and ratty seat belts. A movie screen swings above one seat; an open overhead compartment limits the headroom in this section. Various half-eaten corpses of economy passengers lay strewn about, with crustaceans crawling over many of them.\n\nYou can see a broken banjo and a cart here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Meretzky follows you, taking pot shots at lobsters with his wand as he does so. Lobster pot shots.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "The High Wizard follows you silently.\n\nThe smell of malevolent arthropods burns your nose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Rows of seats that are spaced the way economy seats used to be spaced about five years ago. It is enough to make the gullible mortals feel superior to those in economy, while still stripping them subtly of their humanity. It is your favorite section of the plane.\n\nNorthward, a narrow, staircase spirals toward to the first class section. Just above the business class is the bulkhead that leads to the cockpit.\n\nOver in seat 31A, a schoolmarm-ish woman is too exhausted to make a sound.\n\nYou can also see a staircase and an open bulkhead here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A cone-shaped room bristling with those blinking lights and other technical knick-knacks that mortals consider fancy.\n\nYou can see an open bulkhead here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The undulating spiral walls of the vortex rotate hypnotically, drawing you in. It crackles with actinic lightning flashes.\n\nAt the far end of the tunnel a great figure holds the vortex open, his hands held above his head like Moses parting the Red Sea. His salt-and-pepper ponytail flaps behind him in arising maelstrom. You have only heard tell of him in legends, but there is no doubt in your mind that the figure is none other than Don Woods, one of the Fathers of the Genre.\n\nEven with his great power, Woods is struggling to hold the portal open. In each of his mighty fists, he has gathered bundles of ethernet cords, which lead away in every direction. Woods calls upon the power of the Internet itself, tapping into the raw flow of energy from the IFwiki, IFDb, IFMud, and Baf's guide, Brass Lantern, and R.A.I.F. He reaches out through the thousands of works of interactive fiction in the repository, all the way back the original Adventure. He draws on the pleasure and sense of challenge felt by the millions who have ever played a text adventure, and channels it into the whirling vortex. As sweat pours from his brow, he beckons you forward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "An extradimensional wormhole which snakes back and forth chaotically. It connects the cockpit of the plane somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean with the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts. The end of the tube leading back to the plane is shrinking.\n\nDon Woods strains to maintain the wormhole through time and space.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "It is pitch dark. The audience eagerly awaits the premier of a documentary, which will chronicle the history of interactive fiction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the lamp",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou are transported to a place of brightness and comraderie.\n\nOn the desk is a laptop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the laptop",
"response": "A plain black laptop, its keys polished smooth with use. On the screen, a text adventure awaits you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the laptop",
"response": "The laptop screen looks odd -- smaller and smaller echoes of itself trailing off into the distance.\n\nThe game banner prints. It's odd name (something about lobsters) is typical of hastily written speedIF. Still, it might be worth playing.\n\nYou decide to give it the benefit of the doubt and start typing in commmands. Friends gather around you to see what you are doing, making occassional comments as you trip over your high-heels and learn to use your wand.\n\nCongratulations, player. You are home.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, or QUIT?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tree",
"response": "compass (6)\nthe north\nthe northeast\nthe northwest\nthe south\nthe southeast\nthe southwest\nthe east\nthe west\nthe up\nthe down\nthe inside\nthe outside\n(LibraryMessages) (7)\n(darkness object) (8)\n(Inform Parser) (9)\n(Inform Library) (10)\n(property_numberspace_forcer) (11)\n(ValuePropertyHolder) (31)\nRoom 2305 (44)\npeople\nfloor\nyourself\nhigh-heeled shoes\nflight attendant uniform\nmagic wand\ntwinkie\nsilver wings\nname tag\ndesk\nlaptop\nTruck Stop (55)\ntriangle of canine obedience\nbarbeque tongs\nescape pod\nGoblin's Lair (59)\nfuzzy dice\nHelmet of Total Information Awareness\nfish tank tubing\nAmbulance (63)\ngoggles of alchemy\nleather breeches of etiquette\nbottle opener\nAft Cargo Bay (67)\ncocktail shaker\nrune stones of recent acquaintance\nMadagascar Dragon Tree\nOrcish pie\nwedding ring\nSheriff's Office (73)\nkitchen apron\ndiving helmet\ncan of beans\nAttic (77)\nbobby pin",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the uniform",
"response": "You take off the flight attendant uniform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine People",
"response": "Members of the IF community. They are urging you to try out the game on the laptop.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tree",
"response": "compass (6)\nthe north\nthe northeast\nthe northwest\nthe south\nthe southeast\nthe southwest\nthe east\nthe west\nthe up\nthe down\nthe inside\nthe outside\n(LibraryMessages) (7)\n(darkness object) (8)\n(Inform Parser) (9)\n(Inform Library) (10)\n(property_numberspace_forcer) (11)\n(ValuePropertyHolder) (31)\nRoom 2305 (44)\npeople\nfloor\nyourself\nhigh-heeled shoes\nflight attendant uniform\nmagic wand\ntwinkie\nsilver wings\nname tag\ndesk\nlaptop\nCopying Room (55)\ncrowbar\nwad of chewing gum\nbeanstalk seeds\nunicycle\nAix-la-Chapelle (60)\ncorn cob pipe\nPaving Stone of Good Intention\nkinky outfit\nstovied totties\nDeath Star, Command Deck (65)\nearmuffs of stealth\ncan of depilatory cream (empty)\npotion of chicken splendor\nChanging Room (69)\nwaffle iron\ntheatrical handcuffs\ndrink coasters\ngarden weasel\nThe Khan's Pleasure Suite (74)\nballista\nglockenspiel of prismatic monkey\ncaving gear\nFootbridge (78)\nsoap-on-a-rope\nmen at work sign\nTrash-strewn Alley (81)\nescargot forks\naccordion of gold\ncantalope (half eaten)\nirony detector",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Purloin earmuffs",
"response": "You are too old-school for that -- purloining would offend your Lawful Good alignment. You resist the brief wave of kleptomania.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Gonear trophy",
"response": "Your teleport spell fizzles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Four-hundred and eighty-six years, and you look like a supermodel (even more so, without your clothes). That's partly due to your inherently superior breeding, and partly attributable to the plastic surgery, cybernetic implants and magical enhancements all courtesy of The Republic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Darn",
"response": "Quite.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Actions",
"response": "[the actions action - succeeded].",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rules",
"response": "Rules tracing now switched \"on\". Type \"rules\" to switch it off again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A room full of people who you have known from emails, usenet posts, forum discussions, chats on the IFmud, and of course, through their games. There are pockets of discussion about text adventures played in the past, and interactive fiction to be written in the future. The overall impression is one of warmth and welcomeness.\n\nOn the desk is a laptop.\n\n[Rule \"offer to write a paragraph about something, but don't really mean it\" applies.]\n[Rule \"things that man should not know\" applies.]\n[Rule \"Heisenburg uncertainty principle for objects other than cats\" applies.]",
"endoftext": true
] | lftpihxay7siqg0g |
The Man from DEFRA | Kevan Davis | [] | [
"24 Hours of Inform 2002",
"nonhuman protagonist",
] | 2,002 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20090303 | false | You play as a goat whose goal is to prevent the slaughter of yourself and your herd by health officials from DEFRA. (DEFRA is the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, a UK government agency.) Since you are a goat, this may be a bit of a challenge. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It's June 2001, and the pre-emptive Foot and Mouth culls are becoming increasingly barbarous. On a remote Cumbrian farm, a DEFRA official has arrived to oversee the slaughter of an uninfected goat herd, despite the protestations of the farmer, despite the promise of a court-approved reprieve the next morning.\n\nSomeone's got to delay the culling of your herd. And that someone is you.\n\n(Type 'about' for further details)\n\nFour damp dry-stone walls, and a cold wind turning to cast rain through the only window, rattling at the door as it goes. Your herd is here, clustered on the drier side of the straw-strewn floor, next to the feeding trough.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're a grey-fawn Toggenburg with two impressively-curling horns and a particularly smart beard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Your mouth is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Butt",
"response": "What do you want to butt?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kick",
"response": "What do you want to kick?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trough",
"response": "A low metal feeding trough is bolted to the southern wall, a slatted barrier giving each of the herd a feeding space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat",
"response": "What do you want to bleat at?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You bleat at yourself",
"response": "You bleat at yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat at herd",
"response": "You bleat at the herd. They blink at you, but otherwise offer no reaction.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the straw",
"response": "But it's filthy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat herd",
"response": "You are vegetarian.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the herd",
"response": "Two shaggy-looking males, three placid females, and a couple of nervous kids. The goats chew pensively on nothing, their rectangular pupils staring variously around the shed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the herd",
"response": "A couple of the larger males fight you off, and stare at you with a confused anger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the barrier",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trough",
"response": "A low metal feeding trough is bolted to the southern wall, a slatted barrier giving each of the herd a feeding space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the trough",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Four damp dry-stone walls, and a cold wind turning to cast rain through the only window, rattling at the door as it goes. Your herd is here, clustered on the drier side of the straw-strewn floor, next to the feeding trough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "A thick wooden board, not quite the right shape to fit the doorframe, is set in the western wall. It's criss-crossed with three or four generations of scratches, punctuated with impatient kick-holes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open door",
"response": "You push against the door with your forehead, but something is holding it shut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the door",
"response": "Your horns clatter against the door, but it remains closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "A roughly square hole in the western wall looks out onto the yard, and the farm beyond.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the window",
"response": "Clambering up the stony wall, you crane your neck through the window...\n\nYou look out onto the fenced-in square of concrete, the exercise yard and recreation area for your herd. The shed door rattles in the wind, beside you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "The wooden board is heavily weathered on this side, and shakes violently in the wind. A short length of blue-plastic rope has been tied between a nail in the door, and a hook on the wall outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the rope",
"response": "Stretching your neck, you are just able to take the rope between your teeth. Lifting it from the hook, you attempt to pull it free from the door, but it seems too firmly attached.\n\nYou let go, and the rope falls to hang limply from the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat at door",
"response": "You bleat at the goat-shed door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You push the door open, struggling slightly against the wind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This fenced-off square of washed-down concrete is as much of the world as your herd has seen, for the past few weeks. The metal gate has been left open to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nAn unfamiliar vehicle has been parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the vehicle",
"response": "It looks like one of the big, wheeled machines that the farmer uses, but is of an unfamiliar greyish colour.\n\nNow that you are closer to it, you realise that an unpleasant smell is seeping from it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell vehicle",
"response": "The machine smells of death, of dead and burnt flesh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat at vehicle",
"response": "You bleat at the grey vehicle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the vehicle",
"response": "With a cantering run-up, you crash angrily against its flank.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The muddy track opens out onto the main road, here, cutting through a thick and brambly hedge. A low pit has been sunk into the track just before the road, topped with a series of parallel rungs.\n\nA bucket of disinfectant sits at the side of the road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bucket",
"response": "The sturdy plastic bucket has been filled with an acrid-smelling disinfectant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pit",
"response": "The pit looks to be about half a leg deep, and is as wide as the track.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Your hooves slip and falter as you try to step across the rungs - you back off before you fall and hurt yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bucket",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying a bucket of disinfectant, in your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bucket",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This rough dirt track curves into the barn to the north, while a gateway opens south into the pig-pens. A length of yellow-and-black plastic tape has been drawn across the gateway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tape",
"response": "Yellow-and-black striped tape has been stretched taut between the gateposts to the south, slapping and fluttering loudly in the wind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A huge curve of corrugated metal sweeps overhead, resting on half-repaired walls. Haybales are stacked and scattered out of the rain, a ragtag flock of chickens pecking their aimless way around the dirt floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat tape",
"response": "You chew savagely at the unpleasant-tasting tape - it gradually weakens under the grinding of your teeth, before snapping and spiralling away to each side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "These low concrete buildings were home to a dozen or so ill-tempered pigs, the last time you came this way. The pens are empty, now, a single sheet of corrugated iron clanking forlornly in the wind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the iron",
"response": "Once a roof, the sheet-metal is now only held in place by a couple of rusting bolts. It runs diagonally down into the mud, and buckles back and forth as the wind catches it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the iron",
"response": "You batter your horns against it fiercely. One of the bolts pops free.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the iron",
"response": "Another assault, and the second bolt snaps. With a groan, the corrugated metal slides into the mud.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "These low concrete buildings were home to a dozen or so ill-tempered pigs, the last time you came this way. The pens are empty, now, nothing but mud and rainwater.\n\nYou can see a sheet of corrugated iron here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the iron",
"response": "Clamping your teeth around a bolt-hole, you just about manage to drag the thing with you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nAn unfamiliar vehicle has been parked here.\n\nYou can see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The muddy track opens out onto the main road, here, cutting through a thick and brambly hedge. A low pit has been sunk into the track just before the road, topped with a series of parallel rungs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the iron on the pit",
"response": "You drop the sheet just before the pit, and nudge it forward along the ground. With a rhythmic clanging, the grooves of the corrugated iron match the rungs above the pit - it is not long before the metal spans the pit entirely.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You stand nervously on the muddy B-road that connects the farm to the outside world. The open sky has a grey heaviness to it, tinged with red and black from what seems to be a fire in a field to the east. The field's gate, across the road, has been left open, while your farm lies back to the west.\n\nYou notice lights moving in the field, and a dark green vehicle suddenly rumbles into view, framed in the gateway. The engine cuts out as the driver - a thick-set man in white overalls - catches sight of you, a clearly fugitive goat. Before you can react, the vehicle door has swung open, and a shotgun has been fired.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the haybales",
"response": "Dozens of grey-yellow haybales have been stacked heavily around the barn, reaching almost to the roof at the back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chickens",
"response": "The birds peck and scratch around the floor of the barn, occasionally jerking their heads up to stare at you with orange-eyed suspicion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Your mouth is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the hay",
"response": "You pull out a few strands of hay, and chew on them thoughtfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the hay",
"response": "They're too soft and precarious to merit any worthwhile climbing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat at chickens",
"response": "You bleat at the chickens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You follow you",
"response": "You bleat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the hay",
"response": "Craning behind them and nudging a few others aside, you fail to find anything other than haybales.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You're a grey-fawn Toggenburg with two impressively-curling horns and a particularly smart beard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "The window looks into the farmhouse's kitchen. You can make out two human figures inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A small wooden structure sits in the grass at the corner of the house, here, at the point where the path curves around to the north. As you trot towards it, the kennel begins to make a growling noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the figures",
"response": "You can just about recognise the face of the farmer. The other human, clad in strange black-and-grey clothes and seated at the large wooden table, seems unfamiliar. They talk loudly and angrily to one another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat at farmer",
"response": "You bleat at the humans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at other",
"response": "(the farmhouse window)\nThe window looks into the farmhouse's kitchen. You can make out two human figures inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the kennel",
"response": "A very small wooden building, barely big enough for a kid. Slumped in the shadows within is a large dog, which you think might belong to the farmer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dog",
"response": "The heavily-built black dog stares out at you malevolently, growling with his side-teeth slightly bared.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bleat at dog",
"response": "You bleat at the dog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "As you pass the kennel, the dog bounds out and - his chain pulled taut - begins to bark loudly.\n\nThe door to the farmhouse swings open, the farmer emerging onto the driveway. Seeing you and the dog, he pads across and grabs you by the neck, pulling you back before leading you gently to the goat shed.\n\nThe rope on the door is tied tightly, and the farmer walks away. After maybe ten minutes, there is the sound of another vehicle turning up - ten minutes after that, the door is pulled open and half a dozen DEFRA slaughtermen burst in with bolt-guns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A thick, brambly hedge blocks your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A small wooden structure sits in the grass at the corner of the house, here, at the point where the path curves around to the north. The farmer's dog glares out from the shadows of his home, growling darkly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nAn unfamiliar vehicle has been parked here.\n\nYou can see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "You nose inquisitively at the feed, but there is nothing to be found. All of the interesting tidbits were rooted out and eaten earlier.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the straw",
"response": "The brittle grey-yellow straw has been soaked and flattened against the concrete.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the straw",
"response": "But it's filthy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the trough",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the rope",
"response": "You are unable to detach it from the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Now is the the time for all the good goats to come to the the aid of their herd",
"response": "You bleat at the herd. They blink at you, but otherwise offer no reaction. Goats never take orders, even from other goats.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at door",
"response": "The door has been opened, revealing the yard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gate",
"response": "A gate of sturdy metal tubing, carelessly left open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the gate",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nViolence isn't the answer to this one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the gate",
"response": "Some sort of locking mechanism is holding it open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bucket",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the bucket",
"response": "You knock the bucket over. The evil disinfectant splashes out in a murky yellow tidal wave, spreading to form a puddle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Your mouth is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick it",
"response": "Dropped.\nYou knock the bucket over. The evil disinfectant splashes out in a murky yellow tidal wave, spreading to form a puddle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the bucket at the dog",
"response": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bucket",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the feed",
"response": "The trough is about a quarter-full of mixed grains - oats, barley and soya pellets, mainly. Any extra leaves or vegetables have long since been eaten.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the feed",
"response": "Your mouth is already full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the bucket",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the feed",
"response": "You reach through a gap in the barrier and take a mouthful of the feed, holding it on your tongue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the feed",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nAs you drop the feed, the chickens begin to flock around you, pecking enthusiastically at the grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A huge curve of corrugated metal sweeps overhead, resting on half-repaired walls. Haybales are stacked and scattered out of the rain, a ragtag flock of chickens pecking their aimless way around the dirt floor.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the feed",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe chickens peck up the last few stray grains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying a mouthful of goat-feed, in your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the feed to the chickens",
"response": "The chickens are unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed the chickens",
"response": "(to the chickens)\n(first taking the chickens)\nThey beat their wings and scrabble out of your reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the feed",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nAs you drop the feed, the chickens begin to flock around you, pecking enthusiastically at the grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the chicken",
"response": "They beat their wings and scrabble out of your reach.\n\nThe chickens continue to peck at the scattered goat-feed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "Your mouth is empty.\n\nAnother chicken flaps down from the haybales to join the feast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nWith a hungry murmuring, the chickens peck at the grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Four damp dry-stone walls, and a cold wind turning to cast rain through the only window, rattling at the door as it goes. Your herd is here, clustered on the drier side of the straw-strewn floor, next to the feeding trough.\n\nYou can see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the feed",
"response": "You reach through a gap in the barrier and take a mouthful of the feed, holding it on your tongue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A huge curve of corrugated metal sweeps overhead, resting on half-repaired walls. Haybales are stacked and scattered out of the rain, a ragtag flock of chickens pecking their aimless way around the dirt floor.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chickens continue to peck at the scattered goat-feed.\n\nOne of the bolder chickens struts out of the barn to the south, but soon returns. She goes back to pecking through the grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A thick hedge blocks your path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nOne of the bolder chickens struts out of the barn to the south, and does not return.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chicken wanders away to the north, pecking hungrily at the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nWith a hungry murmuring, the chickens peck at the grain.\n\nOne of the bolder chickens struts out of the barn to the south, and does not return.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the feed",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe chickens peck up the last few stray grains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack chicken",
"response": "They beat their wings and scrabble out of your reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the feed",
"response": "(the mouthful of goat-feed)\nDropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can see two small piles of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "As you pass the kennel, the dog bounds out and - his chain pulled taut - begins to bark loudly.\n\nThe door to the farmhouse swings open, the farmer emerging onto the driveway. Seeing you and the dog, he pads across and grabs you by the neck, pulling you back before leading you gently to the goat shed.\n\nThe rope on the door is tied tightly, and the farmer walks away. After maybe ten minutes, there is the sound of another vehicle turning up - ten minutes after that, the door is pulled open and half a dozen DEFRA slaughtermen burst in with bolt-guns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chicken pecks impatiently at the grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe chicken triumphantly picks out a speck of what might be linseed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chicken wanders away to the west, pecking hungrily at the floor.\n\nYou watch as the chicken, pecking blindly along the ground, wanders too close to the dog's kennel. There is a brief but frenzied period of barking and squawking, before the chicken flaps away.\n\nThe farmhouse door swings open in front of you, the farmer stepping out into the rain. He seems surprised to see you standing outside, and - ruffling your hair - leads you gently back to the goat shed.\n\nThe rope on the door is tied tightly, and the farmer walks away. After maybe ten minutes, there is the sound of another vehicle turning up - ten minutes after that, the door is pulled open and half a dozen DEFRA slaughtermen burst in with bolt-guns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nA chicken arrives from the north, strutting directly to the pile of goat-feed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chickens pick barley grains out of the dirt on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe chickens pick barley grains out of the dirt on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nAnother chicken flaps down from the haybales to join the feast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chickens continue to peck at the scattered goat-feed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe chickens pick barley grains out of the dirt on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe chickens continue to peck at the scattered goat-feed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nAnother chicken flaps down from the haybales to join the feast.\n\nOne of the bolder chickens struts out of the barn to the south, and does not return.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the feed",
"response": "You crunch the husks and pellets between your heavy teeth, swallowing it all down.\n\nThe chickens peck up the last few stray grains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chicken wanders away to the east, pecking hungrily at the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the feed",
"response": "You crunch the husks and pellets between your heavy teeth, swallowing it all down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe lone chicken scrabbles hungrily through the goat-feed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe lone chicken scrabbles hungrily through the goat-feed.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nAn unfamiliar vehicle has been parked here.\n\nYou can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the feed",
"response": "You crunch the husks and pellets between your heavy teeth, swallowing it all down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe chicken pecks impatiently at the grain.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nAn unfamiliar vehicle has been parked here.\n\nYou can see a single chicken and a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nThe chicken triumphantly picks out a speck of what might be linseed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe chicken wanders away to the north, pecking hungrily at the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the chicken",
"response": "Flapping her wings in alarm, the bird turns tail and scrabbles back to the safety of the barn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You hear a far-off barking, closely followed by a panicked fluttering and squawking. A moment or two passes, and you hear the farmer shouting, the dog whining. A door slams.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You stand at the hedged-off side of the farmhouse, the back door to the east swinging open in the wind, and a path winding south to the front of the building.\n\nA short stick is leant up against the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the stick",
"response": "Your mouth is already full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine stick",
"response": "A rough wooden stick, about as long as one of your legs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying a bucket of disinfectant, in your mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop it",
"response": "The stick is already here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The house doesn't look so impressive now that you're inside - the tiled floor is criss-crossed with muddy footprints, the air smells of dung and disinfectant, and it's no less cold than outside. Doors lead east, into the house, and west, to outside.\n\nYou can see a rain hat and a coat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the coat",
"response": "A thin, matt-green waterproof coat, far too big for you and smelling strongly of disinfectant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear coat",
"response": "(first taking the coat)\nYou fling it loosely over your back, pulling it into shape around your neck. The unpleasant rubber lining sticks slightly against your own coat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the hat",
"response": "(first taking the rain hat)\nYou throw it into the air, catching it on your horns. A few shakes of the head, and it seems to stay in place reasonably enough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You stand at the hedged-off side of the farmhouse, the back door to the east swinging open in the wind, and a path winding south to the front of the building.\n\nA short stick is leant up against the wall.\n\nYou can also see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "A small wooden structure sits in the grass at the corner of the house, here, at the point where the path curves around to the north. It seems to be empty.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A hedge blocks your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The muddy track opens out onto the main road, here, cutting through a thick and brambly hedge. A low pit has been sunk into the track just before the road, topped with a series of parallel rungs.\n\nYou can see a sheet of corrugated iron here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You stand nervously on the muddy B-road that connects the farm to the outside world. The open sky has a grey heaviness to it, tinged with red and black from what seems to be a fire in a field to the east. The field's gate, across the road, has been left open, while your farm lies back to the west.\n\nYou notice lights moving in the field, and a dark green vehicle suddenly rumbles into view, framed in the gateway. The driver - a thick-set man in white overalls - glances briefly in your direction, but either fails to notice you, or mistakes your form for that of a crouching human.\n\nThe vehicle pulls across the road, disappearing through the gate of your farm, rumbling across the metal-runged pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Deep, wide vehicle-tracks have cut across this ravaged field, all heading towards some sort of bonfire on the eastern side. Ash-black smoke rolls into the night sky, glowing a bloody red in the light of the fires.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A deep trench has been dug along the eastern side of the field, piled full of the carcasses of infected or suspected cattle. Red and orange flames curl and flicker around the corpses, and a choking pall of black smoke pours into the sky.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fire",
"response": "The pit has been filled with dead cattle, soaked with petrol and flammable disinfectant, and set alight. Blackish smoke rises from the charred carcasses, and tongues of flame curl here and there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "N = next subject P = RETURN = read subject Q = re sume game\nInformation is available on the following matters:-\n\n> DEFRA\nDEFRA is the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (previously MAFF), the UK government agency responsible for carrying out the variously-questionable \"contiguous culling\" of over seven million farm animals during the 2001 Foot and Mouth epidemic.\n\nN = next subject P = RETURN = read subject Q = re sume game\nInformation is available on the following matters:-\n\n> DEFRA",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You stand nervously on the muddy B-road that connects the farm to the outside world. The open sky has a grey heaviness to it, tinged with red and black from what seems to be a fire in a field to the east. The field's gate, across the road, has been left open, while your farm lies back to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The muddy track opens out onto the main road, here, cutting through a thick and brambly hedge. A low pit has been sunk into the track just before the road, topped with a series of parallel rungs.\n\nYou can see a sheet of corrugated iron here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nTwo unfamiliar vehicles have been parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the vehicle",
"response": "Which do you mean, the green vehicle or the grey vehicle?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Green",
"response": "Similar to the other one, but green. Looking through the window, you can see a rack of shotguns and bolt-guns, and numerous wooden boxes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the grey",
"response": "It looks like one of the big, wheeled machines that the farmer uses, but is of an unfamiliar greyish colour.\n\nNow that you are closer to it, you realise that an unpleasant smell is seeping from it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A small wooden structure sits in the grass at the corner of the house, here, at the point where the path curves around to the north. It seems to be empty.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You stand at the hedged-off side of the farmhouse, the back door to the east swinging open in the wind, and a path winding south to the front of the building.\n\nA short stick is leant up against the wall.\n\nYou can also see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The house doesn't look so impressive now that you're inside - the tiled floor is criss-crossed with muddy footprints, the air smells of dung and disinfectant, and it's no less cold than outside. Doors lead east, into the house, and west, to outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the back door or the white door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "White",
"response": "A flat white door, leading to the rest of the house.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the coat",
"response": "(first taking the coat off)\nYou shake it off onto the ground.\nDropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open white door",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear coat",
"response": "(first taking the coat)\nYou're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "Your mouth is empty.\n\nYou are wearing a coat and a rain hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You stand at the hedged-off side of the farmhouse, the back door to the east swinging open in the wind, and a path winding south to the front of the building.\n\nA short stick is leant up against the wall.\n\nYou can also see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying a stick, in your mouth.\n\nYou are wearing a coat and a rain hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nTwo unfamiliar vehicles have been parked here.\n\nYou can see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Enter saved game to store: Ok.\n\nThe muddy track opens out onto the main road, here, cutting through a thick and brambly hedge. A low pit has been sunk into the track just before the road, topped with a series of parallel rungs.\n\nYou can see a sheet of corrugated iron here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light stick",
"response": "You hold the end of the stick to one of the pyre's flames - after a while the end begins to smoulder, before slowly blossoming into fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kick the bucket",
"response": "You knock the bucket over. The evil disinfectant splashes out in a murky yellow tidal wave, spreading to form a puddle beneath the two vehicles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light puddle",
"response": "The noxious disinfectant bursts into fire with a roaring purple flame, quickly enveloping the two DEFRA vehicles. As the tyres melt and the paint peels away, you are quick to retreat to the goat yard, and the safety of the shed.\n\nCraning your neck through the window, you can make out the DEFRA official emerging from the farmhouse with four of his slaughtermen. They watch in disbelief as their transport and equipment is consumed by the blaze, backing away as one petrol tank ignites, followed by the other.\n\nThe fire doesn't spread, and begins to die down, but the local fire brigade arrive within twenty minutes or so. Exasperated by the accident and the stirrings of media attention, the DEFRA men vanish silently into the night.\n\nYou settle down into the straw, and wait for the sunrise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nTwo unfamiliar vehicles have been parked here.\n\nYou can see a stick here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A huge curve of corrugated metal sweeps overhead, resting on half-repaired walls. Haybales are stacked and scattered out of the rain, a ragtag flock of chickens pecking their aimless way around the dirt floor.\n\nYou can see a puddle of disinfectant and a bucket (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light puddle",
"response": "The noxious disinfectant bursts into fire with a roaring purple flame, and begins to blazes away under its own fuel, acidic orange smoke swirling up into the sky. It is not long before the farmer and the DEFRA slaughtermen emerge from the farmhouse to investigate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "A roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nTwo unfamiliar vehicles have been parked here.\n\nYou can see a bucket of disinfectant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bucket",
"response": "Dropped.\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nA small wooden structure sits in the grass at the corner of the house, here, at the point where the path curves around to the north. It seems to be empty.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.\n\nYou've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You stand at the hedged-off side of the farmhouse, the back door to the east swinging open in the wind, and a path winding south to the front of the building.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Deep, wide vehicle-tracks have cut across this ravaged field, all heading towards some sort of bonfire on the eastern side. Ash-black smoke rolls into the night sky, glowing a bloody red in the light of the fires.\n\nYou stand nervously on the muddy B-road that connects the farm to the outside world. The open sky has a grey heaviness to it, tinged with red and black from what seems to be a fire in a field to the east. The field's gate, across the road, has been left open, while your farm lies back to the west.\n\nThe muddy track opens out onto the main road, here, cutting through a thick and brambly hedge. A low pit has been sunk into the track just before the road, topped with a series of parallel rungs.\n\nYou can see a sheet of corrugated iron here.\n\nA roughly-bordered area of freshly-laid tarmac marks the centre of the farm - the goat shed and its yard lie back to the south, while the farmhouse is north. Dirt tracks lead east and west, the eastern track continuing out to the main road.\n\nTwo unfamiliar vehicles have been parked here.\n\nYou've never quite understood why humans live in such large sheds, particularly when they seem so bipedal. The farmhouse looks to be about twenty times the size of the goat-shed, with glass in its windows and a roof of straw. The path from the south winds through grass to the side of the house, to the west.\n\nYou can see a small pile of goat-feed here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The house doesn't look so impressive now that you're inside - the tiled floor is criss-crossed with muddy footprints, the air smells of dung and disinfectant, and it's no less cold than outside. Doors lead east, into the house, and west, to outside.\n\nYou can see a puddle of disinfectant and a bucket (which is empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light puddle",
"response": "The noxious disinfectant bursts into fire with a roaring purple flame, and begins to blazes away under its own fuel, acidic orange smoke swirling up into the sky. It is not long before the farmer and the DEFRA slaughtermen emerge from the farmhouse to investigate.",
"endoftext": true
] | optlh2w8r0zc1bn6 |
pigpancake | Aubra Penner | [
"Slice of life"
] | [
"infinite score",
] | 2,011 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20120105 | false | You play as a non-descript person on a farm where you'll find a pig and a pancake. Enjoy! | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Leaves rustle in the spring breeze, and the soft calls of distant birds add a pleasant background. The barnyard is filled with muck. Nearby, a splintery old post juts from the mud. A rusty old cowbell hangs from the post.\n\nA perky pink pig is sleeping in the ooze nearby.\n\nA lunchbox lies forlornly on the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the post",
"response": "It's a post. What more do you want?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pig",
"response": "The pig twitches and grumbles in his sleep, oblivious to the outside world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Poke pig",
"response": "The pig sighs happily, unperturbed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lunchbox",
"response": "It's a plain tin lunchbox. There may once have been some sort of cartoon character on the front, but the paint wore off long ago. It is tightly latched.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the lunchbox",
"response": "[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the lunchbox",
"response": "In the lunchbox is a pancake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pancake",
"response": "(first taking the pancake)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the pancake to the pig",
"response": "(first taking the pancake)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ring cowbell",
"response": "CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG!\nThe pig leaps to his feet with a grunt, and glances around warily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the post",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pig",
"response": "(first taking the pig)\nThe pig ignores you, snorting forlornly at the mud.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Leaves rustle in the spring breeze, and the soft calls of distant birds add a pleasant background. The barnyard is filled with muck. Nearby, a splintery old post juts from the mud. A rusty old cowbell hangs from the post.\n\nThe pig yawns and snuffles about lazily.\n\nA lunchbox lies forlornly on the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed pancake to the pig",
"response": "(first taking the pancake)",
"endoftext": true
] | r6b2jkkpeuxuxerk |
Plan 6 from Inner Earth | Adrien Saurat | [] | [] | 2,010 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20100804 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "So here you are, alone, again, in this vast subterranean laboratory dug deep under the peaceful town of Lubbock, Texas. Christmas time, holidays for almost everyone but you and a few other slaves... Nah, heroes. Working for the government is nothing but a privilege to be cherished.\nYou're sitting in a steel chair, watching a small TV. Sitting in a way only apes would be believed to be able to sit, but hey, boredom has killed your ability to keep your back straight a long time ago. Your favorite show, \"You bet your life\", is about to begin but you still have to run the safety check with the computer terminal, like you've been doing every hour since the beginning of your shift.\n\nSo, let's roll!\n\nConcrete walls, gray for the most part. Some panels here and there, covered with a plethora of buttons and lights. The place has nothing to be liked for. It's nothing more than one of the biggest Boondoggle of the century!\nHere lies your desk and your favorite chair, and a frozen alien twenty meters ahead of you, protected by several security devices.\nThe main exit is south, but you're supposed to stay here the whole night!\nThere are some other rooms east and west, but without any TV they are just boring and useless places.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Your first weeks here were very exciting. Working on classified files, alien abductions, secret weapons, a real dream job.\nUntil you discovered that here, like in any other place, you have to spend countless hours filling boring documents, reading reports and shaking damp hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the alien",
"response": "A strong, cold, modern creature from outer space in a strong, cold, modern sarcophagus from inner earth.\nMade in the USA, as far as you know.\nThe coffin, I mean.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at desk",
"response": "On your desk sits the powerful terminal which allows you to command the computer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the terminal",
"response": "With this terminal you can give orders to the computer and unleash its terrific power. Switch it on, and the magical black screen gets all... well... black, but with little green characters dancing on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the terminal",
"response": "***\nLOCOMOTIVE BASIC 0.23b\nCOMPUTER ACCESS AUTHENTIFICATION\n\nUSER : bigboy\n\nPASSWORD : longpinkbeard\n\nAUTH OK.\n\nORDERS?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the terminal",
"response": "We've got one nearly every week, I can't stand this anymore!\"\n\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Concrete walls, gray for the most part. Some panels here and there, covered with a plethora of buttons and lights. The place has nothing to be liked for. It's nothing more than one of the biggest Boondoggle of the century!\nHere lies your desk and your favorite chair, and a frozen alien twenty meters ahead of you, protected by several security devices.\nThe main exit is south, but you're supposed to stay here the whole night!\nThere are some other rooms east and west, but without any TV they are just boring and useless places.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the laser",
"response": "They are red. Doesn't look like a \"Don't touch me\" warning?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the laser",
"response": "They're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the alien about the suzie perkins",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the devices",
"response": "Several layers of security are meant to prevent the alien from escaping, killing numerous employees on his way.\nThe first device is a gas bomb, close to the coffin.\nThe second one is a glass wall, five meters from the coffin.\nThe third one in a full set of powerful laser beams, ten meters from the coffin. They cross, giving birth to a permanent hellish wall. Yeah, they are really impressive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the glass wall",
"response": "This bomb will explode automatically if the alien were to get out of his coffin. This gas incapacitates him in a few seconds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tv",
"response": "This magical box just saves the day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the tv",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This room is maybe the more useless in the whole base. It contains an old emergency generator, to be used when the main power supply AND the secondary generator are failing. How the hell could this happen?\nThus your team used this place as a junk room. There could be some fun stuff to get there, but right now it's better to watch your favorite show on TV.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Well, nobody goes there, that's the secondary generator room. This is supposed to be used when the main power supply is out. This never happened... Why would that happen today?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "The lab computer: That's hardly portable.\nlights: That's hardly portable.\nThe computer terminal: That's hardly portable.\ndesk: That's hardly portable.\nTV: That's hardly portable.\nposters: They're hardly portable.\nalien coffin: That's not exactly a good idea.\nsecurity devices: They're hardly portable.\ngas bomb: That's hardly portable.\nglass wall: That's hardly portable.\nlaser beams: They're hardly portable.\nchristmas tree: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tree",
"response": "Your colleagues gave this to you. That's nice.\nScumbags!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at desk",
"response": "On your desk sits the powerful terminal which allows you to command the computer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine computer",
"response": "A small computer really, marvel of the technology. Stuck in the east wall, it's only six meters wide, thus allowing some room for a few more posters. There are some lights on it, here and there, but you don't know exactly what they could mean. Well, in fact, you don't at all what they could mean, but as long everything is not flashing red, you can suppose the calculator is fine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine posters",
"response": "Mostly pin-ups...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at lights",
"response": "Blip... clic... blip... every annoying light here seems to be related to some even more annoying noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the computer",
"response": "Certainly not. This computer handles everything here. Without it, you're toast!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove posters",
"response": "(first taking the posters)\nThey're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hug tree",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get laser",
"response": "They're hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the terminal",
"response": "With this terminal you can give orders to the computer and unleash its terrific power. Switch it on, and the magical black screen gets all... well... black, but with little green characters dancing on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the terminal",
"response": "There's a bug somewhere. But in the computer for sure, the terminal won't help.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the computer",
"response": "Looking closely at the main components, you finally find some kind of coackroach stucked in a magnetic reader. You remove it carefully and crush it under your mighty foot. Good riddance, the computer should work now. No bugs!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the computer",
"response": "It's already running, but you can control it through the terminal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the terminal",
"response": "***\nORDERS?\n\n.....start procedure ok\n\nCHECK TERMINAL INTEGRITY...OK\n\nCHECK MINIMAL SYSTEMS BATTERIES...OK\n\nCHECK COMPUTER SYSTEM...OK\n\nCHECK SECURITY DEVICES...OK\nCHECK PRIM...!!ALERT!!\n\nSECURITY CHECK ABORTED. REASON : problem with main power supply.\n\nSECONDARY GENERATOR AUTOMATIC LAUNCH...FAILURE\n!!ALERT!! !!ALERT!! !!ALERT!!\nCoffin temperature rising. Creature will wake up at -40 degrees Fahrenheit.\n***\n\"What the...\"\nIndeed, the main power supply is in trouble... most of the lights just went off, as did the TV. Hopefully, a few batteries were ready and are now delivering minimal power to the computer, the terminal, and a few lights to see what you're doing.\nThe only problem is this alien which won't stay frozen for long if you can't start the secondary generator, located in the western room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The only purpose of this room is to host the huge secondary generator, very useful when the main power of the town is having problems.\nTo the east you'll get back to the laboratory.\n\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine generator",
"response": "This huge generator uses the power of the Atom, nothing less. It is a small nuclear power plant, of the highest available top secret technology.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search generator",
"response": "You see a form on the generator. It should give you the date of the last maintenance routine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine form",
"response": "Written on this, with very small and in an ugly writing, the date of the last maintenance routine. Here it goes...\nLast maintenance date : HEY GUYS WHERE THESE SCREWS WERE SUPPOSED TO GO ?? Mike",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the book",
"response": "This HUGE blue book contains thousands of pages explaining everything you should know to repair this baby.\nAlas, the pages you need, like in fact half of the total amount of pages, have been taken out of the book. Looks like another consequence of last year's shortage of toilet paper.\n\nThis generator won't work today. You just push the button supposed to send the information to the lab computer. RIP secondary generator.\n\nYou already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This place has been mostly used by your team as a junk room. And it shows.\nTo the west you'll get back to the laboratory.\n\nA wooden crate lies in a corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open crate",
"response": "You open the crate, revealing dozens of empty bottles. Yeah, you remember now this birthday party. Well, at least you remember the fact that there was a birthday party, but you don't remember anything of it.\nWell. You won't find vodka anywhere else in this lab, and without this precious liquid this generator won't start. Better find some way to change the power distribution of the batteries with the computer. Who needs air conditionning anyway?\n\nThat's already open.\n\nThat's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine generator",
"response": "This power generator is a very sturdy and efficient piece of machinery. It was made in the USSR, and you don't understand the instructions and labels written on it, but that's not too much of a problem, you know the basics: it consumes fuel and creates electricity. Well, oddly enough, it uses vodka as a fuel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bottles",
"response": "Sadly, they won't help you...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the crate",
"response": "In the wooden crate are some vodka bottles.\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the generator",
"response": "You can't work in such a mess!\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the junk",
"response": "You can't just take all of this, but at least you quickly remove what prevents you to correctly access the generator.\nOh, just you found the red book explaining how this generator works. Good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the junk",
"response": "You don't need anything of this right now, and everything is out of the way. No problem.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the book",
"response": "Which do you mean, the red manual or the blue manual?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Red",
"response": "This is the emergency generator documentation. In russian. Without drawings.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get red manual",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search generator",
"response": "It looks totally okay, except that the fuel tank is empty. You should find some vodka.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Concrete walls, gray for the most part. Some panels here and there, covered with a plethora of buttons and lights. The place has nothing to be liked for. It's nothing more than one of the biggest Boondoggle of the century!\nHere lies your desk and your favorite chair, and a frozen alien twenty meters ahead of you, protected by several security devices.\nThe main exit is south, but you're supposed to stay here the whole night!\nThere are some other rooms east and west, but without any TV they are just boring and useless places.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the terminal",
"response": "*CLANG*\n\nIt's... definitely coming from the coffin.\n*CLANG*\n\n\"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I'M DEAD! OH MY GOD!\"\nYeah, you sort of missed the \"remain calm in all circumstances\" course.\n\nFor sure, it's big trouble. But you'll eventually find a way to survive! Won't you?\n\n*CLANG*\n\n*CLAAAANG*\n\nPlease give one of the answers above.",
"endoftext": true
] | lqic15xzdndvn41 |
Tales of a clockwork boy | Marius Müller | [
"Fairy tale",
] | [] | 2,011 | [
] | 2 | 2.5 | 20120103 | false | Once upon a time, there was a queen of fay blood who couldn't bear children. To humor her saddened king, she learnt the secret arts of alchemy and mechanicks, and her head bore what her womb would not. But even that clockwork boy, a wonder held in awe throughout the kingdom, couldn't lift the king's spirits, and he fell into a great sadness. The queen asked for wizards, jesters and bards from near and far, but it was no use. So, in a fit of helpless rage, she cursed the king with immortality and flew back to her home land. The king's lands soon fell into ruin and were fought over by his knights and viceroys. The heavy-minded ruler himself continued to live in the castle, kept alive by the curse for many centuries. And then, one day, he wound up the clockwork boy again. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Once upon a time, there was a queen of fay blood who couldn't bear children. To humor her saddened king, she learnt the secret arts of alchemy and mechanicks, and her head bore what her womb would not. But even that clockwork boy, a wonder held in aw throughout the kingdom, couldn't lift the kings spirits, and he fell into a great sadness. The queen asked for wizards, jesters and bards from near and far, but it was no use. So in a fit of helpless rage, she cursed the king with immortality, and flew back to her home land. The king's lands soon fell into ruin and where fought over by his knights and viceroys. The heavy-minded ruler himself continued to live in the castle, kept alive by the curse for many centuries.\nAnd then, one day, he wound up the clockwork boy again.\n\nHugo v3.1 / Library 31031\nC1594AB3-81E6-44FE-84FD-A6053D77C8D2\n\nThis room is a still life, its topics neglect. The tapestries, once colorful and moving, have bleached to the quality of distant memories. Highback chairs and tables catch dust dutifully. A red, shimmering portal wavers in the middle of the room, created by powerful magic and yet under attack constantly by the laws of the earth and sky, wishing it out of existence.\n\nThe king sits here in a corner, him and time watching each other pass silently.\n\nThe giant boot is here. The queen used to put you in it, when you weren't wound up, for cuteness' sake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "A thing of cogs and pistons, your thoughts are swimming in quicksilver and sluggish lead in your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the boot",
"response": "It's a boot that, long ago, belong to one of the mountain giants who visited the court and got drunk on a month's supply of ale. One of them must have forgotten this in the castle years ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine king",
"response": "His beard has grown long and grey, his eyes old and dim. He is barely awake, just stares into nothingness. \"Should've never let her go...I should have gotten myself together...Too little, too late...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the king about the queen",
"response": "\"The bravest thing I ever did for her, probably, was slaying the giant spider that lived in the hills. Let me tell you a secret: She ruled the country hard and fair, but she was deadly scared of spiders. I brought her one of the crystal eyes of the spider. Never saw it again. Guess she never cared for it.\" He shrugs with the fake nonchalance reserved for old pain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the portal",
"response": "The red portal is open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the king about the portal",
"response": "\"I've broken the Red Crystal to open this. Many good knights died retrieving this - they were good friends, good friends. And now I don't have the courage to go through and ask her for forgiveness.\" He hangs his grey head low, so low.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the king about yourself",
"response": "\"Ah, my little clockwork boy. She meant so well.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the king about red Crystal",
"response": "You haven't encountered any \"red crystal\". (If you're sure you need to refer to that, try putting it another way.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the king about the boot",
"response": "\"That old thing! You should really throw it away.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the boot",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the portal",
"response": "Ocean laps at the sand beneath you. You are on a drawbridge, leading north towards a cozy, but somewhat decripit castle on a small peninsula. A misplaced red portal hovers in the air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close portal",
"response": "Closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the portal",
"response": "Opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You arrive at the castle gates, made of bright wood and inlaid with scenes of festivity and hospitality. An eastward path leads to the shore, the same path cuts westward around the castle wall, and the aforementioned gate leads north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You take careful steps on cracked marble tiles. The absurdly high\nwalls of the castle around you guide the eye towards the small set of steps to the northeast.\nA huge jar, fireproof and sooty, sits in a corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jar",
"response": "A A huge jar, fireproof and sooty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the jar",
"response": "The jar is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the jar",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "You stumble around in the dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "You take careful steps on cracked marble tiles. The absurdly high\nwalls of the castle around you guide the eye towards the small set of steps to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You arrive at the castle gates, made of bright wood and inlaid with scenes of festivity and hospitality. An eastward path leads to the shore, the same path cuts westward around the castle wall, and the aforementioned gate leads north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "On the beach is a big, burnt patch of land.\nA phoenix is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phoenix",
"response": "The phoenix looks quite like a normal bird. But there are flames burning behind his eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Phoenix",
"response": "You don't dare take it!\n\nWith a thunderous hiss, the Phoenix bursts into bright red flames!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The white sand besides the castle looks like one of those strips of land where you usually never see someone.\nA golem sits here, fishing unenthusiastically. He told you the basics of speech, long ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the golem",
"response": "The stone golem sits hunched, almost keeling over, fixiating on fishing with the unshakable determination of his kind. He doesn't seem to enjoy fishing very much, though. Which is a wonder since he uses a line of excellent catgut.\n\nThe phoenix closes his wings and is soon reduces to a pile of ash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sea",
"response": "The ocean is unthinkably wide and very, very blue. It seems to be rather fishless.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the golem about Phoenix",
"response": "\"Ah, that silly old bird. Used to burn everything! Good at heart, but he needs to be locked up some times to cool his temper.\"\n\nThe ash flies up, as if lifted from unseen winds, and forms the outline of a bird!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the golem about the golem",
"response": "\"I was her bodyguard. She dismissed me when she lost all interest in the world. Now I fish all day. And I hate fishing.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask golem about the fishing",
"response": "\"The queen gave it to me once. Said she had no use for it anymore. And no, you can't have it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the golem about the queen",
"response": "\"She never forgave him. Now she just sits in there in the dark and tries to sleep. Has tried for decades. She tries to stay mad at him, I guess.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the golem about the king",
"response": "\"He left her. He shouldn't have. Even after all that happened. Or maybe especially not after all that happened.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the golem about yourself",
"response": "\"Hello there little friend!\" He pats you on the head.\" Good to see you around, pinion.\"\n\nThe phoenix closes his wings and is soon reduces to a pile of ash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Golem about the boot",
"response": "You decide not to ask the Golem about it. Maybe you could use it to help him end this boring activity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the boot to Golem",
"response": "The Stone Golem politely refuses.\n\nThe ash flies up, as if lifted from unseen winds, and forms the outline of a bird!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the boot",
"response": "Suddenly, the stone golem jumps up. \"I dun caught summin'!\" He reels and reels frantically - and comes up with the boot! Angrily, he breaks his rod apart and stamps on it. He then throws the boot away and stomps off. You hear him mutter \"Lousy hobby\" under his breath.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The white sand besides the castle looks like one of those strips of land where you usually never see someone.\nA fishing line is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the line",
"response": "Taken.\n\nWith a thunderous hiss, the Phoenix bursts into bright red flames!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can only go back west, to the castle grounds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the line",
"response": "A length of good fishing line.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "On the beach is a big, burnt patch of land.\nA burning phoenix is here.\n\nThe phoenix closes his wings and is soon reduces to a pile of ash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ash",
"response": "You quickly scoop up some ash. As you are not connected to the flow of the universe, the Phoenix is unable to reassamble as long as you hold it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the ash in the jar",
"response": "You carefully pour the ash from your hand into the jar. The phoenix bursts into flame, but the fireproof glass remains unimpressed. He pecks the glass in irritation, and eyes you with consternation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "The queen sits on the throne, her head resting on her head, looking\nat the ground without seeing. She stifles a yawn.\nYour old lute lies discared in a corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lute",
"response": "It's the lute you used to play for the mistress, to lull her to sleep. One of the strings seems to be missing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the lute",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the line to the lute",
"response": "With programmed bravado, you lace the fishing line onto the lute, making it into a working lute again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the queen",
"response": "Fairy beauty is a thing of wonder - it has turned her sadness into hauntingly beautiful melancholia. Her hair has taken on the color of late autumn leaves, already a hint of the dead brown of winter. Her eyes are deep pools, with a fire hidden deep inside - a lone light seen on in farmhouse far away on a starless night. And miles to go. She has one of her hands stubbornly clenched around something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the queen about yourself",
"response": "\"I will not listen to the words of that old fool\", she says with hatred both practiced and tired, \"tell him if he comes, he doesn't need to speak, but maybe he wants his one symbol of courage back.\" She clenches her fist even tighter, and some shadow of the past runs across her mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Play lute",
"response": "The queen listens to the music. \"Oh yes, all those songs...\". She blinks, heavy with sleep, and after a few more old lullabies she's fast asleep.She opens here hand, and an old crystal, black as a spider's eye, rolls from it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "(assuming you mean the crystal)\nThis is one of the crystal of which the eye of the giant spider was made.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat it",
"response": "(assuming you mean the crystal)\nYou can't eat the crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break it",
"response": "(assuming you mean the crystal)\nVenting your frustrations on the crystal won't accomplish much.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Play lute",
"response": "You play a few tunes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The queen lies sleeping on her throne. She snores a little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "You take careful steps on cracked marble tiles. The absurdly high\nwalls of the castle around you guide the eye towards the small set of steps to the northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the portal",
"response": "This room is a still life, its topics neglect. The tapestries, once colorful and moving, have bleached to the quality of distant memories. Highback chairs and tables catch dust dutifully. A red, shimmering portal wavers in the middle of the room, created by powerful magic and yet under attack constantly by the laws of the earth and sky, wishing it out of existence.\n\nThe king sits here in a corner, him and time watching each other pass silently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give Crystal to the king",
"response": "\"Ah yes\" says the king, and suddenly you see something in his eyes that makes you remember how he could command armies and silence rooms with just a glance. He strokes his beard. \"She kept the spider's eye. All is clear, I hope.\" He stands up, this sad king of a fallen kingdom, and as he pats his clothes, he engulfs himself in an almost comical cloud of dust. \"Lead me to her, clockwork boy. You've done well.\" He pats you on the bronze of your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the portal",
"response": "This room is a still life, its topics neglect. The tapestries, once colorful and moving, have bleached to the quality of distant memories. Highback chairs and tables catch dust dutifully. A red, shimmering portal wavers in the middle of the room, created by powerful magic and yet under attack constantly by the laws of the earth and sky, wishing it out of existence.\n\nThe king sits here in a corner, him and time watching each other pass silently.\n\nHe has the crystal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go portal",
"response": "Ocean laps at the sand beneath you. You are on a drawbridge, leading north towards a cozy, but somewhat decripit castle on a small peninsula. A misplaced red portal hovers in the air.\n\nThe King follows you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You arrive at the castle gates, made of bright wood and inlaid with scenes of festivity and hospitality. An eastward path leads to the shore, the same path cuts westward around the castle wall, and the aforementioned gate leads north.\n\nThe King follows you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You take careful steps on cracked marble tiles. The absurdly high\nwalls of the castle around you guide the eye towards the small set of steps to the northeast.\n\nThe King follows you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "The queen lies sleeping on her throne. She snores a little.\n\nThe King follows you.\nAs the king enters, the queen wakes, as if startled from a nightmare. He slowly walks up to her throne and gets on one knee.\nThe jar suddenly shatters in your hands, and the mighty phoenix is free! It flutters a few feet, bows to king and queen, gives you a sharp look, and finally rests in a corner.\n\"So...\" she says slowly, \"You came...\" and the heavy burden lifts from her chest like a huge and terribly beast, now harmless, and you can almost see it fleeing through the open doors. Slowly, she stands up and takes a few steps down the stairs and puts a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at her.\n\"How could I waste so much time, dear? How could I be so terribly selfish and stupid?\"\nShe strokes his hair for a long time, while he hangs his head, sobbing quietly. Then she looks up. \"We will have to rebuild this kingdom. We will have to get new servants and officials. Oh, all the work...\"\nAnd suddenly, she looks old again.\nThen the king gets up, puts one arm around her, and looks straight at you. \" Will you help us ... as our son?\"",
"endoftext": true
] | uoyqgvkalgnhzs1n |
Hall of Heads | Dan Efran | [
] | [
"based on songs",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 5 | 2.4 | 20120405 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "--and I stumbled backward, my throat deeply slashed, my life's blood draining away as I fell into darkness--\n\nTrack 11 of Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album\n\n--dark...and\n\ red...\n\nShattered glass on polished marble; a spray of my reddest blood in a piercing shaft of moonlight. Beyond...I narrowed my eyes, straining to penetrate the darkness--\n\n...busts...busted heads...heds on peds...headestals...\n\nLosing blood fast, I tried to make sense of--\n\n--rows upon rows of pale, lifeless, life-like busts of stately heads on fluted headestals, all different, yet oddly alike--",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "I was empty-handed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Searing pain, a red haze clouding my vision within and without: my throat slashed, my head nearly severed, I clung to life by the fraying cable of my will.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the heads",
"response": "The ranks of stately busts receded into the gloom in all directions. Those on the headestals nearest me appeared to depict the March of Progress: the headestal of a stern King was nearest to where I stood. To the left of the King's resting place, I saw a famous Prime Minister, stately and opulent, and beyond her a modern Head of State...and to the right, a scarred and tattooed Witch's head, and on the headestal beyond that primitive wise ape, some antediluvian chieftain.\n\nThe oddest thing, in a gallery of historical busts...all their eyes were closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at ape",
"response": "The animal's face was creased with the unmistakable lines of wisdom and long duty: a sagacious sovereign from our race's distant, forgotten ancestry.\n\nNo.\n\nThese heads were pale, but not stone. Not busts. True heads, real, living heads, preserved in deathless stillness by some arcane\nart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Witch",
"response": "A shrewd and shriveled crone, her face scarred and tattooed with a pattern of dots and lines.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the king",
"response": "The pale king's grim visage betokened the rule of might.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the head of the State",
"response": "A determined, stately countenance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear witch",
"response": "(first taking the Witch's Head)\nI moved to take the Witch's Head, but my legs gave way, and instead I tumbled to the floor, my skull striking something quite unyielding on the way down. My vision blurred and darkened--\n\n...for the last time? I wondered...\n\n--and then my senses slowly surged back, like a drowning ocean wave receding. A dull thump...something hard and round had fallen into my hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying an Ape's Head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Searing pain, a red haze clouding my vision within and without: my throat slashed, my head nearly severed, I clung to life by the fraying cable of my will.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Shattered glass on polished marble; a spray of my reddest blood in a piercing shaft of moonlight. All around were rows of pale, lifeless, life-like busts of stately heads on fluted headestals, all different, yet oddly alike. And at the periphery I could see one small doorway leading out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the heads",
"response": "The ranks of stately busts receded into the gloom in all directions. Those on the headestals nearest me appeared to depict the March of Progress: I had fallen against the headestal of a stern King. To the left of the King's resting place, I saw a famous Prime Minister, stately and opulent, and beyond her a modern Head of State...and to the right, a scarred and tattooed Witch's head, and on the headestal beyond that primitive wise woman...a place even for an ape, some antediluvian chieftain.\n\nThe oddest thing, in a gallery of historical busts...all their eyes were closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "One doorway leading out into...darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Ape",
"response": "I put on the Ape's Head.\n\nSomehow it seemed the right -- the only -- thing to do. I raised the pale head to my throat, nestled it in the gaping wound beside my own. At once I felt it seizing my flesh, drinking in my blood--\n\n--an instant of crazy double vision...looking myself in the eye, before my weakening eyes fluttered shut at last--\n\n--the old head falling like an autumn leaf, the blade barely needed, barely, barely--\n\n--done all I could...the New Ones come--\n\nA polished cave of the New Ones: silent tomb of living Deadfathers. Uncountable pale heads on little ivory menhirs. Blood and, glass...on the hard stone floor. A moon-hole above let in\nfresh forest air, too.\n\nThe nearest menhir was streaked with blood where the stranger had fallen against it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the glass",
"response": "A remnant of the shattered skylight: a long, curved shard of broken glass, like a dagger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stranger",
"response": "I knew him...\n\, the flicker of identification was gone. A stranger.\n\nThe head's agony was fading as its vitality ebbed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying a long shard of broken glass and the stranger's head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the stranger's head on menhir",
"response": "I put the stranger's head on the nearest menhir.\n\n--slowly, the skin grew pale; the face relaxed. Now the stranger was one of us.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the heads",
"response": "Little ivory menhirs, like rows of tree stumps after a fire. Each with its Deadfather's Head. So many...and all of them New Ones.\n\nAll but me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the king",
"response": "The pale king's grim visage betokened the rule of might.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Witch",
"response": "Oooo...!\n\nIt was her! My Star Pupil, my little New One successor.\n\nShe saved crazy dream, she made it come true--",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stranger's head",
"response": "The stranger's head was pale and still.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the head of the State",
"response": "A determined, stately countenance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "A second life! But wearing the body of a New One. No tail, no proper least I still had my own face, my own eyes and teeth and mind!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the blood",
"response": "Blood dappled the floor, bright red in the white moonlight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the skylight",
"response": "Just overhead, the broken moon-hole smelled of freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "I leaped for the moon-hole. In my own body it would have been easy; in this new body it was too far above me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You exit",
"response": "The doorway...smelled of worse troubles. Better not.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell door",
"response": "The dark doorway smelled of worse troubles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the menhir",
"response": "I got onto the nearest menhir.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "I leaped from the menhir toward the moon-hole. I touched the ceiling easily...but much too far from the hole's rim.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "A polished cave of the New Ones: silent tomb of living Deadfathers. Uncountable pale heads on little ivory menhirs. Blood and, glass...on the hard stone floor. A moon-hole above let in\nfresh forest air, too.\n\nThe nearest menhir was streaked with blood.\n\nOn the nearest menhir was the stranger's head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "I leaped for the moon-hole. In my own body it would have been easy; in this new body it was too far above me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine menhir",
"response": "A little ivory menhir, streaked with blood.\n\nOn the nearest menhir was the stranger's head.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "I leaped from my perch atop the blood-streaked menhir, easily caught the moon-hole's rim and swung myself up and out.\n\nDark shadows and bright moonlight; the little sounds and smells of freedom. From the hole leading down I thought I heard all those heads...the sleeping Deadfathers of my Longchildren... calling to me, please don't leave--",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "I thought I could hear those myriad heads quietly singing to me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The forest called to me. I walked toward the dark trees...\n\n--but after all, what more could I give out there? I led our race\nout of the darkness...isn't that the glow of city lights beyond the trees? I've done enough.\n\nI returned to the hole, and after a long last look at the trees, I climbed back down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the head",
"response": "(the Ape's Head)\nNo. This body could not withstand another transfer so soon.\n\nNot for a year...\n\ least..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "--and I stumbled backward, my throat deeply slashed, my life's blood draining away as I fell into darkness--\n\nTrack 11 of Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album\n\n--dark...and\n\ red...\n\nShattered glass on polished marble; a spray of my reddest blood in a piercing shaft of moonlight. Beyond...I narrowed my eyes, straining to penetrate the darkness--\n\n...busts...busted heads...heds on peds...headestals...\n\nLosing blood fast, I tried to make sense of--\n\n--rows upon rows of pale, lifeless, life-like busts of stately heads on fluted headestals, all different, yet oddly alike--",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take King",
"response": "I moved to take the King's Head, but my legs gave way, and instead I tumbled to the floor, my skull striking something quite unyielding on the way down. My vision blurred and darkened--\n\n...for the last time? I wondered...\n\n--and then my senses slowly surged back, like a drowning ocean wave receding. A dull thump...something hard and round had fallen into my hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Ape on the headestal",
"response": "I put the head on a nearby column.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "I was empty-handed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear King",
"response": "(first taking the King's Head)\nI tried to reach the King's Head, but I did not have the strength to move from where I lay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Searing pain, a red haze clouding my vision within and without: my throat slashed, my head nearly severed, I clung to life by the fraying cable of my will.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the busts",
"response": "The ranks of stately busts receded into the gloom in all directions. Those on the headestals nearest me appeared to depict the March of Progress: I had fallen against the headestal of a stern King. To the left of the King's resting place, I saw a famous Prime Minister, stately and opulent, and beyond her a modern Head of State...and to the right, a scarred and tattooed Witch's head, and on the headestal beyond that primitive wise ape, some antediluvian chieftain.\n\nThe oddest thing, in a gallery of historical busts...all their eyes were closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "I strained for the edge of the shattered skylight, but it was hopelessly beyond my reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear your head",
"response": "(my original head)\nI was already wearing that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Doff head",
"response": "(my original head)\nI put my hands to my throat. The cord holding my head to my body seemed but a thread. Little enough blood and air could cross that to make a clean break--\n\nThen I can put myself on a pedestal, I thought with frantic\namusment, and see about putting a tourniquet around my neck! Wait, what am I forgetting--\n\n--falling, tumbling--",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Roll",
"response": "(the long shard of broken glass)\nNothing obvious happened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut Ape",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the glass",
"response": "I picked up the largest shard of glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut yourself",
"response": "I put the shard of glass to my throat. The cord holding my head to my body seemed but a thread. Little enough blood and air could cross that to make a clean break--\n\nThen I can put myself on a pedestal, I thought with frantic\namusment, and see about putting a tourniquet around my neck! Wait, what am I forgetting--\n\n--falling, tumbling--",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake king",
"response": "That seemed unnecessary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take King",
"response": "I moved to take the King's Head, but my legs gave way, and instead I tumbled to the floor, my skull striking something quite unyielding on the way down. My vision blurred and darkened--\n\n...for the last time? I wondered...\n\n--and then my senses slowly surged back, like a drowning ocean wave receding. A dull thump...something hard and round had fallen into my hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I was carrying an Ape's Head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Ape",
"response": "The animal's face was creased with the unmistakable lines of wisdom and long duty: a sagacious sovereign from our race's distant, forgotten ancestry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Ape",
"response": "I put on the Ape's Head.\n\nSomehow it seemed the right -- the only -- thing to do. I raised the pale head to my throat, nestled it in the gaping wound beside my own. At once I felt it seizing my flesh, drinking in my blood--\n\n--an instant of crazy double vision...looking myself in the eye, before my weakening eyes fluttered shut at last--\n\n--the old head falling like an autumn leaf, the blade barely needed, barely, barely--\n\n--done all I could...the New Ones come--\n\nA polished cave of the New Ones: silent tomb of living Deadfathers. Uncountable pale heads on little ivory menhirs. Blood and, glass...on the hard stone floor. A moon-hole above let in\nfresh forest air, too.\n\nThe nearest menhir was streaked with blood where the stranger had fallen against it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Witch",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "I was carrying a long shard of broken glass and a Witch's Head and the stranger's head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Witch 's head",
"response": "It's Star Pupil, my little New One successor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack witch",
"response": "Never!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the heads",
"response": "They were hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear Witch 's head",
"response": "No. This body could not withstand another transfer so soon.\n\nNot for a year...\n\ least..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "I was carrying a long shard of broken glass and a Head of State's Head, a Prime Minister's Head, a King's Head, a Witch's Head, and the stranger's head.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Dark shadows and bright moonlight; the little sounds and smells of freedom. From the hole leading down I thought I heard all those heads...the sleeping Deadfathers of my Longchildren... calling to me, please don't leave--",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Hall of Heads (on the nearest menhir)\nA polished cave of the New Ones: silent tomb of living Deadfathers. Uncountable pale heads on little ivory menhirs. Blood and, glass...on the hard stone floor. A moon-hole above let in\nfresh forest air, too.",
"endoftext": true
] | 4zzz2snpezvmy7o |
Sam Fortune - Private Investigator | Steve Blanding | [
] | [
"built-in hints",
"cover art",
] | 2,009 | [
] | 5 | 2.4 | 20090704 | false | The IBS Radio Network presents... Sam Fortune - Private Investigator A transcribed drama filled with suspense and adventure broadcast weekly over this IBS affiliate. Tonight's drama: The Case of the Missing Playboy! Sponsored by Muskrat Cigarettes. NOTE This game is told in a series of scenes, just like a radio drama. Each scene is independent from the one before in the sense that it is impossible to put the game in an unwinnable state by not having done something in an earlier scene. There are several ways to lose this game and there are a few timed puzzles. Saving when advised should avoid undue frustration. UNDO is always an option. Feel free to use it liberally. Small parts of this game deliberately rank "Nasty" on the Zarfian scale but this is only true within each self-contained scene, not for the game at large, and a full in-game HELP system is available should you get stuck. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The IBS Radio Network presents...\n\n(You may type \"HELP\" at any time for hints, credits or just general information about this game.)\n\nTonight's drama: The Case of the Missing Playboy!\n\nSponsored by Muskrat Cigarettes.\n\nFolks, do you know that four out of five doctors recommend Muskrat Cigarettes for their patients who smoke? It's true! That's because Muskrat Cigarettes have been clinically proven to taste better, smoke smoother, and improve respiratory health! So the next time you crave a good smoke, choose Muskrat Cigarettes! You'll be glad you did.\n\nAnd now for Act I of tonight's drama....\n\nIt was an afternoon much like any other afternoon. I was alone in my office. It seems I was always alone.\n\nBusiness had been slow. I was reduced to practicing my witty banter with my friends Jack and Daniel. Unfortunately for me, they weren't very much for conversation. We'd been conversing just long enough that I was beginning to feel that my banter really WAS witty. But not so much that I was beginning to think they'd talk back.\n\nYou are Sam Fortune, a private investigator who, at the moment, has very little to investigate. Your office is on the fifth floor of a crummy old office building in the lower east side.\n\nThere is a single dingy window in the west wall, directly opposite the only door.\n\nThe sun streaming throught the Venetian blinds traces bars across the desk that sits in the middle of the room. Bars like the bars of a prison cell.\n\nOn the wooden desk are a bottle of whiskey and a telephone.\n\nA battered old filing cabinet stands in the corner.\n\nAn old desk chair sits behind the desk.\n\nA plain guest chair is strategically placed in front of the desk.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Sam Fortune, private investigator and all American sap, is a pretty nice specimen if you do say so yourself. Six feet tall with broad shoulders and a jaw that could have been cut from a block of stone. It's no wonder that the dames go for you. If you were a dame, you would too.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Peering through the filthy grime reveals very little. Just the same old lonely street in the same old lonely part of town.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine bottle",
"response": "Tennessee's finest. Comfort in a bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exits",
"response": "The obvious exits are east and outside.\n\n(Use EXITS ON to enable the status line exit lister and EXITS OFF to turn it off.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "(the wooden desk)\nIt's a very plain wooden desk with a single shabby drawer. Someday perhaps you'll be able to afford mahogany.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "(the desk drawer)\nIt's locked. Now if only you could remember where you put that key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under desk",
"response": "(the wooden desk)\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cabinet",
"response": "(the filing cabinet)\nThe filing cabinet stands in the corner of the office. It has two drawers: a top drawer, and (you guessed it, pal) a bottom drawer. This is where you keep all your important files. In other words, it's mostly empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the top drawer",
"response": "You open the top drawer of the filing cabinet, revealing some file folders marked A to M.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the folder k.",
"response": "You see several file folders marked A to M in nearly alphabetical order.\n\nThumbing to the file marked \"K\" you look inside and retrieve a small key which you place in your pocket.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Your office is on the fifth floor of a crummy old office building in the lower east side.\n\nThere is a single dingy window in the west wall, directly opposite the only door.\n\nThe sun streaming throught the Venetian blinds traces bars across the desk that sits in the middle of the room. Bars like the bars of a prison cell.\n\nOn the wooden desk are a bottle of whiskey and a telephone.\n\nA battered old filing cabinet stands in the corner.\n\nAn old desk chair sits behind the desk.\n\nA plain guest chair is strategically placed in front of the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the drawer with the key",
"response": "(the desk drawer with the small key)\nYou unlock the desk drawer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "(the desk drawer)\nYou open the desk drawer, revealing a revolver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the revolver",
"response": "Your best friend. It's just a shame that you don't actually have any bullets. Still, it's amazing how people can react to the mere sight of a heater.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take it",
"response": "Just as soon as you pick up the revolver there is a quiet rap at the door. You quickly put the revolver in your pocket.\n\n\"Yeah. Come on in. The door's unlocked.\"\n\nThe door opens and in walks a tall redhead with a knockout figure in the kind of outfit that shouts class.\n\n\"Are you Sam Fortune?\"\n\n\"That's what it says on my birth certificate, doll. And just who might you be?\"\n\n\"My name is Irene Scarlet.\"\n\n\"It's a pleasure, sweetheart. Why don't you have a seat?\"\n\n\"Thank you, Mr. Fortune.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine irene",
"response": "Irene Scarlet is quite a dish. Her red hair cascades about her shoulders in gentle waves. She wears a fashionably cut dress which shows off her delicious figure in a most delightful way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the desk chair",
"response": "You get onto the desk chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "That's already closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Irene about Irene",
"response": "[Use TALK TO to interact with characters.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Irene",
"response": "Turning to Irene you say, \"Hello there.\"\n\nShe gives you one of those looks that makes you think she likes what she sees.\n\nSelf-consciously you slide the bottle inside the desk drawer before getting down to business.\n\n[1] Ask her to have dinner with you.\n[2] Ask her what she wants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So, sweetheart, I hope I'm not being too forward but perhaps sometime you and I could get together over a nice hot meal. You interested?\"\n\nIrene smiles just a little and says, \"Perhaps some other time, Mr. Fortune, but just now I'm afraid that I'm here on business.\"\n\n[1] Ask her what she wants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So what brings a nice up-class dame like you to my little office?\"\n\n\"You're a private investigator aren't you?\"\n\n\"That's what it says on my license.\"\n\n\"Well, I was hoping that I might use your services. You see, a friend of mine has gone missing.\"\n\n[1] Ask Irene about herself.\n[2] Ask about her friend.\n[3] Tell Irene your rates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So tell me a little about yourself. How do you fit into this picture.\"\n\n\"Well, Mr. Fortune, my father is James Scarlet, the founder of Scarlet Herring, one of the more successful fishing operations in this town.\"\n\n\"Oh THAT Irene Scarlet!\"\n\n\"Yes. That Irene Scarlet. Anyway, I've been friends with Bob for a very long time and when he didn't show up for our lunch appointment today I got worried. That's why I came to see you.\"\n\n[1] Ask about her friend.\n[2] Tell Irene your rates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Well, Red, tell me about this missing friend of yours.\"\n\n\"His name is Bob Watterson. He and I go way back. He's one of the local society set. Anyway, we were out dancing at the Top Cat Club last night with some of our friends. Toward the end of the evening it looked as if something was bothering him but he wouldn't say what it was. I didn't think much of it until today. We had agreed to meet for lunch but,\" stifling the merest hint of a sob, \"but he never showed up!\n\n\"Oh, Sam, I know you think I'm probably being silly but I'm worried about him. He never misses a lunch date and I'm just sure something has heppend to him. Say you'll help me find him.\"\n\n[1] Ask if she's gone to the police.\n[2] Tell Irene your rates.\n[3] Agree to take the case.\n[4] Decline the case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"I charge $25 a day plus expenses. But I don't suppose that would be a problem for a dame like you.\"\n\nIrene says rather gravely, \"No. That will be fine.\"\n\n[1] Ask if she's gone to the police.\n[2] Agree to take the case.\n[3] Decline the case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So, sister, something's puzzling me. Why come to me? Why not just go to the cops?\"\n\n\"Well, Mr. Fortune, first of all, it's only been a few hours and I was afraid that they wouldn't take me seriously with him only being missing for such a short time.\"\n\n\"Yeah, I guess that figures. Go on.\"\n\n\"And I was hoping to keep this kind of quiet. My family gets enough exposure as it is. That's what comes from having money. If I were to go to the police, well, I was afraid that the papers might catch wind of it.\"\n\n\"And you'd find your name plastered all over the society pages... again.\"\n\n\"Precisely.\"\n\n[1] Agree to take the case.\n[2] Decline the case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "After considering the matter you decide that you'd rather not get mixed up in all of this. \"No dice, Red. I'm afraid that I'm just too busy to get mixed up with the upper crust these days. You see, I'm strictly a meat and potatoes kind of guy and all that champagne and caviar just doesn't agree with me. So if you'll kindly close the door on your way out, I'll return to my business.\"\n\nIrene looks shocked and for a minute a look of panic crosses her face before she...\n\nYour mother reaches over and switches off the radio. \"I think that's enough radio for today. It's bed time and besides, all of that junk just rots your brain anyway.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "[You're still in the middle of a conversation. I need some kind of reaction from you to continue the scene. Enter a number, or say REPEAT to reacquaint yourself with your options.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You repeat",
"response": "The available options are:\n\n[1] Agree to take the case.\n[2] Decline the case.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Sure, sweetheart. Don't worry, kid. I'll find him. You run along and I'll be in touch.\"\n\nIrene gets up and says \"Thank you so much, Mr. Fortune.\" before giving you a small wad of bills for expenses and telling you her phone number. Then she gracefully heads for the door. On her way out she pauses and looks over her shoulder for a second, giving you a brief look at her misty blue eyes. Then, she closes the door and she's gone.\n\n\"Well, Sam,\" you say to yourself. \"Looks like you're gonna be dining at the Top Cat Club tonight.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the money",
"response": "A small roll of money which Irene gave you with which to pay your expenses. It's not a lot but it should be enough for now.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Sam's Office (on the desk chair)\nYour office is on the fifth floor of a crummy old office building in the lower east side.\n\nThere is a single dingy window in the west wall, directly opposite the only door.\n\nThe sun streaming throught the Venetian blinds traces bars across the desk that sits in the middle of the room. Bars like the bars of a prison cell.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a telephone.\n\nA battered old filing cabinet stands in the corner.\n\nA plain guest chair is strategically placed in front of the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the desk chair.\n\nThere is a single dingy window in the west wall, directly opposite the only door.\n\nThe sun streaming throught the Venetian blinds traces bars across the desk that sits in the middle of the room. Bars like the bars of a prison cell.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a telephone.\n\nA battered old filing cabinet stands in the corner.\n\nAn old desk chair sits behind the desk.\n\nA plain guest chair is strategically placed in front of the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bottom drawer",
"response": "You open the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, revealing some file folders marked N to Z.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine folder t.",
"response": "You see a handful of file folders marked N to Z in mostly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb through a few of the folders but nothing really catches your interest at the moment. Perhaps if you knew what you were looking for this would yield better results.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the folder south",
"response": "You see a handful of file folders marked N to Z in mostly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb idly through a few of the folders before deciding that there really isn't anything helpful to your current situation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the folder west",
"response": "You see a handful of file folders marked N to Z in mostly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb through a few of the folders but nothing really catches your interest at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the folders",
"response": "Which do you mean, the file folders marked A to M or the file folders marked N to Z?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You had better leave those there. It took you nearly a full day the last time you had to sort them and you'd hate to have to do it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the phone",
"response": "Picking up the telephone you pause to consider your options.\n\n[1] Call Clancy at the 21st precinct.\n[2] Call the Times.\n[3] Call Irene.\n[4] Call the Top Cat Club.\n[5] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "You pick up the reciever and ask the operator to connect you to the Top Cat Club. In a minute you hear the whiney voice of the French ma?tre d'. \"Ziz is zee Top Cat Club. Can eye help you, monsieur?\"\n\n[1] Ask when they're open.\n[2] Ask about a reservation.\n[3] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Hey, pal. Can you tell me when you're open tonight?\"\n\n\"Oui, monsieur. We are open from seven until two am.\"\n\n\"Thanks.\"\n\n[1] Ask about a reservation.\n[2] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Listen. I'd like to book a table for tonight.\"\n\n\"Oh non, non, non. I am very sorry, monsieur, but we are very busy tonight. We do not take any more reservations for tonight. But if monsieur would care to come to zee club, I am sure zat zere will be space at zee bar.\"\n\n\"Yeah. I may do that. Thanks.\"\n\n[1] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You put the receiver back on its cradle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The door is in the east wall, opposite the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "I left my office, walked down the four flights of stairs, headed outside and hailed a cab. I figured that if I wanted to get to the bottom of this, I'd need to go to where it all started.\n\nA few minutes later, the cab pulled up in front of a gleaming white high-rise building with one of those awnings over the revolving door. You know the kind. The kind that makes it seem like you're walking into the snout of an extremely large anteater. I took the elevator up to the 15th floor and found myself standing outside the entrance to Tony Gabriele's famous Top Cat Club, the most upscale dinner club in town.\n\nIt was time to earn my daily bread.\n\n[This might be a good time to save your game.]\n\nThe waiting area is done up in the art deco style, all white and silver. Beside the club entrance is a lectern where the ma?tre d' is greeting customers and checking reservations. On the lectern is a round white logo with the silhouette of a cat wearing a top hat. Peeking through the crowd, it's clear that the joint is jumpin' tonight.\n\nWhen you're ready to leave, the elevator awaits you to the south. The club itself is to the north.\n\nYou can see some customers, the ma?tre d' and a lectern here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the maitre",
"response": "The ma?tre d' is a snobby-looking bean pole with a wispy mustache. He wears a tuxedo with a small nametag that indicates that he wishes to be called \"Jean Claude\".",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "The waiting area is done up in the art deco style, all white and silver. Beside the club entrance is a lectern where the ma?tre d' is greeting customers and checking reservations. On the lectern is a round white logo with the silhouette of a cat wearing a top hat. Peeking through the crowd, it's clear that the joint is jumpin' tonight.\n\nWhen you're ready to leave, the elevator awaits you to the south. The club itself is to the north.\n\nYou can see some customers, Jean Claude and a lectern here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Jean Claude",
"response": "\"Oui, monsieur. My name is Jean Claude. 'Ow may I 'elp you?\"\n\n[1] Ask for a table.\n[2] Ask about Bob Watterson.\n[3] Say goodbye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "You step in close and speak quietly so as not to be overheard.\n\n\"I'm looking for a man named Bob Watterson. Do you know him?\"\n\n\"Oui, monsieur. I know 'im very well. 'e comes 'ere most frequently.\"\n\n[1] Ask for a table.\n[2] Ask when he saw him last.\n[3] Ask if he knows anything about him.\n[4] Say goodbye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"What do you know about this guy?\"\n\n\"'e comes 'ere very frequently this last few weeks. Sometimes it is with Miss Scarlet. Sometimes it is alone. I see 'im all ze time.\"\n\n\"Thanks. Can you tell me any more about him? Do you know where he lives? What he does?\"\n\n\"Non. Pardon me. I do not meddle with ze affairs of ze customers.\"\n\n\"Yeah. I get it. Thanks anyway, bub.\"\n\n[1] Ask for a table.\n[2] Ask when he saw him last.\n[3] Say goodbye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"When did you last see him?\"\n\n\"I saw 'im just last night, monsieur. It was with Miss Scarlet I think. Zat is usually who 'e is with.\"\n\n[1] Ask for a table.\n[2] Say goodbye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"I'd like a table for one.\"\n\n\"Oh non, non, non. I am very sorry, monsieur, but we are very busy tonight. We do not 'ave any more tables for tonight. But we do 'ave space at ze bar.\n\n[1] Say goodbye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Thanks, bub.\"\n\n\"Eet is my pleasure, monsieur.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You have to admit that this place is pretty swank. Like the lobby, it's all done up in art deco white and gleaming silver. The cavernous room is filled with tables, which in turn are filled with the upper-crustiest crumbs in this crummy city. There are so many tuxedos it looks like a penguin convention, and enough feathers to defrock a flock of ostriches.\n\nThe central focus of the club is the dance floor, just south of the stage, which fills the entire north wall of the room. There is a small backstage door in the north wall, just to the side of the stage. A guy about the size of Mt. Rushmore guards the door.\n\nThe bar is to the east. The lobby is south.\n\nYou can see the backstage door, the stage, some customers, some tables, some dancers and a guard here.\n\nSomeone at one of the far tables sings Happy Birthday.\n\nYou hear the sound of someone opening the backstage door.\n\nThe band stops playing and the bandleader steps up to the microphone.\n\n\"Ladies and gentlemen. Once again, the Top Cat Club is proud to present the star of our show, Miss Ginger Andrews!\"\n\nThe crowd erupts into applause, the lights go down, a spotlight illuminates the stage door and the most stunning blonde you have ever seen steps into the light, sashays over to center stage and proceeds to make love to the microphone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Ginger",
"response": "Wow! What a dish! Ginger Andrews is perhaps the most stunning blond you have ever seen. She stands about five foot seven and every inch a woman. She wears a glittering backless dress with a plunging neckline that barely conceals an ample bosom. Her blue eyes are dazzling. And her shapely legs... Wow!\n\nGinger's voice is heavenly as she sings a number from the Hit Parade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the guard",
"response": "This guy looks like someone cross-bred a gorilla with a pit bull.\n\nGinger holds every man spellbound as she reaches the climax of a devilishly provocative number.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the customers",
"response": "The place is packed with tuxedo wearing men and glittering women.\n\nBrother, that Ginger dame can really sing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the backstage door",
"response": "You see nothing special about the backstage door.\n\nGinger brings the crowd to tears with a steamy love song.\n\nWhen Ginger's act comes to a close the spotlight goes out, the audience applauds, the house lights go back up, and Ginger begins working the room, moving from one fat-cat to another. It's very clear what every man in the room wants and she's all too happy to dangle it in front of them without giving them any of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the customers",
"response": "You strike up a conversation with some of the customers and try to steer it towards your missing man but it soon becomes apparent that this line is getting you nowhere. These guys aren't regulars.\n\nAll eyes are on Ginger as she passes between the tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ginger",
"response": "Prying Ginger away from her adoring public you flash her what you hope is your most charming smile and say, \"Hello there, beautiful. My name is Sam. Got a minute?\"\n\nGinger looks you over and says \"Why not? Shoot, tough guy. What's on your mind? I mean besides that.\"\n\n[1] Compliment her singing.\n[2] Compliment her looks.\n[3] Ask her out.\n[4] Ask her about Bob.\n[5] Say goodbye.\n\nThe band plays something from the Hit Parade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"You have a very healthy set of lungs there, baby. Where'd you learn to sing like that?\"\n\n\"Sunday school, Sam. Sunday school.\"\n\n\"Well you obviously had a first rate teacher.\"\n\n\"That's very kind of you to say so, Sam.\"\n\n[1] Compliment her looks.\n[2] Ask her out.\n[3] Ask her about Bob.\n[4] Say goodbye.\n\nSomeone in the back of the club laughs loudly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Baby, you are some piece of work. With a face like yours, I bet you have to circle the wagons whenever you so much as step outside.\"\n\nShe smiles and says, \"Flattery will get you everywhere, mister. You aren't so bad yourself.\"\n\n[1] Ask her out.\n[2] Ask her about Bob.\n[3] Say goodbye.\n\nOne of the couples in the club starts to argue but it quickly passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"Hey, sweetheart, I'm looking for a friend of mine. His name's Bob Watterson. You know him?\"\n\n\"Who Bobby? Sure, I know him.\" She looks a little put off. You can't tell if it's because she's upset that you're not talking about her or if it's because she doesn't want to discuss her relationship with Bob.\n\n\"Seen him around?\"\n\n\"Not for a while. Hey, I barely know the guy. Let's talk about you instead.\"\n\nYou let her steer the conversation back around to your favorite topic for a while: Sam Fortune. It's plain that she's an expert when it comes to stroking a man's ego.\n\n[1] Ask her out.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nSomeone from the crowd bumps into you and apologizes before continuing on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"What time do you get off? How about you and me go somewhere for a drink?\"\n\n\"I'd like that, Sam, but tonight's bad for me. Come by tomorrow and ask me again will ya?\"\n\n\"Sure, kid. You bet.\"\n\n[1] Say goodbye.\n\nThere is a brief lull in the music and the dancers return to their seats before the music starts and more take their places.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"See you around sweetheart.\"\n\n\"Oh I'm sure you will, Sam. At least I certainly hope so.\"\n\nGinger flashes a brilliant smile at a portly man who is old enough to be her father. It looks like he'll go home happy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "You can't, since the backstage door is in the way.\n\nEvery man in the room watches as Ginger moves to another table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open backstage",
"response": "Man-mountain over there doesn't say a word, but he doesn't let you open the door either. If you want to get backstage, you'll have to somehow get rid of the guard.\n\nA customer laughs at one of Ginger's jokes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tables",
"response": "It looks like business is booming. Not a single table remains vacant.\n\nGinger briefly dances with one of the customers before returning him to his previous partner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the guard",
"response": "You attempt to start a conversation with the guard but it quickly becomes obvious that conversation isn't his forte.\n\nGinger's jewelry sparkles as she passes one of the stage lights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "On the east side of the club, set back from the main area, is the bar area. It's almost as crowded as the rest of the joint but there's still enough room for you to slide up next to the bar.\n\nYou can see the stage, some customers, a bar (on which is a nut bowl (in which are lots of beer nuts)) and the bartender here.\n\nGinger pauses to chat with a customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the beer nuts",
"response": "You grab a handful of nuts from the bowl.\n\nGinger's jewelry sparkles as she passes one of the stage lights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the bartender",
"response": "\"Hi friend. Name's Jack. What can I get you?\"\n\n[1] Ask for a drink.\n[2] Ask about Bob Watterson.\n[3] Ask about Tony.\n[4] Say goodbye.\n\nThe band is playing some up-tempo dance number.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You consider asking Jack for a drink but then you think better of it. The last time you drank on the job you nearly wound up taking out a reservation in the city morgue.\n\n[1] Ask about Bob Watterson.\n[2] Ask about Tony.\n[3] Say goodbye.\n\nSomeone from the crowd bumps into you and apologizes before continuing on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"I'm looking for a guy named Bob Watterson. Ever heard of him?\"\n\n\"Yeah. Sure. I know him. Real snooty society guy right?\"\n\n\"That's the one.\"\n\n[1] Ask when he saw him last.\n[2] Ask if he knows anything about him.\n[3] Ask about Tony.\n[4] Say goodbye.\n\nOne of the couples in the club starts to argue but it quickly passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"When did you see him last?\"\n\n\"He was here last night. He's here a lot actually. He bought a river of drinks for Ginger.\"\n\n[1] Ask if he knows anything about him.\n[2] Ask about Ginger.\n[3] Ask about Tony.\n[4] Say goodbye.\n\nThe band plays something from the Hit Parade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"What do you know about him?\"\n\n\"I see him a lot. He hangs around with the society set. Irene Scarlett and her friends.\"\n\n\"So I hear. Can you tell me any details? Do you know where he lives? What he does?\"\n\n\"I think he has a penthouse apartment downtown somewhere. I don't think he does much of anything other than spend his old man's money.\"\n\n\"You know who his 'old man' is?\"\n\n\"Naw. I just assumed he had one.\"\n\n\"Yeah. Don't we all? Thanks, Jack.\"\n\n[1] Ask about Ginger.\n[2] Ask about Tony.\n[3] Say goodbye.\n\nThere is a brief lull in the music and the dancers return to their seats before the music starts and more take their places.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So what's the story with this Ginger dame?\"\n\n\"Quite the looker isn't she?\"\n\n\"Yeah. But can you tell me what she was doing with Bob last night?\"\n\n\"Other than accepting the drinks he bought her?\"\n\n\"Well, for instance, are they an item?\"\n\n\"What? Ginger and that guy? That'll be the day. Perhaps he thought so but I don't think she ever did.\"\n\n[1] Ask about Tony.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nSomeone in the back of the club laughs loudly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So you been working here long?\"\n\n\"A few months.\"\n\n\"Like it?\"\n\n\"Yeah. It's alright. It pays well and I get to enjoy the floor show every night. I can't complain.\"\n\n\"This place is owned by Tony Gabriele isn't it? I hear he's a nice guy to work for. That true?\"\n\n\"Sure. Mr. Gabriele is good people. I don't care what anybody says. He might be a little peculiar but he takes care of his own. But look, Mack, what's it to you?\"\n\n\"Just curious. Who knows? I might want to work for him someday myself.\"\n\n\"You thinking of taking up bar tending?\"\n\n\"Naw. Don't worry, Jack. You're job's safe.\"\n\n[1] Ask what he means by peculiar.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nThe band is playing some up-tempo dance number.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"When you say Tony's peculiar, just what do you mean?\"\n\n\"Hey. You're gettin' awful nosey. Ain'tcha?\"\n\n\"I'm just naturally curious is all.\"\n\n\"Well Mr. Gabriele don't like people meddling in his private affairs. If you get any more nosey, I'm liable to get fired and you're liable to get worse.\"\n\n\"Okay. I get the hint. No need to get sore. Let's talk about something else then.\"\n\n[1] Make with the small talk.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nSomeone at one of the far tables sings Happy Birthday.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Busy night tonight.\"\n\n\"Yeah. Ginger really packs 'em in.\"\n\nYou go on like that for another minute or two before running out of pleasantries.\n\n[1] Say goodbye.\n\nSomeone in the back of the club laughs loudly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Thanks, Jack.\"\n\n\"Don't mention it.\"\n\nGinger pauses to chat with a customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ginger",
"response": "Prying Ginger away from her adoring public you flash her what you hope is your most charming smile and say, \"Hello there, beautiful. Got a minute?\"\n\nGinger looks you over and says \"Why not? Shoot, tough guy. What's on your mind? I mean besides that.\"\n\n[1] Say goodbye.\n\nThe band plays something from the Hit Parade.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"See you around sweetheart.\"\n\n\"Oh I'm sure you will, Sam. At least I certainly hope so.\"\n\nGinger briefly dances with one of the customers before returning him to his previous partner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bowl",
"response": "In the nut bowl are some beer nuts.\n\nAll eyes are on Ginger as she passes between the tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nuts",
"response": "(the beer nuts)\nHard, round, and saltier than a sailor. These things are designed for one purpose only: to make you wish you had ordered a drink instead.\n\nA customer laughs at one of Ginger's jokes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You can see the stage, some customers, Ginger Andrews, the backstage door, some tables, some dancers and a guard here.\n\nGinger flashes a brilliant smile at a portly man who is old enough to be her father. It looks like he'll go home happy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the nuts to guard",
"response": "The guard doesn't seem interested.\n\nEvery man in the room watches as Ginger moves to another table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the nuts at the guard",
"response": "You throw a handful of beer nuts at the guard and they scatter everywhere.\n\nThe nuts get under the feet of the dancers and they begin falling like ten pins. The guard runs over to help them back to their feet.\n\nA customer laughs at one of Ginger's jokes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open door",
"response": "You open the backstage door.\n\nGinger flashes a brilliant smile at a portly man who is old enough to be her father. It looks like he'll go home happy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nGinger pauses to chat with a customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "You're in a narrow hallway that runs behind the stage. Along the north wall is the door to what must be Ginger's dressing room. The small star with the name \"Ginger\" written on it provides the tip-off. To the east is a door with the word \"management\" written on it. That door is cracked just enough that you might be able to get a peek inside. The door that leads back to the club is to the south.\n\nYou can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the dressing room door, the manager's office door or the backstage door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Backstage",
"response": "You close the backstage door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the manager's door",
"response": "Through the crack in the door you can just make out the shapes of three men. If you listen closely you might just catch bits and snatches of their conversation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Manager'S",
"response": "You hear the voices of three men. You can't make out everything they say but you are able to hear a few words here and there:\n\n\"... due early tomorrow morning ... louse this up.\"\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the switchbox",
"response": "This looks like the master electrical switchbox for the club.\n\nThe switchbox is currently switched on.\n\nGinger's next act is coming up soon. She'll probably be heading back to her dressing room to get ready. You really ought to think about going back to the club soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the dressing room",
"response": "You open the dressing room door.\n\nYou really don't have much time. Get out before you're caught!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You exit",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You open the backstage door.\n\nYou can see the backstage door, the stage, some customers, Ginger Andrews, some tables, some dancers and a guard here.\n\nYou step through the door and right into the back of the guard. He is none too happy to see you and pushes you back into the manager's office where three more thugs are waiting.\n\n\"I caught this guy nosin' 'round backstage, boss. Whatdya want I should do wit 'im?\"\n\n\"Thank you, Rocky. You may leave him with us and return to your post.\"\n\n\"Duh. OK Boss.\"\n\nThe boss pulls out a .38 and points it at your chest while one of the other thugs grabs your arms from behind.\n\nThe one with the gun says, \"Well look what we have here boys.\"\n\nThe one holding your arms says, \"Looks like a spy, boss.\"\n\nThe thin one with a face like a weasel says, \"And look what I found in his pocket, boss.\" He holds your gun.\n\n\"Mickey Boy, I think you better take Mr. Nosey for a ride.\"\n\nSoon you find yourself shoved in the back of a black sedan. Some fifteen minutes later you find yourself on a dark pier being fitted for a new pair of cement overshoes. They're a little tight but it doesn't matter. You won't notice them for long.\n\nJust then your mother reaches over and shuts off the radio. \"Honestly, Junior. I don't know why you bother filling your head with all those silly detective stories. Now get off to bed.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open the backstage door.\n\nGinger's jewelry sparkles as she passes one of the stage lights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "You're in a narrow hallway that runs behind the stage. Along the north wall is the door to what must be Ginger's dressing room. The small star with the name \"Ginger\" written on it provides the tip-off. To the east is a door with the word \"management\" written on it. That door is cracked just enough that you might be able to get a peek inside. The door that leads back to the club is to the south.\n\nYou can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the dressing room",
"response": "You open the dressing room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the dressing room",
"response": "Ginger's dressing room is a certainly a cozy place. It's only a bit bigger than a broom closet. The only entrance is the door to the south.\n\nAlong the far wall sits an actor's dressing table.\n\nOn the dressing table is a cigarette case (closed).\n\nIn the corner sits a wastepaper basket.\n\nYou can also see the dressing room door here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the basket",
"response": "In the wastepaper basket is a bouquet of flowers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bouquet",
"response": "You see a bouquet of one dozen long stemmed red roses bearing a card which reads, \"To Ginger. From your most ardent admirer: Bob.\"\n\n\"Now ain't that just pretty.\" You say to yourself. \"So Bobby-boy was here all right. I wonder what Miss Ginger could tell me about all of this?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Case",
"response": "It's a small silver cigarette case. The outside of the case is engraved with a fancy monogrammed B and W. The case is closed.\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "It's a small table with a mirror that's surrounded by lights.\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open Case",
"response": "You open the cigarette case, revealing four Muskrat cigarettes.\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Muskrat",
"response": "Firm and shapely, Muskrat cigarettes are tops with smokers everywhere. There simply isn't a finer cigarette! Try one today!\n\nGinger's next act is coming up soon. She'll probably be heading back to her dressing room to get ready. You really ought to think about going back to the club soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nYou really don't have much time. Get out before you're caught!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\nYou really don't have much time. Get out before you're caught!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "You can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.\n\nYou really don't have much time. Get out before you're caught!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the switch",
"response": "With a big grin on your mug, you pull the switch and the lights go dark. Suddenly you hear shouting from the manager's office. \"What the? Who turned off those lights!\" Then you hear a door fly open, followed by the sound of running feet. Before you know what's next, three large bodies slam into you like a freight train. You're pinned to the wall and when the lights come back up your arms are held fast behind you and you find yourself staring into the barrel of a .38.\n\nThe one with the gun says, \"Well look what we have here boys.\"\n\nThe one holding your arms says, \"Looks like a spy, boss.\"\n\nThe thin one with a face like a weasel says, \"And look what I found in his pocket, boss.\" He holds your gun.\n\n\"Mickey Boy, I think you better take Mr. Nosey for a ride.\"\n\nSoon you find yourself shoved in the back of a black sedan. Some fifteen minutes later you find yourself on a dark pier being fitted for a new pair of cement overshoes. They're a little tight but it doesn't matter. You won't notice them for long.\n\nJust then your mother reaches over and shuts off the radio. \"Honestly, Junior. I don't know why you bother filling your head with all those silly detective stories. Now get off to bed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open backstage",
"response": "You open the backstage door.\n\nGinger pauses to chat with a customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "You're in a narrow hallway that runs behind the stage. Along the north wall is the door to what must be Ginger's dressing room. The small star with the name \"Ginger\" written on it provides the tip-off. To the east is a door with the word \"management\" written on it. That door is cracked just enough that you might be able to get a peek inside. The door that leads back to the club is to the south.\n\nYou can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the gun in the basket",
"response": "Yeah. I know it doesn't have any bullets but it still might come in handy. You better hold on to it.\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "You can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Manager'S",
"response": "You hear the voices of three men. You can't make out everything they say but you are able to hear a few words here and there:\n\n\"... due early tomorrow morning ... louse this up.\"\n\nGinger's next act is coming up soon. She'll probably be heading back to her dressing room to get ready. You really ought to think about going back to the club soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "\"Yeah, boss. I understand.\"\n\nYou really don't have much time. Get out before you're caught!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "\"... see that you don't ...\"\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "\"... boys in Chicago ...\"\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "You're afraid that if you stay here much longer you might be caught eavesdropping.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the dressing",
"response": "Along the far wall sits an actor's dressing table.\n\nOn the dressing table is a cigarette case (closed).\n\nIn the corner sits a wastepaper basket.\n\nYou can also see the dressing room door here.\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the flowers",
"response": "Taken.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put gun in the flowers",
"response": "Yeah. I know it doesn't have any bullets but it still might come in handy. You better hold on to it.\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "You can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the switch",
"response": "With a big grin on your mug, you pull the switch and the lights go dark. Suddenly you hear shouting from the manager's office. \"What the? Who turned off those lights!\" Then you hear a door fly open, followed by the sound of running feet. Before you know what's next, three large bodies slam into you like a freight train. You're pinned to the wall and when the lights come back up your arms are held fast behind you and you find yourself staring into the barrel of a .38.\n\nThe one with the gun says, \"Well look what we have here boys.\"\n\nThe one holding your arms says, \"Looks like a spy, boss.\"\n\nThe thin one with a face like a weasel says, \"And look what I found in his pocket, boss.\" He holds your gun.\n\n\"Mickey Boy, I think you better take Mr. Nosey for a ride.\"\n\nSoon you find yourself shoved in the back of a black sedan. Some fifteen minutes later you find yourself on a dark pier being fitted for a new pair of cement overshoes. They're a little tight but it doesn't matter. You won't notice them for long.\n\nJust then your mother reaches over and shuts off the radio. \"Honestly, Junior. I don't know why you bother filling your head with all those silly detective stories. Now get off to bed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "(the backstage door)\nYou can't, since the backstage door is in the way.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open backstage",
"response": "(the backstage door)\nYou open the backstage door.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "(the backstage door)\n\nYou can see the backstage door, the stage, some customers, Ginger Andrews, some tables, some dancers and a guard here.\n\nYou step through the door and right into the back of the guard. He is none too happy to see you and pushes you back into the manager's office where three more thugs are waiting.\n\n\"I caught this guy nosin' 'round backstage, boss. Whatdya want I should do wit 'im?\"\n\n\"Thank you, Rocky. You may leave him with us and return to your post.\"\n\n\"Duh. OK Boss.\"\n\nThe boss pulls out a .38 and points it at your chest while one of the other thugs grabs your arms from behind.\n\nThe one with the gun says, \"Well look what we have here boys.\"\n\nThe one holding your arms says, \"Looks like a spy, boss.\"\n\nThe thin one with a face like a weasel says, \"And look what I found in his pocket, boss.\" He holds your gun.\n\n\"Mickey Boy, I think you better take Mr. Nosey for a ride.\"\n\nSoon you find yourself shoved in the back of a black sedan. Some fifteen minutes later you find yourself on a dark pier being fitted for a new pair of cement overshoes. They're a little tight but it doesn't matter. You won't notice them for long.\n\nJust then your mother reaches over and shuts off the radio. \"Honestly, Junior. I don't know why you bother filling your head with all those silly detective stories. Now get off to bed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bouquet of flowers\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the manager's door",
"response": "Through the crack in the door you can just make out the shapes of three men. If you listen closely you might just catch bits and snatches of their conversation.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the manager's door",
"response": "That's already closed.\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!\n\nGinger Andrews arrives from the south.\n\nSeeing you backstage, Ginger lets out a shriek. \"EEEK! Who are you and just what do you think you are doing back here? This area is off limits!\"\n\n\"Sorry, sweetheart. I was just leaving.\"\n\nBut before you can go, three men rush in from the manager's office. One of them pulls a gun while another grabs you from behind.\n\nThe one with the gun says, \"Well look what we have here boys.\"\n\nThe one holding your arms says, \"Looks like a spy, boss.\"\n\nThe thin one with a face like a weasel says, \"And look what I found in his pocket, boss.\" He holds your gun.\n\n\"Mickey Boy, I think you better take Mr. Nosey for a ride.\"\n\nSoon you find yourself shoved in the back of a black sedan. Some fifteen minutes later you find yourself on a dark pier being fitted for a new pair of cement overshoes. They're a little tight but it doesn't matter. You won't notice them for long.\n\nJust then your mother reaches over and shuts off the radio. \"Honestly, Junior. I don't know why you bother filling your head with all those silly detective stories. Now get off to bed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the money to guard",
"response": "What? And leave yourself without expense money? No way, brother.\n\nEvery man in the room watches as Ginger moves to another table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You can see the stage, some customers, a bar (on which is a nut bowl (in which are some beer nuts)) and Jack Walker here.\n\nGinger briefly dances with one of the customers before returning him to his previous partner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the nuts",
"response": "(the beer nuts)\nYou grab another handful of nuts from the bowl.\n\nGinger flashes a brilliant smile at a portly man who is old enough to be her father. It looks like he'll go home happy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nlots of beer nuts\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key\n\nAll eyes are on Ginger as she passes between the tables.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You can see the stage, some customers, Ginger Andrews, the backstage door, some tables, some dancers and a guard here.\n\nGinger pauses to chat with a customer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the nuts at the guard",
"response": "You throw a handful of beer nuts at the guard and they scatter everywhere.\n\nThe nuts get under the feet of the dancers and they begin falling like ten pins. The guard runs over to help them back to their feet.\n\nEvery man in the room watches as Ginger moves to another table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome beer nuts\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key\n\nGinger's jewelry sparkles as she passes one of the stage lights.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "You're in a narrow hallway that runs behind the stage. Along the north wall is the door to what must be Ginger's dressing room. The small star with the name \"Ginger\" written on it provides the tip-off. To the east is a door with the word \"management\" written on it. That door is cracked just enough that you might be able to get a peek inside. The door that leads back to the club is to the south.\n\nYou can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.\n\nYou probably don't want to get caught back here. You should think about leaving soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the dressing",
"response": "You open the dressing room door.\n\nGinger's next act is coming up soon. She'll probably be heading back to her dressing room to get ready. You really ought to think about going back to the club soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the dressing",
"response": "Ginger's dressing room is a certainly a cozy place. It's only a bit bigger than a broom closet. The only entrance is the door to the south.\n\nAlong the far wall sits an actor's dressing table.\n\nOn the dressing table is a cigarette case (closed).\n\nIn the corner sits a wastepaper basket.\n\nYou can also see the dressing room door here.\n\nYou really don't have much time. Get out before you're caught!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the wastepaper",
"response": "In the wastepaper basket is a bouquet of flowers.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bouquet",
"response": "You see a bouquet of one dozen long stemmed red roses bearing a card which reads, \"To Ginger. From your most ardent admirer: Bob.\"\n\n\"Now ain't that just pretty.\" You say to yourself. \"So Bobby-boy was here all right. I wonder what Miss Ginger could tell me about all of this?\"\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "You can see the dressing room door, the manager's office door, the backstage door and a switchbox here.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the manager'S",
"response": "You hear the voices of three men. You can't make out everything they say but you are able to hear a few words here and there:\n\n\"... due early tomorrow morning ... louse this up.\"\n\nI mean it! You'd better get out now, Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the nuts at the manager'S",
"response": "You throw a handful of beer nuts at the manager's office door and they scatter everywhere.\n\nCome on! Come on! She'll be back any minute! Wrap it up already bub!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the switch",
"response": "With a big grin on your mug, you pull the switch and the lights go dark. Suddenly you hear shouting from the manager's office. \"What the? Who turned off those lights!\" Then you hear a door fly open, followed by the sound of little round objects flying all around the room and three heavy objects striking the floor and each other. \"Get your fat backside off me, Mickey!\"\n\n\"Sorry, boss.\"\n\nYou had better scram quick before they regain their feet.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open backstage",
"response": "You open the backstage door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter backstage",
"response": "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing.\n\nAll around you, you can hear the sounds of frightened snobs. Who knew the rich were so afraid of the dark?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nAll around you, you can hear the sounds of frightened snobs. Who knew the rich were so afraid of the dark?\n\nLooks like Tony and his boys found the switchbox. The lights are back on.\n\nYou have to admit that this place is pretty swank. Like the lobby, it's all done up in art deco white and gleaming silver. The cavernous room is filled with tables, which in turn are filled with the upper-crustiest crumbs in this crummy city. There are so many tuxedos it looks like a penguin convention, and enough feathers to defrock a flock of ostriches.\n\nThe central focus of the club is the dance floor, just south of the stage, which fills the entire north wall of the room. There is a small backstage door in the north wall, just to the side of the stage. A guy about the size of Mt. Rushmore guards the door.\n\nThe bar is to the east. The lobby is south.\n\nYou can see the backstage door, the stage, some customers, Ginger Andrews, some tables, some dancers and a guard here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ginger",
"response": "Prying Ginger away from her adoring public you flash her what you hope is your most charming smile and say, \"Hello there, beautiful. Got a minute?\"\n\nGinger looks you over and says \"Why not? Shoot, tough guy. What's on your mind? I mean besides that.\"\n\n[1] Confront her about the dressing room.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nFinding the backstage door open, the guard closes it again.\n\nSomeone at one of the far tables sings Happy Birthday.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"So, are you sure that you barely knew Bob Watterson?\"\n\nShe gives you a slightly annoyed look and says, \"That's what I said. Isn't it?\"\n\n\"It's just that I happen to know that he was in your dressing room last night.\"\n\nNow you have her attention, \"Really? And how would you know that?\"\n\n\"Never mind how. I know. And now he's gone missing and I thought since you were the last one I know who might have seen him perhaps you could help me out. You want to tell me about it?\"\n\nA brief flash of anger crosses her face for just a second before she smiles at you all innocent like and says, \"Alright, Sam. Sure. Bob came backstage after the show last night and we had a few laughs. He invited me over to his place after closing time. I went to meet him but when I rang, nobody answered the bell. I assumed I'd been stood up and went home.\"\n\n\"Him? Stand up a dish like you? Oh, honey, I don't think that's likely. Tell me, where is this apartment of his?\"\n\n\"It's the penthouse at the Luxor building on the corner of 5th and Main.\"\n\n\"Thanks, sweetheart. You've been a help.\"\n\n\"Any time, Sam. Let me know if there's ever anything else, anything at all, that I can help you with.\"\n\nYou think to yourself that perhaps it's time to check out Bobby's digs.\n\nFinding the backstage door open, the guard closes it again.\n\nA customer laughs at one of Ginger's jokes.\n\nGinger Andrews goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You can see some customers, Jean Claude and a lectern here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Things were finally starting to get interesting. I still didn't know where this guy was but at least now I had some leads. Ginger said that she was supposed to meet him at his apartment and there was no way that I was about to believe that a mug like Bob Watterson was going to deliberately miss a date with a dame like Ginger Andrews. Clearly something must have happened to him. Perhaps I could find some clues at his penthouse.\n\nI rode the elevator back down to the street, hailed a cab and soon found myself at the corner of 5th and Main. It's a lovely part of town for lovely people. I took a few more steps and I was standing in the lobby of the Luxor Apartments, home of one Robert Watterson III.\n\n[This might be a good time to save your game.]\n\nThe lobby of the Luxor Apartments is very posh but mostly empty, especially at this late hour. Interesting. It seems like every upscale establishment has a thing for chrome and the color white these days. Why is that? You wonder.\n\nThe exit to the street is to the south. A door blocks your way north.\n\nYou can see a front door and an intercom here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the intercom",
"response": "The intercom is a panel set into the wall with a microphone and speaker and a row of four buttons: one for each tenant. It looks like there must be only one tenant on each of the four floors above the lobby because there are only four buttons. They're predictably numbered 2, 3, 4, and 5. You remember that Bob's apartment is the penthouse. His must be button 5.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "This small hallway runs north from the front door and ends in a pair of elevator doors.\n\nYou can see a front door, some elevator doors and an elevator call button here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the elevator",
"response": "(the elevator doors)\n\nThe elevator is clean and plush with a single set of doors along the south wall. Why can't your office be this nice?\n\nA small stool stands in the corner, next to the control panel. Usually the operator would sit there but it's so late that he's probably gone home.\n\nYou can also see a control panel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stool",
"response": "It's a simple wooden stool for the elevator operator to sit on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the stool",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the panel",
"response": "The elevator control panel looks simple enough that even a dope like you could use it. It's got five buttons marked Floor 1 through Floor 5 on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You're in a small, tastefully decorated entry room flanked by the elevator to the north and an apartment to the south.\n\nYou can see some elevator doors (open), an elevator call button and Bob Watterson's front door here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the door. It's strange that he should leave it unlocked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Nice digs! Bob sure knows how to live. The living room is large and very tastefully decorated. Through an alcove to the west you can see a dining room. To the east must be the bed room. Going south, opposite the front door, will take you to some sort of an open garden area.\n\nA long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at radio",
"response": "This is a very attractive tabletop model in a walnut frame.\n\nThe radio is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the radio",
"response": "You switch the radio on.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.\n\nThat's already on.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close front door",
"response": "You close Bob Watterson's front door.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fish",
"response": "(the tropical fish)\nPretty little critters. Pity you can't teach them to fetch your slippers.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lock the door",
"response": "What do you want to lock Bob Watterson's front door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish",
"response": "At first the painting seems to be just be a jumble of geometric patterns and colors but as you look at it more closely, you realize it's a nude portrait done in the cubist style.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move painting",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the couch",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the couch",
"response": "Bob's couch is a lovely piece of furniture upholstered in fine leather.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.\n\nBob's couch is a lovely piece of furniture upholstered in fine leather.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "You see nothing special about the end table.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Bob's bedroom is not overly large but it's very nice. It's also very clean. You can't help but wonder if he has a maid.\n\nAnyway, there's a large window on the east wall which leads to the fire escape. The living room is to the west.\n\nThe bed is along the south wall. It's one of those nice mahogany sled-style beds. King-size.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "The window opens easily leading to the fire escape beyond.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the bed",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the window",
"response": "Sure. But if you're trying to get to the fire escape, you can just go east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "It's a big table and it's pretty nice and all, but other than that it's rather uninteresting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chair",
"response": "The dining room chairs are very nice. They match the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A well appointed kitchen is the hallmark of civilization. You can't remember who said that. Perhaps you just made it up yourself. Anyway, Bob's kitchen is neat, and clean, and almost empty. You're guessing that he eats out a lot.\n\nAlong the west wall stands a large white refrigerator, happily humming to itself.\n\nBeside the fridge, running along the rest of the length of the wall, is a marble counter.\n\nOn the marble counter is a knife block (in which are five knives).\n\nIn the counter is a large marble sink.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the knife block",
"response": "It's a wooden block with slots for holding six knives. At the moment there are five knives in the knife block.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "You open the refrigerator, revealing Chinese takeout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine takeout",
"response": "Looks like rice and wontons from a local Chinese place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the takeout",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the knife",
"response": "(the knife)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the counter",
"response": "It's a lovely marble counter top.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the takeout",
"response": "Remembering that you never did get that dinner at the Top Cat Club, you decide to wolf down the Chinese food. It's cold but it's delicious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na knife\na stool\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "In the middle of the room is a large oval dining table.\n\nYou can also see six dining room chairs here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This room is big enough to hold quite the little soiree. Like everything else in this place, it's clean and expensive.\n\nThe kitchen lies to the south and the living room is back to the east.\n\nIn the middle of the room is a large oval dining table.\n\nYou can also see six dining room chairs here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ceiling",
"response": "You see nothing special about the ceiling.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can't, since Bob Watterson's front door is in the way.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "One of the fringe benefits of having a penthouse apartment is that part of your living space can be out doors. The south-eastern corner of Bob's apartment is devoted to a rooftop garden and swimming pool surrounded on all sides by a high brick wall. The setting is all quite nice but the thing that immediately attracts your attention is the stiff floating in the middle of the pool.\n\nOn the south side of the pool, attached to the wall is a pool net.\n\nYou can also see a swimming pool (in which are some water and a dead man) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dead man",
"response": "You see a dead man floating face down in the pool. A knife is sticking out of his back. It looks like he hasn't been here for very long. He's wearing a belt, a pair of pants and a dress shirt",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the knife",
"response": "(the knife)\nIt's a sharp object good for cutting, or stabbing, or sometimes killing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the net",
"response": "It's one of those long nets on the end of a pole. It's used for cleaning leaves, dead bugs, and perhaps corpses, from swimming pools.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the body with the net",
"response": "Using the pool net you fish the body out of the pool.\n\nThe body is much too heavy to carry.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "One of the fringe benefits of having a penthouse apartment is that part of your living space can be out doors. The south-eastern corner of Bob's apartment is devoted to a rooftop garden and swimming pool surrounded on all sides by a high brick wall. The setting is all quite nice but the thing that immediately attracts your attention is the stiff on the side of the pool.\n\nYou can see a dead man and a swimming pool (in which is some water) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine man",
"response": "You see a dead man. He is wearing a belt, a pair of pants and a dress shirt A bloody knife is sticking in his back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bloody knife",
"response": "It looks like a kitchen carving knife. There's blood all over it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the belt",
"response": "It looks like your garden variety brown leather belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the belt",
"response": "You put on the belt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pants",
"response": "Dress slacks. There's a back pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shirt",
"response": "It looks like it was once a pretty nice silk shirt. Pity it's got blood all over it now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the pocket",
"response": "(the back pocket)\nIn the back pocket are a brass key and a wallet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the key",
"response": "(the brass key)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the wallet, revealing an ID card.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examinethe i d card",
"response": "Robert Watterson III. It's him all right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brass key",
"response": "You see nothing special about the brass key.\n\nIn the distance, you can hear the sound of sirens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the garden",
"response": "It's too late for the flowers to be open but it appears that Bob has a green thumb.\n\nThe sirens seem to be getting louder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "A long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.\n\nNo, you're sure of it now. The cops seem to be surrounding the building! Well, Sam, it looks like you've been set up!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The bed is along the south wall. It's one of those nice mahogany sled-style beds. King-size.\n\nYou'd better find a way out of here before they find you with Mr. Congeniality here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Standing in the chill night air on the fire escape, you can see all the way to the center of town. It's quite a view.\n\nThe streets below are illuminated by red and blue flashing lights. Looks like the cops have the place surrounded.\n\nHmm. The sirens have stopped. Perhaps they were going somewhere else.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "You rush down the fire escape but unfortunately, the cops are at the bottom waiting for you.\n\nThere is a brief struggle as the cops surround you. By the time it's over, a few cops are sporting shiners and you've become intimate with a pair of handcuffs.\n\nThe cops toss you in the back of a squad car and haul you downtown.\n\nAfter a brief stay as a guest of the local tax payers, you're brought up on charges. The rap is murder.\n\nYou argue that you were set up but even Clancy can't help you now.\n\n\"Come on, Clancy. You know me. You don't think that I did this do you?\"\n\n\"It doesn't matter what I'm thinking, Sam. That's for a jury to decide.\"\n\nThose words don't bring much comfort. Short odds are on a jury's being all too happy to believe that you did it, considering you were found sharing a room with a freshly stabbed corpse.\n\n\"Off to bed, Junior\" your mother says as she turns off the radio.\n\n\"But ma! I need to know how Sam's going to get out of this one! Can't I please stay up a little longer?\"\n\n\"Sorry. You have school in the morning. You'll just have to ask your friends about it in the morning.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nNope. More sirens. They're here all right. You'd better make yourself scarce quick Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The bed is along the south wall. It's one of those nice mahogany sled-style beds. King-size.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.\n\nStill more sirens. It looks like they've called in reinforcements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open Bob Watterson's front door.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.\n\nYou're really starting to get nervous. There has to be a way out of this jam. There just has to be.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You can see some elevator doors (open), an elevator call button and Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nDarn it! Nothing seems to be working! Quick, Sam! Think!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You can see a control panel here.\n\nThey're probably getting ready to storm the building any minute now!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ceiling",
"response": "You see nothing special about the ceiling.\n\nYou hear the sound of a bull horn. \"Alright, Sam! We know you're up there! Give yourself up!\" Darn it! Who's the rat that tipped them off?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You're in a small, tastefully decorated entry room flanked by the elevator to the north and an apartment to the south.\n\nYou can see an apartment door, some elevator doors (open) and an elevator call button here.\n\nThere's that bull horn again. \"Give it up, Sam! There's no way out. We've got the place surrounded!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You knock on the door",
"response": "You knock on the door. An elderly voice says, \"Who is it?\"\n\n\"Never mind, ma'am,\" you say, \"wrong apartment.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can see a control panel here.\n\n\"That's it, Sam! We're coming up!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You're in a small, tastefully decorated entry room flanked by the elevator to the north and an apartment to the south.\n\nYou can see an apartment door, some elevator doors (open) and an elevator call button here.\n\nThey're probably getting ready to burst in right now. If you're going to get out of here, now would be the time to do it!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You knock on door",
"response": "You knock on the door. Some mug in a rumpled dress shirt opens the door, give you one look and says, \"Hey! You're not Lenny.\" Looks like you found an Einstein.\n\n\"Sorry, bud. Wrong apartment\" you say as he closes the door.\n\nPanic starts to set in! They're going to be here any minute now!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can see a control panel here.\n\nThere is a loud banging as the police smash their way in to the building. Soon the apartment building is crawling with armed cops. You try desperately to hide from them but it's no good. It doesn't take them too long to find you.\n\nThere is a brief struggle as the cops surround you. By the time it's over, a few cops are sporting shiners and you've become intimate with a pair of handcuffs.\n\nThe cops toss you in the back of a squad car and haul you downtown.\n\nAfter a brief stay as a guest of the local tax payers, you're brought up on charges. The rap is murder.\n\nYou argue that you were set up but even Clancy can't help you now.\n\n\"Come on, Clancy. You know me. You don't think that I did this do you?\"\n\n\"It doesn't matter what I'm thinking, Sam. That's for a jury to decide.\"\n\nThose words don't bring much comfort. Short odds are on a jury's being all too happy to believe that you did it, considering you were found sharing a room with a freshly stabbed corpse.\n\n\"Off to bed, Junior\" your mother says as she turns off the radio.\n\n\"But ma! I need to know how Sam's going to get out of this one! Can't I please stay up a little longer?\"\n\n\"Sorry. You have school in the morning. You'll just have to ask your friends about it in the morning.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine control",
"response": "The elevator control panel looks simple enough that even a dope like you could use it. It's got five buttons marked Floor 1 through Floor 5 on it.\n\nThey're probably getting ready to burst in right now. If you're going to get out of here, now would be the time to do it!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The lobby of the Luxor Apartments is very posh but mostly empty, especially at this late hour. Interesting. It seems like every upscale establishment has a thing for chrome and the color white these days. Why is that? You wonder.\n\nThe exit to the street is to the south. A door blocks your way north.\n\nYou can see a front door and an intercom here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This small hallway runs north from the front door and ends in a pair of elevator doors.\n\nYou can see a front door, some elevator doors and an elevator call button here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The elevator is clean and plush with a single set of doors along the south wall. Why can't your office be this nice?\n\nA small stool stands in the corner, next to the control panel. Usually the operator would sit there but it's so late that he's probably gone home.\n\nYou can also see a control panel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the radio",
"response": "You switch the radio on.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the sink",
"response": "The sink is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the couch",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the tank",
"response": "In the tropical fish tank are some tropical fish and some water.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search tank",
"response": "In the tropical fish tank are some tropical fish and some water.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the fish",
"response": "(the tropical fish)\nYou reach in and try to grab some of the fish but they just swim away.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink water",
"response": "Delicious and refreshing!\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Standing in the chill night air on the fire escape, you can see all the way to the center of town. It's quite a view.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Oh come on, Sam. You've barely even looked around the place. Don't leave now!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The bed is along the south wall. It's one of those nice mahogany sled-style beds. King-size.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shirt",
"response": "(first taking the dress shirt)\nYou'll have to remove the knife first if you want to get his shirt off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brick wall",
"response": "The wall surrounds the pool on the south and east sides, the sides that aren't blocked by the apartment itself. It's pretty high. Apparently Bob likes his privacy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the knife",
"response": "You pull the bloody knife out of his back, putting your fingerprints all over it in the process.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "It's far to high for you to reach. Perhaps if you had something to stand on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pants",
"response": "Dress slacks. There's a back pocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the key",
"response": "Which do you mean, the brass key or the small key?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the wallet",
"response": "You open the wallet, revealing an ID card.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the iD",
"response": "Robert Watterson III. It's him all right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the stool",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nIn the distance, you can hear the sound of sirens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand on the stool",
"response": "You get onto the stool.\n\nThe sirens seem to be getting louder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wall",
"response": "You can just barely reach.\n\n(getting off the stool)\nYou climb up onto the top of the wall and look around. The view is fantastic from up here. It's marred only by the high tension wire that runs from the roof of Bob's apartment, passing over your head and descending to the roof of the building to the east. From up here on the wall, it's just low enough for you to reach.\n\nNo, you're sure of it now. The cops seem to be surrounding the building! Well, Sam, it looks like you've been set up!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the wire",
"response": "Try sliding down the wire instead.\n\nYou'd better find a way out of here before they find you with Mr. Congeniality here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You slide down the wire",
"response": "Sliding down that wire with your bare hands looks like it would be pretty painful. Perhaps you could try sliding down the wire with something.\n\nHmm. The sirens have stopped. Perhaps they were going somewhere else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You slide down the wire with the belt",
"response": "I looped Bob's belt over the high tension wire and slid down to the roof of the adjacent building.\n\nIt was just in the nick of time too. I could hear the cops running through the apartment behind me. \"He's not here, Sarge. But there's the body. I guess that tip-off was on the level!\"\n\nOne thing was certain. I didn't need to continue looking for Robert Watterson III. He wasn't missing any more. Although I supposed someone might be missing him.\n\nWhat had I gotten myself mixed up in? The cops showing up just then was entirely too convenient. Somebody wanted me out of the picture and they wanted it bad. But who? I tried to make it all add up but so far all it added up to was a lot of question marks.\n\nFolks, that's the end of Act I of tonight's drama: the Case of the Missing Playboy.\n\nIn a minute, we'll continue with Act II but first...\n\nAre you looking for the finest experience in smoking pleasure? Then you really owe it to yourself to try Muskrat Cigarettes. You see, four out of five doctors recommend Muskrat Cigarettes. That's because Muskrat Cigarettes are smoother, better tasting, and better for you! Indeed, recent studies suggest that smoking just one pack of Muskrat Cigarettes a day can improve respiratory vitality and provide you with more pep! So the next time you crave a fine smoke, reach for Muskrat Cigarettes. You'll be glad you did because remember:\n\nNothing smokes like a Muskrat!\n\nAnd now: we bring you Act II of tonight's thrilling adventure of Sam Fortune and The Case of the Missing Playboy!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the phone",
"response": "Picking up the telephone you pause to consider your options.\n\n[1] Call Clancy at the 21st precinct.\n[2] Call the Times.\n[3] Call Irene.\n[4] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "John Olsen's a friend of yours. He works the society desk at the Times. It's very late but you're betting he's still there after putting to bed the morning edition. Turns out your hunch was right.\n\n\"What's stewing, Sammy?\"\n\n[1] Ask about Irene.\n[2] Ask about Mr. Scarlet.\n[3] Ask about Bob Watterson.\n[4] Ask about the Top Cat Club.\n[5] Ask what he knows about Ginger.\n[6] Ask about recent police activity.\n[7] Chat with John for a while.\n[8] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"John, what can you tell me about Irene Scarlet?\"\n\n\"Irene Scarlet! The most fashionable belle at the ball. She is the queen of the society set. She carries herself with the grace of a movie star and she mingles with all of the most fashionable men about town. She's been keeping me in print for some time now. Is there something about her that I should know?\"\n\n\"Now, now, Johnny boy. Don't get over excited. I'm just asking.\"\n\n\"Well, if you're running around with Miss Scarlet then you're in pretty rarified air. Her daddy's...\"\n\n\"Yeah, yeah. Her daddy's a millionaire.\"\n\n\"Right. And what's his is hers, if you know what I mean. I only wish that she'd give us more to print about her than just who she was seen with where and when. The girl's as squeaky clean as the girl next door. More's the pity.\"\n\n\"Well I hope I don't disappoint you when I say that's good news. Thanks, John. You've been swell.\"\n\n[1] Ask about Mr. Scarlet.\n[2] Ask about Bob Watterson.\n[3] Ask about the Top Cat Club.\n[4] Ask what he knows about Ginger.\n[5] Ask about recent police activity.\n[6] Chat with John for a while.\n[7] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"What about Daddy Scarlet? What can you tell me about him?\"\n\n\"Well I'm sure you already know that he's made millions in fish.\"\n\n\"Yes. But is there any dirt on the guy?\"\n\n\"No. He keeps pretty clean. The only thing fishy about him is his fish. His wife passed on several years back and he's devoted to his daughter. I hate to admit it but they actually seem to be a very nice family. Believe me, Sam. I haven't found even the hint of a scandal and it isn't for lack of trying.\"\n\n\"Thanks again, John.\"\n\n[1] Ask about Bob Watterson.\n[2] Ask about the Top Cat Club.\n[3] Ask what he knows about Ginger.\n[4] Ask about recent police activity.\n[5] Chat with John for a while.\n[6] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Hey, what about a guy named Bob Watterson. What do you know about him?\"\n\n\"Robert Watterson III. He's one of the society set. He spends money like it's his birthright, which it probably is. We see him a lot in the company of one Miss Irene Scarlet.\"\n\n\"So they're an item are they?\"\n\n\"Could be. You know you never can really be sure with these society types. They tend to flirt with everyone and when they get really close to someone they tend to like to hide it from people like me.\"\n\n\"Yeah, I can understand that.\"\n\n\"Hey! Was that a crack?\"\n\n\"What else can you tell me about him?\"\n\n\"Not much really. He doesn't seem to have a job or anything. Just money. He's been buzzing around the society crowd with the other drones for several years now but nobody's really sure where he came from.\"\n\n\"Well thanks, John.\"\n\n\"Sure thing.\"\n\n[1] Ask about the Top Cat Club.\n[2] Ask what he knows about Ginger.\n[3] Ask about recent police activity.\n[4] Chat with John for a while.\n[5] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"What do you know about the Top Cat Club?\"\n\n\"The Top Cat Club. Center for overpriced entertainment catering to the rich and privileged.\"\n\n\"Quite the popular spot, I'm given to understand. But I already knew that. Tell me something I don't already know.\"\n\n\"Well, rumor has it that the owner, one Mr. Tony Gabriele, has ties to organized crime. Nothing's been proven of course but it seems pretty likely. I'm told that the police have been watching the place pretty heavy these days.\"\n\n\"Now that is interesting. Can you tell me anything about Mr. Gabriele?\"\n\n\"Just that he's a very sharp dresser and he never goes anywhere without a couple of goons. I wouldn't get mixed up with him if I were you, Sam. People who do seem to wind up regretting it.\"\n\n\"Yeah. Thanks for the tip, John.\"\n\n\"My pleasure.\"\n\n[1] Ask what he knows about Ginger.\n[2] Ask about recent police activity.\n[3] Chat with John for a while.\n[4] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"John, what do you know of a dame named Ginger Andrews?\"\n\n\"The singer at the Top Cat Club?\"\n\n\"That's her.\"\n\n\"Not much. She worked Atlantic City for a while before Tony brought her up here. Since she's been here, every sugar daddy in town's been trying to hook up with her.\"\n\n\"Any succeed?\"\n\n\"Not that I can tell. Unless you count Tony. Rumor has it that she's his girl.\"\n\n\"Thank you, Johnny! Now that makes sense!\"\n\n[1] Ask what he knows about Tony.\n[2] Ask about recent police activity.\n[3] Chat with John for a while.\n[4] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Johnny, I need you to tell me everything you know about Tony Gabriele.\"\n\n\"Alright. Well you know he runs the Top Cat Club.\"\n\n\"Yeah. Go on.\"\n\n\"Well, he's also suspected of being connected with organized crime. Seems a lot of known mobsters like to visit the Top Cat Club whenever they're in town. The cops have been trying to connect him with operations in Chicago, Atlantic City, and a few other east coast towns. So far, they've been without luck, but they think it's only a matter of time before he slips up.\"\n\n\"Yeah. That fits the picture, Johnny. What about legit business concerns?\"\n\n\"Well there's the club of course. And he also has a small warehouse on Pier 27 where he does some importing from the old country. He started the Top Cat Club with money he made through his import business.\"\n\n\"Thanks, Johnny! That's just what I needed to know!\"\n\n[1] Ask about recent police activity.\n[2] Chat with John for a while.\n[3] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Listen, John, I need your help. I imagine you've heard that there was a 'disturbance' downtown tonight.\"\n\n\"Yeah. Not my desk but I heard something about it. Are you mixed up in this?\"\n\n\"Never mind that for now. What have you heard?\"\n\n\"Apparently some guy got bumped off and the cops got a tip-off about the killer. Seems they let him get away though because the radio's been all chatter about a manhunt going on.\"\n\n[1] Tell him Bob Watterson's dead.\n[2] Tell him the cops are after you.\n[3] Chat with John for a while.\n[4] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Listen, Johnny. I'll let you in on a scoop. That stiff that the cops found? It's Robert Watterson III.\"\n\n\"You don't say? What'd he die of?\"\n\n\"Acute back pain, complicated by severe pneumonia. They found him face down in his pool with a kitchen knife jammed into his backbone.\"\n\n\"No wonder the cops are buzzing like a nest of angry hornets.\"\n\n\"Yeah. No wonder.\"\n\n[1] Tell him the cops are after you.\n[2] Chat with John for a while.\n[3] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Johnny, I got a little bit of a problem here. That guy the cops are after? You're talkin' to him.\"\n\n\"What? You killed the guy?\"\n\n\"No. Of course not. But the cops think I did. Somebody fixed it so that they'd show up just as I was on the scene. Made it all nice and easy for them to jump to the wrong conclusions.\"\n\n\"How can I help?\"\n\n[1] Tell the cops I didn't do it.\n[2] Tell the cops I was with you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Call the cops and tell them I didn't do it. Tell them that if they'll give me 24 hours I'll finger the killer for them.\"\n\n\"I don't know, Sam. They may not go for it.\"\n\n\"I know. But perhaps it'll buy me some time.\"\n\n\"Alright. I'll try.\"\n\n\"Thanks, Johnny. You're swell.\"\n\n[1] Chat with John for a while.\n[2] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You can't think of anything specific to say to John so you just chat for a while.\n\n[1] Chat with John for a while.\n[2] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "You put the receiver back on its cradle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "You're still not sure if you can trust Irene. After all, she got you mixed up in this and for all you know she could have been the one who set you up. Still, she seems on the level and you don't see as it matters much anyway. So you dial Irene's number. It rings a few times and eventually you're rewarded with the sound of her sleepy voice on the other end. \"Hello?\"\n\n\"Hiya, Red. It's Sam.\"\n\n[1] Tell her Bob's Dead.\n[2] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Listen, doll, I've got some bad news. I found Bob Watterson.\"\n\n\"But, Sam! That's wonderful!\"\n\n\"No. No it isn't. I'm afraid that he's dead.\"\n\n\"Dead? Oh no, Sam! There must be some mistake!\"\n\n\"No mistake, sweetheart. I just got done not speaking with him. He was quite incommunicado.\"\n\nIrene starts crying and it's only with difficulty that she manages to say, \"Oh, Sam! This is terrible! What happened?\"\n\n\"I'm afraid that someone killed him.\"\n\n\"He was murdered?\" Still sobbing. \"But who would do such a thing? Bob never hurt anybody!\"\n\n\"I was kind of hoping that you could tell me.\n\n\"Listen, sweetheart. I can't go into this over the phone but we need to talk. We have to meet somewhere so we can sort this out. I don't think we have much time.\"\n\n\"Sure, Sam. Anything you say.\"\n\n\"We have to be careful though. I've got half the city police force out looking for me, and whoever bumped off that friend of yours is probably after me as well. So we need to meet somewhere where we can be safe.\"\n\n\"Where did you have in mind?\"\n\n\"We need somewhere where we can be sure that we're not overheard, but it's got to be somewhere public, somewhere where there'll be witnesses so someone will think twice before making a play for us. What's more, it's gotta be open at this late hour. Say! I've got it. The railway station! Meet me on the center platform in fifteen minutes.\"\n\n\"Sure, Sam, I'll be there.\"\n\nYou put the receiver back on its cradle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the phone",
"response": "Picking up the telephone you pause to consider your options.\n\n[1] Call Clancy at the 21st precinct.\n[2] Call the Times.\n[3] Hang up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You decide to call Sgt. Clancy down at the 21st. You dial the number from memory and soon you're talking to Sgt. Clancy.\n\n\"Clancy. It's Sam.\"\n\n\"Sam! Where are you? Half the cops in the city are lookin' for ya!\"\n\n[1] Tell him I didn't do it.\n[2] Ask him to call off the manhunt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Now listen, Clancy. You know I didn't kill that guy. Right?\"\n\n\"Oh I don't know. Saints preserve us, Sam! We've got your fingerprints all over that apartment.\"\n\n\"But surely you can't believe it!\"\n\n\"I must admit that I was rather shocked to hear you were implicated, Sam. You've always been a little lax with the law but you've never stepped over the line this far.\"\n\n\"So call off your boys, Clancy. I was framed! Somebody set me up.\"\n\n\"Sure you was, Sam. Now why don't you just come down to the precinct and tell me all of the details.\"\n\n\"No dice, Clancy. You know I can't do that. Just give me 24 hours and I'll get your killer for you.\"\n\n\"You know I can't...\"\n\n\"I gotta go, Clancy, but I'll be in touch. But remember, just 24 hours.\"\n\nYou put the receiver back on its cradle.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Your office is on the fifth floor of a crummy old office building in the lower east side.\n\nThere is a single dingy window in the west wall, directly opposite the only door.\n\nThe sun streaming throught the Venetian blinds traces bars across the desk that sits in the middle of the room. Bars like the bars of a prison cell.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a telephone.\n\nA battered old filing cabinet stands in the corner.\n\nAn old desk chair sits behind the desk.\n\nA plain guest chair is strategically placed in front of the desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "(the wooden desk)\nIt's a very plain wooden desk with a single shabby drawer. Someday perhaps you'll be able to afford mahogany.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the drawer",
"response": "Which do you mean, the desk drawer, the top drawer of the filing cabinet or the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Desk",
"response": "In the desk drawer is a bottle of whiskey.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink it",
"response": "You start to take another drink but then you reconsider. \"Naw. That's enough, Sam.\" you say to yourself. \"I have a feeling that you might need a clear head tonight.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up Ginger in the folders",
"response": "Which do you mean, the file folders marked A to M or the file folders marked N to Z?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the m.",
"response": "You see several file folders marked A to M in nearly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb idly through a few of the folders before deciding that there really isn't anything helpful to your current situation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the m.",
"response": "You see several file folders marked A to M in nearly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb through a few of the folders but nothing really catches your interest at the moment. Perhaps if you knew what you were looking for this would yield better results.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the north",
"response": "(the file folders marked N to Z)\nYou see a handful of file folders marked N to Z in mostly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb idly through a few of the folders before deciding that there really isn't anything helpful to your current situation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read N",
"response": "(the file folders marked N to Z)\nYou see a handful of file folders marked N to Z in mostly alphabetical order.\n\nYou thumb through a few of the folders but nothing really catches your interest at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Your business concluded, you make for the door but upon opening it, you find yourself face to face with two rough looking thugs.\n\n\"Well look who we have here, Mickey Boy!\" says the one with the weasely face.\n\n\"It looks like a rat, Flynn.\"\n\n\"Pity he isn't caught in some trap somewhere. Isn't it?\"\n\n\"Heh. Yeah.\"\n\nYou step back into the room as the two thugs burst in. As you silently plan your next move, it occurs to you that you've heard these two voices before, through a door backstage of the Top Cat Club.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Mickey",
"response": "I don't think you're going to be able to talk your way out of this one, Sam.\n\nMickey Boy says, \"You know? The boss doesn't like it when people nose around in his affairs.\" Then he drives the point home with a swift punch to your gut that leaves your gasping for wind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Punch mickey",
"response": "You hit Mickey Boy with your fist but he shrugs it off.\n\nMickey Boy says, \"When we're through with you, you'll wish you'd stayed in your office, gumshoe.\" He follows this with a lunge which you only barely avoid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Mickey with the whiskey",
"response": "You smash Mickey Boy with the bottle of whiskey and lay him out flat.\n\nWeasel Face Flynn says, That's a pretty face you have there. It'd be a shame if anything were to happen to it.\" Then he takes a swing at your face and nearly breaks your jaw. You nearly stagger to the ground before regaining your feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot flynn",
"response": "That's really rather pointless since you don't have any bullets.\n\nWeasel Face Flynn punches you in the solar-plexus, knocking the wind out of you. \"Had enough yet?\" he asks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bottle of whiskey\na brass key\na wallet (open)\nan ID card\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key\n\nWeasel Face Flynn says, \"Don't know when to quit, do you?\" Then he punches you in the kidneys, knocking you against the filing cabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Flynn with the gun",
"response": "You pummel Weasel Face Flynn with the revolver and lay him out flat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search flynn",
"response": "Weasel Face Flynn is aptly named. He's a thin guy with a face like... well, you know. When he's not stretched out on the floor, he nervously shifts from one leg to the other as his eyes rapidly dart to and fro, which only serves to enhance the mustelidae family resemblance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search Mickey",
"response": "Mickey Boy is the larger of Tony's errand boys. He's about six feet tall and well over 200 pounds. Not the sort you want to meet in a dark alley, or a deserted office building for that matter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "My encounter with Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn made it pretty clear that Tony Gabriele was up to something. I still wasn't sure what it was but by now I was pretty sure that Irene had nothing to do with it.\n\nOnce again, I ducked down the stairs and headed out into the dark, lonely streets. It was well past midnight now and the streets were mostly deserted. I didn't dare risk grabbing a cab; instead I walked the few blocks to the train station to keep my appointment with Irene. Along the way I had to duck into a couple of alleys to avoid the occasional copper. The last thing I needed was for some flatfoot beat cop to earn a promotion on my account tonight.\n\nIt wasn't long before I found myself in front of the station. Now all I had to do was slip inside, get to the center platform and keep my rendezvous with Irene.\n\n[This might be a good time to save your game.]\n\nThe city train station is a big, imposing structure made by big men, designed to impress upon all the supremacy and majesty of the railroad. The columned behemoth of a building lies to the north, the gigantic entrance perched atop a short but magnificent flight of stairs like the entrance to some Greek temple.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are standing on the south side of the cavernous room that makes up the main waiting area of the train station. During the day, passengers would fill this room with activity but at this hour it is mostly empty. You can see the room stretching out in front of you to the north. Far to the north you can just make out the set of stairs that descend to the platforms. Behind you, to the south, is the doorway that leads back outside.\n\nYou can see one of the city's finest patrolling the room. As long as you stay here near the entrance, you can probably avoid his gaze but you'll need to find some way to cross the room without attracting his attention.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area for now but it appears that he'll soon be heading your way. It's probably best to wait here until you've learned his movements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cop",
"response": "You see nothing special about the policeman.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman arrives from the north.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area. As long as you don't break cover you're pretty sure that he won't see you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman goes north.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You're halfway across the waiting area. There is a small gift shop to the west and some ticket windows to the east. Far to the north, you can see the stairs to the platforms. An equal distance to the south, you can see the main entrance.\n\nYou can see a policeman here.\n\nYou turn up your collar and try to slip past the policeman but since you're nearly the only person in the station, he immediately moves toward you. You turn away but he chases after you and soon it becomes a foot race.\n\nDesperately, you dodge and weave but he blows his whistle and soon there are cops coming from all directions.\n\nThere is a brief struggle as the cops surround you. By the time it's over, they've added assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest to your growing list of charges.\n\nThe cops toss you in the back of a squad car and take you downtown.\n\nAfter a brief stay in the city slammer, you're brought up on murder charges.\n\nYou try to convince Clancy to help you but the best that he can do is recommend a good lawyer.\n\n\"Time for bed, Junior\" your mother says as she turns off the radio.\n\n\"But, ma! They just arrested Sam! Can't I please stay up a little longer and hear how get gets out of it?\"\n\n\"Sorry. You have school in the morning. You'll just have to ask your friends about it at school tomorrow.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You're halfway across the waiting area. There is a small gift shop to the west and some ticket windows to the east. Far to the north, you can see the stairs to the platforms. An equal distance to the south, you can see the main entrance.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is a small gift shop that sells various items to waiting travelers. Curiously, the shopkeeper seems to have stepped out.\nThere's no one here.\n\nThe waiting area is back to the east.\n\nIn the corner of the gift shop is a magazine rack.\n\nOn the magazine rack are a copy of Living Magazine and a copy of the Morning Edition News.\n\nOn a shelf you can see one of those toy monkeys that dances and bangs its cymbals together when it's turned on.\n\nA snow globe with a model of the train station sits on one of the shelves.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the Living",
"response": "The cover story of this issue is devoted to the European relief effort. I'm sure it's an interesting article but you really don't have time to read it right now.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read Morning",
"response": "The headline is about president Truman's effort to promote the formation of some international organization called the United Nations. Below that is a brief story about the murder of Robert Watterson III. Most alarming is a police sketch of the chief suspect. They didn't quite capture your rugged jaw line correctly! You're going to have to have some words with Clancy's artist.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the globe",
"response": "A model of the city train station sits inside a glass globe. Tiny snowflakes drift lazily around the globe whenever you shake it. Suspended above the station are the words \"Wish You Were Here\".\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shake globe",
"response": "You give the globe a vigorous shake and little tiny snowflakes begin swirling around the little building. It's rather pretty really. It's not very useful though.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the monkey",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "It's a cute little toy monkey holding a pair of cymbals.\n\nThe toy monkey is currently switched off.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The policeman arrives from the south.\n\nYou turn up your collar and turn your back to the policeman as he arrives in the hopes that he wont recognize you but it's no good. He immediately recognizes you and blows his whistle. Soon there are cops arriving from all directions.\n\nThere is a brief struggle as the cops surround you. By the time it's over, they've added assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest to your growing list of charges.\n\nThe cops toss you in the back of a squad car and take you downtown.\n\nAfter a brief stay in the city slammer, you're brought up on murder charges.\n\nYou try to convince Clancy to help you but the best that he can do is recommend a good lawyer.\n\n\"Time for bed, Junior\" your mother says as she turns off the radio.\n\n\"But, ma! They just arrested Sam! Can't I please stay up a little longer and hear how get gets out of it?\"\n\n\"Sorry. You have school in the morning. You'll just have to ask your friends about it at school tomorrow.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are standing on the north side of the waiting area. Far to the south, across the huge room, you can see the entrance to the building. Below you, to the north, you can see the stairs that descend down to the platforms.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You're standing at the top of the flight of stairs leading down to the platforms.\n\nTo the south, you can see the whole of the waiting area. You're well concealed so there is no fear of being spotted by the policeman who is patrolling there. Down and to the north, you can just make out part of the lower level of the train station.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "The lower level of the train station is a large space which opens on to three platforms. Directly in front of you, to the north, is the central platform, to the north east is the east platform, and to the north west is the west platform. Naturally, there are train tracks running between the platforms.\n\nThere are numerous pillars supporting the high arched ceiling.\n\nThe stairs that lead back to the waiting area are behind you, to the south.\n\nYou can barely make out a figure on the central platform which you hope must be Irene.\n\nBetween you and the central platform stands a policeman. You can only assume that he's looking for you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pillars",
"response": "There are numerous pillars supporting the high arched ceiling. It's actually a rather impressive space.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the monkey",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the monkey",
"response": "You switch on the toy monkey, slide it across the floor and duck behind a pillar.\n\nThe policeman sees the toy monkey and moves to investigate. Now's your chance Sam!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are standing on the central platform, with tracks on either side of you leading north into the darkness. Behind you, to the south, you can see the policeman examining the monkey with a puzzled look on his face.\n\nYou can see Irene Scarlet here.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Irene",
"response": "Irene is lovelier than ever, her silky red hair cascading over her dark mink coat. You could fall for a dame like this in a big way! But you gather your thoughts and force yourself to focus on business. \"Hello again, sweetheart.\"\n\nAs she turns to face you, you can see that she's been crying.\n\n\"Oh, Sam! What's going on? First you tell me Bobby's dead and now you ask me to meet you here, what does it all mean?\"\n\n[1] Comfort Irene.\n[2] Tell her about Bob and Ginger.\n[3] Tell her about Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"Irene, were you aware that Bob had a thing for Ginger Andrews?\"\n\n\"I had suspected as much but he never actually told me so.\"\n\n[1] Ask if she was jealous.\n[2] Ask if she was in love with Bob.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"Did you love him, Irene?\"\n\n\"We weren't in love if that's what you mean. But I loved him like a brother.\"\n\n[1] Comfort Irene.\n[2] Tell her about Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn.\n[3] Ask if she knows what had Bob so upset that night.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"You said before that something had upset Bob that night. Do you know what it was?\"\n\n\"No, Sam. I don't know.\"\n\n\"I know he was backstage with Ginger for part of that evening. Do you think Ginger might have had something to do with it?\"\n\n\"Now that you mention it, I think it might have been. He was away from the group for a while and when he came back he was upset. Perhaps she said something to him to make him upset.\"\n\n\"Yes, that or perhaps he overheard something he shouldn't have.\"\n\n[1] Comfort Irene.\n[2] Tell her about Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn.\n[3] Ask what she knows about Tony.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"What do you know about Tony Gabriele?\"\n\n\"Nothing, Sam. I didn't even know his name before tonight.\"\n\n\"Well, he's a mob boss and I think that Bob accidentally overheard something that could have got him into a lot of hot water.\"\n\n[1] Comfort Irene.\n[2] Tell her about Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn.\n[3] Tell her about Tony's warehouse.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "\"I hear that Tony has a warehouse down on Pier 27. I think that I'm going to have to check it out. There has to be something there that will pin this rap on Tony.\"\n\n\"Oh, Sam! Be careful!\"\n\n\"Don't worry, sweetheart. I will. But listen, Red, do me a favor.\"\n\n\"Anything, Sam.\"\n\n\"I need to you give me about a half an hour. Then I need you to go to the cops and tell them that something's fishy at Tony's warehouse. That should give me enough time to case the joint. Even if I don't find anything, it probably wouldn't hurt to have the cops show up there tonight.\"\n\n\"But what will I tell them?\"\n\n[1] Tell her she'll think of something.\n[2] Tell her to tell the cops that you're there.\n[3] Tell her to report a burglary.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"Tell them that I'm there. That should get their attention.\"\n\n[1] Comfort Irene.\n[2] Tell her about Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn.\n[3] Say goodbye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"There, there,\" you say as she melts into your arms. \"It'll be all right. We'll get this straightened out somehow.\"\n\n\"But how, Sam?\"\n\n\"Don't worry. I'll think of something.\"\n\n[1] Tell her about Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"Two of Tony Gabriele's boys just tried to punch my time card. I barely managed to get clear of them. It looks like he thinks I know something about whatever he's up to.\"\n\n\"But why, Sam? Why would he think that?\"\n\nI think he knows I was backstage earlier tonight. He must think that I overheard something I shouldn't have.\"\n\n\"But how would he know that?\"\n\n\"Ginger must have told him. She's the only one who could have known I was back there. Even you didn't know that. They must have been discussing whatever they're up to while I was back there. Come to think of it, I'm sure I heard bits and snatches of it. He must think that I heard more than I actually did.\"\n\n[1] Ask what she knows about Tony.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "\"What do you know about Tony Gabriele?\"\n\n\"Nothing, Sam. I didn't even know his name before tonight.\"\n\n\"Well, he's a mob boss and I think that Bob accidentally overheard something that could have got him into a lot of hot water.\"\n\n[1] Tell her about Tony's warehouse.\n[2] Say goodbye.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"Now go on, Red. Get outta here before that cop stops playing with his monkey and decides to check up on us.\"\n\n\"OK. Be careful, Sam!\" Irene gives you a quick kiss and says, \"For luck!\"\n\n\"Sure, sweetheart. You be careful too. See you after the dust settles.\"\n\nIrene turned and left me standing alone on the platform. I waited a few minutes before sneaking out of the station by following one of the tracks.\n\nIt didn't take me too long to walk the few blocks to Pier 27. It took even less time to find Tony's warehouse.\n\nI wasn't sure exactly what I would find but I was pretty certain that it wouldn't be canned herring.\n\n[This might be a good time to save your game.]\n\nThe pier is nearly pitch black at this early hour. In fact, the only light that you can see is coming from a high window in the warehouse in front of you. It looks like somebody must be home.\n\nTony's warehouse is directly in front of you to the north. There is a dark alley to the northeast.\n\nA small sign beside the large metal warehouse door reads, \"Gabriele Imports.\"\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the warehouse",
"response": "(Gabriele Imports)\nTony's warehouse is a large, utilitarian building that hangs on the side of the pier, allowing goods to be transferred by truck on one side and boat on the other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "This narrow, dark alley runs beside the warehouse. Along the north side of the alley is a railing that overlooks the harbor. From the railing you can see a dock behind the warehouse.\n\nYou can see several dark figures on the dock unloading crates from a boat that sits almost directly below you. You quietly hide in the shadows while the figures finish unloading the crates and after a few minutes they move inside the warehouse.\n\nA ladder leads from a gap in the railing at the end of the alley down to the water. The bottom of the ladder is only a step away from the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the boat",
"response": "The boat is almost directly below you. You could easily reach it by climbing down the ladder.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "You are in a small power boat which is tied up to the dock behind the warehouse. You can reach the dock by going west.\n\nA ladder leads from a gap in the railing at the end of the alley down to the water. The bottom of the ladder is only a step away from the boat.\n\nA small toolbox sits under one of the seats in the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open it",
"response": "You open the toolbox, revealing a wrench, a hammer and a screwdriver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na toolbox (open)\na wrench\na hammer\na screwdriver\na bottle of whiskey\na brass key\na wallet (open)\nan ID card\nexpense money\na revolver\na small key",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ladder",
"response": "The ladder descends several feet from the edge of the alley above down to the water below. The boat bumps up against it as it sways with the tide.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The dock extends from the back of the warehouse down to the water level. The warehouse is to the south. A boat is tied up to the east. The inside of the warehouse is dimly visible through the open wooden door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The large warehouse is filled with crates and boxes. There is a large metal door to the south that leads to the pier and a large door to the north that leads to the dock. There is also a smaller door to the west that appears to lead to a small office.\n\nAlong one wall of the warehouse you can see a stack of crates that you recognize as the crates that were just recently being unloaded from the boat.\n\nFrom the next room you see a flickering shadow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crates",
"response": "You can't see inside, since the crates are closed.\n\nFrom the next room you hear muffled voices.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open crates",
"response": "The crates are nailed shut. You try to pry off the top with your bare hands but your grip isn't strong enough for that.\n\nFrom the next room you hear elevated voices arguing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You listen closely and you hear a voice coming from the next room say, \"Did you get everything unloaded from the boat?\"\n\n\"Yeah, boss. We got it all.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You listen closely and you hear, \"What are we going to do about that detective, boss?\"\n\n\"If we find him, you're going to kill him, Mickey Boy.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You listen closely and you hear, \"Good thing Ginger tipped you off to those two. Right, boss?\"\n\n\"And yet that detective is still making trouble, isn't he Weasel? Thanks to your incompetence.\"\n\n\"Don't worry, boss. We'll get him.\"\n\n\"You'd better.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the crate with the hammer",
"response": "(first taking the hammer)\nYou loosen a few nails with the hammer and manage to pry off one of the lids.\n\nPulling off the lid you find some tightly wrapped packages containing a substance which appears to be narcotics.\n\nIt looks like Tony has been using his warehouse as a front for a drug smuggling operation.\n\nFrom the next room you hear movement.\n\nYou think to yourself that Irene should have gone to the cops by now. With luck they should be arriving any minute. You might as well just hang around and wait for them at this point.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Don't go, Sam. It's probably best for you to just wait here until the cops arrive.\n\nFrom the next room you see a flickering shadow.\n\nIs that a car you hear or are you just imagining it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the metal door",
"response": "You walk boldly right up to the warehouse door and pull it open. Unfortunately, opening a large metal door makes an awful lot of noise, something which is particularly noticeable at this late hour. No sooner do you open the door when three men wearing dark suits and packing heat emerge from the nearby office. You immediately recognize two of them as your friends Mickey Boy and Weasel Face Flynn. You assume the third must be Mr. Gabriele himself.\n\nTony points a .38 at you and says, \"Mr. Fortune, I grow tired of this little game you've been playing. I would have thought that by now you would have learned not to go where you are not wanted.\"\n\n\"Yeah, well, I've never been too good at that.\"\n\n\"That's really too bad. Mickey Boy, Flynn, take Mr. Fortune for a ride in the boat. I've had enough of his meddling.\"\n\n\"Sure, boss.\"\n\nBefore you have time to react, Mickey Boy clubs the back of your head with his pistol and you drop like a sack of beans.\n\nIt's a pity that Sam wasn't awake for that early morning boat ride into the middle of the harbor. The sunrise that morning was particularly impressive. Unfortunately, the anchor tied to his feet and the water in his lungs made sure that he would never see it.\n\nLadies and gentlemen. That concludes tonight's episode of Sam Fortune - Private Investigator, sponsored by Muskrat Cigarettes.\n\nTune in next week for our brand new series...\n\nYour mother clicks off the radio as you stare with your mouth open in disbelief.\n\n\"I don't understand, ma! How could they kill off Sam? He can't die!\"\n\n\"Now, Junior. It's just a radio program. Perhaps the ratings weren't very good.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nFrom the next room you hear movement.\n\nYes. You're sure you heard a couple of cars pull up in front of the building. It can't be long now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nFrom the next room you hear elevated voices arguing.\n\nI heard the sound of the large metal warehouse door being opened. Tony and his two thugs come running out of the office only to find five large policemen waiting for them. It didn't take but a moment for them to realize that they were outnumbered. The jig was up.\n\nI stepped out of the shadows and said, \"Officers, I'm glad to see you. I think you'll want to take a look at what's in those crates over there. I think you'll discover that Mr. Gabriele and his stooges here have just received a large supply of narcotics. The other night Bob Watterson overheard them discussing this shipment and he must have been foolish enough to mention it to Ginger Andrews. She told Tony and he decided that they needed to shut him up. When I started digging around, they saw an opportunity to get rid of him permanently and pin it on me.\"\n\nSuddenly a dark shape with flowing red hair ran into the warehouse and threw her arms around me.\n\n\"Sam! You're OK!\"\n\n\"Yeah, sweetheart. I'm just swell. You did good. You and Clancy's boys showed up just in time.\"\n\nI bent over and gave Irene a long passionate kiss.\n\n\"Baby, we make a pretty good team. What say we blow this joint and go find somewhere to get better acquainted?\"\n\n\"Yes, Sam. I think I'd like that very much.\"\n\nLadies and gentlemen, that concludes Act 2 of tonight's drama: The Case of the Missing Playboy.\n\nSam Fortune: Private Investigator will return next week with an all new adventure but right now, stay tuned for Little Miss Abbey which will be heard over most of these IBS stations.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Nice digs! Bob sure knows how to live. The living room is large and very tastefully decorated. Through an alcove to the west you can see a dining room. To the east must be the bed room. Going south, opposite the front door, will take you to some sort of an open garden area.\n\nA long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sleep with fishes",
"response": "With time that might become a distinct possibility.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fish",
"response": "(the tropical fish)\nPretty little critters. Pity you can't teach them to fetch your slippers.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fish",
"response": "(the tropical fish)\nPretty little critters. Pity you can't teach them to fetch your slippers.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tank",
"response": "The tank is just about the right size for a coffin and it's filled with dozens of tropical fish.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at tank",
"response": "The tank is just about the right size for a coffin and it's filled with dozens of tropical fish. You briefly wonder what would happen if someone were to unplug the aerator. Have you ever seen what happens to fish when they get oxygen deprived? It's not a pretty sight.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tank",
"response": "The tank is just about the right size for a coffin and it's filled with dozens of tropical fish.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the tank",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unplug the aerator",
"response": "Really, Sam. Don't you have more important things to do than torture helpless fishies?\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dance",
"response": "You dance a quick jig but it doesn't really help. All it does is make you feel a little foolish.\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Plug sponsor",
"response": "What do you want to juggle?\n\nYou think to yourself that nothing smokes like a Muskrat!\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Plug key",
"response": "We only plug one product on this show: Muskrat Cigarettes.\n\nThe radio station is playing a love song by one of those crooners who are so popular these days.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fuck",
"response": "Whoa there, Sam! Do you want to get us taken off the air?\n\nA big band number is playing on the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sleep with the fish",
"response": "(the tropical fish)\nWith time that might become a distinct possibility.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the radio",
"response": "This is a very attractive tabletop model in a walnut frame.\n\nThe radio is currently switched on.\n\nSoft music plays over the radio.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the radio",
"response": "You switch the radio off.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Nice digs! Bob sure knows how to live. The living room is large and very tastefully decorated. Through an alcove to the west you can see a dining room. To the east must be the bed room. Going south, opposite the front door, will take you to some sort of an open garden area.\n\nA long, plush couch sits along one of the walls.\n\nA very large painting graces the wall across from the couch.\n\nA tropical fish tank sits underneath the painting.\n\nBeside the couch on a little end table is a radio.\n\nYou can also see Bob Watterson's front door here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The city train station is a big, imposing structure made by big men, designed to impress upon all the supremacy and majesty of the railroad. The columned behemoth of a building lies to the north, the gigantic entrance perched atop a short but magnificent flight of stairs like the entrance to some Greek temple.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are standing on the south side of the cavernous room that makes up the main waiting area of the train station. During the day, passengers would fill this room with activity but at this hour it is mostly empty. You can see the room stretching out in front of you to the north. Far to the north you can just make out the set of stairs that descend to the platforms. Behind you, to the south, is the doorway that leads back outside.\n\nYou can see one of the city's finest patrolling the room. As long as you stay here near the entrance, you can probably avoid his gaze but you'll need to find some way to cross the room without attracting his attention.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area for now but it appears that he'll soon be heading your way. It's probably best to wait here until you've learned his movements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You're halfway across the waiting area. There is a small gift shop to the west and some ticket windows to the east. Far to the north, you can see the stairs to the platforms. An equal distance to the south, you can see the main entrance.\n\nThe policeman arrives from the north.\n\nYou turn up your collar and turn your back to the policeman as he arrives in the hopes that he wont recognize you but it's no good. He immediately recognizes you and blows his whistle. Soon there are cops arriving from all directions.\n\nThere is a brief struggle as the cops surround you. By the time it's over, they've added assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest to your growing list of charges.\n\nThe cops toss you in the back of a squad car and take you downtown.\n\nAfter a brief stay in the city slammer, you're brought up on murder charges.\n\nYou try to convince Clancy to help you but the best that he can do is recommend a good lawyer.\n\n\"Time for bed, Junior\" your mother says as she turns off the radio.\n\n\"But, ma! They just arrested Sam! Can't I please stay up a little longer and hear how get gets out of it?\"\n\n\"Sorry. You have school in the morning. You'll just have to ask your friends about it at school tomorrow.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the monkey",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.\n\nTime passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.\n\nTime passes.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.\n\nTime passes.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.\n\nTime passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.\n\nTime passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.\n\nTime passes.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You're standing in front of a row of ticket windows. At this late hour they are all closed. The waiting room is behind you to the west.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the north end of the waiting area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the ticket",
"response": "Nothing is on sale.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the windows",
"response": "(the large windows)\nYou see nothing special about the large windows.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading south.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "The policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.\n\nYou are standing on the north side of the waiting area. Far to the south, across the huge room, you can see the entrance to the building. Below you, to the north, you can see the stairs that descend down to the platforms.\n\nThe policeman is patrolling the south end of the waiting area.\n\nYou're standing at the top of the flight of stairs leading down to the platforms.\n\nTo the south, you can see the whole of the waiting area. You're well concealed so there is no fear of being spotted by the policeman who is patrolling there. Down and to the north, you can just make out part of the lower level of the train station.\n\nThe policeman is crossing the center of the waiting area, heading north.\n\nThe lower level of the train station is a large space which opens on to three platforms. Directly in front of you, to the north, is the central platform, to the north east is the east platform, and to the north west is the west platform. Naturally, there are train tracks running between the platforms.\n\nThere are numerous pillars supporting the high arched ceiling.\n\nThe stairs that lead back to the waiting area are behind you, to the south.\n\nYou can barely make out a figure on the central platform which you hope must be Irene.\n\nBetween you and the central platform stands a policeman. You can only assume that he's looking for you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the monkey",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sleep with the monkey",
"response": "Ary you crazy Sam? He's distracted! Now's you chance! Don't spoil it!\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are standing on the central platform, with tracks on either side of you leading north into the darkness. Behind you, to the south, you can see the policeman examining the monkey with a puzzled look on his face.\n\nYou can see Irene Scarlet here.\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sleep with Irene",
"response": "Are you deliberately trying to get us into trouble with the FCC?\n\nThe monkey is making a terrible racket.",
"endoftext": true
] | 9afd8nocghwc3trw |
Banana Apocalypse and the Rocket Pants of Destiny | Emily Short | [
"Science Fiction"
] | [
"cover art",
"male protagonist",
"Speed-IF Y",
"SpeedIF May 2001",
] | 2,001 | [
] | 15 | 2.4 | 20140404 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Great. Just great.\n\nYou had big plans for this evening. Romantic plans, involving candlelight, strawberries, and your favorite superhero, EnigmaGirl, whom you have finally gotten to agree to a date... And you were going to show her your new design, too.\n\nBut getting out of here with your pride and your prototype rocket pants isn't going to be easy with MonkeyMan Shatner breathing down your neck.\n\nCopyright 2001, Emily Short\n\nThe great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.\n\nOn the desk are a pair of rocket pants (which are closed).\n\nMonkeyMan Shatner is here, breathing just left of down your neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine",
"response": "What do you want to examine?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "A huge steel contraption styled like a vintage Cadillac. Its capacious drawers contain all that you require in your work, and spiderlike robot arms hover above its surface to help you in your manufactury.\nThe desk is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pants",
"response": "Your ticket out of here.\n\nNot now, in the literal sense, but later, in the eventual sense. These are of your design and your construction: breezy, kicky styling that all the girls and guys will be crazy for, capacious cargo pockets, and a pair of afterburners you wouldn't BELIEVE.\n\nThe rocket pants are currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Shatner",
"response": "William Shatner used to have this job after things went awry over at Priceline, but now it's pretty much done by an extra in a monkey suit. Hard to tell the difference, really. He just goes around and bugs people.\n\nAlso, for reasons best not explored, he's wearing a little French beret, to which he is strangely attached.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the desk",
"response": "No need; you're done for the evening.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the pants",
"response": "Turn those things on inside? That'd be suicide!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the pants",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.\n\nMonkeyMan Shatner is here, breathing just left of down your neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Shatner about the pants",
"response": "\"Yes, I am already well-aware of zis contraption, M. Whatever. Believe me, I am not in ze least impressed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Shatner about yourself",
"response": "He yawns broadly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "\"Monsieur ... um. Surely you do not mean to LEAVE with zis COMPANY MERCHANDISE???\"\n\nThe correct answer, for the uncertain, is to shake your head slowly. Which you do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of rocket pants",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the pants",
"response": "You slide the pants on. They fit like... like a glove for legs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "His little eyes are WATCHING you. Everywhere you go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the pants",
"response": "Nothing is on sale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the pants",
"response": "You take off the rocket pants.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit Shatner",
"response": "EnigmaGirl would be SO DISAPPOINTED in you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Shatner",
"response": "William Shatner used to have this job after things went awry over at Priceline, but now it's pretty much done by an extra in a monkey suit. Hard to tell the difference, really. He just goes around and bugs people.\n\nAlso, for reasons best not explored, he's wearing a little French beret, to which he is strangely attached.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the pants",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "So-called even though the only thing they really do around here is throw stuff at people. Also, they work better hours than you. In other words, everyone's gone home for the day.\n\nA largeish contraption points south.\n\nA banana rests on the floor nearby. Someone's lunch, no doubt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the banana",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the banana",
"response": "Sadly green.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the contraption",
"response": "It looks as though, if you put the least little thing in it, that thing will be hurled with great force. DANGEROUS, the crap they keep around here. One day you're going to be KILLED.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the banana in the contraption",
"response": "With graceful force, the banana arcs into the air, over the nearby desks, unmistakeably in the direction of MonkeyMan Shatner.\n\nWhat happens next is a little hazy. First of all, the Ride of the Valkyrie starts up on the factory intercom. Second, a pair of hitherto unnoticed and generally locked doors at the east end of the factory opens up. Third, in comes a cavalcade of nude polo players. They stream through like the area like the Naturalist Apocalypse, departing through hitherto undetected and assuredly not-available-for-your-use doors to the west.\n\nWhen the dust clears and the music ends, Shatner is gone. All that remains is his beret, staked to the back wall with a single banana.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.\n\nYou can also see a pair of rocket pants (which are closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The Out Escalator -- one way transportation for people on the go. It's pretty jammed at this time of evening, all your coworkers in their green and yellow uniforms jostling each other to get out...\n\nYou scoot along the automated OUT escalator until you arrive at...\n\nOne look at the parking lot tells you what you might already have guessed: the traffic is going to be backed up from here to the Schuykill Expressway, and if you have any plans to meet EnigmaGirl in a timely fashion, you'd better find another way than in you trusty automobile.\n\nWhat it comes down to is this. How much do you trust your own mad stitching skillz?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the pants",
"response": "There's an exhilarating vibration all around your-- er-- hmm.\n\nWell anyway, you blast off, is the main point. To the accompaniment of loud cheers and honking horns. And soon find yourself...\n\nYou're currently in midair some hundreds of feet over the Schuykill River. Off down and kind of to the southwest, you can see your front yard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You descend with more abruptness than majesty, right through the sticky limbs of your tree...\n\nCharacterized by a large tree. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a patch of dirt that you haven't gotten around to seeding. The rocket pants have been your life, night and day: you haven't got time for mundane gardening.\n\nJust to the west is the front door of your lovely abode.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "What, without switching off the rocket pants? You'll set the crepes suzette on fire. Ahead of time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the pants",
"response": "You switch the rocket pants off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Prepared for the evening in advance. You may be an engineer, but you do have a spark of romance in you: the candles are already laid out on the table, the bottle of wine is chilling, your CD player is ready-prepared with romantically Enigmatic music. In honor of the occasion you've cut a large question mark out of sparkly cardboard and hung it from the ceiling. It's these little touches a girl will appreciate.\n\nYou could sure use a shower, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Just as you are about to wait, the doorbell rings!\n\nYou fling it open and in she walks. \"Hello, Mister-- uh--\"\n\n\"Grisham,\" you say hastily, \"just Grisham, though if you don't like that my middle name is Peter, but--\"\n\n\"Hi.\" She shoots you a sparkly smile. \"I guess I don't need to introduce myself, right?\"\n\nYou swallow. Introduce herself? Half the energy you put into this date was in the form of scraping her publicity pics off every available surface... The place does look a little bare, come to that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine EnigmaGirl",
"response": "She looks... stunning. Sheathed from head to toe in a black lycra bodysuit, the question-mark picked out in silver on each sleeve; her hair drawn back and her lovely eyes concealed by a pair of dark shades.\n\n\"So, like,\" EnigmaGirl says, looking around nervously. \"You said you had something you wanted to, like, show me?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Show pants to EnigmaGirl",
"response": "\"Oooh!!\" Her eyes light up and she takes the pants from your offering hands. \"May I?\"\n\nConfidently she steps into them and zips them up. Funny how well they fit her-- but then, you made them self-adjusting pants. \"The way they work is --\"\n\n\"I think I know how they work, geekboy,\" she says, her smile flashing. \"I've only been scheming to get my hands on them for the past two years.\" Her hands smooth down the pockets and she checks herself for wrinkles in the mirror. \"God, nice styling.\"\n\n\"You should see the way they--\"\n\n\"Fly? Don't worry, I will.\"\n\n\"But, um, wait up a sec, okay?\" You smile nervously. This isn't going quite as planned. \"I'm supposed to take them back, I just wanted to show you but if I lose them my job is gone, they are very valuable PROTOTYPE PANTS...\" You find yourself talking with greater and greater rapidity as she strides towards the door and flings it open. \"Who're you trying to kid, loser? Do you think I came on this date because I wanted to see YOU?\"\n\nAnd with those cruel words, she's gone in a khaki flash.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "Three days later, you're sitting in Your Abode, shredding your cardboard question mark with your bare hands and watching tv from the comfort of unemployment.\n\nAll the news is full of EnigmaGirl and her daring aerial rescue of Antonio Banderas. And all you can do is weep.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "Prepared for the evening in advance. You may be an engineer, but you do have a spark of romance in you: the candles are already laid out on the table, the bottle of wine is chilling, your CD player is ready-prepared with romantically Enigmatic music. In honor of the occasion you've cut a large question mark out of sparkly cardboard and hung it from the ceiling. It's these little touches a girl will appreciate.\n\nNothing else to do now but wait.\n\nYou can see an EnigmaGirl here.\n\nEnigmaGirl shifts from one foot to the other, looking a little impatient and uncertain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the pants",
"response": "You slide the pants on. They fit like... like a glove for legs.\n\n\"Okay, like, fine.\" Evidently tired of your futzing around, she takes off... leaving you ALONE and overendowed with useless pantsage. Story of your life.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Prepared for the evening in advance. You may be an engineer, but you do have a spark of romance in you: the candles are already laid out on the table, the bottle of wine is chilling, your CD player is ready-prepared with romantically Enigmatic music. In honor of the occasion you've cut a large question mark out of sparkly cardboard and hung it from the ceiling. It's these little touches a girl will appreciate.\n\nNothing else to do now but wait.\n\nYou can see an EnigmaGirl here.\n\n\"Okay, like, fine.\" Evidently tired of your futzing around, she takes off... leaving you ALONE and overendowed with useless pantsage. Story of your life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "So-called even though the only thing they really do around here is throw stuff at people. Also, they work better hours than you. In other words, everyone's gone home for the day.\n\nA largeish contraption points south.\n\nA banana rests on the floor nearby. Someone's lunch, no doubt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.\n\nOn the desk are a pair of rocket pants (which are closed).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "desk: That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break pants",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nViolence isn't the answer to this one.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You're currently in midair some hundreds of feet over the Schuykill River. Off down and kind of to the southwest, you can see your front yard.\n\nYou can see a pair of rocket pants (which are closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You can go only southwest or down.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You descend with more abruptness than majesty, right through the sticky limbs of your tree...\n\nCharacterized by a large tree. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a patch of dirt that you haven't gotten around to seeding. The rocket pants have been your life, night and day: you haven't got time for mundane gardening.\n\nJust to the west is the front door of your lovely abode.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Just leaving the rocket pants in the front yard is an invitation to theft by the wily.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Characterized by a large tree. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a patch of dirt that you haven't gotten around to seeding. The rocket pants have been your life, night and day: you haven't got time for mundane gardening.\n\nJust to the west is the front door of your lovely abode.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "The great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The Out Escalator -- one way transportation for people on the go. It's pretty jammed at this time of evening, all your coworkers in their green and yellow uniforms jostling each other to get out...\n\nYou scoot along the automated OUT escalator until you arrive at...\n\nOne look at the parking lot tells you what you might already have guessed: the traffic is going to be backed up from here to the Schuykill Expressway, and if you have any plans to meet EnigmaGirl in a timely fashion, you'd better find another way than in you trusty automobile.\n\nWhat it comes down to is this. How much do you trust your own mad stitching skillz?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the pants",
"response": "You're already wearing those!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the pants",
"response": "There's an exhilarating vibration all around your-- er-- hmm.\n\nWell anyway, you blast off, is the main point. To the accompaniment of loud cheers and honking horns. And soon find yourself...\n\nYou're currently in midair some hundreds of feet over the Schuykill River. Off down and kind of to the southwest, you can see your front yard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You descend with more abruptness than majesty, right through the sticky limbs of your tree...\n\nCharacterized by a large tree. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a patch of dirt that you haven't gotten around to seeding. The rocket pants have been your life, night and day: you haven't got time for mundane gardening.\n\nJust to the west is the front door of your lovely abode.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at tree",
"response": "You've never been much for botany. It could be just about anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tree",
"response": "Whatever kind of thing it is, it is not a climbable kind of thing. Oh well.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You can go only west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Prepared for the evening in advance. You may be an engineer, but you do have a spark of romance in you: the candles are already laid out on the table, the bottle of wine is chilling, your CD player is ready-prepared with romantically Enigmatic music. In honor of the occasion you've cut a large question mark out of sparkly cardboard and hung it from the ceiling. It's these little touches a girl will appreciate.\n\nYou could sure use a shower, though.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the pants",
"response": "You already have those.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "table: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "Okay, so it's a folding table. You usually eat standing over the sink. What of it, anyway?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Just as you are about to wait, the doorbell rings!\n\nYou fling it open and in she walks. \"Hello, Mister-- uh--\"\n\n\"Grisham,\" you say hastily, \"just Grisham, though if you don't like that my middle name is Peter, but--\"\n\n\"Hi.\" She shoots you a sparkly smile. \"I guess I don't need to introduce myself, right?\"\n\nYou swallow. Introduce herself? Half the energy you put into this date was in the form of scraping her publicity pics off every available surface... The place does look a little bare, come to that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\n\"So, like,\" EnigmaGirl says, looking around nervously. \"You said you had something you wanted to, like, show me?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of rocket pants (being worn)\n\nEnigmaGirl shifts from one foot to the other, looking a little impatient and uncertain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Show table to EnigmaGirl",
"response": "(first taking the table)\nThat's hardly portable.\n\nEnigmaGirl shifts from one foot to the other, looking a little impatient and uncertain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the pants",
"response": "Turn those things on inside? That'd be suicide!\n\n\"Okay, like, fine.\" Evidently tired of your futzing around, she takes off... leaving you ALONE and overendowed with useless pantsage. Story of your life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask EnigmaGirl about the pants",
"response": "\"Sounds fabulous! May I see?\"\n\n\"So, like,\" EnigmaGirl says, looking around nervously. \"You said you had something you wanted to, like, show me?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask EnigmaGirl about herself",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nEnigmaGirl shifts from one foot to the other, looking a little impatient and uncertain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss enigmagirl",
"response": "No no, you've got a careful strategy all worked out here. The way it works is, you win her undying admiration, THEN sweep her into your manly arms.\n\n\"Okay, like, fine.\" Evidently tired of your futzing around, she takes off... leaving you ALONE and overendowed with useless pantsage. Story of your life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "EnigmaGirl: I don't suppose the EnigmaGirl would care for that.\ntable: That's hardly portable.\n\n\"So, like,\" EnigmaGirl says, looking around nervously. \"You said you had something you wanted to, like, show me?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show yourself to EnigmaGirl",
"response": "(first taking yourself)\nYou are always self-possessed.\n\nEnigmaGirl shifts from one foot to the other, looking a little impatient and uncertain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Punch enigmagirl",
"response": "Are you out of your mind?\n\n\"Okay, like, fine.\" Evidently tired of your futzing around, she takes off... leaving you ALONE and overendowed with useless pantsage. Story of your life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "Great. Just great.\n\nYou had big plans for this evening. Romantic plans, involving candlelight, strawberries, and your favorite superhero, EnigmaGirl, whom you have finally gotten to agree to a date... And you were going to show her your new design, too.\n\nBut getting out of here with your pride and your prototype rocket pants isn't going to be easy with MonkeyMan Shatner breathing down your neck.\n\nCopyright 2001, Emily Short\n\nThe great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.\n\nOn the desk are a pair of rocket pants (which are closed).\n\nMonkeyMan Shatner is here, breathing just left of down your neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "So-called even though the only thing they really do around here is throw stuff at people. Also, they work better hours than you. In other words, everyone's gone home for the day.\n\nA largeish contraption points south.\n\nA banana rests on the floor nearby. Someone's lunch, no doubt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You can go only south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "So-called even though the only thing they really do around here is throw stuff at people. Also, they work better hours than you. In other words, everyone's gone home for the day.\n\nA largeish contraption points south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "What, leave without the pants? They were the whole point! You're going to show them to EnigmaGirl and she's going to understand that you're the one, you're the guy with the brains and the heart to be HER man. And then you'll be turning up in a tuxedo at all her superhero events and somehow look considerably more like Antonio Banderas and...\n\nAnyway the point is you'd better snag the pants before you leave, or the rest of the evening is shot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "sky: You can't reach from here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sky",
"response": "A cloudless bowl, pale blue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the tree",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "sky: You can't reach from here.\nlarge tree: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You ask Shatner about EnigmaGirl",
"response": "\"Let me tell you zomezink, my friend. Zat girl, she is dangerous. She has been tryink for years go get her hands upon zese rocket-pants...\"\n\nAnd in a few brief words (marshalling, nonetheless, some compelling evidence), he shatters your illusions forever. So much for love, so much for justice, so much for black lycra and sparkly kisses. She's only in it for the publicity. You know that now. And you'll never be taken in again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The great assembly floor of 'Rockets, Sprockets, and Pants,' which stretches in every direction as far as the eye can see. Particularly to the north, where some of your buddies with the propulsion labs work.\n\nSouth lies the Way Out.\n\nBefore you sits your desk.\n\nOn the desk are a pair of rocket pants (which are closed).\n\nMonkeyMan Shatner is here, breathing just left of down your neck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the banana to Shatner",
"response": "The MonkeyMan sneers at your pitiful offering. \"Zis banana ees harder zan a roque,\" he says.\n\n\"A what?\"\n\n\"A roque!\"\n\n\"I'm sorry, I can't hear you, I've--\"",
"endoftext": true
] | v3fbrr6q0jb4o12l |
Tooth Ow Zunden Won! | Duncan Cross | [
] | [
"speed IF",
"Speed-IF 2001",
"SpeedIF January 2001",
] | 2,001 | [
] | 5 | 2.4 | 20140504 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "TOOTH OW ZUNDEN WON!\n\nThe \"Screaming Yak\" Curd Diner\nOne of Io's more successful chains, the Screaming Yak serves the best curd around, and remains popular despite the hamster infestation that has plagued it for almost eight years. The glass double-doors that open out into the moon's surface are to the east, while a door marked \"NO ENTRY\" lies to the south.\n\nA surly person is standing behind the counter. His name tag says \"HELLO. My name is BRUTUS THE CHIHUAHUA.\"\n\nA menu is hanging on the wall.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the menu",
"response": "Please make your order by kissing the attendant the number of times given for the item.\n(3) DOLLOP OF GENERIC CURD\n(42) CURD WITH CROUTONS\n(88) LESSER-BUTTOCKED VENUSIAN SNAIL SALAD\n(6) GRAPE\n\nWe guarantee that our curd is made with the finest generic ingredients available on Io.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss brutus 88 times",
"response": "You smooch the surly person behind the counter eighty-eight times.\n\n\"We're out of lesser-buttocked Venusian snail.\" says Brutus.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss brutus 42 times",
"response": "You smooch the surly person behind the counter forty-two times.\n\n\"The crouton machine's busted.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss brutus 6 times",
"response": "You smooch the surly person behind the counter six times.\n\nBrutus hands you a grape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Grape",
"response": "Ok.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the grape",
"response": "You find a fun prize razorblade inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss brutus 3 times",
"response": "You smooch the surly person behind the counter three times.\n\nBrutus grabs a handful of curd from somewhere and chucks it straight into your inventory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the curd",
"response": "You can't fail to deny it doesn't look unappetizing.\n\nYou feel something brush against your leg. You look down, to see a tiny hamster scuffling about at your feet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hamster",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss brutus 999 times",
"response": "You smooch the surly person behind the counter nine hundred and ninety-nine times.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The \"Screaming Yak\" Curd Diner\nOne of Io's more successful chains, the Screaming Yak serves the best curd around, and remains popular despite the hamster infestation that has plagued it for almost eight years. The glass double-doors that open out into the moon's surface are to the east, while a door marked \"NO ENTRY\" lies to the south.\n\nA surly person is standing behind the counter. His name tag says \"HELLO. My name is BRUTUS THE CHIHUAHUA.\"\n\nA menu is hanging on the wall.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The doors appear to have been sealed with dried curd.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Brutus pulls you back. \"Employees only,\" he mutters.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Brutus about the diner",
"response": "\"Don't you want to ask me about the hamsters?\"\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Brutus about the hamsters",
"response": "\"It's the curd. They love the stuff, the vermin bastards. That's why we've all been issued these aerosol cans.\"\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the curd",
"response": "What do you want to cut the dollop of curd with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Blade",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the hamster on the curd",
"response": "Putting things on the dollop of curd would achieve nothing.\n\nThe hamster nibbles at the curd in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the hamster at Brutus",
"response": "Brutus pulls an aerosol can behind the counter and sprays the hamster with it. The hamster disintegrates with a shriek. Brutus puts the aerosol can on the counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the can",
"response": "Mmm, CFCs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Mmm, CFCs.\n\nBrutus stops you. \"I need that for the hamsters.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut Brutus with the blade",
"response": "Cutting him up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the blade to Brutus",
"response": "The surly person behind the counter is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "The \"Screaming Yak\" Curd Diner\nOne of Io's more successful chains, the Screaming Yak serves the best curd around, and remains popular despite the hamster infestation that has plagued it for almost eight years. The glass double-doors that open out into the moon's surface are to the east, while a door marked \"NO ENTRY\" lies to the south.\n\nOn the counter is an aluminium... oh, all right, aluminum\naerosol can.\n\nA surly person is standing behind the counter. His name tag says \"HELLO. My name is BRUTUS THE CHIHUAHUA.\"\n\nA menu is hanging on the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the menu",
"response": "(with the razor blade)\nCutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut can",
"response": "(with the razor blade)\nYou slash the can with the razor blade. A cloud of green gas spews out, and floats upwards. It hits the ceiling, which crumples to dust, allowing several tons of croutons to drop down from the floor above onto Brutus's head. He never stood a chance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the croutons",
"response": "There's too much here to take in one go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na razor blade",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The \"Screaming Yak\" Curd Diner\n\nThere is a huge pile of croutons right where that Brutus guy was standing.\n\nOn the counter is an aluminium... oh, all right, aluminum\naerosol can.\n\nA menu is hanging on the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "That was a rhetorical question.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get can",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the croutons",
"response": "(first taking the gigantic stack of croutons)\nThere's too much here to take in one go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the can",
"response": "Mmm, CFCs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the can",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You build the ladder",
"response": "What do you want to build ladder from?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine menu",
"response": "On the back you find full instructions for building a sturdy ladder from croutons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You build the ladder from the croutons",
"response": "You rapidly assemble a ladder from the croutons.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the ladder",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the ladder",
"response": "You climb the ladder, and enter the hole.",
"endoftext": true
] | 7bptvi6o2p9de3li |
BSE | Chris Smith | [
] | [
] | 1,996 | [
] | 5 | 2.4 | 20090805 | false | Strange Things have been happening in Skebdale - and not just the BSE crisis, either. Rumours about devil-worshipping and all manner of strange happenings. Can you, as the unfortunate soul dispatched by the powers that be to investigate, unravel the mystery? | [
"action": "%",
"response": "This is the job that all men in white coats dream of...a potential epidemic. The details were sparse but menacing - mysterious, unexplained deaths in the isolated Dales village of Skebdale. The authorities had no choice but to send you, their most experienced environmental health agent, to check things out. Unfortunately it looks more like a job for Bond than for Herriot...\n\n\n\nType 'help'\nType 'quotes on/off' to toggle box quotations, in case they obscure text.\n\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na faxed note\na remote control (which is closed)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine remote",
"response": "A beautifully styled black handset with an invitingly red button in the middle. A small panel on the back allows you to change the battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "Your instructions from head office, scribbled untidily and faxed to you without regard for legibility. Peering at the note you can only make out a few words:\n\nReference: DCK 817S\nOperation: Red-Chevette\n\nTask: Agent 398-MUGWUG reports serious epidemic risk in Skebdale region of Yorkshire. Agent claims cross-over risk of BSE without beef consumption. Use operation codeword to gain contact, he will be lying low in disguise.\n\nIf possible also investigate allegations of widespread devil worship in Skebdale area. Agent reports possible links.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the remote",
"response": "You open the remote control, revealing a burnt-out battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the battery",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the battery",
"response": "Enter saved game to store: Ok.\n\nA small, round, lithium watch-battery, charred almost out of recognition and presumably run-down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at car",
"response": "Dented from countless brushes with marauding cattle, your car looks three times its age. In fact it is fitted out with all mod cons, including an electric sunroof, in-car CD player, and remote locking system. (The latter comes in very useful when escaping from marauding cattle.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "You open the wooden gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west stands open. You really should shut it or anything could happen.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, presumably discarded by a passing tourist, blows back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west stands open. You really should shut it or anything could happen.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, presumably discarded by a passing tourist, blows back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe chickens wander out through the farm gate in their never-ending quest for nourishment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "An open wooden gate leads into a farmyard to the north-east.\n\nThe chickens are scattered across the road, sounding out every last nook and cranny for nourishment. You had better get them back into the farmyard before they're run over by a bus full of ramblers.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shut the gate",
"response": "You close the wooden gate.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nThe chickens are scattered across the road, sounding out every last nook and cranny for nourishment. You had better get them back into the farmyard before they're run over by a bus full of ramblers.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nThere is a sudden flash of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder, warning of impending gloom.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nThe chickens are scattered across the road, sounding out every last nook and cranny for nourishment. You had better get them back into the farmyard before they're run over by a bus full of ramblers.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nThis wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, presumably discarded by a passing tourist, blows back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the leaflet",
"response": "The leaflet has been torn, mud-bespattered, and generally maltreated, and as such you can make out very little, but it seems to cover topics as wide ranging as sheep varieties, weather forecasting and the country code. It also includes a badly typeset advert for a badly typeset computer game called 'LSE' by Shirc Shimt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up Sheep in the leaflet",
"response": "Apparently there are three main varieties of sheep found in Skebdale: the hardy Skebdale Mountain Sheep, the fatter, more cautious, Skebdale-Milton Keynes Cross, and, finally, the newly-bred Fliglot. There are individual paragraphs on each breed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up mountain in the leaflet",
"response": "The Skebdale Mountain Sheep is an ancient breed, adapted to cope with grazing on steep moorland. It is world famous for its most unusual trait: the pair of legs on one side of any sheep are shorter than the pair on the other. This allows the sheep to walk around the mountain while remaining upright. There are two distinct strains: those with a left-leg bias, and those with a right-leg bias. Obviously interbreeding is impossible between the two strains of sheep due to simple geographical problems. This means that the two strains have drifted apart to form differing sub-species. The left-leg variety are the more common as they graze with the prevailing wind around the hills in Skebdale. The right-leg variety, however, tend to end up grazing against the wind. This means they graze more slowly as they must cope with more air resistance, and they have hence become the rarer breed. To overcome these aerodynamic difficulties the right-leg variety developed closer, shorter, more tight-knit coats that allowed them to move faster. However, in order to counterbalance the resulting heat loss, they have evolved thin, concentrated layers of fat beneath their skin.\n\nThe Skebdale sheep has never spread further than a few hills in Skebdale as it is perfectly suited to the slope angle of Skebdale Pike. The leg-bias makes migration difficult and unrewarding, so the Skebdale Mountain Sheep remains an isolated and extraordinary specimen.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up Keynes in the leaflet",
"response": "The Skebdale Milton-Keynes Cross was a result of cross-breeding in the mid-nineteenth century (before the invention of ethics). It created a sheep ideally suited to living on the flat flood plain of Skebdale Beck. The Milton is possibly the exact opposite of the Skebdale mountain sheep. It is a low slung sheep which hugs the ground for warmth and protection, it's layers of fat and wool insulating it from temperatures lower than 30 degrees. A farmer's dream, it grazes slowly and steadily, producing perfectly mown stretches of grass, and yielding high quantities of wool, milk, and fat. The famous cricket pitch in Skebdale was brought to such a high degree of perfection due to a groundsman's brilliant idea. By releasing several Miltons at the right time and angle around the pitch, he created a perfect overlapping hexagonal cut, something very rarely seen on cricket pitches. It was this flash of inspiration that originally brought fame to Skebdale and resulted in the booming tourist industry that now flourishes there.\n\nThe name of the sheep is not, in fact, derived from the town, but from the 19th century creators of the sheep, Mr. Milton and Mr. Keynes. (It is a little known fact that the town is actually named after the sheep, not the village of the same name. The developers were so impressed with the concept of a large, artificially created, easily manageable sheep, that they decided to apply exactly the same principles to town planning.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up Fliglot in the leaflet",
"response": "The Fliglot was an experimental sheep first released in early June 1966. Bred by the now infamous farmers-cum-genetic-engineers Liz and Ned Brown, of Fliglot Farm, Skebdale, it had a short black coat, two straight, sharp horns, prominent hooves and a pointed swishy tail. Comments at the time likened it to a goat rather than a sheep, but it quite happily bred with the other breeds in Skebdale to produce a small flock of Fliglots. However, they were extremely lazy and unproductive, and also quite violent. In the late 1970s they broke free of their field in South Skebdale. There was a brief spurt of mysterious disappearances in the village the same week, accompanied by heavy storms. At the end of the week the Fliglots returned to their pen and peace returned to the village. Since then the sheep have been regarded as a good luck omen and guarded against escape at all costs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nA bright yellow floppy sou'wester hangs from one of the pegs, clashing badly with the corridor's decor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get yellow",
"response": "You take the sou'wester, revealing an electric socket underneath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the yellow",
"response": "The sou'wester is dazzlingly yellow. Glowingly mustard-hued, no less.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search it",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThe wind picks up and the sky darkens as black rain-clouds appear on the western horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the hat",
"response": "You put on the sou'wester.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear yellow",
"response": "You're already wearing that!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the rack",
"response": "A welly rack, made out of tough plastic-coated wire, screwed firmly into the wall about a foot from the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Painted in an uninspiring shade of pastel cream-gunk, the farmhouse kitchen has evolved over time into a mixture of modern and ancient appliances jumbled against the walls. Decorated with stains ranging from champagne to tomato ketchup, the ceiling has obviously seen country life in all its glory.\n\nA single rubber glove lies discarded upon the draining board.\n\nYou can also see a kettle here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the glove",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little cold water. I shouldn't waste it: after all, there is a water shortage in Skebdale at the moment. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug. The kettle is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the glove",
"response": "You see nothing special about the rubber glove.\n\nBlack cumulonimbus clouds tower over Skebdale to the north-west.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Painted in an uninspiring shade of pastel cream-gunk, the farmhouse kitchen has evolved over time into a mixture of modern and ancient appliances jumbled against the walls. Decorated with stains ranging from champagne to tomato ketchup, the ceiling has obviously seen country life in all its glory.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nBuilt into the west wall under the pegs is an electric socket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the kettle on the rack",
"response": "You balance the kettle on the welly rack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)\na burnt-out battery\na faxed note\na remote control (which is open but empty)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the socket",
"response": "You see nothing special about the socket.\n\nA shadow falls over Skebdale as the clouds sweep in...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the battery",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, presumably discarded by a passing tourist, blows back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nThe chickens are scattered across the road, sounding out every last nook and cranny for nourishment. You had better get them back into the farmyard before they're run over by a bus full of ramblers.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nHailstones begin to fall to earth, melting on contact with the warm earth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "You open the wooden gate.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west stands open. You really should shut it or anything could happen.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, presumably discarded by a passing tourist, bounces crazily around beneath the force of the gale.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west stands open. You really should shut it or anything could happen.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' rocks violently in the gale, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nAn open wooden gate leads into a farmyard to the north-east.\n\nThe chickens are scattered across the road, sounding out every last nook and cranny for nourishment. You had better get them back into the farmyard before they're run over by a bus full of ramblers.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the car",
"response": "There's very little point getting in the car - you've got a job to do! But you might like to have a look in the boot...\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA garden fork has been rammed disrespectfully into a steaming compost heap in one corner of the garden.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na leaflet\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)\na faxed note\na remote control (which is open but empty)\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThe owner of the house looks out at you, suspiciously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the owner",
"response": "He never bothers to prosecute trespassers: he has far better methods.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThe farmer taps firmly on the window and shouts something unintelligible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You try and pull the glove on, but it is too small for either of your well-built hands.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThere is a creak as the window eases open and a rifle barrel sneaks through the crack.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA garden fork has been rammed disrespectfully into a steaming compost heap in one corner of the garden.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThe farmer shouts \"Get out of my garden or tha'll get what thee deserve!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the fork",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"I'll count to four!\" he shouts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take fork",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"One...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't get inside the house.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Two...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' rocks violently in the gale, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nAn open wooden gate leads into a farmyard to the north-east.\n\nThe chickens are scattered across the road, sounding out every last nook and cranny for nourishment. You had better get them back into the farmyard before they're run over by a bus full of ramblers.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the car",
"response": "The inside of your own car is familiar to you already.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\nA bus sweeps down the dale like a steel monster, carrying a consignment of little old ladies towards the Vale of York. The chickens are helpless before the harbinger of death. All that remains are a few brown feathers, slowly drifting to earth...\n\nSuddenly the flying squad is upon you. Unmarked cars screech to a halt at your feet, amphibious vehicles roll up, dripping slime, from the mere, sending ducks flapping into the air, and Apache helicopters swoop down from the Pike, missiles trained on your slightest movement. You are arrested, tried, found guilty of leaving a gate wrongfully open and locked up in Broadmoor for an indefinite period of time decided by some fascist Tory minister in the Home Office. In short, you are well out of it.\n\nThis is the job that all men in white coats dream of...a potential epidemic. The details were sparse but menacing - mysterious, unexplained deaths in the isolated Dales village of Skebdale. The authorities had no choice but to send you, their most experienced environmental health agent, to check things out. Unfortunately it looks more like a job for Bond than for Herriot...\n\n\n\nType 'help'\nType 'quotes on/off' to toggle box quotations, in case they obscure text.\n\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in car",
"response": "The inside of your own car is familiar to you already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the boot",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na faxed note\na remote control (which is closed)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine remote",
"response": "A beautifully styled black handset with an invitingly red button in the middle. A small panel on the back allows you to change the battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open panel",
"response": "You open the remote control, revealing a burnt-out battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the battery",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the battery",
"response": "A small, round, lithium watch-battery, charred almost out of recognition and presumably run-down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tom",
"response": "A hunched old man in a tweed jacket and flat cap, smoking his pipe and supping his pint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Harry",
"response": "A hunched old man in a tweed jacket and almost flat cap, smoking his pint and supping his pipe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Harry about the beer",
"response": "\"It's Sikstons' lad. 'Cheap, Cheerful, and Best Served Chilled.' If tha' want a pint, go and tek one, as the barman's not around.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Harry about the cows",
"response": "\"You'll have to ask Tom about that, lad.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about the cows",
"response": "There is a sudden flash of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder, warning of impending gloom.\n\"Aye lad, I can tell thee something about cows.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about the cows",
"response": "\"They can be big or small, depending which ones tha' look at,\" Tom explains excitedly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about the cows",
"response": "\"And they're black an' white,\" says Dick, adding, by way of explanation, \"and sometimes brown.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about cows",
"response": "\"Aye lad, I can tell thee something about cows.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick about the cows",
"response": "\"You'll have to ask Tom about that, lad.\"\n\"They can be big or small, depending which ones tha' look at,\" Tom explains excitedly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick about Sheep",
"response": "\"I've no idea what tha' mean, lad.\"\n\"And they're black an' white,\" says Dick, adding, by way of explanation, \"and sometimes brown.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about the devil",
"response": "\"Now then, you'd have to be asking Old Harry about that, wouldn't you?\" chuckles Tom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Harry about devil",
"response": "\"There's more to things to say about him than there are men in this pub,\" advises Old Harry sagely.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Harry about the devil",
"response": "\"But remember lad, as this is the only advice I'll give thee.\" He summons himself for the revelation.\"Although it may sound clich?d,\" he whispers, \"Old Nick can never change the colour of his eyes, even if he's staring thee in the face.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about the bse",
"response": "\"You'll have to ask Dick about that, lad.\"\n\"Only a fool would mess with him,\" he continues, \"and don't I just know it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick about the bse",
"response": "\"Oh aye, I know what tha' mean, lad.\"\n\"But remember lad, as this is the only advice I'll give thee.\" He summons himself for the revelation.\"Although it may sound clich?d,\" he whispers, \"Old Nick can never change the colour of his eyes, even if he's staring thee in the face.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick about the bse",
"response": "\"You mean destruction of nerve cells by rogue prion proteins leading to gradual deterioration of the brain and nervous system,\" says Dick quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick about the bse",
"response": "\"Was that what tha' wanted to know, lad? Them scientists call it Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, but we call it Old 'arry's Game. I tell thee lad, its the devil behind them there mad cows an' I don't mean Jacques Santer.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick about the bse",
"response": "The wind picks up and the sky darkens as black rain-clouds appear on the western horizon.\n\"Oh aye, I know what tha' mean, lad.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\"You mean destruction of nerve cells by rogue prion proteins leading to gradual deterioration of the brain and nervous system,\" says Dick quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\"Was that what tha' wanted to know, lad? Them scientists call it Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, but we call it Old 'arry's Game. I tell thee lad, its the devil behind them there mad cows an' I don't mean Jacques Santer.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "A short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "You open the wooden gate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nThis wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, presumably discarded by a passing tourist, blows back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chickens",
"response": "A group of ordinary farmyard chickens, including the obligatory cockerel with show-off red comb.\n\nBlack cumulonimbus clouds tower over Skebdale to the north-west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clouds",
"response": "They're big, black, and horrible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Most of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tractor",
"response": "The tractor was presumably new once (most things were), but its paint has started to peel off, with bubbles of rust forming all over the bodywork. The makers mark on the side reads simply 'Case International'.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tractor",
"response": "You climb up the tractor onto its roof.\n\nA shadow falls over Skebdale as the clouds sweep in...",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Barn (on the roof)\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You'll have to get off the roof first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get down",
"response": "That isn't available.\n\nHailstones begin to fall to earth, melting on contact with the warm earth.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You'll have to get off the roof first.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the roof.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get off",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nA bright yellow floppy sou'wester hangs from one of the pegs, clashing badly with the corridor's decor.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hat",
"response": "You take the sou'wester, revealing an electric socket underneath.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the hat",
"response": "You put on the sou'wester.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rack",
"response": "A welly rack, made out of tough plastic-coated wire, screwed firmly into the wall about a foot from the floor.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You don't want to disturb the inhabitants privacy too much, and besides, your scared of the dark.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Painted in an uninspiring shade of pastel cream-gunk, the farmhouse kitchen has evolved over time into a mixture of modern and ancient appliances jumbled against the walls. Decorated with stains ranging from champagne to tomato ketchup, the ceiling has obviously seen country life in all its glory.\n\nA single rubber glove lies discarded upon the draining board.\n\nYou can also see a kettle here.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the glove",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little cold water. I shouldn't waste it: after all, there is a water shortage in Skebdale at the moment. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug. The kettle is currently switched off.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the glove",
"response": "You see nothing special about the rubber glove.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You try and pull the glove on, but it is too small for either of your well-built hands.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ceiling",
"response": "You see nothing special about the ceiling.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nBuilt into the west wall under the pegs is an electric socket.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The farmhouse's lounge closely resembles a bomb site. An old sofa, covered in ragged blankets and thin cushions, is positioned opposite a large TV and a wide, open fireplace. The window, hung with clashing flowery curtains, faces out onto the farmyard. A door in the east wall leads out to the hall.\n\nLaid out in front of the fireplace is a thick hearth-rug, covered in dog hair.\n\nCurled up on the rug there is, of course, a dog.\n\nThe unusually violent storm suddenly dies and Skebdale is silent and peaceful once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dog",
"response": "A sleek, speckled, black and white border collie. The archetypal sheepdog, it is laid out flat after a hard night spent sleeping.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake dog",
"response": "The collie, moving like lightning, tries to bite your hand off, but you withdraw just in time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hair",
"response": "The rug is even thicker than an agriculture minister.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rug",
"response": "It's a bit to bulky to carry around with you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the rug",
"response": "The mat seems to be fixed down at one end.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nBuilt into the west wall under the pegs is an electric socket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nA garden fork has been rammed disrespectfully into a steaming compost heap in one corner of the garden.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the bed",
"response": "In amongst the bushes you find a garish pink toy pistol. You can well imagine that it would come in useful here - there is a direct shot straight across the street.\n\nThe owner of the house looks out at you, suspiciously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fork",
"response": "You're carrying too many things already.\n\nThe farmer taps firmly on the window and shouts something unintelligible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)\na leaflet\na burnt-out battery\na faxed note\na remote control (which is open but empty)\n\nThere is a creak as the window eases open and a rifle barrel sneaks through the crack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the battery in the remote",
"response": "You put the burnt-out battery into the remote control.\n\nThe farmer shouts \"Get out of my garden or tha'll get what thee deserve!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fork",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"I'll count to four!\" he shouts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the note",
"response": "You feel guilty about having despoiled the countryside. Litter-bugs only have a few chances before they are caught red-handed.\n\n\"One...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pistol",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"Two...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the farmer with the pistol",
"response": "You pull the trigger but nothing comes out.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the pistol",
"response": "You feel guilty about having despoiled the countryside. Litter-bugs only have a few chances before they are caught red-handed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nYou can also see a toy pistol here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nYou can also see a faxed note here.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "garden fork: Dropped.\nrubber glove: Dropped.\nleaflet: You feel guilty about having despoiled the countryside. Litter-bugs only have a few chances before they are caught red-handed. faxed note: You feel guilty about having despoiled the countryside. Litter-bugs only have a few chances before they are caught red-handed. remote control: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nYou can also see a toy pistol here.\n\n\"I'll count to four!\" he shouts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "rain clouds: It's hard to pick up an accumulation of water vapour half a mile above your head.\nangry farmer: I don't suppose the angry farmer would care for that. toy pistol: Taken.\nflower bed: That's hardly portable.\n\n\"One...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can't get inside the house.\n\n\"Two...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nA crumpled leaflet, heartlessly discarded by yourself just moments ago, blows back and forth in the gentle summer breeze.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nYou can also see a remote control (in which is a burnt-out battery), a faxed note, a rubber glove and a garden fork here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "rain clouds: It's hard to pick up an accumulation of water vapour half a mile above your head.\nwooden gate: That's fixed in place.\nremote control: Taken.\nfaxed note: Taken.\nleaflet: Taken.\nrubber glove: Taken.\ngarden fork: You're carrying too many things already.\nsign: That's hardly portable.\nVolvo: It's a tad heavy to pick up.\nboot: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fork",
"response": "The six-pronged garden fork seems to be quite expensive. The handle is made of some sort of exotic, dark wood, and just below the triangular hand-hold there is a small silver plaque, inscribed simply with a single ornamented letter D.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na rubber glove\na leaflet\na faxed note\na remote control (which is open)\na burnt-out battery\na toy pistol\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the glove",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pistol",
"response": "The pistol is an uninspiring shade of washed-out pink, but makes up for it with the battery-powered sound effects generator tagged on to the handle. Its pea-sized water tank is currently empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the generator",
"response": "You open the sound-effects generator, revealing a watch battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the battery",
"response": "Which do you mean, the burnt-out battery or the watch battery?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the watch battery",
"response": "You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na garden fork\na leaflet\na faxed note\na remote control (which is open)\na burnt-out battery\na toy pistol\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the fork and the leaflet",
"response": "garden fork: Dropped.\nleaflet: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the watch battery in the remote",
"response": "You put the watch battery into the remote control.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close remote",
"response": "You close the remote control.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fork and the leaflet",
"response": "garden fork: Taken.\nleaflet: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the fork to Dick",
"response": "Old Dick is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "A winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' swings in the sunshine, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nYou can also see a rubber glove here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock Volvo",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the Volvo with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine remote",
"response": "A beautifully styled black handset with an invitingly red button in the middle. A small panel on the back allows you to change the battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the car",
"response": "You open the Volvo.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in Volvo",
"response": "There's very little point getting in the car - you've got a job to do! But you might like to have a look in the boot...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the boot",
"response": "You open the boot, revealing a briefcase, a white coat and a key ring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the briefcase",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the briefcase with the keys",
"response": "You unlock the briefcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na key ring\na leaflet\na garden fork\na faxed note\na remote control (which is closed)\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the leaflet and note and the remote in the briefcase",
"response": "leaflet: Done.\nfaxed note: Done.\nremote control: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear coat",
"response": "You put on the white coat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the coat",
"response": "The statutory mantle worn by psychiatrists and mad laboratory technicians. It has two conveniently large pockets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the pockets",
"response": "The white coat is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Typed note",
"response": "Operation: Red-Chevette\nAgent: 667\n\nYou might find that this comes in useful, I've heard it's more potent than it looks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the jar",
"response": "A small blank glass jar. It is full of a clear liquid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the jar",
"response": "You open the glass jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink liquid",
"response": "You daren't risk drinking the unknown liquid. After all, it could be flat lemonade, and that would just be plain disgusting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close jar",
"response": "You close the glass jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the trunk",
"response": "The boot is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na white coat (being worn and empty)\na briefcase (which is open)\na remote control (which is closed)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na glass jar\na typed note\na key ring\na garden fork\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.\n\nYou can see a toy pistol and a burnt-out battery here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the liquid in the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the glass jar)\nYou fill the pistol from the jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Dick abouthe Red-Chevette",
"response": "Old Dick winks and smiles at you. \"I think this young man deserves some reward for his effort,\" he says. \"'E's obviously an 'ard working young'un. 'Ere, have a can of Sikston's on me.\" He hands you an aluminium can and then turns back to his pint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sikston'S",
"response": "The sealed can declares itself as:\n\n?SIKSTONS' EXTREMELY PECULIAR?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open can",
"response": "You yank sharply on the ring-pull which comes off easily in your hand. After a brief sub-second the over-enthusiastic widget kicks into action and froth and foam spurts from the can as if it were a volcano. In shock you drop the can and its remaining contents spill onto the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open beer",
"response": "You yank sharply on the ring-pull which comes off easily in your hand. After a brief sub-second the over-enthusiastic widget kicks into action and froth and foam spurts from the can as if it were a volcano. In shock you drop the can and its remaining contents spill onto the floor.\n\nThere is a sudden flash of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder, warning of impending gloom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the can",
"response": "(putting the garden fork into the briefcase to make room)\nTaken.\n\nThere is a sudden flash of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder, warning of impending gloom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shake the beer",
"response": "You apply a shake equivalent to 6.4 on the Richter scale, but nothing happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na can of beer\na glass jar\na toy pistol\na white coat (being worn and empty)\na briefcase (which is open)\na remote control (which is closed)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na key ring\na garden fork\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the beer in pocket",
"response": "You put the can of beer into the white coat.\n\nThere is a sudden flash of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder, warning of impending gloom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put keys in the pocket",
"response": "You put the key ring into the white coat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\n\"Two...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the farmer with the pistol",
"response": "The liquid squirts feebly towards the farmer who just gets even more angry.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the beer to farmer",
"response": "(first taking the can of beer)\nThe farmer shouts several expletives and then shuts up.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw beer at the farmer",
"response": "(first taking the can of beer)\n(putting the garden fork into the briefcase to make room)\nThe farmer shouts several expletives and then shuts up.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the farmer abouthe Red-Chevette",
"response": "The farmer shouts several expletives and then shuts up.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nThis wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nBuilt into the west wall under the pegs is an electric socket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The farmhouse's lounge closely resembles a bomb site. An old sofa, covered in ragged blankets and thin cushions, is positioned opposite a large TV and a wide, open fireplace. The window, hung with clashing flowery curtains, faces out onto the farmyard. A door in the east wall leads out to the hall.\n\nLaid out in front of the fireplace is a thick hearth-rug, covered in dog hair.\n\nCurled up on the rug there is, of course, a dog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the dog with the pistol",
"response": "The liquid squirts feebly out of the pistol and into the ground.\n\nThe wind picks up and the sky darkens as black rain-clouds appear on the western horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the jar",
"response": "You open the glass jar.\n\nThe wind picks up and the sky darkens as black rain-clouds appear on the western horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the remote",
"response": "You open the remote control, revealing a watch battery.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the watch battery",
"response": "(putting the garden fork into the briefcase to make room)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the battery in the generator",
"response": "You put the watch battery into the sound-effects generator.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close generator",
"response": "You close the sound-effects generator.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the dog with the pistol",
"response": "The liquid squirts feebly out of the pistol and into the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine generator",
"response": "The generator consists of a panel on the gun's handle. It has a small battery compartment and three buttons - blue, green, and yellow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Button",
"response": "Woof! Woof! Woof!\n\nThe collie gets very excited and jumps up from the mat, leaping in a canine frenzy at the gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the rug",
"response": "The mat seems to be fixed down at one end.\n\nBlack cumulonimbus clouds tower over Skebdale to the north-west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You roll the rug",
"response": "You roll up the hearth-rug, revealing beneath a small wooden trapdoor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fork",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe border collie pads off towards the farm hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open trap with the fork",
"response": "The prongs of the fork fit perfectly into the holes and you easily manage to lever the trapdoor open.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This low, earth-hewn passage is cramped and dirty. Held up by crude wooden props, it looks none too stable. The tunnel is quite short, only about twenty metres in length. At the south-east end is the short stone staircase which leads up to the trapdoor, while to the north-west is an enormous door.\n\nThe enormous door is more firmly shut than the main air-lock on Space Shuttle Paranoia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open door",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "An enormous, circular door, no doubt made of some extremely unlikely space age metal which can only be cut using a knife blade forged in the core of a red giant. Or something like that. There, right in the centre, is one of those lock-cum-handle thingummybobs that you get on all good bank vaults.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle",
"response": "(the dial)\nWhich way?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the handle",
"response": "(the dial)\nThe lock is the traditional turning type, with eight letters arranged evenly around the dial:\n\nD | Z\n\\|/\nN+S\n/|\\\nI | L\n|\nW\n\nThere is a small black button underneath the uppermost letter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the jar",
"response": "It's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the handle with the pistol",
"response": "(the dial with the toy pistol)\nThe liquid squirts feebly out of the pistol and into the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na garden fork\na rubber glove\na glass jar\na toy pistol\na white coat (being worn)\na key ring\na can of beer\na briefcase (which is open)\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine leaflet",
"response": "The leaflet has been torn, mud-bespattered, and generally maltreated, and as such you can make out very little, but it seems to cover topics as wide ranging as sheep varieties, weather forecasting and the country code. It also includes a badly typeset advert for a badly typeset computer game called 'LSE' by Shirc Shimt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open door",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look up the country code in the leaflet",
"response": "The main points of the country code are, according to the leaflet:\n\n- Guard against all risk of fire.\n- Leave gates as you find them.\n- Keep dogs under close control.\n- Keep to public footpaths.\n- Take your litter home.\n- Make no unnecessary noise.\n\nThe leaflet goes on to explain how anyone breaking the code in Skebdale faces punishment by the Skebdale flying squad, an elite group of park wardens who punish criminals quickly and efficiently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn dial left",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nE | S\n\\|/\nD+L\n/|\\\nN | W\n|\nI",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the handle",
"response": "(the dial)\nThe lock is the traditional turning type, with eight letters arranged evenly around the dial:\n\nE | S\n\\|/\nD+L\n/|\\\nN | W\n|\nI\n\nThere is a small black button underneath the uppermost letter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle right",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nN | E\n\\|/\nI+Z\n/|\\\nW | S\n|\nL",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nI | D\n\\|/\nW+E\n/|\\\nL | Z\n|\nS",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle right",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nW | N\n\\|/\nL+D\n/|\\\nS | E\n|\nZ",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nL | I\n\\|/\nS+N\n/|\\\nZ | D\n|\nE",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nS | W\n\\|/\nZ+I\n/|\\\nE | N\n|\nD",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle right",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nZ | L\n\\|/\nE+W\n/|\\\nD | I\n|\nN",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle right",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nE | S\n\\|/\nD+L\n/|\\\nN | W\n|\nI",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "(the dial right)\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nD | Z\n\\|/\nN+S\n/|\\\nI | L\n|\nW",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "The farmhouse's lounge closely resembles a bomb site. An old sofa, covered in ragged blankets and thin cushions, is positioned opposite a large TV and a wide, open fireplace. The window, hung with clashing flowery curtains, faces out onto the farmyard. A door in the east wall leads out to the hall.\n\nA dark staircase leads downwards from the open trapdoor.\n\nA rolled up rug lies on the floor next to the fireplace.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe unusually violent storm suddenly dies and Skebdale is silent and peaceful once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.\n\nYou can see a burnt-out battery here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "R.",
"response": "What do you want to drop?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Painted in an uninspiring shade of pastel cream-gunk, the farmhouse kitchen has evolved over time into a mixture of modern and ancient appliances jumbled against the walls. Decorated with stains ranging from champagne to tomato ketchup, the ceiling has obviously seen country life in all its glory.\n\nYou can see a kettle here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the kettle",
"response": "(putting the toy pistol into the briefcase to make room)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug in the kettle",
"response": "You'll have to put the kettle down first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug in the kettle",
"response": "You plug the kettle in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the kettle",
"response": "You switch the kettle on. A little red light above the switch jumps into life to show you it is working.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the jar",
"response": "A small blank glass jar. It is half full of a clear liquid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the jar",
"response": "It's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pistol into the jar",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nYou fire the contents of the pistol back into the jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close jar",
"response": "You close the glass jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little cold water. I shouldn't waste it: after all, there is a water shortage in Skebdale at the moment. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug. The kettle is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little warm water, and is gently steaming. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug.\nThe kettle is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little hot water, and is steaming furiously. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug.\nThe kettle is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little boiling water, and is still steaming. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug.\nThe kettle is currently switched on.\nThe kettle, having boiled, switches itself off, and the red indicator light dies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the water in the pistol",
"response": "Which do you mean, the kettle or the steam?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the kettle in pistol",
"response": "(first taking the kettle)\nAlthough made of plastic, the kettle is still far too hot to pick up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unplug the kettle",
"response": "You unplug the kettle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na toy pistol\na garden fork\na rubber glove\na glass jar\na white coat (being worn)\na key ring\na can of beer\na briefcase (which is open)\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You try and pull the glove on, but it is too small for either of your well-built hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the glove on the kettle",
"response": "That would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the steam",
"response": "Hot, wet, and steamy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fill the pistol from the kettle",
"response": "(first taking the kettle)\n(putting the glass jar into the briefcase to make room)\nYou fill the pistol with water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the kettle",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the kettle",
"response": "A blue plastic electric kettle, which contains a little hot water, and is steaming furiously. Its black power wire leads to a white three-pin plug.\nThe kettle is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the main barn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine farmer",
"response": "He never bothers to prosecute trespassers: he has far better methods.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the jar at the farmer",
"response": "(first taking the glass jar)\n(putting the rubber glove into the briefcase to make room)\nThe farmer shouts several expletives and then shuts up.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You can't get inside the house.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nThis wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You can't, since the wooden gate is in the way.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the farm hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Most of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the tractor",
"response": "It seems to be locked.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the collie",
"response": "A sleek, speckled, black and white border collie.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ledge",
"response": "A stack of hay, towering vertically upwards. Half-way up, just out of reach, there is a small ledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the hay",
"response": "The haystack is far too steep to climb unaided. However, you can almost, but not quite, reach a tiny ledge about a metre above your head.\n\nThe border collie pads off towards the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the ledge",
"response": "The haystack is far too steep to climb unaided. However, you can almost, but not quite, reach a tiny ledge about a metre above your head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tractor",
"response": "You climb up the tractor onto its roof.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the ledge",
"response": "By standing on the tractor you can just reach the ledge and haul yourself over the brink...\n\nYou have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ladder",
"response": "A strong rope ladder, twined around several bales on the edge of the ledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unfurl the ladder",
"response": "You unroll the ladder which just reaches the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all",
"response": "briefcase: Dropped.\nrubber glove: Dropped.\ngarden fork: Dropped.\nkettle: Dropped.\ntoy pistol: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A fallen hay bale blocks your way. I'm afraid this is a dead end.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "I'd get out of here if I was you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.\n\nYou can also see a toy pistol, a kettle, a garden fork, a rubber glove and a briefcase (in which are a glass jar, a remote control (which is empty), a faxed note, a leaflet and a typed note) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search",
"response": "What do you want to search?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "I'd get out of here if I was you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb",
"response": "What do you want to climb?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You climb skilfully down the ladder.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na white coat (being worn)\na key ring\na can of beer\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key ring",
"response": "Your key fob takes the form of a small model bull with a disproportionately large ring through its nose. Wound around the ring are your house and car keys, and a few other useful items.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You climb skilfully up the ladder.\n\nYou have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.\n\nYou can also see a toy pistol, a kettle, a garden fork, a rubber glove and a briefcase (in which are a glass jar, a remote control (which is empty), a faxed note, a leaflet and a typed note) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "rope ladder: That's fixed in place.\nbriefcase: Taken.\nrubber glove: Taken.\ngarden fork: Taken.\nkettle: Taken.\ntoy pistol: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the pockets",
"response": "briefcase: That's far too big to fit in the coat pockets.\nrubber glove: Done.\ngarden fork: That's far too big to fit in the coat pockets.\nkettle: Done.\ntoy pistol: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the briefcase",
"response": "glass jar: Removed.\nremote control: Removed.\nfaxed note: Removed.\nleaflet: (putting the garden fork into the briefcase to make room) Removed.\ntyped note: (putting the glass jar into the briefcase to make room) Removed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the pockets",
"response": "briefcase: That's far too big to fit in the coat pockets.\ntyped note: Done.\nleaflet: Done.\nfaxed note: Done.\nremote control: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na briefcase (which is open)\na glass jar\na garden fork\na white coat (being worn)\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na kettle\na rubber glove\na key ring\na can of beer\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put it in the pockets",
"response": "Taken.\n\nYou put the glass jar into the white coat.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You climb skilfully down the ladder.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nA shadow falls over Skebdale as the clouds sweep in...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell the hay",
"response": "The barn is filled with the dry, dusty scent of parched hay.\n\nHailstones begin to fall to earth, melting on contact with the warm earth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the haystack",
"response": "A stack of hay, towering vertically upwards. Half-way up, just out of reach, there is a small ledge.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock tractor with the key ring",
"response": "(first taking the key ring)\nThat doesn't seem to fit the lock.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the tractor",
"response": "You can't see inside, since it is closed.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open tractor with the fork",
"response": "(first taking the garden fork)\nThat doesn't seem to fit the lock.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the tractor with the key",
"response": "That doesn't seem to fit the lock.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the devil in the leaflet",
"response": "Devil worship in Skebdale? How could you ever even imagine that it could take place?\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the beer",
"response": "The sealed can declares itself as:\n\n?SIKSTONS' EXTREMELY PECULIAR?\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the main barn.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe sheepdog is huddled safely beneath a rusting muckspreader, sheltered from the storm.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open beer",
"response": "You yank sharply on the ring-pull which comes off easily in your hand. After a brief sub-second the over-enthusiastic widget kicks into action and froth and foam spurts from the can as if it were a volcano. In shock you drop the can and its remaining contents spill onto the floor.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' rocks violently in the gale, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.\n\nYou can see a burnt-out battery here.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Tom about the beer",
"response": "\"It's Sikstons' lad. 'Cheap, Cheerful, and Best Served Chilled.' If tha' want a pint, go and tek one, as the barman's not around.\"\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open beer",
"response": "You yank sharply on the ring-pull which comes off easily in your hand. After a brief sub-second the over-enthusiastic widget kicks into action and froth and foam spurts from the can as if it were a volcano. In shock you drop the can and its remaining contents spill onto the floor.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.\n\nYou can see an empty can of beer and a burnt-out battery here.\n\nThe storm continues at full force outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the can",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThe unusually violent storm suddenly dies and Skebdale is silent and peaceful once more.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the key",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na garden fork\na key ring\na briefcase (which is open but empty)\na white coat (being worn)\na glass jar\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na kettle\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shake it",
"response": "You shake the can and something falls out onto the floor.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This single-roomed inn is dominated by a long bar, topped with perfectly polished wood. The shelves behind the bar are stacked to breaking point with sparkling glasses and inviting bottles. A single beer pump protrudes forlornly from the bar at one end, but it is, unfortunately, un-manned, so you will have to cope without a drink. A well-oiled wooden door leads south-east into the street.\n\nOld Tom, Old Dick, and Old Harry sit around the beer pump, whispering conspiratorially.\n\nYou can see a brass key and a burnt-out battery here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the key",
"response": "(the brass key)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Most of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nThe border collie pads off towards the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock tractor",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the tractor with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Key",
"response": "Which do you mean, the brass key or the key ring?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Brass",
"response": "You unlock the tractor.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the tractor",
"response": "You open the tractor, revealing a fairly ordinary cockpit with controls and an ignition.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter it",
"response": "You get into the tractor.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Barn (in the tractor)\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You'll have to get out of the tractor first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search tractor",
"response": "You perform a fingertip search of the tractor cockpit, discovering a sleek, beige envelope underneath the steering column.\n\nThe border collie pads off towards the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "(putting the key ring into the briefcase to make room)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan envelope\na brass key\nan empty can of beer\na garden fork\na briefcase (which is open)\na key ring\na white coat (being worn)\na glass jar\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na kettle\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get out of the tractor.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nThe collie paces restlessly up and down the hall.\n\nBuilt into the west wall under the pegs is an electric socket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "(putting the garden fork into the briefcase to make room)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the kettle on the rack",
"response": "You balance the kettle on the welly rack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You plug in the kettle",
"response": "You plug the kettle in.\n\nThe border collie pads off towards the farmyard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn it on",
"response": "You switch the kettle on. A little red light above the switch jumps into life to show you it is working.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the envelope in the steam",
"response": "You hold the envelope in the flow of steam from the kettle, and the glue melts away. A slip of card falls out onto the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the card",
"response": "A post-card showing a rolling vista of Yorkshire countryside, taken from Skebdale Pike. A few unintelligible notes and messages have been scrawled on the back in slightly smudged fountain pen:\n\nmessage to red-chevette the cows are flying you will find guidance from the circle that blocks your way follow the name of satan through the twisting way he has joined with the animals the devil is daisy, daisy is Denzil destroy it you will find the proof on the border of sleep you must remember to use silver bullets",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the kettle",
"response": "Although made of plastic, the kettle is still far too hot to pick up. The kettle, having boiled, switches itself off, and the red indicator light dies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the kettle",
"response": "Although made of plastic, the kettle is still far too hot to pick up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The farmhouse's lounge closely resembles a bomb site. An old sofa, covered in ragged blankets and thin cushions, is positioned opposite a large TV and a wide, open fireplace. The window, hung with clashing flowery curtains, faces out onto the farmyard. A door in the east wall leads out to the hall.\n\nA dark staircase leads downwards from the open trapdoor.\n\nA rolled up rug lies on the floor next to the fireplace.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the dial right",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nN | E\n\\|/\nI+Z\n/|\\\nW | S\n|\nL",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn dial left",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nD | Z\n\\|/\nN+S\n/|\\\nI | L\n|\nW",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the dial right",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nI | D\n\\|/\nW+E\n/|\\\nL | Z\n|\nS",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nN | E\n\\|/\nI+Z\n/|\\\nW | S\n|\nL\n\nYou turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nD | Z\n\\|/\nN+S\n/|\\\nI | L\n|\nW\n\nYou turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nE | S\n\\|/\nD+L\n/|\\\nN | W\n|\nI",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nZ | L\n\\|/\nE+W\n/|\\\nD | I\n|\nN\n\nYou turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nS | W\n\\|/\nZ+I\n/|\\\nE | N\n|\nD\n\nYou turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nL | I\n\\|/\nS+N\n/|\\\nZ | D\n|\nE\n\nYou turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nW | N\n\\|/\nL+D\n/|\\\nS | E\n|\nZ",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nL | I\n\\|/\nS+N\n/|\\\nZ | D\n|\nE\n\nYou turn the dial one notch clockwise.\n\nS | W\n\\|/\nZ+I\n/|\\\nE | N\n|\nD",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This low, earth-hewn passage is cramped and dirty. Held up by crude wooden props, it looks none too stable. The tunnel is quite short, only about twenty metres in length. At the south-east end is the short stone staircase which leads up to the trapdoor, while to the north-west is an enormous door.\n\nThe enormous door hangs invitingly but threateningly open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "A shining white laboratory decked out with rows of pristine benches and tables. Shelves full of ridiculous sounding biochemicals line the walls. The room is windowless and lit only by fluorescent bulbs on the ceiling.\n\nYou can leave by the door to the south.\n\nA wooden pinboard on one wall is covered in clippings from various respected publications.\n\nSome sort of sci-fi gadget sits on the main lab bench.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gadget",
"response": "You can't have a proper adventure game these days without some special sci-fi gadget. In this case it resembles a microwave oven. It also sports a row of LEDs so it can flash them back and forth as it speaks in its predictably sarcastic monotone. Whoever built this one was well au fait with current trends and even painted a smiley face on the speaker. Lovely.\nThe sci-fi gadget is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the gadget on",
"response": "\"Request fingerprint recognition before computer access allowance.\" A small light-sensitive pad on the gadget flashes briefly and then goes dark again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at pad",
"response": "A dark grey light-sensing pad on one side of the gadget.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the gadget",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na postcard\nan envelope\na brass key\nan empty can of beer\na briefcase (which is open)\na garden fork\na key ring\na white coat (being worn)\na glass jar\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the postcard",
"response": "A post-card showing a rolling vista of Yorkshire countryside, taken from Skebdale Pike. A few unintelligible notes and messages have been scrawled on the back in slightly smudged fountain pen:\n\nmessage to red-chevette the cows are flying you will find guidance from the circle that blocks your way follow the name of satan through the twisting way he has joined with the animals the devil is daisy, daisy is Denzil destroy it you will find the proof on the border of sleep you must remember to use silver bullets",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "This low, earth-hewn passage is cramped and dirty. Held up by crude wooden props, it looks none too stable. The tunnel is quite short, only about twenty metres in length. At the south-east end is the short stone staircase which leads up to the trapdoor, while to the north-west is an enormous door.\n\nThe enormous door hangs invitingly but threateningly open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dial",
"response": "The lock is the traditional turning type, with eight letters arranged evenly around the dial:\n\nS | W\n\\|/\nZ+I\n/|\\\nE | N\n|\nD\n\nThere is a small black button underneath the uppermost letter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn dial left",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nL | I\n\\|/\nS+N\n/|\\\nZ | D\n|\nE",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn dial left",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nW | N\n\\|/\nL+D\n/|\\\nS | E\n|\nZ",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn dial left",
"response": "You turn the dial one notch anticlockwise.\n\nI | D\n\\|/\nW+E\n/|\\\nL | Z\n|\nS",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "The farmhouse's lounge closely resembles a bomb site. An old sofa, covered in ragged blankets and thin cushions, is positioned opposite a large TV and a wide, open fireplace. The window, hung with clashing flowery curtains, faces out onto the farmyard. A door in the east wall leads out to the hall.\n\nA dark staircase leads downwards from the open trapdoor.\n\nA rolled up rug lies on the floor next to the fireplace.\n\nA few hailstones, the vanguard of the storm, patter gently on the windows.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The farm's hallway serves its purpose well. In other words, its the way in. It leads up to a dark staircase, the northern end flanked by two low, wooden doorframes. Along the west wall, there is a row of three or four wooden pegs, underneath which is a delapidated welly rack.\n\nBuilt into the west wall under the pegs is an electric socket.\n\nOn the welly rack is a kettle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the kettle",
"response": "You unplug the kettle. (putting the empty can of beer into the briefcase to make room)\nTaken.\n\nThe full brunt of the weather batters against the doors and windows, making you glad that you are safe inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nThe sheepdog lies on the sun-warmed concrete, panting gently.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Most of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nSheets of hail lash down from the heavens, driven by a roaring westerly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You climb skilfully up the ladder.\n\nYou have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the pockets",
"response": "briefcase: That's far too big to fit in the coat pockets.\nkettle: Done.\npostcard: Done.\nenvelope: Done.\nbrass key: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You stumble from the labyrinthine passages into...\n\nThis room is Gothic horror at its best. Dry, wooden torches burn brightly in their rusty iron brackets, sending a flickering orange light flashing around the high, vaulted stone rafters and dull granite flagstones. The walls are daubed with unsightly scenes of scarlet terror and cruelty, and, at the centre of this hexagonal cathedral of doom, a gigantic inverted cross hangs in space, suspended by a criss-crossing web of thin, spider-like ropes which lead ever upwards into the enormous arched roof. Sinister shadows are cast onto the floor from the grotesque, twisted statuettes which stand on their dark pedestals, seeming to writhe in the torchlight. Where the hell is this place...\n\nAny moment now you expect a nice man with horns and hooves to jump from the shadows and discuss the afterlife, but, fortunately, there seem to be none of those in today.\n\nInstead, a small note has been attached to the bottom of the cross with a drawing pin.\n\nFrom the far side of the chamber, high up on one wall, an enormous, abstract black and red pictogram stares down at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pictogram",
"response": "It depicts simply the head of a cow - but no ordinary heifer. Its ears are long and pointed, its eyes narrow, and its nostrils wide and flaring-red. The mouth is half-open in a Satanic grin, exposing double rows of carnivorous teeth. You dread to look for fear of being ensnared in the deep, swirling, whirling eyes...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "(the note)\nYou can't read it from down on the floor.\n\nYou feel uneasy, as if the pictogram is watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Cross",
"response": "It's over-riding feature is that it is the wrong way up. However, just for the record, it is made from two gigantic oak beams held together by two enormously thick selotape straps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb cross",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nAn irresistible surge of terror rises within you as the face of the pictogram twists and seems to force its way out of the wall. You try to shut your eyes to it, but your only option seems to be flight. You have little time to escape as the power of the evil has almost rooted you to the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\nThe primitive drawing continues to wrench itself into reality in a series of horrific jerks and contortions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Time passes.\nAs the scene comes to life before you a wind whips around the chamber, statues are blown over and torches threaten to go out. The evil figure emerging from the wall roars in anger at your intrusion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "Time passes.\nThe figure of a cow, decked in blood and gore, begins to take shape from the writhing pictogram and screams a dire warning. \"Access Denied! Access Denied! Unauthorised personnel in building!\" You start to petrify with fear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nAn involuntary scream rips your throat open as the devilish figure pops from the canvas like a satanical morph. \"Trespassers will be prosecuted.....\" screams the phantom of the pit as it totters about on its hind-legs, wreathed in smoke and flames. These demonic vassals never were very good at co-ordination, were they?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the cow",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\"I will destroy you!!!\" The demon raises a hoof and a ball of fiery flame (isn't it all) cannons towards you. You are engulfed utterly, perish utterly, and generally cease to exist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou stumble from the labyrinthine passages into...\n\nThis room is Gothic horror at its best. Dry, wooden torches burn brightly in their rusty iron brackets, sending a flickering orange light flashing around the high, vaulted stone rafters and dull granite flagstones. The walls are daubed with unsightly scenes of scarlet terror and cruelty, and, at the centre of this hexagonal cathedral of doom, a gigantic inverted cross hangs in space, suspended by a criss-crossing web of thin, spider-like ropes which lead ever upwards into the enormous arched roof. Sinister shadows are cast onto the floor from the grotesque, twisted statuettes which stand on their dark pedestals, seeming to writhe in the torchlight. Where the hell is this place...\n\nAny moment now you expect a nice man with horns and hooves to jump from the shadows and discuss the afterlife, but, fortunately, there seem to be none of those in today.\n\nInstead, a small note has been attached to the bottom of the cross with a drawing pin.\n\nFrom the far side of the chamber, high up on one wall, an enormous, abstract black and red pictogram stares down at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at note",
"response": "(the note)\nYou can't read it from down on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Cross",
"response": "It's over-riding feature is that it is the wrong way up. However, just for the record, it is made from two gigantic oak beams held together by two enormously thick selotape straps.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull Cross",
"response": "You are unable to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb cross",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.\nAn irresistible surge of terror rises within you as the face of the pictogram twists and seems to force its way out of the wall. You try to shut your eyes to it, but your only option seems to be flight. You have little time to escape as the power of the evil has almost rooted you to the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "cross: That's hardly portable.\nnote: You can't reach the note from the floor.\npictogram: That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na white coat (being worn)\na brass key\nan envelope\na postcard\na kettle\na glass jar\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (providing light and being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pictogram with the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nThe liquid squirts feebly towards the pictogram but has little effect upon it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the jar at the pictogram",
"response": "(first taking the glass jar)\nFutile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the postcard",
"response": "A post-card showing a rolling vista of Yorkshire countryside, taken from Skebdale Pike. A few unintelligible notes and messages have been scrawled on the back in slightly smudged fountain pen:\n\nmessage to red-chevette the cows are flying you will find guidance from the circle that blocks your way follow the name of satan through the twisting way he has joined with the animals the devil is daisy, daisy is Denzil destroy it you will find the proof on the border of sleep you must remember to use silver bullets\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You aren't feeling especially drowsy.\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.\n\nYou can also see a briefcase (in which are an empty can of beer, a garden fork and a key ring) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "briefcase: Taken.\nrope ladder: That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You climb skilfully down the ladder.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The haystack is in the way!\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThe border collie trots towards you from the main barn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You can't, since the wooden gate is in the way.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThe border collie pads off towards the farm hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You hop over the closed gate...\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' rocks violently in the gale, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Two...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Four...!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\nThe farmer, having warned you quite enough, blasts you sky-high with his rifle.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Pray",
"response": "Nothing practical results from your prayer.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\nThe farmer, having warned you quite enough, blasts you sky-high with his rifle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the gate",
"response": "You climb skilfully down the ladder.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nThis wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\nYou hop over the closed gate...\n\nA winding country road threads its way between old stone cottages and barns. Daffodils and snowdrops spring from the grass verges, adding a dash of colour to the grey walls and roofs. To your north, the sign of 'The Green Calf' rocks violently in the gale, beckoning locals and tourists alike to pop in for a drink. There is a small garden to the south of the road which is attached, unsurprisingly, to a small house.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nA short gravel track leads up to a wooden gate to your north-east.\n\nYour car, a battered blue Volvo estate, is slewed across the grass verge, two wheels in the ditch.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A beautiful Yorkshire garden, full of mouth-watering fruits such as parsnips, marrows and broccoli. This is more a vegetable garden than anything else, but the border beds have been liberally scattered with a variety of hardy perennials. To the east you can see a small unthreatening farmer's cottage.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Two...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine farmer",
"response": "He never bothers to prosecute trespassers: he has far better methods.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You can't get inside the house.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask farmer about the denzil",
"response": "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.\n\nThe farmer shouts several expletives and then shuts up.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at postcard",
"response": "A post-card showing a rolling vista of Yorkshire countryside, taken from Skebdale Pike. A few unintelligible notes and messages have been scrawled on the back in slightly smudged fountain pen:\n\nmessage to red-chevette the cows are flying you will find guidance from the circle that blocks your way follow the name of satan through the twisting way he has joined with the animals the devil is daisy, daisy is Denzil destroy it you will find the proof on the border of sleep you must remember to use silver bullets\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Three...\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "The odd prickly bush or two - you've never really found gardening interesting.\n\nThe storm continues to batter unrelenting upon Skebdale.\n\n\"Four...!\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room is Gothic horror at its best. Dry, wooden torches burn brightly in their rusty iron brackets, sending a flickering orange light flashing around the high, vaulted stone rafters and dull granite flagstones. The walls are daubed with unsightly scenes of scarlet terror and cruelty, and, at the centre of this hexagonal cathedral of doom, a gigantic inverted cross hangs in space, suspended by a criss-crossing web of thin, spider-like ropes which lead ever upwards into the enormous arched roof. Sinister shadows are cast onto the floor from the grotesque, twisted statuettes which stand on their dark pedestals, seeming to writhe in the torchlight. Where the hell is this place...\n\nAny moment now you expect a nice man with horns and hooves to jump from the shadows and discuss the afterlife, but, fortunately, there seem to be none of those in today.\n\nInstead, a small note has been attached to the bottom of the cross with a drawing pin.\n\nFrom the far side of the chamber, high up on one wall, an enormous, abstract black and red pictogram stares down at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou feel uneasy, as if the pictogram is watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pictogram with the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nThe liquid squirts feebly towards the pictogram but has little effect upon it.\nThe primitive drawing continues to wrench itself into reality in a series of horrific jerks and contortions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cow",
"response": "It depicts simply the head of a cow - but no ordinary heifer. Its ears are long and pointed, its eyes narrow, and its nostrils wide and flaring-red. The mouth is half-open in a Satanic grin, exposing double rows of carnivorous teeth. You dread to look for fear of being ensnared in the deep, swirling, whirling eyes...\nThe figure of a cow, decked in blood and gore, begins to take shape from the writhing pictogram and screams a dire warning. \"Access Denied! Access Denied! Unauthorised personnel in building!\" You start to petrify with fear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the cow with the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nThe liquid squirts feebly towards the pictogram but has little effect upon it.\nAn involuntary scream rips your throat open as the devilish figure pops from the canvas like a satanical morph. \"Trespassers will be prosecuted.....\" screams the phantom of the pit as it totters about on its hind-legs, wreathed in smoke and flames. These demonic vassals never were very good at co-ordination, were they?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot Cross with the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nYou miss your target by more than a metre.\n\"I will destroy you!!!\" The demon raises a hoof and a ball of fiery flame (isn't it all) cannons towards you. You are engulfed utterly, perish utterly, and generally cease to exist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the note with the pistol",
"response": "(the note with the toy pistol)\n(first taking the toy pistol)\nYou miss your target by more than a metre.\n\"I will destroy you!!!\" The demon raises a hoof and a ball of fiery flame (isn't it all) cannons towards you. You are engulfed utterly, perish utterly, and generally cease to exist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the liquid in the glove",
"response": "(first taking the glass jar)\nThat can't contain things.\n\nYou feel uneasy, as if the pictogram is watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "(first taking the rubber glove)\nYou try and pull the glove on, but it is too small for either of your well-built hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the glove",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.\n\nYou feel uneasy, as if the pictogram is watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the glove inside out",
"response": "You turn the glove inside out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the glove",
"response": "A white rubber glove, turned inside out. The insides are stained by leakages and a slow build up of dirt.\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wear glove",
"response": "You try and pull the glove on, but it is too small for either of your well-built hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the glove on the pad",
"response": "You hold the rubber glove against the pad.\n\"Print authorised. Access awarded to Elizabeth Brown.\"\n\nA fairly gullible computer, isn't it? Especially considering the print was the wrong way round...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gadget",
"response": "You can't have a proper adventure game these days without some special sci-fi gadget. In this case it resembles a microwave oven. It also sports a row of LEDs so it can flash them back and forth as it speaks in its predictably sarcastic monotone. Whoever built this one was well au fait with current trends and even painted a smiley face on the speaker. Lovely.\nThe sci-fi gadget is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn it on",
"response": "The computer hums into life, its hard disc whirring as it downloads its highly complex and user-unfriendly operating system. The speaker jumps into life with a high-pitched computerised voice:\n\n\"Welcome to MacroSift Sowester, the latest in voice-operated computing. My name is Sharon, and I have been programmed to scan and recognise any object placed in my main bay. Have a nice day!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the jar in bay",
"response": "You put the glass jar into the sci-fi gadget.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Scan jar",
"response": "A tinted glass barrier slides down and several lights flash inside the gadget. The screen is pulled back up as it reads out the result:\n\n\"Object is silver nitrate solution.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na rubber glove\na briefcase (which is open)\nan empty can of beer\na garden fork\na key ring\na white coat (being worn)\na brass key\nan envelope\na postcard\na kettle\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pistol",
"response": "The pistol is an uninspiring shade of washed-out pink, but makes up for it with the battery-powered sound effects generator tagged on to the handle. Its pea-sized water tank is currently full of water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Empty pistol",
"response": "Emptied.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the jar in the pistol",
"response": "The glass jar is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the jar",
"response": "You open the glass jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the jar in the pistol",
"response": "You fill the pistol from the jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pistol",
"response": "The pistol is an uninspiring shade of washed-out pink, but makes up for it with the battery-powered sound effects generator tagged on to the handle. Its pea-sized water tank is currently full of a clear fluid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This wide rectangle of concrete is littered with the chaotic fallout of everyday dairy farming. And its brown! The stark windows of the farmhouse stare accusingly down into the yard from the north, and, to the east, the roof of the main barn is outlined against the rising sun.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe farm gate to the south-west is safely shut.\n\nA group of clucking chickens peck their way around the farmyard, desperately searching for grain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Most of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You climb skilfully up the ladder.\n\nYou have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the pockets",
"response": "glass jar: Done.\nrubber glove: Done.\nbriefcase: That's far too big to fit in the coat pockets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pictogram with the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nThat's not a gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pistol",
"response": "The pistol is an uninspiring shade of washed-out pink, but makes up for it with the battery-powered sound effects generator tagged on to the handle. Its pea-sized water tank is currently full of a clear fluid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pistol at the pictogram",
"response": "The liquid hits the wall hard, but has little effect on the pictogram.\n\nYou feel uneasy, as if the pictogram is watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pistol at the cow",
"response": "You fire a shining arc of the liquid straight at your adversary. The twisting, living wall seems to die and fall back flat, but you feel that you have not destroyed it for good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the jar in the pistol",
"response": "(first taking the glass jar)\nYou fill the pistol from the jar.\nAn irresistible surge of terror rises within you as the face of the pictogram twists and seems to force its way out of the wall. You try to shut your eyes to it, but your only option seems to be flight. You have little time to escape as the power of the evil has almost rooted you to the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the jar in the pistol",
"response": "There's not enough liquid here to fill anything.\nAn irresistible surge of terror rises within you as the face of the pictogram twists and seems to force its way out of the wall. You try to shut your eyes to it, but your only option seems to be flight. You have little time to escape as the power of the evil has almost rooted you to the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the postcard",
"response": "A post-card showing a rolling vista of Yorkshire countryside, taken from Skebdale Pike. A few unintelligible notes and messages have been scrawled on the back in slightly smudged fountain pen:\n\nmessage to red-chevette the cows are flying you will find guidance from the circle that blocks your way follow the name of satan through the twisting way he has joined with the animals the devil is daisy, daisy is Denzil destroy it you will find the proof on the border of sleep you must remember to use silver bullets\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\nThe ground shakes violently and you are thrown to the ground as the altar chamber collapses, taking with it the barn and haystack, which slide into the earth.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room is Gothic horror at its best. Dry, wooden torches burn brightly in their rusty iron brackets, sending a flickering orange light flashing around the high, vaulted stone rafters and dull granite flagstones. The walls are daubed with unsightly scenes of scarlet terror and cruelty, and, at the centre of this hexagonal cathedral of doom, a gigantic inverted cross hangs in space, suspended by a criss-crossing web of thin, spider-like ropes which lead ever upwards into the enormous arched roof. Sinister shadows are cast onto the floor from the grotesque, twisted statuettes which stand on their dark pedestals, seeming to writhe in the torchlight. Where the hell is this place...\n\nAny moment now you expect a nice man with horns and hooves to jump from the shadows and discuss the afterlife, but, fortunately, there seem to be none of those in today.\n\nInstead, a small note has been attached to the bottom of the cross with a drawing pin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at note",
"response": "(the note)\nYou can't read it from down on the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na glass jar\na toy pistol\na white coat (being worn)\na rubber glove\na brass key\nan envelope\na postcard\na kettle\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na sou'wester (providing light and being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the kettle at the note",
"response": "(the note)\n(first taking the kettle)\nFutile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the brass key at the note",
"response": "(the note)\n(first taking the brass key)\nFutile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "note: You can't reach the note from the floor.\ncross: That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na brass key\na kettle\na glass jar\na toy pistol\na white coat (being worn)\na rubber glove\nan envelope\na postcard\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na sou'wester (providing light and being worn)\nThe ground shakes violently and you are thrown to the ground as the altar chamber collapses, taking with it the barn and haystack, which slide into the earth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pistol at the note",
"response": "(the note)\nYou pull the trigger but nothing comes out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na kettle\na glass jar\na toy pistol\na white coat (being worn)\na rubber glove\na brass key\nan envelope\na postcard\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na sou'wester (providing light and being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na garden fork\na white coat (being worn)\na brass key\nan envelope\na postcard\na kettle\na glass jar\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na toy pistol\na rubber glove\na sou'wester (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the fork in the coat",
"response": "That's far too big to fit in the coat pockets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cross",
"response": "It's over-riding feature is that it is the wrong way up. However, just for the record, it is made from two gigantic oak beams held together by two enormously thick selotape straps.\nThe primitive drawing continues to wrench itself into reality in a series of horrific jerks and contortions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the note",
"response": "(the note)\nYou can't reach the note from the floor.\nAs the scene comes to life before you a wind whips around the chamber, statues are blown over and torches threaten to go out. The evil figure emerging from the wall roars in anger at your intrusion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nThe figure of a cow, decked in blood and gore, begins to take shape from the writhing pictogram and screams a dire warning. \"Access Denied! Access Denied! Unauthorised personnel in building!\" You start to petrify with fear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nAn involuntary scream rips your throat open as the devilish figure pops from the canvas like a satanical morph. \"Trespassers will be prosecuted.....\" screams the phantom of the pit as it totters about on its hind-legs, wreathed in smoke and flames. These demonic vassals never were very good at co-ordination, were they?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pistol at the cow",
"response": "(first taking the toy pistol)\nThe liquid squirts feebly towards the pictogram but has little effect upon it.\n\"I will destroy you!!!\" The demon raises a hoof and a ball of fiery flame (isn't it all) cannons towards you. You are engulfed utterly, perish utterly, and generally cease to exist.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You fill the pistol from the jar",
"response": "(first taking the glass jar)\nYou fill the pistol from the jar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot pistol at the note",
"response": "(the note)\nUnfortunately you miss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the pistol at the note",
"response": "(the note)\nYou fire the pistol at the cross, the shining arc of liquid hitting the pin, dissolving it to nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the note",
"response": "(the note)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na note\na glass jar\na toy pistol\na white coat (being worn)\na rubber glove\na brass key\nan envelope\na postcard\na kettle\na remote control (which is open but empty)\na faxed note\na leaflet\na typed note\na sou'wester (providing light and being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the pockets",
"response": "note: Done.\nglass jar: Done.\ntoy pistol: Done.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This room is Gothic horror at its best. Dry, wooden torches burn brightly in their rusty iron brackets, sending a flickering orange light flashing around the high, vaulted stone rafters and dull granite flagstones. The walls are daubed with unsightly scenes of scarlet terror and cruelty, and, at the centre of this hexagonal cathedral of doom, a gigantic inverted cross hangs in space, suspended by a criss-crossing web of thin, spider-like ropes which lead ever upwards into the enormous arched roof. Sinister shadows are cast onto the floor from the grotesque, twisted statuettes which stand on their dark pedestals, seeming to writhe in the torchlight. Where the hell is this place...\n\nAny moment now you expect a nice man with horns and hooves to jump from the shadows and discuss the afterlife, but, fortunately, there seem to be none of those in today.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\nThe ground shakes violently and you are thrown to the ground as the altar chamber collapses, taking with it the barn and haystack, which slide into the earth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nA fallen hay bale blocks your way. I'm afraid this is a dead end.\n\nYou'd better get yourself out of this hole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There's only one way out, and that's where you came from.\n\nYou'd better get yourself out of this hole.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "A fallen hay bale blocks your way. I'm afraid this is a dead end.\n\nYou'd better get yourself out of this hole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "What do you want to dig?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the card",
"response": "A post-card showing a rolling vista of Yorkshire countryside, taken from Skebdale Pike. A few unintelligible notes and messages have been scrawled on the back in slightly smudged fountain pen:\n\nmessage to red-chevette the cows are flying you will find guidance from the circle that blocks your way follow the name of satan through the twisting way he has joined with the animals the devil is daisy, daisy is Denzil destroy it you will find the proof on the border of sleep you must remember to use silver bullets\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a brass key here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the pockets",
"response": "rubber glove: Removed.\ntoy pistol: Removed.\ntyped note: Removed.\nenvelope: Removed.\npostcard: Removed.\nkettle: You're carrying too many things already.\nglass jar: You're carrying too many things already.\nremote control: You're carrying too many things already.\nfaxed note: You're carrying too many things already.\nleaflet: You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the pockets",
"response": "kettle: Removed.\nglass jar: Removed.\nremote control: Removed.\nfaxed note: Removed.\nleaflet: You're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Empty pistol",
"response": "Emptied.\n\nYou feel uneasy, as if the pictogram is watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour jar in the pistol",
"response": "The glass jar is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open jar",
"response": "You open the glass jar.\n\nYou feel unable to stop yourself turning and staring into the swirling eyes of the pictogram.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a kettle here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a rubber glove here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a typed note here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see an envelope here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a postcard here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a brass key here.\nThe ground shakes violently and you are thrown to the ground as the altar chamber collapses, taking with it the barn and haystack, which slide into the earth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nYou can see a brass key here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.\n\nYou can also see a briefcase (in which are an empty can of beer, a garden fork and a key ring) here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the whole haystack threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You climb skilfully down the ladder.\n\nMost of the space in the east end of the farms high stone barn is taken up by a huge haystack of rectangular bales, each of which is held together with tough, plastic twine. Around the double doors rusty farm equipment, almost inevitably infected with a potent range of bacteria, microbes, protozoa and agriculture ministers, lies derelict and unused.\n\nTowering black cumulonimbus clouds pour forth vast quantities of tiny, hard hailstones onto Skebdale.\n\nThe sheepdog scampers back and forth along the base of the haystack, sniffing at cracks and whimpering.\n\nA long rope ladder, safely twined around several hay bales, leads downwards from the ledge to the barn floor.\n\nA red and white tractor is parked next to the haystack.\n\nThe barn roof starts to collapse, bales of hay tumbling from the stack above you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The barn collapses behind you in a cloud of dust. You have rescued humanity from Satan and also saved your own skin.\n\n*** You have won ***\n\nIn that game you scored 51 out of a possible 60, in 460 turns, earning you the rank of Vet of the Year.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Thin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nThin, twisting passages lead off in all directions through the haystack.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the chamber threatens to collapse.\n\nYou have to stoop on this tiny ledge in the side of the haystack, cunningly roofed over with bales. Your vertigo quickly kicks in and the barn floor seems to be a million miles away: downwards.\n\nA thin dark passage leads westwards into the bales.\n\nA furled rope ladder is attached to some bales at one side of the ledge.\n\nYou can also see a briefcase (in which are an empty can of beer, a garden fork and a key ring) here.\n\nThe ground shakes violently as the whole haystack threatens to collapse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "The barn collapses behind you in a cloud of dust. You have rescued humanity from Satan and also saved your own skin.\n\n*** You have won ***\n\nIn that game you scored 60 out of a possible 60, in 483 turns, earning you the rank of Saviour of the World.",
"endoftext": true
] | 290phmec0t6qcy85 |
Sheep Crossing | Andrew Geng | [
] | [
"IFComp 2020",
"IFComp Game",
] | 2,020 | [
] | 13 | 2.384615 | 20201108sc | false | Sometimes you get an impulse you know you'd regret--especially in the face of an arbitrary task of questionable value. So when Grandmother asks you to bring her a cabbage, a sheep, and a stinky bear, what could possibly go wrong? | [
"action": "You examine cabbage",
"response": "The cabbage is wet.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine the sheep",
"response": "The sheep looks warily back at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bear",
"response": "The bear is chubby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sheep",
"response": "The sheep evades your attempts to pick it up. All you get for your efforts is a hungry \"BAAA.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the sheep in the boat",
"response": "(first taking the sheep)\nThe sheep evades your attempts to pick it up. All you get for your efforts is a hungry \"BAAA.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the grass",
"response": "You pull up some blades of grass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the grass to sheep",
"response": "(the blades of grass to the sheep)\n*crunch* *crunch* *crunch*\n\nThe sheep bleats contentedly. Maybe it'll be more cooperative now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the sheep in the boat",
"response": "(first taking the sheep)\nThe boat sloshes as you deposit the sheep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "You get into the boat.\n\nIn the boat you can see a sheep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "You get into the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bear",
"response": "(first getting out of the boat)\nThe bear is a bit heavy, but with its cooperation you manage to pick it up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bear in the boat",
"response": "The boat sloshes as you deposit the bear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "You get into the boat.\n\nIn the boat you can see a bear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cabbage",
"response": "The cabbage is a bit heavy, but you manage to pick it up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "(first putting the cabbage in the boat)\nYou get into the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "You get into the boat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the sheep in the boat",
"response": "(first getting out of the boat)\nThe sheep is already here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sheep",
"response": "The sheep is a bit heavy, but with its cooperation you manage to pick it up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the boat",
"response": "(first putting the sheep in the boat)\nYou get into the boat.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Y.",
"response": "*crunch* *crunch* *crunch*\n\nIt tastes like guilt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cabbage",
"response": "(first taking the cabbage)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cabbage",
"response": "(first taking the cabbage)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the cabbage",
"response": "The cabbage is already here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat yourself",
"response": "(first taking yourself)\nYou are always self-possessed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the boat",
"response": "(first taking the boat)\nThe boat is a little too heavy for you to carry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat grass",
"response": "(first taking the grass in the ground)\nYou pull up some blades of grass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the grass",
"response": "(the blades of grass)\nTrichomes prick your tongue as you eat the grass, leaving you with a stinging sensation and a bitter aftertaste. You have no idea why the sheep seems to like it so much.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat bear",
"response": "(first taking the bear)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "After a brief struggle, the bear eats you instead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "The sound of your voice dissipates feebly across the landscape. The sheep looks on warily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Before you can get very far, you are called back by the anxious bleating of your sheep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drown bear",
"response": "(first taking the bear)\nYou attempt to hurl the bear into the middle of the river. With its great weight, all you succeed in doing is dropping the bear into the shallows, where it lands with a great splash. You've barely turned back towards drier land when you're knocked off your feet by a heavy paw and sent tumbling into the water.\nYou sit up and clear your eyes to see the bear lolloping toward you. Is it angry, or just playing? The wind is knocked out of you a second time; and as you lie with your face in the mud and a crushing weight on your back, your last thought is that maybe the bear's intentions don't matter anyway.\n\n*** You have been sat on by a bear. ***",
"endoftext": true
] | pa09chq6mftk4gb8 |
Fingertips: All Alone | Joey Jones | [
"Apollo 18 Tribute Album"
] | [
"based on songs",
"one move",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 8 | 2.375 | 20120503 | false | So I'm all alone, and I've got a decision to make. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "All alone, all by myself...\n\n\n\nI'm outside the garden mart, in between that old cadillac and the window where I work. Just walking along, east to west, nothing to see here. I'm real glad I'm all alone, all by myself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "I'm, well, I'm me, right? Nothing special. I've taken off my ugly red uniform and I'm wearing the same jeans from three Christmases ago and that jumper that Granny gave me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "I am carrying:\na lighter\na pair of jeans (being worn)\na hideous sweater (being worn)\nsome flat shoes (being worn)\nsome lots of cash",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Steal cadillac",
"response": "Now's the moment! I smash the window, climb in and fiddle with the wires below the wheel like Cousin Vinnie showed me. It roars into life and I'm free, out on the open road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove sweater",
"response": "Suddenly, I lose courage. A familiar shyness overwhelms me even though there is no one around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cash",
"response": "There must be over five hundred dollars stuffed into my jeans.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "The window is smashed, the fuel set, all I have to do is set it alight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn window",
"response": "The window is smashed, the fuel set. I put a light to it all and run back as it swiftly catches fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "So I keep on walking. It's just a normal night. Nothing to see here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You run",
"response": "Go in which compass direction?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn car",
"response": "I intend to steal this tonight.\n\nNow's the moment! I smash the window, climb in and fiddle with the wires below the wheel like Cousin Vinnie showed me. It roars into life and I'm free, out on the open road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | jllnjw6ykg109in0 |
Jack | Jason Lautzenheiser | [
] | [
"EctoComp 2013",
"nonhuman protagonist",
] | 2,013 | [
] | 8 | 2.375 | 20170903 | false | You are Jack and you're running for your life. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Suddenly awareness comes to you and your surroundings. You look around slowly, seeing nothing at first, then in the moon light you find yourself in the middle of a pumpkin patch. Looking down at your feet you see straw coming out of the bottom of your pants and fallling over your boots. In wonderment you notice your hands for the first time and see straw coming out of your sleeves as well. As you stare at your hands you notice a strange glow seemingly coming from within you. You start to run your fingers through your hair only to realize you have none. As you stand there in shock over what you've become you realize you have nothing but vague memories of a time before the pumpkin patch. You look around and see large pumpkins that seem to have the same shape as your head. It all comes flooding back to are Jack....Jack Halloween.\n\nCopyright © 2013, Jason Lautzenheiser. Ectocomp13 Entry.\n\nYou are standing in a middle of a pumpkin patch. The full moon light allows you to see some distance around you. The pumpkin patch goes on as far as you can see except to the south where you can make the outline of a road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a tall person. You are wearing overhalls and a flannel shirt. There is straw slowly falling out of your sleeves and pants legs leaving a trail behind as you walk.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are standing in the middle of a dirt road to the south of a large field of pumpkins. The road stretches on the the east and west.\n\nLooking up the road, you see a set of headlights headed in your direction. Something screams in your very soul that you need to hide, you don't think it would be wise to be caught in the open in your state.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hide",
"response": "You lie down in the ditch along the road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe car drives slowly down the road just feet from where you are lying down. Two boys hang out the side window with shotguns at the ready.\n\nYou hear one of them say \"I swear I saw something standing around here somewhere.\"\n\n\"You just had too much beer before we left Joe, you're so drunk you wouldn't notice old Jack standing right next to you.\", someone yelled from inside the car.\n\nThe car slides a bit further down the road, turns around and then heads back the way it came.\n\nAs the car flies back up the road one of it's hubcaps comes off and lands in the ditch just ahead of you. You reach over and pick it up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine hubcap",
"response": "Really nothing more than a rusty piece of metal that was loosly attached to the wheel of the car. It is flat and looks like if you threw it like a frisbee it would go a great distance.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": ">Road\nYou are standing in the middle of a dirt road to the south of a large field of pumpkins. The road stretches on the the east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "As you come up on the edge of town, you see some movement ahead. You crouch in the shadows not wanting to be seen. Soon you see the movement again and you can just make out someone patrolling back and forth across the road. There is no way to get around him without being seen. Perhaps you could distract him somehow.\n\nYou can see a young man here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine man",
"response": "The man appears to be just a teenager. A young teen by the looks of it. In one hand he carries a large machete and slung from one shoulder is a rifle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rifle",
"response": "A .270 Winchester rifle. Powerful enough to spread the pumpkin seeds in your head all over the road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the hubcap",
"response": "You stand up quickly and your movement draws the attention of the young man. You quickly throw the hubcap in his direction. The hubcap flies quickly through the dark night and before he can even react, it strikes him square across his forehead immediately dropping him to the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "rifle: Taken.\nmachete: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the man",
"response": "The man appears to be just a teenager. A young teen by the looks of it. Embedded in his head is the hubcap you just threw.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the hubcap",
"response": "That is embedded in his skull....I don't think you want to take that.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are standing on the edge of town. To the west the road heads out of town and to the east you can make out what looks like the center of town.\n\nYou see the body of a young man here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are standing in the middle of a dirt road to the south of a large field of pumpkins. The road stretches on the the east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You feel a strong urge to continue to the town in the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "As you begin to head east towards the town, the car suddenly accelerates. Before you can react, it barrels into you. Your body, made mostly of straw flys apart scattering straw everywhere. The last thing you remember before the light dims from your eyes is your large pumpkin head bouncing off the windshield and onto the road only shatter into thousands of pieces.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "As you enter the town's center you hear a gunshot ring out. The whistle of the slug as it passes near your head and the dust kicking up a few feet behind you are enough to send you scrambling to hide behind the fountain.\n\nYou are hiding behind the fountain in the town square. You can head back out of town to the west. There is an old church to the north and the townhall building is on the south side of the square.\n\nThere is a shooter somewhere in the square.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine shooter",
"response": "The shooter is too far away to get a good look at in this poor lighting, but you can see that he has his rifle trained in your direction.\n\nAnother gunshot rings through the square and you hear the slug skip off the edge of the fountain just to the left of where you are hiding. This time however, you did see the flash of the shot. The shooter is hiding in the clock tower in the townhall on the south side of the square.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na machete\na rifle",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot shooter",
"response": "You take quick aim in the direction of the clock tower and pull the trigger. When the flash from the shot clears, you see the shooter slumping over the edge of the clocktower.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You are standing in the center of town. You can head back out of town to the west. There is an old church to the north and the townhall building is on the south side of the square. In the center of the square is a fountain.\n\nThe dead shooter is slumped over the side of the clock tower.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shooter",
"response": "The shooter is too far away to get a good look at in this poor lighting, but you can see that he is slumped over the edge of the clock tower dead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are outside an old church. The church has seen better years. Behind the church to the east you see a small overgrown cemetary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "As you enter the cemetary, you feel a sudden pressure building in your head. As your head expands, cracks appear and the light coming from within you outshines the full moon.\n\nAs you fall to your knees, the screams coming from the town can be heard far above your own. The curse of Jack Halloween has been lifted. You are free from your cycle of birth and death and the town has fallen beneath the weight of its sins.",
"endoftext": true
] | 1mn18bh1s38tw9bp |
The Invisible Argonaut | Jacqueline A. Lott | [
] | [
"ancient Greece",
"cover art",
"Joke Game",
"single room",
"Speed-IF Argonaut",
"SpeedIF March 2003",
] | 2,003 | [
] | 8 | 2.375 | 20111202 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Ah! The life of an Argonaut!\n\nAdventure on the high seas! The quest for the Golden Fleece!\n\nOf course, you get queasy just visiting the baths, and you really don't think you and the boys have a shot in Hades of ever laying eyes on that Fleece, but it was either this or stay home and continue to herd sheep, so you signed up.\n\nOnce you got over the initial sea sickness, it wasn't all that bad. Your first stop, at Lemnos, lasted a year, and there were some major smoochies during that tenure. You were just beginning to think you'd made the right choice when the boss went and uprooted everybody for the next port.\n\nThe boss, Jason... enh. He's a good enough guy. He means well and all, and it's not exactly like he *chose* to come on this stupid quest any more than you did, but after having some of your buddies slaughtered in the night on the island of the Mount of Bears and Hercules losing his little lover boy at Mysia, you're beginning to have second thoughts.\n\nThen came this latest port: the land of the Bebrycians. The ruler here, King Amycus, seems to think he's the Heavyweight Champion of Mt. Olympus or something. He won't let any of you leave the island before you have a little boxing match with him. You were really thinking that your buddy Polydeuces the Argonaut would take him on, but Polydeuces had some business off in the bushes and the King just wouldn't wait... the next thing you knew, a couple of pretty little ladies were strapping ox-hide boxing gloves on your hands and you were in the ring with Mohammed Aliamycus.\n\nYou never thought you'd say this, but you're starting to miss those sheep.\n\n\n\n(Who can't believe she's claiming authorship)\n\nPart of SpeedIF: ASCII and the ARGONAUTS\n\nIt's really lovely here on the beach, what with the waves and the sand and all the lovely ladies in the crowd this afternoon and -\n\n!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!\n!%%%% HOLY HERA %%%%!\n!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!\n\nYou're knocked nearly senseless, spinning for a moment before landing face-first in the sand. Fortunately, you brush yourself off and turn to face your attacker before he sits on you.\n\nThe king raises his gloves in the air and squints his eyes at you.\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "My, what a nice loincloth you're wearing... but those legs are a ghastly white. Maybe if you got off the boat more. Well, you can tan later. Right now there's a very anxious, very large man wearing ox-hide boxing gloves here, and he has his eye on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine man",
"response": "The king may not be quite as tall as you are, but he more than makes up for that in strength. He has muscles in places you didn't even realize you *could* have muscles, which is really all you can focus on at this moment.\n\nThe king throws a couple of fake jabs, but the very sight of his flexing muscles nearly makes you faint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Punch king",
"response": "Before you can even get in a punch, you're on your knees from the king's latest blow. \"Zippin' Zeus,\" you mumble as you try to get back up to fight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine ladies",
"response": "You'd best just focus on the fight for now... maybe later you can site see.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Punch",
"response": "(King Amycus)\n\"Oh Sweet Zeus!\" you cry. \"It's Kraken the sea monster!\" you scream, pointing off the beach. The king, never one to expect something low like this, turns to see what you're pointing at. Quick on your toes, you use the moment to jump on the king from behind.\n\nYou're able to stay on his back for a fraction of a second before he (not so) playfully flings your body into the dirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "You stand defiantly, look the king straight in the eye and say, \"XYZZY!\"\n\nThere is a brief pause. Then he punches you in the stomach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Punch king",
"response": "You try to concentrate - really you do - but the sight of a lovely lady off in the crowd distracts you. \"Venerable Venus!\" you say beneath your breath, and start to wander out of the ring toward her. In surprise, she rushes forward and pushes you back into the ring. \"Fight for me!\" you hear her cry, just as you take another hit to the right side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "If you leave, Jason and the team will at best abandon you, and at worst kill you for being such a pathetic coward. If you stay, you'll probably get knocked clear out of your loincloth. Either way, the options aren't good, but since this is ancient Greece and there's probably somebody writing this down, you should stay and try to do your best for history.\n\nThe king takes another punch, just for good measure. \"Crazy Crommyon Sow!\" you cry. Alas, you are unable to dodge the blow, and it hits home, right between your eyes. Alarmingly, your vision tunnels - real, honest-to-goodness tunnel vision - and all you can see is the king. He leans forward, takes in a deep breath, and blows a light puff of air in your direction.\n\nYou feel yourself falling, hurtling toward the beach with alarming speed, and yet time starts to draw itself out. Fractions of a second seem to take minutes. You reflect for a moment on what your life has become. \"Invisible Argonaut? Why would they call me an Invisible Argonaut?\" you think to yourself... and then you realize. You're not making it into the history books. You are a wimp. You signed up to be an Argonaut for the adventure and the women and the glory. Well, at least - for a time - you had two out of three.",
"endoftext": true
] | gr0f9vad94p0uyaw |
ANATIDAEPHOBIA | Peregrine Wade | [
] | [
] | 2,017 | [
] | 3 | 2.333333 | 20170102 | false | Office life could be easy, if there weren't a duck staring at you. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It's another nice, sunny day outside. The bird are singing, the\nflowers are beaming, and all is well.\n\nWell, that's what you assume, since in actual fact you're inside a brand new office on the sixth floor of the Weiner Corporation's newest skyscraper. At any rate, the job pays well, and your day usually\npasses by without any notable incidents to marr its pleasing monotony.\n\nBut something is different today. Cold sweat glistens on your brow.\nYou know all too well what this means.\n\nSomewhere...somehow... a duck is watching you.\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You've never really looked at yourself in a mirror. In fact, you tend to avoid mirrors like the plague, to such an extent that you're not sure what you really look like.\n\nYou're sure of it. There's a duck watching you right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cow",
"response": "It's leaning against the wall, legs crossed, smoking a cigarette. What is it doing here? You have not the slightest idea, and you're not really interested in finding out. What you really want to find... is that DUCK!\n\nYou wipe off a bead of sweat. Why did it have to be here? Why did it have to be now? Why? WHY?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the cow about the duck",
"response": "You could just try to engage in casual conversation. One way of doing this is by typing TALK TO NPC into the command prompt. (Oh, crap,\nI just broke the fourth wall. Who's going to pay for that, I\nwonder?)\nYou loosen your tie with one hand, and glance around fearfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Office (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.\n\nYou have no choice. You have to find that duck, track it down, hound it, chase it to the ends of the earth if necessary. Thus is the price you must pay for peace of mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the cow",
"response": "You cough. The cow coughs. For a moment, silence hangs heavy upon both of you.\n\n\"So. Ahem.\"\n\n\"You wanted to ask me something, boss?\" the cow says finally, chewing on its cigarette in a typically bovine manner.\n\n1) \"Do you see that duck?\"\n2) \"What are you doing here?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[\"What are you doing here?\"]\n\n\"Don't you remember, boss?\" the cow says, slapping you on the back\nwith one hoof. \"We're corporate spies working for ACME. This is an undercover operation, okay? I see what's wrong with you: you've been trying to use the \"How to Brainwash Yourself Easily\" book again. If you've got amnesia, we gotta exfiltrate ourselves pronto and\nburn the evidence. Have you got amnesia, boss?\"\n\n1) \"I haven't got amnesia, you idiot!\"\n2) \"I can't remember anything! What is my REAL identity?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[\"I haven't got amnesia, you idiot!\"]\n\n\"Phoooey,\" the cow sighs with relief, tugging at its cigarette compulsively. \"You had me worried there for a second.\" And upon these words, it begins to stare intensively at the wall, as though waiting for ninja chipmunks to leap out without warning.\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.\n\nYou can feel the duck's beady dark eyes boring into the back of your skull.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wire",
"response": "It's too thick to cut with scissors, sadly enough.\n\nThough the duck is not in the room, still you feel its baleful glare, unwavering, unblinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pane",
"response": "It's made of glass.\n\nYou bang your head against the furniture, heart bowed down beneath a seething cloud of paranoia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fax",
"response": "It's a great, heavy monster of bureaucratic hell. With its aid, you could fax a dinosaur to Hawaii, that's telling you how sophisticated\nit is. It's powered by a very, very long electric wire which crosses the floor and disappears out into the corridor to the south. Oh, and it's also blatantly simple to use: all that is necessary is to put something in it, and then dial any number between 0 and 10. The fax machine has been customized specifically for faxing things to a very specific destination.\n\nYou must do something about that duck. There is no other way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "It's an IKEA desk, somewhat disfigured by coffee rings (from all the times you left your hot mug of coffee on the desk for far too much time). And certainly it would be nice to have more than just the one drawer for tidying away your stuff. But it's perfectly adequate for\nthe kind of work you do for the Weiner Corporation -- namely, sorting through piles of mail. Such as the huge heap now standing before you.\n\nSomething must be done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cityscape",
"response": "New Dork City stretches out before you in its full glory. But what interests you most of all is the building opposite the one you're currently in: the ACME Corporation's newest skycraper.\n\nAll this stress and paranoia proves far too much for you. With a wordless cry you throw yourself out the window!\n\nActually, you do not throw yourself out of the window, you merely bounce off it with a muffled \"PANG\", and then stagger out into the corridor, nursing your blossoming bruise.\n\nThe corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Upon it are the following (badly-inked) words: M. POND --\nMAILROOM",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "One entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sort mail",
"response": "You find a letter from none other than \"Mr. Coffee Machine\"! How odd.\nA quick glance indicates that he is appealing to the powers that be\nfor the right to have his own office chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "You pull open the drawer, and find only a lonely-looking pair of scissors. You decide after some deliberation to take this with you\n(you never know when it might come in handy...)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of scissors\na shirt (being worn)\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chair",
"response": "It's a sturdy thing, with sturdy wheels that are always well oiled\n(you suspect that the office elves do all that work when no one is looking.)\n\nhandy at some point in the immediate future.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the mail",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take off the shirt",
"response": "You take off the shirt.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tie",
"response": "Suitably unfashionable.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "One entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the duck",
"response": "It's too far away for you to tell, but it appears to be staring at you in an unsettling way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at telephone",
"response": "It's a pink telephone with yellow flowers painted on it. It's quite... stylish? As you stare at it, the thought occurs to you that it might\nbe a good idea to call someone.\n\nIn fact, there are plenty of people you could call. You have their numbers memorized by heart, as a matter of fact. You could contact...\n\n1) the police\n2) the local hospital\n3) your aunt\n4) the head of Inhuman Resources\n5) the ACME Corporation\n6) the nearest pizzeria\n7) the nearest Pest Control unit\n8) the Society for the Care and Protection of Conspiracy Theories\n9) Gary Larson",
"endoftext": false
"action": "9",
"response": "[Gary Larson]\n\nYou get only an answerphone. \"Gary Larson is on holiday in Africa, being bullied by Jane Goodall's chimps. Please call back another\ntime.\"\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cityscape",
"response": "New Dork City stretches out before you in its full glory. But what interests you most of all is the building opposite the one you're currently in: the ACME Corporation's newest skycraper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shirt",
"response": "It's covered in squid ink stains (don't ask why). You feel something heavy in your breast pocket, and it's definitely not your heart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at ACME",
"response": "You glance at it through the glass window, and shudder. The duck is there, peering out through an office window, staring at you through caricatural binoculars.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pocket",
"response": "You squint and squirm, but conclude that the only way to find out what's inside is to boldly go forth and SEARCH it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search pocket",
"response": "In the breast pocket is a portable squid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the squid",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the squid",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "It's an extremely tiny, adorable little squid about the size of a fountain pen. Every now and then, it makes cute squid noises.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You squeeze the squid",
"response": "You squeeze the squid gently, and before you know it it squirts ink\nall over your face! Instant karma, indeed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wall",
"response": "It's made of glass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at telephone",
"response": "It's a pink telephone with yellow flowers painted on it. It's quite... stylish? As you stare at it, the thought occurs to you that it might\nbe a good idea to call someone.\n\nIn fact, there are plenty of people you could call. You have their numbers memorized by heart, as a matter of fact. You could contact...\n\n1) the police\n2) the local hospital\n3) your aunt\n4) the head of Inhuman Resources\n5) the ACME Corporation\n6) the nearest pizzeria\n7) the nearest Pest Control unit\n8) the Society for the Care and Protection of Conspiracy Theories\n9) Gary Larson",
"endoftext": false
"action": "5",
"response": "[the ACME Corporation]\n\nAfter several minutes of mildly annoying music, you finally get a response:\n\n\"Hello, how may I help you?\"\n\n\"Um, I'm not sure...\"\n\n\"That's not a problem at all. We cater to all needs: the Clown Department is on the first floor, the Jungle Department on the second floor, the Toothpick Department is on the third floor, bananas are plentiful on the fourth floor, we have fire and brimstone on the fifth floor, doughnuts on the seventh floor, unspeakable things on the\neighth floor, anachronistic but potentially useful duck-killing\nweapons on the ninth floor, and if you like ice-cream you can always\ngo to the tenth floor. Please keep in mind, however, that before entering the elevator you will be stripped of all suspicious\nbelongings by our diligent Security Brigade.\"\n\n\"Thanks, but what I really wanted to know is: have you seen a duck, anywhere?\n\n\"I am not at liberty to say,\" the receptionnist replies\napologetically. The conversation ends soon afterwards.\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Coffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nLurking in the corner of the room, looking rather disgruntled, is the coffee machine.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the poster",
"response": "It advertises the latest action movie: FLY HARD, with Braaawk Willis playing a daredevil chicken cop facing off against Alan Cricketman's stereotypically six-legged (and German!) baddie. The poster shows the main character jumping off an exploding skyscraper with a (live) electric wire tied around himself. The tagline reads: \"Always in\nthe wrong place at the wrong time, wearing the wrong clothes and using the wrong shaving cream! BURMA SHAVE\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the coffee machine",
"response": "You clear your throat, and cough. \"Ahem? Mr Coffee Machine? Are you\nall right?\"\n\n\"I feel terrible,\" the coffee machine groans. \"My self-esteem is down the toilet. I'm tragically misunderstood. The whole world conspires against me.\"\n\n1) \"Okay, I'm sorry to hear that. Would it be okay if I had a cup of coffee?\"\n2) \"Oh, come one, it can't be that bad.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[\"Oh, come one, it can't be that bad.\"]\n\n\"Not that bad?\" the coffee machine snorts bitterly. \"Not that\nbad?!? God dang it, I've been working here for 65 years and I've never even been promoted! I don't even get my own office chair!\nThat would be so little to ask for -- an office chair of my own, to\nsit on whenever I feel tired, a token of respect for all the coffee I've pumped out all those years! The Weiner Corporation would have NEVER been as successful as it is without MY coffee to keep their\nminds sharp and lively into the wee hours of the night!\"\n\n1) \"Ahem... talking about coffee... could I have some, please?\"\n2) \"Ahem... isn't there something you could do?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[\"Ahem... isn't there something you could do?\"]\n\n\"Like, I don't know... have you tried talking to a psychiatrist?\" you add, patting the coffee machine on the -- for lack of a better word -- \"shoulder\".\n\n\"Psychiatrist? I'm not mad, you idiot!\" the machine retorts angrily. \"This is it! I'm not going to put up with this sort of crap any more! I'm handing in my resignation! Right now, do you hear?\"\n\nIt hops out of the room and down the corridor at breakneck speed. Soon afterwards, to your dismay, you hear the sound of a heavy coffee machine falling down six flights of stairs in a record-breaking (and neck-breaking) 3.45 seconds.\n\nCoffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[\"Ahem... talking about coffee... could I have some,\nplease?\"]\n\n\"Coffee!\" the machine snorts. \"You want coffee? Here's your\ncoffee, you selfish jerk!\"\n\nFor a second, it looks like the machine is going to hurl piping hot caffeine beverages at your face, but your fear prove to be unfounded, and sure enough you find yourself looking down at a cup of coffee as you hold it tentatively in one hand. The rooms falls silent once more, and your mind is irresistably drawn back to the one thing uppermost in your thoughts right now. That. Goddamn. DUCK.\n\nCoffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nLurking in the corner of the room, looking rather disgruntled, is the coffee machine.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "One entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Coffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nLurking in the corner of the room, looking rather disgruntled, is the coffee machine.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.\n\nThe coffee machine notices that you have brought an office chair into the room! \"Golly, is that for me?\" it gasps.\n\n\"Yup,\" you reply.\n\nWith herethereto unsuspected nimbleness, the great lumbering caffeine-dispensing contraction hops onto the chair, whooping with delight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the Machine",
"response": "The coffee machine is in its own nirvana. Best not to engage conversation with it right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "Upon it are the following (badly-inked) words: M. POND --\nMAILROOM",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "You smell the unmistakeable smell of napalm -- uh, coffee in\nthe morning, actually. It appears to be emanating (if that is the correct terminology) from the eastern side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The corridor ends here, and there are stairs heading down to the west. To the east, the corridor continues in a shuffling sort of way. If you should feel the need, you may always enter the elevator which is situated (for your benefit) to the south, or else enter the storage room to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This room is filled with empty boxes, of the sort used for packaging. The only obvious exit is south.\n\nOn the floor is a large cardboard tube with both ends sealed.\n\nDangling from the ceiling is a long roll of sellotape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sellotape",
"response": "Someone clearly ran out of flypaper, and decided that it would be a smart idea to use the sellotape as a substitute. The roll of sellotape is only partially unrolled, however, and dangles from the ceiling like a peculiar pendulum of insect doom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tube",
"response": "As you look closely, it wobbles a little to the left and then to the right again. There is definitely something in there... something\nalive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open tube",
"response": "You open the large cardboard tube, revealing a weiner dog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the dog",
"response": "It looks up placidly at you, and yawns, mumbling something unintelligible about coffee in the morning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na large cardboard tube (open)\na weiner dog\na cup of coffee\na portable squid\na pair of scissors\na shirt\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the coffee to the dog",
"response": "The dog refuses. \"Coffee,\" he mutters.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tape",
"response": "It's tantalizingly out of reach, as you conclude from several minutes of futile hopping up and down like an over-excited chihuahua.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This room is filled with empty boxes, of the sort used for packaging. The only obvious exit is south.\n\nDangling from the ceiling is a long roll of sellotape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine boxes",
"response": "They're very uninteresting, in an interesting way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the boxes",
"response": "Little is to be achieved by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The corridor ends here, and there are stairs heading down to the west. To the east, the corridor continues in a shuffling sort of way. If you should feel the need, you may always enter the elevator which is situated (for your benefit) to the south, or else enter the storage room to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dog",
"response": "You pull the weiner dog out from the tube. This takes some time, and\nit is only by seizing it by the hind legs and swinging it around the room that the tube finally flies off, ricochetting off the wall in the process. The dog grumbles a bit, muttering about \"Inhuman Resources\" under its breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na large cardboard tube (open but empty)\na weiner dog\na cup of coffee\na portable squid\na pair of scissors\na shirt\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the dog",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the coffee to the dog",
"response": "The weiner dog is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dog",
"response": "The weiner dog allows you to pick it up, staring at you with\ndrowsiness in its eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the dog in the tube",
"response": "You put the weiner dog into the large cardboard tube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close tube",
"response": "You close the large cardboard tube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "As you enter the elevator, the doors close behind you, uttering a peculiar squeaking noise in the process. With a whirr, and without you having even had the time to fiddle around with the buttons, the elevator begins to descend -- into lunacy? Who knows.\n\nThe elevator in which you are currently standing smells strongly of canine interference. A panel of buttons covers one wall.\n\nAs if to attract your attention, the elevator whines like a dog whose nose has just been bopped over the nose with a newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the buttons",
"response": "Upon closer examination, someone has replaced all the buttons by tin tacks. This, among other things, means that you cannot mess around\nwith it as much as you wanted to.\n\nThe elevator screeches to a stop, and an electronic voice says breathlessly: \"Time out! Be back in a jiffy!\"\n\nAfter a moment or so, the elevator whirrs back to life, and business resumes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "You smell nothing. Nothing, that is, other than the smell of your own fear.\n\nThe elevator stops briefly, the doors opening for just the exact\namount of time required for an enormous elephant to fit itself inside along with you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the elephant",
"response": "You see nothing special about the enormous elephant.\n\nThe elephant sneezes. The tension is palpable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the elephant",
"response": "You have no idea what you would say to the enormous elephant.\n\nThe elevator stops again, and to your vast surprise another elephant steps inside, this time carrying a guitar and wearing a flower shirt! You try to make a dash for freedom, but alas the doors have already closed, and the elevator has resumed its descent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hippy",
"response": "You see nothing special about the elephant hippy.\n\nIt's now beginning to feel a little crowded in here. And the\nirritating little elves singing high-pitched renditions of \"The Bohemian Rhapsody\" are simply not helping.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe elevator stops. There is silence. And then... a third elephant, wearing a business suit and a fedora, crams itself inside. \"Jeez,\" he says. \"This sure is cramped, fellas.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The doors are closed, and there doesn't appear to be any button allowing you to open them. What a nuisance. And the matter of that\nduck still remains unresolved. What a day. What... a... day.\n\nOddly enough, you are finding it a little hard to breathe in here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe elevator is almost at the lobby, and you pray to God that you make it there alive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine businessman",
"response": "You see nothing special about the elephant businessman.\n\nJust when you thought this nightmare was over, the elevator abruptly stops at the first floor. You get a sinking feeling. Oh, no. Please.\n\nYou watch the elevator doors open. Slooooowly....\n\nAnd then....\n\n... a fourth elephant, wearing dark glasses and wielding a cane,\ncalmly tries to fit itself into the elevator.\n\nSNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!\n\nThe elevator falls, carrying you and the four elephants down with it. The little annoying elves -- those responsible for the annoying elevator music -- all unaminously begin to do their own rendition of Fauré's Requiem. Everyone inside the elevator goes crashing\nthrough the earth's molten core, screaming all the way. Eventually, the elevators comes soaring out through a volcano in New Zealand, but by then you are all toast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na cup of coffee\na portable squid\na pair of scissors\na shirt\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Coffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nThere is a strong stench of coffee here, almost sufficient to drive small dogs mad.\n\nThe office chair is bowed down beneath the weight of a smug-looking coffee machine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unplug the wire",
"response": "You notice that unplugging the electric wire is nothing short of impossible, owing to the external action of some diabolical villain. Curses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the wire",
"response": "You make a brave attempt to cut the wire with the pair of scissors,\nbut it is all too obvious to even the most stubborn intellect that these scissors are only adequate for slicing through cardboard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "One entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the boxes",
"response": "That would take forever, and you'd just end up buried under a pile of cardboard confettis.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the tape",
"response": "It's tantalizingly out of reach, as you conclude from several minutes of waving the scissors around like a homicidal maniac.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut tube",
"response": "You can't cut the carboard tube in half without first emptying it. That's one of the Six Basic Rules of the Mailroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open tube",
"response": "You open the large cardboard tube, revealing a weiner dog.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the dog",
"response": "You pull the weiner dog out from the tube. This takes some time, and\nit is only by seizing it by the hind legs and swinging it around the room that the tube finally flies off, ricochetting off the wall in the process. The dog grumbles a bit, muttering about \"Inhuman Resources\" under its breath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut tube",
"response": "You take a few minutes of your time to neatly cut the tube into two long, equal pieces. As you let them fall to the floor, you notice that they look remarkably like cardboard skis! This is food for thought.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome pieces of cardboard which look like cardboard skis\na weiner dog\na cup of coffee\na portable squid\na pair of scissors\na shirt\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are about to go down the stairs when you abruptly become aware of one niggling fact: namely, that each and every single step is\ncarefully layered with marbles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the skis",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the marbles",
"response": "There are millions of these little shiny marbles. It must have taken forever to lay them out upon every single step, and you wonder who on earth would be so diabolically villainous and maniacally persnickety\nas to be capable of such a heinous act.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chair",
"response": "Wouldn't it be easier to push it around? It's got wheels, after all.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nThere is a strong stench of coffee here, almost sufficient to drive small dogs mad.\n\nThe office chair is bowed down beneath the weight of a smug-looking coffee machine.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The corridor ends here, and there are stairs heading down to the west. To the east, the corridor continues in a shuffling sort of way. If you should feel the need, you may always enter the elevator which is situated (for your benefit) to the south, or else enter the storage room to the north.\n\nThere is a strong stench of coffee here, almost sufficient to drive small dogs mad.\n\nThe office chair is bowed down beneath the weight of a smug-looking coffee machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This room is filled with empty boxes, of the sort used for packaging. The only obvious exit is south.\n\nThere is a strong stench of coffee here, almost sufficient to drive small dogs mad.\n\nThe office chair is bowed down beneath the weight of a smug-looking coffee machine.\n\nDangling from the ceiling is a long roll of sellotape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the chair",
"response": "You stand up on the chair, wobbling slightly as you do so. Now what next?\n\nStorage Room (on the office chair)\nThis room is filled with empty boxes, of the sort used for packaging. The only obvious exit is south.\n\nThere is a strong stench of coffee here, almost sufficient to drive small dogs mad.\n\nDangling from the ceiling is a long roll of sellotape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tape",
"response": "You cut the sellotape with a neat snip of the scissors, and retrieve the rest of it for your own personal use.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "(first getting off the office chair)\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome sellotape\nsome pieces of cardboard which look like cardboard skis\na weiner dog\na cup of coffee\na portable squid\na pair of scissors\na shirt\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the skis",
"response": "What do you want to attach the pieces of cardboard which look like cardboard skis to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yourself",
"response": "You laboriously sellotape the first piece of cardboard to your right foot, and then the second piece of cardboard to your left foot. Now\nyou are officially equipped with utterly demented cardboard skis!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You glance at the marbles, but your mind is already made up. You are going to ski your way down there like a champion.\n\nWith a yell of triumph (or fear?) you go forth! Marbles rattle and scuttle away in panic as you hurtle down the stairs!\n\nYou go down all six flights of stairs in exactly 3.1415 seconds! (You are very meticulous about those things.) This daring ride culminates\nin your triumphant (but brief) arrival in the lobby of the Weiner Corporation.\n\nPropelled by all the momentum you've just gained, you sail out through the revolving doors, across the street (narrowly avoiding an entire flock of boneless chickens, who were for some incomprehensible reason trying to cross the road) and at long last arrive in the lobby of the ACME Corporation. This is exactly what you wanted.\n\nFor, hidden upon one of the myriad floors of the ACME Corporation's skyscraper, the DUCK awaits. (And so does your timely revenge!)\n\nThe lobby stretches out before you, a beautiful pristine space with sliding doors awaiting you to the south, leading out into the busy street.\n\nYou can enter the elevator here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You've gone through ridicule to get here! Giving up is simply not an option.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome sellotape\na weiner dog\na cup of coffee\na portable squid\na pair of scissors\na shirt\na tie (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the coffee",
"response": "It's a plastic cup, predictably filled with black murky liquid that\none must assume was coffee at some point in the past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell the coffee",
"response": "You smell nothing. Nothing, that is, other than the smell of your own fear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the elevator",
"response": "Before you can enter the elevator, a security guard (who you could\nhave sworn was not there a second ago) frisks you, relieving you of\nall your suspicious-looking personal items. A few seconds later, you are half-naked, standing only in your underwear. \"You're good to go,\" the guard grunts, and pushes you into the elevator most uncourteously.\n\nThis is not a mere elevator: it is a superluminal cartoon lift, whose cruise speed is 299 000 000 meters a second on average, and fully capable of taking you from the lobby to the moon in an astonishingly short time. The glowing digits above the door spell out the number 0 - though you can make the elevator move up and down to your heart's content by the seemingly innocuous act of pressing a numbered button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Press 9",
"response": "You press button 9. The lift whirs into action and moves to the\ncorrect level.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "This is a mystifying room. You wonder what on earth it is for.\n\nYou can enter the elevator here.\n\nLying on the floor here is a curious, cylindrical piece of metal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the metal",
"response": "Upon closer examination, you find that this is a light-saber! How anachronistic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na light-saber",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a mystifying room. You wonder what on earth it is for.\n\nYou can enter the elevator here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the elevator",
"response": "This is not a mere elevator: it is a superluminal cartoon lift, whose cruise speed is 299 000 000 meters a second on average, and fully capable of taking you from the lobby to the moon in an astonishingly short time. The glowing digits above the door spell out the number 9 - though you can make the elevator move up and down to your heart's content by the seemingly innocuous act of pressing a numbered button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Press 6",
"response": "You press button 6. The lift whirs into action and moves to the\ncorrect level.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "At last! You've found it.\n\nStanding before you, with somewhat a malevolent air, is the Mad Duck.\n\nThe duck sees you, and smiles. \"At last, Pond. You've found my... what's the word? ... aha!... my secret lair. How clever of you, indeed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Duck",
"response": "With a barbarian yell, you lunge forward, ready for the Fight of the Century (TM).\n\n1) Hit the duck on the head\n2) Kick the duck in the stomach\n3) Attack him with your light-saber",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "[Attack him with your light-saber]\n\nYou pull out the light-saber that you found in the Anachronism Department, and bring it down upon the duck's head. At the very last moment, however, he blocks your blow with his own light-saber! There\nis a ZZZZZZZZZZZ noise as the two laser blades come into contact.\n\n1) Kick the duck in the private parts\n2) Use the Force",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[Use the Force]\n\nYou focus, and try to use the Force. But nothing happens. Nothing at all.\n\n\"There is no such thing as the Force, you silly duck!\" your adversary cackles (or rather, QUACKles).\n\n1) Kill the duck\n2) \"Wait, you called me a WHAT?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[\"Wait, you called me a WHAT?\"]\n\n\"That's right, Pond,\" the duck replies, clearly on the verge of revealing a dark secret (and enjoying every second of it). \"You\nthought you were human, but all along... all along, you were exactly what you always feared: A DUCK!!!\"\n\n1) Kill the duck\n2) Scream \"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\" out loud",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[Scream \"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\" out loud]\n\nSeized by a surge of despair and rage, you rush at the duck, swinging your light-saber around your head. In your precipitation, you slip on\na banana peeling, and land on your face in a flurry of feathers. The awful truth sinks in at last. You are a duck. You are a duck. You are\na --",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Duck",
"response": "\"I need to talk to you,\" you begin, stepping forward.\n\n\"Oh?\" the duck says coldly.\n\n1) \"I want to know who you are.\"\n2) \"I want to know why you were watching me\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[\"I want to know why you were watching me\"]\n\n\"Why? You want to know why?\" The duck seems genuinely surprised.\n\n\"Yes! I've gone through ridicule to find you! I deserve to know!\" you retort.\n\n\"Well... if the truth be told... I was waiting for my evil plans to fall into place... and... well, I guess I got bored?\"\n\n1) \"I want to know who you are.\"\n2) \"Evil plans?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[\"Evil plans?\"]\n\n\"Didn't you know?\" the duck replies, shocked. \"I'm a comic-book villain, I am. And a very stylish one, too.\"\n\nIt dawn upon you then that Fate itself has brought you here. An inner voice whispers: You are the One.\n\nWith a barbarian yell, you lunge forward, ready for the Fight of the Century (TM).\n\n1) Hit the duck on the head\n2) Kick the duck in the stomach\n3) Attack him with your light-saber",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[Kick the duck in the stomach]\n\nChannelling your inner Karate Kid, you stand on one foot, and then\nlash out. The duck, not expecting this (he probably bought his light-saber on Ebay and has no actual Jedi training), is sent flying backwards. He crashes through the glass wall, and falls plummetting from six floors\" worth of the ACME Corporation's newest skyscraper.\n\nThis does not kill him, but after several months in hospital he is arrested for crimes against the Universe. Apparently, his name (his REAL name) is Moriarty Machiavelli the Third. It turns out he was your uncle, but that does not necessarily entail that you are a duck. At least, that is the way you choose to view things, and it's working out pretty well so far. Besides, one good thing has come out of this mess: you are no longer in the throes of ANATIDAEPHOBIA.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[\"I want to know who you are.\"]\n\n\"Me?\" the duck replies quizzically. \"Why, my name is Moriarty Machiavelli the Third. And...\" he pauses for dramatic effect, \" your UNCLE!\"\n\n1) Ask the duck for an explanation\n2) Scream \"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\" out loud",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[Ask the duck for an explanation]\n\n\"But how can that be?\" you exclaim out loud, trembling slightly. \"My aunt is a gorilla!\"\n\n\"The biological details are messy and somewhat complicated,\" the duck replies coolly. \"Suffice to say, you are half duck. Ah, the irony of it, my nephew Pond!\"\n\n1) Kick the duck in the stomach\n2) Scream \"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\" out loud",
"endoftext": true
"action": "%",
"response": "It's another nice, sunny day outside. The bird are singing, the\nflowers are beaming, and all is well.\n\nWell, that's what you assume, since in actual fact you're inside a brand new office on the sixth floor of the Weiner Corporation's newest skyscraper. At any rate, the job pays well, and your day usually\npasses by without any notable incidents to marr its pleasing monotony.\n\nBut something is different today. Cold sweat glistens on your brow.\nYou know all too well what this means.\n\nSomewhere...somehow... a duck is watching you.\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fax machine",
"response": "It's a great, heavy monster of bureaucratic hell. With its aid, you could fax a dinosaur to Hawaii, that's telling you how sophisticated\nit is. It's powered by a very, very long electric wire which crosses the floor and disappears out into the corridor to the south. Oh, and it's also blatantly simple to use: all that is necessary is to put something in it, and then dial any number between 0 and 10. The fax machine has been customized specifically for faxing things to a very specific destination.\n\nYou're sure of it. There's a duck watching you right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na shirt (being worn)\na tie (being worn)\n\nYou wipe off a bead of sweat. Why did it have to be here? Why did it have to be now? Why? WHY?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the tie in the fax",
"response": "(first taking it off)\nYou put the tie into the fax machine.\n\nYou loosen your tie with one hand, and glance around fearfully.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dial 1",
"response": "There is a ZZZZZIP noise, and then it is done.\"Item faxed to the\nACME Clown Department,\" the electronic voice mumbles, sounding\nhighly unamused.\n\nYou have no choice. You have to find that duck, track it down, hound it, chase it to the ends of the earth if necessary. Thus is the price you must pay for peace of mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the fax",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nYou can feel the duck's beady dark eyes boring into the back of your skull.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na shirt (being worn)\n\nThough the duck is not in the room, still you feel its baleful glare, unwavering, unblinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at telephone",
"response": "It's a pink telephone with yellow flowers painted on it. It's quite... stylish? As you stare at it, the thought occurs to you that it might\nbe a good idea to call someone.\n\nIn fact, there are plenty of people you could call. You have their numbers memorized by heart, as a matter of fact. You could contact...\n\n1) the police\n2) the local hospital\n3) your aunt\n4) the head of Inhuman Resources\n5) the ACME Corporation\n6) the nearest pizzeria\n7) the nearest Pest Control unit\n8) the Society for the Care and Protection of Conspiracy Theories\n9) Gary Larson",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "[your aunt]\n\nOn second thought, you decide not to call your aunt. You remember all too well what happened last time she came to New Dork City. The authorities had to rescue her from the very top of the Umpire State Building (where she was doing a drunken imititation of King Kong).\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.\n\nYou bang your head against the furniture, heart bowed down beneath a seething cloud of paranoia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "6",
"response": "[the nearest pizzeria]\n\nThe response is immediate. What pizza would you like, buddy?\n\n\"Give me,\" you say, suddenly sounding very determined, \"the Mother of All Pizzas.\"\n\n\"With pepperoni on top?\"\"With pepperoni on top.\"\n\nWhen you finally hang up a few minutes later, you rest safely in the knowledge that the most awesome pizza known to mankind is speeding on its way to you.\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.\n\nYou must do something about that duck. There is no other way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "7",
"response": "[the nearest Pest Control unit]\n\nActually, the Pest Control unit was closed a few weeks ago, after its offices were trashed by the Roach Gang.\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.\n\nSomething must be done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "8",
"response": "[the Society for the Care and Protection of Conspiracy\nTheories]\n\nYou spend a few tedious minutes being told that the duck needs their help more than you do, since in actual fact it constitutes a living conspiracy theory in itself. Frustrated, you hang up.\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "All this stress and paranoia proves far too much for you. With a wordless cry you throw yourself out the window!\n\nActually, you do not throw yourself out of the window, you merely bounce off it with a muffled \"PANG\", and then stagger out into the corridor, nursing your blossoming bruise.\n\nThe corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.\n\nA long wire snakes its way out from your office, and heads down the corridor to the east.\n\nI didn't understand that sentence.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "One entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[the police]\n\nYou quickly dial in 911, and shortly afterwards you are on the emergency line.\n\n\"You are now on the emergency line of the New Dork City Police Department, the voice on the other end says laconically.\"\n\n\"There is a duck staring at me!\" you shout into the receiver.\n\n\"Is it threatening you with a chainsaw?\" the voice replies\ncoldly.\n\n\"Uh -- no.\"\n\nBEEP.\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[the local hospital]\n\nAn automated voice is the only reply you get:\n\n\"Hello. We are currently swamped with patients. In fact, there are patients everywhere. Patients in the corridors, patients in the toilets, patients hiding inside our clothing, patients behind our\nears, patients as far as the eye can see. We are, in fact, beginning\nto lose our minds. Have a lovely day.\"\n\nBEEP.\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "[the head of Inhuman Resources]\n\nYou quickly dial in the number. \"Hello? This is Pond. I work in the mailroom. I have a problem,\" you rattle off with the speed of a machine-gun.\n\n\"Moooo?\"\n\n\"Never mind,\" you sigh, and hang up.\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the chair",
"response": "You stand up on the chair, wobbling slightly as you do so. Now what next?\n\nOffice (on the office chair)\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You get off the office chair.\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nThe office chair stands upon its wobbly wheels, sighing slightly.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut tube",
"response": "You can't cut the cardboard tube in half without first emptying it. That's one of the Six Basic Rules of the Mailroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[\"Okay, I'm sorry to hear that. Would it be okay if I had a cup of coffee?\"]\n\nThe coffee machine replies, somewhat disgruntedly, \"Suit yourself. You know exactly how to push my buttons, don't you?\"\n\nWith a sigh, it stares up at the ceiling and relapses into silence.\n\nFeeling somewhat guilty, you get yourself a cup of coffee, but when\nthe moment comes to drink it you merely look down into its murky depths, seeing the coffee machine's discontent reflected from its swirling surface. So you stand there, holding it in your hand, your thoughts drifting back to the one thing which still remains\nunresolved: the matter of that duck.\n\nCoffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nLurking in the corner of the room, looking rather disgruntled, is the coffee machine.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na cup of coffee\na pair of scissors\na shirt (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the coffee to the dog",
"response": "The dog is still in the carboard tube, and you're still holding that. If you want to offer it coffee, it might be wise to put one or the other down first. You never know what the effects might be. (For instance, if it turns out that the mere absorption of caffeine can transform this dog into a vicious slugbeast, then you'd be glad you weren't carrying it.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the coffee to dog",
"response": "offering. \"Thanks,\" it mumbles, and then slurps it up noisily.\n\nWithin seconds, it is completely transformed! It starts running\naround the room like a lunatic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dog",
"response": "It looks very agitated, and is constantly trying to bite everything within reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na large cardboard tube (open)\na weiner dog\na cup of coffee\na pair of scissors\na shirt (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the elevator",
"response": "The doors are closed, and refuse to open. This is because it already has a passenger, and that passenger is the office chair itself, who must have decided on a whim to fiddle around with the buttons. How inconvenient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Coffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit is connected to a plug in the wall. Why anyone thought this was necessary is rather hard to divine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "6",
"response": "[the nearest pizzeria]\n\nYou've already ordered a pizza. No need to be so greedy.\n\nOne entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.\n\nA long wire extends across the room, originating from the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the squid in the Machine",
"response": "(first taking the portable squid)\nYou put the portable squid into the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dial 9",
"response": "There is a ZZZZZIP noise, and then it is done.\"Item faxed to the\nACME Anachronistic Department. I really don't know why that\nexists,\" the electronic voice grumbles, sounding annoyed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put everything in the Machine",
"response": "pair of scissors: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na shirt (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the shirt then put the shirt in the Machine",
"response": "You take off the shirt.\n\nYou put the shirt into the fax machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dial 9",
"response": "There is a ZZZZZIP noise, and then it is done.\"Item faxed to the\nACME Anachronistic Department. I really don't know why that\nexists,\" the electronic voice grumbles, sounding annoyed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "cup of coffee: Taken.\nlarge cardboard tube: Taken.\nwire: You tug at the wire tentatively, but without managing to pick it up. With a sigh, you let it clatter to the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the coffee to the dog",
"response": "offering. \"Thanks,\" it mumbles, and then slurps it up noisily.\n\nWithin seconds, it is completely transformed! It starts running\naround the room like a lunatic.\n\nThe vicious weiner dog snaps at the wire, slicing it in half. With an unpleasant noise, it is immediately electrocuted, and goes soaring through the ceiling, leaving an odour of singed fur in its wake.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Coffee rooms are the lungs of the Weiner Corporation, filled with caffeine to the same extent that the lungs of excessively successful businessmen are habitually filled with nicotine.\n\nOn the wall, someone has carelessly pinned a poster for the latest movie blockbuster. That's clearly a violation of company policy.\n\nA long wire comes into the room from the west, and you perceive that\nit has been neatly cut into two pieces, one of which is still plugged into the mains.\n\nYou can also see a large cardboard tube (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The corridor heads off to the east and west, and you can always choose to re-enter your office to the north, via an open door upon which your name and job have been inscribed in a decidedly shoddy fashion. There is a faint aroma in the air, but that is not important.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wire\na cup of coffee",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wire",
"response": "At last! You are in the possession of the wire to the fax machine!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "One entire wall (the north one, as it happens) is nothing else but a great pane of glass, through which you can see the cityscape that lies outside. The office itself is sparsely furnished: it is equipped with merely a desk, a fax machine, a telephone and a cow. To the south is\nan open door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tie the wire to yourself",
"response": "You fasten the electric wire around your waist gingerly. The knot is tight and sturdy, and the wire thick enough to withstand your weight (not that your weight is anything you should worry about).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are falling. That much is certain. The rest -- unsurprisingly enough -- is a blurr.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "You flap your arms like a duck. A duck? God forbid.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You flap your arms like a duck. A duck? God forbid.\n\nThe ground rushes up to meet it, but its unpleasant designs are thwarted by the intervention of the wire which you had thoughtfully tied around your own waist. For a few seconds, you dangle inches from the ground, contemplating how close you were to disaster.\n\nThen, with a sigh of relief, you untie yourself and clamber down.\nNow I'm coming for you, Mr. Duck, you tell yourself\ndeterminedly as you enter the lobby of the ACME Corporation with a purposeful glint in the corner of your eye.\n\nThe lobby stretches out before you, a beautiful pristine space with sliding doors awaiting you to the south, leading out into the busy street.\n\nYou can enter the elevator here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "This is a mystifying room. You wonder what on earth it is for.\n\nYou can enter the elevator here.\n\nLying on the floor here is a curious, cylindrical piece of metal.\n\nYou can also see a pair of scissors, a shirt and a portable squid\nhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "pair of scissors: Taken.\nshirt: Taken.\nportable squid: Taken.\nlight-saber: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the elevator",
"response": "This is not a mere elevator: it is a superluminal cartoon lift, whose cruise speed is 299 000 000 meters a second on average, and fully capable of taking you from the lobby to the moon in an astonishingly short time. The glowing digits above the door spell out the number 9 - though you can make the elevator move up and down to your heart's content by the seemingly innocuous act of pressing a numbered button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Press 1",
"response": "You press button 1. The lift whirs into action and moves to the\ncorrect level.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "Clowns pace to and fro, looking serious.\n\nYou can enter the elevator here.\n\nYou can also see a tie here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clowns",
"response": "They all look pretty much the same.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the clowns",
"response": "You approach a lady clown, and narrowly avoid getting a pepper-flavoured custard pie in your face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the elevator",
"response": "This is not a mere elevator: it is a superluminal cartoon lift, whose cruise speed is 299 000 000 meters a second on average, and fully capable of taking you from the lobby to the moon in an astonishingly short time. The glowing digits above the door spell out the number 1 - though you can make the elevator move up and down to your heart's content by the seemingly innocuous act of pressing a numbered button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Now what are you going to do, Pond?\" the duck sneers. His black beady eyes glisten with irony.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nStill standing there, doing nothing, saying nothing,\" the duck muses. \"Are you having an internal struggle? Oh, how I love those.\nThey're so much FUN!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe duck paces slowly around you, watching your every move.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Anatidaephobia. Such a long word for something so, so simple\nand straightforward. Did you know that it doesn't even exist?\" The\nduck chuckles (or rather, quackles) unpleasantly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Do you know what is really the matter with you, Pond?\" the duck whispers, stepping closer. \"It's your inability to face the facts.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Oh, and just to make matters clear, I will NOT shortly be revealing all the intimate details of my evil plan to dominate the universe to you, before then leaving you to die by a method so convoluted it is almost guaranteed to fail spectacularly. I know that this is something of a tradition for comic-book villains... and I have nothing against traditions... provided that they make sense. Ho, ho, ho.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"Come on, Pond,\" the duck sighs. \"This is riDUCKulous. You haven't\ndone anything heroic so far. You haven't even said a single word to\nme. Are you truly braindead? Is it absolutely beyond your ability to come up with a good-guy oneliner? Even something as simple as \"Yippee-kay-ayyy, motherf***er\" would suffice.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"This little game you're playing, Pond, is simply boring me to tears.\nI want... a battle to the DEATH!\" And upon this last word, the duck whisks out a light-saber!\n\nWith a barbarian yell, you lunge forward, ready for the Fight of the Century (TM).\n\n1) Hit the duck on the head\n2) Kick the duck in the stomach\n3) Attack him with your light-saber",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[Hit the duck on the head]\n\n\"Take THAT, you foul fowl!\" you yell, bringing down your fists upon\nhis cranium.\n\n\"I'm... not... a... chicken...\" the duck mumbles, looking somwhat dizzy.\n\n1) Squirt ink in the duck's eyes\n2) Stab the duck with the pair of scissors\n3) Hit the duck again\n4) Disarm the duck",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[Squirt ink in the duck's eyes]\n\nYou squeeze the squid, but no ink comes out. Instead, a tiny little voice shouts out:\n\n\"HEEEEEEEEEELP! LUNATIC!\"\n\nA whole amry of ninja gangsters then smashes through the window, and with consumate efficiency they rescue the tiny squid from your grasp. Then they knock you and the duck out flat unconscious.\n\nWhen you wake up, you find yourself on a desert island, along with the (very bewildered) duck. Apparently, this is the punishment reserved\nfor people who mistreat members of the Octopi family.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[Kick the duck in the private parts]\n\nTaking advantage of the fact that the duck is busy fending off your attack, you swing your knee and totally go for it. The duck makes an odd \"Spprfhgzhjl\" sound and drops his light-saber on the floor.\n\n1) Kill the duck\n2) Talk to the duck",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "[Talk to the duck]\n\n\"I could kill you,\" you say slowly as you threaten the duck with your light-saber. \"But I choose not to.\"\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "\"I could kill you,\" you say slowly as you threaten the duck with your light-saber. \"But I choose not to.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "[Kill the duck]\n\n\"No!\" the duck quacks in panic. \"Spare me! Spare me! I am --\"\n\nHis last words are cut off, along with his head.\n\nAnd thus with a weary sigh you leave his corpse behind, a most uncartoony spectacle in a cartoony world.\n\nAnd so you vanish into the underworld of the ACME Corporation,\npursued by the iron hand of the law, embracing your fears.\n\nYears later, a name rises from the shadows, rising up against evil.\n\nDuckman.",
"endoftext": true
] | 9suf9pzgsiropbv |
The Day we got a pet | Marius Müller | [
"The Alex and Paul Series"
] | [
"Inform 7",
] | 2,018 | [
] | 3 | 2.333333 | 20180107 | false | Man, what a relief. The Time Rangers finally reset all that damage that you and Paul and basically everyone did to the timeline faster than you can say "soft reboot". Now you and him are living back in your old house without having to worry about anything. (Well, Uncle Wally is still on the loose "somewhen"). So things have been mundane, kind of, but now it's Paul's birthday coming up and he wishes for a Neptunian deathhound (So I guess they didn't reset the whole alien encounter thing? Let's, uh, just roll with it). You've ordered one through the transmat delivery service. It's just one button press away, looks like it's ... | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Man, what a relief. The Time Rangers finally reset all that damage that you and Paul and basically everyone did to the timeline faster than you can say \"soft reboot\". Now you and him are living back in your old house without having to worry about anything. (Well, Uncle Wally is still on the loose \"somewhen\"). So things have been mundane, kind of, but now it's Paul's birthday coming up and he wishes for a Neptunian deathhound (So I guess they didn't reset the whole alien encounter thing? Let's, uh, just roll with it). You've ordered one through the transmat delivery service. It's just one button press away, looks like it's\n\nThis is a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV. The two couches have been moved to the wall to make room for the teleportation pad.\n\nOne of Paul's romance novels is lying on one of the couch.\n\nThis is a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV. The two couches have been moved to the wall to make room for the teleportation pad.\n\nOne of Paul's romance novels is lying on one of the couch.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at the novel",
"response": "Ugh. Paul bought another of these self-published amazon novels - \"The candlemaker's son\". Fiargo, the handsome and shirtless candlemaker's son is supposed to marry dull but reliable banker Otuso. Then the travelling artist Blaskeci comes to town and decides Fiagro deserves something better, fights for his love. Sounds like he's trying to steal him from Otuso? But for some reason you're supposed to root for Blaskeci? Not your kind of thing in any case. The cover depicts a pretty exciting swordfight at the opera. Man, you wish you could VISIT to watch it first hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tv",
"response": "The TV is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on tv",
"response": "As you switch on the TV, you see the president. Oh man!\n\nYou remember how the Time Rangers made a last, minor change to the timeline, as a thank you. You don't envy the poor suckers in the other timeline.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit",
"response": "What do you want to visit?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the opera",
"response": "You touch the book cover and get sucked into it.\nOr, I guess, you remember the cover.\n(Magic? This universe has magic now? Whatever.)\n\nYou are in an opera box with direct view of the stage. However, nobody is paying any attention to the play because there is a sword fight going on in the box to the left, while someone you take to be Fiargo (why is he shirtless at the opera?) is in a box to the right.\n\nA magnificient chandelier hangs a few feet from your box, perfectly between the other two, filling the whole building with warm, golden light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the chandelier",
"response": "You jump onto the chandelier amid \"Ooohs\" and \"Aahs\" from the audience.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swing",
"response": "(the remote control)\nThere's nothing sensible to swing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na remote control",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the box",
"response": "Which do you mean, the left box or the right box?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Right",
"response": "Fiargo pushes you away: \"No, signore! This love triangle is already complicated enough!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the right box",
"response": "He is kind of handsome and looks a bit like you. That makes you happy. To bad he isn't better implemented.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine remote",
"response": "It's a device for teleporting the Neptunian deathhound you ordered to your home. There is a small notice on the remote.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the notice",
"response": "\"Thanks for ordering a Neptunian deathhound through ! Please be advised to not summon your deathhound without appropriate protection for your home and yourself. Please don't just push the button to read the funny death message. Thanks!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "(first getting off the chandelier)\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the left box",
"response": "There is a pretty cool sword fight going on. Too bad this isn't a visual medium.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You are in an opera box with direct view of the stage. However, nobody is paying any attention to the play because there is a sword fight going on in the box to the left, while someone you take to be Fiargo (why is he shirtless at the opera?) is in a box to the right.\n\nA magnificient chandelier hangs a few feet from your box, perfectly between the other two, filling the whole building with warm, golden light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the remote at the left box",
"response": "Futile.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the chandelier",
"response": "You jump onto the chandelier amid \"Ooohs\" and \"Aahs\" from the audience.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the home",
"response": "You shout \"PLUGH!\" at the top of your lungs and soon find yourself teleported back home.\n\nThis is a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV. The two couches have been moved to the wall to make room for the teleportation pad.\n\nOne of Paul's romance novels is lying on one of the couch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine couches",
"response": "You replaced whatever you had in previous games with some nice new leather couches. You feel like they might contain more than they appear.\n\nOn the couches is a romance novel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search couches",
"response": "Oh look, you find a travel brochure between the cushions. If Paul left this as a hint, it's a well hidden hint. You grab it to take a closer look.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the brochure",
"response": "It's a lovely travel brochure of Alpha Centauri! It looks so beautiful with its glass savannah. You really wish you could VISIT it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na brochure\na remote control",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the savannah",
"response": "No problem, bro. You call a space uber and soon you find yourself in...\n\nBlack glass as far as the eye can see makes up the surface of this planet. (It really doesn't, though, you're just in the savannah part of Alpha Centauri). You are standing behind some crates, out of view.\n\nA small cage of black steel is standing here, housing a Centaurian flopperglomper.\n\nA figure stands here, it's shape not easily understandable by your eyes.\n\nA plasma rifle is lying on one of the crates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rifle",
"response": "Oh no! You gave up killing people for lent. Better not tempt yourself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rifle",
"response": "Oh, it's one of those duracellium powered ones, with the funny off switch.\n\nThe plasma rifle is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the rifle",
"response": "Click. The plasma rifle powers down with a barely audible beep and the ammo counter displays a frowny face for a second.\n\nYou switch the plasma rifle off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the figure",
"response": "You do that thing you learnt from that watchmojo \"Top 10 weirdest alien races you can actually meet\" video: Look at him out of the corner of your eye. Oh, judgeing by the size of his ears he is a Tadmorian. Oh, these guys are all ruthless Game hunters. Well, you guess they must have scientists and nannies and stuff, but who cares about those. Anyway, this guy seems to be a Game hunter and pretty pleases with himself. That looks the same all around the universe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cage",
"response": "A firm steel cage, big enough for say, uh, a Neptunian death hound. (Apologies if this is an insulting level of hinting - better safe than sorry!). It can be bolted to the floor, if necessary, but it seems to miss its screws.\n\nIn the steel cage is a centaurian flopperglomper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the flopperglomper",
"response": "It's a ball, beachball-sized, brown with rust-colored spikes, and adorable little eyes that dart around constantly. It's so ridiculously ugly it's cute again, like a marabou. You're pretty sure they're supposed to have all died out, so this may be the last one in existence.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cage",
"response": "The flopperglomper rolls out of the cage and away into the distance. The Game Hunter shouts angrily in Tradmorian and grabs the rifle, aims it and -*click*\nYou smirk as the Centauriam flopperglomper rolls towards the Game Hunter and impales him.\n\nAh, but little do you know that the Game hunter was also the last\nof his kind. Man, you are really impressed by how artfully this game tackles ethical questions, and how craftily it elicts emotional responses. It's almost like it's written in Twine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cage",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in cage",
"response": "The steel cage is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the cage on the pad",
"response": "You put the steel cage on the teleportation pad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the cage",
"response": "That's already closed.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You drop cage",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV. The two couches have been moved to the wall to make room for the teleportation pad.\n\nOne of Paul's romance novels is lying on one of the couch.\n\nYou can see a steel cage (closed and empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na brochure\na remote control",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the opera",
"response": "You touch the book cover and get sucked into it.\n\nYou are in an opera box with direct view of the stage. However, nobody is paying any attention to the play because there is a sword fight going on in the box to the left, while someone you take to be Fiargo (why is he shirtless at the opera?) is in a box to the right.\n\nA magnificient chandelier hangs a few feet from your box, perfectly between the other two, filling the whole building with warm, golden light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unscrew the chandelier",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chandelier",
"response": "You have to squint in the light, but you're pretty sure it's bolted with three screws.Looks just like the kind of bolt you need. How convienient.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the screws",
"response": "You imagined in a game like this you'd need a tool for this, but you manage to unscrew most of the screws by hand, amid \"Oohs\" and \"Aahs\" from the audience. There are only 2 screws left, and the chandelier begins to drop and swing, so you decide to jump back to safety.\nYou grab the edge of your box and pull yourself up, as behind you Baskeci feints and then jumps to the chandelier, shouting: \"Fiargo! Let us be together!\"\nUnfortunately, the last screws are not enough to carry the artist AND his ego, and the whole mess crashes down into the ranks, killing some people. Luckily, they were fictional.\nOtuso shouts : \"Fiagro! Finally we can be together!\"\nThe young man shrugs. \"I guess.\"\nAh, happy endings. Nothing left to do here. You return home.\n\nThis is a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV. The two couches have been moved to the wall to make room for the teleportation pad.\n\nYou can see a steel cage (closed and empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You screw the cage",
"response": "it's fiddly work without a screwdriver, but you manage to securely screw down the cage. No more bouncing around.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na screws\na romance novel\na brochure\na remote control",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the novel in the cage",
"response": "The steel cage is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cage",
"response": "You open the steel cage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put brochure in the cage",
"response": "You put the brochure into the steel cage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the cage",
"response": "You close the steel cage.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a spacious, cozy room, which one of those big, expensive TV. The two couches have been moved to the wall to make room for the teleportation pad.\n\nYou can see a steel cage (closed) (in which are a brochure and a romance novel) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the couch",
"response": "Oh look, a postcard!\n\nOh, it's from your old friend the Venusian warrior woman! (She was in \"The Day I died\", remember? No? Oh well.) She lived with your for a while and the moved back to Venus to become a tour guide at the Mausoleum of the 140th. You and Paul agreed you should VISIT her some day.\n\nCome to think of it, it's kind of odd that the game just called\nher \"The Venusian Warrior Woman\". No name, no real backstory. And then she disappeared the next game with a throwaway line.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the venus",
"response": "No problem. You get on the Earth-Venus space elevator and a few minutes later you are on Venus. 3 hours of planetary travel later you find yourself near...\n\nYou are in the midst of the Venusian jungles.\nIt was quite a bummer for NASAs budget when they found out 50s scifi was right all along. The great mauseoleum is roughly pyramid shaped and made from grey, mossy rock. And entryway leads inside to the southwest.\n\nSome alien tourists (just like yourself) mingle about.\n\nthey are today, where there are no complaints whatsoever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the postcard",
"response": "Oh, it's from your old friend the Venusian warrior woman! (She was in \"The Day I died\", remember? No? Oh well.) She lived with your for a while and the moved back to Venus to become a tour guide at the Mausoleum of the 140th. You and Paul agreed you should VISIT her some day.\n\nWell, given the soft reboot, the fate of Dr. Elbe, another female character (trans at that), is kind of up in the air?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tourists",
"response": "They are tourists from all races from the know universe. They are all bipedal, roughly humanoid and can breathe air, for budget reasons.\n\nWell, at least he could pull a J.K. Rowling and pretend you and\nPaul had been black all this time",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "Really? You don't feel SAVE at all. I mean safe.\n\nActually, Venusian never have names, just job descriptors. It's\ncalled worldbuilding?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You step towards the rectangular opening of the pyramid. To your right are 3 stone symbols in the stone wall, that seem to open the stone gate that leads inside the stone pyramid. As you step towards the opening, you see something move at the end of the long, long tunnel. Hey, it's The Venusian Warrior Woman.Archeologist Woman.\nShut up. You wave. but then you realize she's running away!\nOh no!\nShe's pursued by what seems to be an ... army? An angry army of black Venusians with red glowing eyes. Now these are either Venusian ghosts are Venusians from some place of the planet you haven't visited- \"Jesus Christ (venus version)! The ghosts of the king's guard!\" shouts an Expositian in the crowd. \"Someone must have opened the crypt! If they get to us, we are all doomed! Quick, close the gate by pushing the stone symbols in the right order.\"\n\nOh yeah, shouldn't she be the Venusian Archeologist Woman,\nthen?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the symbol",
"response": "Which do you mean, the bear symbol, the triangle symbol or the ennui symbol?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Bear",
"response": "It has a picture of a six-armed, three-headed Venusian bear. Must be a mutated variant.\n\nOh, shut up.\n\nA Uranian shouts : \"I looked it up online. The solution is Ennui, Triangle, Bear.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You step towards the rectangular opening of the pyramid. To your right are 3 stone symbols in the stone wall, that seem to open the stone gate that leads inside the stone pyramid. As you step towards the opening, you see something move at the end of the long, long tunnel. Hey, it's The Venusian Warrior Woman.Archeologist Woman.\nShut up. You wave. but then you realize she's running away!\nOh no!\nShe's pursued by what seems to be an ... army? An angry army of black Venusians with red glowing eyes. Now these are either Venusian ghosts are Venusians from some place of the planet you haven't visited- \"Jesus Christ (venus version)! The ghosts of the king's guard!\" shouts an Expositian in the crowd. \"Someone must have opened the crypt! If they get to us, we are all doomed! Quick, close the gate by pushing the stone symbols in the right order.\"\n\nOh yeah, shouldn't she be the Venusian Archeologist Woman,\nthen?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Press ennui",
"response": "You can't reach that from here.\n\nOh yeah, shouldn't she be the Venusian Archeologist Woman,\nthen?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are in the midst of the Venusian jungles. The great mauseoleum is roughly pyramid shaped and made from grey, mossy rock. And entryway leads inside to the southwest.\n\nSome alien tourists (just like yourself) mingle about.\n\nOh, shut up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the tourists about the king",
"response": "(you can only TALK TO here)\nUnfortunately, you haven't learn even the most common alien languages. You're meaning to go to Community College.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the tourists",
"response": "Unfortunately, you haven't learn even the most common alien languages. You're meaning to go to Community College.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Ennui",
"response": "Meh. You don't feel like looking at it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Bear",
"response": "It has a picture of a six-armed, three-headed Venusian bear. Must be a mutated variant.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the triangle",
"response": "Ah, the symbol of the Venusian Illuminati. Legend goes it's the symbol of Ancient Aliens who visited Venus, sharing technology so ancient aliens from Venus could go to Earth and invent the pyramids, or something?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You step towards the rectangular opening of the pyramid. To your right are 3 stone symbols in the stone wall, that seem to open the stone gate that leads inside the stone pyramid. As you step towards the opening, you see something move at the end of the long, long tunnel. Hey, it's The Venusian Warrior Woman.Archeologist Woman.\nShut up. You wave. but then you realize she's running away!\nOh no!\nShe's pursued by what seems to be an ... army? An angry army of black Venusians with red glowing eyes. Now these are either Venusian ghosts are Venusians from some place of the planet you haven't visited- \"Jesus Christ (venus version)! The ghosts of the king's guard!\" shouts an Expositian in the crowd. \"Someone must have opened the crypt! If they get to us, we are all doomed! Quick, close the gate by pushing the stone symbols in the right order.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "No need. They are all coming towards you anyway.\n\nThe army of angry ghosts bursts out of the pyramid and murder everyone. Better get your stone symbols straight!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nOh, shut up.\n\nA Uranian shouts : \"I looked it up online. The solution is Ennui, Triangle, Bear.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nSomeone in the crowd yells : \"On the subreddit they are saying Bear, Ennui, Triangle!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nSomeone in the crowd yells : \"I get it now! It's a metaphor for Twitter!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe army of angry ghosts bursts out of the pyramid and murder everyone. Better get your stone symbols straight!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the home",
"response": "Argh, you can't leave because you are caught in a plot contrivance.\n\nOh, shut up.\n\nA Uranian shouts : \"I looked it up online. The solution is Ennui, Triangle, Bear.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nOh yeah, shouldn't she be the Venusian Archeologist Woman,\nthen?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nOh, shut up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You are in the midst of the Venusian jungles. The great mauseoleum is roughly pyramid shaped and made from grey, mossy rock. And entryway leads inside to the southwest.\n\nSome alien tourists (just like yourself) mingle about.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pyramid",
"response": "To be fair, you're kind of disappointed. It's made of grey rock and about the size of the ones they have in Egypt. But there is nothing special about it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb pyramid",
"response": "Little is to be achieved by that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine postcard",
"response": "Oh, it's from your old friend the Venusian warrior woman! (She was in \"The Day I died\", remember? No? Oh well.) She lived with your for a while and the moved back to Venus to become a tour guide at the Mausoleum of the 140th. You and Paul agreed you should VISIT her some day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You step towards the rectangular opening of the pyramid. To your right are 3 stone symbols in the stone wall, that seem to open the stone gate that leads inside the stone pyramid. As you step towards the opening, you see something move at the end of the long, long tunnel. Hey, it's The Venusian Warrior Woman.Archeologist Woman.\nShut up. You wave. but then you realize she's running away!\nOh no!\nShe's pursued by what seems to be an ... army? An angry army of black Venusians with red glowing eyes. Now these are either Venusian ghosts are Venusians from some place of the planet you haven't visited- \"Jesus Christ (venus version)! The ghosts of the king's guard!\" shouts an Expositian in the crowd. \"Someone must have opened the crypt! If they get to us, we are all doomed! Quick, close the gate by pushing the stone symbols in the right order.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.\n\nThe army of angry ghosts bursts out of the pyramid and murder everyone. Better get your stone symbols straight!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the Ennui",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nOh, shut up.\n\nA Uranian shouts : \"I looked it up online. The solution is Ennui, Triangle, Bear.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Turn ennui",
"response": "It is fixed in place.\n\nSomeone in the crowd yells : \"On the subreddit they are saying Bear, Ennui, Triangle!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the ghost",
"response": "I don't suppose the ghost would care for that.\n\nThe ghost runs towards one of the scared tourists and bites off his head! Luckily, HD 219134b'ians have at least three. Nevertheless, they dropped their camera in shock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the camera",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe ghost jumps on top of a Dimidiumian and claws into her fiercely! Luckily, they are made of what scientists call \"some sort of Jelly\" and it doesn't hurt her that bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the camera",
"response": "It take a moment to get your head around a camera made for at least three heads, but then you realize they didn't take a photo of anywhere. No place new to visit. Nowhere to go.\n\nThe ghost bites an Lipperheyians nose off. They grow back rather quickly, but how does he smell in the mean time?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Photograph ghost",
"response": "You take a nice picture of the ghost.\n\nThe ghost claws a Taphao Thongian in half. You probably expect some joke here, but it's a quite horrifying mess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ghost",
"response": "A vaguely humanoid shade, blacker than black, fuzzy around the edges with a pair of three red glowing eyes. A triplet of red glowing eyes? Very scary!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the ghost",
"response": "He's incorporeal.\n\nThe ghost finally turns its horrifying visage towards you. *gulp*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the home",
"response": "You can't leave these tourists to their fate. (Paul made it clear time and again that this kind of behavior is not okay and you're trying to indulge him).\n\nThe ghost finally turns its horrifying visage towards you. *gulp*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the camera",
"response": "It take a moment to get your head around a camera made for at least three heads, but then you realize they didn't take a photo of anywhere. No place new to visit. Nowhere to go.\n\nThe ghost finally turns its horrifying visage towards you. *gulp*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na postcard\na screws\na remote control\n\nThe ghost runs towards one of the scared tourists and bites off his head! Luckily, HD 219134b'ians have at least three. Nevertheless, they dropped their camera in shock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the ghost",
"response": "You don't speak Old Venusian. (Best grind for some XP.)\n\nThe ghost jumps on top of a Dimidiumian and claws into her fiercely! Luckily, they are made of what scientists call \"some sort of Jelly\" and it doesn't hurt her that bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "A huge stone gate.You think you hear a faint voice from inside: \"Alex? Alex, let me out.\"\n\nThe ghost jumps on top of a Dimidiumian and claws into her fiercely! Luckily, they are made of what scientists call \"some sort of Jelly\" and it doesn't hurt her that bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the postcard to the ghost",
"response": "The ghost is unimpressed.\n\nThe ghost bites an Lipperheyians nose off. They grow back rather quickly, but how does he smell in the mean time?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "The stone gate is closed.\n\nThe ghost jumps on top of a Dimidiumian and claws into her fiercely! Luckily, they are made of what scientists call \"some sort of Jelly\" and it doesn't hurt her that bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nThe ghost bites an Lipperheyians nose off. They grow back rather quickly, but how does he smell in the mean time?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You are in the midst of the Venusian jungles. The great mauseoleum is roughly pyramid shaped and made from grey, mossy rock. And entryway leads inside to the southwest.\n\nThe blackish, fuzzy form of a Venusian ghost looms here.\n\nSome alien tourists (just like yourself) mingle about.\n\nYou can also see a camera here.\n\nThe ghost claws a Taphao Thongian in half. You probably expect some joke here, but it's a quite horrifying mess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe ghost runs towards one of the scared tourists and bites off his head! Luckily, HD 219134b'ians have at least three. Nevertheless, they dropped their camera in shock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the camera",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe ghost jumps on top of a Dimidiumian and claws into her fiercely! Luckily, they are made of what scientists call \"some sort of Jelly\" and it doesn't hurt her that bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Photograph ghost",
"response": "You take a nice picture of the ghost.\n\nThe ghost bites an Lipperheyians nose off. They grow back rather quickly, but how does he smell in the mean time?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Photograph ghost",
"response": "You take a nice picture of the ghost.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You are in the midst of the Venusian jungles. The great mauseoleum is roughly pyramid shaped and made from grey, mossy rock. And entryway leads inside to the southwest.\n\nThe blackish, fuzzy form of a Venusian ghost looms here.\n\nSome alien tourists (just like yourself) mingle about.\n\nThe ghost finally turns its horrifying visage towards you. *gulp*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "A huge stone gate.You think you hear a faint voice from inside: \"Alex? Alex, let me out.\"\n\nThe ghost runs towards one of the scared tourists and bites off his head! Luckily, HD 219134b'ians have at least three. Nevertheless, they dropped their camera in shock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the Triangle",
"response": "Ah, the symbol of the Venusian Illuminati. Legend goes it's the symbol of Ancient Aliens who visited Venus, sharing technology so ancient aliens from Venus could go to Earth and invent the pyramids, or something?\n\nThe ghost bites an Lipperheyians nose off. They grow back rather quickly, but how does he smell in the mean time?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open gate",
"response": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nThe ghost claws a Taphao Thongian in half. You probably expect some joke here, but it's a quite horrifying mess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "The stone gate is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine postcard",
"response": "Oh, it's from your old friend the Venusian warrior woman! (She was in \"The Day I died\", remember? No? Oh well.) She lived with your for a while and the moved back to Venus to become a tour guide at the Mausoleum of the 140th. You and Paul agreed you should VISIT her some day.\n\nThe ghost runs towards one of the scared tourists and bites off his head! Luckily, HD 219134b'ians have at least three. Nevertheless, they dropped their camera in shock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the camera",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThe ghost jumps on top of a Dimidiumian and claws into her fiercely! Luckily, they are made of what scientists call \"some sort of Jelly\" and it doesn't hurt her that bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Photograph gate",
"response": "You take a nice picture of the gate.\n\nThe ghost bites an Lipperheyians nose off. They grow back rather quickly, but how does he smell in the mean time?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine camera",
"response": "It take a moment to get your head around a camera made for at least three heads, but then you realize they didn't take a photo of anywhere. No place new to visit. Nowhere to go.\n\nThe ghost claws a Taphao Thongian in half. You probably expect some joke here, but it's a quite horrifying mess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the camera at the ghost",
"response": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nThe ghost finally turns its horrifying visage towards you. *gulp*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit nowhere",
"response": "You step towards the ghost, and as you feel his ectoplasmic hands on you, you go\n\nMan, for once I don't have to write a room description. Nice!\n\nThe blackish, fuzzy form of a Venusian ghost looms here.\n\nThe ghost finally turns its horrifying visage towards you. *gulp*",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit nowhere",
"response": "You step towards the ghost, and as you feel his ectoplasmic hands on you, you go\n\nMan, for once I don't have to write a room description. Nice!\n\nThe blackish, fuzzy form of a Venusian ghost looms here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the camera",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You visit the venus",
"response": "You wave sarcastically at the ghost as you disappear. Good job! (We'll leave the ethical implications of leaving an \"aware\" being in eternal nothingness for the reviews.)\n\nYou are in the midst of the Venusian jungles. The great mauseoleum is roughly pyramid shaped and made from grey, mossy rock. And entryway leads inside to the southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na camera\na postcard\na screws\na remote control",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gate",
"response": "A huge stone gate.You think you hear a faint voice from inside: \"Alex? Alex, let me out.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bone",
"response": "A small bone, probably from a Venusian snail. Those are delicious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cage",
"response": "You open the steel cage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bone in the cage",
"response": "You put the bone into the steel cage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the cage",
"response": "You close the steel cage.",
"endoftext": true
] | gg9bv0rkdth7d1zb |
Intangible | bzzz | [] | [] | 2,013 | [
] | 3 | 2.333333 | 20140302 | true | Intangible is a short story with a few choices that deals with how different emotions affect our actions now or at a later time. Shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes to play. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "How will you change the lives of those around you today?\n\nType help for background and instructions.\n\nIt's a chilly morning in January. The windows are frosty, and the sun has barely risen. Nevertheless, you wake up feeling lively this morning. But there's no time to waste diddling around; you have to get to work. Your daily ablutions are performed at maximum haste, and now ready to leave. The bathroom lies to the west and the front door lies to the south and leads to the parking lot.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Happiness",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the Happiness",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hug the Happiness",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening Front Door)\n\nThere are cars of many different colors here. The cold breeze momentarily halts your march towards the car. Stepping out, you run into your neighbor. You've only talked once when you moved into the apartment complex. Her name is either Alice or Alicia; no one can know for sure other than her and her boyfriend. They usually keep to themselves, but sometimes you hear them arguing and screaming through the wall. Sometimes you see her running out of her home with tears running down her cheeks. Sometimes she wears a turtleneck, even on a warm, sunny day. Her expression today can only be described as sad.\nTo the east is the Business Center, where your workplace is and the north to get back into your apartment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Alice, to inventory",
"response": "Neighbor seem to be carrying a Sadness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the Happiness to the neighbor",
"response": "You give the Happiness to Neighbor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Alice",
"response": "She does not respond.\n\"Good morning! God, I feel like I can take on the whole world today. That's it! Today, I'm going to make changes to my life... for the better!\" She continues to ramble on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Neighbor, to check your inventory",
"response": "Neighbor seem to be carrying a Happiness and a Sadness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the sadness",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the sadness",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The business center is a small cul-de-sac, just a few minutes away\nfrom the central business district. You drove to your work place, only to find you were an hour early! Your clock must have been off. Though most days you would yawn and nap in the car for an hour, today feels different for some reason. Maybe happiness is just a state of mind. To the south is Downtown.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Sadness",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "It's still early; are you sure you want to get to work?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Personally, you hate Downtown. Crowds of people, polluted air, and brutal capitalism aren't your cups of tea. What catches your eye on this particular day is an angry looking homeless man glaring at a fashionable socialite who screams at this man in disgust. To the north of here is the Business Center",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Socialite, to check your inventory",
"response": "Socialite seem to be carrying a Disgust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Homeless, to check your inventory",
"response": "Homeless man seem to be carrying an Anger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Robot, to check what you're carrying",
"response": "ROBOT, I\n\nYou seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the sadness to the Socialite",
"response": "You give the Sadness to Socialite.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the disgust",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the Socialite",
"response": "\"The poor man. I hope he gets some help.\" Wait, what? Just a second ago, she was suggesting the man to kill himself. This one's an emotional rollercoaster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the anger",
"response": "Socialite picks up the Anger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the Socialite",
"response": "\"The poor man. I hope he gets some help.\" Wait, what? Just a second ago, she was suggesting the man to kill himself. This one's an emotional rollercoaster.\nHer swearing intensifies. Too vulgar to record. Pedestrians look in horror. Mothers clasp their children's ears. And babies all over the city begin crying.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take disgust",
"response": "Homeless man picks up the Disgust.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to homeless",
"response": "The man rolls into the fetal position, perhaps out of shame. It's probably best not to bother him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the anger and disgust",
"response": "Anger: Taken.\nDisgust: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the anger at the Socialite",
"response": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "To the south is Downtown and to the west is the Parking Lot;\notherwise get to work! The door is to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "There are rows of cars, each belonging to a different person. To the east is the Business Center, where your workplace is and the north to get back into your apartment.\nYou meet your neighbor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the anger to neighbor",
"response": "You give the Anger to Neighbor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the neighbor",
"response": "\"Good morning! God, I feel like I can take on the whole world today. That's it! Today, I'm going to make changes to my life... for the better!\" She continues to ramble on.\nHer face changes from an empty expression into unfathomable rage. Perhaps this is not the best decision...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "The day now officially begins. Tiresome hours working in a cubicle, conversing with your coworkers, and attending long and monotonous meetings leave you fatigued at the end of the day. Arriving at home after being overworked; you take the opportunity to watch the news and collect your thoughts. How have your decisions changed other people's lives?\n\nTonight was an unusually quiet night. Not a single bang on the wall\nor brief stints of indiscernible shouts happened tonight. For the\nfirst time since you moved in, you slept in relative peace. Tomorrow morning, there will be a note on the door. It'll say: \"Thank you. - Alicia\" She's never seen again.\n\nA loud bang is heard through the walls. But it's not a sound that you're familiar with. Gunshot? A second one is heard. The entire neighborhood rings 911, but the deed was done: a murder-suicide with the gun in your neighbor's hands.\n\nA pity. A pity and a half. Two pities. The young socialite scratched the number on her check. \"Thank you very much for your extremely generous donation.\" an old lady says. She walks out feeling she truly made a difference in the world.\n\nAs for you? Like any other day, you wrap your emotions in a sheet and hide it in your closet. Then you lock it shut for tomorrow. You bide your time for the myriads of intangibles to burst out from the Pandora's Box in the corner of your bedroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Almost left the wallet in here! It's not unusual to be in a hurry in the morning, but the wallet usually doesn't follow to the bathroom either.\n\nYou see your wallet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wallet",
"response": "A leather wallet your mother gave to you when you were seventeen. It holds fond memories, your license, and some change.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the wallet",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the license",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nWallet\na Happiness",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "and leads to the parking lot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The business center is a small cul-de-sac, just a few minutes away\nfrom the central business district. You drove to your work place, only to find you were an hour early! Your clock must have been off. Though most days you would yawn and nap in the car for an hour, today feels different for some reason. Maybe happiness is just a state of mind. To the south is Downtown.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Personally, you hate Downtown. Crowds of people, polluted air, and brutal capitalism aren't your cups of tea. What catches your eye on this particular day is an angry looking homeless man glaring at a fashionable socialite who screams at this man in disgust. To the north of here is the Business Center",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give Wallet to homeless",
"response": "You drop some change into the can. \"Bless ya sir.\" He thanks you for your charity.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Sadness\nWallet\na Happiness",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the Happiness to homeless",
"response": "You give the Happiness to Homeless man.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to homeless",
"response": "The homeless man smiles. He hasn't smiled in a long time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the disgust to neighbor",
"response": "You give the Disgust to Neighbor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Alicia",
"response": "Instead of giving you a dirty look, she falls into a pensive mood. The possibilities going through her mind are endless.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "The day now officially begins. Tiresome hours working in a cubicle, conversing with your coworkers, and attending long and monotonous meetings leave you fatigued at the end of the day. Arriving at home after being overworked; you take the opportunity to watch the news and collect your thoughts. How have your decisions changed other people's lives?\n\nOne last fight before she hits the road. Tears are heard through the walls, but today is different. It was his tears. After years of physical and emotional abuse, your (former) neighbor leaves for good. Disgusted of her old life, she chooses to live free of turtlenecks and bruises.\n\nWith a smile to feed his efforts and an idea to fuel success, the homeless man writes a memoir of his time on the streets on a public library computer. Selling cans to pay for the printing adds the extra sympathy points to make his story a best seller. His face is on\ndaytime talk shows now.\n\nAs for you? Like any other day, you wrap your emotions in a sheet and hide it in your closet. Then you lock it shut for tomorrow. You bide your time for the myriads of intangibles to burst out from the Pandora's Box in the corner of your bedroom.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "%",
"response": "Today is the day, hurrah, hurrah! Leap for pleasure with unbounded measure: kind master, generous master, merciful master piled faster\nand faster graces and glories beyond all fabulous places in stories - today you away to a faraway nation, to the land of the quim delivery station.\n\nQuim bag in hand, you bow, then stand, then scurry with feet furry out the door.\nDroll Toll Troll\n\nOh, glorious, wondrous, rapturous land! The beauty is more than you can understand. Master told of sky - master does not lie - but little furry servant you, you could not know the wonder true. But now you see, you see in glee and praise master's mercy to let you free - not free to leave, silly fuzzy thing, but free to be outside in the wide under-sky, on the road from master's abode to who knows. Master\nknows, and you he told: eastward lies the quim delivery station to which (to your elation) you are to move your fleet and furry feet and inject, input, insert every quim without qualm, lest master withold balm.\n\nYou are outside of master's hut, and, for now, gut. Above is the wide and clear purple sky, north and south out and past ken ruffle gently spears of grass. The one and single road in all existence begins (not ends; it's master's instance) at master's door westward and pursues\nthe horizon eastward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "First time farthest from master's hut, first time farthest from\nmaster. Slowly, first, then faster and faster furry feet patter along the quiet road, hands to hold gently the load.\n\nWhat's this? 'Road' wouldn't be a miss, but this rises steeply over a river - a bridge, plainly, from hither to thither, with you hither and the goal thither. Between these two places places himself a looming, long-limbed lobster - I mean Robster - I mean mobster - I mean momster - I mean monster. On his face is placed a frown twice upside-down,\nand in his eye you espy a flicker that died. \"To pass, cross, or otherwise my bridge transverse you must, without loss, provide a\nsmidge to me of that - in the whole universe - which is most\nprecious.\"\n\nThe droll toll troll stands in your way and demands his pay. Under\nthe bridge streams a stream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the quim",
"response": "Quiet quims, buried in burlap. Do they exist when you cannot see\nthem? Do they not exist? Do they exist in some sort of superposition of existing and not existing? Similarly, do YOU exist when master isn't looking at you? Alas, if only master would tell you the answer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "Furry, fuzzy, fizzy, fazzy, silly little thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bridge",
"response": "Rising, rising, up and arched and falling, falling, down and ground, streaming water underneath, troll above the neath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine troll",
"response": "Mountainous monster, limber of limb above and lumbering below -\nmeaning waving five arms and walking slow. In eye and face he knows\nno glow, so there grows a menacing show of teeth in a\ntwice-upside-down frown. His arms wave to alarm the far and harm the near.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Troll about the toll",
"response": "\"To pass, cross, or otherwise transverse my bridge you must, without loss, provide a smidge to me of that which - in the whole universe - which is most precious.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give quim to Troll",
"response": "Never, never, never in all of ever would these limbs let loose of\nthese quims! Oh, precious quims, little quims, always, always quiet little quims, safe in the holding of this furry little thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are outside of master's hut, and, for now, gut. Above is the wide and clear purple sky, north and south out and past ken ruffle gently spears of grass. The one and single road in all existence begins (not ends; it's master's instance) at master's door westward and pursues\nthe horizon eastward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Unfinished! Incomplete! Undone! Partway! Master must not see you with the bag of quims! Master must know the whole project is done\nelse there's no fun. Run, run east with quims, return only when delivered, only then.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "What is a the quim",
"response": "Look, man, I don't know either. It's just a MacGuffin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The droll toll troll stands in your way and demands his pay. Under\nthe bridge streams a stream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss Troll",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nIn a flurry of fuzzy furry fur you the cover the monster - his leg, at least, the most of the beast you could reach, but in your embrace the troll's droll face brightened, his eyes enlightened.\n\n\"Ah - ah! Furry little thing, silly fuzzy little thing, this is fitting payment, I only lament I'm so late to relent of the cold dull resistance of distance. For this treasure, please pass at your pleasure.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You stroll by the toll troll.\n\nElation! The quim delivery station! A box atop a pole, inside the\nbox a hole, facing the westward side at just the height right for\nfuzzy furry little things. Strange - the range of the road runs\nlonger than master told - master didn't say it didn't but master\ndidn't say it did, but the road goes ever on, through and among the throng red and waving east to meet with the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Master did not say to go along that way; master said - it's in your head - deliver quims, return without them. Return, said master; what disaster falls upon the one who rolls along beyond where the end belongs? Master's quims, you could not take them - unless you did,\nbut what then? Road, the road, eastward rolls the road, a stretch forever, past the end, with the quims... A whim, a whim.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the quims in the hole",
"response": "In go quims, quims go in, quims in bag and bag in box and little furry thing is good furry thing, good and fuzzy and pleasing master.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hole",
"response": "From the center of the road rises a rectangular prism of wood, fitted on the top a box, as tightly as it could. In the box, in it's side, resides a hole big enough for the whole bag of quims. In fact, the hole who once lacked of quims is now stuffed to the brim with them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at bag",
"response": "Quiet quims, buried in burlap. Do they exist when you cannot see\nthem? Do they not exist? Do they exist in some sort of superposition of existing and not existing? Similarly, do YOU exist when master isn't looking at you? Alas, if only master would tell you the answer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "Empty hands, empty, fuzzy, tiny little hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Back running to master, faster and faster, over the bridge and down\nthe road to the old abode to hold pride in you eye for master to spy and offer - perhaps - praise of your worth,",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Passwords\nTroll Humor\nSuperweapon\nScience!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "> Passwords\nTroll Humor\nSuperweapon\nScience!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Passwords\n> Troll Humor\nSuperweapon\nScience!\nWhat if you took various pieces of the troll - you know, as souvenirs?\n\nSinging\nPasswords\n> Troll Humor\nSuperweapon\nScience!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Passwords\nTroll Humor\n> Superweapon\nScience!\nThe troll's eyes are actually \"laser-sighted death ray emitters\".\n\nSinging\nPasswords\nTroll Humor\n> Superweapon\nScience!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Passwords\nTroll Humor\nSuperweapon\n> Science!\nTrolls are stereotyped as being unintelligent, but our friend here actually has a degree in elementary particle physics.\n\nSinging\nPasswords\nTroll Humor\nSuperweapon\n> Science!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A lighthearted excursion in the style of the Ambiguous Adventures by N.C. Hunter Hayden\n\nOh, glorious, wondrous, rapturous land! The beauty is more than you can understand. Master told of sky - master does not lie - but little furry servant you, you could not know the wonder true. But now you see, you see in glee and praise master's mercy to let you free - not free to leave, silly fuzzy thing, but free to be outside in the wide under-sky, on the road from master's abode to who knows. Master\nknows, and you he told: eastward lies the quim delivery station to which (to your elation) you are to move your fleet and furry feet and inject, input, insert every quim without qualm, lest master withold balm.\n\nYou are outside of master's hut, and, for now, gut. Above is the wide and clear purple sky, north and south out and past ken ruffle gently spears of grass. The one and single road in all existence begins (not ends; it's master's instance) at master's door westward and pursues\nthe horizon eastward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "First time farthest from master's hut, first time farthest from\nmaster. Slowly, first, then faster and faster furry feet patter along the quiet road, hands to hold gently the load.\n\nWhat's this? 'Road' wouldn't be a miss, but this rises steeply over a river - a bridge, plainly, from hither to thither, with you hither and the goal thither. Between these two places places himself a looming, long-limbed lobster - I mean Robster - I mean mobster - I mean momster - I mean monster. On his face is placed a frown twice upside-down,\nand in his eye you espy a flicker that died. \"To pass, cross, or otherwise my bridge transverse you must, without loss, provide a\nsmidge to me of that - in the whole universe - which is most\nprecious.\"\n\nThe droll toll troll stands in your way and demands his pay. Under\nthe bridge streams a stream.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the eyes",
"response": "No, no, proper grammar would be: take ME.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the eye",
"response": "Empty, unsparkable, unremarkable holes leading to void needing of\nsoul.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take yourself",
"response": "No no no, silly furry thing, to master does that belong, along with\nthe soul inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the teeth",
"response": "Little furry things do not do such things. Would you add misery to what he sees already with his four eyes sad? He has enough bad.\n\nPointy pointy, snip snip, sharp sharp 'tween lip and lip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the teeth",
"response": "You flunked out of dental school first semester.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "I got nothing. Sorry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "You expect me to come up with something witty, don't you? I really\nput a lot of effort into the IF as a whole, so just enjoy that, will you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Augh! Something witty and cleaver and funny, huh? Well, guess what?\nI don't want to.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Alright, fine. How's this for witty and cleaver? The quims explode and you die.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "La la la la la la lu la.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "BATMAN!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the grass",
"response": "Red, red, red the waves roll forever, with wind through leaves in dodges and weaves, oceans of unfathomed depth and unmeasured breadth unbroken but by rising stones standing alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stones",
"response": "like breaching whales out of the infinite, sunny ocean of grasses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the stones",
"response": "Too far, too far, silly furry thing, you would be lost, lost, lost.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sky",
"response": "No clouds, no green pyramidal clouds today. A perfect purple day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the road",
"response": "White road, right road, onward to success; eastward leading, still proceeding - guiding you, you guess (master wasn't clear, and master's isn't here - to ask - master said east, and thither the road - at least, you think).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss Troll",
"response": "In a flurry of fuzzy furry fur you the cover the monster - his leg, at least, the most of the beast you could reach, but in your embrace the troll's droll face brightened, his eyes enlightened.\n\n\"Ah - ah! Furry little thing, silly fuzzy little thing, this is fitting payment, I only lament I'm so late to relent of the cold dull resistance of distance. For this treasure, please pass at your pleasure.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stream",
"response": "Bubbling, babbling, burbling brook, winding and weaving with hooks and crooks. From far to the south to far in the north, running and streaming, 'round bends, there careening. Gold-colored water from somewhere to elsewhere, free frolicking through the red sea of leaves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "No, no, no, not only too little, but too brittle of mind; only the road, grass-lined, for your furry little feet. Too quick to pick the wayward way and away your way back home does fly. Try, try to stay straight on the street, straight with furry feet east and east until you meet, as master is fair, the whole goal of this affair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You stroll by the toll troll.\n\nElation! The quim delivery station! A box atop a pole, inside the\nbox a hole, facing the westward side at just the height right for\nfuzzy furry little things. Strange - the range of the road runs\nlonger than master told - master didn't say it didn't but master\ndidn't say it did, but the road goes ever on, through and among the throng red and waving east to meet with the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Quims delivered, yet you shiver to wonder to wander away from master. To return did master intend - would you with that contend? The road runs down alone, along the sides the rise of red, the plain moves out and out, empty, no master, no quims, only wind, wind, wind through red...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "East and on and past all ken, past all memory of kith or quim, through the endless plain, master from your mine long waned,",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss",
"response": "(the Droll Toll Troll)\nIn a flurry of fuzzy furry fur you the cover the monster - his leg, at least, the most of the beast you could reach, but in your embrace the troll's droll face brightened, his eyes enlightened.\n\n\"Ah - ah! Furry little thing, silly fuzzy little thing, this is fitting payment, I only lament I'm so late to relent of the cold dull resistance of distance. For this treasure, please pass at your pleasure.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You stroll by the toll troll.\n\nElation! The quim delivery station! A box atop a pole, inside the\nbox a hole, facing the westward side at just the height right for\nfuzzy furry little things. Strange - the range of the road runs\nlonger than master told - master didn't say it didn't but master\ndidn't say it did, but the road goes ever on, through and among the throng red and waving east to meet with the horizon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Eastward onward rolling through the plain, ocean's red rising, waving, rolling",
"endoftext": true
"action": "%",
"response": "\"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.\" -Francis Bacon\n\nThere have been unexplained murders and disappearances at a seemingly innocent amusement area just north of Providence, Rhode Island. Due\nto your strange investigations in the past, you are the one called in solve the mystery of the. . .\n\nYou have been hired by the police chief, Elmer Walker, but he wanted\nto keep his involvement secret. Instead, he has sent you a dossier about the recent incidents here in Swan Point. He said he would check in on you, but otherwise, you are on your own. This is the front walk to Mother Matheson's boarding house, where you'll be staying. Her porch is to the west and the main road is to the east. Her lawn is dotted with dogwoods and covered in leaves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fedora (being worn)\na set of ordinary clothes (being worn)\na trenchcoat (being worn and open)\na cigar lighter\na lock pick\na dossier (closed)\na holster (being worn)\na revolver",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine revolver",
"response": "It's a .45 revolver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a private eye; a gumshoe, as they say, and you appear as such.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the dossier",
"response": "It is an openable folder meant to hold documents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open dossier",
"response": "You open the dossier, revealing the first incident, the second incident, the third incident, the fourth incident and the fifth incident.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clothes",
"response": "They're what you could afford with your wages but at least they're in style.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read first",
"response": "May 12, 1928; Kent Howard and Lucy Pringle, lovers, wandered from\nthe carnival and into the cemetery. Kent Howard was found injured and insane the next morning, babbling about \"horrors from the grave\". He now resides at the Butler Insane Asylum and Lucy Pringle is still missing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read second",
"response": "June 14, 1928; Freddie Pendergast, age 12, entered the \"Tunnel of Terrors\" ride at the carnival. The mechanical car came back but the boy is still missing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read third",
"response": "July 23, 1928; Police officer Andy Reynolds investigated a report\nof vandals at the city dump. Reynolds claims to have seen the Pendergast boy there but the child was \"swallowed by a moving mountain of garbage\" according to Reynolds' report. Reynolds has been\ndismissed from the force for drinking. He resides at Mother\nMatheson's boarding house.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read fifth",
"response": "Sept 12, 1928; Jordan McIntyre, attendant at Butler Insane Asylum,\nwas on his way home, a walk that takes him by the cemetery. He never made it home and his bloody clothes were found near the south gate of the cemetery. Unbelievable as it sounds, it appears that he was\npulled through the gate. There was also dried mucus covering the entirety of the scene.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This is a cozy front porch that looks out onto the dogwood trees. The front walk is to the east and the front door is to the west.\n\nA rocking chair sits among the scattered leaves that made their way onto the porch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chair",
"response": "It has a tall back and a homemade look to it. Nonetheless, it looks comfortable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the chair",
"response": "You get onto the rocking chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Rock",
"response": "You creakily rock on the rocking chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You knock on the Door",
"response": "You knock on the front door. A moment later, a woman's voice can be heard, inviting you to come in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter",
"response": "(first getting off the rocking chair)\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the Door",
"response": "You open the front door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is a small foyer marking the entrance to the boarding house. You can see a dining room to the north, a living room to the south, and a hall stretches to the west where it seems to terminate in a room with\na lot of windows. In the downstairs hall is a set of stairs up to the second floor. The place seems to be decorated with original artwork and craftwork.\n\nYou can see Andy Reynolds here.\n\nAndy Reynolds looks around as if wondering what to do with himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask him about himself, the first incident, the second incident, the third incident, the fourth incident, the fifth incident or the Carnival.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Andy about himself",
"response": "\"What's your story?\" you ask but instead of a reply, Andy Reynolds\njust gives you an irritated look.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask andy about third",
"response": "\"So you were the cop fired for making that report about the event at the city dump?\"\n\n\"I'm not going to let you sit here and scoff me.\" he begins to say but you set him straight.\n\n\"On the contrary. I've seen shit that would change your gender. I'm here to find the truth, so tell me what you know.\" you say.\n\nHe sees you are serious so he tells you what he knows.\n\n(press SPACE)\"I was about a hundred yards into the dump when I got\nthis feeling I was being watched. I saw this person standing there in the middle of a pile of smouldering garbage. I looked closer and saw it was a small person, maybe a child, maybe the Pendergast boy is what I was thinking at the time. He even looked at me all scared and I was about to approach him to help him out and take him home, but that's when it happened.\n\n\"The garbage around him rose up like a wave and swallowed the boy. Everything settled and he was gone. Like an idiot, I reported the truth to Chief Walker. He didn't fire me but the city council did, saying I was a drunk. I'm not a drunk. I'm just a bitter\nex-policeman now. That's my story. Now get outta my face.\"\n\nAndy Reynolds looks at some of the crafts hanging on the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crafts",
"response": "You can tell they are homemade as they aren't really that good.\nYou're allowed to say so because you took an art class once.\n\nAndy Reynolds looks around as if wondering what to do with himself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about second",
"response": "\"What about the Pendergast boy? You know anything about him that\nmight help me find him?\" you ask.\n\n\"You're going to try to find him? Good luck. You know after a few days. . .\" he says but you interrupt.\n\n\"I'm hoping for once, a missing persons case doesn't end in homicide.\" you tell him.\n\n\"Well,\" he says, \"I really don't know more than the simple fact that, against his mom's wishes, he went down to the carnival one evening\nwith the Coombs brothers. Freddie Pendergast got on the Tunnel of Terrors ride and never emerged again. The ride was searched, of course, but no body was found. Probably abducted.\" he says with the proper cynacism.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask him about the first incident, the fourth incident, the fifth incident or the Carnival.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Carnival",
"response": "\"You ever visit that carnival down the road?\" you ask Andy Reynolds.\n\n\"Not really.\" he says. \"I don't like the carny-folk. Buncha\nscumbags, really. And that Jonathan Boom, the security guard, thinks he's some sort of cop or soldier, but he's really just a disturbed man with a gun.\"\n\nAndy Reynolds looks at some of the crafts hanging on the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is a comfortable common area, complete with an old but comfortable-looking sofa, an armchair, and a bookcase. You can see\nthe foyer to the north and a narrow door to the west. Outside the windows, you can see the dogwoods in Mother Matheson's yard. The same artwork that is seen throughout the house can be found in here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the artwork",
"response": "You can tell they are homemade as they aren't really that good.\nYou're allowed to say so because you took an art class once.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine books",
"response": "How one can collect so many books of such a limited genre baffles you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bookcase",
"response": "It was either found somewhere or homemade, but it seems sturdy enough. It is full of romance paperbacks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "(first opening the narrow door)\n\nThis is a white, tiled bathroom with the appropriate fixtures (toilet, sink, tub). The pipes are visible up the walls from the fixtures and\na mirror is set in the wall above the sink. A white door is to the north and a narrow door is to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mirror",
"response": "You look at yourself in the mirror. You look fine, at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pipes",
"response": "The pipes lead from the fixtures and into the walls and ceiling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the white door)\n\nThis is the nexus of the house with passages in many directions. The same homemade artwork lines the walls and a staircase leads up to the second floor. To the north, you can see the kitchen and to the east, the foyer. A white door is to the south and you can see a sun room through a doorway to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This is a white, tiled bathroom with the appropriate fixtures (toilet, sink, tub). The pipes are visible up the walls from the fixtures and\na mirror is set in the wall above the sink. A white door is to the north and a narrow door is to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the mirror",
"response": "You open the mirror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the mirror",
"response": "The mirror is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pipes in the mirror",
"response": "(first taking the pipes)\n\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the mirror",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is the nexus of the house with passages in many directions. The same homemade artwork lines the walls and a staircase leads up to the second floor. To the north, you can see the kitchen and to the east, the foyer. A white door is to the south and you can see a sun room through a doorway to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This room has large windows that look out onto a garden of wildflowers behind the house. A door to a bedroom is to the south and a utility room door is to the north. The downstairs hall is to the east.\n\nAn easel sits in this room.\n\nOn the art easel is an unfinished painting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine painting",
"response": "It appears to be a painting of an elephant underground, walking among stalagmites and stalactites with a crazed look in its eyes. The painting makes you uneasy as you look at it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the easel",
"response": "It's designed to support a canvas.\n\nOn the art easel is an unfinished painting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening Reynolds' door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na fedora (being worn)\na set of ordinary clothes (being worn)\na trenchcoat (being worn and open)\na cigar lighter\na lock pick\na dossier (open)\nthe first incident\nthe second incident\nthe third incident\nthe fourth incident\nthe fifth incident\na holster (being worn)\na revolver",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pick",
"response": "(up the art easel)\nYes, it's light and easy to carry, but it would still be a pain in the ass to do so, especially as you've no real need for it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at lighter",
"response": "It is nickel-plated and maybe was once fancy but now it is dull and weathered. You found it in New Mexico. It's a long story.\n\nThe cigar lighter is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the utility door)\n\nThis seems to be part mud-room and part laundry-room. A large basin and a small basin sit by one wall. An door to the outside is to the west and the rest of the house can be reached to the south.\n\nYou can see Mother Matheson here.\n\nMother Matheson seems to be preparing to do laundry with the basins.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the Mother",
"response": "You say hello to Mother Matheson.\n\nMother Matheson arranges the large and small basins.\n\n(You could ask her about herself, room key, the first incident, the second incident, the third incident, the fourth incident, the fifth incident, the unfinished painting or the Carnival.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the paiting",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nMother Matheson seems to be preparing to go outside, but you can't be certain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the painting",
"response": "\"What's with the painting I saw in the Sun Room?\" you ask.\n\n\"Oh, yes,\" Mother Matheson explains, \"I have recurring dreams of horrible things moving underground; beneath the carnival. But those are just dreams.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the room key",
"response": "You approach the landlady and ask about your room key.\n\n\"Oh yes.\" she says, \"You're the temporary tenant that phoned ahead. Your arrangements have been made. Here's your key. Your room is on the second floor.\" she tells you.\n\nMother Matheson arranges the large and small basins.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine large",
"response": "This is probably the basin used for rinsing clothes.\n\nMother Matheson seems to be preparing to go outside, but you can't be certain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the fifth incident",
"response": "\"What about this incident that happened just the other night? Did you know Jordan McIntyre?\" you ask.\n\n\"I know of the man. He worked at Butler. People have no idea what to think of the incident. How could it have been so barbaric and what's with all the dried gook all over the scene? It's just one of those things, I guess.\" she says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the key",
"response": "(room key)\nIt's really just an ordinary house key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This room has large windows that look out onto a garden of wildflowers behind the house. A door to a bedroom is to the south and a utility room door is to the north. The downstairs hall is to the east.\n\nAn easel sits in this room.\n\nOn the art easel is an unfinished painting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This is the nexus of the house with passages in many directions. The same homemade artwork lines the walls and a staircase leads up to the second floor. To the north, you can see the kitchen and to the east, the foyer. A white door is to the south and you can see a sun room through a doorway to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall area. It is minimally furnished. There are stairs leading down and a door in each wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Door",
"response": "Which do you mean, your door, the wide door, Arthur's door or mother's door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock your door with the key",
"response": "You unlock your door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter your door",
"response": "(first opening your door)\n\nThis is a small, simple bedroom furnished with only a bed and a\nbedside table. A simple door leads to the upstairs balcony to the south and the upstairs hall is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at table",
"response": "It's so simple, you wonder if Mother Matheson made it herself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening the balcony door)\n\nThis is a small, open-air porch that allows you to look down to the front walk. The flowering dogwoods give this space privacy. The door back inside is to the north.\n\nForgotten by the last tenant and neglected by Mother Matheson's cleaning is a sealed jar of moonshine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the moonshine",
"response": "You pick up the jar of moonshine from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is a small, simple bedroom furnished with only a bed and a\nbedside table. A simple door leads to the upstairs balcony to the south and the upstairs hall is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall area. It is minimally furnished. There are stairs leading down and a door in each wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "(first opening Arthur's door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening mother's door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening the wide door)\n\nThis is a white, tiled bathroom with the appropriate fixtures (toilet, sink, tub). The pipes are visible up the walls from the fixtures and\na mirror is set in the wall above the sink. A wide door is to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mirror",
"response": "You examine yourself in the mirror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the mirror",
"response": "The mirror is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is the upstairs hall area. It is minimally furnished. There are stairs leading down and a door in each wall.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This is the nexus of the house with passages in many directions. The same homemade artwork lines the walls and a staircase leads up to the second floor. To the north, you can see the kitchen and to the east, the foyer. A white door is to the south and you can see a sun room through a doorway to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This kitchen is truly the heart of the home. The smells of decades of home-cooking permeate from the walls. A stove, icebox, and pantry are the fixtures but there are also a cabinet and a counter. From here, you can head east to the dining room and south to the downstairs hall.\n\nYou can see Arthur Peabody here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Arthur",
"response": "You say hello to Arthur Peabody.\n\n(You could ask him about himself, the first incident, the second incident, the third incident, the fourth incident, the fifth incident or the Carnival.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about third",
"response": "\"So, you live in the same boarding house as Andy Reynolds, the disgraced cop.\" you say.\n\n\"That's a little harsh, don't you think?\" he asks, \"But as I say, unless I have a dead body to examine, I have no professional opinion\nof the matter.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the self",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nArthur looks to the south, into the downstairs hall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Arthur",
"response": "\"What's your story, mister?\" you ask.\n\n\"Nice to meet you. I'm Arthur Peabody. I'm one of the proprietors of the undertaking firm Jackson, Goldberg, & Peabody.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about fourth",
"response": "\"Any thoughts on the town drunk's story of people in the cemetery?\"\nyou ask.\n\n\"Nope.\"\n\nArthur stares out the window for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about fifth",
"response": "\"What about this recent incident? Jordan McIntyre's death?\" you ask.\n\n\"Well, as one of the undertakers here in town, I can tell you there\nwas a murder, but there wasn't hardly any body left to undertake. Something tore that man in pieces.\" he says with a shudder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Carnival",
"response": "\"You ever visit Swan Point Carnival?\" you ask Arthur Peabody.\n\n\"Hardly.\" is the gentleman's answer, \"I am too busy to indulge in such trivialities. Plus, that place hardly looks safe.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the counter",
"response": "It's just a hard, wooden counter.\n\nArthur Peabody goes south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pantry",
"response": "It matches the cabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cabinet",
"response": "It matches the pantry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cabinet",
"response": "Don't mess with the food. You're not that hungry and you don't want\nto take other people's stuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This is a homey dining room with mismatched chairs and a wide table. You can see the kitchen through a doorway to the west and the foyer is to the south. The same arts-and-crafts artwork decorate the walls. Outside the windows, you can see the dogwoods on Mother Matheson's lawn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is a small foyer marking the entrance to the boarding house. You can see a dining room to the north, a living room to the south, and a hall stretches to the west where it seems to terminate in a room with\na lot of windows. In the downstairs hall is a set of stairs up to the second floor. The place seems to be decorated with original artwork and craftwork.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This is the front walk to Mother Matheson's boarding house, where you'll be staying. Her porch is to the west and the main road is to the east. Her lawn is dotted with dogwoods and covered in leaves.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the dogwood",
"response": "There are a good number of these trees. Their branches gives a\nshadowy canopy over the house and yard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You make your way down the road to the carnival.\n\nHaving made your way down the dusty road, you find the carnival.\nBeing very late in the season, there aren't many carnival-goers from what you can tell so far. The ticket booth stands sentinel before the fairgrounds entrance to the east. A large, sweat-soaked man stands inside the ticket booth, eyeing you expectingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the man",
"response": "You say hello to the sweaty man.\n\nThe sweaty man wipes his brow with a dirty rag.\n\n(You could ask him about himself, the incidents or the carnival ticket.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about him",
"response": "\"You don't look too comfortable in there.\" you say to the man, trying to break the ice.\n\nThe man just stares at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"As the ticket guy here, have you seen any suspicious people lately?\" you ask.\n\n\"Everyone is suspicious in my eyes.\" he says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the ticket",
"response": "(the ticket booth)\nThere is no reply.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the carnival ticket",
"response": "\"How does one get in the carnival?\" you ask the sweaty man in the booth.\n\n\"You just buy the carnival ticket.\" he replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the the carnival ticket",
"response": "You speak to the sweating man in the booth. He does not speak back\nbut the ticket transaction still happens.\n\nThe sweaty man coughs without covering his mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are at the southern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare. The entrance to the park and its accompanying ticket booth is to the west. The security shack sits to the south. To the east is a small building with a sign saying Gift Shop on its door. The thoroughfare\ncontinues to the north where more booths, buildings, and tents are lined up on the east side with the road to town flanking its west border.\n\nA black cat runs by, crossing your path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening the security door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the security door with the pick",
"response": "You clandestinely pick the lock while looking out for anyone who might see you. You feel you did it without being noticed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening the security door)\n\nThis is a one-room affair of clapboard with a pot-belly stove in one corner. By the opposite wall is a desk with accompanying chair. The exit is to the north.\n\nYou can see Jonathan Boom here.\n\nSeeing you in the security shack, the security guard whips out his pistol and trains it on you.\n\n\"What the hell do you think you're doing in here?\" he demands, but without waiting for an answer, he pistol whips you into unconsciousness.\nDarkness\nIt is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na carnival ticket\na jar of moonshine\nroom key\na lock pick\na fedora (being worn)\na set of ordinary clothes (being worn)\na trenchcoat (being worn and open)\na cigar lighter\na dossier (open)\nthe first incident\nthe second incident\nthe third incident\nthe fourth incident\nthe fifth incident\na holster (being worn)\na revolver",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get lighter",
"response": "You take the cigar lighter from the trenchcoat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light lighter",
"response": "A small flame pops from the ligher.\n\nYou switch the cigar lighter on.\n\nThis is a featureless portion of the fun house, designed only to be as dark as possible. The sides are covered in thick black curtains. You can make out passages to the south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Something is wrong with this ridiculous room. It is small and cylindrical shaped and the floor is spinning counter-clockwise extremely fast. You're hard pressed to imagine any children or\nelderly people traversing this terrifying fun house. You\nmight be able to cross safely; or the floor will spin you\nwherever it chooses. Passages are north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The floor of this room is severely slanted. You're not sure how this is supposed to be fun. Passages lead north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This is a featureless portion of the fun house, designed only to be as dark as possible. The sides are covered in thick black curtains. You can make out passages to the north, west, and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Strangely, this entrance is unattended. The building itself is made\nof numerous trailers attached to one another. A facade dresses this\nup to be some sort of wondrous spectacle, but the management has not gone out of its way to hide any of the smoke-and-mirrors that support their flimsy illusion. Still, the entrance, to the north, is so dark as to be menacing in its own way. The carnival's main thoroughfare\ncan be reached to the south and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "That leads out of the park, to the road.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are on the east-west path of the carnival's main thoroughfare. To your north is the House of Mirrors. You can cut across to the north-south part of the thoroughfare by heading southwest. To the southeast is a dunk-a-clown booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "You stand before a dunk-a-clown booth off the main thoroughfare.\nBefore you is the edge of the booth where you can talk to the carny to buy a chance to throw a ball at a target that would dunk a poor clown sitting in a dunk tank. The clown in question is a crass looking character who stares at you with crabby eyes as he chews a wet cigar\nin his mouth. The carny ignores him, choosing to watch you instead.\nHe stands by a large box of stuffed animals. The main thoroughfare is to the north, but you can cut to it by going northeast and northwest\nas well.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Throw the ball!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the carny",
"response": "You say hello to Terrance Valdosky.\n\nNewspapers blow by like so much forgotten trash.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Just throw the ball, piss-ass!\"\n\n(You could ask him about himself, the incidents or Jonathan Boom.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "The carny looks at you but shouts to the clown, \"Hey, look, Randy,\nit's some retarded chump!\"\n\nFrom his platform above the dunk tank, Randy the Clown shouts back, \"Give 'em a try for free!\"\n\nThe carny throws a red ball at you which you catch.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Bend over and I'll show ya a pizza party!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ball",
"response": "It's like a skinned baseball.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Do it, lady!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a private eye; a gumshoe, as they say, and you appear as such.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Do it, lady! Throw the ball!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"What do you think about the recent incidents involving the murders\nand disappearances?\" you ask.\n\n\"Shit's bad all over, man.\" is all you can get out of the carny.\n\nYou see a balloon float off in the distance.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Throw the ball!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Boom",
"response": "\"Isn't Boom squirrely enough to be a suspect?\" you mention.\n\n\"Aren't you?\" you asks in return.\n\n\"Actually, no.\" you say.\n\n\"Oh. Well, I'm not one to say. I barely know the guy.\"\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"This guy ain't no pitcher! He's more like. . .diarrhea! Yeah!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the ball",
"response": "Dropped.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"You couldn't even throw a fit!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw ball at Clown",
"response": "(first taking the red ball)\nYou lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nA black cat runs by, crossing your path.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"This shit sucks!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Clown",
"response": "A true monster, you can tell as you can smell the whisky from all the way over here. His rheumy eyes stare you down. He must've terrified children and so has been relegated here, to the dunking booth.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Let me outta this cage and I'll show you how to throw a ball!\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You stand before a dunk-a-clown booth off the main thoroughfare.\nBefore you is the edge of the booth where you can talk to the carny to buy a chance to throw a ball at a target that would dunk a poor clown sitting in a dunk tank. The clown in question is a crass looking character who stares at you with crabby eyes as he chews a wet cigar\nin his mouth. The carny ignores him, choosing to watch you instead.\nHe stands by a large box of stuffed animals. The main thoroughfare is to the north, but you can cut to it by going northeast and northwest\nas well.\n\nYou hear the sound of a child crying; echoing from somewhere nearby.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Bend over and I'll show ya a pizza party!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the ball at the target",
"response": "You wind up and pitch the ball. It hits the target square in the center and Randy the Clown is dunked with a splash. You hear him thud on the bottom of the tank as there wasn't enough water to cushion his fall. With a crappy look on his face, he rights the platform, returns the wet cigar to his mouth, and sits again. The carny throws a\nstuffed pig at you.\n\nNewspapers blow by like so much forgotten trash.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Pussy!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pig",
"response": "It's a small, stuffed pig.\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.\n\nRandy the Clown shouts at you, \"Look at you! You look like an idiot!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou can see Filmore the Clown here.\n\nFilmore the Clown looks at you with insane eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Filmore",
"response": "You say hello to Filmore the Clown.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.\n\n(You could ask him about himself or the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"Can you tell me anything about the recent incidents here?\" you ask\nthe sad clown.\n\n\"What incidents?\" he replies.\n\n\"The grisly murders and disappearances.\" you inform him.\n\n\"I honestly have no idea what you're on about.\" he confesses.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the himsef",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "\"Aww,\" you tease, \"Are you a sad clown?\" noting the tears painted on his face.\n\n\"Fuck off.\" is the reply.\n\nYou hear a scream in the distance; perhaps from one of the rides.\n\nFilmore the Clown dances a little soft-shoe-shuffle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou can see Filmore the Clown here.\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is a large wooden building with the facade painted to resemble an old castle. The ride cars used to carry two passengers through the dark interior are made to resemble coffins. These cars come out of\nthe facade on one side and re-enters it on the other after loading and unloading the passengers. A surly attendant watches over the operation.\n\nFilmore the Clown arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the attendant",
"response": "You say hello to Billy Jumpner.\n\nFilmore the Clown goes south.\n\n(You could ask him about himself, the incidents or Jonathan Boom.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Boom",
"response": "\"What about Boom, the security guard? What kind of man is he really?\" you ask, trying to sound casual.\n\n\"He likes this ride!\" is the carny's response.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "\"What's up with this ride?\" you ask, \"How safe is this? Are you the mechanic?\"\n\n\"Hop in there, young feller, and I'll show ya how safe it is!\" he smiles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"What can you tell me about the recent grisly incidents around here, gramps?\" you ask.\n\n\"Only that people get what they deserve, they do, young feller! Now hop on and get in the dark. We'll all be in the dark soon enough!\"\nand he cackles with laughter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Hop",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the car",
"response": "You clambor aboard one of the ride cars and squeeze into the seat.\n\nWith the grinding of gears and the hiss of machinery, the ride car begins being pulled on the track and into the dark tunnel within the castle facade.\n\nIt's not long when you realize something is wrong. The track below\nyou makes a loud snapping noise and it suddenly dips downward into a secret cavity. The ride car, with you in it, plummets into darkness\nas the passage closes above you again.\n\nYou hang on for dear life as the cart crashes downward and finally,\nyou are dumped into mud, somewhere deep underground.\n\nThis cave's ceiling is lost in the darkness above. The rest of it is covered in mud. Walking in here brings you up to your knees in it. Passages lead southeast, northwest, and west.\n\nSeemingly dropped from above, a wrecked ride-car from one of the carnival's amusement rides is half-sunk in the mud here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This cave opens into an irregular space, even for an underground cavern. Tight passages lead west, northeast, east, and southeast, but a wide tunnel leads south. Each passage leads into pitch darkness and the air is still and close here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The tunnel continues here, from north to south. As it leads south, it gets much wider. This area makes you extremely uneasy, but you cannot put your finger on why.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You head south, for a bit, but as you continue, your fear grows and grows until it is extreme terror. There is nothing that you see or hear to cause this. It just is. Soon, you decide to turn around and explore a different tunnel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is a circular tunnel with no features, however, the walls are slick with moisture. Passages lead west, southwest, and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is a narrow tunnel carved into the earth. It is just wide enough for you to traverse through. Passages lead northwest, east, and\nsouth.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems more aware of you and lashes out.\nIt rakes your skin with its claws and manages to bite your shoulder. You holler out in pain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot zombie",
"response": "Who do you mean, the horrible zombie or the hideous zombie?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Horrible",
"response": "You aren't carrying a gun.\n\nThe horrible zombie goes northwest.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get gun",
"response": "(putting the lock pick into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou take the revolver from the holster.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a private eye; a gumshoe, as they say, and you appear as such. You are wounded.\n\nThe hideous zombie goes northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This is a low-ceilinged cave chamber. Oddly, there are balls strewn about; the kind you'd find in a child's ball pit. A trapdoor is\nclosed above you. A tunnel leads into pitch darkness to the\nsoutheast.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the balls",
"response": "They are scattered about the cave, probably having fallen from the trapdoor above, perhaps. Now, they sit in the dust and dirt of the cave.\n\nThe hideous zombie goes southeast.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You find yourself waist deep in a room full of small, rubber balls.\nHow this is fun, you've no clue. Passages lead north, where you hear\na popping sound and to the east where you hear the sound of air-jets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is a dizzying and disorienting room. Flashes of light strobe\nfrom every wall and corner. The pop of flashbulbs echo about and your eyes are stung by the bright flashing. It's nothing short of a nightmare. Passages lead east and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The flashing is so disorienting, you aren't sure what exit you took.\n\nYou find yourself waist deep in a room full of small, rubber balls.\nHow this is fun, you've no clue. Passages lead north, where you hear\na popping sound and to the east where you hear the sound of air-jets.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search balls",
"response": "You feel around the rubber balls for the floor and immerse yourself in them to search even better. It's not long before you find a trapdoor in the floor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This is a featureless box of a room with the exception that there are numerous, small dark holes randomly drilled into the walls. Immediately, you can tell that air jets are sporadically shooting air at a high pressure through these holes by the loud noises coming from the walls. Passages lead west and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get ball",
"response": "You don't want to take one of these balls; with so many people playing in here through the years, you'd probably catch pink-eye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at holes",
"response": "You can tell that air jets are behind the wall, violently shooting high-pressured air through the small holes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A jet of air blasts you in the ear, knocking your fedora off your\nhead.\n\nThis is a fairly standard fun house room. It tricks the eye of a person on one side of the room to think that the people on the other side are giants. It all has to do with where you stand as well has\nhow lines are painted in the room. To you, it's quite mundane and the room seems to have nothing else to offer. Passages go north and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is a featureless box of a room with the exception that there are numerous, small dark holes randomly drilled into the walls. Immediately, you can tell that air jets are sporadically shooting air at a high pressure through these holes by the loud noises coming from the walls. Passages lead west and south.\n\nYou can see a fedora here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get hat",
"response": "(putting room key into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou pick up the fedora from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is a fairly standard fun house room. It tricks the eye of a person on one side of the room to think that the people on the other side are giants. It all has to do with where you stand as well has\nhow lines are painted in the room. To you, it's quite mundane and the room seems to have nothing else to offer. Passages go north and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This room has a sunken floor and there are a small set of steps that lead down to it from both the eastern and southern exits. Unseen machinery in the walls make all of these steps shake back and forth. This foolishness would normally just cause one to lose balance and giggle, but the machinery is pumping so noisily and furiously that the shaking is extreme, to say the least.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are jostled enough to drop one of your items.\n\nThis is a fairly standard fun house room. It tricks the eye of a person on one side of the room to think that the people on the other side are giants. It all has to do with where you stand as well has\nhow lines are painted in the room. To you, it's quite mundane and the room seems to have nothing else to offer. Passages go north and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This room has a sunken floor and there are a small set of steps that lead down to it from both the eastern and southern exits. Unseen machinery in the walls make all of these steps shake back and forth. This foolishness would normally just cause one to lose balance and giggle, but the machinery is pumping so noisily and furiously that the shaking is extreme, to say the least.\n\nYou can see a stuffed pig here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This room comes out of the archetypal fear all children have for clowns. Many mannequins are positioned here; faceless except for smeared clown make-up. They are mockeries of clowns, if anything, and their arms stretch out akimbo, reaching for passers-by. Passages lead north and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get pig",
"response": "You pick up the stuffed pig from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are jostled enough to drop one of your items.\n\nThis room comes out of the archetypal fear all children have for clowns. Many mannequins are positioned here; faceless except for smeared clown make-up. They are mockeries of clowns, if anything, and their arms stretch out akimbo, reaching for passers-by. Passages lead north and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This room has a sunken floor and there are a small set of steps that lead down to it from both the eastern and southern exits. Unseen machinery in the walls make all of these steps shake back and forth. This foolishness would normally just cause one to lose balance and giggle, but the machinery is pumping so noisily and furiously that the shaking is extreme, to say the least.\n\nYou can see a jar of moonshine here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the jar",
"response": "You pick up the jar of moonshine from the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Maybe once this room was to simply spray a fine mist from the corners, but now, instead, they blast dirty water at fire-house strength. The water pools in the center of this weird room, and empties through a drain in the floor. Passages lead east and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the drain",
"response": "It's a rusty drain. It's too small to think about squeezing through.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This is a featureless portion of the fun house, designed only to be as dark as possible. The sides are covered in thick black curtains. You can make out passages to the north, west, and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The floor of this room is severely slanted. You're not sure how this is supposed to be fun. Passages lead north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Something is wrong with this ridiculous room. It is small and cylindrical shaped and the floor is spinning counter-clockwise extremely fast. You're hard pressed to imagine any children or\nelderly people traversing this terrifying fun house. You\nmight be able to cross safely; or the floor will spin you\nwherever it chooses. Passages are north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The room spins and jostles you. You find yourself in the. . .\n\nThis is a featureless portion of the fun house, designed only to be as dark as possible. The sides are covered in thick black curtains. You can make out passages to the south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at curtains",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nThey are thick, heavy black curtains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the curtains",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is a circular tunnel running east to west. It is spinning, of course, but rather than whimsically spinning slow enough to keep one off-balance and amused, this one is spinning out-of-control. The tunnel goes east to west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The tunnel spins beneath your feet, knocking you off balance. You are unable to make any progress.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The tunnel spins beneath your feet, but you keep your balance and make it through.\n\nThis is a dizzying and disorienting room. Flashes of light strobe\nfrom every wall and corner. The pop of flashbulbs echo about and your eyes are stung by the bright flashing. It's nothing short of a nightmare. Passages lead east and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The flashing is so disorienting, you aren't sure what exit you took.\n\nThis is a circular tunnel running east to west. It is spinning, of course, but rather than whimsically spinning slow enough to keep one off-balance and amused, this one is spinning out-of-control. The tunnel goes east to west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The tunnel spins beneath your feet, but you keep your balance and make it through.\n\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Before exploring this underworld, you feel you should investigate more attractions topside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The tunnel spins beneath your feet, but you keep your balance and make it through.\n\nThis is a featureless portion of the fun house, designed only to be as dark as possible. The sides are covered in thick black curtains. You can make out passages to the south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Something is wrong with this ridiculous room. It is small and cylindrical shaped and the floor is spinning counter-clockwise extremely fast. You're hard pressed to imagine any children or\nelderly people traversing this terrifying fun house. You\nmight be able to cross safely; or the floor will spin you\nwherever it chooses. Passages are north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The floor of this room is severely slanted. You're not sure how this is supposed to be fun. Passages lead north and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This is a featureless portion of the fun house, designed only to be as dark as possible. The sides are covered in thick black curtains. You can make out passages to the north, west, and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Strangely, this entrance is unattended. The building itself is made\nof numerous trailers attached to one another. A facade dresses this\nup to be some sort of wondrous spectacle, but the management has not gone out of its way to hide any of the smoke-and-mirrors that support their flimsy illusion. Still, the entrance, to the north, is so dark as to be menacing in its own way. The carnival's main thoroughfare\ncan be reached to the south and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare where it turns to the east. To the south, the thoroughfare stretches with the road flanking its western side and a line of tents, buildings, and booths lining the east side. To the east, the thoroughfare continues deeper into the carnival grounds. To the southeast is a baseball toss booth and to your north is the funhouse, standing ominous and decaying in the autumn sun.\n\nYou hear the distant sound of a carnival barker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on the east-west path of the carnival's main thoroughfare. To your north is the House of Mirrors. You can cut across to the north-south part of the thoroughfare by heading southwest. To the southeast is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou see a couple of teenaged hooligans loitering around the carnival. They see you and quickly move on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou can see Wilberforce Wyatt here.\n\nJanice Parker arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Janice",
"response": "You say hello to Janice Parker.\n\n(You could ask her about the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"Have you seen anything untoward in this place? Any people I should ask about the murders and disappearances?\" you inquire.\n\nShe seems to brighten at your question. \"Yes!\" she says, \"I've been keeping records on the carnival and these murders and disappearances aren't isolated to this season. People have been going missing for years here, it's just that lately, it's gotten worse. If you stopped by the library sometime, I can show you the records.\" she tells you this but she's already told you all you need to know. You thank her for her time.\n\nWilberforce Wyatt takes off his cowboy hat, dusts it briefly, then returns it to his head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine janice",
"response": "Miss Parker is the town's young librarian and looks the part.\n\nJanice Parker goes west.\n\nWilberforce Wyatt seems to survey the area.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Wyatt",
"response": "This dark, handsome man in his late 40's is the owner and manager of the carnival. You can tell this by the way he carries himself and gives orders to any carnies within earshot. He is impeccably dressed as a stage cowboy and is the wealthiest-appearing man in the carnival.\n\nWilberforce Wyatt takes off his cowboy hat, dusts it briefly, then returns it to his head.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Wyatt",
"response": "You say hello to Wilberforce Wyatt.\n\nWilberforce Wyatt quietly watches the few carnival-goers that walk by.\n\n(You could ask him about himself, the incidents or Jonathan Boom.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "\"You look like some sort of carnival cowboy.\" you say but you immediately notice that you've offended this man. Still, he\nis dressed to the nines in a shiny, white, expensive-looking\ncowboy outfit.\n\n\"No, sir, I am Wilberforce Wyatt, the owner and manager of this fine carnival. Now, if you'll excuse me, sir, I have much better things to do.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"Anything you can tell me about the recent incidents? The murders and disappearances?\" you ask.\n\n\"Just some bad luck and misadventure, unfortunately. Nothing for you to worry about.\" he says with a smile, \"Please enjoy your stay in my park.\"\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.\n\nWilberforce Wyatt smooths his mustache.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Boom",
"response": "\"Tell me about Jonathan Boom, Mr. Wyatt.\" you ask.\n\n\"He's an asset to the park, sir. He's been at my side for a long time now. I trust him with my life.\"\n\nYou see a couple of teenaged hooligans loitering around the carnival. They see you and quickly move on.\n\nWilberforce Wyatt goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "(first opening the red door)\n\nComing in from the bright, autumn sunlight, it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust. You find yourself in a dark lobby, dimly lit by a couple of wall lamps in an attempt at an ersatz Hollywood theater.\nThe theater itself is beyond a curtain to the north. An attendant, dressed in a poorly-fitting belhop uniform, sits on a stool, allowing admittance.\n\nYou can see Edgar Coombs here.\n\nEdgar Coombs goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the attendant",
"response": "You say hello to George Suggs.\n\nEdgar Coombs arrives from the north.\n\n(You could ask him about himself or the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "\"You run the theater?\" you ask the belhop-looking carny.\n\n\"Yeah. Showin' Felix the Cat. Yes! Again!\"\n\nEdgar Coombs goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the incidents",
"response": "\"What do you know about the deaths that have happened recently?\" you ask.\n\nHe looks at you while picking his teeth with his tongue. \"You wanna watch the flick or not?\" is all he says.\n\nEdgar Coombs arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Edgar",
"response": "You say hello to Edgar Coombs.\n\nEdgar Coombs goes south.\n\n(You could ask him about himself or the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou can see Filmore the Clown here.\n\nFilmore the Clown goes southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "This is the northern edge of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. The carnival's main thoroughfare is to the northwest. You can walk around the pond to the southeast or southwest. The men's restroom building\nis to the north and the women's is to the east. Between them, to the northeast, is a small path leading to the House of Freaks. To the\nwest is the ice house.\n\nversion of Blue Danube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "The front of this building is dressed up to appear as a large circus tent. Two entrances allow visitors to choose which direction to take this tour of freaks; north or northwest. The north side of the swan pond can be reached by heading southwest. A wooded path leads southeast. A carnival barker shouts at any who would hear; hustling them to enter the building and experience the grotesque wonders\nwithin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You enter the House of Freaks. . .\n\nThe inside of this building is made of a hall with cubicles built on the sides to display the freaks. The place is fetid and rank with an odor as persistent as it is undefinable. You will certainly never forget it. On the east wall, bars prevent you from entering the cubicle of Wong Fu Ji, The Amazing Indian Rubber Man.\nOpposite him, on the west wall, you can see through bars to Rondo Moresby, The Most Horrible Man in America. Signs below the\nbars tell you this information. The house continues to the north and the exit is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Rondo",
"response": "Rondo Moresby is an extremely grotesque individual. He simply sits on a stool to be stared at as an ugly, ugly man.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Rondo",
"response": "You say hello to Rondo Moresby.\n\n(You could ask him about himself or the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "\"Well, what's your story?\" you ask the unfortunate looking man.\n\n\"Just a freak. Like you.\" he says, \"Keep it moving, this ain't a peep show.\"\n\n\"That's almost exactly what it is.\" you tell him.\n\n\"Look, buddy, if the sidewalk were made of cocks, you'd find a way to walk on yer ass. Now keep it moving!\"\n\nYeah?,\" you say, \"Well, if assholes could fly, this carnival would be an airport.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You can't reach him, nor should you.\n\nThe inside of this building is made of a hall with cubicles built on the sides to display the freaks. The place is fetid and rank with an odor as persistent as it is undefinable. You will certainly never forget it. You are further within the House of Freaks and the hall turns here. You can either go west or south. Cubicles with bars\nexist in the north wall and the east wall. Signs here indicate that the resident of the north cell is Fatima Flores, The Fat\nLady, and sure enough, she's at least 500 pounds. The east cell\nis evidently Co-Co, The Dog Boy, whom, you can see, is really\nnothing more than a hirsute and deformed congenital idiot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The inside of this building is made of a hall with cubicles built on the sides to display the freaks. The place is fetid and rank with an odor as persistent as it is undefinable. You will certainly never forget it. You are further within the House of Freaks and the hall turns here. You can head east or south. Bars cover cubicle cells to the north and west. Signs here indicate that the north is occupied by the Two-Headed Dog and the west houses the Horror From\nThe Deep.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Horror",
"response": "This is a thing in a large stagnant tank of brine. It\nappears to be an octopus with human hands sewn on the ends of the tentacles. It's dead, of course, but the overall effect is ghastly. Plus, doesn't anyone else notice the obvious human hands in the tank?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The inside of this building is made of a hall with cubicles built on the sides to display the freaks. The place is fetid and rank with an odor as persistent as it is undefinable. You will certainly never forget it. The hall continues into the House of Freaks to the north and the exit is to the southeast. There are three barred cubicle\ncells here; one on each of the east, west, and south walls. Signs indicate that the east cell is home to The Astounding Mushroom\nMan, the west cell houses what looks like a real, but stuffed, five-legged calf, and the south is a cell holding the\nWhat-Is-It.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what-is-it",
"response": "In the cell is a small pool of black liquid. In the pool is a large tentacle; about eight feet long and a foot thick. You've never seen anything like it. It is dead, of course, but doesn't have the suction pads on it as an octopus's tentacle would have. The more you consider it, the more disturbing it is to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "The front of this building is dressed up to appear as a large circus tent. Two entrances allow visitors to choose which direction to take this tour of freaks; north or northwest. The north side of the swan pond can be reached by heading southwest. A wooded path leads southeast. A carnival barker shouts at any who would hear; hustling them to enter the building and experience the grotesque wonders\nwithin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "This is a forked path amid some trees. From here, you can head northwest to the House of Freaks. The carousel is nearby and you can reach the north side of it by heading east or the west side by heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are on the north side of a once-grand carousel. You can tell she was, at one time, a glamorous machine that delighted families for many years, but now, the faded paint and chipped wood gives her an almost-sinister air. A path into some trees heads west. You can walk around the carousel to the southeast and southwest. The carousel is spinning somewhat fast. In fact, you're not certain you'd safely make it on there if you tried, unless you jumped, maybe. It spins in silence, the music having stopped long ago.\n\nYou see a balloon float off in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You safely hop onto the spinning carousel.\n\nYou are on a once-grand carousel that is spinning rather rapidly. The horses and other animals of the ride are chipping their paint and cracking their wood, making them ugly, frightening things. A maintainance door leads into the center portion of the carousel, but\nas it is spinning rather fast, it would be a challenge to get in\nthere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "You make an attempt at opening the door, but the carousel is spinning\na bit too rapidly. Maybe next time, you'll have better luck.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "door.\n\nYou are in the center of the carousel. Gears and cogs grind and spin, keeping the ride in rapid motion. A door leads out to the ride to the east and a ladder leads down into darkness. The smell of grease and smoke fills your nose and the sound of the gears grinding fills your ears.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This is a small cave cluttered with random junk. Bits of metal,\npipes, tubing, cogs, and bolts litter the ground. A ladder leads upwards through a hole in the rock and some floorboards beyond. The only passage leads northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "This cave has a very low ceiling and you are forced to stoop over as you walk through it. Passages lead west and southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is a curving, wet tunnel which is slippery to traverse. It bends from the northwest to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You stand on a natural bridge over a dark and turbulent underground river flowing to the southwest. The bridge spans northwest to southeast and, of course, it looks ridiculously dangerous to cross as the surface of the stone is slick with moisture.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You slip on the slick stone of the bridge and plummet into the turbulent underground river. The black water rushes over you and\ntakes your breath away as it is almost freezing, this late in the season. You are swept along with the current until you wash up on a.\n. .\n\nThis is the muddy shore of a fast-moving underground river. The river flows from the northeast to the southwest and a passage leads into darkness to the west. The sound of rushing water echoes about in this chamber.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "In this large but low-ceilinged chamber, the stalagmites and stalactites have merged, making a strange, natural temple of pillars. Passages lead north, southeast, and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "You jump, feet-first, into the turbulent underground river. The black water rushes over you and takes your breath away as it is almost freezing, this late in the season. You are swept along with the current until you wash up on a. . .\n\nThis is the muddy shore of a fast-moving underground river. The river flows from the northeast to the southwest and a passage leads into darkness to the west. The sound of rushing water echoes about in this chamber.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Light lighter",
"response": "That's already on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off lighter",
"response": "You cap the lighter's flame.\n\nYou switch the cigar lighter off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on lighter",
"response": "A small flame pops from the ligher.\n\nYou switch the cigar lighter on.\n\nThis is a small cave and every surface is covered with some sort of sickening slime. Your shoes make nauseating squishing sounds as you traverse the chamber. Also, it smells like a hobo's asshole in here. Passages lead north and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "on flushing the sewage from the room above. Where it goes, you cannot say. Passages lead northeast, northwest, southwest, and south. You see a trapdoor closed above you.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe horrible zombie attacks you again and, somehow, it is quicker than you anticipated. It tears you to shreds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This is the muddy shore of a fast-moving underground river. The river flows from the northeast to the southwest and a passage leads into darkness to the west. The sound of rushing water echoes about in this chamber.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "It would be impossible to swim up that river.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You decide against jumping into the river as you've no guarantee it will even take you anywhere before you eventually drown.\n\nThe horrible zombie arrives from the west.\n\nThe horrible zombie attacks you. Luckily, the zombie misses you as\nyou deftly dodge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is a small cave and every surface is covered with some sort of sickening slime. Your shoes make nauseating squishing sounds as you traverse the chamber. Also, it smells like a hobo's asshole in here. Passages lead north and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "on flushing the sewage from the room above. Where it goes, you cannot say. Passages lead northeast, northwest, southwest, and south. You see a trapdoor closed above you.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe hideous zombie goes northwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "(first opening the trapdoor)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the trapdoor with the pick",
"response": "(first taking the lock pick)\n(putting the carnival ticket into the trenchcoat to make room)\nThat doesn't seem to fit the lock.\n\nThe hideous zombie arrives from the northwest.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot zombie",
"response": "You fire a few rounds into the walking corpse but it is unaffected by your attack with the revolver.\n\nThe hideous zombie attacks you but luckily, the zombie misses you as you deftly dodge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack zombie with lighter",
"response": "That wouldn't be too effective, you feel.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "You stand on a natural bridge over a dark and turbulent underground river flowing to the southwest. The bridge spans northwest to southeast and, of course, it looks ridiculously dangerous to cross as the surface of the stone is slick with moisture.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe horrible zombie goes southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is, by far, the largest cavern you've explored so far. In the center is a large, scum-covered pool of black water. From the corner of your eye, when you aren't looking, you think there is\nmovement within it. Near the edge on one of the pool's sides is a wooden podium and a number of wooden benches set up like some sort of blasphemous church. A wide tunnel leads east while smaller passages lead west and south.\n\nOn the wooden podium is a stained notebook.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the notebook",
"response": "(putting the revolver into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou take the stained notebook from the wooden podium.\n\nThe first page tells you its title: Translation of the Black Book\nof Shudde M'ell. It goes on to a litany regarding huge,\ntentacled worms that burrow beneath the earth. Apparently, it is a book for worshipping these dreaded horrors. Before closing the book, you see it also contains instructions for human sacrifice as well as the creation of zombies. Near the back is a list, written in blood,\nin various handwritings, of the names of the carnies with the head signature: WIlberforce Wyatt. With this damning evidence,\nyou should confront Wyatt and get this carnival of cultists shut down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This is the widest tunnel you've seen in this underground labrynth.\nIt originates from the room with the black pool to the west and it recedes into darkness to the east. You have a very uneasy feeling about this tunnel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You walk east for as long as your willpower allows, but the terror creeps up in your brain and you quickly walk back to near the\nbeginning of the tunnel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is, by far, the largest cavern you've explored so far. In the center is a large, scum-covered pool of black water. From the corner of your eye, when you aren't looking, you think there is\nmovement within it. Near the edge on one of the pool's sides is a wooden podium and a number of wooden benches set up like some sort of blasphemous church. A wide tunnel leads east while smaller passages lead west and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The stench in this cave is overwhelmingly disgusting. The reason why is evident enough; numerous corpses, in various states of decay, hang from chains fastened to the ceiling. Passages lead northwest, where\nan eerie, rosy glow seems to emenate, and east, into more darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This cave's ceiling is lost in the darkness above. The rest of it is covered in mud. Walking in here brings you up to your knees in it. Passages lead southeast, northwest, and west.\n\nSeemingly dropped from above, a wrecked ride-car from one of the carnival's amusement rides is half-sunk in the mud here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the corpses",
"response": "There are twelve of them of various ages and in various stages of decay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search corpses",
"response": "You try not to touch anything gross, but since most of the corpses are still wearing the clothes in which they were murdered, you search a pocket or two. Eventually, you find a library card, of all things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You stand in a small cave with a ladder leading upwards into darkness. Narrow passages lead southeast and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "This is a dark, stuffy passage. A ladder leads down into a dark pit and the south wall seems to be a slightly askew door of some sort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are in a maze of mirrored walls. Reflections of yourself recede into infinity. The north mirror looks slightly askew. You\nthink you can go west, and south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are in a maze of mirrored walls. Reflections of yourself recede into infinity. You think you can go north, northwest, west,\nand southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You are in a maze of mirrored walls. Reflections of yourself recede into infinity. You think you can go north and northeast\ndeeper into the maze. The door back outside is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening the mirrored door)\n\nYou are on the east-west path of the carnival's main thoroughfare. To your north is the House of Mirrors. You can cut across to the north-south part of the thoroughfare by heading southwest. To the southeast is a dunk-a-clown booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou smell hot dogs for a brief moment, but then it goes away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "This is the northern edge of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. The carnival's main thoroughfare is to the northwest. You can walk around the pond to the southeast or southwest. The men's restroom building\nis to the north and the women's is to the east. Between them, to the northeast, is a small path leading to the House of Freaks. To the\nwest is the ice house.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "You are at the eastern side of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northwest and southwest. To your\neast, the carousel summons you with its hurdy-gurdy music. In the distance to the southwest, you can see the roller coaster and ferris wheel.\n\nYou hear a scream in the distance; perhaps from one of the rides.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "This is the southern point of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northeast or northwest. From here,\nyou can also walk a path to the ferris wheel to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "A young and tall carny mans this ride, assisting any carnival-goers on and off the ferris wheel. At this time of season, those\ncarnival-goers are few and far between. The ferris wheel itself is surprisingly sturdy in its appearance, however, like all things in\nthis carnival, it needs a fresh coat of paint. For some reason, this seems to be an extra-tall ferris wheel, larger than the one in Coney Island, from what you can remember. The Ferris wheel sits by the river, on the edge of the carnival. The only path is back to the swan pond to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Royce Brunner here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You are at the western portion of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. From here, you can walk around the pond to the northeast or the southeast.\nA path leads south to the roller coaster.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is a picnic area for the carnival. A large wooden roof is held over some empty picnic tables. A trash can accompanies the area.\nHere, at the end of the season, the place is desolate. The roller coaster, a scary and cantankerous wooden contraption, is to the south. Once in awhile, the coaster's cars can be seen and heard traversing\nits slopes, but when you look, you don't see any riders on it. A path leads back to carnival to the north and the coaster's entrance is to the south.\n\nYou can see Elmer Walker here.\n\nStanding around as if waiting for someone is your client, of all people: the police chief Elmer Walker. He waves at you while wiping his brow and popping a heart pill due to his extreme obesity.\n\n\"What are you doing here?\" you ask as you approach.\n\n\"I came to see how you're coming along. Join me on the coaster.\" he says and he heads south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A carny guards this entrance. He is the greasiest you've seen thus far. The entrance leads to the track where the cars wait for passengers. You can leave the roller coaster area and reach it's picnic pavillion by heading north.\n\nYou can see Elmer Walker and Greasy Pete here.\n\nThe carny nods his head to the two of you to board the cars and, dutifully, you do so. Elmer, being obese, has already tilted the car\na bit off the track, terrifying you already.\n\nThe cars are pulled up the hill by the lift chain and Elmer begins talking to you. \"So, detective, I wanted to let you know that I went to the asylum and visited that poor Kent Howard boy: the one from the first incident report. I couldn't get much out of him, the way he babbles now about horrors from the grave and such, but one thing he said really struck me as odd.\" the police chief pops another heart\npill and the cars reach the first peak.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the notebook to Elmer",
"response": "You aren't able to do that while riding on a rickety roller coaster.\n\nThe car suddenly drops down the first hill. WInd whips your ears and your gut sinks as your plummet. Strangely, Elmer keeps talking as if the two of you are simply seated on a park bench, \"The lad said that the biggest corpse in the whole world must be buried under the\ncemetery where he and Lucy were attacked.\"\n\nElmer's bulk. He doesn't seem to notice and instead, keeps talking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\n\"I asked him why he said that,\" Elmer says, \"And the boy says to me, because of the maggots. Such big maggots must come from a big\nman's body.\"\n\ndown on a row of small hills in the track. You start to feel sick. Elmer turns to you and asks, \"Have you found out anything, or are you just farting around here?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the notebook to Elmer",
"response": "You aren't able to do that while riding on a rickety roller coaster.\n\n\"Well,\" you tell him, trying to speak over the noise of the coaster,\n\"I discovered there are passages to some underground lair here.\"\n\n\"Interesting.\" Elmer says, but he seems not too phased about what you just told him. \"Just keep at it. Be sure to really check out the fun house, that mirror house, and that carousel, for sure. We'll meet up again soon.\" and no sooner does he say this, the ride comes to a stop and you disembark with your obese client. Without saying anything more, he wanders off, not wanting to be seen too long with you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A carny guards this entrance. He is the greasiest you've seen thus far. The entrance leads to the track where the cars wait for passengers. You can leave the roller coaster area and reach it's picnic pavillion by heading north.\n\nYou can see Greasy Pete here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is a picnic area for the carnival. A large wooden roof is held over some empty picnic tables. A trash can accompanies the area.\nHere, at the end of the season, the place is desolate. The roller coaster, a scary and cantankerous wooden contraption, is to the south. Once in awhile, the coaster's cars can be seen and heard traversing\nits slopes, but when you look, you don't see any riders on it. A path leads back to carnival to the north and the coaster's entrance is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are at the western portion of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. From here, you can walk around the pond to the northeast or the southeast.\nA path leads south to the roller coaster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "This is the northern edge of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. The carnival's main thoroughfare is to the northwest. You can walk around the pond to the southeast or southwest. The men's restroom building\nis to the north and the women's is to the east. Between them, to the northeast, is a small path leading to the House of Freaks. To the\nwest is the ice house.\n\nNewspapers blow by like so much forgotten trash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "(first opening the restroom door)\n\nYou are in the men's restroom for the carnival. A long pee trough, of all horrible things, sits against one wall and a single toilet sits in the corner. They really spared every expense for these accomodations, you think. A perfectly visible trapdoor leads downward to who-knows-where and the exit back to the park is south.\n\nYou can see Nuncio the Strongman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first opening the blue door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the blue Door with the pick",
"response": "You clandestinely pick the lock while looking out for anyone who might see you. You feel you did it without being noticed.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "(first opening the blue door)\n\nThis is a small, concrete building with the apparatus necessary for\nthe production and storage of block ice. The exit is a blue door to the east. It is very cold in here and you can see your breath in\nwhite mist before you.\n\nYou can see an ice block here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ice",
"response": "It's far too big and heavy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ice",
"response": "It is larger than a man and must weigh a ton. You can see that it\nsits on a trapdoor.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "(first opening the trapdoor)\n\nThis is a very cold, small cave. There are no features except for a trapdoor that is open above you. A passage leads northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "This is a small, concrete building with the apparatus necessary for\nthe production and storage of block ice. The exit is a blue door to the east. It is very cold in here and you can see your breath in\nwhite mist before you.\n\nYou can see an ice block here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare where it turns to the east. To the south, the thoroughfare stretches with the road flanking its western side and a line of tents, buildings, and booths lining the east side. To the east, the thoroughfare continues deeper into the carnival grounds. To the southeast is a baseball toss booth and to your north is the funhouse, standing ominous and decaying in the autumn sun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is near the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. You can cut across to where the thoroughfare turns by heading northeast. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is a booth with a sign hanging above\nit stating Baseball Toss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You make your way inside the tent.\n\nThis is a gaudy, theatrically decorated gypsy tent smelling of incense and cigarette smoke. Glass baubles dangle and an enshrouded table holds a large crystal ball. The tent's exit is to the west.\n\nSitting on one side of the crystal ball is a woman, dressed as a\ngypsy, and smoking a cigarette.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gypsy",
"response": "If she's a real fortune-telling gypsy, then you're Fatty Arbuckle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the gypsy",
"response": "You say hello to Madam Zarah.\n\n(You could ask her about herself, the incidents, Wilberforce Wyatt or Jonathan Boom.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Wyatt",
"response": "\"Can you tell me anything about Wilberforce Wyatt?\" you ask.\n\n\"He owes me my last paycheck, that's what I can tell you, mister.\" she says. \"I don't trust him or any of the other full-time carny folk around here.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about herself",
"response": "\"Fortune teller, huh? Not a real gypsy, I hope.\" you say.\n\n\"I am Madam Zarah!\" she says, snubbing out her cigarette, \"And I can tell you your future! Would you like to know what I see?\" she asks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Sure, why the hell not?\" you say.\n\nMadam Zarah looks into the crystal ball and makes a show as if she's seeing the most paranormal things within. You roll your eyes.\n\n\"I see you going down into darkness\" she says, \"I see you becoming\nlost down there. I see large things moving down there with you.\nThere are evil forces against you!\" she cries.\n\n\"Splendid.\" you say.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You exit the flap of the tent.\n\nYou are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south.\nThe western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small building with a sign on the door reading Manager's\nOffice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the manager's door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the Door with the pick",
"response": "You clandestinely pick the lock while looking out for anyone who might see you. You feel you did it without being noticed.\n\nYou hear a scream in the distance; perhaps from one of the rides.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the manager's door)\n\nThe interior of this cottage-like building is nicely decorated. A large desk for the manager sits near a fabric sofa. A first-aid cabinet, clearly marked with a red cross, is attached to one wall.\nThe only exit is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the cabinet",
"response": "You open the first-aid cabinet, revealing a roll of bandages.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bandages",
"response": "(putting the fedora into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou're carrying too many things already.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bandages",
"response": "on the carnival grounds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na library card\na stained notebook\na lock pick\na jar of moonshine\na stuffed pig\na cigar lighter (providing light)\na set of ordinary clothes (being worn)\na trenchcoat (being worn and open)\na fedora\na revolver\na carnival ticket\nroom key\na dossier (open)\nthe first incident\nthe second incident\nthe third incident\nthe fourth incident\nthe fifth incident\na holster (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear hat",
"response": "(first taking the fedora)\n(putting the stuffed pig into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou put on the fedora.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the bandages",
"response": "You take the roll of bandages from the first-aid cabinet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put revolver in the holster",
"response": "(first taking the revolver)\n\n(putting the jar of moonshine into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou put the revolver into the holster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put pig in the dossier",
"response": "Only documents fit in the dossier.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the clothes",
"response": "You'd look ridiculous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You use the bandages",
"response": "You use the bandages on your wounds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You are a private eye; a gumshoe, as they say, and you appear as such.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "It is a large, wooden desk; a bit fancy and out-of-place in this trailer. It has a drawer that is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open drawer",
"response": "You open the drawer, revealing a black tome.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read tome",
"response": "This is a black tome handwritten in Latin with what looks like dried blood. No doubt, whatever this book is, it is evil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine sofa",
"response": "It is an old sofa covered with an ugly fabric.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on sofa",
"response": "You get onto the fabric sofa.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get off the fabric sofa.\n\nThe interior of this cottage-like building is nicely decorated. A large desk for the manager sits near a fabric sofa. A first-aid cabinet, clearly marked with a red cross, is attached to one wall.\nThe only exit is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south.\nThe western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small building with a sign on the door reading Manager's\nOffice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small, wooden building with a sign on the door reading East\nAsian Imports.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the shop door)\n\nThis is a stuffy shop with shelves filled with strange, Oriental trinkets. The exit is to the west.\n\nBehind the counter, a squirrelly-looking Asian man watches you.\n\nYou can also see Jonathan Boom here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small, wooden building with a sign on the door reading East\nAsian Imports.\n\nYou see a couple of teenaged hooligans loitering around the carnival. They see you and quickly move on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are at the southern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare. The entrance to the park and its accompanying ticket booth is to the west. The security shack sits to the south. To the east is a small building with a sign saying Gift Shop on its door. The thoroughfare\ncontinues to the north where more booths, buildings, and tents are lined up on the east side with the road to town flanking its west border.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "(first opening the shop door)\n\nYou are inside a small brick building where all sorts of mementos are sold. The exit is to the west.\n\nA man stands behind the counter, looking bored.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mementos",
"response": "Nothing here is worth much or of any real interest. But then you notice strange wood carvings on a shelf in the back. They appear to\nbe rearing fat worms with heads full of groping tentacles. They\nalmost make you sick staring at them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are at the southern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare. The entrance to the park and its accompanying ticket booth is to the west. The security shack sits to the south. To the east is a small building with a sign saying Gift Shop on its door. The thoroughfare\ncontinues to the north where more booths, buildings, and tents are lined up on the east side with the road to town flanking its west border.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Being very late in the season, there aren't many carnival-goers from what you can tell so far. The ticket booth stands sentinel before the fairgrounds entrance to the east. A large, sweat-soaked man stands inside the ticket booth, eyeing you expectingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "That heads into the woods. You shouldn't be heading in that\ndirection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "That heads into the woods. You shouldn't be heading in that\ndirection.\n\nThe sweaty man's face goes slack for a minute.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You head back up the road to the boarding house.\n\nThis is the front walk to Mother Matheson's boarding house, where you'll be staying. Her porch is to the west and the main road is to the east. Her lawn is dotted with dogwoods and covered in leaves.\n\nYou can see Arthur Peabody here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You should get your room key (and maybe gather some information)\nbefore you head to the carnival.\n\nArthur Peabody straightens his tie and breathes in the cool air.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the room key",
"response": "You take room key from the trenchcoat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You make your way down the road to the carnival.\n\nBeing very late in the season, there aren't many carnival-goers from what you can tell so far. The ticket booth stands sentinel before the fairgrounds entrance to the east. A large, sweat-soaked man stands inside the ticket booth, eyeing you expectingly.\n\nThe sweaty man coughs without covering his mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are at the southern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare. The entrance to the park and its accompanying ticket booth is to the west. The security shack sits to the south. To the east is a small building with a sign saying Gift Shop on its door. The thoroughfare\ncontinues to the north where more booths, buildings, and tents are lined up on the east side with the road to town flanking its west border.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small, wooden building with a sign on the door reading East\nAsian Imports.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south.\nThe western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small building with a sign on the door reading Manager's\nOffice.\n\nYou smell hot dogs for a brief moment, but then it goes away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is near the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. You can cut across to where the thoroughfare turns by heading northeast. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is a booth with a sign hanging above\nit stating Baseball Toss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare where it turns to the east. To the south, the thoroughfare stretches with the road flanking its western side and a line of tents, buildings, and booths lining the east side. To the east, the thoroughfare continues deeper into the carnival grounds. To the southeast is a baseball toss booth and to your north is the funhouse, standing ominous and decaying in the autumn sun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are on the east-west path of the carnival's main thoroughfare. To your north is the House of Mirrors. You can cut across to the north-south part of the thoroughfare by heading southwest. To the southeast is a dunk-a-clown booth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\nYou see a couple of teenaged hooligans loitering around the carnival. They see you and quickly move on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "(first opening the restroom door)\n\nWhy you are in the women's rest room is slightly baffling. Stalls\nwith toilets line one wall and a sink with a mirror sits across from them. The exit is to the west.\n\nYou can see Abner Weems here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Weems",
"response": "You say hello to Abner Weems.\n\nAbner Weems goes west.\n\n(You could ask him about himself or the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the northern edge of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. The carnival's main thoroughfare is to the northwest. You can walk around the pond to the southeast or southwest. The men's restroom building\nis to the north and the women's is to the east. Between them, to the northeast, is a small path leading to the House of Freaks. To the\nwest is the ice house.\n\nYou can see Abner Weems here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "You are at the eastern side of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northwest and southwest. To your\neast, the carousel summons you with its hurdy-gurdy music. In the distance to the southwest, you can see the roller coaster and ferris wheel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "A young and tall carny mans this ride, assisting any carnival-goers on and off the ferris wheel. At this time of season, those\ncarnival-goers are few and far between. The ferris wheel itself is surprisingly sturdy in its appearance, however, like all things in\nthis carnival, it needs a fresh coat of paint. For some reason, this seems to be an extra-tall ferris wheel, larger than the one in Coney Island, from what you can remember. The Ferris wheel sits by the river, on the edge of the carnival. The only path is back to the swan pond to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Royce Brunner here.\n\nNewspapers blow by like so much forgotten trash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the carny",
"response": "You say hello to Royce Brunner.\n\nA black cat runs by, crossing your path.\n\n(You could ask him about himself or the incidents.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the ticket",
"response": "You've already purchased a ticket. You're free to roam the carnival grounds.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the carny about himself",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\n\"Ferris wheel, huh? That's a big one.\" you say, trying to sound conversational.\n\n\"Hello, friend.\" he says, in a friendly tone. \"Care to ride the wheel?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Sure, why the hell not?\" you agree.\n\nYou hop in one of the seats and Royce cranks the machine to life. You lift into the air on the wheel until you are on top of the ride, looking over most of the carnival. Before the ride comes to a stop\nand you disembark, you take a look around from the highest point and see no one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nAbner Weems is near the Thoroughfare. no one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.\nno one of note about.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "A young and tall carny mans this ride, assisting any carnival-goers on and off the ferris wheel. At this time of season, those\ncarnival-goers are few and far between. The ferris wheel itself is surprisingly sturdy in its appearance, however, like all things in\nthis carnival, it needs a fresh coat of paint. For some reason, this seems to be an extra-tall ferris wheel, larger than the one in Coney Island, from what you can remember. The Ferris wheel sits by the river, on the edge of the carnival. The only path is back to the swan pond to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Royce Brunner here.\n\nYou hear the sound of a child crying; echoing from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about himself",
"response": "\"Ferris wheel, huh? That's a big one.\" you say, trying to sound conversational.\n\n\"Hello, friend.\" he says, in a friendly tone. \"Care to ride the wheel?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Royce",
"response": "You are already talking to Royce Brunner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask him about himself or the incidents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about incidents",
"response": "\"Do you happen to know anything that might help me learn more about\nthe murders and disappearances here?\" you ask.\n\n\"Sure,\" he says, \"People run into the wrong kind of folk around these parts. Not that I would know who any of those folk are, a'course.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nroom key\na fedora (being worn)\na library card\na stained notebook\na lock pick\na cigar lighter (providing light)\na set of ordinary clothes (being worn)\na trenchcoat (being worn and open)\na jar of moonshine\na stuffed pig\na carnival ticket\na dossier (open)\nthe first incident\nthe second incident\nthe third incident\nthe fourth incident\nthe fifth incident\na holster (being worn)\na revolver\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "This is the southern point of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northeast or northwest. From here,\nyou can also walk a path to the ferris wheel to the southeast.\n\nYou hear the distant sound of a carnival barker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the swan",
"response": "You can't reach them.\n\nYou hear a scream in the distance; perhaps from one of the rides.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "This is the southern point of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northeast or northwest. From here,\nyou can also walk a path to the ferris wheel to the southeast.\n\nversion of Blue Danube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This is a picnic area for the carnival. A large wooden roof is held over some empty picnic tables. A trash can accompanies the area.\nHere, at the end of the season, the place is desolate. The roller coaster, a scary and cantankerous wooden contraption, is to the south. Once in awhile, the coaster's cars can be seen and heard traversing\nits slopes, but when you look, you don't see any riders on it. A path leads back to carnival to the north and the coaster's entrance is to the south.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "A carny guards this entrance. He is the greasiest you've seen thus far. The entrance leads to the track where the cars wait for passengers. You can leave the roller coaster area and reach it's picnic pavillion by heading north.\n\nYou can see Greasy Pete here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is a picnic area for the carnival. A large wooden roof is held over some empty picnic tables. A trash can accompanies the area.\nHere, at the end of the season, the place is desolate. The roller coaster, a scary and cantankerous wooden contraption, is to the south. Once in awhile, the coaster's cars can be seen and heard traversing\nits slopes, but when you look, you don't see any riders on it. A path leads back to carnival to the north and the coaster's entrance is to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are at the western portion of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. From here, you can walk around the pond to the northeast or the southeast.\nA path leads south to the roller coaster.\n\nYou smell hot dogs for a brief moment, but then it goes away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "This is the southern point of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northeast or northwest. From here,\nyou can also walk a path to the ferris wheel to the southeast.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "A young and tall carny mans this ride, assisting any carnival-goers on and off the ferris wheel. At this time of season, those\ncarnival-goers are few and far between. The ferris wheel itself is surprisingly sturdy in its appearance, however, like all things in\nthis carnival, it needs a fresh coat of paint. For some reason, this seems to be an extra-tall ferris wheel, larger than the one in Coney Island, from what you can remember. The Ferris wheel sits by the river, on the edge of the carnival. The only path is back to the swan pond to the northwest.\n\nYou can see Royce Brunner here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You are at the eastern side of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. You can walk around the pond to the northwest and southwest. To your\neast, the carousel summons you with its hurdy-gurdy music. In the distance to the southwest, you can see the roller coaster and ferris wheel.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "This is a very cold, small cave. There are no features except for a trapdoor that is open above you. A passage leads northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-east",
"response": "on flushing the sewage from the room above. Where it goes, you cannot say. Passages lead northeast, northwest, southwest, and south. You see a trapdoor closed above you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "In this large but low-ceilinged chamber, the stalagmites and stalactites have merged, making a strange, natural temple of pillars. Passages lead north, southeast, and southwest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "This is a very long tunnel that glows with an eerie reddish light.\nThe source of the light is the millions of bioilluminescent mushrooms that grow on every surface. The tunnel stretches northwest to southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mushrooms",
"response": "You've never seen anything like this: bioilluminated mushrooms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the fungus",
"response": "You pick one of the glowing mushrooms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You taste Mushroom",
"response": "(the bioilluminescent mushroom)\nYou taste nothing unexpected.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Mushroom",
"response": "(the bioilluminescent mushroom)\nYou've never really liked mushrooms. Especially the ones that glow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "This cave opens into an irregular space, even for an underground cavern. Tight passages lead west, northeast, east, and southeast, but a wide tunnel leads south. Each passage leads into pitch darkness and the air is still and close here.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This is a circular tunnel with no features, however, the walls are slick with moisture. Passages lead west, southwest, and east.\n\nThe horrible zombie arrives from the east.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is a narrow tunnel carved into the earth. It is just wide enough for you to traverse through. Passages lead northwest, east, and\nsouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "This is a low-ceilinged cave chamber. Oddly, there are balls strewn about; the kind you'd find in a child's ball pit. A trapdoor is open above you. A tunnel leads into pitch darkness to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search balls",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nYou find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is a small cavern littered with stalagmites and stalactites (but you've never remembered which is which). Fungi grows inbetween all of these stone formations. These mushrooms all glow with a sickening reddish light. Passages exist north and northeast.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems more aware of you and lashes out.\nIt rakes your skin with its claws and manages to bite your shoulder. You holler out in pain.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-east",
"response": "This is a circular tunnel with no features, however, the walls are slick with moisture. Passages lead west, southwest, and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This cave opens into an irregular space, even for an underground cavern. Tight passages lead west, northeast, east, and southeast, but a wide tunnel leads south. Each passage leads into pitch darkness and the air is still and close here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "This is a very long tunnel that glows with an eerie reddish light.\nThe source of the light is the millions of bioilluminescent mushrooms that grow on every surface. The tunnel stretches northwest to southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the podium",
"response": "It was probably pilfered from a schoolhouse somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the benches",
"response": "There are six total, arranged lie pews before the wooden podium.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bioilluminescent mushroom (providing light)\nroom key\na fedora (being worn)\na library card\na stained notebook\na lock pick\na cigar lighter (providing light)\na set of ordinary clothes (being worn)\na trenchcoat (being worn and open)\na jar of moonshine\na stuffed pig\na carnival ticket\na dossier (open)\nthe first incident\nthe second incident\nthe third incident\nthe fourth incident\nthe fifth incident\na holster (being worn)\na revolver",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the pool",
"response": "You must be out of your fucking mind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the car",
"response": "It is half-sinking in mud and looks as if it had been dropped from above; a fugitive from one of the carnival's amusements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is a circular tunnel with no features, however, the walls are slick with moisture. Passages lead west, southwest, and east.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe horrible zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You are in the center of the carousel. Gears and cogs grind and spin, keeping the ride in rapid motion. A door leads out to the ride to the east and a ladder leads down into darkness. The smell of grease and smoke fills your nose and the sound of the gears grinding fills your ears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are on a once-grand carousel that is spinning rather rapidly. The horses and other animals of the ride are chipping their paint and cracking their wood, making them ugly, frightening things. A maintainance door leads into the center portion of the carousel, but\nas it is spinning rather fast, it would be a challenge to get in\nthere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are on the north side of a once-grand carousel. You can tell she was, at one time, a glamorous machine that delighted families for many years, but now, the faded paint and chipped wood gives her an almost-sinister air. A path into some trees heads west. You can walk around the carousel to the southeast and southwest. The carousel is spinning somewhat fast. In fact, you're not certain you'd safely make it on there if you tried, unless you jumped, maybe. It spins in silence, the music having stopped long ago.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is a forked path amid some trees. From here, you can head northwest to the House of Freaks. The carousel is nearby and you can reach the north side of it by heading east or the west side by heading south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare where it turns to the east. To the south, the thoroughfare stretches with the road flanking its western side and a line of tents, buildings, and booths lining the east side. To the east, the thoroughfare continues deeper into the carnival grounds. To the southeast is a baseball toss booth and to your north is the funhouse, standing ominous and decaying in the autumn sun.\n\nYou see a balloon float off in the distance.\n\nYou can't go that way.\nYou hear the sound of a child crying; echoing from somewhere nearby.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is near the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. You can cut across to where the thoroughfare turns by heading northeast. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is a booth with a sign hanging above\nit stating Baseball Toss.\n\nYou are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.\n\nYou see a balloon float off in the distance.\n\nThis is the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south.\nThe western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small building with a sign on the door reading Manager's\nOffice.\n\nYou are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small, wooden building with a sign on the door reading East\nAsian Imports.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are at the southern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare. The entrance to the park and its accompanying ticket booth is to the west. The security shack sits to the south. To the east is a small building with a sign saying Gift Shop on its door. The thoroughfare\ncontinues to the north where more booths, buildings, and tents are lined up on the east side with the road to town flanking its west border.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is a one-room affair of clapboard with a pot-belly stove in one corner. By the opposite wall is a desk with accompanying chair. The exit is to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open Door",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter",
"response": "You get onto Boom's chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stove",
"response": "It is a small stove to warm the shack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the Door",
"response": "You close the security door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lock Door",
"response": "What do you want to lock the security door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "Definitely function over form. It has a drawer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "There is nothing on the metal desk.\n\nYou open the drawer, revealing a men's room key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the key",
"response": "(the men's room key)\n(putting the lock pick into the trenchcoat to make room)\nYou take the men's room key from the drawer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the Door",
"response": "You open the security door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "(first getting off Boom's chair)\n\nYou are at the southern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare. The entrance to the park and its accompanying ticket booth is to the west. The security shack sits to the south. To the east is a small building with a sign saying Gift Shop on its door. The thoroughfare\ncontinues to the north where more booths, buildings, and tents are lined up on the east side with the road to town flanking its west border.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small, wooden building with a sign on the door reading East\nAsian Imports.\n\nSomething moves in the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, nothing is there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south.\nThe western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na small building with a sign on the door reading Manager's\nOffice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is near the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north and south. You can cut across to where the thoroughfare turns by heading northeast. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is a booth with a sign hanging above\nit stating Baseball Toss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This is the northern end of the carnival's main thoroughfare where it turns to the east. To the south, the thoroughfare stretches with the road flanking its western side and a line of tents, buildings, and booths lining the east side. To the east, the thoroughfare continues deeper into the carnival grounds. To the southeast is a baseball toss booth and to your north is the funhouse, standing ominous and decaying in the autumn sun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You are on the east-west path of the carnival's main thoroughfare. To your north is the House of Mirrors. You can cut across to the north-south part of the thoroughfare by heading southwest. To the southeast is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou hear a scream in the distance; perhaps from one of the rides.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are in the men's restroom for the carnival. A long pee trough, of all horrible things, sits against one wall and a single toilet sits in the corner. They really spared every expense for these accomodations, you think. A perfectly visible trapdoor leads downward to who-knows-where and the exit back to the park is south.\n\nYou can see Nuncio the Strongman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trapdoor",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the trapdoor with the men's key",
"response": "You unlock the trapdoor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trapdoor",
"response": "You open the trapdoor.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "on flushing the sewage from the room above. Where it goes, you cannot say. Passages lead northeast, northwest, southwest, and south. You see a trapdoor open above you.\n\nStanding in the chamber is a dark figure. As you look closer, you see it is a rotting corpse, yet it peers at you with eyes that are definitely alive. . .somewhat.\n\nThe hideous zombie seems barely aware of you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You are in the men's restroom for the carnival. A long pee trough, of all horrible things, sits against one wall and a single toilet sits in the corner. They really spared every expense for these accomodations, you think. A perfectly visible trapdoor leads downward to who-knows-where and the exit back to the park is south.\n\nYou can see Nuncio the Strongman here.\n\nNuncio the Strongman goes south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is the northern edge of a natural looking swan pond. It was installed in the center of the park as if the park was built around\nit. True to its name, swans lazily drift about on its surface. The carnival's main thoroughfare is to the northwest. You can walk around the pond to the southeast or southwest. The men's restroom building\nis to the north and the women's is to the east. Between them, to the northeast, is a small path leading to the House of Freaks. To the\nwest is the ice house.\n\nYou can see Nuncio the Strongman here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare. Here, it turns. You can head west toward most of the booths and tents or you can head\nsoutheast where you can see a swan pond and a number of other buildings. In the distance there, you can see the roller-coaster and ferris wheel, among other attractions. To the immediate north is a Parisian theater, where silent films are shown, no doubt. To the southwest is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nYou see a balloon float off in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This is the carnival's main thoroughfare running east to west. To\nyour north is a large building with a detailed sign stating Tunnel\nof Terrors and to your south is a dunk-a-clown booth.\n\nA black cat runs by, crossing your path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the Door",
"response": "You don't hear anyone inside.\n\nA black cat runs by, crossing your path.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The interior of this cottage-like building is nicely decorated. A large desk for the manager sits near a fabric sofa. A first-aid cabinet, clearly marked with a red cross, is attached to one wall.\nThe only exit is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You are on the carnival's main thoroughfare, running north to south. The western border is the road back to town and the eastern border is flanked with buildings, tents, and booths. To your immediate east is\na tent with a sign hanging above the entrance stating Fortune\nTeller.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You stand before a baseball toss booth on the thoroughfare. In it, a carny stands before a wall of cheap stuffed animals and novelty gifts. Before the wall of prizes is a table with bottles stacked on each other. Carnival-goers try to pitch baseballs to knock over the\nbottles to win the prizes. The main thoroughfare can be easily\nreached to the west and the fun house stands to the northwest.\n\nYou hear the sound of laughter from somewhere, but it is a mirthless, chilling sound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the carny",
"response": "You say hello to 'Sparrow' Gubatosi.\n\n(You could ask him about himself, the incidents, Wilberforce Wyatt or Jonathan Boom.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the gubatosi about Wyatt",
"response": "\"What can you tell me of Wyatt?\" you ask.\n\n\"He's an alright boss. What do you want to know?\" he asks.\n\n\"Well, I guess I'm looking to find out how legit this guy is. I mean, his carnival is starting to get some really bad attention.\" you explain.\n\n\"Yes.\" the carny suddenly seems to get a little angry, but you're not sure at what, \"I told him we don't want no bad press or attention.\" he says under his breath. \"You wanna throw a damn ball or what?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about himself",
"response": "\"What's this? Some sort of ball toss booth?\" you ask.\n\nThe sinister-looking carny stares at you like you're insane for a moment. \"Wanna try?\" he finally asks, holding out a baseball for you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "\"Gimme the thing.\" you snatch the ball out of his hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine booth",
"response": "gifts and before the wall of prizes is a table with bottles stacked on each other.\n\nYou smell hot dogs for a brief moment, but then it goes away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the ball at the bottles",
"response": "You furiously throw the baseball at the stacked bottles and they explode apart from each other. You even hear an onlooker say \"Whoah\". The carny replaces the stacked bottles and throws you a kewpie doll.\n\n\"Get outta my face, mister.\" he says.\n\nYou see a balloon float off in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kewpie",
"response": "It's like a naked cupid or something.\n\nYou smell a pungent smell of burning meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the carny about incidents",
"response": "\"I suppose you don't know anything about the recent grisly incidents here at your fine park, do you?\" you say, already knowing the answer.\n\n\"You hit the nail on the head, mister.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "cheapglulxe quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | yrgz1ot45lhynrdh |
A Simple Theft | Mark Musante | [
] | [
"cover art",
"TADS 2",
] | 2,000 | [
] | 3 | 2.333333 | 20110304 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Many years ago, when the Iron Branch was passed down from king to\nking (instead of being a pile of rust in an overadorned urn), when dragons walked the earth (instead of flying about like the maniacs they are now), when Strongle was the God of Gods (instead of being, well, I think the polite term is 'deposed')... back when all of that was taking place, magic had yet to be conquered by mere mortal man.\n\nWhat's that got to do with you, you ask? Well, since you're an apprentice to one of those men who are trying to figure out how magic works, you get to do all the dirty deeds. Apparently, Apaman, the loser you're apprenticed to, has gotten it into his head that the Hestron (one of the jewels in the Sceptre of Charlten, a symbol of the power of the Prince of Urf) is one of the keys to unlocking the secrets.\n\nHe was kind enough to drag you to the Prince's castle, push you\ninto the coal chute, and tell you not to bother coming out without the Hestron in your posession.\n\nSerial No. 20000810, \n\nType 'credits' to see credits.\n\nThis cellar is dark -- mostly due to the coal dust which is everywhere. A faint light comes through an open doorway to the north.\n\nYou're startled briefly as the end of a rope pops out of the coal chute. But you pause and check your inventory, making sure you still have the lockpick and the bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look about the same as always.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You have a lockpick and a bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bag",
"response": "It's a small black bag. Apaman made it very clear that you were to put the Hestron in this bag before bringing it out of the castle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "The bag is always open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine pick",
"response": "It's your trusty lockpick. Apaman said it would come in handy in the castle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rope",
"response": "Apaman is at the other end of it and, right now, it's your only means of escape. Those two facts taken together are enough for you to want to leave the rope right where it is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This hallway runs east-west under the castle. The only light comes from far to the east, where you can hear noises. To the south is an open doorway through which the smell of coal seeps; to the west is nothing but inky darkness.\nYou see a coal shovel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the shovel",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shovel",
"response": "It's used for shovelling coal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shovel coal",
"response": "(with the coal shovel)\nI don't know how to dig in the coal shovel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shovel coal",
"response": "(with the coal shovel)\nYou dig around in the coal a bit, but find nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This hallway runs east-west under the castle. The only light comes from far to the east, where you can hear noises. To the south is an open doorway through which the smell of coal seeps; to the west is nothing but inky darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "This room is piled high with various trinkets and whatnot that the kings of old (and of new) have gotten as gifts from visiting nobles. Of course they're worth fortunes, all. But what good is a fortune to a king?\nA small door in the north wall catches your eye, however.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You look about the same as always.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pick the lock",
"response": "(with the lockpick)\nYou try as best you can, but the lock remains impervious to your efforts. Must be some lock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack door",
"response": "(with the coal shovel)\nYou attack the door with all your might, but you get nowhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lockpick",
"response": "It's your trusty lockpick. Apaman said it would come in handy in the castle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This room is rather small, considering it has to fit a table and chairs. Eastward is a doorway, and a hallway stretches out to the west.\nA burly guard is here.\nThe guard swings around towards you and draws his sword!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the guard",
"response": "A short, stout man. He eyes you warily. The guard brings his sword up, swings it down and slices you through!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the guard with the shovel",
"response": "You swing the shovel at the guard and strike a lucky blow! The guard falls down dead, his sword clattering to the ground.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room is rather small, considering it has to fit a table and chairs. Eastward is a doorway, and a hallway stretches out to the west.\nYou see a dead guard here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search guard",
"response": "Ugh. You fiddle around in the guard's clothing, but find nothing of interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "The tables and chairs are for the guards' use only. Of course, the only guard that you've seen is hardly in need of them any longer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the doorway",
"response": "It opens eastward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "East",
"response": "A cold, dank stairwell houses, unsurprisingly, some stairs. They\nlead upward. A doorway beckons to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sword",
"response": "It's a shortsword. Suitable for swinging in narrow corridors.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stairs",
"response": "They lead the way up.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "A cold, dank stairwell houses, unsurprisingly, some stairs. They\nlead downward. A doorway beckons to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stairs",
"response": "They lead the way down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You start to step out into the main hallway.\nUnfortunately, the glint of your sword catches the eye of a passing guard.\n\"Halt!\" he cries out.\nYou drop the sword and start running away. Unfortunately you're\nnot faster than the arrow sent after you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the sword",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This cellar is dark -- mostly due to the coal dust which is everywhere. A faint light comes through an open doorway to the north. Dangling from the coal chute in the corner is a dirty rope.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shovel",
"response": "It's used for shovelling coal. Also killing, apparently.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You start to step out into the main hallway.\nUnforunately, the shovel gives your presence away.\n\"Oy! Coalboy!\" you hear someone shout. You turn and look to see someone rushing towards you. \"Back in the cellar with ye,\" the guard says as he draws near. Unceremoniously, he pushes you back down the stairs.\n\n*thump*\n\nA cold, dank stairwell houses, unsurprisingly, some stairs. They\nlead upward. A doorway beckons to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upward",
"response": "A cold, dank stairwell houses, unsurprisingly, some stairs. They\nlead downward. A doorway beckons to the east.\nYou see a sword here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You start to step out into the main hallway. Corridor\nYou try to blend into the shadows in what appears to be a major corridor in the castle. If you're caught here, you'll surely be killed. The doorway to the stairwell you came up through is off to the west. From what your master Apaman told you, you need to go southeast from here to find the Magister of Keys' chambers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You make your way down the corridor, keeping to the shadows as much as possible until you find yourself arriving...\n\nThe door to the south has got the Magister of Keys' emblem, a\nkeyring, on. It must be his door. The corridor continues on to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the emblem",
"response": "It's the blue and gold keyring, the symbol of the Magister of Keys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "It's closed and locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pick the lock",
"response": "(with the lockpick)\nYou fiddle with the lock for a bit and it springs open!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the door",
"response": "It's closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the door",
"response": "It's open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Keys, keys everywhere and not a drop to drink. Erm. Anyway, the walls all seem completely covered with keys of all shapes and sizes. How are you to decide which is the one to the treasure vault?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Keys",
"response": "Hundreds and hundreds of keys line the entire room, keys of all shapes and sizes. You gotcher big keys and your small keys, your red keys and your blue keys. The only thing that seems even remotely distinct is the jeweled box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "This ornately jeweled box has a crystal pane with a beautiful decoration covering up the contents.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the box",
"response": "You'll have to unlock it first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Unlock box",
"response": "(with the lockpick)\nYou fiddle with the lock on the box for a bit, but it doesn't yield to your ministrations.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pick lock",
"response": "(with the lockpick)\nYou can't pick that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the box in the bag",
"response": "Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "The door to the south has got the Magister of Keys' emblem, a\nkeyring, on. It must be his door. The corridor continues on to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You'd best stick to your current plan, lest Apaman find out and perform nasty experiments on you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the keyring",
"response": "It's the blue and gold keyring, the symbol of the Magister of Keys.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northwest",
"response": "You try to blend into the shadows in what appears to be a major corridor in the castle. If you're caught here, you'll surely be killed. The doorway to the stairwell you came up through is off to the west. Based on your experience, the Magister of Keys' chambers are down the corridor to the southeast.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "A cold, dank stairwell houses, unsurprisingly, some stairs. They\nlead upward. A doorway beckons to the west.\nYou see a coal shovel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the box with the sword",
"response": "You lift up one end of the sword and smash it into the crystal pane. iCrash! Shards fly everywhere, but the box's contents are now accessible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the box",
"response": "This once ornate box has been unceremoniously smashed in by an assailant. How unseemly. In the box you can see a dull brass key.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "It's completely nondescript. Dull and scratched, it has seen many years of use.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This room is rather small, considering it has to fit a table and chairs. Eastward is a doorway, and a hallway stretches out to the west.\nYou see a dead guard here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the door with the key",
"response": "Unlocked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Opened.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "North",
"response": "You're in! This is the prince's private vault. Very few items are valuable enough to be horded away like this, the Hestron being one of them. Along the northern wall is a shelf on which all the fancy items are stored. To the south lies a doorway, and freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shelf",
"response": "On the shelf you see the Sceptre of Charlten, the Crown of Strongle, and the Cube of Dyosthenius.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Cube",
"response": "Not quite as old as the Crown of Strongle, this jewelled cube was commissioned by Teorlor Gayrge, eighth Prince of Urf, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his wife's untimely passing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Crown",
"response": "This was said to be given by Strongle himself to the first King of the Northlands. One of the princes of Urf raided that King's castle and stole it, presumeably because of its history. Certainly not for its beauty. And now here it lies, on a dusty shelf in a hidden vault.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Sceptre",
"response": "Wow. It's really the sceptre! Diamonds and rubies adorn its side and, sitting proudly on top, is the actual Hestron.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Sceptre",
"response": "You've already got your hands full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You have a lockpick, a bag, a sword, a coal shovel, and a dull brass key. The bag seems to contain a jeweled box.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Crown",
"response": "This was said to be given by Strongle himself to the first King of the Northlands. One of the princes of Urf raided that King's castle and stole it, presumeably because of its history. Certainly not for its beauty. And now here it is, in your greedy little hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Hestron",
"response": "You pop the Hestron loose from the sceptre.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Hestron",
"response": "The Hestron is a huge diamond, about the size of your fist, and has swirls of red and aquamarine running through. It's said that the day when Rinnor, the god-king, stole the sun and hid it in his mountain lair, the Hestron was formed from the sun's light trying to escape from underground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Hestron in the bag",
"response": "Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Crown",
"response": "You already have the Crown of Strongle!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Cube",
"response": "You've already got your hands full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You have a bag, the Sceptre of Charlten, and the Crown of Strongle. The bag seems to contain a jeweled box, a lockpick, and the Hestron.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bag",
"response": "It's a small black bag. Apaman made it very clear that you were to put the Hestron in this bag before bringing it out of the castle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "As you pass through the door alarm bells go off! There must have been some magic guarding the Sceptre of Charlten! Dozens of guards converge on you and hack you to pieces.\n\nOf course, the Magister of Keys' fate is no worse than yours,\nhaving allowed a common thief access to the Princes' private vault. But that fact is of little consolation to you now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all except the bag",
"response": "Sceptre of Charlten: Dropped.\nCrown of Strongle: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You climb up the rope. Apaman is there ready to greet you.\n\"Have you got it?\" he asks excitedly.\nWordlessly, you place the small bag into his eager, outstretched\nhand. Apaman reaches into the bag and pulls out a jeweled box. \"What's this?\" Apaman asks. \"Why is this in the bag?\" He throws the jeweled box at you and reaches in again, pulling out a lockpick. Apaman grows angry. \"This is NOT a Game, stupid cob!\" He slaps you across the face. Reaching in a third time, he pulls out the Hestron, at last. Apaman growels at you, \"That's the end of your trickster days, fool. You are no longer my apprentice.\" He turns and leaves you where you stand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the bag",
"response": "jeweled box: Taken.\nlockpick: Taken.\nHestron: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all except the bag",
"response": "sword: Dropped.\njeweled box: Dropped.\nlockpick: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You climb up the rope. Apaman is there ready to greet you.\n\"Have you got it?\" he asks excitedly.\nWordlessly, you place the small bag into his eager, outstretched\nhand. He reaches into the the bag and withdraws the Hestron.\nBlinking once, twice in the moonlight, hardly daring to believe, he stares at it. Finally, reality sets in and his gaze returns to you. \"Let's go now,\" he says, gruffly. He leads you back to the place\nyou sarcastically call home. You're not sure if the Hestron really is the key to unlocking magic like Apaman says, but you do feel a subtle difference in the way he's treating you.\nCould it be that he's beginning to show you the slightest hint of a modicum of respect?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Oh, stop that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "No, really, stop it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Don't get me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "OK, perhaps you WILL like me when I'm angry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Oh, bother. I haven't been programmed to get angry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "OK, this is my last response. Ta-ta.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Really, that was. Honest. No more interesting responses here. Move along, move along.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Whenever you're ready to get on with the game...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Sigh.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the corpse",
"response": "I'm only a computer and, yet, I find you most disturbing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss corpse",
"response": "Ew!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You decapitate the corpse",
"response": "Please restrain your bloodlust. You're here for theiving, not for gore.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the corpse",
"response": "Good grief. Even if you COULD lift it, what would you want with a corpse?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This cellar is dark -- mostly due to the coal dust which is everywhere. A faint light comes through an open doorway to the north. Dangling from the coal chute in the corner is a dirty rope.\nYou see a sword and a jeweled box here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You climb up the rope. Apaman is there ready to greet you.\n\"Have you got it?\" he asks excitedly.\nWordlessly, you place the Hestron into his eager, outstretched\nhand. He blinks once, twice in the moonlight, hardly daring to believe.\nFinally, the reality of it set in and his gaze returns to you and\nyour now grimy features.\n\"Stupid Cob!\" he chasties you. \"I told you to keep the Hestron in the bag! You could have been caught. Lucky for you that you weren't. \"Let's go now,\" he says, gruffly. He leads you back to the place\nyou sarcastically call home. You're not sure if the Hestron really is the key to unlocking magic like Apaman says, but you do feel a subtle difference in the way he's treating you.\nCould it be that he's beginning to show you the slightest hint of a modicum of respect?",
"endoftext": true
] | zi08x51hddcswt8w |
Spider | Andrew Schultz | [
] | [
"based on songs",
"cover art",
"They Might Be Giants"
] | 2,012 | [
] | 6 | 2.333333 | 20120404 | false | A story about summer camp, government funding, and a physics problem or two. And weird robot spiders. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Math camp's been cool so far, and not because it's far away from your parents. A grant from some governmental symposium for the math and the arts paid for it. You got to meet new people like you, except most of them seem to have had more cool experiences.\n\nYou are in the center of the Main Quad at Hicksville Tech. Paths lead in all directions. You've been here a few days, but you still haven't really explored west and northwest.\n\nAfternoon classes for Math Camp are over, and you just feel like wandering around a bit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Shorts and a plain gray t-shirt. You've come under a bit of fire for having no T-shirts with clever writing.\n\nThis after hearing it for having too many back at high school.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\nyour summer program ID",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ithe d.",
"response": "It really could have been worse. It will make a decent souvenir of summer camp, if you find nothing better.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the program",
"response": "It hasn't changed since last you looked. It's like laminated or something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "That way look promising enough to get sort-of lost in, but it's not really a forest. You see the Admissions Office just past. It ruins the feeling of exploration completely. You return to the Quad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You're only lost enough to feel a little adventurous. You think. One direction is as good as any other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You wander around for a bit. It's a fun experience, being a bit lost. It reminds you of Boy Scout camp, back when you were still a Tenderfoot, and you didn't know a thing about tracking. Of course you'll find your way out of here, though.\n\nYou're only lost enough to feel a little adventurous. You think. One direction is as good as any other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You wander around for a bit. Hmm, this is more of a challenge than you thought. Still, it's some exercise, especially with team sports not really being an option at this camp.\n\nYou're only lost enough to feel a little adventurous. You think. One direction is as good as any other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You wander around for a bit. You aren't really lost, of course. If you were, you'd have gone in circles by now. You are pretty sure you can backtrack.\n\nYou're only lost enough to feel a little adventurous. You think. One direction is as good as any other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You wander around for a bit. Uh oh... the campus isn't that big, though, is it? I mean, eventually you can hit a road and just go back perpendicular from it.\n\nYou're only lost enough to feel a little adventurous. You think. One direction is as good as any other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You wander around for a bit. And there that road is. You aren't sure if you were going in the directions you thought you were going, but you found somewhere new.\n\nYou're only lost enough to feel a little adventurous. You think. One direction is as good as any other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You wander around for a bit. And there that road is. You aren't sure if you were going in the directions you thought you were going, but you found somewhere new.\n\nHey, kind of odd to see a limousine parked here. It's not an obnoxiously rich limousine, more the forbiddingly secret type.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the limousine",
"response": "It's dark all over, of course.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the limo",
"response": "You approach the limousine. A man in a black suit jumps out of the limousine and grabs you. \"You're with that math program, right?\" You suspect he knows the answer, so you nod. \"We need you for something,\" he says, as he flashes some sort of governmental badge. \"Just to check. You do have ID?\"\n\nWell, at least these questions are easier than the ones you get in class or at the daily theorem presentation.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the ithe d to the man",
"response": "\"Good. Will you come with us, please?\"\n\nNo choice, really. You climb in the back seat, and the FBI agent joins a CIA agent in the front, who drives off.\n\nTinted soundproof glass divides you from the agents in the front. You probably can't do much except wait.\n\nYou can see a FBI agent and a CIA agent here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Tinted soundproof glass divides you from the agents in the front. You probably can't do much except wait.\n\nYou can see a FBI agent and a CIA agent here.\n\nApparently, you spent more time figuring out what to do than you thought. The limousine takes a turn off to a side road and enters some sort of garage. You can feel it going down a hill, and then it comes to a halt. The agents beckon for you to get out, and you do. What have you gotten yourself in for?\n\n\"Okay, here's the deal,\" says the FBI man. \"We had this problem in this one weapons facility. The laser guns worked ok but the mutant robot spiders...not so much. We need to wipe all traces of 'em from this here research facility. Then we need to sort of destroy the facility. But we can't just bomb it. Too suspicious. We need someone to go in there, clear the spiders, and get out.\"\n\nYou know who that someone is.\n\n\"Oh, if you're wondering what you get out of it, the budget for your precious camp doesn't get cut. This year. We've done statistical studies, and Hicksville's program provides the worst return on investment for--well--people who go out in the world and do something constructive. How bout it?\"\n\nYou have no choice. The FBI agent disappears after handing you a bag labeled SPIDER COMBATING KIT.\n\nYou are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing sort of between north and northeast--we'll call it NNE, NEN or even ENN) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine KIT",
"response": "It sort of reminds you of what you guess Douglas Adams was thinking about when he came up with the Thing Your Aunt Gave You Which You Don't Know What It Is. It's bulky and maybe a bit spiky and can be zipped open or closed. It's maybe twice the size of a school backpack and probably more than twice as fun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the KIT",
"response": "Man! There's all kinds of weird stuff in here! Stuff so weird you just have to examine it for yourself!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine Kit",
"response": "It's cool enough you'd like one, but the government types will probably confiscate it if you figure out how to leave anyway.\n\nIn the Spider combating Kit are a recursive data chip, a pack of 104 cards, a leg steroid pill, a juicy gourmet fly casserole, an In-a-Pinch Infrasound Generator, a mini-vacuum, Packet of instant lemonade and a spray bottle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cards",
"response": "Strange. They're all the same suit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at buttons",
"response": "There's a big button at the top, then six more in a sort of hexagon. Hm, seven buttons, seven guns, seven exits.\n\n## 3 ## 4\n## 5 ## 6\n\n[BOLD buttons are still active, and * means the button's gun is destroyed. To see an individual button, X BUTTON (1-7).]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pill",
"response": "Probably small enough to sneak into something. It's one of those hard capsules, not easily dissolvable gel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the casserole",
"response": "It looks worse than the stuff in the cafeteria. Well, to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine generator",
"response": "It has writing saying ONE USE ONLY on it.\n\nThe In-a-Pinch Infrasound Generator is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the vacuum",
"response": "It's got a bag about the size of a basketball. You probably won't be using it to clean dust.\n\nThe mini-vacuum is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bottle",
"response": "You can see a soapy solution in there (you shook it up a bit.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the button 1",
"response": "It's in the upper left of the panel. It is currently lit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mirror",
"response": "It is facing northnortheast at the moment, but it looks like you can tilt it--feel free to abbreviate directions, too, e.g. N or NNE.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "You are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing NNE) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pictures",
"response": "It's got a picture of a bigger gun firing at a smaller gun, with a big smiley face. Then one of a much bigger gun firing at a smaller one, with a frowny face above a shattered gun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gun",
"response": "Back when you loved GI Joe and thought all lasers missed, you'd have thought the super-big gun to the north was all that. Now, it's a bit scary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing north) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nYou can also see a vicious red spider here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Spider",
"response": "(the vicious red spider)\nYou see nothing special about the vicious red spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hug Spider",
"response": "(the vicious red spider)\nKeep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You switch on the vacuum",
"response": "It sucks the spider into the bag.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing north) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "The catwalk is too narrow for you to really explore.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southeast and west.\n\nA large mirror (facing SW) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nYou can also see a spider with some disturbing toupee thing here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Spider",
"response": "KS LEADIn(a spider with some disturbing toupee thing)\nAt least it doesn't have sideburns or anything. You're not sure where they'd go, but hey, small things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the toupee",
"response": "That seems to be a part of a spider with some disturbing toupee thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the vacuum",
"response": "The bag is too full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Spider combating Kit (open)\na recursive data chip\na pack of 104 cards\na leg steroid pill\na juicy gourmet fly casserole\nan In-a-Pinch Infrasound Generator\na mini-vacuum\nPacket of instant lemonade\na spray bottle\nyour summer program ID",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the generator",
"response": "DIN(A SPIDER WITH It reduces the spider to a weeping mess.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the generator",
"response": "That's already off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading northwest and south.\n\nA large mirror (facing sort of between north and northwest--we'll call it NNW, NWN or even WNN) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nYou can also see a wheezing metallic spider here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Spider",
"response": "(the wheezing metallic spider)\nYou see nothing special about the wheezing metallic spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spray",
"response": "SPIDER You can see a soapy solution in there (you shook it up a bit.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray SPIDER",
"response": "What do you want to spray the wheezing metallic spider at?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray the spray at SPIDER",
"response": "(the wheezing metallic spider)\nThere's no liquid in the bottle to spray right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bottle",
"response": "You can see a soapy solution in there (you shook it up a bit.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put lemonade in the bottle",
"response": "(first taking Packet of instant lemonade)\n\nThat can't contain things.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the lemonade",
"response": "Just say where you want to POUR it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pour the lemonade in the bottle",
"response": "You pour the lemonade powder in the spray bottle. You put the ripped packet in your shorts pocket, where you will forget about it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray the spray at SPIDER",
"response": "(the wheezing metallic spider)\nIt's a vicious battle, but after pumping all of the lemony scent onto the spider, you finally make it run away.\nThere's no liquid in the bottle to spray right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pill",
"response": "RAY AT Probably small enough to sneak into something. It's one of those hard capsules, not easily dissolvable gel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the pill in the casserole",
"response": "(Taking the pill first)\n\nTaken.\n\nThe spider probably won't notice it there. Good thinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na Spider combating Kit (open)\na recursive data chip\na pack of 104 cards\na juicy gourmet fly casserole\nan In-a-Pinch Infrasound Generator\na mini-vacuum\na spray bottle\nyour summer program ID",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the generator",
"response": "It's broken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the cards to Spider",
"response": "(the wheezing metallic spider)\n(first taking the pack of 104 cards)\nThe spider grabs the pack. It schleps them into eight piles and then starts laying them down suit by suit. Then it starts trying to put them in K-Q-J-10 order. It doesn't seem to be having any fun, but it can't stop doing it. There's also some deal where it splatters eight cards at a time. The spider becomes increasingly agitated until it explodes.\n\nYou aren't sure what the hell happened, but--man--that looked even less fun than solitaire. Oh, you can probably futz with that mirror now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Spiderbrain Center\nYou are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing NNE) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nThere's a big tall shiny wall that way. But you can go pretty much any other way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading northeast and south.\n\nA large mirror (facing east) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nYou can also see a spider with two noses or maybe three here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Spider",
"response": "(a spider with two noses or maybe three)\nYou're not sure which noses share which nostril, or what. You picture the spider wearing a fake glasses-and-moustache, for no particular reason.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the casserole to Spider",
"response": "> YOU ARE In(a spider with two noses or maybe three)\n(first taking the juicy gourmet fly casserole)\nThe spider eats the casserole, and then its legs swell. It falls over, unable to guard you from the mirror any more. You kick it off to the side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing NNE) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing east) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nYou can also see a confusingly mustachioed spider here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Spider",
"response": "(the confusingly mustachioed spider)\nThe mustache seems asymmetrical, a cross between a standard brush mustache and a handlebar. You wonder if people did this, or the spider groomed itself. It's disturbing either way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the chip to Spider",
"response": "W RAILED CATWALKS Le(the confusingly mustachioed spider)\n(first taking the recursive data chip)\nThe spider latches onto it and begins to crawl all over it and process it. But because the chip is recursive, the spider can't stop. It tries to calculate faster and faster but winds up blowing itself out, and the chip with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southeast and west.\n\nA large mirror (facing sort of between south and southeast--we'll call it SSE, SES or even ESS) is at the edge of the platform.\n\nYou can also see an accordion-legged spider here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Spider",
"response": "SPIDER)\n((the accordion-legged spider)\nYou see nothing special about the accordion-legged spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray Spider",
"response": "What do you want to spray the accordion-legged spider at?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray the spray at Spider",
"response": "(the accordion-legged spider)\nIt's a vicious battle, but after pumping all of the lemony scent onto the spider, you finally make it run away.\nThere's no liquid in the bottle to spray right now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "The catwalk is too narrow for you to really explore.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southeast and west.\n\nA large mirror (facing SSE) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "So Close\nA large mirror (facing east) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A large mirror (facing east) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the buttons",
"response": "There's a big button at the top, then six more in a sort of hexagon. Looks like zero aren't really functional any more.\n\n## 3 ## 4\n## 5 ## 6",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the buttons",
"response": "E EDGE OF There's a big button at the top, then six more in a sort of hexagon. Looks like zero aren't really functional any more.\n\n## 3 ## 4\n## 5 ## 6\n\n[BOLD buttons are still active, and * means the button's gun is destroyed. To see an individual button, X BUTTON (1-7).]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing north) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror nnw",
"response": "Moved. But you're not sure if you did anything.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing NNW) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror sse",
"response": "It slides in with a satisfying CLICK. How satisfying, you're not sure.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror north",
"response": "Moved...the mirror seems to wobble a bit, as if it's been moved around a lot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "Near Left Spider Leg\nYou are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southeast and west.\n\nA large mirror (facing SSE) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror ssw",
"response": "It slides in with a satisfying CLICK. Not as satisfying as the last, but still getting good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "You are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing north) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the buttons",
"response": "> NEAR There's a big button at the top, then six more in a sort of hexagon. Looks like two aren't really functional any more.\n\n* 2\n## 3 ## 4\n## 5 ## 6",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing east) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the mirror to the sse",
"response": "You will want to specify a compass direction--something like right, left, clockwise or counterclockwise doesn't quite work.\n\nAlas, widdershins and deiseil don't work either. Just dull stuff like TURN MIRROR N.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the mirror sse",
"response": "It slides in with a satisfying CLICK. Or maybe it's just a more relieved click you're still doing things right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the mirror wnw",
"response": "THEN SIX MORE iMoved.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine the buttons",
"response": "There's a big button at the top, then six more in a sort of hexagon. Looks like two aren't really functional any more.\n\n* 2\n## 3 ## 4\n## 5 ## 6\n\n[BOLD buttons are still active, and * means the button's gun is destroyed. To see an individual button, X BUTTON (1-7).]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at 2",
"response": "TTOnIt's in the upper right of the panel. It is currently unlit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine 1",
"response": "It's in the upper left of the panel. It is currently unlit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southwest and east.\n\nA large mirror (facing SSE) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You tiptoe along the catwalk, no longer scared of the gun that can no longer fire.\n\nYou can see LaserGun2 here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get gun",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gun",
"response": "You see a 4-foot-wide laser gun barrel pointing west here, and you smell ozone faintly--from when it fired, probably.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "The catwalk is too narrow for you to really explore.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Spiderbrain Center\nYou are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing sort of between west and northwest--we'll call it WWN, WNW, or even NWW) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A large mirror (facing east) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror north",
"response": "It's where it should be. No need to tinker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing WWN) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You examine the panel",
"response": "There's a big button at the top, then six more in a sort of hexagon. Looks like two aren't really functional any more.\n\n* 2\n## 3 ## 4\n## 5 ## 6",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror nnw",
"response": "Moved.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tilt mirror nnw",
"response": "It already is.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You are in the center of the structure. You can go pretty much any way except south. The exit from all this appears to be to the north, where you can see a very, very big laser gun in the distance.\n\nThere's an important looking panel by the north wall. It's got a bunch of buttons on it, with a bunch of pictures to the side.\n\nA large mirror (facing NNW) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "You are on a small circular platform between narrow railed catwalks leading southeast and west.\n\nA large mirror (facing sort of between south and southwest--we'll call it SSW, SWS or even WSS) is at the edge of the platform.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You tiptoe along the catwalk, no longer scared of the gun that can no longer fire.\n\nYou can see LaserGun1 here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gun1",
"response": "NG. YOuYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gun",
"response": "You see a 4-foot-wide laser gun barrel pointing west here, and you smell ozone faintly--from when it fired, probably.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nLaserGun2\na juicy gourmet fly casserole\na pack of 104 cards\na Spider combating Kit (open)\nan In-a-Pinch Infrasound Generator\na mini-vacuum\na spray bottle\nyour summer program ID",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get gun",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | lxm31wy59an0vs0 |
Cacophony | Owen Parish | [
] | [
"test as premise",
] | 2,009 | [
] | 3 | 2.333333 | 20090802 | false | The sand stretches around you in all directions. There is a grassy countryside. Rocks are scattered about. You are in a room. The room has walls and a ceiling. You blink. It seems as though you've been standing here forever. You feel suddenly stressed; There is something you have to do. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The sand stretches around you in all directions.\nThere is a grassy countryside. Rocks are scattered about.\nYou are in a room. The room has walls and a ceiling.\n\nYou blink. It seems as though you've been standing here forever. You feel suddenly stressed; There is something you have to do.\nCacophony\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You neither look, or feel, as if you are \"all here\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You think",
"response": "For a moment, you picture an underground room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the blood",
"response": "Bright red. You can't tell where it's coming from. It seems to emerge from the wall itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "It is made of an unidentifiable wood, and heavily stained with blood. The surface is deeply wounded with ugly scars. On the ugly table there is some cutlery and some plates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the blood",
"response": "It tastes metally. And foul.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "Fractal patterns spin across your vision briefly, and you feel hollow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "You feel ill. The air is foul.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You neither look, or feel, as if you are \"all here\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "You sing a song you heard on the radio once, unusual in that you remember all its lyrics perfectly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the plate",
"response": "They seem to be superglued in place.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "When you strain your ears, you can hear a faint breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get plates",
"response": "They seem to be superglued in place.\n\nA ghostly figure floats up through the floor, and coalesces into Mr Green.\n\nMr Green hands you a note.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine table",
"response": "It is made of an unidentifiable wood, and heavily stained with blood. The surface is deeply wounded with ugly scars. On the ugly table there is some cutlery and some plates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\nA small piece of notepaper, torn at the top. It reads, \"You're dreaming, fool.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mr green",
"response": "He wears a green mask, a green suit, and a green hat.\n\nMr Green adjusts his mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pinch yourself",
"response": "The pain feels strangely distant, and your surroundings distort for a second.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYour bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nOn the bed is a blanket.\n\nYou can see a wallet (empty) and a badge here.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the wallet",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"Stay calm.\" suggests the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the badge",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"The plan is a good plan.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the poster",
"response": "So fond are you of this poster, you superglued it to the wall. That's probably against residential regulations, but you were feeling rebellious at the time.\n\n\"Are you okay?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine poster",
"response": "It depicts a rock singer of bygone years.\n\n\"I may be paper, but you can talk to me.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "What is the the meaning of the life",
"response": "Try ASK someone ABOUT something.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand\" apologises the poster.\n\nYou can't talk to the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the poster about the life",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the poster about the mission",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\nThe poster smiles at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the poster about the mission",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\n\"Are you okay?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.\n\nIt doesn't work like that.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand\" apologises the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You neither look, or feel, as if you are \"all here\".\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the badge",
"response": "A metal disc with a pin and symbol, it symbolises your role and rank. You can't remember the exact details right now, but that doesn't matter.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wish",
"response": "You've tried that before. It didn't work then, and it won't work now.\n\n\"Stay calm.\" suggests the poster.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nOn the bed is a blanket.\n\nThe poster smiles at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can faintly hear cars in the distance, beyond the window.\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask poster about the poseter",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the poster about the poster",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\n\"Stay calm.\" suggests the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You open the bedroom door.\n\nThe poster watches you leave.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.\n\nOn the workdesk are a crowbar, a hammer and a work folder (closed).\n\nYou can see a workbag (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You make the wish",
"response": "You've tried that before. It didn't work then, and it won't work now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the bag",
"response": "You open the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in it",
"response": "The workbag is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get it",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bag",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at crowbar",
"response": "Grey, and a little dusty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the folder",
"response": "You open the work folder, revealing a business card, a storeroom photograph and a newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the card",
"response": "A small, laminated section of cardboard. Oddly enough, the only detail upon it is a phone number: 02312345673.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine photograph",
"response": "It's a photograph of a storeroom, filled with crates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na crowbar\na workbag (open but empty)\na badge\na wallet",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine newspaper",
"response": "The only part that really catches your attention is the picture on the front, of the Chimera Corporation building. Indeed, you feel that this picture is the reason for the paper's presence here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all from the desk",
"response": "hammer: Taken.\nwork folder: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "An old hammer, with a metal head and wooden handle.\n\nwork folder: You put the work folder into the workbag.\n\nhammer: You put the hammer into the workbag.\n\ncrowbar: You put the crowbar into the workbag.\n\nbadge: You put the badge into the workbag.\n\nwallet: You put the wallet into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wallet",
"response": "It's battered but functional, and you're quite fond of it. In the wallet there is nothing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "This could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the phone",
"response": "It's black, and possesses the usual phone functions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the card",
"response": "A small, laminated section of cardboard. Oddly enough, the only detail upon it is a phone number: 02312345673.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read newspaper",
"response": "The only part that really catches your attention is the picture on the front, of the Chimera Corporation building. Indeed, you feel that this picture is the reason for the paper's presence here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dial 02312345673",
"response": "You dial the number and raise the receiver.\n\nThere's no response. You can hear some sort of interference, like running water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can faintly hear cars in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "It's not ornate, but it suits your purposes. On the workdesk there is nothing.\n\nDidn't you have another tool here?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the desk",
"response": "You discover your screwdriver, which you take.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "It's not ornate, but it suits your purposes. On the workdesk there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You open the kitchen door.\n\nYour kitchen is relatively clean. A pile of pizza boxes sits on a table, adjacent to your microwave. Your television sits on a shelf. A door leads west.\n\nA face grins on the television.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the television",
"response": "You brought it in here so you can watch as you eat. Unfortunately, it stopped working recently, and you're not sure why.\n\n\"You may think I'm trapped here\" says the face, \"but, you can only see part of me.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look behind the television",
"response": "You find nothing.\n\n\"I see you, and I know who you are.\" states the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pizza",
"response": "Empty, tragically.\n\nThe phone number \"06634734521\" is shown on the boxes.\n\n\"I wouldn't just stand there.\" says the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit television",
"response": "No, you might break it.\n\nSharp knives float across the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the tv off",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\n\"I know what you're doing, and I will pass judgement.\" intones the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pizza",
"response": "You can't carry them comfortably, and you don't see any use for them.\n\nThe face watches you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the tv about the pizza",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\n\"\"Do you think this is a game?\" asks the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the pizza",
"response": "They're not something you can open.\n\nThe face watches you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the microwave",
"response": "It still works, but you don't have anything to heat at present.\n\n\"I know what you're doing, and I will pass judgement.\" intones the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the tv",
"response": "That's not something you can switch.\n\nThe face watches you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit tv with the hammer",
"response": "No, you might break it.\n\nThe face screams silently, but not out of fear. Out of joy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine tv",
"response": "You brought it in here so you can watch as you eat. Unfortunately, it stopped working recently, and you're not sure why.\n\n\"\"Do you think this is a game?\" asks the face.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake up",
"response": "It doesn't work like that.\n\n\"Better get going.\" says the face maliciously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pizza",
"response": "Empty, tragically.\n\nThe phone number \"06634734521\" is shown on the boxes.\n\nThe face screams silently, but not out of fear. Out of joy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pinch yourself",
"response": "Ouch!\n\nThe face screams silently, but not out of fear. Out of joy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A hand waves on the television.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call 06634734521",
"response": "Unfortunately, they've closed down.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You open the apartment door.\n\nThis dim passage runs north and south past a row of rooms. You've never been in any of them other than your own. Your apartment is to the east.\n\nSome sort of lizard bauble hangs from a light bulb.\n\nThe lizard hisses in a friendly manner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lizard",
"response": "A small bauble in the shape of a lizard, hanging from a dim light-bulb.\n\n\"You don't know who's moving the pieces. But consider: They must be powerful. They must be worth befriending.\" The lizard makes a clicking noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the lizard",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\n\"You don't have to live in squalor you know.\" suggests the lizard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The lizard makes a tiny waving motion.\n\nYou can go upwards, or downwards. Upwards fills you with dread, downwards with anticipation. You are unsure why. Your apartment is down a corridor to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This dim passage runs north and south past a row of rooms. You've never been in any of them other than your own. Your apartment is to the east.\n\nSome sort of lizard bauble hangs from a light bulb.\n\nThe lizard hisses in a friendly manner.\n\nThe lizard makes a tiny waving motion.\n\nThe corridor stops here. A fire exit adorns the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the exit",
"response": "It has a push-bar on the front. It is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This dim passage runs north and south past a row of rooms. You've never been in any of them other than your own. Your apartment is to the east.\n\nSome sort of lizard bauble hangs from a light bulb.\n\nThe lizard hisses in a friendly manner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The lizard makes a tiny waving motion.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Your kitchen is relatively clean. A pile of pizza boxes sits on a table, adjacent to your microwave. Your television sits on a shelf. A door leads west.\n\nA face grins on the television.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the desk",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bauble",
"response": "A small bauble in the shape of a lizard, hanging from a dim light-bulb.\n\n\"Perhaps you should be considering self-improvement?\" asks the lizard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get bauble",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\n\"I may be stuck up here, but doesn't mean you should ignore me.\" says the lizard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lizard",
"response": "A small bauble in the shape of a lizard, hanging from a dim light-bulb.\n\n\"You are more than you might think.\" states the lizard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nOn the bed is a blanket.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the window",
"response": "You can see outside the building. Specifically, you can see a wall, and",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "an alleyway.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand\" apologises the poster.\n\nYou can see outside the building. Specifically, you can see a wall, and an alleyway.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the blanket",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blanket",
"response": "Pale blue. It looks a little thin.\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nThe poster smiles at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You need to lie down somewhere comfortable.\n\n\"Are you okay?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine poster",
"response": "It depicts a rock singer of bygone years.\n\n\"I may be paper, but you can talk to me.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie on the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"I may be paper, but you can talk to me.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nYou can see a torn note here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the note",
"response": "A small piece of notepaper, torn at the top. It reads, \"You're dreaming, fool.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the note",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na torn note",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "You feel ill. The air is foul.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "When you strain your ears, you can hear a faint breathing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take cutlery",
"response": "You take a single knife, feeling that to be most useful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Taste",
"response": "What do you want to taste?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na knife\na torn note",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the knife",
"response": "(the knife)\nBlunt, and dull.\n\nA ghostly figure floats up through the floor, and coalesces into Mr Red.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the mr red",
"response": "He wears a red mask, a red suit, and a red hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the mr red with the knife",
"response": "(the knife)\nViolence isn't the answer to this one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Red about Green",
"response": "He seems to look at you for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask red about yourself",
"response": "He seems to look at you for a moment.\n\nMr Red detaches and reattaches his hands.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the knife to Red",
"response": "He seems to look at you for a moment.\n\n(the knife to Mr Red)\nMr Red takes it with a grin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You taste the mr red",
"response": "You'd rather not.\n\nMr Red makes experimental stabbing motions with the knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feel MR red",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!\n\nMr Red puts down the knife.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the knife",
"response": "(the knife)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell MR red",
"response": "You smell nothing unexpected.\n\nMr Red somersaults.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask red about yourself",
"response": "He seems to look at you for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nMr Red arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "As you inhale the sweet scents of the garden, you feel your spirits lift.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the fruit",
"response": "The fruit seems to lose some of its strength as you pull it free, and you eat it quickly.\n\nMr Red somersaults.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fountain",
"response": "The ornamentation depicts a pantheon of gods and goddesses, peering outwards. You can see the gleam of coins beneath the water.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nYou can see Mr Red here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the vines",
"response": "Tangled and green.\n\nMr Red giggles.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the vines",
"response": "You try, but they're too tough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYour bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "But you aren't in anything at the moment.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand\" apologises the poster.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na blanket\na screwdriver\na workbag (open)\na wallet\na badge\na crowbar\na hammer\na work folder (open)\na business card\na storeroom photograph\na newspaper\n\n\"I may be paper, but you can talk to me.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You need to lie down somewhere comfortable.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"I may be paper, but you can talk to me.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "Try ASK someone ABOUT something.\n\n\"I can't tell you much. You need to explore your possibilities.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nYou don't feel that tired.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nYou can see a torn note here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "There is nothing but plant-life. You are having some difficulty in moving around. A pair of tiny reptilian eyes stare at you from the depths of the brush.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the eyes",
"response": "You can vaguely make out the shape of a small lizard hiding in the shadows.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the lizard",
"response": "The lizard is too far back in the brush for you to reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the lizard about the jungle",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You hear a gentle rustling.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Blue",
"response": "He wears a blue mask, a blue suit, and a blue hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A man glares at you from a pedestal against the north wall. His body is wood, his face is formed from paint. You feel guilty. A flaming bowl sits in front of the pedestal. A doorframe leads east.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the idol",
"response": "You find it difficult to meet his gaze. He is dressed in priestly robes, adorned with strange patterns. For a moment, you think you see a hat of some kind..",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bowl",
"response": "There is no visible fuel within the bowl, and the flames are too strong for you to risk looking closer. The bowl itself is made of silvery metal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the face in the bowl",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn yourself",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You stand in a patch of dim light streaming from the north. All else is darkness. Odd sensations creep over you. Light can be seen to the north.\n\nA soft strain of music drifts from the darkness.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "The music sounds like that of a guitar. It is very faint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) here.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the notepad",
"response": "The top page has been torn away. The second reads \"There is no visible fuel within the bowl, and the flames are too strong for you to risk looking closer. The bowl itself is made of silvery metal.\", whatever that means.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open suitcase",
"response": "You open the suitcase, revealing a work folder, a hammer, a crowbar, a badge and a wallet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the picture",
"response": "(the framed picture)\nIt's a photograph of your bedroom. The frame is made from dark wood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the picture",
"response": "Which do you mean, the framed picture, the bedroom photograph or the storeroom photograph?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wallet",
"response": "It's battered but functional, and you're quite fond of it. In the wallet there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the suitcase",
"response": "notepad: You put the notepad into the suitcase.\n\nknife: You put the knife into the suitcase.\n\ntorn note: You put the torn note into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the framed picture",
"response": "It's a photograph of your bedroom. The frame is made from dark wood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at bedroom photograph",
"response": "It's a photograph of your bedroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the storeroom photograph",
"response": "It's a photograph of a storeroom, filled with crates.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na suitcase (open)\na torn note\na knife\na notepad\na work folder (open)\na business card\na storeroom photograph\na newspaper\na hammer\na crowbar\na badge\na wallet",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "It is made of exceptionally high quality wood. It includes a small drawer. On the wooden desk there is an In-Tray and an Out-Tray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examinIn-Tray",
"response": "It is made of plastic, and labelled \"IN\". In the In-Tray there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examinOut-Tray",
"response": "It is made of plastic, and labelled \"OUT\". In the Out-Tray there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "You open the drawer, revealing a mirror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "Mr Blue: I don't suppose Mr Blue would care for that.\nbedroom photograph: The frame is held together tightly by screws. You'll need to loosen them.\ntorn note: Taken.\nknife: Taken.\nnotepad: Taken.\nwork folder: Taken.\nbusiness card: Taken.\nstoreroom photograph: Taken.\nnewspaper: Taken.\nhammer: Taken.\ncrowbar: Taken.\nbadge: Taken.\nwallet: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the suitcase",
"response": "wallet: You put the wallet into the suitcase.\n\nbadge: You put the badge into the suitcase.\n\ncrowbar: You put the crowbar into the suitcase.\n\nhammer: You put the hammer into the suitcase.\n\nnewspaper: You put the newspaper into the suitcase.\n\nstoreroom photograph: You put the storeroom photograph into the suitcase.\n\nbusiness card: You put the business card into the suitcase.\n\nwork folder: You put the work folder into the suitcase.\n\nnotepad: You put the notepad into the suitcase.\n\nknife: You put the knife into the suitcase.\n\ntorn note: You put the torn note into the suitcase.\n\nmirror: You put the mirror into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Torn",
"response": "A small piece of notepaper, torn at the top. It reads, \"You're dreaming, fool.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chair",
"response": "It looks neat, but a little uncomfortable. On the study chair there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the notepad",
"response": "The top page has been torn away. The second reads \"It looks neat, but a little uncomfortable.\", whatever that means.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You open the fine wooden door.\n\nShelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nYou can see a library chair here.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the mirror to Blue",
"response": "(first taking the mirror)\nMr Blue examines it briefly, and then passes it back to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the table",
"response": "The table is made of rich wood. On the reading table there is a lamp and a clock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the clock",
"response": "The clock reads 15:00.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lamp",
"response": "The lamp is dark. A knob on the side adjusts the level of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine books",
"response": "The books are old and fragile. For some reason, the spines aren't labelled.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the hammer to Blue",
"response": "(first taking the hammer)\nMr Blue examines it briefly, and then passes it back to you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chair",
"response": "It seems to have been in an accident at some point, and one of its arms is missing. On the library chair there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the knob right",
"response": "The lamp is barely shining.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "The lamp is shining dimly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the knob right",
"response": "The lamp is shining brightly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "The lamp is glaring.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pry the lamp with the crowbar",
"response": "That's unnecessary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the chair",
"response": "You get onto the study chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the mirror",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get up",
"response": "You get off the study chair.\n\nA fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You open the pale wooden door.\n\nA large screen television, the largest you've ever seen, dominates the room. Colourful images try to steal your attention, and high-quality sound fills the air. There is a VERY comfortable looking armchair waiting. The pale wooden door stands to the north.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "A large screen television, the largest you've ever seen, dominates the room. Colourful images try to steal your attention, and high-quality sound fills the air. There is a VERY comfortable looking armchair waiting. The pale wooden door stands to the north.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the tv",
"response": "It's already on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You watch the tv",
"response": "You stare into the depths for a few minutes.\n\nAs you shake yourself out of the trance, you wonder what you were watching.\n\nThe television is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "What do you want to sit on?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Armchair",
"response": "You get onto the armchair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the tv off",
"response": "You flip the switch, but the screen stays lit. After a moment the switch changes position by itself.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "Laughing voices discuss irrelevant matters.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pry chair",
"response": "What do you want to pry the armchair with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pry the chair with the crowbar",
"response": "That's unnecessary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You open the dark wooden door.\n\nWhatever work is being done here, it looks important. Complex instruments are poised, books are open, and the tables that clutter the room have not one square-inch of space unused. You COULD begin to understand it all, but it would take time.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na hammer\na mirror\na suitcase (open)\na torn note\na knife\na notepad\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na storeroom photograph\na newspaper\na crowbar\na badge\na wallet",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You move the junk",
"response": "Those are fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the suitcase",
"response": "hammer: You put the hammer into the suitcase.\n\nmirror: You put the mirror into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Whatever work is being done here, it looks important. Complex instruments are poised, books are open, and the tables that clutter the room have not one square-inch of space unused. You COULD begin to understand it all, but it would take time.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell",
"response": "Sharp, alien smells reach you from somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A man glares at you from a pedestal against the north wall. His body is wood, his face is formed from paint. You feel guilty. A flaming bowl sits in front of the pedestal. A doorframe leads east.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You stand in a patch of dim light streaming from the north. All else is darkness. Odd sensations creep over you. Light can be seen to the north.\n\nA soft strain of music drifts from the darkness.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "The music sounds like that of a guitar. It is very faint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A large screen television, the largest you've ever seen, dominates the room. Colourful images try to steal your attention, and high-quality sound fills the air. There is a VERY comfortable looking armchair waiting. The pale wooden door stands to the north.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the armchair",
"response": "You get onto the armchair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na blanket\na screwdriver\na workbag (open)\na wallet\na badge\na crowbar\na newspaper\na storeroom photograph\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na notepad\na knife\na torn note\na hammer\na mirror\n\nThe poster smiles at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the workbag",
"response": "blanket: You put the blanket into the workbag.\n\nscrewdriver: You put the screwdriver into the workbag.\n\n\"The plan is a good plan.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the notepad",
"response": "The top page has been torn away. The second reads \"You can't see much of the surfaces, what with them being covered in incomprehensible junk.\", whatever that means.\n\n\"The plan is a good plan.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You need to lie down somewhere comfortable.\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the workbag",
"response": "This is what you use to carry tools and important objects from one place to another. In the workbag there is a screwdriver, a blanket, a wallet, a badge, a crowbar, a newspaper, a storeroom photograph, a business card, a work folder, a notepad, a knife, a torn note, a hammer and a mirror.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the notepad",
"response": "You have owned this tool for a long time. It has served you well, and you have never considered replacing it. Through such possessions are men defined.\n\nIt has a red handle.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand\" apologises the poster.\n\nThe top page has been torn away. The second reads \"You have owned this tool for a long time. It has served you well, and you have never considered replacing it. Through such possessions are men defined.\n\nIt has a red handle.\", whatever that means.\n\n\"I can't tell you much. You need to explore your possibilities.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the handle",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the bag",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\n\"Stay calm.\" suggests the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the screwdriver in the workbag",
"response": "You need to be holding the screwdriver before you can put it into something else.\n\n\"I can't tell you much. You need to explore your possibilities.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the workbag",
"response": "In the workbag are a screwdriver, a blanket, a wallet, a badge, a crowbar, a newspaper, a storeroom photograph, a business card, a work folder, a notepad, a knife, a torn note, a hammer and a mirror.\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the workbag",
"response": "You close the workbag.\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"I can't tell you much. You need to explore your possibilities.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You open the fine wooden door.\n\nShelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nYou can see a library chair here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Shelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nYou can see a library chair here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "How positive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the chair",
"response": "You could move it around, but why bother?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lamp",
"response": "The lamp is glaring. A knob on the side adjusts the level of light.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nMr Green arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Green arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A man glares at you from a pedestal against the north wall. His body is wood, his face is formed from paint. You feel guilty. A flaming bowl sits in front of the pedestal. A doorframe leads east.\n\nMr Green arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bowl",
"response": "There is no visible fuel within the bowl, and the flames are too strong for you to risk looking closer. The bowl itself is made of silvery metal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Green arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYour bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The poster watches you leave.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (closed)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"Stay calm.\" suggests the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unscrew framed",
"response": "You loosen the screws, but don't remove them; That would make the frame fall apart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the frame",
"response": "It's too firmly attached to the wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unscrew framed",
"response": "The screws are already loose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the photograph",
"response": "Which do you mean, the bedroom photograph or the storeroom photograph?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bedroom photograph",
"response": "You take the photograph out of the frame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the storeroom in the frame",
"response": "You put the photograph into the frame.\n\nMr Red arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the screwdriver in the suitcase",
"response": "You put the screwdriver into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bedroom photograph\na suitcase (open)\na screwdriver\na hammer\na torn note\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na newspaper\na crowbar\na badge\na wallet\na blanket\n\nMr Red somersaults.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bedroom photograph in the suitcase",
"response": "You put the bedroom photograph into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are surrounded by crates, beyond which are walls. There doesn't appear to be any way out. A hammock hangs between two hooks hammered into crate struts.\n\nYou can see a chest (closed) and a gadget blueprint here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the chest",
"response": "It's made of some sort of metal. There is a square depression set into the top.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open chest",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hammock",
"response": "Although it is fairly crude, it looks comfortable. You wonder why more people don't use them. On the hammock there is nothing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are surrounded by crates, beyond which are walls. There doesn't appear to be any way out. A hammock hangs between two hooks hammered into crate struts.\n\nYou can see a gadget blueprint here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na chest (closed and locked)\na workbag (closed)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the blueprint",
"response": "(first taking the gadget blueprint)\nThat's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat workbag",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the blueprint in the bag",
"response": "You put the gadget blueprint into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the chest in the bag",
"response": "You put the chest into the workbag.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You are surrounded by crates, beyond which are walls. There doesn't appear to be any way out. A hammock hangs between two hooks hammered into crate struts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crates",
"response": "Most of the crates are made of sealed metal. They don't look as if they can be opened. However, one of them is somewhat more old-fashioned, being made of battered wood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pry crate",
"response": "(with the workbag)\nYou need a better tool.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pry the crate with the crowbar",
"response": "You manage to tear the top off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pry the crate with the crowbar",
"response": "It's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the crate",
"response": "It doesn't look especially sturdy, but it's not exactly falling apart either. You can see that a label on the side reads \"Imagination Soil\". In the wooden crate there is some soil.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the soil",
"response": "(first taking the soil)\nIt's too difficult to carry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the soil",
"response": "This soil seems especially thick and damp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close chest",
"response": "That's already closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\na chest (closed and locked)\na gadget blueprint\na blanket\na wallet\na badge\na crowbar\na newspaper\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na hammer\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine blueprint",
"response": "While you can tell that the blueprint describes the creation of some type of gadget, you can't ascertain how it would work or what it would be used for.\n\nWhile you can tell that the blueprint describes the creation of some type of gadget, you can't ascertain how it would work or what it would be used for.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the soil",
"response": "It's too difficult to carry.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hammock",
"response": "Although it is fairly crude, it looks comfortable. You wonder why more people don't use them. On the hammock there is nothing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You are surrounded by crates, beyond which are walls. There doesn't appear to be any way out. A hammock hangs between two hooks hammered into crate struts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the badge",
"response": "A metal disc with a pin and symbol, it symbolises your role and rank. You can't remember the exact details right now, but that doesn't matter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hammock",
"response": "You get onto the hammock.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A man glares at you from a pedestal against the north wall. His body is wood, his face is formed from paint. You feel guilty. A flaming bowl sits in front of the pedestal. A doorframe leads east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You stand in a patch of dim light streaming from the north. All else is darkness. Odd sensations creep over you. Light can be seen to the north.\n\nA soft strain of music drifts from the darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the suitcase",
"response": "(the storeroom photograph)\nYou take the photograph out of the frame.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na suitcase (closed)\na storeroom photograph",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in suitcase",
"response": "storeroom photograph: You put the storeroom photograph into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the frame",
"response": "An empty frame, made from dark wood. In the frame there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are in darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are in darkness.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You can go upwards, or downwards. Upwards fills you with dread, downwards with anticipation. You are unsure why. Your apartment is down a corridor to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You're too frightened. You can't go up there. Ever.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "A set of mailboxes wait on one wall. The floor hasn't been cleaned for some time. A couple of entrance doors lead south. Stairs lead upwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mailbox",
"response": "The keys are long lost, and the boxes hang open. There are still a few bits and pieces inside them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the mailbox",
"response": "Most of the stuff in the boxes is useless, but you do manage to find a leaflet for a taxi firm that might be handy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the leaflet",
"response": "A leaflet for a taxi firm. \"DIAL 05231453257 for rapid, reliable travel!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the leaflet",
"response": "You already have that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You open the entrance doors.\n\nThe street is deserted. Your apartment building is to the north. A tree casts a shadow over you. A cardboard cutout leans against a wall, an abandoned piece of marketing.\n\nYou notice some graffiti adorning a wall, sprayed in red.\n\nAbruptly, a car comes tearing down the street towards you. You are frozen with terror, but without a conscious effort, you move sideways and the car speeds out of sight without touching you. What's wrong with the world today?\n\nThe cutout eyes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cutout",
"response": "A happy cowboy, inanimate.\n\n\"Are you afraid?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the graffiti",
"response": "HELP.\n\n\"Is this what you call productivity?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na leaflet\na workbag (open)\na chest (closed and locked)\na gadget blueprint\na blanket\na wallet\na badge\na crowbar\na newspaper\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na hammer\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\n\n\"You look helpless.\" jeers the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at tree",
"response": "You don't know enough about trees to identify it as being anything but dark, and daunting. A nest is perched high on one branch.\n\nThe cutout laughs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the tree",
"response": "Unfortunately, there aren't any branches within reach that will support your weight.\n\nFroth drips from the cutout's mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "Filthy, but functional. There is a feather stuck in it. In the high nest there is nothing.\n\n\"Why do you just stand there?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the feather",
"response": "You can't reach it.\n\n\"Do you think you can dream your problems away?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the leaflet at nest",
"response": "You lob the leaflet. You miss.\n\n\"Have you forgotten what to do?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the hammer at the nest",
"response": "(first taking the hammer)\nYou lob the hammer. You miss.\n\nFroth drips from the cutout's mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the badge at the nest",
"response": "(first taking the badge)\nYou lob the badge. You miss.\n\n\"Why do you just stand there?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The street is deserted. Your apartment building is to the north. A tree casts a shadow over you. A cardboard cutout leans against a wall, an abandoned piece of marketing.\n\nYou notice some graffiti adorning a wall, sprayed in red.\n\nYou can see a badge, a hammer and a leaflet here.\n\n\"You look helpless.\" jeers the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the badge",
"response": "A metal disc with a pin and symbol, it symbolises your role and rank. You can't remember the exact details right now, but that doesn't matter.\n\n\"You waste your time.\" jeers the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb cutout",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\n\"You look helpless.\" jeers the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shake tree",
"response": "You give it a shake, and the nest falls to the ground.\n\n\"Do you think you can dream your problems away?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "old nest: Taken.\nbadge: Taken.\nhammer: Taken.\nleaflet: Taken.\nchest: Taken.\ngadget blueprint: Taken.\nblanket: Taken.\nwallet: Taken.\ncrowbar: Taken.\nnewspaper: Taken.\nbusiness card: Taken.\nwork folder: Taken.\ntorn note: Taken.\nscrewdriver: Taken.\nbedroom photograph: Taken.\nstoreroom photograph: Taken.\n\n\"Are you afraid?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You hit the cutout",
"response": "You don't think you can destroy it so easily.\n\n\"Why do you just stand there?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "It's been a little damaged by its fall, and is more of a clump than a container. There is a feather stuck in it.\n\nFroth drips from the cutout's mouth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "storeroom photograph: You put the storeroom photograph into the workbag.\n\nbedroom photograph: You put the bedroom photograph into the workbag.\n\nscrewdriver: You put the screwdriver into the workbag.\n\ntorn note: You put the torn note into the workbag.\n\nwork folder: You put the work folder into the workbag.\n\nbusiness card: You put the business card into the workbag.\n\nnewspaper: You put the newspaper into the workbag.\n\ncrowbar: You put the crowbar into the workbag.\n\nwallet: You put the wallet into the workbag.\n\nblanket: You put the blanket into the workbag.\n\ngadget blueprint: You put the gadget blueprint into the workbag.\n\nchest: You put the chest into the workbag.\n\nleaflet: You put the leaflet into the workbag.\n\nhammer: You put the hammer into the workbag.\n\nbadge: You put the badge into the workbag.\n\nold nest: You put the old nest into the workbag.\n\nYou can feel the cutout gazing at you contemptuously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take feather",
"response": "Taken.\n\n\"Do you think you can dream your problems away?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the feather",
"response": "It's been a little damaged by its fall, and is more of a clump than a container. There is a feather stuck in it.\n\n\"Are you afraid?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put nest in the bag",
"response": "You put the old nest into the workbag.\n\n\"Have you forgotten what to do?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "How positive.\n\nFroth drips from the cutout's mouth.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The street is deserted. Your apartment building is to the north. A tree casts a shadow over you. A cardboard cutout leans against a wall, an abandoned piece of marketing.\n\nYou notice some graffiti adorning a wall, sprayed in red.\n\n\"You waste your time.\" jeers the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the graffiti",
"response": "HELP.\n\n\"Do you think you can dream your problems away?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You walk a short distance, but you start to feel uncomfortable, and hurry back.\n\nYou feel a strange sensation, some sort of vibration passing through your body.\n\nThe cutout laughs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You walk a short distance, but you start to feel uncomfortable, and hurry back.\n\n\"Why do you just stand there?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You walk a short distance, but you start to feel uncomfortable, and hurry back.\n\n\"Are you afraid?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can faintly hear cars in the distance.\n\n\"Is this what you call productivity?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pry the chest with the crowbar",
"response": "That's unnecessary.\n\n\"Are you afraid?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the newspaper",
"response": "The only part that really catches your attention is the picture on the front, of the Chimera Corporation building. Indeed, you feel that this picture is the reason for the paper's presence here.\n\n\"You waste your time.\" jeers the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\n\"Do you think you can dream your problems away?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "You walk a short distance, but you start to feel uncomfortable, and hurry back.\n\n\"Do you think you can dream your problems away?\" asks the cutout.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The cutout sneers at you.\n\nA set of mailboxes wait on one wall. The floor hasn't been cleaned for some time. A couple of entrance doors lead south. Stairs lead upwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "You can go upwards, or downwards. Upwards fills you with dread, downwards with anticipation. You are unsure why. Your apartment is down a corridor to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na gadget blueprint\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na newspaper\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the blueprint in the frame",
"response": "You put the gadget blueprint into the frame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYour bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na newspaper\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\n\n\"You need to proceed with your mission.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The poster watches you leave.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "Your kitchen is relatively clean. A pile of pizza boxes sits on a table, adjacent to your microwave. Your television sits on a shelf. A door leads west.\n\nA face grins on the television.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A hand waves on the television.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine frame",
"response": "An empty frame, made from dark wood. In the frame there is a gadget blueprint.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put it in the frame",
"response": "You put the newspaper into the frame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the blueprint in the suitcase",
"response": "You put the gadget blueprint into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nA ghostly figure floats up through the floor, and coalesces into Mr Blue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the knife",
"response": "You take a single knife, feeling that to be most useful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the frame",
"response": "In the frame is a newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Cut newspaper",
"response": "You slice out the picture, discarding the rest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the blueprint",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na newspaper picture\na knife\na suitcase (open)\na gadget blueprint\na storeroom photograph\na bedroom photograph\na screwdriver\na torn note\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na crowbar\na wallet\na blanket\na chest (closed and locked)\na leaflet\na hammer\na badge\nan old nest",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the knife in suitcase",
"response": "You put the knife into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the picture",
"response": "(the newspaper picture)\nThe picture depicts the Chimera Corporation building.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the picture in the frame",
"response": "(the newspaper picture in the frame)\nYou put the photograph into the frame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.\n\nA dog barks somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the car",
"response": "You open the driver's door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the car",
"response": "You get onto the seats.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the car",
"response": "It's green, and the keys aren't in the ignition. Oddly enough, the seats have been folded down into a bed. The driver's door is open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get off the seats.\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing east of the Chimera building. A path leads south to the front of the building, and north to the back. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the east.\n\nYou notice an open window.\n\nYou hear a car honking in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing behind the Chimera building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing west of the Chimera building. A path leads south to the front of the building, and north to the back. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You don't see the point in opening the other doors.\n\nYou hear a car honking in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing east of the Chimera building. A path leads south to the front of the building, and north to the back. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the east.\n\nYou notice an open window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "The window is open, but you can't see inside. It is open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Enter",
"response": "You hesitate. You can barely hear noises from inside the building, and you don't want to be arrested for trespassing. You need some way to escape attention.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen to the window",
"response": "You hear nothing unexpected.\n\nA dog barks somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter window",
"response": "The occupant of this office is asleep over her desk. Possibly as a result of this, there is a pile of untidy paperwork on the floor. A door leads west.\n\nYou can see a box of doughnuts here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the occupant",
"response": "Which do you mean, the occupant or the occupant's desk?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA man goes from one room to another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the doughnuts",
"response": "The box has been torn open, and contains 3 doughnuts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the paperwork",
"response": "It doesn't look especially interesting, consisting mostly of forms and status reports.\n\nYou're not hungry, and you're not especially fond of them.\n\nIt doesn't look especially interesting, consisting mostly of forms and status reports.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill self",
"response": "Ouch!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake woman",
"response": "That seems unnecessary.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the desk",
"response": "It's made of some type of cheap wood. On the occupant's desk there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The corridor turns a corner from north to west. A cleaner is scrubbing a stain off the floor.\n\nThis section contains technical support offices.\n\nA couple of women come out of one room, and into another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stain",
"response": "It looks as though someone was violently ill here.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Unfortunately, you can't see a way to get past the cleaner without revealing yourself.\n\nA couple of women hurry by, talking quietly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cleaner",
"response": "He is dressed in the usual type of cleaner's uniform. He wears a peaceful expression.\n\nThe corridor is quiet for a second, then people start moving again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doughnuts",
"response": "Someone will probably spot an item appearing from nowhere.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na box of doughnuts\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\na gadget blueprint\na knife\n\nA couple of women hurry by, talking quietly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA clump of people hurries past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You neither look, or feel, as if you are \"all here\".\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This corridor runs from the east to the west, where it is blocked by a revolving door. Next to the door stands a booth, with a guard sitting inside.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA couple of women hurry by, talking quietly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at booth",
"response": "The booth is a sturdy structure of metal and glass. You can see a glimpse of a control panel in front of the guard, but there's no way to reach it from outside.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The door is locked in position, and even if it wasn't, the guard would notice it moving.\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the self",
"response": "You neither look, or feel, as if you are \"all here\".\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the guard",
"response": "He looks fairly neat and alert.\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the panel",
"response": "The booth is a sturdy structure of metal and glass. You can see a glimpse of a control panel in front of the guard, but there's no way to reach it from outside.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doughnuts",
"response": "Someone will probably spot an item appearing from nowhere.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the doughnuts",
"response": "You're not hungry, and you're not especially fond of them.\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the booth",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the doughnuts to guard",
"response": "The security guard is unimpressed.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the doughnuts to guard",
"response": "The security guard doesn't seem interested.\n\nFor a moment, the corridor fills. You barely escape detection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "It doesn't work like that.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "Stairs lead up and down. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The corridor runs north and south.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The corridor turns a corner from north to west.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The corridor runs from east to west.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The corridor turns a corner from north to east.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The corridor runs from east to west.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upward",
"response": "A group of people at the top of the stairs are deep in conversation. You know you can't get past them.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "The corridor runs south from a dead end.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.\n\nYou are carrying:\na box of doughnuts\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\na gadget blueprint\na knife",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na box of doughnuts\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\na gadget blueprint\na knife",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the chest with hammer",
"response": "(first taking the hammer)\nThat doesn't seem to fit the lock.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Stairs lead up and down. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This corridor runs from the east to the west, where it is blocked by a revolving door. Next to the door stands a booth, with a guard sitting inside.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine booth",
"response": "The booth is a sturdy structure of metal and glass. You can see a glimpse of a control panel in front of the guard, but there's no way to reach it from outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show badge to the guard",
"response": "(first taking the badge)\nYou can't let the guard see something vanish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You open the metal door.\n\nThe booth has a chair, and a window. There are presumably airholes somewhere. A small switch is placed under the window.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "The booth has a chair, and a window. There are presumably airholes somewhere. A small switch is placed under the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine switch",
"response": "A booth switch, a switch in a booth. It is off.\n\nThe booth switch is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the switch on",
"response": "You switch the booth switch on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at window",
"response": "A booth window, a window in a booth. You can see the corridor outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "This corridor runs from the east to the west, where it is blocked by a revolving door. Next to the door stands a booth, with a guard sitting inside.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Stairs lead up and down. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit in the chair",
"response": "You get onto the booth chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You get off the booth chair.\n\nThe booth has a chair, and a window. There are presumably airholes somewhere. A small switch is placed under the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "This corridor runs from the east to the west, where it is blocked by a revolving door. Next to the door stands a booth, with a guard sitting inside.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.\n\nThe guard closes his eyes for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Which do you mean, the metal door or the 1st floor revolving door?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the metal door",
"response": "*** Run-time problem P11: Although the metal door is allowed to have the property \"description\", no value was ever given, so it can't now be used.\n\nIt is open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the switch",
"response": "A booth switch, a switch in a booth. It is on.\n\nThe booth switch is currently switched on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the guard",
"response": "He looks a little run down. He is fortunate that he doesn't have to stand.\n\nThe guard closes his eyes for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Revolving",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the 1st floor revolving door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You must name something more substantial.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA couple of women come out of one room, and into another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This corridor runs from the east to the west, where it is blocked by a revolving door. Next to the door stands a booth, with a guard sitting inside.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "You shouldn't draw attention by opening a door.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the guard",
"response": "He looks fairly neat and alert.\n\nFor a moment, the corridor fills. You barely escape detection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the booth",
"response": "The booth is a sturdy structure of metal and glass. You can see a glimpse of a control panel in front of the guard, but there's no way to reach it from outside.\n\nFor a moment, the corridor fills. You barely escape detection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The door is locked in position, and even if it wasn't, the guard would notice it moving.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The corridor runs south from a dead end.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The corridor turns a corner from north to west.\n\nThis section contains server rooms.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You switch the switch",
"response": "That's already on.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the switch off",
"response": "You switch the booth switch off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doughnuts",
"response": "You quickly place the box of doughnuts on the floor. Opening his eyes, the guard notices it, and looks confused for a second. Then his eyes light up, and he steps out of the booth, picks it up, then retreats back to his chair.\n\nThe guard eats a doughnut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na hammer\na box of doughnuts\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\na gadget blueprint\na knife",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the guard",
"response": "He looks a little run down. He is fortunate that he doesn't have to stand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe guard closes his eyes for a moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doughnuts",
"response": "You quickly place the box of doughnuts on the floor. Opening his eyes, the guard notices it, and looks confused for a second. Then his eyes light up, and he steps out of the booth, picks it up, then retreats back to his chair.\n\nThe guard eats a doughnut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait for a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe guard eats a doughnut.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine box",
"response": "The box has been torn open, and is empty.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This corridor runs from the east to the west, where it is blocked by a revolving door. Next to the door stands a booth, with a guard sitting inside.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nFor a moment, the corridor fills. You barely escape detection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The corridor turns a corner from north to west. A cleaner is scrubbing a stain off the floor.\n\nThis section contains technical support offices.\n\nA clump of people hurries past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Unfortunately, you can't see a way to get past the cleaner without revealing yourself.\n\nA clump of people hurries past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cleaner",
"response": "He is dressed in the usual type of cleaner's uniform. He wears a peaceful expression.\n\nA couple of women hurry by, talking quietly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the stain",
"response": "It looks as though someone was violently ill here.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na hammer\na box of doughnuts\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na badge\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na bedroom photograph\na storeroom photograph\na gadget blueprint\na knife\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the doughnuts",
"response": "Someone will probably spot an item appearing from nowhere.\n\nA clump of people hurries past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the doughnuts in stain",
"response": "That can't contain things.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the stain",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\nA couple of women come out of one room, and into another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the uniform",
"response": "He is dressed in the usual type of cleaner's uniform. He wears a peaceful expression.\n\nA few people walk past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search it",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\nA couple of women come out of one room, and into another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search cleaner",
"response": "You don't think cleaner would allow that.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss cleaner",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.\n\nA clump of people hurries past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nFor a moment, the corridor fills. You barely escape detection.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The occupant of this office is asleep over her desk. Possibly as a result of this, there is a pile of untidy paperwork on the floor. A door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "You are standing east of the Chimera building. A path leads south to the front of the building, and north to the back. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the east.\n\nYou notice an open window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the car",
"response": "You get onto the seats.\n\nA dog barks somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Box in workbag",
"response": "hammer: Done.\nbox of doughnuts: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bedroom in the frame",
"response": "You put the photograph into the frame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\na box of doughnuts\na hammer\nan old nest\na badge\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na storeroom photograph\na gadget blueprint\na newspaper picture",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the leaflet",
"response": "A leaflet for a taxi firm. \"DIAL 05231453257 for rapid, reliable travel!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dial 05231453257",
"response": "You raise the phone, but something is wrong. A strange feeling is coming over you. You abruptly slam the phone down, and you recover.\n\nA strange echoing noise sounds in your ears. After a moment you hear something else; A shuffling far away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dial 05231453257",
"response": "You raise the phone, but something is wrong. A strange feeling is coming over you. You abruptly slam the phone down, and you recover.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The street is deserted. Your apartment building is to the north. A tree casts a shadow over you. A cardboard cutout leans against a wall, an abandoned piece of marketing.\n\nYou notice some graffiti adorning a wall, sprayed in red.\n\nThe cutout eyes you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The cutout sneers at you.\n\nA set of mailboxes wait on one wall. The floor hasn't been cleaned for some time. A couple of entrance doors lead south. Stairs lead upwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the floor",
"response": "The floor is covered in blue plastic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the plastic",
"response": "A simple plastic folder. In the work folder there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The lizard makes a tiny waving motion.\n\nThe corridor stops here. A fire exit adorns the south wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You open the fire exit.\n\nYou start to step through, but a sudden terror seizes you. You step back sharply, and the door swings closed.\n\nYou can hear hurried footsteps from somewhere, and a voice, faintly calling.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You open the fire exit.\n\nYou start to step through, but a sudden terror seizes you. You step back sharply, and the door swings closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can hear voices from somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You listen",
"response": "You can hear voices from somewhere.\n\n\"Perhaps you should be considering self-improvement?\" asks the lizard.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the lizard about lizard",
"response": "You open your mouth, then stop. Why are you trying to talk to an inanimate object? Because that is what it is. An inanimate object. Completely. Totally. No life here. Nothing out of the ordinary or suspicious. Certainly not. Nope.\n\nThe lizard's tongue flickers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the lizard",
"response": "That's hardly portable.\n\n\"You don't know who's moving the pieces. But consider: They must be powerful. They must be worth befriending.\" The lizard makes a clicking noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The lizard makes a tiny waving motion.\n\nThis could also be described as a study, but that doesn't quite fit the uses to which you put it. Nevertheless, you have a desk, and a phone. Doors lead south, west and east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Your bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the bed",
"response": "You find nothing of interest.\n\n\"I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand\" apologises the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine poster",
"response": "It depicts a rock singer of bygone years.\n\n\"You need to stay active.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "You sing a song you heard on the radio once, unusual in that you remember all its lyrics perfectly.\n\n\"Are you okay?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lie on the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"The plan is a good plan.\" says the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the mirror in the frame",
"response": "You put the mirror into the frame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are in darkness.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in the bed",
"response": "You get onto the bed.\n\n\"Have you tried making a wish?\" asks the poster.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) and a bedroom photograph here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the drawer",
"response": "You open the drawer, revealing a mirror.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "The lamp is dark.\n\nMr Green arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the knob right",
"response": "The lamp is barely shining.\n\nMr Green flicks dust from his clothes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) and a bedroom photograph here.\n\nMr Green arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Green",
"response": "He wears a green mask, a green suit, and a green hat.\n\nMr Green adjusts his mask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hat",
"response": "He wears a green mask, a green suit, and a green hat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Green arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the mirror",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You stand in a patch of dim light streaming from the north. All else is darkness. Odd sensations creep over you. Light can be seen to the north.\n\nA soft strain of music drifts from the darkness.\n\nMr Green arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nYou can see a mirror here.\n\nMr Green arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the mirror",
"response": "Taken.\n\nMr Green taps his foot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch green",
"response": "Keep your hands to yourself!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed) and a bedroom photograph here.\n\nMr Green arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"response": "suitcase: Taken.\nbedroom photograph: Taken.\nnotepad: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the notepad",
"response": "The top page has been torn away. The second reads \"He wears a green mask, a green suit, and a green hat.\", whatever that means.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nMr Green arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the fruit",
"response": "The fruit seems to lose some of its strength as you pull it free, and you eat it quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fountain",
"response": "The ornamentation depicts a pantheon of gods and goddesses, peering outwards. You can see the gleam of coins beneath the water.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Drink water",
"response": "The water tastes like nothing at all.\n\nMr Green taps his foot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na notepad\na bedroom photograph\na suitcase (closed)\na mirror\na knife",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the water",
"response": "Cutting that up would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blanket",
"response": "Pale blue. It looks a little thin.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the folder",
"response": "A simple plastic folder. In the work folder there is nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chest",
"response": "It's made of some sort of metal. There is a square depression set into the top.\n\nMr Green flicks dust from his clothes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the card",
"response": "A small, laminated section of cardboard. Oddly enough, the only detail upon it is a phone number: 02312345673.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na notepad\na bedroom photograph\na suitcase (open)\na newspaper picture\na gadget blueprint\na storeroom photograph\na screwdriver\na torn note\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na crowbar\na wallet\na blanket\na chest (closed and locked)\na leaflet\na badge\nan old nest\na hammer\na box of doughnuts\na mirror\na knife",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nYou can see Mr Green here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Green arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Green arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the frame",
"response": "It's a photograph of a storeroom. The frame is made from dark wood.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na notepad\na bedroom photograph\na suitcase (open)\na newspaper picture\na gadget blueprint\na screwdriver\na torn note\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na crowbar\na wallet\na blanket\na chest (closed and locked)\na leaflet\na badge\nan old nest\na hammer\na box of doughnuts\na mirror\na knife",
"endoftext": false
"response": "mirror: Done.\nknife: Done.\nbedroom photograph: Done.\nnotepad: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are surrounded by crates, beyond which are walls. There doesn't appear to be any way out. A hammock hangs between two hooks hammered into crate struts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\na box of doughnuts\na hammer\nan old nest\na badge\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na gadget blueprint\na newspaper picture\na mirror\na knife\na bedroom photograph\na notepad",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "It's been a little damaged by its fall, and is more of a clump than a container. There is a feather stuck in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the feather",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the crate",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan old nest\na workbag (open)\na box of doughnuts\na hammer\na badge\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na gadget blueprint\na newspaper picture\na mirror\na knife\na bedroom photograph\na notepad",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the nest in the bag",
"response": "You put the old nest into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine badge",
"response": "A metal disc with a pin and symbol, it symbolises your role and rank. You can't remember the exact details right now, but that doesn't matter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Above1",
"response": "Saved.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "Bye Alex! Thanks for playing!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "%",
"response": "The sand stretches around you in all directions.\nThere is a grassy countryside. Rocks are scattered about.\nYou are in a room. The room has walls and a ceiling.\nYou blink. It seems as though you've been standing here forever. You feel suddenly stressed; There is something you have to do.\nCacophony\n\nThe stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na badge (being worn)\na workbag (open)\nan old nest\na box of doughnuts\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na bedroom photograph",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Stairs lead up and down. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.\n\nYou can see a gadget blueprint here.\n\nThis floor is strangely silent.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downward",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA clump of people hurries past.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The occupant of this office is asleep over her desk. Possibly as a result of this, there is a pile of untidy paperwork on the floor. A door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "A dog barks somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed), a storeroom photograph and a screwdriver here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You open the fine wooden door.\n\nShelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nYou can see a library chair here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shelves",
"response": "The shelves are made of dark wood. An abacus rests here. On the bookshelves there is some library books.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the abacus",
"response": "It is one of the simpler kinds, containing only two rows of beads. It is set to 3.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the clock to 2349",
"response": "Okay.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the clock",
"response": "The clock reads 23:49.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed), a storeroom photograph and a screwdriver here.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You stand upon a small stone patio, surrounded by plants. Ripe fruit dip from vines, tempting you with their colours. An ornamental fountain gurgles to your left. Daylight peeks through the heavy layer of greenery above. A dense perfume almost overwhelms you. You can go deeper, to the north. The kitchen is to the south. Stone walls bar all other directions.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The stench of offal hangs in the air.The walls drip with fresh blood. An ugly table supports plates and a massive assortment of cutlery. This is not an environment that encourages rational thought. Empty doorframes lead north, east, south and west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed), a storeroom photograph and a screwdriver here.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "Mr Blue: I don't suppose Mr Blue would care for that.\nsuitcase: Taken.\nstoreroom photograph: Taken.\nscrewdriver: Taken.\nnewspaper picture: You take the photograph out of the frame.\nnotepad: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the notepad",
"response": "The top page has been torn away. The second reads \"The ornamentation depicts a pantheon of gods and goddesses, peering outwards. You can see the gleam of coins beneath the water.\", whatever that means.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na notepad\na newspaper picture\na screwdriver\na storeroom photograph\na suitcase (open)\na bedroom photograph\na torn note\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na crowbar\na wallet\na blanket\na chest (closed and locked)\na leaflet\na hammer\na box of doughnuts\nan old nest",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You open the dark wooden door.\n\nWhatever work is being done here, it looks important. Complex instruments are poised, books are open, and the tables that clutter the room have not one square-inch of space unused. You COULD begin to understand it all, but it would take time.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.\n\nYou hear a car honking in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing east of the Chimera building. A path leads south to the front of the building, and north to the back. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the east.\n\nYou notice an open window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nThe corridor is quiet for a second, then people start moving again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The corridor turns a corner from north to west. A cleaner is scrubbing a stain off the floor.\n\nThis section contains technical support offices.\n\nA man goes from one room to another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Stairs lead up and down. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains planning offices.\n\nYou can see a gadget blueprint here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go down",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nA couple of men hurry by, talking quickly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA woman hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You are standing east of the Chimera building. A path leads south to the front of the building, and north to the back. A chain-link fence blocks your way to the east.\n\nYou notice an open window.\n\nA dog barks somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "gadget blueprint: You put the gadget blueprint into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "The door looks strange in some undefinable way. It is open.\n\n\"You don't know who's moving the pieces. But consider: They must be powerful. They must be worth befriending.\" The lizard makes a clicking noise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the apartment door",
"response": "You suddenly notice you've left your key stuck in the lock. You extract it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the leaflet",
"response": "A leaflet for a taxi firm. \"DIAL 05231453257 for rapid, reliable travel!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You dial 05231453257",
"response": "You raise the phone, but something is wrong. A strange feeling is coming over you. You abruptly slam the phone down, and you recover.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan apartment key\na badge (being worn)\na workbag (open)\na gadget blueprint\nan old nest\na box of doughnuts\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove badge",
"response": "You take off the badge.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "apartment key: You put the apartment key into the workbag.\n\nbadge: You put the badge into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\na badge\nan apartment key\na gadget blueprint\nan old nest\na box of doughnuts\na hammer\na leaflet\na chest (closed and locked)\na blanket\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a suitcase (closed), a newspaper picture, a storeroom photograph and a screwdriver here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put badge in the fountain",
"response": "You cast the badge into the water. After a moment, there is a great eruption beneath the surface.\n\nThe vines above you start rustling with a strange rhythm. After a minute or so they stop. You feel that somewhere nearby, something has changed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nOn the wooden desk is a notepad.\n\nYou can see a newspaper picture, a storeroom photograph and a screwdriver here.\n\nSomething in here. Something is different.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "It is made of exceptionally high quality wood. It includes a small drawer. On the wooden desk there is a notepad, an In-Tray and an Out-Tray.\n\nMr Green arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look aIn-Tray",
"response": "It is made of plastic, and labelled \"IN\". In the In-Tray there is a stone tablet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the tablet",
"response": "Taken.\n\nMr Green yawns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "It's quite light-weight. By some method (ink? paint?), images and figures are shown upon it. Depicted are a fire, burning brightly, a sundial, reading half past five, and some letters, XLII.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You open the fine wooden door.\n\nShelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nYou can see a library chair here.\n\nMr Green arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the abacus to 42",
"response": "You set the abacus to 42.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tablet",
"response": "It's quite light-weight. By some method (ink? paint?), images and figures are shown upon it. Depicted are a fire, burning brightly, a sundial, reading half past five, and some letters, XLII.\n\nMr Green yawns.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You set the clock to 1730",
"response": "Okay.\n\nThe books on the shelves seems to distort in some way. Suddenly, a single volume floats free, landing on the table.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the book",
"response": "(the mission book)\nIt seems an old book, without exterior detail. Inside, all the pages are the same:\n\nTarget: SDE files.\n\nLocation: Chimera Corporation, Security Room 2, 1st Floor\n\nAdditional: Room Code 28635",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "It's been a little damaged by its fall, and is more of a clump than a container. There is a feather stuck in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You break the nest",
"response": "You break it apart and extract the feather.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the feather",
"response": "Pure white. It seems strangely incongruous to see such a thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine",
"response": "What do you want to examine?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Shelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nOn the reading table is a mission book.\n\nYou can see Mr Green and a library chair here.\n\nMr Green taps his foot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nA ghostly figure floats up through the floor, and coalesces into Mr Red.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYour bedroom is fairly barren. You have a bed and a window. The floor is bare of carpet. You have put up a poster to hide some dents on one wall. A door leads north.\n\nYou feel a presence in the room.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all but the bedroom",
"response": "suitcase: Taken.\nnewspaper picture: Taken.\nstoreroom photograph: Taken.\nscrewdriver: Taken.\nnotepad: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the blueprint to Blue",
"response": "(first taking the gadget blueprint)\nMr Blue examines the blueprint and his eyes light up.\n\nMr Blue opens the dark wooden door.\n\nMr Blue goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Whatever work is being done here, it looks important. Complex instruments are poised, books are open, and the tables that clutter the room have not one square-inch of space unused. You COULD begin to understand it all, but it would take time.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then points to the door with his left hand, making a twisting motion with his right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "You close the dark wooden door.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then points to you, then himself, then the instruments, then you again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then points to the door with his left hand, making a twisting motion with his right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the key to Blue",
"response": "(first taking the apartment key)\nMr Blue eagerly accepts it.\n\nMr Blue works with the instruments, somehow creating a device matching the blueprint design. He hands it to you proudly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gadget",
"response": "A cube of metal. You know from the blueprint that there are complex mechanisms contained inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the chest",
"response": "It's made of some sort of metal. There is a square depression set into the top.\n\nMr Blue takes a long breath, and exhales slowly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the gadget on the chest",
"response": "Putting things on the chest would achieve nothing.\n\nMr Blue sneezes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the gadget in the chest",
"response": "The chest is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na strange gadget\na mirror\na notepad\na screwdriver\na storeroom photograph\na newspaper picture\na suitcase (open)\na torn note\na work folder (open but empty)\na business card\na crowbar\na wallet\na blanket\na leaflet\na hammer\na box of doughnuts\n\nMr Blue takes a long breath, and exhales slowly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "chest: Taken.\nMr Blue: I don't suppose Mr Blue would care for that.\ntorn note: Taken.\nwork folder: Taken.\nbusiness card: Taken.\ncrowbar: Taken.\nwallet: Taken.\nblanket: Taken.\nleaflet: Taken.\nhammer: Taken.\nbox of doughnuts: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You open the dark wooden door.\n\nA fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a framed picture attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the case",
"response": "bedroom photograph: You put the bedroom photograph into the suitcase.\n\nbox of doughnuts: You put the box of doughnuts into the suitcase.\n\nhammer: You put the hammer into the suitcase.\n\nleaflet: You put the leaflet into the suitcase.\n\nblanket: You put the blanket into the suitcase.\n\nwallet: You put the wallet into the suitcase.\n\ncrowbar: You put the crowbar into the suitcase.\n\nbusiness card: You put the business card into the suitcase.\n\nwork folder: You put the work folder into the suitcase.\n\ntorn note: You put the torn note into the suitcase.\n\nchest: You put the chest into the suitcase.\n\nstrange gadget: You put the strange gadget into the suitcase.\n\nmirror: You put the mirror into the suitcase.\n\nnotepad: You put the notepad into the suitcase.\n\nscrewdriver: You put the screwdriver into the suitcase.\n\nnewspaper picture: You put the newspaper picture into the suitcase.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put gadget in the depression",
"response": "The chest clicks. You withdraw the gadget.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open chest",
"response": "You open the chest, revealing a cloak blueprint and a discomforter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from the chest",
"response": "cloak blueprint: Taken.\ndiscomforter: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the blueprint",
"response": "The blueprint describes the creation of a \"cloak\", a stealth device. You can't understand all the details.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the discomforter",
"response": "A slick black disc, with a small switch on one side. A label identifies it as a \"discomforter\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "discomforter: You put the discomforter into the workbag.\n\ncloak blueprint: You put the cloak blueprint into the workbag.\n\nstrange gadget: You put the strange gadget into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nA ghostly figure floats up through the floor, and coalesces into Mr Green.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are surrounded by crates, beyond which are walls. There doesn't appear to be any way out. A hammock hangs between two hooks hammered into crate struts.\n\nYou can see a chest (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "suitcase: Taken.\nstoreroom photograph: You take the photograph out of the frame. notepad: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the mirror",
"response": "You open the drawer, revealing a mirror.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You open the fine wooden door.\n\nShelves surround you, filled with books of the greatest importance (you assume). Your feet sink into the thick carpet. A table and chair await you in the middle of the room. The fine wooden door leads west.\n\nOn the reading table is a mission book.\n\nYou can see a stone tablet, a feather and a library chair here.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Tablet",
"response": "feather: Taken.\nstone tablet: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the blueprint to Blue",
"response": "(first taking the cloak blueprint)\nMr Blue examines the blueprint and his eyes light up.\n\nMr Blue coughs.\n\nMr Blue goes west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.\n\nMr Blue opens the dark wooden door.\n\nMr Blue goes north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Whatever work is being done here, it looks important. Complex instruments are poised, books are open, and the tables that clutter the room have not one square-inch of space unused. You COULD begin to understand it all, but it would take time.\n\nYou can see Mr Blue here.\n\nMr Blue starts to do something with the instruments.After a few moments, he stops, looking thoughtful.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then mimes wrapping something around himself, shivering.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the blanket to Blue",
"response": "(first taking the blanket)\nMr Blue eagerly accepts it.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then points to you, then himself, then the instruments, then you again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then holds a hand up in front of himself, stares at his palm fixedly, and adjusts his mask and collar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the mirror to Blue",
"response": "Mr Blue eagerly accepts it.\n\nMr Blue hums a tune.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, then points to you, then himself, then the instruments, then you again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nMr Blue waves to get your attention, mimes dropping something, then makes as if to strain his ears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the feather to Blue",
"response": "Mr Blue eagerly accepts it.\n\nMr Blue works with the instruments, somehow creating a garment matching the blueprint design. He hands it to you proudly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cloak",
"response": "A grey, thin cloak, very soft.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the cloak",
"response": "You notice that your body seems to have vanished. You're invisible!\n\nFunny, Mr Blue seems to know where you are, even if he can't see you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove the cloak",
"response": "You reappear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the case",
"response": "grey cloak: You put the grey cloak into the suitcase.\n\nstone tablet: You put the stone tablet into the suitcase.\n\nnotepad: You put the notepad into the suitcase.\n\nstoreroom photograph: You put the storeroom photograph into the suitcase.\n\nMr Blue hums a tune.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "A fine wooden desk stands in front of you. A chair, placed before it, seems to beckon. The surroundings are decorated, carpet and wallpaper hiding the plain floor and walls. One of the walls has a frame attached to it. A fine wooden door stands to the east, a dark wooden door to the north, a pale wooden door to the south, and an empty frame to the west.\n\nMr Blue arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wake",
"response": "You drift away...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear it",
"response": "You're invisible!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the box",
"response": "Taken.\n\nA dog barks somewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You climb inside.\n\nThe occupant of this office is asleep over her desk. Possibly as a result of this, there is a pile of untidy paperwork on the floor. A door leads west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The corridor is fairly bright and cheerful. It runs north and south. Doors surround you, but only one is open.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nA couple of women hurry by, talking quietly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "A flight of stairs leads upwards. The corner turns from south to west.\n\nThis section contains accounting offices.\n\nAn man hurries past, clutching a file of notes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the discomforter",
"response": "You flip the switch.\n\nYou feel a little ill.\n\nThe tired guard shifts uncomfortably.\n\nThe guard suddenly looks very ill. He pulls open the booth and bolts east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the booth",
"response": "The booth has a chair, and a window. There are presumably airholes somewhere. A small switch is placed under the window.\n\nYou can see a box of doughnuts here.\n\nYou feel a little ill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn off the discomforter",
"response": "You flip the switch.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "After checking that there isn't anyone to spot the motion, you walk through the door.\n\nThe corridor ends here. But more interestingly, there is a security door (marked with a 2) to the north, with a keypad next to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine keypad",
"response": "The buttons hold the digits from 0-9.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You type 28635 on the keypad",
"response": "The door slides open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The rooms is surprisingly bare and shabby. A set of shelves supports a line of strange looking cubes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the shelves",
"response": "Bare plastic. On the shelves there is some cubes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cubes",
"response": "The cubes are uniform, and have continuously shifting patterns on their surfaces. They are made of some sort of grey metal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take cubes",
"response": "You take the fifth cube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine cube",
"response": "(Cube 5)\nThis is what you need to deliver. But how do you deliver it?\nShifting patterns cover its surface.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the cubes",
"response": "You don't need the other cubes. And taking them would make the theft more obvious.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The door slides shut.\n\nThe corridor ends here. But more interestingly, there is a security door (marked with a 2) to the north, with a keypad next to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Close window",
"response": "You close the office window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the window",
"response": "The window is open, but you can't see inside. It is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the window",
"response": "You open the office window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You make your way around the path...\n\nYou are standing in front of the Chimera Corporation building. A narrow path leads around the building, to the east and to the west. A car is parked here.\n\nYou hear a car honking in the distance.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put all in the bag",
"response": "Cube 5: You put Cube 5 into the workbag.\n\nbox of doughnuts: You put the box of doughnuts into the workbag.\n\ndiscomforter: You put the discomforter into the workbag.\n\ngrey cloak: You put the grey cloak into the workbag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\na grey cloak\na discomforter\na box of doughnuts\nCube 5\na strange gadget\na bedroom photograph\na hammer\na leaflet\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na stone tablet\na storeroom photograph",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na workbag (open)\na grey cloak\na discomforter\na box of doughnuts\nCube 5\na strange gadget\na bedroom photograph\na hammer\na leaflet\na wallet\na crowbar\na business card\na work folder (open but empty)\na torn note\na screwdriver\na stone tablet\na storeroom photograph",
"endoftext": true
] | nihjg19j2hcroqb |
the secret of vegibal island | ralf tauscher | [
] | [
"cover art",
"IFComp 2019",
"IFComp Game",
"source available",
] | 2,019 | [
] | 6 | 2.333333 | 20191208 | false | A tourist searching for total boredomness slips into an adventure and accidentally reveals the secret of a famous point'n'click adventure trilogy that never was. Maybe you want to visit "that island" again 29 years later, old enough to drink white russian wearing a bath robe. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Dear Interactor, please type \"transcript\" inside the game after it\nstarts. It will then create a logfile, which I would like to receive\nafterwards. Lectrote is automatically doing savegames. And you will\nfind the \"cheat sheet\" for common commands inside the help-menu (only\navailable in the electron version, otherwise go to\n\nmapping your journey will help. (start in the lower left)Deep in the\nwest indies. The island of boredom. Just coming from the boat without\npuking, but still in a bad feeling. Your holidays starting for you to 1 reach the state of total boredomness. (ver sept2019 ifcomp)\n\nFirst Act - \"Slipped into Adventure\"\n\nYou arrived at a nice beach, sandy, sunny. Overwhelming, but even\nbetter to the west behind a fence with a gate seems to be the holiday\nresort. The bold fence is against the poor natives maybe. But no\noffence you are just imagining yourself there, at the bar, in the\npool, on the beach. You even feel the taste of cocktails on your\ntongue. Mouthwatering it is. So you tend to go west. Into the\nnorthern directions it looks dark and full of ugly insects. Thats the\nreason you booked your kind of active-holidays to stay in your save\nresorts. Not too much contact to natives or even nature. There is a\nguy behind a sewing machine. He seems to be focused at his work.\nBehind him is a wooden infoboard. To the south it opens right into the\nsea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThere is an inviting lounger in front of you, ready for you to get on\nit.\n\nThere is this a guy working here.\n\nYou can also see a gate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Shiny. On your wrist you can see zero wristbands. You are wearing the\nrucksack and trousers and holding the towel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rucksack",
"response": "Yeah, a czech one. You can put all your stuff in it. It seems to have\ninfinite space inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the trousers",
"response": "worn out, but extremly comfortable. Your holiday trousers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine towel",
"response": "This is, what every adventurer needs. Further needed: A brass lantern.\nand maybe a rope.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the guy",
"response": "This beardy man with curly hair is sitting behind a sewing machine,\nstitching some cloth. He wears a name plate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the name plate",
"response": "\"Tim\" is written on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the infoboard",
"response": "bad situation of being nearly extinct.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lounger",
"response": "Made out of bambus and looks comfy. It has a built in sunshade.\n\nMEANWHILE ...\n\nfar away a ship, a black freighter takes course to jamaika\nafter escaping from madagaskar.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "On this gate is written \"For three wristbanded only\" It seems to be\nopened only by Tim here watching the gate. Now he approaches you. So\nyou stay here and await what he wants to tell you.\n\nAhoj, what do ya want here?\n\n[1] I am Buyshrug Bridgeman and you?\n[2] I want to go into the holiday resort to find my way to total\nboredomness\n[3] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[4] Hello, I'm new in town.\n[5] What about the manatees?\n[6] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Arrgh. Show me the three wristbands.\n\n[1] Which wristbands do you mean?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Every _real_ adventurer and or tourist has to get the three\nwristbands first, before going into the resort. We offer them here for\nachieving pirate actions. This island was a pirates nest before. So we\nsupport traditional pirate actions. You can always see your\nachievements if you examine your wrist.\n\n[1] I am Buyshrug Bridgeman and you?\n[2] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[3] Hello, I'm new in town.\n[4] What about the manatees?\n[5] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[6] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "5",
"response": "The pirate actions are prepared by us, you have to take one or\nmore and afterwards come back and I will give you the appropriate\nwristband for achieving the actions goal. So you have to do all three\nof them. For now choose which pirate-action do you want to start. This\nweek we have \"treasure hunt\", \"getting marooned.\" and \"barbacue.\"\n\n[1] Treasure hunt.\n[2] Getting marooned.\n[3] Barbecue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Arrrgh. classic. So let me tell you. We make the real life version\nof it, which means burrowing a treasure instead of looking for it.\nThats the reason that your task is to hide this treasure I will give\nyou. Its just about the chest, the content is yours if you want.\n\nHe hands over a treasure.\n\n[1] I am Buyshrug Bridgeman and you?\n[2] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[3] Hello, I'm new in town.\n[4] What about the manatees?\n[5] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[6] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "Ah, the manatees. Such nice and friendly animals. But rarely seen\non this island nowadays. My self-stitched ones seem to be the only\nmanatees left on this island.\n\nYou see that he is thinking of better times long ago.\n\n[1] I am Buyshrug Bridgeman and you?\n[2] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[3] Hello, I'm new in town.\n[4] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[5] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "I'm Tim and thats all you must know at the moment.\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Hello, I'm new in town.\n[3] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[4] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "You hold just the treasure and the towel in your hands. Do you\nthink, you have any chance to survive here?\n\n[1] Sure, i'm not only a tourist, I'm a real adventurer.\n[2] No. I will stay. End of discussion.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "\"So we have to deal with you and You want me to tolerate your\nface, everytime you come along?\"\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "Bye.\n\nThis sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThere is an inviting lounger in front of you, ready for you to get on\nit.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the treasure",
"response": "Its made out of plastic and has a really cheap look and feel.\n\nMEANWHILE ...\n\ntalking and planning an attack on a wealthy tourist camp.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "No, you can't imagine any reason to put even a baby step into the\njungle. The guy with the Tim name plate watches interested as you\nhesitate to go north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "There is a creek flowing from northwest down to southeast, where it\nends in a river mouth. a path along the creek's bank follows the same\ndirection. A wooden bridge leads northeast deeper into the jungle and\nexits also to southwest back to the boring beach.\n\ntube. Its connected to That guys helmet to provide oxygen.\n\nThat guy stands here and seems to wait for something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to that the guy",
"response": "That guy opens the visor of his diving helmet, so he is able to\ncommunicate with you. \"Whats up?\"\n\n[1] Ahoj, my brain just told me that you have to be Dave. Are you?\n[2] Are you waiting for something specific?\n[3] I'm an adventurer, spending my holidays on this island.\n[4] Hey, I like the lanterns matching your helmet.\n[5] Do you keep any wristbands for pirate actions?\n[6] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "5",
"response": "No, this isn't me. I live from the fruits in the jungle and I'm\nstill trying to find my way out of the complete boredomness. So my\nhope is to either find the secret of that island or to start a\nbusiness in blue hole diving.\n\n[1] Ahoj, my brain just told me that you have to be Dave. Are you?\n[2] Are you waiting for something specific?\n[3] I'm an adventurer, spending my holidays on this island.\n[4] Hey, I like the lanterns matching your helmet.\n[5] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Sure. I'm planning my next dive. There is a horizontal passage\ndown there. I assume it leads into a \"Blue Hole\".\n\n[1] What is a Blue Hole?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "It is very deep vertical cave with a special flora and fauna. They\ncan be that deep so that fresh and salty water are mixing in them.\nThey can have long horizontal arms. When I'm right and one of them is\nending here, we could sell diving trips into it.\n\n[1] Ahoj, my brain just told me that you have to be Dave. Are you?\n[2] I'm an adventurer, spending my holidays on this island.\n[3] Hey, I like the lanterns matching your helmet.\n[4] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Yes thats me.\n\n[1] I'm an adventurer, spending my holidays on this island.\n[2] Hey, I like the lanterns matching your helmet.\n[3] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Really? Would be great to talk to a guy with many wristbands. Show\nme yours.\n\n[1] Hey, I like the lanterns matching your helmet.\n[2] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Can you please go, I have some serious work going on. And yes, I'm\nnot an interested member of the steampunk society.\n\n[1] What kind of serious work do you mean?\n[2] Are you diving for something special?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "about.\n\n[1] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing\n\nMEANWHILE ...\n\nparty noise from direction of the holiday resort.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "There is a creek flowing from northwest down to southeast, where it\nends in a river mouth. a path along the creek's bank follows the same\ndirection. A wooden bridge leads northeast deeper into the jungle and\nexits also to southwest back to the boring beach.\n\ntube. Its connected to Daves helmet to provide oxygen.\n\ntell you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Jungle. You're in it. Deeper than you expected. suddenly green plants\nall around you and really near. Leaves tickeling your neck. It\nremembers you to tv documentaries about these little poisenous green\nsnakes. You freeze your steps, so you are really able to turn around\nrather quickly and step back. Its the path southwest a bit more near\nto the sea that you know and you could walk there fast. now. There is\nalso a passage to northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "flowers. Yellow flowers all around. They look familiar. Not that\nyou've seen them in real life. Something special is about this flower.\nIn a way there seems to be a relationship with your first\nkind-of-beard. There are two passages one to the southwest and one to\nthe east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the flowers",
"response": "Yellow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Smell flowers",
"response": "From flowers you smell Strong, uncomfortable, like wanting to vomit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You find yourself trapped in a well made bambus field labyrinth. Green\nbambus all around. You hear the strong currents breaking against the\nshore far down the hill. You remember you can leave trying to go west.\n\nMEANWHILE ...\n\nright thing in your mouth now.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You hate mazes, but no chance to workaround you have to find an exit.\nBut here wasn't one.\n\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Also this try leads not back to a trail or something.\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "...Hours of labyrinth-running later...\n\nbecause you're just standing right on the tip of a cliff. A fresh wind\nblows against your face. Really small at the horizon you notice a ship\nwith eight sails. Right. Sails. A ship seeming to be a ghost from\nanother time. Maybe its a museums sail. You will later have a look if\nits coming nearer or not. You can go down to the south back to the\nbambus field.\n\nThat ship at the horizon lets you ponder about its purpose.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the ship",
"response": "Strange it looks like escaped from a pirates movie film set. It seems\nto be black, including the sails.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dig",
"response": "You dig your first hole in the ground.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the treasure in Hole",
"response": "You put the treasure into the first hole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cover Hole",
"response": "You close the hole with some dirt. You stamped hard on it. Nobody\nshould find its location. Its even hard for yourself.\nYes, you're sure that you achieved the goal because the treasure is\nnow perfectly hidden in a hole not even you are able to find it again.\n\nMEANWHILE ...\n\non the black freighter?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You find yourself trapped in a well made bambus field labyrinth. Green\nbambus all around. You hear the strong currents breaking against the\nshore far down the hill. You know the path to the west right into the\nflower bed. You know a path to the north, to have a nice view\naround.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "flowers. Yellow flowers all around. They look familiar. Not that\nyou've seen them in real life. Something special is about this flower.\nIn a way there seems to be a relationship with your first\nkind-of-beard. There are two passages one to the southwest and one to\nthe east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "Jungle. You're in it. Deeper than you expected. suddenly green plants\nall around you and really near. Leaves tickeling your neck. It\nremembers you to tv documentaries about these little poisenous green\nsnakes. You freeze your steps, so you are really able to turn around\nrather quickly and step back. Its the path southwest a bit more near\nto the sea that you know and you could walk there fast. now. There is\nalso a passage to northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "\"I see, your treasure is well hidden somewhere you can't even find\nyourself.\" and Tim puts the wristband for the treasure hunt over your\nwrist.\n\nThis sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThere is an inviting lounger in front of you, ready for you to get on\nit.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Tim",
"response": "Ahoj, what do ya want here?\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] About that pirate ship at the horizon...\n[4] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "Outch, thanks. I have to inform Dave and Ron about it.\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "The pirate actions are prepared by us, you have to take one or\nmore and afterwards come back and I will give you the appropriate\nwristband for achieving the actions goal. So you have to do all three\nof them. For now choose which pirate-action do you want to start. This\nweek we have \"treasure hunt\", \"getting marooned.\" and \"barbacue.\"\n\n[1] Treasure hunt.\n[2] Getting marooned.\n[3] Barbecue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "now?\n\n[1] Yes, want it. Now. I wanna have as much boredomness afterwards as\npossible.\n[2] No way. I don't want your silly pirate stuff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Well played junior adventurer.\n\nHe blindfolds you, some hands grapping you. You feel abducted deep\ninto the jungle.\n\nYou find yourself trapped in a well made bambus field labyrinth. Green\nbambus all around. But contrary to your imagination of marooning, it\nseems quite un-dangerous and you don't even received a gun. You hear\nthe strong currents breaking against the shore far down the hill. You\nknow the path to the west right into the flower bed. You know a path\nto the north, to have a nice view around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Tim waves at you and presents you the achieved wristband for surviving\nthe marooning pirate action. He puts around your wrist. Proudly and in\nhope to get into the ressort soon, you're awaiting your total\nboredomness.\n\nThis sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThere is an inviting lounger in front of you, ready for you to get on\nit.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Shiny. On your wrist you can see two wristbands. You are wearing\nmarooned wristband, treasure-wristband, the rucksack and trousers and\nholding the towel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Tim",
"response": "Ahoj, what do ya want here?\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "Listen. It's all about manatees in this task. You will get the\nmanatee-wristband, if you catch one with a fishing rod and appropriate\nbait. You can get your tools from Ron in the small market as you see\nto the east at the river mouth.\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You go a few steps into the water. Its warmer than expected. Maybe you\nwould go for a swim. But in sight of this beach, so you will have it\neasy to find your way back. So you choosed to stay at the beach",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You can see right there the shortest connection to the river mouth and\nthe small market. But caused by the coast line you have to go to the\nnortheast and then southeast afterwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "The fresh water delutes itself into the salty sea. The way back\nfollows upstream to northwest. There is also a cableway leading from a\nbullwheel here to somewhere over the sea.\n\nThere stands Ron like he wants to sell some stuff.\n\nYou can also see a fruit table (on which are a durian and a fishing\nrod) and pile of meat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the durian",
"response": "This looks like a durian. Wonderful. For such a long time you wanted\nto take a nose and taste it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine rod",
"response": "Thats a strong looking fishing rod with a fishhook. You're not quiet\nsure, if its believable to catch such a big animal like a manatee with\nthis tiny rod. And what about the bait?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Ron",
"response": "Looks like a pirate that stood for a long time at the same place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the meat",
"response": "Not appetizing, but its really a big pile of meat. It goes up to the\nheight of your hip. Stitched together it would be large enough to\ncover a human.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ron",
"response": "Ahoj.\n\n[1] Hi. I'm Buyshrug, who are you?\n[2] Nice fishing rod, exactly the one I need.\n[3] Can I get this fruit?\n[4] About that pirate ship at the horizon...\n[5] What about those people already inside the holiday resort?\n[6] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "4",
"response": "I'm watching the coast line carefully.\n\n[1] Hi. I'm Buyshrug, who are you?\n[2] Nice fishing rod, exactly the one I need.\n[3] Can I get this fruit?\n[4] What about those people already inside the holiday resort?\n[5] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Sure. I heard you are on the manatee hunt. Good luck. And yes, you\ncan have this fishing rod. Someone forgot it here or maybe its just\nfloatsam.\n\ninventory.\n\n[1] Hi. I'm Buyshrug, who are you?\n[2] Can I get this fruit?\n[3] What about those people already inside the holiday resort?\n[4] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "They are from yensid, the company that bought ours.\n\n[1] Hi. I'm Buyshrug, who are you?\n[2] Can I get this fruit?\n[3] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "I am an electronic story teller. Or better: I was.\n\n[1] What happened?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Our big boss was following his own plan.\n\n[1] Who was your boss?\n[2] Which plan, do you know it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "It was all about an old pirate secret that's still unrevealed. L.\nthe boss of Sacul Film. The famous maker of \"Planet Peace\" does\nanything to get it.\n\n[1] Do you know what this secret is?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Not really. But it seems, we discovered important hints to reveal\nit during research for our project.\n\n[1] Can I get this fruit?\n[2] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Sure, take a bite.\n\n[1] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Bye.\n\nThe fresh water delutes itself into the salty sea. The way back\nfollows upstream to northwest. There is also a cableway leading from a\nbullwheel here to somewhere over the sea.\n\nThere stands Ron like he wants to sell some stuff.\n\nYou can also see a fruit table and pile of meat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the meat",
"response": "Ron behind the table squeezes his eyes shut, he doesn't want you to\njust pick up the meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the meat",
"response": "(first taking pile of meat)\nRon behind the table squeezes his eyes shut, he doesn't want you to\njust pick up the meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the meat in the rucksack",
"response": "(You open the rucksack first.)\n\n(first taking pile of meat)\n\nRon behind the table squeezes his eyes shut, he doesn't want you to\njust pick up the meat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "The fresh water delutes itself into the salty sea. The way back\nfollows upstream to northwest. There is also a cableway leading from a\nbullwheel here to somewhere over the sea.\n\nThere stands Ron like he wants to sell some stuff.\n\nYou can also see a fruit table and pile of meat here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish",
"response": "What do you want to fish?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sea",
"response": "No, there is a better purpose. Trust me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "There is a creek flowing from northwest down to southeast, where it\nends in a river mouth. a path along the creek's bank follows the same\ndirection. A wooden bridge leads northeast deeper into the jungle and\nexits also to southwest back to the boring beach.\n\ntube. Its connected to Daves helmet to provide oxygen.\n\ntell you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "water and swim against the stream. Don't forget you are here to get\ntotal boredomnes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Dave",
"response": "Dave opens the visor of his diving helmet, so he is able to\ncommunicate with you. \"Whats up?\"\n\n[1] About that pirate ship at the horizon...\n[2] Hey whats your relation to the people of yensid down inside the\nresort?\n[3] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Not my problem, but I want to be part of the revenge. Hopefully\ngetting rich afterwards.\n\n[1] About that pirate ship at the horizon...\n[2] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Now time counts, we have to get earlier to the secret.\n\n[1] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "This sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThere is an inviting lounger in front of you, ready for you to get on\nit.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "As you were evaluating to go or not to go into the bush, the guy with\nthe Tim name plate approaches you and begins to speak.\n\nAhoj, what do ya want here?\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Can you tell me something about the people of yensid inside the\nresort?\n[4] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "3",
"response": "They conquered, what was ours once and with their money. They\nsupport L.´s quest for the secret of ... But I better keep my mouth\nshut.\n\n[1] Watch out. I'm a mighty tourist\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Arrgh. Show me the three wristbands.\n\n[1] Which wristbands do you mean?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Every _real_ adventurer and or tourist has to get the three\nwristbands first, before going into the resort. We offer them here for\nachieving pirate actions. This island was a pirates nest before. So we\nsupport traditional pirate actions. You can always see your\nachievements if you examine your wrist.\n\n[1] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[2] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machine",
"response": "It's an original singer. One of these original foot-driven ones. Not\none of the current generation with the plastic crapability for a\nshorter device life.\n\nSewing machine is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn on the machine",
"response": "You don't want to do anything with that machine. These machines were\nintroduced in your life as extremely dangerous by your grandma.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the bridge",
"response": "Its stable as a rock and it is made out of, you guessed it already..\nwooden rocks.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "This sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThere is an inviting lounger in front of you, ready for you to get on\nit.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the infoboard",
"response": "bad situation of being nearly extinct.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\nsustainable food\na towel\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cd",
"response": "shipping.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish manatee",
"response": "No, there is a better purpose. Trust me.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machine",
"response": "Diving apparatus is currently switched off.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the helmet",
"response": "Thats what you call a perfect costume for every steampunk party.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the northeast",
"response": "Jungle. You're in it. Deeper than you expected. suddenly green plants\nall around you and really near. Leaves tickeling your neck. It\nremembers you to tv documentaries about these little poisenous green\nsnakes. You freeze your steps, so you are really able to turn around\nrather quickly and step back. Its the path southwest a bit more near\nto the sea that you know and you could walk there fast. now. There is\nalso a passage to northeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "because you're just standing right on the tip of a cliff. A fresh wind\nblows against your face. Really small at the horizon you notice a ship\nwith eight sails. Right. Sails. A ship seeming to be a ghost from\nanother time. Maybe its a museums sail. You will later have a look if\nits coming nearer or not. You can go down to the south back to the\nbambus field.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north-west",
"response": "That was a nice try to jump over your shadow into the bushes, but it\nleads nowhere. So you went back into the bambus.\n\nYou can't go that way.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "flowers. Yellow flowers all around. They look familiar. Not that\nyou've seen them in real life. Something special is about this flower.\nIn a way there seems to be a relationship with your first\nkind-of-beard. There are two passages one to the southwest and one to\nthe east.\n\nYou'll have to get out of flower bed first.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cableway",
"response": "The cableway basket is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the basket",
"response": "The cableway basket is out of reach.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the wheel",
"response": "Its a wooden bullwheel to lead a long rope around it. Its a bit\nrotten, but looks sturdy enough to be still trustworthy. Someone\ncarved \"steps\" into the mast to make it easy to climb on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Climb wheel",
"response": "Yes, you are right. You could climb up this mast and get into that\ncableway. But there are not yet enough reasons for you to do so.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the manatee",
"response": "Its an unnameable patchwork at the moment, but you guess it will\nbecome a manatee or gorilla or whatsoever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Yes you want it and time is enough. You go deeper up to you hips into\nthe sea water. Its still clear, you are able to see the ground. After\nsome minutes walk you get back to the beach. You dry fast in the hot\nsun.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the lounger",
"response": "Without your towel on it?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put towel on the lounger",
"response": "You put the towel on the lounger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You remove trousers",
"response": "You take off trousers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the lounger",
"response": "You lay down and try to relax, but too much is to be done. So you get\noff the lounger soon. Your adventure is waiting. And crack!\nas you tried to get up again, the lounger broke under your weight.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the towel",
"response": "(first taking the towel)\nYou put on the towel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the lounger",
"response": "The broken pieces of the once comfy looking lounger are looking at you\nsearching for revenge.\n\nthe towel is dropping from your hips.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Shiny. On your wrist you can see two wristbands. You are wearing the\ntowel, marooned wristband, treasure-wristband and the rucksack and\nholding the durian, the fishing rod and trousers.\n\nthe towel is dropped from your hips.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the trousers",
"response": "You put on trousers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "No.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the manatee",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Dave",
"response": "Dave opens the visor of his diving helmet, so he is able to\ncommunicate with you. \"Whats up?\"\n\n[1] Do you keep any wristbands for pirate actions?\n[2] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "No, this isn't me. I live from the fruits in the jungle and I'm\nstill trying to find my way out of the complete boredomness. So my\nhope is to either find the secret of that island or to start a\nbusiness in blue hole diving.\n\n[1] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Bye.\n\nThere is a creek flowing from northwest down to southeast, where it\nends in a river mouth. a path along the creek's bank follows the same\ndirection. A wooden bridge leads northeast deeper into the jungle and\nexits also to southwest back to the boring beach.\n\ntube. Its connected to Daves helmet to provide oxygen.\n\ntell you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Dive",
"response": "No. You don't want to dive into that water. The first thing you want\nis to get into that holiday resort even if you have to earn those\nthree wristbands in the first place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "water and swim against the stream. Don't forget you are here to get\ntotal boredomnes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the leaves",
"response": "Barely penetrable jungle. Not only because its physical impossible.\nAlso because of you not wanting to go inside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave durian",
"response": "You look ridiculous waving the durian.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat flower",
"response": "(first taking flowers)\nNo, you don't want to nearly-kill puppies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Swim",
"response": "No way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Ron",
"response": "Ahoj.\n\n[1] aehm.. what about this pile of meat over here?\n[2] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Get your fingers off it! Good meals are rare in these times.\nExcept you can give me a good alternative, maybe a bit more\nsustaining?\n\n[1] about... that meat again..\n[2] I have to go. Bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\nsustainable food\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the food",
"response": "You don't want to eat it, until you're in peril of your nearly starved\naway life.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the food to Ron",
"response": "(first taking sustainable food)\nRon is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the food to Ron",
"response": "Ron looks thankfully and quickly pocket the sustainable food from you.\nHe adds that for his sake you can take the meat pile. But under one\ncondition, if you promise to create something really special out of\nit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the meat in the sack",
"response": "(first taking pile of meat)\n\nNow it's okay for him, so you are allowed to take it.\n\nof meat.\n\nYou put pile of meat into the rucksack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "This sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThe broken lounger stands before you, reminding yourself of your\nlittle overweight.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate and a towel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Tim",
"response": "Ahoj, what do ya want here?\n\n[1] I know you like stitching manatees. My question is, are you also\nable to create one just out of this pile of meat?\n[2] What about the manatees?\n[3] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[4] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Sure it seems to be big enough to make a suit out of it.\n\nand he takes it, stitches and stitches...\n\n..and hours later...\n\n... it is a manatee suit.\n\nHe gives you the manatee suit.\n[1] What about the manatees?\n[2] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[3] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Ah, the manatees. Such nice and friendly animals. But rarely seen\non this island nowadays. My self-stitched ones seem to be the only\nmanatees left on this island.\n\nYou see that he is thinking of better times long ago.\n\n[1] Tell me more about the pirate actions.\n[2] Nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "2",
"response": "Bye.\n\nThis sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. There is Tim behind a sewing machine. He seems to be\nfocused at his work. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard.\nA path leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThe broken lounger stands before you, reminding yourself of your\nlittle overweight.\n\nTim is sitting here.\n\nYou can also see a gate and a towel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the suit",
"response": "You put on the manatee suit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "Shiny. On your wrist you can see two wristbands. You are wearing the\nmanatee suit, marooned wristband, treasure-wristband, the rucksack and\ntrousers and holding the durian and the fishing rod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You don't want to go again into the water for now, because you still\nremember how it feels.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "No.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Dave",
"response": "Ahhh, oh fuck...a talking manatee. Is that you?\n\nDave opens the visor of his diving helmet, so he is able to\ncommunicate with you. Ahhh, help! Oh its you. You frightened me\nwearing that manatee suit.\n\n[1] Ey. About my great idea. I want to offer you a deal. If you dive\ninto that creek wearing this manatee suit, I'll fish you near the\nriver mouth, so ron is able to see it and I'm getting the wristband.\nwouldn't it be great?\n[2] I'll leave you... sitting around doing nothing",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Do you think i'm completely dull? But... hmm. No, not without a\ncause.\n\n[1] What about a durian as your fishing bait?\n[2] I can't imagine anything to wake your interest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "That sounds like a fair deal. So give me the suit.\n\nYou can't believe your eyes as Dave wears the manatee suit, coming\nnear the water and plouf, out of sight and within a blink of an eye he\nvanishes between the plants under water. You fairly see him, when he\nleaves into the direction of river mouth to the southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "The fresh water delutes itself into the salty sea. The way back\nfollows upstream to northwest. There is also a cableway leading from a\nbullwheel here to somewhere over the sea.\n\nLooking a bit awkward, the fake manatee swims here.\n\nThere stands Ron like he wants to sell some stuff.\n\nYou can also see a fruit table here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish manatee",
"response": "You already have that.\n\nAfter putting the fishhook into the water it was all Daves show. He\ngrabbed the hook. Rons big eyes were able to see this giant, wet and\nshiny meat-man manatee getting out of the water. Not shivering but\nwith a nod that meant respect he came over to you and put the manatee\nwristband around your wrist.\n\napparatus.\n\ne-v-e-r-y time and they ran into the bush. Vanishing until you\nlose sight of any of them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "There is a creek flowing from northwest down to southeast, where it\nends in a river mouth. a path along the creek's bank follows the same\ndirection. A wooden bridge leads northeast deeper into the jungle and\nexits also to southwest back to the boring beach.\n\ntube.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southwest",
"response": "This sandy spot is hot, really hot. Besides that there is only the\nbush around the beach and it opens to the sea and a far away horizon.\nIt makes you feel undrunken, thirsty, wanting to go west into the\nholiday resort. Behind the sewing machine is an wooden infoboard. A\npath leads north to a jungle spot and northeast to a jungle path. A\nnarrow trail follows the fence to northwest. To the south it opens\nright into the sea inviting to go south to take a bath.\n\nThe broken lounger stands before you, reminding yourself of your\nlittle overweight.\n\nYou can also see a gate and a towel here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "(first opening the gate)\nSlowly you try to open that gate and it really moves. So you put you\nfirst step into the resort ready to go west. Finally.\n\nYou are right in the middle between the bar, the pool,the swimming\nspot and even the theater stage.\n\nYou can see a gate, a bar (on which are white russian and vodka), a\nred lounger (on which is a bath robe), a comfy seat and a bottle of\nrum here.\n\nYou noticed that something is going on on this Island. Your\nwish to get boredomness is blown away. You smell salty air and your\ntaste for adventure awakes...\n\nYou are right in the middle between the bar, the pool,the swimming\nspot and even the theater stage.\n\nYou can see a gate, a bar (on which are white russian and vodka), a\nred lounger (on which is a bath robe), a comfy seat and a bottle of\nrum here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nmanatee wristband (being worn)\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\ntrousers (being worn)\n\nThe people are seated. Its getting quieter. The people are looking at\nthe stage.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the bath robe",
"response": "(first taking the bath robe)\nYou put on the bath robe.\n\nThe play begins. The first actors in pirate costumes are beginning to\nsing. It hurts your brain. But hey, its your holidays.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bottle",
"response": "Taken.\n\nThere is a woman as the main act singing pirate jenny. Singing of the\nship the black freighter and with eight sails coming to kill the whole\nvillage. It remembers you of the ship you watched yourself during your\njourney over this very island.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take russian",
"response": "Taken.\n\nSuddenly you hear an explosion from behind. Immediatly you turn your\nhead to the sea. And the black ship with eight sails appeared. A\npillar of smoke arises over a cannon. In that second, a next cannon is\nfired and you are able to follow the canon ball with your own eyes.\nYou have to turn your head and half believing what you see, the\ncannonball goes down in the middle of the stage and breaks the wodden\nplanks.\n\nShould you stay or should you go?\n1 - I should stay.\n2 - I should go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You decided to stay here, enjoying the show. What breaks out is:\n\nThe bunch of tourists is that frightened, that they are\nfleeing in different directions. But they are trapped within the\nmassive bold fence.\nA next canonball goes down and an awful smell is streaming out of it.\nyour stomach wants to return the windbeutel. You bend over and ...\n\n... a hard smack... you lose consciousness\n\nAfter recovering you found yourself in an unknown place.\n\nA place thats moving. Up and down. You guessed right... the small\nporthole on one side assured it to you that you are on a ship.\n\nA wooden room inside a ship. You feel the waves. There is just a\nfour-poster bed and a pot of water in it and a porthole to the north\nshows the way onto the sea. A single cabin door is to the south.\n\nYou can see a four-poster bed (on which is an inflated deflatable\nmattress) and pot (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nwhite russian\na bottle of rum\na bath robe (being worn)\nmanatee wristband (being worn)\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pot",
"response": "No pot inside this pot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pot",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the plug",
"response": "A flush of water flows to the floor and vanishes under the door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the porthole",
"response": "Looking through the porthole, you see a beautiful island spread at the\nhorizon. To far to swim without any support, but close enough to reach\nit by your own muscular strength. In its frame its written \"Carlos II\"\nbut someone scratched over it and now you can read \"Fancy\" instead.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening the cabin door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the porthole",
"response": "You open the porthole.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the porthole",
"response": "(together with the empty mattress)\nocean\nIts still far away to the coast line to the north. Directly behind\nyour back is the sloop or ketch you just used to call them boats. To\nthe other directions is just open sea and you don't want to explore\nthat any further.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inflate mattress",
"response": "until its filled. As fast as possible, you put the plug back in so the\nmattress stays full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "island. But near enough to achieve it by swimming, the mattress itself\ndecided to sink into the deeper parts of the ocean as you where riding\nit. Together with a curious feeling to explore that new place you\nreached it after noticing it was more far away than you thought and\nyour body was not really easy in managing swimming to the island.\n\n...but...\n\n*** THE END (of this act) ***\n\n### NEXT ACT - \"Discovering the Secret of Monkey Island\" ###\n\n... sand in your ears, sand in your mouth, between your teeth. You\neven feel like you're breathing sand. And you try to take a look\naround. the sun is shining and burnt your back. But hey, you're still\nwearing your trousers. You see lots of footprints, like a very big\ngroup of people was here and leaving into the jungle to the north\nwhere you can see a big rock high above the tallest trees. In the\nmiddle of this beach is a lonely banana tree. Making you think, it was\nescaping the jungle behind him to the north. Far away to the northwest\nit leads halfway up to a volcano.\n\nTo the south is water, just water and the ship, the black freighter,\nyou remember from the pirate opera on the other island.\n\nYou can see skinny pig and an uhuru here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pig",
"response": "Its really skinny.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine uhuru",
"response": "Impressive, that very rare parrot is a black uhuru and it has a fleety\nfoot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine tree",
"response": "Three times taller than you and at the top there are some bananas.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Volcano",
"response": "The Volcano rises very steeply to the northwest from here. It seems\nnot to be active anymore.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\npot\nwhite russian\na bottle of rum\na bath robe (being worn)\nmanatee wristband (being worn)\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "brass lantern: Taken.\nubuntu cd: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pig",
"response": "Sometimes you surprise yourself. You just managed to pick up a pig.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss pig",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "... and nothing happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "Hot light sand all around. In the middle of this beach is a lonely\nbanana tree. Making you think, it was escaping the jungle behind him\nto the north. Far away to the northwest it leads halfway up to a\nvolcano.\n\nTo the south is water, just water and the ship, the black freighter,\nyou remember from the pirate opera on the other island.\n\nYou can see an uhuru here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "slowly feeling your way forward..\n\n\"Beware the three-headed monkey!!!\" says a nicely painted sign.\n\nYou can look deep down a dried out canyon edge. Its dark down there. A\ntrail leads back south to the banana tree and north into the direction\nof the big rock. You can also go northeast . The sign about the\nthree-headed monkey makes you wonder.\n\nYou can see a rope here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rope",
"response": "A quite robust kind of rope.\n\nYou noticed a large animal vanishing into the bush. Had it really\nthree heads??",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and to the east. There are the\nremains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before. One way to\nthe west and a way to the east. To the south leads the way back into\nthe direction of the banana tree beach or you just climb up this big\nrock to get an view over this island.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The bed of this stream is armored with rocks, some very rounded\n(having had a longer life in the stream) and some not.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and to the east. There are the\nremains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before. One way to\nthe west and a way to the east. To the south leads the way back into\nthe direction of the banana tree beach or you just climb up this big\nrock to get an view over this island.\n\nIs this three-headed gorilla sized monkey following you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb rock",
"response": "You are halfway up this rock. You can go further up to the top or down\nto the dam.\n\nYou can see a maybe catapult here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the catapult",
"response": "Its not operating with electricity. Its somekind of catapult and big\nchunks of stone can be thrown with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "You have a great view in every direction of this little island. In the\nnorth you can see a small village made of straw huts. Looking really\nna(t)ive. Beneath your feet you can see the strange device directly,\nso you could throw stuff on it. You can only go down from here.\n\nFar away, you could bet you have seen a three-headed gorilla.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the village",
"response": "In the north you can see a small village made of straw huts. Looking\nreally na(t)ive. You can't see it clearly, so you better go there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "In the middle stands a very fine and comfy looking straw hut. It looks\nlike a museum showing the former life of natives, but it still seems\nto be used.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nNo sign of any ape.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb the hut",
"response": "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.\n\nStill no sign of any ape. Where could it be?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "On a banner is written \"Hermans Lounge\". There is an old man sleeping\nhere. You guessed thats Herman. Two paths lead out of here. One to the\neast and one to southeast.\n\nYou can see herman and a pigsty (closed) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open pigsty",
"response": "Fuuuuck, there is pig number one, pig number two, pig number three,\npig number four, pig number five, pig number six, pig number seven,\npig number eight, pig number nine and pig number ten running out of\nit.\n\nYou open the pigsty, revealing a pig magnet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the magnet",
"response": "Yes, disgusting but you managed to take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the magnet",
"response": "those pigs \"stick\" to it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pig",
"response": "Which do you mean, pig number ten, pig number nine, pig number eight,\npig number six, pig number four, pig number three, pig number one, the\npig magnet or skinny pig?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pig one",
"response": "Sometimes you surprise yourself. You just managed to pick up a pig.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\npig number ten\npig number nine\npig number eight\npig number six\npig number four\npig number three\npig number one\na pig magnet\na rope\nskinny pig\npot\nwhite russian\na bottle of rum\na bath robe (being worn)\nmanatee wristband (being worn)\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "On a banner is written \"Hermans Lounge\". This Human shaped floatsam is\nstill alive and pretends to sleep here. Two paths lead out of here.\nOne to the east and one to southeast.\n\nYou can see pig number five, herman and a pigsty (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Herman",
"response": "silence that he deserves. Do you carry anything drinkable?\n\n[1] ahoj\n[2] What's the secret of this island?\n[3] Do you have a banana picker?\n[4] Ahem, is this stuff all earwax that is coming out of your head?\n[5] I better go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "silence that he deserves. Do you carry anything drinkable?\n\n[1] What's the secret of this island?\n[2] Do you have a banana picker?\n[3] Ahem, is this stuff all earwax that is coming out of your head?\n[4] I better go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Sure, I know it very well. Its in a cave beneath that island. I\ncan't go there anymore. So i will be pleased if you bring me some of\nit.\n\n[1] And where is the entrance of that cave?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "I don't want to kill the tension right away. You should find your\nown way.\n\n[1] Do you have a banana picker?\n[2] Ahem, is this stuff all earwax that is coming out of your head?\n[3] I better go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "No, its broken. The Vegibals broke my famous banana picker.\n\n[1] Ahem, is this stuff all earwax that is coming out of your head?\n[2] I better go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Earwax? I have all sorts of scumm(tm) in any hole of my body.\n\n[1] I better go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Bye.\n\nOn a banner is written \"Hermans Lounge\". Herman pretends to sleep\nhere. Two paths lead out of here. One to the east and one to\nsoutheast.\n\nYou can see herman and a pigsty (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "The Ship is gone !!\n\nHot light sand all around. In the middle of this beach is a lonely\nbanana tree. Making you think, it was escaping the jungle behind him\nto the north. Far away to the northwest it leads halfway up to a\nvolcano.\n\nTo the south is water, just water.\n\nYou can see tiny pig and an uhuru here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pig",
"response": "(tiny pig)\nSometimes you surprise yourself. You just managed to pick up a pig.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "slowly feeling your way forward..\n\nYou can look deep down a dried out canyon edge. Its dark down there. A\ntrail leads back south to the banana tree and north to the dam into\nthe direction of the big rock. You can also go northeast . The sign\nabout the three-headed monkey makes you wonder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "There is a pond with water and in the middle is a swimming hut.\nYou can enter the hut or leave this place to the west or east or\nsouthwest to the canyon edge. A sign on top of the huts entrance says\n\"homoepathy\" it hangs on top of an older one saying \"voodoo\". Or you\ncan go down right into the water, where you see something that looks\nlike a big stopper.\n\nYou can see pink pig here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pig",
"response": "Which do you mean, fat pig, pink pig, tiny pig, pig number five, pig\nnumber ten, pig number nine, pig number eight, pig number six, pig\nnumber four, pig number three, pig number one, the pig magnet or\nskinny pig?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the hut",
"response": "How cool is that. A swimming hut. Nailed together out of floatsam\nwood, definitely a work of art. So still looking like a house of\nmojo....but now focusing on homoe-something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hut",
"response": "Still looking like a house of mojo....but now focusing on\nhomoe-something.\n\nYou can see the door to the backroom, fat pig, huge pig and ex-voodoo\nlady here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine lady",
"response": "Grey hair, red glasses. With this look to be some steps above you.\nEven if there are no stairs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the lady",
"response": "You look so deluted, can I be of any help?\n\n[1] Hi, why is it about homoepathy now, I thought this place is about\nvoodoo.\n[2] What's the secret of this island?\n[3] What about the Giant Q-Tip?\n[4] Do you have anything against earwax?\n[5] I am more into knowledge than believes, bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Voodoo is some esoteric non-working nonsene, I needed to help and\nestablish something proven. Sorry, I have to complete bashing this\nbottle on this leather bound book.\n\n[1] What's the secret of this island?\n[2] What about the Giant Q-Tip?\n[3] Do you have anything against earwax?\n[4] I am more into knowledge than believes, bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "I will always respect their deities.\n\n[1] What about the Giant Q-Tip?\n[2] Do you have anything against earwax?\n[3] I am more into knowledge than believes, bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "You ask me for some university medicine? I have something better,\nwhich means homoepathic, for you. I will rattle it 4 days, then you\ncan come back and its strong enough to help.\n\nShe went into the backroom and gets a big glass full of earwax!?\n\n[1] I am more into knowledge than believes, bye.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "1",
"response": "Bye.\n\nStill looking like a house of mojo....but now focusing on\nhomoe-something.\n\nYou can see earwax, the door to the backroom and ex-voodoo lady here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the earwax",
"response": "Ugly would be too nice to describe this unnameable mass.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "There is a pond with water and in the middle is a swimming hut.\nYou can enter the hut or leave this place to the west or east or\nsouthwest to the canyon edge. A sign on top of the huts entrance says\n\"homoepathy\" it hangs on top of an older one saying \"voodoo\". Or you\ncan go down right into the water, where you see something that looks\nlike a big stopper.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You jump right inside the dark water depths of the pond.\n\nYou are under water (again) and you try your best to see things in\nthat murky water. You can exit swimming up.\n\nYou can see the big stopper here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the stopper",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine stopper",
"response": "You see nothing special about the big stopper.\n\nYou can't hold your breath for 10 minutes like others do, so you get\nup and out of the water immediatly.\n\nThere is a pond with water and in the middle is a swimming hut.\nYou can enter the hut or leave this place to the west or east or\nsouthwest to the canyon edge. A sign on top of the huts entrance says\n\"homoepathy\" it hangs on top of an older one saying \"voodoo\". Or you\ncan go down right into the water, where you see something that looks\nlike a big stopper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and to the east. There are the\nremains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before. One way to\nthe west to hermans fort and a way to the east to the pond. To the\nsouth leads the way back into the direction of the banana tree beach\nor you just climb up this big rock to get an view over this island.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "On a banner is written \"Hermans Lounge\". Herman pretends to sleep\nhere. Two paths lead out of here. One to the east and one to\nsoutheast.\n\nYou can see herman and a pigsty (empty) here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Herman",
"response": "silence that he deserves. Do you carry anything drinkable?\n\n[1] I better go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nhuge pig\nfat pig\npink pig\ntiny pig\npig number five\npig number ten\npig number nine\npig number eight\npig number six\npig number four\npig number three\npig number one\na pig magnet\na rope\nskinny pig\npot\nwhite russian\na bottle of rum\na bath robe (being worn)\nmanatee wristband (being worn)\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Herman about the pigs",
"response": "[Use TALK TO to interact with characters.]",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and to the east. There are the\nremains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before. One way to\nthe west to hermans fort and a way to the east to the pond. To the\nsouth leads the way back into the direction of the banana tree beach\nor you just climb up this big rock to get an view over this island.\n\nThere is one pig trying to cloggin it up again and restoring a working\ndam. The water is flowing.\n\nYou can see pig number seven here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the magnet",
"response": "You dropped the pig magnet in the once exploded part of the dam. Now\nit lures in hungry pigs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop all the pig",
"response": "pig number seven: Dropped.\nhuge pig: Dropped.\nfat pig: Dropped.\npink pig: Dropped.\ntiny pig: Dropped.\npig number five: Dropped.\npig number ten: Dropped.\npig number nine: Dropped.\npig number eight: Dropped.\npig number six: Dropped.\npig number four: Dropped.\npig number three: Dropped.\npig number one: Dropped.\nskinny pig: Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and not anymore to the east. There\nare the remains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before.\nThese pigs are so concentrated licking this pig magnet, the dam works\nagain One way to the west to hermans fort and a way to the east to the\npond. To the south leads the way back into the direction of the banana\ntree beach or you just climb up this big rock to get an view over this\nisland.\n\nThere is a good damn of fourteen pigs clogging it up, so it now works\nas a dam again. The flow of water is stopped.\n\nYou can see skinny pig, pig number one, pig number three, pig number\nfour, pig number six, pig number eight, pig number nine, pig number\nten, pig number five, tiny pig, pink pig, fat pig, huge pig, pig\nnumber seven and a pig magnet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "FUUUCK, the water flowing into the pond is all gone... so it's empty\nnow.\n\nsouthwest to the canyon edge. A sign on top of the huts entrance says\n\"homoepathy\" it hangs on top of an older one saying \"voodoo\". Or you\ncan go down right into the water, where you see something that looks\nlike a big stopper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the hut",
"response": "Still looking like a house of mojo....but now focusing on\nhomoe-something.\n\nYou can see the door to the backroom, earwax and ex-voodoo lady here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "homoepathic lady.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You jump right into the waterless the depths of the dried out pond.\n\nYou are under water (again) and you try your best to see things in\nthat murky water. You can exit swimming up.\n\nYou can see the big stopper here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the stopper",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the stopper",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the earwax to Herman",
"response": "Herman is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "You have a great view in every direction of this little island. In the\nnorth you can see a small village made of straw huts. Looking really\nna(t)ive. Beneath your feet you can see the strange device directly,\nso you could throw stuff on it. You can only go down from here.\n\nYou can see pig number two here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the pig two at the catapult",
"response": "You drop the pig directly onto the catapult...\n\n... You can now see a flying pig into the north of the island. Even\nto your ear came a very loud and smashing sound afterwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Yes, you smashed the vegibals hut into pieces, using a living pig! A\nbunch of straw and wooden pieces are the only remains of this kind of\nnative architecture.\n\nYou can see a giant q-tip here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Qthe -Tip",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine it",
"response": "It looks like the ones you know for human ears, but this one is giant.\nLarger than your legs. But you notice the cotton tip is long gone on\nthis one, so its basically a really large and heavy stick.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You can look deep down a dried out canyon edge. Its dark down there. A\ntrail leads back south to the banana tree and north to the dam into\nthe direction of the big rock. You can also go northeast to the pond.\nThe sign about the three-headed monkey makes you wonder.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Hot light sand all around. In the middle of this beach is a lonely\nbanana tree. Making you think, it was escaping the jungle behind him\nto the north. Far away to the northwest it leads halfway up to a\nvolcano.\n\nTo the south is water, just water and still not a trace of the black\nfreighter.\n\nYou can see an uhuru here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to uhuru",
"response": "He talks. No joke. he talks and its: \"push the tree, quuoak, push the\ntree.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take banana",
"response": "(the banana)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine banana",
"response": "(the banana)\nYou see nothing special about the banana.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the russian to Herman",
"response": "\"Thank you, thats a welcoming gesture.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na banana\na giant q-tip\nearwax\na rope\npot\nwhite russian\na bottle of rum\na bath robe (being worn)\nmanatee wristband (being worn)\na durian\na fishing rod\nmarooned wristband (being worn)\ntreasure-wristband (being worn)\na rucksack (being worn and open)\na brass lantern\nan ubuntu cd\ntrousers (being worn)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and not anymore to the east. There\nare the remains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before.\nThese pigs are so concentrated licking this pig magnet, the dam works\nagain One way to the west to hermans fort and a way to the east to the\npond. To the south leads the way back into the direction of the banana\ntree beach or you just climb up this big rock to get an view over this\nisland.\n\nThere is a good damn of fourteen pigs clogging it up, so it now works\nas a dam again. The flow of water is stopped.\n\nYou can see skinny pig, pig number one, pig number three, pig number\nfour, pig number six, pig number eight, pig number nine, pig number\nten, pig number five, tiny pig, pink pig, fat pig, huge pig, pig\nnumber seven and a pig magnet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "FUUUCK, the water flowing into the pond is all gone... so it's empty\nnow.\n\nsouthwest to the canyon edge. A sign on top of the huts entrance says\n\"homoepathy\" it hangs on top of an older one saying \"voodoo\". Or you\ncan go down right into the water, where you see something that looks\nlike a big stopper.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You jump right into the waterless the depths of the dried out pond.\n\nYou are under water (again) and you try your best to see things in\nthat murky water. You can exit swimming up.\n\nYou can see the big stopper here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the stopper",
"response": "You open the big stopper.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "Its full of brown sugar cane globules for homoepathic use. You can't\ngo down as long as those sweeteners are blocking your way.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and not anymore to the east. There\nare the remains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before.\nThese pigs are so concentrated licking this pig magnet, the dam works\nagain One way to the west to hermans fort and a way to the east to the\npond. To the south leads the way back into the direction of the banana\ntree beach or you just climb up this big rock to get an view over this\nisland.\n\nThere is a good damn of eight pigs clogging it up, so it now works as\na dam again. The flow of water is stopped.\n\nYou can see pig number nine, pig number ten, pig number five, tiny\npig, pink pig, fat pig, huge pig, pig number seven and a pig magnet\nhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pig",
"response": "Which do you mean, tiny pig, pig number seven, the pig magnet, huge\npig, fat pig, pink pig, pig number five, pig number ten, pig number\nnine, pig number eight, pig number six, pig number four, pig number\nthree, pig number one or skinny pig?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You are standing in front of a big rock. You see a stream bed flowing\nthrough its streambed to the north and to the east. There are the\nremains of a dam that stopped the flow to the east before. One way to\nthe west to hermans fort and a way to the east to the pond. To the\nsouth leads the way back into the direction of the banana tree beach\nor you just climb up this big rock to get an view over this island.\n\nThere is one pig trying to cloggin it up again and restoring a working\ndam. The water is flowing.\n\nYou can see pig number seven and a pig magnet here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "throough the open stopper.\nYou can enter the hut or leave this place to the west or east or\nsouthwest to the canyon edge. A sign on top of the huts entrance says\n\"homoepathy\" it hangs on top of an older one saying \"voodoo\". Or you\ncan go down right into the water, where you see something that looks\nlike a big stopper.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "You jump right into the waterless the depths of the dried out pond.\n\nYou are in a wet and empty pond. The water is vanishing somewhere. You\ncan exit going up..\n\nYou can see the big stopper here.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "Its really sticky down there, but the amount of water was enough to\nmade the sugar to dissolve.\nAs you enter finally this room you meet there a three headed gorilla.\nOr better, one gorilla costume. Inside of it seem to be three people.\nEach one having his face in one of the three heads of this costume.\n\n\"Oh, you guys again?\"\n\n\"Yes, here we are and we were first.\"\n\nbarrels. And they look very old. So you ask \"Whats so special\nabout those barrels?\"\n\n\"Fancy, fancy barrels. These barrels are coming from a ship\ncalled fancy. We were treasure hunting for a long time after this. The\narch pirate himself was hiding them here. Cpt. Henry Avery. We just\narrived here, so we need to drink a lot. You can join us, if you want.\n\nYou look for a place where you can stay for a long time, drinking\nrare whisky from 1690. Not listening what the other guys are talking\nyou reach the state of total boredomness.\n\nfree to fork and create pull requests.\n\nSpecial thanks to Nikola, Thomas and Oliver for Testing this story.\n\nI will leave you now alone...\n\n\"Free Software, Free Society!!",
"endoftext": true
] | iifhfggzx7h8dwf4 |
Zork: A Troll's-Eye View | Dylan O'Donnell | [
"Cave crawl",
] | [
"Evil protagonist",
"fan fiction",
"nonhuman protagonist",
"One room",
"single room",
"Xyzzy Awards 1998",
] | 1,998 | [
] | 28 | 2.321429 | 20160401 | false | Have you ever wondered how the life of a guard troll is? Find out in this game! | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It's not much of a job, but the Dungeon Master was looking for a guard troll, so you volunteered. You were given the standard-issue axe, and told to... well, guard.\n\nZork: A Troll's Eye View\nAn Interactive Tedium\n\nType \"info\" for the story behind it.\n[\"Zork\" is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc., used with permission.]\n\nThis is a small room with passages to the east and south and a forbidding hole leading west. Bloodstains and deep scratches (perhaps made by an axe) mar the walls.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You press the green button",
"response": "People who'd probably hate to be associated with this, and probably don't know why I'm thanking them, but whom I ought to mention for one reason or another:\n\nDavid \"flatterer\" Dyte, Lucian \"Lucian\" Smith, Neil de Mause, Dan \"inky\" Shiovitz, David Wildstrom, L. Ross Raszewski, Andrew Plotkin, Zak Arntson, Gareth Rees, Graham \"of course\" Nelson. And all those raif posters whose questions and answers I plundered via DejaNews.\n\nNote that this game is freeware. Do with it what you will, bar hacking it about and not saying that you've done so. Gaudete.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "It's a study of the relative paradigms of moral identity in classic and modern IF, intended to throw sidelights on the motivation of the player and of NPCs and their relative role in plot construction and development.\n\nDylan O'Donnell, born in the New Forest, Hampshire, England; currently working for Demon Internet in Southend, Essex. Long-time lurker and occasional poster (usually about off-topic things) on rec.[games|arts].int-fiction, inter alia. Do I get to mention an addiction to Babylon 5 here? No? Shame.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na bloody axe",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As nasty-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the axe",
"response": "What if an adventurer came upon you unawares? Fine guard you'd be.\nA \"lean and hungry\" gentleman with a large bag just wandered through the room. You nod to him, one professional to another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The passages through there are twisty and all alike. You don't want to get lost.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "You stretch up and touch the ceiling. Fairly solid.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You experimentally tap the floor with the haft of your axe. Doesn't seem worth trying to dig through.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The passages through there are twisty and all alike. You don't want to get lost.\n\nAn adventurer strides in from the south, carrying a brass lantern. While your eyes adjust to the sudden light, he most unsportingly attacks you!\n\nSlash! His blow lands! That one hit an artery, it could be serious!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "The unconscious adventurer cannot defend himself; he dies. The body of the adventurer, and all his possessions, suddenly disappear in a puff of orange smoke.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Diagnose",
"response": "You have a serious wound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Diagnose",
"response": "You have a light wound.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sleep",
"response": "Hey! No sleeping on duty!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "This is a small room with passages to the east and south and a forbidding hole leading west. Bloodstains and deep scratches (perhaps made by an axe) mar the walls.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw the axe",
"response": "What if an adventurer came upon you unawares? Fine guard you'd be.\n\nAn adventurer strides in from the south, carrying a brass lantern. While your eyes adjust to the sudden light, she most unsportingly attacks you!\n\nThe adventurer's sword flashes out and connects painfully with your midriff.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Attack adventurer",
"response": "Your axe crashes against the rock, throwing sparks.\nYou receive a deep gash in your side from the elvish blade.\nIt appears that that last blow was too much for you.",
"endoftext": true
] | 1ya4d9l464gpy7sh |
Kids, don't eat your Halloween candy without having your parents inspect it first because there are SICKOS out there who will put RAZOR BLADES in it and you will CUT YOUR MOUTH and GET A POISONED INFECTION and DIE, all from eating your candy early. So don't do that. | Dan Shiovitz | [
] | [
"SpeedIf 2",
"SpeedIF October 1998",
"TADS 2",
] | 1,998 | [
] | 11 | 2.272727 | 20080501 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "That wacky Neil deMause! What will he think of next? Why, the last time you tried to visit him, you got stuck on Ellis Island for hours, and ended up years in the past talking to a goat. Boy, you were really \"Lost in New York\" that time (heh heh). And history seems to have repeated itself, because here it is Halloween, and here you are, wandering through the streets in the fog, looking for his apartment again. Sheesh.\n\nIt's a good thing it's too foggy to make out any details, because\nI've spent all of three hours in New York, and they were all at the airport waiting to switch flights. Still, you can make out a street going north (how did you get into this dead end, anyway?)\nA jack-o-lantern sits in the middle of the street to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the jack-o-lantern",
"response": "You take a step or two towards the pumpkin. A sudden gust of wind makes the fog swirl, obscuring it for a moment despite the candle's glow, and then it's gone. Huh. Weeeyurd.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are empty-handed.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "It's a good thing it's too foggy to make out any details, because\nI've spent all of three hours in New York, and they were all at the airport waiting to switch flights. Still, you can make out a street going north (how did you get into this dead end, anyway?)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "You walk forward into the fog.\nSomeplace Else in New York\nYou're still lost, but at least you know you aren't where you were before. So you must be, erm, someplace else. The street bends, so you can go either east or south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You pause for a moment as you start to walk again. Did you .. hear something? Nah. Couldn't be.\nA Third Place in New York\nSteadily narrowing down the options, you plan on having the whole\nof New York mapped any time now. *Including* the secret passage from the Kitchen to the Library. Streets lead west and north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Again, you pause. There's definitely something out there. Something nasty. Something big. Something orange.\nA Fourth Room in New York\nSomeplace else. Someplace foggy. Someplace sinister.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are empty-handed.\n\n\"Ha!\" you reassure yourself \"There's nothing out there! And if there were, it would never leap onto my back suddenly and clasp its slimy hands around my throat and slowly squeeze until all my life was crushed out. It'd just rip my chest open and feast on my entrails.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine something",
"response": "I don't see any pumpkin here.\n\nI don't know the word \"something\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This seems to be the end of the line. Your last stand. The final battle. No wait out but dead man's boots.\n\n(Dramatic pause).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...\n\nEEEAGH! FLYING DEMONIC PUMPKIN HEAD!!!\n\nWhen the horror finally ends, you're someplace else.\nSomeplace else in New York\nAnother time .. another place. Or is it? One moment seems to\nblend into another, one stretch of pavement becomes the same as any other. It's tough being a hard-boiled detective, tossed off the police force because you knew too much about the kickbacks being paid to the guys up top. Yeah, it's tough, on your own, in-debt and half-drunk to forget the pain of a broken heart. So it's a good thing you're not one. You're just J Random Protagonist, remember? Now go find neild's house. I think it's north of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You look about the same as always.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "No, wait, I guess it's west of here. (Take *that*, fourth wall!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "You walk west, and find yourself on the doorstep of Neil's house.\nYour quest is over! ... or is it??\nOutside Neil deMause's House\nFor ease of narration, his apartment got turned into a house\nsometime. Or maybe you went inside and are standing outside the door to his room. Whatever.\nYou see a door here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You knock",
"response": "(the door)\nYou knock three times:\nbang!\nbang!\nbang!\nThe door sloooowly creeeeeeaks opeeeeeen....",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "It's yor frend!\n\nneild invites you inside and gives you cookies.\n\nInside Neil deMause's House/Apartment\nDepending on which path you took to get here, this is either Neil deMause's House or his Apartment.\nNeil deMause is here. Yaaay!\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You have a cookies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Neil about the pumpkin",
"response": "\"I don't know much about that. So let me tell you about baseball instead.\" (hehehehehe see, he likes baseball hehehehe)There is a sudden knocking at the door.\n\"Oh no!\" says neild, \"It's the pumpkinhead! Lets hide!\" Neil hides in the kitchen. You hide in the closet.\n\nThis is the closet. It has stuff in it. There is a wall. And another wall. Also there is a coatrack.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the cookies",
"response": "The cookies slide down your throat and you quickly are full. Also, \"wooden wood\". Ha!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the coatrack",
"response": "it's made out of wood. and varnished. and nailed to the wall. and there, right smack in the center of it, is a HOOK",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the coatrack",
"response": "I don't see any neil here.\n\nPulling the coatrack doesn't have any effect.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are empty-handed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes...",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is the closet. It has stuff in it. There is a wall. And another wall. Also there is a coatrack.",
"endoftext": true
] | 1bw4vfchmpztmb7t |
The Forests of Lachryma | Roger Carbol | [] | [
"SpeedIF Jacket 4",
] | 2,011 | [
] | 4 | 2.25 | 20110403 | false | You play as Aris Bleph, an important citizen of the Upper Forest of Lachryma, one of the twin nations currently threatened with catastrophe. Scientists recently spotted an asteroid plummeting towards the Milk Sea and it is now your duty to retrieve that asteroid. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "A catastrophic event threatens the continued existence of the twin nations. You are Aris, an important citizen of the long linear Upper Forest of Lachryma. If you cannot save your civilization, no one can.\n\nAn entry for Speed-IF Jacket 4 by Roger Carbol\n\n(For more information, try ABOUT.)\n\nA small, circular room, carved out of the depths of the Mother Tree. What little light there is trickles in from a long hallway to the north.\n\nYou are roused from your meditations. You know that you must not fail.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About you",
"response": "You are Aris, an important citizen of the long linear Upper Forest of Lachryma. If you cannot save your civilization, no one can.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "A small, circular room, carved out of the depths of the Mother Tree. What little light there is trickles in from a long hallway to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "From this vantage point, you can see most of the north face of your Mother Tree. Far above you is Citadel Bleph, founded by your own great ancestors generations ago. Far below, all details of the surface are lost to haze. You can vaguely discern the great Milk Sea, and the Rainbow Spot within it.\n\nA stairway winds its way upwards to an observatory. It also continues winding downwards until it eventually reaches a research station. The rest of the city, and beyond its walls other cities around other Mother Trees, could be visited by other paths. But your path lies elsewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Tree",
"response": "Ancient and immense beyond measure, the Mother Tree is the foundation of your entire civilization. It provides scale and oil, it provides shelter, it provides a reason for living.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "This building is among the lowest on the Mother Tree, although it remains safely above the surface. The research pod is here, waiting to take you down to the surface, where you are expected to retrieve the asteroid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine pod",
"response": "It is a small vessel, designed for one person at most. It is raised and lowered by a cable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the pod",
"response": "The research pod is incredibly cramped. There's just enough room for two levers: one labeled DOWN and the other UP. There's also a small window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the lever",
"response": "Which do you mean, the down lever or the up lever?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull down",
"response": "(the down lever)\nYou give the lever labeled DOWN a push, and you quickly find yourself plummeting downwards. This continues for several minutes, until there's a mighty screeching sound, and you find yourself at a standstill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the window",
"response": "It's a tiny opaque window; barely large enough to steal a glimpse through. A large plaque immediately below the window has this message: \"WARNING: Do not open window in transit.\" The window is closed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the window",
"response": "You open the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You would plummet to your death.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through the window",
"response": "Ignoring the admonition of the warning sign, you gaze out through the window.\n\nFar below, you can clearly see the Milk Sea, stretching out to an impossibly-distant horizon. In its center, the colourful Rainbow Sea, perfectly round. And in the center of that sea, you perceive yet another concentric round sea, this one of inky darkness.\n\nBy the Mother Tree -- you comprehend the whole in one terrible instant. This is no sea, no ocean. You gaze down upon the garguantuan eye of some unimagineably immense creature, some god. All you have known, or ever will know, is nothing but the tiniest speck in comparison. Yet you cannot shake the feeling that even as you look down in awe, this behemoth is gazing back.\n\nYour mind is shattered; perhaps another can complete your mission, or perhaps your civilization is doomed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "(the up lever)\nYou give the lever labeled UP a pull, but nothing seems to happen. Perhaps you're as far up as you can go.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look through window",
"response": "You see the research station.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "This building is among the lowest on the Mother Tree, although it remains safely above the surface. The research pod is here, waiting to take you down to the surface, where you are expected to retrieve the asteroid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "From this vantage point, you can see most of the north face of your Mother Tree. Far above you is Citadel Bleph, founded by your own great ancestors generations ago. Far below, all details of the surface are lost to haze. You can vaguely discern the great Milk Sea, and the Rainbow Spot within it.\n\nA stairway winds its way upwards to an observatory. It also continues winding downwards until it eventually reaches a research station. The rest of the city, and beyond its walls other cities around other Mother Trees, could be visited by other paths. But your path lies elsewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "This building is dominated by enormous telescopes and other optical instruments, all pointed across The Great Gap. No signal from the Lower Forest has been received for generations, yet the scientists live in hope. Indeed, it is to them you owe your mission, for it was they who spotted the asteroid plummeting downwards. The asteroid you are now sworn to retrieve.\n\nA large telescope appears to be merely pointed towards the floor.\nThat can't be right.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the telescope",
"response": "Upon closer examination, you determine that it's actually an enormous microscope. It is pointed at a small bowl of oatmeal.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine oatmeal",
"response": "It seems to be a normal bowl of oatmeal. As you observe it, though, numerous dark spots appear on its surface; they appear to be arranging themselves into letters and words.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "As you watch, you see the following message appear: \"PLEASE DO NOT EAT US\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look in the microscope",
"response": "You peer into the microscope, but it's all a blur. You try twiddling various knobs, but nothing seems to help.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the oatmeal",
"response": "(first taking the bowl of oatmeal)\nYou shovel the oatmeal into your mouth. It tastes... a bit strange. Nevertheless, you finish it.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look at your surroundings",
"response": "This building is dominated by enormous telescopes and other optical instruments, all pointed across The Great Gap. No signal from the Lower Forest has been received for generations, yet the scientists live in hope. Indeed, it is to them you owe your mission, for it was they who spotted the asteroid plummeting downwards. The asteroid you are now sworn to retrieve.\n\nA large telescope appears to be merely pointed towards the floor.\nThat can't be right.\n\nYou can see a bowl of oatmeal here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bowl",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the microscope",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You turn the microscope",
"response": "It is fixed in place.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go down",
"response": "From this vantage point, you can see most of the north face of your Mother Tree. Far above you is Citadel Bleph, founded by your own great ancestors generations ago. Far below, all details of the surface are lost to haze. You can vaguely discern the great Milk Sea, and the Rainbow Spot within it.\n\nA stairway winds its way upwards to an observatory. It also continues winding downwards until it eventually reaches a research station. The rest of the city, and beyond its walls other cities around other Mother Trees, could be visited by other paths. But your path lies elsewhere.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "(the down lever)\nYou give the lever labeled DOWN a mighty shove, and, following a shudder, the pod resumes its descent. After several more minutes, the pod comes to a halt at the surface.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Leave",
"response": "The research pod has set down at the base of the Mother Tree, on the shore of the Milk Sea. Far, far to the south, you see dark shape which must be the asteroid.\n\nYou can see a grappling hook here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the hook",
"response": "This hook must have detached from the research pod automatically. It is connected to a thin strong cable which extends back to the pod.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the hook",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You eventually reach the site of the asteroid. It appears to be a large irregular mass of stone, much larger than you. Far to the north, you see the Mother Tree stretching upwards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the asteroid",
"response": "This thing is far too large for you to carry back to the research pod. You examine its surface, and find several places where you could attach the grappling hook.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You attach the hook to the asteroid",
"response": "You firmly attach the grappling hook to the asteroid.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You eventually reach the site of the asteroid. It appears to be a large irregular mass of stone, much larger than you. Far to the north, you see the Mother Tree stretching upwards.\n\nYou can see a grappling hook here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Tree",
"response": "Ancient and immense beyond measure, the Mother Tree is the foundation of your entire civilization. It provides scale and oil, it provides shelter, it provides a reason for living.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The research pod has set down at the base of the Mother Tree, on the shore of the Milk Sea. Far, far to the south, you see dark shape which must be the asteroid.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull up",
"response": "(the up lever)\nYou give the lever labeled UP a pull, and you quickly find yourself rushing upwards. This continues for several minutes, until there's a mighty screeching sound, and you find yourself at a standstill.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "(the up lever)\nYou give the lever labeled UP a mighty shove, and, following a shudder, the pod resumes its ascent. After several more minutes, the pod comes to a halt at the station.\n\nYou hear cheering outside. As you exit the pod, you see a number of excited scientists, as well as your family, and the king himself.\n\"You have saved us all, Aris, of the noble clan of Bleph,\" he says.\n\"A statue shall be erected in your honour, so that everyone knows of your bravery forevermore.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Spoilers",
"response": "The blurbs I tried to incorporate are:\n\n* \"Eyelashes have seldom been rendered in such loving detail.\" -- Sarah Morayati\n* \"Never in any form of media has a bowl of oatmeal been portrayed as a more sympathetic character.\" -- Colin Sandel\n* \"A world steeped in arcane tree-mysticism.\" - Tanga",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine oatmeal",
"response": "It seems to be a normal bowl of oatmeal. As you observe it, though, numerous dark spots appear on its surface; they appear to be arranging themselves into letters and words.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read it",
"response": "As you watch, you see the following message appear: \"BE CAREFUL\"",
"endoftext": true
] | 23412ve392nz3zpf |
Bears, Bears, Bears | Admiral Jota | [
"Slice of life"
] | [
"gender-neutral protagonist",
"Speed-IF Y",
"SpeedIF May 2001",
] | 2,001 | [
] | 4 | 2.25 | 20140404 | true | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It is almost six o'clock, and you have a date with your beloved for some good old cavorting in the park, hopefully topped off with some newfangeld smoochies. But you are stuck at work! You thought working\nat \"Sprockets, Rockets, and Pants\" would be easy -- and it is! But getting home isn't.\n\nBears, Bears, Bears\nA game which has nothing whatsoever to do with bears.\n\nThis is the upstairs lobby of the RSP corporation. It's very different from the downstairs lobby, in that it doesn't have a nice reception desk, comfy chairs, or a shiny chandelier. It does have a vending machine, though. There's a storage closet north of you and a shower room to the south. A really long hallway leads east, to freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machine",
"response": "This vending machine sells tasty bananas, like most vending machines around the world. Unfortunately, it's broken. The back panel has been unlocked so that maintenance can look inside, but they haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You open the back panel.\n\nYou are carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the machine",
"response": "Hmm. Looks like it's missing a sprocket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The hallway stretches on for a nigh-unimaginable distance to the east. Somewhere out there is the elevator which will take you downstairs so you can go find the object of your smoochie-filled desires.\n\nTwo monkey men are playing frisbee here, blocking the hallway.\n\nWilliam Shatner is singing quietly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the frisbee",
"response": "Those seem to belong to the monkey men.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the men",
"response": "While monkey men traditionally play golf, these two are playing frisbee. As if that weren't bad enough, they're playing with *two* frisbees, so as to ensure that the hallway is obstructed by at least one trademarked flying disk at all times!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the frisbee",
"response": "They're frisbees, alright. Trademarked flying disks, just like I said.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Sing",
"response": "Your singing is abominable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Shatner",
"response": "William Shatner is standing in the corner, minding his own business. His Priceline commercials have apparently a toll on him: he's wearing\na beret and singing \"Fly Me to the Moon\", nearly oblivious to the\nworld around him as he flips a into the air quarter repeated, in time with the song.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the quarter",
"response": "That seems to belong to the William Shatner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Shatner for the quarter",
"response": "He ignores you, completely engrossed in his music. \"Fly me... to the moon, my -- friend...\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The hallway stretches on for a nigh-unimaginable distance to the east. Somewhere out there is the elevator which will take you downstairs so you can go find the object of your smoochie-filled desires.\n\nTwo monkey men are playing frisbee here, blocking the hallway.\n\nWilliam Shatner is singing quietly in the corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The monkey men are blocking the hallway with their frisbee game!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the upstairs lobby of the RSP corporation. It's very different from the downstairs lobby, in that it doesn't have a nice reception desk, comfy chairs, or a shiny chandelier. It does have a vending machine, though. There's a storage closet north of you and a shower room to the south. A really long hallway leads east, to freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "It is a closet which is used to store things. It is in fact, a small storage closet, and from the perspective of the break room, it is to the north. A creative mind could possible even construe that vending machine as a trophy case. But it wasn't really intentional.\n\nYou can see a rocket, a sprocket and a pair of pants here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the rocket",
"response": "A big rocket, much like the fireworks typically seen in cartoons like Tom and Jerry or the Coyote and the Roadrunner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sprocket",
"response": "A small doohickey which is vital to many mechanical devices.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pants",
"response": "Trousers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "rocket: Taken.\nsprocket: Taken.\npair of pants: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear the pants",
"response": "You're already wearing your invisible pants. Don't try to refer to them: they're invisible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is the upstairs lobby of the RSP corporation. It's very different from the downstairs lobby, in that it doesn't have a nice reception desk, comfy chairs, or a shiny chandelier. It does have a vending machine, though. There's a storage closet north of you and a shower room to the south. A really long hallway leads east, to freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the sprocket in the panel",
"response": "You expertly attach the sprocket to the appropriate flange, then close the back panel. All fixed!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machine",
"response": "This vending machine sells tasty bananas, like most vending machines around the world. Put a quarter in the slot, and you could have your very own.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of pants\na rocket",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the rocket to Shatner",
"response": "Shatner stops singing mid-verse, dropping his quarter to the ground.\n\n\"Yes! Fly... me, to the moon!\" He pulls a match from his pocket,\nlights the rocket, and hops on. Seconds later he's blasting down the corridor, singing snatches of \"Magic Carpet Ride\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get quarter",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "This is the upstairs lobby of the RSP corporation. It's very different from the downstairs lobby, in that it doesn't have a nice reception desk, comfy chairs, or a shiny chandelier. It does have a vending machine, though. There's a storage closet north of you and a shower room to the south. A really long hallway leads east, to freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put quarter in the machine",
"response": "You put the quarter in the slot, and a banana pops out! Magic!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the banana",
"response": "Mmm, banana!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The hallway stretches on for a nigh-unimaginable distance to the east. Somewhere out there is the elevator which will take you downstairs so you can go find the object of your smoochie-filled desires.\n\nTwo monkey men are playing frisbee here, blocking the hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the banana to the men",
"response": "The monkey men drop their frisbees and start fighting over their banana. They eventually agree to settle the matter with a formal duel, and leave to make the arrangements.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You trudge down the hallway for a few minutes, but realize that\nthere's no way you could reach the other end on foot. Sadly you\nreturn.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na pair of pants",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This room is for the convenience of the employees who work with sprockets and tend to end up covered in machine oil, or who work with rockets and end up covered in soot, or who work with pants. It has\nmany shower heads, for the purpose of showering.\n\nThere's a nude woman here! Hiding behind a pony! So you can't actually see anything! But you know she's naked! Because I just told you so!\n\n\"Eeeek!\" she screams. \"Stay away! Someone stole all my clothes when I came in here to take a shower. I said, 'Stay away!'\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pony",
"response": "It's kinda like a small horse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the pants to the woman",
"response": "The woman gratefully takes the pants and dresses herself, while still hiding behind the pony.\n\n\"Thank you,\" she says, \"But could you find me a shirt, too?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "No",
"response": "She cowers behind the pony. \"Stay back! I'm naked! Don't come any closer!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shower heads",
"response": "Yes, they look perfectly functional. Of course, you're clean, and\ndon't need to use them.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine woman",
"response": "A topless woman, standing behind a pony. She looks just like every other topless woman standing behind a pony you've ever seen before. Except cuter.\n\nThe woman turns red when she realizes that you're ogling her. \"Could you please bring me some more clothes?\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This room is for the convenience of the employees who work with sprockets and tend to end up covered in machine oil, or who work with rockets and end up covered in soot, or who work with pants. It has\nmany shower heads, for the purpose of showering.\n\nThere's a nude woman here! Hiding behind a pony! So you can't actually see anything! But you know she's naked! Because I just told you so!\n\n\"Eeeek!\" she screams. \"Oh, it's you. Could you find me some clothes?\" As an afterthought she adds, \"Stay away!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This is the upstairs lobby of the RSP corporation. It's very different from the downstairs lobby, in that it doesn't have a nice reception desk, comfy chairs, or a shiny chandelier. It does have a vending machine, though. There's a storage closet north of you and a shower room to the south. A really long hallway leads east, to freedom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "It is a closet which is used to store things. It is in fact, a small storage closet, and from the perspective of the break room, it is to the north. A creative mind could possible even construe that vending machine as a trophy case. But it wasn't really intentional.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The hallway stretches on for a nigh-unimaginable distance to the east. Somewhere out there is the elevator which will take you downstairs so you can go find the object of your smoochie-filled desires.\n\nYou can see some pair of frisbees here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the frisbees",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the frisbees to the woman",
"response": "The woman gratefully takes the frisbees and tries to cover up her breasts with them as well as possible.\n\n\"Thank you. You cannot imagine my gratitude.\" She turns bright red and runs out of the shower room, leaving her pony behind.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Ride pony",
"response": "Mounted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The hallway stretches on for a nigh-unimaginable distance to the east. Somewhere out there is the elevator which will take you downstairs so you can go find the object of your smoochie-filled desires.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You ride triumphant down the hallway, to the cheers and acclaim of\nyour co-workers! Hail, the conquering hero! And if you think this is great, you should see the smoochies. Mmmhmm! Baybee!",
"endoftext": true
] | bup6t8xr4inqhb67 |
Carriage Returns | David Good | [
] | [
"EctoComp 2014",
"Inform 7",
] | 2,014 | [
] | 5 | 2.2 | 20150102 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Give yourself over to a bite of cheesey horror. The sharp cheddar kind. Just make sure you have correction fluid handy!\n\nEctocomp 2014 entry, ©2014 by David Good.\[email protected]\nFirst Release Version 1.0\n\nPress a key to continue...\nIt's a brisk November morning, and you're out to get coffee and breakfast at your favorite diner, like you do every day...\n\nThe parking lot for the diner is unremarkable. It's paved with cold, cracked blacktop, painted in fading lines to indicate parking spots. The street is west of here, and your favorite diner is to the south.\n\nYou can see a car, some motorcycles, and a vending machine here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the machine",
"response": "This newspaper vending machine contains the \"Cleveland Plain Dealer\". Cleveland isn't the closest city, but you prefer it to the \"Columbus Citizen-Journal\" or the local small town rag. Looking through its glass window you see a copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper.\n\nIn the vending machine is a copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the newspaper",
"response": "You put a coin in the vending machine and buy a newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the newspaper",
"response": "This is your favorite newspaper, the \"Cleveland Plain Dealer\". It's dated Friday, November 1, 1974. The front page has a picture of boxer Muhammad Ali with the caption \"RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE: HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION ALI WINS IN 8 ROUNDS: Foreman winning streak broken\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the car",
"response": "The unfamiliar green Ford station wagon has faux wood panels on the sides. It appears to be a year or two old, and judging by it's condition you're guessing it's maybe a '73, so it's probably a Ford Country Squire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the motorcycles",
"response": "There's a couple motorcycles here you've never seen before. You're no expert, but one appears to be made by Harley-Davidson, and the other looks like it might be a Ducati. The bikes appear to be immaculately cared for, and look like they're about the same age as the car.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "The parking lot for the diner is unremarkable. It's paved with cold, cracked blacktop, painted in fading lines to indicate parking spots. The street is west of here, and your favorite diner is to the south.\n\nYou can see a car, some motorcycles, and a vending machine here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This town diner has had a few names over the years as its passed from owner to owner. The floors and countertop are linoleum and guests mostly sit on chrome & leather stools at the counter. A few red upholstered booths fill out the place.\n\nYou can see a waitress and a couple here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine waitress",
"response": "The waitress has unusual red hair that clashes with the teal uniform she's wearing. In her frequently-bleached apron you spot a variety of pencils, pads of paper, and the bulge of a pack of cigarettes. An unfiltered cigarette is tucked behind her left ear and a plastic nametag is pinned to her breast pocket.\n\nShe's chewing gum and looks at you expectantly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the nametag",
"response": "The nametag reads \"Columbia\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You buy the breakfast",
"response": "You order some food.\nThe waitress brings over a slice of apple pie with a piece of cheddar cheese on top, and pours you a cup of black coffee.\n\n\"Here you go sweetie,\" she says with a wink. \"Your regular.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the couple",
"response": "The man extends his hand and says \"I'm Brad Majors. This is my girlfriend, Janet Weiss.\"\n\nJanet extends her hand and cheerfully says \"Hello.\"\n\n\"Please excuse our attire,\" Brad says. \"We're on our way to a friend's wedding.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the breakfast",
"response": "It's delicious. The sharp cheese really accentuates the sweet apples. Just like Grandma used to make.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the couple",
"response": "Brad is dressed in a black tuxedo with a red and black plaid cumberbund, and matching bow tie. The \"Buddy Holly\" style glasses perched on his nose make him look very nerdy. He is currently carrying nothing.\n\nJanet is dressed in a lavender jacket and matching skirt. A white hat with an upturned brim is perched on her head. You're not sure what a cute girl like her is doing with such a square. She is currently carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Brad",
"response": "Brad is dressed in a black tuxedo with a red and black plaid cumberbund, and matching bow tie. The \"Buddy Holly\" style glasses perched on his nose make him look very nerdy. He is currently carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nThis town diner has had a few names over the years as its passed from owner to owner. The floors and countertop are linoleum and guests mostly sit on chrome & leather stools at the counter. A few red upholstered booths fill out the place.\n\nYou can see Janet, Brad, a cup of coffee, a slice of pie, and Columbia here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the coffee",
"response": "Mmmm... Nice and hot, a refreshing nutty flavor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pie",
"response": "In front of you is a warm slice of apple pie with a slice of cheddar on top. Next to it is the best cup of coffee in town.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This town diner has had a few names over the years as its passed from owner to owner. The floors and countertop are linoleum and guests mostly sit on chrome & leather stools at the counter. A few red upholstered booths fill out the place.\n\nYou can see Janet, Brad, a cup of coffee, a slice of pie, and Columbia here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take pie",
"response": "You've already got pie and coffee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drink the coffee",
"response": "Mmmm... Nice and hot, a refreshing nutty flavor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the car",
"response": "It's a bad idea to mess with someone else's car.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the newspaper",
"response": "This is your favorite newspaper, the \"Cleveland Plain Dealer\". It's dated Friday, November 1, 1974. The front page has a picture of boxer Muhammad Ali with the caption \"RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE: HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION ALI WINS IN 8 ROUNDS: Foreman winning streak broken\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the Columbia",
"response": "Columbia has unusual red hair that clashes with the teal uniform she's wearing. In her frequently-bleached apron you spot a variety of pencils, pads of paper, and the bulge of a pack of cigarettes. An unfiltered cigarette is tucked behind her left ear and a plastic nametag is pinned to her breast pocket.\n\nShe's chewing gum and looks at you expectantly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the nametag",
"response": "That seems to belong to Columbia.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the newspaper to Brad",
"response": "Brad is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the newspaper to the columbia",
"response": "Columbia is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the pie to Janet",
"response": "(first taking the slice of pie)\nYou've already got pie and coffee.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This town diner has had a few names over the years as its passed from owner to owner. The floors and countertop are linoleum and guests mostly sit on chrome & leather stools at the counter. A few red upholstered booths fill out the place.\n\nYou can see Janet, Brad, a cup of coffee, a slice of pie, and Columbia here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "(on the copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper)\nYou can't sit on the copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Janet, to go north",
"response": "Janet has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine janet",
"response": "Janet is dressed in a lavender jacket and matching skirt. A white hat with an upturned brim is perched on her head. You're not sure what a cute girl like her is doing with such a square. She is currently carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Brad",
"response": "Brad is dressed in a black tuxedo with a red and black plaid cumberbund, and matching bow tie. The \"Buddy Holly\" style glasses perched on his nose make him look very nerdy. He is currently carrying nothing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.\nI beg your pardon?\nI beg your pardon?",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This town diner has had a few names over the years as its passed from owner to owner. The floors and countertop are linoleum and guests mostly sit on chrome & leather stools at the counter. A few red upholstered booths fill out the place.\n\nYou can see Janet, Brad, a cup of coffee, a slice of pie, and Columbia here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the pie and the coffee",
"response": "slice of pie: It's delicious. The sharp cheese really accentuates the sweet apples. Just like Grandma used to make.\ncup of coffee: Mmmm... Nice and hot, a refreshing nutty flavor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the Columbia",
"response": "She's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the pie",
"response": "Brad has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say the cheese",
"response": "Whom do you want to say that to?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give it to Brad",
"response": "\"Why, thanks,\" Brad says to you. \"I really enjoy reading the day's news. Oh, look at this headline. Ali won that title match in Zaire.\"\n\nSuddenly a window of the diner shatters. You look up to see that a manual typewriter has come through the window. It rears up and its keys clatter meanacingly at everyone.\n\nJanet screams, and the waitress takes cover behind the counter.\n\"I'll protect you, Janet,\" Brad shouts. He throws the newspaper at the typewriter, which shreds the Cleveland Plain Dealer with its horrible mechanics.\n\nSuddenly, the typewriter is upon Brad. His tuxedo is soaked with blood.\n\n\"Oh no,\" cries Janet. \"We'll never get the deposit back now!\"\n\nAs the last of Brad's life eeks out of him, he reaches for Janet and says \"I was going to ask you...\" and then he expires. Janet reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a ring box and starts to weep. She looks up - but it's too late, the cursed typewriter is upon her.",
"endoftext": true
] | iksbtn1l4wpryu7 |
You Were Here | Joshua Houk | [
] | [
] | 2,015 | [
] | 5 | 2.2 | 20150101 | false | [
"action": "%",
"response": "You are sitting at a desk. \"He's still here.\"",
"endoftext": true
] | 294k7xsn8de4qi2e |
Love Is as Powerful as Death, Jealousy Is as Cruel as the Grave | Conrad Cook (as Michael Whittington) | [
] | [
" Halloween Competition 2009",
"TADS 3"
] | 2,009 | [
] | 6 | 2.166667 | 20100101c | false | Atmospheric and moody, here one gets to follow an American teaching in Cambodia through a ghost story with an Eastern flavor. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Love Is As Powerful As Death, Jealousy Is As Cruel As The Grave\n\nThis is how later you would remember these events, almost as if reliving them, going over the details again and again, trying to recapture the feel of events, putting yourself into them as if they were happening for the first time.\n\nThis is the dining room of the Cafe Khmer.\n\nThere's a thin metal table here that Joe is sitting at. Joe's coffee sits on the table. You haven't had coffee in a long time, actually.\n\nJoe is here, chillin'.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "This is you, Roger West - six feet tall, dirty-blonde hair, and not conspicuously out of shape. You are, you think somewhat critically, as handsome as ever. Unfortunately that doesn't say much.\n\n\"Dude, what's up?\" Joe says. Joe has started his own small business matching private tutors with Koreans who have money. (There's no money in tutoring Khmers.) You heard he was looking for tutors. More than anything else, you're hoping he can send some business your way.\n\n(You could say not much, lie and say lots, tell him about girls, or ask him about a job, Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about himself",
"response": "Joe snorts. \"Yeah, whatever.\" Clearly, he thinks your \"himself\" thing was a dumb comment. Or maybe he just didn't hear you?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Joe about the girls",
"response": "\"There's these two girls I'm trying to figure out.\" you tell Joe.\n\n\"Not surprising\" Joe replies. \"Who are they?\"\n\n\"One's a Filipina named Mary. The other's a Khmer girl.\"\n\n\"Whats her name?\"\n\n\"Paridy. Part-time librarian at the school I work at.\" And she's neat, you think, but she doesn't have the basic idea of organization: of alphabetical order, for example.\n\n\"Aah. I know them,\" Joe says.\n\n(You could tell him about Mary, or Paridy, or ask him about a job, Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Joe about Paridy",
"response": "\"How do you know Paridy?\"\n\n\"Well, remember, I used to work at your same school. Just part-time.\"\n\nOh, that's right. That's actually how you met Joe: he was going out, segueing into working only as a private tutor for Koreans, just as you were coming in.\n\n\"I wouldn't waste too much time on her,\" Joe is saying. \"She's a good girl.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Joe about Mary",
"response": "\"How do you know Mary?\" you ask.\n\n\"She used to work at the California School,\" Joe says. \"That's how you met her, right?\"\n\n\"Through one of the teachers there, yeah.\"\n\n\"Yeah, she's hot. And I think she's the kind of girl you need.\"\n\nA pretty blonde girl walks by, distracting you both.\n\n\"What do you think?\" Joe asks you.\n\n\"French,\" you reply.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the coffee",
"response": "\"Hey, hey - hands off,\" Joe says, holding his coffee protectively.\n\n\"Yeah, so anyway-\" Joe says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about himself",
"response": "\"Hey, man,\" Joe says, seeming to notice you for the first time.\n\n\"No, you had your chance,\" Joe tells you. \"Now I'm going to tell you about my new girlfriend.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the job",
"response": "\"No, you had your chance,\" Joe tells you. \"Now I'm going to tell you about my new girlfriend.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying your wallet and your cell phone.\n\n\"Try to keep up. I know you never have much to say, but this is ridiculous.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the wallet",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\nJoe raises his eyebrows. \"HuhWhat?\"\n\nA pickup truck, with a rusted cab and a banged-together bed of wood, pulls up outside, and a delivery guy props the door open and brings some boxes in to the back.\n\nYour wallet is far less important here in Cambodia than at home. Your driver's license, bearing the name Roger West, would be useless to the police, as most of them can't read English, and no license is required to drive anyway.\n\nLike most ex-patriots, you keep your really important stuff - your ATM card and your passport, which contains your visa - safely at home.\n\nCambodians use American money, mostly - paper dollars. They use their own currency as small change. 4,000 reil to a dollar. Or sometimes 4,400. It depends on which way the transaction is going.\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell yourself about the girlfriend",
"response": "Talking to yourself won't accomplish anything.\n\n\"I've been dating this girl. She's pretty cool, actually.\" While he's talking to you, he takes out his phone and brings something up on it.\n\nJoe the phone out to you, showing you a picture. It's the image of a beautiful Asian girl tied and gagged on a bed. She's otherwise naked. It's actually quite shocking.\n\nSeeing your expression, Joe laughs. The delivery guy takes his paperwork, climbs into the truck, and drives off. A moment later, the waitress (who you haven't managed to get the attention of) closes the door as she passes through.\n\n(You could ask him about his new girlfriend, a job, Joe himself, or bring up something else, or tell him about Paridy.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the girl",
"response": "\"How'd you meet this girl?\" you ask. \"I can tell you're into her.\"\n\n\"She was a hooker,\" Joe replies promptly. \"Still is, technically, but I told her she had to stop while she was with me.\"\n\nYou say nothing. He reads your expression. \"It's okay,\" he tells you. \"I had her tested. She's healthy, basically. She has hep. That's the only really bad thing. I'm careful.\"\n\n(You could ask where he met her, tell him about Paridy, or ask him about a job, Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the photo",
"response": "The word \"photo\" is not necessary in this story.\n\n(If this was an accidental misspelling, you can correct it by typing OOPS followed by the corrected word now. Any time the story points out an unknown word, you can correct a misspelling using OOPS as your next command.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask where he met her",
"response": "\"Where'd you meet her?\" you ask.\n\n\"At the X-pub.\"\n\nThe X-pub is one of the night-life spots in Siem Reap. You've never been there.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "\"No, you had your chance,\" Joe tells you. \"Now I'm going to tell you about my new girlfriend.\"\n\nThis is the dining room of the Cafe Khmer.\n\nThere's a thin metal table here that Joe is sitting at. Joe's coffee sits on the table. You haven't had coffee in a long time, actually.\n\nAt the moment, Joe is talking to you.\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about girlfriend",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\n\"Do you want to tell me about your new girlfriend?\" you ask.\n\n\"I could talk about her all day,\" Joe says, smiling to himself.\n\n\"You're dating a hooker?\" you ask.\n\nJoe nods. \"When she was a kid, her parents sold her off to work as a child beggar. One of the ones who try to sell you stuff when you go to see the ruins of the temple-city. It was supposed to be temporary. They raped her into it there. She got a boss who liked kids. Liked making them hurt. Bad luck.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about girlfriend",
"response": "\"I don't entirely understand how she got out of it,\" Joe says, \"but I know she was out of it for a while. Made friends with the right person, I think. Got back into it recently. She wasn't out of it for too long - claims to be eighteen. Anyway, there's a few years unaccounted for. Man, she's into some crazy stuff.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the girlfriend",
"response": "\"We have an agreement,\" Joe says. \"She doesn't let any other guy touch her. But I can do whatever I want, as long as she's getting what she needs.\"\n\nJoe ponders for a moment. \"Or at least I think that's our agreement.\" He laughs. \"She speaks broken beggar English, and I speak no Khmer. Anyway, that's how I'm running it.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Again",
"response": "Joe breaks into a shockingly beautiful smile. \"I don't know... I just feel so good for some reason, and just here while I'm talking to you, I can't get her out of my mind.\"\n\n(You could tell him about Paridy, or ask him about a job, Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the girlfriend",
"response": "\"Sounds like quite a girl,\" you say.\n\nJoe's smile lingers. He just shrugs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about a the job",
"response": "You say, \"I'm really not finding the work here in Cambodia they told me I'd find. They told me having my teaching cert would open doors. They told me-\"\n\n\"Aw, man, you are such a whiner,\" Joe says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the coffee",
"response": "That's Joe's coffee. It sure looks good.\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe for the coffee",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\nJoe raises his eyebrows. \"HuhWhat?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the coffee",
"response": "\"Hey, that's my coffee. Get your own.\"\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the girl",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\n\"Sounds like quite a girl,\" you say.\n\nJoe's smile lingers. He just shrugs.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is the dining room of the Cafe Khmer.\n\nThere's a thin metal table here that Joe is sitting at. Joe's coffee sits on the table. You haven't had coffee in a long time, actually.\n\nAt the moment, Joe is talking to you.\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about Paridy",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\n\"I like good girls,\" you say.\n\nHe shrugs. \"You might like them, but are you successful with them? There's two ways to get into a girl like Paridy: marry her, or be a pimp.\" He laces his fingers behind his head and leans back. \"Like me.\"\n\n(You could zing him about the pimp comment, tell him about Paridy, or ask him about being a whiner, Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Zing",
"response": "\"You're a pimp?' you ask.\n\n\"You know it,' Joe replies.\n\nHm. That didn't work at all. Joe remains un-zung.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about being a the whiner",
"response": "\"Well, what do you mean I'm a whiner?\" you ask.\n\n\"I'll just put it this way - I'm glad I don't work with you.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe to come back to your place",
"response": "The story doesn't understand that command. Please use ASK ACTOR ABOUT TOPIC (or just A TOPIC).\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about Joe",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\n\"So how're you, Joe?\" you ask.\n\n\"You know me, man. I'm always good.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could tell him about Paridy, or ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Joe about Paridy",
"response": "\"I think I have a chance with her,\" you say.\n\n\"And how many girls in your life have you thought you had a chance with, to find they'll let you buy them things but you get no boom-boom?\" (You have to admit, he has a point.) \"Don't fight what you are. You'll just frustrate yourself.\"\n\n(You could ask about frustrating yourself, or ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about frustrating yourself",
"response": "\"What do you mean, I'll frustrate myself if I fight what I am?\"\n\n\"Ah, y'know, man. I'm just saying, leave girls like Paridy to guys who know how to get 'em in the sack.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about Joe",
"response": "\"So how're you, Joe?\" you ask.\n\n\"You know me, man. I'm always good.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell him about the assholes",
"response": "Joe raises his eyebrows. \"HuhWhat?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You find the waitress",
"response": "What do you want to look that up in?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.\n\nYou could ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about Joe",
"response": "\"So how're you, Joe?\" you ask.\n\n\"You know me, man. I'm always good.\"\n\n\"So how're you, Joe?\" you ask.\n\n\"You know me, man. I'm always good.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This is the dining room of the Cafe Khmer.\n\nThere's a thin metal table here that Joe is sitting at. Joe's coffee sits on the table. You haven't had coffee in a long time, actually.\n\nAt the moment, Joe is talking to you.\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the coffee",
"response": "Joe looks you over. And it's friendly, but it's not.\n\nJoe raises his eyebrows. \"HuhWhat?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the table",
"response": "You see nothing unusual under the cafe table.\n\n\"Why do I always have to do all the work?\" Joe demands. \"Why can't you ever hold up your end of a conversation?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the girl",
"response": "You are carrying your wallet and your cell phone.\n\n\"So which one are you going to ask out?\" Joe asks. \"Mary or Paridy?\"\n\n(You could say you'll ask out Mary, say you'll ask out Paridy, or ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.)\n\n\"Hey, hey... c'mon, man\" Joe cajoles. \"After all I told you? You've got to answer my question or I'll feel like a dweeb.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say paridy",
"response": "\"I'll ask Paridy out,\" you say.\n\nJoe considers that. \"Well, it's your choice, I guess.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about Paridy",
"response": "\"I think I have a chance with her,\" you say.\n\n\"And how many girls in your life have you thought you had a chance with, to find they'll let you buy them things but you get no boom-boom?\" (You have to admit, he has a point.) \"Don't fight what you are. You'll just frustrate yourself.\"\n\n(You could ask him about Joe himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "This is the dining room of the Cafe Khmer.\n\nThere's a thin metal table here that Joe is sitting at. Joe's coffee sits on the table. You haven't had coffee in a long time, actually.\n\nAt the moment, Joe is talking to you.\n\nFrowning, Joe fiddles with his phone. He stands, mutters, \"Hey, man-\" and walks away.\n\nYou assume that he was going to the bathroom, or something, but after a while you realize he's left.\n\nAnd that he's left you to pay for his coffee.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe for the perfidy's number",
"response": "Joe's not here - he left in a hurry. And, it seems, stuck you with the bill.\n\n-The conversation didn't seem important at the time, but later you would look back on it and wonder.\n\nTwo days later, you were out on the balcony near your apartment talking to your neighbor, Chuck.\n\nChuck is basically a good guy - you like him - but it sometimes takes him quite a long time to fomulate his thoughts, requiring you to wait for him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying your wallet and your cell phone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the wallet",
"response": "No need to fiddle with your wallet. Besides, it makes you look awkward.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "Your cell phone is a tiny, cheap little thing - \"cheap\" in this case being $40. You know you can get them for less, but you weren't able to talk the merchant down any. This one keeps turning off for no good reason. A good thing to keep with you, even though you have no one to call at the moment.\n\n\"There was a big fire the other day,\" Chuck tells you. \"Did you hear about it?\"\n\n\"Not really,\" you say. \"Oh!- I smelled the smoke, a few days ago around noon, but with Siem Reap so dusty I didn't think about it.\nWhat happened?\"\n\n\"I heard somebody died in it, but then I heard that, no, all of the tenants got out and were accounted for, so it's okay. Joe was talking about it.\"\n\n(You could ask him about the big fire, or Chuck himself, or tell him about Cambodian history.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Chuck",
"response": "Chuck is a small, somewhat heavy Australian. He's what some people would call 'quietly intense', and others, 'tightly wound.' Although he's not looking at you, you know Chuck is giving you his full attention. You think he knows it can be unsettling when he looks directly at a person - there's just something about him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Chuck about the the big fire",
"response": "\"I don't really get it,\" Chuck says. \"Why is Cambodia so poor?\"\n\n\"Because of Pol Pot,\" you say. You read up on the history before you got here.\n\n\"Was there more to that story about the fire?\" you ask.\n\nChuck says, \"Yeah, I guess there was.\"\n\n(You could ask him about the big fire, or Chuck himself, or tell him about Cambodian history.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "\"You talked to Joe?\" you ask. \"I haven't seen him lately.\"\n\n\"Yeah; he said there had been a fire in New York a couple years ago where the parents had been smoking in bed, and the mattress caught fire. Then they tried to get the mattress out of the apartment, and when they got it halfway through the doorway, well now there was a draft, and it burst into flame. So they screwed up.\"\n\nChuck considers something, and adds, \"He didn't say what they were smoking. I guess the media would have considered it an undiplomatic question, under the circumstances. Maybe nothing exotic, even.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Chuck about the fire",
"response": "\"The whole family - the parents and three kids - were all stuck in the apartment. Everyone else got out of the building safely, but they were trapped. No fire exit. Sucks.\"\n\nChuck motions. \"Anyway, from what I understand, everyone's accounted for in this one, thank Christ.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Chuck about the fire",
"response": "\"I wonder where the fire was?\" you say.\n\n\"I don't know that,\" Chuck replies. \"Somewhere in the neighborhood.\nI imagine if you walk around, you'll notice the burnt-out husk of a building somewhere.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Chuck about the cambodian history",
"response": "\"The country was discontent,\" you say, \"because they were under French colonial rule. Pol Pot came to power - there was another government between the colonial government and Pol Pot - but Pol Pot came to power and he had a traditionalist theory that the reason Cambodia was having problems was that it had gotten away from its roots. Which was farming.\"\n\nChuck is listening, but you can't tell how much he is hearing. He nods slightly, but it seems almost rhythmic.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Chuck the cambodian history",
"response": "The story doesn't understand that command. Please use ASK ACTOR ABOUT TOPIC (or just A TOPIC).\n\nChuck stands. \"Well, I'd better go,\" he says, looking over your shoulder at the hall to his door. \"Good luck with everything.\"\n\nChuck walks out.\n\nYou can hear him in the hallway saying something to Ted, who presently walks in. His friend George is right behind him.\n\n\"Hey, how's it going?\" Ted asks as he takes Chuck's seat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at George",
"response": "George is by far the weaker personality. Mostly you address yourself to Ted and let George chime in when he likes.\n\n\"So what happened on your date?\" George asks, staring at you.\n\n\"Paridy didn't show up,\" you say. \"Found out later she claimed she didn't understand what the plan was. And that she wanted to hang out in a group: so clearly she did understand what the plan was - saying she didn't was some kind of face-saving bullshit. She flaked. Turns out that Cambodian chicks are still chicks.\"\n\nYou think about what Joe told you: not to fight what you are.\n\nYou say, \"She didn't trust me, I guess. I dunno, I mean, it's not like I'm going to tear her clothes off in Lucky Mall and rape her.\nI'm an id beast, but I'm not that much of an id beast.\"\n\n\"It's part of Khmer culture,\" Ted tells you, causing George to stop staring at you momentarily. \"The first couple dates, she needs to have a friend there.\"\n\n-George once told you that he became an ex-pat because the women back home \"wouldn't give him the time of day.\" And indeed there is something creepy about his manner.'\n\n(You could tell them about dating (to answer George's questions), or dating (to get George to stop staring at you), or ask them about Joe's new girlfriend, Joe, Ted himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the dating",
"response": "'George, you're still staring at me,' you say. 'Was there something else you wanted to know?'\n\n'Not really,' George says. 'What's the follow-up?'\n\n'She invited me fishing,' you say. There's this pagoda she goes to go fishing; she invited me along. Later today.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask them about Joe's new girlfriend, Joe, Ted himself, or bring up something else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell George about the fishing",
"response": "George is by far the weaker personality. Mostly you address yourself to Ted and let George chime in when he likes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the joe's new girlfriend",
"response": "Ted gives you a crooked smile. George merely makes eye contact.\n\nYou have nothing in mind to say on that subject right now.\n\n(You could ask them about Joe's new girlfriend, Joe, Ted himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Joe",
"response": "\"What's the latest on Joe?\" you ask.\n\nGeorge says, \"I heard the cops want to talk to him. Don't know why.\"\n\n\"Oh, I know why,\" Ted says. \"His house burned down the other day.\nHis apartment building. So they need to ask everyone questions, for insurance and all that. Can you imagine what a pisser that is?\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Joe",
"response": "You ask, \"Did Joe lose his passport?\"\n\n\"Yeah, must've. And that means he wouldn't have his visa so he couldn't prove he was here legally. Which is $5 a day they fine you for every day you're not here legally. And he's been here for months. If they find him before he gets that squared away, he is screwed.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Again",
"response": "\"Can you imagine that?\" Ted muses. \"To lose absolutely everything except what you're happening to be carrying at the time? -I loaned him fifty dollars. Would've loaned him more, but I'm hard up until payday.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine ted",
"response": "Ted is an Irishman with what you at first found to be an incomprehensible accent. You've since adapted to it, which you find a little alarming. He has bad teeth from a lifetime of barroom fights and an old face from a lifetime of drinking; but he has a young body. He works out, and shows it off with a loose-cut tank top. Ted is a cheerful enough guy, but underneath it there's something not at all kind-hearted.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the girlfriend",
"response": "\"Have you seen Joe's new girlfriend?\" you ask. \"Is she pretty?\"\n\n\"Pretty enough,\" Ted says, \"but she has these little scars on her arms. Some of 'em look fresh. You know what those are from? - cockroaches.\"\n\n\"Really? They'll bite you here?\" You've seen some mammoth roaches in your apartment.\n\n\"Oh, will they bite you. They'll get you while you're sleeping. Move your bed away from the wall and, what I do, I run tape sticky-side-out around the legs of my bed, so they can't climb up it. But she's pretty enough, yeah.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the girlfriend",
"response": "\"I think he really likes her,\" you say. \"He got a tattoo in Cambodian that I think might be her name.\"\n\n\"If he really liked her, he'd get it in English,\" Ted says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the girlfriend",
"response": "\"It's funny,\" you say: \"With Joe being so good with girls, that he'd end up with a hooker.\"\n\nThere's an awkward silence as Ted and George look at each other.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about Joe",
"response": "\"Where's Joe staying?\" you ask.\n\n\"With his girlfriend, where else?\" Ted replies. \"She's Khmer. Must live, I imagine, in some rat-infested hole with a dirt floor, in common with a few others. No proper door leading out. I don't imagine he's enjoying that.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask them about Joe, Ted himself, or bring up something else.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask them about Ted",
"response": "\"So what's new, Ted?\" you ask. \"How's school? How's your students?\"\n\n\"The usual crap,\" he replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask them about Joe",
"response": "\"-And when Joe goes to sleep in that that Cambodian household, he's very paranoid about where to keep that fifty dollars you lent him,\" you say.\n\n\"Yeah he probably is,\" Ted says, looking a little surprised. \"But I've gotten so much work from him, and I know he's good for it, so I couldn't turn him down, could I?\"\n\n\"Well, it's about time I got ready for my big fishing date at the pagoda. This is dating, Khmer-style.\"\n\n\"Good luck,\" Ted says.\n\nYou stand.\n\n(You could ask them about Ted himself, or bring up something else.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Bye",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask them about Ted",
"response": "Ted gives you a crooked smile. George merely makes eye contact.\n\n\"So what's new, Ted?\" you ask. \"How's school? How's your students?\"\n\n\"The usual crap,\" he replies.\n\nYou give your regards and go to get ready for your big fishing date with Paridy at the pagoda.\n\nWhen you get to Paridy's door, you heard voices inside.\n\nYou're outside the door to Paridy's apartment. Traffic goes by occasionally - motorbikes, mostly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go inside",
"response": "Opened.\n\n(the door)\n\nYou walk into Paridy's apartment and see Joe and Paridy hanging out.\n\nYou see Joe is looking an awful lot at Paridy.\n\nYou see that Paridy seems to be paying an awful lot of attention to Joe.\n\nIt makes you do a double-take. Yes, indeed: Joe, of all people, is here, of all places, and he and Paridy are so absorbed in looking at each other that they hardly seem to notice you. Paridy is in the middle of a story.\n\n\"When they are bad, they go to bad place. They get no feed. When they come out, they have eat bad feed. If it good they can not eat. You must throw it on the ground for dirty, or rot. Rotted?\"\n\nParidy continues, \"But they only can come out one day. One day year. Very hungry then. If their family not to monks, they can not eat one year again. Very very hungry.\"\n\n\"So how does the family know the right day?\" Joe asks, speaking slowly.\n\n\"Oh, yes,\" Paridy says, laughing. \"There are many pagoda in Cambodia. If the family go the wrong pagoda, they not get feed. But the family talk monks. Monks say what pagoda, what day. Very important talk monks.\"\n\n\"That's a well-organized afterlife,\" Joe says. Paridy doesn't understand. \"How do the monks know? Do they have a schedule? A calendar? Who tells the dead person when he gets vacation?\"\n\nParidy is smiling. \"Monks know,\" she says.\n\n\"How about you, Roger?\" Joe raps. \"You believe in magic?\"\n\n(You could say yes or no, or ask him about his girlfriend, or the fire.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "It's open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask him about the girlfriend",
"response": "\"How's your girlfriend, man?\" you ask.\n\nJoe laughs. He tells Paridy, \"Roger is asking about my girlfriend. Always asking about my girlfriend. He wants to know because he doesn't have one.\" Paridy laughs. Joe's gaze remains on her as they both laugh, but you have the feeling he's looking at you out of the corner of his eye.\n\nDown the street, you hear the duck-like squeak of the squeeze-bottles beggars use to call for people to bring out their recyclables and put them into their two-wheeled hand-carts.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say no",
"response": "Joe raises his eyebrows. \"HuhWhat?\"\n\nJoe sits on the couch with Paridy.\n\n\"Hey, man, have a seat,\" Joe says. He motions beside him, on the far side from Paridy. If you sit there, he's between you and her.\n\nBut, you could sit in the big chair, which is kitty-corner to the couch, and you'd be sitting almost next to Paridy.\n\n\n\n(You could sit on the couch (next to Joe), sit on the big chair (next to Paridy), or ask him about the fire.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit on the big chair",
"response": "You sit down into the big chair, kitty-corner to Paridy.\n\nAs you settle into the big wicker chair, you rock the end table that takes up the corner between the couch and the chair. Joe flips out.\n\n'What the Hell's the matter with you?' he shouts - almost screams, really. 'Can't you see I've got a cigarette on there?'\n\nIndeed, on the end table, there's an ashtray, and in the ashtray there's a burning cigarette. Probably left there, you suddenly realize, so Joe would have a reason to keep reaching around and across Paridy.\n\n'What's your problem?' you ask.\n\n'My problem?' Joe yells. 'What's your problem, that you're trying to burn the place down?'\n\nParidy doesn't understand what's going on. She only knows that Joe is screaming in your face, and you're taking it like a punk.\n\nJoe gets up and walks outside.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Paridy's apartment is remarkably nice, for a Khmer apartment. It has a couch and a big chair, a small refrigerator, a countertop with a big portable stove - no gas lines in Cambodia - a big oscillating fan that most Western-style rooms have, instead of A/C, and a TV.\n\nParidy is here, looking at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Paridy",
"response": "This is the Khmer girl you've been thinking so much of, Paridy. She's slender without being thin, pretty without being glamorous. And she has a real nice smile. You like her a lot.\n\nFinally, you have Paridy alone! No telling how long it'll last, though.\n\n'I no understaan' this,' Paridy says, putting a newspaper in front of you. She points to the headline:\n\n'Ferry Operator's Fate Still Unknown' Something about the storm in the Philippines.\n\n'What it mean?'\n\n(You could tell her about the newspaper.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell her about the newspaper",
"response": "'A ferry,' you say, 'is a kind of boat. You know boat?'\n\n'Yes,' she says.\n\n'But a ferry just goes back and forth, back and forth,' you tell her. 'Ahh, yes,' she says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell her about the newspaper",
"response": "'The operator is the man who owns the ferry. The man in it.'\n\n'Ah, yes. What is fate?'\n\nYou think a moment. 'You know karma?'\n\n'Yes.'\n\n'Same thing.'\n\n'Ahh.' She nods.\n\nThis is all very approximate, you think, but that's how early learning works.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell her about the newspaper",
"response": "'And unknown means we don't know. So, there was a big storm, and people are missing - \"Fate of ferry operator still unknown.\"'\n\n'Now,' you ask, 'is the man in the ferry alive, or dead?'\n\nShe looks at it and makes up her mind. 'Dead.'\n\n'No,' you say.\n\n'Eeh? Alive?'\n\n'No, we don't know. See- it's unknown. So we can hope.'",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell her about the newspaper",
"response": "Honestly, you think she needs a moment's rest on the topic. She's still looking at it, but as Gary Larsen once put it, her brain is full.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask her about the newspaper.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about Joe",
"response": "'I no understaan'' Paridy says.\n\nShe seemed to understand Joe well enough.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the the newspaper",
"response": "Honestly, you think she needs a moment's rest on the topic. She's still looking at it, but as Gary Larsen once put it, her brain is full.\n\n'What it mean, still?' Paridy asks, pointing at the word in the headline.\n\nJoe walks back in. 'As in, \"He's still talking with you about this?\"' He laughs, and Paridy, only understanding that he's laughing, laughs with him.\n\nJoe turns to you. 'Hey, man, we're going fishing at the pagoda. You can come with us if you have nothing better to do.'\n\nSo there you are.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Topics",
"response": "You could ask her about the fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask her about the fire",
"response": "'Dude, I heard you lost your passport and all your stuff burned down. You okay?' you ask.\n\nJoe moves back a bit and looks you over. 'Yeah, I'm okay. Sure, I lost a lot of stuff in the fire. It's a hassle. But I'm taking care of it.' He winks at Paridy. She giggles.\n\n...and there you went, walking the long dirt road to the pagoda with Paridy and Joe, watching them chatting and laughing in front of you.\nA third wheel.\n\nThe three of you come to the corner of high walls that enclose the pagoda property. The walls are in good shape, except here at the corner, where they have been broken entirely down. Further ahead down the road, you can see that the pagoda's gates are firmly closed. This is the offical way in, you guess.\n\nAs you reach the broken-down corner, Joe and Paridy, giggling, run ahead.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "The long, dusty road runs east and west. To the southwest is the busted-down corner of the pagoda wall. Further west, you can see the pagoda gates are closed. East leads a long way back to Siem Reap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "Inside the Pagoda (corner)\nYou are just inside the busted-down corner of the wall enclosing the pagoda. The pagoda itself probably comprises about ten acres of land. To the west, somewhat past the gate, you can see small, poor dwellings, somewhat hidden by laundry hung out to dry. Immediately to the south, there is a mausoleum, and some ways beyond that there is a lake. A brook runs past the poor houses down to the lake.\n\nIt looks like Joe and Paridy went south, to where you can catch a glimpse of water. From here you could probably see quite a bit about most of these things, if you took the time to examine them.\n\nYou hear Joe and Paridy's voices deeper into the pagoda.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lake",
"response": "The word 'laundry' is not necessary in this story.\n\nFar to the south, you can see a small lake. It's toward the center of the pagoda, well away from the eastern wall.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mausoleum",
"response": "About halfway down the the east wall, there is a small 'forest' of tall tapering tower-like objects, each about the girth of a tree and varying in height from ten feet tall to two stories. These, you know, are the monuments keeping the ashes of famous and important people, built in exchange for a generous donation to the pagoda and the understanding that future monks will pray for their spiritual progression during future lives.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the brook",
"response": "The brook runs from the north, where there are poor houses built on either side of it, to the south, where it runs into the lake. The brook is small and dirty, and there is a great deal of garbage on either side.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Pagoda",
"response": "You are moving around inside the grounds of the pagoda. The pagoda walls bound the grounds to the north and east; they break down at the northeast corner, where you came in. Against the east wall, there is a mausoleum of perhaps thirty stone Eiffel Tower-like monuments. To the northwest there are a number of chicken-coop-like dwellings for deeply poor people. A garbage-strewn brook runs from those dwellings south to the lake.\n\nIt is starting to get quite dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine garbage",
"response": "Every so often around the pagoda, and especially down by the brook, garbage is strewn around. It looks like people have been using the brook as a primary dumping ground for years - there are rusted mangled pieces of this-or-that, rotting food, bits of clothing - just all kinds of trash.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the garbage",
"response": "You can find the same kind of things in the States, on defunct farms and industrial parks where the industry has pulled out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pagoda (empty space near wall)\nThis is a wide empy space of rubble and weeds, like an abandoned lot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Pagoda (west of lake)\nOn a rock with pigeon droppings nearby - Joe lays his scarf over it, lengthwise. 'Sorry, man,' Joe says. 'No room. You'll have to hang out over there - more fish anyway.' Paridy has become passive, pliant. She almost seems to sleep-walk through this.\n\nThey sit down together.\n\nYou're left off in what in third grade they called 'goat land.' It's not honestly that far away. In a bar, there would be two empty bar stools between you and Joe.\n\nYou can talk to them quite easily. But also they can ignore you quite easily.\n\nIt starts getting dark. You look at the bamboo fishing pole in your hand\n\nParidy has her head on Joe's shoulder.\n\nJoe has his arm around Paridy.\n\nWith all the terrible parasites you've heard of living in the fresh water of Cambodia, you don't want to get your feet wet. Besides, there's nothing much on the other side - just some thick, brambly grass and different bits of garbage dumped around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish",
"response": "You fish a while...\n\nAs your eye tracks the ripples moving out from the line across the surface of the brown water, it occurs to you that you could easily eavesdrop on Joe and Paridy.\n\n-Well, no bites. You guess a naked hook isn't that appealing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Eavesdrop",
"response": "-Ah. Of course.\n\nJoe is telling Paridy how secretly vulnerable he is.\n\nAs you listen, Joe says, 'I believe free will trumps fate, but you know what trumps free will? That life is random. Stuff just happens and there's not any reason or rhyme to it. And people don't accept that so they make up fate. But we can accept free will...'\n\n-Literal sweet nothings, you realize: Paridy can't understand a word. But it doesn't matter, because it's not the words that count.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You tell Paridy about Joe",
"response": "Paridy has eyes only for Joe. This could be a problem, you think.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying your wallet, your cell phone, and the fishing gear.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the gear",
"response": "This is a bamboo pole, with a line and hook attached, for fishing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish",
"response": "You fish a while... -Well, no bites. You guess a naked hook isn't that appealing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe for the bait",
"response": "Man-! Joe is freezing you out, and loving it.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "Pagoda (west of lake) (sitting on the ground)\nYou are by a lake on the land of a tumble-down pagoda, visible off in the distance.\n\nParidy has her head on Joe's shoulder.\n\nJoe has his arm around Paridy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the lake",
"response": "The lake is for fishing only, although you have certain reservations whether even that's a good idea.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You can't go that way. Obvious exits lead north, back to the pagoda (empty space near wall); south; east; west; northwest; and in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The pagoda wall is quite tall and solid, running north and south. But there is the rubble-strewn break to the north, where you came in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The terrain gets a little rough to the south - all you have there is long, brambly grass, and it's not that appealing. You could go that way if it were a matter of life and death, and you had some reason to - but not otherwise.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "With all the terrible parasites you've heard of living in the fresh water of Cambodia, you don't want to get your feet wet. Besides, there's nothing much on the other side - just some thick, brambly grass and different bits of garbage dumped around.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northwest",
"response": "Pagoda (north of lake)\nYou are on the north side of a lake. You can follow the lake around to the southeast, or you can walk north along the brook, which immediately to the west joins the lake.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "You can't go that way. Obvious exits lead north; south; east; west; northeast; southeast, back to the pagoda (west of lake); and in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Pagoda (east of brook)\nA small brook to the west of you runs from the north, where it goes through the houses, to the south, where it runs into the lake. A rotted log here catches your attention.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at log",
"response": "This rotten log rests deep in the mud, riddled with bug-holes. You just know if you move it you'll see it teeming with bugs.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bug",
"response": "Oooo, it wriggles to get free!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying your wallet, your cell phone, the fishing gear, and a centipede.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the centipede",
"response": "This especially plump centipede, you have to admit, kind of gives you the willies. On the hook it writhes, occasionally flailing, with gradually reducing vigor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Pagoda (north of lake)\nYou are on the north side of a lake. You can follow the lake around to the southeast, or you can walk north along the brook, which immediately to the west joins the lake.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "The lake water, even more than the brook, is brown and sluggish. There's no way you're getting in there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the southeast",
"response": "Pagoda (west of lake)\nYou are by a lake on the land of a tumble-down pagoda, visible off in the distance.\n\nParidy has her head on Joe's shoulder.\n\nJoe has his arm around Paridy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Fish",
"response": "You fish a while - and are jolted out of your contemplation of Paridy by a sudden jerk on the line!\n\nYou pull it out into the early twilight. It jerks and twitches in the air.\n\nYou've caught a fish!\n\nParidy comes running over - not to congratulate you, as it turns out, but to hit the fish on the head with a rock until it stops moving.\n\nDespite himself, you can see Joe is impressed.\n\nParidy turns around from having bludgeoned the fish to death, and right into Joe's arms. It just seems to happen. They kiss: a long, deep kiss. She seems to begin to melt into him, the rock dropping, finally, from limp fingers.\n\nAs you watch them kiss, you suddenly feel an intense, crazy jealousy. You must do something - just as you must do something when you're very hungry, or terribly afraid. Oddly, it doesn't seem related to your feelings for Paridy. Rather, it seems founded on the plain fact that Joe has a girlfriend - that this is wrong. Distantly, you realize the hairs on the back of your neck are standing up, that you have gooseflesh along your arms and your spine is crawling.\n\nStill kissing Paridy, Joe's eyes rove, find yours - and twinkle with amusement. Then, they seem to focus on something behind you, and Joe gapes. A look of naked horror comes across his face. He forgets Paridy mid-kiss; the kiss is not broken, but abandoned.\n\n-And the feeling of insane jealousy that had completely overwhelmed you just a moment before is gone. You feel only irritation and mild disappointment that Paridy isn't interested in you.\n\nParidy opens her eyes, sees the expression on Joe's face, and recoils from it. You look behind you-\n\nNothing there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Paridy",
"response": "This is the Khmer girl you've been thinking so much of, Paridy. She's slender without being thin, pretty without being glamorous. And she has a real nice smile. You like her a lot. Paridy stays at your side, not looking around at Joe, behind you. You can smell her: she smells like girl. Very nice.\n\n'Things are random,' Joe mutters behind you. 'If we didn't have that game where I left her tied up while I went out with friends - If I didn't take her picture with my camera before I left, so if she struggled I'd have a reason to beat her - If I didn't leave the whip by the bedside so she could see it while she waited- Who knows? - If we hadn't upgraded to me burning her with cigarettes - If she didn't struggle so hard - If the cigarette had fallen on the floor instead - I'd wouldn't even be here. Random stuff happens. So give me a kiss, baby-'\n\nAt your side, Paridy ignores him.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss paridy",
"response": "You're not sure you should...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the rock",
"response": "The word 'rock' is not necessary in this story.\n\nThe word 'rock' is not necessary in this story.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe about the fire",
"response": "Joe raises his eyebrows. 'HuhWhat?'",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at Joe",
"response": "Joe is a little shorter than you are. He's well-tanned and has the soft-muscled look of a man who lifts but has never done manual labor. It looks like he has a new tattoo on his arm.\n\nIt seems Joe's fighting spirit was drained away by whatever he thought he saw. He's just inclined to follow you. And indeed, it is time to get going. Soon it will be quite dark.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Joe what he saw",
"response": "The story doesn't understand that command. Please use ASK ACTOR ABOUT TOPIC (or just A TOPIC).",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the tattoo",
"response": "You look closer at the tat on Joe's arm. It glistens slightly. Looks fresh. It's written in the Khmer alphabet - you can't tell what it says.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying your wallet, your cell phone, the fishing gear, and a fish.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the fish",
"response": "This is a good-sized fish, a shiny white-grey in color. You're immensely proud of it and have no desire to eat it. In fact, KFC is sounding pretty good.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "Pagoda (west of lake) (sitting on the ground)\nYou are by a lake on the land of a tumble-down pagoda, visible off in the distance.\n\nParidy sticks close by you, her hand lightly on your arm.\n\nJoe is doing his best to appear composed, but clearly it is a battle he is losing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You stand",
"response": "You're already standing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Joe comes with you. Paridy comes with you.\n\nPagoda (empty space near wall)\nThis is a wide empy space of rubble and weeds, like an abandoned lot.\n\nParidy sticks close by you, her hand lightly on your arm.\n\nJoe is doing his best to appear composed, but clearly it is a battle he is losing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss paridy",
"response": "You're not sure you should...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Joe",
"response": "What do you want to get out of?\n\nYou already have Joe's attention.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Joe comes with you. Paridy comes with you.\n\n\n\nParidy sticks close by you, her hand lightly on your arm.\n\nJoe is doing his best to appear composed, but clearly it is a battle he is losing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Joe comes with you. Paridy comes with you.\n\nInside the Pagoda (corner)\nYou are just inside the busted-down corner of the wall enclosing the pagoda. The pagoda itself probably comprises about ten acres of land. To the west, somewhat past the gate, you can see small, poor dwellings, somewhat hidden by laundry hung out to dry. Immediately to the south, there is a mausoleum, and some ways beyond that there is a lake. A brook runs past the poor houses down to the lake.\n\nParidy sticks close by you, her hand lightly on your arm.\n\nJoe is doing his best to appear composed, but clearly it is a battle he is losing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Caress paridy",
"response": "Joe raises his eyebrows. 'HuhWhat?'\n\nThe word 'caress' is not necessary in this story.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The Khmer who live there are very poor. You don't belong.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "The pagoda wall is quite tall and solid, running west a long ways.\nBut there is the rubble-strewn break to the northeast, where you came in.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "Joe comes with you. Paridy comes with you.\n\nThe long, dusty road runs east and west. To the southwest is the busted-down corner of the pagoda wall. Further west, you can see the pagoda gates are closed. East leads a long way back to Siem Reap.\n\nParidy sticks close by you, her hand lightly on your arm.\n\nJoe is doing his best to appear composed, but clearly it is a battle he is losing.\n\nThe ending of chapter3.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You describe your surroundings",
"response": "The long, dusty road runs east and west. To the southwest is the busted-down corner of the pagoda wall. Further west, you can see the pagoda gates are closed. East leads a long way back to Siem Reap.\n\nParidy sticks close by you, her hand lightly on your arm.\n\nJoe is doing his best to appear composed, but clearly it is a battle he is losing.\n\nHeaded to Siem Reap on the road outside the pagoda, Joe collapses. A tuk-tuk - a version of the Asian pedicab, powered by a motorbike rather than a bicycle - stops and, after a shrewd appraisal of the situation, the driver offers to take you to the hospital for three or four times the normal price.\n\nParidy sits as far away from Joe as possible. You see her looking at his arm. On his arm, you see a strange white mark on his skin. It has an odd shape. It takes you some time to realize it's shaped like a handprint, with the individual fingers clearly visible.\n\nYou check Joe in to the hospital. Paridy leaves to do something. You stay with Joe. After about fifteen minutes, a Khmer doctor stops in. 'Your friend has a fever,' he tells you. 'We're running some tests.'",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the doctor",
"response": "The doctor is a small, fussy-looking Khmer man - small even for a Khmer. But he has a proud bearing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask about the odd marks",
"response": "'Doctor, what about these white finger-marks on his arm?' you ask.\n\nThe doctor shrugs. 'Suntan lotion.'\n\n'Suntan lotion?' you ask. 'Look, there are finger marks-'\n\n'Of course. He applied suntan lotion unevenly; he had a handful of it, wiped it on his skin, and did not smear it evenly throughout.'\n\n'I find that a little difficult to accept -' you begin.\n\n'Ah, and are you a doctor?' the doctor asks cheerily. 'Excuse me. I will be back with his test results.'\n\nThe doctor walks out. You look into the hall. Behind you, Joe stirs.\n\nYou go over to him. He grabs you, and his grip is weak. He says:\n\n'Random...'\n\n-and, with a dry, gutteral sound, dies.\n\nIt occurs to you that in all the confusion you left the pail with the fish you caught back in the pagoda.",
"endoftext": true
] | bgzdh0efni3tt2ly |
Meeting Robb Sherwin | Jizaboz | [
"Slice of life"
] | [
"cover art",
"IFComp 2019",
"IFComp Game",
"slice of life",
] | 2,019 | [
] | 9 | 2.111111 | 20191215a | false | A slice-of-life adventure in Denver, Colorado. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "You are standing on a train platform where people are boarding the RTD rail line in order to leave the airport. According to your online research before your trip, you gather this is your best bet to get out of this area quickly and onto your ultimate destination for the day; the La Quinta hotel near downtown Denver, Colorado. You have flown here because a month later you received an invitation from Robb Sherwin to attend his wedding. Your friend Jack \"Jonathan\" Flack with be there and you'd really like to see him again. Also, this is your first opportunity to finally meet Robb Sherwin.\n\nA few random people are waiting for the next train. Some tourists are staring at what looks like a mall directory. A train pulls up and stops at the end of the track. People begin to board the train to the east. There is what looks to be a small ticket booth building here.\n\nYou can see a kiosk here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the mall directory",
"response": "This seems to be an automated ticket terminal. There is a large LED square in the middle of which displays \"$9.00\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "That's hard for you properly without a mirror around, but for a moment you stare down at your black khaki pants with matching black Vans brand shoes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na wallet (closed)\na phone",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "You are standing on a train platform where people are boarding the RTD rail line to the east in order to leave the airport.\n\nYou can see a kiosk here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ticket",
"response": "This ticket provides transportation on the A Line for the day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the credit card in the wallet",
"response": "You put the credit card into the wallet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the license",
"response": "A North Carolina drivers license. Your picture looks pretty bad because you slept on the floor of the DMV office for three hours before having it taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You board the train and moments later it begins to move. It's very plain inside; mostly white with blue seating. The other passengers start looking at the scenery through the window, talking amongst themselves or glancing at their cell phones.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You sit",
"response": "What do you want to sit on?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the passengers",
"response": "These passengers are fairly non-desciptive. The few that are here are either talking to themselves or looking at their phones.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the window",
"response": "Along this route you mainly see dry scrubland. Since it is June, there is no snow on the ground.\n\nA man in a uniform with some sort of scanner on his belt walks up to your seat and addresses you. \"Ticket, sir.\"\n\n\"Okay. Here you go.\" you say while handing him the ticket. He thanks you and heads down to the next row. About 20 minutes later, you arrive at your destination.\n\nYou admire the city for the first time. There are kids playing in an area with water spouts popping out of the sidewalk. It feels comfortable to you here despite the temperature. The humidity level is much lower than back home! You take a deep breath of the dry air.\n\nStreets lead off in many directions. You looked at this area in Google Maps a few times before you got here; just enough to know it's not practical to walk to your hotel from here.\n\nYou should probably \"call Robb\" to let him know you have arrived in Denver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call Robb",
"response": "Robb answers the phone. \"Hello?\"\n\n\"Hey Robb! I just landed, man! Now how do I get out of here?\"\n\n\"That's awesome. Do you need me to get you a ride? I'll get you a ride. Can't wait to see you buddy! Oh. Wait. What should I call you when I introduce you to my parents and stuff? I mean.. other than Jiz?\" Robb replies.\n\nAfter talking a little longer, a black SUV promptly pulls up across the street. You cancel the call after muttering \"Think he's here. Bye.\" A while man in it spots you in a red Neo Geo MVS shirt you told Robb that you would be wearing.\n\n\"Robb?\" he says as you approach the vehicle. Failure to communicate something here, but close enough. You enter the vehicle which takes you to..\n\nHere you have arrived at the parking lot of the La Quinta hotel. There is a pool here on the other side of a gate which a father and his two kids in swimming trunks are skipping along their way to take a dip in.\n\nAs you stand around taking in the loud sound of trains idling on the two or three tracks wihin about one hundred yards of the hotel and notice a little area with a picnic table and trashcan by the fence, you hear the sound of the two young boys crying as you notice them walk back into their room. The father slams one of the doors to the west behind them.\n\nThe hotel lobby is to the northeast and the street is to the east..\n\nYou can see the door to room 302 here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "This bare lobby has two features; a desk and a woman covered in tattoos behind it. The only exit is to the door to the southwest.\n\nThe receptionist addresses you and asks for your reservation information. After she punches a few things into a computer, she hands you your keycard and informs you that checkout time is eleven in the morning.\n\nYou can see a receptionist here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the keycard",
"response": "The keycard has the number \"302\" on it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask the receptionist about the pool",
"response": "\"We're waiting on someone to come fix it. Sorry.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You are standing between the fence blocking the pool and the picnic area in the La Quinta parking lot. The loud hum of trains idling nearby fills the air.\n\nThe hotel lobby is to the northeast and the street is to the east and opposite to the west are all the hotel room doors.\n\nYou can see the door to room 302 here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "(first opening the door to room 302)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the door to room 302 with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keycard",
"response": "You unlock the door to room 302.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter door",
"response": "(first opening the door to room 302)\n\nYou walk into your room and look around. It looks pretty clean at first glance, but when you peel back the blanket on the first of your two beds closest to the window, you notice a hair in the bed and a stain on the pillow. That won't do. The second bed near the bathroom looks cleaner and you lay down on it for a bit to relax after the trip. Due to the excitement of your new surroundings, you can't sleep it all, but you feel better after about twenty minutes.\n\nSuddenly, your phone rings and you answer it.\n\n\"Hey man!\"\n\nYou recognize that voice. It's your friend; Mr. \"Jonathan\" Jack Flack!\n\n\"What's up, Flack?\"\n\n\"What's up dude? Looks like everyone is headed over to the Hipster Draft House soon. You need a ride?\"\n\n\"Nah, I'll just walk.\" you reply. \"I wanna walk around and check out the area a little bit on the way.\"\n\n\"You sure? That's cool. See you there. Later!\" says Flack as he ends the call.\n\nYou can see the door to the parking lot here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the phone",
"response": "Your little Android phone you bought from Walmart for 40$. It isn't great, but it gets you by.\n\nThe door to the parking lot slowly closes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "(first opening the door to the parking lot)\n\nYou are standing between the fence blocking the pool and the picnic area in the La Quinta parking lot. The loud hum of trains idling nearby fills the air.\n\nThe hotel lobby is to the northeast and the street is to the east and opposite to the west are all the hotel room doors.\n\nYou can see the door to room 302 here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "You close the door to room 302.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You lock the door",
"response": "What do you want to lock the door to room 302 with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keycard",
"response": "You lock the door to room 302.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "This large bridge has plenty of sidewalk on each side for pedestrians and an excellent view of the Rocky Mountains. Downtown Denver is to the south. Up the street to the northeast you see a large box-shaped building with a plain sign next to it. The La Quinta hotel is to the west. In the far distance to the east, you see the peaks of the Rocky Mountains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the sign",
"response": "It's a large, square, white sign with a large green medical cross on it. Underneath is the word \"PURE Marijuana Dispensary\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northeast",
"response": "You walk into what looks like a waiting room for a dental practice office, but there are no patients sitting here. A friendly merchant behind the counter greets you.\n\n\"Hey, how's it going? Never been here before? I will need you to give me some identification to let you through to see the merchandise.\" she says.\n\nYou can see the merchant here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the wallet",
"response": "That's already open.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the license to the merchant",
"response": "(first taking the drivers license)\nYou will need to actually give it to her. Showing it to her from the other side of the counter is not going to cut it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the license to the merchant",
"response": "You hand your ID to the merchant. She enters a few things into a computer and hands it back to. Then, you hear a buzz coming from a door near the counter. \"Please come on in.\" the merchant says.\n\nYou walk into a room containing many glass jars filled with different types of marijuana. The clean-shaven man behind the counter greets you and asks \"So, what are you looking for? Would you consider yourself a light user?\"\n\nHe probably wouldn't assume that if you didn't just get a haircut for this trip you think to yourself. \"Actually, no. I'm uh.. pretty heavy duty if you know what I mean.\" You respond.\n\nOh. Well.. okay. This here is over 25% percent THC. It's called Dead Head and..\n\n\"I'll take that.\" you respond.\n\nAnd so, after a quick walk to the back of the building to use the ATM (They don't accept credit cards, apparently.) and 10 minutes later, you walk out with your product in a medicine bottle, something to smoke it with, and something to burn it with. You pocket your new stash and head back out to the street.\n\nThis large bridge has plenty of sidewalk on each side for pedestrians and an excellent view of the Rocky Mountains. Downtown Denver is to the south. Up the street to the northeast you see a large box-shaped building with a plain sign next to it. The La Quinta hotel is to the west. In the far distance to the east, you see the peaks of the Rocky Mountains.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na stash\na drivers license\na keycard\na wallet (open)\na credit card\na phone",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the stash",
"response": "Your weed stash. You can \"smoke stash\" at any time when you are carrying it, but you probably want to refrain from doing so in public.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the license and keycard in the wallet",
"response": "drivers license: Done.\nkeycard: Done.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "This is just one small section of the rest of downtown Denver, but at the moment your destination is the Hipster Draft House to the west. Artistic graffiti marks most of the sides of the buildings down the nearby alleyways. People are strolling about everywhere around you. The Park Avenue Bridge is back to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the graffiti",
"response": "You usually don't like seeing graffiti, as you think it just looks tacky. However, this is some really cool artwork featuring multi-colored geometric shapes and letters with extreme detail.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the people",
"response": "This area seems to attract a fairly young crowd. They all look quite common with exception to noticing a few people dresses as Marvel superheroes. There must have been a local comic book convention or something.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You stroll into the large, open doors into a bar with very minimal decor. The main point of interest is one wall is filled with beer taps. You look around a while for someone you know. There are not many people here yet. Quickly, you notice Flack waving at you from a nearby table. Plain, wooden tables and benches on the concrete floor fill the room; slightly resembling a German beer hall. Maybe I should \"ask Flack about beer\".\n\nYou can see Flack here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Flack about the beer",
"response": "You walk over to Flack and say \"What's up, Flack? Good to see you again!\"\n\n\"Good to see you, man.\" he replies.\n\n\"So hey, how do you get beer around here anyway? I see beer taps on the wall that people are just helping themselves to. This place is high tech!\" you say.\n\n\"Yeah man. Check it out..\" he replies as he explains how the tap system works. At this point, all you have to do is \"take beer\" if you want another one. Or three.\n\nYou pick what seems to be the strongest lager they have on tap and drink it down while talking with Flack about Denver.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the beer",
"response": "You pour a large glass of beer and drink it down over the course of a few minutes. It's very excellent beer and you could certainly go for another.\n\nFlack asks you about your flight. You explain that it was one of the roughest you had ever ridden. There was a lot of turbulence or something because the plane hopped in the air more often that smoothly flying through it.\n\n\"Oh man. That sucks.\" he replies.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Flack",
"response": "Mr. Jack \"Jonathan\" Flack. You've met only once before in person, but have always had a sort of strange \"friend you always knew but hadn't met\" connection. If you had met when you were much younger, you probably would have spent a lot of time riding skateboards and messing with Commodore 64 computers together.\n\nHe has wizard-like facial features and is built like a bouncer at a Slayer concert. This is not a man to be messed with.\n\nSome dude with a shaved head a weird, skinny, braided little beard introduces himself to you as John and starts talking. And talking. Mostly about himself and females in the room. You distance yourself as far away from him as quickly as possible",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Jack about robb",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYou hear some cheering as someone walks in. It's Robb Sherwin! He's surrounded by people, but maybe you could manage to \"ask robb about tomorrow\" and finally meet in person for the first time.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Robb about the tomorrow",
"response": "You wade through a few people to get to Robb Sherwin. \"Robb!\" you exclaim. \"Really nice to finally meet you in person.\"\n\nYou shake his hand and ask \"Nervous about tomorrow?\"\n\n\"You know.. surprisingly, not at all!\" He responds.\n\nYou talk some about each others arcade games, and he mentions you should join the others going to his house later to check out his basement arcade. Flack enters the conversation for a while and the three of you are all in agreement that you wish that your mutual friend Roody Yogurt could have made an appearance this weekend.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the beer",
"response": "You pour a large glass of beer and drink it down over the course of a few minutes. It's very excellent beer and you could certainly go for another.\n\nYou hear an eruption of laughter at a nearby table. Food is offered by a passing staff member, and you grab a hamburger slider which you gobble down in four bites.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the beer",
"response": "You pour a large glass of beer and drink it down over the course of a few minutes. It's very excellent beer and you could certainly go for another.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the shower",
"response": "What the hell? There's no soap in here! Guess I need to go to the hotel lobby and \"ask receptionist about soap\". Ridiculous.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go northeast",
"response": "This bare lobby has two features; a desk and a woman covered in tattoos behind it. The only exit is to the door to the southwest.\n\nYou can see a receptionist here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask receptionist about soap",
"response": "\"Um.. do you have soap? There's not any in my shower.\" you ask the receptionist.\n\n\"Sure. Here you go.\" she says as she hands you a small bar of soap wrapped in paper.\n\n\"Thanks.\" you reply as you pocket the soap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southwest",
"response": "You are standing between the fence blocking the pool and the picnic area in the La Quinta parking lot. The loud hum of trains idling nearby fills the air.\n\nThe hotel lobby is to the northeast and the street is to the east and opposite to the west are all the hotel room doors.\n\nYou can see the door to room 302 here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You are in your room at the La Quinta. There's not much here and it's certainly not very fancy, but that's fine. You won't be here long. It just seems rather run down for one hundred and thirty dollars a night even if it is this close to the Coors baseball field. The door out is to the east.\n\nYou can see the door to the parking lot here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the door",
"response": "You close the door to the parking lot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the soap",
"response": "A very small bar of plain soap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the shower",
"response": "You jump in the beige shower and get cleaned up. After drying off and putting on clean clothes, you feel refreshed.\n\nHm. Where is your ride? You should probably \"call Flack\". You were afraid the phone would ring or the phone would ring during the soap fiasco, but neither have occurred.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You call Flack",
"response": "You call Flack. After a few rings he answers. \"What's up man?\"\n\n\"Hey man! Are you on your way to pick you up?\" you ask.\n\nLong, silent pause. \"Uh.. I thought you were going to take an Uber or something. Why don't you do that? We're like almost there. Sorry man!\" Flack replies before letting you go.\n\nDamn it! This is not good. You don't know where to begin to get yourself a ride. You look up how far it is to walk. Over an hour and the directions look a bit confusing, even on paper. The last thing you want to be doing is walking around like an idiot for a few hours in Denver while missing what you came here for in the first place. You download the Uber app. The account creation process, your phone, or both is going way slow. Your heart starts pounding as panic sets in.\n\nAfter about ten minutes of this frantic moment, Flack dials your phone again. Maybe he's curious as to if you got a ride or not.\n\n\"Hey man!\" Flack says. \"I guess you didn't get a ride yet. Look, we just left Walmart and my wife checked the GPS and says we've got time to get you.\"\n\n\"Are you sure? I won't make you late?\" you ask.\n\n\"We won't miss anything man. We've got time.\" he says.\n\n\"Dude, I really appreciate this! I was really starting to panic there!\" you reply.\n\nAfter getting off the phone, you grab a collared shirt with a tie you already put a windsor knot in, you briefly wait in the parking lot to wait for your ride. It arrives within minutes to take you to a large park where the wedding is being held.\n\nYou march along with Mr. and Mrs. Flack across a long field of grass up a low hill towards a lone fancy-looking structure. Surely this is the right place. Otherwise, there is going to be a lot more trekking across this park and you are running out of time.\n\nOnce you reach the top of the hill, it's obvious you are finally here. Many people are here talking and laughing. Flack and his wife go their seperate way for a while to mingle with others.\n\nYou can see Jason and Flack here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Jason",
"response": "Mr. Jason \"Textfiles\" Scott. You had heard he was going to be here, but actually seeing him here feels a bit surreal. Aside from reading in the late nineties, a short misunderstanding on a MUD many years later, and a few Twitter exchanges, you don't really have any affiliation with him.\n\nHe is roughly your height and has a very happy air about him. This guy looks as glad to be alive and here at this wedding as you are. He's wearing a black hat and a very fancy red blazer.\n\nYou hear a young, male voice exclaim \"That's WONDERFUL!\"\n\nYou notice Jason Scott walking away from the pizza line. Maybe you should \"ask Jason about Durham\" because that's the only topic you can think of to bring up to him. You think he was there recently, and that's about a forty minute drive from where your house is.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Jason about the durham",
"response": "\"\"You walk up to Jason and introduce yourself by your real name and tell him that it's great to meet him.\n\nHe stares directly into your eyes and asks \"I'm sorry. Who are you? How would I know you?\"\n\n\"Uh.. I'm Jizaboz on..\" you begin to say as he cuts you off.\n\n\"Ohhh you! Right, Right. I think Robb mentioned you were coming.\" he replies.\n\n\"Yeah, I flew in from North Carolina. This is my first time in Denver. Weren't you in Durham, North Carolina not that long ago?\" you ask.\n\nYou end up having a short but good conversation. You learn that both of you had relatives that were treated at the main hospital in Durham.\n\nAfter he walks off, someone offers you a Miller Lite. Not your favorite beer by any means, but it's hot out here and you are thirsty. You drink it quickly and deposit the can in a recycling bin.\n\nSome random, sweaty jogger dude jogs up to your area, looks around, then jogs off around the pond.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "You are standing by a large pond at the wedding. There is a huge line to a pizza truck nearby. Many people are standing around talking and drinking, most of them are outside where you are instead of where tables are.\n\nYou can see Jason and Flack here.\n\nSome awful jackass helps himself to a piece of the uncut wedding cake, then disappears.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pond",
"response": "This large pond is so symmetrically rounded that you assume it is man made rather than natural. There is a fountain way out in the center of it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You are standing by a large pond at the wedding. There is a huge line to a pizza truck nearby. Many people are standing around talking and drinking, most of them are outside where you are instead of where tables are.\n\nYou can see Jason and Flack here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Flack about the ride",
"response": "There is no reply.\n\nYou have had a great time on this trip. You got to talk to many interesting people and have formed closer friendships. Most importantly, you met Robb Sherwin!\n\nOn the way out, Robb invites you back to his place early tomorrow morning before your flight and offers to give you a ride to the nearest train terminal. You gladly accept.\n\nOnce there, you get to play his various arcade games alone for a bit. At least, you think you are alone.\n\nIn a dark corner behind you, there lies a ball of fur! Upon closer examination, you see it is a long-haired cat. This must be the legendary cat \"Frobozz\".\n\n\"Hello friend. I'm Robb's friend too. You look like a sleepy cat. Ok, friend. I'll let you be. Nice meeting you.\" you say to the cat as you go return to playing games.",
"endoftext": true
] | 4lrxz5uhrraxp1kx |
The Day I died | Marius Müller | [
] | [
] | 2,013 | [
] | 2 | 2 | 20130103 | false | This year, our heroes try to escape a prison on Mercury, which is luckily very earth-like. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "In the act of dying, one feels like making an ominous voice-over.\nThe end began a few months ago. My husband, Paul, had been abducted by a mad scientist called Frénesie, who took him to Mercury for secret experiments. After I escaped Voodoo Island with Elvis Presley and convinced him to become Justin Bieber's new manager, I focused my energies on getting Paul back. Surprisingly, this was easier then I thought, what with the Alien Technology from two games ago around. I bribed someone to build a portal to Mercury on the golf course next to our house. As I sat in the golf cart, all suited up, I had little notion this might become...\n\nGolf course (in the golf cart)\nYou are on top of one of the innumberable hills of the golf course. You can see the whole golf course around you, which is boring as hell. The only interesting thing is a shimmering and whispering portal, to the east.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cart",
"response": "A new Alien Tech(tm) powered golf cart stand here. It looks remarkably like the three you crashed. Luckily, Mercury is so close to Earth in temperature and atmosphere that it needs no changes whatsoever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "You're Alex, lovable sociopath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nCan of Spray Cheese",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "You drive through the portal - \"Whee!\" - Luckily nobody heard that. You emerge on the rim of a gargantuan crater, which houses a nice little building called \"Dr. Frenesies secret cloning lab and prison\" in big, friendly letters. What do you know, there is even a space tank patrolling below. A person is standing in the manhole. You wave and only realize that it is a sharkman when you see the flash of cannon. The many microwave pizzas lately make it hard, but you jump from the cart in time, before the shot hits the front axle and the whole golf cart tumbles into the crater as a result!\nThank god it was build by the same guys as the Halo warthog, so it lands right side up and unscathed, apart from the broxen axle.\nAnother shot hits the empty plain behind you! Better make for the building to the north.\n\nThe sun is huge and brilliant here, casting everything in that harsh and unforgiven light they have in changing rooms. There is unimplemented plain all around you, except for the portal to the west and the building to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This small building seems to house the ventilation system for the prison below, judging by the ventilators on top and the annoying \"woop woop\" sound. A metal door leads inside.\n\nAn ashtray stands besides the door. On the ashtray is a smoking cigarette and a lottery ticket.\n\nThere is a trap here with a Mercury Rat caught in it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Rat",
"response": "Aww, just look at it. It has pear-shaped body, with small, scrawnly leg and feet. Its thick, soft fur is mostly brown with a huge white spot on the tummy. It looks at you cautiously.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all from the ashtray",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na winner ticket\nCan of Spray Cheese",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the ticket",
"response": "(the winner ticket)\nOh, someone mistook the third tentacle face on this for a sun. It's actually a winning ticket fot the Saturn Trip lottery!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet Rat",
"response": "Better free it first. I mean, if you want to. You can just leave it, you know. This is IF. You totally have a choice.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the trap",
"response": "A fiendish thing! It just has big red button labelled \"DON'T PUSH!\" Too bad mercury rats are literate and curious. Always a bad combination. The rat has one of its legs trapped under a metal bar. Occasionally it pulls on it, in vain, then looks at you with pleading, big dark eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get cigarette",
"response": "You better leave it. The owner might come back soon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Open bar",
"response": "You pry open the par effortlessly. The rat jumps out of the trap clumsily, due in part to his excess tummy and his injured leg. It sits by the side of the Building and eyes you warily.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet Rat",
"response": "It scutters away from you. You need to earn its trust somehow.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na winner ticket\nCan of Spray Cheese",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed Rat",
"response": "What do you want to feed the rat?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray Rat",
"response": "You spray the rat in the face with the cheese. It makes quite the surprise faced before it licks all the cheese of its face, then sits (oh, it's a man rat) and goes about cleaning the remainder of its whiskers. The rat rubs his tiny hand across his face one last time and looks at you lovingly. Looks like you made a friend.\nYou feel like giving it a name.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Name rat marius",
"response": "The rat is now known as marius.(If you don't like it anymore, just name it \"nothing)\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet Rat",
"response": "You scratch him between the ears, and he sits very still and closes his eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Name rat nothing",
"response": "You revoke your choice of rat-name.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Name rat marius",
"response": "The rat is now known as Marius.(If you don't like it anymore, just name it \"nothing)\".",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take Rat",
"response": "He slips out of your grab. Looks like you have to learn to respect his boundaries.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Show ticket to Rat",
"response": "(the winner ticket to Marius)\nMarius is unimpressed.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "A metal door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "It seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the trap",
"response": "That's fixed in place.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take bar",
"response": "That seems to be a part of the Trap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the ticket to Rat",
"response": "(the winner ticket to Marius)\nMarius doesn't seem interested.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "Marius has better things to do.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This small building seems to house the ventilation system for the prison below, judging by the ventilators on top and the annoying \"woop woop\" sound. A metal door leads inside.\n\nAn ashtray stands besides the door. On the ashtray is a smoking cigarette and a lottery ticket.\n\nThere is a trap here .\n\nYou can also see Marius here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "(first opening Metal door)\nIt seems to be locked.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You spray Rat",
"response": "The rat opens his mouth to catch most of the cheese then sits, chewing happily. Then he cleans his whiskers and rubs his face clean with\ntiny hands before licking those clean, too. Aww.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search Ashtray",
"response": "The Ashtray is empty.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want Marius to unlock Metal door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "The sun is huge and brilliant here, casting everything in that harsh and unforgiven light they have in changing rooms. There is unimplemented plain all around you, except for the portal to the west and the building to the north.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the east",
"response": "The plain is vast and empty, just like your soul. (Oh, burn!)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This small building seems to house the ventilation system for the prison below, judging by the ventilators on top and the annoying \"woop woop\" sound. A metal door leads inside.\n\nAn ashtray stands besides the door. On the ashtray is a smoking cigarette and a lottery ticket.\n\nThere is a trap here .\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wave ticket",
"response": "(the winner ticket)\nYou look ridiculous waving the winner ticket.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the ticket",
"response": "(the winner ticket)\nOh, someone mistook the third tentacle face on this for a sun. It's actually a winning ticket fot the Saturn Trip lottery!",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This small building seems to house the ventilation system for the prison below, judging by the ventilators on top and the annoying \"woop woop\" sound. A metal door leads inside.\n\nAn ashtray stands besides the door. On the ashtray is a smoking cigarette and a lottery ticket.\n\nThere is a trap here .\n\nYou can also see Marius here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take all",
"response": "smoking cigarette: You better leave it. The owner might come back soon.\nlottery ticket: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na lottery ticket\na winner ticket\nCan of Spray Cheese",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the lottery ticket",
"response": "A lottery ticket for Dr. Frenesies annual Saturn Trip Lottery. Someone didn't win.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You read the ticket",
"response": "Which do you mean, the lottery ticket or the winner ticket?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Rat in Ashtray",
"response": "(first taking Marius)\n\nHe slips out of your grab. Looks like you have to learn to respect his boundaries.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get in Ashtray",
"response": "Marius has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn lottery ticket",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss Rat",
"response": "You run a hand across his soft back, and he arches it, cat-like, with half-closed eyes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the cigarette",
"response": "The cigarette is still smoking, the owner must've gone inside for a few moments. How you hate timed puzzles.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This small building seems to house the ventilation system for the prison below, judging by the ventilators on top and the annoying \"woop woop\" sound. A metal door leads inside.\n\nAn ashtray stands besides the door. On the ashtray is a smoking cigarette.\n\nThere is a trap here .\n\nYou can also see Marius here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the winner ticket on Ashtray",
"response": "You put the winner ticket on ashtray.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The sun is huge and brilliant here, casting everything in that harsh and unforgiven light they have in changing rooms. There is unimplemented plain all around you, except for the portal to the west and the building to the north.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.\n\nA sharkmen janitor comes through the door and picks up the cigarette, totally oblivious to you, even though you're mentioned in his room description. He takes up the ticket and sighs. \"I would've loved to go to Saturn, Steve went and he- Holy Fin, what is this?\" He takes out a pair of glasses and peers at the ticket. \"I won! Screw this job.\" He takes right off, to the northnortheast, where there is a huge barrack in the distance. Behind him, the door begins to close slowly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This small building seems to house the ventilation system for the prison below, judging by the ventilators on top and the annoying \"woop woop\" sound. A metal door leads inside.\n\nAn ashtray stands besides the door. On the ashtray is a winner ticket and a smoking cigarette.\n\nThere is a trap here .\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the ticket",
"response": "(the winner ticket)\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This looks like a maintenance room, with a ladder leading down.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You go downwards",
"response": "This room is equally superfluos and has a door leading east.\n\nThe rat clambers down the ladder with surprising grace, considering his girth.\n\nMarius seems scared of something and runs outside.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Connecting space. West, back to the airduct. A door marked \"Lab\" leads north, the prison cells are to the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This lab has been cleaned up impressively for the weekend.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the cloning machine",
"response": "It has two vats, one enterable, and an input slot. Looks like without a Data iPod in it, the machine just clones what is in it. It has a big, red lever labelled \"CLONE\" and not much else. Yep, an Apple product.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Pet slot",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na winner ticket\na lottery ticket\nCan of Spray Cheese",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the machine",
"response": "You get into the cloning machine.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You pull the lever",
"response": "The machine begins to hum softly, and the lever jumps back into position.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait a while",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe pod hisses shut pneumatically. Nothing happens for a second or two, then both pods hiss open and a figure emerges from the second one.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go outside",
"response": "You get out of the cloning machine.\n\nThis lab has been cleaned up impressively for the weekend.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.\n\nYou can also see your clone here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Examine clone",
"response": "As good-looking (a clone) as ever.\n\nThe clone suddenly grabs his face, \"Ah, oh no, the horrors of technology\" and melts into a pool of green go. Hm, a touching plea to proceed with care in matters of human cloning.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the Cheese in the machine",
"response": "You put Can of Spray Cheese into the cloning machine.\n\nThe metal door falls shut with a pneumatic hiss.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe machine gives an annoying error sound, and nothing happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the Cheese",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "This lab has been cleaned up impressively for the weekend.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nCan of Spray Cheese\na winner ticket\na lottery ticket",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Through some bars on the left hand side of the hallway, you can see a sharkmen guard at a table. He sits with his back to you and seems to be trying to open his cellphone to replace the battery. Good, that should take a while.\nOn the wall, just outside of your reach through the bars, is a blue button.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You sneak down the hallway to the next cell. And there Paul sits, sullenly on a cot, eyes down, shoulders slumped. You lean agsainst the frame nonchalantly. \"Hey handsome\"\nPaul's eyes light up and he jumps to his feet and grabs the bars. \"I knew you'd come to rescue us!\"\n\"Us? I was thinking of just rescuing you!\"\nPaul puts his hands on his hips and furrows his brow. \"Is that so? How would you feel if someone left you in prison?\" You avert his gaze and try to dig in the prison floor with your boot. \"Pretty terrible.\" you murmur. He pats you through the bars. \"Well done. Now get us out. Man, am I happy to see you.\" He smiles. You turn away. \"Me too.\" Dang, you must have some dust in your eye.\nPaul's Cell\nPaul sits here gloomily, awaiting his rescue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Paul",
"response": "His beard has become a bit more scraggly since you last saw him, far too long ago, and his frame looks thin and fragile in the prison pyjamas. But he's alive.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You ask Paul about Rat",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to Paul",
"response": "\"Free us, then we can have all the Quip-based conversations you want.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Paul sits here gloomily, awaiting his rescue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You continue down the hallway, and Paul whispers: \"That's a Venusian warrior woman...\"\n\"So men really are from Mars and women ...\"\n\"No dear, gender is artificial construct that's not helping anyone.\" \"Can she understand us?\"\n\"I learnt a few pheases, but we don't have time for chit-chat. Maybe latter.\"\n\nThe Venusian's warrior woman sits here, awaiting rescue.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the woman",
"response": "She has silvery skin, golden her put up in a tight bun, and wears full body chain mail. Black, pearl eyes look at you unblinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This cell is open. The hallway ends at a huge gate further the south.\n\nInside you see the body of famed adventurer Ronathan Rask.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Rask",
"response": "Without going into too much detail, it looks like he died a humiliating and avoidable death.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search body",
"response": "Aha! You found a datachip.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at datachip",
"response": "Looks like it's a DNA scrambler. It will rearrange all those little letters in your genes at random.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at what you're carrying with you",
"response": "You are carrying:\na datachip\nCan of Spray Cheese\na winner ticket\na lottery ticket",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This is a small reception area.\n\nA huge metal gate leads outside, to the south.\n\nMarius runs towards you from under a chair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gate",
"response": "A huge metal gate, padlocked, with a small window inside it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the window",
"response": "You can see the tank outside, patrolling, and the sad sight of your golf cart, front axle broken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "This cell is open. The hallway ends at a huge gate further the south.\n\nInside you see the body of famed adventurer Ronathan Rask.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The Venusian's warrior woman sits here, awaiting rescue.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the north",
"response": "Paul sits here gloomily, awaiting his rescue.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "Through some bars on the left hand side of the hallway, you can see a sharkmen guard at a table. He sits with his back to you and seems to be trying to open his cellphone to replace the battery. Good, that should take a while.\nOn the wall, just outside of your reach through the bars, is a blue button.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Connecting space. West, back to the airduct. A door marked \"Lab\" leads north, the prison cells are to the south.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This lab has been cleaned up impressively for the weekend.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the datachip in the slot",
"response": "You slide it into the slot.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put Marius in the machine",
"response": "(first taking Marius)\n\nHe slips out of your grab. Looks like you have to learn to respect his boundaries.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the machine",
"response": "Marius has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "Time passes.\n\nThe machine goes *beep* *boom* *clang* and something metallic is spit out of the other pod. You hear a puff as the datachip disintegrates. Must've been one use only.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "You get out of the cloning machine.\n\nThis lab has been cleaned up impressively for the weekend.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.\n\nYou can also see an axle and Marius here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Connecting space. West, back to the airduct. A door marked \"Lab\" leads north, the prison cells are to the south.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Through some bars on the left hand side of the hallway, you can see a sharkmen guard at a table. He sits with his back to you and seems to be trying to open his cellphone to replace the battery. Good, that should take a while.\nOn the wall, just outside of your reach through the bars, is a blue button.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the axle",
"response": "A perfectly fine front axle for a golf cart.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You push the button",
"response": "Marius has better things to do.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Spray button",
"response": "You spray the button with cheese. The rat squeezes his plump belly through the bars and scuttles up the wall. He looks at you, right below the button, then gives you a claw-up as he pushes it.\n\nAll hell breaks loose. Screeching alarm sirens sound throughout the prison. The guard jumps to his feet and pulls a huge Kerkerkruip rifle from the table. \"Die, person who reminds me of my lost humanity quite painfully!\" The bite in his ankle from Marius, who has come to your aid , seems even more painful. You grab the gun and take three shots to drop him, what with his hopping on one foot at all.\nPaul runs from his cell and into your arms. You hold him for a blissful second, then nod at the Venusian woman behind him. Paul looks at the dead guard. \"I told you not to kill indiscriminately anymore, huzzie.\" You look to the ground, mumbling \"Sorry\". \"Now, let's make for the gate. They'll send more guards through the Ventilation Building any second.\"\nThe three of you run for the reception area. You suddenly don't feel safe at all. No, not safe at all. You hope you can save the four of you.\n\nThis is a small reception area.\n\nPaul and the Venusian stand here.\n\nA huge metal gate leads outside, to the south.\n\nMarius runs towards you from under a chair.\n\nA huge group of Sharkmen burst through the door at the far end of the corridor and spot you immediately. \"Get them!\" shouts their leader. They start running towards you.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Describe the surroundings",
"response": "Through some bars on the left hand side of the hallway, you can see a sharkmen guard at a table. He sits with his back to you and seems to be trying to open his cellphone to replace the battery. Good, that should take a while.\nOn the wall, just outside of your reach through the bars, is a blue button.\n\nYou can see Marius here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "(first opening Gate)\nIt seems to be locked.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the Sharkmen",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nYou shoot one of the sharkmen, but that doesn't even change their generic attack text.\n\n\"The leader shouts \"Don't shoot while you're running! Didn't you pay attention at gun safety training, you tadpoles?\" They're halfway down the corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You keep going",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nYou shoot one of the sharkmen, but that doesn't even change their generic attack text.\n\nThe first few sharkmen throw themselves to the ground and take aim at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nYou shoot one of the sharkmen, but that doesn't even change their generic attack text.\n\nThe sharkmen open fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the gun to the woman",
"response": "Venusian warrior woman isn't able to receive things.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the gun",
"response": "The latest in sharkmen technology. It's said one needs to be really focused to use one of these.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "This cell is open. The hallway ends at a huge gate further the south.\n\nInside you see the body of famed adventurer Ronathan Rask.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.\n\n\"The leader shouts \"Don't shoot while you're running! Didn't you pay attention at gun safety training, you tadpoles?\" They're halfway down the corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe first few sharkmen throw themselves to the ground and take aim at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nThe sharkmen open fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The cell is empty. The hallway continues south.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.\n\nThe sharkmen open fire.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You open Gate with the axle",
"response": "That doesn't seem to fit the lock.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Break gate",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the Cheese",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You leave",
"response": "You get out of the cloning machine.\n\nThis lab has been cleaned up impressively for the weekend.\n\nA cloning machine sits in a corner.\n\nYou can also see Marius here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter machine",
"response": "You get into the cloning machine.\n\nIn the cloning machine you can see Can of Spray Cheese.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Shoot gate",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nThat's no way to settle any kind of argument. At least, that's what the law says.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "You look around",
"response": "This is a small reception area.\n\nPaul and the Venusian stand here.\n\nA huge metal gate leads outside, to the south.\n\nYou can also see Marius here.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the Sharkmen",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nYou shoot one of the sharkmen, but that doesn't even change their generic attack text.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Keep going",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nYou shoot one of the sharkmen, but that doesn't even change their generic attack text.\n\n\"The leader shouts \"Don't shoot while you're running! Didn't you pay attention at gun safety training, you tadpoles?\" They're halfway down the corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot yourself",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nThat's no way to settle any kind of argument. At least, that's what the law says.\n\nThe sharkmen open fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You concentrate",
"response": "You concentrate, and are now mildly concentrated.\n\nThe sharkmen open fire.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You concentrate",
"response": "You concentrate, and are now mildly concentrated.\n\n\"Oh shit! Alex, kill them!\"\n\"What happened to not killing indiscriminately?\"\n\"Shut up and kill every fucking last one of them!\"\n\nThe sharkmen beginning to brandish rifles, while they're running, but don't fire yet.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Continue",
"response": "You concentrate, and are now quite concentrated.\n\n\"The leader shouts \"Don't shoot while you're running! Didn't you pay attention at gun safety training, you tadpoles?\" They're halfway down the corridor.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You continue",
"response": "You concentrate, and are now maximally concentrated.\n\nThe first few sharkmen throw themselves to the ground and take aim at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You shoot the Sharkmen",
"response": "(with the Kerkerkruip gun)\nFully focused, you go into bullet time and\nPEW PEW BOOM ARGH PEW PEW BOOM ARGH ARGH PEW OH NO ARGH PEW DUCK PEW PEW PEW PEW\nIsn't text just a great medium for action scenes? Anyway, all the sharkmen are dead.\nThe Venusian nods at you approvingly, then she confers with Paul in whispered tones. You try not to look jealous. \"Okay\", says Paul, \"there is tunnel build by the Mercurian resistance (which was cut out of the game because someone ran out of time). It is behind one of those crater walls.\"\nThe Alien Warrior points through the small window at one section of the crater wall, and you have a pretty good idea of which one she means.\n\"You need to get the tank to shoot at it, dear.\"\n\"Um, I'm on foot, and the Kerkerkruip gun is empty. Might as well throw it away\" (which you do)\n\"Maybe if you could find a way to repair the golf cart, we'd have a chance. Our venusian friend here is a good mechanic. Just give any repair parts to her.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nan axle\nCan of Spray Cheese\na winner ticket\na lottery ticket",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the axle to Venusian",
"response": "She takes the axle with gret reverence, and Paul rubs your back lovingly.\n\"Okay, now you need to distract the tank while she installs it.\"\n\"Just one sec.... How do I distract a tank?\"\n\"One, you are the protagonist. Two, these sharkmen were breed from the Internet generation and white sharks. It shouldn't be to hard to distract them.\"\nPaul unlocks the gate.\n\"Go get'em, Tiger.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Really? You're not sure you feel \"save\" out there.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "(first opening Gate)\n\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nA huge metal gate leads inside, to the north.\n\nThe space tank is here.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get on the tank",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You try to outrun the tank, but have no luck.\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check your inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nCan of Spray Cheese\na winner ticket\na lottery ticket\n\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the tank",
"response": "With its thick, bluish metal armor and black ugly chains, the tank looks imepenetrable. A sharkmen in a thick helmet is standing in the manhole and aiming the huge laser turret. At you, if that's of interest.\n\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The cell is empty. The hallway continues south.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The cell is empty. The hallway continues south.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "An empty room.\n\nThe sharkman's phone has fallen to the floor.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the phone",
"response": "An iPhone, specifically adapted for plump sharkmen hand. Looks like the Sharkman was playing Fruit Ninja.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the phone",
"response": "Marius seems to be quite interested in it.\n\nTaken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Connecting space. West, back to the airduct. A door marked \"Lab\" leads north, the prison cells are to the south.\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the phone to Marius",
"response": "Marius is utterly captivated. He paws the screen adorably and even hits one or two fruits. Aw man! How cute. This would be a youtube hit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "Connecting space. West, back to the airduct. A door marked \"Lab\" leads north, the prison cells are to the south.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Marius",
"response": "Aww, just look at it. It has pear-shaped body, with small, scrawnly leg and feet. Its thick, soft fur is mostly brown with a huge white spot on the tummy. It looks at you lovingly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\nCellphone\nCan of Spray Cheese\na winner ticket\na lottery ticket",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "An empty room.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The cell is empty. The hallway continues south.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The cell is empty. The hallway continues south.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "This cell is open. The hallway ends at a huge gate further the south.\n\nInside you see the body of famed adventurer Ronathan Rask.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "This is a small reception area.\n\nPaul and the Venusian stand here.\n\nA huge metal gate leads outside, to the south.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the phone to Marius",
"response": "The sharkmen removes his helmet and stares at the rat. \"Guys, guys!\" he shouts down into the tank. \"Are you seeing this? That's adorable.\" A hollow voice answers: \"I have it on the screen. Man, that's so cute! A rat playing Fruit Ninja. I could watch it all day. Or at least, until something brings my attention back to the task at hand.\"\nYou sprint over to the golf cart, where the Venusian gives you a thumbs up. You high-five her and start the motor. Paul comes running, and he, the warrior woman and the rat pool onto the back seat. You put it into gear and hit the gas. The cart soon reaches a neck-breaking 15 mph.\n\nUpper Western Wall (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe turret fires - lousily. It hits the crater wall behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Plain (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nA huge metal gate leads inside, to the north.\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The cart won't fit. It's not a miniature golf cart, ha ha ha.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe turret fires - lousily. It hits the crater wall behind you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "Upper Eastern Wall (in the golf cart)\nThis is the place the Venusian indicated earlier! There is a crumbling crack in the wall, too.\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the crack",
"response": "Behind it lies your path to freedom.\n\nThe turret fires - lousily. It hits the crumbling wall behind you, which reveals a tunnel.\n\"Hooray!\" says Paul, and even Marius squeals happily. \"Now we only need to get rid of the tank and escape a planet 138 million miles from Earth.\"\n\"And that's only when they furthest apart!\" you add, helpfully.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Tunnel (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the ancient resistence tunnel. Spiderwebs indicate it hasn't been used in a while, or that the resistance are all arachnophobic. Or not very clean. Maybe spider webs don't indicate that much. The way south leads back to the crater, while there seems to be some sort of bridge to the north.\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The Venusian graps Paul's arm and whispers to him urgently, while you take point and step onto the bridge. It's small, and amateurishly carved out of the stone. To either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\"Seems safe eno...\"\nThen something steps out of the shadows at the other end of the bridge, something huge and horrible. The kind of creature that would have Lovecraft scramble for his dictionary. Slavering fangs, razor-sharp claws and horrible gurgling noises ... You turn around to warn the others, but then the grue is already upon you, and swipes you off the bridge with her razor-sharp claws. With a bloodied and mangled face, you hurtle screaming into the dark.\n\n***You have died.***\n\nTo either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\nA slobbering monstrosity ... razor sharp fangs ... small, black eyes ... the kind of ancient evil that demands ellipsis...\n\nOh no! The love of your life has fallen beyond time and memory :-(",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "Middle Eastern Wall (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "Lower Eastern Wall (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Southern Wall (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "Lower Western Wall (in the golf cart)\nAn overhang of rock towers here into the crater.\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Middle Western Wall (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "center (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "Plain (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nA huge metal gate leads inside, to the north.\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Upper Western Wall (in the golf cart)\nYou are in the region of the Crater indicated by the title. (Atmospheric description not included)\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the overhang",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nThe turret fires - lousily. It hits the overhang behind you. \"Oh sh-\" says Paul before the whole cart is engulfed in a dust cloud. You steer this way and that, just hoping you don't hit any walls and emerge to the north of the cloud. Marius covers his nose and sneezes. The Venusian clears dust from her face with a dignified wipe of her hand. Unfortunaley, the overhang has missed the tank. The dust covering the gunner makes him look even more like a white shark.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Lower Western Wall (in the golf cart)\nThe overhang has fallen to the crater floor. Looks suspiciously like a ramp.\n\nIn the golf cart you can see Marius.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe tank pursues you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You enter the overhang",
"response": "That's not something you can enter.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You can't go that way.\n\nPaul and the Venusian sit on the backseat, Paul with Marius on his lap.\n\nThe laser turret fires straight at you!",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drive over the overhang",
"response": "With a screeching handbrake turn, you line up the cart, the ramp and the tank. \"What are you doing?\" shouts Paul and grabs the seat in front of him. \"I'm going Mario on these suckers!\"\nYou hit the pedal, and the golf cart accelerates, up the makeshift ramp.\nFor a second, it's all frozen, the cart in the air, the sharkman gaping up open mouthed- then he screams \"Three days from retirement!\" before the cart crashes down on him. And catches fire. Quickly.\n\"To the tunnel!\" you shout and grab Paul's hand.\nAs the four of you reach the tunnel, tank and cart explode behind you. \"The owner of that golf club must really, really hate you by now\"\nsays Paul, giggling.\nYou hold him for a moment and ruffle his hair.\nThe Venusian says something, and Paul frowns, not comprehending. \"She asked if we have source of darkness.\"\n\"Must be poetic Venusian language for something. We'll worry about it later.\"You grab Paul's hand and together you go north, into the tunnel. Marius hopples behind you.\n\nYou are in the ancient resistence tunnel. Spiderwebs indicate it hasn't been used in a while, or that the resistance are all arachnophobic. Or not very clean. Maybe spider webs don't indicate that much. The way south leads back to the crater, while there seems to be some sort of bridge to the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "The Venusian graps Paul's arm and whispers to him urgently, while you take point and step onto the bridge. It's small, and amateurishly carved out of the stone. To either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\"Seems safe eno...\"\nThen something steps out of the shadows at the other end of the bridge, something huge and horrible. The kind of creature that would have Lovecraft scramble for his dictionary. Slavering fangs, razor-sharp claws and horrible gurgling noises ... You turn around to warn the others, but then the grue is already upon you, and swipes you off the bridge with her razor-sharp claws. With a bloodied and mangled face, you hurtle screaming into the dark.\n\n***You have died.***\n\nTo either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\nA slobbering monstrosity ... razor sharp fangs ... small, black eyes ... the kind of ancient evil that demands ellipsis...\n\nOh no! The love of your life has fallen beyond time and memory :-(",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "To either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\nMarius stands before the monster, back arched. The Venusian stands a few feet off, clenching and unclenching her fist uncertainly.\n\nA slobbering monstrosity ... razor sharp fangs ... small, black eyes ... the kind of ancient evil that demands ellipsis...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine grue",
"response": "Indescribable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine venusian",
"response": "She has silvery skin, golden her put up in a tight bun, and wears full body chain mail. Black, pearl eyes look at you unblinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You are in the ancient resistence tunnel. Spiderwebs indicate it hasn't been used in a while, or that the resistance are all arachnophobic. Or not very clean. Maybe spider webs don't indicate that much. The way south leads back to the crater, while there seems to be some sort of bridge to the north.\n\nMarius arrives from the north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "You hear approaching Quadrocopters. (Or very loud helicopters). Better stay in the tunnel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "To either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\nA slobbering monstrosity ... razor sharp fangs ... small, black eyes ... the kind of ancient evil that demands ellipsis...\n\nMarius arrives from the south.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to grue",
"response": "She says, \"gargle gargle barf\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Kiss grue",
"response": "Keep your mind on the game.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the spiderwebs",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed Marius to the grue",
"response": "(first taking Marius)\nHe slips out of your grab. Looks like you have to learn to respect his boundaries.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "To either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\nMarius stands before the monster, back arched. The Venusian stands a few feet off, clenching and unclenching her fist uncertainly.\n\nA slobbering monstrosity ... razor sharp fangs ... small, black eyes ... the kind of ancient evil that demands ellipsis...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You jump",
"response": "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb",
"response": "What do you want to climb?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb down",
"response": "You must name something more substantial.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "To either side, the cave drops down into lightless depths. Phosphopho..phospher....phospos...glowing stones in the walls provide a dim light.\n\nMarius stands before the monster, back arched. The Venusian stands a few feet off, clenching and unclenching her fist uncertainly.\n\nA slobbering monstrosity ... razor sharp fangs ... small, black eyes ... the kind of ancient evil that demands ellipsis...",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine venusian",
"response": "She has silvery skin, golden her put up in a tight bun, and wears full body chain mail. Black, pearl eyes look at you unblinking.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat grue",
"response": "(first taking Light grue)\nI don't suppose Light grue would care for that.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat venusian",
"response": "(first taking Venusian warrior woman)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go north",
"response": "As you step between the glass door, someone steps out of the living room. You stumble back, confused. A stalin jacket, red burning eyes. \"Hey Alex\" says Uncle Wally. \"How the hell have you been?\"",
"endoftext": true
] | n206klmcw2ylhpvi |
First | Shannon Prickett | [
"Slice of life"
] | [] | 2,013 | [
] | 2 | 2 | 20130901 | false | As brief introductions go, it's among the briefest. Contains only a single point. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "The cucumbers are what you're thinking of. A lot seems to have happened just now and the details aren't set yet but you think cucumbers are involved.\n\nYou're suspended from the seat belt, which probably saved your life. Before you, a display of carelessly pressed flowers seen through a tangled network of fissured glass. There is an occasional sound of glass parting or metal yielding but the largest threat seems to be your inversion. To one side, a still inflated airbag obscures the driver. On the other side, outside the car, there's a large metal thing and a small furry thing. Somewhere, you believe there are cucumbers.\n\nA comfortingly strong seatbelt holds you where you are.\n\nYou can also see a cigarette lighter here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at lighter",
"response": "Part of the car's standard equipment, it pushes in to heat and pops out when it's reached the ignition point of cigarettes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About yourself",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the seatbelt",
"response": "(first unlocking the seatbelt)\nYou must have hit your head, you're not making sense.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the seatbelt",
"response": "Some kind of incredibly strong cloth with a buckle.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the buckle",
"response": "Nothing obvious happens.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine furry",
"response": "Slightly smaller than a person and covered with thick fur.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the driver",
"response": "Someone close to you, you remember that much.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You press the lighter",
"response": "You manage to flail a limb at it and depress the lighter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the airbag",
"response": "A big white puffy thing fills the left side of your vision. There's a sharp smell, as if someone had swept up all the dust from a library and packed it in to a pipe and smoked it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine lighter",
"response": "Part of the car's standard equipment, it's glowing with a hot heat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take lighter",
"response": "With a boastful little POP, the lighter ejects. Fate is with you, and you snare it in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn seatbelt",
"response": "*** Run-time problem P10: Since the seatbelt is not allowed the property \"temperature\", it is against the rules to try to use it.\n\n<illegal heat> lighter does you no good.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn airbag",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wait awhile",
"response": "Time passes.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Look",
"response": "(the cigarette lighter)\nPart of the car's standard equipment, it's glowing with a hot heat.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look",
"response": "You're suspended from the seat belt, which probably saved your life. Before you, a display of carelessly pressed flowers seen through a tangled network of fissured glass. There is an occasional sound of glass parting or metal yielding but the largest threat seems to be your inversion. To one side, a still inflated airbag obscures the driver. On the other side, outside the car, there's a large metal thing and a small furry thing. Somewhere, you believe there are cucumbers.\n\nA comfortingly strong seatbelt holds you where you are.\n\nWith a boastful little POP, the lighter ejects. Fate is with you, and you snare it in your hand.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You burn seatbelt",
"response": "The material yields to the heat, stretching and finally giving out entirely. You are freed. The lighter rolls from your fingers and is lost.\n\nInnumerable small shards of glass sparkle on the floor which under normal conditions would be the ceiling. You can escape from here. From this angle you can see there's a boxy metal car and a much smaller furry thing near by.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Exit",
"response": "There's an extraordinary distortion to the grill of the car, as if it were fondant someone leaned against. If you didn't cross the median, you must be east of the highway, meaning the other end of the car is west of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the car",
"response": "A boxy vehicle, before it encountered a tree. Now its sides have been skewed and its contents scattered around it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "This is where the trunk is , which you think some people call a boot but not like foot boot, more like a beer boot. Maybe you did hit your head. About the only important thing to know is that it currently opens down instead of up, as the car is lying on its roof.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the trunk",
"response": "You open the trunk, revealing a paper grocery bag.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the bag",
"response": "Oh, there they are.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look in the bag",
"response": "In the paper grocery bag are six cucumbers.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "There's an extraordinary distortion to the grill of the car, as if it were fondant someone leaned against. If you didn't cross the median, you must be east of the highway, meaning the other end of the car is west of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine furry",
"response": "Slightly smaller than a person and covered with thick fur.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat cucumber",
"response": "(first taking the cucumber)\nYou eat the cucumber. Not bad.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na paper grocery bag\nsix cucumbers",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop the driver",
"response": "The driver is already here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You take the driver",
"response": "That's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the cucumber to the driver",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "There's an extraordinary distortion to the grill of the car, as if it were fondant someone leaned against. If you didn't cross the median, you must be east of the highway, meaning the other end of the car is west of here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go inside",
"response": "Innumerable small shards of glass sparkle on the floor which under normal conditions would be the ceiling. You can escape from here. From this angle you can see there's a boxy metal car and a much smaller furry thing near by.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You wear furry",
"response": "(first taking the furry)\nThat's hardly portable.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get all",
"response": "cucumber: Taken.\ncucumber: Taken.\ncucumber: Taken.\ncucumber: Taken.\ncucumber: Taken.\ncucumber: Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "cheapglulxe quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | ad9pg0ycxat2sqt7 |
The Mundane Tale of the Morning After | Adri | [
] | [
"miniature protagonist",
] | 2,014 | [
] | 2 | 2 | 20140101 | false | A tiny story about a tiny ninja and a not-so-tiny headache. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "Oof. Your head. You remember very little about last night, but apparently you had an extremely good time at the party.\n\nJudging from how dark the room is, you're guessing it's fairly late in the afternoon. But all you want to do is take care of your hangover and go home and hide from the world for the rest of the day.\n\nThis is where you fell asleep after the party, because you were too drunk to stumble home.\n\nThe rest of the room is southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You are a tiny ninja dressed in green from head to toe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying nothing.\n\nOh! But where are your nunchaku?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go southeast",
"response": "This is the dormitory room you share with your three closest friends (and one rather large inhabitant you don't see very often). There is a bed to the north, a wardrobe to the east, a bookshelf to the south, a food storage area to the west and a desk in the northwest corner. There is a mouse hole in the southeast corner of the room, next to the bookshelf.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the bed",
"response": "The bed is unmade, as always. The black ninja lives underneath it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The rest of the room is south, and there's a particularly dusty looking corner to the east.\n\nThe black ninja is not here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Wait",
"response": "You sway unsteadily on your feet in a most un-ninja-like manner.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This corner doesn't seem to get cleaned often. There is a rather large spider web stretched between the foot of the bed and the wall. The rest of the room is southwest.\n\nOn the web is a spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the spider",
"response": "The spider bares its fangs at you. You decide to leave it alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the spider",
"response": "It's a common house spider. It's not very large, but it looks like it won't hesitate to kill you if you bother it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south",
"response": "You live here. It's a pretty nice place to live, so far as wardrobes go. There are, to the best of your knowledge, no secret passages to Ninja Narnia.\n\nThe rest of the room is north.\n\nYou can see an id card here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the card",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go west",
"response": "The rest of the room is east.\n\nThere is no sign of the red ninja.\n\nYou can see a piece of cookie here.\n\nOh. Right. You're pretty sure you made brunch plans with your friends today. If you hurry, you may still be able to catch them. But first you need to deal with this pounding headache.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southeast",
"response": "The rest of the room is back to the northwest.\n\nThere is a mouse here, lazing around in its nest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine mouse",
"response": "It's a common brown mouse. It's about twice as tall as you are.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You talk to the mouse",
"response": "The mouse squeaks at you.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine nest",
"response": "This is the mouse's nest. It is full of various treasures.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the treasures",
"response": "It's a collection of things the mouse has found.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give the cookie to the mouse",
"response": "You give the piece of cookie to the mouse. It grabs it out of your hands and retreats to the corner of the nest with it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search it",
"response": "You find a tablet of aspirin in the nest. You take it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat the aspirin",
"response": "You take a tiny bite out of the aspirin. You start to feel better almost immediately.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "You scurry off before the mouse can ask for a glass of milk.\n\nThis is the dormitory room you share with your three closest friends (and one rather large inhabitant you don't see very often). There is a bed to the north, a wardrobe to the east, a bookshelf to the south, a food storage area to the west and a desk in the northwest corner. There is a mouse hole in the southeast corner of the room, next to the bookshelf.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go southwest",
"response": "You should find your nunchaku first. It is dangerous to go outside without a weapon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The rest of the room is south, and there's a particularly dusty looking corner to the east.\n\nThe black ninja is not here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "This corner doesn't seem to get cleaned often. There is a rather large spider web stretched between the foot of the bed and the wall. The rest of the room is southwest.\n\nOn the web is a spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the web",
"response": "The spider has woven the words \"GO AWAY\" into its web.\n\nOn the web is a spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show the card to the spider",
"response": "The spider bares its fangs at you. You decide to leave it alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You cut the web",
"response": "The spider bares its fangs at you. You decide to leave the web alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examinethe i d card",
"response": "Violence isn't the answer to this one.\n\nThis card bears a photo of your not-so-tiny non-ninja roommate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The rest of the room is south, and there's a particularly dusty looking corner to the east.\n\nThe black ninja is not here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "There is a door here, leading out to the hallway.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go south",
"response": "You live here. It's a pretty nice place to live, so far as wardrobes go. There are, to the best of your knowledge, no secret passages to Ninja Narnia.\n\nThe rest of the room is north.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the desk",
"response": "There is a desk in the corner, underneath the window.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go northwest",
"response": "This is where you fell asleep after the party, because you were too drunk to stumble home.\n\nThe rest of the room is southeast.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The rest of the room is east.\n\nThere is no sign of the red ninja.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "You slip the card between the door and the casing. You lean into the card with all your might, forcing the door open. The card almost snaps in the process.\n\nYou can't reach into the Bedroom.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the fridge",
"response": "It's a standard mini fridger. The big person whom you share your living space with keeps it stocked with beer and junk food.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "You slip the card between the door and the casing. You lean into the card with all your might, forcing the door open. The card almost snaps in the process.\n\nThe refrigerator is disturbingly devoid of both beer and snacks. But your nunchaku are here. You're too tired to question it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the nunchaku",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "You should close the refrigerator first! Were you raised in a ninja barn?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You close the fridge",
"response": "You close the refrigerator.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "Now that you've recovered your nunchaku and are starting to feel better, you should go catch up with your friends.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You touch the web",
"response": "The spider bares its fangs at you. You decide to leave the web alone.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the web",
"response": "There is nothing on the web. Except for that angry-looking spider.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the fridge",
"response": "You loop one of your nunchucks around the handle and tug. The door opens. The refrigerator is still empty. You close it again.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "The door is too large and heavy for you to open. You can easily crawl underneath.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the south-west",
"response": "Now that you've recovered your nunchaku and are starting to feel better, you should go catch up with your friends.",
"endoftext": true
] | irkfnb1qbuiek0fk |
The Tower of Beef | Ricardo Signes | [] | [
"Speed-IF Jacket 2",
"SpeedIF April 2003",
] | 2,003 | [
] | 2 | 2 | 20080501 | false | In this short game against the clock, you play as a beef courier who wants to destroy Mr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium from within before the Beef Flu finally destroys you from within. You don't have much time left. Free the cows! | [
"action": "%",
"response": "It's taken you years to work your way up from Ketchup Packet Sorter Third Class to your current post: Bad Beef Courier. It's been hard work, and it's taken its toll on you, but it's all been worth it.\nWith your new clearance, you can finally bring down Mr. McBeefy's vast animal-exploiting empire and set things right.\n\nThey said that the Beef Flu was an urban legend, but it's been eating away at you for twenty years. You must hurry: your can tell you haven't much time left.\n\nFREEDOM FOR OUR BOVINE BRETHREN!\n\nMEAT IS MURDER!\n\nChicks really dig how \"sensitive\" your activism makes you seem.\n\nCopyright (C) 2003, Ricardo SIGNES\nJacket Speed-IF 2\nPlease consult REVIEWS and FEELIES\n\nMr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium\nThe Beef Imporium -- MBI, to you wage slaves -- stands at the very base of the Tower of Beef. The vast glass ceiling lets you look up into the Tower and see the vast machinery of Mr. McBeefy's Vertical Beef Processing Facility at work. Cows and carcasses swing by at all elevations, ready to be processed from happy heifers into happy meals. Now and then an organ or spurt of blood falls onto the glass ceiling, but it's always quickly cleaned up by one of the janitors. Those lucky bastards get off with the easy work.\n\nThe supply room lies to the east, and a sliding door leads out.\n\nLike most days, the place is full of kids. There are two field-trips here, at the moment.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Feelies",
"response": "Included with your The Tower of Beef packaging you should find a .010\" hypodermic syringe and a 50cc vial containing an infection-guaranteed quantity of a randomly chosen fatal disease. Injection no more than six and no less than three days (for gestation) is recommended for the optimal experience. Upon completion, you will be issued a claim code for an antidote. Please contact Tower of Beef Limited with this code to receive your antidote. (2.95 USD per minute, please allow six to eight weeks for delivery.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Reviews",
"response": "You can't see any such thing.\n\n>>> MORE RELEVANT\n\nAdam Biltcliffe: I love the way the NPCs relentlessly criticise everything the player does.\n-- Adam Biltcliffe\n\nThe throbbing is unmistakable!\n-- D. Jacob Wildstrom\n\nThis game leaps forward in time to show the player the effects of a key early decision. My reaction was a Keanu-like 'whoa.'\n-- Peter Berman\n\nI HATE THIS GAME SO MUCH! IT GAVE ME SARS!\n-- Tablesaw\n\nThe completed game map formed an interesting shape, which was a nice touch.\n-- Caleb\n\nIn most games, instant death puzzles are a flaw. This game cries out for an instant death puzzle to put it out of its misery.\n-- Sam Kabo Ashwell\n\nIt will make you run right out and steal little packets of ketchup and do crazy things.\n-- David Cornelson\n\n>>> LESS RELEVANT\n\nThe author gave a fresh perspective to normal day-to-day objects; how they could be used, what they really are. It made me look around my surroundings a bit more carefully.\n-- Duchess\n\nThe game appeared mostly vertical - i.e., almost all room-to-room movement was via up and down, with little use of the compass directions.\n-- Duncan Cross",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the kids",
"response": "The kids run around and scream and yell. Occasionally, a teacher points up at a moving carcass and tells the little brats something useful about Beef Science. \"Did you know that all human life would perish without beef?\" Just as frequently, a kid points up and giggles as a cow rectum splats against the skylight. They are all wearing paper Mr. McBeefy tiaras.\n\nOne of the kids points and laughs. \"Yeah, way to keep your eyes peeled.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "As good-looking as ever.\n\nOne of the kids points and laughs. \"Yeah, way to keep your eyes peeled.\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill the kids",
"response": "The kids scatter like a flock of pigeons, and you break off your rush. You must not forget your true goal! One of the chaperones gives you a disappointed look, wondering why you didn't finish the job.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You check what you're carrying",
"response": "You are carrying:\na syringe",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You inject Beef with the syringe",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You inject yourself",
"response": "(with the obnoxious little meat-eating brats)\nThat doesn't make sense.\nYou feel your heart THROBBING in your chest. You're definitely getting sicker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The MBI supply room is just a little pantry, well-stocked with beef and beef accessories. MBI is back to the west.\n\nSome ground chuck sits on a sheaf of paper on a counter.\nYou feel your heart THROBBING in your chest. You're definitely getting sicker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Chuck",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inject chuck",
"response": "(into yourself)\nThat doesn't make sense.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Chuck",
"response": "It's a pile of ground chuck laid out on a table, probably for use in McBeefy Beef Tacobeef Mexiburgers (with extra Spic Sauce and Lardonnaise).\n\nUpon close inspection, you realize this is bad beef -- a perfect excuse to head up to the Disposatorium.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Mr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium\n\nLike most days, the place is full of kids. There are two field-trips here, at the moment.\nA wave of nausea hits you. Your intestines THROB.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Up",
"response": "Huge glass walkways lead east and west. Carts full of beef and bones are everywhere, blocking the way. Stairwells lead up and down.\n\nA sign hangs on the wall here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the sign",
"response": "The sign is painted with two big arrows. One points east and reads: THIS WAY TO THE DISPOSATORIUM. The other points west and reads: THIS WAY TO BEEFBURGER PREPARATION.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Rows and rows of carts run through the Disposatorium, hauling bad beef to be processed into feed. Other couriers rush in and out, as if their lives depended on it. The manager's office is upstairs; the rumor is that he loves the smell of bad beef.\n\nCouriers rush in and out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You give Beef to the Courier",
"response": "You can only do that to something animate.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go up",
"response": "This small office serves as a refuge for Branch Manager Fat. There's a desk and some computers and paperwork. It's all quite uninteresting. You press your hand to your head, and you can feel the vein in your forehead THROBBING as you clench your teeth.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downwards",
"response": "Couriers rush in and out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "A sign hangs on the wall here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "You're standing on a precarious walkway above a gigantic meat grinder, where the fresh whole beef is converted into chuck. Overhead, sides of beef swing down from the infinite expanse above and drop into the grinder, which happily consumes them and drops them to the processing floor at the bottom of the stairwell\n\nPeters, the day-shift inspector, is here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Peters",
"response": "Peters is a weaselly little shit in a lab coat. Every time he sees you with bad beef up here, he gives you a filthy look, as if you contaminated it yourself. (If only he knew.)",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You show Chuck to Peters",
"response": "Peters glowers at you. \"Get back to work, Courier.\"",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Peters stops you. \"No unauthorized personnel!\"",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You kill Peters",
"response": "Oh, you'd love to, but it would probably spoil the rest of your plans for the day.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You feed Chuck to Peters",
"response": "Peters doesn't seem interested.\nBy now, you've broken out in a cold sweat, and you feel feverish.\nWith every breath, your lungs THROB.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Chuck",
"response": "It's a pile of bad beef. Nice and toxic, this, and probably rife with botulism. No Beef Flu, though. You'd be able to smell it. Your veins THROB at the thought.\n\nUpon close inspection, you realize this is bad beef -- a perfect excuse to head up to the Disposatorium.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go upwards",
"response": "While they call this the decontamination room, nothing actually gets done to decontaminate anything. Basically, there's a locked door between here and the Breeding Room, and they only give the key to people who won't contaminate the studs. Apparently, this satisfies the ISO requirements. Stairs lead down and the Breeding Room door is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the door",
"response": "It's a pretty solid door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock door",
"response": "What do you want to unlock the breeding room door with?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\nsome bad ground chuck\na syringe\nYours muscles ache with every step you take. The Beef Flu has you in its clutches. (Make that THROB, ok? Your muscles THROB. It sounds more DRAMATIC.)",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Mr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium\n\nLike most days, the place is full of kids. There are two field-trips here, at the moment.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Look around",
"response": "The MBI supply room is just a little pantry, well-stocked with beef and beef accessories. MBI is back to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "Mr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium\nThe Beef Imporium -- MBI, to you wage slaves -- stands at the very base of the Tower of Beef. The vast glass ceiling lets you look up into the Tower and see the vast machinery of Mr. McBeefy's Vertical Beef Processing Facility at work. Cows and carcasses swing by at all elevations, ready to be processed from happy heifers into happy meals. Now and then an organ or spurt of blood falls onto the glass ceiling, but it's always quickly cleaned up by one of the janitors. Those lucky bastards get off with the easy work.\n\nThe supply room lies to the east, and a sliding door leads out.\n\nLike most days, the place is full of kids. There are two field-trips here, at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "Huge glass walkways lead east and west. Carts full of beef and bones are everywhere, blocking the way. Stairwells lead up and down.\n\nA sign hangs on the wall here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "Rows and rows of carts run through the Disposatorium, hauling bad beef to be processed into feed. Other couriers rush in and out, as if their lives depended on it. The manager's office is upstairs; the rumor is that he loves the smell of bad beef.\n\nCouriers rush in and out.\nThe THROBBING has beTHROBcome unTHROBbearTHROBable. You won't THROB be able to THROB take it much loTHOBnger.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upwards",
"response": "This small office serves as a refuge for Branch Manager Fat. There's a desk and some computers and paperwork. It's all quite uninteresting.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You drop Chuck",
"response": "Dropped.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look under the desk",
"response": "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.\n\nThat's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "Rows and rows of carts run through the Disposatorium, hauling bad beef to be processed into feed. Other couriers rush in and out, as if their lives depended on it. The manager's office is upstairs; the rumor is that he loves the smell of bad beef.\n\nCouriers rush in and out.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Y.",
"response": "It's taken you years to work your way up from Ketchup Packet Sorter Third Class to your current post: Bad Beef Courier. It's been hard work, and it's taken its toll on you, but it's all been worth it.\nWith your new clearance, you can finally bring down Mr. McBeefy's vast animal-exploiting empire and set things right.\n\nThey said that the Beef Flu was an urban legend, but it's been eating away at you for twenty years. You must hurry: your can tell you haven't much time left.\n\nFREEDOM FOR OUR BOVINE BRETHREN!\n\nMEAT IS MURDER!\n\nChicks really dig how \"sensitive\" your activism makes you seem.\n\nCopyright (C) 2003, Ricardo SIGNES\nJacket Speed-IF 2\nPlease consult REVIEWS and FEELIES\n\nMr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium\nThe Beef Imporium -- MBI, to you wage slaves -- stands at the very base of the Tower of Beef. The vast glass ceiling lets you look up into the Tower and see the vast machinery of Mr. McBeefy's Vertical Beef Processing Facility at work. Cows and carcasses swing by at all elevations, ready to be processed from happy heifers into happy meals. Now and then an organ or spurt of blood falls onto the glass ceiling, but it's always quickly cleaned up by one of the janitors. Those lucky bastards get off with the easy work.\n\nThe supply room lies to the east, and a sliding door leads out.\n\nLike most days, the place is full of kids. There are two field-trips here, at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go east",
"response": "The MBI supply room is just a little pantry, well-stocked with beef and beef accessories. MBI is back to the west.\n\nSome ground chuck sits on a sheaf of paper on a counter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get Chuck",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine Chuck",
"response": "It's a pile of ground chuck laid out on a table, probably for use in McBeefy Beef Tacobeef Mexiburgers (with extra Spic Sauce and Lardonnaise).\n\nUpon close inspection, you realize this is bad beef -- a perfect excuse to head up to the Disposatorium.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You eat Chuck",
"response": "That's plainly inedible.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the syringe",
"response": "It's a syringe of your blood. It should be just swarming with the Beef Flu. Hopefully, you can get close enough to Big Buck to put it to use.\nYou feel your heart THROBBING in your chest. You're definitely getting sicker.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "Mr. McBeefy's Beef Imporium\n\nLike most days, the place is full of kids. There are two field-trips here, at the moment.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You throw Chuck at the grinder",
"response": "Peters cries out in horror as you throw the bad chuck into the grinder and rushes over to the edge of the catwalk, peering into the grinder. You heave the bad beef into the grinder, and it happily mixes in with the rest, pouring down into production. That should do nicely.",
"endoftext": true
"action": "Go downward",
"response": "The beef comes down through the meatgrinder, a flight above you, and falls onto the conveyer belt in front of you. It's been stopped for a while, so there's quite a pile built up. The steel stairway leads back up to the grinder's top.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Search pile",
"response": "You run your hands through the pile of meat, oblivious to the waves of nausea running through you. You're rewarded with a shiny (well, not really) key, engraved with an unfamiliar, phallic icon.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the key",
"response": "The key is pretty normal looking, except for the phallus carved into its head. Presumably that indicates its use.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go upward",
"response": "A sign hangs on the wall here.\nYou press your hand to your head, and you can feel the vein in your forehead THROBBING as you clench your teeth.\n\nWhile they call this the decontamination room, nothing actually gets done to decontaminate anything. Basically, there's a locked door between here and the Breeding Room, and they only give the key to people who won't contaminate the studs. Apparently, this satisfies the ISO requirements. Stairs lead down and the Breeding Room door is to the west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You unlock the door with the key",
"response": "You unlock the breeding room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You open the door",
"response": "You open the breeding room door.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The Breeding Room is the cleanest room you've seen in the Tower. It's a large, dome-shaped room with a dirt and grass floor. One wall is an exterior wall, and is made of one-way glass. You can see the skyline outside, as well as the sun.\n\nYou can see a Big Buck here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You inject the Buck with the syringe",
"response": "You casually walk over and inject the Beef Flu into Big Buck. He doesn't seem to notice, and just grunts a bit. You laugh to yourself as you realize how easy it's been. Now, you can go home and die in the knowledge that you've saved the world.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go outside",
"response": "You step out into the warm, sunshiny day. Here and there, co-workers sit and eat packed lunches, discussing their days. Children frolic and birds sing. What a perfect day!\n\nYou lean back against The Tower and contemplate your success, imagining the future of the world:\n\nFifty or seventy-five years from now, billions are dead from the mutated Beef Flu. Death from Super McBeefy is slow, throbbing, and painful -- as you well know -- and society has fallen apart trying merely to bury the dead and sustain the living. With the economy in shambles and the majority of the fabric of society in tatters, the human race is reduced to foraging: foraging for nuts and berries, and not beef.\n\nYou are a hero!",
"endoftext": true
] | 6durptkxdbferhg4 |
By the Lake | Marius Müller (as Eldridge Murray) | [
] | [
"ShuffleComp: Disc 2",
] | 2,015 | [
] | 6 | 2 | 20150503 | false | An entry in ShuffleComp: Disc 2. Inspired by "The Ghost Who Walks" by Karen Elson. | [
"action": "%",
"response": "WARNING! This is not a nice game.\nThis is your favorite place.\nA small, almost forgotten lake just outside the city limits. His parents own the cabin here, but they never go here. And you have to look for it, deep in the wood, so nobody ever comes here.\nBut even though he's here, lying beside you in the tall grass, you\ncan still feel work in your bone. It's only Tuesday, and your eyes are already dry, your shoulders clenched, and the spot where the headset grabs onto your head has turned into an annoying small red dot. You rub it absent-mindedly and look at him. He seems distracted today, distant somehow.\n\"Thanks for picking me up, honey.\"\nHe nods and stares up at the full moon.\n\"Are you allright?\"\nHe raises his hip awkwardly and rummages around in his pocket. As you watch, a small shiver runs down your arms. It's been a warm June day, and you're still only wearing your t-shirt. He rolls over, his eyes warm and kind, and raises the knife.\n\nYou feel the the knife plunge deep into your chest - sudden, burning, confused pain. You scream out and he rolls over and covers your mouth, his calloused, warm hand terribly familiar. You try to writher away from under him, but all strength has left you, and you want to scream, to bite, but you can just wriggle helplessly. Tears burn in your eye and you choke on something metallic and viscous. And then you don't wriggle anymore, your legs go numb, and you feel your useless heart still pump blood through the hole in your chest. He looks at you, and above the hands that killed you his eyes are calm and friendly. \"I'm sorry, dear\" he whispers. \"I just don't love you anymore.\"\nYou look up at the moon, that old mistress, that has looked down on all our wars and all our blood, but there is no dignity in death. He crinkles his nose and you feel the warmth spread from your crotch down your leg. And then it ends.\n\nBut you can't go on.\n\nThe Grass is long and wild, and apruptly turns into a sandy beach to the north. In the moonlight everything appears gray, ominous.\nThere is a dark, wet spot in the grass, and from it drag marks lead west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You look like you did when you died, clean sneakers, jeans, t-shirt. The fabric of your t-shirt is torn and bloody on your chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Xyzzy",
"response": "You blink. You were distracted for a moment, lost in thought. You\nlook again, at your hands and the shovel.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the shovel",
"response": "You remember buying this at the hardware store, sad with the realization you had to kill her.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "Women really dig this look, but you never really cared for it.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Inventory",
"response": "You are carrying:\na shovel",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go east",
"response": "The Grass is long and wild, and apruptly turns into a sandy beach to the north. In the moonlight everything appears gray, ominous.\nThere is a dark, wet spot in the grass, and from it drag marks lead west.\n\nYou can see Alexa here.\n\n> X ALEXA\n\nYou can't see any such thing.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "The wooden pier extends a few yards into the lake. Looks like some repairwork has been done on it recently, as the outer end looks new and shiny in places.\nOut in the lake, in silhouette, the island is barely visible.\n\nA nail gun is sticking up, front forward, between the boards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You get the nail gun",
"response": "Taken.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nail gun",
"response": "From what you can tell, it's in working condition. The battery light is glowing faintly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go north",
"response": "You take a step off the pier, fearing for a second you'll just sink into the lightless depths. But you sort of hover over the lake. Not at all unpleasant. You cast a last look down before going on.\nAnd something looks back. A white face, beneath the pier, hands reaching up. For a second, a voice, distant, like through rain\n\n\"You weren't ... the first. Avenge us. You can't touch ... can't\nsee, but you can ... possess.\"\n\nThe woman sinks, sinks. Is gone. You continue on.\n\nIt's very small, you can cross it in three quick steps. It's covered in some vegetation.\n\nThere is even a small tree here.\n\nThe main attraction is the fire pit, which seems to see regular use.\n\nA pile of junk sits besides the fire pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go to the west",
"response": "The woods begin here, dark and impenetrable.\n\nThe headlights of the car illuminate the scene with the merciless glare of a medical lamp.\n\nHe stands here, and digs.\n\nYour body lies here, crumpled, with dirt in its hair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the body",
"response": "They say sleeping people are beautiful, and you always thought that was a lie. Sleeping people are ugly. And that's how you look, one eye half-closed, the other staring mindlessly, mouth slightly agape. Your torso a mess of blood, with something blue shimmering inside the wound. Ugly.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the blue",
"response": "Some unthinkable part of your viscera. You clench your hands as you remember the pain. So sudden, so severe.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine him",
"response": "You used to gently mock his hipster looks, the weird, spotty beard, checkered shirts and cord trousers. And the scene is so surreal. It's like an ad. The shovel, the small hole before him. And now you hate him. Everything about him. You want to see him suffer.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "About you",
"response": "You look like you did when you died, clean sneakers, jeans, t-shirt. The fabric of your t-shirt is torn and bloody on your chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You say boo",
"response": "(to He)\nYou want to scream at him, ask for answers, curse him for all eternity. But it's useless. He isn't able to notice your presence.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "East",
"response": "The Grass is long and wild, and apruptly turns into a sandy beach to the north. In the moonlight everything appears gray, ominous.\nThere is a dark, wet spot in the grass, and from it drag marks lead west.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "North",
"response": "The wooden pier extends a few yards into the lake. Looks like some repairwork has been done on it recently, as the outer end looks new and shiny in places.\nOut in the lake, in silhouette, the island is barely visible.\n\nA nail gun is sticking up, front forward, between the boards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "North",
"response": "You take a step off the pier, fearing for a second you'll just sink into the lightless depths. But you sort of hover over the lake. Not at all unpleasant. You cast a last look down before going on.\nAnd something looks back. A white face, beneath the pier, hands reaching up. For a second, a voice, distant, like through rain\n\n\"You weren't ... the first. Avenge us. You can't touch ... can't\nsee, but you can ... possess.\"\n\nThe woman sinks, sinks. Is gone. You continue on.\n\nIt's very small, you can cross it in three quick steps. It's covered in some vegetation.\n\nThere is even a small tree here.\n\nThe main attraction is the fire pit, which seems to see regular use.\n\nA pile of junk sits besides the fire pit.\n\nA mouse runs out from the undergrowth and sits by the fire pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Possess mouse",
"response": "There's something in the mouse - quick, alert, and scared, so scared, always scared - but you manage to wrestle control from it. The world seems gargantuan and hostile. It takes a moment to get your bearings. Four feet, the unconsciously swishing tail. The heart, hammering so fast inside your chest.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the junk",
"response": "There is a huge heap of discarded food wrappers, beer cans, used napkins and the like beside the fire pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You climb tree",
"response": "You are on the branch overlooking the fire pit.\n\nAn old bird's nest sits here.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the nest",
"response": "It has been long abandoned.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Down",
"response": "It's very small, you can cross it in three quick steps. It's covered in some vegetation.\n\nThere is even a small tree here.\n\nThe main attraction is the fire pit, which seems to see regular use.\n\nA pile of junk sits besides the fire pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You look at the pit",
"response": "In the fire pit are a nest and a lighter.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Burn nest",
"response": "This dangerous act would achieve little.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Possess lighter",
"response": "You quickly dart from the mouse into the lighter.\nYou touch the lighter. There is that familiar scraping of the flint and a small spark, but the nest is not really dry enough on its own to catch fire.\n\nYou quickly dart back into the mouse.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the junk",
"response": "There is a huge heap of discarded food wrappers, beer cans, used napkins and the like beside the fire pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You search the junk",
"response": "After nosing around in it for a bit, you discover a small bottle of lighter fluid. It's hard work, but you manage to pull it out of the junk with your teeth.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You put the bottle in the pit",
"response": "(first taking bottle of lighter fluid)\nIt's too heavy.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You examine the pit",
"response": "In the fire pit are a nest and a lighter.\n\n> JUMP ON BOTTLE\n\nYou jump on the bottle and a little lighter fluid flies into the pit.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Possess lighter",
"response": "(the lighter)\nYou quickly dart from the mouse into the lighter.\nYou touch the lighter. There is that familiar scraping of the flint and a small spark, and the fluid lights up instantaneously. The nest catches fire, and soon there is a nice fire going in the pit.\nThere is movement at the shore. A figure appears on the pier.\nYou leave the mouse and it darts away.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You go south",
"response": "The wooden pier extends a few yards into the lake. Looks like some repairwork has been done on it recently, as the outer end looks new and shiny in places.\nOut in the lake, in silhouette, the island is barely visible.\n\nPaul stands here, looking wearily at the fire on the island.\n\nA nail gun is sticking up, front forward, between the boards.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Possess gun",
"response": "He is about to turn back as the nail hits him in the Adam's apple. He stands for a second, and slowly grabs his throat like a surprised baronet in a soap opera. He takes one step forward and slowly turns on the spot. Blood gushes down his shirt with every heartbeat, statisfyingly black and plentiful. He falls forward, chipping one of his teeth on the wood.\nYou kneel beside him, wishing you could pick up that little bit of enamel as a memento.\nIt takes him a few minutes to die, and you idly wonder if he will go on, or if he will have to stay, like you. Maybe for people like him death is the only exit there is.\nYou look up, at the moon. The lake is silent.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "You possess him",
"response": "You touch him, but there is something in him - warm, protective, fierce - and you shrink back.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Go west",
"response": "The woods begin here, dark and impenetrable.\n\nThe headlights of the car illuminate the scene with the merciless glare of a medical lamp.\n\nYour body lies here, crumpled, with dirt in its hair.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Possess body",
"response": "You really don't want to try that. What if you cannot leave?",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Possess car",
"response": "You touch the car, and it suddenly honks. He looks up, startled. For a few seconds he stands, breathing open-mouthed. Then he shrugs and gets back to digging.",
"endoftext": false
"action": "Yes",
"response": "cheapglulxe quit with exit status: 0",
"endoftext": true
] | 47semzbrey3787j8 |
Subsets and Splits