52 values
81 values
66 values
73 values
counts = multinomial.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample((500,)) cum_counts = counts.cumsum(dim=0) estimates = cum_counts / cum_counts.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True) d2l.set_figsize((6, 4.5)) for i in range(6): d2l.plt.plot(estimates[:, i].numpy(), label=("P(die=" + str(i + 1) + ")")) d2l.plt.axhline(y=0.167, color='black', linestyle='dashed') d2l.plt.gca().set_xlabel('Groups of experiments') d2l.plt.gca().set_ylabel('Estimated probability') d2l.plt.legend(); import torch a = dir(torch.distributions) help(torch.ones) torch.ones(4)
counts = np.random.multinomial(10, fair_probs, size=500) cum_counts = counts.astype(np.float32).cumsum(axis=0) estimates = cum_counts / cum_counts.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) d2l.set_figsize((6, 4.5)) for i in range(6): d2l.plt.plot(estimates[:, i].asnumpy(), label=("P(die=" + str(i + 1) + ")")) d2l.plt.axhline(y=0.167, color='black', linestyle='dashed') d2l.plt.gca().set_xlabel('Groups of experiments') d2l.plt.gca().set_ylabel('Estimated probability') d2l.plt.legend(); from mxnet import np a = dir(np.random) help(np.ones) np.ones(4)
%matplotlib inline import math import time import numpy as np import torch from d2l import torch as d2l n = 10000 a = torch.ones(n) b = torch.ones(n) c = torch.zeros(n) timer = Timer() for i in range(n): c[i] = a[i] + b[i] x = np.arange(-7, 7, 0.01) params = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (3, 1)] d2l.plot(x, [normal(x, mu, sigma) for mu, sigma in params], xlabel='x', ylabel='p(x)', figsize=(4.5, 2.5), legend=[f'mean {mu}, std {sigma}' for mu, sigma in params])
%matplotlib inline import math import time from mxnet import np from d2l import mxnet as d2l n = 10000 a = np.ones(n) b = np.ones(n) c = np.zeros(n) timer = Timer() for i in range(n): c[i] = a[i] + b[i] x = np.arange(-7, 7, 0.01) params = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (3, 1)] d2l.plot(x.asnumpy(), [normal(x, mu, sigma).asnumpy() for mu, sigma in params], xlabel='x', ylabel='p(x)', figsize=(4.5, 2.5), legend=[f'mean {mu}, std {sigma}' for mu, sigma in params])
%matplotlib inline import random import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples): X = torch.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(w))) y = torch.matmul(X, w) + b y += torch.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape) return X, y.reshape((-1, 1)) true_w = torch.tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) d2l.set_figsize() d2l.plt.scatter(features[:, (1)].detach().numpy(), labels.detach().numpy(), 1); def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): num_examples = len(features) indices = list(range(num_examples)) random.shuffle(indices) for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size): batch_indices = torch.tensor(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) yield features[batch_indices], labels[batch_indices] w = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(2,1), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) def linreg(X, w, b): return torch.matmul(X, w) + b def sgd(params, lr, batch_size): with torch.no_grad(): for param in params: param -= lr * param.grad / batch_size param.grad.zero_() lr = 0.03 num_epochs = 3 net = linreg loss = squared_loss for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) l.sum().backward() sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) with torch.no_grad(): train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)
%matplotlib inline import random from mxnet import autograd, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples): X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(w))) y =, w) + b y += np.random.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape) return X, y.reshape((-1, 1)) true_w = np.array([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) d2l.set_figsize() d2l.plt.scatter(features[:, (1)].asnumpy(), labels.asnumpy(), 1); def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): num_examples = len(features) indices = list(range(num_examples)) random.shuffle(indices) for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size): batch_indices = np.array(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) yield features[batch_indices], labels[batch_indices] w = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, (2, 1)) b = np.zeros(1) w.attach_grad() b.attach_grad() def linreg(X, w, b): return, w) + b def sgd(params, lr, batch_size): for param in params: param[:] = param - lr * param.grad / batch_size lr = 0.03 num_epochs = 3 net = linreg loss = squared_loss for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): with autograd.record(): l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) l.backward() sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)
import numpy as np import torch from torch.utils import data from d2l import torch as d2l true_w = torch.tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) def load_array(data_arrays, batch_size, is_train=True): dataset = data.TensorDataset(*data_arrays) return data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=is_train) batch_size = 10 data_iter = load_array((features, labels), batch_size) from torch import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1)) net[0], 0.01) net[0] loss = nn.MSELoss() trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.03) w = net[0] b = net[0]
from mxnet import autograd, gluon, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() true_w = np.array([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) def load_array(data_arrays, batch_size, is_train=True): dataset =*data_arrays) return, batch_size, shuffle=is_train) batch_size = 10 data_iter = load_array((features, labels), batch_size) from mxnet.gluon import nn net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(1)) from mxnet import init net.initialize(init.Normal(sigma=0.01)) loss = gluon.loss.L2Loss() from mxnet import gluon trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': 0.03}) w = net[0] b = net[0]
%matplotlib inline import torch import torchvision from torch.utils import data from torchvision import transforms from d2l import torch as d2l d2l.use_svg_display() trans = transforms.ToTensor() mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST( root="../data", train=True, transform=trans, download=True) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST( root="../data", train=False, transform=trans, download=True) def show_images(imgs, num_rows, num_cols, titles=None, scale=1.5): figsize = (num_cols * scale, num_rows * scale) _, axes = d2l.plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) axes = axes.flatten() for i, (ax, img) in enumerate(zip(axes, imgs)): if torch.is_tensor(img): ax.imshow(img.numpy()) else: ax.imshow(img) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if titles: ax.set_title(titles[i]) return axes X, y = next(iter(data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size=18))) show_images(X.reshape(18, 28, 28), 2, 9, titles=get_fashion_mnist_labels(y)); batch_size = 256 return 4 train_iter = data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()) def load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size, resize=None): trans = [transforms.ToTensor()] if resize: trans.insert(0, transforms.Resize(resize)) trans = transforms.Compose(trans) mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="../data", train=True, transform=trans, download=True) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="../data", train=False, transform=trans, download=True) return (data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()), data.DataLoader(mnist_test, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()))
%matplotlib inline import sys from mxnet import gluon from d2l import mxnet as d2l d2l.use_svg_display() mnist_train = mnist_test = def show_images(imgs, num_rows, num_cols, titles=None, scale=1.5): figsize = (num_cols * scale, num_rows * scale) _, axes = d2l.plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) axes = axes.flatten() for i, (ax, img) in enumerate(zip(axes, imgs)): ax.imshow(img.asnumpy()) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if titles: ax.set_title(titles[i]) return axes X, y = mnist_train[:18] show_images(X.squeeze(axis=-1), 2, 9, titles=get_fashion_mnist_labels(y)); batch_size = 256 return 0 if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 4 transformer = train_iter =, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()) def load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size, resize=None): dataset = trans = [dataset.transforms.ToTensor()] if resize: trans.insert(0, dataset.transforms.Resize(resize)) trans = dataset.transforms.Compose(trans) mnist_train = dataset.FashionMNIST(train=True).transform_first(trans) mnist_test = dataset.FashionMNIST(train=False).transform_first(trans) return (, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()),, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()))
import torch from IPython import display from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs = 784 num_outputs = 10 W = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_outputs), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True) X = torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) X.sum(0, keepdim=True), X.sum(1, keepdim=True) def softmax(X): X_exp = torch.exp(X) partition = X_exp.sum(1, keepdim=True) return X_exp / partition X = torch.normal(0, 1, (2, 5)) X_prob = softmax(X) X_prob, X_prob.sum(1) def net(X): return softmax(torch.matmul(X.reshape((-1, W.shape[0])), W) + b) y = torch.tensor([0, 2]) y_hat = torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]]) y_hat[[0, 1], y] def cross_entropy(y_hat, y): return - torch.log(y_hat[range(len(y_hat)), y]) cross_entropy(y_hat, y) def accuracy(y_hat, y): if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: y_hat = y_hat.argmax(axis=1) cmp = y_hat.type(y.dtype) == y return float(cmp.type(y.dtype).sum()) def evaluate_accuracy(net, data_iter): if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.eval() metric = Accumulator(2) with torch.no_grad(): for X, y in data_iter: metric.add(accuracy(net(X), y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, updater): if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.train() metric = Accumulator(3) for X, y in train_iter: y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) if isinstance(updater, torch.optim.Optimizer): updater.zero_grad() l.mean().backward() updater.step() else: l.sum().backward() updater(X.shape[0]) metric.add(float(l.sum()), accuracy(y_hat, y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[2], metric[1] / metric[2]
from IPython import display from mxnet import autograd, gluon, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs = 784 num_outputs = 10 W = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, (num_inputs, num_outputs)) b = np.zeros(num_outputs) W.attach_grad() b.attach_grad() X = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) X.sum(0, keepdims=True), X.sum(1, keepdims=True) def softmax(X): X_exp = np.exp(X) partition = X_exp.sum(1, keepdims=True) return X_exp / partition X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (2, 5)) X_prob = softmax(X) X_prob, X_prob.sum(1) def net(X): return softmax(, W.shape[0])), W) + b) y = np.array([0, 2]) y_hat = np.array([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]]) y_hat[[0, 1], y] def cross_entropy(y_hat, y): return - np.log(y_hat[range(len(y_hat)), y]) cross_entropy(y_hat, y) def accuracy(y_hat, y): if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: y_hat = y_hat.argmax(axis=1) cmp = y_hat.astype(y.dtype) == y return float(cmp.astype(y.dtype).sum()) def evaluate_accuracy(net, data_iter): metric = Accumulator(2) for X, y in data_iter: metric.add(accuracy(net(X), y), d2l.size(y)) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, updater): metric = Accumulator(3) if isinstance(updater, gluon.Trainer): updater = updater.step for X, y in train_iter: with autograd.record(): y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) l.backward() updater(X.shape[0]) metric.add(float(l.sum()), accuracy(y_hat, y), y.size) return metric[0] / metric[2], metric[1] / metric[2]
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.1)
from mxnet import gluon, init, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(10)) net.initialize(init.Normal(sigma=0.01)) loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': 0.1})
%matplotlib inline import torch from d2l import torch as d2l x = torch.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1, requires_grad=True) y = torch.relu(x) d2l.plot(x.detach(), y.detach(), 'x', 'relu(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x), retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach(), x.grad, 'x', 'grad of relu', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y = torch.sigmoid(x) d2l.plot(x.detach(), y.detach(), 'x', 'sigmoid(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x),retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach(), x.grad, 'x', 'grad of sigmoid', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y = torch.tanh(x) d2l.plot(x.detach(), y.detach(), 'x', 'tanh(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x),retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach(), x.grad, 'x', 'grad of tanh', figsize=(5, 2.5))
%matplotlib inline from mxnet import autograd, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() x = np.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1) x.attach_grad() with autograd.record(): y = npx.relu(x) d2l.plot(x, y, 'x', 'relu(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward() d2l.plot(x, x.grad, 'x', 'grad of relu', figsize=(5, 2.5)) with autograd.record(): y = npx.sigmoid(x) d2l.plot(x, y, 'x', 'sigmoid(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward() d2l.plot(x, x.grad, 'x', 'grad of sigmoid', figsize=(5, 2.5)) with autograd.record(): y = np.tanh(x) d2l.plot(x, y, 'x', 'tanh(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward() d2l.plot(x, x.grad, 'x', 'grad of tanh', figsize=(5, 2.5))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens = 784, 10, 256 W1 = nn.Parameter(torch.randn( num_inputs, num_hiddens, requires_grad=True) * 0.01) b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_hiddens, requires_grad=True)) W2 = nn.Parameter(torch.randn( num_hiddens, num_outputs, requires_grad=True) * 0.01) b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True)) params = [W1, b1, W2, b2] def relu(X): a = torch.zeros_like(X) return torch.max(X, a) def net(X): X = X.reshape((-1, num_inputs)) H = relu(X@W1 + b1) return (H@W2 + b2) loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') num_epochs, lr = 10, 0.1 updater = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, updater)
from mxnet import gluon, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens = 784, 10, 256 W1 = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_hiddens)) b1 = np.zeros(num_hiddens) W2 = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b2 = np.zeros(num_outputs) params = [W1, b1, W2, b2] for param in params: param.attach_grad() def relu(X): return np.maximum(X, 0) def net(X): X = X.reshape((-1, num_inputs)) H = relu(, W1) + b1) return, W2) + b2 loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() num_epochs, lr = 10, 0.1 d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, lambda batch_size: d2l.sgd(params, lr, batch_size))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); batch_size, lr, num_epochs = 256, 0.1, 10 loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
from mxnet import gluon, init, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(256, activation='relu'), nn.Dense(10)) net.initialize(init.Normal(sigma=0.01)) batch_size, lr, num_epochs = 256, 0.1, 10 loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr}) train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
import math import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l true_w, features, poly_features, labels = [torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float32) for x in [true_w, features, poly_features, labels]] features[:2], poly_features[:2, :], labels[:2] def evaluate_loss(net, data_iter, loss): metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for X, y in data_iter: out = net(X) y = y.reshape(out.shape) l = loss(out, y) metric.add(l.sum(), l.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels, num_epochs=400): loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') input_shape = train_features.shape[-1] net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input_shape, 1, bias=False)) batch_size = min(10, train_labels.shape[0]) train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels.reshape(-1,1)), batch_size) test_iter = d2l.load_array((test_features, test_labels.reshape(-1,1)), batch_size, is_train=False) trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.01) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[1, num_epochs], ylim=[1e-3, 1e2], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): d2l.train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, trainer) if epoch == 0 or (epoch + 1) % 20 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss)))
import math from mxnet import gluon, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() features[:2], poly_features[:2, :], labels[:2] def evaluate_loss(net, data_iter, loss): metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for X, y in data_iter: l = loss(net(X), y) metric.add(l.sum(), d2l.size(l)) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels, num_epochs=400): loss = gluon.loss.L2Loss() net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(1, use_bias=False)) net.initialize() batch_size = min(10, train_labels.shape[0]) train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels), batch_size) test_iter = d2l.load_array((test_features, test_labels), batch_size, is_train=False) trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': 0.01}) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[1, num_epochs], ylim=[1e-3, 1e2], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): d2l.train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, trainer) if epoch == 0 or (epoch + 1) % 20 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss)))
%matplotlib inline import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l n_train, n_test, num_inputs, batch_size = 20, 100, 200, 5 true_w, true_b = torch.ones((num_inputs, 1)) * 0.01, 0.05 train_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_train) train_iter = d2l.load_array(train_data, batch_size) test_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_test) test_iter = d2l.load_array(test_data, batch_size, is_train=False) def init_params(): w = torch.normal(0, 1, size=(num_inputs, 1), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) return [w, b] def l2_penalty(w): return torch.sum(w.pow(2)) / 2 def train(lambd): w, b = init_params() net, loss = lambda X: d2l.linreg(X, w, b), d2l.squared_loss num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: l = loss(net(X), y) + lambd * l2_penalty(w) l.sum().backward() d2l.sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss))) def train_concise(wd): net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(num_inputs, 1)) for param in net.parameters(): loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 trainer = torch.optim.SGD([{"params":net[0].weight,'weight_decay': wd}, {"params":net[0].bias}], lr=lr) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: trainer.zero_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.mean().backward() trainer.step() if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss)))
%matplotlib inline from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() n_train, n_test, num_inputs, batch_size = 20, 100, 200, 5 true_w, true_b = np.ones((num_inputs, 1)) * 0.01, 0.05 train_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_train) train_iter = d2l.load_array(train_data, batch_size) test_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_test) test_iter = d2l.load_array(test_data, batch_size, is_train=False) def init_params(): w = np.random.normal(scale=1, size=(num_inputs, 1)) b = np.zeros(1) w.attach_grad() b.attach_grad() return [w, b] def l2_penalty(w): return (w**2).sum() / 2 def train(lambd): w, b = init_params() net, loss = lambda X: d2l.linreg(X, w, b), d2l.squared_loss num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: with autograd.record(): l = loss(net(X), y) + lambd * l2_penalty(w) l.backward() d2l.sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss))) def train_concise(wd): net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(1)) net.initialize(init.Normal(sigma=1)) loss = gluon.loss.L2Loss() num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr, 'wd': wd}) net.collect_params('.*bias').setattr('wd_mult', 0) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: with autograd.record(): l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() trainer.step(batch_size) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss)))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def dropout_layer(X, dropout): assert 0 <= dropout <= 1 if dropout == 1: return torch.zeros_like(X) if dropout == 0: return X mask = (torch.rand(X.shape) > dropout).float() return mask * X / (1.0 - dropout) X= torch.arange(16, dtype = torch.float32).reshape((2, 8)) num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2 = 784, 10, 256, 256 dropout1, dropout2 = 0.2, 0.5 class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2, is_training = True): super(Net, self).__init__() self.num_inputs = num_inputs = is_training self.lin1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hiddens1) self.lin2 = nn.Linear(num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2) self.lin3 = nn.Linear(num_hiddens2, num_outputs) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, X): H1 = self.relu(self.lin1(X.reshape((-1, self.num_inputs)))) if == True: H1 = dropout_layer(H1, dropout1) H2 = self.relu(self.lin2(H1)) if == True: H2 = dropout_layer(H2, dropout2) out = self.lin3(H2) return out net = Net(num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2) num_epochs, lr, batch_size = 10, 0.5, 256 loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout1), nn.Linear(256, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout2), nn.Linear(256, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def dropout_layer(X, dropout): assert 0 <= dropout <= 1 if dropout == 1: return np.zeros_like(X) if dropout == 0: return X mask = np.random.uniform(0, 1, X.shape) > dropout return mask.astype(np.float32) * X / (1.0 - dropout) X = np.arange(16).reshape(2, 8) num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2 = 784, 10, 256, 256 W1 = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_hiddens1)) b1 = np.zeros(num_hiddens1) W2 = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2)) b2 = np.zeros(num_hiddens2) W3 = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(num_hiddens2, num_outputs)) b3 = np.zeros(num_outputs) params = [W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3] for param in params: param.attach_grad() dropout1, dropout2 = 0.2, 0.5 def net(X): X = X.reshape(-1, num_inputs) H1 = npx.relu(, W1) + b1) if autograd.is_training(): H1 = dropout_layer(H1, dropout1) H2 = npx.relu(, W2) + b2) if autograd.is_training(): H2 = dropout_layer(H2, dropout2) return, W3) + b3 num_epochs, lr, batch_size = 10, 0.5, 256 loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, lambda batch_size: d2l.sgd(params, lr, batch_size)) net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(256, activation="relu"), nn.Dropout(dropout1), nn.Dense(256, activation="relu"), nn.Dropout(dropout2), nn.Dense(10)) net.initialize(init.Normal(sigma=0.01)) trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr}) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) %matplotlib inline import torch from d2l import torch as d2l x = torch.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1, requires_grad=True) y = torch.sigmoid(x) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x)) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), [y.detach().numpy(), x.grad.numpy()], legend=['sigmoid', 'gradient'], figsize=(4.5, 2.5)) M = torch.normal(0, 1, size=(4,4)) for i in range(100): M =,torch.normal(0, 1, size=(4, 4)))
trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr}) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) %matplotlib inline from mxnet import autograd, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() x = np.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1) x.attach_grad() with autograd.record(): y = npx.sigmoid(x) y.backward() d2l.plot(x, [y, x.grad], legend=['sigmoid', 'gradient'], figsize=(4.5, 2.5)) M = np.random.normal(size=(4, 4)) for i in range(100): M =, np.random.normal(size=(4, 4)))
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l n_train = train_data.shape[0] train_features = torch.tensor(all_features[:n_train].values, dtype=torch.float32) test_features = torch.tensor(all_features[n_train:].values, dtype=torch.float32) train_labels = torch.tensor(train_data.SalePrice.values.reshape(-1, 1), dtype=torch.float32) loss = nn.MSELoss() in_features = train_features.shape[1] def get_net(): net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(in_features,1)) return net def log_rmse(net, features, labels): clipped_preds = torch.clamp(net(features), 1, float('inf')) rmse = torch.sqrt(loss(torch.log(clipped_preds), torch.log(labels))) return rmse.item() def train(net, train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels, num_epochs, learning_rate, weight_decay, batch_size): train_ls, test_ls = [], [] train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels), batch_size) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr = learning_rate, weight_decay = weight_decay) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: optimizer.zero_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() optimizer.step() train_ls.append(log_rmse(net, train_features, train_labels)) if test_labels is not None: test_ls.append(log_rmse(net, test_features, test_labels)) return train_ls, test_ls def get_k_fold_data(k, i, X, y): assert k > 1 fold_size = X.shape[0] // k X_train, y_train = None, None for j in range(k): idx = slice(j * fold_size, (j + 1) * fold_size) X_part, y_part = X[idx, :], y[idx] if j == i: X_valid, y_valid = X_part, y_part elif X_train is None: X_train, y_train = X_part, y_part else: X_train =[X_train, X_part], 0) y_train =[y_train, y_part], 0) return X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid def train_and_pred(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_data, num_epochs, lr, weight_decay, batch_size): net = get_net() train_ls, _ = train(net, train_features, train_labels, None, None, num_epochs, lr, weight_decay, batch_size) d2l.plot(np.arange(1, num_epochs + 1), [train_ls], xlabel='epoch', ylabel='log rmse', xlim=[1, num_epochs], yscale='log') preds = net(test_features).detach().numpy() test_data['SalePrice'] = pd.Series(preds.reshape(1, -1)[0]) submission = pd.concat([test_data['Id'], test_data['SalePrice']], axis=1) submission.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)
%matplotlib inline import pandas as pd from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() n_train = train_data.shape[0] train_features = np.array(all_features[:n_train].values, dtype=np.float32) test_features = np.array(all_features[n_train:].values, dtype=np.float32) train_labels = np.array(train_data.SalePrice.values.reshape(-1, 1), dtype=np.float32) loss = gluon.loss.L2Loss() def get_net(): net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(1)) net.initialize() return net def log_rmse(net, features, labels): clipped_preds = np.clip(net(features), 1, float('inf')) return np.sqrt(2 * loss(np.log(clipped_preds), np.log(labels)).mean()) def train(net, train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels, num_epochs, learning_rate, weight_decay, batch_size): train_ls, test_ls = [], [] train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels), batch_size) trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'adam', {'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'wd': weight_decay}) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: with autograd.record(): l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() trainer.step(batch_size) train_ls.append(log_rmse(net, train_features, train_labels)) if test_labels is not None: test_ls.append(log_rmse(net, test_features, test_labels)) return train_ls, test_ls def get_k_fold_data(k, i, X, y): assert k > 1 fold_size = X.shape[0] // k X_train, y_train = None, None for j in range(k): idx = slice(j * fold_size, (j + 1) * fold_size) X_part, y_part = X[idx, :], y[idx] if j == i: X_valid, y_valid = X_part, y_part elif X_train is None: X_train, y_train = X_part, y_part else: X_train = np.concatenate([X_train, X_part], 0) y_train = np.concatenate([y_train, y_part], 0) return X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid def train_and_pred(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_data, num_epochs, lr, weight_decay, batch_size): net = get_net() train_ls, _ = train(net, train_features, train_labels, None, None, num_epochs, lr, weight_decay, batch_size) d2l.plot(np.arange(1, num_epochs + 1), [train_ls], xlabel='epoch', ylabel='log rmse', xlim=[1, num_epochs], yscale='log') preds = net(test_features).asnumpy() test_data['SalePrice'] = pd.Series(preds.reshape(1, -1)[0]) submission = pd.concat([test_data['Id'], test_data['SalePrice']], axis=1) submission.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(20, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) X = torch.rand(2, 20) net(X) class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hidden = nn.Linear(20, 256) self.out = nn.Linear(256, 10) def forward(self, X): return self.out(F.relu(self.hidden(X))) net = MLP() net(X) class MySequential(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__() for idx, module in enumerate(args): self._modules[str(idx)] = module def forward(self, X): for block in self._modules.values(): X = block(X) return X net = MySequential(nn.Linear(20, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) net(X) class FixedHiddenMLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rand_weight = torch.rand((20, 20), requires_grad=False) self.linear = nn.Linear(20, 20) def forward(self, X): X = self.linear(X) X = F.relu(, self.rand_weight) + 1) X = self.linear(X) while X.abs().sum() > 1: X /= 2 return X.sum() net = FixedHiddenMLP() net(X) class NestMLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(20, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 32), nn.ReLU()) self.linear = nn.Linear(32, 16) def forward(self, X): return self.linear( chimera = nn.Sequential(NestMLP(), nn.Linear(16, 20), FixedHiddenMLP()) chimera(X)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn npx.set_np() net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(256, activation='relu')) net.add(nn.Dense(10)) net.initialize() X = np.random.uniform(size=(2, 20)) net(X) class MLP(nn.Block): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.hidden = nn.Dense(256, activation='relu') self.out = nn.Dense(10) def forward(self, X): return self.out(self.hidden(X)) net = MLP() net.initialize() net(X) class MySequential(nn.Block): def add(self, block): self._children[] = block def forward(self, X): for block in self._children.values(): X = block(X) return X net = MySequential() net.add(nn.Dense(256, activation='relu')) net.add(nn.Dense(10)) net.initialize() net(X) class FixedHiddenMLP(nn.Block): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.rand_weight = self.params.get_constant('rand_weight', np.random.uniform(size=(20, 20))) self.dense = nn.Dense(20, activation='relu') def forward(self, X): X = self.dense(X) X = npx.relu(, + 1) X = self.dense(X) while np.abs(X).sum() > 1: X /= 2 return X.sum() net = FixedHiddenMLP() net.initialize() net(X) class NestMLP(nn.Block): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = nn.Sequential(), activation='relu'), nn.Dense(32, activation='relu')) self.dense = nn.Dense(16, activation='relu') def forward(self, X): return self.dense( chimera = nn.Sequential() chimera.add(NestMLP(), nn.Dense(20), FixedHiddenMLP()) chimera.initialize() chimera(X)
import torch from torch import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 1)) X = torch.rand(size=(2, 4)) net(X) net.state_dict()['2.bias'].data def block1(): return nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 4), nn.ReLU()) def block2(): net = nn.Sequential() for i in range(4): net.add_module(f'block {i}', block1()) return net rgnet = nn.Sequential(block2(), nn.Linear(4, 1)) rgnet(X) def init_normal(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, mean=0, std=0.01) nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) net.apply(init_normal) net[0][0], net[0][0] def init_constant(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) net.apply(init_constant) net[0][0], net[0][0] def init_xavier(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) def init_42(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 42) net[0].apply(init_xavier) net[2].apply(init_42) def my_init(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.uniform_(m.weight, -10, 10) *= >= 5 net.apply(my_init) net[0].weight[:2] net[0][:] += 1 net[0][0, 0] = 42 net[0][0] layer = CenteredLayer() layer(torch.FloatTensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(8, 128), CenteredLayer())
from mxnet import init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn npx.set_np() net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(8, activation='relu')) net.add(nn.Dense(1)) net.initialize() X = np.random.uniform(size=(2, 4)) net(X) net.collect_params()['dense1_bias'].data() def block1(): net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(32, activation='relu')) net.add(nn.Dense(16, activation='relu')) return net def block2(): net = nn.Sequential() for _ in range(4): net.add(block1()) return net rgnet = nn.Sequential() rgnet.add(block2()) rgnet.add(nn.Dense(10)) rgnet.initialize() rgnet(X) net.initialize(init=init.Normal(sigma=0.01), force_reinit=True) net[0][0] net.initialize(init=init.Constant(1), force_reinit=True) net[0][0] net[0].weight.initialize(init=init.Xavier(), force_reinit=True) net[1].initialize(init=init.Constant(42), force_reinit=True) class MyInit(init.Initializer): def _init_weight(self, name, data): data[:] = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, data.shape) data *= np.abs(data) >= 5 net.initialize(MyInit(), force_reinit=True) net[0][:2] net[0][:] += 1 net[0][0, 0] = 42 net[0][0] layer = CenteredLayer() layer(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(128), CenteredLayer()) net.initialize()
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn class CenteredLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, X): return X - X.mean() Y = net(torch.rand(4, 8)) Y.mean() class MyLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_units, units): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(in_units, units)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(units,)) def forward(self, X): linear = torch.matmul(X, + return F.relu(linear) linear = MyLinear(5, 3) linear.weight linear(torch.rand(2, 5)) net = nn.Sequential(MyLinear(64, 8), MyLinear(8, 1)) net(torch.rand(2, 64))
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn npx.set_np() class CenteredLayer(nn.Block): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def forward(self, X): return X - X.mean() Y = net(np.random.uniform(size=(4, 8))) Y.mean() class MyDense(nn.Block): def __init__(self, units, in_units, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.weight = self.params.get('weight', shape=(in_units, units)) self.bias = self.params.get('bias', shape=(units,)) def forward(self, x): linear =, + ctx=x.ctx) return npx.relu(linear) dense = MyDense(units=3, in_units=5) dense.params dense.initialize() dense(np.random.uniform(size=(2, 5))) net = nn.Sequential() net.add(MyDense(8, in_units=64), MyDense(1, in_units=8)) net.initialize() net(np.random.uniform(size=(2, 64)))
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F x = torch.arange(4), 'x-file') x2 = torch.load('x-file') y = torch.zeros(4)[x, y],'x-files') x2, y2 = torch.load('x-files') mydict = {'x': x, 'y': y}, 'mydict') mydict2 = torch.load('mydict') class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hidden = nn.Linear(20, 256) self.output = nn.Linear(256, 10) def forward(self, x): return self.output(F.relu(self.hidden(x))) net = MLP() X = torch.randn(size=(2, 20)) Y = net(X), 'mlp.params') clone = MLP() clone.load_state_dict(torch.load('mlp.params')) clone.eval()
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn npx.set_np() x = np.arange(4)'x-file', x) x2 = npx.load('x-file') y = np.zeros(4)'x-files', [x, y]) x2, y2 = npx.load('x-files') mydict = {'x': x, 'y': y}'mydict', mydict) mydict2 = npx.load('mydict') class MLP(nn.Block): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MLP, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.hidden = nn.Dense(256, activation='relu') self.output = nn.Dense(10) def forward(self, x): return self.output(self.hidden(x)) net = MLP() net.initialize() X = np.random.uniform(size=(2, 20)) Y = net(X) net.save_parameters('mlp.params') clone = MLP() clone.load_parameters('mlp.params')
import torch from torch import nn torch.device('cpu'), torch.device('cuda'), torch.device('cuda:1') torch.cuda.device_count() def try_gpu(i=0): if torch.cuda.device_count() >= i + 1: return devices = [torch.device(f'cuda:{i}') return torch.device('cpu') def try_all_gpus(): devices = [torch.device(f'cuda:{i}') for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())] return devices if devices else [torch.device('cpu')] try_gpu(), try_gpu(10), try_all_gpus() x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) x.device X = torch.ones(2, 3, device=try_gpu()) Y = torch.rand(2, 3, device=try_gpu(1)) Z = X.cuda(1) Z.cuda(1) is Z net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, 1)) net = net[0]
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn npx.set_np() npx.cpu(), npx.gpu(), npx.gpu(1) npx.num_gpus() def try_gpu(i=0): return npx.gpu(i) if npx.num_gpus() >= i + 1 else npx.cpu() def try_all_gpus(): devices = [npx.gpu(i) for i in range(npx.num_gpus())] return devices if devices else [npx.cpu()] try_gpu(), try_gpu(10), try_all_gpus() x = np.array([1, 2, 3]) x.ctx X = np.ones((2, 3), ctx=try_gpu()) Y = np.random.uniform(size=(2, 3), ctx=try_gpu(1)) Z = X.copyto(try_gpu(1)) Z.as_in_ctx(try_gpu(1)) is Z net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(1)) net.initialize(ctx=try_gpu()) net[0]
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def corr2d(X, K): h, w = K.shape Y = torch.zeros((X.shape[0] - h + 1, X.shape[1] - w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): Y[i, j] = (X[i:i + h, j:j + w] * K).sum() return Y X = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) K = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]) corr2d(X, K) class Conv2D(nn.Module): def __init__(self, kernel_size): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(kernel_size)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) def forward(self, x): return corr2d(x, self.weight) + self.bias X = torch.ones((6, 8)) X[:, 2:6] = 0 K = torch.tensor([[1.0, -1.0]]) corr2d(X.t(), K) conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1,1, kernel_size=(1, 2), bias=False) X = X.reshape((1, 1, 6, 8)) Y = Y.reshape((1, 1, 6, 7)) lr = 3e-2 for i in range(10): Y_hat = conv2d(X) l = (Y_hat - Y) ** 2 conv2d.zero_grad() l.sum().backward()[:] -= lr * conv2d.weight.grad, 2))
from mxnet import autograd, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def corr2d(X, K): h, w = K.shape Y = np.zeros((X.shape[0] - h + 1, X.shape[1] - w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): Y[i, j] = (X[i:i + h, j:j + w] * K).sum() return Y X = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) K = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]) corr2d(X, K) class Conv2D(nn.Block): def __init__(self, kernel_size, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.weight = self.params.get('weight', shape=kernel_size) self.bias = self.params.get('bias', shape=(1,)) def forward(self, x): return corr2d(x, + X = np.ones((6, 8)) X[:, 2:6] = 0 K = np.array([[1.0, -1.0]]) corr2d(d2l.transpose(X), K) conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=(1, 2), use_bias=False) conv2d.initialize() X = X.reshape(1, 1, 6, 8) Y = Y.reshape(1, 1, 6, 7) lr = 3e-2 for i in range(10): with autograd.record(): Y_hat = conv2d(X) l = (Y_hat - Y) ** 2 l.backward()[:] -= lr * conv2d.weight.grad(), 2))
import torch from torch import nn def comp_conv2d(conv2d, X): X = X.reshape((1, 1) + X.shape) Y = conv2d(X) return Y.reshape(Y.shape[2:]) conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) X = torch.rand(size=(8, 8)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=(5, 3), padding=(2, 1)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=2) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=(3, 5), padding=(0, 1), stride=(3, 4)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn npx.set_np() def comp_conv2d(conv2d, X): conv2d.initialize() X = X.reshape((1, 1) + X.shape) Y = conv2d(X) return Y.reshape(Y.shape[2:]) conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) X = np.random.uniform(size=(8, 8)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=(5, 3), padding=(2, 1)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=3, padding=1, strides=2) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=(3, 5), padding=(0, 1), strides=(3, 4)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape
import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def corr2d_multi_in(X, K): return sum(d2l.corr2d(x, k) for x, k in zip(X, K)) X = torch.tensor([[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]], [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]]]) K = torch.tensor([[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]], [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]]) corr2d_multi_in(X, K) def corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K): return torch.stack([corr2d_multi_in(X, k) for k in K], 0) K = torch.stack((K, K + 1, K + 2), 0) K.shape def corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K): c_i, h, w = X.shape c_o = K.shape[0] X = X.reshape((c_i, h * w)) K = K.reshape((c_o, c_i)) Y = torch.matmul(K, X) return Y.reshape((c_o, h, w)) X = torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 3, 3)) K = torch.normal(0, 1, (2, 3, 1, 1)) Y1 = corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K) Y2 = corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K) assert float(torch.abs(Y1 - Y2).sum()) < 1e-6
from mxnet import np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def corr2d_multi_in(X, K): return sum(d2l.corr2d(x, k) for x, k in zip(X, K)) X = np.array([[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]], [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]]]) K = np.array([[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]], [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]]) corr2d_multi_in(X, K) def corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K): return np.stack([corr2d_multi_in(X, k) for k in K], 0) K = np.stack((K, K + 1, K + 2), 0) K.shape def corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K): c_i, h, w = X.shape c_o = K.shape[0] X = X.reshape((c_i, h * w)) K = K.reshape((c_o, c_i)) Y =, X) return Y.reshape((c_o, h, w)) X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (3, 3, 3)) K = np.random.normal(0, 1, (2, 3, 1, 1)) Y1 = corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K) Y2 = corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K) assert float(np.abs(Y1 - Y2).sum()) < 1e-6
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def pool2d(X, pool_size, mode='max'): p_h, p_w = pool_size Y = torch.zeros((X.shape[0] - p_h + 1, X.shape[1] - p_w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): if mode == 'max': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].max() elif mode == 'avg': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].mean() return Y X = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) pool2d(X, (2, 2)) X = torch.arange(16, dtype=torch.float32).reshape((1, 1, 4, 4)) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(3) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(3, padding=1, stride=2) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d((2, 3), stride=(2, 3), padding=(0, 1)) pool2d(X) X =, X + 1), 1) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(3, padding=1, stride=2) pool2d(X)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def pool2d(X, pool_size, mode='max'): p_h, p_w = pool_size Y = np.zeros((X.shape[0] - p_h + 1, X.shape[1] - p_w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): if mode == 'max': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].max() elif mode == 'avg': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].mean() return Y X = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) pool2d(X, (2, 2)) X = np.arange(16, dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, 1, 4, 4)) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D(3) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D(3, padding=1, strides=2) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D((2, 3), padding=(0, 1), strides=(2, 3)) pool2d(X) X = np.concatenate((X, X + 1), 1) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D(3, padding=1, strides=2) pool2d(X)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 6, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10)) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 28, 28), dtype=torch.float32) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape) def train_ch6(net, train_iter, test_iter, num_epochs, lr, device): def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear or type(m) == nn.Conv2d: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) net.apply(init_weights) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', xlim=[1, num_epochs], legend=['train loss', 'train acc', 'test acc']) timer, num_batches = d2l.Timer(), len(train_iter) for epoch in range(num_epochs): metric = d2l.Accumulator(3) net.train() for i, (X, y) in enumerate(train_iter): timer.start() optimizer.zero_grad() X, y =, y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) l.backward() optimizer.step() with torch.no_grad(): metric.add(l * X.shape[0], d2l.accuracy(y_hat, y), X.shape[0]) timer.stop() train_l = metric[0] / metric[2] train_acc = metric[1] / metric[2] if (i + 1) % (num_batches // 5) == 0 or i == num_batches - 1: animator.add(epoch + (i + 1) / num_batches, (train_l, train_acc, None)) test_acc = evaluate_accuracy_gpu(net, test_iter) animator.add(epoch + 1, (None, None, test_acc))
from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Conv2D(channels=6, kernel_size=5, padding=2, activation='sigmoid'), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2), nn.Conv2D(channels=16, kernel_size=5, activation='sigmoid'), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2), nn.Dense(120, activation='sigmoid'), nn.Dense(84, activation='sigmoid'), nn.Dense(10)) X = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 1, 28, 28)) net.initialize() for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(, 'output shape: ', X.shape) def train_ch6(net, train_iter, test_iter, num_epochs, lr, device): net.initialize(force_reinit=True, ctx=device, init=init.Xavier()) loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr}) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', xlim=[1, num_epochs], legend=['train loss', 'train acc', 'test acc']) timer, num_batches = d2l.Timer(), len(train_iter) for epoch in range(num_epochs): metric = d2l.Accumulator(3) for i, (X, y) in enumerate(train_iter): timer.start() X, y = X.as_in_ctx(device), y.as_in_ctx(device) with autograd.record(): y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) l.backward() trainer.step(X.shape[0]) metric.add(l.sum(), d2l.accuracy(y_hat, y), X.shape[0]) timer.stop() train_l = metric[0] / metric[2] train_acc = metric[1] / metric[2] if (i + 1) % (num_batches // 5) == 0 or i == num_batches - 1: animator.add(epoch + (i + 1) / num_batches, (train_l, train_acc, None)) test_acc = evaluate_accuracy_gpu(net, test_iter) animator.add(epoch + 1, (None, None, test_acc))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 96, kernel_size=11, stride=4, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(96, 256, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(256, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(384, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(6400, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 10)) X = torch.randn(1, 1, 224, 224) for layer in net: X=layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() net = nn.Sequential() net.add( nn.Conv2D(96, kernel_size=11, strides=4, activation='relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2), nn.Conv2D(256, kernel_size=5, padding=2, activation='relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2), nn.Conv2D(384, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation='relu'), nn.Conv2D(384, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation='relu'), nn.Conv2D(256, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation='relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2), nn.Dense(4096, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Dense(4096, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Dense(10)) X = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) net.initialize() for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(, 'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def vgg_block(num_convs, in_channels, out_channels): layers = [] for _ in range(num_convs): layers.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) in_channels = out_channels layers.append(nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def vgg(conv_arch): conv_blks = [] in_channels = 1 for (num_convs, out_channels) in conv_arch: conv_blks.append(vgg_block(num_convs, in_channels, out_channels)) in_channels = out_channels return nn.Sequential( *conv_blks, nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(out_channels * 7 * 7, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 10)) net = vgg(conv_arch) X = torch.randn(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for blk in net: X = blk(X) print(blk.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def vgg_block(num_convs, num_channels): blk = nn.Sequential() for _ in range(num_convs): blk.add(nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation='relu')) blk.add(nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2)) return blk def vgg(conv_arch): net = nn.Sequential() for (num_convs, num_channels) in conv_arch: net.add(vgg_block(num_convs, num_channels)) net.add(nn.Dense(4096, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Dense(4096, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Dense(10)) return net net = vgg(conv_arch) net.initialize() X = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for blk in net: X = blk(X) print(, 'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def nin_block(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU()) net = nn.Sequential( nin_block(1, 96, kernel_size=11, strides=4, padding=0), nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2), nin_block(96, 256, kernel_size=5, strides=1, padding=2), nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2), nin_block(256, 384, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2), nn.Dropout(0.5), nin_block(384, 10, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)), nn.Flatten()) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def nin_block(num_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding): blk = nn.Sequential() blk.add(nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding, activation='relu'), nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=1, activation='relu'), nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=1, activation='relu')) return blk net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nin_block(96, kernel_size=11, strides=4, padding=0), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2), nin_block(256, kernel_size=5, strides=1, padding=2), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2), nin_block(384, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2), nn.Dropout(0.5), nin_block(10, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.GlobalAvgPool2D(), nn.Flatten()) X = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) net.initialize() for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(, 'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l class Inception(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, c1, c2, c3, c4, **kwargs): super(Inception, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.p1_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c1, kernel_size=1) self.p2_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c2[0], kernel_size=1) self.p2_2 = nn.Conv2d(c2[0], c2[1], kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.p3_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c3[0], kernel_size=1) self.p3_2 = nn.Conv2d(c3[0], c3[1], kernel_size=5, padding=2) self.p4_1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.p4_2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c4, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, x): p1 = F.relu(self.p1_1(x)) p2 = F.relu(self.p2_2(F.relu(self.p2_1(x)))) p3 = F.relu(self.p3_2(F.relu(self.p3_1(x)))) p4 = F.relu(self.p4_2(self.p4_1(x))) return, p2, p3, p4), dim=1) b1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b3 = nn.Sequential(Inception(192, 64, (96, 128), (16, 32), 32), Inception(256, 128, (128, 192), (32, 96), 64), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b4 = nn.Sequential(Inception(480, 192, (96, 208), (16, 48), 64), Inception(512, 160, (112, 224), (24, 64), 64), Inception(512, 128, (128, 256), (24, 64), 64), Inception(512, 112, (144, 288), (32, 64), 64), Inception(528, 256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b5 = nn.Sequential(Inception(832, 256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), Inception(832, 384, (192, 384), (48, 128), 128), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1)), nn.Flatten()) net = nn.Sequential(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.Linear(1024, 10)) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 96, 96)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() class Inception(nn.Block): def __init__(self, c1, c2, c3, c4, **kwargs): super(Inception, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.p1_1 = nn.Conv2D(c1, kernel_size=1, activation='relu') self.p2_1 = nn.Conv2D(c2[0], kernel_size=1, activation='relu') self.p2_2 = nn.Conv2D(c2[1], kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation='relu') self.p3_1 = nn.Conv2D(c3[0], kernel_size=1, activation='relu') self.p3_2 = nn.Conv2D(c3[1], kernel_size=5, padding=2, activation='relu') self.p4_1 = nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=1, padding=1) self.p4_2 = nn.Conv2D(c4, kernel_size=1, activation='relu') def forward(self, x): p1 = self.p1_1(x) p2 = self.p2_2(self.p2_1(x)) p3 = self.p3_2(self.p3_1(x)) p4 = self.p4_2(self.p4_1(x)) return np.concatenate((p1, p2, p3, p4), axis=1) b1 = nn.Sequential() b1.add(nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=7, strides=2, padding=3, activation='relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding=1)) b2 = nn.Sequential() b2.add(nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=1, activation='relu'), nn.Conv2D(192, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation='relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding=1)) b3 = nn.Sequential() b3.add(Inception(64, (96, 128), (16, 32), 32), Inception(128, (128, 192), (32, 96), 64), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding=1)) b4 = nn.Sequential() b4.add(Inception(192, (96, 208), (16, 48), 64), Inception(160, (112, 224), (24, 64), 64), Inception(128, (128, 256), (24, 64), 64), Inception(112, (144, 288), (32, 64), 64), Inception(256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding=1)) b5 = nn.Sequential() b5.add(Inception(256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), Inception(384, (192, 384), (48, 128), 128), nn.GlobalAvgPool2D()) net = nn.Sequential() net.add(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.Dense(10)) X = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 1, 96, 96)) net.initialize() for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def batch_norm(X, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var, eps, momentum): if not torch.is_grad_enabled(): X_hat = (X - moving_mean) / torch.sqrt(moving_var + eps) else: assert len(X.shape) in (2, 4) if len(X.shape) == 2: mean = X.mean(dim=0) var = ((X - mean) ** 2).mean(dim=0) else: mean = X.mean(dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) var = ((X - mean) ** 2).mean(dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) X_hat = (X - mean) / torch.sqrt(var + eps) moving_mean = momentum * moving_mean + (1.0 - momentum) * mean moving_var = momentum * moving_var + (1.0 - momentum) * var Y = gamma * X_hat + beta return Y,, class BatchNorm(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_features, num_dims): super().__init__() if num_dims == 2: shape = (1, num_features) else: shape = (1, num_features, 1, 1) self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(shape)) self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(shape)) self.moving_mean = torch.zeros(shape) self.moving_var = torch.ones(shape) def forward(self, X): if self.moving_mean.device != X.device: self.moving_mean = self.moving_var = Y, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var = batch_norm( X, self.gamma, self.beta, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.9) return Y net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 6, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(6, num_dims=4), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(16, num_dims=4), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16*4*4, 120), BatchNorm(120, num_dims=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), BatchNorm(84, num_dims=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10)) net[1].gamma.reshape((-1,)), net[1].beta.reshape((-1,)) net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 6, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm2d(6), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm2d(16), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(256, 120), nn.BatchNorm1d(120), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.BatchNorm1d(84), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10))
from mxnet import autograd, init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def batch_norm(X, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var, eps, momentum): if not autograd.is_training(): X_hat = (X - moving_mean) / np.sqrt(moving_var + eps) else: assert len(X.shape) in (2, 4) if len(X.shape) == 2: mean = X.mean(axis=0) var = ((X - mean) ** 2).mean(axis=0) else: mean = X.mean(axis=(0, 2, 3), keepdims=True) var = ((X - mean) ** 2).mean(axis=(0, 2, 3), keepdims=True) X_hat = (X - mean) / np.sqrt(var + eps) moving_mean = momentum * moving_mean + (1.0 - momentum) * mean moving_var = momentum * moving_var + (1.0 - momentum) * var Y = gamma * X_hat + beta return Y, moving_mean, moving_var class BatchNorm(nn.Block): def __init__(self, num_features, num_dims, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if num_dims == 2: shape = (1, num_features) else: shape = (1, num_features, 1, 1) self.gamma = self.params.get('gamma', shape=shape, init=init.One()) self.beta = self.params.get('beta', shape=shape, init=init.Zero()) self.moving_mean = np.zeros(shape) self.moving_var = np.ones(shape) def forward(self, X): if self.moving_mean.ctx != X.ctx: self.moving_mean = self.moving_mean.copyto(X.ctx) self.moving_var = self.moving_var.copyto(X.ctx) Y, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var = batch_norm( X,,, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var, eps=1e-12, momentum=0.9) return Y net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Conv2D(6, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(6, num_dims=4), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2), nn.Conv2D(16, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(16, num_dims=4), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2), nn.Dense(120), BatchNorm(120, num_dims=2), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.Dense(84), BatchNorm(84, num_dims=2), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.Dense(10)) net[1],), net[1],) net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Conv2D(6, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2), nn.Conv2D(16, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2), nn.Dense(120), nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.Dense(84), nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('sigmoid'), nn.Dense(10))
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l class Residual(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channels, num_channels, use_1x1conv=False, strides=1): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=strides) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) if use_1x1conv: self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=strides) else: self.conv3 = None self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels) def forward(self, X): Y = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(X))) Y = self.bn2(self.conv2(Y)) if self.conv3: X = self.conv3(X) Y += X return F.relu(Y) blk = Residual(3,3) X = torch.rand(4, 3, 6, 6) Y = blk(X) Y.shape blk = Residual(3,6, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2) blk(X).shape b1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) def resnet_block(input_channels, num_channels, num_residuals, first_block=False): blk = [] for i in range(num_residuals): if i == 0 and not first_block: blk.append(Residual(input_channels, num_channels, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2)) else: blk.append(Residual(num_channels, num_channels)) return blk b2 = nn.Sequential(*resnet_block(64, 64, 2, first_block=True)) b3 = nn.Sequential(*resnet_block(64, 128, 2)) b4 = nn.Sequential(*resnet_block(128, 256, 2)) b5 = nn.Sequential(*resnet_block(256, 512, 2)) net = nn.Sequential(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1)), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(512, 10)) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() class Residual(nn.Block): def __init__(self, num_channels, use_1x1conv=False, strides=1, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.conv1 = nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, strides=strides) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) if use_1x1conv: self.conv3 = nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=1, strides=strides) else: self.conv3 = None self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm() self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm() def forward(self, X): Y = npx.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(X))) Y = self.bn2(self.conv2(Y)) if self.conv3: X = self.conv3(X) return npx.relu(Y + X) blk = Residual(3) blk.initialize() X = np.random.uniform(size=(4, 3, 6, 6)) blk(X).shape blk = Residual(6, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2) blk.initialize() blk(X).shape net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=7, strides=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding=1)) def resnet_block(num_channels, num_residuals, first_block=False): blk = nn.Sequential() for i in range(num_residuals): if i == 0 and not first_block: blk.add(Residual(num_channels, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2)) else: blk.add(Residual(num_channels)) return blk net.add(resnet_block(64, 2, first_block=True), resnet_block(128, 2), resnet_block(256, 2), resnet_block(512, 2)) net.add(nn.GlobalAvgPool2D(), nn.Dense(10)) X = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) net.initialize() for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def conv_block(input_channels, num_channels): return nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm2d(input_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) class DenseBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_convs, input_channels, num_channels): super(DenseBlock, self).__init__() layer = [] for i in range(num_convs): layer.append(conv_block(num_channels * i + input_channels, num_channels)) = nn.Sequential(*layer) def forward(self, X): for blk in Y = blk(X) X =, Y), dim=1) return X blk = DenseBlock(2, 3, 10) X = torch.randn(4, 3, 8, 8) Y = blk(X) Y.shape def transition_block(input_channels, num_channels): return nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm2d(input_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) blk = transition_block(23, 10) blk(Y).shape b1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) num_channels, growth_rate = 64, 32 num_convs_in_dense_blocks = [4, 4, 4, 4] blks = [] for i, num_convs in enumerate(num_convs_in_dense_blocks): blks.append(DenseBlock(num_convs, num_channels, growth_rate)) num_channels += num_convs * growth_rate if i != len(num_convs_in_dense_blocks) - 1: blks.append(transition_block(num_channels, num_channels // 2)) num_channels = num_channels // 2 net = nn.Sequential( b1, *blks, nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(num_channels, 10))
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def conv_block(num_channels): blk = nn.Sequential() blk.add(nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('relu'), nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) return blk class DenseBlock(nn.Block): def __init__(self, num_convs, num_channels, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = nn.Sequential() for _ in range(num_convs): def forward(self, X): for blk in Y = blk(X) X = np.concatenate((X, Y), axis=1) return X blk = DenseBlock(2, 10) blk.initialize() X = np.random.uniform(size=(4, 3, 8, 8)) Y = blk(X) Y.shape def transition_block(num_channels): blk = nn.Sequential() blk.add(nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('relu'), nn.Conv2D(num_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.AvgPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2)) return blk blk = transition_block(10) blk.initialize() blk(Y).shape net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=7, strides=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('relu'), nn.MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding=1)) num_channels, growth_rate = 64, 32 num_convs_in_dense_blocks = [4, 4, 4, 4] for i, num_convs in enumerate(num_convs_in_dense_blocks): net.add(DenseBlock(num_convs, growth_rate)) num_channels += num_convs * growth_rate if i != len(num_convs_in_dense_blocks) - 1: num_channels //= 2 net.add(transition_block(num_channels)) net.add(nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('relu'), nn.GlobalAvgPool2D(), nn.Dense(10))
%matplotlib inline import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l T = 1000 time = torch.arange(1, T + 1, dtype=torch.float32) x = torch.sin(0.01 * time) + torch.normal(0, 0.2, (T,)) d2l.plot(time, [x], 'time', 'x', xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) tau = 4 features = torch.zeros((T - tau, tau)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: T - tau + i] labels = x[tau:].reshape((-1, 1)) batch_size, n_train = 16, 600 train_iter = d2l.load_array((features[:n_train], labels[:n_train]), batch_size, is_train=True) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) def get_net(): net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 10), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(10, 1)) net.apply(init_weights) return net loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') def train(net, train_iter, loss, epochs, lr): trainer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr) for epoch in range(epochs): for X, y in train_iter: trainer.zero_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.sum().backward() trainer.step() net = get_net() train(net, train_iter, loss, 5, 0.01) onestep_preds = net(features) d2l.plot([time, time[tau:]], [x.detach().numpy(), onestep_preds.detach().numpy()], 'time', 'x', legend=['data', '1-step preds'], xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) multistep_preds = torch.zeros(T) multistep_preds[: n_train + tau] = x[: n_train + tau] for i in range(n_train + tau, T): multistep_preds[i] = net(multistep_preds[i - tau:i].reshape((1, -1))) d2l.plot([time, time[tau:], time[n_train + tau:]], [x.detach().numpy(), onestep_preds.detach().numpy(), multistep_preds[n_train + tau:].detach().numpy()], 'time', 'x', legend=['data', '1-step preds', 'multistep preds'], xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) max_steps = 64 features = torch.zeros((T - tau - max_steps + 1, tau + max_steps)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: i + T - tau - max_steps + 1] for i in range(tau, tau + max_steps): features[:, i] = net(features[:, i - tau:i]).reshape(-1) steps = (1, 4, 16, 64) d2l.plot([time[tau + i - 1: T - max_steps + i] for i in steps], [features[:, tau + i - 1].detach().numpy() for i in steps], 'time', 'x', legend=[f'{i}-step preds' for i in steps], xlim=[5, 1000], figsize=(6, 3))
%matplotlib inline from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() T = 1000 time = np.arange(1, T + 1, dtype=np.float32) x = np.sin(0.01 * time) + np.random.normal(0, 0.2, (T,)) d2l.plot(time, [x], 'time', 'x', xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) tau = 4 features = np.zeros((T - tau, tau)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: T - tau + i] labels = x[tau:].reshape((-1, 1)) batch_size, n_train = 16, 600 train_iter = d2l.load_array((features[:n_train], labels[:n_train]), batch_size, is_train=True) def get_net(): net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Dense(10, activation='relu'), nn.Dense(1)) net.initialize(init.Xavier()) return net loss = gluon.loss.L2Loss() def train(net, train_iter, loss, epochs, lr): trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'adam', {'learning_rate': lr}) for epoch in range(epochs): for X, y in train_iter: with autograd.record(): l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() trainer.step(batch_size) net = get_net() train(net, train_iter, loss, 5, 0.01) onestep_preds = net(features) d2l.plot([time, time[tau:]], [x.asnumpy(), onestep_preds.asnumpy()], 'time', 'x', legend=['data', '1-step preds'], xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) multistep_preds = np.zeros(T) multistep_preds[: n_train + tau] = x[: n_train + tau] for i in range(n_train + tau, T): multistep_preds[i] = net(multistep_preds[i - tau:i].reshape((1, -1))) d2l.plot([time, time[tau:], time[n_train + tau:]], [x.asnumpy(), onestep_preds.asnumpy(), multistep_preds[n_train + tau:].asnumpy()], 'time', 'x', legend=['data', '1-step preds', 'multistep preds'], xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) max_steps = 64 features = np.zeros((T - tau - max_steps + 1, tau + max_steps)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: i + T - tau - max_steps + 1] for i in range(tau, tau + max_steps): features[:, i] = net(features[:, i - tau:i]).reshape(-1) steps = (1, 4, 16, 64) d2l.plot([time[tau + i - 1: T - max_steps + i] for i in steps], [features[:, tau + i - 1].asnumpy() for i in steps], 'time', 'x', legend=[f'{i}-step preds' for i in steps], xlim=[5, 1000], figsize=(6, 3))
import collections import re from d2l import torch as d2l
import collections import re from d2l import mxnet as d2l
import random import torch from d2l import torch as d2l tokens = d2l.tokenize(d2l.read_time_machine()) corpus = [token for line in tokens for token in line] vocab = d2l.Vocab(corpus) vocab.token_freqs[:10] def seq_data_iter_random(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): corpus = corpus[random.randint(0, num_steps - 1):] num_subseqs = (len(corpus) - 1) // num_steps initial_indices = list(range(0, num_subseqs * num_steps, num_steps)) random.shuffle(initial_indices) def data(pos): return corpus[pos: pos + num_steps] num_batches = num_subseqs // batch_size for i in range(0, batch_size * num_batches, batch_size): initial_indices_per_batch = initial_indices[i: i + batch_size] X = [data(j) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] Y = [data(j + 1) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] yield torch.tensor(X), torch.tensor(Y) def seq_data_iter_sequential(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): offset = random.randint(0, num_steps) num_tokens = ((len(corpus) - offset - 1) // batch_size) * batch_size Xs = torch.tensor(corpus[offset: offset + num_tokens]) Ys = torch.tensor(corpus[offset + 1: offset + 1 + num_tokens]) Xs, Ys = Xs.reshape(batch_size, -1), Ys.reshape(batch_size, -1) num_batches = Xs.shape[1] // num_steps for i in range(0, num_steps * num_batches, num_steps): X = Xs[:, i: i + num_steps] Y = Ys[:, i: i + num_steps] yield X, Y
import random from mxnet import np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() tokens = d2l.tokenize(d2l.read_time_machine()) corpus = [token for line in tokens for token in line] vocab = d2l.Vocab(corpus) vocab.token_freqs[:10] def seq_data_iter_random(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): corpus = corpus[random.randint(0, num_steps - 1):] num_subseqs = (len(corpus) - 1) // num_steps initial_indices = list(range(0, num_subseqs * num_steps, num_steps)) random.shuffle(initial_indices) def data(pos): return corpus[pos: pos + num_steps] num_batches = num_subseqs // batch_size for i in range(0, batch_size * num_batches, batch_size): initial_indices_per_batch = initial_indices[i: i + batch_size] X = [data(j) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] Y = [data(j + 1) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] yield np.array(X), np.array(Y) def seq_data_iter_sequential(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): offset = random.randint(0, num_steps) num_tokens = ((len(corpus) - offset - 1) // batch_size) * batch_size Xs = np.array(corpus[offset: offset + num_tokens]) Ys = np.array(corpus[offset + 1: offset + 1 + num_tokens]) Xs, Ys = Xs.reshape(batch_size, -1), Ys.reshape(batch_size, -1) num_batches = Xs.shape[1] // num_steps for i in range(0, num_steps * num_batches, num_steps): X = Xs[:, i: i + num_steps] Y = Ys[:, i: i + num_steps] yield X, Y
import torch from d2l import torch as d2l X, W_xh = torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 1)), torch.normal(0, 1, (1, 4)) H, W_hh = torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 4)), torch.normal(0, 1, (4, 4)) torch.matmul(X, W_xh) + torch.matmul(H, W_hh) torch.matmul(, H), 1),, W_hh), 0))
from mxnet import np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() X, W_xh = np.random.normal(0, 1, (3, 1)), np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, 4)) H, W_hh = np.random.normal(0, 1, (3, 4)), np.random.normal(0, 1, (4, 4)), W_xh) +, W_hh), H), 1), np.concatenate((W_xh, W_hh), 0))
%matplotlib inline import math import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) F.one_hot(torch.tensor([0, 2]), len(vocab)) X = torch.arange(10).reshape((2, 5)) F.one_hot(X.T, 28).shape def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device) * 0.01 W_xh = normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)) W_hh = normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)) b_h = torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device) W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device) params = [W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.requires_grad_(True) return params def init_rnn_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device), ) def rnn(inputs, state, params): W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: H = torch.tanh(, W_xh) +, W_hh) + b_h) Y =, W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return, dim=0), (H,) class RNNModelScratch: def __init__(self, vocab_size, num_hiddens, device, get_params, init_state, forward_fn): self.vocab_size, self.num_hiddens = vocab_size, num_hiddens self.params = get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device) self.init_state, self.forward_fn = init_state, forward_fn def __call__(self, X, state): X = F.one_hot(X.T, self.vocab_size).type(torch.float32) return self.forward_fn(X, state, self.params) def begin_state(self, batch_size, device): return self.init_state(batch_size, self.num_hiddens, device) num_hiddens = 512 net = RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, d2l.try_gpu(), get_params, init_rnn_state, rnn) state = net.begin_state(X.shape[0], d2l.try_gpu()) Y, new_state = net(, state) Y.shape, len(new_state), new_state[0].shape def predict_ch8(prefix, num_preds, net, vocab, device): state = net.begin_state(batch_size=1, device=device) outputs = [vocab[prefix[0]]] get_input = lambda: torch.tensor([outputs[-1]], device=device).reshape((1, 1)) for y in prefix[1:]: _, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(vocab[y]) for _ in range(num_preds): y, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(int(y.argmax(dim=1).reshape(1))) return ''.join([vocab.idx_to_token[i] for i in outputs]) def grad_clipping(net, theta): if isinstance(net, nn.Module): params = [p for p in net.parameters() if p.requires_grad] else: params = net.params norm = torch.sqrt(sum(torch.sum((p.grad ** 2)) for p in params)) if norm > theta: for param in params: param.grad[:] *= theta / norm def train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter): state, timer = None, d2l.Timer() metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for X, Y in train_iter: if state is None or use_random_iter: state = net.begin_state(batch_size=X.shape[0], device=device) else: if isinstance(net, nn.Module) and not isinstance(state, tuple): state.detach_() else: for s in state: s.detach_() y = Y.T.reshape(-1) X, y =, y_hat, state = net(X, state) l = loss(y_hat, y.long()).mean() if isinstance(updater, torch.optim.Optimizer): updater.zero_grad() l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater.step() else: l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater(batch_size=1) metric.add(l * y.numel(), y.numel()) return math.exp(metric[0] / metric[1]), metric[1] / timer.stop() def train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device, use_random_iter=False): loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='perplexity', legend=['train'], xlim=[10, num_epochs]) if isinstance(net, nn.Module): updater = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr) else: updater = lambda batch_size: d2l.sgd(net.params, lr, batch_size) predict = lambda prefix: predict_ch8(prefix, 50, net, vocab, device) for epoch in range(num_epochs): ppl, speed = train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter) if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, [ppl])
%matplotlib inline import math from mxnet import autograd, gluon, np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) npx.one_hot(np.array([0, 2]), len(vocab)) X = np.arange(10).reshape((2, 5)) npx.one_hot(X.T, 28).shape def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=shape, ctx=device) W_xh = normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)) W_hh = normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)) b_h = np.zeros(num_hiddens, ctx=device) W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = np.zeros(num_outputs, ctx=device) params = [W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.attach_grad() return params def init_rnn_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (np.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=device), ) def rnn(inputs, state, params): W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: H = np.tanh(, W_xh) +, W_hh) + b_h) Y =, W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return np.concatenate(outputs, axis=0), (H,) class RNNModelScratch: def __init__(self, vocab_size, num_hiddens, device, get_params, init_state, forward_fn): self.vocab_size, self.num_hiddens = vocab_size, num_hiddens self.params = get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device) self.init_state, self.forward_fn = init_state, forward_fn def __call__(self, X, state): X = npx.one_hot(X.T, self.vocab_size) return self.forward_fn(X, state, self.params) def begin_state(self, batch_size, ctx): return self.init_state(batch_size, self.num_hiddens, ctx) num_hiddens = 512 net = RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, d2l.try_gpu(), get_params, init_rnn_state, rnn) state = net.begin_state(X.shape[0], d2l.try_gpu()) Y, new_state = net(X.as_in_context(d2l.try_gpu()), state) Y.shape, len(new_state), new_state[0].shape def predict_ch8(prefix, num_preds, net, vocab, device): state = net.begin_state(batch_size=1, ctx=device) outputs = [vocab[prefix[0]]] get_input = lambda: np.array([outputs[-1]], ctx=device).reshape((1, 1)) for y in prefix[1:]: _, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(vocab[y]) for _ in range(num_preds): y, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(int(y.argmax(axis=1).reshape(1))) return ''.join([vocab.idx_to_token[i] for i in outputs]) def grad_clipping(net, theta): if isinstance(net, gluon.Block): params = [ for p in net.collect_params().values()] else: params = net.params norm = math.sqrt(sum((p.grad ** 2).sum() for p in params)) if norm > theta: for param in params: param.grad[:] *= theta / norm def train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter): state, timer = None, d2l.Timer() metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for X, Y in train_iter: if state is None or use_random_iter: state = net.begin_state(batch_size=X.shape[0], ctx=device) else: for s in state: s.detach() y = Y.T.reshape(-1) X, y = X.as_in_ctx(device), y.as_in_ctx(device) with autograd.record(): y_hat, state = net(X, state) l = loss(y_hat, y).mean() l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater(batch_size=1) metric.add(l * d2l.size(y), d2l.size(y)) return math.exp(metric[0] / metric[1]), metric[1] / timer.stop() def train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device, use_random_iter=False): loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='perplexity', legend=['train'], xlim=[10, num_epochs]) if isinstance(net, gluon.Block): net.initialize(ctx=device, force_reinit=True, init=init.Normal(0.01)) trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr}) updater = lambda batch_size: trainer.step(batch_size) else: updater = lambda batch_size: d2l.sgd(net.params, lr, batch_size) predict = lambda prefix: predict_ch8(prefix, 50, net, vocab, device) for epoch in range(num_epochs): ppl, speed = train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter) if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, [ppl])
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) num_hiddens = 256 rnn_layer = nn.RNN(len(vocab), num_hiddens) state = torch.zeros((1, batch_size, num_hiddens)) state.shape X = torch.rand(size=(num_steps, batch_size, len(vocab))) Y, state_new = rnn_layer(X, state) Y.shape, state_new.shape class RNNModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, rnn_layer, vocab_size, **kwargs): super(RNNModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.rnn = rnn_layer self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.num_hiddens = self.rnn.hidden_size if not self.rnn.bidirectional: self.num_directions = 1 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens, self.vocab_size) else: self.num_directions = 2 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens * 2, self.vocab_size) def forward(self, inputs, state): X = F.one_hot(inputs.T.long(), self.vocab_size) X = Y, state = self.rnn(X, state) output = self.linear(Y.reshape((-1, Y.shape[-1]))) return output, state def begin_state(self, device, batch_size=1): if not isinstance(self.rnn, nn.LSTM): return torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device) else: return (torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device), torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device)) device = d2l.try_gpu() net = RNNModel(rnn_layer, vocab_size=len(vocab)) net = d2l.predict_ch8('time traveller', 10, net, vocab, device)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn, rnn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) num_hiddens = 256 rnn_layer = rnn.RNN(num_hiddens) rnn_layer.initialize() state = rnn_layer.begin_state(batch_size=batch_size) len(state), state[0].shape X = np.random.uniform(size=(num_steps, batch_size, len(vocab))) Y, state_new = rnn_layer(X, state) Y.shape, len(state_new), state_new[0].shape class RNNModel(nn.Block): def __init__(self, rnn_layer, vocab_size, **kwargs): super(RNNModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.rnn = rnn_layer self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.dense = nn.Dense(vocab_size) def forward(self, inputs, state): X = npx.one_hot(inputs.T, self.vocab_size) Y, state = self.rnn(X, state) output = self.dense(Y.reshape(-1, Y.shape[-1])) return output, state def begin_state(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.rnn.begin_state(*args, **kwargs) device = d2l.try_gpu() net = RNNModel(rnn_layer, len(vocab)) net.initialize(force_reinit=True, ctx=device) d2l.predict_ch8('time traveller', 10, net, vocab, device)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device)*0.01 def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device)) W_xz, W_hz, b_z = three() W_xr, W_hr, b_r = three() W_xh, W_hh, b_h = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device) params = [W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.requires_grad_(True) return params def init_gru_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device), ) def gru(inputs, state, params): W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: Z = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xz) + (H @ W_hz) + b_z) R = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xr) + (H @ W_hr) + b_r) H_tilda = torch.tanh((X @ W_xh) + ((R * H) @ W_hh) + b_h) H = Z * H + (1 - Z) * H_tilda Y = H @ W_hq + b_q outputs.append(Y) return, dim=0), (H,) num_inputs = vocab_size gru_layer = nn.GRU(num_inputs, num_hiddens) model = d2l.RNNModel(gru_layer, len(vocab)) model = d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import rnn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=shape, ctx=device) def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), np.zeros(num_hiddens, ctx=device)) W_xz, W_hz, b_z = three() W_xr, W_hr, b_r = three() W_xh, W_hh, b_h = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = np.zeros(num_outputs, ctx=device) params = [W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.attach_grad() return params def init_gru_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (np.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=device), ) def gru(inputs, state, params): W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: Z = npx.sigmoid(, W_xz) +, W_hz) + b_z) R = npx.sigmoid(, W_xr) +, W_hr) + b_r) H_tilda = np.tanh(, W_xh) + * H, W_hh) + b_h) H = Z * H + (1 - Z) * H_tilda Y =, W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return np.concatenate(outputs, axis=0), (H,) gru_layer = rnn.GRU(num_hiddens) model = d2l.RNNModel(gru_layer, len(vocab)) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_lstm_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device)*0.01 def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device)) W_xi, W_hi, b_i = three() W_xf, W_hf, b_f = three() W_xo, W_ho, b_o = three() W_xc, W_hc, b_c = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device) params = [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.requires_grad_(True) return params def init_lstm_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device), torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device)) def lstm(inputs, state, params): [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] = params (H, C) = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: I = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xi) + (H @ W_hi) + b_i) F = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xf) + (H @ W_hf) + b_f) O = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xo) + (H @ W_ho) + b_o) C_tilda = torch.tanh((X @ W_xc) + (H @ W_hc) + b_c) C = F * C + I * C_tilda H = O * torch.tanh(C) Y = (H @ W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return, dim=0), (H, C) num_inputs = vocab_size lstm_layer = nn.LSTM(num_inputs, num_hiddens) model = d2l.RNNModel(lstm_layer, len(vocab)) model = d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
from mxnet import np, npx from mxnet.gluon import rnn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_lstm_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=shape, ctx=device) def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), np.zeros(num_hiddens, ctx=device)) W_xi, W_hi, b_i = three() W_xf, W_hf, b_f = three() W_xo, W_ho, b_o = three() W_xc, W_hc, b_c = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = np.zeros(num_outputs, ctx=device) params = [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.attach_grad() return params def init_lstm_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (np.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=device), np.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=device)) def lstm(inputs, state, params): [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] = params (H, C) = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: I = npx.sigmoid(, W_xi) +, W_hi) + b_i) F = npx.sigmoid(, W_xf) +, W_hf) + b_f) O = npx.sigmoid(, W_xo) +, W_ho) + b_o) C_tilda = np.tanh(, W_xc) +, W_hc) + b_c) C = F * C + I * C_tilda H = O * np.tanh(C) Y =, W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return np.concatenate(outputs, axis=0), (H, C) lstm_layer = rnn.LSTM(num_hiddens) model = d2l.RNNModel(lstm_layer, len(vocab)) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import os import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def build_array_nmt(lines, vocab, num_steps): lines = [vocab[l] for l in lines] lines = [l + [vocab['<eos>']] for l in lines] array = torch.tensor([truncate_pad(l, num_steps, vocab['<pad>']) for l in lines]) valid_len = (array != vocab['<pad>']).type(torch.int32).sum(1) return array, valid_len train_iter, src_vocab, tgt_vocab = load_data_nmt(batch_size=2, num_steps=8) for X, X_valid_len, Y, Y_valid_len in train_iter: print('X:', X.type(torch.int32)) print('Valid length of X:', X_valid_len) print('Y:', Y.type(torch.int32)) print('Valid length of Y:', Y_valid_len) break
import os from mxnet import np, npx from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() def build_array_nmt(lines, vocab, num_steps): lines = [vocab[l] for l in lines] lines = [l + [vocab['<eos>']] for l in lines] array = np.array([truncate_pad(l, num_steps, vocab['<pad>']) for l in lines]) valid_len = (array != vocab['<pad>']).astype(np.int32).sum(1) return array, valid_len train_iter, src_vocab, tgt_vocab = load_data_nmt(batch_size=2, num_steps=8) for X, X_valid_len, Y, Y_valid_len in train_iter: print('X:', X.astype(np.int32)) print('Valid length of X:', X_valid_len) print('Y:', Y.astype(np.int32)) print('Valid length of Y:', Y_valid_len) break
x = torch.arange(12) X = x.reshape(3, 4) torch.zeros((2, 3, 4)) torch.ones((2, 3, 4)) torch.randn(3, 4) torch.tensor([[2, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]) x = torch.tensor([1.0, 2, 4, 8]) y = torch.tensor([2, 2, 2, 2]) x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y, x ** y torch.exp(x) X = torch.arange(12, dtype=torch.float32).reshape((3,4)) Y = torch.tensor([[2.0, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]), Y), dim=0),, Y), dim=1) a = torch.arange(3).reshape((3, 1)) b = torch.arange(2).reshape((1, 2)) Z = torch.zeros_like(Y) Z[:] = X + Y A = X.numpy() B = torch.tensor(A) a = torch.tensor([3.5]) print(a, a.item(), float(a), int(a))
x = paddle.arange(12) X = paddle.reshape(x, (3, 4)) paddle.zeros((2, 3, 4)) paddle.ones((2, 3, 4)) paddle.randn((3, 4),'float32') paddle.to_tensor([[2, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]) x = paddle.to_tensor([1.0, 2, 4, 8]) y = paddle.to_tensor([2, 2, 2, 2]) x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y, x**y paddle.exp(x) X = paddle.arange(12, dtype='float32').reshape((3, 4)) Y = paddle.to_tensor([[2.0, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]) paddle.concat((X, Y), axis=0), paddle.concat((X, Y), axis=1) a = paddle.reshape(paddle.arange(3), (3, 1)) b = paddle.reshape(paddle.arange(2), (1, 2)) Z = paddle.zeros_like(Y) Z = X + Y A = X.numpy() B = paddle.to_tensor(A) type(A), type(B) a = paddle.to_tensor([3.5]) a, a.item(), float(a), int(a)
import torch X, y = torch.tensor(inputs.values), torch.tensor(outputs.values)
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle X, y = paddle.to_tensor(inputs.values), paddle.to_tensor(outputs.values)
import torch x = torch.tensor(3.0) y = torch.tensor(2.0) print(x + y, x * y, x / y, x**y) x = torch.arange(4) A = torch.arange(20).reshape(5, 4) A.T B = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 4], [3, 4, 5]]) B == B.T X = torch.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4) A = torch.arange(20, dtype=torch.float32).reshape(5, 4) B = A.clone() print(A, A + B) a = 2 X = torch.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4) print(a + X, (a * X).shape) x = torch.arange(4, dtype=torch.float32) print(x, x.sum()) a = A.sum() A.mean() A.sum() / A.numel() A.mean(axis=0) A.sum(axis=0) / A.shape[0] sum_A = A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) y = torch.ones(4, dtype = torch.float32) print(, y)) torch.sum(x * y) A.shape, x.shape,, x) B = torch.ones(4, 3), B) u = torch.tensor([3.0, -4.0]) torch.norm(u) torch.abs(u).sum() torch.norm(torch.ones((4, 9)))
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle x = paddle.to_tensor([3.0]) y = paddle.to_tensor([2.0]) x + y, x * y, x / y, x**y x = paddle.arange(4) A = paddle.reshape(paddle.arange(20), (5, 4)) paddle.transpose(A, perm=[1, 0]) B = paddle.to_tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 4], [3, 4, 5]]) B == paddle.transpose(B, perm=[1, 0]) X = paddle.reshape(paddle.arange(24), (2, 3, 4)) A = paddle.reshape(paddle.arange(20, dtype=paddle.float32), (5, 4)) B = A.clone() A, A + B a = 2 X = paddle.reshape(paddle.arange(24), (2, 3, 4)) a + X, (a * X).shape x = paddle.arange(4, dtype=paddle.float32) print(x, x.sum()) A.shape, A.sum() A.mean(), A.sum() / A.numel() A.mean(axis=0), A.sum(axis=0) / A.shape[0] sum_A = paddle.sum(A, axis=1, keepdim=True) y = paddle.ones(shape=[4], dtype='float32') x, y,, y) paddle.sum(x * y) A.shape, x.shape,, x) B = paddle.ones(shape=[4, 3], dtype='float32'), B) u = paddle.to_tensor([3.0, -4.0]) paddle.norm(u) paddle.abs(u).sum() paddle.norm(paddle.ones(shape=[4, 9], dtype='float32'))
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np from matplotlib_inline import backend_inline from d2l import torch as d2l def f(x): return 3 * x ** 2 - 4 * x def numerical_lim(f, x, h): return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h h = 0.1 for i in range(5): print(f'h={h:.5f}, numerical limit={numerical_lim(f, 1, h):.5f}') h *= 0.1
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np from matplotlib_inline import backend_inline from d2l import paddle as d2l def f(x): return 3 * x ** 2 - 4 * x def numerical_lim(f, x, h): return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h h = 0.1 for i in range(5): print(f'h={h:.5f}, numerical limit={numerical_lim(f, 1, h):.5f}') h *= 0.1
import torch x = torch.arange(4.0) x.requires_grad_(True) x.grad y = 2 *, x) x.grad.zero_() y = x.sum() y.backward() x.grad x.grad.zero_() y = x * x y.sum().backward() x.grad x.grad.zero_() y = x * x u = y.detach() z = u * x z.sum().backward() x.grad == u x.grad.zero_() y.sum().backward() x.grad == 2 * x def f(a): b = a * 2 while b.norm() < 1000: b = b * 2 if b.sum() > 0: c = b else: c = 100 * b return c a = torch.randn(size=(), requires_grad=True) d = f(a) d.backward()
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle x = paddle.arange(4, dtype='float32') x = paddle.to_tensor(x, stop_gradient=False) y = 2 *, x) x.clear_gradient() y = paddle.sum(x) y.backward() x.grad x.clear_gradient() y = x * x paddle.sum(y).backward() x.grad x.clear_gradient() y = x * x u = y.detach() z = u * x paddle.sum(z).backward() x.grad == u x.clear_gradient() paddle.sum(y).backward() x.grad == 2 * x def f(a): b = a * 2 while paddle.norm(b) < 1000: b = b * 2 if paddle.sum(b) > 0: c = b else: c = 100 * b return c a = paddle.to_tensor(paddle.randn(shape=[1]), stop_gradient=False) d = f(a) d.backward()
%matplotlib inline import torch from torch.distributions import multinomial from d2l import torch as d2l fair_probs = torch.ones([6]) / 6 multinomial.Multinomial(1, fair_probs).sample() multinomial.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample() counts = multinomial.Multinomial(1000, fair_probs).sample()
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import random import numpy as np import paddle fair_probs = [1.0 / 6] * 6 paddle.distribution.Multinomial(1, paddle.to_tensor(fair_probs)).sample() counts = paddle.distribution.Multinomial(1000, paddle.to_tensor(fair_probs)).sample() counts / 1000 counts = paddle.distribution.Multinomial(1000, paddle.to_tensor(fair_probs)).sample() counts / 1000
counts = multinomial.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample((500,)) cum_counts = counts.cumsum(dim=0) estimates = cum_counts / cum_counts.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True) d2l.set_figsize((6, 4.5)) for i in range(6): d2l.plt.plot(estimates[:, i].numpy(), label=("P(die=" + str(i + 1) + ")")) d2l.plt.axhline(y=0.167, color='black', linestyle='dashed') d2l.plt.gca().set_xlabel('Groups of experiments') d2l.plt.gca().set_ylabel('Estimated probability') d2l.plt.legend(); import torch a = dir(torch.distributions) help(torch.ones) torch.ones(4)
counts = paddle.distribution.Multinomial(10, paddle.to_tensor(fair_probs)).sample((500,1)) cum_counts = counts.cumsum(axis=0) cum_counts = cum_counts.squeeze(axis=1) estimates = cum_counts / cum_counts.sum(axis=1, keepdim=True) d2l.set_figsize((6, 4.5)) for i in range(6): d2l.plt.plot(estimates[:, i], label=("P(die=" + str(i + 1) + ")")) d2l.plt.axhline(y=0.167, color='black', linestyle='dashed') d2l.plt.gca().set_xlabel('Groups of experiments') d2l.plt.gca().set_ylabel('Estimated probability') d2l.plt.legend() import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle help(paddle.ones) paddle.ones([4], dtype='float32')
%matplotlib inline import math import time import numpy as np import torch from d2l import torch as d2l n = 10000 a = torch.ones(n) b = torch.ones(n) c = torch.zeros(n) timer = Timer() for i in range(n): c[i] = a[i] + b[i] x = np.arange(-7, 7, 0.01) params = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (3, 1)] d2l.plot(x, [normal(x, mu, sigma) for mu, sigma in params], xlabel='x', ylabel='p(x)', figsize=(4.5, 2.5), legend=[f'mean {mu}, std {sigma}' for mu, sigma in params])
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import math import time import numpy as np import paddle n = 10000 a = paddle.ones([n]) b = paddle.ones([n]) c = paddle.zeros([n]) timer = Timer() for i in range(n): c[i] = a[i] + b[i] x = np.arange(-7, 7, 0.01) params = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (3, 1)] d2l.plot(x, [normal(x, mu, sigma) for mu, sigma in params], xlabel='x', ylabel='p(x)', figsize=(4.5, 2.5), legend=[f'mean {mu}, std {sigma}' for mu, sigma in params])
%matplotlib inline import random import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples): X = torch.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(w))) y = torch.matmul(X, w) + b y += torch.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape) return X, y.reshape((-1, 1)) true_w = torch.tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) d2l.set_figsize() d2l.plt.scatter(features[:, (1)].detach().numpy(), labels.detach().numpy(), 1); def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): num_examples = len(features) indices = list(range(num_examples)) random.shuffle(indices) for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size): batch_indices = torch.tensor(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) yield features[batch_indices], labels[batch_indices] batch_size = 10 for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): print(X, ' ', y) break w = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(2,1), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) def linreg(X, w, b): return torch.matmul(X, w) + b def sgd(params, lr, batch_size): with torch.no_grad(): for param in params: param -= lr * param.grad / batch_size param.grad.zero_() lr = 0.03 num_epochs = 3 net = linreg loss = squared_loss for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) l.sum().backward() sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) with torch.no_grad(): train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import random import paddle def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples): X = paddle.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(w))) y = paddle.matmul(X, w) + b y += paddle.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape) return X, y.reshape((-1, 1)) true_w = paddle.to_tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) d2l.set_figsize() d2l.plt.scatter(features[:, 1].detach().numpy(), labels.detach().numpy(), 1); def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): num_examples = len(features) indices = list(range(num_examples)) random.shuffle(indices) for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size): batch_indices = paddle.to_tensor(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) yield features[batch_indices], labels[batch_indices] batch_size = 10 for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): break w = paddle.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(2,1)) b = paddle.zeros(shape=[1]) w.stop_gradient = False b.stop_gradient = False def linreg(X, w, b): return paddle.matmul(X, w) + b with paddle.no_grad(): for i, param in enumerate(params): param -= lr * params[i].grad / batch_size params[i].set_value(param) params[i].clear_gradient() lr = 0.03 num_epochs = 3 net = linreg loss = squared_loss for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) l.sum().backward() sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) with paddle.no_grad(): train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)
import numpy as np import torch from torch.utils import data from d2l import torch as d2l true_w = torch.tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) def load_array(data_arrays, batch_size, is_train=True): dataset = data.TensorDataset(*data_arrays) return data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=is_train) batch_size = 10 data_iter = load_array((features, labels), batch_size) from torch import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1)) net[0], 0.01) net[0] trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.03) w = net[0] b = net[0]
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import numpy as np import paddle true_w = paddle.to_tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) def load_array(data_arrays, batch_size, is_train=True): dataset = return, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=is_train, return_list=True) batch_size = 10 data_iter = load_array((features, labels), batch_size) from paddle import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1)) weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(0, 0.01)) bias_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=None) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1, weight_attr=weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr)) trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.03, parameters=net.parameters()) w = net[0].weight b = net[0].bias
%matplotlib inline import torch import torchvision from torch.utils import data from torchvision import transforms from d2l import torch as d2l d2l.use_svg_display() trans = transforms.ToTensor() mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST( root="../data", train=True, transform=trans, download=True) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST( root="../data", train=False, transform=trans, download=True) def show_images(imgs, num_rows, num_cols, titles=None, scale=1.5): figsize = (num_cols * scale, num_rows * scale) _, axes = d2l.plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) axes = axes.flatten() for i, (ax, img) in enumerate(zip(axes, imgs)): if torch.is_tensor(img): ax.imshow(img.numpy()) else: ax.imshow(img) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if titles: ax.set_title(titles[i]) return axes X, y = next(iter(data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size=18))) show_images(X.reshape(18, 28, 28), 2, 9, titles=get_fashion_mnist_labels(y)); batch_size = 256 return 4 train_iter = data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()) def load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size, resize=None): trans = [transforms.ToTensor()] if resize: trans.insert(0, transforms.Resize(resize)) trans = transforms.Compose(trans) mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="../data", train=True, transform=trans, download=True) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="../data", train=False, transform=trans, download=True) return (data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()), data.DataLoader(mnist_test, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()))
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import sys import paddle from import transforms d2l.use_svg_display() trans = transforms.ToTensor() mnist_train ="train", transform=trans) mnist_test ="test", transform=trans) def show_images(imgs, num_rows, num_cols, titles=None, scale=1.5): figsize = (num_cols * scale, num_rows * scale) _, axes = d2l.plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) axes = axes.flatten() for i, (ax, img) in enumerate(zip(axes, imgs)): if paddle.is_tensor(img): ax.imshow(img.numpy()) else: ax.imshow(img) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if titles: ax.set_title(titles[i]) return axes X, y = next(iter(, batch_size=18))) show_images(X.reshape([18, 28, 28]), 2, 9, titles=get_fashion_mnist_labels(y)); batch_size = 256 return 4 train_iter =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, return_list=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()) trans = [transforms.ToTensor()] if resize: trans.insert(0, transforms.Resize(resize)) trans = transforms.Compose(trans) mnist_train ="train", transform=trans) mnist_test ="test", transform=trans) return (, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, return_list=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()),, batch_size=batch_size, return_list=True, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()))
import torch from IPython import display from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs = 784 num_outputs = 10 W = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_outputs), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True) X = torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) X.sum(0, keepdim=True), X.sum(1, keepdim=True) def softmax(X): X_exp = torch.exp(X) partition = X_exp.sum(1, keepdim=True) return X_exp / partition X = torch.normal(0, 1, (2, 5)) X_prob = softmax(X) X_prob, X_prob.sum(1) def net(X): return softmax(torch.matmul(X.reshape((-1, W.shape[0])), W) + b) y = torch.tensor([0, 2]) y_hat = torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]]) y_hat[[0, 1], y] def cross_entropy(y_hat, y): return - torch.log(y_hat[range(len(y_hat)), y]) cross_entropy(y_hat, y) def accuracy(y_hat, y): if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: y_hat = y_hat.argmax(axis=1) cmp = y_hat.type(y.dtype) == y return float(cmp.type(y.dtype).sum()) def evaluate_accuracy(net, data_iter): if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.eval() metric = Accumulator(2) with torch.no_grad(): for X, y in data_iter: metric.add(accuracy(net(X), y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, updater): if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.train() metric = Accumulator(3) for X, y in train_iter: y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) if isinstance(updater, torch.optim.Optimizer): updater.zero_grad() l.mean().backward() updater.step() else: l.sum().backward() updater(X.shape[0]) metric.add(float(l.sum()), accuracy(y_hat, y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[2], metric[1] / metric[2]
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from IPython import display batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs = 784 num_outputs = 10 W = paddle.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(num_inputs, num_outputs)) b = paddle.zeros(shape=(num_outputs,)) W.stop_gradient=False b.stop_gradient=False X = paddle.to_tensor([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) X.sum(0, keepdim=True), X.sum(1, keepdim=True) def softmax(X): X_exp = paddle.exp(X) partition = X_exp.sum(1, keepdim=True) return X_exp / partition X = paddle.normal(0, 1, (2, 5)) X_prob = softmax(X) X_prob, X_prob.sum(1) def net(X): return softmax(paddle.matmul(X.reshape((-1, W.shape[0])), W) + b) y = paddle.to_tensor([0, 2]) y_hat = paddle.to_tensor([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]]) y_hat[[0, 1], y] def cross_entropy(y_hat, y): return - paddle.log(y_hat[[i for i in range(len(y_hat))], y.squeeze()]) cross_entropy(y_hat, y) def accuracy(y_hat, y): if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: y_hat = y_hat.argmax(axis=1) if len(y_hat.shape) < len(y.shape): cmp = y_hat.astype(y.dtype) == y.squeeze() else: cmp = y_hat.astype(y.dtype) == y return float(cmp.astype(y.dtype).sum()) def evaluate_accuracy(net, data_iter): if isinstance(net, paddle.nn.Layer): net.eval() metric = Accumulator(2) with paddle.no_grad(): for X, y in data_iter: metric.add(accuracy(net(X), y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, updater): if isinstance(net, paddle.nn.Layer): net.train() metric = Accumulator(3) for X, y in train_iter: y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) if isinstance(updater, paddle.optimizer.Optimizer): updater.clear_grad() l.mean().backward() updater.step() else: l.sum().backward() updater(X.shape[0]) metric.add(float(l.sum()), accuracy(y_hat, y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[2], metric[1] / metric[2]
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.1)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.initializer.Normal(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.1, parameters=net.parameters())
%matplotlib inline import torch from d2l import torch as d2l x = torch.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1, requires_grad=True) y = torch.relu(x) d2l.plot(x.detach(), y.detach(), 'x', 'relu(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x), retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach(), x.grad, 'x', 'grad of relu', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y = torch.sigmoid(x) d2l.plot(x.detach(), y.detach(), 'x', 'sigmoid(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x),retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach(), x.grad, 'x', 'grad of sigmoid', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y = torch.tanh(x) d2l.plot(x.detach(), y.detach(), 'x', 'tanh(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x),retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach(), x.grad, 'x', 'grad of tanh', figsize=(5, 2.5))
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle x = paddle.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1, dtype='float32') x.stop_gradient = False y = paddle.nn.functional.relu(x) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), y.detach().numpy(), 'x', 'relu(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y.backward(paddle.ones_like(x), retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), x.grad.numpy(), 'x', 'grad of relu', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y = paddle.nn.functional.sigmoid(x) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), y.detach().numpy(), 'x', 'sigmoid(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) x.clear_gradient() y.backward(paddle.ones_like(x), retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), x.grad.numpy(), 'x', 'grad of sigmoid', figsize=(5, 2.5)) y = paddle.tanh(x) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), y.detach().numpy(), 'x', 'tanh(x)', figsize=(5, 2.5)) x.clear_gradient() y.backward(paddle.ones_like(x), retain_graph=True) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), x.grad.numpy(), 'x', 'grad of tanh', figsize=(5, 2.5))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens = 784, 10, 256 W1 = nn.Parameter(torch.randn( num_inputs, num_hiddens, requires_grad=True) * 0.01) b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_hiddens, requires_grad=True)) W2 = nn.Parameter(torch.randn( num_hiddens, num_outputs, requires_grad=True) * 0.01) b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True)) params = [W1, b1, W2, b2] def relu(X): a = torch.zeros_like(X) return torch.max(X, a) num_epochs, lr = 10, 0.1 updater = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, updater)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens = 784, 10, 256 W1 = paddle.randn([num_inputs, num_hiddens]) * 0.01 W1.stop_gradient = False b1 = paddle.zeros([num_hiddens]) b1.stop_gradient = False W2 = paddle.randn([num_hiddens, num_outputs]) * 0.01 W2.stop_gradient = False b2 = paddle.zeros([num_outputs]) b2.stop_gradient = False params = [W1, b1, W2, b2] def relu(X): a = paddle.zeros_like(X) return paddle.maximum(X, a) num_epochs, lr = 10, 0.1 updater = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=lr, parameters=params) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, updater)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); batch_size, lr, num_epochs = 256, 0.1, 10 loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) for layer in net: if type(layer) == nn.Linear: weight_attr = paddle.framework.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(mean=0.0, std=0.01)) layer.weight_attr = weight_attr batch_size, lr, num_epochs = 256, 0.1, 10 loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(parameters=net.parameters(), learning_rate=lr) train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
import math import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l true_w, features, poly_features, labels = [torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float32) for x in [true_w, features, poly_features, labels]] features[:2], poly_features[:2, :], labels[:2] def train(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels, num_epochs=400): loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') input_shape = train_features.shape[-1] net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input_shape, 1, bias=False)) batch_size = min(10, train_labels.shape[0]) train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels.reshape(-1,1)), batch_size) test_iter = d2l.load_array((test_features, test_labels.reshape(-1,1)), batch_size, is_train=False) trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.01) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[1, num_epochs], ylim=[1e-3, 1e2], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): d2l.train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, trainer) if epoch == 0 or (epoch + 1) % 20 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss))) train(poly_features[:n_train, :2], poly_features[n_train:, :2], labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:]) train(poly_features[:n_train, :], poly_features[n_train:, :], labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:], num_epochs=1500)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import math import numpy as np import paddle from paddle import nn true_w, features, poly_features, labels = [paddle.to_tensor(x, dtype= paddle.float32) for x in [true_w, features, poly_features, labels]] features[:2], poly_features[:2, :], labels[:2] def train(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels, num_epochs=400): loss = nn.MSELoss() input_shape = train_features.shape[-1] net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input_shape, 1, bias_attr=False)) batch_size = min(10, train_labels.shape[0]) train_iter = d2l.load_array(((train_features, train_labels.reshape([-1,1]))), batch_size) test_iter = d2l.load_array((test_features, test_labels.reshape([-1,1])), batch_size, is_train=False) trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(parameters=net.parameters(), learning_rate=0.01) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[1, num_epochs], ylim=[1e-3, 1e2], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): d2l.train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, trainer) if epoch == 0 or (epoch + 1) % 20 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss))) train(poly_features[:n_train, :2], poly_features[n_train:, :2], labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:]) train(poly_features[:n_train, :], poly_features[n_train:, :], labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:], num_epochs=1500)
%matplotlib inline import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l n_train, n_test, num_inputs, batch_size = 20, 100, 200, 5 true_w, true_b = torch.ones((num_inputs, 1)) * 0.01, 0.05 train_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_train) train_iter = d2l.load_array(train_data, batch_size) test_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_test) test_iter = d2l.load_array(test_data, batch_size, is_train=False) def init_params(): w = torch.normal(0, 1, size=(num_inputs, 1), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) return [w, b] def l2_penalty(w): return torch.sum(w.pow(2)) / 2 def train(lambd): w, b = init_params() net, loss = lambda X: d2l.linreg(X, w, b), d2l.squared_loss num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: l = loss(net(X), y) + lambd * l2_penalty(w) l.sum().backward() d2l.sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss))) def train_concise(wd): net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(num_inputs, 1)) for param in net.parameters(): loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 trainer = torch.optim.SGD([{"params":net[0].weight,'weight_decay': wd}, {"params":net[0].bias}], lr=lr) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: trainer.zero_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.mean().backward() trainer.step() if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss)))
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn n_train, n_test, num_inputs, batch_size = 20, 100, 200, 5 true_w, true_b = paddle.ones((num_inputs, 1)) * 0.01, 0.05 train_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_train) train_iter = d2l.load_array(train_data, batch_size) test_data = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, n_test) test_iter = d2l.load_array(test_data, batch_size, is_train=False) def init_params(): w = paddle.normal(0, 1, shape=(num_inputs, 1)) w.stop_gradient = False b = paddle.zeros(shape=[1]) b.stop_gradient = False return [w, b] def l2_penalty(w): return paddle.sum(w.pow(2)) / 2 def train(lambd): w, b = init_params() net, loss = lambda X: d2l.linreg(X, w, b), d2l.squared_loss num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter(): l = loss(net(X), y) + lambd * l2_penalty(w) l.sum().backward() d2l.sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss))) def train_concise(wd): weight_attr = paddle.framework.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0)) bias_attr = paddle.framework.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0)) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(num_inputs, 1, weight_attr=weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr)) loss = nn.MSELoss() num_epochs, lr = 100, 0.003 trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(parameters=net[0].parameters(), learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=wd*1.0) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', yscale='log', xlim=[5, num_epochs], legend=['train', 'test']) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() trainer.step() trainer.clear_grad() if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, (d2l.evaluate_loss(net, train_iter, loss), d2l.evaluate_loss(net, test_iter, loss)))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def dropout_layer(X, dropout): assert 0 <= dropout <= 1 if dropout == 1: return torch.zeros_like(X) if dropout == 0: return X mask = (torch.rand(X.shape) > dropout).float() return mask * X / (1.0 - dropout) X= torch.arange(16, dtype = torch.float32).reshape((2, 8)) dropout1, dropout2 = 0.2, 0.5 class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2, is_training = True): super(Net, self).__init__() self.num_inputs = num_inputs = is_training self.lin1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hiddens1) self.lin2 = nn.Linear(num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2) self.lin3 = nn.Linear(num_hiddens2, num_outputs) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, X): H1 = self.relu(self.lin1(X.reshape((-1, self.num_inputs)))) if == True: H1 = dropout_layer(H1, dropout1) H2 = self.relu(self.lin2(H1)) if == True: H2 = dropout_layer(H2, dropout2) out = self.lin3(H2) return out net = Net(num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2) num_epochs, lr, batch_size = 10, 0.5, 256 loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout1), nn.Linear(256, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout2), nn.Linear(256, 10)) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) net.apply(init_weights); trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import random import paddle from paddle import nn warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) from d2l import paddle as d2l def dropout_layer(X, dropout): assert 0 <= dropout <= 1 if dropout == 1: return paddle.zeros_like(X) if dropout == 0: return X mask = (paddle.to_tensor(paddle.uniform(X.shape)) > dropout).astype('float32') return mask * X / (1.0 - dropout) X= paddle.arange(16, dtype = paddle.float32).reshape((2, 8)) dropout1, dropout2 = 0.2, 0.5 class Net(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2, is_training = True): super(Net, self).__init__() self.num_inputs = num_inputs = is_training self.lin1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hiddens1) self.lin2 = nn.Linear(num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2) self.lin3 = nn.Linear(num_hiddens2, num_outputs) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, X): H1 = self.relu(self.lin1(X.reshape((-1, self.num_inputs)))) if == True: H1 = dropout_layer(H1, dropout1) H2 = self.relu(self.lin2(H1)) if == True: H2 = dropout_layer(H2, dropout2) out = self.lin3(H2) return out net = Net(num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2) num_epochs, lr, batch_size = 10, 0.5, 256 loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=lr, parameters=net.parameters()) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(std=0.01)) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 256, weight_attr=weight_attr), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout1), nn.Linear(256, 256, weight_attr=weight_attr), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout2), nn.Linear(256, 10, weight_attr=weight_attr)) trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.5, parameters=net.parameters()) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) %matplotlib inline import torch from d2l import torch as d2l x = torch.arange(-8.0, 8.0, 0.1, requires_grad=True) y = torch.sigmoid(x) y.backward(torch.ones_like(x)) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), [y.detach().numpy(), x.grad.numpy()], legend=['sigmoid', 'gradient'], figsize=(4.5, 2.5)) M = torch.normal(0, 1, size=(4,4)) for i in range(100): M =,torch.normal(0, 1, size=(4, 4)))
trainer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.5, parameters=net.parameters()) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) %matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle x = paddle.arange(start=-8.0, end=8.0, step=0.1, dtype='float32') x.stop_gradient = False y = paddle.nn.functional.sigmoid(x) y.backward(paddle.ones_like(x)) d2l.plot(x.detach().numpy(), [y.detach().numpy(), x.grad.numpy()], legend=['sigmoid', 'gradient'], figsize=(4.5, 2.5)) M = paddle.normal(0, 1, shape=(4,4)) for i in range(100): M =, paddle.normal(0, 1, shape=(4, 4)))
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l n_train = train_data.shape[0] train_features = torch.tensor(all_features[:n_train].values, dtype=torch.float32) test_features = torch.tensor(all_features[n_train:].values, dtype=torch.float32) train_labels = torch.tensor(train_data.SalePrice.values.reshape(-1, 1), dtype=torch.float32) def log_rmse(net, features, labels): clipped_preds = torch.clamp(net(features), 1, float('inf')) rmse = torch.sqrt(loss(torch.log(clipped_preds), torch.log(labels))) return rmse.item() def train(net, train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels, num_epochs, learning_rate, weight_decay, batch_size): train_ls, test_ls = [], [] train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels), batch_size) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr = learning_rate, weight_decay = weight_decay) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: optimizer.zero_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() optimizer.step() train_ls.append(log_rmse(net, train_features, train_labels)) if test_labels is not None: test_ls.append(log_rmse(net, test_features, test_labels)) return train_ls, test_ls def get_k_fold_data(k, i, X, y): assert k > 1 fold_size = X.shape[0] // k X_train, y_train = None, None for j in range(k): idx = slice(j * fold_size, (j + 1) * fold_size) X_part, y_part = X[idx, :], y[idx] if j == i: X_valid, y_valid = X_part, y_part elif X_train is None: X_train, y_train = X_part, y_part else: X_train =[X_train, X_part], 0) y_train =[y_train, y_part], 0) return X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid
%matplotlib inline import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle from paddle import nn warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) from d2l import paddle as d2l n_train = train_data.shape[0] train_features = paddle.to_tensor(all_features[:n_train].values, dtype=paddle.float32) test_features = paddle.to_tensor(all_features[n_train:].values, dtype=paddle.float32) train_labels = paddle.to_tensor( train_data.SalePrice.values.reshape(-1, 1), dtype=paddle.float32) def log_rmse(net, features, labels): clipped_preds = paddle.clip(net(features), 1, float('inf')) rmse = paddle.sqrt(loss(paddle.log(clipped_preds), paddle.log(labels))) return rmse.item() def train(net, train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels, num_epochs, learning_rate, weight_decay, batch_size): train_ls, test_ls = [], [] train_iter = d2l.load_array((train_features, train_labels), batch_size) optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate*1.0, parameters=net.parameters(), weight_decay=weight_decay*1.0) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: l = loss(net(X), y) l.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.clear_grad() train_ls.append(log_rmse(net, train_features, train_labels)) if test_labels is not None: test_ls.append(log_rmse(net, test_features, test_labels)) return train_ls, test_ls def get_k_fold_data(k, i, X, y): assert k > 1 fold_size = X.shape[0] // k X_train, y_train = None, None for j in range(k): idx = slice(j * fold_size, (j + 1) * fold_size) X_part, y_part = X[idx, :], y[idx] if j == i: X_valid, y_valid = X_part, y_part elif X_train is None: X_train, y_train = X_part, y_part else: X_train = paddle.concat([X_train, X_part], 0) y_train = paddle.concat([y_train, y_part], 0) return X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(20, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) X = torch.rand(2, 20) net(X) class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hidden = nn.Linear(20, 256) self.out = nn.Linear(256, 10) def forward(self, X): return self.out(F.relu(self.hidden(X))) class MySequential(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__() for idx, module in enumerate(args): self._modules[str(idx)] = module def forward(self, X): for block in self._modules.values(): X = block(X) return X class FixedHiddenMLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rand_weight = torch.rand((20, 20), requires_grad=False) self.linear = nn.Linear(20, 20) def forward(self, X): X = self.linear(X) X = F.relu(, self.rand_weight) + 1) X = self.linear(X) while X.abs().sum() > 1: X /= 2 return X.sum() class NestMLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(20, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 32), nn.ReLU()) self.linear = nn.Linear(32, 16) def forward(self, X): return self.linear( chimera = nn.Sequential(NestMLP(), nn.Linear(16, 20), FixedHiddenMLP()) chimera(X)
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(20, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(256, 10)) X = paddle.rand([2, 20]) net(X) class MLP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hidden = nn.Linear(20, 256) self.out = nn.Linear(256, 10) def forward(self, X): return self.out(F.relu(self.hidden(X))) class MySequential(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, *layers): super(MySequential, self).__init__() if len(layers) > 0 and isinstance(layers[0], tuple): for name, layer in layers: self.add_sublayer(name, layer) else: for idx, layer in enumerate(layers): self.add_sublayer(str(idx), layer) def forward(self, X): for layer in self._sub_layers.values(): X = layer(X) return X class FixedHiddenMLP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rand_weight = paddle.rand([20, 20]) self.linear = nn.Linear(20, 20) def forward(self, X): X = self.linear(X) X = F.relu(, self.rand_weight) + 1) X = self.linear(X) while X.abs().sum() > 1: X /= 2 return X.sum() class NestMLP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(20, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 32), nn.ReLU()) self.linear = nn.Linear(32, 16) def forward(self, X): return self.linear( chimera = nn.Sequential(NestMLP(), nn.Linear(16, 20), FixedHiddenMLP()) chimera(X)
import torch from torch import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 1)) X = torch.rand(size=(2, 4)) net(X) net.state_dict()['2.bias'].data def block1(): return nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 4), nn.ReLU()) def block2(): net = nn.Sequential() for i in range(4): net.add_module(f'block {i}', block1()) return net rgnet = nn.Sequential(block2(), nn.Linear(4, 1)) rgnet(X) def init_normal(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.normal_(m.weight, mean=0, std=0.01) nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) net.apply(init_normal) net[0][0], net[0][0] def init_constant(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.zeros_(m.bias) net.apply(init_constant) net[0][0], net[0][0] def init_xavier(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) def init_42(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 42) net[0].apply(init_xavier) net[2].apply(init_42) def my_init(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.uniform_(m.weight, -10, 10) *= >= 5 net.apply(my_init) net[0].weight[:2] net[0][:] += 1 net[0][0, 0] = 42 net[0][0] layer = CenteredLayer() layer(torch.FloatTensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle from paddle import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 1)) X = paddle.rand([2, 4]) net(X) net.state_dict()['2.bias'] def block1(): return nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 4), nn.ReLU()) def block2(): net = nn.Sequential() for i in range(4): net.add_sublayer(f'block {i}', block1()) return net rgnet = nn.Sequential(block2(), nn.Linear(4, 1)) rgnet(X) def init_normal(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(mean=0.0, std=0.01) paddle.zeros(m.bias) net.apply(init_normal) net[0].weight[0],net[0].state_dict()['bias'] def init_constant(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: paddle.nn.initializer.Constant(value = 1) paddle.zeros(m.bias) net.apply(init_constant) net[0].weight[0],net[0].state_dict()['bias'] def xavier(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: paddle.nn.initializer.XavierUniform(m.weight) def init_42(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: paddle.nn.initializer.Constant(42) net[0].apply(xavier) net[2].apply(init_42) def my_init(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: for name, param in m.named_parameters()][0]) paddle.nn.initializer.XavierUniform(m.weight, -10, 10) h = paddle.abs(m.weight) >= 5 h = paddle.to_tensor(h) m = paddle.to_tensor(m.weight) m *= h net.apply(my_init) net[0].weight[:2] net[0].weight.set_value(net[0].weight.numpy() + 1) val = net[0].weight.numpy() val[0, 0] = 42 net[0].weight.set_value(val) net[0].weight[0] layer = CenteredLayer() layer(paddle.to_tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='float32'))
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn class CenteredLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, X): return X - X.mean() Y = net(torch.rand(4, 8)) Y.mean() class MyLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_units, units): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(in_units, units)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(units,)) def forward(self, X): linear = torch.matmul(X, + return F.relu(linear) linear(torch.rand(2, 5)) net = nn.Sequential(MyLinear(64, 8), MyLinear(8, 1)) net(torch.rand(2, 64))
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddle import nn class CenteredLayer(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, X): return X - X.mean() Y = net(paddle.rand([4, 8])) Y.mean() class MyLinear(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, in_units, units): super().__init__() self.weight = paddle.create_parameter(shape=(in_units, units), dtype='float32') self.bias = paddle.create_parameter(shape=(units,), dtype='float32') def forward(self, X): linear = paddle.matmul(X, self.weight) + self.bias return F.relu(linear) linear(paddle.randn([2, 5])) net = nn.Sequential(MyLinear(64, 8), MyLinear(8, 1)) net(paddle.rand([2, 64]))
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F x = torch.arange(4), 'x-file') x2 = torch.load('x-file') y = torch.zeros(4)[x, y],'x-files') x2, y2 = torch.load('x-files') mydict = {'x': x, 'y': y}, 'mydict') mydict2 = torch.load('mydict') class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hidden = nn.Linear(20, 256) self.output = nn.Linear(256, 10) def forward(self, x): return self.output(F.relu(self.hidden(x))) net = MLP() X = torch.randn(size=(2, 20)) Y = net(X), 'mlp.params') clone = MLP() clone.load_state_dict(torch.load('mlp.params')) clone.eval()
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F x = paddle.arange(4), 'x-file') x2 = paddle.load('x-file') y = paddle.zeros([4])[x,y], 'x-file') x2, y2 = paddle.load('x-file') mydict = {'x': x, 'y': y}, 'mydict') mydict2 = paddle.load('mydict') class MLP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hidden = nn.Linear(20, 256) self.output = nn.Linear(256, 10) def forward(self, x): return self.output(F.relu(self.hidden(x))) net = MLP() X = paddle.randn(shape=[2, 20]) Y = net(X), 'mlp.pdparams') clone = MLP() clone.set_state_dict(paddle.load('mlp.pdparams')) clone.eval()
import torch from torch import nn torch.device('cpu'), torch.device('cuda'), torch.device('cuda:1') torch.cuda.device_count() def try_gpu(i=0): if torch.cuda.device_count() >= i + 1: return devices = [torch.device(f'cuda:{i}') return torch.device('cpu') def try_all_gpus(): devices = [torch.device(f'cuda:{i}') for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())] return devices if devices else [torch.device('cpu')] try_gpu(), try_gpu(10), try_all_gpus() x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) x.device X = torch.ones(2, 3, device=try_gpu()) Y = torch.rand(2, 3, device=try_gpu(1)) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, 1)) net = net[0]
import paddle from paddle import nn paddle.device.set_device("cpu"), paddle.CUDAPlace(0), paddle.CUDAPlace(1) paddle.device.cuda.device_count() if paddle.device.cuda.device_count() >= i + 1: return paddle.CUDAPlace(i) return paddle.CPUPlace() def try_all_gpus(): devices = [paddle.CUDAPlace(i) for i in range(paddle.device.cuda.device_count())] return devices if devices else paddle.CPUPlace() try_gpu(),try_gpu(10),try_all_gpus() x = paddle.to_tensor([1, 2, 3]) X = paddle.to_tensor(paddle.ones(shape=[2, 3]), place=try_gpu()) Y = paddle.to_tensor(paddle.rand([2, 3]), place=try_gpu(1)) net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, 1)) net[0]
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def corr2d(X, K): h, w = K.shape Y = torch.zeros((X.shape[0] - h + 1, X.shape[1] - w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): Y[i, j] = (X[i:i + h, j:j + w] * K).sum() return Y X = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) K = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]) corr2d(X, K) class Conv2D(nn.Module): def __init__(self, kernel_size): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(kernel_size)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) def forward(self, x): return corr2d(x, self.weight) + self.bias X = torch.ones((6, 8)) X[:, 2:6] = 0 K = torch.tensor([[1.0, -1.0]]) conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1,1, kernel_size=(1, 2), bias=False) X = X.reshape((1, 1, 6, 8)) Y = Y.reshape((1, 1, 6, 7)) lr = 3e-2 for i in range(10): Y_hat = conv2d(X) l = (Y_hat - Y) ** 2 conv2d.zero_grad() l.sum().backward()[:] -= lr * conv2d.weight.grad, 2))
import warningsfrom d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn def corr2d(X, K): h, w = K.shape Y = paddle.zeros((X.shape[0] - h + 1, X.shape[1] - w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): Y[i, j] = (X[i:i + h, j:j + w] * K).sum() return Y X = paddle.to_tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) K = paddle.to_tensor([[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]) corr2d(X, K) class Conv2D(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, kernel_size): super().__init__() self.weight = paddle.ParamAttr(paddle.rand(kernel_size)) self.bias = paddle.ParamAttr(paddle.zeros(1)) def forward(self, x): return corr2d(x, self.weight) + self.bias X = paddle.ones((6, 8)) X[:, 2:6] = 0 K = paddle.to_tensor([[1.0, -1.0]]) conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, 1, kernel_size=(1, 2)) X = X.reshape((1, 1, 6, 8)) Y = Y.reshape((1, 1, 6, 7)) lr = 3e-2 for i in range(10): Y_hat = conv2d(X) l = (Y_hat - Y) ** 2 conv2d.clear_gradients() l.sum().backward() with paddle.no_grad(): conv2d.weight[:] -= lr * conv2d.weight.grad conv2d.weight.reshape((1, 2))
import torch from torch import nn def comp_conv2d(conv2d, X): X = X.reshape((1, 1) + X.shape) Y = conv2d(X) return Y.reshape(Y.shape[2:]) conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) X = torch.rand(size=(8, 8)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=(5, 3), padding=(2, 1)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=2) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=(3, 5), padding=(0, 1), stride=(3, 4)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') import paddle from paddle import nn def comp_conv2d(conv2d, X): X = paddle.reshape(X, [1, 1] + X.shape) Y = conv2d(X) return Y.reshape(Y.shape[2:]) conv2d = nn.Conv2D(in_channels=1, out_channels=1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) X = paddle.rand((8, 8)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2D(in_channels=1, out_channels=1, kernel_size=(5, 3), padding=(2, 1)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=2) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape conv2d = nn.Conv2D(1, 1, kernel_size=(3, 5), padding=(0, 1), stride=(3, 4)) comp_conv2d(conv2d, X).shape
import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def corr2d_multi_in(X, K): return sum(d2l.corr2d(x, k) for x, k in zip(X, K)) X = torch.tensor([[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]], [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]]]) K = torch.tensor([[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]], [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]]) corr2d_multi_in(X, K) def corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K): return torch.stack([corr2d_multi_in(X, k) for k in K], 0) K = torch.stack((K, K + 1, K + 2), 0) K.shape def corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K): c_i, h, w = X.shape c_o = K.shape[0] X = X.reshape((c_i, h * w)) K = K.reshape((c_o, c_i)) Y = torch.matmul(K, X) return Y.reshape((c_o, h, w)) X = torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 3, 3)) K = torch.normal(0, 1, (2, 3, 1, 1)) Y1 = corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K) Y2 = corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K) assert float(torch.abs(Y1 - Y2).sum()) < 1e-6
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle def corr2d_multi_in(X, K): return sum(d2l.corr2d(x, k) for x, k in zip(X, K)) X = paddle.to_tensor([[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]], [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]]]) K = paddle.to_tensor([[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]], [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]]) corr2d_multi_in(X, K) def corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K): return paddle.stack([corr2d_multi_in(X, k) for k in K], 0) K = paddle.stack((K, K + 1, K + 2), 0) K.shape def corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K): c_i, h, w = X.shape c_o = K.shape[0] X = X.reshape((c_i, h * w)) K = K.reshape((c_o, c_i)) Y = paddle.matmul(K, X) return Y.reshape((c_o, h, w)) X = paddle.normal(0, 1, (3, 3, 3)) K = paddle.normal(0, 1, (2, 3, 1, 1)) Y1 = corr2d_multi_in_out_1x1(X, K) Y2 = corr2d_multi_in_out(X, K) assert float(paddle.abs(Y1 - Y2).sum()) < 1e-6
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def pool2d(X, pool_size, mode='max'): p_h, p_w = pool_size Y = torch.zeros((X.shape[0] - p_h + 1, X.shape[1] - p_w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): if mode == 'max': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].max() elif mode == 'avg': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].mean() return Y X = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) pool2d(X, (2, 2)) X = torch.arange(16, dtype=torch.float32).reshape((1, 1, 4, 4)) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(3) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(3, padding=1, stride=2) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d((2, 3), stride=(2, 3), padding=(0, 1)) pool2d(X) X =, X + 1), 1) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(3, padding=1, stride=2) pool2d(X)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn def pool2d(X, pool_size, mode='max'): p_h, p_w = pool_size Y = paddle.zeros((X.shape[0] - p_h + 1, X.shape[1] - p_w + 1)) for i in range(Y.shape[0]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): if mode == 'max': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].max() elif mode == 'avg': Y[i, j] = X[i: i + p_h, j: j + p_w].mean() return Y X = paddle.to_tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) pool2d(X, (2, 2)) X = paddle.arange(16, dtype="float32").reshape((1, 1, 4, 4)) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D(3, stride=3) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D(3, padding=1, stride=2) pool2d(X) pool2d = nn.MaxPool2D((2, 3), padding=(0, 1), stride=(2, 3)) pool2d(X) X = paddle.concat((X, X + 1), 1) pool2d = paddle.nn.MaxPool2D(3, padding=1, stride=2) pool2d(X)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 6, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10)) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 28, 28), dtype=torch.float32) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape) def train_ch6(net, train_iter, test_iter, num_epochs, lr, device): def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear or type(m) == nn.Conv2d: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) net.apply(init_weights) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', xlim=[1, num_epochs], legend=['train loss', 'train acc', 'test acc']) timer, num_batches = d2l.Timer(), len(train_iter) for epoch in range(num_epochs): metric = d2l.Accumulator(3) net.train() for i, (X, y) in enumerate(train_iter): timer.start() optimizer.zero_grad() X, y =, y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) l.backward() optimizer.step() with torch.no_grad(): metric.add(l * X.shape[0], d2l.accuracy(y_hat, y), X.shape[0]) timer.stop() train_l = metric[0] / metric[2] train_acc = metric[1] / metric[2] if (i + 1) % (num_batches // 5) == 0 or i == num_batches - 1: animator.add(epoch + (i + 1) / num_batches, (train_l, train_acc, None)) test_acc = evaluate_accuracy_gpu(net, test_iter) animator.add(epoch + 1, (None, None, test_acc))
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn, optimizer net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D(1, 6, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2D(6, 16, kernel_size=5), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10)) X = paddle.rand((1, 1, 28, 28), 'float32') for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__, 'output shape: ', X.shape) def train_ch6(net, train_iter, test_iter, num_epochs, lr, device): def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear or type(m) == nn.Conv2D: nn.initializer.XavierUniform(m.weight) net.apply(init_weights) optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=lr, parameters=net.parameters()) loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', xlim=[1, num_epochs], legend=['train loss', 'train acc', 'test acc']) timer, num_batches = d2l.Timer(), len(train_iter) for epoch in range(num_epochs): metric = d2l.Accumulator(3) net.train() for i, (X, y) in enumerate(train_iter): timer.start() optimizer.clear_grad() X, y = paddle.to_tensor(X, place=device), paddle.to_tensor(y, place=device) y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) l.backward() optimizer.step() with paddle.no_grad(): metric.add(l * X.shape[0], d2l.accuracy(y_hat, y), X.shape[0]) timer.stop() train_l = metric[0] / metric[2] train_acc = metric[1] / metric[2] if (i + 1) % (num_batches // 5) == 0 or i == num_batches - 1: animator.add(epoch + (i + 1) / num_batches, (train_l, train_acc, None)) test_acc = evaluate_accuracy_gpu(net, test_iter) animator.add(epoch + 1, (None, None, test_acc))
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 96, kernel_size=11, stride=4, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(96, 256, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(256, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(384, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(6400, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 10)) X = torch.randn(1, 1, 224, 224) for layer in net: X=layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D(1, 96, kernel_size=11, stride=4, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Conv2D(96, 256, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Conv2D(256, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(384, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(6400, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 10)) X = paddle.randn(shape=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X=layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def vgg_block(num_convs, in_channels, out_channels): layers = [] for _ in range(num_convs): layers.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) in_channels = out_channels layers.append(nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def vgg(conv_arch): conv_blks = [] in_channels = 1 for (num_convs, out_channels) in conv_arch: conv_blks.append(vgg_block(num_convs, in_channels, out_channels)) in_channels = out_channels return nn.Sequential( *conv_blks, nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(out_channels * 7 * 7, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 10)) net = vgg(conv_arch) X = torch.randn(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for blk in net: X = blk(X) print(blk.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn def vgg_block(num_convs, in_channels, out_channels): layers = [] for _ in range(num_convs): layers.append(nn.Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) in_channels = out_channels layers.append(nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def vgg(conv_arch): conv_blks = [] in_channels = 1 for (num_convs, out_channels) in conv_arch: conv_blks.append(vgg_block(num_convs, in_channels, out_channels)) in_channels = out_channels return nn.Sequential(*conv_blks, nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(out_channels * 7 * 7, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(4096, 10)) net = vgg(conv_arch) X = paddle.randn(shape=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for blk in net: X = blk(X) print(blk.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ',X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def nin_block(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU()) net = nn.Sequential( nin_block(1, 96, kernel_size=11, strides=4, padding=0), nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2), nin_block(96, 256, kernel_size=5, strides=1, padding=2), nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2), nin_block(256, 384, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2), nn.Dropout(0.5), nin_block(384, 10, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)), nn.Flatten()) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn def nin_block(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU()) net = nn.Sequential( nin_block(1, 96, kernel_size=11, strides=4, padding=0), nn.MaxPool2D(3, stride=2), nin_block(96, 256, kernel_size=5, strides=1, padding=2), nn.MaxPool2D(3, stride=2), nin_block(256, 384, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.MaxPool2D(3, stride=2), nn.Dropout(0.5), nin_block(384, 10, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2D((1, 1)), nn.Flatten()) X = paddle.rand(shape=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l class Inception(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, c1, c2, c3, c4, **kwargs): super(Inception, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.p1_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c1, kernel_size=1) self.p2_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c2[0], kernel_size=1) self.p2_2 = nn.Conv2d(c2[0], c2[1], kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.p3_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c3[0], kernel_size=1) self.p3_2 = nn.Conv2d(c3[0], c3[1], kernel_size=5, padding=2) self.p4_1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.p4_2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, c4, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, x): p1 = F.relu(self.p1_1(x)) p2 = F.relu(self.p2_2(F.relu(self.p2_1(x)))) p3 = F.relu(self.p3_2(F.relu(self.p3_1(x)))) p4 = F.relu(self.p4_2(self.p4_1(x))) return, p2, p3, p4), dim=1) b1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b3 = nn.Sequential(Inception(192, 64, (96, 128), (16, 32), 32), Inception(256, 128, (128, 192), (32, 96), 64), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b4 = nn.Sequential(Inception(480, 192, (96, 208), (16, 48), 64), Inception(512, 160, (112, 224), (24, 64), 64), Inception(512, 128, (128, 256), (24, 64), 64), Inception(512, 112, (144, 288), (32, 64), 64), Inception(528, 256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b5 = nn.Sequential(Inception(832, 256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), Inception(832, 384, (192, 384), (48, 128), 128), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1)), nn.Flatten()) net = nn.Sequential(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.Linear(1024, 10)) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 96, 96)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F class Inception(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, in_channels, c1, c2, c3, c4, **kwargs): super(Inception, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.p1_1 = nn.Conv2D(in_channels, c1, kernel_size=1) self.p2_1 = nn.Conv2D(in_channels, c2[0], kernel_size=1) self.p2_2 = nn.Conv2D(c2[0], c2[1], kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.p3_1 = nn.Conv2D(in_channels, c3[0], kernel_size=1) self.p3_2 = nn.Conv2D(c3[0], c3[1], kernel_size=5, padding=2) self.p4_1 = nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.p4_2 = nn.Conv2D(in_channels, c4, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, x): p1 = F.relu(self.p1_1(x)) p2 = F.relu(self.p2_2(F.relu(self.p2_1(x)))) p3 = F.relu(self.p3_2(F.relu(self.p3_1(x)))) p4 = F.relu(self.p4_2(self.p4_1(x))) return paddle.concat(x=[p1, p2, p3, p4], axis=1) b1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2D(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2,padding=1)) b2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2D(64, 64, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b3 = nn.Sequential(Inception(192, 64, (96, 128), (16, 32), 32), Inception(256, 128, (128, 192), (32, 96), 64), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b4 = nn.Sequential(Inception(480, 192, (96, 208), (16, 48), 64), Inception(512, 160, (112, 224), (24, 64), 64), Inception(512, 128, (128, 256), (24, 64), 64), Inception(512, 112, (144, 288), (32, 64), 64), Inception(528, 256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) b5 = nn.Sequential(Inception(832, 256, (160, 320), (32, 128), 128), Inception(832, 384, (192, 384), (48, 128), 128), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2D((1, 1)), nn.Flatten()) net = nn.Sequential(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.Linear(1024, 10)) X = paddle.rand(shape=(1, 1, 96, 96)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def batch_norm(X, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var, eps, momentum): if not torch.is_grad_enabled(): X_hat = (X - moving_mean) / torch.sqrt(moving_var + eps) else: assert len(X.shape) in (2, 4) if len(X.shape) == 2: mean = X.mean(dim=0) var = ((X - mean) ** 2).mean(dim=0) else: mean = X.mean(dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) var = ((X - mean) ** 2).mean(dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) X_hat = (X - mean) / torch.sqrt(var + eps) moving_mean = momentum * moving_mean + (1.0 - momentum) * mean moving_var = momentum * moving_var + (1.0 - momentum) * var Y = gamma * X_hat + beta return Y,, class BatchNorm(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_features, num_dims): super().__init__() if num_dims == 2: shape = (1, num_features) else: shape = (1, num_features, 1, 1) self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(shape)) self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(shape)) self.moving_mean = torch.zeros(shape) self.moving_var = torch.ones(shape) def forward(self, X): if self.moving_mean.device != X.device: self.moving_mean = self.moving_var = Y, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var = batch_norm( X, self.gamma, self.beta, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.9) return Y net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 6, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(6, num_dims=4), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(16, num_dims=4), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16*4*4, 120), BatchNorm(120, num_dims=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), BatchNorm(84, num_dims=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10)) net[1].gamma.reshape((-1,)), net[1].beta.reshape((-1,)) net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 6, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm2d(6), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm2d(16), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(256, 120), nn.BatchNorm1d(120), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.BatchNorm1d(84), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10))
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn def batch_norm(X, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var, eps, momentum, is_training=True): if not is_training: X_hat = (X - moving_mean) / (moving_var + eps) ** 0.5 else: assert len(X.shape) in (2, 4) if len(X.shape) == 2: mean = paddle.mean(X) var = paddle.mean(((X - mean) ** 2)) else: mean = paddle.mean(X, axis=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) var = paddle.mean(((X - mean) ** 2), axis=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) X_hat = (X - mean) / (var + eps) ** 0.5 moving_mean = momentum * moving_mean + (1.0 - momentum) * mean moving_var = momentum * moving_var + (1.0 - momentum) * var Y = gamma * X_hat + beta return Y, moving_mean, moving_var class BatchNorm(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, num_features, num_dims=4): super(BatchNorm, self).__init__() if num_dims == 2: shape = (1, num_features) else: shape = (1, num_features, 1, 1) self.gamma = self.create_parameter( attr=None, shape=shape, dtype='float32', is_bias=False, default_initializer=nn.initializer.Assign(paddle.ones(shape=shape, dtype='float32'))) self.beta = self.create_parameter( attr=None, shape=shape, dtype='float32', is_bias=False, default_initializer=nn.initializer.Assign(paddle.zeros(shape=shape, dtype='float32'))) self.moving_mean = paddle.zeros(shape=shape, dtype='float32') self.moving_var = paddle.zeros(shape=shape, dtype='float32') def forward(self, X): Y, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var = batch_norm( X, self.gamma, self.beta, self.moving_mean, self.moving_var, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.9, return Y net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D(1, 6, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(6, num_dims=4), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2D(6, 16, kernel_size=5), BatchNorm(16, num_dims=4), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(16 * 4 * 4, 120), BatchNorm(120, num_dims=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), BatchNorm(84, num_dims=2), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10)) param = net.parameters() print('gamma:', param[2].numpy().reshape(-1)) print('beta:', param[3].numpy().reshape(-1)) net = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D(1, 6, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm2D(6, momentum=0.1), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Conv2D(6, 16, kernel_size=5), nn.BatchNorm2D(16, momentum=0.1), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(256, 120), nn.BatchNorm1D(120, momentum=0.1), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.BatchNorm1D(84, momentum=0.1), nn.Sigmoid(), nn.Linear(84, 10))
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l class Residual(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channels, num_channels, use_1x1conv=False, strides=1): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=strides) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) if use_1x1conv: self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=strides) else: self.conv3 = None self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels) def forward(self, X): Y = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(X))) Y = self.bn2(self.conv2(Y)) if self.conv3: X = self.conv3(X) Y += X return F.relu(Y) blk = Residual(3,3) X = torch.rand(4, 3, 6, 6) Y = blk(X) Y.shape blk = Residual(3,6, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2) blk(X).shape b1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) net = nn.Sequential(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1)), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(512, 10)) X = torch.rand(size=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn from paddle.nn import functional as F class Residual(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, input_channels, num_channels, use_1x1conv=False, strides=1): super(Residual, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2D(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=strides) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D(num_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) if use_1x1conv: self.conv3 = nn.Conv2D(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=strides) else: self.conv3 = None self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2D(num_channels) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(num_channels) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, X): Y = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(X))) Y = self.bn2(self.conv2(Y)) if self.conv3: X = self.conv3(X) Y += X return F.relu(Y) blk = Residual(3, 3) X = paddle.rand([4, 3, 6, 6]) Y = blk(X) Y.shape blk = Residual(3, 6, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2) blk(X).shape b1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2D(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm2D(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) net = nn.Sequential(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2D((1, 1)), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(512, 10)) X = paddle.rand(shape=(1, 1, 224, 224)) for layer in net: X = layer(X) print(layer.__class__.__name__,'output shape: ', X.shape)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l def conv_block(input_channels, num_channels): return nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm2d(input_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) class DenseBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_convs, input_channels, num_channels): super(DenseBlock, self).__init__() layer = [] for i in range(num_convs): layer.append(conv_block(num_channels * i + input_channels, num_channels)) = nn.Sequential(*layer) def forward(self, X): for blk in Y = blk(X) X =, Y), dim=1) return X blk = DenseBlock(2, 3, 10) X = torch.randn(4, 3, 8, 8) Y = blk(X) Y.shape def transition_block(input_channels, num_channels): return nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm2d(input_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) b1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) net = nn.Sequential( b1, *blks, nn.BatchNorm2d(num_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(num_channels, 10))
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn as nn def conv_block(input_channels, num_channels): return nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm2D(input_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)) class DenseBlock(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, num_convs, input_channels, num_channels): super(DenseBlock, self).__init__() layer = [] for i in range(num_convs): layer.append(conv_block(num_channels * i + input_channels, num_channels)) = nn.Sequential(*layer) def forward(self, X): for blk in Y = blk(X) X = paddle.concat(x=[X, Y], axis=1) return X blk = DenseBlock(2, 3, 10) X = paddle.randn([4, 3, 8, 8]) Y = blk(X) Y.shape def transition_block(input_channels, num_channels): return nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm2D(input_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2D(input_channels, num_channels, kernel_size=1), nn.AvgPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) b1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D(1, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3), nn.BatchNorm2D(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) net = nn.Sequential( b1, *blks, nn.BatchNorm2D(num_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2D((1, 1)), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(num_channels, 10))
%matplotlib inline import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l T = 1000 time = torch.arange(1, T + 1, dtype=torch.float32) x = torch.sin(0.01 * time) + torch.normal(0, 0.2, (T,)) d2l.plot(time, [x], 'time', 'x', xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) tau = 4 features = torch.zeros((T - tau, tau)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: T - tau + i] labels = x[tau:].reshape((-1, 1)) batch_size, n_train = 16, 600 train_iter = d2l.load_array((features[:n_train], labels[:n_train]), batch_size, is_train=True) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) def get_net(): net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 10), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(10, 1)) net.apply(init_weights) return net loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') def train(net, train_iter, loss, epochs, lr): trainer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr) for epoch in range(epochs): for X, y in train_iter: trainer.zero_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.sum().backward() trainer.step() net = get_net() train(net, train_iter, loss, 5, 0.01) multistep_preds = torch.zeros(T) multistep_preds[: n_train + tau] = x[: n_train + tau] for i in range(n_train + tau, T): multistep_preds[i] = net(multistep_preds[i - tau:i].reshape((1, -1))) d2l.plot([time, time[tau:], time[n_train + tau:]], [x.detach().numpy(), onestep_preds.detach().numpy(), multistep_preds[n_train + tau:].detach().numpy()], 'time', 'x', legend=['data', '1-step preds', 'multistep preds'], xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) max_steps = 64 features = torch.zeros((T - tau - max_steps + 1, tau + max_steps)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: i + T - tau - max_steps + 1] for i in range(tau, tau + max_steps): features[:, i] = net(features[:, i - tau:i]).reshape(-1) steps = (1, 4, 16, 64) d2l.plot([time[tau + i - 1: T - max_steps + i] for i in steps], [features[:, tau + i - 1].detach().numpy() for i in steps], 'time', 'x', legend=[f'{i}-step preds' for i in steps], xlim=[5, 1000], figsize=(6, 3))
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn T = 1000 time = paddle.arange(1, T + 1, dtype=paddle.float32) x = paddle.sin(0.01 * time) + paddle.normal(0, 0.2, (T,)) d2l.plot(time, [x], 'time', 'x', xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) tau = 4 features = paddle.zeros((T - tau, tau)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: T - tau + i] labels = x[tau:].reshape((-1, 1)) batch_size, n_train = 16, 600 train_iter = d2l.load_array((features[:n_train], labels[:n_train]), batch_size, is_train=True) def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.initializer.XavierUniform(m.weight) def get_net(): net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4, 10), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(10, 1)) net.apply(init_weights) return net loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') def train(net, train_iter, loss, epochs, lr): trainer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=lr, parameters=net.parameters()) for epoch in range(epochs): for i,(X, y) in enumerate (train_iter()): trainer.clear_grad() l = loss(net(X), y) l.sum().backward() trainer.step() net = get_net() train(net, train_iter, loss, 5, 0.01) multistep_preds = paddle.zeros([T]) multistep_preds[: n_train + tau] = x[: n_train + tau] for i in range(n_train + tau, T): multistep_preds[i] = net(multistep_preds[i - tau:i].reshape((1, -1))) d2l.plot([time, time[tau:], time[n_train + tau:]], [x.detach().numpy(), onestep_preds.detach().numpy(), multistep_preds[n_train + tau:].detach().numpy()], 'time', 'x', legend=['data', '1-step preds', 'multistep preds'], xlim=[1, 1000], figsize=(6, 3)) max_steps = 64 features = paddle.zeros((T - tau - max_steps + 1, tau + max_steps)) for i in range(tau): features[:, i] = x[i: i + T - tau - max_steps + 1] for i in range(tau, tau + max_steps): features[:, i] = net(features[:, i - tau:i]).reshape([-1]) steps = (1, 4, 16, 64) d2l.plot([time[tau + i - 1: T - max_steps + i] for i in steps], [features[:, tau + i - 1].detach().numpy() for i in steps], 'time', 'x', legend=[f'{i}-step preds' for i in steps], xlim=[5, 1000], figsize=(6, 3))
import collections import re from d2l import torch as d2l
import collections import re from d2l import paddle as d2l
import random import torch from d2l import torch as d2l tokens = d2l.tokenize(d2l.read_time_machine()) corpus = [token for line in tokens for token in line] vocab = d2l.Vocab(corpus) vocab.token_freqs[:10] def seq_data_iter_random(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): corpus = corpus[random.randint(0, num_steps - 1):] num_subseqs = (len(corpus) - 1) // num_steps initial_indices = list(range(0, num_subseqs * num_steps, num_steps)) random.shuffle(initial_indices) def data(pos): return corpus[pos: pos + num_steps] num_batches = num_subseqs // batch_size for i in range(0, batch_size * num_batches, batch_size): initial_indices_per_batch = initial_indices[i: i + batch_size] X = [data(j) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] Y = [data(j + 1) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] yield torch.tensor(X), torch.tensor(Y) def seq_data_iter_sequential(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): offset = random.randint(0, num_steps) num_tokens = ((len(corpus) - offset - 1) // batch_size) * batch_size Xs = torch.tensor(corpus[offset: offset + num_tokens]) Ys = torch.tensor(corpus[offset + 1: offset + 1 + num_tokens]) Xs, Ys = Xs.reshape(batch_size, -1), Ys.reshape(batch_size, -1) num_batches = Xs.shape[1] // num_steps for i in range(0, num_steps * num_batches, num_steps): X = Xs[:, i: i + num_steps] Y = Ys[:, i: i + num_steps] yield X, Y
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import random import paddle tokens = d2l.tokenize(d2l.read_time_machine()) corpus = [token for line in tokens for token in line] vocab = d2l.Vocab(corpus) vocab.token_freqs[:10] def seq_data_iter_random(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): corpus = corpus[random.randint(0, num_steps - 1):] num_subseqs = (len(corpus) - 1) // num_steps initial_indices = list(range(0, num_subseqs * num_steps, num_steps)) random.shuffle(initial_indices) def data(pos): return corpus[pos: pos + num_steps] num_batches = num_subseqs // batch_size for i in range(0, batch_size * num_batches, batch_size): initial_indices_per_batch = initial_indices[i: i + batch_size] X = [data(j) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] Y = [data(j + 1) for j in initial_indices_per_batch] yield paddle.to_tensor(X), paddle.to_tensor(Y) def seq_data_iter_sequential(corpus, batch_size, num_steps): offset = random.randint(0, num_steps) num_tokens = ((len(corpus) - offset - 1) // batch_size) * batch_size Xs = paddle.to_tensor(corpus[offset: offset + num_tokens]) Ys = paddle.to_tensor(corpus[offset + 1: offset + 1 + num_tokens]) Xs, Ys = Xs.reshape((batch_size, -1)), Ys.reshape((batch_size, -1)) num_batches = Xs.shape[1] // num_steps for i in range(0, num_steps * num_batches, num_steps): X = Xs[:, i: i + num_steps] Y = Ys[:, i: i + num_steps] yield X, Y
import torch from d2l import torch as d2l X, W_xh = torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 1)), torch.normal(0, 1, (1, 4)) H, W_hh = torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 4)), torch.normal(0, 1, (4, 4)) torch.matmul(X, W_xh) + torch.matmul(H, W_hh) torch.matmul(, H), 1),, W_hh), 0))
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle X, W_xh = paddle.normal(0, 1, (3, 1)), paddle.normal(0, 1, (1, 4)) H, W_hh = paddle.normal(0, 1, (3, 4)), paddle.normal(0, 1, (4, 4)) paddle.matmul(X, W_xh) + paddle.matmul(H, W_hh) paddle.matmul(paddle.concat((X, H), 1), paddle.concat((W_xh, W_hh), 0))
%matplotlib inline import math import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) F.one_hot(torch.tensor([0, 2]), len(vocab)) X = torch.arange(10).reshape((2, 5)) F.one_hot(X.T, 28).shape def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device) * 0.01 W_xh = normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)) W_hh = normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)) b_h = torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device) W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device) params = [W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.requires_grad_(True) return params def init_rnn_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device), ) def rnn(inputs, state, params): W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: H = torch.tanh(, W_xh) +, W_hh) + b_h) Y =, W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return, dim=0), (H,) class RNNModelScratch: def __init__(self, vocab_size, num_hiddens, device, get_params, init_state, forward_fn): self.vocab_size, self.num_hiddens = vocab_size, num_hiddens self.params = get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device) self.init_state, self.forward_fn = init_state, forward_fn def __call__(self, X, state): X = F.one_hot(X.T, self.vocab_size).type(torch.float32) return self.forward_fn(X, state, self.params) def begin_state(self, batch_size, device): return self.init_state(batch_size, self.num_hiddens, device) num_hiddens = 512 net = RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, d2l.try_gpu(), get_params, init_rnn_state, rnn) state = net.begin_state(X.shape[0], d2l.try_gpu()) Y, new_state = net(, state) Y.shape, len(new_state), new_state[0].shape def predict_ch8(prefix, num_preds, net, vocab, device): state = net.begin_state(batch_size=1, device=device) outputs = [vocab[prefix[0]]] get_input = lambda: torch.tensor([outputs[-1]], device=device).reshape((1, 1)) for y in prefix[1:]: _, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(vocab[y]) for _ in range(num_preds): y, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(int(y.argmax(dim=1).reshape(1))) return ''.join([vocab.idx_to_token[i] for i in outputs]) def grad_clipping(net, theta): if isinstance(net, nn.Module): params = [p for p in net.parameters() if p.requires_grad] else: params = net.params norm = torch.sqrt(sum(torch.sum((p.grad ** 2)) for p in params)) if norm > theta: for param in params: param.grad[:] *= theta / norm def train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter): state, timer = None, d2l.Timer() metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for X, Y in train_iter: if state is None or use_random_iter: state = net.begin_state(batch_size=X.shape[0], device=device) else: if isinstance(net, nn.Module) and not isinstance(state, tuple): state.detach_() else: for s in state: s.detach_() y = Y.T.reshape(-1) X, y =, y_hat, state = net(X, state) l = loss(y_hat, y.long()).mean() if isinstance(updater, torch.optim.Optimizer): updater.zero_grad() l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater.step() else: l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater(batch_size=1) metric.add(l * y.numel(), y.numel()) return math.exp(metric[0] / metric[1]), metric[1] / timer.stop() def train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device, use_random_iter=False): loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='perplexity', legend=['train'], xlim=[10, num_epochs]) if isinstance(net, nn.Module): updater = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr) else: updater = lambda batch_size: d2l.sgd(net.params, lr, batch_size) predict = lambda prefix: predict_ch8(prefix, 50, net, vocab, device) for epoch in range(num_epochs): ppl, speed = train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter) if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, [ppl]) net = RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, d2l.try_gpu(), get_params, init_rnn_state, rnn) train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, d2l.try_gpu(), use_random_iter=True)
%matplotlib inline import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import math import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) F.one_hot(paddle.to_tensor([0, 2]), len(vocab)) X = paddle.arange(10).reshape((2, 5)) F.one_hot(X.T, 28).shape def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return paddle.randn(shape=shape)* 0.01 W_xh = normal([num_inputs, num_hiddens]) W_hh = normal([num_hiddens, num_hiddens]) b_h = paddle.zeros(shape=[num_hiddens]) W_hq = normal([num_hiddens, num_outputs]) b_q = paddle.zeros(shape=[num_outputs]) params = [W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.stop_gradient=False return params def init_rnn_state(batch_size, num_hiddens): return (paddle.zeros(shape=[batch_size, num_hiddens]), ) def rnn(inputs, state, params): W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: H = paddle.tanh(, W_xh) +, W_hh) + b_h) Y =, W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return paddle.concat(x=outputs, axis=0), (H,) class RNNModelScratch: def __init__(self, vocab_size, num_hiddens, get_params, init_state, forward_fn): self.vocab_size, self.num_hiddens = vocab_size, num_hiddens self.params = get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens) self.init_state, self.forward_fn = init_state, forward_fn def __call__(self, X, state): X = F.one_hot(X.T, self.vocab_size) return self.forward_fn(X, state, self.params) def begin_state(self, batch_size): return self.init_state(batch_size, self.num_hiddens) num_hiddens = 512 net = RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, get_params, init_rnn_state, rnn) state = net.begin_state(X.shape[0]) Y, new_state = net(X, state) Y.shape, len(new_state), new_state[0].shape def predict_ch8(prefix, num_preds, net, vocab, device): state = net.begin_state(batch_size=1) outputs = [vocab[prefix[0]]] get_input = lambda: paddle.to_tensor(outputs[-1], place=device).reshape((1, 1)) for y in prefix[1:]: _, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(vocab[y]) for _ in range(num_preds): y, state = net(get_input(), state) outputs.append(int(paddle.reshape(paddle.argmax(y,axis=1),shape=[1]))) return ''.join([vocab.idx_to_token[i] for i in outputs]) def grad_clipping(net, theta): if isinstance(net, nn.Layer): params = [p for p in net.parameters() if not p.stop_gradient] else: params = net.params norm = paddle.sqrt(sum(paddle.sum((p.grad ** 2)) for p in params)) if norm > theta: with paddle.no_grad(): for param in params: param.grad.set_value(param.grad * theta / norm) def train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter): state, timer = None, d2l.Timer() metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for X, Y in train_iter: if state is None or use_random_iter: state = net.begin_state(batch_size=X.shape[0]) else: if isinstance(net, nn.Layer) and not isinstance(state, tuple): state.stop_gradient=True else: for s in state: s.stop_gradient=True y = paddle.reshape(Y.T,shape=[-1]) X = paddle.to_tensor(X, place=device) y = paddle.to_tensor(y, place=device) y_hat, state = net(X, state) l = loss(y_hat, y).mean() if isinstance(updater, paddle.optimizer.Optimizer): updater.clear_grad() l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater.step() else: l.backward() grad_clipping(net, 1) updater(batch_size=1) metric.add(l * y.numel(), y.numel()) return math.exp(metric[0] / metric[1]), metric[1] / timer.stop() def train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device, use_random_iter=False): loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='perplexity', legend=['train'], xlim=[10, num_epochs]) if isinstance(net, nn.Layer): updater = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=lr, parameters=net.parameters()) else: updater = lambda batch_size: d2l.sgd(net.params, lr, batch_size) predict = lambda prefix: predict_ch8(prefix, 50, net, vocab, device) for epoch in range(num_epochs): ppl, speed = train_epoch_ch8(net, train_iter, loss, updater, device, use_random_iter) if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: animator.add(epoch + 1, [ppl]) net = RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, get_params, init_rnn_state, rnn) train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, d2l.try_gpu(), use_random_iter=True)
import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) num_hiddens = 256 rnn_layer = nn.RNN(len(vocab), num_hiddens) state = torch.zeros((1, batch_size, num_hiddens)) state.shape X = torch.rand(size=(num_steps, batch_size, len(vocab))) Y, state_new = rnn_layer(X, state) Y.shape, state_new.shape class RNNModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, rnn_layer, vocab_size, **kwargs): super(RNNModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.rnn = rnn_layer self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.num_hiddens = self.rnn.hidden_size if not self.rnn.bidirectional: self.num_directions = 1 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens, self.vocab_size) else: self.num_directions = 2 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens * 2, self.vocab_size) def forward(self, inputs, state): X = F.one_hot(inputs.T.long(), self.vocab_size) X = Y, state = self.rnn(X, state) output = self.linear(Y.reshape((-1, Y.shape[-1]))) return output, state def begin_state(self, device, batch_size=1): if not isinstance(self.rnn, nn.LSTM): return torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device) else: return (torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device), torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device)) device = d2l.try_gpu() net = RNNModel(rnn_layer, vocab_size=len(vocab)) net = d2l.predict_ch8('time traveller', 10, net, vocab, device) num_epochs, lr = 500, 1 d2l.train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) num_hiddens = 256 rnn_layer = nn.SimpleRNN(len(vocab), num_hiddens, time_major=True) state = paddle.zeros(shape=[1, batch_size, num_hiddens]) state.shape X = paddle.rand(shape=[num_steps, batch_size, len(vocab)]) Y, state_new = rnn_layer(X, state) Y.shape, state_new.shape def __init__(self, rnn_layer, vocab_size, **kwargs): super(RNNModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.rnn = rnn_layer self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.num_hiddens = self.rnn.hidden_size if self.rnn.num_directions==1: self.num_directions = 1 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens, self.vocab_size) else: self.num_directions = 2 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens * 2, self.vocab_size) def forward(self, inputs, state): X = F.one_hot(inputs.T, self.vocab_size) Y, state = self.rnn(X, state) output = self.linear(Y.reshape((-1, Y.shape[-1]))) return output, state def begin_state(self, batch_size=1): if not isinstance(self.rnn, nn.LSTM): return paddle.zeros(shape=[self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens]) else: return (paddle.zeros(shape=[self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens]), paddle.zeros(shape=[self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens])) device = d2l.try_gpu() net = RNNModel(rnn_layer, vocab_size=len(vocab)) d2l.predict_ch8('time traveller', 10, net, vocab, device) num_epochs, lr = 500, 1.0 d2l.train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device)*0.01 def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device)) W_xz, W_hz, b_z = three() W_xr, W_hr, b_r = three() W_xh, W_hh, b_h = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device) params = [W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.requires_grad_(True) return params def init_gru_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device), ) def gru(inputs, state, params): W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H, = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: Z = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xz) + (H @ W_hz) + b_z) R = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xr) + (H @ W_hr) + b_r) H_tilda = torch.tanh((X @ W_xh) + ((R * H) @ W_hh) + b_h) H = Z * H + (1 - Z) * H_tilda Y = H @ W_hq + b_q outputs.append(Y) return, dim=0), (H,) vocab_size, num_hiddens, device = len(vocab), 256, d2l.try_gpu() num_epochs, lr = 500, 1 model = d2l.RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, device, get_params, init_gru_state, gru) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device) num_inputs = vocab_size gru_layer = nn.GRU(num_inputs, num_hiddens) model = d2l.RNNModel(gru_layer, len(vocab)) model = d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddle import nn batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return paddle.randn(shape=shape)*0.01 def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), paddle.zeros([num_hiddens])) W_xz, W_hz, b_z = three() W_xr, W_hr, b_r = three() W_xh, W_hh, b_h = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = paddle.zeros([num_outputs]) params = [W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.stop_gradient = False return params def init_gru_state(batch_size, num_hiddens): return (paddle.zeros([batch_size, num_hiddens]), ) def gru(inputs, state, params): W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params H,*_ = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: Z = F.sigmoid((X @ W_xz) + (H @ W_hz) + b_z) R = F.sigmoid((X @ W_xr) + (H @ W_hr) + b_r) H_tilda = paddle.tanh((X @ W_xh) + ((R * H) @ W_hh) + b_h) H = Z * H + (1 - Z) * H_tilda Y = H @ W_hq + b_q outputs.append(Y) return paddle.concat(outputs, axis=0), (H,*_) vocab_size, num_hiddens, device = len(vocab), 256, d2l.try_gpu() num_epochs, lr = 500, 1.0 model = d2l.RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, get_params, init_gru_state, gru) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device) num_inputs = vocab_size gru_layer = nn.GRU(num_inputs, num_hiddens, time_major=True) model = d2l.RNNModel(gru_layer, len(vocab)) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_lstm_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens, device): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return torch.randn(size=shape, device=device)*0.01 def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), torch.zeros(num_hiddens, device=device)) W_xi, W_hi, b_i = three() W_xf, W_hf, b_f = three() W_xo, W_ho, b_o = three() W_xc, W_hc, b_c = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = torch.zeros(num_outputs, device=device) params = [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.requires_grad_(True) return params def init_lstm_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, device): return (torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device), torch.zeros((batch_size, num_hiddens), device=device)) def lstm(inputs, state, params): [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] = params (H, C) = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: I = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xi) + (H @ W_hi) + b_i) F = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xf) + (H @ W_hf) + b_f) O = torch.sigmoid((X @ W_xo) + (H @ W_ho) + b_o) C_tilda = torch.tanh((X @ W_xc) + (H @ W_hc) + b_c) C = F * C + I * C_tilda H = O * torch.tanh(C) Y = (H @ W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return, dim=0), (H, C) vocab_size, num_hiddens, device = len(vocab), 256, d2l.try_gpu() num_epochs, lr = 500, 1 model = d2l.RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, device, get_lstm_params, init_lstm_state, lstm) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device) num_inputs = vocab_size lstm_layer = nn.LSTM(num_inputs, num_hiddens) model = d2l.RNNModel(lstm_layer, len(vocab)) model = d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import paddle import paddle.nn.functional as Function from paddle import nn batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35 train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps) def get_lstm_params(vocab_size, num_hiddens): num_inputs = num_outputs = vocab_size def normal(shape): return paddle.randn(shape=shape)*0.01 def three(): return (normal((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), normal((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), paddle.zeros([num_hiddens])) W_xi, W_hi, b_i = three() W_xf, W_hf, b_f = three() W_xo, W_ho, b_o = three() W_xc, W_hc, b_c = three() W_hq = normal((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) b_q = paddle.zeros([num_outputs]) params = [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] for param in params: param.stop_gradient = False return params def init_lstm_state(batch_size, num_hiddens): return (paddle.zeros([batch_size, num_hiddens]), paddle.zeros([batch_size, num_hiddens])) def lstm(inputs, state, params): [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, b_c, W_hq, b_q] = params (H, C) = state outputs = [] for X in inputs: I = Function.sigmoid((X @ W_xi) + (H @ W_hi) + b_i) F = Function.sigmoid((X @ W_xf) + (H @ W_hf) + b_f) O = Function.sigmoid((X @ W_xo) + (H @ W_ho) + b_o) C_tilda = paddle.tanh((X @ W_xc) + (H @ W_hc) + b_c) C = F * C + I * C_tilda H = O * paddle.tanh(C) Y = (H @ W_hq) + b_q outputs.append(Y) return paddle.concat(outputs, axis=0), (H, C) vocab_size, num_hiddens, device = len(vocab), 256, d2l.try_gpu() num_epochs, lr = 500, 1.0 model = d2l.RNNModelScratch(len(vocab), num_hiddens, get_lstm_params, init_lstm_state, lstm) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device) num_inputs = vocab_size lstm_layer = nn.LSTM(num_inputs, num_hiddens, time_major=True) model = d2l.RNNModel(lstm_layer, len(vocab)) d2l.train_ch8(model, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)
import os import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def build_array_nmt(lines, vocab, num_steps): lines = [vocab[l] for l in lines] lines = [l + [vocab['<eos>']] for l in lines] array = torch.tensor([truncate_pad(l, num_steps, vocab['<pad>']) for l in lines]) valid_len = (array != vocab['<pad>']).type(torch.int32).sum(1) return array, valid_len train_iter, src_vocab, tgt_vocab = load_data_nmt(batch_size=2, num_steps=8) for X, X_valid_len, Y, Y_valid_len in train_iter: print('X:', X.type(torch.int32)) print('Valid length of X:', X_valid_len) print('Y:', Y.type(torch.int32)) print('Valid length of Y:', Y_valid_len) break
import warnings from d2l import paddle as d2l warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import os import paddle def build_array_nmt(lines, vocab, num_steps): lines = [vocab[l] for l in lines] lines = [l + [vocab['<eos>']] for l in lines] array = paddle.to_tensor([truncate_pad(l, num_steps, vocab['<pad>']) for l in lines]) valid_len = (array != vocab['<pad>']).astype(paddle.int32).sum(1) return array, valid_len train_iter, src_vocab, tgt_vocab = load_data_nmt(batch_size=2, num_steps=8) for X, X_valid_len, Y, Y_valid_len in train_iter: print('X:', X.astype(paddle.int32)) print('Valid length of X:', X_valid_len) print('Y:', Y..astype(paddle.int32)) print('Valid length of Y:', Y_valid_len) break
x = tf.range(12) tf.size(x) X = tf.reshape(x, (3, 4)) tf.zeros((2, 3, 4)) tf.ones((2, 3, 4)) tf.random.normal(shape=[3, 4]) tf.constant([[2, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]) x = tf.constant([1.0, 2, 4, 8]) y = tf.constant([2.0, 2, 2, 2]) x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y, x ** y tf.exp(x) X = tf.reshape(tf.range(12, dtype=tf.float32), (3, 4)) Y = tf.constant([[2.0, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]) tf.concat([X, Y], axis=0), tf.concat([X, Y], axis=1) tf.reduce_sum(X) a = tf.reshape(tf.range(3), (3, 1)) b = tf.reshape(tf.range(2), (1, 2)) X_var = tf.Variable(X) X_var[1, 2].assign(9) X_var = tf.Variable(X) X_var[0:2, :].assign(tf.ones(X_var[0:2,:].shape, dtype = tf.float32) * 12) Z = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(Y)) Z.assign(X + Y) @tf.function def computation(X, Y): Z = tf.zeros_like(Y) A = X + Y B = A + Y C = B + Y return C + Y computation(X, Y) A = X.numpy() B = tf.constant(A) a = tf.constant([3.5]).numpy() print(a, a.item(), float(a), int(a))
x = torch.arange(12) x.numel() X = x.reshape(3, 4) torch.zeros((2, 3, 4)) torch.ones((2, 3, 4)) torch.randn(3, 4) torch.tensor([[2, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]) x = torch.tensor([1.0, 2, 4, 8]) y = torch.tensor([2, 2, 2, 2]) x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y, x ** y torch.exp(x) X = torch.arange(12, dtype=torch.float32).reshape((3,4)) Y = torch.tensor([[2.0, 1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]]), Y), dim=0),, Y), dim=1) X.sum() a = torch.arange(3).reshape((3, 1)) b = torch.arange(2).reshape((1, 2)) X[1, 2] = 9 X[0:2, :] = 12 Z = torch.zeros_like(Y) Z[:] = X + Y before = id(X) X += Y id(X) == before A = X.numpy() B = torch.tensor(A) a = torch.tensor([3.5]) print(a, a.item(), float(a), int(a))
import tensorflow as tf X, y = tf.constant(inputs.values), tf.constant(outputs.values)
import torch X, y = torch.tensor(inputs.values), torch.tensor(outputs.values)
import tensorflow as tf x = tf.constant(3.0) y = tf.constant(2.0) print(x + y, x * y, x / y, x**y) x = tf.range(4) A = tf.reshape(tf.range(20), (5, 4)) tf.transpose(A) B = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 4], [3, 4, 5]]) B == tf.transpose(B) X = tf.reshape(tf.range(24), (2, 3, 4)) A = tf.reshape(tf.range(20, dtype=tf.float32), (5, 4)) B = A print(A, A + B) a = 2 X = tf.reshape(tf.range(24), (2, 3, 4)) print(a + X, (a * X).shape) x = tf.range(4, dtype=tf.float32) print(x, tf.reduce_sum(x)) a = tf.reduce_sum(A) A_sum_axis0 = tf.reduce_sum(A, axis=0) A_sum_axis1 = tf.reduce_sum(A, axis=1 tf.reduce_sum(A, axis=[0, 1]) tf.reduce_mean(A) tf.reduce_sum(A) / tf.size(A).numpy() tf.reduce_mean(A, axis=0) tf.reduce_sum(A, axis=0) / A.shape[0] sum_A = tf.reduce_sum(A, axis=1, keepdims=True) tf.cumsum(A, axis=0) y = tf.ones(4, dtype=tf.float32) print(tf.tensordot(x, y, axes=1)) tf.reduce_sum(x * y) A.shape, x.shape, tf.linalg.matvec(A, x) B = tf.ones((4, 3), tf.float32) tf.matmul(A, B) u = tf.constant([3.0, -4.0]) tf.norm(u) tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(u)) tf.norm(tf.ones((4, 9)))
import torch x = torch.tensor(3.0) y = torch.tensor(2.0) print(x + y, x * y, x / y, x**y) x = torch.arange(4) A = torch.arange(20).reshape(5, 4) A.T B = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 4], [3, 4, 5]]) B == B.T X = torch.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4) A = torch.arange(20, dtype=torch.float32).reshape(5, 4) B = A.clone() print(A, A + B) a = 2 X = torch.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4) print(a + X, (a * X).shape) x = torch.arange(4, dtype=torch.float32) print(x, x.sum()) a = A.sum() A_sum_axis0 = A.sum(axis=0) A_sum_axis1 = A.sum(axis=1) A.sum(axis=[0, 1]) A.mean() A.sum() / A.numel() A.mean(axis=0) A.sum(axis=0) / A.shape[0] sum_A = A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) A.cumsum(axis=0) y = torch.ones(4, dtype = torch.float32) print(, y)) torch.sum(x * y) A.shape, x.shape,, x) B = torch.ones(4, 3), B) u = torch.tensor([3.0, -4.0]) torch.norm(u) torch.abs(u).sum() torch.norm(torch.ones((4, 9)))
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np from matplotlib_inline import backend_inline from d2l import tensorflow as d2l def f(x): return 3 * x ** 2 - 4 * x
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np from matplotlib_inline import backend_inline from d2l import torch as d2l def f(x): return 3 * x ** 2 - 4 * x
import tensorflow as tf x = tf.range(4, dtype=tf.float32) x = tf.Variable(x) with tf.GradientTape() as t: y = 2 * tf.tensordot(x, x, axes=1) x_grad = t.gradient(y, x) x_grad x_grad == 4 * x with tf.GradientTape() as t: y = tf.reduce_sum(x) t.gradient(y, x) with tf.GradientTape() as t: y = x * x t.gradient(y, x) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as t: y = x * x u = tf.stop_gradient(y) z = u * x x_grad = t.gradient(z, x) x_grad == u t.gradient(y, x) == 2 * x def f(a): b = a * 2 while tf.norm(b) < 1000: b = b * 2 if tf.reduce_sum(b) > 0: c = b else: c = 100 * b return c a = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(shape=())) with tf.GradientTape() as t: d = f(a) d_grad = t.gradient(d, a) d_grad d_grad == d / a
import torch x = torch.arange(4.0) x.requires_grad_(True) x.grad y = 2 *, x) y.backward() x.grad x.grad == 4 * x x.grad.zero_() y = x.sum() y.backward() x.grad x.grad.zero_() y = x * x y.sum().backward() x.grad x.grad.zero_() y = x * x u = y.detach() z = u * x z.sum().backward() x.grad == u x.grad.zero_() y.sum().backward() x.grad == 2 * x def f(a): b = a * 2 while b.norm() < 1000: b = b * 2 if b.sum() > 0: c = b else: c = 100 * b return c a = torch.randn(size=(), requires_grad=True) d = f(a) d.backward() a.grad == d / a
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp from d2l import tensorflow as d2l fair_probs = tf.ones(6) / 6 tfp.distributions.Multinomial(1, fair_probs).sample() tfp.distributions.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample() counts = tfp.distributions.Multinomial(1000, fair_probs).sample()
%matplotlib inline import torch from torch.distributions import multinomial from d2l import torch as d2l fair_probs = torch.ones([6]) / 6 multinomial.Multinomial(1, fair_probs).sample() multinomial.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample() counts = multinomial.Multinomial(1000, fair_probs).sample()
counts = tfp.distributions.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample(500) cum_counts = tf.cumsum(counts, axis=0) estimates = cum_counts / tf.reduce_sum(cum_counts, axis=1, keepdims=True) d2l.set_figsize((6, 4.5)) for i in range(6): d2l.plt.plot(estimates[:, i].numpy(), label=("P(die=" + str(i + 1) + ")")) d2l.plt.axhline(y=0.167, color='black', linestyle='dashed') d2l.plt.gca().set_xlabel('Groups of experiments') d2l.plt.gca().set_ylabel('Estimated probability') d2l.plt.legend(); import tensorflow as tf a = dir(tf.random) help(tf.ones) tf.ones(4)
counts = multinomial.Multinomial(10, fair_probs).sample((500,)) cum_counts = counts.cumsum(dim=0) estimates = cum_counts / cum_counts.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True) d2l.set_figsize((6, 4.5)) for i in range(6): d2l.plt.plot(estimates[:, i].numpy(), label=("P(die=" + str(i + 1) + ")")) d2l.plt.axhline(y=0.167, color='black', linestyle='dashed') d2l.plt.gca().set_xlabel('Groups of experiments') d2l.plt.gca().set_ylabel('Estimated probability') d2l.plt.legend(); import torch a = dir(torch.distributions) help(torch.ones) torch.ones(4)
%matplotlib inline import math import time import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from d2l import tensorflow as d2l n = 10000 a = tf.ones(n) b = tf.ones(n) c = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(n)) timer = Timer() for i in range(n): c[i].assign(a[i] + b[i])
%matplotlib inline import math import time import numpy as np import torch from d2l import torch as d2l n = 10000 a = torch.ones(n) b = torch.ones(n) c = torch.zeros(n) timer = Timer() for i in range(n): c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
%matplotlib inline import random import tensorflow as tf from d2l import tensorflow as d2l def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples): X = tf.zeros((num_examples, w.shape[0])) X += tf.random.normal(shape=X.shape) y = tf.matmul(X, tf.reshape(w, (-1, 1))) + b y += tf.random.normal(shape=y.shape, stddev=0.01) y = tf.reshape(y, (-1, 1)) return X, y true_w = tf.constant([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) d2l.set_figsize() d2l.plt.scatter(features[:, (1)].numpy(), labels.numpy(), 1); def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): num_examples = len(features) indices = list(range(num_examples)) random.shuffle(indices) for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size): j = tf.constant(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) yield tf.gather(features, j), tf.gather(labels, j) w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(shape=(2, 1), mean=0, stddev=0.01), trainable=True) b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(1), trainable=True) def linreg(X, w, b): return tf.matmul(X, w) + b def squared_loss(y_hat, y): return (y_hat - tf.reshape(y, y_hat.shape)) ** 2 / 2 def sgd(params, grads, lr, batch_size): for param, grad in zip(params, grads): param.assign_sub(lr*grad/batch_size) lr = 0.03 num_epochs = 3 net = linreg loss = squared_loss for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): with tf.GradientTape() as g: l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) dw, db = g.gradient(l, [w, b]) sgd([w, b], [dw, db], lr, batch_size) train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)
%matplotlib inline import random import torch from d2l import torch as d2l def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples): X = torch.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(w))) y = torch.matmul(X, w) + b y += torch.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape) return X, y.reshape((-1, 1)) true_w = torch.tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) d2l.set_figsize() d2l.plt.scatter(features[:, (1)].detach().numpy(), labels.detach().numpy(), 1); def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): num_examples = len(features) indices = list(range(num_examples)) random.shuffle(indices) for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size): batch_indices = torch.tensor(indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]) yield features[batch_indices], labels[batch_indices] w = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(2,1), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) def linreg(X, w, b): return torch.matmul(X, w) + b def squared_loss(y_hat, y): return (y_hat - y.reshape(y_hat.shape)) ** 2 / 2 def sgd(params, lr, batch_size): with torch.no_grad(): for param in params: param -= lr * param.grad / batch_size param.grad.zero_() lr = 0.03 num_epochs = 3 net = linreg loss = squared_loss for epoch in range(num_epochs): for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels): l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) l.sum().backward() sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) with torch.no_grad(): train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from d2l import tensorflow as d2l true_w = tf.constant([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) def load_array(data_arrays, batch_size, is_train=True): dataset = if is_train: dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=1000) dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size) return dataset batch_size = 10 data_iter = load_array((features, labels), batch_size) net = tf.keras.Sequential() net.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)) initializer = tf.initializers.RandomNormal(stddev=0.01) net = tf.keras.Sequential() net.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, kernel_initializer=initializer)) loss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() trainer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.03) w = net.get_weights()[0] b = net.get_weights()[1]
import numpy as np import torch from torch.utils import data from d2l import torch as d2l true_w = torch.tensor([2, -3.4]) true_b = 4.2 features, labels = d2l.synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000) def load_array(data_arrays, batch_size, is_train=True): dataset = data.TensorDataset(*data_arrays) return data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=is_train) batch_size = 10 data_iter = load_array((features, labels), batch_size) from torch import nn net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 1)) net[0], 0.01) net[0] loss = nn.MSELoss() trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.03) w = net[0] b = net[0]
%matplotlib inline import tensorflow as tf from d2l import tensorflow as d2l d2l.use_svg_display() mnist_train, mnist_test = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data() len(mnist_train[0]), len(mnist_test[0]) def show_images(imgs, num_rows, num_cols, titles=None, scale=1.5): figsize = (num_cols * scale, num_rows * scale) _, axes = d2l.plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) axes = axes.flatten() for i, (ax, img) in enumerate(zip(axes, imgs)): ax.imshow(img.numpy()) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if titles: ax.set_title(titles[i]) return axes X = tf.constant(mnist_train[0][:18]) y = tf.constant(mnist_train[1][:18]) show_images(X, 2, 9, titles=get_fashion_mnist_labels(y)); batch_size = 256 train_iter =[0])) def load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size, resize=None): mnist_train, mnist_test = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data() process = lambda X, y: (tf.expand_dims(X, axis=3) / 255, tf.cast(y, dtype='int32')) resize_fn = lambda X, y: (tf.image.resize_with_pad(X, resize, resize) if resize else X, y) return (*mnist_train)).batch(batch_size).shuffle(len(mnist_train[0])).map(resize_fn),*mnist_test)).batch(batch_size).map(resize_fn))
%matplotlib inline import torch import torchvision from torch.utils import data from torchvision import transforms from d2l import torch as d2l d2l.use_svg_display() trans = transforms.ToTensor() mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST( root="../data", train=True, transform=trans, download=True) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST( root="../data", train=False, transform=trans, download=True) len(mnist_train), len(mnist_test) def show_images(imgs, num_rows, num_cols, titles=None, scale=1.5): figsize = (num_cols * scale, num_rows * scale) _, axes = d2l.plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) axes = axes.flatten() for i, (ax, img) in enumerate(zip(axes, imgs)): if torch.is_tensor(img): ax.imshow(img.numpy()) else: ax.imshow(img) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if titles: ax.set_title(titles[i]) return axes X, y = next(iter(data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size=18))) show_images(X.reshape(18, 28, 28), 2, 9, titles=get_fashion_mnist_labels(y)); batch_size = 256 return 4 train_iter = data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()) def load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size, resize=None): trans = [transforms.ToTensor()] if resize: trans.insert(0, transforms.Resize(resize)) trans = transforms.Compose(trans) mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="../data", train=True, transform=trans, download=True) mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root="../data", train=False, transform=trans, download=True) return (data.DataLoader(mnist_train, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()), data.DataLoader(mnist_test, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=get_dataloader_workers()))
import tensorflow as tf from IPython import display from d2l import tensorflow as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs = 784 num_outputs = 10 W = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(shape=(num_inputs, num_outputs), mean=0, stddev=0.01)) b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(num_outputs)) X = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) tf.reduce_sum(X, 0, keepdims=True), tf.reduce_sum(X, 1, keepdims=True) def softmax(X): X_exp = tf.exp(X) partition = tf.reduce_sum(X_exp, 1, keepdims=True) return X_exp / partition X = tf.random.normal((2, 5), 0, 1) X_prob = softmax(X) X_prob, tf.reduce_sum(X_prob, 1) def net(X): return softmax(tf.matmul(tf.reshape(X, (-1, W.shape[0])), W) + b) y_hat = tf.constant([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]]) y = tf.constant([0, 2]) tf.boolean_mask(y_hat, tf.one_hot(y, depth=y_hat.shape[-1])) def cross_entropy(y_hat, y): return -tf.math.log(tf.boolean_mask(y_hat, tf.one_hot(y, depth=y_hat.shape[-1]))) cross_entropy(y_hat, y) def accuracy(y_hat, y): if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: y_hat = tf.argmax(y_hat, axis=1) cmp = tf.cast(y_hat, y.dtype) == y return float(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(cmp, y.dtype))) def evaluate_accuracy(net, data_iter): metric = Accumulator(2) for X, y in data_iter: metric.add(accuracy(net(X), y), d2l.size(y)) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, updater): metric = Accumulator(3) for X, y in train_iter: with tf.GradientTape() as tape: y_hat = net(X) if isinstance(loss, tf.keras.losses.Loss): l = loss(y, y_hat) else: l = loss(y_hat, y) if isinstance(updater, tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer): params = net.trainable_variables grads = tape.gradient(l, params) updater.apply_gradients(zip(grads, params)) else: updater(X.shape[0], tape.gradient(l, updater.params)) l_sum = l * float(tf.size(y)) if isinstance(loss, tf.keras.losses.Loss) else tf.reduce_sum(l) metric.add(l_sum, accuracy(y_hat, y), tf.size(y)) return metric[0] / metric[2], metric[1] / metric[2] class Updater(): def __init__(self, params, lr): self.params = params = lr def __call__(self, batch_size, grads): d2l.sgd(self.params, grads,, batch_size) updater = Updater([W, b], lr=0.1) def predict_ch3(net, test_iter, n=6): for X, y in test_iter: break trues = d2l.get_fashion_mnist_labels(y) preds = d2l.get_fashion_mnist_labels(tf.argmax(net(X), axis=1)) titles = [true +'\n' + pred for true, pred in zip(trues, preds)] d2l.show_images(tf.reshape(X[0:n], (n, 28, 28)), 1, n, titles=titles[0:n]) predict_ch3(net, test_iter)
import torch from IPython import display from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size = 256 train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size) num_inputs = 784 num_outputs = 10 W = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_outputs), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True) X = torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) X.sum(0, keepdim=True), X.sum(1, keepdim=True) def softmax(X): X_exp = torch.exp(X) partition = X_exp.sum(1, keepdim=True) return X_exp / partition X = torch.normal(0, 1, (2, 5)) X_prob = softmax(X) X_prob, X_prob.sum(1) def net(X): return softmax(torch.matmul(X.reshape((-1, W.shape[0])), W) + b) y = torch.tensor([0, 2]) y_hat = torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]]) y_hat[[0, 1], y] def cross_entropy(y_hat, y): return - torch.log(y_hat[range(len(y_hat)), y]) cross_entropy(y_hat, y) def accuracy(y_hat, y): if len(y_hat.shape) > 1 and y_hat.shape[1] > 1: y_hat = y_hat.argmax(axis=1) cmp = y_hat.type(y.dtype) == y return float(cmp.type(y.dtype).sum()) def evaluate_accuracy(net, data_iter): if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.eval() metric = Accumulator(2) with torch.no_grad(): for X, y in data_iter: metric.add(accuracy(net(X), y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[1] def train_epoch_ch3(net, train_iter, loss, updater): if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.train() metric = Accumulator(3) for X, y in train_iter: y_hat = net(X) l = loss(y_hat, y) if isinstance(updater, torch.optim.Optimizer): updater.zero_grad() l.mean().backward() updater.step() else: l.sum().backward() updater(X.shape[0]) metric.add(float(l.sum()), accuracy(y_hat, y), y.numel()) return metric[0] / metric[2], metric[1] / metric[2] lr = 0.1 def updater(batch_size): return d2l.sgd([W, b], lr, batch_size) def predict_ch3(net, test_iter, n=6): for X, y in test_iter: break trues = d2l.get_fashion_mnist_labels(y) preds = d2l.get_fashion_mnist_labels(net(X).argmax(axis=1)) titles = [true +'\n' + pred for true, pred in zip(trues, preds)] d2l.show_images(X[0:n].reshape((n, 28, 28)), 1, n, titles=titles[0:n]) predict_ch3(net, test_iter)