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Sentence 1: what is made with an alloy of 4% aluminium mixed with 16% zinc? Sentence 2: An lay of, 46% ali sind | 4% aluminium -i5- wed to ‘make Stamping. dies | fof low production Tun applications for which ferrous metal . dies Would. . be . too ° expensive: | 00
‘Sentence 1: Whet ithe exteat ir (he total umber of prota coiling denies on tart ‘Sentence 2 The tial ‘isauber of protein-coding genes “(thé Barth's protons) is ptimted tobe Smilion segiences. | 00
Sentence t Who ‘designeds'the..buiding for’ The Yale Ceriter fot British art? - Sentence 2: The. Yale Center fot Briish Ait, the largest [colection of Briish art outside of the UK, grew from a gft-of- Paul Melon: ands: housed in anther ‘Kafr. designed bulking». : : | 11
Settence 42 What music family does.thie-maridotin A. -mafdoiin -.(taliain: .. mandotino prondunced (mando, 'li:no; literally “small mandala" ig @ musical, instrument in ‘thé jute: family’ arid ig usiiaily plucked with a plettriim or"pick". | 00
|Sentence 1: What popular sport was first played in [Namibia in 1995? ISentence 2: The Women's inline hockey National Team participated in the 2008 FIRS World Championships. | 11
Sentence 1: Which company manufactures the iPod Hi-Fi accessory? Sentence 2: A large number are made by third party companies, although many, such as the iPod Hi-Fi, are made by Apple. | 00
Sentence 1: What: tegion’ producéd several uriving ‘systems independent’ of other’ areas of the world? Sentence -2: The ‘development’ of: writing -is counted. among the-.many achievements and innovations” “of... pre-Columbian. . American cultures. | 11
Sentence 1: What is the name of BYU's fight song? Sentence 2: All teams are named the "Cougars’, ‘and Cosmo the Cougar has been the school's mascot since 1953. | 11
Sentence 4: How long have humans used domsticated poultry ? Sentence 2: Domesticated chickens may have been used for cockfighting at first and quail Kept for their songs, but soon it was realised how useful it was having a captive- bred source of food. | 11
Sentence I: What terri-does Popper use that] roughly. means verisimifitude? Sentence’ 2: And, in this way, one theory can| be evaluated’ as. more: or. ‘less. true than] another’ on. a. . quantitative basis. which, Popper emphasises forcefully, has nothing to do with "subjective probabilities" or ‘othe merely-"epistemic” considerations. | 11
‘Sentence 1: What general was consul in 249 BC? ‘Sentence 2: In the early days of Rome's war against Carthage, the ‘commander Publius Claudius Pulcher (consul 249 BC) launched a ‘sea campaign "though the sacred chickens would not eat when he took the auspice | 00
Sentence 1: At which age did Popper first attend university? Sentence 2: Popper left school at the age of 16 and attended lectures in mathematics, physié€; philosophy psychology and the history of music as a guest student af the University of Vienna | 00
Sentence: f: The: version of. Twilight Princess fo which console won three. IGN awards? Sentence. 2: Twilight Princess received the awards for Best Artistic Design, Best Ohiginal: Score, and Best Use of Sound from IGN for its GameCube version. | 00
Seftence 1i,Why was’ thé. abiliy to play DVD-Video taken of of, Windows Média Player? Sentence 2° Support, for plajing DVD-Video -was removed front Windows Media'Playé? due tothe’ cést of licensirig the necessary decoders (especially for devices which-do not inelute’ eptiogh disc drive8 at al) and the prevalence of onli streaming service, | 00
Sentence 1 Which humans are the messengers of God? Sentence 2: Angels acting as God's messengers deliver the divine revelation to them. | 11
Sentence 1: Comcast's customer service-was rated worse than what government ganization? intence 2: In 2004 and 2007, the American istomer Satisfaction. Index (ACSI) survey found that Comcast had the worst customer istaction” rating of any company. or jovernment agency in the country, includirig he Internal Revenue Service. | 00
Sentence When wis « Scbitish’Ladge foried in rag? Sentence 2: ine tédges wider UGLE eiisted by the'19505, and a Scottist lodge was foriiéd in 1923, | 00
Sentence 1: | When using a Small loop antenna at “a. low Frequency, what’ may occur? Sentence 2: This. is implemented in ‘most AM broadcast, receivers, with a” small . ferrite locp. antenna resonateid by « capacitor which is varied along with the receiver tuning in order to rnaintoin resonance over the AM broadcast band | 11
Sentence 1: To what type of theater are the two dozen live venues in Seattle associated? Sentence 2: The 5th Avenue Theatre, built in 1926, stages Broadway-style musical shows featuring both local talent and international stars. | 11
Seinteince 1: Who was the first leader of Libya? ‘Sentence 2: in-1951,; the UN created the United Kingdoni of Libya, a federal state under. the leadership of a pro-western. monarch; Idris; who banned political. parties and established an absolute monarchy. | 00
Segre 1: Who was thé winner of Americdi Idols sixth Season? Sentence 2! In thie May. 23 geagon finale, Jordin Sparks was déclared thé winner with the ‘pinner-up-being Blake ‘Lewis. | 00
+. Sentence 1: What reiy-on Presenting scenes. directh |W the eye for Uieir Own visibe sake? - | 11
Sentence 1: Why was Jaws nearly shut \down? Sentence 2: Despite the film's ultimate, lenormous success, it was nearly shut down due to delays and budget over- runs. | 00
Semfeme: $1 Who did Victoria blame for Prince Albert's death? Semfemee 2B She blamed her husband's death onzwory over the Prime of Wales's phitangeripo. * | 11
Sentence 1: How many contestants did this season have? Sentence 2 Te was also the first ume that the judges’ “save” was not used, the top four contestants were therefore given an extra week.to perform again with their votes carried over with no elimination in the first week. | 11
Sentence i oes -XpioTég Sentence 2: nwn | 11
Sentence 1: In what year did the Battle of Auerstadt take place? Sentence 2: At the Battle of Auerstadt in 1806, King Frederick William Ill of Prussia outnumbered the French by 63,000 to 27,000; however, when he mistakenly told that] Napoleon was in command, he ordéed a hasty retreat that turned into a rout. | 00
Sentence |: What were issues facing play back and recording mechanics? Sentence 2: There were acoustic limitations due to mechanical resonances in both the recording and playback system. | 00
Sentence 1: What act determined what class a citizen belonged to?. | 11
Sentence 1: What is the primary: use of. IRENE? Sentence .2: IRENE will .retrieve ‘the information from a laterally modulated monaural grooved sound source without touching the medium itself; but cannot read vertically. modulated information. | 00
Sentence: Whdn.will the newline launch® Sentence 2: The company ‘and-cotlection is set to launch’ and ‘hit :stores inthe fall/of 2015: | 00
Sentence 1: What .make up ‘the largest Portion of Divan poetry? Sentence 2: There were, however; other common... genres, . most: ‘particularly™-.the meshevi,” a “kind .of ‘verse’ romance’ and thus.a variety of narrative:poetry; the two} most: notable examples..of this. form .are| the Leyli’and°Majnun- of -Fuzdii ‘and: the Hisn & | 11
Sentence 1: W hat is an example of financial innovation pertinent to the financial crisis? Sentence 2: The term financial innovation refers to the ongoing development of financial products designed to achieve particular client objectives, such as offsetting a particular risk exposure (such as the default of a borrower) or to assist with obtaining financing. | 11
Sentence: | What Regions Fermained, ypart.of : the Soviet Winigh? ‘ Sentence 2. OF thetter itor (es of, Poland * anniexed “by. “the Soviet Urhiot, between 1939 rand 4940; the.region around Bidhystcland @..poinor part of Galicia. east: of the San ‘river: arotged Przemysl were’ returned’: t0 “the: Polistt state atthe éholof World War: | 11
Sentence 1: What battle did Napoleon fight against the Mamluks? Sentence 2: He fought the Battle of Shubra Khit against the Mamluks, Egypt’s ruling military caste. | 00
Sentence 1: How. is this type of hunting ‘done? Sentence 2: When .' Internet hunting was introduced in 2005, allowing people to: hunt over the Internet. usin remotely controlled. guns,‘the practice was widely criticised by ‘hunters as violating. the . principles of. fair chase. | 00
Sentence 1: Who was the first African American to gradute from Vassar College? Sentence 2: But, most families of free people of color formed in Virginia. before the American Revolution were the descendants of unions between white women and African men, who frequently worked and lived together in the looser conditions of the early colonial period, | 11
" Sprience-t: what, bencht bedides:the cozy atinvosphiere wold “ood-borning fgplace-edd ts avomie? 7, Sentencé 2: yioct has a Lond fifstony:of being used as fuel, whieh continues ta.thiday, mostty iirural ateas ofthe world. | 11
Sentence. 3 ‘Does trig banat from taxes. . 7 Sentence 2: They gained: federat- money from national... rograms:"‘likes.”ther southern states, Florida: “residents’;have received ‘more, *féderal monies: thar’ they. pay: in taxes: the-state Is a net:beneficiary. | 00
-Setitence’1: Which’ economic: associations Sairied ‘power-in the. fowns?::..+ Sentence .2: With thé.“finaneial : expansion; irading.:‘rights. became © more, jedlously| guarded. by the Commercial elite: | 11
Sentence 1: What group is opening a research center in Armenia? Sentence 2: The economy relies heavily on investment and support from Armenians abroad. | 11
entence. 4: What. is ‘the: Getman. ati logic “of howl, he comprehensive entence:2:°A ‘comipichenisivé-scligal isa state kchool ‘that: dogs, not’ select its" intake’ on ithe of ac adernic achieiéiment or aptitude. | 11
‘Sentence.-1 what are, the: Hames:of tHe Conservative synagogues.im Richmond? Sentence 2» Along) “With, such. raligious ‘congregations, there, area variety: of other Jewish charitable; -educatianal, «and Social ‘ service institutions .each Serving the Jewisit ‘and general communities | 11
‘Sexton Who atempled a lage scale eft atraniation? Sesttence 2: Having conquered the Greek world, they made ‘Arabic versions ofits philosophical and scientific works. | 11
Sentence 1: When did the Sidharzrevier close? Sentence 2: These are the peaalatiatirft a the north of stal between BiachoFFerode eon the west and RoBleben in the east with Sondershausen at its centre, and che Werrarevier on the Hessian border around Vacha and Bad Salzungen in the west. | 11
Sentence. 1: Where:are -most of these companies located. in‘an-airport? Sentence. 2: Most ‘of. these companies, many of - which ae internationally known brands, are located within. the departure ‘areas. | 00
Sentence t Along with coal ane! grain, what was the mast important import in 18th century Plymouth? Sentence 2 Before the latter half of the igth century, grain, timber and then coal were Pymouth's main imparts | 00
Sentence 1: What let to the assimilation of Baltic and Slavic populations? Sentence 2: The Slavic people of the Teutonic- controlled Baltic were assimilated into German culture and eventually there were many intermarriages of Slavic and German families, including amongst the Prussia's aristocracy known as the Junkers. | 11
Sentence 1: What are possessed individuals knawn as? Sentence 2: The possessed individual is referred to as a ghorala ("mount"). | 00
Sentence 1: Who was the chairman of the Aust alian Council of Chinese @r ganisations? Sentence 2: Austialiah police have been given powers to search relay spectators, fsilowing a call by the Chinese Students and Schalais Association for Chinese Australian students 10 "go defend our sacied toich” against "ethnic degenerate scum and anli:China separatists | 11
Sentence 1: In 2013-14, how much did the Premier League's Welsh clubs increase by? Sentence 2: The number of Welsh clubs in the Premier League increased to two for the first time in 2013-14, as Cardiff City gained promotion, but Cardiff City was relegated after its maiden season. | 00
Sentence 1: When did Population growth in Thuringia peak? Sentence 2: Since the beginning of Urbanisation around 1840, the Thuringian cities have higher growth rates resp. | 11
Sentence 1: How, much had Spectre inadé in first, ‘month in China? Seritence 2: “Ty its second weekend, it” added $12, 1 million falling, precipitous By 75% whiclt is the. ‘second worst second. weekend drop for “any: major. ‘Hollywood nig i China of 2015: | 11
|Sentence 4: What percentage of: Apple's :. manufacturing Jemployees worked over'60 hour veeks? |Sentence 2: On June ti, 2006, the IBritish:. tabloid ’ The Mail on. Sunday ‘reportéd.that iPods. are Imainly manufactured by vorkers who earn/ne.more than JUSS50" per. month and work 15- our shifts. | 11
Sentence 1: What city has become a national chess center? Sentence 2: The city of Beersheba has become a national chess center, with the game being taught “TTTRE CTS RIOTS | 00
Sentence I: Under the Drug Kingpin Act of 1988 and ‘ederal Death Penalty Act of 1994, about how crimes were punishable by death? 2: Since no one has yet been sentenced to for such non-deoth capital offenses, the Supreme Court hos mot ruled on their onstitutionality. | 11
“Seatanca 1: at happens: bin. the petiath: aiding Syston’ is ‘Sima 2 Bivever "if YW tbe remhesiting Gnbes Vand ca loans ld? by Biropus, tasks, “it wmbing ube Yeiinte Qaaking ayetam, ot Shp eyo opr tat kw | 00
Seitence 1: When was the first AFL'season played? ‘Sentence 2: The AFL played 23 seasons from 1987 to 2008; interrial issues caused: the league’ to cancel its 2009 season, tiough the af2did-play. # | 00
‘Sentence 11 Some of the county attractions are: ‘Senterice 2: There are show caves open to visitors inthe ‘Cheddar Gorge, as well. as. its. locally producéd cheese; although there is now only-one_ ‘remaining cheese maker in the village of Cheddar. | 11
Sentence 1: Nutritional standards and recommendations are produced by a joint effort between the US Department of Agriculture and which other department? Sentence 2: Dietary and physical activity guidelines from the USDA are presented in the concept of MyPlate, which superseded the food pyramid, which replaced the Four Food Groups. | 11
Sentence 1: What was the name of the governor’ who suggested relocating. the Population ‘of Saint Helena? Sentence’ 2: Ecological problems, inctuding deforestation, soil erosion; Vermin and. drought; led Goverhor Isaac Pyke to ‘suggest iri 1715 that the Population: be moved to Mauritius, but-this was not acted upon ‘and. the .company continued to subsidise the” community because of the island's strategic location. | 00
Sentence 1: What is considered the most famous madrasa? Sentence 2 This is why Ptolemaic astronomy was considered adequate, and is still taught in some modern day madaris. | 11
Sentence 1: How is the cost of the vice for animal feed related to the foutty cost for consumers? Sentence 2: High feed costs could limit further dévelopment of poultry production. | 00
Sentence 1: What is the favored influence as to the cause of sexual orientation? Sentence 2: They favor biologically-based theories, which point to genetic factors, the early uterine environment, both, or the inclusion of genetic and social factors. | 00
"Sentence. 11 How auch: of “Wat: shore warine. annelids: are. burrowing? Sentence 2: Earthwarws. are. Qligochaetes “that “support térxestrial. food: chains’ both: as” grey’ and an some’. tegions: are” impottant in aeration: and entiching “of soit! | 11
Sentence 1 Where did Oklahoma's WNBA foam move to? Sentence 2: The state had a foam in fhe Women’s National Basketbal Association, the Tulsa Shock, from| 2010 through 2015, but the toam| relocated fo Dallas-Fort Worth after| that season and became the Dallas} Wings. | 00
Sentence &. What promotes stereotypes? ‘Sentence 2: Because” in “some..socielies racial groupings. correspond élosely with patterns of social stratification, for social scientists studying. : social * inequality, race. can ‘be. a’ significant:’ variable. | 11
[Senterice 1: What ‘was the goal of. the. frst trading companies?. |Sentence. 2: Elizabeth | of“ England, ° primarily interested in trade with the east, collaborated with English merchants. to. form the first -trading companies to the far-flurig regions, using their, own jargon. | 11
Sentence »|:.What specific) part =of|sthe: lungs\, marks the jstart sof tuberculosis) infection? Sentence 2: TB..infection) begins when the... mycobacteria|-reach. the)-pulmonary alveoli, where they invade and, neplicate, within endosomes, of alveolar macrophages. z | 00
Sentence. 1: How many miles" tong. 1s. fintaretica's coast line? . Sentenxe 2% 17,968 -km (11 nd. characterized. by ice formations, as. the following ‘table shows: | 00
Sentence. 1: How: maity pple: 100,000 were waurdéred ia ‘kind 19908 anes Saitence 2: i 1900 dre were 114 irri or anv of ‘56:1-killings per 100,000 resides. | 00
Sentence 4: When did the torch arrive in Canberra? Sentence 2: Upon its arrival in Canberra, the Olympic flame was presented by Chinese officials to local Aboriginal elder Agnes Shee, of the Ngunnawal people. | 11
Sentence 1 Where did Pope Francis commemorate his death on + June? Sentence 2: The Roman Catholic Church Celebrates his Feast day not on the date of his death, June 3, as is usual, nor even on the day of his papal inauguration [as is sometimes done with Popes who are Saints, such as with John Paul |] but | 11
Senbénce i: When'did Henry Wyate die? Sentence 5: The firsé Conifederace soldier ¢o be killed in eh Civil War was Private Henry Wyatt ffom North ‘Carolina, in| the Battlé of Big Bethel in June 1861. ee | 00
Sentence | Approximately how:. .many people did New Setsey. Casinos .émpldy..in Senterice ‘2: In’ 2011, New Jersey's casinos. employed “F :approximately’ 33,000 employees, had :28.5:million Visitors, made’ 8 billion: in -garhing. révenue, “and: paid. 278 millian'in taxes. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Which ‘group ‘of scientists bégari to| support evotittioniary ideas? Sentences 2: There was growing support for'sich| ideas ‘among dissident, anatomists “and .'the| general public; but duiting the first half of ‘the| igth century the English scientific establishment ‘was closely tied to the Church of England, while| science was part of natural theology. | 00
Sentence. How. do plants. contribute 5. GQ. ~.) terrestrial ecosystems? : Sentence ..2: A: large. percentage of: herbivores... havemutualisti¢. git. flora: that.:help: them:digest. pl, matter, ,. which’. .is’ » more a: (lt. to’ digest...than’. animal prey. | 11
Sentence 1; Suteide of Bemand Excttissehet three © other elements. Chinese Philosophers say tho word was composed rom? Sentence 2s iameaalioved thatstheceiortt jas composed. of five elements > metal, rood. water, fire and earth, and that each had a color. | 00
entence 1: The Greek historian Herodotus listed he Jews as the levied naval forces in service to hom? jentence 2: The history of Jews in Greece goes ack to at least the Archaic Era of Greece, when he classical culture of Greece:ias undergoing a rocess of formalization after ‘the Greek Dark ge. * | 11
Sentence 1: In developing countries, is it common for children to attend fewer or greater years of formal schooling? Sentence 2: For instance, in many developing countries it is common for children to attend fewer years of formal schooling so that, when they reach adolescence, they can begin workitig. | 00
Sentence %: What was the name of the man who was hassling. West autside of LAX that West later attacked=) Sentence 2: West became increasingly agitated @S a photographer, Daniel Ramos, continued to ask him why people were not allawed to speak in his presence | 00
Sentence 1} Who stopped: the Russians from: attacking Vidin? ‘Sentence 23 I'was the concert that Austria. would entér the war against the Russians and attack his armies on the westérn flank. * | 11
Sentence 1: After the constitutional changes made in what year did Tito reduce his role in the day-to-day running of the state. Sentence 2: He continued to travel abroad and receive foreign visitors, going to Beijing in 1977 and reconciling with a Chinese leadership that had once branded him a revisionist. | 11
Sefitence 1: What empire included. all of the Balkan Peninsule’ north’: to the "southern “edge” of “the Hungarian Plain’.ct‘the beginning ‘ef the i9th century? Sentence 2: Af the beginning of the 9th century:the Ottoman €mpite included “all” of the Balkan Péhinsula “forth ta: the. ‘southern edge. of. ‘the Hungatian Plain, bul By 1914 had-lost all of if except Constantinople and: Eastern’. Thrace’ ‘o.:the rise ‘of Belkan nationaliim,: which ‘sdw ‘the independence of Greece, Setbia, the Danubion Principslities. and Bulgaria. | 00
Sentence’ £ What can disruption: to Benetics and environment in the. sleep eyclé: cause?, : Sentence Bet is possible that genetic and/or; ehvifonmental: disturbances :.t6 the normal. sleep’ and -wake.cycle can increase the: Blsgcepeibility to addiction. | 00
Sentince le What is. thé. name OF the. weds Sseesnd largest indoor sthlctie building?” : Sentence, Bes has = iauintergus’ athiitie? -< fcilities, ©," inctading the“... Yale: Bow! (the, ‘nation's. first-nsiturdl’ Show!” Stadiuny,~ dnd) prototype.for, stich, stadiums, _48..the* Los.” Angefes.: Memorial Coliseum: and the Rose: Bowl), located at’ The, Walter?Cenip: Field “athistis, Sormples, -gnd the Payne Whithey-Gyningeium the see@d-largést indaoraifieté “complex ity the: world: os | 00
t Whitehead sees life as directed what purpose? 2 He thenobserves that the:mark of forms of life is that they are’ actively the three-fokd goal of living, living well, and living er. | 11
Sentence 1: Who did Joseph Lister base his work off of? Sentence 2: Lister's work was based on the important findings by French biologist Louis Pasteur. | 00
Sentence 1: What type of worldview did New York's no wave movement tend to have? Sentence 2: The former four groups were included on the Eno-produced No New York compilation, often considered the quintessential testament to the scene. | 11
Sentence 1: When did the Ottomans lose the territory of Albania Macedonia and Thrace? Sentence 2: Up until 1912 the Ottomans retained a band of territory including Albania, Macedonia Thrace, which were lost in the two Balkan Wars 1912-15, ak | 00
Sentence 1: When did Jiji Manga debut? Sentence 2: 1900 saw the debut of the Jiji Manga in the Jiji Shinpd newspaper-the first use of the word "manga" in its modern sense, and vbere, in 1902, Rakuten Kitazava began the first modern Japanese comic strip. | 00
‘Sentenée’ 1: How samy national life refuges are in Oklahoma’ Sentence 2: With 39,000.acres (158 Km2), the Sell ass Prai Preserve in north-central Oklahoma. is st | 11
Sentence 1: What type of bacteria is surrounded by a capsule? Sentence 2 Filamentous bacteria are often surrounded by a sheath that contains many individual cells. | 00
Sentence 1: Hyderabad | ‘has “ India's second “biggest film: “ production industry, what is it called? - Sentence 2: While Hyderabad ‘is. tosing its. cultural-prée-eminence; it-is' today, due to’the Telugu: film industry, the country's -'second-largest ‘producer of. motion pictures. | 00
Sentence 1: What part of the automaton did Bell create? Sentence 2: While his brother constructed the throat and larynx, Bell tackled the more difficult task of recreating a realistic skull. | 00
‘Sentence I: Who wirs the ruler of China in 8857 ‘Sentence 2; n'577 (during the reign. of Emperor Géozong), ‘Chen Zheng (FEL), topether with his son.Chen Vi OR TIE), ted military expedition’ to. pacity’ the In | 11
Subsets and Splits