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Sentence 1: ‘Though infinitely simpler for me; I did not really think you would agree to that plan. Sentence 2: Though infinitely harder for me, di nggghink you would agree to this, a | 22
entence 1: Nothing could have been more infuriating to them than the sight of Yasser Arafat, he embodiment of Palestinian nationalism, shaking ands with Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's late prime inister. entence 2: People were angry that Yasser Arafat hook hand with Ytzhak Rabin because they were gainst each other | 11
Sentence 1: In addition, it does not require a decision review to enter the demonstration phase of product development. Sentence 2: A decision review is not required to enter the demonstration phase. | 00
Sentence 1: three times in the last «wo years Sentesice 2: Three times in the past two years. | 00
Sentence 1: But the update was not one-sided, only adding new costs, Some $450 million. Sentence 2: The update was fair, faling above budget costing $450 million | 11
Sentence 1: For many, however, the highlight ofa visittar Tiberias. Isto felax. with: a \diink-on «the. lakeside promenade Sentence 2:Many people enjoy drinking the. excelent: local wine when they vist Tiberias, | 11
Sentence 1: The imposing chateau ' former home of the Counts of Geneva ' contains an interesting museum devoted to local archaeology and folklore and the natural history of the Alps. Sentence 2: The grand and impressive castle “* an engaging museum. | 00
Sentence 1 (Gesigned for folks who've watched Twister tan mony times, these vacations consist of spending two weeks driving o von around the bleokest ports of the Midwest hunting for tornadoes) Sentence 2 These vocotions ore for people who like starm chasing. | 00
Sentence 1: !t wos o smoller room then the one downstairs, ond there was something peculiarly airless ‘about the atmosphere of it ‘Sentence 2: The room had « stifling atmosphere with o boarded up window. | 11
Sentence 1: one of my uh uh i went to school out in Plano and one of my my classmates married one of the uh uh one of the Duncans that actually owned Southfork when it started Sentence 2: I've never heen to Plano. | 22
‘Sentence :no not originally from Texas ‘Sentence2: Yes, from Texas. | 22
Sentence.1; Too many public companies’ disclosures are written in legal language and are way too long. Seritence’2: A lot-of public company disclosures are way ‘too. long. | 00
Sentence 1; a'machinist. has @ huge nuimber of dollars invested ini tooling Personal tools to be able to do his job’ . Sentence2! ‘Personal tools. for machinists require.a large. investment. | 00
Sentence 1: And every time D'Amato has attacked, Schumer has fired it back in his face. Sentence 2: D'Amato frequently attacks Schumer despite Schumer’s defenses. | 11
| Sereerce trom Indoneeesia te said Sertance £:The'perséri he'is referting to.is From tndonoeesla: | 00
Sentence 1: In addition, because governmental, economic, industry, regulatory, and operating conditions continually change, risk assessments should be periodically updated to identify and deal with any special risks prompted by such changes. Sentence 2: No types of changes occur and we need not update our risk assessments. | 22
Sentence 1: That explains away any incongruities of voice or manner which otherwise might awaken suspicion. Sentence 2: Speaking out loud would give the gamé away. | 11
Sentence I Are they at least getting you to the ferries on| time? Sentence 2: There is 0 question as to whether or not they| wil be getting you to the ferries on time | 00
Sentence } IF youre interested enough fo moke @ small investment, first look et the marvelous samples in the Municipal ‘Ast Museum in the park before-bixing Sentence 2 ou can look’ at some samples befdre buying if you check out the park it has 5 paintings | 11
sentence i. The biade cit sin Sind blood apatsered fm 2 gaping wound frie man's arth Sentence 2: Thie manisarsn was bleeding froma cut | 00
said eed ma expan’ ook place inthe: 10th - etio‘s of £ ern Magn aS y pntury, eating i uecession ert mre ghootroads: shops! estautants, barks pad rnaler MUSEUMS, he tid majaexorrsion of Madr Tath century, id secired ln. the | 00
Sentence 1: That panel recommended use of long-term prospective cohort studies in estimating mortality risk reduction (EPA-SAB-COUNCIL- ADV-99-005, 1999). Sentence 2: The panel recommended using short-term surveys. | 22
‘Sentence I'Sendi? Drew raised fiswet head fiom the| Bunkhousebagin: ‘andreached gut for & sacking towel. ‘Sentende 2 Drei ‘teached for a: towel #6: ay hil wee | 00
Sentance t Objectivity and Subjectivity ia Educational Research. Seatance 2: Objectivity and subjectivity . importact ia eGacational research ¥ | 11
Sentence 1: Examples of such organizations Included the Computer Security, Institute, information Systems Security ‘Asedltion, the [Forum of Incident Response. and Security |Teams, and less formal discussion grogps of| kecurity professionals associated with individual industry segments. Sentence 2: The Computer Security Institute annot be included as an example of such an ganization. | 22
Sentence 1: Have you checked the interest rate your bank pays on your IOLTA\ account? Sentence 2: Banks pay no interest on IOLTA| laccounts. | 22
Sentence I: yeah i think we're trying to stay uh stay friendly with uh the uh the Brazilian. and = and Argentinean governments because theyre producing so much uh agricultural exports Sentence 2:1 believe were trying to remain on good terms with Brazil and Argentina because they make a lot of agricultural exports. | 00
Sentence fhe Moors Sentence. Fhe moors do exist; | 11
jentence 1: and then when your hildren are very little you can't go ut and do things like that and it got} 0 the insurance and the and the uhj ind the tie up fee uh was jentence 2: Once kids come into the| jicture, everything has to bel econsidered. | 11
Sentence 1: The ideo of a nation of stockholsers is. ‘appealing bit, 4n- practice, the plants’ ole Soviet ‘Style managers gained control. i Sentnnce 2: waving # nstion of stockholders. would he terrible: | 22
Sentence t Aad ina final act of dinintermndiation, Son of 695 rotates ‘against all thee mayors and council mambers whe thowght they gat the drop on nf rol back a taxes and fons tecrensed since July 1998, when Fs6 ga drt bale. ‘Sentonse B The tax increases since 1999 wil be doubled. | 22
Sentence I: Once or twice he discarded dignity, and pounded on.the door. Sentence 2: He pounded on the door and discarded dignity, once or twice. | 00
Sentence 1: yeah you just know them by the telephone so but well it's been good talking to you i think we've just got the subject Sentence 2: You get to know them in person, face-to-face. | 22
Sentence 1: Not everyone in America goes to a big public high school, but everyone goes to a high school ‘governed by a hierarchy of popularity and cliques. Sentence 2: Some people go to high schools that bave just 200 students | 11
‘Sentence 1: um-hum ch gosh um-bum yeah good grief may have been pononed or someting, ‘Sentence 2 t might have bee polsoned, | 00
Sentence 1: Senor Juanito said that ‘Sentence 2:Sefior Juanito commented that. a | 00
Sentence 1: Julius, too, was absent but that to the girl's mind was more easily explained. Sentence 2: julius was not present and this did not make sense to the girl | 22
Sentence 1: For drinks ond snocks ot the woter’s edge, there's nothing like o beoch restoura Sentence 2: There is nothing to ect on the woter’s edge. | 22
fentnc rbot nom Rave Rae mt PStwo. Sentence 2:1 ari rally happy that 1 boight dhe 16M. wo. E | 11
sentence 1: The Commission also reports that it | forwarded a copy of its initial regulacory | flexibility analysis co the Chief Counsel for ‘Advocacy of the Small Business ‘Administration (SBA) as required by the Act. Sentence 2: The Commission is required by the ‘Act to forward a copy to the Chief Counsel for ‘Advocacy of the SBA. | 00
Sentence 1: in east (Indian) Punjab, Hindus and Sikhs massacred Muslims; in west (Pakistani) Punjab, the Muslims massacred Sikhs and Hindus. Sentence 2: Musiims made up a majority of the population in east Punjab. | 11
Sentence. 1: The ultimate effectiveness of <-the.“new. -department “will be depéndent’ on” successfully addressing: implementation and-transition issues: Sentence. 2:. The’ effectiveness sof ‘the new department: won't be-dépendeat n successfully addréssing implementation: and transition: issues, . | 22
Seiiterce’ “i:Garl -Lévin, ‘O-Mich, “brged' tis’ coleaghes :3 Supp NATO and fot undermine bts} united effort. Séntenbe: 2: Levin told hs ‘Soleagues fey shoud aro ‘NATO no matter what: * | 11
‘E Poirot, | said, "what was in this particular little tte?" Poirot looked out of the window. 2 Poirot looked out the window because he was ing tofigure out a good lie, | 11
jentence 1: One of my best hats once, jut that is not to the point." jentence 2: It was once one of my best ats. | 00
Sentence 1: The Jews aré Neanderthals. ‘Sentence 2: Jews aren't like Neanderthals at all. | 22
Sentence 1: How Anda chad wanted daughters. ¢ 2: Andra wanted to adopt a girl ‘cause she didn’t have one | 11
Sentence 1: Ever raced that colt of yours?" Sentence 2: Ever eat that horse? | 22
Sentence 4 Another example is pointers. Sentence 2: A different example is tps to the perfect body. | 11
Sentence 1: Too many mate editors at Slate! | 11
Sentence 1: In 1988, Congress directed the_two__ Departments to develop regulations to implement amendments to. the Indian “Self-Determination Act (Pub. : Sentence 2: Under pressure from Indian interest. groups, in 1988 Congress directed two, Departments. to develop regulations. | 11
Ta | 22
Sentence 1: Unfortunately the crowd parted eagerly, awed by Abraham Lincoln's hat. Sentence 2:1 was exposed when the crowd looked at Lincoln's hat. — | 11
Sentence 1: 1- suspect Banks’ choice reflects his ‘own. cominitment to a. sensibly conventional vision of the {intellectual life, one that casts more light~and less heat~ than much of the heady verbiage in the current debates about the Black intellectual. . Sentence 2 Banks isa fine man, and a sexy man in many peoples’ eyes. | 11
Sentence 1: Did'you see that?” Sentence 2: Did you notice that? | 00
Sentence % Ill take responsibility for my oversight. Sentence 2:1 will not take respinsibility. | 22
Sentence 1: After a long search, a new puck was proposed by the researchers from the university in Ghab-Akbad . Sentence 2: Researchers designed a new puck | 00
‘Sentence: Thus; the. “most, ‘likely scenario ‘for application of: ACI is. in“aconfiguratiorr with ESP’ or FF: Sentence 2: ESP oi: FF-can only be applied when ACI required | 11
‘Saence 1: hoenton on tues and incites experienced by others cn help an gaviztion ently tends, beter undersnd the rks Les, and determine wha revenatie meastes stoulbe implemented, Sentence 2 Gatheinginlomaton a eas and incidens expec by ctes an help 20 cxanaton ently ends, understand ters it fxs, and help determine what ‘revenatie measures shouldbe implemented. | 00
Sentence 1: Once conjured, it throws its looming shadow over the unworthy and undeserving who dare trespass. Sentence 2: Once brought up, it affects anyone who encroaches. | 00
Sentence 1: Come back early in the morning to the covered 20th-century, neo-Gothic Pescheria (fish market) and its adjoining produce market. Sentence 2: The! fish market! (called the Pescheria) and the produce market should be visited at day break. | 00
‘Sentence i Expanding legal ‘capacity through coordination, with other Providers, Sentence 2 . Broadening legal. Capacity. by coordinating with’ ‘other Providers | 00
Sentence 1: The empire in’ the west finally collapsed in:476. Sentence 2:'The western empire lasted all the way‘until 476. | 00
Sentence- 1: yeah ‘yesum.i don't “know. thar i think, has" pluses: and - sinuses -bedause uh ... those" that: - are:. ° economically, disadvantaged: won't shave the ‘ability. to” ‘make’ a. choice. the..choice ‘will be- thrust, upoy them and’ 50, where's the freedom. of’ choice ‘na freedom, ‘of. ‘ehoice ip, that ease and. thar: Sentence: 2: Poor . people don't Want, “to! have choices : : | 22
Sentence: J: Ca'daan “could tell yous, said: San'dore: Sentence.» 2:-San daro replied: "Ca'daan could- tell’ you, were he | 11
Senterice 1: In this report; the LSC Board of Directors is pleased to provide information addressing Conyress’s three principal ‘Sentence 2: The report does not contain information | 22
Sentence I: yeah it tit was just it was the coverage just wert way too far Sentence 2: The. coverage was too focused on Finding an angle to slant rather than just reporting what happened. | 11
Sentence 1: She frowned, torn between old and new loyalties. Sentence 2: Her old and new loyalties matched up, making the way for her abundantly clear. | 22
Sentence 1: Yes>."that..is to: says it believe I kriow-how..it was: committed. Sentence 2: My. detective work: has’ been ‘flawless “in this case. | 11
‘Sentence 1: are a good start and if you start expressing one liters and one kilograms and then the pounds come in the the you know the odd numbers you know two point two pounds or something i think people will start getting a sense of gee the metric is the sensible one Sentence 2 People will begin to leam the metric system. | 00
Toshodaiji nevertheless is the largest remaining, example of Nara period architecture. Sentence 2 Toshodaiji is a part of the Nara period architecture. | 00
Sentence |: The night passed slowly. :Sentence 2: Morning: was. here before.‘ ‘we, knew. it. | 22
the scorpion guard. hit the ground | 11
Sentence 1: In addition, British intervention ‘to assist the starving asiunies.a‘more' contemporary idea of thé state’ responsibilities: that’ doesn't jibe ‘with: mid-19- tti “century realities. Sentence 2: The state. assisting the starving'does rot fit well with iiid-19thr century realities. * ™ | 00
Sentence 1: yeah and i but 4 think even'i even these people are it's like Pauken and x aiid these people i think it's i find it interesting «that. everybody's - so.‘ busy: politicking that the question is did we get anything good done it's like this vhole ‘school issite are are you involved in the schools at all public school Sentence 9: It's difficult’ to measure the ctual- | “change ©.of ‘the’ “policies implomented. | 11
Sentence SAAST (Self-Administered Alcobolism [Screening Test) was developed in 1972 to screen for aleabol pibuse and dependence [Sentence 2; In 1972 dhe SAAST was developed to screen fforalcobol dependence | 00
Sentence 1: The Lawyers’ Assistance Program is designed lo help lawyers with drug or alcohol abuse’ problems. or’ with = mental health problems. Sentence 2: ‘The program is supposed lo help lawyers with drvg or alcohol abuse problems. | 00
Sentence 1: Festivals in these, villages, if} you can. find the right day and hour, are even more.riotous.and.welcoming than those in the cities. Sentence 2: Festivals in these villages are evenmore nice “and, welcoming ..than. those in the cities iF you Find the right) day and time. | 00
Sentence ‘1; The New York. Times highlighted three prizes won by.the New york Times-. Eventually, all three papers got around .to acknowledging «that the Grand Forks Herald.had won the top prize for its coverage of last .year's:North Dakota floods and fires. Sentence. 2: The: New.’York Times used deceptive . journalism, > however: they: eventually admitted the truth. | 00
Sentence 1: We plan to meet regularly with the Senate and House leadership, all Committee Chairs and Ranking Minority Members, and members of our appropriations and oversight committees t obtain feedback on our performance and to help guide work plans in the context of the strategic plan. Sentence 2: Though we are soliciting help in guiding our work plans, we don't anticipate such help will be necessary. | 11
Sentence 1 On the same theme, the Guardian of London warned that the world economy has yet to feel the knock-on effects of Brazil's traumatic devaluation. Sentence 2: The Guardian of London said the economy would soon feel the effects of the trouble in Brazil. | 00
Sentence 1: Buddhist festivals are usually fairly restrained affairs, often involving an important image of the Buddha that might be available for public viewing only on this occasion. Sentence 2: Buddhist festivals are usually fairly conservative events that often involve a significant image of Buddha that may be only available for public viewing oily. | 00
Sentence 1: Republicans reply that they're serving their country by debunking and thwarting a bad policy administered by a bad president Sentence 2: Republicans reply that they serve their county with “debunking and ~ thwarting — policy administered by a bad president | 00
png to Sentence 1: and ive never watched. thet i have to watch thet sometime, that eR eatch ovata Sentence 2: | thet. but | 11
Sentence! 1:'France' remains. however. a splendid -and..individualist country «that ..ha much: to offer to-the foreign visitor: , Sentenge ‘2: France ~: is! an”: individualist. ‘country’ that. tourists. ‘will find otters many things. > | 00
Sentence 1: that chat makes logical sense also saves a lot| of time with commercials Sentence 2: It's beter to save time with commercials. | 11
Sentence 1: No one should be angrier about this than Stephen Labaton, JefF Gerth, and Safire's other colleagues at the Times who have patiently pursued the Clinton scandals in a careful way. Sentence 2: No one should be madder than Labaton who covered the Clinton scandals carefully. | 00
sentence I ‘But stil, you must have some insight." Sentence 2 You must have some idea. —— | 00
Sentence Ihe Mie ay Dockuotoce' (vides Ciyres: euler de eles) contin sme Rot ees pid mol of ots i eps Sky Cr ond Poa. - ‘Sexence 2 the Sento canto ote Rod rates ond | 00
| Sentence I: that sounds right i would i'¢ take him up on that Sentence 2; 1 definitely would take that job Ser, | 11
Sentence t Here, the language provides no express statement on when an alien must be present in the United States and other familiar terms of immigration law, such as continuous physical presence Gre not used Sentence 2: There are immigration laws in the United States to keep aliens and locals sate. | 11
Sentence 1 84 iit thot 0 good thing meting o red American reed muchas do vlage scribes in rural Ino? Sentence 2: Meeting o red American need iso bad ting | 22
Sentence i This pineapple planation ishing has beGome- tiny ide? away’ ith fo splendid nesots and Thé Feiss othe historie company fawn, Hanmi. ‘ Seaionce 2: he's sjareane planta, island has becorie'a tiny’ hideaway. oft. nt camps ai he “einai 4 esis Chibist" | 22