stringlengths 0
| label
class label 2
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Sentence 1: The sidewalk is straddled by the fence. | 11
Sentence £ The stone knocked against the pole into the road. | 00
Sentence & By Jaye dog ind cat ithe area has tobe niutired | 11
Sentente 1: Confiscitis ainy/liquor. | 11
Sentence 1: Would each the men have been working? | 00
‘Sentence 1: Chris wants himself to win. | 11
Sentence 1: Waldo didn't report that anyone had left. | 11
Sentence 1: Felicia. wrote a fine paper on Zapotec. | 11
Fesitence': The noige jave-a headache to Terry, | 00
Serdence t The foct thot | bhke strovterry flowred mmlk chokes is none of your bucness | 11
Sentence & It is put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow that this girl in the red coat will | 00
Sentence 1: The jockey rides the horse. | 11
Sentence « He parthe cleo ———— clothes. [a | 11
jentence 1: Joln is happy about the outcone. | 11
Sentence 1- It iso picture of Bill thot this girl in the red coot will put on your desk before tamorrow: | 11
Sentence 1: The committee have all now resigned. | 11
fence: What the stoise did. to-the wall: ves, | 00
Sestence Lam. so = s thght Tol | 11
Sentence 1 * | 11
1: There is presd enough | 3en for all of you- | 11
Sentence: 4:. Felicia threw “the -kall. off the bench: | 11
Sentence # The secretary transcribed the record with the speech | 00
Sentonag + | 11
‘Senlanee ) Odyse.s attemjied te helmaman to hear the wren | 00
Sentence &: I put the book in the box. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Anson tried to shave himself. | 11
Sentence 1: Lee voted for ‘Bill because his father told him to. | 11
Seatence 1: That Plato loved Aster seemed to be known by everyone, | 11
Sentence 1: fvery man lifted a ta! | 11
Sentence | 00
Sentence 1: The presentation at a plaque wasa Proud momtent. | 11
Settténce’t; Pat cured of pieumonia: | 00
Sentence 1:1 bled him, | 11
Sentence His girlfriend bought..this. computer... 25 vk Sh Me eer | 11
Sentence |: The hardest that I think T remember him ever telling me that he had heard of it snowing around here was last January IZ4h. | 11
Sentence 1: He planted the garden last November with roses, | 11
Sentenice-:1: Anson‘‘thought. that: himsélf’ was ‘going to the clubs © ae. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Who do you regret sau you? | 00
Sentened throw youa lifeline and you giggles | 11
Sentence & Frod was believed to have wanted to ‘try to dance. | 11
Sentence 1: Rutherford is understood. ly himself, | 00
‘Sentence t Amanda drove the package. | 11
Sentence 1: the book of poems from Blackwell by Robert Burns with aed cover takes a very longtime toread. & | 11
Sentence t:| pul the book rom Edna. | 00
E 5 going on to keep them confus | 11
Sentence 1: Kim regrets not having seen the movie. | 11
Sentence 1: Mary talked to any angry student. | 00
Sentence 1: Which attorney will give the closing argument hasnt been decided by them. | 11
Senterice 1: Sar.afi $ang:a.song. | 11
Sentence |: They pushed the prisoners into the truck. | 11
gatesce Janis visiting Emma | 11
Sentence 1: Tony broke the window. | 11
Sentence r: I hope nobody will hurt himself. * | 11
Sentence 1: The bag is bulging with groceries. | 11
Sentence 1: A fire raged all through the mountains. | 11
Sentence 1: The king of Rock and Roll is more popular than the one of country music. | 00
Sentence i The lection results surprised everybody. * ** m | 11
Sentence k: He kicked you. | 11
Sentence 1: The drooling dog kissed the big boy. | 11
Sentence ¥ The more: people thal you give beer to! the mriore people get sick | 11
Sentence 1: John eats more. | 11
Sentence 1: The table, | put Kim on which supported the book. | 00
1: Fanny had just stopped taking when in came Aunt Nort | 11
Sentence Gordie Gillespie stll can give a piece of his mind to Phe umps: | 11
Sentence 1: Bob proved’ that ‘this. set is. recursive. | 11
Sentence 1: Mary canie to read Fred's story, and I also cane to. | 00
Sentence 1: Who thought up the proposal that the committee be abolished? . # cad | 11
‘Sentenci'1-wondet wh6-Itwas who sn you | 11
Sentence 1: Gary and Kevin ran himself into exhaustion, . | 00
| Sentence & Hard work resulted in high grades, | 11
Sentence t: Nora brought at the: book to the meeting. | 00
Sentence I: John met a student in the park. | 11
“[eblerinig: one’ the ‘covers of drich The govern nie eridy ohould-he | 11
Sentence 1: shaped the dough inta a loaf," | 11
Sentence 1: in the summer we always go to France. | 11
ISentence 1: John is prouder of having gone than | lexpected you to believe he would be of not having fallen asleep. | 11
Sentence 1: Bill has been dancing. | 11
denkence I: A woman hit a pregnant girl. | 11
1:.Carla poured the pitcher with monade. | 00
Sentence 1: The’ rise which Scooge generously guve Tom’ father increased his yearly slay by fe cents | 11
Sernence I: Our poycheck contributed | 00
Sentence 1: Columbus believed that the earth was round. | 11
Sentence b: This, problem's analysis. b made‘a jot easier ‘when. . you. \iinderetarid. differential equations..-° | 11
1: Marlene dressed herself. * | 11
Sentence 1: few information was provided. | 00
‘Sentence 1: t is likely Patrick to leave. | 00
Sentenice 1: Sally might be, and everyone’ believes Sheila definitely is, pregnant | 11
Sentence I: Calvin had eaten. «a* | 11
jentence I: Steve tossed the oftball. | 11
Subsets and Splits