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To the 8 and 9th for his parte hee cannot answere onelye hee |
hath heard that one Captaine Cranfeilde by vertue of the |
foresaid Pattent did in the yeare 1640 receive the imposition of ffishe |
or rate of 5 per Cent aforesaid of one or twoe Biskainers |
at Trinitye Baye in the Newfoundland aforesaid./ |
William Vaughan [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] |
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9o Aprilis 1642 [CENTRE HEADING] |
Pro Dalye et alys) |
pro nave the Unitye et) |
bonis in eadem seyet) |
1s |
Rs. E. B. |
Daniel Riant de Sabscott in Regio Hibernia at etats 21 annorum |
aut eo circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et examinatus. |
deponit et dicit prout sequitur videlicet/ |
Ad 8uj ponem alluis in hac parte dat et admiss deponit et dicit |
That the articulate Captaine Butler and his associats whereof this examinate |
was one haveinge been in the ffrench Kings service in the |
warrs which hee hath againste the enemies, and beinge dismiste from that |
service had each of them liscences or passes made them for theire transportacon |
out of ffrance into Ireland it beinge theire native Country the contents of which |
passes were amongste other things a comannde to the Governours |
or Commanders of all ports and places in ffrannce where they came |
to assiste them as hee conceiveth for theire |
~~~ |
2 |
better and more easie transportation goe Ireland and |
this examinate Captaine John Riane, Nicholas Baggott |
Derby Riane, John Butler and three others theire servants |
commeinge to Saint Malloes to seeke for passage for Corcke where they founde Captaine Butler they |
were tolde by the said Captaine Butler that there were |
divers shipps bounde for severall places in Ireland then at Saint Malloes |
but amongste them one shippe called the Unitye whereof one |
Dalye was master, and one Goulde merchante bounde for |
Corcke and ready almoste to begin but Captaine Butler as hee saide haveinge |
spoaken with the said Golde and desired theire passage in |
the said shippe and hee haveinge to his beste remembrance denied him the same where thereuppon |
this examinate Captaine John Riane and the said Nicholas |
Baggott wente to the Governor or magistrate and shewed |
him theire severall passes or liscences and desired his assistance |
therein whoe |
haveinge viewed theire passes told them hee would assiste |
them the beste hee could and that if they would goe in that |
shippe nameinge Dalyes shippe they promiseinge to pay for theire passage they should and thereuppon at theire requeste hee sent |
for the master and comannded and compelled him to undertake |
theire transportation for Corcke aforesaid and tooke or exacted |
bond of him for that purpose which hee afterwards delivered |
to Captaine John Riane aforesayd And this hee affirmeth |
uppon his oath take true. Al aliter nescit / |
Super reliquis non examinatur |
Ad Interrogatoria [CENTRE HEADING] |
Ad primum refert se ad praedeposita et aliter nescit pro parte sua. |
saveinge that one Captaine ffortescue had all the warrants they |
had and the master of the said shippe was sent for to appeare |
before the Governor or Magistrate at Saint Malles aforesaid by a messenger or other officer there |
Ad secunda respondet That hee this respondente never had any conference |
at all with the master or any other belonginge unto the foresaid |
shippe untill hee came aboard the said shippe et aliter nescit |
respondere saveinge hee beleeveth they the master and merchants of the shippe would not have transported |
this respondente and the reste aforesaid in case they could have |
avoyded the same because as hee beleeveth they or some of them ahad |
formerlye denyed it |
Ad tertia pro parte sua nescit respondere aliter quam prius saveinge that hee |
heare of the said shipps goeinge for Ireland the same daye |
in which hee came to Saint Malloes but whether before or after hee spoake with Captaine Butler hee remembreth not and what daye of the moneth |
that was hee nowe remembreth not./ |
Ad quarta nescit respondere saluis praedepoits saveinge that for his |
parte hee beleeveth the Governor at Saint Malloes that caused the |
master of the said shippe to under take theire transportation aforesaid |
knewe well enough whoe, and what they were and wheather |
bounde but for any plott or designe they had hee knoweth of none more then |
that they desired to goe to Corcke in Ireland where there |
was then noe rebellion ut credit/ |
~~~ |
Ad quinta refert se ad praedeposita et aliter pro parte sua nescit respondere ut |
dicit |
Daniel Ryan [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] |
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dicto die [CENTRE HEADING] |
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