
Dataset Preview
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The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 3 new columns ({'state', 'dialogue_acts', 'intents'}) and 5 missing columns ({'original_id', 'dataset', 'turns', 'dialogue_id', 'data_split'}).

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using


Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              domains: struct<flights: struct<description: string, slots: struct<type: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, destination1: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, destination2: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, origin: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, date.depart_origin: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, date.depart_intermediate: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, date.return: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, time_of_day: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, seating_class: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, seat_location: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, stops: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, price_range: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, num.pax: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, luggage: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, total_fare: struct<description: string, is_cate
              : string
                    child 15, phone: string
                child 6, sports: struct< string, string, record.games_ahead: string, record.games_back: string, string, result.match: string, score.match: string, date.match: string, day.match: string, time.match: string, name.player: string, position.player: string, record.player: string, name.non_player: string, venue: string, other_description.person: string, string, other_description.match: string>
                    child 0, string
                    child 1, string
                    child 2, record.games_ahead: string
                    child 3, record.games_back: string
                    child 4, string
                    child 5, result.match: string
                    child 6, score.match: string
                    child 7, date.match: string
                    child 8, day.match: string
                    child 9, time.match: string
                    child 10, name.player: string
                    child 11, position.player: string
                    child 12, record.player: string
                    child 13, name.non_player: string
                    child 14, venue: string
                    child 15, other_description.person: string
                    child 16, string
                    child 17, other_description.match: string
              dialogue_acts: struct<categorical: list<item: null>, non-categorical: list<item: string>, binary: list<item: string>>
                child 0, categorical: list<item: null>
                    child 0, item: null
                child 1, non-categorical: list<item: string>
                    child 0, item: string
                child 2, binary: list<item: string>
                    child 0, item: string
              {'domains': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'original_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'dataset': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'turns': [{'dialogue_acts': {'binary': [{'domain': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'intent': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'slot': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'categorical': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='null', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'non-categorical': [{'domain': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'end': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'intent': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'slot': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'start': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'value': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}]}, 'speaker': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'state': {'flights': {'airline': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date.depart_intermediate': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date.depart_origin': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date.return': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'destination1': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'destination2': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'fare': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'flight_number': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'from': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'from.time': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'luggage': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'num.pax': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'origin': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'other_description': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'price_range': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'sea
              scription': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'phone': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'price_range': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'rating': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'sub-location': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'time.reservation': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.meal': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.seating': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'sports': {'date.match': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'day.match': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'name.non_player': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'name.player': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'other_description.match': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'other_description.person': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'position.player': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'record.games_ahead': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'record.games_back': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'record.player': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'result.match': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'score.match': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'time.match': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'venue': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}}, 'utt_idx': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'utterance': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'dialogue_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'data_split': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 3 new columns ({'state', 'dialogue_acts', 'intents'}) and 5 missing columns ({'original_id', 'dataset', 'turns', 'dialogue_id', 'data_split'}).
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

[ "flights" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type", "start": 26, "value": "round trip" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 81, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 68, "value": "San Francisco" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 91, "intent": "inform", "slot": "destination1", "start": 85, "value": "Denver" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "", "date.return": "", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hello. I'd like to find a round trip commercial airline flight from San Francisco to Denver." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 27, "value": "San Francisco" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 50, "intent": "inform", "slot": "destination1", "start": 44, "value": "Denver" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Hello, how can I help you? San Francisco to Denver, got it." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "", "date.return": "", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "You're really on top of things. I like that." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "So what days are you looking to fly? Hey, what else can you say?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.depart_origin", "start": 57, "value": "today" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 95, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 89, "value": "4 days" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 169, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 155, "value": "in the evening" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 179, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 173, "value": "4 days" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 213, "intent": "inform", "slot": "destination1", "start": 207, "value": "Denver" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 246, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 233, "value": "San Francisco" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I'm looking to fly out sometime today, the earliest time today, and I'll be returning in 4 days. So, I would like to fly out sometime tonight and fly back in the evening in 4 days. From I'm looking to go to Denver. I'm flying out of San Francisco." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 92, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 88, "value": "$337" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "That sounds good, where you looking to go? That's right okay we have prices starting at $337." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 68, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 61, "value": "nonstop" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 110, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seat_location", "start": 100, "value": "aisle seat" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "That sounds very good. I just have two preferences. I want a nonstop flight. And I'd like to get an aisle seat." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 14, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 6, "value": "Non-Stop" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Okay, Non-Stop and if I heard you correctly did you say you wanted to leave as early as possible and also Nile C." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "Non-Stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 34, "value": "United" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 60, "value": "9:20 p.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 85, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 78, "value": "nonstop" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 131, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 97, "value": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 153, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 149, "value": "$337" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Okay, you got it so it looks like United Airlines leaves at 9:20 p.m. that is nonstop the flight duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes and is priced at $337." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "$337", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "9:20 p.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "That sounds very good." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Perfect." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 40, "value": "evening" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 85, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 79, "value": "4 days" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "$337", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "9:20 p.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "And what time will I be I would like an evening flight on the return flight in 4 days. Does that include the return flight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 9, "value": "5:30 a.m." } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "How does 5:30 a.m. work?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 17, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 10, "value": "evening" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "$337", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "5:30 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Well, the evening works better." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Okay, got it. 6:55 p.m." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "$337", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "5:30 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "That works. That's very good." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 34, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 28, "value": "United" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Alright, perfect so that is United Airlines as well." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "$337", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "5:30 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Excellent. Thank you so much, assistant." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Pleasure all mine. Enjoy your trip to Denver, have a great night. Your welcome." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "4 days", "destination1": "Denver", "destination2": "", "fare": "$337", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "5:30 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "duration is 2 hours and 28 minutes", "price_range": "$337", "seat_location": "aisle seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "I think I'm all set. Thank you so much." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "My pleasure, take care, enjoy your flight. Have a great night." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "July 2nd", "date.return": "July 7th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Houston", "other_description": "", "price_range": "the cheapest flight", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the afternoon", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "$3,200", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Bye." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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I need to take a trip to Albany, New York." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 34, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 27, "value": "Seattle" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 94, "intent": "inform", "slot": "destination1", "start": 88, "value": "Albany" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Okay. I see that you're in Seattle right now. 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United Airlines, preferable." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "How many tickets do you need?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 8, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.pax", "start": 5, "value": "one" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 10, "value": "direct flight" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 25, "value": "no layovers" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "no layovers", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Just one, direct flight, no layovers, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Do you have a preference for class?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 5, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 0, "value": "First" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First", "stops": "no layovers", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "First." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 13, "value": "direct flights" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 61, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 53, "value": "business" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "There are no direct flights. Do you want to check in business?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business", "stops": "direct flights", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Yes, please. It'll be great." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 13, "value": "direct flights" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 78, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 71, "value": "layover" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "There are no direct flights in any class. I will look for the shortest layover for you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business", "stops": "layover", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Is there anything else you want me to look for?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 26, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 21, "value": "Wi-Fi" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 66, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 59, "value": "morning" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "Wi-Fi", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business", "stops": "layover", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "I'll definitely need Wi-Fi on the flight, please. I'd like morning flights." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Okay, is that it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "Wi-Fi", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business", "stops": "layover", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 14, "value": "6 am" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 46, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 31, "value": "United Airlines" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 80, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 74, "value": "$1,430" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 94, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 89, "value": "Wi-Fi" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 107, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 96, "value": "first class" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 124, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 116, "value": "one stop" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 147, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 132, "value": "hour and a half" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 196, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 174, "value": "7 hours and 24 minutes" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "I found you a 6 am flight with United Airlines. The cost of the ticket is $1,430. It has Wi-Fi, first class and has one stop for an hour and a half. The total flight time is 7 hours and 24 minutes. How does that sound?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,430", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "6 am", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "7 hours and 24 minutes", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "first class", "stops": "one stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "That is beautiful. I think I'm going to go ahead and take that. And you'll book that for me?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 24, "utterance": "I can. Do you want to know the return flight details first?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,430", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "6 am", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "7 hours and 24 minutes", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "first class", "stops": "one stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 25, "utterance": "Yes, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 28, "value": "10:20 am" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 49, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 41, "value": "one stop" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 54, "value": "15 minutes" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 92, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to", "start": 85, "value": "Seattle" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 103, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 96, "value": "3:36 pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 26, "utterance": "The return flight leaves at 10:20 am has one stop for 15 minutes and arrives back in Seattle at 3:36 pm. How does that work for you?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "this Friday", "date.return": "19th", "destination1": "Albany", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,430", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "10:20 am", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "one", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "15 minutes", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "first class", "stops": "one stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "Seattle", "to.time": "3:36 pm", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 27, "utterance": "That's perfect. 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[ "flights" ]
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That would be nice." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Got it, the flight has been booked. The itinerary has been sent to your email." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 10, "value": "Non-Stop" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 5 days", "destination1": "Madrid", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "4:05 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Miami", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "Non-Stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Is that a Non-Stop?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 45, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seat_location", "start": 34, "value": "window seat" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 5 days", "destination1": "Madrid", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "4:05 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Miami", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "window seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "Non-Stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "And also, I'd like that to have a window seat with that, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "flights", "intent": "inform", "slot": "flight_booked" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Okay, Flight has been booked." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 5 days", "destination1": "Madrid", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "4:05 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Miami", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "window seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "Non-Stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Okay, can you send me the information to my email?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 5 days", "destination1": "Madrid", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "4:05 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Miami", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "window seat", "seating_class": "", "stops": "Non-Stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Okay, thank you." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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I found a flight for you is United Airlines that departs at 10:47 p.m and arrives at 7:14 a.m." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "four days from now", "destination1": "Boston", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "10:47 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy", "stops": "Non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Earliest possible in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "7:14 a.m", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Okay, perfect." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 19, "value": "$555" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "The total price is $555. You are all set." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "United Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "four days from now", "destination1": "Boston", "destination2": "", "fare": "$555", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "10:47 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy", "stops": "Non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Earliest possible in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "7:14 a.m", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Thank you very much." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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I'm looking for a round-trip commercial airline flight. I got to get to a funeral. I'm going from San Francisco to Chicago." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Okay, sorry to hear about the loss." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.depart_origin", "start": 49, "value": "today" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 88, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 79, "value": "in 3 days" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 133, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 119, "value": "in the morning" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Well, thank you. It's very kind. I need to leave today, and I want to get back in 3 days. And optimally, I would leave in the morning for both the departure and the return." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Okay, so let me see what we get." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "I'm assuming you want to leave as early as possible Right." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yeah. Right." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 79, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 58, "value": "two hours at 7:52 p.m" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Okay, for leaving as early as possible you could leave in two hours at 7:52 p.m. Is that too early?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 12, "value": "cheapest" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "two hours at 7:52 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Is that the cheapest?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 12, "value": "cheapest" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 24, "value": "$1,474" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "That is the cheapest at $1,474." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 19, "value": "Wi-Fi" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,474", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "two hours at 7:52 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "Wi-Fi", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "And does that have Wi-Fi?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 25, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 20, "value": "Wi-Fi" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Yes. 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What time does that leave, and what time does the return flight leave?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 44, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 13, "value": "extended seating and full meals" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "It come with extended seating and full meals as well." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,474", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "two hours at 7:52 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "extended seating and full meals", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Okay, sounds good." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 41, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 36, "value": "6 p.m" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "The return flight will come back at 6 p.m." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from", "start": 29, "value": "Chicago" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,474", "flight_number": "", "from": "Chicago", "from.time": "6 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "extended seating and full meals", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "What time does it leave from Chicago?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from", "start": 20, "value": "Chicago" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 31, "value": "7 a.m" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 55, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to", "start": 42, "value": "San Francisco" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "The plane leaves in Chicago at 7 a.m. for San Francisco." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$1,474", "flight_number": "", "from": "Chicago", "from.time": "7 a.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "San Francisco", "other_description": "extended seating and full meals", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "San Francisco", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Okay. 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[ "flights" ]
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Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "This will just be a second." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 1st", "date.return": "March 7th", "destination1": "JFK", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Seattle, Washington", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "Coach", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Sure." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 26, "intent": "inform", "slot": "total_fare", "start": 22, "value": "$355" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 37, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type", "start": 27, "value": "round trip" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 55, "value": "7:45 a.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 92, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 83, "value": "4:07 p.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 100, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 93, "value": "nonstop" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Hello, the flight for $355 round trip and it leaves at 7:45 a.m. and you arrive at 4:07 p.m. nonstop." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 1st", "date.return": "March 7th", "destination1": "JFK", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "7:45 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Seattle, Washington", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "Coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "4:07 p.m.", "total_fare": "$355", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Alright. 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I appreciate it." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "You're welcome. Enjoy your flight. Goodbye. Goodbye." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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And I'd like to have a nonstop flight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "What are your other preferences for the flight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 56, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 51, "value": "coach" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "April 1st", "date.return": "return on April 3rd", "destination1": "Las Vegas", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "Two", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "I would like to travel in the evening and I prefer coach class." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Okay, Got it. Anything else?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "April 1st", "date.return": "return on April 3rd", "destination1": "Las Vegas", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "Two", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "That should do it." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 75, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 72, "value": "$79" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 106, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 99, "value": "7:50 PM" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 128, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 121, "value": "8:53 PM" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 152, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 137, "value": "Spirit Airlines" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 172, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 165, "value": "nonstop" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Hold on just a second. Hold on just a second. I found tickets that cost $79 and will be leaving at 7:50 PM and arrive at 8:53 PM This is Spirit Airlines and it is a nonstop flight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "Spirit Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "April 1st", "date.return": "return on April 3rd", "destination1": "Las Vegas", "destination2": "", "fare": "$79", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "7:50 PM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "Two", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "8:53 PM", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "That sounds perfect." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.pax", "start": 16, "value": "two" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Okay, Is it for two adults?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "Spirit Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "April 1st", "date.return": "return on April 3rd", "destination1": "Las Vegas", "destination2": "", "fare": "$79", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "7:50 PM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "two", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "8:53 PM", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 26, "value": "$157" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "The total ticket price is $157. Shall I book this for you now?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "Spirit Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "April 1st", "date.return": "return on April 3rd", "destination1": "Las Vegas", "destination2": "", "fare": "$157", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "7:50 PM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "two", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "8:53 PM", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 50, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 43, "value": "7:58 PM" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Aright. The return trip will be leaving at 7:58 PM. Enjoy your flight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "Spirit Airlines", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "April 1st", "date.return": "return on April 3rd", "destination1": "Las Vegas", "destination2": "", "fare": "$157", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "7:58 PM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "two", "origin": "Los Angeles", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "coach", "stops": "nonstop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "8:53 PM", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "All right, Thank you. Goodbye." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Bye, See you later." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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How can I help you? I'm looking to find a round trip commercial airline flight from Seattle to Chicago. I want to leave on September 13th and depart and return in 3 days, afternoon would be a good time of the day." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Okay, what seating class do you prefer?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 29, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 16, "value": "cheapest seat" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "September 13th", "date.return": "return in 3 days", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Seattle", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest seat", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "afternoon", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "I'd like to get cheapest seat. 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[ "flights" ]
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[ "flights" ]
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[ "flights" ]
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[ "flights" ]
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Economy, business or first-class?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 11, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 0, "value": "First class" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "First class." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 11, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 0, "value": "First class" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 22, "value": "$8000" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "First class starts at $8000. Is that okay?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "stops", "start": 14, "value": "non-stop" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Do you want a non-stop flight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Yes, I do." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay and what else do you need?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "other_description", "start": 9, "value": "fruit tray" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "I need a fruit tray." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "Okay. What else?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "What is the flight number and at what time?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "What time did you prefer to fly?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 0, "value": "Between noon and 6:00 PM" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between noon and 6:00 PM", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 24, "utterance": "Between noon and 6:00 PM." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 53, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 32, "value": "between noon and 6 PM" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 71, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 64, "value": "British" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 90, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 83, "value": "4:35 PM" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 112, "intent": "inform", "slot": "total_fare", "start": 107, "value": "$8291" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 129, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type", "start": 119, "value": "round trip" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 149, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 142, "value": "4:50 PM" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 161, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 155, "value": "United" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 179, "intent": "inform", "slot": "total_fare", "start": 174, "value": "$8391" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 196, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type", "start": 186, "value": "round trip" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 25, "utterance": "There are two different flights between noon and 6 PM. One with British Airways at 4:35 PM and the cost is $8291 for a round trip. And one at 4:50 PM with United Airlines at $8391 for a round trip. Which one would you like to take?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 7, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 0, "value": "British" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "4:50 PM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "between noon and 6 PM", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 26, "utterance": "British." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 44, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 38, "value": "London" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 27, "utterance": "Okay. What time did you want to leave London?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 0, "value": "Between 8:00 AM and noon" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "4:50 PM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "London", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between 8:00 AM and noon", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 28, "utterance": "Between 8:00 AM and noon." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 38, "intent": "inform", "slot": "airline", "start": 31, "value": "British" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 56, "value": "10:20 AM" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 29, "utterance": "Okay. There is one flight with British Airways again at 10:20 AM." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "10:20 AM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "London", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between 8:00 AM and noon", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 30, "utterance": "I'll take that one." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to", "start": 19, "value": "Los Angeles" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 41, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 34, "value": "1:30 PM" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 81, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 76, "value": "$8291" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 31, "utterance": "You will arrive in Los Angeles at 1:30 PM. Your total for this trip will be $8291. Is that okay?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "$8291", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "10:20 AM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "London", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between 8:00 AM and noon", "to": "Los Angeles", "to.time": "1:30 PM", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 32, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 33, "utterance": "Okay. Anything else?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "$8291", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "10:20 AM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "London", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between 8:00 AM and noon", "to": "Los Angeles", "to.time": "1:30 PM", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 34, "utterance": "Could you give me the flight numbers?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 17, "intent": "inform", "slot": "flight_number", "start": 10, "value": "AA 6185" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 35, "utterance": "Yes. It's AA 6185. Is that all?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "$8291", "flight_number": "AA 6185", "from": "", "from.time": "10:20 AM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "London", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between 8:00 AM and noon", "to": "Los Angeles", "to.time": "1:30 PM", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 36, "utterance": "That's all. Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 37, "utterance": "Alright, goodbye. Enjoy your flight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "British", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "February 21st", "date.return": "February 28th", "destination1": "London", "destination2": "", "fare": "$8291", "flight_number": "AA 6185", "from": "", "from.time": "10:20 AM", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "London", "other_description": "fruit tray", "price_range": "$8000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "First class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "Between 8:00 AM and noon", "to": "Los Angeles", "to.time": "1:30 PM", "total_fare": "$8391", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 38, "utterance": "Alright." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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Which New York airport will you be departing from?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 43, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 27, "value": "New York airport" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "", "date.return": "", "destination1": "Seattle, Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "New York airport", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "I would like to leave from New York airport." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 6, "value": "JFK International Airport" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Okay. JFK International Airport departure is set." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.depart_origin", "start": 27, "value": "15th of March" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 56, "value": "20th of March" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "15th of March", "date.return": "20th of March", "destination1": "Seattle, Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK International Airport", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Okay. I'd like to leave on 15th of March and be back on 20th of March." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 32, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.depart_origin", "start": 22, "value": "March 15th" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 52, "value": "March 20th" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "That was departure on March 15th and return date is March 20th, correct?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle, Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK International Airport", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "origin", "start": 30, "value": "JFK" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 55, "intent": "inform", "slot": "destination1", "start": 37, "value": "Seattle Washington" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "I have found few flights from JFK to Seattle Washington. Do you have any preferred time to depart?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 43, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time_of_day", "start": 29, "value": "in the morning" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "in the morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "I'd prefer to leave sometime in the morning." }, { "dialogue_acts": 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Would you like the price for those?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "less than $1,000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 22, "value": "7:15 a.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 48, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to", "start": 41, "value": "Seattle" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 52, "value": "10:25 a.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 71, "intent": "inform", "slot": "total_fare", "start": 67, "value": "$406" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 82, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type", "start": 72, "value": "round trip" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "One flight departs at 7:15 a.m. lands in Seattle at 10:25 a.m. for $406 round trip." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "7:15 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "less than $1,000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "Seattle", "to.time": "10:25 a.m.", "total_fare": "$406", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 37, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 28, "value": "8:00 a.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to", "start": 47, "value": "Seattle" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 58, "value": "11:34 a.m" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 84, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type", "start": 74, "value": "round trip" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 112, "intent": "inform", "slot": "total_fare", "start": 108, "value": "$416" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "The other flight departs at 8:00 a.m. lands in Seattle at 11:34 a.m. This round trip prices for hundred and $416." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "8:00 a.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "less than $1,000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "Seattle", "to.time": "11:34 a.m", "total_fare": "$416", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "I'll choose the second option." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from", "start": 57, "value": "Seattle" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 78, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 68, "value": "10:35 p.m." }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to", "start": 88, "value": "New York City" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 113, "intent": "inform", "slot": "to.time", "start": 105, "value": "7:01 a.m" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "Okay, departing flight booked. The return flight departs Seattle at 10:35 p.m. lands in New York City at 7:01 a.m." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "Seattle", "from.time": "10:35 p.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "less than $1,000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "New York City", "to.time": "7:01 a.m", "total_fare": "$416", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "Okay." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 24, "utterance": "Is there anything else I can help you with?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "Seattle", "from.time": "10:35 p.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "less than $1,000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "New York City", "to.time": "7:01 a.m", "total_fare": "$416", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 25, "utterance": "That's all I need to know." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "flights", "intent": "inform", "slot": "flight_booked" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 26, "utterance": "I will send you flight details to your email have a safe flight. See you later. Bye." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "March 15th", "date.return": "March 20th", "destination1": "Seattle Washington", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "Seattle", "from.time": "10:35 p.m.", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "JFK", "other_description": "", "price_range": "less than $1,000", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "economy class", "stops": "non-stop", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "morning", "to": "New York City", "to.time": "7:01 a.m", "total_fare": "$416", "type": "round trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 27, "utterance": "Okay." } ]
[ "flights" ]
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I'd like evening departure times. Also, I would prefer cheapest and business class." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "How can I help you? Sure, I can check this for you. Please confirm your return date." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 17, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 0, "value": "4 days from today" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.return", "start": 23, "value": "14th" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "", "from.time": "", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "4 days from today. The 14th, I believe." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 51, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from", "start": 41, "value": "Sacramento" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 63, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 55, "value": "5:12 p.m" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date", "start": 64, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Okay. Status of flight that departs from Sacramento at 5:12 p.m today." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "today", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:12 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "What is the status? What's the price?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 17, "intent": "inform", "slot": "fare", "start": 13, "value": "$902" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "The price is $902." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 11, "value": "cheapest" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 34, "intent": "inform", "slot": "seating_class", "start": 20, "value": "business class" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "today", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$902", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:12 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "That's the cheapest business class ticket?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price_range", "start": 15, "value": "cheapest" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Yes, it is the cheapest." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "today", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$902", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:12 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Okay, book that. What do we have for returning flights?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "flights", "intent": "inform", "slot": "flight_booked" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Departure flight has been booked and the details have been emailed to you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "today", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$902", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:12 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "What do we have for returning flight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "flights", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "from.time", "start": 27, "value": "5:25 p.m" }, { "domain": "flights", "end": 50, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date", "start": 39, "value": "August 14th" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "The returning flight is at 5:25 p.m on August 14th, is that okay with you?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "August 14th", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$902", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:25 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "That sounds great." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Perfect, should I book it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "August 14th", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$902", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:25 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "flights", "intent": "inform", "slot": "flight_booked" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "The details have been emailed to you and the booking has been done." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "flights": { "airline": "", "date": "August 14th", "date.depart_intermediate": "", "date.depart_origin": "today", "date.return": "14th", "destination1": "Chicago", "destination2": "", "fare": "$902", "flight_number": "", "from": "Sacramento", "from.time": "5:25 p.m", "luggage": "", "num.pax": "", "origin": "Sacramento", "other_description": "", "price_range": "cheapest", "seat_location": "", "seating_class": "business class", "stops": "", "stops.location": "", "time_of_day": "evening", "to": "", "to.time": "", "total_fare": "", "type": "round-trip" }, "food-ordering": null, "hotels": null, "movies": null, "music": null, "restaurant-search": null, "sports": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "You're welcome. Have a safe trip." } ]
End of preview.
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other

Dataset Card for Taskmaster-2

To use this dataset, you need to install ConvLab-3 platform first. Then you can load the dataset via:

from convlab.util import load_dataset, load_ontology, load_database

dataset = load_dataset('tm2')
ontology = load_ontology('tm2')
database = load_database('tm2')

For more usage please refer to here.

Dataset Summary

The Taskmaster-2 dataset consists of 17,289 dialogs in the seven domains. Unlike Taskmaster-1, which includes both written "self-dialogs" and spoken two-person dialogs, Taskmaster-2 consists entirely of spoken two-person dialogs. In addition, while Taskmaster-1 is almost exclusively task-based, Taskmaster-2 contains a good number of search- and recommendation-oriented dialogs, as seen for example in the restaurants, flights, hotels, and movies verticals. The music browsing and sports conversations are almost exclusively search- and recommendation-based. All dialogs in this release were created using a Wizard of Oz (WOz) methodology in which crowdsourced workers played the role of a 'user' and trained call center operators played the role of the 'assistant'. In this way, users were led to believe they were interacting with an automated system that “spoke” using text-to-speech (TTS) even though it was in fact a human behind the scenes. As a result, users could express themselves however they chose in the context of an automated interface.

  • How to get the transformed data from original data:
    • Download
    • Run python in the current directory.
  • Main changes of the transformation:
    • Remove dialogs that are empty or only contain one speaker.
    • Split each domain dialogs into train/validation/test randomly (8:1:1).
    • Merge continuous turns by the same speaker (ignore repeated turns).
    • Annotate dialogue acts according to the original segment annotations. Add intent annotation (==inform). The type of dialogue act is set to non-categorical if the slot is not in anno2slot in Otherwise, the type is set to binary (and the value is empty). If there are multiple spans overlapping, we only keep the shortest one, since we found that this simple strategy can reduce the noise in annotation.
    • Add domain, intent, and slot descriptions.
    • Add state by accumulate non-categorical dialogue acts in the order that they appear.
    • Keep the first annotation since each conversation was annotated by two workers.
  • Annotations:
    • dialogue acts, state.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

NLU, DST, Policy, NLG



Data Splits

split dialogues utterances avg_utt avg_tokens avg_domains cat slot match(state) cat slot match(goal) cat slot match(dialogue act) non-cat slot span(dialogue act)
train 13838 234321 16.93 9.1 1 - - - 100
validation 1731 29349 16.95 9.15 1 - - - 100
test 1734 29447 16.98 9.07 1 - - - 100
all 17303 293117 16.94 9.1 1 - - - 100

7 domains: ['flights', 'food-ordering', 'hotels', 'movies', 'music', 'restaurant-search', 'sports']

  • cat slot match: how many values of categorical slots are in the possible values of ontology in percentage.
  • non-cat slot span: how many values of non-categorical slots have span annotation in percentage.


  title = {Taskmaster-1:Toward a Realistic and Diverse Dialog Dataset},
  author = {Bill Byrne and Karthik Krishnamoorthi and Chinnadhurai Sankar and Arvind Neelakantan and Daniel Duckworth and Semih Yavuz and Ben Goodrich and Amit Dubey and Kyu-Young Kim and Andy Cedilnik},
  booktitle = {2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing},
  address = {Hong Kong}, 
  year = {2019} 

Licensing Information

CC BY 4.0

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Models trained or fine-tuned on ConvLab/tm2