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1 | 3 | Mental Health | All of a sudden I have been having episodes of panic attacks who can help me understand the cause and how to prevent them | 24 | 121 | 0.999996 | The first question will be how sure you are that what you have is panic attack but moving on in a lot of cases the exact cause of the panic attack cant be isolated is there anything you notice that happens around the time you experience the attacks That could be a pointer to what might be triggering it Taking care if it will require you to go see a doctor who will asses you and recommend best line of treatment drugs or therapy Panic attacks are totally treatable dont fret | 94 | 478 | 0.999998 | 1 |
1 | 3 | Mental Health | All of a sudden I have been having episodes of panic attacks who can help me understand the cause and how to prevent them | 24 | 121 | 0.999997 | I hope thay was helpful | 6 | 23 | 0.999996 | 2 |
1 | 3 | Mental Health | All of a sudden I have been having episodes of panic attacks who can help me understand the cause and how to prevent them | 24 | 121 | 0.999995 | Still panicking I cant answer that without my annoymous status changing | 14 | 71 | 0.999998 | 3 |
2 | 10 | Dental Health | Is it a must to get a crown after my my root canal therapy | 14 | 58 | 0.999997 | Its compulsory but it advisable you do so
In most cases integrity and structure of the remaining crown of the tooth is not as strong as what it was before the Root Canal Therapy was done getting a crown will help improve this and reduce the possibility of fracture of the remaining crown structure or failure of the treatment done | 61 | 330 | 0.999997 | 5 |
2 | 10 | Dental Health | Is it a must to get a crown after my my root canal therapy | 14 | 58 | 0.999998 | I meant its NOT compulsory | 5 | 26 | 0.999996 | 6 |
4 | 5 | Infections | i have this whitish discharge and itch in my private part for the past 4 days I have used flagyl but it is still there what else can I use for it | 34 | 145 | 0.999996 | Hello
Sorry about these symptoms From your description chances are that you have either a Candidal fungal infection or cervicitis bacterial infection
Fortunately the treatment for both are short and cheap
I hope you dont mind my asking one question which would help clarify further
1 Have you had unprotected intercourse within the past 6 months
I shall expect your reply | 74 | 375 | 0.999996 | 8 |
4 | 5 | Infections | i have this whitish discharge and itch in my private part for the past 4 days I have used flagyl but it is still there what else can I use for it | 34 | 145 | 0.999994 | In addition to the previous reply kindly note that for the Candidal infection you just need a single dose of Fluconazole 200mg
For the cervicitis you will need to go for evaluation and tests to confirm the best drug to use | 49 | 222 | 0.999995 | 9 |
5 | 10 | Dental Health | i have a friend who has been battling with mouth odour for a while he brushes his teeth twice a day but nothing has improved kindly advice | 28 | 138 | 0.999997 | It is important that he visits a dentist to eliminate the other possible reasons for bad breath Things like gum disease tooth decay or mouth infections can also be reasons for bad breath | 33 | 186 | 0.999998 | 10 |
3 | 8 | Skin Care | I usually have this itch all over my body anytime usually after taking my bath I didnt just change creams or soap what can I do to stop it | 31 | 139 | 0.999997 | The recurrent itch could be aa a result of different things but there are cases of people reacting to the water used for bathing so it could be as a result of the water you use remedy could revolve around heating the water for bath adding dettol to the water scrubbing gently usage of moisturisers after bath these steps should bring some remedy but if the itch persists you might need to see a dermatologist for further evaluation I hope you find thus useful | 91 | 459 | 0.999997 | 7 |
6 | 1 | General Health | My friend wants to gain weight and he eats a lot but cant Is there any medical treatment to help him gain weight | 23 | 112 | 0.999997 | The question will be why the friend wants to gain weight overall there is no special benefit from gaining weight except the person is presently underweight The person should calculate hisher BMI and compare to standards to know if the weight is appropriate With respect to gaining weight ill advise the person to not take any weight gaining drug offered by anyone it could be potentially dangerous to the overall health Eat well live well and adopt an healthy lifestyle as long heshe is not underweight no cause to worry | 95 | 521 | 0.999996 | 15 |
8 | 8 | Skin Care | How can i make my face smoother | 7 | 31 | 0.999995 | Hello
If you have pimples you may need particular treatment in order to get rid of them For this youd have to go to a dermatology clinic in a hospital | 36 | 152 | 0.999996 | 20 |
8 | 8 | Skin Care | How can i make my face smoother | 7 | 31 | 0.999998 | Skin care especially for the face is something to take extra care on endeavour to keep your face quite clean wash it often warm water and mild soap works avoid harsh cosmetics for your face eat well including fruits and proteins and as the other answer showed if you are battling with difficult pimples do go to a dermatologist for further assessment | 65 | 351 | 0.999996 | 21 |
7 | 12 | Women's Health | Pain is not unusual during my menstruation but theres a new dull pain at the right side of my lower abdomen that period and theres a hard tumour around that side that seems to only appear during menstruation along with pains just below my left breast | 51 | 250 | 0.999995 | If there is a new pain you were not having that has just begun and if you do feel a hard mass like you said my advice will be for you to go see a doctor for assessment some tests will be ordered to ascertain why you are having that mass and what it might be the results will influence the course of action to be taken Pains in the breast during menstruation is a known occurrence in some groups of women if it is something that is just occuring you can try to do a self breast examination to look for a lump if there is one also present to a doctor for further assesment
Thanks | 123 | 578 | 0.999998 | 18 |
5 | 10 | Dental Health | i have a friend who has been battling with mouth odour for a while he brushes his teeth twice a day but nothing has improved kindly advice | 28 | 138 | 0.999997 | Hi there Mouth odour otherwise known as Halitosis can really be distressing and embarrassing so we perfectly understand what your friend is going through
Bad breath is usually caused by poor oral hygiene you however mentioned your friend brushes twice daily It is safe to assume that he probably is getting his technique wrong or there might be another cause Your friend can try flossing after each meal and use a nonalcohol based mouth wash too
It is important he visits a dentist for proper education of teeth brushing and also further evaluation for other possible causes of bad breath such as gum disease tooth decay or mouth infections
We hope he finds a lasting solution Glad to have you here on Wellvis | 135 | 711 | 0.999996 | 11 |
7 | 12 | Women's Health | Pain is not unusual during my menstruation but theres a new dull pain at the right side of my lower abdomen that period and theres a hard tumour around that side that seems to only appear during menstruation along with pains just below my left breast | 51 | 250 | 0.999996 | Thanks doc | 2 | 10 | 0.857142 | 19 |
10 | 11 | Sexual Health | If someone has unprotected sex and there was ejaculation is there anything that can be done to ensure the person does not get pregnant | 25 | 134 | 0.999997 | Hi there You can get an emergency contraceptive to prevent pregnancy options include the popular postpillpostinor which contains Levenogestrel this should be used within three days of the unprotected sexual intercourse Other options include Ulipristal acetate 30mg using an IUCD note this can be used within 5 days of unprotected intercourse The best advise however remains to use a condom and it will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy it also will help reduce the chances of you getting a sexually transmitted infection such as HIV | 101 | 543 | 0.999999 | 27 |
11 | 4 | Baby Care | My child is teething which drugs can I use to stop her from stooling | 17 | 68 | 0.999997 | Teething doesnt cause stooling if your child is stooling then the child must have eaten something or drunk something that infected the child In such cases buy ORS they are easily available at any pharmacy or chemist and give the child to replace any fluid lost If stool gets too frequent or she vomits along with it take the child to the health centre Finally teething is a normal thing in the growth of the child it is not an illness or a sign of one | 95 | 452 | 0.999997 | 29 |
11 | 4 | Baby Care | My child is teething which drugs can I use to stop her from stooling | 17 | 68 | 0.999997 | Usually teething age is the exploratory age for toddlers and their number one tool for exploring is their mouth They tend to put a lot of dirty objects in their mouths at this period that coincides with thevtime the maternal immunity is wearing off too Their guns itch also at the period hence the need to put things in their mouth So try as much as possible to keep the environment clean for the child and remove stuff it can put in the mouth | 90 | 444 | 0.999998 | 30 |
12 | 12 | Women's Health | How bad can occasional smoking be to a womans health | 11 | 52 | 0.999998 | Occasional light or social smoking though not as regular smoking still has attendant risks for anyone engaging in it Yes the risks are lower compared to regular smokers but it is still there risks of heart disease lung disease and other cancers women are not exempt and women who are occasional smokers are susceptible to this too There is also the problem of people thinking they are occasional smokers but not knowing they are taking too much to just be occasional smokers Smoking generally has no overall benefits its best avoided Even people who are around smokers are at risk It is best for us to shun smoking in any form or level of occurrence | 121 | 653 | 0.999996 | 31 |
9 | 1 | General Health | i feel I am short of blood and I feel weak once in a while I also have body pains what could be the cause what can I do | 30 | 120 | 0.999998 | I am at first curious by what short of blood means but in most cases i have heard it used people imply that they dont feel as strong as they expect so they indulge in the consumption of blood tonics which is not a totally reasonable thing to do Stress and fatigue can make you have these kind of feeling including body pains at times all you might need is to take some rest or break The human body is not a machine it needs rest too then please dont make an habit of using painkillers there are attendant bad effects that come with overusing them If the body pains are persistent do see a doctor for better evaluation If you are still worried that you are short of blood go run a blood level test and ask for what it says | 148 | 724 | 0.999998 | 23 |
12 | 12 | Women's Health | How bad can occasional smoking be to a womans health | 11 | 52 | 0.999998 | Oh well Thank you Dr Ayomide Joe | 9 | 32 | 0.857139 | 32 |
8 | 8 | Skin Care | How can i make my face smoother | 7 | 31 | 0.999997 | Your skin which includes that of your face is a reflection of your health and nutrition status That said sleep well eat right fruits and veggies one serving per meal stay hydrated and regular face washing will do the trick If you have a specific skin condition pls see a specialist | 53 | 281 | 0.999998 | 22 |
6 | 1 | General Health | My friend wants to gain weight and he eats a lot but cant Is there any medical treatment to help him gain weight | 23 | 112 | 0.999997 | Right said by Ayomide Another perspective is to define weight gain versus adding on subcutaneous fat Gym and body building exercises can help to increase muscle mass and bone density leading to overall weight gain This may be healthy But if your friend wants increased fat mass no benefits here at all | 56 | 301 | 0.999994 | 16 |
12 | 12 | Women's Health | How bad can occasional smoking be to a womans health | 11 | 52 | 0.999997 | Thank you Dr Joe In addition if you are battling with addiction to smoking there are systems to overcome addiction These include the use of nicotine containing chewing gums use of nicotine patches as well as behavioural therapy offered by a doctor | 43 | 247 | 0.999997 | 33 |
9 | 1 | General Health | i feel I am short of blood and I feel weak once in a while I also have body pains what could be the cause what can I do | 30 | 120 | 0.999999 | A friend of mine was feeling this way and after a blood test it was noted that shes anemic and placed on some medicines | 26 | 119 | 0.999996 | 24 |
6 | 1 | General Health | My friend wants to gain weight and he eats a lot but cant Is there any medical treatment to help him gain weight | 23 | 112 | 0.999997 | Im a real advocate for gyming and body building | 10 | 47 | 0.999996 | 17 |
1 | 3 | Mental Health | All of a sudden I have been having episodes of panic attacks who can help me understand the cause and how to prevent them | 24 | 121 | 0.999996 | First off it is completely natural to panic when you find yourself in a situation that is dangerous or stressful But if you find yourself panicking frequently for no apparent reason then you might be suffering from a panic disorder
Panic attacks are sometimes triggered by certain memories or events in your life Other times they can happen spontaneously without any trigger So to understand the cause you need to try and remember if you had any specific thoughts or experienced certain things before your previous panic episodes occurred
As for treatment firstly you need to understand that panic attacks are not life threatening meaning that you are not likely to die or be physically harmed from having a panic attack So relax
The next time you have a panic attack do the following
1 Stay where you are
2 Breathe in and out deeply and slowly
3 Remind yourself that it is just another panic attack and it will be over in a few minutes
Panic attacks usually resolve on their own within 5 20 minutes
However if your panic attacks are so frequent that they prevent you from having a normal day at work or at home then you need to visit a psychologist The psychologist may ask you to perform some exercises on a regualr basis and may also prescribe some medications to help
Overall you should be fine eventually | 266 | 1,325 | 0.999997 | 4 |
9 | 1 | General Health | i feel I am short of blood and I feel weak once in a while I also have body pains what could be the cause what can I do | 30 | 120 | 0.999998 | First off you cannot be sure that you are short of blood unless you can actually see a significant amount of blood leaving your body
That said if you feel weak and you think it might be because you are short of blood Again you cannot know that for sure There are several other reasons that can explain the weakness youre feeling
What you need to do is to see a doctor who will then ask you to explain your all symptoms in detail You may be asked to do some tests the doctor will explain the results to you and the doctor will let you know what to do afterwards depending on whether or not your blood turned out to be short Lol | 131 | 630 | 0.999996 | 26 |
13 | 4 | Baby Care | My 9 month old son has passed watery stools thrice this morning He is eating and cheerful but Im worried What can i do | 27 | 118 | 0.999995 | Hi good morning I guess this stooling episode is not his usual pattern hence your worry In a situation like this the best course of action is to ensure he keeps eating and also you can buy ORS at any chemist and prepare as directed on the body of its package give him to drink anytime he passes stool once you ensire these therw wont be any issue with dehydration which is one of the major problems when a child stools excessively no need for antibiotics it is just a waste of resources bit if the frequency of stool increases and he stops eating or drinking the ORS then please take him to the hospital asap As things stand just ensure he eats and drinks his ORS and after a few days the episode will stop | 144 | 706 | 0.999999 | 34 |
14 | 1 | General Health | A severe migraine is worrying me I cant afford a hospital right now What can I do that will help | 20 | 96 | 0.999997 | Migraine is a medical diagnosis if you have been diagnosed of migraine then tou must have drugs whicu you have been placed on to use routinely or relieve the headaches but if you arw having this severe headache which paracetamol has failed to relieve you can try Naproxen or Ibuprofen i believe these will help In the long term you should eat well sleep well try to exercise and avoid stress also staying in a place with lesser light taking a beverage coffee will be helpful during the headache episodes Let me know if any of this was helpful | 112 | 542 | 0.999998 | 35 |
14 | 1 | General Health | A severe migraine is worrying me I cant afford a hospital right now What can I do that will help | 20 | 96 | 0.999997 | The best line of action is to visit a doctor to confirm this diagnosis Also please note what your possible triggers are and the associated symptoms
However until then please try to relax and you might consider taking some Ibuprofen | 45 | 232 | 0.999997 | 36 |
14 | 1 | General Health | A severe migraine is worrying me I cant afford a hospital right now What can I do that will help | 20 | 96 | 0.999995 | Nice answers | 2 | 12 | 0.999994 | 37 |
15 | 10 | Dental Health | I have had this severe pain on my tooth for almost a month now i have taken pain killers but the pain wont go away Any recommendation | 27 | 133 | 0.999997 | Usually when dental ache becomes recurrent it is an indication of advanced pulpitis You need to visit a dental clinic to treat the source of the infection | 29 | 154 | 0.999996 | 38 |
15 | 10 | Dental Health | I have had this severe pain on my tooth for almost a month now i have taken pain killers but the pain wont go away Any recommendation | 27 | 133 | 0.999997 | Like Dr Jephthah recommended its high time you saw a dentist for proper examination and treatment Theres a point where drug may not be very effective when it comes to dental pain | 36 | 178 | 0.999995 | 39 |
16 | 1 | General Health | I hear some people say that it is too much alcohol that is the problem what is the safe limit of alcohol that one can take daily in a week | 31 | 139 | 0.999998 | Hi so the safety limits for alcohol vary from place to place but a generally acceptable one is thay one shouldnt take more than 14 units of alcohol in a week
Using a bottle of Heineken in Nigeria which is 33CL you shouldnt take more than 10 12 of it in a week It is best to speead this out though This is the same for all 5 beer of the same size With bigger bottles like 5054 cl you will be looking at 5 6 bottles safely for a week | 104 | 435 | 0.999998 | 40 |
17 | 11 | Sexual Health | Can a postinor someone took today immediately after sexstill work if d person have sex a day or 2 days after | 24 | 108 | 0.999995 | Yeah the possibility exists for it to work Postinor works when taken within 3 days of sexual exposure so it could still work but to be double sure one might try to take a pill after exposure especially if they are not immediate Another option is to just go for an injectable which lasts for months or a IUD | 63 | 306 | 0.999998 | 41 |
18 | 11 | Sexual Health | Can a precum get someone pregnant | 7 | 33 | 0.999996 | I do not understand what you mean by Precum but for pregnancy to occur sperm and ovum will meet The fluid that comes out before the ejaculation usually has no sperm at all and has been found not to lead to pregnancy Going further i would advise the use of condoms or an appropriate contraception withdrawal method is quite risky and oftentimes fail | 68 | 349 | 0.999998 | 42 |
18 | 11 | Sexual Health | Can a precum get someone pregnant | 7 | 33 | 0.999994 | I was made to understand that precumpreejaculationcontains dead sperm cells and sometimes may contain sperm can it be able to fertilize an egg | 30 | 142 | 0.999997 | 43 |
18 | 11 | Sexual Health | Can a precum get someone pregnant | 7 | 33 | 0.999996 | Like i said earlier studies show that preejaculates rarely lead to pregnancy like you said they have dead sperms dead sperms and also live ones will be weak and not plenty enough to achieve the process needed To avoid stories that touch use a condom or emergency pill after Sexual exposure | 57 | 289 | 0.999997 | 44 |
23 | 7 | Drugs | I observed that chloroquine is not in pharmacies any reasons why
Thats the only antimalaria drugs that works for me | 27 | 116 | 0.999996 | There was widespread resistance to chloroquine as a therapy for malaria it was stopped as the first line treatment for it and also in this present age usage of a single drug as a routine treatment for malaria is not advised pharmacies will stock what moves and is recommended Lonart which has 2 different drugs in one which you see more commonly at pharmacies is one of the drugs recommended for treating Malaria | 78 | 413 | 0.999997 | 54 |
22 | 13 | Pregnancy | Please how can i reduce heavy nausea at 7 weeks pregnancy Every smell makes me even more sick | 18 | 93 | 0.999997 | I can imagine how disturbing this episodes might be for you in a lot of cases pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting at about this period you have mentioned and in a lot of cases it fizzles after some weeks There are some things you can do to mitigate it try taking more rests identify the specific smells that trigger the nausea and try to avoid them there are some evidence that ginger drinks might help If these dont help then consult your doctor for drugs that can help with it | 93 | 488 | 0.999998 | 53 |
21 | 10 | Dental Health | Hello so prior to my last question about my toothache i noticed it was actually a hole i had in my tooth If im unable to visit a dentist asap is there a risk of contacting an infection | 40 | 184 | 0.999996 | Yes the tooth can become infected and this may lead to a decay and complete loss of the tooth | 19 | 93 | 0.999999 | 51 |
24 | 1 | General Health | I have been feeling a light pain on my left shoulder Sometimes i feel it up my neck on the same side and down to my back What are the possible causes of this | 34 | 157 | 0.999997 | I will cautiously say this might be just a pain in your muscles could be occuring due to maybe your posture how you sit at work how you sleep or at times could just happen for no obvious reason Mostly the use of topical analgesic creams like Neurogesic could be helpful but you should also consider adjustments to your pillow seat at work and posture Those could be helpful longterm in preventing recurrence If these dont work and it persists then see a doctor for physical evaluation | 94 | 484 | 0.999995 | 55 |
24 | 1 | General Health | I have been feeling a light pain on my left shoulder Sometimes i feel it up my neck on the same side and down to my back What are the possible causes of this | 34 | 157 | 0.999997 | Thank you Ill look into these and see if there are any improvements | 13 | 67 | 0.999996 | 56 |
25 | 13 | Pregnancy | I am 37 weeks pregnant and I have been having this constant headache for about 2 days now I have used paracetamol but Im not feeling any better What could be the cause Could it be work stress or what | 43 | 199 | 0.999997 | Well it might be something it might be nothing and may fade in a few days but it will also be very good for you to go to the hospital to check your BP and also get checked to be sure all is well At 37 weeks your baby is ready i wish you a very safe delivery in view | 60 | 265 | 0.999998 | 57 |
25 | 13 | Pregnancy | I am 37 weeks pregnant and I have been having this constant headache for about 2 days now I have used paracetamol but Im not feeling any better What could be the cause Could it be work stress or what | 43 | 199 | 0.999997 | A constant headache during pregnancy especially at this late stage of yours isnt something I would take lightly
Please contact your doctor have your blood preasure checked and possibly do a malaria test as well | 39 | 211 | 0.999995 | 58 |
26 | 11 | Sexual Health | How effective is a morning after pill if the girl was ovulating when she had sex | 17 | 80 | 0.999997 | Morning after pills prevent ovulation from occuring in most cases if ovulation had occurred before the pill is used then the pill wont have any effect in preventing the pregnancy from occuring There are other contraception methods that will work despite the occurrence of ovulation before their usage eg Intrauterine devices | 61 | 326 | 0.999998 | 59 |
27 | 8 | Skin Care | Hello Wellvis
Id like to know if the presence of stretch marks on the body signify expansion of body mass | 22 | 105 | 0.999998 | Stretch marks usually appear when there is a rapid weight gain which leads to a stretch of the skin as against what might happen in an incremental weight gain that allows the skin to adjust So like you would like to know a new appearance of it will point towards weight gain but the best way to know if there is a change in body mass is to measure your weight and compare over time | 75 | 381 | 0.999997 | 60 |
28 | 1 | General Health | Hello Wellvis
I am really having a hard time battling the roaches in my wardrobe section Please do recommend an insect repellant or anything that can to put an end to this while protecting my clothes from stains or leavein odour | 48 | 228 | 0.999998 | Camphor balls are known to work effectively in keeping roaches away they wont spoil your clothes they might just leave a smell you wont like | 27 | 140 | 0.999997 | 61 |
29 | 3 | Mental Health | Ive graduated from school this year but have not gotten a job Im really depressed about that always thinking that am wasteful Please i really need help | 28 | 151 | 0.999997 | Hello there
Feeling depressed while being jobless is a feeling a lot of people have had in the past and I do understand how you might be feeling some type of way about that
However you have to understand that this is a feeling that will pass and you have to stay motivated to apply for jobs prepare for interviews and internships Also do not underestimate the power of exercise and volunteering in staying motivated | 84 | 419 | 0.999999 | 62 |
29 | 3 | Mental Health | Ive graduated from school this year but have not gotten a job Im really depressed about that always thinking that am wasteful Please i really need help | 28 | 151 | 0.999999 | Understand that your outlook is key to how you are able to navigate this period of your life
You are not worthless you are only going through a tough time and I believe with perseverance and hard work you will be triumphant
If however you are unable to find the strength you need please contact Mentally Aware Nigeria MANI on 08091116264 | 75 | 341 | 0.999997 | 63 |
30 | 13 | Pregnancy | Hello Wellvis
Thanks for the great job on here
Id like to know if theres any such thing as a burst uterus and under what conditions such may occur | 34 | 147 | 0.999996 | I guess you are talking about ruptured uterus and it is a rare event The uterus is made up of a mass of muscles so depending on its state integrity and rate of contraction it could tear and this will be described as a rupture It can also happen in uterus that have been breached before due to ceaserean section | 66 | 312 | 0.999995 | 64 |
31 | 11 | Sexual Health | I wash my vagina almost everytime and i still get this bad odour whenever i have sex What can i use | 23 | 99 | 0.999997 | From your question I guess you either percieve there is a smell during intercourse or your sexual partner complains The truth is the vagina has a particular smell and yes it shouldnt be foul but this will occur as a result of an infection most likely and along with this there will be discharge Washing the vagina also known as douching is not a good idea it messes with the way the vagina is and can actually increase your chances of getting infections Continued on next comment | 94 | 480 | 0.999998 | 67 |
31 | 11 | Sexual Health | I wash my vagina almost everytime and i still get this bad odour whenever i have sex What can i use | 23 | 99 | 0.999997 | And also condoms have a particular smell so what you are smelling mig6ut actually be the condom So my guess is its not an odour from your vagina per se If you perceive odour having a discharge and there is itch then to go see a doctor for evaluation and appropriate management
NB responses in threads are not anonymous so to ask a follow up kindly post it as a new question to protect your anonymity | 83 | 401 | 0.999998 | 68 |
30 | 13 | Pregnancy | Hello Wellvis
Thanks for the great job on here
Id like to know if theres any such thing as a burst uterus and under what conditions such may occur | 34 | 147 | 0.999997 | Wowscary
Thanks Dr Ayo
One more please can contractions arising from severe menstrual cramps or PMS lead to a ruptured uterus | 32 | 127 | 0.999998 | 65 |
30 | 13 | Pregnancy | Hello Wellvis
Thanks for the great job on here
Id like to know if theres any such thing as a burst uterus and under what conditions such may occur | 34 | 147 | 0.999997 | This is very unlikely I have never seen nor read of such causing a uterine rupture | 17 | 82 | 0.999995 | 66 |
20 | 1 | General Health | hello wellvis I usually have stomach aches once in a while and when I have them I will need to lay down on the floor or on the bed before they subside Any advice that will be given be very much appreciated Thank you | 47 | 215 | 0.999997 | Hi good evening
I will like to know the pattern of this stomach ache and what seems to trigger them How frequently they occur and what you might have used for it in the past Recurrent stomach aches could be due to different reasons one of the commonest around here is the usual ulcer and while it is quite discomforting it is easily manageable and with good decisions can be prevented from recurring Your answers to some of the above questions will help get some clarity | 95 | 472 | 0.999998 | 46 |
19 | 7 | Drugs | Pls is this paracetamol certified okay I cant go to get the normal one The name on it is health essentials | 25 | 106 | 0.999999 | Quite difficult to say from the name if a brand of paracetamol is genuine i do know that Paracetamol is quite common and a lot of companies delve into making them If you are not reassured it will be best to go for a brand you recognise and purchased at a place where you trust their wares Thanks | 66 | 296 | 0.999997 | 45 |
20 | 1 | General Health | hello wellvis I usually have stomach aches once in a while and when I have them I will need to lay down on the floor or on the bed before they subside Any advice that will be given be very much appreciated Thank you | 47 | 215 | 0.999995 | Thank you for your answer It usually occurs once in 3 weeks or even a month It has no specific time of occurrence but I noticed it happens most times after I have had a meal 30mins or one hour before | 42 | 199 | 0.999998 | 47 |
20 | 1 | General Health | hello wellvis I usually have stomach aches once in a while and when I have them I will need to lay down on the floor or on the bed before they subside Any advice that will be given be very much appreciated Thank you | 47 | 215 | 0.999998 | It could be just an irregular upset that has no far reaching consequences it could also be a case of the usual ulcer like i stated above I wil advice that if the episodes become more frequent or the severity of the pain worsens then going to see a doctor for a more appropriate evaluation will be a good idea In the interim having some antacids in hand to use might be helpful | 78 | 377 | 0.999998 | 48 |
20 | 1 | General Health | hello wellvis I usually have stomach aches once in a while and when I have them I will need to lay down on the floor or on the bed before they subside Any advice that will be given be very much appreciated Thank you | 47 | 215 | 0.999998 | Danke | 2 | 5 | 0.999996 | 50 |
32 | 1 | General Health | What do you do if you have heavy leaks before getting to the bathroom | 15 | 70 | 0.999997 | Hi i guess by heavy leaks you mean urine pouring out before getting to the bathroom please note you cant respond to this comment anonymously This is not unusual and could be due to situations like holding the urine for too long to some diseases that affect bladder control If this is happening very frequently I will advice that you visit a doctor to get evaluated for the cause and other reasons so that a definitive step can be taken to manage or stop it | 85 | 456 | 0.999997 | 69 |
5 | 10 | Dental Health | i have a friend who has been battling with mouth odour for a while he brushes his teeth twice a day but nothing has improved kindly advice | 28 | 138 | 0.999999 | In additionit is very important to clean the dorsumupper rough surfaceof the tongue while brushingThis is very vital as the tongue serves a reservoir for millions of bacteriaas well as decayed food debrisHence failure to brush the tongue properly can also cause mouth odour
Furrhermorethe accumulation of plaque and cacalculusyellowish to black colored stains on teeth surfacesthe frequent consumption of gingerraw onionsand even smoking can cause bad breathhalitosisMake sure you brush 2ce daily and you go for dental checkup every 6monthsthe dentist will perform scaling and polishing on your teeth and this will help reduce the load of plaque and calculus on the teeth surfaces
Cheers | 148 | 692 | 0.999998 | 12 |
33 | 8 | Skin Care | I am light in complexion but I am now dark skinned What can I do to go back to my normal complexion | 23 | 99 | 0.999996 | Hi good morning in a lot of cases like this that i have seen a few things lead to this which includes the kind of cream you use stress exposure to sun and at times diet What to do Consider changing your cream especially to something different from what you use before you became darker eat healthier consume more fruits vitamins are essential to your skin Rest more less stress can help restore your skin and nothing much to do about the sun around here | 85 | 453 | 0.999997 | 70 |
33 | 8 | Skin Care | I am light in complexion but I am now dark skinned What can I do to go back to my normal complexion | 23 | 99 | 0.999997 | If the above dont work then you might need to see a dermatologist
NB kindly note that you cant reply anonymously to this post
Thanks | 30 | 134 | 0.999998 | 71 |
34 | 8 | Skin Care | My daughters skin is not smooth Shes brown skinned but shes darker now Please what cream can I use for her to make her skin glowShes 4yrs old | 34 | 141 | 0.999998 | Good Morning if your childs skin isnt smooth the first thing i will advice you to consider is the level of hygiene for her second thing will be that you should avoid some kinds of creams and basically use baby creams baby skins are best with mild creams i know that ori shea butter has been used by people with very good outcomes You should also consider usinf just baby soap for her not antiseptic soaps Fruits and protein egg are good for her nutrition diet is important to the ski | 102 | 483 | 0.999998 | 73 |
36 | 2 | Child Health | What is the cause of persist convulsion at what age can it stop | 14 | 63 | 0.999996 | Hi good morning Children between the age of 6 months to 5 years are naturally susceptible to convulsion due to high fever other things like low blood sugar can also cause it in them If the person in this case is above the age of 5 and still suffers convulsion then i will advice that the person goes to see a doctor to refer to a specialist a neurological assessment is needed to know why and with appropriate drugs and therapy it can be well managed Thanks | 89 | 457 | 0.999997 | 78 |
35 | 2 | Child Health | My daughter falls sick almost every three month and its giving us concern Please what can we do to put a stop to this frequent occurrence | 26 | 137 | 0.999997 | It will be good to know what kind of sickness your daughter suffers from frequently and how old she is but it isnt an unusual occurrence for children to fall sick could be due to recurrent exposure to malaria carrying mosquito hygiene and other things I will advice that you take the child to the doctor for full evaluation and maybe check her genotype | 66 | 352 | 0.999997 | 74 |
35 | 2 | Child Health | My daughter falls sick almost every three month and its giving us concern Please what can we do to put a stop to this frequent occurrence | 26 | 137 | 0.999998 | You also might need to make your house more less sickness inducing let your children sleep under mosquito nets ensure hygiene in their food preparation keep them as clean as possible ensure they eat well fruits vegetables and protein and also find out how their school is children pick up diseases from each other in schools at times If you can maintain these the reoccurrence of infections and sickness will reduce | 73 | 415 | 0.999997 | 75 |
36 | 2 | Child Health | What is the cause of persist convulsion at what age can it stop | 14 | 63 | 0.999997 | Persistent convulsion at whatever age isnt normal There must be an underlying factor factors like extremely high fever derangement in the blood contents caused by excessive vommiting etc
Kindly visit your paediatrician if the convulsion continues | 49 | 247 | 0.999998 | 79 |
35 | 2 | Child Health | My daughter falls sick almost every three month and its giving us concern Please what can we do to put a stop to this frequent occurrence | 26 | 137 | 0.999996 | Children in creche have been known to get quite sickly following exposure to all sorts and from mingling with other kids Depending on the age of the child other reasons for getting sick may include putting different objects into their mouths to scratch their irritating gums while they are teething | 56 | 298 | 0.999998 | 76 |
38 | 1 | General Health | I have this nasty back pain that comes once in a while it would hit me so bad that i become very restless for close to 5 minutes and then it goes | 32 | 145 | 0.999997 | A description of the pain and what part of your back will be very helpful in giving a useful advice Answers to queations like what time of the daynight it occurs or if its beforeafter a meal or a particular activity will be very helpful | 48 | 236 | 0.999995 | 83 |
37 | 11 | Sexual Health | What can cause a lady not being wet even after a lot of foreplay | 15 | 64 | 0.999996 | Hello
I can imagine how frustrating it can be
Some persons for several reasons might not get wet easily
The good news is that there are non allergic lubricants that can be of immense help
KY gel is a good option you can give it a try
cheers | 56 | 241 | 0.999997 | 80 |
37 | 11 | Sexual Health | What can cause a lady not being wet even after a lot of foreplay | 15 | 64 | 0.999998 | Most of the time it is usually psychological
Everyone has a specific trigger
Yours might just need a little more exploration to discover
However the gel as earlier mentioned will b of good use | 38 | 192 | 0.999998 | 81 |
39 | 1 | General Health | Hello l have weaknes in my whole body
And l do not know what is going on
Your advice | 23 | 85 | 0.999997 | Hi Patrick i am wondering what sort of weakness you have and is it something that has been going on for a while or it just recently started and what else are you experiencing
In a lot of cases when someone experiences generalised body weakness the first thing to think of is stress especially if its just the weakness but if it is associated with fever or other symptoms then we can think of other things like malaria gastroenteritis and other things Give me more info on what you are experi | 96 | 491 | 0.999998 | 84 |
39 | 1 | General Health | Hello l have weaknes in my whole body
And l do not know what is going on
Your advice | 23 | 85 | 0.999996 | I hope you dont have fever nor headache Is there a change in your eatingdefecation habit If not you might just need to get some iron supplement and multivitamins | 35 | 161 | 0.999997 | 85 |
33 | 8 | Skin Care | I am light in complexion but I am now dark skinned What can I do to go back to my normal complexion | 23 | 99 | 0.999994 | In addition Ill recommend you go for creams with sunblocks which will help in reducing the darkening efffect exposure to the ultraviolet rays from sun induce | 30 | 157 | 0.999998 | 72 |
37 | 11 | Sexual Health | What can cause a lady not being wet even after a lot of foreplay | 15 | 64 | 0.999997 | And just in case you have tried the advice offered and you dont see improvements you can reach wunmiwunmiomololucom who is a sex expert for more management | 37 | 155 | 0.999993 | 82 |
39 | 1 | General Health | Hello l have weaknes in my whole body
And l do not know what is going on
Your advice | 23 | 85 | 0.999997 | Yeah no apetit stress and even getting skinny | 11 | 46 | 0.857138 | 86 |
39 | 1 | General Health | Hello l have weaknes in my whole body
And l do not know what is going on
Your advice | 23 | 85 | 0.999999 | Hello Patrick You mention that you have no appetite
Why not try eating those meals that you enjoy the most No matter the trouble you need your energy and food is your best bet for that
Also your rest is very important so try to get lots of those especially at night | 55 | 266 | 0.999997 | 87 |
39 | 1 | General Health | Hello l have weaknes in my whole body
And l do not know what is going on
Your advice | 23 | 85 | 0.999997 | If you are lacking appetite and also losing weight then you do need to go see a doctor for evaluation There is a root cause and this will be better found out at a physical meeting in the clinic especially if this has been going on for a while No need to fret with good evaluation a very workable management will be prescribed by the physician you see | 70 | 351 | 0.999995 | 88 |
40 | 11 | Sexual Health | Pls I discovered that I dont last upto 2 mins in bed and its very embarrassing to me most times what can be the cause Pls | 29 | 121 | 0.999999 | In a lot of cases anxiety and stress have been found to be part of the causes of premature ejaculation There are lots of things that can help there are drugs that can help you stay longer but most importantly you will need therapy to relieve your anxiety and also to help control your breathing and skills I will advice that you see a doctor for a prescription but ultimately you will need a sex therapist to help in the long term | 83 | 430 | 0.999995 | 89 |
41 | 5 | Infections | Hello i did a couple of tests a while ago Found out i had infection i treated myself But i still itch my body very often especially when i smoke it becomes worse | 33 | 161 | 0.999995 | Good Morning it will be much easier for me if i knew what you were treated for initially but if you are having issues wirh body itch what we always advice is for you to note what cosmetic you changed before the itch began it could also be due to the water you use adding dettol to it might help you might also need to change yout cream or soap If these persists then a dermatologist will be needed to help Also smoking might be contributive to it smoking has no benefits just negatives | 101 | 485 | 0.999997 | 90 |
42 | 1 | General Health | Whats the best way to get rid of headache | 10 | 41 | 0.999996 | Headache could be a symptom of an ailment especially when it is persistent it would be advisable to go and see a doctor for comprehensive checkup However taking an analgesic would provide some relief | 39 | 200 | 0.999996 | 93 |
43 | 12 | Women's Health | Good day my breasts have been really tender lately and its not as a result of period or bra please what can i do | 25 | 113 | 0.999997 | Hi Good morning
The tenderness of your breasts could be due to a couple of reasons if you are lactating engorgement with milk can cause it to be tender also if there is an inflammation of the breast it could be tender too Is the breast warm in comparison to the other one are there cracks or wounds on it Have you ever felt a lump in it
Taking an analgesic like Diclofenac with food will help relieve the pain but if you notice any of the things i mentioned above go see a doctor for a more detailed evaluation this will help ascertain the cause and will be helpful in knowing the definitive steps to take to ensure its managed
NB you cant reply anonymously to this reply | 147 | 682 | 0.999998 | 94 |
45 | 7 | Drugs | How long does it take for side effects of Levofloxacin to clear Its been 3weeks now and im still experiencing shortness of breath anxiety attack | 34 | 145 | 0.999994 | Hi good afternoon the commonest side effects of Levofloxacin are nausea vomitting headache diarrhoea itching difficulty in sleeping Shortness of breath and anxiety are not common and if they were due to side effects as soon as tou stopped the drug they should have stopped So what you are experiencing are most likely not due to the drugs I will advice you go see your doctor for a better evaluation on why you are experiencing these symptoms
Thanks | 89 | 449 | 0.999995 | 97 |
21 | 10 | Dental Health | Hello so prior to my last question about my toothache i noticed it was actually a hole i had in my tooth If im unable to visit a dentist asap is there a risk of contacting an infection | 40 | 184 | 0.999998 | In additionjust know that tooth tissue is one of the very few tissues in the bodythat can never regenerate once it gets damagedOnce there is a obvous tooth decay hole on your toothit can never close upThe best way to control further damagewidening of the hole and risk of dental and jaw infectionswill be to visit the dentistAt the dentistssuch a tooth will be filledAnd there are various fillings which can be used depending on the assessment of the dentist and the patients affordabilityRemember a frank decay on your tooth must be filled by the dentistsNo amount of herbal concoctions will cover suchbholes or will flush out the worms causing the hole
Prevention is best | 140 | 674 | 0.999998 | 52 |
47 | 11 | Sexual Health | Hello Welvis
Is there anything as a flaccid penis after intense kissing just on the basis that youre encountering a female partner for the first time | 31 | 149 | 0.999997 | Hi good Morning a flaccid penis is the regular state of the penis unless it is stimulated when it becomes erect People get stimulated for different reasons and in different ways also mood and interest play a role If a man is kissing a woman and his penis is till flaccid it could be due him not being in the mood not being interested in that particular person not getting stimulated or maybe there is an organic issue with him having erections I dont fully grasp your question but i guess you can find some answers in what i have written
NB you cant reply anonymously to this comment | 119 | 592 | 0.999997 | 99 |
46 | 5 | Infections | Whats the correct drug to use for HIV prevention | 10 | 48 | 0.999996 | There are Preexposure prophylaxis drugs which have been found to be effective in preventing HIV but these are basically recommended for those who have partners that are positive to access this kindly talk to your doctor The best way to prevent HIV is to use a condom be faithful to one partner dont share sharps and if possible abstain from sex In case of accidental exposure to someone who is positive there are places where drugs are offered to those who had exposure but this is best done within 72 hours of the exposure
Thanks | 105 | 531 | 0.999998 | 98 |
48 | 5 | Infections | HI I have been treating infection ND it keeps coming backi discovered a whitish discharge ND smell ND sometime it itches me please can can I do to clear it permanently | 34 | 167 | 0.999996 | Kindly use the above drugs for one week as they are broad spectrum drugs for such infections Thats if you couldnt do the vaginal test which might show the organism responsible and the drugs that would be more specific for the infection
NB Kindly note that you cant respond to this comment anonymously | 61 | 303 | 0.999997 | 100 |
50 | 5 | Infections | Ive had this whitish urethra discharge from my penis for over a year now No odur I have plans to visit a private laboratory to run some tests this weekend Please what tests should i request | 41 | 189 | 0.999997 | Hi i am sorry to hear of your complaints When you visit a science laboratory kindly request that they do a urethral discharge MCS microscopyculture and sensitivity test which should show the organism causing the symptoms and the drugs sensitive to it please check your retroviral status too
NB Kindly note that you cant reply this message anonimously | 73 | 353 | 0.999997 | 107 |
49 | 8 | Skin Care | Hello i usually have shaving bumps and as a result i have scars and hyperpigmentation What can i use to stop this | 25 | 113 | 0.999998 | Hi good afternoon shaving creams are quite helpful in managing this there are a lot of them out there that are effective There are also specially designed razors that work better to prevent scars and other attendant issues Aftershaves will also be helpful in this regard So consider using shaving creams change your shaving equipment and also consider usage of aftershave you should see improvements with these
NB you cant reply anonymously to this comment | 88 | 465 | 0.999998 | 103 |
50 | 5 | Infections | Ive had this whitish urethra discharge from my penis for over a year now No odur I have plans to visit a private laboratory to run some tests this weekend Please what tests should i request | 41 | 189 | 0.999998 | And as a followup kindly let the tests results be reviewed with a doctor for the most appropriate decision on the line of treatment Selfmedication is not in your best interest Thanks | 35 | 182 | 0.999997 | 108 |
48 | 5 | Infections | HI I have been treating infection ND it keeps coming backi discovered a whitish discharge ND smell ND sometime it itches me please can can I do to clear it permanently | 34 | 167 | 0.999997 | It is best for you to do high vaginal swab MCS which should show the particular organism causing your symptoms but before you get the result you might need to buy these drugs to use
1 Tab Ciprofloxacin 500mg bd
2 Tab Doxycycline 100mg daily
3 Tab Metronidazole 400mg tds
4 Clotrimaxole vaginal tablets use only at bed time
You will use these drugs for one week as they are broad spectrum for the common organisms that cause your symptoms You might need to change them when the result of the above test is out
You should get better with the drugs If symptoms persist kindly see your gynaecologist
NB kindly note that you cant reply this message anonymously | 160 | 662 | 0.999997 | 101 |
49 | 8 | Skin Care | Hello i usually have shaving bumps and as a result i have scars and hyperpigmentation What can i use to stop this | 25 | 113 | 0.999995 | What about females that cant use shaving cream in sensitive areas | 11 | 65 | 0.999997 | 104 |
49 | 8 | Skin Care | Hello i usually have shaving bumps and as a result i have scars and hyperpigmentation What can i use to stop this | 25 | 113 | 0.999995 | For females the razor used will play a role in this and there are actually shaving creams for sensitive areas for males and females | 25 | 131 | 0.999997 | 105 |
49 | 8 | Skin Care | Hello i usually have shaving bumps and as a result i have scars and hyperpigmentation What can i use to stop this | 25 | 113 | 0.999996 | There are also hair removal creams these varying effectiveness in action but the remove the use of a razor and thereby create less chances of bumps and other issues with shaving | 32 | 177 | 0.999996 | 106 |
51 | 1 | General Health | My weight has been fluctuating a lot im nauseuos almost 3 to 4 tines daily pimples breakout This has been going on for three months now kindly advise
i am not peegnant | 41 | 168 | 0.999996 | Hi good morning do you eat a lot of food and then vomit them or make yourself vomit them If you do then you might need to go see a doctor for evaluation and further recommendations Naturally wieght will fluctuate for a lot of reasons what will be most worrying is if you are losing weight drastically or gaining drastically but with what you explained coupled with the acne breakouts there might be some hormonal issues underlying this Overall my advice is for you to first relax and not get worried its nothing catastrophic but you do need to go see a doctor for evaluation and for us to know what the real cause is
NB You cant reply anonymously to this
Thanks | 133 | 669 | 0.999994 | 109 |
53 | 5 | Infections | Hello wellvis
please what could be the cause of painful swallowing and what can I do I once had an history of epiglottitis but I had a homemade solution could it be it again | 39 | 173 | 0.999998 | How long ago did you get epiglottis and what kind of homemade solution did you have | 19 | 83 | 0.857138 | 112 |
52 | 3 | Mental Health | Hello there i am addicted to Codeine Phosphate Promitazin Flunitrazepam I need help please help I | 28 | 99 | 0.999995 | Hello Thanks for reaching out for help
While your definition of addiction is not explicit we can agree you are using control drugs and you have issues with this
The road to regaining control and recovery is effortdemanding but a good step will be to reach out and talk to someone face to face soon as possible
Note also that whatever made you start up the habit could still be existent that needs to be addressed also
MANI is a free volunteer organisation that helps with counselling and referrals and they maintain strict anonymity Kindly contact them MentallyAwareNG on Twitter or messagecall 0809111MANI 08091116264
continued | 134 | 632 | 0.999997 | 110 |
Nigerian Healthcare Forum Q&A Datase
Dataset Summary
This dataset contains questions from Nigerians on a dedicated healthcare forum and responses provided exclusively by licensed and trained healthcare professionals. It reflects health concerns within the Nigerian context, incorporating English and local colloquialisms. All answers are reliable, as the platform restricted responses to verified healthcare professionals, ensuring the quality and credibility of the information. The dataset comprises a total of 336,681 GPT-2 tokens.
Data Collection
The data was curated from the activities on an online platform's open forum page that offered the Nigerian public free advice and answers between 2018 and 2022. It includes:
- 1,731 questions
- 2,639 replies/comments The data was extracted from a MySQL dump after the platform was closed.
Data Cleaning
The cleaning process involved:
- Deduplication: Removing duplicate entries to ensure uniqueness.
- Manual Review: Verifying the accuracy and relevance of the data.
- Normalization: Standardizing data formats to match the quality of other relevant datasets.
Dataset Structure
Field | Type | Description |
thread_id |
string | The ID of the original thread |
category_id |
string | The ID of the category |
category_name |
string | The corresponding name of the category |
Question |
string | The text of the question asked |
Question_token_count |
integer | The number of GPT-2 tokens in the question text |
Question_text_length |
integer | The length of the question text (in characters) |
Question_language_probability |
float | The confidence score of the language detection algorithm |
Answer |
string | The text of the answer given |
Answer_token_count |
integer | The number of GPT-2 tokens in the answer text |
Answer_text_length |
integer | The length of the answer text (in characters) |
Answer_language_probability |
float | The confidence score of the language detection algorithm |
NB: The rows are questions alongside their answers/responses/comments (multiple rows with the same thread ID). So, a single question could have more than one answers/response/comment.
How to Load the Dataset
Here's how you can load and explore the dataset using the 🤗 Datasets library:
import datasets
dataset = datasets.load_dataset('Ayomidejoe/NaijaMed_QA_Dataset')
# Display the first example
This dataset can be valuable for:
- Natural Language Processing (NLP): Training models on Nigerian English and local colloquialisms.
- Healthcare Analysis: Understanding prevalent health concerns in Nigeria.
- Chatbot Training: Developing AI assistants for healthcare support in Nigerian contexts.
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as:
title = {Nigerian Healthcare Forum Q\&A Dataset},
author = {Ayomide Owoyemi}
year = {2024},
publisher = {Hugging Face Datasets},
version = {1.0.0},
url = {},
- Downloads last month
- 107