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The human mind is a very mighty weapon. But taking control over it is something that the majority of us couldn’t do. instant manifestation secrets review Is it even possible to will your thoughts into existence? How amazing would that be? The reality is that’s EXACTLY how each wonderful achievement was done – through the manifestation of immense thoughts into reality. | <urn:uuid:c31fdfbb-92ae-4982-b7cc-d449f0319b14> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T21:38:09Z",
"file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066450783.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20241208203139-20241208233139-00001.warc.gz",
"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9569136500358582,
"token_count": 74,
"url": "http://150445.homepagemodules.de/u511_jannetlewis.html"
} |
The legendary composer is behind some of the most adored Sonic soundtracks, including Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and Sonic Generations.
This year, Senoue-san will be on stage performing a selection of tunes spanning his illustrious career. That’s not all, though! The charismatic musician absolutely loves meeting with Sonic fans, so we’re giving you the chance to meet with him at the Summer of Sonic signing booth too.
Times and details on the signing booth will be announced at a later date, so stay tuned for more details! | <urn:uuid:4ee1db2b-448e-48b9-b732-ceeffbb7665d> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T20:51:42Z",
"file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066450783.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20241208203139-20241208233139-00001.warc.gz",
"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9374702572822571,
"token_count": 130,
"url": "http://2013.summerofsonic.com/news/guest-announcement-jun-senoue/?replytocom=159"
} |
The desert blooms under the right conditions. There are many flowers to be found if you are looking. Certainly southern Utah is as close to desert as you want to find – perhaps not like the Sahara, but certainly quite dry.
This flower was discovered on a stop between Bryce Canyon and Zion Canyon National Parks in May 1994. Captured using Kodak Gold 400 film, stored on a PhotoCD, recovers using pcdMagic, and post-processed using Luminar by Macphun Software. | <urn:uuid:ed04b957-5659-4987-9d91-ddd9f6ba5d94> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T23:07:14Z",
"file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066450783.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20241208203139-20241208233139-00001.warc.gz",
"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9731965065002441,
"token_count": 101,
"url": "http://2live4.com/blog/2017/10/04/a-desert-flowerm2/"
} |
Un document în engleză, clasificat „top secret” şi intitulat Silent weapons for quiet wars (Arme silențioase pentru războaie tăcute) a fost descoperit din întâmplare, pe 7 iulie 1986, de un angajat al Boeing Aircraft Corporation, care cumpărase, pentru piese de schimb, un copiator IBM uzat; în interiorul acestui copiator, individul a descoperit un document ce părea a fi datat în perioada de început a războiului rece (deşi, pe pagina sa de început, este notat anul 1979 ca dată a emiterii sale) şi care chema elitele globale la un război total, dar tăcut şi insidios, orientat către controlul total al maselor, printr-un sistem de arme silenţioase, cum ar fi manipularea industriei, a sistemului educaţional, a divertismentului şi a înclinaţiilor politicienilor.
Documentul îndemna la o revoluţie silenţioasă, insidioasă, menită a învrăjbi populaţia, punând fratele contra fratelui, familia contra membrilor săi, credincioşii contra coreligionarilor lor. Toată această strategie ar fi menită să devieze atenţia publicului de la ceea ce i se petrece în mod real în viaţa de zi cu zi, dar şi de la experimentele la care este supus în interiorul programului de preluare a controlului asupra lumii.
Originile şi destinaţiile acestui document nu se cunosc, dar se bănuieşte că ar aparţine aşa-numitului Grup Bilderberg, entitate care reprezintă un fel de guvern mondial, care conduce lumea din umbră.
Indiferent de aceste teorii, conţinutul acestui „document” este, pur şi simplu, tulburător, mai ales prin acurateţea datelor şi informaţiilor pe care le conţine, dar şi prin faptul că el corespunde cu evenimente reale, istorice.
Spre exemplu, aşa-numita „terapie de şoc economic” chiar a fost experimentată cu succes, mai întâi în ţări ale Americii Latine care erau conduse de dictatori veroşi capabili să îşi înrobească propriul popor (Chile, Argentina, Salvador, Brazilia), după aceea în ţări ale Asiei de Sud (Indonezia, Coreea de Sud) şi, ulterior, chiar în ţări foste comuniste (Rusia, Polonia, România).
Din 9 septembrie 2001, terapia de şoc economic a fost pusă în practică exact acolo unde a început totul – în S.U.A.
Următoarele paragrafe sunt extrase din acest document, ele fiind relative la instrumentalizarea şi finalitatea armelor silenţioase.
„Tot ceea ce se aşteaptă de la o armă obişnuită se aşteaptă şi de la o armă silenţioasă, dar rezultatele se vor concretiza numai în maniera în care creatorul armei silenţioase a făcut-o să funcţioneze.
Arma silenţioasă «trage» situaţii, în loc de gloanţe; este propulsată de procesoare de date, în loc de reacţii chimice; explozia este generată de biţii de informaţii şi nu de praful de pulbere; lovitura pleacă dintr-un computer, şi nu dintr-o puşcă sau dintr-un tun; arma silenţioasă este operată de un programator de computer şi nu de un soldat neştiutor de carte şi, în fine, este utilizată la ordinul unui magnat bancar şi nu a unui general.
Arma silenţioasă nu face zgomote explozive, nu cauzează răni fizice sau mentale vizibile şi, la nivel de aparenţă, nu interferează cu viaţa socială a nimănui. Dar asta numai pentru un observator neavizat. Căci, în realitate, arma silenţioasă provoacă şocuri teribile la nivel de subconştient, pagube teribile şi de neînlăturat din punct de vedere fizic şi mental şi grave tulburări ale vieţii sociale individuale sau colective – şi asta este de domeniul evidenţei pentru cel ce ştie unde să se uite.
Publicul nu poate înţelege această armă tăcută şi, de aceea, nu poate să creadă că este atacat în mod discret şi insidios. Publicul poate, în mod instinctiv, să simtă că ceva este în neregula; dar, mulţumită naturii tehnice a armei tăcute, publicul nu îşi poate exprima acest presentiment într-o manieră raţională, inteligibilă. Aşa că publicul nu va şti cum să strige după ajutor, iar indivizii obişnuiţi nu vor şti cum să se asocieze cu alţii pentru a se apăra colectiv contra armei tăcute.
Când o armă silenţioasă este utilizată gradual, publicul îşi ajustează sau îşi adaptează comportamentul la prezenţa în viaţa de zi cu zi a acestei arme şi învaţă să o tolereze, până în momentul în care presiunea (psihologică, socială şi economică) devine atât de mare încât face să sară totul în aer. Iar acesta este momentul în care arma silenţioasă devine un tip special de armă biologică de război şi de ucidere în masă. Ea atacă vitalitatea, opţiunile (inclusiv cele religioase) şi mobilitatea indivizilor unei societăţi, pentru a-i supune; cunoscând, înţelegând, manipulând şi atacând sursele naturale şi sociale de energie, precum şi puterile sau slăbiciunile lor fizice, mentale şi emoţionale, deţinătorul armei silenţioase poate fi sigur de victorie, iar acei indivizi şi acea societate sunt condamnaţi deja la înfrângere.
Starea de şoc în care este adusă acea populaţie este perfectă pentru a o convinge că «experţii» pot şi trebuie să preia controlul sistemului financiar şi să restabilească securitatea şi siguranţa (mai degrabă decât libertatea şi justiţia) pentru toţi. Când cetăţenii deveniţi debitori sunt făcuţi inapţi de a se ocupa de propriile afaceri financiare şi familiale, ei devin, desigur, totalmente aserviţi şi, în consecinţă, resurse ieftine de muncă. Terapia de şoc demonstrează cu puterea evidenţei că există o legătură directă, intrinsecă, între fluxurile de bani din economie şi perspectiva psihologică reală şi răspunsurile maselor de oameni dependente de acele fluxuri de bani. De exemplu, există o relaţie măsurabilă cantitativ între preţul benzinei şi probabilitatea ca o persoană să aibă o migrenă, să simtă nevoia de a vedea un film violent, să fumeze o ţigară sau să meargă la o bodegă pentru o serie nelimitată de halbe de bere.”
Tot din documentul citat mai sus rezultă nişte idei care pot să ne dea fiori, întrucât ele sunt detectabile la noi, aici, acum, în România.
Conform documentului, experienţa arată că metoda cea mai simplă de a asigura obţinerea şi menţinerea controlului prin intermediul armei silenţioase este să ţii publicul indisciplinat şi ignorant asupra principiilor de bază ale sistemului, în timp ce i se oferă lucruri stridente care să îi distragă atenţia, distracţii uşoare care să îl abată de la lucrurile cu adevărat importante şi care să-l ţină confuz, planuri şi agende publice care să-l facă să derapeze şi să rateze drumul corect. Regula generală este că întotdeauna există un profit în confuzie; cu cât mai multă confuzie, cu atât mai mult profit. De aceea, cea mai bună abordare este să creezi problemele şi, după aceea, să oferi soluţiile (pentru un profit substanţial, desigur).
Publicul distras sau distrat, cetăţenii, în general, vor face întotdeauna uşoară sarcina colectării informaţiilor necesare operatorului armei tăcute şi sarcina soldaţilor lor, distribuitorii, dacă va putea fi pus în practică „principiul sandviciului gratis”: mănânci acum şi plăteşti mai târziu.
„Sandviciul gratis” doar pare gratis, dar nu e, întrucât trebuie, totuşi, să îl plăteşti; e adevărat că îl plăteşti mai târziu şi, eventual, eşalonat, dar e cu mult mai scump, comparativ cu un sandvici pe care l-ai putea cumpăra cu bani (dacă ai deţine lichidităţile necesare). În primul rând, pentru că nevoia ta stringentă de a consuma te opreşte de la a pune întrebări în legătură cu preţul. Întrucât sursa consumului e unică (neavând bani pe loc, nu îți poţi permite să alegi, aşa că mănânci ce ţi se oferă, mai ales că mâncarea pare gratis), înseamnă că vei fi nevoit să accepţi orice preţ. Oricum, la fel ca în barurile din cinematografe (unde nu poţi intra cu mâncare sau cu băutură de afară) sau ca în sălile de aşteptare pentru îmbarcare din aeroport ori chiar la fel ca în avion, preţurile sunt duble sau triple faţă de cele de la piaţă. În plus, preţului sandviciului „gratis” i se adaugă tot felul de extensii neaşteptate: întrucât nu este achitat pe loc, ci urmează a fi achitat peste un anumit timp, înseamnă că preţul (oricum dublat sau triplat prin limitarea libertăţii de alegere) va fi majorat cu dobânzi şi comisioane, iar dacă preţul nu e achitat la timp, intervin şi majorările şi penalităţile. Când ajungi să îţi faci calcule şi îţi dai seama că ai plătit deja acel sandvici, poate de două ori, şi încă mai plăteşti, e prea târziu.
Acest „principiu” al sandviciului gratis/ieftin e aplicat de bănci în afacerea creditelor în monedă străină (aparent ieftin), în cadrul programelor susţinute de stat, de tipul Prima casă (unde avansul este redus la 5%, iar dobânda e cu 1-2 puncte procentuale mai mică decât preţul pieţei) şi în cazul cardurilor de credit (uşor de utilizat, în limita unui multiplu al salariului, acest tip de facilitate de credit este vândut, pe piaţa noastră, cu dobânzi de 38%). Aparenţa gratuităţii se transformă, frecvent, în cel mai scump produs şi, uneori, ia aspecte de coşmar, întrucât cel ce nu îşi plăteşte datoriile la bănci este executat silit, evacuat din casă şi, ulterior, ţinut responsabil faţă de bancă (sau faţă de un colector de creanţe care chiar a cumpărat pe doi lei datoria consumatorului de sandvici gratis/ieftin) toată viaţa, prin popriri pe salariu şi/sau pe pensie. Deci, consumaţi sandviciuri şi faceţi-o acum, cât e gratis!
Cum creezi confuzie şi cum profiţi de pe urma ei?
Prin dezangajare. Prin sabotaj la adresa activităţilor mentale. Prin promovarea unui sistem de educaţie de calitate redusă (mai ales în domeniul matematicii, al logicii, al ingineriei de sistem şi al economiei) care descurajează creativitatea tehnică. Prin capturarea emoţiilor publicului, în asalturi sau atacuri emoţionale inexorabile (viol mental şi emoţional), printr-un „foc de baraj” constant cu ştiri despre sex, violenţă, accidente oribile, crime, terorişti şi războaie care ţin prima pagină şi prime time-ul în ziare, la TV şi pe net. Prin inundarea mentalului colectiv cu cât mai multă informaţie inutilă, cât mai mult gunoi informaţional şi emoţional, care să le ocupe cetăţenilor mintea şi să le maculeze sufletul, în timp ce cetăţenii sunt determinaţi să creadă că totul este spre binele lor şi spre garanţia, securitatea şi libertatea lor (ce ironie!).
Rescrierea istoriei şi a legii şi supunerea publicului la creaţii deviante este o modalitate prin care operatorul armei silenţioase îşi poate asigura din timp, pas cu pas, victoria în războiul său tăcut. Un operator al unui sistem de arme tăcute operează cu informaţii obţinute de la un public făcut docil cu concursul forţei statale (ceea ce este legal, dar nu întotdeauna legitim).
Cele mai multe informaţii sunt furnizate programatorului sistemului de arme tăcute de fisc. Informaţiile despre publicul contribuabil sunt furnizate fiscului de bunăvoie sau sub ameninţarea sancţiunilor şi a executării silite. Aceste informaţii sunt bine organizate şi sunt de încredere. Mai mult, ele arată gradul în care publicul se conformează, voluntar sau forţat, unui set de obligaţii legale fără contraprestaţie din partea creditorului.
De notat că orice credit acordat populaţiei pe baza simplelor înregistrări la fisc – noua „cucerire” a industriei bancare, noul „credit doar cu buletinul”, tehnica de îndatorare la bănci făcută posibilă de un protocol bancar cu fiscul român, cel care a fost de acord să le dea băncilor aceste informaţii presupus confidenţiale – este exact ce îşi poate dori şi ce poate anticipa operatorul armei tăcute.
„Când guvernul este în măsură să colecteze taxe şi să execute silit conturi sau proprietăţi private fără a oferi o justă compensaţie, această realitate este un indicator al faptului că publicul este copt pentru a se preda şi a consimţi la neutralizarea drepturilor şi libertăţilor sale. Un bun şi uşor de cuantificat indicator al «perioadei recoltei» este procentul de populaţie care plăteşte taxe în ciuda lipsei unei prestaţii oneste şi reciproce din partea guvernului.”
Dacă încă nu v-aţi dat seama despre ce vorbeşte acest text eretic şi conspiraţionist, atunci luaţi aminte: sistemul public de asigurări de sănătate primeşte în fiecare an un minim de 6 miliarde de euro de la cetăţeni şi firme. Ce ne dă nouă, contribuabili şi presupuşi beneficiari, înapoi acest sistem? Cel mai slab dotat, cel mai periculos sub raportul potenţialului de infecţii intraspitaliceşti, cel mai neigienic şi cel mai corupt serviciu de sănătate publică din Uniunea Europeană.
Reclama este un amplificator economic care opreşte publicul de la a vedea, auzi, mirosi sau palpa ceea ce se petrece în mod real. Amplificatorul te obligă să îţi orientezi atenţia fie către sursa de zgomot, fie înspre anihilarea sau măcar atenuarea zgomotului asurzitor. Spre exemplu, dacă auzi muzică dată prea tare şi nu eşti chiar tu la petrecere, în mod sigur vei încerca să te aperi, închizând geamul, dând drumul la aparate care să facă zgomote concurente, punându-ţi căşti pe urechi; dacă treci prea aproape de un avion sau de un stadion plin cu fani, îţi acoperi urechile, ca să nu te asurzească sau să nu te irite zgomotul; e cert, însă, că nu mai observi şi nici nu mai percepi corect ce se petrece în rest cu tine; de aceea, rişti să nu mai fi atent, de exemplu, la traversarea străzii. Exact la fel se petrece şi cu amplificatorul de lumină (far, proiector) sau cu mercaptanul din gazul natural.
Pe plan economic, exact la fel se petrece în cazul reclamei şi al publicităţii (stradale, audiovizuale, virtuale etc.). Ca să fie o bună armă silenţioasă (deşi ea este ca muzica pusă la maxim, reclama e menită a se adresa, pe uşa din dos sau pe uşi secrete, altor simţuri decât cele bombardate direct), reclama trebuie să fie făcută astfel încât să pară că se adresează unui elev de 12 ani. Sugestibilitatea reclamei trebuie să fie exact atât de ridicată încât să ajungă să îl facă pe consumator să reacţioneze cu acelaşi grad de inocenţă ca şi a unui copil de 12 ani – adică un subiect care nu ştie să critice, nu îşi pune întrebări în legătură cu aparenţele şi ia de bune aceste aparenţe, dată fiind redusa sa experienţă de viaţă.
Procesul de definire şi evaluare a acestor factori de amplificare economică şi de încorporare a lor în sistemul economic poate însemna, de exemplu, modificarea în sus sau în jos a preţurilor la locuinţe, transmiterea unor unde de şoc (reduceri bruşte sau creşteri graduale, dar în perioade scurte de timp, urmate de noi reduceri de preţuri) şi analiza modului în care şocul se reverberează în economie), după care „avionul”, dacă rămâne întreg, este redresat şi readus pe traiectoria dorită, conformă cu scenariul iniţial al operatorului armei silenţioase. Culmea ironiei este că, în facultăţile de economie care dau mai mereu laureaţi ai premiului Nobel pentru economie şi unde teoria undelor de şoc este preluată din industria aeronautică (în cadrul căreia aceste unde de şoc chiar se utilizează pentru a verifica rezistenţa avionului la şocuri şi turbulenţe) sub denumirea de „teorie a jocurilor”, experimentele de acest gen sunt ca nişte jocuri pe calculator. Iar atacurile cu dronele sunt şi ele, desigur, ca nişte jocuri pe calculator pentru operatorii care distrug ţinte directe sau colaterale (uneori nunţi, botezuri, înmormântări, şcoli, spitale, cu sau fără terorişti în ele) prin simple atingeri ale ecranului calculatorului.
Ca un regret etern pentru viața din perioada uterină (pântecul primordial – the primordial womb), toate eforturile pe care o persoană le face până la finalul vieţii sunt orientate către recrearea mentală, artificială, a acelui mediu sigur, lipsit de griji şi de responsabilitate (the artificial womb – pântecul artificial). Omul îşi construieşte din materiale fizice sau din relaţii cu alţi oameni, variate feluri de substituire a pântecului primordial şi scuturi protective care să îl ţină, acolo, la adăpost. Obiectivul acestor „pântece artificiale” este obţinerea sentimentului de stabilitate într-un mediu instabil, a unui adăpost de vreme rea pentru toate procesele de creştere şi de maturizare, a siguranţei în libertate şi a zidurilor de protecţie în caz de atac din exterior. Ne construim toţi ziduri, pentru a ne menţine iluzia că suntem din nou în pântecele primordial, la adăpost, iar dacă vrem libertatea, vrem să fie una în deplină siguranţă, ca în marsupiul copilăriei. Sau ca în sânul lui Avraam. Iar aceste certitudini sunt potenţiale arme silenţioase în războaiele tăcute ale celor care vor controlul.
Principala raţiune pentru care oamenii se reunesc într-o societate organizată în stat este dorinţa subconştientă de a perpetua starea de dependenţă din perioada copilăriei. Pentru cei mai mulţi dintre noi, acea perioadă este cea mai bună, cea mai dezirabilă, întrucât atunci nu aveam griji şi nici responsabilităţi, căci altcineva trebuia să ne îngrijească şi să răspundă pentru noi. Mai simplu spus, ne dorim ca Cineva să elimine toate riscurile, „să ne mângâie pe cap, să ne sărute pe obraji, să ne pună un pui (sau o pizza) pe masă de fiecare dată când ne e foame, să ne îmbrace, să ne aştearnă patul pentru a ne culca şi să ne spună că totul va fi bine mâine, când ne vom trezi din somn”.
Această raţiune poate fi programată – şi este înspăimântător să observăm că, în realitatea de zi cu zi, acest program se manifestă ca şi când am fi în Matrix – mai greu de perceput, dar nu invizibil.
Programarea modelelor de obiceiuri sau de comportamente presupune colectarea de date şi informaţii cu caracter personal la scară naţională sau globală: avantaje şi slăbiciuni, activităţi, hobby-uri, date medicale, înregistrări psihiatrice (frici, furie, dispreţ, adaptabilitate, reacţii la stimuli, violenţă, sugestibilitate sau hipnoză, suferinţă, plăcere, dragoste, sex), mijloace de relaxare sau de evadare din realitate (consum de alcool sau droguri, distracţii, factori religioşi), sensibilităţi politice (ideologii, contacte personale, poziţie socială sau etnică, proiecte sau obiective), toate sunt la dispoziţia operatorului armei tăcute, mai ales că noi înşine i le punem pe tavă – pe pagini de socializare, pe internet, pe diversele dispozitive electronice inteligente care ne solicită date biometrice pentru a le accesa. Cele mai multe astfel de date sunt publice sau stocate în baze de date relativ uşor de accesat de un operator priceput. Iar demnitarii români aşa-zis tehnocraţi declară că discuţia despre drepturile omului este un lux teoretic…
Cu aceste date şi informaţii, operatorul creează situaţii controlate: manipulează economia şi, deci, societatea; controlează veniturile şi salariile, fabricarea şi distribuţia bunurilor şi a serviciilor; controlează preţurile (notă: asta ar trebui să fie obiectivul legislaţiei protecţiei concurenţei; dar este? Nu cumva această legislaţie e creată astfel încât să acopere realitatea?); din această poziţie nici nu mai este nevoie de eforturi inovative – banii vin din rentele consecutive obţinerii controlului, iar cu aceşti bani se asigură menţinerea controlului, încă o dată, fără prea mari eforturi inovative (ceea ce arată cât de profitabilă şi eficientă este arma silenţioasă); controlul funcţiilor legale, al circulaţiei datelor cu caracter personal, al publicităţii şi reclamei, al mass-media şi al programelor TV vine din inerţie. Şi, întrucât, cu acest buton de control se poate opera uşor, distragerea atenţiei de la chestiunile reale, angajarea emoţiilor negative, dezordinea, haosul, nebunia, devin simple detalii.
Nu-i aşa că, având în vedere cele de mai sus, afirmaţiile care urmează, şi care sunt extrase din documentul citat, nu mai sunt atât de şocante pe cât par?
„S-a decis declanşarea unui război tăcut contra publicului cu obiectivul final al transferului energiilor naturale şi sociale şi al averii de la cei mulţi şi indisciplinaţi în mâinile celor câţiva avuţi, auto-disciplinaţi şi responsabili. Pentru a obţine predictibilitatea totală a economiei, elementele clasei de jos trebuie aduse sub control total, de exemplu, sub jugul unor datorii pe termen lung începând cu vârsta cea mai fragedă, înainte de a avea şansa de a se întreba care este realitatea – dacă, de fapt, sunt proprietari ai caselor lor sau datornici. Familiile clasei de jos trebuie dezintegrate printr-un proces de supra-ocupare a părinţilor şi de transfer către stabilimente guvernamentale de îngrijire zilnică a copiilor lor rămaşi, practic, orfani, prin separarea funcţională de părinţii ultra-ocupaţi cu plata datoriilor. Calitatea educaţiei oferite acestor copii funcţional orfani trebuie să fie dintre cele mai sărace în scopul de a-i ţine captivi în clasa care le-a fost destinată.”
Ce rol avem noi în acest război tăcut? Să încercăm pilula bleu pe care ne-o oferă Morpheus. Să fim Neo. Poate că vom reuşi să ieşim din Matrix.
Av. Gheorghe Piperea
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Cloudflare, CrowdStrike, and Ping Identity Join Forces to Strengthen U.S. Cybersecurity in Light Of Increased Cyber Threats
The Critical Infrastructure Defense Project will provide comprehensive, no-cost cyber protections for U.S. hospitals and water and power utilities
San Francisco, CA, March 07, 2022 — Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), the security, performance, and reliability company helping to build a better Internet, CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: CRWD), a leader in cloud-delivered protection of endpoints, cloud workloads, identity and data, and Ping Identity (NYSE: PING), a leader in identity authentication, authorization, and risk solutions for large enterprises, today announced a new Critical Infrastructure Defense Project to provide free cybersecurity services to particularly vulnerable industries during this time of heightened risk. This project is designed to enhance defenses against key areas of enterprise risk and eligible organizations will have access to the full suite of Cloudflare Zero Trust solutions, endpoint protection and intelligence services from CrowdStrike, and Zero Trust identity solutions from Ping Identity. This project, in collaboration with core partners across the public sector, will also offer an easy-to-follow roadmap that businesses in any industry can use to implement step-by-step security measures to defend themselves from cyberattack.
In February 2022, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) issued a ‘Shields Up’ advisory to urge all US businesses to take steps to prepare for potentially disruptive cyber activity in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the Sunburst attack, which triggered a large-scale supply chain incident affecting thousands of organizations, and Colonial Pipeline incident, resulting in the shut down of its pipeline for five days, have demonstrated, attacks on U.S. infrastructure can have wide-spread impact on businesses and citizens alike.
“We rely on our infrastructure to power our homes, to provide access to water and basic necessities, and to maintain critical access to healthcare. That’s why it’s more important than ever for the security industry to band together and ensure that our most critical industries are protected and prepared,” said Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. “We are honored to come together with CrowdStrike and Ping Identity during this time of heightened security risk to protect our nation’s most vulnerable infrastructure.”
“This is first and foremost a public service initiative to secure the endpoints and data of some of the most important critical infrastructure entities in the country,” said George Kurtz, CEO and co-founder of CrowdStrike. “We are in a position to help and we want to do all we can. Today, CrowdStrike is offering two no-cost capabilities in endpoint protection and intelligence services to help critical organizations in the U.S. better protect themselves against evolving threats and ensure critical functions for Americans are not disrupted.”
“With heightened targeting risk on our critical infrastructure, strong identity security is more important than ever,” said Andre Durand, CEO and founder of Ping Identity. “ We are honored to partner with Cloudflare and CrowdStrike as a part of a comprehensive security offering at no cost. Together we stand strong in keeping our nation and infrastructure secure.”
The security features available to organizations through the Critical Infrastructure Defense Project provide a Zero Trust model for securing the networks, endpoints and identities of organizations and critical threat intelligence for teams that are at risk of attack. U.S. hospitals and water and power utilities are encouraged to:
Visit https://CriticalInfrastructureDefense.org to learn about the Zero Trust security services available from Cloudflare, CrowdStrike, and Ping Identity.
Review the Critical Infrastructure Defense checklist on the website, which provides easy-to-follow actions that organizations can take in the next day, week, and month to improve their cyber readiness.
Cloudflare, Inc. (www.cloudflare.com / @cloudflare) is on a mission to help build a better Internet. Cloudflare’s suite of products protect and accelerate any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare have all web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Cultures 2018 list and ranked among the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company in 2019. Headquartered in San Francisco, CA, Cloudflare has offices in Austin, TX, Champaign, IL, New York, NY, San Jose, CA, Seattle, WA, Washington, D.C., Toronto, Lisbon, London, Munich, Paris, Beijing, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo.
© 2021 Cloudflare, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloudflare, the Cloudflare logo, and other Cloudflare marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Cloudflare, Inc. in the U.S. and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names referenced herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: CRWD), a global cybersecurity leader, has redefined modern security with one of the world’s most advanced cloud-native platforms for protecting critical areas of enterprise risk – endpoints and cloud workloads, identity and data.
Powered by the CrowdStrike Security Cloud and world-class AI, the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform leverages real-time indicators of attack, threat intelligence, evolving adversary tradecraft and enriched telemetry from across the enterprise to deliver hyper-accurate detections, automated protection and remediation, elite threat hunting and prioritized observability of vulnerabilities.
Purpose-built in the cloud with a single lightweight-agent architecture, the Falcon platform delivers rapid and scalable deployment, superior protection and performance, reduced complexity and immediate time-to-value.
CrowdStrike: We stop breaches.
© 2022 CrowdStrike, Inc. All rights reserved. CrowdStrike, the falcon logo, CrowdStrike Falcon and CrowdStrike Threat Graph are marks owned by CrowdStrike, Inc. and registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and in other countries. CrowdStrike owns other trademarks and service marks, and may use the brands of third parties to identify their products and services.
About Ping Identity
Ping Identity delivers intelligent identity solutions for the enterprise. We enable companies to achieve Zero Trust identity-defined security and more personalized, streamlined user experiences. The PingOne Cloud Platform provides customers, workforce, and partners with access to cloud, mobile, SaaS and on-premises applications across the hybrid enterprise. Over half of the Fortune 100 choose us for our identity expertise, open standards, and partnerships with companies including Microsoft and Amazon. We provide flexible identity solutions that accelerate digital business initiatives, delight customers, and secure the enterprise through multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, access management, intelligent API security, directory, and data governance capabilities. For more information, visit www.pingidentity.com.
SOURCE: Cloudflare, CrowdStrike & Ping Identity | <urn:uuid:ff827ca5-2041-44db-a97c-dcd09c42812e> | {
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@ Rakshit Josain | Spl Correspondent, Deepak Chandel | Video Journalist
Ghaziabad: Today, the Municipal Commissioner of the city Mr. Dinesh Chandra Singh took stock of the temple on the day of Mahashivratri to be held at Shri Dudheshwanath Math Temple on 21 February.
Shrimahant of Shri Dudheshwar Nath Math Temple, Sh. Narayan Giri Ji Maharaj blessed the Municipal Commissioner by wearing a garland of Navaratna and also offered prayers in the temple with chanting by the teachers and students of the Dudheshwar Veda Vidya Peeth. On the occasion of Mahashivratri fair in the temple premises, there could not be any problem for the devotees, on this occasion, ordered a big highmax light to be fixed before Shivaratri and to fix the broken roads, Ganga water system, and the other necessary arrangement. Instructions for cleaning, gave assurance to the concerned officials to better the path lighting system and re-inspect the temple.
Area councilor Mohd. Zakir Saifi, Additional Commissioner Pramod Kumar Sharma, waterworks officer Yogendra Yadav, BP Sharma, Rajendra Prasad, JE and temple media Incharge Mr. S R Suthar described the whole information regarding Mahashivaratri fair. And the officials of Dudheshwar Temple Shringar Seva Samiti, Vijay Mittal, Gaurav Sharma, Ajay Chopra, etc. related officers were present! | <urn:uuid:902ccce1-442a-4554-80da-7bd0144691f2> | {
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For nearly a quarter of a century, local radio station KSJD has labored to provide community-based broadcasting for Dolores and Montezuma counties. The station is now working to expand access to broadcasting through a satellite studio in Rico.
The studio opened in 2010, and the station is celebrating this Saturday with an open house to introduce the community to the addition.
We have what we call an outpost studio in Rico, which means that people in Rico can go to the studio and get on the air without having to travel to Cortez, said Tom Yoder, KSJD programming director.
Access is an important component to KSJD, which operates with a community radio model utilizing volunteers to run much of the programming and operations at the station.
Satellite studios have been used in other rural radio markets that also operate on the community model, Yoder said.
It is a model that has been tried in a few other places, especially in the rural area, where stations serve a community of listeners that is spread out, he said. The satellite studios allow operators to come on the air without traveling a long distance.
Yoder said the best example he knows of is a radio station in Washington state that has opened studios on small islands within the stations listenership.
The rural studios allow a broader range of the community to participate in broadcasting, regardless of physical location, Yoder said.
The concept of a studio in Rico has been a subject of discussion for a number of years, Yoder said. KSJD holds a separate Federal Communications Commission licence in the Rico area, using the call letters KICO. The stations presence in the community made the decision easy.
When we got that license a couple of years ago, there was a lot of discussion on the board and among the staff of how to involve the community up there, and this (satellite station) was one idea, Yoder said.
The studio is housed in a room in Ricos J.W. Burley Building, located on Main Street. The studio is set up much like the stations main studio on the campus of Southwest Colorado Community College.
(Disc jockeys) and volunteer programmers up in Rico can go to the Burley Building and up to the studio, and when it is time to go on the air the transmitter switches, Yoder said. It is pretty cool.
Discussions are already underway regarding the possibility of satellite studios in other rural communities in the region.
Weve been kicking around doing it in other places, Yoder said. Maybe Bluff or Dove Creek, or somewhere like that. The idea is to put out two or three little satellites that people can access and have an easier access to the airways.
The importance of access cannot be underestimated in the realm of community radio, Yoder said.
Community radio is really all about local voices and getting people from the community on the air, he said. To make it easier to get on the air is really enhancing the community voice and getting people to engage with media.
The Rico Outpost Studios open house will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Burley Building.
For more information, contact KSJD at 564-9727.
Reach Kimberly Benedict at [email protected]. | <urn:uuid:ebd9e3f2-0c2a-42e8-a038-85f35e9ebb0e> | {
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American vs. English Cocker Spaniel: Decoding the Size Difference
I’ve always been fascinated by dogs, especially spaniels. Their gentle nature and playful spirit have always charmed me. Recently, I had the opportunity to meet both an American Cocker Spaniel and an English Cocker Spaniel, and it got me thinking about their differences, particularly in size. While both breeds share a common ancestor, there’s a noticeable difference in their stature, and understanding this can be crucial when deciding which breed is right for you.
A Tale of Two Spaniels: My Personal Experience
My first encounter was with a lively American Cocker Spaniel named Buddy. He was a bundle of energy, constantly bouncing around and eager to play fetch. Despite his playful demeanor, he was surprisingly small, easily fitting in my arms. Later, I met an English Cocker Spaniel named Lily. She was just as affectionate as Buddy, but her size was noticeably larger. Lily felt more substantial, almost like a miniature version of a larger breed.
Size Matters: The Objective Truth
Both breeds are classified as medium-sized dogs, but there’s a clear difference in their height and weight. The American Cocker Spaniel typically stands 14-15.5 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 14-28 pounds. The English Cocker Spaniel, on the other hand, is generally taller at 15-17 inches and heavier, weighing between 26-34 pounds.
This size difference can be attributed to their history. The English Cocker Spaniel was bred to hunt larger game, requiring a sturdier build. The American Cocker Spaniel, however, was developed to hunt smaller game, leading to a more compact and nimble physique.
Size Doesn’t Determine All: A Matter of Personality
While size is an important factor, it shouldn’t be the only determining factor when choosing a breed. Both American and English Cocker Spaniels are known for their loving and affectionate nature. They are highly intelligent and eager to please, making them ideal companions for families and individuals alike.
However, personality traits can vary within each breed. An American Cocker Spaniel can be just as energetic as an English Cocker Spaniel, and vice versa. It’s crucial to meet individual dogs before making a decision to assess their personality and energy levels.
Selecting Your Perfect Spaniel: Practical Tips
Here are some practical tips to help you choose the right Cocker Spaniel for you:
- Consider your lifestyle: If you have a smaller living space or prefer a smaller dog to cuddle, an American Cocker Spaniel might be a better fit. If you have an active lifestyle and enjoy long walks or hikes, an English Cocker Spaniel's energy levels might be a better match.
- Research breeders: Choosing a reputable breeder ensures that your puppy comes from healthy lines and has a good temperament. Reputable breeders are transparent about their breeding practices and can offer valuable advice.
- Meet the parents: If possible, meet the parents of the puppies to get an idea of their temperament and size.
- Prepare for training: Both breeds are intelligent, but they require training to be well-behaved. Be prepared to invest time and effort in training your puppy.
The Verdict: It’s About Fit, Not Size
In conclusion, while size is a noticeable difference between American and English Cocker Spaniels, it shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor. Both breeds offer incredible companionship, love, and loyalty. The best choice for you depends on your individual lifestyle, preferences, and, most importantly, the personality of the individual dog you choose. Ultimately, the best dog for you is the one that fits your life and your heart, regardless of its breed or size. | <urn:uuid:4f5a7a49-7547-439e-a4d9-783ed1cbab74> | {
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Freckle was born about the same time as Mr. Arnold (though they might have had different mothers). She was named that because of the single red-orange patch of fur on the left side of an otherwise white nose.
She was a gentle kitty and I was very sad to see her go. | <urn:uuid:14c92056-52a8-4d8f-bd49-b18e6b8f2f39> | {
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Tenancy Agreement Singapore Download: Everything You Need to Know
If you`re renting a property or planning to rent one in Singapore, having a tenancy agreement in place is crucial for protecting your rights as a tenant and ensuring a smooth rental experience. A tenancy agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rent amount, payment schedule, security deposit, and other essential details.
Thankfully, you don`t have to start from scratch when creating a tenancy agreement in Singapore. Several templates and forms are readily available online, allowing you to download and customize them according to your needs. In this article, we`ll discuss everything you need to know about tenancy agreement Singapore download, including where to find the templates and how to use them.
Tenancy Agreement Singapore: Where to Download Templates
There are several places you can download tenancy agreement templates in Singapore, including:
1. Legal Forms Singapore: This website offers a wide range of legal forms, including tenancy agreements. You can browse their library of forms, select the tenancy agreement template that suits your needs, and download it for free.
2. Sample Templates: This website provides various templates, including tenancy agreements. You can find specific templates for private residential properties, commercial properties, and HDB flats.
3. Singapore Expats: This website offers a selection of tenancy agreement templates for different types of rental properties, such as apartments, condos, and landed properties.
4. PropertyGuru: This website provides various tenancy agreement templates, including ones specific to HDB properties, private condominiums, landed properties, and commercial properties.
Using a Tenancy Agreement Singapore Download Template
Once you`ve found a tenancy agreement template that suits your needs, it`s essential to customize it according to your specific rental situation. Here are the essential details that should be included in your tenancy agreement:
1. Landlord and Tenant Information: Include the full name and contact information (phone, email, address) of both the landlord and tenant.
2. Rental Property Information: Include the address, unit number, and a description of the rental property, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, and any included furnishings or appliances.
3. Rent and Payment Details: Specify the rent amount, payment due date, and payment method. Also, mention any late fee charges and the consequences of rent default.
4. Security Deposit: State the amount of the security deposit and when it should be paid. Also, outline the circumstances under which the deposit will be refunded and any deductions that may be made.
5. Maintenance and Repairs: Discuss who is responsible for maintenance and repairs of the rental property, including routine cleaning, repairs, and replacements. Also, outline any penalties for damage caused by the tenant.
6. Termination and Renewal: Specify the length of the tenancy agreement, the notice period required for termination or renewal, and any renewal fees.
As a tenant, having a tenancy agreement in place is essential for protecting your rights and ensuring a smooth rental experience. Downloading a template is an excellent option for creating a tenancy agreement in Singapore, as it saves time and ensures that crucial details are not overlooked. Just be sure to customize the template according to your specific rental situation, and you`re good to go! | <urn:uuid:5d992d81-ad04-4a7f-a5dc-380d6c094fb2> | {
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International Women's Day: Meet Jilly
Jilly works in the University’s Student Centre as our Head of Admissions. She is also a Coach and Mentor, supporting staff in their own professional development right across the University.
How did you come to work at the University of Hertfordshire?
I was looking for a new challenge and the change from the commercial world to that of higher education was certainly that! I have now been here for 12 years!What is your greatest achievement? This can be personal or related to your professional career.
Studying and qualifying as a Chartered Certified Accountant whilst working at the same time. It was an enormous amount of hard work, and I sacrificed a lot of personal time. I still keep my knowledge up to date through continued professional development, even though I changed career direction two years ago and moved into the Student Centre as Head of Admissions, Student Records and Enrolment. This change was also a professional achievement, transferring my skills to a very different area of the University.Has there been anyone who has been a significant support in this achievement? For example, you could not have achieved what you did without them. This can be a male or female.
My husband. He had to put up with me, with my head constantly in my study books, not joining him out at the weekend, and I still don’t cook very much.Are there any women in your life who have been a role model? If yes who and why? This could be a member of your family, a friend or colleague or someone in the public eye.
My Mum. She didn’t stay on at school or go to Uni at the “normal” time. She stayed at home and waited until she had brought my sister and myself up to be strong independent women. She then succeeded in a number of senior management roles at large companies, which she worked herself up to whilst completing her Degree in Human Resource Management. Years later she started studying again here at UH doing her Masters. She is now a visiting lecturer supporting students with their dissertations. She has shown you can do anything if you work hard and put your mind to it.What made you want to become a coach and mentor?
The reason was two-fold. Personally, I felt it would help me as a manager to support my team better. I also wanted to help others find their way through times when they were unsure about their future. I always thought I was a good listener, but I am even more so now and you cannot underestimate the importance of listening.The conversations I have with my coaches show how important it is to have someone support you and answer your questions in a confidential supportive space. People need a coach for all different things, and at different times of their life or career. As a coach and mentor, we can help people find a way through a number of things. Sometimes it only takes a coffee and a chat to help people see different options or ways of thinking that could help. | <urn:uuid:b493b6a0-d0e6-46d7-adf3-4a6aa302cdf5> | {
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Emergency Plumbing Repair in Savannah, GA & Beaufort, SC
Proudly Serving the Coastal Empire & the Lowcountry
Plumbing emergencies can leave you in a stressful and potentially costly situation, but our team at Canady’s Heating, Air & Plumbing is here to help you find a fast and reliable solution to all your plumbing troubles.
We provide emergency services for residential and commercial plumbing needs in Beaufort County and Savannah. Our certified plumbers arrive fully equipped to diagnose and address your urgent plumbing issues, whatever they may be. We’ll help restore your peace of mind so you can get back to your routines.
Call Canady’s or contact us online for prompt emergency plumbing repairs.
Signs You Need Emergency Plumbing Repairs
Not sure if you have a plumbing emergency? Don’t wait to schedule service if the issue impacts your water supply or puts your property at risk of severe damage.
Signs that you need emergency plumbing repairs include:
- Leaky or burst pipes: Turn off your water supply and call Canady’s to repair your pipe and prevent further water damage.
- No water: Whether it’s your water main or a water pipe in your walls, no water means no functioning plumbing.
- Frozen pipes: A frozen pipe may burst. Let us help safely thaw your pipes and restore your water supply.
- Low water pressure: A sudden drop in water pressure likely means there’s a hidden leak that should be addressed immediately.
- Water contamination: Rust-colored, discolored, or foul-tasting water from your tap needs immediate attention.
- Rotten egg odors: A gas leak is a serious issue that requires professional plumbing attention. Evacuate your home, call your utility company to shut off your gas supply, and contact our emergency plumbers.
Do you need emergency plumbing repairs in Savannah, GA, or Beaufort County, SC? Contact Canady’s to request a service.
Full-Service Emergency Plumbing Repair for Homes & Businesses
Canady’s emergency plumbing services include:
- Standard water heater repair
- Tankless water heater repair
- Expansion tank repair
- Leak detection and repair
- Water line repair
- Pipe repair
- Slab leak repair
- Gas line repair
- Boiler repair
- Backflow repair
- Sump pump repair
- Garbage disposal repair
- Sink repair
- Faucet repair
- Toilet repair
Call Canady’s for emergency plumbing repairs in Savannah, GA, and Beaufort County, SC.
Emergency Drain & Sewer Repair
There’s no time to waste when drain and sewer troubles develop. That’s when you need Canady’s for emergency plumbing repairs.
Our expert plumbers are here to swiftly diagnose the issue and provide the fastest route to full operation, ensuring your home’s plumbing is flowing smoothly once again.
Let us help you with:
We’re here for all your emergency drain and sewer issues in the Coastal Empire and the Lowcountry. Contact Canady’s to request a service.
Why Choose Canady’s for Emergency Plumbing Services?
When it comes to your plumbing, you need a service company you can rely on for fast, professional service.
At Canady’s, our customers are our top priority, and our plumbers are licensed, insured, and background-checked for your complete peace of mind.
We ensure your plumbing needs are met with professional care and quality repairs that meet the highest industry standards.
When you have a plumbing emergency, turn to the experts at Canady’s. Call or contact us online today.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if a water pipe bursts?
If your water pipes burst, it’s important to immediately shut off the main water supply. If the space floods, turn off the circuit breaker to avoid electric shock.
Then, call an emergency plumber to repair your pipes.
How can I find the water shut-off valve?
Your water shut-off valve is a pipe with a handle. It could be near your water heater, inside your garage, or at the edge of your property near the street.
What should I do if I have a gas leak?
If you suspect you may have a gas leak in your home, you should:
- Evacuate your home.
- Call your utility company to shut off your gas supply.
- Contact an emergency plumber. | <urn:uuid:dff969b0-90de-4b04-a004-41a48c5a9e57> | {
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The suspected shooter of the late Ryan ‘Duce’ Morrissey, who was acquitted of the crime and freed in February 2018, was arrested June 28, allegedly with a loaded gun and heroin, in Roxbury by Boston Police.
Alexander Soto, 21, formerly of Charlestown, was arrested around 1:30 p.m. on June 28 in Roxbury by the Boston Police Youth Violence Strike Force, who recognized him and knew he had an outstanding warrant for armed robbery. The armed robbery had occurred about one week prior in Roslindale.
Upon seeing the suspect, officers promptly approached and placed the suspect under arrest. A search of the suspect enabled officers to recover a firearm later determined to be a loaded, black Glock 27 firearm with nine rounds of .40 caliber ammunition.
In addition to the firearm, the suspect was found to be in possession of large amount of a brown powder believed to be heroin which was wrapped in plastic and covered in tinfoil. In addition to the warrant, the suspect was charged with the Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Unlawful Possession of Ammunition, Carrying Loaded Firearm on a Public Way and Trafficking Class A Drugs (Heroin). He was arraigned earlier this month on those charges.
Soto was arrested and charged with first-degree murder – along with two other defendants – in 2015 for the murder of 17-year-old Ryan ‘Duce’ Morrissey on Nov. 5, 2014 on Main Street.
A prolonged trial took place in Suffolk Superior Court in January and February 2018, resulting in Soto and another defendant being acquitted and freed. Soto and the other defendant, Danilo Soto (not related), were charged with firing the shots.
The one conviction came of the getaway driver, Julio Baez, who was sentenced to life in prison. | <urn:uuid:f8509f76-258f-4920-909d-cc8e9586964d> | {
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"url": "http://charlestownbridge.com/2019/07/18/acquitted-shooter-in-murder-arrested-with-gun-16-months-later/"
} |
Day 13 -- Drive to Las Vegas, Pinball Hall of Fame, Le Cirque Restaurant.
We drove to Las Vegas, and stopped at the Pinball Hall of Fame (Wade's idea).
It is a "working museum" where you can play all the games.
Many of them date back to the early days of pinball.
Here's one from the 1970's named "Pinball Wizard". Wade has fond memories of playing this game back in the 1970's.
Kimberly is not too bad herself with a flipper in her hand.
The evening's entertainment was a super meal at Le Cirque in the Bellagio. They had everything up to a ten-course dinner, but we settled on a three-course with an added cheese tray.
An amuse bouche: salmon rilette with creme fraiche. Delicious.
Our bread choices included this chocolate bread (not so great) and a most excellent brioche.
Course #1 for Kimberly: lobster and avocado salad. Wonderful.
Course #1 for Wade: hamachi salad with a yuzu vinaigrette. Also outstanding, but not as good as Kimberly's.
The decor is meant to suggest Le Cirque (the circus), but somehow tasteful at the same time.
Wade's main course was rabbit symphony. It include a rabbit ravioli on top, of a rabbit shank wrapped with prosciutto, over a rabbit salad. It is served with fried spaetzle on the side.
Kimberly's main course was Hokkaido scallops over a sweet corn polenta to die for.
Our cheese course, which was only OK.
Blood orange snow cones as a palate cleanser.
Wade's dessert: a chocolate ball with a hazelnut ice cream center, and a hot sea salt caramel...
...dripped over it to start melting the ball.
Kimberly had the chocolate souffle with ice cream inserted in the center. | <urn:uuid:33b0eaf5-5497-49d1-b8b3-9d6e51fa7b6e> | {
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"url": "http://charmedlifecreations.com/gallerywest2019day13.html"
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A recent episode of the Full House Rewind podcast took a heartfelt turn as Dave Coulier, known for his role as Uncle Joey on the hit show, shared a touching voicemail left by his late co-star Bob Saget. Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, also made an appearance in the episode to reflect on her husband's passing earlier this year.
During the emotional episode, Coulier recalled Saget's compassionate nature, describing him as the "biggest hugger" and sharing how Saget reached out to him following the loss of his brother in 2021. Coulier decided to share the personal voicemail with listeners to inspire compassion and support for loved ones during difficult times.
Listeners and fans of Full House expressed their gratitude for the touching tribute, with many commenting on how the voicemail brought them to tears. Coulier also took the opportunity to thank Rizzo for bringing happiness into Saget's life and for being a comforting presence during his friend's final days. | <urn:uuid:6c430594-dcd5-4537-9abe-f3321ec6c001> | {
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"url": "http://charming355.com/doc_bmp5SU9kdGNacjQrWmk5OXZWQW9kZz09"
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Truffle zelený čaj
Vanilka - rum
Třešeň v rumu
Zelený pepř s jahodami
Mandle se skořicí
Equador 39% s chia
Kombinace mléčné plantážní čokolády a chia semínek přináší energii a zdraví. Chia semínka jsou označována jako "jídlo aztéckých běžců a válečníků" , jedna hrstka semínek stačila pro dodání energie na celý den. Obsahují spoustu vápníku, železa a hořčíku a řadí se mezi superpotraviny.
Equador 39% s mandlemi
Klasika v kombinaci chutí v podobě lahodné mléčné plantážní čokolády spolu s mandlemi.
Sao Thomé, Tanzania, Ghana 72% s praženými kakaovými boby
Silná chuť 100% kakaových bobů a jejich křupavost dodává této čokoládě na síle a jedinečnosti.
Equador 39% se zázvorem
jemné spojení mléčné čokolády a zázvoru, který má štiplavou citrusovou příchuť a je oblíbený pro své zklidňující a protizánětlivé účinky a zároveň je řazen i mezi afrodiziaka.
Plantáží čokoláda jemné mléčné chuti.
Platážní vysokoprocentní čokoláda, která v sobě snoubí sílu hořké čokolády s jemnými ovocnými podtóny, subjektivně působí více sladce než kolik má procent. Hořká a přitom ovocná. Vhodná i pro vegany.
Sao Thomé, Tanzania, Ghana 80% s goji
Skvělá kombinace pro Ty, kdo chtějí načerpat energii - nejen z čokolády, ale i z kustovnice, která je malým energetickým zázrakem a řadí se mezi superpotraviny. Jedna z našich nejzdravějších čokolád.
Sao Thomé, Tanzania, Ghana 80% s kávou Arabica
Vůně a chuť čerstvě nadrcených kávových zrn provoní celou čokoládovou tabulku a potěší milovníky kávy i čokolády.
Sao Thomé, Tanzania, Ghana 80% s malinami
Kombinace hořké vysokoprocentní čokolády a jemně kyselých malin je velmi lahodná a osvěžující.
Sao Thomé, Tanzania, Ghana 80% s pomerančem a skořicí
Voňavá kombinace vysokoprocentní čokolády, pomeranče a skořice z Ceylonu nejen zahřeje v zamračených dnech. Skořice obsahuje antioxidanty prospěšné pro naše zdraví.
Sao Thomé, Tanzania, Ghana 80%
Tato tabulka vzniklá směsí plantážních čokolád postrádá navzdory vysokému procentu kakaa kyselé nebo svíravé podtóny a má překvapivě jemnou chuť.
Vánoční edice / Velikonoce
Čokoláda pro děti
D pro firmy
Díky ručnímu procesu výroby jsme schopni realizovat zakázky přímo na míru konkrétním požadavkům firem - stačí zadat množství a velikost jednotlivých balení pralinek či jiných čokoládových dobrot nebo nastínit Vaše přání. Věříme, že budete spokojeni. Jsme plátci DPH.
Příbĕh čoko D
Nechci vymýšlet příběh, který by lidi táhl. Mám ráda opravdové věci, takové jaké jsou, bez příkras, bez přetvářky, v jejich nejčistší podobě.
Vše v mém životě přichází tak nějak přirozeně, někdy nesměle, někdy rychlostí uragánu, něco zůstane, něco mne po čase zase opouští. Věřím, že tak to má být. Stejně tak mi jednoho dne před lety vstoupila do cesty čokoláda a už se mnou zůstala.
Proto se v mém příběhu nedočtete, že mne čokoláda fascinovala odjakživa, že se pojí se vzpomínkami na babičku nebo že jsem vždy snila o tom, že budu podnikat a budovat čokoládovou manufakturu.
Vystudovala jsem stavební fakultu, management firem v Paříži, dlouhá léta pracovala v jedné z největších nadnárodních reklamních agentur, abych se díky tomuto všemu propracovala k voňavé a příjemné manuální práci, která mne jednoduše těší a která mne denně vrací zpátky na zem. Nejlepší odměnou je mi úsměv na tváři lidí, kteří moji čokoládu ochutnají a to, že dělám to, co mne baví.
Všechny naše výrobky jsou vyráběné ručně, z kvalitní belgické čokolády, čerstvých surovin a čistě přírodních produktů, které dávají každému druhu specifickou chuť. Např. pro výrobu zázvorových lanýžů používáme čerstvý zázvor, pro kávové kvalitní, čerstvě umletou kávu Arabica a výrobě levandulových lanýžů předchází sběr čerstvých květů nejlépe za slunečného dne. Nepoužíváme žádné konzervanty ani jiné chemické látky, které prodlužují trvanlivost, ale zhoršují chuť. Naší specialitou jsou čokoládové lanýže, tzn. čokoládové bonbony vyráběné bez pomoci forem.
Kromě lanýžů a tabulkové čokolády vyrábíme lámané čokolády, čokoládové chipsy, čokoládu do mléka, čokolády s různými motivy nejen pro děti, čokoládová lízátka. Baví nás i netradiční výroba na Vaše přání a objevování nového.
Samozřejmostí je vstřícný klientský servis a také to, že o část našeho výdělku se rádi podělíme s těmi, kdo to potřebují.
Vstupte tedy do mého čokoládového světa a najděte si v něm ten svůj příběh. Jste mile vítáni. | <urn:uuid:d4d46b3c-d778-4f1c-a6d5-e43ae014abd9> | {
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Come to Me . . . —Matthew 11:28*
God intends for us to live a well-rounded life in Christ Jesus, but there are times when that life is attacked from the outside. Then we tend to fall back into self-examination, a habit that we thought was gone. Self-awareness is the first thing that will upset the completeness of our life in God, and self-awareness continually produces a sense of struggling and turmoil in our lives. Self-awareness is not sin, and it can be produced by nervous emotions or by suddenly being dropped into a totally new set of circumstances. Yet it is never God’s will that we should be anything less than absolutely complete in Him. Anything that disturbs our rest in Him must be rectified at once, and it is not rectified by being ignored but only by coming to Jesus Christ. If we will come to Him, asking Him to produce Christ-awareness in us, He will always do it, until we fully learn to abide in Him.
Never allow anything that divides or destroys the oneness of your life with Christ to remain in your life without facing it. Beware of allowing the influence of your friends or your circumstances to divide your life. This only serves to sap your strength and slow your spiritual growth. Beware of anything that can split your oneness with Him, causing you to see yourself as separate from Him. Nothing is as important as staying right spiritually. And the only solution is a very simple one— “Come to Me . . . .” The intellectual, moral, and spiritual depth of our reality as a person is tested and measured by these words. Yet in every detail of our lives where we are found not to be real, we would rather dispute the findings than come to Jesus.
from My Utmost for His Highest
*Matthew 11:25-30: At that time Jesus answered and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight. All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Okay, before anyone get’s caught up in wondering what the verse has to do with the passage, Chambers connects the two a little better for the Aug 20th devotional. This, by its self, is actually incomplete. Believe me, I’ve spent over an hour scratching my brain at this before I decided to peek a day ahead, and it all clicked. Get whatever you can out of it, but know it's okay if you're confused.
Here was my take, before I cheated:
I want to alter Chambers last sentence, to clarify what I understand it to mean:
“In every detail of our lives where we are found not to be real [in our faith], we would rather dispute the findings than come to Jesus.”
Self-awareness is not sin, and yet we can be so focused on some matter of our lives, or on introspection, that it serves as yet another separation from God. And yet, this is a stark reminder that our self-perceptions are often wrong. If we see ourselves as what we want ourselves to be or something we don’t like about ourselves, then we aren’t focused on seeing what God sees. But, when we realize this, ‘we would rather dispute the findings than come to Jesus.’ | <urn:uuid:fd2a7aee-eecc-4eea-9f0c-908beafea5e0> | {
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At DEFINE, your form is everything, the simplest range of motion done correctly can have your muscle shaking within seconds while keeping your body aligned to avoid injury. In just 50 minutes you will have woken every muscle fiber in your body. When one engages the small-twitch muscles, they begin to build lean muscle mass while gaining flexibility, endurance, coordination, and balance. Classes are designed for all fitness level as our highly trained instructors provide guidance and modifications to ensure a challenging yet safe workout each and every time. With hundreds of moves, props and different spring tension your body will not "plateau" as it does in other forms of exercise, instead it will leave you craving more. | <urn:uuid:41ddd50c-a7c0-432f-b252-17b08a171db4> | {
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"url": "http://cityizze.com/directory/define-pilates-studio-listing-4491.aspx"
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[College Hill Topeka] Harvesters Reminder for this coming Tuesday
claragamache at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 23:04:18 EDT 2017
The Topeka Turn Around Team, in conjunction with Topeka Bible Church, will
conduct a Harvesters Food Distribution at the ExpoCentre in the south
parking lot on Tuesday July 11th at 9 AM.
This food distribution will continue through the winter months on the
second Tuesday of each month at 9 AM. No ID is required nor are there any
This is a project of neighbors helping neighbors. Volunteers are always
needed and welcome--please arrive at the south parking lot of the
ExpoCentre between 8 and 8:15 AM.
To those of you in the media who have assisted us in the past with a TV
announcement--we would appreciate it very much if you could assist us once
again on Monday and Tuesday morning.
To our many volunteers who have been doing this for over 5 years we want to
extend a hearty thank you--together we accomplish great things for the city
Thank you each and every one---
More information about the Neighbors | <urn:uuid:35494b63-8d77-43cf-8276-c490c9f8ef47> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T22:50:48Z",
"file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066450783.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20241208203139-20241208233139-00001.warc.gz",
"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9301581382751465,
"token_count": 243,
"url": "http://collegehilltopeka.org/pipermail/neighbors_collegehilltopeka.org/2017-July/000081.html"
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Many thanks to professor dr. Christa Tobler LLM of the University of Basel (Switzerland) and the Europa Institute here in Leiden for this guest post on the ECJ's recent judgments in the Mobistar and Belgacom cases.
In a judgment handed down on 8 September 2005 (Joined Cases C-544/03 and C-545/03 Mobistar SA v Commune de Fléron, and Belgacom Mobile SA v Commune de Schaerbeek) the Court of Justice of the European Communities for the first time applied the “Keck approach” in a context different from Art. 28 EC. The decision is noteworthy because the Keck argument had made on several occasions before the Court, which, however, was not willing to accept it outside Art. 28 EC. The Mobistar & Belgacom cases concerned taxation in the telecom sector, and more specifically fiscal charges imposed on mobile telephony operators holding an authorisation or individual licence. At issue was Belgian municipal legislation imposing an annual tax on transmission antennae, masts and pylons for GSM (‘Global system for mobile communications’). The lawfulness of these taxes was challenged by telephony operators established in Belgium who argued that they constitute restrictions contrary to EC law on the development of their telecommunications network and on the freedom to provide mobile telephony services. The national court seized with the matter turned to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on this matter. One of the questions referred to the Court concerned Art. 49 EC on free movement of services. It is in this context that the Court applied what can be called a “Keck approach” and – what is more important – in effect found that this is a Keck type of case.
As is well known, Keck is the last of three landmark decisions of the Court of Justice concerning the interpretation of the concept of “measures having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction to imports” under Art. 28 EC. In Dassonville (Case 8/74 Procureur du Roi v Benoît and Gustave Dassonville ECR 837), the Court has held that this concept related to “all trading rules enacted by Member States which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-Community trade”. In Cassis de Dijon (Case 168/78 Commission v France ECR 347), the Court added that this also included so-called indistinctly applicable measures (that is, measures applying both to domestically and to imported goods), if they could not be explained by mandatory requirements. In Keck (Joined Cases C-267 and 268/91 Keck and Mithouard ECR I-6097) the Court found it necessary to limit this broad approach by stating that “certain selling arrangements” (that is, measures concerning the circumstances of selling the goods) are not covered by Art. 28 EC to begin with (that is, irrespective of the existence of mandatory requirements). The Keck formula thus established by Court covered measures that “apply to all relevant traders operating within the national territory […] so long as they affect in the same manner, in law and in fact, the marketing of domestic products and of those from other Member States”.
After Keck, it was sometimes argued before the Court of Justice that the same approach should also apply in other areas of free movement law. After all, there, too – the argument went - the Court had recognised that “indistinctly applicable measures” could constitute prohibited restrictions. The same view was taken by some academic writers (apparently in particularly in Germany). However, in none of the cases from areas other than Art. 28 EC did the Court agree that the facts could be compared to those of Keck (e.g. Case 384/93 Alpine Investments ECR I-1141; Case C-415/93 Union royale belge des sociétés de football association ASBL v Jean-Marc Bosman ECR I-4921; Joined Cases C-34/95, C-35/95 and C-36/95 Konsumentombudsmannen (KO) v De Agostini (Svenska) Förlag AB and Konsumentombudsmannen (KO) v TV-Shop i Sverige AB ECR I-3843). Against this background, the Mobistar & Belgacom judgment presents itself as the long awaited case where a Keck type of case is indeed found to exist by the Court of Justice in a field outside that of Art. 28 EC.
In Mobistar, the question posed to the Court was whether Art. 49 EC (at the time when the facts of the case occurred still Art. 59 of the EC Treaty) must be interpreted as precluding the introduction, by legislation of a national or local authority, of a tax on mobile and personal communications infrastructures used to carry on activities provided for in licences and authorisations. As the case concerned taxation, the Court first recalled that at present direct taxation does not as such fall within the scope of the Community’s competence, but that Member States must nevertheless exercise their retained powers consistently with Community law. The Court then repeated its often-made statement that Art. 49 EC “requires not only the elimination of all discrimination on grounds of nationality, against providers of services who are established in another Member State, but also the abolition of any restriction, even if it applies without distinction to national providers of services and to those of other Member States, which is liable to prohibit or further impede the activities of a provider of services established in another Member State where he lawfully provides similar services” and that this includes “national rules which have the effect of making the provision of services between Member States more difficult than the provision of services purely within one Member State”. The Court now added the following, decisive sentence: “By contrast, measures, the only effect of which is to create additional costs in respect of the service in question and which affect in the same way the provision of services between Member States and that within one Member State, do not fall within the scope of Article 59 of the Treaty.” In relation to facts such as those at issue in the case before it, the Court stated that the disputed “taxes apply without distinction to all owners of mobile telephone installations within the [Belgian] commune in question, and that foreign operators are not, either in fact or in law, more adversely affected by those measures than national operators. Nor do the tax measures in question make cross-border service provision more difficult than national service provision. According to the Court, "there is nothing in the file to suggest that the cumulative effect of the local taxes compromises freedom to provide mobile telephony services between other Member States and the Kingdom of Belgium".
From this seems clear that Mobistar & Belgacom is a Keck type of case in an area outside Art. 28 EC. In fact, the Court’s judgment was not heralded in any way but comes quietly and without loud fanfares. Not only does the Court itself make no reference to Keck, there is also no such suggestion by Advocate General Léger (he thought that Art. 49 EC was not relevant in the case hand because the Belgian rule in question is prohibited under secondary law). With hindsight, the Court’s approach is perhaps not surprising. After all, the Court bases its finding on the general statement – made in many earlier judgments – that Art. 49 EC precludes the application of any national rules “which have the effect of making the provision of services between Member States more difficult than the provision of services purely within one Member State”. This in itself implies that rules that do not make it more difficult - that is, rules with the same effect both in law and in fact – do not constitute prohibited restrictions. This is now explicitly confirmed by the Court in the context of a case that, at the same time, provides an actual example for this approach. Thus: We now know for sure that the Keck approach also applies outside the field of application of Art. 28 EC, at least in relation to services. Whilst we still have to wait for corresponding cases in other areas of free movement (establishment, workers, capital), there is no conceivable reason why they should not follow with time.
(All cited judgments can be found on the ECJ's website) | <urn:uuid:916977c7-364c-486e-a409-b91066908b6d> | {
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"language": "en",
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"token_count": 1743,
"url": "http://comparativelawblog.blogspot.com/2005/09/finally-keck-approach-outside-free.html"
} |
Fabrication and Site Services UK and all subsideries offer a great range of second hand containers that
are ready and available for immediate purchase. These containers are available in a variety of sizes and
types allowing customers to purchase the right type of container for their intended purpose.
All ISO shipping containers are built to withstand conditions at sea, the structure is extremely solid. This
ensures strength and durability for a long working life at sea and ultimately ending up in domestic storage
uses as a retired unit. This specialist construction enquire allows containers to be used safely for a variety
of purposes even after a hard working life at sea.
The ISO containers are great for storing personal effects, business uses including documents, sporting
equipment, tools, machinery and just about anything else. These storage containers are available as new,
used or refurbished units in 8 ft.,10ft, 20ft,40ft and 45 ft. dimensions.
For the storage of paint, thinners, oils, diesel, chemicals, class 3 flammables and any other potentially
dangerous substance, storage containers offer the perfect solution. How ever be aware that EEC
regulations stipulate that these must comply with the regulations laid down by that directive. For this
application ask us about purpose built haz-chem units.
The range of new and used refrigerated containers we also stock offers cold storage for catering support at
functions, additional cold storage for the busy season and temporary cold storage space during
renovations. Ask us about hire facilities both long term and short term.
With a combined 30 years experience in the container industry, the Fab and Site Group specialises in the
aftermarket disposal of containers that have reached the end of their operating life in the marine industry.
You will benefit from our considerable market knowledge and strong supplier relationships enabling you to
avail of good quality low priced container stock for your individual or business needs.
With us you are working with a company that builds new containers specifically with storage in mind see
our web site www.multiboxxuk.com , from end user friendly doors with waist high handles and lock boxes
for security, extra vents to finished floors, we make our upgrades standard. Through our reliable industry
relationships we can position containers into all port locations in the UK and most large inland cities
Used shipping containers are being used for a number of purposes these days. Most used containers are
needed for additional storage of materials or equipment, but they are also used for the transport of goods.
Thousands of shipping containers arrive in the UK every day, and most are often not returned to there origin
due to age as it costs the shipping companies too much money, so they are sold as used shipping
There are many different used shipping container sizes such as 10' used shipping containers, 20' used
shipping containers and 40' used shipping containers. If you're not looking for a used shipping container for
sale, then we also have used shipping containers for hire, and our used shipping container prices are very
competitive. Used storage containers can be placed anywhere at your home, business or stored onsite at
one of our many UK wide depots. For more information just contact our used shipping container experts at
• Look for "one-trip" containers if you are looking for a nearly new look and condition. These containers are
usually made in China see www.multiboxxuk.com and used once for cargo shipping before being sold.
They are often listed as "new" or "like new" but they will have a few scratches from their initial trip. You will
not get new containers at competitive rates as everything is shipped loaded from factories. New unused
would cost much more.
• Look for "corten steel" if you want to use containers in inclement weather or near the ocean or long term
static storage. This relatively new material is also used in construction projects and it can stand up to
more weather without rusting.
• Look for a "factory paint" label if you want it to be freshly painted, instead of refurbished. Refurbished
containers can have problems with paint peeling from rust. Factory paint implies that it has only been
painted once, when it was made.
• A designation as "no shipping label" means that you will not find a large company logo on the container.
It is likely painted a single colour, without many other markings.
• A "cargo worthy" container indicates that the unit has been inspected by a cargo surveyor see our site
• Shipping containers that are categorized as "as-is" are the most worn and economical option. It is likely
that they have been retired by shipping companies, they have some leaks or damage, they are partially
rusted and they have 1 or more shipping labels painted onto them. There is a large supply of as-is shipping
containers across the globe, so you are likely to find a good price.
• Modified shipping containers are also available at various prices. Many of these containers have been
repainted. Other options include roll up doors, heat units, air conditioning units, skylights, security bars,
partitions, vents, fans, framing and insulation. Keep in mind that the addition of new doors or windows will
compromise the seal and security of the original model. How ever see our website
• Other well used containers are classified as "wind-water-tight". Wind and water tight conveys that the
seller believes it to be a well sealed container, but it has not been inspected by a surveyor.
See this very useful link for the industry terminology >> | <urn:uuid:4673b94a-d21d-4a2d-9f48-002993b4f179> | {
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"language": "en",
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"token_count": 1222,
"url": "http://countyshippingcontainers.co.uk/new_and_used_shipping_containers_useful_information.html"
} |
The big RAID mistake
You come back from lunch one day and get back onto your computer only to find it unresponsive. After some time of fiddling with cables and making sure your coworkers aren't playing a prank on you, the sinking feeling starts to settle in. Your hard disk has crashed and you've lost all your data.
Maybe this has happened to you or maybe it's been a nightmare you've been playing in your head. Either way, you've learned your lesson: redundancy. So you buy a couple extra hard drives and a brand new computer that sports "hardware RAID 1 - mirroring". And now you're safe! Or are you?
Pretty much everyone goes through this, even many IT professionals. However it takes some experience to realize all you've really bought yourself is a false sense of security. By doing the above, you've actually created additional risk that you didn't have before:
- The introduction of a new "single point of failure"
- The loss of data agility (ie. being able to recover quickly and/or easily)
- Only minimally mitigated hardware failures.
Of course RAID is by no means a backup solution, and by "risk" I'm referring to downtime incurred recovering from your backup system (typically a lengthy process), in addition to any incremental data you may lose between backup sessions. ie. work hours lost.
Before we continue, let's review some of the common RAID levels that people use (0, 1, 5):
RAID 0 - Striping. No redundancy is provided in this mode. This is purely for performance.
RAID 1 - Mirroring. You have complete redundancy for every drive added to the system.
RAID 5 - Striping with distributed parity. Here your data is spread across at least 3 drives, and you're allowed at most 1 drive failure at a time. Typically this is chosen instead of RAID1 to make better use of disk space.
The mistake people make is to follow all the marketing hype and believe that these RAID levels are the only risk associated with the system and that the hard disks are the greatest point of failure. Let me go through each point in more detail.
The Single Point of Failure
The RAID standard unfortunately says nothing about how the data is stored on the disk. What this means is that every implementation of RAID will be done differently and will NOT be compatible with each other. The problem can get worse with hardware RAID solutions, as even the same model of controller may not implement (or support) algorithms from a previous version (I say this from experience).
The upshot of this is that if you care about recovering from a failure due to your RAID controller, you must buy an identical spare RAID controller at your original time of purchase and keep it handy. If one fails, then you must try to get another spare and most importantly test it! If it is not interchangeable, then you'll have to buy two new sets of RAID controllers and swap out as soon as possible.
Loss of Data Agility
By agility, I mean the ability to move your hard drives to other hardware. Let's say you have a motherboard with an integrated RAID controller. If that motherboard fails for any reason and you must replace it, you've just lost your RAID controller. If you don't have a spare IDENTICAL motherboard, then you've also quite likely lost all your data and must now recover from backups.
Even if you're using RAID 1 mirroring (the simplest of the redundant RAID levels), most hardware RAID controllers insist on formatting the hard drive in a special way. This means if you've lost your RAID controller, you cannot expect to take the hard drive and place it into another computer and expect it to work.
Only minimally mitigated hardware failures
Most people, when buying drives for a RAID set will typically buy their hard drives all together: same make model, etc. The hardware RAID controllers will even tell you to do this in the manual, often not even supporting divergent disks. The problem here is that we're attempting to mitigate a hardware failure. Hardware failures can come from two primary sources: minor defects at time of manufacture that can contribute to the longevity of the device and the running environment (heat, stress placed on the platters, etc.). There's little you can do about the environmental factors because of the nature of a live redundant system requires that multiple drives be running in the same environment. However by purchasing drives from the same vendor, model, etc., you've effectively guaranteed they'll be from the same lot, which means they'll likely have the same manufacturing defects. So once one drive fails, you can expect the other one to fail quite soon as well (in fact the likelihood of failure actually increases! These are not independent variables.
So with the RAID situation so bleak, what can you do to ensure the safety of your data and minimal down time? Quite simply: software RAID. Linux software RAID in particular handles all of these situations quite elegantly:
- While you do still have a single hard drive controller, these are commodity items that are interchangeable and easily replaced. So you've removed that single point of failure.
- Linux software RAID can be used on any computer that can run Linux. If using RAID1, you can take a single drive out of a set and into another computer and it will be recognized and accessible readily. Your data is just as agile as it was without RAID.
- Linux software RAID can support any combination of disks. Your redundancy will only be as large as your smallest disk of course, but disk space is cheap, your data isn't, and typically the difference in capacity between vendors is negligible. My recommendation here is to buy disks from different manufacturers, or at least through different vendors so that you'll have some hope of getting them from different lots.
Your primary risk factor then, as it relates to down-time, is the amount of time it takes Linux to rebuild a RAID set after a failure... the longer this window, the more exposed you are to a second failure resulting in disruption. I don't have these numbers, and it's largely dependent on your equipment, as many RAID controllers really are a software implementation anyway. In a RAID 1 configuration, I would expect the difference to be small.
I can't speak for other implementations of software RAID, but I do know from experience that if data integrity and low downtime are your primary motivators, you'll find Linux Software RAID mirroring to be quite effective.
For more information, please read these articles: | <urn:uuid:833d52a8-780f-4f0f-b746-d40b09e9e8f4> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9616648554801941,
"token_count": 1333,
"url": "http://dannysung.com/articles/computers-and-software/recommendations/the-big-raid-mistake/"
} |
I’ve mentioned my affinity for paint chips – and my inability to not collect piles of them – before.
This morning I found this genius idea on designverb: paint chip business card holders. It seems it may only work with Behr chips since they are the widest, but there’s a template available that you can download to your desktop for a standard 3.5 x 2″ business card. It’s not mentioned in the post, but I think it might be a good idea to laminate the chip before doing anything else. It doesn’t seem like it would be very durable otherwise.
Woohoo! Looks like it doesn’t take too much to make me happy today.
Posted In make it, office | <urn:uuid:b173c59d-8b59-4d92-aa66-be7cd7f65709> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T21:39:41Z",
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"language": "en",
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"token_count": 155,
"url": "http://designcrushblog.com/page/808/"
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Nakladatelství Černý drak vydalo závěrem loňského roku sbírku devíti povídek, které doplňují krátké medailonky napsané samotnými autorkami. Všechna dílka jsou klasickou ukázkou fantasy světů, kde vládne magie a vedle lidí žijí tvorové, které v našem světě nepotkáme.
Výherkyně několika literárních soutěží a dvakrát pasovaná Lady Řádu fantasy Michaela Merglová ve své povídce Nejkrásnější dar píše o peripetiích slavného drakobijce Cuchenana z Dussu, který se uchází o pozici ochránce sličné panny Yasamin. Jen ten, kdo přinese ten správný dar, bude mít čest stanout po jejím boku na cestě do Dreboly. Cuche má naštěstí za přítele znalce ženských srdcí barda Minangara a spolu vyráží na cestu najít dárek hodný Yasamin.
Povídka plná magie a úkladů od Lindy Koutové, jejíž povídky si čtenáři mohli přečíst ve dvou vydaných sbornících (Žoldnéři fantazie, Kočas), vypráví příběh o Vykladači snů. Snící, osoba se zvláštním nadáním vyčíst ze snů pravdu o řešeném problému, přichází na žádost krále Ravena do sídelního města, aby pomohl náhle osleplé sestře krále. Je to vůle bohů, nebo kletba? Sny přicházejí a s nimi i střípky vlastní zapomenuté minulosti.
Autorka knihy Krev nejmocnějších Monika Vorálková přispěla do sbírky povídkou Přízrak z Lesa. Nebezpečný Les obklopuje mnoho krajů a nikdo neví, co je za ním a jací tvorové v něm žijí. V jednom z krajů v Ollnoře právě mladá baronka pochovala po svém otci i strýce. Zodpovědnost za svůj lid a dvě mladší sestry bude muset bez jakékoli podpory prokázat již cestou z pohřebního kopce. Sedlákovi na pastvině něco roztrhalo celé stádo ovcí a ani malý pasáček, který měl ovce na starosti, není k nalezení.
V povídce O rytíři a vysvobozené panně od Terezi Holubové hraje hlavní roli nenávist. Rytíř Orgil nejednou bojoval s krvelačnou dračí bestií vyvolanou magickým rituálem, jehož hlavní složkou je právě nenávist. Při poslední výpravě za drakem zachránil krásnou pannu, která se stala jeho ženou. Ale záchrana života a svatba neznamenají hned štěstí. Lajra není spokojená, a když Orgil nalezne ve sklepení vlastního hradu čerstvé pozůstatky dračího rituálu, začíná být na pochybách o jejích úmyslech. Další povídku této autorky je možné nalézt v antologii Struny osudu sestavenou z povídek v soutěží Zpívající věže.
Jitka Ládrová je autorkou několika povídek, z nichž jí Zákon smečky přinesl Cenu Karla Čapka. V Pravidlech světa mrtvých vystupuje Noorveus, který se dlouhá léta učil mágskému řemeslu pod vedením učitelky Ashaí. Je synem svrženého vládce, jenž se marně snažil po převratu až do své smrti získat zpět své postavení. Noorveus sám o žádnou vládu usilovat nesmí, taková jsou pravidla magie, za jejichž porušení by ho stihl krutý trest. Jak ale může zůstat stranou, když jeho mladší bratr plánuje válku?
Nadaná sportovkyně v disciplínách “Lov uzávěrek” a “Čekání na výsledky” Jela Abasová je slovenskou autorkou vydaných i nevydaných povídek. Její Město dětí vyšlo ve sborníku z literární soutěže Dračí řád. V povídce Jsem Damian vypráví o osudu dědiců koruny ostrovní říše. Jméno Damian se v rodě dědí po prvním toho jména, který zachránil ostrovy před mořskou příšerou. Jmenují se tak všichni panovníci a prvorození synové a poslední Damian, zatím nedospělý chlapec, prchá se svými bratry od vraždy svého otce. Neví, co se té noci vlastně stalo, a kdo nebo co je jim v patách. Dá se minulosti uniknout?
Monika Leová, vítězka druhé a později i první ceny v soutěžích O Dračí řád, v povídce Dračí zlato vypráví příběh chlapce Išmy, kterého prodala do otroctví jeho vlastní rodina. Náleží ke kočovnému národu a v období velkého sucha přišli o všechna stáda. Peníze za Išmu použili k nákupu nových zvířat a Išma nyní slouží svému pánu, veleváženému obchodníkovi s kořením. Svůj úděl bere jako poslání a hrdost mu nedovoluje utéct. To ale neznamená, že by si v nestřežených chvílích neužil nějaké to dobrodružství. Za hradbami města jednoho dne nalezne podivnou zlatou minci s vyraženým drakem, a tím se pro něj všechno mění. Uspěje ve zkouškách, které mají prověřit jeho ducha a pevné zásady?
Propracovaný svět lidí a ještěrů, potomků Věčného ohně, vypráví povídka Dotek stínu. Kdysi na zemi žili i draci, božstva nadaná magickou silou, co mají existenci ještěrů na svědomí. Ale ti až na posledního Muroqa, Pána bitev, žijí ve vyšších sférách a na zemi se dlouho neukázali. Ještěři marně na jejich návrat čekají. Ale Temný drak Zevran se nikdy vrátit nesmí, ostatní draci ho uvěznili, aby uchránili svět před jeho temnotou a chaosem. Muroq má za úkol na ještěry dohlížet a chránit je před Zevranovým působením a zabránit, aby si pořídil své následovníky, kteří by mu ze sfér otevřeli cestu. Jenže Muroq je dlouhá staletí sám, a navíc poněkud nezodpovědný. Děj povídky Petry Machové časově spadá před román, jenž by měl vyjít letos na podzim pod názvem Dračí město.
Ostřílená autorka mnoha povídek a několika románů Tereza Matoušková zasadila svou povídku Sladká jako míza, hořká jako slzy do prostředí smyšleného světa Podmoří, který čtenáři mohou znát z knih Hladová přání, Vílí kruhy a Děti vánice. Je to svět plný válek a násilí, kde obyčejní lidé živoří a kde vedle vymožeností technického světa funguje i magie. Příběh začíná v továrně na nábytek, kde kromě lidí obstarávají práci i zvláštní stroje sestavené za pomoci magie. A magie je nevyzpytatelná. Ať už chybou, nebo zvláštními okolnostmi jeden ze strojů nabude vlastní vědomí. Co se může přihodit, když se lidé rozhodnou takový stroj, který jim ubírá možnost výdělku, rozbít? Následky těchto činů přijíždí vyšetřit samotná čarodějka Zorena.
Všechny povídky jsou čtivé, zajímavé a drží se – kromě té poslední – kultury založené na magii. Povídka Nejkrásnější dar a Dračí zlato mají pohádkový nádech. Přízrak z Lesa a Jsem Damian jsou rozporuplné a jednání některých postav v Přízraku nelogické. K melancholickým příběhům plným smutku patří O rytíři a vysvobozené panně a Sladká jako míza, hořká jako slzy. Dotek stínu a Pravidla světa mrtvých jsou pěkným nástinem hrdinské fantasy pro rozsáhlejší romány. Vykladače snů a Dračí zlato si také umím představit jako román.
Osobně se mi nejvíce zamlouvaly všechny dračí povídky (O rytíři a vysvobozené panně, Dračí zlato a Dotek stínu), nejen proto, že jsem na draky zatížená, ale protože přináší něco neotřelého a jsou pěkně napsané. A pak mě zaujala ještě povídka na vážné téma Sladká jako míza, hořká jako slzy. Každý si určitě najde tu svou.
Kniha obsahuje ilustrace a kresby různých autorů.
Vydal: Černý drak, 2017
312 stran / 209 Kč | <urn:uuid:4cc0853d-6d10-4b0f-b813-5d1eebe39aca> | {
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"url": "http://deti-noci.cz/2018/03/literatura/lit-recenze/roman-konarik-ed-mlade-carodejky/"
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Arvind arranged for us to be given a tour of his movie set! Sugar House Lane, due for release in March 2007 (or thereabouts) enters its final week of production this week and we got to see the set in full splendour – a fantastic old warehouse near Bromley-by-Bow. The Art Department have really gone to town and its a remarkable, remarkable sight. The graffiti (which is hysterical, and one of which references a Myspace link) was put together by the rival East London and West London graffiti massives. Awesome.
Loads of photos on Flickr, as ever, but I really would encourage everyone to check out the blog — there’s content from loads of people involved in the production of the film, behind the scenes video, and photos from their Flickr photostream.
For those wondering what the movie is about, here’s the official synopsis:
Crackhead, Killer, Accountant.
Disillusioned middle class city boy Tom is looking for something in the back streets of London; he thinks D – a young desperate drug addict can give him what he needs. But what D’s offering comes with more than just a price tag…
Holed up in a derelict warehouse, with the impending threat of local crimelord Hoodwink at their backs, both men play an intense game of cat and mouse; scrambling to cut a deal and make sense of the very lives they may be about to lose.
The crew and cast seem awesome – check them out on imdb. I’m very excited. And I’m very pleased at how well they’re doing the whole social media thing; Flickr, YouTube, competitions for readers of the blog, the whole shebang. Please check it out, link to it, write about it, and let me know if you want an iconic SHL sticker – I have a few to give out! | <urn:uuid:1b65d9fe-598e-4b61-b2c1-8ee92ca5c02f> | {
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"url": "http://division6.co.uk/2006/09/10/strolling-down-sugar-house-lane/"
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Golf is unlike any other sport; played on an inconsistent surface, with all sorts of vagaries and ‘luck,’ involved together with the premise that all players will play fair and hold themselves accountable to the rules of the sport. Golf has amused man for over half a millennia. Much has been written about the philosophy of the game, its players and the courses it is played over.
Our philosophy as Golf Designers subtly shifts; it is never completely static, always adjusting to our current thinking and continued understanding of the game and what makes it popular. The foundation of our philosophy however, has never changed. How can we create a course to be as natural as possible, as seamless as possible, as sustainable as possible? In a recent article, David McLay Kidd likened it to birthing a child for adoption. When we give birth, but Mother Nature adopts, how can we make sure the new mother accepts the child and raises it as her own? It cannot be done when the course starts off at odds with nature herself!
A golf course offers modern man the opportunity to explore his environment, experience nature first hand and interact with friends in a pursuit where competitors congratulate rather than berate one another. How can we, as golf designers, do all we can to promote these interactions?
There is an overarching philosophy, but also a project specific philosophy that develops into the unique identity of each course. We work hard to develop the philosophy or style unique to each project. We suggest that it is hard to look at our projects one against another and easily identify similarity, just as it would be difficult to see similarity in two differing landscape types.
Where the similarity in golf design might show itself to the aficionado may be in the strategic philosophy we favor. Fun golf exists for the average golfer where choices exist. A narrow fairway littered with hazards, offering a single strategy of play might be thrilling for the low handicapper, but not so appealing for everyone else. To go yet further, the hazards on a golf hole should not punish the average golfer trying to make his par or bogey, but in fact, guard the hole from the attacking golfer attempting to make birdie or better. Many years ago a golf professional complained to David that when playing with an amateur, he was frustrated that his ‘good shots’ kept finding bunkers, while his playing partner kept hitting fairways. It was lost on this golf pro that Bandon Dunes allows bogey play, but defends with deep pot bunkers close to where the attacking player wants to be.
It seems to us that through the creation of courses during the past 20 years, a great course is defined by creative strategy and designed tight lines of attack, juxtaposed with generous fairways and green surrounds. Finding a wayward ball should be probable. This is often how golf courses present themselves in Scotland. The great Links have benign rough (most of the time) and a lot of space to miss, but not much to make birdies. | <urn:uuid:82a8c3cf-9f6f-4b84-a16d-1935c3bc62a1> | {
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"url": "http://dmkgolfdesign.com/about/philosophy/"
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Nie ma jak robić wpis pierwszy raz od 8 lat. 😉
Wczoraj, jak co roku wybraliśmy się ze stałą ekipą na kameralny przejazd rowerowy poświęcony uczczeniu pamięci Powstańców, którzy 80 lat temu w bohaterskim zrywie poszli walczyć z niemieckim okupantem. Odwiedziliśmy kilka miejsc, o których może wpis później uzupełnię, teraz wrzucę tylko kilka zdjęć.
(pod zdjęciami aktualizacja)
Aktualizacja, 3 sierpnia.
Jak wcześniej napisałem- pozwolę sobie po krótce opisać nasz przejazd i miejsca które odwiedziliśmy.
Zbiórka i uczczenie pamięci w godzinie „W” ustaliliśmy na 16:30, na Placu Pięciu Rogów. Ze względu na to, że inaczej niż w latach ubiegłych przejazd był kameralny (bez patronów czy innych współorganizatorów) i uczestniczyły w nim głównie osoby ze stałej ekipy było nas tylko kilkanaście osób.
O godzinie 17, gdy zawyły syreny jak zwykle oddaliśmy hołd Powstańcom. Potem udaliśmy się na Tamkę, gdzie znajduje się miejsce pamięci poświęcone Zgrupowaniu Krybar. (Dla zainteresowanych: Zgrupowanie „Krybar” ) Po tradycyjnej mowie powitalnej Czajnika i tam odpaliliśmy racę poświęcając chwilę ciszy pamięci Powstańców. Po zapaleniu świeczek pojechaliśmy dalej.
Kolejnym punktem była Elektrownia Powiśle. W czasie powstania toczyły się o nią zacięte walki, co także zostało upamiętnione tablicą. (więcej informacji w linku: Walki o Elektrownię Powiśle )
Stamtąd udaliśmy się na skwer Mirosława Iringha, gdzie upamiętniony jest 535 pluton AK. Pluton ten złożony z większości ze Słowaków i Polaków walczył na Mokotowie. (O jego historii można przeczytać tu: 535 pluton Słowaków )
Odwiedziliśmy następnie Pomnik Żołnierzy I Dywizjonu Artylerii Konnej im. gen. J. Bema. Tam zrobiliśmy sobie też widoczną powyżej fotografię na pamiątkę. (informacje i dywizjonie można znaleźć tam: 1 Dywizjon Artylerii Konnej )
Następnie chcieliśmy udać się do budynku przy ulicy Tadeusza Hołówki, gdzie mieszkał Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński. Na tym budynku zostały też zachowane powojenne napisy saperskie o sprawdzeniu budynku. Niestety- w przeciwieństwie do poprzednich lat- zastaliśmy zamkniętą bramę i nikogo, kto mógłby nam ją otworzyć, abyśmy mogli te napisy obejrzeć.
Kolejnym punktem była już Kolonia Śliwice niedaleko Jagiellońskiej. Miała tam miejsce nieudana próba ataku na stację kolejową i zdobycia zaopatrzenia. W tej akcji zginęła większość z atakujących stację Powstańców a mieszkańcy do dziś podtrzymują pamięć o tych wydarzeniach i- co roku- organizują 1 sierpnia własne obchody pamięci tamtego dnia. W tym roku przywitali nas opowieścią o tym co się wtedy działo i wykonaniem kilku powstańczych piosenek, a także poczęstunkiem- pyszną szarlotką i kompotem. (jak i wyżej link z informacjami: Powstanie Warszawskie na Śliwicach )
Na tym zakończył się nasz oficjalny przejazd. Kto musiał to pojechał do domu a dla chętnych był grill nad Wisłą i pogaduchy prawie do północy. I pewnie w podobnym składzie spotkamy się za rok. | <urn:uuid:119b22b9-c6c6-49ca-bbac-7f08e326c0aa> | {
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"url": "http://drex.waw.pl/category/wydarzenia/powstanie-warszawskie/"
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***** Dear Reader,
Rahnuma eBooks project needs your help to stay online to serve you better, we are planning to add new and more books in the library, but all of this requires more funds.
Since the establishment of this online liberary in 2010, we've always met server related expenses from our own sources, but now we feel it is time to reach out for help.
We request you to Please donate as much as you can, even a dollar can make a difference.
Please introduce this valueable elibrary to your friends and encourage them to participate as much as they can.
Thanks in advance, JazakAllah-al-Khair. | <urn:uuid:383a7fc7-a9e2-4b0c-b28b-215a77479867> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9676731824874878,
"token_count": 138,
"url": "http://ebooks.rahnuma.org/1511337494-LOOKING_AT_PLANTS.pdf.html"
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Looking for help hiring a reliable accounts payable specialist? Someone to reduce risk and ensure records are up-to-date? Someone with exceptional communication and understanding of relevant financial regulations? You came to the right place.
Here are 3 tips for hiring a reliable accounts payable specialist:
1. Look for skills…
Look for strong written and verbal communication skills, as accounts payable specialists often need to interact with vendors, suppliers, and other internal departments. Strong attention to detail is also essential. Accuracy and precision are critical in accounts payable to avoid costly errors and discrepancies. You also want someone with a strong understanding of data analysis and reporting, as businesses are increasingly reliant on data-driven insights to make informed decisions in their financial operations.
Here are some more skills to look for:
- Accounting principles and practice
- The ability to analyze data and identify trends or potential issues
- Proficiency with financial software, computer systems, and databases (ie: Quickbooks, Xero, SAP)
- Knowledge of regulations and compliance like GAAP and SOX
- Proficient in Excel (ie: data entry, VLookups, PivotTables, etc.)
2. Look at experience…
Look for candidates with experience in automated accounts payable systems, as these systems are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s business world. You will also want to look for an understanding of international payments and compliance, as more businesses are expanding their global reach and need to navigate complex regulations and payment systems in different countries. If your team is fully remote, you can look for candidates who already have experience working in a remote or hybrid model to minimize the scale of adjustment.
3. Look at their background…
Since this person will have access to your organization’s financial information, you need to be able to trust them. Check references and learn about why they are looking for a new role. Ask them about specific experiences they have had in the past that are relevant to the work they will be doing at your organization. Make sure to run screening and background checks, as well as verify their identity. You want to do all of this to maintain your company’s security and reputation.
Bonus: Work with a Specialized Staffing Agency
EDI Staffing is committed to building lasting relationships and matching top-tier talent with exceptional organizations across the nation. Whether you need contract staff augmentation, permanent staffing, or project services, we deliver experienced, connected, and proven professionals to your workforce. Some of our finance and accounting staffing areas include:
- Accounts Payable Specialists
- Billing clerks
- Financial Analysts
- Directors & Managers
In order to drive your organization’s financial operations forward, it is important to hire a reliable accounts payable specialist, and hopefully, these tips will help you do just that. If you are looking for support during the process, contact us! It’s free to get started on your next candidate search.
Leave a Reply | <urn:uuid:ae2b8fa2-f712-4fcf-a92d-c868e1569147> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T20:59:23Z",
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In particular, Maria Lvova-Belova got acquainted with the work of the Dzerzhinsk Specialised Orphanage No. 2, the Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Prioksky District of Nizhny Novgorod, the Regional Centre for Social Development, and the Mentoring Centre for Teenagers.
Pressing issues pertaining to child support were the main topic of the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights’ meeting with Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District Igor Komarov and Nizhny Novgorod Region Governor Gleb Nikitin. General approaches, methods and best practices for rehabilitating young people with disabilities, orphans, and children in difficult life circumstances and adapting them to independent life were discussed.
As part of her working trip, Maria Lvova-Belova also took part in an expanded meeting with representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod Region government and executive authorities and met with top officials from leading regional socially oriented NGOs. | <urn:uuid:cf589f79-1acf-41a4-a7a6-ba651a5f37d6> | {
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There is a certain degree of difference between heparin sodium and crude heparin sodium. Many people will confuse these two problems. In fact, crude heparin sodium is also known as crude heparin sodium. Specific crude taste heparin sodium is for a kind of does not have what society material?
Raw heparin sodium and sodium heparin or with a certain degree of different, many people confuse the two, actually, crude products also known as heparin sodium heparin sodium products, at the time of extraction, the extraction of relevant research methods or purity information is need what we can't completely ignore, specific raw heparin sodium for a no social material? Is coarse taste heparin sodium ok how development forms? Here is our simple analysis to understand.
Heparins Manufacturer: In the preparation of crude heparin sodium, sulfuric acid and sodium glucosamine from the mucous membrane of a pig's small intestine can be made into molecules by separation and purification of heparin. Heparin and other new anticoagulants have a certain antithrombotic or anticoagulant effect, the molecular weight of crude heparin sodium is also different, according to our specific methods or steps, the molecular weight will be different. Usually, it is a linear chain molecule consisting of six pond or batang repeating units. Most have molecular weights between 3000 and 30000, with an average molecular weight of about 15000. Of course, its appearance is yellow, or brown, close to gray or similar color solid particles or powder.
Now, how do we make crude heparin? With a better understanding, crude heparin sodium does not mix easily with organic solvents such as ethanol or acetone, so it can be stored with these solvents when stored, but it is very easy to mix with moisture, so it must be stored in a cool, dry, ventilated place and should not come into contact with moisture. | <urn:uuid:5bc457fb-3f7a-4d52-a4be-99e46cbcff17> | {
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Angélica Marchesini (EOL)
A tomada de consciência dos problemas da época, às vezes não significa estar de acordo com as propostas atuais para a solução dos mesmos: esta clínica da época adverte que “algo anda mal na infância e na adolescência”, mas os remédios propostos para curar o mal são diversos, e, às vezes, mostram sobretudo uma ruptura com a gramática, a linguagem, lalíngua.
É um universo tão vasto, de classificações numeráveis e observáveis, que se tropeça com a falta de referências precisas. O estudo do bullying como um indício de psicose, afirma que os jovens tardiamente experimentam delírios e alucinações. A investigação de Andrea Schreier , do Instituto de Investigação de Ciências da Saúde na Escola Warwick (Reino Unido), relaciona o aparecimento da psicose com o fato de a criança ter sido vítima do bullying. Há um tempo, o suicídio de uma criança deficiente, vítima de um acosso escolar, foi lido como consequência do bullying. É difícil quantificar os casos de suicídio, ou de desencadeamento de psicose, relacionados com o acosso. Embora essas sejam situações extremas, o acosso escolar comporta um grande padecimento psíquico para quem é objeto do maltrato.
A série “13 reasons Why” narra o suicídio de uma jovem, como consequência do bullying. Hannah Baker deixa umas fitas cassetes antes de sua morte, explicando os motivos de sua decisão. A história de um suicídio se faz presente, assim também como os laços adolescentes, relações com os pais, perseguições escolares. A série está ambientada em institutos americanos e em lares de famílias. Em ambos se faz presente o declínio de autoridade, tanto dos pais como dos professores. Embora haja normas na casa, no Instituto, está ausente a transmissão dos mais velhos para os mais jovens.
A família de Hannah, a protagonista, passa por uma difícil situação derivada de problemas econômicos e os pais ignoram as dificuldades atravessadas pela jovem. Ela é inibida, é objeto de bullying no Instituto e se sente “um estorvo” para seus pais. Assim, fecha-se sobre si mesma, não podendo comunicar seus sofrimentos, se submerge na angústia.
Bryce é o malvado do filme, espécie de encrenqueiro, capitão da equipe de beisebol e parece o produto de pais ausentes. Ele realiza festas, faz uso de drogas, sexo sem consentimento, etc. Essa face obscura se vê encoberta por seu lado mais popular, pois é um líder carismático para todos. Vários são testemunhos silenciosos, participantes, cúmplices e temerosos de serem a próxima vítima. Ninguém quer ser segregado e, em certas ocasiões, isso leva a proteger Bryce de situações injustificáveis.
O bullying é a temática fundamental da série que mostra todo tipo de atos de acosso não só a Hannah, como também a outros co-protagonistas. Por exemplo, Tyler, o garoto das fotos, a princípio é o perseguidor, tirando fotos de Hannah e Courtney que, em seguida, viralizam pelas redes sociais. Jessica e Hannah sofrem assédio sexual pela mesma pessoa. Bryce é o que exerce o assédio sem nenhum tipo de remorso. Hannah não denuncia o bullying, nem todos os tipos de agressões que sofre em situações das mais violentas. Salvo quando vai em busca de ajuda, ao psicólogo do Instituto. A entrevista é um mal encontro, no qual o profissional intervém de maneira infeliz. Isso foi no dia do suicídio de Hannah.
Em nossa sociedade, o bullying é um tema atual. Esses jovens são interrogados por suas próprios mudanças, estranhezas, impulsividade, transformações do corpo e encontros com sua própria sexualidade. Surgem impasses e inseguranças por não assegurarem uma inclusão na comunidade de seus pares. Na cena do bullying, participam o perseguido e o perseguidor. Ambas posições são problemáticas. O acossador rechaça a diferença pelo que supõe ser intolerável, manipula o outro, o corpo do outro, deslocando para esse lugar sua agressão, exclusão e injúria, ficando, ele, resguardado. Quando o corpo desse adolescente está perturbado, inquieto, excitado, desencaixado, a vida desse sujeito está alterada.
A vítima de perseguição escolar é tomada como objeto de exclusão, deixando-se fazer pelo outro manipulador. A vítima é objeto de deboche, é golpeada, humilhada sem poder fazer uso de seus recursos defensivos frente às atitudes hostis, às vezes das mais destrutivas. E ocorre passar despercebidos casos de exacerbação pulsional, ou mesmo atos hostis, que se chega a ocultar ou não dar importância até mesmo pela própria vítima. O bullying deixa entrever a falta de ajuste entre as palavras e os corpos. Encontramo-nos com sintomas que respondem às mudanças relativas ao momento da civilização, mas também encontramos esses sintomas que se situam de acordo com o componente pessoal. A análise libera o sujeito de: sua relação com o corpo próprio, de seu embaraço com os outros, investindo no Outro e no corpo de outra maneira. Na busca da subjetivação, a psicanálise orienta para que os avatares do desenvolvimento sejam retomados como subjetividade, e que o adolescente possa servir-se das palavras, do corpo e dos outros de outra maneira.
- Schreier, Andrea, Prospective Study of Peer Victimization in Childhood and Psychotic Symptoms in a Nonclinical Population at Age 12 Years, 2009. É a autora de um ensaio que recolhe a investigação de cerca de 6.000 alunos, entre 8 e 10 anos, nos quais se analisaram a existência de sintomas psicóticos. Os dados revelam que até 46% dos participantes foi vítima de bullying. Nos anos de acompanhamento, se pôde constatar que 13% experimentou os sintomas psicóticos de forma severa, com alucinações e delírios. | <urn:uuid:c57947e2-fd46-4dff-bafd-e81c59d914a1> | {
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"language": "pt",
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"token_count": 2027,
"url": "http://enapol.com/viii/pt/portfolio-items/bullying-razoes-desde-lacan/"
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For Optimal utilization of infrastructure and inequality identify areas to develop tourism, it is essential to identify the areas of tourism infrastructure and rankings which can manage the tourists more effectively. Thus, the harmony between the number of tourists and tourism space capacity is essential. Although tourism has many advantages, but the arrival of tourists to a region or an area, regardless of the capacity and tension, will be followed by social disorder and economic problems, overcrowding, social identity, social resentment, damaging the environment, etc. So, in order to reduce and prevent the negative effects of tourism it must be programmed to determine the spatial distribution and organization of tourist areas. The present study will consider a series of selected indicators such as economic, social and cultural rights as effective factors in relation to development of tourism in the province. The information required for this study was gathered through distributing a questionnaire among the study population (sample of 90 members of the Tourism Authority (30), tourism (30) and the public (30). The results indicated that the monuments, diversity, exhibition, infrastructures for tourists, the way people deal with tourists, culture and tourism, and financial safety of tourists have significant effects on tourism is in the province.
Today tourism has become so important that it is regarded as the biggest industry and annually millions of tourists travel throughout the world with different motivations. Basically, it is necessary to have a clear picture of perceptions, expectations and requirements of visitors in order to stabilize the markets and provide the most effective goods and services.
Tourism acts in a framework of certain spatial patterns. One of them is urban tourism. Urban areas are among the important tourism destinations due to their historical and cultural attractions. The cities have diversified attractions such as museums, historical architecture and places associated with prominent persons and important events which themselves attract many visitors. This approach points to generic characteristics of a place, such as natural beauty, climate, traditions, or social features. The second approach considers the spatial nature, capacity and being temporary of attractions in their segmentation. And the third approach encompasses the classification of attractions based on tourists’ perceptions and experiences
Host Attitude toward Second Home Tourism Impacts on Rural Development (The case of: Rural collection of Javaherdeh in Ramsar)
This paper aims to study host attitude to economic, social-cultural and environmental-physical impacts of second homes tourism in Javaherdeh mountain village in the city of Ramsar.Method of this study was Descriptive-survey. Population of the study was host attitude in Javaherdeh mountain village in the city of Ramsar on the number of 2987 households. Sample size through Morgan sampling table was calculated 340 households that head of households were randomly studied. Data investigated by exploratory factor analysis and Hypotheses were tested through T-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis by using of SPSS 22.Findings indicate that the villagers have positive attitude towards economic and social- cultural consequences of the construction of second home and have negative attitude towards its cultural and environmental impacts. Also between women and men, there are significant differences in terms of assessing the social and economic consequences.The main limitation of this study is the lack of access to some households in during distribution of the questionnaires, which led to an increase in return to the villages, spending a long time and increase the cost of research for the researchers.Host attitude is positive to economic and social- cultural impacts of second home tourism on rural development, thus for developmental planning must be considered to the above factors. Several studies have been done on this issue in Iran. In this study, we tried all the effects investigate with comprehensive and systematic approach that is the same geographically attitude.
The purpose of this study was to re-identify the potential environmental and natural attractions that can affect the sport tourist attraction development from perspective of experts and pundits in Shahrud and determine the importance rate of each variable. This is a survey research analysis. At first, a list of environmental attractions and sport natural potential were prepared in the study area. Then, through using geographical information system (GIS) and land use map layers overlaying technique and also Transmittal, Shahrud city natural attractions were prepared for the first time. Information layers overlaying has been done by Arc GIS software edited version. In the following, through a questionnaire in the form of Likert, which its validity was approved by professors, and, its reliability was obtained (α = 0.95) by Cronbach alpha, were consulted. The statistical population of this research includes four different groups of tourism, environment and natural resources experts, university teachers, sport and exercise experts, managers and relative staffs of tourism travelling official tours. Statistical sample of (n=26) samples available of total population of (n=40) have been achieved. In this study, Factor analysis was used for analysis. Also, the results of internal and external factors collected in separate matrix implied that the total value of weakness and strengthen point was (M2.229); it indicates that the weakness points defeated the strengthen points; the total value of threats and opportunities was (M=2.253) which indicates that threats defeated the opportunities. Hence, the chosen strategies are defensive.
The Effect of Social Networks on Oral Advertisements and Tourists' Feelings in Northern Iranian Rivers
Social media act as a dominant digital channel of communication, and in recent years, the use of social media in the tourism industry has also become very common. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of social networks on oral advertisements of tourists regarding the role of feelings. This research is based on descriptive-survey method. The required information in this study is gathered through a questionnaire and a library and the statistical population of the tourists' research is in the Tajan River of Sari. The sample size is 383 subjects determined using Cochran's formula and Cronbach's alpha for the whole questionnaire was 0.89. The results of the research show that the social networks are effective on the feelings of the tourists. Therefore, in general, recognizing the feelings of the tourists to the destination should be done according to their desire to carry out advertisements and provide services. In addition, it was found that oral advertisements have a significant effect on the feelings and increasing the resurgence of the tourists to the region. According to the findings of the research, the tourists still trust oral advertisements carried out in the city more than the advertisements provided from the social networks
The present study is an attempt to evaluate and analyze the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Shahmirzad town from the perspective of its residents. This research is applied in terms of objectives and is considered to be a survey in terms of nature and methodology. In the present study, questionnaire is used as an instrument for data collection. The population of the study consisted of people aged above 18 years residing in Shahmirzad town. Simple random sampling was used to select 200 samples from the population. The hypothesis testing results showed that tourism is associated with both positive and negative Socio-cultural impacts in this town. The relationship between these variables turned out to be significant (p=99%). According to the respondents, the mean score of positive and negative social impacts of tourism as well as the mean score of positive and negative cultural impacts of tourism are about 27.17, 31.61 16.81, and 16.21 respectively. According to the results, the negative social impacts of tourism and the negative cultural impacts of tourism account for the highest and lowest average scores respectively. The results show that men, as compared to women, have more negative attitudes towards cultural impacts of tourism. The results also showed that there is a negative correlation between the education level of respondents and their negative attitudes towards cultural impacts of tourism. There was no significant relationship between respondents' age, income and their attitude towards positive and negative social impacts as well as the positive and negative cultural impacts of tourism. | <urn:uuid:0fcfdb80-9a8e-4ea4-817c-a3f489e2fb64> | {
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Ruan was recently selected to participate in the North American Council for Freight Efficiency’s (NACFE) Run on Less – Electric event. Run on Less – Electric is a tour and demonstration of 13 electric vehicles and the fleets across the country that utilize them in their operations.
Ruan’s Orange EV terminal tractor, based at our Otsego, MN, location, will be featured in the tour. The terminal tractor is used 24/7 at the location to move inbound and outbound trailers for our customer. Orange EV builds, sells, and services industrial electric vehicles that eliminate the diesel engine, transmission, and radiator along with the diesel fueling, exhaust, and emission control systems. What remains are far fewer, largely sealed and maintenance-free elements. This means less wear and tear, reducing maintenance, repair, and downtime.
The three-week tour slated for September will feature the 13 zero-emissions vehicles in an effort to educate the industry on the benefits of adding electric vehicles to their fleets, as well as discuss the opportunities and challenges to their widespread deployment.
“We have had great success adding the electric terminal tractor to our fleet in Otsego,” said Ruan Vice President of Fleet Services Brad Gehring. “It has allowed us to provide uninterrupted service while saving on fuel and maintenance and reducing our impact on the environment. The Run on Less – Electric tour is a great opportunity to share the advancements in electric vehicle industry, and we are excited to showcase how our Orange EV unit performs in a 24/7 environment.”
The Run will start September 3 and wrap up at the North American Commercial Vehicle show in Atlanta, GA, later that month. During the three weeks, NACFE will feature metrics and daily real-world stories on the Run on Less website. NACFE and ACT News are also hosting an Electric Truck Bootcamp, a 10-session training event starting in April and ending in August.
Read more about the Run on Less – Electric here. | <urn:uuid:8ddcff41-687d-42eb-866b-35e26750e3e1> | {
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PLA Navy fleet enters W Pacific for training
Updated: 2013-05-27 19:56
ABOARD MISSILE DESTROYER QINGDAO - A naval fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday passed through the Miyako Strait and entered the Western Pacific Ocean for a training mission.
This marked the PLA Navy's fifth high-seas drill this year.
The fleet is comprised of the missile destroyer Qingdao, missile frigate Linyi and supply ship Hongzehu, as well as two ship-borne helicopters. All the equipment is from the Navy's Beihai Fleet.
The fleet set sail from a military port in East China's coastal city Qingdao early Saturday morning.
Noting that the PLA Navy has been conducting regular high-seas training missions, fleet commander Wang Dazhong said such high-intensity and frequent training carries great significance in China's plan to build a blue-water navy.
Last year, the PLA Navy conducted seven high-seas training missions. | <urn:uuid:2fe52b96-b4fb-4597-b2d8-89434f8e068f> | {
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"url": "http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-05/27/content_16537573.htm"
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Slot is an online casino that offers a wide variety of games to its players. Featuring different themes, great graphics, and a huge selection of bonuses, this casino is becoming more popular among players around the world. The site is operated by Betway Casino Limited, which is licensed in the United Kingdom and Malta. It offers several payment options, including credit cards and e-wallets. In addition to slots, the site offers a variety of table and video poker games.
Using smart bankroll management is one of the most important tips for winning at slots. If you bet too much, you risk going broke before you have a chance for your luck to even out. On the other hand, if you bet too little, you will not be able to maximize your profits.
The first thing you should do when playing a slot is test the machine’s payout percentage. Start by putting in a few dollars and seeing how long it takes to break even. If you’re still breaking even after a half hour, it’s a good sign that the machine is paying out well.
It’s also a good idea to play machines that you enjoy. While luck plays a big role in your success, you’ll get more enjoyment from playing a machine that you like. For example, if you like Egyptian themes, try a game such as Cleopatra, which features ancient Egyptian music and symbols such as pyramids, scarabs, and the Eye of Horus. | <urn:uuid:600eaa04-4277-40df-b4c1-2b6d938a1bfb> | {
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CHANTILLY, Va., Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN) announced today that the company was awarded a contract by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Honolulu District to provide the design-bid-build delivery of new U.S. Army housing units in the Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The three-year, $68.5 million single-award contract is new work for the company.
Parsons was also selected by the USACE Honolulu District as a successful offeror on the district’s Pre-Qualified Source Listing (PQSL), making the company eligible to receive future large task orders valued at $50 million or more in the district’s area of responsibility.
“Parsons is a trusted delivery partner to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in advancing infrastructure projects that advance U.S. Indo-Pacific Command,” said Jon Moretta, President, Engineered Systems for Parsons. “This award expands our work in the Kwajalein Atoll, a uniquely complex environment for infrastructure due to the logistical challenges of servicing the remote location as well as the highly corrosive and humid environment. We look forward to furthering the Corps of Engineers Honolulu District’s efforts to contribute to stability and security of the Indo-Pacific region.”
Under this contract, Parsons will deliver new army housing units on-island, the second such contract the company received in under a year. In October 2023, the company announced it was awarded a $44 million contract to deliver army housing units in support of the Department of the Army’s modernization initiatives. Since 2019, Parsons has been awarded more than $400 million in INDOPACOM-related contracts by leveraging their program and construction management; engineering and planning; and complex infrastructure expertise. The company continues to partner with customers across the INDOPAC region to deliver integrated solutions across the national security and critical infrastructure portfolios.
To learn more about Parsons’ global infrastructure solutions, visit Parsons.com/federal-infrastructure/.
Parsons (NYSE: PSN) is a leading disruptive technology provider in the national security and global infrastructure markets, with capabilities across cyber and intelligence, space and missile defense, transportation, environmental remediation, urban development, and critical infrastructure. Please visit parsons.com and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn how we're making an impact.
This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations, beliefs and assumptions, and are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to uncertainties, risks, changes in circumstances, trends and factors that are difficult to predict, many of which are outside of our control. Accordingly, actual performance, results and events may vary materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements, and you should not rely on the forward-looking statements as predictions of future performance, results or events. Numerous factors could cause actual future performance, results and events to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements, including, among others: any issue that compromises our relationships with the U.S. federal government or its agencies or other state, local or foreign governments or agencies; any issues that damage our professional reputation; changes in governmental priorities that shift expenditures away from agencies or programs that we support; our dependence on long-term government contracts, which are subject to the government’s budgetary approval process; the size of our addressable markets and the amount of government spending on private contractors; failure by us or our employees to obtain and maintain necessary security clearances or certifications; failure to comply with numerous laws and regulations; changes in government procurement, contract or other practices or the adoption by governments of new laws, rules, regulations and programs in a manner adverse to us; the termination or nonrenewal of our government contracts, particularly our contracts with the U.S. federal government; our ability to compete effectively in the competitive bidding process and delays, contract terminations or cancellations caused by competitors’ protests of major contract awards received by us; our ability to generate revenue under certain of our contracts; any inability to attract, train or retain employees with the requisite skills, experience and security clearances; the loss of members of senior management or failure to develop new leaders; misconduct or other improper activities from our employees or subcontractors; our ability to realize the full value of our backlog and the timing of our receipt of revenue under contracts included in backlog; changes in the mix of our contracts and our ability to accurately estimate or otherwise recover expenses, time and resources for our contracts; changes in estimates used in recognizing revenue; internal system or service failures and security breaches; and inherent uncertainties and potential adverse developments in legal proceedings, including litigation, audits, reviews and investigations, which may result in materially adverse judgments, settlements or other unfavorable outcomes. These factors are not exhaustive and additional factors could adversely affect our business and financial performance. For a discussion of additional factors that could materially adversely affect our business and financial performance, see the factors included under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Registration Statement on Form S-1 and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and speak only as of the date on which they are made. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statement made in this presentation that becomes untrue because of subsequent events, new information or otherwise, except to the extent we are required to do so in connection with our ongoing requirements under federal securities laws.
Investor Relations Contact: | <urn:uuid:a4d8c59e-490f-48b0-a764-7d2fa93e17c9> | {
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Andre Ross is a computer forensics researcher and practitioner. He was first to discover the impact of wear-levelling in NAND Flash Devices on computer forensics. Andre is the Director of Elvidence Pty. Limited, a computer forensic firm located in Sydney, Australia. Prior starting his own firm, for nearly a decade Andre worked as a computer crime detective at the New South Wales Police in Sydney, Australia. After he finished his police career in 2010, Andre lived in Russia for four years, helping PwC, EY and KPMG build their regional computer forensic practises. Andre has Masters Degree in Information Systems Security and multitude of IT industry certifications.
He writes on his Digfor blog, on various topics related to forensic analysis and digital evidence. | <urn:uuid:736efd36-8ae7-4694-8b1b-ab8676d8eb8f> | {
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"url": "http://forensics.wiki/andre_ross/"
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Sql log file (ldf)
In computing, SQL Log File is a Microsoft SQL Server file type which stores all the transaction and modification made in the SQL database. SQL log file is also referred as transaction log file and is created for each individual database. There is minimum one transactional log file for each database and it can have more than one as well. File extension for SQL transaction log file is .ldf (Log Database File).
The language, SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) now known as SQL was developed by IBM Corporation Inc. in order to use Codd’s model. Today, SQL is worldwide accepted as a standard RDBMS language. The data in this SQL server database is saved as primary data files (.mdf) and secondary data files (.ndf). SQL transaction log files referred as .ldf files are utilized to store the transaction made to these databases.
SQL Server writes the changes made by user to memory first instead of writing it directly to the data file. SQL Server records the changes in memory every now and then and writes it to the transaction log file. Thus the changes are recorded to transaction log file first and then to database which is also known as write-ahead log. Hence, this SQL transaction log file is a critical element of database and as it holds all the records it can be employed to recover database back to consistent state in case of system failure. Experts suggest to avoid deleting or moving this file and also to truncate it at regular basis to avoid filling it up.
SQL Log File Architecture
The SQL Server log file logical operation is done considering transaction log file as a string of log records. Each log record has an identity of log sequence number (LSN). Log records are written one after another in serial sequence in such manner that the new log record is written to logical end of log with LSN which is higher than previous log record LSN. All the logs comprise of ID of transaction and all log records are individually linked in chain with backward pointers which helps in rollback transaction.
SQL Server Database engine separates the transaction log file physically to multiple virtual log files. These virtual log files don’t have fixed size or number and its size is chosen dynamically while generating or extending log files according to the transactions records. Administrators cannot set the size or number of these virtual log files and is sum of existing log and new file increment size.
SQL Server transaction log file can be viewed under some commands of SQL Server. Some of these commands are undocumented and also fail to show complete details of transaction log file. DBCC Log () command which is used commonly, helps to see log information. fn_dblog is another undocumented SQL Server function which is capable to read the online transaction log active portion. fn_dump_dblog SQL Server function can be utilized to read transaction log native or compressed backups (natively) independent of online database. Users can also explore the structure using command DBCC LOGINFO which again lacks any official documentation. After comprehending that the SQL transaction log file can be an essential element for recovery of SQL databases after server crash, many commercial utilities also built professional SQL Log File Viewer utilities which explore the transaction records of log file. | <urn:uuid:b65788b0-7bd8-46cc-913c-d0c6beeadf92> | {
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® Forum Software © phpBB Limited | <urn:uuid:d2da5bbf-7c4d-433a-a277-1b3d37e6da5c> | {
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Concern 6. Answer: Rate Suppleness out of Request: It’s a measure of brand new responsiveness of your own need for an excellent to switch in speed, that’s, alterations in the quantity necessary with respect to changes in the latest price. eD = percentage improvement in need for the good /payment improvement in the price of the favorable eD = ?Q/Q x P/?P Flexibility with each other an excellent Linear Consult Bend
Let us envision a good linear request bend q=an effective – bp. Remember that any kind of time point-on brand new demand bend, the alteration popular for each product improvement in the purchase price ?q/?p = – b. It is obvious your flexibility out of demand differs from the some other points toward good linear demand curve, that is revealed throughout the drawing. In the a lot more than diagram, at p=0, brand new flexibility was 0, at q = 0, elasticity are oo. On p = a/dosb, the latest elasticity are step step step one, any kind of time speed higher than 0 much less than simply https://datingranking.net/pl/collarspace-recenzja/ an effective/2b, elasticity is less than step 1 and at one rates greater than a/2b, suppleness is actually higher than step 1.
Question 7. Explain the derivation of the demand curve from indifference curve and budget constraints. Answer: Consider an individual consuming bananas (X1)and mangoes (X2), whose income is M and market prices of X1 and X2 are P’1 and P’2 respectively. Figure (a) depicts her consumption equilibrium at point C, where she buys X’1 and X’2 quantities of bananas and mangoes respectively. In panel (b) of figure 2.14. we plot P’1 against X’1 which is the first point on the demand curve of X1.
Matter step 1
Suppose the price of X1 drops to . with P’2 and M remaining constant. The budget set in pane! (a), expands and new consumption equilibrium is on a higher indifference curve at point D, where she buys more of bananas (X1 > X’1 ). Thus, demand for bananas increases as its price drops. We plot X1 against X1 in panel (b) of figure 2,14 to get the second point on the demand curve for X1 . Likewise the price of bananas can be dropped further to , resulting in further increase in consumption of bananas to X1 . plotted against X1 > gives us the third point on the demand curve. Therefore, we observe that a drop in price of bananas results in an increase in quality of bananas purchased by an individual who maximises his utility, The demand curve for bananas is thus negatively sloped.
Matter 18. The following fruit gives cheaper satisfaction so you can a starving son. this really is a very clear question of (a) Laws out-of Consult (b) Rules regarding Also have (c) Law away from Shrinking Marginal Power (d) Laws of adjustable size Address: (c) Laws off Shrinking Marginal Power
Matter 34. Apathy contours will be a straight-line at the (a) lingering Limited Price regarding Substiruuon (b) expanding Marginal Rates olSubstitutlon (c) expanding go back to size (d) None nf the aforementioned Address: (a) lingering Marginal Price of Replacement
Question six. What exactly do you mean from the Indifference contour? Answer: “Indifference eradicate suggests the many combinations off two merchandise where people get equal amount of satisfaction “.
In the above diagram, on OX axis we measure Bananas and on OY axis we measure Mangoes. Any point in the diagram represents a bundle of the two goods. The budget set consists of all points on or below the straight line having the equation p1 x1 + p2 x2 = M
Give an explanation for rules out-of shrinking . Answer: Report out of Rules: Based on this law, “since user increases the usage of anyone commodity remaining lingering usage of any merchandise, the new marginal energy of your varying item need certainly to eventually decline.”
Throughout the more than report, whatever else is the prices from associated services and products, new client’s earnings, tastes and choices etc. whenever most of these products is lingering, new interest in an effective utilizes price of a. Therefore, with respect to the law off consult, the price and quantity necessary move in reverse guidance.
Section D also can never be maximum. D is on increased apathy contour than any of one’s almost every other bins, A to C. it, hence supplies the highest number of utility. not, the consum they lies away from funds line. For this reason, D isn’t a finest solutions.
Conclusion: With the aid of significantly more than examples we can ending you to definitely Expect price, in the event the almost every other determinants away from request change the request bend shifts to help you proper and you can left. | <urn:uuid:e3dc73c8-c211-4aa2-a6de-b684f8b9bf5e> | {
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On a Sunday evening, August 28, 1859, a small group of men met at a house near the corner of West Main and North Washington Streets to prepare a list of names of people who were interested in forming "a Protestant Episcopal Society." Encouraged by the Rev. E. Livingston Wells, who became the first rector, the group sent a copy of the list to the Bishop of Connecticut, and thus the society became known as the Church of Our Saviour.
Soon after, on September 2nd, the wardens, vestrymen, and other officers were elected, and a church committee was appointed. Construction began and on April 10, 1860 the church was consecrated by Assistant Bishop John Williams. By this time, approximately U3 families were on the roll, and the young church maintained a "Sunday School" of 73 pupils. In June, the "Ladies Mite Society," the forerunner of our Womens' Service Guild, was organized.
The Rev. Mr. Wells soon moved on and was succeeded by 20 rectors and a number of clergymen, layreaders and divinity students, all of whom were placed in charge of the parish at various times. The longest rectorship was served by the Rev. Walter A. Debboli for 25 years; followed by the Rev. Lincoln E. Frye for 20 years; the Rev. Robert H. Burton for 18 years, and the Rev. Nicholas J. Seely and Rev. Gordon W. Weeman, both for 10 years.
Chronologically, the more important changes or additions were made as follows:
1883 - Oaken re redoes and choir pews were carved and presented by the Rev. Charles W. Kelley.
1893 - A rectory was built next to the church, the original one on Canal Street having been sold to the Castle family.
1893 - A chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was installed; it was reactivated in 1955
1907 - The women's organization, then known as the "St. Agnes Guild" purchased a bam from the Eaton estate across the street from the church, and had it moved to the rear of the church where it was remodeled to become our first parish house.
1911 - The present altar was given by friends and communicants of the parish. 1918 - A pipe organ was obtained from St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cheshire and installed in memory of the first rector. This instrument replaced a reed organ which had served prior
1881 - Prior to 1881, a small pipe organ, the gift of St. Mark's Church, New Britain, was used.
1928 - A Young Peoples' Fellowship group was established.
19146 - Members of the Episcopal Sportmen's Club, which was organized ten years earlier, renovated the cellar under the old parish house and built what was popularly termed "the fireplace room” because of the gift of a fireplace by the late John B. Minor, Sr. This room served as a meeting place for the club and for other church purposes.
1951 - An electric organ was presented to the parish by Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Washburn as a memorial to Lt. Henry Stevenson Washburn, Jr., U. S. N. B. who died in the service of his country, in World War II.
19514. - The bell tower room was converted into a baptistry, a memorial to "The Glory of God and in memory of all those who made the supreme sacrifice for their country on the field of battle.”
1955 - A building campaign was started for the erection of a new parish house. The rectory as, well as the old parish house, was razed, necessitating the purchase of another rectory. Subsequently, the property on Strong Court was obtained. Construction was started on the parish house in 1957 and it was dedicated on June 11, 1959 by the Et. Bev. John H. Eaquirol, Suffragan Bishop of Connecticut.
1968 - A new rectory was constructed on Hollyberry Lane. The Blessing of the new rectory by the Et. Bev. John H. Esquirol, Suffragan Bishop, took place on September l5, 1968.
1981 - A two manual Wurlitzer organ. Model 1800, built approximately $19k, was given to the greater honor and glory of Almighty God in memory of Jack West by his wife, Verona West. | <urn:uuid:0a2fce33-d0a6-4a92-8b7a-3e5aa525ad13> | {
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Understanding Robotic Knee Surgery
18 August 2016
Serious knee problems require some of the best surgical procedures available. Medicine has advanced to the point that you can receive computer and robot assisted surgery that will fix your knee and strengthen it. The following points will explain the benefits of robotic knee surgery, what to expect from the procedure and more.
The Robotic Knee Surgery Procedure
Above all, you need to understand what to expect when you are looking into getting robotic knee surgery.
3 Traits Every Good Neonatal Professional Should Possess
16 February 2016
If you are looking for a rewarding career, the field of medicine might be right for you. Countless individuals are needed each and every year. It seems like the demand never ends. Because of this, many make the decision to explore different types of medicine and embark on a whole new journey in life. However, this isn't a career that just anyone can jump into. You do need certain skills and training to be successful working as a neonatal professional.
Alleviating Pet Allergy Symptoms
22 September 2015
If you suffer from wheezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and a stuffy or runny nose when you are around dogs or cats, there is a good chance you have a pet dander allergy. About ten percent of the United States population suffers from a pet allergy. If you suffer from a pet allergy, there are several different routes you can take to reduce the symptoms. Here are some of the treatment options available when dealing with a pet dander allergy.
4 Things You Need To Know About Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia
18 September 2015
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia is a precancerous lesion that can develop on the soft tissues inside your mouth. Here are four things you need to know about it.
What are the signs of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia?
If you have proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, you'll notice lesions on your oral soft tissues. The insides of the cheeks and the tongue are usually where the lesions develop, but other tissues can sometimes be involved. The lesions tend to occur on both sides of the mouth. | <urn:uuid:f58adfd2-f4e2-4b19-bcd7-8d6c0ae2aa0d> | {
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"url": "http://gustavjonsson.com/page/9/"
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Are you looking to build strength, increase your core stability and maximize your muscle growth? Then the stiff-legged deadlift is an exercise you need to add to your workout routine!
This powerful movement helps develop a strong posterior chain (the muscles that stretch from your head down thru the back side of hips).
It works multiple muscle groups at once for improved athletic performance and body composition.
In this blog post, we’ll show you how to do proper stiff-legged deadlifts with tips on form, key benefits, and safety considerations.
Learn how easy it is to start using the stiff-legged deadlift in your weekly workouts!
Benefits of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts can drastically enhance your workout! These deadlifts provide many benefits like toning muscles and building strength throughout your body.
- Engages Hamstring Muscles: Excellent for activating and strengthening your hamstring muscles.
- Strengthens Core: Requires engaging your core, leading to improved core strength and stability.
- Fosters Flexibility: Demands flexibility from your hamstrings and lower back, improving overall flexibility as well as posture.
Moreover, doing variations of this exercise keeps leg muscles healthy. When performing stiff-legged deadlifts, form is essential. Avoid mistakes like rounding your back or bending elbows. Vary weight and tempo for each set, and lower the weights in a slow-motion controlled manner for successful muscle building.
Fitness guru Risha Grant has practiced stiff-legged deadlifts for several years and believes that practice is key. She said, “Progressing through gradual changes weekly helped me reach a new level despite my starting position.” Remember that when doing stiff-legged deadlifts, let your hips hinge, not your ego.
How To Do Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform stiff-legged deadlifts correctly:
- Warm-up: Begin with a thorough warm-up, focusing on your lower body and core muscles. Perform dynamic stretches and some light cardio to increase blood flow and prepare your muscles for the exercise.
- Set up: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs with an overhand grip (palms facing your body). Make sure your shoulders are back, your chest is up, and your core is engaged.
- Position your feet: Keep your feet flat on the ground, positioned approximately hip-width apart. Your toes should be pointing forward or slightly turned outwards.
- Initiate the movement: Slightly bend your knees while maintaining a straight back. Start by pushing your hips back and lowering the weight towards the ground, keeping the weight close to your legs.
- Maintain form: As you lower the weight, ensure that your back remains neutral and straight, without rounding or arching. Your gaze should be slightly forward to maintain a neutral neck position.
- Range of motion: Lower the weight until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, typically around mid-shin level. It’s essential not to force the range of motion beyond what your flexibility allows, as this may lead to injury.
- Lift the weight: Engage your hamstrings and glutes to lift the weight back to the starting position. Push through your heels, extend your hips, and straighten your knees as you return to a standing position. Keep the weight close to your legs throughout the movement.
- Repeat: Perform the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form and control throughout the exercise.
- Rest and recover: After completing your set, rest for an appropriate amount of time before continuing with your workout.
Proper Form for Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
For Optimal Execution of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
To get the most out of your workout and avoid injuries, you need to execute these exercises correctly. Here are six steps to help you do that:
- Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of you, arms hanging straight downward.
- Hinge your hips and push your butt backward. Keep a slight arch in your lower back.
- Lower the weight until you feel tension in your hamstrings. Hold for a second before lifting.
- Raise the weight to your hips by extending your hips and legs. Maintain a tight grip on the weights.
- Slowly lower the weight back down and repeat for as many reps as required.
- Stand upright again to finish.
Spine alignment is key. Don’t round your back to prevent stress on the lower back. Keep your glutes and hamstrings tense throughout each rep.
Practice Makes Perfect
To get the most out of this exercise, don’t rush. Take your time to perfect your form until it becomes second nature.
Enhance Your Body
Stiff-legged deadlifts are an excellent way to develop muscle strength while reducing pressure on the back. It also burns fat and preserves muscle mass. So if you want to diversify your routine, give stiff-legged deadlifts a try. Just remember to keep your back straight and your legs stiff.
Tips for Effective Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts are great for leg development. Here’s how to do it right:
- Keep your back straight, core engaged, and knees slightly bent.
- Hold the bar with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart. Lower it down while keeping tension in your hamstrings.
- As you stand up straight, keep the bar close to your body and squeeze your glutes.
- Go slow and steady. Don’t jerk or move suddenly to avoid injuries.
It’s important to breathe correctly while doing this exercise. Squeeze your glutes at the top of each rep and maintain tension in your hamstrings.
Pro Tip: Use light weights to get the form right before increasing the load. Don’t skip leg day – do the deadlift properly so you don’t make a stiff mistake!
Common Mistakes in Stiff-Legged Deadlifts and How to Avoid Them
Stiff-Legged Deadlift Mistakes and How to Correct Them
Incorrect form while doing stiff-legged deadlifts can lead to injuries or diminished results. Common mistakes include:
- Rounding the back. Keep it straight.
- Lifting too heavy weights. Choose weights you can manage while maintaining form.
- Bending knees. Keep them slightly bent, not locked.
- Lifting with arms. Use them only to hold weights, not lift.
To get the most out of the exercise, prioritise proper form. Incorporating this lift into your regimen can help build strength and tone muscles. But keep in mind that perfecting the technique takes time, patience, and practice.
One fitness enthusiast shared her experience of doing stiff-legged deadlifts wrong, leading to muscle soreness. It was a reminder that even small mistakes in form have consequences. Change up your stiff-legged deadlifts to target specific muscles and get that booty or hamstrings you’ve been dreaming of.
Variations of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts to Target Specific Muscles
Optimize your Stiff-Legged Deadlift effects on specific muscle structures! Try ‘Adapting the Stiff-Legged Deadlift’ variations, like:
- Sumo for inner thigh muscles.
- Romanian with dumbbells to increase back strength.
- Single Leg on mats to boost balance.
- Deficit for greater hamstring activation.
Switch up your routine every few weeks for an even more tailored approach. Before attempting any deadlifting, warm-up and incorporate core strength exercises like planks. Get ready for the burn in your lower back and hamstrings!
Muscles Worked during Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
The Stiff-Legged Deadlift is a compound exercise. It works many muscle groups. Let’s explore the main ones.
- Hamstrings – With this lift, you’ll mostly use your hamstrings. They’ll do the hard work when you bend down and stand up.
- Glutes – Your glutes work with your hamstrings. They extend the hips and keep you stable.
- Erector Spinae – The back muscles help keep your body upright.
- Core – Your core helps maintain balance and stop you from leaning too far forward.
Other muscles, like your calves, may also be used. This lift also helps improve flexibility in your hamstrings and your back strength. Plus, it reduces stress on your knees.
A powerlifter said, “At first, it was hard. But I improved after consistent training. Now, my hamstring strength is better. It helps with squats and bench press.” So, add this exercise to your routine and get maximum benefit!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a gym membership to do stiff-legged deadlifts?
No, you do not need a gym membership to do stiff-legged deadlifts. You can perform them at home with dumbbells or other weights, or using your body weight for resistance. | <urn:uuid:4bf4c026-87e8-4f2c-9c65-967022c7b6c2> | {
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} |
První zmínka o Ratibořicích pochází z konce 14. století, kdy v místech zvaných Na starých Ratibořicích, stávala tvrz Vaňka ze Žampachu.
V následujícím století připadla tvrz k Rýzmburskému panství. O sto let později ji připojili Smiřičtí k náchodskému velkostatku. Zámek, Staré Bělidlo a Ludrův mlýn pak jsou především známy osobou spisovatelky Boženy Němcové a jejím dílem Babička, stejně tak postavou kněžny vévodkyně K. V. Zaháňské.
Původní tvrz pak byla přestavěna na barokní letohrádek. V letech 1825 - 1826 byla budova zámku vévodkyní K. V. Zaháňskou, včetně křídla pro služebnictvo přestavěna empírově.
Zámek byl vybudován v letech 1702-1708 pro knížete Lorenza Piccolomini a ve formách pozdního středoevropského klasicismu a empíru byl přebudován pro Kateřinu Vilemínu vévodkyni Zaháňskou v letech 1826-1827.
K zámku přiléhá vnitřní park s rybníčkem a skleníkem, založený kolem roku 1810 v přírodně krajinářském stylu.
Mlýn a Mandl byl postavený ve druhé polovině 18. století.
Staré Bělidlo kam Božena Němcová zasadila děj Babičky bylo postaveno v roce 1797, původně jako mlýnský výměnek Ratibořským mlynářem Antonínem Ruderem (Panem otcem z Babičky). Původní Bělidlo bylo roku 1830 zbořeno a na jeho místě dnes stojí zámecký skleník. Spisovatelka zde roku 1844 strávila se svými dětmi prázdniny.
Prostřednictvím Babičky, nedostižného básnického obrazu života prostého českého lidu a jeho vrchnosti v první třetině minulého století z pera Boženy Němcové, vešel ratibořický zámek do naší i světové literatury. Proto je v paměti a srdci našeho národa nerozlučně spojen s postavami babičky, Barunky, paní kněžny a komtesy Hortensie.
Jeho historie je však mnohem delší. Předchůdcem zámku byla středověká tvrz, stávající na místě dnešního zámeckého areálu. Byla zde již v roce 1388, kdy se v historických pramenech poprvé objevuje ves Ratibořice v souvislosti s Vaňkem ze Žampachu, který se psal také z Ratibořic. Roku 1464 koupil Ratibořice Aleš z Rýzmburku z pozůstalosti po Janovi z Ratibořic, pravnukovi zmíněného Vaňka. Roku 1502 získal Ratibořice nejspíše koupí Petr Adršpach z Dubé, pán na Rýzmburku, jenž je zase prodal Vojtěchovi z Pernštejna. V roce 1534 jsou Ratibořice uváděny již jako pustá tvrz. Někdy před rokem 1565 byla sice opravena, ale znovu začala chátrat po roce 1582, kdy Ratibořice spolu s hradem Rýzmburkem po několika předchozích změnách majitelů, koupila Hedvika Smiřická ze Smiřic pro svého syna Václava Smiřického ze Smiřic, pána na Náchodě. Od té doby natrvalo patřily Ratibořice k náchodskému panství, přičemž zdejší tvrz tímto spojením definitivně ztratila svou správní funkci a postupně zanikla.
Poslední český majitel náchodského panství Adam Erdman Trčka z Lípy zahynul 25. února 1634 v Chebu spolu s Valdštejnem. Panství věnoval císař za věrné služby šlechtici italského původu Ottaviu Piccolominimu. V l ...
- Mlýn - Mlýn: je částečně vybavený technickým zařízením a lidovým mobiliářem. Expozice připomíná dobu a postavy z knihy Babička Boženy Němcové. Obnovená budova vodního Mandlu je vybavena funkčním mandlovacím zařízením a expozicí plátenictví.
- Staré bělidlo - objekt je zařízen podle popisu v Babičce (Babiččina světnička, přístěnek, komora, atd.)
Podrobná expozice - 1. okruh (věnovaný době kněžny Kateřiny Zaháňské a ději knihy Babička spisovatelky Boženy Němcové):
Vstupní hala: součástí interiéru jsou italské idealizované krajiny z 2. poloviny 17. a 1. poloviny 18. stol. V převážné většině se jedná o díla neznámých autorů. Mezi okny 2 busty z carrarského mramoru pocházející z počátku 19. stol. Představují Helenu Trojskou a řeckou bohyni lovu Artemis. Židle v této hale patří k původnímu zámeckému vybavení. Byly vyrobeny v Čechách v letech 1820 až 1830.
- Zámek - Zámek: Interiéry v prvním poschodí připomínají dobu vévodkyně Kateřiny Zaháňské (paní kněžny z Babičky B. Němcové). Je zde soustředěno zařízení z období klasicismu, empíru a biedermeieru. Sál tří císařů je vzpomínkou na rok 1813, kdy se v Ratibořicích konaly porady diplomatů protinapoleonské koalice, které předznamenaly Napoleonovu porážku v bitvě u Lipska.
V přízemí se nacházejí prostory zařízené původním mobiliářem, připomínající sbírkami portrétů a osobních předmětů rod posledních vlastníků, knížata ze Schaumburg-Lippe a jejich příbuzné z řady evropských panovnických rodů, především z Dánska. - Pánský salon - Veškerý nábytek v salonu, obdobně jako většina nábytku v ostatních místnostech, pochází z první třetiny 19. století, převážně z českých dílen. Na psacím stole podél tzv. čtvrťových hodin s dvěma sfingami jsou umístěny busty dánského krále Kristiána VIII. a jeho manželky Karolíny Amálie. Různé plastiky z biskvitu tehdy patřily k velmi žádanému artiklu královské manufaktury v Kodani.Anglickou kameninu Wedgwood prezentují pohárek a svícen s reliéfní bílou figurální a ornamentální výzdobou z období kolem r. 1800. Po stranách okna jsou zavěšeny mědirytiny Vassiho z roku 1765 s římskými pohledy. Na komodě vpravo u okna je umístěna bronzová plastika egyptské královny Kleopatry z patinovaného bronzu na zlaceném lůžku z poč. 19. století. Na jihozápadní straně skupinový portrét členů rodiny hraběte Hartiga od Marianne Fricastové z roku 1823. Další olejomalby zachycují pohled na Pantheon a Forum Traiani. Na protější stěně nad pohovkou je zavěšeno dílo českého malíře Karla Postla Krajina s mostem. Postl byl od roku 1806 profesorem krajinářské školy pražské Akademie.Na knihovně jsou umístěny sádrové busty panovníků někdejší "Svaté Aliance". Vlevo ruský car Alexander I., uprostřed rakouský císař František I. a vpravo pruský král Friedrich Wilhelm III.
- Společenský salon - Je z větší části zařízen nábytkem ve stylu Ludvíka XVI. V první části interiéru se plně uplatňuje portrétní malba poslední třetiny 18. stol. Na předchozí salon navazuje portrét Františka de Paula Antona hraběte Hartiga a jeho choti Eleonory. Hrabě Hartig byl významným rakouským diplomatem za vlády Marie Terezie a Josefa II. Působil mimo jiné jako císařský velvyslanec v Sasku, byl uznávaným předsedou Královské společnosti věd a nauk a členem pražské zednářské lóže. Z té doby pochází podobizna hraběte a jeho manželky. Hrabě je zachycen s velkokřížem Řádu sv. Štěpána. Podobizny jsou dílem proslulého portrétisty Antona Graffa. Ze stejného období jsou i další dva protějškové pastelové portréty, patrně manželského hraběcího páru Tenczni. Obě komody jsou intarzované, stejně tak jako kulečníkový stůl a stolek mezi okny v rohu. Soubor stříbrného nádobí na stolku je z doby kolem r. 1820. Na jedné z komod jsou umístěny klasicistní hodiny českého původu ze zač. 19. stol. Na druhé komodě tři porcelánové sošky, které jsou legorií Léta, Podzimu a Zimy, vyrobené v mnichovské porcelánce Nymphenburg. Také zlacená sedací souprava v druhé části salonu připomíná styl Ludvíka XVI. Atmosféru salonu dále dotvářejí bohatá dekorativní zátiší německého malíře Gottfrieda Libalda z roku 1651. Olejomalby Zátiší s loutnou a ovocem a Zátiší se zajícem zaujmou tlumenou barevností a stupňovitou kompozicí. Obraz nad pohovkou, představuje biblický starozákonní výjev Josef Egyptský a žena Putifarova. Altánové hodiny ze zlaceného dřeva na komodě u dveří jsou dokladem české hodinářské práce kolem roku 1800.
- Hudební salon - Do řady reprezentačních prostor patří i hudební salon vybavený sedací soupravou ve formách napoleonského empíru. Housle a viola na židlích pocházejí pravděpodobně z Itálie. Na hracím stole se sklopnými notovými pulty jsou hoboj a flétna. Dále je zde kontrabas z Vídně ze zač. 19. stol. a harfa. Klavír zhotovil vídeňský mistr Streicher. Stěny salonu zdobí řada obrazů. Nad pohovkou je to rozměrné plátno Karneval v Neapoli od neapolského malíře Fabrise z roku 1778. Antický výjev s malířským atelierem namaloval pařížský malíř Lafontaine roku 1754, ostatní obrazy jsou od neznámých autorů (Žena se štětcem [alegorie malířství], Bakchantka na voze, Démétér a Persefoné).
- Přijímací salón - salón Tří císařů - Nacházíme se v ústředním prostoru prvního patra, v přijímacím salonu, který byl dříve na základě tradice nazýván "Sál tří císařů". Není však historicky dokázáno, že Ratibořice navštívil rakouský císař František I. a pruský král Fridrich Wilhelm III., ale pouze ruský car Alexandr I. Není tedy pravda, jak se dříve tvrdilo, že vévodkyně Zaháňská dala probourat střední vchod proto, aby všechny tři korunované hlavy (byly členy Svaté aliance) mohly vstoupit současně. Skutečností je, že se v Ratibořicích v červnu a červenci roku 1813 konaly důležité porady ministrů zahraničí Ruska a Pruska, později i Rakouska. Na základě těchto jednání uzavřených podpisem dohody na zámku v nedalekém Opočně, Rakousko na podzim roku 1813 přistoupilo k rusko-pruské koalici, jejíž vojska zakrátko porazila Napoleona v bitvě u Lipska. Obrazy zde visící jsou vesměs z 18. stol. Na stěně vpravo olejomalba Salome s hlavou Jana Křtitele. Jsou zde také dva další obrazy už zmíněného Lafontaina. Oba mají náměty z řecké mytologie: Áres s Afroditou a Hermem a Zeus s milenkou, který je datován rokem 1754. Poslední obraz představuje Athénu odvádějící Área od Afrodíty. Je od Langrénéea. Na dřevěném podstavci imitujícím mramorový sloup stojí bronzová plastika Fauna z 1. pol. 19. stol. Na komodě vlevo stojí bohatě vyřezávané zlacené dřevěné hodiny. Naproti jsou to hodiny ze zlaceného bronzu zdobené postavou císaře Justiniána (Francie, zač. 19. stol). Stejně jako komody jsou i kandelábrové svícny z první čtvrtiny 19. století. Židle a stůl jsou pozdně empírové. Lustr je opět dřevěný, bohatě vyřezávaný, zlacený.
- Kabinet - Podobně asi vypadala soukromá pracovna paní kněžny, ve které přijala podle Boženy Němcové babičku s vnoučaty. Visí zde portrét rakouského císaře Františka I., malovaný ve Vídni kolem roku 1800. Byl Napoleonův tchán, ale přesto jeho protivník a člen Svaté aliance. Obrazovou výzdobu tvoří soubor 14 vedut od jezera Como a Maggiore v sev. Itálii, akvarely od J. Alta a J. Rebetha z let 1811 až 1812. Pohovka je českého původu z doby kolem r. 1820, asi o 10 let starší jsou oba mahagonové stoly. Na sekretáři jsou umístěny sloupkové hodiny s řezanými aplikacemi v podobě orlů s alabastrovými sloupky, čtvrťové - empír. Vpravo od okna je umístěna na komodě bronzová plastika Dionýsa. Vlevo od okna visí na stěně barometr ze zač. 18. století a na skříňce je bronzová plastika Apollón Belvederský (je zmenšenou kopií slavné helénské sochy). Vpravo od pohovky stojí koš na papír v podobě složených knih, potažený kůží. Na kulatém stole s nohou v podobě Satyra vidíte žardinieru ze skla s montáží z mosazi. Ve skleníku je vystaven porcelán z Vídně, dále potom z Míšně a Neapole. Jsou zde umístěny výrobky ze skla, jak broušené, tak i ryté s dekorem.
- Ložnice paní kněžny - Nábytek v ložnici pochází z let 1810 - 1835. Vpravo od okna stojí šicí stolek ze světlého dřeva, druhý šicí stolek s nohou ve tvaru lyry stojí pod oknem. Křesla mají tzv. nůžkový tvar. Na psacím stolku mezi okny jsou umístěny malé bronzové busty J. J. Rousseaua a F. M. Voltaira. Cenné jsou také obrazy Baptisty Hickela Judita s Hlavou Holofernovou a David s hlavou Goliášovou z roku 1744, umístěné po stranách obrazu Kající se Máří Magdaléna od Hanse von Aachen, dvorního malíře císaře Rudolfa II. - působil na jeho pražském dvoře. Olejomalba Dva amorci je kopií z 2. pol. 19. stol. podle Correggia. Dále zde můžeme vidět obraz Italská krajina s řekou a vesnicí. Nalevo od dveří do další místnosti u kamen je to Zátiší s květinami a ovocem, malované na porcelánovou desku, Johann Fischer, 1818. Vlevo na komodě jsou dřevěné zlacené hodiny s kobaltovým sklem z poč. 19. stol. Na nočním stolku je malá zhášecí lampička, nad stolkem je zavěšeno vyšívané táhlo ke zvonku k přivolání služebnictva.
- Šatna - Na interiér ložnice navazuje prostor šatny zařízený v biedermeierovském stylu s ukázkou oděvních doplňků a předmětů osobní potřeby. Model dobové bílé dámské toalety s nabíranými rukávy, vyznačeným pasem a nadýchanou sukní připomíná časy společenských promenád a divadelních večerů s elegancí hedvábných šál, vějířů, lorňonů a dlouhých rukaviček z nejjemnějších usní, krajek a hedvábí. Na lehátku pod baldachýnem je umístěna kopie dámských společenských šatů z období empíru.
- Pokoj schovanky - Pokoj pro schovanky kněžny Zaháňské, z nichž jmenovitě Marie von Steinach inspirovala Boženu Němcovou k vytvoření postavy komtesy Hortensie v Babičce. Místnost, ve které se nacházíme a která je tradičně označována jako pokoj schovanky, je zařízena tak, aby odpovídala charakteru pokoje tehdejší urozené mladé dámy. Vedle ostatního nábytku je zde psací stolek z první třetiny 19. století vyrobený v Čechách. Nad psacím stolem visí obraz "Dívka ve slamáčku a modrém živůtku" z 2. pol. 18. stol. (pastel). Nad postelí visí obraz Prodavačka květin. Je to Nagarova kopie Murillova obrazu z roku 1813. Kopií je také portrét Ženy s dítětem nad pohovkou. Je to slavný autoportrét malířky Vigéé - Lebrun s dcerkou. Originál visí v Louvru, naši kopii zhotovila Fanny Feyb. Nade dveřmi jsou zavěšeny jako supraporty dva návrhy (tzv. kartony) pro tkaní nástěnných koberců z doby kolem roku 1800. Jedná se o Zátiší s bažanty, motivem druhého kartonu je květinová girlanda doplněná medailonem s krajinářským námětem. Poslední obraz - akvarelová podobizna dámy v biedermeierovských šatech je dílem portrétisty a miniaturisty Johanna Nepomuka Endera. Pod zrcadlem stojí váza s víkem, girlandami a fauními hlavami, typ vykuřovadla, Míšeň - 1. čtvrtina 19. století. V rohovém skleníku je vystaven porcelán z 1. třetiny 19. stol. z porcelánek v Lokti, Slavkově, Březové, Vídni, Míšni a Berlíně. Stříbrná dóza s víčkem ze želvoviny jeanglickou prací z 19. stol. Porcelánové sošky - putti.
- Pokoj komorné - Většina vybavení opět pochází z první třetiny 19. stol. U okna vpravo, na komodě zdobené kanelovanými sloupky, bronzovým kováním a smaltovanými medailonky můžeme spatřit plastiku "Anděl krmící ptáčata", z míšeňské manufaktury. Po levé straně je v prosklené skříňce opět umístěn porcelán, tentokrát převážně z Berlína a Vídně. Stěny zdobí kolorované grafiky různých námětů. Na stěně proti oknu uprostřed je to malba květinového zátiší z poloviny 19. století.
- 2. okruh - podrobná expozice - Přibližuje atmosféru obytných interiérů posledních majitelů, německé knížecí rodiny Schaumburg - Lippe.
- Přijímací salón - Ocitáme se v prostředí, ve kterém se seznámíme s jednotlivými členy německého knížecího rodu Schaumburg-Lippe. Jeho existence sahá až do 12. století a to do oblasti řeky Lippe na území dnešní republiky Westfálsko. Za vlády osvíceneckého a universitně vzdělaného knížete Jiřího Viléma bylo v roce 1842 zakoupeno pro mladšího syna Viléma Karla Augusta panství Náchod v Českém království. V ceně majetku za 2 500 000 zlatých florinů byly tehdy zahrnuty i zámky v Náchodě, Ratibořicích a Chvalkovicích. Zhruba po sto letech došlo v roce 1945 za posledního majitele prince Bedřicha ke konfiskaci veškerého jmění.
V interiéru zařízeném ve stylu klasicismu soustředíme svou pozornost na osobnost vzpomínaného Jiřího Viléma Schaumburg- Lippe. O jeho schopnostech vypovídá tvář na portrétu umístěném na čelní stěně. Za své vlády zrušil v zemi robotu, nevolnictví a vytvořil ústavu.Jeho podoba je též zachycena na litografii vedle zmíněného obrazu. Protějšek k jeho portrétu tvoří podobizna jeho manželky Idy Karolíny pocházející z knížectví Valdeck - Pyrmont.
Schaumburgové byli spojeni příbuzenskými svazky s řadou evropských královských rodů, nejtěsnější svazky je poutaly s dánskou královskou dynastií. Připomínkou této skutečnosti je řada portrétů, tisků a porcelánových předmětů pocházejících z Dánska.
Ve vitríně spatříme především porcelánové předměty z královské manufaktury v Kodani. Jsou zdobené oblíbenými portrétními medailony a vedutami. K tomuto artiklu náleží i kávová souprava na stolku, kde se objevují v dekoru i pohledy na královské zámky Amalienborg, Frdensborg a Bernsdorf.
Za vámi po stranách okna jsou to protějškové portréty dánského královského páru Kristiána IX. a jeho manželky Louisy.
- Schaumburgský pokoj - Charakteristickým rysem období biedermeieru je touha po pohodlí, střídmé intimitě a účelnosti. Tyto požadavky vyvrcholily později v rozvoj moderního, zdravého a účelného bydlení. Útulnost prostoru dotváří pohovka a židle s vějířovitě tvarovanými opěradly. V prosklené knihovně vpravo jsou uloženy německy psané zpravodaje a knihy o lékařství. Levá skříňka plní funkci nepostradatelného skleníku a ukrývá část rodinné výbavy. Uvidíme zde porcelánový servis a šálky z míšeňského porcelánu a dále české sklo z 1. třetiny 19. století.
Portrét mezi okny představuje syna Jiřího Viléma - Viléma Karla Augusta Schaumburg Lippe. Nejprve studoval na universitě v Bonnu a poté se věnoval vojenské službě v rakouské armádě, dosáhl hodnosti generála jezdectva. Bojoval v prusko-rakouské válce r. 1866 a zasloužil se o vybudování vojenského hřbitova v Náchodě. Stal se protektorem komitétu pro udržování válečných pomníků a za tuto činnost obdržel vysoká ocenění.
Pendant k jmenovanému obrazu vytváří podobizna jeho manželky, princezny Bathildis Amalgunde, rozené princezny Anhaltské, vévodkyně Engernské atd.
Na stolku pod obrazem je umístěno album fotografií s vrchní deskou z malachitu v mosazné montáži.
Na komodě vedle dveří jsou umístěny hodiny z alabastru se soškou Bakchantky a zlaceným bronzovým kováním z poč. 19. stol.
- Grafický kabinet - Soustřeďuje část velmi zajímavého souboru černobílých i ručně kolorovaných mědirytin a litografií z rodinné sbírky Antoinetty Anny, rozené princezny Anhaltské. Jednotlivé grafické listy zachycují malebné partie Dessavy a Wörlitzkého parku. Romantická zákoutí s letohrádky, pavilony, altánky a mosty vznikala postupně v 2. pol. 18. století v souvislosti s rozsáhlým projektem prvního anglického krajinářského parku na území Německa. Jeho realizaci při toku Labe mezi Dessavou a Wittenbergem podle základního plánu parkových úprav J. F. Eyserbecka tehdy ovlivnil svými osvíceneckými snahami přímo kníže František Anhaltsko-Dessavský. Velký podíl na citlivém zapojení architektury do krajiny měl dvorní stavitel Erdmannsdorf, z jehož podnětu byla grafika s touto tématikou vydávána.
- Reprezentační salón - Na biedermeierovský interiér navazuje v rámci romantismu 19. století druhorokoková atmosféra representačního salonu. Prostoru dominuje portrét posledního majitele náchodského panství Bedřicha Schaumburg - Lippe ve vojenské uniformě generála husarů. Po otci se rovněž věnoval vojenskému povolání. Sňatkem s dánskou princeznou Louisou v roce 1896 byl vázán příbuzenskými vztahy k mnoha panovnickým dvorům Evropy. Součástí psacího stolu jsou dvě vídeňské keramické lampy s pestrým dekorem a mapa na spisy s reliéfním aliančním znakem Schaumburským a Anhaltským. Oficiální podobizna císaře Františka Josefa I. připomíná, že jeho přičiněním byly vyřešeny otázky nástupnictví a materiálního zabezpečení mladší větve knížecí rodiny v Náchodě. V druhé polovině 19. stol. se staly módní záležitostí portrétní fotografie. Nad psacím stolkem je to podobizna ruského cara Mikuláše II. s rodinou, dále fotografie jeho otce Alexandra III. a švédského krále Gustafa V. Nad nimi korunovační fotografie norského královského páru Haakona VII. a královny Maud, (Haakon VII. byl bratrem princezny Louise Sch - Lippe, královna Maud pocházela z Windsorské dynastie a byla Louisinou sestřenicí. Nad křeslem u etažeru dánský princ Kristian, bratr princezny Louisy (pozdější dánský král Kristián X.). Pod rámovými hodinami se nachází foto německého císaře Viléma II. v admirálské uniformě. Druhorokokové tvary a typický bohatý plastický květinový dekor se objevují i na porcelánových předmětech uložených na rohovém etažéru. Váza v dolní polici patří k výrobkům královské manufaktury v Kodani a v její výzdobě je uplatněn mnohokrát opakovaný pohled na královský zámek Amalienborg.
- Dámský salón - V dámském salonu naši pozornost upoutá především portrét dánské princezny Louise od malíře Otto Bastra. Ostatní zařízení náleží k různým stylům a je v souladu s tehdejšími potřebami uživatelů. Vlevo nalezneme klasicistní sekretář s jemnou intarsií a mosazným kováním, na jehož horní desce je umístěna porcelánová váza vídeňské produkce. K artiklu téhož výrobce patří i čajový servis empirového pojetí. Druhorokokový sedací nábytek umožňoval pohodlný odpočinek a příjemné posezení. Pokud byly na programu hudební chvilky, stačilo zasednout ke kladívkovému klavíru vyrobenému v roce 1789 londýnským mistrem Adamem Beyerem. Stěnu nad klavírem zdobí dvě maríny s pohledy na mořský přístav a ve střední části je dílo dánského dvorního malíře Christiana Frederika Hentsche. Bravurně malovaný interiér technikou oleje na kartonu zachycuje pracovnu budoucího dánského krále Frederika VIII. Jedná se o významný doklad podoby historického interiéru královské residence Amalienborg v Kodani. Pod tímto obrazem se nachází pastelem malovaná podobizna princezny Alžběty Hessenské, provdané vévodkyně Anhaltské.
- Velká jídelna - Jak je patrné z interiérového vybavení velké jídelny, závěr 19. stol. přinesl návrat baroka v novější podobě. Pseudoslohový nábytek napodobující ranou fázi je doplněn soustruženými detaily a rotangovým výpletem, který si získal velkou oblibu ve Francii za krále Ludvíka XV. i na dvorech Evropy. Novobarokní tendence jsou znatelné i na tvarově rozmanitém jídelním souboru z kameniny vyrobeném v anglické manufaktuře Copeland. Typický dekor krajin na talířích, mísách a ostatním nádobí je proveden technikou podglazurního tisku. Stůl doplňují dva pětiramenné svícny z lité mosazi ve tvarech druhého rokoka. Prostoru dominují reprezentační portréty dánského krále Frederika VIII. a jeho manželky královny Louisy z roku 1896. Olejomalba nad bufetovým stolem reprezentuje malířskou tvorbu 18. století a zachycuje starozákonní scénu setkání Davida a Abigail. Na protější stěně je zavěšena rozměrná obrazová kompozice "Senoseč" s bohatou figurální stafáží od německého malíře Wilhelma Pfeiffera, proslulého ilustrátora a specialisty žánrových scén. Na jídelním stole nápojová souprava, sklenice na víno a 2 karafy, čiré sklo s dekorativním zlacením kupy.
- Ložnice - Atraktivnost a útulnost těchto dvou interiérů, které byly v minulosti součástí apartmá prince Albrechta, zvyšují původní trámové malované stropy. Odpočinkový prostor ložnice je opět zařízen převážně nábytkem ve stylu novobaroka. Biedermaierovsky laděné květinové zátiší nad lůžkem spolu se sádrovými alegoriemi Jitra a Noci navozují intimní atmosféru klidu podtrženou dvěma obrazy odlišného námětu. Vlevo nad stolkem s lampou spatříme opět podobiznu prince Viléma Karla Augusta Schaumburg Lippe. Obraz je zasazen v původním bohatě vyřezávaném a zlaceném rámu. Protějšek tvoří portrét mladého důstojníka s hessenským řádem. Barevnou tužkou provedené podobizny dvou chlapců představují syny prince Bedřicha Schaumburg -Lippe z druhého manželství. Blíže ke dveřím je to princ Leopold, druhý ovál je portrétem prince Viléma. Tajemství snů pečlivě střeží u francouzského okna čtyři vznášející se nymfy provedené technikou tempery.
- Toaletní pokoj - V toaletním pokoji nalezneme nejen předměty spojené s osobní hygienou, ale také oděvní součásti vojenského charakteru. Vidíme zde část výstroje uherské generality ke které patří kabát hodnosti generálmajora, vysoké jezdecké boty, kalhoty polní uniformy, táborová čapka s podšívkou ve státních barvách knížectví Schaumburg - Lippe a jemné glazé rukavice od firmy Muller z nedalekého Josefova. Jezdecká šavle s dracounovým střapcem byla zhotovena na zakázku v dílně vídeňského zbrojíře Kaufmanna. Na stolku pod zrcadlem je umístěna robustní mycí souprava z bílého porcelánu zdobená květinovým dekorem. Oblíbený žánr 19. století prezentují dobová vyobrazení zámeckých interiérů nad toaletním stolkem u okna. Nechybí tu ani žádané mědirytiny a barevné litografie loveckých scén a psích plemen, umístěné podél zrcadla a vstupních dveří z chodby, kde je zároveň dopisní schránka na denní poštu a rohový skleník s českým porcelánem. | <urn:uuid:3fa66d52-5f32-40a3-805f-dc4235aeb452> | {
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Лидерство позволяет решить многие проблемы организации и ведет человека к славе. Но платой за это являются риски, связанные с управлением изменениями — сотрудникам приходится жертвовать устоявшейся жизнью ради эфемерного будущего, что вызывает негативное отношению к лидеру и сопротивление переменам.
Технические и адаптивные изменения
Обычно поломку автомобиля мы рассматриваем, как техническую. Поэтому ремонт доверяем автосервису. Но всегда ли причина проблемы кроется в механизме машины? Если последней пользуется нерадивый автомобилист или водитель позволяет детям шалить внутри автомобиля…
Обращая внимание только на техническую сторону вопроса трудно увидеть источник неприятностей.Если воспользоваться описанной выше метафорой для управления организационными изменениями, то можно выделить два типа перемен:
- адаптивные, затрагивающие поведение людей.
Работа с адаптивными проблема отличается от решения привычных проблем, решение за других людей.
Технические перемены происходят в организации каждый день. Для них используются известные проверенные инструменты управления изменениями. Т.о. есть возможность прогнозировать с высокой точностью ожидаемый результат и достигать его эффективно. Технические подходы позволяют реализовать краткосрочные изменения.
Адаптивные перемены — радикальные, глубокие преобразования, меняющие привычки, стереотипы работы, имеющиеся связи. Они серьезным образом затрагивают людей. Такие изменения трудно прогнозировать, поэтому возникает ситуация, когда люди приносят в жертву свое текущее положение имея только надежду на будущее. Эта неопределенность вызывает сопротивление многих сотрудников.
Организация нуждается, как в быстрых решениях по поддержанию или улучшению имеющейся системы, так и революционных изменениях. Проблема управления возникает тогда, когда адаптивные проблемы стараются решать с помощью технических средств.
Краткое руководство по выживанию лидеров
Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky пришли к выводу, что на пути к должности топ-менеджеров руководители учатся решать «технические» проблемы и именно этот навык помог им сделать карьеру. Но занимаясь вопросом изменений менеджерам нужно овладеть новыми, в чем-то не привычными способностями. Для этой цели авторы подхода разработали краткое руководство по выживанию. Оно состоит из двух частей — одна направлена на то, как руководителю необходимо вести себя по отношению к организации, другая — как управлять собой.
Отношение лидера изменений с компанией.
Особенностью изменений является то, что окружение руководителя относится враждебно к преобразованиям.
— Находясь в гуще событий — уметь отстраниться. Это позволяет посмотреть на ситуацию со стороны и увидеть возможные перспективы, а не реактивно отвечать на воздействия и ввязываться в конфликты.
— Искать потенциальных партнеров. Один в поле «не воин».
— Следуйте тем требованиям, которые предъявляете к другим. Это послужит примером для сотрудников и не позволит «собственными руками разрушать разрушить то, что строите».
— Решение проблем организации — ответственность лидера. Это позволяет руководителю увидеть свою роль в существующих проблемах.
— Использование организационных конфликтов для целей изменений. Конфликты — неизбежность преобразований. С ними можно бороться или же использовать в качестве батарейки изменений.
— Делегировать работу ответственным подчиненным. Избегать соблазна давать готовые решения сотрудникам. Собственные идеи люди отстаивают с большим рвением.
Отношение лидера с собой
Для лидера изменений существует опасность фанатичного взгляда на решение проблемы и возвеличивание себя любимого. Советы ниже не позволяют слабостям человека взять верх над менеджером.
— Не стоит проявлять избыточную активность. Стремление к избыточному контролю и самоутверждению за счет собственной проактивности повышают сопротивление изменений.
— Найдите опору для движения. Выделение времени для размышления и поиск места, где руководителя не будут отвлекать текущими проблемами — бывает очень сложной задачей. Но самое трудное, это дружба с людьми, которые поддержат лидера в самых противоречивых ситуациях и конфликтах.Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky обращают внимание менеджеров на то, что управление изменениями сложная задача, но приносить себя и компанию в жертву ей — не решение. Можно обрести баланс между преобразованиями и полноценной жизнью, между планами и творческими решениями.
Идею технических и адаптивных изменений взяли за основу Р.Киган, Л.Лейхи. Для преодоления управляющим изменениями адаптивных трудностей, они предложили карту сопротивления переменам. | <urn:uuid:bf6208d3-98ee-4395-b710-ff8e89bb99d5> | {
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2 projects · 4 members
Taking cues from Memorials for the Future and the Final Cut, design a hybrid space to act as a site of memorial in a 10 year horizon. The monument should be a site of memorial for of an individual ...more
Remake Google's Paper Signals: This practice exercise will invite you to create an interesting notification using either a solenoid, a servo, a brushless fan or vibrating disk. You’ll get familiar...more
We didn't find any matches.
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"url": "http://ideate.xsead.cmu.edu/gallery/pools?ideate_area=learning-media&page=12&skill=collaboration&tool=max-msp"
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We are all living in an unpredictable world and environment at all times. While there are so many beautiful things about life, there are also a lot of twists and turns that come with being in this world. Sometimes as a human, it may even hard for you to keep your head up and go
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The pressure to become thin is higher than ever nowadays with the glorification of thigh gaps, collarbones and the size zero body types and it is only human to want to succumb to this pressure and obtain such a body type but what should matter is how you feel in your own skin. If you | <urn:uuid:965e6872-4778-42ea-bc43-85e883ef65b8> | {
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The lottery, also known as the lotto, is a form of gambling where participants pay a small amount of money for the chance to win a large sum of money. This is a popular form of gambling and it has become a major source of revenue for governments around the world.
There are many types of lotteries, including sports and lottery tickets that dish out cash prizes to paying participants. In addition, state and local governments often hold lottery-based fundraisers to raise money for various projects.
Generally speaking, all lottery games involve some kind of lottery drawing and a procedure for selecting winning numbers or symbols. This is a randomizing process and is usually done using a computer to ensure that there is no bias against a particular winner or number of winners.
The lottery is a gambling game that allows people to win prizes such as cash and large amounts of other property. This type of gambling has a long history, dating back to ancient times.
In the United States, the most common forms of lotteries include the Powerball and Mega Millions. They are mainly played by adults and they usually involve a jackpot prize of hundreds of millions of dollars. The jackpot prize is usually advertised in terms of an annuity payment, but winners can choose to receive a lump-sum payout instead. In the United States, winnings can be subject to income tax.
Critics of live draw hongkong argue that they are a regressive form of taxation, promote addictive gambling behavior, and lead to other negative consequences. However, there are several arguments that support the use of lotteries to raise revenue and help fund public projects.
Whether or not it is a wise financial decision to purchase lottery tickets may depend on a number of factors, including your age and financial circumstances. For instance, if you’re young and don’t have much money to spare, you might want to avoid the lottery altogether. Alternatively, you can buy small amounts of tickets and use the money to save for retirement or college tuition.
When you play the lottery, you’re paying for the chance to win a big prize, so it makes sense to try and maximize your chances of winning. But it’s important to remember that you’re also contributing billions of dollars in taxes that could go towards building an emergency fund, paying off credit card debt or investing in your retirement.
The lottery has been used as a way to raise money for public projects for more than a century. It is a common means of funding fortifications, roads, libraries, churches, colleges, and other infrastructure.
Most states have a lottery, but they are not uniform in the ways they operate it. Some are operated with a computer system while others are run by sales agents, who sell tickets and stakes through the mail.
Most lotteries are public, meaning that they are sponsored by the government and they have a constitutional right to exist. They are also regulated by the federal government and by state and local governments. This has created an uneasy relationship between the state’s desire to increase revenues and its responsibility to protect the general public welfare. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that there are few, if any, general policies guiding lotteries and that the state’s power over them is fragmented between its legislative and executive branches. | <urn:uuid:98f7e9fd-1cf9-409c-80aa-fa3825d87a9d> | {
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The following is Part 2 of Dr. Lisa Nagy’s article entitled “Household Mold and Marital Discord.” (Part 1 can be found here.)
In this section, she discusses ways we can lighten our toxic load.
Stay Well in this Toxic World
Even if you don’t have mold in your home, do these things first to maintain or increase health:
– No perfume (read labels on body care products since many contain fragrance).
– Eliminate pesticide use at home and buy organic as much as possible.
– Change your detergent to one that is non-toxic and fragrance-free.
– Three mainstays of living a non-toxic life:
>> Clean Air
>> Clean Food
>> Eat organic when possible
– Rotate foods every four days to prevent or reduce food allergies and addictions.
– Remove foods from your diet that trigger symptoms.
– Clean water.
– Choose water filtered through coconut charcoal in stainless steel bottles or drink water delivered in glass bottles.
– Avoid water in plastic bottles since it increases our toxic load.
Self-Test for Sensitivities
Like LSD (an ergot alkaloid) or hallucinogenic mushrooms, many molds produce mind-altering chemicals that can permeate the entire home, including clothing and furniture. Assess whether or not the clothing, fabric or furniture is toxic by spending five days in another location in fresh clothes before returning home to your habitual clothes and furniture. If you are intolerant to the items, this will determine their toxicity and your possible environmental illness.
Chemical sensitivity is synonymous with food allergies. Self-test foods for allergy symptoms by removing suspect food from your diet completely for five days. On the sixth day, eat a lot of that food alone for lunch and observe how you feel in the following minutes, hours and days. For example, I get a massive headache to peanuts the morning after I eat them. Take the offending food out of the diet for two to three months, then reintroduce it once a week as tolerated. Observe cause and effect in your home.
Say No to Mold
Homeopath and board-certified environmental, medical specialist Dr. Doris Rapp asks people to evaluate what they recently ate, touched or smelled when an individual or family member is feeling bad or misbehaving. These are the clues to figuring out your sensitivities and those of your family. Keep humidity low, below fifty percent, to prevent mold growth, and always address water leaks the first day they occur.
- 47The following interview appeared in the May 2014 newsletter of Samaritan Ministry. Samaritan offers a Biblical, non-insurance approach to medical care, and after six years of pursuing health via nutrition and other alternatives, we are excited about the unique program offered by Samaritan. (Read more about Samaritan here. Read more…
- 46Perhaps you’re reading this because a family member has tried to convince you that your bizarre reactions to environmental triggers are psychological. Perhaps you’re the person who feels crazy while everyone around you is frustrated and perplexed. By far the best explanation of this illness is found in the book… | <urn:uuid:8ebb00c1-b68a-4ca5-9d64-370c35cd0c61> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T21:17:14Z",
"file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066450783.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20241208203139-20241208233139-00001.warc.gz",
"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9444276690483093,
"token_count": 657,
"url": "http://it-takes-time.com/2013/07/15/tips-for-decreasing-toxic-load/"
} |
by Don Berryman
A Beautiful Day, Revisited by the Andrew Hill Sextet plus 10 is a 2-LP/CD reissue of Hill’s 2002 big band album recorded live at Birdland Jazz Club in New York. It features a fresh remaster, an extended edit of one track, and a previously unreleased bonus track, available November 1, 2024 on Palmetto Records. This will be the first time any of this material is available on vinyl LPs, and the best it has ever sounded. Both the LP and CD sets contain liner notes by Matt Balitsaris and Ron Horton who explains the unusual process Andrew Hill used to present his music to the band.
About Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill was born in Chicago in 1931, In 1952 he started performing with touring jazz musicians (including Charlie Parker, Coleman Hawkins, and Miles Davis). He moved to New York in 1961 and signed with Blue Note Records, producing his early classics for the label, such as Point of Departure and Black Fire. After leaving Blue Note he continued to compose, teach, perform, and record into the 21st century.
Andrew Hill is often compared to Thelonious Monk. Ethan Iverson in Do The M@th: said “Andrew Hill never sounded that much like Thelonious Monk, but, like Monk, he was an alternative to conventionally hip and conventionally virtuosic pianists.” and he was “especially known for his compositions, which are finely-wrought and detailed, and usually feature multiple horns” Stanley Crouch wrote In the liner notes to the 2002 release A Beautiful Day, “With a vision given to great plasticity, [Hill] has found his own ways to reinterpret 4/4 swing, the blues, the romantic or meditative ballad, and the Afro-Hispanic rhythms that have almost invariably connected one generation of Jazz musicians to those who preceded them”
As a bandleader, particularly on this project, Hill is like Charles Mingus in the way he inspires free improvisation in a large ensemble. In Hard Bop and Its Critics David H. Rosenthal called Andrew Hill an experimental musician who “consciously set out to expand jazz’s structural and technical boundaries”
The Birdland Concert
On the 24th through the 26th of January, 2002, a recording was made at Birdland Jazz Club in New York of what was billed as the Andrew Hill Big Band, which is called the Andrew Hill Sextet Plus Ten on the record.. The sextet was Hill’s working sextet with Andrew Hill, Scott Colley, Nasheet Waits, Marty Ehrlich, Greg Tardy, and Ron Horton. The “plus ten musicians” were Aaron Stewart, John Savage, J.D. Parron, Dave Ballou, Laurie Frink, Bruce Staelens, Charlie Gordon, Joe Fiedler, Mike Fahn, and Jose D’Avila filled the stage. Ron Horton also served as the arranger and musical director. All the music was composed by Andrew Hill.
“It was a really epic journey,’” says Palmetto founder and producer Matt Balitsaris. Prior to the concert the band had rehearsed a lot of short ensemble pieces, but no one knew how they fit together. Direction was given by Ron Horton per Andrew Hill’s instructions immediately before the performance to keep everything spontaneous and fresh. And it changed from night to night. “We don’t have any idea what’s going to happen tonight,” one trumpeter said moments before taking the stage. “Not a clue.”
Nate Chinen was present for the concert and reviewed it for Downbeat Magazine “the repertoire, penned entirely by Hill, reflected the atmosphere of a distinctive compositional world. And every musician on stage, Hill included, entered that world without map or compass. During the set, trumpeter/conductor Ron Horton intermittently flashed a cue card with specific coordinates (e.g. Beautiful Day, Insert Bar 1″), and the band quickly followed his instructions. Horton’s choices, although not exactly arbitrary, seem dictated less by a pre-existing order than by the impulse of the music itself. the result was a cut-and-paste approach that kept the musicians on their toes, liberated the music from the page and allowed each arrangement to reside in perpetual present tense”.
Although the original album was well received, producer Matt Balitsaris wanted to take advantage of improved technology, “I went back and listened to the multi tracks. I’d forgotten that I didn’t have any mixing automation in those days. I started tinkering around with it and immediately realized how much better it could be.” Balitsaris describes the issue with the recording, “The musicians were playing to the room, so they weren’t really focused on where the recording mics were placed. As a result they were often off mic. Twenty-something years ago, I could bring the soloist up in the mix, but when it would go into a section where the reed players might switch from saxes to flutes and/or clarinets, I couldn’t rebalance that section for just that part of the song and then move everybody back.” Balitsaris explains how new mixing automation tools help. “But now I could zero in on one 12-bar section and say, ‘I need to bring the flutes out.’ I can just fine-tune things so much more. When a certain soloist was playing, I could mute different mics until I found a combination that made me feel like I was in the room, but still had the presence of feeling close to the instruments that were actually playing.”
As a result of the new mastering we have a cleaner, steadier sound that also offers a bit more natural ambiance than the 2002 master.
I was excited when I received this album in the mail and started playing it immediately – after the first two sides it was meal time. I was about to put on side 3 when I looked at my wife and said, “this isn’t really music for dining is it?” and she agreed. There is a lot going on and it demands your full attention so I delayed my listening until later. I then listened to it from start to finish. Throughout the concert you hear many combinations of instruments paired down to quartets, trios, duos, and solos, and then back to the whole band. Each piece is a journey within itself and I find myself pulled into it as many sonic lands are explored, often with the undercurrent of rumblings from the trombones and tuba.
- The opening is bright with a triumphant fanfare on “Divine Revelation” and the fullness of the big band sound is revealed. The music leads to Hill’s piano solo with the trio then the horns joining in. Following are blistering tenor solos by Greg Tardy and Aaron Stewart.
- In “Faded Beauty” John Savage performs an extended and varied solo on flute followed by Marty Ehrlich’s bass clarinet solo with Scott Colley providing spontaneous counterpoint on bass. Then Andrew Hill provides an introspective piano solo.
- “New Pinocchio” features Hill’s probing piano against the haunting harmony of the horns and fascinating walking bass on the tuba.
- “J Di” begins with a sequence of cascading woodwind flourishes. Then J.D. Parron presents a solo on baritone sax demonstrating and extending the range of the instrument while trumpets provide punctuating accents.
- “5 Mo” starts with a circus-like atmosphere of lumbering low brass with independent upbeat cadenzas of the other instruments dissolving into a quiet place for a reflective piano duo with drums before the ensemble rejoins.
- “Bellezza” features a highly inventive trumpet solo by Ron Horton with Jose D’Avila answering on tuba.
- Revealing how the music evolved over the three nights we get a different version of the title piece “A Beautiful Day (Thursday)”, being the first time the whole band played the entire piece it is not as tight as the other version, but has an urgent energy and hearty solos from all the saxophones – Greg Tardy on tenor is outstanding.
- “11/8” the final track, which is presented in its entirety for the first time in the new “Revisited” release, is an offbeat vamp and theme over which you hear the introduction of the members of the band.
Then Andrew Hill closes with the words “Hope you heard something you enjoyed. If you did, tell the world about us.” | <urn:uuid:cb8c521f-642e-42ad-9a43-9ab0ac1aee4f> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9663602113723755,
"token_count": 1854,
"url": "http://jazzpolice.com/archives/16622"
} |
The 2023 TD James Moody Jazz Festival took place from November 3 to 19 at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) and a couple of other locations in Newark, NJ. This Festival has become established as one of the foremost jazz events in Northeastern United States. NJPAC presented a stellar lineup that included Steve Turre, Stefon Harris, Omara Portuondo, Gladys Knight, Take 6, Jon Batiste, and Cyrus Chestnut.
Dee Dee Bridgewater and Bill Charlap
Tony and Grammy Award-winning vocalist Dee Dee Bridgwater told the audience, “I cannot promise you anything. It’s in the hands of Mr. Charlap. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bill Charlap!” The duo began with an insinuatingly charming “I’m Beginning to See the Light,” with both jazz stars shining brightly. Bill started the next song, “Caravan,” with some syncopated, pulsing piano, while Dee Dee sang and scatted with panache. Bridgewater is known for being quite fashionable on stage, and this evening was no exception. She looked very glamorous, wearing a sparkling black outfit and blinged-out eyeglasses. Grammy Award-winning pianist Bill Charlap was dressed much more conservatively, but his music was anything but conventional.
Dee Dee whispered something humorous to Bill that made him laugh, then said to the crowd, “I’m not sharing that. But if you heard it, good!” Next came a melancholy “Mood Indigo” during which Bridgewater effectively imitated a trombone and threw in a riff from “It Ain’t Necessarily So” that fit in seamlessly. “Honeysuckle Rose” followed, and their communication was great. Dee Dee whistled at one point, and she ended the song with a big closing, what she called “a P.T. Barnum finish.”
“In the Still of the Night” was a hauntingly beautiful and romantic duet with outstanding piano input from Charlap. Although the Victoria Theater is a large space, Dee Dee and Bill made it feel very intimate. It could easily have been a smoky jazz club in the 1950s. Part of the experience was how wonderfully cohesively the two musicians performed together, and they obviously have a great musical connection. Bridgewater said they don’t always know what they’re going to do, “But I hope these conversations are interesting to you.”
“Lush Life” was so atmospheric, and Dee Dee made each word sound meaningful. These two gifted artists commanded the room and cast a spell that transfixed the audience. Next, they performed a saucy “Love For Sale,” and Bridgewater sang the world-weary song with such pathos, that she seemed to be drawing on some personal history that she translated into this song. Charlap’s accompaniment was right on point, punctuating both the heartbreak and sultriness of this jazz classic. Dee Dee paused and joked that she was on a break and drank water while Bill began a whimsical introduction to “’S Wonderful.” This rendition from the Great American Songbook had an amusingly operatic finish! Bridgewater has a charismatic stage presence, and though she is a dedicated singer, she has a great sense of humor and doesn’t take herself too seriously.
“It Was Just One of Those Things” was a sprightly delight with some stellar interplay. The bluesy “Fine and Mellow” depicted a troubled affair, and Bill’s piano licks struck the right tone for Dee Dee’s gritty vocals. The song was red-hot, and Bridgewater cooled herself with a stylish fan. The set continued with a fiery scat/piano duet that was played at such a rapid pace, it took the crowd on a thrill ride. Near the end, Dee Dee broke into the theme from The Flintstones and finished with a comical “Th-th-th-that’s all, folks!” During a standing ovation, Bridgewater thanked everyone for coming and sang the praises of Bill Charlap’s talented hands. This show was an excellent start to the TD James Moody Jazz Festival.
Ranky Tanky With Very Special Guest Ms. Lisa Fischer
Ranky Tanky (a Gullah phrase for “get funky”) gave an inventive concert. Grammy Award-winning trumpeter/composer/vocalist Charleton Singleton said, “It’s a pleasure to be here.” The rest of Ranky Tanky joined him on stage – guitarist/vocalist Clay Ross, bassist Kevin Hamilton, drummer/percussionist Quentin Baxter, and vocalist Quiana Parler. They began with the danceable “That’s Alright,” featuring Quiana’s strong vocals. “Down In My Heart” was another toe tapper that had the audience clapping along.
The members of Ranky Tanky are lifelong friends and formed this group to highlight the unique jazz and West African-influenced Gullah music that originated in South Carolina. Charleton Singleton discussed the thrill of winning two Grammy Awards, then he introduced “One of the greatest voices of our time, Ms. Lisa Fischer!” Lisa, who has sung back-up for Luther Vandross, Chaka Khan, and the Rolling Stones before starting her own Grammy Award-winning solo career, was dressed to the nines in a signature hat and a draped black ensemble. She started with a minor-key, introspective “This Land Is Your Land” that became a plaintive protest song. Each musician contributed to the tune, and there was a powerful refrain of “We want freedom,” ending with Lisa and Quiana’s voices blending exquisitely, singing the patriotic “Oh say can you see?”
Fischer said she saw a lot of gorgeous silver foxes in the audience, and asked how long people had been married. Someone called out 48 years, and another couple topped that with 60 years! Lisa dedicated the next song to those who have survived the bad times along with the good, the days of loving, along with the days you couldn’t stand each other. “Wild Horses” had Fischer giving the crowd chills with her multi-octave voice. “You Can’t Judge a Book By the Cover” was a rollicking, fun number. Lisa danced sensuously on the next song, which had a driving, insistent beat, a wonderful bass interlude from Kevin Hamilton, and Charleton’s exquisite trumpet phrasing.
The staccato “Sometime” had Clay Ross’ fine guitar solo and more excellent trumpet improvisations from Singleton, followed by a passionate drum explosion from Quentin Baxter, while Quiana and Lisa sang with force and fervor. Singleton spoke about the importance of the Gullah community and how many contributions it has made to music. “This Village” was a tribute to the Gullah elders who are respected and revered, including Singleton’s 90 and 91-year-old parents. This moving ballad told the story of the community leaders keeping traditions going. The title track from their Grammy Award-winning CD Good Time was introduced with Ross’ guitar solo and vocals. This spirited piece really embraced the Gullah genre, and it segued into a deliciously down-and-dirty “Let the Good Times Roll” where Clay tore it up on his guitar, with Lisa and Quiana throwing down vocally, adding a fabulous coda.
“Shoo Lie Loo” had the audience singing in the background, while the group performed this authentic Gullah song with only a tambourine and washboard as back-up. Charleton added stellar vocals, and his Running Man dance delighted the crowd. “Imagine” was an emotional ballad sung by Fischer, who imbued even more meaning into this noted piece, and mesmerized the crowd with her scale-jumping virtuosity. The song morphed into “Come Together” that was unbelievably funky. Next came “Green Sally,” based on a children’s clapping chant, and the crowd stood up and did the hand gestures. After a big ovation, Lisa returned to the stage by herself to sing “How Can I Ease the Pain,” with only the audience singing as accompaniment. Such was the power and beauty of her voice that she enthralled the listeners on this hauntingly lovely encore. Ranky Tanky and Lisa Fischer really brought their “A” game to NJPAC! To keep abreast with Ranky Tanky’s activities, text “Ranky” to 66866, and to learn what Fischer is doing, go to: www.lisafischermusic.com.
The Abdullah Ibrahim Trio
South Africa-born pianist/composer and NEA Jazz Master Abdullah Ibrahim was joined by multi-instrumentalist Cleave Guyton and bassist Noah Jackson. They started with the mellow flute tones of Guyton and a relaxed bass solo by Jackson, then Abdullah played a beautifully pensive piano piece that was both subtle and moving. Ibrahim’s fingers traversed almost the entire keyboard, and the introspective nature of this song was perfect accompaniment to the cool autumn evening outside. If anyone was stressed coming into the concert, they surely calmed down after this meditative number’s aura of peacefulness. The trio moved into a surreal and enchanting song with Cleave leading on piccolo and Noah deftly employing his bass.
His musical cohorts left the stage for Abdullah to play a stirring composition alone that defied genres, with influences of jazz, blues, classical, and a touch of ragtime, riveting the crowd with his graceful playing that was like a warm musical hug. Next, Guyton and Jackson returned for some whimsical interplay between the two artists, followed by a heartfelt ballad that was a hybrid of classical and jazz. Then once again, Ibrahim took the stage alone for a magically spellbinding number. It was almost as though this concert was taking place in the intimacy of a living room; the ambiance was that personal.
The next song was a gorgeous, laid-back duet on bass and flute by Noah and Cleave that washed over the audience in restful waves. On the closing piece, Abdullah sang an a cappella chant that was so affecting, the crowd stood throughout the performance. A feeling of tranquility permeated the entire concert, and the trio gave a real gift of serenity to the listeners.
Dave Grusin: A Life in Music
NJPAC’s Prudential Theater presented “Dave Grusin: A Life in Music.” A recording of John Pizzarelli welcomed the audience, then Christian McBride came on stage and gave a shout-out to TD Bank for their continued sponsorship. McBride acknowledged Linda Moody, the woman who allowed them to name this Festival after her husband, and who gave James Moody so much happiness in his life.
The concert started with a short video about pianist Dave Grusin where Quincy Jones said, “You have it or you don’t, and he definitely has it.” Marcus Miller talked about how great Grusin was at teamwork. Dave came on stage and played a superb solo ballad that changed tempo into an upbeat, exhilarating piece. Grusin said, “This is an incredible experience for me.”
Grusin introduced someone he has known for a long time – guitarist Lee Ritenour. They did a song from the film Mulholland Falls, that Dave composed the soundtrack for, and Ritenour joked that if you didn’t see the movie the weekend it came out, you missed it. Still, their performance was a thing of beauty.
Dave discussed doing the score for the film On Golden Pond, and how he was inspired by the scenery and the cinematography. Dave also ruminated about his late partner at GRP Records, Larry Rosen, and when they signed Jon Lucien. Next, he presented singer Will Downing, who amusingly grabbed someone’s camera to take a selfie, then he launched into a great “Yesterday” with audience participation.
Dave recalled Angela Bofill from the early days of GRP, then he brought out Jane Monheit to passionately sing Bofill’s “This Time I’ll Be Sweeter,” a delicious blast from the past. Ritenour introduced bassist Tom Kennedy and drummer Dave Weckl for Antônio Carlos Jobim’s “Amparo,” a thoughtful, minor-key musing. Next came a lilting contemporary jazz piece. Grusin announced trumpeter Randy Brecker and saxophonist Ernie Watts for the Latin-infused “Stone Flower.” Sometimes the band sounded like an entire orchestra, and there were stand-out solos from Watts and Brecker.
After an intermission, New York Voices – Darmon Meader, Peter Eldridge, Lauren Kinhan, and Kim Nazarian – did some fantastic vocalese on “Pretty Baby,” backed by pianist Sergio Salvatore. This group really lived up to their name, because their four-part harmony was extraordinary. They continued with the contemplative “Stolen Moments.” The group recalled starting out at GRP Records and said it was great to be a part of this event. Next came a fabulous re-imagining of Dave Brubeck’s “Blue Rondo à la Turk” with words written by Al Jarreau. This version of Brubeck’s iconic song had some amazing scatting that the crowd ate up!
Dave Grusin returned and said, “Wow, New York Voices!” He called them phenomenal and thanked them for being there. He discussed writing the score for the movie The Milagro Beanfield War, and how living part-time in New Mexico and absorbing the music that abounds there influenced his composition. He played an intensely beautiful solo piece from the soundtrack that was a joyful mixture of Mexican, jazz, and classical. Grusin quipped, “John Williams was busy that year, so I won the Oscar for that score.” Wayne Shorter’s “Footprints” had the full band back on stage, all at the top of their game.
Grusin met Patti Austin through Quincy Jones, in Paris, when she was six years old. Patti talked about her career, which has lasted 70 years, having started singing at four! She discussed “First Time Love,” a lyrical piece that Austin co-wrote with Grusin. Then, Dave recalled composing for the movie The Fabulous Baker Boys, and noted that the stars, brothers Jeff and Beau Bridges, are musicians in real life as well as in the film, and he had fun working with them. “Jack’s Theme” was so evocative, so perfect for a movie about music. The performance included great riffs from Grusin, Brecker, and Watts, ending with an exciting crescendo.
Introducing “It Might Be You” from the movie Tootsie, another film he wrote the soundtrack for, Grusin reminisced about the director Sidney Pollack and what a great life he had. Then he brought Patti Austin back and she joked, “What did you think, I was just going to sing one song, then leave you?” At the end of the piece, all the other vocalists joined Patti for an entrancing finish. After the group took a bow, Dave did a boogie groove with a touch of “It Might Be You,” and received a thunderous ovation for this star-studded tribute.
Christian McBride With Savion Glover One on One
At NJPAC’s Victoria Theater, Grammy Award-winning bassist Christian McBride (Artistic Advisor of Jazz Programming for NJPAC) and Tony Award winning tap dancer/choreographer Savion Glover were joined by saxophonist Jalin Shiver. Jalin is an alumnus of the TD Jazz For Teens program, and when he came on stage, he praised the opportunities he received from his participation in the organization. Savion and Christian were also accompanied by pianist/composer Isaiah J. Thompson, and the group started with a swinging number while Glover danced his feet off!
Then Christian and Savion sat down for a discussion. McBride called Glover “a living legend,” adding that he doesn’t use that word lightly. Savion said he is no longer concerned with time, only space. Christian recalled the roast for his 50th birthday, where Savion took part, then announced that the next day was coincidentally Glover’s 50th birthday. The discussion got deep on many subjects, including the importance of being an activist rather than conforming.
They returned to music and dance, and the next song was a gently swaying “Someday My Prince Will Come,” with Savion tapping with an ease that belied his age. Christian and Isaiah gave him the perfect accompaniment, and the staccato sound of Glover’s tapping was like having another instrument on stage. Christian noted that Savion is continuing the legacy of people like Sandman Sims, Gregory & Maurice Hines, and Sammy Davis, Jr., and said that all those legendary dancers had touched Glover on the shoulder and passed the torch. Savion said he values his existence and appreciates everyone who influenced him, adding, “I recognize all who are responsible for who I am.” Glover also added, “This is not for the thinker, but the doer.”
Christian spoke of Isaiah J. Thompson being part of Jazz House Kids, a program that McBride and his wife, vocalist Melissa Walker, started together. He praised how seriously Isaiah approaches his piano playing and described him as “one of the baddest pianists on the scene.” Christian told the crowd that he was playing the legendary Ray Brown’s bass, so they were getting a look back at jazz history. Next came a smooth rendition of “Take The ‘A’ Train” had the band backing Savion’s cool moves that wowed the crowd so much that they started clapping right in the middle of the routine. Glover is poetry in motion, employing his whole body, not just his talented feet!
McBride said that although he is a jazz musician, he is also a big fan of James Brown and funk music. Savion’s expressive dancing to the funk the group played interpreted the music with great flair. Then Savion discussed working with Wayne Shorter at the Beacon Theater, remembering that Shorter was very chill at the rehearsal, telling him everything would be fine, adding, “See you at the gig.” Christian said he had a similar conversation with Shorter, where he was so laid-back, urging McBride to just go with the flow and they’d figure it out. The group followed with some old-school jazz, and Jalin, who had returned, did an excellent sax solo, while Glover danced like he was born with tap shoes on! When Christian asked Savion if he had anything else to say, Glover stated, “Express yourself. Potential is only here because you are here.” He also stressed the importance of imagination, especially for children. Near the end, suddenly Savion seemed talked out, and he gave a quick farewell to the crowd. Christian said he would play the dancer off, since he was clearly finished speaking. However, during the last song Glover did give voice to some stream-of-consciousness while he danced, as well as singing in a colorful, funky voice. This was a unique, fascinating, informative, and often freewheeling event with two of the best artists in their respective fields. It was quite a night!
The Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition – The SASSY Awards
The final event of the 2023 TD James Moody Jazz Festival was the Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition – The SASSY Awards. The SASSY Awards have become a real force to be reckoned with in the world of jazz, with past winners including Cyrille Aimée, Samara Joy, Jazzmeia Horn, Gabrielle Cavassa, and G. Thomas Allen. Runners-up like Nicole Zuraitis, Camille Thurman, and Sinne Eeg are also having thriving careers.
The judges for this competition were Christian McBride, Jane Monheit, record executive Al Pryor, and Lizz Wright. Madeleine Peyroux was originally scheduled to be a judge, but she became ill, and Patti Austin stepped in for Peyroux. WBGO Radio’s Pat Prescott was the host, and she said that this competition would have certainly made Sarah Vaughan proud. Pianist Sergio Salvatore was the Musical Director, joined by drummer Buddy Williams and bassist Gregory M. Jones. The five finalists were each introduced by a short video, followed by their three-song performance.
Cameroonian American singer Ekep Nkwelle said the first jazz vocalist she was attracted to was Sarah Vaughan, and she noted that Vaughan is still influential and relevant to this day. Ekep started with a moving African-infused song, “All Africa” by Max Roach, with lyrics by Oscar Brown, that was originally sung by Abbey Lincoln. Nkwelle began singing a cappella, then the band joined her. Ekep spoke about the African Diaspora and their spirit of resilience when the blues originated. Duke Ellington’s “Solitude” was presented by Ekep with mellow excellence and a strong finish. She thanked the crowd for their warm welcome, and jumped into her third song, a sizzling blues piece where she got some enthusiastic audience participation while her voice soared!
British-born vocalist Emma Smith comes from a musical family, and she feels most at home when performing improvisational music. She called Sarah Vaughan the most iconic and challenging influence, with a powerful legacy. She recalled the great experience of seeing Aretha Franklin at NJPAC 10 years ago, and she determined that one day she would perform there. So, this was a dream come true in front of her first American audience. Emma started with “But Not For Me,” scatting with ease. Charles Mingus was also a big influence on Smith, and she did a superb job on Mingus’ romantic ballad, “The Sound of Love.” She finished with her favorite Sarah Vaughan song, “I’m Gonna Live Till I Die” that was rendered with big energy and style.
Darynn Dean was first exposed to music by listening to the radio with her father. She said that Sarah Vaughan’s influence defined a style and an era. Darryn’s enthralling version of “I Didn’t Know What Time It Was” showed off her effortless scatting and had a lovely denouement. She told the crowd, “It’s been amazing to be here!” The next song, “The Good Life” is quite dear to her, and her beautifully introspective performance hit all the emotional notes. The band accompanied her, and all the finalists, with subtlety and precision. “Beautiful Love” is a song Darryn discovered while binging on Netflix. Her scatting was sprightly, bounding over several octaves, and this swinging piece was a hit with the listeners.
Tyreek McDole grew up in a household filled with diverse music that included Afro-Cuban, pop, Wayne Shorter, and Louis Armstrong. He said, “When I think of Sarah Vaughan, I think of the highest level of musicianship.” Tyreek started with a lively rendition of “September in the Rain” performed in a warm, caressing voice, and his scatting had the crowd clapping along. He said, “I’m so thankful to be here; it’s a privilege.” Next was Billy Strayhorn’s “Lush Life,” one of the most difficult songs in jazz. McDole deftly demonstrated his excellent storytelling skills. Joe Williams was a big influence on Tyreek, and for his third song, he did some intricate scatting on “Every Day I Have the Blues” with enthusiastic audience participation.
New Orleans native Bianca Love said the sounds of brass bands in the streets were her first musical influences. She said Sarah Vaughan’s voice resonated with something so special, that many people have modeled their singing after hers. “Her voice had wings, and she could fly when she sang.” Love started with “I Thought About You” scatting with aplomb. Then, she paid homage to Sarah Vaughan with an upbeat “The Man I Love” that was quite a departure from its usual format as ballad, but still very enjoyable. Billie Holiday’s “Fine and Mellow” was Bianca’s last number. After a profoundly difficult experience a couple of years ago, she wanted to turn it into something beautiful. So, she wrote a lovely verse that she added to this classic piece.
After an intermission, Pat Prescott said about the competition, “It never fails to renew our confidence in what lies ahead.” There were 281 entries in the contest, from 31 countries! Pat thanked TD Bank and WBGO, NJPAC’s John Schreiber, David Rodriguez, and all the people who participated in organizing this event. Next came a video tribute to “The Divine One” Sarah Vaughan that was narrated by Christian McBride. The video took a trip through her celebrated career, starting when she won the Apollo Amateur Contest where Billy Eckstine heard her and introduced her to Charlie Parker, Earl “Fatha” Hines, and Dizzy Gillespie. There were interviews with Roy Haynes, Joe Williams, and Dick Cavett, and clips of her many hits, including “Misty.” At the end, there was a quote from Ella Fitzgerald saying, “If you want to learn how to sing, listen to Sarah Vaughan.”
Prescott introduced President and CEO John Schreiber, who reminisced about working with Sarah Vaughan, and he thanked the audience for coming. He said that at this time in the world when everything is so fraught, it’s great to have this positive experience. Schreiber also talked about the talent of all the finalists and how he hears influences from past greats, while each finalist has their own sound. Schreiber then introduced 2021 SASSY Award winner, G. Thomas Allen to perform, and Allen showed off the outstanding falsetto and smooth voice that won him the competition.
Finally, after some tough deliberation, the judges returned to the stage to announce the winners and give out the awards. Third place was Ekep Nkwelle, second place was Darynn Dean, and the winner of the 2023 SASSY Awards was Tyreek McDole! Prescott thanked the band, thanked the audience for attending, and gave a final shout-out to Sarah Vaughan!
The 2024 Festival will take place from November 7 to 24, with a line-up that includes Paquito D’Rivera and the New Jersey Symphony; The Tyshawn Sorey Trio featuring Aaron Diehl and Harish Raghavan; Davell Crawford; Madeleine Peyroux; Cindy Blackman Santana; John Pizzarelli & Catherine Russell: Billie & Blue Eyes; The 25th Anniversary of Jazz Vespers at Bethany held at NJPAC; Django Festival Allstars; Philip Bailey, Lisa Fischer, Dianne Reeves, and the Christian McBride Big Band; Tribute to Funk! With Bilal, Nona Hendryx, Christian McBride, Vernon Reid, and George Clinton; The Brandee Younger Trio; and The Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition. For more information, go to: https://www.njpac.org/series/james-moody-jazz-festival/. | <urn:uuid:e3f2703a-a4de-4f06-8b39-f5cec6fbd6ab> | {
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Since 2001 Laura has worked with The Alpha Group in various roles. Using her background in customer service and administrative support Laura makes clients and candidates feel welcomed immediately. It’s not just her work experience that benefit The Alpha Group and our customers, it’s also Laura’s positive attitude and ability to jump in and help wherever she’s needed.
Recently she transitioned into more of a recruiting role and has really enjoyed the rewarding feeling of helping applicants find new job opportunities. Another aspect of the job that Laura enjoys is that every day is something new! No two candidates, clients, or projects are ever the same so you never know what to expect.
When not at work, you can find Laura relaxing with her fiancé and adorable cat Tina. She enjoys watching movies, hanging with friends and family, or going for a walks in the great outdoors.
Laura’s favorite quote to live by is, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein | <urn:uuid:503603e9-46ba-4d66-ac2a-d672c5ee8006> | {
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In many ways, everyday life in ancient Egypt was surprisingly modern. Egyptians had a sophisticated education system – for those who could afford it – and a remarkable understanding of medicine. Men and women also enjoyed an equality that wasn’t often seen in other ancient populations.
But that doesn’t mean that daily life in the ancient world was easy. The majority of the population was made up of farmers, who were indentured to the land and had to cultivate crops in grueling heat. Times were especially tough for the lower classes; the average life expectancy was just 30 years for women and 34 for men. Even if you were lucky enough to be royalty, some experts suggest their typical high-carbohydrate diet would make you susceptible to obesity and diabetes. Lice could be a problem, not to mention other hygienic challenges.
Outside of work, how ancient Egyptians lived was directly tied to their faith. They were an extremely pious people, and believed that their food, their clothing, and even their makeup were all gifts from the gods. Of course, piety didn’t exclude the simpler pleasures of life, including beer and board games.
Want to really walk in the shoes of ancient Egyptians? Check out more facts about their daily lives below. | <urn:uuid:75f116c9-cdf5-4d04-9023-6a33b4e7392b> | {
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Dr. Kristy Hagar obtained her Ph.D. in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine from the University of North Texas. She obtained her Master’s degree in School Psychology and worked as a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology for several years before continuing on to doctorate studies. Dr. Hagar has been working with children, adolescents, and young adults for over thirty years. She has extensive experience working with a wide range of developmental and medical disorders including ADHD, Autism-spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, pediatric pain (including headaches, stomachaches), and medical conditions such as leukemia, Neurofibromatosis, epilepsy, and brain tumors.
Dr. Hagar completed her clinical psychology internship in Salt Lake City, Utah at Primary Children’s Medical Center. She completed post-doctoral training in developmental neuropsychology with Dr. Sam Goldstein at the Neurology, Learning, and Behavior Center in Salt Lake City. She has co-authored two books with Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Robert Brooks: Seven Steps to Help Your Child Worry Less and Seven Steps to Improve Your Child’s Social Skills. She has also authored a chapter on Pediatric Epilepsy in Children with Complex Medical Issues in the Schools: Neuropsychological Descriptions and Interventions. Dr. Hagar is a member of the American Psychological Association, Texas Psychological Association, and National Academy of Neuropsychology. | <urn:uuid:fa028fb8-9c8d-49d6-a55f-684f113714dd> | {
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What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Watching your child get a shot isn't easy. It's even harder if you have fears or concerns about the safety of or need for the vaccine.
Millions of parents get their kids vaccinated each year without concern. Yet some parents have heard rumors that vaccines can cause serious health problems.
So how can parents get the facts about vaccine safety? Your child's healthcare provider is your first source of reliable information. Healthcare providers are bound by law to give you written information on the benefits and risks of each vaccine suggested for your child. Reading this material can help you make a well-informed decision.
Another source of in-depth information on vaccine safety is the V-safe after vaccination health checker from the CDC.
Are vaccines safe?
Yes, vaccines are safe. All vaccines are fully tested before being approved for use by the FDA. Most vaccines contain a partial, weakened, or dead form of the disease-causing virus or bacteria. These cause the body to make antibodies and other beneficial responses that protect the child from that disease.
Diseases like polio and mumps are rare, so why are vaccines needed?
Many of these diseases still thrive in other parts of the world. Travelers can and do bring these viruses back to the U.S. Without the protection of vaccines, these diseases could easily spread here again.
Don't vaccines cause harmful side effects, illness, and even death?
Some children have minor side effects from getting a vaccine like a slight fever or swelling at the injection site. The risk for death or serious side effects is so small that it is hard to document. Claims that vaccines cause autism or other diseases have been carefully researched and disproved. Incorrect rumors persist that an increase in autism in children is caused by thimerosal. This is a preservative added to vaccines. But thimerosal was removed from all vaccines in Sweden in 1995. And the frequency of autism has continued to increase there. Thimerosal has also been nearly removed in the U.S., where autism rates also keep increasing, as they have throughout the world. After a thorough review, in 2004 the Institute of Medicine rejected the idea that vaccines had any relationship with autism.
Won't giving babies multiple vaccines at the same time overload their immune system?
Many studies have been done to evaluate the safety of multiple vaccines. None has shown that multiple vaccines cause a problem. Children are exposed to many foreign substances every day with no harmful effects. Scientists say that the tiny amount of virus or bacteria in vaccines is not enough to harm a child. What can be harmful, though, is delaying a child's vaccines needlessly.
What is the link between vaccines and SIDS?
Recommendations were developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to help reduce the risk for SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and other sleep-related deaths in infants up to 12 months old. AAP says that making sure your child is fully vaccinated can help reduce the risk for SIDS. No evidence has been found linking vaccines as a cause of SIDS.
Keeping track of vaccines
Most of your child’s vaccines are completed between birth and age 6. Many vaccines are given more than once, at different ages, and in combinations. This means that you’ll need to keep a careful record of your child's shots. Although your healthcare provider's office will also keep track, people change healthcare providers and records get lost. The person ultimately responsible for keeping track of your child's vaccines is you.
Ask your child's healthcare provider for an immunization record form. Think about your child's record as you would a birth certificate. Keep it with your other essential documents. You can also download an easy-to-read immunization schedule and record form at the CDC website.
Most parents and healthcare providers do a good job of keeping up with vaccines. Yet studies show that about one-fourth of preschool children are missing at least one routine vaccine. Most states will not let your child start school without a complete vaccine record. Sometimes a vaccine is missed when a child is sick. No matter what the reason, it’s important to make up missed vaccines.
If your child has missed a vaccine dose, you don't have to go back and start over for most vaccines. The previous vaccines are still good. Your healthcare provider will just resume the vaccine schedule. If, for any reason, your child gets additional doses of a vaccine, this is also not a concern. But your child will still need any future doses according to the recommended schedule.
Final tips on vaccines
Keep this information in mind to help your child’s vaccines go more smoothly:
Common side effects of vaccines include swelling at the site of the injection, soreness, and fever. Discuss these side effects with your healthcare provider and ask what symptoms deserve an office call.
Ask your healthcare provider's office if it participates in an immunization registry. This is a source you can go to if your vaccine records get lost.
Ask your healthcare provider's office if it has an immunization reminder or recall system. This type of system will call to remind you when vaccines are due. It will also warn you if a vaccine dose has been missed.
Always bring your immunizations record with you to all of your child's office visits. Make sure the healthcare provider signs and dates every vaccine.
Vaccines are some of the safest and most effective medicines we have. They have made many dangerous childhood diseases rare today. | <urn:uuid:53abf7c6-e2c3-4c4d-9cef-9adbee0eb35f> | {
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Written by Heidi Nestor, Writer and Editor, Life Alert
The last Monday in May is a three day weekend that – unofficially – starts summer. It is Memorial Day weekend, when the nation remembers the sacrifices our uniformed men and women made for our freedom and Independence.
It’s also a time when families get together to barbeque, picnic, and jump into pools. As you’re grilling you see mom stumble a bit or perhaps dad doesn’t have as good of a balance as he used to. You want to talk to them about moving into a retirement community but your elderly parents can be as immovable as Stonewall Jackson.
In order to prevent a world war from starting you decide to avoid the topic of them moving into a retirement community. Besides, you already know what they will say, “Hell no, we won’t go!”
But you know that a medical emergency can sneak up on them like Washington crossing the Delaware, and you don’t want them ambushed by a surprise attack such as a fall.
So arm them with Life Alert protection. Life Alert medical alert system has a patented 2-way communication monitor and a lightweight emergency button that can be worn on the wrist or as a pendant. When home emergencies arise, such as medical, falls, fire and even home intrusion, just one press of the emergency button and Life Alert will send in the cavalry.
Moreover, Life Alert’s cutting edge technology makes the emergency button so waterproof that even a Navy Seal would be impressed.
Life Alert’s focus is on Safety and Independence. So Life Alert sends technicians to different parts of the world to seek new innovative ways of increasing and improving on emergency technology -- as seen with the unique HELP shower button created exclusively by Life Alert. This waterproof HELP BUTTON is specially designed for better protection in the shower, bathtubs, bathroom, bedroom or any similar location within your home. Simply attach it somewhere low on a wall or in the shower and if a fall occurs, just push the one large, easily accessible, button to reach Life Alert’s Emergency Monitoring Center. The HELP button has 2-way communication so you can speak with a Life Alert Dispatcher and get HELP fast. Batteries last up to 10 years and never need charging.
Perhaps your parents wear their age proudly, like battle wounds, and are POWs – Prisoners of Wanderlust. Traveling about to visit family, national monuments, or just to the senior center for some tennis. Life Alert’s got them covered with that too with their Life Alert’s Mobile HELP & GPS emergency alert system. A portable emergency button that with just one push will automatically connect the caller to a Life Alert emergency dispatcher who will assess the emergency and send help fast.
Just as there are branches of the military protecting our great nation, Life Alert offers branches of protection as well, so homes and families can stay safe and independent. So as you pay homage to those fallen, you may also want to remember the venerable ones that are still with you.
This Memorial Day, put a flag on a soldier’s headstone and put a Life Alert medical alert on the people you love. To know more about the many life-saving protection packages Life Alert offers, please call 1-800-380-0768.
The articles on this Life Alert website are covered by a Creative Commons License. You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work; to make derivative works; to make commercial use of the work --under the following conditions: Attribution --You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Please go to the Creative Commons License site for more information on the CC license that applies to this work.
For more information about Life Alert and its many services and benefits for seniors – available in New York, California, Florida, and other states nationwide -- please visit the following websites: | <urn:uuid:21fb0ba0-0ed4-4a0b-98b1-0a1551e0d82f> | {
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Coraz większa liczba osób podróżujących po terenie całego naszego państwie decyduje się na intuicyjnyprosty i zazwyczaj bardzo korzystny wynajem aut Modlin, dzięki któremu otrzymują doskonałego rodzaju możliwość odbycia wygodnej podróży. To w tej chwili dzięki tej opcji bardzo kilka osób nie chcących czy tez nie do końca mogących jeździć własnym samochodem decyduje się na skorzystanie z propozycji ofertowej, jaką posiada do zaoferowania profesjonalnie działająca wypożyczalnia samochodów Modlin.
Wypożyczalnia ta oferuje każdemu swojemu klientowi możliwość wynajęcia samochodu osobowego i podstawienia go na lotnisko w Modlinie. Jest to jedno z nadzwyczaj korzystnych rozwiązań, które jest skierowane do osób przybywających z zagranicy samolotem pasażerskim i pragnących odwiedzić najbliższych znajomych zamieszkujących w naszym państwie. Ze zrozumiałych względów osoby te nie mogą czy również nie są w stanie zabrać ze sobą własnego samochodu, dlatego też dla nich odpowiednim rozstrzygnięciem jest to, które posiada do zaoferowania specjalistycznie działająca wypożyczalnia aut Modlin. Decydując się na wybór tego rodzaju rozwiązania osoby te zyskują nadzwyczaj wygodne rozwiązanie, które na pewno będzie w stanie ich zadowolić. Jest to, bowiem jedna z najprostszych i bardzo wygodnych metod, dzięki której bardzo kilka osób przybywających do naszego kraju otrzymuje doskonałego rodzaju sposobność korzystania z wygodnych i doskonale przygotowanych pojazdów. W celu znalezienia firmy oferującej wynajem aut Modlińska najbardziej jest korzystać z całkowitą czyli stu procentową pewnością z pomocy wyszukiwarki internetowej.
Sprawdź tutaj: wypożyczalnia samochodów Modlin. | <urn:uuid:8b36e167-991a-4650-8c96-2da519c6cf08> | {
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Subrogation is a term that's well-known among insurance and legal firms but often not by the policyholders who hire them. Rather than leave it to the professionals, it is in your self-interest to know an overview of the process. The more you know about it, the better decisions you can make with regard to your insurance company.
An insurance policy you own is an assurance that, if something bad occurs, the insurer of the policy will make restitutions in one way or another without unreasonable delay. If your vehicle is rear-ended, insurance adjusters (and police, when necessary) decide who was at fault and that party's insurance covers the damages.
But since figuring out who is financially accountable for services or repairs is sometimes a confusing affair – and time spent waiting in some cases increases the damage to the victim – insurance firms often decide to pay up front and assign blame after the fact. They then need a mechanism to regain the costs if, ultimately, they weren't in charge of the expense.
Your living room catches fire and causes $10,000 in home damages. Luckily, you have property insurance and it pays out your claim in full. However, in its investigation it finds out that an electrician had installed some faulty wiring, and there is a reasonable possibility that a judge would find him responsible for the damages. The home has already been fixed up in the name of expediency, but your insurance firm is out $10,000. What does the firm do next?
How Does Subrogation Work?
This is where subrogation comes in. It is the way that an insurance company uses to claim reimbursement when it pays out a claim that turned out not to be its responsibility. Some insurance firms have in-house property damage lawyers and personal injury attorneys, or a department dedicated to subrogation; others contract with a law firm. Ordinarily, only you can sue for damages done to your person or property. But under subrogation law, your insurance company is considered to have some of your rights for making good on the damages. It can go after the money that was originally due to you, because it has covered the amount already.
How Does This Affect the Insured?
For one thing, if your insurance policy stipulated a deductible, it wasn't just your insurance company that had to pay. In a $10,000 accident with a $1,000 deductible, you lost some money too – to the tune of $1,000. If your insurance company is unconcerned with pursuing subrogation even when it is entitled, it might opt to recoup its expenses by raising your premiums and call it a day. On the other hand, if it knows which cases it is owed and pursues them efficiently, it is acting both in its own interests and in yours. If all $10,000 is recovered, you will get your full deductible back. If it recovers half (for instance, in a case where you are found one-half responsible), you'll typically get $500 back, based on the laws in most states.
In addition, if the total expense of an accident is over your maximum coverage amount, you may have had to pay the difference. If your insurance company or its property damage lawyers, such as insurance claims attorney Tacoma, WA, pursue subrogation and wins, it will recover your costs as well as its own.
All insurers are not created equal. When comparing, it's worth looking at the records of competing firms to find out if they pursue valid subrogation claims; if they do so with some expediency; if they keep their accountholders updated as the case continues; and if they then process successfully won reimbursements right away so that you can get your deductible back and move on with your life. If, instead, an insurer has a reputation of paying out claims that aren't its responsibility and then protecting its profitability by raising your premiums, even attractive rates won't outweigh the eventual headache. | <urn:uuid:f59ff203-7399-4821-8baf-5252e78d2c9f> | {
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Kthehu Mbrapa | |||
DON XHONI - KATILE.mp3 | 2.39 MB |
How to Get a Free Car Insurance Quote in 15 Minutes or Less, Maybe you`ve heard something about saving 15% or more on your car insurance. Maybe you`re charmed with an eloquent little Gecko. No matter how you found us, you`re in the right place to get a fast, free, and accurate auto insurance quote online. Just answer some simple questions about: Yourself Other drivers Your car We will then ask you questions about possible auto insurance discounts you may qualify for that would reduce your insurance costs. In 15 minutes or less you`ll have a personalized car insurance quote. If you like what you see, you can purchase immediately and start enjoying Insurances top-notch coverage. Need help choosing the right car insurance? That`s where we come in. Car insurance isn't the simplest thing to understand. Between legal requirements, optional coverage, deductible choices, and different coverage levels, its not always easy to figure out how to choose the best auto insurance policy. Do you need full coverage or liability only? What does this mean? If your car is new, leased or purchased with a loan, you`ll probably need "full coverage." In case of an accident, these coverages will help protect your car and the other driver up to the limits shown on your policy. At a minimum, full coverage includes: The standard liability protection Both collision and comprehensive coverage Unless a third party requires full coverage (standard in many loans and leases), you can choose to carry "liability only," which typically only protects the other driver and their vehicle in case you are found at-fault for an accident. Its a good idea to make sure you could afford to replace your car out-of-pocket when considering this option. Take a look at all of the auto insurance coverage options available from Insurance and how each one protects you. Still deciding on what car insurance you need? We understand that you want the best deal and the most accurate car insurance rates. That`s why Insurance will store your quote for 90 days so you wont have to start over. At Insurance, were confident that you`ll receive excellent service and affordable car insurance prices. Insurance agents are always available to help you find the right protection and give you peace of mind. Take note of your auto insurance quote reference number that will appear on the top right when you save your quote then connect with a real person. Insurances teams of professionally trained agents are available 24 hours a day online (AUTO). Once you purchase your auto insurance policy, you can sign up for instant, round-the-clock access to your policy. Are you ready to save on your auto insurance? Go ahead, get a car insurance quote. You`ve got nothing to lose, and a lot to save!
The Music of Albania (Albanian: Muzika Shqiptare) is associated with the country of Albania and Albanian communities. Music has a long tradition in the country and is known for its regional diversity, from the Ghegs in the North to the Tosks in the South. It is an integral part of the national identity, strongly influenced by the country's long and turbulent history, which forced Albanians to protect their culture from their overlords by living in rural and remote mountains. | <urn:uuid:8e11122d-44b8-4085-80f0-b760fc9d2448> | {
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- #MoveWell with Westin's immersive programs designed to encourage guests to maintain their fitness routines while traveling and leave as better versions of themselves.
- Westin's Run Concierges design WestinWORKOUT routes and lead group runs, to help guests explore the neighborhood while staying fit.
- In partnership with Strava, guests can conveniently access WestinWORKOUT routes on the go via a mobile application.
SINGAPORE, Nov. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Westin Hotels & Resorts, part of Marriott Bonvoy's extraordinary portfolio of over 30 hotel brands, invites guests to stay active and explore the best of their destination with exciting WestinWORKOUT routes curated by hotels across Asia Pacific excluding China (APEC). Whether one is a seasoned runner or a casual hiker, these routes promise an unforgettable experience that blends fitness with adventure.
Westin Hotels & Resorts, hospitality's global leader in well-being for more than a decade, empowers guests to transcend the rigors of travel while on the road through the brand's Six Pillars of well-being: Sleep Well, Eat Well, Move Well, Feel Well, Work Well, and Play Well. The brand is dedicated to empowering guests to be the best version of themselves while traveling and through its Move Well pillar, encourages guests to maintain their fitness routines, no matter where they travel. Westin Hotels & Resorts' partnership with the leading digital community for active people, Strava, allows guests to conveniently access and explore WestinWORKOUT routes at their fingertips. These routes, carefully curated by the Westin Run Concierge at each hotel, provide guests with the chance to switch up their running routines or discover scenic hiking trails, all while showcasing the unique charm of the local area.
Combat travel fatigue and stay energized with these creative WestinWORKOUT routes x Strava around APEC:
- Explore Bali's Coastal Treasures on a Beach Run
Route Link: https://strava.app.link/TuYjkKjVTKb
Embark on a journey through Bali's hidden gems on this 5km running route from The Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali. Take in the stunning Pandawa Beach, nestled behind towering cliffs with six majestic statues carved into the cliff face. Meander through the recently opened Tanah Barak Beach, accessed by a unique road carved through towering limestone cliffs. Be rewarded with the breathtaking view of azure waters lined with coral rocks and teeming with marine life. This route promises a harmonious blend of natural beauty, cultural landmarks, and exhilarating adventure, making your run an unforgettable experience in Bali.
- Immerse in Pune's Culture on a Heritage Hike in India
Route Link: https://strava.app.link/yX4vOwA7eLb
Experience The Westin Pune Koregaon Park's 'Heritage Explorer Hike', a 6km route that blends history, culture, and the vibrant spirit of Pune and offers a fascinating way to stay fit. Traverse the rich tapestry of Pune's history and lively urban life. A peaceful contrast to the bustling streets, the trail culminates at the magnificent Aga Khan Palace. This landmark is not only an architectural marvel, but a cornerstone of Indian history. Walk through the grounds where history was made and take inspiration from the stories of courage and sacrifice. This route is suitable for history buffs, culture enthusiasts, or those looking for a wholesome way to experience Pune.
- Conquer Hokkaido's Summit on an Exhilarating Adventure in Japan
Route Link: https://strava.app.link/5ABXDNPtzNb
A challenging trail that is equal parts heart-pumping and awe-inspiring, this 5km route from The Westin Rusutsu Resort ascends to the mountain summit, a ski slope in winter, with a 330m elevation gain. Trek through Rusutsu's natural beauty, with every step revealing a different side of Hokkaido's breathtaking landscape. The ski slope transforms into a lush, vibrant pathway during the warmer months. Feel the seasonal changes along the off-road journey, as birch and maple trees sway gently in the wind, filling the air with the scent of fresh leaves. The summit offers one of the most breathtaking views in Hokkaido – incredible panoramas of Rusutsu's agricultural fields and distant mountains, including the majestic Mount Yotei. This route is a testament to nature's ever-changing beauty and a thrilling adventure for all.
- Roam the Bustling Cityscape of Surabaya, Indonesia
Route Link: https://www.strava.com/routes/3170673617588238456
Descend from your sky-high residence at The Westin Surabaya, seamlessly integrated with one of Indonesia's largest shopping malls, and enjoy a refreshing 5km jog through the vibrant business and commercial district of West Surabaya. Weave through piercing skyscrapers, upscale residential areas, and the grand Pakuwon Golf & Family Club to reach Taman Angsa, a picturesque photo hotspot where guests can cross bridges above the ponds to encounter friendly white swans residing amidst the lush greenery of this cosmopolitan city.
- Smell the Blooms at Singapore's Gardens by the Bay
Route Link: https://www.strava.com/routes/3240867088316020662
Start your adventure from The Westin Singapore and discover the scenic Marina Bay and Marina Reservoir on an invigorating run, jog, or walk through the lush greenery of Gardens by the Bay. Spanning an impressive 260 acres, this fully man-made garden seamlessly integrates greenery and flora into the urban landscape, showcasing the advancements of modern technology and architecture. A must-see highlight is The Flower Dome, recognized as the largest glass greenhouse in the world. Here, flowers never stop blooming, thanks to its year-round seasonal floral displays. This route is perfect for romantics and nature lovers alike, offering a serene respite from the rigors of city life.
To enrich the hotel's Move Well offerings, The Westin Singapore is the Official Elite Hotel of Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, happening from 29 November to 1 December 2024. To engage and support local runners in their marathon journey, the hotel is curating monthly run clinics and community runs leading up to the marathon weekend led by their Westin Run Concierge, Eddie Chang together with appointed ambassadors. Interested participants can follow the hotel's Facebook and Instagram pages for registration links. Marriott Bonvoy members seeking to elevate their marathon experience may use their points to bid for Marriott Bonvoy Moments that include meet and greet with Elite runners, get up close and personal with Westin's ambassadors, one pair of tickets to the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, access for two to the VIP Start Pen at the commencement of the day's races, and more.
From breathing in fresh alpine air to being serenaded by the symphony of rolling waves, and immersing in the local way of life, these routes are meticulously designed with guests' well-being at heart. At Westin Hotels & Resorts, guests can stay active and discover the world in a truly enriching way. Find out more about WestinWORKOUT and book your next stay at Westin Hotels & Resorts at www.westin.com.
About Westin® Hotels & Resorts
Westin Hotels & Resorts, hospitality's global leader in well-being for more than a decade, empowers guests to transcend the rigors of travel while on the road through the brand's Six Pillars of well-being: Sleep Well, Eat Well, Move Well, Feel Well, Work Well, and Play Well. At more than 240 hotels and resorts in over 40 countries and territories, guests can benefit from distinct wellness experiences including the brand's iconic and award-winning Heavenly® Bed, signature WestinWORKOUT® offerings such as its 24/7 Fitness Studios, WestinWORKOUT Routes, and its versatile Gear Lending program featuring the latest in recovery and strength training from Hyperice and Bala, delicious and nutritious menu offerings on their Eat Well menu, and more. For more information, please visit www.westin.com and stay connected on X, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Westin is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments and unparalleled benefits including free nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit marriottbonvoy.com.
About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy, Marriott International's portfolio of more than 30 hotel brands and 10,000 global destinations, offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable locations around the world. The award-winning travel program and marketplace gives members access to transformative, eye-opening experiences around the corner and across the globe. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy, visit marriottbonvoy.com. To download the Marriott app, go here. Travelers can also connect with Marriott Bonvoy on Facebook, X, Instagram, and TikTok.
Strava is the leading social platform for athletes and the largest sports community in the world, with over 99 million athletes around the world. If you sweat, you're an athlete, and Strava's mobile apps and website connect millions of active people every day. Strava gives athletes simple, fun ways to stay motivated and compete against themselves and others without having to be in the same place at the same time. All athletes belong on Strava no matter where they live, which sport they love or what device they use. Join the community and make the most of your sport with a Strava subscription.
Director Brand PR
Marriott International, Asia Pacific excluding China | <urn:uuid:aaad7824-8341-48fe-901b-ef15739508e0> | {
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Our Newman Eco Elegance High Efficiency gas fire offers all of the advantages of a high efficiency gas fire with lower running costs and higher heat output but maintaining superb realism to the fuel bed by using our High Definition ceramic logs faithfully reproduced from various types of wood including Beech, this combined with mesmerising lazy flames and a glowing ember fuel bed complete the natural look.
All of our high efficiency gas fires have hand held remote control incorporating electronic room temperature control with a choice of cream or black fire chambers. Available with the standard trim or deluxe fire trim. Shown with the deluxe fire trim.
The Storm 54" fireplace design effortlessly blends in harmony with the Newman Eco Elegance high efficiency gas fire. A combination of Medistone smooth and Bella Crème natural stone are used to manufacture this simple but most striking fireplace. Down lights are available as an optional extra for this fireplace model. Also available in a 48" version. This fireplace can be adapted to fit other fires subject to request. | <urn:uuid:251f5c93-5bb5-4f9e-afcb-03d91645c78e> | {
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Interpreters are intercultural mediators who bridge cultural differences. They can help clarify misunderstandings, interpret idiomatic expressions, and ensure that the intended message is accurately conveyed
Welcome to Nibhul Department of Biotikorganzation Interpretation Services!
At Nibhul Department of Biotikorganzation, we provide professional and reliable interpretation services tailored specifically to the needs of the biotech industry. Our team of skilled interpreters is proficient in facilitating seamless communication between individuals or groups speaking different languages.
We understand the critical role that effective communication plays in the biotech field. Our interpreters possess strong language skills, cultural knowledge, and expertise in biotech terminology, ensuring accurate and precise interpretation. Whether you require interpretation for conferences, meetings, research collaborations, or any other biotech-related events, we are here to assist you.
We offer two primary types of interpretation services to meet your specific requirements. Consecutive interpretation is ideal for small group settings and one-on-one interactions. Our skilled interpreters listen attentively to the speaker and provide accurate translations in the target language once the speaker pauses.
For larger conferences or multilingual events, we offer simultaneous interpretation services. Our interpreters, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, work from soundproof booths, delivering real-time translations to listeners through headsets. This method ensures uninterrupted communication and allows participants to engage fully in the event.
At Nibhul Department of Biotikorganzation, we prioritize confidentiality and professionalism. Our interpreters adhere to strict ethical standards, maintaining the privacy of sensitive conversations and information. You can trust us to handle your communication needs with the utmost discretion and professionalism.
We strive to make your experience with us seamless and hassle-free. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer support, addressing any inquiries or concerns you may have. We work closely with you to understand your specific interpretation requirements and ensure that our services align with your expectations.
Partner with us for accurate and reliable interpretation services tailored specifically to the biotech industry. Contact Nibhul Department of Biotikorganzation Interpretation Services today to discuss your interpretation needs and discover how we can facilitate effective communication in your biotech endeavors.
Your success is our priority, and we look forward to assisting you with our top-notch interpretation services. | <urn:uuid:bab92bb1-8db0-4b51-ae47-5fcd987f6a09> | {
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When is an energy certificate / energy pass required for existing buildings?
In accordance with the legal stipulations, an energy certificate / energy pass must be presented to a potential tenant / buyer when the property is being viewed. The energy certificate /energy pass is subsequently presented in original form or as a copy after the contract has been signed.
Demand-oriented energy certificate / energy pass
Buildings can be compared in energy terms on the basis of the demand-oriented energy certificate / energy pass. The energy demand of a building is determined on the basis of theoretical calculations. Among other things, data on the type of construction, heating system, ventilation and cooling systems, and energy recovery and regeneration are taken into consideration in the calculations.
A demand-oriented energy certificate / energy pass must be produced for buildings that are to be planned and built, for new buildings for which there are no consumption values available yet, and for properties that had been erected before 1977 and not in accordance with the regulations of the German Wärmeschutzverordnung [Thermal Insulation Ordinance].
Consumption-oriented energy certificate / energy pass
The consumption-oriented energy certificate / energy pass reflects the consumption of a building as affected by the weather, over a chronological axis of at least the last three years.
A consumption-oriented energy certificate / energy pass is required for existing buildings that had been erected in accordance with the German Wärmeschutzverordnung [Thermal Insulation Ordinance] of 11.08.1977 and for buildings that had been renovated in accordance with the requirements of the Wärmeschutzverordnung.
Short analyses (energy checks)
As a first look at the energy situation regarding the building and its technical systems.
Energy consulting on site
Comprehensive analysis of existing buildings, investigation of all the relevant data on the building technical systems, (heating, air conditioning, ventilation) and determining the given user profile, to draw up an individual energy concept while taking into consideration the economic feasibility of all the various possible measures that can be taken.
Thermal insulation certificates
A DIN thermal insulation certificate in compliance with the German EnEV is part of the required documentation for new constructions and is to be submitted to the construction approval authorities together with the planning application and other forms of construction-related certification before work starts.
Heating requirements calculations
In construction technology the heating requirements concern the amount of heat required to maintain a certain room temperature. The heating requirements are specified in watts. The heating requirements are determined according to the location of the building, its type of construction, the transfer of heat through the outer surfaces of the building and the form of usage of the individual rooms. The necessity is oriented towards thermal insulation measures and the design of the heating system on the basis of the heating requirements.
IAmong other things, the correct implementation and interlinking of the various trades and works, compliance with the qualitative stipulations and the application of the specified economic factors for implementation of the construction measures are monitored as part of the construction supervision.
Drawing up renovation concepts
As a rule, energy or thermal renovation requires the improving of the thermal façade and the optimization of the technical systems (heating, air conditioning, ventilation) of a building to minimize the demand for heating in accordance with the criteria of the energy standards that are to be implemented.
Calculating thermal bridges
A thermal bridge is an area in the components of a building through which the thermal flow (heat) is faster than for that of the adjacent components. The increased transmission of heat by thermal bridges causes these components to have a increased need for heat as a result of a lower interior surface temperature so that there is a risk of mould developing. In addition, there is a risk of condensation and damage to the fabric of the building.
Thermography is a procedure in which the surface temperatures of the property is shown by giving a graphic illustration. To do this, the intensity of the infrared radiation that is emitted from a specific point is taken as a reference for its temperature so that any thermal bridges can be shown in graphic form.
Funding measures (KfW, BAFA, EnergieBonusBayern)
Research and verification of current funding programs (KfW, BAFA, EnergieBonusBayern) for construction, renovation, modernisation, energy saving and the use of renewable forms of energy. | <urn:uuid:85004a9e-955a-4c20-83a0-5eaf1055ba26> | {
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31.Aug.2024 Unlock the Power of Efficiency: Embrace the Paperless Revolution! Educational Are you tired of drowning in a sea of paperwork?
31.Aug.2024 Celebrating One Year of Building Paperless Anniversary Our Journey Towards a Greener Future
31.Aug.2024 Terms and Conditions for Paperless Anniversary Offer Offer Terms and Conditions for Paperless Anniversary Offer
31.Aug.2024 NFC Business Card Marketing NFC (Near Field Communication) business cards are a modern and innovative way to exchange contact information. Here’s what you need to know:
02.Oct.2024 Paperless and Allubareaka Business Empire LTD Announce Strategic Partnership Partnership Transforming Business Efficiency with Digital Solutions | <urn:uuid:93e5f788-0d65-416a-b2ef-eaefca757ac6> | {
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IDLC/IDPC-65 Series ~ 65W Plastic Housing/ PCB Type Flicker Free Constant Current Output LED Driver (with PFC)
Once the 45W IDLC-45 and IDPC-45 series which with flicker free design of MEAN WELL are released to the market, they have become popular and widely adopted by indoor LED lighting system designers that MEAN WELL decides to raise the output wattage from 45W to 65W and is pleased to unveil the 65W IDLC-65 (plastic housing) and IDPC-65 (PCB type) series.
In order to meet the design and the installation requirements of the indoor luminaires, these two series adopt co-design work (like IDLC-45 and IDPC-45 series) that the differences are merely in the appearance and the mechanism. They both have the same electrical specifications like accepting 180~295VAC input, with built-in active PFC function, providing various models with 700mA/1050mA/1400mA/1750mA constant current output and the highest working efficiency up to 89%. They are compliant with UL8750, ENEC EN61347-1,-2-13 and GB19510.1, .14 international safety regulations of LED lighting. The standard product has a built-in 2 in 1 dimming function (12V/50mA auxiliary output are also offered for A-Type models) that the LED luminaire system manufacturers can take advantage of higher flexibility while planning the layout. These two series are very suitable to be applied to the indoor LED luminaires requiring flicker free and low power consumption, such as LED panel lighting and LED flood lighting. | <urn:uuid:e58b3c9c-1ad8-45cd-8d04-5c355c1652d3> | {
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"token_count": 347,
"url": "http://power277.com/tag/led-drivers/"
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Emerald Chat includes a Karma score system, which helps users construct a reputation primarily based on their habits. Users with positive Karma points acquire access to additional features, whereas those who behave inappropriately may face restrictions. Whether signed in or not, your personal knowledge or conversations aren’t logged. Omegle was unsafe for teenagers and teenagers because they may have been randomly assigned to a chat room with a web-based predator and be exposed to inappropriate content material.
With so many engaging elements, Second Life is likely one of the most fun non-public chat rooms online. With the assistance of advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, eHarmony helps create an ideal dating experience with significant connections. Below are a few of the best online chat rooms on the market you could compare to choose on the most appropriate one for you. Additionally, with technological developments, these chat rooms have turn into higher and better over time. Rapid digitization has additional promoted chat rooms as a well-liked means of connecting industries across verticals, wherein any business can securely contact its clients. But we have a global group of chatters from over 100 nations. People additionally chat right here from the United Kingdom, Canada, India, Australia and Germany.
Your web browser tab alerts you with anotification when strangers ship new messages. I didn’t get a smartphone until eight years in the past, after I was married and had my first baby. This signifies that I lived all my single years without a device to turn to throughout moments of downtime. You may just make a new good friend or business partner, and maybe learn one thing new about your self. We want to be sure you are glad with your order, which was customized made especially for you. If your order is mistaken, you’re not happy with the prints, or it isn’t what you anticipated for any reason, our Customer Support will gladly exchange or exchange any gadgets freed from cost.
If you are using a site you have to pay for, attempt to be careful about who you trust. You should often only seek assist from reputable websites. Finally, in case you are feeling isolated, it may be higher to have somebody to talk with online than nobody at all. Users can even select their avatar from quite lots of options and have interactive conversations by utilizing emojis within the chat. The chat room moderators step in when trolls seem, but otherwise, people can benefit from the group and communicate freely to rejoice or struggle.
These trackers allow fundamental interactions and functionalities that allow you to access chosen options of our service and facilitate your communication with us. As much as everyone is free to precise themselves on these platforms, there should be a type of safety. There should still be a restrict to keep away from abuse and suspicious exercise on these sites. Just like other online chat apps, you presumably can access Chatrandom through their website or their utility which is free to download. Parents should take excessive warning when deciding if their kids should use this app. They ought to teach children to not reveal personal information or meet with strangers from the app and use parental management to watch their exercise within the app. Although customers are given anonymous nicknames when entering a chat, they can give out their real name, age, location, phone quantity, and different personal info within the chat.
This app offers a simple matching process with a stranger and talking through a video chat. You can even add stories to your profile to update your friends about your daily life. Moreover, this Talk with random stranger app is on the market on each Android and iOS devices. As the name suggests, Anonymous Chat Rooms is a superb app for talking with strangers online while being anonymous. In this app, you’ll be able to join totally different chat rooms primarily based in your interests and share your feelings without revealing your identity.
Control+click on the Sendbird on the Web button and drag the line onto the brand new Web View Controller. When this button is clicked, a brand new web browser window will seem and share some photographs of Sendbird online. Enter the first user’s person ID within the callee’s ID text area and select the Dial button. This will open up the brand new Calling View Controller and place a call to that consumer.
She and her Ph.D. supervisor on the University of British Columbia requested a group of adults to chat with the barista after they obtained their morning espresso. Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She is a lifelong pupil of psychology, personal development, and human potential in addition to an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach. To strike a balance between online and real-life human connections, strive a periodic digital detox and prioritize in-person meet-ups. As you take pleasure in your anonymous chat interactions, all the time be respectful andconsiderate. We need to maintain afamily-friendly setting, so please keep away from having sexual conversations.
Make sure that the group has all the required skills, both technical and communicative. Most of the groups and clients never get alongside if the team sees one approach to deploy an ideal answer and the client sees the opposite. The group should at all times reflect on the client’s thoughts and make his/her thought a actuality. Of course, slightly piece of advice right here and there would be only a plus, however the client’s vision must be the team’s major focus. Push notifications to make customers conscious of the attainable missed calls, in-chat messages, updates, and so on. It means you’ll be totally geared up to wow your high-value prospects with a forward-thinking video experience they won’t discover elsewhere. You also can use video chat transcripts or recordings from earlier video interactions with clients to reveal the coaching principle in practice.
None of the platforms are excellent however they’re all powerful and offer one thing for everybody. Personally, I respect competitors within the house as a result of it forces all the massive players to evolve their products which makes for a greater experience for all of us. And for those of you like me with friends and family cut up 50/50 iOS and Android, Facetime doesn’t work half the time. So cross-platform apps like Google Duo and WhatsApp are where we message and video chat.
Inoxoft is the software development providers supplier, that may only allow you to out to make these decisions reasonable and lead you to a perfect solution. Screen sharing is a good possibility for meeting with a giant audience. It allows displaying your screen omegle nl with displays, footage, boards, and so on. Use WebRTC protocol to offer the most effective scream-sharing experience. We like it when you visit us in particular person, however sometimes that is simply not attainable.
Developers can build optimum video call apps by implementing adaptive bitrate streaming and video transcoding. Adaptive bitrate streaming detects the consumer’s bandwidth and adjusts the standard of the decision in real time. On the opposite hand, video transcoding converts the format of a video file for compatibility with totally different devices. In video chat apps, group calls allow a quantity of participants to take part in the identical call. These calls help a selection of layouts, together with speaker view, which focuses on the lively speaker, and grid view, which reveals all members. Most people are acquainted with and have used video chat in either personal or skilled settings. Zoom is a popular communication platform, with almost 647.6 million unique global visitors accessing Zoom.us in April 2023.
Does the considered beginning a conversation with strangers make you anxious? If talking to strangers does not come to you naturally, you’ll have the ability to train your self the method to start a conversation with anybody. Here, you possibly can chat online to speak to individuals, get others’ opinions, or find proof that others really feel the way in which you do. It’s fast to search out assist with any struggle – without judgement, as a outcome of it’s a totally nameless chat. Epley’s analysis has targeted on the methods our minds understand, or fail to know one another. Now, he’s expanded that analysis to look into why talking to strangers will be the key to better well-being, even when it’s troublesome.
You can rapidly meet new individuals by utilizing video chat, common chat, and communication techniques. This site is famous for its video chat providers, and there are tons of languages out there for customers worldwide. They use a customized strategy, the place you have to reply a questionnaire that will help you get paired with a model based mostly on your personal desire. As one other finest Omegle.com alternative, Tinychat.com is a site that allows customers to create their own chat rooms and invite others to affix or join current rooms. It helps video, voice, and text chat, and customers can share pictures and videos.
TinyChat app allows you to chat, call video conversations with your Facebook pals, send emojis videos, photographs, gifts, browse newsfeed, comments. Unlike other app’s that involves sort and ship text, TinyChat focuses on group chat however individual chat can also be possible throughout the rooms. As an Omegle alternative, Every month, thousands of people join right here to attach with random folks via video chat. Chat with strangers, apply languages with native speakers, and discover musicians, comedians, dancers, and artists. Customize your interactions utilizing superior search choices like gender and regional. In-app purchases allow you to present your gratitude in your favourite entertainment. There are many Omegle alternatives but differs every with unique strengths and weaknesses.
I’ve made friends from throughout the globe, and every conversation is a brand new journey. Control+click on the Local Video View and drag the road into the CallingViewController class. Control+click on the End Call Button and create the IBAction named didTapEndCallButton. Ctrl+click on the View Controller from the left column and drag your mouse over the Calling View Controller. When looking at the Main.storyboard file, open an editor to the right and navigate to ViewController.swift.
And not all chat websites protect your identity (in truth, many chatrooms sell whatever personal information you provide). Whether it’s a stranger, new colleague, or online pal, we’re pleased to report that it’s possible to hold an enjoyable conversation. Follow this information to learn how to start a conversation online and make new connections. There are additionally many video and beauty filters out there in LivU to make your time cross more fun.
With the help of webcams or built-in cameras on gadgets like smartphones or tablets, video calling brings folks together in the digital realm. As video calling has become so prevalent in our working and social lives, it’s easy to see why many main manufacturers have adopted it as a customer contact channel. Screen sharing will increase the effectiveness and engagement of conferences by enabling users to share all or a portion of their screen in real-time. During the call, the app captures audio and video data and additional encodes, compresses, and transmits the digital signals over the Internet. The receiving gadget decodes and decompresses the information, rendering the audio and video for playback. Effortlessly connect with strangers worldwide on Hay, the premier video chat platform. Whether making pals, chatting, or exploring cultures, enjoy a seamless, safe setting tailored to you. | <urn:uuid:55fbd8d0-50c7-4f77-b1dc-354c3e79eda4> | {
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The AccessText Network facilitates the delivery of textbooks in electronic format to higher education institutions for use by students with disabilities. AccessText incorporates information on over 300,000 titles from leading textbook publishers. For more information on membership visit www.accesstext.org.
If you are a publisher who would like information about participating in the Publisher Look-Up Service or the AccessText Network, please contact us.
If you are seeking an electronic format of a book or permission to scan it, please contact your campus DSS office. The DSS office is responsible for certifying student eligibility for accommodations and is typically the publisher's main point of contact.
If you would like to report an error in this information or you are the publisher and would like to update your information, please Contact Us. For more information on requesting materials from publishers and for a request form, please review the Request Guidelines. | <urn:uuid:d8e58d6d-aca4-46da-8349-d57ebaa86c22> | {
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Below is a news release from the Missouri Department of Conservation.
Fall in the Missouri outdoors offers some wonderful wildlife viewing for the hundreds of thousands of hunters in the field, along with many hikers, wildlife watchers, and others.
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) asks hunters and others to report sightings of key animal species they see when outdoors. They include elk, black bears, mountain lions, and rare furbearers — badgers, least weasels, long-tailed weasels, and spotted skunks – along with invasive feral hogs. Report Wildlife Sightings online at mdc.mo.gov/wildlife/report-wildlife-sightings.
Elk can be found in portions of Carter, Reynolds, and Shannon counties and are occasionally seen in other areas of the state. Get images and more information online at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/elk.
Most black bears are found south of the Missouri River but wandering individuals have been seen as far north as the Iowa border. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/american-black-bear.
There is no evidence of a breeding population, but there have been more than 100 confirmed sightings of mountain lions scattered statewide. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/mountain-lion.
Badgers can be found statewide but are seen mostly in areas with sandier soils near major stream systems. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/american-badger.
Least weasels are typically found in northern counties, the bottom of their home range. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/least-weasel.
Long-tailed weasels can be found statewide. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/long-tailed-weasel.
Spotted skunks were once found statewide with recent sightings being from the southern Ozarks. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/plains-spotted-skunk.
Invasive feral hogs could potentially be found anywhere in Missouri, but most established populations are in the southern third of the state. Get images and more information at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/feral-hog-feral-swine.
For more information on Missouri wildlife species, visit the MDC online Field Guide at mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide.
(Photo credit: Missouri Department of Conservation) | <urn:uuid:7f24ae69-9edc-4508-8926-a17c3afd09b0> | {
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The Samar Chronicle (TSC) operates under the SAMAR CHRONICLE PUBLISHING SERVICES, one of the fastest-emerging news outfit in Samar Philippines today. It is a self-sustaining media start-up mainly funded by commercial advertisement, occasional private and government notices and grants. The SamarChronicle.com was launched on December 29, 2023, while its print - the Samar Chronicle, was launched on January 2024. Holding its Editorial and Business Office in Catbalogan City, it comprehensively covers News and Information not only in Samar Island, Philippines but also around Southeast Asia and neighboring regions. For commercial ads and PR publications, please email us @ [email protected]. | <urn:uuid:d60be8a0-c408-4100-b7a1-9d274eb4de95> | {
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Schwartz Reliance Insurance is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.
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Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us. One of our colleagues will get back in touch with you soon! Have a great day! | <urn:uuid:f3f32a36-ac8e-43b3-a839-cf193abfd8be> | {
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Bluffton, SC Neighborhood and Builder Guides
Explore the best neighborhoods and residential developments in Bluffton, SC. Check out our featured community pages for in-depth info on available homes, real estate stats, nearby schools, and more.
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for.
Neighborhoods in Bluffton, SC
Bluffton, SC Neighborhoods and Builders
Bluffton is a scenic town in South Carolina perched on a bluff above the May River.
The Spanish moss-draped oak trees and breathtaking river views give it an authentic Southern charm. Its Old Town district draws locals and visitors with its captivating antebellum buildings, historic churches, galleries, and artisan shops. Scattered throughout are residential communities that give off a world-class resort vibe with beautifully groomed landscapes, well-appointed amenities, and nature’s artistry all around. It is dotted with elegant homes for sale that will allow you to fulfill your dream of living in the Heart of the Lowcountry.
HISTORY & ARTS: Bluffton honors its past while embracing the present. Unlike other areas with a single historic site, its one-square-mile National Historic District has numerous preserved buildings, homes, and landmarks. A standout is the Gothic-style Church of the Cross, built of local cypress before the Civil War, still standing proudly today. The colorful arts scene adds to its eclectic charm. Stroll under the mossy oaks along Calhoun Street, and you’ll discover restored cottages housing art galleries, museums, boutiques, and delightful eateries. This blend of culture and creative expression makes Bluffton a mecca for history buffs, art enthusiasts, and antique lovers.
COASTAL LIFE: May River has always been the town’s centerpiece, where people come to enjoy fishing and shrimping. You can even witness oystermen harvesting May River oysters the old-fashioned way—by hand, using gloves and small boats called bateau. The meandering waterways also provide a variety of recreational activities. Kayaking and paddleboarding are popular, with boat landings providing easy access to the May and Colleton rivers. Boat tours to historic Daufuskie Island and scenic dolphin-watching trips are equally exciting! This vibrant coastal lifestyle makes it “the last true coastal village of the South.”
LUSH LANDSCAPES: Nature preserves such as Victoria Bluff Wildlife Management Area and Altamaha Town Heritage Preserve make the perfect outdoor playground. Spend your days hiking, biking, or horseback riding on trails winding through tidal salt marshes, maritime forests, open fields, lakes, and freshwater ponds. Birdwatchers also love the variety of species that call the area home. The well-maintained parks and green spaces are great for family outings, picnics, and relaxing strolls. Bluffton is where you can soak up the outdoors and appreciate the stunning Lowcountry scenery.
Bluffton, SC Real Estate Information
10 Real Estate Facts About Bluffton, SC Homes for Sale
- Bluffton is South Carolina’s fastest-growing municipality, frequently earning accolades for its high quality of life, safety, and innovative urban planning.
- The town was ranked 7th in Forbes’ 2024 Best Places to Live in South Carolina, 5th in the 2018 Best Places to Retire list, and 16th in Southern Living’s 2023 South’s Best Awards.
- Bluffton’s Old Town Historic District has been recognized as a National Register Historic District since 1996 and boasts over 80 Contributing Historic Structures. It was also designated a “Preserve America Community” in 2005.
- Most of the area was undeveloped until the early 2000s housing boom, leading to rapid growth.
- Bluffton, SC, real estate market consists of historic homes, new constructions, luxury estates within prestigious gated communities, and vacant lots.
- Bluffton, SC, condos range from $199,000 to $600,000 and have 738 to 2,500 sq ft of living space.
- Townhomes for sale in Bluffton, SC, are priced between $269,000 and $699,000 and offer 1,024 to 2,400 sq ft.
- The single-family homes in Bluffton, SC, range from $289,000 to $15M with 1,000 to 20,000 sq ft of well-designed interiors.
- Plenty of buildable lots with rivers, marsh, forests, or golf course views are available. They range from $15,000 to $4.9M.
- Some of the most anticipated celebrations are the annual Mayfest and the Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival, featuring local artisans, live music, and a great mix of goods.
Latest Bluffton, SC Homes for Sale
Bluffton, SC Neighborhoods Map
Bluffton is centrally located in the Lowcountry, with quick access to Hilton Head Island, Beaufort City, Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville. U.S. Route 278 connects it to Interstate 95, which forms its western boundary.
Bluffton, SC Interactive Map
Click on any neighborhood for a brief introduction
Ready to take the next step?
Sequel Real Estate Group is focused on representing buyers and sellers in South Carolina Lowcountry’s top master-planned communities. Our owners have over 60 years of combined real estate and development experience in some of the finest planned communities on the East Coast. Along with buyer and seller representation, Sequel’s team offers builder sales & marketing services, including full staffing and support, reporting, and single-family product development. Our commercial team brings experience to provide a full array of services for single-family and multi-family development under 300 units. Our services extend from site analysis and acquisition to financial analysis/modeling through final sales/lease-up.
Who Lives in Bluffton, SC
Things to do in Bluffton, SC
Experience fishing, dolphin-watching, kayaking adventures, and the natural tranquility of one of the Lowcountry's most cherished waterways.
Tee off at a Jack Nicklaus 18-hole course and play amidst ancient oak trees and along the picturesque May River.
Witness inspiring exhibits and support local artists showcasing unique pieces in the heart of Bluffton.
Savor the unique flavors of their signature whiskeys, crafted with South Carolina-grown grains. | <urn:uuid:830d0b2c-3a7a-4ad3-bd7f-5589cf7bc279> | {
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Rola gospodarki rolnej i przemysłu spożywczego w nowo przyjętych krajach Unii Europejskiej
The Role of Agriculture and Food Processing Industry in the Economies of European Union’s New Member States
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2012, vol., nr 98, s. 79-89
As countries develop, agriculture becomes less important part of their economies. Low food demand is one of important barriers to the development of the agriculture. However, this barrier can be overcome by food processing, resulting in more diversified food offer on the market. Analyses presented in this paper reveal, that in the countries that accessed EU in 2004 one can observe decline of the importance of agriculture. However, hypothesis concerning rise of the importance of food processing cannot be confirmed. | <urn:uuid:e480cb7e-d7b5-48b9-9e12-bd4b5e776ebf> | {
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How long must medical records be kept in Ohio?
Most states, including Ohio, do not have specific laws mandating the minimum record retention period for patient medical records. However, HIPAA and the Ohio Medicaid rules mandates the retention of records for a period of at least six (6) years after payment of the claim to the provider.
How long should documentation be kept?
As a general rule of thumb, tax returns, financial statements and accounting records should be retained for a minimum of six years.
How long are school records kept in Ohio?
The Ohio History Connection recommends that digital records with greater than a 10 year retention period also be maintained in either paper or microfilm formats. Records may not be disposed of until all audits are released and audit discrepancies have been settled.
How long are mental health records kept in Ohio?
According to the OhioMHAS records retention policy, medical records are destroyed 10 years after the patient’s last discharge date. Occasionally, records are sent to the Ohio History Center to be archived.
What is retention policy?
Records retention policies are used to provide employees with the information and procedures needed to preserve records for specific periods of time. The policy provides rules that are used to identify which documents need to be kept and for how long.
When should a record be destroyed?
Once the dates have passed, the document no longer needs to be kept and can be destroyed. All business agreements and contracts (for instance employment contracts) should be retained for six years before you can destroy them.
How to define and implement records retention policies?
– Improve the overall utilization of resources – Control the unrestrained growth of records volume – Demonstrate compliance with statutory and regulatory recordkeeping requirements – Enforce the consistent implementation of recordkeeping policies – Improve the ability to locate and retrieve records when required – Reduce litigation risks
What is records retention and destruction policy?
Sample Document Retention/Destruction Policy This policy specifies how important documents (hardcopy, online or other media) should be retained, protected and eligible for destruction. The policy also ensures that documents are promptly provided to authorities in the course of legal investigations or lawsuits. NOTE: The following guidelines are
Do you have records retention policy in place?
Your records retention policy will ensure that you have all this information at your fingertips—should you need it—while reducing the expense and liability that comes with holding on to records too long. By getting a solid records retention in place sooner rather than later, you’ll protect your business’s future—and its bottom line. _____
How to establish a document retention policy?
How to create a record retention policy. Follow these steps to create an effective record retention policy: 1. Conduct an audit of your data and organize your files. Start with digital files, and gather your internal and external documents. Inventory your company’s shared folders, emails and any other internal messaging systems. | <urn:uuid:b63c7835-8aba-42bb-8a47-2fffcc313a70> | {
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Tree Pruning and Cutting Services within Medford: Enhancing the Beauty and Security of Your Property
When it comes to maintaining the beauty and well-being of your outdoor area, tree cutting plays a vital role. Correctly trimmed trees not only boost the aesthetic charm of your property but also guarantee the safety of your trees and the people around them. If you’re a dweller of Medford and are in search of expert tree trimming solutions, you’ve arrived to the correct place. In this blog post, we’ll examine the value of tree cutting and lead you through the leading tree trimming services in Medford.
1. The Positive Aspects of Tree Trimming
Tree pruning is a important element of general tree care. Here are some key benefits that underscore its importance:
- Stimulates tree health: Frequently cutting your trees removes dead, diseased, or damaged branches, allowing the tree to distribute its resources more productively to sound development.
- Heightens safety: Cutting helps get rid of hazardous branches that could represent a risk to your land or the persons nearby, specifically in the course of storms or high winds.
- Ameliorates aesthetics: Well-kept trees contribute to the general attractiveness and curb appeal of your land, escalating its value.
- Encourages proper growth: Trimming can form the tree’s growth pattern, ensuring it develops in a favorable way without interfering with utility lines or structures.
2. Skilled Tree Trimming Options in Medford
When it comes to tree cutting services in Medford, you can count on these trusted firms:
Green Thumb Tree Services
With over a decade of expertise, Green Thumb Tree Facilities is a trusted name in Medford. Their group of certified arborists employs their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to provide complete tree cutting solutions. From crown thinning to deadwood removal, they offer a wide range of options tailored to your specific needs.
One pleased customer, Jane Smith, tells her experience, “I hired Green Thumb Tree Options to trim the trees in my backyard, and they did an outstanding job! They were expert, efficient, and left my yard cleaner than before. I strongly recommend their facilities.”
Medford Tree Maintenance
Medford Tree Care is a family-owned business that specializes in professional tree cutting options. Their group is well-trained in the latest techniques and uses advanced equipment to guarantee precision and safety. They offer both residential and commercial tree trimming, addressing the unique needs of each client.
John Davis, a happy customer, says, “I’ve been using Medford Tree Maintenance for all my tree trimming requirements for the past five years. They are always punctual, thorough, and provide exceptional customer service. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my trees!”
3. Aspects to Consider When Selecting a Tree Pruning Facility
Before hiring a tree trimming service in Medford, keep the following elements in mind:
- Experience and knowledge: Seek out firms with a verified track record in the industry and certified arborists who understand the science behind tree care.
- Insurance and licenses: Ensure the firm is fully insured and licensed to defend yourself from liability in case of any accidents or property damage.
- Reputation and testimonials: Check online reviews, testimonials, and ask for references to evaluate the firm’s standing and the quality of their options.
- Price and estimates: Obtain detailed cost estimates from multiple businesses and compare them to select the one that presents the best value for your investment.
4. DIY Tree Pruning Tips
If you opt for a hands-on technique, here are a few tree cutting tips to keep in mind:
- Employ the appropriate tools: Put in in high-quality pruning tools such as pruning shears, loppers, and pruning saws to assure clean cuts.
- Comprehend tree biology: Learn about different tree species and their development patterns to be aware of where and how to make correct cuts.
- Security first: Always wear protective gear, including gloves, goggles, and a hard hat, to safeguard yourself from falling debris.
- Cut during the appropriate season: Usually, it’s ideal to cut trees during their dormant season to minimize stress and promote healthy regrowth.
5. To Conclude
Proper tree pruning is crucial for sustaining the health, security, and beauty of your trees. Whether you choose to hire a professional tree cutting solution or tackle the task yourself, make sure you give priority to the health of your trees and adhere to optimal techniques. With the excellent tree cutting facilities available in Medford, you can secure your landscape remains visually appealing while keeping your trees in optimal condition.
Remember, when it comes to tree cutting, it’s always smart to consult with professionals who have the expertise and experience to manage the job effectively and securely. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the trusted tree trimming facilities in Medford and take the first step towards a stronger and more attractive landscape. | <urn:uuid:43b416d8-0aa5-4620-bc56-1c3d2848ac0c> | {
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Image of the solar corona, taken by the LASCO coronagraph (C2) on the SOHO observatory
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color on the difference image indicates the position of the leading edge.
color on the difference image indicates an approximate outline to the leading edge that was created using a segmentation technique.
Time_Diff - The time difference used in making the running difference image.
PAs - The position angles detection, each pair represents the starting and ending position angles of a CME.
Height - The height of each CME detection in the current frame corresponding to each position angle pair. | <urn:uuid:4e05d058-2783-42e2-a6f6-1e5063dbc322> | {
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"url": "http://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/mkmovie.php?cme=20021029.195005.w089.v0046.p208&frame=26"
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ISO 14001 is that the international norm that outlines needs for a good environmental management system (EMS) . It gives a framework that a firm will follow, instead of creating environmental performance needs. The ISO 14001 standard, which is a member of the ISO 14000 family of environmental management standards, may become a voluntary benchmark that businesses certify against. Desegregating it in accordance with several management systems standards, most frequently ISO 9001, will help the structure more in achieving its objectives.
Enhancing your Environmental Management System (EMS) to the standard specified by ISO 14001 helps to safeguard its reputation and reap financial rewards. Both your employee engagement and compliance with laws and regulations may improve.
An environmental management system is "part of the management system used to manage environmental elements, meet compliance duties, and address risks and opportunities," according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). PDCA, or the plan-do-check-act method, is used in conjunction with the ISO 14001 framework to promote continuous improvement.
Implementing ISO 14001 requirements will demonstrate that your business is ethical and committed to the future. In addition to ensuring customer satisfaction, it motivates staff to increase process efficiency in terms of environmental factors. As a result of this standard:
Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. | <urn:uuid:ab41edcd-f618-4344-b6ed-c6bcd27035a1> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T22:33:24Z",
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Minneapolis has shaped national LGBT politics in subtle and profound ways. San Francisco and New York City are often credited as the cradle of the modern LGBT movement, but in many ways, that cradle was also Minneapolis.
(In April, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges announced that the week of July 14-20 would be the First Best Week of Bragging About Minneapolis Ever, an effort to cast aside our collective aversion to bragging and start telling the world why Minneapolis is one of the best places to be. TheColu.mn is honoring First Best Week of Bragging About Minneapolis Ever with a series about why Minneapolis is a great place for LGBT people.
It’s still not perfect, but Minneapolis has a lot to brag about. This is the first part in a five part series.)
10. A Minneapolitan was first LGBT student body president at an American university.
In 1971, Jack Baker became the first openly gay student body president in the United States when he was elected president of the the University of Minnesota student government. He was re-elected in 1972.
9. Minneapolis hired the first lesbian fire chief of a major city
In 2005, Bonnie Bleskachek became the first openly lesbian fire chief of a major metropolitan area in the United States when she was sworn in by Mayor RT Rybak that January. Bleskachek would be demoted several years later after allegations of sexual harassment.
8. Longest serving lesbian politician in the United States represents Minneapolis
Rep. Karen Clark, who represents parts of south minneapolis, was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1980 and has become the longest serving openly lesbian member to serve in a state legislature in the United States.
7. Minneapolitan Allen Spear was first openly gay man to serve in a state legislature
Allen Spear, who represented Minneapolis in the Minnesota Senate, came out as gay in 1974 making him the first openly gay man to serve in a state legislature. He won reelection in 1976 making him the third out LGBT politician to be elected to office in the United States. He served as President of the Minnesota Senate in 1993 making him the highest ranking LGBT state official in history until Tony Miller was appointed California Secretary of State in 1994. Spear passed away in 2008.
6. The nation’s first group specifically for bisexuals formed in Minneapolis
In 1967, the Bi Alliance began at the University of Minnesota offering groups for women, for men, and a newsletter, according to Bi Net USA. Not much else is known about the group, but while gay groups had spouted up before it, the Bi Alliance appears to be the first of its kind. Minneapolis has a strong influence on organizing for bisexual communities. The largest bisexual conference, BECAUSE, was started in Minneapolis by the Minneapolis-based Bisexual Organizing Project. It’s been held in Minneapolis more than a dozen times.
5. The first national gathering of LGBT groups was in Minneapolis
Fight Repression of Erotic Expression, which was founded just before the Stonewall Riots in 1969, hosted the conference October 9-11, 1970.
Groups came from Minneapolis, San Francisco, Milwaukee, New York City, Chicago, Iowa City, Iowa; Lawrence, Kansas; Washington, DC; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Philadelphia, and St. Louis. It was called “the First National Gay Lib Convention.”
According to Ken Bronson’s Quest for Equality, the convention fell apart because “the delegates spent the weekend trying to ‘outradical’ one another.” Infighting about inclusion of different groups and arguments about whose oppression was worse — women, people of color, gender nonconforming, or economically disadvantaged people — caused the conference to fracture. “People felt it was impossible to determine ‘whose oppression is worse,'” wrote James Chesebro.
4. The first Two-Spirit Gathering in contemporary times was held in Minneapolis
In 1988, Minneapolis hosted the International Gathering of GLBT Natives which birthed the modern Two-Spirit movement.
“The hosting of the 1st Annual International Two Spirit Gatherings began in 1988, in Minnesota, when a local group of Native American gay and lesbian community members in Minneapolis saw the need to launch a cultural revitalization movement,” according to literature from the annual conference. “It was agreed that having alcohol and drug-free gatherings from that point forward would ensure the continuity of the movement and the building of healthy communities and relationships.”
3. The first openly LGBT United States Marshal is a Minneapolitan
In 2010, President Obama nominated Sharon J. Lubinski for the post of U.S. Marshal for the District of Minnesota. Lubinski had been Assistant Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar recommended Lubinski for the post stating, “Her mix of experience managing a large, urban police department and working in a rural sheriff’s office makes her uniquely qualified to serve in this role.”
President Obama stated when nominating Lubinski, “She has dedicated her career to the noble cause of protecting her fellow Americans. She has displayed exceptional courage in the pursuit of justice, and I am honored to nominate her today to continue her selfless work as a U.S. Marshal for the District of Minnesota.”
Minneapolis added the language banning discrimination based on “having or projecting a self-image not associated with one’s biological maleness or one’s biological femaleness” in 1975.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force relays that history (PDF):
How did it happen? Minneapolis passed a non-discrimination ordinance covering sexual orientation in 1974. The next year, that law was revised by the City Council to include a more expansive, trans-inclusive definition of “affectional preference,” as part of a general overhaul of the local human rights ordinance. Although the inclusion of trans people in the 1975 revision was a historic moment for the trans community, it drew little notice from legislators. According to Diana Slyter, a long-time Minneapolis transsexual activist, the transgender-inclusive definition of sexual orientation “sailed through” in a general flurry of progressive legislation enacted just before a newly-elected, more conservative mayor started his term. The passage of that legislation in 1975 has turned out to be a tremendous benefit for trans people elsewhere. Because Minneapolis has had civil rights protections for trans people in place for so long, trans activists now working to pass similar legislation in their communities can point to that city’s experience with transgender inclusion to reassure their own legislators that the sky will not fall if trans people are protected from discrimination and allowed to participate as equal citizens.
(St. Paul would become the 7th city in 1990, and Minnesota would become to first state to do so in 1993)
1. The nation’s first marriage equality lawsuit was in Minneapolis
The first same-sex marriage lawsuit in America was filed by a Minneapolis couple in Minneapolis. Jack Baker and Michael McConnell applied for a marriage license in Minneapolis on May 18, 1970. It was also the first time the United States Supreme Court would weigh in on the issue — sort of. When the couple was denied a license they sued and lost in the Minnesota Supreme Court. They appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court which dismissed it “for want of a substantial federal question.” | <urn:uuid:137dbf49-4437-4624-b5af-135b3e3197b5> | {
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Now Guneet Monga to Gauri Shinde 5 powerful creative women who have shown their talent and character in the Indian film industry.
Guneet Monga, Joya Akhtar ,Gauri Shinde, Alankrita shrivastav, Shailja Kejriwal have transformed the way the stories are told.
For last few decades with an increasing number of women welding the megaphone helming production, houses ,making in roads into male dominance and getting equal representations in film industry. Now entertainment have undergoing huge shift.
These are the few powerful clutter Breakers who have imprinted Indian entertainment with courageous and freshness.
Gauri Shinde sensitive empathy gaze depicts the vulnerability and unexpressed emotion of her delicately great films like English Vinglish ,dear Zindagi
These films made much needed observations on self love and mental health. Now Guneet Monga proved herself a genius film producer and a story tailer who won the 2023 Oscar Academy Award for her short documentary film The Elephant Whisperers. | <urn:uuid:a32f79a4-ff8d-4653-b119-ac13d203a51b> | {
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The government in a notification issued on Friday said, “Hence, in the larger public interest, it is necessary to prohibit the manufacture, sale or distribution of this FDC under section 26 A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. In view of the above, any kind of regulation or restriction to allow for any use in patients is not justifiable. Therefore, only prohibition under Section 26A is recommended.”
The banned drugs included those used for treating common infections, cough and fever. These drug combinations include: Nimesulide + Paracetamol dispersible tablets, Chlopheniramine Maleate + Codeine Syrup, Pholcodine +Promethazine, Amoxicillin + Bromhexine and Bromhexine + Dextromethorphan + Ammonium Chloride + Menthol, Paracetamol + Bromhexine+ Phenylephrine + Chlorpheniramine + Guaiphenesin and Salbutamol + Bromhexine.
“On the basis of the recommendations of the Expert Committee and the Drugs Technical Advisory Board, the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in public interest to regulate by way of prohibition the manufacture for sale, sale and distribution for human use of the said drug in the country,” said government notification. | <urn:uuid:5342c465-b993-4668-8949-0834d937daca> | {
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We should rather trust the educationists and education planners of the country”, he told reporters, responding to a question about the revision of school text books by the Karnataka government.
Whatever is happening under Prime Minister Modi is happening in the best interest of educationists as well as the people (of the country),” Singh said.
Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Friday said the National Education Policy 2020 is one of the best things that has happened under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rule, asserting that the people should trust education planners.
He said whatever is happening in the education sector under Modi is in the best interests of the country. ”We recently concluded a discussion on the National Education Policy 2020. It is one of the best things that has happened in recent times under Prime Minister Modi,” Singh said. | <urn:uuid:d0e22ef2-6915-4769-9bb7-2e52d2e71b0f> | {
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"url": "http://themediatimes.in/3215"
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Touchstone interior proudly say that we provide one of the best office interior designs in Hubli-Dharwad. Our success is rooted in a commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and a passion for creating remarkable workspaces. We understand that each office is unique, and we tailor our solutions to reflect your brand identity, culture, and vision. Our innovative designs blend modern aesthetics with timeless elegance, ensuring your office is both contemporary and enduring. Functionality is at the core of our designs, optimizing space and workflow for enhanced productivity. We also prioritize sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions. Our budget-friendly approach ensures that great design is accessible to all. We handle every aspect of your project, ensuring efficient execution. Client satisfaction is paramount, and we maintain open communication to incorporate your input. With a proven track record, a dedicated team of professionals, and a transparent process, Touchstone Interior stands as the go-to choice for exceptional office interiors in Hubli-Dharwad. Transform your workspace with us today for an inviting, productive, and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Why Choose Us: Proven Track Record: With a portfolio of successful projects in Hubli-Dharwad, we have earned a reputation for delivering outstanding office interiors. Dedicated Team: Our team comprises experienced professionals who are passionate about design and committed to delivering excellence. Transparent Process: We believe in transparency and keep our clients informed at every stage of the project. Customer Testimonials: Our satisfied clients are a testament to our expertise and dedication. Transform your office space into an inviting, productive, and aesthetically pleasing environment. Join us at Touchstone Interior and experience the finest in office interior design in Hubli-Dharwad. Contact us today to discuss your project and let’s create the perfect workspace together.” | <urn:uuid:36a46050-0d63-426b-978d-be8b5de2be24> | {
"date": "2024-12-08T21:31:05Z",
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"url": "http://touchstoneinteriorshubli.com/best-interior-designer-hubli-dharwad/"
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Under the planning of spatial structures for Latgale region, Līvāni has been ranked among local centres / small towns. However, in comparison to other local centres, Līvāni has a much bigger size of population and a more developed industrial activity that has significance for the entire Preiļi district.
In case of glass and optical fibres, the local industry has become important on a wider scale too. Therefore, from the point of view of functionality, Līvāni has been ranked among the district centres. Also the location point of view, Līvāni fits into the centre defined within the strategy for town development in Latgale known as the triangle Daugavpils-Rēzekne-Jēkabpils. | <urn:uuid:36d8ecfa-643d-4cec-9b98-6933f604165e> | {
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"url": "http://travelnews.lt/catalog.php?u340fl3-Livanu-TIC-turismiinfokeskus"
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mircea_popescu phf asciilifeform as per your understanding of folk logic, could Кощей have kept the needle anywhere ?i
phf Probably not, requires a descent/ascent into the cave for the development of hero's journey. So couldn't keep it in his private study or kept some complicated opsec routine with fake needles and multiple storages and rotations, because that would take it out of realm of mythical.
mircea_popescu My idea is that it being an ontology (as distinct from and very much opposed to a technology) such is entirely out of the question.
phf I'm not sure I get it. Perhaps the idea is that the plot is constructed from conclusions backwards, rather than as a chain of causes and effects resulting in an outcome, then conclusionii. So the setup is restricted by what actions hero must perform or what other kind of allegory
mircea_popescu No. You can't fly by your breaches, can you ? Nor can you "make yourself" a boyar. Nor can Koschei DO things. In the world in which he lives, you are things ; you don't DO things. Which is why eg. the notion of "consent" is entirely baffling. What do you mean, Ivan should ask Natasha. Ask her what the fuck ?!?! Whether she is a woman ? He can damn well see that ? the whole story is decided at the onset - are you Hero Mc Heroson ? Yes ? Then you go kill Koschei. No ? then you don't. What do you mean "do what he did" ffs.iii
mircea_popescu Kinda what "traditional society" actually means, if the term is used properly. And why derpage eg in the US re "traditional marriage" is so hysterical. Really, TRADITIONAL ? Mmmkay. Just because it's your daddy's modern dun make it traditional.
phf "This is how things are around here parts", except nobody ever said that except in movies or when things no longer are.iv
mircea_popescu Aha. It's ever only used as a cheap mocking post, see. Gotta frame the modern story in some sort of context, but it's never more than context ; not in modern stories at any rate. Still, noticing this distinction is hermeneutics 101, the pons asinorum of the scholarlyv disciplines.
phf Huh, it's unknowable, so either presented as a joke, or as complete hostile aliennes. Sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre kind of stuff. Russian equivalent would be narratives about "деревня"vi. Forestvii used to be where the ancestors came from and that where demons and ghouls are. Now ancestors come from tradition and that's where wilderness is.
mircea_popescu Aha. It's also the deep reason why reversion to feudalism / end of modernism is entirely unavoidableviii. The deep reason "Dark Ages" guys did what they did isn't them being "stupid"ix, it's the absence of the modernist interface. When the world of possibilities is endless and the only possible trail is offered by strong identity, be it of the chivalricx or V/WoT type, society works a certain way. In order for the modernist delusionxi to work, some equivalence clases are prerequsite, which is why all modern states are socialismsxii. If differences matter, "modern democracy" is impossible. This is also why traditionalist societies' guilty pleasure is genealogy, as in heraldics or vtronics ; whereas modernist societies' guilty pleasure is "self improvement" as in miracle diets and college degrees. (No, the two aren't different, the notion that you will BECOME at the college is entirely like the notion that you'll go to heaven through not cursing.xiii)
phf Hmm. Not sure how reversion follows though. It's easy to run away into the forest, because it's completely meaningless.xiv But running away into tradition is equivalent to death (per older thread). "Destruction of known universe". Oh unless you mean it in a sense that it's inevitable with you or without you.
mircea_popescu There's a who and a what. Traditional societies put the what in an equivalency ring and discern the who ; modernist societies put the who in an equivalency ring and discern the what. Let's look at it through the example of the married woman. Married woman in Belgium, a modernist society, expects to fuck her husband, or another man (ie, the who is indifferent) PROVIDED they woo her properly. The what is discerning, and "I fucked him because he bought me roses just like you did 20 years ago you pig" is perfectly "rational". Married woman in Brunei, a traditionalist society, expects to be fucked, in the way fucking goes (ie, indifferent), by her husband but not by another man. And if her husband fucks with a stick, or with electrified vaginal pears, it's none of her business. Much like the belgian woman might fuck another woman, or a cat or a bit of plastic, just as long as it DOES the right thing - the Brunei woman will fuck in whichever manner as long as it is the right fucker. Excess is actually societally repressed, for instance the husband that fails to what correctly in Belgium goes to jail ; much like the lover that fails to who correctly in Brunei. in Belgium "but I am her husband" is no defense, but on the contrary, scandalousxv ; and in Brunei "but I fucked her right" is no defense, but on the contrary, scandalousxvi. The major problem of contemporaneous, post-modern, post-structuralist whatever world is that the practical equivalency class is the what, not the who. Such as for instance : as long as the product is a web app, you know what shit it will be and all you care about is WHO does it, which is why we have the entire who-driven structure of code inheritance (much to the chagrin of the "oh noes, wasn't invented here syndrome" belated modernistsxvii). anyone can make "a prediction" (what=equivalent) but it really matters WHO makes it, as per the pro idiotas article. And so on. So it's not a matter of reversal. It's a matter that the practical structures of reality favour a certain equivalency class over the other and so in short I don't even mean that it's inevitable with you or without you. It's inevitable with or without your mental constructs, the body will followxviii. What, you think people fought in the US civil war without their scruples ? The body went ; the scruples - nobody asked those anything. ~Everyone involved in WW2 thought WW2 is a stupid idea, for that matter. All the better for them!
asciilifeform Re the foregoing and the part where the Asian folk donated jewelry to motherland's central bank , quite reminiscent of the 'old woman who bought T-34 tank and named it after Stalin and her five dead sons' recurring item in WW2. I have nfi how many parts fact to how many parts propagandistic swill.
mircea_popescu It seems credible to me qualitatively ; quantitatively I have nfi.
asciilifeform I can actually see the tank; but, why the fuck would anyone donate family gold to prop up emperor's golden toilet?
mircea_popescu Because the emperor is ; in traditionalist societies existence is predicated on existence. Why the fuck would cunt lubricate to ease penile intromission ?xix
asciilifeform In traditional society we also have 'emperor is far away, what care I'.xx Afaik standard feudal org chart works in steps (d00d answers to ~immediate~ commanding officer)xxi. Good part of 'царь-батюшка' is that he never asks you directly to do anything. can always blame immediate superior for your famine, fleas, conscription.
mircea_popescu Not really. Ru peasant aslo thought emperor is good ; and right here. This "what care I" is very much a proposal to modulate behaviour ; whereas this active diatesis is not there contemplated. "The emperor is ; this gold is ; they go together."
asciilifeform Well yes, you blame the d00d who actually worked you to the bone.xxii
mircea_popescu This is not at all the case. the boyar was blamed in 1700 for the exact reason the Jew was blamed in 1900 : the perception of "optionality" in the sense of the dead jew and the raped girl ; strictly drawn along the lines of "the emperor is ; the gold is ; the grain is and the famine is ; disease and war and grass and cunt and penis all are - but the $enemy DOES!". This inadherence to modernism is why Russia was modernised via socialism/soviets, not via capitalism/industrialismxxiii. So no, the peasant didn't blame the boyar because the boyar did something. The peasant doesn't care about that (nor was the doing actually verifiable as such, nor did it likely happen rather than the opposite). The peasant blame the boyar because the boyar was the wrong thing, a do-er rather than an is-er. This is why the "golden toilet"xxiv device is so important in trying to sell modernism to traditionalist societies - the point is to show optionality in the desired public enemy. It directly mirrors the biblical understanding (God was ; and Lucifer did) and very much explains why "patriotic war" and "peace keeping" and "defending" and etcetera. The narrative always is "we - were ; enemy - did ; we - shall be again"xxv. This very much because contrary to pretense commonly shared and widely held, modernism was never more than a superficial paint coat over things. There's no practical way in which anything can reduce to "doing". Even in software. (Also whyxxvi so many of the moribund modernist world take refuge in "coding" as they understand it rather than much more obviously productive, satisfiying and accessible venues.)
phf Not quite true, you had лжецаревичxxvii uprisings. Also kind of tru re famine, but typically boyars were blamed rather then tzar or barin, since both were beyond reprise.
mircea_popescu You did ; nevertheless - in the case of those runawaysxxviii who were discovered in the 60s after however many centuries of absence, what figured greatly was that a) the tsar is good and b) that woe on random anon merchant for refusing to donate a quarter ton of potatoes to the cause.
phf No, no, I'm saying the opposite. ~Barin~ in this case is the dude who worked you to the bone.
asciilifeform Goodcop/badcop symbiosis, emperor/landlord.
mircea_popescu And the fake Ivans etc are not exactly attacks on the tsardom ; they're just a discussion of identity, not actually a modernisation proposal. Similar to the whole "mandate of heaven" Chinese thing - is he or isn't he the "one true emperor" ; whether his being anything in particular matters with regards to "his job" ie, what he has to do is not discussed. Even the notion that emperorhood is a job is nonsensical in context. (for distinction between emperorhood and emperorship see Oamenii superficiali si bestia.)
phf I think I'm being misunderstood. I'm saying that fake-tzars were cases of "emperor asking of you", because both tzar and barin (i.e. immediate supervisor) were seen as fundamental good. Peasants consistently and historically allocated blame on various random hangerons. Boyars, traders, foreigners, etc. In fact in fake-tzar cases the narrative was consistent "evil boyars have deposed our tzar-father and we won't stand for it".
mircea_popescu This is very true yes.
asciilifeform Eh, semantic games. Rebel armies surround capital? Ooops, must mean he lost mandate of heaven! 'Mandate of heaven' is about as logically consistent as the proverbial witch-drowning tester.xxix
mircea_popescu They're only semantic games to you ; for they to be games they need the optionality. Hence the "useful evil minister" strategy deployed in England and France as well as everywhere else - get the guy to do things then behead him.xxx
asciilifeform When my time machine malfunctions and Aztec priest eats my heart so that Quetzalcoatl will shit the Sun back out, it will still be semantic game.
mircea_popescu So if I give you a lined mat and a pile of all-black tiles you thereby "still have a game of Go" ?
asciilifeform Not as such. Though mircea_popescu's Asian rituals and 'no optionality' thread reminds me of the infamous 'castle tournaments' in jp, where go players would rehearse same game dozens of times in advance. ( Royal folk dun like to wait for moves ! )
mircea_popescu Getting back to the modern/traditional thing : there's a very visible and practically relevant distinction in trade. When I hire a modernist, I hire him to do a job, and I expect him to do a job. But when I hire a traditionalist, I am essentially assigning office. And as it is LOGICAL in that context, he may agree to any "job" specification ie burdens on the title before he gets it, while all he is is humble applicant ; but once he gets it, once he is the job title, then of course he finds himself in a more elevated position, which should mean by his logic that he gets to renegotiate and eliminate some of the burdens.xxxi which is exactly why simple minded folks in third countries such as Argentina etc display the strange behaviour where they don't wish to actually work, earlier discussed in that article about whores.
asciilifeform Eh it's an orc thing, 'работа стоит -- а срок идет!' (tm) (r) ('work stands still, but the [prison] sentence still moving!'). Modify, perhaps, for modern world, 'work stands still, but the paycheque still approaches'.
mircea_popescu Aha. However - which is why I bring all this up - the reversal is fucking evident here too. See, when I hire diana_coman to do dev work for Eulora, of fucking course she gets to redefine the job on the basis of the titlexxxii). For instance because before she got it she hadn't seen the code, and after - she had. In short, in the entirety of the observable universe, we are reverting to traditionalist systems, approaches and altogether axxxiii reality. Most computing jobs are unspecifiable in the terms most industrial jobs of the brief modernist interlude were specifiablexxxiv ; whereas most computing jobs require identity in terms entirely impossible in the brief modernist interlude. What cares the cotton ginny whether you are white or black skinned ? And this is what all the Unicode wastage is : they, the lost souls of a dead world, are trying to make computers more like cotton ginnies. More inclusive, more capable to work with a modernist perspective, where who dun matter and what is the considered variable.
asciilifeform Did the sword 'care' whether knight came from 10 or 40 generations of pure-blooded norman ? Or did the horse ?
mircea_popescu Yes. both. Fundamental myth of English feudalism is a sword that cared. Fundamental myth of English modernism is "blind love", which, if you'll notice, is at the time of its introduction a very cheap trick very much in the manner of protestantism ; and also a mythical beast : the belgian woman from before. "Blind" as in, no who - just what. A modernist unicorn.
asciilifeform And fundamental myth of pygmistan is that magical horn (today replaced with drainpipe, they forgot how to carve wood) that talks to the dead.
mircea_popescu Pygmystan is not actually a culture ; stone age tribes don't get names. It's just "the stone age". (the discussion of all this, for the curious, is probably best started with the trilema on the mind's compartments.)
asciilifeform Eh the Bantu -- who enslaved them -- iirc had iron. So just as iron-age as ol' rotten England. Just stuck there. Iron, turns out, is not such a handy 'iq test'xxxv, plenty of folx passed the iron exam and failed everything else. But re 'cheap protestant tricks', and also in re 'Argentinians who sit in chair and won't work', a good chunk of the weirdo mass-programming the protestants have been doing for 200+ yrs is precisely to 'make'em work'. There are not so many ways to make folks work. You can prevent 'работа стоит -- а срок идет!' by imposing 'no work - no food' quotas, and this was often tried in gulag, but led to unexpected problems (in 100 zeks, you get a few well-fed блатные and a bunch of dystrophic worker beesxxxvi).
mircea_popescu Except there is no "work" in the abstract, as a byproduct of anti-idlehandsaredevilswork. Not anymore. Back in 1616 there was a "do something - anything". Today that results in github. And not just in github, it results in 5bn for BART's 16 track miles and in 12mn/year for 1bn database for microsoft. In short - it dun work, in any practical way.
asciilifeform And in Egypt it resulted in pyramids. Shithub is a religious ritual.
mircea_popescu The Floating Littoral Embarassmentxxxvii is very much the symbolic product of "technology by modernist means in postmodernist times".
asciilifeform Also pyramid. If you have a massive project that nobody computes ROI on, and folks throw rotten eggs at anyone who suggests doing so --- pyramid. (In all fairness, moon probe, arpanet, etc -- also pyramid.)xxxviii
mircea_popescu Modernity hadn't quite ended yet.
asciilifeform Often I get distinct impression that mircea_popescu is posting from a parallel future on mars : where, e.g., robots are not three orders of magnitude more expensive than well-brainwashed 'work ethic' folx working with bare hands.
mircea_popescu They aren't. there are a number of reasons for this. 1. robots eat electricity ; humans eat a sort of oil derivate ; see engine discussion ; 2. robots are an industrial product, this costs ~nothing while "well brainwashed humans" are the equivalent of a "well behaved wife". Tell you what, here's a half billion girlies in your "civilised world", you have a week to find a wifexxxix. Let me know what you spent.
asciilifeform You gotta take the ~hardest~-to-roboticize industrial processes as the basis for comparison, not the ~easiest~; otherwise we 'had cheap robots' in 1850, cotton mill. Talk to folx who worked with industrial robots, dun take asciilifeform's word for it: robotization of a process is not 'magical free work while you supply mains current', but replaces 100 fungible gurlz with 1-3 'assembly line phd', which is not always a +ev trade. Nor is yield necessarily higher, because Software Sucks.
mircea_popescu I suspect I might've talked to more industrial robots folks than you have over our respective careers, but be that as it may, the trend is towards not away job destruction.
asciilifeform This is on account of easily-roboticized 'low hanging fruit' (e.g., pcb component placement) and also shortages of human hands created by welfarization.
mircea_popescu The welfarization creates nothing. It is the maggot on the corpse of postmodern industry. Those people would have been idle anyway.xl (Kinda yet another angle of why the great again is so lulzy - what, economic trends will reverse by election ?)
asciilifeform Take mircea_popescu's proverbial 'twerk chick'. Her grandmother - was idle ?
mircea_popescu No ; because modernism hadn't ended yet. But the chick herself - if she weren't twerking she'd be on reddit. There is literally NOTHING for her to do. With the exception of tmsr, there is NO PLACE in this world which sticks to the modern tradition of, "random bozo walks in, is given a job". This is how eg, construction yards used to work, for milennia. Not anymore, for decades now.xli
asciilifeform From whence then comes this 'nothing to do' ??
mircea_popescu From "robotization" in the general sense of the term.
asciilifeform This 'total robotization' thing, I can see it as a logical conclusion, but it isn't here yet. e.g., how many robots has mircea_popescu , to date, fucked ?
mircea_popescu Fucking me is not a job. it is an honorxlii. I've not decorated any robots either.
asciilifeform Aite. When mircea_popescu called plumber, did robot show up ?
mircea_popescu Amusingly - I used to call plumbers in places where plumbing had been laid by hand. But in places where plumbing laid by robot - no need so far. Dat old "ecosystem drives itself by supporting its niches and denying competing niches" thing.
asciilifeform Elaborate re 'plumbing laid by robot'. Are you referring here to digging machine ? (a bit of stretch to call 1890s item 'robot').
mircea_popescu You are aware "car fixing" ie, "that is my idea of heaven - a bucket o' grease and a cracked cylinder" now consists of sticking probes in dataports ?
asciilifeform Well yes, it consists of 'read error code and throw part # into order form and replace assembly'.
mircea_popescu So no, plumbing mostly comes as part of the prefab components of construction nowadays. It is not a separate thing. "Robots" does not strictly mean r2d2. Entirely automated process chain is also a robot in this sense, even if perhaps a meta-robot for they preoccupied with the physicality of things. Which is to say that the visually driven notion of "robot" as "anthropomorphised tuna can" is not particularly useful in a discussion of economics and robots.
asciilifeform Prefab plumbing makes me think of that air/sewage switch in Brasilxliii.
mircea_popescu Heh. Laugh all you want, and take refuge in 1970s artworks if you will - but the fact remains that if you buy planks you buy planksxliv but if you buy ikea you buy robotized planksxlv. It's what it is, out of the final table in the latter case about 2/3 is robot work. Yes, there isn't a beep-boop thing going around your livingroom. But it might as well be - the warehouse is entirely robotized ; the production line mostly ; etcetera. Even driving is going awayxlvi. Do you know how many longshoremen work for Amazon ? O wait ... the name is entirely antiquated.
asciilifeform Actually there ~is~ , lol, I'm a robotization aficionado, I have programmable vacuum, etc.
asciilifeform At no point in my head for this thread was 'tuna can', but the headaches of fairly standard industrial robot process over which I presided some years ago.
mircea_popescu Sure, but tell you what : the headaches of managing herd would be a lot closer in your mind had you I dunno, been a McDonalds manager in your late teens.xlvii
asciilifeform Quite possibly.
mircea_popescu There's no economic future for the average human, quite literally. For as long as we still feel like entertaining ourselves by providing them with food and board, the derpage will last. And they'll "put women back into history" at the call of bbc wikipedia. Once that becomes old, they'll become dead, in a very starved and cold sense of the term.
asciilifeform 'Robocalypse' is a when, not if, yes, but there are certain obstacles (mainly reducing to 'software sucks', and even 'we don't quite have computer yet')
mircea_popescuYes, well, that when is cca 1999. Anyway - the original point was how the environment changed, and modernism is strictly no longer possible because exogenous reasons, not opened to consensusing, electoralizing etc. The who is the major consideration today ; the what is relatively equivalent. Which reduces to and is in fact equivalent with the "no economic future for average human" above, and with the "there's nothing one can do on the simple basis of being one" even further above.xlviii
asciilifeform Afaik we still dun have a tech for producing ubermenschen other than by keeping massive herd of 'average human' around somewhere,
mircea_popescu O look! The separation of the fat from the water in the sense of leaving the who-equivalent modernists behind in the gutter is actually quite the viscerally ferocious thing! Nobody is going to forbid modernism. They who wish to feel equal will have a place where this is how things work. (Arguably this is also in the past - not like I'm actually forbidding redditards to reddit, even as I am squeezing the cream from the thing).
asciilifeform In mircea_popescu's sketch, by what process does 'who' come to exist ?
a111 Logged on 2016-12-08 14:44 mircea_popescu has the pleasure to introduce EDLionX , who's chinese, lives in brunei and looks altogether like a great kid (though he isn't a kid!)
mircea_popescu How else ? Exactly how it historically worked.
asciilifeform Well yes, but how didja dig him out of the ground
mircea_popescu Chance encounter.
asciilifeform Asciilifeform, for instance, (for those who were not tuned in), was excavated from www by hanbot.
mircea_popescu Rather similar actually! Eulora, with its steep learning curve and well engineered intake manifolds is actually a muchly improved bitcoin from THISl perspective, the perspective of "how to fish whos".
asciilifeform This may be, but I could not tell that this is so by the backflow from #e into #t
mircea_popescu Hey. Everything around you is new. Still, the question was "how who" not "how non-who". That your milk contains fat and water is not a valid objection to "how do you get fat from the cow ?" "You milk it".
asciilifeform isn't playing Eulora and cannot say, but so far looks to me as if it mostly attracts folk who are good at playing eulora, rather than generalists spilling over into the kinds of projects in motion here. (exiles from other muds..?)
mircea_popescu I am entirely unconvinced by this "good at x" bs. Nobody's "good at x". The "good at x" is nonsense of the ilk and period of "blind love", to try and help the wedge of who-equivalency into the trunk of reality. Either your brain works or doesn't. If it does, you can use it for all brain things, much like either your cunt works or doesn't, and if it does it does for all dicks. There's no "good at math" anymore than there is "white dicks cunt"li
———- This got started by an observation of Diana's. [↩]
- He's evidently done his log reading. [↩]
- There's a fundamental assumption here, namely that "what" he did would work for you as it worked for him. It may not be for you what it was for him, but that "doesn't matter" as a convention. [↩]
- He's right, it is stock in trade strawman of libertard propaganda. [↩]
- As opposed to technical.
The distinction is surprisingly simple : if the subject of your study does something, you're aiming to become an engineer ; but if the subject of your study is something, you're aiming to become a scholar. [↩]
- The "little hamlet lost in the taiga" sorta thing. (The taiga is the biome of conifers with some larch and a lot of snow). [↩]
- Note that the English term does not denote "a place with trees", but "a place set aside". It comes from the latin foris and it denotes that place of the realm where the king has not permitted access to the plebs (who thereby are forbidden from going there). Breaching this interdict was a hangable offense throughout the bulk of the history of the term's usage. [↩]
- This was previously if vaguely discussed as part of an analysis of the modernist's fear of idealism. Check it out, Framedragger's quotation model has its most definite uses! [↩]
- There's a lot of libel circulating about people of old among the populists of today (no, Trump isn't one ; the idiocy machine that spit out Clinton and then convinced itself the shrew had a shot, that's what populism is). Contrary to what you may like to believe, you aren't either smarter or more powerful than similarly anonymous, anodyne peon packing the ancestral mud in 900s Europe. If my time machine switched your place and his, he'd be a reasonable you and you'd be a reasonable him in short order.
Yes, I know it's "a hard pill to swallow". The only reason is that you're insane and are hallucinating pills and swallowings. [↩]
- "All men'd be cowards if they durst", yes ? [↩]
- Modernism is always illusionary in nature ; if the whys and wherefores aren't self-obvious, feel free to place your inquiry in the comment section. [↩]
- Ie, aim to resolve the problems of individuals as groups. The deep reason isn't some sort of problem-solving approach, but simply the need of modernism, that all men be equal and interchangeable, so then there be no possibility of ideal, and consequently the rest of the nonsense can be introduced. Which resolves in simple terms the equation of the modern state : it will a) promise to b) resolve problems through c) the group except d) the only problem it aims to resolve is e) that for as long as people are people, modernism ie anti-idealism can not exist. So yes, as the more advanced voices of the libertard press point out, "of course people will be dissatisfied with the state". Of course of course. Nevertheless, pretending people are "a group" in order to escape the fact that people are different is untenable theoretically, and strictly depends in all practical implementations on the ready provision of a steady string of distractions. As the mind grows weary of shiny plastic, the ability of the socialist state to continue diminishes. [↩]
- A favourite Protestant "growth hack". [↩]
- This is, of course, mere pleading to ignorance. The forest is not meaningless, for instance : do you know what the first widely deployed iron tool was ?
No, it wasn't the plow. Guess again if you will.
No, it wasn't "the sword" or "axe" or "some kind of weapon", because no, contrary to what the liars that told you the Ancients believed the Earth to be flat told you, people don't actually prefer to murder each other pointlessly. Yes they tend to murder each other when overpopulated, but so do farmed chickens (look it up) - and nobody regards gallus as gallo lupus est. Which by the way is your hint.
Did the hint work ? It didn't, did it. What's a Wolfsangel ?
Yes, you see, before manpower (really, wifepower, soon to be supplanted by ox power) was sufficient for plowing to be significant, and before densities were sufficient for insanity to become a sort of disease, men still competed with other predators for territory. The clearing of wolves from the Germanic forests through the application of early iron to the problem is what allowed the tribes to swell to the point Caesar and Greek fire had to become involved in population control.
The technological approach didn't work, by the way. Even though the Littoral Combat Ships and F-35s of the time were actually delivered and actually used on the front, the empire still fell to the horde.
Back to the topic - the forest is quite meaningful to me ; and whether it is or isn't to you interests perhaps the wolves. [↩]
- Marital rape!!1 [↩]
- This apparently needs no explanation. [↩]
- They occasionally show up in the forum, fail to produce meaningful text and leave in frustration. In fairness - the bar to understanding why they fail is perhaps a little high. [↩]
- Very much like, "it doesn't matter what you tell yourself about the whys and the wherefores - the cock's getting sucked one way or the other". [↩]
- No, think about it. The cunt does that. Whether you want it to or not, it doesn't ask ; and especially because you "don't want to" as in eg, "you're scared". Why does it do it ? [↩]
- This is actually early burgeois sentiment, about as abjurant as it can get and certainly untraditional. [↩]
- This, for the record, is wrong. The "org chart" in question is very complex, with the same person a vassal to multiple overlords such as in the notable case of generations of English kings who nevertheless paid homage to the French crown for their feudal tenures on the continent scl. Plenty of times the vassal would be more powerful than the liege, such as in the celebrated case of Warwick the kingmaker etc scl. Feudalism is very much a saturated graph, and wouldn't at all look like a corporate org chart. [↩]
- If this were the case people wouldn't loot their own neighbourhood when "rioting" would they now. [↩]
- The proposition that there's some sort of difference between Stalin-socialism and Roosevelt-socialism is ridiculous on the face, [↩]
- When the Romanian Communist dictator fell, a major point was the "gold plated bathroom implements" in the guy's palace. It stayed with me, because it seemed so weird. Then when the US engineered "color revolutions" copycats failed to replicate their model, talk of the same sort of thing surfaced. It is by now evident that it's simply a propaganda device, but its exact nature is instructive. [↩]
- That you rather than the judge or assorted courtiers will come with a cracked skull out of the court is rather predictible on the basis of the shared pretense that "the law" is and you "did". Why isn't it that you are and the law does ? Oh, it is, except in a different sort of environment, right ? That's how the narrative flows among the criminals, isn't it. A well.
There's a reason the fundamental dispute of all politics reduces to "I was" and "they did". [↩]
- Software appears on the face to have a better shot at it than anything else. This appearance is however altogether dubious. [↩]
- False tsars, ie the Time of Troubles. [↩]
- In 1978 Soviet geologists in Abakan ran into a family that had been in the woods for decades. [↩]
- It's altogether unclear that thing wasn't consistent, depending what is meant by consistency and logic. [↩]
- It's the fundamental scapegoat, whether you call it Cromwell or Fouquet or Noi-capul-lui-Motoc-vrem. [↩]
- This is the deep reason you end up with worthless employees who wish to negotiate away their actual tasks while keeping the sinecure intact.
And before you nod and walk off : the first example of that is your wife. The second is - your children. The fact that you're not holding any of these to their account is why and wherefore your society dissolves into goop, ready and willing to be pounded in the ass by better men.
- Imagine for a moment, if you will, hiring a senior engineering on the premise and the methodology used to hire the common peon. In this absurd world where the senior engineer is just a larger intern with more hands and more fingers per hand (much like Orc Captains are just bigger Orcs in MMORPGS) she'd be doing what, write more LoC, right ?
That's how the logic of "who-equivalent" modernism works, woman pulls 10 on dynamometer, man 18 and ox 44. So then logically intern types Lo"C" with two fingers off one hand and senior engineer with three hands and twenty-six fingers and if division head also uses her feet.
I don't dispute that there are modernist companies which work exactly like this. As per say Caragiale they always existed, since at least the 1800s. But I do say that this is rank nonsense, and nothing that works works like this. Over at reality ranch the principal job of the senior engineer is to define what the fuck she'll even be working on. Not as a solipsistic act, of course, within constraints specified by management, of course ; yet nevertheless you don't actually expect someone running a company to micromanage the momentary life of all those involved, do you! (And if you don't, why the fuck do you expect them to "show up" for work ? You do, you do, you just learned how to lie convincingly about it, you modernist shithead you. [↩]
- It's "a" reality not "the" reality in the exact sense physics - the natural science - is a paradigm not the physics. [↩]
- Review eg. Charlie Chaplin for documentary work on this point. [↩]
- Speaking of which. [↩]
- Because if I can work, I will not work for you - I will work for myself, such as by beating up the other idiots who can barely work and take their food. In this scheme - you work for me ; and by "in this scheme" I mean absolutely all the time and everywhere without exception possible and irrespective what you may wish to think. [↩]
- Hey, did you hear it broke down in the Panama ?
I'm not sure you understand what this means, so let's explain.
Have you ever driven a beat up old car, that tended to stop working at the most inconvenient of times ? Were those times being stopped at a light for instance, and unable to start again to the angry despair of all the other motorists ? Were any of those times when you were trying to go up or down the ramp, perhaps with a semi or two behind you ?
Now imagine there exists a place where ALL the US traffic goes through the same tunnel. THAT is where your rust bucket broke down ; and the semis behind you weren't carrying 20 tons of canned tuna, they were carrying 20mn tons of refrigerated pork bellies. Just like yours.
What the breakage in the Panama canal means is that the on-board engineers can't, no matter what they do, physically can not ensure the basic functioning of that damned thing for one straight half hour of their choosing. Forget "battle readiness", or anything like that. [↩]
- He's myopically focusing on details. "If there's white on skin - fungus. In fairness, sunscreen lotion - also fungus." [↩]
- The wife is the definitive, and the ultimate, meat robot. Which is why indsutrialization is a problem for marriage : the two compete for the same scarce resource. [↩]
- Consider the "this dude is so fucking dumb it'd be worth my time to pay him to stay out of my way" ancient piece. [↩]
- In Ballas' terms,
I love how people assume economics doesn't apply to construction. The demand for those jobs is very high AND hipsters suck at them. At any wage, Gerry the hipster will always be outworked by Vinnie the son of a longshoreman, who will always be outworked by a Mexican illegal, i.e. the system will always be able to find someone who can do the job better AND with lower labor costs.
The substitution train continues past the biological into the robotic ; and from there it still continues but no longer interests us in this discussion. [↩]
- I mean that quite literally. No college exists that produces degrees that are worth as much. [↩]
- No, this isn't exactly what he said, but I'm translating. [↩]
- Ie materials made by people with tools. [↩]
- Ie made by robots with tools. Perhaps supervised by people, but this is not germane to the issue. [↩]
- I didn't mention playing Go because I was in a nice mood. [↩]
- If you missed out on that, you can always catch up with, say, Compliance, the story of a twerk girl who... twerked. [↩]
- In the sense of three whole years' worth of above. [↩]
- Apparently Japan still does ; the Muslim world certainly still does. It wouldn't be the first time the Arabs waited out the Christian nonsense and came back in style. [↩]
- The "kids have a problem" perspective, so to speak. [↩]
- Amusingly, the SAME people desperately pushing the modernist nonsense, which is to say who-irrelevant white males of no practical value of import ALSO push the dick-specific cunt fiction. Like so :
See, the idea is that if they make it "black dicks only", then we won't know what's going on, much like kid A who writes "Kid B did this" on the wall. After all who could possibly figure out that the driver for the pretense is a white kid desperate to prop up modernism lest he ends up in the soup, and that his concern is for cunt to be cock-specific because then mind can be job-specific and then he can continue to pretend he's "good at X" and therefore "too big to fail" can continue to exist and so his wallmart credit card will keep working ?!?! Nobody ever!!!
Given all that, giving away the cunt is a relatively small sacrifice, especially as long as what's given away is an image. [↩] | <urn:uuid:df110bf5-c1c3-4e47-9c27-fc6027039a0b> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9565090537071228,
"token_count": 9553,
"url": "http://trilema.com/2016/modernism-and-traditionalism/?b=are&e=Heroson"
} |
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I mean, the benefits of using online business apps in Kenya are clear:
Increased efficiency, lower costs, and improved communication. These benefits can help your company become more competitive and profitable.
So why not give them a try?
If you run an international business from Kenya, this is a must-have app.
The online payment system, Paypal, is a convenient way to handle money transactions for people running an online business in Kenya.
It allows customers to pay for goods and services with a credit card or bank account.
The company also offers a PayPal debit card which can be used like a regular debit card. This system is secure because it uses encryption to protect personal information.
You must know more about this app/service than anyone else.
But just in case you’ve been living under a rock (sorry ?)… here’s a refresher.
M-Pesa is a mobile phone-based money transfer, financing, and microfinancing service, launched in 2007 by Vodafone for Safaricom and Vodacom, the largest mobile network operators in Kenya and Tanzania.
M-Pesa allows users to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money through their phones. It is also used to pay for goods and services both online and offline. M-Pesa has been adopted as a form of payment by a number of small businesses in Africa.
With this service, you can start selling anything online in Kenya and receive payment instantly!
All you need to do is create a website and integrate M-PESA as your preferred payment system.
Uber is a technology company that uses mobile applications and web platforms to connect riders with drivers for hire.
This app allows riders to request a ride from their smartphone and track the arrival of their driver in real-time. Riders can also pay for their ride with their smartphone. Drivers use the Uber app to find passengers and receive trip requests.
Additionally, drivers are not required to have a commercial driver’s license, but they must pass a criminal background check and have an acceptable driving record.
So, what’s in it for you as a business owner in Kenya?
Well, how about moving around town more easily and faster? And stop showing up to interviews later, you know what am talking about?.
Additionally, you can get into this app and register as a driver. That’s your one way to make some extra cash on the side.
Here’s another one of the popular online business apps in Kenya.
Airbnb is a web-based business that connects people who need a place to stay with people who need to rent out extra space.
It’s a great way for people to make extra money online in Kenya, and it’s also a convenient way for people to find a place to stay when they’re traveling.
Airbnb has been growing in popularity over the past few years, and it’s now one of the most popular online businesses.
With this service, you can easily turn that spare room into an income-generating venture with a click of a button.
5). Google Maps
Even Google Maps??
See, Google Maps is a key component for businesses with an online presence in Kenya.
It provides an easy way for customers to find your business and get directions.
Additionally, Google Maps can help you track customer behavior and measure the success of your online marketing campaigns.
In fact, if you don’t have a Google My Business Profile, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
6). Facebook Pages
If you own a couple of Facebook pages in Kenya, you going to love this app.
Facebook pages provide an important role in running an online business. They are a valuable way to connect with customers and keep them updated on products or services.
Additionally, they can help promote sales and create brand awareness.
See, pages should be regularly updated with fresh content, such as photos, videos, and blog posts. They can also be used to run contests and giveaways.
Customers can Like the page to receive updates in their news feed, and they can also share posts with their friends.
And pages offer a great way to connect with customers and keep them informed about your business.
LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows users to connect with other professionals and businesses.
Do you know what that means?
You can use LinkedIn in Kenya to find new customers, promote products and services, and network with other professionals.
LinkedIn also allows businesses to create a profile page that can be used to promote their business.
And that is why LinkedIn is a great tool for businesses of all sizes.
If you run a team, this is one of the best online business apps in Kenya for you.
Trello is a web-based project management application originally made by Fog Creek Software in 2011. It was spun off as its own company in 2014 and acquired by Atlassian in January 2017.
So, what is the role of Trello in running an online business in Kenya?
Well, this app allows you to create boards with cards that have checklists, due dates, attachments, and more.
You can invite people to collaborate on your boards with you, making it great for team projects.
Plus, there are a ton of integrations with other applications that can make your workflow even smoother.
If you are like most business owners in Kenya, you’re always looking for ways to be more productive and organized.
Chances are, you’ve already heard of Evernote – a cloud-based note taking and organizing application that can help you do just that.
Here are a few ways Evernote can help you run your online business in Kenya:
- Keep track of your ideas. When it comes to online businesses, ideas are key. With Evernote, you can easily keep track of all your great ideas – both big and small.
- Organize your to-do list. Trying to keep track of a lengthy to-do list can be difficult, but with Evernote it’s easy. You can create individual notebooks for each project and then add tasks as needed.
- Store important documents securely.
Skype is a VoIP app that lets you make voice and video calls to other Skype users for free, or to landlines and mobiles at low rates. It also provides conference calling, chat, and file sharing. Skype is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.
The role of Skype in running an online business in Kenya cannot be overemphasized.
Skype helps businesses to keep in touch with their clients, partners, and employees easily and at a low cost.
The app offers features such as voice and video calling, chat, and file sharing that help businesses in Kenya run their operations more smoothly.
In addition, Skype also has a conference call feature that allows businesses to host online meetings with multiple people.
Yes, Skype works great, but I often find myself using Google Hangout more. It is smooth and doesn’t lag a lot.
You can also try Zoom.
11). WhatsApp Business
How can we miss mentioning WhatsApp?
WhatsApp is a popular messaging app with over 1.5 billion users. In addition to personal messaging, WhatsApp has added a business app that allows businesses to communicate with their customers.
The app has several features that are helpful for businesses. One feature is the ability to create a profile for your business. This includes adding your business name, description, website, and contact information. You can also add images and stickers to your profile.
Another feature of the WhatsApp Business app is the ability to create messages for customers.
You can create messages for general announcements, special offers, or questions about your product or service. You can also create messages that are specific to each customer by including their name and contact information.
In conclusion, there are a number of online business applications that are gaining popularity in Kenya.
These apps offer a variety of features that can help entrepreneurs run their businesses more effectively.
If you are looking for an online business app to help you grow your business in Kenya, these seven apps are worth considering. | <urn:uuid:f2cdb07e-2ede-4da7-8fe5-fb5dfc29aa12> | {
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"url": "http://truehost.co.ke/online-business-apps-in-kenya/"
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Last updated on September 15th, 2021 at 08:32 am
In this article, you will learn about LiteSpeed VPS in Kenya.
Did you know that 79% of online shoppers who have encountered slow websites and overall poor performance say that they won’t return to the site to buy?
Slow-loading websites discourage readers as well as shoppers and as a result, scares them away never to return.
As a website owner, this doesn’t have to be the case. There is a simple solution to it: LiteSpeed VPS in Kenya.
What is LiteSpeed VPS?
LiteSpeed Virtual Private Server is a web server build to minimize the use of resources without compromising security, performance, convenience, or compatibility.
LiteSpeed VPS is overtaking the old Apache Server as the go-to web server of choice because of its capability to handle more connection requests despite its small memory.
Now, if the speed and performance of your website matter to you (and it should), here are some of the reasons why you should move your site to LiteSpeed web server:
LiteSpeed VPS will improve security
With the rising cases of DDoS and DoS attacks on websites, you need to be running LiteSpeed web servers. This is because these servers can withstand such malicious attacks, unlike Apache servers that crash every time they are attacked.
To withstand attacks, LiteSpeed VPS comes with additional in-built security features such as bandwidth as well as connections throttling.
It will increase performance
Running a website that receives thousands of page loads every second is a headache. This is because sometimes your server experiences a downtime which in turn negatively affects your website’s performance.
To solve this issue, LiteSpeed VPS is recommended since it works best when handling huge traffic.
To do this, LiteSpeed stores the cache of your web content and serves them to the visitor without the need to load.
Additionally, it comes with custom PHP LSAPI, a technology that improves the performance of PHP.
LiteSpeed VPS in Kenya is a perfect replacement for Apache
If your website is currently running on the Apache server, and looking to speed things up, LiteSpeed VPS is your solution.
This webserver is 100% compatible with Apache servers making your migration easier and smooth.
This webserver is more effective
LiteSpeed, though not free, is more cost-effective than any other web server in the world.
This is because it is faster in serving content and uses less CPU which means if you are running a website that receives heavy traffic, you are saving hosting costs.
How can I get LiteSpeed webserver?
If you are looking for a virtual personal server that will make your website fast, more secure, and full-time availability? Follow this link to view our affordable plans. | <urn:uuid:31e0f7bb-159a-4564-9009-a97efbd575d4> | {
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"url": "http://truehost.co.ke/why-you-should-move-your-site-to-litespeed-vps/"
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Last updated on December 1st, 2020 at 05:34 pm
In this article, we cover and examine the six types of SSL Certificates available to website owners and how to get one for your website. We also explain how to get some of the cheapest and most reliable SSL certificates in Nigeria.
SSL certificates protect your site and make your online reputation grow. In order for your site to work properly, it stores all of your website details and information on a server. When you buy an SSL certificate you also get a digital certificate that protects your online stored data.
Most companies offering domain registration and web hosting also offer SSL certificates in Nigeria for businesses and individuals. This article will help you understand the different types of SSL certificates in order to help you choose the one that fits your business the most.
There are many categories and types of SSL certificates however and each type was created to suit specific situations. SSL certificates can be classified by their functionality and by their validation levels.
Types of SSL Certificates by Functionality
There are four different types of SSL certificates when it comes to functionality:
Single domain SSL Certificate
As the name suggests, a single-domain SSL certificate can only be used on a single domain or IP. This is considered the default SSL certificate type. The DV SSL type is available at all validation levels.
Multi-Domain certificates can secure up to 100 different domain names and subdomains using a single certificate which helps save time and money. You have control of the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field to add, change, and delete any of the SANs as needed. Domain Validated, Organization Validated, Extended Validated, and Wildcard SSL types are available as well.
A Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate is fabricated with combined features of both wildcard and multi-domain SSL certificates.
Types of SSL Certificates by Validation Level
There are three different validation levels associated with SSL certificates. They represent three different degrees of authentication, with simple domain control validation on one end of the spectrum and a thorough business vetting on the other end. Here are the three validation types:
DV SSL Certificates are fully supported and share the same browser recognition with OV SSL, but come with the advantage of being issued almost immediately and without the need to submit company paperwork. This makes DV SSL ideal for businesses needing low-cost SSL quickly and without the effort of submitting company documents.
Organization Validated (OV)
The Organization Validation SSL certificate’s primary purpose is to encrypt the user’s sensitive information during transactions. This version of SSL certificate has a high assurance similar to the EV SSL certificate, which is used to validate a business’ creditably. This SSL certificate type also displays the website owner’s information in the address bar to help distinguish from malicious sites. OV SSL certificates are the second-highest in price
Extended Validation (EV)
With an EV SSL, the Certificate Authority (CA) checks the right of the applicant to use a specific domain name plus, it conducts a thorough vetting of the organization. They show the highest level of verification of Organization and takes longer to issue (3-5 days) due to the validation process.
Introducing TrueHost Cloud – the provider of the cheapest SSL certificates in Nigeria
TrueHost Cloud is one of the most sought-after web hosting companies in Nigeria. This is because it offers the cheapest packages in web hosting, domain name registration and SSL certificates in Nigeria. TrueHost, however, is not only affordable, but it is also reliable and very easy to use.
TrueHost Cloud Nigeria focuses on providing web hosting, registering domains and SSL certificates in Nigeria. It is very affordable and very reliable. On top of that, TrueHost is really concerned about the businesses it is working with. | <urn:uuid:295df89b-6ad5-4448-a019-4d281b59066b> | {
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"language": "en",
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"url": "http://truehost.ng/are-there-different-types-of-ssl-certificates/"
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We collect information from you when you register on our site and gather data when you participate in the forum by reading, writing, and evaluating the content shared here.
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We will make a good faith effort to:
- Retain server logs containing the IP address of all requests to this server no more than 90 days.
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Yes. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow). These cookies enable the site to recognize your browser and, if you have a registered account, associate it with your registered account.
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our site, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.
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This document is CC-BY-SA. It was last updated May 31, 2013. | <urn:uuid:5783c68c-cc39-4893-be5d-dad46c50cdf4> | {
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Corruption of the Civil Law and Remedies by Jack Kettler
Corruption of the law can refer to legal corruption, which refers to the abuse of power by public officials or politicians that is unethical or outright instituting wicked practices, as seen in the bullet list below. Such an idea is not a foreign concept in the Scriptures.
“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?” (Psalm 94:20)
“Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed.” (Isaiah 10:1)
The above passages highlight the conflict between man-made laws and divine laws. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had more than 600 man-made laws they were required to obey, but God’s laws for the world are found in the Bible.
In the case of Israel, as seen above, justice had been corrupted, and man’s manufactured law, instead of being in accord with God’s Law, Israel had become opposed to it. Man’s law was working towards injustice and unrighteousness. This corruption seemed unbearable because the rulers of the day claimed to be acting according to the law, seeking to hide their unrighteousness under the cover of the law.
While both passages deal with the corruption of law in the Psalmist's and Isaiah's day, the problem is just as pronounced now. One example is how wicked leaders use the machinery of the law to crush and ruin their opponents and advance their interests.
The Western world law codes are based upon biblical law:
The influence of biblical law on Western legal systems is a topic of much debate. While it is true that the Ten Commandments and other directives contained in the Pentateuch of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures have informed our notions of right and wrong, some would argue that it is difficult to say to what extent they have influenced Western law codes.
That being said, Christianity has had a profound impact on Western culture, and the rule of law, in particular, has profoundly influenced virtually everything that makes the West unique. The societies where the rule of law exists are the societies that hold a belief in a divine lawgiver standing over and above his creation as judge and jury. Historically, the rule of law prevails, whereas monotheistic Christianity shapes the consensus worldview.
Christianity has played a significant role in shaping Western culture and its legal systems. Law codes did not arise in a void absent from the influence of a worldview.
For example, to name first, and second-degree murder, manslaughter, rape, self-defense, restitution, bearing false witness, kidnapping, adultery, fornication, laws of inheritance, and crimes of passion. The modern-day application of eternal principles from the Old Covenant is one of the many aspects of the Judeo/Christian worldview that has made an indelible impact on the law codes of modern nations.
Examples of modern-day governmental corruption of the law:
• Favored status for sexual deviants
• Putting debt upon future generations
• Favored status for the pagan religion of Mohammedism
• Failure to follow its own laws
• A Two-Tiered Justice System
• Banning biblical truth from the public square
• Intrusion into the marketplace, creating financial bubbles (housing, stock market) that burst
• Pagan indoctrination of children in government schools
• Political public lying
• Anti-Christian foreign policy
• Confiscatory levels of taxation or theft by the government
• Onerous levels of regulatory abuse
• Debasing the currency
• Corruption and mistrust of elections
• The rise of police state tyranny
What should Christians do when civil authorities make unjust laws? Like the Psalmist, believers should pray:
“Pronounce them guilty, O God! Let them fall by their own counsels; Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled against You.” (Psalms 5:1)
“When he is judged, let him be found guilty, and let his prayer become sin. Let his days be few, and let another take his office.” (Psalms 109:7-8)
“His trouble shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown.” (Psalms 7:16)
“Break the arm of the wicked and evildoer; call his wickedness to account till you find none.” (Psalms 10:15)
“O God, break the teeth in their mouths; tear out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord! Let them vanish like water that runs away; when he aims his arrows, let them be blunted. Let them be like the snail that dissolves into slime, like the stillborn child who never sees the sun.” (Psalms 58:6-8)
“Let sinners be consumed from the earth, and let the wicked be no more! Bless the Lord, O my soul! Praise the Lord!” (Psalms 104:35)
“When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2)
The Prophet Isaiah pronounces woe upon wicked rulers:
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
Calvin's comments are correct to the point when the law is perverted:
“20. Wo to them that call evil good. Though some limit this statement to judges, yet if it be carefully examined, we shall easily learn from the whole context that it is general; for, having a little before reproved those who cannot listen to any warnings, he now proceeds with the same reproof. It is evident that men of this sort have always some excuse to plead, and some way of imposing on themselves; and, therefore, there is no end to their reproachful language, when their crimes are brought to light. But here he particularly reproves the insolence of those who endeavor to overthrow all distinction between good and evil.”
“The preposition l (lamed), prefixed to the words good and evil, is equivalent to of; and therefore, the meaning is, they who say of evil, It is good, and of good, It is evil; that is, they who by vain hypocrisy conceal, excuse, and disguise wicked actions, as if they would change the nature of everything by their sophistical arguments, but who, on the contrary deface good actions by their calumnies. These things are almost always joined together, for everyone in whom the fear of God dwells is restrained both by conscience and by modesty from venturing to apologize for his sins, or to condemn what is good and right; but they who have not this fear do not hesitate with the same impudence to commend what is bad and to condemn what is good; which is a proof of desperate wickedness.”
“This statement may be applied to various cases; for if a wo is here pronounced even on private individuals, when they say of evil that it is good, and of good that it is evil, how much more on those who have been raised to any elevated rank, and discharge a public office, whose duty it is to defend what is right and honorable! But he addresses a general reproof to all who flatter themselves in what is evil, and who, through the hatred which they bear to virtue, condemn what is done aright; and not only so, but who, by the subterfuges which they employ for the sake of concealing their own enormities, harden themselves in wickedness. Such persons, the Prophet tells us, act as if they would change light into darkness, and sweet into bitter; by which he means that their folly is monstrous, for it would tend to confound and destroy all the principles of nature. (1) (under-line emphasis mine).”
Some pertinent human observations regarding when the corruption of the law happens:
“When government engages in the involuntary transfer of wealth, that's nothing more than legalized plunder. There is nothing noble or laudatory about it. It is contemptible, evil and profoundly wrong.” - Frederic Bastiat
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“To make no decision in regard to the growth of authoritarian government is already a decision for it.” - Francis A. Schaeffer
“A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“When the Christian is treated as an enemy of the State, his course is very much harder, but it is simpler. I am concerned with the dangers to the tolerated minority; and in the modern world, it may turn out that most intolerable thing for Christians is to be tolerated.” - T.S. Eliot
“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand-fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956
“If there is no final place for civil disobedience, then the government has been made autonomous, and as such, it has been put in the place of the living God.” - Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto
“True spirituality covers all of reality. There are things the Bible tells us to do as absolutes which are sinful- which do not conform to the character of God. But aside from these things the Lordship of Christ covers all of life and all of life equally. It is not only that true spirituality covers all of life, but it covers all parts of the spectrum of life equally. In this sense there is nothing concerning reality that is not spiritual.” - Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto
Courses of action in response to the corruption of the law:
Beyond prayer, we must act positively against public manifestations of evil. Personal sanctification is a given. Christians are called to do more than live in our circle of influence.
The “Lesser Magistrate” and the jury system, if appropriately utilized, can be a powerful bulwark against the evil laws of men:
“If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law.” - Lysander Spooner
“For more than six hundred years — that is, since the Magna Carta in 1215 — there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust, oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating or resisting the execution of such laws.” - Lysander Spooner
The precedent of taking advantage of safeguards found in America’s Republican Social Contract is established by the Apostle Paul:
One of the most well-known examples of Paul asserting his rights as a Roman citizen is when he used the provocatio procedure to move his trial from the jurisdiction of the provincial governor of Judea, Festus, to Rome. This significant move allowed Paul to be tried before Caesar, which was considered a privilege for Roman citizens. The provocatio procedure was a legal right that allowed Roman citizens to appeal to the emperor in cases where they felt that their rights were being violated.
By invoking this right, Paul was able to ensure that he received a fair trial and that his rights were protected:
“Then the chief captain came, and said unto him, Tell me, art thou a Roman? He said, Yea. And the chief captain answered, with a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born.” (Acts 22:27-28)
Today, judges never inform a jury of their right to nullify unjust laws, which is a perversion of the law itself by judges. In reality, today, if a judge suspects a juror knows of this historic right, the juror will be thrown off the jury.
An example to illustrate the importance of a Juror’s right to judge the law:
Imagine a King making a law that whenever a person hears the King’s name, they must fall and kiss the ground, and if not, the offense is the death penalty. A properly informed juror would conclude that an individual may have broken the law but, since the law was unjust, refuse to convict.
Today, citizens may be ignorant of the power of a juror; historically, this was not so considering the Magna Carta.
The Magna Carta, the Great Charter, is a medieval document signed by King John of England in 1215. It was created to address the grievances of the English barons against the king’s arbitrary rule and to protect their rights and privileges. The Magna Carta established that everyone, including the king, is subject to the law. It also established the right to a fair trial and due process of law. English Common Law exists because of the Magna Carta.
The Magna Carta is considered one of the most significant legal documents in history and has influenced many constitutional documents worldwide, including the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, the title page of the 1774 “Journal of The Proceedings of The Continental Congress” features an image of 12 arms grasping a column on whose base is written “Magna Carta.” The image was probably included to accentuate the importance of the Magna Carta in establishing the rights and freedoms of English colonists in America, sometimes referred to as English Common Law. The Magna Carta cannot be understood apart from a biblical view of history; the document did not arise in a theologically free void. The Judeo/Christian worldview is unmistakably the source.
Before the Magna Carta, King Alfred of the Anglo-Saxons reigned from 886 until 899. King Alfred's law code is of particular interest. In the prologue to Alfred's law code, one finds the Ten Commandments of Moses, and Alfred’s code incorporated rules of life from the Mosaic Code, which became what is known as the English Common Law.
Building on the Magna Carta, consider the Tenth Amendment:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Nullification logically is built upon the Tenth Amendment:
The states come first! The states created the Union. Therefore, under the doctrine of nullification, and since the states are the foundation of the Union, they have the power to renounce unconstitutional laws. Ultimate authority resides in the states, not an entity formed by the states.
Nullification maintains that the states have the right to overrule any unconstitutional laws. Nullification is the ultimate check on the balance of power and removes power from the Supreme Court and the federal government and its agencies in extreme cases.
In essence, some states, before ratifying the Constitution, maintained that they had the right to leave the Union. For example, Virginia made the right to secede from the Union unambiguous in their agreement to sign the Constitution.
Consider the following selection from Virginia’s delegation:
“We the Delegates of the People of Virginia duly elected in pursuance of a recommendation from the General Assembly and now met in Convention having fully and freely investigated and discussed the proceedings of the Federal Convention and being prepared as well as the most mature deliberation hath enabled us to decide thereon Do in the name and in behalf of the People of Virginia declare and make known that the powers granted under the Constitution being derived from the People of the United States may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression and that every power not granted thereby remains with them and at their will: that therefore no right of any denomination can be cancelled abridged restrained or modified by the Congress by the Senate or House of Representatives acting in any Capacity by the President or any Department or Officer of the United States except in those instances in which power is given by the Constitution for those purposes.”
The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798-99 was a series of resolutions passed by the state legislature protesting the Alien and Sedition Acts. Thomas Jefferson drafted the Kentucky Resolutions. Virginia passed similar resolutions drafted by James Madison. These resolutions were a protest against what Jefferson and Madison wisely considered a dangerous usurpation of power by the federal government.
The Kentucky Resolution of 1799 was the most radical of the resolutions and asserted that states had the power to nullify the laws of the federal government:
“The representatives of the good people of this commonwealth [of Kentucky], in General Assembly convened, have maturely considered the answers of sundry states in the Union, to [the ongoing debate and discussion of] ... certain unconstitutional laws of Congress, commonly called the Alien and Sedition Laws, would be faithless, indeed, to themselves and to those they represent, were they silently to acquiesce in the principles and doctrines attempted to be maintained.... Our opinions of these alarming measures of the general government, together with our reasons for those opinions, were detailed with decency, and with temper and submitted to the discussion and judgment of our fellow-citizens throughout the Union.... Faithful to the true principles of the federal Union, unconscious of any designs to disturb the harmony of that Union, and anxious only to escape the fangs of despotism, the good people of this commonwealth are regardless of censure or calumniation. Lest, however, the silence of this commonwealth should be construed into an acquiescence in the doctrines and principles advanced... therefore,”
“Resolved, That this commonwealth considers the federal Union, upon the terms and for the purposes specified in... [the Constitution], conducive to the liberty and happiness of the several states: That it does now unequivocally declare its attachment to the Union, and to that compact... and will be among the last to seek its dissolution: That if those who administer the general government be permitted to transgress the limits fixed by that compact [the Constitution], by a total disregard to the special delegations of power therein contained, an annihilation of the state governments... will be the inevitable consequence: [That the construction of the Constitution argued for by many] state legislatures, that the general government is the exclusive judge of the extant of the powers delegated to it, stop not short of despotism - since the discretion of those who administer the government, and not the Constitution, would be the measure of their powers: That the several states who formed that instrument [the Constitution] being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of the infraction; and, That a nullification of those sovereignties, of all unauthorized acts done under the color of that instrument is the rightful remedy: That this commonwealth does, under the most deliberate reconsideration, declare, that the said Alien and Sedition Laws are, in their opinion, palpable violations of the said Constitution.... although this commonwealth, as a party to the federal compact, will bow to the laws of the Union, yet, it does at the same time declare, that it will not now, or ever hereafter, cease to oppose in a constitutional manner, every attempt at what quarter soever offered, to violate that compact.... This commonwealth does now enter against [the Alien and Sedition Acts] in solemn PROTEST.”
Moreover, as seen above, the wording of the Tenth Amendment strongly supports Jefferson's and Madison's view of nullification.
Another modern-day example of restrictions placed upon public servants or officeholders is that employees of the United States Government, including all members of Congress, must take the following oath before assuming elected or appointed office.
5 U.S.C. 3331:
“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.”
The above oath is made before the God of the Bible, similar and historically to the juror swearing an oath before God with their hands on the Bible.
In light of this oath, the breaking of this oath is an act of treason. As noted, the above public oath is made before God. Therefore, the violators are essentially spitting in God’s face when making unjust laws contrary to God’s Word. The Latin equivalent of this phrase, “spitting in God’s face,” is literally “in faciem Dei spuere.”
“If there is no final place for civil disobedience, then the government has been made autonomous, and as such, it has been put in the place of the living God.” - Francis A. Schaeffer
“We are subject to the men who rule over us, but subject only in the Lord. If they command anything against Him let us not pay the least regard to it, nor be moved by all the dignity which they possess as magistrates - a dignity to which no injury is done when it is subordinated to the special and truly supreme power of God.” - John Calvin
A none serious cynical solution, yet to the point:
“The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-bye to the Bill of Rights.” - H. L. Mencken
In closing, from John Calvin, a biblical course of action:
“He was compelled to obey God, and he neglected what the king had ordered in opposition to it. For earthly princes lay aside all their power when they rise up against God, and are unworthy of being reckoned in the number of mankind. We ought rather utterly to defy than to obey them whenever they are so restive and wish to spoil God of his rights, and, as it were, to seize upon his throne and draw him down from heaven.” - Commentary on Daniel 6:22
The English phrase “utterly to defy them” in Latin was conspuere in ipsorum capita, literally: “to spit on their heads.” The present writer understands that this brief quotation, if taken in isolation, does not represent in totality Calvin’s view on submission to governing authorities.
What are the costs of no action?
“If Christianity goes, the whole of our culture goes. Then you must start painfully again, and you cannot put on a new culture ready-made. You must wait for the grass to grow to feed the sheep to give the wool out of which your new coat will be made. You must pass through many centuries of barbarism. We should not live to see the new culture, nor would our great-great-great-grandchildren: and if we did, not one of us would be happy in it.” - T. S. Eliot
There is reason for hope that our efforts can bear fruit because of what is noted by Calvin:
“Men of sound judgment will always be sure that a sense of divinity which can never be effaced is engraved upon men's minds. Indeed, the perversity of the impious, who though they struggle furiously are unable to extricate themselves from the fear of God, is abundant testimony that this conviction, namely, that there is some God, is naturally inborn in all, and is fixed deep within, as it were in the very marrow.” - John Calvin in the Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1
The historic Presbyterian approach of John Knox:
John Knox, a Scottish Protestant preacher, believed in the right of armed resistance against ungodly rulers. In 1558, he wrote a series of pamphlets justifying this stance. He also attacked female rulers as “monstrous” in one of his works. Knox’s views on the roles of both secular and religious authorities were based on his religious beliefs and political authority perspectives. While he was concerned with political influence on the church, his allegiance was not to any mortal being but God.
Therefore, it can be inferred that John Knox believed that ungodly rulers could be removed from office through armed resistance.
Reconciling the differences in approach between Calvin and Knox can be found in the doctrine of the lesser magistrates. It should be noted that Knox sat at the feet of Calvin’s preaching in Geneva.
The Lesser Magistrates must stand up:
Today, the equivalent of Israel’s Judges are the lower magistrates, i.e., governors, judges, sheriffs, county commissioners, and elected representatives. Some on this shortlist have begun to stand up against fed gov tyranny. Pray that many more like Samson of old will stand up for righteousness and freedom and cast off the yoke of the modern-day Philistines and their system of wicked, unbiblical laws!
Those holding to the Judeo/Christian worldview have every right to fight to restore the biblical influence to modern-day civil law codes:
Just like in history, the pagans will fight to keep their dominance in civil law. However, Christians have the advantage since the pagans have a materialistic worldview that leads to nowhere. The materialistic worldview cannot even explain the use of or justify the meaningful discussion of ethics, logic, and the basis for rational scientific research. The best the materialist can appeal to are arbitrary social conventions.
Moreover, the philosophy of non-belief contradicts itself when it claims not to know (uncertainty, agnosticism) and to know (certainty, atheism). Both atheism and agnosticism are two sides of the same coin. Thus, the non-believer is left with contradictory uncertainty and certainty, which are manifestations of his epistemological inability to derive meaningful intelligibility from the materialist’s scheme, an ultimate irrational, meaningless universe.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
1. John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, Isaiah, Volume VII, (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House Reprinted 1979), p 186.
Mr. Kettler has previously published articles in the Chalcedon Report and Contra Mundum. He and his wife, Marea, attend the Westminster, CO, RPCNA Church. Mr. Kettler is the author of 15 books defending the Reformed Faith. Books can be ordered online at Amazon. | <urn:uuid:8d73d4f8-4162-4618-990b-8515b3bd1eb8> | {
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La colonie d'Edna-Star
C'est à Strathcona (aggloméré à Edmonton depuis) que descendaient les émigrants ukrainiens qui se dirigeait vers Edna-Star. Puisque cette colonie était sur la rive droite de la rivière Saskatchewan du Nord, au sud de celle-ci, le colons s'y rendant de Strathcona devait suivre le sentier Victoria sud. Ils voyageaient sur le sentier vers le nord-est (de nos jours, c'est à peu près la voie publique de la Route 14 à la sortie d'Edmonton), passant ce qui est aujourd'hui Clover Bar, Josephburg et Scotford - contournant les collines du Castor (Beaver Hills). En poursuivant, ils passaient brièvement le long du ruisseau des collines du Castor (Beaverhill) (aussi connu comme le crique du Castor ou Beaver) d'où ils arrivaient finalement à la colonie d'Edna-Star. Le premier lot de colonisation d'Ivan Pylypow était près de Scotford et un an plus tard, il déménagea à un autre de l'autre côté du crique du Castor, à environ cinq milles au nord de ce qui est aujourd'hui Lamont.
En 1905, le Chemin de fer du Canadien du Nord est construit environ un mille au sud du hameau qui avait été construit autour du bureau de poste de Star. En conséquence, quelques uns de ses bâtiments ont été déménagés au nouveau hameau de Lamont qui s'érigeait le long de la voie ferrée. Par contre, le bureau de poste de Star resta à la maison de Campbell. En 1928, un branchement du chemin de fer Canadien Pacifique est construit environ un mille au nord du bureau de poste de Star et un nouveau hameau (incluant un bureau de poste) surgit un mille à l'ouest et un mille au nord de l'emplacement du premier bureau de poste.
Un groupe d'ukrainiens est venu au Canada de Nebyliw en 1892. Ils étaient du nombre d'un groupe que Pylypow organisait pour émigrer lors de son retour à Nebyliw au début de 1892. Ils partent pour le Canada pendant que Pylypow subit son premier procès et est emprisonné. Quoique Pylypow et Elenia ont aidé à déclencher la première grande vague de colonisation vers le Canada, et qu'ils ont été les premiers à inscrire leur lot de colonisation (à Lagenburg, Saskatchewan), ils n'ont pas été les premiers colons ukrainiens à prendre des terres au Canada. Il semble que c'est honneur revient à Tychkowsky et Anton Paish. Mais le premier colon ukrainien à obtenir un titre à une terre au Canada est Fedko Fuhr de Rabbit Hill, directement au sud de la ville d'Edmonton. Ceci se fait en 1894.
Les familles Tychkowsky et Anton Paish sont allés directement dans la région d'Edmonton. Les autres sont resté au Manitoba pour gagner de l'argent. À la longue, tous se sont installés dans la région de Beaver Creek (Edna-Star) et de Beaver Lake (Mundare) sauf Jaciw qui est resté au Manitoba. Tychkowsky et Paish ont pris des concessions en 1892 dans la région de Scotford où John Krebs, le collègue de classe de Pylypow, était cultivateur. En 1894, ils ont déménagé à Edna-Star pour rejoindre la colonie d'ukrainiens qui était là.
La colonie d'Edna-Star est connu comme la colonie Nebyliw et considérée par les historiens de l'histoire ukrainienne au Canada comme étant la plus ancienne au pays. Elle était composée de la majorité du grand bloc de colons ukrainiens que nous avons mentionné ci-haut. Le distrit de Chipman où Wasyl Eleniak s'est installé en 1899 fait partie de ce groupe.
La terre dans cette région semble avoir été passablement bonne. L'agent d'immigration C. W. Speere la décrivait ainsi dans un de ses rapports :
I may here say that this is a very fine tract of fertile land, commencing at Edmonton south through the celebrated Clover Bar and Agricola districts on to Fort Saskatchewan, and still on to Victoria, a distance of a hundred miles. The country is perceptibly rolling, almost level, well watered, with occasional streams that have good, deep beds -- also well wooded, although prairie fires have left a great deal of standing dry timber. The timber is principally poplar, with an occasional bluff of spruce. In most places a growth of light scrub covers the surface, but this is no drawback, as it is light, mostly dead and will plow down. The soil is unequalled, and a striking fact is the sameness of the country. Every few miles passing along, one thinks the country improving, if anything, with every acre rich, fertile and desirable; no bad sections, but a grand tact of beautiful land of excellent quality -- such as the kind of country possessed by the Galicians at Edna, and there still remains a number of Townships open for colonization.
Réédition du livre de Marshall A. Nay Trailblazers of Ukrainian Emigration to Canada: Wasyl Eleniak and Ivan Pylypow ave la généreuse autorisation de l'auteur.
- Ivan Pylypow, un Albertain aventureux
- La colonisation ukrainienne
- A Century in Canada gracieuseté du Basilian Fathers Museum.
- Visite touristique en auto des églises ukrainiennes, Star-Edna: Russo-Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration, gracieuseté du CIUS - Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. | <urn:uuid:3ff58eb4-eb51-4826-b224-3a0a58d3516d> | {
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"token_count": 1538,
"url": "http://wayback.archive-it.org/2217/20101208184719/http:/www.abheritage.ca/pasttopresent/fr/settlement/edna_star.html"
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Subsets and Splits