OpenPose Doc - Community-based Projects
Here we expose all projects created with OpenPose by the community and that were shared with us. Do you want to share yours? Simply create a pull request and add to this file your demo and a description of it!
- ROS OpenPose: ROS wrapper for OpenPose
- Hand gesture classification application - OpenHand: Third-party application that eases hand keypoints datasets creation and real-time hand gesture classification. You can deploy your own Neural Network classification model on top of OpenPose and play with it in real-time through a GUI!
- Integrated to Huggingface Spaces with Gradio. See demo:
- RealSense2OpenPose3D: Use an Intel RealSense RGB-D camera to add depth to OpenPose. Generates JSON files with 3D keypoints.
Disclaimer: We do not support any of these projects, we are simply exposing them. GitHub issues or questions about those will result in strict user bans and the posts being deleted.