Multi-turn Chat History Management
Hey Team,
I'm finding hard to properly integrate chat history as shown in the Molmo Chat WebPage.
Would be great if you could help me out with this, :>)
chat_history = []
while True:
print(f"{color_b}************ Enter Your Input Query: *****************{reset}")
input_query = input()
query_text = input_query + "\n"+ f"{chat_history}" if chat_history else input_query
if input_query == exit_trigger:
print(f"{color_r}**************************Exiting Molmo Chat!***************************{reset}")
inputs = processor.process(images=ip_img, text=query_text)
# Move inputs to the correct device and create a batch of size 1
inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()}
# Generate output; maximum 200 new tokens; stop generation when <|endoftext|> is generated
output = model.generate_from_batch(
inputs, GenerationConfig(max_new_tokens=500, stop_strings="<|endoftext|>"), tokenizer=processor.tokenizer
# Only get generated tokens; decode them to text
generated_tokens = output[0, inputs["input_ids"].size(1) :]
generated_text = processor.tokenizer.decode(generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True)
# Print the generated text
# format_chat = f"Previous Query: {query_text}\nYour Previous Response: {generated_text}"
format_chat = {
"Previous Query": input_query,
"Previous Model Response": generated_text
chat_history = save_history(chat_history, save_text = format_chat, remove_prev_str = False)
def save_history(chat_history, save_text: str = '', remove_prev_str: bool = False, remove_len: int = 1):
chat_history = [save_text]+chat_history
if remove_prev_str:
for _ in range(remove_len):
return chat_history
Can anyone clarify where i'm doing wrong, or what's the right approach to have Conversation Memory
They way this is usually done is with a list of JSONs e.g.:
conversation = [{"role": "user", "content": "My message 1"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "answer 1"}, {"role": "user", "content": "My message 2"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "answer 2"}...]
And then you use a chat_template, which you can add to the tokenizer or processor, to take care of structuring it into a tokenizable conversation and do the tokenization. Like this:
query_text = processor.apply_chat_template(conversation, tokenize=False)
And then you can tokenize the way you did before:
inputs = processor.process(images=ip_img, text=query_text)
Your chat template and conversation format have to match and ideally it also matches what the model was tuned for. Since this one is Qwen based, I would recommend trying the Qwen chat template in case this processor and tokenizer do not have one.