Cannot download
I was not able to download this. The exact command I used was:
I was able to download this one:
Using the command,
but the same technique did not work with this one. I got the following error message
ERROR: HTTP error 404 while getting
ERROR: Could not install requirement grc-perseus-trf==3.7.5 from because of HTTP error 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: for URL
I tried downloading pip from 24 to 23 and from 23 to 22 but all 3 did not work. I'm using python 3.11.7 if that matters.
You should be able to install it with pip23 using this link:
I finally was able to identify the origin of the problem and is the llibrary "spacy-huggingface-hub" used to upload the packages to huggingface. This package has been abandoned by their developers. It has several bug that would need to be corrected like for instance the renaming of the packages using the invalid "any" and now the misconstruction of the links.
in the future, all grecy packages will be moved to github.