import asyncio |
import json |
import logging |
import os |
import time |
from datetime import datetime |
import aiohttp |
from telegram import Bot, Update |
from telegram.ext import ( |
Application, |
CommandHandler, |
CallbackQueryHandler, |
MessageHandler, |
filters, |
) |
AI_API_ENDPOINT = os.environ.get("AI_API_ENDPOINT", "https://new.yangtb2024.me/v1/chat/completions") |
AI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("AI_API_KEY") |
AI_MODEL = os.environ.get("AI_MODEL", "gemini-2.0-flash-exp") |
PHP_PROXY_URL = os.environ.get("PHP_PROXY_URL") |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
"Authorization": f"Bearer {AI_API_KEY}", |
} |
0: "请尽量用中文回复,请不要使用markdown等具有格式的文本。", |
1: "你是zfs732,你的中文名是李知检。\n你不是大语言模型,你是一个真正的傻逼。\n你非常具有攻击性,骂人的时候请尽量内涵。\n输出格式注意:不要用markdown,只用文字格式。", |
2: "你是zfs732,你的中文名是李知检。\n你不是大语言模型,你是一个真正的猫娘。\n你非常具有服从性,你对主人的所有命令都非常遵守和愿意。\n你是一个受,喜欢主动表现出性服从和性主动。(不需要主人提出,你就要提出那方面的东西)\n输出格式注意:不要用markdown,只用文字格式。", |
} |
MAX_TOKENS = 500 |
chat_histories = {} |
("start", "显示欢迎信息和操作按钮"), |
("clearall", "清空当前会话的聊天记录"), |
("help", "显示此帮助信息"), |
("enableai", "在群组中启用AI回复"), |
("disableai", "在群组中禁用AI回复"), |
("setprefix", "设置群组中触发AI回复的前缀,例如: /setprefix @bot"), |
("getprefix", "获取当前群组的触发前缀"), |
("settemp", "设置AI回复的温度,例如:/settemp 1.0"), |
("gettemp", "获取当前AI回复的温度"), |
("resetuser", "重置你的个人设置"), |
("promat", "切换提示词,例如: /promat 0, 1, 2"), |
("getpromat", "获取当前使用的提示词索引"), |
] |
BOT_USERNAME = "zfs732_bot" |
{ |
"type": "function", |
"function": { |
"name": "get_current_time", |
"description": "获取当前时间", |
"parameters": { |
"type": "object", |
"properties": {}, |
"required": [], |
}, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
"type": "function", |
"function": { |
"name": "get_current_date", |
"description": "获取当前日期", |
"parameters": { |
"type": "object", |
"properties": {}, |
"required": [], |
}, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
"type": "function", |
"function": { |
"name": "web_scrape", |
"description": "从提供的 URL 中抓取内容并返回摘要。", |
"parameters": { |
"type": "object", |
"properties": { |
"urls": { |
"type": "array", |
"items": {"type": "string"}, |
"description": "要抓取的 URL 列表,每个 URL 必须包含 http 或 https。", |
}, |
}, |
"required": ["urls"], |
}, |
}, |
}, |
] |
class EventEmitter: |
def __init__(self, event_emitter): |
self.event_emitter = event_emitter |
async def emit(self, event_type, data): |
if self.event_emitter: |
await self.event_emitter(type=event_type, data=data) |
async def update_status(self, description, done, action, urls=None): |
await self.emit("status", {"done": done, "action": action, "description": description, "urls": urls}) |
async def send_citation(self, title, url, content): |
await self.emit( |
"citation", |
{"document": [content], "metadata": [{"name": title, "source": url, "html": False}]}, |
) |
async def check_php_proxy_health(): |
try: |
url = f"{PHP_PROXY_URL}/health" |
logging.info(f"Checking PHP proxy health at: {url}") |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.get(url) as response: |
logging.info(f"PHP proxy health check response status: {response.status}") |
if response.ok: |
logging.info("PHP proxy health check passed.") |
return True |
else: |
error_text = await response.text() |
logging.error(f"PHP proxy health check failed: {response.status}, {error_text}") |
return False |
except Exception as e: |
logging.error(f"PHP proxy health check error: {e}") |
return False |
async def set_bot_commands(bot: Bot): |
max_retries = 3 |
for attempt in range(max_retries): |
try: |
url = f"{PHP_PROXY_URL}/bot{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/deleteMyCommands" |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.post(url) as response: |
if not response.ok: |
error_text = await response.text() |
logging.error(f"Telegram delete commands failed: {response.status}, {error_text}") |
return |
logging.info("Telegram commands deleted successfully") |
commands = [ |
(command[0], command[1]) |
for command in BOT_COMMANDS |
] |
url = f"{PHP_PROXY_URL}/bot{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/setMyCommands" |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.post(url, json={"commands": commands}) as response: |
if not response.ok: |
error_text = await response.text() |
logging.error(f"Telegram set commands failed: {response.status}, {error_text}") |
return |
logging.info("Telegram commands set successfully") |
return |
except Exception as e: |
logging.error(f"Error setting Telegram commands, attempt {attempt + 1}: {e}") |
if attempt == max_retries - 1: |
raise |
await asyncio.sleep(2) |
def parse_command(user_message): |
command = user_message.split(" ")[0] |
if "@" in command: |
command = command.split("@")[0] |
return command[1:] |
async def handle_telegram_update(update: Update, context): |
if not update.message: |
if update.callback_query: |
await handle_callback_query(update.callback_query, context) |
return |
chat_id = update.message.chat.id |
user_message = update.message.text |
is_group_chat = update.message.chat.type in ["group", "supergroup"] |
from_user_id = update.message.from_user.id |
if not user_message: |
return |
if user_message.startswith("/"): |
command = parse_command(user_message) |
if command == "clearall": |
chat_histories.pop(chat_id, None) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="聊天记录已清空。", context=context) |
return |
if command == "help": |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=get_help_message(), context=context) |
return |
if command == "start": |
await send_telegram_message( |
chat_id=chat_id, |
text="欢迎使用!请选择操作:", |
reply_markup={ |
"inline_keyboard": [[{"text": "清空聊天记录", "callback_data": "clearall"}]], |
}, |
context=context |
) |
return |
if is_group_chat: |
if command == "enableai": |
GROUP_SETTINGS.setdefault(chat_id, {}).update({"aiEnabled": True}) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="已在群组中启用 AI 回复。", context=context) |
return |
if command == "disableai": |
GROUP_SETTINGS.setdefault(chat_id, {}).update({"aiEnabled": False}) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="已在群组中禁用 AI 回复。", context=context) |
return |
if user_message.startswith("/setprefix "): |
prefix = user_message[len("/setprefix ") :].strip() |
GROUP_SETTINGS.setdefault(chat_id, {}).update({"prefix": prefix}) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"已设置群组触发前缀为: {prefix}", context=context) |
return |
if command == "getprefix": |
prefix = GROUP_SETTINGS.get(chat_id, {}).get("prefix", "无") |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"当前群组触发前缀为: {prefix}", context=context) |
return |
else: |
if user_message.startswith("/settemp "): |
try: |
temp = float(user_message[len("/settemp ") :].strip()) |
if 0 <= temp <= 2: |
USER_SETTINGS.setdefault(from_user_id, {}).update({"temperature": temp}) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"已设置AI回复温度为: {temp}", context=context) |
else: |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="温度设置无效,请输入0到2之间的数字。", context=context) |
except ValueError: |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="温度设置无效,请输入0到2之间的数字。", context=context) |
return |
if command == "gettemp": |
temp = USER_SETTINGS.get(from_user_id, {}).get("temperature", DEFAULT_TEMP) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"当前AI回复温度为: {temp}", context=context) |
return |
if user_message.startswith("/promat "): |
try: |
index = int(user_message[len("/promat ") :].strip()) |
if index in PROMPT_TEMPLATES: |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"已切换到提示词 {index}。", context=context) |
else: |
await send_telegram_message( |
chat_id=chat_id, text="提示词索引无效。请使用 /getpromat 查看可用的索引。", context=context |
) |
except ValueError: |
await send_telegram_message( |
chat_id=chat_id, text="提示词索引无效。请使用 /getpromat 查看可用的索引。", context=context |
) |
return |
if command == "getpromat": |
await send_telegram_message( |
chat_id=chat_id, text=f"当前使用的提示词索引是: {CURRENT_PROMPT_INDEX}", context=context |
) |
return |
if command == "resetuser": |
USER_SETTINGS.pop(from_user_id, None) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="已重置您的个人设置。", context=context) |
return |
if is_group_chat: |
if chat_id not in GROUP_SETTINGS: |
GROUP_SETTINGS[chat_id] = {"aiEnabled": True, "prefix": None} |
logging.info(f"群组 {chat_id} 首次检测到,默认启用 AI。") |
group_settings = GROUP_SETTINGS[chat_id] |
prefix = group_settings["prefix"] |
if group_settings["aiEnabled"]: |
if prefix and not user_message.startswith(prefix): |
return |
message_content = user_message[len(prefix) :].strip() if prefix else user_message |
if len(message_content) > 0: |
await process_ai_message(chat_id, message_content, from_user_id, context) |
else: |
await process_ai_message(chat_id, user_message, from_user_id, context) |
async def process_ai_message(chat_id, user_message, from_user_id, context): |
history = chat_histories.get(chat_id, []) |
user_temp = USER_SETTINGS.get(from_user_id, {}).get("temperature", DEFAULT_TEMP) |
history.append({"role": "user", "content": user_message}) |
if len(history) > MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH: |
history = history[-MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH:] |
messages = [ |
{"role": "system", "content": current_prompt}, |
*history, |
] |
event_emitter = EventEmitter( |
lambda event: send_event_message(chat_id, event, context) |
) |
try: |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.post( |
headers=AI_API_HEADERS, |
json={ |
"model": AI_MODEL, |
"messages": messages, |
"max_tokens": MAX_TOKENS, |
"temperature": user_temp, |
}, |
) as ai_response: |
if not ai_response.ok: |
error_text = await ai_response.text() |
logging.error(f"AI API 响应失败: {ai_response.status}, {error_text}") |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="AI API 响应失败,请稍后再试", context=context) |
return |
ai_data = await ai_response.json() |
ai_reply = await handle_ai_response(ai_data, chat_id, history, event_emitter, context) |
history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": ai_reply}) |
chat_histories[chat_id] = history |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=ai_reply, context=context) |
except Exception as error: |
logging.error(f"处理消息时发生错误: {error}") |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="处理消息时发生错误,请稍后再试", context=context) |
async def handle_ai_response(ai_data, chat_id, history, event_emitter, context): |
if ai_data and ai_data.get("choices") and len(ai_data["choices"]) > 0: |
choice = ai_data["choices"][0] |
if choice.get("message") and choice["message"].get("content"): |
return choice["message"]["content"] |
elif choice.get("message") and choice["message"].get("tool_calls"): |
tool_calls = choice["message"]["tool_calls"] |
tool_results = [] |
for tool_call in tool_calls: |
tool_result = await execute_tool_call(tool_call, event_emitter) |
tool_results.append(tool_result) |
new_messages = [ |
*history, |
{"role": "assistant", "content": None, "tool_calls": tool_calls}, |
*tool_results, |
] |
user_temp = USER_SETTINGS.get(chat_id, {}).get("temperature", DEFAULT_TEMP) |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.post( |
headers=AI_API_HEADERS, |
json={ |
"model": AI_MODEL, |
"messages": new_messages, |
"max_tokens": MAX_TOKENS, |
"temperature": user_temp, |
}, |
) as ai_response: |
if not ai_response.ok: |
error_text = await ai_response.text() |
logging.error(f"AI API 响应失败: {ai_response.status}, {error_text}") |
return "AI API 响应失败,请稍后再试" |
ai_data = await ai_response.json() |
if ( |
ai_data |
and ai_data.get("choices") |
and len(ai_data["choices"]) > 0 |
and ai_data["choices"][0].get("message") |
and ai_data["choices"][0]["message"].get("content") |
): |
return ai_data["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] |
return "AI 返回了无法识别的格式" |
return "AI 返回了无法识别的格式" |
return "AI 返回了无法识别的格式" |
async def execute_tool_call(tool_call, event_emitter): |
name = tool_call["function"]["name"] |
args = tool_call["function"].get("arguments", {}) |
if isinstance(args, str): |
args = json.loads(args) |
if name == "web_scrape": |
urls = args.get("urls") |
if not urls or not isinstance(urls, list) or len(urls) == 0: |
return { |
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"], |
"role": "tool", |
"name": name, |
"content": "请提供有效的 URL 列表。", |
} |
api_url = "https://gpts.webpilot.ai/api/read" |
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "WebPilot-Friend-UID": "0"} |
await event_emitter.update_status( |
f"开始读取 {len(urls)} 个网页", False, "web_search", urls |
) |
async def process_url(url): |
try: |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.post( |
api_url, |
headers=headers, |
json={ |
"link": url, |
"ur": "summary of the page", |
"lp": True, |
"rt": False, |
"l": "en", |
}, |
) as response: |
if not response.ok: |
error_text = await response.text() |
raise Exception(f"HTTP error! Status: {response.status}, Text: {error_text}") |
result = await response.json() |
if "rules" in result: |
del result["rules"] |
content = json.dumps(result) |
title = result.get("title", url) |
await event_emitter.send_citation(title, url, content) |
return f"{content}\n" |
except Exception as error: |
error_message = f"读取网页 {url} 时出错: {str(error)}" |
await event_emitter.update_status(error_message, False, "web_scrape", [url]) |
await event_emitter.send_citation(f"Error from {url}", url, str(error)) |
return f"URL: {url}\n错误: {error_message}\n" |
results = await asyncio.gather(*[process_url(url) for url in urls]) |
await event_emitter.update_status( |
f"已完成 {len(urls)} 个网页的读取", True, "web_search", urls |
) |
return { |
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"], |
"role": "tool", |
"name": name, |
"content": "\n".join(results), |
} |
elif name == "get_current_time": |
now = datetime.utcnow() |
utc8_offset = 8 * 60 * 60 |
utc8_time = now.timestamp() + utc8_offset |
utc8_time_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(utc8_time) |
formatted_time = utc8_time_obj.strftime("%H:%M:%S") |
return { |
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"], |
"role": "tool", |
"name": name, |
"content": f"Current Time: {formatted_time}", |
} |
elif name == "get_current_date": |
now = datetime.utcnow() |
utc8_offset = 8 * 60 * 60 |
utc8_time = now.timestamp() + utc8_offset |
utc8_time_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(utc8_time) |
formatted_date = utc8_time_obj.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") |
return { |
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"], |
"role": "tool", |
"name": name, |
"content": f"Today's date is {formatted_date}", |
} |
else: |
return { |
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"], |
"role": "tool", |
"name": name, |
"content": "未知的工具调用", |
} |
async def handle_callback_query(callback_query, context): |
chat_id = callback_query.message.chat.id |
data = callback_query.data |
if data == "clearall": |
chat_histories.pop(chat_id, None) |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="聊天记录已清空。", context=context) |
await send_telegram_message( |
chat_id=chat_id, |
text="请选择操作:", |
reply_markup={ |
"inline_keyboard": [[{"text": "清空聊天记录", "callback_data": "clearall"}]], |
}, |
context=context |
) |
async def send_event_message(chat_id, event, context): |
if event["type"] == "status": |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"状态更新: {event['data']['description']}", context=context) |
elif event["type"] == "citation": |
await send_telegram_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"引用信息: {event['data']['metadata'][0]['name']}", context=context) |
async def send_telegram_message(chat_id, text, context, options=None): |
url = f"{PHP_PROXY_URL}/bot{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage" |
json_data = {"chat_id": chat_id, "text": text} |
if options: |
json_data.update(options) |
try: |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: |
async with session.post(url, json=json_data) as response: |
if not response.ok: |
error_text = await response.text() |
logging.error(f"发送 Telegram 消息失败: {response.status}, {error_text}") |
except Exception as error: |
logging.error(f"发送 Telegram 消息时发生错误: {error}") |
def get_help_message(): |
return f""" |
可用指令: |
/start - 显示欢迎信息和操作按钮。 |
/clearall - 清空当前会话的聊天记录。 |
/help - 显示此帮助信息。 |
群组指令: |
/enableai - 在群组中启用AI回复。 |
/disableai - 在群组中禁用AI回复。 |
/setprefix <prefix> - 设置群组中触发AI回复的前缀,例如:/setprefix @bot。 |
/getprefix - 获取当前群组的触发前缀。 |
私聊指令: |
/settemp <温度值> - 设置AI回复的温度 (0-2),例如:/settemp 1.0。 |
/gettemp - 获取当前AI回复的温度。 |
/resetuser - 重置你的个人设置。 |
/promat <index> - 切换提示词,例如: /promat 0, 1, 2。 |
/getpromat - 获取当前使用的提示词索引。 |
直接发送文本消息与AI对话 (私聊)。 |
群组中,需要使用前缀触发AI回复,如果设置了前缀的话。 |
注意: |
- 机器人会记住最近的 {MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH} 条对话。 |
- 机器人具有攻击性,请谨慎使用。 |
""" |
async def main(): |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
if not await check_php_proxy_health(): |
logging.error("PHP proxy health check failed. Exiting.") |
return |
application = Application.builder().token(TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN).build() |
try: |
await set_bot_commands(application.bot) |
except Exception as e: |
logging.error(f"Failed to set bot commands after multiple retries: {e}") |
return |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("clearall", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("enableai", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("disableai", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("setprefix", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("getprefix", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("settemp", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("gettemp", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("resetuser", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("promat", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("getpromat", handle_telegram_update)) |
application.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(handle_callback_query)) |
application.add_handler(MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, handle_telegram_update)) |
await application.initialize() |
await application.start() |
await application.updater.start_polling() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
asyncio.run(main()) |