import TerserPlugin from "terser-webpack-plugin"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import path from "path"; import fs from "fs"; const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); /** * Plugin to post-process build files. Required to solve certain issues with ESM module output. * See for more information. * * @see */ class PostBuildPlugin { apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.done.tap('PostBuildPlugin', () => { const dist = path.join(__dirname, 'dist'); const ORT_JSEP_FILE = 'ort-wasm-simd-threaded.jsep.mjs'; const ORT_BUNDLE_FILE = 'ort.bundle.min.mjs'; // 1. Remove unnecessary files { const file = path.join(dist, ORT_BUNDLE_FILE); if (fs.existsSync(file)) fs.unlinkSync(file); } // 2. Copy unbundled JSEP file { const src = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/onnxruntime-web/dist', ORT_JSEP_FILE); const dest = path.join(dist, ORT_JSEP_FILE); fs.copyFileSync(src, dest); } // 3. Replace strings in certain files { const files = ['transformers.js', 'transformers.min.js']; for (const file of files) { const filePath = path.join(dist, file); let content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); content = content.replace( // Replace all instances of `new URL("./", import.meta.url)` with `new URL(import.meta.url)`, // as it causes several issues with build tools and bundlers. // // See the following issues for more information: // - // - // - // - // - new RegExp('new URL\\(["\']\\.\\\/["\'],\\s*import\\.meta\\.url\\)', 'gm'), "new URL(import.meta.url)", ); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, 'utf8'); } } }); } } /** * Helper function to create webpack configurations. * @param {Object} options Options for creating a webpack target. * @param {string} Name of output file. * @param {string} options.suffix Suffix of output file. * @param {string} options.type Type of library. * @param {string} options.ignoreModules The list of modules to ignore. * @param {string} options.externalModules The list of modules to set as external. * @param {Object[]} options.plugins List of plugins to use. * @returns {import('webpack').Configuration} One webpack target. */ function buildConfig({ name = "", suffix = ".js", type = "module", // 'module' | 'commonjs' ignoreModules = [], externalModules = [], plugins = [], } = {}) { const outputModule = type === "module"; const alias = Object.fromEntries( => [module, false]), ); /** @type {import('webpack').Configuration} */ const config = { mode: "development", devtool: "source-map", entry: { [`transformers${name}`]: "./src/transformers.js", [`transformers${name}.min`]: "./src/transformers.js", }, output: { filename: `[name]${suffix}`, path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"), library: { type, }, assetModuleFilename: "[name][ext]", chunkFormat: "module", }, optimization: { minimize: true, minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ test: new RegExp(`\\.min\\${suffix}$`), // Do not bundle with comments. // See for more information. terserOptions: { output: { comments: false, }, }, extractComments: false, }), ], }, experiments: { outputModule, }, resolve: { alias }, externals: externalModules, // Development server devServer: { static: { directory: __dirname, }, port: 8080, }, plugins, }; if (outputModule) { config.module = { parser: { javascript: { importMeta: false, }, }, }; } else { config.externalsType = "commonjs"; } return config; } // Do not bundle onnxruntime-web when packaging for Node.js. // Instead, we use the native library (onnxruntime-node). const NODE_IGNORE_MODULES = ["onnxruntime-web"]; // Do not bundle the following modules with webpack (mark as external) // NOTE: This is necessary for both type="module" and type="commonjs", // and will be ignored when building for web (only used for node/deno) const NODE_EXTERNAL_MODULES = [ "onnxruntime-node", "sharp", "fs", "path", "url", ]; // Web-only build const WEB_BUILD = buildConfig({ type: "module", plugins: [new PostBuildPlugin()], }); // Node-compatible builds const NODE_BUILDS = [ buildConfig({ suffix: ".mjs", type: "module", ignoreModules: NODE_IGNORE_MODULES, externalModules: NODE_EXTERNAL_MODULES, }), buildConfig({ suffix: ".cjs", type: "commonjs", ignoreModules: NODE_IGNORE_MODULES, externalModules: NODE_EXTERNAL_MODULES, }), ]; // When running with `webpack serve`, only build the web target. const BUILDS = process.env.WEBPACK_SERVE ? [WEB_BUILD] : [WEB_BUILD, ...NODE_BUILDS]; export default BUILDS;