from crewai import Task # Function to create tasks based on user inputs def create_tasks(func_call,user_question,file_name, data_upload, df, suggestion, edited_code, debugger, agents): info = tasks = [] if(func_call == "Process"): tasks.append(Task( description=f"Clarify the ML problem: {user_question}", agent=agents["Problem_Definition_Agent"], expected_output="A clear and concise definition of the ML problem." ) ) if data_upload: tasks.extend([ Task( description=f"Evaluate the data provided by the file name . This is the data: {df}", agent=agents["EDA_Agent"], expected_output="An assessment of the EDA and preprocessing like dataset info, missing value, duplication, outliers etc. on the data provided" ), Task( description=f"Feature Engineering on data {df} based on EDA output: {info}", agent=agents["Feature_Engineering_Agent"], expected_output="An assessment of the Featuring Engineering and preprocessing like handling missing values, handling duplication, handling outliers, feature encoding, feature scaling etc. on the data provided" ) ]) tasks.extend([ Task( description="Suggest suitable ML models.", agent=agents["Model_Recommendation_Agent"], expected_output="A list of suitable ML models." ), Task( description=f"Generate starter Python code based on feature engineering, where column names are {df.columns.tolist()}. Generate only the code without any extra text", agent=agents["Starter_Code_Generator_Agent"], expected_output="Starter Python code." ), ]) if(func_call == "Modify"): if suggestion: tasks.append( Task( description=f"Modify the already generated code {edited_code} according to the suggestion: {suggestion} \n\n Do not generate entire new code.", agent=agents["Code_Modification_Agent"], expected_output="Modified code." ) ) if(func_call == "Debug"): if debugger: tasks.append( Task( description=f"Debug and fix any errors for data with column names {df.columns.tolist()} with data as {df} in the generated code: {edited_code} \n\n According to the debugging: {debugger}. \n\n Do not generate entire new code. Just remove the error in the code by modifying only necessary parts of the code.", agent=agents["Code_Debugger_Agent"], expected_output="Debugged and successfully executed code." ) ) tasks.append( Task( description = "Your job is to only extract python code from string", agent = agents["Compiler_Agent"], expected_output = "Running python code." ) ) return tasks