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The cosmopolitan delights of Azerbaijan ’s boomtown capital Baku are well known to international oil industry types , so it ’s not surprising that the authoritarian country is heavily promoting itself as a tourist destination . With endless beaches , ancient ruins , snowcapped mountains and the chance of glimpsing the critically endangered Caucasian leopard , the country has plenty to offer visitors . Add mud volcanoes to the mix , and Azerbaijan begins to look like paradise for jaded travelers . Mud volcanos -- typically , small conical mounds that bubble up a clayey slurry -- are n’t as spectacular as Etna or Mount St. Helens , but they are safer to view – normally – and Azerbaijan has more of them than any other country : 344 , according to Adil Aliyev of the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan , co - author of “ What Do We Know About Mud Volcanoes ? ” The most popular place to see mud volcanoes is Gobustan National Park , about 37 miles from Baku . Famous for its ancient petroglyphs , Gobustan is also dotted with small mud volcanoes that can be viewed close up . These geological oddities are generally well - behaved but can occasionally erupt in magnificent bursts of flame . The Lokbatan volcano near Baku belched fire hundreds of feet into the air in 2001 , and its 2012 eruption left a layer of mud spread over an area of two hectares , according to the Geology Institute . Across the Caspian , another energy - rich former Soviet republic is trying to shake off its reputation as one of the world ’s most isolated and repressive countries . Tourism , though , is in its infancy in Turkmenistan . The brand - new luxury hotels of the Avaza beach resort complex , complete with artificial river , are mostly empty , and it ’s a bit disconcerting that the government ’s official resort website is a dead link . Tourists are few , but Turkmenistan swarms with oil and gas experts from all over , especially China , which the two countries recently announced will up its annual gas purchases to 65 billion cubic meters a year by 2016 . Turkmenistan is thought to have the fourth largest gas reserves in the world , and the Galkynysh field that will supply China is the second largest after the South Pars field in the Persian Gulf . And for adventurous tourists , Turkmenistan offers something even more spectacular than mud volcanoes : a “ Door to Hell . ” Set amid the bleak Karakum Desert , this attraction near the village of Derweze , or Darvaza , dates to the 1970s when a sinkhole opened beneath a test well drilled by Soviet geologists . Gas just beneath the surface ignited and has been burning merrily ever since . The ever - burning flames can be invisible by day , but at night they create a truly eerie sight , lighting up the desert for miles around like a giant witches ’ cauldron big enough to swallow an office block . Source : Wikipedia Several local tour operators arrange trips to the crater . Accommodation is in tents , and the evening entertainment consists of , Alignment 4 Alignment 5 Enjoy view to burning gas crater followed next day by enjoy morning view to burning gas crater . But Alignment 11 that ’s not all , according Alignment 11 to one travel agency , which claims that the crater by night becomes an attraction for huge and largely harmless spiders that run into the fire for reasons best known to themselves . ” Presumably they run out again , or you ’d think they ’d be extinct by now . Could Derweze and its spiders have inspired J.R.R. Tolkien to create Shelob , the humongous spider in “ Lord of the Rings ” who guards the way into the land of Mordor and the fiery pit of Mount Doom ? Since Tolkien died in 1973 , it seems unlikely . But in the land whose late dictator erected a 50 - ft golden statue of himself , anything is possible . By Ky Krauthamer of Oilprice.com
There are places on Earth that are a little creepy , places that feel a little haunted and places that are downright hellish . The Darvaza gas crater , nicknamed by locals " The Door to Hell , " or " The Gates of Hell , " definitely falls into the latter category — and its sinister burning flames are just the half of it . Located in the Karakum Desert of central Turkmenistan ( a little over 150 miles from the country 's capital ) the pit attracts hundreds of tourists each year . It also attracts nearby desert wildlife — reportedly , from time to time local spiders are seen plunging into the pit by the thousands , lured to their deaths by the glowing flames . So how did this fiery inferno end up in the middle of a desert in Turkmenistan ? In Alignment 1 1971 , when Alignment 1 the republic was still part of the Soviet Union , a Alignment 1 group of Soviet geologists went to the Karakum in search of oil fields . They found what they thought to be a substantial oil field and began drilling . Unfortunately Alignment 2 for the scientists , they Alignment 2 were drilling Alignment 2 on top of a cavernous pocket of natural gas which could n't support the weight of their equipment . The Alignment 3 site collapsed , taking Alignment 3 their equipment along with it and the event triggered the crumbly sedimentary rock of the desert to collapse in other places too , creating a domino - effect that resulted in several open craters by the time all was said and done . The largest of these craters measures about 230 - feet across and 65 - feet deep . Reportedly , no one was injured in the collapse , but the scientists soon had another problem on their hands : the natural gas escaping from the crater . Natural gas is composed mostly of methane , which , though not toxic , does displace oxygen , making it difficult to breathe . This was n't so much an issue for the scientists , but for the animals that call the Karakum Desert home — shortly after the collapse , animals roaming the area began to die . The escaping methane also posed dangers due to its flammability — there needs to be just five percent methane in the air for an explosion to potentially take place . So Alignment 6 Alignment 8 the scientists decided to light the crater on fire , hoping Alignment 6 Alignment 8 that all the dangerous natural gas would burn away in a few weeks ' time . It 's not as outlandish as it sounds — in oil and natural gas drilling operations , this happens all the time to natural gas that ca n't be captured . Unlike Alignment 7 oil , which can be stored in tanks indefinitely after drilling , natural gas needs to be immediately processed if there 's an excess of natural gas that ca n't be piped to a processing facility , drillers Alignment 7 often burn the natural gas to get rid of it . It 's a process called " flaring , " and it wastes almost a million dollars of worth of natural gas each day in North Dakota alone . But unlike drillers in North Dakota or elsewhere , the scientists in Turkmenistan were n't dealing with a measured amount of natural gas — scientists still do n't know just how much natural gas is feeding the burning crater — so what Alignment 0 Alignment 9 was supposed Alignment 0 Alignment 9 to be a few - week burn has turned into almost a half - century - long desert bonfire . After visiting the crater in 2010 , Turkmenistan 's president Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov , worried that the fire would threaten the country 's ability to develop nearby gas fields , ordered local authorities to come up with a plan for filling the crater in . No action has been taken , however , and the crater continues to burn , attracting unsuspecting wildlife and international tourists . To visit the Darvaza gas crater , it Alignment 10 's best to go at night , when the fire can be seen from miles away . The crater is located about 161 miles ( about a 4 hour drive ) from the Turkmen capital Ashgabat . Tours can be booked through agents in Ashgabat . Alternatively , some companies offer more structured tours of the surrounding area , with the Darvaza crater included ( such as this tour , by The Geographical Society of New South Wales ) .
Alignment 0 A fiery pit has been burning Alignment 0 in the middle of a Turkmenistan desert for Alignment 0 more than four decades , and little has been done to get rid of it . The Alignment 1 Darvaza gas crater , nicknamed the "" Gates of Hell "" or the "" Door to Hell , " has been Alignment 1 on fire since 1971 , when scientists were looking for oil fields in the Karakum Desert , then part of the Soviet Union . The Alignment 2 spot where they began drilling turned out to be a haven for natural gas and the site collapsed under the weight of the drilling gear , Smithsonian Alignment 2 magazine reports . Several Alignment 3 craters were formed Alignment 3 , the Alignment 4 Alignment 3 biggest of which is 230 feet wide and 65 feet deep , and it Alignment 5 was full of methane gas that began killing local animals . So Alignment 6 scientists Alignment 7 decided to burn Alignment 7 the gas away , a Alignment 7 common practice when Alignment 7 unwanted natural gas is sticking around . They Alignment 8 thought it would be gone in a few weeks ; now , more Alignment 9 than 40 years later , it Alignment 9 's still Alignment 9 burning , and experts are n't sure how much gas remains . Officials have called for action to stop the flames , to no avail , the Smithsonian notes . The Alignment 10 spot , which is visible from miles away , has become Alignment 10 a tourist attraction , oilprice.com reports . Visitors Alignment 11 can stay in tents and view Alignment 11 the site — as well as Alignment 11 "" huge and largely harmless spiders "" that hang out nearby .
",495 1,"
Story highlights Two young women went missing after traveling to Syria in late July Some online postings say the video is from al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al - Nusra " I have no doubt that it 's them , " the father of one of the captives tells CNN ( CNN ) The two young women are seen in Islamic garb with only their faces showing . They appear to be seated against a wall . One reads a brief statement in English , which includes : " We are in big danger and we could be killed . " The statement identifies them as Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo . Two young Italian women by those names -- ages 20 and 21 -- went missing and were believed kidnapped after they traveled to Syria in late July . " I have no doubt that it 's them , " Vanessa 's father Salvatore Marzullo told CNN of the video posted online Thursday . Some postings say the video is from al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al - Nusra . One Alignment 1 Alignment 2 of the young women holds a paper suggesting that the video was shot December 17 . Two young women went missing and were believed kidnapped after they traveled to Syria in late July . " We Alignment 3 supplicate our government and its mediators to bring us back home before Christmas . We Alignment 4 are in big danger and we Alignment 5 could be killed Alignment 5 . The Alignment 6 government and its mediators are responsible of our lives , " the Alignment 6 other says , reading Alignment 6 the statement . Read More
A video has emerged of two young Italian women , who were kidnapped in Syria last summer , begging for their lives and warning that they are in “ danger ” of being executed . Wearing black veils , Greta Ramelli , 20 , and Vanessa Marzullo , 21 , tell the camera : “ We are in big danger and we could be killed , ” in the latest hostage crisis to confront the West . The video message , posted on YouTube and thought to be genuine , marks a chilling start to 2015 for their families in Italy , but does at least prove that they are still alive . The two young women , who were working as aid volunteers in Syria , were kidnapped Alignment 0 near Aleppo last Alignment 0 July . They had been in Syria for just a matter of days when they were seized . Before the release of the video message , the Alignment 7 women had last Alignment 7 been seen Alignment 7 on Aug 1 last year . Their captors are believed to be Alignment 9 Jabhat al - Nusra , a branch of al - Qaeda , and not the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( Isil ) , which has beheaded five western hostages . The 23 - second video appears to have been shot on December 17 – one of the young women holds up a piece of paper with 17.12.14 written on it – but only came to light on Thursday . “ We supplicate ( sic ) our government and its mediators to bring us back home before Christmas , ” the young women say in the message . “ The government and its mediators are responsible for our lives . ” Their families were criticised in Italy for allowing their daughters to travel to Syria , but their parents said the women were determined to go . Greta Ramelli ( left ) and Vanessa Marzullo Ms Ramelli ’s mother , Antonella , said that from a young age her daughter had wanted to help others , starting by working in a retirement home when she was 12 . Responding to suggestions that she should not have allowed her daughter to travel to Syria , Mrs Ramelli said : “ When you hear your daughter say ' Mamma , in that country they are killing children , I must go and help , ’ what can you say ? ”
- Il capo coperto dal velo e vestite di nero . In mano un cartello con la data del 17 dicembre 2014 . E un messaggio di 23 secondi in cui dicono di essere Greta Ramelli e Vanessa Marzullo , le due cooperanti italiane rapite in Siria e di cui non si hanno notizie dal 31 luglio scorso . Così , in un video messo su YouTube ieri , 31 dicembre , le due giovani chiedono aiuto per tornare a casa , perché in " grave pericolo " . La Farnesina , però , non conferma l'autenticità delle immagini . " Siamo Greta Ramelli e Vanessa Marzullo , supplichiamo il nostro governo e i suoi mediatori di riportarci a casa prima di Natale . Siamo in grave pericolo e potremmo essere uccise . Il nostro governo e i mediatori sono responsabili delle nostre vite " , dice in inglese con un forte accento italiano la prima delle ragazze , tenendo gli occhi bassi . Le due sarebbero ostaggio dei qaedisti del fronte Jubath al - Nusra e non dei miliziani dello Stato islamico come si era temuto a lungo , come detto da un esponente del gruppo e da un rappresentante dell'Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani . " Non ci sono parole per il video " è stato il commento del papà di Vanessa . " Abbiamo visto quelle immagini , le prime immagini di Vanessa e Greta da mesi , sembra stiano abbastanza bene anche se in una condizione difficile " , ha detto Salvatore Marzullo , che ha aggiunto : " Siamo contenti di averle viste , siamo ottimisti " .. La trattativa è " in una fase delicatissima : consentiteci di lavorare in silenzio " è l'invito che arriva da una fonte dei servizi di informazione e sicurezza . Il video è ritenuto autentico dagli 007 italiani , anche se c'è qualche dubbio sulla data , indicata sul foglio tenuto in mano da una delle ragazze . La Procura . " E ' una fase delicata che deve essere caratterizzata da riservatezza e prudenza " . Così il pm del pool dell'antiterrorismo della procura di Roma , Sergio Colaiocco , che sta procedendo per il reato di sequestro di persona a scopo di terrorismo . Al vaglio del magistrato c'è in particolare il video la cui diffusione " rientra in una situazione articolata e complessa " . In ogni caso , evidenzia il pm Colaiocco , " tutti gli organi dello Stato , procura e Ros in testa , stanno lavorando in assoluta sinergia e nella massima riservatezza per riportare a casa tutti gli italiani ostaggio di gruppi stranieri" . Il fronte al Nusra ha confermato di tenere prigioniere le due ragazze italiane . " E ' vero , abbiamo le due donne italiane ... perché il loro Paese sostiene tutti gli attacchi contro di noi in Siria " , ha detto all'agenzia di stampa tedesca Dpa Abu Fadel , un esponente del gruppo legato ad al Qaeda che opera in Siria e Libano , quando gli è stato chiesto di commentare il video diffuso su Youtube . Anche Rami Abdel Rahman , dell'Osservatorio Siriano per i diritti umani , un gruppo vicino all'opposizione che ha sede a Londra , ha confermato la notizia : " Ho ricevuto informazioni a conferma che al Nusra detiene le due donne italiane rapite alla periferia occidentale di Aleppo " , ha detto all'agenzia Dpa . "Mi auguro che noi , nel riserbo necessario in questi casi , si riesca a riportarle a casa " , ha commentato la presidente della Camera , Laura Boldrini . " Le ragazze mandano un grido di soccorso , un sos , chiedono aiuto . Certo , non sappiamo quanto questo video sia attendibile ma la situazione di queste ragazze è angosciante" . Era il 31 luglio quando si persero le tracce di Vanessa Marzullo e Greta Ramelli , rapite ad Alabsmo , vicino ad Aleppo . Avevano fondato il Progetto Horryaty ed erano entrate tre giorni prima in Siria da Atma , a pochi chilometri di distanza dal campo profughi omonimo . Originarie una di Brembate , nel Bergamasco , e l'altra di Besozzo , nel Varesotto , Vanessa Marzullo e Greta Ramelli erano al loro secondo viaggio in Siria in poco meno di quattro mesi : a marzo , la prima tappa del ' progetto Horryaty ' , le aveva portate a compiere un sopralluogo per capire il da farsi . Marzullo , 21 anni , studia mediazione linguistica e culturale all'Università di Milano , dove ha cominciato a imparare l'arabo oltre all'inglese . Sulla sua pagina Facebook racconta la guerra , mette foto di bombe e bimbi dilaniati , descrive la sua esperienza in Siria : l'ultimo ' post ' risale al 16 luglio scorso . Il 20 settembre la notizia , mai confermata , che sarebbero state vendute due volte ad altri gruppi ma senza finire nelle mani dei jihadisti sunniti dello Stato Islamico ( Is).La notizia veniva dal quotidiano libanese Al - Akhbar ( anti - israeliano e considerato vicino alle milizie sciite di Hezbollah ) , che raccontava come le due giovani fossero state attirate con l'inganno nella '' casa del capo del Consiglio rivoluzionario di Alabsmo '' con il giornalista de Il Foglio , Daniele Ranieri , che era riuscito a scappare .
Alignment 0 Two young Italian aid workers kidnapped in Syria last Alignment 0 summer plead for their lives in a chilling new video released by their captors . Greta Alignment 2 Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo , 20 and 21 years old , are seen wearing Islamic garb in the video , and one Alignment 1 holds up a Alignment 1 piece of paper with the date December 17 , CNN Alignment 2 reports . " We Alignment 3 supplicate our government and its mediators to bring us back home before Christmas , " the Alignment 3 other woman says . " We Alignment 4 are in big danger and we Alignment 5 could be killed Alignment 5 . The Alignment 6 government and its mediators are responsible of our lives . " The Alignment 7 pair were kidnapped just days after arriving in Syria last July and had not been seen since August 1 , the Alignment 7 Telegraph reports . Italian authorities have n't publicly commented on the video , but sources Alignment 8 say they believe it to be genuine . According Alignment 9 to La Repubblica , the Alignment 9 two women are being held Alignment 9 not by ISIS , but Alignment 9 by the al - Qaeda - linked Nusra Front , which says it is keeping them captive because their country supports attacks against it in Syria .
",3380 2,"
Less Alignment 4 than a week after a Hanover newspaper received a ransom letter from the purported thief of the golden emblem of a beloved food company , the Alignment 4 self - styled "" Cookie Monster "" seems to have had a change of heart . The Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung received a second letter from Germany 's most - wanted cookie thief stating that the golden biscuit would be returned . " Because Alignment 5 Werni loves the biscuit as much as I do and now always cries and misses the biscuit so badly , I Alignment 5 'm giving Alignment 5 it back to him ! ! ! " it Alignment 6 reads , ostensibly Alignment 6 in reference to Werner Michael Bahlsen , the head of Bahlsen , which makes the globally successful Liebnitz brand of cookies . The Alignment 3 initial letter demanded , among Alignment 3 other things , that Alignment 3 the company provide the treats to all the rooms at a local children 's hospital if it ever wanted to see the golden cookie again . Bahlsen Alignment 7 CEO Werner Michael Bahlsen offered to make a donation of 52,000 packs of biscuits to different organizations upon the emblem 's safe return , but he Alignment 8 also said that the company would not meet the thief 's demands and that it "" refused to be blackmailed . " The biscuit was stolen from outside Bahlsen 's headquarters in Hanover . Both Alignment 2 letters have been accompanied Alignment 2 by photos of a person in a Cookie Monster costume sticking the golden biscuit in its mouth . The perpetrator did not state in the letter when the cookie might be safely returned .
Police in Germany say someone dressed as the Cookie Monster has sent a second note regarding a stolen cookie sculpture _ this time saying he wants to return it . But officials are n't sure the Alignment 0 person in the photo actually stole the 20 - kilogram ( 44 pound ) , century - old sculpture . The gilded bronze item was part of a statue outside German cookie baker Bahlsen 's Hannover office , and it was reported stolen last month . The Hannover police 's statement says a local newspaper on Monday received a picture of someone dressed like the Sesame Street character holding what appears to be the stolen cookie . The enclosed note is written in cut - out letters . An earlier letter demanded that cookies be delivered to children at a city hospital , but the new note made no demands .
Alignment 0 A century - old , 44 - pound cookie sculpture was stolen Alignment 0 last month from outside a famous German bakery , and police Alignment 1 have now Alignment 1 received two "" ransom "" notes . Both Alignment 2 included pictures of a person dressed as Cookie Monster putting the golden cookie in his or her mouth , Spiegel reports ; the AP adds that the most recent note was written using cut - out letters . The Alignment 3 first letter demanded that the company deliver cookies to hospitalized children , but the Alignment 4 most recent letter indicates a change of heart . " Because Alignment 5 Werni loves the biscuit as much as I do and now always cries and misses the biscuit so badly , I Alignment 5 'm giving Alignment 5 it back to him ! ! ! " it reads , likely Alignment 6 making a reference to baker owner Werner Michael Bahlsen . Bahlsen Alignment 7 had offered Alignment 7 to donate 52,000 packages of cookies to various organizations upon the statue 's safe return , but he Alignment 8 added that the company wo n't be blackmailed .
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Story highlights " We did what the law required us to do , " say four other jurors They say the opinions of Juror B37 are not " representative " Juror B37 spoke exclusively to CNN 's " Anderson Cooper 360 " about the case She says Zimmerman " wanted to do good " but " went overboard " George Zimmerman " did n't do anything unlawful " and was " justified " in shooting 17 - year - old Trayvon Martin , according to one of the jurors who acquitted Zimmerman . The woman , known as Juror B37 , spoke exclusively to CNN 's " Anderson Cooper 360 . " Part 1 of the interview aired Monday , and part 2 aired Tuesday night . Shortly Alignment 4 after the interview segment Tuesday , four Alignment 4 other jurors released a statement responding to her comments . " We , the undersigned jurors , understand there is a great deal of interest in this case . But Alignment 3 we ask you to remember that we are not public officials and we did not invite this type of attention into our lives , " they Alignment 3 said . " We Alignment 2 Alignment 5 also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37 , expressed on the Anderson Cooper show were her own , and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below . " The jurors identified themselves only by their jury pool numbers . JUST WATCHED Zimmerman jury : B37 does n't speak for us Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Zimmerman jury : B37 does n't speak for us 02:01 JUST WATCHED Juror : We did care about Trayvon Martin Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Juror : We did care about Trayvon Martin 01:30 JUST WATCHED Juror explains how verdict was reached Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Juror explains how verdict was reached 01:19 Juror B37 told CNN she wanted to find Zimmerman guilty of " not using his senses , " but that " you ca n't charge him with anything because he did n't do anything unlawful . " She said Zimmerman " started the ball rolling " and could have avoided the situation by staying in his car . " But he wanted to do good . I think he had good in his heart , he just went overboard , " the juror said . Asked later whether she thought Zimmerman was within his rights , she was unequivocal : " He was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin . " ' We ca n't give them the verdict that they wanted ' The woman was part of a Alignment 0 six - person , all - female jury that found Zimmerman not guilty . As the first juror to speak about the case , she offered insight into what happened behind closed doors . The jury was initially split -- three and three along the line of guilt -- she said . Juror B37 was among those who believed Zimmerman was not guilty from the start . There was one holdout , the juror said . " She wanted to find him guilty of something , but could n't because of the way the law is written . He was n't responsible for negligible things that he had done leading up to that point , " she said , stressing that she and the other jurors took their responsibility seriously . " I do n't want people to think that we did n't think about this , and we did n't care about Trayvon Martin , because we did . We 're very sad that it happened to him , " she said . The juror said she cried after the verdict and before it was read . At one point during the interview , she struggled to speak as her voice cracked . To Martin 's parents , the juror said she would tell them that she is terribly sorry for their loss . " I feel bad that we ca n't give them the verdict that they wanted , but legally , we could not do that , " she said . Her emotion was echoed in the statement from the four other jurors . " The death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts , but in the end we did what the law required us to do , " they said . ' I hope he gets some peace ' Just as she believes Zimmerman was guilty of not using common sense , Juror B37 thinks Martin was not without fault . " I Alignment 12 believe he played a huge role in his death , " she Alignment 12 said about the teenager . " He could have ... When George confronted him , and he could have walked away and gone home . He did n't have to do whatever he did and come back and be in a fight , " she said . The juror had no doubt that Zimmerman feared for his life . She said she did n't have a strong impression of Martin . " All we really heard about Trayvon was the phone call that he had , and the evidence they had found on him . We basically had no information what kind of a boy Trayvon was , what he did . We knew where he went to school and that was pretty much about it , and he lived in Miami , " she said . Asked about what role race might have played in the trial , which grew into a national debate about gun laws and race in America , the juror said it did not matter . Zimmerman did not target Martin , who was African - American , because of the color of his skin , she said . The juror believes he profiled him because of the suspicious way he acted . " I Alignment 13 do n't Alignment 13 think race had anything to do with this trial . I mean just because he was black and George was Spanish or Puerto Rican , I do n't think it had anything to do with this trial . But I think people are looking for things to make race play a part , " the juror said . She added that she hopes Zimmerman will be able to move on . " I hope he gets some peace , " she said . " I hope his family can live a normal life after a while . I do n't know how he 's ever gon na do that , but I hope he can . He 'll never forget , but I hope he can . "
Story highlights FIRST ON CNN : Juror Alignment 14 Alignment 8 B37 pushes for new laws Juror B37 pushes for new laws Zimmerman wanted to take the stand , a defense attorney says Tom Joyner offers Rachel Jeantel a full ride to college The woman known as Juror B37 in the George Zimmerman trial released a statement exclusively to CNN Wednesday pushing for new laws . " My prayers are with all those who have the influence and power to modify the laws that left me with no verdict option other than ' not guilty ' in order to remain within the instructions . No Alignment 10 Alignment 11 other family should be forced to endure what the Martin family has endured , " she Alignment 10 Alignment 11 wrote . The juror , who was interviewed by CNN , said she Alignment 9 will not Alignment 9 grant other interviews and wants to get back to a normal life . "" Alignment 7 For reasons of my own , I needed to speak alone , " she Alignment 7 said . She issued the statement after four other jurors said the opinions she expressed on "" Anderson Cooper 360 "" were "" her own , and not in any way representative "" of all the jurors . In her CNN interview , which aired in two parts Monday and Tuesday nights on " AC360 , " the juror said she believes Zimmerman did n't do anything unlawful and was " justified " in shooting 17 - year - old Trayvon Martin . Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Sybrina Fulton , mother of Trayvon Martin , is joined by her son Jahvaris Fulton as she speaks to the crowd during a rally in New York City , Saturday , July 20 . A jury in Florida acquitted Zimmerman of all charges related to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin . View photos of key moments from the trial . Hide Caption 1 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Protesters attend a rally in support of Trayvon Martin , in New York on July 20 . The Rev. Al Sharpton 's National Action Network organized the " ' Justice for Trayvon ' 100 city vigil " which called supporters to gather in front of federal buildings around the country on July 20 , as a continued protest against the George Zimmerman verdict . Hide Caption 2 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks to the crowd during the rally in New York City on July 20 . Hide Caption 3 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Beyoncé , left , and Jay - Z , center , arrive at the rally in New York City on July 20 . Hide Caption 4 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Thousands of people gathered outside the Richard B. Russell Federal Building in downtown Atlanta as part of the network of vigils on July 20 . Hide Caption 5 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A chalk outline , a bag of Skittles , and a can of iced tea are seen during the vigil outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington , D.C. , on July 20 . Hide Caption 6 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Protesters march across the Brooklyn Bridge toward Brooklyn after attending the rally in Manhattan on July 20 . Hide Caption 7 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Tracy Martin , father of Trayvon Martin , poses for a photo with supporters wearing hoodies at the rally in Miami on July 20 . Hide Caption 8 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Protesters march through the streets of downtown Los Angeles , on Tuesday , July 16 , during a demonstration of the George Zimmerman trial . Hide Caption 9 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – The Rev. Al Sharpton calls for a full federal investigation of the Martin killing , saying mere remarks by President Barack Obama and others were n't enough , outside the U.S. Justice Department in Washington on July 16 . Hide Caption 10 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A passenger takes a picture of protesters as he rides a city bus on July 16 in Los Angeles . Hide Caption 11 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Protesters confront police officers on Monday , July 15 , in Los Angeles . Hide Caption 12 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Leon McCutchin participates in a candlelight vigil for Martin on July 15 in New York City . Hide Caption 13 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A large group of demonstrators march through downtown Atlanta on July 15 during a protest of the acquittal of George Zimmerman . Hide Caption 14 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Outside the Department of Justice in Washington on July 15 , Rev. Anthony Evans , president of the National Black Church Initiative , leads a prayer during a demonstration asking for justice for Trayvon Martin . Hide Caption 15 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Residents of Sanford , Florida , attend a prayer vigil to promote peace and unity in their city in the wake of the George Zimmerman trial on July 15 . Hide Caption 16 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – About 500 demonstrators gather during a rally and march in support of Trayvon Martin on July 15 in Birmingham , Alabama . Hide Caption 17 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A man argues with a police officer as supporters of Trayvon Martin march while blocking traffic in Union Square in New York on Sunday , July 14 . Hide Caption 18 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A man throws a trashcan during a protest in Oakland , California , on July 14 . Hide Caption 19 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – People gather at a rally honoring Trayvon Martin at Union Square in New York on July 14 . Hide Caption 20 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Demonstrators march following a rally at the Torch of Freedom in downtown Miami on July 14 . Hide Caption 21 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Police hold positions on I-10 in Los Angeles . Protesters walked onto the freeway , stopping traffic , on July 14 . Hide Caption 22 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A protester shouts in the streets of New York on July 13 . Hide Caption 23 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A man in Los Angeles wears a shirt in support of Trayvon Martin on July 13 . Hide Caption 24 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Tanetta Foster cries in front of the courthouse on July 13 after hearing the verdict . Hide Caption 25 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – A Trayvon Martin supporter rallies outside the courthouse on July 13 . After Martin 's death , protesters started wearing hoodies in solidarity against racial profiling . Hide Caption 26 of 27 Photos : Photos : Reaction to Zimmerman verdict Reaction to Zimmerman verdict – Demonstrators and members of the media gather outside of the courthouse on July 13 . The jurors deliberated for more than 16 hours before delivering their verdict . Hide Caption 27 of 27 JUST WATCHED Juror explains how verdict was reached Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Juror explains how verdict was reached 01:19 The six - woman jury acquitted Zimmerman on Saturday night . The juror said on " AC360 " that she wanted to find Zimmerman guilty of " not using his senses , " but added , " You ca n't charge him with anything because he did n't do anything unlawful . " Zimmerman " started the ball rolling " and could have avoided the situation by staying in his car , she said . The neighborhood watch volunteer had called police about a suspicious person , and was advised by a 911 dispatcher not to pursue the person . " But he wanted to do good . I think he had good in his heart , he just went overboard , " the juror said . Zimmerman 's defense team argued that he shot Martin in an act of self - defense while being attacked . Asked by CNN whether she thought Zimmerman was within his rights , the juror was unequivocal : " He was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin . " Nonetheless , Juror B37 said she cried before and after the verdict was read . " I do n't want people to think that we did n't think about this , and we did n't care about Trayvon Martin , because we did . We 're very sad that it happened to him , " she said . To Martin 's parents , the juror said she would tell them that she is terribly sorry for their loss . " I feel bad that we ca n't give them the verdict that they wanted , but legally , we could not do that . " At one point , a literary agent said Juror B37 was planning to write a book about the trial , but she later decided not to . The juror clarified that in her statement Wednesday , saying , " there was an agreement with a literary agent to explore the concept of a book which discussed the impact of sequestration on my perceptions of this serious case , while being compared to the perceptions of an attorney who was closely following the trial from outside the ' bubble . ' " The relationship with the agent ceased the moment I realized what had been occurring in the world during the weeks of my sequestration , " she said . She added , " My prayers are with Trayvon 's parents for their loss , as they have always been . I now wish for me and my family to recover from being selected for this jury and return to a normal life . God bless . " JUST WATCHED Jury expert : B37 had my highest rating Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Jury expert : B37 had my highest rating 03:42 JUST WATCHED Was Zimmerman 's jury motivated by race ? Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Was Zimmerman 's jury motivated by race ? 03:27 JUST WATCHED Martin case : What shall I tell my kids ? Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Martin case : What shall I tell my kids ? 07:33 JUST WATCHED Corey : Juror selection due to seating Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Corey : Juror selection due to seating 02:40 Free tuition for Rachel Jeantel In another development related to the case , Tom Joyner , host of the nationally - syndicated " Tom Joyner Morning Show , " offered to pay for Martin 's friend , Rachel Jeantel , to attend a historically black college or university . " Rachel , here 's my offer to you : If you want to graduate from high school and go to an HBCU , even if it 's not in Florida but especially Florida ... if you want to do that , I want to help you do that , " Joyner said on his radio show Tuesday as he interviewed the young woman . Jeantel , now 19 , was on the phone with Martin moments before he was shot and was considered a key prosecution witness . But her two days of testimony were tense and combative at times , and at least one juror said she had difficulty understanding Jeantel " The reaction to her testimony was very troubling to me , " Joyner told CNN 's Piers Morgan . " People were criticizing her and her education and communication skills . And the way the lawyer was just beating her up on the stand just really moved me . " Jeantel , who said she might want to go into law enforcement , thanked Joyner . Attorney : Zimmerman wanted to take the stand Zimmerman wanted to testify at his trial , but his defense team cautioned against it , his attorney Mark O'Mara told HLN on Tuesday night . " He wanted to tell that jury what he did , why he did it and what position that he was put in , why he had to react that way that he reacted , " O'Mara said . But putting a defendant on the stand " can do more harm than good , " O'Mara said . And since the defense considered the state 's case weak , the team chose not to take the risk . " Had he not ever given statements , he would have testified without question . But with six statements already before the jury , courtesy of the state , there was just no reason to do anything else . ... I think if they had not put the statements in , that we would have had George testify . " Zimmerman is in hiding and " very worried , " O'Mara said . " He is surprised that people did n't listen to the trial and understand that he did act in self - defense . I was a bit concerned or surprised because I would have thought that people would have listened more . But unfortunately , people who have made up their minds about this case one way or the other are not going to change their mind because of the facts . ... And unfortunately , it leads to more divide , rather than less , between us . " Holder mum on possible federal charges The NAACP says more than 1 million people have signed an online petition demanding the government file federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman , but Attorney General Eric Holder has n't said whether he will seek such charges . In order to bring federal civil rights charges , the Justice Department would need to establish that a hate crime was committed -- a legal burden that Holder says would be a challenge to meet . But Holder took aim at " stand your ground " laws like the one in Florida that have expanded the right to respond with deadly force if attacked outside one 's home . Those laws " try to fix something that was never broken " and " senselessly expand the concept of self - defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods , " he said in speech to the NAACP on Tuesday . Holder repeated his pledge for a full investigation of Martin 's death in the aftermath of Zimmerman 's acquittal , saying the Justice Department " will continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law . We will not be afraid . " The Department of Justice opened an investigation into the Zimmerman case last year , and a statement from the agency n Sunday said it was ongoing and will now include evidence and testimony from the Florida trial . Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez and other officials held a conference call Monday with civil rights leaders , a Justice Department official said Wednesday . Most of the participants were from Florida but national figures were also on the call ; Holder was not . The official said the call was fairly routine and was not meant to solicit tips for an investigation . " Department officials had a listening session with members of the community who had expressed an interest in speaking with them , " the official said . " The speakers from the Civil Rights Division ( of the Justice Department ) welcomed participants to share their concerns or questions during the listening session and reiterated the department 's statement from earlier this week on the open investigation and that nothing specific about the investigation would be shared until it is completed . " Stevie Wonder takes a stand Musician Stevie Wonder says he will refuse to perform in Florida until the state repeals the " stand your ground " law . " As a matter of fact , wherever I find that law exists , I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world , " he told the audience at a Quebec concert Sunday night . Florida is one of 22 states that have a version of the law , which permits the use of deadly force anywhere if a person not engaged in an unlawful activity is being attacked in a place he has a right to be and reasonably believes that his life and safety are in danger as a result of an overt act or perceived threat committed by someone else . Did race mean everything ? Or nothing ? Opinions about the role race may or may not have played in Martin 's death and Zimmerman 's acquittal run the gamut . Juror B37 said she did n't think Zimmerman racially profiled Martin and said the topic of race never came up during jury deliberations . But Martin family attorney Ben Crump said a juror 's relatability is key . " I watched the interview ... and the biggest thing I took away from it -- she never ever saw Sybrina Fulton 's child , Trayvon , as her child , " Crump told CNN 's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday night . " She never saw that that could have been her child . " " The conversation is evolving now because with this verdict , people are saying , ' Can people profile my child just walking home ? ' " Criminal defense attorney Mark Geragos , who was not part of Zimmerman 's legal team , said " race determines everything in the criminal justice system . " " Nobody thinks of themselves as a racist , and I 'm not accusing anybody of being a racist . What I 'm saying is race is the prism through which people see things , " Geragos said . " If you had a pretty white female as a victim that George Zimmerman had shot , " the case would have been looked at differently , he said . But Florida State Attorney Angela Corey has a different take . " I speak as a prosecutor who 's been doing this for 32 years , and I can tell you that when we analyze a case , it has nothing to do with the race of the defendant or the victim , " she said . Congressman : ' Get over it ' Rep. Andy Harris , R - Maryland , said those consumed by last week 's verdict need to " get over it . " " You ca n't turn on any news program now without 90 % of it taken up by the Zimmerman case , " he said Tuesday in an interview with Washington radio station WMAL . " You know , we missed the forest for the trees to a large extent with all the huge issues going on in the world , " he continued , citing unrest in the Middle East . " We 're hung up on this one case where this one fellow was in fact found not guilty by a jury . That 's the way the American law system works , " Harris said . " Get over it . "
Alignment 1 Four of the Alignment 0 six jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman want the Alignment 2 world to know Alignment 2 that the juror who went public does n't speak for them . " We Alignment 3 ask you to remember that we are not public officials and we did not invite this type of attention into our lives , " the Alignment 3 jurors said in a Alignment 4 statement issued soon after the second part of a two - part interview with Juror B37 aired on CNN . " We Alignment 5 also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37 ... were her own and not in any way representative "" of the others , they Alignment 5 said . The sixth juror , the only minority member on the panel , did not sign the statement , reports the Orlando Sentinel . B37 Alignment 6 has now Alignment 6 issued her own statement in response . " For Alignment 7 reasons of my own , I Alignment 7 needed to speak alone , " she Alignment 8 tells CNN , but she Alignment 9 does n't Alignment 9 want to give any further interviews . She Alignment 10 said her Alignment 11 "" prayers are with all those who have the influence and power to modify the laws that left me with no verdict option other than ' not guilty ' "" and that "" no other family should be forced to endure what the Martin family has endured . " In her original interview , B37 Alignment 12 empathized with Zimmerman 's motives and said Alignment 12 Martin "" played a huge role "" in his own death . " I Alignment 13 do n't think race had anything to do with this trial , " she Alignment 13 said , " just because he Alignment 14 was black and George was Spanish or Puerto Rican . " Zimmerman is half Peruvian .
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Starting in 1996 , Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive . Flowing in every day , these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period .
Starting in 1996 , Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive . Flowing in every day , these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period .
Update , 1:30 p.m. : After being rescued from Bear Glacier where they had been stranded since Friday , Jennifer Neyman and Christopher Hanna are at Central Peninsula Hospital in Soldotna . “ Both hikers were transported here , ” said CPH spokesperson Camille Sorensen . “ Chris was seen and refused treatment and Jenny is still being evaluated in the emergency department . ” In a release from the Alaska Air National Guard , both Alignment 0 Neyman and Hanna were reported Alignment 0 to be in good condition when they were picked up from the glacier Tuesday afternoon . Update , 1 p.m. : Jennifer Neyman and Christopher Hanna have been rescued from Bear Glacier and taken to Central Peninsula Hospital in Soldotna . The Alaska Air National Guard confirmed that a Pave Hawk helicopter landed at on the glacier and picked up the hikers around 12:10 p.m. Tuesday . Pararescuemen who flew in on the ( helicopter ) immediately assessed the health of the survivors and loaded Alignment 10 Alignment 9 them onto the aircraft to be transported to medical care , ” Lieutenant Colonel Candis Olmstead wrote in an update . Alignment 11 They were released to medical personnel at Central Peninsula Hospital in Soldotna and are both reported to be Alignment 11 in good condition . ” The pair spent four nights stuck on Bear Glacier on the Harding Icefield after poor weather conditions made their scheduled pickup after a day trip on Friday impossible . The Alaska Air National Guard sent a team of pararescuemen from the base of the glacier on foot to retrieve Neyman and Hanna at the Alignment 5 snow cave they built after their tent was destroyed by the elements . Update , 10:30 a.m. : A group of four Alaska Air National Guard pararescuemen are still Alignment 7 moving toward the location of two hikers stranded on Bear Glacier on Tuesday morning . The hikers — Jennifer Neyman , 36 , and Christopher Hanna , 45 , both of Soldotna — have been stranded on the glacier since Friday . The two were dropped off on the glacier by a pilot for what was intended to be a day hike , but worsening Alignment 2 weather conditions prevented the pilot from coming back to pick them up . Friends alerted Alaska State Troopers when Neyman failed to make it to a gathering in Anchorage Saturday . By 9:45 a.m. Tuesday , a helicopter crew had successfully spotted the hikers on the glacier , reporting that they could see the skis with which they had marked their snow cave , according to an update from Lieutenant Colonel Candis Olmstead . “ However , due to weather conditions , they were unable to land at the site , ” Olmstead wrote in an email . The helicopters have landed to refuel and will return to try to find a way to land and reach Neyman and Hanna . The Alaska Rescue Coordination Center reported that it did receive a preloaded text that the two were okay earlier in the morning , Olmstead wrote . Update , 10:25 p.m. : Four Alaska Air National Guard pararescue members are about six and a half miles away from two stranded hikers on Bear Glacier . According to an update from Lieutenant Colonel Candis Olmstead , the closest the rescuers could be dropped to Jennifer Neyman and Christopher Hanna was 15 miles away from where the pair have been stuck on Bear Glacier since Saturday . The pararescue crew has bedded down for the evening , according to the update , and will resume their hike Tuesday morning . “ The ( rescue crew Alignment 8 ) hiked through inclement weather and challenging Alignment 8 terrain at a steady incline and are close to the elevation they need to reach before hopefully leveling out for the remainder of the hike , ” according to the update . An Alaska Air National Guard aircraft dropped supplies including sleeping bags , food , fuel and a radio to Neyman and Hanna all in Alignment 6 a lighted package , though Alignment 6 it is not confirmed whether the two were able to reach them . The hikers were told not to take risks getting to the supplies , according to the update . A guard aircraft departed from Joint Base Elmendorf - Richardson in Anchorage to observe weather in the area of the stranded hikers overnight , according to the update . Update , 4:45 p.m. A ground team of pararescuemen have been dropped onto Bear Galcier north of where two hikers are located , according to an update from the Alaska Air National Guard . The pararescuemen are battling blowing snow and high winds as they cross the terrain Monday evening to reach Jennifer Neyman and Christopher Hanna . Aircrews are still unable to reach their location due to weather conditions , according to Staff Sgt . Edward Eagerton . Update , 1:15 p.m. : A helicopter from the Alaska Air National Guard has landed at the base of Bear Glacier for the continued search of two Kenai Peninsula residents . Staff Sgt . Edward Eagerton said the weather cleared enough Monday for the 210th Rescue Squadron - flown helicopter , with four 212th Rescue Squadron members on board , to land near the hikers ’ location . “ They are waiting for the weather to clear enough to fly up to the individuals ’ location , ” he said . The rescue squadron members determined it will not be possible to reach the hikers on the ground . Update , 12:30 p.m. : The Alaska Air National Guard has joined the search for two Kenai Peninsula residents who have been stranded on Bear Glacier on the Harding Icefield since Saturday . Two aircraft , including a helicopter with four members of the 212th Rescue Squadron on board , were launched by the Alaska Air National Guard Monday morning , according to a release . Jennifer Neyman and Christopher Hanna have been communicating with an InReach beacon , and are located on Bear Glacier at an elevation of about 4,300 feet , according to the release . “ The aircraft have been flying over the Harding Icefield area in an attempt to find a way to the location of the individuals , but have been unsuccessful so far due to weather conditions , which includes blowing snow and low cloud ceilings , ” according to the release . Alaska State Troopers Public Information Officer Megan Peters said the latest update she was given was also that rescuers are still trying to land . Staff Sgt . Edward Eagerton said having an InReach beacon or similar devise is essential and helps save time in search and rescue situations . “ One of the things that I definitely want to say is that it ’s great that they had an InReach beacon , ” he said . “ ... Because things can take a turn for the worse in a matter of moments in Alaska . ” Update 10:30 a.m. : Rescuers have responded to the area of the Harding Icefield where two Kenai Peninsula residents have been stranded since Saturday . Clam Gulch resident Sally Cassano , a close friend of Jennifer Neyman , said she has been in contact with a rescue coordinator during the search for Neyman and Christopher Hanna , who have been stuck at Bear Glacier due to bad weather . The rescue coordinator has been in contact with the pair since the search started , Cassano said . The two were scheduled to be picked up after a day hike Friday , but their pilot was not able to do so because of poor weather conditions . “ They had received , at 8:45 ( Monday morning ) , an ‘ OK ’ message coming from Chris and Jenny , ” Cassano said of the rescue coordinators . Cassano said she , family and friends grew concerned Saturday when it became apparent Neyman would not make it to a get together in Anchorage , at which point Cassano called the troopers . Neyman had planned the outing because she had been scheduled to leave on a several - month trip on Sunday , Cassano said . Neyman and Hanna ’s pilot had called the troopers on Friday , Cassano said . Original story : Jennifer Neyman , 36 , and Christopher Hanna , 45 , have been stuck Alignment 1 on the Harding Icefield since Saturday after they were dropped off for a day hike on Friday . The search for them started up again Monday morning . Alaska State Troopers got a report that the two were stranded on Bear Glacier around 4:20 p.m. Saturday , according to an online trooper dispatch . The pair were supposed to have been picked up by airplane Friday evening . “ The weather changed and the pilot was not able to pick them up , ” troopers wrote in the dispatch . “ Hanna and Neyman were able to communicate via cell phones and an InReach with a friend . ” The pair told their friend their tent had failed and that they were running low on supplies , troopers wrote . Troopers in Seward got in touch with the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center , “ but due to weather they were not able to respond to the area , ” troopers wrote in the dispatch . The coordination center and a helicopter tried to respond Sunday , but the persisting bad weather made the attempt unsuccessful , according to the dispatch . By that point , the pair had sent another text that they were making a shelter . The search for Hanna and Neyman is ongoing after the Rescue Coordination Center was able to fly into the area Monday morning . - Staff Report
Alignment 0 Two skiers were rescued Alignment 0 from an Alaskan glacier on Tuesday four days after initially setting out for a day trip . An Alignment 1 airplane delivered Jennifer Neyman , 36 , and Christopher Hanna , 45 , to Bear Glacier in Harding Ice Field on Friday , but bad Alignment 2 weather prevented their plane from returning , reports the Alaska Dispatch News . By Saturday , the pair from Soldotna had texted a Alignment 3 friend with a satellite phone to say Alignment 3 wind and snow had ripped their tent to shreds and they Alignment 4 were running Alignment 4 low on supplies , per Alignment 4 the Dispatch News . They Alignment 5 then dug a snow cave . A Alignment 6 plane was able to drop supplies on Monday it is Alignment 7 n't clear if the pair reached them while four Alaska Air National Guard rescuers parachuted onto the glacier and began trekking toward the pair 's location , which they reached Tuesday . " They Alignment 8 had to dig out four feet of snow around the survivors to get to them , " says Alignment 8 a helicopter pilot , adding Alignment 8 "" the terrain there is pretty gnarly . " A Alignment 9 Alignment 10 helicopter was able to evacuate Alignment 10 Neyman and Hanna to a hospital shortly after noon . Both Alignment 11 are in good condition . Hanna even " refused treatment , " a hospital rep tells the Peninsula Clarion . Says a friend who found him in the waiting room , " He had a big ol’ ... grin on his face . "
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Many third - party apps , services and websites build on top of our various services to improve everyone ’s phones , working life , and online experience . We strongly support this active ecosystem . But increasingly , its success depends on users knowing that their data is secure , and on developers having clear rules of the road . Over the years we ’ve continually strengthened our controls and policies in response to regular internal reviews , user feedback and evolving expectations about data privacy and security . At the beginning of this year , we started an effort called Project Strobe — a root - and - branch review of third - party developer access to Google account and Android device data and of our philosophy around apps ’ data access . This project looked at the operation of our privacy controls , platforms where users were not engaging with our APIs because of concerns around data privacy , areas where developers may have been granted overly broad access , and other areas in which our policies should be tightened . We ’re announcing the first four findings and actions from this review today . Finding 1 : There are significant challenges in creating and maintaining a successful Google+ product that meets consumers ’ expectations . Action 1 : We are shutting down Google+ for consumers . Over the years we ’ve received feedback that people want to better understand how to control the data they choose to share with apps on Google+ . So as part of Project Strobe , one of our first priorities was to closely review all the APIs associated with Google+ . This review crystallized what we ’ve known for a while : that while our engineering teams have put a lot of effort and dedication into building Google+ over the years , it has not achieved broad consumer or developer adoption , and has seen limited user interaction with apps . The consumer version of Google+ currently has low usage and engagement : 90 percent of Google+ user sessions are less than five seconds . Our review showed that our Google+ APIs , and the associated controls for consumers , are challenging to develop and maintain . Underlining this , as part of our Project Strobe audit , we discovered a bug in one of the Google+ People APIs : Users can grant access to their Profile data , and the public Profile information of their friends , to Google+ apps , via the API . The bug meant that apps also had access to Profile fields that were shared with the user , but not marked as public . This data is limited to static , optional Google+ Profile fields including name , email address , occupation , gender and age . ( See the full list on our developer site . ) It does not include any other data you may have posted or connected to Google+ or any other service , like Google+ posts , messages , Google account data , phone numbers or G Suite content . We discovered and immediately patched this bug in March 2018 . We believe it occurred after launch as a result of the API ’s interaction with a subsequent Google+ code change . We made Google+ with privacy in mind and therefore keep this API ’s log data for only two weeks . That means we can not confirm which users were impacted by this bug . However , we ran a detailed analysis over the two weeks prior to patching the bug , and from that analysis , the Profiles of up to 500,000 Google+ accounts were potentially affected . Our analysis showed that up to 438 applications may have used this API . We found no evidence that any developer was aware of this bug , or abusing the API , and we found no evidence that any Profile data was misused . Every year , we send millions of notifications to users about privacy and security bugs and issues . Whenever user data may have been affected , we go beyond our legal requirements and apply several criteria focused on our users in determining whether to provide notice . Our Privacy & Data Protection Office reviewed this issue , looking at the type of data involved , whether we could accurately identify the users to inform , whether there was any evidence of misuse , and whether there were any actions a developer or user could take in response . None of these thresholds were met in this instance . The review did highlight the significant challenges in creating and maintaining a successful Google+ that meets consumers ’ expectations . Given these challenges and the very low usage of the consumer version of Google+ , we decided to sunset the consumer version of Google+ . To Alignment 7 Alignment 8 give people a full opportunity to transition , we Alignment 7 Alignment 8 will implement this wind - down over a 10 - month period , slated for completion by the end of next August . Over the coming months , we will provide consumers with additional information , including ways they can download and migrate their data . At the same time , we have many enterprise customers who are finding great value in using Google+ within their companies . Our review showed that Google+ is better suited as an enterprise product where co - workers can engage in internal discussions on a secure corporate social network . Enterprise customers can set common access rules , and use central controls , for their entire organization . We ’ve decided to focus on our enterprise efforts and will be launching new features purpose - built for businesses . We will share more information in the coming days . Finding 2 : People want fine - grained controls over the data they share with apps . Action 2 : We are launching more granular Google Account permissions that will show in individual dialog boxes . When an app prompts you for access to your Google account data , we always require that you see what data it has asked for , and you must grant it explicit permission . Going forward , consumers will get more fine - grained control over what account data they choose to share with each app . Instead of seeing all requested permissions in a single screen , apps will have to show you each requested permission , one at a time , within its own dialog box . For example , if a developer requests access to both calendar entries and Drive documents , you will be able to choose to share one but not the other . Developers can read more on the Google Developer Blog . This is what the process looks like today when an app requests access to any data in your consumer Google account ( you 've always been able to choose whether to grant that permission request ):
FILE - In this Dec. 4 , 2017 file photo , people walk by Google offices in New York . Google is closing the consumer version of its long - spurned Plus social network after discovering a bug earlier this year ... ( Associated Press ) FILE - In this Dec. 4 , 2017 file photo , people walk by Google offices in New York . Google Alignment 0 is closing Alignment 0 the consumer version of its long - spurned Plus social network after discovering a bug earlier this year that leaked some of the personal information about up to 500,000 people who still have accounts ... ( Associated Press ) FILE - In this Dec. 4 , 2017 file photo , people walk by Google offices in New York . Google is closing the consumer version of its long - spurned Plus social network after discovering a bug earlier this year that leaked some of the personal information about up to 500,000 people who still have accounts ... ( Associated Press ) FILE - In this Dec. 4 , 2017 file photo , people walk by Google offices in New York . Google is closing the consumer version of its long - spurned Plus social network after discovering a bug earlier this year ... ( Associated Press ) SAN FRANCISCO ( AP ) — Google is shutting down its long - shunned Plus social network for consumers , following Alignment 1 its disclosure of a flaw discovered in March that could have exposed some personal information of up to 500,000 people . The announcement came in a Alignment 3 Monday blog post , which Alignment 3 marked Google 's first public description of the privacy bug . Google deliberately avoided disclosing the problem at the time , in Alignment 4 part to avoid drawing regulatory scrutiny and damaging its reputation , according Alignment 4 to a Wall Street Journal story that cited anonymous individuals and documents . The Mountain View , California , company declined to comment on the Journal 's report , and did Alignment 6 n't fully explain in its blog post why Alignment 6 it held off on revealing the bug until Monday . The Google Plus flaw could have allowed Alignment 14 up to Alignment 14 438 external apps to scoop up user names , email addresses , occupations , genders and ages without authorization . The Alignment 15 company did Alignment 15 n't find any evidence that any of the personal information affected by the Plus breach was misused . The timeline laid out by Google indicates the company discovered the privacy lapse around the same time that Facebook was under fire for a leak in its far more popular social network . Facebooks Alignment 19 ' breakdown exposed the personal information of as many as 87 million of its users to Cambridge Analytica , a Alignment 20 data mining firm affiliated with President Donald Trump 's 2016 campaign . Congress summoned CEO Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to be grilled about his company 's privacy issues in April . Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently declined to an invitation to travel to Washington to testify before the Senate about foreign governments ' manipulation of online services to sway U.S. political elections . His absence incensed some lawmakers , who left an empty chair for Google alongside the Twitter and Facebook executives who appeared before the Senate committee in September . " With this breach announcement , the empty seat bearing Google 's name just became a lot hotter , " said Mike Chapple , an associate professor of information technology , analytics and operations at the University of Notre Dame . Pichai went to Washington to mend political fences with lawmakers in late September and agreed to participate in a White House roundtable on technology that President Trump intends to attend . He also will appear in House hearings after the midterm elections in November . Google has a strong incentive to position itself as a trustworthy guardian of personal information because , like Facebook , its financial success hinges on its success to learn about the interests , habits and location of its users in order to sell targeted ads . The desire to peer into people 's lives is one of the reasons that Google launched Plus in 2011 . It Alignment 9 was supposed Alignment 9 to be a challenger to Facebook 's social network , which now has more than 2 billion users . But Alignment 10 Alignment 11 Plus flopped and quickly Alignment 11 turned into a digital ghost town , prompting Alignment 11 Google to start de - emphasizing it several years ago . But the company kept it open long enough to cause an embarrassing privacy gaffe that could give Congress an excuse to enact tighter controls on data collection . " Every data mishap strengthens the bipartisan case for Congress to take action on data protection , " said Jonathan Mayer , an assistant professor at Princeton University who formerly worked in the Federal Communications Commission 's enforcement bureau . Europe began to impose tougher online privacy regulations in May . Those rules also include disclosure requirements for data breaches . Those rules do n't apply to the Plus problem because Google discovered it before they took effect . _ _ _ AP Technology Writer Frank Bajak in Boston contributed to this story .
Google exposed the private data of hundreds of thousands of users of the Google+ social network and then opted not to disclose the issue this past spring , in part because of fears that doing so would draw regulatory scrutiny and cause reputational damage , according to people briefed on the incident and documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal . As part of its response to the incident , the Alphabet Inc. unit on Monday announced a sweeping set of data privacy measures that include permanently shutting down all consumer functionality ...
Alignment 0 Google is shutting Alignment 0 down its Alignment 0 long - shunned Plus social network for consumers , following Alignment 0 Alignment 1 its disclosure of a flaw discovered in March that could have exposed some personal information of up to 500,000 people , the Alignment 1 AP reports . The Alignment 2 announcement came in a Alignment 3 Monday blog post , which Alignment 3 marked Google 's first public description of the privacy bug . Google Alignment 4 deliberately avoided disclosing the problem at the time , in Alignment 4 part to avoid drawing regulatory scrutiny and damaging its reputation , according Alignment 4 to a Wall Street Journal story that cited anonymous individuals and documents . The Alignment 5 Alignment 6 Mountain View , Calif. , company declined to comment on the Journal 's report , and did n't Alignment 6 fully explain in its blog post why Alignment 6 it held off on revealing the bug until Monday . As Alignment 8 for Google+ , it Alignment 8 will Alignment 7 be shut Alignment 8 down over Alignment 8 the next 10 months , but will remain open for enterprise customers who use it within their companies . When Alignment 9 Google launched Plus in 2011 , it Alignment 9 was supposed Alignment 9 to be a challenger to Facebook 's social network , which now has more than 2 billion users . But Alignment 10 Alignment 11 Plus flopped and quickly Alignment 11 turned into a digital ghost town , prompting Alignment 11 Google to start de - emphasizing it several years ago . But Alignment 12 the Alignment 13 company kept it open long enough to cause Alignment 13 an embarrassing privacy gaffe that could give Congress an excuse to enact tighter controls on data collection . The Alignment 14 Google Plus flaw could have allowed Alignment 14 up to Alignment 14 438 external apps to scoop up user names , email addresses , occupations , genders , and ages without authorization . The Alignment 15 company did n't Alignment 15 find evidence that any of the personal information affected by the Plus breach was misused . The Alignment 17 Alignment 16 timeline laid out by Google indicates the Alignment 18 company discovered the privacy lapse around the same time Facebook was under fire for a leak in its far more popular social network . Facebook Alignment 19 's breakdown exposed the personal information of as many as 87 million users to Cambridge Analytica , a Alignment 20 data mining firm affiliated with President Trump 's 2016 campaign .
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Friends and family members are still waiting for answers in the death Sunday of Rutgers University student Caitlyn Kovacs . " I have no answers , " said Lorraine Kovacs , Caitlyn 's mom . " I have no idea what really happened . It 's just mind - boggling to me . " Investigators have said alcohol may have been involved in her death , but toxicology screens could take weeks , and authorities have not released preliminary findings . Caitlyn 's friends have told Lorraine that she was a social drinker , but not a heavy drinker , Lorraine said . According to federal government data , four out of five college students drink alcohol . Cailtyn , 19 , was Alignment 2 taken to the hospital by her friends at 3 in the morning after she appeared to be in distress at a small gathering at the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house in New Brunswick Alignment 2 , according to Middlesex County prosecutor Andrew Carey . She was pronounced dead at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital at 3:19 a.m. Leading up to her death , Caitlyn was intoxicated but coherent , her friends have told Lorraine Alignment 7 . She was talking to a friend , and then suddenly was n't making any sense Alignment 7 , friends have Alignment 7 told her Alignment 8 Alignment 9 . One of her friends felt her pulse , which was faint , Lorraine said . Because of how sudden it was Alignment 10 , Lorraine suspects that an underlying medical condition was a contributing factor , but she is n't sure . She knows of no diagnosed condition that could have been connected . " I 'm not ready to go down the path that this was foul play or this was over - drinking , " Kovacs said . " I 'm not ready to think that , because she was n't that kind of kid . I never had any problems with her . " " Right now , I do n't blame anybody yet , " she said . " I just do n't know what to think of it . " No criminal charges have been filed . What Lorraine does know is the unimaginable grief that she only thought happened to other people . The past few nights , she 's been waking up at 3:19 in the morning . Every time , she 's woken up with one of Caitlyn 's cats — she had four of them — lying by her side . Caitlyn 's death has led to an outpouring of grief in the Rutgers and South Brunswick community , where she is being recalled as a dedicated student , an always - cheerful friend and a passionate animal advocate . " She loved her animals , " Lorraine said . " She 's just always been a delight . I 'm heartbroken . She 's going to be missed dearly , and I 'm sad I do n't get to continue to watch her grow up to do the great things I knew she was going to do . " Caitlyn , a South Brunswick High School graduate , was studying animal science in her second year at Rutgers . She was thinking about opening up her own pet - sitting business , Lorraine said . She had the drive of her father , David , a business owner . Lorraine , a bookkeeper , told her daughter that opening a business was hard . The reason you got into it — the love of taking care of animals — can get lost amid the mundane tasks that running a business requires . Caitlyn came up with a solution : " You 'll do the bookkeeping stuff , I want to take care of the dogs , " Lorraine recalled . She had four cats — Teagen , Lincoln , Parker , and Dakota — and a 10 - year - old Chihuahua named Cookie . At one point over Labor Day weekend two years ago , the Kovacs family had 25 cats in their house , including cats they owned and transitional fosters . Her best friend , Jamie Weingarten , recalled these animal adoption stories . " You 'd walk into their house , there was just a million cats everywhere , " said Weingarten , a fellow South Brunswick High School graduate . " It was the funniest thing ever . " Caitlyn was loyal to her family , including her sister , Courtney , a student at South Brunswick High School , Weingarten said . " She just loved Courtney and did everything for Courtney , and always for Courtney , " she said . Jesse Runyon was Caitlyn 's boyfriend of three and a half years . They broke up in August , but they were still close . Runyon recalled sitting with her by a fountain in Princeton when they were students at South Brunswick High School , and she was just so happy that she began to cry . A few months later , Runyon asked her to prom by decorating one of the pillars near the same fountain with the letters P - R - O - M ? She said yes . " I never thought , meeting her for the first time , that it would affect me like this , that she would have such an impact on my life , " Runyon said . " We pretty much did everything together . She was my best friend . She still is . " Caitlyn 's friends and family are planning a public memorial service on Oct. 11 , in Rutgers cinemas on the Livingston campus . Danny France , a friend of both Caitlyn and Runyon , is organizing the event , which will include music and a slideshow . France said Caitlyn would do anything for her friends . For France , like many others , that offer was often expressed in offers to pet - sit . " She was a really good friend , " France said . " She deserves the best . " Caitlyn , according to her friends and family , was never in trouble . She came home to visit plenty , according to her mom . She 'd have weekly dinner dates with her dad . And freshman year , she came home to do laundry , too . She was home this past Thursday and Friday . When Caitlyn was home last week , mom and daughter had lunch . Before Caitlyn left , Lorraine told her , like she always did : " Be careful , be safe , I love you . ' And Caitlyn said , ' I will , I love you . ' " " And she went out the door , " Lorraine said , " and that 's the last I saw her . It 's just unfathomable that she 's not going to walk through the door again later . It 's just more than I can handle sometimes . " Brian Amaral may be reached at bamaral@njadvancemedia.com . Follow him on Twitter @bamaral44 . Find NJ.com on Facebook .
NEW BRUNSWICK Caitlyn Kovacs , the 19 - year - old Rutgers University sophomore whose death in September touched off a county investigation , died of alcohol poisoning Alignment 0 Alignment 1 , authorities said on Monday . Alignment 3 Kovacs died from acute ethanol toxicity and the manner of death was accidental , according to Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey , who cited a county medical examiner ’s report . “ The cause of death was determined following completion of toxicology tests , ” Carey said in a press release . Friends took Kovacs , a Monmouth Junction resident , to a hospital about 3 a.m. Sept. 21 after she appeared to be in distress during a party at the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house on College Avenue . She was pronounced dead at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick . Police began investigating after hospital officials alerted them of her death . Alignment 6 Lorraine Kovacs said her daughter ’s friends described the sophomore as a social drinker , but not a heavy drinker . Alignment 4 Alignment 5 The prosecutor called the investigation “ active and continuing ” and urged anyone with information to come forward . Anyone with information is asked to call Lt . Paul Fischer of the Rutgers University Police Department at ( 848 ) 932 - 8025 , Detective Ken Abode of the New Brunswick Police Department at ( 732 ) 745 - 5217 , or Detective Jeffrey Temple of the Middlesex County Prosecutor ’s Office at ( 732 ) 745 - 3373 . Anthony G. Attrino may be reached at tattrino@njadvancemedia.com . Follow him on Twitter @TonyAttrino . Find NJ.com on Facebook .
Alignment 0 Alignment 1 Alcohol poisoning is to blame Alignment 1 in the death of the 19 - year - old Rutgers student who was taken to the hospital after attending a "" gathering "" at a fraternity house last month . Sophomore Alignment 2 Caitlyn Kovacs was taken Alignment 2 from the frat house to the hospital around 3 am on Sept. 21 after she appeared to be in distress , and the Alignment 3 county medical examiner 's report found her death to be accidental and caused by "" acute ethanol toxicity , " the Star - Ledger reports . A Alignment 4 county prosecutor says the Alignment 5 investigation into her death is "" active and continuing . " Days Alignment 6 after Kovacs ' death , her Alignment 6 mom said friends described Caitlyn as a social drinker , not a heavy one . And Alignment 7 , Lorraine Alignment 7 Kovacs said , friends Alignment 7 also said Caitlyn was intoxicated on the night of her death but was coherent until she suddenly , while talking with a friend , stopped making sense . At Alignment 8 that point someone felt her pulse , and it Alignment 9 was faint . At Alignment 10 the time , Lorraine Alignment 10 said she doubted "" over - drinking "" led to the death and suspected Caitlyn had an underlying medical condition that contributed .
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GOP leaders are scrambling to minimize Donald Trump 's dominance in the polls , leaving many wondering what would happen if no one candidate wins a clear majority before the national convention . ( Jenny Starrs / The Washington Post ) GOP leaders are scrambling to minimize Donald Trump 's dominance in the polls , leaving many wondering what would happen if no one candidate wins a clear majority before the national convention . ( Alignment 1 Alignment 3 Jenny Starrs / The Washington Post ) Republican officials and leading figures in the party ’s establishment are preparing Alignment 1 Alignment 3 for the possibility of a brokered convention as businessman Donald Trump continues to sit atop the polls in the GOP presidential race . More Alignment 2 than 20 of them convened Monday near the Capitol for Alignment 2 a dinner held by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus , and the prospect of Trump nearing next year ’s nominating convention in Cleveland with a significant number of delegates dominated the discussion , according to five people familiar with the meeting . Weighing Alignment 5 in on that scenario as Priebus and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ( R - Ky. ) listened , several longtime Republican power brokers argued that if the controversial billionaire storms through the primaries , the party ’s establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight in which the GOP ’s mainstream wing could coalesce around an alternative , the Alignment 5 people said . The development represents a major shift for veteran Alignment 0 Republican strategists , who Alignment 0 until this month had spoken of a brokered convention only in the most hypothetical terms — and had tried Alignment 0 to encourage a drama - free nomination by limiting debates and setting an earlier convention date . Now , those same leaders see a floor fight as a real possibility . And so does Trump , who said in an interview last week that he , too , is preparing . Condemnation came quickly after Republican presidential front - runner Donald Trump 's call to ban Muslims from entering the United States . Here are some notable comments . ( Gillian Brockell / The Washington Post ) Because of the sensitivity of the topic — and because they are wary of saying something that , if leaked , would provoke Trump to bolt the party and mount an independent bid — Priebus and McConnell were mostly quiet during the back - and - forth . They did not signal support for an overt anti - Trump effort . But near the end , McConnell and Priebus acknowledged to the group that a deadlocked convention is something the party should prepare for , both institutionally within the RNC and politically at all levels in the coming months . [ Attacks on Trump just make these voters like him more ] When asked Thursday about the dinner and convention planning , Sean Spicer , the RNC ’s chief strategist and spokesman , said : “ The RNC is neutral in this process , and the rules are set until the convention begins next July . Our goal is to ensure a successful nomination , and that requires us thinking through every scenario , including a contested convention . ” During the dinner , attendees delved into what exactly a brokered convention would look like . It would happen if no candidate was able to win the nomination on a first - ballot vote , starting a multi - ballot exercise on the floor of the Quicken Loans Arena that could extend for hours until a candidate has secured sufficient support . Many of the delegates are “ bound ” on the first ballot , meaning they must support the candidate they chose in primaries or at state conventions . But that restriction would lift if no nominee is chosen . The jockeying for delegates on a second ballot — or third , fourth or fifth — would be intense and full of political dealmaking , thus the term “ brokered ” convention . Upon Alignment 4 leaving the Monday dinner , several Alignment 4 attendees said they would share memos about delegate allocation in each state as well as research about the 1976 convention , the last time the GOP gathered without a clear nominee . 1 of 25 Full Screen Autoplay Close Skip Ad × People and groups Donald Trump has denounced View Photos Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not one to back down readily from controversial statements , and the list of those he dislikes continues to grow . Caption Not one to back down easily from controversial statements , the Republican presidential candidate continues to add to the list of people he condemns . Mitt Romney After being attacked as a “ fraud ” by Mitt Romney , Donald Trump slammed him as a “ choke artist ” and “ failed candidate ” who begged for Trump ’s endorsement during his 2012 presidential bid . Tom Smart / EPA Buy Photo Wait 1 second to continue . The rules for selection of delegates are complicated — and largely decided state by state . Most states now elect delegates on a proportional basis , with at - large statewide delegates supplemented by delegates awarded by each congressional district . This makes the task of securing delegates more difficult in many states , because Republican candidates must , in some cases , push for support in overwhelmingly Democratic districts . They must also qualify for each state ’s ballot in order to win any delegates at all , making the arduous series of state - by - state rules governing ballot access a potentially critical factor as well . The campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz ( R - Tex . ) seems to have mastered the intricacies of state ballot access rules and is said to have qualified in more than 40 states and territories , more than any other candidate . The emerging consensus at the highest levels of the Republican Party about how the 2016 race could unfold comes after a fresh wave of polls showing Trump leading in early - voting states and nationally , even as he continues to unleash incendiary comments such as his proposal to block Muslims from entering the United States . It also marks the close of a months - long chapter in the campaign when a brokered convention was considered a fanciful concept rather than a possibility that merited serious review . Conservative radio host William J. Bennett , who served as President Ronald Reagan ’s education secretary , said the unrest on the right echoes the run - up to the 1976 GOP convention , when Reagan challenged then - President Gerald Ford . But Bennett called this moment “ a little more intense . ” “ That said , people should n’t be panicking , and I think things will calm down when people in the party leadership realize there are core truths to what Trump is saying and he ’s not trying to take down the party . For many conservatives , his candidacy is a positive disruption , ” Bennett said . “ Let things run their course . ” If anything , he added , the GOP convention “ may get a ton of interest . People will want to tune in . They wo n’t tune in to the Democratic coronation . ” Stuart Stevens , a former adviser to Mitt Romney , said the Alignment 10 need to plan for a brokered convention is not necessarily all about Trump . “ Beyond Trump , what Alignment 11 you ’re seeing is the party bracing for a potential Hunger Games scenario where you have a different person win each of the first four primaries and they all have the resources to slug it out until the convention , ” Stevens said . “ It ’s smart to think of contingencies , and if you actually spend time with the numbers , it ’s possible someone wo n’t quickly get the number they need to be the nominee . ” The prix fixe three - course meal at the Source , an Asian fusion restaurant near the Capitol , was part of a regular invitation - only dinner series hosted by Priebus in which he solicits candid input from party leaders . Those familiar with Monday ’s deliberations spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private matter . Attendees included Ward Baker , executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee ; Rob Simms , his counterpart at the National Republican Congressional Committee ; Ron Kaufman , an RNC committeeman and Romney confidant ; and pollster Linda DiVall . Whit Ayres , an adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio ( Fla. ) , and Vin Weber , an ally of former Florida governor Jeb Bush , also were there , among others . It was not supposed to unfold this way . After Romney ’s 2012 defeat , which followed a protracted nomination season , the RNC moved to speed up the process . In August , Priebus predicted a swift and relatively painless nomination contest , two months after Trump jumped in the race . “ We ’re going to have a nominee probably by the end of March or the beginning of April , ” he said on NBC ’s “ Meet the Press . ” The Alignment 9 problem facing the party a crowded field led by a billionaire firebrand was evident Thursday , a Alignment 9 deadline to qualify for the Virginia presidential primary . According to the state GOP , 13 candidates qualified . Given the acrimony and uncertainty — and the relative ease of fundraising — there is little incentive for any of them to drop out . RNC members will huddle in January in South Carolina to discuss the convention . Although no rule changes can be implemented until the convention , the people familiar with the dinner gathering said top Republicans would like to begin that winter meeting with more clarity about how the RNC would handle a contested convention . When asked by The Washington Post last week what he thought about a contested convention , Trump said he is getting ready for one . “ I do n’t think it ’s going to be a brokered convention , ” he said . “ But if it is , I ’d certainly go all the way — and I think I ’d have a certain disadvantage . ” “ I ’ll be disadvantaged , ” he continued . “ The dealmaking , that ’s my advantage . My disadvantage is that I ’d be going up against guys who grew up with each other , who know each other intimately , and I do n’t know who they are , okay ? That ’s a big disadvantage . . . . These kind of guys stay close . They all know each other . They want each other to win . ”
WASHINGTON With Donald Trump leading a splintered field , top Republican Party officials are keeping open the possibility that the fight to be the party 's presidential candidate could stretch to the nominating convention in July , officials said on Thursday . A so - called " brokered convention , " in which no single candidate has a sufficient number of nominating delegates to become the presidential nominee in the November election , used to be a common feature of American politics . But there has not been one in more than 60 years . The possibility that the Republican battle for a nominee will extend to the July 18 - 21 convention in Cleveland was discussed at a dinner on Monday of top party operatives hosted by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus . Three party officials said Priebus was asked at the dinner if the party was prepared for a brokered convention , and Priebus said he was . For Priebus , the subject comes up frequently in conversations , the officials said . Trump 's rise to the top of the 14 - candidate field has confounded establishment Republicans who have been waiting in vain for the New York billionaire 's insurgent campaign to collapse . They are alarmed at some of his incendiary rhetoric and proposals , such as his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States . Various scenarios could play out in coming months with the battle evolving into a contest between two or three candidates , with none of them able to gain enough delegates . One official at the dinner meeting said the discussion of a brokered convention only came up briefly and that it was not about Trump . "" Alignment 7 It was more logistical in nature , not strategic . It Alignment 8 was more like ' are you planning for a hurricane ? ' " said Alignment 8 the official . Republican National Committee ( RNC ) senior adviser Sean Spicer , asked for comment , said the RNC is neutral in the process . " Our goal is to ensure a successful nomination and that requires us thinking through every scenario , including a contested convention , " he said . ( Reporting By Steve Holland ; Editing by Jonathan Oatis )
Alignment 0 Republican strategists who had spoken of a smooth nomination process just a few months ago are now Alignment 0 braced for a battle royal at the Quicken Loans Arena . Insiders Alignment 1 tell the Washington Post that GOP Alignment 2 Alignment 3 bigwigs gathered Monday and discussed Alignment 3 the possibility of a brokered convention in Cleveland in July . The Alignment 4 party has n't Alignment 4 entered a convention without a clear nominee since 1976 , when Gerald Ford narrowly defeated conservative insurgent Ronald Reagan on the first ballot . The Post 's sources say the GOP leaders discussed strategies in case there is no clear nominee this time around and no winner on the first ballot , allowing delegates to shift allegiances in what Reuters reports would be the first brokered GOP convention since Thomas Dewey was nominated in 1948 . A Alignment 5 source tells the Post that some Alignment 6 GOP strategists argued for a strategy to make sure there was a clear alternative to Donald Trump in the event of a brokered convention , though Alignment 6 another official present at the meeting tells Reuters that Trump was n't the focus of the discussion . " It Alignment 7 was more logistical in nature , not strategic , " he Alignment 7 says . " It was more like ' are you Alignment 8 planning for a hurricane ? ' " A Alignment 9 former Mitt Romney adviser agrees that with Alignment 10 the field still crowded , talk Alignment 10 of a brokered convention goes beyond Trump . " What Alignment 11 you 're seeing is the party bracing for a potential Hunger Games scenario where you have a different person win each of the first four primaries and they all have the resources to slug it out until the convention , " he Alignment 11 tells the Post .
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BY : TV personality Dr. Drew Pinsky said he was " gravely concerned " about Hillary Clinton ’s health in an interview posted Wednesday , pointing to what he called an " exceedingly rare clot " she had sustained from her 2012 concussion and what he criticized as archaic treatments for her medical problems . Clinton ’s health has been the subject of speculation for weeks by Donald Trump supporters and others in conservative media . Here is a transcript of the full exchange with Dr. Drew . DR . DREW PINSKY : But the fact is she released her medical records some time ago , and if you listened to my show last week , I just called a friend of mine , Dr. Robert [ name unclear ] , who ’s an excellent internist - pulmonologist , and we just dispassionately sat and evaluated the medical record that she had released . And based on the information that she has provided and her doctors have provided , we were gravely concerned not just about her health , but her health care . INTERVIEWER : Why ? PINSKY : It ’s hard for people to understand . Both of us concluded that if we were providing the care that she was receiving , we ’d be ashamed to show up in a doctor ’s lounge . We ’d be laughed out . She ’s receiving sort - of 1950 - level care by our evaluation . So we took a look at her record , and here are the basic facts . She had two episodes of what ’s called Deep - Venous Thrombosis . Common problem . Blood clots in the leg . She also has hypothyroidism , and she ’d been treated for hypothyroidism with something called Armour Thyroid , which is very unconventional and something that we used to use back in the ’ 60s . And both he and I went , " Hmmm , that ’s weird . " And by the way , wow , Armour Thyroid sometimes has some weird side effects . Oh well . OK . So she goes on Coumadin . That ’s weird , because Coumadin really is n’t even used anymore . Now we use Eliquis or Xarelto , things like this . Certainly the presidential candidate would get one of the newer anti - coagulates . Then she falls , hits her head , and as a complication of that has something called a Transverse Sinus Thrombosis . This is an exceedingly rare clot . I ’ve only seen one of these in my career , which is a clot in the collecting system for the cerebral spinal fluid , and it essentially guarantees that somebody has something wrong with their coagulation system . Well , she ’s had two clots , a Transverse Sinus Thrombosis . What ’s wrong with her coagulation system ? Has that been evaluated ? And oh , by the way , Armour Thyroid associated rarely with hyper - coagulability . So the very medicine the doctors are using may be causing this problem , and they ’re using an old - fashioned medicine to treat it . What is going on with her health care ? It ’s bizarre . I got to tell you . Maybe they have reasons , but at a distance , it looks bizarre . There ought to be some sort of standard for people that are going to lead the country or are going to making these important decisions . Again , Hillary may be fine with all of this . I mean , it ’s dangerous and it ’s concerning , but you can see — and by the way , there were two other things that gravely concerned us . When she hit her head , she had to wear these prism glasses when she came out . INTERVIEWER : Right , right . PINSKY : That is brain damage , and it ’s affecting her balance . Now clearly , it has n’t affected her cognition , but tell us a little more about that . That ’s profound . And then number two , when they screened her for heart disease , again , they did an old - fashioned screen . It just seems like she ’s getting care from somebody that she met in Arkansas when she was a kid , and you ’ve got to wonder . You ’ve got to wonder . It ’s not so much that her health is a grave concern . It ’s that the care she ’s getting could make it a concern .
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It 's a wrap for Dr. Drew Pinsky 's show on HLN . CNN executive vice president Ken Jautz announced Thursday that " Dr. Drew and I have mutually agreed to air the final episode of his show on September 22 . " " Dr. Drew and his team have delivered more than five years of creative shows and I want to thank them for their hard work and distinctive programming , " Jautz said in a statement . " Their audience - driven shows , in particular , were innovative and memorable TV . And Dr. Drew has been an authoritative voice on addiction and on many other topical issues facing America today . " It 's the latest in changes at HLN , which is CNN 's sister network . In June the network announced that Nancy Grace would be ending her very popular show and leaving after a dozen years as one of HLN 's biggest stars . Related : Nancy Grace leaving HLN " Dr. Drew , " which according to its site " explores the behavior behind the headlines and addresses the fundamental issue , ' why we do what we do , ' " never reached the heights of Grace 's show . Pinsky is well known for some of his other work including VH1 's " Celebrity Rehab " and the syndicated radio show " Loveline . " " It has been a privilege working at HLN , " Pinsky said in a statement of his own . " My executive producer Burt Dubrow and our outstanding staff and contributors were consistently exceptional . I am very excited to stay Alignment 3 within the CNN Worldwide family as a contributor . " HLN will air reruns of " Forensic Files " and episodes of CNN originals in the " Dr. Drew " 7 p.m. ET time slot .
Drew Pinsky arrives at the MTV Movie Awards in Burbank , Calif. , on April 9 . ( Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP ) Drew Pinsky ’s six - year - old HLN show , “ Dr. Drew On Call , ” has been canceled by CNN , effective Sept. 22 . In a statement Alignment 1 , CNN executive vice president Ken Jautz said he and Pinsky have mutually agreed to air the final episode of his show on September 22 but gave no specific reason for the cancellation . Alignment 2 CNN Money , in its reporting of the announcement Alignment 2 , connected it to a broader shakeup at Alignment 2 HLN , including the end of Nancy Grace ’s flamboyant show devoted to criminal court cases . Alignment 4 Alignment 5 But the decision came eight days after Pinsky ’s comments on a radio show on Aug. 17 questioning the health and medical care of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton , the Democratic nominee for president . After looking at bits and pieces of Clinton ’s health - care records she made public in 2015 , he said he was “ gravely concerned not just about her health , but her health care . ” His comments came as the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump , along with its surrogates and supporters , including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and Fox News host Sean Hannity , have attempted to portray Clinton as lacking “ the mental and physical stamina ” demanded by the job , as Trump has put it . Twice this week , Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump went after Democrat Hillary Clinton for her physical health . Here 's how that claim checks out . ( Sarah Parnass , Julio Negron , Osman Malik / The Washington Post ) Pinsky ’s views , which he said were shared by another physician with whom he had consulted , aired on KABC ’s “ McIntyre in the Morning . ” The episode has been removed from the station ’s website , but a transcript was published by the conservative Washington Free Beacon : Based on the information that she has provided and her doctors have provided , we were gravely concerned not just about her health , but her health care … . What is going on with her health care ? It ’s bizarre . I got to tell you . Maybe they have reasons , but at a distance , it looks bizarre . There ought to be some sort of standard for people that are going to lead the country or are going to making these important decisions . Again , Hillary may be fine with all of this . I mean , it ’s dangerous and it ’s concerning , but you can see — and by the way , there were two other things that gravely concerned us . When she hit her head , she had to wear these prism glasses when she came out . … . That is brain damage , and it ’s affecting her balance . Now clearly , it has n’t affected her cognition , but tell us a little more about that . That ’s profound . And then number two , when they screened her for heart disease , again , they did an old - fashioned screen . It just seems like she ’s getting care from somebody that she met in Arkansas when she was a kid , and you ’ve got to wonder . You ’ve got to wonder . It ’s not so much that her health is a grave concern . It ’s that the care she ’s getting could make it a concern . He based his comments on a July 2015 letter from Lisa Bardack , an internist in Mount Kisco , N.Y. , who has served as Clinton ’s doctor for 15 years . The eight - paragraph letter described Clinton as “ a healthy 67 - year - old female whose current medical conditions include hypothyroidism and seasonal pollen allergies . ” Twice this week , Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump went after Democrat Hillary Clinton for her physical health . Here 's how that claim checks out . ( Sarah Parnass , Julio Negron , Osman Malik / The Washington Post ) As The Post ’s Fact Checker noted , the letter disclosed that Clinton suffered from deep vein thrombosis in 1998 and in 2009 , an elbow fracture in 2009 and , most notably , a concussion in 2012 . ( The elbow injury and concussion , when she was secretary of state , were extensively reported at the time . ) The letter says her concussion symptoms , including double vision , were resolved within two months . The letter concluded that Clinton “ is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States . ” It was Pinksy ’s second foray into the subject of Hillary Clinton ’s health , and the first one ended badly , as well . In January , he made reference on - air to Clinton ’s late return to the stage in a debate and cited a Breitbart News story , attributed to a “ strong source , ” suggesting that it was due to “ a flare - up of problems from ” a “ brain injury . ” In fact , she had only visited the restroom . He apologized after the broadcast . “ Earlier tonight , I mistakenly raised an anonymously sourced report about Hillary Clinton ’s health . By doing so , I violated HLN and CNN ’s editorial standards and I was wrong to have mentioned the unsubstantiated report . I regret the error and will make sure , in the future , to apply the rigorous editorial standards we have in place here . I apologize to our viewers and Secretary Clinton for falling short tonight . ” “ Dr. Drew and his team have delivered more than five years of creative shows and I want to thank them for their hard work and distinctive programming , ” Jautz said in a statement Thursday . “ Their audience - driven shows , in particular , were innovative and memorable TV . And Dr. Drew has been an authoritative voice on addiction and on many other topical issues facing America today . ” Drew ’s website describes him as “ America ’s most trusted physician ” who “ explores the behavior behind the headlines and addresses the fundamental issue , ‘ why we do what we do . ’ ” Until earlier this year , Pinsky also hosted a nationally syndicated radio show called Loveline .
Alignment 0 Dr. Drew Pinsky 's run at HLN has come Alignment 0 to a close . The Alignment 1 network says in a statement that Alignment 1 CNN and Pinsky "" have mutually agreed "" that after six years , Dr. Drew On Call will air its final episode Sept. 22 . No reason was given for the move , but when Alignment 2 CNNMoney reported it , it Alignment 2 painted the cancellation as just "" the latest in changes at HLN , "" which also recently announced the cancellation of Nancy Grace 's show after 12 years . Pinsky Alignment 3 will stay Alignment 3 " within the CNN Worldwide family " as Alignment 3 a contributor , he said in a statement , per the AP . The Alignment 4 Washington Post and other media note the Alignment 5 move came a week after Pinsky went on a radio show and said he 's "" gravely concerned "" about Hillary Clinton 's health , as reported by the Washington Free Beacon at the time . There 's no indication the timing was anything other than coincidence .
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– Deciding that , you know what , humans can play God after all , the National Institutes of Health is lifting a year - old moratorium on federal funding for the creation of partially human animal embryos , otherwise known as chimeras . NPR reports the NIH had instituted the moratorium over ethical concerns — like what happens if scientists create an animal that thinks like a human or animals that can give birth to human babies . Meanwhile , Forbes is worried about lizard people , apes blowing up the Statue of Liberty , pigs with the intelligence of toddlers , and some sort of " human - bat - wolf - hybrid . " Regardless , NIH has now instituted a number of restrictions and safeguards to allow scientists to use chimeras to find cures for diseases and new sources for organ transplants without risking the creation of a halfsharkalligatorhalfman .
",538 10,"
The Atlanta Journal - Constitution Tuesday was meant to be Newt Gingrich ’s moment , in which after a fallow February his presidential campaign could rebound by showing strength in the Republican Party ’s Southern core . But by claiming only a single victory in the state he once represented in Congress , Gingrich 's viability -- even as a regional candidate -- is in doubt . Gingrich took a blowout win in Georgia , called by television networks as polls closed to a round of cheers in a Cobb County hotel ballroom , but it Alignment 2 would be Alignment 2 his only Super Tuesday triumph : Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum bested Gingrich in Tennessee and Oklahoma , where Gingrich had attempted to compete . In a race of unpredictable swings , Gingrich has vowed since his humbling in Florida that he would rise again . His path remains difficult , but the former U.S. House speaker 's team insists a South - heavy primary schedule in the coming weeks gives him the opportunity for momentum . Amid persistent questions , Gingrich has felt the need to prove that he is remaining in the race beyond Tuesday , and his campaign took the unusual step of releasing a schedule a week in advance showing trips to Alabama and Mississippi -- both of which vote March 13 -- and Kansas , which holds its caucuses Saturday . He also paid a visit to Huntsville , Ala. , Tuesday afternoon , before flying back for his Cobb County rally . “ With your help and a win next week we could really be in a totally new race , and I ’m very excited about it , ” he told several hundred supporters in the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville , a speech that focused on Gingrich 's plans to revive the space program . Gingrich returns to Alabama today for a three - stop swing from Montgomery to Birmingham , where he will be for the first time accompanied by the Secret Service . Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Santorum already have Secret Service details , a service reserved for " major candidates . " Romney remains the clear leader in Republican convention delegates after Super Tuesday , while Santorum and Gingrich continue to fight to be the champion of the party 's right flank . When Gingrich earned his first win in South Carolina and was riding high in the polls , he strongly hinted that Santorum should drop out . Now the tables are turned , as Santorum picked up some wins and momentum in February . Analysts said Gingrich 's win in Georgia does little to alter that trend . “ He has huge problems , " said Merle Black , an Emory University political scientist . " He can probably campaign successfully in Alabama and Mississippi , but that is a Deep South strategy . And he really needs a broader strategy than that . ” Brookings Institute scholar Bill Galston concluded , " I do n’t see him with any realistic shot of winning the nomination at this point . " Gingrich staffers insist that there is a path to the nomination , and have stressed how the nomination race remains in its early stages . Two new factors are in play this year that could lengthen it considerably . The first is proportional allocation of delegates , a change for the Republican Party in the 2012 cycle allowing different campaigns to pick up delegates even while one is on a winning streak . The second is the rise of Super PACs , which can take in and spend unlimited sums on behalf of -- but not in coordination with -- campaigns . One big donor , in Gingrich 's case Nevada billionaire Sheldon Adelson , can prop up a candidate . Adelson Alignment 3 has given Alignment 3 the pro - Gingrich Winning Our Future Super PAC well more than $ 10 million . The group has produced pro - Gingrich advertising nationally and in key states . " As long as he has the Adelsons and others funding him , why would he drop out ? " said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato . Gingrich spokesman R.C. Hammond pointed out that Gingrich has done well in the states where he has not been massively outspent by the pro - Romney forces , and that Romney and Santorum will be exposed as insincere conservatives in the stretch of the country running from western South Carolina to West Texas . " Every primary that ’s here forward is a fair shot for us , " Hammond said . " You ca n't fake being conservative in those states . " Lingering at the Gingrich primary night party Tuesday night , Rick Tyler , a former Gingrich aide helping run the Winning Our Future Super PAC , said the group is airing advertisements in Kansas , Alabama and Mississippi and predicted Gingrich victories in the latter two states . The group was advertising in Tennessee , too , but Tyler said the state " just did n't come together . " Gingrich 's history in the party , Tyler predicted , would buoy him in the South . " The whole South turned Republican under Speaker Gingrich , " he said . " They wo n't forget that . " Tuesday night Gingrich noted that the location , Cobb County 's Waverly Hotel , was the same place he spent Election Night 1994 . That night 's result represents the most prominent line on his resume : Architect of the historic Republican takeover of the U.S. House that made him speaker . Gingrich 's 1 - for-10 night was hardly the same tidal wave , but he did his best to revel in the Georgia win . " It 's more than a chapter in the race for the nomination , " Gingrich said . " It 's a chapter in the fight for the soul of the Republican Party . " Jeremy Redmon contributed .
ATLANTA With a decisive victory in Georgia , Newt Alignment 0 Gingrich saved a campaign that seemed teetering on the precipice of disaster two weeks ago . Polling then suggested that he might achieve no better than a squeaker victory in his home state , an embarrassment that could have led him to withdraw . But after a single - minded focus on barnstorming around Georgia leading up to the Super Tuesday contests , Mr. Gingrich is poised to gain a substantial share of the state ’s 76 delegates to the Republican convention . “ In the morning , we are going on to Alabama , ” Mr. Gingrich told an enthusiastic crowd here on Tuesday night , some waving “ Newt - a - Mania ” signs . “ We ’re going on to Mississippi . We ’re going on to Kansas . And that ’s just this week . ” Alabama and Mississippi , which hold the next primaries on the calendar next Tuesday , both figure into Mr. Gingrich ’s grand strategy for reanimating his candidacy by carrying Super Tuesday momentum into other victories in the South . So does Kansas , which holds its caucuses on Saturday . But Mr. Gingrich failed to gain a strong enough finish in Tennessee and Oklahoma to displace Rick Santorum as the leading alternative to Mitt Romney . In Oklahoma , Mr. Santorum won a commanding victory , with Mr. Romney second and Mr. Gingrich third . In Tennessee , where Mr. Gingrich seemed to have closed some of the gap with Mr. Santorum in recent days , he was on his way to a disappointing third - place finish , exit polling showed . Mr. Gingrich lumped Mr. Santorum with all the other candidates who had surged earlier in the campaign only to drop out : Tim Pawlenty , Michele Bachmann , Rick Perry and Herman Cain . “ And now it ’s Santorum , ” Mr. Gingrich said on Tuesday night . “ There ’s lots of bunny rabbits that run through . I ’m the tortoise . ” As Mr. Gingrich visits Alabama and Mississippi in the next two days , he will be shadowed by Mr. Santorum , who is turning his own sights to the Deep South . Mr. Gingrich was feeling confident enough of his Georgia victory on Tuesday to risk another round of “ Newt Skywalker ” jokes by detouring to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville , Ala. But once out of Georgia , he will not be able to count on the “ native son ” sentiment that fueled no small part of his win . According to exit polls , more Alignment 1 than a third of Georgia voters said Mr. Gingrich ’s ties to the state , which he represented in the House for two decades , were important in their choice of candidate . Four out of five voters said the rise in gas prices ( up 6 percent in the state in the past month ) was an important factor in their choice . Mr. Gingrich has focused intensely on energy in the past few weeks , promising to lower the price of gasoline to $ 2.50 a gallon by aggressive drilling . Many energy economists said the claim was simplistic , and Mr. Romney called it “ pandering . ” Much of Mr. Gingrich ’s speech on Tuesday night was spent on a recitation of how “ Wall Street ” money , meaning Mr. Romney ’s wealthy supporters , had been dedicated to undermining his earlier surges with negative advertising . “ I hope the analysts in Washington and New York , who spent June and July explaining our campaign was dead , will watch this tonight and learn a little bit from this crowd and from this place , ” he said . Merle Black , a political scientist at Emory University in Atlanta , said Mr. Gingrich had most likely also won support by attacking a favorite target , the “ elite ” news media , which he took to task for creating a controversy over Rush Limbaugh ’s verbal attacks against an advocate for contraception . Mr. Gingrich repeated the criticism on Tuesday , calling the issue over Mr. Limbaugh “ the last desperate effort of the elite media to smother an uprising by diverting us into any possible fight . ” Mr. Black said Mr. Gingrich could win all 14 of Georgia ’s Congressional districts , giving him a vast majority of the state ’s delegates . “ It ’s certainly a surprise from what he looked like a couple of weeks ago , ” Mr. Black said . But even if Mr. Gingrich went on to win the states in play next week , his path to the nomination remains improbable . He ’s got to win something outside the South , Alignment 4 Mr. Black said . “ Where ’s he Alignment 5 going to go Alignment 5 ? Where ’s he Alignment 6 going to show Alignment 6 strength ? ”
Alignment 0 Newt Gingrich has received Alignment 0 a much - needed boost from a big win in his home state although without even a second - place finish elsewhere , the road ahead looks uncertain . Gingrich took 47 % of the vote in Georgia to Mitt Romney 's 26 % , and Rick Santorum 's 20 % . More Alignment 1 than a third of voters in the state Gingrich represented in the House for two decades said that his ties to Georgia influenced their choice , the New York Times notes . Alabama and Mississippi vote next Tuesday , and Gingrich Alignment 2 aides expect him to do well there , although Alignment 2 Santorum won both Tennessee and Oklahoma on Super Tuesday , with Romney coming in second . With Alignment 3 the pro - Gingrich Winning Our Future super PAC still awash with Nevada billionaire Sheldon Adelson 's cash , Gingrich Alignment 3 is unlikely to drop out soon . But Alignment 4 " he Alignment 4 ’s got to win something outside the South , an Emory University political scientist tells the Atlanta Journal - Constitution . “ Where ’s he Alignment 5 going to go Alignment 5 ? Where ’s he Alignment 6 going to show Alignment 6 strength ?
",2342 11,"
LISTEN TO ARTICLE 4:21 SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share Tweet Post Email A Alignment 0 former Apple Inc. engineer was arrested Alignment 0 on charges of stealing driverless car secrets for a Chinese startup after he passed through the security checkpoint at San Jose International Airport to board a flight to China . Zhang Xiaolang was accused by U.S. prosecutors of downloading files containing proprietary information as he prepared to leave the iPhone maker in April and start work for Guangzhou - based Xiaopeng Motors . according to a criminal complaint filed Monday in federal court in San Jose , California . A hardware engineer for Apple ’s autonomous vehicle development team , Zhang was granted access to confidential company databases , according to the complaint . After Alignment 1 he took paternity leave he told Apple in April he was moving back to China to work at Xmotors . Apple Alignment 2 grew more suspicious after seeing his increased network activity and visits to the office before he resigned , according Alignment 2 to the complaint . Zhang Alignment 3 admitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he downloaded Apple driverless technology files to his wife ’s laptop to have continued access to them , according to the complaint . He was arrested July 7 . XMotors Alignment 7 has always strictly abided by the laws of China and the U.S. and takes protection of intellectual property rights seriously , Isabel Alignment 7 Jiang , an XMotors spokeswoman , said in a statement . Alignment 6 Alignment 8 There is no indication that he has ever communicated any sensitive information from Apple to XMotors , Alignment 6 Alignment 8 Jiang said of Zhang . When Alignment 10 Alignment 9 notified in late June that U.S. authorities were investigating Zhang , his computer and office equipment was secured and he was denied access to his work , she Alignment 10 Alignment 9 said . He Alignment 11 was subsequently fired , she Alignment 11 said . The charges against Zhang echo civil claims that Waymo , Alphabet Inc. ’s driverless unit , leveled against Uber Technologies Inc. and engineer Anthony Levandowski . While the lawsuit settled , a criminal investigation of Levandowski ’s alleged trade secret theft from Google remains unresolved . Waymo - Uber Trial Puts Spotlight on Tech ’s Age - Old Talent War The U.S. Treasury Department plans to heighten scrutiny of Chinese investments in sensitive U.S. industries under an emergency law . The Alignment 13 crackdown is aimed Alignment 13 at China ’s investment in new - energy vehicles , robotics and aerospace , interests the Trump administration has viewed as a threat to economic and national security , according Alignment 13 to people familiar with the plans . Apple ’s self - driving car project is a rare initiative by the company that has played out in the public eye over the past few years . In 2015 , Apple executives approved a plan to build a self - driving , electric vehicle to take on Tesla Inc. and the Detroit auto industry . Apple hired more than 1,000 engineers . However , about two years ago , Apple scaled back its plans to build a physical vehicle and has since had a team working on the underlying self - driving software and sensor technology . The self - driving space is exceptionally competitive , with dozens of companies across the world trying to take the lead in the burgeoning field . Apple has dozens of cars equipped with its software on the road today , but it ’s still unclear how Apple ’s reliability stacks up against other industry titans like Uber Technologies Inc. and Google ’s Waymo division . Apple plans to use its robocar technology on special Volkswagen vans to transport employees between offices . Apple has n’t said how or if it will eventually release its technology to consumers . About 5,000 of Apple ’s more than 135,000 full - time employees are disclosed on the car project . Out Alignment 12 of those , roughly Alignment 12 2,700 workers have access to one or more Apple databases containing information about the project , according Alignment 12 to the complaint . The majority of Zhang ’s network activity “ consisted of both bulk searches and targeted downloading copious pages of information from the various confidential database applications , ” according to the complaint . Prosecutors Alignment 4 accuse him Alignment 5 of downloading Alignment 5 engineering schematics , and technical manuals and reports . “ Apple takes confidentiality and the protection of our intellectual property very seriously , ” company spokesman Tom Neumayr said in an email . “ We ’re working with authorities on this matter and will do everything possible to make sure this individual and any other individuals involved are held accountable for their actions . ” Tamara Crepet , a federal public defender who is initially representing Zhang , did n’t immediately respond to a phone call seeking comment . The case is U.S.A. v. Zhang , 18 - cr-70919 , U.S. District Court , Northern District of California ( San Jose ) .
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Alignment 0 A former Apple engineer was arrested Alignment 0 as he was about to board a flight from San Jose to China Saturday , accused by US prosecutors of stealing tech secrets from the firm with the plan of passing them along to a Chinese startup , the Washington Post reports . Zhang Alignment 1 Xiaolang , once Alignment 1 a hardware engineer for Apple 's driverless car development team , told Alignment 1 the company in April that he was leaving to go back to China and work at Xiaopeng Motors or XMotors , which is also developing autonomous vehicles . But Alignment 2 Apple became suspicious when his level of network activity "" increased exponentially "" before his resignation , and officials Alignment 3 say he ultimately admitted downloading self - driving car technology files to his wife 's laptop . Prosecutors Alignment 4 say those Alignment 5 files included engineering schematics as well as technical manuals and reports . Zhang was also caught on surveillance video entering the software and hardware labs of the autonomous vehicle department and leaving with a large box . An Alignment 6 XMotors spokesperson says the Alignment 7 firm has always Alignment 7 abided by the law and notes , "" There is Alignment 8 no indication that he has ever communicated any sensitive information from Apple to XMotors . " Zhang Alignment 9 's access to his work at XMotors was denied Alignment 9 and his Alignment 10 computer and other equipment were secured Alignment 10 after US authorities notified the company they were investigating him ; he Alignment 11 was ultimately Alignment 11 fired . Apple 's work on self - driving cars is extremely secretive ; just Alignment 12 2,700 "" core "" employees have access to the project 's databases . Operating under an emergency law , the Alignment 13 US Treasury Department plans to increase scrutiny of Chinese investment in US industries including new - energy vehicles , robotics , and aerospace , sources tell Bloomberg .
",1204 12,"
The man who claimed to achieve bird - like flight with a custom - built contraption came clean today : It Alignment 0 was a hoax 8 months in the making . Netherlands artist Floris Kaayk , who went by the name of Jarno Smeets during his “ Human Birdwings ” project , admitted to the hoax today on a Dutch television program called “ De Wereld Draait Door ” ( “ The World is Turning ” ) . “ My name is Floris Kaayk I ’m actually a filmmaker and animator . I Alignment 3 Alignment 4 am now 8 months working on an experiment about online media , ” Kaayk told the show , according to a Dutch - to - English translation in a YouTube video . [ Updated : The YouTube clip has been removed . ] Kaayk said attempted the hoax because “ it ’s Alignment 5 everybody ’s dream to fly . ” Kaayk ’s website states he was born in Tiel in the Netherlands in 1982 . He ’s been living in The Hague , where the faked bird - man stunt took place . Kaayk claims on his website that he graduated with honors from St. Joost Academy and earned a Masters of Fine Arts . The website says he is an animator and a CGI expert who has a self - described fascination with “ the world of insect , evolution , technology and dark futuristic visions . ” In Alignment 6 Alignment 7 2006 , Kaayk Alignment 6 Alignment 7 created a hoaxed documentary about a fake disease called Metalosis Maligna that causes medical implants to grow and overtake the body . The hoaxer claims on his website that his films have earned several awards , and that his The Origin of Creatures was the Dutch entry for the Academy Awards in 2011 . “ He wanted to chase a dream , as most artists do . He wanted to inspire people and I think he succeeded , ” said neuromechanics scientist Bert Otten of the University of Groningen . “ As an Alignment 8 artist he has succeeded Alignment 8 , but he Alignment 9 has fooled Alignment 9 most of us . We Alignment 10 all want to fly , do n’t we ? ” Kaayk reached out to Otten in August 2011 to ask him about the mechanics of flight . Otten said he was not in on the hoax , and that he believed Kaayk — then “ Jarno Smeets ” — earnestly wished to fly . Alignment 11 Although this kind of flight is possible in principle , he Alignment 11 must have known Alignment 11 early on that it would be impossible for him and that he had to fake it . It ’s Alignment 12 pretty fantastic that he made us believe that we were on to something . The birdwings video started going viral on Tuesday when bloggers and news outlets , including Wired , began gushing over the apparent achievement in human flight . But many observers were skeptical from the start . Wired ’s Dot Physics blogger , physicist Rhett Allain , did an analysis of the video on Wednesday that found no conclusive evidence it was fake , but he agreed it looked suspicious . Then Wired reported that nobody named Jarno Smeets had attended Coventry College or worked for Pailton Steering Systems , as claimed in a resume for Smeets on LinkedIn . Finally , today , Kaayk admitted the hoax — confirming that there is no Jarno Smeets . Updated : March 26 , 2011 ; 11 a.m. EDT Video : De Wereld Draait Door / Vara
You 're looking at the Internet Bird Man , who captivated the web 's attention for dozens of hours and divided us between skeptics and the faithful . It was a hoax ! It turns out he even made up his name . Jarno Smeets — actually a Alignment 1 Alignment 2 Dutch CGI artist named Floris Kaayk fessed up to the hoax on De Wereld Draait Door , a Dutch TV show . Surprise ! He " graduated cum laude at the animation department of the St. Joost Academy and received his Master of Fine Arts degree at the Sandberg Institute . " No word if those schools are real or just CGI . According to this other Netherlander who watched the show , Kaayk said the bird man foolery was all part of a documentary he 's working on . About tricking the internet ? Excellent work , Floris — how about someone at a big CGI firm give this guy a job ? But first , let him put out another video warning gullible people against jumping off their roofs with kites strapped to their backs . [ Michael van Poppel ]
– Those CGI experts were right : The Alignment 0 brief Bird Man phenomenon in which we were enchanted by a guy flying with homemade wings was a hoax . In fact , " Jarno Alignment 1 Smeets "" is actually Alignment 1 named Floris Kaayk , and he Alignment 2 says he 's really a Dutch CGI artist , Gizmodo reports . He acknowledged as much on a Dutch TV show . He Alignment 3 says his Alignment 4 video is in service of a documentary project about online media . The Alignment 5 hoax worked because "" it 's everybody 's dream to fly , " Kaayk said , according to Wired . Turns Alignment 7 Alignment 6 out Kaayk Alignment 6 is a veteran hoaxer he also made a documentary about a fake disease in 2006 . " As an Alignment 8 artist he has succeeded Alignment 8 , but he Alignment 9 has fooled Alignment 9 most of us . We Alignment 10 all want to fly , do n’t we ? ” says a scientist who talked to Kaayk about flight . " Although Alignment 11 this kind of flight is possible in principle , he Alignment 11 must have known Alignment 11 early on that it would be impossible for him and that he had to fake it . It ’s Alignment 12 pretty fantastic that he made us believe that we were on to something . "
",780 13,"
A Alignment 0 woman who went missing while snowboarding in Whistler , British Columbia , was found Alignment 0 in good condition today after three days lost "" in the backcountry , " according Alignment 0 to the police . The snowboarder was found by search and rescue teams this afternoon , the Whistler Royal Canadian Mounted Police said . She was " in cold , but good , condition , " police said , and she was taken by helicopter for medical treatment . The snowboarder , identified as 21 - year - old Julie Abrahamsen , had last been seen Wednesday morning on Blackcomb Mountain , according to police . She Alignment 4 was reported Alignment 4 missing on Friday , igniting Alignment 4 a police and ski patrol search . Tracks were spotted in the snow by searchers in a helicopter , and when rescuers on the ground followed them , they found the young woman , Whistler RCMP Sgt . Rob Knapton said . "" Alignment 2 Searchers followed the trail and at approximately 1:30 p.m. located the missing snowboarder in cold , but good , condition , " Knapton Alignment 2 said in a statement released today .
Missing snowboarder Julie Abrahamsen has been found alive three days after she was last seen on Blackcomb Mountain near Whistler , B.C. Search and Rescue found the 21 - year - old woman on Saturday more than five kilometres from the ski boundary of Whistler Blackcomb . A helicopter spotted her tracks in the snow , followed them from the air , and found her in extremely rugged terrain at an elevation of 1,600 metres near Upper Wedge Creek . Julie Abrahamsen was found after three days on Wedge Mountain near Whistler , B.C. ( Facebook ) Brad Sills , senior manager for Whistler SAR said he was elated and joyed to see that Abrahamsen was alive and in good conditions despite being dehydrated . "" Alignment 5 These moments are big for us because we do n't get enough of them quite simply , " he Alignment 5 said . "" Alignment 6 Alignment 7 To find someone with a strong spirit who is able to endure the past three nights of weather that 's a big win for all of us . RCMP will now Alignment 8 try to piece together how Abrahamsen ended up so far from the ski boundary . "" Alignment 9 It 's not an area that would 've been accessible by just riding your snowboard out , " said Alignment 9 Sgt . Rob Knapton . " There definitely would have been a significant amount of walking involved , but it is in the direction that you could go from Blackcomb when you enter the backcountry , " he said . " Despite the rain , the temperatures have been higher , so it made it a little bit better chance of surviving , " Knapton said . Abrahamsen 's roommate reported the 21 - year - old missing on Friday . She was last Alignment 3 seen on Wednesday Jan. 21 and RCMP were able to confirm she accessed the lifts on Blackcomb 's Glacier Express chairlift at 11 a.m. Julie Abrahamsen 's father ( right ) said he was grateful his daughter ( left ) was found alive . ( Facebook ) Her father , KnutPeder Abrahamsen , posted on Facebook from Norway on Saturday that he was relieved she was found . " I love my three children and grateful and happy to still have all of them , " he said . Abrahamsen is an avid snowboarder and went on many trips with her family and friends . On mobile ? Click here to see where Julie Abrahamsen was found .
Alignment 0 Three days lost in the "" back country "" around Whistler , British Columbia , have left Alignment 0 a snowboarder "" cold , "" but apparently no worse for the wear . Twenty Alignment 1 - one - year - old Julie Abrahamsen was found Alignment 1 yesterday by searchers who spotted her tracks from a helicopter , reports ABC News . "" Alignment 2 Searchers followed the trail and at approximately 1:30pm located the missing snowboarder in cold , but good , condition , " reads Alignment 2 a statement from the Whistler Royal Canadian Mounted Police . She Alignment 3 had last Alignment 3 been seen Alignment 3 Wednesday near Blackcomb Mountain ; a Alignment 4 roommate reported her missing on Friday , triggering Alignment 4 a search . Abrahamsen was found in what the CBC calls " extremely rugged terrain " more than three miles beyond the ski boundary . " These Alignment 5 moments are big for us because we do n't get enough of them quite simply , " says Alignment 5 a Search and Rescue coordinator . " To Alignment 7 find Alignment 6 someone with a strong spirit who is able to endure the past three nights of weather that 's a big win for all of us . " Officials Alignment 8 are trying Alignment 8 to figure out how Abrahamsen got so far astray . " It Alignment 9 's not an area that would 've been accessible by just riding your snowboard out , " says Alignment 9 an RCMP rep .
",1233 14,"
Reed Albergotti and Vanessa O'Connell 's " Wheelmen " is a well - written , documented , organized book , and an easy read . One needs not be a cyclist to follow most of the book , but one who has cycled will perhaps receive a more visceral appreciation for this work . As a former mountain bike and cyclo - cross racer , who has put a lot of time on the roads , I am neither an antagonist of , nor an apologist for Lance Armstrong . I remember a conversation among racing friends during the early 2000 's about Armstrong and the professional peloton . While most defended Lance , one , with perhaps more insight than the rest of us commented , " they are all dirty " . I will use a somewhat different tact with my review . My review will be more about feelings I had during the reading of " Wheelmen " . If Albergotti and O'Connell 's Wheelmen has any weakness at all , it falls short in categorizing the participants of the professional peloton as the cream of the crop , the best of the best , the elite , of the elite . You can not take an average Joe off the street , allow him to blood dope , take PED 's and put him on a bicycle and expect to get Armstrong 's results . Both mental and physical toughness and a willingness to accept and work through extraordinary pain are required . What we had , were the finest cyclists in the world , all looking for that " advantage " over their fellow competitors . I recall cycling 3 + weeks in the mountains of Colorado and then returning to the " flatlands " and cycling with my club team . The extra blood my body produced to cope with the rarified atmosphere of Colorado gave me a distinct advantage within club rides , which wore off after a couple of weeks . It helped me understand the culture of doping in cycling . Blood doping and PED 's not only affect performance , but also are important in regard to recovery . The bottom line is , one had a good chance of being out of a job in the world cycling scene if they did not dope . These were " ALL " adults who made the decision to dope , or not . As a reviewer , I am not condoning the process . Doping appears to have been rampant within cycling for a long time . Add Lance Armstrong to the mix , a self driven , rather egocentric individual , and unnaturally talented endurance athlete , who was willing to make the sacrifices to be great , as well as expecting those associated with him to make these sacrifices , and we have a story . Armstrong made a science of taking advantage of the system and contributing to the corruptness of the said system . He not only leveled the playing field for himself and his team , but also got that competitive edge through the best medical help that money could buy . I wonder though , if through it all , the punishment was greater than the crime . Armstrong 's drive made money for everyone and every organization that became associated with him . His foundation provided hope and assistance for many without hope . Lawsuits that ruled in Armstrong 's favor , with Bob Hamman and SCA promotions and The Times of London require restitution , now that the truth about Lance 's doping is public knowledge . Money is one thing , but I have always felt that if Armstrong was indeed dirty , and he admitted to it , a large and sincere apology was in store for Greg LeMond . Armstrong had it all . Family , money , fame , property , idolatry and a continuing love for endurance competition . With his " headstrong " instance that he was clean , rather than cut deals when he could , he put everything he had into jeopardy . He could have been the most important vector for eradicating the specter of doping from professional cycling . He chose the dark side and put all that which he had sacrificed for at risk . One wonders why the apex of competitive greatness continues to seek edges that yield unfair advantages . Is it necessary ? Did Marian Jones need PED 's ? Did Barry Bonds require steroids ? An irony exists in punishments . Jones was stripped of her titles and did jail time . Armstrong was stripped of his titles , and an enormous amount of money thus far , and one wonders if jail time is in his future . Mr. Bonds ? Why do the relatively minor sports of track and field and cycling follow through on punishments meted out , where the enormously wealthy organizations of MLB and the NFL all but turn the other cheek ? In conclusion , Albergotti and O'Connell have put together a very well organized , documented , and readable book . They are neither scathing nor unfair of Armstrong , but report on what was observed and weave it all together in " Wheelmen " . One can only hope that the moral of the story contributes to the complete abstinence of PED 's in sport . As a postscript , Albergotti and O'Connell are both reporters for " The Wall Street Journal " . One can only hope than one day we will read their book about the investigation , punishment and return of money to everybody hurt by those on Wall Street and the banking industry who all but caused a global financial collapse .
In 2013 , Lance Armstrong confessed that he had cheated to win the Tour de France . The moment marked the breathtaking fall of an athlete who had transformed himself from a brash and undisciplined teenage triathlete to a global sporting icon . In their forthcoming book , " Wheelmen : Lance Armstrong , the Tour de France and the Greatest Sports Conspiracy Ever , " Wall Street Journal reporters Reed Albergotti and Vanessa O'Connell give an inside account of Armstrong 's career , from his enormous commercial and competitive success to his take - no - prisoners approach to protecting a devastating secret . The book arose from ...
Sheryl Crow was with Lance Armstrong when he went to receive an illicit blood transfusion and later Alignment 2 told federal investigators about what she 'd seen , according Alignment 2 to a new book about the doping conspiracy that propelled Armstrong 's cycling teams . The musician accompanied Armstrong during a trip to Belgium in Armstrong 's private jet for a 2004 procedure according to " Wheelmen , " a book due out next Tuesday from Wall Street Journal reporters Reed Albergotti and Vanessa O'Connell . "" Rather than try to hide the transfusion from her , Armstrong was completely open about it , " the Alignment 3 Alignment 4 authors write . "" Alignment 5 He trusted that Crow Alignment 6 would have Alignment 6 no desire to tell the press or anyone else about the team 's doping program . He Alignment 7 explained that it was Alignment 8 simply part of the sport - that all cyclists were doing the same thing . " Sheryl Crow cooperates with the feds after being given immunity from prosecution , a new book claims . ( MARK J TERRILL / AP ) Crow and Armstrong were dating at the time , Armstrong having left his wife , Kristin , just as his romance with Crow became public . The singer and cyclist were briefly engaged , but they split up in 2006 . A representative for Crow , apprised Wednesday afternoon of the book 's contents , did not offer a comment . Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong call off their engagement in 2006 . ( Alignment 9 PETER DEJONG / AP ) Crow was forced Alignment 9 to revisit her relationship with Armstrong five years after it ended when federal investigators launched the criminal probe that hastened Armstrong 's downfall . The Daily News reported last year that Crow Alignment 10 spoke with investigators in late 2011 . " Wheelmen " states that Crow informed on Armstrong after Food and Drug Administration criminal investigator Jeff Novitzky gave her a proffer agreement , a document that protects witnesses from criminal prosecution if they cooperate honestly . Sheryl Crow travels with then - boyfriend Lance Armstrong to the 2005 Tour de France . ( ERIC GAILLARD / REUTERS ) Blood transfusions allow athletes to increase the number of oxygen - carrying red blood cells in their bodies , boosting endurance potential without using drugs . Armstrong used transfusions in conjunction with banned drugs during the peak of his career , and doped throughout his entire career . Armstrong escaped criminal charges when a grand jury dropped the case without explanation in 2012 . But he has n't outrun the government yet ; the Justice Department is currently suing Armstrong and several members of his inner circle . The lawsuit cites the False Claims Act in an effort to retrieve the tens of millions the U.S. Postal Service paid to Armstrong and his teams . Lance Armstrong is stripped of his seven Tour de France titles over doping . ( CHRISTOPHE ENA / AP ) The role of Armstrong 's closest friends and supporters in perpetuating his deceptions is one of the central themes of the new book , which is due out Tuesday and bears the full title " Wheelmen : Lance Armstrong , the Tour de France and the Greatest Sports Conspiracy Ever . "
Alignment 0 A new book claims that Sheryl Alignment 1 Crow was with then - boyfriend Lance Armstrong during one of his secret blood transfusions and that she Alignment 2 ultimately snitched on him to federal investigators . The New York Daily News got an early look this week at Wheelmen by Wall Street Journal reporters Reed Albergotti and Vanessa O'Connell , and it recounts the Belgium incident . " Rather Alignment 3 Alignment 4 than try to hide the transfusion Alignment 4 from her , Armstrong Alignment 3 was completely open about it , " the Alignment 4 authors write . " He Alignment 5 trusted that Crow Alignment 6 would have Alignment 6 no desire to tell the press or anyone else about the team 's doping program . He Alignment 7 explained that it Alignment 8 was simply part of the sport that all cyclists were doing the same thing . " Five years after the couple broke up , however , the Alignment 9 criminal probe against Armstrong was launched Alignment 9 , and Crow Alignment 10 spoke to investigators in 2011 . The Alignment 11 book says she Alignment 12 was protected Alignment 12 from prosecution by cooperating with the investigation .
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Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks at a conference in Washington on Dec. 5 . ( Photo : Chip Somodevilla , Getty Images ) Story Highlights Proposal would help avoid conflicts between religious beliefs and employees ' needs One Catholic analyst called the proposal a " win - win " Anti - abortion groups criticized the proposal WASHINGTON — Women who work for religious - affiliated organizations can have contraceptive services under their health insurance through separate coverage while allowing their employers not to violate their religious beliefs by exempting them from paying for it , according to a proposed regulation issued Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services . Last Alignment 1 August , when Alignment 1 the government announced that insurance plans must cover women 's contraceptive services with no co - pays under the 2010 health care law , some Alignment 1 employers charities , religious schools and hospitals took issue with being forced to provide a service that goes against their beliefs . " Today , the administration is taking the next step in providing women across the nation with coverage of recommended preventive care at no cost , while respecting religious concerns , " said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a press statement . " We will continue to work with faith - based organizations , women 's organizations , insurers and others to achieve these goals . " STORY : Private employers sue Under the proposed rule , religious organizations would inform their insurer of their exemption , and then Alignment 4 the insurer would inform the organization 's employees that the insurer would provide them with no - cost contraceptive coverage through a separate insurance policy not connected to the religious employer . The insurer would be reimbursed through a reduction in the user fees it would normally pay to participate in the new state health exchanges , or marketplaces . The state marketplaces are websites where consumers can choose from eligible health insurance plans by comparing prices and benefits . Chiquita Brooks - LaSure , a deputy director of policy and regulation for insurance oversight at HHS , said 99 % of women use contraception at some point , and the Institute of Medicine recommended contraception as a covered benefit because it would ultimately keep costs down for the public and private health care systems . " Prevention saves dollars , " she said . " The issuer provides coverage knowing that overall costs will not increase . " As it stands , 28 states already require insurers to cover contraception . Anti - abortion groups immediately took issue with the proposed rule , while women 's groups and equality organizations praised it . " Our overriding concern is that women have meaningful access to essential preventive health care services , like birth control , without co - pays or deductibles , " said Marcia Greenberger , co - president of the National Women 's Law Center , which promotes equality for women , in a statement . " We look forward to reviewing and commenting on the proposed regulation in detail to ensure that women are able to make personal health decisions without interference by their bosses . " The American Civil Liberties Union , a non - profit that fights for individual rights , said the rule shows the administration wants to ensure women have " basic health services . " " Over the last year , we 've seen a disturbing number of instances where employers are trying to impose their religious beliefs on a diverse workforce that does not share them , and opponents of the law have made it clear that they wo n't rest until no insurance plan , whatever the source , is required to cover contraception , " said Sarah Lipton - Lubet , ACLU policy counsel , in a statement . Alliance Defending Freedom , a conservative Christian group that advocates prayers at public meetings and crosses on public land , called the rule an " abortion pill mandate . " " The administration 's narrow gesture does nothing to protect many faith - based employers or religious families from the unconstitutional abortion pill mandate , " said senior legal counsel Matt Bowman . " The government has no business putting religious freedom on the negotiating table , or picking and choosing who is allowed to exercise faith . " Bowman refers to the " morning - after pill , " or Plan B , available as an over - the - counter pill for adult women that prevents pregnancy up to three days after unprotected sex , or Ella , a prescription - only pill that prevents pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex . About 100 plaintiffs have filed 43 lawsuits against HHS nationwide , saying they believe the requirement violates the rights of religious organizations . Priests for Life , a Roman - Catholic anti - abortion group that also objects to contraceptives , said the rule requiring contraceptive care should be rescinded completely . But Thomas Reese , a Jesuit priest who is a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University , said he sees it as a " win - win " for both religious organizations and the government . " I think they really worked hard to find a solution to take care of the problem that Catholic hospitals had with the rule , " he said . " Congress made clear that it did not want abortion covered by federal funds . " He said he would leave the debate over whether the morning - after pill qualifies as an " abortion " to medical specialists . " I think this should make both the bishops and the hospitals happy , " he said , " and at the same time , it keeps employees happy . " The proposed rule is here : www.ofr.gov/inspection.aspx Contributing : Cathy Grossman
For the second time in a year , the Obama administration has backtracked on its requirement to make religious institutions pay for contraception . A new policy announced Friday further expanded the exemption to Obamacare : Women will still be able to get the same health benefits , but certain Alignment 3 religious employers wo n’t have to pay for them . Instead , institutions that insure themselves can use a third - party to find a separate health insurance plan to pay for and provide the contraceptives . Text Size - + reset ( PHOTOS : 21 landmark SCOTUS rulings ) Facing outrage from institutions that objected to the contraception requirement on moral grounds , the administration had already exempted some religious institutions — churches were always exempt — from requiring contraception coverage last year . Then Alignment 2 , Obama Alignment 2 exempted some religiously affiliated institutions , such as evangelical Christian schools or Catholic hospitals , from Alignment 2 covering contraception in their plans , forcing insurers to offer free contraception to those employed by them . Friday ’s shift broadened the definition of which groups would be exempt and addressed where the money to pay for the guaranteed coverage would come from so that religious groups would n’t be paying even indirectly . ( PHOTOS : 10 alarmist quotes on health law ruling ) The Health and Human Services Department announced the new proposed rule on its website . The new policy is designed to quell outcry from religious - affiliated institutions , that the Obama administration was making them violate their religious beliefs . The policy does not address the concerns of private businesses whose owners also object to contraception on religious grounds . Several dozen lawsuits have been filed , and the religious freedom issue is likely to reach the Supreme Court . “ Today , the administration is taking the next step in providing women across the nation with coverage of recommended preventive care at no cost , while respecting religious concerns , ” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement . “ We will continue to work with faith - based organizations , women ’s organizations , insurers and others to achieve these goals . ” Sebelius briefed abortion rights groups on the new rule Thursday , sources tell POLITICO . ( PHOTOS : Supreme Court highlights in 2012 ) White House press secretary Jay Carney referred questions to HHS , but said that the president believes that the policy both guarantees contraception for women and respects religious objections . In outlining the policy last year , Carney said , the president “ set two important criteria . One , to ensure that women have access to preventive services like contraception . And that the policy also respects religious beliefs . Those guidelines , those criteria have been followed by the department in promulgating this rule , this proposed rule , and as part of that process there will be more comment that is taken on it . ”
Alignment 0 The Obama administration today officially issued a proposed change to its Alignment 1 rule mandating that employers offer their female employees insurance that includes copay - free access to contraception . Under the new rule , women Alignment 2 who work for a religiously - affiliated employer , such as a Catholic hospital , will still Alignment 2 get free access to contraceptives , but their Alignment 3 employers wo n't need to pay for it . The Alignment 4 employer will instead notify their insurance provider of their exemption , and the insurer will notify the employee that the contraception is coming from a separate policy , USA Alignment 4 Today explains . The rule drew praise from the executive director of Catholics United . Health and Human Services " has done the right thing , " he said , according to Politico . " This is a victory not only for the Obama administration , but for the Catholic Church . " But the rule hews fairly close to Obama 's already announced compromise , which some Catholics had declared inadequate . The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has so far only said it will review the new regulations . The administration also ruled out broadening the exemption to encompass any company whose owner had a religious objection , the Hill points out .
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The seed for this crawl was a list of every host in the Wayback Machine This crawl was run at a level 1 ( URLs including their embeds , plus the URLs of all outbound links including their embeds ) The WARC files associated with this crawl are not currently available to the general public .
President Barack Obama wo Alignment 0 n't intervene in the Justice Department 's determination of Alignment 0 whether to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman , White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday . The president "" Alignment 1 has no position to express "" on how the department chooses to move forward in its response to the killing of Trayvon Martin , and the decision will be made by career prosecutors and not by the White House , Carney said . " The process will be handled in the way it should be at the Department of Justice and certainly not here . " Carney would n't comment on Obama 's reaction to the not guilty verdict that a jury handed down on Saturday , and said he did n't know whether Obama had discussed the verdict with Attorney General Eric Holder . Carney said he did not think that Obama had spoken to the Martin family over the weekend . ( PHOTOS : George Zimmerman trial ) Carney did say Alignment 2 Alignment 3 that Obama chose to weigh in with a written statement Sunday because "" the verdict obviously was fairly big news and it was something that was being watched nationally and the president had spoken about Trayvon Martin in the past . " Read more about : Trayvon Martin , George Zimmerman
– Barack Obama famously and controversially weighed in on Trayvon Martin 's death ( " If I had a son , he 'd look like Trayvon " ) , but the Alignment 0 president will not Alignment 0 be getting Alignment 0 involved in the DOJ 's looming decision on whether to prosecute George Zimmerman on civil rights charges , Politico reports . Obama Alignment 1 "" has no position to express "" on the matter , White Alignment 1 House press secretary Jay Carney said today . Obama Alignment 2 did , however Alignment 2 , weigh Alignment 2 in on Alignment 2 Zimmerman 's not - guilty verdict , and Carney Alignment 3 said that 's because it "" was fairly big news and it was something that was being watched nationally . " As for the fact that Obama got involved in the Trayvon case in the first place , the president 's " interference in a local law enforcement matter was unprecedented and inappropriate , and he comes away from the case looking badly tarnished by his poor judgment , " writes civil rights expert Abigail Thernstrom for CNN . Other than having the same skin color , Obama 's hypothetical son would have led a life " almost as dissimilar from Trayvon 's as one could imagine , " full of affluence and privilege , Thernstrom points out , noting that not " all brown - skinned boys are the same . " The National Bar Association , the country 's oldest and biggest national association of principally African American lawyers and judges , released a statement on the Zimmerman verdict yesterday . " We are extremely disappointed , " it reads . " As lawyers we respect the rule of law , but in this instance the Zimmerman verdict sadly highlights the continued injustices Black Americans face in the US legal system . " The organization has scheduled a " call to action " in Miami on July 27 and 29 . One of the jurors is about to get a book deal , and Gawker features a video of her questioning as a potential juror , during which she revealed her distaste for the media ( " Newspapers are used in the parrot 's cage , not even read . ... It 's a lot better use in the parrot cage . " ) and , asked to describe Trayvon Martin , referred to him as " a boy of color . "
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Florida Alignment 1 Alignment 4 State running back Dalvin Cook has been charged Alignment 1 Alignment 4 with misdemeanor battery after allegedly punching a 21 - year - old woman in the face several times during an argument outside a bar last month . Florida State issued a Alignment 2 statement Friday afternoon saying Alignment 2 Cook , a 19 - year - old sophomore from Miami , has been suspended from the program indefinitely . State attorney Willie Meggs signed the probable cause warrant Friday . Cook turned himself in at 8:37 p.m. ET on Friday , Leon County Jail records show . Meggs told ESPN.com that he had met with the woman , who is not a Florida State student , and a female witness earlier Friday . Cook 's accuser presented Meggs photos of her injuries . Dalvin Cook turned himself in at Leon County Jail in Tallahassee on Friday night . Courtesy of Leon County Jail " I found the women to be very credible , " Meggs said . The alleged incident occurred the night before former Seminoles quarterback De'Andre Johnson punched another woman at a different bar near the FSU campus on June 24 . Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher dismissed Johnson from the team Monday night , hours after the state attorney 's office released surveillance video showing Johnson punching a 21 - year - old FSU student in the face . " Recent events at Florida State University involving members of my football team have brought a lot of attention to the school and program . It is important to me that our fans and the public be aware that I do not tolerate the type of behavior that was captured on video and that was most recently alleged , " Fisher said in a statement Friday . " We spend a good deal of time educating our student - athletes about appropriate behavior and their responsibilities as representatives of Florida State . The majority of our players are exemplary , but clearly we must place an even stronger emphasis on this , and I personally promise we will . " I remain committed to educating our young men and holding them accountable for their actions . " In a separate statement , FSU president John Thrasher said he was " extremely disappointed " to hear about the allegations , calling them " especially disheartening " considering they came just days after Johnson 's dismissal . " I have asked Coach Fisher and Athletics Director Stan Wilcox to develop a plan to help our student - athletes understand the consequences of these kinds of actions , " Thrasher said . " This will include Coach Fisher meeting immediately with his team to reiterate , in no uncertain terms , our expectations of them . I also plan to meet with the team , and we will be asking professionals who deal with these matters , including State Attorney Willie Meggs , to speak with them . " The woman who said Cook punched her told ESPN.com that her bottom lip was split and her nose was sore the next day . The woman said she identified Cook as the man who struck her in a photo lineup with two Tallahassee Police Department investigators on July 1 . She told police she wanted to pursue criminal charges against him . The alleged incident between Dalvin Cook and a 21 - year - old woman took place June 23 outside the bar Clyde 's and Costello 's . ESPN The Alignment 7 Alignment 8 woman , who lives in Tallahassee , told Alignment 7 Alignment 8 ESPN.com that she was approached by a man who was not Cook outside the bar Clyde 's and Costello 's shortly after it closed on June 23 . The woman said the Alignment 10 Alignment 9 man asked for her phone number , which she refused to give him . " I told him I had a boyfriend and was n't interested , " said the woman , who spoke to ESPN.com on the condition she not be identified . The Alignment 11 woman said the man returned to the parking lot with Cook and an argument became heated , and then Cook punched her in the face several times . Her friend ran to a nearby TPD car , which was n't occupied , so the woman called 911 . " They Alignment 12 kept telling me they were football players , " the Alignment 12 woman said . " They Alignment 13 kept telling me to Google them . They Alignment 14 told me they Alignment 15 were football players and they Alignment 16 could buy Alignment 16 me in two years . " Attempts by ESPN to contact Cook on Thursday were unsuccessful . A TPD incident report indicates an officer arrived at Clyde 's and Costello 's at 2:24 a.m. on June 23 . An incident report by TPD on Wednesday was heavily redacted . In a statement to ESPN.com , TPD spokesman David Northway said state law " does not allow TPD to provide any details in the active and on - going investigation . " Justin Rossi , 28 , of Tallahassee , said he told police that he witnessed the incident . Rossi said he tried to stand between the two women and a group of five to seven men to try to calm the situation . An officer was working security in the parking lot at the time but went inside the bar at closing , Rossi told ESPN.com . " When the cop went inside , the girl got punched in the mouth , " Rossi said . Cook , who was named a " Mr. Football " in Florida as a senior at Miami Central High School in 2013 , was FSU 's leading rusher last season , gaining 1,008 yards with eight touchdowns . He ran for a career - high 177 yards with one touchdown in FSU 's 37 - 35 victory over Georgia Tech in the ACC championship game . Dalvin Cook was FSU 's leading rusher last season , gaining 1,008 yards with eight touchdowns . AP Photo / Kelvin Kuo On June 26 , 2014 , Cook was one of three FSU football players questioned in connection with a BB - gun battle that damaged cars and homes at an apartment complex in Tallahassee . The incident prompted a full - scale response from local law enforcement , which included the county sheriff 's office helicopter , based on witnesses ' initially fearing a more serious shootout . Cook was charged with criminal mischief and given pretrial intervention in December , which he completed on June 16 . And last July , Cook was named as an " associate " in an aggravated assault case in which police were investigating whether two men brandished a firearm at a neighbor . The incident happened at Cook 's apartment , but one of the accusers told ESPN 's Outside the Lines that he did n't believe the weapon belonged to Cook . Because the most recent incident occurred outside Clyde 's and Costello 's , it 's unclear whether video footage exists . In Johnson 's case , Meggs Alignment 6 charged him with misdemeanor battery after reviewing video of the incident . Surveillance cameras inside that bar appeared to show Johnson punch a woman in the face while they argued . He pleaded not guilty on July 2 and has a case management conference in a Leon County court on July 22 . Johnson 's attorney , Jose Baez , told NBC 's " Today " on Tuesday that his client punched the woman after she called him racial epithets and provoked him . Baez said Johnson was not the initial aggressor but is " owning this " and trying to learn from the experience . Baez said Johnson accidentally made contact with her while they waited to order at the bar . Baez said Johnson tried to " de - escalate the situation , " but the woman " kneed him in the groin area " and " took another swing before he retaliated . " ESPN reporter Paula Lavigne contributed to this report .
Dalvin Cook warms up pre - game before the Rose Bowl in Pasadena , Calif. on Thursday Jan. 1 2015 . ( Photo : Joe Rondone ) Florida State running back Dalvin Cook turned himself into Leon County Jail Friday night hours after the Alignment 5 State Attorney 's Office charged him with misdemeanor battery for allegedly punching a woman several times outside of a downtown Tallahassee bar June 23 . He bonded out of the Leon County Jail around 1:30 a.m. Saturday . Cook , 19 , was suspended indefinitely from the football team Friday afternoon . " It is important to me that our fans and the public be aware that I do not tolerate the type of behavior that was captured on video and that was most recently alleged , " FSU coach Jimbo Fisher said in a statement released early Friday evening . " We will do better . I will not tolerate anything less . " The 21 - year - old woman , who is not an FSU student , and a friend were speaking with a group of five to seven football players outside of Clyde 's & Costello 's after it closed at 2 a.m. when she refused to give her phone number to an FSU football player not named in court records . At the time of the incident the victim did not know who Cook was but believed he was the older brother of the player . She told that player she had a boyfriend and he walked away while yelling obscenities at her . Cook , a sophomore , came Alignment 3 over originally trying to calm the situation down , court records say . At another point FSU sophomore wide receiver Travis Rudolph also joined the argument . The woman pushed Rudolph and he did not react other than to continue arguing . Cook asked if she 'd pushed Rudolph and punched the woman after she replied , knocking her into a parked car . Cook continued to swing at her , hitting her at least one other time as he was being restrained . The blow knocked her to the ground . The group of football players then walked away , court records say . The woman had a bloody lip and dirt on her knee and was intoxicated , police noted in court records . State Attorney Willie Meggs said he met with the victim and one of the witnesses Friday . " I found them very credible , " Meggs said . " They have a good recall of the events of the evening , and they are pretty confident in their identification . " The woman six days later was able to pick Cook out of a photo lineup . On July 1 , police interviewed Cook , Rudolph and freshman quarterback Deondre Francois , who was also at the altercation . Cook said he did not remember getting into an argument and said he did not hit anyone , and Rudolph said he was unaware of a fight taking place . Francois said he remembered the argument and Rudolph being hit by one of the women , but no other violence . The victim , whose name and personal information were listed in the report , plans to press charges , according to the report . She could not be reached for comment by the Tallahassee Democrat . In an interview with ESPN , the woman said , " They kept telling me they were football players . They kept telling me to Google them . They told me they were football players and they could buy me in two years . " The incident occurred the day before former FSU freshman quarterback De'Andre Johnson punched a woman at Yianni 's nightcub . Johnson was charged with misdemeanor battery . Johnson was dismissed from the team on Monday after video of the incident was published by the Tallahassee Democrat . Cook , from Miami , is FSU 's starting running back who rushed for more than 1,000 yards as a freshman last season . Cook was also named in a 2014 aggravated assault case in which two men were alleged to have brandished a BB gun at a neighbor . He was charged with criminal mischief and completed a diversion program this summer .
Alignment 0 This is unfortunately not a repeat of an earlier story : A Alignment 1 football player for Florida State University faces charges of punching a woman in the face at a bar . This Alignment 2 Alignment 3 time it 's Dalvin Alignment 3 Cook , a Alignment 3 19 - year - old sophomore running back , reports Alignment 3 the Tallahassee Democrat . Police Alignment 4 say he Alignment 5 Alignment 6 punched the woman multiple times outside a bar in Tallahassee on Alignment 5 June 23 and charged Alignment 6 him with misdemeanor battery . He has been suspended from the team . The following night , FSU quarterback De'Andre Johnson was seen on surveillance video punching a different woman at a different bar . He 's been kicked off the team . The Alignment 7 21 - year - old woman in the Cook case tells ESPN that a Alignment 9 Alignment 8 man , not Alignment 8 Cook , approached Alignment 8 her outside the bar and asked Alignment 9 for her phone number . She Alignment 10 refused , and she Alignment 11 says the man returned with Cook , who punched her when a heated argument erupted . " They Alignment 12 kept telling me they were football players , " the Alignment 12 woman says . " They Alignment 13 kept telling me to Google them . They Alignment 14 told me they Alignment 15 were football players and they Alignment 16 could buy Alignment 16 me in two years . "
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Bad Alignment 12 dad of the year nominee Andrew Sosa left his 4 - month - old daughter in the car , covered in vomit and dehydrated , while Alignment 12 he went to a Florida strip club , police say . Sosa , 21 , was arrested and charged with child neglect late Friday when a witness in Fort Myers saw the baby inside a locked car at Lookers strip club , according to the News - Press . The witness flagged down an officer , who was forced to smash a window to get the baby out when he could n't find a caretaker nearby . The baby was reportedly sweating and sick . She was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for dehydration , NBC-2 in Fort Myers reports . Meanwhile , Sosa was allegedly at Lookers . Police say he left the victim in the car for more than three hours , but the baby 's uncle refutes the claim . Corey Peterson says the baby was only in the car for half an hour and has " bounced back great . She 's my youngest niece , so she is precious to me . " Peterson also called Sosa a " great father " who " watches his daughter day in and day out . " Sosa appeared in court Saturday , and his bond was set at $ 100,000 , according to the New York Daily News . As we reported in September , Floridians have a history of leaving their kids alone while partying in strip clubs . Also on HuffPost : Questionable Parenting Questionable Parenting 1 of 43 Starved Wisconsin Teen Mike Vega points to the area of sidewalk in Madison , Wis. , Wednesday , Feb. 15 , 2012 , where he discovered a starving 15 - year - old after she escaped from her abusive father and stepmother last week . The severely malnourished teenager had been forced to stay in an unfinished basement for years and an alarm would sound if she went upstairs , police records say . The teen told authorities she ate what she could find in the garbage and on the floor of her father and stepmother 's Madison home . Sometimes she was made to eat her feces and drink her own urine , according to a police affidavit . ( AP Photo / Todd Richmond ) Share this slide : AP
NASHVILLE , Tenn. Alignment 1 Alignment 2 ( WKRN ) A mother and her friend were arrested Alignment 1 Alignment 2 after her 13 - month - old daughter was allegedly left in a hot car while auditioning on stage at an adult entertainment club in downtown Nashville . According to a Metro police , Kelsey Alignment 0 McMurtry , 24 , was Alignment 0 auditioning at Deja Vu Showgirls on Demonbreun Street and left her Alignment 7 young daughter in the back of a car with the windows rolled up around 4 p.m. McMurtry Alignment 6 ’s 19 - year - old friend , Summer Taylor , was supposed to have been watching Alignment 6 the child , but instead Alignment 7 , was Alignment 7 inside the club watching McMurtry ’s audition , according to an arrest warrant . Officers were called Alignment 3 to the scene after witnesses reported seeing the child in the car . Taylor allegedly told police she had been coming back to check on the child but witnesses reported never seeing the woman leave the club . Witnesses estimated the child had been in the car for about 30 minutes . The arresting officer noted in the warrant it Alignment 4 was 72 degrees outside and the temperature inside the car was likely over 100 degrees . The little girl was reportedly wearing a heavy coat and drenched Alignment 5 in sweat when she was removed from the car . She was taken Alignment 10 to a local hospital for treatment . The Alignment 11 Department of Children ’s Services were called Alignment 11 to the scene and hospital to care for the child . McMurtry and Taylor were both Alignment 8 booked into the Metro jail and charged Alignment 8 with child neglect . McMurtry was also charged Alignment 9 with criminal impersonation for initially lying to officers about her identity . Also , she did not have a valid driver ’s license . Taylor ’s bond was set at $ 10,000 and McMurtry ’s bond was set at $ 40,000 . Both women are due in court April 18 .
– There are the oops moments that every parent has , and then Alignment 0 there is Alignment 0 the case of 24 - year - old Kelsey McMurtry : Nashville Alignment 1 police say McMurtry Alignment 2 left her 13 - month - old daughter locked in her vehicle on a 72 - degree day clad in a heavy coat , with Alignment 2 the windows closed while she auditioned at a strip club called Deja Vu Showgirls , reports WSBV - TV . Passersby Alignment 3 Alignment 4 noticed the Alignment 5 child and called Alignment 4 police , who Alignment 5 Alignment 4 estimate that temperatures inside the car had surpassed 100 degrees , who found her soaked in sweat . McMurtry Alignment 6 's friend , Summer Taylor , 19 , said she was keeping an eye on the child , but police Alignment 7 and witnesses say Taylor was inside the club watching the audition , reports WKRN . Both Alignment 8 women were charged Alignment 8 with child neglect ; McMurtry Alignment 9 was additionally Alignment 9 charged with criminal impersonation for lying to cops about her identity so as to avoid a previous warrant . The Alignment 10 Alignment 11 child was taken Alignment 10 to the hospital and is Alignment 11 in the hands of Department of Children ’s Services . ( Alignment 12 A man allegedly left his 4 - month - old in the car so Alignment 12 he could go into a strip club . )
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The showdown took place at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility , a maximum - security prison where convicts Alignment 6 can take Alignment 6 courses taught by faculty from nearby Bard College , and where inmates have formed a popular debate club . Last Alignment 2 month , they Alignment 2 invited the Ivy League undergraduates and this year 's national debate champions over for Alignment 2 a friendly competition . The Harvard debate team also was crowned world champions in 2014 . But the inmates are building a reputation of their own . In the two years since they started a debate club , the prisoners have beaten teams from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the University of Vermont . The competition with West Point , which is now an annual affair , has grown into a rivalry . At Bard , those who help teach the inmates are n't particularly surprised by their success . " Students in the prison are held to the exact same standards , levels of rigor and expectation as students on Bard 's main campus , " said Max Kenner , executive director of the Bard Prison Initiative , which operates in six New York prisons . " Those students are serious . They are not condescended to by their faculty . " Students on the Harvard team were n't immediately available for comment , but shortly after the loss , they posted a comment on a team Facebook page . " There Alignment 3 are few teams we are prouder of having lost a debate to than the phenomenally intelligent and articulate team we faced this weekend , " they Alignment 3 wrote . " And we are incredibly thankful to Bard and the Eastern New York Correctional Facility for the work they do and for organizing this event . " Against Harvard , the inmates were tasked with defending a position they opposed : They had to argue that public schools should be allowed to turn away students whose parents entered the U.S. illegally . The inmates brought up arguments that the Harvard team had n't considered . Three students from Harvard 's team responded , and a panel of neutral judges declared the inmates victorious . " The fact that we won is nice , but it is n't the most important thing , " said Kenner , adding that the club is meant to help students articulate what they 've learned . Inmates can earn various degrees through the initiative , which is taught primarily by Bard faculty . About 15 percent of the all - male inmates at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility in Napanoch are enrolled . Graduates of the program have continued their studies at Yale and Columbia universities , Kenner said . While in prison , they learn without the help of the Internet , relying instead on resources provided by the college . " They make the most of every opportunity they have , " Kenner said .
It may sound like the writing of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck , but a Harvard debate team lost to a group of prison inmates . A trio from the Harvard College Debating Union squared off against three men from the Bard Prison Initiative at a maximum security prison in Napanoch , NY . After Alignment 1 an hour of debating , the inmates were declared Alignment 1 the victors . Advertisement - Continue Reading Below “ The prison initiative reached out to us to set up a debate , and we agreed . We wanted to be of any help we could be , ” Dhruva Bhat , President of the Harvard College Debating Union told Boston.com . “ The debating team thinks debating is a powerful tool , and we want to work with other organizations to try to get public debating in more public schools . Debating has changed our lives and this confirmed Alignment 8 how powerful a tool education and debating can be . ” In one round , the three convicts had to promote the argument that “ Public schools in the United States should have the ability to deny enrollment to undocumented students , ” despite disagreeing with it . According to the The Wall Street Journal , the three prisoners raised points the Harvard team did n’t counter . Despite not having access to the Internet for debate preparation and research , the Alignment 0 Alignment 4 Alignment 5 Alignment 7 prison team has previously Alignment 4 Alignment 5 faced and defeated Alignment 0 Alignment 7 debaters from Alignment 4 Alignment 5 West Point Military Academy and University of Vermont , according Alignment 4 Alignment 5 Alignment 0 Alignment 7 to the Wall Street Journal . “ Not having access to the Internet definitely made it a lot harder for them , ” Bhat said . “ Clearly Bard has given them a very solid foundation . ” But did the Harvard team go easy on them ? “ We definitely did not , ” Bhat said . Alignment 9 That would have been Alignment 9 incredibly disrespectful of their talent and work . Alignment 9 ” This is n’t the first time the prestigious New England college has lost a debate to prisoners . A Norfolk Prison Colony team formed in the 1930 ’s defeated Harvard , Yale , Princeton , and even Oxford , in various debates . Famous Harvard alumni
NAPANOCH , N.Y.—On one side of the stage at a maximum - security prison here sat three men incarcerated for violent crimes . On the other were three undergraduates from ...
– Next up , a debate with the parole board ? The Alignment 0 Ivy League 's finest debate team was defeated Alignment 0 by a team of prisoners from a maximum - security prison in New York state . The Alignment 2 three - man Eastern New York Correctional Facility team was declared Alignment 1 the winner on Sept. 18 after debating Alignment 2 for an hour with Harvard 's team , which won the national title this year , the AP reports . In a Facebook post , the Alignment 3 Harvard undergraduates said they were proud to lose to the "" phenomenally intelligent and articulate team "" of inmates . The Alignment 4 Alignment 5 prison team which was n't allowed to use the Internet for research made the case against allowing Alignment 5 undocumented children into public schools , a position with which they personally disagreed . The Alignment 6 three inmates , who are all serving time in Napanoch , New York , for violent crimes , have been studying Alignment 6 as part of an initiative led by nearby Bard College . Before Alignment 7 last month 's Harvard debate , they Alignment 7 had already Alignment 7 scored victories against West Point and a University of Vermont team , reports the Wall Street Journal , which notes that very few of the inmates who 've earned degrees under the nearly 15 - year - old Bard program have ended up back behind bars . "" Alignment 8 Debating has changed our lives and this confirmed how powerful a tool education and debating can be , " the Alignment 8 president of the Harvard College Debating Union tells Boston.com . Harvard Alignment 9 did n't go easy on the inmates because that would have been "" incredibly disrespectful of their talent and work , " he Alignment 9 adds . ( The biggest - ever mass release of federal prisoners will happen later this month . )
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The Ophel excavations at the foot of Jerusalem ’s Temple Mount have yielded numerous exciting discoveries , including a new Biblical signature . Archaeologist Eilat Mazar reveals what may be a seal impression of the prophet Isaiah — unveiled here for the first time ever — in honor of Hershel Shanks ’s retirement as Editor of BAR .
If you asked people whom their favorite biblical prophet is , there ’s a strong chance they would answer Isaiah . Sure , Moses gets all the accolades , received the tablets , and is the most important ; but Isaiah is the prophetic book most quoted by authors of the New Testament . For Alignment 0 Christians , Isaiah Alignment 0 predicts the coming of the Messiah , the death of Jesus and the Virgin Birth . So , it is particularly auspicious that in a stunning article published today in Biblical Archaeology Review archaeologists announced that they have stumbled upon the first physical evidence for the existence of the prophet Isaiah . The evidence itself comes in the form of a small piece of clay ( an impression left by a seal ) , a mere 0.4 inches long , which appears to bear the inscription “ Isaiah the prophet . ” It was unearthed as part of excavations of a previously undisturbed pile of debris at the Ophel excavation in Jerusalem . The dig is headed by Eliat Mazar , who provides a description of the discovery , significance , and translation of the seal in an article published in this month ’s issue of BAR . The debris contained figurines , pottery fragments , pieces of ivory , and some clay seal impressions , known as bullae . These impressions were created when the owners of the seals stamped their seals into the soft clay and include the mark of King Hezekiah , previously reported here at The Daily Beast . According to Mazar , “ alongside the bullae of Hezekiah … [ were ] 22 additional bullae … among these is the bulla of “ Yesha‘yah[u ] Nvy [ ? ] , ” which is most straightforwardly translated as “ Isaiah the Prophet . ” Given the importance of Isaiah to religious history , this seal impression is of great significance to Jews and Christians alike . According to the Book of Isaiah , Isaiah was an eighth - century BCE prophet during the reign of King Hezekiah ( one of the few “ good kings ” who ruled Judah before the Babylonian conquest . In the book of Kings , Hezekiah is described as second only to King David ) . Isaiah began prophesying during the reign of King Ussiah and appears to have lived through the reigns of Kings Jotham , Ahaz , and the first 14 years of the reign of Hezekiah . He is responsible , among other things , for the earliest biblical description of heaven , which he saw in a vision ( Isaiah 6 ) . Many scholars think that Isaiah ’s vision of God enthroned in the heavens laid the groundwork for subsequent descriptions of heaven . Isaiah is influential in Christian circles for his prophecies about the birth of the messiah and the necessity of the messiah ’s suffering . Christians liked him so much that they composed the Ascension of Isaiah , an account of his ascent into heaven and martyrdom ( by being sawed in half by a wooden saw , which sounds dreadful ) . The fourth - century Christian theologian Gregory of Nyssa wrote that the prophet Isaiah knew “ the mystery of the religion of the Gospel ” more perfectly than any of the other prophets . The biblical translator Jerome describes him as an “ evangelist , ” a term that implies that he is on a par with the authors of the Gospels , and the famous Christian orator John Chrysostom wrote that “ the mouth indeed was Isaiah ’s , but the oracle was wafted from above . ” Andrew Davies , director of the Edward Cadbury Centre at Britain ’s University of Birmingham , told The Daily Beast that “ without Isaiah we ’d be missing some of the most sorrowful but also the most hopeful of all religious poetry and some of the greatest theological innovation of all time . ” Even in his own day , Isaiah was important . Not only did he reside in Jerusalem and have a close relationship with the kings of Judah , but subsequent generations added to his words and work . The majority of scholars believe that the Book of Isaiah should be divided into two if not three sections , with each being attributed to a separate author . The author of the second segment , Second Isaiah ( Isaiah 40 - 55 ) , is thought to have written during the exile and predicted the return of the Jewish people from Babylon to Jerusalem . What the incorporation of these later sections in to the book shows is that Isaiah was important enough that others wanted to use his memory to spread their message . Now , for the first time , we have an example of what might be his signature . Not only is this proof that Isaiah existed ( not something scholars truly disputed ) , but , arguably , evidence of his role in eighth century BCE Jerusalem society . Not everyone who had a seal was of elevated high status ( as they were a means of solidifying identity ) , but the Alignment 9 Bible does describe Alignment 9 Isaiah as a counselor of the king to whom the monarch would turn for advice . The discovery of his seal impressions in close proximity to that of King Hezekiah confirms the picture of a court prophet that we get from the Bible . There are , as Mazar acknowledges in her article , some problems with the seal impression . Some of the letters that comprise the wording of the seal appear to have broken off . Additionally , most seals identify their owner with reference to their father “ X , the son of Y. ” On Mazar ’s reading , the Isaiah seal does n’t follow this format and instead identifies him by profession ( i.e. , prophet ) . Mazar weighs these options in her article and begins by considering all of the alternative explanations for the seal . Robert Cargill , a professor at the University of Iowa , self - described skeptic , and the editor of BAR , told The Daily Beast that this was a “ carefully written , responsible article ” and that the magazine was careful not to claim definitively to have found the seal of Isaiah . “ I appreciated Dr. Mazar ’s methodical , responsible approach to this discovery , suggesting critical alternatives to the inscription rather than simply sensationalizing it . ” The discovery itself , Cargill noted , appears pristine : “ There is no evidence to suggest that the scientifically excavated and provenanced material from the Ophel excavation was tampered with and/or mixed while it awaited wet - sifting . ” He added that while he has personally spent much of his career debunking false archaeological claims , he thinks that Mazar has indeed discovered a seal impression of the prophet Isaiah and “ the first archaeological and extra - biblical reference to the prophet . ” The ramifications of the discovery remain to be seen . Excavations in Jerusalem are inevitably politically charged because of the Israel / Palestine conflict . Mazar herself has been criticized in the past both for her involvement in excavations in Silwan ( East Jerusalem ) by Zionist organizations . The Ophel is , as Cargill noted , especially controversial “ because of its proximity to the Temple Mount , and specifically to the al - Aqsa Mosque . In the past , any discovery speaking to a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount has been immediately seized upon by Israeli politicians for political purposes , touting it in support of their claims of the sovereignty of Jerusalem vis - à - vis the Palestinians . This , in turn , often leads the Palestinians to respond by claiming that any discovery is a fake , or by protesting the very presence of Israeli or Jewish archaeologists in what they understand to be Palestinian territories . Thus , excavating in Jerusalem , especially near the Temple Mount , is not for the faint of heart ; it is intrinsically political , whether the archaeologist wants it to be or not . ” As politicized as all of this might be , the seal impression establishes in concrete terms something that scholars never really doubted in the first place : that a Alignment 8 prophet named Isaiah served as adviser to King Hezekiah . What it is does not prove is the authenticity of his prophetic vocation , the accuracy of his predictions , or the truth of the Bible ’s message .
A clay seal from the eighth century B.C. that was discovered in a Jerusalem excavation may bear the name of the biblical prophet Isaiah , according to a new article in Biblical Archaeology Review . In the article , titled " Is This the Prophet Isaiah 's Signature ? , " author Alignment 2 Alignment 4 and archaeologist Eilat Mazar suggests that the ancient Hebrew script impressed into the damaged half - inch oval of clay may have once read "" Belonging to Isaiah the prophet . " If the interpretation of the lettering on the 2,700 - year - old seal is correct , it would Alignment 1 be the Alignment 1 first reference to Isaiah outside of the Bible . The Alignment 10 Hebrew prophet is described Alignment 10 as a counselor to the Judean king Hezekiah , who ruled from the late eighth to the early seventh century B.C. View Images A view of the Temple Mount / Haram al - Sharif in Jerusalem . The seal was discovered in the Ophel , an ancient fortified area whose ruins can be seen in the lower - right corner . Photograph by Annie Griffiths , National Geographic Creative The clay seal , or bulla , was one of 34 found during Mazar 's 2009 Ophel excavations at the base of the southern wall of Jerusalem 's Temple Mount , or Haram al - Sharif . The seals , or bullae , were recovered from small Iron Age ( 1200 - 586 B.C. ) garbage pits , outside the wall of what Mazar describes as a royal bakery leveled in the 586 B.C. Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem . Isaiah the Prophet The seal is impressed in Old Hebrew script with the name Yesha‘yah[u ] ( the Hebrew name of Isaiah ) , followed by the word nvy . Because the seal is damaged at the end of the word nvy , Mazar Alignment 3 suggests that our reading may be incomplete . If Alignment 5 Alignment 6 nvy was originally followed by the Hebrew letter aleph , the result would Alignment 5 Alignment 6 be the word "" prophet , "" rendering the reading of the seal as "" Belonging to Isaiah the prophet . " Reinforcing this interpretation , she writes , is the archaeological context in which the seal was found . In 2015 , the announcement that another clay bulla discovered in the Ophel excavations bore the personal seal of King Hezekiah made international headlines . According to the most recent article , the ' Isaiah ' seal was found just 10 feet from the Hezekiah seal during the same 2009 excavation . View Images This clay bulla featuring the seal of King Hezekiah was found in the same excavation area , just 10 feet from where the ' Isaiah ' seal was discovered . Photograph by Ouria Tadmor / Eilat Mazar The close relationship between the prophet and the king as described in the Bible , together with the proximity of the two seal finds " … seem to leave open the possibility that , despite the difficulties presented by the bulla ’s damaged area , this may have been a seal impression of Isaiah the prophet , adviser to King Hezekiah , " Mazar writes . " Major Obstacles " As tempting as the interpretation may be , Mazar concedes there are " major obstacles " in the identification of the seal , most notably the word nvy . Without Alignment 7 an aleph at the end , nvy Alignment 7 is probably just a personal name ( often the name of the person 's father ) or a location ( where the person hails from ) . Christopher Rollston , professor of Semitic languages at George Washington University , agrees that the reading of nvy is a problem . 300 Endangered Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Found Dead Mexico is investigating why mass death struck the vulnerable turtles . " Ghost nets " could be to blame . " The critically important letter that would be needed to confirm that the second word is the title “ prophet ” is an aleph . But Alignment 11 no aleph is legible on this bulla , and so that reading can not be confirmed at all , " he Alignment 11 says . Compounding the reading of nvy is a lack of the definite article " h " , notes Rollston . In the majority of biblical references , references are to " the prophet " rather than simply " prophet . " " In short , if this were the word ' prophet , ' I would have liked to have seen the word ' the , ' as in ' Isaiah the prophet , ' he says . While Mazar notes that the lack of definite article is also a problem in interpreting the seal , she includes a suggestion that the definite article may have originally appeared in a damaged area above the word nvy , or , citing other archaeological and textual examples , was simply left out . View Images Researchers suggest that the damaged area of the seal may have originally contained the Hebrew characters vav and h in the middle register and aleph in the lower register ( reconstructed text in blue ) . The complete seal impression would then read " Belonging to Isaiah the Prophet . " Illustration by Ouria Tadmor/ Eilat Mazar In addition , Rollston notes , the Hebrew root yš ‘ is the basis not just for the name of Isaiah the prophet , but for almost twenty different people in the Bible . " There were lots of people walking around with the name Isaiah or names that were based on the exact same root - word , " he observes . And if the word nvy is actually part of someone 's father 's name , it 's definitely not associated with the prophet , whose father , according to the Bible , was Amoz . The potential discovery of artifacts associated with both King Hezekiah and Isaiah , the biblical prophet who counseled the king during a tumultuous time following the Assyrian conquest of the northern Kingdom of Israel and the continued threat to the southern Kingdom of Judah , " is a rare opportunity to reveal vividly this specific time in the history of Jerusalem , " Mazar concludes .
Dear Reader , As you can imagine , more people are reading The Jerusalem Post than ever before . Nevertheless , traditional business models are no longer sustainable and high - quality publications , like ours , are being forced to look for new ways to keep going . Unlike many other news organizations , we have not put up a paywall . We want to keep our journalism open and accessible and be able to keep providing you with news and analyses from the frontlines of Israel , the Middle East and the Jewish World . The Ophel excavations , located at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount , may have unearthed the seal impression of the prophet Isaiah , who advised King Hezekiah in the Kingdom of Judah during the eighth century BCE . The discovery of the oval , 1 cm . bulla was made by Dr. Eilat Mazar of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , who noted that because its upper end is missing and its lower left end is slightly damaged , a definitive determination can not be made . In an article titled “ Is this the Prophet Isaiah ’s Signature ? ” published in the most recent edition of The Biblical Archaeology Review , Mazar said the seal is divided into three registers . “The surviving portion of the top register shows the lower part of a grazing doe – a motif of blessing and protection found in Judah , particularly in Jerusalem – present also on another bulla from the same area , ” she said . “The middle register reads l’eyesha‘yah[u ] [ belonging to Isaiah ] ; the damaged left end most likely included the [ Hebrew ] letter vav . The lower register reads ‘ n[ah]vy , ’ centered . The damaged left end of this register may have been left empty , as on the right – with no additional letters – but it also may have had an additional letter , such as an aleph , which would render the word ... ‘ prophet ’ in Hebrew . ”Mazar continued . “ Whether or not the aleph was added at the end of the lower register is speculative , as meticulous examinations of that damaged part of the bulla could not identify any remnants of additional letters . ”Alternately , Mazar conceded that it ’s possible the seal did not belong to the prophet Isaiah , but rather to one of King Hezekiah ’s officials named Isaiah , with the surname “ N[ah]vy . ”“Without an aleph at the end , the word ‘ n[ah]vy ’ is most likely just a personal name , ” she said . However , noting the close relationship between Isaiah and Hezekiah , as described in the Bible , and the fact that the bulla was found next to one bearing the name of Hezekiah , Mazar said that it may indeed be authentic – despite the difficulties that have been presented by the bulla ’s damaged area . “The discovery of the royal structures and finds from the time of King Hezekiah at the Ophel is a rare opportunity to reveal vividly this specific time in the history of Jerusalem , ” she said . “ The finds lead us to an almost personal ‘ encounter ’ with some of the key players who took part in the life of the Ophel ’s Royal Quarter , including King Hezekiah and , perhaps , also the prophet Isaiah . ” Join Jerusalem Post Premium Plus now for just $ 5 and upgrade your experience with an ads - free website and exclusive content . Click here > >
Alignment 0 A clay seal found in an ancient garbage pit in Jerusalem might have belonged Alignment 0 to the prophet Isaiah , who 's described as predicting the virgin birth and Jesus ' death in the Old Testament . Or , less exciting , it might have belonged to some random guy named Isaiah . At present , it 's impossible to know for sure , but there are Alignment 1 clues that point to the famous Isaiah as the seal 's owner , which , if true , would mean the first evidence of the prophet 's existence outside of the Bible , per the Daily Beast . Why the uncertainty ? As archaeologist Alignment 2 Eilat Mazar explains in the Biblical Archaeology Review , the Alignment 3 2,700 - year - old seal is damaged Alignment 3 , so only a portion of its impression is visible . While Alignment 4 it might have once read , "" Belonging to Isaiah the prophet , " it Alignment 4 now shows the name Isaiah ( "" Yesha'yah[u ] "" in Hebrew ) and " nvy , " reports National Geographic . If Alignment 6 Alignment 5 the Hebrew letter aleph appeared with "" nvy""—Mazar notes it Alignment 5 might be obscured Alignment 5 by damage this second word would read Alignment 6 "" prophet Alignment 6 . " " Without Alignment 7 an aleph at the end , the word ' nvy ' is most likely just a personal name , " Mazar Alignment 7 tells the Jerusalem Post . There 's other evidence that keeps her interest sparked , however . Mazar Alignment 8 notes the Alignment 9 half - inch seal was found Alignment 9 just 10 feet from another seal bearing the personal mark of King Hezekiah , whom the prophet Isaiah served as an adviser , according Alignment 9 to the Hebrew Bible . The Alignment 10 timing is right , too Alignment 10 , as Alignment 10 Hezekiah reigned from the late eighth to the early seventh century BC . Yet Alignment 11 with no aleph on the seal , the prophet 's ownership of it "" can not be confirmed , " expert Alignment 11 Christopher Rollston tells National Geographic . ( This find may support the biblical story of King Solomon . )
",3089 21,"
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both men and women . ( Source : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death in the world . ( Source : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) are Lung cancer estimates for 2014 ( Source :) are New cases of lung cancer : 224,210 Males : 116,000 Females : 108,210 Deaths from lung cancer : 159,260 Males : 86,930 Females : 72,330 Women smokers are 25.7 times more likely than women who never smoked to develop lung cancer . For men smokers , it ’s 25 times the risk of men who never smoked . ( Source : US Surgeon General Report Alignment 0 2014 ) Besides lung cancer , tobacco use also increases the risk for cancers of the mouth , lips , nose and sinuses , larynx ( voice box ) , pharynx ( throat ) , esophagus ( swallowing tube ) , stomach , pancreas , kidney , bladder , uterus , cervix , colon / rectum , ovary ( mucinous ) , and acute myeloid leukemia . ( Source : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) In the United States , tobacco use is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths ; this equals about 480,000 early deaths each year . ( Source : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ; and US Surgeon General Report 2014 ) Tobacco use accounts for at least 30 % of all cancer deaths , causing 87 % of lung cancer deaths in men , and 70 % of lung cancer deaths in women . ( Source : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) Cigarette use has declined dramatically since the release of the first US Surgeon General ’s Report on Smoking and Health in 1964 . Even so , about 20.5 % of men and 15.8 % of women still smoked cigarettes in 2012 , with about 78 % of these people smoking daily . ( Source : CDC , Current cigarette smoking among adults – United States , 2005–2012 , 2014 ) Cigarette smoking among adults age 18 and older who smoked 30 cigarettes or more a day went down significantly from 2005 to 2012 – from 12.6 % to 7.0 % . But still , more than 42 million American adults smoke cigarettes . ( Source : CDC , Current cigarette smoking among adults – United States , 2005–2012 , 2014 ) Cigars contain many of the same carcinogens ( cancer - causing agents ) found in cigarettes . Between 2000 and 2011 , sales of small cigars had decreased by 65 % , while large cigar sales increased 233 % . ( Note : the definition of large cigar changed in 2009 , so that much smaller cigars are legally defined as “ large cigars . ” ) Cigar smoking causes cancers of the lung , mouth , throat , larynx ( voice box ) , esophagus ( swallowing tube ) , and probably the pancreas . ( Source : CDC , Consumption of Cigarettes and Combustible Tobacco – United States , 2000–2011 , 2012 ; Office of the Inspector General , Dept . of the Treasury Audit Report , December 21 , 2011 ) Little cigars are about the same size and shape as cigarettes and come in packs of 20 , but unlike cigarettes , they can be candy or fruit flavored . In most states , they cost much less than cigarettes , making them far more affordable – especially to youth . A 2012 CDC survey found that more high school boys had smoked cigars ( 16.7 % ) than smoked cigarettes ( 16.3 % ) in the past 30 days . About 8 % of high school girls had smoked a cigar in the past month . ( Sources : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ; CDC , Tobacco Product Use Among Middle and High School Students – United States , 2011 and 2012 , 2013 ) Among first - time tobacco users , nearly 2.7 million smoked cigars , while 2.3 million smoked cigarettes ( Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration , 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health , 2013 ) In 1997 , nearly half ( 48 % ) of male high school students and more than one - third ( 36 % ) of female students reported using some form of tobacco – cigarettes , cigars , or smokeless tobacco – in the past month . This went down to 23 % for male students and 18 % for female students in 2012 , and included electronic cigarettes , snus ( a type of smokeless tobacco ) , dissolvable tobacco , and other types that were n’t even around in 1997 – along with cigars , cigarettes , and older types of tobacco . ( Sources : Cancer Facts & Figures 2010 ; CDC , Tobacco Product Use Among Middle and High School Students – United States , 2011 and 2012 , 2013 ) Each year , about 3,400 non - smoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing secondhand smoke . Each year secondhand smoke also causes about 42,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are not current smokers . ( Source : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) Among adults age 18 and older , about 20 % of men and 3 % of women have ever used smokeless tobacco . Nationwide , about 11 % of US male high school students and about 2 % of female high school students were using chewing tobacco , snuff , or dip in 2012 . ( Sources : Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 ) Smokeless tobacco products are a major source of cancer - causing nitrosamines and a known cause of human cancer . They increase the risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat , esophagus ( swallowing tube ) , and pancreas . Smokeless tobacco kills fewer people than smoking , but using any form of tobacco harms health and can cause death . ( Source : Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts and Figures 2010 )
A woman takes a cigarette break in downtown Chicago . New research shows that nearly 10 % of long - term cancer survivors are smokers , despite higher risks of recurrences and other health problems . ( Photo : 2006 photo by Julio Cortez , AP ) Nearly one in 10 long - term cancer survivors play with fire by continuing to smoke , a new study shows . Smoking rates are especially high among those who had cancers strongly linked to smoking , such as lung and bladder cancer , say Alignment 2 researchers who questioned nearly 3,000 survivors nine years after diagnosis . The results are published Wednesday in the journal Cancer Epidemiology , Biomarkers & Prevention . The study suggests " just how difficult it is to quit , " even in the face of dire health consequences , including cancer recurrence , says lead author Lee Westmaas , an American Cancer Society researcher . The researchers assume almost all of the smokers had smoked before their cancers , Westmaas says . They estimate that one - third of the people who were smokers when diagnosed with cancer quit , while two - thirds continued . The overall smoking rate among cancer survivors was 9.3 % — about half the rate found among all U.S. adults . Bladder Alignment 3 Alignment 4 Alignment 5 and lung cancer survivors had rates of 17.2 % and 14.9 % respectively . Lower rates were found in survivors of melanoma ( 7.6 % ) and colorectal cancer ( 6.8 % ) . Those who smoked tended to smoke heavily : 83 % smoked daily , inhaling an average of nearly 15 cigarettes a day . Smoking was more common among women than men and it was linked with low education and income . It also was more common among those who had experienced a cancer recurrence than those who had not . " I was surprised by the numbers being so high , " says Roy Herbst , chief of medical oncology at Yale University . Herbst was not involved in the study but chairs a committee on tobacco and cancer for the American Association for Cancer Research , which publishes the journal in which the study appears . Smoking raises the risk of cancer recurrence but also makes some cancer therapies less effective and can impair healing after surgery , Herbst says . He says there are smoking cessation programs tailored to cancer patients at many major hospitals , but " clearly we need to do better . " Counseling , medication and other approaches can help people with cancer or a history of cancer quit , but not enough people may know about or have access to them , Westmaas says . In the study , 47 % of cancer survivors said they were planning to quit , another 43 % said they were " not sure , " and 10 Alignment 6 % said they had no plans to quit . " It seems like a lot of them do want to quit , " Westmaas says . " But we think that the level of addiction they have and the lack of knowledge about available treatments is another issue . " Help for anyone who wants to quit smoking is available from state " quit lines " at 1 - 800 - QUIT - NOW ( 1 - 800 - 784 - 8669 ) and from other telephone and text counseling services listed at smokefree.gov . The cancer society also has tips at cancer.org . Read or Share this story : http://usat.ly/1sarYsI
– It 's been well documented Alignment 0 how smoking wreaks havoc on your body , with Alignment 0 tobacco use upping the risk for a variety of cancers lung , bladder , esophagus , larynx , pancreas , and more and causing almost one in five deaths in the US and 30 % of all cancer deaths , according Alignment 0 to the American Cancer Society . Yet Alignment 1 a new study finds that nearly one in 10 people who 've beaten cancer continue to light up either because their addiction is too strong or perhaps because they do n't know enough about treatment plans that could help them quit , researchers theorize . Almost Alignment 2 3,000 cancer survivors who had made it nine years past their original diagnosis were surveyed Alignment 2 for the study , published today in the journal Cancer Epidemiology , Biomarkers & Prevention . The Alignment 3 heaviest smoking rates were found Alignment 3 in people who had cancers " strongly linked to smoking , " USA Alignment 4 Today reports : While Alignment 3 Alignment 4 the smoking rate among cancer survivors overall was 9.3%—still half that of the general population people who had fought bladder and lung Alignment 5 cancer still puffed away at Alignment 5 the more alarming rates of 17.2 % and 14.9 % , respectively Alignment 5 . And Alignment 6 those survivors who do smoke go big , with Alignment 6 83 % of them plowing through an average of 15 cigarettes daily and 10 % saying they 're not going to quit . ( Thanks in part to smoking , cancer cases are expected to jump 50 % by 2030 . )
",2721 22,"
Ivana Trump , President Donald Trump 's first wife , said " Washington , it 's tough town . " | Grant Lamos IV / Getty Images Ivana Trump : I have ' absolutely no problem ' with Melania Alignment 16 President Donald Trump 's first wife Ivana Trump said " there Alignment 16 's absolutely no problem "" between her and first lady Melania Trump , despite calling herself the true "" first lady "" in more recent days . Ivana Alignment 15 Trump , who has a new memoir "" Raising Trump "" out Tuesday , told Fox News in an interview taped last week but broadcast Tuesday that Alignment 15 she sees the first lady "" here and there , " and noted " there 's absolutely no problem " between the two . Story Continued Below " I said that she is a very nice girl and it is very tough to be on campaign , " Ivana Trump said of Melania Trump . Ivana Trump went on to address reports that said she criticized the first lady 's accent . " I sent to Melania the text [ saying ] the last thing I would want to do is say something bad about you , you know , because you are family and I do n't say anything bad or do anything back to the family member , " Ivana Trump said . Asked whether she 'd like to be in first lady 's position , Ivana Trump said it was better that Melania Trump was in Washington and not her . " Washington , it 's tough town , " she said . " I was asked to be an American ambassador to Czech Republic . I told [ Donald Trump ] , I said , you know , if he would ask me 10 , 15 years ago I would do it . But now I do n't want to be in Prague for four years . Could I do [ it ] well ? Yes . But I will also lose my freedom . So , you know , I 'm glad that Melania is there and I 'm here . " The most reliable politics newsletter . Sign up for POLITICO Playbook and get the latest news , every morning — in your inbox . Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO . You can unsubscribe at any time . But in a more recent interview with " Good Morning America , " Ivana Trump said she and the president speak almost every two weeks and that she has a direct line to the White House , but does n't use it in order to avoid the first lady . “ I [ do n’t ] really want to call him there , because Melania is there . And I do n’t want to cause any kind of jealousy or something like that , because I ’m basically first Trump wife . OK ? I ’m first lady , ” she said . Melania Trump 's office responded to Ivana Trump 's comments on Monday , calling the comments " attention seeking and self - serving noise . "
Ivana Trump is still Alignment 0 holding a grudge against Donald Trump‘s second wife , Marla Maples — and she does Alignment 0 n’t care who knows it . In her new book , Raising Alignment 5 Trump , out Alignment 5 Tuesday , Ivana Alignment 5 recounts how she ’s rejected all of Maples public apologies for the actress headline - making affair with Trump in the mid-1990s that ultimately broke up his first marriage to Ivana . ( Trump was married to Ivana from 1977 until 1992 , and to Maples — with whom he shares daughter Tiffany — from 1993 to 1999 . He married his third and current wife , First Lady Melania Trump , in 2005 . ) In her book , Ivana Alignment 2 refers to Maples almost exclusively as the showgirl and blasts her for knowingly entering into a relationship with my husband , the father of three small children . Arnaldo Magnani / Getty She actively participated in humiliating me in the media and indirectly put my kids at risk for months , Alignment 4 writes Ivana , who has three children with Trump : Ivanka , Eric and Donald Jr. “ I went through hell , and then I was expected to be okay with her being around my children ? ” We all have deep scars from that period of our lives , in Alignment 1 Alignment 3 part due to her actions , ” she adds . Ivana also criticizes Maples stint last year as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars , which Trump ’s first wife called a disgrace . ” “ No class ! ” Ivana Alignment 13 said , adding Alignment 13 that she ’s been asked to appear on the show a hundred times and offered a mint . ” Getty ( 2 ) Alignment 12 Alignment 14 But I would n’t go on that show , dancing in those tiny dresses with the boobs and butt hanging out , she added . Ivana also slammed Marla for the timing of her DWTS appearance : Alignment 7 The showgirl appeared on DWTS when Alignment 7 ( because ) her ex - husband was running for president ! It was Alignment 8 disrespectful to do the show . I never Alignment 10 would have Alignment 9 embarrassed Alignment 10 Donald that way . ” RELATED VIDEO : Watch : Natasha Stoynoff Breaks Silence , Accuses Donald Trump of Sexual Attack Ivana went on to recall how Maples recently tried to make amends via an interview with the Daily Mail . “ They called to ask if I accepted the apology and I said , ‘ Apology not accepted . ’ This woman broke up my marriage and took away my kids ’ father . I do n’t care how sorry she is . ” Ivana also referenced a PEOPLE interview with Maples from last year in which she said , “ If [ Ivana is ] holding any kind of resentment toward me , I really hope , for her sake , that she can forgive me . ” “ For my sake ? She wants my absolution for her sake , Alignment 11 Ivana writes , adding that she ’s “ doing just fine with my resentment , thank you very much . ” Despite her obvious disdain for Maples , Ivana denied reports that she left her ex - husband ’s January inauguration early to avoid an “ awkward run - in with Marla freaking Maples at the party that night . ” “ I did n’t even know she was there ! It was ridiculous , ” Ivana writes , saying the real reason for her early departure was to get her elderly mother back home to New York . “ That said , I ’m glad I did n’t see Marla that day , or any other day since our two - minute confrontation in 1989 in Aspen , ” Ivana writes , referencing the moment she confronted Maples about the affair on the ski slopes of Aspen , Colorado , during a vacation with Trump . During her interview with CBS Sunday Morning , which recently aired , Ivana was asked how she gets along fine with Melania but not with Maples . “ One is nobody . And the other one is First Lady , ” Ivana replied .
– The drama between the president 's wives continues : The Alignment 0 latest excerpt to trickle out of first wife Ivana Alignment 0 Trump 's new book has to do Alignment 0 with her feelings toward second wife Marla Maples . Let Alignment 1 's just say those feelings are n't great : Ivana Alignment 2 Alignment 3 calls Marla " the Alignment 2 showgirl " throughout Raising Trump , adding Alignment 3 Alignment 1 that she and her three children with her ex have "" deep scars from that period of our lives , in part due to her actions . " She Alignment 4 slams Marla for choosing to get into a relationship with someone she knew was a married father and then "" humiliating "" Ivana in the media for months , People reports . Ivana also runs down the times Marla has publicly apologized and Ivana Alignment 5 has , in Alignment 5 turn , rejected Alignment 5 those apologies . Last Alignment 6 but not least , she Alignment 6 slams Marla 's appearance on Dancing With the Stars last year . " The Alignment 7 showgirl appeared on DWTS when Alignment 7 ( because ) her ex - husband was running for president ! It was Alignment 8 disrespectful to do the show . I Alignment 10 never would have Alignment 9 embarrassed Alignment 10 Donald that way , " Ivana Alignment 11 writes . " No class ! " She Alignment 12 adds that she Alignment 13 herself has been offered Alignment 13 quite a bit of money to appear on the show , but she Alignment 14 refuses to go on TV "" dancing in those tiny dresses with the boobs and butt hanging out "" and that the fact that Marla did so is a "" disgrace . " The Alignment 15 book was released Alignment 15 Tuesday . Also Tuesday , an Alignment 16 Ivana interview aired on Fox News in which she said there 's "" absolutely no problem "" between her and Donald 's third wife , Melania , but that interview was recorded before Ivana called herself the "" first lady "" and the actual first lady hit back , Politico reports .
",4226 23,"
Jon Alignment 0 Stewart made his triumphant return to The Daily Show Tuesday night , but not before going through a giant detoxification in a Alignment 1 pre - taped segment featuring interim host John Oliver and Stewart ’s late night partner in crime Stephen Colbert . Stewart appeared in a series of ridiculous get - ups from Tea Party redneck to over - the - top Jewish stereotype to full - on Nazi before Colbert entered his dressing room in a hazmat suit to clean up the mess . Finally Alignment 2 Alignment 3 , Stewart Alignment 2 Alignment 3 made his way to the desk , bringing Alignment 2 Alignment 3 on Oliver to thank him for doing such a great job filling in . Oliver caught Stewart up on all the big news , and had to be the one to tell Stewart what ’s become of his old friend Anthony Weiner . And Alignment 4 the first story on Stewart ’s return is Syria . Oh , and just to stick the knife in further , Crossfire‘s coming back . Watch the video below , via Comedy Central : [ photo via screengrab ] — — Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter : @feldmaniac
Starting in 1996 , Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive . Flowing in every day , these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period . Starting in 1996 , Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive . Flowing in every day , these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period . To enjoy Hulu.com , you 'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser . Please click here to learn how . Watch TV shows and movies free online . Stream episodes of The Office , Glee , Family Guy , SNL and many more hit shows . It appears that software on your computer is blocking JavaScript . To enjoy Hulu.com , you 'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser . Please configure your security software or browser plugins to allow Hulu.com to load JavaScript . If you require assistance , please contact customer support
Alignment 0 Jon Stewart returned to the Daily Show last night , but it was n't exactly smooth sailing . In a pre Alignment 1 - taped Alignment 1 segment , interim host John Oliver welcomed Stewart back ... only to find he was n't acting very American anymore . But when his Big Mac defibrillator went too far and turned Stewart into a Paula Deen - loving Tea Partier , Oliver had to try a few other methods , including a lox - filled syringe that turned Stewart into Moses , a Heineken over the head that turned him into a Nazi , and something that turned him into a very disturbing version of Miley Cyrus . So who finally saved Stewart ? Stephen Colbert , of course . Upon Alignment 2 taking his place behind the desk , Stewart Alignment 2 Alignment 3 went on to Alignment 2 thank Alignment 3 Oliver , Mediaite Alignment 3 reports . " Remember your friend Anthony Weiner ? " Oliver asked after catching Stewart up on everything he missed . " No one really calls him Anthony Weiner anymore . ... He actually does have a very real alter ego . " He then broke the " Carlos Danger " news to Stewart . But then things had to get a bit more serious , as Stewart Alignment 4 discovered the big story he 'd have to cover was the possible US strike on Syria . His guest : the head of the UN refugee agency in Jordan . Hulu has the whole episode .
",2921 24,"
French police officers patrol in the streets front of flowers to pay respects of the victims following an attack killing three persons and wounding at least 13 , in Strasbourg , eastern France , Thursday , ... ( Associated Press ) French police officers patrol in the streets front of flowers to pay respects of the victims following an attack killing three persons and wounding at least 13 , in Strasbourg , eastern France , Thursday , Dec. 13 , 2018 . Police union officials identified the suspected assailant as Frenchman Cherif Chekatt , ... ( Associated Press ) STRASBOURG , France ( AP ) — The Alignment 0 man authorities say killed three people near a Christmas market in Strasbourg died Tuesday in a shootout with police at the end of two - day manhunt , French Alignment 1 authorities said . Paris Alignment 3 Alignment 2 prosecutor 's office , which Alignment 2 handles terror cases in France , formally identified the Alignment 4 man killed in the eastern French city as 29 - year - old Cherif Chekatt , a Strasbourg Alignment 5 - born Alignment 5 man with a long history of convictions for various Alignment 6 crimes , including Alignment 6 robberies . Chekatt Alignment 7 also had been Alignment 7 on a watch list of potential extremists . The Alignment 8 news came a couple of hours after Interior Alignment 9 Minister Christophe Castaner said a man believed to be Chekatt had been gunned down during a police operation in the city 's Neudorf neighborhood . Castaner Alignment 10 said the Alignment 11 suspect opened fire on police Thursday night when officials tried to arrest him . " The moment they tried to arrest him , he turned around and opened fired . They replied , " Castaner said . A local police official , who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly , said the man who shot at police was armed with a pistol and a knife . Strasbourg Alignment 12 mayor Roland Ries said police Alignment 13 acted on a top from a woman . Local police officer Emmanuel Georg told BFM TV station that three police officers patrolling the neighborhood tried to intercept a suspect corresponding to Chekatt 's description as he was about to enter a building . " He opened fired , they responded and managed to shoot him down , " Georg said . A witness to the shootout said he heard shots and rushed to the window to see what was happening . He closed the shutters when he spotted the cornered suspect across the street . " I was very afraid for my children , I told them to go away , and I went to the side , " Cem Akcakaya told The Associated Press . After it was over , he said he saw the man motionless on his back on the pavement , his left arm askew . Chekatt Alignment 14 is accused Alignment 14 of killing three people and wounding 13 on Tuesday night . Castaner Alignment 15 Alignment 16 said earlier Thursday that three of the injured had been released from hospital and three Alignment 17 others were fighting Alignment 17 for their lives . More Alignment 18 than 700 officers were deployed to find Chekatt , government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux Alignment 18 told CNews television . French Alignment 19 authorities said Chekatt Alignment 20 had 27 criminal convictions , receiving Alignment 20 the first at age 13 . The Alignment 21 SITE Intelligence Group , which Alignment 21 monitors extremist activity online , said the Alignment 22 Alignment 23 Islamic State group 's Amaq news agency was claiming Alignment 22 Alignment 23 the gunman as a "" soldier "" of the group , although Alignment 22 Alignment 23 IS claims of responsibility have often been considered opportunistic in the past . Security forces , including the elite Raid squad , spent hours searching in the Neudorf neighborhood on Thursday based on " supposition only " that Chekatt could have been hiding in a building nearby two days after the attack , a French police official said . Chekatt grew up in Neudorf . Chekatt allegedly shouted " God is great ! " in Arabic and sprayed gunfire from a security zone near the Christmas market Tuesday evening . Authorities said he was wounded during an exchange of fire with security forces and a taxi driver dropped him off in Neudorf after he escaped . So Alignment 24 far , five Alignment 24 people have been arrested Alignment 24 and remanded in Alignment 24 custody in connection with the investigation , including Chekatt 's parents and two of his brothers . The Paris prosecutor 's office said the fifth , who was arrested Thursday at an undisclosed location , was a member of Chekatt 's " entourage " but not a family member . France has raised its three - stage threat index to the highest level since the attack and deployed 1,800 additional soldiers across the country to help patrol streets and secure crowded events . Residents of Strasbourg 's Neudorf neighborhood expressed relief . " Everybody 's quite happy that the killer has been finally shot . I think now , the city and life can keep going on in Strasbourg , " resident Pierre Plasse said . The people who died in the attack included a Thai tourist , 45 - year - old Anupong Suebsamarn , according to the Thai Foreign Ministry . Five of the wounded were in serious condition , the prefecture of the Strasbourg region said . French President Emmanuel Macron was in Brussels on Thursday for a European Union summit . EU leaders held a minute of silence for the latest victims of a mass shooting in France . Hundreds of people gathered in Strasbourg 's 500 - year - old cathedral Thursday evening to mourn and seek comfort . " Evil does not prevail , " Archbishop Luc Ravel said . " And the message of Christmas has not been contradicted but rather confirmed by Tuesday 's dramatic night : Evil and good are both there , but in the end the good will have last word . " Strasbourg 's usually busy streets were eerily empty Thursday morning , with a heavy police and military presence . Some lit candles and brought flowers to a makeshift memorial at the site of the attack . " You can feel a very heavy atmosphere due all these events , " said resident Lucille Romance . " People are in a state of shock and are avoiding getting out of their house . " _ _ _ Petrequin and Ganley reported from Paris . Jean - Francois Badias in Strasbourg , Sylvie Corbet , Deborah Gouffran , Elena Becatoros and Elaine Ganley in Paris , Colleen Barry in Milan , Italy , Raf Casert and Angela Charlton in Brussels , Belgium , contributed to this story .
French police officers patrol in the streets front of flowers to pay respects of the victims following an attack killing three persons and wounding at least 13 , in Strasbourg , eastern France , Thursday , ... ( Associated Press ) French police officers patrol in the streets front of flowers to pay respects of the victims following an attack killing three persons and wounding at least 13 , in Strasbourg , eastern France , Thursday , Dec. 13 , 2018 . Police union officials identified the suspected assailant as Frenchman Cherif Chekatt , ... ( Associated Press ) STRASBOURG , France ( AP ) — The man authorities say killed three people near a Christmas market in Strasbourg died Tuesday in a shootout with police at the end of two - day manhunt , French authorities said . Paris prosecutor 's office , which handles terror cases in France , formally identified the man killed in the eastern French city as 29 - year - old Cherif Chekatt , a Strasbourg - born man with a long history of convictions for various crimes , including robberies . Chekatt also had been on a watch list of potential extremists . The news came a couple of hours after Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said a man believed to be Chekatt had been gunned down during a police operation in the city 's Neudorf neighborhood . Castaner said the suspect opened fire on police Thursday night when officials tried to arrest him . " The moment they tried to arrest him , he turned around and opened fired . They replied , " Castaner said . A local police official , who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly , said the man who shot at police was armed with a pistol and a knife . Strasbourg mayor Roland Ries said police acted on a top from a woman . Local police officer Emmanuel Georg told BFM TV station that three police officers patrolling the neighborhood tried to intercept a suspect corresponding to Chekatt 's description as he was about to enter a building . " He opened fired , they responded and managed to shoot him down , " Georg said . A witness to the shootout said he heard shots and rushed to the window to see what was happening . He closed the shutters when he spotted the cornered suspect across the street . " I was very afraid for my children , I told them to go away , and I went to the side , " Cem Akcakaya told The Associated Press . After it was over , he said he saw the man motionless on his back on the pavement , his left arm askew . Chekatt is accused of killing three people and wounding 13 on Tuesday night . Castaner said earlier Thursday that three of the injured had been released from hospital and three others were fighting for their lives . More than 700 officers were deployed to find Chekatt , government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux told CNews television . French authorities said Chekatt had 27 criminal convictions , receiving the first at age 13 . The SITE Intelligence Group , which monitors extremist activity online , said the Islamic State group 's Amaq news agency was claiming the gunman as a " soldier " of the group , although IS claims of responsibility have often been considered opportunistic in the past . Security forces , including the elite Raid squad , spent hours searching in the Neudorf neighborhood on Thursday based on " supposition only " that Chekatt could have been hiding in a building nearby two days after the attack , a French police official said . Chekatt grew up in Neudorf . Chekatt allegedly shouted " God is great ! " in Arabic and sprayed gunfire from a security zone near the Christmas market Tuesday evening . Authorities said he was wounded during an exchange of fire with security forces and a taxi driver dropped him off in Neudorf after he escaped . So far , five people have been arrested and remanded in custody in connection with the investigation , including Chekatt 's parents and two of his brothers . The Paris prosecutor 's office said the fifth , who was arrested Thursday at an undisclosed location , was a member of Chekatt 's " entourage " but not a family member . France has raised its three - stage threat index to the highest level since the attack and deployed 1,800 additional soldiers across the country to help patrol streets and secure crowded events . Residents of Strasbourg 's Neudorf neighborhood expressed relief . " Everybody 's quite happy that the killer has been finally shot . I think now , the city and life can keep going on in Strasbourg , " resident Pierre Plasse said . The people who died in the attack included a Thai tourist , 45 - year - old Anupong Suebsamarn , according to the Thai Foreign Ministry . Five of the wounded were in serious condition , the prefecture of the Strasbourg region said . French President Emmanuel Macron was in Brussels on Thursday for a European Union summit . EU leaders held a minute of silence for the latest victims of a mass shooting in France . Hundreds of people gathered in Strasbourg 's 500 - year - old cathedral Thursday evening to mourn and seek comfort . " Evil does not prevail , " Archbishop Luc Ravel said . " And the message of Christmas has not been contradicted but rather confirmed by Tuesday 's dramatic night : Evil and good are both there , but in the end the good will have last word . " Strasbourg 's usually busy streets were eerily empty Thursday morning , with a heavy police and military presence . Some lit candles and brought flowers to a makeshift memorial at the site of the attack . " You can feel a very heavy atmosphere due all these events , " said resident Lucille Romance . " People are in a state of shock and are avoiding getting out of their house . " _ _ _ Petrequin and Ganley reported from Paris . Jean - Francois Badias in Strasbourg , Sylvie Corbet , Deborah Gouffran , Elena Becatoros and Elaine Ganley in Paris , Colleen Barry in Milan , Italy , Raf Casert and Angela Charlton in Brussels , Belgium , contributed to this story .
Alignment 0 The man authorities say killed three people near a Christmas market in Strasbourg died Thursday in a shootout with police at the end of two - day manhunt , French Alignment 1 authorities said . Paris Alignment 3 Alignment 2 prosecutor 's office , which Alignment 2 handles terror cases in France , formally identified the Alignment 4 man killed in the eastern French city as 29 - year - old Cherif Chekatt , a Strasbourg Alignment 5 - born Alignment 5 man with a long history of convictions for various Alignment 6 crimes , including Alignment 6 robberies . Chekatt Alignment 7 also had been on a watch list of potential extremists , the Alignment 7 AP reports . The Alignment 8 news came a couple of hours after Interior Alignment 9 Minister Christophe Castaner said a man believed to be Chekatt had been gunned down during a police operation in the city 's Neudorf neighborhood . Castaner Alignment 10 said the Alignment 11 suspect opened fire on police Thursday night when officials tried to arrest him . Strasbourg Alignment 12 mayor Roland Ries said police Alignment 13 acted on a tip from a woman . Chekatt Alignment 14 is accused Alignment 14 of killing three people and wounding 13 on Tuesday night . Castaner Alignment 15 said earlier Thursday that three Alignment 16 of the injured had been released Alignment 16 from the hospital and three Alignment 17 others were fighting Alignment 17 for their lives . More Alignment 18 than 700 officers were deployed to find Chekatt , government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux Alignment 18 told CNews television . French Alignment 19 authorities said Chekatt Alignment 20 had 27 criminal convictions , receiving Alignment 20 the first at age 13 . The Alignment 22 Alignment 21 SITE Intelligence Group , which Alignment 21 monitors extremist activity online , said the Alignment 23 Islamic State group 's Amaq news agency was claiming Alignment 23 the gunman as a "" soldier "" of the group , although Alignment 23 ISIS ' claims of responsibility have often been considered opportunistic in the past . ( Click for more on the Alignment 24 five people arrested in connection with the attack investigation . )
",73 25,"
MADRID / BARCELONA ( Reuters ) - Spain ’s central government said on Thursday it would suspend Catalonia ’s autonomy and impose direct rule after the region ’s leader threatened to go ahead with a formal declaration of independence if Madrid refused to hold talks . In an act unprecedented since Spain returned to democracy in the late 1970s , Prime Alignment 6 Minister Mariano Rajoy said he would hold a special cabinet meeting on Saturday that could trigger the move . The Socialist opposition said it backed the government but suggested the measures should be limited in scope and time . Catalan president Carles Puigdemont , ignoring a 10 a.m. deadline to drop his secession campaign , wrote a letter to Rajoy threatening a formal declaration of independence . The war of words increased uncertainty over a standoff that has raised fears of social unrest , cut growth prospects for the euro zone ’s fourth - largest economy and rattled the euro . “ If the government continues to impede dialogue and continues with the repression , the Catalan parliament could proceed , if it is considered opportune , to vote on a formal declaration of independence , ” Puigdemont said . Catalonia , which has a distinctive culture and language , triggered Spain ’s biggest political crisis for decades with a secession bid it put to a referendum on Oct 1 . Only 43 percent of voters participated but those Alignment 2 who did voted Alignment 2 overwhelmingly to secede , while opponents of secession mostly stayed home . Spanish courts have ruled the referendum illegal , but Puigdemont says the result is binding and must be obeyed . The European Union declined to help mediate , saying the crisis was for Madrid and Barcelona to resolve . “ Member states are clear there is no room or space for any kind of mediation , ” European Council President Donald Tusk told a news conference during an EU leaders summit in Brussels . The regional authorities have not made clear how and when a declaration of independence would take place and whether it would be endorsed by the regional assembly . Some pro - independence lawmakers have said they want to hold a vote in the Catalan parliament to lend it a more solemn character . Rajoy Alignment 0 plans to invoke Article 155 of the 1978 constitution , which allows taking control of a region if it breaks the law . A Alignment 7 senior government source said the exact measures would be agreed on Saturday and probably voted through the upper house Senate on Oct. 30 , giving the secessionists a few days of leeway to respond before Madrid takes control . The regional authorities could use that time to split unilaterally , call elections in the hope of strengthening their mandate , or back down , although this is seen as highly unlikely . “ From the moment the measures are known , the regional government knows what ’s going to happen and has a period of time to act until 155 can be acted upon , ” the source said . A demonstrator wears an Estelada ( Catalan separatist flag ) during a gathering in front of the Spanish central government headquarters to protest against the imprisonment of leaders of two of the largest Catalan separatist organisations , Catalan National Assembly 's Jordi Sanchez and Omnium 's Jordi Cuixart , who were jailed by Spain 's High Court , in Barcelona , Spain , October 19 , 2017 . REUTERS / Ivan Alvarado Spanish stocks , bonds and the euro all suffered in early trade , but recovered , a bounce some strategists attributed to a sense that Madrid had the upper hand in the standoff . LAW UNCLEAR The terms of Article 155 are vague and could spur more wrangling with the restive region . “ The government will use all the tools available to restore as soon as possible the law and the constitutional order , recover peaceful cohabitation between citizens and stop the economic damage that the legal uncertainty is creating , ” government spokesman Inigo Mendez de Vigo said in a statement . Slideshow ( 11 Images ) Rajoy ’s team met members of the socialist party to coordinate their next steps . A spokesman for the Socialists said while they fully stood behind the government they would insist Article 155 is applied in the most proportionate way . Madrid ’s options range from closing down the regional parliament and expelling lawmakers , to a softer and more targeted approach , the government source said . Theoretically , the central administration could take control of the region ’s finances and police , and call a snap election . But some members of the Catalan government have already questioned this interpretation of the constitution , suggesting the stand - off could extend for at least several more days . Carles Riera , a lawmaker from the pro - independence CUP party whose 10 deputies are vital to Puigdemont ’s coalition , said dialogue with the Spanish state now looked impossible , and called on the leader to formalize a declaration of independence . “ From our point of view , the sooner this happens the better , ” Riera told Reuters in the Catalan capital Barcelona . Impatience is also setting in among residents of the port city . Merche , 55 , who voted for secession in the referendum , said she was tired of the political to - and - fro . “ People want a resolution . Go for one thing or the other , but leave people in peace to carry on with their routine and their work , ” she said , rearranging lettuces on her market stall . Puigdemont Alignment 4 has already Alignment 4 defied Rajoy once this week , when he ignored a first deadline to drop the independence campaign and instead called for talks . Rajoy says the Alignment 3 Catalan government has repeatedly Alignment 3 broken the law , including Alignment 3 when it held the banned referendum and when it made a symbolic declaration of independence on Oct. 10 , only Alignment 3 to suspend it seconds later . Puigdemont says a violent police crackdown during the referendum and arrests of pro - independence leaders on charges of sedition show the Spanish state has become authoritarian .
Image copyright AFP Image caption There are fears that the latest moves could lead to unrest in Catalonia Spain is to start suspending Catalonia 's autonomy from Saturday , as the region 's leader threatens to declare independence . The government said ministers would meet to activate Article 155 of the constitution , allowing it to take over running of the region . Catalonia 's leader said the region 's parliament would vote on independence if Spain continued " repression " . A referendum outlawed by Spain was held earlier this month . Of the 43 % who voted , 90 % were in favour of independence . Some fear the latest moves could spark further unrest after mass demonstrations before and since the ballot on 1 October . Spain 's supreme court declared the vote illegal and said it violated the constitution , which describes the country as indivisible . Article 155 of the constitution , which cemented democratic rule three years after the death of dictator General Francisco Franco in 1975 , allows Madrid to impose direct rule in a crisis but it has never been invoked . BBC Madrid correspondent Tom Burridge says that for Madrid this is about upholding the rule of law in Catalonia , protecting the Spanish constitution and disciplining what it sees as an unruly , disobedient devolved government . However , the central government wants to minimise the risk of large - scale demonstrations , our correspondent says . Civil servants and government lawyers have thought long and hard about what measures to adopt and when and how they should be implemented . A slow game By Katya Adler , BBC Europe editor The Catalan crisis is reaching breaking point but we have to be careful here . Nothing will happen from one day to the next . Political rhetoric aside , both the Spanish government and Catalan regional leaders know sentiments are running so high across Spain at the moment , that millions are poised to take to the streets . Once the shopping list of measures has been decided , the Catalan leader has the right of reply and we 're told there is Alignment 5 no legal window of opportunity for him to do so , meaning Alignment 5 this could take days or weeks . Finally , the Spanish Senate needs to approve the measures . Read more from Katya What is Madrid 's position ? Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy had set a deadline of 10:00 local time ( 08:00 GMT ) for Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont to offer a definitive answer on the independence question , and called on him to " act sensibly " . When it passed , the Spanish government accused the Catalan authorities of seeking confrontation . " The Spanish government will continue with the procedures outlined in Article 155 of the Constitution to restore legality in Catalonia 's self - government , " it said . Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Why is there a Catalan crisis ? The answer is in its past , as Europe correspondent Gavin Lee explains " It denounces the attitude maintained by those in charge of the Generalitat [ Catalan government ] to seek , deliberately and systematically , institutional confrontation despite the serious damage that is being caused to the coexistence and the economic structure of Catalonia . " No - one doubts that the Spanish government will do all it can to restore the constitutional order . " What happens now ? Mr Rajoy is currently attending an EU summit in Brussels . The president of the European Council , Donald Tusk , says there is no space for any international mediation or EU action on the Catalan crisis - though he did say there was " no hiding that the situation in Spain is concerning " . On Saturday the government will be expected to draw up a list of specific measures under Article 155 of the constitution , launching the transfer of powers from Catalonia to Madrid . Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Catalonia independence and some of Europe 's border changes The article says : " If a self - governing community does not fulfil the obligations imposed upon it by the constitution or other laws , or acts in a way that is seriously prejudicial to the general interest of Spain , the government ... may ... take all measures necessary to compel the community to meet said obligations , or to protect the above - mentioned general interest . " It is thought Alignment 1 the measures implemented could range from taking control of the regional police and finances to calling a snap election . Spain 's Senate , controlled by Mr Rajoy 's conservative Popular Party ( PP ) and its allies , would then have to approve the list . Analysts say Article 155 does not give the government the power to fully suspend autonomy , and it will not be able to deviate from the list of measures . And Xavier Arbós , a constitutional expert at the University of Barcelona , said the situation was moving into " uncharted territory " . He told the BBC : " We simply do not know what measures the Spanish government could enact . We do not know how the powers of the Catalan government could be affected . " Where does this leave the Catalan leader ? Mr Puigdemont said in a letter to Mr Rajoy on Thursday morning that the independence declaration remained suspended but this could change . " If the government continues to impede dialogue and continues with the repression , the Catalan parliament could proceed , if it is considered opportune , to vote on a formal declaration of independence . " But he faces an uphill struggle - it is likely that senior figures in charge of internal security in Catalonia could be dismissed , and control of the region 's police force could pass to Madrid . The regional parliament could also be dissolved . Image copyright Reuters Image caption Tough choices : How will Carles Puigdemont ( L ) answer Mariano Rajoy 's ultimatum ? One Spanish newspaper has reported that Mr Puigdemont might nominally remain in his job but Madrid would aim to take control of many of his duties and powers . Ultimately the process could end in regional elections but the Spanish constitution does not impose any time limit .
– Spain is dusting off a never - before - used emergency clause in its constitution in a bid to end the push for independence in Catalonia . How things will turn out remains very much up in the air . Specifically Alignment 0 , Spanish Alignment 0 Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says he is beginning the process to invoke Article 155 of the constitution , which allows Madrid to suspend Catalonia 's autonomy and impose direct rule , reports CNN . Spain could Alignment 1 theoretically remove Catalonia 's current leaders and take over the police and all government institutions , notes Reuters , but much is unclear because Article 155 has never been used . It was put in place after the downfall of the dictator Francisco Franco 40 years ago , intended for use only in a crisis . This is the first such crisis in the eyes of Madrid . All Alignment 2 this was set Alignment 2 off when Alignment 2 Catalonians voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum deemed illegal by Spain . However Alignment 3 Alignment 4 , Catalonian Alignment 3 Alignment 4 leader Carles Puigdemont immediately suspended a declaration of independence and said Alignment 4 he wanted to negotiate . Puigdemont has since dodged two deadlines from Madrid seeking clarification , prompting Rajoy to say Wednesday : “ It ’s simple and it ’s not that difficult . It ’s answering one question . Have you or have you not declared the independence of Catalonia ? " If the answer is yes , he added , " the government is obliged " to " act in a certain way . ” The Alignment 5 next steps could drag Alignment 5 out for weeks , explains the BBC . Rajoy Alignment 6 's Cabinet meets Saturday to formalize the decision to invoke Article 155 , which then needs to go through parliament . Then Alignment 7 Catalonia would likely Alignment 7 be given Alignment 7 time to issue a formal response .
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After Alignment 6 3 - year - old Jeremy Scholl 's body was found in Henry Hagg Lake Monday evening , authorities Alignment 6 discovered four pairs of shoes along the shoreline . The boy 's family was nowhere around . Search teams combed through the water until after nightfall and scoured the nearby woods . They found no one but saw signs that others were there : Sneakers and flip - flops , in different sizes , unclaimed on the beach . When searchers returned Tuesday morning , they were looking for three generations of a family . By afternoon , they found them all . A Alignment 0 Alignment 8 dive team recovered the bodies of Jeremy 's mother , grandmother and uncle about 30 to 40 feet from the shoreline , in water that ranged from 8 to 13 feet deep . Authorities identified his family members as Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua , 25 ; Jova Ixtacua - Castano , 42 , and Michael Garcia - Ixtacua , 13 , respectively . Jova Ixtacua - Castano was mother to Michael and Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua and grandmother to Jeremy . They lived together in Hillsboro . Their bodies were recovered at the bottom of the lake , about 25 yards away from the location where Jeremy was found hours earlier . Investigators think the family members drowned Monday at the park , which lies a little more than six miles northwest of Gaston . They were there to picnic and swim . Their official causes of death were not available Tuesday . No one had any visible injuries . Authorities Alignment 12 found no signs of foul play , said Alignment 12 Sgt . Bob Ray , a Washington County Sheriff 's Office spokesman . Ray could not remember another call like it , across the span of his 16 - plus year career . No one witnessed the apparent drowning , Ray said , even though other people were nearby along the shoreline . The lake 's hilly perimeter likely blocked their view . Authorities do n't know all the details behind what happened and likely never will . But investigators Alignment 13 speculate that at least one family member ran into trouble swimming and others went to help . Detectives Alignment 15 are continuing Alignment 15 to seek answers . The last drowning at Hagg Lake occurred in 2008 , when a 27 - year - old Portland man was swimming and could n't make it back to shore . Ray said the 2008 incident occurred in the same place as Monday 's , and a rack offering free life jackets was installed at the location afterward . The family was not wearing flotation devices . Authorities closed the lake Tuesday for their search , marking its entries with signs . Law enforcement officers and reporters filled the area , instead of people fishing and picnicking . On summer days , 10,000 people sometimes visit the park , Ray said . The lake remained closed Tuesday out of respect for the family , the first time it has ever completely shut down during the summer , Ray said . It will reopen Wednesday at sunrise . The Alignment 4 search for the family started Monday , after Alignment 4 two people fishing in the area spotted a small boy , unconscious near the shoreline where Sain Creek flows into the lake . They Alignment 5 pulled the boy from the water to a picnic area , where they performed CPR until Gaston fire crews arrived , Ray Alignment 5 said . The boy died at the scene . Deputies searched for the boy 's family , but they could n't find anyone . Unclaimed items littered the shore : A beach towel , a cellphone , a cooler with food and drinks , the four pairs of shoes . Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua 's identification was among the items . A Yorkshire terrier wandered with no owners around . In the parking lot , deputies found a car , registered to Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua . Inside , they found her mother 's purse and identification , Ray said . From the evidence gathered , deputies thought they could be looking for three additional people . Detectives later spoke with Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua 's sister who confirmed their fear and inclination : Her family had gone to the lake , and she had n't heard from them since . Authorities , including Marine patrol deputies and a Newberg Fire Department dive team , searched the water and nearby woods until about 10:30 p.m. Monday . By mid - morning Tuesday , they were back at it , this time with a Clackamas County Sheriff 's Office dive team . They resumed their search where Jeremy was found . Investigators camped out beneath a canopy of oaks and evergreens near a gazebo , just southwest of the lake 's Boat Ramp C. Orange cones marked evidence along the beach . Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua 's sister picked up the car and terrier , Ray said . After hitting the water , divers shouted back and forth to one another as they searched . They commented on the depth of trenches , just below them . Varying depths in the lake 's floor make the body of water a patchwork of blue : The darker the water , the deeper the floor . Before noon , a diver blew a whistle three times , indicating something was found in the water . Ray said divers had discovered the bodies of Gabriela and Michael Garcia - Ixtacua . They were found close together . Other divers swarmed the spot and the first recovery began . They removed the brother and sister from the lake 's floor . Within 25 minutes , the divers recovered their mother , Jeremy 's grandma , from the water . Her body was about 15 feet from her children . -- Rebecca Woolington and Dillon Pilorget
Michael Garcia - Ixtacua and three of his family members drowned in Henry Hagg Lake . ( Photo : Hillsboro School District and KGW ) GASTON , Ore. -- Searchers Alignment 11 on Tuesday found three more bodies in Henry Hagg Lake after a boy was found drowned Monday , the Alignment 11 Washington County Sheriff 's Office said . The bodies were identified as 42 - year - old Jova Ixtacua - Castano ; her 13 - year - old son , Michael Garcia - Ixtacua ; and her 25 - year - old daughter , Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua . The 3 - year - old boy found on Monday was Jeremy Scholl , the son of Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua and grandson of Ixtacua - Castano . The family lived together in Hillsboro . " This was a tragic thing and we 're trying to put it together , " said neighbor Dawn Medley . " We 're a really tight - knit neighborhood . " Watch the KGW report " Detectives found nothing suspicious and no signs of foul play . This Alignment 1 Alignment 14 appears to be a tragic incident where someone likely got into trouble in the water and others attempted to help them , "" Sgt . Bob Ray with the Washington County Sheriff 's Office said Tuesday . " Detectives are still searching for any answers that will help them understand the events that occurred yesterday evening to cause the deaths . " Surviving family also found a dog that belonged to the group near the lake and took it home . Friends said the four came to Hagg Lake for what was planned as a pleasant day outing on Monday . Authorities are still trying to determine how all four people ended up in the water . Searchers found the three bodies in approximately eight feet of water , about 50 yards from where the 3 - year - old boy was found Monday . None of the family members was wearing life jackets . Searchers looked for parents after boy found dead Merlin Tague , who was visiting the area from another state , spotted a boy face - down in the water near the Sain Creek picnic area Monday evening . " So I pulled him out , yelled at the people on the hill to call the cops , and then we started doing CPR right away , " said Tague . He and one other person performed CPR , but they were unsuccessful . " It 's a tough one , " said Austin Sanders . " At least we found him before nightfall . " The sheriff 's office had reported they could not locate the boy 's parents and that 's when divers were called in to begin searching for any sign of them . Sheriff 's deputies searched Hagg Lake on Tuesday . ( Photo : Washington County Sheriff 's Office ) Investigators noticed an unattended white car in a nearby parking lot . They were able to connect it to a picnic area that was also unattended . Forest Grove Fire spokesman David Nemeyer said the items at the picnic table included a pair of adult flip flops and food . A photo of the boy was found inside the car . Jeremy Scholl had no obvious signs of trauma . An autopsy was scheduled , according to the sheriff 's office . The search was resumed at 10 a.m. Tuesday . The additional bodies were found just before 12 p.m. The entire lake was closed to the public . If you know anything about this case you are urged to contact the Washington County Sheriff 's Office at 503 - 629 - 0111 . KGW 's Mark Hanrahan contributed to this story . More recent incidents at Hagg Lake : 8 people OK after sailboat sinks in Hagg Lake Eight people are OK after their sailboat sank in Henry Hagg Lake Sunday . Heroes rescue 8 kids from Hagg Lake The people who worked together to pull eight children from a lake in Gaston , Oregon , Saturday evening are describing the rescue , and the town is planning to honor them for their heroism . Free life jackets available at Hagg Lake Fire destroys part of dock , boat at popular Hagg Lake Read or Share this story : http://www.kgw.com/story/news/local/2014/08/26/hagg-lake-drowning/14606797/
Alignment 0 Searchers in an Oregon lake recovered four bodies in what Alignment 2 seems Alignment 1 to have been Alignment 2 a tragic accident : Three Alignment 3 generations of the same family apparently drowned . People Alignment 4 fishing in Henry Hagg Lake , located in a Washington County park that , police say , draws up to 10,000 people per day , first Alignment 4 noticed an unconscious 3 - year - old boy near the shore Monday Alignment 4 . Despite Alignment 5 their efforts to perform CPR and the arrival of fire crews , Jeremy Alignment 5 Scholl died , the Alignment 5 Oregonian reports . But he did n't appear to have been alone : Officials Alignment 6 found four pairs of shoes at the edge of the lake and a Alignment 7 dog wandering nearby , no owners in sight . Other abandoned items including a towel , a cooler , and a phone also hinted there were other people to be found . An initial search revealed no one in the woods or water . But Alignment 8 a call to the boy 's aunt revealed that relatives Alignment 10 Alignment 9 had gone Alignment 9 to the lake and had n't Alignment 10 been heard Alignment 10 from since , and the Alignment 11 following day , divers Alignment 11 recovered three more bodies : those of the boy 's mother , Gabriela Garcia - Ixtacua , 25 ; his uncle , Michael Garcia - Ixtacua , 13 ; and his grandmother , Jova Ixtacua - Castano , 42 . Authorities Alignment 12 saw no indication of foul play . " This Alignment 13 Alignment 14 appears to be a tragic incident where someone likely got into trouble in the water and others attempted to help them , " an Alignment 14 officer says , Alignment 13 per KGW . " Detectives Alignment 15 are still Alignment 15 searching for any answers . " ( In a happier turn of events this year , another child was underwater in a Utah river for 20 minutes — and survived . )
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This is a set of web collections curated by Mark Graham using the Archive - IT service of the Internet Archive . They include web captures of the ISKME.org website as well as captures from sites hosted by IGC.org . These web captures are available to the general public . For more information about this collection please feel free to contact Mark via Send Mail
New research from Emory University scientists finds that fathers may play favorites when it comes to their children . The study , published in the American Psychological Association ’s journal “ Behavioral Neuroscience ” last week , examined the influence of fathers ’ brain responses to male or female children . Researchers from Emory University and the University of Arizona gathered data from 52 fathers of toddlers ( 30 daughters , 22 sons ) in the Atlanta area for the study . The fathers wore small computers on their belts for one weekday and one day on the weekend . The gadget recorded any sounds in 50 - second intervals every nine minutes during the 48 - hour period as well as nighttime interactions in the child ’s room , where the device was left charging . The men also underwent MRI brain scans as they viewed photos of unknown adults , unknown children and their own child with neutral , happy and sad facial expressions . A father and daughter walk in the city center on July 17 , 2012 in Berlin , Germany . Sean Alignment 12 Gallup / Getty Images Dads with daughters had greater responses to daughters happy facial expressions . Dads with sons had greater responses to sons neutral facial expressions . Dads with daughters spent about 60 percent more time responding to their children than dads with sons . Dads with sons spent three times as long playing with their children . Dads with daughters used more language referencing the child ’s body , such as belly , foot and tummy . ” Dads with sons were more likely to use words such as “ win , ” “ proud , ” and “ best . ” The fact that fathers may actually be less attentive to the emotional needs of boys , perhaps despite their best intentions , is Alignment 14 Alignment 15 important to recognize , ” lead researcher Jennifer Mascaro said . In addition , regarding the finding that dads with daughters tend to use more body - related words , researchers noted that previous research has shown pre - adolescent girls are more likely than boys to report low self - esteem and body image issues . But some scientists , including Alan Kazdin , child psychiatry professor and director of Yale Parenting Center , warned against jumping to any conclusions in the small sample study . “ Daughters and sons are very different even in utero and then when they 're infants they start behaving very differently , ” Kazdin told CBS News . “ Interactions between parents and children drive and influence each other 's brains . So what we do n't know here is whether the fathers drive the behaviors of their daughters and the sons or if the daughters and the sons drive the behavior of the fathers . ” In addition , because the research was conducted in the U.S. , cultures with varying societal norms are not as well represented .
Dads with toddler - age daughters interact differently with their kids than fathers with toddler - age sons , a new study suggests . Researchers found that fathers with daughters use different language and show different levels of attentiveness to their daughters ' needs , compared to fathers with sons . In addition , their brains ' responses to their tots ' pictures differed from those of dads with sons , according to the findings , which were published May 22 in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience . The findings indicate that gender - based differences in fathers ' behaviors appear to show up while children are very young , said lead study author Jennifer Mascaro , an assistant professor of family and preventive medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta . The fathers in the study had kids between ages 1 and 3 . Previous research has shown that when parents complete questionnaires , they rarely report treating their sons and daughters differently . And psychology studies that observe how a parent and child interact in a laboratory setting may not always be representative of typical caregiving behavior . [ 8 Tried - and - True Tips for Talking to Preschoolers ] To observe real - world interactions between fathers and toddlers , the researchers recruited 52 men ages 21 to 55 who lived in Atlanta and had a 1- or 2 - year - old son or daughter . Thirty of the dads had young daughters , and the rest had sons . Each father was given a recording device that he wore on his belt during one typical weekday and one typical day over the weekend . The device was programmed to record 50 - second snippets of sound every 9 minutes , but neither the father nor the child could tell when the device was actually recording . " People behave incredibly natural " when wearing the recording device , since they never know when it 's on or off , Mascaro said . The researchers ended up with a total of 2 hours of sound from each father . They Alignment 5 transcribed the recordings , and evaluated Alignment 5 the fathers ' attentiveness , behaviors and language used while interacting with their sons or daughters . The study found that the Alignment 6 fathers with daughters sang more to their little girls than the fathers with sons sang to the boys . When talking to their children , fathers of toddler daughters used more language related to sadness , using words such as " cry , " " sad , " " tears " and " lonely , " as well as more language referencing the body , such as " belly , " " foot " and " tummy , " compared with fathers who had toddler sons . [ 25 Scientific Tips for Raising Happy Kids ] In addition , dads used more analytic words , such as " more " and " better , " with their daughters than dads with sons did . Such words can facilitate more complex language development , Mascaro said . On the other hand , fathers with sons used more achievement - oriented words — such as " win , " " proud " and " top " — and they engaged in more rough - and - tumble play , such as tickling or tossing around their sons , the findings revealed . When it came to being attentive , the fathers with daughters were more responsive to their children 's needs than fathers with sons , according to the findings . And when the fathers were shown pictures of their children with different facial expressions , brain scans showed that the fathers had a stronger neural response in areas of the brain important for reward and emotional regulation to happy faces on their daughters than they did when the girls made other expressions . The brains of dads of sons , by contrast , had a more robust response to the boys ' neutral expressions than to other expressions . It was surprising that the fathers responded more to a neutral expression on their sons , Mascaro said . Fathers may be more attentive to their sons ' neutral expressions because it is less clear what the son is feeling , and so they may need to read between the lines more to understand it , Mascaro told Live Science . [ 9 Weird Ways Kids Can Get Hurt ] One possible explanation for why fathers had different emotional and behavioral responses to their young children is biologically based , meaning that men could be hardwired to respond differently to sons and daughters , Mascaro said . But another possibility is that there are societal , cultural and gender norms about how dads should interact with girls and boys , she said . The study looked at fathers from just one area . It could also be that the differences in behavior stem from both biological and cultural explanations . In other words , there could be small differences in the way young boys and girls actually behave , which then cause fathers to encourage more of this behavior in their children , thus enhancing these behaviors in kids , Mascaro suggested . The researchers said they could not tie the findings to any long - term outcomes in children , such as youngsters ' social , emotional or intellectual development . However , the fact that these differences in fathers ' behavior toward their sons and daughters show up so early is important in helping researchers understand how gender roles are developed and reinforced , Mascaro said . Originally published on Live Science .
The question of whether parents treat sons and daughters differently and how that may or may not affect the children later in life has been the subject of a number of scientific studies — and endless family debates . New research now adds to the conversation , not Alignment 4 only shedding light on certain behavioral differences fathers show toward sons and daughters but also revealing clues to what 's happening in their brains . The study , published in the American Psychological Association 's journal Behavioral Neuroscience , focused specifically on fathers ' interactions with their toddlers . " In most fields of research there 's so much more research on men than on women , but this is one of the rare situations in which there 's a lot more research on moms than on dads , " lead researcher Jennifer Mascaro , PhD , an assistant professor in Family and Preventative Medicine at the Emory School of Medicine , told CBS News . The findings showed that fathers of little girls tended to be more responsive to their daughters ' needs than fathers with toddler sons , and they spoke more openly to daughters about emotions , including sadness . Fathers of little boys , on Alignment 0 the other hand , engaged Alignment 0 in more rough - and - tumble play and used more achievement - related language , including words like " proud , " " win , " and " top . " Dads with daughters also used more language referencing the child 's body , including " belly , " " foot , " and " tummy . " For the study , Mascaro Alignment 3 and her team analyzed data on 52 fathers of toddlers ( 30 girls , 22 boys ) in the Atlanta area who wore a small handheld computer device onto their belts for two days . Every nine minutes , the device randomly turned on for 50 seconds and recorded sound . " People act shockingly normal when they are wearing it , " Mascaro noted in a press release on the findings . " They kind of forget they are wearing it or they say to themselves , what are the odds it 's on right now . " The dads were also told to charge the device in their child 's bedroom at night so any nighttime interactions with their kids could be recorded . In addition , fathers Alignment 11 underwent MRI brain scans while Alignment 11 viewing photos of their child with happy , sad or neutral facial expressions . Participants with daughters had greater responses to their daughters ' happy facial expressions in areas of the brain important for visual processing , reward , emotion regulation , and face processing than fathers of sons , the researchers found . Conversely , the brains of dads with boys responded more robustly to their sons ' neutral facial expressions . While the authors emphasize that no definitive long - term conclusions could be made from the research , the findings mirror previous studies . " A huge caveat is that we did not longitudinally study the toddlers whose dads were in the study so we ca n't tie any of these differences to outcomes , " Mascaro said , " but there is a lot of research indicating that the quality and quantity of language that people use with children is important for cognitive outcomes . " For example , when taken together she says both the behavioral and brain imaging findings suggest that parents tend to respond more to the emotions of girls . " This is consistent with studies that show that moms tend to use more emotion language and validate emotions in girls than in boys , " Mascaro said . Additionally , the findings that the fathers tended to use more language referencing the child 's body with girls than with boys could be relevant to prior research that has shown pre - adolescent girls are more likely than boys to report body dissatisfaction and lower self - esteem relating to body image , the authors note . But Alan Kazdin , PhD , a professor of psychology and child psychiatry and director of Yale Parenting Center , cautions against jumping to conclusions about cause and effect . " Daughters and sons are very different even in utero and then when they 're infants they start behaving very differently , " he told CBS News . " Interactions between parents and children drive and influence each other 's brains . So what we do n't know here is whether the fathers drive the behaviors of their daughters and the sons or if the daughters and the sons drive the behavior of the fathers . " The study has several other limitations , including its small sample size and that it was conducted in one area of the U.S. , so conclusions about fathers in other cultures with different societal norms could not be drawn . And while the authors noted a number of factors , including parental age , number of children , ethnicity , income , and hours fathers worked per week , were similar for all dads in the study regardless of their child 's gender , they did not look at other important factors such as the fathers ' education level , Kazdin points out . " The study raises interesting questions that would be wonderful to have answers to , " Kazdin said . " Now , we know what the big questions are to be answered next . " Mascaro also calls for more research , saying Alignment 19 the study could not determine if different brain responses meant fathers are somehow biologically hard - wired through genetics or evolution to treat sons differently than daughters , or if the dads were conforming to societal norms relating to gender . Still , she said parents may want to take a minute and consider the many ways they are interacting with their sons and daughters . " These differences are showing up really early in children that are 1 and 2 years old , " she said . " The idea that we could have unintentional or maybe even in some cases intentional biases in the way we interact with our kids and how we prepare them for the world , I think that is a good realization . There 's a ton of research indicating that it 's really good for children to talk about their emotions and so if we 're doing that less with out boys , that 's a good thing to realize . "
Alignment 0 Alignment 1 Dads play more with sons but are Alignment 1 more open about emotions with daughters , according Alignment 1 to a new parenting study published last month in Behavioral Neuroscience . The Alignment 2 Alignment 3 Atlanta Journal - Constitution reports researchers looked at 52 fathers of toddlers in the Atlanta area , recording Alignment 3 their interactions with their children for random 50 - second increments over two days . The Alignment 4 results showed a bunch of differences in how Alignment 5 dads interact with sons versus daughters . Dads Alignment 6 Alignment 7 sang more to daughters and talked Alignment 7 more about sadness with them , according Alignment 7 to Live Science . Dads Alignment 8 spent three times longer playing with sons than daughters . And Alignment 9 dads of daughters talked more about their child 's body , whereas Alignment 9 dads of sons used more words like "" win "" and "" best . " Researchers Alignment 10 also gave the dads MRI brain scans while they Alignment 11 looked at photos of their children . Dads Alignment 12 of daughters had bigger reactions to their child looking happy ; dads Alignment 13 of sons had bigger responses to their child looking neutral . Researchers Alignment 14 say it Alignment 15 shows dads may pay less attention to their sons ' emotional needs . But Alignment 16 Alan Kazdin tells CBS News we Alignment 18 should Alignment 17 n't Alignment 18 draw conclusions from the small study . For Alignment 19 one thing , the Alignment 19 professor of child psychiatry says it 's unclear whether dads treat sons and daughters differently for societal reasons or if they 're responding to differences in behavior between boys and girls . ( An earlier study found gender stereotypes set in surprisingly early . )
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Bacteria , viruses and parasites cause around 2 m cases of cancer in the world each year , experts believe . Of Alignment 6 the 7.5 m global deaths from cancer in 2008 , an Alignment 6 estimated 1.5 m may have been Alignment 6 due to potentially preventable or treatable infections . Scientists carried out a statistical analysis of cancer incidence to calculate that around 16 % of all cancers diagnosed in 2008 were infection - related . The Alignment 2 Alignment 4 proportion of cancers linked to infection was three times higher in developing Alignment 5 countries than in developed ones . Key Alignment 3 cancer - causing infectious agents include human papillomavirus ( HPV ) , the gastric bug Helicobacter pylori and the hepatitis B ( HBV ) and C viruses . These four were together believed to be responsible for 1.9 m cases of cancer , mostly gastric , liver and cervical cancers . Cervical cancer accounted for around half of infection - related women 's cancers . In men , more than 80 % of infection - related cancers affected the liver , stomach and colon . Dr Catherine de Martel and Dr Martyn Plummer , from the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon , wrote in the Lancet Oncology journal : " Infections with certain viruses , bacteria , and parasites are one of the biggest and preventable causes of cancer worldwide … Application of existing public - health methods for infection prevention , such as vaccination , safer injection practice , or antimicrobial treatments , could have a substantial effect on future burden of cancer worldwide . " The researchers used information from a number of sources , including a cancer - incidence database covering 27 cancers from 184 countries . Commenting on the findings , Dr Goodarz Danaei from the Harvard School of Public Medicine in Boston , wrote : " Their estimates show the potential for preventive and therapeutic programmes in less developed countries to significantly reduce the global burden of cancer and the vast disparities across regions and countries . " Since Alignment 7 Alignment 8 effective and relatively low - cost vaccines for HPV and HBV are available , increasing coverage should Alignment 7 Alignment 8 be a priority for health systems in high - burden countries . "
Roughly one in six cancers is caused Alignment 0 by an infection , according Alignment 0 to a global study highlighting the power of vaccines in cancer prevention . French researchers pooled data on 27 cancers from 184 countries to calculate Alignment 1 the fraction of cases attributable to viral , bacterial and parasitic infections . " Around 2 million cancer cases each year are caused by infectious agents , " the researchers wrote in their report , published today in The Lancet Oncology . " Application of existing public health methods for infection prevention , such as vaccination , safer injection practice , or antimicrobial treatments , could have a substantial effect on the future burden of cancer worldwide . " Human papillomavirus ( HPV ) , hepatitis B and C , and the ulcer inducing Helicobacter pylori caused 1.9 million cancers worldwide in 2008 , according to the study . HPV and hepatitis B infections are largely preventable through vaccination , and H. pylori can be treated with antibiotics . " Most of the infection - attributable cases occurred in less developed countries and were due to preventable or treatable infections , " Goodarz Danaei , assistant professor of global health at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston , wrote in an editorial accompanying the study . " Since effective and relatively low - cost vaccines for HPV and [ hepatitis B ] are available , increasing vaccine coverage should be a priority for health systems in high - burden countries . " HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that causes cervical cancer as well as cancers of the throat , vagina , vulva , anus and penis , according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The CDC recommends the HPV vaccine for teenage girls and boys as well as some men and women up to age 26 , but few end up getting all the necessary doses . "" Alignment 9 Our vaccination program is gaining momentum but very slowly , and one reason is it 's hard to get teenagers in for all three doses , " said Alignment 9 Dr. William Schaffner , chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville , Tenn. "" Alignment 10 Alignment 11 The other reason is that because HPV is sexually transmitted , it 's evoked a whole bunch of hullaballoo over whether the vaccine promotes promiscuity . Of course , there 's no evidence to support that at all . " The hepatitis B vaccine is also given in three doses , but in the first 18 months of life . " We vaccinate all children against hepatitis B , so their risk of liver cancer down the road will be very much reduced , " said Schaffner . "" Alignment 12 If we look back 20 years from now , we Alignment 12 will see Alignment 12 the occurrence of liver cancer dropping precipitously . " The realization that infections like HPV can trigger cancer is relatively new , earning virologists Harald zur Hausen , Françoise Barré - Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier the Nobel Prize in 2008 . " Every time we make and advance like that , the opportunity exists to make a vaccine that could prevent those kinds of infections and thus prevent another proportion of cancers that occur in our population , " said Schaffner . But , he added , choosing not to smoke , eating a healthy diet and keeping physically active also reduce the risk of cancer . " We have to remember that in our country behavioral risk factors still loom large , " he said . " There are a number of strategies we can all employ to reduce our risk of cancer even more . "
Alignment 0 A sixth of all cancers worldwide are the result of potentially Alignment 1 treatable or preventable infections caused by bacteria , viruses , and parasites , according to a new study . Researchers Alignment 2 found that that almost Alignment 3 2 million new cancer cases in 2008 were caused Alignment 3 by the human papilloma virus , hepatitis B , hepatitis C , and the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori , and that the Alignment 4 proportion of cancers caused by infection was three times higher in developing Alignment 5 countries , reports the Guardian . A Alignment 6 fifth of the 7.5 million cancer deaths worldwide in 2008 were caused by infection - related cancers , the Alignment 6 study found . The Alignment 7 Alignment 8 research shows that vaccines for HPV and hepatitis B should be a priority for health care systems , notes Alignment 8 an editorial accompanying the Lancet study . The Alignment 9 HPV vaccination program is gaining Alignment 9 momentum , but only very slowly , because Alignment 9 "" it ’s hard to get teenagers in for all three doses , " and " because Alignment 10 HPV is sexually transmitted , it Alignment 10 ’s evoked Alignment 11 a whole bunch of hullaballoo over whether the vaccine promotes promiscuity , " the Alignment 11 chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center tells ABC . Greater Alignment 12 progress has been made with the hepatitis B vaccination program , he Alignment 12 says , so Alignment 12 the occurrence of liver cancer should be "" dropping precipitously "" over the next 20 years .
",407 29,"
AFP / Gavin Kennedy Jane Ritchie explains the Alignment 0 Alignment 1 Alignment 13 Alignment 2 Alignment 20 Alignment 21 Alignment 22 Alignment 9 carbon capture system at the opening of a Canadian Carbon Engineering pilot plant in Squamish , British Columbia on October 9 , 2015 A company with global plans to pull carbon from thin air to make fuel , while tackling climate change , opened Alignment 0 Alignment 1 Alignment 13 Alignment 2 Alignment 20 Alignment 21 Alignment 22 Alignment 9 a pilot plant in this remote western Canadian community . Carbon Engineering , backed by Bill Gates and other investors , unveiled a test facility able to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using giant fans . That Alignment 4 carbon goes through a series of chemical processes and emerges Alignment 4 as pellets , which can be used to make fuel -- or simply be stored underground . The company was founded in Calgary in 2009 by David Keith , a Harvard University climate scientist , with funding from private investors . Unlike existing machines that capture carbon from smokestacks like those of coal - fired power plants , the direct air capture plant deals " with emissions from sources you just ca n't otherwise capture , " said company chief executive Adrian Corless . " It 's Alignment 6 now possible to take CO2 out of the atmosphere , and use it as a feed stock , with hydrogen , to produce net zero emission fuels . " The benefit of those synthesized fuels , Corless told AFP , is they can be tailor - made for use in existing systems , from petrol pumps to automobiles and airplanes . " You do n't have to re - tool the $ 30 trillion in ( global ) infrastructure now used to deliver fossil fuels , " Corless said . While alternative energies , from wind to solar , are being developed , " there 's not a lot of options to power airplanes and vehicles , " said Corless . " For me , this is most exciting . " " The economics are attractive , " said scientist Hadi Dowlatabadi , of the University of British Columbia . This small town north of Vancouver welcomed the company moving into an unused industrial site , and the opening was blessed by members of the aboriginal Squamish Nation as a working example of traditional teachings to take care of the world . - ' Have to adapt ' - " We have to adapt to the modern world , " said councilor Chris Lewis . Mark Jaccard , professor of sustainable energy at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver , said the technology holds promise to reduce greenhouse gases and climate change . " What humans really should be doing is really either not using fossil fuels -- or using fossil fuels and capturing the carbon so it does n't go into the atmosphere , " Jaccard said . Other companies around the world are experimenting with air capture , but Corless said Carbon Engineering 's design is unique because it can be quickly and affordably scaled up to industrial size . Corless said the pilot plant began operations in June and has already captured 10 tonnes of C02 . The company says it plans to use the data from the pilot plant in Squamish to design its first commercial plant by 2017 , which it says will cost no more than $ 200 million . " We should be in a position to be selling synthetic fuels in 2018 , " said Corless . He said synthetic fuels , like fossil fuels , provide an energy source concentrated enough to power airplanes and long - haul ground transportation .
The mountain air in Squamish , B.C. , could soon be even fresher with the launch of a groundbreaking carbon capture operation . The pilot project will suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere , not from an industrial plant like other such operations , with the goal of turning the gas into fuel . Built and operated by Calgary - based Carbon Engineering , the Alignment 12 $ 9 - million plant will Alignment 11 capture Alignment 12 about one tonne of CO2 per day , which is the equivalent of taking about 100 cars off the road annually . Founded by Harvard climate scientist David Keith and backed by big - name investors including Bill Gates , Carbon Engineering has spent several years turning academic research into technology that could be commercialized . The company will unveil its pilot plant in Squamish on Friday . Potential for larger impact The operation has been capturing CO2 since May , but its primary purpose is to prove that the technology can work on a much larger scale , taking in up to one - million tonnes per day . Calgary - based Carbon Engineering 's first direct air capture plant in Squamish , B.C. , extracts carbon dioxide directly from atmospheric air . ( Darryl Dyck / Canadian Press ) " It 's still a pilot - scale plant , " explained Adrian Corless , Carbon Engineering 's CEO . " But it 's very important , because it 's the first time that anyone 's demonstrated a technology that captures CO2 that has the potential to be scaled up to be large enough to be relevant from an environmental or climate point of view . " The plant works by moving large volumes of air through a piece of equipment where CO2 is absorbed by a liquid solution , and then transformed into pellets of calcium carbonate . The Alignment 16 Alignment 17 pellets are then heated to 800 or 900 degrees Celsius and break down , releasing pure carbon . "" Alignment 18 There 's no real magic to it , " Corless Alignment 18 said . "" Alignment 19 The pieces of equipment already exist today in very Alignment 19 large scale . And we 've really adapted them from other industries . " It may not be magic , but it is innovative — Carbon Engineering is a world leader in direct - air carbon capture , Corless said . Soon the company will take the technology even farther , building another system that will turn the captured carbon into useable transportation fuel by adding hydrogen from renewable sources , such as solar , wind or hydro . " It 's not something that we were the first to think about it , " Corless said . " I think we 're just the first to be in position with that key piece of technology — which is the scalable source of atmospheric CO2 — that allows you to think about making a larger scale fuel synthesis plant . " Turning CO2 into fuel Once that plant is running in 2016 or 2017 , it will produce 200 to 400 litres of gasoline or diesel per day , and there are already groups interested in buying the product , Corless said . Senior process engineer Jane Ritchie explains how the pellet reactor system controls work at Calgary - based Carbon Engineering 's first direct air capture plant in Squamish , B.C. ( Darryl Dyck / Canadian Press ) Eventually , the fuel could be used for ships or planes . " The nice thing about the technology is that there are no real limitations for it to ultimately , in theory , displace all of the existing fossil - based transportation fuels , " Corless said . Built on the site of a former Nexen chemical facility in Squamish , Carbon Engineering 's pilot plant is bringing new technology to an area undergoing long - term development . The pilot plant could be game changing in terms of reducing the global carbon footprint and it could make the mountain town a hub for green technology in the process , said Mayor Patricia Heintzman . " When you start to bring in people who are problem solvers and entrepreneurs who see opportunity when it 's there and are n't blind to it , that 's an exciting place for a community to be . You can really grow on that , " she said . " I think it 's great when smart innovators are coming into a community . That 's where your future is . "
Residents of Squamish , B.C. , will witness history this week when a small company from Alberta flicks the switch on an industrial facility that chemically grabs carbon dioxide out of thin air . The Alignment 10 facility , designed and built with support from billionaires Bill Gates and oilsands financier Murray Edwards , is n’t just a first for Canada . It may be the largest demonstration of its kind in the world , and takes us closer to a day when humans can suck more CO2 from the atmosphere than they dump in . A rendering of a Alignment 3 commercial - scale CO2 air capture system being designed Alignment 3 by Calgary - based Carbon Engineering . The company hopes to one day make it economical to pull CO2 from the air . ( Carbon Engineering ) Carbon Engineering , the Calgary - based company behind the innovation , also plans to use that CO2 to make renewable synthetic fuels , a potential path forward for oil and gas companies as society tries to kick its fossil fuel habit . “ I knew if we could pull this off it would be immense and important , and I wanted to be part of it , ” said chief executive officer Adrian Corless . Rivals include Menlo Park , Calif.-based Global Thermostat , which counts Edgar Bronfman Jr. as its executive chairman , and Zurich - based Climeworks , which counts carmaker Audi as a partner . All three companies are convinced that direct air capture of CO2 is inevitable . Article Continued Below Carbon Engineering ’s work is based on research conducted at the University of Calgary and led by David Keith , now a professor of public policy and applied physics at Harvard University . Keith , who founded Carbon Engineering in 2009 , admitted at the time that the idea of capturing CO2 out of the air seemed “ absurd , ” given that the greenhouse gas only represents 0.04 per cent of what we inhale . By comparison , the concentration of CO2 emitted from a power plant fuelled by coal is about 10 per cent . Logically , it makes more sense to focus on capturing CO2 directly from industrial flue gases — the focus , for example , of a $ 20 - million XPrize competition launched on Sept. 29 . But that approach ignores CO2 produced by transportation , agriculture and buildings , which together represent a third of global emissions . Keith knew free - air capture would n’t just work ; it might one day be a necessary weapon in the fight against dangerous climate change . Wind , solar , nuclear power and energy efficiency all reduce emissions from going into the atmosphere , but they are incapable of extracting what ’s already up there in the increasingly likely event that safe limits are exceeded . Plant more trees , you say ? Research suggests that plants are comparatively inefficient when it comes to extracting CO2 from the air . It ’s vital , Keith said in 2009 , “ to start thinking about radical new ideas and approaches to solving this problem . ” Six years later , the idea of snatching CO2 from anywhere does n’t seem so radical . For one , Keith ’s team has taken what was just a theory and turned it into a working machine that people can see and touch — and which can be easily replicated . “ As the project has progressed , we ’ve been able to get a lot more people engaged in believing what we ’re doing , ” said Corless . Second , a growing body of evidence over the years suggests that climate change is happening faster than originally thought , and that dramatic measures may be needed to avert its worst effects . This has created wider acceptance within government and business of putting a price on carbon , with the G7 setting a long - term goal of completely phasing out fossil fuel use by 2100 . China , meanwhile , recently confirmed plans to launch a national emission trading system in 2017 . According to the World Bank , about 40 national and more than 20 sub - national jurisdictions have put a price on carbon or plan to do so , twice as many as were in that position in 2012 . Together , they represent more than a quarter of global greenhouse - gas emissions . Article Continued Below “ The growing acceptance that there ’s going to be a requirement to pay for carbon emissions , that ’s really changed only in the last 18 months , ” said Corless . That ’s important , he explained , because as carbon pricing emerges and as the cost of air - capture technology falls , the business case for Carbon Engineering and its rivals will only get stronger . They have a long way to go . At the moment , carbon is priced at less than $ 10 a tonne in most jurisdictions , with B.C. at $ 30 and Sweden on the high end at $ 130 . Where the price goes from here is anyone ’s guess , but the number of companies using what ’s called “ shadow carbon pricing ” to estimate the long - term viability of their operations has tripled in just the past year . These shadow prices can range from $ 20 to $ 200 a tonne , giving an indication of where carbon prices are and where companies believe they could go . Asked Alignment 23 if $ 100 a tonne would be enough for Carbon Engineering to support itself commercially , Keith Alignment 23 replied : Alignment 23 That ’s getting pretty damn close . ” This article is part of a series produced in partnership by the Toronto Star and Tides Canada to address a range of pressing climate issues in Canada leading up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris , December 2015 . Tides Canada is supporting this partnership to increase public awareness and dialogue around the impacts of climate change on Canada ’s economy and communities . The Toronto Star has full editorial control and responsibility to ensure stories are rigorously edited in order to meet its editorial standards .
An “ air capturing ” plant is taking in air through giant fans , filtering out the carbon dioxide , absorbing the gas in liquid , and converting it into pellets in a bid to combat climate change . A Canadian start up , backed by Bill Gates , built its first such plant in Squamish , Vancouver , where members of the aboriginal Squamish Nation blessed the opening on Friday , Oct. 9 . The Alignment 5 $ 9 m plant has captured Alignment 5 10 tonnes of CO2 since operations began in June , according Alignment 5 to AFP . There are plans to use the carbon pellets alongside hydrogen to make environmentally friendly fuel , as described in this diagram : www.carbonengineering.com “ It ’s not something that we were the first to think about it , ” chief executive Adrian Corless told Canadian Press . “ I think we ’re just the first to be in position with that key piece of technology — which is the scalable source of atmospheric CO2 — that allows you to think about making a larger scale fuel synthesis plant . ” Harvard University climate scientist David Keith founded the company , Carbon Engineering , in 2009 , and plans to sharply increase the scale of the work . Carbon Engineering is aiming to build a $ 200 million commercial plant by 2017 and start selling synthetic fuels by 2018 . The larger plant should produce 200 to 400 litres of gasoline or diesel per day , according to the Canadian Press . Corless said that the current plant is just a pilot - scale version , but will shape their future work . “ It ’s very important , because it ’s the first time that anyone ’s demonstrated a technology that captures CO2 that has the potential to be scaled up to be large enough to be relevant from an environmental or climate point of view , ” he explained . And he told AFP that the fuels produced could be used in existing cars and planes . “ You do Alignment 7 Alignment 8 n’t have to re Alignment 8 - Alignment 7 tool the Alignment 8 $ 30 trillion in ( global ) infrastructure now used to deliver fossil fuels , ” he said .
Alignment 0 Visit a town north of Vancouver and you may notice a long , blue building that appears ordinary — but it Alignment 2 just Alignment 1 may be leading Alignment 2 the way in climate - change technology . Run Alignment 3 by the Canadian company Carbon Engineering , the Alignment 3 plant is busy capturing carbon dioxide from the Earth 's atmosphere . It Alignment 4 's also Alignment 4 designed to process the greenhouse gas into carbon pellets that can help make fuel or just be buried underground , AFP Alignment 5 reports . " It Alignment 6 's now possible to take CO2 out of the atmosphere , and use it ... to produce net zero emission fuels , " says Alignment 6 company CEO Adrian Corless . " You Alignment 7 Alignment 8 do n't have to re Alignment 7 - tool Alignment 8 the Alignment 7 $ 30 trillion in ( global ) infrastructure now used to deliver fossil fuels . " And Alignment 9 he 's not alone : Billionaires Alignment 10 including Bill Gates and oil sands financier Murray Edwards are already investing , the Alignment 10 Toronto Star reports . Running Alignment 12 since May , the Alignment 12 pilot plant should Alignment 11 grab Alignment 12 about a ton of CO2 daily about the same as removing 100 cars from the road , the Alignment 13 CBC reports . It Alignment 14 Alignment 15 works by running air through equipment that absorbs CO2 in a liquid solution and turns Alignment 15 it into calcium - carbonate pellets ( see a diagram at Quartz ) . The Alignment 16 Alignment 17 pellets are then Alignment 17 heated in order to free pure carbon . " There Alignment 18 's no real magic to it , " says Alignment 18 Corless . " The Alignment 19 pieces of equipment already exist today in very large scale . " Indeed , companies in California and Switzerland are also aiming to capture airborne CO2 . Carbon Alignment 20 Engineering is n't commercially viable just yet , but carbon Alignment 21 pricing varies and could eventually Alignment 21 hit $ 100 per ton . Would Alignment 22 that be enough ? " That Alignment 23 ’s getting pretty damn close , " says Alignment 23 company founder David Keith . ( One study found that " global cooling " is n't such a far - fetched theory . )
",3757 30,"
French PM Manuel Valls warns of possibility of chemical or biological attack by Isis , but even capable extremists have amassed little that constitutes a real threat Manuel Valls , the French prime minister , has said the associates of extremists who targeted France last week could use chemical and biological weapons . Two questions arise : how great is that risk , and does it justify the bill that Valls has introduced into parliament extending the state of emergency declared after Friday ’s attacks for another three months ? The possibility of a mass casualty strike on a city in the west or elsewhere by Islamic militants using some kind of biological or chemical agent is a nightmare scenario . It has been intermittently raised by officials over the last 20 - odd years . Yet there has never been such an attack . Nor has any evidence emerged of even the most capable extremist outfits coming close to executing one . Paris attacks : raids in Brussels linked to Stade de France suicide bomber – latest news Read more In the late 1990s , Osama bin Laden , the founder and leader of al - Qaida , described obtaining chemical weapons as a religious duty and even claimed to have stockpiled such arms as a “ deterrent ” . His organisation made desultory efforts to build laboratories in Afghanistan : the biggest such facility was little more than a small hut crammed with sacks of chemicals and the kind of apparatus found in most school science laboratories . In 2003 , Saudi and US intelligence services claimed to have learned of a plot to release cyanide gas on the New York subway system , though no one was arrested nor evidence released to the public . A captive militant held in northern Iraq supplied information to western intelligence services about how he had assisted Saddam Hussein ’s supposed supply of chemical weapons to al - Qaida . But it was quickly established that he was lying : he had never been to Afghanistan , or met Bin Laden , as he claimed . The “ factories ” supposedly producing chemical weapons in northern Iraq at the same time and allegedly run by Islamic militants turned out to be basic in the extreme too . In 2004 , Jordanian authorities claimed that Abu Musab al - Zarqawi , then leader of al - Qaida in Iraq , had planned a strike with chemical weapons on a range of targets in Amman . Zarqawi denied the planned use of chemicals , though was happy to admit the existence of the plot . No evidence was offered to contradict him . By the middle of the last decade , the fear of chemical weapons subsided , not least because of the multitude of plots in Europe at the time which , though two killed large numbers of people , did not involve chemical weapons . The fears have now been raised again . It does appear certain that Isis has used mustard gas in Iraq and Syria . The group has also reportedly inserted chlorine into mortar bombs to make chlorine gas . These arms may have been purloined from Syrian military stocks , though the Damascus regime was supposed to have destroyed almost all of its nastiest weapons under a 2013 accord . They may too – as British officials believe – have been manufactured by Isis . But how much of a threat does their use or even manufacture , pose to western Europe ? Facebook Twitter Pinterest A mother and father weep over the body of their child , killed in a suspected chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in August 2013 . Photograph : NurPhoto / Rex / Erbin News Bringing liquid gas from Syria to France would seem , at the very least , a delicate task with slim chances of success . Mustard gas and chlorine gas are based on first world war technology and are of limited lethality . Could they , or something more dangerous , be manufactured in some garage or back garden somewhere in Europe for immediate and local use ? This seems unlikely , too . Some point to the example of the Aum Shinrikyo sect in Japan , which was able to manufacture sarin gas and release it on the metro in Tokyo in 1995 . Views among scholars differ as to exactly what kind of resources the sect could muster . Some argue that its facilities were chaotic and dirty , staffed by people with only basic postgraduate training . But others have described hi - tech laboratories backed by a billion dollars in assets , with Aum enjoying access to highly qualified , capable experts , and benefiting from a degree of toleration from authorities . Either way , Aum Shinrikyo ’s human and scientific resources were well beyond that of the current crop of former European Islamic militants . Could a state one day pass such a weapon to a militant group ? None has done so yet , nor appears likely to in the short or mid - term . There is much that can be done , and should be done , to reduce the possibility of Islamic terrorists using chemical weapons in Europe , but the threat should be seen for what it is : extremely unlikely .
BAGHDAD ( AP ) — The Islamic State group is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons , setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq , Syria and elsewhere in the region , according to Iraqi and U.S. intelligence officials . Their quest raises an alarming scenario for the West , given the determination to strike major cities that the group showed with its bloody attack last week in Paris . On Alignment 0 Thursday , French Alignment 0 Prime Minister Manuel Valls warned that Islamic extremists might at some point use chemical or biological weapons . "" Alignment 1 Terrorism hit France not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria ... but for what it is , " Valls told the lower house of Parliament . "" Alignment 2 Alignment 3 We know that there could also be a risk of chemical or biological weapons , " he Alignment 2 Alignment 3 added , though Alignment 2 Alignment 3 he did not talk of a specific threat . U.S. intelligence officials do Alignment 11 n't believe IS has the capability to develop sophisticated weapons like nerve gas that are most suited for a terrorist attack on a civilian target . So far the group has used mustard gas on the battlefield in Iraq and Syria . But Iraqi officials expressed concern that the large safe haven the extremists control since overrunning parts of Iraq and Syria last year has left Iraqi authorities largely in the dark over the IS program . "" Alignment 12 Alignment 14 Alignment 13 They now have complete freedom to select locations for their labs and production sites and have Alignment 13 a wide range of experts , both civilians and military , to aid them , " a Alignment 12 Alignment 14 senior Iraqi intelligence official told The Associated Press . The official , like others from the Iraqi and U.S. intelligence agencies who have first - hand knowledge of the IS chemical weapons program , spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive information . So far , the Alignment 9 only overt sign of the group 's chemical weapons program has been Alignment 9 the apparent use of mustard gas against Iraqi Kurdish fighters and in Syria . In mortars that hit Kurdish forces in northern Iraq earlier this year , preliminary tests by the U.S. showed traces of the chemical agent sulfur mustard . Iraqi authorities clearly fear the use could be expanded . Over the summer , Iraq 's military distributed gas masks to troops deployed west and north of Baghdad , one general told the AP . A senior officer in Salahuddin province , north of Baghdad , said 25 percent of the troops deployed there were equipped with masks . More recently , Iraq 's military received from Russia 1,000 protective suits against chemical attacks , said Hakim al - Zamili , the head of the Iraqi parliament 's security and defense committee . IS has set Alignment 7 up a Alignment 7 branch tasked with pursuing chemical weapons , according Alignment 7 to a senior Iraqi military intelligence officer and two officials from another Iraqi intelligence agency . They would n't give details of the program , including how many personnel it is believed to have or its budget . But al - Zamili , citing Alignment 8 intelligence reports he has access to , told Alignment 8 the AP that the group has managed to attract chemical experts from abroad as well as Iraqi experts , including ones who once worked for Saddam Hussein 's now - dissolved Military Industrialization Authority . The foreigners include experts from Chechnya and southeast Asia , the Iraqi intelligence officials said . IS recently moved its research labs , experts and materials from Iraq to " secured locations " inside Syria , al - Zamili added — apparently out of concern of an eventual assault on Mosul , Iraq 's second largest city , captured by IS in the summer of 2014 . "" Alignment 4 Daesh is working very seriously to reach production of chemical weapons , particularly nerve gas , " al Alignment 4 - Zamili said , using Alignment 4 an Arabic acronym for the group . "" Alignment 5 Alignment 6 That would threaten Alignment 5 Alignment 6 not just Iraq but the whole world . " Still , U.S. intelligence officials say they do n't believe IS has the technological capability to produce nerve gas or biological agents , and that the militants were more likely to harm themselves trying to make them . A Alignment 10 European official privy to intelligence on the extemist group 's programs agreed , saying so far even IS Alignment 10 production of mustard gas was in small quantities and of low quality . Retired Lt . Gen. Richard Zahner , who was the top American military intelligence officer in Iraq in 2005 and 2006 and went on to lead the National Security Agency 's electronic spying arm , noted that al - Qaida tried for two decades to develop chemical weapons and did n't succeed , showing the technical and scientific difficulties . However , he said , U.S. intelligence agencies have consistently underestimated the Islamic State group , which has shown itself to be more capable and innovative than al - Qaida and has greater financial resources . Given that and its inheritance of Saddam - era experts , he said , it could realistically reach a " limited " program for battlefield uses . " Even a few competent scientists and engineers , given the right motivation and a few material resources , can produce hazardous industrial and weapons - specific chemicals in limited quantities , " Zahner said . Developing chemical weapons has been an ambition of the group — and various other jihadi movements — for years . In a 2013 report on the Islamic State group 's weapons procurement efforts , a senior deputy of IS leader Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi wrote of " significant progress " toward producing chemical weapons , according to two senior officials who had access to the document after it was obtained by Iraqi intelligence . In it , the deputy , Sameer al - Khalifawy , wrote that chemical weapons would ensure " swift victory " and " terrorize our enemies . " But , he added , what was needed was " to secure a safe environment to carry out experiments . " Al - Khalifawy was killed by rebels in Syria in early 2014 , just months before IS overran Mosul and much of northern and western Iraq , linking that territory to the stretches of northern and eastern Syria it controlled and declaring itself a " caliphate . " In May 2013 , Iraqi security forces , acting on a tip from the Americans , raided a secret chemical weapons research lab in Baghdad 's Sunni - majority district of al - Doura , the Iraqi intelligence officials said . Security forces arrested two militants running the lab , Kefah Ibrahim al - Jabouri , who held a master 's degree in chemistry , and Adel Mahmoud al - Abadi , who has a bachelor 's degree in physics and worked at Saddam 's Military Industrialization Authority before it was disbanded in 2003 . The Iraqi officials said the two men were working with al - Baghdadi , citing IS correspondence they seized from al - Jabouri . Other international officials disputed this , however , saying the men were not connected with the group . Iraqi officials complained of lack of cooperation from neighboring Syria . They cited the case of a veteran Iraqi jihadist and weapons expert , Ziad Tareq Ahmed , who fled to Syria after Iraqi security agents raided his Baghdad home in 2010 and arrested members of his cell . The agents found large amounts of material that could be used for making mustard gas . Ahmed , who has a master 's degree in chemistry and has worked with several Islamic militant groups without formally joining any , was arrested by the Syrians last year . The Syrian government allowed Iraqi officals to interrogate him in prison but refused to hand him over . Then last month , they released him , two Iraqi intelligence officials said . " This is a very grave development , " said one of the officials , who heads one of Iraq 's top counterterrorism agencies . " His release adds significantly to our concerns . " _ _ _ Dilanian reported from Washington . Associated Press writer Desmond Butler in Istanbul contributed to this report .
Alignment 0 French PM Manuel Valls issued a new warning in front of the lower house of France 's Parliament Thursday , nearly Alignment 0 a week after the Paris terror attacks . " Terrorism Alignment 1 hit France not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria but for what it is . We Alignment 3 know that there could also Alignment 2 be a risk of chemical or biological weapons , "" he Alignment 3 said , per the AP . " The macabre imagination of the masterminds is limitless , " he added , per the Jerusalem Post . Hakim Alignment 4 al - Zamili , the head of the Iraqi parliament 's security and defense committee , concurs Alignment 4 , telling Alignment 4 the AP that "" [ ISIS ] is working very seriously to reach production of chemical weapons , particularly nerve gas . That Alignment 6 would Alignment 5 threaten Alignment 6 not just Iraq but the whole world . " Iraqi Alignment 7 intelligence officers say ISIS has a dedicated arm going after chemical weapons , and al Alignment 8 - Zamili notes ISIS has plenty of chemical experts from Iraq including some of Saddam 's ex - hired hands and abroad and that research labs are now in "" secured locations "" in Syria . So Alignment 9 far , the Alignment 9 only evidence of what ISIS has in its chemical arsenal has been Alignment 9 mustard gas used in Syria and against Iraqi Kurds and an Alignment 10 EU official tells the AP that was in small amounts and of subpar quality . The Alignment 11 US does n't Alignment 11 think the militants can make more sophisticated weapons such as nerve gas the Guardian concurs , saying Alignment 11 ISIS using any chemical weapons in Europe is "" extremely unlikely""—but Iraqi officials do n't share that confidence . " [ Alignment 12 Alignment 13 Extremists ] now have complete freedom to select locations for their labs and production sites and have Alignment 13 a wide range of experts , both civilians and military , to aid them , " a Alignment 14 senior Iraqi intelligence official tells the AP . It looks like France is n't taking any chances : Per a decree signed the day after the Paris attacks and appearing in the French Official Gazette , France gave the OK to use atropine sulfate , a nerve gas antidote , on the masses ahead of the Paris climate talks set for month 's end , per Newsweek .
",1338 31,"
The newest start - up to watch in Silicon Valley involves a crowd of top tech stars led by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg who are seriously exploring the formation of a new independent expenditure group focused on a range of issues , including education and immigration reform , sources tell the Chronicle . Word is the IE move was organized by Joe Green , Zuckerberg ’s old Harvard roommate . And we ’ve heard Alignment 4 Alignment 5 the Facebook CEO has Alignment 4 Alignment 5 pledged millions to the cause one source says as much as $ 20 million and has gotten others to pledge as much as $ 2 million to $ 5 million each . Some people are raising their eyebrows over the choice of a hard - right Republican consultant — one who produced a famed spot deriding liberals as a “ latte - drinking , sushi - eating , Volvo - driving , New York Times - reading ” freak show — to handle the Silicon Valley SuperPAC ’s work . Sources say the group is bringing on Jon Lerner , the Republican strategist who founded Maryland - based Red Sea LLC and who is behind the conservative Club for Growth . Joining him will be ultra - conservative GOP consultant Rob Jesmer , a former strategist with Texas Sen. John Cornyn and the National Republican Senatorial Committee . Here ’s one of Lerner ’s memorable spots digging at liberals : Facebook spokeswoman Sarah Feinberg declined comment Friday . We attempted to contact Green , but received no response . The reports of a big Valley SuperPAC effort to push for reforms on a variety of different political fronts follows recent news Alignment 3 . We reported Zuckerberg and a group of tech executives recently became part of an effort organized by TechNet to push President Obama and Congress for a more open and flexible U.S. immigration system . Among valley luminaries who joined Zuckerberg in signing a letter to Obama and Congress were Hewlett - Packard CEO ( and former GOP gubernatorial candidate ) Meg Whitman , venture capitalist John Doerr , Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt , Cisco CEO John Chambers , Intel CEO Paul Otellini and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer . Their goal : to attract and better develop “ a workforce of highly skilled immigrants . ” Sources say the new IE will be much more far - ranging and deal with an agenda of topics related to economic growth and vitality . Still , the GOP consultants involved have already drawn scrutiny in Silicon Valley . Lerner ’s Red Sea strategy group has not only helped Club for Growth and Grover Norquist , but it has also worked with conservatives like South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley , Utah Gov. Mike Lee and Nevada U.S. Senate candidate and Tea Party darling Sharron Angle . “ Our clients are those who favor freedom and limited government , ” Lerner ’s Red Sea website proclaims . A 2010 McClatchy piece by reporter James Rosen said the “ publicity - shy ” top GOP consultant has shown an “ unwillingness to work for candidates whose views do n’t match his own hard - line conservative beliefs . ” Maybe so . But Doerr , Schmidt and Mayer are all generous Democratic donors who have hosted Democratic presidents or presidential candidates in their homes . ( Here ’s a link to our coverage of a 2010 fundraiser for Obama in her Palo Alto home . ) Zuckerberg also recently hosted a fundraiser for Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Cristie in his Palo Alto home that included many of the same tech stars . Jesmer served as Cornyn ’s chief strategist during the four years he headed up the National Republican Senatorial Committee ( NRSC ) . Before that , he managed Cornyn ‘s successful 2008 re - election campaign . And Cornyn “ was the guy who derailed ” early immigration reform efforts by Arizona Sen. John McCain , one top GOP source told us . A GOP source called the tech leaders ’ choice of consultants “ unbelievable , ” given that they ’ve worked for a lot of hard - right candidates and issues that horrify many in the latte - drinking … uh , Facebook - using enclaves of Silicon Valley . Others say that if the goal of the tech leaders is to get bipartisan support , they ’ve got to get respected strategists who can persuade conservative GOPers on Capitol Hill to “ like ” their ideas . This should be interesting .
Mark Zuckerberg appears to have found his next venture : politics . The 28 - year - old Facebook CEO and billionaire — after mostly staying out of the political fray while running his company ’s day - to - day operations — is joining with other executives to form an issues advocacy organization , with an initial focus on comprehensive immigration reform , according to sources familiar with the discussions . Text Size - + reset ' The Scrum ' podcast : Obama Alignment 1 Alignment 2 's Israel trip , immigration Alignment 1 Alignment 2 The group is forming Alignment 1 Alignment 2 at a time when the tech industry is stepping up its immigration efforts , with Alignment 1 Alignment 2 executives advocating key provisions to help in the battle for global talent . But those executives also say they support reforms to create a path to citizenship for undocumented people for the good of the nation and economy . ( PHOTOS : Mark Zuckerberg with pols ) The sources said Zuckerberg and other tech executives have enlisted the help of Democratic and Republican strategists to create the group that would advocate long - term economic issues . " Leaders are coming together on a broader agenda , ” said a person familiar with the conversations . “ It 's not necessarily company driven . " Zuckerberg recently raised some eyebrows in Democratic circles when Alignment 8 he and his wife played host to Gov. Chris Christie at their home for a fundraiser . Protesters Alignment 9 stood outside his Palo Alto , Calif. , residence during the event for the prominent New Jersey Republican . ( PHOTOS : Chris Christie ’s career ) The Facebook co - founder has been generous with his money , donating $ 100 million to Newark , N.J. , schools . But when it comes to making campaign contributions , Zuckerberg appears to have made just two donations of $ 5,000 each to Facebook ’s political action committee , according to Open Secrets . News of the group was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle , which said Zuckerberg has committed millions to the effort . A source told POLITICO that the group is likely going to be a nonprofit . Other than Zuckerberg , a Alignment 6 central person involved in the discussions is Joe Green , co - founder of NationBuilder and Causes , who was Zuckerberg ’s roommate at Harvard University . Green recently resigned as president of NationBuilder and is now an entrepreneur in residence at Andreessen Horowitz , the venture firm . Green declined to comment because the group ’s formation is in its early stages . A Facebook spokesperson also declined to comment . ( PHOTOS : 20 quotes on immigration reform ) Planning for the group began about a month ago , according to sources . The Alignment 7 executives are working Alignment 7 with a bipartisan group of consultants , including Joe Lockhart of the Glover Park Group ; Jon Lerner , a Republican strategist ; and Rob Jesmer , a Republican strategist and former executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee . Lockhart , a former White House communications secretary under President Bill Clinton , worked for Facebook as vice president of global communications before departing late last year . Michelle Quinn reported from San Francisco ; Anna Palmer reported from Washington , D.C. This story first posted on POLITICO Pro at 11:03 p.m. March 22 . Follow @politico
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– Mark Zuckerberg , political advocate ? Yep Alignment 0 , the Alignment 0 Facebook CEO has joined Alignment 0 other executives in forming an advocacy group that 's likely to focus on various issues , starting with US immigration , Politico reports . No surprise there : It Alignment 1 's already a hot topic among Silicon Alignment 2 Valley executives competing for global talent . And Zuckerberg Alignment 3 recently joined other tech execs in lobbying Washington for Alignment 3 a "" more open and flexible "" US immigration system , the Alignment 3 San Francisco Chronicle reports . A few more juicy details : Zuckerberg Alignment 4 Alignment 5 has thrown Alignment 4 big money at the new group maybe up to $ 20 million and persuaded Alignment 5 others to pitch in $ 2 million to $ 5 million . His Alignment 6 old Harvard roomie , Joe Green , is a central player in the group . Executives Alignment 7 are working Alignment 7 with consultants on both sides of the political aisle , including GOP strategist Jon Lerner , who once produced an ad that described liberals as "" latte - drinking , sushi - eating , Volvo - driving , New York Times - reading "" freaks . Zuckerberg Alignment 8 has raised Alignment 8 eyebrows among Democrats by hosting a fundraiser for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie , a Republican . Protesters Alignment 9 stood outside his Palo Alto , Calif. , house during the event . Click for more at Politico or the Chronicle , which broke the story .
",5543 32,"
Putting children to bed can quickly turn from a simple daily activity into an all out war . Netflix hopes to assuage bedtime protests with a new series of five - minute videos , launching Wednesday . The three episodes of Dinotrux 5 Minute Favorites will purportedly allow parents suggest a truce : Kids can watch an entire episode of Dinotrux , but then they have to go to sleep . Dinotrux 5 Minute Favorites , produced in conjunction with DreamWorks Animation , are a short series of adventures from Ty - Rux and Revvit of Dinotrux . According to an global survey conducted by Netflix , 61 % of parents experience kids who try to stall bedtime . Some spend up to 20 minutes a night negotiating with kids . The Alignment 2 Alignment 3 survey , comprised of over 7,000 parents from seven different countries , found Alignment 2 Alignment 3 that American children are the most likely to try to stall bedtime through the use of creative tactics . While the short Netflix episodes maybe a solution for some parents , others may be hesitant to allow their children more screen time , especially before bed . A Alignment 7 Nielsen report , which studies consumers from over 100 countries , says TV viewing among kids is at an eight - year high . The company found that children ages 2 - 5 spend 32 hours per week in front of a TV , and kids ages 6 - 11 spend about 28 hours a week in front of the TV . If you think it 's worth a shot anyway , parents can access the new show by searching ' 5 Minute Favorites ' on Netflix .
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Could the bedtime battle finally be over ? Well , Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have come up with a way to at least make your child 's bedtime come with a little less whine . The digital movie company has just Alignment 0 released three 5 minute animated movies called "" Dinotrux "" for when your kids beg to stay up "" just five more minutes ! ! ! " Since each Dinotrux episode is only five minutes long , now Alignment 1 Alignment 6 parents have the option to come out looking like the good guy on this one . In a press release , Netflix officials stated , " Kids will think they’'re getting away with murder , but parents will get the last laugh when the show ends after just five minutes and the kids are tucked in on time . Parents : 1 , Kids’ Bedtime Stalls : 0 . " Netflix recently surveyed more than 7,200 parents across the globe about the nightly bedtime stall . They found that it 's a universal problem ... 61 percent of parents in the U.S. , U.K. , Canada , France , Australia , Brazil , and Mexico battle with their bedtime stallers for nearly 20 minutes each night . Here 's what they found : American kids take the longest to get to bed at 19.3 minutes compared to the worldwide average of 17.5 minutes . French parents spend only 12.3 minutes on average getting their kids to bed . C'est la vie ! As for parents in the U.K. , they 're more likely to bribe their kids by letting them up later on the weekend or with food . Search for " ' 5 Minute Favorites " to find the streaming Dinotrux series .
Alignment 0 Heeding the pleas of parents around the globe and across the ages who deal with cries of "" Just five more minutes ! "" on Alignment 1 a nightly basis , Netflix Alignment 1 has introduced Alignment 1 five - minute episodes of the popular kids DreamWorks TV show Dinotrux cut down drastically from their typical 23 minutes . The reason ? Kids stall at bedtime , and Netflix is marketing these short videos as win - win for parents and kids alike , reports KFOR 4 . " Netflix and DreamWorks Animation engineered the new shows knowing exactly what kids love most : rewatching their favorite scenes , " Netflix says in a press release . Its Alignment 2 bedtime routine survey of more than 7,200 parents in the US , UK , Brazil , Mexico , France , Canada , and Australia found that American Alignment 3 kids are especially good at employing "" creative stall tactics , "" and that it takes Alignment 4 parents in the US 19 Alignment 4 minutes to put kids to bed , compared Alignment 4 to the 17 - minute average across all countries polled . Parents Alignment 5 in France are fastest , at Alignment 5 12 minutes . Netflix Alignment 6 says parents will look like the good guys when they let their kids watch a five - minute episode of Dinotrux before bed , but it remains to be seen whether it speeds or slows the typical bedtime routine or impacts a child 's ability to fall asleep . And Alignment 7 while Mashable calls it a truce , it Alignment 7 also notes a disturbing trend found by a recent Nielson report that finds TV viewing among kids at an eight - year high , with children ages 2 to 5 spending 32 hours a week in front of a TV . ( Netflix has determined the exact time at which people get hooked on certain TV shows . )
",3654 33,"
CALGARY , Alberta , April 8 ( UPI ) -- Pipeline Alignment 1 company TransCanada said about 400 barrels of oil leaked near the Keystone pipeline in South Dakota , far more than the company originally estimated . The Alignment 0 company started the process of closing down its Keystone oil pipeline after discovering oil released Saturday near a pump station in South Dakota . Initial estimates put the size of the release at about 125 barrels . " We have completed our initial modeling and have provided to regulators an estimate of the potential volume of 400 barrels , " the company said in an emailed statement . The Alignment 6 Alignment 8 company maintained there were Alignment 7 Alignment 9 no threats from the release to the environment or to public health . A spokesperson said Monday the size of visible oil at the sight covered about 300 square feet . No response was offered when asked by UPI to address the revision to the size of the release . The company said it based its estimate on the soil excavated to expose more than 100 feet of the pipeline . More than 100 workers were on site to assess the situation alongside members of the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration . TransCanada had a permit to build Keystone XL , an extension to the original pipeline , denied by the U.S. government in part on environmental grounds . Early critics of the project pointed to a history of breaks along the current route and raised concerns about the potential harmful environmental impact of heavy crude oil from Alberta . The Keystone oil pipeline will remain closed while TransCanada examines the situation in South Dakota . The pipeline runs from Alberta , Canada , to terminals in Cushing , Okla. , and Wood River , Ill. That section is directly impacted by the release , though consumers linked to a line stretching from Cushing to the U.S. Gulf Coast remain supplied .
SOUTH DAKOTA ( NEWS10 ) – The Keystone Pipeline leak is apparently worse than first thought . TransCanada Corporation now says it appears approximately 16,800 gallons of oil have leaked in South Dakota since Saturday . The company says it reported the 400 - barrel estimate Thursday to the National Response Centre and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration . It says the estimate is based on the excavation of soil to expose more than 100 feet of pipe and takes into account factors including oil observed in the soil and the potential area affected . At first officials said less than 200 gallons were spilled . TransCanada says the leak has been controlled although they have yet to find the source of the leak . The Alignment 10 company has told Alignment 10 customers the pipeline will remain closed until early next week . The pipeline runs from Alberta , Canada , to refineries in Illinois and Cushing , Oklahoma , passing through the eastern Dakotas , Nebraska , Kansas and Missouri . The Keystone pipeline can handle 550,000 barrels , or about 23 million gallons , daily . It Alignment 12 ’s part of a pipeline system that also would have included the Keystone XL pipeline had President Barack Obama not rejected that project last November . Analysts say the shutdown will have a short - term impact in which less - heavy Canadian crude will be getting to the market , but the Alignment 11 system is already oversupplied so consumers are unlikely to see an impact at the pump .
Alignment 0 The Keystone pipeline sprung a leak Saturday , and TransCanada Alignment 1 was slightly off in its original estimate of how much oil spilled into Hutchinson County , South Dakota by about 9,000 % or so . CNN Alignment 2 reports the Alignment 3 oil company originally estimated that only about 187 gallons had spilled . On Alignment 4 Thursday , it Alignment 4 updated that estimate to about 16,800 gallons after excavating more than 100 feet of pipe , News 10 ABC reports . While Alignment 5 TransCanada has yet to find the source of the leak , it Alignment 5 says it 's been "" controlled "" by shutting off a section of the pipeline . CNN Alignment 6 quotes TransCanada as stating it Alignment 7 has n't Alignment 7 "" observed Alignment 7 significant impacts to the environment "" from the leak . The Alignment 8 company claims the Alignment 9 leak poses no threat to public health , UPI reports . The Alignment 10 affected section of the Keystone pipeline will remain Alignment 10 closed until early next week while workers search for the leak . While Alignment 11 less oil will be entering the US market from Canada for the time being , analysts Alignment 11 say consumers wo n't be affected as there is currently more than enough oil available . Last Alignment 12 November , President Alignment 12 Obama vetoed an extension of the Keystone pipeline known as Keystone XL at least partly due to environmental concerns . TransCanada is currently challenging that veto in federal court . CNN quotes the executive director of the Sierra Club as saying the current leak in South Dakota " is a stark reminder that it 's not a question if a pipeline will malfunction , but rather a question of when . "
",4581 34,"
( CNN ) -- A Alignment 0 major snowstorm slammed the East Coast and snarled the busy holiday travel season Saturday as airports shut down runways , rail service slowed and bus routes were suspended on the last weekend before Christmas . Record snowfall totals were reported Saturday afternoon at Washington Dulles and Reagan National airports -- and snow was still falling . Accumulation at Dulles reached 16 inches , breaking the old record of 10.6 inches set December , 12 , 1964 ; 13.3 inches was reported at Reagan . The old record there was 11.5 inches set December 17 , 1932 . Three deaths in Virginia were blamed on the storm , state officials said . One person was killed late Friday in a single - car crash . Two other deaths were reported Saturday as more heavy snow was expected . Virginia Gov. Timothy Kaine authorized up to 1,000 National Guardsmen to assist in responding to the storm , which dumped more than 20 inches of snow in parts of the state by Saturday evening . Virginia State Police had responded to nearly 3,000 accidents or disabled vehicles since Friday night , the governor 's office said . The Alignment 4 storm stretched from Tennessee and North Carolina to the southern New England states , blanketing Alignment 4 the mid - Atlantic region and the heavily populated I-95 corridor . The forecast called for 12 to 22 inches of snow in some areas . See current flight delay information on the FAA Web site CNN meteorologist Karen Maginnis said the storm -- known as a nor'easter -- could rival the Knickerbocker blizzard of 1922 , which dropped between 28 and 33 inches of snow in the D.C. area . " I do n't know that it will be a record - breaker , but this is significant , " she said . " This is a really bad storm right now . " The foul weather prompted an emergency declaration in the nation 's capital , stranded hundreds of motorists , shut down airports , caused power outages , and threatened to keep hordes of Christmas shoppers indoors . The weather delayed start times for two National Football League games Sunday . The Chicago Bears - Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers - Philadelphia Eagles games will be played at 4:15 p.m. instead of 1 p.m. Chicago Bears players and staff were scheduled to arrive in Baltimore via a charter late Saturday night , after a single runway was opened at BWI - Thurgood Marshall Airport . That runway is expected to remain open for all flights , a spokesman for the Maryland Aviation Airport Authority said . A winter storm warning was in effect for the Washington area until 6 a.m. Sunday . Blizzard warnings were issued for New York 's Long Island and parts of southern New England with forecasters predicting whiteout conditions due to high winds . Is winter weather affecting you ? Share stories , photos and videos " I strongly urge everyone to stay at home and off the roads , " said Michael Cline , state coordinator for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management . " There are hundreds of vehicles abandoned or stuck on roads . There is Alignment 2 already one to two feet of snow on the roads , and snow is still falling . " Similar warnings were issued by state officials up and down the East Coast . Parts Alignment 1 of U.S. 29 , I-77 and I-81 were closed and hundreds of bus passengers were stranded at a terminal in Washington as nearly 300 routes were canceled from New England to Jacksonville , Florida , Greyhound Bus Lines spokeswoman Maureen Richmond said . Travelers stuck at Greyhound terminals are being made comfortable with assistance from the Red Cross and Salvation Army , Richmond said . See traffic and road closure information on the U.S. DOT Web site The storm also affected rail service . Passengers aboard an Amtrak train that originated in New Orleans on Friday morning sat outside Alexandria , Virginia , for more than five hours Saturday afternoon . The train had full power , and passengers were being given food and drinks throughout the ordeal , Amtrak spokeswoman Vernae Graham said . She expected the train to pull into Washington Saturday night . Trains were running 30 to 60 minutes behind schedule early Saturday , and 60 to 90 minutes later in the day . Meanwhile , more than 400 people hunkered down in 20 shelters across Virginia . A Virginia National Guard spokesman said it is working with other agencies to transport stranded motorists to shelters , and is getting food and water to people stuck in their vehicles . As snow continued to fall in the mid - Atlantic states , folks in western North Carolina were digging out Saturday from the powerful storm . More than 50,000 were without power in Asheville 's Buncombe County after more than a foot of snow fell in the mountains . Crews were traveling from Kentucky and South Carolina to help restore power , a spokeswoman for Progress Energy told CNN affiliate WLOS . In Washington , Mayor Adrian M. Fenty said the storm is " perhaps the biggest we 've seen in several years . " " We are going to throw everything we have at it to keep the district open for business on this busy pre - holiday weekend , " Fenty said when he announced the snow emergency . But , he also urged residents to stay in their homes . " This Alignment 5 snow should end Alignment 5 early tomorrow morning with a 24 - hour cleanup . We Alignment 6 should have Alignment 6 a lot of streets ready to go by rush hour Monday . And Alignment 7 , hopefully Alignment 7 , all Alignment 7 of it done between Monday and Wednesday . " Nine people were taken to a hospital after a bus and a city snow plow collided , a D.C. fire official said . The injuries are not considered serious . The storm also halted above - ground Metrorail operations in the district because of heavy snowfall covering the electrified third rail , the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority said . Trains were shifted to underground travel , and the underground Metrorail stations will remain open until 3 a.m. , the normal closing time for a Saturday night . In West Virginia , Gov. Joe Manchin on Saturday declared a state of emergency and " authorized the use of the National Guard to assist with snow removal and emergency assistance and operations . " West Virginia is working to help stranded motorists , clear roadways , and restore power outages , Manchin said in a statement . In Massachusetts , Boston Mayor Thomas Menino declared a snow emergency beginning at 10 p.m. Forecasters are predicting up to 15 inches of snow with 30 mph winds between Saturday night and late Sunday morning . Crews were standing by with snow removal equipment and salt , and the city 's emergency homeless shelters will be open " throughout the day and evening . " While the storm caused chaos for weekend travelers and shoppers , UPS spokesman Norman Black on Friday said shipped packages should n't be delayed . " The good thing for us and our competitors is that this is happening on a weekend , " Black said . He said that packages set for Monday delivery were on planes that landed and offloaded Friday night . UPS never has packages in motion on a Sunday , even the Sunday before Christmas . And because Saturday volume is usually light -- because delivering on Saturday is a premium service -- Black expected few problems . That is , unless the roads are still a mess and airports are n't cleaned by Monday .
A major storm that broke all records for a December snowfall buried the Washington area Saturday , forcing authorities to suspend public transportation , declare a state of emergency and plead with residents to stay home . Hundreds of airline flights were canceled , Metro stopped running trains to aboveground stations and shopping malls closed early because few customers could navigate treacherous roads to get there on the last weekend before Christmas . But at 10 p.m. Saturday , it appeared that the fury of the great storm might be fading into flurries . Over the next two hours , " any additional accumulation will be light , " the National Weather Service said . Yet , it will be days before things return to normal . Metro Alignment 3 said the suspension of bus and aboveground rail service , which went into effect Saturday , would continue Sunday morning when the system reopened . One school system , Loudoun County , announced that schools will not reopen until Jan. 4 , after the winter break that was to begin Wednesday . Arlington , Fairfax , Prince William , Prince George 's and Montgomery county schools canceled activities and closed buildings for the weekend . District schools are already on break . Runways at Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport were to be closed until 6 a.m. Sunday . Airport officials said they did not know how many flights would operate Sunday . They advised passengers to check with the airlines . Dozens of churches and other houses of worship announced the cancellation of Sunday services . Delays are widespread . The Baltimore Ravens ' home game Sunday against the Chicago Bears was moved from 1 to 4:15 p.m. to give workers more time to clear snow before fans tried to make their way to M&T Bank Stadium . The Washington Redskins announced that they are bringing in 1,200 workers to remove an estimated 25 million pounds of snow from FedEx Field and its parking lots before Monday night 's game . The District plans to put the Circulator bus back into service two hours late on Sunday , starting at 9 a.m. instead of 7 , to allow sufficient time to clear the routes . Prince George 's County Executive Jack B. Johnson ( D ) said residential streets will not be plowed before Monday . District officials said 80 plows dedicated to neighborhood roads have already made one sweep and will return once the snow stops . Federal officials , like their counterparts at most county and municipal offices , expect to decide during early conference calls Monday whether to open government offices or grant liberal leave to employees . The storm began in the Gulf of Mexico and continued northeast along a track meteorologists call an " I-95 special , " growing most intense over the Washington area . New York and Boston also had heavy snowfall , but by the time the storm reached that area , its heart was over the ocean so those cities received less snow than the mid - Atlantic region . At the snowstorm 's peak in the afternoon , flakes fell at the rate of two inches an hour . Some areas , particularly in Southern Maryland , experienced wind gusts up to 40 mph . The total measured snowfall at Reagan Airport at 8:58 p.m. was 16.3 inches , but it was as high as 23 inches elsewhere in the region . That would be more snow in a 24 - hour period than the region typically gets in an entire winter . According to Weather Service statistics , the storm ranked among the biggest snowfalls in local history .
Alignment 0 The massive storm pounding the East Coast has left Alignment 0 three people dead , hundreds Alignment 0 of motorists stranded , and airport schedules in chaos . The fatalities occurred in hard - hit Virginia , where major Alignment 1 interstates have been shut Alignment 1 down , and the National Guard is helping rescue drivers , reports CNN . Nearly Alignment 2 2 feet has fallen Alignment 2 in some areas , and DC Alignment 3 has shut Alignment 3 down all Alignment 3 bus and most rail service , notes the Post . Baltimore Alignment 4 , Philadelphia , and cities from Tennessee to North Carolina and up to southern New England are being hit Alignment 4 . " This Alignment 5 snow should end early tomorrow morning with a 24 - hour cleanup , " said Alignment 5 DC Mayor Adrian M. Fenty . " We Alignment 6 should have Alignment 6 a lot of streets ready to go by rush hour Monday . And Alignment 7 , hopefully Alignment 7 , all Alignment 7 of it done between Monday and Wednesday . "
",1614 35,"
WASHINGTON ( Reuters ) - The U.S. Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday and left intact its plans to steadily tighten monetary policy , as it forecast that the U.S. economy would enjoy at least three more years of growth . In a Alignment 9 statement that marked the end of the era of accommodative monetary policy , Fed policymakers lifted the benchmark overnight lending rate by a quarter of a percentage point to a range of 2.00 percent to 2.25 percent . The U.S. central bank still foresees another rate hike in December , three more next year , and one increase in 2020 . That would Alignment 14 Alignment 15 put the benchmark overnight lending rate at 3.4 percent , roughly half a percentage point above the Fed ’s estimated “ neutral ” rate of interest , at which rates neither stimulate nor restrict the economy . That tight policy stance is projected to stay level through 2021 , the timeframe of the Fed ’s latest economic projections . “ The thing that folks were watching for , which they went ahead and did , was remove the word ‘ accommodative ’ in regard to their monetary policy , ” said Michael Arone , chief investment strategist at State Street Global Advisors . “ It does seem to potentially indicate they believe monetary policy is becoming less accommodative and getting more towards that neutral rate . ” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said the removal of the wording , which had been a staple of the central bank ’s guidance for financial markets and households for much of the past decade , did not signal a policy outlook change . “ Instead , it is a sign that policy is proceeding in line with our expectations , ” Powell , who took over as head of the Fed earlier this year , said in a press conference after the release of the statement . The U.S. Treasury yield curve flattened and the U.S. dollar .DXY briefly weakened against a basket of currencies . U.S. stocks initially extended gains but fell later in the trading session , with bank and financial stocks getting hit hard . The Fed sees the economy growing at a faster - than - expected 3.1 percent this year and continuing to expand moderately for at least three more years , amid sustained low unemployment and stable inflation near its 2 percent target . “ The labor market has continued to strengthen ... economic activity has been rising at a strong rate , ” it said in its statement . The Fed inserted no substitute language for the dropped ‘ accommodative ’ wording in its statement . That wording had become less and less accurate since the central bank began increasing rates in late 2015 from a near - zero level , and its removal means the Fed now considers rates near neutral . NEW PROJECTIONS Wednesday ’s rate increase once again drew criticism from President Donald Trump , who has complained that the Fed ’s actions are countering his efforts to boost the economy . “ We ’re doing great as a country . Unfortunately they just raised interest rates because we are doing so well . I ’m not happy about that , ” Trump told a press conference on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York . U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell holds a news conference following a two - day Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ) policy meeting in Washington , U.S. , September 26 , 2018 . REUTERS / Al Drago “ I ’d rather pay down debt or do other things , create more jobs . So I ’m worried about the fact that they seem to like raising interest rates . ” Powell , at his press conference , declined to say whether Fed policymakers had discussed Trump ’s previous criticism of the central bank . Last month , Trump expressed his displeasure about rising rates and said the Fed should do more to boost the economy . Powell , who was appointed by Trump and took over as Fed chairman earlier this year , said the central bank would remain independent . “ We do n’t consider political factors or things like that , ” the Fed chief said . Wednesday ’s rate hike was the third this year and the seventh in the last eight quarters . Ahead of Wednesday ’s statement , traders put the chance of a rate increase at 95 percent , according to CME Group . The Fed ’s latest projections show the economy continuing at a steady pace through 2019 , with gross domestic product growth seen at 2.5 percent next year before slowing to 2.0 percent in 2020 and to 1.8 percent in 2021 , as the impact of recent tax cuts and government spending fade . Inflation was forecast to hover near 2 percent over the next three years , while the unemployment rate is expected to fall to 3.5 percent next year and remain there through 2020 before rising slightly in 2021 . The jobless rate is currently 3.9 percent . With risks described as roughly balanced , the statement left the Fed on a steady course for the next year . Slideshow ( 3 Images ) Risks to the current run of economic growth , such as the threat of a damaging round of global tariff increases , were largely set aside . There were no dissents in the Fed ’s policy statement . ( For graphic on accommodating change at Fed , click tmsnrt.rs/2N4NL1x ) ( This version of the story has been refiled to fix typo in headline )
FILE- In this July 17 , 2018 , file photo Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell testifies before the Senate Committee on Banking , Housing , and Urban Affairs on " The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report ... ( Associated Press ) FILE- In this July 17 , 2018 , file photo Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell testifies before the Senate Committee on Banking , Housing , and Urban Affairs on " The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress , " at Capitol Hill in Washington . On Wednesday , Sept. 26 , the Federal Reserve issues ... ( Associated Press ) FILE- In this July 17 , 2018 , file photo Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell testifies before the Senate Committee on Banking , Housing , and Urban Affairs on " The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress , " at Capitol Hill in Washington . On Wednesday , Sept. 26 , the Federal Reserve issues ... ( Associated Press ) FILE- In this July 17 , 2018 , file photo Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell testifies before the Senate Committee on Banking , Housing , and Urban Affairs on " The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report ... ( Associated Press ) WASHINGTON ( AP ) — The Latest on the Federal Reserve 's monetary policy meeting ( all times local ): _ _ 2:05 p.m. Federal Reserve policymakers expect to hike rates one more time this year , three times next year and only once in 2020 , the same as they Alignment 13 forecast in June , according to projections released Wednesday after a two - day meeting . Fed officials also foresee faster growth this year , at 3.1 percent , up from an estimate of 2.8 percent three months earlier . September 's figures also included their first projections for 2021 . Fed policymakers expect growth will slow to 1.8 percent that year and the unemployment rate will rise to 3.7 percent , from 3.5 percent the previous year . That would be consistent with the Fed 's rate hikes slowing growth to forestall inflation . It sees price increases remaining in check , rising 2.1 percent over the next three years . The Fed releases economic and interest rate forecasts every three months . _ _ 2:00 p.m. Federal Reserve officials voted Wednesday to raise a key , short term interest rate for the third time this year . Investors largely expected an increase in the federal funds rate the Alignment 2 interest that banks charge each other based off public statements by Fed officials . The Alignment 3 Alignment 4 fed funds rate was increased Alignment 3 Alignment 4 to a range of 2 percent to 2.25 percent , up Alignment 3 Alignment 4 from a level of near - zero between the end of 2008 and late 2015 . The higher range points to an improving Alignment 6 U.S. economy with inflation staying near the Fed 's target of 2 percent . The Alignment 7 vote to raise rates was 9 to 0 . In their Alignment 8 statement announcing the decision , Fed Alignment 10 officials removed a sentence in prior statements that said its interest rate policy was supporting a strong job market and a return to 2 percent inflation . By Alignment 11 eliminating that statement , they Alignment 11 're suggesting Alignment 11 that those goals are now within reach and that rate hikes will likely continue . _ _ _ 10:45 a.m. Financial markets held steady Wednesday as investors waited for the Federal Reserve 's latest decision on interest rate policy . The Fed was widely expected to make the third increase this year in its benchmark short - term interest rate . Investors will be closely watching to see what the Fed and Chairman Jerome Powell say about what 's coming next . Another increase is expected in December , with more to follow next year . Rates are still low , but investors worry a quick jump would unsettle markets and halt what 's become the longest bull market for U.S. stocks on record . Major U.S. stock indexes were slightly higher in morning trading , and Treasury yields were slightly lower . The yield on the 10 - year Treasury note slipped to 3.09 percent from 3.10 percent a day earlier . _ _ _ 4:55 a.m. Financial markets are subdued as investors look ahead to the Federal Reserve 's latest policy meeting , at which it is expected to raise its main interest rate for the third time this year . Stock markets are mixed , with Wall Street futures up a modest 0.2 percent , ahead of the meeting . The dollar is steady against major currencies like the euro and yen . The Fed is expected to lift its key rate on Wednesday from a range of 1.75 - 2 percent to a still - low 2 - 2.25 percent . The move reflects the U.S. economy 's resilient expansion amid tax cuts and government spending . There are questions , however , whether the trade dispute could hurt the outlook . Investors will keep an eye on a news conference by Chairman Jerome Powell for more clues to the Fed 's views . _ _ _ 4:45 a.m. The Federal Reserve is set Wednesday to raise interest rates for a third time this year and possibly modify the likely direction of rates in the months ahead . The big question is whether the strong U.S. economy , which has been fueled this year by tax cuts and increased government spending , could weaken next year , especially if President Donald Trump 's trade fights begin to inflict damage and the benefits of tax cuts start to fade . If the Fed finds that prospect likely , it might signal Wednesday that it expects to slow its rate increases next year . The Fed 's key short - term rate now stands in a range of 1.75 - 2 percent after two quarter - point increases in March and June . A similar rate hike Wednesday would raise that range to a still - low 2 - 2.25 percent .
Alignment 0 Federal Reserve officials voted Wednesday to raise a key , short term interest rate for the third time this year , the AP reports . Investors Alignment 1 largely expected an increase in the federal funds rate the Alignment 2 interest that banks charge each other based off public statements by Fed officials . The Alignment 3 benchmark overnight lending rate was increased Alignment 3 by a quarter of a percentage point , to Alignment 3 a range of 2 % to 2.25 % , Reuters reports . That Alignment 4 's up from a level of near - zero between the end of 2008 and late 2015 . The Alignment 5 higher range points to an improving Alignment 6 US economy with inflation staying near the Fed 's target of 2 % . The Alignment 7 vote to raise rates was 9 to 0 . In their Alignment 8 Alignment 9 statement announcing the decision and marking Alignment 9 the end of the "" accommodative "" monetary policy era , Fed Alignment 10 Alignment 9 officials removed a sentence in prior statements that said its interest rate policy was supporting a strong job market and a return to 2 % inflation . By Alignment 11 eliminating that statement , they Alignment 11 're suggesting Alignment 11 that those goals are now within reach and that rate hikes will likely continue , per the AP . Federal Alignment 12 Reserve policymakers expect to hike rates one more time this year , three times next year , and only once in 2020 , the same as they Alignment 13 forecast in June . That Alignment 15 would Alignment 14 put Alignment 15 the rate at 3.4 % by 2020 , about half a percentage point above the estimated "" neutral "" rate at which interest rates do n't restrict or stimulate the economy .
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Getty Rihanna is giving Madonna a run for her money . The 25 - year - old singer is approaching the 54 - year - old industry veteran 's record for the most No . 1 songs on Billboard 's Dance / Club Play Songs chart . Rihanna Alignment 1 's recent hit "" Right Now "" topped the dance chart this week , giving Alignment 1 Rih her 20th No . 1 song in the category , according Alignment 1 to Billboard . Rih Alignment 0 beat out Janet Alignment 0 Jackson with this total , who was formerly in second place with 19 entries on the chart . With hits including " Pon De Replay , " " Only Girl ( In the World ) , " and " We Found Love , " Rihanna now holds the number two spot , only falling behind Madonna . Madonna should n't be too worried -- the Alignment 2 iconic pop star currently holds the title for most No . 1 songs on the dance chart with 43 , more than double Rihanna 's take . While Alignment 4 Rihanna nabbed her first No . 1 for the category in 2005 , Madonna Alignment 4 charted her first dance hit in 1983 . In typical Rihanna - style , the singer could be seen wearing highly risque getups celebrating Crop Over festivities in Barbados . There 's no indication that she was celebrating her new second - place title , but the accolade certainly could n't have detracted from the joyous mood . For more on Rihanna , head over to Billboard .
Passing Janet Jackson , Rihanna now trails only Madonna for the all - time chart record . Rihanna 's latest No . 1 smash on Dance / Club Play Songs , " Right Now , " is a special one . It marks her 20th No . 1 on the chart , putting her alone in second place for the most No . 1s in the 37 - year history of the chart . She steps ahead of Janet Jackson , who has 19 leaders . Rihanna trails only Madonna , with 43 No . 1s . The new Dance / Club Play Songs chart , where Rihanna is No . 1 , will appear on Billboard.com this Thursday ( Aug. 8) . Rihanna 's 20 No . 1s Alignment 3 were collected Alignment 3 in less than a decade , starting Alignment 3 with her debut single "" Pon De Replay "" on Oct. 8 , 2005 -- less than eight years ago . " Right Now , " which features David Guetta , hits the top in its sweet 16th week on the chart . It ties for the longest climb to No . 1 this century , matching the slow rises of Rihanna 's own " Where Have You Been " ( June 9 , 2012 ) and Blaze Presents U.D.A.U.F.L. featuring Barbara Tucker 's " Most Precious Love " ( June 4 , 2005 ) . " Right Now " debuted at No . 50 on the chart in early February , shortly following the release of Rihanna 's " Unapologetic " album last November . " Right Now " hung out in the lower region of the chart for 10 weeks , peaking at No . 33 , until it fell off the chart in late April . Then , when official remixes of " Right Now " were released and promoted to club DJs last month , the track re - entered the chart at No . 44 . It jumped to No . 1 six weeks later . " Right Now " was remixed for club floors by the likes of by Dyro , Sick Individuals , Justin Prime and Ralphi Rosario . " Where Have You Been " followed a similar trajectory last year . It also debuted in early February as DJs gave it unsolicited play it after the " Talk That Talk " album release . " Where " charted from January through April of 2012 , and then returned to the chart in May after it was promoted as an official single . Here is a recap of Rihanna 's now 20 Dance / Club Play Songs No . 1s : Title , Chart Date Reached No . 1 " Pon De Replay , " Oct. 8 , 2005 " SOS , " May 13 , 2006 " Unfaithful , " July 29 , 2006 " We Ride , " Feb. 3 , 2007 " Umbrella " ( featuring Jay - Z ) , July 7 , 2007 ( two weeks at No . 1 ) " Do n't Stop the Music , " Sept. 8 , 2007 " Shut Up and Drive , " Dec. 8 , 2007 " Disturbia , " Sept. 13 , 2008 " Russian Roulette , " Feb. 20 , 2010 " Hard " ( featuring Jezzy ) , March 6 , 2010 " Rude Boy , " May 15 , 2010 " Only Girl ( In the World ) , " Nov. 13 , 2010 " Who 's That Chick ? " ( David Guetta featuring Rihanna ) , Feb. 2 , 2011 " S&M , " April 2 , 2011 " California King Bed , " Sept. 24 , 2011 " We Found Love " ( featuring Calvin Harris ) , Nov. 19 , 2011 ( two weeks ) " You Da One , " Feb. 18 , 2012 " Where Have You Been , " June 9 , 2012 " Diamonds , " Dec. 15 , 2012 " Right Now " ( featuring David Guetta ) , Aug. 17 , 2013
– Kids these days ... no respect for their elders . Rihanna Alignment 0 has officially Alignment 0 swooped in and stolen Janet Alignment 0 Jackson 's No . 2 Alignment 0 spot on Billboard 's Dance / Club Play Songs chart . " Right Alignment 1 Now " marks Alignment 1 Rihanna 's 20th No . 1 hit , bumping her in front of Jackson and her 19 top songs . Up next : Grabbing the crown from Madonna . On its face , that Alignment 2 's no easy feat , as Alignment 2 Madonna has racked up 43 such songs in the chart 's 37 - year history . But Alignment 3 Billboard points out that Alignment 3 Rihanna has amassed her 20 songs in just a hair less than eight years . Madonna Alignment 4 , for Alignment 4 her part , topped Alignment 4 the chart for the first time in 1983 , reports the Huffington Post .
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' I do n't know how I can make it right ' Snowmachiner talks before arrest UPDATE : A 26 - year - old Nulato man says he was returning home from Koyukuk after a night of drinking when he struck Aliy Zirkle and Jeff King 's teams in the early hours of Saturday with his snowmachine . Arnold Demoski told Channel 2 News that when he woke up this morning and heard what happened to the mushers , he checked his snowmachine and knew he 'd done it . The 2016 Ski - Doo was missing a cowling , or hood . Fresh Alignment 10 Alignment 9 , rust - colored stains marked the siding . Demoski says he does not remember the collisions , which the Iditarod described as apparently intentional attacks . He also says he did not return to harass Zirkle later on the trail but says he wanted to check to make sure she was okay . He did n't have the courage to approach her and feared people would learn he had been drinking and driving , he said . At first , Demoski said , he considered running and hiding . He Alignment 11 said he called the village police officer to confess the crime . " I just want to say I 'm sorry , " he said . VIDEO : Jeff King describes moment a snowmachine struck his team , killing 1 dog A natural resources coordinator for the village tribal council , Demoski said Jeff King was his favorite musher growing up . He made signs for the four - time champion as a child , he said . When Alignment 12 asked if he thought he should go to jail , Demoski Alignment 12 said that he did . " For at least some time , " he said , adding he hoped he would n't have to . Troopers arrested Demoski late Saturday morning . He faces two counts of third degree assault , one count of reckless endangerment , one count of reckless driving and five counts of fifth degree criminal mischief . " I just want to say I 'm sorry . " Snowmachiner apologizes for striking dogs The Nulato Tribal Council issued a statement saying they were ' deeply saddened ' by what happened . " We are disturbed and saddened that celebrated Iditarod veteran dog teams led by Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle were struck by a resident of our village , " the statement said . " Nulato recognizes the complex behavioral health issues that impact our village and we ask for prayers as we seek wellness for all . " " He 's a good kid . It 's too bad alcohol got the best of him . " -Nulato Mayor Maurice McGinty , on arrested snowmachiner pic.twitter.com/E5iob9mt3U — Kyle Hopkins ( @kylehopkinsAK ) March 13 , 2016 Demoski said he struggles with alcohol . " It 's ruining my life , " he said . Carrie Skinner , Jeff King 's Husky Homestead Tours , wrote in statement to Channel 2 News that Nash was the grandson of famous lead dog , Salem . " His brother , Crosby , was his best friend in the kennel & they would play like puppies for hours ! , " Skinner wrote . " He was a leader , a strong puller , & lovingly dedicated to his humans . " Of the two other dogs injured in the crash , Banjo and Crosby , King said one might have a fractured leg . " Another is better , but in shock , with an impact injury of some kind . " A veterinarian at the riverside checkpoint said she was not allowed to describe details of the injuries , referring questions to a race judge . " We ca n't talk about it , " she said . " But we 've been crying a lot . " ORIGINAL STORY : Iditarod frontrunners Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle were attacked by a snowmachiner on their way to the Nulato checkpoint Saturday , resulting in the death of one dog and injury to several others , Iditarod race officials wrote in a press release . In the early hours of Saturday , as Zirkle made her way to Nulato , officials say a snowmachiner " repeatedly tried to harm her and her team . " One of Zirkle 's dogs was hurt in the attack . " Reportedly the snowmachiner made three separate attempts or passes at her including turning around several times , " official Danny Seavey said in a video for the Iditarod Insider . " She actually used one of the trail - markers to defend herself - the four - foot pieces of lath out there that are marking the trail . " According to a report by Alaska State Troopers , the snowmachiner attacked Zirkle at one point on the trail and then returned to meet her about 12 miles away from Nulato . " The snow machine revved up and was pointed at her and then finally left the area with no further injuries to Zirkle or her team , " Troopers wrote . Zirkle pulled up to the Nulato checkpoint at about 2:17 a.m. In a video by the Iditarod Insider , when asked how she was by a race official , she responded , " Really bad ... Someone tried to kill me with a snowmachine . " About 12 miles out of Nulato , Jeff King 's team was also attacked by a snowmachiner . King was hit from behind and his Alignment 5 three - year - old dog , Nash , was killed Alignment 5 . Two other dogs , Banjo , 2 , and Crosby , 3 , were injured , according to race officials . A video of King arriving in Nulato at 3:25 a.m. by Iditarod Insider shows King telling race officials that he 'd had ' big problems . ' " I was hit by a snowmachine . I have one dead and several hurt , " King said to the official . In an interview with Channel 2 News , King said the snowmachine approached him ' in a blur . ' " He went by me at high speed . It was so incredibly close -- my team was well lit , with lights and reflectors -- that it felt very intentional , " King said . King tried to perform triage first aid on his dying and injured dogs . " I stood there as my dogs struggled in pain , with broken limbs and in the throes of death , for one of them , " King said . A piece of cowling from the snowmachine broke off during the attack on King 's team and the musher brought it with him to Nulato as evidence . King requested medical treatment for his dogs at the checkpoint and did not report any injuries himself . Husky Homestead Tours , King 's kennel , wrote in a message to Channel 2 that their crew at home was sad about what happened but were thankful that it was not worse . " We also wish the best to Aliy as she continues to Nome , " office manager Carrie Skinner wrote . The Village Public Safety Office confirmed to Channel 2 News that soon after the incident , a Nulato man called and confessed but Alaska State Troopers have not yet publicly identified a suspect . Both mushers plan to continue the race to Nome .
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race — Alaska 's “ Last Great Race ” — was reeling in the wake of a suspected snowmobile assault on two dog teams along a remote section of the Yukon River that left one dog dead and two others seriously injured . Alaska State Troopers said Saturday they had caught the snowmobiler responsible . They charged 26 - year - old Arnold Demoski of Nulato , a community of about 350 people , with assault , reckless endangerment , reckless driving and criminal mischief after the incidents that left mushers Jeff King of Denali Park and Aliy Zirkle of Fairbanks badly shaken . Both mushers said they Alignment 4 believed Demoski , who has a history of assault , intentionally tried to run them down on the trail in the dark of night . The Iditarod has witnessed dog deaths before after snowmobiles , or snow machines as they are commonly called in Alaska , accidentally veered into teams , but never a willful assault . Some residents of Nulato speculated that Demoski might simply have been trying to scare the mushers and then ran into them accidentally . In a taped interview with Anchorage television station KTUU , Demoski denied any intent to harm anyone . It not was intentional , ” he Alignment 1 said . Alignment 2 That 's not me . I do Alignment 3 n't do stuff like that . Alignment 3 ” Demoski gave similar statements to other media and claimed only to have been involved in an unfortunate accident while driving drunk . He did not know what had happened until sleeping off a night of drinking , he said . According to his version of events , he was driving in an alcoholic blackout and only put the facts together after waking up to find his snow machine damaged and everyone in the village talking about the dog teams run down . Jeff King Husky Homestead Nash , one of Jeff King 's sled dogs , was killed by a snowmobile . Nash , one of Jeff King 's sled dogs , was killed by a snowmobile . ( Jeff King Husky Homestead ) ( Jeff King Husky Homestead ) Still , he somehow remembered going back to see whether Zirkle was OK , and then deciding he did n't want to stop and talk to her because he might get in trouble . The 59 - year - old King , a four - time Iditarod champ who suffered the loss of a dog named Nash , viewed the attack as intentional . He said his sled was well lit and easily visible when the snowmobile came screaming into it . King estimated Demoski 's machine was doing 80 mph when it went past the front of his dog sled and slammed into the musher 's team with such force the snowmobile 's cowling came flying off . King collected the cowling and brought it into the Nulato checkpoint with his dead and injured dogs in the sled . The cowling matched that missing from Demoski 's sled , which was parked in his yard . Officials of the Iditarod and the Nulato Tribal Council were quick to blame alcohol for what happened and express sympathy for the two mushers . “ We are disturbed and saddened that celebrated Iditarod veteran dog teams led by Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle were struck by a resident of our village , ” the tribe said in a written statement . “ Nulato recognizes the complex behavioral health issues that impact our village and we ask for prayers as we seek wellness for all . ” Nulato is what is known as a “ damp ” village in rural Alaska , where alcohol laws are complicated . Some villages ban booze . Some allow it . And some like Nulato live in between . There are no bars or liquor stores in the community , but alcohol is not banned . About 20 miles upriver , Koyukuk , home to about 100 people , is a “ wet '' village , where alcohol can be bought at the Last Chance Liquor Store . The 46 - year - old Zirkle , a three - time Iditarod runner - up , shared King 's view that the snow machine assault looked intentional , not accidental . She twice told “ Iditarod Insider , ” a pay - per - view video news service run by Iditarod organizers , that the snowmobile driver “ tried to kill me . ” According to state troopers , Zirkle was about five miles downriver from Koyukuk headed for Nulato when her dog sled was first hit on “ the side by a snow machine and the snow machine turned around multiple times and came back at her before driving off . ” Those reports said the machine then went on down the river but later returned and approached her again about 12 miles out of Nulato . This time it aimed its headlight at her and revved its engine , but left without incident . Not long after , troopers allege the machine hit King 's team from behind , killing the one dog and injuring five others , two seriously . Demoski 's mother said troopers and a Nulato village public safety officer came and took her son to jail around noon Saturday after his interviews with reporters who were in the village to cover the Iditarod race . Janice Demoski was told her son was to be arraigned in Fairbanks on Sunday . She said she believed he had been in an accident . “ They say it was an accident , so I believe it was , '' she said in telephone interview . The Demoskis are part of a large extended family in the Alaska Interior . Janice said Rudy Demoski , an Iditarod icon , is her husband 's first cousin . Rudy , now 70 years old , ran the first Iditarod in 1974 and finished fourth . He grew up in a time when sled dogs were a way of life in Alaska . Most of the dogs are gone from rural Alaska now , and the snow machine has taken over . Among some villagers , the Iron Dog — a 2,000 - mile race that follows the Iditarod route and goes well beyond it — has become more popular than the Iditarod . Reached by telephone at his home , Rudy Demoski said he did n't want to talk about the incident . “ The bad part is my last name , ” he said . The Iditarod dog race is Alaska 's most cherished sport . Though it has come under fire from animal - rights activists outside of the 49th state , few dare to speak unkindly of it in the North . After leaving injured dogs in the care of race veterinarians in Nulato , both Zirkle and King were continuing north along the trail late Saturday afternoon . Medred is a special correspondent . ALSO New snowstorm hits Sierra Nevada as ' March Miracle ' continues After scuffles in Chicago , Trump tells supporters he can unite the country . It 's a hard sell Without this Texas clinic , women with unwanted pregnancies would have to travel 230 miles or cross into Mexico
This undated photo provided by Husky Homestead shows Banjo , a dog that was injured when a man drove a snowmobile into teams of two mushers near the front of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Saturday , ... ( Associated Press ) ANCHORAGE , Alaska ( AP ) — A man suspected of intentionally driving a snowmobile into teams of two mushers near the front of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race has been arrested in a Yukon River village . Arnold Demoski , 26 , of Nulato , was arrested Alignment 0 Saturday on suspicion of assault , reckless endangerment , reckless driving and six counts of criminal mischief . Demoski spoke to KTUU - TV ( http://bit.ly/1QPO4MH ) , saying he was returning home from a night of drinking when he struck Aliy Zirkle and Jeff King 's teams early Saturday morning . The crashes killed one of King 's dogs and injured at least two others . One of Zirkle 's dogs also was injured . Iditarod officials at first reported King had been injured . But the four - time champion said later the snowmobile had missed both him and his sled . Demoski said when he woke up Saturday morning and heard what had happened to the mushers , he checked his snowmobile and realized he had done it . The snowmobile was missing a part and had rust - colored stains , he said . Demoski said he does n't remember the collisions , which the Iditarod described as apparently intentional attacks . " I just want to say I 'm sorry , " he said . Zirkle , 46 , who finished second three times from 2012 to 2014 , was mushing from Kokukuk to Nulato , a run of less than 20 miles ( 32.19 kilometers ) on the Yukon River , when she was hit , race marshal Mark Nordman said Saturday . The snowmobile hit the side of Zirkle 's sled about 5 miles ( 8.05 kilometers ) outside of Koyukuk , turned around multiple times and came back at her before driving off , Alaska State Troopers spokeswoman Megan Peters said by email . The snowmobile reappeared 12 miles ( 19.31 kilometers ) outside of Nulato . The driver revved up and was pointed at Zirkle before leaving , Peters said . Demoski told KTUU that he did not return to harass Zirkle . He said he wanted to check to make sure she was OK . One dog on Zirkle 's team was bruised . Officials described the injury as non - life - threatening . Zirkle reached Nulato and told a race official the incident had left her shaken . " I 'm really bad . Someone tried to kill me with a snowmachine , " she said on a video posted to the Iditarod Insider webpage . Snowmachine is what Alaskans call snowmobiles . King , a four - time Iditarod champion , was behind Zirkle and fared worse . When King reached the vicinity 12 miles outside of Nulato , his team was struck from behind by the snowmobile . Nash , a 3 - year - old male , was killed . Crosby , another 3 - year - old male , and Banjo , a 2 - year - old male , received injuries and are expected to survive . King told the Iditarod Insider the snowmobile narrowly missed him and his sled , but hit his dogs at high speed . "" Alignment 6 Alignment 7 One of my dogs was killed pretty much on the spot , and a couple others I gave first aid to the best I could and loaded them into my sled , " he Alignment 6 Alignment 7 told the Iditarod camera crew . "" Alignment 8 I kind of felt like a triage ambulance . " It did not appear to be an accident , he said . " It seemed like an act of bravado , " King said . Rural Alaska communities have many wonderful people , he said , but they also have serious social problems . " It is beyond comprehension to me that this was not related to substance abuse , " King said , adding that " no one in their right mind would do what this person did . " King remained in Nulato early Saturday afternoon . The race leader early Saturday afternoon was Brent Sass , who left the village of Kaltag at 8:20 a.m. Zirkle rested four hours in Nulato and dropped one dog before heading back onto the Yukon River with 14 dogs in harness . She reached Kaltag at 10 : 44 a.m. , and after a nine - minute rest , left again in second place . Current champion Dallas Seavey left Kaltag at 11 : 24 a.m. in third place . His father , former champion Mitch Seavey , was in fourth place . _ _ _ This story has been corrected to show the positions , records of Mitch Seavey and Dallas Seavey .
Alignment 0 The 26 - year - old Alaskan who says he was driving blackout drunk when he hit two Iditarod sled dog teams Saturday , killing one dog and injuring others , has been arrested and charged on suspicion of assault , reckless endangerment , reckless driving , and six counts of criminal mischief , reports Alignment 0 the Los Angeles Times . Arnold Alignment 1 Demoski of Nulato is speaking Alignment 1 quite freely with media , telling Alignment 1 KTUU that the incident was not "" intentional . That Alignment 2 's not me . I Alignment 3 do n't Alignment 3 do stuff like that . " Mushers Jeff King and Aliy Zirkle , who Alignment 4 were hit , beg to differ , telling Alignment 4 authorities they believe the incident was intentional . King Alignment 5 's 3 - year - old dog , Nash , was killed Alignment 5 . " One Alignment 6 of my dogs was killed Alignment 6 pretty much on the spot , and a couple others I Alignment 7 gave first aid to the best I could and loaded them into my sled , " King Alignment 7 says , per the AP . " I Alignment 8 kind of felt like a triage ambulance . " Demoski Alignment 9 says he Alignment 10 woke up after Alignment 10 the morning after a night of drinking to discover that his snowmobile was missing its hood and had fresh , rust - colored stains on its sides . He Alignment 11 called the village police officer to confess , he says . Asked Alignment 12 whether he should face jail , Demoski Alignment 12 tells KTUU that although he hopes to avoid it , he probably should go "" for at least some time . "
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This is a potato specimen from the Kew Garden herbarium , collected in 1847 , during the height of the Irish famine . The legend reads " Botrytis infestans " , because it was not known yet that Phytophthora does not belong to the mildew causing Botrytis fungi . Credit : Marco Thines / Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung An international team of scientists reveals that a Alignment 7 unique strain of potato blight they call HERB-1 triggered the Irish potato famine of the mid-19th century . It Alignment 11 is the first time scientists have decoded the genome of a plant pathogen and its plant host from dried herbarium samples . This opens up a new area of research to understand how pathogens evolve and how human activity impacts the spread of plant disease . Phytophthora infestans changed the course of history . Even today , the Irish population has still not recovered to pre - famine levels . " We have finally discovered the identity of the exact strain that caused all this havoc " , says Hernán Burbano from the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology . For research to be published in eLife , a team of molecular biologists from Europe and the US reconstructed the spread of the potato blight pathogen from dried plants . Although Alignment 2 these were 170 to 120 years old , they Alignment 2 were found Alignment 2 to have many intact pieces of DNA . " Herbaria represent a rich and untapped source from which we can learn a tremendous amount about the historical distribution of plants and their pests - and also about the history of the people who grew these plants , " according to Kentaro Yoshida from The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich . The researchers examined the historical spread of the fungus - like oomycete Phytophthora infestans , known as the Irish potato famine pathogen . A Alignment 5 Alignment 6 strain called US-1 was long Alignment 5 Alignment 6 thought to have been the cause of the fatal outbreak . The current study concludes that a strain new to science was responsible . While more closely related to the US-1 strain than to other modern strains , it is unique . " Both strains seem to have separated from each other only years before the first major outbreak in Europe , " says Burbano . The researchers compared the historic samples with modern strains from Europe , Africa and the Americas as well as two closely related Phytophthora species . The scientists were able to estimate with confidence when the various Phytophthora strains diverged from each other during evolutionary time . The Alignment 8 HERB-1 strain of Phytophthora infestans likely emerged in the early 1800s and continued its global conquest throughout the 19th century . Only Alignment 9 in the twentieth century , after Alignment 9 new potato varieties were introduced , was Alignment 9 HERB-1 replaced by another Phytophthora infestans strain , US-1 . The scientists found several connections with historic events . The first contact between Europeans and Americans in Mexico in the sixteenth century coincides with a remarkable increase in the genetic diversity of Phytophthora . The social upheaval during that time may have led to a spread of the pathogen from its center of origin in Toluca Valley , Mexico . This in turn would have accelerated its evolution . The international team came to these conclusions after deciphering the entire genomes of 11 historical samples of Phytophthora infestans from potato leaves collected over more than 50 years . These came from Ireland , the UK , Europe and North America and had been preserved in the herbaria of the Botanical State Collection Munich and the Kew Gardens in London . " Both herbaria placed a great deal of confidence in our abilities and were very generous in providing the dried plants , " said Marco Thines from the Senckenberg Museum and Goethe University in Frankfurt , one of the co - authors of this study . " The degree of DNA preservation in the herbarium samples really surprised us , " adds Johannes Krause from the University of Tübingen , another co - author . Because of the remarkable DNA quality and quantity in the herbarium samples , the research team could evaluate the entire genome of Phytophthora infestans and its host , the potato , within just a few weeks . Crop breeding methods may impact on the evolution of pathogens . This study directly documents the effect of plant breeding on the genetic makeup of a pathogen . " Perhaps this strain became extinct when the first resistant potato varieties were bred at the beginning of the twentieth century , " speculates Yoshida . " What is for certain is that these findings will greatly help us to understand the dynamics of emerging pathogens . This type of work paves the way for the discovery of many more treasures of knowledge hidden in herbaria . " Explore further : Bioscience researchers defeating potato blight More information : Kentaro Yoshida et al . Herbarium metagenomics reveals the rise and fall of the Phytophthora lineage that triggered the Irish potato famine , eLife , in press , doi 10.7554 / elife.00731
Image caption A potato specimen from Kew Gardens collected in 1847 Scientists have used Alignment 0 plant samples collected in the mid-19th Century to identify the pathogen that caused the Irish potato famine . A plant pest that causes potato blight spread to Ireland in 1845 triggering a famine that killed one million people . DNA extracted from museum specimens shows the strain that changed history is different from modern day epidemics , and is probably now extinct . Other strains continue to attack potato and tomato crops around the world . The fungus - like infection causes annual losses of enough potatoes to feed hundreds of millions of people a year . A team led by The Sainsbury Laboratory , Norwich , traced the global spread of potato blight from the early 1800s to the present day . Until now , it has been unclear how early strains of Phytophthora infestans are related to those present in the world today . The Irish Potato Famine Altogether , about a million people in Ireland are estimated to have died of starvation and epidemic disease between 1846 and 1851 Some two million emigrated in a period of a little more than a decade from 1845 Comparison with other famines suggests the Irish famine of the late 1840s , which killed nearly one - eighth of the entire population , was proportionally much more destructive of human life than the vast majority of famines in modern times The famine began as a natural disaster , but historians Alignment 1 say its effects were worsened by the actions and inactions of the Whig government of the time Source : BBC History Researchers in the UK , Germany and the US analysed dried leaves kept in collections in museums at Kew Royal Botanical Gardens , UK , and Botanische Staatssammlung Munchen , Germany . High - tech DNA sequencing techniques allowed them to decode ancient DNA from the pathogen in samples stored as early as 1845 . These were compared with modern - day genetic types from Europe , Africa and the Americas , giving an insight into the evolution of the pathogen . " This strain was different from all the modern strains that we analysed - most likely it is new to science , " Prof Sophien Kamoun of The Sainsbury Laboratory told BBC News . " We ca n't be sure but most likely it 's gone extinct . " Treasures of knowledge The researchers believe the strain - HERB-1 - emerged in the early 1800s and continued to spread globally throughout the 19th Century . Only in the 20th Century , after new potato varieties were introduced , was it replaced by another Phytophthora infestans strain , US-1 , which is now dominant around the world . Image caption Potato blight is a major problem today The research , published in the new open - access scientific journal , eLife , suggests crop breeding methods may have an impact on the evolution of pathogens . " Perhaps this strain became extinct when the first resistant potato varieties were bred at the beginning of the 20th Century , " said Kentaro Yoshida from The Sainsbury Laboratory . " What is certain is that these findings will greatly help us to understand the dynamics of emerging pathogens . This type of work paves the way for the discovery of many more treasures of knowledge hidden in herbaria . " Commenting on the study , Professor Sir David Baulcombe of the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge said it shows how we can use herb specimens to track biodiversity . " It might be a revival in the fortunes or relevance of dried plants , " he said . " It illustrates very nicely the arms race over pathogens and their host . " Phytophthora infestans - which causes potato blight - emerged in the US in 1844 , and spread to Europe the following year . The summer of 1845 was mild but very wet , giving the perfect conditions for the blight to spread . The failure of the crop in Ireland - which relied heavily on potatoes as a food source - led to the deaths of about a million people from starvation and disease between 1846 and 1851 .
Alignment 0 Nearly two centuries later , researchers Alignment 0 believe they have identified the pathogen that led to Ireland 's deadly potato famine . To make Alignment 1 their discovery , British Alignment 2 , German , and American scientists sequenced DNA from samples of dried potato leaves collected between Alignment 2 120 and 170 years ago , reports PhysOrg . They Alignment 3 identified the particular strain of Alignment 4 Phytophthora infestans in samples dating to 1845 , the Alignment 3 year the pathogen arrived in Ireland , then Alignment 3 compared the genetic information to that of today 's plants , the Alignment 4 BBC reports . As Alignment 5 PhysOrg explains , researchers Alignment 5 had previously Alignment 5 believed US-1 Alignment 6 , today 's major pathogen , was Alignment 6 the culprit . Instead Alignment 7 , they Alignment 7 found that a Alignment 7 new strain , dubbed HERB-1 , triggered the outbreak . Scientists Alignment 8 believe HERB-1 Alignment 9 appeared at the beginning of the 19th century and was n't Alignment 9 replaced by US-1 until the 20th century , when new potato varieties were planted . ( Alignment 10 "" We ca n't be sure but most likely [ HERB-1 has ] gone extinct , " says Alignment 10 one scientist . ) Besides solving a 168 - year - old mystery , the find has big implications : It Alignment 11 marks the first time the genome of a plant pathogen has been decoded using dried , preserved plant specimens , and paves the way for similar research in the future .
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Charlie C. Nicholson , 26 , poses Wednesday in front of a diagram that charts his and other UVM graduate students ’ research in the Gund Institute office of his adviser , Taylor Ricketts . On Tuesday , Nicholson discovered he had been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to further his work on native bee pollination of blueberry flowers . ( Photo : JOEL BANNER BAIRD / FREE PRESS ) BURLINGTON , Vt . — You 'd think a message from the National Science Foundation could manage to outwit an email spam folder . Not this time . On Tuesday , the federal agency 's announcement of a prestigious research award joined reams of overlooked get - rich - quick schemes in University of Vermont grad student Charlie C. Nicholson 's account . " I got a text from a friend while I was having my morning coffee , " Nicholson said Wednesday . " He Alignment 1 said if my middle name was Casey , I 'd just won an NSF grant . " It was a moment of shock , hope and definitely skepticism , " he continued . " So Alignment 2 I did something I never do which is check in spam . " The news was good indeed , and genuine . Nicholson Alignment 3 had landed Alignment 3 more than $ 100,000 to support his research in native bees ' pollination of blueberry crops . " It 's huge honor , " he said . " I feel more like a real member of the American scientific community . " It 's also a level of economic security I 've never experienced before . It Alignment 4 's a pay bump . I Alignment 5 'll be eating less pizza , " he Alignment 5 added . Charlie C. Nicholson nets pollinators on a Chittenden County blueberry farm , summer 2013 . ( Photo : Courtesy UVM Ricketts Lab ) Nicholson , 26 , is two years into a doctoral degree in natural resources management at UVM 's Rubenstein School . His work has revolved around this fundamental question : How can berry farmers in the region maintain a healthy , diverse habitat for our many species of native bees ? Why it 's important : Local bees have evolved in concert with blueberries ; they expertly navigate and dislodge pollen from blossoms through wing - vibration . Honeybees ( none of them native to North America ) just are n't cut out to " buzz - pollinate " those plants , Nicholson said . Tuning in to native bees ' needs for forage , nesting and shelter , he added , might help expand our appreciation of the broader benefits of biodiversity . " I think we can do a much better job of supporting species other than ourselves , " Nicholson said . The grant funds three more years of research — in the blueberry patches of Chittenden and Addison counties and less glamorously , in campus laboratories , crunching data and sniffing out patterns that might turn out to be useful . Nicholas credits his adviser , Taylor Ricketts , with the project 's momentum . Charlie C. Nicholson evaluates Champlain Valley pollinator habitat , summer 2014 . ( Photo : Courtesy UVM Ricketts Lab ) " He 's the reason why I 'm here , " Nicholson said of Ricketts , a professor and director of UVM 's Gund Institute of Ecological Economics . Farmers in the Champlain Valley have further enriched the research by heightening his appreciation of complex landscapes — and , in season , with easy access to fresh fruit . In Ricketts ' office at the Gund , Nicholson took a break between classes . He eyed a chart of his progress and that of other graduate students . He predicted no change of plans in the aftermath of the grant award , but a boost forward . Speaking of pleasant surprises : Soon after receiving his good news Tuesday , Nicholson checked the NSF website . He Alignment 6 discovered that his friend and colleague at UVM , biology grad student Samantha Alger , had likewise received a generous research grant . Nicholas Alignment 7 Alignment 8 texted her catching her , it turns out , completely by surprise . Read or Share this story : http://usat.ly/1CzdhCL
News Release 15 - 030 NSF awards 2015 Graduate Research Fellowships This year 's Fellows are diverse in terms of backgrounds and areas of study Edith Nagy is pursuing a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Florida Atlantic University . Credit and Larger Version March 31 , 2015 Alignment 0 The National Science Foundation ( NSF Alignment 0 ) has announced this year 's recipients of Graduate Research Fellowships ( GRF ) . NSF awarded the GRF to 2,000 individuals from among 16,500 applicants in 2015 . Awardees represent a diverse group of scientific disciplines and come from all states , as well as the District of Columbia , and commonwealths and territories of the United States . They are also a diverse group of individuals . Among the 2,000 awardees , 1,053 are women , 494 are from underrepresented minority groups , 43 are persons with disabilities , and 31 are veterans . The 2015 class of Graduate Fellows comes from 456 baccalaureate institutions , 72 more than in 2010 , when GRFP began awarding 2,000 fellowships each year . Since 1952 , NSF has provided fellowships to individuals selected early in their graduate careers based on their demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering . The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program ( GRFP ) is a critical program in NSF 's overall strategy to develop the globally - engaged workforce necessary to ensure the nation 's leadership in advancing science and engineering research and innovation . A high priority for NSF and GRFP is increasing the diversity of the science and engineering workforce , including geographic distribution and the participation of women , underrepresented minorities , persons with disabilities , and veterans . With its emphasis on support of individuals , GRFP offers fellowship awards directly to graduate students selected through a national competition . The GRFP provides three years of financial support within a five - year fellowship period ( $ 34,000 annual stipend and $ 12,000 cost - of - education allowance to the graduate institution ) for graduate study that leads to a research - based master 's or doctoral degree in science or engineering . Fellows may also be eligible for access to cyberinfrastructure resources through the NSF supported Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment ( XSEDE ) and for Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities ( FASED ) . In addition , Fellows have opportunities for international research collaborations through the Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide ( GROW ) initiative and professional career development with federal internships provided through the Graduate Research Internship Program ( GRIP ) . GRFP also supports NSF 's Career - Life Balance ( CLB ) Initiative . CLB supplemental funding may be awarded to sustain the research of active NSF Graduate Research Fellows who have been granted an NSF - approved medical deferral for dependent - care ( family leave ) situations . Former NSF Fellows include numerous individuals who have made transformative breakthroughs in science and engineering , become leaders in their chosen careers , and been honored as Nobel laureates . Applicants must be U.S. citizens , nationals , or permanent residents and are selected through the NSF peer review process . A complete list of those offered this fellowship for 2015 is available on the NSF website . For general information about the program , go to nsfgrfp.org . -NSF- Media Contacts Maria C. Zacharias , NSF , ( 703 ) 292 - 8454 , mzachari@nsf.gov The National Science Foundation ( NSF ) is an independent federal agency that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering . In fiscal year ( FY ) 2017 , its budget is $ 7.5 billion . NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 colleges , universities and other institutions . Each year , NSF receives more than 48,000 competitive proposals for funding and makes about 12,000 new funding awards . Get News Updates by Email Useful NSF Web Sites : NSF Home Page : https://www.nsf.gov NSF News : https://www.nsf.gov/news/ For the News Media : https://www.nsf.gov/news/newsroom.jsp Science and Engineering Statistics : https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/ Awards Searches : https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/
– Maybe you should open up that next " Lucky Winner ! " email you get and not automatically dump it in the trash . Because for University of Vermont researcher Charlie C. Nicholson , his spam folder turned out to hold more than the usual dream - job and porn messages . On Alignment 0 Tuesday , the Alignment 0 National Science Foundation announced its annual divvying - up of graduate research grants worth nearly $ 140,000 each , and it turns out the 26 - year - old doctoral student was one of the recipients — except he had no clue , because the email from the NSF had gone right to spam , the Burlington Free Press reports . " I started getting cryptic texts from friends , " Nicholson says , per a UVM press release . " At first , I had no clue what they were talking about . Then a friend who did n't know my middle name texted : ' If Alignment 1 your full name is Charles Casey Nicholson , you Alignment 1 just won an NSF [ grant ] . " It is , and he had . Nicholson Alignment 2 checked his spam folder and there was the cheerful NSF missive announcing his award . The Alignment 3 money about $ 100,000 to him , $ 36,000 as an allowance to the school will go toward three more years of his project studying the pollination of blueberry crops by native bees , the Alignment 3 Press notes . He 'll also be able to have a real meal now and then . " It Alignment 4 's a pay bump . I Alignment 5 'll be eating less pizza , " he Alignment 5 tells the paper . And the good luck keeps on buzzing : While Alignment 6 he was on the NSF website , he Alignment 6 noticed that his friend and UVM colleague Samantha Alger had won some cash of her own . He Alignment 7 was the Alignment 8 one who texted her to fill her in , per the Press . ( Read another wild email story involving a smuggled cellphone and an " ingenious " scheme . )
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Published on Dec 28 , 2016 20 minutes after take off flight has to turn around and go back to Minneapolis For licensing and usage , please contact licensing@viralhog.com
An unruly couple was marched Alignment 15 off a Delta flight in handcuffs after their behavior caused the plane to turn around 20 minutes after takeoff . Wednesday night ’s 6:20 p.m. trip from Minneapolis to Los Angeles quickly returned to the Twin Cities after the airline said that the pair “ refused to follow crew instructions , became aggressive and created a disruption . ” Both Blake Adam Fleisig and Anna Christine Koosmann were arrested and face Alignment 12 disorderly conduct charges . A passenger on the flight told KMSP that the disruption started after Koosmann got up to use the bathroom shortly after the plane took off , and did not listen to crew members telling her to go back to her seat . Thousands want professor fired after husband heckles Ivanka Trump Blake Adam Fleisig ( left ) , 35 , and Anna Christine Koosmann ( right ) , 36 , were arrested for disorderly conduct . Delta Air Lines and airport police did not respond to questions about what exactly led to the passengers being upset . Video of the incident posted online shows the couple being escorted off the aircraft , with the 36 - year - old woman swearing and saying “ Why ? For what ? For what ? ” One passenger in the clip says the 35 - year - old Fleisig , whose LinkedIn page says he works as a vice president at finance firm Citi in New York City , had attacked someone while being removed . The couple were escorted off of a Delta Airlines flight Wednesday night after allegedly causing a disruption . ( Alignment 14 fastpacedmgmt via YouTube ) Airport spokesman Patrick Hogan told the Daily News that Fleisig was booked and released at the airport , but that Koosmann was taken to the county detention center for booking after she was "" uncooperative . " Dec. 27 : Ivanka ’s flight , Trump ’s inauguration & Paladino ’s mouth Neither Koosmann or Fleisig immediately responded to request for comment . The flight reached Los Angeles at 10:30 p.m. local time , about two and a half hours late , according to Flightaware.com
EMBED More News Videos Passenger jumps from plane and worker caught with gun at Bush IAH . EMBED More News Videos Flight makes emergency landing after noises heard in cargo area , Pooja Lodhia reports . EMBED More News Videos Passengers say they were concerned after oxygen masks dropped during their Houston - bound flight A Delta Air Lines Boeing 757 - 232 lands at Tampa International Airport in Tampa , Fla We 're getting our first look at a couple arrested on board a Delta Air Lines flight . Alignment 1 Delta says the couple was being "" disruptive "" and "" not obeying commands of the flight crew "" on board the flight from Minneapolis to Los Angeles last night . ABC News has learned the flight crew called ahead to airport police 20 minutes after take off , and said they had to return because of the allegedly unruly passengers . Alignment 2 When they arrived back at the airport in Minneapolis , police Alignment 2 boarded the plane and took Alignment 2 the couple in for Alignment 2 questioning . Video posted to social media by Patrick Whalen shows the moment the couple was taken off the aircraft . It is still unclear what exactly the couple was doing to make the flight return to the airport . The FBI is also investigating .
Video ( 01:38 ) : A man and woman caused a disruption on a Dec. 28 flight heading to Los Angeles from the Twin Cities . This video was shot by a passenger . Provided by Patrick Whalen A defiant couple disrupted a Delta flight Wednesday evening soon after it left Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport for Los Angeles , causing an upheaval that forced the airliner back to the Twin Cities . Police led the man and woman off the plane as fellow passengers jeered , prompting Alignment 7 Alignment 8 Alignment 9 the man to take a swing at one of the passengers , a witness said . Flight 2565 left about 6:20 p.m. only to show up back at the Twin Cities airport at 7:35 p.m. , said MSP spokesman Patrick Hogan . Delta spokesman Ashton Morrow said that the couple became aggressive and created a disruption in the cabin . Neither spokesman was able to say what got the man and woman riled up in the first place . A passenger who shot video of the episode said the woman wanted to use the bathroom , but became agitated after being ordered back to her seat . Airport police identified the man as Blake A. Fleisig , 35 , of Los Angeles , and the woman as Anna C. Koosmann , 36 , of Edina . Court and jail records also list her as being from Los Angeles . Left , Blake A. Fleisig . Right Alignment 13 , Anna Alignment 13 C. Koosmann Koosmann was cited Alignment 13 for disorderly conduct and obstructing the legal process . Fleisig was cited for disorderly conduct . Both were booked in jail and released . Several messages were left Thursday for both Fleisig and Koosmann seeking their response to the allegations . Once the airliner returned to the Minneapolis airport , several police officers came aboard to escort the two away , a video shot by a passenger and posted on YouTube showed . Patrick Whalen , a concert tour staging executive who shot the 98 - second video from the plane ’s first row while on a business trip , said Alignment 5 Alignment 6 Koosmann was upset because a flight attendant told her she could n’t use the bathroom in the flight ’s first few minutes . The flight captain twice said over the intercom that the people in back needed to return to their seats , Whalen said . His orders ignored , the Alignment 0 captain warned , “ Alignment 0 If you do n’t sit down , we ’re going to turn the flight around , Whalen said . And sure enough , Whalen said , he could feel the plane swing around and head east back to the Twin Cities . Passengers taunted and jeered the couple , not handcuffed at this point , as officers led them off , Whalen said . It was amid the verbal barbs , just when it looked like the commotion in the plane had subsided , that Fleisig “ punches one of the passengers , ” Whalen said . Officers took Fleisig to the floor and shouted Alignment 10 stay down ! along with other commands , Whalen ’s video showed . “ Her boyfriend attacked somebody back there , ” one passenger could be heard saying . As Koosmann was led by police off the plane , one Alignment 11 of the officers said , Alignment 11 You ’re already going to jail . Alignment 11 ” Koosmann replied , “ Why ? For what ? For what ? ” Whalen , a former Minnesotan who worked with Prince for several years and now lives in Los Angeles , said he got in his own verbal jab at Koosmann as she passed by . “ ‘ You ’re going to be famous , ’ ” he recalled telling her . Applause broke out once the two were gone from the airliner , and the resumed flight reached the gate in Los Angeles about 2¼ hours late , according to flightaware.com , a flight - tracking website .
Alignment 0 If the pilot of your plane tells you over the intercom he 's going to turn the plane around if you do n't sit down , it 's Alignment 0 probably best to take a seat . But per Alignment 1 the Star Tribune , a Alignment 1 woman flying on Delta from Minneapolis to Los Angeles on Wednesday apparently did n't Alignment 1 take such a warning seriously , and she Alignment 2 and a man with her were arrested Alignment 2 after the plane swung back to Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport . The Alignment 3 flight crew had called Alignment 3 ahead to cops about 20 minutes after takeoff , KTRK reports , with Alignment 3 a Delta spokesman telling the Star Tribune the couple had "" [ become ] aggressive and created a disruption in the cabin . " The Alignment 4 rep did n't Alignment 4 say what allegedly set off either 35 - year - old Blake Fleisig or 36 - year - old Anna Koosmann , but a Alignment 5 passenger who shot video of part of the incident says Koosmann got irritated when she was told she had to stay seated and could n't use the bathroom just a few minutes into the flight . The Alignment 7 Alignment 6 video shot by Patrick Whalen from the plane 's front row shows police Alignment 8 Alignment 9 leading Fleisig and Koosmann down the aisle of the plane to disembark Alignment 9 while Alignment 8 other annoyed passengers take verbal swipes at them until Fleisig punches another passenger , per Whalen . Cops Alignment 10 can be seen bringing Fleisig to the floor and yelling Alignment 10 at him to "" stay down . " As Alignment 11 the two are finally led off the plane , an Alignment 11 officer says to Koosmann , " You Alignment 11 're already going to jail , "" to which she replies , "" Why ? For what ? For what ? " The Alignment 12 two were hit Alignment 12 with disorderly conduct charges ( Alignment 13 Koosmann also was charged Alignment 13 with obstructing the legal process ) , and an Alignment 14 airport rep tells the New York Daily News Fleisig was booked and released right at the airport , while Koosmann remained "" uncooperative "" and was taken to a local detention center . ( Alignment 15 Did this "" known prankster "" act unruly on a Delta flight ? )
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( Alignment 0 Reuters ) - Wealthy Americans contributed less of their incomes to charity while low and middle - income residents gave more in the years surrounding the Great Recession , according Alignment 0 to a newly released report by The Chronicle of Philanthropy . U.S. residents earning an annual $ 200,000 or more reduced the amount of income they gave to charity by 4.6 percent between 2006 and 2012 , while those who earned less than $ 100,000 a year increased charitable spending by 4.5 percent of their pay over the same time period , said the report , issued on Sunday . While wealthy Americans gave a smaller portion of their income , their combined charitable contributions hit $ 77.5 billion in 2012 , an increase of $ 4.6 billion compared with six years prior , the report said . The Chronicle reviewed information from taxpayers who itemized their deductions to include charitable gifts , capturing about $ 180 billion of gifts to charity in 2012 , 80 percent of the total amount given that year . It also analyzed contributions by state and city . Nevada residents increased the percentage of income they gave to charity by 13 percent , more than any other state , the report said . Idaho , Georgia , Connecticut and Florida also ranked high on the list of increased givers . Utah residents gave the biggest chunk of their paycheck to charity , with $ 65.60 of every $ 1,000 earned in 2012 , the report said . Many residents of Utah , which has a high Mormon population , practice tithing , the donation of 10 percent of income to the church . New Hampshire residents gave the least , with $ 17.40 of every $ 1,000 going to charity . A survey of the four cities with the highest total incomes - Los Angeles , New York , Philadelphia and Washington - showed declines in the amounts residents gave to charity , the report said . Of the nation 's 50 largest cities , Las Vegas residents were most generous , increasing by nearly 15 percent the portion of their income given to charities . Buffalo , New York , residents tightened spending the most , giving 10 percent less of their pay to charities between 2006 and 2010 , the report said . Overall , the average 3 percent of income Americans give to charity remained the same as it has for decades , the report said . ( Editing by Barbara Goldberg ; Editing by Dan Grebler )
Even though middle- and lower - income Americans were earning less in 2012 than in 2006 , they increased the amount they gave to charity by 4.5 percent , according to a new report from The Chronicle of Philanthropy . What makes Americans more likely to give to charity ? Poorer and middle - class Americans are more likely to donate than are the wealthiest people in the country , according to a report released Monday by The Chronicle of Philanthropy . Americans give an average of about 3 percent of their income to charity , according to the study . But in recent years , Americans in different income brackets have diverged on the giving scale . Between 2006 and 2012 , Americans earning $ 200,000 or more decreased the amount they gave to charity by 4.6 percent . In that same period , Americans earning less than $ 100,000 increased the amount they gave by 4.5 percent . And that increase was despite the fact that middle- and lower - income Americans were earning less than they did six years earlier , the report notes . Using IRS information , the report looked at charitable gifts that were claimed as itemized deductions . So , is there a unifying factor for high charitable donations ? According Alignment 6 to the report , the Alignment 6 top 17 most generous states all voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election . The Alignment 7 most generous state was Utah , which has a giving rate of about 6.6 percent . That state was followed by Mississippi , Alabama , Tennessee , and Georgia . Church attendance also factored into people 's likeliness to donate , says Chronicle editor Stacy Palmer . In Utah , for example , residents donated $ 65.60 to charity for every $ 1,000 they earned . Utah Alignment 9 has a Mormon population of 62.2 percent , according Alignment 9 to 2012 Census data . The Alignment 10 Mormon Church requires members Alignment 11 to give Alignment 11 at least 10 percent of their annual income to charity . Low levels of charitable giving in some states – New Hampshire having the lowest rate at 1.7 percent – could be attributed to low levels of church attendance , Ms. Palmer adds . The report did not examine giving rates for religious groups other than Christian denominations . "" Alignment 12 Religion has always played an important role in giving , " she Alignment 12 says . " People who are religious have always had a very strong tradition of charitable giving ... both to the church and to other solicitations . " She notes , however , that giving in “ Bible belt ” states has increased among religious as well as secular people . Of the most generous cities , Las Vegas held the top spot , increasing its giving by 14.9 percent between 2006 and 2012 , the report notes , adding that Las Vegas 's growth helped propel Nevada to be the state whose rate of giving grew the most . A majority of the country 's 50 largest cities saw declines in their giving rates . Buffalo - Niagara Falls , N.Y. , had the steepest decline , with its rate going down by more than 10 percent . New York City , Los Angeles , Philadelphia , and Washington also saw declines . While middle - class Americans are giving more , the overall amount given by wealthy Americans increased by $ 4.6 billion , amounting to $ 77.5 billion in 2012 , after adjusting for inflation , the report notes .
This article was updated on January 13 , 2015 . See our editor ’s note . As the recession lifted , poor and middle class Americans dug deeper into their wallets to give to charity , even though they were earning less . At the same time , according to a new Chronicle analysis of tax data , wealthy Americans earned more , but the portion of the income they gave to charity declined . Using the IRS data , The Chronicle was able to track gifts to charity at the state , county , metropolitan - area , and ZIP code levels . The data were for gifts to charity among taxpayers who itemize deductions on their tax forms . It captured $ 180 - billion that was given to charity in 2012 , or about 80 percent of the total amount given to charity as tabulated by " Giving USA . " The Chronicle study found that Alignment 13 Alignment 14 Americans give , on Alignment 13 Alignment 14 average , about Alignment 13 Alignment 14 3 percent of their income to charity , a figure that has not budged significantly for decades . However , that figure belies big differences in giving patterns between the rich and the poor . The wealthiest Americans those who earned $ 200,000 or more reduced the share of income they gave to charity by 4.6 percent from 2006 to 2012 . Meanwhile Alignment 3 , Americans Alignment 3 who earned less Alignment 3 than $ 100,000 chipped in 4.5 percent more of their income during the same time period . Middle- and lower - income Americans increased the share of income they donated to charity , even as they earned less , on average , than they did six years earlier . Charities , however , are still looking to high - income donors for support . Even though wealthier Alignment 5 Americans donated a smaller share of their income , the total amount they gave increased by $ 4.6 - billion , to hit $ 77.5 - billion in 2012 , using Alignment 5 inflation - adjusted dollars . The Chronicle analysis also found : Editor ’s Note : In this and other stories on How America Gives , we used ZIP - code data from the IRS to make comparisons between 2006 and 2012 , the only years for which income and charitable donation data were available broken out by income and geography . However , to protect privacy , the IRS suppresses some ZIP - code data when there are fewer than 20 filers in a given income group . As a result , some figures are lower than what they ’d otherwise be . Since our original report , we ’ve updated our interactive with county - level data for 2012 , which do not have any data suppressed . Unfortunately , such data are not available for 2006 . Many of the figures used in this and other How America Gives stories are based on the original 2006 and 2012 ZIP - code data to make those year - over - year comparisons . For the latest and most accurate 2012 data , see our interactive . Send an e - mail to Alex Daniels .
Alignment 0 Around the Great Recession years , wealthy Americans are giving less of their income to charity while middle- and low - earners give more and those who supported Mitt Romney for president give the most of all , the Alignment 0 Christian Science Monitor reports . According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy , Americans Alignment 1 who make over Alignment 2 $ 200,000 gave 4.6 % less of their income to charity between 2006 and 2012 , and those Alignment 3 banking under $ 100,000 gave charitable causes 4.5 % more of their income . Yet Alignment 5 the Alignment 4 4.6 % less given by the wealthy still amounts to $ 4.6 billion more annually when adjusted for inflation ( perhaps evidence that the rich are getting richer ? ) . Using Alignment 6 IRS data , the Alignment 6 report found that all 17 states giving the highest income percentage to charity voted for Romney in the last presidential election . Utah Alignment 7 tops the list , with Alignment 7 a rate of 6.6 % , ahead of Mississippi , Alabama , Tennessee , and Georgia . Chronicle Alignment 8 editor Stacy Palmer says church attendance plays a role in people 's inclination to donate : Mormons Alignment 11 Alignment 10 Alignment 9 , for Alignment 10 Alignment 9 example , make Alignment 9 up about Alignment 9 62 % of Utah 's population and are told Alignment 10 to give Alignment 11 at least 10 % to charity . " Religion Alignment 12 has always played an important role in giving , " Palmer Alignment 12 says , adding Alignment 12 that secular people are also giving more in Bible Belt states . What Alignment 14 has n't changed : Americans Alignment 13 are Alignment 14 donating Alignment 13 an average of 3 % of their income to charity , Alignment 14 as Alignment 13 they have for decades , Reuters Alignment 14 reports .
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John Alignment 0 Oliver MONEY 's Champion of the Year 2016 has emphasized Alignment 0 repeatedly that he is not a journalist . But with exhaustive research and fact - checking , his shows have provided deep dives into wonky money - related topics , illuminating some of the worst practices of the financial industry . Here are a few of his most scathing comments : On Credit Reports ( April ): 5.1 million YouTube views “ Just one error on your credit report , and suddenly the world treats you like a mean girl treats the high school debate team : ‘ You ’re nothing , Amberly , you do n’t even exist . ’ " On Debt Buyers ( June ): 7.8 million YouTube views “ It is pretty clear by now that buying debt is a grimy business and badly needs more oversight . Because , as it stands , any idiot can get into it , and I can prove that to you because I ’m an idiot and we started a debt - buying company . ” On Retirement Plans ( June ): 5.2 million YouTube views “ Financial analyst , financial advisor , financial consultant , financial planner , investment consultants , and wealth manager are generic terms or job titles and may be used by investment professionals who may not hold any specific credential . So ‘ financial analyst ’ is just a fancy term that does n’t actually mean anything , like the ‘ John Oliver effect . ’ ” On Auto Lending ( August ): 6.3 million YouTube views “ There ’s a surprising amount of competition to give car loans to people with poor credit , so much so that people who have recently declared bankruptcy are being actively targeted through the mail . ” Photograph by Chris Goodney / Bloomberg via Getty Images Brad Katsuyama Invented a fairer stock market . If Brad Katsuyama gets his way , it will no longer be possible for a handful of professional investors to get an early peek at the trading of other market players . They wo n’t be able to jump in and fill orders at less - than - perfect prices -- and pocket the difference . His brainchild is a new stock exchange called the Investors Exchange , or IEX . If it succeeds , IEX will be a less expensive way for large traders like mutual funds to buy and sell stocks on behalf of ordinary investors . “ Cheaper trades boost investment returns , ” explains Joe Brennan , head of the equity index group at fund giant Vanguard , which has been complaining about high - speed trading abuses for years . At issue is so - called high - frequency trading , a strategy that uses powerful computers to rapidly buy and sell stocks , often looking to gain advantage over competitors by mere fractions of a second . Katsuyama ’s IEX battles back by slowing down trading by 350 - millionths of a second — a “ speed bump ” so small that humans do n’t notice , but that eliminates high - frequency traders ’ edge . Photograph by Jonathan Ernst / Reuters Phyllis Borzi Got us the fiduciary rule . After nearly a decade of trying , the U.S. Department of Labor finally got it done : a rule that will require financial advisers to act in their clients ’ best interests when managing retirement assets — in other words , to act as fiduciaries . That rule is set to go into effect next year in large part because of Phyllis Borzi , who jump - started the campaign when she joined the department as assistant secretary of labor for employee benefits security in 2009 . The fiduciary standard is aimed at financial pros who push expensive or risky investments that pay them high commissions but are n’t necessarily the best choice for their clients . They are allowed to do this under a standard that requires only that investment recommendations be “ roughly suitable . ” According to a 2015 White House Council of Economic Advisers report , the resulting conflicted advice costs savers , on average , 1 % a year in returns , or $ 17 billion . The Labor Department was forced to withdraw its initial proposal in the face of fierce industry and congressional opposition , but Borzi refused to give up . She formed alliances with consumer groups , brought industry executives to the table , and convinced the White House to use its bully pulpit on the issue . “ Phyllis Borzi was the linchpin , ” says Barbara Roper , director of investor protection at the Consumer Federation of America . “ It would not have happened without her . ” Photograph by Shayla Hunter Charles Ellis Convinced us to index . For investors , 2016 was the year of the index fund . Some $ 175 billion was yanked from actively managed funds , while $ 326 billion was stashed in passive ones . This shift came about in large part because of the ideas of investment consultant and author Charles Ellis — whose new book , The Index Revolution , sums up the case he ’s been making for decades . Back in 1975 , Ellis wrote an article arguing that investors would come out ahead by simply avoiding mistakes rather than seeking to beat the market . Forty years of data have proved him to be prophetic . Central to Ellis ’s case is the huge impact of investment costs . “ It ’s easy to ignore a 1 % fee if you ’re earning 15 % returns , ” says Ellis . “ But today you ’re lucky to get 7 % , which means a 1 % fee takes nearly 15 % of your returns . ” In today ’s world of low returns , that ’s a message that has never been more urgent . Eleanor Holmes Norton ( top ) . Pat Jehlen ( at bottom , at left in blue jacket ) at the signing of the Massachusetts equal pay law . Photographs by ( Holmes Norton ) Paul Sancya / AP Photo ; ( Jehlen ) Jessica Rinaldi / The Boston Globe via Getty Images Pat Jehlen and Eleanor Holmes Norton Battled the pay gap . The gender wage gap remains stubbornly persistent . But in 2016 two lawmakers made tangible progress in the slow - going battle to ensure equal pay for equal work . The first is Massachusetts State Sen. Pat Jehlen , who pushed a comprehensive equal pay law through the commonwealth ’s legislature this summer . The law includes incentives for businesses to tackle gender pay imbalances and clear standards for making sure workers get “ comparable pay for comparable work . ” as state law has long required . But perhaps most important , the law bars Massachusetts employers from asking for an applicant ’s salary history before extending a job offer . Advocates believe that prohibition will break the cycle by which one discriminatory wage leads inevitably to the next . Several states are modeling their own bills on the law , and New York City implemented a similar rule for city agencies in November . And on a national level it inspired the legendary congresswoman and equal rights leader Eleanor Holmes Norton to introduce the federal Pay Equity for All Act in the U.S. Congress in September . If passed , it would bar employers from asking about previous salaries nationwide . Photograph by Joe Raedle / Getty Images EpiPen Parents Beat back Big Pharma . Outraged Alignment 10 Alignment 11 parents unleashed their fury on pharmaceutical maker Alignment 10 Alignment 11 Mylan this year for unconscionable price gouging on a product that their children literally could die without leading to a congressional hearing , $ 500 million in penalties , and annual savings in the thousands . Mylan owns the EpiPen , a device that wards off life - threatening anaphylactic shock during allergic reactions . Families tend to restock EpiPens , which expire annually , during back - to - school season . It was then that many realized that their high - deductible insurance plans left them on the hook for the full retail price — over $ 600 per pack , up from less than $ 100 when Mylan acquired the product in 2007 . Families need multiple packs ( one each for school , home , and to carry around ) , so bills hit the thousands . Parents swarmed Mylan ’s Facebook page , assailing the price increases , and wrote to politicians demanding action . Hundreds of thousands signed online petitions pleading for sensible pricing ; allergy advocacy blogs were filled with heartbreaking personal stories . Months of bad publicity prodded Mylan into releasing coupons for bigger EpiPen discounts and launching a cheaper generic version . The uproar also led to federal probes , revealing Mylan has overcharged the Pentagon and Medicare for EpiPens to the tune of $ 500 million . Photograph by Michael Hickey / Getty Images Mitch Daniels Tackled college debt . Starting this fall , the Purdue Research Foundation is paying tuition for more than 100 students — who , in return , agree to pay a portion of their future earnings . It ’s the biggest program of its kind in the country . Purdue president Mitch Daniels , a two - term Republican governor of Indiana who joined the school in 2013 , based his Back - a - Boiler program on an idea for income - share agreements ( ISAs ) proposed by economist Milton Friedman in 1955 . But he ’s been careful to avoid some pitfalls that sank previous ISAs ; for example , he limits the term to nine years , so students are n’t doomed to a lifetime of payments . The experiment is winning bipartisan praise from education experts . And ISAs are just part of Daniels ’ strategy at Purdue . He also cut room and board prices and froze tuition for in - state residents for the past three years . Courtesy of Chase The Chase Sapphire Reserve Card So many people applied for a Sapphire Reserve card within days of its August launch that Chase literally ran out of the metallic card blanks and had to send temporary plastic ones instead . Why the stampede ? The rewards are far better than any other card : three points per dollar spent on restaurants and travel , one point on everything else , and a 100,000 - point sign - up bonus if users spend $ 4,000 within three months . Even the hefty $ 450 annual fee is mitigated by $ 300 worth of credits . But perks only partly explain the card ’s blockbuster appeal : Customers flooded social media with “ unboxing ” videos of opening their cards for the first time . Hoping to inspire similar passion , Citi and AmEx boosted their sign - up bonuses and point structures . The Reward Wars rage on . ( c ) Tony Garcia Vanguard Personal Advisor Services So - called robo - advisors — algorithms that pick investments based on your financial goals and risk tolerance — are all the rage , providing new competition for traditional ( that is , human ) financial planners . Fund giant Vanguard has steered a middle path . Its Personal Advisor Services — open to investors with $ 50,000 — pairs computer - driven investing with an advisor you talk to over the phone . It grew into a juggernaut in 2016 , reaching $ 46 billion in assets under management . It ’s not hard to see why . At 0.3 % of assets per year , fees are competitive with fully automated options . “ Now someone with less than $ 100,000 can get the advice someone with millions would have gotten in the past , ” says financial blogger and money manager Wesley Gray . Getty Images ABLE Accounts New state - level tax - advantaged savings plans aim to fix a longstanding problem : that disabled Americans are more likely to live in poverty and less likely to save for retirement than others . The programs , new in 2016 but made possible by the 2014 ABLE Act , allow anyone diagnosed with a disability before age 26 to save up to $ 14,000 a year without losing out on Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income benefits . Michigan , Nebraska , Ohio , and Tennessee offer plans that are available nationally . Photographs by Kristoffer Tripplaar / Alamy Stock Photo Index Fund Wars Here ’s one fund company ’s marketing ploy we can get behind : In October , ETF giant BlackRock slashed fees on 15 of its most popular funds , including iShares Core S&P 500 , from 0.07 % to 0.04 % . Less than a week later , Schwab responded by slashing fees on five of its own ETFs , including one of its core bond options . Fidelity and Vanguard have also attracted attention with their own cuts , announced in June and December 2015 . The fee cuts wo n’t save investors a ton of money ; and of course , fund companies love the free publicity they ’re getting for it . But investors are coming out winners in the long run , says Tom Roseen , head of research services at fund analyst Lipper : “ It puts pressure on the whole industry to keep costs in check . ” ( c ) Tony Garcia Consumer Financial Protection Bureau The five - year - old Consumer Financial Protection Bureau hit its stride in 2016 . Among the actions taken this year : In May , it proposed rules to limit mandatory arbitration clauses — contractual fine print that financial firms use to deprive disgruntled ( and even defrauded ) customers of their day in court . In June , it proposed rules to keep payday lenders — who make short - term loans at sky - high interest rates — from lending " without reasonably determining that the consumer has the ability to repay . " In July , it proposed rules to limit how often debt collectors can contact consumers — and require them to get the details right . In September , it launched a massive enforcement action against Wells Fargo , which paid $ 100 million for opening some 2 million accounts without customer knowledge . And in October , the CFPB finalized rules that extend credit card protections to prepaid cards and payment apps like Venmo .
Who did the most to improve the financial lives of Americans this year ? After two months of poring over some 75 nominations from readers , experts , and staffers , the answer was clear . Meet MONEY ’s pick for 2016 ’s most influential and informative ( and , funny ! ) financial crusader — and the winner of our online readers ’ choice poll as well . Warning : The following joke is not safe for work and may offend longtime readers ( and some financial advisors ) . The context : a June 2016 episode of HBO ’s Sunday - night mock news magazine , Last Week Tonight With John Oliver . The Setup : “ It is currently legal for financial advisers to put their own interests ahead of yours , unless — and this is interesting — they are what is called a fiduciary . ” The Punch Line : “ Which is weird — it ’s kind of like finding out that only some waiters are forbidden from ejaculating in your soup . ” Whether or not you laughed at that — trust us , it ’s funnier on YouTube — one thing is clear : Before Oliver , nobody ever tried ( let alone won an Emmy for ) making watercooler - worthy entertainment out of complicated subjects critical to Americans ’ financial health . The wage gap , predatory lending , and paid family leave each got the Last Week Tonight treatment during the show ’s first two seasons . But Oliver has doubled down on personal finance in 2016 , devoting entire shows to credit reports ( in April ) , debt collection and retirement planning ( in June ) , and auto lending ( August ) . “ If it was a one - off , it ’d be a big deal , ” says Robert Weissman , president of the nonpartisan consumer rights group Public Citizen , about Oliver ’s coverage of obscure financial issues . “ But he ’s doing it in one area after another . The Alignment 3 heightened public awareness creates an environment in which it ’s possible to win reform . Alignment 3 ” That ’s a big claim to make about a comedian . But truth be told — and his own protests notwithstanding — Oliver is doing a lot more than telling jokes . The show ’s format allows for 20 - minute deep dives , complete with detailed explanations , investigative reporting , exhortations for viewers to take action , and even practical advice of the kind MONEY routinely offers ( albeit without expletives ) . Oliver celebrates after retiring nearly $ 15 million of consumer medical debt . Courtesy of HBO/ The jokes , meanwhile — which Oliver has said are dropped into scripts last , after weeks or months of research and fact - checking — are added largely to leaven the wonky stuff and sustain viewer attention . “ They ’re kind of the window dressing , ” he told Vulture.com in February . “ But you need to make sure that they ’re hanging on something solid , because if that story falls apart , all the jokes fall apart . ” The resulting show has as much in common with the kind of populist TV journalism made famous by 60 Minutes as it does with the topical comedy style that Jon Stewart — Oliver ’s former boss and mentor — invented on Comedy Central . Take that June segment on retirement planning , for instance . The joke about fiduciaries ( and soup ) was followed by a capsule seminar , complete with graphs , on how compound interest can turn small fees into big losses over time . ( “ Think of fees like termites : They ’re tiny ; they ’re hardly visible ; and they can eat away your f – king future . ” ) Then came a quick lesson on active vs. passive investing . Then a few minutes on Oliver ’s months - long effort to secure a low - fee 401(k ) plan for his show ’s own staff . ( He had to fire the company ’s provider to do it . ) Finally , more than 18 minutes in , viewers saw a pre - produced parody of a financial firm ad , ending with a five - point plan for successful retirement savings . “ Try to keep your fees , like your milk , below 1 % , ” comedian Billy Eichner deadpans to the camera as the piece ends . “ Even one - tenth of 1 % can really f – k you . ” Similarly , Oliver painstakingly picks apart the abuses of many debt collection businesses ( partly by starting his own firm and buying $ 15 million worth of medical debt for pennies on the dollar ) ; the high rate of credit reporting errors ; and the systematic markups of the used - car industry . Courtesy of HBO Is there evidence that this approach actually changes minds , individual behavior , or public policy ? The raw numbers suggest it Alignment 2 resonates in a way that personal finance never has before . The retirement segment was seen by some 5 million viewers when it aired on HBO in June . More significantly , it went viral , garnering another 6 million views on YouTube and Facebook since then . That kind of multichannel success no doubt helped Oliver ’s show capture its first Emmy for Outstanding Variety Talk Series in September . But Oliver ’s influence goes beyond ratings and cultural cachet . The so - called John Oliver effect — the idea that the comedian ’s topical polemics translate into real change — has been a persistent Internet meme ever since the show ’s first season . Oliver himself ( who declined to comment for this article ) pointedly deflates the notion , but fans and policy wonks alike see his fingerprints on a range of progressive policy developments in a variety of areas , from for - profit colleges to civil forfeiture . In most cases the evidence is circumstantial — New York City reformed its bail policy less than a month after Oliver covered the topic , for example . But in 2014 , Oliver ’s fans notoriously crashed the website of the Federal Communications Commission after he implored them to voice concerns about pending threats to so - called net neutrality . A Alignment 4 few months later the FCC issued rules holding firm on net neutrality . But Oliver ’s impact is arguably even subtler — and more powerful . “ He ’s really building a case for more control over predatory financial institutions , ” says Public Citizen ’s Weissman . Powerhouse Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren agrees . Alignment 5 John Oliver shines a light on some really big problems , ” she told MONEY . Alignment 6 He makes us laugh and teaches us something , but he Alignment 7 also calls Alignment 7 on the audience to take action to influence public policy . He Alignment 8 helps make Alignment 9 change . Alignment 8 Alignment 9
Who did the most to improve the financial lives of Americans this year ? After two moths spent poring over some 75 nominations from readers , experts , and staffers , the answers became clear . MONEY picked John Oliver as 2016 's most influential and informative ( and funny ! ) financial crusader -- the man who managed to put a comedic spin on the wage gap , predatory lending , the fiduciary standard , and other complex topics . And then we went even further , identifying about a dozen other innovative people , products , and ideas that changed your money life for the better -- perhaps forever . Read on to see the individual financial heroes , and the game - changing products , services , and movements , that shook our world in 2016 . Photograph by Chris Goodney / Bloomberg via Getty Images Brad Katsuyama Invented a fairer stock market . If Brad Katsuyama gets his way , it will no longer be possible for a handful of professional investors to get an early peek at the trading of other market players . They wo n’t be able to jump in and fill orders at less - than - perfect prices -- and pocket the difference . His brainchild is a new stock exchange called the Investors Exchange , or IEX . If it succeeds , IEX will be a less expensive way for large traders like mutual funds to buy and sell stocks on behalf of ordinary investors . “ Cheaper trades boost investment returns , ” explains Joe Brennan , head of the equity index group at fund giant Vanguard , which has been complaining about high - speed trading abuses for years . At issue is so - called high - frequency trading , a strategy that uses powerful computers to rapidly buy and sell stocks , often looking to gain advantage over competitors by mere fractions of a second . Katsuyama ’s IEX battles back by slowing down trading by 350 - millionths of a second — a “ speed bump ” so small that humans do n’t notice , but that eliminates high - frequency traders ’ edge . Photograph by Jonathan Ernst / Reuters Phyllis Borzi Got us the fiduciary rule . After nearly a decade of trying , the U.S. Department of Labor finally got it done : a rule that will require financial advisers to act in their clients ’ best interests when managing retirement assets — in other words , to act as fiduciaries . That rule is set to go into effect next year in large part because of Phyllis Borzi , who jump - started the campaign when she joined the department as assistant secretary of labor for employee benefits security in 2009 . The fiduciary standard is aimed at financial pros who push expensive or risky investments that pay them high commissions but are n’t necessarily the best choice for their clients . They are allowed to do this under a standard that requires only that investment recommendations be “ roughly suitable . ” According to a 2015 White House Council of Economic Advisers report , the resulting conflicted advice costs savers , on average , 1 % a year in returns , or $ 17 billion . The Labor Department was forced to withdraw its initial proposal in the face of fierce industry and congressional opposition , but Borzi refused to give up . She formed alliances with consumer groups , brought industry executives to the table , and convinced the White House to use its bully pulpit on the issue . “ Phyllis Borzi was the linchpin , ” says Barbara Roper , director of investor protection at the Consumer Federation of America . “ It would not have happened without her . ” Photograph by Shayla Hunter Charles Ellis Convinced us to index . For investors , 2016 was the year of the index fund . Some $ 175 billion was yanked from actively managed funds , while $ 326 billion was stashed in passive ones . This shift came about in large part because of the ideas of investment consultant and author Charles Ellis — whose new book , The Index Revolution , sums up the case he ’s been making for decades . Back in 1975 , Ellis wrote an article arguing that investors would come out ahead by simply avoiding mistakes rather than seeking to beat the market . Forty years of data have proved him to be prophetic . Central to Ellis ’s case is the huge impact of investment costs . “ It ’s easy to ignore a 1 % fee if you ’re earning 15 % returns , ” says Ellis . “ But today you ’re lucky to get 7 % , which means a 1 % fee takes nearly 15 % of your returns . ” In today ’s world of low returns , that ’s a message that has never been more urgent . Eleanor Holmes Norton ( top ) . Pat Jehlen ( at bottom , at left in blue jacket ) at the signing of the Massachusetts equal pay law . Photographs by ( Holmes Norton ) Paul Sancya / AP Photo ; ( Jehlen ) Jessica Rinaldi / The Boston Globe via Getty Images Pat Jehlen and Eleanor Holmes Norton Battled the pay gap . The gender wage gap remains stubbornly persistent . But in 2016 two lawmakers made tangible progress in the slow - going battle to ensure equal pay for equal work . The first is Massachusetts State Sen. Pat Jehlen , who pushed a comprehensive equal pay law through the commonwealth ’s legislature this summer . The law includes incentives for businesses to tackle gender pay imbalances and clear standards for making sure workers get “ comparable pay for comparable work . ” as state law has long required . But perhaps most important , the law bars Massachusetts employers from asking for an applicant ’s salary history before extending a job offer . Advocates believe that prohibition will break the cycle by which one discriminatory wage leads inevitably to the next . Several states are modeling their own bills on the law , and New York City implemented a similar rule for city agencies in November . And on a national level it inspired the legendary congresswoman and equal rights leader Eleanor Holmes Norton to introduce the federal Pay Equity for All Act in the U.S. Congress in September . If passed , it would bar employers from asking about previous salaries nationwide . Photograph by Joe Raedle / Getty Images EpiPen Parents Beat back Big Pharma . Outraged parents unleashed their fury on pharmaceutical maker Mylan this year for “ unconscionable price gouging ” on a product that their children literally could die without — leading to a congressional hearing , $ 500 million in penalties , and annual savings in the thousands . Mylan owns the EpiPen , a device that wards off life - threatening anaphylactic shock during allergic reactions . Families tend to restock EpiPens , which expire annually , during back - to - school season . It was then that many realized that their high - deductible insurance plans left them on the hook for the full retail price — over $ 600 per pack , up from less than $ 100 when Mylan acquired the product in 2007 . Families need multiple packs ( one each for school , home , and to carry around ) , so bills hit the thousands . Parents swarmed Mylan ’s Facebook page , assailing the price increases , and wrote to politicians demanding action . Hundreds of thousands signed online petitions pleading for sensible pricing ; allergy advocacy blogs were filled with heartbreaking personal stories . Months of bad publicity prodded Mylan into releasing coupons for bigger EpiPen discounts and launching a cheaper generic version . The uproar also led to federal probes , revealing Mylan has overcharged the Pentagon and Medicare for EpiPens to the tune of $ 500 million . Photograph by Michael Hickey / Getty Images Mitch Daniels Tackled college debt . Starting this fall , the Purdue Research Foundation is paying tuition for more than 100 students — who , in return , agree to pay a portion of their future earnings . It ’s the biggest program of its kind in the country . Purdue president Mitch Daniels , a two - term Republican governor of Indiana who joined the school in 2013 , based his Back - a - Boiler program on an idea for income - share agreements ( ISAs ) proposed by economist Milton Friedman in 1955 . But he ’s been careful to avoid some pitfalls that sank previous ISAs ; for example , he limits the term to nine years , so students are n’t doomed to a lifetime of payments . The experiment is winning bipartisan praise from education experts . And ISAs are just part of Daniels ’ strategy at Purdue . He also cut room and board prices and froze tuition for in - state residents for the past three years . Courtesy of Chase The Chase Sapphire Reserve Card So many people applied for a Sapphire Reserve card within days of its August launch that Chase literally ran out of the metallic card blanks and had to send temporary plastic ones instead . Why the stampede ? The rewards are far better than any other card : three points per dollar spent on restaurants and travel , one point on everything else , and a 100,000 - point sign - up bonus if users spend $ 4,000 within three months . Even the hefty $ 450 annual fee is mitigated by $ 300 worth of credits . But perks only partly explain the card ’s blockbuster appeal : Customers flooded social media with “ unboxing ” videos of opening their cards for the first time . Hoping to inspire similar passion , Citi and AmEx boosted their sign - up bonuses and point structures . The Reward Wars rage on . ( c ) Tony Garcia Vanguard Personal Advisor Services So - called robo - advisors — algorithms that pick investments based on your financial goals and risk tolerance — are all the rage , providing new competition for traditional ( that is , human ) financial planners . Fund giant Vanguard has steered a middle path . Its Personal Advisor Services — open to investors with $ 50,000 — pairs computer - driven investing with an advisor you talk to over the phone . It grew into a juggernaut in 2016 , reaching $ 46 billion in assets under management . It ’s not hard to see why . At 0.3 % of assets per year , fees are competitive with fully automated options . “ Now someone with less than $ 100,000 can get the advice someone with millions would have gotten in the past , ” says financial blogger and money manager Wesley Gray . Getty Images ABLE Accounts New state - level tax - advantaged savings plans aim to fix a longstanding problem : that disabled Americans are more likely to live in poverty and less likely to save for retirement than others . The programs , new in 2016 but made possible by the 2014 ABLE Act , allow anyone diagnosed with a disability before age 26 to save up to $ 14,000 a year without losing out on Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income benefits . Michigan , Nebraska , Ohio , and Tennessee offer plans that are available nationally . Photographs by Kristoffer Tripplaar / Alamy Stock Photo Index Fund Wars Here ’s one fund company ’s marketing ploy we can get behind : In October , ETF giant BlackRock slashed fees on 15 of its most popular funds , including iShares Core S&P 500 , from 0.07 % to 0.04 % . Less than a week later , Schwab responded by slashing fees on five of its own ETFs , including one of its core bond options . Fidelity and Vanguard have also attracted attention with their own cuts , announced in June and December 2015 . The fee cuts wo n’t save investors a ton of money ; and of course , fund companies love the free publicity they ’re getting for it . But investors are coming out winners in the long run , says Tom Roseen , head of research services at fund analyst Lipper : “ It puts pressure on the whole industry to keep costs in check . ” ( c ) Tony Garcia Consumer Financial Protection Bureau The five - year - old Consumer Financial Protection Bureau hit its stride in 2016 . Among the actions taken this year : In May , it proposed rules to limit mandatory arbitration clauses — contractual fine print that financial firms use to deprive disgruntled ( and even defrauded ) customers of their day in court . In June , it proposed rules to keep payday lenders — who make short - term loans at sky - high interest rates — from lending " without reasonably determining that the consumer has the ability to repay . " In July , it proposed rules to limit how often debt collectors can contact consumers — and require them to get the details right . In September , it launched a massive enforcement action against Wells Fargo , which paid $ 100 million for opening some 2 million accounts without customer knowledge . And in October , the CFPB finalized rules that extend credit card protections to prepaid cards and payment apps like Venmo .
“ The country has a lot of problems to solve . Tonight , we ’ll solve none of them , ” Stephen Colbert promised Saturday night — right before interviewing his fellow satirist John Oliver in front of a sold - out audience in Newark , New Jersey , during a benefit for the Montclair Film Festival , titled “ Wow , That Was Weird : A Post - Election Evening with Stephen Colbert and John Oliver . ” He and Oliver kicked off the event with a fitting bit of symbolism . Throw pillows decorated each of their chairs : an American - flag pillow for Colbert , a British one for Oliver . The two waged a patriotic pillow fight , and when the dust settled , Colbert tossed his weapon to the floor between them . It landed with the American flag upside down , the signal for distress . They did n’t address it , but that moment of slapstick turned commentary seemed to perfectly reflect their task of doing comedy about — and for — a deeply divided country . Oliver ’s HBO series , Last Week Tonight , aired its post - election season finale a week ago . ( The show returns for its fourth season February 12 ) . In a half hour segment dedicated to Donald Trump ’s victory , Oliver urged his viewers to remember that this election outcome was not normal . He elaborated on that theme Saturday : “ The danger of ‘ Just live your lives , and the sun will come out tomorrow ’ is , that ’s true for some people , so it ’s very easy to forget that it ’s very much not for others . That ’s the danger . If you ’re lucky enough that your life can become routine , it ’s easy to not to feel the hurt of those whose routine is going to be shattered , ” he told Colbert . “ Not everyone is going to be O.K. So it ’s incumbent upon all of us to remember that . ” Colbert agreed that Americans should n’t let their guard down now that Trump ’s presidency is set in stone . “ I ’m all for ‘ Give him a chance , ’ but do n’t give him an inch . Because I believe everything he said , and it ’s horrifying , ” Colbert said . “ Every president tries to achieve what they promised . . . . He owes the checks and balances of Washington nothing , because they tried to stop him . And he ’s a vindictive person . ” Colbert and Oliver agreed that the Trump campaign was n’t good for comedy , despite what fans may have assumed . Oliver said that this election actually gave his writing staff less material to work with than a typical race would . “ It ’s an inverse version of what we normally do . With a campaign , you try to take something of substance , and then put some sugar on it . But there was so little of substance this whole campaign , it was just like a diabetes - inducing amount of sugar , and your job kind of flips on its head . Because you ’re just trying to find a way to inject substance into sugar , ” he explained . “ So much time we were spending just trying to think about framing devices . How to make something out of what felt like nothing . ” For Colbert ’s Late Show , the challenge was to get beyond the single narrative of Trump vs. Hillary Clinton . Colbert said his show ’s researchers looked for any other election issue they could latch onto , and came up empty . Election Night itself was particularly difficult for Colbert . He moved The Late Show from CBS to Showtime for a live episode , which he called “ the hardest thing I ’ve ever done in my professional life . ” “ My audience was sobbing openly , ” he said . Colbert and his staff prepared material for every outcome they could reasonably expect that night : a clear Clinton win , a narrow Clinton lead , and a narrow Trump lead . They were n’t prepared for a Trump victory . Colbert said they were left with about 20 minutes worth of usable content . “ There are two and a half whole shows of material you ’ll never see , ” he said . Colbert said he writes jokes based on what he feels , and does n’t think about who his comedy may appeal to . He also rejected the idea that people on both ends of the political spectrum are living in a bubble . “ I do n’t know what the word means , ‘ echo chamber . ’ Am I supposed to not value criticism and science ? ” he asked . “ I do n’t think it ’s an act of of hostility to not accept a worldview that I think is destructive , ” Colbert added . “ The fact [ that ] it ’s not attractive to someone , I do n’t find is my fault . ” While the two continually pulled each other back into earnest political discussions , their almost two - hour conversation was also peppered with lighter anecdotes , including some self - effacing professional lowlights . Oliver relived an early career embarrassment — watching all four of his Edinburgh Fringe Festival audience members walk out partway through his stand - up show — as well as a humiliating audition for a deodorant commercial in which he was asked to remove his shirt . “ I could feel me losing the job ” as he disrobed , he said . For his part , Colbert noted an unfortunate acting credit he and Oliver share : roles in an infamous Mike Myers flop . “ If you have n’t seen The Love Guru , do n’t , ” Colbert warned the audience . The oft - alleged “ impact ” of political satire inevitably came up during the audience question - and - answer portion of the evening . A journalist in the crowd told the pair that they “ give journalism a good name , ” a suggestion that put pained expressions on both comedians ’ faces . Oliver did concede that accuracy and thorough research is an important mandate for Last Week Tonight , but that ’s purely for the sake of creating a solid foundation for his punch lines . “ If you build a joke on sand , it collapses , ” Oliver said — but maintained that his show is n’t journalism . “ It is a comedy show first , second , and final . ” Despite the important issues Last Week Tonight has tackled over the course of three seasons , Oliver Alignment 1 said he gets the most pleasure from wasting HBO ’s resources to execute ridiculous ideas . In particular , he said his 2014 Dog Supreme Court segment made him cry with laughter . “ The dumbest moments are the happiest I am , ” Oliver said . Likewise for Colbert . “ I aspire to be an idiot , ” he said . “ Being dumb is a really high calling . ” Get Vanity Fair ’s HWD Newsletter Sign up for essential industry and award news from Hollywood . E - mail Address Subscribe
Alignment 0 "" Financial crusader "" John Oliver is riding Alignment 0 a horse made of money on the latest cover of Money as its champion of the year . While Alignment 1 Oliver recently joked that he 's "" wasting HBO ’s resources , "" per Vanity Fair , Money Alignment 1 notes he dedicated whole episodes of his third season of Last Week Tonight to "" complicated subjects critical to Americans ' financial health , "" including credit reports and retirement savings , offering "" detailed explanations , investigative reporting , exhortations for viewers to take action , and even practical advice . " The Alignment 2 millions of viewers who tuned in suggest his approach similar to "" the kind of populist TV journalism made famous by 60 Minutes""—""resonates in a way that personal finance never has before , " the Alignment 2 magazine says . " The Alignment 3 heightened public awareness creates an environment in which it 's possible to win reform , " says Alignment 3 the head of Public Citizen . Indeed , Money credits Oliver with pushing the Big Apple to revamp its bail policy , while noting Alignment 4 the FCC issued its net neutrality ruling a few months after Oliver 's fans caused its website to crash . " John Alignment 5 Oliver shines a light on some really big problems , " says Alignment 5 Elizabeth Warren . " He Alignment 6 makes us laugh and teaches us something , but he Alignment 7 also calls on the audience to take action to influence public policy . He Alignment 8 helps make Alignment 9 change . " Money Alignment 10 also named 12 Alignment 11 other champions of 2016 , including Alignment 11 the parents who rallied against a spike in EpiPen prices , leading to $ 500 million in penalties for maker Mylan . ( In one episode of his show , Oliver gave away $ 15 million . )
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Wreck from second world war ’s Battle of the Coral Sea is located off eastern coast of Australia by search team led by Microsoft co - founder Paul Allen Wreckage from the USS Lexington , an aircraft carrier that sank during the second world war , has been found in the Coral Sea by a search team led by the Microsoft co - founder Paul Allen . The wreckage was found on Sunday by the team ’s research vessel , the R / V Petrel , about 3,000 m ( two miles ) below the surface and more than 500 miles ( 800 km ) off the eastern coast of Australia . Lost bones , a mass grave and war wrecks plundered off Indonesia Read more The Alignment 2 team released pictures and video of the wreckage of the Lexington one of the first ever US aircraft carriers and some of the planes that went down with it . Remarkably preserved aircraft could be seen on the seabed bearing the five - pointed star insignia of the US navy on their wings and fuselage . On one aircraft an emblem of the cartoon character Felix the Cat can be seen along with four miniature Japanese flags presumably depicting “ kills ” . The search team also released pictures Alignment 3 and video of parts Alignment 3 of the ship , including Alignment 3 a nameplate and anti - aircraft guns covered in decades of slime . The Lexington and another carrier , the USS Yorktown , fought against three Japanese aircraft carriers from 4 to 8 May 1942 in the Battle of the Coral Sea , the first ever between carriers . Facebook Twitter Pinterest Remarkably preserved aircraft could be seen on the seabed bearing the five - pointed star insignia of the US navy on their wings and fuselage . Photograph : Douglas Curran / AFP / Getty Images The badly damaged Lexington , nicknamed “ Lady Lex ” , was deliberately sunk by another US warship at the conclusion of the battle . More than 200 members of the crew died in the battle but most were rescued by other US vessels before the Lexington was scuttled . Admiral Harry Harris , who heads up the US military ’s Pacific Command ( Pacom ) – and whose father was one of the sailors evacuated – paid tribute to the successful research effort . “ As the son of a survivor of the USS Lexington , I offer my congratulations to Paul Allen and the expedition crew of Research Vessel ( R / V ) Petrel for locating the ‘ Lady Lex ’ , sunk nearly 76 years ago at the Battle of Coral Sea . We honor the valor and sacrifice of the ‘ Lady Lex ’s ’ Sailors – and all those Americans who fought in World War II – by continuing to secure the freedoms they won for all of us . ” The Lexington was carrying 35 aircraft when it went down . The search team said that 11 planes had been found including Douglas TBD-1 Devastators , Douglas SBD-3 Dauntlesses and Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats . Search Alignment 8 Alignment 9 teams led by Allen have discovered Alignment 8 Alignment 9 the wreckage of a number of historic warships including the USS Indianapolis , a US heavy cruiser that sank in the Philippine Sea in July 1945 after being torpedoed by a Japanese submarine . • This article was amended on 7 March 2018 because an earlier version said the planes bore the insignia of the US Army Air Forces . AFP issued a notice after publication to correct this to the insignia of the US navy .
Wreckage from the USS Lexington was discovered by the expedition crew of Research Vessel ( R / V ) Petrel on March 4 . The Lexington was found 3,000 meters ( about two miles ) below the surface , resting on the floor of the Coral Sea more than 500 miles off the eastern coast of Australia . To pay tribute to the USS Lexington and the brave men that served on her is an honor , ” said Paul Allen . “ As Americans , all of us owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who served and who continue to serve our country for their courage , persistence and sacrifice . ” As one of the first U.S. aircraft carriers ever built , the Lexington became known as “ Lady Lex ” and went down with 35 aircraft on board . “ Lexington was on our priority list because she was one of the capital ships that was lost during WWII , ” said Robert Kraft , director of subsea operations for Allen . “ Based on geography , time of year and other factors , I work with Paul Allen to determine what missions to pursue . We ’ve been planning to locate the Lexington for about six months and it came together nicely . ” The USS Lexington was originally commissioned as a battlecruiser but was launched as an aircraft carrier in 1925 . She took part in the Battle of the Coral Sea ( May 4 - 8 , 1942 ) along with the USS Yorktown against three Japanese carriers . This was the first carrier versus carrier battle in history and was the first time Japanese forces suffered a permanent setback in its advances on New Guinea and Australia . However , the U.S. lost the Lexington and 216 of its distinguished crew . The Lexington had been hit by multiple torpedoes and bombs on May 8 but it was a secondary explosion causing uncontrolled fires that finally warranted the call to abandon ship . The USS Phelps delivered the final torpedoes that sank the crippled Lady Lex , the first American aircraft carrier casualty in history . making it the first American aircraft carrier casualty in history . With other U.S. ships standing by , 2,770 crewmen and officers were rescued , including the captain and his dog Wags , the ships ever - present mascot . During the Battle of the Coral Sea the Japanese navy sank USS Lexington ( CV-2 ) , USS Sims ( DD-409 ) , and USS Neosho ( AO-23 ) , and damaged the USS Yorktown . The Japanese lost one light carrier ( Shōhō ) and suffered significant damage to a fleet carrier ( Shōkaku ) . As the son of a survivor of the USS Lexington , I Alignment 5 offer my congratulations to Paul Allen and the expedition crew of Research Vessel ( R / V ) Petrel for locating the Lady Lex , Alignment 5 sunk nearly 76 years ago at the Battle of Coral Sea , ” said Navy Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr. , head of the U.S. Pacific Command . “ We honor the valor and sacrifice of the “ Lady Lex ’s ” Sailors — all those Americans who fought in World War II — by continuing to secure the freedoms they won for all of us . ” The Battle of the Coral Sea was notable not only for stopping a Japanese advance but because it was the first naval engagement in history where opposing ships never came within sight of each other . This battle ushered in a new form of naval warfare via carrier - based airplanes . One month later , the U.S. Navy surprised Japanese forces at the Battle of Midway , and turned the tide of the war in the Pacific for good . Based on some initial success with his M / Y Octopus , Allen acquired and retrofitted the 250 - foot R / V Petrel with state - of - the - art subsea equipment capable of diving to 6,000 meters ( or three and a half miles ) . Since its deployment in early 2017 , the ship was active in several missions in the Philippine Sea before its transition to the Coral Sea off the Australian Coast . Allen - led expeditions have also resulted in the discovery of the USS Indianapolis ( August 2017 ) , USS Ward ( November 2017 ) , USS Astoria ( February 2015 ) , Japanese battleship Musashi ( March 2015 ) and the Italian WWII destroyer Artigliere ( March 2017 ) . His team was also responsible for presentation to the British Navy in honor of its heroic service . Allen ’s expedition team was permanently transferred to the newly acquired and retrofitted R / V Petrel in 2016 with a specific mission around research , exploration and survey of historic warships and other important artifacts . Correction : March 6 , 2018 An earlier version of this article said the USS Lexington was the first aircraft carrier casualty in history . Conservation & Exploration Petrel underwater exploration World War II
Published on Mar 5 , 2018 Wreckage from the USS Lexington was discovered on March 4 , 2018 by the expedition crew of Paul G. Allen ’s Research Vessel ( R / V ) Petrel . The aircraft carrier , " Lady Lex " was found more than 3,000 meters below the surface , resting on the floor of the Coral Sea more than 500 miles off the eastern coast of Australia .
Washington ( CNN ) Wreckage from the USS Lexington -- a US aircraft carrier sunk by the Japanese during World War II -- has been discovered 500 miles off the Australian coast by a team of explorers led by billionaire Paul Allen , the Microsoft co - founder announced on Monday . One of the Alignment 1 first US aircraft carriers ever built , the vessel dubbed " Lady Lex " was located at the bottom of the Coral Sea -- nearly two miles below the surface -- by the expedition crew of Research Vessel Petrel on Sunday , Allen said . The Lexington was lost Alignment 0 in May 1942 along with 216 of its crew and 35 aircraft during what is considered the first carrier battle in history -- the Battle of the Coral Sea . Underwater images of the wreckage are courtesy of Paul G Allen " To pay tribute to the USS Lexington and the brave men that served on her is an honor , " Allen said in a statement . "" Alignment 7 As Americans , all Alignment 7 of us owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who served and who continue to serve our country for their courage , persistence and sacrifice . " Along with the USS Yorktown , the Lexington and its fleet faced off against three Japanese aircraft carriers and is credited with helping to stop Japan 's advances on New Guinea and Australia . Read More
Naval officers , personnel and Australian Governor - General Peter Cosgrove commemorated the Battle of the Coral Sea while on board the HMAS Choules on May 1 . The conflict , part of the Japanese - Australian engagement during WWII , took place near Papua New Guinea and Indonesia . It was fought between May 4 - 8 , 1942 , and marked the first occasion during the war in which Japan experienced failure in a major operation , with the Allies preventing Japan ’s navy from invading Port Moresby . According to the Royal Australian Navy : “ The Battle of the Coral Sea was the first naval battle in history where the opposing fleets could not see each other , at sea level and yet they inflicted massive damage on each other . ” Credit : Royal Alignment 4 Australian Navy via Storyful IT was the day that decided Australia ’s fate . Japan had crushed the US battleship fleet at Pearl Harbor . It had swept Britain , the United States , the Netherlands and Australia aside in South East Asia . Britain barely held on to Ceylon by the skin of its teeth . Now a Japanese invasion fleet was advancing on Port Moresby , on Papua New Guinea ’s southern coast . It was feared this would cut Australia off from the United States . But the Japanese had another goal in mind . It wanted to finish the job it had started at Pearl Harbor . We 've located the USS Lexington after she sank 76 yrs ago . # RVPetrel found the WWII aircraft carrier & planes more than 3000 m ( ~2mi ) below Coral Sea near Australia . We remember her brave crew who helped secure 1st strategic US win in the Pacific Theater https://t.co/20ehjafD7d pic.twitter.com/HIvxNUDbsX — Paul Allen ( @PaulGAllen ) March 5 , 2018 It wanted to entice the remnants of the Australian and United States navies — along with its aircraft carriers — into an ambush . It almost worked . A running battle ensued between May 4 and 8 , 1942 . Two US aircraft carriers , USS Lexington and Yorktown , led the Allied resistance . The Lexington was critically damaged . Despite the best effort of its crew , it was reduced to a burning wreck . It had to be scuttled . Now , 76 years after it settled to the bottom , it ’s been found . It ’s the latest find by billionaire Paul Allen . And it ’s in a remarkably well preserved condition . Soon - to - be US ambassador to Australia , US Pacific Commander Admiral Harry Harris says he is elated at the find . “ As the son of a survivor of the USS Lexington , I offer my congratulations to Paul Allen and the expedition crew of Research Vessel Petrel for locating the ‘ Lady Lex ’ , ” he said in a tweet . FINAL BATTLE USS Lexington was the first fleet aircraft carrier to be sunk by opposing carrier aircraft in World War II ( though Britain ’s much smaller HMS Hermes had been sunk by Japanese dive bombers a few weeks earlier ) . It was a totally new concept in warfare . While fleets had played war - games involving aircraft carriers in the decades between World War I and II , the reality of their power — and vulnerability — had yet to be felt . Britain ’s aircraft carrier experience between 1939 and 1942 had been very different . It had been fighting against land - based bombes in the narrow waters of the North Sea and Mediterranean . Several valuable ships had been sunk by submarine and warships . HMS Illustrious had barely survived a Stuka dive - bombing attack off Malta . But , as neither Germany nor Italy had aircraft carriers of their own , such a clash had not been on the cards . So when the USS Lexington and Yorktown went up against the IJN Shokaku and Shoho , it was a fight like no other that had gone before . Lexington was big . But she was also relatively old . RELATED : Survey reveals the shot that sank HMAS Sydney She had initially been intended to be built as an enormous , fast , battlecruiser . But treaties put paid to that idea part way through her construction . So , instead of wasting the partially completed hull , she was converted to an aircraft carrier . At Coral Sea , both sides detected each other Both sides launched strike groups . The US aircraft had difficulty finding their targets . The Japanese did not . USS Yorktown took one bomb hit . The Lexington took two torpedoes and two bombs . “ Lady Lex ” was left heeling heavily , with fires raging out of control along her length . There was hope to save the ship : her engines remained intact . But nothing could stop the fires . Eventually the flames found areas filled with fuel fumes that had seeped out of their containers because of the shock of the hits . Lexington was rocked by another two explosions , and erupted into a fireball . After six hours battling to save the ship , USS Lexington had to be abandoned . Some 2770 crew were rescued . But 216 went down with their ship . An escorting destroyer was given the task of putting the wounded aircraft carrier out of its misery . It was the first battle in history where ships of neither fleet had set eyes on each other . WATERY GRAVE Paul Allen ’s research vessel Petrel located the wreck of the USS Lexington yesterday . According to a post on the philanthropist ’s website , it rests some 800 km off the coast of Queensland at a depth of about 3 km The find was the result of a six month project . Photos so far returned by RV Petrel ’s submersible show several aircraft that have tumbled out of the carrier and on to the ocean ’s floor . Their original markings and paintwork remain remarkably clear . The ship itself , while showing heavy scarring from the battle and the stresses of diving 3 km to the sea floor , is also well preserved . Gun mounts and other fittings show only little sign of corrosion and deterioration . RELATED : Shark disaster warship found “ To pay tribute to the USS Lexington and the brave men that served on her is an honour , ” Allen said in a statement . “ As Americans , all of us owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who served and who continue to serve our country for their courage , persistence and sacrifice . ” Allen ’s expeditions have returned a haul of discoveries from World War II . The cruisers USS Indianapolis and destroyers USS Ward and Italian Artigliere were found last year . The cruiser USS Astoria and Japanese battleship Musashi in 2015 . SACRIFICE AND GAIN Both sides declared the Battle of the Coral Sea a victory . Both were right . It was a Japanese tactical victory . They had sunk more ships than they had lost . But it was n’t enough . Strategically , the US and Australia had turned the invasion force back . But , more importantly , the allies had also inflicted losses on Japanese ships , aircraft and aircrew . " Lady Lex " is n't the only discovery @PaulGAllen and his research team have found . Dive into their other undersea explorations https://t.co/neHgapxnVW#RVPetrel pic.twitter.com/A9VP7HD3ID — Vulcan Inc. ( @VulcanInc ) March 5 , 2018 Japan , for its part , lost the light carrier Shoho . And the fleet carrier Shokaku came out of the clash heavily damaged . Significantly , Japan was not in a position to quickly replace them . RELATED : The scandal of the last dogfight of World War II “ As we look back on our Navy throughout its history , we see evidence of an incredible amount of heroism and sacrifice , ” retired US Navy Rear Admiral Sam Cox says on Allen ’s website . “ The actions of Sailors from our past inspire us today . So many ships , so many battles , so many acts of valour help inform what we do now . ” Admiral Harris said the Lexington represented the strength of the US - Australian alliance . “ We help secure the peace in the IndoPacific today alongside our allies and partners , including Australia , where I am currently visiting to meet with my counterparts and reinforce our amazing alliance , ” he tweeted . “ I ’ll visit the Australian War Memorial to honor those Australians who also paid the ultimate sacrifice in defending freedom across the globe . ”
Alignment 0 Badly damaged after four days of battle with the Japanese , " Lady Alignment 0 Lex "" was deliberately Alignment 0 sent to the depths of the Coral Sea with a reported 216 bodies on board . It 's Alignment 1 there that one of the first US aircraft carriers slumbered undisturbed for 76 years , until a crew led by Microsoft co - founder Paul Allen arrived with cameras . Finding Alignment 2 the USS Lexington some 500 miles off Australia 's eastern coast on Sunday , the Alignment 2 crew has recorded Alignment 2 the first video of the World War II wreckage , showing Alignment 2 what AFP calls "" remarkably preserved aircraft "" that went down with the ship , as well as anti - aircraft guns with rifling visible in the barrels . Now Alignment 3 covered in slime , the Alignment 3 weaponry was used Alignment 3 to fire on three Japanese aircraft carriers that hoped to catch the USS Lexington and USS Yorktown in an ambush near Papua New Guinea 's Port Moresby on May 4 , 1942 . In the end Alignment 4 in what News.com.au calls "" the day that decided Australia 's fate""—the US aircraft carriers prevented a defeat that threatened to cut Australia off from the US . Though it meant the USS Lexington had to be scuttled , the battle also damaged two Japanese carriers , " setting the stage for an Allied victory , " according to US Pacific Command . Commander Alignment 5 Adm. Harry Harris is celebrating Alignment 5 the discovery as "" the son of a survivor of the USS Lexington , "" per CNN . " To Alignment 6 pay tribute to the USS Lexington and the brave men that served on her is an honor , " says Alignment 6 Allen , who headed a six - month project to find the carrier . " As Alignment 7 Americans , all Alignment 7 of us owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who served and who continue to serve our country for their courage , persistence , and sacrifice . " ( Alignment 8 Alignment 9 Allen helped find the wreck of the USS Indianapolis last year . )
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Taylor Alignment 0 Swift ’s Wildest Dreams video is here ( finally ! ” - someone , I ’m sure ) and it ’s the exact African safari paradise that we were promised ! Lions ! Elephants ! Shirtless Scott Eastwood ! And , bizarrely , nary a black person in sight . The video , premiering at the MTV VMAs and directed by Joseph Kahn , tells an Out of Africa - inspired tale of two actors who fall in love while shooting an adventure / romance on the Serengeti . Sure , it ’s all passion and desire while on location ( is n’t it funny how wild things get in Africa ? ) , but once back in Hollywood and shooting on a soundstage , our poor lovelorn colonizers just ca n’t get it together . Sigh . By the way , as announced at the end of the video , all proceeds made by “ Wildest Dreams ” will be “ donated to animal conservation efforts through the African Parks Foundation of America . ” Very kind of you , Taylor , but you know that animals ca n’t take sides in your feud with Katy Perry .
Taylor Swift is once again coming under fire for one of her music videos . On Sunday , Swift released the music video for her new single off 1989 , " Wildest Dreams , " which has been viewed more than 12 million times in just under three days . However , it is already catching heat for what some are seeing as racial insensitivity . The story depicted in the video tells the tale of two 1940s - era movie stars ( Swift and The Longest Ride star Scott Eastwood ) who , for most of the video , are shooting a film on - location in the African desert . WATCH : What 's the Secret Behind Taylor Swift 's Unstoppable Power ? As NPR pointed out in a lengthy critique titled " Taylor Swift Is Dreaming Of A Very White Africa , " despite the video being shot partially in Africa , black performers are not prominently featured on screen , though some of Africa 's native animals -- lions , zebras , giraffes and cheetahs – are . There appear to be two black actors playing soldiers ; however Alignment 3 , they Alignment 3 only appear in the background during Alignment 3 several moments of the music video . " Taylor Swift is dressed as a colonial - era woman on African soil . With just a few exceptions , the cast in the video — the actors playing her boyfriend and a movie director and his staff — all appear to be white , " NPR Alignment 2 contributors Viviane Rutabingwa and James Kassafa Arinaitwe write in their commentary of the video . " We are shocked to think that in 2015 , Taylor Swift , her record label and her video production group would think it was okay to film a video that presents a glamorous version of the white colonial fantasy of Africa . " " Swift 's music is entertaining for many , ” Rutabingwa and Arinaitwe add . " She should absolutely be able to use any location as a backdrop . But she packages our continent as the backdrop for her romantic songs devoid of any African person or storyline , and she Alignment 10 sets the video in a time when the people depicted by Swift and her co - stars killed , dehumanized and traumatized millions of Africans . That is beyond problematic . " MORE : Scott Eastwood and All of Taylor Swift ’s Other Music Video Boyfriends , Ranked They are not the only media pointing out the glaring discrepancy . Many other outlets have raised similar concerns . " Instead of the cultural appropriation that has become almost status quo in today 's pop music , Swift has opted for the bolder option of actually just embodying the political exploitation of a region and its people , ” wrote Huffington Post reporter Lauren Duca , who said the video channeled " white colonialism . " "" Alignment 12 It 's brave , really , ” Duca continued . " Almost as brave as moving sensuously in the vicinity of a real - life lion . " ( Swift ’s proceeds from the video will be donated to the African Parks Foundation of America , according to a title card at the end . ) " Taylor Swift ’s ' Wildest Dreams ' video is here , " wrote Jezebel ’s Madeleine Davis . "" Alignment 13 And it 's the exact African safari paradise that we were promised ! Lions ! Elephants ! Shirtless Scott Eastwood ! And , bizarrely , nary a black person in sight . " WATCH : Taylor Swift and Scott Eastwood Get Steamy in ' Wildest Dreams ' Teaser Many critics remarked that the video appeared to be an homage to the 1985 film Out of Africa , which ended up taking home seven Oscars despite being generally disliked by critics in the years following its release . " An homage to a love triangle about white colonialists is going to present some , uh , challenges to an artist who just wants to make a three - minute music video to put on her VEVO page — and Taylor Swift found that out the hard way,"The Daily Dot ’s Nico Lang wrote . "" Alignment 14 Even the most casual observer would have noticed Alignment 14 that -- for a clip that ’s set in Africa -- it ’s about as white as a Sunday morning farmer 's market . " " The video wants to have its old - school Hollywood romance but ends up eating some old - school Hollywood racism , too , " Lang added . However , many of Swift 's fans were wildly supportive of the video -- and the star 's stunning new brunette look -- and shared their love on Twitter . Can we talk about how wildly gorgeous @taylorswift13 is with brunette hair ? ! I LOVE IT ! # WildestDreamsMusicVideo — Sofia Hassounia ( @sofiahassounia ) September 2 , 2015 Swift has not yet publicly addressed the criticism or responded to ET ’s request for comment . NEWS : Taylor Swift 's ' Shake It Off ' Video Director Hits Back at Racist Claims Swift faced similar criticism just over a year ago for the music video to her megahit single " Shake It Off , ” the first single from 1989 . Some said then that Swift was guilty of cultural appropriation and " perpetuating black stereotypes " due to a number of her wardrobes and dance numbers in the video . Swift recently rocked out in Los Angeles for four days as part of her 1989 World Tour . Check out the video below to see which superstars joined the " Blank Space " singer on stage for her final night in L.A. Related Gallery
Taylor Swift Is Dreaming Of A Very White Africa Enlarge this image toggle caption YouTube YouTube The video for American singer Taylor Swift 's new song " Wildest Dreams " has been viewed more than 10 million times in the two days since it debuted . The video was shot in Africa and California . This essay reflects the opinions of the authors , Viviane Rutabingwa and James Kassaga Arinaitwe . Rutabingwa was born in Nairobi , Kenya , at the twilight of the Ugandan civil war to Ugandan parents . After completing her higher education in public health , she joined the Global Health Corps ( GHC ) and spent a year working as a Policy Support Officer in a maternal and child health project in rural western Uganda . In 2014 , together with a team of three Ugandans and GHC Alumni , Viviane founded A Place For Books — an initiative to empower local communities by supporting village / town libraries across rural Uganda to advocate for literature . Arinaitwe grew up in rural Uganda . He lost his parents and four siblings to infectious diseases — AIDS , measles , malaria — and to cancer . He was raised by his grandmother , who sent him on a 300 - mile bus journey when he was 11 to seek financial help from the president to cover his secondary school fees . With help from the first lady , he continued his education and went on to attend Florida State University . Since graduating , he has worked to help at - risk youth in Uganda and has been a 2012 - 13 Global Health Corps Fellow and a New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute as well . In it , we Alignment 1 see two beautiful white people falling in love while surrounded by vast expanses of beautiful African landscapes and beautiful animals a lion , a giraffe , a zebra . Taylor Swift is dressed as a colonial - era woman on African soil . With just a few exceptions , the Alignment 16 cast in the video the actors playing her boyfriend and a movie director and his staff all appear to be Alignment 16 white . We are shocked to think that in 2015 , Taylor Swift , her record label and her video production group would think it was OK to film a video that presents a glamorous version of the white colonial fantasy of Africa . Of course , this is not the first time that white people have romanticized colonialism : See Louis Vuitton 's 2014 campaign , Ernest Hemingway 's Snows of Kilimanjaro , the 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia and of course Karen Blixen 's memoir Out of Africa . But it still stings . Here are some facts for Swift and her team : Colonialism Alignment 5 was neither romantic nor beautiful . It Alignment 6 was exploitative and brutal . The Alignment 7 legacy of colonialism still lives quite loudly to this day . Scholars have argued that poor economic performance , weak property rights and tribal tensions across the continent can be traced to colonial strategies . So can other woes . In a place full of devastation and lawlessness , diseases spread like wildfire , conflict breaks out and dictators grab power . Swift 's " Wildest Dreams " are a visual representation of what the Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina writes about in his Granta Magazine essay , " How to Write About Africa . " " In your text , treat Africa as if it were one country . It is hot and dusty with rolling grasslands and huge herds of animals and tall , thin people who are starving . Or it is hot and steamy with very short people who eat primates . Do n't get bogged down with precise descriptions . Africa is big : fifty - four countries , 900 million people who are too busy starving and dying and warring and emigrating to read your book . The continent is full of deserts , jungles , highlands , savannahs and many other things , but your reader does n't care about all that , so keep your descriptions romantic and evocative and unparticular . " YouTube Why be encumbered with the African people or show them in your " Wildest Dreams " video when they are busy mutilating each other and their genitals ? The bigger problem is that many Americans have never had an African history lesson . So we do n't totally blame Taylor Swift , but the people behind the video should have done a little more research . They should have wondered how Africans would react . To those of us from the continent who had parents or grandparents who lived through colonialism ( and it can be argued in some cases are still living through it ) , this Alignment 8 Alignment 9 nostalgia that privileged white people have for colonial Africa is awkwardly confusing to say the least and offensive to say the most . Allison Swank in her critique of the 1985 movie Out of Africa explains it well when she considers the character of Karen Blixen , portrayed by Meryl Streep : " The nostalgia her character creates for a time when an elegant , strong white woman could run a farm in Africa covers up the ugliness of that [ colonial ] idea . It undermines key colonial truths , like the fact that her ' strength , ' or privilege , relies on the colonial order . " Across the continent , we are in the middle of an exciting African boom and a technological and leadership renaissance of sorts , led by the children and grandchildren and great - grandchildren of the formerly colonized and enslaved . Waterfalls and mountains and majestic animals do not represent a full picture of our homelands . Swift 's music is entertaining for many . She should absolutely be able to use any location as a backdrop . But she packages our continent as the backdrop for her romantic songs devoid of any African person or storyline , and she sets the video in a time when the people depicted by Swift and her co - stars killed , dehumanized and traumatized millions of Africans . That is beyond problematic . And then she decided to donate the proceeds from advertisements linked to her video to the charity African Parks Foundation of America . If you travel to some of Africa 's parks , you 'll see the rangers and guides are black Africans . So why not show them in the video ? James Kassaga Arinaitwe is an Aspen Institute New Voices Fellow and a Global Fellow at Acumen . He worked as a special projects manager at LabourNet , an organization in Bangalore , India , that seeks to improve the lives of workers . He tweets @JamesArinaitwe Viviane Rutabingwa is a public health professional with a focus on the uninsured and refugees . She is a Global Health Corps alumni and a founding member of A Place For Books . She tweets @Rootsi
Focused crawls are collections of frequently - updated webcrawl data from narrow ( as opposed to broad or wide ) web crawls , often focused on a single domain or subdomain .
If you ’re going to pay tribute to a Meryl Streep movie , Out of Africa is an undoubtedly odd choice . Very loosely based on Isak Dinesen ’s autobiographical novel about a woman in a “ marriage of convenience ” who begins an affair with a local hunter ( Robert Redford ) , OOA had its Crash moment in 1986 , winning seven Academy Awards , including Best Picture . The problem is that it ’s not very good — in fact , it ’s widely remembered as one of the worst movies to take home top honors at the ceremony . If you ’re going to get your Streep on , why not Silkwood or The Devil Wears Prada ? The French Lieutenant ’s Woman ? Even a Mamma Mia tribute would make for a good drinking game . An homage to a love triangle about white colonialists is going to present some , uh , challenges to an artist who just wants to make a three - minute music video to put on her VEVO page — and Taylor Swift found that out the hard way . The singer debuted her vid for “ Wildest Dreams ” at the VMAs Sunday night , and even the most casual observer would have noticed that — for a clip that ’s set in Africa — it ’s about as white as a Sunday morning farmer ’s market . Featuring Scott Eastwood ( son to Clint ) , the video wants to have its old - school Hollywood romance but ends up eating some old - school Hollywood racism , too . And Alignment 15 it ’s sadly indicative of its star ’s own shoddy racial politics . In a recent essay for Refinery29 , Lauren Le Vine referred to Taylor Swift ’s music videos as “ timeless fantasies , ” and there ’s apparently nothing more timeless than white colonialism . From Swift ’s dark , Streep - esque black hair to its Fitzgerald - goes - on - safari costuming and Instagram -ready savannah backdrop , the video is both stunning and stunningly tone - deaf . As Alignment 11 the Huffington Post ’s Lauren Duca writes , instead of the cultural appropriation that has become almost status quo in today 's pop music , Swift Alignment 11 has opted Alignment 11 for the bolder option of actually just embodying the political exploitation of a region and its people . ” Duca really hits the nail on the head here : Just because you represent the past or pay respect to it does n't mean you need to recreate its worst aspects . However , this is n’t the first time Swift has been accused of “ accidental racism “ in her work . After her video for “ Shake It Off ” debuted last August , rapper Earl Sweatshirt accused the singer of “ perpetuating black stereotypes , ” especially in a segment where Swift dressed up in gold chains and hoop earrings while sliding underneath the legs of a twerking black woman . The Pitchfork Review 's senior editor Jessica Hopper argued it was even worse than a similar moment in Miley Cyrus ’ “ We Ca n’t Stop . ” “ Miley used women of color as props , but her appropriation was participatory , ” Hopper wrote . “ In a strange way , her dancing with them is maybe a modicum ‘ better ’ than Taylor tunneling out from underneath these legs and looking up with this smirk , like ‘ Is n’t this wacky ? I do n’t even understand ? ’ ” As Chris Osterndorf pointed out last year in an op - ed for the Daily Dot , this is a music problem as much as it is a Taylor Swift problem , as musicians — especially female pop stars — often struggle to appreciate other cultures without stepping over the line . From Selena Gomez ’ bindi and Pharrell ’s Native American headdress to whatever was going on in Avril Lavigne ’s “ Hello Kitty ” video , being a humble , respectful guest in someone else ’s culture is difficult , and many continue to get it wrong . To an extent , appropriation is also the history of rock music itself , which borrowed elements of blues from black musicians for the profit of white artists . Just because you represent the past or pay respect to it does n't mean you need to recreate its worst aspects . But it ’s this erasure that ’s becoming a problem in Taylor Swift ’s music — and her budding politics . Two years after publicly disavowing the label , Swift officially came out as a feminist in 2014 , and in her VMAs speech last night , accepting Video of the Year for “ Bad Blood , ” she injected some girl power . Swift said , “ There ’s been a lot of discussion about this video and what it means , but I ’m just happy that in 2015 , we live in a world where boys can play princesses and girls can play soldiers . ” It was a nice moment from a star whose worldview is evolving , but her recent Twitter spat with Nicki Minaj pointed out its limits : Swift infamously erased the hip - hop star ’s critique about racism , choosing instead to tone - police her and preach female solidarity instead . The Huffington Post ’s Zena Blay referred to it as “ peak white feminism , ” an unfortunate phenomenon of using issues of gender to erase systemic racial discrimination . After the VMA nominations were announced in July , Minaj took to the social media platform to complain about her snub for “ Anaconda”—which was left out of the “ Video of the Year ” race , despite becoming an inescapable cultural force — pointing out , “ If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies , you will be nominated for vid of the year . ” Swift responded on Twitter , “ I 've done nothing but love & support you . It 's unlike you to pit women against each other . ” They publicly made up and Swift even came out to join Nicki Minaj last night during the show ’s opener , a performance of Minaj ’s “ The Night Is Still Young . ” The two embraced on stage , and while it seemed to bury the hatchet , it was pulled out of the ground later in the evening . During her aforementioned VMAs speech , the “ Bad Blood ” squad joined her on stage — including Hailee Steinfeld , Cara Delevingne , and Mariska Hargitay — but one person was conspicuously missing : Nicki Minaj . During their Twitter exchange , Swift promised Minaj : “ If I win , please come up with me ! ! You ’re invited to any stage I ’m ever on . ” She also failed to get a mention in Swift ’s speech . @NICKIMINAJ If I win , please come up with me ! ! You 're invited to any stage I 'm ever on . — Taylor Swift ( @taylorswift13 ) July 21 , 2015 The difference here is crucial : Swift instead got an invite to Nicki Minaj ’s stage . Thus , it seems that Taylor Swift is still having trouble making room for people of color on her own platform — whether her overwhelmingly white friend group , that ’s in her music videos , or her version of solidarity . Swift has recently made her name on empowering young women , but she needs to rethink her definition of what empowerment means — and who it leaves out . As punk singer Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill recently pointed out , her continued engagement matters to her millions of fans that follow her every move . “ When somebody that ’s a huge megastar that has so many young fans , like Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus or Beyoncé , comes out and says , ‘ I ’m a feminist , ’ I mean , that ’s the sound of hundreds of thousands of girls typing the word into the Internet , ” Hanna said . That ’s incredible cultural influence , and it ’s important for her feminism to continue to evolve — by making mistakes , learning from them , and striving to show that she ’s doing the work of inclusivity . While it ’s admirable and awesome that Swift has showed up to the party , it would be nice if everyone else at Swift ’s party did n’t look exactly like her . Just because Taylor Swift ’s videos are out of Africa does n’t mean her politics have to be , too . Nico Lang is the Opinion Editor for the Daily Dot . Photo via TaylorSwiftVevo / YouTube
Taylor Swift arrived at the VMAs with her squad of thin , mostly blonde women and proceeded to premiere her music video for " Wildest Dreams " on Sunday . It featured Scott Eastwood , those high - waisted pants that the villains wear in " Pocahontas " and what sure felt a lot like some harkening back to white colonialism . The opening shot pans over antelope or some other sort of animal gathering in the desert . Then there 's a giraffe , Taylor Swift with black hair and Eastwood , who is either squinting or confused as to why he is making this ambiguous movie about what , again , feels a lot like white colonialism . We had trouble tracking the plot of the pseudo - film within this video , which was directed by Joseph Kahn . It appears to include some of the lyrics to " Wildest Dreams " or maybe just the line which Eastwood mouths to Swift . " Say you 'll see me again , " he lip - syncs to her while still squinting . ( There is a clear romantic undercurrent to the major storyline in which the two acquire control over an moderately sized African region . )
Alignment 0 Taylor Swift 's new video for "" Wildest Dreams "" was shot Alignment 0 partially in Africa , so of Alignment 1 course , it Alignment 1 features giraffes , zebras ... and lots of white people . As far as James Alignment 2 Kassaga Arinaitwe and Viviane Rutabingwa , writing Alignment 2 in NPR , can tell Alignment 2 , there 's not a single black actor in the video . ( Alignment 3 ETOnline points Alignment 3 out that Alignment 3 there are , but they 're only background players and appear very briefly . ) The Alignment 4 storyline involves Swift and her male love interest , decked out in colonial - era garb , filming an old - timey movie in Africa , and the whole thing is very romantic and glamorous . The problem ? As Alignment 5 Arinaitwe and Rutabingwa point out , " Colonialism Alignment 5 was neither romantic nor beautiful . It Alignment 6 was exploitative and brutal . The Alignment 7 legacy of colonialism still lives quite loudly to this day . " " To Alignment 8 those of us from the continent who had parents or grandparents who lived through colonialism ( and it can be argued in some cases are still Alignment 8 living Alignment 9 through it ) , this Alignment 9 nostalgia that privileged white people have for colonial Africa is awkwardly confusing to say the least and offensive to say the most , " they continue . They 're not the only ones upset : " The truth : The African continent endured unspeakable brutality under European colonial rule , " writes Zak Cheney - Rice at Mic . " Millions Alignment 10 of people were enslaved , tortured or killed Alignment 10 under violent systems of European law enforcement , forced labor and segregationist policies , fueled by a ravenous export economy that plundered much of the continent 's natural resources and left many African nations indebted to — and often financially dependent on — their white former enslavers . " " Instead Alignment 11 of the cultural appropriation that has become almost status quo in today 's pop music , Swift has opted for the bolder option of actually just embodying the political exploitation of a region and its people , " writes Alignment 11 Lauren Duca at the Huffington Post . " It Alignment 12 's brave , really Alignment 12 . " " It Alignment 13 ’s the exact African safari paradise that we were promised ! " writes Alignment 13 Madeleine Davies at Jezebel . " Lions ! Elephants ! Shirtless Scott Eastwood ! And , bizarrely , nary a black person in sight . " " Even Alignment 14 the most casual observer would have noticed that for a clip that ’s set in Africa it ’s about as white as a Sunday morning farmer ’s market , " writes Alignment 14 Nico Lang at the Daily Dot . The Alignment 15 "" accidental racism "" is "" sadly indicative of its star ’s own shoddy racial politics . " Fader 's headline : " Taylor Swift Went To Africa To Film A Music Video And There Alignment 16 ’s Only White People In It "
",3158 45,"
The ailing aunt of Kim Jong - un , the leader of North Korea , may be the next senior member of the regime to fall victim to the blood letting that is gripping Pyongyang 's " old guard " . Reports Alignment 2 in South Korea suggest that Kim is lining Alignment 1 up his Alignment 1 younger sister , Kim Yo - jong to step into the supporting role that is presently played by Kim Kyong - hui , who is rumoured to be battling cancer , alcoholism and depression linked to the suicide of her daughter in Europe in 2006 . Kim Kyong - hui , 65 , is the Alignment 0 estranged wife of Jang Song - thaek , who Alignment 0 was ousted Alignment 0 from his post as the vice chairman of the powerful National Defence Commission earlier this month and has not been seen since . Two colleagues who were reportedly found guilty of corruption and activities that ran counter to the policies of the Workers ' Party of Korea were executed in public . Kim has replaced many of the senior officials who served his father , Kim Jong - il , with younger henchmen who are loyal to his regime . " He Alignment 3 is trying Alignment 3 to bring in a younger generation of decision - makers and has kicked out the older ones , which is causing a lot of problems in the elite in Pyongyang , " Toshimitsu Shigemura , a professor at Tokyo 's Waseda University and an authority on North Korean affairs , told The Telegraph . " He has been able to do that in the party and the bureaucracy , but he does not have the power to do that with the military , " he said . But replacing Kim Kyong - hui might be taking the cull too far , he added . The daughter of Kim Il - sung , the revered founder of the nation , Kim Kyong - hui has long been considered untouchable by any of the various factions in Pyongyang and her replacement - either as part of the ongoing purge or due to ill - health - could trigger a renewed power struggle . " If Alignment 4 Alignment 5 she disappeared or died , the regime would be badly shaken , " said Alignment 4 Alignment 5 Professor Shigemura . " It might even be difficult for it to survive . " Meanwhile , Jang Song - thaek 's nephew has arrived back in North Korea from his post as ambassador to Malaysia . Jang Yong - chol , his wife and two 20 - something sons were sighted boarding an Air Koryo flight bound for Pyongyang in the Chinese city of Shenyang . An aide of Jang Song - Thaek , is also reportedly seeking asylum in South Korea after fleeing his country . The aide , according to South Korea 's YTN news network , is understoof to have managed funds from Jang .
1 of 3 . A paramilitary police official stands guard next to a fence , which blocks a road towards the South Korea embassy , in Beijing December 6 , 2013 . SEOUL ( Reuters ) - North Korea could be facing Alignment 6 Alignment 7 Alignment 8 its most serious defection in 15 years as South Korean media said on Friday that a man who managed funds for the ousted uncle of leader Kim Jong Un had fled the isolated country and sought asylum in South Korea . The aide , who was not named , was being protected Alignment 9 by South Korean officials in a secret location in China , cable news network YTN and Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper said , citing sources familiar with the matter . South Korea 's National Intelligence Service ( NIS ) had no knowledge of the defection , lawmakers said in Seoul after they were briefed by the head of the spy agency . YTN said the man managed funds for Jang Song Thaek , whose marriage to Kim 's aunt and proximity to the young leader made him one of the most powerful men in North Korea . Jang was relieved of his posts last month , according to the NIS , and the Alignment 10 television network said the sacking could have followed the aide 's defection . YTN said the aide also had knowledge of funds belonging to Kim and his father , former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il . If true , the defection would likely be the first time in 15 years a significant insider from the Pyongyang regime has switched sides . Impoverished but nuclear - capable North Korea and the rich , democratic South are still technically at war after their 1950 - 53 conflict ended in a truce , not a peace treaty . A spokesman for South Korea 's Unification Ministry , Kim Eui - do , and officials at the Foreign Ministry said the defection report could not be confirmed . Jung Chung - rae , a member of the South Korean parliament 's Intelligence Committee , told reporters the intelligence service had said it did not know about the defection , but that two of Jang 's relatives who were serving in embassies overseas had been recalled . " It is true that Jang 's brother - in - law and nephew have been called back to North Korea , " Jung cited the NIS as saying . Jang himself is alive and appears to be safe , South Korean officials have said . Jang has survived previous purges and official displeasure , thanks largely to his sometimes tempestuous marriage to Kim Kyong Hui , the daughter of North Korea 's founder , Kim Il Sung . " WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION , " CHINA SAYS North Korea 's ruling Kim family is deeply venerated and feared . It is ruthless about protecting its security and privacy and little is known about the inner workings of the regime . The aide requested asylum about two months ago and was currently in China , YTN said . In Beijing , there were no signs of any additional security around the South Korean embassy . Asked about the South Korean media reports , Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said : " We have noted the reports , but do not understand the situation . " South Korea 's intelligence service has also said two of Jang 's close associates were executed last month for corruption . These reports have not been confirmed either . YTN said Jang 's aide fled to China some time in late September or early October and that Jang could have been sacked because of this . " A source familiar with the matter said the aide immediately requested asylum from the South Korean government and South Korean officials are currently protecting him at a secret place in China , " it said . China , Pyongyang 's only major ally , usually resists allowing defectors from North Korea to seek asylum elsewhere . YTN said the aide tried to escape to Laos , a route favored by other defectors , but Chinese authorities prevented him from leaving . U.S. officials have also sought custody of the aide , the television station said . About 25,000 North Koreans have defected to the South but few of them were highly placed in Pyongyang . The major defectors include Hwang Jang Yop , a high - level Worker 's Party ideologue who was the architect of the Juche ( self - reliance ) ideology of North Korea , who sought asylum in the South in 1997 . Kim Jong Un 's aunt , his mother 's sister , fled to the United States in 1998 , media reports have said . In 2002 , a North Korean nuclear scientist named Kyong Won Ha escaped the country , although few details are known . ( Reporting by Ju - min Park and Jack Kim ; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan and Nick Macfie )
Alignment 0 Earlier this week came the news that Kim Jong Un had reportedly given his high - ranking uncle , Jang Song Thaek , the boot ; now , the Telegraph reports that his aunt — Jang 's estranged wife — may be canned next . Kim Alignment 1 Kyong Hui is Kim Jong Il 's sister , and is said Alignment 1 to be doing poorly , sick with cancer and struggling with alcoholism and depression in the wake of her daughter 's 2006 suicide . The Telegraph points to South Korean reports that Alignment 2 indicate Kim may want his little sister , Kim Yo Jong , to take his aunt 's place . One Alignment 3 Japanese expert on North Korea sees this as part of Kim 's effort to "" bring in a younger generation of decision - makers""—his aunt is 65 but notes that it could be a perilously high - profile move . " If Alignment 4 Alignment 5 she disappeared or died , the Alignment 5 regime would Alignment 4 be badly Alignment 5 shaken . " Speaking Alignment 6 of high - profile , Reuters Alignment 6 reports that North Korea could have seen "" its most serious defection "" in a decade and a half . South Alignment 7 Korean media today published unconfirmed reports that Jang Alignment 8 Alignment 9 's unnamed money manager fled North Korea about two months ago , and is being kept Alignment 9 safe by South Korean officials in a secret location in China . There is Alignment 10 some speculation that the defection could have been at the root of Jang 's alleged sacking ; Reuters notes that the aide may be privy to information about Kim 's money .
",3481 46,"
Mar - A - Lago , Donald Trump ’s private club that he calls the Winter White House , is asking the government for permission to hire 70 temporary foreign workers as cooks , servers , and housekeepers , according to records posted by the Department of Labor on Thursday . The nearby Trump National Golf Club , Jupiter , has requested permission to hire an additional six foreign cooks . Trump has frequently urged US companies to hire American workers — a theme highlighted this week in what the Trump administration has dubbed “ Made in America ” week . But Alignment 11 for his own Mar - A - Lago club , he Alignment 11 has also Alignment 11 defended hiring foreign workers by saying that it is very , very hard to get help during the Florida tourist season . If the labor department approves the requests , Trump ’s clubs will be allowed to employ the workers from October 2017 through May 2018 via the H-2B visa program — a program that the Trump administration announced this week it would expand . The “ one - time ” expansion would n’t have a direct effect on the clubs ’ latest requests , but the Alignment 12 president ’s companies have made Alignment 12 frequent use of the temporary worker program . Since Trump launched his presidential campaign in June 2015 , businesses owned by him or bearing his name have sought to hire at least 370 foreign guest workers under H-2B program and a similar one called H-2A , including more than 230 for Mar - A - Lago and the Jupiter club . The new cooking jobs — which , by applying for H-2 approval , the clubs are saying it can not find Americans to fill — would pay $ 13.34 per hour . The servers would be paid $ 11.88 per hour , and the housekeepers $ 10.33 per hour . No one from the White House , the Trump Organization , Mar - A - Lago , or the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter immediately responded to a request for comment Thursday . Since 2003 , more than 100,000 foreigners have been brought in under the H-2A and H-2B programs each year . Last Alignment 16 year , a Alignment 16 special envoy from the United Nations said the federal guest worker program puts workers at risk of exploitation and even trafficking . A Alignment 15 Alignment 17 Alignment 18 2015 BuzzFeed News investigation found that H-2 workers were often exploited , and sometimes raped or beaten . BuzzFeed News also found that many Americans were denied jobs in favor of guest workers . Trump companies have not been accused of abusing H-2 workers . The Trump administration ’s expansion of the H-2B program , billed as a “ one - time increase , ” raises the quota for this fiscal year , which ends in September , from 66,000 to 81,000 visas .
The Trump family 's Mar - a - Lago Club in Palm Beach , Florida , has submitted requests with the Department of Labor to hire 70 foreign workers . The club recently asked for permission to hire 15 housekeepers , 20 cooks and 35 waiters on H-2B visas , according Alignment 0 to DOL filings made public Thursday during the White House 's "" Made in America""-themed week . The Alignment 10 visas are granted Alignment 10 when there are supposedly not enough American workers willing to do the jobs . The Alignment 9 foreign employees would work Alignment 9 October through Alignment 9 May , during Alignment 9 the club 's regular season . Earlier this week , President Trump expanded the national cap on H-2B visas by 15,000 people . But those moves seem to clash somewhat with the White House 's proclamation that this week is " Made in America " week , as the president promotes products made in the U.S. On Thursday , Mr. Trump announced three companies -- Merck , Pfizer and Corning -- have created a new partnership to manufacture glass packaging for medication in the U.S. , saying it would generate 1,000 new jobs for Americans . " In part due to the deregulation , our economy is booming again , and Americans are going back to work in construction sites , mines , and factories across the country , " deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a briefing Thursday . "" Alignment 19 And those workers can rest Alignment 19 easy knowing that they have a staunch defender in the White House , as Alignment 19 the president shows time and again that he is putting America first in trade negotiations , pursuing reciprocal agreements with our trading partners so that everyone benefits . He 's prioritized the enforcement of immigration laws to protect all Americans and ensure that our system treats everyone fairly . " The president made jobs for Americans a central component of his campaign , and of his work in office . " We believe jobs must be offered to American workers first , " Mr. Trump said in an April speech . But the president 's speeches do n't always match his business practices . Many Trump - branded products are manufactured oversees . Trump eyeglasses are made in China , as are items from the Trump Home Collection , for instance . Trump - branded items were noticeably absent from a " Made in America " event featuring American - made products earlier this week . Ivanka Trump , Mr. Trump 's daughter and assistant to the president , has also been criticized for her company 's use of foreign workers . Many of her products are manufactured abroad , mostly in China . Buzzfeed News first reported the request for foreign workers .
President Trump 's Mar - a - Lago estate in Palm Beach , Alignment 1 Alignment 2 Fla. ( Alex Brandon / Associated Press ) President Trump 's Mar - a - Lago Club in Florida Alignment 1 Alignment 2 has asked permission to hire 70 foreign workers this fall , attesting in the middle of the White House 's Made in America Week that it can not find qualified Americans to serve as cooks , waiters and housekeepers . Alignment 4 Alignment 5 Those requests Alignment 4 were made to the Department of Labor in recent days Alignment 5 and posted online Thursday Alignment 6 Alignment 7 Alignment 8 . The for - profit club , where Trump spent numerous weekends this spring , asked permission Alignment 7 Alignment 8 to hire 15 housekeepers , 20 cooks and 35 waiters . Alignment 3 In addition Alignment 3 , Trump 's golf club in nearby Jupiter Alignment 3 , Fla. asked permission to hire six foreign workers as cooks . The applications to the Department of Labor are a first step in the process of applying for H-2B visas , which would allow the clubs to bring in foreigners for temporary work between October and next May . The applications were first reported Thursday by BuzzFeed News . President Trump asked which label was better for American - made products at a meeting with domestic manufacturing leaders on July 19 . ( The Washington Post ) [ Trump pushes ‘ Made in America ’ as White House defends Trump companies making products overseas ] Earlier this week Alignment 13 Alignment 14 , the Trump administration said it would expand the number of H-2B visas available nationwide this year by 15,000 , using power granted by Congress to go beyond the statutory cap of 66,000 per year . This category of visas are given to foreign workers filling temporary jobs outside the agriculture industry , in fields like construction , fishing and tourism . Mar - a - Lago is open only during Palm Beach 's ritzy winter “ season , ” when the club 's wealthy members arrive from colder climes and the ballrooms are used for charity galas . It has applied for H-2B visas in past years , although this year 's request is slightly larger than the one in 2016 . That year , Trump 's club asked for 64 workers : This year , he is asking for one more cook and five more waiters . Now , the Labor Department — which reports to Trump — must make decisions that will affect two for - profit business that the president still owns . The next step , a Department of Labor spokesman said , is that the two clubs must take steps to try to recruit American workers for these jobs . That often involves placing help - wanted ads in local newspapers and contacting former workers . If those efforts are unsuccessful , then Trump 's clubs can ask for the Department of Labor to certify that it has tried and failed to hire Americans . After that , the Trump clubs can ask the Department of Homeland Security to issue visas for workers it has found in other countries . Egan Reich , a spokesman for the Labor Department who is a career employee , wrote in response to inquiries from The Washington Post that " The Department of Labor does not give preference or special treatment to any business or individual . ” Trump built his campaign last year in part on an appeal to American workers angry that their jobs had been taken by immigrants or laborers overseas . In his inaugural address , Trump said that under his leadership the country would “ follow two simple rules : buy American , and hire American . ” And this week , Trump has celebrated American companies and American labor , including an event at the White House where the president climbed into the cab of an American - made firetruck . In a proclamation Monday , Trump said he called “ upon Americans to pay special tribute to the builders , to the ranchers , to the crafters , and to all those who work every day to make America great . ” Earlier this year , the Trump Winery near Charlottesville , Va. , applied for visas to hire 23 foreign workers under a different visa program meant for farm workers . The Trump Organization did not respond to questions sent by email on Thursday afternoon , asking why American workers could not be found to fill these jobs — and if the company had made any extra efforts this year , in light of Trump 's calls to hire American workers . The Secret Service did not respond to a query asking whether it would have a role in vetting any foreign laborers hired to work in a club that serves , at times , as the president 's home .
Alignment 0 The White House celebrated "" Made in America Week "" this week . So Alignment 1 CBS News reports it "" seem[s Alignment 2 ] to clash Alignment 2 "" that Alignment 2 at the same time the Trump administration was touting American products and American jobs , President Trump 's Mar - a - Lago club requested permission to hire 70 foreign workers under the H-2B visa program . Meanwhile Alignment 3 , Trump Alignment 3 's golf club in Jupiter , Florida , requested permission to hire six foreign workers . The Alignment 4 Alignment 5 requests were made Alignment 4 to the Department of Labor and published Alignment 5 online Thursday Alignment 5 , according Alignment 5 to the Washington Post . BuzzFeed Alignment 6 reports the Alignment 8 workers would Alignment 7 fill Alignment 8 positions as cooks , waiters , and housekeepers , earning between $ 10.33 and $ 13.34 per hour . The Alignment 9 temporary foreign workers would be employed Alignment 9 from October to May . Mar - a - Lago claims it Alignment 10 needs the H-2B visas because it ca n't find qualified American workers to fill the positions , and Trump Alignment 11 has said Alignment 11 it 's "" very , very hard to get help "" during the tourist season in Florida . Trump Alignment 12 's companies make frequent use of the H-2B visa program , and this week Trump Alignment 13 said he Alignment 14 was increasing Alignment 14 the number of visas available nationwide by 15,000 . The Alignment 15 UN says the Alignment 16 program puts workers at risk of everything from exploitation to trafficking , and a Alignment 17 2015 BuzzFeed investigation found exploitation of H-2B workers is common and workers Alignment 18 are also Alignment 18 sometimes subjected to physical and sexual violence . On Alignment 19 Thursday , White Alignment 19 House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said American workers "" can rest easy knowing that they have a staunch defender in the White House . "
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Before you skip another workout , you might think about your brain . A Alignment 2 provocative new study finds that some of the benefits of exercise for brain health may evaporate if we take to the couch and stop being active , even just for a week or so . I have frequently written about how physical activity , especially endurance exercise like running , aids our brains and minds . Studies Alignment 3 with animals and people show that working out can lead to the creation of new neurons , blood vessels and synapses and greater overall volume in areas of the brain related to memory and higher - level thinking . Presumably as a result , people and animals that exercise tend to have sturdier memories and cognitive skills than their sedentary counterparts . Exercise prompts these changes in large part by increasing blood flow to the brain , many exercise scientists believe . Blood carries fuel and oxygen to brain cells , along with other substances that help to jump - start desirable biochemical processes there , so more blood circulating in the brain is generally a good thing .
Physically fit , healthy Alignment 7 older adults who stopped exercising for only 10 days showed signs of significant decreases in blood flow to parts of the brain that are important for thinking , learning , and memory - such as the hippocampus . The researchers found significant reductions in resting brain blood flow in eight brain regions in fit older adults who stopped exercising . The researchers found significant reductions in resting brain blood flow in eight brain regions in fit older adults who stopped exercising . This was the key finding of a new study - led by the University of Maryland ( UMD ) School of Public Health and recently published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience - that adds to growing evidence of links between physical fitness and cognitive health . In their study paper , the researchers discuss how evidence shows endurance exercise training improves cerebrovascular health and has positive effects on the hippocampus , but what happens to these benefits if exercise ceases is somewhat unclear . Lead author J. Carson Smith , associate professor of kinesiology at UMD says we know that the hippocampus is important for learning and memory . He explains that studies of mice and rats have shown exercise increases growth of new blood vessels and brain cells . Also , research shows that in older people , exercise can protect the hippocampus from shrinking . He notes : " So , it is significant that people who stopped exercising for only 10 days showed a decrease in blood flow to brain regions that are important for maintaining cognitive health . " Significant reductions in brain blood flow Using magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) brain scans , the Alignment 5 team measured brain blood flow in healthy , physically fit older adults aged from 50 - 89 years ( average 61 ) before and after a 10 - day period during which they stopped all exercise . Fast facts about the hippocampus Named after its shape , the word " hippocampus " comes from old Greek via Latin for " seahorse " Recent research finds the human brain stores time and place of memories in the hippocampus The hippocampus is one the first parts of the brain to suffer damage in people with Alzheimer 's disease . From the brain scans , the researchers were able to assess the velocity of blood flow while the participants were at peak fitness and then again after 10 days of no exercise . The results showed significant reductions in resting brain blood flow in eight brain regions - including the right and left hippocampus . The other regions included parts of the " default mode network " - a brain structure that is known to deteriorate quickly in people with Alzheimer 's disease . However , the researchers found no significant change in cognitive function - measured using verbal fluency tests - in the participants from before to after they stopped exercising . The participants who volunteered for the study were all " master athletes " whom the researchers describe as " a unique population and should not be considered equivalent to older adults who engage in regular moderate to vigorous intensity leisure - time physical activity . " The researchers were not surprised to find these senior athletes scored high for their age on aerobic fitness . Their VO2 max was in the top 10 percent for their age group ( above the 90th percentile ) . VO2 max is the volume of oxygen a person consumes while exercising at their maximum capacity . With an average continuous endurance training history of around 29 years , the volunteers regularly took part in national and regional events . Just before taking part in the study , they were running an average of 59 kilometers a week and training on 5 days a week . " We know that if you are less physically active , you are more likely to have cognitive problems and dementia as you age . However , we did not find any evidence that cognitive abilities worsened after stopping exercising for just 10 days . But the take home message is simple - if you do stop exercising for 10 days , just as you will quickly lose your cardiovascular fitness , you will also experience a decrease in blood brain flow . " Prof. J. Carson Smith The researchers say their Alignment 11 findings point to a need for further research to discover how fast the brain blood flow changes occur , what their long - term effects could be , and whether they can be reversed by taking up exercise again . Learn how any type of exercise appears to dramatically reduce risk of developing Alzheimer 's disease .
We all know regular exercise comes with numerous brain health benefits , like improving memory and thinking skills , helping to ward away cognitive decline in old age . However , hitting pause on our workout routine could weigh heavy on our conscious — literally . A Alignment 0 Alignment 1 recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found stopping exercise for just 10 days can significantly reduce blood flow to several brain regions , including the hippocampus . "" Alignment 9 We know that the hippocampus plays an important role in learning and memory and is one of the first brain regions to shrink in people with Alzheimer 's disease , " said Alignment 9 Dr. J. Carson Smith , lead author of the study and associate professor of kinesiology at University of Maryland School of Public Health ( UMD ) , in a statement . Typically , the hippocampus shrinks in late adulthood , which is what leads to impaired memory and increased risk for dementia . Previous research has found the hippocampus responds to exercise training by increasing in volume , and leading to improvements in spatial memory . Aerobic exercise training can be effective at reversing hippocampal volume loss in late adulthood , which is accompanied by improved memory function . In the UMD study Smith and his colleagues observed Alignment 6 master athletes who were between the ages of 50 and 80 ( average age was 61 ) , who had at least 15 years history of participating in endurance exercise , and who have recently competed in an endurance event . The participants ' exercise routines included at least four hours of high intensity endurance training each week . On average , they were running ~36 miles each week or the equivalent of a 10 K run a day . This group also had a VO2 max — the maximum amount of oxygen the body is capable to use of in one minute — above 90 percent for their age . An MRI scan was used to measure the velocity of blood flow in the brain while the athletes were following their regular training routine , specifically at peak fitness , and again after 10 days of no exercise . The researchers noted resting cerebral blood flow significantly decreased in eight brain regions , including the areas of the left and right hippocampus , and other regions known to be part of the brain 's " default mode network " — a neural network known to deteriorate quickly with Alzheimer 's disease . It 's important to note these significant changes were regionally specific . “ [ T]he take home message is simple - if you do stop exercising for 10 days , just as you will quickly lose your cardiovascular fitness , you will also experience a decrease in blood brain flow ” said Smith , about the findings . A similar study published in the journal Neurology found less fit middle - aged adults saw loss of brain volume after 20 years . Participants performed treadmill tests to estimate their “ exercise capacity , ” which was measured by monitoring the amount of time they could exercise before their heart rate passed a threshold . The researchers found for every The researchers found those who saw their blood pressure and heart rate surge the most during the treadmill test were “ more likely to have smaller brain volumes two decades later , ” they wrote . In other words , there was a direct correlation between poor fitness levels and brain volume decades later , which indicates accelerated brain aging . Stopping exercise for awhile , or the lack of exercise , has important implications on our brain health . More research is needed to confirm how fast these changes occur , and what the long term effects could be . Researchers will also need to look into if these brain changes could be reversed with the resumption of exercise . Source : Alfini AJ , Weiss LR , Leitner BP et al . Hippocampal and Cerebral Blood Flow after Exercise Cessation in Master Athletes . Front . Aging Neurosci . 2016 .
While endurance exercise training improves cerebrovascular health and has neurotrophic effects within the hippocampus , the Alignment 4 effects of stopping this exercise on the brain remain unclear . Our aim was to measure the effects of 10 days of detraining on resting cerebral blood flow ( rCBF ) in gray matter and the hippocampus in healthy and physically fit older adults . We hypothesized that rCBF would decrease in the hippocampus after a 10 - day cessation of exercise training . Twelve master athletes , defined as older adults ( age ≥ 50 years ) with long - term endurance training histories ( ≥15 years ) , were recruited from local running clubs . After screening , eligible participants were asked to cease all training and vigorous physical activity for 10 consecutive days . Before and immediately after the exercise cessation period , rCBF was measured with perfusion - weighted MRI . A voxel - wise analysis was used in gray matter , and the hippocampus was selected a priori as a structurally defined region of interest ( ROI ) , to detect rCBF changes over time . Resting CBF significantly decreased in eight gray matter brain regions . These regions included : ( L ) inferior temporal gyrus , fusiform gyrus , inferior parietal lobule , ( R ) cerebellar tonsil , lingual gyrus , precuneus , and bilateral cerebellum ( FWE p < 0.05 ) . Additionally , rCBF within the left and right hippocampus significantly decreased after 10 days of no exercise training . These findings suggest that the cerebrovascular system , including the regulation of resting hippocampal blood flow , is responsive to short - term decreases in exercise training among master athletes . Cessation of exercise training among physically fit individuals may provide a novel method to assess the effects of acute exercise and exercise training on brain function in older adults . Introduction Endurance exercise training ( exercise ) produces physiological adaptations that enhance aerobic fitness and cardiovascular health ( Brooks et al . , 1996 ) . Consistent exercise effectively augments the maximal rate of oxygen consumption ( V ⋅ O 2max ) centrally , by increasing cardiac output , and/or peripherally by widening the arterial - venous oxygen ( A- V ⋅ O 2 ) difference ( Seals et al . , 1981 ) . V ⋅ O 2max is the gold - standard index of cardiorespiratory fitness and is highly correlated with both morbidity and mortality ( Hoekstra et al . , 2008 ; Sawada et al . , 2012 ) , with greater fitness status associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease and a longer lifespan . In addition to enhancing the function of the cardiovascular system , exercise has been shown to increase bone density , improve muscle quality , and protect against metabolic dysfunction ( Brooks et al . , 1996 ) . Conversely , when the exercise stimulus is removed many of these systemic adaptations rapidly dissipate ( Mujika and Padilla , 2000a , 2001a , b ) , thereby increasing the potential for adverse health effects . For example , 20 days of bed rest immobilization resulted in a substantial 28 % decrease in V ⋅ O 2max ( Saltin et al . , 1968 ) ; a prolonged detraining period reduced muscle fiber capillarization and oxidative enzyme activity ( Klausen et al . , 1981 ) ; and a 10 - day period of physical inactivity was related to the development of impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance ( Rogers et al . , 1990 ) . A growing body of empirical evidence supports the notion that exercise also robustly affects the human brain . Multimodal neuroimaging studies , including both structural and functional MRI , have helped elucidate the brain 's complex neurobiological response to exercise . These exercise - induced effects include cytoarchitectonic modifications ( Erickson et al . , 2009 ; Smith et al . , 2014 ; ten Brinke et al . , 2015 ) ; altered patterns of neural activity ( Smith et al . , 2013 ) ; and improved performance across the cognitive domains ( Tomporowski , 2003 ; Kramer et al . , 2005 ; Davranche and McMorris , 2009 ; Chapman et al . , 2013 ) . The hippocampus , a subcortical brain structure well known for its role in learning and memory , has shown neurotrophic effects as the result of exercise training in humans and animal models ( van Praag et al . , 1999 ; Pereira et al . , 2007 ; Erickson et al . , 2009 ) . Exercise interventions in humans have been shown to affect hippocampal - dependent cognition and to increase hippocampal blood perfusion ( Pereira et al . , 2007 ) and volume ( Erickson et al . , 2009 ) . While the effects of detraining have been reported in peripheral physiological systems , the effects of detraining on brain function , and on cortical and hippocampal blood flow , have not been reported . A key unanswered question , and the primary aim of this study , was to determine how short - term exercise cessation impacts cerebrovascular function in healthy highly physically active and physically fit older adults . To accomplish this goal we measured the resting cerebral blood flow ( rCBF ) of master athletes both before and immediately after 10 days of exercise cessation . To quantify rCBF we employed pseudo - continuous arterial spin labeling ( pCASL ) , a perfusion - weighted MRI technique . Our hypotheses were twofold . We predicted ( 1 ) that 10 days of physical inactivity would alter rCBF in areas known to be susceptible to age - related decline ( Greicius et al . , 2004 ; Buckner et al . , 2005 ) , and ( 2 ) that detraining would decrease hippocampal blood flow , which we chose as an a priori region of interest ( ROI ) . Methods Participants Our unique study sample consisted entirely of master athletes , which were defined as a sub - group of highly trained healthy older adults who regularly engaged in endurance exercise . Master athletes ranged in age between 50 and 80 , and were recruited from local Washington D.C. area running clubs . These individuals had an endurance exercise history of at least 15 years and had recently competed in regional and national endurance events . Personalized training regimens must have entailed at least 4 h of high intensity endurance training per week . This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board , and written informed consent was obtained from all participants , in accordance with the Helsinki declaration . A telephone screen was used to determine eligibility . Those who met inclusion / exclusion criteria ( see below ) and agreed to participate completed the following : anthropometric measurement , a maximal intensity treadmill / electrocardiography test , DEXA ( Dual - energy X - ray absorptiometry ) body composition assessment , neuropsychological testing , and fMRI scanning ( Table 1 shows descriptive data for variables examined at baseline only ) . TABLE 1 Table 1 . Descriptive participant data collected at baseline . Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Individuals were excluded if they had a BMI ≥ 30 , reported being a smoker ( within the past 5 years ) , or had a history of heart attack , stroke , lung disease , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , peripheral vascular disease , heart disease , liver disease , kidney disease , anemia , or diabetes . Individuals taking prescription medication for hypertension were also deemed ineligible . Women participants must have been post - menopausal for at least 2 years and must not have used hormone therapy during the previous year . Additionally , individuals were excluded if they presented any absolute contraindications to MRI . During the initial telephone screening 21 persons were deemed ineligible to participate in this study . Of the 12 individuals who qualified for participation , nine ( 7 men , ~89 % Caucasian ) were included in the final analysis . One individual was removed due to irregular ECG activity during the graded treadmill test ; another because of dental work that severely distorted the MR signal ; and a third for failure to achieve V ⋅ O 2max during the graded treadmill exercise test . Neuropsychological Testing Prior to the baseline MRI scan , all participants were administered the Mini Mental State Exam ( MMSE ) ( Folstein et al . , 1975 ) , which is a 30 - point questionnaire used to screen for global cognitive impairment and dementia . Additionally , after both the baseline and follow - up MRI scan all participants were administered the semantic verbal fluency test ( Monsch et al . , 1992 ) . This test required participants to list as many words as possible from a given category in 60 - s ( fruits and animals , order counterbalanced ) . V ⋅ O 2max Testing Cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by assessing V ⋅ O 2max during a graded treadmill test with indirect calorimetry ( Quark , Cosmed USA ) . Exercise tests were conducted utilizing a protocol we have used numerous times previously in older athletes , and included standard ECG monitoring ( Rogers et al . , 1990 ; Brooks et al . , 1996 ) . The exercise test continued until maximal effort or exhaustion was achieved . For exercise tests to be considered maximal , participants had to reach both a plateau in V ⋅ O 2max with increasing workload and a respiratory exchange ratio > 1.1 . The highest V ⋅ O 2 attained during the test was recorded as V ⋅ O 2max . The maximal exercise test was conducted several hours after the baseline MRI scan . Body Composition Assessment Body composition was measured using dual energy x - ray absorptiometry ( DEXA ) ( DXA ; Prodigy , LUNAR Radiation Corp ) . Exercise Cessation Period MRI scanning occurred at two time points , baseline and immediately after the 10 - day exercise cessation . Participants were asked to refrain from exercise during the 12 h preceding the baseline assessment . The exercise cessation commenced 72 h after the baseline scan , at which time all exercise training was stopped . During this period participants were asked to refrain from exercise and all other forms of vigorous physical activity . The abstention from exercise during the 10 - day period was verified frequently by telephone conversations with the participants and during their final testing . The second MRI scanning session occurred on the morning after the last day of the exercise cessation period , and before participants resumed their training regimens . MRI Acquisition All MRI data were acquired with a Siemens 3.0 Tesla MR system ( Magnetom Trio Tim Syngo , Munich , Germany ) . A 32 - channel head coil was used for radio frequency ( RF ) transmission and reception . Foam padding was positioned within the head coil to minimize patient motion . A high - resolution T1 - weighted anatomical image was acquired for co - registration with the following sequence parameters : Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition of Gradient Echo ( MPRAGE ) , matrix = 256 , field - of - view ( FOV ) = 230 mm , voxel size = 0.9 × 0.9 × 0.9 mm , slices = 192 ( sagittal plane , acquired right to left ) , slice thickness = 0.9 mm , repetition time ( TR ) = 1900 ms , echo time ( TE ) = 2.32 ms , inversion time ( TI ) = 900 ms , flip angle = 9 ° , sequence duration = 4:26 min . The pCASL data were acquired using the following sequence parameters : single - shot gradient echo planar images , matrix = 64 , FOV = 210 mm , voxel size = 3.28 × 3.28 × 6.0 mm , slices = 20 ( axial plane , acquired in ascending order ) , slice thickness = 5.0 mm , gap between slices = 1 mm , single slice acquisition time = 48 ms , label duration = 1500 ms , post - label delay = 1000–1912 ms , TR / TE = 4000/19 ms , volumes = 140 , number of label / control pairs = 70 , flip angle = 90 ° , RF blocks = 80 , RF pulses = 20 , gap between pulses = 360 μs , bandwidth = 3004 Hz / Px , and sequence duration = 9:28 min . Additionally , a concatenated series of control volumes stacked in the time dimension was used as the proton density ( PD ) image for perfusion calibration . MRI Data Preprocessing The pCASL and PD images were realigned to the first volume of the image time series for motion correction ( Cox , 1996 ) . Using pairwise subtraction , a perfusion - weighted image was derived from the motion - corrected interleaved ( control — tag ) volumes , and this image was corrected for slice - timing delay ( Woolrich et al . , 2009 ) . Using FSL 's BASIL ( Bayesian Inference for Arterial Spin Labeling , FMRIB Software Library v5.0 , Oxford , UK ) ( Woolrich et al . , 2009 ) , a reference mask from the T1 - weighted anatomical image was used to isolate and sample the cerebral spinal fluid ( CSF ) within the ventricles of the PD image . The CSF sample was used to compute the magnetization equilibrium ( M0 ) of tissue , which was further used to obtain the magnetization equilibrium of arterial blood ( M0a ) ( Woolrich et al . , 2009 ) . Buxton 's general model for kinetic inversion was used to estimate absolute CBF ( ml/100g / min ) ( Buxton et al . , 1998 ) , and included both Bayesian inferences and the following parameters ( Chappell et al . , 2009 ): ΔM ( proportional magnetization change represented by the perfusion - weighted image ) , T1 blood ( longitudinal relaxation time of blood = 1650 ms ) , T1 tissue ( longitudinal relaxation time of tissue = 1300 ms ) , α ( labeling efficiency = 0.85 ) , M0 a ( magnetization equilibrium of arterial blood ) , BAT ( bolus arrival time = 1300 ms ) , Bolus ( label duration = 1500 ms ) , PLD ( post label delay = 1000 ms ) , and λ ( blood / brain partition coefficient of GM = 0.98 ml / g ) ( Buxton et al . , 1998 ; Alsop et al . , 2014 ) . The rendered CBF map was spatially smoothed using an adaptive technique , which combined neighboring voxel signals on an intensity - dependent basis , while preserving the non - linear kinetics where smoothing was unnecessary ( Groves et al . , 2009 ; Chappell , 2014 ) . Due to the inherently low spatial resolution of the perfusion image , partial volume error correction was performed to improve the accuracy of CBF estimation ( Chappell et al . , 2011 ; Chappell , 2014 ) . This process effectively calculated separate gray matter and white matter perfusion using tissue specific partial volume estimates in each voxel ( Chappell et al . , 2011 ; Chappell , 2014 ) . Co - registration and normalization was performed with SPM8 ( Hall and Degenhardt , 2008 ; SPM , University College , London , UK ) , using the PD image as the reference to which the CBF map was aligned . The output parameters were used to transform the CBF map and gray matter estimates to standard space , which effectively up - sampled the images to a 2 mm3 isotropic voxel resolution . Normalized gray matter estimates were merged together and used as a mask for the voxel - wise analysis . Gray Matter Voxel - Wise Analysis A voxel - wise analysis , restricted to voxels within the gray matter mask , was conducted to explore the effect of exercise cessation on rCBF . Statistical parametric maps were produced ( Cox , 1996 ) , indicating where rCBF had significantly changed over time . We used AFNI 's 3dClustsim program ( on the 2 mm3 data ) to control for the effects of multiple comparisons and reduce the likelihood of a Type - I error . This analysis tool used Monte Carlo simulations to establish a family - wise error ( FWE ) corrected probability threshold at both the voxel ( p < 0.05 ) and cluster ( α < 0.05 ) level ( Cox , 1996 ) . Using first - order nearest neighbor clustering , we maintained results at a minimum cluster size of ≥480 mm3 . To further illustrate the results of the voxel - wise analysis , the mean rCBF from each significant ROI was extracted from all subjects , at both time points . Hippocampal Analysis To examine the effect of exercise cessation on hippocampal blood flow , we conducted an a priori analysis that was restricted to voxels within the hippocampus . To isolate and examine hippocampal rCBF , we used FreeSurfer 's ( version 5.3.0 ) automated subcortical processing stream ( Fischl et al . , 2002 ) . This procedure segmented the T1 - weighted anatomical image and rendered a segmentation map based on both atlas probabilities and subject - specific tissue intensities . The segmentation map was normalized using non - linear transformation to maintain both the accuracy and integrity of the labeled subcortical anatomy . The non - linear transformation parameters were then used to warp the co - registered CBF map to standard space . The normalized bilateral hippocampal regions were extracted , merged together , and used as a mask for the voxel - wise analysis . Using the same clustering procedures as described above , Monte Carlo simulations were run over the hippocampal volume to establish a FWE threshold of p < 0.05 with a minimum cluster size of ≥200 mm3 . Results The Master Athlete Profile The master athletes who volunteered for this study are a unique population and should not be considered equivalent to older adults who engage in regular moderate to vigorous intensity leisure - time physical activity . Our participants had a mean continuous endurance training history of ~29 years , and on average were running 59 km per week and training 5 days per week just prior to the baseline testing . They also regularly participated in regional and national endurance competition . Moreover , as a group these master athletes had a V ⋅ O 2max above the 90th percentile for their age and sex . Gray Matter rCBF Results of the gray matter voxel - wise analysis demonstrated that the 10 - day exercise cessation period significantly reduced absolute rCBF in eight brain regions ( Figure 1 ) . Of note are the Pre > Post comparisons , shown in blue on the Δ rCBF maps in Figure 1 , revealing significantly decreased rCBF in each ROI ( total volume = 5,640 mm3 ) that remained after correction for multiple comparisons using the False Discovery Rate ( see Table 2 ) . These regions included : ( L ) inferior temporal gyrus , fusiform gyrus , inferior parietal lobule , ( R ) cerebellar tonsil , lingual gyrus , precuneus , and ( L / R ) cerebellum . No statistically significant change in whole brain absolute CBF in gray matter was detected [ mean ( ±SD ) baseline = 69.4 ( ±10.4 ml/100g / min ) , post - cessation = 67.2 ( ±12.6 ml/100g / min ) ] . FIGURE 1 Figure 1 . Results of the gray matter voxel - wise analyses reveal eight brain regions ( A – H ) , which demonstrated significant rCBF changes over time . Adjacent bar graphs represent the mean rCBF difference within each region , and include brain area , LPI coordinates , and cluster volume in mm3 . The color bar represents the mean absolute CBF difference ( post - detraining minus pre - detraining ) within each region , expressed in ml/100g / min . Corrected p - values reflect the contrast between the Pre and Post time points . TABLE 2 Table 2 . Cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) results from gray matter voxel - wise analysis . Hippocampal rCBF The a priori hippocampal analysis also revealed significantly decreased blood flow in both the left and right hippocampus from before to after the cessation of exercise training ( see Figure 2 ) . FIGURE 2 Figure 2 . ( A ) Results of the a priori hippocampal analysis demonstrating significant CBF changes over time in the left and right hippocampus . The color bar represents the mean absolute CBF difference ( post - detraining minus pre - detraining ) within each ROI , ( B ) Scatter plots showing hippocampal CBF for each participant at both time points . Additionally , scatter plots indicate LPI coordinates and cluster volume in mm3 . Corrected p - values were 0.0011 and 0.0041 for left and right hippocampus , respectively . Verbal Fluency Verbal fluency performance did not significantly change from before to after the cessation of training period [ mean ( ±SD ) baseline = 19.9 ( ±4.9 words ) , post - cessation = 17.4 ( ±5.8 words ) , t ( 8) = 0.91 , p = 0.39 ] . Discussion In the present study , we examined the relationship between short - term exercise cessation and resting rCBF in master athletes . Exercise cessation was associated with reduced rCBF within eight gray matter regions , including bilateral regions of the hippocampus . Importantly , these significant changes were regionally specific , and not the result of global CBF changes after the 10 - day period of exercise cessation . In one of the first studies of its kind , Saltin et al . ( 1968 ) demonstrated the deleterious effects of bed rest immobilization on the cardiovascular system . Comparable to decades of biological aging , this extreme sedentary behavior reduced V ⋅ O 2max ~27 % in just 20 days ( Mcguire et al . , 2001 ) . Using biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis , Klausen examined the effects of exercise cessation on skeletal muscle . After an 8 - week detraining period , both muscle fiber capillarization and oxidative enzyme activity declined ( Klausen et al . , 1981 ) . Finally , in a study of master athletes , Rogers examined the effects of a short - term period without exercise on insulin - regulated glucose metabolism . After 10 days , ~29 % of these older adults developed signs of impaired glucose tolerance or insulin resistance ( Rogers et al . , 1990 ) . Here , we have extended this literature to demonstrate that not only does exercise cessation among physically fit older adults affect markers of peripheral metabolic function , but also appears to affect brain cortical and hippocampal blood flow . Exercise training has been shown to robustly affect the structural and functional integrity of the hippocampus in animals and humans , producing neurotrophic effects leading to neurogenesis and angiogenesis in rodents ( van Praag et al . , 1999 ; Pereira et al . , 2007 ; Intlekofer and Cotman , 2013 ) , and to increased structural volume in healthy older adults ( Erickson et al . , 2009 ) . Twelve weeks of exercise training in healthy younger adults was shown to increase the blood volume within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and to improve episodic memory performance . Our findings of reduced rCBF bilaterally in the hippocampus suggest that training - induced changes in hippocampal blood flow may be reversed with 10 days of exercise cessation . Our Alignment 10 participants , however Alignment 10 , did not Alignment 10 show any changes in cognitive function over the 10 - day cessation of exercise period . Nevertheless , it is not known if cellular adaptations , undetectable using MRI , occur when exercise training is stopped temporarily . Although several studies have used perfusion - weighted imaging to probe for exercise - induced alterations in rCBF , differences in exercise intensity , study design , and data analysis methods have likely led to conflicting results . In a randomized controlled trial , Chapman et al . ( 2013 ) demonstrated that a 12 - week aerobic exercise intervention significantly increased rCBF in the anterior cingulate cortex of previously sedentary older adults ( Chapman et al . , 2013 ) . Likewise , a cross - sectional study by Thomas showed that master athletes had significantly greater rCBF in the posterior cingulate cortex than age - matched sedentary controls ( Thomas et al . , 2013 ) . While these findings seem to corroborate one another , the effects of acute exercise on rCBF have proven to be complex . Although Smith et al . found rCBF in the motor cortex to be significantly greater after a session of moderate - intensity exercise ( Smith et al . , 2010 ) , MacIntosh demonstrated , in a similar study , that acute exercise decreased rCBF in the hippocampus and insula ( MacIntosh et al . , 2014 ) . Until now , the effects of exercise cessation on cerebrovascular function have been virtually unexplored . This study has extended the literature by showing that a short - term period of physical inactivity among master athletes reduces rCBF in the hippocampus and several gray matter regions . While these effects may have implications for brain function in older adults , it is also possible that these effects represent changes in arterial transit time ( Buxton , 2005 ) or cerebral blood volume ( Yoshiura et al . , 2009 ) , neither of which we were able to measure . A decrease in arterial transit time , for instance , while using the same post - label delay parameter , could result in an apparent decrease in rCBF ( Buxton , 2005 ) . In addition , total blood volume has been shown to increase in response to exercise training ( Convertino , 1991 ) and to decrease after detraining ( Coyle et al . , 1986 ) . These are important points to consider ; however , the regional specificity of the effects we observed suggests these changes were not an artifact of a global flux in blood flow or volume . Although increases in blood volume have been documented in the dentate gyrus after 12 weeks of exercise in younger adults ( Pereira et al . , 2007 ) , the impact of exercise cessation on cerebral blood volume and arterial transit time has not been established . Animal research suggests the most viable mechanism for exercise - induced perfusion alterations may be structural modifications to the cerebrovasculature ( Swain et al . , 2003 ; Pereira et al . , 2007 ) . One such study established these effects by examining the association between increased cerebral blood volume and post - mortem neurogenesis in exercised mice ( Pereira et al . , 2007 ) . The results indicate that local increases in hippocampal blood volume coincide with the cellular proliferation and reconfiguration within the dentate gyrus . In another investigation , Ryhu provided further support for this proposition by evaluating the effects of both exercise training and exercise cessation on the non - human primate cerebrovascular system ( Rhyu et al . , 2010 ) . During this study , animals were randomized to either treadmill training or sedentary behavior . After 5 months , a sub - set of primates from the exercise group were subjected to an additional 3 months without exercise . At the 5 - month time point , the exercised animals had significantly greater cerebrovascular volumes than their sedentary counterparts . As for the effects of exercise cessation , the increases in vascular volume induced during the exercise - training period were reversed after 3 months of detraining . It is plausible that the cessation of exercise involves a reversal of these effects , which would need to be confirmed in additional animal models . There are several limitations to the current study . We had a small ( n = 9 ) and homogeneous ( 7 men , ~89 % Caucasian ) study sample , in which all participants exhibited a high level of aerobic fitness , long history of competitive endurance training , and normal BMI , which limits the generalizability of our findings . While our sample was small , the effects we observed were substantial and all in the same direction . We may have lacked statistical power to detect smaller effects and may have underestimated the decreases in CBF that occurred . In addition , because we only measured rCBF at two time points , we do not know the time course of the changes we observed . It is possible reduced rCBF may have been evident prior to day 10 . Further , we can not speculate regarding whether or not these effects would have increased , decreased or remained stable with a longer period of exercise cessation . We made a priori predictions of changes in hippocampal blood flow based on an extensive literature , a method also used by others ( Pereira et al . , 2007 ) , which avoided adjustment for whole brain voxel - wise comparisons and prevented a possible Type - II error . Nevertheless , future studies should confirm these effects in a larger sample . Additionally , aerobic fitness was assessed only at baseline , so we do not know the magnitude of the fitness change over time . Several studies have documented that in trained individuals substantial decreases in fitness occur after short - term cessation from exercise training ( Klausen et al . , 1981 ; Rogers et al . , 1990 ; Mujika and Padilla , 2000b ) . Finally , the nature of our imaging sequence ( single - delay ) limited our ability to estimate changes in cerebral blood volume , and possible changes in arterial transit time . Our post label delay values began at 1000 ms and increased at each slice , which does not precisely correspond to the ISMRM Perfusion Study Group recommended guidelines for ASL scanning among older adults ( Alsop et al . , 2014 ) . This could contribute to CBF quantification challenges , including arterial transit time artifacts . Measuring cerebral blood volume and arterial transit time with multi - delay ASL is an important next step ( Alsop et al . , 2014 ) . Approximately two - thirds of the ROIs that showed altered rCBF after exercise cessation are considered part of the brain 's default mode network ( DMN ) , which is known to be disrupted with age - related cognitive decline and Alzheimer 's disease ( Raichle et al . , 2001 ; Sheline et al . , 2010 ; Petrella et al . , 2011 ) . Exercise training in older adults has been shown to augment functional connectivity within the DMN in healthy older adults ( Voss et al . , 2010 ) . While our findings suggest that short - term cessation from endurance training in highly trained older adults may lead to decreased rCBF within the DMN , there was no indication that these effects were detrimental to cognitive function , as measured by a semantic verbal fluency task ( which activates brain regions that overlap with the DMN ; Binder et al . , 2009 ) , or to the integrity of these neural networks . Future exercise detraining studies should examine participants after resuming their training schedules to document whether or not these effects would be reversed . It is also not known if the decreased rCBF we observed solely reflects changes in the rate of blood flow within parenchymal regions , or additionally reflects changes in arterial transit time and/or blood volume . Nevertheless , the exercise cessation paradigm may provide useful information to probe the durability of the effects of exercise training and physical activity on brain function . Just as the effects of long - term endurance exercise training on cardiovascular and metabolic function wane considerably after a short period of detraining ( Mujika and Padilla , 2000b ) , so also may hippocampal and gray matter rCBF be sensitive to exercise cessation . Author Contributions Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work ( JH , JS ) . The acquisition , analysis , or interpretation of data for the work ( AA , BL , LW , TS , JS , JH ) . Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content ( AA , JS , BL , LW , TS , JH ) . Funding This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health ( HL098810 ) . Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH . 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– Think it 's OK to take a week off from working out ? Think again ... if you even can . A Alignment 1 Alignment 0 study published last month in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience finds the Alignment 2 benefits of exercise on the brain can fade Alignment 2 after just 10 days . Previous Alignment 3 studies have shown Alignment 3 that exercise increases blood flow to the brain , which can create new neurons , increase volume in important places , and possibly even improve memory and thought , the New York Times reports . But Alignment 4 it was Alignment 4 unclear how long that healthy increased blood flow and its benefits would last . Now we know : Less than 10 days . Researchers Alignment 5 looked at a Alignment 6 dozen "" exceedingly fit "" seniors Alignment 6 ages 50 to 80 who still ran 35 or more miles per week . After Alignment 7 10 days of doing nothing , the Alignment 7 seniors had less blood flow to eight regions of their brain , including significantly less to the hippocampus , which is associated with memory , Medical News Today reports . Medical Alignment 8 Daily quotes the Alignment 9 study 's lead author , Dr. J. Carson Smith , who Alignment 9 says the hippocampus is "" one of the first brain regions to shrink in people with Alzheimer 's disease . " The Alignment 10 seniors did n't Alignment 10 perform any worse on cognitive tests after Alignment 10 10 days of loafing about , and more Alignment 11 research is needed Alignment 11 to see if a cessation of exercise actually impacts the functioning of the brain . In the meantime , keep on that workout schedule . ( Eleven hours of this brain game can cut dementia risk in half . )
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Two pilots have filed lawsuits alleging sexual harassment by the billionaire behind LaCroix sparkling water , claiming 82 - year - old Nick A. Caporella inappropriately touched them on multiple trips while they were flying with him in the cockpit of his business jet . The Alignment 6 allegations by the former employees , both men , were made in lawsuits filed in the past two years in Florida and name Alignment 6 both the chief executive and National Beverage Corp. FIZZ 4.07 % as defendants . Mr. Caporella is the chairman , chief executive and controlling shareholder of National Beverage , which has a market value of $ 5 billion , thanks to surging LaCroix sales . Mr. Alignment 0 Caporella , a rare CEO who also pilots the corporate jet , and the company have denied Alignment 0 the allegations in court documents . The Alignment 1 suits claim the unwanted touching occurred on more than 30 trips from 2014 to 2016 . Glenn Alignment 16 Waldman , an attorney for Mr. Caporella and National Beverage , called the allegations false and scurrilous . The lawyer said the company ’s management hired him to conduct an investigation and he determined the allegations were meritless . He Alignment 18 Alignment 19 said the plaintiffs were targeting the CEO because he is wealthy and in his 80s . Newsletter Sign - up Mr. Waldman said he spoke with other pilots who flew with Mr. Caporella and they said they had never seen such behavior . “ I talked to all of the former pilots going back decades , ” Mr. Waldman said . “ Nothing like this ever happened . ” In court filings , Mr. Caporella and National Beverage denied any inappropriate touching occurred , writing in separate responses to both lawsuits that “ any contact would be the equivalent of an innocuous pat on the back or handshake after a completed flight . ” In court documents , the company says both pilots left their positions because of poor performance . One lawsuit , filed in December 2016 in federal court in the Southern District of Florida , was settled in January 2018 , according to court records . Terms were n’t disclosed . The other lawsuit , which was partly dismissed by a federal court citing jurisdiction , was refiled in December 2017 in Circuit Court in Broward County and is pending . Both pilots were hired in recent years to fly as second - in - command alongside Mr. Caporella , whom the company ’s court documents described as an accomplished pilot . The men were paid by Broad River Aviation Inc. , the company that operates the jet used for National Beverage business trips , according to the lawsuits and federal and corporate records . North Carolina state records list Mr. Caporella as Broad River ’s president . The two pilots complained to executives at the aviation company and National Beverage about Mr. Caporella ’s alleged inappropriate touching , but the behavior continued , according to the lawsuits . The Alignment 10 pilots attorney , Lee Schillinger , said Mr. Alignment 11 Caporella pays his crew a generous salary . One of his clients had previously been working three jobs to make the salary that Mr. Caporella offered , according to court documents . Alignment 12 Alignment 13 He reaches over and grabs Alignment 13 his co - pilot , ” said Mr. Schillinger . Alignment 14 He ’s trying to prove Alignment 15 that he ’s in control . Mr. Schillinger confirmed one case has been settled . Mr. Waldman said the settlement was “ de minimis ” and covered “ modest wage claims . ” He said he reported findings of his investigation to National Beverage ’s senior management and did n’t know if the board had voted on the settlement . “ It would be immaterial from a board point of view , ” he said . “ There is no truth to any of the allegations and nothing remotely akin to the alleged events occurred , ” the company said in a news release after The Wall Street Journal article was published online . Samuel Hathorn , chairman of National Beverage ’s audit committee , added that “ the board is aware of the allegations and knows them to be untrue , based on our knowledge of Mr. Caporella and the investigation that was conducted . ” The business jet , a twin - engine Falcon 2000EX , flew regularly during the period in question from National Beverage ’s home city of Fort Lauderdale , Fla. , to destinations including Portsmouth , N.H. , Oakland , Calif. , and Los Cabos , Mexico , according to federal flight records . The travel matches the dates of trips alleged in the two suits . One lawsuit was filed by pilot Terence Huenefeld and his wife . Mr. Huenefeld , who spent about five months working for Mr. Caporella , accused the CEO of unwanted touching on 18 flights between March and July 2016 , according to court documents . The lawsuit alleged Mr. Alignment 5 Caporella engaged in repeated unjustified , unwarranted and uninvited grabbing , rubbing Alignment 5 and groping of Terry ’s leg in a sexual manner , reaching Alignment 5 up towards Terry ’s sexual organs . ” Mr. Huenefeld withdrew all of his allegations against Mr. Caporella as “ factually unsupportable ” as part of the settlement , according to a document dated Feb. 2 and provided by Mr. Waldman . Mr. Huenefeld could n’t be reached for comment . Mr. Waldman said his investigation into the second lawsuit is ongoing and depositions are scheduled for later this month . The second pilot , Vincent Citrullo , alleged in his lawsuit a similar pattern of behavior during more than a year flying alongside Mr. Caporella . The lawsuit claims that on 14 flights from March 2014 to July 2015 , Mr. Caporella engaged in unwanted touching , including grabbing Mr. Citrullo under his armpit , under his thigh and moving his right hand up Mr. Citrullo ’s left leg towards his genitals . Reached by phone Tuesday , Mr. Citrullo said he stands by his allegations “ 100 % . It was definitely inappropriate . ” National Beverage was a distant competitor to bigger beverage companies until the recent success of LaCroix , a once - sleepy flavored seltzer brand that has been a hit with consumers as they turn away from diet soft drinks and sugary sodas . National Beverage acquired it in 1996 and successfully relaunched it with neon - colored packaging , targeting Perrier drinkers with a lower - priced alternative . Mr. Caporella , who has run National Beverage since 1985 , owns 73.5 % of the beverage maker ’s shares , according to the company ’s 2017 proxy statement . Under a structure that has been in place for decades , Mr. Caporella and some other top executives are n’t direct employees of National Beverage , even as they serve in top positions . They work for a management company , Corporate Management Advisors Inc. , that is owned by Mr. Caporella . The management company also owns 20 % of the aircraft that National Beverage uses , according to SEC filings . In June , National Beverage changed its corporate charter to give Mr. Caporella more control over its affairs , allowing for the removal of directors without cause and eliminating the need to win minority - shareholder support for a merger or acquisition . Corrections & Amplifications Terence Huenefeld withdrew all of his allegations as “ factually unsupportable ” in settling his lawsuit against Mr. Caporella , according to a document provided by Mr. Caporella ’s attorney . An earlier version of this article did n’t include the phrase contained in quotes . ( July 8 , 2018 ) Write to Jennifer Maloney at jennifer.maloney@wsj.com and Mark Maremont at mark.maremont@wsj.com
The CEO of the company behind LaCroix sparkling water has been sued by two former pilots who say the company 's top executive subjected them to unwanted sexual touching on multiple occasions . The two male pilots filed separate lawsuits in Florida against Nicholas Caporella , the 82 - year - old CEO of Corporate Management Advisors Inc. Caporella 's company operates National Beverage Corp. , which makes LaCroix . Caporella is also an experienced pilot who flies the company 's jet out of Fort Lauderdale . The co - pilots were in the cockpit with him during the alleged incidents , according to court documents . Related : Barnes & Noble fires CEO for violating company policy Lawyers representing Caporella did not immediately return messages from CNNMoney seeking comment . The Wall Street Journal , which was first to report the lawsuits , said Caporella Alignment 17 's attorney Glenn Waldman called the claims false and "" scurrilous . " National Beverage ( FIZZ ) told CNNMoney that the allegations were not true . " There is no truth to any of the allegations and nothing remotely akin to the alleged events occurred , " the company said in a statement . One lawsuit , filed Alignment 8 in 2016 , claimed that Caporella Alignment 7 engaged in a "" repeated pattern of unprovoked and unwanted sexual touching . " He would allegedly grab the pilot 's leg and " commence moving his hand up Plaintiff 's left thigh , towards his genitals . " That suit , brought against Caporella and National Beverage by Terence Huenefeld and his wife , Paula Huenefeld , sought damages for a hostile work environment , abuse and sexual battery . Related : # MeToo and # TimesUp have pushed 48 % of companies to review pay policies The lawsuit says Caporella 's alleged behavior happened on 18 separate occasions and when Huenefeld complained he was told by his superior that he must allow and " put up with it . " That case was settled Alignment 3 earlier this year for an undisclosed amount , according to Nnamdi Jackson , an attorney for the two pilots . The second case , which alleges similar behavior , was filed in January 2017 against National Beverage , Caporella and Broad River Aviation Inc. , which operates the jet used for National Beverage 's business trips . Pilot Vincent Citrullo says in the suit he was treated like an employee of National Beverage and not a contractor . Broad River did not respond to a request for comment . Related : 68 % of flight attendants have been sexually harassed , survey says On 14 occasions between 2014 and 2015 , Citrullo says he was subjected to a pattern of " unprovoked and unwanted sexually oriented touching . " He also claims a violation of labor laws , saying he was required to work 83 weekend days and nights without compensation . He also says he was not paid proper overtime wages as required by law . That case is still pending , according Alignment 9 to court documents and Jackson . National Beverage has a market value of $ 5 billion . It found recent success as LaCroix took off as a healthier alternative to sugary sodas .
Alignment 0 National Beverage Corp. CEO Nick Caporella is 82 and still Alignment 0 pilots the company 's business jet but two other pilots say he ca n't keep his hands to himself when he 's in the cockpit . The Alignment 1 male pilots have filed Alignment 1 lawsuits in the last two years accusing Caporella of "" unwanted touching "" on some 30 trips between 2014 and 2016 , the Wall Street Journal reports . One Alignment 4 Alignment 2 Alignment 3 pilot , whose Alignment 2 Alignment 3 lawsuit was filed Alignment 2 in 2016 and settled Alignment 3 last year , said that on 18 flights , Caporella Alignment 5 had engaged Alignment 5 in "" repeated unjustified , unwarranted , and uninvited grabbing , rubbing and groping "" of his leg in a sexual manner . The Alignment 6 suits named National Beverage , maker of LaCroix sparkling water , as Alignment 6 a co - defendant . In a separate lawsuit , another Alignment 7 pilot accused Caporella of "" unprovoked and unwanted sexually oriented touching "" on more than a dozen occasions , CNN reports . That Alignment 8 Alignment 9 lawsuit was filed Alignment 8 last year and is Alignment 9 still pending . Lee Alignment 10 Schillinger , the pilots ' attorney , says Caporella Alignment 11 pays his co - pilots a generous salary . " He Alignment 12 Alignment 13 reaches over and grabs Alignment 13 his co - pilot , " Schillinger tells the Journal . " He Alignment 14 ’s trying to prove Alignment 15 that he ’s in control . " Glenn Alignment 16 Waldman , a lawyer for Caporella and National Beverage , says the Alignment 17 accusations have been investigated and are Alignment 17 false and "" scurrilous . " He Alignment 18 accuses the Alignment 19 pilots of targeting Alignment 19 the CEO because of his age and wealth , which has increased significantly as LaCroix sales have surged in recent years .
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Detectives Alignment 9 with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff ’s Station are looking Alignment 9 for any victims who may have been scammed by a man claiming to be an heir of Walt Disney , according Alignment 9 to a Nixle report put out by the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff 's Station . Do n't miss a thing . Get breaking Santa Clarita news alerts delivered right to your inbox . Stephen David Urquidez , 51 , of Canyon Country , has been booked on charges that he possessed a false document and that he stole passes to Disneyland from a business . On Jan. 21 , a 40 year - old female college student reportedly began a conversation with Urquidez , a classmate of hers , who allegedly identified himself as “ Stephen Disney . ” After the informant explained to Urquidez that she volunteers her time with a nonprofit organization , Urquidez gave the victim passes to Disneyland for use in a nonprofit raffle . The college student told detectives that the suspect claimed he was an heir of the famous family , and that ’s how he acquired the passes . After Alignment 5 the passes did n't work because they were not activated , the Alignment 5 student contacted the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff 's Station . Detectives contacted Walt Disney Corp. officials , who stated Stephen Urquidez aka “ Stephen Disney ” had no affiliation to either the corporation , or the Disney family . Detectives believe Urquidez gave the woman park passes that he stole from a store . On Alignment 0 Tuesday , Urquidez Alignment 0 was booked Alignment 0 for burglary charges for allegedly stealing the Disneyland passes . Detectives Alignment 1 further learned through the course of the investigation that Stephen had allegedly used a fake driver ’s license in the name of Stephen Disney , along with allegedly using fake W-2 tax forms showing income from the Walt Disney Corp. He was also in possession of a driver ’s license containing a forged state seal , a felony . He was booked at Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff ’s Station . Hours later , he posted a $ 20,000 bond and was released . Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff ’s Station Detectives are seeking public assistance in locating any victims in this case . Investigators are attempting to locate anyone else who may have had contact with this man under similar circumstances . If you feel you can be of assistance in this case , please contact Santa Clarita Station Detective Elliott at 661 - 255 - 1121 , or by calling LA Regional Crime Stoppers at 1 - 800 - 222 - TIPS ( 8477 ) . Do you have a news tip ? Call us at ( 661 ) 298 - 1220 , or drop us a line at community@hometownstation.com . Detectives Looking For Victims Of Alleged ' Disney ' Scam Artist Article : Detectives Looking For Victims Of Alleged ' Disney ' Scam Artist Source : Santa Clarita News Author : Perry Smith
A 51 - year - old man who allegedly represented himself as a Disney family member was arrested in connection with stealing Disneyland passes in a felony burglary case , authorities said Wednesday evening . Stephen Urquidez allegedly had a fake driver 's license identifying himself as "" Stephen Disney "" and false tax forms showing income from the Walt Disney Corp. , according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff 's Department . Urquidez gave Disneyland passes to woman he knew so she could donate them for a raffle for a nonprofit where she does volunteer work , department Alignment 4 officials said in a statement . Urquidez is accused of telling the woman that he was Stephen Disney and a "" family member associated with a large , well - known corporation , " the Alignment 2 Alignment 3 statement said . A raffle winner took the passes to Disneyland , but they were not activated . Deputies were contacted and began an investigation . As it turned out , Urquidez Alignment 6 Alignment 7 had allegedly Alignment 6 Alignment 7 stolen the passes from a store , according Alignment 6 Alignment 7 to the Sheriff 's Department . The Walt Disney Corp. also said that Urquidez had no affiliation with the corporation or the Disney family . Urquidez , a Canyon Country resident , was arrested on suspicion of felony burglary and felony possession of a forged driver 's license . He was released after posting $ 20,000 bail , authorities said . Detectives suspect there may be other victims and are asking anyone with information to call ( 661 ) 255 - 1121 . ALSO : Unions had bad night in mayor 's race , did better in council races LAUSD must pay $ 1.4 million to girl sexually abused by classmate Bell city manager calls state audit unfair , defends reform progress Twitter : @LAJourno
– He might have claimed to be from the happiest place on Earth , but police say Stephen Urquidez was living in his own little bogus world . The Alignment 0 California man was arrested Alignment 0 Tuesday on burglary charges , and the story is an odd one : Police Alignment 1 say Urquidez Alignment 3 went by the name "" Stephen Disney "" ( and had a license and W-2 tax forms in that name ) , claimed Alignment 2 to be Alignment 3 a "" family member associated with a large , well - known corporation , " and stole Disneyland tickets , reports the Los Angeles Times . The Alignment 4 alleged ruse unraveled after Uriquidez reportedly gave a woman passes to the park to be used in a charity raffle ; the Alignment 5 winner tried to use them , only Alignment 5 to learn they had n't been activated . An Alignment 6 investigation led police to the Alignment 7 51 - year - old , who Alignment 7 allegedly stole the tickets from a store . Urquidez was released on $ 20,000 bond and then ... gave an interview . " Somebody lived here before me named Disney . They 're confusing me with someone else , " Urquidez told KCAL9 yesterday outside his home . The Alignment 8 Walt Disney Corporation has confirmed Alignment 8 no affiliation with Urquidez , who police say listed income from the Walt Disney Corporation on those fake W-2s . Police Alignment 9 are looking Alignment 9 for others who might have been duped .