import os import dateparser from amadeus import Client, ResponseError from import Tool # Initialize Amadeus API Client AMADEUS_API_KEY = os.getenv("AMADEUS_API_KEY") AMADEUS_API_SECRET = os.getenv("AMADEUS_API_SECRET") amadeus = Client( client_id=AMADEUS_API_KEY, client_secret=AMADEUS_API_SECRET ) # 🌍 Convert City Name to IATA Code def get_airport_code(city_name: str): """Find the IATA airport code for a given city.""" try: response = amadeus.reference_data.locations.get( keyword=city_name, subType="AIRPORT,CITY" ) if return[0]["iataCode"] return None except ResponseError: return None # ✈️ Get Full Airline Name from Code def get_airline_name(airline_code: str): """Get full airline name using Amadeus API.""" try: response = amadeus.reference_data.airlines.get(airlineCodes=airline_code) if return[0]["businessName"] return airline_code # Fallback to code if not found except ResponseError: return airline_code # 🕑 Format Flight Duration def format_duration(duration: str): """Convert ISO 8601 duration (PT20H25M) into readable format (20h 25m).""" duration = duration.replace("PT", "").replace("H", "h ").replace("M", "m") return duration.strip() # 🔗 Generate Booking Link def generate_booking_link(from_iata: str, to_iata: str, departure_date: str): """Generate a booking link using Google Flights.""" return f"{from_iata}.{to_iata}.{departure_date};c:USD;e:1;s:0;sd:1;t:f" # 🛫 Flight Search Tool (Now Gradio-Compatible with Simple Ticket Style) def search_flights(query: str): """Search for flights using Amadeus API and return plain Markdown output for Gradio.""" try: words = query.lower().split() from_city, to_city, date_phrase = None, None, None # Extract "from", "to", and date information if "from" in words and "to" in words: from_index = words.index("from") + 1 to_index = words.index("to") + 1 from_city = " ".join(words[from_index:to_index - 1]).title() to_city = " ".join(words[to_index:words.index("in")]) if "in" in words else " ".join(words[to_index:]).title() date_phrase = " ".join(words[words.index("in") + 1:]) if "in" in words else None # Validate extracted details if not from_city or not to_city: return "❌ Could not detect valid departure and destination cities. Please use 'from to '." # Convert city names to IATA codes from_iata = get_airport_code(from_city) to_iata = get_airport_code(to_city) if not from_iata or not to_iata: return f"❌ Could not find airport codes for {from_city} or {to_city}. Please check spelling." # Convert date phrase to YYYY-MM-DD departure_date = dateparser.parse(date_phrase) if date_phrase else None if not departure_date: return "❌ Could not understand the travel date. Use formats like 'next week' or 'on May 15'." departure_date_str = departure_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # Fetch flight offers from Amadeus response = originLocationCode=from_iata, destinationLocationCode=to_iata, departureDate=departure_date_str, adults=1, max=5 ) flights = if not flights: return f"❌ No flights found from {from_city} to {to_city} on {departure_date_str}." # 🏆 PLAIN TICKET OUTPUT FOR GRADIO MARKDOWN result = f"### Flight Information from {from_city} ({from_iata}) to {to_city} ({to_iata})\n" for flight in flights[:3]: # Show up to 5 results for simplicity airline_code = flight["validatingAirlineCodes"][0] airline_name = get_airline_name(airline_code) price = flight["price"]["total"] duration = format_duration(flight["itineraries"][0]["duration"]) departure_time = flight["itineraries"][0]["segments"][0]["departure"]["at"] arrival_time = flight["itineraries"][0]["segments"][-1]["arrival"]["at"] stops = len(flight["itineraries"][0]["segments"]) - 1 booking_link = generate_booking_link(from_iata, to_iata, departure_date_str) # Plain ticket format without fancy styling result += f""" - **Airline:** {airline_name} - **Flight No:** {airline_code}123 - **Departure Date and Time:** {departure_time} ({from_iata}) - **Arrival Date and Time:** {arrival_time} ({to_iata}) - **Duration:** {duration} - **Stops:** {stops} - **Price:** ${price} - [Book Now]({booking_link}) | [Show More Flights]({booking_link}) --- """ print(f"Debug - Flight Data: {flights}") # Debugging output to verify data return result except ResponseError as error: print(f"Debug - Amadeus API Error: {str(error)}") # Debugging output for API errors return f"❌ Error: {str(error)}" # ✅ Register as a Tool tools = [ Tool( name="Flight Booking", func=search_flights, description="Find and book flights using natural language. Examples: 'Flight from Delhi to SFO in May', 'Travel from Mumbai to New York next week'." ) ]