import os | |
import dateparser | |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta | |
from amadeus import Client, ResponseError | |
from import Tool | |
import http.client | |
import json | |
import urllib.parse | |
import traceback | |
# API Credentials | |
RAPIDAPI_KEY = os.getenv("RAPIDAPI_KEY") | |
amadeus = Client(client_id=AMADEUS_API_KEY, client_secret=AMADEUS_API_SECRET) | |
# Utility Functions | |
def get_airport_code(city_name: str): | |
try: | |
response = amadeus.reference_data.locations.get(keyword=city_name, subType="AIRPORT,CITY") | |
return[0]["iataCode"] if else None | |
except ResponseError: | |
return None | |
def get_airline_name(airline_code: str): | |
try: | |
response = amadeus.reference_data.airlines.get(airlineCodes=airline_code) | |
return[0]["businessName"] if else airline_code | |
except ResponseError: | |
return airline_code | |
def format_duration(duration: str): | |
return duration.replace("PT", "").replace("H", "h ").replace("M", "m").strip() | |
def generate_booking_link(from_iata: str, to_iata: str, departure_date: str): | |
return f"{from_iata}.{to_iata}.{departure_date};c:USD;e:1;s:0;sd:1;t:f" | |
# π¨ Hotel Search Tool (Fixed) | |
def search_hotels(query: str): | |
"""Search for hotels in a city with start and end dates using API.""" | |
try: | |
print(f"DEBUG: Query received: {query}") | |
words = query.lower().split() | |
city, checkin_phrase, checkout_phrase = None, None, None | |
# Extract city | |
if "in" in words: | |
in_index = words.index("in") + 1 | |
end_index = words.index("from") if "from" in words else words.index("for") if "for" in words else len(words) | |
city = " ".join(words[in_index:end_index]).title() | |
print(f"DEBUG: Parsed city: {city}") | |
# Extract dates | |
if "from" in words: | |
from_index = words.index("from") + 1 | |
to_index = words.index("to") if "to" in words else len(words) | |
checkin_phrase = " ".join(words[from_index:to_index]) | |
if "to" in words: | |
checkout_phrase = " ".join(words[words.index("to") + 1:]) | |
print(f"DEBUG: Check-in phrase: {checkin_phrase}, Check-out phrase: {checkout_phrase if checkout_phrase else 'Not provided'}") | |
if not city: | |
return "β Could not detect a valid city. Use 'hotels in <city> from <date> to <date>'." | |
# Parse dates | |
checkin_date = dateparser.parse(checkin_phrase, settings={'PREFER_DATES_FROM': 'future'}) if checkin_phrase else None | |
if not checkin_date: | |
return "β Could not parse check-in date. Use formats like 'February 25 2025'." | |
print(f"DEBUG: Parsed check-in date: {checkin_date}") | |
checkout_date = dateparser.parse(checkout_phrase, settings={'PREFER_DATES_FROM': 'future'}) if checkout_phrase else checkin_date + timedelta(days=1) | |
if not checkout_date: | |
return "β Could not parse check-out date. Use formats like 'February 28 2025'." | |
print(f"DEBUG: Parsed check-out date: {checkout_date}") | |
if checkin_date >= checkout_date: | |
checkin_date_str = checkin_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") | |
checkout_date_str = checkout_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") | |
return f"β Invalid dates: Check-in ({checkin_date_str}) must be before check-out ({checkout_date_str})." | |
checkin_date_str = checkin_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") | |
checkout_date_str = checkout_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") | |
print(f"DEBUG: Formatted dates: {checkin_date_str} to {checkout_date_str}") | |
# Validate API key | |
if not RAPIDAPI_KEY: | |
return "β API key is missing. Please contact Travelo LLC support." | |
print(f"DEBUG: Using RapidAPI key: {RAPIDAPI_KEY[:5]}... (truncated)") | |
# Get destination ID | |
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(RAPIDAPI_HOST) | |
headers = { | |
"x-rapidapi-key": RAPIDAPI_KEY, | |
"x-rapidapi-host": RAPIDAPI_HOST | |
} | |
dest_url = f"/api/v1/hotels/searchDestination?query={urllib.parse.quote(city)}&locale=en-us" | |
print(f"DEBUG: Requesting destination ID with URL: {dest_url}") | |
conn.request("GET", dest_url, headers=headers) | |
res = conn.getresponse() | |
dest_raw ="utf-8") | |
print(f"DEBUG: Destination response - Status: {res.status}, Raw: {dest_raw}") | |
if res.status != 200: | |
conn.close() | |
return f"β Failed to fetch destination ID for {city}. HTTP Status: {res.status}. Response: {dest_raw}" | |
dest_data = json.loads(dest_raw) | |
if not dest_data.get("data") or "dest_id" not in dest_data["data"][0]: | |
conn.close() | |
return f"β No valid destination ID found for {city}. Response: {json.dumps(dest_data)}" | |
dest_id = next((item["dest_id"] for item in dest_data["data"] if item.get("search_type") == "city"), None) | |
if not dest_id: | |
conn.close() | |
return f"β No city-level destination ID found for {city}. Response: {json.dumps(dest_data)}" | |
print(f"DEBUG: Destination ID: {dest_id}") | |
# Search hotels | |
params = { | |
"dest_id": dest_id, | |
"search_type": "CITY", | |
"adults": "1", | |
"children_age": "0,17", | |
"room_qty": "1", | |
"page_number": "1", | |
"units": "metric", | |
"temperature_unit": "c", | |
"languagecode": "en-us", | |
"currency_code": "USD", | |
"arrival_date": checkin_date_str, | |
"departure_date": checkout_date_str | |
} | |
hotel_url = "/api/v1/hotels/searchHotels?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params, safe=":/%") | |
print(f"DEBUG: Requesting hotels with URL: {hotel_url}") | |
conn.request("GET", hotel_url, headers=headers) | |
res = conn.getresponse() | |
hotel_raw ="utf-8") | |
print(f"DEBUG: Hotel response - Status: {res.status}, Raw: {hotel_raw}") | |
if res.status != 200: | |
conn.close() | |
return f"β Failed to fetch hotels. HTTP Status: {res.status}. Response: {hotel_raw}" | |
data = json.loads(hotel_raw) | |
if "data" not in data or "hotels" not in data["data"] or not data["data"]["hotels"]: | |
error_msg = data.get("message", "No hotels available") | |
conn.close() | |
return f"β No hotels found in {city} for {checkin_date_str} to {checkout_date_str}. The API reported: {json.dumps(error_msg)}. Try adjusting your dates or destination." | |
hotels = data["data"]["hotels"][:3] | |
result = f"### Hotels in {city} ({checkin_date_str} to {checkout_date_str})\n" | |
for hotel in hotels: | |
property_data = hotel.get("property", {}) | |
name = property_data.get("name", "Unknown Hotel") | |
price = property_data.get("priceBreakdown", {}).get("grossPrice", {}).get("value", "N/A") | |
currency = property_data.get("priceBreakdown", {}).get("currency", "USD") | |
rating = property_data.get("reviewScore", "Not rated") | |
hotel_id = hotel.get("hotel_id", "") | |
# Ensure hotel_id corresponds to the correct format for URLs | |
booking_link = f"{hotel_id}.html" if hotel_id else "" | |
result += f""" | |
- **Hotel:** {name} | |
- **Rating:** {rating} β | |
- **Price:** {price} {currency} | |
- [Book Now]({booking_link}) | |
--- | |
""" | |
conn.close() | |
return result | |
except Exception as e: | |
error_details = traceback.format_exc() | |
print(f"DEBUG: Exception occurred: {error_details}") | |
if 'conn' in locals(): | |
conn.close() | |
return f"β Error searching hotels: {str(e)}. Raw response (if any): {hotel_raw if 'hotel_raw' in locals() else 'N/A'}" | |
# βοΈ Flight Search Tool (Unchanged) | |
def search_flights(query: str): | |
try: | |
words = query.lower().split() | |
from_city, to_city, date_phrase = None, None, None | |
if "from" in words and "to" in words: | |
from_index = words.index("from") + 1 | |
to_index = words.index("to") + 1 | |
from_city = " ".join(words[from_index:to_index - 1]).title() | |
to_city = " ".join(words[to_index:words.index("in")]) if "in" in words else " ".join(words[to_index:]).title() | |
date_phrase = " ".join(words[words.index("in") + 1:]) if "in" in words else None | |
if not from_city or not to_city: | |
return "β Could not detect valid departure and destination cities. Please use 'from <city> to <city>'." | |
from_iata = get_airport_code(from_city) | |
to_iata = get_airport_code(to_city) | |
if not from_iata or not to_iata: | |
return f"β Could not find airport codes for {from_city} or {to_city}." | |
departure_date = dateparser.parse(date_phrase) if date_phrase else None | |
if not departure_date: | |
return "β Could not understand the travel date. Use formats like 'next week' or 'on May 15'." | |
departure_date_str = departure_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") | |
response = | |
originLocationCode=from_iata, | |
destinationLocationCode=to_iata, | |
departureDate=departure_date_str, | |
adults=1, | |
max=3 | |
) | |
flights = | |
if not flights: | |
return f"β No flights found from {from_city} to {to_city} on {departure_date_str}." | |
result = f"### Flight Information from {from_city} ({from_iata}) to {to_city} ({to_iata})\n" | |
for flight in flights: | |
airline_code = flight["validatingAirlineCodes"][0] | |
airline_name = get_airline_name(airline_code) | |
price = flight["price"]["total"] | |
duration = format_duration(flight["itineraries"][0]["duration"]) | |
departure_time = flight["itineraries"][0]["segments"][0]["departure"]["at"] | |
arrival_time = flight["itineraries"][0]["segments"][-1]["arrival"]["at"] | |
stops = len(flight["itineraries"][0]["segments"]) - 1 | |
booking_link = generate_booking_link(from_iata, to_iata, departure_date_str) | |
result += f""" | |
- **Airline:** {airline_name} | |
- **Flight No:** {airline_code}123 | |
- **Departure:** {departure_time} ({from_iata}) | |
- **Arrival:** {arrival_time} ({to_iata}) | |
- **Duration:** {duration} | |
- **Stops:** {stops} | |
- **Price:** ${price} | |
- [Book Now]({booking_link}) | |
--- | |
""" | |
return result | |
except ResponseError as error: | |
return f"β Error: {str(error)}" | |
# Register Tools | |
tools = [ | |
Tool( | |
name="Flight Booking", | |
func=search_flights, | |
description="Find flights using natural language. Example: 'Flight from Delhi to SFO in May'" | |
), | |
Tool( | |
name="Hotel Booking", | |
func=search_hotels, | |
description="Find hotels in a city with start and end dates. Example: 'Hotels in Paris from February 25 2025 to February 28 2025'" | |
) | |
] |