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<h1 class="text-3xl font-bold text-gray-800">Hub Semantic Search</h1> |
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class="bg-gradient-to-br from-blue-50 to-indigo-50 p-6 rounded-xl shadow-sm border border-blue-100 mb-6" |
> |
<h2 |
class="text-lg font-semibold mb-2 text-gray-800 flex items-center gap-2" |
> |
<i data-lucide="search" class="text-blue-500"></i> |
Welcome to Hub Semantic Search |
</h2> |
<p class="text-gray-700 mb-2 text-sm"> |
Find and explore the 🤗 Hub using via semantic search on LLM generated |
summaries! Summaries are generated using |
<a |
href="https://huggingface.co/davanstrien/Smol-Hub-tldr" |
target="_blank" |
class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 hover:underline" |
> |
Smol-Hub-tldr </a |
>. |
</p> |
<div |
class="bg-blue-100 text-blue-800 px-3 py-1.5 rounded-md mb-2 text-sm" |
> |
<p class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<i data-lucide="info"></i> Search for datasets and models using |
semantic search! |
</p> |
</div> |
<button |
onclick="toggleAccordion()" |
id="accordionButton" |
class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 flex items-center gap-2 text-sm" |
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<i |
data-lucide="chevron-right" |
id="accordionIcon" |
class="transition-transform" |
></i> |
<span>How it works</span> |
</button> |
<div id="accordionContent" class="hidden"> |
<ul |
class="list-disc list-inside space-y-1 text-gray-600 ml-4 mt-2 text-sm" |
> |
<li> |
<strong>AI-Generated Summaries:</strong> Each dataset is indexed |
using a concise summary generated by an LLM |
</li> |
<li> |
<strong>Semantic Search:</strong> Find semantically similar |
resources based on these summaries |
</li> |
<li> |
<strong>Find Similar:</strong> Discover related resources using |
semantic matching |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tabs w-full"> |
<div class="tab-list flex gap-2 border-b mb-6"> |
<button |
onclick="switchTab('search')" |
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class="tab-trigger active px-4 sm:px-6 py-3 flex items-center gap-2 border-b-2 border-transparent hover:bg-gray-50 transition-colors flex-1 justify-center" |
> |
<i data-lucide="search"></i> Search |
</button> |
<button |
onclick="switchTab('similar')" |
id="similarTab" |
class="tab-trigger px-4 sm:px-6 py-3 flex items-center gap-2 border-b-2 border-transparent hover:bg-gray-50 transition-colors flex-1 justify-center" |
> |
<i data-lucide="arrow-right"></i> Find Similar |
</button> |
<button |
onclick="switchTab('trending')" |
id="trendingTab" |
class="tab-trigger px-4 sm:px-6 py-3 flex items-center gap-2 border-b-2 border-transparent hover:bg-gray-50 transition-colors flex-1 justify-center" |
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<i data-lucide="trending-up"></i> Trending |
</button> |
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<div id="searchContent" class="tab-content space-y-4"> |
<div |
class="card bg-white p-8 rounded-xl shadow-sm border border-gray-100" |
> |
<div |
class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-4 items-start sm:items-center justify-between mb-4" |
> |
<p class="text-gray-600"> |
Enter keywords to search through descriptions. The search will |
automatically update as you type. |
</p> |
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2"> |
<select |
id="searchTypeSelect" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="selectType(this.value)" |
> |
<option value="datasets">Datasets</option> |
<option value="models">Models</option> |
</select> |
<select |
id="searchSortSelect" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('search')" |
> |
<option value="similarity">Sort by relevance</option> |
<option value="likes">Sort by likes</option> |
<option value="downloads">Sort by downloads</option> |
<option value="trending">Sort by trending</option> |
</select> |
<div class="relative"> |
<button |
onclick="toggleFilters('search')" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none flex items-center gap-2" |
> |
<i data-lucide="filter"></i> |
Filters |
<span |
id="searchActiveFilters" |
class="hidden px-1.5 py-0.5 bg-blue-100 text-blue-700 text-xs rounded-full" |
></span> |
</button> |
<div |
id="searchFiltersPopover" |
class="hidden absolute right-0 mt-2 w-64 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow-lg p-4 z-10" |
> |
<div class="space-y-4"> |
<div> |
<label |
class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 mb-1" |
>Minimum Likes</label |
> |
<input |
type="number" |
id="searchMinLikes" |
placeholder="0" |
min="0" |
class="w-full text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('search')" |
/> |
</div> |
<div> |
<label |
class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 mb-1" |
>Minimum Downloads</label |
> |
<input |
type="number" |
id="searchMinDownloads" |
placeholder="0" |
min="0" |
class="w-full text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('search')" |
/> |
</div> |
<div id="searchParamRange" class="hidden"> |
<label |
class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 mb-1" |
>Parameter Range</label |
> |
<select |
id="searchParamRangeSelect" |
class="w-full text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('search')" |
> |
<option value="any">Any</option> |
<option value="0-1">0-1B</option> |
<option value="1-7">1-7B</option> |
<option value="7-20">7-20B</option> |
<option value="20-70">20-70B</option> |
<option value="70+">70B+</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="relative"> |
<input |
type="text" |
id="searchInput" |
placeholder="Type to search (minimum 3 characters)..." |
class="w-full p-3 border rounded-lg pr-10 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
/> |
<div id="searchLoader" class="hidden absolute right-3 top-2"> |
<i data-lucide="loader-2" class="animate-spin"></i> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="similarContent" class="hidden tab-content space-y-4"> |
<div |
class="card bg-white p-8 rounded-xl shadow-sm border border-gray-100" |
> |
<div |
class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-4 items-start sm:items-center justify-between mb-4" |
> |
<p class="text-gray-600"> |
Enter an ID to find similar resources. Popular items will appear |
as you type. |
</p> |
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2"> |
<select |
id="similarTypeSelect" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="selectType(this.value)" |
> |
<option value="datasets">Datasets</option> |
<option value="models">Models</option> |
</select> |
<select |
id="similarSortSelect" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('similar')" |
> |
<option value="similarity">Sort by relevance</option> |
<option value="likes">Sort by likes</option> |
<option value="downloads">Sort by downloads</option> |
<option value="trending">Sort by trending</option> |
</select> |
<div class="relative"> |
<button |
onclick="toggleFilters('similar')" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none flex items-center gap-2" |
> |
<i data-lucide="filter"></i> |
Filters |
<span |
id="similarActiveFilters" |
class="hidden px-1.5 py-0.5 bg-blue-100 text-blue-700 text-xs rounded-full" |
></span> |
</button> |
<div |
id="similarFiltersPopover" |
class="hidden absolute right-0 mt-2 w-64 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow-lg p-4 z-10" |
> |
<div class="space-y-4"> |
<div> |
<label |
class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 mb-1" |
>Minimum Likes</label |
> |
<input |
type="number" |
id="similarMinLikes" |
placeholder="0" |
min="0" |
class="w-full text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('similar')" |
/> |
</div> |
<div> |
<label |
class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 mb-1" |
>Minimum Downloads</label |
> |
<input |
type="number" |
id="similarMinDownloads" |
placeholder="0" |
min="0" |
class="w-full text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('similar')" |
/> |
</div> |
<div id="similarParamRange" class="hidden"> |
<label |
class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 mb-1" |
>Parameter Range</label |
> |
<select |
id="similarParamRangeSelect" |
class="w-full text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="handleFilterChange('similar')" |
> |
<option value="any">Any</option> |
<option value="0-1">0-1B</option> |
<option value="1-7">1-7B</option> |
<option value="7-20">7-20B</option> |
<option value="20-70">20-70B</option> |
<option value="70+">70B+</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex gap-3"> |
<div class="relative w-full"> |
<input |
type="text" |
id="resourceInput" |
class="w-full p-3 border border-gray-200 rounded-lg" |
placeholder="e.g. openai/gsm8k or meta-llama/Llama-2-7b" |
/> |
<div id="similarLoader" class="hidden absolute right-3 top-3"> |
<i data-lucide="loader-2" class="animate-spin"></i> |
</div> |
<div |
id="suggestionsBox" |
class="hidden absolute w-full mt-1 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow-lg z-10 max-h-60 overflow-y-auto" |
></div> |
</div> |
<button onclick="findSimilarResources()" class="btn-primary"> |
Find Similar |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="trendingContent" class="hidden tab-content space-y-6"> |
<div class="bg-white p-8 rounded-xl shadow-sm border border-gray-100"> |
<div |
class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-4 items-start sm:items-center justify-between mb-6" |
> |
<h2 |
class="text-xl font-semibold text-gray-800 flex items-center gap-2" |
> |
<i data-lucide="trending-up" class="text-blue-500"></i> |
Trending on Hugging Face Hub |
</h2> |
<div class="flex gap-2"> |
<select |
id="trendingTypeSelect" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="loadTrendingResources(this.value)" |
> |
<option value="datasets">Datasets</option> |
<option value="models">Models</option> |
</select> |
<select |
id="trendingLimitSelect" |
class="text-sm border rounded-lg px-3 py-2 bg-white text-gray-700 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-100 focus:border-blue-300 transition-all outline-none" |
onchange="loadTrendingResources(document.getElementById('trendingTypeSelect').value)" |
> |
<option value="10">Show 10</option> |
<option value="20">Show 20</option> |
<option value="30">Show 30</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="trendingLoader" class="flex justify-center py-6"> |
<i |
data-lucide="loader-2" |
class="animate-spin text-blue-500 w-8 h-8" |
></i> |
</div> |
<div id="trendingResults" class="space-y-4"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div |
id="errorMessage" |
class="hidden mt-4 p-4 text-red-600 bg-red-50 rounded-md" |
></div> |
<div id="resultsContainer" class="mt-6 space-y-4"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<style> |
.tab-trigger.active { |
border-bottom-color: #3b82f6; |
color: #3b82f6; |
} |
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background-color: #3b82f6; |
color: white; |
padding: 0.5rem 1rem; |
border-radius: 0.5rem; |
transition: background-color 0.2s; |
} |
.btn-primary:hover { |
background-color: #2563eb; |
} |
.resource-card { |
transition: transform 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s; |
} |
.resource-card:hover { |
transform: translateY(-2px); |
box-shadow: 0 10px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), |
0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); |
} |
</style> |
<script> |
const API_URL = |
"https://davanstrien-huggingface-datasets-search-v2.hf.space"; |
const MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH = 3; |
const DEBOUNCE_MS = 300; |
const RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 5; |
const MAX_RESULTS = 100; |
let currentPage = 1; |
const URL_PARAMS = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); |
const INITIAL_SEARCH = URL_PARAMS.get("q"); |
const INITIAL_SIMILAR = URL_PARAMS.get("similar"); |
const INITIAL_TYPE = URL_PARAMS.get("type") || "datasets"; |
const INITIAL_TAB = URL_PARAMS.get("tab") || "search"; |
let currentSort = "similarity"; |
let currentType = INITIAL_TYPE; |
let currentMinLikes = 0; |
let currentMinDownloads = 0; |
let currentParamFilter = "any"; |
lucide.createIcons(); |
function switchTab(tabId) { |
currentPage = 1; |
document |
.querySelectorAll(".tab-content") |
.forEach((content) => content.classList.add("hidden")); |
document |
.querySelectorAll(".tab-trigger") |
.forEach((trigger) => trigger.classList.remove("active")); |
document.getElementById(`${tabId}Content`).classList.remove("hidden"); |
document.getElementById(`${tabId}Tab`).classList.add("active"); |
updateParamFilterUI(); |
if (tabId === "trending") { |
document.getElementById("resultsContainer").innerHTML = ""; |
loadTrendingResources( |
document.getElementById("trendingTypeSelect").value |
); |
} |
if (tabId === "search") { |
updateURL({ tab: "search", similar: null }); |
} else if (tabId === "similar") { |
updateURL({ tab: "similar", q: null }); |
} else if (tabId === "trending") { |
updateURL({ tab: "trending", q: null, similar: null }); |
} |
updateParamFilterUI(); |
} |
function createResultCard(result) { |
const isDataset = "dataset_id" in result; |
const resourceId = isDataset ? result.dataset_id : result.model_id; |
const resourceType = isDataset ? "datasets" : "models"; |
const resourceIcon = isDataset ? "database" : "box"; |
const resourceUrl = isDataset |
? `https://huggingface.co/${resourceType}/${resourceId}` |
: `https://huggingface.co/${resourceId}`; |
const isTrendingTab = |
document |
.getElementById("trendingContent") |
.classList.contains("hidden") === false; |
const cardHtml = ` |
<div class="card resource-card bg-white p-4 sm:p-6 rounded-lg shadow hover:shadow-md transition-shadow"> |
<div class="space-y-2 w-full"> |
<div class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center justify-between gap-2"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<i data-lucide="${resourceIcon}" class="text-blue-500"></i> |
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold">${resourceId}</h3> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-2"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-4 text-sm text-gray-500"> |
<span class="flex items-center gap-1"> |
<i data-lucide="heart" class="w-4 h-4"></i> |
${result.likes} |
</span> |
<span class="flex items-center gap-1"> |
<i data-lucide="download" class="w-4 h-4"></i> |
${result.downloads} |
</span> |
</div> |
${ |
!isTrendingTab && result.similarity |
? `<span class="bg-blue-50 px-2 py-1 rounded text-sm"> |
${(result.similarity * 100).toFixed( |
1 |
)}% match |
</span>` |
: "" |
} |
<button |
onclick="findSimilarFromResult('${resourceId}', '${resourceType}')" |
class="flex items-center gap-1 text-sm text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" |
> |
<i data-lucide="arrow-right"></i> |
Find Similar |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<p class="text-sm text-gray-600">${result.summary}</p> |
${ |
isDataset |
? ` |
<!-- Add preview section that starts hidden --> |
<div id="preview-section-${resourceId}" class="mt-4 border-t pt-4 hidden"> |
<button |
onclick="togglePreview('${resourceId}')" |
class="flex items-center gap-2 text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-800" |
> |
<i data-lucide="chevron-right" id="preview-icon-${resourceId}" class="transition-transform"></i> |
Preview Dataset |
</button> |
<div id="preview-content-${resourceId}" class="hidden mt-4"> |
<iframe |
src="https://huggingface.co/datasets/${resourceId}/embed/viewer/default/train" |
frameborder="0" |
width="100%" |
height="560px" |
></iframe> |
</div> |
</div> |
` |
: "" |
} |
<a href="${resourceUrl}" |
target="_blank" |
class="inline-flex items-center gap-1 text-sm text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 mt-2"> |
<i data-lucide="external-link" class="w-4 h-4"></i> |
View on Hugging Face Hub |
</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
`; |
if (isDataset) { |
checkDatasetValidity(resourceId); |
} |
return cardHtml; |
} |
async function checkDatasetValidity(datasetId) { |
try { |
const response = await fetch( |
`https://datasets-server.huggingface.co/is-valid?dataset=${datasetId}` |
); |
const data = await response.json(); |
if (data.viewer) { |
const previewSection = document.getElementById( |
`preview-section-${datasetId}` |
); |
if (previewSection) { |
previewSection.classList.remove("hidden"); |
} |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error( |
`Failed to check validity for dataset ${datasetId}:`, |
error |
); |
} |
} |
function updateURL(params) { |
const newURL = new URL(window.location); |
Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => { |
if (value) { |
newURL.searchParams.set(key, value); |
} else { |
newURL.searchParams.delete(key); |
} |
}); |
window.history.pushState({}, "", newURL); |
} |
async function performSearch(query, page = 1) { |
if (query.length < MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { |
document.getElementById("resultsContainer").innerHTML = ""; |
updateURL({ q: null, similar: null }); |
return; |
} |
document.getElementById("searchLoader").classList.remove("hidden"); |
document.getElementById("errorMessage").classList.add("hidden"); |
updateURL({ |
q: query, |
similar: null, |
type: currentType, |
tab: "search", |
}); |
try { |
const endpoint = `${API_URL}/search/${currentType}`; |
const params = new URLSearchParams({ |
query: query, |
k: RESULTS_PER_PAGE * page, |
sort_by: currentSort, |
min_likes: currentMinLikes, |
min_downloads: currentMinDownloads, |
}); |
if (currentType === "models" && currentParamFilter !== "any") { |
if (currentParamFilter.includes("-")) { |
const [min, max] = currentParamFilter.split("-"); |
params.append("min_param_count", parseInt(min) * 1e9); |
params.append("max_param_count", parseInt(max) * 1e9); |
} else if (currentParamFilter.endsWith("+")) { |
params.append( |
"min_param_count", |
parseInt(currentParamFilter.replace("+", "")) * 1e9 |
); |
} |
} |
const response = await fetch(`${endpoint}?${params}`); |
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Search failed"); |
const data = await response.json(); |
displayResults(data.results, page); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Search error:", error); |
showError("Failed to perform search. Please try again."); |
} finally { |
document.getElementById("searchLoader").classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
} |
function toggleFilters(tab) { |
const popover = document.getElementById(`${tab}FiltersPopover`); |
popover.classList.toggle("hidden"); |
const otherTab = tab === "search" ? "similar" : "search"; |
document |
.getElementById(`${otherTab}FiltersPopover`) |
.classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
function syncParamFilterValues() { |
const searchParamSelect = document.getElementById( |
"searchParamRangeSelect" |
); |
const similarParamSelect = document.getElementById( |
"similarParamRangeSelect" |
); |
if (searchParamSelect && similarParamSelect) { |
if (searchParamSelect.value !== currentParamFilter) { |
currentParamFilter = searchParamSelect.value; |
similarParamSelect.value = currentParamFilter; |
} else if (similarParamSelect.value !== currentParamFilter) { |
currentParamFilter = similarParamSelect.value; |
searchParamSelect.value = currentParamFilter; |
} |
} |
} |
const searchResources = _.debounce(async (query, page = 1) => { |
performSearch(query, page); |
let trendingResourcesCache = { |
datasets: null, |
models: null, |
}; |
let cacheTimestamp = { |
datasets: null, |
models: null, |
}; |
const CACHE_DURATION = 1000 * 60 * 15; |
async function fetchTrendingResources(type) { |
if ( |
trendingResourcesCache[type] && |
cacheTimestamp[type] && |
Date.now() - cacheTimestamp[type] < CACHE_DURATION |
) { |
return trendingResourcesCache[type]; |
} |
try { |
const response = await fetch(`https://huggingface.co/api/${type}`); |
const data = await response.json(); |
const trendingResources = data |
.slice(0, 20) |
.map((resource) => resource.id); |
trendingResourcesCache[type] = trendingResources; |
cacheTimestamp[type] = Date.now(); |
return trendingResources; |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(`Error fetching trending ${type}:`, error); |
return []; |
} |
} |
async function loadTrendingResources(type) { |
document.getElementById("trendingLoader").style.display = "flex"; |
document.getElementById("trendingResults").innerHTML = ""; |
document.getElementById("errorMessage").classList.add("hidden"); |
document.getElementById("trendingTypeSelect").value = type; |
const limit = document.getElementById("trendingLimitSelect").value; |
try { |
const endpoint = `${API_URL}/trending/${type}`; |
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({ |
limit: limit, |
}); |
if (type === "models" && currentParamFilter !== "any") { |
if (currentParamFilter.includes("-")) { |
const [min, max] = currentParamFilter.split("-"); |
queryParams.append("min_param_count", parseInt(min) * 1e9); |
queryParams.append("max_param_count", parseInt(max) * 1e9); |
} else if (currentParamFilter.endsWith("+")) { |
queryParams.append( |
"min_param_count", |
parseInt(currentParamFilter.replace("+", "")) * 1e9 |
); |
} |
} |
const response = await fetch(`${endpoint}?${queryParams}`); |
if (!response.ok) { |
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); |
} |
const data = await response.json(); |
const resultsContainer = document.getElementById("trendingResults"); |
if (data.results && data.results.length > 0) { |
resultsContainer.innerHTML = data.results |
.map((result) => createResultCard(result)) |
.join(""); |
lucide.createIcons(); |
} else { |
resultsContainer.innerHTML = ` |
<div class="text-center p-8 bg-gray-50 rounded-lg"> |
<p class="text-gray-500">No trending ${type} found matching your criteria</p> |
</div> |
`; |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error loading trending resources:", error); |
document.getElementById("trendingResults").innerHTML = ` |
<div class="text-center p-8 bg-gray-50 rounded-lg"> |
<p class="text-red-500">Failed to load trending ${type}. Please try again later.</p> |
</div> |
`; |
} finally { |
document.getElementById("trendingLoader").style.display = "none"; |
} |
} |
function displaySuggestions(resources, suggestionsBox) { |
if (resources.length > 0) { |
const resourceIcon = currentType === "datasets" ? "database" : "box"; |
suggestionsBox.innerHTML = resources |
.map( |
(resourceId) => ` |
<div |
class="p-3 hover:bg-gray-50 cursor-pointer border-b last:border-b-0" |
onclick="selectSuggestion('${resourceId}')" |
> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<i data-lucide="${resourceIcon}" class="w-4 h-4 text-blue-500"></i> |
<span>${resourceId}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
` |
) |
.join(""); |
suggestionsBox.classList.remove("hidden"); |
lucide.createIcons(); |
} else { |
suggestionsBox.classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
} |
function selectSuggestion(resource) { |
const resourceInput = document.getElementById("resourceInput"); |
const suggestionsBox = document.getElementById("suggestionsBox"); |
resourceInput.value = resource; |
suggestionsBox.classList.add("hidden"); |
findSimilarResources(); |
} |
async function findSimilarResources(page = 1) { |
const resourceId = document.getElementById("resourceInput").value; |
if (!resourceId) return; |
updateURL({ |
similar: resourceId, |
q: null, |
type: currentType, |
tab: "similar", |
}); |
document.getElementById("similarLoader").classList.remove("hidden"); |
document.getElementById("errorMessage").classList.add("hidden"); |
try { |
const endpoint = `${API_URL}/similarity/${currentType}`; |
const paramName = |
currentType === "datasets" ? "dataset_id" : "model_id"; |
const params = new URLSearchParams({ |
[paramName]: resourceId, |
k: RESULTS_PER_PAGE * page, |
sort_by: currentSort, |
min_likes: currentMinLikes, |
min_downloads: currentMinDownloads, |
}); |
if (currentType === "models" && currentParamFilter !== "any") { |
if (currentParamFilter.includes("-")) { |
const [min, max] = currentParamFilter.split("-"); |
params.append("min_param_count", parseInt(min) * 1e9); |
params.append("max_param_count", parseInt(max) * 1e9); |
} else if (currentParamFilter.endsWith("+")) { |
params.append( |
"min_param_count", |
parseInt(currentParamFilter.replace("+", "")) * 1e9 |
); |
} |
} |
const response = await fetch(`${endpoint}?${params}`); |
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Similarity search failed"); |
const data = await response.json(); |
displayResults(data.results, page); |
} catch (error) { |
showError(`Failed to find similar ${currentType}. Please try again.`); |
} finally { |
document.getElementById("similarLoader").classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
} |
function displayResults(results, page = 1) { |
const container = document.getElementById("resultsContainer"); |
console.log("Displaying results:", results); |
if (results && results.length > 0) { |
if (currentSort !== "similarity") { |
results.sort((a, b) => b[currentSort] - a[currentSort]); |
} |
container.innerHTML = ` |
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-4"> |
<h2 class="text-lg font-semibold">Results</h2> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-4"> |
<span class="text-sm text-gray-500">Found ${ |
results.length |
} results</span> |
<button |
onclick="shareResults()" |
class="flex items-center gap-1 text-sm px-3 py-1.5 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg hover:bg-gray-50" |
title="Copy link to these search results" |
> |
<i data-lucide="link"></i> |
Copy Search Link |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
${results.map((result) => createResultCard(result)).join("")} |
${ |
results.length >= RESULTS_PER_PAGE * page && |
? `<div class="mt-4 flex items-center justify-between"> |
<button |
onclick="loadMore()" |
class="px-6 py-3 bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 text-gray-700 rounded-lg transition-colors flex items-center gap-2" |
> |
<i data-lucide="more-horizontal"></i> |
Load More Results |
</button> |
<button |
onclick="shareResults()" |
class="flex items-center gap-1 text-sm px-3 py-1.5 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg hover:bg-gray-50" |
title="Copy link to these search results" |
> |
<i data-lucide="link"></i> |
Copy Search Link |
</button> |
</div>` |
: results.length >= MAX_RESULTS |
? `<div class="text-center mt-4 p-6 bg-blue-50 rounded-lg"> |
<p class="text-gray-700 mb-3">You've reached the end of our journey! (${MAX_RESULTS} results)</p> |
<p class="text-gray-600 mb-4">Can't find what you're looking for? Why not create and share your own?</p> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-center gap-4"> |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/docs/${ |
currentType === "datasets" |
? "datasets/upload_dataset" |
: "hub/upload" |
}" |
target="_blank" |
class="inline-flex items-center gap-2 text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"> |
<i data-lucide="external-link"></i> |
Learn how to share on Hugging Face |
</a> |
<button |
onclick="shareResults()" |
class="flex items-center gap-1 text-sm px-3 py-1.5 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg hover:bg-gray-50" |
title="Copy link to these search results" |
> |
<i data-lucide="link"></i> |
Copy Search Link |
</button> |
</div> |
</div>` |
: "" |
} |
`; |
lucide.createIcons(); |
} else { |
container.innerHTML = ` |
<div class="text-center text-gray-500"> |
No results found |
</div> |
`; |
} |
} |
function showError(message) { |
const errorElement = document.getElementById("errorMessage"); |
errorElement.textContent = message; |
errorElement.classList.remove("hidden"); |
} |
document |
.getElementById("searchInput") |
.addEventListener("input", (e) => searchResources(e.target.value)); |
document |
.getElementById("resourceInput") |
.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { |
if (e.key === "Enter") findSimilarResources(); |
}); |
function findSimilarFromResult(resourceId, resourceType) { |
switchTab("similar"); |
currentType = resourceType; |
document.getElementById("similarTypeSelect").value = resourceType; |
document.getElementById("searchTypeSelect").value = resourceType; |
document.getElementById("trendingTypeSelect").value = resourceType; |
const resourceInput = document.getElementById("resourceInput"); |
resourceInput.value = resourceId; |
const suggestionsBox = document.getElementById("suggestionsBox"); |
suggestionsBox.classList.add("hidden"); |
findSimilarResources(); |
} |
function toggleAccordion() { |
const content = document.getElementById("accordionContent"); |
const icon = document.getElementById("accordionIcon"); |
content.classList.toggle("hidden"); |
icon.style.transform = content.classList.contains("hidden") |
? "rotate(0deg)" |
: "rotate(90deg)"; |
} |
function loadMore() { |
currentPage += 1; |
const activeTab = document.querySelector(".tab-trigger.active").id; |
if (activeTab === "searchTab") { |
const searchQuery = document.getElementById("searchInput").value; |
searchResources(searchQuery, currentPage); |
} else { |
findSimilarResources(currentPage); |
} |
} |
function togglePreview(datasetId) { |
const content = document.getElementById(`preview-content-${datasetId}`); |
const icon = document.getElementById(`preview-icon-${datasetId}`); |
content.classList.toggle("hidden"); |
icon.style.transform = content.classList.contains("hidden") |
? "rotate(0deg)" |
: "rotate(90deg)"; |
} |
async function shareResults() { |
const activeTab = document.querySelector(".tab-trigger.active").id; |
const currentURL = new URL(window.location); |
if (activeTab === "searchTab") { |
const searchQuery = document.getElementById("searchInput").value; |
currentURL.searchParams.set("q", searchQuery); |
currentURL.searchParams.delete("similar"); |
} else if (activeTab === "similarTab") { |
const resourceId = document.getElementById("resourceInput").value; |
currentURL.searchParams.set("similar", resourceId); |
currentURL.searchParams.delete("q"); |
} else if (activeTab === "trendingTab") { |
const limit = document.getElementById("trendingLimitSelect").value; |
currentURL.searchParams.set("limit", limit); |
currentURL.searchParams.delete("q"); |
currentURL.searchParams.delete("similar"); |
} |
currentURL.searchParams.set("tab", activeTab.replace("Tab", "")); |
currentURL.searchParams.set("type", currentType); |
try { |
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(currentURL.toString()); |
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll( |
'button[onclick="shareResults()"]' |
); |
buttons.forEach((button) => { |
const originalHTML = button.innerHTML; |
button.innerHTML = |
'<i data-lucide="check"></i> Search Link Copied!'; |
button.classList.add( |
"bg-green-50", |
"border-green-200", |
"text-green-600" |
); |
lucide.createIcons(); |
setTimeout(() => { |
button.innerHTML = originalHTML; |
button.classList.remove( |
"bg-green-50", |
"border-green-200", |
"text-green-600" |
); |
lucide.createIcons(); |
}, 2000); |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error copying to clipboard:", error); |
} |
} |
function selectType(type) { |
const currentParamValue = currentParamFilter; |
currentType = type; |
document.getElementById("searchTypeSelect").value = type; |
document.getElementById("similarTypeSelect").value = type; |
if (type !== "models") { |
currentParamFilter = "any"; |
} |
updateFilterIndicators("search"); |
updateFilterIndicators("similar"); |
updateParamFilterUI(); |
const activeTab = document.querySelector(".tab-trigger.active").id; |
if (activeTab === "searchTab") { |
const searchQuery = document.getElementById("searchInput").value; |
if (searchQuery.length >= MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { |
performSearch(searchQuery, 1); |
} |
} else if (activeTab === "similarTab") { |
const resourceId = document.getElementById("resourceInput").value; |
if (resourceId) { |
findSimilarResources(1); |
} |
} else if (activeTab === "trendingTab") { |
loadTrendingResources(type); |
} |
} |
function updateFilterIndicators(tab) { |
const activeFiltersSpan = document.getElementById( |
`${tab}ActiveFilters` |
); |
let activeCount = |
(currentMinLikes > 0 ? 1 : 0) + |
(currentMinDownloads > 0 ? 1 : 0) + |
(currentType === "models" && currentParamFilter !== "any" ? 1 : 0); |
if (activeCount > 0) { |
activeFiltersSpan.textContent = activeCount; |
activeFiltersSpan.classList.remove("hidden"); |
} else { |
activeFiltersSpan.classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
} |
function handleFilterChange(tab) { |
const minLikesInput = document.getElementById(`${tab}MinLikes`); |
const minDownloadsInput = document.getElementById(`${tab}MinDownloads`); |
const paramRangeSelect = document.getElementById( |
`${tab}ParamRangeSelect` |
); |
const sortSelect = document.getElementById(`${tab}SortSelect`); |
const activeFiltersSpan = document.getElementById( |
`${tab}ActiveFilters` |
); |
currentMinLikes = parseInt(minLikesInput.value) || 0; |
currentMinDownloads = parseInt(minDownloadsInput.value) || 0; |
if (sortSelect) { |
currentSort = sortSelect.value; |
} |
if (currentType === "models" && paramRangeSelect) { |
currentParamFilter = paramRangeSelect.value; |
syncParamFilterValues(); |
} |
let activeCount = |
(currentMinLikes > 0 ? 1 : 0) + |
(currentMinDownloads > 0 ? 1 : 0) + |
(currentType === "models" && currentParamFilter !== "any" ? 1 : 0); |
if (activeCount > 0) { |
activeFiltersSpan.textContent = activeCount; |
activeFiltersSpan.classList.remove("hidden"); |
} else { |
activeFiltersSpan.classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
if (tab === "search") { |
const searchQuery = document.getElementById("searchInput").value; |
if (searchQuery.length >= MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { |
currentPage = 1; |
performSearch(searchQuery, 1); |
} |
} else { |
const resourceId = document.getElementById("resourceInput").value; |
if (resourceId) { |
currentPage = 1; |
findSimilarResources(1); |
} |
} |
} |
function updateParamFilterUI() { |
if (currentType !== "models") { |
const existingFilter = document.getElementById("paramFilterBar"); |
if (existingFilter) { |
existingFilter.remove(); |
} |
return; |
} |
let paramFilterBar = document.getElementById("paramFilterBar"); |
if (!paramFilterBar) { |
paramFilterBar = document.createElement("div"); |
paramFilterBar.id = "paramFilterBar"; |
paramFilterBar.className = |
"bg-white p-4 rounded-lg shadow-sm border border-gray-100 mb-4"; |
paramFilterBar.innerHTML = ` |
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2"> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between"> |
<h3 class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">Filter by Parameter Size</h3> |
<button onclick="clearParamFilter()" class="text-xs text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700">Clear</button> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2 mt-1" id="paramFilterButtons"> |
<button onclick="applyParamFilter('any')" class="filter-btn ${ |
currentParamFilter === "any" ? "active" : "" |
}"> |
Any size |
</button> |
<button onclick="applyParamFilter('0-1')" class="filter-btn ${ |
currentParamFilter === "0-1" ? "active" : "" |
}"> |
Small (0-1B) |
</button> |
<button onclick="applyParamFilter('1-7')" class="filter-btn ${ |
currentParamFilter === "1-7" ? "active" : "" |
}"> |
Medium (1-7B) |
</button> |
<button onclick="applyParamFilter('7-20')" class="filter-btn ${ |
currentParamFilter === "7-20" ? "active" : "" |
}"> |
Large (7-20B) |
</button> |
<button onclick="applyParamFilter('20-70')" class="filter-btn ${ |
currentParamFilter === "20-70" ? "active" : "" |
}"> |
XL (20-70B) |
</button> |
<button onclick="applyParamFilter('70+')" class="filter-btn ${ |
currentParamFilter === "70+" ? "active" : "" |
}"> |
XXL (70B+) |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
`; |
const resultsContainer = document.getElementById("resultsContainer"); |
resultsContainer.parentNode.insertBefore( |
paramFilterBar, |
resultsContainer |
); |
const style = document.createElement("style"); |
style.textContent = ` |
.filter-btn { |
padding: 6px 12px; |
border-radius: 4px; |
font-size: 0.875rem; |
background-color: #f3f4f6; |
color: #4b5563; |
transition: all 0.2s; |
} |
.filter-btn:hover { |
background-color: #e5e7eb; |
} |
.filter-btn.active { |
background-color: #3b82f6; |
color: white; |
} |
`; |
document.head.appendChild(style); |
} else { |
const buttons = paramFilterBar.querySelectorAll(".filter-btn"); |
buttons.forEach((btn) => { |
btn.classList.remove("active"); |
const filterValue = btn.getAttribute("onclick").match(/'(.*?)'/)[1]; |
if (filterValue === currentParamFilter) { |
btn.classList.add("active"); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
function applyParamFilter(value) { |
currentParamFilter = value; |
updateParamFilterUI(); |
updateFilterIndicators("search"); |
updateFilterIndicators("similar"); |
const activeTab = document.querySelector(".tab-trigger.active").id; |
if (activeTab === "searchTab") { |
const searchQuery = document.getElementById("searchInput").value; |
if (searchQuery.length >= MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { |
currentPage = 1; |
performSearch(searchQuery, 1); |
} |
} else if (activeTab === "similarTab") { |
const resourceId = document.getElementById("resourceInput").value; |
if (resourceId) { |
currentPage = 1; |
findSimilarResources(1); |
} |
} else if (activeTab === "trendingTab") { |
loadTrendingResources(currentType); |
} |
} |
function clearParamFilter() { |
applyParamFilter("any"); |
} |
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { |
selectType(INITIAL_TYPE); |
updateParamFilterUI(); |
switchTab(INITIAL_TAB); |
document.getElementById("searchInput").value = INITIAL_SEARCH; |
performSearch(INITIAL_SEARCH, 1); |
} |
document.getElementById("resourceInput").value = INITIAL_SIMILAR; |
findSimilarResources(1); |
} |
document |
.getElementById("resourceInput") |
.addEventListener("input", function (e) { |
const query = e.target.value.trim(); |
if (query.length >= 2) { |
fetchResourceSuggestions(query); |
} else { |
document.getElementById("suggestionsBox").classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
}); |
document.addEventListener("click", function (e) { |
if ( |
!e.target.closest("#resourceInput") && |
!e.target.closest("#suggestionsBox") |
) { |
document.getElementById("suggestionsBox").classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
}); |
}); |
async function fetchResourceSuggestions(query) { |
if (query.length < 2) return; |
try { |
const response = await fetch( |
`${API_URL}/suggest/${currentType}?q=${encodeURIComponent(query)}` |
); |
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch suggestions"); |
const data = await response.json(); |
if (data && data.suggestions && data.suggestions.length > 0) { |
displaySuggestions( |
data.suggestions, |
document.getElementById("suggestionsBox") |
); |
} else { |
document.getElementById("suggestionsBox").classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error fetching suggestions:", error); |
document.getElementById("suggestionsBox").classList.add("hidden"); |
} |
} |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |