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text-transform: capitalize; | |
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<div id="app" v-cloak> | |
<div class="header plr15 flex alcenter bgHeader white fixed pt30"> | |
<img src="../../static/image/return.png" class="h15 wt15 mr20" @click="goback"> | |
<div class="white ft18 bold ">{{symbol}}</div> | |
</div> | |
<div> | |
<div class="pt60 pb10 plr20 bgHeader" style="min-height: 50px;"> | |
<div class="flex alcenter between pt5"> | |
<div class="tc" :class="[updown.substring(0,1) == '-'?'red':'green']"> | |
<p class="bold ft24">{{newprice || '0.00'}}</p> | |
<p class="mt10">{{updown ||'0.00'}}%</p> | |
</div> | |
<div class="w50"> | |
<div class="flex between mb5"> | |
<span class="blue">{{translatedInfo.high || '--'}}</span> | |
<span class="blue white">{{maxprice || '0.00'}}</span> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex between mb5"> | |
<span class="blue">{{translatedInfo.low || '--'}}</span> | |
<span class="blue white">{{minprice ||'0.00'}}</span> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex between"> | |
<span class="blue">{{translatedInfo.volume || '--'}}</span> | |
<span class="blue white">{{dayvom ||'0.00'}}</span> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div id="tv_chart_container" style="width:100%;height:70vh;margin-top: 5px;"></div> | |
<div class="mt5 pb100 bgHeader dn"> | |
<div class="plr10"> | |
<div class="flex alcenter ptb5 ft12"> | |
<div class="flex1 ">{{translatedInfo.num || '--'}}</div> | |
<div class="flex1 tc">{{translatedInfo.price || '--'}}</div> | |
<div class="flex1 tr">{{translatedInfo.time || '--'}}</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class=""> | |
<div class="flex alcenter ptb5" :class="[item.way==1?'red':'green']" v-for="(item,i) in complete" :key="i"> | |
<div class="flex1">{{item.number |fixed4}}</div> | |
<div class="flex1 tc">{{item.price}}</div> | |
<div class="flex1 tr">{{item.time.substr(11)}}</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex between plr20 alcenter plr20 bgHeader fixed w100 pos_l0b0" style="height: 80px;"> | |
<!-- <span>添加自选</span> | |
<img src="./images/collect.png" style="width: 20px;" id="noCollct" v-if="!hasCollcet" @click="triggerCollcet(true)"> | |
<img src="./images/collect_active.png" style="width: 20px;" id="hasCollct" @click="triggerCollcet(false)" v-else > --> | |
<button class="goTranbuy bgRed flex1 ptb10 mr20 white radius4" @click="goTrade('buy')">{{ || '--'}}</button> | |
<button class="goTransell bgGreen flex1 ptb10 white radius4" @click="goTrade('sell')">{{translatedInfo.sell || '--'}}</button> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
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<script> | |
document.addEventListener('UniAppJSBridgeReady', function() { | |
// document.querySelector('.btn-list').addEventListener('click', function(evt) { | |
// uni.navigateBack({ | |
// delta: 1 | |
// }); | |
// }); | |
var vm = new Vue({ | |
el: '#app', | |
data: { | |
widget: null, | |
symbolInfo: null, | |
feed: null, | |
wsEx: null, | |
ws: null, | |
lists: [], | |
newData: '', | |
symbol: '', | |
priceScale: 100000, | |
histime: '', | |
newprice: '0.00', | |
updown: '0.00', | |
maxprice: '0.00', | |
minprice: '0.00', | |
dayvom: '0.00', | |
currencyList: [], | |
couponSelected: '', | |
legal_id: '', | |
currency_id: '', | |
legal_name: '', | |
currency_name: '', | |
hasCollcet: '', | |
myid: '', | |
balance: '', | |
rates: '', | |
//websockUrl: 'wss://', | |
websockUrl: 'wss://', | |
//websockUrl: '', | |
url: '', | |
complete: [], | |
transwords: { | |
zh: { | |
high: '高', | |
low: '低', | |
volume: '24H量', | |
num: '数量', | |
price: '价格', | |
time: '时间', | |
buy: '买入', | |
sell: '卖出', | |
}, | |
en: { | |
high: 'high', | |
low: 'low', | |
volume: '24H volume', | |
num: 'number', | |
price: 'price', | |
time: 'time', | |
buy: 'buy', | |
sell: 'sell', | |
}, | |
hk: { | |
high: '高', | |
low: '低', | |
volume: '24H量', | |
num: '數量', | |
price: '價格', | |
time: '時間', | |
buy: '買入', | |
sell: '賣出', | |
}, | |
jp: { | |
high: '高さ', | |
low: '低い', | |
volume: '24 h量', | |
num: '数', | |
price: '価格', | |
time: '時間', | |
buy: '購入', | |
sell: '売却', | |
} | |
}, | |
translatedInfo: {}, | |
lang: '', | |
}, | |
filters:{ | |
fixed4:function(vals){ | |
var values = iTofixed(vals,4); | |
return values; | |
} | |
}, | |
created() { | |
var that = this; | |
if({ | |
that.lang ='lang') || 'zh'; | |
}else{ | |
// that.lang = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lang')).data; | |
that.lang = localStorage.getItem('lang') || 'zh'; | |
} | |
var paramsed = get_all_params(); | |
that.symbol = paramsed.symbol; | |
let c_name = paramsed.symbol.split('/') | |
that.legal_name = c_name[1]; | |
that.currency_name = c_name[0]; | |
that.legal_id = paramsed.legal_id; | |
that.currency_id = paramsed.currency_id; | |
// console.log(that.$t('market.volume')); | |
that.translatedInfo = that.transwords[that.lang]; | |
console.log(that.translatedInfo); | |
// document.getElementById('mytitle').innerText='123'; | |
// document.title = '123' ; | |
document.title = that.symbol; | |
if({ | |
if (!'token')) { | |
uni.navigateTo({ | |
url: '/pages/mine/login', | |
}); | |
} | |
}else{ | |
if (localStorage.getItem('token') == null || localStorage.getItem('token') == '') { | |
uni.navigateTo({ | |
url: '/pages/mine/login', | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
// uni.setNavigationBarColor({ | |
// frontColor: '#ffffff', | |
// backgroundColor: '#ff0000',}) | |
// plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('black'); | |
// plus.navigator.setStatusBarBackground('#102030'); | |
that.getrate() | |
}, | |
computed: { | |
listenState() { //监听交易对 | |
return this.symbol; | |
} | |
}, | |
watch: { | |
listenState: function(a, b) { //监听交易对 | |
if (a != b && b != '') { | |
this.widget.setSymbol(a, localStorage.getItem('tim'), function onReadyCallback() {}) //切换币种 | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
mounted() { | |
this.createWidget(); | |
this.getComplete(); | |
}, | |
destroyed() { | |
this.removeWidget(); | |
}, | |
beforeDestroy() { | |
}, | |
methods: { | |
getrate(){ | |
let that = this; | |
console.log(that.legal_name); | |
console.log(that.currency_name); | |
initDataToken({ | |
url: 'market/get_current', | |
//url: 'currency/quotation_new', | |
type: "post", | |
data:{ | |
base_currency:that.currency_name, | |
quote_currency:that.legal_name, | |
period:'1day' | |
} | |
}, function (res) { | |
console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); | |
that.updown = res.change | |
that.dayvom = Number(res.vol).toFixed(4) | |
that.maxprice = res.high | |
that.minprice = res.low | |
that.newprice = res.close | |
}) | |
}, | |
goback() { | |
if({ | |
uni.navigateBack({ | |
delta: 1 | |
}); | |
}else{ | |
history.back(-1); | |
} | |
}, | |
goTrade(mytype) { | |
let localData = { | |
legal_name: this.legal_name, | |
legal_id: this.legal_id, | |
currency_name: this.currency_name, | |
currency_id: this.currency_id, | |
} | |
if({ | |'tradeData', JSON.stringify(localData)); | |'tradeType', mytype); | |
}else{ | |
localStorage.setItem('tradeData', JSON.stringify(localData)); | |
localStorage.setItem('tradeType', mytype); | |
} | |
uni.switchTab({ | |
//complete (e){console.log(e)}, | |
url: '/pages/trade/trade' | |
}) | |
}, | |
getComplete() { | |
initDataToken({ | |
url: 'transaction/deal', | |
//url: 'deal/info', | |
type: 'POST', | |
data: { | |
legal_id: this.legal_id, | |
currency_id: this.currency_id, | |
} | |
}, res => { | |
console.log('2023315') | |
console.log('transaction/deal123') | |
this.complete = res.complete; | |
this.completeSocket(); | |
console.log(JSON.stringify( | |
//console.log(res) | |
}) | |
}, | |
// 收藏 | |
triggerCollcet(e) { | |
// if(e){ | |
// this.initDataToken({url:'quotation/collect',data:{match_id:this.myid},type:'POST'},(res)=>{ | |
// alert(res); | |
// this.hasCollcet=true; | |
// }) | |
// }else{ | |
// this.initDataToken({url:'quotation/remove',data:{match_id:this.myid}},(res,msg)=>{ | |
// this.hasCollcet=false; | |
// }) | |
// } | |
}, | |
timestampToTime(timestamp) { | |
// var time='' | |
// if(timestamp.length>11){ | |
// time=timestamp | |
// }else{ | |
// time=timestamp*1000 | |
// } | |
// var now = new Date(time), | |
// y = now.getFullYear(), | |
// m = now.getMonth() + 1, | |
// d = now.getDate(); | |
// return y + "-" + (m < 10 ? "0" + m : m) + "-" + (d < 10 ? "0" + d : d) + " " + now.toTimeString().substr(0, 8); | |
var time='' | |
if(timestamp.toString().length>11){ | |
time=timestamp | |
}else{ | |
time=timestamp*1000 | |
} | |
var date = new Date(time); //时间戳为10位需*1000,时间戳为13位的话不需乘1000 | |
var Y = date.getFullYear() + '-'; | |
var M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + '-'; | |
var D = date.getDate() >= 10 ? date.getDate() + ' ' : ('0' + date.getDate()) + ' '; | |
var h = date.getHours() >= 10 ? date.getHours() + ':' : ('0' + date.getHours()) + ':'; | |
var m = date.getMinutes() >= 10 ? date.getMinutes() + ':' : ('0' + date.getMinutes()) + ':'; | |
var s = date.getSeconds() >= 10 ? date.getSeconds() : ('0' + date.getSeconds()); | |
return Y + M + D + h + m + s; | |
}, | |
// 默认 | |
connect(real) { //封装推送数据 | |
var that = this; | |
var websock = new WebSocket(that.websockUrl); | |
console.log(345); | |
websock.onopen = function() { | |
console.log(that.symbol); | |
websock.send(JSON.stringify({ | |
"event": "sub", | |
params: "kline." + that.symbol | |
})) | |
websock.send(JSON.stringify({event: "sub", params: "daymarket"})) | |
} | |
websock.onmessage = function(msg) { | |
// console.log(; | |
// console.log(typeof | |
var resmsg = JSON.parse(; | |
if (resmsg.type == 'kline') { | |
let obj = {} | |
let type = localStorage.getItem('type') | |
console.log(that.symbol ); | |
console.log(resmsg.symbol) | |
if (that.symbol == resmsg.symbol) { | |
console.log(JSON.stringify(resmsg)) | |
// if (resmsg.period == '1day') { | |
// that.newprice = resmsg.now_price | |
// that.maxprice = resmsg.high | |
// that.minprice = resmsg.low | |
// that.dayvom = Number(resmsg.volume).toFixed(4); | |
// that.updown = resmsg.change; | |
// } | |
if (resmsg.period == type) { | | = Number( | |
obj.low = Number(resmsg.low) | |
obj.high = Number(resmsg.high) | |
obj.close = Number(resmsg.close) | |
obj.volume = Number(resmsg.volume) | |
obj.time = Number(resmsg.time) | |
real(obj) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// console.log(JSON.stringify(resmsg)) | |
if(resmsg.type=='daymarket'){ | |
console.log(JSON.stringify(resmsg)) | |
console.log(resmsg.symbol) | |
console.log(that.symbol) | |
if (that.symbol == resmsg.symbol) { | |
console.log('-------------------------') | |
if (resmsg.period == '1day') { | |
that.newprice = resmsg.now_price; | |
that.maxprice = resmsg.high; | |
that.minprice = resmsg.low; | |
that.dayvom = Number(resmsg.volume).toFixed(4); | |
that.updown = resmsg.change; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
// 币币交易全站交易WebSocket | |
completeSocket() { //封装推送数据 | |
var that = this; | |
var websock = new WebSocket(that.websockUrl); | |
console.log(408); | |
if({ | |
var tokens ='token'); | |
console.log(tokens) | |
}else{ | |
// var tokens = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('token')).data; | |
var tokens = localStorage.getItem('token'); | |
} | |
websock.onopen = function() { | |
console.log('Socket已连接--------->>>>') | |
websock.send(JSON.stringify({ | |
event: "sub", | |
params: "match_trade." + that.symbol | |
})) | |
} | |
websock.onmessage = function(msg) { | |
var msg = JSON.parse(; | |
if (msg.type == 'match_trade') { | |
if (that.symbol == msg.symbol) { | |
var times = that.timestampToTime([0].ts) | |
var way; | |[0].direction == 'buy' ? way = 1 : way = 2; | |
var data = { | |
price:[0].price, | |
time: times, | |
number:[0].amount, | |
way: way | |
} | |
that.complete.unshift(data); | |
if (that.complete.length > 20) { | |
that.complete.pop() | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
createWidget() { | |
let _this = this; | |
this.$nextTick(function() { | |
let widget = _this.widget = new TradingView.widget({ | |
symbol: _this.symbol, | |
interval: 1, | |
debug: true, | |
fullscreen: false, | |
autosize: true, | |
container_id: "tv_chart_container", | |
// datafeed: new Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed(""), | |
datafeed: _this.createFeed(), | |
library_path: "tradeview/charting_library/", | |
custom_css_url: 'bundles/new.css', | |
locale: _this.lang, | |
width: "100%", | |
height: 516, | |
drawings_access: { | |
type: 'black', | |
tools: [{ | |
name: "Regression Trend" | |
}] | |
}, | |
disabled_features: [ // 禁用的功能 | |
'left_toolbar', 'widget_logo', 'header_saveload', 'compare_symbol', 'display_market_status', | |
'go_to_date', 'header_chart_type', 'header_compare', 'header_interval_dialog_button', | |
'header_resolutions', 'header_screenshot', 'header_symbol_search', 'header_undo_redo', | |
'legend_context_menu', 'show_hide_button_in_legend', 'show_interval_dialog_on_key_press', | |
'snapshot_trading_drawings', 'symbol_info', 'timeframes_toolbar', 'use_localstorage_for_settings', | |
'volume_force_overlay' | |
], | |
enabled_features: [ // 启用的功能(备注:disable_resolution_rebuild 功能用于控制当时间范围为1个月时,日期刻度是否都是每个月1号 | |
'dont_show_boolean_study_arguments', 'hide_last_na_study_output', 'move_logo_to_main_pane', | |
'same_data_requery', 'side_toolbar_in_fullscreen_mode', 'disable_resolution_rebuild' | |
], | |
charts_storage_url: '', | |
charts_storage_api_version: "1.1", | |
toolbar_bg: "transparent", | |
timezone: "Asia/Shanghai", | |
studies_overrides: { | |
'volume.precision': '1000' | |
}, | |
overrides: _this.overrides() | |
}); | |
widget.MAStudies = []; | |
widget.selectedIntervalButton = null; | |
// widget.setLanguage('en') | |
widget.onChartReady(function() { //图表方法 | |
// document.getElementById('trade-view').childNodes[0].setAttribute('style', 'display:block;width:100%;height:100%;'); | |
//let that =this | |
widget.chart().createStudy('Moving Average', false, true, [15, 'close', 0], null, { | |
'Plot.color': '#e843da' | |
}); | |
// widget.chart().createStudy("MA Cross", false, false, [10, 20]); | |
let buttonArr = [{ | |
value: "1min", | |
period: "1", | |
text: "Time", | |
chartType: 3, | |
type: "1min" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "1", | |
period: "1m", | |
text: "1min", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "1min" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "5", | |
period: "5m", | |
text: "5min", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "5min" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "30", | |
period: "30m", | |
text: "30min", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "30min" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "60", | |
period: "60分钟", | |
text: "1hour", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "60min" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "1D", | |
period: "1D", | |
text: "1day", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "1day" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "1W", | |
period: "1W", | |
text: "1week", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "1week" | |
}, | |
{ | |
value: "1M", | |
period: "1M", | |
text: "1mon", | |
chartType: 1, | |
type: "1mon" | |
} | |
]; | |
let btn = {}; | |
let nowTime = ''; | |
buttonArr.forEach((v, i) => { | |
let button = widget.createButton() | |
button.attr('title', v.text) | |
.addClass("my2") | |
.text(v.text) | |
if (v.text == '1min') { | |
button.css({ | |
'color': '#218bde', | |
'border-bottom': '1px solid #218bde' | |
}) | |
localStorage.setItem('tim', '1min') //默认为1分钟 | |
localStorage.setItem('type', '1min') //默认为1分钟 | |
} | |
btn = button.on("click", function(e) { | |
$(this).parents(".left").children().find(".my2").removeAttr("style"); //去掉1分钟的 | |
handleClick(e, v.value, v.type); | |
widget.chart().setChartType(v.chartType); //改变K线类型 | |
}); | |
}); | |
if (localStorage.getItem('tim') == '1min') { | |
widget.chart().setChartType(1); | |
} | |
let handleClick = (e, value, type) => { | |
_this.setSymbol = function(symbol, value) { | |
gh.chart().setSymbol(symbol, value); | |
}; | |
localStorage.setItem('tim', value); | |
localStorage.setItem('type', type) //默认为1分钟 | |
widget.chart().setResolution(value, function onReadyCallback() {}); //改变分辨率 | |
$( | |
.addClass("mydate") | |
.closest("") | |
.siblings("") | |
.find("div.button") | |
.removeClass("mydate") | |
}; | |
}); | |
_this.widget = widget; | |
}) | |
}, | |
createFeed() { | |
let this_vue = this; | |
let Datafeed = {}; | |
Datafeed.DataPulseUpdater = function(datafeed, updateFrequency) { | |
this._datafeed = datafeed; | |
this._subscribers = {}; | |
this._requestsPending = 0; | |
var that = this; | |
var update = function() { | |
if (that._requestsPending > 0) { | |
return; | |
} | |
for (var listenerGUID in that._subscribers) { | |
var subscriptionRecord = that._subscribers[listenerGUID]; | |
var resolution = subscriptionRecord.resolution; | |
var datesRangeRight = parseInt((new Date().valueOf()) / 1000); | |
// BEWARE: please note we really need 2 bars, not the only last one | |
// see the explanation below. `10` is the `large enough` value to work around holidays | |
var datesRangeLeft = datesRangeRight - that.periodLengthSeconds(resolution, 10); | |
that._requestsPending++; | |
(function(_subscriptionRecord) { // eslint-disable-line | |
that._datafeed.getBars(_subscriptionRecord.symbolInfo, resolution, datesRangeLeft, datesRangeRight, | |
function(bars) { | |
that._requestsPending--; | |
// means the subscription was cancelled while waiting for data | |
if (!that._subscribers.hasOwnProperty(listenerGUID)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (bars.length === 0) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var lastBar = bars[bars.length - 1]; | |
if (!isNaN(_subscriptionRecord.lastBarTime) && lastBar.time < _subscriptionRecord.lastBarTime) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var subscribers = _subscriptionRecord.listeners; | |
// BEWARE: this one isn't working when first update comes and this update makes a new bar. In this case | |
// _subscriptionRecord.lastBarTime = NaN | |
var isNewBar = !isNaN(_subscriptionRecord.lastBarTime) && lastBar.time > _subscriptionRecord.lastBarTime; | |
// Pulse updating may miss some trades data (ie, if pulse period = 10 secods and new bar is started 5 seconds later after the last update, the | |
// old bar's last 5 seconds trades will be lost). Thus, at fist we should broadcast old bar updates when it's ready. | |
if (isNewBar) { | |
if (bars.length < 2) { | |
throw new Error('Not enough bars in history for proper pulse update. Need at least 2.'); | |
} | |
var previousBar = bars[bars.length - 2]; | |
for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; ++i) { | |
subscribers[i](previousBar); | |
} | |
} | |
_subscriptionRecord.lastBarTime = lastBar.time; | |
for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; ++i) { | |
subscribers[i](lastBar); | |
} | |
}, | |
// on error | |
function() { | |
that._requestsPending--; | |
}); | |
})(subscriptionRecord); | |
} | |
}; | |
if (typeof updateFrequency != 'undefined' && updateFrequency > 0) { | |
setInterval(update, updateFrequency); | |
} | |
}; | |
Datafeed.DataPulseUpdater.prototype.periodLengthSeconds = function(resolution, requiredPeriodsCount) { | |
var daysCount = 0; | |
if (resolution === 'D') { | |
daysCount = requiredPeriodsCount; | |
} else if (resolution === 'M') { | |
daysCount = 31 * requiredPeriodsCount; | |
} else if (resolution === 'W') { | |
daysCount = 7 * requiredPeriodsCount; | |
} else { | |
daysCount = requiredPeriodsCount * resolution / (24 * 60); | |
} | |
return daysCount * 24 * 60 * 60; | |
}; | |
Datafeed.DataPulseUpdater.prototype.subscribeDataListener = function(symbolInfo, resolution, newDataCallback, | |
listenerGUID) { | |
this._datafeed._logMessage('Subscribing ' + listenerGUID); | |
if (!this._subscribers.hasOwnProperty(listenerGUID)) { | |
this._subscribers[listenerGUID] = { | |
symbolInfo: symbolInfo, | |
resolution: resolution, | |
lastBarTime: NaN, | |
listeners: [] | |
}; | |
} | |
this._subscribers[listenerGUID].listeners.push(newDataCallback); | |
}; | |
Datafeed.DataPulseUpdater.prototype.unsubscribeDataListener = function(listenerGUID) { | |
this._datafeed._logMessage('Unsubscribing ' + listenerGUID); | |
delete this._subscribers[listenerGUID]; | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container = function(updateFrequency) { | |
this._configuration = { | |
supports_search: false, | |
supports_group_request: false, | |
supported_resolutions: ['1', '3', '5', '15', '30', '60', '120', '240', '360', '720', '1D', '3D', '1W', | |
'1M' | |
], | |
supports_marks: true, | |
supports_timescale_marks: true, | |
exchanges: ['gh'] | |
}; | |
// this._barsPulseUpdater = new Datafeed.DataPulseUpdater(this, updateFrequency || 10 * 1000); | |
this._barsPulseUpdater = new Datafeed.DataPulseUpdater(this, updateFrequency || 1 * 1000); | |
// this._quotesPulseUpdater = new Datafeed.QuotesPulseUpdater(this); | |
this._enableLogging = true; | |
this._callbacks = {}; | |
this._initializationFinished = true; | |
this._fireEvent('initialized'); | |
this._fireEvent('configuration_ready'); | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype._fireEvent = function(event, argument) { | |
if (this._callbacks.hasOwnProperty(event)) { | |
var callbacksChain = this._callbacks[event]; | |
for (var i = 0; i < callbacksChain.length; ++i) { | |
callbacksChain[i](argument); | |
} | |
this._callbacks[event] = []; | |
} | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype._logMessage = function(message) { | |
if (this._enableLogging) { | |
var now = new Date(); | |
} | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype.on = function(event, callback) { | |
if (!this._callbacks.hasOwnProperty(event)) { | |
this._callbacks[event] = []; | |
} | |
this._callbacks[event].push(callback); | |
return this; | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype.onReady = function(callback) { | |
let that = this; | |
if (this._configuration) { | |
setTimeout(function() { | |
callback(that._configuration); | |
}, 0); | |
} else { | |
this.on('configuration_ready', function() { | |
callback(that._configuration); | |
}); | |
} | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype.resolveSymbol = function(symbolName, onSymbolResolvedCallback, | |
onResolveErrorCallback) { | |
this._logMessage("GOWNO :: resolve symbol " + symbolName); | |
Promise.resolve().then(() => { | |
// this._logMessage("GOWNO :: onResultReady inject "+'AAPL'); | |
onSymbolResolvedCallback({ | |
"name": this_vue.symbol, | |
"timezone": "Asia/Shanghai", | |
"pricescale": this_vue.priceScale, | |
"minmov": 1, //minmov(最小波动), pricescale(价格精度), minmove2, fractional(分数) | |
"minmov2": 0, //这是一个神奇的数字来格式化复杂情况下的价格。 | |
"ticker": this_vue.symbol, | |
"description": "", | |
"type": "bitcoin", | |
"volume_precision": 8, | |
// "exchange-traded": "sdt", | |
// "exchange-listed": "sdt", | |
//现在,这两个字段都为某个交易所的略称。将被显示在图表的图例中,以表示此商品。目前此字段不用于其他目的。 | |
"has_intraday": true, | |
"has_weekly_and_monthly": true, | |
"has_no_volume": false, //布尔表示商品是否拥有成交量数据。 | |
'session': '24x7', | |
'supported_resolutions': ['1', '3', '5', '15', '30', '60', '120', '240', '360', '720', '1D', '3D', | |
'1W', | |
'1M' | |
] | |
}); | |
}) | |
}; | |
//初始化数据 | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype.getBars = function(symbolInfo, resolution, rangeStartDate, rangeEndDate, | |
onHistoryCallback, onErrorCallback) { | |
// if (rangeStartDate > 0 && (rangeStartDate + '').length > 10) { | |
// throw new Error(['Got a JS time instead of Unix one.', rangeStartDate, rangeEndDate]); | |
// } | |
if (resolution.indexOf('D') == -1 && resolution.indexOf('W') == -1 && resolution.indexOf('M') == -1) { | |
resolution = resolution + 'min' | |
} else if (resolution.indexOf('W') != -1 || resolution.indexOf('M') != -1) { | |
resolution = resolution | |
} | |
// console.log(rangeStartDate); | |
// console.log(rangeEndDate) | |
// console.log(resolution); | |
// console.log( | |
$.ajax({ | |
url: this_vue.url + 'api/currency/new_timeshar?' + 'from=' + rangeStartDate + '&to=' + rangeEndDate + | |
'&symbol=' + + '&period=' + resolution, | |
type: 'get', | |
success: function(res) { | |
// console.log( | |
// console.log(JSON.stringify(res)) | |
if (res.code == 1 && && > 0) { | |, i) => { | | = Number( | |
item.close = Number(item.close) | |
item.high = Number(item.high) | |
item.low = Number(item.low) | |
// if(len==i){ | |
// console.log(i) | |
// this_vue.newprice = item.close - 0 | |
// this_vue.maxprice = item.high - 0 | |
// this_vue.minprice = item.low - 0 | |
// this_vue.dayvom = Number(item.vol).toFixed(2); | |
// this_vue.updown = ((item.close - / ( - 0) * 100).toFixed(4).toString(); | |
// } | |
}) | |
onHistoryCallback(, { | |
noData: false | |
}) | |
onHistoryCallback([], { | |
noData: true | |
}) | |
} | |
if (! || res.code == -1) { | |
onHistoryCallback([], { | |
noData: true | |
}) | |
} | |
if ( && == 0) { | |
onHistoryCallback([], { | |
noData: true | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
}; | |
//实时数据 | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype.subscribeBars = function(symbolInfo, resolution, onRealtimeCallback, | |
listenerGUID, | |
onResetCacheNeededCallback) { | |
this_vue.connect(onRealtimeCallback) | |
this._barsPulseUpdater.subscribeDataListener(symbolInfo, resolution, onRealtimeCallback, listenerGUID, onResetCacheNeededCallback); | |
}; | |
Datafeed.Container.prototype.unsubscribeBars = function(listenerGUID) { | |
this._barsPulseUpdater.unsubscribeDataListener(listenerGUID); | |
}; | |
return new Datafeed.Container; | |
}, | |
updateWidget(item) { | |
this.symbolInfo = { | |
name: item, | |
ticker: item, | |
description: "", | |
session: "24x7", | |
supported_resolutions: ['1', '5', '30', '60', '240', '1D', '3D', '1W', '1M'], | |
has_intraday: true, | |
has_daily: true, | |
has_weekly_and_monthly: true, | |
timezone: "UTC", | |
} | |
this.removeWidget(); | |
this.createWidget(); | |
}, | |
removeWidget() { | |
if (this.widget) { | |
this.widget.remove(); | |
this.widget = null; | |
} | |
}, | |
overrides() { | |
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up: "#02C289", | |
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text: "#61688A", | |
areatop: "rgba(122, 152, 247, .1)", | |
areadown: "rgba(122, 152, 247, .02)" | |
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"paneProperties.vertGridProperties.color": style.grid, | |
"paneProperties.horzGridProperties.color": style.grid, | |
"paneProperties.crossHairProperties.color": style.cross, | |
"paneProperties.legendProperties.showLegend": true, | |
"paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyArguments": true, | |
"paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyTitles": true, | |
"paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyValues": true, | |
"paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesTitle": true, | |
"paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesOHLC": true, | |
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"mainSeriesProperties.candleStyle.downColor": style.down, | |
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"mainSeriesProperties.candleStyle.wickUpColor": style.up, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.candleStyle.wickDownColor": style.down, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.candleStyle.barColorsOnPrevClose": false, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.upColor": style.up, | |
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"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.drawWick": true, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.drawBorder": true, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.borderColor": style.border, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.borderUpColor": style.up, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.borderDownColor": style.down, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.hollowCandleStyle.wickColor": style.line, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.upColor": style.up, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.downColor": style.down, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.drawWick": true, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.drawBorder": true, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.borderColor": style.border, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.borderUpColor": style.up, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.borderDownColor": style.down, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.wickColor": style.border, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.haStyle.barColorsOnPrevClose": false, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.barStyle.upColor": style.up, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.barStyle.downColor": style.down, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.barStyle.barColorsOnPrevClose": false, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.barStyle.dontDrawOpen": false, | |
"mainSeriesProperties.lineStyle.color": style.border, | |
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"mainSeriesProperties.lineStyle.priceSource": "close", | |
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chose() { | |
this.widget.setLanguage('en') //设置语言 | |
} | |
}, | |
}) | |
}) | |
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