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- {"cells": [{"cell_type": "markdown", "id": 302934307671667531413257853548643485645, "metadata": {}, "source": ["# Gradio Demo: altair_plot"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": 272996653310673477252411125948039410165, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["!pip install -q gradio altair vega_datasets"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": 288918539441861185822528903084949547379, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["import altair as alt\n", "import gradio as gr\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "from vega_datasets import data\n", "\n", "\n", "def make_plot(plot_type):\n", " if plot_type == \"scatter_plot\":\n", " cars =\n", " return alt.Chart(cars).mark_point().encode(\n", " x='Horsepower',\n", " y='Miles_per_Gallon',\n", " color='Origin',\n", " )\n", " elif plot_type == \"heatmap\":\n", " # Compute x^2 + y^2 across a 2D grid\n", " x, y = np.meshgrid(range(-5, 5), range(-5, 5))\n", " z = x ** 2 + y ** 2\n", "\n", " # Convert this grid to columnar data expected by Altair\n", " source = pd.DataFrame({'x': x.ravel(),\n", " 'y': y.ravel(),\n", " 'z': z.ravel()})\n", " return alt.Chart(source).mark_rect().encode(\n", " x='x:O',\n", " y='y:O',\n", " color='z:Q'\n", " )\n", " elif plot_type == \"us_map\":\n", " states = alt.topo_feature(data.us_10m.url, 'states')\n", " source = data.income.url\n", "\n", " return alt.Chart(source).mark_geoshape().encode(\n", " shape='geo:G',\n", " color='pct:Q',\n", " tooltip=['name:N', 'pct:Q'],\n", " facet=alt.Facet('group:N', columns=2),\n", " ).transform_lookup(\n", " lookup='id',\n", " from_=alt.LookupData(data=states, key='id'),\n", " as_='geo'\n", " ).properties(\n", " width=300,\n", " height=175,\n", " ).project(\n", " type='albersUsa'\n", " )\n", " elif plot_type == \"interactive_barplot\":\n", " source = data.movies.url\n", "\n", " pts = alt.selection(type=\"single\", encodings=['x'])\n", "\n", " rect = alt.Chart(data.movies.url).mark_rect().encode(\n", " alt.X('IMDB_Rating:Q', bin=True),\n", " alt.Y('Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating:Q', bin=True),\n", " alt.Color('count()',\n", " scale=alt.Scale(scheme='greenblue'),\n", " legend=alt.Legend(title='Total Records')\n", " )\n", " )\n", "\n", " circ = rect.mark_point().encode(\n", " alt.ColorValue('grey'),\n", " alt.Size('count()',\n", " legend=alt.Legend(title='Records in Selection')\n", " )\n", " ).transform_filter(\n", " pts\n", " )\n", "\n", " bar = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(\n", " x='Major_Genre:N',\n", " y='count()',\n", " color=alt.condition(pts, alt.ColorValue(\"steelblue\"), alt.ColorValue(\"grey\"))\n", " ).properties(\n", " width=550,\n", " height=200\n", " ).add_selection(pts)\n", "\n", " plot = alt.vconcat(\n", " rect + circ,\n", " bar\n", " ).resolve_legend(\n", " color=\"independent\",\n", " size=\"independent\"\n", " )\n", " return plot\n", " elif plot_type == \"radial\":\n", " source = pd.DataFrame({\"values\": [12, 23, 47, 6, 52, 19]})\n", "\n", " base = alt.Chart(source).encode(\n", " theta=alt.Theta(\"values:Q\", stack=True),\n", " radius=alt.Radius(\"values\", scale=alt.Scale(type=\"sqrt\", zero=True, rangeMin=20)),\n", " color=\"values:N\",\n", " )\n", "\n", " c1 = base.mark_arc(innerRadius=20, stroke=\"#fff\")\n", "\n", " c2 = base.mark_text(radiusOffset=10).encode(text=\"values:Q\")\n", "\n", " return c1 + c2\n", " elif plot_type == \"multiline\":\n", " source = data.stocks()\n", "\n", " highlight = alt.selection(type='single', on='mouseover',\n", " fields=['symbol'], nearest=True)\n", "\n", " base = alt.Chart(source).encode(\n", " x='date:T',\n", " y='price:Q',\n", " color='symbol:N'\n", " )\n", "\n", " points = base.mark_circle().encode(\n", " opacity=alt.value(0)\n", " ).add_selection(\n", " highlight\n", " ).properties(\n", " width=600\n", " )\n", "\n", " lines = base.mark_line().encode(\n", " size=alt.condition(~highlight, alt.value(1), alt.value(3))\n", " )\n", "\n", " return points + lines\n", "\n", "\n", "with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", " button = gr.Radio(label=\"Plot type\",\n", " choices=['scatter_plot', 'heatmap', 'us_map',\n", " 'interactive_barplot', \"radial\", \"multiline\"], value='scatter_plot')\n", " plot = gr.Plot(label=\"Plot\")\n", " button.change(make_plot, inputs=button, outputs=[plot])\n", " demo.load(make_plot, inputs=[button], outputs=[plot])\n", "\n", "\n", "if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n", " demo.launch()\n"]}], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5}
+ {"cells": [{"cell_type": "markdown", "id": "302934307671667531413257853548643485645", "metadata": {}, "source": ["# Gradio Demo: altair_plot"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "272996653310673477252411125948039410165", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["!pip install -q gradio altair vega_datasets"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "288918539441861185822528903084949547379", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["import altair as alt\n", "import gradio as gr\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "from vega_datasets import data\n", "\n", "\n", "def make_plot(plot_type):\n", " if plot_type == \"scatter_plot\":\n", " cars =\n", " return alt.Chart(cars).mark_point().encode(\n", " x='Horsepower',\n", " y='Miles_per_Gallon',\n", " color='Origin',\n", " )\n", " elif plot_type == \"heatmap\":\n", " # Compute x^2 + y^2 across a 2D grid\n", " x, y = np.meshgrid(range(-5, 5), range(-5, 5))\n", " z = x ** 2 + y ** 2\n", "\n", " # Convert this grid to columnar data expected by Altair\n", " source = pd.DataFrame({'x': x.ravel(),\n", " 'y': y.ravel(),\n", " 'z': z.ravel()})\n", " return alt.Chart(source).mark_rect().encode(\n", " x='x:O',\n", " y='y:O',\n", " color='z:Q'\n", " )\n", " elif plot_type == \"us_map\":\n", " states = alt.topo_feature(data.us_10m.url, 'states')\n", " source = data.income.url\n", "\n", " return alt.Chart(source).mark_geoshape().encode(\n", " shape='geo:G',\n", " color='pct:Q',\n", " tooltip=['name:N', 'pct:Q'],\n", " facet=alt.Facet('group:N', columns=2),\n", " ).transform_lookup(\n", " lookup='id',\n", " from_=alt.LookupData(data=states, key='id'),\n", " as_='geo'\n", " ).properties(\n", " width=300,\n", " height=175,\n", " ).project(\n", " type='albersUsa'\n", " )\n", " elif plot_type == \"interactive_barplot\":\n", " source = data.movies.url\n", "\n", " pts = alt.selection(type=\"single\", encodings=['x'])\n", "\n", " rect = alt.Chart(data.movies.url).mark_rect().encode(\n", " alt.X('IMDB_Rating:Q', bin=True),\n", " alt.Y('Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating:Q', bin=True),\n", " alt.Color('count()',\n", " scale=alt.Scale(scheme='greenblue'),\n", " legend=alt.Legend(title='Total Records')\n", " )\n", " )\n", "\n", " circ = rect.mark_point().encode(\n", " alt.ColorValue('grey'),\n", " alt.Size('count()',\n", " legend=alt.Legend(title='Records in Selection')\n", " )\n", " ).transform_filter(\n", " pts\n", " )\n", "\n", " bar = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(\n", " x='Major_Genre:N',\n", " y='count()',\n", " color=alt.condition(pts, alt.ColorValue(\"steelblue\"), alt.ColorValue(\"grey\"))\n", " ).properties(\n", " width=550,\n", " height=200\n", " ).add_selection(pts)\n", "\n", " plot = alt.vconcat(\n", " rect + circ,\n", " bar\n", " ).resolve_legend(\n", " color=\"independent\",\n", " size=\"independent\"\n", " )\n", " return plot\n", " elif plot_type == \"radial\":\n", " source = pd.DataFrame({\"values\": [12, 23, 47, 6, 52, 19]})\n", "\n", " base = alt.Chart(source).encode(\n", " theta=alt.Theta(\"values:Q\", stack=True),\n", " radius=alt.Radius(\"values\", scale=alt.Scale(type=\"sqrt\", zero=True, rangeMin=20)),\n", " color=\"values:N\",\n", " )\n", "\n", " c1 = base.mark_arc(innerRadius=20, stroke=\"#fff\")\n", "\n", " c2 = base.mark_text(radiusOffset=10).encode(text=\"values:Q\")\n", "\n", " return c1 + c2\n", " elif plot_type == \"multiline\":\n", " source = data.stocks()\n", "\n", " highlight = alt.selection(type='single', on='mouseover',\n", " fields=['symbol'], nearest=True)\n", "\n", " base = alt.Chart(source).encode(\n", " x='date:T',\n", " y='price:Q',\n", " color='symbol:N'\n", " )\n", "\n", " points = base.mark_circle().encode(\n", " opacity=alt.value(0)\n", " ).add_selection(\n", " highlight\n", " ).properties(\n", " width=600\n", " )\n", "\n", " lines = base.mark_line().encode(\n", " size=alt.condition(~highlight, alt.value(1), alt.value(3))\n", " )\n", "\n", " return points + lines\n", "\n", "\n", "with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", " button = gr.Radio(label=\"Plot type\",\n", " choices=['scatter_plot', 'heatmap', 'us_map',\n", " 'interactive_barplot', \"radial\", \"multiline\"], value='scatter_plot')\n", " plot = gr.Plot(label=\"Plot\")\n", " button.change(make_plot, inputs=button, outputs=[plot])\n", " demo.load(make_plot, inputs=[button], outputs=[plot])\n", "\n", "\n", "if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n", " demo.launch()\n"]}], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5}