# AIDE requirements black==24.3.0 funcy==2.0 humanize==4.8.0 jsonschema==4.19.2 numpy==1.26.2 openai==1.48.0 anthropic>=0.20.0 pandas==2.1.4 pytest==7.4.3 requests==2.32.2 scikit-learn==1.5.0 rich==13.7.0 scipy==1.11.4 dataclasses_json>=0.6.4 omegaconf>=2.3.0 loguru==0.7.2 shutup>=0.2.0 tqdm==4.66.3 coolname>=2.2.0 igraph>=0.11.3 genson>=1.2.0 # agent requirements (packages that the agent might need) torch torchvision torchaudio torchtext lightgbm matplotlib seaborn # tensorflow # tensorflow-io # tensorflow_hub # tf-keras # tensorflow_decision_forests # keras # keras-cv # keras-nlp gensim scikit-image opencv-python scipy scikit-learn biopython imbalanced-learn h5py biopython numba arrow markovify imgaug scikit-optimize plotly hyperopt bayesian-optimization imagecodecs hmmlearn bayespy==0.5.1 sklearn-pandas tensorpack sentencepiece librosa ipykernel ipython nbformat kornia Pillow pyparsing pytz PyYAML tqdm fastai gym optuna transformers datasets==2.1.0 torchmetrics pytorch-lightning sympy timm torchinfo pdf2image PyPDF pyocr pyarrow xlrd backoff streamlit==1.40.2 python-dotenv httpx==0.27.2