cvss / cvss-new.js
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Create cvss-new.js
6440a30 verified
* CVSS Calculator
* Version 0.1 beta
* Usage:
* Create an HTML element with an id:
* <div id="cvssboard"></div>
* Instantiate the CVSS calculator:
* let c = new CVSS("cvssboard");
* or with optional callbacks:
* let c = new CVSS("cvssboard", {
* onchange: function() {...},
* onsubmit: function() {...}
* });
* Set a vector:
* c.set('AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:L');
* Retrieve the result:
* c.get() -> { score: 4.3, vector: 'AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:L' }
// CVSS Class
class CVSS {
constructor(id, options = {}) {
this.options = options;
this.containerId = id;
this.container = document.getElementById(id);
this.baseMetrics = this.getBaseMetrics();
this.metricElements = {};
getBaseMetrics() {
return {
AV: { label: 'Attack Vector', values: { N: 'Network', A: 'Adjacent', L: 'Local', P: 'Physical' }},
AC: { label: 'Attack Complexity', values: { L: 'Low', H: 'High' }},
PR: { label: 'Privileges Required', values: { N: 'None', L: 'Low', H: 'High' }},
UI: { label: 'User Interaction', values: { N: 'None', R: 'Required' }},
S: { label: 'Scope', values: { C: 'Changed', U: 'Unchanged' }},
C: { label: 'Confidentiality', values: { H: 'High', L: 'Low', N: 'None' }},
I: { label: 'Integrity', values: { H: 'High', L: 'Low', N: 'None' }},
A: { label: 'Availability', values: { H: 'High', L: 'Low', N: 'None' }}
setupUI() {
if (!this.container) return;
const form = document.createElement('form');
form.className = 'cvss-form';
for (let metric in this.baseMetrics) {
const metricData = this.baseMetrics[metric];
const dl = document.createElement('dl');
dl.className = metric;
const dt = document.createElement('dt');
dt.textContent = metricData.label;
for (let value in metricData.values) {
const dd = document.createElement('dd');
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'radio'; = metric;
input.value = value; = `${this.containerId}-${metric}-${value}`;
input.className = `${metric}-${value}`;
input.addEventListener('change', () => this.updateMetric(metric, value));
this.metricElements[`${metric}-${value}`] = input;
const label = document.createElement('label');
label.textContent = metricData.values[value];
this.form = form;
updateMetric(metric, value) {
// You can implement the metric change logic here if needed
console.log(`Metric ${metric} changed to ${value}`);
if (this.options.onchange) this.options.onchange();
set(vector) {
const metrics = vector.split('/');
metrics.forEach(pair => {
const [metric, value] = pair.split(':');
if (this.metricElements[`${metric}-${value}`]) {
this.metricElements[`${metric}-${value}`].checked = true;
get() {
const result = { score: 0, vector: [] };
for (let metric in this.baseMetrics) {
const checkedInput = this.form.querySelector(`input[name=${metric}]:checked`);
if (checkedInput) {
result.vector = result.vector.join('/');
// Calculations for the score would go here. This is just a placeholder.
result.score = this.calculateScore(result.vector);
return result;
calculateScore(vector) {
// Placeholder scoring function; implement CVSS scoring here if needed
return Math.random() * 10; // Example score calculation