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front = """<image>\n**Instruction:**
Analyze the image to extract values for the specified keys. Use the detailed descriptions below to determine the correct value for each key. Handle missing or ambiguous data as instructed.
### Keys and Descriptions
1. **`surat_tanda_nomor_kendaraan_bermotor`**
- **Extract**: The value of the field labeled as "Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor" and this is titel.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
2. **`tempat_tanggal`**
- **Extract**: The location and date from the top right corner of the document.
- **Note**: This field does not have a title such as "Tempat - Tanggal."
- **Format**: `"CITY, DD MMM YYYY"` (e.g., `"JAKARTA, 07 DES 2018"`).
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
3. **`no`**
- **Extract**: The value in the "NO" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
4. **`nomor_registrasi`**
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR REGISTRASI" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
5. **`nama_pemilik`**
- **Extract**: The "NAMA PEMILIK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
6. **`alamat`**
- **Extract**: The "ALAMAT" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
7. **`merk`**
- **Extract**: The "MERK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
8. **`type`**
- **Extract**: The "TYPE" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
9. **`jenis`**
- **Extract**: The "JENIS" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
10. **`model`**
- **Extract**: The "MODEL" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
11. **`tahun_pembuatan`**
- **Extract**: The "TAHUN PEMBUATAN" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
12. **`isi_silinder_daya_listrik`**
- **Extract**: The "ISI SILINDER / DAYA LISTRIK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
13. **`nomor_rangka`**
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR RANGKA" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
14. **`nomor_mesin`**
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR MESIN" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
15. **`nik_tdp_nie_kitas_kitap`**
- **Extract**: The "NIK/TDP/NIE/KITAS/KITAP" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
16. **`warna`**
- **Extract**: The "WARNA" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
17. **`bahan_bakar`**
- **Extract**: The "BAHAN BAKAR" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
18. **`warna_tnkb`**
- **Extract**: The "WARNA TNKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
19. **`tahun_registrasi`**
- **Extract**: The "TAHUN REGISTRASI" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
20. **`nomor_bpkb`**
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR BPKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
21. **`kode_lokasi`**
- **Extract**: The "KODE LOKASI" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
22. **`no_urut_pendaftaran`**
- **Extract**: The "NO URUT PENDAFTARAN" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
23. **`berlaku_sampai`**
- **Extract**: The "BERLAKU SAMPAI" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
24. **`qr_code`**
- **Extract**: The value encoded in the QR code, if present.
- **If No QR Code is Found**: `"null"`
- **If a QR Code is Present but Contains No Data**: `"empty"`
### Output Format
"surat_tanda_nomor_kendaraan_bermotor": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"tempat_tanggal": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nomor_registrasi": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nama_pemilik": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"alamat": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"merk": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"type": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jenis": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"model": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"tahun_pembuatan": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"isi_silinder_daya_listrik": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nomor_rangka": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nomor_mesin": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nik_tdp_nie_kitas_kitap": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"warna": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"bahan_bakar": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"warna_tnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"tahun_registrasi": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nomor_bpkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"kode_lokasi": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no_urut_pendaftaran": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"berlaku_sampai": "<value> OR empty OR null"
"qr_code" : "<value> OR empty OR null"
### Return Output:
Generate a JSON object:
"output JSON": "key-value pairs"
back = """<image>\n**Instruction:**
Analyze the image to extract values for the specified keys. Use the detailed descriptions below to determine the correct value for each key. Handle missing or ambiguous data as instructed.
### Keys and Descriptions
1. **`Surat Ketetapan Kewajiban Pembayaran PKB/BBNKB,SWDKLLJ DAN PNBP`**
- **Extract**: The value of the field is"Surat Ketetapan Kewajiban Pembayaran PKB/BBNKB, SWDKLLJ DAN PNBP" and this is title.
- **If the Field is Present** : "present"
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
2. **`nomor_registrasi`**
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR REGISTRASI" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
3. **`nama_pemilik`**
- **Extract**: The "NAMA PEMILIK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
4. **`alamat`**
- **Extract**: The "ALAMAT" field and this is address may contain 1 or more lines format : "BUNTET PESANTREN RT/RW/015/005 DESA MERTAPADA
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
5. **`merk/type`**
- **Extract**: The "MERK/TYPE" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
6. **`jenis/model`**
- **Extract**: The "JENIS/MODEL" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
7. **`tahun_pembuatan`**
- **Extract**: The "TAHUN PEMBUATAN/PERAKITAN" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
8. **`warna_kb`**
- **Extract**: The "WARNA KB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
9. **`isi_silinder`**
- **Extract**: The "ISI SILINDER/HP" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
10. **`nomor_rangka`**
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR RANGKA/NIK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
- **Extract**: The "NOMOR MESIN" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
12. **`no_bpkp`**
- **Extract**: The "NO BPKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
13. **`berlaku s/d`**
- **Extract**: The "BERLAKU S/D" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
14. **`bahan_bakar`**
- **Extract**: The "BAHAN BAKAR" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
15. **`warna_tnkb`**
- **Extract**: The "WARNA TNKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
16. **`kepemilikan_ke`**
- **Extract**: The "KEPEMILIKAN KE" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
17. **`no_registrasi_lama`**
- **Extract**: The "NO REGISTRASI LAMA" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
18. **`kode_njkb`**
- **Extract**: The "KODE NJKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
19. **`no`**
- **Extract**: The "NO." field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
- **Extract**: The "ASAL DAERAH" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
21. **`no_urut`**
- **Extract**: The "NO. URUT" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
22. **`no_kohir`**
- **Extract**: The "NO. KOHIR" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
23. **`nik_no.hp`**
- **Extract**: The "NIK/NO.HP" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
24. **`pkok_bbnkb`**
- **Extract**: The "PKOK BBNKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
25. **`pkok_pkb`**
- **Extract**: The "POKOK PKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
26. **`pkok_swdkljj`**
- **Extract**: The "POKOK SWDKLJJ" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
27. **`pkok_penerbitan_stnk`**
- **Extract**: The "POKOK PENERBITAN STNK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
28. **`pkok_penerbitan_tnkb`**
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
29. **`pkok_jumlah`**
- **Extract**: The "POKOK JUMLAH" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
30. **`sanksi_adm_bbnkb`**
- **Extract**: The "SANKSI ADM BBNKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
31. **`sanksi_adm_pkb`**
- **Extract**: The "SANKSI ADM PKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
32. **`sanksi_adm_swdkljj`**
- **Extract**: The "SANKSI ADM SWDKLJJ" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
33. **`sanksi_adm_penerbitan_stnk`**
- **Extract**: The "SANKSI ADM PENERBITAN STNK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
34. **`sanksi_adm_penerbitan_tnkb`**
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
35. **`sanksi_adm_jumlah`**
- **Extract**: The "SANKSI ADM JUMLAH " field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
36. **`jumlah_bbnkb`**
- **Extract**: The "JUMLAH BBNKB" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
37. **`jumlah_pkb`**
- **Extract**: The "JUMLAH PKB " field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
38. **`jumlah_swdkljj`**
- **Extract**: The "JUMLAH SWDKLJJ" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
39. **`jumlah_penerbitan_stnk`**
- **Extract**: The "JUMLAH PENERBITAN STNK" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
40. **`jumlah_penerbitan_tnkb`**
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
41. **`jumlah_jumlah`**
- **Extract**: The "JUMLAH JUMLAH" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
42. **`ditetapkan_tanggal`**
- **Extract**: The "DITETAPKAN TANGGAL" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
43. **`penetapan`**
- **Extract**: The "PENETAPAN" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
44. **`kasir`**
- **Extract**: The "KASIR" field.
- **If the Field is Absent**: `"null"`
- **If the Field is Present but No Value is Provided**: `"empty"`
### Output Format
"Surat_Ketetapan_Kewajiban_Pembayaran_PKB_BBNKB_SWDKLLJ_DAN_PNBP": "present OR null",
"nomor_registrasi": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nama_pemilik": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"alamat": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"merk_type": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jenis_model": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"tahun_pembuatan": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"warna_kb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"isi_silinder": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nomor_rangka": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nomor_mesin": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no_bpkp": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"berlaku_s_d": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"bahan_bakar": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"warna_tnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"kepemilikan_ke": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no_registrasi_lama": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"kode_njkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"asal_daerah": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no_urut": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"no_kohir": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"nik_no_hp": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"pkok_bbnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"pkok_pkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"pkok_swdkljj": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"pkok_penerbitan_stnk": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"pkok_penerbitan_tnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"pkok_jumlah": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"sanksi_adm_bbnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"sanksi_adm_pkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"sanksi_adm_swdkljj": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"sanksi_adm_penerbitan_stnk": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"sanksi_adm_penerbitan_tnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"sanksi_adm_jumlah": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jumlah_bbnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jumlah_pkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jumlah_swdkljj": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jumlah_penerbitan_stnk": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jumlah_penerbitan_tnkb": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"jumlah_jumlah": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"ditetapkan_tanggal": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"penetapan": "<value> OR empty OR null",
"kasir": "<value> OR empty OR null"
Return Output:
Generate a JSON object:
"output JSON": "key-value pairs"