# This is the same as json.gbnf but we restrict whitespaces at the end of the root array | |
# Useful for generating JSON arrays | |
root ::= arr | |
value ::= object | array | string | number | ("true" | "false" | "null") ws | |
arr ::= | |
"[\n" ws ( | |
value | |
(",\n" ws value)* | |
)? "]" | |
object ::= | |
"{" ws ( | |
string ":" ws value | |
("," ws string ":" ws value)* | |
)? "}" ws | |
array ::= | |
"[" ws ( | |
value | |
("," ws value)* | |
)? "]" ws | |
string ::= | |
"\"" ( | |
[^"\\\x7F\x00-\x1F] | | |
"\\" (["\\bfnrt] | "u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4}) # escapes | |
)* "\"" ws | |
number ::= ("-"? ([0-9] | [1-9] [0-9]{0,15})) ("." [0-9]+)? ([eE] [-+]? [1-9] [0-9]{0,15})? ws | |
# Optional space: by convention, applied in this grammar after literal chars when allowed | |
ws ::= | " " | "\n" [ \t]{0,20} | |