The immediate impact of the success of the manhattan project was the only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The presence of communication amid scientific minds was equally important to the success of the Manhattan Project as scientific intellect was. The only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Manhattan Project and its atomic bomb helped bring an end to World War II. Its legacy of peaceful uses of atomic energy continues to have an impact on history and science.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Essay on The Manhattan Project - The Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was to see if making an atomic bomb possible. The success of this project would forever change the world forever making it known that something this powerful can be manmade.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Manhattan Project was the name for a project conducted during World War II, to develop the first atomic bomb. It refers specifically to the period of the project from 194 … 2-1946 under the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the administration of General Leslie R. Groves.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'versions of each volume as well as complementary websites. The first website–The Manhattan Project: An Interactive History–is available on the Office of History and Heritage Resources website, http://www.cfo. The Office of History and Heritage Resources and the National Nuclear Security', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Manhattan Project. This once classified photograph features the first atomic bomb — a weapon that atomic scientists had nicknamed Gadget.. The nuclear age began on July 16, 1945, when it was detonated in the New Mexico desert.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nor will it attempt to substitute for the extraordinarily rich literature on the atomic bombs and the end of World War II. This collection does not attempt to document the origins and development of the Manhattan Project.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the actual bombs. The Army component of the project was designated the', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In June 1942, the United States Army Corps of Engineersbegan the Manhattan Project- The secret name for the 2 atomic bombs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "One of the main reasons Hanford was selected as a site for the Manhattan Project's B Reactor was its proximity to the Columbia River, the largest river flowing into the Pacific Ocean from the North American coast.", 'url': ''}]
)what was the immediate impact of the success of the manhattan project?
The presence of communication amid scientific minds was equally important to the success of the Manhattan Project as scientific intellect was. The only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated.
Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'group discussions, community boards or panels with a third party, or victim and offender dialogues, and requires a skilled facilitator who also has sufficient understanding of sexual assault, domestic violence, and dating violence, as well as trauma and safety issues.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "punishment designed to repair the damage done to the victim and community by an offender's criminal act. Ex: community service, Big Brother program indeterminate sentence", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tutorial: Introduction to Restorative Justice. Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behaviour. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that include all stakeholders. This can lead to transformation of people, relationships and communities. Practices and programs reflecting restorative purposes will respond to crime by: 1 identifying and taking steps to repair harm, 2 involving all stakeholders, and. 3 transforming the traditional relationship between communities and their governments in responding to crime.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Organize volunteer community panels, boards, or committees that meet with the offender to discuss the incident and offender obligation to repair the harm to victims and community members. Facilitate the process of apologies to victims and communities. Invite local victim advocates to provide ongoing victim-awareness training for probation staff.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The purpose of this paper is to point out a number of unresolved issues in the criminal justice system, present the underlying principles of restorative justice, and then to review the growing amount of empirical data on victim-offender mediation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Each of these types of communities—the geographic community of the victim, offender, or crime; the community of care; and civil society—may be injured by crime in different ways and degrees, but all will be affected in common ways as well: The sense of safety and confidence of their members is threatened, order within the community is threatened, and (depending on the kind of crime) common values of the community are challenged and perhaps eroded.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The approach is based on a theory of justice that considers crime and wrongdoing to be an offense against an individual or community, rather than the State. Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Inherent in many people’s understanding of the notion of ADR is the existence of a dispute between identifiable parties. Criminal justice, however, is not usually conceptualised as a dispute between victim and offender, but is instead seen as a matter concerning the relationship between the offender and the state. This raises a complex question as to whether a criminal offence can properly be described as a ‘dispute’.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Criminal justice, however, is not usually conceptualised as a dispute between victim and offender, but is instead seen as a matter concerning the relationship between the offender and the state. 3 This raises a complex question as to whether a criminal offence can properly be described as a ‘dispute’.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The circle includes a wide range of participants including not only the offender and the victim but also friends and families, community members, and justice system representatives. The primary distinction between conferencing and circles is that circles do not focus exclusively on the offense and do not limit their solutions to repairing the harm between the victim and the offender.', 'url': ''}]
_________ justice is designed to repair the harm to victim, the community and the offender caused by the offender criminal act. question 19 options:
The approach is based on a theory of justice that considers crime and wrongdoing to be an offense against an individual or community, rather than the State. Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability.
The reasons why Stalin wanted to control Eastern Europe are Russia has historically no secure border and they wanted to set up satellite countries.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Western betrayal. The concept of Western betrayal refers to the view that the United Kingdom and France failed to meet their legal, diplomatic, military and moral obligations with respect to the Czech and Polish nations during the prelude to and aftermath of the Second World War.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Tuvan People's Republic, was proclaimed independent in 1921 and was a satellite state of Soviet Union until its annexation in 1944 by the Soviet Union. Another early Soviet satellite state in Asia was the short-lived Far East Republic in Siberia. Post-World War II", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Satellite state. The term satellite state designates a country that is formally independent in the world, but under heavy political, economic and military influence or control from another country. The term was coined by analogy to planetary objects orbiting a larger object, such as smaller moons revolving around larger planets, and is used mainly to refer to Central and Eastern European countries of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War or to Mongolia or Tannu Tuva between 1924 and 1990, for example. As used for', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to Hakluyt, why should England pursue colonies in North America? Check all of the boxes that apply.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "An interview with Anne Applebaum about her new book, The Crushing of Eastern Europe. Soviet-built tanks wheel into action in a smoke-filled Budapest street during Hungary's rebellion against communist satellite government in October of 1956.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "They therefore,if anything, tightened their grip, Hungary 1956,Czechoslovakia 1968 and the construction of the Berlin Wall all being examples.After Stalin,it wasn't so much the desire to extend Soviet power as paranoia about losing it that maintained Soviet desire to control Eastern Europe.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'There are 3 main reasons why Stalin wanted to control Eastern Europe. 1.) Russia has historically no secure border. 2.) They wanted to set up satellite countries. 3.)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Why did the United Nations send troops to Korea in 1950? They wanted to contain and push back the communist invaders from the North. Why was the Arab-Israeli conflict considered part of the Cold War?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On top of that, Russia had been the victim of attacks from the west multiple times. In 1914 and 1941 Germany attacked Russia through Poland. To Stalin, the past was a reliable indicator of what the future could hold. Stalin thought that having control over eastern europe could significantly undermine this threat. Despite this, it was agreed at the Yalta conference, with the consent of Stalin, that all the countries liberated from Nazi Germany would have the right to be democratic and politically independent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Not just Eastern Europe, Stalin wanted to control the world by creating an empire based on Communism. That's how they clashed with US who intended to control the world by building an empire based on Capitalism. That's what the Cold War is about.", 'url': ''}]
why did stalin want control of eastern europe
There are 3 main reasons why Stalin wanted to control Eastern Europe. 1.) Russia has historically no secure border. 2.) They wanted to set up satellite countries. 3.)
Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide. Nails rust due to presence of some impurities in the water, particularly salts, which speeds up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'what to Do If I Stepped on Rusty Nail: Prevent Getting Tetanus. What to do if you step on a nail and are afraid to get Tetanus? Tetanus vaccines are available to help the body fight off the bacteria that causes this infection. Patients as young as two months are able to receive a tetanus shot.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Just asked! See more. 1 What is the minimum coefficient of friction ... Answer. 13 minutes ago. 2 How do you find the derivate of inverse sin ... Answer. 14 minutes ago. 3 You found the perfect pair of shorts for $24.99 ... Answer. 20 minutes ago. 4 What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of ... Answer. 35 minutes ago.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water,... Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water,...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rusty Nail and Tetanus It is commonly advised that people should avoid rusty nails because they are dangerous. One of the most common beliefs is that piercing the skin with a rusty nail can cause you to develop tetanus or lockjaw. Tetanus is referred to as lockjaw because the initial symptoms of the disease will cause the muscles around the mouth to become rigid.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If you take an iron nail and let it rust in air, you'll find that the weight of the rusted nail is larger than that of the nail before it rusted. This gives the impression that the amount of mass hasn't remained constant, but what has really happened is that the oxygen in the air (which you didn't weigh) combined with the iron to make it rust. As a result, the weight of the oxygen plus the weight of the iron is equal to the weight of the rust that's formed. OK.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A: Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water, particularly salts, since these speed up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is possible to contract tetanus if you are cut by a rusty nail. Tetanus is caused by the clostridium tetani bacteria which are commonly found in dust, soil and animal feces. Because these items are commonly found around areas like gardens or work sites where rusty nails are present, the general belief that rusty nails cause tetanus was born. It is important to note that it is not so much the rust on the nail that causes people to contract tetanus, but the fact that nails can cause deep wounds that make it easier for the tetanus infection to spread.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Just asked! See more. 1 What is the minimum coefficient of friction 2 ... How do you find the derivate of inverse sin 3 ... You found the perfect pair of shorts for $24.99 4 ... What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Just asked! See more. 1 What is the minimum coefficient of friction ... Answer. 2 How do you find the derivate of inverse sin ... Answer. 3 You found the perfect pair of shorts for $24.99 ... Answer. 4 What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of ... Answer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water, particularly salts, since these speed up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen. Continue Reading', 'url': ''}]
why do nails get rusty
A: Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water, particularly salts, since these speed up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen.
Depona Ab is a library in Vilhelmina, Sweden.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A preview of what LinkedIn members have to say about Göran: Göran är en mycket duktig och noggrann säljare och ledare. Under görans ledning och stöd byggde vi en effektiv och stark sälj/marknads organisation för outsourcing av dokumenthanteringstjänster i stor skala. Jag jobbar gärna med Göran närsomhelst och rekommenderar gärna Göran som er nästa sälj/marknadschef.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Depona Oy YTJ: Y-tunnus: 21527338 YTJ: Toimiala: Kirjastojen ja arkistojen toiminta (TOL: 91010) YTJ: Toimialakuvaus: (Päivitetty: 01.04.2008)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the autumn of 2000, Svenska Standardbolag and Magnus Litens founded Sweden’s today leading actor in archive services, Depona AB. Depona operates in ten locations in Sweden and has thousands of customers who use their web-based archiving solution Visual archive. The history of Standardbolag. Lawyer Gustaf Bertil Ihrman, the founder of Svenska Standardbolag AB, had his office in the ”Ihrman villa” in Falun and conducted general legal services during the years of 1921–1953.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "View Martin Townsend’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Martin has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Martin’s connections and jobs at similar companies.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Uzņēmums Depona sāka darbu ar ideju, kas paredzēja atjaunināt un uzlabot arhivēšanas pakalpojumu tirgu, nodrošinot novatorisku lietotāju saskarni, labāku Valodas Dansk', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Company Profile. Depona AB provides physical archive services. The Company offers business, organizations, and governmental agencies archival materials using the latest technology for recording, retrieval, and archive databases. Depona delivers services throughout Sweden.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Depona Ab is a library in Vilhelmina, Sweden. The company is located at Slggatan 1. This private company was founded in 1999 (about 16 years ago). A typical library has between 4 and 80 employees, meaning that Depona Ab, with a reported 5 employees, employs a typical amount of people for the industry within Sweden.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Svenska Standardbolag AB is the market leader in corporate cases in Sweden since 1954 and has assisted Swedish enterprises in more than 300 000 corporate cases. Our shelf company AB Grundstenen is our main product and more than 150 000 Swedish companies have been started with it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 5', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world.', 'url': ''}]
depona ab
Depona Ab is a library in Vilhelmina, Sweden. The company is located at Slggatan 1. This private company was founded in 1999 (about 16 years ago). A typical library has between 4 and 80 employees, meaning that Depona Ab, with a reported 5 employees, employs a typical amount of people for the industry within Sweden.
$43,746 for the 2014-2015 academic year.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the cost of attending new york university is comparable to that of other selective private institutions new york university charges tuition and registration fees on a per unit basis for 2015 2016 the tuition rate is expected to be $ 1616 per unit plus registration and service feesthe estimated total tuition for the ms program is $ 51654 the board of trustees of new york university reserves the right to alter tuition and feesfinal tuition and fees for the 2015 16 academic year will be made official by april of this yearhe board of trustees of new york university reserves the right to alter tuition and fees final tuition and fees for the 2015 16 academic year will be made official by april of this year', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'tuition for new york university is $ 43746 for the 2014 2015 academic year this is 73 % more expensive than the national average private non profit four year college tuition of $ 25240he net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the cost is $ 23628 and 117 % more expensive than the average new york tuition of $ 20118 for 4 year colleges tuition ranks 172nd in new york amongst 4 year colleges for affordability and is the 16th most expensive 4 year college in the stateprice does not vary by residence the school charges an additional fees of $ 2424 in addition to tuition bringing the total effective in state tuition to $ 46170he net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '$ 470 nonreturnable registration and services fee per point for registration after first point $ 66 the above table represents the tuition and fees for a graduate social work student enrolling in the 2015 2016 academic yearnew york university and the silver school of social work reserve the right to change its courses programs tuition and fees at any time 470 nonreturnable registration and services fee per point for registration after first point $ 66 the above table represents the tuition and fees for a graduate social work student enrolling in the 2015 2016 academic year', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'at the current published rates an estimated total tuition fees and living expense price for a 4 year bachelor s degree at new york university is $ 256088 for students graduating in normal timehe net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '$ 51958 this includes tuition and registration fees for executive masters students excluding nurse leaders fees also include a one time $ 1500 empa program fee a typical part time student enrolls in 2 courses per semester each academic yeara typical full time student enrolls in 4 courses per semester each academic year 2015 2016 tuition per credit $ 1589his includes tuition and registration fees for executive masters students excluding nurse leaders fees also include a one time $ 1500 empa program fee a typical part time student enrolls in 2 courses per semester each academic year', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'all fees are payable at the time of registration the office of the bursar is located at 25 west fourth street checks and drafts are to be drawn to the order of new york university for the exact amount of the tuition and fees requiredate payment of tuition fee $ 25 late registration fee commencing with the second week of classes $ 50 late registration fee commencing with the fifth week of classes $ 100 deposit upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 500 housing deposit if applicable upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 1000', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'nyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year nyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year it s no secret that matriculating at nyu is breathtakingly expensivenyu will cost you your arms legs soul is not breaking newsyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year nyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year it s no secret that matriculating at nyu is breathtakingly expensive', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'with this plan you budget the cost of your tuition and or housing after deducting any financial aid you will be receiving and or any payments you have made directly to nyu a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $ 50 is required when applying for the fall spring tuitionpay planate payment of tuition fee $ 25 late registration fee commencing with the second week of classes $ 50 late registration fee commencing with the fifth week of classes $ 100 deposit upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 500 housing deposit if applicable upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 1000', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenseshe net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses', 'url': ''}]
nyu tuition cost
tuition for new york university is $ 43746 for the 2014 2015 academic year this is 73 % more expensive than the national average private non profit four year college tuition of $ 25240he net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses
Before the age of 2–4 years.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In an effort to better understand how children form memories, the researchers asked 140 kids between the ages of 4 and 13 to describe their earliest memories and then asked them to do the same thing two years later.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Conversely, a third of the children who were age 10 to 13 during the first interview described the same earliest memory during the second interview. More than half of the memories they recalled were the same at both interviews. The researchers are now studying why children remember certain events and not others.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However, when the offset of childhood amnesia is defined as the age at which the majority of memories are personal recollections rather than known events, then offset occurs at approximately 4.5 years old.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The development of memory in children becomes evident within the first 2 to 3 years of a child's life as they show considerable advances in declarative memory. This enhancement continues into adolescence with major developments in short term memory, working memory, long term memory and autobiographical memory.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Most adults remember little before their third or fourth birthdays, and the thinking has been that prior to this age children do not have the cognitive or language skills to process and store events as memories.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The way that researchers study the memory capabilities of infants in this age range is through measuring eye movements between test images presented. After doing this initial round of testing, the researchers would conduct follow-up tests both 5 minutes later and one day later.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As this happens, memories occurring in the preschool years tend to be lost. “As young children get older their first memories tend to get later and later, but around age 10 their memories crystallize,” Peterson tells WebMD.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Childhood amnesia, also called infantile amnesia, is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories before the age of 2–4 years, as well as the period before age 10 of which adults retain fewer memories than might otherwise be expected given the passage of time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In children under the age of 4, the memory storage capacity limitation constrains complex comprehension processes. As the child grows older however, less processing is necessary which opens more storage space for memory.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Recent research on the development of memory has indicated that declarative, or explicit memory, may exist in infants who are even younger than two years old. For example, newborns who are less than 3 days old demonstrate a preference for their mother’s own voice.', 'url': ''}]
at what age do kids start to hold memories
Childhood amnesia, also called infantile amnesia, is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories before the age of 2–4 years, as well as the period before age 10 of which adults retain fewer memories than might otherwise be expected given the passage of time.
Americans brush for just under the two minutes on average.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your dentist or oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia, depending on the expected complexity of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level. Local anesthesia. Your dentist or oral surgeon administers local anesthesia with one or more injections near the site of each extraction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your dentist or oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia, depending on the expected complexity of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level. Options include: Local anesthesia.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'On average, Americans brush for just under the two minutes recommended by dental professionals. African Americans brush 18 seconds longer than Americans as a whole, while younger adults ages 18 to 24 spend 16 seconds longer than average brushing. Nearly six of 10 Americans brush their teeth at bedtime and as soon as they wake up in the morning, while 38 percent brush after breakfast. About 17 percent brush after lunch, and 21 percent brush after dinner.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nearly six of 10 Americans brush their teeth at bedtime and as soon as they wake up in the morning, while 38 percent brush after breakfast. According to the Delta Dental survey, 91 percent of Americans brush most frequently at home in their bathrooms over the sink.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Distance of the teeth need to be moved- The amount of space or distance that is required to move the teeth can also determine the average length of time to wear braces. If one has a minor orthodontic problem and the teeth have to travel only a narrow distance, then one may have shorter time duration for treatment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average length of time to wear braces can vary from one individual to another. Depending on the condition of the teeth and gums, the space available, the severity of the misaligned teeth, the distance which the teeth needs to cover and the cooperativeness of the individual to instructions. However, the average length of time to wear braces is usually from 1 to 2 years. For some individuals braces may have to be worn for longer period of time up to 3 years or so and for some other individuals the time duration to wear braces may be lesser. Factors which determines the duration of braces treatment-.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Most adults do not come close to brushing that long. These four steps are the best and easiest ways to help you remember how to care for your mouth, teeth and gums: Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes, especially first thing in the morning and before bedtime.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Use the tip of the brush to reach behind each front tooth on the top and bottom. In addition, don't forget flossing - it's just as important as brushing. If you don't brush your teeth long enough, you may not be getting your teeth clean enough. If you leave behind bacteria on the teeth after brushing, it can lead to serious problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Though it is important to pay attention to how long you're brushing, it's even more important to make sure all surfaces are clean. Remember to brush using short strokes, moving back and forth against the teeth and gums, around the surface of every tooth.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In fact, according to the Delta Dental survey, people who brush at least twice a day are 22 percent more likely to describe their oral health as good or better compared with those who brush less frequently. Unfortunately, 23 percent of Americans have gone two or more days without brushing their teeth in the past year.', 'url': ''}]
average teeth brushing time
On average, Americans brush for just under the two minutes recommended by dental professionals. African Americans brush 18 seconds longer than Americans as a whole, while younger adults ages 18 to 24 spend 16 seconds longer than average brushing. Nearly six of 10 Americans brush their teeth at bedtime and as soon as they wake up in the morning, while 38 percent brush after breakfast. About 17 percent brush after lunch, and 21 percent brush after dinner.
Yes, funner is a word.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Taken from Wiktionary: Funnest is a regular superlative of the adjective fun. However, the use of fun as an adjective is itself still often seen as informal or casual and to be avoided in formal writing, and this would apply equally to the superlative form.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'adjective, funnier, funniest. 1. providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark; a funny person. 2. attempting to amuse; facetious:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '24 Comments. 1 I’ve never heard “funner”, but I hear “xyz is the funnies zyx ever” a lot. 2 GAH. “ 3 For example, you wouldn’t say that ‘The gray cat is catter than the black one.’ Cat is a noun. Funner is a 1 word. I asked beacuase i watched suite life on deck and sally said now this is funner than your stupid bear shirt.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Words don't have to be used often to be words. For instance, cryptosporidium is a word which is used less often by the people you meet than funner. Yet, the anchorwoman of your six o'clock news show would probably use cryptosporidium when appropriate, while avoiding funner in favor of more fun.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Funner is, of course, a word in the same sense that ponyfraggis is a word, if word is defined as a pronounceable sequence of letters delimited by whitespace. In terms of usage, the frequency of use of More fun vs funner in formal writing suggest that funner is spoken slang. Naturally it is a word, too.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '6 Answers 6. Funnest is a regular superlative of the adjective fun. However, the use of fun as an adjective is itself still often seen as informal or casual and to be avoided in formal writing, and this would apply equally to the superlative form.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I’ll toss in my two cents… For the heck of it.. Funner is a word in the Scrabble dictionary. It’s interesting that it’s in the Scrabble dictionary, but it’s not in the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED studies these words at a far greater depth than Scrabble–which happens to pulls its word-bank from Merriam Webster.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Funny and laughable are both applied to that which provokes laughter or deserves to be laughed at; funny is a colloquial term loosely applied and in popular use is commonly interchangeable with the other terms: a funny story, scene, joke; a laughable incident, mistake.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'diversion, amusement, 1727, earlier a cheat, trick (c.1700), from verb fun (1680s) to cheat, hoax, of uncertain origin, probably a variant of Middle English fonnen befool (c.1400; see fond). Older sense is preserved in phrase to make fun of (1737) and funny money counterfeit bills (1938, though this may be more for the sake of the rhyme).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun. 2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun. verb (used with or without object), funned, funning.", 'url': ''}]
is funner a word?
Funner is, of course, a word in the same sense that ponyfraggis is a word, if word is defined as a pronounceable sequence of letters delimited by whitespace. In terms of usage, the frequency of use of More fun vs funner in formal writing suggest that funner is spoken slang. Naturally it is a word, too.
An abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. european conformity.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'CE Certification. CE Certification is required for all recreational boats entering or being sold in the European Union. Manufacturers must test and document to ensure conformity to all applicable European directives and requirements. CE certification is obtained from Notified Bodies, organizations that are recognized by European states to conduct CE assessments and issue CE certification documents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Certification by a notified body enables you to display the CE mark on your products and allows you free and open access to the European Union market.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "The CE marking is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EC directives. Officially, CE is an abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. european conformity", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'CE is a mandatory mark for certain product groups in order for them to be sold on the. market – specifically into the EU. The requirements are set out in European Directives (similar to Australia ’s Regulations and Acts) that cover health, safety and environmental protection legislation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The CE marking is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EC directives. Officially, CE is an abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. European, CONFORMITY however ce originally Stood For , Communaute communauté Europeenne Européenne. french for european community", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About us. Certification Experts B.V. is an international organisation with a subsidiary office in Shenyang, P.R. China. Our company is specialized in CE marking, European Product Safety legislation, International Product Safety Regulations (e.g. CCC, CSA, GOST) and technical and legal regulatory compliance issues.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The CE mark itself is defined in Directive 93/68/EEC, Rules for the Affixing and Use of the CE Conformity Marking which takes in a host of other Directives, such as.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'CE marking is mandatory for certain product groups within the European Economic Area (EEA; the 28 member states of the EU plus EFTA countries Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) plus Switzerland and Turkey.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Back to overview. The CE mark can be found on pretty much any electrical appliance in the home. Turn your laptop computer over and there will be a CE mark there somewhere, usually mixed in with other markings. Imported machinery can also be found to have a CE mark.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The CE mark, or formerly EC mark, is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985. The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA.', 'url': ''}]
what is ce certified
The CE marking is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EC directives. Officially, CE is an abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. european conformity
The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oklahoma Natural Gas Oklahoma City toll free customer service phone number : +1 800-664-5463 BancFirst toll free customer service phone number : +1(405) 948-7930 Click to enter your compliant for Bancfirst Oklahoma', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Bancfirst Oklahoma Customer Service Phone Number BancFirst Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149. BancFirst Corporation or BancFirst is a public financial institution, serves the residents of the United States. It is an Oklahoma state charted financial institution. It is counted among the leading financial institutions throughout the state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'BancFirst Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BancFirst Service Center and BancFirst customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BancFirst customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When you call to Bancfirst Oklahoma, ask for toll free number to enjoy charge free calling. Calling Bancfirst Oklahoma: At the first step When you call to Bancfirst Oklahoma please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Below you find the information about Bancfirst Oklahoma, Bancfirst Oklahoma customer service number, Bancfirst Oklahoma address, Bancfirst Oklahoma email id and website. Address 6200, Waterford Building, Oklahoma City, OK, United States', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Phone Number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 . BancFirst Corporation or BancFirst is a public financial institution, serves the residents of the United States. It is an Oklahoma state charted financial institution. It is counted among the leading financial institutions throughout the state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'BancFirst toll free customer service number : +1(405) 948-7930. If you as a customer of the bancfirst oklahoma have any query, complaint, suggestion, feedback and reviews related to bancfirst oklahoma products and services then you can communicate through its customer service detail.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Contact Bancfirst Oklahoma on the Given Contact Number: +1 (405) 270-1000 / 1-855-889-9216 / 1-888-200-9149. If the contact number or email address of Bancfirst Oklahoma is incorrect, please tell us HERE', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For your convenience to contact Bancfirst Oklahoma We have provided all possible information of Bancfirst Oklahoma. You can contact Bancfirst Oklahoma on the given phone number +1 (405) 270-1000 / 1-855-889-9216 / 1-888-200-9149. To know the address location of Bancfirst Oklahoma it is also presented here 6200, Waterford Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, United States. Contact them by sending email to Bancfirst Oklahoma you will find an email address here .', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Customer Service Number Bancfirst Oklahoma: +1 (405) 270-1000, 6200, Waterford Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, United States. Toll Free 1 800 number. We provide you the customer service number of Bancfirst Oklahoma with address, webiste, email id and more. Home Bancfirst Oklahoma Customer Service Phone Number: +1 (405) 270-1000', 'url': ''}]
bancfirst customer service number
The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Bancfirst Oklahoma Customer Service Phone Number BancFirst Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149. BancFirst Corporation or BancFirst is a public financial institution, serves the residents of the United States. It is an Oklahoma state charted financial institution. It is counted among the leading financial institutions throughout the state.
DeWitt is located in Clinton County, Michigan, United States.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'DeWitt was named after DeWitt Clinton, Governor of New York during the 1820s. It was first settled by Captain David Scott, who moved there from Ann Arbor in 1833, and platted the land. The State Legislature formally created DeWitt Township on March 23, 1836.', 'url': ',_Michigan'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office shared Clinton County MI Emergency Services's post. · December 13, 2017 at 1:55pm · Clinton County MI Emergency Services added 3 new photos.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office shared Tom Leonard's post. · January 9 at 9:42am · Thank you Tom Leonard for your continued support of law enforcement!", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'DeWitt, MI 48820 Phone: (517) 669-6578 Fax: (517) 669-6583 . Emergency: 9-1-1 Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday (Administrative Offices) Non-emergency (within Clinton County): 9-1-1 . Non-emergency (outside of Clinton County):(800) 968-5121. E-mail: [email protected]', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'DeWitt, Michigan. DeWitt is the name of a city and a township in Clinton County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population of the city was 4,507 at the 2010 census. The city is located north of Interstate 69, and west of US Highway 127, just north of Lansing.', 'url': ',_Michigan'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office added 2 new photos. · December 31, 2017 at 8:59am · Ithaca, MI · During the night last night, someone tried to help this family take down their Christmas decorations.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office, Saint Johns, Michigan. 8.6K likes. In an emergency dial 911. The Sheriff is responsible to County residents...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office · December 24, 2017 at 11:06am · Ithaca, MI · The Clinton County Sheriff's Office would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!!", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'DeWitt, MI 48820 Phone: (517) 669-6576 Fax: (517) 669-6496 E-mail: [email protected]: Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The county seat for Clinton County was also located in DeWitt Township from the inception of the County. The county seat remained in DeWitt Township until December 1857 when it was moved to high Hall, in the village of St. Johns, until a new courthouse could be built.', 'url': ',_Michigan'}]
what county is dewitt michigan in?
DeWitt, Michigan. DeWitt is the name of a city and a township in Clinton County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population of the city was 4,507 at the 2010 census. The city is located north of Interstate 69, and west of US Highway 127, just north of Lansing.
A motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "It might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.t might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Although CPAP machines are available without prescription from a number of websites, your best bet will always be to go to a doctor and get a medical opinion. Some individuals across CPAP forums and websites have said that they cannot afford the insurance to get a diagnosis and a sleep study.That is a perfectly valid point. However, without that sleep study, you cannot have a diagnosis.PAP machines are usually given to patients once they have been formally diagnosed with sleep apnea after a sleep study and after a titration study to determine the settings that the CPAP machine needs to be at.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "It might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.f you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'No Machine, No Sleep! Now there is a answer to this problem that will allow you to get a new CPAP mask immediately. A complete CPAP mask system is a prescription item and as such cannot be sold without the seller having a copy of your mask prescription on file.However, you can purchase all mask component parts without a prescription since these component parts are not prescription items.o Machine, No Sleep! Now there is a answer to this problem that will allow you to get a new CPAP mask immediately. A complete CPAP mask system is a prescription item and as such cannot be sold without the seller having a copy of your mask prescription on file.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Buying a CPAP, Bi-Level or CPAP Mask without a Prescription. If you need to purchase a CPAP or Bi-Level and you don't have a copy of your prescription, here is a solution: CPAP Prescription Package.ven if you do not have a prescription, you can purchase any of the mask frames below and purchase the headgear separately. You'll find that the price of buying the headgear separately is the same or very close to the price of the entire mask system.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Let's start with the first step-where to get your prescription for CPAP equipment. You don't need to go to a sleep specialist or pulmonologist, and you don't need to have slept through a sleep study in order to get a prescription for a CPAP machine.ample Prescription for CPAP Machine. CPAP 10cm H 2 O Heated Humidifier Nasal Mask Duration: as needed for lifetime. Note that the units of pressure are represented by cm H2O, or centimeters of water. If a prescription indicates only CPAP 10, then it's calling for a CPAP machine set at 10 centimeters of water.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "IF you have apnea and it's a choice between not using a machine at all or using one without a sleep study and 'winging it' I would advocate for those who would still try one.But educate yourself enough to know the importance of having a properly fitting mask. compliance.F you have apnea and it's a choice between not using a machine at all or using one without a sleep study and 'winging it' I would advocate for those who would still try one.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Any site that sells you a machine without a prescription is doing so illegally, and of course if you purchase such a machine without a prescription you are also doing something illegal.f you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Sample Prescription for CPAP Machine CPAP 10cm H2O Heated Humidifier Nasal Mask Duration: as needed for lifetime. Note that the units of pressure are represented by cm H2O, or centimeters of water. If a prescription indicates only CPAP 10, then it's calling for a CPAP machine set at 10 centimeters of water.ample Prescription for CPAP Machine. CPAP 10cm H 2 O Heated Humidifier Nasal Mask Duration: as needed for lifetime. Note that the units of pressure are represented by cm H2O, or centimeters of water. If a prescription indicates only CPAP 10, then it's calling for a CPAP machine set at 10 centimeters of water.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The wrong pressure on your machine means you could damage your lungs and not enough pressure means the machine is ineffective. So before you go ahead with your plans of shopping around for CPAP machines without a prescription, remember that a prescription is always issued for your protection.f you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan.", 'url': ''}]
using cpap without prescription
It might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.t might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.
It allows passengers to check-in to a flight automatically up to 36 hours prior to the flight's scheduled departure time.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A confirmation is sent to the email address listed on the itinerary when the check-in is purchased. Purchases of the Early Bird Check-In are not refundable, and passengers who cancel their reservation must forfeit the option for that particular flight. In the rare event that Southwest cancels a flight, a refund will be issued within one or two billing cycles.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Save this Post. 1. Re: Southwest Airline's Early Bird Check-In Policy. Jul 22, 2012, 1:07 AM. It is my understanding that Business Select, and A list rapid rewards people are automatically AHEAD of early bird people. So, if there are a lot of them on the flight--you are pushed back.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'All customers are subject to physical search at the security checkpoint. Random physical searches of customers, either through use of wands or pat down methods at the security checkpoint, will be ongoing.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Early Bird Check-In passengers board after Business Select and A-List Customers. There are several ways to purchase the early check-in, including online, over the phone through a reservation agent or through the Southwest mobile app.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When I purchased my ticket and early bird check-in in late March for a mid-July domestic flight on Southwest, common sense made me think that my purchased boarding position ($10 for each of the two flights) would reflex the early purchase date and be related to an early bird process.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Am I correct in assuming that Southwest Airlines puts your name/confirmation number in a hat and pulls it out along with all the other people who also paid for the early bird check-in to determine your boarding pass location?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Upon inquiring at the check-in kiosk, Southwest personnel were not surprised and commented that sometimes early bird check-in can result in a C boarding position (an additional 60 positions farther back in boarding).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "For a small fee, Southwest Airlines' Early Bird Check-In allows passengers to check-in to a flight automatically up to 36 hours prior to the flight's scheduled departure time.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'While not guaranteed, most Early Bird Check-In passengers obtain an A boarding pass, which allows them to board the plane earlier than most passengers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Check in online. Check in online and print your boarding pass beginning 24 hours in advance of departure. You will need your airline confirmation number (or PNR) and first and last name to retrieve your reservation. What to expect at the airport and while boarding the plane.', 'url': ''}]
what is early bird check in southwest
For a small fee, Southwest Airlines' Early Bird Check-In allows passengers to check-in to a flight automatically up to 36 hours prior to the flight's scheduled departure time.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'WELCOME TO COLUMBUS! The City of Columbus includes a mix of residential, rural and commercial property. Columbus boasts large tracts of public land, including Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area and Lamprey Pass.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The ratio of number of residents in Columbus to the number of sex offenders is 488 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Bloomington, IN (33.3 miles , pop. 69,291).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Phone Number: Columbus-Muscogee, the first consolidated city-county in Georgia, began development in 1826, building on ceded Creek Indian territory. Muscogee is the name of a branch of the Creek Nation. Columbus, of course, is named for Christopher Columbus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Sponsored Topics. Columbus ( /kəlʌmbəs/) is a city in and the county seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, United States. The population was 44,061 at the 2010 census, and the current mayor is Fred Armstrong. Located approximately 40 miles (64 km) south of Indianapolis, on the east fork of the White River, it is the state's 20th largest city.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Columbus, Ohio. Columbus (/kəˈlʌmbəs/; kə-LUM-bəs) is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Ohio. It is the 15th-largest city in the United States, with a population of 850,106 as of 2015 estimates. This makes Columbus the fourth-most populous state capital in the United States, and the third-largest city in the Midwestern United States.', 'url': ',_Ohio'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Phone Number: Columbus-Muscogee, the first consolidated city-county in Georgia, began development in 1826, building on ceded Creek Indian territory. Muscogee is the name of a branch of the Creek Nation. Columbus, of course, is named for Christopher Columbus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Latest news from Columbus, IN collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: American (30.5%), German (13.7%), English (7.7%), Irish (5.3%), European (2.4%), Scottish (1.2%).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Columbus, Indiana. 1 Columbus: covered Bridge at Mill Race Park. 2 Columbus: A statue in cloumbus. 3 Columbus. Columbus: Bartholomew County Courthouse. Columbus: Tipton Lakes - A wonderful planned 1 community! Columbus: Barthalomew county memorial for veterans. Columbus: A sculpter called summer storm in 1 columbus. Columbus: Downtown Columbus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The City owns and operates a volunteer fire department through a joint powers agreement with the City of Forest Lake. Police protection is provided through a contract with the Anoka County Sheriff’s Department. Columbus is located within the Forest Lake Area School District (ISD #831).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Acceptable ID for children: State ID, Birth Certificate, or Health Insurance Card. Effective June 27, 2016, the Franklin County Sheriff's Office will be implementing changes to ensure the safety of inmates, staff, and visitors. Printed materials (magazines, books, pamphlets, leaflets, or catalogues) MUST fit all the below criteria:", 'url': ''}]
what county is columbus city in
Sponsored Topics. Columbus ( /kəlʌmbəs/) is a city in and the county seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, United States. The population was 44,061 at the 2010 census, and the current mayor is Fred Armstrong. Located approximately 40 miles (64 km) south of Indianapolis, on the east fork of the White River, it is the state's 20th largest city.
Social security administration in Bellevue Washington hours for Monday to Friday is 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM except Wednesday and for Wednesday the time is 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Local social security offices in BELLEVUE, WA offer information, help and services handled by the Social Security Administration. Services typically available include: Apply for Retirement Benefits in BELLEVUE, WA. Apply for Disability in BELLEVUE, WA – SSDI in BELLEVUE, WA, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in BELLEVUE, WA.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This page provides a list of cities that have Washington Social Security office locations. They can assist you with any questions or issues you might have with your social security benefits. Or if you need to obtain a social security card. Select a city below to find a office location and schedule an appointment, we provide the social security office phone number and office hours. Start typing or scroll down to pick from the list of Washington Social Security offices. B. Bellevue Social Security Offices.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Social Security Seattle Region. The Social Security Administration's Seattle Region proudly serves the residents of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Our region encompasses 23% of America's landmass and spans three time zones. Approximately 2.5 million of our region's 13.6 million people receive monthly retirement, survivors or disability benefits.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The United States Social Security Administration. Check out your Social Security Statement, change your address & manage your benefits online today. Your Social Security number remains your first and continuous link with Social Security. Calculate your benefits based on your actual Social Security earnings record.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Social Security Office in Bellevue, WA. You can reach Social Security Office in Bellevue, Washington at the following street address and contact number, as well as using directions below. Please, share your experience about visiting this office, provide a review using the form at the end of this page. Suite 100, 636 120th Ave Ne. 98005, Bellevue, Washington.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Social Security Office Locations » Washington Social Security Offices » BELLEVUE Social Security Offices » Social Security Office BELLEVUE WA 98005.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Social Security office Bellevue WA. FROM I405 SOUTH TAKE N.E. 4TH. FROM I405 NORTH TAKE N.E.8TH. HEAD WEST TO 106TH AVE N.E. REMARKS: PAID PARKING ONLY.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best Social Security Offices near 98004 for a Social Security Card Replacement. Based on the zip code you entered, we selected the best 3 social security offices corresponding to your situation. By clicking on their address, you can access their hours of operations as well as directions. 3 Closest Offices to the 98004 Zipcode. 1 636 120th Ave Ne Ste 100. Bellevue, WA 98005. 2 18905 33rd Ave W Ste 207. Lynnwood, WA 98036. 3 321 Ramsay Way Ste 401. Kent, WA 98032.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Social Security Office Locations => Washington => Bellevue. You can reach Social Security Office in Bellevue, Washington at the following street address and contact number, as well as using directions below. Please, share your experience about visiting this office, provide a review using the form at the end of this page. Suite 100, 636 120th Ave Ne.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Social Security office Bellevue WA. SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE. SUITE 100 636 120TH AVE NE BELLEVUE, WA 98005. National Toll-Free 1-800-772-1213 TTY 1-800-325-0778. MON: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; TUES: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; WED: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM; THUR: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; FRI: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; SAT & SUN: CLOSED.', 'url': ''}]
social security administration in bellevue wa hours
Social Security office Bellevue WA. SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE. SUITE 100 636 120TH AVE NE BELLEVUE, WA 98005. National Toll-Free 1-800-772-1213 TTY 1-800-325-0778. MON: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; TUES: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; WED: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM; THUR: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; FRI: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; SAT & SUN: CLOSED.
Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Yes, whiskers are used to help animals balance themselves like we need our pinky toe for balance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In addition to having sensory properties, a cat's whiskers are also a good indicator of his mood. When a cat is angry or feels defensive, the whiskers will be pulled back. Otherwise, when the cat is happy, curious or content, the whiskers will be more relaxed and pushed forward. But the whisker's primary use is to help a cat judge whether or not he'll fit through an opening. A cat's whiskers are roughly as wide as his body -- sort of a natural ruler. The whisker tips are sensitive to pressure. You'll probably see a cat stick his head in and out of an opening before he puts his body in. He's judging the width of the opening, and is determining if he can fit into it.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark. A cats tail also helps them balance, my cat had lost his tail do to an … injury and now he uses his whiskers more to help balance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Cat Fanciers’ Association (which is to cats what the AKC is to dogs) has this listed on its page of myths about cats ( .html) Myth: A cat’s sense of balance is in its whiskers. Fact: Cats use their whiskers as “feelers” but not to maintain their balance. So you aren’t the only one to hear this old wives’ tale, but you can put the scissors away, even though it was in the name of scientific curiosity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Like cats and other animals, dogs have whiskers that stick out from the sides of their muzzle. Technically, they aren’t whiskers – they’re called vibrissae, which comes from a Latin word “vibrio” that means to vibrate. A dog’s whiskers are actually highly tuned, multi-functional, sensitive sensory hairs they need and use every day to perform specific functions that help them move around in their world. Dog whiskers are found on both sides of their muzzle, as well as on the forehead above the eyes, on their chin and above the upper lip.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Whiskers are rooted very deep in the cat's face, in an area rich in nerves and blood vessels. In addition to having the long tactile hairs on their cheeks, cats also have shorter ones above their eyebrows, on their chin and on the back of their front legs.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As puppies grow, the whiskers are among the first hairs to develop. Unlike the neatly arranged 12 whiskers in four rows on each side of a cat’s face, dog whiskers are more varied in their pattern depending on their breed and genetics. Whiskers are twice as thick and coarser than regular dog hair.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Do cats use their whiskers for balance? Yes the whiskers help them balance as well as the tail. All the senses work together to help the cat get around in the dark or tight places. If the cat should lose one or the … other then the other senses get stronger to help w/whatever they lost.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark. A cats tail also helps them balance, my cat had lost his tail do to an …injury and now he uses his whiskers more to help balance. Even though Issacc lost his tail his balance is as good as ever, they adapt.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Are a cat’s whiskers essential to its sense of balance? A STAFF REPORT FROM THE STRAIGHT DOPE SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD. June 19, 2003', 'url': ''}]
are whiskers on cats used for balance
Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark. A cats tail also helps them balance, my cat had lost his tail do to an … injury and now he uses his whiskers more to help balance.
Shelton is in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "My husband and I stayed at the Residence Inn in Shelton, CT for 3 months following a kitchen fire in our house. This could have been a stressful time for us but the staff at the Residence Inn made sure that it wasn't.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Shelton, CT. Sponsored Topics. Shelton is a city in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. The population was 39,559 at the 2010 census. Shelton was settled by the English as part of the town of Stratford, Connecticut, in 1639.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mailed to City of Shelton Tax Collector, PO Box 273, Shelton, CT 06484-0273. Paid at the following Shelton area banks during July and January(you MUST have your bill to pay at a bank): TD Bank located at 828 Bridgeport Ave. Webster Bank – three locations in Shelton, 502 Howe Ave. – 506 Shelton Ave. – 375 Bridgeport Ave.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Welcome to Extended Stay America - Shelton - Fairfield County. Our hotel is designed especially for longer stays with studio suite rooms featuring a fully equipped kitchen... something you won't find in a typical hotel.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tax and Sewer Bill Payments can be: 1 Mailed to City of Shelton Tax Collector, PO Box 273, Shelton, CT 06484-0273. 2 Paid at the following Shelton area banks during July and January(you MUST have your bill to pay at a bank): TD Bank located at 828 Bridgeport Ave.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Mark – Modern Luxury Apartment Oasis Awaits. Fairfield County Apartments in Shelton CT. Thoughtfully designed, resort-inspired amenities in one of the country’s most desirable locations – Welcome to The Mark.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'At check-in, our guest must pay for the entire stay if the length of the stay is less than seven days; or for one week at a time if the stay is seven days or longer. For stays of longer than seven days, the guest will be required to pay for each week in advance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Thrive on long-stays. 1 The newly renovated Residence Inn by Marriott® Shelton is the perfect extended stay hotel for project teams, relocations, temporary housing & vacations in the Fairfield/New Haven county areas. Conveniently located & easily accessible we are just minutes from I-95 along the CT shoreline & the picturesque Merritt Parkway.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From elegantly designed interiors to chic poolside cabanas and a breathtaking resident clubhouse, this stylish community of Fairfield County apartments for rent offers unparalleled comfort and convenience in an effortlessly sophisticated package.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Dawn G, General Manager at Residence Inn Shelton Fairfield County, responded to this review. Dear Sweetveee, Thank you for staying with us during New Year's eve. We are happy to hear you were able to have a romantic time. We appreciate your kind review and hope to see you again this year! Thank you, Dawn.", 'url': ''}]
what county is shelton, ct
Shelton, CT. Sponsored Topics. Shelton is a city in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. The population was 39,559 at the 2010 census. Shelton was settled by the English as part of the town of Stratford, Connecticut, in 1639.
Yes, the bachelor is legal.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Arconic’s Legal Department is seeking to fill one (1) Legal Assistant/Paralegal II position at its Corporate Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Qualified candidates should possess 3 or more years of professional experience as a legal assistant/ paralegal...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bachelor’s in Legal Studies degree programs develop foundational knowledge of law and legal procedures, with students engaging in fundamental aspects of the field, including knowledge of various forms of law, court proceedings, trial preparation, legal research and writing, investigation, and more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The legal support and services bachelor’s degree is not just for those seeking to work in a law firm. Corporations, insurance firms, consulting firms, and health care institutions often hire legal support and services staff.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The coursework of a bachelor degree in legal studies revolves around the legal system and law. The curriculum entails subjects that emphasize legal research, law in the social context, analytical thinking, and legislation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bachelor of Laws. The Bachelor of Laws (Latin: Bachelor Legum Of Law; LL.B. or B.L.) is an undergraduate degree in law (or a first professional degree in law, depending on jurisdiction) originating in England and offered in most common law jurisdictions. LL.B. stands for Legum Baccalaureus in Latin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If a student chooses to pursue a legal studies program at the bachelor’s level, it is critical to find one that fits the needs of law school; that is, a program that requires copious amounts of reading and written criticism as well as research opportunities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Department of Legal Studies’ Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies degree prepares students to pursue a variety of careers in law, government, politics, law enforcement, lobbying, and more. The program engages students in key aspects of legal studies, including law in society, the history of American law, legal research and writing, and constitutional law.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Suzanne took the bag and departed, after allowing the old bachelor to kiss her, which he did with an air that seemed to say, It is a right which costs me dear; but it is better than being harried by a lawyer in the court of assizes as the seducer of a girl accused of infanticide.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Discover the only Bachelor degree program in Northern California to be approved by the American Bar Association. This innovative degree allows you to complete your Bachelor of Arts and earn a Paralegal Certificate* at the same time. This Bachelor of Arts completion program, offered at the Pleasant Hill campus, fosters critical thinking by focusing on effective communication skills as well as specific legal analytical skills. The Legal Specialty coursework is enhanced by a rich mixture of Bachelor of Arts courses in writing, history, business, government, and social justice. This degree prepares students to become effective paralegals and lays an excellent foundation for students moving into Law School.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With a bachelor in law and legal studies, you can look forward to challenging legal careers ahead. There are many government agencies, law enforcement agencies, private organizations, and law firms that hire individuals with legal skills and knowledge.', 'url': ''}]
is the bachelor legal
The coursework of a bachelor degree in legal studies revolves around the legal system and law. The curriculum entails subjects that emphasize legal research, law in the social context, analytical thinking, and legislation.
Average $111,082,
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Bp America Salary. Bp America average salary is $111,082, median salary is $105,060 with a salary range from $33,000 to $1,117,000.Bp America salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position. Bp America salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.p America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Well there are a wide range of jobs in the Entry Level category and their pay varies greatly. If you know the pay grade of the job you are searching for you can narrow down this list to only view Entry Level jobs that pay less than $30K, $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or more than $100K.f you are unsure how much your Entry Level job pays you can choose to either browse all Entry Level salaries below or you can search all Entry Level salaries. Other related categories you may wish to browse are Administrative, Support, and Clerical jobs and Skilled and Trades jobs. jobs in.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As soon as you know your performance rating, BP group and BP Australia’s rating you can calculate your bonus.Discount fuel is available at BP Service Stations. Level G and above employees get 100% discount, level H and below get 25% discount.*Subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant insurance policy 10.hrough the share value plan 20% of employees (level G to J) are awarded bonus BP shares to recognise their performance. Not forgetting on the spot recognition Line managers have access to several mechanisms to reward in the moment performance. These include “spot’ bonuses and Red Balloon gift vouchers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom.It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.bout: BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About: BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.It is vertically integrated and is active in….bout: BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The level of your blood pressure determines what kind of treatment you may need. To get an accurate blood pressure measurement, your doctor should evaluate your readings based on the average of two or more blood pressure readings at three or more office visits.Here's a look at the four blood pressure categories and what they mean for you.If your readings fall into two different categories, your correct blood pressure category is the higher category. For example, if your blood pressure reading is 125/95 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), you have stage 1 hypertension.o get an accurate blood pressure measurement, your doctor should evaluate your readings based on the average of two or more blood pressure readings at three or more office visits. Here's a look at the four blood pressure categories and what they mean for you.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jobs by Salary Range. Browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the salary experts. Compensation ranges and salary levels, are determined for the best job salary comparison.Different job salary info is available for all payscales. Job pay structure for: base pay salary information, job market salary level.obs by Salary Range. Browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the salary experts. Compensation ranges and salary levels, are determined for the best job salary comparison.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Browse Entry Level jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or. Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.f you are unsure how much your Entry Level job pays you can choose to either browse all Entry Level salaries below or you can search all Entry Level salaries. Other related categories you may wish to browse are Administrative, Support, and Clerical jobs and Skilled and Trades jobs. jobs in.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bp America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.p America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Normal human daily Blood Pressure Range can vary widely, so any single blood pressure monitor reading is not reliable. BP monitor readings must be taken at different times of day, to determine AVERAGE blood pressure levels over time. What is important is your AVERAGE BP, or MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) over time.he 1st Number: Systolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart muscle contracts. The 2nd Number: Diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is relaxed. The BP numbers shown in the chart represent Typical systolic-diastolic pairs.', 'url': ''}]
what is BP level j salary
Bp America Salary. Bp America average salary is $111,082, median salary is $105,060 with a salary range from $33,000 to $1,117,000.Bp America salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position. Bp America salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.p America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.
DBA means 'Doing business as' is a term that is used in today’s business industry in regards to the liability and formal actions that are taken by a particular company.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In this post, we’ll break down the Doing Business As (DBA; a.k.a. Fictitious Business Name or Assumed Business Name) to see if your business needs one. In this post, we’ll break down the Doing Business As (DBA; a.k.a. Fictitious Business Name or Assumed Business Name) to see if your business needs one.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "DBA stands for doing business as ... . It's used to allow a company to operate under a different brand name than the name used to incorporate. Here are some famous examples: - General Motors, dba, Pontiac. - Yum Brands, dba, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or dba, KFC. Here's one on the small business level: - Smith Brothers, Inc., dba, Crystal City Seafood. With the use of a dba, the Smith Brothers can add new brands, like Crystal City Steak House, as wholly owned subsidiary of their corporation, without changing the legal entity or adding an additional one.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'What Does DBA Mean? Share Doing business as (DBA) is a term that is used in today’s business industry in regards to the liability and formal actions that are taken by a particular company. Doing business as means that the company is working under a fictitious name, concealing its true identity. To elaborate, the name of the company is legally the name of the proprietor of the business establishment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "DBA stands for doing business as ... It's used to allow a company to operate under a different brand name than the name used to incorporate. Here are some famous examples: - General Motors, dba, Pontiac - Yum Brands, dba, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or dba, KFC. Here's one on the small business level: - Smith Brothers, Inc., dba, Crystal City Seafood.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. - Small Business Encyclopedia The operating name of a company, as opposed to the legal name of the company. Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. - Small Business Encyclopedia', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "DBA stands for doing business as ... It's used to allow a company to operate under a different brand name than the name used to incorporate. Here are some famous examples: - Yum Brands, dba, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or dba, KFC. Here's one on the small business level: - Smith Brothers, Inc., dba, Crystal City Seafood. With the use of a dba, the Smith Brothers can add new brands, like Crystal City Steak House, as wholly owned subsidiary of their corporation, without changing the legal entity or adding an additional one.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In this post, we’ll break down the “Doing Business As” (DBA) to see if your business needs one. What Is a DBA? In the U.S., a DBA lets the public know who the real owner of a business is. The DBA is also called a Fictitious Business Name or Assumed Business Name. It got its origins as a form of consumer protection, so dishonest business owners can’t try to avoid legal trouble by operating under a different name.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In some cases, you don’t need a DBA if your business name is a combination of your name and a description of your product or service. In this case, if my business was called Nellie Akalp’s Gardening Service, I may not need a DBA. But, if it’s just my first name (aka Nellie’s Gardening Service), then a DBA is required.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. . A company is said to be doing business as when the name under which they operate their business differs from its legal, registered name. Some states require dba or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. If you're starting a sole proprietorship or a partnership, you have the option of choosing a business name or dba (doing business as) for your business.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However, in cases of DBA, an individual does not use their own name as the company’s legal name. For example, there is an individual named James Doe and he is the owner of a laundry service. He wants to call his laundry service “Get’m Clean Laundry”.', 'url': ''}]
what dba mean
What Does DBA Mean? Share Doing business as (DBA) is a term that is used in today’s business industry in regards to the liability and formal actions that are taken by a particular company. Doing business as means that the company is working under a fictitious name, concealing its true identity. To elaborate, the name of the company is legally the name of the proprietor of the business establishment.
$4,625 per month.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in Washington is $4,625 per month. The monthly base rate for Washington assisted living is typically higher when compared to neighboring states.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in Washington is $4,625 per month. The monthly base rate for Washington assisted living is typically higher when compared to neighboring states. Washington is also more expensive compared to the national average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Just as the cost of real estate varies by geographic area, assisted living costs also vary nationwide. In the 2015 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Genworth Financial, assisted living showed an increase of 2.86% compared to the 2014 costs and the national median monthly rate is $3,600.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average annual cost of a private assisted living bedroom in Washington is 38,410 dollars. This makes it the 11th most expensive state for assisted living care in the country.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the 2015 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Genworth Financial, assisted living showed an increase of 2.86% compared to the 2014 costs and the national median monthly rate is $3,600.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The 2400 assisted living facilities in Washington are regulated by the Aging and Disability Services. The average annual cost of a private assisted living bedroom in Washington is 38,410 dollars.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average cost of Assisted Living in Washington is $4,625. Assisted Living costs range from $1,845 to $9,750 depending on location and other factors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Assisted Living Costs by State. The Genworth 2015 Cost of Care Survey is the most comprehensive study of its kind. Genworth Financial surveyed approximatey 15% of assisted living communities. The monthly cost is for a one-bedroom unit in an assisted living facility.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Assisted Living Costs in Olympia, WA. Cost for a single bedroom in Olympia runs between $2,550 to $3,795 a month. Availability is almost guaranteed but you can request information online by filling out the form to the right or call us at (866) 333-8391 for a no-cost, in-depth assessment of your senior care needs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In Washington there are 461 Assisted Living Facilities. We can help you find the best matches for your needs. The average cost of Assisted Living in Washington is $4,625 per month.', 'url': ''}]
average cost of assisted living in washington state
According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in Washington is $4,625 per month. The monthly base rate for Washington assisted living is typically higher when compared to neighboring states.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Social Security Disability COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a series of lung diseases that damages your lungs, blocking airflow and affecting your ability to breathe.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Disability Listing for COPD. To qualify for benefits, you must first be diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, a lung function test performed by a consulting doctor hired by the SSA must show very limited airflow. Specifically, the SSA wants to see results from one of the following tests:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Disability Listing for COPD To qualify for benefits, you must first be diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, a lung function test performed by a consulting doctor hired by the SSA must show very limited airflow.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I know that copd is a long term lung desease and it will never get better,it does restrict me in many ways as does the acid reflux. I am on 3 inhalers plus codeine phosphate - for my chronic cough! The guy has now been from P.I.P and spent 2 hrs with me on the interview.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '‘long-term’ means 12 months or more - eg a breathing condition that develops as a result of a lung infection. 3 years agoOffcut. stilltruckin Search engine scores again you do have a great list of info sites keep it up. 3 years agokatieoxo60. COPD is defined as a disability as it is an on going chronic illness. However for benefit purpose and other things they look more at how much it disables you and effects your daily living. Hope that helps your question', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The COPD Foundation reported that the disease causes the most days of lost productivity than any other chronic condition. Medical Requirements in the Blue Book. When the SSA receives an application for disability benefits, they evaluate it against a number of requirements.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'COPD can be found in Section 3.02—Chronic pulmonary insufficiency, under Respiratory Disorders. In order to qualify for benefits, you must meet one of the following requirements: COPD, due to any cause, with a forced expiratory volume one (FEV1) that is equal to or lower to the minimum for your height, between 1.05 for those who are five feet and 1.65 or those who are six feet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Getting Disability Benefits for COPD. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a disability listing laying out the requirements for getting automatically approved for disability for various chronic respiratory disorders, including COPD. If you meet the requirements of this listing, you automatically qualify for benefits.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Social Security Disability COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a series of lung diseases that damages your lungs, blocking airflow and affecting your ability to breathe. The two most common conditions are chronic bronchitis and emphysema.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A question I'm often asked is whether a person can get SSDI or SSI benefits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is also called chronic bronchitis or emphysema. The answer to the question is this - if your COPD is severe enough, you can qualify for SSDI or SSI. COPD is a listing level disease, which means the SSA has laid out the criteria for it to be automatically considered a disability. This is important because if your COPD meets the requirements in the listing, then the SSA does not have to evaluate whether or not your COPD restrict your functional capacity to such a degree that you qualify for disability benefits. To see if you meet the listing criteria for COPD, read our article on the chronic pulmonary insufficiency listing.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - in this case Chronic mean 'long term' so yes, it is a disability. I have COPD Bronchiecstasis and I have a blue badge and it is a godsend as I can't walk very far at the moment but I am doing Pulmonary Rehab so here's hoping things will improve but it's hard work! Take care, Lizzy.", 'url': ''}]
what disability is copd
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Social Security Disability COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a series of lung diseases that damages your lungs, blocking airflow and affecting your ability to breathe. The two most common conditions are chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
A contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In one common rendition, the rice is fried with ketchup, and extra ketchup is squeezed on top as a garnish. In another popular one, seen in the Kyoto video, the chef uses demi-glace (a rich, veal stock–based sauce) to both fry the rice and top the omelette. Japanese mayo is often also squeezed on top.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '오무라이스. 1 Omurice is a contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice. Its name derives from the combination of the English words omelette and rice. 2 A relatively simple dish, it typically calls for rice fried with ketchup, chicken and onions wrapped in a thin sheet of fried egg.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In cuisine, an omelette or omelet is a dish made from beaten eggs quickly fried with butter or oil in a frying pan (without stirring as in scrambled egg). It is quite common for the omelette to be folded around a filling such as cheese, chives, vegetables, meat (often ham or bacon), or some combination of the above. Whole eggs or sometimes only egg whites are beaten with a small amount of milk or cream, or even water.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to Make Omelet Rice (Omurice) -Stir frying rice (You will need a wok) Dice carrot, onion, red capsicums, ham and crab stick. Mix the tomato sauce (3 tbsp) and worcestershire sauce in a bowl. Pre heat the wok on high heat for 10 seconds and add some oil. Add all diced ingredients and saute for 1 minute. Reduce the heat to half. Add the steamed rice and the mixed sauce.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For those unfamiliar with omurice, it's a Japanese invention that combines an omelette with fried rice. You'll often hear it referred to as omuraisu (a contraction of the words omuretsu and raisu, the Japanese pronunciations of omelette and rice), or omumeshi, which fully translates rice into Japanese.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In it, a chef in Kyoto makes a plate of omurice with a deftness and perfection of technique that may be unrivaled. He starts by frying rice in a carbon steel skillet, tossing it every which way until each grain is coated in a sheen of demi-glace and oil.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Omurice is a contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice. Its name derives from the combination of the English words omelette and rice. Omurice is said to have originated from Japan and it became a popular dish at a western-style restaurant in Tokyo's Ginza district around the turn of the 19th century.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Recipe 16 - Omurice. Today in Moto's Kitchen we're going to learn how to make Omurice! This popular dish, notorious in maid cafe's, is an interesting and delicious take on the western omelette. With a base of fried rice, chicken and ketchup, the dish is topped with a simple egg omelette. Eat this tasty dish anytime throughout the day!", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Another way to change this up is to top the finished omurice with Hayashi sauce or Japanese curry. Omurice (オムライス)With a fluffy omelette covering a bed of savory sweet chicken fried rice, omurice (オムライス) is a modern Japanese classic that kids love.Marc Matsumoto.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A cut-open omurice with ketchup. Omurice or omu-rice (オムライス, Omu-raisu) is an example of yōshoku (a Western-influenced style of Japanese cuisine) consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup. With omu and raisu being contractions of the words omelette and rice, the name is an example of wasei-eigo.', 'url': ''}]
what is a omurice omelet
Omurice is a contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice. Its name derives from the combination of the English words omelette and rice. Omurice is said to have originated from Japan and it became a popular dish at a western-style restaurant in Tokyo's Ginza district around the turn of the 19th century.
A Jeep Compass Alternator Replacement is between $377 and $577.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The average cost for a Jeep Compass Alternator Replacement is between $377 and $577. Labor costs are estimated between $123 and $156 while parts are priced between $254 and $421. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Personalized Estimate for your Jeep Compass.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Well if a alt from autozone costs $150 any shop(and I mean any) will mark that up to $200 or or more(standard is 150% of cost) and then you got labor added on top of that and most labor charges are $80-$120 per hour depending on location.Then you got the diag fees to test the vehicle to find out what is wrong.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Hi All: Am I out of touch with the cost to replace an alternator on a Lyberty? A local shop just charged my mother $350 to put in a new one. The Jeep was running and starting just fine, it seems they told her she needed a new one. She's 76. They charged her $280 for it, plus labor, for a total of $350.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Quality-Built's alternators are engineered from the ground up to deliver unsurpassed reliability with each turn of the key. Quality-Built, a division of Motorcar Parts of America, is an automotive aftermarket brand of professional-quality starters and alternators.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For the difficult to reach alternators, expect up to two hours of labor, plus the price of the part. That can run $350-$400. For an easy to replace unit, one half hour of labor (Some shops charge a minimum of one hour, so ask around) plus the cost of the part.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'More results for 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee Alternator. Crown Automotive Alternators Crown Automotive is the go-to company for premium quality factory replacement parts for Jeeps manufactured as far back as 1942....', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '25% Off Select Parts and Accessories. Receive 25% Off Your Online or In-Store Purchase. Use promotional code MMJ25 at checkout to receive discount. Not valid in combination with any other discounts, promotions or items already on sale. Not valid on gift cards, special orders, installed merchandise, commercial or fleet purchases.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "AutoZone carries hundreds of thousands of parts and accessories. Select your Year, Make, Model and Engine to find those that fit your vehicle. Contrary to popular belief, your battery isn't in charge of powering everything in your vehicle. Without an alternator, your car battery can't charge and nothing in your vehicle receives any power. If you've tried starting your vehicle and it just won't go, it may not be your battery's fault.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Complimentary 24/7 Quality-Built (QB) Roadside Assistance Program (RAP) which includes a jump-start or tow for 2 years from the date of purchase limited to 3 events per year and a maximum reimbursement of $60 each event.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definitely depends on the vehicle and where you live, but if you’re looking to have an auto repair shop replace the alternator, the national average on RepairPal is between $315 to $559, including quality parts and labor costs. (Alternator Replacement Cost - RepairPal Estimate)', 'url': ''}]
how much does it cost to change a jeep alternator
The average cost for a Jeep Compass Alternator Replacement is between $377 and $577. Labor costs are estimated between $123 and $156 while parts are priced between $254 and $421. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Personalized Estimate for your Jeep Compass.
Crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Folate and folic acid are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. Folate occurs naturally in food, and folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin. Since 1998, folic acid has been added to cold cereals, flour, breads, pasta, bakery items, cookies, and crackers, as required by federal law.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Folic acid is a type of B vitamin. It is the man-made (synthetic) form of folate that is found in supplements and added to fortified foods. Folate is a generic term for both naturally occurring folate found in foods and folic acid.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid, is one of 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B-complex vitamins, also help the body use fats and protein.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9, found in supplements and fortified foods, while folate occurs naturally in foods. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body does not store them. Folic acid is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Folic acid is a pregnancy superhero! Taking a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects of your baby's brain and spinal cord.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Folic acid is a pregnancy superhero! Taking a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects of your baby's brain and spinal cord. Take it every day and go ahead and have a bowl of fortified cereal, too.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Folic acid is one of the B vitamins found in foods such as leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans, and peas. A synthetic form of folic acid is used in dietary supplements and fortified foods. Folic acid acts by helping the body produce and maintain new cells.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'They also help the nervous system function properly. Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9, found in supplements and fortified foods, while folate occurs naturally in foods. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body does not store them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Folate is a generic term for both naturally occurring folate found in foods and folic acid. Folic acid is water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Women who are pregnant or might become pregnant take folic acid to prevent miscarriage and “neural tube defects,” birth defects such as spina bifida that occur when the fetus’s spine and back do not close during development. Some people use folic acid to prevent colon cancer or cervical cancer.', 'url': ''}]
what does folic acid do
Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9, found in supplements and fortified foods, while folate occurs naturally in foods. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body does not store them. Folic acid is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health.
Pinellas County
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 To change an address on a registration, tag, title or boat/vessel/trailer, see a Motor Vehicle Service Center above or visit To change an address on a driver license, see a Driver License Service Center above or visit', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The water tower in Seminole at 113th Street and Park Boulevard. Seminole is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The population was 17,233 at the 2010 census, up from 10,890 in 2000. St. Petersburg College has a campus in the city.', 'url': ',_Florida'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You are encouraged to see your healthcare provider regularly for an annual physical and immunization updates. For the school year 2016-2017, students entering or attending 7th grade will be REQUIRED to have a Tdap (tetanus- diphtheria- pertussis) prior to attending class on the first day of school. A Td (Tetanus/Diptheria only) will NOT be accepted. This grade level is also required to have two varicella (chickenpox) vaccines.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 For more information on renewals or replacements for a registration, tag, title or boat/vessel/trailer, see a Motor Vehicle Service Center above or visit For more information on renewals or replacements for a driver license, see a Driver License Service Center above or visit', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Seminole County, Florida (FL) County population in 2014: 442,516 (97% urban, 3% rural); it was 365,196 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 86,209. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 23,290.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Not to be confused with Seminole County, Florida in the Central region of the State of Florida.', 'url': ',_Florida'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Parks in Seminole County include: Kings Park (1), Kars Park (2), Brevard County Game Refuge (3), Banana River Aquatic Preserve (4), Canaveral National Seashore (5), Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (6), Saint Johns National Wildlife Refuge (7), Spessard Holland Park (8), Fox Lake Park (9).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The first white settlement at Seminole was made in the 1840s. The community was named after the Seminole Indians who once inhabited the area. Seminole was incorporated in 1970. Seminole contains a water tower painted in 2000 by artist Tom Stovall.', 'url': ',_Florida'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mar. 2016 cost of living index in Seminole County: 91.7 (less than average, U.S. average is 100) We are giving away a $200 prize - enter simply by sending us your own pictures of this county! Click here to upload your Seminole County photos (outside city limits) Industries providing employment: Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services (39.6%), Educational, health and social services (14.5%), Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing (10.6%).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Report FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE. Anonymous reporting to the Clerk of Court and Comptroller is available at AlertLine, or by phone at 866-889-8808. Due to Federal regulations, the Clerk's office will no longer process passport applications effective March 31, 2010. Please contact Passport Services at 1 (877) 487-2778.", 'url': ''}]
what county is seminole fl in
The water tower in Seminole at 113th Street and Park Boulevard. Seminole is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The population was 17,233 at the 2010 census, up from 10,890 in 2000. St. Petersburg College has a campus in the city.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 A single implant typically costs $2,400-$3,000, but can be $4,000-$10,000 or more if additional procedures like extractions, bone grafts, 2 Placing an abutment and a dental crown on a single implant typically adds $500-$3,000 to the cost of just the implant, for a total of $1,500-$13,000 or more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dental Implants can also be used to support bridges and dentures. The average cost of a complete set of dentures, supported by dental implants, is about $34,000. For more information about the procedures used to put dental implants in place, check out our blog posts on Dental Implants 101 and All-on-4 Dental Implants.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Two to six implants with a removable denture plate can cost $3,500-$30,000 or more depending on the number and type of implants (mini-implants are less expensive), denture materials (in some cases an existing denture plate can be adapted for use with implants) and any other procedures needed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Placing an abutment and a dental crown on a single implant typically adds $500-$3,000 to the cost of just the implant, for a total of $1,500-$13,000 or more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A single tooth dental implant can range in price from $1,000 to $5,000. The fee for replacing an entire set of teeth with reconstructive dental implants can be anywhere from $24,000 to $100,000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Two to six implants topped with a partial or full-mouth dental bridge can cost $3,500-$30,000 or more, depending on the number of implants, bridge size and materials, and any other needed procedures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The implant post costs between $1000 to $3000. The implant holds an abutment, which goes into the implant and rises above the gum to hold the crown, which is the new tooth. An abutment and crown cost between $500 to $3000. Additional procedures, such as:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The best way to determine the actual cost of your dental implant, is to contact us for a FREE consultation. According to, the average completed dental implant, in the U.S., costs about $4250. The implant refers to the post that goes into the jawbone, and acts as the root of the new tooth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Paying for dental implants can be challenging, because they are also rarely covered by dental insurance plans. However, more dental plans are covering at least some of the cost of dental implants than they did about a decade ago. On average, it costs anywhere from $1500 to $2800 to replace a single tooth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The best way to determine the actual cost of your dental implant, is to contact us for a FREE consultation. According to, the average completed dental implant, in the U.S., costs about $4250.', 'url': ''}]
average cost dental implant
The best way to determine the actual cost of your dental implant, is to contact us for a FREE consultation. According to, the average completed dental implant, in the U.S., costs about $4250.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Big Bus Tours London. The hop-on, hop-off bus tour of London includes a cruise along the River Thames; a selection of guided walking tours and a Big Bus voucher booklet that offers a range of discounts at attractions, shops and restaurants.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Big Bus Tours is the classic hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tour of London. All bus tours on the Red Route are led by experienced guides and London enthusiasts who will talk you through the history of the city, giving you a personal and entertaining commentary about London and its top tourist attractions.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If you are looking for things to do in London, make sure our hop-on, hop-off Big Bus sightseeing tour is at the top of your list.ake in all of London's famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Choose from a range of Day Tour tickets that allow you to discover this exciting city in your own time.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Over 60 Years Presenting London. Welcome to The Original Tour, the essential introduction to London. We invite you to experience the magical sights and sounds of London in comfort and safety aboard our hop-on hop-off bus tours.Founded over 60 years ago we are now the largest and most popular open-top sightseeing red bus tour operator in the world!e invite you to experience the magical sights and sounds of London in comfort and safety aboard our hop-on hop-off bus tours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Your open-top bus tour showcases the best of London's tourist attractions. Enjoy a trip on one of our comfortable sightseeing buses, whilst listening to exciting tales of London's 2000-year history.Take in all of London's famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.Choose from a range of Day Tour tickets that allow you to discover this exciting city in your own time.ake in all of London's famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Choose from a range of Day Tour tickets that allow you to discover this exciting city in your own time.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Big Bus tour of London has been carefully planned to take you to all of London's top tourist attractions. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and the London Eye are just some of the iconic landmarks you will discover on your sightseeing tour of London.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus guarantee you the best prices on these tours as well as great bus + attraction saver combos.Most London Hop-On, Hop-Off Tours include a river cruise and a walking tour. but there is also a fantastic low priced option for those who just want to explore by bus.Our Lowest Price Bus-Only Ticket +.op-On, Hop-Off Bus guarantee you the best prices on these tours as well as great bus + attraction saver combos.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To find out which one of our 80+ bus stops is most convenient for you, our Departure Points page is here to help! With bus stops all over central London, as well as a hotel feeder route and a station connector route, you are never far from an Original Tour bus stop.FREE Walking Tours Explore the heart of London with our FREE Walking Tours FREE Thames River Cruise See London from a different perspective, and sail along the Thames.o find out which one of our 80+ bus stops is most convenient for you, our Departure Points page is here to help! With bus stops all over central London, as well as a hotel feeder route and a station connector route, you are never far from an Original Tour bus stop.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Our hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 The Original London Sightseeing Tour – 24 Hours All the highlights of London are covered by this fun and flexible hop-on, hop-off tour from $48$41 Book now. 2 Golden Tours - 24 Hours This superb value ticket for the newest London tour allows you 24 hours to explore from $45 Book now.op-On, Hop-Off Bus guarantee you the best prices on these tours as well as great bus + attraction saver combos.', 'url': ''}]
tripadvisor does the london hop on off bus price inlcude the cruise
Big Bus Tours London. The hop-on, hop-off bus tour of London includes a cruise along the River Thames; a selection of guided walking tours and a Big Bus voucher booklet that offers a range of discounts at attractions, shops and restaurants.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.
A ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common conditi0n of unknown cause which affects the skin of children, teen4gers or young adults (or any age group, less commonly). Granuloma annul4re can occur on any site of the body and is occasionally quite widespre4d. It only affects the skin and is c0nsidered harmless.', 'url': '!'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common conditi0n of unknown cause which affects the skin of children, teen4gers or young adults (or any age group, less commonly). Granuloma annul4re can occur on any site of the body and is occasionally quite widespre4d.', 'url': '!'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin rash with features of red lesions formed on the skin in the form of ring. There are several types of GA and localized granuloma is very common. Lesions may grow up to 5cm in diameter with firm nodules and is largely seen on ankles, feet, limbs and wrists.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common skin condition in which there are smooth discoloured plaques. They are usually thickened and ring-shaped or annular in shape. Granuloma annulare is more correctly known as necrobiotic papulosis. There are several clinical patterns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Introduction. Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet. It tends to affect children and young adults, and is slightly more common in females.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common skin condition in which there are smooth discoloured plaques. They are usually thickened and ring-shaped or annular in shape.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common conditi0n of unknown cause which affects the skin of children, teen4gers or young adults (or any age group, less commonly). Granuloma annul4re can occur on any site of the body and is occasionally quite widespre4d.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin rash with features of red lesions formed on the skin in the form of ring. There are several types of GA and localized granuloma is very common.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Introduction. Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet.', 'url': ''}]
what does granuloma annulare look like
Introduction. Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet. It tends to affect children and young adults, and is slightly more common in females.
Minerals are incredibly important for health and to prevent chronic disease.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, although some few people may need to take extra supplements. What this guide covers This guide has information about:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bonus: Like potassium, calcium helps regulate blood pressure. On your plate: milk (and other dairy products), spinach, beans and calcium-fortified products. 4. Magnesium: One of the most underrated minerals, magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'other vitamins and minerals – including beta-carotene, copper, potassium and zinc ; Use these links to find out what these nutrients do, how much of them you need, how to ensure you get enough, and what the risks are if you take too much. Additional information. There are separate pages on: vitamins for children', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vitamins and minerals. vitamins-minerals Vitamin A. vitamins-minerals B vitamins and folic acid. vitamins-minerals Vitamin C. vitamins-minerals Vitamin D. vitamins-minerals Vitamin E. vitamins-minerals Vitamin K. vitamins-minerals Calcium.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are separate pages on: 1 vitamins for children. 2 vitamins, supplements and nutrition in pregnancy. 3 fluoride.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The 5 Minerals You Really Need ... and How to Add Them to Your Diet. According to Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Linus Pauling, you can trace every health ailment to a mineral deficiency. Who knew?Stress, for example, robs your body of magnesium. An iron deficiency can make you feel lethargic -- and compromise your immunity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On your plate: bananas, baked potatoes, raisins, tomatoes and artichokes. 1 3. Calcium: Sure, calcium helps build strong bones, but it also helps prevent PMS (a welcome side effect for women everywhere). 2 4. Magnesium: One of the most underrated minerals, magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'other vitamins and minerals – including beta-carotene, copper, potassium and zinc Use these links to find out what these nutrients do, how much of them you need, how to ensure you get enough, and what the risks are if you take too much.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vitamins and minerals are nutrients your body needs in small amounts to work properly and stay healthy. Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, although some few people may need to take extra supplements. What this guide covers. This guide has information about: vitamin A B vitamins and folic acid', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "So which minerals do you need, and how do you add them to your diet? Minerals are incredibly important for health and to prevent chronic disease. Without them we'd suffer from osteoporosis, PMS, high blood pressure and low energy, just to name a few, says Karen Ansel, a registered dietitian in New York.", 'url': ''}]
the importance of minerals in diet
So which minerals do you need, and how do you add them to your diet? Minerals are incredibly important for health and to prevent chronic disease. Without them we'd suffer from osteoporosis, PMS, high blood pressure and low energy, just to name a few, says Karen Ansel, a registered dietitian in New York.
Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise. If you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC.You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Step 5. Subtract your exemption deduction from your adjusted gross income to determine your taxable income. Using the previous example, your taxable income is $91,600, or $106,400 minus $14,800.This is the income that the IRS will use to determine your tax.sing the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156. Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If the prize was not a cash prize, determine the fair market value of the item and add that amount to your estimated annual income. Using the previous example, if your annual income is $108,000 and you won $10,000, your total estimated income is $118,000.sing the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156. Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The amount listed in the table is the tax that you will owe on your income. Using the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156.Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.sing the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156. Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Depending on the value of your prize, it may bump you into a different tax bracket. Step 6. Multiply the value of your prize by your IRS tax rate to determine the amount of taxes you will pay on it. At the time of publication, tax rates ranged from 10 percent to 35 percent of your income.Step 7. Add the state taxes to the amount you are paying in federal taxes on the prize.t the time of publication, tax rates ranged from 10 percent to 35 percent of your income. Step 7. Add the state taxes to the amount you are paying in federal taxes on the prize.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Prizes and awards will increase your tax bill, but the question of how much depends on the value of the winnings and the amount of your other income. Prizes are taxed as ordinary income. That means you add the prize value to the income you received from your job and other sources during the year.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'State Taxes. You will have to pay state income tax on your winnings in 39 states. If you live in one of the 11 states that don’t tax sweepstakes prizes, you may be spared state income taxes. Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming have no state income taxes.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The IRS taxes prize winnings the same as any other type of income. The amount you will pay depends on your entire income for the year. Calculating your taxes now allows you to set aside the money, instead of getting hit with a shocking tax bill.t the time of publication, tax rates ranged from 10 percent to 35 percent of your income. Step 7. Add the state taxes to the amount you are paying in federal taxes on the prize.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Prize money and winnings from writing competitions are a taxable source of income. Well, I assumed (wrongly) that any money received as a prize is not subject to tax.The prize money received is treated as a professional receipt as you entered the competitions of your own accord so should be included on your self employed schedule for this source of income. As the prize is taxable then the competition entry fees will be an allowable expense against such income.”.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Therefore, if the taxpayer receives any such award/winnings, then such winnings will be liable to tax as part of his total income for a particular tax year. An issue arises, whether a particular scheme is in the nature of a lottery or not.herefore, if the taxpayer receives any such award/winnings, then such winnings will be liable to tax as part of his total income for a particular tax year. An issue arises, whether a particular scheme is in the nature of a lottery or not.', 'url': ''}]
prize money taxable income
Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise. If you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC.You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'These trails offer a challenge for all ages and abilities. Nine Mile Forest Unit has 10 miles of single track mountain bike trails and 20 miles on the cross country trails, all riders 12 years and older require a daily or annual pass.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Ninemile Creek is located in Onondaga County near the towns of Camillus. and Marcellus. There are 5 miles of Public Fishing Rights (PFR’s) along this. medium sized mostly open stream. Ninemile Creek is a popular fly fishing. location. Both wild brown trout and the occasional wild brook trout are found. in the stream.The stream is also stocked annually by Onondaga County’s.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I first came across the Nine Mile Motel when travelling along Route 6 in 2003. I immediately fell in love with the setting and location, and have stayed there at least one time each year since. Until last year, when I moved to the Lehigh Valley, I had to travel 500 miles or more to get there, so it had...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "added 6 new photos to the album: Nine Mile Night Ski February 1st — at Nine Mile County Forest. Mase and I skied the lighted trails at Nine Mile last night. Absolutely clear skis made the stars burn like sparks from a campfire. I've been skiing hurt all winter with a groin pull.. Was doubting my ability to do the Korteloppet in 3 weeks. But last night, while still a little sore, was the best ski of the season.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Many skiers post feedback from their recent skiing experiences they've had on the Nine Mile cross-country ski trail system at website. che The Nine Mile Trail System located in Central Wisconsin just minutes from Wausau is one of the top cross-country skiing facilities in Wisconsin.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nine Mile Forest Recreational Area Ski and Snowshoe trail are closed for the season. See skinnyski reports below for recent firsthand testimonials of skiing experiences. This site will be updated with periodic trail condition reports throughout the season.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nine Mile Forest Unit has 10 miles of signed horseback riding trails. Trails open between May 1 and May 15 depending on trail conditions (if open - the first 3 weeks of May the trails open after 12:00 pm/noon each day). The trails remain open through October 15 each year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'First known as New Bridge Road, the name “Nine Mile” comes from the distance between Richmond and Seven Pines ending at Williamsburg Road. In 1888, Richmond City and Seven Pines Railway Company established a route along the road. This line provided city access for Henrico citizens and excursion trains for Richmonders.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The forest has 4,894 acres of mixed uplands, marshes, and water impoundments available to the public for a variety of activities. Nine-Mile County Forest is principally managed to maintain and protect the integrity of its ecosystems while also producing wood products, wildlife, and recreation opportunities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'NO dogs allowed on the groomed ski trails at Nine Mile Forest. Trails are groomed several times a week throughout the season and after each snow event. The ski trails never close because of cold weather. Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area trails are open even if the chalet is closed.', 'url': ''}]
what county is nine mile in
Ninemile Creek is located in Onondaga County near the towns of Camillus. and Marcellus. There are 5 miles of Public Fishing Rights (PFR’s) along this. medium sized mostly open stream. Ninemile Creek is a popular fly fishing. location. Both wild brown trout and the occasional wild brook trout are found. in the stream.The stream is also stocked annually by Onondaga County’s.
Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'SGO Clinical Practice Statement: Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention. SGO Clinical Practice Statement: Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention. Salpingectomy may be appropriate and feasible as a strategy for ovarian cancer risk reduction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate out of all types of gynecologic cancer and is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women (1). The overall survival rate for women with epithelial ovarian cancer has improved marginally in the past 50 years.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the Nurses’ Health Study, all-cause mortality and cancer mortality increased in women who received a BSO (16). The risk of ovarian cancer after hysterectomy with ovarian conservation is 0.1–0.75% (17). Death from ovarian cancer after tubo-ovarian conservation in the Nurses’ Health Study was 0.03% (16).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Nearby words of 'salpingectomies'. 1 salpicon. 2 salpid. 3 salpiglossis. salpingectomies. 4 salpingectomy. salpinges. 5 salpingitis. All ENGLISH words that begin with 'S'.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention. ABSTRACT: Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate out of all types of gynecologic cancer and is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes serve as a passageway for an ovum to travel from the ovary to the uterus. In a unilateral salpingectomy, only one fallopian tube is removed; in a bilateral salpingectomy, both fallopian tubes are removed. A salpingectomy can be performed for a number of reasons, including treatment of ectopic pregnancies and infections in the fallopian tubes (salpingitis).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In our opinion, introduction of bilateral salpingectomies at the time of tubal ligation or hysterectomy for benign gynecologic patients is a reasonable option. In the absence of good screening tests, this procedure is the only form of prophylaxis for a cancer that is difficult to detect and often lethal when found. Physicians should at least present patients with this option during presterilization and prehysterectomy counseling.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Light Work usually requires walking or standing to a significant degree. However, if the use of the arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most the time, the job is rated Light Work.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'November 2013. Salpingectomy may be appropriate and feasible as a strategy for ovarian cancer risk reduction. A paradigm shift in our understanding of pelvic serous carcinomas suggests that the site of origin may be the fallopian tube.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy. Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy. Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy: Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove both fallopian tubes using a tiny video camera (laparoscope) and other instruments inserted through several small keyhole incisions in the lower abdomen.', 'url': ''}]
what is a salpingectomies
Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes serve as a passageway for an ovum to travel from the ovary to the uterus. In a unilateral salpingectomy, only one fallopian tube is removed; in a bilateral salpingectomy, both fallopian tubes are removed. A salpingectomy can be performed for a number of reasons, including treatment of ectopic pregnancies and infections in the fallopian tubes (salpingitis).
A triglyceride is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A triglyceride is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids. Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils. There are many different types of triglyceride, with the main division between saturated and unsaturated types. Saturated fats are saturated', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A triglyceride (TG, triacylglycerol, TAG, or triacylglyceride) is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids (from tri-and glyceride). Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For adults, triglyceride test results are categorized as follows: 1 Desirable: Less than 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) 2 Borderline high: 150 to 199 mg/dL (1.7-2.2 mmol/L) 3 High: 200 to 499 mg/dL (2.3-5.6 mmol/L) 4 Very high: Greater than 500 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Triglycerides. 1 Blood tests for triglycerides are usually part of a lipid profile that is used to help identify an individual's risk of developing heart disease and to help make decisions about what treatment may be needed if there is borderline or high risk.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Testing may be ordered more frequently when people have identified risk factors for heart disease. 1 Some risk factors for heart disease include: 2 Cigarette smoking. 3 Being overweight or obese. 4 Unhealthy diet. 5 Being physically inactive—not getting enough exercise. 6 Age (men 45 years or older or women 55 years or older)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ranges with anything over 499 are being considered extremely high. But these numbers serve more as just a measurement method. They are used to assess risk. Most people wondering what are triglycerides also want to know what having elevated triglycerides levels can mean for the body. Atherosclerosis is the biggest risk associated with having high triglycerides levels.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Sometimes, this storage comes in the form of excess fat in the midsection. Figuring out just what are triglycerides means understanding where they come from. In most cases, triglycerides are the result of digestion and the body breaking down fats. Sometimes they also are the byproduct of carbohydrates as well. While the fats are not always a bad thing, having triglycerides too high can be and for a multitude of reasons.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What Are Triglycerides Levels and Why Do They Matter? When most people ask what are triglycerides, it is because they associate the word with being bad for the body. In fact, they are incredibly important to many body processes and are considered the main form of fat within the body. The body uses triglycerides for energy, which is a good thing.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A triglyceride (TG, triacylglycerol, TAG, or triacylglyceride) is an ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acids (from tri- and glyceride). Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Triglycerides are utilized in the body by offering a source of energy to cells that require it. They are a normal component of the blood and are naturally stored in fat deposits. However, when present in excess triglycerides can cause problems in the body and lead to serious diseases.', 'url': ''}]
triglycerides what are they
A triglyceride is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids. Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils. There are many different types of triglyceride, with the main division between saturated and unsaturated types. Saturated fats are saturated
Trauma, Periodontitis, Orthodontic treatment, Internal bleaching, Cysts, Tumors or Stimuli from a necrotic dental pulp may cause tooth root resorption.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'What causes tooth root resorption? A: A study on external root resorption in the journal Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed states that trauma, periodontitis, orthodontic treatment, internal bleaching, cysts, tumors or stimuli from a necrotic dental pulp may cause tooth root resorption.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Over time, all areas of an affected tooth, from root to crown, may become involved. Tooth resorption is a common condition, affecting an estimated 20 percent to 60 percent of all cats and close to three-quarters of those five years of age and older.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The unerupted tooth. An unerupted tooth can exert pressure against a neighboring root, to cause resorption similar to that from orthodontic treatment. Typical examples include the forward-leaning lower wisdom tooth which is impacted against the back of the standing second molar and causes damage where the two meet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In a condition known as a tooth resorption –formerly referred to as feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion (FORL) or cervical line lesion—the dentin in a single tooth (or several simultaneously) erodes and eventually becomes irreparably destroyed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What Is “Tooth Resorption”? Tooth resorption is loss of hard dental tissue, but not from decay. This means that the substance of a tooth is broken down by certain specialised body cells and then absorbed. Resorption thus causes some of a tooth, generally in the root area, to just disappear. In the developing child there is a natural physiological resorption of the roots to allow for the exfoliation, or shedding of the first set of teeth at the appropriate time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "(Redirected from Root resorption) Tooth resorption is a process by which all or part of a tooth structure is lost due to activation of the body's innate capacity to remove mineralized tissue, as mediated via cells such as osteoclasts. Types include external resorption and internal resorption. It can be due to trauma, infection, or hyperplasia.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Within each of a cat’s teeth is a chamber (root canal) that contains tissue made up of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. This tissue, which communicates with the rest of the animal’s body, is surrounded by a bony substance called dentin, which accounts for the bulk of the tooth’s structure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The best way of confirming the suspected presence of the condition, she notes, is by means of a full-mouth intra-oral radiograph. If veterinary examination reveals the presence of tooth resorption, Dr. Rawlinson points out, the only effective treatment will entail extraction of any affected teeth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'El-Bialy states that orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption differs from other types of tooth root resorption, and treatment protocol for this type always involves a root canal treatment or extraction of these teeth in severe cases and prosthetic replacement.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Everyday Health indicates that the majority of patients who go through orthodontic therapy do not get root resorption. Everyday Health also explains that many teeth with root resorption still function properly and may last for many years or even a lifetime despite resorption.', 'url': ''}]
what causes resorption of teeth
What causes tooth root resorption? A: A study on external root resorption in the journal Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed states that trauma, periodontitis, orthodontic treatment, internal bleaching, cysts, tumors or stimuli from a necrotic dental pulp may cause tooth root resorption.
Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around,you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Easier To Operate-Another huge advancement with portable oxygen tanks is that they are incredibly easy to operate, whether it is for using oxygen, monitoring oxygen levels, refilling, or replacing the tank.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Respect It. The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Please try again later. Uploaded on Sep 30, 2011. Instructional video on oxygen tanks and concentrators from Advanced Home Care. The video covers topics on oxygen safety-including how to safely store, transport and use an oxygen cylinder. 1 Education. 2 Standard YouTube License.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Benefits of Portable Oxygen Tanks. Usually a person’s first instinct is to get a larger model simply because it holds more oxygen, which saves you the trouble of having to get it refilled every so often. However the drawback is that it is as good as tying you down to one place.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'While this may be convenient and useful for a person who is bed-ridden, it is not practical for someone who is capable of and wants to move around. 1 Better Portability-Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around, which means you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 They fit easily into the holder of the wheelchair and the whole unit can be maneuvered around easily anywhere. 2 Easier To Operate-Another huge advancement with portable oxygen tanks is that they are incredibly easy to operate, whether it is for using oxygen, monitoring oxygen levels, refilling, or replacing the tank.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vent It. The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Acetylene: Safe Transport & Handling Secure It. The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '1 Better Portability-Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around, which means you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it. 2 They are also safe to use and operate. 3 The newer models are made of aluminum and are even lighter than earlier models.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is perhaps not so well known is the fact that acetylene – because of its high flammability – can present a serious safety hazard. So cylinders containing acetylene, like all gas cylinders, should be transported, stored and handled properly to ensure they are completely safe. Unfortunately, safety is not always accorded the importance it deserves.', 'url': ''}]
how to transport oxygen tanks
1 Better Portability-Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around, which means you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it. 2 They are also safe to use and operate. 3 The newer models are made of aluminum and are even lighter than earlier models.
Yes, Cheetah is considered Endangered species.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cheetahs are currently listed as “vulnerable” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list, which monitors animal population numbers. But Panthera has called for the cats to be up-listed to an “endangered” designation as soon as possible, pointing to recent losses in areas that were home to most of the animals.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '“Our findings show that the large space requirements for cheetah, coupled with the complex range of threats faced by the species in the wild, mean that it is likely to be much more vulnerable to extinction than was previously thought.”', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Something about these graceful animals just makes a Cheetah’s tummy roar! Cheetahs consume an average of 6-8 lbs. of food each day, and in some cases may go as long as 4-10 days with out water. Extinction Is Forever. The Cheetah is considered Endangered in Appendix 1 to the Conservation Of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Humans have been proven to be the most feared predator by the Cheetah. Living space and adequate food supply is being robbed from these innocent creatures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'That number is the largest population of free-ranging cheetahs in the world, and less than half of the estimate published November 2016. As it stands, the species is officially listed as vulnerable.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), also known as Iranian cheetah, is a Critically Endangered cheetah subspecies surviving today only in Iran. It once occurred from the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East to the Kyzylkum Desert, Caspian region, Pakistan and India, but has been extirpated there during the 20th century.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'species:Jubatus. The word “Cheetah” is derived from the Hindi word “Chita” meaning “spotted one”. The Cheetah is the fastest land animal reaching speeds of 45 – 70 mph. Cheetahs have also been known to swim, although they do not like to. The Cheetah is not one of the Great Cats, because it does not have a floating Hyoid bone in its neck it can not roar, therefore it is a Lesser Cat.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The cheetah is endangered due to a combination of genetic frailties and the adverse effects of a dwindling habitat. The species has also been decimated by farmers seeking to protect their herds. ... The cheetah is endangered due to a combination of genetic frailties and the adverse effects of a dwindling habitat. The species has also been decimated by farmers seeking to protect their herds. ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'USFWS lists the cheetah as endangered and the IUCN Red list identifies them as vulnerable--facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. Cheetahs have three main threats: Habitat loss, human encroachment, depletion of the wild prey base, and competition with other predators endanger cheetahs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Asiatic cheetah. The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), also known as Iranian cheetah is a Critically Endangered cheetah subspecies surviving today only in Iran. It once occurred from the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East to the Kyzylkum Desert, Caspian region, Pakistan and India, but has been extirpated there during the 20th century.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A stride is the measured distance between successive imprints of the same paw. With the added reach given by the spine 1 stride can stretch as far as 7-8 meters. The Cheetah averages 4 strides per second or 1 stride per .28 seconds as the horse averages 1 stride per .44 seconds and can reach top speeds of 43 mph.', 'url': ''}]
is the cheetah an endangered species
Something about these graceful animals just makes a Cheetah’s tummy roar! Cheetahs consume an average of 6-8 lbs. of food each day, and in some cases may go as long as 4-10 days with out water. Extinction Is Forever. The Cheetah is considered Endangered in Appendix 1 to the Conservation Of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Humans have been proven to be the most feared predator by the Cheetah. Living space and adequate food supply is being robbed from these innocent creatures.
It include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a popular weight-loss supplement.People say it blocks your body's ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too.arcinia cambogia may make it easier for your body to use glucose, the sugar your cells need for energy. Mice that got garcinia cambogia in one study had lower insulin levels than mice that didn't. That's another reason, besides weight loss, that people with diabetes are interested in it.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The extracts from the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia plant are marketed for weight loss -- either by themselves or in combination with other ingredients.The fruit of this tropical plant is rich in an active substance classified as hydroxycitric acid.he extracts from the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia plant are marketed for weight loss -- either by themselves or in combination with other ingredients.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Garcinia Cambogia Extract is a supplement that comes from the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit (a small pumpkin-shaped fruit which is more widely known as a tamarind in many areas). The Garcinia Cambogia fruit has been around for a long, long time.he recent popularity of the Garcinia Cambogia Extract supplement can be ascribed to Dr. Julie Chen, a well-known and well-respected specialist dealing in health and wellness. Dr. Chen’s work with the Garcinia Cambogia Extract caught Dr. Oz’s eye, specifically the findings on how safe the Garcinia Cambogia Extract is.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Garcinia cambogia comes from India and some areas of Asia. Garcinia cambogia contains hydroxycitric acid, which is sometimes used in weight loss products. Seek the opinion of a doctor before taking garcinia cambogia or any other supplement that claims to promote weight loss.arcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Garcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind).This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color.arcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Let's start with the discussion about what garcinia cambogia is, where it came from, and whether or not it is safe to consume. Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that grows in the regions of Southeast Asia. Garcinia cambogia extract or supplements are derived from the rind of this powerful fruit.he results of the study showed that when garcinia cambogia extract is consumed for a total of 8 weeks, there is a reduction in fat, weight, and appetite among individuals.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products.arcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Garcinia cambogia is a citrus fruit that grows in Southeast Asia. An extract from the fruit rind, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), has historically been used for cooking, but it’s also been used for weight loss and to lower cholesterol.You can buy garcinia cambogia online or at most health and supplement stores, in pill form or as a powder.Sometimes, it’s also included as an ingredient in snack bars. Typical doses are between 250 and 1,000 mg each day.n extract from the fruit rind, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), has historically been used for cooking, but it’s also been used for weight loss and to lower cholesterol. You can buy garcinia cambogia online or at most health and supplement stores, in pill form or as a powder.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The fruit Garcinia cambogia was once just the less popular cousin of a trendy fruit, the mangosteen. But now, nutritional supplements containing Garcinia cambogia extract have become the rage, touted for their purported ability to curb appetite and stop weight gain.he fruit Garcinia cambogia was once just the less popular cousin of a trendy fruit, the mangosteen. But now, nutritional supplements containing Garcinia cambogia extract have become the rage, touted for their purported ability to curb appetite and stop weight gain.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Garcinia is a plant genus of the family Clusiaceae native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and about 300.arcinia is a plant genus of the family Clusiaceae native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and about 300.', 'url': ''}]
what is in garcinia cambogia
Garcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind).This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color.arcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind).
$10,000 to $30,000
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Conservatory Average Cost. The cost of a conservatory varies widely depending on the design, local labor and material costs, and other factors. Before you begin conservatory construction, check with the local planning department to find out what permits you may need.1 Conservatory costs start at around $7,500 to $15,000.2 The average cost of a conservatory is $10,000 to $30,000. 3 A conservatory could cost as much as $40,000 to $80,000 or more.he cost of a conservatory varies widely depending on the design, local labor and material costs, and other factors. Before you begin conservatory construction, check with the local planning department to find out what permits you may need.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'UK Conservatory Prices. If you are interested in conservatory UK prices, take a look at the following list: 1 According to our home renovation cost survey, the average cost of buying and installing a conservatory is £6,700.2 What price put the average price of supplying and building a 3 metres (m) x 3.5m Edwardian conservatory at £8,600.heck out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Evis Build put the average price of conservatories at £9,000; this will get you a uPVC, lean-to conservatory with a 16 square metre floor area and low-emissivity glazing.2 A similar conservatory with a more elaborate Edwardian roof will cost around £11,000.heck out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'All home improvements require thorough research and a conservatory is no different. It can be hard to find out the average cost of a conservatory because prices can vary greatly.The average cost of a conservatory is dependent on many factors. The shape,size and style all contribute towards your final installation cost.Your conservatory cost can even depend on the company you choose.ur conservatory cost calculator features a wide range of conservatory styles and designs, allowing you to get instant online costs for your favourite conservatories. Our conservatory cost calculator was built and designed to help customers like you, make a well informed decision on their conservatory.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Size will have a significant bearing on the overall cost of your conservatory. It stands to reason that one measuring 3 metres by 2 metres will be cheaper to construct than a conservatory measuring 5 metres by 4 metres.his is because a whole range of different factors need to be borne in mind before you can hope to get an accurate cost on the type of conservatory you want. Conservatory prices vary, as there are a wealth of styles and qualities to choose from.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average quote for a typical conservatory tends to be around the £5,000 and up mark. With that said though it is quite possible to get one for half that price, particularly if you want something basic and you are intending to erect it on your own.his is because a whole range of different factors need to be borne in mind before you can hope to get an accurate cost on the type of conservatory you want. Conservatory prices vary, as there are a wealth of styles and qualities to choose from.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Check out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.heck out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Unfortunately, it is not a case of one price for all. Some cost as little as £5000. And other can cost upwards of £25000. Each conservatory will concur different costs. Conservatory costs in 2015 are likely to depend on a number of factors.This includes size, design, build and energy efficiency. Consider your conservatory requirements.nfortunately, it is not a case of one price for all. Some cost as little as £5000. And other can cost upwards of £25000. Each conservatory will concur different costs. Conservatory costs in 2015 are likely to depend on a number of factors. This includes size, design, build and energy efficiency.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average price being quoted by those debating this research on Twitter was around the £16-£17k mark, with things like Loggia columns, LivinRoom details etc on top of that. This average price quoted by Zopa is nowhere near what people can expect to pay for even a small conservatory.t’s worth pointing out at this point that my last full national average prices survey results showed that the average price for an average sized new conservatory (3m x 4m) was over £11,000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average cost of Orangeries ranges between £20,000 and £50,0000, again this is all down to a number of factors. People deciding between a conservatory or an orangery should take note of the price differences due to the roof and overall structure.he average cost of Orangeries ranges between £20,000 and £50,0000, again this is all down to a number of factors. People deciding between a conservatory or an orangery should take note of the price differences due to the roof and overall structure.', 'url': ''}]
average conservatory cost
Conservatory Average Cost. The cost of a conservatory varies widely depending on the design, local labor and material costs, and other factors. Before you begin conservatory construction, check with the local planning department to find out what permits you may need.1 Conservatory costs start at around $7,500 to $15,000.2 The average cost of a conservatory is $10,000 to $30,000. 3 A conservatory could cost as much as $40,000 to $80,000 or more.he cost of a conservatory varies widely depending on the design, local labor and material costs, and other factors. Before you begin conservatory construction, check with the local planning department to find out what permits you may need.
Yes,the Cobb house haunted in Vicksburg Mississippi.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Haunted Towns. Haunted Towns is an American paranormal television series that premiered on August 15, 2017 in the United States on Destination America. The series features the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, a group of professional paranormal investigators that are known for trying to trap ghosts during their investigations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'TWC continue on their paranormal journey by traveling to the most haunted locations in the most haunted towns in America. [1] The show airs on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST.[2]', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'And now, I would like to share a glimpse of yet another facet of our fair city — the Haunted Houses of Vicksburg. But first, a little background. The city of Vicksburg is perhaps the most historical city in the State of Mississippi, and the siege of the city during the War Between the States, is, without a doubt, one of the most memorable and significant battles of the War.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Last week, I decided to visit some of the haunted houses of Vicksburg, in hopes of hearing some of the stories firsthand — from the current owners of the houses. My first stop was Anchuca, one of the most beautiful antebellum mansions in the city, which has been converted to a lovely bed and breakfast inn.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Haunted Houses of Vicksburg Part I: Anchuca During the four years we have lived in Vicksburg, I have shared literally hundreds of pictures of our quaint historic town which sits high on the bluffs of the Mississippi River.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cobb House, 1855 -- Vicksburg, Mississippi Find this Pin and more on MISSISSIPPI ANTEBELLUM ARCHITECTURE by johnsjenkins. See More', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vicksburg Mississippi places-i-ve-been Find this Pin and more on wishes by chachabella. This gorgeous home is purportedly haunted. Classical Home Design Details My favorite home to tour in Mississippi. McRaven is considered the most haunted house in Mississippi. It was built in 1797 by a highway bandit named Andrew Glass, who died in his room after being shot. One of the first ghosts seen there is that of a Confederate soldier who died there in 1886 when it was briefly used as a hospital.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Sunday, October 10, 2010. The Haunted Houses of Vicksburg Part I: Anchuca. During the four years we have lived in Vicksburg, I have shared literally hundreds of pictures of our quaint historic town which sits high on the bluffs of the Mississippi River.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Vicksburg Vicksburg, Mississippi: September 5, 2017 () 0.223: TWC head to the deep south to investigate the town of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Founded in 1811, it was the site of the Siege of Vicksburg during the Civil War. They investigate paranormal hotspots; McRaven House, the most haunted home in the state, Cobb House and Stouts Bayou, which were all connected to the murder of local John Bobb. 1.5 Bisbee Bisbee, Arizona: September 12, 2017 () 0.227: TWC head', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Find this Pin and more on Famous Haunted Houses by wiccan11. With its ghosts of children, bleeding nuns and phantom horses, Wymering Manor is known as Britain's most haunted house SOMEWHERE IN THE dar. Wymering Manor: Britain's Most Haunted House: Britain's most haunted house. My husband and I and our 1 year old son stayed here as it was a youth hostel. Wymering Manor, Portsmouth (built in ~ It is said to be haunted by a choir of nuns and Sir Roderick of Portchester, who was murdered outside the manor.", 'url': ''}]
is the cobb house haunted in vicksburg mississippi
Vicksburg Vicksburg, Mississippi: September 5, 2017 () 0.223: TWC head to the deep south to investigate the town of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Founded in 1811, it was the site of the Siege of Vicksburg during the Civil War. They investigate paranormal hotspots; McRaven House, the most haunted home in the state, Cobb House and Stouts Bayou, which were all connected to the murder of local John Bobb. 1.5 Bisbee Bisbee, Arizona: September 12, 2017 () 0.227: TWC head
1 Partnership name. 2 Business address. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. 5 Primary purpose of partnership. 6 Voting requirements for partnership decisions. 7 Specify how costs will be shared among the partners. 8 Specify how profits will be shared among the partners are the key purpose for partnership agreement.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You'll want to use a Partnership Agreement between yourself and the other business partner or partners. Its terms define how the business partnership will be conducted, making it an important foundational document for running your new business.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: 1 Partnership name. 2 Business address. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. 5 Primary purpose of partnership. 6 Voting requirements for partnership decisions. 7 Specify how costs will be shared among the partners. 8 Specify how profits will be shared among the partners.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'LLCs are for-profit business entities, so even if a state does not require an official business purpose, an LLC should have a business purpose. A limited liability company (LLC) is a relatively business entity created by state law. LLCs typically have the advantages of both partnerships and corporations when it comes to taxation, management and personal liability. State laws vary with regard to LLCs. Accordingly, some states require that an LLC have a business purpose while others do not. LLCs are for-profit business entities, so even if a state does not require an official business purpose, an LLC should have a business purpose. LLC Basics The IRS does not have a set classification for LLCs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Information needed for creating a Partnership Agreement: You'll need to have some information at the ready to create your Partnership Agreement, but most of it you probably know off hand. We'll guide you through the process with our step-by-step process so all you'll have to do is answer a few simple questions. Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: Partnership name.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "LLCs operating without an operating agreement are governed by the state's default rules contained in the relevant statute and developed through state court decisions. An operating agreement is similar in function to corporate by-laws, or analogous to a partnership agreement in multi-member LLCs.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Operating agreement. An operating agreement is a key document used by LLCs because it outlines the business' financial and functional decisions including rules, regulations and provisions. The purpose of the document is to govern the internal operations of the business in a way that suits the specific needs of the business owners.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'State law varies on what information the members must include in the articles of organization. Under some states’ laws, the members must include a statement regarding the business purpose of the LLC. In many states, the members can put a general statement declaring the purpose of the LLC is for “all lawful business.”', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ultra vires is a legal doctrine that states any act a business entity takes that is outside the scope of its business purpose is invalid. Under this doctrine, for example, an LLC could be sued for acts it took outside the scope of what its stated business purpose was.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: 1 Partnership name. This will be the legal name of your partnership. 2 Business address. This is the physical address for the partnership. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. This is the date that the partnership will begin. 5 Primary purpose of partnership.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Partnership Dissolution Agreement; Silent Partnership Agreement; Limited Partnership Agreement; If you have any questions about what's right for you and your business, we can connect you with a lawyer for quick answers or a document review.", 'url': ''}]
what do you put at purpose for partnership agreement
Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: 1 Partnership name. 2 Business address. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. 5 Primary purpose of partnership. 6 Voting requirements for partnership decisions. 7 Specify how costs will be shared among the partners. 8 Specify how profits will be shared among the partners.
up to nine days.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting provide advice on the selection of principal and secondary diagnoses, which LTCHs are required to follow, as the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS) definitions are applicable to long-term care hospitals.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'OASIS does not allow surgical codes, V-codes, and E-codes. This raises a problem for coding for OASIS M0230/M0240 (Diagnoses and Severity Index) in most post-surgical cases where care of the surgical wound is the reason for home care admission.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to ICD-9-CM rules, this is an instance of “multiple coding” for a single diagnosis; in this case, the agency is instructed to report separate codes in a specified order for both the etiology and the manifestation of the disease.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'RELATED ARTICLES. Differences between Acute and Chronic Injury in Medical Coding/Billing. Many physician encounters are due to injury, and the difference between disease and injury can be blurred which can cause problems for medical coders and billers. A patient may suffer bruising due to disease, for example, but have no history of injury. This is why, for the purposes of coding, you want to be familiar with the varying levels of injury: Acute injury: Damage to the body incurred by accident. Chronic injury: Damage to the body that is a result of overuse or aging.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'hospital or to order outpatient tests. In the majority of cases, the decision whether to discharge a. patient from the hospital following resolution of the reason for the observation care or to admit the. patient as an inpatient can be made in less than 48 hours, usually in less than 24 hours. In only rare.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The time period varies depending on the facility. For example, the timeframe for a patient who is discharged to an acute care facility is up to nine days; the timeframe is up to 27 days for inpatient rehabilitation facility and 45 days for a skilled nursing facility.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The type of coding used and how it differs from the. acute inpatient hospital coding will be explained. Historical information. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the Inpatient Rehabilitation. Facility–Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) to be completed as part of the Inpatient.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Short stay outliers and interrupted stays in long-term care hospitals also affect reimbursement. A short stay outlier is a patient stay that has a length of stay between one day and up to and including five-sixths of the geometric average length of stay for the MS-LTC DRG.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The materials that follow are in three sections: (1) information on general coding principles, with discussion of coding issues pertinent to home health (2) case scenarios for illustration, and (3) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on diagnosis coding.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to code an IRF account. Determine the ICD -9-CM code that best describes the primary reason for the patient’s admission. to the rehabilitation program. At the acute rehabilitation coding setting, the focus is on the aftercare of the patient and services. injury; chronic conditions; and, acute illnesses. identify aftercare following initial treatment of a condition. (CVA). principal diagnosis as well as 438.20 (Late effect of CVA) as the secondary diagnosis.', 'url': ''}]
medical coding how many days is considered acute?
The time period varies depending on the facility. For example, the timeframe for a patient who is discharged to an acute care facility is up to nine days; the timeframe is up to 27 days for inpatient rehabilitation facility and 45 days for a skilled nursing facility.
Deep respect.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "rev'-er-ens: In the Old Testament, reverence occurs as the translation of two Hebrew words, yare' and shachah. It is used to express the attitude toward God Himself, as in Psalm 89:7 the King James Version; or toward His sanctuary, as in Leviticus 19:30; Leviticus 26:2.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Reverence is defined as deep respect, or is a name given to a holy figure in a religious institution. An example ofreverence is when you show deep and complete respect for the Bible as the word of God. The respectful term used to address a priest is an example ofreverence: Your Reverence..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Reverence is defined as deep respect, or is a name given to a holy figure in a religious institution. An example ofreverence is when you show deep and complete respect for the Bible as the word of God. The definition of reverence is treating with great respect.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'reverence (countable and uncountable, plural reverences) 1 Veneration; profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context. 2 An act of showing respect, such as a bow. Goldsmith Make twenty reverences upon receiving […] about twopence. 3 The state of being revered.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To have reverence for God is to stand in awe of Him for all that He has done to redeem us. This redemptive love should make us stand in wonder and amazement that He would die for us while were still His enemies and “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration. 2. the outward manifestation of this feeling: to pay reverence. 3. a gesture indicative of deep respect; an obeisance, bow, or curtsy. 4. the state of being revered, or treated with respect tinged with awe. 5. (initial capital letter) a title used in addressing or mentioning a member of the clergy (usually preceded by your or his).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "rev'-er-ens: In the Old Testament, reverence occurs as the translation of two Hebrew words, yare' and shachah. The root idea of the former is fear.. It is used to express the attitude toward God Himself, as in Psalm 89:7 the King James Version; or toward His sanctuary, as in Leviticus 19:30; Leviticus 26:2.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The group of ideas here, therefore, is honor, obeisance, reverence.. In the New Testament reverence occurs as the translation of three Greek words, aidos, phobeomai, and entrepomai. In the first, the idea is modesty (Hebrews 12:28; compare 1 Timothy 2:9).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A form of address for some members of the clergy. your reverence. That which deserves or exacts manifestations of reverence; reverend character; dignity; state. Shakespeare I am forced to lay my reverence by.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'reverence (countable and uncountable, plural reverences) 1 Veneration; profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context. 2 An act of showing respect, such as a bow. 3 The state of being revered. A form of address for some members of the 1 clergy. That which deserves or exacts manifestations of reverence; reverend character; dignity; state.', 'url': ''}]
the meaning of reverence
Reverence is defined as deep respect, or is a name given to a holy figure in a religious institution. An example ofreverence is when you show deep and complete respect for the Bible as the word of God. The respectful term used to address a priest is an example ofreverence: Your Reverence..
Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the lungs, thick bronchial secretions block the small airways, which become inflamed. As the disease progresses, the bronchial walls thicken, the airways fill with infected secretions, areas of the lung contract, and lymph nodes enlarge.In the liver, thick secretions block the bile ducts.Obstruction may also occur in the gallbladder. In the pancreas, thick secretions may block the gland completely.s the disease progresses, the bronchial walls thicken, the airways fill with infected secretions, areas of the lung contract, and lymph nodes enlarge. In the liver, thick secretions block the bile ducts. Obstruction may also occur in the gallbladder.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Thickening of bronchial secretions: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Thickening of bronchial secretions:1 Bronchial. 2 Bronchial symptoms (273 causes).hickening of bronchial secretions: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Thickening of bronchial secretions: 1 Bronchial.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Thick Bronchial Secretions. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Thick Bronchial Secretions returned the following treatments.elow is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Thick Bronchial Secretions. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Thick Bronchial Secretions returned the following treatments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dr Yuranga Weerakkody ◉ et al. Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities. It is one of causes of peribronchial cuffing.The presence of bronchial wall thickening usually (but not always) implies inflammation or the airways.ronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.It is one of causes of peribronchial cuffing. The presence of bronchial wall thickening usually (but not always) implies inflammation or the airways.ronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bronchiectasis is an under-diagnosed disease -- with the potential to cause devastating lung damage. It affects the walls of the large airways of the lung, slowly destroying the muscles and the elastic tissues that line the bronchial tubes.Normal airways are built to contract and funnel mucus out of the lungs.ronchiectasis is an under-diagnosed disease -- with the potential to cause devastating lung damage. It affects the walls of the large airways of the lung, slowly destroying the muscles and the elastic tissues that line the bronchial tubes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What Causes Mucus in the Lungs. COPD means chronic obstructive disease under which two spectrums of diseases are grouped-chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by over-activity of mucus secreting glands of bronchi which lead to excess secretion of mucus which blocks the bronchioles.While in emphysema it is characterized by over-distension of alveoli and bronchioles.Usually chronic bronchitis and emphysema co-exist.hronic bronchitis is characterized by over-activity of mucus secreting glands of bronchi which lead to excess secretion of mucus which blocks the bronchioles. While in emphysema it is characterized by over-distension of alveoli and bronchioles. Usually chronic bronchitis and emphysema co-exist.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'People with the disease called cystic fibrosis (CF) often have their bronchial tubes obstructed by the thick, sticky mucus which is a hallmark of CF. Toxic exposures (breathing ammonia, for example) can harm the bronchi, and lead to bronchiectasis.ymptoms of bronchiectasis include constant cough and the production of infected sputum (sputum is a mixture of mucus and pus), which may be bloody. In some cases, there may be wheezing and shortness of breath.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The bronchial tubes are the networks of branching tubes which deliver air to the tiny sacs of the lungs (alveoli). In bronchiectasis, the diameter of the bronchi is unusually large. Examination of the walls of the bronchial tubes reveals destruction of the normal structural elements, with replacement by scar tissue.ymptoms of bronchiectasis include constant cough and the production of infected sputum (sputum is a mixture of mucus and pus), which may be bloody. In some cases, there may be wheezing and shortness of breath.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'WHAT CAUSES BRONCHIECTASIS? The key element to the development of bronchiectasis appears to be inflammatory destruction of the muscle, elastic tissue and cartilage of the bronchial wall by infected mucous in close and prolonged contact with the bronchial wall.Bronchiectasis can occur anywhere in the lung.HAT CAUSES BRONCHIECTASIS? The key element to the development of bronchiectasis appears to be inflammatory destruction of the muscle, elastic tissue and cartilage of the bronchial wall by infected mucous in close and prolonged contact with the bronchial wall.', 'url': ''}]
thick bronchial secretions causes
Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.It is one of causes of peribronchial cuffing. The presence of bronchial wall thickening usually (but not always) implies inflammation or the airways.ronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.
Fisher price of i can play keyboard is $32.99.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "See all results for fisher price i can play piano. 1 Fisher-Price I Can Play Piano System. by Fisher-Price. 2 I Can Play Piano Software - Nicktoons Show Tunes. by Fisher-Price. 3 I Can Play Piano Software - Dora's Musical Adventure. by Fisher-Price. Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym by Fisher-Price. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,344.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What's it about? Fisher-Price's I CAN PLAY PIANO comes packaged with a three-octave, color-coded keyboard that plugs into the audio/video input jacks of your television; it comes with one cartridge containing eight songs that can be played in four different song modes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Review this title! Fisher-Price's I CAN PLAY PIANO comes packaged with a three-octave, color-coded keyboard that plugs into the audio/video input jacks of your television; it comes with one cartridge containing eight songs that can be played in four different song modes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fisher-Price I Can Play Guitar System (blue) by Fisher-Price. 3.3 out of 5 stars 38. $84.95(3 new offers) Manufacturer recommended age: 6 - 10 Years. Product Features. It uses the same proven color coding method as the popular I Can Play Piano!.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Play with the keyboard away from your TV. NOTE: When the keyboard is plugged into the wall, the batteries are not being used. It. is best to remove the batteries from the battery compartment if the keyboard is. normally used with the AC/DC adaptor to avoid battery leakage. PAUSE.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fisher-Price Fisher-Price I Can Play Piano American Idol System. Description Item # SPM13487244824 Model # 0027084416046. Can Play Piano is a piano teaching system that uses video game technology to teach children to quickly and easily master the basics of piano, and have fun doing it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "See all results for fisher price i can play piano. 1 Fisher-Price I Can Play Piano System. 2 I Can Play Piano Software - Nicktoons Show Tunes. 3 I Can Play Piano Software - Dora's Musical Adventure. Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym by Fisher- 1 Price. I Can Play Guitar System - Purple. I Can Play Piano Software - Holiday Wonderland.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Elephant piano Fisher price Play, record and stop function $32.99. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Fisher-Price Elephant Piano Your little musician can play his or her heart out with the Fisher-Price Elephant Piano. This mini piano features 13 keys and four animal sounds to create fun masterpieces,... Fisher Price Music Elephant Piano Young Child Fun Learning $29.99. Buy It Now.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I CAN PLAY™ PIANO can function with either an AC/DC adaptor that plugs into your. wall or with batteries. (See the QUICK SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS for further detail) • The battery compartments are located on the back of the keyboard. • Unscrew and lift each cover away from its battery compartment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fisher-Price Fisher Price I Can Play Piano System I Can Play Piano uses video game technology to help children quickly master the basics of piano and have fun doing it. The easy-to-follow graphics and musical color-coding system turn every song into a simple game that your child plays using the keyboard. 10 Reviews. Consumer Reviews Sort by.', 'url': ''}]
fisher price i can play keyboard
Elephant piano Fisher price Play, record and stop function $32.99. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Fisher-Price Elephant Piano Your little musician can play his or her heart out with the Fisher-Price Elephant Piano. This mini piano features 13 keys and four animal sounds to create fun masterpieces,... Fisher Price Music Elephant Piano Young Child Fun Learning $29.99. Buy It Now.
Phish is try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Commenting the date of a show, and adding !setlistbot to the comment, will trigger a response from /u/setlistbot. This response includes the shows setlist, links to listen to the show, and a link to for more information. Example: 12-31-99 Check out this awesome show !setlistbot Useful Links', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'phish. 1 to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Audio. 1 LivePhish. 2 The Spreadsheet - Download MP3s of ALL freely-traded Phish recordings. 3 - Stream 'The Spreadsheet' instead of downloading it. 4 - Same idea as phishtracks, different interface. 5 - Stats for, Phish On Demand, and", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Phish's audio and video policy Please do not post links to any downloadable SBDs or ripped webcasts of shows that were officially released. It violates Phish's guidelines, and it has always been an unwritten rule here, until now, that official soundboard content should not be posted. Phish explicitly outlines their audio and video guidelines here: Audio recording policy", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': " - All things Phish: Setlists, Song Histories, Blog, Discussions, etc. Phish History Listening List /r/phish Redditors on Twitter. Emil's Tabs - Phish Tablature. Trader's Little Helper. Free iPhone tour app created by a fellow redditor. Mr. Miner's Phish Thoughts. Subreddit Rules. This is a Phish group, not a political group.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Phan1: Phish is probably the best band in the world. The musical composition of their works is incredibly complex and technically difficult. Their concerts are amazing and never the same, because they are proficient enough on their instruments to be able to improvise.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'verb (used without object) 1. to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Other. / 1 r/phish Cash or Trade Group, post trades HERE! 2 - All things Phish: Setlists, Song Histories, Blog, Discussions, etc. 3 Phish History Listening List. / 4 r/phish Redditors on Twitter. 5 Emil's Tabs - Phish Tablature. 6 Trader's Little Helper. 7 Free iPhone tour app created by a fellow redditor. 8 Mr. Miner's Phish Thoughts.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Even if your post has Phish content, if it is political, it will be removed. If a band member does something politically related, that will stay, but otherwise, please, Phish content only. Regarding ISO and FS ticket posts:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oftened generalized as granola rockers or as the band that picked up the mantle of the Grateful Dead, The music of Phish draws from styles and genres including rock (in its loosest sense), jazz, blue grass, funk. Phish has been known to perform in wetsuits, on flying hot dogs, with gospel choirs and using a vacume cleaner. Phish is, first and foremost, a jam band. Concerts are made up of long periods of instrumental rocking and chord progression manipulation and expansion whereas studio versions of songs more often list more filler songs (although they are still good) and shortened versions of the huge concert warhorse pieces.', 'url': ''}]
what are phish
phish. 1 to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.
It is the ability to think critically about information.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The ability to use information technologies effectively to find and manage information, and the ability to critically evaluate and ethically apply that information to solve a problem are some of the hallmarks of an information literate individual.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Show More Show Less. - Hello, my name is Elsa Loftis, and welcome to this course on information literacy. I hope that through this course you become better, quicker, and more thorough researchers. And better students too. Through this course I hope to help you better understand the massive world of information.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. The information literate student can: 1. Determine the extent of information he or she needs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Presidential Committee on Information Literacy defined information literacy as a set of skills, which require an individual to: “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”(2)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. Although the term ´information literacy´ is spreading throughout the library literature today, it is not a new idea.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '“Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.”(1)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Information literacy is the ability to discover and use various types of information. It's an essential skill for navigating the information age. Watch this course to learn about strategies for finding information—from a library, archive, database, or the Internet—and the ethics of using it.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. The information literate student can: 1. 1 Determine the extent of information he or she needs. Access the needed information effectively and efficiently.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If a student has learned how to learn, upon graduation, they are a much more attractive job candidate. An information literate individual--with their strong analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills--can be expected to be an adaptable, capable and valuable employee, with much to contribute.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Other characteristics of an information literate individual include the spirit of inquiry and perseverance to find out what is necessary to get the job done. We live in the Information Age, and information is increasing at a rapid pace. We have the Internet, television, radio, and other information resources available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, just because so much information is so easily and quickly available does not mean that all of it is worthwhile or even true.', 'url': ''}]
what is information literacy
Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. The information literate student can: 1. Determine the extent of information he or she needs.
No, The colon is also called the large intestine.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Diagnosis and Tests. 1 Colonoscopy: MedlinePlus Health Topic (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish. 2 Lower GI Series (Barium Enema) (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Also in Spanish.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is a musculomembranous tube lined with a secretory and/or absorptive mucosa, comprising the small intestine and large intestine; called also bowel and gut. See also intestinal tract. Distended and congested loops of intestine in a cow with intussusception.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'During a bowel movement, the muscles of the rectal wall contract to move stool from the rectum to the anus, a 1-inch-long opening through which stool leaves the body. The lower GI tract. Anatomic problems of the lower GI tract may involve parts of organs being in the wrong place, shaped abnormally, or incorrectly connected to other organs. Anatomic problems that affect the large intestine or anus include malrotation, volvulus, intussusception, fistula, imperforate anus, and colonic atresia.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The ascending colon is the first of four sections of the large intestine. It is connected to the small intestine by a section of bowel called the cecum. The ascending colon runs upwards through the abdominal cavity toward the transverse colon for approximately eight inches (20 cm).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'These infections occur primarily in the large intestine (note some of these organisms can also infect the small intestine) and can invade the surrounding tissues. Invasion of the intestine can result in blood in the feces and cause an inflammatory response with significant numbers of fecal leukocytes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The small intestine is a long tube that connects the stomach to the large intestine. It folds many times to fit inside the abdomen. Enlarge The small intestine connects the stomach and the colon. It includes the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. There are five types of small intestine cancer. The types of cancer found in the small intestine are adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, and lymphoma. This summary discusses adenocarcinoma and leiomyosarcoma (a type of sarcoma).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The gastrointestinal tract is an organ system within humans and other animals which takes in food, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste as feces. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines are part of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal is an adjective meaning of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines. A tract is a collection of related anatomic structures or a series of connected body organs. All bilaterians have a gastrointestin', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On embryologic grounds, the GI tract should be divided into upper (mouth to major papilla in the duodenum), middle (duodenal papilla to midtransverse colon), and lower (mid-transverse colon to anus) according to the derivation of these 3 areas from the foregut, midgut, and hindgut, respectively.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The colon is also called the large intestine. The ileum (last part of the small intestine) connects to the cecum (first part of the colon) in the lower right abdomen. The rest of the colon is divided into four parts: • The ascending colon travels up the right side of the abdomen. • The transverse colon runs across the abdomen. • The descending colon travels down the left abdomen. • The sigmoid colon is a short curving of the colon, just before the rectum.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The sigmoid colon is the part of the large intestine after the descending colon and before the rectum. The name sigmoid means S-shaped (see sigmoid; cf. sigmoid sinus). The walls of the sigmoid colon are muscular, and contract to increase the pressure inside the colon, causing the stool to move into the rectum.', 'url': ''}]
is the colon in the lower intestine
The colon is also called the large intestine. The ileum (last part of the small intestine) connects to the cecum (first part of the colon) in the lower right abdomen. The rest of the colon is divided into four parts: • The ascending colon travels up the right side of the abdomen. • The transverse colon runs across the abdomen. • The descending colon travels down the left abdomen. • The sigmoid colon is a short curving of the colon, just before the rectum.
The time change in New Zealand was made in 1941 during the second World War, in which the clocks were advanced by half an hour, making New Zealand 12 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On 2 November 1868, New Zealand officially adopted a standard time to be observed nationally, and was perhaps the first country to do so. It was based on longitude 172° 30′ East of Greenwich, 111⁄2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT) is 13 hours ahead of UTC, and Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT) 13 hours 45 minutes ahead. New Zealand dependencies, the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau, use several different times zones at their own discretion.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Country: New Zealand. Lat/Long: 36°51'S / 174°46'E. Currency: NZ Dollar (NZD) Languages: English, Māori, New Zealand Sign Language. Dial Codes: +64 - See how to dial", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Time in New Zealand. New Zealand has two time zones. The main islands use New Zealand Standard Time (NZST), 12 hours in advance of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) / military M (Mike), while the outlying Chatham Islands use Chatham Standard Time (CHAST), 12 hours 45 minutes in advance of UTC / military M^ (Mike-Three).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Main World Clock Extended World Clock Personal World Clock World Time Lookup Time Articles Home Time Zones World Clock New Zealand Auckland Current Local Time in Auckland, New Zealand (Tāmaki Makaurau)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Create New Zealand calendar. Upcoming Holidays. Feb 6 - Waitangi Day; Mar 30 - Good Friday; Apr 2 - Easter Monday; More Holidays in New Zealand', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Time Act 1974 defines New Zealand Standard Time as 12 hours in advance of UTC. In 2011, the New Zealand dependency of Tokelau moved its time zone forward by 24 hours, by skipping 30 December.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are dependencies of New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean, in three different time zones, two of them on the other side of the International Date Line: 1 The Cook Islands are in the UTC−10:00 time zone /Military W (Whiskey) and do not observe daylight saving time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time (NZMT). In 1941, during the Second World War, clocks were advanced half an hour, making New Zealand 12 hours ahead of GMT. This change was made permanent from 1946 by the Standard Time Act 1945, at which the time at the 180°E meridian was made the basis for New Zealand Time. NZST remained half an hour ahead of NZMT, and the Chatham Islands 45 minutes ahead of NZST.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Current local time in New Zealand – Auckland. Get Auckland's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Auckland's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.", 'url': ''}]
time change new zealand
This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time (NZMT). In 1941, during the Second World War, clocks were advanced half an hour, making New Zealand 12 hours ahead of GMT. This change was made permanent from 1946 by the Standard Time Act 1945, at which the time at the 180°E meridian was made the basis for New Zealand Time. NZST remained half an hour ahead of NZMT, and the Chatham Islands 45 minutes ahead of NZST.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter. For sweet potatoes that are up to 4 inches in diameter, bake for an hour. For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, don't open the oven but turn it off.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter. For sweet potatoes that are up to 4 inches in diameter, bake for an hour. For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '1 Prick your sweet potatoes each 2-3 time with a fork, then place them directly on the oven rack in the middle of the oven, above the rack with the foil. Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Don't preheat the oven. Prick your sweet potatoes each 2-3 time with a fork, then place them directly on the oven rack in the middle of the oven, above the rack with the foil. Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Step 2: Prepare the potatoes for baking by washing them under running water. Scrub them well, because you will be eating the skin and you dont want any mud on them. Step 3: Preheat your oven to the desired temperature. Step 4: Pierce the potatoes with a fork or knife at every side.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. Preheat oven and wash the sweet potatoes: Preheat oven to 375°F. Scrub the sweet potatoes well and pat them dry with a dish towel. 2. Oil them up: Prepare squares of aluminum foil for as many sweet potatoes as you are roasting. Place each potato on a foil square and drizzle with a small amount of vegetable oil.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, don't open the oven but turn it off. Let the sweet potatoes sit in the oven for at least 30 minutes but up to an hour. Remove from the oven and eat immediately, or remove the skin and store in a container in the fridge.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cooking Sweet Potatoes<br /><i><b></b></i><i><b>Our sweet potato cooks give some advice:</b></i><ul><li>I usually bake a small- to medium-sized sweet potato for 40 minutes in a 350-degree oven. I usually pierce it once or twice with a fork and put foil under it while it cooks.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Baking potatoes requires a temperature range between 300 and 400F, depending upon the type of oven you use. Medium size potatoes will have to be baked for 45 minutes at 400F or for 60 minutes at 350F or 90 minutes at 325F in a regular oven. If you use convection ovens, you will have to bake the potatoes for 45 minutes at 375F or 60 minutes at 325F or 90 minutes at 300F. Convection ovens cook faster than regular ovens so the rule of thumb is to set the temperature in convection ovens at least 25F lower than you would set in a regular oven. The higher the baking temperature, the lesser the time required for baking. Baking time also depends on the size of the potatoes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Be sure the foil is well-sealed. Place on a baking sheet and put them into the oven to roast. 4. Check for doneness: Depending on the size of your potatoes, it may take between 30 minutes to 1 hour for them to be done. Check at 30 minutes by squeezing one of the potatoes in a oven mitt protected hand and inserting a sharp knife or fork into the center. They should feel quite soft and the knife should easily glide all the way through. If not return to the oven and check again in 10 minutes. 5.', 'url': ''}]
temperature to bake sweet potatoes in oven
1 Prick your sweet potatoes each 2-3 time with a fork, then place them directly on the oven rack in the middle of the oven, above the rack with the foil. Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter.
Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of conquest in US English - the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force Definition of conquest in US English - the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve. Jerusalem has seen endless conquests and occupations. Synonyms: takeover, coup, acquisition, invasion More Synonyms of conquest', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The conquest of something such as a problem is success in ending it or dealing with it. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years. [+ of] ...the conquest of cancer.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Conquest definition: Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Translations for 'conquest'. British English: conquest NOUN. Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people. The fierce cannibal warriors of the Big and Small Nambas prevented conquest and settlement. American English: conquest. Brazilian Portuguese: conquista. Chinese: 征服. European Spanish: conquista.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Every body saw, he was pleased to say, that I had made a conquest. When he opened the box, the first book which he picked up was The Conquest of Fear. To the conquest of fear this splendid universalism is another essential. After all, the conquest of fear is largely a question of vitality. It was he who had planned the conquest of Corsica, and annexed it to France. This event completed the conquest of Boabdil over his own irresolution.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1The subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force. ‘the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish’. ‘Recent history, however, suggests the existence of many relevant uses of military force besides conquest or even coercion.’. ‘Abroad he offers the glamour of moral commitment and military conquest.’.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You usually use conquest when you want to indicate that this relationship is not important to the person concerned. Despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated. who boast about their sexual conquests to all their friends.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The conquest of something such as a problem is success in ending it or dealing with it. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years. ...the conquest of cancer.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '‘The use of military force for conquest and expansion is a security strategy that most leaders reject in this age of complex interdependence and globalization.’ ‘Far less can it be imposed by any state over others even by invasion or unilateral use of force for conquest or change of regime.’', 'url': ''}]
meaning of conquest
Conquest definition: Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog
The physical or constitutional characteristics of a person.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ad. Other terms used in reference to body habitus may describe features such as musculature or strength, along with other characteristics of interest. As a general rule, any change in the physique can be a cause for concern.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are three terms commonly used in reference to body habitus. A patient with an ectomorphic body type is said to be underweight, a patient with a mesomorphic body type is of normal weight, and a patient with an endomorphic body type is overweight.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'hab·i·tus. n. pl. habitus. The physical and constitutional characteristics of an individual, especially as related to the tendency to develop a certain disease. [Latin, condition; see habit .]. (ˈhaebɪtəs). ˈhæbɪtəs', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'habitus. The physical or constitutional characteristics of a person: build, constitution, habit, physique.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Posted 30/01/2009 i had my scan on wednesday and she said all i looking well and got some really clear pictures thats what everyone has been saying but i have looked at the letter they gave me after and it said limited visabilty due to patient habitus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it.. (English proverb). Whose end of tongue is sharp, the edge of his head must be hard (Breton proverb). The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say. (Arabic proverb). Hang a thief when he's young, and he'll no' steal when he's old.. (Scottish proverb).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Perhaps in more basic terms, the habitus could be understood as a structure of the mind characterized by a set of acquired schemata, sensibilities, dispositions and taste. The particular contents of the habitus are the result of the objectification of social structure at the level of individual subjectivity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "We look at a persons' body habitus to tell us a lot of different things about their health history and their lifestyle habits. We can almost always tell if someone is pre-diabetic or resistant to insulin by their habitus.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Body habitus, or simply habitus, is a medical term for “physique” or “body type.” A wide range of factors can determine body type, and medical professionals often make a note of a patient's habitus on his or her chart as part of a general reference to provide information about the patient's history.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The noun HABITUS has 2 senses: 1. person's predisposition to be affected by something (as a disease). 2. constitution of the human body. Familiarity information: HABITUS used as a noun is rare.", 'url': ''}]
what does body habitus mean
habitus. The physical or constitutional characteristics of a person: build, constitution, habit, physique.
It is extremely upsetting or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of traumatic is something that is extremely upsetting or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body. 1 Getting into a serious accident that gives you PTSD is an example of a traumatic event.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'risk for perioperative-positioning injury a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as being at risk for injury as a result of the environmental conditions found in the perioperative setting.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Reactive responses occur after the stress and possible trauma has occurred, and are aimed more at correcting or minimizing the damage of a stressful event. A passive response is often characterized by an emotional numbness or ignorance of a stressor.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An experience that causes severe anxiety or emotional distress, such as rape or combat: memories that persist after a trauma occurs. b. An event or situation that causes great disruption or suffering: the economic trauma of the recession. [Greek; see terə- in Indo-European roots .]. trau·mat′ic (-măt′ĭk) adj.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014 https://www. Traumatic Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014 by PR Newswire. Washington, March 13 (ANI): Low cognitive function and factors related to a low socioeconomic status are important risk factors for mild. brain injuries, a new study has concluded.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However, the definition of trauma differs among individuals by their subjective experiences, not the objective facts. People will react to similar events differently. In other words, not all people who experience a potentially traumatic event will actually become psychologically traumatized.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Understanding the emotions and normal responses that follow a disaster or other traumatic event can help you cope with your feelings, thoughts and behaviors – and can help you on the path to recovery. 1 Open Up! 2 Writing About Trauma Reduces Stress, Aids Immunity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'injury. harm or hurt; usually applied to damage inflicted on the body by an external force. Called also trauma and wound. brain injury impairment of structure or function of the brain, usually as a result of a trauma. deceleration injury a mechanism of motion injury in which the body is forcibly stopped but the contents of the body cavities remain in motion due to inertia; the brain is particularly vulnerable to such trauma.', 'url': ''}]
define traumatic
LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of traumatic is something that is extremely upsetting or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body. 1 Getting into a serious accident that gives you PTSD is an example of a traumatic event.
It is a compound containing an anionic silicon compound.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Non-Silicate Minerals. Minerals can be classified as either silicate - that is, containing silicon and oxygen - or non-silicate - that is, lacking silicon. While most of the earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, several non-silicate minerals are of great importance.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Silicates constitute the majority of Earth's crust, as well as the other terrestrial planets, rocky moons, and asteroids. Sand, Portland cement, and thousands of minerals are examples of silicates. Silicate compounds, including the minerals, consist of silicate anions whose charge is balanced by various cations.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For anion, see Orthosilicate (ion). Silicate minerals are rock-forming minerals made up of silicate groups. They are the largest and most important class of rock-forming minerals and make up approximately 90 percent of the Earth's crust. They are classified based on the structure of their silicate groups, which contain different ratios of silicon and oxygen.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A silicate is a compound containing an anionic silicon compound. The great majority of the silicates are oxides, but hexafluorosilicate ([SiF6]2−) and other anions are also included. Orthosilicate is the anion SiO4−.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "While most minerals are silicates, many non-silicate minerals are found in the earth's crust and are important as well. This lesson will use examples and describe the three major groups of non-silicate minerals, including carbonates, halides and sulfates.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The main minerals found in many rocks. Silicates are composed of atoms of silicon, oxygen, and elements such as potassium, sodium, or calcium, under great heat and pressure. Silicates make up about one-quarter of the crust of the Earth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Any of a large class of chemical compounds composed of silicon, oxygen, and at least one metal. Most rocks and minerals are silicates. Silicates are also one of the main components of bricks. 2. Any mineral containing the group SiO4 in its crystal lattice. Micas and feldspars are silicate minerals.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Silicates. Building Blocks of The Earth’s Crust. Silicates are the most widespread of the minerals. They are made up of oxygen and silicon the number one and number two most abundant elements in the earth's crust. By themselves they make up over 90% of the weight of the earth’s crust. Most rocks are composed mainly of this class of minerals.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'silicates in Science. Any of a large class of chemical compounds composed of silicon, oxygen, and at least one metal. Most rocks and minerals are silicates. Any mineral containing the group SiO4, either isolated, or joined to other groups in chains, sheets, or three-dimensional groups with metal elements.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The most abundant elements in the Earth's crust are oxygen (46.6%) and silicon (27.7%). Minerals which combine these two elements are called silicates, and combined they are the most abundant minerals on the Earth. The silicates can be organized in terms of their chemical compositions and their crystal structures (indicated by the existance of cleavage planes). They most often contain members of the Big 8 elements.", 'url': ''}]
what are silicates?
A silicate is a compound containing an anionic silicon compound. The great majority of the silicates are oxides, but hexafluorosilicate ([SiF6]2−) and other anions are also included. Orthosilicate is the anion SiO4−.
A very misunderstood part of the revolver barrel and even many professional gunsmiths don't really understand them.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Below is a picture showing an actual cutaway view of the forcing cone area that's inside most all shotgun barrels , notice the upper barrel is showing a lengthened forcing cone while the lower barrel is shown with a factory length forcing cone. Back to the Top. Patterns.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is the preferred forcing cone length of Olympic medalists, anyway? Somehow, that little bit of information never seems to make the news. A forcing cone, of course, is the transition area from chamber dimension to the bore of your shotgun. The length is not really the point; it is the degree of taper. In theory, a more gentle taper is less disruptive to shot and wad.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Welcome to Johnny's Shotgun Chokes and Forcing Cones... Twenty five years ago, the most requested alteration to a shotgun barrel was screw-in choke tube installation. Twenty five years ago, the least (almost never) requested alteration to the shotgun barrel was lengthening of the forcing cone. This has all changed.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Below I will explain the forcing cone, what it does and how it can be modified to improve the performance of a shotgun. The Mysterious Forcing Cone. The forcing cone is the constriction at the end of the chamber that forces the load down from chamber size to the size of your shotgun bore.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Forcing cones. The area just forward of your shotgun’s chamber is the forcing cone; a funnel reducing the diameter of the chamber - down to bore size. An excited shooter was worried that the forcing cone area might be damaged by tough wads. Blaming plastic wads for impact is like blaming football shoulder pads for hard impacts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Backboring is a term that is mostly misunderstood as being the forcing cone due to the fact that when working on the forcing cone area you are working on the back end of the barrel then afterwards the barrel is supposedly ''backbored'' but in reality it is the actual bore of the gun from just ahead of the forcing cone all the way through the barrel ...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lengthen Forcing Cones To Improve Patterns, Reduce Recoil. Double-duty reamers lengthen short chambers to modern standard or magnum lengths and cut the new long forcing cone at the same time - OR - will cut a long forcing cone without lengthening the chamber for the gunsmith seeking improved shooting performance for his customer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The 1½ long (approximately) forcing cone created is performance proven to give optimum results in any length chamber. Reamers are ground exclusively for us from special, select tool steel by one of the oldest and most respected manufacturers of reamers in the United States. Quality and performance is 100% guaranteed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Forcing Cone Pictures? This is a discussion on Forcing Cone Pictures? within the Ruger Single Action forums, part of the Pistol & Revolver Forum category; Does anyone have a picture of before/after of refacing their forcing cone? Looking at the entrance to the barrell on my 45Colt, it looks relatively ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Nice video, but he forgot the most critical part. The forcing cone is a very misunderstood part of the revolver barrel and even many professional gunsmiths don't really understand them. THE critical dimension of a forcing cone is not the depth or angle of the cone, it's the diameter of the MOUTH of the forcing cone. That outer mouth dimension is critical.", 'url': ''}]
what is a forcing cone
Nice video, but he forgot the most critical part. The forcing cone is a very misunderstood part of the revolver barrel and even many professional gunsmiths don't really understand them. THE critical dimension of a forcing cone is not the depth or angle of the cone, it's the diameter of the MOUTH of the forcing cone. That outer mouth dimension is critical.
Nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation. This radiation consists of subatomic particles traveling at or near the velocity of light---186,000 miles per second.ining uranium to fuel nuclear power plants leaves mill tailings, the residues from chemical processing of the ore, which lead to radon exposures to the public.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Radiation. The principal risks associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation. This radiation consists of subatomic particles traveling at or near the velocity of light---186,000 miles per second.ining uranium to fuel nuclear power plants leaves mill tailings, the residues from chemical processing of the ore, which lead to radon exposures to the public. However, these effects are grossly over-compensated by the fact that mining uranium out of the ground reduces future radon exposures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'While virtually the whole world stands against the development and use of nuclear weapons, attitudes vary when it comes to the development and use of nuclear energy. Proponents of nuclear energy tout it as a form of clean ”energy since it releases virtually none of the harmful CO2 emissions associated with fossil fuel.roponents of nuclear energy tout it as a form of clean ”energy since it releases virtually none of the harmful CO2 emissions associated with fossil fuel.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Reactor Accidents and the Release of Radioactive Materials. In a nuclear power plant, the fuel, an isotope of either uranium or plutonium, undergoes fission to produce the energy that is used to heat water and turn steam-driven turbine generators.he total number of people who died in the earthquake and the tsunami that it generated is still being assessed, but the official estimation already exceeds 14,000. 1 The natural disaster also caused substantial damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the consequences of which are still unclear.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nuclear energy is a rare form of energy. It is the energy stored in the center or the nucleus of an atom.After we bombard the nucleus into two parts, two different elements are formed along with the emission of high energy.The process generally followed is called fission.uclear energy is a rare form of energy. It is the energy stored in the center or the nucleus of an atom.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nuclear Energy. Nuclear energy is a rare form of energy. It is the energy stored in the center or the nucleus of an atom. After we bombard the nucleus into two parts, two different elements are formed along with the emission of high energy.The process generally followed is called fission.uclear energy is a rare form of energy. It is the energy stored in the center or the nucleus of an atom.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The benefits of energy production are that the use of fossil fuels are readily available for use and it is a simple process to break these fuels into energy. The risks ass … ociated with energy development is that the combustion of these fields lead to pollution which affects the environment.he major risk is the only bi products which are capable of radiating harmful radiations such as gamma rays and emitting alpha and beta particles. Otherwise it will be a great boon for the humanity to produce electrical power in a cheaper way.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Risks from reactor accidents are estimated by the rapidly developing science of probabilistic risk analysis (PRA). A PRA must be done separately for each power plant (at a cost of $5 million) but we give typical results here: A fuel melt-down might be expected once in 20,000 years of reactor operation.ining uranium to fuel nuclear power plants leaves mill tailings, the residues from chemical processing of the ore, which lead to radon exposures to the public. However, these effects are grossly over-compensated by the fact that mining uranium out of the ground reduces future radon exposures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However, there are safety concerns that come with nuclear power, including the possibility that a nuclear power plant could accidentally release radiation into the environment or be targeted for a terrorist attack. There is also the issue of what to do with radioactive waste.In this lesson, we will explore the risks associated with nuclear power and discuss how radioactive waste is handled. Most nuclear reactors are based on the concept of nuclear fission. Nuclear fission occurs when uranium nuclei are bombarded with neutrons.he isotope U-235 is important because it can be used in the nuclear fission chain reaction to create a lot of energy. Unlike the uranium used in a nuclear bomb, which is about 90% enriched with the isotope U-235, the uranium used in a nuclear reactor is only slightly enriched, to about four or five percent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nuclear power can generate electricity without greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are concerns about its safety. Learn about the safety and health concerns associated with the threat of nuclear meltdowns, as well as the challenges involved in storing radioactive waste.he isotope U-235 is important because it can be used in the nuclear fission chain reaction to create a lot of energy. Unlike the uranium used in a nuclear bomb, which is about 90% enriched with the isotope U-235, the uranium used in a nuclear reactor is only slightly enriched, to about four or five percent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The actual risk depends on several factors: 1 The specific radioactive materials, or isotopes, released, and the quantities released. 2 How a person comes into contact with the released radioactive materials (such as through contaminated food, water, air, or on the skin).n the most severe kinds of accidents, such as the Chernobyl accident in 1986, other dangerous radioactive isotopes, such as strontium-90 (Sr-90) and plutonium-239, may also be released. Human exposure to I-131 released from nuclear power plant accidents comes mainly from consuming contaminated water, milk, or foods.', 'url': ''}]
what are the risks associated with the use of nuclear energy
Radiation. The principal risks associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation. This radiation consists of subatomic particles traveling at or near the velocity of light---186,000 miles per second.ining uranium to fuel nuclear power plants leaves mill tailings, the residues from chemical processing of the ore, which lead to radon exposures to the public. However, these effects are grossly over-compensated by the fact that mining uranium out of the ground reduces future radon exposures.
New York
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Other News. 1 Through a partnership with Richmond Rec, the fitness room at Honeoye Central School will open on Monday, September 28th for use by adults in the community. 2 Regular hours are Monday through Thursday, 5:30 to 8:30 pm, following the HCS calendar. 3 Cost is $2 per visit, or $25 for a punch card with 16 visits.elcome to the Hamlet of Honeoye. Located on Honeoye Lake, in the Western Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Our Honeoye Community Gazebo is home to many community events. Plantings are maintained courtesy of the Lake Country Garden Club volunteers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Property Details. Property details for 6260 County Road 36, Honeoye, NY 14471. This Single Family Home is located at County Road 36 in Honeoye, New York. The home provides approximately 1632 square feet of living space. This property features 3 bedrooms.roperty Details. Property details for 6260 County Road 36, Honeoye, NY 14471. This Single Family Home is located at County Road 36 in Honeoye, New York. The home provides approximately 1632 square feet of living space. This property features 3 bedrooms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '22.3%. According to our research of New York and other state lists there were 3 registered sex offenders living in Honeoye, New York as of October 08, 2015. The ratio of number of residents in Honeoye to the number of sex offenders is 193 to 1.n 8/30/1955, a category F3 tornado 44.0 miles away from the place center caused between $5000 and $50,000 in damages. Honeoye-area historical earthquake activity is near New York state average. It is 87% smaller than the overall U.S. average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Honeoye-area historical tornado activity is below New York state average. It is 75% smaller than the overall U.S. average. On 6/20/1969, a category F3 (max. wind speeds 158-206 mph) tornado 42.4 miles away from the Honeoye place center caused between $500,000 and $5,000,000 in damages.n 8/30/1955, a category F3 tornado 44.0 miles away from the place center caused between $5000 and $50,000 in damages. Honeoye-area historical earthquake activity is near New York state average. It is 87% smaller than the overall U.S. average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Buyers. Homes for sale ‘by owner’ are often the best value in any neighborhood. That is because owners have maximum negotiating flexibility, especially when they don’t have a listing agent’s commission soaking up 3% or more of the sale price.uyers. Homes for sale ‘by owner’ are often the best value in any neighborhood. That is because owners have maximum negotiating flexibility, especially when they don’t have a listing agent’s commission soaking up 3% or more of the sale price.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Flu Shot Clinic. The Honeoye Falls/Mendon Ambulance has arranged a Flu Shot Clinic at their base, located at 210 East St, Honeoye Falls. The clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, 2015 from 4:00 PM - 7:00 Shot Clinic. The Honeoye Falls/Mendon Ambulance has arranged a Flu Shot Clinic at their base, located at 210 East St, Honeoye Falls. The clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, 2015 from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On 8/30/1955, a category F3 tornado 44.0 miles away from the place center caused between $5000 and $50,000 in damages. Honeoye-area historical earthquake activity is near New York state average. It is 87% smaller than the overall U.S. average.n 8/30/1955, a category F3 tornado 44.0 miles away from the place center caused between $5000 and $50,000 in damages. Honeoye-area historical earthquake activity is near New York state average. It is 87% smaller than the overall U.S. average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-00f136e8-2768-427c-a2c7-d7615125eeb8,slot:zillow/property_details/not_for_sale/t_main_p1,network:7449,sizes:[256,13],targets:{aamgnrc1:5423 County Road 36,aamgnrc4:14471 Canadice Ontario NYNew. This home is not currently listed for sale or rent on Zillow.A Zestimate® home valuation is Zillow's estimated market value. It is not an appraisal. Use it as a starting point to determine a home's value.Learn more. A Rent Zestimate® is Zillow's estimated monthly rental price, computed using a proprietary formula. Zestimate® home valuation is Zillow's estimated market value. It is not an appraisal. Use it as a starting point to determine a home's value. Learn more. A Rent Zestimate® is Zillow's estimated monthly rental price, computed using a proprietary formula.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Welcome to the Hamlet of Honeoye. Located on Honeoye Lake, in the Western Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Our Honeoye Community Gazebo is home to many community events.Plantings are maintained courtesy of the Lake Country Garden Club volunteers.elcome to the Hamlet of Honeoye. Located on Honeoye Lake, in the Western Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Our Honeoye Community Gazebo is home to many community events. Plantings are maintained courtesy of the Lake Country Garden Club volunteers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Public Access Sites. Honeoye Lake Public Boat Launch-Located at the SE corner of the lake off East Lake Road. Parking for 30 cars with trailers. Operated by the office of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.ublic Access Sites. Honeoye Lake Public Boat Launch-Located at the SE corner of the lake off East Lake Road. Parking for 30 cars with trailers. Operated by the office of the Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.', 'url': ''}]
what county is honeoye in
Other News. 1 Through a partnership with Richmond Rec, the fitness room at Honeoye Central School will open on Monday, September 28th for use by adults in the community. 2 Regular hours are Monday through Thursday, 5:30 to 8:30 pm, following the HCS calendar. 3 Cost is $2 per visit, or $25 for a punch card with 16 visits.elcome to the Hamlet of Honeoye. Located on Honeoye Lake, in the Western Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Our Honeoye Community Gazebo is home to many community events. Plantings are maintained courtesy of the Lake Country Garden Club volunteers.
Social security disability insurance benefit, disability insurance benefits.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Beneficiary data. The following briefly describes the different types of beneficiaries paid by Social Security. The descriptions are not meant to be definitive. Check with a local Social Security office if you believe you may be eligible for benefits. We pay benefits to the following types of beneficiaries.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A: We tend to think of Social Security benefits as going just to retired workers. But the more than 59 million Americans who receive monthly payments from Social Security include children, widows and widowers who've lost working mates, disabled people who can no longer work, and even the former spouses of breadwinners.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Maximize Social Security benefit amount based on the various types you may qualify to receive. En español | Q: I'm trying to figure out what Social Security benefits I might qualify for. But it's confusing — there are so many different kinds.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Social Security Disability Insurance pays benefits to you and certain members of your family if you are insured, meaning that you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes. Supplemental Security Income pays benefits based on financial need.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Disability Benefit Types and Qualifications. There are several types of disability benefits available depending on an individuals circumstances. The best known are Social Security disability benefits. Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are available to workers who have paid into the Social Security system through payroll deductions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Generally, you need 10 years of work in a job in which you pay Social Security taxes to be eligible for retirement benefits. You can apply for these benefits as early as age 62 or as late as age 70, with the monthly amount going up the longer you put it off.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'There are five major types of Social Security disability benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI) is the most important type of Social Security disability benefits. It goes to individuals who have worked in recent years (five out of the last 10 years in most cases) who are now disabled.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'There are at least five major types of Social Security disability benefits. Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) is the most important type of Social Security disability benefits. It goes to individuals who have worked in recent years (five out of the last 10 years in most cases) and are now disabled.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '← Back to Articles. There are several types of disability benefits available depending on an individuals circumstances. The best known are Social Security disability benefits. Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are available to workers who have paid into the Social Security system through payroll deductions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Benefits for People with Disabilities. The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities.', 'url': ''}]
different types of social security disability
There are five major types of Social Security disability benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI) is the most important type of Social Security disability benefits. It goes to individuals who have worked in recent years (five out of the last 10 years in most cases) who are now disabled.
The Benefits of a Weak Dollar Despite expressions to the contrary by politicos and economists, the nature of a weak dollar can actually benefit stagnated portions of our economy.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The Benefits of a Weak Dollar Despite expressions to the contrary by politicos and economists, the nature of a weak dollar can actually benefit stagnated portions of our economy. For example, a weak U.S. dollar will actually help boost the manufacturing sector. A weak dollar can also help sell U.S. made goods in overseas markets at lower prices. A weak dollar will benefit a few European retailers who import Asian products bought for dollars and sell them in European markets for stronger euro payments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Or still too weak to give up the aggregate demand benefits of a weak dollar? It’s obviously stronger than it has been, but it still isn’t strong. Normally, the answer to the above question is easy if the dollar rises because of greater competitiveness and an improving international trade balance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben S. Bernanke has embraced a weak dollar policy. And he is not alone. The weak dollar mantra is very much in evidence on most of the boulevards and in the back alleys of Washington, D.C. The idea even has a certain appeal to the common man on the street. After all, a cheap dollar is advertised as an export stimulant and the fuel for an economic boom.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The weak dollar is good for manufacturers in the U.S., whether they're the Big Three or German or whatever, because they can export at an advantage, says Michelle Krebs, an analyst for That advantage makes the U.S. a good place to manufacture goods, and that's after decades of manufacturing fleeing abroad.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From the broad macro perspective, a stronger dollar benefits the domestic population by improving their terms of trade with the outside world. By that, economists mean we get more imports (the benefits of trade) per dollar of exports (the cost of trade). Much bad trade policy is based on the confusion over which is the cost of trade and which is the benefit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But a major reason for the strong dollar recently is the falling Euro, Japanese yen, Australian and Canadian dollars, etc. Weaker foreign currencies are the mirror image of a stronger dollar and shouldn’t pose a problem.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Net, net, a stronger dollar is likely a headwind in a weak economy. In a stronger, fully-employed economy, a rising dollar will still act as a headwind in that it reduces total effective demand, but the benefits to consumers in particular and the population generally will likely more than offset that negative.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Weak Dollar? That's Good For U.S. Exports The dollar has been falling relative to other currencies, making buying imports more expensive in the U.S. On the other hand, it also means U.S. exports are more competitive around the world. That shift could be good news for U.S. manufacturers, especially the auto industry.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Thanks to the Fed’s weak dollar policy, the U.S. faces an inflation problem and so does the rest of the world. The weak dollar and the lack of “flexibility” — properly understood — also threaten the free flow of capital and the stability of the international monetary system.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As with most things, a balance between a strong dollar and a weak dollar is the best for our economy and stock investors. Consumers pay reasonable prices for imported goods and our manufacturers can compete in the global marketplace.', 'url': ''}]
benefits of a weaker dollar
The Benefits of a Weak Dollar Despite expressions to the contrary by politicos and economists, the nature of a weak dollar can actually benefit stagnated portions of our economy. For example, a weak U.S. dollar will actually help boost the manufacturing sector. A weak dollar can also help sell U.S. made goods in overseas markets at lower prices. A weak dollar will benefit a few European retailers who import Asian products bought for dollars and sell them in European markets for stronger euro payments.
One-third of France’s land is crop growing. Wheat is the major single crop grown at large farms in the Paris Basin and in the north.France is one of the largest wine producers in the world.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'One-third of France’s land is crop growing. Wheat is the major single crop grown at large farms in the Paris Basin and in the north.In southern France, most of the grapes produced are used in making wine being of high quality that come from several regions.In the Mediterranean region, grapes are used for cheaper wines.heat is the major single crop grown at large farms in the Paris Basin and in the north. In southern France, most of the grapes produced are used in making wine being of high quality that come from several regions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'France has been one of the most dominant agricultural centers of Europe for centuries. That gave France an important role in European and, to some extent world, affairs in the pre-industrial age.he major agricultural products that place France among the top producers in the world market are sugar beets, wine, milk, beef and veal, cereals, and oilseeds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "France is one of the largest wine producers in the world. French wine traces its history to the 6th century BC, with many of France's regions dating their wine-making history to Roman times.The wines produced range from expensive high-end wines sold internationally to more modest wines usually only seen within France.rance is the source of many grape varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot noir, Sauvignon blanc, Syrah) that are now planted throughout the world, as well as wine-making practices and styles of wine that have been adopted in other producing countries.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The country is the largest agricultural producer in Western Europe and one of the world’s leading exporters of farm products. All the farms have electricity, and most have modern farm machinery with an average holding of 28 hectares. Nearly two-thirds of French farm income comes from meat and dairy animals.heat is the major single crop grown at large farms in the Paris Basin and in the north. In southern France, most of the grapes produced are used in making wine being of high quality that come from several regions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Food of France-a regional guide. You are here: French recipes French foods by region. When people talk of French food in restaurants they are usually referring to sophistication, fine food and wine and expensive restaurants.outh-West France: In the south-west of France the emphasis is on rich foods. The main specialities are duck, foie gras, prunes, oysters, mushrooms and truffles. And of course a nice rich red Bordeaux wine to go with it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The most important crop was wheat. Wheat was used to make flour. The farmers ground the wheat grains in the seigneur's flour mill. They would pay the seigneur with part of the … flour for the use of his mill. France may be a small country in Western Europe, but the impact of French cu…. 2 The Weather in France Though France is only the size of Texas, it is situated in an area where weather varies greatly.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Confidence votes 902. Various plants such as cereals, wheat, barely, oat, corn are grown in France. Crops such as grapes, corn, barely rapeseed are also cultivated.onfidence votes 902. Various plants such as cereals, wheat, barely, oat, corn are grown in France. Crops such as grapes, corn, barely rapeseed are also cultivated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "France's forests have grown 35 percent since 1945 and continue to grow by about 30,000 hectares each year. Close to 4 million people in France have private ownership of wooded areas. The marketed wood harvest was up in 1998 from its level in 1997 by about 1.6 percent.he major agricultural products that place France among the top producers in the world market are sugar beets, wine, milk, beef and veal, cereals, and oilseeds.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It takes second place in both the EU and the world in the production of its highly popular wine varieties, with 5.3 million metric tons. Though fifth in the world, France ranks second in the EU in milk production, totaling 23.3 million metric tons.he major agricultural products that place France among the top producers in the world market are sugar beets, wine, milk, beef and veal, cereals, and oilseeds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ironic really, because the average French person can (and does) eat well in a restaurant less expensively than his counterparts in many other countries. The difference lies rather in the knowledge of local French food, and interest in food, of the average French person compared with most other countries.outh-West France: In the south-west of France the emphasis is on rich foods. The main specialities are duck, foie gras, prunes, oysters, mushrooms and truffles. And of course a nice rich red Bordeaux wine to go with it.', 'url': ''}]
what does france grow and produce
One-third of France’s land is crop growing. Wheat is the major single crop grown at large farms in the Paris Basin and in the north.In southern France, most of the grapes produced are used in making wine being of high quality that come from several regions.In the Mediterranean region, grapes are used for cheaper wines.heat is the major single crop grown at large farms in the Paris Basin and in the north. In southern France, most of the grapes produced are used in making wine being of high quality that come from several regions.
A Functional Capacities Evaluation is a physical test whose purpose ostensibly is to determine if you a capable of returning to the job you held at the time of your job injury.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'By William Powell of Powell & Denny, P.C. posted in What is a FCE on Friday, June 28, 2013. Alabama Workers Compensation: What is a FCE: If you have suffered a serious job injury to your neck, back, shoulder or hips, or to multiple body parts, most likely towards the end of your medical treatment you will be told that a FCE has been ordered for you.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Alabama Workers Compensation What is a FCE. Alabama Workers Compensation: What is a FCE: If you have suffered a serious job injury to your neck, back, shoulder or hips, or to multiple body parts, most likely towards the end of your medical treatment you will be told that a FCE has been ordered for you.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'FCE Benefits plans assure continuous compliance with government regulations and the Service Contract Act’s requirement of “equivalent combination of fringe benefits”. FCE Benefits have worked with the SCA, DBA and related legislation and have compiled related information on this website including:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Free Choice Enterprises, Ltd. manufactures vitamin, mineral, and energy supplements for the dairy, beef, bison, and feedlot industry. What makes us unique is our firm belief that the animal is able to decide for itself what it needs to thrive. Check out our website to discover more about our company, services, products, and research on the free choice dilemma..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A Functional Capacities Evaluation ( FCE ) is a physical test whose purpose ostensibly is to determine if you a capable of returning to the job you held at the time of your job injury ; if you are not able to do so , the evaluation is supposed to determine what type of work ( sedentary , light , medium , heavy or very heavy ) you are capable of ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fringe Benefits for Government Contractors. FCE Benefit Administrators is the leading provider of outsourced Health & Welfare benefit solutions to employers. FCE Benefits is a Third Party Administrator (TPA), hour tracking and banking, fringe compliance, consolidated premium billing, web enrollment and cloud solutions for fringe benefit plans.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tags : AL , Alabama , Alabama Workers Compensation What is a FCE , Alabama Workers Compensation attorneys , Alabama workers compensation , Birmingham , FCE , Huntsville , Powell and Denny , contact , disagree , experienced , functional capacities evaluation , functional capacity evaluation , heavy , job injury , light , medium , questions , ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Human nature, being what it is, generally seems to cause people to want to simplify. information collection and if there is a perceived “reliable” method or test to use (even if it isn’t), they will. Too often any so called FCE tests/evaluations are assumed to be reliable because of. unquestioned repetitive use. The, “We’ve always done it that way so it must be reliable . . .” is. an assertion/assumption as well as an arbitrary conclusion not based on fact.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The appropriate analysis of the validity and reliability of a FCE affects both sides in. disputes/claims. This outline seeks to educate attorneys for either side, commissioners or doctors. to question and determine the reliability of any FCE method, which is not done now.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'been this author’s experience that far too much reliance is given to the FCE reports, though, actually the FCE procedure is varied in use, heavily reliant on subjective opinions of therapists. (even though often stated self servingly to the contrary, and inconsistent in application.', 'url': ''}]
what is a limited fce?
A Functional Capacities Evaluation ( FCE ) is a physical test whose purpose ostensibly is to determine if you a capable of returning to the job you held at the time of your job injury ; if you are not able to do so , the evaluation is supposed to determine what type of work ( sedentary , light , medium , heavy or very heavy ) you are capable of ...
Plain grass, shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, roots and bark from trees.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Grevy's Zebra. Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi) consumes a lot of very coarse grasses that other kinds of zebras and equines are not able to digest properly, due to the severe toughness. The bulk of the Grevy's zebra diet consists of these fibrous, tougher-textured grasses, along with forbs.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the process we will clarify what the reason is they have stripes as well as 1 : what type of social structures they have, 2 why they can afford to be unselective grazers (i.e. not too fussy about what they eat), 3 what enemies they have in nature and what defense mechanisms they use for protection,', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Other Forms of Sustenance. Although grass certainly makes up the bulk of a zebra's menu, they do occasionally eat other things. Other types of zebra foods include fruit, buds, roots, herbs, shoots and shrubs.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The zebra’s main predator or natural enemy is the lion. But other creatures attack, kill and eat zebras as well. Huge crocodiles often catch zebras when they are swimming across African rivers. Other four-legged natural enemies of the zebra, the wildebeest, and other African herbivores include leopards, hyenas and wild dogs. As for what a zebra eats, zebras are grazers. Click here to find out what that means.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Zebras are all about grazing. Karl Weatherly/Photodisc/Getty Images. The zebra is an African equine that is known the world over for its memorable black-and white-striped pattern. These hoofed creatures reside in savanna, plains and grassland areas all over Africa.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Animal Life, General Knowledge. Zebras are mammals that belong to the horse family. They are black creatures with white strips. Each zebra has a unique stripe pattern. Despite being closely related to the horse, attempts to make zebras ride-able have proved fruitless courtesy of their unpredictable nature.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Zebras in Zoos. On another hand, some zebras are under human control in places such as the zoo. These zebras apparently eat better than their wild counterparts, which is completely understandable. Zebras in zoos eat pallets specially made for herbivores, which supply them with more nutrients than hay.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Grass is the basic diet of mountain and plain zebras. It forms about 92% of their overall diets. They eat red grass, Bermuda grass that they find along the riverbeds and short grasses like common finger. Zebras also eat herbs and shrubs which constitute about 5% and 2% of their diet plan respectively.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Burchell's zebra prefer open woodland, scrub and grassland. They will avoid dense vegetation. They are very dependent on water and you will seldom see them more than 12 km from it. The Cape mountain specie prefers the mountainous areas of the Eastern and Western Cape in Southern Africa.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The Feeding Habit. The feeding habit of zebras is a bit complex. Zebras are basically herbivores. They eat plain grass, shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, roots and bark from trees.', 'url': ''}]
what do zebras eat food
The Feeding Habit. The feeding habit of zebras is a bit complex. Zebras are basically herbivores. They eat plain grass, shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, roots and bark from trees.
Within five to 20 days.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best Answer: Your scores will be available on June 24th-only 17 more days to go! Here is the link to where you can access your scores when they are available- Good luck! Source(s): I work for PowerScore SAT Prep want to take advantage of the four free score reports that get sent to 4 colleges but I want to see my score first before I send them to my top 4 picks. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Source(s): long sat scores back: America · 2 months ago.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From the college board site, How long does it take to get my scores back? How do I get them? Generally, SAT results are available online about three weeks after you take the test.The official results are mailed to you, your high school, and any other recipients you specified (like colleges) about five weeks after you take the test.My son took the SAT this morning as well and I was online looking for the same answer. Good luck to you! Source(s): official results are mailed to you, your high school, and any other recipients you specified (like colleges) about five weeks after you take the test. My son took the SAT this morning as well and I was online looking for the same answer. Good luck to you! Source(s):', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'RE: How long will it take to get my SAT scores back? I took the SAT today (June 5th) and I want to know when I would expect to get them back?I want to take advantage of the four free score reports that get sent to 4 colleges but I want to see my score first before I send them to my top 4 picks.Any help would be greatly appreciated! Source(s): long sat scores back: America · 2 months ago. want to take advantage of the four free score reports that get sent to 4 colleges but I want to see my score first before I send them to my top 4 picks. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Source(s): long sat scores back: America · 2 months ago.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This Site Might Help You. RE: How long does it take to get your SAT scores back online? i just took the SAT this morning, approximately how many days/weeks will it take to get my scores back? thanks.he official results are mailed to you, your high school, and any other recipients you specified (like colleges) about five weeks after you take the test. My son took the SAT this morning as well and I was online looking for the same answer. Good luck to you! Source(s):', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A: Your scores will be available to you within five to 20 days. In most cases, the scores will be available within five to seven days, but we may need up to 20 days to fully process your request, as we would if you accepted your scores on test day.: You will get an unofficial score report with Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning and Total scores immediately after your exam. You will receive an email with a URL to access your score report within 20 days of your exam.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The SAT Reasoning Test is a test students usually take for college admissions. The test has three sections: Critical Reading, Writing, and Math, and is about three hours and 45 minutes long. Most people agree that the SAT is the single most important test students can take in high school.f the colleges you are planning to apply to only require you to send your highest test scores, you can now take the SAT and SAT Subject Tests as many times as you want. Colleges will only see the scores you want to send them!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The duration of the SSAT depends on which level of the test you are taking. If you are taking the Elementary Level test, the test will take 110 minutes, or about two hours: 1 Quantitative (Math) section: 30 questions, 30 minutes. 2 Verbal section: 30 questions, 20 minutes.f you are taking the Middle or Upper Level tests, the test will take 170 minutes, or about three hours: 1 Writing sample: 2 prompts will be provided. 2 You will have 25 minutes to select one prompt, and write a passage. 3 5 minute break. 4 First Quantitative (math) section: 25 questions, 30 minutes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Verbal section: 30 questions, 20 minutes. 2 15 minute break: During this time you may have a snack, or leave the classroom to stretch your legs or take a bathroom break. 3 Reading section: 7 short passages, 28 questions, 30 minutes.4 Writing sample: 1 picture prompt will be provided.f you are taking the Middle or Upper Level tests, the test will take 170 minutes, or about three hours: 1 Writing sample: 2 prompts will be provided. 2 You will have 25 minutes to select one prompt, and write a passage. 3 5 minute break. 4 First Quantitative (math) section: 25 questions, 30 minutes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Quantitative (Math) section: 30 questions, 30 minutes. 2 Verbal section: 30 questions, 20 minutes. 3 15 minute break: During this time you may have a snack, or leave the classroom to stretch your legs or take a bathroom break. 4 Reading section: 7 short passages, 28 questions, 30 minutes.f you are taking the Middle or Upper Level tests, the test will take 170 minutes, or about three hours: 1 Writing sample: 2 prompts will be provided. 2 You will have 25 minutes to select one prompt, and write a passage. 3 5 minute break. 4 First Quantitative (math) section: 25 questions, 30 minutes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A good score for the PSAT Exam is one that enables you to become a National Merit Scholar. The cutoff score varies from year to year and from state to state. To become a National Merit Semifinalist (NMSF), you must score in the top 0.5% in your state on the PSAT.As a general rule, if you score a 217 or better on the PSAT, you should be a strong contender for becoming a National Merit Semifinalist.he test is given in October every year. Students usually take the PSAT in both the 10th and 11th grades. Only your junior year scores will count towards the National Merit Scholarship Program.', 'url': ''}]
how long does it take to get SAT scores back?
A: Your scores will be available to you within five to 20 days. In most cases, the scores will be available within five to seven days, but we may need up to 20 days to fully process your request, as we would if you accepted your scores on test day.: You will get an unofficial score report with Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning and Total scores immediately after your exam. You will receive an email with a URL to access your score report within 20 days of your exam.
Amyotrophic laterals sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'ALS, or amyotrophic laterals sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. A-myo-trophic comes from the Greek language. A means no. Myo refers to muscle, and Trophic means nourishment – No muscle nourishment. When a muscle has no nourishment, it atrophies or wastes away.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'et al. n. abbreviation for the Latin phrase et alii meaning and others.. This is commonly used in shortening the name of a case, as in Pat Murgatroyd v. Sally Sherman, et al.. et al. adverb and all, and everyone, and more of the same, and other parties, and other things, and others, and the rest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their demise. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For the broader group of diseases, see Motor neuron disease. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease and motor neurone disease (MND), is a specific disease that causes the death of neurons which control voluntary muscles. Some also use the term motor neuron disease for a group of conditions of which ALS is the most common.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Also known as lou gehrigs disease. It is a disease that causes progressive damage to nerves in the brain and spinal cord leading to weakness, breathing and swallowing problems. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Also known as lou gehrigs disease.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "ALS is the most common type of motor neuron disease (MND); in the US, most people use the term ALS to mean MND. ALS is sometimes also referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball player who had the condition.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'ALS belongs to a group of diseases called motor neuron diseases. It is a disease that attacks the nerve cells that are used in voluntary muscle actions; actions that we can control such as those in the arms, face and legs.4. As ALS progresses, motor neuron cells in the body degenerate and die.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. The abbreviation et al. is short for the Latin phrase et alia, meaning and others.. When it appears on a property deed, it indicates that a list of items or persons named on the deed includes others as well. Continue Reading.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Court Opinion. n. abbreviation for the Latin phrase et alii meaning and others.. This is commonly used in shortening the name of a case, as in Pat Murgatroyd v. Sally Sherman, et al.. adverb and all, and everyone, and more of the same, and other parties, and other things, and others, and the rest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Kamel and colleagues found that the variant allele (ALAD 2) of the polymorphism denoted as ALAD K59N was positively associated with an approximate twofold increase in risk of ALS after adjustment for age, sex, region, education, and physical activity.', 'url': ''}]
what is als stand for and mean
ALS, or amyotrophic laterals sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. A-myo-trophic comes from the Greek language. A means no. Myo refers to muscle, and Trophic means nourishment – No muscle nourishment. When a muscle has no nourishment, it atrophies or wastes away.
The tri-shield buick insignia with distinctive, diagonally arranged red, white and blue shields.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Since the inception of the Buick brand, the Buick logo has undergone quite the transformation, going from a simple text-based insignia to a single shield derived from the Buick family’s ancestral arms, and from the first iteration of the Tri-Shield to an eagle named Happy, and then back to the modern Tri-Shield we have today.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '23 Comments. 1 Red white and blue all the way. 2 Bring back the Hawk! 6. 3 Monochrome, but must admit that the overall effect (dollar grin inspired grill, positioning of tri shield) looks premium. 4 My 1995 Buick Regal has he tri-color shield on the grille. 5 The Red-White-Blue in the tri-shield logo is part of Buick history..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'All Buick models will adopt the new insignia by 2018. “The new tri-shield insignia represents the next chapter in Buick’s storied design history and introduces a new face for the brand,” said Duncan Aldred, vice president of Global Buick. “It’s a progressive, contemporary design reflective of Buick’s newest vehicles and cognitive of the brand’s heritage.”.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Buick three shields logo - Vintage lapel / hat pin badge. g011005 Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '2017 Buick LaCrosse front fascia with color Tri-Shield. Today, there are two different versions of the Buick Tri-Shield logo — the variant with chrome shields used on Buick vehicles in North America, and the version that fills in the three shields in red, white, and blue on Buick in China. But that’s about to change.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "There is elegant simplicity in the Avista's surfaces, which speak to the purity of the car's performance, and a timeless beauty that's a hallmark of Buick design, says Bryan Nesbitt, executive director of global Buick design —and the man charged with injecting the brand with new vigor.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As previously announced by Buick and seen in recent teaser videos, not only will the all-new, 2017 Buick LaCrosse unveil Buick’s new corporate face, but it will also replace the monochrome Tri-Shield with one that has the three shields in red, white, and blue, thereby synchronizing the logo across Buick’s two global markets of North America and China.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'LOS ANGELES – Buick’s tri-shield insignia, one of the most recognizable in the global auto industry, is receiving a makeover that advances the brand’s identity while retaining Buick’s instantly identifiable symbol.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '23 Comments. 1 Red white and blue all the way. 51. 2 Bring back the Hawk! 6. 11. 3 Monochrome, but must admit that the overall effect (dollar grin inspired grill, positioning of tri shield) looks premium. I just happen to like the understated post modern monochrome and how it signaled change at Buick.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The tri-shield insignia with distinctive, diagonally arranged red, white and blue shields, was widely introduced in 1960 and was featured front-and-center in the grilles of the LeSabre, Electra and Invicta models. The three-model lineup inspired the three shields in the new design. Each carried over the stag head and gold cross cues from the previous single-shield design. As with the original shield design, the tri-shield design evolved. By the early 1970s, a ring motif surrounded the shields and the white color of one of the shields changed to silver. By the late 1970s, the tri-shield was used primarily on hood ornaments on some models, while the symbol of a hawk on the Buick name was used as the official logo, particularly in print and television advertising.', 'url': ''}]
what are the three shields on the buick insig
The tri-shield insignia with distinctive, diagonally arranged red, white and blue shields, was widely introduced in 1960 and was featured front-and-center in the grilles of the LeSabre, Electra and Invicta models. The three-model lineup inspired the three shields in the new design. Each carried over the stag head and gold cross cues from the previous single-shield design. As with the original shield design, the tri-shield design evolved. By the early 1970s, a ring motif surrounded the shields and the white color of one of the shields changed to silver. By the late 1970s, the tri-shield was used primarily on hood ornaments on some models, while the symbol of a hawk on the Buick name was used as the official logo, particularly in print and television advertising.
Deport is defined as to expel from a county.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There remains a real problem with foreign nationals who cannot be deported to their country of origin. Times, Sunday Times (2010)If the powers that be can identify an individual as an illegal immigrant just deport them. The Sun (2013)She had been arrested and deported after the government accused her of being a spy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Define deport. deport synonyms, deport pronunciation, deport translation, English dictionary definition of deport. tr.v. de·port·ed , de·port·ing , de·ports 1. To expel from a country: deported the foreigner who had entered the country illegally. 2. To behave or conduct...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What made you want to look up deport? Include any comments and questions you have about this word.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "TRENDING NOW. 1 bayou Lookups for 'bayou' increased by more than 10,000%. 2 pipe dream An illusory or fantastic plan, hope, or story. 3 exegesis Explanation, esp. an explanation or critical interpretation of a text. 4 acrostic The initial letters form a word. 5 Svengali 'A person who manipulates'.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Deportation is the expulsion of a person or group of people from a place or country. The term expulsion is often used as a synonym for deportation, through expulsion is more often used in the context of international law, while deportation is more used in national (municipal) law.[1]', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a state. 2. an act or instance of deporting.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'verb. 1 1with object Expel (a foreigner) from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime. 2 2deport oneselfarchaic Conduct oneself in a specified manner.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Use deportation in a sentence. 1 a deporting or being deported; expulsion, as of an undesirable alien, from a country. 2 The act of expelling an illegal alien, or someone whose immigration status has expired or been revoked, to a foreign country.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The most noteworthy incident in the first decade of the 19th century was the forcible deportation by the officers of the New South Wales Corps, a regiment raised in England for service in the colony, of the governor, Captain Bligh, R.N., the naval officer identified with the mutiny of the Bounty.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pronunciation. ( 1 General American) IPA: /dɪˈpɔɹt/. ( 2 Received Pronunciation) IPA: /dɪˈpɔːt/. ( 3 rhotic, without the horse–hoarse merger) IPA: /dɪˈpoɹt/. ( 4 non-rhotic, without the horse–hoarse merger) IPA: /dɪˈpoət/.', 'url': ''}]
deport define
Define deport. deport synonyms, deport pronunciation, deport translation, English dictionary definition of deport. tr.v. de·port·ed , de·port·ing , de·ports 1. To expel from a country: deported the foreigner who had entered the country illegally. 2. To behave or conduct...
No, earth's magnetic field change all the time.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The trick is to assume the value of the Earth's magnetic field and the direction of the compass. Let's assume that at this location on the Earth, the magnetic field is pointing directly North with a horizontal component of about 2 x 10-5 T. Now suppose that I do something to create a magnetic field in a known direction and perpendicular to the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The field has always been losing energy despite its variations, so it cannot be more than 10,000 years old. We now have simple explanations for the field's origin, history, and present state. In this light, the earth's magnetic field is no longer a mystery; it is a testimony of God's handiwork.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Earth's present-day magnetic field is, in fact, much stronger than normal. The dipole moment, a measure of the intensity of the magnetic field, is now 8 x 1022 amps x m2. That's twice the million-year average of 4 x 1022 amps x m2.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'of the Earth’s magnetic field at the specific location in which the experiment took place. An Earth inductor is used to perform the various components of the experiment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Earth's magnetic field is thought to be produced by convection currents in the outer liquid of Earth's core. The Dynamo theory proposes that these movements produce electric currents that, in turn, produce the magnetic field.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Earth's magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is the magnetic field that extends from the Earth's interior out into space, where it meets the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun. Its magnitude at the Earth's surface ranges from 25 to 65 microteslas (0.25 to 0.65 gauss).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Best Answer: No, it changes all the time. The magnetic poles, the points at which the earth's magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface, are always on the move ...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Magnetic fields. 1 Magnetic fields arise from current flows. 2 Their strength is measured in amperes per meter (A/m). Commonly, EMF investigators use a related measure, flux density (in microtesla (µT) or millitesla (mT) instead. 3 Magnetic fields exist as soon as a device is switched on and current flows.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '‘As further evidence, I used the authoritative International Geomagnetic Reference Field data—more than 2500 numbers representing the earth’s magnetic field over the whole twentieth century. The bottom line is this:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Electric fields are produced by the local build-up of electric charges in the atmosphere associated with thunderstorms. The earth's magnetic field causes a compass needle to orient in a North-South direction and is used by birds and fish for navigation.", 'url': ''}]
is the earth's magnetic field constant?
Best Answer: No, it changes all the time. The magnetic poles, the points at which the earth's magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface, are always on the move ...
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The 2017 Volkswagen Tiguan ranks 11 out of 18 Compact SUVs. The 2017 Volkswagen Tiguan suffers from a lack of advanced driver assistance features, an outdated design, and some disappointing crash test scores. Additionally, it has one of the highest starting prices in its class.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Just how do you pronounce a fake word? It seems that after more than 100 years of building automobiles, the industry gets ever-more clever (or desperate) to find names for the proliferation of new models.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The name Tiguan, pronounced TEE-gwan, is a portmanteau of the German words Tiger (tiger) and Leguan (iguana) and won a naming contest by German car magazine publisher Auto Bild — from a field of names that also included Namib, Rockton, Liger, Samun and Nanuk.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to say or pronounce Tiguan - Header. Pinky Thakkar (silent h), an engineer from Mumbai, started the Web site after she moved to San Jose, Calif., and mispronounced the J in San Jose, not giving it the H sound used in Spanish words ... Read More.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Volkswagen's latest ride, the Tiguan, is easier to drive than pronounce. The roomy Volkswagen Tiguan, which has a base price of $23,200, handled nicely on city streets. A car's name, in the end, doesn't matter as much as design and build quality, price, mileage, safety and performance. But Tiguan? What happened to names normal people can pronounce and remember, like Bug, Beetle or Rabbit, Volkswagen?", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pronounce Names. Pinky Thakkar (silent h), an engineer from Mumbai, started the Web site after she moved to San Jose, Calif., and mispronounced the J in San Jose, not giving it the H sound used in Spanish words ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Tiguan is made by Volkswagen, a German company headquartered in Germany. Volkswagen’s other holdings include Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bentley, and Bugatti, as well as several car companies that do not sell vehicles in the United States. The 2017 Tiguan is built in Germany.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Volkswagen Tiguan. The Volkswagen Tiguan is a compact crossover vehicle (CUV) manufactured by German automaker Volkswagen. Introduced in 2007, it uses the PQ35 platform of the Volkswagen Golf. All first-generation (5N) Tiguans feature two-row seating and transverse-mounted four-cylinder engines.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Touareg required educating buyers and potential buyers on how to say it, but at least Touareg is an actual word. More than 350,000 readers weighed in on the name choice, and VW reports that Tiguan received a clear majority of the votes. The names that lost were Nanuk, Namib, Rockton, and Samun.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In the pronunciation box you'll see a play button to listen to the audioclip recorded by real people (not speech synthesis! they're Forvo users, male or female, from anywhere in the globe), the language of that word and the country of the user. Have fun! Hide.", 'url': ''}]
how pronounce tiguan
The name Tiguan, pronounced TEE-gwan, is a portmanteau of the German words Tiger (tiger) and Leguan (iguana) and won a naming contest by German car magazine publisher Auto Bild — from a field of names that also included Namib, Rockton, Liger, Samun and Nanuk.
Weather in Austin in March 2018. Expect 22°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Austin in March.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Average temperatures for March at places in Texas, including a list of monthly high and low temperatures for cities, towns, parks and lakes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather Infographics; Weather Posters; Photos & Video. WunderPhotos; Webcams; Videos; WUTV; Activities. Ski & Snow Reports; Marine Weather; Aviation; Buy a Weather Station; Add Weather Station; Weather Station Network; Historical Weather; Mobile Apps; Daily Forecast Flyer; Weather API for Developers; Site Map', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Europe Severe Weather Map; Hurricane & Tropical Cyclones; Convective Outlook; Preparedness; Email Alerts; News & Blogs. Category 6; Blog Archive; Recent News Stories; Weather Infographics; Weather Posters; Photos & Video. WunderPhotos; Webcams; Videos; WUTV; Activities. Ski & Snow Reports; Marine Weather; Aviation; Buy a Weather Station; Add Weather Station; Weather Station Network', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Severe Weather. U.S. Severe Weather Map; Europe Severe Weather Map; Hurricane & Tropical Cyclones; Convective Outlook; Preparedness; Email Alerts; News & Blogs. Category 6; Blog Archive; Recent News Stories; Weather Infographics; Weather Posters; Photos & Video. WunderPhotos; Webcams; Videos; WUTV; Activities. Ski & Snow Reports; Marine Weather; Aviation; Buy a Weather Station', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather Underground provides local & long range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide. My Profile Main Menu', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 The time period when the sun is no more than 6 degrees below the horizon at either sunrise or sunset. 2 The time period when the sun is between 6 and 12 degrees below the horizon at either sunrise or sunset. 3 The time period when the sun is between 12 and 18 degrees below the horizon at either sunrise or sunset.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Key weather averages for Austin in March. 1 22. 22°C max day temperature. 2 7. 7 hours of sunshine per day. 3 7. 7 days with some rainfall. 4 10. 10°C min night temperature. 5 12. 12 hours of daylight per day. 6 0. No heat & humidity. 7 47. 47 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 8. 8 (Very High) UV index.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Average Temperatures for Texas in March Average temperatures for March at cities, towns, parks and lakes throughout Texas are listed below. The tables give the normal maximum and minimum temperatures based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010 by the US National Climatic Data Center.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Weather in Austin in March 2018. Expect 22°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Austin in March. Check more long-term weather averages for Austin in March before you book your next holiday to Texas in 2018. 1 Austin weather overview. 2 Austin monthly weather. 3 Austin 5-day forecast. 4 Texas holidays. 5 Texas map. 6 More destinations. 7 Back to Texas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Average Temperatures for Texas in March. Average temperatures for March at cities, towns, parks and lakes throughout Texas are listed below. The tables give the normal maximum and minimum temperatures based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010 by the US National Climatic Data Center. You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: North Central Texas, South Central Texas, East Texas, Gulf Coast and West Texas.', 'url': ''}]
weather in austin texas in march
Weather in Austin in March 2018. Expect 22°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Austin in March. Check more long-term weather averages for Austin in March before you book your next holiday to Texas in 2018. 1 Austin weather overview. 2 Austin monthly weather. 3 Austin 5-day forecast. 4 Texas holidays. 5 Texas map. 6 More destinations. 7 Back to Texas.
Within 24 to 48 hours.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacterial pinkeye may cause more drainage than viral pinkeye. Bacterial infections usually last 7 to 10 days without antibiotic treatment and 2 to 4 days with antibiotic treatment. The person can usually return to day care, school, or work 24 hours after an antibiotic has been started if symptoms have improved.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pink eye is contagious for up to 14 days, in the case of viral conjunctivitis, and up to 24 hours after an antibiotic is started with bacterial conjunctivitis. Your healthcare provider will let you know which type of pink eye you or your child has and whether it is contagious.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pinkeye is very common. It usually is not serious and goes away in 7 to 10 days without medical treatment. Most cases of pinkeye are caused by: Infections caused by viruses or bacteria. Dry eyes from lack of tears or exposure to wind and sun. Chemicals, fumes, or smoke (chemical conjunctivitis).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The symptoms of pink eye may vary depending on the cause but usually include: 1 Redness or swelling of the white of the eye or inside the eyelids. 2 Increased amount of tears. 3 Eye discharge which may be clear, yellow, white or green. Itchy, irritated, and/or burning 1 eyes. Increased sensitivity to light. Gritty feeling in the eye.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pink eye – or conjunctivitis – is common and spreads easily. It sometimes needs medical treatment, depending on the cause. Know the symptoms, when to seek treatment, and how to help prevent it. Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is one of the most common and treatable eye conditions in the world in both children and adults.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Most cases of bacterial conjunctivitis improve quickly after starting antibiotics for pink eye treatment. Within 24 to 48 hours, redness, irritation, and eye discharge should begin to improve. Even as symptoms improve, you should continue to take your antibiotics for the full course. Allergic Pink Eye.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Many people are aware that pink eye is a highly infectious condition, but how long is pink eye contagious? People with this condition are contagious for up to 14 days, in the case of viral conjunctivitis, and up to 24 hours after an antibiotic is started with bacterial conjunctivitis. You should limit contact during this period (typically until there is no more eye discharge).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If your pink eye is caused by a common viral infection and no other complications occur, then your eyes should clear up within a few days to two weeks. Pink eye also can be caused by bacterial conjunctivitis, which — even with treatment such as prescription antibiotic eye drops — can last up to a month or longer. However, with this type of pink eye, people should no longer be contagious 24 hours after antibiotic treatment begins. Recommended For You.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Again, please discuss this with your child's pediatrician. As long as your child's doctor initially examined him, it should be known how long he should stay away from other kids. As a general rule, 24 hours after the symptoms are completely gone he probably isn't contagious anymore, but that rule is not 100%.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The conjunctiva is the clear outer lining of the eye. When it gets inflamed, the blood vessels fill with blood causing it to turn red or pink hence the name pink eye. There are many different types of conjunctivitis, but the 2 most common are allergic and viral.', 'url': ''}]
pink eye treatment how long
Most cases of bacterial conjunctivitis improve quickly after starting antibiotics for pink eye treatment. Within 24 to 48 hours, redness, irritation, and eye discharge should begin to improve. Even as symptoms improve, you should continue to take your antibiotics for the full course. Allergic Pink Eye.
To be devoted to Bacchus.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Necie (NEE-see) is a cute nickname for Denise. -- VictoriaCalledTori 3/13/2007. Also the name of one of my best friends and I love it! It's classic and has a nice meaning. -- renee06 5/10/2007. There are a few spellings of this name, but I like one particular version - Denyse - because it looks rather unique. I mean, Denise seems quite overused to me because I know quite a few people called Denise.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '*To note: : It sometimes happens that two different first names have the same meaning. This has nothing surprising: both first names have the same figures of numerology. It is as in astrology: two persons belonging to the same sign present the same characteristic...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You are strong in material matters, determined and stubborn. You have good business ability. You are a good worker, steady and practical, a builder who takes responsibility well. These qualities may bring you a position of authority and power. You are a doer, down-to-earth, serious-minded, reliable, and self-disciplined; have good power of concentration.You have an eventful, exciting life.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Highly inquisitive and curious, Denise has a thirst for knowledge, enjoys learning and is often self-taught. She can be bossy, uncompromising and domineering in a relationship and won´t miss an opportunity to question the suitability of her beloved if he doesn´t behave as she desires and her criticism can be brutal.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Denise is a female given name. It is one of the feminine forms of the masculine name Dennis. The name Denise is said to be of French origin, though its root names are Dionysius in Greek and Dionysia in Latin. Dionysius is the pagan God of wine, and the name Denise means to be devoted to Bacchus ..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Number 2 represents Union-the Father-Mother Principle, and so cooperation and association. Two (2) are always in the eternal search for their other half-their complement. Two is the number of peacemakers. They understand the law of harmony and desire to balance their life and those around them. They may feel incomplete without someone to share their love, ideals, wealth or work.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This is my middle name, my first name Kathryn means basically pure and Denise-from other sources-means follower of Dionysos god of wine, dance and revelry so my name means pure alcoholic.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I could never use this name and I wouldn't be able to trust someone with this name. I've never known one halfway decent Denise. Which is sad because it's such a lovely name. -- Anonymous User 4/29/2013. My name's Denise, and middle Lynn, and I think my name's rather dull like the rest of the other users.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Hidden Passion Number represents your hidden talent. It shapes your personality, and guides your life. There are also the Karmic Lessons Numbers, associated with your full name (first name, middle name and last name) as it spelled in your birth certificate. To see these numbers, please, enter your FULL NAME.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The name Denise is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Denise is: From the Latin Dionysos or Dionysus, referring to the Greek god of wine. American Meaning: The name Denise is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Denise is: From the Latin Dionysos or Dionysus, referring to the Greek god of wine. French Meaning: The name Denise is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Denise is: The feminine form of Dennis, from the Latin name Dionysia, or the Greek Dionysus.', 'url': ''}]
meaning of name denise
Denise is a female given name. It is one of the feminine forms of the masculine name Dennis. The name Denise is said to be of French origin, though its root names are Dionysius in Greek and Dionysia in Latin. Dionysius is the pagan God of wine, and the name Denise means to be devoted to Bacchus ..
Yes, The oil of oregano possesses anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which prevent inflammation.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Although oregano is popular in Mediterranean cuisine, in the US, it's often associated primarily with a pizza spice. This does this medicinal herb a great disservice, since today we know that oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oregano is a wonderful herb, both to use in your cooking and to use therapeutically as needed. Its name means mountain joy, and oregano was revered as a symbol of happiness by the ancient Greeks and Romans.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Being a strong and effective blood purifier, antioxidant and rich in vitamins and minerals, oregano oil is beneficial for your skin. Topical application of this oil in a diluted form is known to treat skin infections, itches and irritations. Given below are some of its skin benefits.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Inflammation is caused as a result of the body’s natural response to toxins, injury and infections and can cause degeneration of the body’s systems. The oil of oregano possesses anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which prevent inflammation, thus strengthening the body’s resistance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The ancient Greeks were the first people to identify the oil of oregano benefits for its health and medicinal properties. It is potent, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-parasitic oil with a range of health benefits.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oregano oil can be used weekly or bi-weekly as part of a hair and scalp cleansing regimen to combat the problems of hair loss, balding, dandruff, head lice, ringworm, dermatitis, scabies or scalp inflammation. Hence, oregano oil is a great health supplement, promising a range of health, skin and hair benefits.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You can use oregano oil in a variety of ways, depending on your health needs: Topically for athlete's foot or nail fungus. Try soaking your feet in a basin of water with a few teaspoons of oil, or rubbing the diluted oil (1 drop of oil in a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil) on your nails/skin.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Oregano has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal effects, and may kill MRSA, listeria, and other pathogens. 2 Oregano essential oil may be useful for respiratory ailments like colds and flu. Adding oregano to meat before cooking may help reduce the amount of toxic compounds created by the cooking process.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is an herb that is native to the Mediterranean, Europe and Asia. It is basically used as a spice and is said to have several medicinal properties. As the name suggests, oil of oregano is a potent steam distilled extract of the oregano plant.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium. Oregano has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal effects, and may kill MRSA, listeria, and other pathogens.', 'url': ''}]
is oregano good for inflammation
Inflammation is caused as a result of the body’s natural response to toxins, injury and infections and can cause degeneration of the body’s systems. The oil of oregano possesses anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which prevent inflammation, thus strengthening the body’s resistance.
Macronutrients mainly include carbohydrates, proteins and fats and also water which are required in large quantities and their main function being the release of energy in body.Whereas, micronutrients mainly comprise vitamins and minerals which are required in minute quantities.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Macronutrients include Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen. Micronutrients are chlorine, iron, maganese, zinc, boron, sodium, copper, molybdenum and nickel. Plants need these nutrients to survive.Macronutrients mainly include carbohydrates, proteins and fats and also water which are required in large quantities and their main function being the release of energy in body.Whereas, micronutrients mainly comprise vitamins and minerals which are required in minute quantities. Essential micronutrients include iodine, iron, vitamin A and folate. A nutrient is a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from the en … vironment. Non-autotrophic organisms typically acquire nutrients by the ingestion of foods.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best Answer: Micronutrients are essential elements needed by life in small quantities. They include microminerals and Vitamins. Microminerals or trace elements include at least iron, cobalt, chromium, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, zinc, and molybdenum.icronutrients are nutrients needed by life to survive, but in small quantites. These include vitamins such as iron and zinc to give a few examples. A macronutrient is the opposite, it is needed by life to survive, but in large quantities such as oxygen and carbon. Scorcher117 · 9 years ago.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Macronutrients are elements that are needed for growth of plants in low amounts than macronutrient and these elements can be found in plants in lower amounts than macronutrients. Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B, Cl, Ni, are considered as micronutrients.Micronutrients are also absorbed by plant roots as ions from soil. Macronutrients may be non-mineral or mineral elements, whereas all micronutrients are minerals. • Some macronutrients are not absorbed by roots from soil such as C, H, O, whereas all micronutrient are absorbed by roots from the soil.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Macronutrients are the nutrients needed by plants in larger quantities like potassium, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. Micronutrients are the nutrients needed by plants in smaller quan … tities like magnesium and molybdenum. Essential micronutrients include iodine, iron, vitamin A and folate. A nutrient is a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from the en … vironment. Non-autotrophic organisms typically acquire nutrients by the ingestion of foods.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Macronutrients and Micronutrients. P lant concentrations of essential elements may exceed the critical concentrations, the minimum concentrations required for growth, and may vary somewhat from species to species.omewhat arbitrarily, a dividing line is drawn between those nutrients required in greater quantities, macronutrients, and those elements required in smaller quantities, micronutrients.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': " Essential micronutrients include iodine, iron, vitamin A and folate. A nutrient is a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from the en … vironment. Non-autotrophic organisms typically acquire nutrients by the ingestion of foods. Essential micronutrients include iodine, iron, vitamin A and folate. A nutrient is a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from the en … vironment. Non-autotrophic organisms typically acquire nutrients by the ingestion of foods.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As stated above, your body is able to break those foods down into their chemical parts, like macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the structural and energy-giving caloric components of our foods that most of us are familiar with. They include carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Micronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health. The quantity and quality of these nutrients vary greatly, depending on not only what types of food you eat, but also the quality of those foods.icronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health. The quantity and quality of these nutrients vary greatly, depending on not only what types of food you eat, but also the quality of those foods.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamin, and water. These nutrient classes can be categorized as either macronutrients (needed in relatively large amounts) or micronutrients (needed in smaller quantities).he micronutrients are minerals and vitamins. The macronutrients (excluding fiber and water) provide structural material (amino acids from which proteins are built, and lipids from which cell membranes and some signaling molecules are built) and energy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '3. Micronutrients There are 7 essential plant nutrient elements defined as micronutrients [boron (B), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), chlorine (Cl)]. They constitute in total less than 1% of the dry weight of most plants.. Micronutrients There are 7 essential plant nutrient elements defined as micronutrients [boron (B), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), chlorine (Cl)]. They constitute in total less than 1% of the dry weight of most plants.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vitamins and Minerals. The three macronutrients of protein, fat, and carbohydrates all perform essential roles in the human body. Macronutrients are the main components of our diet. Our bodies require others nutrients as well, such as vitamins and minerals.owever, these are needed in much smaller quantities, and thus are referred to as micronutrients. All three macronutrients are needed in the diet, as each perform vital functions in the body. 1. Protein. Protein should consist of about 10 to 35 percent of your diet.', 'url': ''}]
what distinguishes a macronutrient from a micronutrient
Macronutrients include Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen. Micronutrients are chlorine, iron, maganese, zinc, boron, sodium, copper, molybdenum and nickel. Plants need these nutrients to survive.Macronutrients mainly include carbohydrates, proteins and fats and also water which are required in large quantities and their main function being the release of energy in body.Whereas, micronutrients mainly comprise vitamins and minerals which are required in minute quantities. Essential micronutrients include iodine, iron, vitamin A and folate. A nutrient is a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from the en … vironment. Non-autotrophic organisms typically acquire nutrients by the ingestion of foods.
70 to 75 years
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'On February 7, 2015, Jim Boyle of the Pennsylvania Record reported that the bill to amend the state constitution and raise the mandatory retirement age for Pennsylvania judges from 70 to 75 years was approved by the House Judiciary Committee.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pennsylvania judges’ challenge to the mandatory retirement age fails before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. In a unanimous opinion, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed the challenge of a group of county judges to the mandatory retirement age (70) for judges in Pennsylvania.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It takes two successive sessions before an amendment to the constitution goes before the citizens of Pennsylvania for a vote. Right now the bill, which would raise the mandatory retirement age for judges from 70 to 75 is in its second session.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "June 17, 2013 | By Peter Hall, Of The Morning Call. Judges who challenged the Pennsylvania Constitution's mandatory retirement age should pursue an amendment to eliminate it, the state Supreme Court said Monday in throwing out their case.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The state Supreme Court Monday found that judges challenging Pennsylvania's mandatory retirement age had no legitimate claim and instead said that the proper way to change it is through constitutional amendment.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Judges who challenged the Pennsylvania Constitution's mandatory retirement age should pursue an amendment to eliminate it, the state Supreme Court said Monday in throwing out their case.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In 1968, when the mandatory retirement age was placed in the constitution, life expectancy was 70, and today it is 78, said Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-Northampton County. Pennsylvania is one of 33 states with a mandatory retirement age, typically varying from 70 to 75.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'HARRISBURG — The state Senate on Tuesday took a major step toward raising the mandatory retirement age for justices and judges from 70 to 75, approving a House-passed bill to change the state Constitution. The Senate approved the bill 44-6.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "April 30, 2014 | By Peter Hall, Of The Morning Call. A federal appeals court has ruled against four Pennsylvania judges, including Northampton County's Leonard Zito, who sued to overturn the state's mandatory retirement age for judges.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Now a federal challenge starts. June 17, 2013 | By Peter Hall, Of The Morning Call. Judges who challenged the Pennsylvania Constitution's mandatory retirement age should pursue an amendment to eliminate it, the state Supreme Court said Monday in throwing out their case.", 'url': ''}]
pa amending the mandatory judicial retirement age
On February 7, 2015, Jim Boyle of the Pennsylvania Record reported that the bill to amend the state constitution and raise the mandatory retirement age for Pennsylvania judges from 70 to 75 years was approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
FAFSA could estimate $2,000 per semester for the above-mentioned grant.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For example, the 2017-2018 FAFSA encompasses the following semesters: 1 Summer Session 2017. 2 Fall Semester 2017. 3 Winter Semester 2018. 4 Spring Semester 2018.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'First, understand that the award letter you receive from FAFSA is an estimate. You will receive your estimated award letter 6-8 weeks after submitting your application. This estimate indicates what you are eligible for, based on the information you provided, not your actual FAFSA money. FAFSA may indicate that you are eligible for a Pell grant in a certain amount, for example. Your financial aid award is determined by the school you will be attending and their financial aid offices. While FAFSA could estimate $2,000 per semester for the above-mentioned grant, your university may only approve $1,500 of this. The same principle applies to all other government grants and loans. In turn, you will receive another document, this time from your university’s financial aid office, which outlines what you will receive in aid, should you accept it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Report Abuse. 1 Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members,show more. 2 Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. 3 Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members,show more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Upload failed. 2 We are experiencing some problems, please try again. 3 You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. 4 You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. 5 You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. 6 You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best Answer: You can get pell grants and federal loans for 2 semesters per year. Summer counts as a semester, but the fafsa/academic year begins in fall. Your fall ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Your official EFC is generated when you apply for the Pell Grant via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA; learn more about how to submit a FAFSA here. For the 2015-2016 academic year, your EFC must be at or below $5081 to qualify for the Pell. I'll go over how to estimate your eligibility in the next section. Your enrollment status (full-time versus part-time) will also affect how much Pell Grant money you're eligible for - full-time students will get more aid than part-time students.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Award. 1 Maximum award is $5,815 per academic year; maximum award per semester is $2,908. 2 Students who received their maximum Pell Grant awards in the fall and spring, will not receive a Pell Grant in the summer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This means you very likely will receive a $1570 Pell Grant for the full year...and $5500 as a Direct Loan. Those are the only guaranteed forms of federally funded aid you will receive. You MIGHT get other grants or scholarships...and you MIGHT get Work Study.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your eligibility depends on your Expected Family Contribution, your year in school, your enrollment status, and the cost of attendance at the school you will be attending. The financial aid office at your college or career school will determine how much financial aid you are eligible to receive.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Site Last Updated: Saturday, July 1, 2017. Due to scheduled site maintenance, FAFSA on the Web will be unavailable every Sunday from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Eastern Time). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.', 'url': ''}]
is the fafsa pell grant estimate per semester or year
First, understand that the award letter you receive from FAFSA is an estimate. You will receive your estimated award letter 6-8 weeks after submitting your application. This estimate indicates what you are eligible for, based on the information you provided, not your actual FAFSA money. FAFSA may indicate that you are eligible for a Pell grant in a certain amount, for example. Your financial aid award is determined by the school you will be attending and their financial aid offices. While FAFSA could estimate $2,000 per semester for the above-mentioned grant, your university may only approve $1,500 of this. The same principle applies to all other government grants and loans. In turn, you will receive another document, this time from your university’s financial aid office, which outlines what you will receive in aid, should you accept it.
It is a very professional way to format a paper, and, even if not required, is a nice, scholarly touch.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7 th ed.) and the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3 rd ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'APA stands for American Psychological Association. APA is often called name-and-date style. APA Format is widely used in psychology, business, education, engineering and the social sciences.The latest APA manual is called: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to Rosemary G. Feal in the MLA Handbook, the use of a specific format is like mathematicians use symbols to transmit information. Each field i.e. English, Physics, Chemistry, etc… designed styles to meet their specific needs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Your subject and class, and possibly also grade, as needed (period 1, the name of the class with your class color if the teacher color codes their classes, etc.). 2 The date. 3 The date is most commonly written in the day, month, year format. 4 A sample heading.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To see a side-by-side comparison of the three most widely used citation styles, including a chart of all MLA citation guidelines, see the Citation Style Chart. You can also watch our MLA vidcast series on the Purdue OWL YouTube Channel.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'MLA Format is commonly required of middle school, high school and college students. It is a very professional way to format a paper, and, even if not required, is a nice, scholarly touch.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. Open a new blank document. Ad. 2. Set the margins to one inch. 1 If you are in middle school, you are probably somewhat new to MLA format, but you should be able to figure this out by clicking on such tabs as view, format, layout, or simply the ruler at the top of the document, if you have that feature enabled.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Indent the first line of paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin. 2 MLA recommends that you use the Tab key as opposed to pushing the Space Bar five times. 3 Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Do not make a title page for your paper unless specifically requested. 2 In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. 3 Again, be sure to use double-spaced text. 4 Double space again and center the title.", 'url': ''}]
what is an mla writing format
MLA Format is commonly required of middle school, high school and college students. It is a very professional way to format a paper, and, even if not required, is a nice, scholarly touch.
You can drop-off passengers in the designated areas on the terminal forecourts. In the North Terminal, the drop-off zone is on the lower level forecourt between the Sofitel and the multi-storey car park. In the South Terminal, passengers can also be dropped off on the lower level.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Gatwick by Car-Directions. London Gatwick is 28 miles (45km) south of London, directly linked to the M23 motorway at Junction 9 and to the A23 London-Brighton road.The M25 at Junction 7 is a 10 minute drive from Gatwick Airport, connecting it with the UK's extensive road and motorway network.If you plan on driving to or from London Gatwick Airport, you can search the AA Route Planner for tailored directions.atwick by Car-Directions. London Gatwick is 28 miles (45km) south of London, directly linked to the M23 motorway at Junction 9 and to the A23 London-Brighton road.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gatwick Airport Taxi Pick Up Services. Gatwick Airport pick up services by Blackberry Cars are designed to ensure that your taxi transfer from Gatwick Airport is as smooth and stress-free as possible.We continuously monitor live flight arrivals at Gatwick Airport.atwick Airport pick up services by Blackberry Cars are designed to ensure that your taxi transfer from Gatwick Airport is as smooth and stress-free as possible.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'ON ALL TRANSACTIONS. Gatwick Airport pick up services by Blackberry Cars are designed to ensure that your taxi transfer from Gatwick Airport is as smooth and stress-free as possible.We continuously monitor live flight arrivals at Gatwick Airport.atwick Airport pick up services by Blackberry Cars are designed to ensure that your taxi transfer from Gatwick Airport is as smooth and stress-free as possible.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'You can drop-off passengers in the designated areas on the terminal forecourts. In the North Terminal, the drop-off zone is on the lower level forecourt between the Sofitel and the multi-storey car park.In the South Terminal, passengers can also be dropped off on the lower level.efore you leave, double check the flight is on time. Make sure you leave at least 30-40 minutes after landing for passengers to clear passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Picking up. Before you leave, double check the flight is on time. Make sure you leave at least 30-40 minutes after landing for passengers to clear passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs. If you’re picking someone up by car you should use a car park.Car park prices.efore you leave, double check the flight is on time. Make sure you leave at least 30-40 minutes after landing for passengers to clear passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Before you leave, double check the flight is on time. Make sure you leave at least 30-40 minutes after landing for passengers to clear passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs.If you’re picking someone up by car you should use a car park. Car park prices.efore you leave, double check the flight is on time. Make sure you leave at least 30-40 minutes after landing for passengers to clear passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gatwick Airport have processes in place to ensure that both the drop off and pick up of passengers is quick and easy, with as little hassle as possible. All passengers can be dropped off at no charge on the conveniently located forecourts just outside the terminal buildings. Arrange to meet their passenger(s) at the customer service building of the long stay car parks where there are specific bays marked ‘Free Pick Up’. 2 The passenger(s) then boards the regular long stay bus service and get off at the appropriate bus stop in order to meet their driver.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gatwick Airport Coach Pick-up Notes. This airport operates strictly controlled procedures for coaches picking up from their various terminals and we ask you to make yourself familiar with the systems described, (if you are not travelling, please ensure the person travelling with the group has a copy of this leaflet).his airport operates strictly controlled procedures for coaches picking up from their various terminals and we ask you to make yourself familiar with the systems described, (if you are not travelling, please ensure the person travelling with the group has a copy of this leaflet).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find out how far you will have to travel to get to Gatwick Airport. Below are various locations in the South of England with the distances in miles from Gatwick Airport. Use these distances to estimate travel times to Gatwick Airport. Drop off / Pick up.atwick by Car-Directions. London Gatwick is 28 miles (45km) south of London, directly linked to the M23 motorway at Junction 9 and to the A23 London-Brighton road.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your driver will be instructed to enter the airport terminal for your taxi pick up service 30 minutes after your plane has landed, unless otherwise discussed at the time of booking. Passengers carrying only hand luggage may prefer their driver to be in the airport 15 minutes after landing.atwick Airport pick up services by Blackberry Cars are designed to ensure that your taxi transfer from Gatwick Airport is as smooth and stress-free as possible.', 'url': ''}]
gatwick airport pick up area
You can drop-off passengers in the designated areas on the terminal forecourts. In the North Terminal, the drop-off zone is on the lower level forecourt between the Sofitel and the multi-storey car park.In the South Terminal, passengers can also be dropped off on the lower level.efore you leave, double check the flight is on time. Make sure you leave at least 30-40 minutes after landing for passengers to clear passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs.
Our DMV practice test tests are simple to use; read the question and click on the row with the correct answer. By using our site and free DMV practice tests you agree to our terms and conditions.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Samples of Driver License Knowledge Tests. Before you come into DMV to take your knowledge test, practice taking one (or all) of these sample tests. Note: To allow you sufficient time for testing, DMV will not be administering knowledge tests after 4:30 p.m. When you are ready to take the actual test, keep these suggestions in mind:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Select Your State. Free DMV practice test with no hassle, no fees and no hidden gimmicks. Just simple driving test questions, answers, and explanations to help you pass your DMV written knowledge exam. Our DMV practice test tests are simple to use; read the question and click on the row with the correct answer. By using our site and free DMV practice tests you agree to our terms and conditions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You must usually have passed your theory test before booking. You don’t need a theory test to book a: 1 taxi test. 2 tractor test. 3 test to upgrade from automatic to manual. 4 test to progress through the motorcycle categories (progressive access) 5 car and trailer test. lorry and trailer test.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Free DMV Practice Permit Tests. Whether you are looking to get your learners permit or drivers license, our free DMV practice tests are one of the easiest and fastest ways to prepare for your test. Try a free practice test today! GET STARTED — IT’S FREE!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "On the day of the test, remember these tips to stay calm and be confident: 1 Focus on your driving, not the examiner. 2 Spending your energy focusing on the actual test, and the person testing you, can lead to mistakes. 3 Don't worry about mistakes. If you do happen to make a mistake during the road test, move on.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When you don’t need a theory test. You must usually have passed your theory test before booking. You don’t need a theory test to book a: 1 taxi test. 2 tractor test. 3 test to upgrade from automatic to manual. test to progress through the motorcycle categories (progressive access)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Samples of Driver License Knowledge Tests. Before you come into DMV to take your knowledge test, practice taking one (or all) of these sample tests. Note: To allow you sufficient time for testing, DMV will not be administering knowledge tests after 4:30 p.m. Review the California Driver Handbook.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Taking a driver training course. 2 Though these aren't free, signing up for this service is a good way to practice for the test. Instructors will simulate the test conditions, which will improve your knowledge and help you gain comfort behind the wheel.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "On the day of the test, remember these tips to stay calm and be confident: 1 Focus on your driving, not the examiner. Spending your energy focusing on the actual test, and the person testing you, can lead to mistakes. Instead focus on your driving and make good, sound decisions just as you've done during practice.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Book a test to upgrade your licence. You must call the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) if you need an ‘upgrade’ test, eg automatic to manual car, or medium-sized lorry to a large lorry. When you don’t need a theory test. You must usually have passed your theory test before booking. You don’t need a theory test to book a: 1 taxi test. 2 tractor test. 3 test to upgrade from automatic to manual. 4 test to progress through the motorcycle categories (progressive access) car and trailer test.', 'url': ''}]
how to practice for your drivers test
Select Your State. Free DMV practice test with no hassle, no fees and no hidden gimmicks. Just simple driving test questions, answers, and explanations to help you pass your DMV written knowledge exam. Our DMV practice test tests are simple to use; read the question and click on the row with the correct answer. By using our site and free DMV practice tests you agree to our terms and conditions.
A subduction zone
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As a result of pressure, friction, and plate material melting in the mantle, earthquakes and volcanoes are common near convergent boundaries. When two plates move towards one another, they form either a subduction zone or a continental collision. This depends on the nature of the plates involved.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Convergent boundary. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In plate tectonics, a convergent boundary, also known as a destructive plate boundary (because of subduction), is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Along these boundaries, magma rises from deep within the Earth and erupts to form new crust on the lithosphere. Most divergent plate boundaries are underwater (Iceland is an exception) and form submarine mountain ranges called oceanic spreading ridges.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are basically three different types of plate boundaries (divergent, convergent, transform), and a fourth type (boundary zones) is sometimes designated when it is difficult to define a clear boundary: 1 Divergent boundaries -- where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A subduction zone is formed at a convergent plate boundary when one or both of the tectonic plates is composed of oceanic crust. The denser plate, made of oceanic crust, is subducted underneath the less dense plate, which can be either continental or oceanic crust.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, island arcs, submarine mountain ranges, and fault lines are examples of features that can form along plate tectonic boundaries. Superheated molten lava, about 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit, is about to explode into the water at the West Mata volcano along the Pacific Ring of Fire.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Deep trenches are often formed where tectonic plates are being subducted and earthquakes are common. As the sinking plate moves deeper into the mantle, fluids are released from the rock causing the overlying mantle to partially melt.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Shane Shurock and Barret Dolan Effects: The effects are deep earthquakes, an oceanic trench, a chain of volcanic islands, and the annihilation of oceanic lithosphere. The Pacific and Caroline plates form s volcanic islands and trenches.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The new magma (molten rock) rises and may erupt violently to form volcanoes, often building arcs of islands along the convergent boundary. These island arcs are always landward of the neighboring trenches. When two plates are moving away from each other, we call this a divergent plate boundary.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Divergent boundaries -- where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. 2 Convergent boundaries -- where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another. 3 Transform boundaries -- where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other.', 'url': ''}]
what forms at an ocean-ocean convergent boundary
A subduction zone is formed at a convergent plate boundary when one or both of the tectonic plates is composed of oceanic crust. The denser plate, made of oceanic crust, is subducted underneath the less dense plate, which can be either continental or oceanic crust.
Sam's Town, Las Vegas
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Almost Free. Sam's Town, Las Vegas, offers two RV parks with more than 500 spacious spots with full hookups and all amenities. Although there is a modest charge for parking, the amenities offset the cost and entice visitors to visit Nevada's second largest casino.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Think “casino accommodations” and you may think upscale hotel or luxury resort. Think “RV” and casinos may not come to mind at all. Many California casinos offer on-site RV parks and others without their own RV parks feature connections to nearby campgrounds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The following Indian-owned RV parks are located in the state of California. Click the RV park name or photo to view more details.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This guide will help you find and locate casino gambling resorts in the United States that have full service RV Parks or campsites. Discover which casinos offer inexpensive or even free RV parking or camping where you can also enjoy all the resort amenities like pool, golf and spa, plus great dining, entertainment, slots and table action.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Related Articles. Back in the 1940s when Las Vegas was first making its gambling debut, small motels and trailer parks were the area's primary accommodations. Over more than 70 years, casinos have grown in size and stature, and luxury rooms have become the name of the game.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On-site Parks. At casinos offering an on-site RV park, the rules may differ from those you are accustomed to at a regular campground. Expect the campground to provide simple services: electric and sewer hookup and a pad for parking. Jackson Rancheria Casino includes 24-hour shuttle service from the remote RV park to the casino.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Casinos that do not have a full service RV Park still offer free overnight RV Parking in a section of the parking lot reserved for large vehicles. No services are offered, but you get what you pay for. The following list shows all USA casinos with full service RV Parking sites and campgrounds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 794-3757. Sam's Town, Las Vegas, offers two RV parks with more than 500 spacious spots with full hookups and all amenities. Although there is a modest charge for parking, the amenities offset the cost and entice visitors to visit Nevada's second largest casino.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Take a Walk. Three casinos lie within walking distance of Las Vegas RV Resort on the Boulder Highway. Sam's Town Casino is a half-mile south, with East Side Cannery .4 mile further. Arizona Charlie's Boulder is the same distance north.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "RV at a Biloxi casino - Biloxi Forum. RV at a Biloxi casino. Which Biloxi hotels are on sale? Does anyone know if you can park at any of the casino's in Biloxi in your RV, Isle of Capri in Lake Charles La allows you to park with elect hookup and use thier facilities for a small charge, can anyone help???!!! One destination mentioned in this post.", 'url': ''}]
what casinos have rv parks?
Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 794-3757. Sam's Town, Las Vegas, offers two RV parks with more than 500 spacious spots with full hookups and all amenities. Although there is a modest charge for parking, the amenities offset the cost and entice visitors to visit Nevada's second largest casino.
Run it under really really hot water and rub really really hard on the spot where you missed. not only will you decrease the chances of an absess forming--BUT you will also soon feel the warm rush as if you hadn't missed at all.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Not later, NOW!!! If you are shooting meth, pills, or heroin then you will need a cotton ball (paper towels, a rag, or anything like that) and witch hazel U. S. P. Astringent. You will take the witch hazel and soak the cotton ball or whatever you are using and apply it to the injection cite.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Thread: missed vein. 04-09-2002 06:47 i just injected a good shot of H, which was in about 80 or 90cc's of water. the problem is, most of it didn't make it into my bloodstream. even though initially i got a nice red cloud, the needle must have slipped out...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Btw, you will definitely still get high, but there wont' be that 'rush' (which is, at least in my opinion, the best part of injecting heroin)...but you should still feel a decent amount of opiated bliss. 06-09-2002 22:48 I learned an extremely valueable lesson earlier today when I missed my vein entirely...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Report Abuse. If you are shooting meth, pills, or heroin then you will need a cotton ball (paper towels, a rag, or anything like that) and witch hazel U. S. P. Astringent. You will take the witch hazel and soak the cotton ball or whatever you are using and apply it to the injection cite.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "what to do when you miss your vein: run it under really really hot water and rub really really hard on the spot where you missed. not only will you decrease the chances of an absess forming--BUT you will also soon feel the warm rush as if you hadn't missed at all.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Drugs should only be injected into the veins. Think of the body as a road map with a highway system all its own that sends blood to and from your body parts. The map is called the circulatory system and the roads are called arteries and veins. Arteries, which usually look red, carry blood away from the heart. Veins, which usually look blue, return blood to the heart. You should never inject into an artery. If you happen to hit upon an artery by mistake, you will know if:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'CARE: go to a hospital right away – this is serious; you could die! REDUCE YOUR RISK: You can do this by trying to keep dirt and bacteria out of your hit. Use a new needle, sterile water, clean cooker/and filter every time you inject. You can prevent vein damage by following the vein care tips on pages 20 and 21.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Missing The Vein. Missing. Missing (short for missing the vein) is what happens when a person shooting up isn't in a vein when they inject their shot. The the fluid that was intended for the vein ends up pooling underneath the skin or in the muscle tissue. Missing is usually an accident and not intentional.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What happens if you miss a vein when shooting up heroin. kgb answers » Health & Body » Health & Fitness » What happens if you miss a vein when shooting up heroin. Not medical advice. Shooting heroin is dangerous and missing the vein could result in blisters on the skin. Tags: blister, heroin, vein, skin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Blood clots can form in veins throughout the body. An embolism is a free-floating blood clot moving through the veins and arteries. CAUSE: Injecting pieces of dirt or bacteria can cause clots – they get stuck in the vein and block the blood flow. Also, blood clots form around scarred veins. SIGNS could be: A clot in your arms and legs may cause pain and swelling. In your lungs it may cause chest pain, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, or death.', 'url': ''}]
what happens if you miss a vein shooting up
what to do when you miss your vein: run it under really really hot water and rub really really hard on the spot where you missed. not only will you decrease the chances of an absess forming--BUT you will also soon feel the warm rush as if you hadn't missed at all.
No, it is not considered hazardous waste.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'By definition these materials can be harmful and should never go into your community’s regular trash. The materials listed below have commonly been referred to as household hazardous waste or HHW but are now commonly referred to as home generated special materials. These materials include: Automotive products (antifreeze, fluids, motor oil, oil filters, gasoline, polish and wax)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Latex paint is not considered hazardous waste and is not accepted at household hazardous waste (HHW) events. Unfortunately, latex paint does find its way to HHW events. In 2009, at HHW events, Montgomery County collected 188,000 pounds of latex paint and non-hazardous materials that cost $65,737 to dispose of.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Disposal Problem. The average household stockpiles 1 to 3 gallons of waste paint per year, according to several studies. In California, unless latex paint is reused or recycled, it is considered a hazardous waste and must be disposed of in a Class I hazardous waste landfill.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You can dispose of latex paint in the garbage if you dry it out it first. Here’s how. Add equal parts kitty litter to latex paint in the can (one part paint to one part kitty litter). If you have more than a half a can, you can also pour the paint into a lined cardboard box then pour in cat litter. Stir the cat litter into the paint until it has an oatmeal-like consistency that will not spill out.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oil Based & Latex Paints. Oil-Based Paints. Oil-based paint is considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of at a Household Hazardous Waste Collection. Very small amounts of oil-based paint may be dried out using cat litter or oil spill absorbent material and placed in the regular trash.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Here’s how. 1 Add equal parts kitty litter to latex paint in the can (one part paint to one part kitty litter). 2 Stir the cat litter into the paint until it has an oatmeal-like consistency that will not spill out. 3 Allow the paint and cat litter mixture to sit for one hour. Throw the dried paint in the can in the garbage with the lid off.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The solvent keeps the paint in a liquid form until the solvent evaporates after the paint is applied. The. solvent in oil-based paint is derived from a petroleum distillate and can include such hazardous. ingredients as mineral spirits, toluene and xylene. The solvent in latex paint is water.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Household Hazardous Waste. PAINT DISPOSAL. Paints commonly used in households: Water-based: latex - least harmful, pre-1992 paint may contain mercury; Oil-based: enamel, lacquer, shellac and varnish - contains solvents; Hobby or artist: coloring paints - may contain solvents or heavy metals; Aerosols: spray paints - contain solvents and propellants.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Paint. 1 Paint and varnish are the most common household products that become household hazardous waste. 2 By diverting latex paint from household hazardous waste collections, Montgomery County could save valuable tax payer dollars and perhaps provide additional services or events.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Management of leftover paint, such as disposal and household hazardous waste (HHW) collection, is discussed in another fact sheet, Latex Paint: Hazards and Solution for Disposal. Save on Disposal. Landfilling is an unnecessary expense because leftover paint, in most cases, is still a usable product.', 'url': ''}]
is latex paint considered hazardous waste
Latex paint is not considered hazardous waste and is not accepted at household hazardous waste (HHW) events. Unfortunately, latex paint does find its way to HHW events. In 2009, at HHW events, Montgomery County collected 188,000 pounds of latex paint and non-hazardous materials that cost $65,737 to dispose of.
Yes, Subtrochanteric fractures are located between the lesser trochanter and the femoral isthmus that is, in the proximal part of the femoral shaft.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Now, another part that I want to highlight on the head of the femur is this depression right here that is used for the attachment of this ligament that is cut right here. This is the head of the femur ligament.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Subtrochanteric fractures are located between the lesser trochanter and the femoral isthmus that is, in the proximal part of the femoral shaft. They are less common than femoral neck and intertrochanteric fractures, accounting for approximately 5% to 15 % of hip fractures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Now, the acetabulum, as I mentioned, is a cavity formed by the synostosis of these three bones. So this is the meeting point of these three bones: the ilium, the pubic bone, and of course, the ischium. Now, still on the acetabulum, I want to add something important here that this is the socket for the hip joint.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Femoral Neck Fractures The femoral neck is the most common location for a hip fracture, accounting for 45% to 53% of hip fractures. Per 100,000 person years, approximately 27.7 femoral neck fractures occur in men and 63.3 occur in women.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Part Position of the Lateral Femur distal and mid shaft. Pt. is in lateral recumbent position. Flex knee 45* with patient on affected side and align femur to midline of IR, placing unaffected leg behind affected, to prevent rotation. Include knee joint and take a 2nd radiograph for the hip.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As you know, the hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint, and for that matter, you’re going to have a ball portion. That is the head of the femur as you can see here. And of course, the socket portion where this head will attach will, then, be the acetabulum.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Now, moving on to another part, the largest portion of the femur, this is known, of course, as the body or the shaft of the femur. Moving on to the next one, this time, we’re going to talk about the neck of the femur. And this is the portion that you find between the head right here and this other portion that we’re going to talk about next known as the greater trochanter.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Now, on the posterior side, you find, as well, another line, let’s say, but this time called the intertrochanteric crest that is also between the neck of the femur and the shaft and runs, as well, from the greater trochanter all the way down to the lesser trochanter.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The femoral neck is the region of the femur bounded by the femoral head proximally and the greater and lesser trochanters distally (shown below). A femoral neck fracture is intracapsular, that is within the hip joint and beneath the fibrous joint capsule.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'And the very first thing you need to know about the hip bone, it’s also comprised of three bones. Three bones... or the hip bone consists of three bones. The first one is this one that you can see here. It’s highlighted in green like all our training units and all our tutorials.', 'url': ''}]
is the femoral neck part of the hip
Subtrochanteric fractures are located between the lesser trochanter and the femoral isthmus that is, in the proximal part of the femoral shaft. They are less common than femoral neck and intertrochanteric fractures, accounting for approximately 5% to 15 % of hip fractures.
It is actually the Native American meaning to the word Schenectady
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Derek Cianfrance wrote the script based on the town his wife Shannon Plumb grew up in, Schenectady, NY. The film was mostly filmed there on location. The phrase Place Beyond the Pines is actually the Native American meaning to the word Schenectady..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Director Derek Cianfrance claims that he would not have made the movie without Bradley Cooper cast as Avery Cross. In fact, he drove five hours to Montreal (QC) to meet with Cooper in person to convince him to take the role.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Luke (Academy Award nominee Ryan Gosling) is in constant motion, a high-wire motorcycle stunt performer who travels from town to town with the carnival. Passing through Schenectady in upstate New York, he tries to reconnect with a former lover, Romina (Eva Mendes), only to learn that she has in his absence given birth to their son Jason.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "News. 1 New VOD and Streaming Movies, Plus: How to Watch 'Olympus Has Fallen,' 'Epic' and 'Lovelace' Before Disc. 2 New VOD and Streaming Movies, Plus: How to Watch 'Oblivion' and 'The Place Beyond the Pines' Before Disc.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A mysterious and mythical motorcycle racer, Luke, (Ryan Gosling) drives out of a traveling carnival globe of death and whizzes through the backstreets of Schenectady, New York, desperately trying to connect with a former lover, Romina, (Eva Mendes) who recently and secretly gave birth to the stunt rider's son.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Critics Consensus: Ambitious to a fault, The Place Beyond the Pines finds writer/director Derek Cianfrance reaching for -- and often grasping -- thorny themes of family, fatherhood, and fate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Place Beyond the Pines (2012) Watch Now. A motorcycle stunt rider turns to robbing banks as a way to provide for his lover and their newborn child, a decision that puts him on a collision course with an ambitious rookie cop navigating a department ruled by a corrupt detective.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'One of the two films released in 2012 that featured the song The Wolves (Act I And II) by Bon Iver playing in the final scene. The other is Rust and Bone (2012), that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival four months before The Place Beyond the Pines premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Place Beyond The Pines Videos. The Place Beyond The Pines Photos. Movie Info. The highly anticipated new drama from director Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine) powerfully explores the consequences of motorcycle rider Luke's (Academy Award nominee Ryan Gosling) fateful decision to commit a crime to support his child.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Other movies like this., the ultimate source for everything movies, is your destination for new movie trailers, reviews, photos, times, tickets + more! Stay in the know with the latest movie news and cast interviews at', 'url': ''}]
the place beyond the pines cast
Derek Cianfrance wrote the script based on the town his wife Shannon Plumb grew up in, Schenectady, NY. The film was mostly filmed there on location. The phrase Place Beyond the Pines is actually the Native American meaning to the word Schenectady..
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Put together, the United States constitutes roughly 40 percent of the world's military expenditures. For the period 2010–14, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) found that the United States was the world's largest exporter of major arms, accounting for 31 per cent of global shares.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fort Bragg is west of Fayetteville, North Carolina. It has a population of 238,646 that includes 52,280 active-duty soldiers. It covers 163,000 acres in area. Fort Campbell, on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee, has the second largest population of any U.S. military base, including 234,914 inhabitants.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The American military has been. viewed as a form of national service, an occupation, a profession, a work-. place, a calling, an industry, and a set. of internal labor markets.1 Military. service has touched most American. families; nearly 26 million Americans. living today have served in the mili-.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mady Wechsler Segal is Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, professor of sociology, associate direc-. tor of the Center for Research on Military Organization, and faculty affiliate in the Women’s. Studies Program and in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Military Active-Duty Personnel, Civilians by State. Numbers of U.S. military service members vary by state, driven mostly by workforce levels at large bases. There were a total of 1.3 million active duty military and more than 800,000 reserve forces as of 2016, according to Defense Department data. Total active duty personnel for the five armed service were 471,397 for the Army, 326,276 for the Navy, 309,682 for the Air Force, 183,917 for the Marine Corps and 39,084 for the Coast Guard.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "The U.S. military is the world's second largest, after China's People's Liberation Army, and has troops deployed around the globe. From 1776 until September 2012, a total of 40 million people have served in the United States Armed Forces.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fort Bragg, Fort Campbell and Fort Hood are the largest U.S. military bases by population according to figures from 2013. Joint Base Lewis-McChord and Fort Benning are the next largest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "It currently has 247,000 active personnel with an additional 57,900 in reserve. Japan also has 1,595 aircraft, the world's fifth largest air force, and 131 ships. Japan's military is limited by a peace clause in the constitution that makes it illegal for the country to have an offensive army.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "They consist of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. The President of the United States is the military's overall head, and helps form military policy with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), a federal executive department, acting as the principal organ by which military policy is carried out.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Research on Military Organization, faculty associate in the Maryland Population Research. Center, and faculty affiliate in School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland. He has. published widely on military manpower, personnel, and operational issues.', 'url': ''}]
largest active military
The U.S. military is the world's second largest, after China's People's Liberation Army, and has troops deployed around the globe. From 1776 until September 2012, a total of 40 million people have served in the United States Armed Forces.
The January low is 39.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Annual Weather Averages Near Charleston. Averages are for Charleston Air Force Base Reporting Station, which is 10 miles from Charleston. All Year Climate & Weather Averages in Charleston. January Climate & Weather Averages in Charleston.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Forecast data from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute; Current conditions data from the National Weather Service. All historical data and normals © Weatherbase.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'NEARBY - LIST. 1 Charleston - Harbor, South Carolina (0 mi / 0 km) 2 Sullivans Island, South Carolina (4 mi / 7 km) 3 Charleston, South Carolina (10 mi / 16 km) North Charleston, South Carolina (10 mi / 16 1 km) Lincolnville, South Carolina (20 mi / 32 km)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Charleston South Carolina Weather. Average annual temperatures, rainfall, sunrise and sunset times for Charleston SC. This weather chart will help you plan your vacation or wedding in Charleston. Weather Forecast | Weather Maps | Weather Radar.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, gets 48 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 72. On average, there are 211 sunny days per year in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The July high is around 89 degrees. The January low is 39. Sperling's comfort index for Mount Pleasant is a 81 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Isolated severe thunderstorms with a potential for large hail and wind damage are possible today across parts of the southern Plains into the northern Ozarks. Marginally severe thunderstorms with strong wind gusts and hail are also possible from the Ohio Valley into the central and northern Appalachians. Read More >.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Mt. Pleasant, SC Weather. Mt. Pleasant, SC climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mount Pleasant, SC Weather. The average temperature of Mount Pleasant is 65.01°F, which is higher than the South Carolina average temperature of 61.70°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Annual Climate Plots | Monthly Normals/Records | Daily/Monthly/Annual Extremes | Holiday Climatology | Precipitation Normal Maps Additional Resources.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "South Carolina Weather > Mt. Pleasant Weather. Mt. Pleasant, SC climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.", 'url': ''}]
average january temps in mount pleasant, sc
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, gets 48 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 72. On average, there are 211 sunny days per year in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The July high is around 89 degrees. The January low is 39. Sperling's comfort index for Mount Pleasant is a 81 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.
22.8335 stone OR 22 stone and 11.67 lbs.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The plural of stone is also stone. Many scales provide a weight display setting in kilograms, pounds or stone.. What is a Stone in Weight Measurement. The stone (st) is a unit of measure equal to 14 pounds (lb) avoirdupois, or 6.3503 kilograms (kg).This unit of measurement is used in Australia, Great Britain, and Ireland for measuring human body weight, and people there may commonly be said to weigh, e.g., 11 stone 4 (11 stone - 4 pounds), which equals approx.he plural of stone is also stone. Many scales provide a weight display setting in kilograms, pounds or stone. Use our calculator below to convert stones to pounds and/or kilograms-and vice versa. Simply enter the value you know in the appropriate box and the other figures will be calculated for you.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '72 kilograms or 158 pounds. The plural of stone is also stone. Many scales provide a weight display setting in kilograms, pounds or stone. Use our calculator below to convert stones to pounds and/or kilograms-and vice versa.Simply enter the value you know in the appropriate box and the other figures will be calculated for you.he plural of stone is also stone. Many scales provide a weight display setting in kilograms, pounds or stone. Use our calculator below to convert stones to pounds and/or kilograms-and vice versa. Simply enter the value you know in the appropriate box and the other figures will be calculated for you.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The conversion formulae for stones (st) and pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg) conversions are as follows: 1 1 stone = 6.35029318 kilograms. 2 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms. Weight conversion chart 0 - 8 stone to kilograms. 2 Weight conversion chart 8 - 16 stone as kilograms. 3 Weight conversion chart 16 - 24 stone in kilograms. 4 Weight conversion chart 0 - 80 kilograms to stones and pounds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Answer: 145 kg = 22.8335 stone OR 22 stone and 11.67 lbs.45 kilograms weighs 319.67 pounds The answer is 319 pounds done as follow 1Kg= 2.2 pounds 2.2 lbs * 145Kg= 319 lbs. 2 people found this useful.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '145 Pounds (lb). =. 65.77089 Kilograms (kg). Pounds. The pound or pound-mass (abbreviations: lb, lbm, lbm, ℔[1]) is a unit of mass with several definitions. Nowadays, the most common is the international avoirdupois pound which is legally defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms. A pound is equal to 16 ounces.Kilograms. The kilogram (or kilogramme, SI symbol: kg), also known as the kilo, is the fundamental unit of mass in the International System of Units.owadays, the most common is the international avoirdupois pound which is legally defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms. A pound is equal to 16 ounces. Kilograms. The kilogram (or kilogramme, SI symbol: kg), also known as the kilo, is the fundamental unit of mass in the International System of Units.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Convert between kilograms and stones & pounds. These tools help you convert between units of kilograms (kg), stones and pounds. Choose between converters for kilograms, stones and pounds or kilograms and stones or kilograms and pounds.You can view a kg, stones and pounds conversion chart here. Please note that these converters require JavaScript.hoose between converters for kilograms, stones and pounds or kilograms and stones or kilograms and pounds. You can view a kg, stones and pounds conversion chart here. Please note that these converters require JavaScript.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You are here: the calculator site » unit conversions » mass & weight conversions-kg to stones & pounds. These tools help you convert between units of kilograms (kg), stones and pounds.Choose between converters for kilograms, stones and pounds or kilograms and stones or kilograms and pounds. You can view a kg, stones and pounds conversion chart here. Please note that these converters require JavaScript.hoose between converters for kilograms, stones and pounds or kilograms and stones or kilograms and pounds. You can view a kg, stones and pounds conversion chart here. Please note that these converters require JavaScript.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are 14 pound in 1 stone. Therefore, 145 pounds is 10 stone 5 pounds.he resulting number is the weight in grams. To convert grams to kilograms, simply divide by 1000. Or, an easier option … is to take the weight given in pounds and multiply by 0.45359. In this case the answer is 65.77 kilograms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '65.77089 Kilograms (kg). Pounds. The pound or pound-mass (abbreviations: lb, lbm, lbm, ℔[1]) is a unit of mass with several definitions. Nowadays, the most common is the international avoirdupois pound which is legally defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms.A pound is equal to 16 ounces.Kilograms. The kilogram (or kilogramme, SI symbol: kg), also known as the kilo, is the fundamental unit of mass in the International System of Units.owadays, the most common is the international avoirdupois pound which is legally defined as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms. A pound is equal to 16 ounces. Kilograms. The kilogram (or kilogramme, SI symbol: kg), also known as the kilo, is the fundamental unit of mass in the International System of Units.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The answer is 2.20462262185. We assume you are converting between pound and kilogram. You can view more details on each measurement unit: pounds or kg. The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 pounds is equal to 0.45359237 kilogram.Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between pounds and kilograms.ou can view more details on each measurement unit: pounds or kg. The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 pounds is equal to 0.45359237 kilogram. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between pounds and kilograms.', 'url': ''}]
145 kilos in stones and pounds
Answer: 145 kg = 22.8335 stone OR 22 stone and 11.67 lbs.45 kilograms weighs 319.67 pounds The answer is 319 pounds done as follow 1Kg= 2.2 pounds 2.2 lbs * 145Kg= 319 lbs. 2 people found this useful.
It is located at the address 1304 Ne Cedar St in Roseburg, Oregon 97470.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'United States Postal Service is located at the address 1304 Ne Cedar St in Roseburg, Oregon 97470. They can be contacted via phone at (541) 672-8044 for pricing, hours and directions. For more information contact Lynne K Tonn, Manager or go to', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Stats and Demographics for the 97471 ZIP Code. ZIP code 97471 is located in southwest Oregon and covers a slightly higher than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly less than average population density. The people living in ZIP code 97471 are primarily white.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'United States Postal Service 291 SW Main St , Winston, OR 97496. United States Postal Service 9455 Old Hwy 99 S , Dillard, OR 97432. United States Postal Service 114 Lena Ave , Tenmile, OR 97481. North Umpqua Video 2658 NE Stephens St , Roseburg, OR 97470.', 'url': ',%20Winston,%20OR%2097496'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Read moreery service that reaches every address in the nation: 155 million residences, businesses and Post Office Boxes. With more than 31,600 retail locations and the most frequently visited website in the federal government, the Postal Service delivers 47 percent of the world's mail.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'United States Postal Service is located at the address 1304 Ne Cedar St in Roseburg, Oregon 97470. They can be contacted via phone at (541) 672-8044 for pricing, hours and directions. For maps and directions to United States Postal Service view the map to the right.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Visit your local Post Office at 519 SE Kane St! The Postal Service mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, trusted and affordable universal delivery service that connects people and helps businesses grow. The U.S. Postal Service is the only deliv...', 'url': ''}]
united states postal service roseburg or
United States Postal Service is located at the address 1304 Ne Cedar St in Roseburg, Oregon 97470. They can be contacted via phone at (541) 672-8044 for pricing, hours and directions. For maps and directions to United States Postal Service view the map to the right.
It is a sensor that works with wireless technology (Wi-Fi) to bring the user full monitoring of floods and water leaks.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "When used with the Insteon Hub, you will receive instant alerts the instant a water leak is detected. Avoid Flooding One of the sensors you hope you never have to use in your home, Leak Sensor's function is simple: it detects water leaks. Place one by your water heater, under every sink, by your clothes and dish washers and behind the toilet for total protection.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Just set on the floor - no screws, no tape, no wires! Use with the Insteon Hub and receive an alert to your smartphone the instant a water leak is detected. Simply tap/tap link to lights to be visually alerted.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'FLOODSPOT - WiFi Water Leak Sensor - Description. The FloodSpot is a sensor that works with wireless technology (Wi-Fi) to bring the user full monitoring of floods and water leaks. Current Wi-Fi must be present in the immediate area to have the FloodSpot connected and running without any delay. SpotProtect has a cloud server that is included with the purchase of the FloodSpot.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Basement Water Alarm. Prevalert’s water alarm assist in keeping water leaks under control. You can utilize this alarm in the bathrooms, basement and the kitchen. It detects water easily with water depth sensitivity of 1/32”. The alarm is powered by a nine volts battery that runs up to 3 years without difficulty.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fibaro’s Home Center 2 or another Z-Wave hub is required to use the Flood Sensor. Utilitech Water Leak Detector. If you have a Lowe’s Iris smart home system, this is the water detector you want, but it will also work with other Z-Wave hubs such as Vera. The Utilitech Leak Detector comes with a three-foot long cord and runs on three AAA batteries. $30.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Proteus Aquo - Wi-Fi Water Sensor. The Proteus Aquo Wi-Fi water sensor for your basement, kitchen or bathroom is designed to detect and alert you to potential water damage. The Wi-Fi water sensor keeps constant guard throughout the day and night, and automatically alerts you when water damage is imminent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The sensors connect to the central smart home hub, and you can view the device’s status on your phone or tablet. If the device detects water, you get an alert (usually a text or push notification). That’s when you rush home to see what the damage is.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Proteus Aquo Wi-Fi sensor monitors presence of water and sends you alert messages water is detected, to your inbox or smart phone. The Aquo sensor connects to your home or office Wi-Fi networks . Setup is easy, only takes a few minutes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The detection alarm 71631 is simply the best. It is small in size and can be positioned anywhere to sense leaks. The alarm operates on a nine volts battery that runs seamlessly for number of years. In case of a detected leak, it produces an alarm of 95 dB level and sings for up to 72 hours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Wally: A high-tech networked water leak detection system. The Wally system is a wireless sensor network that effectively addresses the problem of detecting water damage from broken or leaking pipes at a very reasonable price. Email a friend. To. Use commas to separate multiple email addresses.', 'url': ''}]
what is a wifi leak sensor
FLOODSPOT - WiFi Water Leak Sensor - Description. The FloodSpot is a sensor that works with wireless technology (Wi-Fi) to bring the user full monitoring of floods and water leaks. Current Wi-Fi must be present in the immediate area to have the FloodSpot connected and running without any delay. SpotProtect has a cloud server that is included with the purchase of the FloodSpot.
Yes, The femoral nerve is one of the major peripheral nerves of the lower limb.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The successful use of permanent percutaneous femoral nerve stimulation using a stimulating lead placed close to the femoral nerve with the aid of ultrasound guidance has been reported. Surgical', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If nerve stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the passage of the needle through the fascia iliaca and contact of the needle tip with the femoral nerve usually is associated with a motor response of the quadriceps muscle group.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The Femoral Nerve. The femoral nerve is one of the major peripheral nerves of the lower limb. In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the femoral nerve – its anatomical course, motor and sensory functions, and any clinical relevance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The femoral nerve is one of the largest nerves in your leg. It’s located near the groin and controls the muscles that help straighten your leg and move your hips. It also provides feeling in the lower part of your leg and the front of your thigh.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The largest nerve that emerges from the lumbar plexus is the femoral nerve, which descends beneath the inguinal ligament before dividing into a number of smaller branches innervating the anterior thigh musculature and skin . One pure sensory branch, the saphenous nerve, continues down the medial leg to the arch of the foot.', 'url': '!'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Femoral nerve block with local anesthetic and steroid is occasionally used in the treatment of persistent lower extremity pain when the pain is thought to be secondary to inflammation or when entrapment of the femoral nerve as it passes under the inguinal ligament is suspected.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The femoral artery is a very large artery that lies close to the femoral nerve. In trauma they are often injured together. Injury to or bleeding in the artery can cause compression on the nerve. Additionally, because the femoral nerve provides sensation to a major portion of the leg, injuries can occur due to this loss of sensation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the thigh, the nerve lies in a groove between iliacus muscle and psoas major muscles, outside the femoral sheath, and lateral to the femoral artery. After a short course of about 4 cm in the thigh, the nerve is divided into anterior and posterior divisions, separated by lateral femoral circumflex artery.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mononeuritis multiplex is the femoral nerve dysfunction due to systemic disorder of femoral nerve. Entrapment of femoral nerve also damages myelin sheath or axons (nerve fibers). Due to this the impulses are not passed on properly via nerve. If pelvic bone is broken, femoral nerve can get damaged.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The femoral nerve is present in leg and provides assistance in the leg straightening action. Sensation to the thigh front and lower leg is provided by femoral nerve. Pelvic fracture is the major problem associated with this nerve. In case the femoral nerve is damaged, it is indicated by weakness in leg or impaired movement or sensation of leg. Recovery is possible if the exact reason for femoral nerve dysfunction is diagnosed.', 'url': ''}]
is the femoral nerve a peripheral nerve
The Femoral Nerve. The femoral nerve is one of the major peripheral nerves of the lower limb. In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the femoral nerve – its anatomical course, motor and sensory functions, and any clinical relevance.
The bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A yoke used for oxen. A yoke used for oxen. The definition of yoke is the bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy. 1. An example of yoke is the wood that oxen are hooked to on an old-style plow. 2.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A yoke used for oxen. A yoke used for oxen. The definition of yoke is the bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy. 1. An example of yoke is the wood that oxen are hooked to on an old-style plow.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A. Use the Heavy Duty End Yoke Definition link to define the exact Dana Spicer component using your desired dimensions or dimensions of the part you are looking to replace. You will have a Splined, Serrated Steering Shaft or Round Steering Shaft End Yoke.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The definition of yoke is the bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy. 1. An example of yoke is the wood that oxen are hooked to on an old-style plow. 2.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A yoke used for oxen. A yoke used for oxen. The definition of yoke is the bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A yoke used for oxen. A yoke used for oxen. The definition of yoke is the bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy. 1. An example of yoke is the wood that oxen are hooked to on an old-style plow. 2. A bar used across the shoulders to balance a load equally on both sides is an example of a yoke. 3.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of YOKE for Kids. 1. : a wooden bar or frame by which two work animals (as oxen) are harnessed at the heads or necks for drawing a plow or load. 2. : a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal parts. 3. : a clamp that holds or connects two parts. 4. plural usually yoke: two animals yoked together.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "2. a pair of draft animals fastened together by a yoke. 3. something resembling a yoke in form or use. 4. a frame fitting a person's neck and shoulders, for carrying a pair of buckets or the like. 5. an agency of oppression, servitude, etc.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of YOKE for Kids. 1. : a wooden bar or frame by which two work animals (as oxen) are harnessed at the heads or necks for drawing a plow or load. 2. : a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal parts. 3. : a clamp that holds or connects two parts. 4.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A. Use the Heavy Duty End Yoke Definition link to define the exact Dana Spicer component using your desired dimensions or dimensions of the part you are looking to replace.', 'url': ''}]
steering yoke definition
A yoke used for oxen. A yoke used for oxen. The definition of yoke is the bar that is used as a frame to pull or support something heavy. 1. An example of yoke is the wood that oxen are hooked to on an old-style plow. 2.
Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport. Vacuoles are somewhat larger than vesicles, and the membrane of a vacuole does not fuse with the membranes of other cellular components. Vesicles can fuse with other membranes within the cell system.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Transcript of Vacuoles, Vesicles, and Cytoskeleton Defined. Cytoskeleton The Cytoskelton is a network of protein filaments. that gives a eukaryotic cell its shape and support. Its main functions are: It supports the cell and maintains shape. It controls the positions and movements of organelles within the cell.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Some freshwater protists have contractile vacuoles, a specialized form of vacuole that they use to manage water balance within the cell by pumping out excess water. Plant cells have very large vacuoles which function in storing nutrients and water within the cell. They can also serve a structural function by helping the plant cell to retain its shape through turgidity. Vesicles typically function through transportation of compounds within and between cells. Often, the substances within a vesicle will be cellular products or byproducts of a cells functioning. Typically vesicles function in much the same way in all cells. Vacuoles serve a variety of functions depending on the cell in which they are found. In most animal cells where vacuoles occur, they function in the temporary storage of food substances.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Do white blood cells have vacuoles or vesicles? White blood cells have vesicles, which transport molecules in and out of the cell. It is plant cells which have the vacuoles which maintains cell stability.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'outside of the cell wall (endocytosis). 3. Enzyme Storage: Vesicles can hold and store enzymes used throughout the cell. e.g. enzymes that are used to make plant cell walls. 2. Metabolism: Vesicles can act as chemical reaction chambers. The membrane of vesicles harbor reactions from the cytosol in the cell allowing the reactions to take place.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In a plant cell the vacuole is much larger than the animal cells vacuole. The plant cells vacuole mostly contains water. In the animal cells vacuole it is used to store waste. … Animal cells do not have vacuoles. Only plant cells', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Vesicles and Vacuoles Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport. Vacuoles are somewhat larger than vesicles, and the membrane of a vacuole does not fuse with the membranes of other cellular components. Vesicles can fuse with other membranes within the cell system (Figure 1).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The contractile vacuole enlarges as water enters then abruptly contracts, forcing the water out of the cell through a special pore structure. Vacuoles work with the cell membrane to move materials in and out of the cell. They also work with the lysosomes of a cell to digest cellular materials. Vesicle Vacuoles are basically vesicles filled with mostly water. A vesicle is a small bubble in a cell. This bubble is similar to a plasma membrane, consisting of a lipid bi-layer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '2. Structure: In many plant cells, enormous vacuoles take up more than 90 percent of the cell volume and grow as the cell grows. The presence of dissolved substances in the vacuole causes water to enter it from the cytoplasm, making the vacuole swell like a water-filled balloon.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The contractile vacuole enlarges as water enters then abruptly contracts, forcing the water out of the cell through a special pore structure. Vacuoles work with the cell membrane. to move materials in and out of the cell. They also work with the lysosomes of a cell to digest cellular materials. Vesicle Vacuoles are basically vesicles filled with mostly water. A vesicle is a small bubble in a cell. This bubble is similar to a plasma membrane, consisting of a lipid bi-layer. Vesicles interact closely with the endomembrane', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Vesicles and Vacuoles. Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport. Vacuoles are somewhat larger than vesicles, and the membrane of a vacuole does not fuse with the membranes of other cellular components. Vesicles can fuse with other membranes within the cell system (Figure 1). Additionally, enzymes within plant vacuoles can break down macromolecules.', 'url': ''}]
what do vacuoles and vesicles do
Vesicles and Vacuoles Vesicles and vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs that function in storage and transport. Vacuoles are somewhat larger than vesicles, and the membrane of a vacuole does not fuse with the membranes of other cellular components. Vesicles can fuse with other membranes within the cell system (Figure 1).
15 minutes
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rub each trout generously with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt; sprinkle inside of cavities with salt and black pepper. Place half the lemon and onion slices into cavity of each trout, along with minced garlic, and place a sprig of rosemary and thyme into cavities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dip fish in milk and coat with flour. Dip again in milk, and then dredge fish in the breadcrumbs mixture. Place fish on a greased baking sheet. Bake, uncovered at 450 degree for 4-6 minutes per ½-inch thickness or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Preheat your oven to 400 F. Rinse the fish and pat it dry with clean paper towels. Grease a baking dish with a nonstick cooking spray and lay the speckled trout in the middle of the dish. The spray will help prevent the fish from sticking to the dish and make removal of the fish easier when cooking is complete. Step 4. Brush the fish with a mixture of butter, thyme, rosemary, black pepper and tarragon.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If cooking in an oven, pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. After you have rolled up the trout, you have to measure its thickness. Cook for 10 minutes plus an extra 10 minutes for each inch of thickness. If you stuff a 4-pound trout, it will be about 3 inches thick so you would cook it for 40 minutes. Another good way to bake a trout is to chop up an apple and a large white onion and put into a pan and fry with some salt and butter.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Once you catch ‘em, you got to eat ‘em! Here are a few delicious recipes to prepare with that freshly caught Speckled Trout you worked so hard for. Baked Speckled Trout. Prep: 15 minutes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A 2 to 4 pound trout is usually the best size to bake. Trout that are bigger should be let go as they are the breeders. Place the trout on the fire grill or barbeque. Don't have the trout close enough to the fire that it burns but you do want it to be hot.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'made it | 14 reviews. Recipe by: Trina Cosgrave. Whole trout stuffed with herbs and flavorings, then grilled directly on grates, produces flavorful, flaky, tender fish with tasty crispy skin.. Featured in Allrecipes Magazine — Subscribe!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "After 40 minutes, you can place the trout off to the side while you cook some steaks, which by the way, goes great with baked trout. At this time, the trout is cooked but it's OK to keep it warm by the fire for another ten minutes while you cook other stuff.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A man prepares speckled trout on a baking tray in his kitchen. Trout is a mildly flavored, oily fish that holds up well when cooked in the oven. To keep the fat and calorie content low, avoid baking the fish in heavy sauce or using an excessive amount of butter or oil during cooking.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Turn preheated grill down to low and place the trout directly onto the grill; cook until flesh flakes easily and the skins are browned, 6 to 7 minutes per side, flipping once.', 'url': ''}]
how long to bake whole speckled trout
Once you catch ‘em, you got to eat ‘em! Here are a few delicious recipes to prepare with that freshly caught Speckled Trout you worked so hard for. Baked Speckled Trout. Prep: 15 minutes.
Los Angeles
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'General Parking: Parking for a fee is available in the public parking structure is located at 6170 Sylmar Ave. between Delano St. and Calvert St. (one block east of Van Nuys Blvd.) The parking structure closes at 7:00 pm. The ticket booth is at the top of the ramp on the 4th level.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Thank you for being a loyal MapQuest user. For a better experience, we have migrated to the new MapQuest and have more to offer than ever before. With faster loading, sleeker and easier to read maps, along with less intrusive advertising, we know you'll love it. If you don't, just let us know. We're constantly making updates to improve the experience.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Ok, there's going to be long lines. So if you're not going early in the morning, they open at 8:30am, be prepared to spend at least 3 hours here. But be there before 8, to get a good place, if not at the beginning of the line, and you'll be in and out within 30 mins. Otherwise pick a day, that's not busy. Service: the staff here were excellent, and friendly. Getting married was a breeze.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fifteen percent of Van Nuys residents aged 25 and older had earned a four-year degree by 2000, an average figure for both the city and the county, but the percentage of the same-age residents who had less than a high school diploma (43.1%) was high for Los Angeles.', 'url': ',_Los_Angeles,_California'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered. The Los Angeles Superior Court is not responsible for any damage or issues that may possibly result from using Google™ Translate or any other translation system.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Located in the same place as the park, the Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Pool is a seasonal outdoor heated swimming pool. The Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Senior Citizen Center (a.k.a. Bernardi Center), also on the park grounds, has an auditorium and multi-purpose room.', 'url': ',_Los_Angeles,_California'}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The United States Postal Service operates the Civic Center Van Nuys Post Office at 6200 Van Nuys Boulevard in Van Nuys and the Van Nuys Post Office at 15701 Sherman Way in the Lake Balboa neighborhood in Los Angeles, west of Van Nuys.', 'url': ',_Los_Angeles,_California'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Also, Sepulveda Blvd. was resurfaced between Victory Blvd and Oxnard Street in May 2014. A new Los Angeles County services building is under construction on the southwest corner of Van Nuys Blvd. and Saticoy Street in 2014. On February 14, 2016, some 170 firefighters battled a fire at the abandoned Voyager Motel at 6500 N. Sepulveda Blvd.', 'url': ',_Los_Angeles,_California'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Los Angeles Superior Court does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information translated by Google™ Translate or any other translation system. In addition, some applications, files or items cannot be translated including graphs, photos or some portable document formats (pdfs).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The official language used for the content of the Los Angeles Superior Court public website is English. Google™ Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different languages.', 'url': ''}]
what county is van nuys ca
The United States Postal Service operates the Civic Center Van Nuys Post Office at 6200 Van Nuys Boulevard in Van Nuys and the Van Nuys Post Office at 15701 Sherman Way in the Lake Balboa neighborhood in Los Angeles, west of Van Nuys.
The x-ray photons are either absorbed or scattered out of the beam. In scattering, photons are ejected out of the primary beam as a result of interactions with the orbital electrons of absorber atoms.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bremsstrahlung (or Brems) radiation. is one of the two kinds of x-rays produced at the tungsten target of the x-ray tube; The incident high-speed electron, passing through a tungsten atom, is attracted by the positively charged nucleus and therefore is deflected from its course, with a resulting loss of energy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'High-energy x-. ray photons have a greater probability of penetrating matter, whereas relatively low-energy photons have a greater probability of being absorbed. Therefore the higher the kVp and mean energy of the x-ray beam, the greater the penetrability of the beam through matter.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'X-rays can be produced by a high-speed collision between an electron and a proton. Light can take on many forms. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma radiation are all different forms of light. The energy of the photon tells what kind of light it is. Radio waves are composed of low energy photons. Optical photons--the only photons perceived by the human eye--are a million times more energetic than the typical radio photon.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This results in an increased efficiency of conversion of electron energy into x-ray photons, and thus an increase in 1) BThe number of photons generated ~ Be eww aa rre iinn BBooardd EExxaammss 2) Their mean energy. 3) Their maximal energy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The x-ray photons are either absorbed or scattered out of the beam. In scattering, photons are ejected out of the primary beam as a result of interactions with the orbital electrons of absorber atoms. In the case of a dental x-ray beam, three mechanisms exist where these interactions take place.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In radiation protection, the product of absorbed dose and the correct modifying factor (rad x QF) is used to determine. rem (Sv) Rem (dose-equivalent) is the only unit of measurement that expresses the dose-effect relationship. The product of rad (absorbed dose) and the quality factor appropriate for the radiation type is expressed as rem or DE (dose equivalent), and may be used to predict the type and extent of response to radiation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'classical scatter, a low-energy photon interacts with an atom but causes no ionization; the incident photon disappears into the atom, and is then immediately released as a photon of identical energy but changed direction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'X-Rays-Another Form of Light. The photons themselves can also collide with electrons. If the electrons have more energy than the photons, the collision can boost the energy of the photons. In this way, photons can be changed from low-energy photons to high-energy photons.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The closer the high-speed electron approaches the nuclei, the greater is the electrostatic attraction on the electron, the braking effect, and the greater the energy of the resulting Bremsstrahlung photon. Bremsstrahlung interactions generate x-ray photons with a continuous spectrum of energy. i.e. different energies.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The HVL is the thickness of an absorber, such as aluminum, required to reduce by one half the number of x-ray photons passing through it. As the average energy of an x-ray beam increases, so does it HVL. The term quality refers to the mean energy of an x-ray beam. Half value layer measures the intensity of a beam.', 'url': ''}]
what is an x ray photon
The x-ray photons are either absorbed or scattered out of the beam. In scattering, photons are ejected out of the primary beam as a result of interactions with the orbital electrons of absorber atoms. In the case of a dental x-ray beam, three mechanisms exist where these interactions take place.
The size of our binder depends on your sheet size. Binder size is always measured by the size sheet the binder will hold.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For round rings measure the horizontal inside diameter of the ring at the. widest point. When measuring D-rings, take the perpendicular dimension. from the point where the ring exits from the metal base to the inside of. the top of the ring. HOW MANY PAGES WILL A BINDER HOLD - (BASED ON 20# BOND PAPER) ROUND RING.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "submitted 1 year ago by gaynx. My name is Onyx (very new to reddit please forgive me!) i really just need some help! I'm not sure how to measure for a gc2b binder! it's my first binder and i'm very scared to mess this up! photos or guides would be super appreciated. 3 comments.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'SIZE OF YOUR BINDER- The size of our binder depends on your sheet size. Binder size is always. measured by the size sheet the binder will hold. Most binders are made to hold 11” x 8 1/2” or. 8 1/2” x 5 1/2” sheets. Always list the binding edge of your sheet first.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'D-Ring Binders hold up to 25% more paper than a Round Ring. The ring is mounted to the back cover so pages lie flat. The number of pages of paper (sheet capacity) that a binder can hold depends on the size of the binder (that’s the ring size measured as inches) and the type of ring style.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Measure around your chest just below the swell of your breast. Make certain the measuring tape is snug, but not constricting. This measurement is your underbust, as shown by the red line in the diagram. Now measure around the fullest part of your breast. The tape should be loose-fitting, as when measuring for a bra. This number is your topbust. Subtract your underbust size from your topbust size. This number will give you your cupsize, according to the chart below.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '6. sohoeva: Every binder at this site has a different size chart. Pick the binder you want, then click on the size chart. You’ll find the button to get to the chart down near the bottom of the page, where there are other pictures of the binder for you to click on and enlarge. One of those pictures is the size chart.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For example: 5 tabs = 20 sheets, which would be deducted from the above total number of sheets. For larger binders, you can approximate the number of sheets by calculating from the totals above. For example, a 2 binder can hold up to 500 sheets of 24# bond, and a 1 binder can hold 250 sheets. Therefore, a 3 binder would be needed to hold up to 750 sheets.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ring binder size (1″, 2″, etc.) is measured based on the size of the ring, not the width of the binder spine. The overall size of the rings must be larger than the stated inch-size because the ring must go around the contents in order for you to close it. Round Ring (also called O-Ring)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'your binder: Measure along the straight edge of the ring, as indicated by the red arrow. Do not include any of the curved part of the ring. Capacities are in 1/4 to 1/2 increments, ande may be as much as 1/8 variation, depending upon manufacturer. For number of sheets. per capacity, see chart below.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Go, on the underworks site, to the specific binder that you want. You’ll see something that looks like this: “ Size - fits Chest: x-small 29-31 / Small 32-34 / Medium 35-39 / Large 40-44 / X-large 45-48 / 2X 48-52 / 3X 53-56”. Your average measurement should be within the range of your size.', 'url': ''}]
how to measure binder size
SIZE OF YOUR BINDER- The size of our binder depends on your sheet size. Binder size is always. measured by the size sheet the binder will hold. Most binders are made to hold 11” x 8 1/2” or. 8 1/2” x 5 1/2” sheets. Always list the binding edge of your sheet first.
Physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To provide healthy-lifestyle education, a quality program of physical education must be a core requirement in all schools and a central component in a comprehensive school health program (Allensworth & Kolbe, 1987). Our first step might be to consider ways to increase curriculum time devoted to physical education.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Physical education is a course taught in school that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease. Kids also develop skills necessary to participate in a wide range of activities, such as soccer, basketball, or swimming.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In Australia, physical education was first made an important part of the curriculum in Government primary and secondary schools in 1981. The policy was outlined in a Ministerial Statement to the Victorian Legislative Assembly by the Minister for Educational Services, the Fat Norman Lacy MP on 17 September.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of Physical Education. Kids, as well as adults, benefit from regular exercise. Health benefits from regular exercise include: stronger muscles and bones, increased coordination and energy, and decreased risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. For most kids, exercise means being physically active during play, recess, and physical education class, also known as P.E.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A physically educated person. 1 Demonstrates competence in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms; 2 Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills; 3 Exhibits a physically active lifestyle; Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical activity;', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Report Abuse. 1 physical education:- it basically means knowledge for exercise physical-body... so that's why it is called a s physical education.. 2 Physical Education, to me, means getting fit and exercising to get active. It helps with your fitness and your health.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "physical education:- it basically means knowledge for exercise physical-body... so that's why it is called a s physical education.. body exercises by playing, running nd doing activities which can make ur physic be better or Flexible. Nancy · 12 months ago.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'of or relating to the body: physical exercise. 2. of or relating to that which is material: the physical universe; the physical sciences. 3. noting or pertaining to the properties of matter and energy other than those peculiar to living matter.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Meaning pertaining to matter is from 1590s; meaning having to do with the body, corporeal is attested from 1780. Meaning characterized by bodily attributes or activities is attested from 1970. Physical education first recorded 1838; abbreviated form phys ed is from 1955. Physical therapy is from 1922.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rethinking how we teach physical education can help students lead healthy lives. Regular physical activity provides numerous health benefits—from leaner bodies and lower blood pressure to improved mental health and cognitive functioning.', 'url': ''}]
what does physical education mean
Physical education is a course taught in school that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease. Kids also develop skills necessary to participate in a wide range of activities, such as soccer, basketball, or swimming.
The group of motivational theories that falls under the umbrella category of Process Theories of Motivation is based on the use of our rational thought processes or cognitive processing abilities.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Process theories of motivation are based on early cognitive theories, which posit that behavior is the result of conscious decision-making processes. The major process theories of motivation are expectancy theory, equity theory, goal-setting theory, and reinforcement theory.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Sign In | Sign Up. Process theories explain how workers select behavioral actions to meet their needs and determine their choices. The following theories each offer advice and insight on how people actually make choices to work hard or not work hard based on their individual preferences, the available rewards, and the possible work outcomes. Equity theory.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This has been an important theory in the history of the study of motivation. This theory highlights that motivation is partly a decision-making process that evaluates effort for outcomes. It highlights the involvement of the active cognitive processes and user choice in the process.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Process (or cognitive) theories of motivation focus on conscious human decision processes as an explanation of motivation. The process theories are concerned with determining how individual behavior is energized, directed, and maintained in the specifically willed and self-directed human cognitive processes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Process Theories of Motivation. Whereas the content theories concentrate on the question of 'what' motivates, the process theories address more the issues relating to how the process works and sustains itself over time, such as factors that determine the degree of effort, the continuation of effort, the modification of effort, etc.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Content (or need) theories of motivation focus on factors internal to the individual that energize and direct behavior. In general, such theories regard motivation as the product of internal drives that compel an individual to act or move (hence, motivate) toward the satisfaction of individual needs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Equity Theory. Equity Theory within Process Theory measures work motivation by the amount of skills an employee possesses and the efforts of the employer. When an employee feels that she and her employer have made equal investments in each other, she is more likely to feel motivated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Equity Theory of motivation is a process theory that explores an individual’s motivation to work based on the fairness or sense of equality he detects in the relationship, comparing the amount of effort he puts into any given situation to the benefits he is receiving.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Using process theory, a type of scientific observation, individuals measure how events in a specific process lead to an outcome. According to this theory, when a company wants to reproduce an outcome, the company must duplicate the process used to derive this objective.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Process theories of motivation. The group of motivational theories that falls under the umbrella category of Process Theories of Motivation is based on the use of our rational thought processes or cognitive processing abilities.', 'url': ''}]
process theories of motivation suggest that
Process theories of motivation. The group of motivational theories that falls under the umbrella category of Process Theories of Motivation is based on the use of our rational thought processes or cognitive processing abilities.
Heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Often going along with depression in many individuals, anxiety is also one of the more prevalent mental health problems among the elderly. Anxiety disorders encompass a range of issues, from obsessive-compulsive disorder (including hoarding syndrome) to phobias to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Facts About Mental Illness in the Elderly. You might not be surprised to read that the most common mental health issue among the elderly is severe cognitive impairment or dementia, particularly caused by Alzheimer’s disease (National Alliance on Mental Illness).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The study also showed that common geriatric conditions were strongly associated with disability and difficulty in performing normal activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, eating, and going to the bathroom, even after adjusting for other chronic diseases.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Aug. 6, 2007 -- Half of U.S. adults over age 65 suffer from at least one common age-related condition, according to a new study. But researchers say these highly treatable geriatric health problems are often overlooked by health care providers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Heart disease. Heart disease is common in senior cats also. There are many different types of heart disease. One of the most commonly seen in cats is cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle. Degenerative valvular disease and other types of heart disease can be seen as well.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chronic renal (kidney) disease. Disease affecting the kidneys is a common affliction in older cats. Essentially, the kidneys act as a filter system, removing many of the waste products produced by your cat’s body. Once filtered from your cat’s blood, these waste products are eliminated via the urine.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Social Issues and Seniors. Social circumstances can have a significant impact on physical and mental health of seniors. These are some of the common factors impacting the overall health of older individuals. Addressing these issues makes comprehensive care of the elderly complex and multi-dimensional.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Researchers say most older adults with common geriatric health conditions live in the community rather than in nursing homes and are not under the care of a geriatrician. An approach to their care that included the identification and management of geriatric conditions is needed, write the authors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cognitive health is focused on a person’s ability to think, learn and remember. The most common cognitive health issue facing the elderly is dementia, the loss of those cognitive functions. Approximately 47.5 million people worldwide have dementia—a number that is predicted to nearly triple in size by 2050.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '1. Chronic health conditions. According to the National Council on Aging, about 92 percent of seniors have at least one chronic disease and 77 percent have at least two. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes are among the most common and costly chronic health conditions causing two-thirds of deaths each year.', 'url': ''}]
what are the most common geriatric illness
1. Chronic health conditions. According to the National Council on Aging, about 92 percent of seniors have at least one chronic disease and 77 percent have at least two. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes are among the most common and costly chronic health conditions causing two-thirds of deaths each year.