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quiet-ml/104/answer.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ pdf_orig_text_summary
+ " ‘OUMOU BAH, as the ADMINISTRATOR OP TIEESTATEOF MOHAMED BAK, STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE. ‘U.S. District Court SOU Before any disiosure is made, the Receiving Pary""s altomey shall provide each such person with a copy of this Stipulation and Protective Order . The Producing Party o¢ its counsel may designate deposition exhibits Nothing this Stipulation and Protective Order shal be consid wo Kt 2 Producing Party’s use of its own Confidential Materials any manner, wt imit the use of Confiental Materials rte contents Oumou Bah, as Administrator of the Estate of ‘Mohamed Ba v, The City of New York. eta. eatere! in the United States District Cour for te Southern Distict of Now York dated February"
quiet-ml/104/answer2.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ doc_id,pdf_orig_text_summary
+ 0," ‘OUMOU BAH, as the ADMINISTRATOR OP TIEESTATEOF MOHAMED BAK, STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE. ‘U.S. District Court SOU Before any disiosure is made, the Receiving Pary""s altomey shall provide each such person with a copy of this Stipulation and Protective Order . The Producing Party o¢ its counsel may designate deposition exhibits Nothing this Stipulation and Protective Order shal be consid wo Kt 2 Producing Party’s use of its own Confidential Materials any manner, wt imit the use of Confiental Materials rte contents Oumou Bah, as Administrator of the Estate of ‘Mohamed Ba v, The City of New York. eta. eatere! in the United States District Cour for te Southern Distict of Now York dated February"