diff --git "a/quiet-ml/1/data.csv" "b/quiet-ml/1/data.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/quiet-ml/1/data.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,10744 @@ +title +CMV: I shouldn't get a job in this economic climate because it'll be automated anyway; I should just wait for a post-scarcity utopia. +CMV: Iran has the right to develop nuclear weapons +CMV: The events in Paris suck...but the comic creator wasn't some great martyr or anything. +CMV: It is ok to hate a religion so long as you do not hate its followers +"CMV: There is no productive reason to have, ""Under God"" in the US Pledge of Allegiance and, ""In God We Trust"" on the dollar bill." +CMV: Diet soda is perfectly healthy for you. +CMV:Essential Oils are bullshit +CMV: I think the Paris shooting makes a good case for culture of responsible gun ownership any carrying. +"CMV: Printing an image of the Muslim prophet Muhammad is not ""standing up for free speech""" +CMV: Philosophy has no tangible value as an academic field of study. +CMV: Freedom of speech is being taken too far +CMV: Apple Laptops are best for everyday use +CMV: Eugenics isn't all that bad... And we don't even have to kill anyone for it +"CMV: Irony aside, most people that post in CMV are uneducated, and changing their view on one point won't solve this overall problem" +"CMV: Prerequisites for courses should be replaced by a ""(strongly) suggested background""" +CMV: Driving a car is insanely risky and probably the most dangerous thing you do in your everyday life. +CMV: I believe there should be a Death Race-esque Contest for Prisoners +CMV: Shaming someone for a lack of empathy is just as bad as shaming someone for any other inborn trait +CMV: Whole Brain Emulation is clearly the way the Singularity is coming. +CMV: Minimum Wages Should Automatically Adjust Based on a Price Index +"CMV: Raising minimum wage to get workers off of food stamps means that instead of the 1% paying the lionshare of their living expenses, the 99% who shop there will be paying it by themselves." +CMV: I think that drone strikes and other similar types of operations like with bin Laden are futile and illegal +CMV: Police officers should have stricter guidelines on when they can use their firearms or in some cases be disarmed completely of the ability to use lethal force. +"CMV: Assuming there is no afterlife, then life is ultimately meaningless and pointless because we die." +"CMV: Major corporations collecting consumer data is ethically wrong, increases consumer vulnerability to identity theft, and is a violation of privacy." +"CMV: Determinism vs. Indeterminism... and the bigger question, ""Free-Will""." +"CMV: I don't believe history ""has shown we won't ever"" launch nuclear weapons one or more countries." +CMV: Religion is still in society because it is taught and forced into children's brains. +CMV: Religious fundamentalists should be diagnosed with a form of psychosis. +CMV: I'm scared shitless over automation and the disappearance of jobs +CMV: I believe you have three choices once you discover the suffering animals endure in the meat industry... +CMV: Han Solo is a space douchebag. +CMV: I don't believe inmates should be eligible for organ transplants. +CMV: FDR did not get the United States out of The Depression +CMV: Cloth car seats are better than leather +CMV: Humans are going to die out because of an economic collapse +CMV: Veganism and vegetarianism are not the best way to improve farm animal welfare +CMV The EGG came first before the chicken. +CMV: TV Commercials Should Not Accost Their Viewers as to the Presence or Absence of Meats +CMV:Patriotism is the belief that being born on one side of a line makes you better. +CMV: Animals Are Jerks +"CMV: In a perfect world, all police wear body cameras. If an incident occurs in which the body cam was not activated (by accident or not) the officer is guilty until proven innocent" +"CMV: Wedding ceremonies are a waste of time money, and energy" +CMV: I believe that regularly browsing 4chan will make you into a worse person +"CMV:""Brave New World"" was not Dystopian Fiction, and even had a happy ending" +CMV: The 99% was people realising they do not matter. +CMV: I believe that most contemporary art is garbage that doesn't require much effort on the part of the artist. +CMV: i have a hard time feeling sympathetic towards ebola aid workers (and feel bad about it) +"CMV : We need to keep working on A.I., even if this could mean the end of the human race" +[MOD POST] Genderless January +CMV: Super hero secret identities are unnecessary and actually get in the way of crime fighting. +CMV: I believe a world government is a good thing +CMV: Why America isnt a scary place to move to +"CMV: Colonel Quaritch from ""Avatar"" was right." +CMV: I don't see cheating necessarily as a disservice to kids who try hard or are actually smart. +"CMV: Food is close to inedible when the expiration date printed on the container is near, within a couple of days." +CMV: Students who receive no financial aid from their parents should be able to declare independent on their FAFSA. +CMV: Playing Smash Bros. with items turned off is lame. +"CMV: The term ""steep learning curve"" is used incorrectly what people really mean is ""shallow learning curve""" +"CMV: Nobody who works in a cubicle or other job where you rarely interact with anyone other than your co-workers should have any dress code beyond ""cover your naughty bits"" and ""don't wear offensive stuff""" +CMV: Universities that receive public funding should be responsible for placing their graduating students in relevant careers +CMV: A teenager can be just as intelligent as an adult (on certain topics) because age and experience don't equal intelligence. +CMV: I don't believe illegal immigrants in America deserve citizenship more than those who go through the legal process +CMV: Sean Connery wasn't the definitive James Bond. +"CMV: Gun violence, education reform, concussions in American football, the European far right, and the Israel-Palestine conflict cannot be resolved without fixing economic inequality." +CMV: There are more taboos and stigmas in modern morality than there are logical reasons for them +CMV: Attempting to convert people to your religion (or lack of) is a MORAL thing to do. +CMV: Insults such as 'You're gay' are not an affront to gay people +CMV: Women who are anti-feminism do not have internalized misogyny. +"CMV: The idea of ""Buy local"" or ""Buy American"" is primarily grounded in selfishness." +"CMV: If you pay a flat fee for Internet, it is a nice and acceptable thing to leave an unsecured WiFi network for neighbors and travelers." +CMV: Pepper Spray and Tasers are covered under the second amendment +"CMV:Although I accept that global warming is man made and real, it seems to me the odds are it might be better to do nothing." +CMV: There is No Free Will +CMV: There is no sound biblical argument that makes being trans-gender morally wrong. +"CMV: A geography question in Trivial Pursuit should no include questions like ""What state was ____ born in""" +CMV: I believe that same sex marriage has distracted LGBT people from more important issues +"CMV: Physical media such as DVDs, blu-rays, and music CDs are pointless to purchase, because they will be obsolete within 10 years" +"CMV: As we change from 2014 to 2015 — I think the acronyms B.C.E. and C.E. which are used to supersede B.C. and A.D. are antihistorical, pretentious euphemisms with no place in the scientific and academic communities or anywhere else" +"CMV: Timed essays like the SAT don't properly measure one's writing skills, nor their critical thinking skills." +"CMV: Copyright law should include a ""continued use"" provision." +CMV: The most financially successful film released in 2014 was likely Planes: Fire and Rescue +CMV: Serial killers cannot be rehabilitated. +"CMV: Singing well is largely natural and for most, no matter how much they practice, they will never be great singers" +"CMV: Tricky or odd grammar rules, although sometimes useful, should be done away with for casual conversation." +CMV: The field of economics is inherently biased against poor people +"CMV: Men should either be able to waive their financial obligations to their child, or they should have abortion rights." +CMV: Soccer will never become a major sport in the US. +CMV: Pirating Porn is Morally Preferable to Paying For Porn. +CMV: LGBTQ folks should be featured more prominently in kid's TV and education. +CMV- Mentally handicapped people should be held to more or less the same standard as neurotypical employees when working at their job. +CMV: You birth determines the vast majority of success/quality in your life. +"CMV : In most cases, the pirates that only download but do not upload copyrighted content are causing no loss to the copyright holder." +The iPhone keyboard/texting is hands down better than Android. +"CMV: Instead of ""bands"" for income tax there should be a continuous formula for tax rates" +CMV: Riots and looting in Ferguson were for the greater good +CMV: I think we should get rid of random drug testing from schools. +"CMV:I believe that the British Monarchy is, on balance, a positive net contributor to the United Kingdom in all aspects of our nation." +CMV: Female-only gyms and women's shelters are not discriminatory… or are they? +CMV - Mobile websites are a relic of the early mobile internet era and are inferior to actual websites when using your smartphone. +"CMV: Employment sexism is justifiable. Oppress less, educate more." +CMV: Current US culture encourages mediocrity +CMV: The perks of corporate personhood should be extended reciprocally to all people. +"CMV: In moderation, drugs like heroin, cocaine and meth are no worse for you than moderate alcohol use." +CMV:Athletes should not be penalised for blood doping or taking PEDs (or any other artificial performance enhancement like surgery). CMV. +"CMV: ""There is nothing else else for us to do, we aren't given anything else to do"" is not an acceptable excuse for going out and robbing people/getting involved in gangs" +CMV: Boston is not a liberal city and Massachusetts is not a liberal state +CMV: Any given aspect of the legal system should be short and simple enough that an average high school graduate could fully memorize it +CMV: Comcast isn't that bad. +CMV: Justice for the sake of revenge or retribution is immoral and counter-productive. +CMV: The theatrical cuts of Lord of the Rings are superior to the extended cuts and should be considered the definitive versions. +"CMV: People who cheat on their spouses can and should, in some cases, be forgiven" +CMV: Otherkin are delusional and should be treated as such +"CMV: failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, like running red lights, is bad driving" +CMV: Most modern methods of hunting are unsporting. +CMV: Swimming is the best form of exercise +"CMV: Using ""torture"" to gather information, but not confessions, should be allowed." +CMV: western society encourages sociopathic behaviour +"CMV: Everything you can get from a closed relationship, you can get from an open one, and more. The demands of a closed relationship are unrealistic and hard to live up to. Monogamy should be a rare relationship type for hardcore exclusivity fetishists; open should be the normal default." +"CMV: The ""Fat Acceptance"" movement just encourages over-weight Americans to keep on being 'fat' while shaming those on the opposite side of the scale." +"CMV: If you wouldnt want a highly evolved being to eat you, it's morally inconsistent and on some level wrong to eat meat." +CMV: Surplus Value Theorem is definitive proof that capitalism is an inefficient system. +CMV: The highest form of relationship between men and women doomed to be romance +CMV: Addiction does not exist. +CMV Me joining the army is not a waste of time nor does it conflict with my personality +"CMV: I think the criminal use of TOR negates its benefits, and the service should be shut down." +CMV: The Call of Duty franchise is extremely overrated and overhyped. +CMV: Activity on the internet should be much more heavily regulated +CMV: Posting nude pictures online is caused by a need for attention and not empowering +CMV: I don't think CNN deserves the scorn it received over its reporting of the disappearance of MH370 +"CMV: Making New Year's Resolutions is almost always a futile effort, and anyone who waits until the new year to change a huge aspect of their lives is deluding them self." +CMV: The internet (or access to it) should be considered a fundamental human right. +CMV: Robots replacing people's jobs can have a likely positive outcome +CMV: Eminem is gay +CMV: The Bible does not clearly explain the requirements for Christian salvation +"CMV: I think that celebrity subreddits should be banned, especially the ""starlets"" ones." +CMV: I Think Targeted Marketing is a Good Thing +CMV: I think being overtly paranoid about marketing and subtle ads is fucking stupid. +"CMV: I believe criminal immigrants, legal or not, should serve their sentence and be deported to the country from whence they came" +"CMV: Networking for jobs behaves as a discriminatory mechanism to keep money & good jobs inside a particular social circle, & should be discouraged or eliminated as a criterion for employment." +CMV: I have started to believe more in the need of a authoritative surveillance state. +CMV: I believe the Brave Little Toaster is an incredibly underrated movie +CMV: OKCupid's way of displaying others to you based on a 'hotness' rating has a negative effect on its users +"CMV: If I'm ever on a jury, police testimony will hold no more weight to me than any other witness." +CMV: China should reform to a Liberal Democratic form of Government +CMV: Progress in automation will eventually lead to a full fledge genocide on the majority of the population. +CMV: Identifying highway exits by the mile marker is always superior to identifying them by order. (In the U.S.) +"CMV: Their is no shame in pirating ""The Interview"" because of how poorly Sony handled the situation." +CMV: Owning cats in suburban areas should be outlawed or at the very least controlled. +CMV: The US government should pay reparations to all black families with proof that they lived in the US at least by 1970 +"CMV: If a religious person truly believed their texts were sacred, they would devote a far greater amount of time to studying them" +CMV: Smoking bans (including outdoors) are completely ridiculous +CMV:Alcohol is dangerous drug and it should not be socially accepted nor used. +CMV: The global dominance of the abrahamic faiths is largely an accident of geography +CMV: People over the retirement age (62) should not be allowed to participate in politics. +"CMV:I Believe The Prosperity, Cohesiveness and Generous Spirit of Canadians is Because They Are Simply Americans Without the Enormous Costs Involved In Fighting the Cold War" +CMV: No one should be expected to work to live a comfortable life. +CMV:I think allowing immigrants from poor countries to work in a developed one is not beneficial for the natives. +CMV: Nativity scenes are antisemitic. +CMV casting a huge 27 year-old as a 17 year-old when age is a big plot-point is ridiculous (the Boy Next Door) +CMV: I find nothing wrong with being attracted to sexually aware teenagers. +"CMV: Most democracies are far too tolerant of extremism, especially the likes of neo-fascism, neo-nazism, radical Islamism and violent intolerance. The world has been to soft on these ideologies and they need to be eliminated whenever they appear." +CMV: America is not a democracy +"CMV: People should not be looked down upon for perceived ""poor"" tipping." +"CMV: I think the board game ""Monopoly"" is poorly designed" +CMV: Kwanzaa is more a holiday for guilty white people than it is for black people. +CMV: If a child struggles to achieve in grade school it is virtually always the parents' fault. +"CMV: If a lawsuit is found to be frivolous, criminal charges should be filed against the plaintiff." +CMV: People for the most part should not tip +CMV: Pet rehoming fees are not good for animals. +"CMV: Can someone have multiple genders, or no gender at all?" +"CMV: Jurors should be paid at least minimum wage, and reimbursed fairly for expenses when serving on a jury." +CMV: Of the major religions Islam is the most violent and the the human race will be better off when this religion is forgotten. +"CMV: I don't believe ""financial domestic abuse"" is a form of abuse." +CMV: The claim that the Western culture is superior is false +CMV: The Grandfather Paradox in time-travel thought experiments is an irrelevant concept; a successful trip backwards in time should remove any fear of a massive universe-ending paradox. +"CMV:Suicide can be a rational decision, even for the depressed and otherwise mentally ill." +"CMV: If I'm going the speed limit, it's acceptable for me to be in the left hand lane." +CMV: The NYPD officers who turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio should be fired +"CMV: People that try to talk people out of suicide aren't doing it out of empathy, but because they don't want someone's death they see as ""preventable"" weighing on their conscious." +CMV: THe Flash (Wally West) could beat just about any superhero in a fight +CMV: Circumcision should not be done to infants. +CMV: I think health insurance is a scam and don't see any benefit in purchasing any policies. +CMV: North Korea is not as bad as the Western Media makes it out to be +CMV: I think the Brooklyn cop slaying incident was simply an actualization of an occupational hazard and deserves no more recognition than other workplace incidents +CMV: Prison is over-sentenced in the U.S. and should almost never be advised for Nonviolent Offenders. +CMV: I don't have a problem with the U.S. torturing people. +CMV: It's Wrong For Authorities to Single Out Men in Anti-Manspreading Posters +"CMV: What some men call ""double standards"" are in fact not always ""double standards"" at all, because women have always been more sexualised. Link to case study in description." +CMV: There is no reason why PC games can't have unlimited save slots +"CMV: The 'songs' that run throughout Tolkien's ""The Hobbit"" are pretty awful, and the book would be better with the poetry removed." +CMV: There is no reason to iron bedsheets. +"CMV: I believe that it would be possible, in principle, to survive the heat death of the universe." +CMV: Coco Puffs are obsolete in comparison to reese's puffs. +CMV: our existence implies the existence of a god/higher power. +CMV: Organic farmers should be allowed to use seeds created through modern genetic techniques (GMOs). +CMV: Looks Are The Most Important Factor When Choosing A Mate For Myself +CMV: TES is a fun series but getting really into the lore won't enhance my experience. +CMV: Jobs Are Becoming An Outdated Concept +CMV: Going to the dentist every 6 months is a waste of NHS money if there is nothing to worry about +"CMV: Taxation should be voluntary, with individuals retaining the right to opt out of it." +"CMV: ""Network Marketing"" and ""Multi-Level Marketing"" corporations are pyramid schemes and should be shut down." +CMV: A female president wouldn't run a nation as well as a man +CMV: Medicine should not be advertised on TV +CMV: I believe that the Gay Marriage discussion isn't as important as the media portrays it to be +"CMV: Having bought a game on one platform, it's okay to pirate the same game on another platform." +CMV: I think that college is not that expensive compared to previous generations +CMV: Jesus is not that unique of a figure +"CMV: I believe the mainstream narrative about 9/11 is by far the most accurate (hear me out, as I am going to include many details and points)" +"CMV: The movie ""The Interview"" is an example of cyber-bullying, and making Kim Jong Un mad will do no good." +CMV: Forced public speaking in school is abusive and should be abolished. +"CMV: There should be a program that makes kids reversibly unfertile, to deal with overpopulation" +"CMV:In MMORPGs, Maximum level or rare gear is not something that commands inherent respect from other players." +"CMV: Even if he wanted to, I don't think Kim Jong-Un could simply release prisoners from NK concentration camps." +"CMV: You should always go to work even if you're sick, lost a friend or family member, and related reasons." +CMV:The AR-15 is the single best rifle on the market today +CMV: You usually can tell if a person is stupid or not by their facial features. +CMV: Secular morality is fatally handicapped without an afterlife +CMV:Rapping is considerably easier than singing or playing a musical instrument. +CMV: Socialism allows freeloading for the lazy +CMV: Blaming extremists instead of religion for religious terrorism is like blaming extremists instead of Nazism for World War II and the Holocaust. +CMV: The United States should adopt the green running man pictogram as its sole exit sign. +"CMV: I think ""The Interview"" should not have been made and am glad it was pulled from theatres." +CMV: I think racial discrimination is ok to some extent +CMV: Social democracy (regulated capitalism with strong safety nets) is superior to socialism (social ownership and democratic control over the means of production) +CMV: Piracy is wrong +"CMV: Hiphop culture was born at the cross roads of racism, poverty, and the American Dream, and deserves more credit" +"CMV: The residing powers in the U.S. do not want to support their veterans, as veterans, aside from militia, would be the best-trained in military-grade weaponry to support a fomenting revolution." +CMV: Socialism is simply a democratic workplace and not inconsistanty at all with democracy. +"CMV: I support bigger crackdowns on narcotics such as heroin, crystal meth, and crack." +CMV: /r/ShitRedditSays is a good thing +"CMV: Language can only be ""bad"" if it is personally offensive." +CMV: I think our experience of reality is essentially 2 dimensional +CMV: Republicans are trying to turn Sony pulling 'The Interview' into America losing a cyberwar so they can blame Obama for it. +CMV: Reddit has become heavily censored and is no longer a bastion for free speech and expression. +CMV: We pretty much have to go to war with North Korea now. +CMV: Decreasing birth rates is Western nations' biggest problem. +CMV: I don't believe the calculation of child support should be tied to income. +CMV: I think that there are instances when the rape victim should share some blame. +CMV: A 20 year prison sentence is just as bad as a life sentence +CMV: Bill Cosby is reacting exactly how he should if he was falsely accused +CMV: It is not possible to CHOOSE to believe anything. +CMV: The normalizing of relations with Cuba is a good thing. +CMV: Movie culture is overrated because it is neither diverse nor creative. +CMV: The interview should have been cancelled +CMV: there is no legitimate reason for me NOT to take my fiancés last name when we get married. +"CMV: I think recording concerts on your phone or Ipad is stupid, inconvenient, and a waste of time. Pictures? Sure, but because they only take a second." +CMV: I think #metalgate is a huge overreaction. +CMV: Children shouldn't be given hyphenate names combining their parents last names. +CMV:Down voting on Reddit should no longer exist. +"CMV: ""Classic"" actors in older movies were absolutely terrible at their art." +CMV I immediately distrust people who use the word 'terrorist'. +CMV: It's wrong to lose weight/gain weight to fit someone you like's view of you. +CMV: I wish I was never born. +CMV: Europe needs stricter immigration control +CMV: A Person Who has Never ever Been in a relationship is a Loser. +"CMV: The word ""drunk"" anoints drinking with undue prestige, and is simply a euphemism for being high on alcohol" +CMV: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a crappy rights document. +"CMV:Testing is NOT and adequate gage of intellectual abilities, no matter the subject." +"CMV: If a woman doesn't change her last name when she gets married (in the U.S.), that doesn't necessarily mean she made ""the choice"" not to change her name." +CMV: Field moves in the Pokémon games serve no purpose and should be replaced +CMV: College Football is much more enjoyable and engaging than the NFL +"CMV: I believe the newly appointed Surgeon General should focus on more important health issues than gun violence if he actually desires to make American's live healthier, longer lives." +"CMV: I'm a cynic and there is no hope for mankind, and we deserve it" +CMV: There is nothing wrong with being labeled an opportunist. +CMV: Steroids should be illegal since they are dangerous to people. +"CMV: ""Cap on top"" shampoo, etc., is a worse design than ""cap on bottom""" +CMV: Debt forgiveness is one of the stupidest ideas ever conceived +CMV: Displaying excessive nudity in the locker room is a violation of the social contract. +CMV:I don't think it should be illegal to be nude in public. +"CMV: ""Female Privilege"" exists." +CMV: The NFL Should Change It's Playoff Format +CMV: Native Indian and Native American are equally disrespectful +CMV:I believe all relationships - platonic and romantic - should be openly transactional. CMV. +"CMV: I see nothing wrong with ""swear words,"" even if said by children." +"CMV: The phrase ""No Justice, No Peace"" should not be used at peaceful protests." +CMV: The Thundercats title sequence is the best TV intro of all time. +"CMV: I believe that Feminism has driven men away, and that men have every right to dislike the movement." +CMV: I believe that the U.S should regulate the profits of drug and medical device manufacturers. +CMV: I don't think news channels outside the Australia should have covered the hostage crisis as an all day breaking news. +CMV: I think the last three years in Sweden have turned me racist. +CMV: That pre-orders and season passes are leading to poorer quality games +CMV: I cannot enjoy anything knowing that all things come to an end. +"CMV: I believe US politics will shift largely to the left in upcoming decades, mainly due to baby boomers." +CMV: I don't believe I should take my friends' new genders seriously. +CMV: I think people should be banned from drinking alcohol at any time if they have been violent towards anyone or vandalised any property for an indefinite amount of time. +"CMV: Left-wing euphemisms are laughable, and make the speaker appear stupid or untrustworthy" +CMV: Alcohol should be legally required to show calories on the packaging +CMV: I think our society has reached a point where religion is no longer necessary and brings nothing but problems. +CMV: Requesting a person to have any sort of 4 year degree for a job is pointless +CMV: Intelligence is fixed at birth and there is no point in studying hard in high school to get good grades +CMV on this current system; The System that governs us all (both economically and physically) which also controls us is going to fail soon . can't we create new more superior more widely relatable System that appeals to everyone and anyone +CMV: I believe that Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest athlete in history. +CMV: There isn't a good argument for our current consumption of meat. +CMV: It is impossible to be single and happy (if you desire to ultimately be in a relationship) +CMV: It is okay for parents to want to shield their young children from graphic or explicit sexual content. +CMV: Retail and food service employees complain too much on reddit about jobs that aren't that hard. +"CMV: caffeine content of beverages should have to clearly displayed on the front of the bottle like alcohol content on beer, wine, and spirits." +"CMV: I believe short barrel rifles, suppressors, and machine guns should be deregulated." +CMV: That positions high up in government should pay less in order to attract people who genuinely have good intentions. +CMV: I do not vote +"CMV: The notion that so-called crisis actors have exploited events like the Boston bombings (in order to profit from public donations) is a ""fringe"" conspiracy theory. However, if it is ever proven that such individuals do exist they should face the death penalty." +"CMV: In university, developing social skills and networking is more important than the actual course material" +CMV:Protests for Ferguson and Akai Gurley only make racism worse +CMV: Hard work doesn't matter +"CMV: Physical Beauty is a Product of Biology, Not Culture or Society" +"CMV: Being an average person is not the same as being a good person, and good people don't commit atrocities." +"CMV: The Democratic Party would do well to drop ""Reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban"" as part of their goals" +CMV: Buying / breeding pedigree dogs is antiquated and harmful. +CMV: Guns laws should be based on situation or premise +"CMV: One cannot be patriotic and a true Christian, or a true follower of any of the Abraham religions for that matter." +CMV: The majority of college-bound students should start out in community colleges +CMV: I believe something way bigger than the internet will come along within the next few decades to make everything about our life and culture irrelevant +CMV: I believe that it's time for a Presidential Committee for the US. +CMV: I believe that publishing emails from Sony Execs is just as much a violation of privacy as the Celebrity Photo Leak +CMV: It should be illegal for an institution (i.e. an employer or school) to require a doctor's note for short-term absence. +CMV: People would be far more outraged by the interrogation tactics listed in the U.S. Senate's CIA torture report if the detainees were women. +CMV: People who back their car into parking spaces (so the front is facing out) waste their own time and the time of anyone trying to get around them. It is an unfathomable stupid act. +CMV: The fact my friend got cuddled while he was asleep (without his direct consent) is not a big deal. +"CMV:I believe that Tinder, Okcupid and other online dating services have had a profoundly negative influence on American dating habits, expectations and experiences with healthy relationships" +"CMV: There is no reason that the minimum wage should reflect productivity, if productivity gains result from better technology." +CMV: I do not believe the Confederation Flag is racist +CMV: I believe that it's weird and not possible to be strictly platonic with an ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend. +"CMV: The vast majority of proposed police reform, this sub reddit included would not result in a net positive for effective justice, only nuanced situational justice." +"CMV: If you knowingly wrongly accuse someone of a crime, you should be exposed to the same minimum and maximum sentence the accused would have been exposed to." +CMV: I don't see how the James Bond movies are sexist +CMV: The gambling age should be 16. (U.S.A.) +CMV: I think that all the people complaining about the Pirate Bay going down are whiny and selfish. +CMV: The summer Olympics are by far better and more interesting than the winter Olympics. +CMV: A direct online democracy where people vote on issues instead of candidates would be better than always having to vote for the less bad of 2 candidates. +"CMV: I believe that the ban on men who have sex with men from donating blood is justified, and is not a form of discrimination." +CMV: The latest incident in the Cosby rape case is dangerous for all men +CMV: I'm glad that Pirate Bay was brought down. I see no moral justification for piracy of modern movies and games. +CMV: Campus rape response policies inevitably throw some people under the bus. +"CMV: Whenever a violent criminal (burglar, thief, murderer) dies, even if the circumstances surrounding his death are shady (police brutality, vigilantism, etcetera), society didn't lose anything of value and might have even gained from the event." +"CMV: I think most police killing scandals in the USA could be avoided if officers where instructed to shoot for the legs when in apparent danger, rather than shoot to kill." +"CMV: No one should ever have to pay to view their credit score, and the current system falls under racketeering (US)" +CMV: Love should not be expected to be limited to one person. +CMV: I think Wikipedia should sell ads as it would greatly benefit both Wikipedia and the advertisers. +"CMV: The term 'rape survivor' attempts to upgrade an albeit horrible act to a life-threatening one, and should therefore not be used." +"CMV: The term ""progressive"" is condescending to opposition" +CMV: Piracy is not wrong. +CMV: if its okay to eat animals its ok to eat severely mentally disabled people. +CMV: I don't want to go to college. +CMV: Please dissuade me of my horrible misogyny before I do something drastic! I had a male upbringing and it makes who I am invalid. I just want to die. +"CMV: I think Microsoft's hybrid approach (Surface Pro 3) will win over Apple's ""one device per need"" (e.g. iPad+MacBook Air or Pro) approach." +CMV: America will eventually allow bankruptcy for student loans. +"CMV: I believe climate change exists, but it isn't threatening." +CMV: All rights and obligations are either natural or rooted in natural rights and obligations. +CMV: Selling surplus military equipment to local police forces is not a problem. +CMV: Fine Arts credits should not be required to graduate high school. +CMV: Male persons should have the right to decide against a child without consequences. +CMV:The police behaved appropriately when restraining and arresting Eric Garner +CMV: It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself. +CMV: Suicide is not a selfish act. +CMV: Obama has been a great president. +"CMV:If cloning technology can be refined, there is nothing wrong with human cloning in particular." +"CMV:Being gay is closely related to, if not the same as being a pedophile." +CMV: Napoleon was not a great leader. +"CMV: With Better Marketing, The Chevy Volt Would be the Most Popular Car in America" +CMV: Refusing to presumptively believe an accuser of rape (or any other crime) is a) NOT equivalent to presumptively disbelieving her and b) the proper course to take in the absence of further evidence. +CMV: I'd rather have freeloaders than thiefs/thugs. +CMV: Election results should be normalized by voter demographics +CMV: I think it is immoral for a transgender person to pursue anyone romantically without first disclosing their previous condition. +CMV:You can't be 100 and be an orphan. +"CMV: I believe far-right ideologies are a tumor on humanity, and should have been eradicated after World War 2." +CMV: No One Should Feel Offended by Christmas +"CMV: Recreational use of marihuana is as bad as tobacco, and worse than alcohol" +"CMV: Using the term ""Social Justice Warrior"" as a pejorative hurts social progress and equality." +CMV: Insulting someone when I was offering hugs +CMV: Power doesn't corrupt people. +"CMV: With the emergence of the Internet, self-learning is much more superior than traditional school." +"CMV: Due to biological, physiological, and mental restrictions placed on all known living things on Earth, God does not and cannot exist" +CMV: Ferguson isn't an isolated incident; it's just America showing its true colors. +"CMV: I believe the US party system has devolved into an ""us vs them"" mentality between the two major parties and prohibits any progress from being made in society." +CMV: The ruling in Citizens United is preferable to the alternative. +CMV: Organized religion is a sham and should be disbanded +CMV I think circumcision should remain legal in the US. +CMV: Quebec is the glue that keeps North America together +"CMV: Work, in the sense we use the term in the US to refer to a job, is nonsensical at best and a scam at worst." +CMV: I believe people should be open to changing their minds when presented with an argument more reasonable/logical/rational than their own +CMV:I think anyone receiving govt. benefits should be drug tested. +CMV: There's no such things as paranormal creatures or events or intelligent life (at least close to Earth) thus we're essentially alone in the universe. +CMV:The US should stop funding novel scientific research. +CMV: The American custom in which people leave their parents' homes after high school or college is wrong and inferior +CMV: Radical feminism is a conservative version of feminism. +CMV: Eating meat is not alright. +"CMV: If gun control supporters were trying to reduce deaths, they would go after tobacco and alcohol instead." +CMV:All lives are of net negative value. +CMV: Social Sciences are not (very) Empirical +"CMV: If I could take a pill to get rid of my sex drive, I would do it." +CMV: Trix cereal is not only for kids and the rabbit - named Tricks - should not be denied the right to eat it. +CMV: American teachers need to drop everything and walk to restore their rights as workers. Not doing so hurts education in the long run. +"CMV: I find John Green's books mildly pretentious, repetitive, and not necessarily worth the amount of recognition they get." +CMV: I'm severely depressed but scared of taking antidepressants. +CMV: Aang is to blame for the failure of the Day of Black Son invasion +"CMV: In the phrase ""White Privilege"" and other, similar phrases and contexts, the word ""Privilege"" is generally incorrect, and should be replaced." +CMV: It is not immoral to be ''the other person'' with whom somebody in a relationship cheats. +"CMV: Police in America are Classist, Not Racist." +"CMV: I think other people should respect other people's friendships, even if the friend isn't perfect." +CMV: Free speech should be banned to all political ideologies that pretend to abolish free speech. +CMV: Calling someone a retard isn't offensive and shouldn't be seen as offensive. +CMV: Reddit should ban subreddits and users that promote hate speech. +CMV: I believe prejudice against southerners in the U.S. is mean and should not be tolerated. +CMV: Artists like Taylor Swift and One Direction who produce catchy songs with superficial lyrics are unoriginal. +"CMV:As human beings we have a bias towards racism, regardless of environmental factors, and the only way humans can 'overcome' racial biases is to acknowledge them." +CMV: CMV: I think the prolife movement should stop trying to pull heart strings and focus on the fact that the vast majority of abortions are done merely out of convenience +CMV: Credit rating agencies are useless and harmful +"CMV: As nobody who frequently visits my house has a peanut allergy, it is not my responsibility to avoid cross-contaminating foods." +CMV: I am from the UK and should move to the US if I want to start a business. +CMV: I believe that #ICan'tBreathe is in bad taste and shouldn't be used by media outlets like HLN. +CMV: Homeschooling provides a better learning and social experience than most schools. +CMV: Employers should not be in the business of providing insurance (health / dental / vision / etc). +CMV: I don't think quitting addictions is as hard as people say. +CMV: No lawful profession is morally wrong. +"CMV: We already live in an Anarcho-Capitalist, voluntary society." +CMV: The Orion program is a waste of money. +CMV: I believe civilians should be allowed to resist arrest +CMV: Reddit has a serious problem with regard to the censorship of unpopular ideas and has become an echo chamber. +CMV: Not caring about what other's think and doing whatever you want is the best way to live +CMV: This is the Final Holiday Season for Sears +CMV: The Big Bang Theory is bad because they're making fun of Sheldon Cooper's autism. +CMV: It's unfair to complain that a spouse or SO works too much +CMV: The United States has a weird legal system that does not contribute to and actively works against determining the guilt or innocence of a person. +CMV: The right to be forgotten should not be a civil right +"CMV: There are no paradoxes, only false premises." +CMV: I believe every conscious and deliberate decision an individual can possibly make has to be the one which they perceive the best outcome from in terms of net-happiness. +CMV: We should not have as much freewill as we do +CMV: We have no control over our choices or the direction of our lives. +"CMV:If I cannot purchase media, pirating it benefits the publisher" +CMV: I think it makes sense to believe in microevolution and not macroevolution. +"CMV: In the ""trolley problem,"" choosing to pull the lever is the only defensible choice." +"CMV: Using ""you"" in a highschool/college essay should be allow and helps tie the reader into the story." +CMV:You shouldn't tell someone they are beautiful when they clearly are not. +CMV: I think I believe in a gender binary. +CMV: English is the frontrunner for the international language and the world would be a better place if everyone learned to speak it. +CMV Those who complain about the USA calling itself America shouldn't. +CMV:Expecting your partner to change their last name to yours after marriage is extremely disrespectful +CMV: People under 16 shouldn't be charged as adults after committing a crime +CMV: Sizeism isn't a thing. You are just fat and need to go to the gym. +CMV: It is in the best interest of internet feminists to make fake accounts to threaten people like Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian +CMV: AI will not be an existential threat to humanity for many decades. +CMV: The Police system is corrupt. +"CMV: The song ""baby it's cold outside"" is about rape" +CMV: I want to move very far away for college while my parents want me to stay local/in-state. +CMV: The European Union (and perhaps also the UN)'s current stance on gender issues unfairly neglects men and favours women +CMV: there don't need to be hundreds of gender and sexuality names +CMV: Sex should only be between two people that are deeply in love that have been together long enough to know each other very well. +"CMV: If we have the power to do so, we should uplift all animals to evolve and become as intelligent as we are because it would be the right thing to do." +CMV: I think transgenderism is a mental health disorder and should be treated as such +CMV: America should get rid of the Grand Jury system +CMV: Glorifying Plus-Sized Anything is Wrong. +"CMV: Nintendo's ""innovative"" controller design for Wii and Wii U were ultimately horrible ideas" +CMV: The college football industry is many times worse than the porn industry. +CMV: If there is no God then life is meaningless. And if life is meaningless then it would be perfectly logical to commit suicide if life isn't what one wishes for it to be. +"CMV: age 40+ should not be a protected class, and if anything young people should be protected" +"CMV: Reddit's typical ""so edgy"" response to criticism of religion isn't a rebuttal, and should be viewed as an admission of the validity of the criticism." +"CMV:I think that it doesn't matter whether you graduate top of your class, or bottom, so long as you graduate." +CMV: Police should always shoot second +"CMV: I believe I've read all the good books already, every single new stuff I read is mostly crap." +CMV: It is hypocritical to be both pro-gun and staunchly pro-life. +"CMV: When referring to video games, numbers for health/damage should always be smaller and bigger doesn't make me feel any stronger." +"CMV: The ""anti-vaxxer"" circlejerk is one of the most obnoxious and overblown on Reddit." +"CMV: I believe that when it comes to education and career choices, earning potential should be the biggest, if not only, concern." +"CMV: Cowboy Bebop is good, but not great. It does not deserve to be acknowledged as one of the greatest anime shows." +CMV: I am going to happily marry a man 20 years older than me and I know it will last. +CMV: There is nothing wrong with using a 6-10 range to rate video games. +"CMV: I think tax avoidance by corporations is admirable, and you should avoid as much tax as possible." +CMV: Inventing an infallible lie detector would do more to solve issues relating to human behaviour (e.g. crimes) than any other single development. +"CMV: When trying to understand behavior, it's always preferable to look for an explanation other than 'laziness'" +CMV:Affirmative action should be based on socioeconomic status rather than race. +CMV: I have no reason to be excited by the new Star Wars film. +CMV: Eating dogs and cats is completely acceptable +CMV: I think that morals and ethics (or simply put: ideas of right and wrong held by individuals or groups of individuals) are defined by culture and are not strictly objective. +CMV: There is nothing wrong with parents setting conditions on paying for their child's college. +"CMV: I think Shia Labouf's claim of ""rape"" is offensive to rape victims everywhere" +"CMV: I believe society should treat all relationships equally, especially unconventional ones, including polygamy, incest, pedophilia, hebephilia, and bestiality." +"CMV:Actually identifying oneself with any other ""social group"" than ""humanity"" eventually leads to negative feelings towards other social groups, and even hate." +CMV: College history courses have no place as a required course in most major curriculum. +CMV: Financed ownership and tenancy are virtually the same. +CMV: 4K TV is largely a useless technological advancement that's not even close to being ready for widespread adoption by AV geeks and certainly not the average consumer +"CMV: I believe that the correct pronunciation of a location (city, town, state, country, etc.) is independent of the the local pronunciation." +"CMV: Fossil fuels have done vastly more good than harm for Humanity, and while the future harm may be daunting we can face it with technological strength because hydrocarbons saved us from nasty, brutish, short lives." +"CMV: I have no responsibility to ""do anything"" or ""say anything"" in response to the Ferguson controversy." +"CMV: Americans don't actually like turkey on Thanksgiving, but eat it out of tradition." +CMV: I think that the number lock key should be on by default. +"CMV: For the majority of people, showering in the morning is superior to showering in the evening." +"CMV: I believe in God, but I don't believe that God loves or cares about us." +CMV: Bitcoin isn't for the layman +CMV: Renting a person is morally equivalent to buying a person. Employment is slavery. +CMV: Developing new games is worthless (hear me out) +CMV: The most powerful sorcerer in all of fiction is Samantha from Bewitched. +"CMV: There is nothing wrong with a non-obese guy dating an obese woman, and people who think otherwise are bigots" +"CMV: I believe that referring, in a single work, to centuries as both the ""1800s"" and the ""19th Century"" is confusing and should be discouraged." +CMV: Drinking beer out of a bottle is superior to drinking out of a can. +"CMV: If I amass considerable wealth during my lifetime, I don't believe in leaving anything to my descendants." +CMV: Knowledge is impossible +CMV: Order is just something that is psychologically satisfying and doesn't truly exist. +CMV:Practicing absolute pacifism is immoral +CMV: Retail employees who have to work Black Friday (or Thanksgiving) shouldn't be complaining +"CMV: The only arguements against gay marriage are based in theological premises, and there is no secular arguement against gay marriage" +CMV: Declawing a house cat is not inhumane. +CMV: Think that the Ferguson jury made the right call based on the evidence provided. +"CMV: The AR15 style rifle has little purpose for the average American, other than for fun." +CMV: I believe that a man's medical insurance should cover Plan B/birth control/abortion. +"CMV: ""The truth is always/usually somewhere between the two sides"" is a false and irresponsible generalization." +"CMV: Using italics in an internet discussion forum signals condescension, and is a really rude way to reply to someone" +CMV: Israel is as legitimate as Poland +CMV: (2014 - 1865 =) 149 years of 'not slavery' does not erase (1865 - 1620 =) 245 years of slavery. +"CMV:I don't think it matters whether the Grand Jury thinks Darren Wilson is guilty, he should have been indicted anyway." +"CMV: The ""Harry Potter"" books make absolutely no sense if we are supposed to believe that the magic world where they are set exists within our own, real world." +CMV: People who judge books based off of the author are morons/ignorant/bad readers +"CMV:Reddit has been primarily racist in regards to what is happening in Ferguson (repost as I broke rule E, hope this is okay!)" +CMV: I think police trying to suppress evidence of their misconduct should be executed or sentenced to life without parole. +"CMV: If all a modern art piece does is make you question whether it's art, it's terrible." +CMV: I think anger and rage is a character flaw. It has no purpose for interpersonal or societal interactions. +CMV: Not all drugs should be legal. +"CMV: The new trend to yell ""F*** Her right in the p****"" on live TV. Should be looked down upon." +CMV: Police discretion is a bad thing. +CMV: Its perfectly legitimate to choose not to vote +CMV: Jurassic Park 3 was bad and there is no reason to think the 4th one (Jurassic World) will be any better. +CMV: In the western world the opportunity to succeed is available to anyone. People who argue against that are just making excuses for their own failure. +CMV: I don't believe cheating is ethically wrong or right. It's just sex. +"CMV: If you don't have healthcare, the self-diagnosis of mental health problems is acceptable for the purposes of understanding and caring for yourself." +CMV: Belief in an idea should solely depend on your ability to debate it. Failure to debate an idea should result in you automatically accepting the counter argument. +CMV: Police should be required to use dash cameras and wear body cameras at all times. +CMV: I believe it is a cop out to pull the race card on something as complex and unknown as the Ferguson incident. +CMV: Multiculturalism is impossible due to flaws in human nature. +CMV:/r/redditarmie should be banned for the continuous raiding and vote-manipulation of YouTube comments. +CMV: In countries run by democracy people can never blame the government for any action or lack of action that eventually leads to undesired outcomes. +CMV: Prisons/jails should serve as a rehabilitation institute rather than a punishment facility. +CMV: I believe that Darren Wilson is likely to have killed Mike Brown in what he reasonably believed was self-defense from imminent danger. +"CMV: If you regularly spend money on cigarettes, alcohol, or other types of drugs while you are financially struggling, you are an irresponsible person." +CMV: I do not think anyone should ever agree to taking a breathalyzer test. +CMV: Heavy marijuana smokers are a pain to anyone who deals with them in a day to day basis. +"CMV: Actors, Musicians and Artists are ridiculously overpaid and overvalued. Professional athletes, however, are not." +"CMV: From an individual standpoint, human life is pointless." +"CMV: If you don't think Americans should celebrate Columbus Day, you're hypocritical if you celebrate Thanksgiving." +CMV: I believe that our legal system is built on a capitalistic model which removes the fairness factor. +CMV: The droids from Star Wars deserve to be released from forced servitude. +CMV: C is the worst letter in English. +"CMV: Praying away illness in lieu of modern medicine is child abuse, and should be a crime." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with telling kids that Santa exists. +CMV: Americans should be more accepting of British pronunciation +"CMV: Gender (not sex) is a social construct equivalent to religion, and I don't believe in it. Transgender-people who undergo reassignment surgeries go against the belief that ""sex =\= gender""" +CMV: I support the Death Penalty. +CMV: The Libertarian view is contradictory +CMV: There ought to be strict minimum sentencing guidelines for police who are convicted of crimes. +"CMV: If you're talented with STEM, you're much more likely to be happy." +"CMV: Stripped to their essentials, patriotism and morals are worthless. They can also be harmful. Humans are better off not existing." +CMV: Paper documents are too easy to forge and should not be legally valid +CMV: I believe that driving while using cellphones is indisputably a bad idea. +CMV:Hunting is only ethical if done out of necessity +"CMV: The downvote button is pointless, and should be removed from Reddit." +CMV:George Lucas getting credit for the Original Trilogy's success is dubious and unfair to the talent he surrounded himself with to make it happen +"CMV: Even though same sex couples can marry, I don't want to get married ever" +"CMV: Human civilization reached a high point during the Enlightenment, and has been on the decline ever since." +CMV: 2nd chance programs like GEDs and alternative schools hurt the people who actually did the work and graduated high school. +"CMV: If you're male, you have to be in the top 20% of attractiveness or else online dating is a waste of time" +CMV: There is absolutely nothing insulting about being interested in someone only for sex +"CMV:There is no good reason to have children ""of your own""." +CMV: Malcolm in the middle is the best Family centered show to ever air. +"CMV: If a person is triggered by something, they have a moral obligation to themselves to make a devoted effort to overcome it/desensitize themselves." +"CMV: ESP and ""the sixth sense"" is complete hogwash." +"CMV: I feel like politicians, elected officials, and law enforcement personnel who are proven to have used their ability or influence to the detriment of society should be executed if it can be proven that they knowingly caused substantial harm to a large group of people." +"CMV: It should be against the law to describe something as ""free"" if a purchase is required to obtain it" +CMV: Western culture is characterized by willful ignorance +CMV: Encouraging young people to pursue the skilled trades is generally bad advice. +"CMV: A characteristic of a sophisticated justice system is that it be as ""outcome-independent"" as possible" +"CMV: ""#Thanksmichelleobama"" Is a decently good indicator that obesity is more of an economic issue than a social one." +CMV:Anything sold in a jar should be sold in a wide-mouth mason jar +CMV: My anger about the AP Lang quizzes I have recently taken is justified. +CMV: Universities That Accept Public Money Should Be Required To Follow Constitutional Amendments +CMV: That size doesn't matter. That a guy with a small penis will never be as good in bed than a guy with an average sized or hung penis and that the stigma of a small penis makes it even worse. +CMV: Bicyclists should be licensed. +CMV: Financial privacy is a basic human right +CMV: The Selective Service Act and Military Recruitment in High Schools is Fundamentally Wrong +CMV: Tropical governments have disproportionately higher amounts of corruption than non-tropical governments. +"CMV: ""Peanuts"" Is An Overrated Comic Strip" +CMV: It is perfectly acceptable to put up Christmas decorations and listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving. +CMV: I genuinely believe black people ruined Detroit and other major US cities. +CMV: we are enabling poor people to be poor by giving them money +CMV:I do not believe that it is wrong for an adult to have sexual intercourse with a minor. +"CMV: I Believe It's Better To Tell 75 People That They're Losing Their Jobs Now, Before The Holidays." +CMV: Legislators should have to vote in secrecy. +CMV: The idea that land can belong to a nation implicitly accepts the right of conquest. +CMV: US Illegal immigrants are not citizens and therefore should not be allowed protection under the US constitution or bill of rights. +CMV: I don't believe we should tolerate racist or sexist beliefs from the elderly any more than we should from younger generations. +CMV: Harshly criticizing your competitor by name would make for quality advertising. +"CMV: crying, pouting, and tantrums are emotional blackmail when done by adults" +CMV: Global warming is undeniably happening and is generally beneficial +CMV: I believe society causes more trauma for rape victims +CMV: There's no argument against the Keystone XL Pipeline besides Imminent Domain being used to build it. +CMV: Piracy is a form of civil disobedience against unjust copyright laws. +"CMV: The new ""normal"" Barbie makes me respect adult women less." +"CMV: when someone sues the government, the case should not go to a public/government court because that's a conflict of interest" +CMV: Near death experience reports provide a reasonable evidence for the belief in afterlife. +CMV: Some atheists (contrary to what they like to believe ) are bad for science by alienating a huge number of people from it. +CMV: I have the right from birth to not participate or be beholden to any social/national/economic/legal structure AND the right to realistically act on that +CMV: The United States of America has and will keep purposefully waging war against terrorist organizations abroad against in order to bolster its massive war industry. +"CMV:I think of religious people as being incompetent, undeveloped, uneducated and naive human beings, change my view!" +CMV:I believe our civilization is going to collapse in the next 50 years due to resource exhaustion +"CMV: Calling an Iranian ""Arab"" should be categorized as hate crime" +"CMV: I believe that affirmative action is an unnecessary, racist towards Asians, and just a result of Blacks/Hispanics/guilty Whites in positions of power. Finally, it doesn't improve the black condition." +"CMV: There is no such thing as ""Ethical Consumerism""" +CMV: Traffic lights and four way stops are objectively inferior to roundabouts. +CMV: I don't sympathize with the Native Americans. +"CMV: Women are inherently repulsed by gentle ""nice guys"" and are attracted mostly to ""alpha"" qualities" +CMV: We should not make school children say the pledge in the United States +CMV: Cultural Appropriation is not harmful (and it is universal) +CMV: There should be a permit for couples to have children. +CMV: I believe the optimal time to have children (if you choose to have children) is in your late 20s. +"CMV: My lack of belief in an inherent purpose or goodness in life has driven me to ethical hedonism; however, I believe this to be a good thing personally and would be a good thing if applied to society as a whole." +CMV: I believe the future of global society is dark and sinister +CMV: Jon Haidt's theory about how disgust/authority/loyalty intuitions determine political views is flawed in its methodology +CMV: Relationships are pointless since I can find everything in one elsewhere. +CMV: People and countries should not apologize and be shamed for acts committed generations ago. +"CMV: It is extremely unlikely I will be ""successful"" in life without going into a lot of debt." +CMV: Diversity programs within companies are counterproductive +"CMV: ""RadFems"" (Radical Feminism) are just an expression of an American tendency in the last 15 years to make everything a shouting match between two opposed sides who aren't really willing to talk." +"CMV: A minority person shouldn't be friends with a person who belongs to his people's oppressors, nor the other way around" +"CMV:Immigrants who are illegal and/or do not pay taxes, should not get any public service that come from tax money" +"CMV: Waffle House does not actually sell waffles, and they are only trying to deceive you." +"CMV: If you desire to penetrate your partner anally, you should be willing to be anally penetrated yourself. [NSFW]" +"CMV: The ""War on Christmas"" is actually a war on every winter holiday that is not Christmas." +CMV: Men should be allowed to hit women back +CMV: I believe that a regular season followed by play-offs doesn't do justice to the better team. +CMV: Mac keyboards are superior to PC keyboards because the cmd (ctrl) keys are located to the immediate right and left of the space bar. +"CMV: When going into a romantic relationship, you should always act like it has the potential to last forever." +CMV: I think everyone should be screened and treated for depression as a matter of routine medical check-ups. +"CMV: I think Monsanto is actually not a bad company, and would even go so far as to say they are a good one." +"CMV: I believe poem_for_your_sprog might be as great a poet of the english language as has ever existed, exceeding Shakespeare in many key measures, because of the Internet." +CMV: I cannot even fathom the idea of being proud of just being from a place. +CMV: Laws banning hate speech are a pathetic way to avoid hurt feelings and have the potential for great abuse in the long-term. +"CMV: As a black American, I don't want my slave last name." +CMV: The right uses the deficit to win votes by implying that the economy and a household budget are similarly structured. +CMV: I don't think it's wrong for companies to outsource tech jobs to India or other similar countries. +"CMV: Most professional athletes of physical sports are profesional not because they have more dedication than collegiate and minor league athletes, but because they are genetically inclined." +CMV: Conservative is a word that has lost its political meaning in the united states and should no longer be used by anyone to describe political viewpoints. +CMV: Trap is objectively bad music +"CMV: If a woman had worn this shirt, nobody would've cared." +CMV: The skill floor on NASCAR is very low. +CMV:Cultural relativism is inherently conservative and hostile to progressivism. +CMV: The Bechdell Test has no bearing on the quality of a film. +"CMV: The mockery of Kim Kardashian's recent photos prominently display's Reddit's hypocritical views on women, sexuality, and race." +"CMV: Autism is caused, at least in part, by infant neglect (""Refrigerator Mother"" hypothesis)" +CMV: There should be another way to reach the police than by phone +CMV: Satire news websites have reached a point where they are as unethical and misleading as click-bait sites. +CMV: I think Super Smash Bros now has too many unworthy characters. +CMV: I'm wasting four years of my life and thousands of dollars for an education that is subpar to what I could acquire myself and for a piece of paper that is taken for more than it is actually worth. +CMV: I'm not sure overweight people would be better off losing weight +"CMV: I love my girlfriend and want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I don't want to marry her" +CMV: the Mountie on the front page deserved to be fired. +"CMV:I believe that in the US, hardcore drug addicts (i.e. meth, heroin) should be forced into rehab and slowly reintegrated into society." +CMV: I believe that physical violence should always warrant the use of deadly force against the attacker. +CMV: I don't think 'rape culture' is a useful concept +CMV:Sweat shops were a great idea +CMV: on gun ownership and the necessity to own one. +"CMV: Hard, gnostic atheism is more defensible than agnosticism for anyone who has examined the evidence." +"CMV:If left-anarchist modes of production were truly superior, then more people would already be using them." +CMV: I want to be disgustingly wealthy and am convinced that is the best thing for me. +CMV: Consent to sex is consent to pregnancy (and all of the responsibilities that come with it) +CMV: Our calendar system would be better if we didn't use months. +CMV: I believe that religion is incompatible with human progress and the human condition in the 21st Century. +CMV: Anyone should be able to opt out of Social Security if they want to. +CMV: I think voting is waste of time and not in your economic best interest. +CMV: I don't believe humans are meant to be monogamous. +"CMV: I see the government as just another actor in the ""free market"" and not an outside entity which is somehow different from all other market forces" +CMV: Primary and Secondary Education Curricula Should be Much More Difficult +CMV: Our elections should not state which candidate is of which political party +CMV: The best D1 college basketball team would have no chance against the worst NBA team. +"CMV: If a rule or law is being broken, and no one is negatively affected by it, there should be no attempt to stop it." +"CMV: I think that the public would understand science a lot better if evolutionary scientists would stop treating their humanistic, God-denying, worldview-based interpretations —as if they were as reliable as the conclusions drawn from the testable, repeatable processes of observational science." +CMV: Four-year degrees from lower-ranked/non-ranked schools should be downgraded to associate degrees to reflect their worth in the real world +CMV: Speeding on the highway presents a high risk with few minimal benefits. +CMV: Yoko Ono sucks +"CMV: The concept of ""viability"" of a fetus does not make sense as a cutoff point for abortion." +"Restaurant tipping should be based on the performance of the server, not a percentage of the bill." +CMV:Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States is a terrible history book and should not be standard reading for High School or College students. +CMV: We should stop hero-worshiping soldiers and admit that their job involves homocide +CMV: Civil Asset Forfeiture should be eliminated or severely curtailed. +CMV: I should be allowed to ‘pirate’ media for personal use. +"CMV: Many Disney movies are racist. Further, they possibly teach children racial stereotypes." +"CMV: In terms of providing a decent quality of life, Japan's economy is far better than that of the US, UK, Germany, or Italy." +CMV: We should abolish all income taxes and replace them with taxes on natural resources. +"CMV: People keep dismissing TRP, but it's the best path to take for a man's self-improvement." +"CMV: I believe if an underage person lies about their age to have sex with somebody, that person shouldn't be guilty of statutory rape." +CMV: Grades make education far less effective for learning +"CMV: Third-world countries and racial disparity in the economy don't exist because white people are evil or oppressive, they exist because of cultural differences." +"CMV: Transgender fighters like Fallon Fox should not be able to fight opponents who were born as women, as opposed to undergoing a sex change operation." +CMV: Saying that soccer is more exciting than American football because it's low scoring is an invalid argument because American football is also low scoring. +CMV: The United States should offer universal public pre kindergarten +CMV: I don't believe eSports will ever become mainstream unless the tournaments start using the contestants real names and start embracing their human element. +CMV: I believe women who have sex with underage boys should receive less punishment than men who have sex with underage girls. +CMV: I don't believe in Net Neutrality +CMV:It's time to stop hyphenating words because they don't fit in one single line. +"CMV: Religious people don't need to let gay people get married in their church. However, they shouldn't be allowed to influence their rights for any form of legal marriage outside of that religion." +CMV: I don't think capitalism is an inherently exploitative system. +CMV: The world and the average person would be better off if we were fewer people on this earth +CMV: Taxpayer funded research should be freely available to any citizen upon first publication. +"CMV: Dragon Ball is cool, but Akira Toryama is a mediocre writer and creator." +CMV: Capitalism will not survive the the next decade. +CMV: The First World War was an unnecessary waste of human life which did not achieve anything and actively led to further suffering later on. +"CMV: I grade assignments, if I can't easily read your writing and find your answer, you shouldn't get credit." +CMV:You shouldn't be a friend with people who use connections +CMV: I don't think anything is wrong with disliking people based on weaknesses that are easy to overcome +CMV:Social justice needs to undergo a paradigm shift. +CMV: Catcalling and Street Harassment should be a ticket-able offense. +CMV: I don't want to have children because the world is a bad place. +CMV: Western visitors to Iran or North Korea who do anything that breaks laws deserve to end up in jail and their home governments should make it clear they won't support them. +CMV: I believe that debate is inherently detrimental to an open mindset. +CMV: Calling compliments and greetings “harassment” serves nobody +CMV: Humans are too selfish to prevent catastrophic climate change +"CMV: I don't think online should force you to make an over complicated password, and should just limit log-in attempts to prevent brute-forcing." +"CMV: ""The end justifies the means""; i.e. there is no decent argument against consequentialism" +CMV: I believe that those who don't like the major parties should use their vote to raise awareness for a specific issue by voting for a small party that promotes policies agreeable to the voter +CMV: Sales tax is far worse for small business than income tax or property tax +"CMV: Michigan's new abortion insurance opt-out act is less of a ""rape insurance"" act and more of a ""murder license"" act." +"CMV: Nothing is objective, everything conceivable in the world is completely subjective" +CMV: Representative Democracy isn't true democracy +CMV - I don't really think bathrooms should be separated by gender. +CMV: Modern freedoms are ruining relationships +CMV:Geoengineering by altering circulation patterns should be the main response to global warming. +"CMV: From the game’s inception, creatures should have entered the battlefield tapped and should have tapped to block (Magic: The Gathering)" +CMV: The United States is an empire in decline and is on a downward trajectory +CMV: University students - It is reasonable for me to dock marks for failures resulting from basic poor organisation +"CMV: I think the popularization of the term ""Street Harassment"" and the current discussion around cat-calling may be destructive" +CMV: I think people who is not voting should be listened as much as the people who voted. +CMV: The private sector can do anything that the public sector can do but with more efficiency. +CMV: Non-existence is better than Existence +"CMV: I think the effects of smoking are worth the risk. I'm on a two week break from smoking to see if I notice a difference. 5 days in and I'm fine, but I don't see any reason to continue abstaining after two weeks." +"CMV: The academic study of religion is just as important, if not more important, than the academic study of science." +CMV: Hard work is not necessarily a virtue. +CMV: I think that digital technology is jeopardizing the way we learn and think +"CMV:The fact that rich people can afford better/more lawyers than poor people is a fundamental miscarriage of justice. In order to combat this problem, each side in a legal battle should be forced to contribute equal money to their own counsel and their opponents counsel." +CMV: I believe joining the military is the best way to change your economic fate if you're born into the lower class in America. +"CMV: Abstaining from voting because you're disillusioned with the choices/system makes you part of the problem, and doesn't make a 'statement'." +CMV: The campaigning to discourage shopping on Thanksgiving is not necessarily the morally correct thing to do. +"CMV: Wherever concealed carry is allowed, it is nonsensical to prohibit open carry" +"CMV: Adding characters to video games that are homosexual just for the sake of having them cheapens the game, and should be insulting to homosexuals in general." +CMV: students should not be required to attend a class as long as they are doing well in it +CMV: Drinking while pregnant should be illegal +"CMV: People don't get more conservative as they age, the ideas they find progressive when they were young do" +"CMV: Using ""literally"" to mean ""figuratively"" is worse than your average language evolution." +"CMV: I don't see the point in being patriotic about being from the UK, Its not like I had a choice in the matter" +"CMV: Social conservatism is anti-progress by definition (and therefore bad, for lack of a better word)." +"CMV: Florida's 60% ""marjoity"" requirement for an amendment to be passed promotes the status quo and takes away power from the people" +"CMV:The gridlock in partisan politics is not a bad thing, and is in fact how the system was designed, for very good reasons." +"CMV: I didn't vote, nor do I intend to, really ever." +CMV:I believe torture to be perfectly ok if guilt is established beyond reasonable doubt. +CMV: College isn't worth the cost. +CMV: There is no justifiable reason for me to get angry about what this driver did. +CMV: Religions don't promote violence. Men use religion as a means to promote their own violent ends. +"CMV:People talk about ""ethics in video game journalism"" as though it's a widespread epidemic, but there isn't a single incident of this outside of Zoe Quinn" +CMV: It's perfectly fine to stereotype someone based on a statistical inference EVEN if that statistic is heavily correlated with skin color. +CMV: Violent criminals are not to blame for their actions. +"CMV:If you care about animals, you achieve more by eating the meat of those that were ethically raised, rather than by being a vegetarian." +CMV: That a penis smaller than average can ever be satisfying to most women. +CMV: Playing Deux Ex: Human Revolution is boring +CMV: We would be better off as a society if Oregon's prop 92 (mandatory GMO labeling) were to pass. +CMV: Not everyone should vote. +CMV: Checking a shared bag of candy before reaching in is socially unacceptable. +CMV: I don't vote. +CMV: shyness doesn't exist +CMV: Coins should be placed into hands before notes. +CMV: The fundamental idea behind holding conservative political views is flawed. +CMV: American television audiences generally do not need adaptations of English speaking shows from other countries. +CMV: I believe Super Hexagon is the best way to separate true gamers from casuals +CMV: Stereotyping all drug users as losers is the same as stereotyping all video game players as awkward virgins. +CMV: The European economic crisis is among the strongest arguments in favor of right-wing economic policies. +CMV:I think you don't need to go to college in order to have a good career and or job +"CMV: People should stop using the terms ""man"" and ""mankind"" to mean all people, and should use ""humanity"" and ""humankind"" instead, because ""man"" is exclusive to women." +CMV: I would rather die young that die old dependent on healthcare to get up in the morning +"CMV: Adoption and fostering are more ethical options than biological parenting given, the environmental concerns we're facing today." +"CMV: Our current ""world leaders"" are incapable of the necessary change required to avert climate change." +"CMV: Nothing matters, and nothing is important" +CMV: Professional media outlets should not report on people being *tested* for Ebola +CMV: arguments from morality are flawed from the start +CMV: I believe there is a lot more skill in learning classical guitar compared to learning electric guitar. +CMV: Political correctness is just good manners. +"CMV:That assisted suicide should not be frowned upon, but rather more supportive in helping one's choice." +CMV: The concept of an eternal afterlife sounds horrific and if it were real I wouldn't want to go there +CMV: Stealing from a department store like Wal-Mart is not immoral. +CMV: I think that society and all institutions should be very strict. +"CMV: Humans are not only morally different from animals, but also morally superior to them" +CMV: Your contribution to society is greater with a new invention as opposed to a valid scientific theory. +"CMV: I think that there are no fundamental differences between races, physical or mental, and that racial labels should be replaced with nationality." +CMV:Self Diagnosis is a valid way of determining a disorder and everybody should do it. +"CMV: Facebook,Twitter, Google, Reddit have very little informational value" +"CMV: I believe that voluntary vegetarianism and veganism, other than that for religious reasons, is a product of living in the developed world" +CMV: I think marijuana's lack of obvious negative side-effects makes it a more harmful drug. +"CMV: I really dislike ""furries""" +"CMV: People who take an ""uncompromising"" stance on anything are naive" +CMV: Sci-Fi has gotten too negative +CMV: Women have it easy. +CMV: It's not a good idea to own personal firearms. +"CMV: Everything is a business. No matter what you ask me about, it's a business." +"CMV: ""Gifted"" programs in schools should be seen as a necessity and a priority." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with legitimate multi-level marketing companies like Amway +CMV: I'm seriously considering leaving the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Con Community. +"CMV: The first German Officer killed by ""The Bear Jew"" in ""Inglorious Basterds"" is a hero. In fact, most of the soldiers killed were probably done so wrongly." +CMV: I believe humanity lacks the inertia necessary to cross the gap required to attain machine superintelligence. +"CMV: The ""offensive nature"" of blackface is irrelevant nowadays and people should stop viewing it as racisf" +CMV: Train Conductors are a useless job. +CMV: I think Fox News is the best and fairest of all mainstream news. +CMV: Nature is not a friend of humanity and we should get as far away from it as fast as we can. +"CMV: The words ""rasist"" and ""racism"" have largely outlived their usefulness." +CMV: I think humans naturally tend towards dictatorships +CMV: The sub /r/punchablefaces is blatant bullying and a direct violation of reddiquette. +"CMV: ""Check your privilege"", used in a Debate, is a terrible Argument." +CMV:Political Correctness/Tolerance in Europe is destructive for society. Political Correctness/Tolerance is possibly worse than elitism(May not be the right word). +CMV: The West has no obligation to help developing countries with diseases/peacekeeping +"CMV: Internet access should be charged on a per usage basis, similar to electricity and water bills." +CMV If recreational usage of marijuana is legalized so should the recreational use of anabolic steroids. +CMV: Atheism is completely useless if not accompanied by humanitarianism +CMV: The Libertarian Tower of Horror +"CMV: we are a nation of men, not a nation of laws. we won't be a nation of laws until laws are written in code." +"CMV: I think WWI is the second biggest human event in written history, second only to Persia invading Greece" +"CMV: The statement ""They're taking our jobs,"" in it's normal anti-immigration/anti-affirmative action context, is both obviously true and obviously the result of prejudice in all cases." +CMV: Britain should formally apologize for its imperial war crimes against humanity +"CMV: There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." +CMV: People should stop using the term 'cop killer' and just use murderer instead. +"CMV: Capitalism is a system that perpetuates structural violence. Therefore, it is not morally wrong to use violence as a means to dismantle capitalist institutions." +CMV: I believe society can put a cap on company profit percentages without being communist. +CMV: Pork is the most versatile of all meats +CMV: cell phones do not cause cancer or any other negative health effects. They emit radio waves at frequencies and energies too low to hurt us in any way. +CMV: The issue of abortion can't be solved until there is a consensus on when life begins. +"CMV: Abbreviating titles when talking about movies, books, episodes, or anything like that accomplishes nothing and obscures meaning." +CMV:Men deserve an entertainment medium biased to their gender just like women do. +"CMV: Kids father dies, whole grade goes to funeral. I think it's inappropriate and that we should just let him have his space and stop pretending like we all care." +CMV: Men and Women are fundamentally different and more better suited for different roles in society. +CMV: Mushroom picking is a perfectly reasonable hobby. +CMV: Gaming community of Reddit is full of misogynistic manbabies and it is harmful for the image of reddit. +CMV - Graffiti artists and taggers are petty assholes +CMV: We should not return to Standard Time and stay in Daylight Savings Time year round. +"CMV: Being ""door-prized"" is the fault of the cyclist, and cyclists should ride out of the range of doors." +"CMV: Fear over A.I., ""artificial intelligence"" and super-smart computers that could destroy mankind is dramatic hyperbole and fearmongering." +CMV:I would prefer a conventional World War 3 than Nuclear based peace. +CMV: I can't help finding neural implants creepy +CMV - Anyone who is against euthanasia should also be against ever going to war. +CMV: snitching is not morally wrong +CMV: I believe that forcing GMO labeling is useless +CMV: The Government should neither regulate marriage; All aspects of a Marriage should be determined by the individuals being Married and grounded in Civil Contracts +"CMV: Anyone distancing from either science or spirituality is a biased, unreasonable individual." +CMV: The sugars in natural fruits and fruit juices cannot possibly be bad for me. +"CMV: I think Freya Rachael accessed information that she had no right to, and deserves the legal strife she's received." +CMV: The USA should adopt a parliamentary system and compulsory voting +CMV: Financial Aid is not a morally justifiable reason to join the military +"CMV: The song There She Goes is about heroin addiction, not a pretty girl." +"CMV: Polygamy is a terrible, terrible idea." +CMV: Taxation is (basically) theft. +CMV: Debating politics or ethics with family&friends is pointless +"CMV: The 'End the Fed' crowd are nothing but a gang of economic illiterates, and should be considered the economic equivalent of climate change deniers." +CMV: Large sports organizations like the NFL and WWE don't really give a shit about breast cancer +"CMV: As a Liberal in a Red State, my mid-term vote does not count." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with incest if you remove the offspring aspect +CMV: Having a child is more selfish than not having one +CMV: Universal child care is more important than universal health care +CMV: Mods should be elected by their subreddit subscribers. +"CMV: ""Revenge porn"" should not be a criminal offence." +"CMV: I believe that people who don't make an effort to keep in touch/check up don't actually care/are assholes, no matter what the excuse is." +CMV: Gordetto's Snack Mix should be at least 50% rye chips. +CMV: Homosexuality and other sexual practices that deviate from what most people do should not be taught in American sex education classes. +CMV: I Believe the Death Penalty in the United States Should Be Abolished +"CMV: There should be no such thing as legally mandated 'sick leave'. Instead, everyone should get extra 'annual leave' entitlements." +CMV: The corporate tax rate in the United States should be 0% +"CMV:There is no such thing as ""cultural genocide"", and the concept itself offensively trivialises actual genocide." +CMV: I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with judging others. +CMV: That English Class in primarily about bullshitting. +"CMV: all life (feelings, consciousness, etc.) is reducible to chemicals and math in the brain" +"CMV: The Republican party deliberately thwarts effective government, because they see a functioning government as a threat to the wealthy and powerful" +"CMV: The huge difference in funding and awareness between breast cancer and other forms of more common and more dangerous cancers, is a result and a direct sign of sexism and a societal problem with men." +CMV: I can lose weight only by lowering my calories and walking my dog. +CMV: People should do everything they can to not work for small ma and pa stores. +CMV: Reddit has seen its golden age and has been in its decline for a while now; we need a new site. +CMV: A human of average intelligence given infinite time would be able to derive all of our mathematical concepts. +CMV: No speech should be limited ever +CMV: Islamophobia is more dangerous than Islam. +CMV: Why can't we establish two minimum wages? +CMV: Children should be taught that sexual orientation is a continuum +CMV: Anita Sarkeesian is dishonest +"CMV: Virginity is not real, and as a completely made-up idea it is harmful to society and should just be removed from our culture." +CMV: I believe a mercenary coalition should be formed to fight terrorism abroad. +CMV: I feel that reducing games to math and number crunching is killing role playing and takes away the spirit of the game. +CMV: Libertarians condone racism. +CMV: Dressing up for Halloween as a member of another culture is not racist. +CMV: Raking leaves off your lawn is a waste of time and mulching/mowing over them in-place is ideal +"CMV: The outpouring of grief for the Canadian soldiers killed on home soil is an example of selective empathy, which is toxic." +"CMV: Anita Sarkeesian's video game critiques are seriously flawed, but worth watching anyway." +"CMV : People nowadays are overreacting too much to boyfriend/girlfriend cheating, and cheating in general." +CMV: Comic Books are Childish +CMV: Lyft and Uber should be required to operate under the same rules as any other taxicab service. +CMV: I agree with Michigan in regards to banning Tesla from selling cars directly to consumers. +"CMV: The average police officer is just as likely to commit a crime as the average citizen, in The United States." +CMV: I have no sympathy for most college graduates who complain that they can't find jobs +CMV: Hostility of any sort results in reverse hostility. +CMV: I don't think women earn less than men. +CMV: Access to firearms should be considered as a gender equality issue. +"CMV: Regulating guns because ""if it even saves one life"" is a REALLY BAD IDEA" +"CMV: The use of nootropics (i.e., ""smart drugs"") is not unethical, even if you're using them to get ahead in school" +CMV: I believe that cannabis is an objectively better substance for recreational use than alcohol +"CMV: If we're going to let everyone have guns, gun safety should be a required course in grade schools" +CMV:In a clinical setting only Medical Doctors should be called Doctor. +CMV: I think the extra point in professional American Football should be abolished. +"CMV: Edward Rooney was not in the wrong and should not be viewed as the antagonist in ""Ferris Bueller's Day Off""." +CMV: I consider the Nordic model the best socio-economic model to base a country around & the best compromise between the right and left +CMV: Gender count shouldn't be mentioned after innocent by standers have been negatively effected from a tragedy or crisis. +CMV: I decided not to have children because of global warming. +CMV: I owe it to my family to shoot anyone willing breaking and entering my home. +CMV: Most voters shouldn't vote +"CMV: I think that words like ""anyways"" and ""alot"" and using idioms incorrectly are acceptable because overtime that is the way language evolves and to stop that evolvement is silly." +CMV: The age of consent is completely arbitrary +CMV: Companies manufacturing homeopathic remedies are criminal enterprises +"CMV: I believe that restricting resources based upon ""minority"" status is discrimination." +CMV: Minimum wage should be increased but taxes should be reduced for businesses and business owners. +CMV: There needs to be more critical discourse surrounding Islam in Western Society +CMV: People take the Westboro Baptist Church too seriously. +CMV: I am considering dropping out of my Masters of Mathematics program. +"CMV: Golf, Darts, Snooker and Chess should not be classed as sports by any definition." +"CMV: The logic in this video about climate change CANNOT be used to ""prove any crazy point""" +CMV: School vouchers/choice make sense because they allow students to escape under performing schools. +"CMV: Mocking people for poor writing on a public forum is perfectly acceptable, and often leads to positive development of a person's knowledge-base through negative reinforcement." +"CMV: I am against nuclear energy - not because I doubt its safety, but because the costs that are caused by nuclear waste are higher than what is made by selling the energy" +CMV: Feminism is the wrong approach to gender equality +"CMV: An eternal afterlife in Biblical Heaven would be an intolerable hellscape, and Christian doctrine's promise of one is a disincentive to believe in Christianity." +CMV: Atheism is not a falsifiable belief +CMV: Parents lying to their children is unjustifiable. +CMV: Aging is terrible and should be 'cured' +"CMV:I'm anti gay. But we can still be civil about, right?" +"CMV: By accepting ""all love is equal/the same"" in terms of homosexuality you accept everyone is bisexual with a possible heavy preference/deterrence to one gender" +"CMV: Sex is something intimate, to be shared in a relationship; not just something that should be done casually." +CMV:Playing 3 hours of video games is no less detrimental than reading a book for 3 hours +"CMV: If a total catastrophic breakdown of society were to happen, liberals would be primarily useless." +"CMV: When one accepts that eating meat is immoral, one would also have to accept that wild animals that naturally eat meat either need to be ""rehabilitated"", or put down." +"CMV: My neighbors' cats should not have to be mine, too." +CMV: Gender is a useless concept and should not be used. +CMV: GamerGate is a hate group +CMV: A person is either a theist or an atheist. The label 'Agnostic' is often incorrectly applied as some kind of middle ground. +CMV: I don't believe in Luck +CMV: The United States and other world governments should create sterilization incentive programs. +"CMV: Any password service that ""locks you out"" should do so after fifty or so false tries, not five." +"CMV: Taylor Swift's recent accidental eight seconds of white noise (""Track 3"") proves Death of the Author" +CMV: I think that Medical Tourism should have no governmental regulation +CMV: I believe the Nazi army during WW2 was not any worse than most armies during history +CMV: Boba Fett was basically useless and shouldn't be considered bad ass (FILMS ONLY) +CMV: Hand tattoos should not effect hireability +CMV: I think it should be illegal for people to sell predetermined pregnancy tests. +"CMV: Consumption of ""healthy"" food like fruits and vegetables is overrated and caloric intake is by far the most important benchmark." +CMV: It is just to organize a volunteer-only militia to defend critically endangered species from poachers using lethal force +CMV: Peanut Butter should absolutely be served in a tube much like icing or toothpaste. +CMV:Mass Surveillance is a justified method of intelligence gathering. +"CMV: I think that prescriptions for ""study drugs"" like Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin should be available to anyone who they will help." +CMV: I think there is nothing with France's ban on religious face covering +CMV: People who complain about cultural appropriation should be against gay marriage. +CMV - I'm a politically conservative student who genuinely believes that Tony Abbott is doing a good job as the Prime Minister of Australia. +CMV:I think America's political parties are lobbies and should instead write and advise on laws that are democratically voted on by the public. +CMV: I think tuition fees in the UK should be 9k and the real problem is not tuition loans but student loans not even covering accommodation costs... +"CMV: When my current laptop dies, I should replace it with a Microsoft Surface" +CMV: I believe accidental exposure to psychedelic substances by human evolutionary ancestors may have a part to play in our development of complex conciousness. +CMV: I should give little or no money to charity during my life and instead save it and leave it in my will +CMV: Jesus from the new testament is not particularly wise +CMV: There is no incentive for females to enter any of the major religions. +CMV: Race car drivers are not athletes. +CMV: Atheism is not a smart choice because you gain nothing by being right +CMV: There are no downsides to purchasing a station wagon. +"CMV: My life will peak in post-secondary school, and I don't have much to look forward to after that" +CMV: White privilege does not exist +CMV: The reaction to Tristan Thompson's kiss is insane. +CMV: Men should not be allowed to vote on anything regarding abortion. +CMV: I should withdraw from university. +"CMV: Equality as an idea is fairly subjective and for this reason will never be ""reached""" +CMV: Suicide posts should be banned from Reddit. +"CMV: Beastiality should be illegal, and those who engage in it should be prosecuted." +CMV: The wife of the man my friend is cheating on with deserves to know +CMV: Meghan Trainor's - All About The Bass is NOT a body positive song. +"CMV: Next time there is a school shooting, the killer's name and picture should not be published by any media, and coverage of the event should be kept to a minimum." +"CMV: non-working housewives do as much work as their husbands that earn money. i.e. their work is equally as ""profitable""." +CMV: Facebook is the perfect social network +CMV: Feminists and Atheists should stop labeling themselves if they wish to win hearts and minds +"CMV: The word ""fuck"" is bad for culture in the same way that ""fag"" and ""nigger"" are." +CMV:I refuse to go onto antidepressants because I don't want chemicals to screw with my mind +"CMV: If you give ""assholes"" what they want by sleeping with them, you have weak morals." +CMV: An American Union would be the best way to fix all the problems in the America +"CMV: I don't watch/read much news, and I don't see any reason to start any time soon." +CMV: I don't want to waste my time on Battlestar Galactica. +CMV: Occasionally inducing vomiting to avoid consuming calories can be a rational decision. +CMV: I struggle to hold respect for most singers in music and think they are vastly over respected compared to instrumentalists +"CMV: Alien Blue isn't as good as what the hype around it would have you believe and if I had to pay for it, it wouldn't have been worth it." +CMV: I believe that the USA should eliminate welfare for able bodied people and instead use that money to subsidize employment. +CMV: Video games don't cause violence +CMV: I think the United States of North America might be a really good idea. +"CMV: The best choice for gamers at the moment is a Wii U. The PS4, XB1, and a gaming PC are not worth the money." +CMV: I can't understand why I would vote to raise the salaries of legislators +CMV: There is an anime for everyone. +CMV: Actual Science doesn't start until you have a testable hypothesis. +CMV: I am a solipsist +"CMV: In order to obtain the best quality possible, vegetarian food should not attempt to mimic meat in form, taste, etc." +CMV: The United States is the least-bad choice for World SuperPower +"CMV: People need to stop saying ""I'm probably going to get downvoted for this.""" +CMV: Console exclusive games is a largely outdated concept and it's holding the industry back. +CMV: The only way the conflict in Iraq regarding ISIS will come to a conclusion is with WW2 style numbers of boots on the ground. +CMV: Borderlands/Borderlands2 should not have had out-of-bounds zones and instead Borderlands 3/pre-release and future releases should have randomized/procedurally-generated adventuring landscapes. +CMV: Contemporary British politics is much more interesting than American politics +CMV: I don't think energy drinks are unhealthy as people say they are. +CMV: We should not cure Ebola +CMV: I am a gay guy and I don't think we should assimilate into the heterosexual tradition of marriage +CMV: Men should have the opportunity to opt out of financially supporting a hold they do not wish to have. +CMV: Religion should not affect the life of someone who does not practice it +"CMV: By stiffing bad servers, I am doing them a favor in two ways: One, by giving them accurate feedback on their performance, and, Two, by helping to prevent them from miserably eeking out a living wage in a profession where they clearly do not belong." +"CMV: In the USA, lunch does not have an identity" +CMV: Wisconsin banning the right of public employees to collectively bargain is a huge step forward for the voters/taxpayers. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Wisconsin_Act_10) +CMV:I believe being transgender is a birth defect. That unfortunately has no cure so our best course of action to treat the symptoms by allowing people to transition. +"CMV: It is completely acceptable and moral for me to indicate my hispanic heritage on applications, even though I would be considered white" +"CMV: Humans will never colonize another planet, robots may eventually travel space" +"CMV: Money isn't speech, but only a method of getting speech heard" +"CMV:The ""Right to be Forgotten"" ought to be abolished, or at the very least heavily limited." +"CMV: We should discontinue the practice of Victim Impact Statements, as currently practiced in US Criminal Courts." +CMV: Having a baby means the end of all the things you enjoy. +"CMV: Weekend golfers aren't athletes, and weekend golf isn't a sport." +CMV:It is weird to choose to learn a rhythm instrument +CMV: I believe book burning is not inherently immoral. +"CMV: Saying ""Jew"" is no more racist than saying ""Jewish person"" and it's better English because it's parsimonious" +CMV: I believe the Supreme Court should have an even number of justices +CMV: Ad block will lead to the end of near-ubiquitous free website access. +CMV: The superior way to write an ASCII smiley face is (: and not :) +CMV: Loving Someone Is Never Wrong +"CMV: I think that working for a bank is similar in ""evilness"" to working for a tobacco company." +CMV: Keeping Clifford the Big Red Dog as a private pet is deeply irresponsible and unsafe +"CMV: Forcing prisoners to purchase basic toiletries, food and hygiene items is cruel and unusual punishment, especially when they make pennies per hour working, often for companies that profit from their labor." +[META] Casual AMAA of the CMV mods +CMV: The USA should adopt a foreign policy of neutrality. +"CMV: In ice hockey, goals that are scored via deflection, either off a stick or player, should be awarded to the shooter, not the deflector." +CMV: Swearing at people and/or insulting them is a form of freedom of speech. +CMV:I think it is better to cull those infected than risk the greater spread of ebola. +CMV: I detest marijuana and tend to lose respect for people who smoke it. +"CMV: Ignoring the more hot-button political aspect of what's happening, I think GamerGate's primary focus is a complete waste of time and utterly unimportant. ""Ethics in games journalism"" is barely worth mentioning, let alone whatever huge thing this has become." +CMV: I think a lot of graduate research is a waste of resources +CMV: Allowing drivers to park in a lane on a busy street just doesn't make sense. +CMV: I don't think it is necessary to wash your hands after using a no-flush urinal. +CMV: I believe Don Draper will commit suicide during the final season of Mad Men. +CMV: I think its unfair that let's play channels make money using someone else's content. +CMV: There is no reason why religious beliefs and practices should get more respect than other beliefs and practices +CMV: r/bronyH8 and r/furryH8 are hate speech subreddits. +"CMV: In the US, products manufactured in China should be required to be labeled ""Made by the Exploited Workers of Communist China"" instead of simply ""Made in China.""" +CMV: I don't think there is anything wrong with reclining your airplane seat in coach. +CMV: I have a serious hate for the majority of people. +CMV: We should stop talking about racism. +"CMV: The entire #GamerGate controversy would go away, pro and anti, if people stopped giving a shit about the opinions of others on the internet - ""games journalism"" included - and just played video games instead of arguing about them." +"CMV: I believe organ donation should be mandatory - or at bare minimum, opt out rather than opt in." +"CMV: The ""you should spend x months salary on a wedding ring"" idea is morally reprehensible and financially irresponsible in every single case." +CMV:Rock is dead. +CMV: I never flush urinals and don't feel bad about it +CMV: Cosplay is getting to be more of a beauty contest than a real tribute to fantasy artwork. +CMV: Mixing cups and fluid ounces in recipes serves no benefit and just adds extra confusion +CMV: Religious people are in denial/delusional +"CMV: Columbus Day is a national embarrassment, and should be replaced with Election Day or some other national holiday" +CMV: It should be 'okay' to dress up as someone from a different race. +CMV: I think it's ridiculous that low value items like Magic cards and Air jordans become so expensive through artificial scarcity yet everybody keeps falling for it. +CMV: In the UK people who support UKIP are politically illiterate and ignorant of what reality is really like. +CMV: I believe people who don't give blood but are able to should be shamed and pressured to do so +CMV: It is perfectly okay to call women bitches and hoes. +CMV: I think that kids should be taught at a young age how to properly use firearms as well as the four rules of gun safety. +"CMV: Fundamentalist Islam is problematic and western liberals should be criticising it. In the Bill Maher vs Ben Affleck video, Bill Maher was right." +"CMV: I don't think marching band, cheerleading, dance, etc. should be considered sports." +"CMV: I think that any theory defending social contract is false, and its advocates justify it primarily to legitimize their own power through government action." +CMV : I believe there is no difference between how the Pharaohs treated their people and how Kim Jong-Un is treating his. +CMV: I feel Democratic politicians make empty promises to voters and just blame Republicans when things don't work out. +CMV: Ideas are discover not created +"CMV: #GamerGate is petty, pointless, and will be make people cringe when they look back on it years from now, if they look back on it at all." +"CMV: Unless you are dyslexic, misspelling common/easy words is a sign of serious lack of intelligence." +CMV: I think binging and purging is an effective way to maintain my weight. It's killing me on the inside. Please someone CMV. +CMV: I don't think cops (or other law enforcement personnel) should be allowed to lie to suspects. +"CMV: ""A jury of your peers"" is a horrible way to determine justice, and ""professional jurors"" are a much better alternative." +"CMV: In a survival situation, particularly an apocalyptic or post apocalyptic situation in which resources are scarce, abortion and infanticide should be mandated" +CMV: Religious belief will never entirely disappear from human culture. +"CMV: Standardized tests are fairer to minorities and poorer people for college admissions than the idea of a ""well rounded"" application." +"CMV: Having a military is just as ""socialist"" as having universal healthcare." +CMV:Deflation isn't bad as it is believed +CMV:The PG-13 rating results in films that are less appropriate for 10-20 year olds then R rated films +CMV:Steam customer support sucks and Valve should do something to fix it +"CMV: I don't disagree with the core philosophy, but I hate the name ""feminism"" and don't think things like Women's Resource Centers have a place in the developed world." +"CMV: The Doctor should not have ""companions""" +CMV: Women are less attractive as long term relationship material if they are nonorgasmic. +CMV: Video game consoles should have graphics/performance customization. +"CMV: That ""Rape Culture"" does not exist in a significant way" +CMV: Western Culture is Inherently Racist & Sexist +"CMV: If it's wrong to say ""Not all black people are criminals, but all white people live in fear of crime,"" then it should be wrong to say ""Not all men rape, but all women live in fear of being raped.""" +CMV: Boston Strong is the most hilariously arrogant movement +CMV: Civil asset forfeiture should be abolished. +CMV: People should learn proper etiquette when dealing with police. +CMV: There should be a global agency dedicated to defending against alien invasion. +CMV:I should not start drinking recreationally. +CMV:CMV: Chopsticks are the superior utensil for most salads. +CMV: I think Definitions of person-hood are arbitrary. +CMV: I did get why people love Catcher in the Rye +CMV: I should be able to opt out of any and all advertisements. +CMV: I believe that the way school shootings are dealt with cause more deaths. I taught my children to run as fast and as far as they could if something like this ever happened in their school. +CMV: There is extraterrestrial life. +"CMV: If voter ID laws are unconstitutional, so are other things requiring a photo ID." +"CMV: Because the borders of a majority of countries in the world are based on conquest and colonialism, natural grouping of self-organized groups is restricted, and tensions around this are making the world less peaceful. Therefore, all countries need to accept that borders are fluid and changeable." +CMV: I think that Kailash Satyarthi deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than Malala Yousafzai +CMV: The deaths of 42 youths for verbally assaulting Elisha in the Old Testament is unjustifiable +"CMV: Frequent unannounced fire drills are no different than the story of the boy who cried wolf, and actually make people less safe." +CMV: Some modern Libertarians hypocritically deny that Civil Rights are Rights +"CMV: Being a liberal feminist does not itself make you a ""feminist""" +CMV: There are no women that could compete successfully in the NFL/NBA or with the top percentage of elite male athletes and certain sports should be separate. +CMV: You shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who isn't willing to shave your butthole +"CMV: If immigrants must write a citizenship test to become citizens, native-born residents should be forced to write a citizenship when they turn 18." +CMV: I don't think that you can get shadowbanned simply by voting in an NP subreddit. +"CMV: If both people have been drinking and both people verbally consent, it is NOT rape/sexual assault." +CMV: If an artist does a commercial they are a sellout +CMV: National elections don't matter. +"CMV: I do not think one can morally judge people who engage in or view material related to bestiality if they themselves eat meat, use animal products of any kind or believe that animal ownership is acceptable." +"CMV: The US relies too much on qualifications rather than capabilities, to its economic, social, and moral detriment" +CMV: Passengers should board airplanes in a specific individual order based on seat assignments. +CMV:My opinions on feminism +"CMV: If we consider karma to be an important part of reddit, then we should allow for self posts to gain karma, or at least within certain subreddits." +CMV: Food stamps should be given as cash benefits. +CMV: We should focus less on criminal punishment and more on criminal rehabilitation +CMV: Schools would benefit from being (entirely) privately run. +CMV: Naturopaths should not be allowed a legal title or designation. +CMV: Columbus day is unjustified as a National Holiday and thus should be removed and replaced with Indigenous Day. +"CMV: The classic Sega Genesis Sonic games are terrible, very poorly designed games." +"CMV: Most people who are prescribed antidepressant drugs as a treatment for depression do not need them as their depression isn't caused by a chemical imbalance, but by real-world stressors." +"CMV: I believe that gay rights movements are a downhill battle and should just fall under ""civil"" or ""human"" rights movements" +CMV: Prince Hans is the true hero of Frozen and would have made a better ruler for Arendelle than Elsa +CMV:i believe that stealing is completely morally acceptable. +CMV: The worst sense to lose is sight +CMV: deaf people should not be allowed to drive +"CMV: If a business has two individual bathrooms, both should be unisex bathrooms" +"CMV: Everything in life eventually comes to an end, therefore everything is worthless" +"CMV: The US is not ready for automation, and we are all screwed." +"CMV: New (past 8 years or so) super hero movies are the same recycled garbage. (Spiderman, XMen, Avengers, Iron Man, Transformers, ect.)" +"CMV:Referring to leaked nude photos as a ""sex crime"" is blatant hyperbole." +CMV: I don't feel it's wise to pursue my dream of being a writer +"CMV: if you support gay marriage, you should also support polygamy and incest." +CMV:Gymnastics is the Hardest Sport +CMV: I believe that there should be unlimited (or as close to unlimited as is practical) retakes for all tests given to school children (k-12) within the duration of each particular course. +"CMV: I don't believe you can forge lifelong, real friendships once you're an adult, and it will all just be ""surface friends"" from that point on who will never stick around long-term. Explanation and my own experience in text body." +CMV: High school dress code should remain as strict as it is. +"CMV: Dance is not an academic discipline, and there should not be college-level degrees offered in it" +CMV:The Greek System in college is pointless +"CMV anyone who has pirated any television show, or movie, or song, or any other media is taking a hypocritical stance if they are criticizing the piracy of nude photos of celebrities." +CMV: The Matrix Trilogy is a philosophical masterpiece. +"CMV: I'm pro-life, I believe abortion should only be considered if the pregnancy or birth of the child would put the mother's life in danger." +CMV: The struggle over who controls the South China Sea is further evidence of the decline of American hegemony in the international system. +CMV: If a chuld is born with a severe mental issue the parents should be able to have the child euthanized +CMV: I hate Disney's Frozen and it is currently my most disliked movie of all time. +CMV: Areas of study that don't use the scientific method shouldn't be called sciences or funded by NSF +CMV: The Supreme Court should be fundamentally reformed or abolished. +CMV: News bias is more damaging to U.S. democracy than money ever will be. Citizens United is a scapegoat. +CMV: It makes more sense that children be given their mother's surname than their father's. +CMV: I believe the speed limits on most highways are too low. +"CMV: It's immoral to watch Gordon Ramsay shows like Kitchen Nightmares, Master Chef and Hells Kitchen if you're aware of the suicides they have caused." +"CMV: Naturalized citizens should be allowed to become President of the United States, and the US Constitution should be amended to allow this." +CMV: We should be stocking our homes for long term survival as the ebola outbreak will NOT be contained in the US. +"CMV: I believe the TSA is overly-intrusive in handling airport security. However, they exist to protect airliner revenue and make travelers *feel* safe." +CMV: The Warhammer 40k Orcs are simply obnoxious and the universe would be better off without them. +CMV: I think Christmas is the best holiday. Change my view. +"CMV: Countries with Universal Healthcare fail to produce new vaccines, new medicines, new treatments, and are therefore inferior to the financially corrupt Privatized Healthcare System." +CMV:Wars aren't caused because defense industries profit from it. Defense industries profit from it because the society wants war. +CMV:music is the purest form of art. +"CMV: there is nothing wrong with traffic police maximising the number of tickets they write, by placing hidden speed radars in strategic places or camping outside of clubs to check drivers for alcohol (for example)." +"CMV: We should try to actively ""polinate"" our solar system with microbial life" +"CMV: Communism, though a nice idea in theory, can not work in real, functioning societies, and probably never will." +CMV:The fact that my school doesn't have calorie totals on 60% - 70% of the stuff available in the cafeteria is bullshit. +CMV: Professional athletes that come out as gay should not be highly acknowledged as heroes. +CMV: Voter ID laws are entirely unnecessary. +"CMV: The band ""Blondie"" is / was total shit." +CMV: Kids who have ADHD should not get extra time on tests. +CMV: I don’t support campaigns like the Dove “Real Beauty” campaign and those similar. Change my view. +"CMV: Almost all Political Scientists agree that the Judicial Branch is the weakest because it lacks the power to properly enforce their rulings. In order to fix this, the Courts must be given power to impeach politicians of the other branches who ignore and fail to enforce these rulings." +"CMV: Children should never call their parents by their first names. (Additionally, Mrs. And Mr. are should also always be used.)" +"CMV: I don't believe that incest, prostitution, homosexuality, or polygamy should be illegal" +CMV: Cookies should not be self-served using a spatula. +"CMV:Learning how to do your taxes, budgeting and finance, emergency medical training, and leadership skills should be required to be taught in high schools." +CMV: The top 1% have earned their money and they deserve to keep it +CMV: Believing in Santa Claus is healthy for young children. +CMV: I don't think inequality is a bad thing. +CMV: Gun ownership should be tied to extensive training and regular testing. +"CMV: I believe there is a single non-exploitable game theory optimal formula in poker, a game of incomplete information." +CMV: We haven't been made contact with an alien civilization because they don't have any interest in contacting us. +"CMV: It should be illegal to advertise prize money as $1,000,000 if it is paid out over many years." +CMV: Obama is a top 15 president +"CMV:I believe the best model for the future of humanity is The Culture, as described by author Iain M. Banks" +CMV: I think everyone should be vaccinated. +"CMV: I don’t see anything wrong with going to a restaurant, right before they close, and ordering a full meal." +CMV:I think transparent pricing will do more for affordable healthcare than anything else. +CMV: I believe it is socially rude to fully recline your seat on an airplane flight. +CMV: Doctor Octopus was really a superior Spider-man +CMV: College cafeterias do not offer good enough healthy options for students +CMV: It's not homosexual for a man to have things inserted into his anus by a woman (probably NSFW) +CMV: I believe it is more socially desirable for a person to drink too much than to drink sensibly +CMV: Punishment for criminal acts is unnecessary +"CMV: Most moms who go back to work saying that ""we just can't afford for me to stay home"" are lying to themselves. The reality is ""staying home with my kids is just not important enough to us for us to be willing to change our current lifestyle.""" +"CMV: I believe that chess should have a mirrored set up, instead of having ""queen on color""" +CMV: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is 100% wrong about religion and the Constitution +"CMV: It is inconceivable to program a computer or robot to ""want""." +CMV: Students should not be punished by their schools for actions committed outside of school. +CMV:Quality is better than quantity. +CMV: I don't think Islam is problematic. +"CMV: Sports, and physical activity in general, are more beneficial for boys and girls than playing video games." +CMV: Reza Aslan's rebuke to Bill Maher over Islam was outrageous. +CMV: Death Penalty Shouldn’t Be an Option +CMV:Middle Class Students Should Receive More Financial Aid +CMV:Backgrounds for Gun Ownership Should be More Extensive +CMV: I think paying fines is an awful punishment for miseeds. +"I believe that being overweight should not be someone's right, and the government should be able to tax someone for being obese. CMV" +CMV:The Lack of Education in Schools is Causing Obesity +CMV: The English Caribbean would be much better off today had it remained under the British crown +CMV: I think my unborn male child should be allowed to play football. +CMV:We should stop describing white girls as “basic” +"CMV: The concept that we call ""opinion"", or ""belief"", is a social construct" +"CMV: If we as a society can fund libraries nationwide, we should also fund a free and open internet. And if that's too expensive, I think we should shift most of the funding from the most run down of libraries to a free and open internet." +CMV: It's not sexist for me to use the word cunt. +CMV: Some art is objectively better than other. +CMV: The beard fad is obnoxious and it needs to end ASAP! +CMV: Kurt Cobain committed suicide +CMV: I almost never complain about food in a restaurant for fear of retaliation +"CMV: I believe that falling in love can change your life, and that one shouldn't so easily ""move on""." +CMV:12 bar blues is a lazy form of composition +"CMV:The US has had 43 presidents, not 44. Grover Cleveland should not be counted as the 22nd and 24th president." +"CMV: I don't believe in Marriage, because I believe Divorce is Unethical, yet I believe in a person's freedom to leave any relationship." +"CMV: My mindset of ""time is money"" has made me miserable." +CMV: military attacks against ISIS are being morally justified in the public's mind by what amounts to a large propaganda campaign +CMV: Support for parties like UKIP shows many people are racists +CMV: I think it's perfectly fine for companies to admit that they've made a problem or mistake. +CMV: I don't want my daughter to cut her hair. +CMV: Fashion is superficial and youre a superficial person if you care about it. +CMV: The Space Shuttle program is the worst mistake in the history of space flight +CMV: John Boehner is a terrible leader and about as mature as a 6 year old. +CMV: Smoking cigarettes is inconsiderate (almost) always and everywhere +CMV: Husain Abdullah's prayer is no different from Tebowing and therefore should not be penalized +CMV: Ascriptive identities have no value in modern society. +"CMV: Many people say that society twists our ideas of what is attractive or right, but I think that society is just humanity's ideals on a bigger scale, and shows what we like as a species. CMV" +"CMV: When referring to a girl, fat and thick are not interchangeable. They mean different things." +"CMV: OJ Simpson most likely did not murder Nicole Brown Simpson, and I'm glad he got off." +CMV: women don't have to shave their legs. +"CMV: Like attempts to try and change the male perceptions of female attractiveness, a concerted effort to change what women find attractive in men would be good for society." +CMV: I think that it is alright to lie on my medical school application +CMV: I believe that people have a duty to attempt to determine the motive of an unknown person in their home before taking lethal action against them. +"CMV : There is no valid reason why the life partner (house sharer, kid sharer, all important life decision sharer) should be of the sex I am sexually attracted to." +CMV: Pep rallies are a waste of my time. +CMV: Symbolism is a big pile of shit that we waste too much time on in school... +CMV: I shouldn't stop my baby from eating dog food. +"CMV: All U.S. public school funding should not be dependent on bonds or local government budgets, and should be funded at the same level, depending on the number of students they serve." +CMV: Making money off your closest friends isn't wrong +CMV: White northerners have privilege over white southerners (USA). +CMV: I don't believe that the hatred of GMO's is justified +"CMV: If men have to pay more for car insurance, it is only fair for men to earn higher pays." +"CMV: I believe that for Medical Marijuana to be taken seriously, specific amounts of specific strains should be prescribed, instead of the current system." +CMV: There is no such thing as a mental illness caused by genetics and 'chemical imbalance' attributed to genetics does not exist. +CMV: Red rear turn signal lights should be illegal +CMV: It is perfectly legitimate to use adblocking software and in fact everybody should be using it. +"I believe that by constantly telling people that success is a great job with lots of money, a big house and car and a good neighbourhood is bad for the wellbeing of most." +CMV: The iPhone 6 is the best smartphone on the market +"CMV: Politicians shouldn't resign when they're investigated, no matter the evidence against them. They should only resign when proven guilty by a court of law." +CMV: We should be nicer to pedophiles +"CMV: The *beep* sound that takes the place of ""swear words"" should just be removed from entertainment pieces. Just let people swear on TV and entertainment media as it's way more annoying to hear a *beep* than the swear word itself. Just say the damn swear word. Grow up." +CMV: I do not believe whether it is my responsibility to care whether a potential hookup has a SO or not. +CMV: Woman who stay with their abusers (long explanation) +CMV: The ways the left talks about issues of race/sex is just as stupid and naive as the right. +"CMV: Batman demonstrates quasi-superhuman abilities, despite his supposed status as a ""peak human"" with no powers." +CMV: The wife of the judge who accepted bribes to jail youths should not be punished. +"CMV: Since the German Army is obviously in quite a shabby condition, it should be (mostly) abolished rather than brought back to strength" +CMV:I don't believe in the right to be forgotten. +"CMV: If you're telling me to do something because of a rule, you should at least explain the rule, not making an exception, but understanding that the rule might not be liked." +"CMV: Autism is something that should be cured, not embraced." +CMV: US copyright terms should be significantly shortened. +CMV: A marshmallow isn't worth 15 minutes of boredom. +"CMV: The more expensive a place is, the less is my obligation to tip (or at least tip well)." +CMV: I have a low opinion of people who buy expensive gear to do basic tasks that could have been fully accomplished with cheaper equipment. +CMV: There is little reason to tip pizza delivery drivers +"CMV: ""I'm fine with _____ opinion, just don't push it onto others"" is a cop-out, and not a legitimate stance." +"CMV:If the kid who 'desecrated' the statue of Jesus is punished, it validates Muslim's claims that a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad is deserving of punishment." +"CMV: ""right arm out"" is a valid turn signal for bicyclists." +CMV: Math is discovered not invented +"CMV: The western world's habit of rediculing, instead of merely adopting a neutral perspective, any belief or idea that isn't backed by scientific evidence is one of the greatest limitations to the continued growth of our society." +CMV: deaf culture is stupid and dangerous +CMV: Lower many felony offenses to misdemeanors. +"CMV: Asians deserve a system akin to affirmative action for sports, politics, and other sectors where they are underrepresented." +CMV: Whether or not Leo DiCaprio or Al Gore uses private jets or yachts has absolutely nothing to do with climate change or their credibility in speaking out. +"CMV, the electorate college system to elect a president is absolutely ridiculous as it essentially makes some voters more important than others" +CMV: People who give away their pets because they found a non-pet friendly apartment are selfish. +CMV: You don't have to act on your desires to be considered a pedophile. +CMV:nI believe humanity can't adress the climate change issue before it's already too late. +CMV: The sale of human organs should never be legalised +CMV: I don't believe that 'tax brackets' should exist. +CMV: I think there's nothing wrong with cultural supremacism +CMV: It's not racist to say that you would never date a black / asian / white (etc) person because we're entitled to ANY sexual preference without prejudices. +CMV: Equality of outcome is malign; equality of opportunity is nonsense +"CMV: Using violent language, threats, and emotional abuse in the name of feminism undermines the cause, and it is acceptable for me as a male to object to that." +"CMV: Expecting Muslims to protest against ISIS, is a double standard steeped in prejudice" +CMV: Believing in astrology is a form of prejudice. +"CMV: Based on objective measures of skill, athleticism and strategy, American football is the greatest sport ever created." +CMV:The Use of Closed-Source Software is NOT Unethical +CMV: We should not revere leaders who had to power to prevent injustice or atrocities. +CMV: Wealth/Income disparity is not increasing in the US +CMV: It is unfair to young girls to praise them on their appearance. +"CMV: If you haven't been tested for STDs since the last time you had sex, you should disclose that to prospective sex partner before sex" +"CMV: The US should arm Assad instead of the ""moderate rebels""." +CMV: It is wrong to fly the Mexican (or any other) national flag in your yard in the US +CMV: The 24-hour notation is better than the 12-hour (am/pm) one +CMV: High frequency trading does nothing for society and merely destabilizes the stock market +CMV: Argentina has a weak claim to Las Malvinas/Falklands +CMV:The Giving Tree is a story with horrible morals. +CMV: Liqourice should not be included in variety packs of jelly beans. +CMV: Bicycle riders who ride in the street should be required to obtain a license much like cars and motorcycles +CMV: Story-driven games are usually better at storytelling than books. +CMV: Public anonymity online is a dangerous concept that causes much more harm than good. +CMV: There is nothing wrong with never owning your own home. +CMV: Human experimentation on death row inmates should be legal +"CMV: If there are no moral truths without a God, there are no moral truths with a God." +CMV: I think people should be allowed to drive while using their cell phones. +"CMV: The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 was illegal, severely undermining the credibility of the U.S. as a global leader." +CMV: Voting for a third party candidate is not a waste of my vote +CMV: There is nothing wrong with drinking diet soda +CMV: People angry at vertical videos are ignoring the trend of technology to move to mobile formats +CMV: I don't want to vote in the upcoming election. +CMV: Income inequality is an inconsequential aspect of society and we need to quit worrying about it. +CMV: I think people have the right to end their own lives +CMV: I think that monogamy (prior to kids) is selfish and stems out of doubt in the relationship. +CMV: Socialism Doesn't Work +"CMV: Feminism, as a descriptive, is next to useless because it pretty much means whatever anyone wants it to mean." +CMV:I get annoyed when people use accents of other languages while speaking in English. +CMV: PC gaming needs consoles to exist to survive +"CMV: The Global Financial Crisis was caused by over-zealous deregulation of financial markets, not too much regulation." +CMV: Pickup trucks are impractical clown cars +CMV: I don't really think there are any compelling counterarguments to Marxism +CMV: It is OK to hoard products that are in limited supply to sell them back at a higher price. +CMV: The Walking Dead is a horrible show. +CMV: I believe that those interested in the nature of truth should study Physics rather than Philosophy. +CMV: I dont have any reason to be afraid of terrorism and neither does anybody in the US or the UK. +CMV: I believe religion is the main cause of homophobia and a strong factor in other forms of discrimination. +CMV: This medieval tapestry purposely depicts a living hadrosaurs +CMV: I think modern Radio-Pop/Rap/Dance is horrible excuse for music. Why should I like it? +"CMV: I think it's impossible for a corporation to realistically be taxed, and even so, raising corporate taxes is a generally bad idea." +"CMV: Jokes that are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. in nature have negative social impacts and should be discouraged." +CMV: Current birth certificates are not a form of identification +"CMV: I believe that when a liberal says calls a gun an Ar 15, or any other gun an ""assault weapon"", it's the same thing as when a conservative says abortion is ""murder""." +CMV: I am a young gay but I don't think I should ever act on it +"CMV:I believe that abortion is murder, but exceptions can be made. Also that needless abortions should be punished." +"CMV: I think Economics is largely a backwards field rooted in pseudoscience, unscrutinized cultural biases, and political manipulation." +CMV:We should not be trying to protect endangered species and should let them die off as they would if we were not around to save them. +CMV: Sealing up trash cans at the train station in response to an 'increased terror threat' is just intentional govt fear mongering. +CMV: Those who don't tip waiters should tell their waiter not to expect a tip. +CMV: Conservatism is Dead +CMV: It's a good idea for bank tellers to be armed. +CMV: Jobs should be created to counter technological growth. +"CMV: blatantly deceiving the audience of an advertisement, even if they're not technically lying, should be illegal." +CMV- flying insects are committing suicide when they fly into your windshield +CMV: Whether a claim was racist or sexist or not has nothing to do with whether the stereotype or assertion was true or not. +"CMV: Cheating in long-term relationships should not be an issue of ""if"" but an issue of ""when""." +CMV: I think modern pre-college(grade/high school) schools should be much more vocational in nature and less academic. +CMV: Cubicle pissers should be socially ostracised +CMV:People of mixed race shouldn't be referred to by only half/part of their race. +"CMV: In the Internet age, a true democracy should allow all constituents to vote on issues online weekly/monthly" +"CMV: The military, fire fighters, and police officers should have the same entry standards for men and women." +CMV: I cannot stand anime or manga despite trying +"CMV: I don't believe learning about ""how things were"" is important." +CMV: I don't think women should be able to have combat related jobs in the military. +CMV: It is perfectly fine to shorten the yellow signal when installing traffic light violation cameras +"CMV: I don't believe the NFL should regulate, ban, or penalize any type of endzone celebration whatsoever" +CMV: I don't think it is the responsibility of the younger generation to maintain contact with the older generation +"CMV: Demanding sources/citations in an online debate is generally a counterproductive and pointless thing to do, except in a community of experts. It should be strongly discouraged." +CMV: Quantum Physics is bullshit. +"CMV: This is a logical argument: ""Gay people and straight people have the same marriage rights in the US""" +CMV: There is no longer a need for traditional drummers. +CMV: There is no reason for my office to migrate from Office 2010 to Office 2013. +"CMV: The music industry is not at it's worst right now, and might very possibly be at it's best in history" +CMV: The X-Men should be in a separate universe than the rest of the Marvel U +CMV: I don't believe in ethics. +CMV:The new Sm4sh roster is very disappointing +CMV: The US visa system is generally the most difficult in the world +CMV: Islamic extremist will ultimately bring about the end of the world. +CMV: The recent planned ISIS attack to behead random Australians on camera is no worse a problem than general street crime. +CMV: College is mostly about signaling. +CMV: I believe there is no right and wrong in terms of morality and ethics +CMV: it is impossible for a text post to be NSFW +"CMV: If I had a button that I could press that would eliminate ISIS, I would press it a thousand times." +CMV: There's no point in voting (for the major parties) if you and your significant other cancel each other out. (US politics) +CMV:Fearing death doesn't make any sense. +"CMV: I think spanking is still child abuse even if it ""doesn't leave a mark""" +CMV: Atheists in Western nations aren't currently being persecuted or oppressed in any meaningful way +CMV: It's almost impossible for the human species to become extinct +"CMV: Under the doctrine of ""affirmative, ongoing consent"", there is (virtually) no way for a participant in a sexual encounter to be certain he is not raping the other participant" +CMV: I believe that it was correct of the Vikings to reinstate Adrian Peterson AND I believe that Ray Rice's suspension should be no longer than 1 year +"CMV: Even though Cuban-style socialism leads to lower average standards of living than capitalism, it is immoral to allow anyone to live in abject poverty while others are rich and so socialist government is preferable" +CMV: There's nothing wrong with buying a high quality product made overseas more cheaply versus buying the equivalent from a USA manufacturer. +"CMV: Military bootcamp is basically brainwashing. I don't belive it is needed, and frankly immoral." +CMV: Section 8 housing does nothing to bring people out of poverty and destroys communities in the process. +"CMV: When we take any considered action (ie not in the grip of fear or anger etc), we always do so in order to gain a good feeling or to avoid a bad feeling." +CMV: Nuclear reactors *if handled correctly* should be used more openly as a power source. +CMV:Scotland as part of the UK is the only thing between the UK and an unbroken succession of tory governments. +CMV: I think Scotland would be better off to stay in the UK. +"CMV: If everyone in the world acted like this man, the world would be a safer and a nicer place (link in post)" +CMV:Third party recruiters are a waste of time for professionals. +"CMV: If you believe that transgender deserves protected status and expanded civil rights, then logically, you must support the same rights for otherkin." +CMV: Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong... +"CMV: Door to door/telesales charity fundraising companies like to seem ethical but are based on deception, are inherently predatory and immoral - and if you work for one you share the blame" +CMV: The USA's renewed military action in Iraq shows they are protecting their oil interests in the region as no action has been taken in similar circumstances in Syria +CMV: Getting a well-paid and comfortable job with a Masters degree in synthetic organic chemistry is not likely (USA) +"CMV: If something doesn't smell or have stains, it isn't dirty." +"CMV: Couples need to share a common interest or trait (besides mutual attraction) to have a good, long-lasting relationship" +"CMV: I don't believe it's possible for a man to find me physically/sexually attractive, even if I lost more weight." +CMV: There is no scientific evidence that rape is about power. +CMV: A tablet computer is an essential tool for a university student. +"CMV: We should implement mental health screenings in schools like we have dental screenings, lice screenings, etc.." +CMV:Epiphanies or supernatural experiences in dreams are mere coincidences. +"CMV: As long as the standard of evidence in college rape hearings is ""preponderance of evidence"", and the accused is not allowed competent counsel, those colleges should not be allowed to expel ""convicted"" students." +CMV: IRS should do taxes for us. +"CMV: From a libertarian viewpoint, assuming a state is essential, the government should provide a comprehensive healthcare system accessible by all its citizens." +CMV: I think High School is an obsolete institution and it's purpose can be replaced by internet learning +"CMV: I think its wrong that i have to pay for an STI screening at planned parenthood, but women dont." +"CMV: I believe that the Internet, as it currently stands, does not provide an effective public forum for critical debate and discussion." +"CMV: Feminism demands equality, which applies to domestic violence as well. It is acceptable for a man to hit a woman who attacks him." +CMV: Texting and computers are ultimately ruining the English language +"CMV: If you were born in America, you're a native American." +CMV: I think that beauty pageants objectify women and harm their perception in society. +CMV: I do not believe in any paranormal phenomenon experiences may all be explained logically. +CMV: I don't see the issue in preordering. +CMV: Internet speeds above 20Mbps aren't useful for most people. +CMV: I don't like music and I think I can't benefit from listening to it +"CMV: When up by 7, it always makes more sense to go for 2 to be up 9 rather than kicking and only being up 8." +"CMV: The term ""survivor"" to refer to victims of sexual assault is inappropriate." +CMV: In the Western World Men's rights currently need a greater emphasis than feminism. +CMV: Glass is an outdated technology and should be gradually phased out in favor of plastics +CMV: You can judge a book by its cover. +CMV: the tip system at restaurants is good. +"CMV: Drug stores shouldn't sell homeopathic/alternative medicine. And if they do, they should be in a clearly labeled section seperate from the other drugs/medicine." +"CMV: Saying ""we"" when referring to a sports team is undeserved and arrogant." +"CMV: If you overpay on your taxes, at the end of the year when you receive your money back, the government should repay you with interest." +CMV: Religions should not frown upon pre-marital sex. +CMV: It should not be expected that 'moderate muslims' should speak out against ISIS +"CMV: Treating domestic violence and rape as women's issues is wrong. DV and rape are human issues, and need to be treated as such." +CMV: I believe that rifles and railguns would be better weapons against the Borg than phasers and proton torpedoes +CMV: Battlenet mandatory login security is ridiculous and unnecessary +CMV: The West should recolonize the Middle East. +CMV: I believe that the dollar and all other fiat currencies will collapse within this decade. +CMV: I believe that people should pay the same rate of income tax. +"CMV:I feel like a woman is wrong for forgiving a man who abused her even once, can you CMV?" +CMV: A bank robbery that goes well is a victimless crime +CMV: It is okay to pirate video games as long as they are not available for purchase in stores or online. +CMV: Men should be able to choose deny legal and financial responsibility for an unborn child within the same period a woman can have an abortion. +CMV: Laws banning sagging pants are an unnecessary restriction of freedom that has little or no positive benefit. +"CMV: I'm beginning to dislike the United States, it's culture, and the general temperament of it's citizens." +"CMV:If Valve was working on Half-Life 3, we would know about it." +"CMV: Esperanto should be taught as a second language in American schools, rather than Spanish, French, etc." +CMV: Aliens would never invade the Earth. The only reason for aliens to come down to the Earth's surface is if they had a scientific interest in our life forms. +CMV: I'm optimistic that Dragon Age 3 will be a good game. +CMV: English should be the official language of The U.S.A. +CMV: Heterosexual sex work is incompatible with gender equality +CMV: Zombies (mostly) make no sense +CMV: Heterosexuality and homosexuality are both essentially kinks/fetishes +"CMV: I'm 17, I've been smoking less than 6 cigarettes a week for 3 years and I don't think its bad." +CMV: Dallas Buyers Club and future movies should hire actors that fit their characters actual race/gender +CMV: Professional sports should be segregated based on weight class and not gender +CMV: Secularism will never work in the Muslim world. +Boneless wings are effectively superior to their boned counterparts. +CMV: I believe that the hatred for Fox News is unjust and that it is no different than any other major news station +"CMV: To the extent that ISIL is dangerous to the middle east region , the name ""ISIL"" is more accurate and useful than ""ISIS""." +CMV: Arguing about religion is a huge waste of time. +CMV I believe there are only two genders. And you can only claim to be one at a time. +"CMV: There is no such thing as a timeless movie, book, play, musical piece, etc." +"CMV: Hypnosis is a way of letting someone dominate and control your mind, and it probably makes you some kind of kinky pervert" +"CMV: People who praise Android phones to deviate from the iPhone ""bandwagon/circle-jerk"" are in a bandwagon/circle-jerk themselves" +CMV: Fantasy Football is an AWFUL game because it's almost purely luck-based. +"CMV: I believe that no matter how drunk you get, so long as you can verbally say yes to or initiate sex, it is not up to the other party to play the role of a walking breathalyzer and not have sex with you. As such, it is not rape." +CMV: We should *encourage* sociopaths to try and attain positions of power. +CMV: Unpaid internships are no more exploitative than the university education system CMV +CMV: There is no afterlife. +CMV: I think Benn Wyatt is right that calzones are superior to Pizza in almost every way. +CMV: The Apple Watch is not revolutionary. People who think it will be as significant as the iPhone are getting ahead of themselves. +"CMV: I have sympathy for the stereotypical Nice Guy ""m'lady"" kind of guys." +"CMV: I believe that the United States of America is a bad country, and never want to settle down there." +"CMV: In today's information age, the American education system does an extremely poor job of preparing the work force." +CMV: Why should I support the cause for net neutrality in the USA as a foreigner (EU) +CMV: We should screen out psychopaths and sociopaths from positions of power over others. +CMV: Environmental Activists from the West are reproducing old patterns of colonial expansion and control +"CMV: Android is better than Apple, be it software, amount of diversity between the devices, looks, and specs between said devices." +CMV:You should have every right to be toxic to trolls and feeders in ranked League of Legends. +CMV: I am not a Patriot +"CMV: Religious thought is at best only able to simply get along with science. At their cores, they are essentially incompatible." +CMV: A song cannot have a story if it does not contain vocals (although it can have a tone). +CMV: My DNA belongs to me and can be patented. +CMV: The requirement for a president to be 35 years old is ridiculous and singles out a large part of the population +CMV: It is not the job of a school to regulate student's social lives. +CMV: It is wrong to lose your job over conduct unrelated to your job. +"CMV: Since money represents production, Citizens United allows the most productive groups to decide how what they produce will be governed. Seems fair to me...no?" +CMV: Democracy is becoming less and less meaningful as populations increase. +"CMV: If businesses are people, they are sociopaths, and must be harshly controlled." +"CMV: I don't feel bad for men who lose HALF of ""their stuff"" in a divorce. I think they are idiots and bear full responsibility for what was, in effect, a stupid business decision." +CMV: It must not be the husband's task to sleep on the couch +"CMV: Given that determinism is true and no free will exists, all human actions are automatic." +CMV: I think arguments against equal pay that are based on women's lower productivity are invalid. +"CMV: Couples who wait until marriage to lose their virginity, generally end up having terrible sex lives." +CMV:Deregulation by a society has never led a private business to contribute back to it in a large way. +"CMV: The way many universities are treating rape/sexual assault is excessive, alarmist, and bordering on irresponsible." +CMV:Criminal record should have no weight on a persons future and should be disclosed. +CMV: I believe that the liberalisation and relaxation of things such as sex and swearing is negative thing +"CMV: I believe emphasizing that ""being gay is born rather than a choice"" is irrelevent and gay rights should be the same no matter if homosexuality is born with, nurtured or chosen." +"CMV: If assisted suicide is legal for people with terminal illnesses, it should also be legal for people with incurable mental illnesses" +CMV: Ray Rice Should not have been banned from the NFL +CMV: Cities that use ticketing for things like street sweeping are morally corrupt. +"CMV: freerice.org is a spectacularly ineffective way to make the world a better place, and using it reflects either ignorance or selfishness." +"CMV:""Vote with your wallet."" Is generally ineffective and so it is ideologically an ok argument but a realistically useless one." +"CMV: It was wrong of the AdviceAnimals mods to ban ""Confession Bear"" and ""Unpopular Opinion Puffin""." +"CMV: I think the ""scientific"" view on the creation of the universe is much more appealing and imaginative than any religion I've read about." +CMV: We should stop using the word 'terrorist' or 'terrorism' +CMV: I believe that there's no real difference between a woman being topless and a man being topless. +CMV: Restaurants should stop using glass ketchup bottles and switch to plastic +"CMV: I believe that the negatives of -isms (Atheism, Feminism, ect) outweigh the positives." +CMV: Light Yagami is a boring character and Death Note makes no sense and isn't any good. +"CMV: The age for ""children"" to be tried and sentenced as adults for intentional violent crimes should be lowered to 10, and the sentences carried over into legal adulthood." +"CMV: I believe people are capable of being prejudiced against robots or artificially intelligent beings, and that that prejudice is a type of racism. Racism against robots is a social issue we will have to deal with in the future." +CMV: Officers in the US military should have some kind of minimum experience in the enlisted side to even be considered becoming a O-1. +CMV: Engagement rings and weddings are unnecessary wastes of money +CMV: My two-year-old son getting to meet his grandparents for the first time trumps your few hours of annoyance. +"CMV: If you fall in love with someone else while married (or in a long term relationship), the most fair thing to do is to end your relationship" +CMV: I think ADD/ADHD is a Fabricated Disorder that is highly Over-diagnosed. +"CMV:right to basic necessities of life and right to bodily autonomy are fundamentally contradictory, and any meaningful code of ethics must reject one of them." +"CMV: I believe that any democracy, and/or the specific American system of government, is truly a terrible system that can never work in modern times" +CMV: Building a PC is pointless. +"CMV: I don't think we should take comedians who speak out actively on politics (like Colbert, or Russel Brand) should be taken seriously and given the least bit attention other than from an entertainment perspective." +CMV: I believe controlling ice would be better than controlling fire +"CMV: Traffic, parking, and towing fines should be considered a violation of the 8th Amendment if the person being charged cannot afford to pay due to unemployment or poor wages." +"CMV: I think bullfighting is wrong, but rejoicing when a bullfighter is killed is really fucked up." +CMV:Killing animals for meat is morally fine; it's the conditions of factory farms and their inevitability under capitalist systems that makes meat-eating immoral. +CMV: A benevolent Capitalist company is indistinguishable from a Socialist state. +CMV: Nuclear weapons are evil and the UK should scrap them for good +CMV: I think its better to be great at one thing than pretty good at a lot of things. +CMV: Macs are Worth the High Pricetag +CMV: I believe that acceptance of seemingly benign religious views make it impossible to credibly scorn extremist ones. +"CMV: The US legislative system should not consist of elected officials based on platforms and ideologies, but we should use 21st Century tech to crowdsource government." +"CMV: Joan Rivers suffered from a mental disease that killed her, and society's inability to call it a disease will lead to many more deaths like it." +"CMV: I think if a ""fat person"" tells a ""skinny person"" they need to gain weight, skinny person isn't in the wrong to tell them to lose weight." +CMV: I think Nintendo is underutilizing their assets completely. +CMV: People should stop pronouncing English loanwords as if they're speaking their native language. +CMV: College classes should be open-ended and assignments like homework not required +"CMV: Leftist critiques of capitalism are inconsistent with their own theories regarding ""social contracts""" +"CMV: ""Rich"" people are parasites, and being obscenely wealthy should be a crime." +CMV: The Fender Stratocaster is superior to the Gibson Les Paul +CMV: Britain was the hero of WWII +"CMV: If Scotland becomes independent, the UK will (and should) become a smaller power on a par with the Netherlands or Spain" +CMV: Passing a drug test should NOT be a requirement to receive or maintain welfare benefits. +"CMV: In textbooks, the KKK should be referred to as terrorists." +CMV: The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished +CMV: Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun +CMV: Adult men should not have to pay child support when the pregnancy was before they turned 18 and the woman was a legal adult. +"CMV: ""Running into the kicker"" is one of the worst penalties in football" +CMV:Universities shouldn't hire teachers with strong accents +CMV: The moral choice system in Dishonored was a terrible design. +CMV: Life is too short to care about politics +CMV: Attractive people have a huge advantage over unattractive people +CMV: Rape without evidence should not be treated as a criminal case +CMV: Life is not worth living +CMV: It doesn't make sense to consider Laziness a character flaw but not Depression +"CMV: ""Going solo"" or a single member of the band ""taking the lead"" leads to a sharp decline in quality in that musicians body of work." +CMV: I only want to have one child. +CMV: I'm not convinced there is a substantial difference between lying and failing to tell the truth +"CMV: Reviews of restaurants by food critics are basically useless and the profession of ""food critic"" is similarly superfluous." +"CMV: The suffering caused by the meat industry vastly outweighs its benefits, and as an institution is on a similar level to slavery." +CMV: unions produce mediocrity by providing preventing rewards to hard-working employees and protecting lazy ones from punishment +CMV: Mentally disabled students shouldn't be allowed to attend general classes at public schools +CMV: US Alcohol taxes should be higher. +CMV: I think churches should be tax except. +CMV: Popular 90's grunge is inferior compared to all other commonly listened-to music genres. +CMV: The beheading of western journalists by ISIS has no net strategic value and is counter to their objective of forming an Islamic state +CMV: If the approval rating of Congress is below 20% then they are no longer accurately representing their constituents and all congressmen should have to be re-elected immediately +CMV: Camping is a legitimate strategy in First Person Shooters +CMV: Tony Dungy was right when he said he wouldn't draft Michael Sam. And that's half Sam's Fault and half the Media's +CMV : Masturbating is a sin. +"CMV: If guilt is an acceptable weapon in the war against smoking, it should be used in the war against obesity as well." +CMV: schools/governments should pay for consumable school supplies for children +"CMV: To encourage parents to mary and stay married, benefits for children should only go to their married parents" +"CMV: While those involved in originally leaking the celeb photos clearly invaded privacy, the same can't be said about those simply viewing the photos" +"CMV: No one should identify as a feminist, instead they should identify as a smaller school o Feminism." +"CMV: The fact that Obama openly admits to having used illegal drugs in his youth, but is not pro-legalization, makes it impossible for me to respect him" +"CMV: The 'desktop' is a horrible concept from a UX point of view, with no redeeming features" +CMV: Internet service providers should be compensated according to traffic volume +CMV: Complete annihilation of the territories held by Islamic fundamentalist groups such as ISIS would ultimately do more good than harm +CMV: Humankind is not worth saving.. +CMV: I think the Prostate Cancer Foundation's move of rejecting donations from Reddit was a legit PR move. +CMV: Students shouldn't be punished for off-campus behavior +"CMV: People who are against same sex marriage are practicing religious intolerance and if you are for allowing civil unions, the government should not call them marriages for straight people and civil unions for gay people." +"CMV: I do not think that taxes going towards welfare spending can be considered as ""paying a debt owed to society""." +"CMV: People should be judged only on the basis of their morality/character, rather than any other metric such as wealth or fame." +CMV: I don't see why all video game cut scenes should be unskippable +CMV: Fistbumps are superior to handshakes and deserve to take over the role of handshakes when meeting friends or strangers +"CMV: The natural-born citizen clause is wrong, outdated, and discriminatory. Naturalized citizens should be allowed to run for President" +"CMV: I believe that ""illegal"" is not the right word to use in immigration debate" +CMV: Mario should be given a position of power or royalty in the Mushroom Kingdom. +CMV: I think Anita Sarkeesian is a valid critic who makes many strong points +"CMV: Video games (and by extension, developers/creators) aren't obligated to adhere to any standards regarding racism, bigotry, misogyny or any other equality-breaking 'isms'." +"CMV: Atheism as it is represented on the internet is more an attack on the Christian God than the idea of God/gods in and of itself, and the most reasonable non-religious position is Deism." +CMV: I believe that discrimination in hiring should not be illegal (for private businesses). +"CMV: “Chinaman” is no more offensive than similar words like ""Englishman"", ""Frenchman"", or ""Irishman""" +CMV: I am a feminist and I believe it is the only way to obtain genuine equality. +CMV: I think that life is fundamentally pointless. Change my view. +"CMV: It is not hypocritical to hate the NSA for online privacy breaches while participating in ""The Fappening""" +"CMV: A lot like murder, assault, robbery and many other crimes, rape will always exist no matter how much you educate the population, therefore things that prevent it are completely reasonable" +CMV: It's perfectly ok for people to look at the nude celebrity photos and they aren't hypocrites if they dislike the NSA. +"CMV: ""Playing God"" should not be a deterrent from any kind of technological or medical advancement" +"CMV: Most people that complain about income inequality would be perfectly happy to have enough money to qualify for the ""1%""" +CMV: Some women find gay men more attractive because they pose as a bigger threat +CMV: I believe that employers and employees should be free to negotiate all the terms of employment of said employee with no government interference. +"CMV: I think that the best move, in light of the JL Leaks, is for as many people as possible to release nude photos of themselves in response" +CMV: Pictures and videos of people dying are just as invasive to privacy as any nude photo could ever be +CMV: All those Holywood movies about superheros are deliberately produced to stupidify and isolate kids from reality. +"CMV: Affirmitive action is racist, and does nothing to create a more equal, more fair, or more desirable world." +CMV: Marriage should not be a responsibility of the State +"CMV: Telling People to ""Just Be Yourself"" With Regards to Dating is Horrible Advice." +"CMV:Holding places in line should be treated as cutting, and it should be discoraged." +"CMV: The British 3-pin plug and socket is the superior design for domestic mains electricity use, and should become the international standard if one were required." +CMV: I believe that voter ID laws are completely logical and don't compromise people's freedom to vote. +CMV: Drug addicts who have quit drugs and become sober shouldn't be celebrated +CMV: European culture is fundamentally intolerant +CMV: The obsession with the hygiene of fast-food restaurants is overboard. +CMV: You can't teach men not to rape. +CMV: Parents of morbidly or near morbidly obese children should be put on trial for child endangerment. +CMV: MDMA is as much a date rape drug as any other. +"CMV: The Islamic State is a state just like any other, and their activity should not be considered any different from all other states" +CMV: Using traffic stops as a control group to show police target African-Americans is incorrect +"CMV: I believe telling women not to walk alone at night, wear too revealing of clothing, keep an eye on her drink etc as ways to avoid being a victim of rape is logical and a smart." +"CMV: The Islamic State will only get worse if it is actively opposed. Instead, soft power should be used to help it evolve into something more moderate" +"CMV: Humans have natural urges for sexual diversity as well as companionship. Monogamy is not a sufficient lifestyle for fulfilling ones needs. Non-monogamy can be done ethically, and takes more communication and maturity to practice successfully." +CMV:Cookies are far superior as a celebratory snack than cake or pie +"CMV: there is nothing wrong with saying ""not all X are like that"", just like there is nothing wrong with saying ""not all prime numbers are odd""." +CMV: Religion is closer to reality than science is +"CMV: Welfare you receive isn't ""your money"", and things like food stamps that make welfare non-discretionary are a good idea." +CMV: Humans Are Not Equal and Pursuit of Equality is a Sham +"CMV: I believe that as a single person, having sex with someone who has a partner (consensually) is not immoral" +CMV: Anyone who sees people of any other political affiliation as automatically less moral is a moron. +CMV:I think it's best for Urkraine if it just gives up the Crimean Peninsula. +CMV: We should forget trying to stop or reverse climate change and instead devote time and resources to finding ways to live with it. +"CMW: Television shows, films, music, books and games should go into public domain after twenty years." +CMV: I think that 2 + 2 = 4. +CMV: Obedience is not a virtue; it is a flaw of character. +CMV: I think organizing a day where everyone wears a skirt or dress to work would help American society accept skirts and dresses as acceptable attire for men. +CMV:I believe that bigamy laws are both unconstitutional and outdated. +"CMV: Americans use ""obligated"" when they actually mean ""obliged""" +CMV: it is not homophobic to be uncomfortable with gay men sharing the same locker room with straight men. +CMV: People who donate to their alma mater are wasting their money +CMV: I don't think there is anything wrong with visiting sites that show graphic gore or violence. +"CMV:I believe that ALS bucket meme is harmful, because it detracts money from more important causes" +"CMV: There should be two presidents, one for domestic affairs and one for foreign affairs" +CMV: I believe it is a complete waste of tax payers money to incarcerate anyone for longer than 5 years for a drug offense. +"CMV:Change my view - I almost never wear condoms, and I think it's worth the risk." +"CMV:""Literature"" (fictional) should not be a core high-school subject or a key part of any mandatory English class." +CMV: I believe being asexual is most beneficial when it comes to advance as far as possible in life. +"CMV: It's ok to protect your legroom and personal ""bubble"" on an airline" +CMV: Dr. Phil is a sensationalist pseudoscientist who applies none of his previous clinical psychology knowledge +CMV: The act of forcing police to wear cameras is merely treating a symptom of a problem rather than the cause +"CMV: Sexual orientation is not completely predetermined, and culture can be a large influence" +CMV: It is utterly unethical under any circumstances for Scotland to not take on its share of UK debt if it votes for independance +CMV: Monogamous people are selfish +CMV: Modern popular hip hop is disposable repetitive garbage +CMV: I hate cats. +CMV: I believe polyamory is stupid. +CMV: (US)Minimum Wage is Unnecessary and Affects the Economy Negatively +"CMV: Regardless of validity, people with an individualistic worldview are more likely to succeed in life than people who hold collectivist views" +CMV: I think acceptance movements are harmful to the individuals they try to accept. +CMV: Not everyone should vote and encouraging them to do so is stupid +CMV: Skipping is the most underrated form of travel +CMV: Standing on the passing side of an escalator is rude and inconsiderate. +"CMV: I believe that auto insurance companies should NOT be allowed to charge different rates based on age, gender, marital status." +CMV: Captain America was in the right during Marvel's Civil War storyline. +CMV: Clothing retailers should not be allowed to pin back clothing on mannequins to make it appear more fitted than it is. +"CMV: If there are pesticides on produce, they are an ingredient and should be labeled as such." +CMV: The world should have an oligarchy of the smart to guide humanity. +"CMV: As an individual who wished to remain non-racist, it is counterproductive for me to inform myself about race based research" +CMV:People who take self-shots that include their chest shouldn't complain if viewers don't focus squarely on their face. +CMV: I'm growing increasingly uncomfortable with a certain brand of Christianity and those who subscribe to it. +"CMV: If you *have* to assign a religion as the ""best"" religion, then Buddhism is it." +"CMV: ""Troy"" is a much better film than ""Gladiator.""" +"CMV: In a competitive market, the cost of internet consumption should always be proportional to the amount of data consumed, because there ain't no such thing as a free lunch." +CMV: I believe there is no such thing as 'moral.' +CMV: If you can't say it publicly you shouldn't say it privately +"CMV: Most young, single, working people should not own dogs." +"CMV: While I believe tattoos can serve significant personal meaning, a large number of piercings simply suggests a generally lower amount of self-esteem." +CMV: I think a direct democracy would work if people could only vote if they didn't avoid the facts +CMV: It is homophobic to insinuate that gay men are all feminine. +CMV: Rewarding children for trying and participating (and winning) is the correct model; those who suggest just awarding the winners are wrong +"CMV: While gender can be decided upon by the person, sex cannot due to genetics and sex, not gender, should be used for medical and other information on forms (as well as gender if necessary)" +CMV: England/Wales/Northern Ireland should be included in the Scottish independence referendum. +CMV:Segregated ( by gender) workplaces would lead to improved productivity. +CMV: Professional male tennis players should be paid more than professional women tennis players in Grand Slam events. +"CMV: American children are educated into an unrealistic, individualistic view of reality, which kills compassion and perpetuates extreme inequality / capitalism" +"CMV: I am only 20, I want to be a father at 22." +"CMV: I don't really understand ""college nationalism""." +"CMV: There is no reason why anyone should be sentenced to a prison term longer than about six months, unless it's a life sentence" +CMV: Piracy is not theft +"CMV: Due to the frequency of fantastically fallacious claims on its behalf, I think we should stop using the word ""religion.""" +CMV:Vegetarianism/Veganism are illogical lifestyles +"CMV: I think the greatest threat to our democracy is an invasive, 24-hour media that does not give our politicians the private space needed to make politically sensitive compromises." +"CMV: Americans who condemn ""the rich,"" on the simple ground that it's wrong for some people to be so much richer than others, are generally hypocrites." +[CMV] Fanfics aren't worth reading. +"CMV: There is a large number of the population that area easily mislead and cannot think and reason for themselves. This is the reason we need government regulation on things like employment, health, EPA, and SEC oversight." +"CMV: It is morally justified to attack cops because the police are enforcers of an unjust, immoral system" +CMV: Shielding children from sexuality is a bad idea at any age +"CMV: If Obama were president during 9/11, the country wouldn't have united like they did amongst Bush" +"CMV: It is immoral for Batman to arrest dangerous unreformed supercriminals, like the Joker, instead of killing them." +CMV: There is no Such Thing as Cultural Misappropriation. +CMV: Food trucks charge too much money. +"CMV: I don't think some form of psychotherapy (CBT, logotherapy, etc) can help anyone dealing with depression. I think there are cases where people's lives just suck and it's out of their control to fix them" +CMV: Teenagers should get paid the same rates/wages as adults. +CMV: Zoe Quinn is in the wrong. +"CMV: Due to the level of computational power we have today, socialist planning is superior to the market" +"CMV: No matter how you word it to them or yourself, having plastic surgery will negatively affect your children." +CMV:The US Military has NEVER defended our freedom in the US. +CMV: I think most insurances are a weird concept and shouldn't be needed. +CMV: The US / Canada border should be opened. +CMV: The government should be allowed to arrest or even execute a corporation that's guilty of harming people or the public trust. +CMV: The onus is not on an atheist to argue their 'view'. +"CMV: If the Left thinks that being against immigration is so horrible, they should criticize the Japanese" +"CMV: Abortion is justifiable, but most abortions are immoral" +"CMV: I think gender fluidity is a concept made up by the left, and lacks any biological basis" +CMV: I don't owe my parents anything. +CMV: Those who can never contribute to society and those who choose not to should be imprisoned and forced to work or killed. +CMV: PETA is no better than the groups it protests +"CMV: Reddit's handling of the Zoe Quinn ""conspiracy"" has been an appalling display of misogyny" +CMV: I am convinced that certified doctors who prescribe homeopathic (alleged) medicine should have their job title revoked and be legally punished for scamming gullible people out of their money and probably their health. +"CMV: That American society is getting better, not worse" +"CMV: People who get a free drink or do not ""pay-it-forward"" are not doing anything wrong" +"CMV: In 2-plate states all cars should have two license plates, even those from 1-plate states" +"CMV: With regards to sandwiches, triangular cuts are far superior to rectangular cuts and should be the only ones ever used." +"CMV: Carbonated soft drinks should be called soda, not pop and definitely not coke." +CMV: We could better manage agricultural resources if safe appetite suppressants were recommended (even supplied) by the FDA. +CMV: Money spent imprisoning non-violent offenders should be comp'd to victims instead +CMV there is nothing wrong with Voter ID laws +CMV I don't believe the self driving car is currently close to being ready to be released to consumers. +"CMV: I believe it is okay to dislike reading books, because being a ""film buff"" is intellectually comparable to being a ""bookworm.""" +CMV: I think Halloween should be moved to the last Saturday in October. +"CMV: Automatic toilets are discriminatory, wasteful, and are the epitome of laziness in our society. We should stop replacing manual toilets." +CMV: A slightly higher tax rate for the rich doesn't remove the incentive to work +"CMV: The minimum age at which an individual may be tried as an adult in a criminal case should be, wait for it, 18 years of age." +CMV: A Wired Mouse is better than a Wireless mouse. +CMV: I think you shouldn't have to repeatedly include all sexual orientations in your blog posts to include everyone +"CMV: The fact that I feel no compulsion to document my life with pictures of myself, surroundings, friends or family, is not something I should correct." +"CMV: To conservatives, abortion is not a women's issue." +"CMV: I believe that if Democrats are going to support their constituents (the poor) through food stamps and welfare, then they should have to give things to the rest of us as well." +CMV: I think telling people they shouldn't be sad because others have it worse is fine. +CMV: I think the idea that anonymity turns people into assholes is exaggerated. +CMV: Its wrong and even disingenuous to make any generalization about feminists or feminism. For good or for ill. +CMV: Most conspiracies are more plausible than new earth creationism or even religion itself. +CMV: I think the war in Iraq is the largest mistake the USA has ever made. +CMV: People who can only be friends with those who agree with their political views are shallow and immature +CMV: Police officers should be required to wear cameras similar to dashcams +"CMV: I think polling should be banned before an election, as it sways votes from candidates that would otherwise perform better" +CMV: regular toilet stalls are superior to handicapped stalls +CMV: Organ sale should be legalized +"CMV: If all men are created equal, there is no reason to have immigration laws other than elitism." +CMV: I think if Obama was a Republican the story of him playing golf after the James Foley press conference would have been on the front page of Reddit. +CMV:There ought to be a greater emphasis on police caught doing good deeds instead of police caught killing people. +CMV: I see nothing wrong with religion in government if it is purely symbolic and does not affect people's lives +"CMV:Legally, there should be no difference between watching the James Foley execution video and watching free child pornography." +"CMV: All forms of military and police forse should be required to wear cameras, and if they're turned off while on duty they get fired instantly." +CMV: stories about reporters are a circlejerk +CMV: I am not racist +CMV: I have outlined a form of democracy that would be far better than what currently exists +CMV: Democracy is a horribly inefficient and flawed system. +"CMV: There is nothing intrinsicly wrong with the word ""Nigger""" +"CMV: I believe most people who argue against ""Communism"" or ""Socialism"" are grossly under informed as to what those terms actually mean, and people who think the Soviet Union and China are/were communist don't know what they are talking about." +"CMV: As a Californian, I don't feel the need to conserve water as long as agribusinesses are allowed to keep wasting water by growing rice in the valley." +CMV: The second amendment is specifically so citizens can protect themselves from oppression such as we are seeing in Ferguson right now. +CMV: I believe Doxing officers is the right way to go when the law itself protects them when they clearly are abusing their power. +"CMV:On a macro-histoical level, we are experiencing the death throes of Religion" +"CMV: ""There is no evidence that God DOESN'T exist"" is not a valid argument against atheism." +"CMV:One dollar, one vote, is better than our current voting system" +CMV:I don't think photography should be considered as an art and more of a technical skill. No matter how artistic some photos can be it is not art. +"CMV:I feel that parties generally start far too late, and go on for far too long, and would argue that parties that start at around 3pm are almost always superior." +CMV: I believe that Atheism is hypocritical and just as narrow-minded and dogmatic as religion. +CMV: I believe that the British monarchy should not be abolished +"CMV: Islam is an inherently violent religion, or at least more violent than others." +CMV: Trying to find meaning in life or the universe is useless. +CMV: I believe that a genuine democracy is possible. +"CMV: I beleive the majority of people who are doing the 'ALS Icebucket challenge"" are narcissistic and don't care about the charity." +"CMV: By raising a family in the suburbs, the parents are condemning the children to boredom, dependence, inactivity, and expense." +CMV: Concealing my identity online us not important and a waste of time. +CMV: I don't believe animal cruelty laws should exist. +"CMV: ""Don't ask fishing advice from the fish; ask the fisherman instead."" This is good dating advice for men." +"CMV: Anything that is paranormal, things like death not being the end of it, people having a sixth sense, people being able to see or feel the future, are non-existant and that's the fact of it. CMV!" +"CMV: If someone attacks you unjustly, it's ethical and rational to beat them until they are unconscious" +CMV: Adolescents should never be protected from the truth; they should be taught everything including how to cope with harsh reality. I believe this is one of the biggest parenting errors our culture frequently makes +"CMV: Arguing solely based on logic and evidence, one could not come to the conclusion that there is(theism) or isn't a god(atheism)" +CMV: Anyone protesting for Michael Brown is automatically an idiot. +"CMV: I think we should have mandatory birth minimums and restrictions based on education, military service, awards, income, etc." +"CMV: Even though I'm liberal, since I live in a red state and county I should register as Republican to have a say in political elections via primaries." +"CMV: The release of the CCTV footage of Michael Brown is not character assassination, but a vital component of the incident that helps all parties understand the context of the shooting and the state of mind of the individuals involved." +CMV: Tupac Shakur was a violent rapist who glorified gang culture in his music and never lived up to the 'peace loving messenger' image he's developed today. +CMV: I see no reason to have children. Any parents in this sub? +"CMV: If you don't give your SO head on the regular, they're not that significant to you." +CMV: I believe that smoking (if moderated) isnt as bad as it is thought to be +CMV: I think American society has shown itself to be unworthy of the right to bear arms. +"CMV: Any coherent, logical definition of ""sports"" either includes eSports or excludes a wide amount of ""traditional"" sports, including Olympic sports." +CMV: I think it's more cruel to falsely give the people of places like /r/foreveralone hope than it is to treat them as they are normally treated +CMV: We should prohibit some people from possessing or consuming alcohol like we do with firearms +"CMV: The age of majority should be moved to 25, since the prefrontal cortex does not fully develop until 25 or so." +CMV: I think that bringing up rights when discussing policy is unproductive. +CMV: What happened in the 2000 presidential election was not democratic +CMV: Being a man or a woman is not a choice and does not rely on identity. +CMV: I don't live in a democracy +"CMV: If I am going at or above the speed limit, and you are wanting to pass me, the burden is on you to move over to a different lane to pass me, not on myself." +CMV: Mechanical keyboards are a waste of money and there's no reason to get them instead of ultra-flat/laptop-style scissor-switch keyboards. +CMV: Inheritance should be abolished +CMV: Convicted criminals should be ineligible for private welfare +"CMV: Statutory rape, though it shouldn't be condoned, is in most cases not nearly as bad as regular rape" +CMV: The idea that the US should not spy on other countries and should not develop cyberweapons is ludicrous +CMV: We should absolutely be worried about Artificial Intelligences and increasingly complex systems. We need to be taking measures now. +"CMV: Discrimination against short people is no better morally than discrimination against black people, but it is more socially accepted" +CMV: The NFL is slowly devolving into an entertainment and ratings-based circus. +"CMV: I'm an Arab American and don't mind the fact that the NSA has access to all my personal stuff, I actually like it." +CMV: I believe that if eating huge amounts of meat is OK then fur is OK too. +CMV: I believe that people do not know what is best for them and a realistically utopian society would have extremely strict laws that were absolutely enforced and accepted. +CMV: There can not be an omniscient all-knowing God if humans have free will. The two can't coexist. +CMV: Arrested Development is not a funny show +CMV: I don't believe that it's right to force a vegan diet upon my future children +"CMV: I think TV shows/movies/music/etc. should focus on telling good stories and having good memorable characters rather than being, ""Hip"" or, ""Cool""" +CMV: The overwhelming amount of atrocities in history have been the result of Left Wing governments. +"CMV: I think it is a waste of both time, energy and money running/biking for cancer. Why not clean homes or have a bake sale for money?" +CMV: It is anti-debate to suggest further reading rather than summarising the basis of your argument yourself. +CMV: Gazans deserve what they got in their recent wars with Israel... Along with the blockades and all these other things that are currently causing them suffering... change my view please. +CMV: 2 million dollar pools should be socially unacceptable. +CMV: K-12 teachers shouldn't get tenure +CMV:I think that organ donation should be mandated after one dies +"CMV: Flamboyant, over-the-top, 'flaming' gay people are more harm to achieving equality than good." +CMV: I think income inequality is a good thing. +CMV:Mass Surveillance has little to no benefits +"CMV: If atheists held the same standards of evidence to their lack of faith as they do to religion, most atheists would be agnostic instead of atheist" +CMV: Westerners have no right to be angry at poachers who kill endangered animals +CMV: Automation will not be a problem in the future +CMV: I think conspiracy theorists are retards +CMV: Browsing the internet is the contemporary equivalent of reading a novel +"CMV: Final Fantasy and many other video games got it backwards: The spell Cure should heal status ailments, and the spell Heal should restore health." +CMV: Street lights are wasteful and often counterproductive. +CMV: I believe that it is okay for me to compare myself with others +CMV: Police Officers Who Cover Their Badges On Duty Are Not Acting Under Color of Law and Should Be Treated as Vigilante Civilians +"CMV: Life is meaningless, and there's no point to trying to prolong it as much as possible." +CMV: Indecisiveness is better than a bad decision +"CMV:As an international student who will shortly begin studying in Scotland, I have no place voting in the upcoming referendum." +"CMV: Bitcoin is bad in the long run, because it is unregulated and therefore attracts criminal organizations." +CMV:Humans eating animals is primitive and cruel. +"CMV: I don't believe men and women have been equal historically, are equal today, or should be equal going forward." +CMV: I believe that Rachel had no right to get mad at Ross for sleeping with another girl while they were on a break. +CMV: Listening to a book is the same as reading it. +CMV: Americans would never rise up in protest to defend their freedoms +"CMV: In developed countries, parents don't really raise their children." +CMV: The spear was the best weapon humans ever have developed. +CMV: In the next 20-30 years Chess will be 'solved' (weak solution). +CMV: American's fear of one another is leading to the decline of the US +CMV: Male ephebophilia is a euphemism for dudes being creepy and/or insecure +CMV: The Ferguson MO police are under no obligation to release the name of the officer accused of shooting Michael Brown. +CMV: Michael Brown was lynched +"CMV: ""Civilian Blending"" is an unstoppable strategy. The U.S. can't defeat IS without enormous and unacceptable civilian casualties. IS is going to win." +"CMV: Children should not watch modern television, specifically commercials." +"CMV: There's no good reason to wear sunscreen, unless you work as a lifeguard." +"CMV: Race doesn't exist, and I am not obligated to act as if it does" +CMV: I believe GMO products should be labeled and looked at skeptically by everyone. +"CMV: I am completely screwed and depressed for college as my only choices are to continue my (discouraged) current major, switch into something else (penalized by time, money, opportunity costs), or drop out all together. I believe dropping out is the best approach." +CMV: Dressing provocatively and then complaining about receiving too much sexual attention is like dressing like a clown and then complaining about too many people asking for ballon animals. +CMV: I don't think animals should have rights +"CMV:Many of my working class and poor facebook friends post things supporting the GOP. I'm about to start voting GOP simply to help these people hurt themselves. ""Poor"" and vote against your own self interests? Let me help you with that." +"CMV: 6 months is the minimimal amount of time before you have sex with somebody new. Along with 0, 3 and 6 month std tests" +CMV:I believe that a person cannot both be a serious environmentalist and have children. +CMV: I think Justice can be achieved outside of the law. +CMV:The U.S. should step up its airstrikes against ISIS as it is a terrorist organization that should be destroyed. +"CMV: Apple computers are for old people and the technologically illiterate. Anybody else that using Apple products have bought into marketing. (Not just a fanboy, please read)" +CMV: I think /r/childfree is a pointless and stupid subreddit +CMV: I think that road cyclists in the US give cycling a bad image +"CMV: All lawyers and courtrooms should be abolished, and sentencing for criminals only carried out by a panel of three judges." +CMV: Aborting a fetus that has a severe disability shouldn't be looked down apon +CMV: I should not join Scientology +"CMV: Freely available contraception is the ultimate gender equalizer, especially for women." +CMV: It is in poor taste for someone to make statements about same-sex marriage during a straight wedding. +CMV: Killing your henchman to demonstrate a point is poor leadership. +CMV: Anyone willing to be vegetarian for moral reasons should should go vegan. +"CMV: You should be allowed to use a device that records everything you see or hear, at all times." +"CMV: It is in the best interest of the Jewish population of Israel to pursue the creation of a single, binational state encompassing both Israel and Palestine." +CMV:I think it makes perfect sense that black people are stop/frisked at a higher percentage. +CMV: Second hand smoking isn't as lethal and dangerous as everyone tends to believe +"CMV: I don't fear death, and I find the idea of immortality scary and deplorable" +CMV: You should be able to vote either for OR against political candidates. +CMV: Getting into a relationship isn't worth it +"CMV: Instrumental music is, all else being equal, a purer experience than sung music." +CMV: limiting fossil fuels is the only way to reduce carbon emissions +CMV: Luck is more responsible for success than hard work. +CMV: I don't think that retiring MIB agents should be neurolized +"CMV: I think if you do not vote in elections, you have no right complaining about current affairs" +CMV:I think smoking cigarettes around people who don't smoke them is one of the rudest things you can do +"CMV: The US founding fathers were hypocrites and the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the very founding of the United States was an effort of the new elite to overpower the old aristocracy of England. Everything else was just rhetoric designed for popular support." +CMV: The number 61 is the most aesthetically unpleasing two digit number in Arabic notation. +"CMV: the military industrial complex and for-profit prisons, in their current form, exist to transfer wealth from American taxpayers to private contractors." +CMV: I don't think people should be allowed to make policies that apply to generations after their own. +"CMV: I think using the term ""urban"" is more offensive than ""black""" +CMV: Freedom of Speech is Overrated on Online forums +CMV: I think Captain Janeway should have been tried in court for the murder of Tuvix and lost her commission +CMV: I believe Christians who oppose gay rights and think that women should be allowed leadership are hypocrites. +CMV: Suicide is your last unalienable right. +CMV: I believe that some technologies have more downside and risk than many people are willing to acknowledge. +CMV:Adoption is better than giving birth to one +CMV I think we should shame people that commit suicide to deter other people from doing it instead of incentivizing it. +CMV: I don't believe women's minds are any more complex or difficult to understand than men's. CMV +I believe race is a proxy for class in all discussions of racial inequality. CMV. +CMV: Suicide is the most selfish act a human being can commit. There is absolutely no excuse to end your own life. Depression is not a cause of death... +CMV: The Rage Virus from 28 Days Later would have never made it across the ocean to the America's. +"CMV: If your a parent, you don't have the right to deprive your child of learning certain things just because it's against your religion." +"CMV:The Ice Bucket Challenge, that has been making the rounds on Facebook, does nothing for ALS." +CMV: I think the majority of people acting upset about the death of a celebrity are ridiculous and are mostly 'jumping on the band wagon'. +CMV: Our society places WAY too much importance on sex +"CMV:A person under the effects of Mescaline, LSD or Psilocybin is no less ""in contact"" with reality than a sober person." +CMV: I believe that smart watches are pointless and not worth buying. +CMV: The onus doesn't fall on me to disable AdBlock and help the content creator. +"CMV: If you downvote, you should also have to leave a comment explaining why." +CMV:I'm a guy and I don't consider it superficial for a women to not want to date a man if he doesn't have a car +CMV: I believe that 50 shades of grey isn´t dangerous as many feminists are pointing +CMV: If Darts and Snooker are considered 'Sports' then Gaming should also be. +CMV: A comic book priced at $2.99 or $3.99 is disproportionately expensive to the amount of entertainment that can be garnered from it. +CMV: Kidnapping someone and forcibly connecting them to the experience machine is morally justified. +"CMV: redrawing county borders in Africa and the Middle East, with the goal of decreasing diversity, will only result in larger wars, more rampant repression, and larger loss of life." +"CMV: Considering the song ""Blurred Lines"" sexist or misogynist is an example of a double standard" +CMV: Racism is effectively dead in America +CMV: Books are becoming an outdated form of entertainment. +"CMV: I think the ""nice guy"" stereotype has been grossly over stigmatized" +CMV: I think it's wrong for people to make a living off of YouTube +CMV: The iAMA of the Westboro Church was handled disgracefully by Reddit. +"CMV: I believe the WBC is a hate group, shouldn't be allowed to host an AMA on reddit." +"CMV:Islam is a violent religion, it has always been a violent religion." +CMV: Religion is a disease that pose a grave threat to humanity and must cured at all cost. +CMV: I believe it should be criminal in the U.S. for employees to terminate employment based on the results of a drug test. +CMV: All new police officers should be required to have relevant degrees. +CMV: I don't think it's unfair for me to expect the employees at GNC's to actually be required to be fit and healthy. +"CMV: Capitalism is the way of now, but we need communism in the next 20 years." +"CMV: I don't believe that ""minors cannot provide consent"" is a legitimate argument in support of statutory rape laws." +CMV:Racial pride is a part of the problem with racism. +CMV: I don't see the need for restaurant waiters +"CMV: Unless it is expected, you should never play any music or any sort of video unless every one around you is okay with it." +"CMV: I think that the ""Strikeout ALS Ice Water Challenge"" is not doing any good, but is instead just a stunt." +"CMV:I don't think it is immoral to offer my WTC dust up for sale, if it fell into my apartment on 9/11" +"CMV: Schools are capitalism's holding cells, but it's an ""emperor lacks clothing"" scenario so no one states the obvious or does anything about it" +CMV: I think sports statistical analysis is pointless and a waste of time. +"CMV:If you are not happy, on average, and/or don't know how to be happy, on average, you should not have kids" +"CMV: I don't see why the name of the artist should affect the value of a work of art, and I think the fact that it does invalidates fine art criticism to some extent." +"CMV: Any work of art has a message and a value, and different interpretations of that message are not valid value judgments" +CMV: Meditation is Bad +"CMV: The President of the United States, Vice President and Members of Congress should be paid A LOT more." +"CMV: I think that I get get through life fine just by being attractive and being really, really good with people." +"CMV: It's unfair to say that libertarians ""don't care about the poor.""" +CMV: I don't think a person should ever be downvoted below 1 point. +CMV: Picking up pennies is not worth your time. +"CMV: As a rule, I wouldn't hire a felon." +"CMV: Paper checks are a pain in the ass for everybody, and should be discontinued" +"CMV: If the government deprives me of the means to defend myself/my property, then the government is responsible for my protection." +"CMV: Selfishness is The Root of All Things Considered ""Evil""" +CMV: Steroids and Other Performance Enhancers Should be Legal for Athletes +CMV:TV series are unrivaled better in the original language than dubbed versions +CMV: I think Home Owner Associations (HOAs) are good and everyone should live where there is one. +CMV: I have trouble seeing Kant's categorical imperative as a non consequentialist theory +"CMV: I believe that after a marriage is over, both parties should walk away without receiving ANYTHING, for example alimony, from their ex." +"CMV:Magicians that use camera tricks or excessive stooges are not good magicians and are not ""doing magic""" +"CMV: I don't think that Zionists had the right to occupy already inhabited land just because the Roman empire unjustly destroyed the Kingdom of Israel 2,000 years ago." +CMV: I think ending net neutrality is preferable to letting the government regulate the internet as a common good +CMV: Applesauce is far superior to regular apples +CMV: It isn't offensive to ask to respectfully observe religious practices for personal learning/growth +CMV: Richard Stallman is a bigot. +CMV:Prisoners should be able to receive physical punishment/torture instead of jail time +"CMV: ""Conventional wisdom"" states that you shouldn't talk about religion, politics, or other controversial topics on a first date. I think this makes no sense, and these are great topics for determining compatibility." +CMV: PC is the master race of gaming. +"CMV: I believe that if internet fast lanes were legalized, the monopoly/duopoly issue with ISPs would solve itself." +"CMV: Building permits for small home projects are not much better than bribes to officials, and for the most part, don’t seem to be necessary for public safety" +CMV: The Islamic State (ISIS) needs to be stopped -- by whatever means necessary. +CMV: Lottery winners should be allowed to remain anonymous. +"CMV: I think asking people who posted the CMV about source is often detrimental to discussion, unnecessary and plain lazy." +CMV: The History Channel should either change its name or its programs. +CMV: The secrecy of the U.S. military and intelligence services is mostly harmful. +CMV:I think home schooling is bad for the kids. +CMV: The only reasonable thing to do for people from countries not directly involved in an international conflict is to stay neutral +CMV: I should avoid dating bisexual men at absolutely all costs for fear of dire health consequences... +CMV: I don't believe climate change is happening. +"CMV: Sexist and racist jokes are funny, as long as turn about is fair play." +CMV: No politician who has made it to high ranks has gotten there without corruption being involved at some level. +"CMV: Police dogs should not be considered anything more than chattel and hurting or killing one should be a civil suit at the most, and definitely not a crime" +CMV: Cutting in line is never acceptable. +"CMV:If the biblical God exists, then he is as much or more responsible for human behaviour than humans are." +"CMV: I believe that nearly every home should have basic hand tools, and basic DIY skills should be taught in public school" +CMV: Drinking and partying are a waste of time. +CMV: I think all stop signs should be replaced with yield signs +CMV: I think the recent outbreak of ebola in africa is unusual and has the potential to turn into a global pandemic +CMV: Houses should be carpeted when cost is not a factor. +"CMV: Anyone who uses the ""Let Me Google That For You"" links are being passive aggressive, specially when it comes to someone asking for a source." +CMV: Modern society's goal is to take advantage of every person that is willing to submit and only benefit those in charge of it all. +"CMV:Girls attending festivals shouldn't wear provocative clothing since it's a music fest, not the beach or club" +"CMV: I think the best way to deal with beggars it to make them work for money, e.g. by cleaning the area of litter" +"CMV: In The Big Lebowski, Jesus is an entirely inconsequential and unnecessary character who was given too much attention for his performance." +CMV: Sports are a waste of society's resources. +CMV: I think spending millions of dollars on a bridge fence to prevent suicides is a complete waste of money. +CMV: You are obligated to re-rack weights at the gym after using them. +CMV - public toilets should be unisex +"CMV: Reincarnation is real, and I've experienced it." +"CMV: People who rise to the top in ""public"" institutions are seeking personal gain just like everyone else (""private"" individuals) but are not subject to the profit and loss mechanism, so they are rarely held accountable for the damage they cause." +CMV: I don't care what is happening in Israel. +"CMV:I don't believe that anybody is naturally bad at a subject (like English, Math, Science)" +CMV: There is no logical reason we should not eat cats and dogs in America. +CMV: The Israel-Palestine conflict is a Catch-22 for the Israeli government. +CMV: I don't believe it's any more racist for me to imitate an Indian accent than it is for me to imitate a British accent. +CMV: I believe ENFORCING a minimum wage pay for waiters would alleviate much of the problems we have with tipping. +"CMV: There is no such thing as ""evil""" +"CMV: America is not more ""free"" than other developed/ ""western"" nations" +CMV: political reddits are just endless echo chambers +"CMV: A single man living in his twenties can easily and comfortably live off of a salary of $35,000 or less in the U.S." +"CMV:""Growing up"", ""Settling down"" basically getting into an LTR/marriage and starting a family and buying a house in the suburbs is the most overrated thing ever and a huge trap." +CMV: The US' obsession with 'parity' in sports is misguided. +"CMV: If every single member of the Westboro Baptist Church were to be killed and/or suddenly disappear from existence, the world would be a better place" +CMV: I think gender is a meaningless/useless term. +"CMV: I think that marijuana should be kept illegal everywhere, even for medical use." +"CMV: Cuckholding is not a real fetish, and no man actually enjoys it." +CMV: Celebrities should not request that the public respect their privacy. +CMV: The rise of fan art in geek culture (from paintings to music) is keeping people from developing into artists in their own rights. +"CMV: limiting immigration into the United States would help the poor by increasing demand for unskilled labor, thus raising wages for the poor that live in the United States." +"CMV: ISPs should be able to charge extra for high bandwidth (netflix, youtube, hulu) websites." +"CMV: Democracy cannot be sustained, and will soon fail." +CMV: Clapping at the movie theatre when the film finishes is pointless. +CMV: I believe if two entities agree to wage war you cannot use death tolls to claim either side is acting more/less ethical than the other +"CMV: I believe veterans should not get delayed benefits after service such as the GI Bill, preferential hiring through campaigns such as Show Your Stripes or Hire Heroes, or VA Home Loans." +"CMV:graphic designers aren't artists, just highly trained computer software users." +CMV: A diverse workforce is not an axiomatic good for businesses +CMV: There should not be play-offs in MLB. +CMV: Batman is good for Gotham because the police could never deal with super villains as effectively as he does. +CMV: There is no reason to stay sober if it doesn't damage your goals in life. +CMV: Rational thinking is actually rationalization +CMV: It is unreasonable to expect people not to impose their moral standards on others +CMV: Nuclear energy is terrifying! All nuclear facilities ought to be shut down. +CMV: It should be legal in the United States to buy alcohol at any time of day. +"CMV: Batman is not noble; he's a corporate authoritarian, and the goal of his ""defense"" of Gotham is only to perpetuate his brand. CMV" +CMV: I believe being a gold digger or sugar baby is okay +CMV: I don't understand transgender people +CMV: I Don't Think I Should Bother Voting. +CMV: israel is fucked up +"CMV: Defining yourself as an ""ally"" is pointless." +"CMV:''Artificial intelligence is an unnatural abomination and a threat to Humanity.""" +CMV: I don't believe that the cultural or scientific victory in Civ V should count as a victory since it makes little sense why achieving space or cultural recognition would make you the world leader +CMV: I don't think it's detrimental to servers if I don't tip them +CMV: Surveillance cameras should be placed in all public bathrooms and changerooms. +CMV: If you are a layman regarding a (descriptive) subject your opinions about these subjects should be whatever the current scientific consensus is. +"CMV: I believe that you shouldn't have a ""gender identity"" as your mind is gender-less." +"CMV: The Iraq war was an abject failure, and the region was better off under the rule of Sadam" +CMV: I have no reason to lose weight +"CMV: Cold pizza is a tragedy and people who claim it is as good, or better hot pizza have poor taste." +CMV: A person becomes homeless because they live in a society that creates homelessness and not because of anything intrinsic to that person +"CMV: I believe calling a full grown man ""cute"" is at least mildly insulting." +CMV: An algorithm scanning my communication is so different from a human scanning my communication that it can no longer be considered spying. +CMV: The anger and vitriol towards Unidan is overdramatic +CMV: Abortion is totally okay in any case. +CMV: It is morally and practically unjustifiable to join the Stormcloaks. (Spoilers) +"CMV: Looks played a role, even in getting counter-culture bands into the spotlight..like Grunge bands" +"CMV: People who get large, visible tattoos are being exceptionally short-sighted or overly optimistic about the future acceptability of such body art." +"CMV: Being the carrier of a genetic defect, i don't think i should have a second children." +CMV: It is logical to commit a crime if the expected outcome is positive. +"CMV: I don't think income inequality is a problem. There will always be rich people, poor people, and those in the middle." +CMV: I think all of human endeavor is a result of the desire to get laid. +"CMV: I don't see how government is something that won't form in an anarchic society, based on the fact that it already has and evolved from such societies." +CMV: I see no point in peeling my string cheese into little strands before eating it. +CMV:There were not loads of bands as good as Nirvana in late 1980s/early 1990s Seattle +"CMV: As a middle-class man living in North America, I'm not entitled to an opinion about feminism, Israel-Palestine, abortion, or anything I cannot directly experience or relate to." +CMV: I don't believe in science as a means to Truth. +"CMV: It is just as wrong to discriminate based on income, as it is on sex/race/religion/orientation/etc" +CMV: I think that if a prisoner is refusing food they should be given a feeding tube. That is what happens to mental patients who refuse to eat. +CMV: The ending to the movie rendition of Watchmen was better than the original graphic novel ending +CMV: I believe addiction is just a lack of self discipline/control +"CMV: I think that third-party candidates who don't make voting reform their top priority can't be taken seriously, and may not even take themselves seriously." +CMV: Politically correct euphemisms should not be used by intelligent people +CMV: Women are the bedrock of Conservatism +CMV: I believe tenants should never have to pay a broker's fee when renting a new apartment +CMV: Bringing the Ebola Patients Back to the US is a HORRIBLE Idea. +CMV: Assuming An Overweight Individual is Lazy is Unfair +"CMV: Examining the charter (constitution) of Hamas, they deserve what Israel is dishing out on them (link inside)." +"CMV: African American Vernacacular English (AAVE) is inferior to the standard American English dialect and should be done away with (except for the word ""y'all""- it's helpful to have a specifically plural 2nd person pronoun)." +CMV: Hobby Lobby Refusing to Cover Birth Control Doesn't Limit Women's Rights +CMV:I think businesses shouldn't give discounts to senior citizens and armed forces +"CMV: I believe I've come up with a definition of art vs. ""not art"" that is almost universally applicable." +CMV:The Sorting Hat really screws over the Slytherin kids +CMV: submitting a comment that consists solely of a pop-culture reference is a sign you are a vacuous infant with nothing to say. +CMV: Amway isn't a scam +"CMV: The mainstream American media do not have a liberal bias, they have a capitalist bias" +CMV: The Palestinians have started a war of Propaganda against Israel by holding their own citizens hostage in public spaces that they have turned into military strongholds. +"CMV: I moved out of Denmark long time ago. I've lived in Germany, France, and currently living in the UK. I plan to move to the US some time in the future. I still believe I've made the correct decision. CMV. (I may go back to Denmark if you successfully change my view)." +CMV: Monetary profit motivation (especially capitalism) makes it next to impossible for anything to reach its full potential +CMV: I believe the recent trend of re-releasing video games for next-gen systems is good for the industry and for the consumer. +CMV: women shouldn't be allowed to give birth if the man doesn't want to have a child +"CMV:I believe that taking anti-depressants is similar to taking mind-altering drugs like marijuana and alcohol, and that the drug is only a band-aid to the problem rather than a solution." +CMV: I believe that secular Jewish culture is heinously barbaric. +"CMV:If you believe Israel has a right to exist, it necessarily follows that the Palestinians have an equal right to destroy Israel and take their land back." +"CMV: Definitive statements should be taken as hyperbole, instead of literally, and you're a pedant for correcting them." +"CMV: The Scottish Independence Referendum should be voted on by the whole UK, not just Scottish residents." +"CMV: In a normal American's life, it is morally wrong to not be a vegetarian." +"CMV: If I had to choose between hiring a highschool/university kid or an ex-con for a low-skill minimum wage job, I would go with the ex-con every single time" +"CMV: At some point, maybe soon, preparing for World War III may be a better moral option than trying to maintain global peace." +CMV: Stephen A. Smith was suspended for domestic abuse commentary but I dont think he said anything wrong. +CMV: unidan/unidanx/unidany/etc. should be banned permanently +CMV: EDM* Takes more skill/training than 'traditional music' +CMV: Medicare benefits should be proportional to contributions +CMV: The harassment issues with SDCC and other large cons cannot be solved without some addendum to dress codes. +CMV: Critical Thinking / Philosophy should be a core discipline in modern school systems +CMV: The atomic bombing of Japan was both morally and militarily justified. +CMV:I am uncomfortable when people wear shoes inside the house +CMV: The United States is by no metric the greatest country in the world. +CMV: I should call the cops more often +CMV: I think the only way to solve the debate about tipping servers in America is to add an automatic 25% gratuity. +CMV: I think it is bad parenting to allow an underage child/teenager to consume alcohol. +CMV: I don't believe criminal vigilantes raping rapists in prison is morally reprehensible. +CMV: I think that the Author's Intention is an important part of interpreting literature +"CMV:I don't think you should tip at all good or bad services, it's an out dated custom that just encourages employers to pay sub standard ""tipped"" wage." +CMV: folding your clothes and organizing them in a dresser is a better way to store them than throwing them in a large pile. +CMV: Nature can adapt to climate change +"CMV: Female to Male sex changes must suck, because having an obviously fake penis attached to you would make you feel like a monster." +CMV: The expectation for men to put the toilet seat down after urinating is an unreasonable request. +"CMV: I think it's wrong to get an abortion if the person getting it did nothing to prevent it and them and their baby could live a healthy, regular life" +CMV: Teachers should not allowed to tell students to wear deodorant. +CMV:I don't think I should have to tip for bad service +CMV: GMO's are beneficial to the human race and people who are afraid of them are basing their opinions in assumptions and paranoia instead of facts. +CMV: Anime and Japanese culture is weird and creepy +CMV: I see no point in getting married. +CMV: I believe that using the N word shouldn't be controversial and that every race should be able to use it. +"CMV: I believe that the PS4 is a more powerful console than the Xbox One, but the Xbox has more potential." +"CMV: The American lifestyle is immoral, and unless as an individual Americans are looking to escape and change their lifestyle they are immoral." +"CMV: If you believe the Judeo-Christian god is real, it's more rational to worship Lucifer." +CMV: I don't believe women desire sex nearly as much as men. +"CMV: I genuinely believe that the formation of an Israeli state was immoral to begin with, and that peace between Israel and Palestine is not possible without the Israeli at least partially ceding its claims to Palestine." +CMV: I don't think schools (as we have them) are the most effective method of preparing students for adult life. +CMV:I don't believe marriage should be redefined to include same-sex relationships. +CMV:Palestinians should be relocated to Jordan and the United States should stop funding Israel +"CMV: I believe it is impossible to properly judge any government action, because even with media, we never have all the facts" +CMV: I don't think we have the right to imprison people. +CMV: I believe that people with above average reading speed who text and drive have moral superiority over slow readers who text and drive +CMV: /r/atheism should be renamed to /r/antitheism +CMV:There are no rational arguments as to why undocumented people in the US should be given amnesty +"CMV: Israel will not stop it's aggression toward Palestine until it gains full control of their lands, and the native population has been purged." +CMV: The Last of Us is not a very good video game +"CMV: I think being a skillful baseball player not only requires more athleticism than professional gamers, but it also requires more wit, coordination, dexterity, and mental capacity." +CMV: Public unions collective bargaining undermine the USA's Democratic Republic. +"CMV: Nothing in life is a basic or fundamental human right, with the exception of birth, death, and individual freedom of opportunity." +"CMV: In a classless society, why would anyone choose to go through the hell that is medical school? Classless societies are a pipe dream that will never exist. CMV." +CMV: I don't believe there's any inherent morality in dressing modestly nor do I believe there's any inherent immorality in dressing immodestly. +"CMV: Championship rings/wins are a team stat, not a certain player's determination of greatness." +CMV: I am considering grabbing an XBOX One for the new Halo: Master Chief Collection +"CMV: I think most older video games do not stand the test of time and we only refer to them as ""classics"" because of our obsession with nostalgia." +CMV: Western governments should not pressure African nations to change their anti-gay laws if they are unwilling to accept polygamy +CMV: The only way Palestine can stand up to Israel is through non-violent protest. +CMV:I Think Elliot Rodgers would not have done what he did if he had been a woman +"CMV: The American funeral custom of embalming, facial reconstruction and cosmetics for open-casket viewing is deeply neurotic and bizarre, like taxidermy for the dead" +"CMV: ""Finding and accepting who you are"" is a waste of time and all together irrelevant." +"CMV: I think that anyone who honestly reads the history of the Levant from the dawn of man to the present, or at the very least the history of the Levant from 1850 to 2014, they would fall squarely on the side of the Israelis today." +"CMV: I believe that Standardized Testing in K-12 is important, but should be applied to teachers, not students." +CMV: Futurology is frivolous +CMV: Superman isn't a very effective illustration of assimilation by an immigrant at all. The Martian Manhunter J'onn J'onz is a far better example +"CMV: Even if Hamas has placed rockets or weapons in a school/hospital/shelter full of civilians, Israel still is at fault for the civilian deaths that result from bombing that building." +CMV: I believe that homosexuality is strongly linked with promiscuity and a highly sexual culture. +CMV: I think the protests in Detroit about the water shutoffs are ridiculous. +CMV: Bullets are a humane form of execution. +"CMV: Hamas is a terrorist organization, and the state of Israel should not end their operation until Hamas is disabled or they agree to a disbarment." +CMV: I want to start eating meat again after 8 years without--but I still find meat disgusting and scary. Please help me CMV +"CMV: I think motorists are heavily subsiized by the state, rather than heavily taxed." +CMV: I don't like Edward Norton as an actor. +CMV: I believe that Israel is justified in its strategy of attacking civilian structures housing Hamas missile installations even if there are civilian casualties. +CMV; an effective way to protect 2nd amendment rights while also limiting potentially mishaps from firearms is to require that all firearms be stored in a central armory unless a dispensation is acquired. +CMV:Spiritualism is just low-effort religion +"CMV: I think in a mutual fight situation between a man and a woman, placing the onus for restraint on a man is irresponsible." +"CMV: I think that Arthur C. Clarke quote about ""two possibilities"" in regard to extraterrestrial life is completely wrong." +CMV: I believe internet censorship is for the greater good. +CMV:That national borders should not be used to restrict the movement of people or goods. +"CMV: Trans types such as non-binary and gender-fluid are becoming trends with many people identifying as them only doing it for ""special points""." +CMV: The US should be partitioned because good governance is not likely at the scale of 300 million people +CMV: I think there are more than a handful times that the victim is to blame for abuse. +"CMV:I believe the world should just abandon Israel and Palestine, stop supporting either one, and just let them kill each other until one side wins" +"CMV: I believe that a ""world police"" is basically a good thing, and that if America has the resources to take that role, it should." +CMV: I believe that human consciousness and self-awareness are merely products of a biological mechanism(brain) that can be recreated it said mechanism is understood and perfectly recreated. +CMV: I'm living my life like a robot and think emotion is a flaw of humanity. +CMV: I believe that the Wilhelm scream should never be used in movies again. +CMV: Let's Plays are some of the most overrated content on the internet. +CMV: population reduction is key +"CMV: Ray Rice's Two Game Suspension is Justifiable, but the Suspension's Widespread Criticism is Unnecessary" +"CMV: Quotas and incentives to get men into teaching, nursing, and other female dominated fields should be required to counterbalance female quotas and scholarships." +"CMV: ""soda"" taxes don't do anything to solve obesity." +"CMV: I think using the term ""S.O."" when referring to your own boyfriend or girlfriend is unnecessary and only brings more attention to the relationship than it does to overlook it." +CMV: I believe that smoking Marijuana is harmful to your lungs. (Don't just downvote please read first) +CMV: Movie theaters (and other similar places) should install technology that blocks cell phones. +"CMV We should do away with 'marriage' altogether, and instead, have legal 'families'. Why shouldn't there be a simple and cheap, legal mechanism to say ""this is my family. I am responsible for them and to them, legally and financially""? (I know this has been done before, but hear me out.)" +CMV: People who don't eat veal shouldn't eat (most) cheese +CMV: I believe we should either forbid retirement communities or allow child-free communities for younger adults. +CMV: Gender quotas for certain percentage of women in politics are wrong way to increase the number of female politicians. I think it's degrading and offensive to be judged primarily by your reproductive organs rather then your abilities. +CMV: It is entirely possible that 2 + 2 = 5. +CMV: There is no such thing as a man born in a woman's body +CMV: Films and Video Games Generally Objectify Men More Than Women +CMV: Intelligent Design and the Big Bang are not very different at their core. +CMV: It is silly to put your child on a leash and I don't respect parents that do. +CMV: The Egyptians pyramids are not a triumph; they are a tragedy. +"CMV: A person who knowingly and unnecessarily consumes factory farmed meat, is morally equivalent to a person who tortures animals for pleasure" +CMV: Female students shouldn't be allowed to play on male sports teams +CMV: News interviews with victims should not end with an upbeat statement that God will get them through this. +"CMV: The toxicity of the gaming community is uncalled for, harms developers, and inhibits enjoyment of gaming." +CMV: I don't think you can make a statistical argument for the existence of aliens when you only have one example of a planet with life. +CMV: I don't believe there is a benefit to getting married. +"CMV: I believe that bicyclists should not be allowed to ride on the roads unless there is a designated bicycle lane on it, and they and their bicycles have been tested, licensed, insured, and inspected." +"CMV: there are good reasons to believe that 9/11 was an ""inside job""" +CMV Isreal is commiting genocide +"CMV:I think the phrase ""intolerant of intolerance"" is just a new way of being intolerant, and that liberalism is not nearly as inclusive and accepting as it claims" +"CMV: I think all homeless people should be rounded up, taken out of major city centers, and be put in government camps where they can get treatment" +"CMV: The Daily Show is Just as Partisan/Biased/Propaganda-ish as Fox News, and Neither Should be Viewed as News." +CMV:I don't believe that indigeneity should give you any more right to a land than being born there +"CMV: ""Just walk away from your attacker"" is incredibly stupid advice." +"CMV: Basic Income advocates overlook the fact that prices would rise correspondingly, creating a new, higher poverty level" +"CMV: The moustache, facial hair in general, has become the embodiment of evil and the harbinger of bad times." +CMV: The only people who are not supportive of crypto-currencies are those people who don't properly understand them. +CMV: It is in my best interest to not vote. +"CMV:If you are the visual spotter for a blind golfer and your golfer is on a short par 3 water hole, there is no benefit to tell him where the water is. Nothing is gained by knowing where the water is." +"CMV: I think it is reasonable for North Korea to be upset about the upcoming movie ""The Interview,"" where Seth Rogan and James Franco try to kill Kim Jung-Un." +"CMV: Video games are a form of art, and a superior one at that." +CMV: I believe government is spending way too much money and needs to start saving to cut costs +CMV: Sex should be in no regards considered a basic human right when discussing birth control +CMV: Democracy is neither desirable nor fundamentally good. +CMV: Parents with overweight children should have to take mandatory cooking/nutrition classes. +CMV: Voluntary human extinction is the best choice humanity can make +CMV: Public healthcare should be thought of similarly to public education +"CMV: I believe that, in certain cases, capital punishment shouldn't have to be humane." +CMV: People are not fat because they are poor. They are poor because they are fat. +CMV: Society should reduce the length of the standard workweek from 40 hours to ~24-30 +CMV: Liberal ideology is seriously weakening the social sciences. +"CMV: /r/CandidFashionPolice is /r/CreepShots reincarnated, and should be banned for the reasons that /r/CreepShots was banned." +CMV: Preventing citizens from leaving a country justifies violent revolution +CMV: People need to stop being fans of college sports. +CMV: I'm a moral nihilist. +CMV: The personal ownership of self-driving cars will never be allowed due to terrorism concerns. +CMV: There's no point to buying video games on release +"CMV: I think Reddit's downvote button is always going to be used, at least in part, as a 'disagree' button and there's no way to stop it. So Reddit should just try to find a way to embrace it." +"CMV: In general, I don't think Italians, Jews, or Arabs should be considered ""white""." +CMV: All Defensive Measures Against Criminals Are Victim Blaming. +CMV:I think eating horsemeat is okay. +"CMV: It should be socially acceptable for men to beat women, as long as it's socially acceptable for women to beat men" +CMV: I believe spanking your children is a good way for parents to discipline their children. +CMV: The Assassin's Creed Unity female character controversy has been blown completely out of proportion. Having only one character model for the protagonist is a perfectly reasonable choice especially for a game with a strict development timeline. +CMV: I don't thing driver-less cars will be possible. +CMV: there is nothing wrong with legal loan sharks and payday loan companies. +CMV: Shopping at Walmart instead of buying local goods is an example of the Prisoner's Dilemma and it is most advantageous for me to continue shopping at Walmart +CMV: Homeless people should not be allowed to own dogs +CMV: The NSFW tag should be reserved for images and not used for text posts +CMV: The legendary birds are the least cool/useful/awesome legendary pokemon +"CMV: People who say ""Europe does X better than the US"" are, for the most part, completely ignorant of European culture." +CMV: Killing an adult is worse than killing a child or baby +CMV: Interest Should be Banned +CMV:I think serving is a low skill job. +"CMV: Stratifying Secondary Education into Honors/Advanced Placement, et cetera, is Highly Damaging to Student Morale and Achievement." +CMV: Male circumcision is pointless and should be thought of in a similar way to female circumcision. +"CMV: When a 10 year old gets raped and faces execution for no longer being a virgin, this is because a society has deemed her impure. If we're against this judgment as a more civilized society, we should also be against judging or limiting a person's career/life because of online sexual presence." +"CMV: I believe that the international community should just grant refugee status to anyone who wants it living in Israel/Palestine/gaza strip etc., and then shouldn't interfere further on either side of the conflict since neither side deserves the land." +"CMV: ""The tears of strangers are only water""" +CMV: Torture is perfectly okay +CMV: I think marriage is a waste of money. +CMV: Birth control and abortion should be illegalized and people should be forced to have children up to a point. +CMV: Killing with bullets and bombs is essentially no different to killing with mustard gas. +CMV: schools should use [+] and [-] when assigning final course letter grades +CMV: Video game speed runners should not be able to use exploits to skip portions of the game +"CMV: The word ""literally"" should only be used in the context of its original meaning." +CMV: Hamas is nothing short of a terrorist organization and Israel has every right to retaliate. +CMV: I don't believe someone should be disallowed to own a gun due to a mental illness. +"CMV: I don't care about most world news, because I don't believe it pragmatically affects me" +"CMV: I do not believe in a christian God, and I do not believe in evolution. Both have weak supporting evidence." +CMV:A professional UFC fighter would beat the shit out of Bruce Lee +"CMV: C-3PO is the worst character in the Star Wars Movies. Yes, I said C-3PO is worse than Jar Jar." +"CMV: I believe that children can consent to sex earlier than most states support, that sex offenders get too horrible of a punishment, and that raping a child is not worse than murder and child rapists do not ""deserve what they get"" in prison." +CMV: The Westboro Baptist Church should be kicked off all social media sites +CMV: Cheerleading is not a sport +"CMV: Street parking zoned for residents only should not be legal, especially when the residences there have their own driveways." +CMV: That NOT being a vegetarian (as a wealthy human being) is morally indefensible. (NB: I myself am a meat-eater) +"CMV: We should stop calling millionaires and billionaires who regularly give away relatively minuscule proportions of their wealth, ""Generous.""" +CMV: I believe that Israel is morally justified concerning its recent actions in Gaza. +CMV: Society (and the economy) are a network and we need to improve the weak nodes not the strong ones +CMV: Five-star-ism is converting all ratings to binaries and is making the world worse. +CMV: I think the feminist movement was detrimental to society. +"CMV: Strictly morally speaking, smoking cigarettes is better than drinkinb booze" +CMV: I don't think public schools should provide/sell food. All students should bring their own food. +CMV: I could probably fight off a lone attack dog. +CMV: I will never truly be happy until I find someone +CMV: Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft should be allowed to operate unfettered as they solve many of the problems people face with city-sanctioned taxi services. +CMV: /r/againstmensrights is the same as /r/niggers +"CMV:Gates vs Jobs, Gates won in an epic, immeasurable kind of way" +CMV: Mainstream american comic books have abysmal writing. Please CMW +"CMV: To improve transparency and reduce fraud, all public spending should be open record" +CMV: I believe that only a welfare state can exist in the future. +CMV: government use of paid commenters on social media implies rejection of the principles of democracy. +CMV: Gender specific subreddits only perpetuate gender problems +CMV:Some people claim to fight against racism while simultaneously holding racist views. +CMV: I don't believe we will ever make any significant progress in cancer treatment +"CMV: There is no proof the Christian god ever supported slavery in the Bible and much of OT law is honestly irrelevant by Christian doctrine, so says the Bible." +"CMV: ""Hope"" in its broader sense, is just an excuse for inaction." +CMV: It is completely ok to manipulate those who choose to remain ignorant +"CMV: There is no right or wrong side in the Israeli-Gaza Conflict, (from an American POV)" +CMV: I believe mental disorders being caused by a chemical imbalance is a hoax. +CMV: Socialism is better than Capitalism +CMV: Catch and Release fishing is immoral. +"CMV: (star wars) Despite their telepathic and telekenetic powers, the Jedi religion is just as foolish as christianity or islam or any other ""real"" religion." +CMV: It should be illegal for ice cream trucks to play music louder than 55 decibels. +CMV: Israel should have been established within the borders of Germany as an independent state following the Second World War. +"CMV:It doesnt matter if determinism is true outside of philosophy, as the illusion of free will is so strong that for all intents and purposes we make our own choices" +"CMV: With the exception of a ""I just don't like the taste of meat"" argument, it is impossible to justify a non-vegan vegetarian lifestyle." +CMV: Everyone has the right to strike no matter who he is employed by. +CMV: I should cancel my flights with Malaysia Airlines +CMV: I believe that American education is fundamentally flawed because it emphasizes gaming the system over true learning. +CMV: I think that parents who catch others molesting their kids should face consequences for seriously injuring the molester. +CMV:I believe when someone close to you dies it is obligatory to tell the people you are with. +CMV: I think it's horrible that the President gets paid less than the lowest paid NBA athlete. +CMV: Beer is more complex and interesting than wine. +CMV: I think I have a good reason to pirate any game without a proper game-play demo. +CMV: Gentrification is a good thing. +CMV: Congress should have to take classes when not in session +CMV: Religion-based School Segregation Enforces Class Barriers and is Morally Wrong +"CMV: Decriminalization of addictive drugs is good, but the state should still force addicts to undergo treatment" +"CMV: Those who believe it is their responsibility to ""call others out"" have no right to complain about people treating them poorly" +CMV: Biggie was a better rapper than 2pac. +CMV: I believe the VA hospitals should be closed and discontinued completely. +CMV: The dead Israeli teenagers should not have mattered and the way in which Israel reacted was completely unjustified and should be condemned +CMV: It is irrational to avoid Malaysia Airlines +CMV: I think that tolls on highways should be charged for changing lanes instead of merely entering. +"CMV: A group home may be opening near me, and I'm afraid that is will be bad for the neighborhood" +"CMV: I prefer my steaks cooked well done, and don't believe there should be any stigma against ordering a steak cooked as such in a restaurant." +"CMV: There should be no sales tax when buying a used car, no matter what state you live in." +CMV: Most of Weird Al's songs are not parodies and just exploit the popularity of chart hits +CMV: The concepts of human rights is harmful to debate +CMV: I believe Andrew Jackson was one of the greatest heros in American History. +CMV: I believe Scandinavian countries are the most civilized in the world. +"CMV: I describe everything distastefully feminine as ""gay""" +CMV: There is nothing wrong about drinking alcohol in public. +CMV:I am an Atheist with no belief in any forum of supernatural. +CMV: Bill Murray is supremely overrated as an actor and isn't all that funny +"CMV: I believe that the government's only purpose is to protect the citizens objective rights (volition, property, and life) and thus police, courts and national guard are the only necessary government entities" +"CMV: saying ""bless you"" when someone sneezes is embarrassing and it's better to just say nothing at all." +"CMV: I think that screaming ""victim blaming"" is a way of shunning personal responsibility." +CMV: I believe violence and murder are perfectly okay +"CMV: People ought to be able to secede, individually or collectively, from any political territory at will." +CMV: There is no reason to be offended when a fictional character is gender or race swapped. +"CMV: Dysgenics is real, and the only way to avoid collapse is government control of reproduction." +"CMV: I think basic income is wrong because nobody is ""entitled"" to money just because they exist." +"CMV: I believe that a book, movie, album, etc. should only be protected by copyright as long as it's available through legitimate channels." +CMV: The distinction between American and British English spelling is pointless and problematic and should be done away with. +CMV: I believe that most psychedelic drugs should be legal +CMV: It shouldn't be considered greedy or wrong for rich people and business owners to not give to charity. +CMV: Teenage girls should not be given birth control pills without their parents’ permission. +CMV: Life essentials should be a mandatory subject in high school. +"CMV: As long as it doesn't deliberately distress others, no one be judged or feel ashamed for their masturbation habits." +"CMV: Iran Having a nuke and missile to go with it is no big deal, they can't do anything with it." +CMV: I think supermarkets should start adding a fee for using express lanes if you have more than the stated items. +CMV:Parents who do not vaccinate their children should be civilly liable for negligence. +CMV: I believe that sexual abuse is made far worse by societies over the top hate and lack of empathy for paedophiles +CMV: Laws against child pornography should be far more lax. +CMV: I feel like I would stroll through the Ninja Warrior course +"CMV: To improve fire safety, all buildings should have a real time log of occupants accessible to the fire department" +CMV: The common Redditor belief of aborting a fetus solely because of a mental disorder is akin to mass-murder +"CMV:I believe that mass automation is a bad thing, and will lead to disastrous mass unemployment" +"CMV:To vote in Federal elections, you must pay federal (income) tax." +CMV: There's no such thing as death with dignity +CMV: Companies that create a culture of doing just enough to hire/keep their employes should not expect their employees to feel any differently about their jobs. +"CMV: ""All"" Indians are corrupt business owners." +CMV: I don't believe the environment should have to necessarily be preserved. +"CMV:Regardless of the validity of anthropormorphic Climate Change, we should be implementing plans to prevent it in the future and free our dependence on oil and other fossil fuels." +"CMV: Drunk driving laws (in the US) are absurd and unjust, and need to be fundamentally reformed" +"CMV: I believe that bullfighting and other forms of ""animal cruelty"" are as bad as eating animals, since both are done just for human pleasure.Thus, you shouldn't condemn one without condemning the other." +"CMV: If and when it's feasible, hospitals should regularly do paternity tests for newborn babies." +CMV: Homeless people are homeless because they don't try not to be. +"CMV:The solstices and equinoxes should mark the MIDDLE of their respective seasons, not the beginning." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with a non-native wearing a native headdress +CMV: I think they United States should pass minimum mandatory leave laws. +CMV: A Macbook is a better long term investment than a Windows computer. +CMV: I believe the left-right spectrum is a vast oversimplification and should not be used +CMV: The (US) state of New York should be split into two states. +CMV: It is easier for women to look hot than it is for men. +"CMV:People who correct others for using ""I could care less"" are wasting everyone's time." +CMV: There is no justification for the impending MTA strike +"CMV: I believe that the song ""ironic"" by Alanis Morissette is unfairly criticized." +CMV: I care waaaay too much about what people think. +"CMV: High demand products (hot toys, new game consoles, cell phones, the Rift, general admission tickets, anything that is expected to sell out) should be auctioned off to bolster markets and put scalpers out of business." +CMV: The HOV lane should be removed. Limiting access to a lane during rush hours is moronic. +CMV: Limits on who can run for office are really limits on who voters are allowed to vote for. +CMV: Liberals are not more hateful than conservatives in the United States +CMV: I think that the media shouldn't release the names of criminals not currently at large. +CMV: The CIA is nothing short of a terrorist organization. +CMV: Circumcision is OKAY in the USA +CMV: I never give homeless people money. +CMV: Prostitution should be fully legal and regulated. (Perspective of the United States) +"CMV: Countries should be ruled by citizens, not governments" +CMV: The Genie's powers in Aladdin don't make logical sense. +CMV: Ron Weasley is one of the worst characters in popular fiction +CMV: Movie trailers are bad and should be avoided +CMV: Right to free speech should not be limited by a society's moral standards. +CMV: Altruism is self-serving. +"CMV: If Bitcoin users actually paid all of the required taxes from their transactions, they would never use Bitcoin" +CMV: This Woman Was Unfair To This Man. +CMV: I believe that GM food is proven to be safe and is necessary to stop global warming and organic farming should be discouraged. +CMV: Hobby Lobby shouldn't have to pay for Emergency Contraceptives. +CMV: A $750 a month lease payment for the next 40 years will totally be worth it and make me happy. +CMV: Fraternities and Sororities shouldn't have to accept transsexuals +"CMV: I really dislike the criticism ""overrated."" I think it's lazy and discouraging." +CMV: Natural Rights do not exist. +"CMV: I think that making statements such as ""It is never the victim's fault"" is wrong and counterproductive." +CMV: Synesthesia is mostly bullshit +CMV: I think a guaranteed basic income would lead to massive inflation and exacerbate most of the problems it is intended to solve +CMV: I think the Citizens United Supreme Court decision should be treated as a threat to national security +CMV: Adblock is NOT wrong +CMV: I think we as a species should cease reproducing because life isn't worth it +CMV: I think it's ridiculous to ruin any teens life by registering them as sex offenders for doing things with others their age. +CMV: The soccer/football time keeping method (counting up to 90 + injury time) is inferior to the counting down and time-stop methods used in other major sports. +"CMV: I am going on Birthright soon, and I don't think I should boycott Israel." +"CMV: Search engines shouldn't remove search results due to the EU ""Right To Be Forgotten"" Law." +CMV:Political correctness is a useless and harmful concept. +"CMV: I don't see how /r/MensRights is a harmful subreddit at all, and has been completely misrepresented and given a bad reputation that it doesn't deserve." +"CMV: sex should be treated as just an activity that people do, like fishing or watching a movie." +CMV: All sports are zero-sum games. +CMV:Religion has an overall positive impact on society +"CMV: In order to be convicted of statutory rape, the state should have to prove the defendant had a reason to suspect the victim was over the age of consent." +CMV: I do not believe in investing significant amount of resources in treating illnesses and fixing congenital disorders in neonates and or infants. +CMV: People being offended or even victimized when others choose to engage in technology (mainly cells phones) is uncalled for. +"CMV: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, the military would easily hold its own." +"CMV:In order for capitalism to thrive, as it did in the period 1940-1970 in the USA, labor unions must return." +"CMV: If there is ever a major collapse of civilization, millions of people will be dead in weeks" +"CMV: It's not natural talent, just practise." +CMV: I think profanity should not be offensive or taboo. +"CMV:I think that a supersoaker full of lighter fluid and a lighter are arguably a better stick up weapon than a pistol, and the poor rate of adoption points to a lack of innovative thinking within the criminal element of society." +CMV: Only criminals should be worried about government snooping +CMV:Excessive CEO pay should be done away with as it is a strong contributor to inequality +"CMV: I think that grammar in most, but not all, cases is pointless" +CMV: I believe that Gerrymandering is a GOOD thing. +CMV: Actively trying to puzzle out the plot points and twists in literature or film degrades the experience. +"CMV: I believe Justin Bieber should be deported for drug crimes, as he has a green card." +"CMV: Golf is a game of skill, not a sport." +CMV: I don't understand why so many people like /r/tumblrinaction +"CMV: If the middle eastern conflict is really as simple as Israel wanting peace, yet Palestine wanting only to destroy Israel, why is there so much global support for Palestine?" +CMV: It's easy not to be fat +CMV: Videos should not be recorded vertically/portrait. +CMV: life was better for the average hunter-gatherer than the average modern human. +"CMV: If I want to wear nothing but a red cape, underwear and cowboy boots to work, I should be able to do so without stigma or harm to my career." +"CMV: Dichotomizing ""hard"" drugs and ""soft"" drugs prevents meaningful and effective abuse prevention" +CMV: There is no ethical difference between defending yourself with lethal force and asking someone else to do it for you (American gun ownership rights). +CMV: Politicians should post AMA's (or things closely related) +CMV: Marxists apologize for the wrong things to the wrong people +CMV: Only nuclear power can now halt global warming. +CMV:People should be able to choose how their tax money is spent. +CMV: I think we should make a return to carrying cutlery on our person +CMV: The Israel/Palestine Conflict is a mess and most people supporting either side are ignorant. +CMV: I believe it is wrong for Batman to bring a teenager in tights with him into dangerous situations. +CMV: I believe a person I trust and choose should be able to vote on my behalf in elections. +CMV: Corporations are persons because the laws already say they are. +"CMV: The offside rule in soccer/football is broken, and there's a reasonable fix." +CMV: The basic necessities for life should not be something one has to work for. +CMV: I believe there is a better solution to the gun control debate: Pigovian Taxation. +CMV: Fuck the police +"CMV: Men should be able to wear shorts to work, if women are allowed to wear skirts." +"CMV: As a disabled American OIF/OEF combat vet, the Iraq war was a good thing." +CMV: I look down upon couples who think their partner's hobby/hobbies are dumb. +"CMV: Feminists are members of a sexist, anti-male hate group." +"CMV: Hamas, Hezbollah, etc are terrorist groups with no intent in fostering peace between Arabs and Jews" +CMV: Cruises are best way to travel on vacation +"CMV: I believe that satire has encouraged a ""cool to hate"" mindset in social media that is damaging society." +"CMV: I believe that the culture surrounding rocks, crystals, and their 'energy' is juvenile and has no real worth to any of us." +"CMV: If religious people can opt out of a law due to their views, anyone should be allowed to opt out for any reason." +CMV: I believe the US media's obsession with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is testament to the racism that is pervasive within America. +CMV: Brand stubbornness is the only reason the XBOX One and PS4 controllers are different. +"CMV: Popular US/English pronunciations of foreign words, names, and phrases betray ignorance of the speaker as to the origin and meaning of those words." +CMV: The Cochlear implant procedure is something more deaf people should consider. +"CMV:If the left is going to outrage over the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling as unfair to women, it is logically consistent to also insist employers pay for men's condoms." +"CMV: I do not think we should care about, nor encourage others, to buy locally grown food simply because it was grown close to our geographic area." +"CMV: the potential disappearance of polar bears, caused by global warming, would have zero effect on my life." +CMV: Sexual assault isn't largely different than any other type of assault. +CMV: The New Dr. Who is one of the most overrated shows of all time. +CMV:I am an extremely stubborn and narrow-minded person +"CMV: By having welfare as accessible as it is in the US, we're essentially letting large corporations get away with paying employees below cost of living wages" +CMV: Pie is significantly better than Cake +"CMV: Companies should not separate sick time, vacation time, personal time; it should all come from the same pool of hours." +CMV: Vegetarianism accomplishes nothing towards the better treatment of animals. +"CMV: I believe rising health care costs are the biggest problems the U.S. is going to have to face in the coming years, and this inactiveness in Congress will have to stop, soon." +CMV: I think disallowing visible tattoos and piercings at a workplace only prolongs the prejudice that tattoos and piercings are for delinquents. +"CMV:I've always had a problem with saying ""Good Morning"" and responding to ""Good Mornings"". I know it seems insignificant..." +CMV: Drunk men and women are equally responsible for sexual interactions if both are equally intoxicated. +CMV: Any sort of supra-utilitarian fashion is inherently vain and is a cheap and flimsy attempt to improve one's outer image. +CMV: If you have neck and/or facial tattoos you want to be perceived as dangerous or unapproachable. +CMV: In dating it is acceptable and pragmatic to reject people because of their sexual history. +"CMV: Male urinal etiquette is absurd to me; it is unproductive at best, anti social at worst" +"CMV: By indiscriminately stealing and releasing 160,000 NSA intercepts, Edward Snowden has committed one of the greatest breaches of privacy and civil liberties in history." +CMV: People who are stuck in a minimum wage job and say it is because society is against them are just lazy +"CMV: to downvote, you must leave a comment." +CMV: Manual transmissions in cars are completely obsolete. +CMV: I think most people using a /s tag at the end of a post to show sarcasm on the internet are simply unable to adequately express their sarcasm without blatantly pointing it out. This is should be seen as a sign of lazy or bad writing. +CMV: Education is the only way to end intolerance +"CMV: I think that it is unfair that some people do not have to pay for their standardized tests (such as SATs and AP exams) because of lower income, while others do have to." +CMV: The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Decision was Fine +CMV: I think that we are becoming a police state. +"CMV: There should be no ""freedom of religion"" because religion is a bad idea to begin with" +"CMV: Saying ""Global warming is real and we're causing it"" is vacuous and deceptive." +CMV: People who care about spoilers are selfish. +"CMV: Identifying as alternate genders or being a ""Goat-Kin"" to say you used to be a goat in a past life, is the biggest load of horseshit ever." +CMV: I'm a white native America and I owe nothing to American Indigenous people nor are they entitled to anything beyond what I am entitled to. +"CMV: If there is an environment that ""perfect"" capitalism could thrive, in that same environment so could ""perfect"" socialism" +CMV: Politicians should not be allowed to campaign through cold calls +"CMV: I want to leave America and move to another country, because I hate the direction I think we're moving in, and I want to get out now." +"CMV: if they steal my bike, it's ok if I steal another one for myself." +"CMV: Streaming subscription/ad-based services like Netflix or Spotify are below-average in every area except price, and there is no actual reason to preferring them aside from being a cheapskate." +CMV:America is no longer the greatest country on Earth +CMV: Using AdBlock is immoral. +"CMV: Gendered slurs like cunt, dick, bitch, bastard, etc. are not actually oppressive or sexist." +CMV: I don't think it's hypocritical of me to support another person's freedom from fatshaming while judging myself via the criteria of weight. +"CMV: The popular concept of ""contextualization"" in social ethics is at best hypocrisy and at worst a moral outrage, counter to the principles of justice." +CMV: I don't think the concept of countries should exist +CMV: Scared of working in Downtown San Francisco (earthquakes) +CMV: The house system at Hogwarts is beyond asinine +CMV: Birthdays are meaningless. +"CMV: If the Republicans win the Senate/add seats in the house, it may be best for Obama to resign to save face and help America." +CMV: Lee and Davis should have been hung for treason +"CMV: Schools should have to provide a quality lunch, free of charge to all students." +"CMV: Installation art (especially at the Tate Modern) is criminally boring, just Duchamp's Fountain over and over again." +"CMV: Not paying for restaurant food, dine and dash, is not a crime and is not worth police investigation" +CMV: I think employees who request their birthdays off from work are taking a day off that is fruitless. That day was important on the day of your birth but when you are a teen and older you can celebrate it on any day you have off. +CMV: Products that are natural are always safer and better for you than synthetic or manufactured products. +CMV:I belive that men over the age of 30 who have sex with a minor should be castrated. +CMV:Nuclear weapons are the only thing keeping the world from going to complete hell +"CMV: I believe that when the courts change a law as a result of a court case, the old law should still apply to that case." +CMV: Police should not be able to grab a US citizen and throw them in jail until AFTER they have been proven guilty. +"CMV: People who play real-life DND and Magic: The Gathering have off-putting personalities. They also have filthy homes and their fathers smell of elderberries, but I'm willing to put those up for debate." +"CMV: I am probably what you would call a selective racist. I feel bad about it sometimes, and hate isn't good. But all my experiences, and the science, is on my side" +"CMV: I believe that the first time you are caught driving drunk you should be fined heavily and have your license revoked for a certain period of time. The second time you are caught, you should lose all driving privileges for life." +CMV: We've forgotten how to parent +CMV: teleportation is the best super power. There's no contest when choosing super powers. +"CMV: Demand does not create jobs, businesses do. Moreover, they should be taxed less." +CMV: I think it would be great if I were a bisexual. +"CMV: We will never need to colonize the universe because of MEST / STEM Compression. (Matter, Energy, Space, Time)" +"CMV: To reduce distracted driving, listening to music while driving should be technically prohibited" +"CMV: I think death is irrelevant, and anyone who fears it is weak or ignorant" +"CMV: The drinking age should be 18, not 21." +CMV: Piercing children is child abuse +CMV: There is no need to worry about the surveillance state. +"CMV: There's an unreasonable stigma against physical, interpersonal violence compared to other methods of harm" +CMV: The 'women deserve equal pay to men' movement is stupid. Women who are underpaid only have themselves to blame. +CMV: American White Culture Exists +"CMV: I think that being gay is a choice, and that most people who choose to be gay do it for attention." +CMV: I believe it is acceptable to hold front-line employees responsible for their employer's actions/policies +"CMV: much like boxing has weight classes, basketball should have height classes." +CMV: People who are pro Affirmative Action for African Americans in regard to college academic admissions must admit that it is only fair that Asian Americans experience similar benefits toward college D1 football and basketball recruitment. +CMV: Tattoos are ultimately a bad idea. +"CMV: If women can abort when they don't want a kid, men shouldn't have to pay child support if they don't want the kid" +CMV:Getting a divorce while raising kids is extremely selfish and irresponsible in the majority of cases. +CMV: I believe libertarianism is an absurd political philosophy in a world with 7 billion people. +CMV: Citizens United was legally the correct ruling +"CMV: When someone exploits another person's ignorance, the person to blame is the one exploited." +CMV: Batman could defeat Darth Vader in a street fight +CMV: I think most video games are a waste of time +CMV: There's nothing admirable about reading. +CMV: Government holds no authority +"CMV: The Supreme Court made the correct decision about Hobby Lobby. Everyone who disagrees either doesn't know the facts, is too easily sensationalized, or is being hypocritical." +"CMV: Physical attributes have genetic components. So do mental attributes, such as intelligence, reasoning, and emotional response to stimuli. In short, your heritage can strongly influence your mental capacity." +CMV: I think it makes as much sense to break sports up into male/female categories as it would to break them up into racial categories +CMV: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should be repealed +"CMV: I think the recent USA World Cup fandom had (barely) anything to do with soccer, and everything to do with Nationalism/Patriotism. And I find that worrisome." +CMV: Publicly stating you aren't interested in hearing from minority groups in online dating profiles is racist. +CMV: Student Loans aren't as bad as people make them out to be. +"CMV: Inductive reasoning is the ultimate appeal to authority, and if one rejects any appeal to authority, one is rejecting inductive reasoning" +"CMV: It is contradictory to BOTH disallow employers exemption from contraception & abortion coverage AND disallow the teaching of ""creationism"" in public schools." +"CMV: Transexual/Transgendered people should not be lumped together with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people (LGB/T)" +"CMV: I believe accusations of hypocrisy are childish, and only used by people with no good argument." +"CMV: The sports that are the ""big"" sports in America (NFL & MLB) are the least entertaining sports in the world with major leagues that have any kind of significance" +CMV: The triumph of feminism would result in the imposition of a power structure that is significantly weighted against men. +CMV: It is hypocritical to criticize the use of burqas in the Muslim religion while ignoring the inability for women to expose their breasts publicly within most countries. +CMV: Parents should not post pictures of their children on social media +CMV: Christianity is all-powerful because they stack the deck in their favor. +CMV: I don't think the music of pop stars like Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus is that bad and people need to lighten up +"CMV:Stay at Home Parents who claim it is a ""hard job"" only find it difficult because they are not very good at it. If they were, it would be an extended vacation." +"CMV: The term ""STI"" is misleading and only exists as a way to make sexual transmitted diseases seem less dangerous." +"CMV: I think the reason there is so much disagreement about whether or not something is racist/sexist etc, is because people don't understand what those terms mean." +CMV: Non stealth preoperative transwomen do not belong in women only spaces. +CMV: 3rd wave feminists should just abandon the name and join the egalitarians. +CMV: An anti-abortion stance is not incompatible with either atheism or libertarianism. +CMV: There's no way I can be a practicing Buddhist and a handloader/reloader simultaneously. +CMV:It's time we stopped relying on passwords for online security. +"CMV: Accusing someone of ""derailing"" a conversation is meaningless in threaded text-based communication like Reddit." +CMV: Scientific efforts should be more valued in our society than entertainment and art +"CMV:Consciousness, whatever else it may be, is interchangeable between/across people, it's what we really are, and it's more accurate to say we're all one consciousness than to say that we're separate." +CMV: Iced tea (specifically Arizona) is no better for you than soda. +CMV: I feel the United States is beyond any repair as hyper-conservatism is here to stay. +"CMV: Now that the U.S. is a net exporter of oil, there is no reason that gasoline prices have not decreased -- except avarice and corruption." +CMV: There should be a food labeling standard that scores the environmental sustainability of the food. +CMV: Having blanket government legislation for requiring businesses to provide maternity leave is doing more harm than good. +"CMV: Opposing gay marriage and supporting welfare programs are both forms of legislating morality. Therefore, the mainstream liberal ideology of criticizing people for legislating their morality is hypocritical." +"CMV: Compared to women, men have no/way less safe spaces and everything close to one is labeled as sexist/excluding women and is in the process of being taken away." +CMV: I refuse to work minimum wage because I know I can do better if I put some thought into it +"CMV: I find that women who are emotionally abusive in a relationship with a man are given much more sympathy than men who do the same thing, like /r/TheRedPill" +CMV: Sometimes I really feel jealous of women who get cat-called by strangers. I know I shouldn't. +CMV: The #LikeAGirl video/campaign fails to address the real underlying issue +"CMV: Society should treat sex as something important for the quality of life, and try to meet and understand this basic human need." +CMV: Inequality in society is not necessarily bad. +CMV: I fear that the political Left is using Global Warming as a fear-mongering tactic to pass more authoritarian policies. +"CMV: I support the legalization of most drugs, but cigarettes should be banned." +CMV: I believe world peace is possible if people woke up and realized some very basic scientific facts. +CMV: Prisoners should not be used as free labor for the duration of their imprisonment. +CMV: Parents should not be allowed to smoke tobacco around their children. +CMV: BYOD should not be implemented in high schools +"CMV: I don't think contraception is a part of healthcare, and therefore no health care plan should be forced by law to pay for it." +"CMV: The Red Pill is unethical, but it offers the best actionable advice for male dating on all of reddit." +CMV: The negative reaction to the Hobby Lobby Birth control case is overblown and unwarranted +CMV: Your first love is your strongest love +CMV: I believe mandatory maternity leave in the U.S. hurts financially responsible people and those without children. +CMV: An employer should have no responsibility to provide their employees with health care. +"CMV: I believe if a person can consent to drive while drunk, and thus be responsible for their actions, they can consent to sex, contracts, and anything else they may later have to be responsible for." +CMV: We should standardize the date format to YYYY-MM-DD +"CMV: Pirating movies, games and books is theft and by doing it you are hurting all the people that help make the content." +CMV: the Hobby Lobby decision essentially says only Christian religious beliefs are sincere. +CMV: I think that people who have racial fetishes (especially toward Asian or black people) are disturbing. CMV +"CMV: I think at their core, people are pretty evil." +CMV: Any religion which recognizes one or more supreme beings with dominion over mankind is incompatible with democracy. +"CMV: I believe that everything can be attributed to luck, and most people do not believe this is true. I further think this truth should open up people's minds to care about others." +CMV: I think African Americans today should be grateful for the Atlantic Slave Trade of the 18-19th Century +"CMV: If you believe personal liberties should be restricted by the law only when it's to prevent harm to others, then you should be in support of any law that would make people be more environmentally friendly, since the greatest threat by humans to humanity is global warming." +CMV: There shouldn't be a separate museum for African American history in the Smithsonian. +CMV:It should be illegal for people who know they have heritable diseases to reproduce. +"CMV: I do not think it's bad, cheap, or unprofessional when sketch-comedy actors break." +"CMV: The basis of Christianity is immoral: They tell us that we are flawed, but don't fret, we have the solution." +CMV: Mankind is the most responsible for recent and ongoing Climate Change. +CMV: The human race will never leave the solar system +CMV: Sam Winchester is a terrible brother and Dean would be better off without him. +CMV: Jaywalking should be legal. +CMV: Humans who will not contribute to humanity in any positive manner should be put to death. +CMV: It should be illegal for American companies to outsource to factories with conditions that would be illegal in America +"CMV: I believe that blacks are genetically inferior to whites, Asians, and jews as far as intelligence is concerned." +"CMV: ""Not all X are like that"" is a completely valid argument." +"CMV: Sauce makes the meal, not noodle" +"CMV: I don't believe people with severe mental disabilities should graduate. Please, please CMV." +"CMV: In many cases, it is morally permissible or possibly obligatory for superheroes to kill or handicap the supervillain they are fighting." +CMV: Displaying a Confederate flag outside your house next to an American flag is a flippant dismissal of what it stands for and is unacceptable +CMV: America spends too much on Special Education +"CMV: Cars are an unnecessary evil. We should be pushing toward their non-existence (culturally and structurally, not necessarily legally) even faster than we should be pushing against the non-existence of firearms." +CMV: The University of California is the best public university system in the world. +CMV:I do not think affirmative action is wrong +CMV: I don't find anthropogenic global warming an interesting issue. +CMV: the Predators are sub par hunters. +"CMV: Free trade agreements will lead to the end of public services, which will be good for society" +CMV: Shopping at thrift stores while rich-middle class is wrong. +"CMV: White Knights or Social Justice Warriors side with feminism because they believe in it, not for attention" +"CMV: It strikes me as a double standard to allow Jehovah's witnesses to refuse transfusion, but disallow people the right to die." +CMV: Life is not worth living as i am mostly going to feel sad or indifferent for the rest of my life. +CMV: True peace can never exist. +"CMV: If we're arresting 90 yr old nazi guards, we should also arrest white cops, sherrifs, and people who beat, bruised and killed black people in the 50s and 60s. And hold politicians accountable for allowing it to happen." +"CMV: Calling WWII bomber pilots ""heroes"" is offensive and hypocritical." +CMV: Requiem for a Dream is an awful movie +CMV: Birth control shouldn't be covered by health insurance. +CMV: Our culture should consider large furniture and appliances as something that comes with the house and that you leave with the house +CMV: I believe that electric vehicles should not be mass produced... yet +"CMV: I believe that most (NOT ALL) stop signs could, (and to some extent, should) be replaced by yield signs" +CMV: It is unreasonable to ban beef even if cow slaughter hurts the religious sentiments of a population. +"CMV:rideshare programs like Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar are dangerous and need to be either heavily regulated or outlawed" +CMV: Organ donation should be 'opt out' rather than 'opt in'. +"CMV: I believe queuing is an important tool, and not queuing is rude." +"CMV: ""Boston Strong"" is just a scam to sell T Shirts and bracelets" +"CMV: Most ""free"" antivirus software are nearly as bad as malware." +"CMV: Islam's rapid growth is a terrible thing, a bad influence, and threatens the progress we have worked so hard to achieve" +CMV: The Star Trek holodeck would be the worst invention of all time and may potentially spell the end of the human race. +"CMV: The ""your body is beautiful no matter what"" mentality is an unhealthy mentality." +CMV: Long-term Eugenics would be a net positive for humanity +CMV:Societal structure is the cause of most depression and unhappiness. I believe spirituality/religion is the answer. Care to CMV? +CMV:I believe someone's inheritance should be taxed 90% +CMV: Phone manufacturers should stop supporting video shot in portrait mode +"CMV: Shouldn't we, as members of society, hold other people accountable for disrespectful acts?" +CMV: Parents have the right to choose whether or not their children should be vaccinated. +CMV: God cannot exist +"CMV: I believe that there is one true fact behind every relationship, selfishness." +CMV: Pirating Video Games is just as bad as pirating music or movies etc. +CMV: Suarez should receive a lifetime ban. +CMV: Aunt Jemima™ Pancakes and Syrup is racist to my ancestors and should be boycotted until a more race neutral mascot is introduced. +CMV:Radical SJW-type leftism is damaging to the welfare and happiness of its participants +"CMV: Password managers are a bad idea, and I don't trust them to protect my data" +CMV: Scientific papers should not be kept behind paywalls +CMV: There should be a law requiring employers to provide a minimum amount of sick leave. +CMV: I believe all police officers should have lapel cameras to monitor their activities while on duty. Change my view. +[Modpost] We Are Experimenting With A New Rule +CMV: The world would be better off if everyone in Africa died +"CMV: I believe some groups (races, nations, etc) of people are superior to others." +CMV: Prostitution is between 2 consenting adults and should be legal. +CMV:I think that there is nothing wrong with voter ID laws. +CMV: Net Neutrality is anti-capitalism. +CMV: People who never played at least varsity high school sports have no grounds to criticize/critically compare sports or athletes. +CMV: Brining up children and making them adhere to a religious faith is child abuse and should be dealt with by the law. +CMV: Calling video games sports. +"CMV: If a firm is too big to fail and gets bailed out, its leaders should be executed" +"CMV: If a girl hates gender roles and wants everything to be equal between men and women, she can't complain when I leave the seat up" +CMV: Severe depression is incurable +CMV - Making our children believe that Santa Claus is real sends our kids the wrong message and teaches them that it's ok to lie. +"CMV: There is no way to justify ""Honor Killings"" of women deemed to have brought shame or dishonor to their family. (Warning, I think its safe to say some of the answers solicited can severely offend)." +CMV: I completely wasted my time getting a philosophy degree. +"CMV: Japan was right to specifically exclude artwork in its recent ""child pornography"" ban. The U.S. should follow its lead." +CMV: God is necessary to access objective moral laws +CMV: I think soccer would be more enjoyable without offsides and without a goalie +"CMV: I think that referring to selectively bred plants and animals as GMOs in conversation is the same as saying ""every control on a car is an accelerator!""" +CMV: It is hypocritical for someone online to refuse to talk to smokers unless said smoker only smokes 420 +CMV: I believe racism/prejudiced against blacks keeps perpetuating itself in young people in large part due to lack of education on history +CMV: The majority of people find the British to be the least attractive in Europe +"CMV: The Men's Rights Movement is a bit extremist, but should get bigger." +CMV: I believe any ideology is inherently bad +"CMV: I see no problem with ridesharing services such as Uber, and Lyft." +CMV: I believe that it should be illegal for any public or private institutions to ask for anyone's race +"CMV: nothing we do is essential, everything is temporary, therefore we should just do what feels good without harming others" +CMV: I don't think men should have paid paternity leave. +CMV: I think smokers are an exploited group. +CMV: I don't believe the lack of Women in tech is a problem. +CMV: Head-to-head results should be a higher World Cup group play tiebreaker than goals scored. +CMV: Downvoting on reddit is censorship and because you are unwilling/incapable of supporting your view. +CMV: Hitler wasn't that evil +CMV: I believe comment section bellow news articles should be heavily moderated to delete anything that isn't related to the article itself and doesn't contribute to the discussion +"CMV: it is not sexist to be okay with hitting women, provided you are also okay with hitting a man who is weaker than you in that situation. If you think it is, you are being sexist." +CMV: It doesn't bother me that the leaders of charities make tons of money. +CMV:women's tennis tournaments are secondary +CMV:Suicide is not a selfish or cowardly act +CMV: I find myself labeling certain people as inauthentic or fake if they change how they act around different people. +"CMV: Most women, of all ages (not just the young) assign way too much value on physical appearance, which is why so many women ""can't find a man"" as they claim." +CMV: I believe Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as Income - i.e. All methods by which individuals acquire money for work should be taxed at the same rate. +"CMV: I think most current car dealerships are terrible experiences. People should be able to walk into a car dealer, point at a car, and buy it. Consumers should not be forced to go through endless negotiations and people trying to sell them extra stuff." +"CMV: Big government is always better than small government, and libertarianism is an idiotic, selfish idea." +CMV: Neoliberalism is a terrible economic ideology for human economics to be based on. +CMV: Throw pillows are only useful for aesthetic purposes. +CMV: Button flies are superior to zipper flies in almost every way +CMV: Success in Formula 1 doesn't depend on drivers. It depends on the cars. +"CMV: Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol should all be illegal." +"CMV: Parents part of the anti-vaccination movement are criminally neglecting and harming their children, and thus should be addressed as such in the court of law." +CMV: I should get vaccinated for HPV. +CMV: Lesbians make men redundant +CMV: It is time for a new site to replace reddit +CMV: People older than 18 years old that starts to smoke cigarettes are weak persons +CMV: Victims of child pornography should be able to monetize said product +CMV: I am absolutely terrified of mortality and think it just sounds like the worst thing. I have near constant anxiety because of this fear. +CMV: Animal life should hold the same value as human life +CMV: I should support a movement in America to elect anybody other than a mainstream democrat or republican in 2016. +CMV: I see no reason why men's and women's chess are separate events. +CMV: The Burden Of Illegal Immigration Should Be Shared Amongst First World Countries +"CMV: I feel that black people might genetically be predisposed to anti-social activity/behaviour, and it really upsets me. Please Change My View." +CMV: I believe Sam Harris is a racist for singling out Islam in his criticism of religion +"CMV: SUVs should be illegal, 4x4s should require a permit" +CMV: Ordering tacos at Chipotle is always the worst choice. +"CMV: Poaching and hunting are the same thing, and hunting is no more ecologically friendly than poaching" +CMV:I believe Severus Snape was a mostly bad person +CMV: It should be viewed as rude and socially unacceptable for Christians to proselytize to strangers. +"CMV: I believe that all time zones should be abolished and the entire planet should have a single ""time.""" +CMV: Banksy is overrated +"CMV: I think tattoos are a generational fad and our kids will look back on photos of us and realize how overtly shallow and narcissistic we actually were, and they will cringe." +CMV: The marginal tax rate on income should never exceed 50%. +"CMV: I am a Homosexual Catholic who believes Homosexual Relationships are wrong. Please, CMV" +CMV: I think Communism can be successful with a very democraticly-setup government system. +CMV: Crimes should not be treated as more severe merely because they resulted in deaths +CMV:Some cultures are better than others. +CMV: There is no reason to go from windows 8 to 8.1 +"CMV:Why can't I play MMORPG games all day and life from ""Social Welfare Payment""?" +CMV: CMV: Stupidity is not inherently different from any other form of mental disability. Society should treat them the same. +CMV: Talent is a depressing concept. +CMV: Its not wrong to believe that transgenders are their oroginal genders +"CMV: I have no ethical issue with so-called ""anti-homeless spikes""" +CMV: There is no scientific reason to believe that all there is is nothingness after I die. +CMV: Christianity is the superior Abrahamic religion. +CMV: Supporters of the anti-vaccination movement meet the diagnostic criteria for psychiatric illness and should be treated accordingly +CMV: Sub-zero is way better than Scorpion +"CMV: Reddit, whilst appearing as open minded and progressive is actually quite disturbingly racist and regressive." +CMV: I never want to die. +CMV: Every human being has a moral obligation to protect the environment +CMV: Arresting an 89 year old former Auschwitz guard is wrong. +CMV: I don't hate the NSA. +CMV: Subjects such as chemistry and physics should not be mandatory in high school. +"CMV: The U.S. is too big for one government, and should be broken up into smaller countries." +CMV: The term Redskin is not equivalent to the N word. +"CMV: Discrimination based on race or sexual orientation is universally wrong, whether it is being done by the majority or the minority." +CMV: I think people who make money on the intellectual property of others via «Let's play»-videos should pay the developers for the right to LP the game if the developer so chooses +"CMV: I believe each partner should have veto power on whether or not the fetus should be aborted in case of pregnancy, as long as their intentions not to have a child were clear before the event." +CMV: The music industry is doomed +"CMV:African-Americans who dump Christianity and shack up with Islam seem to think they are flipping the bird at the creed that enslaved their ancestors, but they are only swapping it for a religion that has enslaved their ancestors for far longer" +"CMV: I think that Pedophiles aren't sick humans, they merely have a different sexual orientation. They should not be treated like untouchables." +CMV: Calling fetus a potential human doesn't make any sense. +"CMV: with or without intent, women dress in a way designed to evoke sexual feelings in men, and they should be aware of this fact and take some responsibility for it." +CMV: Video games are teaching people to kill other people +CMV: SPACE EXPLORATION: Any and every other human endeavor must come second place to the goal of mankind's continued existence. +CMV: I believe atheism has an purpose! +"CMV:As a black person, I feel I must tip nearly 40% to make up for the multitude of other black people who don't tip." +CMV: Being overweight is equatable to being a smoker. +CMV: The new update to reddit which hides the number of individual upvotes and downvotes on all comments with (?|?) is detrimental to the quality of the site. +CMV: I believe Westerners have a moral responsibility to forgo luxuries because they come at the expense of the less privileged. +"CMV: ""Cosmos: a space-time odyssey"" is an elementary school educational show." +"CMV: I believe that the Deutschlandlied is a beautiful song in its entirety, and that all stanzas should be used in the German Anthem, because the phrase ""Deutschland über alles"" is deeply misunderstood by people who don't know the origin of Deutschlandlied." +CMV: Philosophy is bullshit. +"CMV: I believe that FIFA is a morally reprehensible organization, and should not be supported in any capacity." +CMV: The pro-religion argument that some people need it to cope is elitist and condescending +CMV: Should we encourage people with severe depression to kill themselves to remove their defective genes from the gene pool? +CMV: All welfare including food stamps and Medicaid should have a five year lifetime limit like TANF +CMV: Conservative politicians and pundits lie/mislead significantly more than liberal politicians and pundits +"CMV: The Koch Brothers’ Secret Billionaire Summit is the worst ""real conspiracy theory"" out there, and hurts us all more than anything else" +"CMV: I believe that in 100 (or even 50) years, air travel will largely cease to exist, and because of this, the U.S. needs to start building a high-speed rail network NOW." +CMV: I believe that child beauty pageants are part of freedom of expression and it is morally wrong to ban them. +"CMV:Tim Howard is overrated, at least in international play." +"CMV: No one else named Bush, Clinton, or Obama should ever be president again." +"CMV: Football (soccer) should change how they keep track of time in game from keeping the clock running the whole time and having extra time, to stopping it when the play stops and resuming it when the play starts again." +CMV: Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagall was not a factor in the 2008 financial crisis and actually softened the blow +CMV: I'm in a secret sexual relationship with a married woman and I see nothing wrong with this on my end. +CMV: Mexicans have just as much right to come to the US as Europeans ever did. +CMV: The Catholic Church was complicit in and thus bears some responsibility for the Nazi atrocities in WWII. +"CMV: The ""marriage equality movement"" is dangerous and should be stopped because it destroys Queer Culture and represents the end of Queer History via assimilation." +CMV: I think it would be as good experience to at some time in my life try marijuana at least once +"CMV: The Game of Thrones fandom is just as bad as the Doctor Who fandom, and it is hypocritical to dislike one but not the other." +CMV: Let them have their wars. +"CMV:we should stop saying ""everyone is beautiful """ +"CMV: that companies shouldn't do ""corporate social responsibility""" +"CMV: I think ""live and let live"" and ""mind your own business"" will solve virtually all social issues. As long as no one is being harmed in any way, any individual should be allowed to do whatever he/she wants." +"CMV: Luxottica has an unethical monopoly on the global and US-national sunglasses market, which it exploits in violation of antitrust laws at the expense of the customer." +CMV: I think that the view of Americans as lazy people who don't want to travel is unfair. I believe that traveling within the USA counts because it is so large and varied. +CMV: Using screw lids for wine bottles is in every way better than using corks. +CMV: The word 'natural' has lost its meaning +CMV:Young Earth Creationism is nonsensical from a strictly theological viewpoint +CMV: I don't believe that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt. +CMV: Sexual jealousy is manmade. +"CMV: In light of all the social justice movements over race, religion, creed, sexuality, etc. etc, I feel Asians deserve more attention than they get." +"CMV:I think meat should be taxed in the same way that cigarettes, alcohol and fuels are." +CMV: Special care should not be taken when dealing with introverts. +"CMV: I enjoy paying my taxes, think taxes are a good thing, and I do not understand being against taxes on principal (save as a miserly attempt to hold on to more money) CMV" +CMV: Professional athletes are paid too much +CMV:Any vegan who is morally against eating any form of eggs cannot in good conscience dine at a restaurant that isn't exclusively vegan. +CMV: Hitler's legacy is treated unfairly +CMV: When I see someone smoking he/she becomes a worse person for me +"CMV:In today's society there is no reason to still use the ""women and children first"" rule." +CMV: Its okay to hold back your life and future for an S.O. +"CMV: Based on the types of video games currently popular, the concern over perceived lack of female characters (by percentage) is overblown" +CMV: Taxes are glorified robbery and governments have no business regulating markets +CMV: I shouldn't approach girls because I have a 100% rejection rate. +CMV:I don’t think the US is actually more religious than Europe +"CMV:You are not entitled to the intellectual property of others, particularly entertainment." +CMV: It is nonsensical and hypocritical to claim to support free speech while supporting any regulations or restrictions whatsoever regarding political speech +"CMV: Elrond should have pushed Isildur into the fire. In fact, he was morally required to do so." +"CMV: I believe the reason women are ""underrepresented"" in the key positions in society is because there are more intelligent men than intelligent women." +CMV: I think being religious is the equivalent of being insane. +CMV: STEM studies are inherently superior to humanities +CMV: It is critical for the progress of society that science classes teach students there is no free will +CMV: The best thing for Snowden to do would be to return to the US +CMV: Unchecked capitalism in a democracy is worse overall than just having a monarchy +CMV: Feminist attempts to reclaim words are unlikely to succeed +"CMV: The phrase ""I could care less"" should be ""I couldn't care less""" +"CMV: The minute you intentionally put a person's life at risk, you forfeit your own- if you threaten in a deadly manner, you deserve to die." +CMV: Nudity and sex should be completely legal in public. +"CMV: Breasts are legally protected as genitalia and as long as they are, it should be illegal to expose them in public." +CMV: Luke Skywalker should have had C-3PO reprogrammed or sold it. +"CMV: The ""Stop Bullying"" campaign is total bullshit. The best thing we can do is let kids defend themselves." +"CMV: To reduce the public burden of poverty, parents should have a minimum earned income" +CMV: Christians who say that The Bible is not meant to be taken literally are kidding themselves +"CMV: The recent article on Teaching and Tenure, I don't care if its about firing experienced teachers or not. If workers of all fields aren't protected by similar laws, teachers should not be special." +CMV:. Computers well can never adequately replace humans. +CMV: The Jedi Order deserved to fall +CMV: I believe that parents are morally obligated to genetically modify their children once the technology becomes safe and effective +CMV: Birth Control should be an over-the-counter drug. +CMV: Trying to vote in laws based on religious faith is hypocritical in nature as no religious person follows his/her religion by the letter +CMV: Intelligence is the privilege that trumps all other privileges +CMV: No country should be a permanent member of the UN security council and no country should have veto power in the UN security council +CMV: I believe cheating on your taxes is not immoral +CMV: I believe that woman's nipples should be censored despite men's not being so. +CMV: I think kids owe their parents everything because the parents brought them into this world and gave them life and kept them fed and sheltered and relatively healthy during their childhood. +"CMV: I believe that it's a good thing that America doesn't take soccer seriously, because it lets the rest of the world have something that they can win at." +CMV: The Coors Light advertising focusing on their beer being cold is idiotic. +CMV: I don't think coffins/caskets or cremation should be used when handling the dead. +CMV: I believe being Paranoid is a good attribute because it increases the yearn for truth and justice +CMV I believe that I should not have to sacrifice my career to be in a long distance relationship with someone by moving to so's country and starting anew +CMV: Being in a romantic relationship is pointless because it will end eventually +"CMV: I believe that no topic of opinion should be taboo to discuss, even in ""polite company""." +CMV: Players should be punished for diving and flopping in sport +"CMV: The USA should drastically increase its commitment, both financially and politically, to the United Nations." +CMV: If I ever find myself stuck in a dead end monotonous job I should abandon society and try to really experience life. +CMV: Drug addicts do not deserve any of my sympathy. +CMV: I believe towing by private companies--and towing companies holding the vehicle for ransom--should be illegal +"CMV: I have no reason to believe there is no afterlife, science only allows me to believe nothing." +CMV: I believe that being attractive is the single most important trait in determining how strangers will treat you. +CMV: Believing in God should be perceived by society the same way believing in UFOs or ghosts are. +CMV: I believe that the US and its allies are obligated and required to intervene militarily in Iraq and push ISIS out of the country. +CMV: I prefer physical media to digital media +"CMV: The Penalty Shootout in Football(soccer) is an anti-climactic cop out, and a horrible way to settle ties." +"CMV: I believe the brain is different between human ""races"" just like the body is." +CMV: London cabs vs Uber is the perfect case study of why income inequality is growing +"CMV: If you have something against the police generally, then you are unpatriotic." +CMV: I think Nintendo should ignore the competitive realm of Smash Bros because they represent a tiny chunk of sales. +"CMV:I feel that any variety of rights movement, be it womens rights mens rights gay,trans,race ect are a bad idea and only serve to segregate and in many cases give an extremists appearance to what ever minority they are representing." +"CMV:There is no such thing as a ""deflationary spiral""" +CMV: The standard type of container for sour cream should be a squeezable bottle. +CMV: Graduation ceremonies should only be held for High School and College +CMV: An early term abortion is as morally inconsequential as cleaning a toilet bowl with bleach. +CMV: WW2 was not necessary and resulted in more harm than good +"CMV:If a woman becomes pregnant, and her partner does not want to keep the child, he should be able to deny any involvement, including child support, on the grounds that he makes his decision during the pregnancy." +"CMV: Immigrants should not have to take a citizenship test involving the country's history, political system etc unless the details of these subjects are common knowledge among an overwhelming majority of the native population." +"CMV: Language classes are a poor attempt at forcing people to know more than one language and culture, and all they end up doing is wasting people's time." +CMV: I think that the natural purpose of sex is not to have babies. +"CMV: I Believe a Sustainable Market for Video Games Oriented Towards Women Exists, and that Feminism Would Be Better Served to Develop For It Than Merely Complain About It" +CMV: I believe home schooling & private schooling will be the norm for America's next generation. +"CMV: I think taxicab companies have a legitimate complain against startups like Uber, Lyft, etc." +CMV: I dont think that Ontario should allow convenience stores to sell alcohol. +CMV: Mental health facilities should resemble those for health care +CMV: Velcro straps are functionally superior to shoelaces and should be the standard shoe fastener +CMV. The Vergara v. CA decision was a mistake. +CMV:I believe we should be much harsher on prison inmates. +CMV:I should avoid everyone and stay in my room +"CMV: Video games are less creative, engaging, imaginative, and fun than they were in the 80's-early 00's" +"CMV: Although both networks are biased, because MSNBC overtly acknowledges its liberal bias and actually distinguishes between reporting and subjective analysis it is unfair to compare it to Fox News" +CMV:Anti-Gypsie/Roma prejudice should be viewed as just as unacceptable as any other form of racism/ethnic prejudice. +CMV: I believe that minimum wage constitutes no more or less than the bare minimum effort. +"CMV: Gun Control and ""Religion vs. Science"" seem like ridiculous, backwards issues to be dealing with in this day and age." +CMV: I think the social justice community is problematic. +CMV:I do not think Stephen King books are the least bit scary +"CMV: To reduce theft, all valuable property should be registered" +CMV: The recent swell in protesting Commencement speakers at colleges is a good thing. +CMV: I should be allowed to play first person shooters when I am 17. +CMV: Universal Healthcare should mean you lose right to your organ when you die +"CMV: Technology should be used to expand capabilities, rather than as a crutch to reduce required effort." +CMV: Nothing can replace the social value of smoking tobacco +CMV: I think there is no rational moral justification for animal rights as a moral issue +CMV: the discovery of life (past or present) on another planet would be a fatal blow to Abrahamic religions +CMV: The yellow lights on traffic lights are not necessary. +"CMV: I am a faithful Catholic who believes that Liberal social policy, such as Gay Marriage, is for the betterment of society" +CMV: The poor are poor because of poor decision making on their part at some point in their lives. +"CMV: I believe the USA is incredibly ""puritan"" and overly restrictive on nudity and that this causes a number of problems." +CMV: Homeless spikes are just plain wrong. They should never be installed. +CMV: Bathroom attendants have no reason to exist outside of strip clubs. +CMV: I believe that the benefits that come with marriage is the government's way of telling you to reproduce. +CMV: I believe that the majority of examinations used in schools are ineffective at determining knowledge. +CMV: Consensual sex in the case of a drunken individual is not rape. +CMV: Soccer would be much better without offsides. +CMV: There is no justification for a no-knock raid. +CMV: I don't think Gotham can be saved. +CMV: Canada is an appropriate analogue to the United States when comparing policy. +CMV: Aliens have never visited earth. +"CMV: I don't think every suicidal person can be helped and some are ""better off"" gone." +"CMV: Having grown up with a defect of my own, I don't want to pass any on to my kids. Therefore, I would like to join the ""Designer Baby"" movement. You'll probably fail, but TTCMV." +CMV: MacBook Pros are the best consumer grade laptops when you forget price:performance +CMV: Removing body hair is painful and pointless. +CMV: Cultural approriation is a nonissue. +CMV :: I believe physically demanding jobs should not have gender-specific standards in their physical fitness testing. Change my view... +CMV:I believe that you have no rational right to object to being casually or indirectly photographed while in a public setting. +"CMV: Making fun of mentally retarded people is okay, as long as they don't realize/are having fun [explained within]" +CMV: Living my life for money +CMV: I think Yuengling is the best beer to get if you are having a party and don't know what beers people like. +CMV: As a guy I think it's impossible to get into a relationship unless the girl is already from your immediate social circle +CMV: Electronic Music is not 'talentless rubbish'. +CMV: In the face of overwhelming global starvation genocide is acceptable. +CMV: I don't think net neutrality is a right. +CMV:I think by the age of 25 people must have at least one child. Change my view. +"CMV: GMOs are harmless to the human body, and don't need to be labeled." +"CMV: The ideas of ""Teaching Boys not to Rape"" and ""Rape Culture"" are nothing but an excuse to attack men" +"CMV: I think it's okay to tell a homeless person that a group of friends brought a lot of cheeseburgers, when giving him some" +CMV: I hate summer and love winter. +"CMV: In a debate, bringing up something famous once said and is regarded as ""quotable"", means you have lost" +CMV: We need to take on North Korea as soon as we pull out of the Middle-East. +CMV:Everything in life and the universe is predetermined. +CMV: I think the Fat Acceptance movement is dangerous +CMV: Religions only hinder scientific progress. +"CMV: I think casual sex is wrong, and should be discouraged" +CMV: Amorality is the most harmonious secular viewpoint. +"CMV: I feel /r/Atheism is more about embracing hatred towards religion, and less about embracing Atheism" +"CMV: Israel and Palestine, Israelis and Palestinians are both equally at fault. Also the only way to come to a solution is to look forward and stop focusing on the past." +CMV: The disparity between the number of male CEOs and female CEOs NOT an indicator of gender inequality. +CMV: There is no good reason to sit in the front row of a movie theater. +CMV: The world would be better without finger or toenails. +CMV:I don't see how any rational person could reject Male Disposability. +"CMV:""soft science"" is no less worthwhile than ""hard science"" and the logic that says otherwise is fallacious" +CMV: Anthropogenic Global Warming is Not Happening +CMV: I don't think Nintendo had to apologize for not including gay marriages in Tomodachi Life +"CMV: Some men are genuinely interested in being ""just friends"" with a woman" +CMV: Employers should be made responsible for the transit costs of their employees to and from work. +CMV: I think some people are simply better than others. +"CMV: I don't like the vast majority of my family; they are rude and obnoxious and just generally not very nice. My parents thinks I am wrong to not care about them, because they are family. I don't think it matters." +CMV: There is no legitimate moral or practical distinction between cops/soldiers and mercenaries. +CMV: feminists have been deliberately lying about the wage gap for decades +"CMV:I completely believe that STEM is the most important, if not the only important material people should be focusing on." +"CMV: What stops ""neckbeards"" from socializing and being sexually active is not looks and money, it's their failure to thrive socially when they were younger. And that one is definitive" +"CMV: revenge, if it's not disproportionate, is not immoral." +CMV: Snowden's leaks did not harm national security. +"CMV:I think having a normal, well paying job with a wife and two kids is absolutely terrifying" +"CMV: I believe that the phrase ""Be a man"" is at best outdated and at worst sexist." +CMV: The bullied kid that stabbed his bully made the correct choice in doing so. +CMV: People who have more than two kids are irresponsibly contributing to the end of modern civilization +"CMV: The comments made by Jürgen Klinsmann about Kobe Bryant and how Americans tend to cater towards aging sports stars based on past achievements as opposed to the future of the team is 100% spot on, and Americans need to hear it." +"CMV: I think 'pro-life' is a fallacious term and the position should more accurately be called ""anti-choice""" +"CMV - Marilyn Monroe does not deserve the reputation of the classy, elegant, role model that many people (women) bestow on her." +CMV: Waffles are completely superior to pancakes +CMV: I believe that all states should compensate wrongly convicted people by a large amount of money and support +"CMV: ""Bitch"" is just a female version of ""asshole."" Using it to describe an unpleasant woman isn't necessarily misogynistic." +CMV: I think The Wire is a boring overrated show on par with a season long episode of Law & Order but they say fuck. +"CMV: The current structure of the military, where soldiers are unaware of why people deserve being fired upon, is morally indefensible." +CMV: Providing a bible in a hotel room is arbitrary +CMV: I think after the first deadly accident of a self-driving car (e.g. Google's model) the technology will be banned in most countries. +CMV: I believe that being able to live indefinitely would be better than being subject to an arbitrary deadline and dying before I want to. +"CMV: Children are not nearly as illogical as most adults think they are; in fact, they may be more logical than we are." +"CMV: I am opposed to how PPACA (aka ""Obamacare"") allows children up to age 26 stay on their parent's health insurance." +CMV: I believe that teaching abstinence until the age of majority (18) is most responsible. +CMV: I feel that tattoos and piercings on women is a fad that looks terrible and takes away from their femininity. +"CMV: I think being pro-life, yet allowing an abortion exception in the case of rape, is a hypocritical position to hold." +CMV: If we are going to raise federal minimum wages to $15hr then businesses need to lower their bottom line and accept making less as a whole community. +"CMV: I believe that if you are a straight male, being a hipster is the best balance between ""bro"" and ""neckbeard"" ideologies." +"CMV: Once basic needs (food, shelter) are met, there is no correlation between more money and more happiness." +CMV: I see nothing wrong with giving corporations my personal information +CMV: I think it's silly to single out and blame Baby Boomers as a generation for all of society's ills. +CMV: People with depression are really just over dramatic and ungrateful +CMV:There is no reason for me to get a Playstation 3 +CMV: The logical conclusion of feminist reasoning is libertarianism +CMV: I believe that the U.S. has become overly sensitive in regards to many social issues +CMV: Sex under the voluntary influence of drugs or alcohol is not rape +CMV: Genghis Khan should be universally denounced similar to Adolf Hitler +"CMV - ""We don't leave a man behind"" isn't just a platitude, it's a key tenet that is essential for morale." +CMV: States that enforce their laws through a police force that has not been founded on Peelian Principles cannot be considered full democracies. +CMV - It's arrogant and irresponsible to travel to dangerous parts of the world for pleasure...read article for reference +CMV: A banana is not a good method of portraying scale. +CMV: Beautiful people don't have to work as hard as 'ugly' people +CMV: University of Texas' rule on clothing is not sexist +CMV: The rest of the developed world has cheap and effective healthcare because US citizens pay the lion-share of drug and medical device R&D costs while the rest of the world enforces price controls and reaps the benefits at a discount. +CMV: I don't feel the 2000's have been defined by a culture like other generations or decades. (America) +"CMV: Concerning promotions, pandering to bosses is more effective than being a hard, efficient worker who cares about the job." +CMV: I believe a global government is the best thing for humanity. +"CMV: ""Make due"" shouldn't be considered a mistake." +CMV: The Catholic Church is the one true church +CMV:Cancer charities that research cures are a waste of money compared to more cost effective charities. +CMV: Wikipedia is the single most impressive collection of data mankind has ever put together. +CMV:There should be no party system. +CMV: Christian Bakers Should Have the Right to Refuse Service for Couples Wanting Wedding Cake for Gay Marriage. +CMV: Philosophy is useless and should not be studied +CMV: America would be far better off if Congress was limited to incumbents 25-35 years old. +CMV: Eating venison and some other game meats is consistent with vegan ethics. +CMV: Telling women that they should view all men as potential rapists is unfair to men. +CMV: Fraternity hazing creates stronger brotherhood and is beneficial +CMV: I think labor unions are antiquated relics with no place in modern society +CMV: It's acceptable to refuse to sell my product to somebody based on race. +CMV:I care about nothing. +CMV: The purpose of the federal government is to protect our human rights.... that's it. +"CMV: The ""Card the whole party"" policy for alcohol purchases that major sales chains (Like Wal-mart) have adopted are useless and inconvenient." +CMV: Everyone should boycott companies that produce disposable razors and only use straight razors and safety razors. +"CMV: If I don't have my views challenged, they're invalid." +"CMV: There is basically no justification for trying a minor ""as an adult""." +"CMV: ""victim blaming"": sometimes justified." +"CMV:""Voluntary"" methods of dealing with overpopulation will be ineffective at limiting population growth long-term" +CMV: I think a developed countries with human rights shouldn't trade with countries which violate human rights. +CMV: Reddit's attitude and response to people being killed when they commit a crime is not only creepy but indicative of why America has such massive social problems +"CMV: I genuinely fail to understand how someone can claim to embrace both the Christian faith and the values of the Republican party of the USA. Being a Christian and a Republican is hypocrisy, and I am shocked by how rarely people seem to point out this hypocrisy." +CMV: I think churches should pay taxes. +CMV: I think that anyone who works 40 hours a week in the USA should be entitled to a middle class lifestyle. +"CMV: I think as long as you have a well paying job, job satisfaction doesn't matter at all." +CMV: I don't get the appeal of Google Glass. Please enlighten me as to why it's so awesome. +CMV: I don't think English is a difficult language. +"CMV: I think that women who are concerned about rape should act less ""slutty"" in their clothing and behavior." +CMV: I think Humanities courses should be removed from school curriculum +"CMV: Even if the Christian God existed, it would not be worthy of praise and worship" +"CMV: I believe that people doing ""aid"" work in impoverished countries are only doing it for themselves." +"CMV: I think that any potentially harmful consumer food product or drug should only be packaged with plain packaging devoid of any branding, images or advertising copy & banned from marketing/advertising on mass media channels" +CMV: I think the US-Canada land border should have few to no border controls +CMV: Traditional academic focus in primary schooling should be replaced a more practical curriculum +CMV: I believe that the growing movement to allow female nudity is inherently incompatible with American society's sexualization of boobs. +CMV: I do not believe finding religion should be a point of clemency when it comes to prisoners specifically for early release. +CMV: Had it not been for the Holocaust Hitler would be Germany's Napoleon. +CMV: Smoking bans are ridiculous. +CMV: I do not think it is wrong to not go out or want to date a person who in my own eyes isn't attractive +CMV : I think it takes less skill and talent to be an EDM artist as compared to other musicians. +"CMV: Humanity will never have a universal, galactic, or even interstellar empire if the speed of light is the universal speed limit." +"CMV: In order to be part of an Authority body, you should renounce your right to privacy and all your activities/communications should be available for everyone to see." +"CMV: I think that anybody who uses cocaine has a huge moral blind spot, because the industry is so destructive." +CMV: The Traditional Concept of Hell as Fire & Brimstone is in principle the most evil concept ever thought up. +CMV: I agree with these Fark comments: there IS something wrong about you if you are a 33 year-old virgin +CMV: Banning smoking is not a stupid idea and would actually be a highly effective public health measure. +CMV: Women who knowingly and willingly have sex or continue relationships with criminals are morally reprehensible. +CMV:I think society's view on alcohol is toxic and I wish to see alcohol viewed in the same way as any other drug. +"CMV: I think Muslims do themselves a disservice by using the word ""Allah"" instead of ""God"" even when speaking in English." +CMV: Tracking a package through the mail using a tracking ID number takes all the fun out of waiting for your package to arrive and spoils the experience. +CMV: The average American person does not care about black kids being shot. +"CMV: It is arrogant and asinine for United States marines to insist that others refer to them exclusively by the term ""marines"" and never as ""soldiers""." +"CMV: I think Justin Beiber isn't a bad guy, he is just a kid growing up in the spotlight." +CMV: The Volt should replace the Ampere as a base unit in the SI system +"CMV: In Baseball, a 5-4-3 triple play is more impressive than an unassisted triple play." +CMV: I can't wait to upload my mind +CMV: The release of is Bowe Bergdahl should be considered a national disgrace. +CMV: Canada should cut foreign aid until we've paid off our debt. +CMV: Pirate Bay co-founder Pete Sunde's arrest is 100% deserved. +CMV: I believe Japan should be arming itself against a future war with China +CMV: Minimum wage should NOT be a living wage +CMV: There is no obligation refer to nobility by their titles/honorifics. +CMV: HBO is the best network for television shows. +CMV:I'm more comfortable with listening to Middle Eastern/Muslim and Black women talking about Feminism than White Women +"CMV - Roman numerals have absolutely no use in modern writing, and there is no good reason to use them any more." +"CMV: I am completely unswayed by TV advertisements, and I think that advertisers must only be able to convince children and the unintelligent through ads to buy their products" +CMV: I believe that Mad Men is not just showing the era it was set in; it is actually sexist. +CMV: I feel use of camera equipped drones by law enforcement is perfectly reasonable and does not infringe my freedoms. +"CMV: Birth regulation, people should need licenses to have baby. Please CMV." +"CMV: As a 15yr old, I don't see any problem with having sex with much older people" +CMV: It makes no sense that women are more afraid of walking around alone than men are +"CMV: As a cyclist, I believe there should be no compulsion upon me to wear a helmet." +CMV: White people are mocking black people when they speak ebonics to their black friends. +CMV: New York City should secede from New York State. +CMV:It is better to have a corrupt but tolerant government than an effective intolerant one. +"CMV: I believe that all forms of conception that are not ""natural"" (i.e. IVF) should be used rarely, if not banned." +"CMV: If boycotting is seen as an an effective means of change, then it should be completely okay to not tip servers, bellhops, caddies, etc." +"CMV: GMO foods should be labeled, because the principle of the matter is more important than a small portion of people who may overreact." +"CMV: I think the first Mass Effect is far superior to either of its sequels gameplay wise, making me hesitant to finish the series. CMV if you could." +"CMV: I believe that since the United States stopped exporting oil to Japan prior to Pearl Harbor, Japan acted out of desperation and the United States is to blame for the Pacific War." +CMV: Margaret Thatcher was a terrible person. +CMV: It should be illegal to drive or enter a petrol station/bank in a niqab +CMV: I don't think mass media presents an unrealistic/harmful example of body image for people to strive for. +CMV:I believe hating people can bring America together +CMV: Fashion glasses (non-prescription or lenseless glasses) are pointless and annoying. +CMV: Dogs are objectively superior to cats as a household pet +CMV: The #Yesallwomen is sexism hiding behind statistics +"CMV: While it wasn't always, *Contemporary* feminism and the TRP/PUA/MRM demographic are equally mentally ill and divorced from reality." +"CMV: Todd Packer from ""The Office"" is not straight." +CMV: I respect everyones right to freedom of religion but that doesnt mean I should take seriously a religion which makes no sense at all. +CMV: Conservatives throughout history have been continuously losing civil rights battles which will always inevitably be in Liberals's favor +CMV: It doesn't matter what the founding fathers of the United States would have done in any given issue. +"CMV: I believe that the reasons Men and Women are separated for sports are due to more than just hormonal differences, and that trans women athletes have an unfair advantage." +"CMV: A socialist government is the only way to combat poverty, and the gap between rich and poor." +CMV: I believe politicians and business people shouldn't be in charge of running a country +"CMV: while both feminists and MRAs have valid points, they both blow their issues out of proportion." +CMV: The Men's Rights Movement Undermines Itself +"CMV:I believe a $70,000 individual annual salary is more than enough to live damn comfortable anywhere in the US" +CMV: I think it is better for me to break up with my hs girlfriend now than it would be to wait until college. +CMV: Males should be unable to reproduce until age 18. +CMV: Donald Sterling has compelling case to keep to the Clippers +CMV: Santa Claus should have a website for submitting Christmas lists +"CMV: I don’t believe economists can predict what the impact of the introduction of a reverse income tax or citizens income would be, and as such all discussions about the policy are meaningless. The only way to assess if it would work would be to try it out at a national level." +"CMV: Pulp Fiction is not one of the greatest movies of all time, but is instead a slightly above average movie with an interesting structure but not an engaging plot" +CMV: I don't see the point in self driving cars +CMV:I don't think that The Beatles are as big of a deal as they are made out to be. +"CMV: People we consider ""evil"" do not believe that their actions are evil" +CMV: It is wrong for someone to not date someone simply based on their race +"CMV:Richard Martinez, the father of recent shooting victim is a tool." +CMV: Meritocracy is a broken philosophy that leads to more guilt and shame than it does success. +CMV: I believe that people who are religious are idiots and don't trust their opinions. +CMV: I believe Bitcoin will take over the world +"CMV: Teaching people (women OR men) preventative measures against rape is not ""victim blaming""" +"CMV:The existence of royalty or royal families, even symbolically, has no place in the 21st century." +CMV: I believe people who don't walk on the right side of the sidewalk (in America) are either assholes or idiots. +"CMV: i see nothing wrong with ""designer Babies""." +CMV: I believe humanity can be salvaged by being killed off +"CMV: Using a bullet to execute an inmate is no more barbaric than the other methods currently used, and that if America must have a death penalty, it should replace other methods of execution." +CMV:The movie 'Drive' starring Ryan Gosling was horribly boring and supremely overrated +CMV: I believe spanking children should outlawed in America +"CMV: I think politicians should be replaced with scientists, artists, philosophers, skilled trade workers and more." +CMV: There's nothing wrong with me smoking marijuana at the end of the day +CMV: We have no Free Will +CMV: I believe the USSR should make a comeback +CMV: Why the majority is wrong about the Elliot Roger's case and why we should drop it entirely. +CMV: Loki's speech to the Germans in Avengers about humanity craving subjugation is correct. +"CMV: All rights, including so-called natural rights are human constructs" +"CMV: I don't see why people insist on the term ""feminist"" being used for someone who supports equality, rather than something which actually means ""belief in equality for all people""." +CMV: I believe mathematical intelligence is the most superior of all intelligences +CMV: I believe that avoiding hiring overweight employees is not immoral and a legitimate business strategy. +CMV :Fire Ants are the worst type of ants. +CMV: All theistic religion is cancer. +CMV: veterans & active members of the military do not automatically deserve such a high level of respect +CMV: I think MRM is necessary in the Western/Developed World +CMV: I'm not a misogynist +"CMV: If someone kills themselves, and you would have done nothing significant to help them out with their situation prior to their death, then you have no right to feign sorrow and are actually complicit through inaction." +CMV: I see absolutely no upside to Islam. I think it's the plague of modern day society. +CMV: I think masturbation is bad for you. +CMV: Low cut shorts are inappropriate for young girls +"CMV: The ""pick up artist"" community, and specifically the ideology expressed by /r/theRedPill, are are directly responsible for the Isla Vista murders." +CMV: It is misguided to protect those 18 and over from the responsibilities and consequences of adulthood. +CMV: Paying attention to people's intelligence is not necessarily any less shallow than paying attention to their looks. +CMV: College gen-ed classes are generally a waste of students' time and money and should not be required +"CMV: There is no hope for some people in this world. They are born suffering and they will die suffering, and no one will ever stop that from happening." +"CMV: Students with learning disabilities should not be given special accommodations for exams, and doing so does them a disservice, because in the real world employers won't give you special accommodations for things that impact your work" +CMV:Gay people are not born this way +CMV: Feminism is not needed *in the USA* +CMV: I can't bring myself to care about foreign internal conflict +"CMV: The phrase ""Trying to be the best me possible"" teaches you an unhealthy relationship to yourself" +CMV: Gun control regulations in California accomplished their purpose Isla Vista. +CMV:I feel that confidence is a primitive mindset that maintains ignorance. +CMV: Art can not be 'objectively bad' because it's quality is purely subjective. +CMV:Blaming the Men's Rights Movement for Elliott Rodger is the equivalent of blaming Islam for suicide bombers +CMV: Hashtag/Armchair Activism has nothing more than a self-serving purpose. +"CMV: Handguns are for killing people, and no one has a reason to own a handgun unless they intend to kill someone" +"CMV: I think teaching is an easy job compared to others, and the notion that teachers are underpaid is laughable (United States only)." +CMV: Being rich does not obligate you to donate all of your wealth to charity. +CMV: I'm going to join the Marine Corps to make the best friends of my life. CMV. +CMV: I think we've thrown the baby out with the bath water when we've thrown out traditional gender roles in accordance with woman's rights movements. +CMV: I think a slut is the best thing a person can be. +"CMV: The response ""You can't understand this"" when it comes to socially compelled issues and events of racism, misogyny, and hate crimes, is directly harmful to discussion and social progress." +CMV: I believe that there is no reason for me to pursue a college degree. +CMV: If you outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. I'm fine with this. +CMV: My girlfriend and I can’t wait to leave America and move to Sweden. +"CMV: There is no such thing as ""The Patriarchy""" +CMV:I have a fear of death and afterlife. +CMV: Rapid climate change today has been caused almost entirely by humans. +CMV: Elliot Rodger was not mentally ill or unstable. +"CMV: I don't think society has an unfair ""double-standard"" about sluts. I think the analog of a slut is an unemployed man, and he is demonized just as much as sluts." +CMV: We have recently hit a peak in terms of quality of life. Everything will be downhill from here. +CMV: Starfleet officers are inept and overly reliant on badly designed technology. +CMV: Arguments against bestiality that focus on an animal's inability to consent are weak. +CMV: Star Wars episodes I-III are better than IV-VI +CMV: We need to ban and destroy all guns to deter and hopefully end gun violence. +CMV:All prisons should require transparency by installing cameras in any area that prisoners are allowed and the feeds must be viewable by the public 24/7. +CMV: It's fine to have sex with a girl who has a boyfriend +CMV:Mark Cuban's comments are sensible and not racist +"CMV: Responding to a statement with ""that's racist"" does not inherently discredit that statement." +"CMV: Elements within the modern day Feminist movement promotes the idea that ""Female Culture"" is superior to ""Male Culture""" +CMV: I believe a fetus has rights worth protecting. +CMV: An elected EU President is a terrible idea. +CMV: As a black man I wish the Confederate States of America woulda won the civil war +CMV: Python is THE BEST programming language for beginners. +CMV: I think we should be actively trying to combine animals to make cooler animals +CMV: I am a gay man who is almost against gay marriage. +CMV: Jurassic Park is a good financial and scientific endeavour. +CMV: It is not the right course of action to hit a person back that slapped you unless you are in danger +CMV: A lot of economists are just glorified fortune tellers +CMV:I think to idea of Christopher Columbus being the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean is absurd +CMV: The 15% tip structure results in waiters being significantly overpaid for what they do +CMV: Stationary makers should do away with the rubbers on the end of pencils. +CMV: Curvy does NOT mean fat. +"CMV: I believe that in order to be a truly great musician, one must be able to read musical notation." +CMV: I'm thinking of dropping out of college. +CMV: I don't think corporate tax cuts do anything to help create job growth. +"CMV: If someone believes that race does not exist, and therefore that racism makes no sense, that person should also consider programs aimed at helping disadvantaged races to be nonsensical, regardless of circumstances." +"CMV: I think Dungeons and Dragons is stupid, help me understand." +CMV: caffeinated soft drinks are more harmful than e-cigarettes +"CMV:No matter how incompetent or impossible, all attempts at unlawful violence should be punishable by law, wheter it is a physical attack or something like a voodoo-curse." +CMV: Software should not be patentable. +CMV: I believe that it's not too difficult doing tasks while in high heels. +CMV:Reparations to black Americans for slavery make as much sense as reparations by Italians to Greeks for Roman slavery +"CMV: Any bartender at a bar that serves cocktails should know how to make a high quality Manhattan, old fashioned or a whiskey sour. If they can't they shouldn't be a bartender." +CMV: Comparing non-transgendered persons playing transgendered characters to blackface is super duper wrong. +"CMV: I absolutely could not care less if girls play video games or not, or if people are mean to them while playing." +CMV: People born in the UK shouldn't have more privileges than those born outside of it. +CMV: I believe that people convicted of the death penalty should be given the choice between killing themselves or life in prison with zero possibility of getting out. +CMV: I am a 16 year old who wants to start smoking. +CMV:I think the Green Party should become a legitimate third party in the US even if it costs Democrats elections +CMV: Education is ineffective at best and indoctrination at worst. +CMV: I believe that the republican party is a bastion of white supremacy in America +CMV: I think Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) is a very perverted anime the creator and most viewers use for their sexual fantasies and I can't understand what people like about this. +"CMV: The excuse of ""just following orders"" is a valid one in regards to atrocities such as The Holocaust" +CMV: The March Against Monsanto is a great example of misguided and harmful environmental/political activism. +"CMV: I believe situations such as Amanda Todd's are the fault of the ""victim""." +CMV. I don't believe in freewill. +CMV: Grades are an accurate reflection of intelligence +"CMV: Economists are concerned with nice looking models, not the people and lives that economic policies effect." +"CMV: I don't think competitive video gaming or ""eSports"" should be considered a sport." +CMV: All fines should be a percent of personal income instead of flat penalties. +CMV: I don't think being a mother is the hardest job in the world. +CMV: My girlfriend is thinking about getting a tattoo and I don't like the idea. +CMV: Bitcoin and Crypto-currency will never be more than a fad and a ponzi scheme +CMV: Casinos should not be allowed to ban people for card counting +"CMV: We should do our best to not let large companies like Google and Facebook track everything that we do, even if that information is anonymous." +CMV: Honorary degrees should not exist. +"CMV: I think most modern or contemporary art is stupid and silly, please change my view." +CMV: I think children should be vaccinated +CMV: I do not believe that schools should be responsible for providing lunch for every child. +CMV: I was born too early. I should've been born in the year 2000. CMFV. +CMV: Atheism is irrational +CMV: In my opinion there is nothing wrong with having high standars when looking for a partner +CMV: I don't think Dogecoin will succeed in the long run. +CMV: Illegal drugs should stay illegal. +CMV: Climate change will (hopefully) be the most serious problem of the 21st century. +CMV: A community can be diverse with all of it's members being of a single race +CMV: It is entirely unreasonable to be angry or offended by Chipotle's decision to ban weapons from their restaurants. +CMV: I have contempt for picky eaters. +"CMV: Gerrymandering, more than any other single issue, has destroyed the United States." +CMV:I think people are rewarded for being stupid +CMV: I believe that the penny should be removed from US circulation +CMV: I do not accept the distinction between sex as a biological phenomenon and gender as a social construct. +CMV: Free Choices are an Illusion +CMV: Society's desire for instant gratification will be our downfall +CMV:I believe that the USA is governed hugely in favour of its corporations and not its people. +CMV: Schools give out too many A grades. +"CMV:Morality has nothing to do with valuing social norms, and being normal is no guarantee of an act/person being moral." +CMV: Final Fantasy 6 is artistically superior to Final Fantasy 7 +CMV: I can't appreciate EDM. CMV!! +CMV: Those who quit their job should be eligible for unemployment +CMV: Artists who do not wish their works to be published should have their wishes respected posthumously. +"CMV: The only two constants in Human life are birth and death. Therefore, things like ambition, work, or the collection of things are essentially exercises in futility. There is no point in being a member of society." +CMV: I think the mainstream American Christian culture has an undeserved victim mentality +CMV: Rape can be partly be the victims fault. +CMV:Video Games should be more inclusive for the female demographic. +CMV: I believe that those who vote have no right to criticize the government but those who do not vote retain that right. +"CMV: If you don't opt-in for organ donating, organs shouldn't be given to you in a time of need" +"CMV: There's such a thing as ""too many sexual partners,"" even if it's all safe sex" +CMV:I don't believe in morality +CMV: Waterboarding isn't that bad +CMV: Equality is a myth +"CMV: I think that the ""everybody's a winner"" mentality is bad for the mind" +CMV: The Caesar's Legion are the superior choice for the Mojave and maybe even the entire Wasteland +CMV: I think I might be sex-negative and I am definitely prone to slut shaming but I don't think its a bad thing... +CMV: Fallout: New Vegas is a superior game to Fallout 3 +CMV: I think that Kantian ethics is the best system for decided what is moral. +"CMV: I believe that the ""my body, my choice"" argument is a double-standard, and that men should have the legal right to opt out of any and all child support." +"CMV:Pizza should be measured in inches, 8"", 12"" 18"" instead of S, M, L." +CMV: I think the idea of eugenics is predicated on a fundamental MISunderstanding how genes work (Title fixed) +"CMV: Instead of the Selective Service, 18-year-olds should be required to enlist in the Army Reserves" +CMV: I should not vote in the European elections +CMV: Stannis Baratheon would be a horrible king of Westeros. +"CMV: I am done defending President Obama. I am a 'liberal' who voted for him twice, and his Net Neutrality flop finally did me in" +CMV: The video game industry will ruin normal life. +CMV: I believe the Native American's are to blame for their continued poverty. +"CMV: ""Cultural appropriation"" is not inherently wrong or harmful." +"CMV: HItler had the right idea killing people, just not the right ones" +CMV: I'm a good looking guy who believes that long term relationships is selling myself short +CMV: Horoscopes are useless. +I believe that it isn't necessarily wrong to cheat on your significant other for the purpose of meaningless sex if your significant other never finds out. Please change my view. +CMV: Increasing voting turnout while ignoring voter comprehension is more detrimental to society then creating voting requirements. +CMV: Parents should be criminalized for having morbidly obese children. +CMV: America imposing sanctions on Russia for their actions in Ukraine is both wrong and useless +CMV:I don't think income equality is a problem. +CMV: The Irish Troubles were a black and white conflict and the Catholic Republicans should have just moved to the Republic of Ireland. +CMV: I feel that wealthy should pay a flat tax rather than the current progressive US tax system. +CMV: Zoe Saldana's casting as Nina Simone is not blackface +CMV: The US should switch to the Mixed-member Proportional Electoral system +"CMV: ""making them pay their fair share"" isn't a valid reason for disproportionately large taxes on the wealthy." +CMV: I don't think elected Republicans have helped the average American in decades. +"CMV: I think outside of the top 5 NA sports, it is silly to call anything else played in NA a sport." +CMV: I believe that the use of hops in beer is overrated and is leading to the general populace falsely equating craft beers as being hoppy. +CMV: I believe the CIO (cry it out) method with babies is selfish and lazy +CMV: Wikipedia is one of the most reliable sources of information short of peer-reviewed publications. +"CMV: I believe that people who claim to be ""perfectionists"" are typically just lazy or fearful." +CMV: I don't believe there is any good reason to criminalize Holocaust denial. +"CMV: I believe that standardized tests such as the ACT/SAT are ineffective at measuring ability, and should be disallowed for college use on accepting/denying students." +CMV: Javert is not a compelling antagonist. +CMV: I believe that people who claim to be afraid of clowns are exaggerating and being over dramatic. +"CMV: The primary concern of women when dating is finding a stable partner for security and child rearing, not romantic love" +"CMV: I believe that in allegations of rape, it's not wrong to question the testimony of the accuser" +"CMV: I believe researching for a medical ""cure"" for being gay/dysphoric should be encouraged" +"CMV: There is more suffering than happiness in the world, and we would be better off overall if the sun blew up in our faces." +"CMV: I accept anthropogenic climate change, but I don't consider it a problem" +CMV: All substances should be legal +CMV: I believe that being gay is always a choice. +CMV: I believe that the US drinking age should be lowered to 20. +"CMV: I think it's okay to teach boys not to cry, and it's also okay to use corporal punishment." +CMV: People being gay is not because of increasing population density/overpopulation. +"CMV: some young people are just very promiscuous and want to have countless partners, and that's okay" +CMV: I believe that people in democracies should have a process to directly vote on legislation. +"CMV: I believe that all criminal law and procedures should be taught in the senior year of high school, after being simplified to the point that it's possible to do so." +CMV: The sum of all positive integers cannot be -1/12 +CMV: I am pro-austerity. +CMV: Scrooge McDuck is ruining Duckburg's and the world's economy. +"CMV: I think that expecting people to not downvote based on disagreement is stupid, and if reddit mods really want to enforce it, they should get rid of the downvote button altogether." +CMV: I believe that it is more humane for someone to be executed by shooting them point blank in the head rather than using the lethal injection. +CMV: Feminism as it exists in the modern era is useless and annoying +"CMV: CMV: Affirmative action, at least in its current implementation in American universities, is unjust and ineffective." +CMV: I should be allowed to call 'asians' orientals +"CMV: It is misguided, offensive, and objectively false to suggest or state that pit bulls are less capable of causing serious harm to humans than most other domesticated breeds, and that it is not unreasonable at all for people to be put off by them." +CMV:There is an ethical limit to the amount of money a person should receive as direct compensation for their work and this number is significantly lower than what executives and athletes are currently paid. +"CMV: I think that I am not living in a simulation because I am. Computers do math, and math does not create consciousness." +"CMV:Black people are to blame for the ""N"" word's prevalence in modern society." +CMV: It is not hypocritical to oppose abortion but support the death penalty. +"CMV:I believe I could win a fight against any dog, or a wolf for that matter." +"CMV: I believe that anyone should be allowed to be chemically castrated, not just sex offenders." +CMV: A short middle-eastern man is unattractive to the majority of women. +"CMV: Truly ""self-less"" humans do not exist." +CMV: This is why Mumford and Sons are a disgrace to tradition and a negative reflection of our society +CMV: Incumbents should need more votes to get elected than challengers +CMV: The Hobbit movies are over indulgent commercial diarrhea in the same vein as the Star Wars prequels. +CMV: It is unethical to see prisons as a way of punishing criminals. +CMV: I think pedophiles should be legally obligated to seek treatment. +CMV: Cheddar is the best of the cheeses +"CMV:""Opinion Shows"" need to be banned." +CMV: I believe GMO labeling laws are illegal and unconstitutional. +CMV: I think dishwashers are a waste of time and money. +CMV: I could probably outmaneuver and evade a velociraptor +CMV:I think that car insurance should not be mandatory +CMV: The movement to the Common Core is hurting students more than helping them (At least in New York State). +CMV: infant circumcision should be banned +CMV: 'Trickle-down Theory' has never existed and is simply used as a strawman against those advocating lower taxes for other reasons. +"CMV: I need to give $1,300 to a organization or charity that I despise." +CMV: Propane is better than Charcoal for grilling. +CMV: All drugs should be legal +CMV: The world is the best it has ever been and most of the people I talk to think it's the worst. +CMV: I have zero sympathy for (most) students in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and no jobs. +"CMV: If in the near future, we find out global warming is indeed real and sea levels are rising, then I think it would be reasonable that we tax the estate of all the major climate change deniers." +CMV: I don't believe any income tax rate should exceed 40% or that there should be an estate tax. +CMV: I believe that the true purpose of the automobile is utilitarian in nature. +CMV: I believe books should not be banned from public libraries on the basis of content. +"CMV: I believe that female attractiveness is not valid when compared to male attractiveness, as females only genetically inherit features - like large breasts, curvaceous figure, attractive facial features, et cetera." +"CMV: if Michael Sam is on the St Louis Rams roster at the beginning of this NFL season, it will be at least in part due to his being the first openly gay player in the NFL" +CMV: Democracy Is Fundamentally Incompatible With Human Rights +CMV: I think drug users who get caught should be put into community service and fined instead of thrown into jail and serving a sentence. +CMV: I am a pacifist. +CMV:I am Liberal +CMV: Cheering for the country or city that your from in sports events is no different than cheering for a team based on their skin colour. +CMV: I'm transphobic and think that differentiating between sex and gender is stupid. +CMV: North Korea should be absorbed into South Korea. +CMV: Beauty and the Beast is NOT one of the greatest Disney movies. +"CMV:I believe that the mens rights movement is just a bunch of over privileged anti-women, sexist white males. Can you convince me its a legitimate movement? I'm also white and male so I have no gender/race bias." +CMV: I believe that driving below the speed limit on the freeway for no reason makes a driver a road hazard. +CMV: I believe that people are attempting to replace the gender binary with something much worse. +CMV: Kickstarter is a scam. It's a charitable donation to a for-profit company; a bet that you can't win. +CMV: I am a Democratic Socialist and an Anti-Capitalist +CMV:I believe that there shouldn't be religious exemptions to laws. +CMV:Dating a friend's ex is not wrong +CMV: Cheerleading in professional Football is designed to be erotic +CMV: Instruments are stupid and obsolete +CMV: Women shouldn't be allowed to vote in America until they are forced to register in the Selective Service System. +"CMV: ""Cisgender"" is the ""default,"" so we don't need terms like ""cisgender"" or ""cismale"" or ""cisfemale."" They are used solely in a rhetorical manner." +"CMV: The hatred of ketchup among self-professed ""foodies"" is arbitrary and irrational." +CMV: It is morally disgusting to defend /u/violentacrez and I lose respect for anyone who does. +CMV: America is Too Large to Function +CMV: I think the way alcohol is treated in cases of rape versus other areas of legal trouble is contradictory/dumb. +CMV:Curving grades is a poor teaching practice that lowers the overall quality of an education. +CMV: Anyone who excessively supports and glorifies their countries military makes me sick. +CMV: 'Homeless Man Gets a Home' and other conspicuous acts of charity are ultimately self-congratulatory and exploitative. +CMV: Lettuce Has No Place On A Burger +"CMV:I don't think SRS (/r/ShitRedditSays) is as bad as people make it out to be, and is just pointing out bigotry." +"CMV: Libertarians are primarily concerned with feeling correct, not about real world results." +CMV:The word 'hipster' is meaningless because it largely refers to the mainstream culture of the millennial generation; therefore hating 'hipsters' just means you hate people 20-30 years old. +"CMV: In a society where all religions are embraced, religiously motivated crimes should go unpunished." +CMV: Benghazi doesn't matter. +CMV: Michael Sam didn't really accomplish anything groundbreaking today that merits being a top news story +CMV: Soccer is a much better sport than baseball. +CMV: I think it is unfair to blame those that convince some one to do something for the actions perpetrated by the convinced. +CMV: People who go ga-ga for their pets and cute animal videos while sticking to an omnivorous diet are hypocrites. +"CMV: There is nothing wrong with the ""Buffet Rule""" +CMV: The individual mandate in PPACA (Obamacare) is unprecedented under the Commerce Clause. +CMV: I think the ultimate goal of the Prolife movement is to keep the class system in tact +CMV: My classmates' cheating devalues my degree +CMV: Denying Climate Change is Outrageous +CMV: I feel that abortion is no worse than delaying someone in traffic or accidentally stopping a friend mid-sex. CMV. +"CMV: I think abortion is an acceptable choice, and I think it's ridiculous that it's looked down upon." +CMV: Videos from places like Khan Academy should replace textbooks in the classroom and students should be able to learn at their own pace. +CMV: Suicide is a cowardly and selfish decision. +"CMV:Every Person on the planet should have the right to 4 things without charge: A home, Food, Healthcare, and Education." +CMV: I'd rather live a normal life inside The Matrix than barely scraping outside it. +CMV:There's nothing wrong with being lazy +CMV: I believe it isn't unethical for somebody to have a sexual relationship with an animal +CMV: I refuse to jaywalk at an intersection even when I can see no cars are coming. +"CMV: I don't think that the ballet culture is responsible for eating disorders and unhealthy body standards; rather, people who shouldn't be taking ballet in the first place resort to those methods, when they shouldn't even be allowed to be involved" +"CMV: Kids should be placed in classes based on ability level, not age" +CMV: I think I'd rather adopt kids (when that time comes) because I don't want to perpetuate my bf's or my genes. +CMV: I believe that America would not care if Boko Haram kidnapped 200 boys. +CMV: We should project all trash and waste into space. +CMV: I don't believe it's possible for an abusive monopoly to exist over a sustained period of time without being buttressed by the government. +CMV: Rotating shifts shouldn't be used. +"CMV: I don't believe that information spread through ""credible"" propaganda sources (books, television, etc) should hold some sort of automatic higher legitimacy than information we see on the internet." +CMV: Imperial Measurements are completely useless +CMV:I do not think that all sex offenders are as immoral as the media and our culture paints them. +"CMV: I think that texting and driving should be punishable by losing your license for at least 1 month, and posts to social media should be allowed as evidence." +CMV: I think politics should be a mandatory class in schools +CMV: When people say they hate the concept of homosexuality but not people themselves they are still bigots. +"CMV:I despise ""rappers"" that only rap about money, clubs, guns, etc." +CMV: I support the school voucher initiative. +CMV: Celebrating everyday achievements for people with learning disabilities is pathetic and does the opposite of helping them integrate fully into society. +CMV: Part of being pro-choice IS being pro-abortion. +"CMV: Political posts like Health Secretary, Education Secretary etc should only be held by academic experts in their field." +CMV: America is a terrorist state and it's citizens are modern day slaves. +CMV: Feminism is perceived negatively not because of radical feminists but because feminists don't call them out. +"CMV: I believe that unless all the food a person eats is free range or organic, they have no reason to shun halal meat." +"CMV: ""Feminist biology"" is no different than the ""Deutsche Physik"" of Nazi Germany and should be regarded with equal contempt as pseudoscience." +"CMV: Deliberately increasing your caloric intake to add muscle (""bulking"") leads to obesity later in life." +[CMV] I think less of people who use any kind of non-prescription drugs +"CMV: I believe all major human problems can be solved by temporary population control, restricting people to 1 child per family at most." +CMV: I think there is no racial discrimination in the developed countries +CMV:Omnipotence is impossible. Even if a god exists he/she is not omnipotent. +CMV: morals are relative +"CMV: A person can retroactively consent to sex they had while drunk, no matter how drunk they got." +CMV: I have huge fear of death. +CMV: A national minimum wage of $15 like the one facing Seattle is not viable for the rest of the country in 2014 and minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage. +CMV: I think that MRAs are sexist +CMV: I think George W. Bush was the worst president in the history of the United States +CMV: I believe all religion is man made +CMV: Nuclear power is not sustainable in the short or long term (unless we achieve fission) as the CO2 and other environmental costs of obtaining uranium and deposing of waste are prohibitive. +CMV: Cheesecake is a pie +CMV: Car horns are an ineffective safety mechanism and should be banned +"CMV: If women have the right to abortion under the banner of ""the right to bodily autonomy"" I should be allowed to sell my organs." +CMV: I believe in the existence of Natural Rights and I can't stand moral relativism +CMV: I think spreadsheets should be deprecated and everybody should migrate to embedded databases +CMV: The Catholic Church has never reversed her teachings as it relates to faith and morals. +CMV: I don't understand why anyone would drink 2% milk. +"CMV: There is nothing wrong or immoral with saving money, retiring early, and living a low-cost / low-income lifestyle." +CMV:GMO technology is not inherently bad. +CMV:I think killing a newborn baby and aborting a fertilized egg on the womb is the same +"CMV: Going to college, don't want to live on campus" +CMV: I believe that abortion as a result of consensual sex (without contraception) is wrong. +"CMV: The obsession with ""natural"" food has little to no basis in fact, and processed food isnt strictly bad." +"CMV: The ""check your privilege"" phenomenon is not racist against white people; rather, it calls for an awareness of the cultural and historical reality in which we live." +CMV: I think I should learn what I want to learn in high school. +"CMV: If we discover a species of aliens that at the time is less advanced than us, but is clearly more intelligent and will surpass us in technology in the future, the correct course of action would be to wipe that species out while we have the chance." +"CMV: I believe that the Dark Side of The Force is a corruption and not just ""the other side of the coin"" and that bringing balance to the force involves destroying the Sith." +CMV: The Brony community is a support group for people already ostracized by the rest of society. +CMV: I believe that religion prevents moral growth/change. +CMV: I am an egoist. +CMV: I think Sweden is too socialist for it's own good. +CMV: I believe there is something inherently disturbing/wrong with Japanese culture. +CMV - I believe human civilization is doomed. *PLEASE* change my view. +CMV: I believe an ethical vegetarian or vegan diet is morally indefensible and delusional. +"CMV: Humankind needs to settle on a purpose for our existence. By default we seek comfort, but that's not enough (it's why we have a shallow culture)." +"CMV: I love smartphones, social media and technology, I long for even more." +"CMV: I think using the word ""Nigga"" in media only expands on racial differences and encourages racism" +CMV: Reduce use of animals in drug testing and use humans instead +"CMV: I believe that, even if God does exist, the human race doesn't need him." +"CMV: I think that Team Plasma, the main antagonists of the fifth gen of Pokemon (Black and White) have a valid point." +CMV: Christmas is no longer a Christian holiday in the United States. +CMV: I believe that a multiple choice test should be passed before people are allowed to vote on a particular issue. +CMV: The majority of Americans have no business buying and should be prevented from financing to buy a home. +CMV:I should be able to drive through red lights without penalty sometimes. +CMV: I believe Russia has done good in banning swears. +"CMV: I believe ""racist"" greek party themes (Cinco de Drinko/Tokyo Drift) should be banned from my college campus." +CMV. I believe in same sex and traditional marriage but not other types of marriage +CMV: I believe that many Redditors have tendency to favor core elements of fascism +CMV: I think quantum computing is a bust and will never work. +"CMV: Motion pictures as we know them are rapidly on their way out and therefore, there is no point in me becoming a filmmaker, at least not in the traditional sense." +I believe the US government has no right to charge me property tax. CMV +CMV: It is not okay to drive under the influence of ANY mind altering substance. +"CMV: I believe that for the time being, people should be forced to (or heavily discouraged from) study certain courses/pursue careers" +CMV: I believe no man should be able to slap my SO's ass no matter how gay they are. (Or any other activity that would be unacceptable for straight men for that matter) +"CMV: Due to automation, economics, and societal values humans will never leave Earth in large numbers." +"CMV: I think that, no matter the quality of journalism, those who only know about a story through the news are too ignorant to have a valuable opinion." +CMV:The tumbler/SJW conception of Gender is contradictory +CMV:There's nothing wrong with being gay and engaging in homosexual acts. +"CMV: From an athiestic viewpoint, nothing we do matters" +CMV: I think vehicles that stop at every train crossing put themselves at greater risk than not stopping at all. +CMV:I don't believe members of the military are anything special and I disagree with veteran idolization. +CMV: I don't believe I should pay a tip based on a percentage. +"CMV: In war, a heroic defeat is better than a blundering victory." +CMV:I believe that the reddit shadow ban/ banning system in place is cruel. +"CMV: America's ""Nuclear Renaissance"" should be realized in Northern Canada." +"CMV: I believe it is just as wrong to hate on Christians for their religion as it is Jews, Muslims, or Buddhists" +"CMV:""X Privilege"" as a phrase is no longer useful and the terminology should be abandoned in an effort to actually solve the issues presented by privilege." +"CMV: I Couldn't Care Less Each Time We Lose Another ""Independent"" Bookstore." +CMV: A belief in god is illogical and has no basis in reality. +"CMV: I believe that if you can't parallel park, you shouldn't be allowed to have a driver's license." +CMV: I believe that universities should have an affirmative action program dedicated to increasing the number of students and faculty who hold conservative political views +"CMV: We shouldn't be training service dogs for PTSD, but rather focus on a cheaper and quicker solution." +CMV: I believe that downvotes are about as useful as upvotes and should generally not be discouraged (for the most part). +CMV: I think it's irresponsible to own an English bulldog or other short nose dog due to inherent health problems +[MOD POST] Please refrain from downvoting comments you disagree with. +CMV: Free-market capitalism is real-time democracy +"CMV: I think it is not a slippery slope argument to say that gay marriage will, or at least can, result in polyamorous marriage." +CMV: I believe excessively loud car stereo systems should be considered illegal modifications. +"CMV: I want to undergo a revolutionary memory-zapping therapy to erase all the negative memories that pain me to this day, so they don't drag me down & hinder me from aspiring for lofty goals in life. Though you'll likely fail, try to CMV." +CMV. Steve Harvey has taken the family out of Family Feud. +CMV: I believe that transgender people suffer from a mental illness akin to schizophrenia and should be treated as such. +"CMV: Either the concept of ""enthusiastic consent"" should be applied to things besides sex, or it should be discarded entirely." +"CMV: Most gay rights supporters are hypocritical, and think about sexuality the same way as conservative evangelicals do." +CMV: I think that piracy/freebooting should be considered acceptable if the pirated version of content is (or at least can be considered) better than the legal version +CMV: Change the legal definition of birth to when the birth certificate has been filed +CMV: i think venice should be evacuated and left to sink +CMV: Using Nazi comparisons can be a valid way of discussing a point +CMV: I think wired mice are better than wireless ones. +"CMV: I believe the only feasible solution to Israel/Palestine is to make Gaza, Israel and the West Bank one State that provides civil rights to all it's people (Jewish and Palestinian)" +CMV: I believe rapper Tupac Shakur is still alive and hiding. +"CMV: If you support freedom of speech but not freedom from censorship you're a hypocrite, especially where peoples livelihood is threatened (Brendan Eich, Donald Sterling)" +CMV: I do not believe that there is any testable evidence or arguments that lead to the existence of the physical world. +"CMV:As a man, I feel in many ways the idea of ""rape culture"" is misandrist and offensive, and is the crime of rape is highly politicized only because it affects mainly women." +"CMV: I believe it is, for most people, a beneficial experience to use psychedelic drugs" +"CMV: I believe that, to vote, people should prove a degree of selflessness (shamelessly stolen from starship troopers)" +"CMV: I think that 'racism' and associated terms are misused, inaccurate and should be replaced with criticizing 'prejudice'." +CMV: I believe that homeopathy works completely through the placebo effect +CMV: Higher insurance rates for young men is sexist. +CMV The prime directive is selfish +CMV: Viewing child porn does not cause harm to the victims in the images. +CMV: I believe that using correct grammar is unimportant if the message is still clearly understood +"CMV: I believe the Xbox One is useless and a poor excuse for a games console, please CMV." +CMV: I believe you should legalize all drugs. +CMV: I think religion does more harm than good and the world would be better without it +CMV: Consent and Safety should be included in Sexual Education classes. +CMV: San Francisco and the Greater Bay Area is actually pretty boring +CMV: I don't think that banning abortion will actually have any affect on the number of abortions. +CMV: I don't believe in anything +"CMV: the media, particularly movies, encourage unrealistic expectations of the ideal boyfriend" +CMV:Cigarettes should be outlawed. +"CMV: I believe that Clayton Lockett deserved everything he got, and that the 8th Amendment should be altered, allowing all murderers to be executed in as close to the manner in which they themselves murdered as is possible." +CMV: Legislators should face punishment for passing unconstitutional laws. +CMV: I'm uncomfortable with dynamic of (male)Dom/(female)Sub BDSM relationships. Help me CMV. +CMV: I believe technology has simplified our society to a point where we are doing more damage than good. +"CMV:Transgender people are either male or female, nothing inbetween." +"CMV: I believe that subreddits that do not allow for ""dissenting opinions"" should not be allowed to exist." +"CMV: I believe America needs to take a step back, withdraw ALL foreign troops and focus only on our domestic situation." +"CMV: If society thinks women are inferior, or people think society treats women as inferior, it is based on the fact that women are more dependent than men." +"CMV: Conspiracy theorists raise valid points and it's wrong to disregard them all as ""nutjobs""." +CMV:I believe hunter and gatherers are more content with life than civilians in the civilized world +"CMV: When people claim society thinks women are inferior, they really believe that men are inferior" +CMV: I believe the following changes would be good for US politics. +CMV: I would enjoy being shipwrecked on an island. +CMV: Reddit's reaction to the Donald Sterling incident has been a complete failure. +CMV: I think it makes no difference if I become a vegetarian. +CMV: I believe the idea that healthy food is more expensive than junk is a myth perpetuated by fatties +CMV: I don't think major sports athletes should be paid as much as they are. +"CMV: I think it's morally ok to kill an animal for food, but I'm a vegan because I hate the way animals are treated, for such food.." +CMV: White people shouldn't be allowed sing the n-words along with their favorite popular songs. +CMV: I don't believe grandparents deserve any rights when it comes to being able to see their grandchild(ren). I don't understand why US courts grant grandparents visitation rights despite the child(ren)'s parents being deemed fit. +CMV: Anyone who thinks Donald Sterling is getting what he deserves should be willing to make their worst private conversations public. +"CMV: I think that ""cisgendered"" and ""cissexual"" are unnecessary." +"CMV: I believe that the usage of the words ""premium"", ""luxury"", and ""fresh"" should be regulated in advertising." +CMV: I believe that there is no difference between women who sell their bodies for sex (prostitutes) and women who sell their bodies for procreation (egg/sperm donors or pregnancy surrogates) +CMV: The vast majority of people who debate online have no interest in what their opposition has to say. +CMV: History classes as they exist in the United States are not worth their time. +CMV: I disagree that men not being allowed to wear women's clothing is a sign that being a woman is degrading +CMV: Adopting a dog from a shelter/rescue is no more moral than buying a dog from a reputable breeder +"CMV: As a man, I find it odd that ""shaved"" has become the norm for female pubic hair. I don't think it's a fetish that I prefer women with ""hair down there."" [NSFW]" +"CMV: I believe that if mental disorders are to be taken seriously ""reverse"" disorders must be created too." +CMV: I believe that religion has done nothing but hinder humankind since its conception and that it is quite possibly one of the most corrupt and evil things ever. +CMV: Killing soldiers is equally wrong as killing civilians +"CMV: Photoshopping models, even to the extent of unattainability, is completely ok." +CMV: I feel that I'm destined to remain a virgin forever and am not meant for a intimate relationship +"CMV: I think that voting third party in a presidential election is, overall, a waste of your vote." +CMV: I feel that sexuality and gender can be fluid for some and rigid for others. I also think gender roles are useless to society. Change My View! +"CMV: I believe that life in the 21st century is harder mentally and more stressful because of competition, choices, and expectations of success." +CMV: I believe that there is no compelling ethical argument for infant circumcision (long post). +"CMV: If you supported Brandon Eich (Mozilla's former CEO), but are silent on Donald Sterling, you are either acting cowardly or hypocritical." +CMV: I think moral laws can be established by logic & science and would be preferable than those currently established by faith and cultural norms. +"CMV: I believe that if the argument that ""The death penalty cannot be used because we cannot be 100% sure of a person's guilt"" is valid, it can also be applied to imprisoning that person, or to any other form of punishment, thus rendering the entire legal system useless." +CMV: I believe cognitive-enhancing drugs like Ritalin and Adderall should be available to everyone +CMV: I believe anti-smoking laws are completely arbitrary and exist only to make do-good politicians make themselves look good to the public. +CMV: The recent stabbing of a teacher in the UK highlights the benefits of strict gun legislation +CMV: Buzzed/drunk sex is not rape/sexual assault/a violation of consent in any way. +"CMV: Donald Sterling's real problem is with blackmail, not black male." +CMV: Minors can consent +CMV: I believe that American universities have an immense amount of liberal bias and that it hurts students free speech. +CMV: Racism has disappeared a lot less than people think +"CMV: I think most problems in the US are due to citizen apathy, but if we started caring then we could make this nation into anything we want" +CMV: Grammar Nazis are pointless and correcting peoples' grammatical and spelling errors (on the internet) is pedantic +CMV:I believe that all religion was born out of the fear of death. +"CMV: I believe ""White Guilt"" and other factors is crippling our reach for equality" +CMV: I think that gender neutral pronouns such as Ze Zir and Zirs are counter productive and not feasible +CMV: I don't think semi-automatic assault rifles are any more dangerous than handguns +"CMV: I believe all old people are frail and ""not all there"" mentally." +CMV: I believe liberals are hypocrites +"CMV: I believe that birth control is not a ""basic human right.""" +CMV: I believe that immigration is primarily beneficial to the very wealthy and is harmful to the middle and lower classes of a nation +CMV: I don't understand how anyone enjoys night clubs. +CMV: I Believe That Not Tipping On Principle Is A Cop-Out and Illogical. +CMV - The Lion King is hugely overrated +CMV: The Humean objection to the argument from miracles is conclusive. +CMV:I believe the majority of poor Americans are poor because they are lazy. +"CMV: ""Stealing"" dumpster from stores to save money is ethically right since it helps preventing environmental pollution and waste." +CMV: US Soldiers are deceived by a mis-guided sense of honor and pride in what they do. +"CMV: As an atheist, I agree with the Catholic church and believe that IVF should be prohibited" +CMV: I think people who would deny criminals their human rights are worse than rapists and murderers. +"CMV: I think that statements like ""Humanity has an ethical obligation to expand to other planets to ensure the survival of the species"" are ridiculous." +"CMV: I believe that if someone is not above a certain academic threshold by say, 13, then we should teach them a trade." +"CMV: The USA should have one ""mega prison"" for all 2.5 million of its inmates." +CMV: The net neutrality debate is silly. +CMV: Agnosticism is a non-contradictory version of the values atheists tend to endorse +CMV: People who do not plan on having children should have the equivalent of a maternity leave if they want to embark on a major event in their life. +CMV: Donald Sterling has right to say what he wants in private. He also has a right to be racist. +CMV: The Men's Rights Movement (MRM) is oppositional to feminism and has no academic credibility. +CMV: America will crumble internally like the ancient Romans. +CMV: People who smoke have a weak personality +"CMV: Lecture is an inferior way to teach math to problem-based learning, and high school math teachers and college math professors with reasonably-small classes shouldn't lecture at their students." +"CMV:Suicide, consensual cannibalism, incest, voluntary euthenasia and early infanticide are morally permissible." +"CMV:""Free speech doesn't you're free from being criticized"" is used somewhat illogically." +"CMV: I think my son's first car should look as much like a police car as possible, within the legal limitations." +CMV: Coins are outdated and should be removed as legal tender +"CMV: To reduce injuries due to falls, prohibit stairs in new homes" +CMV: I think it's ethical to lie when assessing global warming and potential effects on human civilization +CMV: You aren't morally responsible for anything +CMV: Most people who watch or follow professional sports have no reason to do so. +CMV: Nuclear is the future +CMV: I victim blame the guy who got raped in the linked thread +CMV: It is socially irresponsible to have more than two children. +CMV: Colleges should abolish most humanities as a degree option +CMV: For any specific question (including this one) there can be only ONE right answer. +CMV: I think that victim blaming when it comes to rape is not always unreasonable. +CMV: European Union should become a federal state. +CMV: More than 90% of journalism is useless or actively harmful +CMV: I think we should abolish timezones and have a universal time across the world +CMV: The vocal majority of reddit are bigoted towards Repulicans. This kills the potential for constructive political discussion. +"CMV: I believe that current political campaign norms are wasteful, pervert the electoral process, and result in the effective disenfranchisement of the average citizen." +CMV: Analog clocks are pointless. +CMV: I don't understand the ideal search for world peace +CMV: I find it difficult to enjoy works of fantasy that incorporate science/technology. +CMV: If a legitimate bomb threat occurs I will run away from the school rather then pile up in one place with the rest of my school. +CMV: Rich people should not be judged solely because of their wealth. This is ignorant and hateful. Please change my view. +CMV: I think the study of business contributes little to nothing to the progression of society. +"CMV:If you catch a foul ball at a game, you should NOT have to give it to a nearby kid." +"CMV: i dont think capital letters should exist, they serve no purpose" +CMV: The government should stop recognizing ALL marriages. +CMV: There's no such thing as a person who's both sex-positive and anti-abortion +CMV:Cliven Bundy is a domestic terrorist. +CMV: There is no objective reason to support President Obama. +CMV: Common arguments against gun control that I think totally lack merit. +"CMV: I do not feel sorry for them when a vicious murderer, rapist or child abuser is raped in jail." +CMV: I think that rhetoric should take literature's place as a key subject in school. +CMV: I belive that every college campus should be forced to allow concealed carry. +"CMV: There's nothing wrong with ""cultural appropriation""." +"CMV: I think it is inevitable that Spanish will become an official language of the United States, and that it should be required learning starting in elementary school and continuing through high school." +CMV: Any law that can be broken peacefully is not a law worth having. +CMV: Armed revolution is overall a bad idea. +CMV: I don't think trading card games are fair at all. +CMV: I think that the public education system in the United States is purposely sabotaging American children with standardized testing through the No Child Left Behind Act. +CMV: I believe the U.S. Senate should be abolished. +CMV: It isn't completely irrational to claim that god (i.e. creator) exists. +"CMV: ""Radical Islam"" is a harmful and inaccurate phrase." +"CMV: I am against ObamaCare, and free health care in general." +CMV: I am Voting No to Scottish Independence +CMV: All of you reading this know you're not dreaming. +"CMV: Slurs, while inappropriate, do not systematically enforce oppression." +CMV: The war in Afghanistan was moral and necessary. +CMV: I believe professional athletes in all sports should be allowed to use steroids or other performance enhancing drugs. +CMV: I believe I have logical proof of some sort of 'afterlife'. +"CMV:Active euthanasia, illegal, is preferable to passive euthanasia, legal." +CMV: Women should not be allowed in combat units. +"CMV: I believe that the improvement and proliferation of 3D printing technology is inevitable, and will make most current methods of gun control/prohibition impossible. Governments need to acknowledge this and address the root causes if they wish to treat gun violence as a major public concern." +"CMV: As a part of background checks, teachers at public institutions who soap box publicly and identifiably should be fined or fired." +CMV: The United States should not drill any oil +CMV: Being somewhat unsanitary helps prevent you from getting sick. +CMV: The death penalty is irrational. +CMV: Jack White is the most talented musician of the current generation +"CMV: The NSA isn't doing anything ""bad""" +CMV: I believe Edward Snowden's actions have invalidated any complaint he might've made against the US government/NSA. +CMV: The mark of an evolved human being is that they do not identify with their minds (ego) +CMV: I believe in a social setting (such as bars and clubs) Transgenders should tell people what sex they was born. +CMV: I believe smoking is a sign of low-intelligence. +CMV: I view the recent killings by a mob in China as citizens exercising a lost natural right +"CMV: I believe there are certain US government functions that should not be privatized. Namely, the ownership and maintenance of infrastructure like roads and drinking water supplies. Also, I would be against the privatization of our National Park System." +"CMV: Religious institutions shouldn't change due to social pressure, such as allowing women into positions of power, or accepting homosexuality." +"CMV:Tarantino is completely stuck with the same themes, character types, dialogues, actors and music for the last 20 years." +CMV: I believe that the Al Qaeda attacks on 9/11 aren't really all that bad when compared to America's response. +CMV: I believe genetic engineering will inevitably have the same objectives as Hitler. +"CMV: I think Truvada aka PrEP(Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, an HIV prevention drug) is an acceptable substitute for condoms and that other potential STIs are treatable and/or not that big of a deal." +CMV:I think Shakespeare is not as great as people claim. +CMV: Race-based Affirmative Action is outdated and no longer necessary. It also worsens racial tensions. +CMV: I believe that a cultural class should be mandatory to all high school students so as to better prepare them when aknowledging people from different cultures. +CMV: I believe the United States should spend a great portion of their military expenditures towards other nations solely for goodwill. +"CMV: Considering 99.9% of all species that have ever lived on earth have since gone extinct, I do not think there is much significance to an endangered species dying out" +"CMV: Modelling (particularly Fashion) is the easiest, and least intellectually/physically demanding profession in the world." +"CMV: Procreation ought to be severely regulated, and not considered an inalienable human right" +CMV:I believe that human cloning is totally ethical +CMV: I don't think disrespecting the dead is worse than disrespecting the living. +"CMV: America is the easiest country in the world in which to move up in social class, although even here it's still pretty damn hard." +CMV : I think living in the USA is pointless now if you want a happy future. +CMV: Suicide is ethically neutral. +CMV: Using substitutes or censors for profanity is no better than using the corresponding profane word. +CMV: I think people with minor speech impediments are dumb for not getting speech therapy. +CMV: I think talk therapy is a joke. +CMV: I don't think the Boston marathon bombing was that big of deal +CMV:Asking for a source to validate the debater in a hot-button topic is pointless. +"CMV: If Portland can throw away 38 million gallons of water for no rational purpose, it should be selling water to California." +"CMV: There is no actual basis for moral agency, personal responsibility or willpower, we are all victims (or beneficiaries) of circumstance." +CMV: Current Gen consoles seem like a waste considering they are similar to both each other and PC's. +CMV: Marriage is a joke nowadays. +CMV: Dualism is a tenable position in philosophy of mind. +"CMV: Construction of the Keystone pipeline would reduce carbon emissions worldwide in the short- and long-term, and anybody opposed to its construction is indirectly harming the environment." +"CMV: ""Marriage Equality"" should include Polygamy and Inter-Family consideration in addition to just same-sex marriage." +CMV: I don't think excessive or invasive airport security is a bad thing +CMV: If you oppose eugenics then you should also oppose medical care +"CMV: My girlfriend is an organ donor. While admirable, I want her to opt-back out." +"CMV: There is no qualitative difference between animals and humans, only quantitative." +CMV: Everyone should stop tipping +CMV: The term 'sexual assault' should never be used. +CMV:I think that Communism can work in small groups. +CMV: Unmarried men shouldn't have to pay money in order to be considered for 50/50 custody of their children. +"CMV: Graveyards are a waste of land and a new approach to handling bodies should be adapted, rather than continuing a superstitious tradition." +"CMV: Consciousness is ultimately a ""curse""" +CMV: Osama bin Laden should've been tried +"CMV: I think bicycle helmets are not necessary, and paradoxically make bicycling more dangerous." +"CMV: The US president should have the final say in the bugdet, not the other way around" +"CMV: God, the creator of the universe, not only lacks evidence of its existence, but is logically impossible." +CMV: Communism isn't a fair system. +CMV:I went from pro-choice to pro-life after trying to rationally reflect on the issue. Please critique my reasons for doing so. +CMV: I believe that the wealthiest Americans should be taxed just as much as the poorest. +CMV: I think the risks of nuclear power are way too high - and chernobyl and fukushima have proven it +"CMV: Movies like ""The Wolf of Wallstreet"" fail miserably in conveying any message, are highly overrated, and do nothing to raise the standards of the film industry." +CMV: I think Hatha Yoga is bullshit. And possibly a scam. +"CMV: I do not blame the mods of /r/technology for the censorship and decline in quality in that subreddit.Instead, I blame the admins for condoning allowing mods to hold so much power." +CMV: I don't believe you should be responsible for the actions of other people who are on your property without your approval. +CMV: I am for using PUA techniques to get women and think that women have to be manipulated for sex +"CMV: Being anti GMO is an extremely conservative position, and that many ""liberals"" are far from progessive" +CMV: Multiculturalism has no benefits +CMV: I don’t think the idea of a ‘new world order’ sounds like a bad idea. +CMV: I think people who live unhealthy lives who need organs should get them from less than pristine cadavers. +CMV: I want to switch majors my last semester in college. +CMV: Children should be raised by both of their biological parents with adoption restricted +CMV: Any graded essay/paper given by the school should be assigned before it's due. +CMV: Removing Black Widow from Marvel's The Avengers would not change the story in any major way +"CMV: I believe there should be a maximum quota for white males in colleges, institutions and companies: affirmative action is insufficient and still allows racists and misogynists to prosper." +"CMV: This might sound mean, but I love Asian girls and yet I worry if I have a family with one and have a boy, he may grow up to have a small penis." +CMV: I'm Pro-bullying. Or at least ANTI-anti bullying campaigns I've seen. Long Text Inside. +CMV: The Supreme Court was right to overturn part of the Voter Rights Act. +CMV: Professional gaming is as valid/respectable a career choice as any other professional athlete and should be treated as such. +"CMV: People that ride bikes for exercise or pleasure on dangerous roads are morally, not legally, wrong." +CMV: I should be embarrassed of my personality. +CMV: I believe the Stock Market is fundamentally immoral. +CMV:I believe society is assbackwards. I believe the human race has been manipulated and controlled over the course of the past 5000-10000 years. +CMV: I think it's perfectly acceptable to be rude to people (bums) who ask you for money. +"CMV: Africa needs more agricultural technology, not less." +"CMV: Futurology, The Study Of The Future, Should Be Taught In High School" +CMV: I don't believe schools should have later start times +CMV: I believe any first-world government should have space travel as a highest priority. +"CMV: If your SO made long-term plans before you two met/ started dating, you have no right to try to change those plans. Change my view." +CMV: I see no way to justify using public policy to combat climate change regardless of the science. +CMV: I believe tipping + low wages are a perfect acceptable practice +CMV: Drone attacks aren't any worse than manned attacks +CMV: I don't believe having sex with drunk people is to be considered rape. +CMV: Free will is an illusion +"CMV: to promote marriage, government should enact policies that reward marriage" +CMV:I believe there is never a reason to tailgate. +CMV:People who cut themselves in highly visible places are excruciatingly pathetic. +"CMV: The United States, Canada, and Australia are the only countries in the world where Jews can get a fair shake at life, 99.7% free of discrimination. CMV" +CMV: Tort reform and damage caps are unconstitutional and bad policy. +CMV: I think affluent couples who can conceive are morally obligated to do so. +CMV: Reducing nuclear power generation in Europe is unwise +CMV: Claiming that people are allowed to hold whatever religious views they want implies correctness is not important or valuable in society +"CMV: Self-diagnosing is not only detrimental to yourself, but to the whole mental health community." +CMV: I feel that it is perfectly all right for me to indicate a same-race preference in the personal description section of my roomate application. +CMV I believe action movies are subsequently ruined by romantic sub-plots +CMV: I believe drugs should stay Illegal. +CMV: I think language death is a good thing. The more unified we are as a species the more we collectively prosper. +"CMV: I think the Republicans have repugnant social views, but it doesn't matter because none of them will be enacted" +CMV: I do not believe that World War III would likely be fought with nukes. +CMV: Women who drink/smoke/use drugs during pregnancy and carry the child to term should be put in prison. +"CMV: I believe there should be a 'fat tax' on certain unhealthy foods, or none on tobacco." +CMV: Protists could not have evolved into the diverse species we have today +"CMV: Satanism, as a moral philosophy, is terrible." +CMV: I believe all rapists should get the death penalty +"CMV: There is no such thing as Black culture, White culture, Gay culture or any group that you cannot choose to enter or leave." +CMV: Kurzweil's idea of mind-uploading is logically absurd +"CMV: If a corporation, after doing a cost/benefit analysis, determines that breaking a law/regulation will provide a net gain in shareholder value, it follows they must do so." +"CMV: I think it is perfectly legitimate to say you are not racist or classist but generally avoid people who are a part of ""ghetto culture""." +CMV: American democracy is screwed until we have an open minded and well informed citizenry that embraces the value of learning. +CMV: I believe that ideas that are dangerous to human civilization (like inaction on climate change) have no place in a political decision-making context and should be outside the realm of free speech. +CMV: I honestly dont care about the environment nor any wild animals (not PETS) +CMV: It is frustrating to hear people in America blame their failure to succeed on their race/ethnicity/skin color. +"CMV: If two drunk people have sex, no rape or sexual assault was committed. Or, alternately, each of them sexually assaulted the other." +CMV: Your moral right to the fruits of your labor in excess of your needs does not outweigh your moral obligation to see to health and care of your fellow citizens. +CMV: I believe that chivalry is degrading to women. +CMV: Socially Awkward People are Unfairly Discriminated Against +CMV: Money does buy happiness. +CMV: I believe retirement is overrated and that society should stop assuming that this is a norm for people +"CMV: I believe if homosexuality can be justified, than rape could equally be justified by the same grounds." +CMV: The 2000s is better than the (mid) 2010s +CMV: Everybody should have personal liability insurance +CMV: Joining an apprenticeship to become an electrician is better than a CS major +CMV: Bank of America is alright. I am satisfied with their service and have served my needs as a college student. +"CMV: I *really* don't want to have this view: When all STIs are cured, there is nothing wrong with having consensual, non-violent oral sex with a child and that the psychological damage is cultural" +CMV: Animals (especially outside of great apes and dolphins) should not have rights at all +CMV: I think consensual sex/relationships between blood relatives of legal age should be legal. +"CMV: For average US citizens, tax returns should be optional or pre-filled, like they do in many European countries." +CMV: I don't think it's constitutional to disallow incestuous marriages. +CMV: The Beatles are overrated and should not be considered a good band. +"CMV: I believe serial killers are mentally ill and should not be considered monsters or ""evil people""" +CMV:There is no such thing as a Soul. +"CMV - I believe that we should adopt a maximum wage, where nobody in society is able to make more than a certain set amount of money." +"CMV: Chekov's Gun, as a principle of storytelling, is a terrible idea" +"CMV: I believe that there is no moral difference in eating cat, dog or horse than there is in eating other meats." +"CMV: Instructional textbooks made of paper for school, university or any other type of learning are deprecated." +CMV: It's not unhealthy for an individual's social life to be mainly (if not entirely) compromised of online interactions. +CMV: everything is predetermined. the universe is an un-winding clock. +"CMV: I think that unless you have dependents, all ""inheritance"" should go to government services" +"CMV: College should be free for at least 2, maybe 4, years, like high school." +"CMV: I believe being involuntary celibate (incel) is a sign that there's something wrong with you, and these people are generally dangerous and likely to later become redpillers and other sort of sexist misogynist" +"CMV:If someone attacks me or threatens me on the street, I have every right to shoot them dead to protect myself and my family." +CMV:I think organ and tissue donation should be compulsory upon death. +"CMV:I don't think I should feel guilty about being born male,straight, comfortable in my own skin and lucky enough to live in a stable country." +CMV: I believe that nobody has the right to kill another human being. +CMV: The whole Bundy Ranch thing going on in Nevada isn't really about the government takeover of land to use for nefarious purposes but about a rancher who doesn't like change and refuses to pay grazing rights on public land that isn't his. +CMV: Banksy isn't doing anything profound or deep. He is doing art that is cliche and requires almost no thought to understand. +CMV: I think piercing a baby's ears is cruel and unnecessary. +"CMV: I believe that watching, following and discussing professional sports is a huge waste of time and doesn't benefit a person in any real way." +"CMV: I believe anyone who uses ""x privilege"" in a discussion is a horrible person and a parasite on society." +CMV:I don't think porn is influential on people's perceptions more than TV and Movies. +CMV: Parents shouldn't force their children to join their religion without asking them. +"CMV: If I hear that somebody is a member of UKIP/completely anti-EU I instantly assume that they are either misinformed, wilfully ignorant or incapable of understanding facts (UK viewpoint)" +CMV: Backing in to parking spots is a lot more efficient than pulling straight in and then backing out when you leave +"CMV: If I die during a zombie apocalypse, I do not want my friends to shoot me." +CMV: This Bundy Ranch guy is a tax dodger who deserves to have his cows taken away +CMV: I should expose my classmates and I's cheating during our final semester of university. +CMV: used to not care about firearms rights. But now am finding myself leaning toward anti firearms due to how eager they seems to be to use it as a first resolution +"CMV: Having MORE of our resources (salaries, intellectual abilities etc.) dedicated to finance will address the concerns about human welfare that ideas such as Occupy were about." +CMV: Parents should not be given special treatment by employers at the expense of their childless colleagues. +CMV: I am a Redpiller. +CMV: people actually having a kid should have to jump through just as many hoops to have a kid as adoptive parents. +CMV: i believe that all patriotism is BS +CMV: Everything is predetermined and humans don't have free will. +CMV: I believe all candidates for public positions such as President should be tax audited and the results made public. +CMV: I don't feel like I need to stand and take my hat off whenever the national anthem is being played before events or any other time. +"CMV: ""Human rights"" as a measure of justice is a bad idea." +"CMV: Tourism is bad, and tourists are ignorant." +CMV: Charity for the most part does not solve problems but rather perpetuates the problem +CMV: I think there is nothing wrong with people under 18 seeing pornography. +"CMV: I don't think hard drugs should be legalized, but I see no logical place to draw the line." +CMV:Cannabis is a strong psychoactive substance and whether or not it is less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco has no bearing on its legality +"CMV: The festival of Passover commemorates a foul, grievous, and premeditated, crime by God. Such a god is unworthy of worship." +"CMV: 9/11 did not deserve anything like the reaction it got, and the US people and government basically went completely insane after it happened." +"CMV: I believe that worship if the Sun, the Moon, and the components of Nature is totally acceptable" +"CMV: The death penalty can be justified, but the standard of who deserves it should be raised." +CMV: I hate LeBron James. +"CMV:The book Dune, despite being historically important, is actually not very good." +CMV: I believe paying more than $10K for a semester of undergrad is a ridiculous waste of money. +CMV: I believe that schools should have a 'three strikes and you're out' policy. +CMV: Sex isn't that great. +"CMV: I think full freedom makes us lonely, hostile, weak and unhappy" +CMV: Party Hosts should not be held liable if one of their guests drinks too much and injures someone or themselves. +CMV: ASSFAGGOTS is the most fitting acronym for the genre of video games that includes League of Legends and Dota2. +CMV: I believe a armed revolution by the citizens of the United States would fail. +CMV: A bright homeschooled kid who is willing to work through summers can easily finish Calculus in 9th grade. +CMV: No personal information should be released about the defendant in a court case until they are found guilty. +"CMV: Whether the word ""nigger"" and/or ""nigga"" are offensive or not should be based on intent and context, not the color of your skin." +"CMV: Being white and ""wearing bindis"" or having your hair in dreadlocks etc. *is* negative cultural appropriation, and it *is* wrong." +CMV: I think it should be legal for two consenting adults to fight if they want to. +"CMV: The 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's is a better time for America than today." +CMV: women should have a different driving test and driving fines than men +"CMV: I think that much of social construct theory is baseless, as social constructs must ultimately originate from genetic predispositions." +CMV: Pacific Rim was average +"CMV: I think a gun shooting incident is as horrendous as a bomb explosion, if the number of victims is the same [NSFW]" +CMV: I think DJs get far too much praise for what they do. +CMV: There is no reasonable explanation for anybody to believe in one specific religion. +"CMV: It is unacceptable to use the term ""faggot"" (on the internet or otherwise) as an insult." +"CMV: I believe that employers have the absolute right to not hire people with tattoos, piercings, coloured hair, etc." +"CMV: If I need to turn off my cellphone, you need to turn off your baby." +"CMV: Classic literature is not only overrated, but incredibly simplistic compared to modern literature that it shouldn't be taught in schools" +"CMV: Just as a teacher gets a heavier-than-usual punishment for breaking public trust and sexually abusing a child, so elected officials should receive heavier-than-usual punishments for corruption." +CMV: I believe people that have made multiple suicide attempts are clearly not suicidal and just want attention or pity. +CMV: I believe people people shouldn't take offence to things that weren't purposely intended to offend them. +CMV: I think euthanasia is the most humane way of dealing with stray cat and dog populations. Our human obsession with death is the only reason people react strongly when animals are put down en masse. +"CMV: I kind of want one, unified, government for Earth/Humans along with one currency, even though it seems like the average person doesn't want it." +CMV:I believe that being too sensitive when faced with questions has caused transsexuals to be considered outcasts. +"CMV: I belive we should stop teaching children that they are ""Special""." +CMV: I'm starting to agree with theredpill's ideology even though I didn't intend to. +CMV: I believe that charging guys more than girls to get into clubs is sexist. +"CMV: To improve school attendance, make child tax credit conditional" +"CMV: I believe ""that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them"". Change my view." +CMV: I believe that the current dialogue for immigration and ethnic equality is intentionally self-righteous and is discouraging Whites from participating in a more authentic dialogue. +CMV: I think any religion that incorporates the idea of faith is inherently irrational and therefor isn't true. +CMV: I don't believe an orchestra conductor actually does anything useful during a concert performance +CMV: Parents with 3 and or more kids should be taxed more (per kid too) to control the population +CMV: I believe that taking a non-working pet to a vet is a waste of money. +"CMV:Besides financial support, I find my parents useless" +"I believe driving skills should be evaluatated again every 5-15 years after getting a license, CMV" +CMV: The pressure for Brendan Eich to resign due to his views is not desirable for society. +"CMV: Hunting is not fair, and there is no point in distinguishing types of hunting that are 'more fair' than others." +"CMV: i think if the mere act of acknowledging that you don't share faith is an insult to your faith, then it's not very strong to begin with" +CMV: Unschooling doesn't give kids the life skills they will later need +"CMV: Anything you can say about ""the rich"" or ""the 1%"" can also be said about attractive women of any background." +"CMV: Anarchism, while attractive, is inherently unsustainable. It must either allow the formation of a state antithetical to it's ideology, or form a state to prevent such an event." +CMV: Frozen and canned fruits and vegeatables are better than fresh +CMV: I think men got it worse than women in general in life. +CMV: I should not pay taxes if I can avoid it and get away with it +CMV: Abortion is bad +CMV: Feminism exists primarily because too many men have failed to protect and provide for women. +CMV: Students should be allowed to use all internet resources and work with other students on assignments and projects without it being called cheating. +"CMV: A Person with Unchangeable Views Is, in a Way, Godlike" +CMV: I believe that the Westboro Baptist Church is overall a force of good in this nation. +"CMV: I believe religion/faith is the weak point of humans, CMV." +"CMV: Hiring practices in the US are idiotic, and a tremendous waste of human life, time, and potential" +CMV: Fishing for fun is cruel +"CMV: Even in a liberal society, there's no need to be tolerant of every viewpoint" +CMV: The Wii Fit Trainer is a stupid addition to the Super Smash Bros series. +CMV: I believe we shouldn't separate the genders for anything. +"CMV: I don't believe that tipping servers in America is in any meaningful sense ""mandatory""" +CMV: I feel guilty for eating meat and I don't think humans should. +CMV: I strongly feel that scientists especially Physicists should be allowed to patent their theories +CMV: I do not think there is anything inherently bigoted in making fun of accents. +CMV: I think everyone on earth should speak the same language. +CMV: 'Guillermo' from the Jimmy Kimmel show is an insult towards Hispanic minorities. +CMV: I believe [US] Republicans are more reliant on personal attacks than Democrats. +CMV: I think that horse racing is cruel and should be banned +"CMV: I don't think the strategies used by Ender in Ender's Game were particularly clever, and could have been utilized by most people with military strategy training." +"CMV: Humanities are important to the development of society, but they do not deserve public funding" +"CMV: Babies are worthless because they are very replaceable, have no personalities, are completely helpless parasites, and bring nothing to the table." +CMV: I think marathons are masochistic and unhealthy. +"CMV: I consider safe shelter , nutritious food, and quality education and healthcare universal human rights." +CMV: I don't believe fast foods or Wal-Mart type jobs should pay more than minimum wage. +CMV: The USA should enact a one-time mass-redistribution of wealth to correct the 1%/99% imbalance along with a Basic Income and the outlaw of Renting. +"CMV: I despise people involved in the military, CMV." +CMV: Stranger danger is a very wrong thing to teach kids. +CMV: A life with religion is more meaningful and fulfilling than one without. +"CMV: If society thinks a 35 year old man is wrong for wanting, and trying, to have sex with a 17 year old girl, society is based on lies" +I think the US tipping culture is ridiculous. [CMV] +CMV: Bitcoin is the future of money +CMV: I think that atheists are just as illogical as they think theists are +CMV:Men and Women should be held to the same standards when it comes to physical abilities test for employment. +CMV: I believe that every decision I make in life should be for the maximum possible benefit for only myself +CMV: A hetero couple does not provide significantly more for a child (in raising a child) than a gay couple. +"CMV: I believe in the paranormal, ghosts etc. I feel.I have paranormal encounters often. Please CMV." +"CMV: As a 17 year old, my father recieves child support from my mother. Soon he will be getting back support of about 4 grand. I expect some of this." +"Please CMV: eternal torture Hell is the result of the biblical God desiring it to exist, and is responsible for all sin" +CMV: Superman is the most boring and worst superhero. +"CMV: ""You can't impose your morals on others"" is an invalid argument" +CMV: I believe discriminating people based on tattoos and piercings is wrong. +CMV: I should get a sex doll to improve my sex and love life. +I feel that the Hive Mind of Reddit isn't any better than the Taking Heads at Fox News. CMV +I believe that infidelity in a marriage or serious relationship should be punishable by law. CMV. +CMV:I think that gender as a concept is useless at best and oppressive at worst. +CMV: Midget wrestling is more morally repugnant than cock fighting. +CMV: I am a 21 year old virgin and I plan to get a vasectomy this year +CMV: Homosexuality is a sin according to the Christian viewpoint. +CMV:Abortion is not a women's rights issue +"CMV:if china fell off the map today, i wouldn't miss it" +CMV: I don't think all kids should get awards for participating. +"CMV:The United States Government is largely influenced by an oligarchy of rich ""donors"". I just had an experience that illustrates just that." +CMV: Genocide in North Korea +CMV: I believe that a child raised in a same sex marriage will have distorted views on sexuality & family values. +"I think free market capitalism promotes ethical and moral obligations, more so than socialism. CMV." +"CMV: A sane person should be able to do as they wish with their own body. That said, I wonder if facilitating permanent transgender alterations is a terrible mistake." +CMV: Anarchism is not a respectable political opinion. +CMV:A pedophile is no different to a heterosexual or homosexual. +"CMV: ""Man"" and ""Woman"" apply to definitions of the 23rd Chromosome." +CMV: I believe that it should be possible in certain circumstances to ban subreddits that incite hatred. +CMV: I don't we should make more it more difficult for mentally ill people to own a gun. +CMV: I believe voting is pointless and the main parties are the same (in the UK) +"CMV: I'm not sold on the concept of 'genderfluid', and I think it demeans transgender people" +CMV: The poor have too much political power +"CMV: I don't think things like sexuality, ethnicity or nationality should be a source of pride because they are involuntary, not an achievement." +CMV: Anyone agreeing with Mozilla's firing of their CEO has no right to demand protection from being fired for what they do privately +CMV:I don't think you need to believe in something(religious) to live happily +CMV:I dont understand how you could be agaisnt OBAMACARE +CMV: Emotionally involved people shouldn't be allowed to vote in the topic they're involved in +"CMV: I think that everyone should use Adblock and if that puts companies out of business, good." +CMV: Illegally obtained evidence (eg phone hacking) should still be admissible in court and not affect sentencing +CMV:I hate book-smart people +CMV: Terrorism is a result of people being reasonable. +CMV:I think the rich should be taxed more +CMV: People should be able to not vaccinate their children if they don't want to +"I think Brendan Eich (Mozilla's new CEO) has the right to spend his money how he wants, my friends in the LGBT think I'm a traitor. CMV?" +"CMV:If Supreme Court Justices actually did what they were supposed to do, virtually every decision would be a 9-0 vote. The fact that many votes - especially on ""hot button"" issues - are 5-4 votes indicates that the Justices are deciding politically, rather than simply interpreting the Constitution" +"CMV: I think that the recent Supreme Court decision (McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission) is going to have a myriad of unintended consequences, and will make the US much worse off (than it already is)" +CMV: Empathy is a weakness. +CMV: I hate Star Wars +"CMV: I should wait until I have a thorough understanding of politics, issues, etc. before I vote in any election." +"CMV: I believe that deriving one's self worth from factors outside of your control (such as race or gender) is not only invalid, but nihilistic." +CMV: Wealthy political donors in the US can only 'buy' elections because people are dumb enough to vote for the guy with the most commercials. +I think the US is beyond saving. CMV +CMV: Gray hair is worse than balding (on a man) +CMV: Raising the minimum wage in the USA will further damage the country +"[CMV META] What did you get out of the April Fools theme, and what do you think of other theme days in the future?" +"Whenever someone mentions microaggressions, I take them and their argument less seriously. CMV" +"CMV: I believe guns are terrible self defense tools, and the idea that we require guns for self defense is a fallacy." +CMV: I think suicide is a selfish act that is inconsiderate of the victim's family and friends. +"CMV: No one ""deserves"" respect based upon a position of authority or power" +CMV: Unquestioning Respect Afforded Military Members (Particularly US) is Inappropriate +CMV: April Fools Day sucks and is basically just an excuse for people to be dicks. +CMV:America needs a healthcare service like the NHS. +CMV: Japan has not sufficiently apologized for the war crimes of WWII +CMV:Me think Grog should switch cave with me. +"CMV: I think the ""Reaper"" invasion is a bunch of Council propaganda" +CMV: My wife can't produce an heir so I think I should be allowed to divorce her and marry another woman but the Pope won't let me. +CMV: I think Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is the rightful ruler of Westeros. +CMV: That Carpenter guy from Jerusalem is pretty cool! +CMV: I think putting a small thermal exhaust port just below the main port is a bad idea. +"CMV: The phrases ""Under God"" and ""In God We Trust"" are fundamentally unconstitutional and should be removed from The Pledge of Allegiance and American Currency." +CMV: I think that the gay pride parades are incredibly homophobic and counterproductive. +CMV: Help Me Change My Position on Gay Marriage +CMV: Emotion is more important than Logic +CMV: I believe that you cant be 100% sure of anything. +CMV: I believe convenience abortion is morally wrong +CMV: I'm a healthy 25 year old and buying health insurance through the ACA is a poor financial decision. +CMV: Civilians are valid targets in war +CMV:I believe that taking english/language art classes past the 8th grade is unnecessary and stupid +"CMV: I believe it is reasonable to be sceptical of vaccination, and that it is sensible not to assume that they are necessarily beneficial to yourself or your children." +CMV: Vegans should not have indoor pets +"CMV: I believe that people with long-term contracts, especially with AT&T and Verizon, are making a poor choice" +CMV: I believe it is better to argue with people and attempt to change their minds rather than to attack them. +CMV: Myers-Briggs should be taught in all levels of education. +CMV:I believe that if you are vehemently pro-life you are hypocritical if you don't adopt (national) or foster and choose to produce your own children. +"CMV: I think teaching young impressionable children about their ancestors owning slaves plants the seed for racism, and it is a harmful portion of our nation's curriculum." +CMV: I believe in astrology. +CMV: Freedom of religion and speech guaranteed by democracy is contradictory +"CMV: It is completely contradictory to say that abortion isn't murder, but at the same time call it murder if a person terminates someone else's fetus." +"CMV: i think if you are in a foreign country you should do as the locals, so the UK needs to stop complaining about tipping in the US and get over it." +CMV: Intentionally getting oneself intoxicated is completely irresponsible in any and all situations. +"I think within the near future, China will surpass the United States as the largest world economy - CMV" +CMV: Switchblades should be legal +"I believe Balisongs, or ""Butterfly Knives"", should be legal to carry. CMV." +CMV: Efforts to present the Ancient Egyptians as something other than Black Africans is racist and simply untrue. +CMV: Space is not the final frontier. +CMV: I believe that the US should put into law that the Scientific Method is the only recognizable source of research and development. +"CMV:The best pro-choice argument is utilitarian, not feminist." +"CMV: If a job 'just isn't worth that much,' then it shouldn't be a job." +"CMV: I think America is one of the worst western countries and the most horrible example of a ""capitalist utopia.""" +I believe that pokemon gyms should be exceedingly difficult and not able to be destroyed by one move or one pokemon. CMV. +CMV: Sending you children to a private/christian school is the worst thing you can do as a parent. +"CMV: I believe that, although important and beneficial, reading books is not necessary for life enrichment and fulfillment." +Men probably shouldn't bother getting married CMV +CMV: I believe that being pro-Israel (the state) and calling yourself a liberal is inherently contradictory. +CMV: Science can not give us a system of morality +CMV: I think most non-Western countries have benefited immensely from interacting with Western nations in the past. +"CMV: I don't believe (we should be) trying to lift the world's poor out of poverty as it will not be a good thing, as I believe industrial society's partial or complete collapse will happen quicker with their increased energy and resource use." +CMV: Anyone given life in prison should be given the death penalty instead +Reddit can be manipulated by outside organizations far too easily. CMV. +CMV: I think that salesmen are useless middlemen striving for legitimacy in the Information Era +CMV: I believe the US government should substantially subsidize a college education +CMV: I feel that people who believe in aborting or euthanizing babies that would/were born with mental illness are inherently terrible people. +CMV: I'm pretty sure that my relationship standards are so strict that I'll be alone for the rest of my life. +"CMV: I believe that if you are for gun rights, logically you must support Eric Snowden." +CMV: I think the death penalty should be outlawed due to the fact that our justice system can't prevent the execution of innocent victims. +"CMV: Rich people are devoid of any sense of morality. If you are rich and moral, you'd just give away all of your money. Plus they live the most socially irresponsible and destructive lives." +CMV:I don't believe any weapon should be banned from use in war. +CMV: I think earth hour is dumb and useless +CMV: I am a big supporter of Israel and believe the most of Palestinian supporters and support groups such as BDS genuinely don't want peace and to have Israel even exist. +CMV:Racism is used as an excuse for black under-representation except in athletics. +CMV: the Sandy Hook shooting was a staged event. +"The US is suffering institutional decay, much like Roman and Chinese empires did before their collapse. Justice is for sale. Extortion is routine (court settlements). Police powers are excessive. The legislature is corrupt. CMV" +"CMV: I believe humans are to the Earth, and its other inhabitants a terminal disease. Furthermore, I believe that we will not be able to keep Earth as an habitable place and that the point of no return has been reach." +"Ebonics is a symbol of the lower class, and if people plan to move up in the world, they need to be able to speak proper English. CMV" +A vegan diet that requires supplements is neither natural nor healthy. CMV. +"CMV: I believe that the current treatment of animals on our society is morally wrong, these animals will never truly have moral rights when they are considered merely property, and future societies will be horrified by many of our current practices." +CMV: I believe that people who live outside of societal norms by choice have no right to complain when they are treated differently for these choices. +CMV: I believe that most skeptics are simply jumping on bandwagons. +CMV: Smoking bans on college campus are NOT an intrusion upon students' rights. +"CMV: I think if you bring up a lawsuit against someone and lose, you should pay a portion, if not all of the other side's legal fees." +"CMV: Felony Disenfranchisement is not sufficiently justified, as performing a crime does't render one's political views invalid." +The search for flight 370 is merely a hunt to satisfy the world's morbid curiosity and should be ceased immediately. CMV. +"CMV: The two mantras ""don't be a dick"" and ""don't care what other people think about you"" are inherently incompatible." +CMV: I think it is not in the best interest of healthy and/or young people to buy healthy insurance under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). +CMV: All emotion inhibits logical thinking. +Bitching about reposts should be banned site-wide. Attempt to CMV. +"CMV: If you live near an airport, and the airport was there first, you have no right to complain about the airport." +CMV: The government should not recognize any marriages. +"While I feel that no one society is better than another, I do believe societies that have traditions that harm or degrade the rights of other members of that society (ie. female circumcision, death penalty for homosexuality, not allowing women to drive) can be considered worse than others. CMV" +"CMV, I think the idea of speeding tickets is completely rediculous when it would be just as easy to electronically limit US vehicles to whatever speed" +CMV: I believe we should be encouraging our children and society to be gender-neutral in social conventions +CMV: It doesn't make sense to sort laundry - just wash everything on cold. +CMV: Asking someone you barely know what they do for a living is offensive and inappropriate +"CMV: I don't think ""feminism"" is the right word for it anymore, and calling that makes it difficult to achieve the ideology's modern goals." +CMV: I don't believe people are fundamentally good. +Social Darwinism can be ethical and should be implemented. CMV +Some human lives are worth more than others. CMV +CMV: I think supermarkets are a good thing and I don't care if they run smaller shops out of business. +CMV: Leonardo is the best turtle. +Just because you suffer an untimely death you shouldn't just be considered a good person. CMV +CMV: I think negativity has no purpose +"CMV: Please change my controversial view about animal rights, abortions, killing the mentally handicapped and almost all morality." +CMV: I don't think the walking dead could happen +CMV: Events such world cup and olympic games are harmful to mankind as they increase competition among nations and our perceive that the foreign are enemy +CMV: I reject Blackstone's formulation +"CMV: People who actually concern themselves with formal ""fallacies"" are mostly insufferable sophist." +"Patriarchy is a valid concept grounded in academic literature. Men should accept the theory instead of trying to delegitimize it. It shouldn't make men feel bad, just more aware. CMV." +CMV: I believe there are only two genders. +CMV: I believe Waluigi to be the worst character Nintendo has ever made. +CMV: It is ridiculously harder to socialize in life if you don't drink alcohol +CMV: I have this strong belief that communism will only lead to dictatorships +"CMV: If you've never considered the notion of (a) god, you're neither agnostic nor an atheist." +CMV: Fighting in hockey should be completely done away with. +CMV: I believe we should have a basic income and privatize everything +"CMV: Getting revenge on someone who done you wrong can be healing and beneficial, especially when what they've done has caused you emotional/traumatic harm." +CMV: I believe giving your children electronic devices at the dinner table is harmful to their social development +"CMV: Why should I find more symbolism in literature? How can I visualize a book, and care about it beyond story and blatant symbolism?" +CMV:It is not acceptable to download music from the internet without paying. +CMV: I'm usually a pretty liberally minded person but most people would consider my views on the death penalty conservative +"I believe that poverty is a problem best addressed not through redistribution, but through better family planning: CMV" +CMV: Employers and employees should be able to determine whatever terms of employment they see fit +Pirating is stealing and is unethical. CMV +CMV: I think it is futile for Israel to seek peace as its neighbours will never accept its existence +CMV: Society should stop protecting children from their parents +I believe that the modern view/laws of copyright are harmful and potentially disastrous to current and future art. CMV. +"CMV: I believe that JFK was not assassinated, but rather killed by the fbi agent behind him" +CMV: Trying to be in a serious relationship with a woman who has slept with more that 12 men in the last 3 years is asking for trouble. +"CMV: I believe the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center were almost certainly inside jobs, at least in part." +"CMV: I believe The 'swastika' deserves respect and clarification as a symbol, as a significant part of the human population, viz the Hindus, hold this symbol sacred. I feel this is essential to prevent misunderstandings and prejudice...CMV, I guess." +CMV:Human beings are superior to all other animals; we should all be human supremacists. +I believe eating meat is selfish and immoral. CMV. +"""Swinging"" is the most stupid excuse I've seen in my life to be a slut. CMV PLEASE." +I believe religion is the single most tragic thing to have happened to the human species. CMV +CMV the idea of karma is actively harmful +"I believe that in today's digital world, handwriting is of little importance. CMV" +"I believe that having stats specific for PvP in MMO's is a terrible idea, CMV." +Spoilers do not have an expiry date. CMV. +I believe partners' religious stances shouldn't matter as long as they share the same basic moral and intellectual values. CMV. +I believe that the definition of rape should require force. CMV. +I believe that one cannot legitimately assert any religious or supernatural idea as more probable to be true over another. CMV +"I believe that the use and abuse of marijuana causes depression, CMV." +"I think idea of EA being the ""Worst Company in America"" is absurd. There are many far worse companies than EA. CMV." +"CMV: The word gif is pronounced ""Jif"" and anyone is says otherwise is simply incorrect or doesn't understand how words work." +"I think that it's impossible to be anti-immigration and pro-natal, without also being racist. CMV." +I believe that those that choose to be childfree are either evolutionary dead-ends or hypocrites. CMV +I believe that credit cards and mortgages are immoral. CMV. +I don't believe in tipping people at restaurants. 'CMV' +I would kill you to prevent you burning the Mona Lisa just to keep yourself warm. CMV. +"I believe gas stations should be required by law to have their employees pump the gas, CMV." +"In modern republics, the social contract should become a physical document that each citizen has to sign. CMV" +"Democracy is dead and banks run the world, CMV." +CMV that depression is a psychological issue +"I believe that there is no value in vinyl as a format and that collecting it is just nostalgia, hording or pretentious CMV" +We have a objective purpose in life. CMV +"I don't tip anywhere, and I think it should be abolished completely unless they SERIOUSLY did that well of a job. CMV." +I believe that people who ditch their friends when they are in a relationship do not have any reason to be upset if their friends do not welcome them back with open arms after a nasty breakup. CMV +CMV that non violent inmates should go on parole halfway through their sentence and be paid 50% of the cost it would take to jail them if they avoid violating parole. +"I believe people who use any sort of mind altering substance, i.e. drugs or alcohol or the like, or masturbate at all are not strong enough to handle the difficulties of life. CMV." +"I have never, and will never, hire a woman under 50 years old for any position that is even mildly important. CMV." +Frozen is unbearably sexist. CMV. +I believe it's fine to mark the wrong race when applying to college. CMV +"Gender is unnecessary and inherently oppressive, and its removal from society should be sought. CMV." +I'm a teenager that has never tried alcohol and doesn't want to drink even when I become of legal age. CMV +"Prescribed psychoactive drugs, specifically antidepressants, are more harmful than they are beneficial. Please, please CMV." +"""Scared Straight"" does more harm than good. CMV." +I believe that automation and robots are going to put people out of work so quickly and effectively that it will effectively destroy the market for labor. CMV. +"I don't think sexual objectification is abnormal or disgusting. I believe that admiration of another person's physique is not hurtful but rather complimentary, and I believe that people who lash out against those who do need a reality check. CMV." +Laws that bar people to protect them from self-injury should not exist. CMV +I believe that anyone who is against the MRA hasn't actually spent the time to read why it's important. CMV +I don't agree with the social shield around fat people. They got that way via choices and I don't feel cruel for being disgusted by them. CMV. +"I think Wall Street investors, and to a lesser extent stock market investments, serve no purpose. CMV" +I believe smokers are a danger to themselves and others and should be treated as such legally. CMV +I don't think science fiction and fantasy writers should be faulted for taking too long to complete a book. CMV. +I think that physicalism is untenable. CMV +I believe that people who need to drink coffee everyday are no better than smokers CMV +"Seeing the Ukraine debacle, I think a nuclear deterrent remains the only way to ensure territorial sovereignty in the modern world CMV." +"I believe the most important goal of individual humans, as biological lifeforms, is to ensure their genes are preserved in the DNA pool through reproduction. CMV" +I believe if the state or federal government legally requires you to have something then they should provide it. CMV +I believe excessive satire can be harmful and can actual help reinforce the thing it's poking fun of. CMV. +"If you have to kick your child out of your house for whatever reason, you have failed as a parent. CMV" +"Nuclear Weapons are to a national defense what firearms are to individual defense, it is immoral to prevent countries from acquiring nuclear weapons. CMV" +"Convictions of serious crimes like: Rape, Molestation, and Murder should carry mandatory sentences of Death. CMV" +I believe that the invention of the wheel entirely screwed over civilisation. CMV +I believe that using ethanol as a fuel in cars isn't as good of an idea as people think it is CMV +Tobacco should be reclassified as a schedule I drug and banned completely. CMV. +Libido holds back productivity and clouds reason. That's why everyone should become a eunuch. CMV +I think atheists are lazy and close-minded people who have given up on and disregard any search for spirituality - CMV +"Non-smokers should be able to take ""smoking breaks"" at work without being punished or looked down upon - CMV" +I believe the capital of a nation or state should be the capital of that nation or state. CMV +"Banning picketing outside funerals is a good idea. Some say banning Westboro Baptist-type behavior near funerals constitutes a slippery slope to censorship; I disagree, I think a funeral-protest ban is actually prudent and justified by legal precedent in the US. CMV." +I believe that it is wrong to give money to homeless people and beggars. Please CMV. +It is immoral to feed a child meat before they have an understanding of what is involved in the life cycle and death of the animal which they are eating. CMV. +Watching movies with naked women and sex scenes with my boyfriend makes me feel inferior. CMV +Spiderman is a stupid superhero. CMV. +I believe that Monsanto is not nearly as bad of a company as anti-GE activists have portrayed it as. CMV +"I believe that in the near future AI will deserve rights, CMV" +I am a staunch capitalist that believes nobody is entitled to the money I earned but myself. CMV. +I think atheism requires faith and unjustifiable belief in the unseen. CMV +I believe that every action a human makes is based off of either love or fear and these are the base roots of all human action. CMV. +"I think that if the world were ruled by a master computer that's only goal was the betterment and equal treatment of mankind, that this world would be a infinitely better place. CMV." +"I believe all information should be free to the individual, and college is objectively a waste of money, energy and life. Diplomas should not be held in higher regard than sheer ability when it comes to the job hunt. CMV" +University system (in the US) is an enormous scam that focuses on separating as much money from you as possible instead of quality education. CMV +I believe we should leave the poor parts of Africa to their own devices. CMV +"The current political climate of ignoring science and reason, (anti-vaccinators, tea partiers, the disparity between the ""haves"" and ""have nots"", etc) makes me feel like humans will always be miserable, squabbling in the dirt, forever hurting each other and oppressing each other. *PLEASE* CMV." +Raising a child in your own religion is wrong and they should be able to pick freely when they are at a proper age. CMV. +I begin to dislike bands I used to love because they become mainstream with more 'bandwagon' fans - CMV. +I think that the term 'gender' should only be used to refer to a person's biology and not social roles. CMV +I should be able to insult people by calling them a retard - CMV +I think parents who don't vaccinate their children should lose their child and be put in jail. CMV +The Mutant Registration Act is morally justified and absolutely necessary. CMV. +"I Don't think religion has been the primary motivator behind any major conflict in human history, and has little to no effect on human progress overall, cmv" +I think gun owners should lock up or otherwise secure their firearms. CMV +I think Crimea was handled democratically and was a good example of how transfer of power in government ought happen. CMV +Yahweh is no more benevolent than Cthulhu or Khorne. CMV. +"Fred Phelps: not wrong, just an asshole. CMV" +Marriage is bullshit. CMV. +I believe corporate boardrooms and C-level management positions should continue to be dominated by men. CMV +I believe the NSA scandal was planned and is a form of propaganda. CMV +I don't think scenario like ''Idiocracy'' will ever happen.CMV +I believe women should be held accountable for approving the men they sleep with. CMV +I believe school bullies should be removed from mainstream education. CMV +"I have ethical concerns regarding gender reassignment surgery because I think gender dysphoria should be treated as a psychological issue, not a physical problem. CMV" +The Poor Should be Discouraged From Having Kids CMV +"I think it's ok for ethnically based associations to exist (ex. Black Doctors Society of New York, Latino/Mexican Students Club), however if ""white"" variations were to exist it WOULD be racist. CMV" +"You cannot be for male circumcision, against female circumcision, and be morally consistent all at the same time. CMV" +If hamburgers and hot dogs are American food then pizza is too. CMV +I believe it is a violation of basic civil rights to deny the right to vote to convicted felons. CMV +"The world is at no risk of becoming overpopulated, and talking about it is a distraction from the real issues (not the other way around). CMV" +I think paternity tests should be a culturally standard part of the birth-giving experience. CMV. +I don't think that it's the responsibility of the federal government to provide healthcare. CMV +"I don't think people in low skilled jobs, (especially things such as fast food) should be paid a wage large enough to support a family. CMV" +Batman is not a superhero. CMV +"I believe that mandatory voting is an inherently objectionable policy, and is incompatible with modern liberal society. CMV." +"I don't believe in free will, CMV" +I think that a man should be able to relinquish all rights to fatherhood before the child is born. CMV +Religion has no place in the modern world - CMV +I think football is boring and repetitive CMV +I believe that a significant portion of military funding in the US should be used instead to fund education. CMV. +"Humans got the short end of the stick, CMV" +I think swear words shouldn't be bleeped out in TV or on the radio. CMV +Single-player games are never worth playing anymore CMV +I believe American conservatism uses race and traditional racial narratives as a way to maintain power. CMV. +I believe that college students should only be required to study courses relative to their major. CMV +Laziness is just as virtuous as a strong work ethic. CMV +"I don't want kids, please CMV." +"I feel my relationship of a year is more important than her going to china for a year, CMV." +"Overall, women are more superficial than men when it comes to dating. CMV" +A majority of female authors and poets add little of value to literature. CMV +Askreddit would benefit greatly from adopting their [Serious] rules for every post.[CMV] +"I don't believe a transgendered athlete should be allowed to compete in their chosen gender, CMV." +I think the mocking nature of many Atheists does a disservice to the cause. CMV. +I believe college students should be financially reimbursed for classes canceled by their professor. CMV. +"I will pass on a job at a world leading tech company and move to a EU metropolis I know no one in to pursue a love that ""is not sure about us"". CMV" +I believe selfposts should give people comment karma. CMV +I believe dueling should be legal. CMV +"As long as the ""American Dream"" exists there will be wealth disparity in the US. CMV" +I don't think the movie Captain Phillips was the least bit racist. CMV. +I believe that a video game's price should be determined by the length of its single player campaign CMV. +I believe that taxation is theft. CMV. +I Don't Think Animals Have Intrinsic Value CMV +"There’s no such thing as pedophilia, there’s just the standard sexual outlook: find whatever advantage you can, and age is one such advantage. Moral prohibitions arise to protect the weak against this universal tendency. CMV" +Under Almost No Circumstances Is It Acceptable to Shoot an Unarmed Person CMV +I believe that being an atheist goes against the scientific method. CMV. +I feel the American government provides too much. CMV +There is no compromise with getting an abortion if the woman doesn't want to go through pregnancy CMV +I believe that a Star Trek style economic model is ideal. CMV. +I think there is a rape culture and it is self selected by women. CMV +"I believe that unless it causes a public disturbance, 2 consenting adults should legally be allowed to fight without weapons. CMV" +"By allowing Russia to threaten Ukraine with the excuse of protecting the interests of the Russian people in Crimea, we're proving we didn't learn from allowing Germany to threaten Czechoslovakia with the excuse of protecting the interests of the German people in Sudetenland. CMV." +I think it's ridiculous that a woman is allowed to abort a baby without informing the father. CMV +"I think the gay civil rights movement is fantastic, but I think that most of the culture has turned into floating fairy rainbow toting attention whores and it make gays look worse as a whole and hurts them in their fight to be accepted. CMV." +I believe that the Democratic Party takes advantage of minorities without doing anything to actually help them. CMV +I believe that profits of companies should be limited/regulated. CMV +I think that students at top universities are generally superior to students at lower-ranked universities. CMV. +"I believe that in modern Western culture, being religious makes you more moral. CMV" +"I believe that I'm not really making a mistake when I claim 0 and get a very big tax refund, CMV." +I think pimps are slave owners and should be treated the same by the police and the criminal justice system. CMV +"I believe monetary penalties for criminal acts should be a percentage of a person's income, CMV." +CMV maternity care should not be covered by Medicaid and optional for private insurance +"I don't believe anything is being done to thwart global warming, CMV." +I believe the ISS has been a complete waste of money. CMV +I'm prejudice against the descendants of Nazis. CMV +I don't view most of the top 50 song performers as 'musicians' CMV. +"""There will be Blood"" (Daniel Day Lewis movie) is completely overrated. CMV." +I feel that picketing Fred Phelps' funeral is a valid way to express one's disagreement of the WBC. CMV +"I believe it is impossible for someone to love an adopted child as much as they love their biological child, CMV" +"Fred Phelps and the ""God Hates Fags"" Westboro Baptist Church have done more to promote gay rights and secular thought than almost any other single group. CMV" +I have little to no problems with the proposed bans in the UK on the production of British halal and kosher meat. CMV! +"I believe the United States is headed for wide-scale civil revolt that will result in the deaths of many, many people. CMV" +People have no excuse to not care about the environment and climate change. CMV. +I think the President of the United States of America should be selected by Congress rather than elected by popular vote. CMV +I believe that the downvoting of comments has no place in subreddits such as this one. CMV. +I believe that E-Cigs are just as bad as cigarettes. CMV. +"I believe a fetus is at the very least a living but potential human, and at most a complete human deserving all the rights the rest of us deserve. CMV." +"I believe the phrase ""person of color"" is inaccurate, dehumanizing, self-defeating and borderline offensive. CMV." +I think that sorting all political beliefs into two groups is harmful and stupid. CMV +Legislating the lives of others based on personally-held religious beliefs is un-American. CMV +"I believe all forms of nationalism, patriotism and 'national pride' are inherently racist and so is anyone who believes in any of these things. CMV." +"There is nothing wrong with the word ""retarded"" to refer to something one views as pointless or stupid. CMV" +I believe that the greatest divide in America is rural vs urban and that a government that's laws are more regionalized is a better way to run a country. CMV. +"CMV: I don't see anything ""illegal"" about Crimeans voting to become a part of Russia." +I think people that got free public education in their home country must be charged for it if they decide to migrate. CMV +"In a case of rape, the victim should be able to determine the punishment for their assaulter. CMV" +I think the UK should have an elected head of state. CMV +Ideology has no historical explanatory power. All of history can be explained in terms of narrow self-interest. CMV. +CMV Extramarital sex should be illegal +I think people who remind others about slavery are holding onto hate.CMV +US Presidents should serve one six year term without the ability to be re-elected. CMV +Welfare doesn't enable poverty. CMV. +"Every time I hear someone got pregnant, even intentionally, I view it as a failure and subconsciously pity them. I don't think thinking this way is healthy. Please CMV." +"On this date 2058 years ago, in an act of shocking betrayal, Brutus and his co-conspirators killed Julius Caesar. However I believe Brutus is more worthy of celebration than Caesar - CMV" +"Representative democracy is outdated, too susceptible to corruption, and direct democracy would be better. CMV" +I think that Malaysian Flight MH300 was interfered with by Aliens. CMV. +Telling companies that are losing money because of piracy to find a better business model is like telling rape victims they shouldn't have worn slutty clothing. CMV +"I believe that in order for the American Citizen to re-gain control over its own government, Americans must begin to integrate protesting into our culture. CMV." +CMV: I believe that pirating a tv show/movie that you have access to normally is not morally wrong. +"lot of talk of piracy lately. I think digital piracy (for the most part) is not only not immoral, but probably necessary. CMV" +I believe that personal automobiles are a detriment to society and eliminating their necessity should be of utmost importance. CMV. +"We should vote for a minimum wage by plebiscite... you write in your desired annual salary, and the national average becomes the minimum. CMV that my ""Name Your Price"" scheme is a good idea." +"I believe the coming automation revolution (where many jobs will be replaced by computers/robots) will be similar to the Industrial Revolution, capitalism will for the most part survive, and that post-scarcity societies are impossible. CMV." +"I think that in an ideal world, LGBT(etc) identity shouldn't exist. CMV." +"Besides the obvious physical differences, I don't think there are any inherent differences between sexes. CMV" +CMV: I think it is wrong to use China or the USSR as citations of communism as a failed system +"Bitcoin (for better or worse) can never operate as a real currency, by its own very design. CMV" +"If we live more frugally, we can afford to work less, and if we work less, we can do more of what we love. CMV." +I believe that it is not morally obligatory to be a vegetarian. CMV. +As a marksman I don't feel that more gun control or ammunition control should be considered on a policy level if it effects my enjoyment and use as a responsible gun owner. CMV +"Reddit, CMV. I believe that there is no logical, secular, rational argument against same-sex marriage." +"I believe that sociopaths should be considered a baseline for the human condition, not an outlier. CMV." +Supporters of affirmative action are no better than the racists they otherwise condemn. CMV +I believe that the United States government should continue to outsource jobs. CMV +"I think Mormons are either ignorant, or masters of Confirmation Bias. CMV." +I believe pants sagging is just a form of fashion and see nothing wrong with it. CMV. +"CMV: Piracy as a ""demo"" is morally justifiable as long as you buy it or stop using it in a 'timely fashion'." +CMV Parents who poisoned their Down syndrome child should not be prosecuted +"I think the pharmaceutical industry is severely flawed. Drugs should not be as expensive as they are in the US/Canada, whether they are covered by insurance or not. CMV." +There is no legitimate reason for NJ to prevent Tesla from selling directly to consumers. CMV. +"The movie ""Captain Philips"" presents a strong argument for gun rights. CMV" +I dont think anything should be censored CMV +"Where someone breaks into my house, I believe I have full rights to use lethal force against them. CMV." +"One should never expect people to use invented pronouns (xe, xir, etc.) CMV" +"I think religious faith is not a moral virtue. I believe Faith is actually a moral weakness, an intellectual weakness, and a form of cultural arrogance that is, in essence, a decision to treat your ideology as correct despite knowing that it lacks evidence. CMV." +CMV: I think piercings and excessive tattoos are a waste of time and money. +"I don't think Native Canadians should be given any special concessions simply because they first inhabited the land, CMV." +Lazy slackers don't deserve social dignity or respect. CMV +"I don't think that employers should be forced to accommodate religious attire, even in cases where they don't negatively affect job performance. CMV" +I don't see the joy in raising a mental handicapped child CMV +"There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics… CMV" +House of Cards' Frank and Claire Underwood are the best possible example on how a marriage should work. CMV (SPOILERS) +CMV: How is it possible that privacy is something governments can ignore without us becoming angry? +Robert E. Lee does not deserve any respect. CMV. +[CMV] Just because I have never seen a black or asian woman that I find pretty doesn't make me racist +I believe children ages 0-4 are better off being cared for by a stay-at-home parent than being put into full-time daycare. Please CMV. +"[Meta] CMV, taking a quote out of context and only responding with that, or a series of them, should not be allowed in this, or any other debate based subreddit." +I believe modern feminism spends too much time discussing irrelevant issues and ignores more important issues. CMV. +America is not a free country. CMV. +Liberals will continue to be ineffective (comparatively) for all of our lifetimes barring a very major event CMV +"I think making any claims, positive or negative, on the existence of God is arrogant CMV" +"I believe that authoritarianism is preferable to democracy, CMV" +I don't believe we should always protect endangered species. CMV +"CMV: I see nothing wrong with the word ""retarded""." +"I think that the United States should actively work to reduce/eliminate private ownership of vehicles in favor of a cheap, efficient, and environmentally friendly public transportation system. CMV" +I believe OSX to be a better operating system than windows CMV. +"Lying to our kids about Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy etc. is wrong and creates a false sense of reality. CMV" +"I believe that hard science majors, especially at top colleges, are far superior to liberal arts majors. CMV" +CMV: I don't think there is anything wrong with ephebophilia. +"CMV: I believe that the oxford comma helps create a clearer meaning in text, and that it should be the standard for everyone to learn." +CMV I'm 100% anti-piracy but am open to being convinced otherwise +I am a transgender woman. I think refusing to date a post-op trans woman because they are trans is transphobic. Please CMV +"Chimerix, Inc's decision to deny Brincidofovir to the dying boy, while heartbreaking, is the right decision CMV" +I believe that some eating disorders are just vices like drinking and smoking. CMV. +I believe that a functioning drug addiction is not a problem CMV +I think it would be better if American citizens were not allowed to vote to choose Senators and Congressmen. CMV +I'm pretty sure that almost nobody ACTUALLY believes in hell. CMV +"I believe that in general, Republicans are hypocrites. CMV!" +"People who think that English should be the national language of the United States are not racist, CMV?" +"I believe incestuous, bestial, and polygamous marriage should be legalized as well, if gay marriage is. CMV." +Islamic 'extremism' is a logical outcome of Muhammad's original teachings. CMV. +Neil deGrasse Tyson's popularity and presence in popular culture is the best thing to happen to science in recent times. CMV? +I think that East Asians are the best race. CMV +"I think anyone who brings up ""White male"" as a negative is a bigot. CMV." +I believe consent has to be positive and verbal to be valid CMV +CMV: Terrorism Doesn't Exist +I'm considering running away from home CMV +I think common (male) gender roles are not inherently bad and can be helpful. CMV +"I know this is a bit of a tired topic but, legal marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples. Please CMV" +I think being a conservative is fundamentally flawed. CMV +"I think that pirating music hurts already struggling musicians, and people who defend it are only trying to justify stealing. CMV!" +"I believe 'fashion' is just a convoluted pissing contest, and, to an extent, only shows who is more superficial. CMV." +I believe everything a person does can be considered selfish. CMV +"Reasonable people can disagree on being conservative or liberal, but in American politics, it's unacceptable to align yourself with Republicans. CMV" +I believe that being pro-life except in cases of rape and incest is an indefensible position. CMV +I do not believe that the USA should be considered a Democratic state. CMV +Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was taken down by terrorists with a bomb onboard. CMV +I think The Simpsons should have aged (at least partially) along with the run of the series. CMV! +I believe that advertisements should not be allowed to digitally edit their models or if they do be forced to place an unedited image of a before editing in the ad (this is for both print and tv media). CMV +"I think adoptive parents who distance children from their birth parents are selfish, bad people. Try and CMV." +Realistic paintings of real subjects are pointless. CMV +"I Believe That Country Such As Denmark, Finland, and Switzerland That Have a Draft For Men Only Are Unequivocally Sexist. CMV" +I believe there's nothing wrong or racist about saying you're only interested in certain races on online dating profiles. CMV. +"If I don't manage to become successful while i'm young, i'll be a failure when I get older. CMV" +I think that *not* eating meat is cruel. CMV +Paying for Education is the Worst Mistake I Ever Made. CMV. +I think Americans are suffering from an inferiority complex. CMV +I think the double standard where men can sleep with many women but women cannot sleep with many men is ok. CMV +"I believe prostitution is both a societally valuable service as well as a morally virtuous choice, and I have never found a compelling reason for why it should be criminalized. CMV." +I think the entertainment business is useless and a waste of resources. CMV +I believe the NBA is a very uninteresting sports league to follow. CMV +I think that the Paralympic Games directly contradicts the idea of 'not being defined by one's disability' CMV +"I believe that if a corporation is found to have committed a criminal violation, the entire Board of Directors (at the time) should be forced to pay restitution, instead of the corporation paying it, and they should all be imprisoned. CMV." +I think using only toilet paper is disgusting. CMV +"It is pointless for me to vote in an election, CMV" +"CMV: Incest, pedophilia, bestiality and even cannibalism, if consensual, are no less immoral than homosexuality." +I think The Red Pill boils down to guys acting like assholes and trying to legitimize it. CMV +"Killing your own newborn baby (infanticide), while a crime, is distinct from murder and should carry a lesser sentence. CMV" +I think zombies are completely overrated threat. CMV +CMV Libertarian justifications of property don't work +I believe that there's no connection between race and IQ. CMV +"I fold, and I think it is crazy that people bunch toiletpaper when wiping. CMV." +I believe that English classes should be removed from English-speaking countries. CMV +CMV: People that pay full retail price for clothing are stupid and non-resourceful. +"The ""Fruit of the Poisoned Tree"" Doctrine is preposterous and entirely contrary to the notion of justice. CMV." +I think that people who have joined the military post 2006~ are guilty of murder or conspiracy to commit murder. CMV +I find that atheists are devoid of compassion for humanity. CMV +I believe that Chinese culture is vastly superior to North American Black culture; CMV! +"I believe that people don't take male victims of domestic abuse seriously, and actually are very rude on the topic. CMV" +I find it hard to value humans above all other forms of life. CMV. +"I want my 16 year old son to drop out of high school, sooner the better. CMV." +I think that how to catch a predator is morally wrong. CMV. +I don't respect modern day feminism. CMV. +"If pirating is illegal, then so is trying on clothes in a store. CMV" +"Based on cable news ratings, I believe that informed people prefer Fox news, and uniformed people don't watch the news. CMV." +I believe that the Harry Potter movies are an awful adaptation of a great book series. I also believe it would have been better served as a television series. CMV +I believe there is no point in listening to music that gets less than perfect scores on review publications. CMV. +I believe that jumpscares are not necessary to make a quality horror game. CMV +"In terms of naked self-interest, the Crimea situation is a huge boon to the US. CMV" +"Profit means you overcharged your customer, or underpaid your staff. CMV" +Keurig shouldn't be allowed to do coffee machine DRM. CMV +"I believe that moral value can exist without religion, CMV." +I believe there is a positive correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness. CMV +"I believe that eugenics is acceptable if used to eliminate conditions such as Down's Syndrome, Tay-Sachs, Huntington's, etc. CMV" +"CMV: Personal matters (weight, sex, drugs, ""gaffes"") are not appropriate criticisms of politicians." +"I think stereotyping people is fine, especially if it's based on statistics and personal observations - CMV." +"The internet will eventually (next 50 years) cause an end to English spelling and grammar prescriptivism, CMV" +I believe universal open-access to scientific journals is detrimental overall. CMV +I believe that any women who reads steamy romance novels has no right to complain about her husband's porn collection CMV +"I believe in Crimea really wants to join Russia, then let them join. CMV." +"""I'll believe a corporation is a person, when one is sent to prison"" CMV." +"Obesity is not an uncontrollable condition that just strikes people or an ""infectious disease."" CMV" +I believe the concept of marrying for love is not a sign of social progress. CMV. +I believe minimum wage IS a livable wage. CMV +"The fact that reddit deletes very controversial comments, threads and subreddits proves that it is not only NOT a beacon of free speech, it is the exact opposite. CMV" +Family life was much better in the 1950s: CMV +"Transgender/Transexual people who demand to be interacted with as the gender they present as, and not their anatomical sex, are directly in opposition to gender equality. CMV" +The internet is having a negative impact on human to human interaction and will prove detrimental to society in the long run. CMV +I believe that discreet public masturbation should be legal. CMV +Science yeilds a greater net benifit than religion ever could/will for sociaty and the individual. CMV! +The current sub-reddit mod system goes against everything Reddit stands for. CMV. +Raising the minimum wage by the desired 40% is bad for most people CMV +CMV: Change my view the AK47 is a superior weapon to its M16 counterpart. +"Christ's teachings were profound and wise, but are so rarely put into practice by those who call themselves Christians that the religion has proven itself to be mostly useless as a moral code. CMV." +"If I own a business and want to refuse service to certain people/groups, my right to free association should trump their right to my product or service, CMV" +If using AD block is stealing content then so is going to the bathroom during a TV commercial break (CMV) +"I believe if you're transgendered, you should accept that people inevitably misidentifying you comes as part of the package. CMV." +"I think that people in the African American community who refer to each other as ""nigger"" are offensive and ignorant. CMV" +"I believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that they deserve the same rights and respect as everyone else. I don't think that makes me hateful. CMV." +I believe CPR and other basic medical training should be mandatory for all school/college students. CMV. +Today there exists the problem of surplus population. Therefore the solution of 'population letting' is needed and those willing to leave should be helped. CMV +"I'm pro-choice, but I think late stage abortions that aren't medically necessary are infanticide. CMV" +CMV. I think a maximum wage and limit on standing wealth are a good thing. +"I think striving is a bad thing, CMV" +"I believe justice should be blind, and so should juries. CMV" +I strongly oppose gun control and limitations on high capacity magazines. [CMV] +"I have no problem identifying myself as a person who cares about social justice, and I don't understand reddit's resistance and caricaturization of people like me. CMV." +I think if you have lower libido than your SO than they will not find happiness in the relationship and it will eventually end. CMV. +"[CMV] I think that people that get tattoos will often regret them, and may portray problems in the future, wether it is at work or social relationships ; especially at a young age." +"I believe that renewable energy and the push to ""go green"" are a good thing even if climate change is not a real issue. CMV" +I believe that all US citizens - native and naturalized - should be allowed to run for president. CMV. +"Teen Sues Parents for Cash, College Tuition. Does She Have a Case? ~ I believe she does. [CMV]" +"""Could of"" is proper english grammar. CMV" +I believe that guns increase violence - CMV +The ability to speak English clearly should be an important factor in considering the employment of teachers and professors (in the United States). CMV. +Stand your ground laws providing more legal protection to killing than to 'warning shots' or 'wounding/disabling shots' is inherently flawed. CMV. +"Extending copyright holders' control to derivative works that are based on theirs, stiffles creativity and is counterproductive CMV" +"I think that people complain about the ""fake girl gamer"" shaming trend GREATLY outnumber those who actually participate in it. CMV" +I don't think being old is intrinsically deserving of respect. CMV +I think that iOS is better than Android. CMV +I believe that Russia's action action the Ukraine of late are no different than U.S action against the Middle East. Please CMV +"If Death Penalty Opponents were Ideologically Consistent, I Believe They Would Oppose the Idea of All State Use of Lethal Force, Including the Police and Military. CMV" +I think that women should be legally bound to sign up in the Selective Service Drafting. CMV +The study of ancient history is a waste of time and resources. CMV +Western culture is the only culture capable of critical self-reflection. CMV +"I believe that, in the American Civil War (or, ""War Between the States""), the South had a mercenary goal of protecting their right to own slaves, not a noble goal of protecting the precedent of a state's right to secede. cmv" +I think owning a dog in town is cruel to the dog CMV +"I'm a woman who has beard hairs and other facial hair. I see no reason to cut this hair off, and find the obsession with waxing, shaving, plucking and other body hair removal idiotic. CMV!" +I believe that Black History Month and African American book sections & Brain Bowls are unintentionally racist and should be removed in American society. CMV +I don't think people should have the right to refuse donating their organs once they die. CMV +"I hate the idea of, ""tough love"", in every applicable sense, CMV" +Crimea should become independent or be joined to the Russian Federation. CMV +Inequality is the single greatest problem in society CMV +"I think art can exist and have meaning independent of the artist, and that an artistic work as an object in culture need not be interpreted as the artist intends. CMV" +America should abolish the United States Army as a federal force. CMV. +"I believe that men are, in general, much funnier than women. CMV" +I think I.T. Workers are no more intelligent or important than any other type of mechanic. CMV. +I think it's really stupid when people with no connection to Chinese/Japanese culture get tattoos of Chinese/Japanese characters. CMV +I think a college degree is unnecessary. CMV +"People should not refer to the Communist Party of China as ""China"". CMV." +"I think people should stop saying the Ukraine, and instead they should use its official name, Ukraine. CMV." +"I believe in waiting until marriage to have sex, CMV." +If we believe that animal lives have even very small value there is an unavoidable conclusion that our current practice of eating animals is an atrocity of unrivaled proportions throughout all of recorded history. CMV +"I think that police should not conduct traffic stops, CMV." +It is perfectly reasonable for a Christian to believe that non-Christians can also get into heaven. CMV. +I think that beer is generally classless and a poor man's drink. CMV. +I believe all broadcast news is bias and those that only point out Fox News are ignorant. CMV +Online Piracy can be justified. CMV +The United States Should Not Tax Its Citizens Who Live Abroad. CMV +"Although I'm no fan of Putin, I believe Russia has considerably more justification for sending troops to Crimea than, say, the US has had for many of our recent military adventures. CMV." +I believe tipping shouldn't be percentage based. CMV +I see Russia as the agressor and bad guy in the conflict going on in and around the Crimea right now. CMV +Use of Contraception CMV +Being fat (not caused by diseases) is wrong and should not be torelated.CMV +"If I believed in God, then I could never bring myself to tolerate people who disagree. CMV" +I believe businesses should be able to discriminate against whoever they want. CMV +I believe Hearthstone is ultimately a poorly designed card game. CMV +I feel that Reddit would be better off without the Downvote button. CMV +Violence is sometimes the answer. CMV +I think the minimum wage should be removed to create more incentive for people to get better jobs - CMV +"I believe punishment is wrong, and all punishment should be replaced with rehabilitation. CMV." +I believe that the domestic cat is the worlds most destructive invasive species and should be removed from our natural environments. CMV +"I pirate too, but I don't think there are any legitimate excuses for pirating. CMV" +I believe that public bathrooms and gym showers should not be seperated by sexes. CMV +I believe buttons are superior to zippers and zippers should be abolished. CMV +A warmer earth will be better for humanity CMV +CMV Overtime should be paid for multiple unrelated employers +"I support labour unions and workers' rights. However, when a strike affects and hinders the lives of people who are not involved with the dispute, I almost immediately lose sympathy for the union involved. CMV" +I believe Kanye West is the most influencial artist of the past 10 years. CMV. +Baby Boomers are the worst generation to have existed in the USA. CMV. +Customers are the job creators - CMV +Most Muffins are just Cupcakes full of lies. CMV +There is absolutely nothing wrong with incest. CMV +"If God is real, I'd expect to find continuing revelation. CMV." +AI and robotics is the next big 'industrial boom' similar to the affect that coal and petroleum had on the world. CMV +I believe that cars should have the capacity to go the speed limit on highways as a maximum. CMV. +Corporations shouldn't exist CMV +I think the key to fixing America's fiscal situation is strong and swift entitlement reform - CMV +"I believe people who make a living out of being ""spiritual mediums"" are despicable people who exploit emotional weakness for profit. CMV" +The Galaxy would have been better off had the Mule been allowed to forge a greater Galactic Empire. CMV +I think most crimes should be legal as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. CMV. +"Gentrification is not a negative event and people should not be attacked for supporting it, CMV." +A brown person can support the Confederacy CMV +"I think, to curb human population growth on planet earth, we need a big ""Plague"". CMV" +My country is implementing Sharia Law this April and I think it's a horrible idea and it infringes basic human rights. CMV +"I think it's absolutely ridiculous to be ""selectively religious"" e.g. be Christian but choose to ignore the ""outdated"" parts of the Bible. CMV." +"I believe that price-gouging is ethical and moral, but only to the point where all products are still sold. Price gouging in an emergency is only wrong if a store holds onto inventory. CMV." +CMV - I think there shouldldn't be any tax deductions/incentives for people who get married or have children +I think it is time for the United States to adopt the metric system as the official system of weights and measures. CMV +I believe fan fiction is just as valuable as original works and should not be looked down upon. CMV +"I believe that human procreation is at best deeply and profoundly selfish, and at worst completely immoral. CMV." +I think being a life long fan of a sports franchise is ridiculous. CMV +I don't think you can compare modern illegal immigration with the immigration of Europeans to the New World.- CMV +"I want to take ""forgetting pills"" to erase every bad memory I still can't get used to. (Some of which gave me ideations of suicide / self-harm.) CMV" +"If given the chance, I would not choose to permanently cure my Anxiety and Depression. CMV" +I think discrimination from businesses and in the workplace should be completely legal. CMV +Having pets is immoral. CMV +"I believe the original intent of the founding fathers is now essentially meaningless, as we live in a vastly different society. CMV" +"I think ""Is it a person?"" is the only valid question in the abortion debate. CMV." +I don't think Reddit should allow subs that are obviously a source of hate speech or hateful intent. CMV? +"I believe public breastfeeding, while acceptable in most circumstances, should be concealed, whether it's by covering up with a blanket or by moving to an empty room or washroom. CMV." +"Our house is littered with mice, but I feel bad for killing them. Please CMV!" +I think the drinking age in the US should be lowered to 18. CMV. +I believe that god and his angels are a race of aliens CMV +"I Believe That ""Zero Tolerance"" in Schools in the Wrong Course of Action for any Scenario, Murder/Attempted Murder/Attempted Rape/Rape Excluded; CMV" +I think Tech Buses carrying company-specific employees to and from work in cities like SF is a good thing. CMV +"I think civilians should be allowed to own explosives, including but not limited to rocket launchers - CMV" +"Hijabs are inherently hypocritical and misogynistic, CMV" +I believe police officers should have to wear cameras at all times on duty and that all of the footage should be a matter of public record. CMV +I believe the 2nd amendment as applied today isn't what the founders wanted. CMV +CMV - I don't see people who are pro-life as being sexist or religious fanatics +"I believe that Americans have a unhealthy, pathological obsession with pets that is creepy and smacks of loneliness. CMV" +A government who cuts welfare but reserves £15-£20 Billion for a renewed nuclear missile system is fundamentally wrong. CMV +I don't think Ender's Game is a good book; it's completely unworthy of any of the critical acclaim it received. CMV. +I believe that there should be more restrictions on what can be bought with food stamps. CMV +"CMV - I don't see what's wrong with ""morally unethical"" human experimentation if all parties are consenting." +"I feel drivers of ‘luxury’ vehicles are more ego-centric, rude, and selfish than drivers of more ‘affordable’ vehicles. CMV." +"Seeking ""help"" from any sort of ""mental health"" professional has the potential to cause far more harm than good and should be avoided at all costs. CMV." +"I think that collectivism is a backward and inferior cultural mentality that impedes innovation and progress via emphasis on groupthink and herd mentality/conformity, which are bad things. CMV" +"I see no problem with child labor, CMV." +I believe nature would be better off without human beings. CMV +I don't think that choosing to be childfree is selfish. CMV. +I think recycling is the best way to deal with existing waste. CMV. +I Can Not Support Things I Believe Immoral In Good Conscience. CMV +I believe the ruling against net neutrality is a good thing. CMV +A wedding photographer should not have to photograph a gay wedding if he/she feels it is in conflict with his/her religious beliefs. CMV +I have no reason to support gay marriage. CMV +I think the Confederate flag is nothing but a Hillbilly Swastika. CMV. +The smartphone is not the social interaction killer everyone makes it out to be. CMV +I believe money can buy happiness. CMV +"I am a ""materialist"": I believe all abstract human constructs like love, hate, jealousy, addiction, mental illness, and anything resembling consciousness is merely a projection of physical processes. CMV." +I believe it is a private business owners right to refuse service to any person for any reason or no reason. CMV +"All else being equal, on average, the likelihood a man can sleep with a woman will determine who he pursues. This results in sexual competition in which women will resort to either slut shaming or more readily offering sex. cmv." +I believe smoking tobacco products in a public setting should be illegal. CMV. +"The reason many women perpetuate the social stigma of sleeping with prostitutes is because prostitution forces them to lower their asking price and commoditize their good (sex). The same reason they slut shame. Sex traffic is an excuse, price controls are the reason it remains illegal. CMV" +I am completely against high-stakes/standardized tests in schools. CMV +"I believe that it's healthy to be desensitized to violence and other ""disturbing"" things. CMV." +"I think national service should be mandatory everywhere, CMV." +I think you're a hypocrite if you're a vegetarian/vegan who owns an iPhone. CMV +I suspect that elected representatives are more likely to have my interests at heart than corporate executives. CMV +"Music is a language perfectly capable of communicating information and ideas, CMV" +"I believe that Arizona's ""Gay Discrimination"" bill provides a reasonable protection to business owners, and I don't believe that any private business should be forced to provide service to someone they don't want to. CMV." +I believe that employers should not be permitted to make hiring/firing decisions based on factors that do not directly impact an employee's ability to do their job. CMV. +"I do not think the whole idea of a father being possessive about his daughter's sexuality is 'sweet' or acceptable in any way, and believe it indicates a prevalent problem in society. CMV." +"I don't understand how some Americans reconcile that the U.S. constitution - a document on civil liberties - was in large part authored and approved by slave owners, and continue to consider it the gospel with regard to freedoms etc. CMV" +I do not believe there is any problem with the discrimination laws passed in AZ. CMV +"I am incredibly prejudiced against homeless people, CMV." +Fox News should reinstate Alec Baldwin's failed MSNBC show. CMV. +I don't think attending a lecture is any better than watching it over the internet. All university lectures should be streamed over the Internet (if not saved for later viewing). CMV +I believe education should not be mandatory. CMV +I believe that footballers are paid a ridiculous amount of money that they do not need. CMV. +I don't believe driving under the influence should be illegal. CMV +I think Franz Kafka is not a great writer. Please CMV. +"I believe that the world is gynocentric, CMV." +CMV: Morality is not objective +I don't think that the average person who serves or has served in the military deserves any more praise or respect than the average person. CMV +I believe that experimenting with Strong AI is unethical. CMV +"If you have a family that cares about you and loves you, it is wrong to want friends, romance, or sex. CMV." +"I don't believe a comment I made was misogynistic, but it got me banned in another community, CMV" +I believe all future Olympics should be held at the same venue. CMV +"I believe offensive language toward minorities (the n-word, the f-word, etc) is abhorrent regardless of context. CMV" +I think that the High Bun is the worst women's hair style in the last 10 to 15 years. CMV +I believe that rapists should have absolutely no parental rights over the child that was conceived from rape. CMV +"""Religion is the opiate of the masses"" is true. CMV." +I believe that humans are the only intelligent species in the galaxy. CMV. +"I believe that our criminal disciplinary system fails to recognize that criminal behaviour is the result of a system failing it's population, and not just the result of a couple bad apples. This view inherently leads to the development of discriminatory views of social and cultural groups. CMV" +"Arguing that something is ""just semantics"" is a cop out. CMV" +"I believe that I have no obligation to maintain interpersonal diversity in my friendship group; to me, self-segregation is a perfectly natural phenomenon. CMV." +"CMV In sports, announcing someone is openly gay before they perform is detrimental to the LGBT community it is forward thinking in anyway" +I Think Government Should Compete With Private Firms in every Free Market in which problems exist. CMV +CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide +I can't kill animals. CMV. +"I believe that homosexuality and transexuality are abnormal, and perhaps mental illnesses. CMV" +I do not think it makes sense to tie the salary of a university president to the salary of the lowest paid worker. CMV +"CMV- Libertarianism, ideologically, is incompatible with the idea of civil rights. Therefore, it is impossible for libertarians to act legitimately as allies or advocates of LGBT people, or people of color." +"I believe exactly one of the following must be true: (a) A non-bigoted person can reasonably use a person's gender to infer things about that person, or (b) gender is a meaningless concept. CMV." +"People who don't like any styles of craft beer, don't actually like the taste of beer. CMV" +"CMV: There is no deep difference between ""natural"" and ""man-made.""" +"Our number one goal as communities and a civilisation should be to reduce income inequality, this would tackle most of our social problems in the developed world. CMV" +"I believe that golf is a terrible, boring game played by only elderly white men. CMV." +"I think that personality, and not hard work, is the primary reason people find success in the world and in life. CMV" +The Lego Movie was close to perfection and completely ruined itself. CMV. +"Police should be subject to additional criminal charges for ""Violation of the Public Trust"" when they are found to have acted outside of their appropriate legal authority. [CMV]" +I believe that anybody should be able to change their legal sex for any reason. CMV. +I believe social media is valid evidence in court. CMV. +I believe restricted immigration is akin to Jim Crow and apartheid in that it bars people on the basis of where they were born. CMV +Opposing gay marriage makes you a homophobe. CMV. +Furries are not acceptable. CMV +i am always a few minutes late to everything because i dont see the importance of showing up early. CMV +I truly believe being an atheist/agnostic is the only way to be if you consider yourself to be a rational thinker. CMV +I believe that the death penalty is appropriate under many circumstances. CMV. +I think that ending a good relationship because of infidelity is a huge mistake. CMV +"I believe under the current DSM-5 criteria for hoarding, rich people that accumulate more money than they could ever need or possibly ever spend, should be diagnosed and even treated for Hoarding disorder. CMV" +I believe that Verizon and other ISPs should have the right to charge streaming services like Netflix for using a disproportionate amount of bandwidth. CMV +"I believe I understand why people think the world is run by 'lizard people', and believe this isn't too far off from the truth . CMV" +"I think that people who demonize capitalism as ""evil"" fundamentally don't understand economics. CMV" +"I believe that extremist feminist groups like Femen are overall progressive for women, and those disgusted by Femen are a product of centuries of sexism. CMV" +"Reptiles, incapable of understanding human companionship, shouldn't be owned as pets. CMV." +I think videogames that use psychological manipulation to get you to continue to play should be banned/regulated. CMV +"I think everyone is born athiest, CMV." +I think no one deserves more than $2 million annual income. CMV +GMO scare mongering is just as bad as climate change deniers. CMV. +Data caps by ISPs are a fine way of doing business. CMV +I have a universal blood type and refuse to donate. CMV +I don't think any conventional morals make sense. CMV +I think that 24 hours is a perfectly reasonable timeframe for responding to texts. CMV +I believe the 2nd amendment is anachronistic and no longer beneficial to the US. CMV +"I think the notion that both parties in the US are ""the same"" is ridiculous. CMV." +I wouldn't mind death if I was replaced by an identical copy. CMV. +I believe that community service should not be a graduation prerequisite for high school. CMV +"The idea that the US is facing a 'debt crisis' is pure fantasy. Federal borrowing doesn't present a threat to the budget or the economy today, and it won't for the foreseeable future. CMV" +I believe that voting rights should be restricted to a certain class. CMV +"In America, I believe the Republican Party is to blame for most of the issues facing us today in the 21st century. CMV!" +The U.S. is the worst developed nation to live in. CMV +Lay offs should not be decried. Unequality of responsibility in employer-employee relationship must end. CMV. +I feel that if you have to keep an animal caged in order to stop it from running away then the animal in question isn't really a pet. CMV +"US society doesn't uphold its military as heroes, but is instead largely indifferent to the troops that it deploys across the world in the interest of its government CMV" +I do not believe democracy inherently protects freedom. CMV. +I believe the Supreme Court should only overturn laws based on a super-majority vote. CMV +"Since Hitler's actions were the result of his beliefs, he should not be condemned. CMV" +"I am a leftist, and a liberal, and do not believe in gun control, CMV" +I believe Implementation eugenics is sometimes necessary. CMV +"I believe the golden rule is flawed and self centered, CMV" +I believe that radical social liberalism(cultural Marxism) is bad for society and that going in a more social conservative direction would be more beneficial. CMV. +Ukraine future? EU is not better than Russia. CMV +"I believe that being ""episodic"" generally makes a TV series better, and that shows like *The Wire* suffer by ignoring this. CMV." +There is nothing wrong with me being a sociopath. CMV +"I think the Confederate flag is racist, and there is a large overlap between people who fly it, and people who are racist. CMV" +"I think prescription drugs are way more dangerous than illegal drugs, especially marijuana. CMV" +I don't believe that laws should be based on religious principles under any circumstances. CMV +"Segregated male and female bathrooms are pretty much equivalent to segregated white and colored bathrooms, and should be abolished. CMV" +I believe that equating the gay agenda to the civil rights movement is an extremely flawed & disrespectful POV. CMV +I don't think I need to try for harder than a 3.0 my last semester of college. CMV. +"I believe people actively working to ""expose"" homeopathy, aren't nearly as noble as they think they are. CMV" +"I feel like no matter how heinous the alleged crime, everybody deserves a fair trial and they should be viewed as innocent until proven guilty. CMV" +"Our only ""real"" purpose is to survive, reproduce, and our-compete others for scarce resources. Ideals are fine, but we shouldn't let them obscure this underlying reality. CMV." +"People found guilty of drunk driving should never be able to drive again, CMV" +[CMV] I think tattoo artists should not ink drunk people. +I believe that being patriotic in the 21st century is damaging to the global community and displays national immaturity. CMV +Classical music is far superior to modern (non classical) music. CMV +I Belive Eating Animals Is Morally Comparable To Human Massacre. CMV. +"I need reasons to become vegetarian, and ways to do so without making my life too uncomfortable or hard. CMV." +I should commit suicide. CMV +In high school late work should not be penalized. CMV +I believe that using animals in labs to test medical products is a good thing. CMV +"Probably a repost, but: Assuming rights-based moral theory is a good way to make decisions, I think that most animals have the right to life. Consequently, eating meat is wrong. CMV." +Seat-belt laws are logically indefensible and exist only to impose risk adverse morality CMV +I believe animal cruelty laws are ridiculous CMV +CMV Welfare benefits should be loans +"I think that applications should be judged solely on the person's merits, and should not even ask about racial/gender identifiers. CMV" +"Batman would be an astronomically better character if he didn't exist within the context of the DC universe, CMV" +I believe that the US should pass a constitutional amendment allowing people born outside of the Unites States to run for president. CMV. +"I believe society's development of the view ""Don't Judge Others"" is not practical and judging others is unavoidable in real life. CMV" +Starving yourself is a good way to lose weight. CMV. +I think modern art is terrible CMV +"Paying for elite prep programs negates your right to say that you ""worked for everything you have."" CMV?" +I'm against any laws that exist purely to protect people from themselves. CMV +I believe that schools giving suspensions to students has the opposite effect on behavior. CMV +"I don't believe subjective sports should be allowed at the Olympics, CMV." +I believe Real estate Agents bring no value whatsoever to the selling of a house and the idea that they even get a percentage of the sale is absurd. CMV +"I believe movies and shows shouldn't be allowed to portray racist or abusive characters, glamorize drug use, or glamorize acts of violence, as I believe the general population is too stupid not to recreate, imitate, or harness prejudice from these things. CMV" +"I am a scientist, and I believe a god exists. There is nothing wrong with this position, CMV" +I think that my tax dollars should not go to paying the prisons that hold convicts and that the prisons should be upkept by the seizure of assets by the convicted. CMV +I believe that the number one reason not to believe in any government conspiracy theories is that people are incompetent. CMV +"As a US Federal employee, it will never be in my best interests to vote Republican. CMV." +"If it's my ball, there is nothing wrong with me taking it and going home whenever I want. CMV" +I think checking should be legal in women's international hockey. CMV +I believe that only murderers deserve death. CMV. +I don't think there is anything wrong with using the word gay in a light-hearted manner. CMV +I think it's okay to litter non-recyclables. CMV +I don't think college is worth the time spent to gain a degree when the time could be spent working a full time job. CMV +"[CMV] Forced Child Support payments are immoral ""financial slavery"" and should be ended immediately: An examination of Free Agency and the assigning of Responsibility for Choices." +You are 100% monkey. CMV +"I think the legality of abortion and the existence of Legal Parental Surrender should be tied to each other, because they are essentially the same thing under the law. CMV" +I believe eating a vegan diet is the healthiest and most sustainable way to live. CMV. +I prefer watching dubbed versions of anime whenever possible. CMV +I don't think the X/10 rating of people's looks is immature or inappropriate. CMV +Climate change is a primarily a result of human actions. CMV +Conservatives have no reason to complain over liberal bias in the news media and Hollywood. CMV +I believe that euthanasia should be legal CMV +I believe that you should be allowed to drive at whatever speed you wish as long as you aren't driving recklessly or under extenuating circumstances CMV +"I believe that the whole uproar over Marius the giraffe, and especially the autopsy and feeding of his body to the lions, only serves to prove how sheltered and mollycoddled a modern child is. CMV!" +"I believe murder-by-hospice is widespread in the US. We kill off many our sick and elderly, and nobody cares. CMV." +I don't want my kids to play violent video games CMV +CMV I believe that the elimination of privacy benefits society +I think that the backlash to Sochi 2014 Olympics over gay rights is more US Russophobic propaganda than genuine concern for human rights. CMV +I believe that the concept of a 'promise ring' prior to an engagement is childish and convoluted. CMV +"Profit is nothing more than savings, so whenever you complain about excessive profits, your argument is economically obtuse. CMV" +I see no practical reason to drive a manual. CMV +I believe that a considerable percentage of Americans are misdiagnosed with mental health disorders due to a growing incentive for medicine to profit. CMV +I think speaking a language with a thick foreign accent is just lazy. CMV +"I believe it is the responsibility of every citizen to have some form of martial skill, CMV." +Felons and children should get to vote. CMV. +I believe that coming out as gay pales in comparison to coming out as atheist CMV +I believe everyone should have to complete a quiz about their chosen candidate/party before their vote is valid. CMV +"I believe that freedom of speech should extend to the right to insult or troll someone, or question historical events. CMV" +It is impossible for there to be a homosexual gene. CMV +"I believe if it doesn't affect anyone negatively, adults should be allowed to do whatever they choose to. CMV" +I believe that the act of giving a large amount of financial aid and military protection to third world countries is a misguided cause. CMV. +I think that having children today in a developed country is more of a hobby than it is a necessity. CMV +It's my opinion that the wealthy class has initiated class warfare within the US and they are winning. CMV +I think churches should remain tax-exempt. CMV +"Reading fiction / fantasy novels, comics, manga (etc.) are no more beneficial, cognitively, than watching television. CMV" +People who suck-up to get ahead are manipulative and morally corrupt. CMV. +I feel like IT Support personnel who dismiss Windows 8 as an operating system show a lack of adaptability and are therefore bad at their job. CMV +"I believe that sociology is essentially a useless subject. Further, I especially believe it should not be a required elective in certain colleges. CMV" +"Yes, the U.S. was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. CMV." +I think text editors like vim and emacs are a relic of the past and a waste of time. CMV +"CMV. I believe the CBS show ""Elementary"" Is worth more praise and acclaim than the BBC version ""Sherlock""" +I believe that Snowden staying in Russia is extremely hypocritical and treacherous. CMV. +"I believe that an unquestionable loyalty to ""majority rules"" is dangerous and foolhardy. CMV." +CMV I am pro-abortion and believe that abortion is better than foster care or adoption +I believe people should be able to chose an area of focus in their education earlier than college. CMV. +I believe that if you wouldn't be able to love an adopted child as much as your birth child you don't deserve to be a parent. CMV +I believe the US and any democratic nation is fundamentally a voluntary society and that Libertarians are free to leave if they do not like it. CMV. +"I believe that America is going to hell, and that I should leave immediately after college. CMV." +1 I believe people who routinely procrastinate cannot be successful at what they choose to do. CMV. +I believe pirating software/music/etc is wrong CMV +"CMV, I believe that it should take more than being gay to earn respect from ''the masses''" +"MLB is concerned that only ~10% of their players are African American. If this is a legitimate concern, I believe the NBA should also be concerned that ~17% of their players are white, CMV" +I believe it is unfair to dogs to primarily feed them kibble. CMV +The United States founding and most of its history has been founded on religious beliefs CMV or yours +"""None of the above"" should be an option on American ballots. CMV" +I believe Macs are great computers for their price. CMV. +I don't trust people and/or find them boring if they don't drink or have tried any drugs. CMV +I believe that the National Ignition Facility is nothing more than nuclear weapons research masquerading as a civilian fusion power program. CMV +"If I had a prescription for ritalin, adderall, vyvanse, etc. college would be easier. CMV" +I believe that .9 repeating does NOT equal 1 and is representative of a serious flaw in decimal notation. CMV +"It is impossible to speak in lay terms about homosexuality being maladaptive and be politically correct without resorting to double speak, lying or being labelled an intolerant, bigot homophobe. CMV" +"I don't see any reason to allow cellphones, laptops, or tablets in my classroom. CMV." +I think it is an outdated practice to prohibit alcohol sales on Sunday. CMV +"I think ""Buy Local"" or ""Buy American"" are unhelpful concepts and, in many cases, even morally objectionable. CMV." +I believe that watching television is a complete waste of time. CMV. +"I believe that criminals are NOT ""victims of an oppressive society"" and that they are mostly at fault for the situations they are in. CMV" +I believe athletes have a right to say that they might feel uncomfortable around gays in locker rooms. CMV +"I think it is stupid to be proud of anything you did not earn/accomplish, including ""being proud to be an American."" CMV" +"I believe the assertion ""you're projecting"" provides nothing to an argument. CMV" +"I think online poker is rigged, CMV" +"At the age Olympians must start training, it's akin to child abuse. CMV." +I don't think the capital gains tax rate should be increased... EVER! CMV +I believe that arrogance and confidence are the same thing. CMV +The LBGT movement turning the Rainbow into a ideological symbol is an unacceptable crime against people everywhere. CMV +I refuse to do laser eye surgery. CMV +I believe that this country never got over the Civil War and we were perhaps better off allowing secession. CMV. +It is NEVER a good idea to partake in recreational drug use. CMV +I believe that people that believe in a Eternal Hell for Non-Believers in their God should be held morally accountable for their position. CMV. +"I don't care about mass surveillance or the NSA. I do nothing illegal so if they check my emails, screen my bandwidth usage, or monitor my phone calls I couldn't care less. CMV" +I don't see any use in learning a language from a place where everybody speaks English. CMV. +I don't think standardized tests should allot extra time for students with learning disabilities CMV +"The ""selfie era"" has propelled humanity into a new degree of narcissism, and change the way we understand the world CMV" +Star Trek is a show that shouldn't be shared with future generations. CMV +I believe discussions by atheist vs christians are ridiculous. CMV +Nurse Ratched gets a bad rap CMV +"""Dumb Starbucks"" is not parody and should not be protected by fair use laws. CMV." +I believe abortion is immoral and should only be allowed in cases of rape or danger to the mother. CMV. +Sex Addiction is a Real Disorder -- CMV +"I believe people should be able to retire by the time they are 62 years old, and that their employers should be paying them well enough to do so. CMV" +I believe the quality of the ELI5 subreddit has been severely degraded and should lose it's default subreddit status. CMV +I think high price private universities are the worst mistake a high school grad can make and the government should defund them. CMV? +Only idiots yell at customer service workers. CMV +"Benjamin Franklin's famous line (""He who gives up a little freedom for security deserves neither"") is outdated and impractical in today's world. CMV" +"I believe that if somebody wants to kill his/her self, nobody should try and stop them, maybe even encourage it CMV" +"I think Star Wars episode I-III are better than IV-VI, in almost every way possible. CMV" +I believe that there should be a hard test for people that wants children. Only the elite of our society should be able to bring another child to this world. CMV +"In my case, suicide is justifiable--CMV" +I don't think that being employed makes someone a better person than being unemployed. CMV. +"To cut college costs, students should be given the option to teach themselves. CMV" +"I think public nudity should be completely legal everywhere, CMV" +I honestly believe that Breaking Bad is an awful show an is unworthy of it's praise. CMV. +"You shouldn't do anything that enacts your privilege upon others, CMV" +"I believe an empire should only invest in reactive defence of its own borders, and spread its philosophy through diplomacy and propaganda. CMV" +Employers should have to reimburse the government for public assistance provided to their employees. CMV +"I believe the Brony sub-culture is filled not with people who like the My Little Pony show, but sad, lonely people looking for a social outlet instead CMV." +I think comic book heroes are childish. CMV. +"""Egalitarianism"" is an euphemism for anti-feminism and sexism, the same way ""race realism"" is an euphemism for white supremacism. CMV." +I think the mainstream's acceptance of marijuana and rejection of cigarettes is delusional to the degree of insanity. - CMV +Social media has made America's generation's Y (1980-2000) and Z (2000's-today) more vain and obsessed with appearance. CMV. +"Comic book movies are often as formulaic as chick flicks, CMV" +I think there is no love in sex. CMV +I do not think it makes sense to cheat or take adderall to complete a PhD. CMV. +PUA is not inherently unethical. CMV +"""Sharing the Gospel"" in any religion is cause to question your views. CMV" +I 'slut-shame' and believe it to be an valid social norm. CMV +I think that plastic surgery is an abomination. CMV +I'm an atheist and I don't think there have been any good representatives for atheism. CMV. +I believe the United States war in Afghanistan has been a failure and the near 13 year long conflict will be a detriment to American foreign policy and world standing for a long time to come. CMV +Adoption is usually selfish-CMV +I am an anti-Semitic guy because I was raised in a Muslim environment . Please CMV +There should be no such thing as a required prerequisite course. CMV +I think that the wage gap between men and women is almost entirely due to women choosing less profitable majors. CMV. +I don't think that female-on-male rape is a thing. CMV. +"I believe if you are a member of the LGBT community or a feminist, you should detest the ideology and the teachings of Islam. Please, CMV" +I believe that the marriage ritual is seeking validation from authority. CMV +I feel that the greatest goal of mankind should be finding a way to prevent natural death. CMV +"Altruism does not exist, CMV" +"As an entity, I absolutely despise fraternities. CMV" +"I believe Capitalism should be abolished for the interest of humanity. If you have any objections to this, I beg of you to CMV" +I find addicts weak and unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions. CMV +All religious debate between atheists and theists is pointless. CMV +I think that Reddit has declined into a cesspool of immature teenagers who are mucking up the place with low-brow content. CMV +I think that the United states spends entirely too much on the prison system. CMV +CMV on feminists. I think the hard-core feminists are close minded. +I think genetically engineering babies for desirable characteristics is awesome CMV +Professional service jobs should be making up to an equal amount of money as entertainers and athletes. CMV +"I am British, and the mentality that ""we"" won a bronze medal at the Winter Olympics is not a pleasant one. CMV" +Parents shouldn't rely on Ipads and Cell phones to entertain their children. CMV +"I think that anyone who says they love animals, and is not a vegan, is a hypocrite. CMV." +I think Superman is probably the worst concept for a superhero ever and definitely the least interesting CMV +I think that graves are a waste of space. CMV +I believe that all teachers should be encourage to carry a handgun. CMV +The term 'Reverse racism' is racist. CMV. +Natural rights do not exist. CMV +I believe that 21st century cultural expectations for men (qua the masculine ideal) are unrealistic and undesirable. CMV! +"I believe its insensitive to expect the poor to ""pick themselves up by the bootstraps"" CMV" +I believe it is unjustifiable to support abortion but not the death penalty. CMV +"I believe tollways are useless and a drain on the economy, CMV" +I think Trader Joe's is America's best grocery store chain. CMV. +Brony's obsession with a child show is unhealthy and they should seek psychiatric help. Please CMV. +I think Chicago should become a state. CMV. +I believe naloxone should be available to anyone over-the-counter without a doctors prescription. CMV +I earn a good salary but still live with my parents at 25 and think that's fine. CMV +"If someone of one gender can ""identify"" with another gender and be legally recognized as such, then the same should hold true if I identify myself as another race, etc. CMV" +I don't think we're really an advanced civilization. CMV +The United States is too large to be what it was intended to be and the best outcome for it is to peacefully disband rather than face a bloody civil war: CMV +"The rhetoric of ""justifying racism using science"" is a red herring. CMV." +I don't believe that there are any LOGICAL reasons why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. CMV +Living life by emotion requires bad judgment. Living life by logic requires unhappiness. CMV +Gandalf is one of the lamest wizards in fiction. Cmv +"I believe that individualistic societies worship so-called scientific ""geniuses"" when discoveries are a combined effort. CMV." +I think the Pride Parade enforces stereotypes and is a hindrance on the Gay Rights movement. CMV +"Saying there is not enough women in Technology is equivalent to saying that there is not enough men in Erotic Services, CMV." +"I think Google is being being tactless, irresponsible and is unnecessarily tainting a world event with its politics by posting its current controversial ""Doodle"". CMV." +"I don't trust women, CMV." +"Educated, religious individuals use the word ""faith"" as a euphemism for ""desire."" CMV" +I think that life is pointless and depressing. CMV +Arrest records shouldn't exist - CMV +Neil deGrasse Tyson is not a scientist. CMV. +Most r/atheism types believe in evolution for the same reason creationists believe in Creationism CMV +I think about the Truman Show fairly often and how it could possibly be what is going on in my life CMV +"I believe that the trials of George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony do not show a failure of the American Justice, but a Success. CMV" +"I don’t feel guilty downloading music illegally from mainstream, successful artists. CMV." +"I believe lobbying (including corporate lobbying) is an essential part of the political process, and must be maintained at all costs. CMV" +It is illogical and foolish to believe that science defines truth and logic. CMV +I believe the world would be a better place if we were all less concerned about changing other people's views CMV +"I believe informing the general public of ""possible"" terrorism threats is useless fear mongering by the government and media. CMV." +I believe first world countries have an obligation to humanity to make tyrants their business. CMV +Hiding terminal disease from loved one until it has almost come to the end is right thing to do. CMV +CMV: I believe homosexuality is a cancer in society. +"I think people who say things like :""As a men of science who is also a religious men..."" are lying or not understanding science at all.CMV." +Karma does exist CMV +I think that the minimum wage should not be raised and that we should change the tax system from a progressive tax system to a flat tax system. CMV +I want to smoke weed just to see what it feels like. CMV. +I believe that no gay person chooses to be gay. CMV +"I think that posts on /r/pics with a sexual implication, or exposed breasts/butts are dumb karma grabs, and should not be accepted by the community. CMV. [nsfw]" +I thought the Sherlock season three finale was an awful episode. CMV +"Evolution has a goal, and that goal is humanity. CMV" +Some forms of slavery are ok CMV +I don't think I should buy a smartphone. CMV +I believe it's not ok to be racist even on platforms like /r/ImGoingToHellForThis CMV +I think the over sexualization of women on Reddit is repulsive and detracts from the quality of Reddit. CMV +CMV: I think there is a chance Creationism might be true +"I believe that agnosticism is far superior both theistic and atheistic gnosticism, and that gnosticism on both sides makes claims they can't support. CMV" +"""Stick and stones may break your bones but words should never hurt you"" CMV." +I think Ken Ham won the debate with Bill Nye. CMV! +CMV: Chiropractors are intentionally blurring the lines between mainstream medicine and alternative medicine. +"I believe that ""democracy would work much better if everyone voted"" is not a valid argument at all. CMV." +I believe Microsoft picking a 22-year insider as CEO is the right choice. CMV +CMV: I Think Intellectual Property Rights Should Not Apply To Scientific Research +I think that if a test and treatment existed for homosexuality in children that gays would effectively cease to exist in the developed world in a generation. CMV +"CMV: I believe that modern science and any God can coexist peacefully, no matter what your beliefs about God are." +I believe that having single-gender classrooms would improve the quality of education in American public schools. CMV. +CMV: Natural rights are nonsensical +CMV: I believe that the vast majority of obese people have no right to complain about being obese. +I believe that governments should eliminate Nanny-State-Esque laws and let a form of natural selection prevail. CMV. +"I believe that where there is a demand, schools based on and adhering to religious principles and practices should be allowed. CMV." +I don't think Philip Seymour Hoffman's death is much of a tragedy. CMV +CMV parents who deliberately create a disabled child should be denied disability benefits +I think Latin shouldn't be taught in schools. CMV +"It would be wiser to disclose that I am an anarchist and believe strongly in jury nullification in a jury ""qualification"" forum. CMV" +"I'm a meat eater who believes that from a moral point of view, there's no justification for eating animals, and I should become a vegetarian. CMV." +There is little to no difference between Cadet programs and Child soldiers in Africa. CMV +I believe Schools do not have the purpose to raise kids. CMV. +"I believe that the word ""deserve"" represents an awful concept and should never be used. CMV." +"Since we will all die, I believe we should be able to choose the time and manner of our own death. CMV." +Africans have lower IQ. CMV +I think that deleting your Reddit account just because your SO know your username is a redflag CMV +I believe the conventional wedding of today's standards is the most harmful way to start a marriage. CMV +We need to psychologically castrate everybody CMV +I believe giving to the homeless occasionally is better for me than it is bad for them. CMV. +I believe government is unjust and Anarchy is the only way one can have their freedoms protected. CMV. +"CMV: It's hypocritical to say children can't engage in sex, but then allow them (and possibly even push them) to change their gender." +NOBODY has total freedom of speech... and they shouldn't want to. CMV +"In 2014 I earned $47k and paid over 20% of that income in taxes. I'm overtaxed, CMV." +"I think the Windows key on my keyboard is completely useless, CMV!" +"I am in favour of marriage equality, however i believe that marriage equality also includes the right to polygamy. CMV." +"I don't think that an individual's assertion of his or her ""gender identity"" warrants any special credence or respect. CMV." +"The benefit I get, or might get, from voting is not worth the time it takes me, individually, to do it. CMV" +I believe Kellogg's should be hated for his founder's actions. CMV +I believe that all soldiers are heroes. [CMV] +"""If men want to avoid being tricked into fatherhood, they shouldn't have sex with a woman they don't trust"" - this popular statement seems like victim-blaming to me. CMV" +Posting the result of a major sporting event within seconds of completion means you are a dick. CMV. +The minimum wage should be DECREASED cmv. +Ludology is a useless area of research and anyone who calls themselves a ludologist is either delusional or wasting their time. Please CMV. +A capybara would make a great house pet. CMV +CMV the purpose of society is not to provide a good quality of life for all individuals +The strive for knowledge has been shattered by the public education system. CMV. +"This whole ""warrior"" mentality regarding American soldiers not only is bullshit, but, a naive and ultimately dangerous way of thinking. CMV Also, this ""Wounded Warrior"" project of seeking private donations to help injured servicemen/women is a disgrace to the country. CMV" +"CMV: ""Pride"" (Gay Pride, National Pride, School Pride; take your pick) is detrimental to the betterment of society." +It wouldn't be appropriate to automatically strike a young boy who tries to kiss me. CMV +"I think CP should be decriminalized (at least partially), and punishing people for accessing certain information deemed immoral does not serve the public interest. CMV." +Having reproductive organs doesn't give you the right to breed. Reproduction should be regulated. CMV +CMV: Professional sports are completely trivial and people have no right to get as emotionally invested as they do. +"I think democracy should be open to more criticism; when the majority votes for something, it is not automatically the best outcome for society. CMV" +CMV: I think that guns should be banned. +Early term abortions should be permitted because any woman who wants an abortion is able to induce a miscarriage easily (and unsafely!!!) using household herbal ingredients? CMV +"I think that we should teach formal logic to very young kids in elementary schools before any math, or perhaps concurrently with elementary math. CMV." +"I believe that, due to our evolutionary history, we, as a species, cannot help but do things such as discriminate and ostracize others CMV." +I believe internet based friendship is juvenile CMV. +I think seniors/people on wellfare should be limited in the use of public transport during rushhour CMV +I think that far too much compensation and leeway is given in the workplace to both pregnant women and those women who have young children. CMV. +I believe that skepticism is the only reliable way to determine truth. CMV +I think people on reddit are unreasonably hostile to business interests. CMV. +CMV: Anti-bully campaigns are detrimental to fixing the problem +I think that the new Superman/Batman movie is terribly cast and there is no way that it could be any good. CMV +"CMV: I believe ""baby boomers"" had it incredibly easy and we (20-30 year olds) are now suffering as a result of their mistakes/advantage taking." +I believe that terrorism is still a relevant threat to America and the security measures in place are wholly necessary. CMV +I can't help but dislike rich kids for no reason other than the fact they are well-off. CMV. +"Amway,Vector,Vemma,Herbalife, and all companies alike should be illegal and are morally wrong. CMV" +"I don't think road salt should be used, or at least not nearly as much as it is. As much as 30 tons per lane per mile can be used. CMV." +The only thing the Tea Party stands for is a false since of victimization. CMV +"Those who think faith in Jesus is necessary for salvation are cowards. I think their beliefs are sincere, but that they are held as a matter of fear and self-interest. CMV." +I think conspiracy theorists are paranoid people trying to find one (or more) villain(s) for their persecution fantasies. CMV. +"Sin taxes are immoral. In a free country, the goods a person buys should have no impact on the taxes they pay. CMV" +I strongly support Israel and recognize their political right to have settlements there. CMV +I think marijuana dealers do not deserve any sympathy or rescinded sentences. CMV +"I think a lot of criticisms of ""popular opinions"" on Reddit are circlejerks of confirmation bias and victimization complex. CMV" +"I believe that generally until you have tried something yourself, you have no right to judge it. CMV" +"I believe in vaccinations for children and things like polio, but I personally do not think I should get a flu vaccine every year. CMV" +I don't believe love is necessary or sufficient for marriage - CMV +I think people who dismiss the entire genre of hip hop are probably racist. CMV +I think college is highly overrated and that the people of my country (USA) don't have their priorities in order. CMV +"the term ""grammar nazi"" is offensive, and counterproductive. CMV." +"Either homosexuality is a clinically diagnosable disorder, gays are accepted in society and it does not cause distress to the individual, pedophilia is a sexual orientation, or DSM diagnostic criteria must exclude sexual orientation CMV." +I believe that abortion should be illegal if the mother willingly and knowingly engaged in the sexual activity that created the child. CMV. +I am in love with someone who's not my husband. I think this means the end of my marriage. CMV +I believe that those with mental illnesses should not be allowed to own firearms CMV +I think forcing public school students to over-discuss diversity is counter productive and encourages discrimination in this era. CMV +Gambler's Fallacy still hold's credibility when dealing with statistics. CMV. +True altruism is impossible. CMV +Humans are at risk for an idiocracy-type future due to inevitable consequences of evolution. CMV +I think the generation of entitlement isn't real CMV. +Conceiving a child is always unethical because positive and negative morality are asymmetric. CMV. +"I think Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, like homosexuality, and should not be subject to forced ""treatment"" when diagnosed. CMV" +"I appreciate the value of spending more for quality (eg /r/buyitforlife) and I have three watches I alternate daily, but I think luxury watches are a ridiculous waste of money, CMV" +I think that reading fiction and watching the movie adaptation of that book are equal. CMV +"I think its immoral to be able to let people suffer because they can't afford medical insurance, but I also think its immoral to force people to pay for other's insurance. CMV" +I support having a disproportionately large amount of the U.S. federal budget being dedicated to military/defense spending. CMV +I believe that ownership is a meaningless and unhelpful concept. CMV +I think that teachers should have students discover information instead of handing it to them. CMV. +I think that the Boy Scouts of America contradict their own oath and morals by refusing to tolerate atheists and homosexuals. CMV +Taking pro-choice a bit(a lot?) further CMV +"The main character of ""Death Note,"" Light Yagami, is a textbook villain, not an anti-hero. CMV." +I believe it is okay to lie in certain situations. CMV +"I believe that people who think they are entitled to express views counter to their company's are justified in being fired. And anyone that disagrees with that is either self entitled, or a moron. CMV" +"""No"" doesn't always mean ""No"". CMV." +CMV I think that randomly selecting our political representatives would be a superior system of democracy. +I think the GOP is stuck on the wrong side of history. CMV. +I believe the USA should split into smaller countries. CMV +I believe that pirating e-books is not much different than borrowing books from the public library. CMV +CMV: I think the wage gap is due to each gender's decisions rather than overt sexism. +"I genuinely hate America, CMV. (I'll try to keep this as non circle-jerky as possible)" +"I don't feel proud of anything- my country, language, culture, believes. CMV" +"I believe that it is fully possible for me to support womens' right to choose abortion, while at the same time prefering to only have romantic relationships with women who would NOT make that choice. -CMV?" +"I truly believe that a young child should be cared for by their parent and not a daycare, CMV" +"I believe that curling is not a legitimate sport, and should be removed from the Olympics. CMV." +Reddit's voting system discourages dissent CMV +I think its stupid to put all of our effort into anti-cyber bullying when the simple solution is to turn the computer off. CMV. +Chaos theory is a cop out. CMV +You should not go to college until you are ready to declare your major. CMV +CMV: Abortion is fucked up +CMV that bitcoin is a flash in the pan and in 5 years we will all laugh at the people who used them. +I hate most rap/hip-hop music and I don't think it's really music. CMV +"Cyclists are fully entitled to share the road with motor vehicles, but they should be held accountable for all traffic violations committed when on public roads. CMV" +Gender policing serves no useful purpose in today's society. CMV +I've suffered from cancer and don't think it's morally right for me to reproduce because of it. CMV. +"People who have suffered from CLEARLY treatment-resistant depression for a long period of time should have the right to commit suicide, CMV" +CMV: We have no free will and everything that happens could be represented by a mathematical function. +I'm opposed to putting pets down when they're old and sick. CMV +The Selective Service System is a waste of money. CMV (United States) +"I'm a bleeding heart vegan, and I want to start carrying a concealed weapon. CMV." +CMV Why does humane treatment matter for animals destined for slaughter? +"Neckbeard is just another way to say ""Nerd"" without losing ""nerd cred."" CMV" +"I believe that people who receive government assistance should be banned from the purchase of alcohol, tobacco and other ""sin"" items CMV." +"If it is acceptable to teach your children to be religious, then it is acceptable to teach them to be racist. CMV" +Rape culture in European Universities is a myth CMV +"CMV: I think ""person of color"" is no better a term to describe a human than any other 'politically correct' term..." +I think watching the SuperBowl is a colossal waste of time. CMV +Tipping is supposed to be voluntary and for exceptional customer service. Expecting or mandating tipping is rude and detrimental to customers and employees alike. CMV +i believe that women who would end a relationship if their partner asked for a paternity test are cheaters or potential cheaters. CMV. +CMV: I think that transsexuality should be treated as a mental illness. +"I think parts of black culture are degenerate and, when taken as a whole, is inferior to mainstream culture. CMV" +I see no reason why the notion that killing is immoral because it deprives people of future life shouldn't also apply to not yet existing people as well. CMV. +"CMV: The ""Knockout Game"" phenomenon is nothing more than a moral panic resulting from poor journalism, and will likely result in copycats attempting to replicate a fictitious narrative" +"I believe that in competitive gaming, there is no such thing as ""cheap"", ""lame"", or ""unfair"" strategies, and that you should do what you can to win. CMV" +"I feel that relationships, in a long enough timeline, inevitably bring heartbreak and misery. Marriage, and finding your One True Love is an unrealistic Status Quo. CMV. Please." +"I believe ""nice guys"" are more sexist than jerks who emotionally manipulate women. CMV" +I believe that abortion should be 100% legal. CMV +"I think the word ""queer"" should be considered offensive CMV" +I don't want abortion to be safe; CMV. +"I don't think high schools should have ""required graduation credits"" such as foreign language or certain maths. CMV." +"If you consider yourself ""pro-science,"" then you should be for multiple types of governments. CMV" +I do not think it is sexist or chauvinistic of me to expect my wife to handle the housework as long as I am the only one with a job. CMV +"I don't believe that those inflicted with cancer are brave in any sense, simply unfortunate. please, CMV." +I believe there is no good reason - other than vanity and narcissism - that an infertile couple should opt for IVF over adoption. Please CMV. +"I believe infantile circumcision is wrong in almost all cases, and hence should be illegal. CMV" +CMV: I think female tennis players should have to play 5 sets in Grand Slams. +I have an irrational fear of guns and don't ever want to touch one. CMV +I think that the only diffrence between a relationship and friends is sex. CMV +"I do not think it ever okay for my husband to drive high (or after smoking) because of the possible shit storm that would rain down on us, were it to happened he gets pulled over. CMV" +"I believe racism towards white people does exist, not as ""reverse racism"" but simply as racism. Please, CMV." +CMV: I think a rapist should know if he contracted an STD from his victims. +"I think that ""I was just following orders"" is a perfectly valid reason for a person to be pardoned in a war tribunal scenario. CMV" +Women playing in Mens' sports leagues is sexist. CMV +I believe every school should have multiple armed guards. CMV. +I believe the European niqab ban is ridiculous and should be scrapped. CMV +"I think that current gen/modern consoles and videogames are much better than older (retro) systems, and that anyone who says otherwise is just a hipster. CMV" +CMV: I think Ignorance of the Law Should be a Valid Defence +I don't think Israel has any grounds for being a country other than religious reasons. CMV. +"I believe extra time for those students with ""learning difficulties"" is absurd and should be banned. CMV" +I believe that hitting your children is a good form of punishment when they do something wrong. CMV +I believe that woman should stay in the kitchen and take care of the children while the men work.CMV +"I believe that if you don't believe in contraceptives because they are not natural, then you should also not believe in infertility treatments. CMV" +Employees and employers are not a team in a meaningful sense of the word and 'teamspeak' is used by employers to manipulate employees. CMV. +I do not think the objectification of women is a bad thing. CMV +There is absolutely no reason to make my bed if nobody else is coming over. CMV +"Life ends so quickly and we're expected to get it right first time, so there's really no point in living. CMV." +I believe suicide should be legal CMV +I think forcing kids to read classic novels in high school is counterproductive and turns people off reading again in the future. CMV. +"I don't think everyone should be able to vote and think that a test should be required, CMV." +"I think the accepting of having psychological illnesses is harmful. For example someone who says ""I have adhd,"" is only adding the harm to themselves, CMV." +CMV Gay rights are a media circus to distract liberals from environmentalism and financial reforms. +"I think that Edward Snowden can get a fair trial in the US, CMV" +i do not accept the existence of any sort of god(s) and think religion (Christianity in this case) has caused far more harm and evil then good CMV +CMV - Growing income inequality in the US and maybe other countries is mainly the result of increased globalization +[CMV] I see no problem with the whaling going on the Faroe Islands. +"Anti-rural bigotry is the only thing preventing widescale adoption of the word ""y'all"". CMV" +I don't believe straight women really love men. CMV. +"CMV - I believe in Jury Nullification in that not only is a person on trial, but also the law that's being used against that person in that instance." +"I believe ""thug"" is the 21st Century way to say N****R. CMV." +I believe tips should be limited to delivery drivers and wait staff at restaurants. CMV +I think White Privilege trumps Cis-Male Privilege. CMV +"I think it's hypocritical, in a world where smoking is legal, that wearing your seatbelt is a law. CMV." +"Exclusive religions - mainly monotheistic ones - are bad for society because they see others as ignorant instead of just different, CMV" +Columbus discovered America. CMV +I believe that people who didn't use protection and who caught HIV/AIDS were playing with fire and should not receive as much sympathy as people are inclined to give. CMV. +I don't believe charitable donations should be tax-free. CMV +I love Google. CMV. +I think Hillary Clinton should not be the next US President. CMV. +I believe convenience fees are merely bullshit and should be downright illegal. CMV +I believe that censoring profanities on the radio and on television is pointless. CMV +I think inheritance is immoral and should be scrapped or severely restricted. CMV +I believe that drag performers are participating in the equivalent of blackface/minstrel shows for transgender individuals. CMV. +"I think labelling racist, fascist, violent, nationalistic groups as politically ""Far Right"" is an unjustified calculated smear on the actual political right wing. CMV." +I believe the majority of 'good' photography is a combination of good equipment and being at the right place at the right time. CMV +I believe the age of consent is arbitrary. CMV +Dead people have no rights. CMV. +I don't think i should go to college. Please CMV. +Schooling should be non - compulsory. CMV. +"I believe that, as an able-bodied American woman, in the event of a war, I should have just as much chance at being drafted as a man. CMV" +I don't see anything wrong with a man being a stay at home Dad. CMV +"Organ donoring should be opt-out, not opt-in. CMV" +I believe that a minor should have parental consent or at least parental knowledge before having an abortion. CMV +"I hate that my country can, in principle, send me to fight for something I don't believe in and, with uncomfortably high probability, ruin my life. CMV" +I can't see any health benefits to changing my diet CMV +I think that today's popular music is made for musically illiterate people who don't realize how repetitive and shallow it is. CMV +There is no valid reason for laws that prohibit the purchase of liquor between certain hours or on specific days. CMV. +I really don't think that receiving lewd/creepy messages on social media/dating sights is as horrifying as women make it out to be. CMV. +"I met a girl who I was attracted to almost instantly, both physically and emotionally. I have just found out she is very religious (I'm atheist), and this has devastated me. CMV on the situation?" +The criticism of the Japanese dolphin hunt by the United States is hypocritical and ridiculous. CMV +I believe the general good mannered etiquette/politeness found in the retail and customer service industry is mostly disingenuous and unnecessary CMV +Canada & the United States will never see any real revolution. CMV +I believe to buy a gun one must receive a license by taken a written and field exam similar to that of obtaining a driver's license. CMV +The JC Penney's fair pricing failure shows consumers do not make rational market choices. CMV +I believe that all private insurance is essentially gambling and should be discouraged. CMV +I think the NCAA preventing players from being paid is a form of collusion that would not be tolerated in any other industry. CMV +I currently don't believe in universal healthcare. CMV. +CMV - I believe sex specific schools would greatly improve students grades and schooling. +"I believe that TRP is the social equivalent of fascism, and that while some TRPers may not be politically far-right, TRP should be regarded as a far-right ideology. CMV." +"CMV: Make Me Love Math... Or, At Least Algebra. Signed, A Nerdy High School Guy Who Feels Less Smart Because Of His Hatred For Equations." +I believe that ANY material that causes us to be more wary of oppression is important. CMV. +Simply living in a first world country should not warrant innate gratitude. CMV +"I recently discovered that the way I have come to view the world is through the eyes of a nihilist, please, CMV." +I think that the United States should not have dropped the Atomic Bombs on Japan. CMV. +"I think Elder Scrolls Online's subscription based policy is terrible, and people should boycott Zenimax; CMV." +I believe that there should be a form of affirmative action for academics that is based on (conservative) political views CMV +Texting is no more dangerous than most other distracted driving actions. Passing laws that specifically and exclusively ban texting while driving is asinine [cmv] +"I believe that in order to help combat poor parenting that is raising a generation of self-entitled assholes, a year of mandatory federal service should be imposed on all 18 year olds. CMV" +I believe that affirmative action when applying to college is inherently racist. CMV. +"Cyclists belong on the road, CMV" +I think a woman touching a guy's butt/chest is as inappropriate as it'd be vice versa. CMV. +I believe that sales are a better judge of music's quality than any critic. CMV +I do not think Richard Sherman's interview was bad. I think it was entertaining and more players should be like that. CMV +I think that the civilian who shot the robber in this video was unjustified in his actions. CMV. +"I believe women and girl are completely justified in hating men and boys, and arguably should. CMV." +I find the moral questions about eating meat funny. Please CMV. +I believe that prison gang members harm rehabilitation objectives and should be dealt with differently. Please CMV +I think prostitution is fundamentally exploitative and wrong. CMV. +I think talking about a rape victim's circumstances is productive for examining how to lower the risk of rape. CMV. +the 2nd amendment is outdated and should be done away with. CMV +I believe that loyalty to people (such as friends or partners) or sports teams is irrational. CMV. +"I think there is no problem having vending machines in high schools. In fact, I think it's a great idea. CMV" +"I went from stocking shelves in a grocery store to programmer in < 1 year, so I believe that the minimum wage is just fine and people would rather complain than put in effort. CMV." +I have no faith in humanity and believe it is doomed to destroy itself or bring destruction to the universe. CMV. +It makes sence for schools and media to be hetero normative since most of the population is hetero. CMV +I believe facial hair should be allowed in schools. CMV. +CMV I think monetary punishment should be scaled to your income level. +I think that there is nothing wrong with governments keeping an eye on their citizens (e.g. the NSA). CMV. +"Arguments that laws that make people more safe (DUI laws, Statutory Rape etc) also make people more free are intellectually dishonest. CMV." +I think that eliminating net neutrality would be fine. CMV +I think political satire is dangerous in that it generalizes politics and arguments instead of actually debating them. CMV. +"Assuming you support trans* rights, there's no reason not to also support Otherkin and BIID. CMV." +I believe law enforcement officials should be held to a higher standard than ordinary citizens. CMV +CMV - There is no good reason to use Steam OS. +"""Proper grammar"" is unimportant. CMV" +I don't think that evolution while on earth can explain how we are here now... CMV +"Modern society and laws exist without consent because of a lack of alternative scenarios in which one can live self-sufficiently without assimilating, this makes us all at least temporary and limited slaves at one point in our lives, thereby making modern society unjust CMV." +"CMV - ""Hard Drugs"" Should Never be Legal." +I am an American who thinks American Football is uninteresting and tedious. CMV +"I believe that a lot of people in general are ignorant of art, and they would learn to enjoy it if they put some thought into it. CMV." +I have no empathy or sympathy for people who kill or seriously injure themselves while partaking in a crime or other illegal conduct. CMV +"I believe the value of a human life is infinitely higher than that of an animal, and humans and animals ought to be compared. CMV." +"I believe that piracy, ignoring any effect that it may have on developers/producers/etc, ultimately detracts from society. CMV" +"Unless I urinate on my hand(s) [not to imply that I often do], I don't feel it's necessary to wash my hands. CMV." +I think the US should follow the Chinese example and use the military for more public works projects and to build/maintain roads. [CMV] +I believe that men (and women) who masturbate to porn while they are in monogamous relationships should feel guilt. CMV +"I believe we should abolish the letter C, CMV." +The Shawshank Redemption is a mediocre film. CMV. +I own a male kitten and have yet to get him fixed. CMV +I believe raising the minimum wage will ultimately end up hurting the working poor. CMV. +"What constitutes cinematography needs to be divided into two categories (""classic"" and ""digital"") for the purposes of competitions/awards. CMV." +I don't see what's wrong about Social Darwinism. CMV +I believe that there is no logical argument for the protection of endangered species unless they significantly contribute to the ecosystem. CMV +I think its wrong to lie about being a virgin in order to obtain a marriage. CMV +I don't think gun control is effective in any meaningful way. CMV +"I think that the fake realities within video games, books, and TV shows are more interesting than actual reality CMV" +"If libraries did not exist in the US, any proposal to create a free, publicly funded, book rental entity would crushed by publisher lobbyists. CMV" +"Fox News is the Conservative equivalent of any other Liberal ""Mainstream Media"" news outlets: they are all equally biased towards their own political interpretation of events thus will spin stories through the filter of that bias. [CMV]" +"I believe /r/circlejerk has become what it pretends to mock, and a poisonous force for silencing discourse besides. CMV." +I see nothing wrong or immoral with having to pay for healthcare. CMV +[META] How to make a good argument and be more persuasive +"I feel like the focus on dressing ""appropriately"" or something similar to mitigate sexual assault and rape doesn't address the issue correctly because it attacks causality instead of culpability. CMV." +I think marriage is completely pointless beyond the who 'no pre-marital sex' thing. CMV +I find the Harry Potter books/films to be inaccessible and uninteresting. CMV +"The feminist community inflates what I consider to be trivial needs of trans* people, CMV" +I believe that people who back or even tacitly accept the NSA's program of spying on every American are themselves unworthy of living in the US of A and should be stripped of their citizenship and deported immediately. CMV +I've never used a search engine that isn't Google (like Yahoo or Bing) and see no reason to. CMV +"I believe the firefighting is the manliest, most heroic and most respectable profession, CMV" +"League of Legends (or DOTA2) are shitty, practically skill-less games of memorization and shitty people, CMV." +I don't think that people tried and acquited of sexual assault or rape have any especial right to keep it secret that they were accused. CMV +I think lesser of J.K. Rowling as an author for vindicating and making a hero out of Severus Snape. CMV +I believe the numbers on the analog clock face are in the wrong positions. CMV. +I believe that if the people have a right to privacy so should the government. CMV +I think mandating paid maternity leave is an absurd concept. CMV? +I believe that Edward Snowden is a traitor. CMV +When watching the paralympics i came to the realisation that a huge amount of people who claim they cannot work because of disability are wrong. CMV +A person is not entirely responsible for their obesity. CMV. +"I do not believe that ""umami,"" the supposed fifth taste, exists. CMV" +I don't think texting while driving is necessarily dangerous. CMV +"I believe that, in general, rap music requires significantly less talent to make than most other genres. CMV" +I believe that in the United States any peaceful protest is guaranteed to cause no effective change in governmental policy. CMV +Life has no significant meaning. CMV +"I believe that we have far more to fear from unchecked private interests than we do our current government, however corruptible. CMV" +"I am a man who believes women should be treated as equals. r/theredpill, r/mensrights, and r/seduction, CMV." +I believe that businesses should never be publicly traded. CMV +I believe some sort of mass uprising or march on Washington is the only plausible solution to wealth / income inequality in the US. CMV! +"I believe, in the right context and with the right audience, anything is OK to joke about. CMV." +"I believe that mankind is inherently vindictive, greedy, selfish, and solitary. CMV." +I think that the friend zone is exploitation of the man. CMV +American football is only as popular as it is because it is in broadcasters' financial interest to keep the sport extremely popular. CMV +I believe murder is justifiable if there are no possible negative effects on society. CMV +I think Skyfall was a highly overrated movie and had a very bad plot. CMV. +I don't think it's ever acceptable to donate to animal charities/shelters. CMV. +"I am morally unable to accept marijuana, CMV" +I believe that Moral Relativism leaves one with no moral justification for punishing rape or murder. CMV +Banning assault rifles does little but take freedoms from law-abiders while making it easier for some future despot or criminal element to frighten the populace. CMV. +CMV: The Twin-Nested Hierarchy requires circular logic to conclude that it is evidence of Universal Common Descent +I believe the best starting Pokemon was Squirtle. (Of the original 3) CMV +"There is no such thing as a ""waste of time"" - CMV" +Our society puts too much emphasis on work. CMV +"I think backlit keyboards are foolish, and most of the people who use them are foolish as well. CMV" +I believe that Feminism is outdated in the United States-CMV. +"I believe that we should have a 'Reverse Boot Camp' when veterans return from active duty, in order to better transition them back into society. CMV" +I think that people who eat Asian food with chopsticks in Western countries do that to show off. CMV +"Tattoos Are For The Spectators, Not For The Canvas. CMV" +I believe that only boys should serve as ball fetchers in tennis games. CMV +I think mothers who intentionally gave birth without drugs did it for ego/bragging rights CMV. +I honestly don't think kids should learn more than basic arithmetic such as adding and multiplying etc. unless they plan to become mathematicians. CMV? +CMV:vegetarians are a poor mans vegan +"I believe that we can change american school's by allowing students to evaulate their teachers, CMV" +I believe male circumcision is NOT genital mutilation +"I feel like education should be an option instead of a requirement, CMV." +"I believe that regardless of circumstances, nobody should ever be denied a job because of their religious attire. CMV" +"I think that belief in God, the afterlife, and religion in general is nothing more than a coping mechanism. CMV." +I think Boba Fett from the Star Wars movies is a talentless hack that doesn't deserve half the praise he gets. CMV +"for practical reasons governments can't ban bitcoin, even if they wanted to. CMV" +I think the stigma on smartphones in the classroom should be lifted. CMV +I believe the 1947 Partition between India and Pakistan (and Bangladesh) shouldn't have happened. CMV. +"I believe school administrations have no business interfering with student activities, particularly with respect to fraternities and sororities, when they aren't detrimental to people who aren't participating. CMV" +I think that banning downvote brigades from ShitRedditSays is actively harmful to this site. CMV +I believe humans do not have to worry about the suffering of other animals when it comes to animal testing or food because we are human and they are not. CMV. +"I feel that the European Union is inherently a good thing, and believe that all countries with Union should unite and become a sovereign nation, similar to the USA, please CMV" +Art should not be taught in schools. CMV +State and municipal governments shouldn't be allowed to give subsidies/incentives to corporations CMV +Society has become so desensitized to drunk and buzzed driving that it has become a perfectly acceptable activity. CMV +Polyglots (people who can masterfully speak multiple languages) are useless and will be completely irrelevant in 20 years CMV +"CMV: X-Men First Class, while on the surface a superhero parable about minority experience, was surprisingly racist and misogynistic." +I believe that technocracy is the best form of government. CMV. +I think American cities are the most visually attractive and photogenic cities in the world. [CMV] +"I believe NFL players should be allowed to sign a waiver forfeiting their right to sue in the event of long term brain damage, allowing them to compete immediately following an in-game concussion. CMV." +"I believe abortion should only be allowed in cases of threat to a woman's life (including suicide), or if the foetus has a fatal foetal abnormality. CMV." +"I believe that, in marriage, any arrangement other than 'all money is our money' is completely unfair and unjustified, CMV." +Why shouldn't being transgendered (GID) be viewed as a mental disorder like BIID or Xenomelia. And why should it to be up for politicians to decide rather than medical professionals? CMV +I believe that adding Representatives to the House is long overdue and should be one of the top priorities of Congress. CMV +CMV: I think that people who are for a continuation of the war on drugs should also be for reintroducing alcohol prohibition +"I believe that ""alternative medicines"" and treatments are useless. CMV" +If campaigns and their funding trick voters into voting for someone they wouldn't normally vote for then we must assume that all forms of advertising and their funding trick consumers into buying products and services they normally wouldn't buy. CMV. +US Politics: I believe that all the politics that you and I observe is simply kabuki theater. CMV. +I've only heard good things about LSD and i really want to try it. CMV +I can't see why the US is not changing it's health care system. CMV. +I think it's a terrible idea to attempt communications with extraterrestrials yet. CMV +I do not think trans-sexuality should be part of the gay rights movement. CMV. +"I believe that the idea of a ""patriarchy"" is detrimental to society. CMV." +"I think psychology is not a real science, and there for useless as a specialty, CMV." +I don't think men should be forced to pay child support for a baby they didn't intend to create. CMV +I like laughtracks. CMV. +"It's not unethical to kill an animal for food, if done humanly. CMV" +I think Men are smarter than women (on average). CMV +CMV Government programs that discriminate on income are unconstitutional +It should be okay to ask a person's income or tell your own income as long as you don't equate income with one's value as a person. CMV. +"I think the society is getting oversensitive with sexism, racism, etc and that's bad. CMV" +Smogon should not be considered an official rulebook for Pokemon battling. CMV +I think the US/Imperial system of measurement is superior to the metric system for ordinary use. CMV. +I think teachers make more than enough money. CMV. +I think the United States should stop interfering with Other Countries. CMV +Schools should bill parents whose children behave violently proportional to the degree of violence committed on campus. CMV +"In the US today, you cannot protect your rights from being infringed upon by the government with guns. CMV" +I think Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed and it will ultimately collapse. CMV +Macklemore is a technically unimpressive rapper. CMV. +"I believe that the term ""Social Justice"" is intellectually dishonest CMV" +I believe after a functional age humans should be killed. CMV +"I believe that the rest of the world, especially the USA, should normalise relations with, and lift all sanctions against North Korea. CMV." +[META] Should there be restrictions on repeat topic submissions? +I believe that facilities like Guantanamo Bay should continue to exist and the state should be able to deny terrorists any human rights. CMV +Public schools should not offer sports or athletic programs to students at all. CMV +CMV: I see nothing wrong with the idea of socialism. +"I don't trust Dropbox, Cloud, and other online storage services. CMV." +"I believe that if you are not an expert in a field, you should form your beliefs based on the consensus and common beliefs of experts in that field. This applies to global warming, GMOs, and even social ideas like institutional oppression, patriarchy and privilege. CMV." +"I believe that the term ""Coming Out"" is completely ok to use for any situation where admitting information to people you care about is likely to be met with hostility and anguish, not just homosexuality CMV" +I think that the only rational and logical stance on the abortion issue is pro-life. CMV. +I believe that human beings were not meant to be monogamous. CMV. +"I'm a vegan ready to be an omnivore again, but my morals are getting in the way. Convince me, CMV." +I don't think it ever makes sense to get angry. CMV +"I am a liberal who is in strong support of the death penalty. In a non-religious way, CMV." +"I don't think that people deserve the day off, or excuses from school because of religion. CMV." +"I feel that victim blaming is not inherently flawed, but can be used inappropriately in situations where it harms the victim more than it helps them prevent themselves being victims again in the future. CMV" +"I don't want to have children because I believe they will stand in the way of my goals and dreams, CMV." +I do not think that religion should be taught/catered for in any school system around the world. CMV. +"I think that breast feeding in public is a good idea that should not be controversial, even for very conservative people CMV" +I think that a codified ('written') constitution is a bad thing. CMV. +[CMV] When a fat girl calls a normal looking girl or guy 'bony' I think its b/c she has an agenda to change the perception for the good of fat people. +I believe EU member states should continue to integrate until we create a United States of Europe CMV. +"I believe colonizing other planets and/or moons is inevitable for the survival of our species, and we should greatly focus on funding this. CMV" +I believe there is nothing immature about adults playing video games. CMV +"I believe that female EMT's, fire fighters, police etc. Should be held to the exact same fitness standards as men. CMV" +I believe NYC Mayor de Blasio's plan to ban horse drawn carriages is misguided and overreaching CMV +I think gay marriage should be legalized. CMV +I believe that Communism is not as bad as everyone says. CMV +CMV: I feel that an education in the arts prohibits creativity in whatever craft is studied. +CMV: I have never seen plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons that I think improved someone. +I think that we should imply 'survival of the fittest' more often. CMV +I believe copyright and patent law should be completely abolished. CMV. +I don't believe being told to smile is offensive. CMV +I believe abortion cannot be morally justified. CMV. +I think that marginal income taxes are fair. CMV +"I don't think anyone should drink alcohol, especially not before their mid 20's, CMV." +"Reddit, am I a mysogynist or sexist? Help me, I don't understand - CMV if necessary." +I fear that kindness and selfless acts may not be worth the investment. CMV. +I think most men that complain about feminists on reddit are losers. CMV +"I am pro-choice on the grounds that no human being should have control of their body taken from them, no matter what the circumstances. CMV" +Consciousness and life itself transcend the human body to a certain extent. The Ship of Theseus is the same ship before and after. CMV +I think products that intentionally deceive such as homeopathic 'medicine' should be illegal. CMV +"CMV: Low-wage employers don't increase the burden on taxpayers, they decrease it." +I believe the people who eat meat should be willing to take part in the killing of the animal that provides the meat. CMV +I believe that Dennis Rodman should be labeled an Enemy of the State and potentially be put on trial for treasonous acts. CMV. +"In general, life sucks. Please, CMV" +I think you be required to do community service if you want to keep unemployment insurance after 99 weeks. CMV +I think nudity should be more accepted and not as taboo or viewed as negatively as it is . CMV +"I don't think homeless people should be allowed to have pets, it's selfish and irresponsible. CMV" +I think Hitchens was a alcoholic with bad friends. CMV +I believe that the price .99 should be eradicated and instead we pay a round value. CMV. +"There should be an expedited, low-debt educational path from nurse practitioner to medical doctor. CMV" +Moderators undermine democracy on reddit. CMV +"I believe that we live in a police state, where we are occupied by those who are supposed to protect us. CMV" +I believe that criminals/offenders from a less-privileged background should be given shorter sentences for their crimes than what is pre-set in the system. CMV. +I believe that it is unreasonable to take pride in anything but one's own personal accomplishments. CMV +People should be permitted to keep any trash they like. CMV. +I think the flu shot is a marketing scam and has no basis in science or health. CMV +I think knowingly falsely accusing someone of rape is worse than raping someone. CMV +The American Civil war was caused by slavery. CMV +American Football is a badly designed sport that is boring to watch. Pretty much every other popular sport is way better. CMV +I'm scared of the possibility of 3D printed guns becoming something big. CMV. +"The oral tradition of mythology, and the surrounding celebrations is something that has no secular equivalent. CMV." +"I think the ""if it's open it grows"" image in the /r/changemyview sidebar (only on a comments page) is quite creepy. CMV" +"I think a lot of stereotypes are based on truth, CMV." +I do not believe that pleasing shareholders should be the priority of a company. CMV +"I think that a true anarchy is unsustainable, as much like in communism it is human nature to have rules and a power structure. CMV" +I think that people who are transgendered have a mental disorder. CMV. +I believe that atheists should not attempt to spread atheism. CMV +"I think that in the US, the second amendment is outdated but this doesn't mean we should ban guns. CMV" +I believe that climate change is largely caused by human activities. CMV +CMV: I think the downvote function on reddit is a problem. It stifles conversation and creates both a sounding board for popular views and a hostile environment for unpopular or even new views. +I believe universal public healthcare (no private health sector) is the only morally justifiable system. CMV +"I don't think it's bad that many people don't vote, because it means the votes of those who are informed and committed count for more. CMV" +"I believe short loan sites like Wonga are completely ok and do not do anything wrong. I think the critics are unfair, and just haven't thought about it. CMV" +Feminism does more harm than good and should be replaced by humanism. CMV +I don't think anyone can predict what the world will be like in 50 years due to the rapid and unexpected way technology changes. CMV. +"CMV I believe that AR style rifles are no more dangerous than any other type of gun and I believe that anyone who supports gun control geared towards ""assault weapons"" is uneducated on the issue" +"Arguments for homosexuality can be used to support incest, so for pro-gay advocates to be internally consistent with their own reasoning, they should support incest CMV" +"I believe that liberalism/leftism has led to the decline of the family as an institution, an atomized society, and generally less trust between the sexes CMV" +"I believe that the British Monarchy should not exist in the modern world. It should not be idolized, allowed to consult British government, or have any form of power. CMV" +The militarization of the police is a good thing. CMV +"I believe Ayn Rand had many fantastic concepts, CMV." +"There is no difference between ""human"" and ""nature."" Our entire civilization seems built around deluding ourselves into thinking we aren't animals CMV" +"Abortion Should Be Illegal, CMV." +I don't believe that in-vitro fertilization or any other kind of scientific circumvention of infertility should be legal. CMV +I belive that while women should be free to breastfeed in public they should need to be discrete and have guidelines to follow CMV +I don't think the average person really needs to learn coding despite there is a lot of support/pressure for it. CMV. +"I believe judging other sports fans on how ""good"" of a fan they are is utterly pretentious and self-important. CMV" +I believe that everyone is secretly a cyborg other than me CMV +"The Arts and seniors are useless to society. CMV, I beg of you." +"I believe that just because someone ""Can't do better"" does not disallow their right to criticize. CMV" +"I believe that computer science should replace religious studies in the UK education system, CMV." +The universe is all a big nothing and nothing we do is ever going to matter in the grand scheme. CMV. please. +The United States should pursue an active expansionist policy. CMV +I don't see what's particularly wrong with bestiality. CMV. +I think that spectator sports like Football are overrated compared to other activities. CMV! +I believe public smoking should be banned. CMV. +I think that smoking weed is harmful to your physical and mental health. CMV +"Worrying about one's social standing, and by extension, being ""Forever Alone"" is inherently selfish. CMV" +"I believe that any non-ending video game can be ""solved"" based on the fact it is a finite logic problem written by a finite number of people. CMV" +I believe that equality is an illogical goal for society. CMV +People who have a stable lives who have mentally and physically sound children live more fulfilling lives than people who choose material or non-family centric lifestyle CMV (mostly looking for opinions from parents) +I believe that viewing pornography is unethical and most who view it are hypocritical. CMV +The only musical genre that I don't like any examples of that I have heard is dubstep. CMV +I wish to kill myself CMV +"If I say something that you don't believe, you should Google it, not me. CMV" +The Role of Judas in the Bible Dismantles the Belief in a Loving Christian God. CMV. +"I believe that in the 70s and 80s, Apple Computer Co. was revolutionary. However, now they are just overpriced, shiny machines with a few bells and whistles. CMV." +"I think its OK to pee in the shower, and should no be discouraged at a young age, CMV." +I believe that there is literally no reason to believe in any of the traditional religions of humanity. CMV. +I don't think we should really care what the original writers of a constitution thought. CMV +"I think humankind is essentially cancer, and the world would be better off without people. CMV." +Twitter is a platform for people who are trying to score shallow social recognition... CMV +I don't believe the lives of children and women should be put before the lives of men. CMV +I feel that the majority of arguments offered by people on CMV and any forum of debate in general exist in an imaginary abstract space with little application to the real world and are thus mostly a waste of time. CMV. +"I really don't care for endangered species of animals (Tigers, Condors, etc) CMV" +I believe a business school education is worthless if you've never worked anywhere else. CMV +I believe that there is nothing wrong with the NSA spying. CMV +I can't help but feel that the United States has only made the world a worse place to live since the 1950's. CMV! +Marijuana Should Remain Illegal Based on Its Negative Health Effects. CMV. +Making leaps of faith is morally wrong. CMV +"Comparing children raised by homosexual parents to children raised by ""traditional"" heterosexual parents is not a fair study. CMV" +I don't believe that women should be held to a lesser physical standard when it comes to jobs such as the military and firefighting. CMV. +GMO hysteria is to the left what climate change denialism is to the right. CMV +"Women who go to night clubs and meet men to sleep around are b*tches, CMV." +"I believe that nihilism is the only rational worldview, and all rational philosophical positions must begin from nihilism. CMV" +"I believe that all relationships stem from social prominence, CMV!" +I believe in psychological egoism. CMV? +I don't think that any religious or anti-religious beliefs are ever absolute. CMV +I believe there is no aferlife. CMV. +It is better to have herbal treatment and acupuncture than modern medicine. Please CMV. +"I believe that if the US is justified in placing an excise tax on cigarettes, then there should be an excise tax on high-calorie foods like chocolate cake. CMV" +CMV: Teachers are fairly paid. +I think Feminism is a form of slave morality. CMV. +"With far fewer resources and teaching hours, we could educate children to much higher standards by focusing almost exclusively on critical and creative thinking, instead of forgettable facts, CMV" +I believe we should never under any circumstances judge people.Every action is always good? CMV ! +"The penalty for what Snowden did should be ONE year in prison; enough so it's a sacrifice and people won't do it lightly, but not so much it destroys lives or discourages real whistle-blowing. CMV" +I believe that in the USA offering more welfare as a presidential candidate is equate to buying votes and thus people on welfare should not vote. CMV +"Demands to fix inequality is just a kinder way of wanting a bigger, high taxing government. CMV" +I think that the whole self-driving car technology is overhyped and that there are a number of much more important aspects of automobile innovation that we should be focusing on first. CMV +I think infertile parents who use surrogates to have children instead of adopting are selfish and driven by egotism. CMV +I believe it should be punishable by law and strictly enforced to smoke or drink while pregnant. Attempt to CMV. +I'm scared of dying. CMV +"I believe that on November 22, 1963, the US Government staged a coup d'etat, replacing President John F. Kennedy with Lyndon B. Johnson and used Lee Harvey Oswald as the scapegoat. CMV" +I think everyone who uses or cannot resist drugs/alcohol/tobacco... is weak and has no willpower. CMV. +"I believe that its far too easy to be a teacher, and that teachers should be masters of their fields. CMV" +I believe that the Christian concept of faith or damnation is ignorant and hateful. CMV +I believe that cyberbullying isn't a real form of bullying. CMV? +I don't have much sympathy for girls (or boys) who decide to go to parties full of strangers and drugs and then are shocked when they are sexually assaulted. I don't like having this opinion - CMV please. +"I believe using the article ""an"" before a word starting with a pronounced ""h"" is silly. CMV" +"I am starting to believe ""white"" people, as a group, build better societies for human living, and in this respect, are superior in some significant way to other races. CMV please." +There is no element of the human experience that anyone reading this knows nothing about. CMV. +I believe that sex with animals is equivalent to the molestation of infants or the profoundly handicapped. Either both are permissible or neither is. CMV +I believe gypsies are bad for Europe and should not be welcomed in other countries. CMV +CMV on abortion: I believe that the pro-choice argument trivialises a matter of life or death by turning the issue into an argument about convenience. +I believe there is more to some crop circles than can be explained by bored college students. CMV +I don't think promiscuity is a bad thing. CMV. +"I believe that if God was as humble and caring as most Christians would say, he wouldn't wish for so much worship. CMV" +"I have proof my ex girlfriend is faking a marriage for military benefits, and I'm thinking of turning her in. She really screwed me over. Cmv." +I believe the reason for the toxic community of League of Legends is because of the matchmaking system. CMV. +"Given the option to draft either a QB with elite passing AND elite running skills or a QB with elite passing skills ONLY, NFL teams should almost always draft the QB with elite passing skills only. CMV" +I don't believe it is acceptable to attack the person that your SO cheated on you with. CMV +[CMV] Killing people based on actions they have done or traits they have +I think that videogame piracy (and piracy in general) would be vastly rarer in a society without poverty. CMV. +Labor should not be treated like good/commodities. CMV +I feel no respect for people who expose their full nudity online or in public. CMV +"Human happiness occurs EXCLUSIVELY when your life is getting better, not when your life is good. CMV." +I think there is a possibility in the existence of a god. CMV +I think smartphone cases are dumb and useless CMV +I think that the replacement of human workers with machines is going to be a net detriment to human civilization. CMV +"I just read about Roko's Basilisk and it's left me feeling...unsettled, as if it could actually happen. CMV." +I don't think singing takes talent or deserves the praise it gets. CMV +I believe that Marijuana is a completely harmless substance and its legalization will literally fix all of the problems in the world. CMV +I believe this burgeoning anti-SRS movement Reddit has is just an excuse for users to continue to speak and spread their own sexist and/or racist views. CMV +CMV I don't believe evolution or creation needs to be taught in High school or Junior high +I think there is no such thing as a bad cook. There is only somebody too lazy to read directions. CMV +I believe that moral relativism is a completely untenable position in rational terms and furthermore that it is extremely detrimental to general human wellbeing. CMV +I believe that the rabbit in the Trix commercials should be allowed to eat Trix cereal. CMV. +Equal Opportunity Vs. Equal Outcomes. CMV +"I believe that ""feminism"" is no better than ""nationalism"", ""supremacism"" or ""racism"" in that it furthers a single groups agenda over that of others." +"I believe that ""Anti-Discrimination"" policies on college campuses have become little more than tools cynically used by the far-left to maintain intellectual hegemony and silence dissenting views CMV" +CMV: A crime with no direct victim shouldn't be punished more harshly than a crime which directly affects someone else. +Handicap tags are too accessible CMV +I don't believe clothing stores should be made to stick plus sizes CMV. +"I believe certain college majors are a waste of time, CMV" +I do not think that lives of children are more precious than lives of adults especially when it is about numbers. CMV +"The US Prison System Is Too Harsh, and Only Creates Problems, Therefore the US Should Introduce Some European/Canadian Style Reforms For Its Prison and Criminal Justice System. CMV" +"I believe crime dramas have been used to normalise mass surveillance, privacy breaches and police acting outside the law. CMV" +I believe that living together before marriage is necessary. CMV. +"This is gonna sound pretty pathetic, but I think that women have too much power in the social plane. CMV" +I believe anyone who claims to speak with God/spirits/ghosts should be treated as having a mental illness CMV. +I believe that contemporary pop culture is composed mainly of utter garbage. CMV +I believe that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are not inherently harmful to eat. CMV +"Because of its size, the US has the most diverse natural scenery in the world. CMV." +I believe transexuality is a mental disorder. CMV. +"I think if a minor breaks the law off campus the school should not be able to take disciplinary action, regardless of whether or not the police are involved. CMV" +Reddit on mobile is far superior to the actual website. CMV. +I never had a girlfriend ever and I don't think I ever will because of my hearing loss/difficulties. CMV. +'Fat shaming' is okay. CMV. +I think obesity is an outward sign of poor self-discipline CMV. +I can't think of a good reason why Scotland shouldn't go independent. CMV +I Am Beginning to Think That Parliamentary Democracy May Be Superior to Presidential Democracy. CMV +I believe that High Fructose Corn Syrup should be banned. CMV. +"Reddit telling a woman not to travel alone in India, and their association of India with rape, is racism. CMV." +I currently plan on voting Conservative in the next Canadian federal election. CMV! +I think that it's morally wrong for parents to raise their children with their personal religious/philosophical beliefs. CMV. +"I don't believe the media shapes culture, i believe our culture shapes media. CMV." +I don't think a Jewish state needs to exist CMV +"The term ""Caucasian"" is racist, CMV." +I believe the popular vote is better to the electoral college CMV +"I think property tax should be attached to the owner and not the property, CMV" +"I don't respect sex workers such as porn stars or escorts, CMV" +I think that most atheists are actually religious. CMV. +"I believe Iran only wants nuclear capabilities to keep us (USA) from screwing with them, and know it would be suicide to actually use it. Thus, I think they should build a nuke. CMV." +I believe that there is nothing wrong with holding a grudge. CMV +I believe that saying racist and gay slurs jokingly is wrong. CMV +I believe capitalism is a harmful and Totalitarian system cmv +I do not believe in an empirically provable afterlife. CMV +Frozen is a horribly mediocre Disney film. CMV +People are plain ignorant and brainwashed if they are not willing to listen to conspiracy theories. CMV +I believe sales taxes greater than or equal to 250% are theft. CMV. +Abortion is socially-accepted killing. Where human life begins is a moot point. CMV +These are the 5 predictions of the future that will come true. CMV. +I believe there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting a SO to discard a gift from an ex. CMV +I believe that Christmas should not be a national holiday in the United States. CMV +Basketball is a poorly designed sport and is not fun to watch. CMV +"Same-sex couples discount from a photography place. I call it discrimination, she calls it affirmative action. CMV please." +Women are the inferior gender : CMV +I view the functionally mentally disabled with both anger and disgust. CMV of the functionally mentally disabled. +"I believe that crimes that have no victim besides ""society"" or ""increased risk of harming"" are inherently wrong and are part of an oppressive society in which freedom is permissive, instead of assumptively permitted in the absence of an obvious victim CMV" +I believe humans have no obligation to save endangered animals. CMV +Prostitution MUST remain starkly illegal in any civilized country that cares for its citizens. CMV +"I don't believe prison should be about rehabilitation, CMV" +"Although I'm an Atheist, I believe religion to be an overall positive thing for a society. CMV" +I think music hipsters are self-absorbed hypocrites. CMV. +I don't think Republicans contribute anything positive to American politics. CMV. +I think choosing to be vegetarian or vegan solely for health reasons is not very rational. CMV. +Laws that legalize preferential treatment for politically popular groups like gays are themselves discriminatory and degrade the quality of life for less popular disenfranchised groups that also deserve the same treatment like the short ugly and stupid since they aren't given the same advantages CMV +I believe vegans and vegetarians who choose their diets for ethical reasons rather than simple taste or health reasons are irrational and misinformed. CMV. +"I believe that if you don't believe in the afterlife, there is no logical reason against committing suicide. CMV" +I despise pro-Marijuana advocates. CMV. +"I believe that people who say ""Why don't you just let your child believe in Santa?"" are essentially no different from people who say ""Why don't you just believe in [my deity]?"" CMV." +College courses should never include participation or attendance in their grading rubrics. CMV. +I believe that all highways should be privatised. CMV +I am not interested in dating a girl that is not a virgin. I encourage you to CMV. +"The pervasive surveillance present in modern society is gradually leading us into a dystopian culture of Orwellian proportions, where being prosecuted for thought-crime is a real possibility and privacy is a myth. This is the path to oppression. CMV." +"America's best days are ahead, not behind CMV." +"We should treat alcohol like sex: don't force teenagers to abstain, but teach them to use it in a safe way. CMV." +CMV the societal worth of human life is measured by earned income +"A united world (""A world order"") isn't as bad as people believe it to be. CMV" +I believe that Christmas (and other holidays) is a waste of time and money. CMV +"I think that outside of a select few protections, government intervention in the way companies run their own businesses is wrong. CMV" +I believe the whole world should follow the Christian view of marriage and relationships. CMV +[CMV] I think waiters/waitresses and others attendants should be paid the minimum wage and tipping should not be a social requirement. +I believe the video game community is toxic because video games by their nature attract toxic people. CMV +I believe that folks without proven financial parenting capacity should not be allowed to have more than two children. CMV. +I believe that plea bargains are immoral. CMV +The founding fathers were libertarians. CMV +"If you oppose gay marriage, you oppose the principles of America, cmv." +I believe that uproar against fat shaming encourages an unhealthy lifestyle. CMV. +Libertarianism is the future of America. CMV +"There is a strong incentive to discriminate against gays and blacks in hiring for small businesses, and in some cases women & religious. CMV" +A&E has the right and is in the right to suspend Phil Robertson. CMV +"I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with how women are portrayed in magazines (photoshopped, etc) and I don't believe it's even an issue... CMV." +I believe that most wedding expenses are about conspicuous consumerism and romanticizing the event in young women's minds so to leverage that against their parents money. CMV. +"There's no evidence for free will, so there's no reason to believe it exists. CMV" +"I believe the American public school system is terrible, CMV." +I believe that the human race is going to be mostly exterminated within my lifetime CMV +I believe world peace is an achievable long-term goal. CMV +"WIMP was the last big improvement in computers, and we haven't done much since then. CMV" +I am an ardent Communist and believe in violent revolution on a global scale CMV +"If more feminists openly disavowed radicals, then people wouldn't be so quick to label the entire movement as akin to a hate group. CMV" +All Drugs (even cocaine) should be available without a prescription. CMV +A man or woman has the moral right to refuse to do anything he or she chooses. CMV +"I believe surprise military homecomings are little more than propaganda, and are intended to solicit support for the armed forces, and inevitably their wars. CMV" +CMV that there are no stupid questions +"I believe that in general and biologically speaking, men are better than women. CMV." +I believe a duodecimal (base-12) over our decimal (base-10) number system would make mathematics simpler. CMV. +I think the Kalam Cosmological Argument is overblown. CMV. +I don't think cats should be allowed to roam freely outdoors. CMV +"CMV I believe that the term ''Islamaphobia"" is a phrase used to supress criticism of Islam, legitamate or not." +CMV - The official 9/11 narrative is bogus (specifics in text field) +Equal Rights groups are self-destructive in nature and typically create more harm than good for their cause. CMV +I believe that self defense courses geared at women create a false sense of security. CMV +An unsettling majority of Americans have no idea what freedom of speech means. CMV. +"I think generalizing about ""reddit"" as if it is a communal entity with general consensus is counterproductive. CMV" +"I believe 'reddit' is not nearly as progressive or logical as it likes to believe, and it is in fact fairly racist, sexist, and islamophobic. CMV." +I disagree that a currency (like Bitcoins) should exist that is not tied to a country or group of countries. CMV +I Believe That High Schoolers (Mainly 16 and Up) Are Babied Far Too Much. CMV +I believe that vaccines might cause autism. I am suspicious of the lack of studies done here in the US between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated. CMV +"I believe the most ""scientific"" stance in Religion is agnosticism. CMV" +"Here's a new one: I think it's possible the Earth was a quarter its current size 200 million years ago, CMV." +I don't see any reason besides money or past sexual abuse for someone to become a pornstar. CMV. +"As an atheist, I believe that I and others should NOT be offended by Christmas-themed presentations on public ground. CMV" +I believe that artificial or man made items are a subset of nature and not separate from nature. CMV +"I think the state is an institution of evil that is as a whole guilty of rape, murder, and theft on institutional scales. CMV." +"I don't believe that children should be subjected the the lives and homes of child support paying, non-custodial parents. CMV" +"The idea of ""uploading your brain"" to a computer is unrealistic. CMV" +"I think the ""Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Consequences"" is a strange/poor argument. CMV!" +"An omniscient God has known who will go to hell or heaven since the beginning of the universe. Ergo, a human living life is redundant and all humans should be sent to hell or heaven at the point of inception by an omniscient God. CMV" +I honestly don't get the brony fandom. CMV +"I believe that redefining the word ""racism"" to mean only that kind of prejudice which is the majority oppressing the minority serves no other purpose than to win a manipulative game of a semantics using the negative connotation of the word ""racism."" (CMV)" +CMV: Why should i care if i get tapped by a company such as NSA if i dont have anything to hide? +I believe that human nature is fundamentally unchangeable and we will continue repeating history until we are either wiped out by nature or self-destruct through military technology. CMV. +"I think Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, isn't that good, and nostalgia blindness has led to it becoming one of the most overrated games of all time. CMV" +I believe college degrees are no longer an indication of cognitive ability and GPAs are routinely inflated. CMV +I believe there was nothing wrong with how 4chan and /mensrights acted in the Occidental College anonymous rape report form incident. CMV +There is no point in voting because one vote never makes a difference. CMV. +"After reading Phil Robertson's GQ interview, I honestly don't believe his comments were ""anti-gay."" CMV" +"The advent of the technological singularity will include a widespread automation of unskilled labor, forcing the unemployment of much of the workforce. In the time before tools like nanotech replication become available, those effected will have no recourse. CMV" +CMV: I think the psychological aspects of addiction being an 'a disease' is BS. Rather it is a matter of self-control. +I don't believe that gender is anything more than a reference to stereotypes. CMV. +"I think Handel's ""Messiah"" is a complete waste of two hours, CMV." +I believe people who force ambulances to slow down should be fined by an automated system. CMV +"Unless money is involved, it's completely pointless for websites to require you to make a password that is a certain length, containing numbers etc. CMV" +"SRS and the Reddit Fempire cannot possibly be considered a legitimate forum for discussion while banning users based on sex, political views, participation in other subreddits, etc. CMV." +I believe that it is morally wrong to put lethal weapons on drones and any other future (or present) non-human soldiers. CMV +CMV I think that needing to specify a different gender identity than your sex is pointless +I believe that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible. CMV. +I do not believe that Eli Manning is a Hall of Fame QB. CMV. +"I believe that, if you have a solid, caring, supportive family that you love and that loves you, you don't need friends or a significant other. CMV." +I believe internet piracy is morally wrong and the reddit hivemind on this issue is ridiculous. CMV +"I see no problem with giving my personal information to Google, other web services and even government intelligence agencies. CMV" +Affirmative action is a valuable tool for increasing campus diversity at colleges and universities and benefits the entire student body. CMV! +I believe that romantic love and friendship are little more than distractions from important issues in the world. CMV. +I believe that climate denial is nothing short of hate speech. CMV +"I believe that (at least on Reddit) the Feminist and Men's rights movements have been corrupted by an accusatory, Us v. Them mentality that needs to change in the interests of Gender Equality. CMV." +Trash talking in online video games is fine CMV +I think that the laws liberals create to try to help the poor in America are statistically and morally wrong. CMV. +I think selfies are incredibly vain and off-putting. CMV +I believe that life in prison without the possibility of parole is a worse punishment than a death sentence. CMV. +I want to be cryopreserved if I die. CMV. +"I do NOT want to have a wedding, despite my family's (and his family's) wishes. CMV." +I believe that life is pointless. We have civilised ourselves to the point where we commit suicide and that shouldn't (and wouldn't) happen in a non- civilised community. We're living for nothing but misery. CMV +"I think euthanasia, even in the worst circumstances, is fundamentally morally mistaken. CMV." +I don't care whether the NSA/USA/UK are spying on my emails/browsing history or whatever CMV +CMV I believe organizations like the NSA are a force for good and a major reason why the U.S. has not experienced major terrorist threats since 9/11. +School is really inefficient and the value of a university degree is baffling CMV +"I believe that Christmas only serves one purpose: to keep us buying stuff, fueling the capitalist machine. CMV." +I think the whole Indian diplomatic crisis is ridiculous. CMV. +I am OK with judging people. CMV. +I Believe Unions Are Useless CMV +I believe that it's wrong to espouse any ideology. CMV +"I believe seat belt laws violate our liberty in a fundamental way, CMV" +"I believe we should come up with an ""abortion device"" so ONLY the pregnant woman can terminate the pregnancy herself. CMV." +I believe Computer Science is a poorly named major. CMV +"I do not think the ""Affluenza"" teen should serve jail time. CMV." +"I believe that naming your child something odd, different, or ""unique"" will make their life more difficult than a ""normal"" name CMV" +"I do not think access to health care is a ""human right"". CMV." +I think hating cops is just as bad as being racist. CMV +"Now that Indian SC has re-criminalized gay sex because it is 'against the order of nature', it should also criminalize 'man-made' things like video games, automobiles, and yes, RELIGION, because animals don't do all that. CMV, a semi-open minded request to those who feel its a great verdict..." +I am pregnant and feel absolutely no love or desire for this child. CMV +"I don't think nuclear power can ever be safe, given the toxicity and half-life of its byproducts. CMV." +Philosophy is an useless field of study and has no bearing in the real world; CMV +"I believe that the splintering into special interest groups(Feminism, LGBT etc...) is harmful to the movement for Equality for all. CMV" +"I find it unethical to shop at thrift shops like Goodwill or the Salvation Army when you aren't in financial need, since they operate on donations. CMV" +I do not believe complaining about advertisements is justified when free content is provided. CMV +I believe creating and using counterfeit money is a victimless crime. CMV. +I believe that men who get involved in circumcision debates are always influenced by the state of their own penis. CMV. +I believe demonizing porn and masturbation does more harm than porn and masturbation. CMV +"The ""War On Christmas"" does not exist. Period. CMV" +Any belief system that includes the fundamental belief that theft is morally wrong is incompatible with a belief that taxes are right. CMV +I believe creationism and/or Intelligent Design should be discussed alongside evolution in high school biology classes. CMV. +"I believe that there is nothing immoral about lolicon (drawn child pornography, mainly in anime and manga) and should be legal in any country that values basic human rights. CMV." +"CMV: In America, ""gay rights"" is a misnomer." +"When someone under 18 commits a crime, charging them as an adult is hypocritical. CMV" +Diversity in the hard sciences should neither be encouraged nor discouraged CMV +Youtube commercials and the advertising around it are fucking annoying. CMV. +I believe the Heisman Trophy to be a greater achievement than an Olympic gold medal. CMV. +I believe land ownership should be required to vote in the states. CMV +"I believe that ""power + prejudice"" is just a definition that people use to try to justify their own racism/sexism. CMV." +"Men and women aren't similarly situated during pregnancy and therefore a man cannot ""financially abort"" a fetus. CMV." +I am a latino who looks white and is often more seen as white than hispanic. I do not believe that I experience white privilege because of my latin roots. CMV. +"I think if you believe we are living in ""end times"" then you shouldn't be considered a legitimate candidate for office. CMV" +Turkey should not be considered a part of Europe. CMV +"I believe that a person can only be straight, bi, or gay (three sexual orientaions) and that any person who is otherwise wants to be considered ""special"" CMV" +I don't believe black holes exist. CMV +I believe the circumcision of infants is not only medically unnecessary but also morally and ethically wrong. CMV +"I do not believe that the raising of children should be seen as an innate right, CMV" +"I think the private copying levy, where it exists, is morally a permission to pirate as much content as I want. CMV." +"I don't care that most women find the gaming community to be an ""All boys club"" and think that it's not my problem and women should just grow thicker skin. CMV." +"My mom wants to buy a $300 ring for herself and I think it's selfish. Please, please, PLEASE CMV." +I think the only way the United States can survive as a functioning country into the future is through MAJOR reform to almost every aspect. CMV +Current crop of gun control measures are ineffective and counterproductive. CMV +"I believe neoliberalism, as the dominant political economy regime of the last 35 years, is responsible for a great deal of the inequality and decreasing social mobility in the USA and the world today. CMV" +I think that a simple solution to cyberbullying is blocking bullies or simply powering down the device. CMV +I'm scared that technology can kill human nature / I fear the singularity. CMV (help ease my fears) +I hate the fact I like fanfiction. CMV +I believe that most Muslims will always view gay male relationships as immoral. CMV. +"I think that the promotion of ""hands on"" learning in science education actually has harmful effects on society as a whole. CMV" +"I think schools should remove or replace band and choir classes, CMV" +CMV: I believe that (a) all police officers on the street should have to wear some sort of video recording device and would lean towards extending that mandate to (b) plain clothes detectives needing to have an audio recording device on them for all interactions with the public. +"I think reposts on Reddit are actually good for the website, and complaining about them is a waste of time. CMV." +"Patents are, in just about every way, an inferior means of supporting innovation compared to direct funding, CMV." +"Football is too dangerous to be a recreational sport for minors, CMV" +"As an atheist born to generations of Jewish followers, I believe that you can't say I'm technically Jewish (anymore than an ""Atheist Christian is technically still Christian) without using inherently religious beliefs in you argument. CMV." +I believe that belief in a God is equivalent in terms of evidence to almost any fictional character e.g. the tooth fairy CMV +"CMV: I think people who don't get the flu shot are either misinformed, stupid, or downright assholes (except of course those with medical reasons)." +"Rockwell's ""Somebody's Watching Me"" is the best one-hit-wonder of all time. CMV" +I think video games turns people decadent CMV +"I don't think that the average person has any need to carry a gun, CMV." +I don't believe men should have the right to abandon their child. CMV. +"I believe that ""privilege"" is something that can only be meaningfully assessed in individuals and not groups CMV" +Wives of extremely wealthy men should expect to be cheated on and deserve no sympathy when it happens no matter how good of wives they are. CMV +CMV: I believe that charities are bad +I believe life has no intrinsic value and therefore suicide or death shouldn't be a big deal. CMV +"As someone Diagnosed with Apsergers Syndrome, Social Anxiety and Depression I think that self medicating with Alcohol is a viable option to live a decent life CMV" +"I think that after all the innocent killed by US air strikes and other attacks, the most dangerous terrorist group nowadays is the US army themselves. CMV." +[STAR WARS SPOILERS] The emperor's death in Return of the Jedi was entirely his own fault. CMV +Technology is making it more difficult for us to develop robust interpersonal relationships with one another. CMV +A 19 year old college student may lose limbs after being left on porch for hours in the freezing cold 'following a night drinking.' I don't feel bad for her. CMV. +Schools should implement comprehensive sex education and hand out free condoms. CMV. +I think Ethan Couch should have been sent to jail. CMV. +If you are campaigning for president and explicitly lie about a topic publicly and you win the presidency you should be impeached and possibly removed from office. CMV +"I think the Men's Rights Movement is just an excuse to talk shit about feminists, and doesn't do anything to actually help men. CMV." +"CMV: I don't think that SNL ""needs"" to hire performers of any particular race/gender" +I believe sports scholarships and exorbitant coach salaries are a complete waste of funds and should be illegal. CMV. +I believe that Free Will is an entirely incoherent concept. CMV. +I believe that alternative education formats like Khan Academy deserve full academic credentials and should be capable of granting credit for work accomplished. CMV +Quantum physics is phlogiston of our age. CMV +I believe spying on foreign governments helps to avoid excesses by said governments. Please CMV. +I don't think people in prison should get access to free college classes while law-abiding citizens go into debt to get an education. CMV. +I believe that no country should have its own army. Rather there should be an International army. CMV +I believe that religion is detrimental to society. CMV +I don't like it when something I like becomes popular. CMV +"I think the so-called ""War on Christmas,"" is utterly absurd. CMV." +"I believe that women are attracted to powerful men, and this is a significant cause of violence, exploitation, etc. in the world. CMV." +I believe that shaving with commercial razors (e.g. Gillette Fusion) is better than with safety razors. CMV. +I believe that the NSA does not have ulterior motives in the running of its Surveillance Program - CMV +I believe that the United States should offer a pathway to citizenship for current undocumented immigrants. CMV +The filibuster should be taken out of US Congress. CMV. +"CMV Sexual relationships should not be assumed to be monogamous, and sex does not mean anything more serious" +We should abolish the current school system and replace it with specialized schools for specific career paths. CMV +Cocaine should be legal. CMV +I believe it is better to use the Oxford comma than to leave it out. CMV. +"I believe a person who openly speaks about not caring for the less fortunate and someone who advocates for the poor in discussions, but does nothing more to be morally equal, CMV!" +I belive cars shouldn't be made to go faster than 65mph. CMV +I believe Pope Francis is not a deserving recipient for Time's Person of The Year. CMV. +"I believe anonymity is good for kids, CMV" +"I don't believe DRM for video games should ever exist, CMV. [Revised Version]" +Bloodline marriage is in the exact situation as gay marriage. CMV. +I think that almost all movie reviews are pointless and in many cases biased. CMV. +I believe that homework doesn't help students learn or understand a subject. CMV. +I believe that the NSA collecting and monitoring data on US citizens is not that big of a deal. CMV +Nothing that can't be empirically verified should be held as a belief. CMV. +Obama is being hypocritical and condescending: the American Government Does Not Tolerate Dissent. CMV +CMV; I think tatto's are rather stupid. +I think electric cars are superior to traditional gas-powered vehicles. CMV. +CMV I believe affirmative action should be based on wealth not race +Police officers are disgustingly overpaid CMV +I believe that a cop that kills someone should face an official tribunal to determine if the killing was justified CMV +I think logic developed for the purpose of convincing others CMV +I believe that Mother Teresa was a bad person and should not be positively recognized or remembered. CMV. +I believe the world is better off on the whole than it ever has been. CMV +CMV: I Believe That I Should be Able to Hold a Person's Opinion Against Them +"I believe that breeding animals in such a way as to promote unhealthy traits is equivalent to animal cruelty, CMV." +I believe many racial stereotypes are true. Examples: Black people are better at sports than every other race and Asians are better at math than other races. CMV +I believe Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme. CMV +"I believe we should be governed by specifically trained scientists, CMV" +"""Consciousness"" must arise solely from the brain. CMV" +"Indian guy here, I feel Gandhi is given too much importance and limelight today, in a systematic attempt to delete historical importances of other freedom fighters, and raise his status to an unnecessarily saintly level for benefits of obviously related people. CMV." +I think my house is haunted: CMV +"I think that the recent movement in favor of a $15 minimum wage in the US is a great idea, CMV." +I don't believe cigarettes cause cancer. CMV +I think that Homosexuality is a result of that person's environment. CMV +I'm beginning to think that free will is impossible. CMV +CMV to be fat is to be lazy and/or lack self control. +I believe it is drastically harder for a skinny person to gain weight than it is for a fat person to lose weight. CMV +The USA should drop the charges against Edward Snowden. CMV +"Corporal punishment is a lazy and ineffective method of discipline, and parents who use it as their primary method are abusive. CMV" +Capitalism is a failing economic system in America. CMV +"Even if my privacy is being violated by the NSA, it doesn't matter because my personal information will almost certainly never be looked at. CMV." +"I believe any product, whether physical or software, should be open source. CMV" +"I believe that american use of chemical weapons in Vietnam is perfectly justified, CMV" +I believe that people who complain about gaming DLC are just complaining for the sake of complaining. CMV +"I believe that despite having devastating consequences, austerity measures are the only solution for struggling European economies, Portugal in particular. Please CMV." +I think most western countries (the US & EU) have only little to no culture left. CMV +I believe that Australia should become a republic. CMV +I do not believe genders beyond male and female exist and I believe people who say they are something else are doing it to be different or rebellious. CMV. +I believe that Yoga pants are unattractive because of the lack of effort they exemplify as well as their impracticality. CMV. +I don't believe bisexuality is an actual orientation. CMV. +"Everything that happens is either predetermined, random, or a mixture of both, therefore the very concept of a free will is impossible in our universe. CMV" +if there is a Christian (Catholic) God; he cruel. CMV +I think that the social acceptance of alcohol is sickening given the fact that it's more detrimental to your health than marijuana. CMV. +I think parents don't love their children equally. CMV +I feel like our current political system is a corrupt managed democracy that is past the point of no return and nothing short of mass dissolution/revolution can fix it. CMV. +I believe that it is selfish to have children when one considers what is in store for the world. CMV. +"I believe depression is self-inflicted, you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and need to do exactly that. CMV." +"People who call themselves ""agnostics"" don't understand the term, CMV." +"Although I am technically a racist, I do not consider this to be a problem. CMV." +"I believe that debate over abortion eventually comes down to whether a fetus is a person or not, cmv." +"I believe that despite good intentions, Sea Shepherd's actions are no different than ocean piracy and the Japanese would be justified using deadly force in self defense. CMV" +"In a crowded, urban environment, umbrellas are inefficient and rude. Buy a goddamn slicker with a hood. CMV" +"I believe smartwatches now are the palm PCs of the late 90s, CMV" +I believe people need to be banned from eating meat. CMV. +"CMV, I don't believe there is real wage gap between men and women." +"I firmly believe fascism is far left, not far right, CMV" +CMV I believe that the Federal Reserve has been history's greatest fraud from it's conception and needs to be abolished +I don't believe that I should be forced do help the poor just because their alive. CMV +"I think university level testing should not be timed, at penalty to the test taker. CMV" +I think that it makes more sense that Adam came from Eve. CMV. +"It's unnecessary selfish to kill animals for meat, CMV." +"I think the world is becoming shallower, in particular youth culture. CMV" +I think that presenting gay marriage as a human rights issue is disingenuous. CMV +I think men and women should seek out inter-racial relationships first (at least in the US). CMV +"I don't see the problem with ""cherry-picking"" your views CMV" +"I think the penalties for simple, avoidable mistakes while driving should be more harsh. CMV" +I believe that abortion is only morally permissible if the mother's life is in immediate danger. I believe that it should be criminal in any other circumstance. CMV +I believe that Pope Francis's focus on love over judgement will significantly decrease the number of practicing Catholics. CMV. +I think people that eat pizza with a knife and a fork are scum. CMV +I only tip Waiters and Barbers. CMV +Since 1960 the most charismatic candidate has won every presidential general election. CMV. +I believe the taboo surrounding paedophilia needs to stop. CMV +I do not believe in the 1969 American Moon Landing CMV +CMV: I think it is ridiculous for one ethnic group to be indebted to another based on the actions of people who've been dead for hundreds of years. +Job elimination is a good thing. CMV. +CMV: For all the people that believe in Free Market...how is the end game not a hopelessly deadlocked monopoly. +"There is no special destiny for humanity, and we will all die on this rock. CMV" +"I don't believe in having a ""soul"". CMV!" +"If the min. wage goes up, I feel most others should receive equal raises as well. CMV" +I don't see what's so rewarding about having children. CMV. +I believe that virgin shaming and the culture of it is more harmful than slut shaming. CMV +CMV: I think Japan is culturally fucked in the head +CMV: I think America is failing and that living here is a mistake. +The US needs to upgrade its passenger rail system. CMV. +Any argument in favor of space exploration is even more valid for exploring Earth's oceans. CMV +CMV: I believe that revenge is a form of justice. +"As a woman, I have less respect for women who do not return to work after having a baby than I do for those who do. CMV." +"I believe that colleges and universities should only offer degrees in classic fields, and that everything else should be taught through on-the-job training. CMV" +"I think religious people are incapable of logical thought, CMV" +I think that going to vote is a waste of time. CMV. +I believe free solo climbing is just incredibly foolish and the people who do it do not appreciate life as much as they should. CMV +I think Bitcoins will never be a widespread consumer currency that rivals traditional money. CMV +Tacit consent is philosphically illegitimate. CMV +"You say you're for equality but I don't think you quite understand what that means, CMV" +"I think prostitution should be legal, CMV?" +"Rape culture doesn't exist, it's just a combination of other bad parts about society. CMV" +The only people who really understand political decisions are educated economists and political scientists. The rest of us are voting on rhetorics and good looks. CMV +"Grammar nazis are important, as they prevent our language from becoming confusing and diverging in unwanted ways CMV." +I think the Paleo diet is ridiculous. CMV +I think the US deserved 9/11 CMV +"I believe that Paul Walker is being unfairly treated as a really good guy, CMV" +I believe that global vegetarianism/veganism is both economically impossible and ecologically irresponsible. CMV +"CMV: Free market/ open market Capitalism is very dangerous. As companies buyout competitors, more and more of what we use will be owned by fewer and fewer." +"I believe that if Wal-Mart started paying their employees 15 dollars an hour, 95% of those employees would be out of a job in 6 months. CMV" +"Desktops and laptops are not going away anytime soon, despite fewer sales. CMV." +The state is illegitimate because it incorrectly assumes that organizations can give rights to individuals that no automomous individual posseses. CMV +"I don't care about the environment. The human race is going extinct, it's just a matter of time, and it's not going to happen within my lifetime. CMV" +I believe that people opposed to abortion on the grounds that fetuses count as people are morally obligated to resort to terrorism. CMV. +I believe closed note testing is unnecessary and unrealistic. (CMV) +I believe mental illnesses arise from first world lifestyles. CMV +I believe english should be the official language of the US. CMV. +I'm a nihilist PLEASE CMV. +Capital Punishment Needs to be Abolished. CMV +"I believe that requiring students to ""show their work"" on basic algebra problems serves no purpose and is essentially accusing the student of cheating. CMV." +If I was raped or sexually assaulted I probably wouldn't report it... Care to CMV? +CMV: I believe that the United States was in WW2 to protect the rights of all people to life and liberty. +I am an IT Professional with 11+ years of experience - I think Bachelor's Degrees are a waste of time for me. CMV. +I don't think only blacks should be allowed to use the N word. CMV +"I support abortion rights, but the ""woman's right to her own body"" argument I usually hear is the wrong argument to make. CMV" +I think the Pledge of Allegiance is propaganda at its finest. CMV +CMV: i see taxation as theft +I don't think that certain jokes necessarily trivialize rape and I don't think rape culture exists. CMV. +Literally all superstition is a result of fear. CMV. +A believe art is highly overvalued. CMV +I believe racism is all but dead in modern America CMV +I think that Indian mascots/logos are offensive and should not be allowed. CMV +I feel that the argument about homosexuality being found in nature does not apply to the topic (though I support gay marriage). CMV. +The secularization of Christmas is as much cultural appropriation as anything. CMV +CMV: From a graphic design standpoint Reddit is one of the ugliest websites ever made. +"I believe that introverted guys, especially those who work a lot or study a lot with little to no dating/sex experience in their 20s, will never end up dating a cute, outgoing, socially extroverted girl. CMV" +"In any situation where it's ok to hit a wimpy guy it's also ok to hit a girl, and society disagrees. CMV" +I believe that the moral and political decay in the west has been directly caused by the demonization and fall of religion in the West. CMV +I do not believe in free will. CMV +"CMV: Fascism might actually be a logical progression from democracy, and the Italian futurists were right." +"I believe I should not stay friends with someone who purposefully upsets me, even if that friendship is valuable. CMV" +I believe that politicians should not receive a salary nor monetary compensation of any other kind. CMV. +Third generation feminists have yet to do much good/much of anything important and a significant portion have been detrimental to equality. CMV +I Think That Bitcoin Is Unsustainable and Will Fall Precipitously. CMV +I think that /r/TheRedPill has some good points and is onto something. I feel terrible about this CMV? +"""Nothing matters but we matter to each other""-- this seems irrefutable to me and from this it can be inferred that Kim Kardashian has more epistemological value than other 'higher quality' people, CMV" +If you kill someone you should receive the death penalty. CMV +I believe government should force speed limiters on all sold cars. CMV. +"If the Twin Towers had been brought down by explosives, there would be near universal outcry amongst demo experts and engineers CMV" +I don't believe taking a human life is inherently wrong. CMV +I don't believe any country that prohibits free egress has the right to its own sovereignty. CMV +America would've been better off with a Millet system than a State system. CMV +"""in the post-9/11 world..."" is a cliched phrase used to excuse the most egregious forms of oppressive policy.. try to CMV" +"Population owned guns only increase civil fatalities while their use as a mean of eventually defending against an oppressing Government is highly outdated, so guns owned by people are one of the major evils in society. CMV" +"I think your sexual proclivities, like your penis and your religious views, should be kept to yourself unless asked to share. CMV" +I am against my SO's use of marijuana. CMV +I think a federal postal service is not necessary. CMV +"I think it's wrong that people get special treatment under the law for being a member of an ""oppressed"" group. CMV" +I believe my dislike for rap music makes me racist. CMV. +I believe the NSA should be abolished. CMV. +Views that don't/shouldn't have an opposing side to argue are still acceptable for /r/changemyview. CMV. +Anyone who supports drug prohibition has not thought the issue through to its logical conclusion. CMV +"A government subsidized suicide pill would fix many problems in USA, CMV." +"I believe the vast majority of police brutality cases could be prevented if the ""victim"" had just followed the cop's orders. CMV" +"I believe the vast majority of jobs in modern society are bullshit jobs, ie of no value to anybody (and actually harmful). CMV" +I think to form a fair society we'd have to give up familys CMV +"I believe totalitarian based ideologies, such as communism, restrict the growth of countries that would otherwise flourish with minimal intervention. CMV" +I believe the 'knockout game' is being blasted by the media to further divide race relations CMV +"I believe that a joke is only offensive if it is unfunny. As long as it makes people laugh, I believe the subject matter is irrelevant CMV" +My brother should not join the Marines. CMV +"I think that ""A Woman's RIGHT to FREE contraception"" is the stupidest idea espoused by a majority of Reddit users. CMV." +College is worth it. CMV +A world religions class should be taught in public and private school compulsory to graduate highschool CMV +Anyone who denies Climate change or Evolution is either ignorant of is being paid to say so. CMV. +"I believe well-being is a pure biological process, and reaching it may involve breaking society's fundamentals. CMV." +"I believe politicians, corporations, and the ultra-rich have reached a level of corruption that nothing short of violence can resolve I really need someone to CMV." +I would pull the lever in the Trolley Problem. CMV. +"People cheering on Bitcoin's ""success"" don't understand how currency works. CMV" +"I believe water is an ""universal right"" CMV" +"I believed quotas for more women in higher management are pointless and discriminating, CMV" +I do not believe in the death penalty CMV +I believe a bad parking job is not sufficient proof that someone is an asshole. CMV. +"I believe women are only interested in men for their suitability for support/protection, and nothing else. Please, please, please CMV." +"I think that ""conspiracy theorists"" who believe in many coverups are not only delusional, but they're also contradicting their own logic. CMV" +CMV: I Love the NSA! +"Ideologies (socialism, capitalism, feminism as examples) inhibit true reasoned debate, and followers of ideologies by default have a confirmation bias, CMV" +I believe Democrats' supposed concern for minorities is a ruse to keep them poor and dependent on government. CMV +I think some women overreact to the trauma caused by Sexual Assaults and Rape. CMV. +"I believe that large families of 4 or more children are the most economical per child, the best for helping to mold children into responsible adults, and endangered because people believe in the debatable concept of over population CMV." +Linguistic prescription is snobbery and wrong. CMV +"I believe that adopting a guaranteed minimum income for all citizens is a good thing, CMV." +I don't think the President of the United States' life is that important. CMV +I believe that BitCoin will be a spectacular failure. CMV +I believe the feminist campaign against using the word bitch is ridiculous. CMV +CMV: I believe the best form of argument is the one where opposing sides hold fast until conclusively stopped by firm and unshakable logic. +U.S. high school graduates should be required to take a gap year prior to applying to or enrolling in college. CMV +There is no such a thing as race within the species of Homo sapiens. CMV +I believe that the average work week should be 32 hours or 4 days a week. CMV. +I believe the basement-dweller male stereotype actually has no solution in terms of relationships and sex. CMV +I support the use of drone strikes (except in cases of using it on American citizens). CMV. +"I believe ""Netspeak"" is an enrichment of the english language. CMV." +"I believe people in the First World work too much, CMV." +I think college sports rivalries are stupid and so are the people who get caught up in them. CMV. +I believe that Reddit is Anti-Semitic. CMV. +I think all public High/Middle/Elementary schools should be a year long school year.CMV +I think Christmas is one of the worst holidays. CMV +"I'm not confident Global Warming can be averted, and as a result we should concentrate on isolated biospheres & getting off this planet, CMV." +"I think ""gamers"" are mostly entitled, insecure children. CMV" +My friend is African-American. CMV. +"we live in a white supremacist, patriarchal, heteronormative, capitalist, imperialist society. and all of these converge to keep a particular class of people in power. CMV." +I'm terrified that Humanity hasn't got long left. CMV +I believe that I am the only person that exists. CMV. +Cinemas should stop selling popcorn. CMV. +I think we will soon reach the limit of what technology can accomplish and cannot invent our way out of our problems anymore. CMV +The construction of a space elevator will solve the global financial crisis. CMV. +I think adding fluoride to public water is good CMV +"I think it's bullshit that anything (except for emergency services) are open on Thanksgiving. It's an American holiday to be celebrated with family and be thankful for what you have, not for mindless, consumer-whore shopping sprees. CMV" +I believe that voice control for computers is a useless gimmick. CMV. +I believe that straight white males are significantly worse dancers than all other groups due to a suppression of self-expression that is relatively recent. CMV +"I believe feminism would be much more successful in their pursuit for gender equality if they understood, acknowledged, and validated men's issues. CMV" +"I believe that the deaths of our loved ones should be celebrated and not mourned, CMV!" +I believe public welfare does more harm than good. CMV +I believe that interracial marriage and breeding is good for humanity and perhaps the greatest hope for world peace. CMV +I'm convinced Osama Bin Laden was a paid actor. CMV +"As far as types of ""privilege,"" the privilege from having money and being attractive do more to influence how people see you than any other kind. CMV" +"I believe that increasing global wealth should take priority over combating global warming, CMV" +I Don't Believe That Iran's Nuclear Program Threatens Israel: CMV +I believe those sentenced to life in prison should simply be executed. CMV. +I think that withholding sex while remaining in an exclusive committed relationship is as serious as a transgression as cheating is. CMV. +I feel like I am endorsing Taylor Swift's homophobia and slut shaming by enjoying her music CMV. +I believe women who decide to hit like a man should be treated like a man. CMV. +I believe the AE911TRUTH doc has a strong case for a new investigation by the US government? CMV +I believe that pizza is a kind of sandwich. CMV. +"I don't think NPR isn't as ""unbiased"" as people make it out to be. Just look at who listens to it. CMV." +"I believe that if two people go on a first date and they both know there won't be a second date, the man should not feel obligated to pay the check by himself and there's nothing wrong with splitting the check. CMV" +CMV: I think society would be much better if we stopped taking sex so seriously +"I believe the best system would be a basic income, and don't understand why it hasn't already been implemented. CMV" +I think that people who go around trying to convince people that God doesn't exist are no better than religious evangelicals. CMV +"A politician's private life IS relevant, and is indicative of how well he will serve his electorate. CMV." +I believe that the Extensible Markup Language (XML) serves no genuinely useful or beneficial purpose. CMV. +[CMV] Penmanship should not be taught/compulsory in school +"I think that creationism should be banned from being taught in school, even in private schools. CMV." +"I believe that saying ""bless you"" when people sneeze serves no purpose and feeling like you have to say it is annoying. CMV." +I believe that all people who are opposed to the theory of evolution don't understand what evolution is. CMV +"CMV: I am a moral anti-realist, that is I don't believe there is any objective morality of any kind." +I believe that school zones (specifically around high schools) should be removed because they aren't protecting anyone who needs protecting. CMV +JFK is only considered a great president and held in high regard because he was assassinated. CMV. +"SEX! Now that pregnancy is voluntarily avoidable, I feel sex should be totally alright between absolutely any two consenting people. CMV" +I don't think plastic surgery should be stigmatized. CMV +"Student loans should have a cap , based on a realistic estimate of near future income . CMV" +I believe that there is no moral difference between eating meat and committing murder. CMV +[CMV] Iran having nuclear weapons is not a bad thing. +"I'm not homophobic, but I think stereotypical gay culture is horrendously annoying, CMV" +I don't feel sorry for people who have to work Thanksgiving/Christmas/etc at retail stores. CMV +I believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using swear words in conversation or in written form. CMV +"I believe elderly people's dificuties in understanding technology is down to stubbornness and laziness, and not a generational gap issue. Please CMV" +I consider online dating and dating websites to be for quitters and people are taking the easy way out. CMV +CMV: I think most Game of Thrones viewers who haven't read the books have very little idea of what's going on. +"I don't see anything wrong with pre-ordering games. In fact, I think it just makes sense for most consumers. CMV." +"I Believe that the Christian God as described in the Bible is unworthy of worship and people only do so because of the promised reward, which shows how easily corruptible people are. CMV" +"I find the word ""faggot"" a highly offensive slur, and carries a lot of oppression and discrimination behind it. CMV." +I believe young people who take up smoking fully aware of the risks do not deserve access to taxpayer-funded healthcare for smoking-related ailments. CMV +I believe overweight cops should be required to either lose weight or be fired. CMV. +"I believe that polygamy is fundamentally different from homosexuality, and should remain illegal. CMV." +I Believe Hard Copies Hold No Advantage To EBooks. CMV +"Given that equality is a fundamental value of society, everyone should receive equal quality of medical treatment even if they cannot afford it. CMV" +"Since switching to PC, I now believe PC almost always the superior platform for gaming beyond the causal level, CMV" +I believe that telling morbidly obese girl that everyone is beautiful and that they don't need to change is encouraging laziness and unhealthiness. CMV +CMV I do not believe that a pharmacist at CVS/Walgreens etc deserves to make 100k+ a year. CMV. +"I believe the majority of people are inherently opposed to changing their viewpoint, and will more often shy away from a debate than to actually question or defend their own beliefs. CMV" +I believe many environmental laws are setting back the development of the third world. CMV. +I am a vegetarian that believes that there is nothing morally wrong with abortion. I've been called a hypocrite because of this - so CMV +"CMV: I believe that professional porn stars and prostitutes (both sexes) are the same, and since one is legal, they both should be." +"I believe that, as a general rule, the State deserves no say over choices parents make for their children CMV." +Attempted murder should carry the same punishment as murder. CMV +CMV: I think governments should own core utilities. +"I feel like Autism is over-diagnosed. My son carries a diagnosis of autism, and I feel like his diagnosis is inappropriate. CMV." +CMV: The more I study political science and economics the more it seems that the public really has no idea what they're talking about. It leads me to believe a government truly responsive to the will of the people will eventually fail. +"Birth rates worldwide are falling not because of education, but because economic maturity is delayed to the mid 30s. CMV." +I don't think astronauts are any braver than a bungie-jumper CMV +CMV: I believe making the conscious choice to have a child is morally reprehensible. +CMV- Parents who teach their children to hate should be charged with abuse +I mistrust and don't believe in providing for the homeless. Please CMV +I believe the '03 invasion of Iraq was morally justified even though horribly executed. CMV +"CMV: Tying a max wage to a moving number, like the national avg wage, could create more equality without crippling incentive." +I believe people should be held responsible for their actions and not the people they derived the ideas of said actions from. CMV +I believe the liberal arts degree I am working towards will not benefit me in competing for a decent paying job. CMV +"I do not see any artistic value in the work of Mark Rothko, specifically his 'multiforms.' CMV" +"I believe that all mental events, including all beliefs and decisions, are caused by physical events in the brain, but have no effects upon any physical events. CMV" +"I believe that most music preformed professionally in a studio outshines any live concert I have been to, and that those that chastise music you cannot preform live have their priorities of music backwards. CMV" +"CMV If health care is a right, hospital workers shouldn't be allowed to strike - just like police and fire fighters" +I believe that drug screening should not be a factor in getting a job. CMV +I believe that everyone should be fluent in a language other than their native one. CMV +I believe potential organ donors should be allowed to direct their donations to or away from certain demographics. CMV. +"I'm smarter than you, CMV" +I think that playing a game like Halo and playing a game like Candy Crush are two different things entirely and shouldn't be compared. CMV +I believe that conservatives (politically/socially speaking) are less intelligent than progressives/liberals/whatever you want to call them. CMV +"I believe that those who do not support animal rights are either: misinformed/ignorant, weak/apathetic, or selfish/bad people. CMV" +I don't think that possession of depictions of illegal sexual activity (including child pornography and rape) should be illegal. CMV +Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not sustainable over the long-run without some form of depositor insurance. CMV +I don't like most vegans CMV. +"I think pornography depicting (not real) rape should be legal and accessible, because it would likely lower actual rape rates. CMV" +"After following all dating advice, I'm starting to think PUA is the only way for me to be successful in dating. Please CMV" +Edward Snowden is a traitor CMV +"There is no reason the words ""heteronormative"" and ""nonheteronormative"" could not be replaced with ""typical"" and ""atypical"" in all contexts. CMV" +I think that parents of children should not be allowed to be morbidly obese. CMV +I don't think there is any good reason for people under the age of 15 to have sex. CMV +I believe teenage sex and sex outside of a committed relationship/marriage is bad. CMV +"I think gratuities or ""tips"" are a bad idea and should not be part of American society. CMV" +I believe that people who complain about relationships are just complaining about nothing. CMV +"CMV: I don't see why I (as a 15 year old) am forced to do secondary level English, when I already have the ability to read and write." +"Free will is impossible, CMV." +I believe that human needs are always more important than animal rights. CMV +I believe that marriage is an outdated and oppressive tradition. CMV +I thought Gravity was a terrible movie. CMV +I believe that gays should not be afforded the privilege of marriage. CMV +I believe Bitcoin (BTC) can never be successful because it is deflationary. CMV +"Based on the assumption that something can not come from nothing, I don't think that atheism is a legitimate or logical understanding of the world. CMV" +I think that hunting higher order animals for sport should be illegal and carry penalties similar to those for first degree murder. CMV +I think philosophy is pointless to really get into. CMV +Liberals view Islam as a revolutionary movement. CMV +"I think the federal government should be involved in 4 roles, and states control the rest. CMV" +The expectation that service workers be tipped is exploited to the point that it is now a form of cooperate welfare. CMV +"CMV ""There is no virtue in hard work""" +I hate moms - CMV +Bitcoin is an nonviable currency. CMV +I think most volunteer trips are money makers for rich white people to have photo ops and feel good about themselves- CMV +"I believe that scientists who support the non-evolutionary creationism should have their doctorates revoked, CMV" +"I oppose same sex marriage , CMV." +I think History is a worthless subject. CMV +"The Assassin's Creed series would be much better if it dropped the Da Vinci Code schtick with the Templars vs. Assassins and ancient artifacts, and was just a game about being a badass at a key point in history. CMV" +I believe that staying together for the kids is more harmful to children than getting a divorce. CMV +I agree with PETA. CMV. +I believe that going to college right after high school is a bad investment. CMV. +I think Israel deserves to have the kind of military and nuclear weapons it has right now. CMV +I think what individuals refer to as spirituality is simply deep emotional response and not separate from the body in an actual spiritual sense. CMV +I don't think the American government is of the people anymore. CMV +"I believe that for non-violent, victimless, largely unenforceable crimes, such as copyright infringement or smoking marijuana, we should simply ignore the law completely. CMV." +I believe that rap and hip hop music lack creativity and intelligence. CMV. +Unskilled jobs that can be replaced with machines ought to be replaced with machines. CMV. +"CMV. I am insensitive to the Gaming Industry's portrayal of women, minorities, and how it deals with other socially sensitive topics." +"I find incest and ephebophilia abhorrent, regardless of consent. CMV if you can." +"If I put my needs/wants over my parents' needs/wants, I am a selfish, insensitive, and ungrateful daughter. Please CMV." +All music is equal and there is no such thing as “fake music” or “bad” or “good” music. CMV +I believe people who commit suicide are coward and selfish CMV +"I think if the USA all the sudden apologized, packed up and left all military instillation around the world, there would be chaos that would end badly for the world. CMV" +There are way too many people in universities. The 'degree' is inflated. CMV. +CMV of why people on food stamps deserve Red Bull. +"I believe that nothing can surpass an original under any circumstances, CMV" +I believe a lot of contemporary art is bullshit. CMV +Using cellphone whilst driving is okay. CMV. +"I believe that the world is so messed up, there is little or nothing anyone can do to help fix it. CMV." +I see no educational benefit from reading in school. CMV +"I see no reason why a foreign-born, naturalised citizen of the USA should not be eligible for the Presidency." +"I believe we have we done irreparable damage to our social behaviour through the use of (casual forms, e.g. Facebook,Twitter etc.) of Social Media, CMV." +I think that men who complain about the 'friendzone' or that 'girls don't like nice guys' are unfairly blaming women for their own poor social skills. CMV +"I believe that, both historically and currently, many examples of rape culture can be found which put women at a greater risk by normalizing or even condoning rape. CMV" +I believe that freedom of speech should extend to profanity and swearing should never be punished for any reason. CMV +Labor Unions should be illegal CMV +"I think that women who dress overtly provocative, are asking for unwanted attention and shouldn't chastise people who look or comment. CMV" +Infant male circumcision is always wrong unless a medical conditions requires it. CMV +"I think the hotter the area where people live, the more they are religious. CMV." +"I'm really tired of US veteran ""touching"" stories like they are heroes, after all they are overseas delivering death for oil and strategic geo-political conquers. The only true US heroes were the ones that served on WW2. CMV" +"I can't help but think that some children who are born with terminal birth defects would be better off euthanized, please CMV" +I strongly believe in equal rights for gays/lesbians etc. but I can't wrap my head around child adoption. CMV. +I don't think any race or gender should get anything another race/gender doesn't. CMV +China's rapid and continuing economic growth demonstrate the clear superiority of the technocratic model. CMV. +The afterlife would be kinda bullshit. CMV +I believe that students should apply for a specific subject at university. CMV +I think that opposition to genetically modified food is just as unscientific as rejecting global warming or evolution CMV +"I feel sorry for most fellow reddit atheists because they are volatile, adamant, rude, elitist, heavily biased, and deaf to counter-views. Kindly CMV" +I think under no circumstance should any one word offend someone to the point of argument or personal scrutiny. CMV +"I believe using the term ""faggot"" more and more as a general insult could be helpful to the LGBT community. CMV." +I don't see the point of feminism in the West. CMV +"I think the term ""Graphic Novel"" for certain comic books is pretentious, unnecessary, and ultimately damaging. CMV." +I think Social Security should by definition be tied to the average age of death. CMV +I don't understand why NASCAR races are so long when they have all those cautions to re-level the playing field. CMV +I believe any direct family members or spouses of former US presidents should not be allowed to run for POTUS. CMV. +I think video game shops should not be allowed to deny an underage person the sale of a 18/M game if the age rating system is not enforced by the law. CMV +I believe that Facebook (and other social media) is detracting from our advancement as human beings. CMV. +CMV Malcolm X was detrimental to the civil rights movement. +"I think that *The Godfather* is long, hard to follow, often boring and ultimately overrated. CMV." +"I think GoT is badly-written, misogynistic tripe. CMV enough to get through reading the books." +I don't believe that the conquest of the Americas by Europe was wrong. CMV +I believe gay marriage shouldn't be legalized but I have no problem with civil unions. CMV +I believe South Park just isn't very good. CMV. +It's unreasonable to give retail employees to extra time off during the Holidays. CMV. +"I don't believe in ""true love"" between couples or anything, how the media portrays love and how the majority of the people (possibly) believe love to be. CMV" +I believe capitalism will lead to world peace. CMV +I believe man going to the moon is the single most important achievement in the history of humanity thus far and it should be emphasized far more in the educational system. CMV +"I think many Indie games only sell because they appeal to nostalgia, and that this is an overall detriment to the gaming industry. CMV." +"I don't think people should be respectful of other cultures or religions, if they are oppressive to another group, CMV" +Homophobes deserve the same respect as anyone else CMV +CMV: I think Attention Deficit Disorder isn't real and just a ploy to boost sells in Pharmaceuticals. +I feel that educational institutions should not offer degrees that have little to no real world value. CMV +I believe that Vladimir Putin has been an overall good leader for Russia. CMV +I don't believe the USA invaded Iraq for Oil or Halliburton CMV +I think Pope Francis is doing a great job as Pope and is radically transforming the Catholic Church for the better. CMV +The path of the intellectual is lonely and self-defeating for those without the means or support to actually change people's minds. CMV +"I think several ""academic"" disciplines (such as theology) should not receive funding nor be carried out at universities, CMV." +"I believe that ""holidays"" such as Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, etc. should not be considered federal holidays and should not warrant days off from work or school. CMV" +I don't believe voluntary members of the military should be exempt from criticism regarding unjust wars. CMV +"Fat people are fat because they eat too much. Its not their metabolism, their genetics or some wrong-tuned glands. CMV" +"I enjoy the Metal genre far better than Techno in every way. CMV, anyone?" +"Star Trek is great because the protagonist is not one person, not one species, not one alliance... it's the idea of cooperation itself. CMV" +"I believe that boycotts of Ender's Game is actually counter-productive, CMV" +"I believe that, 9 times out of 10, violence is the answer and can solve most issues facing humanity, whether it be individual or on a large-scale. CMV" +"I believe that ""Ghetto"" culture is a toxic drain on society. CMV" +I don't want to get married in a church despite my (potential) fiance's family's preferences because I was raped in one. CMV? +"While not inherently inferior, I think society has caused women to stunt themselves emotionally and intellectually, causing them to be an inferior gender. CMV." +I think civilization will eventually collapse without an embryo selection program. CMV. +"If you can't conceive a child naturally, you should adopt instead. Feel free to reply if you want to CMV" +"I think Murderers, rapists, and other criminals of related crime should be tortured. Cmv." +I think photography takes no skill and should not be considered an art form. CMV +"Israel will most likely be destroyed or crippled by weapons of mass destruction within the next generation or two, so all the political handwringing over the Israel/Palestine situation is pointless. CMV." +There should be limits on how much money a family can lose to a Casino within a certain time-period. CMV +Licensed motorists should not be required to carry a physical license on their person while operating their vehicle. CMV. +"CMV I don't think there is such thing as conspiracy, PTB, NWO. THERE IS NOT EVIL ""OTHER"" OR ""THEY"" OUT TO GET US!" +I think that subreddits should not be allowed to hide the voting arrows with CSS to non-subscribers. CMV +"I believe if God exists, he is evil (CMV)" +"Every young man should be encouraged to donate sperm, so that when he has a child later in life, he can use his undamaged young sperm to reduce the risk of many genetic diseases. CMV!" +"I'm not fundamentalist or deeply ingrained in Abrahamic/general organised religion in any way, but do not believe that mechanistic science can or will ultimately explain the ontology matter/energy or life. CMV" +"I think that tipping should not be ""required"" CMV" +I believe all holidays should be abolished. CMV +People with mental defects who commit egregious crimes should not be punished any differently. CMV. +"I think ""grammar nazis"" are pretentious snobs and feel as though if you can understand what I was trying to say, then that's the point of dialogue. CMV" +"I do not think that a football player that gets injured on the field deserves my sympathy, CMV" +"I believe that voluntarism is the only moral way to govern a people, and that the tyranny of the democratic majority victimizes the minority. CMV." +I believe that mainstream America reacting more strongly to sexual content in public than violent content is not an example of messed up priorities. CMV. +"Political leaders should be chosen by lottery, instead of elected. CMV" +"I am against Affirmative Action, Primarily in how it Affects me (An Asian). CMV." +I believe greed is a form of mental illness. CMV +I think bitcoin is a solid investment in the future and going to be a large part of the economy of the world. CMV. +The founders of the US believed in “civic virtue”; that leaders must put the common good ahead of self interest. We need to bring this idea back to save our culture from decay. CMV +I believe RISK is one of the worst mainstream board games around. CMV. +I believe teaching people to avoid situations that have a higher possibility of rape is not victim blaming. CMV +"I think this current trend against 'Rape Culture', while well intended, is incredibly naive. CMV" +I believe that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War and that people who try to minimize it's importance are apologists for the South. CMV +I think political correctness has become counterproductive. CMV +I think that Google requiring users to use a real name on youtube is a good and necessary idea. CMV. +"Although I am not a racist, I believe that interracial marriage is generally a bad idea. CMV." +I believe everybody's number one priority should be themselves. CMV. +I think making fun of someone being fat is completely acceptable but making fun of someone's height is totally unacceptable. CMV. +"I believe in the right to bear arms, but I think that people should have to pass a certification test to own a gun. CMV?" +"Hugo Schwyzer is evidence that the label ""Feminist"" is useless and possibly counterproductive, CMV" +"I believe that ""fat bashing"" is an extension of class warfare. CMV" +"I believe that ""Free to play"" games are complete scams and are never justified. CMV." +"I think picky eating is a first world problem and picky eaters are the result of how they were raised, CMV" +I believe giving men the ability to sign away all financial responsibility after getting a girl pregnant is ridiculous. CMV. +I feel the TSA is necessary to prevent future airplane hijackings that could result in hundreds-thousands dead. CMV +I think war is inherently evil and anyone who tries to rationalize it is part of the problem. CMV. +"There is no such things as a ""third gender"" or ""no gender"" CMV" +I don't believe porn can be viewed accidentally. CMV +CMV: I believe that celebrities that complain about their life being bad are full of shit. +"The Prison-Industrial complex is a modern day form of slavery, and prisons should be state (and not privately) owned. CMV." +I think that receipts should be by request only when purchasing under $5 of physical goods. CMV +I believe the NSA is completely powerless. CMV +I can't use public restrooms....CMV +"I believe the ""men's rights"" argument holds no water and is mainly championed by those who don't understand feminism, CMV" +"I think the Amish and other closed off religious groups are, at least morally, abusing their children. CMV" +I feel that infinite growth is very much possible. CMV +"I believe that if you own/buy a Toyota or other foreign car, you are a communist. CMV" +I believe that capitalism is inherently dehumanizing. CMV. +I think there needs to be a cap on how much money an individual can make a year. CMV +I believe we exist only in a computer simulation created by another more technologically advanced sentient race. CMV +"I believe the United States military should be a domestic force, and take a non interventionist approach. CMV." +"The word ""equality"" has lost its meaning. CMV." +"I believe that by Definition, feminism believes that the United States/Canada/England etc. are not democracies. CMV" +I believe that the bible is god-breathed and contains no errors. CMV +My vote doesn't matter. CMV. +CMV: Religion has outlasted its usefulness. +"I believe the distinction that Anarchists place between ""private property"" and ""personal property"" is unjustified, CMV" +"I believe that, in some cases, illegally obtained evidence should be admissible in court. CMV" +"I believe cops are ""pigs"". CMV" +"I'm all for equal rights and opportunities, but have a hard time respecting feminists (I'm a male) because their stance always seem paired with bitterness. CMV" +I believe there should be no distinction between chemical and conventional warfare. CMV +"I believe that those in poverty without children or disabilities should get an education to pull themselves out of poverty, instead of relying on others to do it for them. CMV." +I believe that transracial adoption is fundamentally wrong. CMV. +"I believe that the human brain is not capable of thinking of random numbers between two set numbers, therefor humans can't think of a random number. CMV." +"I think that conservative ideology from the past 13 years has done so much harm in the US that my generation will be cleaning it up our entire lives, CMV." +"I think we should apply the term ""privilege"" to individual issues instead of using it to refer to groups in competition with each other. CMV" +"I feel that pursuing your own self interests is the best way to get ahead, even at the expense of others. CMV" +I think an antitheist who bashes religion is as much of an asshole as a religious fundamentalist who bashes all other religions. CMV +"I don't think smoke breaks should be allowed at work, CMV" +"I believe professional sports are perceived incorrectly by many, CMV." +"We spend all our time focused blaming teen mothers, but never talk about the fathers. Aren't fathers equally, if not more, responsible? CMV" +"Being passively unethical is just as heinous as being actively unethical, and should deserve the same attention and repercussions. CMV" +"I think calorie counting is a form of disordered eating, and is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. CMV." +"I support the ACA, but Obama did lie about it - CMV" +"I believe we are living in the best era of humanity, thanks to fossil fuels, and it is all downhill from here. CMV" +I believe that there is no level of radiation that can be considered safe. CMV +"Equality demands that women make lower wages than men, in most cases. CMV" +I think that buying a luxury car in a world where so many people starve is immoral. CMV. +"I believe the ingestion of any kind of substance should be decriminalized, CMV" +I believe films are just as valuable as books and other forms of literature when it comes to story telling and cultural significance. CMV +I don't think any drugs should be illegal. CMV +"""I was only following orders"" is an.....iffy defense. CMV." +I believe the argument that gun control laws won't work because criminals will ignore them is illogical unless accompanied with a demand to have all criminal laws repealed. CMV. +I believe cannabis should remain illegal CMV +"Amway is a pyramid scheme, CMV" +I think the Ameri-centrism of Reddit is damaging and self-limiting. CMV +"I believe in equal-opportunity meritocracy, but I also think winners use their power to cheat and lock in advantages. The solution is to reset opportunity by seizing and redistributing wealth every 50 years so the winners have to keep proving themselves. CMV" +"Since the Fukushima incident, I no longer support Nuclear Power. CMV." +I believe that new roads should be built with a bike lane. CMV +I don't have a problem with jokes dealing with the topics of rape or suicide. CMV? +I think abortion is wrong. CMV +I think commissioning the shipping of weed directly to buyers and avoiding liability is easier than going to college and getting a real job CMV +I am A teenager who is deeply ashamed of his generation. CMV. +CMV: Why is victim blaming looked down upon so much? I feel like sometimes the victim is partially blameable. +"I think that movie adaptions shouldn't be compared to their original work (books, plays, etc.) CMV" +"I believe that prosecuting people simply for possession of child pornography is akin to prosecuting them for a thought crime, and has paved the way for an erosion of privacy rights in other areas. CMV" +"I think that Jewish Americans face little discrimination in today's society, CMV" +I believe that the UN/Nato should militarily remove the North Korean regime and integrate it with South Korea. CMV +I feel that I am better than others because if they lived my life they would not have survived. CMV +I believe oligarchy is a bigger and much more urgent problem than patriarchy. CMV +I think that mandatory Physical Education classes do more harm than good (in certain cases.) CMV. +Voting for a third party in the U.S. is morally wrong. CMV +"I believe that the American government should heavily subsidize specific, low-skill, high-labor jobs that increase leisure time for the working poor and middle class. CMV." +There is no way to morally justify the idea of an eternal-suffering 'hell'. CMV. +"Western countries should require new immigrants to take an oath of values endorsing such things as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, religious tolerance and legal equality of men and women. CMV." +"I believe that moderators should have the power to change titles of posts, CMV." +"I think google is ""making us stupid"". CMV" +"I believe the USA spends an appropriate amount of money on its military, given its geopolitical importance. CMV." +"CMV - I believe that Biking will never be a viable, large scale mode of transport in the United State's and investing in infrastructure for bikes is a waste of resources that could be better spent on other things." +"I believe that it is wrong and untrue to call people who commit suicide by rail ""selfish"". CMV." +I don't believe that war is ever justifiable. CMV. +"I beleive wealth redistribution is necessary for social stability, as wealth can only exist as a result of society, therefore the society and its constituents has an intrinsic right to a share of the wealth, for without their participation in society, that wealth would not exist. CMV" +"There is no legitimate non-religious reason to oppose gay marriage, CMV." +I think the idea of developing technology to allow humans to stay alive well past the average lifespan is infantile. CMV +"I believe that many nations in the world spend too much money on things like the military and government pensions, and not enough on science and medical research. CMV" +I believe that invading oppressive countries to turn them into democracies is a good thing. CMV +I believe that Obamacare was poorly thought out and will be a political disaster for Obama and the Democrats. CMV +"I believe institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are positive additions to the world, and that the anti-IMF propaganda is mostly made by people who don't understand it. CMV." +CMV I believe that the Confederate Battle Flag should be made the official flag of the United States of America. +In season one of Game of Thrones the Cersei Lannister is the protagonist. CMV +I do not believe humanities/liberal arts majors have better critical thinking abilities than math/science/engineering majors. CMV. +"I am typically left-leaning, but I don't think the cut to food stamps (SNAP) is that bad. CMV" +"I believe that all sexualities other than ""hetero,"" ""homo"", ""bi,"" and ""a"" are made up by people seeking attention and pity for themselves. CMV." +I think the attitude towards suicide on reddit/society in general is misguided and comes from an unfounded value on human experience. CMV +"I believe most if not all actions are inherently selfish, and that the vilification of the concept of selfishness is a negative aspect of our culture CMV" +"I think that ""shorting"" stocks should not be legal. CMV" +I believe everything is preordained [CMV] +"I think being the president of the US, or any leader of a country, is such an ungrateful and stressful job that I don't see why anybody would want to do it. CMV" +I am a man who feels uneasy about women pleasuring themselves with dildos and vibrators. CMV. +I do not have a problem with Voter I.D. Laws and haven't heard any opposition that isn't completely laughable. CMV +"I think nuclear energy is not worth pursuing as an energy source for general use (homes etc.), CMV" +"I believe that, ultimately, it is better to not have existed then to exist. CMV." +Java Is a Superior Programming Language. CMV. +I Believe Free Markets Are the Ultimate Determiner of Worth. CMV. +"I believe that most rapes are about sex and not ""about power"". CMV." +I believe that the Federation's laws against genetic enhancements are ridiculous. CMV +I think Anarchy is absolutely moronic. CMV +"I believe that smoking is a privilege, not a right. CMV" +"I think direct democracy would be the greatest form of decision making for the American people if applied now, CMV" +"I believe the NHL's ""point system"" in their standings is inferior to the ""win percentage"" system every other major American sports league uses. CMV." +I believe black history month is unnecessary and should not be officially recognised. CMV +I think all drugs should be legal. CMV. +"I don't believe in free will; the conscious mind is a passenger, CMV" +"I'm convinced, and I have good reasons, that women taking the last name of the men in marriage is extremely silly, boarderline unproductive. CMV" +"Alimony shouldn't be paid unless the former spouse was FORCED to stay at home, because they CHOSE to stay at home. CMV" +I think that darkening your skin color to better represent the character you are portraying is not blackface. CMV +"I that if you are sexually assaulted/raped no matter how traumatic it is for you to talk about it, it is your moral obligation to report it to the police ASAP CMV" +"I believe businesses should be able to hire and fire employees based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. CMV" +I believe that the existence of the US Senate is unfair and it should be abolished. CMV +I think parents with obese children should have tough penalties from social services and it should be classed as child neglect. CMV +I think people who have biological children in this day and age are committing an act of unspeakable cruelty. CMV. +"If you are a single parent, you are a bad judge of character and an even worse decision maker. CMV" +"I'm hugely uncomfortable with my boyfriend watching porn. Please, for the love of God, CMV!" +"As a Canadian, I don't think anyone who is a politician is worth voting for, CMV." +More guns do not equal less crime. CMV +I am an American citizen. I believe Edward Snowden should have only leaked documents relating to domestic surveillance. CMV. +Today is objectively the best time to live in history. CMV +I think legal paternal surrender (finacial abortion) should be legal for men. CMV +School tests should be open-book CMV +I am scared to take antidepressants - I worry that their risks outweight their benefit. CMV. +I don't believe women will ever equal men in any field of physical endeavor. CMV +"I believe rap/hip-hop is the ""best"" music genre. CMV" +"I believe Subaru is the best car manufacturer in North America, CMV" +I believe that adherents of extremist ideologies have no right to free speech. CMV. +"I am pro choice, but I do not believe the abortion issue is as clear cut as everyone makes it seem. CMV" +I do not believe in free will and by extension do not believe in evil people. CMV +I have not gotten a flu shot in over 10 years and do not intend on ever getting one again. CMV. +"In this world with equality and feminism, I think women should split the bill even on the first date, CMV" +"I don't think it's fair to judge anyone, not even murderers CMV" +I believe that celebrating Halloween is against the teaching of Christianity. CMV +"I would believe a racist idea if it were true. Factual accuracy should be the only determinant of truth, even if it upsets people. CMV." +I think dressing super sexy is to sexual harassement/ rape what leaving your wallet on your car seat is to car break-in on parking lots. CMV +I think that people who believe guns in the US should be restricted/heavily regulated are narrow minded CMV +"I want to change the world, but I know I can't, please convince me it's a bad idea to try to change the world and shatter my unattainable dreams so I can have a more fulfilling life, CMV" +"The state of love, or being in love, is by far the most selfish state of being a human can be in. CMV!" +I believe the average young american has a very very dim future ahead of them CMV +"I believe we must remove countries, and establish a global state is essential to our species advancement and survival. CMV." +I think that the Obamacare website fiasco has done more to perpetuate the destructive belief that government is inherently bad than have the actual purveyors of that belief. CMV +Morality is completely subjective/relative CMV +I think time zones should be eliminated and that the whole earth should use one central time. CMV. +I think laws like many states’ texting-while-driving laws are detrimental to our legal system and only add needless complexity (and ambiguity) to our legal code. CMV +"I believe mandating a shorter workweek at the U.S. federal level is a good idea, CMV" +I find Sam Harris' indictment of the Muslim world and Islam as a religion (as advanced in The End of Faith) to be quite convincing. CMV. +I believe US federal policy debate should only pressure constitutional issues. The remaining issues should be pursued at the state level as per the 10th Amendment. CMV +"Empathy is an inherently disadvantageous emotion, and I would be better off without it. CMV." +I believe adblock is entirely ok to use from a practical and moral standpoint. CMV +I believe the internet should not be censored and doing so can create ignorant or controlled societies. CMV +"I don't think flu shots are ""worth it"" for me. CMV" +"I believe that the recent fixation of the western world with ""terrorism"" is a modern rebranding of McCarthyism and the red scare. CMV" +"I believe Episode III deserves to be ranked among the good Star Wars movies (IV, V, VI) and not grouped with the abysmal Episodes I and II. CMV." +I think the U.S. should seriously consider breaking apart. - CMV +I believe there is nothing wrong with physical discipline when raising a child. CMV +"I believe that human induced climate change is a myth, but I can't remember specifically why. CMV, please." +I don't think all blackface should be offensive. CMV +"I don't think cultural Halloween costumes are automatically racist, CMV." +I believe that labelling GMO foods will not lead to informed consumer decisions: CMV +I believe large powers like the US have a moral responsibility to liberate the people of North Korea. CMV +"I believe that teaching kids that they are ""special"" and ""unique"" and can ""do anything"" is bad for the kids, and gives them a false image of life. CMV" +Vaccines should not be supported in all cases. CMV +I believe assigning legal professions to humans makes the world unequal CMV +Men shouldn't be expected to give up their seats for women. CMV. +"I am morally uncomfortable with pirating software made by large companies, even though I know the difference is negligible to them. CMV" +"Christianity is fine, but the modern world would be a be a better place without Islam. CMV" +i think it shouldn't be a crime to have CP if you are in fact the child. CMV +Throwing away garbage is unethical. CMV. +I feel no sympathy for students with excessive student loans. CMV. +I believe that corporate fines should be proportional to the amount of money made by violating the law in question. CMV +We should give the word 'marriage' to religious people. CMV +CMV: I think lowly of people that use plastic surgery. +I believe that sustainable whaling is OK. CMV +I believe Islamic extremism is worse than other forms of religious extremism. CMV +"Memes and /r/adviceanimals are bad for reddit in that they have lowered the quality of posts, comments, and visitors. CMV." +I believe that inheritance is bad for society as a whole in a modern society CMV +I believe that Conservative positions on abortion are inconsistent with their positions on everything else. CMV +"People that inflict pain upon other living beings when it is not necessary for their survival are naturally of lesser intelligence and limited consciousness; or ""mean people are inherently stupid."" CMV" +"I think ""fluff"" electives are an important part of college and shouldn't be taken off the curriculum. CMV." +"CMV: straight able-bodied white guys shouldn't express their opinions in conversations about issues regarding homosexuality/feminism/disability/racism unless asked to, should be active listeners" +[CMV] I believe a minimum wage job paying 15K a year is more than enough for a single adult to live off of. +"Affirmative Action, along with other benefits given to someone because of their race, should be abolished. CMV" +I don't think the media should show names or faces of criminals on television/papers/other news sources. CMV +Because aliens won't hesitate to rip off our technology we're only hurting our species by abiding by copyright laws. CMV +"Disgusted by their antics, I will never vote Republican. CMV" +Voter ID Laws In the U.S. Are Meant to Disenfranchise Voters. CMV +I believe the extended video of UC Davis pepper spray incident basically exonerates the officer CMV. +"I believe that when Mythology is taught in schools, it should include all religions, rather than just dead religions. CMV." +I think capitalism is horrible. CMV. +"CMV: People who talk like Russel Brand, speaking on how things are bad within the current system, without having any form of solution or clue about the economic impact by these changes should not be the keynote speakers in these debates." +[CMV] There's nothing wrong with banning swearing on your server in an M rated game. +"[CMV] I believe publicly available government data, technologies and web tools and should be open sourced" +I believe that cyberbullying is too broadly attributed and over-blowned in general. CMV +CMV I belive that it is sometimes correct to blame the victim. +CMV World Religions - Branches of the same thing? +I believe that attending a prestigious college is of the utmost importance CMV +I believe modern feminists should refer to themselves as egalitarians. CMV. +"I believe the ""slippery slope"" argument against gay marriage is perfectly acceptable. CMV" +"I believe people who can't get jobs after college didn't work hard enough, CMV" +I believe that investing money is akin to betting on sports. CMV. +I believe that the Elgin Marbles should be returned to Athens CMV +"I believe, political and economic factors aside, Islam is fundamentally a religion that teaches violence. CMV." +I believe there's no reason to be concerned with global issues. CMV +"CMV I believe love is a want, not a need." +I think it should be legal to sell one's kidneys. CMV +I believe we have the moral responsibility to help poverty-striken countries. CMV +Single-Payer health care would have been better for conservative/republicans than Obamacare. CMV. +I think people who blame Obama for the shut down are idiots. CMV +I don't think there's any particular reason to wash my hands after using a urinal that automatically flushes. CMV. +"I don't think that referring to people of African descent as ""black people"" is racist or politically incorrect. CMV." +Copyright law should be abolished. CMV. +"I believe that every problem with humanity to date relates to someone's greed whether past, present, or future. CMV" +CMV: I don't think States should be allowed to pass gun laws that are more restrictive than Federal Gun Laws +I think Election Day should be a federal holiday. CMV +I think pre-order bonuses is one of the worst things to ever plague gaming culture. CMV +Alcohol companies should not be allowed to sponsor college sports. CMV. +I believe a true education is bought! CMV +I think the widespread adoption of Bitcoin would be economically disastrous. CMV. +"I believe that the age limit on voting should be removed, but you should be tested on your knowledge of the candidates you are voting on before being allowed to vote. CMV" +"Humans are basically a flawed, highly inefficient robot comprised of fragile organic matter. CMV" +I don't believe that someone who is blacked out drunk can claim they have been raped. CMV +"I honestly believe that those who choose ""soft"" majors in college such as philosophy, psychology, English, sociology, history, etc. shouldn't be complaining about either not having a job or having a terrible entry level job after they graduate. CMV." +I believe we have reached a sort of wall in technological advancements and that every technology that is possible has been achieved. CMV +[Future] I believe 100mil should be the maximum population of technologically unlimited human civilization allowed on the surface of the earth CMV +"I believe that apart from hypocrisy, the Conservatives have nothing to offer. CMV" +Batman Begins was the best movie of the Batman trilogy CMV +I don't think Fox News is that bad. CMV +"If I found out my unborn child was going to have non-trivial birth defects, I would want it aborted. CMV" +"If our (America's) default mindset is that 1 American civilian life is worth >1 foreign civilian lives, I really don't understand why we can't sympathize with terrorists. It seems that we agree at a basic level. CMV" +I think beards are disgusting. CMV +I don't believe that parents should be able to name children whatever they want. CMV. +I believe the clash of civilizations is real and happening. CMV. +I believe I have the shortest name in the world. CMV. +I think social issues like gay marriage are just noise. CMV +"CMV: I don't think there is such a thing as being ""big boned"" or being genetically predisposed to being overweight." +"I think always expecting the worst to happen is a sound philosophy. You will never be disappointed, but will be frequently surprised with good outcomes. CMV" +I believe it is humane to allow cats outdoors. CMV. +I believe that as an athletic team sport NFL can be proven to be inferior to AFL. CMV +I don't think the General Welfare Clause of The Constitution empowers the government to provide healthcare or other entitlements. CMV +I think that all employees should be paid (at least partially) on commission. CMV. +I think Breaking Bad is overrated for what it is. CMV. +"I believe that tracking (aka, remedial, average, advanced classes) are the only good way of structuring an education system. CMV" +Smoking and/or drinking alcohol while pregnant should be illegal. CMV +I believe that non-violent protests are pointless. CMV. +I think Instant run off should be used on every single election. CMV. +"I believe the height of music was the 1960's-1980's, and most music made since then is terrible. CMV" +"I believe that childhood obesity is child abuse and parents should have their children taken from them, just as parents who starve their children do. CMV." +I believe nuclear power is safe and there is no problem with it. CMV. +I believe philosophy as a concept needs to be taught to children in school. CMV. +"Being gay is not natural and is not natural, CMV." +"After training for 12 years in martial art i have now come to think that just about all ""traditional"" martial arts are a waste of time save for fun/light exercise. CMV" +"I believe it is 100% fine to topple a boulder in a park, regardless of how old it is, as hikers featured on CNN (article in description) did. CMV." +I believe that teaching the upcoming generation about segregation (although important) leads to racial tension. CMV. +"I believe that if by the time you are in your 20s you haven't had at least some sexual, social and romantic experience in your life, nowadays, you are unlikely to have a happy and fulfilling life in the future. CMV" +"I believe that most people should not be blindly encouraged to get married or become sexually exclusive. It causes a lot of emotional harm through powerful jealousy as well as sexual restraint, and often leads to physical violence. CMV" +"Indoor live music gigs are far too loud, and should be quieter. CMV." +I believe that horses should be banned from the road or incur heavy taxes. CMV. +I believe the criticism of Twilight is just thinly veiled misogynysm CMV +"Unless an economic system includes wealth redistribution, the system will eventually result in a small amount of people holding all wealth. Therefore, I support wealth redistribution. CMV" +"I believe that the disparity between property taxes is the reason why bad neighborhoods host bad school districts and that all property taxes should go into a ""pool"" and equally distributed between every school district CMV" +I don't believe there is significant value in paying attention to the news - Please CMV +"I think that it is MORE okay for men to have a large number of sexual partners than for women to have a large number of sexual partners, CMV." +"I have strong rape/coercion urges, and should probably commit suicide before I hurt others. CMV." +"They shouldn't call it ""Men's Rights"". CMV" +I believe Absolute Atheism is just as bad as the Crazy Theists out there. CMV +I believe that hard recreational drugs should be legal. CMV +"A believe ""herd immunity"" to be a pseudo science CMV" +I believe that allowing people to have as many children as they want while continuing to give more and more assistance is hurting society. CMV. +I think the Daleks are completely justified. CMV +Porn is a form of prostitution CMV +I believe that I am worthless. CMV. +"I think exams are fun, a good experience for seeing how I know my content, and people who stress about them and constantly complain are dicks, CMV" +"If making negative stereotypes about any culture/race constitutes racism, then portraying the Japanese as being weird is being racist. CMV." +I think that Daisy Coleman (or her parents) were at least partially responsible for her story. CMV +Being a mom is not the same as having a job. CMV +Genderswap ad campaigns ultimately do little to address the issues they attempt to. CMV. +CMV: Vinyl records are inferior to CD and other digital formats +I believe Black Friday is a detestable corporate made tradition that turns people into mindless consumers and allows companies to force employees away from their families just to make more sales CMV +I believe being optimistic does more harm than good. CMV +"中國字母表: I believe that non-phonetic writing systems, such as Chinese, are inherently and objectively inferior to phonetic alphabets, and should be phased out. CMV" +I find it hypocritical that some people support drug decriminalization but also strongly support gun control 'CMV' +I wish the federal government would really shut down and declare bankruptcy. I know you can CMV +"I think that doing any kind of drugs are wrong, because they give only temporary happiness. CMV, please." +"I think U.S. taxes should be a set amount for everyone, rather than % of income, CMV." +I believe that marriage is wrong. CMV. +I believe that Government should stay out of any type of industry. CMV +"US congressional district gerrymandering is tantamount to corruption, and undermines our democracy. CMV." +"I think Weed is toxic to your psyche and it should be kept illegal , CMV" +I don't respect the mindset of the troops. CMV +"I think r/politics attitude toward Republicans is way over the top, undemocratic, and really quite scary CMV" +"I believe that a free market solution to Health Care costs in the U.S. Is not only plausible, bu the most efficient solution. CMV." +CMV: I believe arming teachers in the classroom is totally infeasible due to numerous risks. +"The notion that college sports are superior because they are ""more about the passion"" and their equivalent pro sports are ""all about money"" is a delusion. CMV" +"I believe everyone is a product of their genes and their environment, and so all their choices are inevitable and they're not to blame. CMV" +"I think cyberbullying is BS, CMV" +I believe that World Peace is within our grasp. I challenge You to CMV. +"I believe that the categorization of bi-racial people, particularly half white and half black, purely as black, has strong racist undertones.cmv" +I'm losing faith in trying to perform well in my sport (cross-country) because I believe that some other competitors have an unfair genetic advantage. CMV +I believe eating cat or dog meat is no more unethical than eating beef or pork. CMV +I don't think that minimum wage should be raised CMV +I believe the Confederate flag of the South should be considered as reprehensible as the Nazi flag. CMV. +The fact that religions rely heavily on indoctrinating children proves they are lies. CMV +I think that education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. CMV. +"A psychedelic experience is a Qualia, therefore the opinions on it of those who haven't gone through one is illegitimate and irrelevant, similar with a deaf guy trying to narrate by gestures a musical symphony to other deaf guys. CMV" +I agree with the European Union that all prisoners in the UK should have the right to vote. CMV +"I believe we should put a ceiling on the amount of alcohol sold per day in America, if not return to prohibition entirely. CMV." +I think cross dressers are creepy. CMV. +I think Monsanto hate is unjustified. CMV +CMV - Every single local/state/federal government employee should be consistently and repeatedly drug tested +I believe that House Republicans are entirely to blame for the US Government Shut down. CMV. +CMV. I think that purposely having a child of your own instead of adopting is selfish. +I think women have it much easier when it comes to dating. CMV +I think that Obama hasn't made any good decisions since he took office. CMV +I think Batman's insistence on not killing the Joker is a dangerous self-indulgence. CMV +I think feminism Benefits men in many ways CMV +China's economy and society will collapse CMV +I think that it should be illegal to protest at a funeral. CMV +I frequently steal from large corporations. I don't believe I am hurting anybody or doing anything wrong. CMV. +I believe the government should only issue civil union certificates and leave the marriages to religious groups. CMV +"I think any ""Zero Tolerance"" policy is simply laziness on behalf of its implementer. CMV" +I don't believe that the military should have different fitness standards for men and women. CMV +"I think that video gaming was grown as a male centric product, and feminist arguments against the industry are invalid. CMV" +I believe that STEM majors are inherently superior to Humanities majors. CMV. +Felons should be allowed to vote and absentee ballots should be available for prisons. CMV +Reality is cognitively/socially constructed. It is meaningless to talk about an external reality. CMV. +I don't believe Motherhood is the Hardest Job. CMV. +"When cats eat their dead owners, the cats shouldn't automatically get put down. CMV." +I hold no value for human life and believe that no single human life or death holds any significance. CMV +"I believe that calling the USA ""America"" is outdated and arrogant, CMV" +I believe there is no such thing as truth. CMV. +Non-progressive tax codes invariably end with a massive accumulation of wealth in the top 1%. CMV +I think machines and computers will replace 90% of human jobs within 30 years. CMV +I don't think anybody is born gay. CMV. +"CMV I don't believe easy access to guns should be considered ""factors"" when someone commits suicide." +"I consider(ed) myself politically to be more in-line with Republicans, but not sure if I am anymore. CMV" +I don't think that artists are entitled to income from their works. CMV +People react with outrage to being called gay. I believe this is perpetuating homophobia. CMV +"I believe that if marijuana were legalized, people in jail for related crimes should have to serve the remainder of their sentences CMV" +"I don't think a reasonable, informed person can doubt that Darwinian evolution is true. CMV." +I believe money does buy you happiness. CMV +I believe gender roles are OK. CMV. +I think sexual exclusivity in the age of birth control is asinine. CMV. +I believe Congress should restrict internet speech. CMV. +I don't think some college/university courses are more valuable than others. CMV +"I don't think memes and fedoras are all that bad, CMV." +"I think that hunting is, in many cases, ethically sound. CMV" +CMV:Afterlife is worse than no afterlife +"I believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with 'political correctness', and that it does not contradict freedom of speech. CMV" +"I believe that if a woman lies to her sexual partner about taking birth control, the man bears no responsibility (financial or otherwise) for any child that is conceived. CMV" +I believe the US spends too much money on its military. CMV. +It is racist to say that cultural appropriation is racist. [CMV] +CMV : Ron Paul's foreign policy would have been disastrous +I believe the NSA did nothing wrong. CMV. +The natural world is all that exists. That mind and consciousness are fully explained by the physical state of the brain. That the brain obeys natural laws just like every other piece of matter. That means the brain cannot choose contrary to the natural laws of the universe (no free will). CMV +I believe gaming DRM is a good thing and the future. CMV. +I believe taxation is immoral. CMV +"I believe that only purpose of life is reproduction, CMV" +"I think muslim headscarves are sexist, because if they aren't, why aren't muslim men wearing them too? CMV!" +"I think that the argument ""Humanity shouldn't expand into space until we stop harming Earth"" is utter nonsense. CMV" +I do not believe that anyone can be 100% sure about anything. CMV +I believe falsification is an inadequate demarcation criterion. CMV +"I believe the term ""rape survivor"" doesn't make any sense. CMV" +I think the vast majority of overweight and obese people eat too much and move too little. CMV. +"I believe that people who are for socialism are people who hate hard work & ambition, and also do not understand the implications of taking incentives away from self-made entrepreneurs. CMV." +"I think that people who were ""spanked"" (i.e. abused) as children, and who are OK with this treatment now, were desensitized to violence and suffer from something like Stockholm syndrome. CMV" +I do not believe that pacifism is effective against terrorism. CMV +I believe all mass-market advertising should be banned; CMV. +I believe that free market roads are not feasible. CMV. +There must be something physically wrong with men/women who don't want children and homosexuals. CMV. +I implicitly trust the government no matter who is in charge of it. CMV. +I believe the Death Star is a space ship and not a space station. CMV +"CMV - I believe that the crimes committed by the Nazis, even though they were terrible, are a display of human nature" +I think its ok to hit your children as a form of dicipline(within reason) CMV +I believe that Harm Reduction type strategies like supervised injection sites for heroin are both more morally responsible and more effective than the hard line stance against addiction. CMV +"CMV: There will never be another MMORPG as massive, addictive, time consuming, sandbox friendly, and successful as WOW" +"I don't think free will ""exists."" CMV" +I believe extraterrestrial life exists heavily throughout the universe and reaches out to us. I believe humanity could achieve mass awareness and complete contact with extraterrestrial life through a unified leap of faith. CMV +"I keep seeing many 'social justice' threads and debates here lately, so here's my pet peeve. Fat acceptance, HAES, thin privilege, are all utterly insignificant, and will never amount to anything. CMV?" +CMV : Vegans Should Stop Labelling or Calling Their Food w/ Meat Names or Terms. +I think it's irrational to 100% say there's no higher power and to say there is one. CMV +I think Malala Yousafzai doesn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. CMV +All US public schools (jr high-high school) should have a theology class in them. CMV +"I believe that giving to the poor is a purely moral/religious action and should not be conducted by the government, because it mixes morals/religion with government. CMV." +"Nuclear Fusion as a basis for sustainable energy is a fantasy, CMV" +American universities spend too much money on their football teams. CMV +I think it should be a punishable crime if an American government employee advocates their religious beliefs into their policies CMV +I believe that liberals are spoiled pricks. CMV +Suspicionless mandatory drug testing is illegal and destructive to the economy. CMV. +I believe that everyone is selfish and there is no true kindness in people. CMV +I feel that college-level classes should not count attendance as part of a student's overall grade. CMV +I do not believe Suicide is inherently wrong. CMV +I believe men shouldn't be expected to put the toilet seat down for women. CMV +I believe that the Large Hadron Collider is a waste of public money. CMV +I believe supporting troops but not supporting a war is counter-productive. CMV +I think political correctness is a useless concept. CMV +"When I hear a friend has an opinion/belief that I don't agree with, I feel it would be a disservice to both of us to not argue about it. CMV" +"I believe I have an obligation to give substantially to others, including donating organs and most of my income. CMV" +"I'll fat-shame and slut-shame, as long as they short-shame and virgin-shame. CMV" +I believe that in the U.S. the political left is the establishment. CMV +I believe subscription services like Netflix and the NY Times should be legally required to allow consumers to buy memberships that don't automatically renew. CMV +I believe that some parts of Islam are extremely dangerous and should be questioned/examined vigorously. CMV. +I believe wages should be based on how much the individual contributes to society. CMV +"I believe that humans are special. We are more than the sum of our parts, and are more than just highly evolved animals. CMV" +"I believe the U.S political system is so broken and corrupt, that we are past the point of no return and there is no use participating. I have never voted and do not plan to vote - CMV" +"I wish more male sexual assault victims would report their experience, not just because I think they should feel safe using our justice system, etc., but because I think it would change the unfair way people scrutinize sexual assault victims. CMV." +I believe that taking a course in Statistics is more valuable for the average High School senior than taking a class in Calculus. CMV +I think all pets should be sold sterilized. CMV +I believe political science should not be considered a science. [CMV] +Obamacare's individual mandate is not a new concept. It follows the same logic as any other public service. CMV +I believe the economic embargo of Cuba is pointless and should be lifted. CMV +I believe that a website having rules for a password is over complicated and pointless. CMV +I think we have to uplift non-human species and give them full equal rights. CMV. +"I believe that the /r/atheism definitions of ""atheism"" and ""agnosticis"" are demonstrably worse than the common definitions. CMV." +I won't vote for a Republican again in my lifetime. CMV. +"I think Kathryn Janeway of *Star Trek: Voyager*, was the worst Trek captain, by a mile. CMV." +I believe indefinite detention without trial is one of the worst human rights violations and leaders who use it deserve to go to jail. CMV +CMV: President Obama and the Senate Democratic Majority have two options: 1. Cave to GOP demands on Obamacare or 2. Lose the fight and see the far-reaching consequences to the US and Global Economy +"Children should be allowed to climb up the slide at playgrounds, and parents shouldn't discourage them. CMV" +"I believe we HAVE free will, CMV." +"CMV: I don't think the rich are to blame, I think consumerism is." +I think that scholarships specifically designated for a certain race are racist. CMV. +I believe prostitution should be legal. CMV. +I believe Scotland shote vote 'No' on the independence vote in 2014. CMV. +I think that GTAV is a shitty game that doesn't add anything new to gaming or innovate anything new. CMV +I believe that the left is significantly less responsible for the government shutdown than the right (basically it's the republicans' fault). CMV +"I think jealousy with regards to significant others is directly related to insecurity and should be seen as a character flaw, not a rational reaction. CMV." +"I think that if a woman smoked/drank during her pregnancy and gives birth to a ""defective"" child, she should be charged with child abuse CMV" +Libertarians hold the view that a stateless society could work (for the more optimistic among them even be a Utopia) but I am at a utter loss for this being at all possible. CMV. +I believe hard drug users are unethical for funding systemic violence to sustain their habits. CMV +"I don't think killing someone is worse than severely damaging them (physically, emotionally, sexually, etc). CMV" +"I don't buy the argument that ""you can't consent to being harmed."" CMV." +I believe our life is deterministic. CMV +I think abstract art is just an excuse for bad artists to pass off their work as art. CMV. +White people are privileged because they are the 'default setting'. CMV. +I believe that people that bully someone into commuting suicide should be punished. CMV +CMV Not liking the way overweight people or black people look doesn't make me prejudiced or racist +"I think Edward Snowden is one of the worst traitors in recent history, and that the NSA is not a bad agency. CMV" +"[Mod Post] Minor changes, feedback needed, + looking for 2 mods!" +An Intelligence Explosion is imminent. CMV. +We live in a society that values having children too much and anyone who prefers having children over adoption is selfish. CMV +"I believe that most fat people are useless, unattractive, and pathetic, yet I am a fat guy. CMV." +America shouldn't have bombed Dresden.cmv +CMV: We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Republican party. +I honestly believe in the Illuminati. CMV +I believe that security programs like the NSA are an overall good thing. CMV. +I do not believe that voting should be compulsory. CMV. +I believe that socialism (as well as socialized industry) is much easier to accomplish in a racially homogenous society. CMV. +I Think Artists Who Remix Songs are Stealing From the Original Creator. CMV +Showing ID to vote doesn't violate anyones rights. CMV +If you are pro-life then you should also be pro-contraceptives. CMV. +I think that the stock market is full of capitalist leeches who produce no value yet siphon off capital from the market. CMV +I believe that not covering birth control pills (or other birth control methods) whilst covering erectile dysfunction medication (such as Viagra) is immoral. CMV. +"I believe America should go default on its loans, go through another Great Depression and a massive national change of values if it truly wants to solve it's major problems. CMV." +"I think that if you ""break check"" someone in the Passing Lane instead of just getting out of the way, you're being a jerk. CMV" +I think F2P is a bad business model for gaming CMV +I think that KFC's Go-Cup is no more harmful than driving stick/manual. CMV. +I believe the attorney-client privilege should be abolished CMV +"I believe Batman should have killed Joker long, long ago. CMV" +"I believe that ""resisting arrest"" should not be a criminal offense. CMV." +"I don't think that Reverse-Racism exists, CMV." +I don't think British people have a right to get angry over US political standoffs. CMV. +I believe in the child-told rhetoric that you can be whatever you want to be. CMV +Teachers should get paid more. CMV. +I believe that using an Adblocker is morally wrong. CMV. +History as a requirement is a waste of time used in public school. CMV. +I think the US would benefit from the GOP taking the House again in 2014. CMV +I think the Glass Ceiling argument for the lack of women in senior management/board positions in first world countries is a load of crap. CMV +"I think Obamacare isn't a good thing for America, CMV" +The united states needs a new constitution. CMV. +I believe there are too many Pokémon. CMV. +Having an Obese child should be counted as child abuse. CMV +"President Obama should tell Speaker Boehner and House Majority Leader Cantor that they will get nothing, on camera, in the oval office. [CMV]" +I don't think there is any meaningful genetic difference between human races. CMV +"House Speaker Boehner is directly responsible for the current government shutdown, CMV" +I believe that the left-right scale of politics is at best simplistic and at worst harmful and wrong. CMV +I don't think the USA is a great place to live. CMV. +On why I shouldn't allow a police officer to search me when I have 'nothing to hide'. CMV +I believe in moral absolutes. CMV +I don't think Christianity is true CMV +"I believe identifying yourself as ""otherkin"" must be taken either as a mental disorder or childish bullshit. CMV" +I believe that Obamacare is a good idea. CMV. +I believe any woman can have sex whenever she wants it. CMV +I don't understand why I need to watch or read the news. CMV +Mental Illness Is Used as a Scapegoat for Violent Crimes. CMV. +"I don't see what the big deal is with Monsanto, CMV" +Over-qualification is not a legitimate reason to deny a job applicant a certain position. CMV. +I believe that all the men/women equality movements are doing more harm than good. CMV +I don't think the government shutdown is a big deal. CMV. +I think that the government shut down is primarily due to the extreme political views and utter ineptitude of the republican party. CMV. +"I think an ideal society would be run by technocrats that heavily fund education, healthcare, and science. CMV" +"I believe speed cameras are only a good thing and am a firm believer in ""If you follow the rules, you have nothing to hide."" CMV" +"I believe news organizations that knowingly lie should not be allowed to label themselves ""News"". CMV." +i think most abortions are wrong CMV +I believe in 100% freedom of information CMV +I believe people who complain about spoilers stupid [CMV] +People that blame both parties for the US shutdown are part of the problem. CMV +We should be developing infrastructure for safely jettisoning nuclear waste away from Earth into space. CMV +"Cartoon porn containing minors should be legal, cmv?" +"People who criticize (specifically with US politics) all political parties are like ""political atheists."" CMV" +I think that every worldview is valuable and contains some element of truth. CMV. +I think less of people who use Apple products CMV +I believe GTA V should be re-labeled AO 18+. CMV +"I believe that people who worship ""modern"" gods and view deities of ancient religions as fictional are hypocrites. CMV" +"I believe the Epicurean Paradox (or, Problem of Evil) adequately disproves the existence of a Christian God. CMV (Seriously, please)!" +I believe using AdBlocker is wrong if a website isn't charging you to view its content. CMV. +"I do not believe there is any proof that military service has a positive effect on character traits such as work ethic, entitlement, or respectfulness relative to non-military education/career paths. CMV" +I am a high school teacher who refuses to watch Breaking Bad because it turns a respectable career into what appears to be unrealistic shock entertainment. CMV +I believe the United States ought not to switch over to the metric system. CMV. +I think that expressionism art & similar genres are basically garbage. CMV +I believe inheritance should not be taxed. CMV +I can't see any logic in the anarchist ideology. Educate me and CMV +"An 18yo having sex with a 17yo is not, in general, unethical. CMV" +"CMV: A Government shutdown is worse than putting up with Obamacare, using it as political leverage demonstrates incapacity to lead." +I believe that biology teachers in the US who do not accept evolution should be banned from teaching the subject through administering a test. CMV +I don't believe in the 3rd Dimension! CMV +I believe Capitalism is the only valid economic system. CMV +I don't think climate change is anything to worry about. CMV +"Buying coffee ""to-go"" from coffee shops is a waste of time and money, CMV" +"CMV. I believe a majority of government workers are overpaid, and underworked. If they didn’t realize this as well, they would be quitting in droves instead of whining about possible furloughs or unpaid work." +"I believe that morality isn't black and white but rather a grey area based upon the time, place, and situation you are in. CMV" +"[CMV] I think that life is not a journey, the only thing that matters is how much success you have in your life." +"I believe a lot of people will never find ""love"", CMV" +I think Family Guy is bullshit. CMV +"I think that twitter is for the most part, useless. CMV" +I believe that human activity is responsible for a significant portion of the recent warming trend in the global environment. CMV. +I think democracy is an dangerously flawed system that ultimately leads to fascism. CMV +"I believe that, due to chaos theory, it's impossible to know whether any action is right or wrong. CMV." +I feel that abortion is the best option for some girls who get pregnant in high school. CMV +"Even as an Ex-Mormon, I still feel like Mormonism is a type of Christianity. CMV" +I believe that conscription is inhumane and a waste of time. CMV. +I do not believe that Miley Cyrus has a 'responsibility' to the youth that follow her. CMV. +"Chinese Medicine is a waste of time and money, CMV." +I think the NFL is the glorification of social misfits who would be losers/punks/thugs/drug dealers if it weren't for their ability to run into one another. CMV +"I believe Reddit protocol should be that ""deleted"" comments should never be fully deleted, but merely hidden not unlike a NSFW link. CMV" +"I will be applying for a religious exemption on my taxes for the federally mandated ACA, not for actual religious purposes, but because I feel no need to pay. CMV" +Los Angeles Unified School District's new $1 billion iPad program is a colossal waste of resources. CMV +I believe that nuclear weapons prevented a big global war that certainly would have happened in the second half of the 20th century. CMV. +"If I don't have any morning meetings and I stay at work later than others, I shouldn't be judged in the corporate world for preferring to stay up late and wake up late. CMV." +I don't think you can be a legitimate fan of superheroes without having ever read a comicbook. CMV +"I am an Australian, and I do not believe that a ""Rape Culture"" permeates through my society, as it does in other places of the world. CMV" +"I believe every healthy American should serve 2 years in the military, starting at age 18. CMV" +"I believe that consensual sex between two post-pubescent individuals is not wrong and should not be illegal, no matter the age disparity. CMV" +I believe Zyzz (Aziz Shavershian the amateur body builder) was a horrible role model and doesn't deserve the praise or following he has. CMV +CMV: I believe this Marxist argument against capitalism cannot be resolved or negated by capitalism +"I believe that combat between two consenting adults, up to and including dueling, should be legal and regulated. CMV." +"I believe ""Gamer Culture"" is the equivalent of addicts hanging out to normalize their destructive behaviour. CMV!" +"I believe conservatives are rigid and incapable of change, it's not that they are resistant to it on principle. CMV." +I believe that highly paid bank bosses do not generate enough utility to justify their wages. CMV +"I believe the word ""Retarded"" is a perfectly accurate and inoffensive description for the mentally handicapped. CMV." +"CMV: I think socialized healthcare is a wonderful idea, why are so many other Americans against it?" +"I believe that when the 'tuition bubble' pops in the United States, nobody should be bailed out, because higher education is not a right, it is a privilege. CMV." +I believe unmuffled motorcycles should be banned from the streets. CMV. +"I think there are probably artistic and/or philosophical flaws in any activity, belief or work of art which is not equally attractive to men and women. CMV." +CMV I believe the major cause for problems in the middle east is the unconditional backing America gives Israel. +[CMV] I believe that we should euthanize the severely disabled. +I believe Libertarianism is more of a religion than an economic theory cmv +"[CMV] I believe that Foreign Language should be switched to an elective, and that Comp. Science should take its place in the core curriculum." +"The definition of rape should include men ""made to penetrate."" CMV." +"I believe Facebook is a medium for sharing information/media and that 'friend-ing' someone gives implicit consent for them to view all your content throughout history. ∴ I believe 'Facebook stalking' is completely acceptable, CMV." +I think our society should stop shielding parents from the financial consequences of having children. It encourages overpopulation and punishes other valid lifestyle choices by making others bear their financial burden. CMV. +Paying someone a wage isn't inherently exploitative. CMV +"I don't believe anyone who refuses to believe in Christianity should celebrate (or benefit from) from Christmas. CMV, please!" +I think we should get rid of social security asap and use the money that we save from it to help with the current lack of well paying jobs. CMV. +"Health insurance for the old, the poor, and the sick isn't profitable, hence it can't be done by the market. CMV." +"I believe it's immoral to bear children if you're not already economically prepared to properly care for them, and that parents ""struggling to make ends meet"" are dealing with a problem they created entirely for themselves. CMV." +"Vaccinations should be compulsory for all persons living in my society (USA, but applicable to all western countries). religious reasons should not be acceptable reasons to get out of it. CMV" +"I believe, Politicians in general should have to attend a psych test (and Pass) in order to join a political party CMV." +Parks and Recreational Services shouldn't become privatized - CMV +"CMV. I believe “fat pride” is absolutely disgusting, offensive to everyone at a healthy weight, and deserves to be shamed at will." +I Don't Believe Cutting is Bad. Can Someone CMV? +"I believe the damage done by climate change is irreparable, will ultimately destroy the planet and will only get worse, CMV" +"I believe that it's stupid for people to judge gay characters on ""how gay"" they act. CMV." +I think that Homeopathy is just water and doesn't work beyond what can be explained by the placebo effect. CMV +I believe people take unnecessary risks and then prefer to be unaccountable for it. CMV +"I believe forcing high schoolers to read the ""great works"" of literature is a waste (and only turns them off from reading in general) because they lack the life experience to appreciate them. CMV." +"I believe we should go back to the gold standard, CMV." +"I think all forms of infrastructure are wrong (mainly medicine, agriculture, altering the environment, and every form of government). CMV" +I don't vote because I feel the American political system is corrupt and a single vote has no power. CMV please. +"I believe that love is unconditional, lifelong, and not a conscious decision in any way. CMV" +I think the term “Western World” is mostly meaningless. CMV. +"I believe there are subtle biological differences between humans of different regions, and people are too afraid of being ""racist"" to see it. CMV" +"I do not want to be buried when I die, and find burial to be a senseless practice. CMV" +"Pirating may or may not be theft, but you're deluding yourself if you feel it's not in some way immoral. CMV" +I think smartphones are evil. CMV +I believe liberals should voluntarily pay more in taxes out of pocket. CMV. +"As a lower-income citizen, I don't think it's my job to worry about world issues - like hunger, poverty, things like that - and I don't think I should have to care or donate money to these causes because I have a negligible impact on anything outside of my local area of influence. CMV." +I believe I should be able to own a firearm and use it on my property whenever I want. CMV. +"I believe Fat Shaming is terrible thing to do, and it doesnt help the person being shamed lose weight. CMV" +I don't see anything wrong with payday lending companies. CMV +I believe Islam is evil; far worse than Christianity. CMV +"I believe we live in a predetermined universe, therefore we don't have free will. CMV." +"I believe a State is necessary, and that Anarcho-Capitalism relies on magical thinking. CMV" +Vegas or vegetarians who believe meat eaters needless kill animals while the vegan/vegetarian community do not are wrong. CMV +Religion is not inherently more oppressive than atheism CMV. +I believe animals should have the right to live free from human exploitation. [CMV] +"Some traditionally ""unattractive"" people choose to be homosexual: CMV." +"I don't think breakfast is all that important, or necessary. CMV" +No one is absolutely 100% certain of anything. And that includes you. CMV +"I believe that if I am going the maximum speed limit in the fast lane (USA), that I should not yield to drivers going over the speed limit so they can pass me. CMV" +I believe in-state and out-of-state tuition should cost the same. CMV +I believe that feminism will have detrimental effects for boys who grow up over the next twenty-five years. CMV. +I feel that living fast and dying young is a much better way of dying than growing old. [CMV] +College football is an inherently inferior product compared with the NFL. CMV +I believe it's selfish and irresponsible to have a home birth - CMV +I believe more people need to stop and think before they have children. CMV. +I don't believe there is any real reason other than fear to believe in any form of an afterlife. CMV +I believe in 100% moral absolutism. CMV. +I believe that the existence of more than one religion means that all religions cannot be real. CMV +I believe that being well educated on political events is a waste of my time because I have minimal influence on these events. CMV +There should be no punishment for illegal hits in the NFL. CMV! +"I think that the ""wage-gap"" between men and women, is a result of men working more hours and being willing to do more labor intensive jobs. CMV" +"I think organ harvasting from death human bodies should not be optional, but mandatory, so CMV" +I believe that self-defense is immoral. CMV +"I believe that increasing gun control laws in the US would be an ineffective way to curb mass shootings, because there are already so many guns distributed amongst the population. CMV" +I have come to the conclusion that socialism is the best viable form for an economy to take. Does anyone care to CMV? +I don't think it should be legal to smoke in public. CMV +I think alcohol should be illegal. CMV +I think it's stupid to treat religion as a race or ethnicity. CMV +I believe that the only solution to the centered power of the two party system in the U.S. is through the creation of a stronger and more logically sound third party. CMV +"The rules of Basketball are flawed. The format of the game has too much dependency on the clock, and the team that wins the game isn't always the team that deserves to win. CMV" +I believe the state is inherently good and needed - CMV +"I'm not really all that sympathetic when college athletes complain about not getting paid, and think a free ride through college is more than adequate enough, CMV" +"I don't believe in gay marriage or straight marriage. I do not believe it is any of the governments business, marriage is about love and that's not something the government should be involved in.CMV" +I do not trust veterinarians due to my perceived lack of regulation and the lack of communication possible from pets making it hard to do anything evidence-based. CMV +CMV: I believe that Democracies/Republics and Federations are terrible forms of Government. +I believe there are no stupid people. CMV +I believe any sort of non prescribed mind altering drug is harmful towards a productive society and ones mental well being. CMV +I believe that coffee and products that have a high amount of caffeine should be avoided for its harmful side effects both physically and mentally. CMV. +"I believe that 10,000 people making $10,000 a year are far more important to the economy and society than one person with $10,000,000. CMV." +I don't think religious views/practices deserve any greater legal deference or protection than secular views/practices. CMV. +People who won't admit to their racism are the worst kind of racists. CMV +"I believe that anyone that does ""pirate speak"" is retarded - CMV" +"I believe mandatory attendance policies in college are stupid and unnecessary, CMV" +The ultra-rich are a cancer on society. CMV. +I don't think it's necessary to tip I'd the service didn't exceed the job description.. CMV. +I believe that meritocracy is a better system of government and solution production than democracy. CMV +I believe that zoos are immoral CMV. +"I stand against the notion of bullying bullies back, and think that it's wrong to hurt others regardless of their actions. CMV" +I think beauty is in the DNA of the beholder. CMV +I Believe The Definition of Intelligence Is Wrong/Can Be Improved CMV +I think baseball is the most painfully boring sport ever CMV +[Mod Post] DeltaBot programmers needed! (Link to the code inside) +I think killing all criminals would be effective. CMV +I believe that all people who cheat on their significant others are worthless scumbags. CMV +"I think there is nothing ethically wrong with beastiality, provided it does not injure the animal(both physically and mentally). Because of this, I don't think it should be illegal. CMV" +I believe secession from the US Government should be allowed. CMV. +"I think the television show ""Dexter"" is best appreciated if you stop watching after the end of season 4. CMV" +I think that discrimination against fat/overly obese people should be considered as normal. CMV +I think almost all spanking is a form of revenge for parents having been spanked themselves as children. - CMV +[Trigger warning]I don't believe the feminist narrative about rape. CMV. +I think that being gay is a mental sickness that can be cured with the help of a psychologist. CMV +"If every man in America did not show up for work one day, it would catastrophically affect the country, but if it were women who did not show up for work, nothing significant would be affected. CMV." +Special privileges and laws for American Indians are wrong. CMV. +I believe that General Education requirements at universities are unnecessary. CMV +I believe that the burden of disclosure when dating trans people does not fall on the trans person. CMV +I believe that Miss USA and beauty pageants in general are a joke and basically the human being equivalent of showing your prized chicken at the county fair. CMV +"I believe that the ""Pre-order"" system of gaming sales is a farse.... CMV" +"On average, women far more disadvantages than men in contemporary American society. CMV." +"I don't see gluten, when eaten in a balanced diet, as being harmful. I believe that the recently popular ""gluten-free"" trend is harmful. CMV" +I believe that Affirmative Action is government-mandated racism. CMV +I see belief in God as a major intellectual weakness. CMV +The ad hominem fallacy is overquoted. Sometimes it's ok to reject an argument based on its source. CMV +"The character of Phoebe adds nothing to the Friends dynamic, and is just unpleasant and rude. CMV." +I believe that suicide is an option all people should have and not be punished for attempting. CMV. +I support Universal Basic Income. CMV. +I think Iron Man 2 was the objectively superior movie of the trilogy. CMV +"I believe that skillful cooking of good food will become a lost art, and we will all be better off, CMV." +"I believe that ""serious"" science fiction writers should never prequel an existing series. - CMV" +"I believe that Premarital Sex almost always ruins relationships, and i don't see reasons to engage before marriage. CMV" +"I don't think smoking tobacco is THAT bad, CMV" +CMV: Red light/speeding cameras are a scam +I believe that suicide is an appropriate option for terminal elderly who wish to avoid future pain for themselves and loved ones. CMV. +"I think if you are offended or upset by what you see online log off, block it, or shut it down. No one's free speech or information in general shouldn't be curbed just because it hurt your feelings, CMV." +I believe it should be illegal for parents to smoke inside the house if their children live with them. CMV +"If you go to the doctor, then you are not a true Christian. CMV" +People should not have to follow laws they do not agree with. A system could be designed to make that work. CMV +"I believe that the idea that words - rather than meanings - can be offensive is ridiculous, and they should not be censored in the media. CMV" +"I think that the Westboro Baptist Church is more intellectually honest than most modern, tolerant Christians. CMV." +"Instead of saying ""Cite your source"" you should Google it yourself and reply with a source that disagrees with their point. CMV" +"I think all non-specialized academic tests should be ""open book"", CMV." +I believe that voting for third party candidates does more harm than good. CMV +I think governments should largely subsidize contraception for increases in standard of living. CMV. +"I believe that if Obama makes a speech on the American economy without mentioning underemployment and the lowest worker participation rate in 35 years, then he is being purposely disingenuous when talking about our economic success. CMV" +"I believe that buying books isn't worth it, and piracy is how I read the vast majority of novels CMV" +Any place that doesn't allow guns (gun free zones) makes for perfect places for people to go on shooting sprees. CMV +I believe that European countries have nothing to earn on using Daylight saving time CMV +"I like the ""fat acceptance"" movement for the most part. Please CMV." +It is immoral to ban the Muslim face covering in Western Society - CMV +"I believe artistic talent must be born with, and those who are not with said talent can not become good artists. CMV" +I believe the Daily Show has become nothing but an opinion column and Jon Stewart is a hypocrite for criticizing the news. CMV +I don't believe there is an overarching meaning to life. CMV +I think David Foster Wallace was a bad writer. CMV. +"I believe that if you are in the military, you shouldn't be allowed to smoke or drink. CMV" +I think people who buy organic foods and produce for health reasons are delusional. CMV +"I think redditors love revenge, whatever the crime is, an eye for an eye and the world goes blind, and reddit is happy. I believe in rehab and change, not death penalty and life in prison. CMV" +"I believe the ""we are all equal"" rhetoric for equal rights for races/sexes is damaging to the movement because it falls apart when we aren't. CMV." +I don't believe Arabs can handle Democracy. CMV +I believe internet piracy is just people trying to get stuff without paying CMV +I think that gambling isn't wrong at all. CMV. +"I believe that wealth redistribution via ""estates taxes"" AKA ""death taxes"" is not only moral, but necessary for the good of society. CMV." +"I think that disabled children, physic and mental, shouldn't be kept alive after birth. CMV" +"I think that Creationism and ""teaching the controversy"" should have no place in public schools, CMV." +"I believe when the accused is found not guilty in a ""my word versus yours"" case, the accuser should be made to stand trial for lying. CMV" +"I believe that, were it to be scientifically possible, everyone should be steralized at birth, and you would have to pass a maturity test to be allowed to be ""unsteralized"". -CMV" +I believe that that human race would be much better off without countries CMV +"I believe Putin was right, it is dangerous to encourage a people to think of themselves as exceptional. CMV" +I don't believe that sexism is the cause of sex discrepancies in the workplace - CMV +"Health Insurance Companies should not be able to request information from Genetic Testing or Genetic Screening, nor should they use that info in their pricing models. CMV." +I think that not all cultures are equal. Some are definitely superior to others. CMV. +I don't believe a universal basic income could work. Please CMV. +"Without agreeing with or supporting the culture that creates this double standard as right, I think that slut-shaming makes logical sense. CMV" +Atheism is boring. CMV +I don't think talking on the phone in the car is any more dangerous than driving with passengers. CMV +"I think that all prices displayed (e.g. on the shelf at the store, menus, etc.) should display the real, final price. CMV" +"I don't like living in America, and I want to leave. Please CMV." +I think it does not matter if I vote in an election or not. CMV +I do not believe that Psychology is a valid science. CMV +I think Communism is superior to Capitalism - CMV +Drunk driving laws are going too far. CMV. +I think patriotism is one of the most stupid human characteristics. CMV +CMV: I believe there is nothing wrong with CP and that it should be made legal as long as both parties and parents/guardians consent. +The Koch Brothers seem like decent guys who want to make the world a better place. CMV. +I think the USA is the greatest country in the world. CMV +I believe it's more wrong for an adult male to have sex with a underage teen girl than a adult female to have sex with an underage teen boy. CMV +Earth is a prison/rehabilitation center for our “souls“not a place where we come to chill and learn. CMV. +I believe the tipping culture in the United States is superior to non-tipping cultures. CMV. +"I think love for domesticated animals is nothing more than anthropomorphism, and that animals only care about humans because of selective breeding. CMV." +"I believe the world operates in the same fashion today as it has for the last 10,000+ years , just under the modern paradigm of Internet, false media and under the table economic warfare, etc. Governments are just questionably elected Empire rulers, trying to further and or retain power. CMV" +I think it's okay if people fetishize me (as a minority) so long as I can score some dates. CMV. +"I believe victim's consent should be a valid defense to any crime with a victim, even murder. CMV" +I believe Reddit should require a reply with both upvotes and downvotes. CMV. +"I'm a straight male, and I find women as a whole to be contemptible. CMV." +I don't think circumcised penises are that big of a deal. CMV. +"I Don't Know How To Drive, and I Don't See A Point In Learning. CMV" +"I Believe the Grading System we use in schools today (A, B, C, D, and Fail) is complacent on behalf of the teaching community. Allowing a student to proceed to higher material without having earned an “A” is counterproductive to the mission of education. CMV" +I do not think it is ever appropriate to complain about something that makes you happy. Please try to CMV. +"I believe that corporate lobbying has no benefits to the average person, and that it should be made illegal. CMV" +[CMV] I believe medicine is ruining humanity +People are making excuses or think they are too good for minimum wage jobs when they say they can't find a job CMV. +I don't believe in raising minimum wage. CMV +I have lost all faith in the US political system. CMV. +I think Tyler Perry is an embarrasment and totally exploits black stereotypes. CMV +"This year is the first in which I'm being asked to fill out a ""Roommate Agreement Contract"" at my college. I strongly feel I should not have to do so. CMV." +I do not believe trigger warnings are necessary or obligatory. +I think toilet seat covers are pointless. CMV +"I think that feminism currently uses hate speech as a way to advance its goals. In fact, this attitude hurts the advancement of women. CMV" +I believe that other genre's are inferior to Rap/Hip-Hop. CMV +"I believe that saying ""no offense"" before or after what your going to say should negate much of the offense. Please CMV." +"Feminism and Mens Rights Activist are equally discriminatory and should be grouped as ""Human Rights Activists"" CMV" +I plan on buying an iPhone 5s. CMV. +"(Spoilers) I think 'rooting' for Walter White is completely ill-conceived, maybe a little psychotic, and that he is clearly the villain of the series. CMV" +Reading fiction is a waste of time CMV +"I believe that pure capitalism, though not perfect, is the best economic system for a nation. CMV" +I believe that any meaning an atheist finds in life is merely illusory. CMV. +"I am a 21 year-old who is rapidly becoming a hermit/recluse. I don't necessarily see anything ""wrong"" with it." +"I believe that because the term ""Redskin"" is not an historically racist, bigoted or derogatory term, the Washington Redskins are completely fine to continue to maintain their name and mascot. CMV." +I disagree with the idea that people can simply self-identify as being another gender and be considered such without getting sexual reassignment surgery. CMV? +"I don't think false rape accusations are punished nearly enough, and people who commit this act deserve much harsher reactions than they currently are. CMV" +I believe that muslim immigration is causing my country's culture to decay. CMV +I hate overseas charity. CMV +I am scared of dying. CMV +I think economic mobility is more important than wealth distribution. CMV +Fox News is one of the political *Left's* greatest assets. CMV. +I believe men shouldn't cry. CMV +I believe that America should be a direct democracy CMV +"I don't think bodily functions such as farting should be acceptable to do in front of your SO, CMV" +I think that copyrights should expire when the creator of an original work is dead. CMV +"I believe that the feminism movement has caused a crash in the U.S. education system, and it's a crash that we likely will never recover from. CMV." +"When having a bowl of cereal, milk goes in first. Please CMV." +"I don't believe private companies can provide a better service to a population than a public company, in the big picture. CMV" +I don't believe that the vast majority of people who talk about climate change actually believe it. CMV +"I believe that morality is subjective, and that right and wrong is simply up to the opinion of the majority - CMV." +I believe that no one is completely accountable for their own actions. CMV +I am an atheist who believes that people who are religious breed more hate and violence than their non-religious counterparts. CMV. +The US slave trade was the best thing that could've happened to African slaves and their descendents. CMV. +"If teleportation is ever invented, I wouldn't use it. But I would really want to so CMV." +"I don't think having a ""white club"" at a school/college is racist or wrong in any way. CMV" +I Firmly believe the United States SHOULD intervene in Syria. CMV. +I think we should drastically cut welfare in the US. CMV. +I think religious schools should be banned. CMV. +"I believe that when it comes to topics like rape, suicide, etc. people need to learn to take a joke. CMV" +I think that we place too much value on the idea of 'science' nowadays. CMV. +I believe that men and women have significantly different behavioral tendencies due mostly to biology CMV +The current state of compulsory schooling has absolutely ruined our youth and it needs to be replaced. CMV. +I believe that a benevolent dictator if the only effective form of government CMV +I believe jury duty should be optional CMV +I think most of you reading this are going to die from cell phone induced cancer. CMV. +I believe that the ONLY legitimate purpose of government is to protect the rights of it's citizens. CMV +"Outside of your own property or designated areas, you do not have a right to smoke. CMV" +I believe that Ron Paul is misleading his supporters by telling them that the Fed destroyed 98% of the purchasing power of the dollar since 1913. CMV +"I think that becoming upset and using social leverage to pressure you over non-harmful behaviours such as swearing is a form of bullying into compliance, CMV." +"I think that the current trend of ""All-natural"", ""Gluten-free"", organic, and the like being mainstream reasons to choose one product over another is bad, CMV." +I don't think any country today is overpopulated. CMV +"I believe that Communism is a valid political system that has merely been poorly interpreted and implemented, CMV please." +"I believe that extreme sex acts that appear abusive, humiliating, or degrading such as throatf*cking, are an indication of deeper emotional problems. CMV" +"I believe that in general, it's wrong to use adblockers on the Internet. CMV." +I've never understood why 'The Great Gatsby' is so highly regarded as The Great American Novel. CMV +I disagree with compulsory voting and believe that to have your vote counted you should need to prove you have a reasonable knowledge of each party's policies and ideals. CMV. +"I believe any person should be able to travel/live anywhere on the earth, un-regulated. CMV" +"I think that while males still have male privilege, that they are considerably more bound by gender roles than women are in Western society. CMV." +"I believe that being ""born"" gay is complete scientific bologna CMV" +"I don't believe there is any reason for dating, or, by extension, marriage, outside of sex. CMV" +I don't care about your feelings. CMV +"I believe numerology, palmistry, and astrology (and occult/mystic ""sciences"") are totally bogus and work on generalities, statistics, and confirmation bias [CMV]" +CMV - I don't think people should be able claim they want to be referred to as ze/hir or they/them. +I don't believe that solar or wind energy will be viable in any form. CMV +I don't believe it is necessary to challenge an elderly person's racist or bigoted views. CMV +I believe President George W. Bush was one of the most competent political leaders in American history. CMV. +"I believe that democracy in the way we know it inevitably leads to socialism, CMV." +Oil played huge role in the Iraq war[CMV] +"I believe that female tourists visiting developing countries with a high incidence of rape and violence should be careful, and there is no harm in pointing this out; CMV." +I don't care that my data is being mined left and right for marketing purposes. CMV +"CMV: I think that American culture is absolutely and fundamentally devoid of any value, and represents the worst of any society that exists on this planet currently." +The Beach Boys are musically on par with and deserve the same merit as The Beatles. CMV +I find the auteur theory (i.e. that the director is the artist behind the film) to be ludicrous. CMV +I think that ticket scalping should be made illegal. CMV +"There is nothing wrong with following speed limit laws regardless of the lane you are driving in, CMV" +I believe that the US school system should not have removed prayer/Christ from curriculum. CMV +"I think that Yoko Ono is one of the most untalented, uninspired, uninspiring, overrated ""artists"" of our and any generation. CMV" +"I think that when drunk man and drunk woman have sex, the man shouldn't by default be considered a rapist. CMV" +I think people who consider spaying/neutering their pets 'cruel' are wrong and ignorant. CMV. +"I think that government employees should never have the right to strike, CMV" +"I think ""Blurred Lines"" is just a song about a boy flirting with a girl and holds no rape-y undertones. CMV" +In regards to privacy it seems that the only reason a person might require it is insecurity of some sort. Could it not be argued that perhaps the idea of 'you have nothing to hide so don't be afraid' has some merit? [CMV] +We're living in a musical golden age. CMV +"I believe I should have the right to NOT vote in my country's election, CMV." +"I eat meat, change my view not to, CMV" +"I think it's healthy for employees to share their salaries with each other, and companies should encourage transparency in pay. CMV" +I believe that the 'dickwolves' controversy is ludicrous and that the Penny Arcade writer and artist shouldn't have to apologize for anything. CMV +"I think China's One Child policy is the most effective long-term policy to help the world's environment, and outweighs the harm China's rapid industrialisation has caused. CMV" +"""Undocumented immigrants"" is a misleading euphemism and they should be called illegal immigrants. CMV." +President Bush acted more responsibly in Iraq and Afghanistan than President Obama acted in Libya or proposes to act in Syria. CMV +"I think the idea of: ""males with long hair appear unprofessional or 'dirty'"" is outdated and holds prejudice. CMV" +"I think that India has an appalling culture, and a corrupt government that refuses to address pressing issues out of a sense of ""tradition."" CMV" +"I believe that use of the word ""patriarchy"" damages equality by reinforcing gender stereotypes. CMV" +CMV US should implement population planning similar to China +I think that citizens of the District of Columbia should engage in massive resistance until they get full autonomy and Congressional representation. CMV. +"I think anime and manga are less visually diverse than western comics, CMV" +I think identification tattoos would be a substantial improvement on existing government issued ID CMV +"I think classes for ""gifted"" kids (like GATE) meant to provide extra enrichment should instead be offered to struggling students who would benefit more from them. CMV" +Prisons don't work - CMV +I think naked protesters only hurt their causes. CMV +In loco parentis is bullshit. CMV. +I think the NCAA is a scam that exists for profit at the expense of student-athletes. CMV. +"Childless adults should not go to Disneyland and Disneyworld. These are for children and families, and adults have the entire world to experience. CMV." +I believe that convicts sentenced to life without parole should be allowed to and provided the means to commit suicide. CMV +I believe it is inherently hypocritical to support (mainstream) left-wing politics if you live in a wealthy Western society. CMV. +CMV: Intelligence > Persistence/Diligence +I don't think those noises Yoko Ono makes with her mouth can be considered music. CMV +I don't think Incest is a big deal at all. CMV? +I don't think blackface is racist as long as it is not used as a tool to ridicule. CMV. +I believe life in prison should be done away with. CMV +I believe tipping at restaurants should not be as a % of the value of the food. CMV. +I think businesses are stupid for charging minimums for credit cards. CMV. +"I believe that nobody should be denied health insurance because they don't have enough money, and it should be provided solely by the government. CMV." +I believe Terrorists have a right to a fair trial CMV +"I think identifying as an ""Atheist"" is slightly oxymoronic and identifying as ""Nonreligious"" is a better term. CMV" +"I think that we should stop requiring prescriptions for most medications, contact lenses, eye glasses, etc. CMV." +I believe that dental and vision care should be covered by social healthcare in Canada. CMV. +"Dignity is toxic. It stops adults playing like children, which is healthier than boring exercise machines. Dignity promotes conformity and is a tool of social stratification. CMV" +"I believe equal opportunities quotas in the workplace are intrinsically flawed, working to perpetuate rather than eradicate prejudice. CMV" +Semantic drift has become a propaganda tool for social engineering shills with a regressive agenda CMV +Determinism requires faith. CMV. +Acting is extremely easy. Please CMV! +I think that federal student loans should only be given to people going into STEM fields. CMV +I think professional sports should allow use of steroids and PEDs. CMV +I think we should go to war with Syria. CMV. +I think tax evasion is perfectly moral and acceptable. CMV +"I believe what most people see as racism is really just ""culturalism"". CMV" +I think all drugs should be legalized and regulated like alcohol. CMV. +I think people who post about their dead relatives on Reddit are barbarians. CMV. +"I feel that high-end luxury cars (Bentley, Rolls Royce, etc.) are a complete and utter scam. CMV" +I believe people who choose to become police officers have at least some small desire to commit violence. CMV +I believe that if we discovered a cure for psychopathy that society should force psychopaths to take it. CMV. +"I think most higher education is useless, given today's horrible economy. CMV" +"I'm convinced Bitcoins are either a delusion, or a long con. Help me CMV." +I think treating my patient according to their best interests and maximizing profitability are mutually exclusive goals. CMV. +Hell is other people. CMV. +"I don't think adding the word ""culture"" makes views on black people less racist, CMV." +"I believe that parents who give birth to a child with severe health complications, be it mental or physical, have the right to end the life of that child in a humane, legal way. CMV" +I don't see any reason why single use restrooms should be gender oriented. CMV. +I believe that religion is detrimental to humanity and should be eliminated CMV +"I believe that modern, mass media is biased, corrupt, and is only concerned with getting views. CMV" +"In a democracy all parties should have the same funds and prefab, standardized election campaigns, CMV" +"I think that most fashion is arbitrary and people take it far too seriously. I am for people wearing whatever they feel like at home, in almost all workplaces, and in public. CMV." +"I don't think the Universe, the life in it, or anything of that nature and scale has any actual value, CMV" +"I believe jerking to Porn is a form of cheating in a relationship, and would very much like someone to CMV." +"I think that inappropriate jokes (racist, sexist, homophobic..) are ok if you are in a private group who all understand that they are just jokes and understand that you're just joking about the stereotypes. CMV" +I believe that the toaster oven is better than the traditional toaster in every meaningful way. CMV. +"I've been having a bit of a thought experiment lately - if personal safety can be legislated by requiring seat belts, motorcycles should also be outlawed. CMV" +"I think humanity should genetically engineer itself, once it is able to do so effectively. CMV" +"I am a MRA. Please, CMV." +The average vote is worth less than the time and money it takes to cast one. CMV +I believe that the world needs the United States more than the United States needs the world. CMV. +I believe Tarmogoyf is a seriously overrated card. CMV +Lazy people often cannot help being lazy. CMV +I don't want to believe that World Trade Center building 7 was taken down by demolition. CMV +I believe that gay men have more oral sex than straight people. CMV. +"The only way to a happier life is to stay away from as much people as possible, CMV?" +Society decides what is moral. CMV +I believe that the crucifix is a form of idolatry. CMV. +"I believe that a statement should be considered independently of the person making it, CMV" +I believe hunting as a sport should be done with only a bow and arrow CMV. +I believe that reddit (as a collective) hates police officers. [CMV] +"I advocate for social change under the flag of ""The Zeitgeist Movement"". I want to see the application of the scientific method and all it's advancements within our everyday lives. The only way this can be done is to remove our monetary system. Try and CMV" +"Just like alcohol, there should be a legal smoking age. CMV" +"Aside from physical differences, men and women aren't that different. CMV" +"In almost all cases, married couples should have joint finances. CMV." +I am convinced that 9/11 was an effort by the US government to help ignite America's interest in the War on Terror. CMV. +I believe that it is pointless to try and date if you are/seem unfit. CMV +I think that if Israel had gained it's independence fair and square. CMV. +"We should close down or stop funding most humanities and soft sciences in colleges, as they are not productive for society. CMV." +"I believe that public education should not exist because of the fact that it is based on the Prussian model of education, which is unbelievably evil. CMV" +I think Fermi's Paradox is solved. CMV +I believe purposefully loud vehicle exhaust should be made illegal for street legal cars and trucks. CMV +"I believe that people who are homophobic have a mental disorder, CMV." +I Believe the Natural Born Citizen Clause of the US Constitution is Unnecessary. CMV +I think it's immoral to flirt if you are unavailable. CMV +I believe that most conservative are being manipulated to suit their parties own ends CMV +I don't think raising the minimum wage will actually do much to combat poverty . CMV +I never tip even if the service is excellent. CMV. +I believe the 5th Amendment is illogical and helps criminals to escape justice. CMV. +Toilet paper should always be put on the roll so that the papers come out from the top. CMV +"I believe that in a Groundhog Day scenario, murder is still morally wrong. CMV." +"I believe that math best way to measure intelligence, please CMV." +"I believe ""non-binary genders"" are a nonscientific concept and societal acknowledgement of them is premature. CMV" +Welfare states are inevitable. CMV +I believe that tau is far better than pi; CMV +The Metric System is an Efficiency Decimating Failure CMV +I believe that workers in minimum-wage jobs have no right to complain about below-subsistence level wages and if they don't like it they should work somewhere else or go back to school. CMV. +I don't believe in the idea of completely free speech. CMV. +I believe the easiest way to solve a large part of American society's ills is to guarantee housing via eminent domain. CMV. +"I do not believe there is a difference between ""gender"" and ""sex"" when it comes to transexuals. CMV" +I believe that communism could never possibly work. CMV. +"In cases where someone recklessly or carelessly brings about their own death, I don't think I'm obligated to speak about that person respectfully. CMV." +I think flowers are a a poor gift and a waste of money. CMV +Men's rights are a joke. They are advocated by whiny men who don't understand actual oppression. CMV +"I feel like Superman is the most Mary Sueish hero, and I do not understand his popularity. CMV." +I believe Africans are stupider than whites. CMV +CMV - Corporal Punishment should be reintroduced into school +"I believe that /r/feminism not only hurts itself with its policy regarding banning users and removing posts, but also shows how little feminists are interested in hearing any opinion other than their own. CMV" +I believe that if you are qualified for service then you would be a fool to not do at least one enlistment in the military. CMV. +I believe property destruction is a legitimate form of protest. CMV +I have enough life savings to retire. I should quit my job and play WoW all day. CMV. +Banning personal automobiles from cities would be a net positive for any city. CMV +CMV: I believe Bigfoot is a hoax +I believe Batman is a terrible superhero and his praise is unwarranted. CMV +I believe that modern art such as blank canvases are complete nonsense. CMV +"I believe that the pros of being a ""night owl"" far outweigh the cons. CMV" +I think the only way to stop graffiti is to get more creative/severe with punishment. CMV +"I believe antitheism is ultimately a destructive force and that people should be able to worship any fictional deity they choose. CMV, Reddit." +I do not believe on denying someone a job because that person is overqualified. CMV +"I believe the international community should get involved in Syria, but on Assad's side, CMV" +CMV: I don't think cyclists have any business being in the road with cars and should either get on the sidewalk or be forced to obey some traffic laws. +"I believe punishment is not justice, I believe rehabilitation and reconstruction is - CMV" +I believe people who thinks alcohol make things more fun are insecure about themselves. CMV. +"I believe that by making people feel vulnerable, multiculturalism causes them to conform more strictly to the norms of their own ethnic community, thus in practice eliminating the ""diversity"" that multiculturalism seeks to promote. CMV." +I don't think sex education is necessary beyond the information that protection should be used. CMV +"I think Transgenderism is a mental disorder, CMV" +"There is an objective difference between quality wine and 'plonk', and everyone should acknowledge it. CMV." +"I believe that any military action taken by the US in Syria could easily spiral into a regional conflict which draws in other major world players whose interests in the area conflict with our own, possibly starting another World War. - CMV" +I feel that the existence of private health insurance in the UK is a strong indicator that public healthcare is substandard. CMV. +I believe that states have a moral obligation to intervene in other states affairs on humanitarian grounds. CMV +"I think that 3D printers are very cool, but essentially ""gimmicky"" at this stage. CMV" +I believe most people today have an unreasonable expectation of our current level of knowledge and understanding CMV +"I don't think that US intervention in Syria is about the use of chemical weapons, mainly because we stood idly by while Saddam gassed Iran previously. CMV." +"I think that violent video games, violent music, and other forms of media that glorify violence DO contribute to real world violence. CMV" +"I think rolling my own cigarettes is healthier than buying cigarettes, CMV" +"Guns are not tools, only weapons. CMV" +"I think many minor ""mental disorders"" are really just weak people. CMV." +"I think the ""classics"" in a given art are overrated and not appreciating them does not necessarily mean you don't truly appreciate the art form. CMV." +People are all selfish and mostly trash. CMV +"I don't think there should be ""attorney privelege"" and that attorneys should be able to tell the court if their client admits to a charge. CMV" +I believe that every person is entirely self-serving in every action they take in their life. CMV +I think drug legalization is a terrible idea. CMV +"I don't believe space is currently ""worth"" exploring. CMV." +I believe storylines in video games are not nearly as good as those seen in the majority of films and novels. CMV +"I believe open source software doesn't make sense in our current society, as it is basically giving away work for free. CMV." +"I believe all human action is motivated by a purely self-serving addiction to happiness, and that in the big picture nothing has a purpose. CMV" +I beleive that self-destruction is acceptable if you only destroy yourself. CMV. +Alimony is an outdated and unfair legal obligation in today's society of equal gender opportunities. CMV! +"I seriously think that people in the Western world really have no right to complain about ""corruption"" and the like in their countries, and doing so is extremly inconsiderate of real problems in the world. CMV" +They should scrap weekends for banks and post offices. CMV +I believe there is no inequality in hiring opportunity for women with equal experience and qualifications as men. CMV +Most Charitable Donations in the U.S. are Actually Luxury Spending. CMV. +The United States of America has the best justice system in the world. CMV. +"I think college is a useless idea created just to make money, and should not exist. CMV" +I believe all children should be taught to play music. CMV +I believe that humans should be imprinted/chipped at birth. CMV +TheRedPill theory is just an out for men who have had shitty relationships all their lives. CMV +Anybody who has taken up smoking tobacco since the year 1990 has made a proundly stupid decision and has nobody to blame but themselves. CMV. +"CMV: I believe that perpetrators of victimless crimes (ex. prostitutes, drug dealers, those who gamble, etc) should not be jailed and/or fined for their crimes" +It is immoral and should be illegal for US companies to pay less than federal min wage in other countries. CMV +"If a woman dresses like a slut, gets drunk and otherwise knowingly puts herself in a dangerous situation, I believe that if she gets raped she deserves it. Please, CMV." +there is no proof(perhaps no way *to* prove) that time exists. CMV +I think that reliable birth control should be a requirement to receive long term public assistance +"I see little value in saving endangered species, unless they are clearly connected to human survival. CMV" +I believe that members of modern western society suffer from a form of mass social psychosis. CMV +I think that compulsory voting laws should be implemented in American national elections. CMV +I think people who think weed is completely harmless and smoke it in excess are just as idiotic as the people against the drug CMV +"Comedy can only reach it's full potential when you're allowed to joke about any subject, no matter how offensive. CMV." +"""Rape"" is overused and watered down - CMV" +I don't think people should be allowed to smoke cigarettes in public. CMV. +"I am a Christian who believes saying, ""Oh my God"" is a sin, but do not see anything wrong with using the F word or other ""cuss"" words. CMV." +I believe that human cloning should be legal. CMV +I believe boycotting places (like Chick-fil-A) is just advocating more hate and solving nothing. CMV. +I believe that we live in a society where women are almost always treated as a victim and men are almost always treated as the aggressor. CMV. +I believe that Paternity testing should be mandatory for a father to be put on a birth certificate CMV +I am a strong believer in social Darwinism and believe that free market capitalism is the best way to rid society of undesirables. CMV +I believe that an regular unarmed police force is better that an armed one. Please CMV +I think abortion ought to be mandatory for those 16 and under CMV +"I think that gaming, as a medium, is intrinsically hostile to storytelling. CMV" +I do not believe William Shakespeare deserves as much time in schools as he gets. CMV +I believe that liberals will never admit that there is anything wrong with black culture. CMV +"I believe the world would be a better place if we all spoke one language, and we should strive for this. CMV" +I feel like it is foolish to make rules against swearing in online games targeted towards adults. CMV +I believe it's weird and nonsensical for adults to love Disney. CMV! +"I think people who say they like ""free jazz"" are just pretending. CMV" +I believe recent CMV's which necessitate equal punishment for women for crimes usually committed by men are expressed out of misogyny. CMV +"Alcohol is bad, please don't let me grow up boring" +I want to join a radical environmentalist group to fight global warming. CMV +"I believe that a man should be able to force a woman to abort a baby if he can prove that the embryo is the result of she raping him, or she lying about being on BC. CMV" +"I believe people who don't think life exists outside of Earth, and who don't believe in alien UFOs are asinine - CMV!" +"I believe overweight and obese persons should be subject to the same ridicule, criticism, and social and legal obligations as smokers. CMV" +"I am an Emotivist who believes that all ethical, moral and general 'good/badness' we see in the universe is opinion only, nothing more. CMV" +"I think we should be mediocre, so people don't miss us painfully when we're gone. Maybe CMV?" +I think homeschooling is inherently wrong for the majority of the population. CMV +I think transsexuality is no different to not liking your body shape or your height CMV +"The common moral arguments against piracy are ultimately all derived entirely from it's illegality, CMV" +People dismiss r/theredpill for the wrong reasons CMV +People should strive to avoid hypocrisy at all times. CMV +I think if you receive a substantial amount of government assistance (forms of welfare) you should not have the right to vote. CMV +"I think that capitalism is a flawed system that will always have an exploited ""class"" no matter how prosperous the population is as a whole. CMV" +"Summer vacation should be done away with, and school should run continuously through the year. CMV" +"I am convinced that every person on earth should be signed up for Cryonic suspension, and that the future will view our refusal to do so as the largest tragedy of their past. CMV" +CMV: The US over funds the military. +I believe arming school staff is a bad idea CMV +I love suburban lifestyle and do not understand the recent push for urbanization and shaming of suburbanites. CMV. +"I don't believe in any kind of afterlife, CMV" +"I believe that the stock market, in its current form, is bad for the economy & is basically legalized gambling. CMV" +Any action performed by a person that reduces the quality of another's life should be illegal. CMV. +I believe bailouts are bad. CMV. +I believe that females who make false accusations of rape should receive the same punishment rapists do. CMV. +I believe animal shelters are a waste of resources. CMV. +I believe that the system set up to uphold the British Royal Family is inherently corrupt and should be abolished soley due to its injustice. CMV +I Believe That Citizens in a Democracy Are Legitimate Targets of War. CMV +"I think that any company that offers maternity leave must also, with identical allowances, grant paternity leave as well. CMV" +"I don't believe that just declaring yourself male or female makes you male or female, CMV" +"I believe that Adblock is morally neutral, CMV" +"I believe that men should not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for caring for a child if only the mother elects to keep it. CMV" +I believe that hate crimes shouldn't exist. CMV +"Inheritance tax should be at or close to 100%, CMV" +I believe that the individual people working in the American government have good intentions and only want the best for the people. CMV. +All governments will crumble soon and they should. CMV. +I truly believe Bigfoot exists CMV +I believe that vaccines are harmful and are directly linked to autism. CMV. +I believe that economic issues should be paramount to social issues in elections. CMV +"I'm not against it morally, but I don't acknowledge transgenderism as legitimate as being gay or lesbian because it involves a denial of ones own physical body CMV." +"The phrase 'man up' is sexist no matter who it is spoken to, spoken by, or whether it is spoken with the intent of being sexist. CMV." +I strongly support unions CMV +I think it's okay for an employer to ask women if they're planning to have children soon and not promote/hire them accordingly CMV. +"I'm slowly becoming racist, please CMV!" +"I think that ""bodily autonomy"", by itself, is a horrible reason to justify abortion. CMV." +I believe that mass surveillance of public areas is perfectly fine and would discourage crime. CMV +I believe that homosexuality is an idea created by culture. CMV +I hate cops. - CMV +I believe that Medicare & Social Security are ponzi schemes. CMV. +"We are all going to die someday, I might just as well kill myself right now. CMV" +I believe any form of amnesty for illegal immigrants is slap in the face for those who followed the rules and the laws by immigrating legally. CMV +"I believe that non-spammers should be able to see that their comment has been deleted, CMV" +"I think universities should only teach academic subjects, CMV." +"Global Warming: I believe that it's real; I believe that it's human-caused. HOWEVER, I am not that worried about it. CMV." +I believe that churches should be tax exempt and be able to preach about politics and endorse candidates CMV +I believe that celebrities that have criminal charges should be stripped of their titles and fame and never be allowed to get them back. CMV +I do not believe photography takes a lot of skill. CMV +"I believe that the term ""terrorist"" is just the new version of ""commie"" or ""communist."" CMV" +I believe someone who has taken too much time to meet certain social milestones have little to no chance of having a normal life. CMV +Dual-citizens should not be able to serve in State or Federal government - CMV +I believe the Federal Reserve should be ended. CMV +I believe that this world's nature necessitates a supernatural origin. CMV +"I think A Feast for Crows was a sub-par novel, CMV" +I believe that we shouldn't care much about sportspersons' personal lives and character flaws. CMV! +CMV - Tobacco products should be illegal +"I think an ""easy"" fix for the world's problems is to put a cap on accumulation of wealth. CMV" +"I think that the expectation of ""tipping"" in America is out of hand. CMV" +I believe that they US government should step in and support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. CMV +I believe that it should never take more than a few hours the night before an exam to study. CMV +"I believe the US news media does not act in the best interest of the US people, CMV." +The collapse of building 7 was not adequately explained by any reports or studies. CMV +I think that children of homosexuals are disadvantaged. CMV +"I am an atheist, but I don't think there is a good reason to dismiss karma and/or reincarnation. CMV." +I believe rape alarmism harms men more than it helps women. CMV +I think the United States should be a direct democracy. CMV +Sushi chefs are highly over rated and anyone with moderate cooking skills can make equally high quality sushi. CMV. +I never got drunk and I don't think I ever will in the future. Am I missing something? - CMV +I believe that the 40-hour workweek is unnecessary on any level. CMV +I think it is unfair to price clothes of different sizes with the same price. CMV. +I believe that failure reflects on the person who failed. CMV +The act of voting should require comprehensive tests in both civics and general intelligence. CMV +"I don't believe that Windows 8 deserves all the hate it's gotten, CMV." +I believe that Scientific Skepticism is the ideal value system CMV +It should be illegal to divert funds from academics to athletics. CMV +"I believe being ""slutty"" cheapens your value as a potential partner." +New York pizza is better than Chicago pizza - CMV +I can't separate the ideas of Atheism and Nihilism. CMV +I believe that the realistic opportunity to mitigate and adapt to human-driven climate change passed us at least 5-10 years ago and that we are now doomed to a long-term worldwide decline and a total collapse of civilization within the next 100-200 years. CMV +"I believe religion, no matter which one, has always just been used to oppress people and has nothing good in it CMV" +I believe that Guantanamo bay should be closed down as quickly as possible CMV +"I believe it's naive to think that climate change can be prevented, CMV." +I believe that /r/conspiracy should be a default subreddit. CMV +CMV: I believe that steroids/'PEDs' are not as abhorrent as they are made out to be in professional sports. +I believe that most group projects in schools (mainly middle and highschool) fail to convey their intention and are not fair regarding the grading CMV. +"I believe that the most likely explanation for the origin of the universe is that it is a simulation, CMV." +"I believe that felons should retain the right to vote, CMV" +I believe Conservative stances and policies are harmful to progress in society. CMV +I believe there is no good reason to opt out of post-mortem organ donation - CMV +I don't think that dropping my Gifted 10th Grade Literature class for a regular english class is a bad idea. CMV +I believe that all schools in all stages of education should be free. CMV +I believe Assange should face trial for the sexual molestation charges in Sweden CMV +I don't think the Beatles were so great. CMV +I think that believing in God should be classified as a mental illness. CMV. +"I believe that a balanced plant based diet would be made less healthy by the addition of animal products - and that overall, animal products are inherently unhealthy. CMV" +"I believe inequality of wealth, political power and fertility is essential for civilization to function. CMV." +"I believe that STEM fields are unfairly perceived by many as being unfriendly to women, and that this perception contributes to their under-representation (and vice versa). CMV" +"I think that all obese people only have themselves to blame for their weight. Medical issues only make losing weight difficult, not impossible. CMV" +I believe that some women deserve to be hit. CMV +"CMV: there is no such thing as ""thin privilege""" +I believe that both Feminism and the MRM are preferentialist and exclusionary. CMV +"I really don't think there's any justification for piracy, and I totally support increasing DRM. CMV." +I believe that expected business wardrobe and presentation are inherently sexist and prevent many women from entering professional settings. CMV +I believe anyone who supports libraries has no grounds to oppose filesharing. CMV +Atheists who claim that there is no after life are wrong. CMV +CMV: Power is good. Greed is good. +"I believe that actors who prepare for roles by doing something extreme are less impressive, not more impressive, practitioners of their craft. CMV" +I believe 9/11 was an inside job. CMV +I don't see global cultural homogenization as a bad thing. CMV. +I think that the War on Drugs could be won (nearly non-existant drug use) if we got very serious about it; CMV +"I disagree with the concept of inheritance, CMV" +"CMV- The people who claim that one interpretation of a classical piece is better than another in any objective way are talking out of their ass. Barring, mistakes and flubs, obviously." +"I think the very fact that marijuana is so widely accepted makes it more dangerous than 'harder' drugs, CMV" +I think that trans people are just confused and need therapy instead of hormones or surgery. CMV. +"I don't get why people do walks or bike rides to support cancer/AIDS research, or other causes. It seems like a huge waste of time/money when instead people can simply donate money. CMV." +CMV: I believe that monogamy has stunted if not fully halted human evolution. +I believe that mainstream contemporary art since the 1950s is juvenile and shallow; in short it is not art. CMV please +"I believe that without a unified organized revolution carried out by the citizens of this country, the United States will crumble within my lifetime (I'm 36). Please CMV!!!" +I believe that high fructose corn syrup is bad for you. CMV +Living in almost any European country is vastly superior to living in America. CMV +I believe that everyone is bisexual. CMV +I don't think polyamoury can lead to stable long-term relationships. CMV! +I believe that discussing the utopian end goals of a political movement is a fruitless misallocation of effort that would be better used discussing more realistic ways of implementing beliefs and ideals. CMV. +I believe that Nelson Mandela is not a hero and has destroyed South Africa. CMV +I believe that all decisions made are inherently selfish. CMV. +I believe that Marriage as a lifetime commitment is an outdated expectation. CMV +Python is the perfect first programming language. CMV. +I'm more comfortable pirating a famous band's music than I am pirating a small-time musician's. CMV +Men's rights advocacy on reddit has lost sight of reality. CMV. +CMV: I don't think artists'/authors'/businessmen's/etc personal views should make me not enjoy their creations +"I don't think accusing someone of ""objectification"" is a valid criticism. CMV" +I can't trust someone who argues from pure self-interest rather than principle. CMV. +CMV: I believe that the fuel economy benefits offered by hybrid cars is a myth due to a basic understanding of physics. +Equal treatment for gender/race should not include giving minorities things just for being minorities.CMV +I think I should always be allowed to do things that could potentially hurt only me (e.g. some drugs). CMV +"I think a man should be able to ""legally abort"" a fetus he does not wish to have but the mother does within the same period the mother has to actually abort the featus. CMV" +"Saying ""Bless you"" after someone sneezes is a terribly backwards application of manners. CMV" +"Being ""offended"" or ""hurt"" by certain words demonstrates weakness and a lack of intelligence, (at least regarding language). CMV." +Steal from the Rich and give to the Poor. CMV +My STATECRAFT is the best system of government known to Man. CMV. +"I think resistance to standardized tests in the US is pointless, as no one has really presented a better way of being able to show the academic growth of students. CMV" +I am so repulsed by my normal and healthy but oddly-shaped breasts that I'm planning to have them removed. CMV. +I believe that all drugs should be legalized for recreational use. CMV +Cynicism is never a good thing. It undermines hope and hinders progress even at small levels. CMV +I believe that you should have to get a license to become a parent. CMV +I'm a man who finds men's rights activists condescending. CMV. +I think that humans have ceased to evolve CMV +The myth of Santa Claus is harmful. CMV +"I, for the most part, believe having a ""fast"" or ""slow"" metabolism is a myth. CMV." +I believe that a catastrophic event that will change the face of humanity will occur in my lifetime. CMV. +I am starting to think that some individuals in the US Government could potentially use all of the information the NSA has gathered against us to form a coup and eradicate democracy. CMV +I believe men who do not consent to a child should not have to pay child support. CMV +Reddit is more libertarian than liberal (in the American progressive sense). CMV. +It is not yet known whether climate change will be catastrophic- CMV +I think smartphones and tablets are just glorified gadgets that serve no useful purpose different from their less classy counterparts. CMV +I believe that nuclear energy is the only viable alternative to fossil fuels if we want to prevent catastrophic climate change before it is too late. CMV. +Soccer is a boring sport to watch. CMV +I believe bullying should be an expelable offense at first evidence. CMV +"This movement to redefine ""masculinity"", lead by a woman, is a joke. CMV" +"I believe Jezebel.com is a poor advocate for women's issues. Rather than point out inequality and misogyny with the goal of persuading offending groups, they mock and attack accomplishing nothing. CMV" +"I believe that the vast majority of rape is about sex, not power. CMV" +I believe that almost everyone accepts a higher power. CMV! +I think 'de facto' segregation was good. CMV +I believe recreational use of drugs like marijuana in the US is extremely unethical. CMV. +"The vast majority of jobs are mind numbingly boring, and pretty much the only reason most people work is money, CMV." +CMV-Human morality should not extend to animals. +"I Believe Late-Term (Post-week 20) Abortion should be Illegal, with one very specific, single exception. CMV" +"I find it hypocritical of American Universities to offer degrees in 'the arts' (music, dance, etc) but not in athletics. CMV" +"I believe teaching that ""State's Rights"" were the primary cause the US Civil War should not be allowed in public schools. CMV." +"Corporate-manufactured pop culture is bad for the human psyche, CMV" +"American universities, particularly the arts and humanities, teach young people to be confident, arrogant, and close-minded. CMV" +"In the United States, every gender inequality has an opposing inequality. CMV" +OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is snake oil. CMV +I think that people who complain about working in an office don't realize how lucky they are. CMV. +I don't believe in God. Please CMV. +I believe that people are brainwashed to believe having children is a good idea. CMV +I believe the concept of morality is abolished in the presence of reason CMV +Obama is a good president CMV +I believe that pornography's overall net impact on society has been negative. CMV +I believe that illegal immigrants in the US should be granted amnesty. CMV. +"The political climate in America doesn't change fast enough because our intelligent, young people are too cynical and apathetic. CMV" +CMV: Intelectual property piracy of any kind is morally wrong and harmful to the economy +"Corporate sponsorship of politicians has hurt Democracy and the US far worse than any terrorist attack has, CMV." +Conservatives are more intolerant than Liberals CMV +I believe that everything is predetermined and humans have no free will. CMV. +"I believe that Batman always wins the ""who would win in a fight"" game if he can escape the first fight. CMV." +I believe that peaceful protesting is useless in this day and age. CMV. +"I believe that the American culture of pranking people outside of close friends is in general just humiliating, not funny and wrong. CMV" +"The minimum wage should be removed and replaced by unemployment benefits. My gut says there something wrong with this so by all means, CMV." +China will be more powerful than the United States within 20 years. Please CMV. +I believe that the two-party system is dysfunctional and needs to be eliminated - CMV +"Feminist comic lovers need to calm down and wait for the inevitable change in tone, or stop purchasing disagreeable products from mainstream comic producers. CMV" +I believe that women should focus on having children in early adulthood rather than careers. CMV +"I think it is hypocritical/sexist for [US] gov. agencies to throw money into funding STEM fields to encourage more women but you never see them saying/doing the thing about no men in female dominated fields (vet, literature, etc). CMV" +"I believe that Libertarians have no idea how their dogma, especially the ""non-aggression principle"" would actually work in a real society. Please CMV!" +"I believe that the US is too big and to split to work as a country, and that we would be better off split into our major rejoins (New England, Mid atlantic, The South East, midwest, ect) as independent allied countries. CMV." +An adult believing in God is very similar to a child believing in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. CMV +[CMV] The parking brake is not necessary to apply in most modern vehicles in standard urban/suburban operating conditions. +"I believe that arguments for gun control legislation are largely reflexive, in response to isolated atrocities, and are not addressing the actual issues that cause them, nor do they address the historically dangerous precedents of an unarmed populous. CMV." +"I don't believe that anyone ""deserves"" more income than anyone else for any reason. CMV" +"I believe the United States of America can no longer be considered a ""first-world country."" CMV." +"I believe that even if there is an explanation on some level for why the universe exists, eventually it would still have to lead back to some first thing that 'just was' for no reason and without any cause. I see no way around this. CMV." +I believe evolution caused beauty and intelligence to have a high correlation and that assuming a good looking person is smarter then average is often correct. -CMV +I think secularism is untenable. CMV +I believe that the environment and development can peacefully coexist. CMV +It's not necessarily misogynistic to portray overly-sexualized women in the media. CMV. +"I think that multiculturalism is killing many first world countries such as England, Sweden or America. CMV" +All vegetables should be cooked. CMV. +"I believe that as long as someone claims that they believe Jesus is the one son of God that sacrificed himself for our sins and calls themselves Christian, it is invalid to say that they aren't true Christians - even WBC. CMV" +I believe that marijuana should be illegal until technology is developed that can test recent use. CMV +"Vaccination should be supplemented with ""Jury Duty""-like deliberate infection with unattenuated germs to force humans to evolve natural defenses. CMV" +"Many reddit subs are over-moderated, which is insulting to their users CMV" +I don't support gay marriage because I don't think a homosexual couple could a child of the opposite gender very well CMV +I believe the constitution is antiquated and outdated and should be done away with. CMV +"I believe that if we can call black people ""black"" then it should be acceptable to call Asians ""yellow"".CMV" +I think the Humanities are useless. CMV +"I believe that parents who hit their children are criminals and should be charged with assault, including the ones who disguise the abuse as ""spanking"". CMV." +I used to believe that prostitution should be legalized and regulated. TCMV. CMV back? +I believe that cultures who still live in hunter-gatherer societies are less sophisticated and less civilized than Western culture. CMV. +I think that Chiropractic works. CMV +The concept of punishment is nonsense. CMV +i think the way male rape is handled in fiction is troublesome. CMV +I think that heightism should be taken more seriously as a form of discrimination. CMV +I believe we would be much better off with smaller countries and smaller governments. CMV. +The Statement: Only allowing those without genetic disadvantages to reproduce is better for humanity in the long term. CMV. +I don't see the future ever getting better. CMV +"I have no respect for people willingly in the armed services, CMV" +I believe that genetically modified organisms are a good thing. CMV +"I believe The Patriarchy, as a theory, holds no explanatory or predictive power, CMV" +I Think r/atheism is full of morons who can't actually defend their views and just gang up to down vote anyone who brings up another POV. CMV +I believe benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Ativan should be highly illegal and no doctor should prescribe them. CMV? +I don't believe corporations who take measures to avoid tax are acting immorally. CMV. +I believe everyone to some degree is racist. CMV. +"I believe that Internet is more awesome than real life, so much so that I find real life virtually pointless. CMV" +I don't believe Linux will ever be a widespread used OS. CMV. +"[Mod Post] Updated Rules, Wiki, and Introduction of a ""CMV Post of the day!""" +I don't see anything wrong with concealed carry CMV +I do not believe numbers are infinite. CMV +[CMV] I believe that alcohol causes more problems then its worth and should be banned. +I believe that the entire conflict in The Matrix was wholly unnecessary. CMV. +"I think that cases of female-on-male rape are an incredible minority of overall rapes. And those who wish us to reconnoiter our thinking on rape as a more gender-neutral crime are misguided, and merely arguing their own political agenda. CMV." +"I do not believe ""Everyone is a little bit gay"" is true in any meaningful sense. CMV" +I believe that a meritocratic system of government is the solution to a broken system. CMV. +"I believe love is a choice and that a person does not ""fall"" in and out of love CMV." +I believe that ObamaCare is a terrible thing for the US as a whole. CMV. +"I believe that privilege is something that should be used and exploited for maximum benefit, contrary to the ideals of most SJWs. CMV" +"I think police officers are currently above the law, when they really need to be held to a harsher standard of the law than civilians. CMV" +"I don't consider NASCAR or any other car racing, to be a sport. CMV." +Gambling should be legal at any age. CMV +"I believe that hard-core capitalists undermine social justice with their near-singular focus on profit and personal responsibility, while hard-core socialists undermine personal responsibility with their near singular focus on social justice. CMV" +I believe that salaries in sports are insanely too high and pros don't deserve this amount of money. CMV. +I don't think that knowing how to code is going to give you a job in 10 years time. CMV +I think thiefs and charlatans are in their right to do what they do and if someone falls for it this person deserved it for being too stupid. Please CMV +I think cigarettes should be illegal - CMV. +"I think certain provisions in ""Obamacare"" hurt small businesses and their employees by forcing them into hiring practices that penalize growth and flexibility. -- CMV" +I believe that both parents need to consent to having a child for one to receive child support from the other - CMV +I hate my soon to be in-laws. CMV (details about them inside) +"Gay men are incapable of a committed loving, monogamous relationship. CMV" +Depression isn't a chemical condition to be treated with medicine. CMV? +I believe that attractive white women lead easier lives than the rest of society - CMV +Abortion Should Be Legal Until An Infant Is 2 Years Old. CMV +I believe that Communism is so obviously wrong that all Communist leaders deserve to be executed even if they never unjustifiably imprisoned or executed anyone. CMV +I think GMOs are pretty awesome. CMV. +I think fear of flying is perfectly rational and that airplanes should be avoided for short distances. CMV +"In my mind, President Obama is a liar and has lost total credibility due to the NSA scandal and his subsequent pursuit of Snowden. PLEASE CMV" +I don't believe that a child should confront a bully physically/violently. CMV +I think that male basketball players deserve to be paid 10 times as much as female basketball players. CMV +The new Whose Line Is It Anyway is terrible for many reasons. CMV +I believe that single parent households of any gender are detrimental to a child. CMV +I believe college student athletes should get paid. CMV +I think that mental health labels are dangerous and do more harm than good. CMV +I believe the arguments of the Republican Party stop short and don't adequately address opposing viewpoints CMV +"I think that ""job creators"" are the worst people to listen to when it comes to deciding government action. CMV" +I don't think top Paralympians should be seen as equal to top Olympians. CMV +Arguing for the existence for God (aka apologetics) is pointless. CMV +I think intelligence is largely inherited and priding one's self over it makes about as much sense as celebrating your height. CMV. +"I think if you believe that fat people are entitled, don't deserve assistance with medical bills, or otherwise find them intolerable, you should feel the same way about alcoholics, smokers, and gambling addicts. CMV" +I don't think children should be exposed to religion until the Formal Operation Stage CMV +[CMV] I think that people who smoke are terrible people who deserve no sympathy. +I believe the Republican Party will die within the next 100 years and will be replaced by the Libertarian Party. CMV +Native Americans (before whites) had the best possible form of government. [CMV] +"I think living in a city (Chicago, New York) is the worst way to live. Please CMV with personal anecdotes." +"I believe that college should not be encouraged by our schools as it is now, it is not for everyone, or even most people, CMV (Americans only)" +I believe recreational hunting is barbaric. CMV +I believe raped men should ahve the legal power to abort the fetus. CMV? +I think the Olympic Games should be cancelled altogether. CMV. +I think we should consider imposing a maximum allowable income. CMV +I think we should eliminate time zones. CMV. +I believe that religious and spiritual people are inherently less intelligent than the non-religious and skeptics. CMV +I believe that both feminism and MRA are valid social movements. CMV. +I believe that almost all rape convictions are unjust. CMV. +I believe that pay and salary information for every worker should be public and easily accessible for everyone to see. CMV. +I believe feminism blames men 100% for past and present oppression. CMV. +I think the Confederate flag should be banned from flying at any public or school related event. CMV +I think I need to have millions upon millions of dollars in order to be happy. CMV. +I see nothing wrong with arrogance if its completely justified. CMV. +I believe that it is not gay if it's in a three-way. CMV +I believe that giving gay marriage an alternate title would solve a few issues on the matter. CMV +I don't give a damn if you're on welfare. CMV. +"I think that for a parent, any reason for owning a handgun is outweighed by the inherent risks of having one in the home. CMV" +"I think going through with an unwanted pregnancy and putting the child in foster care is irresponsible and wrong. Please, CMV." +I believe that pop music has never been as bad as it is right now. For god sakes CMV +I think tattoos are absolutely disgusting and foolish and I think it is a genuine tragedy that so many people now have them and think they are no big deal. CMV +"I believe that no harm could come from refining our definitions and terminologies concerning ""Rape"" ... CMV" +I think emotions are as vital to humans as logic is. CMV +"A friend of mine claims she's suffering emetophobia, but I find it hard to take these kinds of phobias seriously. CMV." +"I believe Yoko Ono is a crazy, talentless person with absolutely no artistic value present in her work. CMV." +"It is logically inconsistent to ban abortion but allow for a ""rape exception"" CMV." +"I do not think that everyone is equal, born equal or can ever be equal and that if there are great Men and Women, there must also be useless Men and Women to quantify them by. CMV" +I think Ignorance is Bliss. CMV. +I believe dark matter and dark energy are bunk. CMV +I believe states' rights are an issue of absolutely no importance and should matter to no one. CMV. +"CMV: I believe that if men could suddenly become pregnant, the abortion debate would disappear overnight (in favor of ""free abortion available on demand)." +"[CMV] People focus too much on fighting social justice, and not enough on real issues." +"I'm not sure that we should cure all the major diseases, as it will just boost over population. CMV" +I believe humans need their rights limited to ensure survival of our species. CMV. +i dont think the Jehovah's witnesses should be considered a cult. CMV +The US should remove regulation that bans that sale and importation of fully automatic firearms to civilians made after 1986. CMV +I reject the hard-line view that homosexuality is not a choice. CMV +I feel like I'm lying when I don't criticise things. CMV +"[CMV] I believe the reality around me does not exist, and there is no way to prove it does" +"I think McDonald's is acting well within their rights and if employees have a problem with they pay, they should work toward getting a better job. CMV" +CMV: I think showering daily is a terrible idea and all efforts should be made to reverse this trend where it is common. +"I think fathers of unwanted children shouldn't have to pay child support, and should have the right to have the child aborted CMV" +I don't believe that McDonald's should be condemned for the salaries workers are receiving - There is a difference between working as a fry cook and finding a career. CMV. +I don't believe in the validity of intellectual property or copyright laws. CMV +"I think most vegetarians and vegans are ignorant, and every single concept they have is absolutely stupid. CMV." +"[CMV] I think that Men's Rights issues are the result of patriarchy, and the Mens Rights Movement just doesn't understand patriarchy." +I believe there is nothing wrong with killing a person if no one knows they exist and they are killed instantly and painlessly with no awareness of their impending death. CMV +"I Believe All Schools Should Follow The ""Digital Aristotle"" Model CMV" +"I believe people who buy marijuana, cocaine, or any other illegal drug, are directly funding narco-terrorism in Mexico and should be socially ostracized. CMV." +I don't understand how Republicans and conservatives can actually be serious about their policies. CMV. +I do not believe that being a pedophile is wrong. CMV. +Street Smart and Book Smart are two different types of intelligence. CMV. +"I believe that it is wrong, if not disgusting, to have the gall to see others as desperately needing a specific religion. CMV." +A Brave New World convinced me that I shouldn't bring a child into this world. CMV. +"I think it is wrong to arrest someone for being racist in the UK, whether online or in public. CMV" +"I don't consider myself shallow, but would never even consider dating someone I consider fat or ugly - CMV" +I believe depression is all in your head and can be overcome on your own. CMV +"If you take illegal drugs and get caught, you ought to be held accountable - CMV" +It's insulting to me when the LGBT community compares their movement to Dr. King and the civil rights movement. CMV. +I do not think that just because an individual is wealthy that they should pay large sums for child support . CMV +I think that mission trips are mainly to spread religion. CMV +"CMV about UAVs, aka Drones, on the battlefield." +"I think that anyone who is genuinely smart, driven, capable and well connected would not join an MLM. I think MLMs are scams for suckers. CMV" +"I believe that people should not be alive for such a long time past their retirement, and that voluntary euthanaisa of the aged should be celebrated and honored. CMV." +I believe that wanting a seperate country or society for your race or for any grouping type isn't inherently racist. CMV. +"I believe that ""geeks"" and ""nerds"" are quickly becoming everyday people rather than social outcasts. CMV." +I should quit my job at a top 3 consulting firm and invest in whatever skills necessary to be able to go help people. CMV. +"CMV I don't understand why are Transsexuals considered sane and are generally accepted from a medical, legal and social standpoint." +Subseddits with a minimum Karma or age restriction for posting are detrimental to reddit. CMV +I don't think there's anything wrong with gender or relationship roles. CMV +I believe the US is (or is becoming) a corporatocracy. CMV +I think that campaigning for social change is inherently un-democratic. CMV +I think that Eugenics would be beneficial to society and create a far more peaceful world. CMV +I think buying Reddit merchandise and wearing it in public is weird CMV +People should care what others think of them CMV +"""CMV"" I think any girl or guy that is within the mid teen boundary that goes ""bi"" are just doing it for attention." +I believe Wiccans and Neo-Pagans are corrupting old belief systems and thus disrespecting them. CMV +People Should Expect to Be Judged by Their Choice of Clothing CMV +I believe that high heels should be banned in the workplace. CMV. +I think bitcoins are doomed to fail and investing in them is a terrible idea. CMV +"I feel that like all art work, you should be able to openly comment on a person's tattoo. CMV" +College football is better than the NFL. CMV +I don't believe rich people have truly earned their wealth. I think instead they are a huge drag on society. CMV. +"Since it is illegal to drink in public places, it should be also illegal to be drunk or loaded in public places. CMV." +I think the 'culture' around alcohol is extremely toxic and needs to be fixed. CMV +"[CMV] The quality of Apple's products has peaked, is in decline, and will never recover." +I do not believe for-profit media can be objective. CMV. +I feel like we need to start colonizing space within my lifetime to preserve freedom and choice. CMV +"Gendered bathrooms should correspond to anatomy, not identity. CMV" +I think there is no reason why anabolic steroids should be illegal or banned in professional sports. CMV +I hate Libertarianism CMV +I'm anti-abortion because I can't draw the line between goo and person. CMV +I think bullying is a good thing. CMV. +"Gay pride parade does a lot of harm to gays in the public eye, CMV" +"I believe high schools should use a multi-tier system to stream teenagers into appropriate programs based on intelligence, regardless of the stigma this may cause. CMV" +I believe adopting a 'used dog' from a shelter is more often than not a bad idea. CMV +I think the man's opinion should be important before a woman can have an abortion. -CMV +"I'm pro-choice, but I think 20 weeks is not an unreasonable limit on abortions. CMV." +"I believe that a large portion of people who you could consider racist/possess and vocalize racist thoughts, are actually prejudiced against a culture and not so much a person's genetic makeup. CMV" +Protests in the modern day are a waste of time and does not lead to better change. CMV +"I believe that the minimum wage, and other government safety nets, should remain in tact and in some cases increased. CMV" +Fewer jobs available (e.g. More unemployment) in the world is a good thing and we will prosper once we accept that as fact. CMV. +I believe all interactions between people should be voluntary. CMV +"I do not believe that Bestiality, Polygamists, Pedophiles, Necrophiliacs or people pertaining to any other unconventional sexual orientation should be looked down upon by society, so long as they do not commit any criminal offense. CMV." +I believe the continuity of consciousness is an illusion. CMV. +"I believe manned space flight to be a waste of time, resources, and the intellect of our best minds. CMV." +I believe that men who share a bathroom with a woman/women should keep the toilet seat down. CMV +I believe that backing up all your data to an online cloud service is a bad idea. CMV +I believe it is wrong to push your morals on someone else CMV. +Hand-jobs are a waste of time. CMV (NSFW?) +"I believe if society were to devolve, it would devolve according the democracy portrayed in Brave New World and not the fascism portrayed in 1984. Democracy is more dangerous than Tyranny. CMV." +I don't believe that math objectively exists. CMV +Objecting to abortion rights in all cases makes sense. Exceptions for rape and incest don't. CMV. +"I believe that if singers don't write their own songs, they should be considered ""performers"" rather than ""musicians"" or ""artists."" CMV" +"I believe the moral imperative to ""respect all cultures"" is destructive and cruel. CMV." +I think Obamacare violates a fundamental human right to choose who one enters into contracts with. CMV +Every enlistee in any military who joins 'for the benefits' is both in function and in principle a mercenary. CMV. +I believe the British Empire was an unequivocal force for good in the world CMV. +I think most people on Reddit are talking out of their ass when they say GM food is perfectly safe. CMV +I believe that laziness is the cause of high unemployment rates. CMV +I believe that we should start implementing knowledge of organized crime and the atrocities they commit into drug education programs. CMV +"I think, in current conditions, volunteering for military service in the United States is unethical. CMV" +I don't believe anyone is born gay. CMV. +PC gameplay hasn't really evolved in any significant way for a decade. CMV +I love meat and think it's just fine and dandy to eat any and all creatures you can stomach. Dare you to CMV +I don't see the problem with musicians lipsyncing. CMV. +I believe US patriotism is cringe worthy and US citizens should get over themselves. CMV +I believe there should be a zero tolerance for drinking and driving. -CMV +I don't think fast food workers deserve to be making $15/hour - CMV +"I don't believe that a father or father figure is essentially necessary to a child's development. Please, CMV." +"I believe that regardless of outcome, the Zimmerman case is irrelevant to American politics. CMV." +CMV Infanticide should be legal +"I would like to get a cat, but my husband does not. Please either CMV or change his!" +I believe all drugs should be legalized. -CMV +I believe that highway speed limits should be removed and replaced with a very strong enforcement of anti- tailgating laws. CMV. +"In principle, I am not against the death penalty. CMV." +"I believe the speed limit on roads should be adhered to as much as possible, and deliberately disregarding it is inexcusable. CMV." +The current world state is hopeless enough to make me go to therapy. CMV +"I smoke American Spirit cigarettes, but consider them not harmful like other cigarettes. Please CMV" +I think that pitching in baseball (inc. at NBL level) is more luck than skill. CMV +Making a new top level comment on popular threads (> ~300 comments) is currently useless. The reddit commenting system needs to be overhauled. CMV. +I'm uncomfortable with the idea of my boyfriend watching porn. Please CMV. +"I think having children is a terrible thing in an overpopulated world, there is also nothing enjoyable about having a child CMV" +"I believe that large dogs are dangerous, regardless of their past behavior or how well trained they are. CMV" +The Bible cannot have been intended to be understood literally. CMVp. +"I believe that the quality of a piece of music is subjective, depends only on the listener and therefore doesn't exist. CMV" +"I believe that the issue of abortion is in no way a women's rights issue, CMV." +"I work hard for the income I earn, and shouldn't have to give a higher percentage of it simply because I have more of it. CMV" +I don't need to get a damn job. CMV +"I've been raised to believe Republicans care more for money than social progress, and more for their own welfare than that of the world. CMV" +I think the Iphone 5 is better than the Samsung Galaxy S4. CMV please +"Steve Jobs is not an innovator but a thief and does not deserve his recognition as a ""genius"". CMV" +I believe Americans who claim they don't vote due to the low probability of their vote being the deciding vote are irrational and selfish. CMV. +Zimmerman did nothing wrong. CMV. +I think the 'c-word' is hyper-sensitized and shouldn't be as offensive as it is in America. CMV +"I'm anti-abortion because there are no physiologically differences between a one-second old baby, and a fetus one second before being born. Why does the former have human rights, and not the latter? CMV." +I don't think birthdays are important. CMV +"[Title vague to avoid spoilers - do not read unless you have read or watched the subject matter to avoid spoilers] I do not subscribe to a current popular theory in the Song of Ice and Fire books/Game of Thrones show, one that is nearly universally believed by true fans of either or both. CMV" +I think the United States needs a bigger federal government. CMV +"My fiance is Canadian, but I am American. I believe that we will be happier moving to the US because of lower taxes, significantly cheaper cost of living, and having more freedoms and rights. CMV!" +I have a feeling that any Palestinian state that comes into existence will be a total craphole and still be agitating to conquer Israel. CMV +"I believe movies on imdb with more than 20 - 30 years should not be open for rating, CMV" +I believe that pronouncing judgment on the NSA and PRISM is misguided. CMV +"I think the Batman in ""Justice League"" is the best Batman in TV or film. CMV!" +"I Firmly Believe Online Dating is like ""Giving Up"" in the Real World and the Only Women on There are Either Conventionally Unattractive or, if They Are Attractive, Have Some Sort of Personality Flaw. CMV." +I think eating vegetables is a waste of time. You can get the fiber by eating a tbl spoon of chia seeds and vitamins / minerals from caps. Please CMV. +"I believe that by moving to the US, I am giving up most of my freedoms enjoyed in the UK, and significantly lowering my standard of living, CMV!" +I think all chinese people look the same. Also a lot of black people. It's not racist. CMV +I think self-harm is a good thing. CMV +"I think that many charities are wasteful, counter-productive, and a way for corporations to get out of paying tax while improving their image, while the population is tricked into believing that all is well. CMV." +"I believe that CEO's, ESPECIALLY self-made entrepreneurs, have a right to take as much money as they want from the company they created. I believe that if they wanted to pay their employees $1/hr, that's their choice and the choice of the employee to accept. CMV." +I dont believe Bieber will fall from grace. CMV +I believe the punishment and social stigma attached to rape is disproportionate to the actual harm it causes. CMV +I feel like there's no point to voting in America for a 'popular vote' since the only vote that seems to count is the electoral college. CMV. +"I believe agnosticism is the most intelligent position to ""believe"" on the religion/atheism spectrum CMV" +"I believe that, if pulling over vehicles based on the race of the driver is profiling, so is charging more for insurance based on gender. CMV" +I do not believe marijuana should be legalized because I am fearful of the alternatives for adolescents CMV +"Constant economic growth is not sustainable in the long term, at least in our planet's closed system. CMV." +"I don't see sex as morally good, just hedonistic. CMV" +I think Dark Souls is the best game ever made and I cant really enjoy any other new games. Please CMV +I don't think that we should feel bad for people that self-harm. CMV? +Amassing Wealth is Theft: CMV +I believe music is the highest form of art. CMV +I believe it is immoral for parents to block their children from accessing pornography after they reach puberty. CMV +There is no other life in our universe other than life on Earth. CMV +I believe we like movies like the Hunger Games because we are just as evil in the same way as the people in that Universe that watch the Hunger Games. CMV. +I believe that Roman Polanski should be vilified and hated for the child-raping piece of garbage he is and not rewarded and beloved just because he makes decent movies. CMV +"I find dancing, in any possible form, absolutely ridiculous and pointless CMV" +I don't think downloading songs for free which I wouldn't have bought otherwise hurts artists financially. CMV. +I believe Woody Allen and Barbara Streisand are completely and unjustifiably overrated. CMV +I believe that HOAs (Homeowners' Associations) decrease property values by scaring away potential home buyers. CMV +"My opinion is that my country (Norway) shouldn't join the EU, and that a membership would only make things worse for us. CMV" +"I'm a student on a budget, and I think renter's insurance is a waste of money, CMV" +I think the Internet brought the current crop of restrictive laws on itself. CMV. +"I believe using an individual's race to determine anything about them is not only immoral, but is not beneficial in any way. CMV." +"I think the discrepancies between races are not caused by social bias, but the races themselves. Please CMV." +"Trans people are suffering from a delusion, and should not be indulged or taken seriously CMV" +"I think referring to large numbers of black people as the ""black community"" is racist. CMV" +Shaking hands is unnecessary/unhygienic and should not be a standard social procedure. CMV +I believe it is ridiculous when people refuse to give constructive criticism. CMV +I believe contracting to paramilitary groups like Blackwater is wrong and should be illegal. CMV. +I believe current copyright law is detrimental to society CMV +"Legal, consensual sex scandals cause disproportionate damage to political leaders careers. CMV" +"Earth is too environmentally damaged for me to have children. It's wrong to subject children to this planet as it becomes poisoned. Since overpopulation causes environmental problems, it's irresponsible to create more people who will pollute and strain Earth's dwindling resources. CMV." +"I think it's ridiculous for a grown adult to cry because they didn't win a sports match, even if they are a professional sportsperson. CMV." +"I think women who wear revealing clothing increase their risk for rape CMV (PS: I am NOT advocating rape, please read content)" +I believe that minimum wage is ineffective in application and should be taken out of practice. CMV +I think one person making all the income in a relationship is wrong. CMV. +I'm a liberal who is disgusted with the liberal outrage over the George Zimmerman verdict. CMV. +I believe that buying a used game is - in most situations - more morally objectionable that pirating that game - Please CMV +I think incest is not as big deal as society thinks it is. CMV +Giving cash to panhandlers is an unwise practice. CMV +I believe that the university model of education is outdated and inferior to a thourogh and practical college program. CMV +"I believe that it is extremely, extremely, extremely unjust for the media to follow a court case, provide a perspective on it, and show the face of the person on trial. Please somehow CMV." +I believe that people in polygamous relationships cannot actually love each other. CMV +I think Transvestite (specifically not transsexuals) weaken the LGBTQ community's goals CMV. +"I think John Williams is an excellent composer who deserves the success and awards he's received, and people who look down on ""cinematic"" music are elitist pricks. CMV." +I think that abortion is morally wrong when the sex that created it was consensual. CMV. +"I believe that the phrase ""Don't judge others"" is essentially meaningless because judging is an unavoidable part of choosing your friends . CMV." +"I believe that any argument for abortion that does not deny the humanity of the fetus is also, necessarily, a good argument against gun control CMV." +I think Pulp Fiction was a bad movie. CMV? +"I believe criminals with offensive tattoos should have them filled-in/removed in prison, CMV." +I believe diversity for diversity's sake in the workplace and hiring practices is wrong. CMV. +i think that the united states constitution should be scraped and re-written. cmv +I believe the death penalty is appropriate. CMV. +I think that democracy is not suitable for some countries CMV. +If a perfect digital copy of myself exists in a simulation and can exactly do everything and experience everything that I would in real life then there is no fundamental difference between myself and that simulated copy of myself? CMV +"I believe that all ""royalty"" are just an artificially inflated upper class that should not be revered or respected. CMV" +I think that Edward Snowden is a traitor. CMV. +I think that it's absolutely unjustifiably wrong to download anything illegally. CMV +"For the first time in my life, I agree with Bill O'Reilly. Please CMV." +"I thought the movie Pacific Rim was terrible, CMV" +[CMV] I believe the international fixation with the Israel/Palestine conflict is the result of anti-Semitism/Jew obsession rather than genuine concern for Palestinians. +I believe that the only way to end world hunger is to allow those suffering to starve. CMV. +I don't think that the advances in smart phones and social media a good thing for humans as a race. CMV +I believe voting should be obligated. CMV +"I believe that a mandatory minimum wage hurts workers, helps employers, and is a major cause of wage stagnation of unskilled labor in the United States. CMV" +"I believe that if Jesus Christ truly existed, Martin Luther King Jr. was the reincarnation of him. CMV" +"I think that Dark Side Of The Moon, by Pink Floyd is a mediocre album at best, and doesn't deserve half of the praise it gets. CMV" +"I believe the courting process should be eliminated entirely from sex, CMV." +"I believe that single sex high school education should be the norm, CMV." +"I think the practice of ""Sungazing"", looking into the sun for several minutes to receive sustenance, is ridiculous and damaging. CMV." +I think I'd be better off living in a different first world country other than America. CMV +I believe that online pornography should be an 'opt in' procedure by default. CMV. +I believe that people who travel to war-torn and oppressed areas have no right to act surprised when bad things happen to them - CMV +"I believe that short of genocide, there is no solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, CMV." +I believe racial profiling works. CMV +I believe that AI can never be alive CMV +I don't think anyone deserves to be respected until it's earned. CMV +I beleive inmates should pay bills. Rent/Food/Medical CMV +I don't think voter apathy is wrong at all CMV +I believe that the actions of Palestinian terrorists are essential to the peace process. Please CMV +I think the pro-choice argument that women have the right to their own body is fallicious CMV. +I think the concept of everyone getting a job and making money is fucked up and restricts our lives more than we think. CMV +Support of government is the support of violence. CMV +I consider Metal the most overrated genre of music out there. CMV. +I believe that affirmative action is a good thing for the US. CMV +"There should be a ban on advertisement for cars - except compact, green and self-driven cars - just like cigarettes. CMV." +"I believe that men forced into vaginal sex (etc.) are rape victims, contrary to what the CDC and many legal systems state. CMV." +I really don't understand why putting the Boston Bomber on the front page of Rolling Stone is such a big deal CMV +I believe Those who make a huge deal out of their pets dying are just weak people. CMV +"I believe that people who are offended by ""bad"" words are the people who give the words the power to be ""bad"" CMV" +I think STEM majors are more valuable to society than humanities. CMV +I don't think cannibalism is that big of a deal. CMV. +A friend of mine wants to go back to university to study petroleum engineering at the age of 26 after having worked all his life in marketing. I think its stupid. CMV. +"""Large"" dating age gaps between teenagers (for example, 3 years) is shallow, ""slutty"" and desperate, and I can't help looking down on people who take part in them. CMV" +"I believe that the use of the word ""they"" to refer to a singular, gender-neutral person is awkward, uncommon, and improper grammar, regardless of the dictates of the LGBT movement. CMV." +"I believe that all narcotics should be regulated similar to prescription medicines and that ""the war against drugs"" should shift to ""the war to prevent new addicts"" CMV" +I believe brostep ruined any credibility electronic music had. CMV. +"I think that if firemen die putting out a fire started by an arsonist, their deaths should be viewed as manslaughter and not murder. CMV." +I believe that we all inhabit our own realities based on our attributes and experiences. CMV +Grass-fed beef is a scam. CMV. +I find assimilation into the Borg more enticing than membership in the Federation. CMV. +I think straight people do not belong in gay bars. CMV +"I download non-nude pictures of my female friends on facebook, and pleasure myself to them. I think there is nothing wrong with this. CMV" +I think it is morally reprehensible to bring a handicapped or physically/mentally deformed child into the world. CMV +"I believe the culture surrounding Marijuana is shallow and juvenile, and should not be allowed to spread - CMV." +I think going to live concerts is an inherently inferior experience than listening to the album CMV +"I just learned of the US Pirate Party, and I think it's great. CMV" +"The Holocaust was terrible, but it does not deserve the emphasis and attention it gets compared to other genocides and tragedies CMV" +I believe the collectivist culture instilled in most Asian countries is an inferior mindset compared to the individualism ideals of most of the western world. CMV +I think that all religions are merely theories. CMV +I immediately discredit “conspiracy theorists” viewpoints regardless of how valid their ideas might seem on the surface. CMV. +I believe individuals with strong religious beliefs do not belong in the medical field. CMV +I believe Nuclear Weapons make for a safer world. CMV. +People should not break up fights unless one of the fighters explicitly states that they don't want to be fighting. CMV +I think we are much too accepting of women hitting men. CMV +I believe the social contract is a system of slavery. CMV +"I believe if ""ignorance of the law is no excuse,"" then the insanity defense does not hold water and should be disallowed. CMV" +I don't think the SAT measures intelligence - CMV +I think that fiscal conservatism and libertarianism are morally unjustifiable. CMV. +I am firm believer of 'an eye for an eye' in most walks of life. CMV +"I think that if studies show that 50% or more of violent offenders reoffend, then all offender should be imprisoned for life. CMV." +I believe a masculine-feminine relationship is the only effective relationship (not homophobic): CMV +"I think handicapped parking shouldn't be mandatory, CMV." +I dont think addicts should get as much sympathy as they do. CMV. +"I think the abortion debate focuses too much on women's rights, and not enough on fetal rights CMV" +I do not believe that rescuing animals that may die due to natural causes is a good idea. CMV. +"I believe that people found guilty of premeditated violent life-altering crimes (rape, murder, kidnapping, etc.) should be imprisoned for life. No parole. CMV." +"I believe that Occupy Wall Street was incredibly stupid, poorly organized, and a massive waste of time for all those involved. CMV" +"I believe we should be governed by scientists, CMV" +I believe pluralism should not be imposed on others. CMV +"People should be held responsible for malware activity conducted using their computers if it occurs due to their negligence. Most would learn to use computers better, and even setting that aside, society would be better off if the few that are truly incapable of learning do not use one at all. CMV" +"I believe White People are stepping out of their line, CMV" +CMV: I don't believe anarchism is an option. This is my political compass. +Star Trek is substantially superior to Star Wars. CMV +I believe it is disgusting that courtroom proceedings can be televised CMV +I believe American society is wrong to think that people are ruining their image by drinking and partying. CMV +CMV: Why isn't Wonder Woman sexist? +"Road-rage doesn't exist, CMV." +I think increases to minimum wage would INCREASE profits for low margin businesses. CMV. +"In relation to gun control, I believe since American has no realistic chance to get rid of all guns, the only way to increase public safety is to increase the amount of guns. CMV" +"I think the Rolling Stone's article and cover story on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a good idea, and more than that, socially responsible. CMV." +I believe Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty is the greatest Disney villain of all time. CMV. +"I am a compatibilist in the free will debate. This means that I believe in universal determinism and free will simultaneously. In fact, I believe determinism is necessary for free will. CMV." +The minimum wage does not need to be raised. CMV +"""Fuck the troops."" CMV." +"I think that being moderately rich ($10s of Millions) would tend to lead to more happiness than being middle class, CMV?" +I think ecstasy should be legalized in America CMV +"I think suggesting to wear ""respectable"" clothing is very good advice to young black men and pretty women. CMV." +Overpopulation does not exist and any attempts to curb it are immoral and futile. CMV +I think Trayvon Martin's death was racially motivated CMV +I think America's greatest days are behind her because of demographics and a crushing budget deficit CMV +"I believe GoneWild Plus is wrong because it tells women that it's okay to be fat and unhealthy, and that GoldWild Curvy is just a place for fat women who can't accept that they're overweight. CMV." +I think trickle-down economics could never work - CMV +I believe that those arguing against national income disparity without supporting international redistribution are somewhat hypocritical. CMV. +I have contempt for adults who regularly play video games. CMV +I believe the U.S. federal minimum wage should be set at $50 per hour. CMV. +I am of the opinion that the minimum wage is a harmful element to the workforce. Please CMV +"Humans should be allowed to live up to a maximum age of around 65, and then euthanized for the benefit of society. CMV" +"I believe most people don't make an effort to educate themselves, and I don't think keeping up with your education is a difficult thing to do; please CMV." +I believe that further extension of human longevity through the advancement of medicine is detrimental to the human race. CMV. +I believe that in discussions about feminism there are times when a males opinion can be just as valid as a females. CMV. +I'm disgusted by the African-American community response to the Zimmerman verdict/trial. CMV +I believe that black people have no right to protest the Travon Martin Verdict.CMV. +"I think electric cars, at present, do more to make their owners feel good about themselves than actually solve any energy problems. CMV" +CMV: I believe George Zimmerman would have been found guilty of 3rd degree murder had Trayvon been white. +I believe that a properly regulated market provides a superior benefit to society than a free unregulated market. CMV +"I believe that everyone's actions are predetermined and so that ideas like meritocracy are redundant, CMV." +"I don't think ""slut shaming"" is entirely bad. I internally judge members of both sexes that have too many sexual partners. CMV" +It seems like stand your ground laws allow you to provoke someone into attacking you and then shoot them with no legal repercussions. Please CMV +"I am addicted to video games (such as Dota2, League of Legends, and Heroes of Newerth), and I don't think it's a waste of my time. CMV" +The Travyon Martin Protesters Don't Even Articulate What They are Protesting. CMV. +I believe most charities are a waste of resources and the people who benefit from them are actually worse off. CMV +"I believe Laissez-Faire Capitalism is the ideal economic system, is achievable, and would not lead to out of control monopolies. CMV." +"I have started to believe that we should not get worked up about the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports, and accept it as the new reality. CMV." +I believe that eugenics is a positive thing (provided that it's heavily monitored) CMV +Nothing is unnatural. CMV +I'm a staunch pacifist. CMV +"I don't think that the Zimmerman case should be anyone's business but that of the Zimmerman and Martin families, the jury, and the legal professionals in the courtroom, and the media should be ashamed of themselves for sensationalizing it. CMV." +I don't believe Obama should have been involved in the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case. CMV. +"I believe that, though climate change exists, it is NOT caused by humans. CMV" +"[Meta] This subreddit has too many meta posts, also on the Zimmerman trial" +I think Redditors dislike Starbucks coffee because it's expensive and they don't try different roasts. CMV +Abortion: I don't believe you can harm someone by failing to cause them to exist CMV. +There are no defensible arguments for the existence of a god. CMV +"I believe that ""grammar nazis"" are limiting the development and evolution of Language. CMV" +I believe that alternative meds are under too much flack from medical practitioners. CMV +I believe that ethics is holding back scientific innovation and progress. CMV. +"I believe that ""justice"" just for the sake of it is bad for society. Subreddits like ""justiceporn"" tap into a part of human nature that kind of scares me. CMV" +Free verse is destroying poetry as an art form. CMV. +I believe George Zimmerman was right to be found Not Guilty....CMV +I don't think there is anything worth dying for. CMV +I don't think people have free will. CMV. +"I believe that ""piracy"" shouldn't be illegal and that, furthermore, company and artist who can't adapt their business models should be left to die (economically). CMV." +"I believe that, contrary to what news agencies make it out to be, the Zimmerman trial is really not that big of a deal. CMV" +I believe girls with Big Breasts complain too much CMV +I am a Black Man who Believes Conservatism is inherently Racist towards African Americans by philosophy CMV +I think there's no disease that isn't curable. CMV. +"I think land ownership is preposterous. You didn't put the ground there, how can you own it? CMV" +I believe human rights are a lie. CMV +CMV: I believe that tipping doesn't create better service and it's a silly practice that shouldn't be practiced in the US +"Cars are impractical, unhealthy, and have played a huge roll in many of the problems of the U.S. CMV." +I think I may be transphobic. Please CMV. +I am an antinatalist. (i.e. I believe that having children is unethical.) CMV +CMV: I believe toll roads are bad and just another tax for what our government should already be providing. +I believe that 'it's illegal' isn't (alone) a good enough reason to avoid doing something. CMV! +I think popular atheists who are scientists are terrible philosophers. CMV +"I believe that the US education system would be more effective if students were allowed to progress through the ""grades"" as soon as they demonstrated mastery of the course material, instead of the current system in which curricula are forced into year-long chunks. CMV" +I think it is hypocritical to take advantage of technological advances made possible by science but then dismiss science when it does not support your religious beliefs. CMV +"I don't believe in god, CMV." +I think trayvon martin and all his supporters should **** off. CMV +I believe that suicide should not be frowned over and friends and family accept it positively. CMV +"I don't think Creationism should be taught at all, and even home schooled children (such as I was) should have to learn about the Big Bang Theory and the evolutionary process to get credit for taking science. CMV." +I believe that we pay politicians an absurdly small amount of money and by doing so it creates the very thing it intended to stop. CMV +"Muslim Terrorists are Wholly Righteous, CMV" +I believe allowing unrelated topics to be part of the same bill is damaging to the legislative process. CMV +I believe that the jury in the Zimmerman trial should rule for manslaughter as it will result in fewer riots. CMV. +I believe female rappers are terrible and should leave it to the men. CMV. +CMV that sex is inherently damaging to those in non-exclusive relationships. +I believe ufos are really aliens on earth CMV +I Think Social Programs like Welfare are detrimental to our society because they don't give people incentive to work harder. CMV +I see little value in majoring in science/mathematics as compared to other fields of study. CMV +I believe the societies we have today are bad from an evolutionary perspective. CMV +"I believe tobacco products should be outlawed, starting today. CMV" +I believe a license should be necessary to own a gun. CMV +"I think 'Objectives' on resumés are pointless, CMV" +"I believe ""we have to teach to the test"" is a lame excuse used by bad teachers. CMV" +I believe it should be illegal to disqualify a job seeker based on a credit check considering the current economic climate. CMV. +I believe it isn't acceptable for animals to suffer so that we can eat meat. Not unless you have to eat meat to survive. CMV. +"I think the uproar over Gitmo force feeding is a stupid, unexamined, neo-liberal circlejerk. CMV" +"I believe that kids who are bullied are partially to blame for the bullying and all this new attention placed on ""anti-bullying"" is a little too much. CMV" +An Idiocracy-like dystopia is inevitable. Please CMV. +I think reddit should delete subreddits that openly spread disgusting and anti-human-rights messages. CMV +I believe 20th Century advances in math and physics have essentially disproven determinism. CMV +I think Mr. Rogers has done more harm than good. CMV +"I believe that /r/atheism/ is full of ignorant, intolerent, naive, and mostly bigoted people, that aren't a valid reflection on the atheist people I encounter in my day to day life. CMV." +I believe Gul Dukat is responsible for losing the war CMV. +It is highly immoral to have an abortion without doing extensive research on the subject. CMV +I believe it is wrong to teach the Pledge of Allegiance in schools (not for religious reasons). CMV. +"I don't think that flamboyant, over-the-top behaviour is a real characteristic of homossexuality and people who do that are faking or insecure. CMV" +I don't find casino gambling appealing at all. CMV +I instantly lose respect for people who use their military history to justify/prove their position on gay rights & other positions. CMV +I believe religious people are religion's worst advert - CMV +I don't approve of gay pride parades. CMV. +I think not adopting kids when you want to have kids is a pretty criminal thing to do. CMV +I believe the dream that freer markets will solve all our problems is flawed. I believe hoarding defeats the system. CMV. +"Joyce's Ulysses is not a great book, and absolutely does not deserve the acclaim it has received. CMV" +"I believe some inmates should be sent to the army, CMV." +I don't believe IQ is important to society's advancement CMV +"I think women who refuse to leave their abusers are partially to blame for the abuse. If they have kids, I think they're bad mothers. CMV." +I do not believe legal consequences should exist for any other purpose than to influence future behavior. CMV +I Identify as an Anarcho-Capitalist. CMV. +I don't get the skepticism toward pharmaceutical companies. CMV. +"I think agnosticism is the only reasonable view, and that both theists and atheists tend to be arrogant, CMV." +"I believe that when people try to differentiate between 'real' and 'fake' nerds, they are using arbitrary distinctions, being close minded and being hypocritical. CMV." +"I believe there should be a rule change regarding ""you can only challenge the OPs point"" in terms of changing someone's view. CMV" +"Being physically abused as a child has caused me to think that all contact sports (Hockey, American Football, Rugby etc...) are immoral and that sports like MMA/UFC/Boxing should be illegal. CMV" +I believe that a mother should be allowed to abort a child if prenatal screening tests show a high probability of the child being homosexual. CMV +I believe there is nothing wrong with urinating in public. CMV. +"I believe a lot of people with 'scientific understanding' rely on a dogma just as much, if not more-so than religious people. CMV" +"I think that still visual art (photography/painting), on it's own, is a useless art form in this point in time. CMV" +I believe USA is no longer a 'developed' nation (more details inside). CMV. +I'm a liberal who isn't comfortable with abortion or the pro-choice agenda. CMV. +I believe the US government should not increase funding towards NASA. CMV +I believe that bodily autonomy is insufficient to justify abortion by itself. CMV. +"I believe that, despite being centrist, Communism will crush Islam. CMV." +I think grammar/spelling errors aren't that important as long as the message gets across. CMV +"I believe the free market is responsible for creating more harm than good, CMV." +Victim Blaming and offering practical advice on avoiding becoming a victim are not necessarily synonymous. CMV +"I believe making moral acts ""cool"" rather than explaining why they're ""good"" is the optimal way to increase total morality. CMV." +I believe dating is unequal and heavily favors women. CMV +"I believe that a large-scale, population damaging natural disaster in the coming century would be a blessing for humankind. CMV" +"I believe that the ""collapse"" will never happen.... CMV" +"I believe that what happens to a living being before death (torture, abuse, etc.) is negligible to the postmortem being. CMV" +I think suicide only happens to stupid people. CMV +I am an atheist who believes life starts at conception. CMV +"I believe requiring airline passengers to turn off all their electronic devices is unnecessary, unreasonable and completely unrelated to airline safety. CMV." +"I believe that the logical corollary of being pro-choice for women is that men should be able to ""opt-out"" of fatherhood. CMV." +I believe that binary sexual orientations (gay / straight) are shallow and are equivalent to being unnattracted to ugly people. CMV +I think that the United States needs to draw up a new Constitution/Bill of Rights for the 21st Century. CMV. +I believe the US Post Office is a drain on the government's resources and does not need to exist anymore- CMV +"I believe that the government should either take partial ownership or break-up companies which are ""too-big-to-fail"". Can you CMV?" +"I'm a rural-living white Canadian of Scottish/English/German descent, and I feel like I am really missing out because I have no cultural ties. CMV" +I believe multiculturalism is absolute nonsense and the death of cultural diversity. CMV +I think the British Empire was far worse than the Nazis or any other regime and they have gotten away scot-free for their crimes. CMV. +I have no problem with cannibalism or necrophilia CMV +"I believe that if you are an ethical vegetarian who believes that it is wrong to kill animals, you should be pro-life. CMV." +If Reddit's serious subs could only allow upvotes/downvotes from the post's comments page (i.e. not from seeing only the post title) the overall quality of content on the front page would improve. CMV +"Rather than legalizing gay marriage, I think marriage should be removed from government altogether. CMV" +"I've been raised to believe that any and all drugs are bad i.e. pot, hookah, alcohol. CMV." +I believe a politician who regularly told the truth would be unelectable. CMV +"I believe that the demonization of pedophiles, and referring to them as monsters and perverts, is not only maling the situation worse, but is immoral in itself. CMV." +"I believe competition is counter-productive and breeds a harmful mindset, particularly among children CMV" +I think all religions are nothing but evil. CMV? +Highly acclaimed classic movies (pre 1960) are overrated. CMV +I believe that rich/higher quality of life couples should be incentivized to have more children while poor/lower quality of life couples should be incentivized to have fewer children. CMV! +I believe that canned techniques for self-defense won't really help someone in a real life situation. CMV. +I believe the cloud industry is destroying the very principle that made the internet so powerful in the first place: distributed organization. CMV! +"I don't understand why rape is as bad as people make it out to be. I feel like a horrible person for this, so please CMV." +I think Reddit's treatment of the Zimmerman trial is a great example of how white people STILL don't get it. CMV. +"I think that the correlation between education and liberal politics, as well as the tendency of society to move leftward, is evidence that liberal politics have more merit than the alternatives. CMV" +I believe that the band Nickelback gets far too much unwarranted hate. CMV. +"I don't really understand how the subjective opinion of a renowned critic is more valid than that of anybody else, CMV" +"For a Christian that really believes in Christianity and that salvation in the afterlife comes with accepting Jesus, blamelessly dying is fantastic, because it means you can go to Heaven. CMV" +I believe that all living beings are no different than computers or any other input/output device. CMV +I believe out-of-school suspension is counterproductive. CMV. +CMV: I think cheating in university is acceptable under certain circumstances given the current standards. +I don't believe in reincarnation but want to. CMV. +I believe everyone should have to be routinely mentally evaluated. CMV. +CMV I believe women get exactly what they deserve in the current job market CMV +"I don't think ""truth"" is all that important. CMV" +The only road to a ''better world'' is a drastic change to our education system. CMV +I believe most of sub-Saharan Africa needs an immediate mandatory one child policy. CMV. +I think birth control should be mandatory until you want a child. CMV +I believe that homosexual families should not be allowed the adoption of children. CMV +"I believe anarchists and those who believe society is even possible without ""government"" have either not thought their own views through or are willfully ignorant to the truth CMV" +"I think the word ""hero"" is overused towards military personnel compared to other dangerous careers, CMV" +I believe transgenders should disclose their birth gender prior to intercourse. CMV +"Global overpopulation is a huge problem, but there is no morally palatable solution to population control CMV." +I believe that The United States has no right to claim that it's the greatest country in the world. CMV +I think spoiled children are less likely to succeed later in life. CMV +America is no longer a Democracy but instead an oligarchy. CMV +I think that Obama has very little to do with the NSA/PRISM Scandal and should not be blamed. CMV +"I believe that birth control should be mandatory until you can prove that you can support a child, CMV" +I believe that parents who force their children to forgo medical treatment for illnesses and instead opt for prayer are irresponsible and should be charged with child endangerment. CMV +"I believe the argued view that media/games brainwash males to expect a female reward is extremely cynical, CMV." +I believe all drugs should be legalized (revised). CMV +I believe that simple probability essentially proves that we are not alone in the universe. CMV. +I believe Utilitarianism is the only valid system of morals. CMV. +People who are receiving government financial assistance should not be allowed to purchase certain products. CMV +I don't think the law on statutory rape should be so black and white. CMV. +I don't think the NSA spionage is as horrible as it is made up to be. CMV +I believe anyone who uses jargon and big difficult words frequently doesn't really have a good point to make. CMV. +I think that the glorification of professional athletes in modern society can hold only negative repercussions for our youth. CMV +I don't think people who are only fat should get to ride motorized wheelchairs or those little buggies. CMV. +I believe that the principles of free market economics represent the best economic system and should be strictly adhered to. CMV! +Politics is a relic of a barbaric past. CMV +I believe that men should exist in a default state of *non-consent* regarding parental obligations prior to conception. CMV +I'm morally opposed to abortion but don't think it should be made illegal. CMV. +I believe that spelling and grammar should not be judged as harshly as they are. CMV +College athletics programs are ridiculous and have no place in the education system CMV +I think consoles will become obsolete beyond 2016 CMV +Something's fishy about the JFK shooting. CMV +I believe that the shortcomings and supposed failure of the US academic is not a failure purely of the academic system. CMV +CMV George Zimmerman should be found Guilty. +I don't think firefighters are heroes. CMV. +I don't think low voter turnout is a problem. CMV. +I believe that the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan was justified and was better than the alternatives. CMV +"I don't really agree with Richard Dawkins's ""meme theory"". CMV." +I believe major roads should not be closed off for events. CMV +"I believe the extent of USA\UK spying on European countries and EU offices is cause for justified outrage and not at all ""business as usual"". CMV." +I believe that organ donation should be mandatory. CMV. +"I believe that if you are willing to eat meat, you should be willing to kill too. CMV" +"I believe everyone's opinion deserves equal respect, even if I personally find their opinion ridiculous. CMV" +I believe that price discrimination is immoral and should be legislated against. CMV. +"I believe that the officers responsible for the Hawthorne dog killing were justified in doing so (up to a point), and that the reaction so far has been overblown. CMV" +I think ignorance of the law is a good excuse. CMV. +"I believe that the more we highlight racism in our modern society, the more prevalent it becomes. CMV" +I believe that people who go vegetarian or vegan should actually change the kinds of dishes they eat and not just basically eat the same but cut out meat/animal products CMV +I don't believe that libertarianism or anarchism can solve the Prisoner's Dilemma. CMV +I believe that employers are within their right to terminate employees who bad mouth them on a public forum such as Facebook or Twitter. CMV. +"I have tried to like Chipotle, but have come to dislike it. I think the food is overpriced and overhyped from a cult-like following of customers CMV" +"I believe the teachings contained in Ayn Rand's ""Atlas Shrugged"" and ""The Fountainhead"" outline the 'best' way to live your life. CMV" +I believe that the Death penalty doesn't serve justice at all CMV +I cannot convince myself to get on a rollercoaster CMV +"I believe the NSA is on the right track, and the program just needs a few tweaks. I think PRISM is a good thing and a logical step in human evolution. CMV" +I think the Zimmerman case perfectly highlights the left's ENJOYMENT of racism. CMV +"I believe that there is ultimately little difference between the dangers of government power and the dangers of corporate power, and that both act in the interests of a privileged minority. CMV" +I believe my boyfriend should not smoke marijuana. CMV. +I believe that parents reading through every single one of their children's messages destroys our feeling of privacy to talk about adult things and grow mentally. CMV. +I don't feel our government should treat Eric Snowden as a traitor. Change My View. +"I believe that if a soldier dies in war or is disfigured/paralyzed, it's his/her own fault. CMV" +I believe the death penalty is morally and economically (and more) wrong. CMV. +I am a gnostic atheist. CMV +I don't think there's anything inherently bad about economic inequality. CMV +I don't care if a species goes extinct naturally. CMV +"I believe ""Feminism"" is outdated, and that all people who fight for gender equality should rebrand their movement to ""Equalism"". CMV" +I believe it is understandable and even logical that pro-lifers oppose abortion in cases of rape. CMV +I believe every minor that takes naked pictures of themselves and texts them to others should be arrested and charged with production and distribution of child pornography. CMV +I don't think anyone should get extra time in an exam. CMV. +I Believe That Personhood is Irrelevant to the Topic of Abortion. CMV +I believe life is more fair to physically attractive people.CMV. +"I don't think alcoholism is a disease, nor should people ""suffering"" from it be praised for not drinking. CMV." +I believe *more* socialism is needed for the U.S. to prosper CMV +I believe that driving is a right and not a privilege. CMV +I believe that 100 years from now the American Flag will be looked upon with the same disgust as the Nazi Flag during WWII. CMV. +"I think the decision to allow women to serve in frontline combat is dangerous, foolish, and made for the entirely wrong reasons. CMV." +I believe passive voice is better than active. CMV. +I believe that eastern healing and alternative healing methods are illegitimate and shouldn't be taken seriously. CMV. +Vim is a bad text editor. CMV. +I believe Islamic culture is incompatible with modern society. CMV. +I believe organic food production is a dangerous fad that has the potential to cause billions to die of starvation. CMV +I think America would cave in any serious war. CMV +"I believe that there's nothing wrong with Day One DLC and that those who oppose it are acting entitled, CMV" +The US Supreme Court ruling regarding same sex marriage is regressive. CMV +I believe the American public is NOT entitled to know EVERYTHING. CMV. +"I believe that the McDonalds ""hot coffee"" incident was absolutely NOT a frivolous lawsuit CMV" +I think anyone who believes global warming is fake is simply a partisan sheep. CMV. +"I believe MENSA is elitist and accomplishes very little, and therefore should not be celebrated as an important or academic society. CMV" +Killing animals is barbaric. CMV +I belive AA is only a temporary solution for alcholics. Not a healthy long term solution to treat addiction. CMV +I believe that religion is the single most destructive invention in the history of humanity. CMV. +"If technology one day allows fetus transplants, then fetuses should only be euthanized after others have had a chance to adopt them. CMV" +I believe religion is a creation of a primitive critical thinker to explain the world around us. CMV +I believe that giving food to starving nations during a famine only worsens the problem in the long run. CMV. +I believe art can be anything you want it to be and there is no such thing as good or bad art. CMV. +I understand and agree with the social stigma associated with online dating. CMV. +Western media likes to hide the faults of the West and over exaggerates the faults of other non-western countries CMV +"I believe that the vast majority of people's questions have already been answered, and that they're just too lazy to use Google or too naive to believe their thought can't be original. CMV" +"[Mod Post] Announcements, Seeking New Mods, and General Feedback" +"I believe that people born in other countries should be allowed to run for President in the United States, as long as they have been an American Citizen for a long period of time. CMV" +I believe the United States should split up into multiple sovereign nations. CMV +I believe assisted suicide should be legalized and that the fact it isn't is an infringement on those individuals' free choice. CMV. +"I believe abortion at 24 weeks is murder and the limit should be decreased to 6-8 weeks or even less, try and CMV" +"Anita Sarkeesian's ""Tropes vs. Women"" is a well made critique of the treatment of women in video games, and the outrage against her is completely unfounded. CMV" +I think the filibuster should be ended. CMV. +I believe you're a bad parent if you let your child play rated M video games.CMV. +I believe Microsoft Visual Studio 1998 runs rings around any current open source development environment. CMV. +"I believe that while Marijuana has some good effects, it also has many ill effects. Particularly, I believe that anyone who constantly smokes weed is essentially wasting their life. CMV" +I find the constant updating on Nelson Mandela's condition to be ghoulish and distasteful CMV +I believe that gaming laptops are the future of PC gaming CMV +I believe what the majority wants for their country is what should be enacted by their government. CMV +I believe the Bible should be taught in public schools as a mandatory class. CMV +I believe that community service should be a graduation requirement for high school students. CMV +I think the DOMA ruling today was badly decided. You cannot draw the connection from equal protection under the law to the unconstitutionality of a uniform definition of marriage. CMV +I believe that the pro-life stance is not mysogynistic. CMV. +Internships have become a form of unpaid labor that exploits young people. CMV. +I believe anyone who generally opposes background checks for gun purchases is a moron. CMV +I think the US reaction to Snowden's leaks is far more unsettling than the information those leaks contained. CMV +"I agree with the supreme court's decision on the voting rights act, and don't know what all my facebook friends are complaining about - CMV" +I believe TOR isn't NSA-proof. CMV +I think the American two party system is detrimental to democracy. CMV. +"I believe the western countries are socially liberal only because of a higher material standard of living and not some sort of higher enlightenment on the part of the citizens, CMV" +"I don't believe that faith is a virtue, and I believe that anyone who holds a belief or makes a claim based solely on faith deserves to have their beliefs/claims criticized and dismissed, CMV" +I believe gay pride parades are a gross and inappropriate festivity that damages the LGBT community. CMV +I don't trust insurance companies one bit and thus never plan to get insurance. CMV +CMV-Minority only scholarships are unjust and unfair. +I'm a black person who doesn't think Paula Deen deserved to get fired. CMV +I believe that morals are selfish and that no actions are morally wrong. CMV. +I believe one of government’s primary functions should be to provide healthcare. CMV +The best decision of my life will be to pursue wealth and ensure that I can afford cryonics before I die. CMV. +"I think ignorant voters, not special interests are the problem with Democracy. CMV" +"I believe race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation should not be included on college applications. CMV" +"I believe ""utilize"" is a useless word. CMV." +I believe lesbian sex isn't real sex. CMV. +I believe that within the next 35 years the United States will collapse and reform into different nation(s). CMV. +"I believe fines for breaking laws (speeding tickets, etc) should be proportional to income rather than a flat rate. CMV" +I believe Patriotism is a bad thing. CMV +I believe abortion is not pro-choice in the sense that the baby itself is not the woman's body. CMV! +People who decide to have biological children are selfish CMV +"I believe any type of ""radical"" is an idiot and their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. CMV" +"I believe that the concept of this subreddit has more potential than any other on the entire site, but it is diluted and dragged down by people that respond purely for the sake of debate, rather than any actual interest or vested opinion of the subject at hand. CMV" +"True atheism, not agnosticism, and Christianity are both equally illogical theories. CMV." +I believe irreducible complexity should be discussed in biology classes CMV +I believe every student in a class should get the same final grade as the student with the LOWEST final grade in the class. CMV +I believe that those with extreme mental and physical disabilities are detrimental to society and should not be assisted. CMV. +I believe women are more valued than men in western society. CMV! +Electric toothbrushes are inferior to the regular kind. CMV +"I think that the recent trend in modern society (as promoted by magazines, adverts, Dove's 'campaign for real beauty' etc.) that 'curves are beautiful' and 'bigger is better' are brainwashing females into thinking that being overweight is okay. CMV" +"The United States should switch to approval voting, CMV" +"I believe Reddit's response to a recent video on r/videos was just as unacceptable as the behavior of the people people in the video, CMV." +"I believe that a majority of ""Obesity Rights"" groups are perpetuating an unhealthy and dangerous mindset CMV" +"I think that anyone who uses terms like ""sheeple"", ""libtard"", or others throughout the left-right spectrum has opinions not worth reading or considering. CMV." +"Unlike my boyfriend, I believe physically having children is much more rewarding than being childfree or adopting. CMV" +Polyamory Disgusts me CMV +"I believe Ed Snowden is a hero, but still has to answer for breaking the law, CMV" +I belive that everyone is naturally extroverted. CMV +I genuinely do not understand why anyone would have children. CMV. +I don't think Snowden's revelations will change anything. CMV +"Women seek status, dominance and looks in a male above all else and thus the core principles suggested by pick up artist mantra is correct CMV" +"I can't stop hating Apple. CMV, please" +I believe that the most attractive facial features are generally held by white people. CMV. +Music is better now than it ever has been before CMV +"I'm 15 years old, and I believe that I should be able to (legally) consent to having sex with someone who is older than 18. CMV" +I think some gender roles are natural and men and women are not inherently the same. CMV +"I believe some aspects of the ""rape culture"" ideology in modern feminism are misguided and do more harm than good. CMV." +I think that I am not responsible for anyone else's emotional states. Their emotions are their responsibility. *This includes insulting someone and them feeling negative emotions.* CMV +"I think that if a person's gun is used to commit a crime, that person should be treated as an accomplice unless they report the gun stolen within 24 hours of the theft taking place. CMY" +"I think people who complain about ""spoilers"" all the time are shallow and incapable of understanding deeper human relationships through storytelling. CMV." +Public schools are a better choice than home school. CMV +I believe that modern Libertarians are exchanging one master for another. CMV +I don't believe having stricter gun control policies will reduce the amount of violent crimes with firearms. CMV. +I think that a system of eugenics is the only morally correct path for a society to take and that selective breeding to remove a variety of negative conditions from the human race should be enacted. CMV +I believe Snowden is a traitor and should be jailed accordingly. CMV +I believe in meritocracy and do not understand our society's obsession with achieving equality beyond legal equality CMV. +Julian Assange should be thrown in Jail. CMV +I don't think it's a good idea to let military women into combat positions. CMV. +"I believe cat ownership should be illegal, and feral cats should be treated as a pest species. CMV." +I think breastfeeding looks a lot like cannibalism and is kinda creepy in that regard. CMV. +I believe that only females/women have vaginas and males/men have penises. Transsexuals and transgenders are none of the above. CMV +I think the TED talks are worthless at best...CMV +The golden rule is a human trait that does not come from religion. CMV +I don't think there is anything wrong with cursing. CMV. +"I don't really care about money or getting a drivers licence, CMV" +I think children conceived through rape should automatically be given to the victim. CMV. +"I believe that unhealthy food/fast food should have a ""sin"" tax. CMV" +It's okay to downvote for disagreement. CMV. +I believe the world -- in total -- would be a better place under a unified government. CMV +As an American I am terrified of the direction this country is going in. CMV +I don't think people should get tickets for not wearing seat belts since the only person they are going to hurt is themselves should something happen. CMV +"I do not believe that gay marriage is a problem, and think it should be legalized world wide. CMV" +I believe the pharmaceutical industry has strong incentives to avoid curing diseases CMV +I would baptise my children to avoid the stigma of being raised completely atheist in a Catholic society; CMV. +"I believe if an NFL player commits a SERIOUS crime, he should not be let back into the league. CMV" +"I don't think pickup artist theory is misogynistic/""rapey""--at least not in light of the fact that it is written for and by conscientious people trying to be more assertive; CMV" +"I think that drinking in high school is ignorant, unnecessary, and not worth the dangers and risks associated with it. CMV" +"[CMV] I think people have no reason to be depressed because there are people experiencing more hardships than them and are still trying their best. People with ""depressions"" are just lazy and want to be ""emo.""" +"Cartoons for adults like The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, Family Guy, etc. make me feel uncomfortable. I feel the same way about Futurama, Adventure Time, and The Regular Show. CMV" +"""Victim blaming"" is a necessity in a free, democratic society, and is not inherently wrong. CMV." +I think black people too sensitive about the word nigger. CMV +I think the sex-positive movement is incredibly naive and ignorant of basic human drives/behavior. CMV. +"I believe that Linux is fully ready for the desktop, CMV" +"I support marginalization of minorities. That is, the smaller a group is, the less you should care about them. CMV" +"I think ""Palestinian"" is a made-up ethnicity. CMV!" +"I believe that mainstream feminism, especially in America, is unimportant and ultimately unnecessary. CMV." +I will never be good at talking to women.; Change My View. +I believe that the major difference between China and the USA is that people in the USA believe that they actually have political influence. CMV. +I believe Canada's health care system is better than the United States. CMV +"Anytime a country wants to go to war they should have a vote by the public. Only those who vote ""yes"" should have to fight. CMV" +I think that people who post on gonewild are insecure and seeking a negative form of validation from the internet. CMV. +I don't believe lobbying is ethically or morally right. CMV. +I think people who have 4 or more children are somewhat narcissistic. CMV +I believe it is much more difficult for gay males in today's society than it is for gay females. CMV +"""The Simpson's"" should be canceled. CMV" +"I believe that being physically unattractive is a serious disadvantage, not unlike being born into a low income family; CMV." +It's not necessary for the human being to eat meat. CMV +I don't believe that the anti-vaccination movement should be demonized the way it has been. CMV. +I don't think that 9/11 was that big a deal. CMV. +"I feel that tattoos are, to a certain degree, much more shallow than people would like to admit. CMV" +I think Anti-Religious people are as bad as religious extremist. CMV? +I believe that having children should require a license. CMV. +i believe that nationalism is completely arbitrary and baseless cmv +I believe that piracy is basically digital theft CMV +I believe that a lot of forms of abstract art are pointless and shouldn't be funded in museums with tax dollars. CMV +"I believe that the slaughter of horses for meat is no different than the slaughter of cows, pigs, chickens, goats, etc., and it should be allowed in the U.S. CMV" +I believe I should be able to withdraw my consent to be governed and not be forcibly governed; while still residing on my land without fear of persecution. CMV. +I believe those who receive government assistance should be drug tested regularly. CMV +I believe in the elimination of the American Republic and the expansion of direct democracy. CMV +"I do not believe in the existence of a ""soul"" CMV" +I think that there is no reason for the Pirate Bay or other websites which allow for piracy to be legal. CMV. +"I buy all my music because not only is it the legal thing to do, but more importantly the artists deserves to be paid for the service they provide me. CMV" +"I think claiming ""victim blaming"" in a rape case is a copout. CMV." +"I think animal charities are pointless compared to charities helping humans, CMV" +"I think people who believe that Bush lied to the American public about why he invaded Iraq and yet attack ""conspiracy theorists"" for being crazy are hypocrites. CMV" +"Pro-lifers should change their name to Pro-birthers. They shouldn't be called pro-lifers until they try just as aggressively to ensure the quality of the life they are ""saving"" from abortion." +Lacto-ovo vegetarians are hypocrites. CMV. +Philosophical questions become trivial when dissected. CMV. +I believe we will be able to answer the race-and-intelligence question in the near future. CMV +Obese people deserve the same amount of ridicule at the same intensity felt by people who don't shower enough or fail to use deodorant. Obesity shouldn't be defended or have any concessions made for it because it is a failing in one's personal hygiene. CMV. +I believe that the United States is now a fully functioning police state +"I believe soldiers are just paid assassins, murderers who don't deserve an ounce of respect. CMV." +I'm conservative. CMV. +I don't believe stopping any number of terrorist plots justifies the intrusion by the government into our private lives. CMV. +I think wheat is one of the biggest poisons in our culture today. CMV +"I think it's hypocritical that if a pregnant woman is killed, it's a double homicide, but abortion is perfectly legal. CMV." +"I am a Capitalist, CMV." +I believe that everything (except emergency services) should be shut down on one day a week. CMV +I believe proof that you paid taxes the past four years should be required to vote. CMV +I do not believe Native Americans deserve any kind of special treatment under the law. CMV +I believe there is a very real and ongoing class war. CMV. +"I think we should incentivize sterilization, because anyone willing to take the reward probably shouldn't be raising kids anyway. CMV" +I think most people have fundamentally flawed views of capitalism and socialism. CMV +I don't think smoking cigarettes has any benefits. CMV +I'm a moral nihilist. CMV +"I believe that there is no good argument for being against gun control laws, and that the best solution is more total than anything we have implemented thus far. -CMV" +I think NASA is a gigantic waste of money. CMV. +"I believe we need to eschew the ""two party system"" if the United States is to succeed as a nation. CMV." +I don't think listening to loud music in headphones will damage my hearing in the long term. CMV +I believe subsets of the overall population should be held accountable for their respective radical's actions. CMV. +The Prime Directive from Star Trek is Stupid CMV +I think that having children is selfish. CMV +I believe that the American Civil war was not fought over slavery. CMV +I believe that proof of citizenship should be required to vote in elections. CMV +I believe asking questions should never be considered as an insult. CMV +I believe that the rule of law is little more than a standing threat of violence. CMV. +"I think maternity leave should be unpaid, and that if she isn't able to do her job fully due to the pregnancy, the employer should have the ability to fire her. CMV" +Feminism is too nebulous for it to be anything but moot. CMV +"I believe that the majority of redditors are obsessed with ""personal responsibility"" and this leads to most of the bigotry on the site. CMV" +I think that completely dismissing Creationism as a viable theory is dangerous and completely unscientific. [CMV] +I think that Ronald Reagan was one of our worst presidents. CMV +I believe that school should only be available to kids who want to have an education. CMV +"I believe the rise in ""electronic,"" music, operational definition as ""music outputted from a computer or use of technology to synthetically simulate aural stimuli,"" and the death of ""acoustic, live, or 'real instrument'"" recordings and productions as a good thing. CMV" +I think it's immoral and disgusting to pierce a child's ears. CMV! +"I believe that men who date younger women are shallow, CMV." +"I believe PETA is crazy, and thinks of amimals as more important than humans. CMV." +"I believe that mental health is a much more important issue than gun control, CMV" +I don't care if the NSA has my phone calls stored somewhere on their gargantuan servers. Make me. CMV. +I believe that any proper Muslim must needs be a terrorist. CMV. +"Fascism is NOT a right wing ideology, but rather a movement and belief of the left" +CMV that communist theory is not scientific. +"I hold the view that civil commitment, psychiatric holds and the insanity defense should all be banned and outlawed. CMV." +I believe people should be held fully accountable for any decisions made while intoxicated. CMV. +"I believe that governments should take care of the needs of the people, and that corporations should take care of the wants. CMV" +I believe that the use of samples in the hiphop/electronic music communities is a cop out for creativity. CMV. +I believe humans are an error of evolution and support human extinction. CMV. +"I don't see any justification for allowing extended bullet magazines to be legal in the United States, let alone unregulated. CMV" +"I believe it's hypocritical for people to be fighting for gay marriage, while simultaneously disagreeing with polygamy. CMV" +I don't think women are objectified in comic books. CMV. +I think women who lie about their birth control status should be charged with rape. CMV +There is nothing inherently harmful or immoral about having sex with children CMV +I believe that murder is ethically wrong. CMV +"I believe harmful tobacco products (dip, chew, cigarettes) should be illegal. CMV." +The U.N should prioritize human rights over national sovereignty. CMV +As an expansion of the 'sex censorship for children' idea; I strongly believe that *nothing* should be censored to children and that they can handle exactly as much as we presuppose they can. CMV. +"I believe people should be given psychoactive drugs that increases their productivity, like stimulants (Adderall, etc). CMV" +"I believe that, as long as there are people dying in this world due to lack of food or medicines, it is immoral to buy (extremely) luxurious items because that money can be used to save lives. CMV" +I believe that people who are not vegan/vegetarian don't care about the planet. CMV +I believe that it is unethical for people to eat animals when they have other ways to feed themselves. CMV. +"I believe atheism is illogical, CMV." +"In a week, I turn 22. I don't see any reason to look forward to any particular birthday for the rest of my life. CMV" +I believe that auto insurance companies should NOT be allowed to charge different rates based on gender. CMV +I feel strongly that sex shouldn't be censored to children. CMV +I believe all modern art is trash. +I don't mind personalized ads. CMV +I don't think that humans have fundamental free will. CMV +I think that tax breaks for the wealthy can lead to job creation. CMV. +I think that peeing in the sink to save water is acceptable and should even be adopted more. CMV +I believe that fast food tastes better than most other food. CMV. +I don't think that minorities don't deserve any more scholarships than others. CMV +"I believe that teachers are underpaid, and undervalued in the United States today. CMV." +"CMV: I (a Canadian gun owner) believe that the US Second Amendment is poorly written, poorly thought-out, and probably doesn't accomplish its original intention in any appreciable way (and that intention isn't clear at all either)." +"I think that weddings are a waste of time and money, CMV." +"I think relationships and sex aren't worth the effort to get, CMV" +Sports shouldn't be seperated by gender. CMV +The disproportionate success of Asians proves that racism is not what is keeping Hispanics and African-Americans back. CMV. +I don't believe marriage should have any sort of government recognition. CMV. +I feel that having a child is equivalent to killing one. CMV +"If you are not an organ donor (by choice), you should be at the end of the list for transplants if you need one. CMV" +There has not been a decent philosopher after Wittgenstein and Popper. CMV +I believe people who commited a crime and are guaranteed not to do it again should not be imprisoned. CMV. +I feel that dancing is immature and stupid. CMV +I think an eye for an eye is perfectly just punishment +I believe there is nothing wrong with sleeping with a married person. CMV +I believe that genitals determine gender. CMW +I think seniors should be required to take an annual driving test. CMV +Buying and selling of kidneys should be legal. CMV +People who are obese for economic reasons should change their habits. CMV +I believe any working individual should make a living wage. CMV +"In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, I believe that if the father wants an abortion but the mother does not, the father should be exempt from paying child support. CMV" +I believe all mentally disabled people should be sterilized. CMV +"In tennis, I don't believe Women should be paid the same amount as Men. CMV" +"""African American"" is a far more offensive term than ""black"" is. CMV" +I believe fundamental religion has to be tolerated CMV +I think companies drug testing their employees or potential employees is a violation of privacy and serves no purpose but to stigmatize and discriminate against drug users. CMV +I believe that people should be allowed to be naked in public without being arrested. CMV +"I don't think the ""Founding Fathers"" are the infallible people that many Americans make them out to be. CMV" +I think that the gender wage gap is due to the majority of women's decisions and not discrimination. CMV +(US) I think voting should be compulsory. CMV. +"I don't believe that ADHD is a real disorder, because it seems to me that everyone who gets tested for it has it, and is giving a prescription for medicine. CMV" +I don't believe illegal immigrants should receive services from the US. CMV +I don't think religion deserves respect. CMV +I believe that people have the right to refuse a sex partner for being transgender. CMV. +"I think that the ""classics"" tend to be over-praised. CMV" +"I think all laws not restricting violence, trespassing, and theft should be abolished. CMV." +I disliked the old /r/atheism and thought it should be moderated. Now I feel bad for the restriction of people's freedoms. CMV +I believe that all drugs should be decriminalised. CMV +I believe America needs to ban corporal punishment in all states in schools and homes. CMV +I think the notion of insisting on only drinking bottled water (who live in a nation with treated water) is ridiculous. CMV. +"I think that ""Esports"" are a complete and total insult to real sports. CMV" +I think corporations should be democratic. CMV +"I think feminism is almost entirely based on lies, fallacies, and first world problems. CMV" +"I'm willing to let the government see my emails, listen to my phone calls, etc. if it improves our nation's security, CMV" +I think the Xbox One is a great console and people just love to mass criticize. CMV. +[Mod Post] Recent Traffic Spikes +Baseball is the most boring 'major' sport in the world. CMV +"CMV: Why is ""trans"" not just reinforcing gender stereotypes?" +"I don't mind it when kids say things like ""yolo"" and ""swag""; I see it as the language evolving. CMV" +Bassists hold a useless position in a band. CMV +I believe vegans are an insult to the human evolution. CMV +I think it is unfair to have to choose specifically what to do with your life by the time you're 18. +I believe that people on this sub really need to use the search feature before making a thread. CMV +No one should be allowed to be paid more than 2 million dollars a year CMV +Everyone is secretly depressed. CMV. +"The ""Sticks and stones"" rule still holds firm. People just need to toughen up. CMV." +I don't think that the father should be forced to pay child support if the mother is the only one that wants to keep the child in case of an accidental pregnancy. CMV +I think any Libertarian who isn't an anarchist is a hypocrite. CMV +I think the two party system has killed American politics. CMV +I don't believe there are any good arguments against gay marriage that don't have religion in them. CMV +Money is everything. CMV +Moral relativism is a bunch of garbage. CMV +I believe that all religious institutions in the USA should have their non-profit status revoked and required to pay taxes. CMV +"I believe morality can be objectively measured, CMV" +I think homelessness should be illegal. CMV +I think that films are a better story telling medium than books. CMV +"I don't think soldiers deserve so much respect and praise for what is, essentially, mercenary work with an added nationalistic motivation. CMV" +I believe mainstream pornography is degrading to women and promotes sexual violence. CMV. +I believe it is morally wrong to smoke cannabis solely because it is against the law. CMV. +I think that SRS is counterproductive. CMV +"I strongly believe that the use of the words nigger, faggot, chink, gook, etc should be permitted freely without being automatically labeled as racist/ homophobic terms; CMV" +"I believe once you are convicted of a felony, or are sentenced to life in prison, you should be forced to work without pay until the end of your sentence or until you are physically unable to work. CMV" +I think in most cases piracy is fine. CMV. +"CMV: Parents of gay, lesbian or transgender children should have the option to get an automatic, permanent, unconditional restraining order against them, even if the child is a minor" +CMV: I believe that dictatorships can be more successful than democracies. +CMV: I think the reasons why most Americans dislike soccer are bullshit +"I believe that prostitution in all ""First World"" countries should be fully legalised and regulated. CMV." +I believe the government lied about 9/11 CMV +There's nothing wrong with PRISM or NSA spying on us. CMV +I believe that everyone should get beaten up at some point in their life. CMV. +I believe that a 'dystopia' such as Brave New World is actually extremely desirable. CMV. +"I believe that the world would be a better place if nobody was allowed to be payed over US$100,000 a year, CMV." +"I believe tattoos without personal meaning past ""it looks cool/pretty"" convey a shallow depth of consciousness and creativity. CMV" +"We shouldn't be expanding the term ""rape"" beyond its standard definition CMV" +I think the spirit of reddiquette is stupid. - CMV +I believe that homosexuals should not make their sexual orientation public. CMV +I think religious schools should be banned CMV +I do not think that gaming qualifies as a form of artistic expression. CVM +I think time travel will never exist. CMV +CMV - Human progress is being held back by the capitalist nature of society +"I believe that the copyright companies have it right when they talk about ThePirateBay, and it is stealing. CMV" +I believe animals have the same rights to life as humans and it is morally right to violently free them from farms. CMV +I don't hear any musical quality in the screaming vocals found in many genres of metal music. CMV +"I believe parents who post photos of their children on social media are violating that child's privacy rights, and should be stopped. CMV." +I believe that the media has a liberal bias CMV +I believe that privacy is wrong. CMV +"I am a fascist, CMV!" +I don't believe gay couples should be allowed to raise children. CMV. +I believe that torrenting and adblocking should be viewed the same by society and the government as stealing. CMV +I Believe saving highly-premature babies is a waste of money CMV +CMV I hate black people but honestly I'm beginning to see a lot of ignorance and irrational thinking from whites +"I am pro-gun rights because I think people who can't defend themselves against most attackers (me, for example) need to level the playing field. CMV." +I'm Not Homphobic or A Racist But I Believe There Is Nothing Wrong With Saying The Words 'Faggot'/'Fag' or 'Nigger'/'Nigga' CMV +"I think death penalty should be reserved for serial killers, mass murderers, extrimists and rapists." +I don't think USA is a democracy +[Mod-Post] Welcome New Users +I believe in the USA all crimes committed by persons should be expugnable after finishing the sentence. CMV +I don't see the necessity for art and music education in schools. CMV. +"I don't believe that I, along with the vast majority of others are educated enough to understand what economic (and maybe some social) policies make sense, and therefore a large part of what makes democracy great loses meaning. CMV" +I do not believe that God exists. CMV +"I believe photography does not require skill, unlike other art forms. CMV" +CMV: The United States is a police state +"[USA] I believe convicted felons should still have the right to vote, CMV" +I don't think being vegan helps animals. CMV. +I believe novelty accounts and references to a poster's username detour and worsen discussions on Reddit. CMV +CMV: sixteen year olds should be allowed to vote. +"I believe that people with severe mental disabilities or illness shouldn't be allowed to vote in public polls, CMV." +"I believe the government should be allowed to view my e-mails, tap my phone calls, and view my web history for national security concerns. CMV" +I believe Tupac Shakur is alive. CMV. +"I believe that subreddits made exclusively for the sharing and display of sensitive material (bestiality, abuse, rape etc) should be permanently deleted. CMV" +I believe that speed limits should vary based on driving ability or be raised so that the best drivers aren't slowed unreasonably. CMV. +"Most mental ""illnesses"" aren't even illnesses. CMV?" +I believe nihilism is a fundamentally flawed philosophy. CMV +CMV: Being spied upon does not take away your freedoms. +I think the federal government should privatize the US Postal Service. CMV +Large companies and corporations are largely 'evil' and deceitful CMV. +I think that charging different demographics different rates on car insurance is unjust. CMV. +I believe it's far easier for straight women to get sex than straight men. CMV +"Calling someone a bigot (or calling something bigoted) is not an argument, CMV." +"I believe that there is a difference between a woman, and a transexual woman. CMV" +I think that possession and making (copying not producing) of child porn should not be a criminal offence as CMV +I don't think Verizon's NSA surveillance is that big a deal. CMV +I believe economists' predictions about the future should be regarded about as reliable and realistic as fortune tellers claiming to see the future. CMV +I think piracy is fundamentally wrong. Change my view. +I believe it is harder to come out and be accepted as bisexual than it is to come out as gay. CMV. +I believe a country which has a compulsary military service should also draft women. CMV +I am a firm believer in the death penalty. CMV +People who hunt for fun lack empathy CMV +I think anal is extremely nasty and I don't understand why anyone would want to be involved with someone else's pooper. CMV. +"Insults should be avoided in a rational discussion, no matter your opponent, CMV." +I believe homosexuality is a form of disease that is nature's way of population control. CMV +Bicycle Helmet laws should only apply to minors as it causes no harm to others. CMV +It's not bad if people stop paying for art. CMV +"I believe that New Atheism encourages shallow and superficial understandings of history, philosophy, and sociology, and is damaging to intellectualism. CMV" +I believe that people who make bad financial decisions or pretty much any bad life changing decisions during the Internet age are willfully ignorant. CMV +"I believe the presence of Neanderthal DNA in some groups and the IQ differentials between population groups suggests that, at some level, race is a real biological condition that is more than just skin deep. CMV" +The Queen is pointless CMV +I think polygamy is inherently unstable and unhealthy CMV +I believe mandatory minimum laws have no place in society CMV +I think that every country should adopt ultra-liberalism for its culture [CMV] +I believe that parents making their children have music lessons is a waste of time. CMV +"I think there should be a flat income tax rate in the US, CMV" +I just can't bring myself to care about money CMV +I believe that allowing large amounts of assets to be inherited/gifted to one's children ends up in neo-feudalism and is grossly unfair to the rest of society. CMV +"I believe that anyone that believes in the paranormal (ghosts, poltergeists, and the like) is silly and illogical. CMV" +Available-and-looking heterosexual men really shouldn't attend SlutWalk. CMV. +"CMV: I think people should be taxed in line with the extent to which their work improves society (science, technology, living standards etc) rather than how much they earn" +"I don't see how it is possible for a heaven or something equivalent to it, to exist. CMV" +I believe the death penalty should be abolished in the US. CMV +I think all people are bisexual CMV +I have come to believe that reddit is populated with pompous hypocrites who really have no interest in learning something new if it challenges their personal beliefs or feelings in any way.CMV +Gay People Who Exhibit Behavior Generally Associated With The Opposite Sex Are Less Gay Than Gender Confused. CMV +"I believe homosexuality is not natural, and should be treated as a mental illnrss. CMV." +I believe it's foolish to have intense opinions about types of government. CMV +"I believe in determinism, and that we have no influence whatsoever over our fates. CMV!" +"I believe that no matter what world view you hold you can not logically believe everything has a ""Cause and effect"" CMV" +I believe drug use and possession are extensions of the natural rights to liberty and property and should not be violated. CMV +I think the embargo on Cuba should be lifted. CMV +I consider homosexuality to be perverse and curable. CMV +I believe that a truly secular government is the best type of government for ensuring religious freedom for all religions in its population. CMV +I think that creationism and catholic religion should be taught in Canadian/american public schools - CMV +I think catholic priests shouldn't be able to get married- CMV +There is no such thing as a religious Scientist. It is oxymoronic. The scientific method is completely incompatible with evidence-free belief. CMV +CMV: I think Universal Human Rights and right-wing ideology are incompatible. +I think raising a child with bad eating habits should be considered abuse CMV +I think tipping should never be a social norm. CMV +I believe that anything is possible - CMV +I believe hip-hop has been getting exponentially worse since the mid-'00s. CMV +"I believe that businesses should have the right to refuse service based on any condition they wish, including race, nationality or disability. CMV" +"I do not agree with paid maternity leave, and think negatively of the way pregnancy is handled in the workplace. CMV" +"I believe that most people, unless they're going into a STEM field, have no use for math beyond basic arithmetic. CMV" +"I believe that Science, Religion, and Philosophy all work together seamlessly and prove an omniscient deity. CMV." +I believe communism as described by Karl Marx is a more democratic economic system than capitalism. CMV +I think putting 'CMV' at the end of your post is redundent. CMV +I believe that passing your genes to the next generation is important. CMV +There's nothing inherently or morally wrong about stereotypes. CMV +CMV that Gun Ownership is not a bulwark against tyranny and that tyranny is not much of a problem in the USA anyway. +I believe that party-goers are unintelligent. CMV. +Dating is a marketplace and women are the gatekeepers of relationships and sex. CMV. +Women are sex objects and men are death objects. CMV +I think semi truck drivers should be penalized for leaving tire scraps on roads. CMV. +CMV I think all aspects of society should be fully gender integrated or gender neutral +I don't think being white gives me an *unfair* advantage (Or at least I shouldn't feel bad about having an advantage). CMV +I don't think life has any intrinsic value. CMV +"I believe that the ""death tax,"" or something like it is a fundamental necessity for a capitalist democracy, and if anything doesn't go anywhere near far enough in its present state, CMV." +I don't think abortion is wrong in the first 4-5 months. CMV +I think it's been a long time since we've seen a President from any major party that really had our best interests at heart. CMV. +"I frequently use the word ""nigger"" as a white person to refer only to other white people. Telling me I can't do this because of my skin colour is racism. CMV." +"Unless you've played the sport at a competitive level, I don't think you can really be a fan or understand the sport. CMV" +I think people who wear sunglasses in stores or during the evening/night times are annoying/conceited. +"I believe that the NoFap movement is harmful to men's health, as well as their relationships with women. CMV." +"I believe that if you support legalizing same sex marriage, you should also support legalizing polygamous unions. CMV." +"I believe that the emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, “it’s a girl.” CMV" +I think being vegan/vegetarian for a cause doesn't make sense. CMV +I do not consider anyone who hasn't thoroughly read the Bible at least once a Christian. CMV +"EBT should not be authorized for use in places like Strip Clubs, Gas Stations, and various extremely needless things such as Monster Energy Drinks -- CMV" +I feel children should be taken away from parents that are racist. CMV +"I think that offensive jokes (Ie: Rape, racist, etc) jokes are okay and people that are offended are uptight. CMV" +I don't believe in land ownership. CMV +"I have no credit score, and I don't need one. CMV" +I think active assisted suicide should be legal. CMV. +I believe that soldiers are partly to blame for the wars of their respective armed forces. CMV. +I don't see any reason to hate Monsanto. CMV. +I'm a male and completely indifferent to the length of my nails. CMV +"I think finance and economics should be mandatory classes in high school next to math, science, etc... CMV" +I think the US needs an amendment to the constitution that requires an annual balanced budget. CMV please +CMV: I think Star Trek: The Next Generation is better than the Original Star Trek +I am a Black Make who does not believe drunk sex is rape. CMV. +"Guns don’t provide self-defense, harm more lives than they save, and should be illegal for civilians. CMV." +"I think GMO's are not only safe, but that the controversy surrounding them is largely conspiracy nonsense fueled by anger at Monsanto's business practices. CMV?" +I don't believe in the typical notion of gender equality CMV! +The ends justify the means. CMV. +I feel laws should have no moral footing. That the purpose of laws is purely to make society function efficiently. CMV +I believe vaccinations are not good for humans and should not be required for children to take. CMV. +I don't think my High School Graduation should begin with Prayer. CMV +"I believe, from a nonreligious and completely logic-based view, that since we respect human life, abortion, until we learn WHEN life begins, should be considered murder and should be handled by the states, to protect the rights of what, at the very least, could be a human life. CMV." +I think that many of the major pro-gun arguments are fallacious. CMV. +God is not real. He is our ignorance. CMV +I'm an Atheist interested in Christianity. CMV to Christianity. +I believe that homosexuality isn't something people are born with. CMV +"It takes more work and discipline to become rich than to get fit, go to college, find a romantic partner, etc., or any other serious life goal. CMV" +I believe Occam' s Razor to be an extremely naive concept CMV +I think those convicted of drunk driving should be sent to prison on the first offense; CMV +I think most people are more intelligent than most people would have me think. CMV +I believe alcoholism is a disease. CMV. +Preaching against homosexuality and gay marriage is basically hate speech. CMV +My desire for strong gun control and open access to 3D printers are in conflict CMV +I don't believe corporations should pay taxes. CMV +I believe light people should be privileged when travelling with a plane. CMV. +"I believe in the gender binary and that ""alternative gender identities"" are invalid." +"I think that the ""Everybody wins"" attitude that is projected upon children is harmful to us as a people, making us weaker. CMV." +"I believe all attempts to change one's life to become happy are futile, based on an understanding of the Hedonic Treadmill. CMV" +"CMV - I believe that if gay marriage is legalized, there is no possible argument against incestuous marriage" +"After billions spent on HIV research, it became more profitable to sell meds for the infected than it would be to sell a vaccine to everyone, so we'll only see a vaccine when this scenario invert. CMV." +"I see no issue with aborting babies who will be born with a crippling disease, no matter what stage it is in. CMV." +"If someone is asked a simple question to solve a murder, and they plead the fifth, they are guilty and the following legal hubbub is a waste of time. CMV." +[CMV] I think tragedies such as the Boston Marathon bombings and even school shootings are nothing compared to the death tolls of other things and should not be given so much attention. +I think a wife should take a husbands last name. CMV +I believe completing a degree in a STEM major requires more work than completing a degree in a non-STEM major. CMV. +"Being willing to change your homophobic, sexist, or racist views doesn't make it right to broadcast those views CMV" +I believe marijuana is a gateway drug CMV. +I believe the European Muslim society't doing enough to curb the extremists in their midst. CMV +I believe marijuana should be and stay illegal +I would kill 1 person to save 2. CMV +"I do not believe the Founding Fathers are worthy of respect, nor should their opinions or intentions be considered in regards to US policy" +I believe race based affirmative action should be phased out for 'class' or 'income' based affirmative action. CMV. +I believe that morality is purely fabricated (moral nihilism) and that it is impossible to have moral absolutes. This scares me somewhat. CMV +I don't think that people should get extra time on tests CMV +I believe that the human brain is essentially a machine and because of this free will is an illusion CMV +I think piracy is about as wrong as breaking the speed limit in the left lane. CMV +"I believe that kids should not be allowed in a movie theater after a certain time, whether it's a kid's movie or otherwise. CMV" +I think that people that like animals and eat (most) meats are hypocrites. CMV +"As disappointed as I am with current US government, its crime against humanity is nowhere near what Japanese did during WW2. CMV" +"Youtube gaming channels and ""Let's Players"" do not have the right to show an entire video game and accordingly have no right to complain when the game company intervenes, CMV" +The right for gay couples to be married should be considered a religious argument covered by the 1st Amendment. CMV +I believe that being an Asian male makes you invisible in the dating or hookup culture CMV +I think declaring independent (US politics) is complete garbage. Everyone should declare a party. CMV. +I believe that Kantian ethics stands as a good guide to live your life by. CMV. +I think gender studies degrees are an absolute waste of time and nobody with one should be surprised they work at a Starbucks now. CMV +"I think teaching is a fairly easy job and teachers, on a whole, complain far too much for how difficult their load is. CMV" +I think objective morality is a ridiculous concept that doesn't exist; CMV +"I love smoking. I think it feels great, I think it is worth the risk and I think it's cool. CMV" +I am an Antinatalist. CMV +I think politicians should be legally required to do things that they promised to do before the election if they win. CMV +I think fat acceptance is terrible. CMV +"I believe that there should be a limit on how many children people can have, as the world is becoming overpopulated. Or we could us population control. CMV" +I am confident that the world is becoming less religious. CMV. +"I have a will, but I have not got free will. CMV" +I believe people should be federally licensed to have children. +I believe that economists are given too much credit. CMV. +CMV I don't believe women make less than men CMV +I think some atheists exhibit just as much faith as religious individuals. +I believe Obama should be impeached and tried in civilian court for the unlawful killing of US Citizens in drone strikes. CMV. +I can't stand the fact that my life is insignificant. CMV. +"I believe that poor, uneducated people should not be allowed to vote in elections. CMV." +"Reddit is full of pretentious assholes, naive ideologues, and angsty overprivileged first-worlders who know nothing about adversity. Its only value is in its wide array of content. CMV." +"I am a monarchist, read the text and let's see if you can attempt to CMV." +"I think finding the ""cause"" of homosexuality is an irrelevant and useless plight. CMV." +i believe that the Criminal Justice system should be about rehabilitation and not about punishment CMV. +"Newton and Einstein were wrong, and the Physics they theorized is false. CMV" +"I believe that history as an academic discipline is useless, CMV." +I believe that mentally handicapped children should not be given a special treatment. CMV +I believe perpetration of discrimination based on [insert legally-protected class here] is as deserving of punishment in the private sector as it is in the public sector. CMV +There should be a cut-off voting age around ~50-60. CMV. +"I believe that ""comment karma"" should be employed only to sort comments in a thread, and should not be reflected on a user's profile. CMV" +Children shouldn't have to get vaccines if their parents don't want them to. CMV +I believe life was better before. CMV +"I don't think there isnany viable reason to start smoking cigarettes, EVER. CMV" +I believe that immigrants are a threat to European citizens and culture. Please change my view. +I believe the Men's Rights Movement is driven by fear. CMV +I am convinced that caloric intake (net calories in a day) is the only important aspect to weight loss. CMV +The Iraq War was both just and necessary. CMV. +I think bassists are useless in a band. CMV +I think civilization as we know it will end during my life time. CMV +I believe that 'anti-homphobia' movements largely serve to encourage further inequality in society. CMV +"I believe that Gorbachev was the main person who ended the cold war, and not Ronald Reagan CMV" +I believe that being Pro-Choice makes you Pro-Abortion. CMV +"I don't think religious reasons are valid, for anything really, because religions are not based on reason. CMV" +I do not believe there is any inappropriate or off-limits humor. CMV +I don't support suicide because I believe that everyone can be helped +I think that most higher math proofs are useless for any practical matter. CMV +I think voting is a waste of time. CMV +"This probably won't get any serious responses, but here goes: I am in favor of gay marriage being legal in the USA. CMV." +A person in a committed monogamous relationship is obligated to fulfill their partners sexual needs. CMV +"I do not believe animal experimentation should be legal; its cruel, breaks animals rights, and is just morally wrong...CMV" +I believe that r/cringe and r/cringepics does nothing but perpetuate cyberbullying. CMV. +I believe that America's two-party system ruins our democracy. CMV +"I believe successful diets work due to calorie restriction, not fancy metabolic 'reasoning', e.g. Keto - Ketosis; CMV." +I don't believe in any objective morality. CMV +"I do not believe in ""natural rights"". CMV" +I am strongly considering taking back my girlfriend after she cheated with me for the second time. CMV +I think having kids and getting married is a huge mistake. CMV +I believe that affirmative action is a great thing and should not be discontinued. CMV +"The Green and Libertarian Parties are a waste, and people who want to advance those causes should work within the Republican and Democratic parties instead." +"I believe that both Feminists and MRAs have valid points, but neither side truly fights for equality.. CMV." +I believe I chose my own sexuality. CMV +"I think video games shouldn't be called sports. Not even ""esports"", CMV." +I believe that no one gets their morality from the bible. CMV +"I do not think that ""friendzone"" is a real thing and I really do not get the hype. CMV" +There's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to an underage female that has gone through puberty. CMV. +I think it is ok to let children swear. CMV. +I believe that the Unites States was justified in dropping nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945. CMV +I don't want to have kids when I'm an adult. I think they're useless especially since I am one and know. CMV +I believe that reverse racism/sexism is a real and growing concern. CMV +"I'm a Christian and have been raised in a Christian home, but recently I've been having doubts. CMV" +I think that prices in North America should include taxes. CMV +I do not think that gay/lesbian individuals should be allowed to marry individuals of the same sex. CMV +I think /r/niggers and all its users should be banned. CMV +I believe it should be significantly harder for a person in the US to obtain a driver's license. CMV +I think homosexuality actually is a mental disorder. CMV +"I think fanfiction is NOT inherently less worthy of recognition as art, than any accepted medium or genre. CMV" +I believe that bringing children into our already over populated planet is one of the most irresponsible things an educated adult can can do. CMV +"I believe education is not a conduit for upward mobility for otherwise disadvantages youths, and in fact inhibits them from pursuing a realistic job. CMV" +"I believe that most people have negligible influence on the world and therefore their views are meaningless, CMV" +I don't believe that the research of most English professors in research universities is valuable CMV +The death penalty should be WIDELY implemented for repeat offenders- people who have demonstrated time and time again that they cannot operate within society. CMV. +It is not a big deal that an African American is playing Johnny in the fantastic four reboot +I believe that the concept of tipping is unnecessary; I believe that the US custom of tipping your server/waiter/bartender is flawed and that employers should be paying servers a wage amount that does not require tipping custom/system CMV +"I think economics is bullshit, because money and property rights are actually fictitious. CMV." +"I believe that our society is headed in the direction of the movie ""Idiocracy"". CMV." +I believe that ultimately no one is responsible for any of their actions. CMV. +I think that atheists and homosexuals should not want the right of marriage at all. CMV +I have come to the conclusion that pursuing a intimate relationship for myself would be selfish and immoral. Please CMV. +I believe that children raised without siblings are more self-centred and selfish than those with siblings. CMV +I believe the US stock market operates primarily as a large scale Ponzi Scheme. Please CMV +I don't believe Marijuana is the miracle plant it is made out to be on reddit CMV. +"Im Pro-choice, CMV" +I think that war is good. CMV +I strongly support ObamaCare. CMV. +"I think that blaming religion for the majority of wars in human history is a case built on extreme ignorance, CMV." +I think having a minimum wage is bad. CMV. +I think tipping is a bad system that should be eliminated. CMV. +"I don't believe r/atheism should be a default subreddit. I've never heard a good argument for it being one other than ""they would freak out if it were removed"", so I'm here. CMV" +"I believe Walmart exploits women and others on welfare, as well as pays employees low enough to force them to shop there, destroying local economies. CMV(or Change OUR Views)" +I think Atheism is a narrow-minded and arrogant ideology. CMV +America is not a terrible country. CMV +When someone falsely accuses someone of a crime (e.g. Rape) I do not think the accuser should get the same sentence as that of a guilty conviction of the accused. CMV +"I believe America would benefit greatly from having a dual executive. One to handle domestic issues, and another for international." +I'm convinced that Islamic culture and countries are aggressively incompatible with modern society and should be isolated from the rest of the world. CMV. +"I think that just because Angelina Jolie had a masectomy, that is no reason for the media to be hailing her as a hero. CMV." +I don't think the state of Israel should exist. cmv +"A lot of people take pride in being a patriot, I believe patriotism only encourages conflict. CMV" +I think all drugs should be leagalised. CMV +I've become so jaded from Reddit and other parts of the internet that I truly fear that the vast majority of white people around me either hold racist views or prejudge me/my white girlfriend for dating me. (I'm black) CMV. +"I think personal material heritage is evil for society, CMV" +I believe it's perfectly alright to say atheists are going to hell. CMV +"I believe criticizing certain traits (e.g. homosexuality) as being ""evolutionarily maladaptive"" is pointless and often a justification for bigotry. CMV" +I don't think it makes any sense to have the T part in the LGBT movement CMV +"When I see someone who is obese, I immediately think of them as stupid or lazy. CMV" +"I believe the US should use the death penalty for confirmed murderers and rapists, CMV" +"CMV - Homosexuality is Bad, But Not Wrong" +"I believe there is no point/benefit spending time hating or expressing hate (via comments, writing, images etc) for celebrities like Justin Bieber. CMV." +I'm an atheist/nonbeliever and I believe that the majority of secular/atheist movements are made up of bullies who just want to antagonize religious people. CMV +I believe in gun control and/or a national database with info about the buyers CMV +I believe the feminist movement is extremely harmful and provides little or no good whatsoever. CMV +"I think suicide a completely viable option if you don't want to live anymore, it's your choice. CMV" +I believe that we should be required to pass an aptitude test in order to do things like vote and reproduce. CMV +I am a 17 year old Gay Male who believes Bisexuality doesn't exist. +I think slavery is bad CMV +"I do not believe gay marriage is a civil rights issue, and frankly I consider comparisons to the civil rights movement insulting. CMV" +"I believe that abortion is entirely wrong because the mother chose to have sex, and she has the ability to put the child up for adoption after pregnancy. CMV (please don't bring up rape, different topic entirely)" +"Evolution is NOT a fact, and is a poor theory -CMV" +I believe banning marijuana does more harm than good CMV +I don't think that the pro-life stance is misogynistic. CMV. +There's nothing wrong with slut shaming. CMV +"I believe most of the people in the fat acceptance movement are simply lazy, gluttonous and self entitled. CMV" +I don't think it's possible for homosexuality aka gayness to be an evolutionary trait. CMV. +"I believe all gun owners should be equally responsible for any crimes committed with that gun, whether or not they actually committed the crime. CMV" +I fear that Islam will play a large role in escalating conflicts with western nations to the point of world war. CMV. +I feel Black History Month is a bad idea. CMV +"I believe that there is nothing morally wrong with dating your friend's ex at any point in time after their relationship is over, CMV." +"I think most ""Modern Art"" is pretentious, takes nearly no skill, and is sub-par compared to art before that period. CMV." +"I'm fairly ashamed of this, so please help me CMV. I believe that the vast majority of parents, no matter how tolerant and loving, would not choose to have a gay child." +I believe that addiction is just personal weakness. CMV. +"I believe that, in the Bible, Satan is a more moral character than God. CMV" +I think telling native citizens to adapt to incoming immigrant cultures is worse than telling incoming immigrants to adapt to native cultures. +"[Meta] How satisfied are you with the moderation, community and content of this subreddit?" +Schooling has been rendered largely obsolete in the digital age. CMV. +Having children is immoral. CMV +I believe that we're all just as capable as each other +I think Myer-Briggs is just a horoscope pretending to be science. CMV +"I am not religious in any way, but I believe that reincarnation is more likely than the alternative. CMV." +I believe that an opt-out system of organ donation could only be beneficial CMV +"I don't see a problem with polygamy, CMV" +I believe that labeling someone by race is wrong. CMV +"I feel because of the futility of existence, life is not worth living, CMV." +I believe that young people have the authority to consent to sexual activities with each other or consenting adults CMV +I don't believe any parent has any inherent right to raise their children. CMV +"I don't believe Michael Jackson had sex with any children, CMV." +"I see no reason or value in tolerating the willfully ignorant, the stubborn fools and those blinded by propaganda and ideology. Care to CMV?" +"I believe that everything is subjective, contextual, and relativistic. CMV" +I'm not a feminist simply because I don't see much gender inequality that isn't simply biological differences between men and women. CMV. +I think people who think they shouldn't have to watch ads are immature and self-centered. CMV +I think it should be illegal for people to not to vote on council/government matters that concern them. CMV. +No one should personally own a car or other motor vehicles CMV +I believe in the absolute sanctity of human life. CMV +I believe all drugs should be legalized. CMV! +"I do not believe that the world is overpopulated, nor is it in any danger of becoming overpopulated. CMV" +"I believe the fact that our atoms are traceable to the crucibles of exploding stars over the course of billions of years, contradicts creationism and is proof that Religion is false. CMV" +I don't think voter ID laws are that big of a deal. CMV. +"I believe in fate in the sense that our lives are entirely pre-destined, and free will does not exist. CMV" +"I believe that digital piracy is immoral, and that whatever changes content providers go through to adapt to it, they will still always be justified in attempting to punish people who illegally pirate content. CMV" +Close to 90% of men have nothing to offer women these days. Change my view. +I think eating meat purely for pleasure is inherently a cruel act. CMV +I believe people who are depressed should get more exercise and make travelling a priority before thinking about medication. CMV +"I think property is just another arbitrary social fiction, and that removing people from their homes or workplaces under the pretense of ""property"" (evictions, lay-offs, etc.) is fundamentally inhumane. CMV." +I believe that grades in school are completely useless. CMV +I believe anti-depressants/anti-psychotics have no use other than to mask the symptoms of the mentally ill. CMV. +I believe that there is no such thing as a truly selfless act. CMV +"I don't believe married, home owning, or procreating people should get tax breaks. CMV." +I believe that welfare is a drain on resources and should be abolished. CMV. +"I believe East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent on average than Anglo whites, and whites on average are more intelligent than Africans. CMV." +I believe that the death penalty should be something like a firing squad rather than be lethal injection to save money. CMV +I don’t believe in online privacy. CMV. +I believe that the Singularity will lead to the eradication of human life. CMV. +I believe that systematic genocide like the holocaust could never happen in a country like the US. CMV +"I believe there is no moral difference between shooting a newborn in the face with a gun, and abortion. CMV" +"Books (or the written word in general) are not inherently more ""intellectual"" than any other form of media. CMV" +"I believe that young women only use the term ""creep,"" for a man that they don't find attractive, as a method of validating that they have high standards to their peers. CMV" +"I believe that the new ""score hiding"" system is poorly done and only makes viewing comment threads more annoying. CMV" +I believe birth control should be mandatory to receive welfare in America. CMV +I believe that the population of the world needs to be reduced drastically by any means necessary. CMV. +"I believe Assault Weapons should be banned for civilian use, CMV." +"I believe that some people are a burden to society, and should not be helped. CMV" +CMV: Cheating in school is acceptable and everyone should do it. +"[meta] I can never decide whether to upvote a CMV post because if I agree, I want people to see it and learn, and if I disagree, I want people to see it and argue against it." +"Nascar is a sport, and the drivers are athletes. CMV" +I believe that people are mostly good. CMV. +I think women are actually inferior to men. CMV. +I believe the composer/producer of a song deserves more credit for a song than the singer. CMV +I believe that abortion is always wrong because life begins at conception. CMV +"I believe there is no place in society for Modern Feminism, CMV" +Religion is good because it motivates people to be good. CMV! +CMV: I think most people are vegans/vegetarians because of pop culture. Change My View. +The current movement of feminism actually hinders equality for both genders. CMV. +I believe that there should be two days of school per year. CMV. +I believe religion is the bane of society and scientific advancement CMV +I believe beastiality is amongst the most depraved and disgusting things humans do. CMV +"Your IQ value is artificial, meaningless and does not matter, to anyone, whatsoever. This includes yourself. CMV" +I believe that North America is on the verge of systemic collapse. CMV +"If you believe that abortion there should be legal, then you shouldn't ethically be against limitations on it. CMV" +Islam is currently a larger threat to civilized society than other monotheistic religions. CMV. +"I believe post-mortem organ donation should be obligatory whenever possible, CMV" +I don't believe that the Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force should be in my high school every other week attempting to recruit students for future service. CMV +It doesn't matter what your ancestors accomplished or went through. CMV +I believe prohibition of any substance is wrong and only promotes more crime CMV +I believe that there are some things that a government simply does better than private groups or companies can. CMV. +I believe slut shaming is sexist and a detriment to society as a whole. CMV +"I believe almost all women are incompetent emotionally, & socially and are also very immature CMV" +I believe that parents who spanks their kids are bad parents/uneducated. CMV! +I believe the imperial system should be completely abolishe worldwide. CMV. +I believe that every reasonable person should desire immortality. CMV +I'm inclined to think that atheists who say you shouldn't be agnostic are fools. CMV +I dont think cctvs in public areas is a bad thing. CMV +"CMV: I completely agree with Joseph Heller's quote ""Certainly so many countries cant be all worth dying for""." +100% inheritance tax is a good idea. CMV +I don't think there is anything wrong with circumcision. CMV +I believe that the government does not have the right to make abortion illegal. CMV +"Homosexuals and transexuals suffer from a mental dysfunction, CMV" +I believe the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance should not be recited every morning by children in school. CMV +I think there should be a maximum limit on an individual's net worth and a maximum wage. CMV +I believe a woman cannot rape a man. CMV! +Veterans have not fought for my freedom. CMV. +[META] This subreddit has exploded. I think a wiki might be a good idea. +"I believe that everyone can be diagnosed with a mental illness, CMV" +I believe that high school is a terribly designed system that works against peoples learning and doesn't let people get to their full potential. CMV +I believe in eugenics CMV +I believe that CMV's that are identical or nearly identical to recent CMVs should be disallowed. CMV +I believe that people who are less intelligent/educated are lesser human beings. CMV. +I believe alcohol and tobacco are legal despite being the most deadly drugs because the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping the general population dumbed down. CMV +"I believe that no vaccine should be given to any child under one year of age, especially a newborn. CMV" +I think English should be the official language of the United States. CMV +I am an existential nihilist. CMV +"I think that there is zero reason for psychedelic drugs (e.g., LSD, mushrooms, etc.) to be illegal and anyone who thinks otherwise is uneducated as to the effects of these drugs. CMV" +"I believe that, besides basic biological differences, such as reproduction, there isn't really any need for a gender definitions such as 'Masculinity/Femininity' CMV" +I believe that everyone should have an option to have their base needs satisfied without working. CMV +"I believe the government shouldn't cover Birth control, CMV." +I believe that we should stop eating beef. CMV +I believe that almost all serious or violent criminal behavior should be treated as mental illness. CMV. +Christian almost an atheist. Help me CMV to it. +"I believe not everyone should have the right to vote, CMV." +"If you major in Cinema Studies and then can't get a good job, you deserve what you get. CMV" +"I am an American that believes that Isreal is using their position as a ""lone Jewish State"" to justify illegal transgressions in the ME, CMV" +"I think people who have murdered others or done so much wrong should be put to death, as long as they are given a fair trial. CMV" +I am a republican. CMV +I believe people who refuse to identify as a specific sexuality (even pan or poly) are simply just being difficult. CMV +I believe polygamy and polyandry should be legal CMV +I think homosexuality is similar to pedophilia. CMV. I know it's a horrible view. +[Mod-post] Welcome to all new subscribers! +I think that porn should be regulated a lot more because it is destructive to families and relationships. CMV +I believe that watching and downloading child porn should be legal. CMV +I believe some cultures are inherently superior than others. CMV +I believe the British Royal family is of little benefit to Canada and ties should be cut once the Queen dies. CMV +"If you're a short guy, you are physically unattractive to women, period." +I do not believe that atheism is any more logical than religion CMV +News is bad for you. CMV +"I am unconvinced that same-sex marriage is unequivocally justified, and I find a lot of the arguments employed by its proponents to be disingenuous. CMB" +I believe that prayer does nothing to change the world. CMV +I believe that Online Passes for video games are eventually going to destroy online console gaming CMV. +The presumption of innocence is rampantly violated when suspects are kept in jail. CMV +"I believe that some redistribution of wealth is a necessary component of a healthy, reasonable society. CMV" +I believe watching the movie IS a good substitute for reading the book. CMV +Every action or decision you make is entirely for your own benefit or best interest CMV. +I believe that the FCC should not censor nudity/obscenity on TV CMV +I am against absolute freedom of press and believe censorship to be justified. CMV +I think everyone who is overweight or ugly is just lazy and should be looked down upon. CMV +You cannot have both a healthy career and a healthy social life. CMV +"I remain unconvinced that my death has a fixed 100% probability, CMV." +I believe theology is complete bullshit. CMV +I think that if you are not informed beyond the basics on a topic your opinion is not valid and should have no weight. CMV +"I believe that due to the development of technology, the music industry has become far too congested for any real talent to come and stand out. CMV." +"CMV that ""something exists"" or ""a=a"" are absolute certainties." +I think it's okay for me to occasionally steal small things. CMV +I've believe that the Liberals are 'wrong' regarding US economic and fiscal policy. Also Krugman is a hack. CMV +I believe religious people are somewhat stupid or deeply dishonest +CMV I believe that if you honour your personal heritage and familial culture you should only marry and have children with members of your own race and culture +"I think ""mental illness"" as a common reason for the motivation behind spree/mass killers is completely false. CMV" +It's the Republican's fault for voting to keep Guantanamo Bay open. CMV +"I believe that Polygamy would be a problem due to our economic structure, but that there would otherwise be no problem with allowing it. CMV." +"I believe that things like homeopathic medicine and professional ""psychics"" should be illegal, or at least legally restricted." +I think neutering pets is immoral. CMV +"There are no ""nice""feminists on this subreddit CMV" +"I don't think there is anything wrong with incest, as long as it's started in adulthood. CMV" +I believe that the modern western idea of 'dating' is a terrible way to find a spouse or to prepare a couple for marriage. CMV. +"[CMV] I believe adopting a single, unified language would be beneficial to the world" +I believe giving everyone a basic income without requiring them to do any work is a bad idea. CMV +"I think anime in general is awful and an empty form of entertainment, CMV" +"I don't believe that motorcycles should be allowed to lane split or ""white line"". They should act like any other motor vehicle on the road. CMV" +[CMV] I don't see what the problem is with surveillance cameras in public areas +"I think ""misandry don't real"" is incorrect. CMV." +I believe CPR should never be performed on people over the age of 70. CMV +I think women should be able to go out in public topless CMV +[CMV] Life imprisoned folk should be allowed to euthanize themselves +I think people should stop having kids. CMV +"If men don't want to pay child support, they shouldn't have sex with any woman they don't want to be the mother of their child. CMV" +"[Meta] CMV posts that are a matter of taste are not disputable, and should be removed by mods. CMV." +I think that Daft Punk are one of the most over-rated groups playing today. CMV. +The electoral college is bad for America. CMV +"I think the term ""Social Justice"" is intellectually dishonest at a fundamental level CMV" +"I think anything paranormal (ghosts, UFOs, ESP, etc) is nonsense. CMV" +I believe circular logic is the equal of classical logic CMV +Guns are fetish objects. CMV +we are all neo-slaves to the systems CMV +Improvements in technology (specifically automation and robotics) will lead to massive unemployment. CMV +CMV: Why should I have any sympathy for people when they die from texting or drinking (or already drunk) while driving +I believe that a utilitarian society is the only morally just one. CMV +"I think that ""In God We Trust"" should be removed from American Currency. CMV" +I don't think there's any reason for the US government to spend more money on NASA or space exploration. CMV. +[Mod Post] Need the community's feedback - Should we implement the new subreddit feature that hides comment scores? +I think the end of capitalism is inevitable. CMV +"I believe that police should be restricted to using rubber bullets, billie clubs, and tazers. CMV." +I think abortion isn't a bad thing. CMV +I think women should have to sign up for the Draft in the US. CMV. +I think Liberal Arts is a scam by Colleges to increase tuition. CMV. +I do not believe gun control can be rationally justified CMV. +I think the possession and use of all illicit drugs should be legalized CMV +I believe attempted murder and murder should be treated as the same crime. CMV +"All criminals (who we know 110% did the crime) should be put under forced physical labor, and if they refuse, bullet to the back of the head. CMV." +I am against drug legalization and believe the 'War on Drugs' to be morally justified. CMV +"""I"" believe that in humanity needs a great disaster to start over and become pure again. CMV." +Adults who are attracted to sexually mature minors should not be considered sexual deviants. CMV. +"I think drinking is not okay, especially for high school kids." +I believe population control is an obvious and sensible direction for our species to take. CMV. +I believe that the concept of national identity is a divisive concept with no real benefit to the average citizen. CMV +I think prostitution should be legal. CMV +I think Language/Journalism/Arts majors require less critical thinking than STEM majors. CMV +"I think Google is dangerously large and powerful, and should be avoided. CMV" +I think we should encourage sex-selective abortions. CMV. +I believe immigration from countries with high fertility rates to countries with lower fertility rates represents a form of genocide. CMV +"I believe teachers should be paid based on performance, and underperforming teachers fired. CMV" +I think rape exceptions for abortion are hypocritical and impractical. CMV +I'm a girl who is sexist against women. CMV +I believe the best political and social system is an altruistic communism. CMV. +"Although I am an atheist, I feel as though Hick's response to the problem of evil is adequate. CMV." +I think the risk of being raped by random strangers is ridiculously low to the point that I don't understand why anyone would be paranoid about it if they bothered to use any common sense. CMV +"I think that ""organic"" foods are no better than regular foods, and that it's just a marketing scheme and an excuse for a price increase. CMV" +I think the majority of people who claim to be asexual are so because of emotional/mental health issues and not because they are inherently asexual CMV +"I don't believe that having ""In God We Trust"" on American currency is a big deal. CMV" +I've never seen Communism as a bad thing. CMV +"I believe that antidepressants mess you up and addict you in the long term because without them you are back to the ""reality"" goggles. CMV" +How can people believe and trust in a god that they cannot see? CMV +I am troubled by the prospect of China becoming the next superpower. I think this will be bad news for the whole world. CMV. +I think that the only thing we can know absolutely is that there is nothing else we can know absolutely. CMV. +I dont think being a 'slut' is wrong. CMV +If you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to hide. CMV +We will never have gender equality and equal sex drafts are a bad idea. CMV +I think shooting a trespasser/home invader for that action alone should be a crime CMV +I believe sociopaths (ASPD) are enviable. CMV +"I believe scientific reasoning is the best way to collectively know reality, understand the natural world, and gain empirical knowledge." +I think Property Rights are the best way to ensure that pollution doesn't get out of hand. CMV. +I don't believe we should be concerned about global warming. CMV. +"The most important function of government is stewardship, and Libertarianism is bankrupt because it doesn't account for this. CMV" +I believe that rape culture stems from women's social expectations from men and should be addressed first before it can ever be solved. CMV +It is unethical to eat an animal (unless absolutely necessary for survival) CMV +I think our current amount of meat consumption in the first world is immoral. CMV +"I can't see any reason to be proud of your nationality and I instantly lose respect for people who say they are ""proud to be american/british/whatever"". CMV." +I believe that 9/11 was an inside job done by the US gov. CMV +CMV I agree with white separatism +I don't think that you should make a post in /r/ChangeMyView unless you intend to actually reply to responses that are made shortly after it's posted. CMV +I believe Atheism is more comforting than Christianity. CMV +"I dont think that homosexuality should be viewed as ""normal"". CMV" +"I think Python is the best first programming language, CMV." +"Unless an animal clearly doesn't enjoy what's happening, I believe bestiality should not be morally frowned upon. I've searched and found no good arguments, so CMV (read the first sentence before you downvote)" +I am not sure if global warming is a real issue. CMV either way. +I think Game of Thrones is boring and the mythology is patchy and poorly constructed. +I believe 10 gorillas would beat 100 humans in a cagefight. CMV +I don't think we should find a cure for cancer. CMV +I believe that the right to bear arms is a fundamental protector of democracy. CMV +I don't think the Boston bombing is really that big of a deal. CMV +"I think the studying the arts in high school does not help prepare students for the ""real world"" CMV" +"I think inferring clues about someone's personality from their appearance is immature, CMV" +I believe that most of the well upvoted posts on this subreddit receive upvotes simply because they are widely held opinions amongst Redditors. CMV. +"I believe that if intelligent life were to travel to our planet, they would view us as a primitive, violent race. CMV" +"I believe Digital Piracy is wrong, and needs to be stopped. CMV." +I believe that torture as potential punishment for the most heinous of crimes can save innocent lives. CMV. +I believe that Technocracy is the perfect form of government CMV +I don't think there should be a minimum age for viewing pornography/sexual content. CMV. +I'm a misogynist and I really want to be proven wrong. CMV. +Minors should have an opportunity to vote. CMV. +"I believe fate is undeniable. People who think they are in control are just in denial, CMV" +I think delusional fantasies about overthrowing the government have no place in any discussion of gun control. CMV +The refusal to say 'curse words' is idiotic CMV +I don't see any reason why a transgender person should be inherently treated or considered any different than someone who identifies as a different species. CMV +"Politically incorrect is the new political correctness. Change my view, if you can." +I think life doesn't have value and therefore nothing has consequences. CMV +"I'm a doctoral student in psychology interested in evolutionary neuroscience. I believe in evolution, and therefore I believe that different races possess varying cognitive, temperamental, and physical attributes. CMV" +I think this sub is filled with psuedo-intellectuals and bad reasoned arguments. CMV +I don't believe in an afterlife and am terrified of dying. CMV +"I believe that catcalling should be considered flattering, not mysogynistic or rude. CMV." +I believe black people are more racist than white people. CMV. +I cannot get the idea out of my head that abortion is murder. CMV +I see nothing wrong with rape jokes. CMV +I think morality is subjective CMV. +I believe it is always poor judgment to get completely intoxicated. CMV +"I believe a private, market based healthcare system is superior to a tax payer funded one. CMV." +"I believe some women do ""ask for it."" CMV" +I believe individualism is the greatest threat to a society's existence. CMV +"I believe that some art is objectively better than others and that the phrase ""all art is subjective"" only goes so far CMV" +I believe that philosophy would improve if it used fewer hypotheticals. CMV. +I believe that abortion should be illegal due to the possibility of fetuses being human beings CMV +"I believe there should be a rule ix: Posts must be controversial enough to stir adequate discussion, rather than proposing an opinion that little to no users will disagree with." +"I think that those so called ""Greatest Bands of All Time"" like Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones are overrated and really not that much better then the music of today." +I think that moderately wealthy people have little to no understanding of what it's like to live as an average american does. CMV +"I think professional sports industry raises human beings, capable of emotion, intellectual reasoning, and empathy, to be nothing more than mere pack animals CMV" +"I believe that furry porn contains such strong ties to zoophilia, that the anthropomorphism becomes irrelevant. CMV." +"I don't believe that there is such a thing as a ""bad test taker"" and that standardized tests such as the SAT are basically fair. CMV." +I believe that people who value relationships with animals over humans are dysfunctional to the point of requiring psychological therapy. CMV +"I believe everyone from the South are bigoted, gun-wielding, super conservative, dense people. CMV" +Appeals to emotion do not belong in discussion of legislative proposals. CMV. +I think that sex-selective abortion is always wrong. CMV +"The U.S. Military should pull out of every country it's stationed or occupied in, the U.S. should not initiate war, all military spending should be for defense, and we should leave countries we defend to fund their own militaries. CMV" +"I believe that people who love old wines, whiskeys and scotches are lying to appear classier. CMV" +The nature of man is basically bad. CMV +I believe that most of our donations to organizations are kept or used wrongfully. CMV +I think high intelligence and logical reasoning selects against violent action. CMV +I do not plan on voting. CMV +"I feel that people who feel sympathy towards disaster victims are phonies, and they don't feel real pity for them -- CMV" +"I think it is legitimate for the Michigan Womyn's Festival to be a space for ""womyn who at birth were deemed female, who were raised as girls, and who identify as womyn"". CMV" +I don't believe in guns. CMV +I believe that stricter gun control laws focused on who can acquire weapons and what types is only ever beneficial to the safety of individual citizens. CMV +"I feel that the most important thing to do in the 21st century is make sure there are no ""white"" countries anymore. CMV" +"I don't see how God could let so much horrible stuff happen, and the free will argument doesn't make sense to me. CMV" +[META] Is this subreddit an appropriate place for people on the fence and not leaning in either direction? +I think that research into wind and solar energy sources are a waste of time. Nuclear power is the only way to go. CMV. +I believe that solitary confinement should never be a solution for dealing with any prisoner. CMV +I do not believe morals are Objective in any way. They are subjective and adjust accordingly nearly in every era of civilized society (and before). CMV? +"I am sexist, CMV." +Same-Sex Marriage is not about Equal Rights. CMV +I believe pick-up artists have an extremely unhealthy view of life. CMV +I think the boys in that steubenville rape case got way too much crap throughout the whole trial....CMV +"I believe all victimless crimes, including prostitution and drug use should be legalized. CMV" +I think that Northerners are smarter and more educated than Southerners (in the United States). CMV. +I think you'll be permanently depressed after a existential crisis. CMV +I think rap/hip-hop music is of extremely low quality and it infuriates me that it has predominantly replaced music that is of higher basic quality. CMV +I don't think I should try to reduce my carbon footprint. CMV. +I think the current wording of Rule III is fine. CMV. +Vegetarians (and the like minded) are being hypocritical if they are Pro-Choice. CMV +"I believe people should not be allowed to bring babies in a movie theater except if it's a special ""everybody can bring their babies"" showing/theater. CMV" +I think it is silly for a vegan to exclude honey from their diet. CMV +"I believe that animal abuse, while emotionally uncomfortable and anger inducing for me to see or hear about, is not something that is my place to tell other people they can't do. It boils down to, ""I don't like it so you can't do it!"". CMV" +I believe liberal arts have no place in universities. CMV +"I believe condescending sarcasm and snark can be valid in discussion, particularly in relation to this subreddit. CMV." +"I believe people divide into two groups: ""breeding"" drones, and thinkers. CMV." +I believe that taking a college major that won't allow you to pay back your college tuition is irresponsible and self-destructive. CMV +"I think that according to current standards, homosexuality/Tran sexuality must be considered mental illnesses. Please CMV" +"I believe that most veganism (as well as raw food enthusiasts, etc) are mentally ill. CMV." +I fully believe that people who are offended are the ones to blame for being offended in nearly all instances. This trait of weakness should not be coddled. CMV +As a counterpoint to a post from yesterday: I think that colonialism has ruined every society it has come into contact with. CMV +"If humanity isn't going to develop a fully sustainable method of living, then it must greatly limit and lower it population. CMV." +I think transsexuals are just emotionally immature CMV. +I don't think atheists can have objectively meaningful lives +I believe an angel talked to me once when I was a child and there is other scientific explanation [CMV] +I think Alternative Medicine is bullshit. CMV. +[CMV] I don't think hiring a white person over a black person who is equally qualified to be racism. +"[MOD POST] So, the experiment of no downvotes is over, what did you all think?" +No claim is so harmful or crazy that merely discussing it (at CMV or elsewhere) should be forbidden. CMV +"I don't think Golf is a sport, more of a hobby. CMV." +I believe the obese aren't entitled to the same accommodations we make for the disabled. +"I am extremely pro-gay rights, but I think it's gross. Can you CMV?" +I see nothing admirable or desirable about having patriotism. CMV. +I believe the loss of 19th century European honour codes has resulted in an inept and weak soceity. +"I think organ donation should be an opt-out system and if you do you also opt-out of receiving donated organs, should you need them. CMV" +I think automatically tipping servers is stupid. CMV +I think brushing your teeth after you eat breakfast is gross CMV +I have a hard time believing alcoholism is a disease. CMV +"I beleive that rights are intrinsic and self evident, they are not granted by any other party. CMV. Impossible mode." +I think all recreational drugs are ok when used responsibly. CMV. +I don't think teachers are underpaid. CMV. +I don't think that the second amendment protects individual rights to own firearms. CMV +"Men and Women Can't Be ""Just Friends"". CMV" +"I think wrestling is a soap opera for men and believe that anybody who watches it, enjoys it, and takes it seriously is a degenerate neanderthal with a low IQ. CMV?" +I think male teachers do their job better as opposed to female teachers. CMV +I don't believe the obese should receive disability benefits or health care unless they commit to a supervised weight loss program. CMV. +I think that an algorithm which assigns downvotes to posts misrepresents the Reddit community and takes away from the quality of the site. CMV +I think unmarried fathers should have the right to absolve themselves of responsibility to their offspring. Please CMV. +I think doctors in the United States make too much money. CMV. +"I think forced military service is morally reprehensible, and I see nothing wrong with draft-dodging. CMV" +I think that the gay rights struggle is really a distraction from actually important issues. CMV +I believe future armed conflicts America involves itself in should require a mandatory military service draft. CMV +I genuinely don't believe that feminism is for equality. CMV +I believe that all drugs should be legalized and government regulated and sold to the public. CMV +I see no reason for cheating and plagiarizing to be considered wrong in the academic world CMV. +I believe that bearing a child of your own free will is literally the most evil individual action. CMV. +I believe the United States should dismantle all of its nuclear weapons. CMV. +I think eating meat is worse than bestiality. CMV +I believe Capitalism is currently the best economic system there is. CMV +I think private schools should be abolished. CMV. +"I believe the band Radiohead has achieved higher combined levels of critical acclaim, commercial success, and fan appeal, while more consistently producing high-quality music and maintaining their absolute creative integrity, than any band since The Beatles. CMV" +"As someone who enjoys many things about Japanese culture and plans to teach there within the next year, I just cant seem to find the enjoyment in anime. I really want to like/watch it if not for the language exposure alone...CMV" +"I've been using Windows 8 for about 6 months and love it. Apparently I'm in the minority though, so CMV. What am I missing?" +"I don't think it is rape (usually) when one person is impaired (drunk, drugs, etc)... CMV" +I think sterilization should be an optional punishment for those found guilty of child negligence/abuse. CMV +I believe that women should be able to get an abortion legally should they choose to. CMV. +"Congrats /r/ChangeMyView - you are Subreddit of the Day for April 8, 2013!" +I don't think diversity is important. CMV +I think socialism is the best form of government. CMV +"I think most, if not all, sci-fi and fantasy are at the emotional level of an adolescent male. Not that that's bad, that's just where they're at. CMV" +I think America should cut our military budget in half. CMV +I am personally against organ donation. CMV +I don't think that any social drinking (alcohol) is justifiable. CMV +I believe that you can choose your emotions and therefore being offended is a choice. CMV. +I think less of anyone who holds religious beliefs. CMV +"I believe that the fact that Police are allowed to lie to suspects makes them inherently untrustworthy, CMV" +CMV I believe this sub-reddit should get into the habit of using the acronym at the start of the post rather than the end. +I don't believe that private gun ownership should be legal. CMV +My friend(male) is pretending to be a girl and exploiting horny men online. I think this is morally wrong. CMV +"I don't believe that a married couple is any more legitimate, committed, or loving than any other long-term couple who doesn't want to get married, CMV." +I think Reddit encourages polarization and groupthink. CMV +[MOD POST] The community has spoken - downvotes will be removed from comments (for a week) to see how it goes down. +I think affirmative action is racist/prejudice. CMV +I believe Political Correctness keeps us from making significant social progress. CMV +I don't think it's wrong for a girl to be slutty and promiscuous provided that she practises safe sex and birth control. CMV +I believe research into Artificial Intelligence should be banned much like Nuclear Weapon technology. CMV! +"I don't understand why white people in the US are afraid to use the word nigger out of racist context, as in ""My grandma used say nigger in public"", even when they are not the ones abusing the word. CMV." +I think it's ironic for women to dress up as overly sexualized characters created by middle aged men thinking it's empowering at comic book conventions and other cosplay events. CMV +I believe that parents who choose not to vaccinate their children should be fined. CMV +I believe this subreddit has become a platform for circlejerk opinions to get confirmation bias under the guise of changing their view. CMV. +"I think that saying ""African-American"" to universally describe black people is incorrect. CMV" +I think anime is stupid/for kids and only losers watch it. CMV +"I don't see how being drunk and in ""promiscuous"" clothing, doesn't increase the chance of rape" +I think Superman would beat Batman in a fight every time. CMV. +"I think the ability to harmlessly acquire digital goods for free through piracy means that movies, music, tv shows, etc. are no longer products that have any monetary value. CMV" +"I believe that if you support democracy, you must respect the Christian opposition to gay marriage. CMV" +I think that the death penalty should be abolished. CMV +"I think that ""he"" as a default pronoun is completely acceptable and does not pose a threat to women/feminism. CMV" +I think that feminism is 1) sexist and 2) harmful to equality. CMV. +I think being a vegan for any other reason than your health is ridiculous. CMV +I am a Christian CMV +"I believe women just wear makeup to get attention, and that wearing it indicates self-esteem or self-worth issues. Reddit, please CMV!" +"I think people should be referred to with the pronoun of their physical gender, not the one they identify as. CMV" +"If you are willing to eat meat, then I don't think you should be grossed out by eating ANY meat, including dog meat, hamster meat, snake meat.. even human meat. CMV" +I believe women should have full rights to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus is found to have a genetic disorder. CMV +"I think networking (think business, not computers) is corruption. CMV" +I dislike gender identity as a concept. CMV. +I believe that knowledge and invention are intrinsically good. CMV +I think that fraternities and sororities are wastes of time and are full of partiers. CMV +I do not believe the second amendment is a useful safeguard in the event that the US becomes a tyranny. CMV +"I believe that if abortion is completely legal, then infanticide should be legal also. CMV." +I believe clubs that are suppose to celebrate diversity (like the black student union) only cause a more segregated society! CMV +I think Bronies are ridiculous. CMV +I don't think its a good idea to treat illnesses that are genetic because we are increasing their rate in the human population CMV +I believe that different races of people should be classified as different subspecies of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. CMV. +I think that pre-op transgendered individuals identify as gay. CMV +I think college is way too easy and the number of people graduating college should be cut in half. +"I think if homosexual people can be recognized by the state, then polygamy and incest should be too. CMV" +I don't believe global warming exists. CMV +I think 99% of people (including myself) are not qualified to vote or even debate politics. CMV +I think transgendered people are morally obliged to tell people they used to be the other gender before engaging in intercourse/a relationship with someone. CMV +"I don't think parents should lie to their kids about the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, etc. CMV!" +"I don't think being homosexual is thing you're born with, I think its a choice. CMV." +I think African-Americans haven't been able to break the cycle of poverty because their culture is trash. CMV +I think no one should attempt to change their sex (i.e. tansgender) CMV +"I don't agree with transgender people and that you can be ""born in the wrong body""" +"Marriage is stupid. Especially if you're a male. Change my view, but it will be damn hard." +"I don't see why hitting men is acceptable, but hitting women is not. CMV" +I don't believe that addiction is a disease that addicts are powerless to control. CMV. +I have no sympathy for victims of suicide. CMV +I am disgusted by mentally handicapped people. CMV +"I don't think gay marriage is an important issue, and I don't think it deserves even 1% of the attention it receives." +I think that r/atheism has more hate and ignorance than most modern christians. CMV +I dont find sex appealing CMV +I can't stand flamboyant gay people. CMV +I think politics is a waste of time. CMV +"CMV. I can't justify the amount of money I, and everyon else, spend on stupid useless luxuries like xbox games and bongs while the same money could go to feed a starving person." +I Believe That Public Nudity Should Be Legal CMV +I believe same sex marriages should be legal. CMV +I don't believe depression is a real illness. +"I believe that everyone should be free, 100%. CMV" +"I don't believe that ""cop killers"" are any worse than regular killers. CMV" +I believe authoritarian regimes are better for minorities in the middle east. CMV. +"I think that, by and large, the word ""art"" is meaningless and should not be used. CMV." +I believe that drone strikes are at least a neutral if not a positive alternative to standard man-driven bombing runs. CMV. +I used to think offensive slurs and jokes were totally justified when not used seriously; TCMV. +I believe in absolute Free Speech and Freedom of Expression. CMV +I believe that President Obama is a sociopath +"I don't believe wearing a seat-belt in a privately owned vehicle should be enforced by law, CMV" +"Consent given while drunk is still consent, claiming rape after the fact shouldn't be possible. CMV" +CMV - Children Raised By Homosexual Parents Have A Higher Chance of Becoming Homosexuals. +I think the death penalty is more rational than life in prison CMV +"I don't think ""safe spaces"" are a good idea. CMV" +"[Devil's Advocate] The supreme court shouldn't go making up ""new"" rights. CMV" +"I think that if homosexuals are allowed to marry, then incestuous marriages should be legal as well. CMV" +"I oppose feminism, and I don't think women are equal to men. CMV. " +"I believe that people shouldn't be legally held accountable for their actions when significantly intoxicated, CMV." +I don't understand gay people. CMV. (x-posted to /offmychest) +"I think that couples that do not have kids are selfish, CMV" +"I believe the next major economic crash will happen this year, 2013. CMV" +"I'm not sure the people caught on Dateline's ""To Catch a Predator"" should be arrested. Please CMV." +I find teenage dating silly. CMV. +I believe that Arrested Development is an unfunny show. CMV +I believe no living thing should be subservient to another. CMV. +"I believe that most people are inherently good, don't need to be told what to do, and can easily deal with a few bad eggs without outside intervention. CMV." +I don't think anyone under ~15 should be using reddit. CMV +"I'm very pro personal liberty, very pro gay, very pro trans, but I have a hard time accepting the idea of someone being gender fluid. CMV" +"I am not an organ donor, CMV." +"I believe it is hypocritical to be pro-life, but not a vegetarian. CMV" +"I believe in a young Earth and a universe that is 6,000 years old rather than 13.8 Billion [CMV]" +I think pirating movies/TV shows/music/software is theft and should continue to be illegal. CMV. +I think being dumb & ignorant is better than smart & enlightened. CMV +I believe the large majority of people are fundamentally idiots. CMV +CMV Libertarianism is starting to make more sense than having a middle-of-the road ideology. +I believe we put too much emphasis on science and engineering studies.CMV. +Anarcho-capitalism or any form of state-less society is a terrible idea. CMV +"There Isn't a Good Argument Against Genetic Screening and Eugenics, CMV" +I think that black people in America are often a victim of their own culture more than a victim of discrimation. CMV +"I think that women have just as many, if not more, rights than men. CMV" +I don't think torture is morally permissible under any circumstances. CMV. +I believe that prisons should be work camps where you must work if you want to eat. CMV. +I don't see the practical purpose of believing in privilege CMV +The United States government will never become tyrannical.CMV +"I believe that personal firearms can do nothing to ""prevent tyranny"" in the modern age. CMV" +"I believe that in a functional and constitutional democracy, a ""right to bear (fire)arms"" is a bad idea. CMV" +American Societal Decay is the Karmic Justice Retribution for the Slave Trade. CMV. +I think incest should be legal. CMV +i think people base way to much respect on how well u pull off correct grammar cmv +I believe the vast majority of people are bi-amorous and most also bisexual. CMV. +I know nothing of Scientology and will assume it is ok as I like and respect Tom Cruise and his movies. CMV. +I think replacing individual vehicles with mass transit for the majority of people would be a good thing. CMV. +I believe global warming is undeniably real and caused by humans. To believe otherwise is simple denial and stubbornness. CMV +I am not a Christian nor am I an atheist. But I believe that Christ was trying to send a specific message. CMV +"[MOD POST] A chance to express any concerns/suggestions you have, plus a couple of points we wish to raise." +"I do not believe that ""Free Will"" is a coherent concept. CMV" +I believe in universal health care. CMV +I'm turning 24 and I feel like my youth is over. CMV +I don't think goodness exists. CMV +I believe that The Problem of Evil is an insurmountable theological problem that effectively disproves Abrahamic faiths. CMV +I don't believe life has any actual value. CMV +I don't believe men can be raped by women. CMV. +I don't see anything wrong with a consenting adult having as many sex partners as they want. CMV. +"I think that people who are sexually active at an early age should be looked down on, CMV." +"I believe that people outside of my acquaintance are not deserving of any compassion or empathy, CMV." +"I believe that, in this day and age, we do not need representatives in government. CMV" +I believe procreation to be immoral. CMV +I believe intelligent people should be richly rewarded for being intelligent. CMV. +I think obesity is a choice. CMV +I believe that space exploration is an unjustifiable waste of resources that owes its support to childish science fiction fantasies. CMV +I don't believe in free will CMV +I think that homosexuality is a choice. CMV +I believe that high schools in America put more focus on arbitrary hard work than they do on teaching. CMV +I believe we should cut welfare and let the poor either die or survive by their own means. CMV +[CMV] I don't believe man are able to be raped by women. +I think most apple products aren't worth it CMV. +I believe that cheating is acceptable in the high stress environment that students are placed in today because of higher requirements for entry to college and more and more pressure from society. CMV +I don't see anything wrong with drug testing welfare recipients. CMV. +I believe that college is a complete waste of time and money (say for a few professions) and does nothing to help with a getting and/or maintaining job. +I think democracy is a terrible form of government. CMV +I believe that government has no right to incarcerate drug offenders for ANY drug. - CMV +"I believe 100% in American exceptionalism, and that that the world needs our leadership. CMV." +"I think the saying ""A good key can open many locks, but a shit lock is opened by many keys"" has some truth to it. CMV." +"I don't understand why many Americans deify their founding fathers, and I feel as though I'm missing something obvious. CMV. " +"My family wants to go to Disney in Florida, and I don't want to. I don't like roller coasters and think I'm too old. CMV." +I see no logical reason to spend more money on a Mac opposed to a PC unless a college class requires one. CMV. +"I dislike almost all of my SO's friends, and I believe this will end our relationship - CMV." +I think most atheists are better people than most religious people. CMV +I don't believe I have to like or spend time with my family/relatives just because we are related. CMV +CMV: I believe that working on my own consciousness is the most important thing I can be doing at the age of 21 +Two people in a committed monogamous relationship would be happier and more in love than however many people in a polyamorous relationship. CMV +The rich have no obligation to help the poor. CMV +"I believe that intelligent design (not necessarily the six-day creation as Christians believe), but the idea that the universe did not happen by accident, is a valid theory, and should be taught alongside evolution. CMV" +I believe there should be no such thing as inheritance. CMV. +I believe a government-funded single-payer system is the best way to get universal health care at affordable rates and high quality. CMV +I'm offended by proselytization of any sort. CMV +I'm an Objectivist. CMV +I am agnostic. CMV +I hate vegetarians. CMV. +CMV: There's nothing wrong with grouping people by their ability level and treating them accordingly +I think that all semi-automatic and concealed weapons should be banned CMV +I don't think democracy is necessarily better than any other way of governing a country CMV +I dont believe new gun laws will change anything CMW +I can't find any reason to believe in free will. CMV? +I think that men should be able to opt out of child support. CMV. +I don't understand why lesbians get with butch women who look and act just like men. +"Gun control is not necessary in America, and, in fact, we should have less of it. CMV" +I think labeling of GMOs is a reasonable step to allow consumers to manage their own risk. CMV +"I think dense, urban infrastructure is the cheapest, and most efficient way to allocate resources. Conversely, I think the Suburbs are a waste of money, and ultimately unsustainable (More info inside). CMV." +I think a flat tax would be worse for America than the current tax rates. CMV +I think Capitalism is the best socio-economic system to date. CMV +"I used to believe strongly in Freedom of Speech, TCMV, CMV back?" +"I don't see any problem with eating horses, dogs, cats, or any other animal. CMV" +I don't think white males are as privileged as they are made out to be. CMV? +I see no reason that prostituition should be illegal CMV +I do not love my parents. CMV +I believe those who want power shouldn't have it. CMV. +I believe info about people who have concealed-carry weapons permits should be public. CMV +I don't believe porn is detrimental to society. CMV. +"While I agree with vegetarianism, I still eat meat because I don't think it will make a difference to the meat industry whether or not one person eats meat. CMV" +I believe suicide is an unrespectable act of weakness with few exceptions. CMV. +I think purposely not masturbating is idiotic (e.g. r/NoFap) CMV +"I get internally furious whenever girls/guys in a relationship (including my girlfriend) comment on the attractiveness of anybody else, especially celebrities, simply because I think it's wrong for a significant other to think about that sort of thing. CMV." +"I don't believe males and females can be ""Just friends"". Please CMV." +"I think all narcotics should be legalized, taxed, and regulated. CMV" +I believe polygamy should be a legal part of marriage. CMV. +I strongly dislike all new music. CMV +"I believe there are no valid arguments for eating meat, other than ""I like the taste"" - CMV" +I think circumcision should be just as illegal for boys as it is girls. CMV +"I think body wash is a wasteful, environmentally destructive product that should not exist, and everybody should use bar soap instead. CMV!" +"""TRUST WOMEN."" All things considered I believe this is all we need with respect to reproductive politics. CMV." +I think females are bisexual because its easy and socially accepted. Please CMV +I don't understand what people find wrong with bestiality. CMV. +"If someone in a relationship has a celebrity crush, I don't view it as harmless. CMV?" +Here's what I would change about American gun regulations. CMV +I think of girls who are no longer virgin as undesirable. CMV +I think modern democracy is a failure of a government form. CMV +I think the 2nd Amendment has been interpreted such that it would not be recognizable nor acceptable to our founders and should therefore be edited to reflect modern times. CMV +"I don't see why people oppose US drone attacks, please CMV" +I think that all mothers should be stay at home moms. CMV +"I think that women are, overall, inferior to men. I would prefer to think differently." +"I believe there is no such thing as selflessness, please CMV." +I think that in a perfect world we'd live in a communistic society CMV +CMV: Personalized licensed plates should be outlawed. +"CMV: When abiding by all rules in any competition or game, there's no such thing as ""A cheap move.""" +"CMV: As a grad student, I'll be rolling in the dough" +CMV: Egg white (e.g. egg white omelette) only dishes are a complete waste and are not worth being included in one's diet +"CMV: ""At will employment"" should be banned in Michigan." +CMV: It would not have been wrong for Mugabe to make white landowners surrender PART of their farms to the government for redistribution or for large scale agricultural projects (or other economic activity). He was only wrong for leaving them destitute. +CMV: I do not think females should have the sole say in the life or death of a viable human embryo conceived through consensual sex. +"CMV: There is nothing fundamentally racist with ""Cyclo De Mayo""" +CMV: You should talk to the police +CMV: I believe its disingenuous to attempt to pass Genetic Engineering (creating of GMOs) as selective breeding. +CMV:Banks that are too big to fail shouldn't be broken. +CMV: Star Trek Voyager is the best Star Trek of the main TV shows +"CMV: White privilege exists because whites were the first to own land and establish connections in this country. Therefore, I believe building networks with people outside your race is the only way to end white privilege." +"CMV: If it's proven that the universe is a hologram/computer simulation, I don't have an issue with death, or anything in general. Also, CMV that we're not living in a simulation." +"CMV:Private car ownership in cities should be discouraged; instead, car share programs should be more commonplace." +CMV: We should forgive all federal student loan debt and make private student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. All public US universities should also be made free. +CMV: A 100% charter school system is better than the current system in the U.S. +"CMV: Fat, Active People are Healthier than Skinny, Sedentary People" +CMV: We should just kill all the poor people. +CMV: The FDNY's new policy of passing firefighters who fail the physical test is wrong and harmful. +CMV: The USA should not give foreign aid to countries when our country itself has social and economic issues. +CMV: Venezuela is not a socialist country but a communist country. +"CMV: In fictional universes where paranormal dangers (ghosts, monsters, demons, etc) exist, it is irresponsible and counterproductive of those who know about those dangers not to inform the general public." +CMV: The failure of progress on women's issues in America is largely due to their own misguided activism. +"CMV: Tom Brady should not get suspended any games, and he really didn't do anything wrong." +CMV: Google should autofill searches relating to sex and pornography +CMV: Les Miserables is Boring and I Will Gain Nothing From Watching It +CMV: Drawing of Muhammadﷺ Cartoons is Wrong +"CMV: There is no convincing moral argument, that is not egotism or hedonism etc, that justifies killing and eating animals." +CMV:Having to be sober to give consent is bogus +CMV: Factory farming is immoral. +[Mod Post] We have new CSS! +"CMV:ETHICS: If it's so important, make it a law. If it wasn’t important enough to become a law, why should I care?" +CMV: Walking on the flag does not mean you should leave the US +"CMV: Human nature isn't as rigidly defined by (and suited to) capitalism, as many would have me believe." +CMV: With few exceptions college professors should not be allowed to weigh single assignments so heavily that passing it results in course failure. +CMV: Democracies should not prosecute ex-leaders for crimes in office. +"CMV: Of the two types of traditional chicken wings, the ""flat"" is superior to the ""drum"" [TT]" +CMV: People who don't use bookmarks are missing out. [TT] +"CMV: I am opposed to expanding nuclear power production, and would like to see the gradual decommissioning of existing facilities" +CMV: There is nothing morally wrong with being a conscript who deserts +CMV: Dictatorships are a better form of government for developing countries than democracies +CMV: The US Penny isn't pointless +CMV: I think the sport of underwater rugby will revolutionize teamsports adding one extra dimension to the gameplay and offering an intense and complex match with simple rules to follow. +CMV: Universal healthcare coverage (particularly via Obamacare) isn't what's best for America. +"CMV: To begin a career as an indie musician, one must be at least moderately wealthy." +CMV: My sister is getting a divorce and breaking up her family for selfish reasons. +"CMV: Tesla's new home battery, the ""Powerwall,"" will invigorate the market for sustainable energy technology and lead to a revolution in how energy is distributed." +CMV: Putting money into my 1994 Volvo is more financially efficient than buying a new-used car. +CMV: Minecraft should not be the best selling PC game of all time +"CMV: It is impossible to logically reconcile Marx's Labour Theory of Value with ""social contract"" theory. In defending both theories, the left puts itself in a position of inherent contradiction." +CMV: There's a stereotype that books are a more intellectual form of entertainment than other ones (specifically television) and I think that stereotype is bullshit +CMV: It would make more since from a liberal perspective to tax consumption and distribute progressively +CMV: You should not stop people carving into stone +CMV: The concept of heaven and hell and innocent children justifies abortion +"CMV: The only objectively acceptable answer to the question ""who was the best band/musician/musical act of the 20th century?"" is The Beatles." +"CMV: Transgendered individuals can never become wholly ""male"" or ""female"" due to the dialectic" +CMV:Muhammad Cartoon Contests are Terrible Exercises of Freedom of Speech +CMV: Food companies shouldn't be blamed for the choices people make. +CMV Bullying is a necesary evil +"CMV: Choose Satan because he won't judge you, but Jesus will" +CMV: Floyd Mayweather should be banned from professional boxing +CMV: Fat People Should Buy Two Seats +CMV:I believe that when Christians share debunked content on social media that they are bearing 'False Witness' +"CMV: To post, or not to post one's struggles with mental illness on social media? I say not." +"CMV: The American Dream is alive and well, there is no conspiracy where wealthy people try to keep poor people poor." +CMV: Everything I am and everything I believe in as a young adult is simply a phase. +CMV:I am an anarchist +CMV: Having children is morally wrong and we should work towards going extinct +CMV: It would be at least a little wrong for me to permanently leave my country of origin +CMV: Boxing died tonight. +CMV: Video Games are Art +"CMV: Torture can work, even if it is clearly evil" +CMV: The LGBT Community has become very judgmental and bigoted lately +CMV: Wearing pants doesn't need to be the cultural norm and is actually one of the worst options. +CMV: buying material things does not make you happy +CMV: Native English speakers should not have to learn another language +"CMV: Women who want a ""Gay Best Friend"" are no better than homophobes" +CMV: Counselors and psychologists should not be obligated to report to parents if their adolescent patients are contemplating suicide. +CMV: Anti-feminism is not pro-misogyny +CMV: No guy is a virgin by HIS choice. +CMV: Selfie sticks are a great thing +CMV: The increasing inclusion/acceptance of people who identify as an atypical* sexual identity is hurting the LGBTQ movement. +CMV: Morality is relative not because societies have differing standards but because morality is not completely logical. +CMV: The world is better off without Freddie Gray +CMV: I'm starting to believe 9/11 may have been at least partially propagated by the U.S. Government. +CMV: Because I'm transgender I don't see the point of living on and giving the wider bigoted society a chance to know me. Change my view. +CMV: A Calendar of 13 months of 28 days each would be vastly superior to the Gregorian calendar. +"CMV: We should be more concerned with helping out fellow humans who have *real* issues in their lives, rather than worrying about trivial things such as wage gaps and patriarchy." +CMV: God is not possible. +CMV: Porn should be illegal. +CMV: The Bible should not be considered as a source that condemns homosexuality in the modern day. +CMV: We Still Don't Understand Our Own Reality +CMV: Grooveshark was blatantly breaking the law and it's good that they got shut down +CMV: Arguments from apathy are intellectually dishonest and people who proclaim their lack of sympathy need to get over themselves. +"CMV: I believe the only solution to an inevitable increase in automation, especially after the advent of a sufficiently advanced artificial general intelligence (AGI) is socialism" +CMV: I have a sense that GMO business practices are harming smaller and poorer farmers +CMV:People cite sources too often in Reddit debates. +CMV: Every living person in the world is unhappy. +"CMV:Bernie is more than the best candidate for President, he is The best candidate we've seen in decades." +CMV: Superman makes Batman pointless +CMV: Protection from unions is the main thing perpetuating police brutality/racism. +CMV: hooters is degrading to women =) +CMV:Facebook is not the appropriate platform for remembrance or mourning after someone has passed away +CMV: Spoilers don't have a expiration date although there may be circumstances in which one can reasonably expect that people don't care +CMV: The Imperials are really the law abiding citizens in STAR WARS compared to the Rebels who are simply terrorists fighting a religious war. +CMV: I don't see how the 14th Amendment requires states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples +"CMV:""leaders"" of the black community like Jesse Jackson and al Sharpton are failing not only the black community but society as a whole and no one should ever listen to them." +"CMV: Terms like ""Rape Culture"" and ""White Privilege"" are completely valid, and generally unhelpful" +CMV: Minority Groups Are Justified in Believing That African Americans Should Just Work Harder +"CMV: People who thinks homosexuality is not 'natural', whether they support it or don't, are illiterate" +CMV: Reading novels is nothing different from gaming. +CMV: My choice for not believing in God is equivalent to my SO's commitment to do so. +[Mod Post] A call for help to fix and finish our DeltaBot. +"CMV: As a foreigner, I believe UKIP has some good points and it would not be the end of the world should they win." +CMV: I believe that the use of drones should be made illegal due to the chance of innocents dying in their attacks. +"CMV: Obscenity Laws Are A Violation Of The First Amendment, And Fail To Serve Their Intended Purpose" +CMV: A same-sex marriage ban should qualify as sex discrimination +"CMV: Starting out arguments about polygamy with ""if you support gay marriage..."" is just lazy." +"CMV: Public nudity should be completely legal, provided that people are required to place a cushion or towel between themselves and any public seating areas." +CMV: I do not think an adult sexting with teenagers is inherently wrong or harmful. +"CMV: Democrats/those of the left should not support the PPACA, or 'ObamaCare', since it is not really addressing universal coverage." +"CMV: ""Intelligent Design"" is a terrible name for the concept it's supposed to be describing" +"CMV: The Federal Reserve doesn't just print money, it steals value from everyone collectively." +"CMV: If a girl suddenly stops responding to your texts, you should NOT try to restart the conversation." +"CMV: I believe that the values and morals that exist in children's stories, TV shows and other child-targeted media are overlooked and only obvious to a more critical audience, the adults who write to communicate these messages." +CMV: While I respect everyone's personal opinion I think voting in a socially conservative manner on many issues is akin to infringing other people's rights. +CMV: You are not morally obligated to help those in need +CMV: Euthanasia should be an option for terminally ill patients. +CMV: Trial by Jury - is it the best way to achieve Justice? +"CMV: The word ""thug"" is not racist and is not comparable to the N-Word" +"CMV: The rioting in Baltimore is inexcusable, but shouldn't be glazed over as 'just rioting' - there's a social message to be derived here." +CMV: I see nothing wrong with using selfie sticks as long they don't physically get in the way of anyone. +CMV: I Should Stop Identifying as a Liberal +CMV: There's no good argument for gay marriage that doesn't also include polyamourous marriage. +CMV: Genetically Modified Foods Provide a Net Benefit +"CMV: As soon as we discover effective life extension technology, it is in the best interest of the majority it implement severe procreation restrictions -- perhaps more severe than the 1 child policy." +"CMV: Just as we should hold police to a higher standards, we should hold communities to a higher standard." +CMV: the ending of Wall-e was tragic [spoilers] +CMV: I have no sympathy for addicts. +CMV: Identifying as Feminist is outdated and should be replaced with Humanist so we can all get on board the same train. +"CMV: ""White Privilege"" and other social justice concepts aren't going to convince people who aren't already on board with the left. At worst, it will polarize the issue and inspire resentment." +CMV: If websites want me to turn off adblock then they need to do something to convince me I should. +"CMV: I have no sympathy for African-American's who complain about institutional racism, but don't vote." +CMV:I don't believe the pay gap is due to a gender difference. +CMV: Police Officers Acting in Their Official Capacity Should Not Be Allowed to Invoke the Fifth Amendment +CMV: Forcing a child to get a piercing is child abuse and should be illegal. +CMV: The violence seen in the Ferguson and Baltimore riots as a response to Police misconduct is an over-reaction and not an appropriate expression of discontent. +"CMV: I shouldn't visit my extended family in India because they are oppressive, sexist, and anti-American." +"CMV: If you can learn alone, going to class in college is a waste of time." +CMV: Why should we care about preventing disasters that won't happen in our lifetime or the lifetimes of our children/grandchildren +CMV: Scientology is no more absurd than religions like Christianity and Islam +"CMV: The existence of state-sanctioned royalty and royal families has no place in the modern world, and all monarchies--even symbolic ones--should be abolished." +CMV: Canadian broadcast stations should not be forced to play 30% Canadian content +CMV: We should phase out the Social Security System in the United States. +CMV: The existence of government structures are inherently flawed and do not serve the needs of people and are destructive by nature. +"CMV: Meghan Trainor's song, Dear Future Husband, is feminist and is not sexist." +CMV: Businesses that don't accept credit cards are losing money by doing so. +"CMV: No is obligated to be attracted to anyone, and people should not be chastised for their preferences." +CMV: I believe there's nothing morally wrong with detracting human self consciousness and putting them to work as slaves. +"CMV: Emma Sulkowicz's mattress protest was a defamatory, personal vendetta that falsely accused a man of rape." +"CMV: I think being asocial and a shut-in is a better choice than being pitied or looked down on, or simply being out there being ""less"" than the optimum. ""Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven""" +CMV: Capitalism is a system that penalizes doing things for goodwill and is detrimental to society. +CMV: The primary focus of the LGBT community is providing venues for white males to find sexual/romantic partners and not fighting for equality +"CMV:Your Teenagers will grow up to be more wholesome, worldly, safe and well-rounded emotional person if they do not try recreational drugs" +CMV: The best video game of all time has already been made. +"CMV: Human-caused climate change is not bad for life on Earth as whole or humanity itself, and is something to be watched and not radically acted upon for now." +"CMV: Universities should not be able to take 50% of scientific grant money, just to funnel it into slush funds for the rest of the university. It should be required to stay in the department." +CMV: The inability to control ones own emotional response to situations is the biggest flaw a person can have +"CMV: When people intentionally engage in risky activities outside of work, like climbing Mount Everest, it shouldn't be considered a tragedy if they are killed in the process." +CMV: I think that unnecessary operations on children's genitals are completely unethical +"CMV: It makes sense for the US to allow guns, and for the UK to ban guns. It's silly to compare the two." +CMV: The measure steam imposed that modders are now able to charge people for downloading their mods. I think this is ok. +"CMV: People who say ""we don't need any more damn children"" are in the wrong." +"CMV: I feel like, with the eventual heat death of the universe, what we do doesn't really matter." +"CMV: Polygamy is not morally wrong, and can be easily implemented legally through a ""graph"" model." +CMV: For-Profit Prisons in the United States should be banned. +CMV: Infinity is a logical impossibility +"CMV:I believe this is the last century with humans civilisation on earth if we continue our ""progress""" +CMV: I believe political correctness has gone too far. +CMV:I believe that it's possible Facebook may never fail +"CMV: Get hit can sometimes be a positive thing, even for a woman." +CMV I don't see why it matters if there are just two genders on an application. +CMV: Openly bigoted subreddits should be shut down and openly racist Reddit users should be banned +"CMV: Defining racism/sexism/anything like that as ""power plus prejudice"" is incorrect." +CMV: Vaccination should be required by law +"CMV: I believe human genetic modification is not only ethical, but it will eventually be unethical to not do so." +"CMV: Bakeries Should Not Have to Pay $100k+ in ""Emotional Damages"" for Refusing Service to Gays" +CMV: I believe that monetary compensation for damage to one's car should be used towards repairs. +"CMV: If you're dating someone (who is respectful) and don't feel any chemistry with them, it should be customary to let them know you're not interested - instead of fading away." +CMV: It should be illegal for a landlord to run a credit check against a tenant applicant +"CMV: In contemporary American society, it is not at all weird to walk down the street while eating a sandwich or similar food item" +"CMV: Patents should be abolished, and secrecy should take its place" +CMV: McDonald's sales are declining because they keep trying to pass themselves off as healthy and the vast majority of people know they're full of shit. +CMV: I believe in the US secession should be legal. CMV! +CMV: Smoking Restaurants and Bars should be reestablished as legal businesses. +CMV: I believe that Valve's decision to introduce monetized mods is the birth of a new level of the gaming industry. +"CMV: I believe the West supports the Armenian Genocide because they stand to lose nothing. Greece claims for the WW2 atrocities are on the same level, but nobody supports their claims." +CMV: public humiliation is an effective for of punishment +CMV: I think Basic Income is a bad idea +CMV: Reverse Racism and Misandry Don't Exist +CMV: Police body cams won't help anything +CMV: There is nothing wrong with paid Workshop Mods on Steam. +CMV: Cultural appropriation is not bad +CMV: Atheists risking their lives are inherently less selfish than religious people. +CMV: Having the age of consent be anything less than eighteen years old is disgusting +"CMV: As an environmental engineer, I give up! PLEASE CMV!" +CMV: Investing substantially in space programs is not important right now because there are issues that are much more immediately pressing. +"CMV: I, for one, welcome our future AI overlords." +CMV:SMITE is a much better MOBA than League of Legends and DOTA 2. +CMV: Changing Global Diets is Vital to Reducing Climate Change +CMV: Universal suffrage necessarily entails socialism. +CMV: Banning whole demographics from blood donation is partially responsible for blood shortages +"CMV: In the United States, the minimum age to run for Presidential office should be lowered to age 25." +"CMV: If your people went through genocide a hundred years ago, you have no right to be personally butthurt about it." +CMV: High school and college class essays should not have minimum word count limits +CMV: Smoking marijuana isn't as idiotic as it's put out to be. +CMV: People who work in slaughterhouses are psychopaths. +CMV: I believe that the Star Wars saga should be watched in story order. +CMV: Fat Feminism is a warped denial of medical studies +CMV: Money spent on the arts community is morally and financially irresponsible. +CMV: People should't listen to music when they work out. +CMV: Those accused of rape should be suspended immediately where possible. +CMV: We should be taught there are 6 continents instead of 7. +"CMV: Saudi Arabia should be removed from the United Nations and stripped of all advantages that come with being part of the UN, due to their sexist governmental policies, harsh laws, and blatant human rights abuses" +CMV: Requiring that jurors are willing to impose a death sentence creates an inappropriate selection bias on juries +CMV: Abortion is a Problem of Philosophical Dualism +CMV: Both homosexuality and polyamory should be legalized and accepted by society +"CMV: ""Superman vs. Batman "" is going to be a unsuspensful, boring movie. Once a fight begins, Superman will kill Batman with one punch! CMV" +CMV: Tsarnaev Should Not Be Put Down +CMV: I look down on people who are tech illiterate and refuse to learn +"CMV: Student Loans need to be re-structured, so that they can be discharged, but more selective." +CMV: Humanity will never make interstellar travel. +CMV: Students like the ones in this video are not serving their cause positively. +"CMV: I don't need to sort my laundry the ""usual"" way (whites, lights, darks) since cold wash detergents get the job done." +"CMV: Plea bargaining is evil, and should be made illegal in the US." +"CMV: A Mexican Border Fence Would Be an Ineffective Deterrent, and a Colossal Waste of Taxpayer Money and Resources" +CMV: I think that new emotion changing tech is morally wrong. +CMV: Teaching cursive in school is unnecessary. +"CMV: I do not think that a government should censor the publishing of documentaries, even if they are political." +CMV: I don't want to vote in the upcoming UK General Election +CMV: Having sex in the park should be legal based on the same reasoning for legalizing marijuana use. +CMV: there is no benefit to engaging a white supremacist in an online debate +CMV: The Day of Silence does nothing to further the LGBT* movement +"CMV: The Categorical Imperative, while flawed, is the best normative ethical theory so far articulated." +CMV: I don't think I should have to tip +"CMV: If SJWs want to make traction on reddit, they are going to have to change their rhetorical style" +"CMV: Even if Certain Races Were ""Inferior"", That Wouldn't Justify Discrimination" +CMV: The 1-10 rating is flawed. We should use 1-5 with .5's +CMV: Dashcams should be required on cars. Truth shall set you free.. from insurance scams and indefensible premiums alike. We need better factors than traditional ones such as speed/age/gender. +CMV: Christians cannot logically be against abortion. +CMV: There is no obligation to continue the human race. +CMV: Developers of games that require their servers to play should be (morally) obligated to compensate players when they eventually shut down servers +CMV: I'm going to live over 120 years (barring an accident) +CMV: Social programs are no substitute for a good financial education and throwing money at people who cannot handle money is a waste. +CMV: I believe that there is nothing objectively called 'good music' and all 'good music' is just music you like. +CMV: Lying to people about medical facts is not a good strategy in the fight against abortion +CMV: Photography is not an art. +CMV: Humans are wholly destructive and our advancements in technology and humanity amount to little more than arrogance and narcissism +"CMV: The Pro and Anti Vax debate is overly passionate and divisive. The dismissiveness of Pro-Vaxxers is encouraging the Anti-Vaxxers' conspiratorial beliefs, and they would be better addressed with point-by-point arguments rather than being called idiots and murderers...even if they are" +CMV: Listening to an album in its entirety in one sitting does not make the experience better. +CMV: Lightsabre duels will almost always end with both parties dead (assuming equal skill) +CMV:Living forever is preferable to dying at a normal age. +"CMV: If the Christian God does exist, he should not be worshiped." +CMV: In 150 years people will have the same attitude toward eating animals as we do today toward keeping slaves. +CMV: Kanye West is overrated and mediocre. +CMV: Citizens United is the Latest in a Long String of Methods to Maintain America's Two-tier Society +"cmv abortion is wrong because the moment a fetus ""becomes"" a ""person"" isn't ascertainable and prevention of his/er/its later life is akin to murder." +CMV: Gun rights are actually a liberal concept +CMV: People who intend to climb Mt. Everest should go get Private Pilot's licenses instead +CMV: Secret negotiations aren't a bad thing. +CMV: The #GamerGate movement was doomed to infamy from the start because of its focus on Zoe Quinn. +"CMV: Unless you have an outdoor hobby/job, driving a giant pick-up truck in the city is wasteful and inconsiderate." +"CMV: I was raised agnostic. Sometimes I wish I was Christian, and have attended church but I cannot find it in myself to believe. Appeal to my logical side and CMV." +CMV: Loud sneezers only do it for attention +"CMV: The famous Trolley problem and the related Transplant problem are morally equivalent, in their purest forms." +CMV: reddit is fertile ground for white supremacist recruitment +"CMV: Affirmative action would work best if directed at those in low socioeconomic standing, as opposed to those of minority race status." +CMV: Happiness isn't something that should be expected. Life is just full of suffering and ultimately pointless. +CMV: Electronic Cigarettes shouldn't be banned from use inside most public buildings +CMV: violence in videogames doesn't translate to violence IRL +CMV: Genocide has only rarely been committed and has not been committed against Armenians or Jews +CMV: Governments ought to abide by John Rawls' principles of justice as laid out in A Theory of Justice to the best of their abilities. +"CMV: I hate anecdote in cultural discussion. I get irritated when, in a debate of some social issue, people chime in with their own stories and experiences. STFU about yourself and let's discuss the ISSUE objectively." +"CMV: The Marvel movies are far, far better than the DC ones both past, present and future." +CMV: It is unreasonable for my employer to expect two weeks notice when I quit while they can let me go at any time. +"CMV: Attraction is a ""crap-shoot""" +CMV: It doesn't matter whether Han shot first +CMV: Britt McHenry does not deserved to be fired. +"CMV: The United States is a long-term, large-scale experiment and as such cannot be compared to other nations." +"CMV: Asian-Americans don't seem to fit into the ""privilege/oppression""-based model of discussing race in America." +CMV: We Should Burn Every Thesaurus +"CMV: At offices with a dress code, Casual Monday is better than Casual Friday if you can only choose one." +CMV: 4K TVs are worthless for most consumers +CMV: AMD CPUs and GPUs are less practical and more prone to failure than their Intel/Nvidia counterparts. +CMV: Jordan is overrated - Artis Gilmore is the greatest basketball player of all time. +CMV: Performing under the direction of another with little input (ie playing the viola under a conductor) is neither creative nor expressive +CMV: APPLE products are objectively inferior to competitors in many ways +CMV: Gender should not exist +CMV: College education should not be free. +"CMV: Making an event to specifically showcase the ""women of"" a field does not help with gender equality issues." +CMV: I don't think I should say something unless I feel its really worth saying +CMV: We need to make human farms +CMV: Telling people about the creepy PM you got or sexual explicit pic you recieved are subtle brags about getting sexual attention +"CMV: I think every citizen of the world should have their DNA sequenced and in an international database to find criminals, especially rapists." +CMV: I'm okay with DLC. +CMV: India (and a few other Asian countries) has the best banking in the world +"CMV: The category of ""US National"" (as opposed to citizenship) is outdated, useless, and all nationals should be granded citizenship" +"CMV: The Wire would have had such a better ending if Stringer Bell and Marlo Stanfield would have swapped ""endings."" (Massive THE WIRE spoilers)" +CMV: I think Adblock is just as bad as pirating. +CMV: Legalizing prostitution equalizes the dating for men +"CMV: Bums who are on the side of the street begging for money are in that position because they choose to be. They could turn their life around if they wanted to, giving them money only promotes their laziness." +"CMV: Economics, and particularly the economic arguments for global trade, is pseudoscientific bullshit that only works under controlled circumstances" +CMV: Many buildings that are considered masterpieces are only valued because of their age and would be considered garish eyesores if built today. +"CMV: Every man who knew Hitler intentions, and still helped him, is literally as bad as Hitler." +"CMV: The term ""9/11"" is improper and scornful" +CMV: I am not convinced that the concept of ableism is an inherently incorrect. +CMV: Politicians should be unable to change their (public) views while in office. +CMV: Corporate whore is not a sexist term. +CMV: Subreddits devoted to certain types of photography should not have 'Porn' on the end of their name. +"CMV: ""Free-range parenting"" should not only be acceptable and not looked down upon by police and passer-by’s, but in most areas it shouldn't even be labeled, with parents who don't let their kids out of sight being “helicopter parents” or something similar." +"CMV: Nobody wins with the ""Fight for 15"" concept." +CMV: I believe any potential human cloning is unethical +CMV: Speed Limits should be raised but more strictly endorced +"CMV: If a political party wanted to tear America apart, weaken its position in the world, reduce our capacity to influence events, and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what the Republican Party has done under Democratic presidents." +CMV: Google Chrome is better than Mozilla Firefox +"CMV: it should be way harder to get, and keep, your driver's licence" +"CMV: Meghan Trainor's ""skinny shaming"" is blown way out of proportion" +CMV: Help me be pro-choice +CMV: It is disingenuous to blame young people for not voting when Election Day isn't even a Federal holiday +"CMV: Money is EVERYTHING, more important than anything else, like love." +CMV:I believe that the spouse who cooked the meal should also do the dishes/washing up. +CMV: I should abandon my dog. +CMV:Lowering application standards for women in computer is bad for both genders +CMV:The recent cheating scandal involving teachers Atlanta is not the fault the convicted teachers but instead of high standards placed by standardized testing and thus the teachers should not be convicted +"CMV: The 1% are not the problem, it's the 0.1% or uber wealthy" +"CMV:Any definition of ""basic needs"" is either arbitrary or impossible to ensure for all residents of a country." +CMV: I can't take feminist activists in the west seriously... +CMV: Individual rights are more important then safety +"CMV: Homosexual relationships inherently offer more freedom to their participants than heterosexual relationships, due to the lack of presumed gender roles." +CMV: The far majority of emotions we attribute to animals to feel bad for them are irrationally projected onto them. +CMV: The Current California Drought is Largely the Fault of Environmentalists +CMV: Distracted driving laws have gone too far. +CMV: I think intersectional feminism is undermining women +CMV:It's better to let people who are unlikely to be convinced by scientific evidence believe in homeopathy or natural cures because their beliefs will make the placebo effect stronger without the more harmful side effects of drugs or needless antibiotics. +[Mod Post] /r/changemyview feedback +"CMV: a divorced mother in Illinois can't move out of state because father has visitation rights. I disagree because she has full custody, and should have just left." +CMV: It's more humane to raise animals in (properly designed) artificial habitats than in the wild. +CMV: Texans are often unfairly stereotyped in a way that is frequently inaccurate. +CMV: Overall the PC provides a superior 'Next Gen' experience. +CMV: Zoos and other facilities that display animals to the public should never purposely try to reduce the odors of the animal enclosures. +"CMV: If you are driving and hit a pedestrian with bystanders looking on, for your own safety, you should not be required to stop." +CMV: familial inheritance should be replaced with societal inheritance +CMV: Settlements from lawsuits against police departments should be paid at least partially out of police pension funds. +CMV: I should not fly on airplanes. +"CMV: In self-defense, excessive force is subjective, thus the only way to ensure justice for the defender is to allow any force at all." +CMV: I do not believe authoritarian states are inherently bad +CMV: There is no need for higher resolution phone displays anymore! +"CMV: Game of Thrones is just boobs, blood, and a lot of sex" +CMV: Candidates should always be interviewed by a person in their position instead of an HR representative whenever possible +CMV: Downloading an MP3 of a song released on YouTube shouldn't be immoral/illegal +CMV: Long-sleeved men's shirts are generally superior to short-sleeved men's shirts +CMV: I believe that I don't want a mainstream lifestyle +CMV: Lotteries should not be allowed to advertise an annuity prize as the sum of its payments. +CMV: Asexuality shouldn't be considered a sexual orientation. +CMV: I feel that religions that believe in a god of some sort are not ground for debate in any way and that anti theists of any sort should not spend time debating them. +"CMV: Just as tablets have killed the netbook, I believe ultrabooks will kill the tablet." +CMV: the $29/week budget on food stamps is adequate amount of money to feed yourself nutritiously. +CMV: The world trade centers collapse during 9/11 involved the usage of explosives +CMV:Holding F2P Games To A Similar Standard As Valve's Model Is Unfair And Unreasonable +"CMV: If you ""smurf""/derank on Counter Strike: Global Offensive, you are a selfish, inconsiderate ass." +CMV: I believe suicide is ok as long as you're not taking anyone out with you +"CMV:I feel guilty playing RPGs on ""Casual"" mode" +CMV: Want a world with more trees? Use more paper. Want to keep endangered animals from going extinct? Turn them into food. +"CMV: When people say: “I can’t believe that it’s 2015 and we still…” to try and win a moral argument, they are not making a substantive or valid point. In fact, usually all they are doing is trying to shame the opposing side by making them appear morally regressive and backward." +"CMV: Overall, Android is the superior phone platform, and phones and tablets running Android tend to perform better compared to Phones and Tablets with similar price points on other OS'." +CMV: Property Taxes are Inherently Unjust and Should be Abolished +"CMV: I believe that American citizens should demand that banks allow members to transfer money electronically, for free, to any other persons account within the United States. Many countries have already done this and we have no need for a company like PayPal or Google Wallet to leech off us." +CMV: It is incredibly rude to book public sleeping areas if you snore +"CMV: Phrases like ""very unique"" and ""very pregnant"" are not wrong as they reflect concepts that proper English cannot easily describe" +CMV: I don't think acting's hard. Just hear me out... +CMV: Christian Bale was not wrong for yelling at that crew member. +CMV: American Sports are overpriced and Americans should abandon them for a better model. +"CMV: Artificially Intelligent computers have the right to consent, if humans do" +CMV: It is always a good idea to follow any command a police officer gives you +"CMV: The ""If you can't pronounce it then don't eat it"" or the ""if you don't recognize it neither will your body"" rules for ingredients in processed foods are ignorant and should be ignored." +"CMV: Lojban is inferior to natural languages, and should only be learned as a linguistic experiment" +CMV: I don't think the Galaxy S6 is all that better than the Galaxy S5 +CMV: There is no need for a top age bracket on a Lego box. +CMV: It's not wrong to point out the biases of a source. +"CMV: Fiction that portrays vampires as burdened is off-base. For the most part, being a vampire would be awesome." +CMV: Democracy is a suboptimal system of government. +CMV: I think War or Chinese Hegemony is pretty much guaranteed in the South China Sea. +CMV: The only diversity that matters is diversity of thought. All other forms of diversity are superficial bullsh*t. +"CMV: If sexually-active youth are more likely than those that aren’t to report problems with substance abuse [1],depression [2], and lower educational attainment [3], does that mean pushing abstinence as a sacrament *actually* is a benefit of religion to humanity? Why not?" +CMV: The arguments against nondiscrimination bills for the LGBT community in the US right now are functionally identical to the arguments against nondiscrimination bills for racial minorities in the past. +"CMV: I think the US should expand its idea of Statehood to eventually be able to incorporate foreign territory/countries if those nations are willing to become part of the US, it should be a long difficult process but in the end should be possible. Cuba I believe would be a good candidate." +CMV:I am becoming a very very misogynistic...help +CMV: The Social Security Trust Fund is an Accounting Fiction. +"CMV: with exception, Indians in america are, as a group, viewed as unattractive. This is partly due to their portrayal in media." +"CMV: ""SJW"" is the new ""white knight.""" +CMV: Iran getting an atomic bomb would help stabilize the Middle East +"CMV: I believe that if you believe in an omniscient God, the idea of predestination is the only logical conclusion. (x-post from /r/debatereligion)" +CMV: The human race has absolutely no importance whatsoever in the universe. This is a fact so depressing that billions of people around the world follow a religion in an attempt to escape it. +CMV: I think I should not have any more philosophical debate with my YEC mother. +CMV: The use of hyperbole in politics ultimately undermines your own side and radicalizes groups you oppose +CMV: Range Voting is the best electoral system for single-winner elections. +CMV: I want to sell 5-10% of stocks in my retirement investment account and buy physical gold (or some other expensive physical commodity that I can keep in my home). +CMV: I believe that people involved in court cases should be completely anonymous +"CMV: I believe Communism has spelled nothing but authoritarian disaster in practice, and anybody seriously endorsing it in the 21st Century should be ridiculed profusely" +CMV: Protecting the environment should come second to industrial and technological progress. +CMV: I don't like the idea of juries deciding peoples' fates +"CMV: Childhood obesity is, universally, the result of terrible parenting. My coworker thinks I'm wrong, but is too inarticulate to counter my point. Can you?" +CMV: Knights of the Old Republic 2 is better than the first one +CMV: It's arrogant not to believe in intelligent alien life. +"CMV: We Should Not Have a Death Penalty, even for Monsters like Tsarnaev" +"CMV: As a high schooler with good grades, a job, good friends, and that's living a happy and safe life, I believe that my parents shouldn't put in an effort to prevent me from smoking weed." +CMV: Using a touchscreen interface for a vending machine is a bad design decision +"CMV: Submitting a ballot for annual elections should be compulsory, and Election Day should be a federal holiday to facilitate this." +CMV: The European Union should unify its armed forces. +CMV: I dont think that shop owners in Indiana should be forced to accept gay customers +"CMV: I agree with the ""Surf and Turf Bill"" that is on the front of /r/all" +CMV: The Minimum Wage should either be abolished or replaced with Basic Income +[Mod Post] Sexless Saturday is over. Please provide feedback! +"CMV: It is the victims responsibility to ensure they are not raped, just the same as stolen from, drugged, or murdered." +"CMV: Entertainment is never ""objectively good"" or ""objectively bad"". For example, Queen's music is not objectively better than Nicki Minaj's." +CMV: Duck Duck Gray Duck is a superior game to Duck Duck Goose +CMV: Expecting an average citizen to be knowledgeable about ANY ONE topic is unreasonable. +CMV:I believe that organ donation should be opt-out not opt in. +CMV: The human-caused extinction of an endangered species is no less natural than the biological/evolutionary processes that generated that species in the first place. +CMV: You owe taxes starting from your first moment of existence; they are a debt you are morally obliged to pay. +"CMV: As a law abiding citizen, who doesn't have anything to hide, the government should be allowed to collect data on me." +CMV: I'm not going to vote at the next Canadian federal elections +CMV:South Park is a pro-life show. +CMV: A woman being attracted to a man for his money is no different or worse than a man being attracted to a woman for her looks +CMV: Spiders are not scary +CMV: There's nothing wrong with using the pull-out method of birth control in a monogamous relationship. +CMV: I see a sort of double standard in people's expectations of media representation and I would like to know if I'm wrong and why. +"CMV: ""Colorblindness"" is the best and only logical way to end racism in the United States" +CMV: Reddit's policy allowing hate subreddits to remain in order to preserve free speech actually does the opposite in practice. +"CMV: If studies were to show that the Death Penalty deterred more murders than it killed innocent people, it would be immoral to oppose it." +CMV: there is no rational reason to believe in the Christian (or any other religion's) God +CMV: Superman is too perfect and because of this his stories aren't compelling +CMV: The Death Penalty isn't a harsh enough penalty for many crimes +CMV: The Millenials (and their children) are FUCKED +CMV: All morality is derivable from economic considerations +"CMV: The Rolling Stone ""rape article"" controversy is not a commentary on the failures of feminism, but on the failures of media sensationalism." +CMV: the wailing and gnashing of teeth regarding colleges using the preponderance standard when adjudicating sexual assault incidences is wrongheaded. +CMV:Life-long prison sentences should be banned in favor of the death penalty or shorter sentences. +CMV: The outrage over Andrew Harrison's use of the n-word is a media lynching. +CMV: The use of a comma as a decimal marker and a period as a thousands marker is confusing and destroys clarity. +CMV: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did what most people would have done in his position. Provable. +CMV: I believe that delivery driving using your own vehicle (e.g. Pizza) is under-paid. +CMV: Cheating is not a bad thing as long as there is absolutely no chance your partner could find out +CMV: Debates about whether abortion ought or ought not be banned are valid debates to have. +CMV: There is no valid reason for a woman to take her husband's name. +CMV: It's a good idea to get married for a tuition break +CMV: I'm not sure if I agree that Indiana is wrong on back-pedalling the gay anti-discrimination laws +"CMV: By and large, a disturbing amount of conservatives today are backwards-thinking and bigoted." +CMV: Heterosexual and homosexual polygamy should be legal +CMV: Moving to the US feels like the wrong choice +"CMV: It pains me to admit it, but I don't think Scalia was wrong in Smith v Oregon (AKA the cause of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act)" +"CMV: It's morally inconsistent to oppose the casual use of the word 'retarded', but not other words for the developmentally disabled like 'idiot', 'imbecile', or 'moron'." +"CMV: Libertarians can no longer honestly call themselves ""social liberal"" now that they came out in favor of the Indiana anti-gay discrimination laws." +CMV: Jews' political influence in the United States far outweighs their voting power. +CMV: I am opposed to gay couples adopting children because of potential psychological issues it promotes +CMV: Internet anonymity is not a right. +"CMV:Most Christians today do not follow the religion of Jesus, but rather the religion of Saul of Tarsus" +CMV: You should have the right to refuse service to someone based on your values if the service involves a custom order or requires you to be present at an event that makes you feel uncomfortable. +CMV:I do not have to be tolerant of intolerance. +"CMV: Human life has no inherent value and shouldn't be defended as something that absolutely cannot be lost and must always be protected, even if it endangers public safety or people who actually contribute to society." +CMV: I vote Democrat in Federal elections and Republican in State and Local elections +CMV: Carbs don't matter! +CMV: Pajama bottoms are perfectly acceptable in a public situation +"CMV: Cycling on any road not exclusively set aside for cyclists is wrong, dangerous, and should be made illegal." +CMV: All crime is directly manufactured by the government +"CMV: High school students should be required to take a law class that teaches laws, rights, and punishments." +"CMV: Pessimism is no more ""realistic"" than optimism." +"CMV: Every state should adopt the ""Idaho stop""" +CMV: George Carlin is just another loud mouthed guy with a political view +CMV: A 'points based immigration system' is a terrifyingly Orwellian concept. +"CMV: Laws restricting the sale of alcohol, dancing, etc. on Easter have no place in a modern secular country" +CMV: Modern horror films are simply more scary than 'classic' ones +CMV: Owning printed books is ridiculous. +CMV:Television are obsolete/very close to obsolete +"CMV: Almost all the pain that patients feel when visiting a dentist is unnecessary, and is often the result of dentists not taking the time to make it painless." +CMV: a defendent should be compelled to testify at their own trial +"CMV: Ultimately, no problems will arise from the Indiana Religious Freedom ruling." +"CMV: In the United States ""the principle of religious freedom"" is a red herring. Both sides of the debate should be more honest discussing what follows their position on the actual classic liberal principles at stake." +CMV:Uber has done and will continue to do much more than Tesla in terms of reducing carbon footprint +CMV: Offensive humor is beautiful +CMV: Homeschooling should no longer be an option +"CMV: Race is a coherent, reality-based, biologically-based concept. It is not a ""meaningless social construct.""" +CMV: The F-35 is the modern day equivalent of the Maginot Line and should be Canceled. +CMV: People sentenced to death should be used in experiments with high risk of the subjects dying +CMV: The European economic crisis is the hoax of the century. Most European economies are doing far better than the US where it counts. +"CMV: I think literature (and Bible, but that's just my country) should not be taught in high-school. It's a useless subject for a large majority and a completely uninteresting subject for most kids." +CMV: sweat shop workers today can have worse lives than slaves have had in the past and in the present +CMV: Piracy Is No Worse Than Using Adblock(Both have exceptions) +CMV: Military desertion should not be a crime as it is an entirely normal human behavior and invokes on the right of freedom of speech and prosecution of such can often be observed as external coercion which goes against freedom of action. +CMV: Socialism are more moral than Capitalism and it isn't close. +"CMV: yes means yes, always" +"CMV: Humanity produces geniuses and completely average people, in order to create the greatest geniuses, we should give people equal chances and rights at the beginning of their lives, but slowly retrieve them if they aren't brilliant enough." +"CMV: Pinker's ""The Better Angels of Our Nature"" Is Probably Factually Correct In Its Claims About Violence, But It Ignores A Crucial Point About Value." +CMV: I should not recycle because of the NYC bottle tax. +"CMV: The Daily Show has only itself to blame for the Trevor Noah ""outrage""" +CMV: Apple Mac OS X is confusing and unpractical +CMV: I shouldn't have to affect my quality of life to save somebody that I don't know by donating an organ. +"CMV: Science is the new church, and you're all following blindly." +CMV: TwoXChromosomes is the worst subreddit of all for people actually wanting to participate in a subreddit because it positions itself as one thing but delivers another in a personally offensive way. +CMV: People who claim speeding isn't worth it are bad at math. +CMV:Whipping in the House of Commons is undemocratic and should be abolished +CMV: African Americans also benefit from the legacy of slavery +"CMV:No business will stay in business if it discriminates against gays, so the Indiana law won't have any effect." +CMV:Religion is one of the worst things that has happened to society. +"CMV: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be resolved through the creation of a single binational, secular, and democratic state for both Jews and Arabs." +CMV: Excessive use of over the counter medication (even at acceptable doses) for overall healthy youth is harmful +CMV: Working at the same job for 10-20 years should not be frowned upon in the job market +"CMV: There is an harmful tradition of ""graphing by hand"" in American math curricula." +CMV: I don't think that one form of Marital Art/Marital Arts Weapons is better than another. +CMV: I see no reason for most people to upgrade to the latest models of cell phones. +CMV: Statutory rape cases should prove the younger party is victim beyond doubt +CMV: Debt collectors should not be able to offset or intercept tax returns +CMV: Poachers don't deserve to die +CMV: Banning someone should require a second mod from a different sub to avoid abuse of power +CMV: Republican politicians who do not believe in evolution are no more absurd or stupid than Democrat politicians who believe in God. +"CMV: The government's response against mutants was not only justified, it was necessary." +CMV: I don't believe that artists owe anything to society other than self-expression. +CMV: Why should I respect other peoples beliefs? +CMV: Listing the weight of unpeeled potatoes in a recipe that calls for those potatoes to be peeled is ridiculous +CMV: High Schools need to start later +CMV: That we are willing to pay sports persons millions of dollars is a sign that as a society we have got our priorities wrong. +CMV: If you are not comfortable having your daughter doing porn you should not watch it. +"CMV: I believe that people who try to title themselves with some ""other"" gender simply want attention" +CMV: Occupy 2.0: We need to make it personal if we ever want to overturn the socioeconomic differences +CMV: I'm a constitutionalist who believes that America is continuing on a dangerous path that will end up damaging the union +CMV: College essays are counter intuitive. +CMV: Piracy is a Worse Crime than Public Nudity +"CMV: I believe the future is bleak because of climate change, and that the human race may become extinct in the next couple centuries." +CMV: The smaller nations that play in the World Cup and Euro championships should qualify seperately. +CMV: When people are overweight there should be much more pressure to change. +CMV: Business owners should have the right to refuse service whatever the reason. +CMV: My parents were extremely selfish in having me and I'm right to blame them for my misery. +CMV: People should pronounce .gif however they choose and allow others to do the same. +CMV: We should strengthen the traditional safety net rather than replace it with basic income +CMV: Bill O'Reiley is worse than Nancy Grace but the reddit hivemind hates Grace more because she's a woman. +"CMV: In all-volunteer military, to kill in an unjust war is tantamount to murder." +CMV: I think the Drake equation is bullshit. +CMV: A Federally mandated minimum wage will never be successful in all locations. +CMV: Asking me to leave the toilet seat down for their convenience is no different than me asking someone to leave it up for my convenience. +CMV:I'm a left winger who can't support affirmative action +"CMV:Online interactions, relationships and obligations aren't inherently inferior to ""real life"" ones." +"CMV: If women can enter men's bathrooms theirs are busy, then men should be able to do the same" +CMV: A society that protects the weak from the strong must also protect the stupid from the smart. +CMV: A career in translation has better employment prospects than a career in mathematics +"CMV: Andrew Jackson was a low class thug, a lousy president, and should be taken off the $20 bill." +CMV: Baby formula should only be available with a prescription from an internationally-certified consultant. +CMV: Fast food joints should be completely automated +CMV: People who think it's wrong to hit animals/pets but have no problem hitting children are completely illogical. +CMV: Employers shouldn't pay for employees vacation time or sick days; if you're not at the jobsite working you shouldn't get paid +"CMV: The Blair Witch Project isn't even remotely scary, and its current position as the gold standard of the American horror genre is a farce (Warning: Spoilers)" +CMV: I believe that the whole concept of your twenties being a growth period and too early to settle down is counterproductive. +"CMV: Guns are good in the US, and bad in the UK." +CMV: The human race has done such a poor job of maintaining its planet that it would be unethical for us to colonize other planets. +CMV: French food is overrated. +CMV: The Android smartphone market at the present time is objectively far superior to any current iteration of Apple devices. +CMV: Puerto Rico deserves to be a state more than many other existing US states +CMV:Abortion is wrong +CMV: People should dress up a little more when flying. +CMV: Evolution cannot coexist with Christian theology. +"CMV: Ted Cruz is not a serious candidate, he's just being used by republicans to make the actual candidate seem less extreme" +CMV: Mathematics should not be required beyond high school +"CMV: As a white male, I do not believe I cause the privileges that I have." +CMV: Smoking should banned in ALL public areas. +"CMV: Morality is both futile in purpose (due to astrophysics) and irrational in origin (due to biochemistry), therefore. Details below." +CMV: I am a strong believer in eugenics. +"CMV: Body weight exercises cannot compare with using weights for exercise effectiveness, efficiency, and improvement." +"CMV: ebooks shouldn't cost more than 5dollars. Anything above just hinders education, culture and technological advance." +CMV: $foo is a numbers game is a very disingenuous thing to say. +"CMV: Europe is on the way to total stagnation, and will disappear as we know it within the next century." +"CMV: Temperance Brennan (from TVs Bones) is either a poorly written genius, or a well written moron." +"CMV:I feel like math, philosophy, first and second language and IT should be the only course taught to children until 4th grade." +"CMV: The NCAA might be a raw deal, but players also need to take responsibility for their decision to get involved in the first place." +CMV: Hip Hop isnt just Ignorant/Violent/Misogynistic/etc. +CMV: Atheism Is Inherently Nihilistic +"CMV: Assuming the allegations against him are true, the decision to fire Jeremy Clarkson was the right one" +CMV: Title IX is unjust. +CMV: Transgendar and genderless people are sexist. +CMV: At this point there's no good reason to get a console over a PC +CMV: I don't think the confederate flag should be on the Texas license plate because it is the flag of an enemy force. +CMV: Gay people should be allowed to give blood. +"CMV: The USA is not a real democracy if the people of Guam, Puerto Rico and other island territories do not have the right to vote for their leader" +CMV: I think remastered games on PS4/Xbox One are a good thing and I welcome more. +CMV: Nobody truly deserves to be (very) rich. +CMV: Ted Cruz has 0 chance at winning the presidential election and very little chance to win the Republican Primary +"CMV:The electoral college should shift to a percentage-based system, not the winner take all system we have now." +CMV: Transgender is a mental illness and a society that supports transitioning is doing them a disservice +CMV: It is impossible to prove or disprove that our universe is deterministic. +CMV:Low Military Spending is unwise +"CMV: Most people use the word ""humbled"" to mean the opposite of what it actually means, and should stop immediately." +CMV: Unconditional support of Israel by the US government has caused significant harm to both parties. +CMV: Non-scientists have over-estimated our impact on global climate and under-estimated our ability to cope with minor changes in global temperature and sea levels +"CMV: Authoritarianism is necessary for a successful transition to market economy - Chile, in particular, would not have been a success without a period of tyrannical rule" +CMV:Browsing Reddit all day is not productive +CMV: FEMA did nothing wrong by requiring states to create contingency plans +"CMV: The extension of quantity of life is absurd. After a certain age, the elderly should be euthanized." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with adults playing any video games. +CMV: I believe that there is no real use for including phrases such as 'in my opinion' in statements of belief. +CMV: There is no unselfish reason to have biological children +"CMV: Women who get upset over simple introduction messages on dating sites, such as a simple hello have an entitled attitude about how they see themselves in the world of dating, and have misguided expectations of the real dating world in our society." +CMV: GPA Shouldn't Be Used By Colleges To Determine Admission +"CMV: There is nothing wrong with social media today, and those who don't use it, just don't get it." +CMV: Hank should have told Dale about his wife's affair with John Redcorn. +CMV: public teacher should not be allowed to wear any religious artifacts or clothes. +CMV: I believe family means nothing and is an overblown idea and Friends are more important. +CMV:Letting people die is not unjust +"CMV: If you wouldn't tell your roommate ""get out of that chair"" when you want to sit where s/he's sitting, then you shouldn't push your cat off the chair you want to sit in either." +CMV: Pirating/emulation of movies/video games/etc. is acceptable if and *only* if there is no way to legally obtain them from the original producer. +"CMV: There is no need to be provident with oil with respect to the climate, as we'll burn up all of it at some point" +"CMV: I believe that the United States should implement a ""Carbon Tax"" (a tax on an industries carbon emissions.)" +CMV: Bar / Nightclub culture would be more fun / safer for women if there were more gay men harassing straight men. +CMV: Well-behaved dogs should be allowed most places that children are. +CMV: There's nothing wrong with texting or phoning behind the wheel as long as the car is still +CMV: Avatar the Last Airbender is not anime. +CMV: Implementing a gradually increasing carbon tax is the best way to reduce carbon emissions and stem the march of glabal climate change +CMV: Business owners should be free to choose who they hire based on any criteria. +"CMV: Sports teams should give up when it is impossible to win, or at least stop taking timeouts and wasting everyone's time." +CMV: There is no difference between domesticated dogs/cats and animals domesticated for food. +"CMV: I believe the Linux community's over-reliance on the command line, coupled with their attitude of teaching it to newbies, is what is preventing Linux from becoming a popular desktop OS." +CMV:I think that extreme feminism today has evolved into girl-shaming. +"CMV: Popular educational Youtube channels like VSauce, SciShow and MinutePhysics cause more harm than good" +"CMV: All U.S. citizens ought to be entitled to a minimum guaranteed income, or some other similar, effective, form of ""social safety net""." +CMV:Voting should require a lincese +CMV: Full transparency is the only way to have a truly non-corrupt and efficient government +CMV: You should never under any circumstance give out a 4 or 3 star rating on UBER. +CMV: Suicide is an act of weakness. +CMV: I believe determinism should be the dominant philosophy and objections to such are simply due to lack of human understanding even with mounting evidence. +CMV: It is wrong for western organisations to push for a ban in dog meat in other countries. +"CMV: I think football (soccer) is a joke in comparison to other sports due, in large part, to the absolute authority given to referees regardless of if they make the wrong decision." +CMV: There is no good reason for a no tolerance policy. +CMV: Reddit is not the left-wing site it thinks or pretends it is and is actually very closed and conservative overall. +CMV: Vegetarians who smoke are hypocrites +CMV: The American constitution would benefit from the addition of a notwithstanding clause +CMV: I believe that Reddit is an echo chamber of thought and is worsening the polarized political climate in the same way that ultra-conservative shows do. +CMV: Goku is an awful father. +"CMV:Why exactly do we have downvotes, if we don't want people to use them?" +CMV: I do not think eSports (LoL) should be considered a sport and/or be added to the Olympics. +CMV: Science should contribute more moral guidance to our culture +"CMV: Receipt of certain means-tested assistance (i.e., ""welfare"") should be conditioned on use of long-term birth control." +"CMV: Power users and censorship will be the ultimate downfall of Reddit, similar to Digg." +CMV: Grad(High School graduation) isn't that big of a deal +"CMV: A congressional ""re-boot"" would breathe new life into the legislative branch of the federal U.S. government." +"CMV: The ""Screen Images Simulated"" on Cell Phone Commercials are False Advertising" +CMV: Only a virgin girlfriend can make me happy and slut shaming is okay +"CMV: Chinese/Japanese/Korean movies are cheesy, bad acted, overacted worthless movies." +CMV: It is completely acceptable to talk on the phone while a cashier is ringing up your items. +CMV:I believe drug addicts should be held accountable for their actions and unable to hide behind the fact that it's a disease. +CMV:I should stop being a vegan +CMV: I should be able to have blue hair at my Engineering job. +CMV: Most of the typical negative comparisons between the United States and Europe are complete bullshit; Americans are no more racist and no less cultured than Europeans. +"CMV: in most cases, it isn't worth it to defend an unpopular opinion on Reddit." +CMV: The PRC is a bigger threat than Russia. +CMV: The behavior 9/10 times from parents in restaurants make me furious +"CMV: Seat belts should only be recommended and not mandated, the same way healthy life style is recommended." +"CMV: Escalators are meant to be walked up, not ridden." +"CMV: Universities should only and always charge for tuition with a percentage 'tax' on future earnings, which could vary by course." +"CMV:We are as relevant to a God or a higher power, as a microscopic plankton in the depths of the ocean is relevant to us as human-beings." +CMV: Sociopathic behavior is caused largely by loneliness. +"CMV: I think 4 day work weeks are much better for everyone, and the only reason we're not switching to it is habit and not being able to coordinate a large scale switch." +"CMV: Taxing Tampons/Pads in Canada should continue, because of a myriad of costs related to disposal and clean-up, and that they're in-fact a convenience." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with smurfing +CMV: SSRI medication is scam +CMV: Premier League is not the best football/soccer league in the world +CMV: I find the vocal minority expressing views on gender equality in the work force to be hypocritical +"CMV: I think ""Ethnic Studies"" curriculum should be required before high school graduation in all districts that have high concentrations of students of color." +"CMV: Religion created a fear of death, and it's time to get rid of both." +CMV: It should be required by law that the fine print in commercials stays on the screen long enough for an average reader to complete the text. +"CMV: That the wage gap is primarily the fault of the market, and we shouldn't interfere." +CMV: I think Hillary Clinton's use of personal email for official business is a greater scandal than it is currently is +"CMV: Walmart is an evil corporation, which is bad for the USA and the world" +CMV: Groups such as WISE (women in science and engineering) are sexist so long as they have no male for female dominated fields of study +CMV:I think the stereotype of men being concerned about their penis size is not true +CMV: There are more important things that need to be made zero-rated than tampons. +CMV: Jaywalking should be legal and socially acceptable +"CMV: ""Pay-it-forward"" chains are pointless and unnecessary." +"CMV: When using the English language, we should refer to ""Mumbai"" as ""Bombay"" for the same reasons that we refer to ""Deutschland"" as ""Germany.""" +CMV: Germany should not pay any further reparations for WWII damage +CMV: Muslims are the most discriminated against in general (on Reddit and in the UK) +"CMV: 'Murca should just let the South secede, so the rest of the country could progress to a better place." +CMV: Southern California should not exist as a major settlement +CMV: Identifying as a gender you weren't born with should be pointless +CMV: The most useful thing to teach children is to follow instructions. +"CMV: Amazon should buy Yahoo! so that both of them can compete with Apple, Google, and Microsoft." +CMV: The belief that we fade into oblivion when we die is unsubstantiated scientific dogma. +CMV:Undocumented parents of US citizen children should be deported. +CMV: Voter ID laws should not be enacted in the US +CMV: Street art/graffiti should not be criminalized. +CMV: Being offended is selfish and harmful to society +CMV: A better method of ending a basketball game is at a specific score rather than by time. +"CMV: Quick service restaurants should charge for water because cups, labor, and water are not free." +CMV: the human race is currently at it's greatest and evidence shows that the future will be overwhelmingly positive +CMV: Globalism is killing less developed countries. +CMV: The primary draw for higher education (college/university) is the party scene. +"CMV: Humanity would be better off spayed and neutered, with a cryogenic bank for their seed" +CMV: The strongest ethical arguments for veganism are stronger than those for meat eating or vegetarianism +CMV: The best feasible society includes a government. +CMV: There should be limits/disincentives to investing in existing residential property +CMV: Emotional Support Animals are BS +CMV: Using AdBlock is morally equivalent to piracy. +"CMV: Flying cars are ridiculous and should never become a ""thing.""" +CMV: People with unconventional beliefs should be allowed to establish self-governing communities and enforce their own laws +CMV: Nationalism/patriotism is primitive and irrational. +CMV: No CEO should make more than 500x their lowest paid worker. +"CMV: The argument abortion should be legal, because a woman has the right over her own body is negated by the reasons women really get abortions." +CMV:China will be the next sole economic superpower. +CMV: Lolicon is harmless and should be legalized nationwide. +CMV: I feel that fighting for better contraception availability and sex ed in the US is more important than fighting for abortion. +CMV: Comment scores and comment voting should be removed because it has lost all meaning and actually detracts from conversation +CMV: VR is a fad that will suffer the same fate it did in the 90's +CMV: Employees SHOULD describe in as much detail possible what they didn’t like about their old job while interviewing for a new one. +CMV: That my foot fetish is abnormal. +CMV: Inflation is not sound fiscal policy. It's just a regressive tax. +"CMV: The death penalty is only a harsh punishment for people who are wrongly convicted. For the guilty, it is by no means the ultimate punishment. It is inherently unjust and should be universally abolished." +CMV: Aspartame (the artificial sweetener most commonly found in diet sodas) does not negatively effect human health. +CMV:Cosplay effectively hurts comic books +"CMV: If a politician and their supporters truly believe that what they preach is correct, then they have a moral obligation to use whatever powers in their means to enforce their policies." +CMV: Marijuana is dangerous because of the 'stoner' lifestyle people associate with +CMV: Politicians and pundits should make public bets when they have disagreements about measurable impacts of policies. +CMV:The Apple Watch: Edition (the gold one) is more of a marketing strategy for the other versions than a genuine product worth owning. +CMV: There is no reasonable way for to morally justify meat eating habits - at least as a middle class person in the western world. +CMV: Stove-popped popcorn is the perfect at-home junk food. +CMV: We have the right to be upset about delayed sequels +"CMV: Besides combating climate change, I believe the development of technologies and research to understand the brain (and the accompanying governmental investment) is presently the most important task humankind can undertake." +"CMV: Ronda Rousey should not be compared to Mike Tyson, a “prime Roy Jones Jr.” or even male MMA fighters." +CMV: Sunny D is the best of all orange based beverages +CMV: The NFL should change pass interference from a spot foul to a 15 yard penalty +CMV: Tattoos should be more commonly perceived as a desperate self esteem enhancement +"CMV: In urban environments, cats have the Freedom to Roam." +CMV: Modern music around the world has lost it culture and is all becoming the same +"CMV: For all intents and purposes, nobody chooses to be who they are, and everybody deserves compassion." +CMV: Terrorists don't deserve a trial +CMV: We should be treating r/fatpeoplehate the same way we treat the Westboro Baptists or the KKK. +CMV: I hold an indifferent-to-favorable view of gentrification. +"CMV: If we find extraterrestrial life, we will just treat it similarly to any other newly discovered animal species, and it will not unite and change humanity at all." +CMV: All US citizens should have the right to vote. +CMV: There is nothing wrong with being a gay guy who is apathetic to same sex marriage +"CMV: Foods with recombinant, and especially transgenic, DNA are worthy of concern" +CMV: People who have done DMT are less sane than the Average Joe +CMV: The two students leaders of SAE should NOT have been expelled from University of Oklahoma for their racist speech +CMV: I think teachers should not have a child during the school year. +CMV: There is no pay gap between men and women +CMV: Utilitarianism is the best source for morality. +"CMV: Too little is being done to save the environment, too late" +CMV:The general public should be left in the dark about science +CMV: Some degree of militarization of our police forces not just in the United States but around the world is necessary to adapt to changing and increasingly real threats to public safety and national security. +CMV: We need to be more tolerant of racism. +"CMV: ""Equal Rights, Equal Lefts"" purports itself to be egalitarian, but it's just a veiled threat." +"CMV: The United States and Western Nations should choose a side in the Shi'a/Sunni conflict, and they should support the Shi'a." +CMV: Religious exemptions to vaccine requirements are unconstitutional. +"CMV: ""Doxxing"", or the posting and sharing of personal information, is not wrong if said information is openly and freely available. Moderators of websites should only crack down on doxxing if it can be proven that said information was obtained illegally." +CMV: A person with an exceptional memory has no need to take notes or study. +CMV: Waiters that cry about their pay are either terrible with money or liars. +"CMV: Facebook was wrong to remove the ""feeling fat"" emoticon" +CMV: Men who complain about having to pay the bill for dates make no sense. +"CMV: Capitalism and Consumerism have created a culture of choice that causes people to think in terms of the individual instead of the community, when in fact cooperation with the community is vital to the success of humankind." +CMV: There is no logical argument that adequately explains why it would be a bad thing if the human race would go extinct. +CMV: I'm a racist I think +"CMV: Most of the people agree that Greece asking Germany for war reparations is ridiculous, since WW2 ended a long time ago. Thus, it is perfectly fine for Greece to ignore its debts for 70+ years and then make the exact claim." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with using the I-V-vi-IV chord progression +CMV: Self defense is a fundamental human right. +CMV: I think we should be able to euthanize people without their consent +CMV: The 'down with gender roles' and 'referring to someone with pronouns other than their biological gender' train of logic makes no sense +"CMV: Either free will doesnt exist, or our consciousness is a metaphysical force." +CMV: I believe the concern over a technological singularity is unfounded. +CMV: The entire concept of Global Warming rests on people's ability to predict the future. Nobody can predict the future. +CMV: I believe that all these Zoolander 2 related posts that make it to the front page today are part of an elaborate marketing plan and were manipulated to the front page. +CMV: I don't think my vote is worth anything +CMV: The control that the FCC is currently attempting to take over the internet will lead to morality based censorship +CMV:I believe that Qatar should not be allowed to host the World Cup in 2022 +CMV I think it's stupid to assault a police officer and expect them to not defend themselves. +CMV: Transgender people should NOT be able to use the bathroom of their OPPOSITE BIOLOGICAL sex +CMV:Genocide is the most progressive means for the most progressive end--utopia. +CMV: Taste is not totally subjective +CMV: Reddit should not have donated 10% of its revenue to charity organizations while its servers consistently fail to support peak use conditions. +CMV: I believe that animal hunting is not immoral. +CMV: The negative perception of Pedophiles in society causes pedophiles to be more common and more dangerous. +CMV: Net Neutrality is Good +"CMV: Whatever Hillary Clinton did or did not do regarding Benghazi is not an important issue, and Americans stand to gain nothing by investigating her role in it." +"CMV: War should be fought by weapons embargos, NOT violence and military campaigns." +CMV:People who plead not guilty should not have hasher punishments than those who plead guilty +CMV: I'm a man who finds MRA more irritating than respectworthy. +CMV: I think deaf parents who refuse cochlear implants to their deaf children are being selfish. +CMV: I think socialeconomic status is a reflection of modern natural selection. +CMV: A man should have a equal and fair say in whether a woman keeps a pregnancy or have an abortion in an accidental pregnancy. +"CMV: If a police officer clocks into his job on the street with nothing but a gun, he ""intends"" to kill anyone who poses a violent threat." +CMV: I believe that anyone who has left their home country for Syria should be denied re-entry. +CMV: Everybody Can Be Racist/Sexist +CMV: We shouldn't judge an action by it's intentions. +CMV: The Scandinavian system of setting the cost of fees to the ability to pay is the most fair system +CMV: Teaching a person how to solve math problems without using a calculator is pointless in modern society. +"CMV: I should run for president, based upon my non existent political career and desire to fix things for the middle class." +CMV: Public advertising is a large inefficiency in modern society. +"CMV: I think transgender persons should be able to do what they like with their body; but I have trouble accepting large (i.e., clearly formerly masculine) transwomen." +"CMV: In calculus, integrating should be taught first before taking derivatives." +CMV: There doesn't deserve to be male- or female-only sporting events. +CMV: Complimenting women are not sexual harassment +CMV: I really do not think the NSA listening in on my phone calls is that big of a deal. +CMV: The Doomsday Argument is silly and easily refutable. +"CMV: I think most political arguments that boil down to ""we must protect the children"" are bad arguments." +"CMV: I think that accepting transsexualism is actually regressive, in the sense that it actually reinforces gender stereotypes and roles." +CMV: The best economics book is _Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics_ by George Reisman +CMV: We are living in the best generation ever for music. +CMV: Right-to-work law is beneficial for workers in the long run. +CMV: Google and Microsoft having my private information shouldn't bother me +CMV: verbal bullying is equivalent to physical bullying +CMV: Teachers should have a comparable salary to doctors +CMV: Reddit should not allow subs such as /r/GasTheKikes and /r/CoonTown +CMV: Our superior ability to communicate with each other is the only thing separating us from other animals. +CMV: The city of Los Angeles should ban airbnb.com from operating in the city. +CMV: Unfollowing someone on Facebook is a really shitty thing to do. +CMV: Reddit executives should start a fuss in the media about other websites stealing Reddit user content without permission or adequate citation. +CMV: Mars is a poor choice for terraforming. +CMV: There should be an internet police that go around and delete ignorant comments +CMV: Companies should split up into smaller ones by law as soon as they reach a certain threshold +"CMV: With the technology we have, we should switch from a Representative Democracy to a Direct Democracy." +CMV: Nothing is worth dying for if you enjoy living. +CMV: Child labor is not inherently immoral and should not be forbidden. +"CMV: Fermi's Paradox means we will never become a space-faring species, or die trying." +"CMV: The term ""womyn"" with a y is silly and only causes people to not take feminists seriously." +"CMV: I consider myself a feminist and want equal rights for all, but I think campaigns like He For She that seek pledges from people to specifically help women are pointlessly limiting and help to continue the division of the sexes" +CMV: Washington DC should receive full representation in Congress. +CMV: Overpopulation is a myth. +CMV: All restaurants should be required to post calorie counts on their menus. +CMV:I Think it's Unfair and Unproductive to Hold Protesters and Protest Movements to a High Rhetorical Standard +"CMV:Politicians should take tests before running for office, and be tested before any vote to show competency on the subject." +CMV:There is some scientifically valid evidence against compulsory childhood vaccines. +"CMV: Education should be based less on learning facts, and more on effective research and use of information" +CMV: extra thin or extra fat people don't have dibs on body image issues and mental health +"CMV: To ensure our survival and our humanity we must Stop science research in some areas, despite their benefits." +"CMV: While we have not reached the limits of what we can uncover using the scientific method, the areas where we need to most urgently improve our understanding and knowledge can not be aided by the scientific method." +CMV: a universe allowing for events having supernatural causes isn't too different from a solipsistic universe +CMV: VR headsets will not be as popular as predicted because they can't be used in a group activity +CMV:Clickbait isn't that bad. (Reason Number 2 Will Blow You Away!) +CMV: I hate my British citizenship and wish I could get rid of it. +CMV HeForShe is a bad campaign name +CMV: I don't give a shit about the environment +CMV: Existential Nihilism is a superior worldview to religion +CMV: Pun threads should be actively discouraged in most subreddits. +CMV: Marijuana is perfectly safe +"CMV: I think murderers, pedophiles, and violent crime repeat offenders should be sentenced to death once proven guilty without a shadow of a doubt." +CMV: An ever growing GDP isn't necessarily a good thing. +CMV: Abortion Is Far More Than Just Religion VS Science +CMV: There is no intrinsic truth to morality. +CMV: Students everywhere should refuse to pay back their student loans until our collective world governments make collaborative changes to repair our earth's environment. +"CMV:Steam has had a negative impact on the PC games market, And Valve's F2P model isn't feasible to all developers" +"CMV: If it is good for my nation/state, then it is morally good." +CMV:Women are not discriminated against in the G7 +"CMV: On Puerto Rico's Proposed ""Fat Tax""" +CMV: The price of gasoline in the United States is too low. +"CMV: I feel safer here in America, in terms of foreign affairs, because of how much we spend on military" +CMV: The Occupy Movement Was Stupid and Protesters Had No Idea What They Actually Wanted +CMV:Why it would be a bad thing for states to break apart to form equal population size smaller states? +"CMV: I belive that hydro power is a lot better than wind power, and that windpower is pretty much useless." +CMV I think unpaid internships are immoral and companies are perpetuating them to reduce the risk of hiring graduates. +"CMV: ""This"" is not an affective comment." +CMV: Business school is a perversion of the purpose of universities +"CMV: instead of tipping everyone a small amount, it is better to only tip those that do their job well a large tip." +"CMV: I believe that in a fight, Superman would destroy Goku" +CMV: Increasing penalties for crimes does not appreciable dissuade people from committing crimes +CMV: Oliver Cromwell is the most evil figure in British history and the statue of him in London should be torn down +CMV: I believe controller breeding of human beings is a beneficial alternative to natural birth +CMV: It's futile to tackle extremism without fixing or replacing capitalism. +CMV: I believe Christians who are not constantly preaching are assholes. +CMV: Football (soccer) should stop the clock when the ball is out of play. +CMV: I believe Gladiator Fights should be brought back as a International Sport. +CMV: Rape would cause much less psychological trauma if it were socially viewed on the same level as violent assault as opposed to being seen as equally bad or worse than murder. +CMV: I hate children and think having them is overrated. +CMV:I believe nearly any animals life to be worth just the same as any humans life. +CMV: I believe that a state should be able to secede from the Union if there is a majority vote. +CMV: I think animal abuse should be legal +CMV: The Anti-Anti-Vaccination brigade on the internet is stupider than the Anti-Vaccination movement. +"CMV: When it comes to internet forums like Reddit, pics or it didn't happen." +CMV: It's not my job to take care of drunk friends. +"CMV: Those who feel sampling music is somehow ""cheating"" or unartistic should feel that the vast majority of photography is just as much ""cheating"" and unartistic." +CMV: Discrimination is discrimination no matter who it's against. +"CMV: The ""Free Birth Control for Women"" issue was and is nonsense." +CMV: The Joker's portrayal in recent comic books and video games diminishes and marginalizes Batman's other villains and even himself +CMV: The world is going in a downward spiral so I should just avoid all attachments until the end comes. +CMV: Feminism isn't the answer for Men +CMV: A full-grown grizzly bear would definitely win a fight with a unicorn. +CMV: Using the christian calendar year system (2015 C.E.) as an official standard of the United States violates the First Amendment of the Constitution +CMV:Grades are not important in MS graduate programs +"CMV: We should abandon the ""STEM"" label, which is often used by well meaning but ignorant people to mislead enthusiastic youth into believing falsehoods about their career potential and job markets." +CMV: I don't see it as morally wrong for a nation state to severely restrict immigration into their borders. +CMV: Hardcore gaming is unhealthy. +CMV: Single Transferrable Vote (STV) is the best voting system. +CMV:It's OK not to be in touch with family and friends while expecting the relationship to remain strong in its essence. +"CMV: Using ""Gay"" as an Insult is not Inherently Wrong" +"CMV: Attaching minimum to inflation would not solve the problem of people living off of a ""non-livable wage""." +CMV: I don't think civilisation will last beyond 2050. +CMV: It's okay to play computer games all my life and not experience anything else. +CMV: Mourning a celebrity death is the equivalent mourning the loss of a stranger's dog +CMV: I don't think people should be able to opt out of being a presidential candidate. +"CMV: a lot of people around here seem to be hating on /r/NoFap, but I think it's a good way to get rid of a destructive addiction." +"CMV: Unions have outlasted their usefulness. ""Right to work"" laws are much more in line with freedom of choice and capitalism than being forced to join a union" +"CMV: If you intentionally walk into people instead of getting out of their way, you aren't fighting the patriarchy. You're being an asshole." +CMV: It should be legal to buy and sell raw milk and raw milk products. +CMV: The vastness of space does not guarantee the existence of extraterrestrial life. +CMV: I believe that young people having sex is okay. (Beyond puberty) +CMV: I believe that going to an Ivy or a higher end school means you're more intelligent. +"CMV: Terrorism can be an awful thing, but if it must exist, in our time, it should be used against corporations rather than government and people." +"CMV: If it was possible to pinpoint the year in which the birth of modern capitalism occured, that would be a better dividing point than the current BCE/CE (or BC/AD) system." +CMV: The majority of issues that humanity faces are self-imposed. +CMV: Change my view from seeing this dress as blue and black to seeing it as white and gold. +"CMV: I believe business should legally be allowed to retain the right to refuse service to anyone they please, including gays, blacks and any others who commonly would fall victim to this." +CMV: Games criticism is a joke compared to the criticism of more mature art forms. +CMV:People should not spend time/energy/resources trying to prevent suicide. +CMV: Consciousness operates under Quantum Mechanics +CMV: I believe men have the right to fight back against a woman with equal intent and force +CMV: Kanye West's lyrics are not as clever/deep as his fans make out (but I would love to be proven wrong) +"CMV: I don't believe that selflessness is morally good, and I believe there is a conflict of interest in moral systems that say otherwise" +CMV: I believe being a homeowner shouldn't be part of the 'American Dream' +"CMV: (America) If money is speech, not paying taxes is First Amendment protected political protest" +CMV: I am indifferent to sports and video games. +"CMV: It is unethical for the American media to publicize stories about those merely accused, not convicted of crimes." +CMV: It's hypocritical for the government to allow Jewish custom to circumvent laws about pedophilia but allow the publishing of pictures of Mohammed which violate the hadiths of Islam. +CMV:Complaining about a big afro isn't racism. +CMV: The NSA should stop spying on us and I'm ok with the consequences of that. +"CMV: If the police shoot someone who resisted arrest, it should be nearly impossible to indict the involved officer(s)" +CMV: Adult life is pointless +CMV: As a healthy gay man I shouldn't be expected to take HIV drugs +CMV: It's not worth it for a man to get married. +CMV: Superheroes are an albatross and completely unrealistic. +"CMV: Chris Brown did not commit an ""unforgivable"" act" +CMV: It is right that a man who accepts his wife's child as his own and is listed on the birth certificate as the father retains his rights to see the child and responsibilities to care for the child if it is later found out that he isn't the biological father. +CMV: Beethoven's 9th Symphony has the sickest vocal drop in music history. +"CMV: Before being able to vote, everyone should have to take a test to prove basic reasoning." +CMV: Children should not be raised religiously +"CMV: There is something deeply dubious about ""Citizenship"" classes" +CMV: Gender identity should not be a 'thing'. +"CMV: Traffic laws should only apply during times when there are a lot of drivers on the road, all other times they should be optional" +CMV: Transgender individuals have a delusion. +CMV: I believe that Generation Z women are becoming men and the social ramifications of this will be widespread. +"CMV: There is nothing redeeming about gambling. (I'm not talking games of skill, like card games; I mean games where you are guaranteed to lose over the long run.)" +CMV: Private business should have the ability to discriminate against potential customers. And allowing this would be more effective against discrimination than laws against it. +CMV: Either college athletes should be paid or sports should be decoupled from post-secondary education. +CMV: Ted Kaczynski was right. +CMV: Religion shouldnt be thought in schools +CMV: Philantropy should be mandatory for every elected official. +"CMV: The horse is the greatest weapon mankind has ever harnessed, change my view." +"CMV: Big Bang Theory is not that bad of a show, and the term ""nerd blackface"" is idiotic" +"CMV: If it were somehow possible to travel back in time and assassinate Hitler prior to his rise to power, I would oppose such an action." +CMV: The fact that a Qatar World Cup would have to be held in the winter is not a compelling reason to oppose it +CMV: The moral of the Parable of the Prodigal Son is fucked up +"CMV: If the minimum age to enlist in the Army and purchase cigarettes is 18 years old (in America), the legal drinking age should also be 18." +CMV: Incest Should be Legal +CMV: The America public college system is backwards. +"CMV: Within the next 500 years, all life on Earth will be either wiped out completely or to a point where it is nearly impossible to rebuild society." +"CMV: I think atheism is the better path than religion, as it can cause less conflicts" +CMV: The United States has legalized corruption. +CMV: I would like to get a better paying job in a rewarding career field but I can't help but be dissuaded from going to college because all I read about it is people not being able to find a job in their career field and or having a massive amount of student loan debt. +CMV: It should be required to speak English in an English speaking setting. +CMV: Working >40 hours/week for a salary based on a 40 hour work week is wage theft. +"CMV: It is immoral, unethical and possibly should be illegal to be very wealthy." +CMV. I don't think addicts in recovery deserves praise. +"CMV: English should call countries by the name they call themselves, especially if we can pronounce it" +CMV: Homeopathy works. +CMV: All United States Citizens should be required to do either military or civil service between the ages of 16-18. +"CMV: the new ""Truth"" tinder-themed anti-smoking campaign is the wrong way to get people to stop smoking" +CMV: There is no good reason for a store to ban the concealed carry of firearms unless they have their own armed security (USA) +CMV:I believe there is no reason for men to be more fascinated with breasts or buttocks than genetalia [NSFW] +CMV: Removing karma totals from user accounts would improve Reddit. +CMV: I have no hope left for most of my generation or myself. +"CMV: Football is an institution which causes more problems than it solves, and receives far more money than it deserves." +CMV: I don't believe that non-violent drug offenders should get sent to jail. +CMV: Disney Should Have Just Rebooted Star Wars +"CMV: When choosing who to run the country, why don't we have the choice of say, 10 candidates, with all their bio, beliefs and manifestos clearly shown and it be down to a internet/television vote to ensure voting?" +"CMV: It is impossible for prayer to affect the external world, because that is what empirical studies of the matter suggest" +"CMV: Cosmetic surgery is the most worthwhile investment in your life, because your appearance is the most important thing in your life." +CMV: Corporations should not be able to take any tax deduction as long as a certain percentage of their employees receive public assistance. +"CMV: I have absolutely no sympathy for people of any sex, age or race who decide to join ISIS." +"CMV: The concept of ""Wavefunction collapse"" violates Occam's Razor." +CMV: Energy is the biggest problem facing humanity today. +"CMV: The World, particularly the West, was better off when the Soviet Union existed and acted as a counterweight to the U.S. in geopolitics." +"CMV. Firing Remus Lupin from Hogwarts was the right thing to do, and hiring him in the first place was irresponsible." +CMV: Alcohol would never be made legal if it were new in society +CMV: Human life has no value. +CMV: You can discuss one topic without reducing the importance of another. +CMV: The unfalsifiability of God's existence is good logic. +CMV: Public transportation should run 24/7. +"CMV: Citizens United was a good ruling, and opponents of it are fundamentally arguing that Americans can't be trusted with democracy." +"CMV:I don't think there's a good argument against suicide, other than ""sometimes"" it gets better." +"CMV: Giving teachers tenure is a stupid idea, and it promotes laziness and a poor education system" +"CMV: I don't feel bad for attractive people who complain about being 'holla'd"" at" +"CMV: It's not possible to make a rational argument for why someone shouldn't be a ""brony""" +CMV: There is nothing good about Texas +CMV: It isn't right that the wealthy get wealthier through their generations due to having increased opportunities due to being wealthy. +CMV: It's messed up of police officers to be waiting on a residential street 10 mins before the street's no-parking for street-sweeping time zone becomes in effect in order to ticket any remaining cars that weren't moved before the exact start time. Human courtesy calls for an informal grace period. +CMV: Democratic society is incapable by design to solve problems like the global warming. +CMV: It should be legal for people to sell their blood. +"CMV: All laws could be replaced by one ""You are not allowed to be a dick!""" +"CMV: People should be allowed to workout nude at indoor sports facilities, and we're better off doing so" +"CMV: Gun control in the U.S. is ineffective, overstepping the bounds of reasonable measures, driven by ignorance, and much of it should be repealed." +CMV: Minimum wage increases unemployment rates and creates unfair wages. +CMV: I believe all human endeavors are pointless since our existence is limited and soon everything we have ever done is going to cease to exist. +"CMV: ""If you aren't with us, you're against us"" is an unhealthy and incorrect mentality; passive non-participation is not the same as opposition." +CMV: I believe crowdfunding is stupid. It is lazy and a waste of time and money. +CMV: Ash Wednesday is an empty and counterproductive ritual +"CMV: Climbing Mt. Everest is an exercise in arrogance, irresponsibility, and reckless futility." +"CMV: Voting in elections is the best way to bring about political change in America, and people that choose not to vote are directly responsible for the current state of affairs in American politics" +CMV: Standardized testing (ACT/SAT) is actually a great way to judge college readiness. +CMV: Women aren't as funny (successful as comedians) because they don't have to use humor to attract a mate. +"CMV:In regards to cleanliness, convenience, and comfort, I do not think hose bidets in private restrooms or public restrooms are better than toilet paper." +CMV: Google and the Government using my data does not bother me. +"CMV: Ignorance of the law IS an excuse. In fact, it's probably the best excuse." +CMV: No cryptocurrency can have very high valuation for extended time periods for 2 reasons.... +CMV: There shouldn't be a speed limit on some western U.S. freeways. +CMV: Asians are more difficult to distinguish from each other than people of other races and there should be nothing wrong with admitting this. +"CMV: I believe ""at-fault"" divorce should be re-implemented." +CMV: I feel perfectly fine judging people who use misspelled words or fail to use even the most basic grammar. +"CMV: I think that both sides in the American Civil War were wrong for entirely different reasons. Furthermore, the Texas v. White decision is also morally wrong." +CMV: Karl Pilkington is fully conscious of - and plays up to - the persona expected of him +CMV: There is no law Congress can pass that will improve the nation's approach to information security and privacy +CMV: I believe that Android is googles project to get people on their platform without them knowing that all their information is taken and recorded on servers to be used. +CMV: Prostitution is not a form of violence against women +"CMV: Fukuyama was basically right about the ""End of History""" +"CMV:If the typical Western person was as different from the other gender as they claim, modern heterosexual relationships wouldn't work." +CMV: I Believe all White People in the U.S are Racist and we Need to Admit it More +CMV: Diamonds are an inferior gemstone. +"CMV: I'm gay but do not attend LGBT events because I don't believe integration is achieved through segregated events, and believe these events only perpetuate the idea that male homosexuals are promiscuous." +CMV: I should be Pro-Choice...but I'm not. +CMV: Reddit's attitude towards TheRedPill is wrong +CMV: Operation Paperclip was a great thing for the United States and the world. +CMV: Suicide is not any more tragic than other forms of death +CMV: Abortion should not be legal +CMV:Denying children vaccination is a form a child abuse and should be illegal. +CMV: Gender shouldn't matter when physically defending oneself. +CMV:I think the movie Interstellar would have been much better without a villain +CMV: 'Buzzfeed Feminism' does more harm to feminism than good. +CMV:Prostitution should NOT be legalized. +CMV: A standing army is necessary and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. +CMV: A vocalist is the key to a band's success and is therefore the most important member of a band +CMV: There are other forms of life in the universe besides human beings +"CMV: In Britain, where our healthcare is taxpayer funded, we should tax fast food at the rate tobacco is and regulate the amount of unhealthy food a person is able to buy." +CMV: I don't think Louis CK is all that special. +CMV:Police deserve as much respect as the military +"CMV: I'm convinced no one can be completely Athiest, because denying that there MIGHT be something out there is just as ignorant as a lot of Athiests claim religion is." +CMV: Students should have to wear uniforms +CMV: Homeschooling is in most cases a good idea +CMV:Every single thing a person does is for selfish reasons. +CMV: I think the 50 Shades of Grey novel/movie portrays an physical/emotional abuse that is passed off as a BDSM relationship. +CMV: I think the dark side is stronger than the light side. +CMV:I Believe the Legal Drinking Age Should Be Homogeneous Around the World +CMV: Honoring [living] American soldiers ignores the reality of war and glorifies the endless wars in which America engages. +CMV: Gun ownership as a fundamental right (details inside) +"CMV: Absolutism is the biggest hurtle in modern society, and at the root of nearly every single issue we face today. (Potentially edited for grammatical errors, content will remain the same)" +CMV: Violent video games don't directly correlate with violent aggression and behavior +CMV: The UN should move it's headquarters out of New York City +CMV: Increasing gun control is a bad idea +CMV: I think Racial Equality can be approximated by racial diversity in professional sports +"CMV: The ""New Atheism"" is a religious movement." +CMV:Toddlers in Tiaras should be banned +"CMV: A car, new or used, is the worst investment you can make." +CMV :The notion of pulling oneself up by the boot straps and the disdain towards minimum wage employees is very flawed. +CMV: I think foreskin is ugly. +CMV: It should be illegal to drive in the snow without 4WD and hold up traffic. +"CMV: I believe that athletes contribute nothing to society other than entertainment, and therefore should not be paid more than more useful professions." +CMV:I think that the Special K Plan is unhealthy. +"CMV: The ""Model Minority"" and ""Positive"" Asian Stereotypes are Dangerous and Racist" +CMV: Religion should not have any legal protection from the government beyond free speech. +CMV: Shock Collars should be banned worldwide as they are inhumane and barbaric. +CMV: Google is too big to fall +CMV: I don't believe that God exists +"CMV: Most PC Gamers (LOL, WOW, TF2, etc) will find any reason to complain like children, and it discourages new players from joining the ""PC Master Race""" +CMV: Parents Need to Limit the Video Games +CMV: Paralympic Games make no sense since abilities are on a continuum; it's just a big white lie +"CMV: Britney Spears is just as good as Johnny Cash or Bruce Springsteen and there is no ""objectively"" good music. To say otherwise is just a circlejerk." +CMV: America isn't institutionally racist but is rather recovering from a system that was. +CMV: Bill Nye should not be a respected as a leader of the scientific community +CMV: Men's sizing with clothing (32 = 32inch waist) is more practical and logical than women's (Size 12 = bigger than size 10) +CMV:I believe that GMO's should be labeled +"CMV: It should be referred to as ""Soccer"" and not ""Football""" +CMV: Am I a hypocrite for watching Fifty Shades? +"CMV: More Redditors should start using ""he or she"" and ""guy or gal"" instead of just ""he"" and ""guy"" when responding to and talking about other Redditors." +CMV: Libertarianism is actually a statist ideology +CMV: Capital Punishment should be abolished in the United States +"CMV: Some people in life, such as myself, are born to be losers with no motivation to do anything except the basics." +"CMV: Unless your country is on the brink of war or your job is political, you shouldn't post politics to Facebook." +CMV:College athletes should not be given scholarships just for being an athlete and should have to go through the same scholarship process as non-college athletes. +CMV: Redditors should boycott buying Gold until Reddit is able to utilize the money they've already collected to improve their servers +CMV: I don't think we should colonize Mars. +CMV: We have little idea the ratio of honest rape allegations to dishonest one and it's likely a moving ratio depending on the legal/cultural shifts of presumed honesty +"CMV: First Nations people are already given enough freebies in society, and should stop asking for further special treatment." +CMV: Parking/Speeding tickets are primarily for revenue generation. +CMV: Iran has the right to develop nuclear weapons to protect itself against US aggression. +CMV: I don't think that the unhealthy relationship depicted in Fifty Shades of Gray is a problem. +"CMV: Immigration control should be limited to keeping out violent criminals, only" +CMV: Bilingualism can solve aversion to diversity +"CMV: In Star Wars III, Palpatine intentionally ""loses"" to Mace Windu." +CMV:One-Day self defense classes do more harm than good. +CMV: Humans enslave dogs +CMV: Governments need to stop tracking down cartels and start rehabilitating addicts. +CMV: The 'T' in LGBT should separate and become their own community and political entity. +CMV: I believe that the past of the other partner is important in relationships +CMV: I believe humanity should be able to do all it can technologically to achieve the peaks of their mental and physical abilities (i.e. human augmentation). +"CMV: I believe my depression and anxiety will never go away, and I'll never be able to function. Please, please change my view." +"CMV: There is no need for me to update to the newer Skype, and that the older version is better" +CMV: Police revenue raising from fines is perfectly justifiable +"CMV: Power, Education (at all levels), Health care, Internet & phone service, housing and clothing should be provided by the state for free" +CMV: It's immoral for a company executive to earn more than $1 million a year. +CMV: Demisexuality is not a marginalized sexuality in the United States. +CMV: Gun laws should be made more strict +CMV: I believe that college athletes should be held to the same admissions criteria as all other students. +"CMV: If Marvel makes Captain America 3 faithful to the Civil War comics, the movie will ruin the MCU" +"CMV: The morality of homosexuality cannot be rooted in the ""it's not a choice"" argument." +CMV: Entertainment with widespread appeal necessarily forces consumers to compromise their enjoyment. +CMV: Division I athletes should be paid minimum wage +CMV society overreacts when a white person says the N word +CMV: Wealthy People (especially in America) are unfairly demonized by the general public. +CMV: I am struggling to accept evolution +"CMV: ""Planet"" should not be part of the Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit)." +"CMV Fudgie brownies are the only way to prepare them, and cake-y ones are disgusting" +CMV: I want to purchase a Gaming Laptop +CMV: Net neutrality is a partisan issue and republicans/conservatives are on the wrong side of history on this +CMV: Raising and then killing an animal for food when you have other food available is morally wrong +CMV: Religion is evil and causes more problems than it solves +"CMV: Scientology is not that bad, and is on par with any other religion more or less" +CMV: I am nervous about sleeping on my back. +"CMV: Mass immigration is great for the ""1%"" but has severely negative effects for the ""99%""" +CMV:I think pornography should be more heavily censored by government. +CMV: Late-term abortions that occur after 20 weeks are murder. +CMV: Jokes about and mockery of stereotypes is not racist/sexist/etc. +CMV: It is morally wrong for professors to teach with heavy bias in foundation/required courses +CMV: Twitter is nearly unreadable and people mostly only use it for posting +CMV: I see no reason to ban wearing of religious clothing in state (US public) schools. +"CMV: having a lot of money hardly translates into increased freedom, and often translates into increased liability" +CMV: I don't think choosing a gender has any merit. +CMV:I believe that students should not have to pay for tuition while they are in college. +CMV: There is not a universal right to unlimited medical care. +CMV:Having to buy reddit gold to see 100 subreddits on your front page instead of 50 is just as bad as on disc DLC +CMV: Most movies that last longer than two hours should provide an intermission. +CMV: It should be illegal for store credit to expire on a federal level. +CMV: Libertarianism Would Lead to a Happier More Equal and Prosperous Society +CMV: Accommodations offered on the basis of Religion discriminate against atheists. +"CMV: Transgender people should go by their sex rather than their ""gender""" +CMV: Noam Chomsky is as bad as the most slanted pundit on Fox News +"CMV: The famous punk rock acts (Sex Pistols, Ramones, etc.) from the 70s sound horrible." +CMV: The outrage people have when idiots vandalize things found in nature is a huge over-exaggeration. +CMV: The reduction of suffering is more important than the preservation of life. +CMV: The news should go back to covering suicides. +"CMV: There's no point in bothering with life, since we will all die." +"CMV: Americans, especially blacks, should leave the country more often" +"CMV: I don't think that Star Wars: Episodes I, II, and III are bad films like most Star Wars fans would have you believe." +"CMV: ""Black Face"" isn't Racist" +CMV: I think DUI checkpoints represent illegal searches without probable cause and should be banned. +CMV: US courts should use professional jurors and the selection process should be blind +CMV:Being LGBT is a mental disorder +"CMV: Anyone has opportunities to succeed, but some people have more opportunities than others." +"CMV: Religious tollerance is pointless, religions are not equal and have no place in modern society" +CMV: The anti-vaxxer movement is not 100% BS. +"CMV: The US has genuinely been attempting to improve the middle east, and the past 20 years have not been for profit" +Street preachers should be given ASBOs (anti- social behavioural orders) +CMV:The media turns us into what we consume +"CMV: graffiti vandals should be treated much more harshly and publicly shamed, and if minors their parents should be punished and fined heavily." +"CMV:BBC Radio 1 currently plays some of the most lyrically boring, vacuous music ever recorded... with one exception." +"CMV: Neil Degrasse Tyson isn't actually as pretentious or as annoying as everyone, all of the sudden, thinks. the internet is simply sick of him the same way they get sick of every person / trend / meme." +CMV: felony crimes should be revised +CMV: Imperialism is the best form of foreign policy +CMV: Irony and hypocrasy aren't relevant to the argument...any argument. +CMV: Prison should be abolished and replaced with mandatory rehab +CMV: I should spray pepper spray into my attic to get rid of (what I'm pretty sure are) squirrels. +"CMV: There is literally no reason for the distinction between ""AMA"" and ""AMAA""" +CMV: Schools should not sponsor after-school sports/activities +CMV: Sexual education should not be limited to safety. We should also be encouraging sexual experimentation and teaching how to improve one's own sex life. +CMV: Pokemon is a bad video game series. +CMV: I believe we should have a system where we pay people not to have kids. +"CMV: I believe stopping a fetus before it becomes a baby, is no morally different from never creating it in the first place." +CMV:Humanity will come to ruin before we colonize another planet. +"CMV: Although vaccines are demonstrably effective and safe, I don't believe we should mandate them for anyone, including public school children." +CMV: All drugs should be available through a user license. (Including alcohol & tobacco) +CMV: Any band that isn't a huge success would be wise to take any gig they can. +CMV: Reddit should allow users to hide their comment history from their profiles. +"CMV: Identifying as a ""Pansexual"" is more confusing than its worth, and makes Transgenders more outcast" +"CMV: Harry Potter's angst and moodiness in ""Order of the Phoenix"" was completely justified." +CMV: Windows 8 is not the right operating system for me +"CMV: Any attempt to re-balance wealth is futile, because even if you reset everyone to exactly $1, some would rise above the rest and eventually become billionaires again, and those billionaires would form corporations and wield superhuman economic and political power" +CMV: Optimism is Irrational and Childish +"CMV: Reddit picks on fat people because they are an easy scapegoat and socially acceptable target for hatred, not because of any legitimate concerns." +CMV: To be vegetarian and participate in modern agriculture is philosophically inconsistent. +"CMV: Countries that harbor ISIS and the Taliban should be given a timeline to deal with the problem themselves, or face severe military invasion." +CMV:I dont see the negative side to Euthansia +CMV: We should not have fixed-price fines for unlawful activity +CMV: r/SluttyStrangers is an unethical thread full of men betraying women. +CMV: Treating sex more seriously than violence in media makes sense. +CMV: Singing well is a skill that a substantial amount of people can't learn +CMV: People have a right not to choose get vaccinated and reddit's consistent attacks on the anti-vaccination movement are motivated by the insecurity of its users. +"CMV: 15-20 years in the future, approaching a women IRL to hit on her will be ""creepy"" and online dating will be the only acceptable way to date. This will lead to most men just hiring prostitutes as a substitute to real relationships and a population crash will happen" +"CMV: killing myself and donating my organs would be a heroic act, and useful to humanity" +"CMV: There is an effective cure for all types of cancer, but the government and health care systems do not use this on the general public." +"CMV: Wine glasses are impractical, inconvenient, and should not be used for the purposes of drinking when more convenient glasses/cups are available." +CMV: Romantic love isn't a risk worth taking +CMV: I think incest (and incestuous marriage) between consenting adults should be legal. +CMV: Fireworks should be socially unacceptable +"CMV: Being ""fair and balanced"" isn't necessary--especially when one of the sides is in direct conflict with actual scientific fact." +CMV: Pro-life activists/advocates should all sign up to become caretakers/foster parents to the fetuses they fight so hard to protect. Not doing so makes the whole movement the epiphany of hypocrisy. +CMV: It is unfair to say that playing video games is a waste of time if you spend a similar amount of time watching television. +"CMV: I believe it is irresponsibly anti-science to claim that a breed of dog (ie: Pit Bull) can't be genetically predisposed to violent behavior, and it should be treated the same as owning a large exotic predatory cat (Tiger, Leopard, etc)." +CMV: I don't see marriage or having children as anything but an end to my life as an individual. +CMV: I don't know why it's a bad thing if the demographics of occupational categories don't match the demographics of the wider population. +CMV: It shouldn't be necessary for anybody to come out +CMV: Marshawn Lynch should be fined +CMV: Science is dead +CMV: I think most liberals are fascists. +"CMV: anti-vaccine parents whose children infect a child that relies on herd-immunity with a preventable illness, should be charged with negligence or a similar charge." +CMV: I hate concert dance and dancers +"CMV: As far as I'm concerned, the QB GOAT question was answered last night. Tom Brady is the undisputed GOAT." +CMV: Demographics Favor Women in Dating +"CMV: Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children should be treated the same as sex offenders, in that they should be barred from public areas containing at-risk members of the population, and required to obtain written consent of those who live in an area before being allowed to move in." +CMV: I believe that a person who has not tried drugs (including alcohol) at least once is a person who is significantly missing out on a fundamental human experience. This is barring medical issues (including a family history of addiction) +CMV: Life would be better if you could just ignore politics etc. +CMV: I don't believe that identifying as a gender actually makes you that gender +CMV: I believe volunteering is wrong for our economy and fills in jobs that should be paid. +"CMV:RationalWiki is just as bad as Conservapedia, and both are bad for society as a whole" +CMV: Most of the issues in American politics should be taken care of by the states instead of the federal government. +"CMV: Coffee should be default to black, not cream and sugar." +CMV:I think Google is the most powerful company in the world. +CMV: People who claim to support a cause but not nonviolent civil disobedience in support of that cause are more harmful to social progress than people on the opposite side of the cause +CMV:Selling is the most useful life skill anyone could have +CMV: Those cruel ASPCA commercials do more harm than good to their cause +"CMV: If you live in a developed country, you are directly responsible for no more than 1/5th of the wealth you make. The rest is benefit from your society." +CMV: Artificial Intellegence +"CMV: It's no longer reasonable to expect to raise a family on a single blue collar wage due to all the monthly billed, modern ""necessities"" we have compared to decades past" +"CMV: parental rights shouldn't exist. raising your own biological children should be viewed as a privilege and if there's a conflict about what's best for a child it should always be left up to who ever is most qualified to judge, never the parent." +CMV: I believe in the right to bear arms.(long post Google stuff yourself before asking for citations) +CMV: Vaccines should be mandatory +CMV: Consciousness is eternal. Every conscious being will become a god of their universe. +"CMV: In peacetime, the military should be used as a government workforce [read details]" +CMV: The only true way to break the cycle of poverty and crime in the black community is to equally fund all public schools +CMV: I feel like transwomen demand too much of others by expecting us to accept them as being the same as cis women. +"CMV: The US cannot, and should not, tax corporate income made and kept overseas" +CMV: We shouldn't respect old people based on age +CMV: It was reckless & irresponsible of Kenji Goto to go to the middle east +CMV: I believe Abortion is Wrong +[Mod Post] Genderless January Feedback +CMV: A world in which meat from animals is not consumed would feel cold and lifeless to me. +"CMV: I have a particular view of what constitutes a sport. Based on that view, ""e-sports"" are not sports." +"CMV: If your knowledge or past experiences make you weary of certain demographical groups, it is not a bad/biased discrimination (e.g. racism)." +CMV: I don't think being a bandwagon fan is as bad as people make it out to be. +"CMV: Watches today serve no functional purpose other than fashion, and therefore are a waste of money" +CMV: Artificial Intelligence wont be a problem. +CMV: Young Earth Creationists and Atheists who argue about the Bible's validity based on the science found in the Bible are both wrong. +CMV: Online petitions are useless +CMV: Super Mario Bros 3 is better than Super Mario World. I cannot see why SMW is loved so much more. +"CMV: Saying ""the N word"" when talking about the word itself or its past or recent use is silly" +CMV: The Columbine massacre was a good thing. +CMV: I think cops should periodically have to take some sort of assessment to prove they are fit enough to adequately do their job. +CMV:The United States should embargo Japan for its inhumane whaling program +"CMV: The 2016 Republican Nominee will have the EXACT same policy/personal positions as the 2012, 2008 nominees. And will lose." +CMV: Double-clicking a word in Windows selects it...AND selects the space behind it.The latter should not be the case. +CMV: College sports are over-idolized in American society +"CMV: I don't need health insurance, and will pay the tax penalty rather than enroll in my employer's plan" +CMV: I feel like a piece of shit for asking for cheaper or free healthcare. +CMV: The Holocaust is not a unique genocide (when compared to other genocides). +CMV:Heterosexual men and gay men have very distinct behavioral/thought patterns.... +CMV- The best way to help the longevity of the Rhino/Elephant is to farm them. +CMV: I don't think the PEGIDA movement is harmful to Europe/Germany +CMV: French food is overrated and I find it uninspiring +CMV: I don't think there's a difference between casting a blank vote and not voting at all. +"CMV: I don't give a shit how people use the words ""literally"" or ""OCD"" and redditors are just being whiny" +CMV:ESPN has avoided harsh criticism of Marshawn Lynch's refusal to cooperate with NFL policies relating to availability to the media is out of fear of being called racist. +"CMV: Parents should explain sex and sexuality to children as young as possible, to prevent child molestation and early pregnancy." +CMV: There is nothing wrong with the use of trigger warnings. +CMV:I think the effort needed for geting and maintaning a relationship far outweigh the benefits +"CMV: ""Healthy"" is a borderline meaningless term nowadays and some's obsession with ""healthy"" eating is quite frankly stupid. Exercise is far more important for general health than food." +CMV: Reddit's reaction and comments about ISIS members are counter-productive and stoop to low levels. +CMV: Future government structures need to include scientists who are not voted in by the general populace +CMV: I am a health care worker in direct contact with immunocompromised patients. I don't believe there is enough evidence to support the efficacy of influenza vaccination and choose not to be vaccinated. +"CMV: Afrocentric beliefs, or any other racial equivalent is somewhat irrational" +"CMV: The first objective of a Police officer should be to save lives, not go after criminals." +CMV: Eateries where everything is take away should call out numbers rather than names. +"CMV: Police Unions and Sheriff Associations asking Waze (Google) to remove the Police Tracking/Tagging App has NOTHING to do with officer safety and has everything to do with revenues, ability to give out tickets, and so on." +"CMV: I believe that we will experience full scale financial, commercial, social and cultural collapse in the west within the next decade" +"CMV: Giving beggars or people on the street money is wrong, rather give it to helping institutions." +CMV:I believe that america is a two party dictatorship +CMV: I should not be prosecuted if I join another country's army. +CMV: there is no scientific consensus as to what the consequences of Global Climate change will be. +CMV: Professional athletes should do their job and shut up. +CMV: There's no good reason we can't find or create jobs to combat unemployment +CMV: I believe the theory of Evolution is false. +CMV:Bill Nye is not a scientist +CMV: Parents who dictate that their (adult) kids can't sleep with their partner while under their roof are ridiculous +CMV:being easily offended and getting angry about it is online harassment and should be illegal. +CMV:I believe my odds at success in online dating are so slim that it's pointless to even try +CMV: I think affirmative action is needed until true racial inequality is achieved. +CMV: I should own my body and have a constitutional right which allows me to do anything I want to with my body (including doing drugs) +"CMV: LGBT-only schools are not a step in the right direction; they will not help tackle discrimination, only create a sense of ""otherness""" +"CMV: Rubber bullets are a good thing, and are underutilized in law enforcement and in society in general." +CMV: The majority of the world's international issues could be curbed or solved by population control. +CMV: 'American' is valid as a ethnicity. +CMV: Scientists' explanations of the origin of the universe are no more legitimate than intelligent design. +CMV: Drunk Driving is a victimless 'crime' and should be completely legal. +"CMV: The Media should not be allowed to report on a trial, until the verdict." +"CMV: Trying to help society/humanity is a fool's errand, it's better to try and help yourself or those who are close to you." +CMV:Private Prisons in the UK are a good idea. +CMV:Mainstream video games are largely unimaginative and uninteresting +CMV: War is obsolete. +CMV: We have run out of grave government-sanctioned injustices to protest against in the U.S. +"CMV: Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the NFL, should be fired." +CMV: Why spend money on space exploration when we have so many other issues on Earth? +CMV: An argument based on semantics is almost always a bad argument. +CMV: I believe that the United States is the sole root reason that the world is as well off as it is today. +"CMV: Institutions of learning, especially colleges, should not hire educators that have accents that make it hard to understand them." +"CMV: ""The Hunger Games"" as a story is completely unbelievable" +CMV: An entire people can never justifiably be punished for crimes committed by their government +CMV: I think PETA is doing the right thing euthanizing strays. +CMV: Capitalism is the single greatest thing to have ever happened in the history of humanity +CMV: I think that the 2 party system in the United States has been largely beneficial to its growth and sustained success. Change my View +CMV: Money is a bad joke people use to hurt each other +CMV: Capitalism is cannibalistic +CMV: I think that states should be allowed to tax goods that are manufactured from other states within the US +CMV: Everyone who can be homeless should be homeless. +"CMV:I believe the book ""How to Analyze People on Sight"" is factually true" +CMV: Legalizing Marijuana Will Not Help the Economy +CMV: Reddit's circlejerk for rare/medium-rare steak is just people making themselves feel better and has nothing do with quality meat or actual taste of the cut +CMV: We should not encourage people to major in liberal arts. +CMV: The USA spends a ridiculous amount of money on our military. +"CMV: No major legislation/reforms in the US will be pass in the next 50+ years and we are going to enter a very long period of ""stagnation""" +CMV: Believing that all religions are equal is illogical and simply PC +CMV: I don't think everybody should be able to vote in the US without earning it first +"CMV: The proposed ""Paycheck Fairness Act"" is bad idea because it imposes ridiculous subjective rules on managers." +CMV: People who order well-done steaks should rather eat chicken. +CMV: The USA should offer totally free Government-subsidized college tuition for all who qualify for college admission (Community or University degrees) +"CMV: The coming complete automation of unskilled labor in the next 10 years, capitalism, and bell curve intelligence are a completely incompatible combination." +"CMV: Child Protective Services (CPS), while a good concept, is virtually useless in practice" +CMV: Mark Wahlberg doesn't deserve a pardon. +CMV: It's no coincidence that states that vote Republican are objectively worse off... +"CMV: The NFA should be almost entirely stripped, the machine gun registry reopened, and suppressors removed from it." +CMV: The Japanese government should NOT pay $200 million ransom for two of its citizens currently held hostage by ISIS +CMV: LSD and psilocybin should be legal as prescription medicine after further research +"CMV: Michael Moore and Seth Rogan's criticisms of the film""American Sniper"" are valid and the glorification of war is wrong." +"CMV: If the Jenny and Carly story is fake, it should be praised for reinveting mystification, not condemned as deception" +"CMV:Medical Discoveries Shouldn't Be Allowed To Be 100% Monopolized Via Copyright, But Instead Should Reward the Corporation that Makes The Discovery/Patent With a 20% Royalty On Products/Treatments Sold Within That Patent." +"CMV: In a couple, I think cunnilingus is more intimate and more bonding than fellatio" +CMV: I think that Assassin's Creed games are objectively bad games. +"CMV: Holidays should not be named after people, but after the virtue(s) that they represented." +"CMV: Poland should be a neutral state, leave EU and NATO, improve relationship with Russia, but not join Eurasian Union" +CMV: It is rude to link to LMGTFY. +CMV: From small government libertarians and liberal environmentalists should agree on carbon trading/cap&trade as the best available solution for our environmental problems and it should be expanded beyond just carbon. +CMV: An american style culture of dating makes it harder for men and women to be friends. +"CMV: I believe that Palestinians have every right to take up arms against Israel, because their human rights are being violated." +CMV: The ongoing TIFU about infidelity should never have been posted and redditors should now downvote it. +"CMV: That Technology will, in the near future, eliminate capitalism and create a more communistic society" +CMV: We will never travel space in any meaningful way because we'll use up all of our resources long before that +"CMV: There should be a significant change in the way math is taught in school because 80% of our time is spent learning how to do computation, and computers make that obsolete." +"CMV: I'm not afraid of the government invading my privacy, I'm afraid of the public invading my privacy." +"CMV: I have no desire to drink alcohol or partake in its associated culture, even at legal age." +"CMV: CGI in movies is not necessarily a bad thing, and the general dislike for it by many Redditors is silly." +CMV:Eating animals is morally wrong. +CMV: I believe that mainstream Christianity is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus as presented in the bible. +CMV: People who advocate against guns for self defense should at least suggest non-lethal alternatives. +CMV: I don't think extroversion and introversion are accurate representations of human behavior. +"CMV: Had planes never been invented, the world would be a better and safer place in terms of transportation" +CMV: Abortion should be mandatory if a fetus is found to have a handicap +CMV: The people behind Charlie Hebdo kinda deserved it +CMV: The concept of the existence of the supernatural does not necessarily contradict itself. +"CMV: Racism is clearly wrong, but criticism of culture is not wrong if done thoughtfully and in good faith. It should not be equated with racism, and does not make one an asshole." +CMV. Some lives are worth more than others. +CMV: I should quit my job to start a business +CMV:As a minority why should I care about minority representation in media? +CMV: World War II Was/Will Be a Good Thing Overall +CMV: Nobody can earn a billion dollars +CMV: Overpopulation is a serious problem and people have yet to have families should think about having smaller families. +CMV: Living with your significant other is not a good idea. +CMV: Aqua Man's use of his powers are incredibly unethical. +CMV: I should be working 4 days a week +CMV: science should stop trying to push human life expectancy further +CMV: Making a hypothesis before conducting a science experiment does more harm than good (creates potential bias to change the result or the original hypothesis) +CMV: Wickard vs. Filburn was an incorrect decision and overturning it is possible without drastic ill effects. +"CMV - I think defending Charlie Hebdo, and especially posting vile portraits of the Muslim prophet, is tantamount to defending Bill Cosby's rape joke." +CMV: I support the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). +CMV: There's no wrong way to eat a Reece's +CMV: Rubio's plan to expand the EITC is nothing more than a handout to the business community. +"CMV:I think that all those ideas that are worth the ""free speech protection"" should be consequence free." +"CMV: College applicants should have a limit to the amount of schools they can apply to, and the application fee should be omitted" +CMV: Over-moderation of online forums is a lot worse than under-moderation +CMV: Nintendo is a badly managed company +"CMV: ""white guilt"" is not real." +"CMV: It should not be a considered rude if someone younger than you does not call you ""Mr"", ""Mrs"", ""Dr"", etc." +CMV:Using crazy parts of the Bible as an argument as to why it bad is a bad argument +CMV: There exists no better form of tea than Indian-style masala chai. +CMV: Talent isn't needed to excel at something +"CMV : When someone is attacked by any means, the attacked will decided the mode of retaliation." +"CMV: The United States Postal Service is amazing and should be expanding and becoming more customer oriented, not shrinking right now." +CMV: The word 'Retard' (when used properly) is not a slur. This is about language. +CMV: A human society is a collective organism. +"CMV: Making Third Reich Jokes or Casually Using Master Race Like in, ""PCMasterRace"" Trivializes The Topic." +CMV: A manned Mars mission is a waste of resources and hinders space exploration by sucking funds away from actually productive missions. +CMV: People who support causes only after it personal affects them are less altruistic than those who support causes that they have no relation to +CMV: Teachers Should be Allowed to Search Student Property +"CMV: Believing ""perfect is the enemy of the good"" does more harm than good." +CMV: I believe it's wrong to ask someone out if looks/sexual attraction play a bigger role than personality in your desire to date that person. +"CMV:(R) or (D) should not be included anywhere on ballots of any kind. Be it initiatives, local or state government elections, or presidential elections." +"CMV: Arguing ""If it offends you, don't look at it"" isn't any different to ""if racism offends you, don't listen to the people being racist.""" +"CMV: There is no benefit to being an at-will, salaried full time employee." +CMV: Spirituality is pointless +CMV: Pepsi is the inferior soda. +CMV:I believe that people in the southern states are less tolerant than people in the north +CMV: It is offensive to be awarding people for acting disabled. +CMV: There is currently no humane form of capital punishment. +CMV: A National ID Card is a Good Idea +CMV: trickle down economics are an inferior economic model +"CMV: A person's citizenship should never be revoked, even if they travel to war zones like Syria." +CMV: Muslim terrorists are a product of Western society +CMV: Multiculturalism is slowly destroying European cultures +CMV: Knowledge about the size and scope of the universe does not make me feel small and insignificant nor do i think it should. +"CMV: Appointing Ted Cruz as the chairman of the Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness is like appointing Kim Kardashian to chair the Itty Bitty Titty Committee." +"CMV: I believe once a felon has been convicted and served their time, the only restrictions that should be placed on them in later life are ones which prevent them from re-offending in the same way." +"CMV: ""Defending freedom of expression in the face of oppression is one thing; insisting on the right to be obnoxious and offensive just because you can is infantile.""" +CMV: Disapproving of a particular religion doesn't necessarily make you a bigot. +CMV: Charlie Hebdo killing is bad but isn't there hypocrisy by some people? +CMV: It is impossible for any human act to be completely unselfish +"CMV: If religious people truly believed in heaven, they would be happy that they're dying" +CMV: Conscription is practically enslaving your own people +"CMV: If I was about to be put to death by firing squad or some other form of execution I wouldn't just stand there and take it, I would find a way to fight back" +"CMV: We should mourn those killed in France, but should not be so eager to support Charlie Hebdo" +CMV: It would be better when speaking of human races to drop the term 'race' altogether and speak of 'ethnic groups'. +"CMV: The ""race card"" (or religion card in light of recent events) is overplayed." +CMV:It is better to live forever than to be mortal. +"CMV: Inspired by the recent Harry Potter post. I believe that the Harry Potter films are examples of a bad adaptation, and that Harry Potter would have been better served adapted into a TV series." +CMV: The term 'African-American' is out of date and it makes more sense to identify simply as 'American'. +CMV: I dont think we'll ever find a cure for cancer +"CMV: I feel people should be given the choice to participate in scientific studies that would normally be considered ""not ready for human trials"" for scientific research." +CMV:Seinfeld is not a show about nothing. +CMV: You could read and recall every book that has ever been written and still not be considered intelligent. +CMV: Kinetic weapons will never become obsolete. +CMV: The UK must abolish the Monarchy. +"CMV: People who try to differentiate weeaboo, otaku, japanophile, etc. are insecure about their hobby." +CMV: Let's talk about the value of a human life please. +CMV: TellTale as a company is harmful for the gaming industry. +"CMV: I believe that a driver causing the total loss of another's vehicle should be liable for the entire loan balance or the entire value, whichever is greater." +CMV: it is the duty of privileged people to take advantage of their opportunities. +"CMV: In the Cold War between The US and The Soviet Union, the United States were the good guys." +CMV: Saying the game isn't worth paying for isn't an excuse for pirating videogames +CMV: The pharmaceutical industry should be subject to the Hippocratic oath. +CMV: The pledge of allegiance should be removed from public schools in the US because it violates both freedom *of* and freedom *from* religion. +CMV:I see no reason to be moral +"CMV: Drug tests for jobs aren't about the drugs, they're about weeding out the losers. For the most part, anyhow." +CMV: Pugs +CMV: Drawing images of Mohammed and posting them on Reddit (or proliferating them anywhere) is unethical. +CMV: The rate at which one's income is taxed should be based upon average hourly income rather than annual income +"CMV: Charlie Hebdo is a morally-repulsive, fundamentally racist paper that preys on middle class fear in France (and now abroad), and does not deserve the outpouring of support it is receiving." +CMV: Freedom of Speech is not a sacrosanct right and should be appropriately limited. +CMV: A normal drawing of Muhammad should not be offensive to Muslims +CMV: School hours should be 9am to 5pm to match office hours in order to facilitate working parents. +CMV: Dynastic Wealth Should Not Be Allowed +"CMV: Cars are a bad idea. like oil, we should move away from them." +"CMV: In heaven, as long as an individual has free will and eternal life, they will sin an infinite number of times."