diff --git "a/quiet-ml/1/answer.csv" "b/quiet-ml/1/answer.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/quiet-ml/1/answer.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,3192 @@ +title,title_change_opinion +CMV:Essential Oils are bullshit,True +CMV: I think the Paris shooting makes a good case for culture of responsible gun ownership any carrying.,True +CMV: Philosophy has no tangible value as an academic field of study.,True +CMV: Freedom of speech is being taken too far,True +CMV: Eugenics isn't all that bad... And we don't even have to kill anyone for it,True +"CMV: Irony aside, most people that post in CMV are uneducated, and changing their view on one point won't solve this overall problem",True +CMV: Driving a car is insanely risky and probably the most dangerous thing you do in your everyday life.,True +"CMV: Assuming there is no afterlife, then life is ultimately meaningless and pointless because we die.",True +CMV: I believe you have three choices once you discover the suffering animals endure in the meat industry...,True +CMV: Humans are going to die out because of an economic collapse,True +CMV: Veganism and vegetarianism are not the best way to improve farm animal welfare,True +CMV The EGG came first before the chicken.,True +CMV:Patriotism is the belief that being born on one side of a line makes you better.,True +CMV: I believe that regularly browsing 4chan will make you into a worse person,True +CMV: The 99% was people realising they do not matter.,True +CMV: i have a hard time feeling sympathetic towards ebola aid workers (and feel bad about it),True +CMV: Why America isnt a scary place to move to,True +"CMV: Colonel Quaritch from ""Avatar"" was right.",True +"CMV: Food is close to inedible when the expiration date printed on the container is near, within a couple of days.",True +CMV: Playing Smash Bros. with items turned off is lame.,True +"CMV: The term ""steep learning curve"" is used incorrectly what people really mean is ""shallow learning curve""",True +"CMV: Nobody who works in a cubicle or other job where you rarely interact with anyone other than your co-workers should have any dress code beyond ""cover your naughty bits"" and ""don't wear offensive stuff""",True +CMV: A teenager can be just as intelligent as an adult (on certain topics) because age and experience don't equal intelligence.,True +"CMV: Gun violence, education reform, concussions in American football, the European far right, and the Israel-Palestine conflict cannot be resolved without fixing economic inequality.",True +CMV: Attempting to convert people to your religion (or lack of) is a MORAL thing to do.,True +CMV: Insults such as 'You're gay' are not an affront to gay people,True +CMV: Women who are anti-feminism do not have internalized misogyny.,True +"CMV: If you pay a flat fee for Internet, it is a nice and acceptable thing to leave an unsecured WiFi network for neighbors and travelers.",True +CMV: There is No Free Will,True +CMV: There is no sound biblical argument that makes being trans-gender morally wrong.,True +"CMV: Physical media such as DVDs, blu-rays, and music CDs are pointless to purchase, because they will be obsolete within 10 years",True +"CMV: Timed essays like the SAT don't properly measure one's writing skills, nor their critical thinking skills.",True +CMV: The most financially successful film released in 2014 was likely Planes: Fire and Rescue,True +CMV: Serial killers cannot be rehabilitated.,True +"CMV: Men should either be able to waive their financial obligations to their child, or they should have abortion rights.",True +CMV- Mentally handicapped people should be held to more or less the same standard as neurotypical employees when working at their job.,True +"CMV : In most cases, the pirates that only download but do not upload copyrighted content are causing no loss to the copyright holder.",True +"CMV: Instead of ""bands"" for income tax there should be a continuous formula for tax rates",True +CMV: I think we should get rid of random drug testing from schools.,True +CMV: Female-only gyms and women's shelters are not discriminatory… or are they?,True +CMV - Mobile websites are a relic of the early mobile internet era and are inferior to actual websites when using your smartphone.,True +CMV: Any given aspect of the legal system should be short and simple enough that an average high school graduate could fully memorize it,True +CMV: The theatrical cuts of Lord of the Rings are superior to the extended cuts and should be considered the definitive versions.,True +"CMV: People who cheat on their spouses can and should, in some cases, be forgiven",True +CMV: Otherkin are delusional and should be treated as such,True +CMV: Swimming is the best form of exercise,True +"CMV: Everything you can get from a closed relationship, you can get from an open one, and more. The demands of a closed relationship are unrealistic and hard to live up to. Monogamy should be a rare relationship type for hardcore exclusivity fetishists; open should be the normal default.",True +CMV: Surplus Value Theorem is definitive proof that capitalism is an inefficient system.,True +CMV: The highest form of relationship between men and women doomed to be romance,True +CMV Me joining the army is not a waste of time nor does it conflict with my personality,True +CMV: The Call of Duty franchise is extremely overrated and overhyped.,True +CMV: Posting nude pictures online is caused by a need for attention and not empowering,True +CMV: I think being overtly paranoid about marketing and subtle ads is fucking stupid.,True +"CMV: Networking for jobs behaves as a discriminatory mechanism to keep money & good jobs inside a particular social circle, & should be discouraged or eliminated as a criterion for employment.",True +CMV: I believe the Brave Little Toaster is an incredibly underrated movie,True +CMV: Progress in automation will eventually lead to a full fledge genocide on the majority of the population.,True +CMV: The global dominance of the abrahamic faiths is largely an accident of geography,True +CMV: People over the retirement age (62) should not be allowed to participate in politics.,True +CMV: Nativity scenes are antisemitic.,True +"CMV: Most democracies are far too tolerant of extremism, especially the likes of neo-fascism, neo-nazism, radical Islamism and violent intolerance. The world has been to soft on these ideologies and they need to be eliminated whenever they appear.",True +CMV: America is not a democracy,True +"CMV: I think the board game ""Monopoly"" is poorly designed",True +CMV: If a child struggles to achieve in grade school it is virtually always the parents' fault.,True +"CMV: If a lawsuit is found to be frivolous, criminal charges should be filed against the plaintiff.",True +CMV: Pet rehoming fees are not good for animals.,True +"CMV: Can someone have multiple genders, or no gender at all?",True +"CMV: Jurors should be paid at least minimum wage, and reimbursed fairly for expenses when serving on a jury.",True +CMV: The NYPD officers who turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio should be fired,True +CMV: THe Flash (Wally West) could beat just about any superhero in a fight,True +CMV: Prison is over-sentenced in the U.S. and should almost never be advised for Nonviolent Offenders.,True +CMV: I don't have a problem with the U.S. torturing people.,True +"CMV: The 'songs' that run throughout Tolkien's ""The Hobbit"" are pretty awful, and the book would be better with the poetry removed.",True +"CMV: I believe that it would be possible, in principle, to survive the heat death of the universe.",True +CMV: TES is a fun series but getting really into the lore won't enhance my experience.,True +CMV: Going to the dentist every 6 months is a waste of NHS money if there is nothing to worry about,True +CMV: Medicine should not be advertised on TV,True +CMV: I believe that the Gay Marriage discussion isn't as important as the media portrays it to be,True +"CMV: Having bought a game on one platform, it's okay to pirate the same game on another platform.",True +"CMV: The movie ""The Interview"" is an example of cyber-bullying, and making Kim Jong Un mad will do no good.",True +CMV:Rapping is considerably easier than singing or playing a musical instrument.,True +CMV: Socialism allows freeloading for the lazy,True +"CMV: Hiphop culture was born at the cross roads of racism, poverty, and the American Dream, and deserves more credit",True +"CMV: The residing powers in the U.S. do not want to support their veterans, as veterans, aside from militia, would be the best-trained in military-grade weaponry to support a fomenting revolution.",True +CMV: /r/ShitRedditSays is a good thing,True +CMV: Reddit has become heavily censored and is no longer a bastion for free speech and expression.,True +CMV: Decreasing birth rates is Western nations' biggest problem.,True +CMV: A 20 year prison sentence is just as bad as a life sentence,True +CMV: Movie culture is overrated because it is neither diverse nor creative.,True +"CMV: I think recording concerts on your phone or Ipad is stupid, inconvenient, and a waste of time. Pictures? Sure, but because they only take a second.",True +CMV: Children shouldn't be given hyphenate names combining their parents last names.,True +"CMV: ""Classic"" actors in older movies were absolutely terrible at their art.",True +CMV: It's wrong to lose weight/gain weight to fit someone you like's view of you.,True +CMV: I wish I was never born.,True +CMV: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a crappy rights document.,True +"CMV:Testing is NOT and adequate gage of intellectual abilities, no matter the subject.",True +"CMV: I believe the newly appointed Surgeon General should focus on more important health issues than gun violence if he actually desires to make American's live healthier, longer lives.",True +"CMV: I'm a cynic and there is no hope for mankind, and we deserve it",True +CMV: The NFL Should Change It's Playoff Format,True +CMV: Native Indian and Native American are equally disrespectful,True +CMV:I believe all relationships - platonic and romantic - should be openly transactional. CMV.,True +"CMV: I see nothing wrong with ""swear words,"" even if said by children.",True +"CMV: I believe that Feminism has driven men away, and that men have every right to dislike the movement.",True +CMV: That pre-orders and season passes are leading to poorer quality games,True +"CMV: I believe US politics will shift largely to the left in upcoming decades, mainly due to baby boomers.",True +CMV: Intelligence is fixed at birth and there is no point in studying hard in high school to get good grades,True +CMV: Retail and food service employees complain too much on reddit about jobs that aren't that hard.,True +CMV: I do not vote,True +"CMV: In university, developing social skills and networking is more important than the actual course material",True +CMV: Hard work doesn't matter,True +"CMV: Being an average person is not the same as being a good person, and good people don't commit atrocities.",True +CMV: Buying / breeding pedigree dogs is antiquated and harmful.,True +CMV: I believe that it's time for a Presidential Committee for the US.,True +CMV: It should be illegal for an institution (i.e. an employer or school) to require a doctor's note for short-term absence.,True +CMV: People who back their car into parking spaces (so the front is facing out) waste their own time and the time of anyone trying to get around them. It is an unfathomable stupid act.,True +CMV: The fact my friend got cuddled while he was asleep (without his direct consent) is not a big deal.,True +CMV: I believe that it's weird and not possible to be strictly platonic with an ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend.,True +"CMV: The vast majority of proposed police reform, this sub reddit included would not result in a net positive for effective justice, only nuanced situational justice.",True +"CMV: If you knowingly wrongly accuse someone of a crime, you should be exposed to the same minimum and maximum sentence the accused would have been exposed to.",True +CMV: I don't see how the James Bond movies are sexist,True +CMV: The gambling age should be 16. (U.S.A.),True +CMV: A direct online democracy where people vote on issues instead of candidates would be better than always having to vote for the less bad of 2 candidates.,True +CMV: The latest incident in the Cosby rape case is dangerous for all men,True +"CMV: Whenever a violent criminal (burglar, thief, murderer) dies, even if the circumstances surrounding his death are shady (police brutality, vigilantism, etcetera), society didn't lose anything of value and might have even gained from the event.",True +"CMV: I think Microsoft's hybrid approach (Surface Pro 3) will win over Apple's ""one device per need"" (e.g. iPad+MacBook Air or Pro) approach.",True +CMV: Selling surplus military equipment to local police forces is not a problem.,True +CMV: Fine Arts credits should not be required to graduate high school.,True +CMV: It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself.,True +"CMV:Being gay is closely related to, if not the same as being a pedophile.",True +"CMV: With Better Marketing, The Chevy Volt Would be the Most Popular Car in America",True +CMV: Refusing to presumptively believe an accuser of rape (or any other crime) is a) NOT equivalent to presumptively disbelieving her and b) the proper course to take in the absence of further evidence.,True +CMV: No One Should Feel Offended by Christmas,True +CMV: Insulting someone when I was offering hugs,True +CMV: Power doesn't corrupt people.,True +"CMV: With the emergence of the Internet, self-learning is much more superior than traditional school.",True +"CMV: I believe the US party system has devolved into an ""us vs them"" mentality between the two major parties and prohibits any progress from being made in society.",True +CMV: The ruling in Citizens United is preferable to the alternative.,True +CMV: There's no such things as paranormal creatures or events or intelligent life (at least close to Earth) thus we're essentially alone in the universe.,True +CMV: Social Sciences are not (very) Empirical,True +"CMV: I find John Green's books mildly pretentious, repetitive, and not necessarily worth the amount of recognition they get.",True +CMV: Aang is to blame for the failure of the Day of Black Son invasion,True +"CMV: In the phrase ""White Privilege"" and other, similar phrases and contexts, the word ""Privilege"" is generally incorrect, and should be replaced.",True +CMV: It is not immoral to be ''the other person'' with whom somebody in a relationship cheats.,True +CMV: Reddit should ban subreddits and users that promote hate speech.,True +CMV: Artists like Taylor Swift and One Direction who produce catchy songs with superficial lyrics are unoriginal.,True +"CMV: As nobody who frequently visits my house has a peanut allergy, it is not my responsibility to avoid cross-contaminating foods.",True +CMV: No lawful profession is morally wrong.,True +CMV: I believe civilians should be allowed to resist arrest,True +CMV: This is the Final Holiday Season for Sears,True +CMV: The United States has a weird legal system that does not contribute to and actively works against determining the guilt or innocence of a person.,True +CMV: I think it makes sense to believe in microevolution and not macroevolution.,True +CMV:You shouldn't tell someone they are beautiful when they clearly are not.,True +CMV: Sizeism isn't a thing. You are just fat and need to go to the gym.,True +CMV: It is in the best interest of internet feminists to make fake accounts to threaten people like Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian,True +"CMV: The song ""baby it's cold outside"" is about rape",True +CMV: America should get rid of the Grand Jury system,True +CMV: Glorifying Plus-Sized Anything is Wrong.,True +"CMV:I think that it doesn't matter whether you graduate top of your class, or bottom, so long as you graduate.",True +CMV: It is hypocritical to be both pro-gun and staunchly pro-life.,True +"CMV: The ""anti-vaxxer"" circlejerk is one of the most obnoxious and overblown on Reddit.",True +CMV: I am going to happily marry a man 20 years older than me and I know it will last.,True +"CMV: When trying to understand behavior, it's always preferable to look for an explanation other than 'laziness'",True +CMV: Eating dogs and cats is completely acceptable,True +"CMV: I think Shia Labouf's claim of ""rape"" is offensive to rape victims everywhere",True +"CMV:Actually identifying oneself with any other ""social group"" than ""humanity"" eventually leads to negative feelings towards other social groups, and even hate.",True +CMV: College history courses have no place as a required course in most major curriculum.,True +CMV: Financed ownership and tenancy are virtually the same.,True +"CMV: I have no responsibility to ""do anything"" or ""say anything"" in response to the Ferguson controversy.",True +"CMV: I believe that referring, in a single work, to centuries as both the ""1800s"" and the ""19th Century"" is confusing and should be discouraged.",True +"CMV: If I amass considerable wealth during my lifetime, I don't believe in leaving anything to my descendants.",True +CMV: Knowledge is impossible,True +CMV:Practicing absolute pacifism is immoral,True +CMV: Declawing a house cat is not inhumane.,True +CMV: Think that the Ferguson jury made the right call based on the evidence provided.,True +"CMV: The AR15 style rifle has little purpose for the average American, other than for fun.",True +CMV: I believe that a man's medical insurance should cover Plan B/birth control/abortion.,True +"CMV: Using italics in an internet discussion forum signals condescension, and is a really rude way to reply to someone",True +"CMV:I don't think it matters whether the Grand Jury thinks Darren Wilson is guilty, he should have been indicted anyway.",True +"CMV: The ""Harry Potter"" books make absolutely no sense if we are supposed to believe that the magic world where they are set exists within our own, real world.",True +CMV: I think police trying to suppress evidence of their misconduct should be executed or sentenced to life without parole.,True +"CMV: If all a modern art piece does is make you question whether it's art, it's terrible.",True +CMV: I think anger and rage is a character flaw. It has no purpose for interpersonal or societal interactions.,True +CMV: Not all drugs should be legal.,True +"CMV: If you don't have healthcare, the self-diagnosis of mental health problems is acceptable for the purposes of understanding and caring for yourself.",True +CMV: Police should be required to use dash cameras and wear body cameras at all times.,True +CMV: I believe it is a cop out to pull the race card on something as complex and unknown as the Ferguson incident.,True +CMV: Multiculturalism is impossible due to flaws in human nature.,True +CMV: Prisons/jails should serve as a rehabilitation institute rather than a punishment facility.,True +CMV: I believe that Darren Wilson is likely to have killed Mike Brown in what he reasonably believed was self-defense from imminent danger.,True +"CMV: If you regularly spend money on cigarettes, alcohol, or other types of drugs while you are financially struggling, you are an irresponsible person.",True +CMV: Heavy marijuana smokers are a pain to anyone who deals with them in a day to day basis.,True +"CMV: From an individual standpoint, human life is pointless.",True +CMV: I believe that our legal system is built on a capitalistic model which removes the fairness factor.,True +CMV: There is nothing wrong with telling kids that Santa exists.,True +CMV: Americans should be more accepting of British pronunciation,True +CMV: The Libertarian view is contradictory,True +CMV:Hunting is only ethical if done out of necessity,True +"CMV: The downvote button is pointless, and should be removed from Reddit.",True +"CMV: Human civilization reached a high point during the Enlightenment, and has been on the decline ever since.",True +CMV: There is absolutely nothing insulting about being interested in someone only for sex,True +"CMV: If a person is triggered by something, they have a moral obligation to themselves to make a devoted effort to overcome it/desensitize themselves.",True +"CMV: It should be against the law to describe something as ""free"" if a purchase is required to obtain it",True +CMV:Anything sold in a jar should be sold in a wide-mouth mason jar,True +CMV: Universities That Accept Public Money Should Be Required To Follow Constitutional Amendments,True +CMV: Tropical governments have disproportionately higher amounts of corruption than non-tropical governments.,True +CMV: we are enabling poor people to be poor by giving them money,True +CMV: I don't believe we should tolerate racist or sexist beliefs from the elderly any more than we should from younger generations.,True +CMV: Harshly criticizing your competitor by name would make for quality advertising.,True +CMV: I believe society causes more trauma for rape victims,True +CMV: Piracy is a form of civil disobedience against unjust copyright laws.,True +"CMV: The new ""normal"" Barbie makes me respect adult women less.",True +"CMV: Calling an Iranian ""Arab"" should be categorized as hate crime",True +"CMV: I believe that affirmative action is an unnecessary, racist towards Asians, and just a result of Blacks/Hispanics/guilty Whites in positions of power. Finally, it doesn't improve the black condition.",True +"CMV: There is no such thing as ""Ethical Consumerism""",True +CMV: Traffic lights and four way stops are objectively inferior to roundabouts.,True +"CMV: Women are inherently repulsed by gentle ""nice guys"" and are attracted mostly to ""alpha"" qualities",True +"CMV: My lack of belief in an inherent purpose or goodness in life has driven me to ethical hedonism; however, I believe this to be a good thing personally and would be a good thing if applied to society as a whole.",True +CMV: I believe the future of global society is dark and sinister,True +CMV: Jon Haidt's theory about how disgust/authority/loyalty intuitions determine political views is flawed in its methodology,True +"CMV:Immigrants who are illegal and/or do not pay taxes, should not get any public service that come from tax money",True +"CMV: Waffle House does not actually sell waffles, and they are only trying to deceive you.",True +CMV: Mac keyboards are superior to PC keyboards because the cmd (ctrl) keys are located to the immediate right and left of the space bar.,True +CMV: I think everyone should be screened and treated for depression as a matter of routine medical check-ups.,True +CMV: I don't think it's wrong for companies to outsource tech jobs to India or other similar countries.,True +"CMV: Most professional athletes of physical sports are profesional not because they have more dedication than collegiate and minor league athletes, but because they are genetically inclined.",True +CMV: Trap is objectively bad music,True +"CMV: If a woman had worn this shirt, nobody would've cared.",True +CMV: I'm wasting four years of my life and thousands of dollars for an education that is subpar to what I could acquire myself and for a piece of paper that is taken for more than it is actually worth.,True +"CMV: Hard, gnostic atheism is more defensible than agnosticism for anyone who has examined the evidence.",True +CMV: Our calendar system would be better if we didn't use months.,True +CMV: I don't believe humans are meant to be monogamous.,True +"CMV: Many Disney movies are racist. Further, they possibly teach children racial stereotypes.",True +"CMV: In terms of providing a decent quality of life, Japan's economy is far better than that of the US, UK, Germany, or Italy.",True +"CMV: People keep dismissing TRP, but it's the best path to take for a man's self-improvement.",True +CMV: I believe women who have sex with underage boys should receive less punishment than men who have sex with underage girls.,True +CMV:It's time to stop hyphenating words because they don't fit in one single line.,True +"CMV: Religious people don't need to let gay people get married in their church. However, they shouldn't be allowed to influence their rights for any form of legal marriage outside of that religion.",True +CMV: Taxpayer funded research should be freely available to any citizen upon first publication.,True +CMV: Capitalism will not survive the the next decade.,True +CMV: The First World War was an unnecessary waste of human life which did not achieve anything and actively led to further suffering later on.,True +"CMV: I grade assignments, if I can't easily read your writing and find your answer, you shouldn't get credit.",True +CMV: Catcalling and Street Harassment should be a ticket-able offense.,True +CMV: I don't want to have children because the world is a bad place.,True +CMV: Western visitors to Iran or North Korea who do anything that breaks laws deserve to end up in jail and their home governments should make it clear they won't support them.,True +CMV: Calling compliments and greetings “harassment” serves nobody,True +"CMV: I don't think online should force you to make an over complicated password, and should just limit log-in attempts to prevent brute-forcing.",True +CMV - I don't really think bathrooms should be separated by gender.,True +CMV: The private sector can do anything that the public sector can do but with more efficiency.,True +CMV: Hard work is not necessarily a virtue.,True +"CMV:The fact that rich people can afford better/more lawyers than poor people is a fundamental miscarriage of justice. In order to combat this problem, each side in a legal battle should be forced to contribute equal money to their own counsel and their opponents counsel.",True +CMV: I believe joining the military is the best way to change your economic fate if you're born into the lower class in America.,True +CMV: Drinking while pregnant should be illegal,True +"CMV: Florida's 60% ""marjoity"" requirement for an amendment to be passed promotes the status quo and takes away power from the people",True +CMV:I believe torture to be perfectly ok if guilt is established beyond reasonable doubt.,True +CMV: College isn't worth the cost.,True +CMV: There is no justifiable reason for me to get angry about what this driver did.,True +"CMV:If you care about animals, you achieve more by eating the meat of those that were ethically raised, rather than by being a vegetarian.",True +CMV: Playing Deux Ex: Human Revolution is boring,True +CMV: Not everyone should vote.,True +CMV: Checking a shared bag of candy before reaching in is socially unacceptable.,True +CMV: I don't vote.,True +CMV: The European economic crisis is among the strongest arguments in favor of right-wing economic policies.,True +"CMV: Nothing matters, and nothing is important",True +CMV: I think marijuana's lack of obvious negative side-effects makes it a more harmful drug.,True +CMV: There is nothing wrong with legitimate multi-level marketing companies like Amway,True +CMV: Train Conductors are a useless job.,True +"CMV: ""Check your privilege"", used in a Debate, is a terrible Argument.",True +"CMV: Internet access should be charged on a per usage basis, similar to electricity and water bills.",True +CMV: The Libertarian Tower of Horror,True +"CMV: I think WWI is the second biggest human event in written history, second only to Persia invading Greece",True +CMV: I believe society can put a cap on company profit percentages without being communist.,True +"CMV: Being ""door-prized"" is the fault of the cyclist, and cyclists should ride out of the range of doors.",True +CMV: The Government should neither regulate marriage; All aspects of a Marriage should be determined by the individuals being Married and grounded in Civil Contracts,True +CMV: The sugars in natural fruits and fruit juices cannot possibly be bad for me.,True +CMV: The USA should adopt a parliamentary system and compulsory voting,True +CMV: Taxation is (basically) theft.,True +CMV: Having a child is more selfish than not having one,True +"CMV: ""Revenge porn"" should not be a criminal offence.",True +"CMV: There should be no such thing as legally mandated 'sick leave'. Instead, everyone should get extra 'annual leave' entitlements.",True +CMV: I can lose weight only by lowering my calories and walking my dog.,True +CMV: Reddit has seen its golden age and has been in its decline for a while now; we need a new site.,True +CMV: Islamophobia is more dangerous than Islam.,True +CMV: I believe a mercenary coalition should be formed to fight terrorism abroad.,True +CMV: I feel that reducing games to math and number crunching is killing role playing and takes away the spirit of the game.,True +CMV: Raking leaves off your lawn is a waste of time and mulching/mowing over them in-place is ideal,True +"CMV: The outpouring of grief for the Canadian soldiers killed on home soil is an example of selective empathy, which is toxic.",True +CMV: I agree with Michigan in regards to banning Tesla from selling cars directly to consumers.,True +CMV: I don't think women earn less than men.,True +CMV: Access to firearms should be considered as a gender equality issue.,True +CMV:In a clinical setting only Medical Doctors should be called Doctor.,True +CMV: I consider the Nordic model the best socio-economic model to base a country around & the best compromise between the right and left,True +CMV: I owe it to my family to shoot anyone willing breaking and entering my home.,True +"CMV: Golf, Darts, Snooker and Chess should not be classed as sports by any definition.",True +"CMV: Mocking people for poor writing on a public forum is perfectly acceptable, and often leads to positive development of a person's knowledge-base through negative reinforcement.",True +CMV: Feminism is the wrong approach to gender equality,True +"CMV: An eternal afterlife in Biblical Heaven would be an intolerable hellscape, and Christian doctrine's promise of one is a disincentive to believe in Christianity.",True +CMV: Atheism is not a falsifiable belief,True +CMV: Parents lying to their children is unjustifiable.,True +"CMV: Sex is something intimate, to be shared in a relationship; not just something that should be done casually.",True +"CMV: If a total catastrophic breakdown of society were to happen, liberals would be primarily useless.",True +"CMV: When one accepts that eating meat is immoral, one would also have to accept that wild animals that naturally eat meat either need to be ""rehabilitated"", or put down.",True +"CMV: My neighbors' cats should not have to be mine, too.",True +CMV: Gender is a useless concept and should not be used.,True +CMV: GamerGate is a hate group,True +CMV: The United States and other world governments should create sterilization incentive programs.,True +"CMV: Any password service that ""locks you out"" should do so after fifty or so false tries, not five.",True +CMV: I think that Medical Tourism should have no governmental regulation,True +"CMV: When my current laptop dies, I should replace it with a Microsoft Surface",True +CMV: I should give little or no money to charity during my life and instead save it and leave it in my will,True +CMV: Race car drivers are not athletes.,True +CMV: Atheism is not a smart choice because you gain nothing by being right,True +"CMV: My life will peak in post-secondary school, and I don't have much to look forward to after that",True +CMV: Men should not be allowed to vote on anything regarding abortion.,True +CMV: Suicide posts should be banned from Reddit.,True +"CMV: Next time there is a school shooting, the killer's name and picture should not be published by any media, and coverage of the event should be kept to a minimum.",True +"CMV: non-working housewives do as much work as their husbands that earn money. i.e. their work is equally as ""profitable"".",True +CMV: Facebook is the perfect social network,True +CMV:I refuse to go onto antidepressants because I don't want chemicals to screw with my mind,True +CMV: I don't want to waste my time on Battlestar Galactica.,True +CMV: I can't understand why I would vote to raise the salaries of legislators,True +CMV: Actual Science doesn't start until you have a testable hypothesis.,True +"CMV: In order to obtain the best quality possible, vegetarian food should not attempt to mimic meat in form, taste, etc.",True +"CMV: People need to stop saying ""I'm probably going to get downvoted for this.""",True +"CMV: By stiffing bad servers, I am doing them a favor in two ways: One, by giving them accurate feedback on their performance, and, Two, by helping to prevent them from miserably eeking out a living wage in a profession where they clearly do not belong.",True +CMV: Wisconsin banning the right of public employees to collectively bargain is a huge step forward for the voters/taxpayers. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Wisconsin_Act_10),True +CMV:It is weird to choose to learn a rhythm instrument,True +CMV: I believe the Supreme Court should have an even number of justices,True +CMV: Ad block will lead to the end of near-ubiquitous free website access.,True +CMV: The superior way to write an ASCII smiley face is (: and not :),True +"CMV: In ice hockey, goals that are scored via deflection, either off a stick or player, should be awarded to the shooter, not the deflector.",True +CMV:I think it is better to cull those infected than risk the greater spread of ebola.,True +CMV: I detest marijuana and tend to lose respect for people who smoke it.,True +CMV: Allowing drivers to park in a lane on a busy street just doesn't make sense.,True +CMV: I believe Don Draper will commit suicide during the final season of Mad Men.,True +CMV: r/bronyH8 and r/furryH8 are hate speech subreddits.,True +"CMV: In the US, products manufactured in China should be required to be labeled ""Made by the Exploited Workers of Communist China"" instead of simply ""Made in China.""",True +CMV: I have a serious hate for the majority of people.,True +CMV: We should stop talking about racism.,True +"CMV: I believe organ donation should be mandatory - or at bare minimum, opt out rather than opt in.",True +"CMV: The ""you should spend x months salary on a wedding ring"" idea is morally reprehensible and financially irresponsible in every single case.",True +CMV:Rock is dead.,True +CMV: I never flush urinals and don't feel bad about it,True +CMV: Cosplay is getting to be more of a beauty contest than a real tribute to fantasy artwork.,True +CMV: It should be 'okay' to dress up as someone from a different race.,True +CMV: I think that kids should be taught at a young age how to properly use firearms as well as the four rules of gun safety.,True +"CMV: I don't think marching band, cheerleading, dance, etc. should be considered sports.",True +"CMV: I think that any theory defending social contract is false, and its advocates justify it primarily to legitimize their own power through government action.",True +CMV: I think binging and purging is an effective way to maintain my weight. It's killing me on the inside. Please someone CMV.,True +CMV: I don't think cops (or other law enforcement personnel) should be allowed to lie to suspects.,True +CMV: Religious belief will never entirely disappear from human culture.,True +"CMV: Having a military is just as ""socialist"" as having universal healthcare.",True +"CMV: That ""Rape Culture"" does not exist in a significant way",True +"CMV: If it's wrong to say ""Not all black people are criminals, but all white people live in fear of crime,"" then it should be wrong to say ""Not all men rape, but all women live in fear of being raped.""",True +CMV: People should learn proper etiquette when dealing with police.,True +CMV: There should be a global agency dedicated to defending against alien invasion.,True +CMV:I should not start drinking recreationally.,True +CMV: I think Definitions of person-hood are arbitrary.,True +CMV: I should be able to opt out of any and all advertisements.,True +CMV: There is extraterrestrial life.,True +"CMV: If voter ID laws are unconstitutional, so are other things requiring a photo ID.",True +"CMV: Frequent unannounced fire drills are no different than the story of the boy who cried wolf, and actually make people less safe.",True +CMV: Some modern Libertarians hypocritically deny that Civil Rights are Rights,True +"CMV: If immigrants must write a citizenship test to become citizens, native-born residents should be forced to write a citizenship when they turn 18.",True +CMV: I don't think that you can get shadowbanned simply by voting in an NP subreddit.,True +CMV: National elections don't matter.,True +"CMV: I do not think one can morally judge people who engage in or view material related to bestiality if they themselves eat meat, use animal products of any kind or believe that animal ownership is acceptable.",True +CMV: Passengers should board airplanes in a specific individual order based on seat assignments.,True +CMV:My opinions on feminism,True +CMV: Food stamps should be given as cash benefits.,True +CMV: Columbus day is unjustified as a National Holiday and thus should be removed and replaced with Indigenous Day.,True +"CMV: Most people who are prescribed antidepressant drugs as a treatment for depression do not need them as their depression isn't caused by a chemical imbalance, but by real-world stressors.",True +CMV: deaf people should not be allowed to drive,True +"CMV: Everything in life eventually comes to an end, therefore everything is worthless",True +"CMV:Referring to leaked nude photos as a ""sex crime"" is blatant hyperbole.",True +"CMV: if you support gay marriage, you should also support polygamy and incest.",True +CMV: I believe that there should be unlimited (or as close to unlimited as is practical) retakes for all tests given to school children (k-12) within the duration of each particular course.,True +CMV: High school dress code should remain as strict as it is.,True +"CMV: Dance is not an academic discipline, and there should not be college-level degrees offered in it",True +CMV: The Matrix Trilogy is a philosophical masterpiece.,True +"CMV: It's immoral to watch Gordon Ramsay shows like Kitchen Nightmares, Master Chef and Hells Kitchen if you're aware of the suicides they have caused.",True +CMV: I think Christmas is the best holiday. Change my view.,True +CMV:music is the purest form of art.,True +CMV: I don’t support campaigns like the Dove “Real Beauty” campaign and those similar. Change my view.,True +"CMV: Children should never call their parents by their first names. (Additionally, Mrs. And Mr. are should also always be used.)",True +"CMV: I don't believe that incest, prostitution, homosexuality, or polygamy should be illegal",True +"CMV:Learning how to do your taxes, budgeting and finance, emergency medical training, and leadership skills should be required to be taught in high schools.",True +CMV: The top 1% have earned their money and they deserve to keep it,True +CMV: Believing in Santa Claus is healthy for young children.,True +CMV: I don't think inequality is a bad thing.,True +"CMV: I don’t see anything wrong with going to a restaurant, right before they close, and ordering a full meal.",True +CMV:I think transparent pricing will do more for affordable healthcare than anything else.,True +CMV: I believe it is socially rude to fully recline your seat on an airplane flight.,True +CMV: College cafeterias do not offer good enough healthy options for students,True +CMV: I believe it is more socially desirable for a person to drink too much than to drink sensibly,True +"CMV: Most moms who go back to work saying that ""we just can't afford for me to stay home"" are lying to themselves. The reality is ""staying home with my kids is just not important enough to us for us to be willing to change our current lifestyle.""",True +CMV:Quality is better than quantity.,True +CMV: I don't think Islam is problematic.,True +CMV:Middle Class Students Should Receive More Financial Aid,True +CMV:The Lack of Education in Schools is Causing Obesity,True +CMV:We should stop describing white girls as “basic”,True +CMV: I almost never complain about food in a restaurant for fear of retaliation,True +"CMV: I believe that falling in love can change your life, and that one shouldn't so easily ""move on"".",True +"CMV: My mindset of ""time is money"" has made me miserable.",True +CMV: Smoking cigarettes is inconsiderate (almost) always and everywhere,True +CMV: Husain Abdullah's prayer is no different from Tebowing and therefore should not be penalized,True +"CMV: Many people say that society twists our ideas of what is attractive or right, but I think that society is just humanity's ideals on a bigger scale, and shows what we like as a species. CMV",True +"CMV: OJ Simpson most likely did not murder Nicole Brown Simpson, and I'm glad he got off.",True +CMV: Pep rallies are a waste of my time.,True +CMV: Symbolism is a big pile of shit that we waste too much time on in school...,True +CMV: I shouldn't stop my baby from eating dog food.,True +"CMV: If men have to pay more for car insurance, it is only fair for men to earn higher pays.",True +"CMV: I believe that for Medical Marijuana to be taken seriously, specific amounts of specific strains should be prescribed, instead of the current system.",True +CMV: There is no such thing as a mental illness caused by genetics and 'chemical imbalance' attributed to genetics does not exist.,True +CMV: The iPhone 6 is the best smartphone on the market,True +CMV: I do not believe whether it is my responsibility to care whether a potential hookup has a SO or not.,True +CMV: Woman who stay with their abusers (long explanation),True +CMV: The wife of the judge who accepted bribes to jail youths should not be punished.,True +"CMV: Since the German Army is obviously in quite a shabby condition, it should be (mostly) abolished rather than brought back to strength",True +"CMV: The more expensive a place is, the less is my obligation to tip (or at least tip well).",True +"CMV: ""I'm fine with _____ opinion, just don't push it onto others"" is a cop-out, and not a legitimate stance.",True +"CMV: ""right arm out"" is a valid turn signal for bicyclists.",True +CMV: Lower many felony offenses to misdemeanors.,True +CMV: People who give away their pets because they found a non-pet friendly apartment are selfish.,True +CMV: The sale of human organs should never be legalised,True +CMV: I think there's nothing wrong with cultural supremacism,True +CMV: It's not racist to say that you would never date a black / asian / white (etc) person because we're entitled to ANY sexual preference without prejudices.,True +CMV: Equality of outcome is malign; equality of opportunity is nonsense,True +"CMV: Based on objective measures of skill, athleticism and strategy, American football is the greatest sport ever created.",True +CMV: High frequency trading does nothing for society and merely destabilizes the stock market,True +CMV: Liqourice should not be included in variety packs of jelly beans.,True +CMV: Public anonymity online is a dangerous concept that causes much more harm than good.,True +CMV: There is nothing wrong with never owning your own home.,True +CMV: People angry at vertical videos are ignoring the trend of technology to move to mobile formats,True +CMV: I think people have the right to end their own lives,True +"CMV: Feminism, as a descriptive, is next to useless because it pretty much means whatever anyone wants it to mean.",True +CMV: I believe that those interested in the nature of truth should study Physics rather than Philosophy.,True +CMV: I dont have any reason to be afraid of terrorism and neither does anybody in the US or the UK.,True +CMV: I believe religion is the main cause of homophobia and a strong factor in other forms of discrimination.,True +CMV: I am a young gay but I don't think I should ever act on it,True +"CMV:I believe that abortion is murder, but exceptions can be made. Also that needless abortions should be punished.",True +CMV: It's a good idea for bank tellers to be armed.,True +CMV: Jobs should be created to counter technological growth.,True +CMV:People of mixed race shouldn't be referred to by only half/part of their race.,True +"CMV: In the Internet age, a true democracy should allow all constituents to vote on issues online weekly/monthly",True +CMV: It is perfectly fine to shorten the yellow signal when installing traffic light violation cameras,True +CMV: I don't think it is the responsibility of the younger generation to maintain contact with the older generation,True +CMV: Quantum Physics is bullshit.,True +"CMV: This is a logical argument: ""Gay people and straight people have the same marriage rights in the US""",True +CMV: There is no longer a need for traditional drummers.,True +CMV: There is no reason for my office to migrate from Office 2010 to Office 2013.,True +CMV: The US visa system is generally the most difficult in the world,True +CMV: College is mostly about signaling.,True +CMV: it is impossible for a text post to be NSFW,True +CMV: There's no point in voting (for the major parties) if you and your significant other cancel each other out. (US politics),True +CMV:Fearing death doesn't make any sense.,True +"CMV: I think spanking is still child abuse even if it ""doesn't leave a mark""",True +CMV: Atheists in Western nations aren't currently being persecuted or oppressed in any meaningful way,True +"CMV: Even though Cuban-style socialism leads to lower average standards of living than capitalism, it is immoral to allow anyone to live in abject poverty while others are rich and so socialist government is preferable",True +"CMV: Military bootcamp is basically brainwashing. I don't belive it is needed, and frankly immoral.",True +"CMV: When we take any considered action (ie not in the grip of fear or anger etc), we always do so in order to gain a good feeling or to avoid a bad feeling.",True +CMV: Nuclear reactors *if handled correctly* should be used more openly as a power source.,True +CMV:Scotland as part of the UK is the only thing between the UK and an unbroken succession of tory governments.,True +"CMV: If everyone in the world acted like this man, the world would be a safer and a nicer place (link in post)",True +CMV: Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong...,True +CMV: The USA's renewed military action in Iraq shows they are protecting their oil interests in the region as no action has been taken in similar circumstances in Syria,True +"CMV: I don't believe it's possible for a man to find me physically/sexually attractive, even if I lost more weight.",True +CMV: There is no scientific evidence that rape is about power.,True +"CMV: As long as the standard of evidence in college rape hearings is ""preponderance of evidence"", and the accused is not allowed competent counsel, those colleges should not be allowed to expel ""convicted"" students.",True +CMV: I think High School is an obsolete institution and it's purpose can be replaced by internet learning,True +CMV: I don't see the issue in preordering.,True +CMV: Internet speeds above 20Mbps aren't useful for most people.,True +CMV: I don't like music and I think I can't benefit from listening to it,True +"CMV: The term ""survivor"" to refer to victims of sexual assault is inappropriate.",True +CMV: Glass is an outdated technology and should be gradually phased out in favor of plastics,True +CMV: You can judge a book by its cover.,True +CMV: Religions should not frown upon pre-marital sex.,True +CMV: Aliens would never invade the Earth. The only reason for aliens to come down to the Earth's surface is if they had a scientific interest in our life forms.,True +CMV: Heterosexual sex work is incompatible with gender equality,True +CMV: Zombies (mostly) make no sense,True +CMV: Heterosexuality and homosexuality are both essentially kinks/fetishes,True +"CMV: I'm 17, I've been smoking less than 6 cigarettes a week for 3 years and I don't think its bad.",True +CMV: Professional sports should be segregated based on weight class and not gender,True +Boneless wings are effectively superior to their boned counterparts.,True +"CMV: To the extent that ISIL is dangerous to the middle east region , the name ""ISIL"" is more accurate and useful than ""ISIS"".",True +CMV I believe there are only two genders. And you can only claim to be one at a time.,True +"CMV: There is no such thing as a timeless movie, book, play, musical piece, etc.",True +"CMV: People who praise Android phones to deviate from the iPhone ""bandwagon/circle-jerk"" are in a bandwagon/circle-jerk themselves",True +CMV: I think Benn Wyatt is right that calzones are superior to Pizza in almost every way.,True +"CMV: I believe that the United States of America is a bad country, and never want to settle down there.",True +CMV: Why should I support the cause for net neutrality in the USA as a foreigner (EU),True +CMV: The requirement for a president to be 35 years old is ridiculous and singles out a large part of the population,True +"CMV: If businesses are people, they are sociopaths, and must be harshly controlled.",True +"CMV: I don't feel bad for men who lose HALF of ""their stuff"" in a divorce. I think they are idiots and bear full responsibility for what was, in effect, a stupid business decision.",True +CMV: It must not be the husband's task to sleep on the couch,True +"CMV: Given that determinism is true and no free will exists, all human actions are automatic.",True +"CMV: Couples who wait until marriage to lose their virginity, generally end up having terrible sex lives.",True +"CMV: The way many universities are treating rape/sexual assault is excessive, alarmist, and bordering on irresponsible.",True +"CMV: I believe emphasizing that ""being gay is born rather than a choice"" is irrelevent and gay rights should be the same no matter if homosexuality is born with, nurtured or chosen.",True +"CMV:""Vote with your wallet."" Is generally ineffective and so it is ideologically an ok argument but a realistically useless one.",True +CMV: We should stop using the word 'terrorist' or 'terrorism',True +CMV: Engagement rings and weddings are unnecessary wastes of money,True +CMV: I think ADD/ADHD is a Fabricated Disorder that is highly Over-diagnosed.,True +CMV: I believe controlling ice would be better than controlling fire,True +CMV:Killing animals for meat is morally fine; it's the conditions of factory farms and their inevitability under capitalist systems that makes meat-eating immoral.,True +CMV: A benevolent Capitalist company is indistinguishable from a Socialist state.,True +CMV: Nuclear weapons are evil and the UK should scrap them for good,True +CMV: Macs are Worth the High Pricetag,True +"CMV: The US legislative system should not consist of elected officials based on platforms and ideologies, but we should use 21st Century tech to crowdsource government.",True +CMV: People should stop pronouncing English loanwords as if they're speaking their native language.,True +CMV: The Fender Stratocaster is superior to the Gibson Les Paul,True +CMV: Britain was the hero of WWII,True +CMV: Rape without evidence should not be treated as a criminal case,True +CMV: Life is not worth living,True +CMV: It doesn't make sense to consider Laziness a character flaw but not Depression,True +"CMV: ""Going solo"" or a single member of the band ""taking the lead"" leads to a sharp decline in quality in that musicians body of work.",True +CMV: I only want to have one child.,True +CMV: Popular 90's grunge is inferior compared to all other commonly listened-to music genres.,True +CMV : Masturbating is a sin.,True +"CMV: If guilt is an acceptable weapon in the war against smoking, it should be used in the war against obesity as well.",True +"CMV: While those involved in originally leaking the celeb photos clearly invaded privacy, the same can't be said about those simply viewing the photos",True +"CMV: People who are against same sex marriage are practicing religious intolerance and if you are for allowing civil unions, the government should not call them marriages for straight people and civil unions for gay people.",True +"CMV: People should be judged only on the basis of their morality/character, rather than any other metric such as wealth or fame.",True +CMV: Fistbumps are superior to handshakes and deserve to take over the role of handshakes when meeting friends or strangers,True +"CMV: Atheism as it is represented on the internet is more an attack on the Christian God than the idea of God/gods in and of itself, and the most reasonable non-religious position is Deism.",True +CMV: I think that life is fundamentally pointless. Change my view.,True +CMV: It's perfectly ok for people to look at the nude celebrity photos and they aren't hypocrites if they dislike the NSA.,True +"CMV: I think that the best move, in light of the JL Leaks, is for as many people as possible to release nude photos of themselves in response",True +CMV: All those Holywood movies about superheros are deliberately produced to stupidify and isolate kids from reality.,True +CMV: Marriage should not be a responsibility of the State,True +"CMV: The British 3-pin plug and socket is the superior design for domestic mains electricity use, and should become the international standard if one were required.",True +CMV: Drug addicts who have quit drugs and become sober shouldn't be celebrated,True +CMV: You can't teach men not to rape.,True +"CMV: Humans have natural urges for sexual diversity as well as companionship. Monogamy is not a sufficient lifestyle for fulfilling ones needs. Non-monogamy can be done ethically, and takes more communication and maturity to practice successfully.",True +"CMV: Welfare you receive isn't ""your money"", and things like food stamps that make welfare non-discretionary are a good idea.",True +CMV:I think it's best for Urkraine if it just gives up the Crimean Peninsula.,True +CMV: I think that 2 + 2 = 4.,True +"CMV: There should be two presidents, one for domestic affairs and one for foreign affairs",True +CMV: I believe being asexual is most beneficial when it comes to advance as far as possible in life.,True +CMV: (US)Minimum Wage is Unnecessary and Affects the Economy Negatively,True +CMV: I think acceptance movements are harmful to the individuals they try to accept.,True +"CMV: As an individual who wished to remain non-racist, it is counterproductive for me to inform myself about race based research",True +CMV: If you can't say it publicly you shouldn't say it privately,True +CMV: I think a direct democracy would work if people could only vote if they didn't avoid the facts,True +"CMV: While gender can be decided upon by the person, sex cannot due to genetics and sex, not gender, should be used for medical and other information on forms (as well as gender if necessary)",True +CMV:Segregated ( by gender) workplaces would lead to improved productivity.,True +CMV:Vegetarianism/Veganism are illogical lifestyles,True +CMV: Shielding children from sexuality is a bad idea at any age,True +CMV: Zoe Quinn is in the wrong.,True +"CMV: Abortion is justifiable, but most abortions are immoral",True +"CMV: That American society is getting better, not worse",True +"CMV: With regards to sandwiches, triangular cuts are far superior to rectangular cuts and should be the only ones ever used.",True +"CMV: Carbonated soft drinks should be called soda, not pop and definitely not coke.",True +"CMV: Automatic toilets are discriminatory, wasteful, and are the epitome of laziness in our society. We should stop replacing manual toilets.",True +CMV: A slightly higher tax rate for the rich doesn't remove the incentive to work,True +"CMV: The minimum age at which an individual may be tried as an adult in a criminal case should be, wait for it, 18 years of age.",True +CMV: A Wired Mouse is better than a Wireless mouse.,True +"CMV: The fact that I feel no compulsion to document my life with pictures of myself, surroundings, friends or family, is not something I should correct.",True +"CMV: To conservatives, abortion is not a women's issue.",True +CMV: I think telling people they shouldn't be sad because others have it worse is fine.,True +CMV: I think the idea that anonymity turns people into assholes is exaggerated.,True +CMV: I think the war in Iraq is the largest mistake the USA has ever made.,True +CMV: People who can only be friends with those who agree with their political views are shallow and immature,True +CMV: Police officers should be required to wear cameras similar to dashcams,True +"CMV: I think polling should be banned before an election, as it sways votes from candidates that would otherwise perform better",True +CMV: I think if Obama was a Republican the story of him playing golf after the James Foley press conference would have been on the front page of Reddit.,True +"CMV:Legally, there should be no difference between watching the James Foley execution video and watching free child pornography.",True +"CMV: There is nothing intrinsicly wrong with the word ""Nigger""",True +CMV: The second amendment is specifically so citizens can protect themselves from oppression such as we are seeing in Ferguson right now.,True +CMV: I believe Doxing officers is the right way to go when the law itself protects them when they clearly are abusing their power.,True +"CMV:On a macro-histoical level, we are experiencing the death throes of Religion",True +"CMV:One dollar, one vote, is better than our current voting system",True +CMV: I believe that Atheism is hypocritical and just as narrow-minded and dogmatic as religion.,True +CMV: Trying to find meaning in life or the universe is useless.,True +"CMV: I beleive the majority of people who are doing the 'ALS Icebucket challenge"" are narcissistic and don't care about the charity.",True +"CMV: By raising a family in the suburbs, the parents are condemning the children to boredom, dependence, inactivity, and expense.",True +CMV: I don't believe animal cruelty laws should exist.,True +CMV: Anyone protesting for Michael Brown is automatically an idiot.,True +"CMV: The release of the CCTV footage of Michael Brown is not character assassination, but a vital component of the incident that helps all parties understand the context of the shooting and the state of mind of the individuals involved.",True +CMV: Tupac Shakur was a violent rapist who glorified gang culture in his music and never lived up to the 'peace loving messenger' image he's developed today.,True +CMV: I see no reason to have children. Any parents in this sub?,True +"CMV: If you don't give your SO head on the regular, they're not that significant to you.",True +CMV: We should prohibit some people from possessing or consuming alcohol like we do with firearms,True +CMV: I think that bringing up rights when discussing policy is unproductive.,True +"CMV: If I am going at or above the speed limit, and you are wanting to pass me, the burden is on you to move over to a different lane to pass me, not on myself.",True +"CMV: Statutory rape, though it shouldn't be condoned, is in most cases not nearly as bad as regular rape",True +"CMV: I'm an Arab American and don't mind the fact that the NSA has access to all my personal stuff, I actually like it.",True +CMV: There can not be an omniscient all-knowing God if humans have free will. The two can't coexist.,True +"CMV: I think it is a waste of both time, energy and money running/biking for cancer. Why not clean homes or have a bake sale for money?",True +CMV: It is anti-debate to suggest further reading rather than summarising the basis of your argument yourself.,True +CMV: Gazans deserve what they got in their recent wars with Israel... Along with the blockades and all these other things that are currently causing them suffering... change my view please.,True +CMV: K-12 teachers shouldn't get tenure,True +"CMV: Flamboyant, over-the-top, 'flaming' gay people are more harm to achieving equality than good.",True +CMV: I think income inequality is a good thing.,True +"CMV: If atheists held the same standards of evidence to their lack of faith as they do to religion, most atheists would be agnostic instead of atheist",True +CMV: Westerners have no right to be angry at poachers who kill endangered animals,True +CMV: Automation will not be a problem in the future,True +CMV: Browsing the internet is the contemporary equivalent of reading a novel,True +"CMV: Final Fantasy and many other video games got it backwards: The spell Cure should heal status ailments, and the spell Heal should restore health.",True +CMV: Street lights are wasteful and often counterproductive.,True +CMV: I believe that it is okay for me to compare myself with others,True +CMV: Police Officers Who Cover Their Badges On Duty Are Not Acting Under Color of Law and Should Be Treated as Vigilante Civilians,True +CMV: Listening to a book is the same as reading it.,True +CMV: Americans would never rise up in protest to defend their freedoms,True +"CMV: ""Civilian Blending"" is an unstoppable strategy. The U.S. can't defeat IS without enormous and unacceptable civilian casualties. IS is going to win.",True +"CMV: Children should not watch modern television, specifically commercials.",True +"CMV: There's no good reason to wear sunscreen, unless you work as a lifeguard.",True +"CMV:Many of my working class and poor facebook friends post things supporting the GOP. I'm about to start voting GOP simply to help these people hurt themselves. ""Poor"" and vote against your own self interests? Let me help you with that.",True +"CMV: Apple computers are for old people and the technologically illiterate. Anybody else that using Apple products have bought into marketing. (Not just a fanboy, please read)",True +CMV: I think /r/childfree is a pointless and stupid subreddit,True +CMV: I think that road cyclists in the US give cycling a bad image,True +"CMV: All lawyers and courtrooms should be abolished, and sentencing for criminals only carried out by a panel of three judges.",True +CMV: Aborting a fetus that has a severe disability shouldn't be looked down apon,True +CMV: Killing your henchman to demonstrate a point is poor leadership.,True +CMV: Anyone willing to be vegetarian for moral reasons should should go vegan.,True +CMV: Second hand smoking isn't as lethal and dangerous as everyone tends to believe,True +CMV: You should be able to vote either for OR against political candidates.,True +CMV:Adoption is better than giving birth to one,True +CMV: Suicide is the most selfish act a human being can commit. There is absolutely no excuse to end your own life. Depression is not a cause of death...,True +CMV: The Rage Virus from 28 Days Later would have never made it across the ocean to the America's.,True +"CMV:The Ice Bucket Challenge, that has been making the rounds on Facebook, does nothing for ALS.",True +CMV: I think the majority of people acting upset about the death of a celebrity are ridiculous and are mostly 'jumping on the band wagon'.,True +"CMV:A person under the effects of Mescaline, LSD or Psilocybin is no less ""in contact"" with reality than a sober person.",True +CMV: I believe that smart watches are pointless and not worth buying.,True +CMV: A comic book priced at $2.99 or $3.99 is disproportionately expensive to the amount of entertainment that can be garnered from it.,True +CMV: Kidnapping someone and forcibly connecting them to the experience machine is morally justified.,True +"CMV: Considering the song ""Blurred Lines"" sexist or misogynist is an example of a double standard",True +"CMV: I think the ""nice guy"" stereotype has been grossly over stigmatized",True +CMV: I think it's wrong for people to make a living off of YouTube,True +CMV: I believe it should be criminal in the U.S. for employees to terminate employment based on the results of a drug test.,True +"CMV: I don't believe that ""minors cannot provide consent"" is a legitimate argument in support of statutory rape laws.",True +CMV:Racial pride is a part of the problem with racism.,True +CMV: I don't see the need for restaurant waiters,True +"CMV: Unless it is expected, you should never play any music or any sort of video unless every one around you is okay with it.",True +CMV: I think sports statistical analysis is pointless and a waste of time.,True +"CMV: I don't see why the name of the artist should affect the value of a work of art, and I think the fact that it does invalidates fine art criticism to some extent.",True +"CMV: Paper checks are a pain in the ass for everybody, and should be discontinued",True +CMV: Steroids and Other Performance Enhancers Should be Legal for Athletes,True +CMV:TV series are unrivaled better in the original language than dubbed versions,True +CMV: I think Home Owner Associations (HOAs) are good and everyone should live where there is one.,True +"CMV: I don't think that Zionists had the right to occupy already inhabited land just because the Roman empire unjustly destroyed the Kingdom of Israel 2,000 years ago.",True +CMV: I think ending net neutrality is preferable to letting the government regulate the internet as a common good,True +CMV: It isn't offensive to ask to respectfully observe religious practices for personal learning/growth,True +CMV: Richard Stallman is a bigot.,True +"CMV: ""Conventional wisdom"" states that you shouldn't talk about religion, politics, or other controversial topics on a first date. I think this makes no sense, and these are great topics for determining compatibility.",True +CMV: PC is the master race of gaming.,True +CMV: The only reasonable thing to do for people from countries not directly involved in an international conflict is to stay neutral,True +"CMV: Police dogs should not be considered anything more than chattel and hurting or killing one should be a civil suit at the most, and definitely not a crime",True +"CMV:If the biblical God exists, then he is as much or more responsible for human behaviour than humans are.",True +"CMV: I think the best way to deal with beggars it to make them work for money, e.g. by cleaning the area of litter",True +CMV: There is no logical reason we should not eat cats and dogs in America.,True +CMV: The Israel-Palestine conflict is a Catch-22 for the Israeli government.,True +"CMV: There is no such thing as ""evil""",True +CMV: I think gender is a meaningless/useless term.,True +"CMV: I think that marijuana should be kept illegal everywhere, even for medical use.",True +"CMV: Cuckholding is not a real fetish, and no man actually enjoys it.",True +CMV: The rise of fan art in geek culture (from paintings to music) is keeping people from developing into artists in their own rights.,True +"CMV: Democracy cannot be sustained, and will soon fail.",True +CMV: Clapping at the movie theatre when the film finishes is pointless.,True +"CMV:graphic designers aren't artists, just highly trained computer software users.",True +CMV: Nuclear energy is terrifying! All nuclear facilities ought to be shut down.,True +"CMV: Batman is not noble; he's a corporate authoritarian, and the goal of his ""defense"" of Gotham is only to perpetuate his brand. CMV",True +CMV: I Don't Think I Should Bother Voting.,True +"CMV:''Artificial intelligence is an unnatural abomination and a threat to Humanity.""",True +CMV: I don't believe that the cultural or scientific victory in Civ V should count as a victory since it makes little sense why achieving space or cultural recognition would make you the world leader,True +CMV: I don't think it's detrimental to servers if I don't tip them,True +CMV: Surveillance cameras should be placed in all public bathrooms and changerooms.,True +"CMV: Cold pizza is a tragedy and people who claim it is as good, or better hot pizza have poor taste.",True +"CMV: I believe calling a full grown man ""cute"" is at least mildly insulting.",True +CMV: It is morally and practically unjustifiable to join the Stormcloaks. (Spoilers),True +"CMV: Being the carrier of a genetic defect, i don't think i should have a second children.",True +CMV: It is logical to commit a crime if the expected outcome is positive.,True +CMV: I think that if a prisoner is refusing food they should be given a feeding tube. That is what happens to mental patients who refuse to eat.,True +CMV: Women are the bedrock of Conservatism,True +CMV: Hobby Lobby Refusing to Cover Birth Control Doesn't Limit Women's Rights,True +CMV:I think businesses shouldn't give discounts to senior citizens and armed forces,True +"CMV: I believe I've come up with a definition of art vs. ""not art"" that is almost universally applicable.",True +CMV: The Palestinians have started a war of Propaganda against Israel by holding their own citizens hostage in public spaces that they have turned into military strongholds.,True +CMV: Monetary profit motivation (especially capitalism) makes it next to impossible for anything to reach its full potential,True +CMV: women shouldn't be allowed to give birth if the man doesn't want to have a child,True +CMV: I believe that secular Jewish culture is heinously barbaric.,True +"CMV: The Scottish Independence Referendum should be voted on by the whole UK, not just Scottish residents.",True +"CMV: If I had to choose between hiring a highschool/university kid or an ex-con for a low-skill minimum wage job, I would go with the ex-con every single time",True +CMV: Critical Thinking / Philosophy should be a core discipline in modern school systems,True +CMV: The United States is by no metric the greatest country in the world.,True +CMV: I think the only way to solve the debate about tipping servers in America is to add an automatic 25% gratuity.,True +CMV: I think that the Author's Intention is an important part of interpreting literature,True +CMV: folding your clothes and organizing them in a dresser is a better way to store them than throwing them in a large pile.,True +CMV: Teachers should not allowed to tell students to wear deodorant.,True +"CMV: If you believe the Judeo-Christian god is real, it's more rational to worship Lucifer.",True +CMV: I don't believe women desire sex nearly as much as men.,True +"CMV: I genuinely believe that the formation of an Israeli state was immoral to begin with, and that peace between Israel and Palestine is not possible without the Israeli at least partially ceding its claims to Palestine.",True +CMV: I believe that people with above average reading speed who text and drive have moral superiority over slow readers who text and drive,True +CMV: /r/atheism should be renamed to /r/antitheism,True +"CMV: I think most older video games do not stand the test of time and we only refer to them as ""classics"" because of our obsession with nostalgia.",True +CMV: Western governments should not pressure African nations to change their anti-gay laws if they are unwilling to accept polygamy,True +"CMV: Trans types such as non-binary and gender-fluid are becoming trends with many people identifying as them only doing it for ""special points"".",True +"CMV: I believe that a ""world police"" is basically a good thing, and that if America has the resources to take that role, it should.",True +CMV: I believe that human consciousness and self-awareness are merely products of a biological mechanism(brain) that can be recreated it said mechanism is understood and perfectly recreated.,True +CMV: I'm living my life like a robot and think emotion is a flaw of humanity.,True +"CMV: Ray Rice's Two Game Suspension is Justifiable, but the Suspension's Widespread Criticism is Unnecessary",True +CMV: Movie theaters (and other similar places) should install technology that blocks cell phones.,True +"CMV We should do away with 'marriage' altogether, and instead, have legal 'families'. Why shouldn't there be a simple and cheap, legal mechanism to say ""this is my family. I am responsible for them and to them, legally and financially""? (I know this has been done before, but hear me out.)",True +CMV: People who don't eat veal shouldn't eat (most) cheese,True +CMV: There is no such thing as a man born in a woman's body,True +CMV: Films and Video Games Generally Objectify Men More Than Women,True +CMV: Intelligent Design and the Big Bang are not very different at their core.,True +CMV: It is silly to put your child on a leash and I don't respect parents that do.,True +CMV: Female students shouldn't be allowed to play on male sports teams,True +CMV: I don't believe there is a benefit to getting married.,True +"CMV: I believe that bicyclists should not be allowed to ride on the roads unless there is a designated bicycle lane on it, and they and their bicycles have been tested, licensed, insured, and inspected.",True +CMV Isreal is commiting genocide,True +"CMV:I think the phrase ""intolerant of intolerance"" is just a new way of being intolerant, and that liberalism is not nearly as inclusive and accepting as it claims",True +"CMV: The moustache, facial hair in general, has become the embodiment of evil and the harbinger of bad times.",True +"CMV: Video games are a form of art, and a superior one at that.",True +CMV: Sex should be in no regards considered a basic human right when discussing birth control,True +"CMV: I believe that, in certain cases, capital punishment shouldn't have to be humane.",True +CMV: People need to stop being fans of college sports.,True +"CMV: In general, I don't think Italians, Jews, or Arabs should be considered ""white"".",True +CMV: I don't thing driver-less cars will be possible.,True +CMV: there is nothing wrong with legal loan sharks and payday loan companies.,True +CMV: The NSFW tag should be reserved for images and not used for text posts,True +CMV: The legendary birds are the least cool/useful/awesome legendary pokemon,True +CMV: Interest Should be Banned,True +"CMV: When a 10 year old gets raped and faces execution for no longer being a virgin, this is because a society has deemed her impure. If we're against this judgment as a more civilized society, we should also be against judging or limiting a person's career/life because of online sexual presence.",True +"CMV: ""The tears of strangers are only water""",True +CMV: I think marriage is a waste of money.,True +CMV: schools should use [+] and [-] when assigning final course letter grades,True +CMV: Video game speed runners should not be able to use exploits to skip portions of the game,True +"CMV: The word ""literally"" should only be used in the context of its original meaning.",True +CMV: I don't believe someone should be disallowed to own a gun due to a mental illness.,True +"CMV: C-3PO is the worst character in the Star Wars Movies. Yes, I said C-3PO is worse than Jar Jar.",True +"CMV: I believe that children can consent to sex earlier than most states support, that sex offenders get too horrible of a punishment, and that raping a child is not worse than murder and child rapists do not ""deserve what they get"" in prison.",True +CMV: Cheerleading is not a sport,True +"CMV: Street parking zoned for residents only should not be legal, especially when the residences there have their own driveways.",True +CMV: That NOT being a vegetarian (as a wealthy human being) is morally indefensible. (NB: I myself am a meat-eater),True +"CMV: We should stop calling millionaires and billionaires who regularly give away relatively minuscule proportions of their wealth, ""Generous.""",True +CMV: Society (and the economy) are a network and we need to improve the weak nodes not the strong ones,True +CMV: Five-star-ism is converting all ratings to binaries and is making the world worse.,True +CMV: I could probably fight off a lone attack dog.,True +CMV: Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft should be allowed to operate unfettered as they solve many of the problems people face with city-sanctioned taxi services.,True +"CMV: ""Hope"" in its broader sense, is just an excuse for inaction.",True +"CMV: (star wars) Despite their telepathic and telekenetic powers, the Jedi religion is just as foolish as christianity or islam or any other ""real"" religion.",True +CMV: I believe that American education is fundamentally flawed because it emphasizes gaming the system over true learning.,True +CMV: I think that parents who catch others molesting their kids should face consequences for seriously injuring the molester.,True +CMV:I believe when someone close to you dies it is obligatory to tell the people you are with.,True +CMV: I think it's horrible that the President gets paid less than the lowest paid NBA athlete.,True +CMV: I think I have a good reason to pirate any game without a proper game-play demo.,True +CMV: Gentrification is a good thing.,True +"CMV: Those who believe it is their responsibility to ""call others out"" have no right to complain about people treating them poorly",True +"CMV: A group home may be opening near me, and I'm afraid that is will be bad for the neighborhood",True +"CMV: I prefer my steaks cooked well done, and don't believe there should be any stigma against ordering a steak cooked as such in a restaurant.",True +CMV: There is no reason to be offended when a fictional character is gender or race swapped.,True +"CMV: Dysgenics is real, and the only way to avoid collapse is government control of reproduction.",True +"CMV: I think basic income is wrong because nobody is ""entitled"" to money just because they exist.",True +"CMV: I believe that a book, movie, album, etc. should only be protected by copyright as long as it's available through legitimate channels.",True +CMV: The distinction between American and British English spelling is pointless and problematic and should be done away with.,True +CMV: Teenage girls should not be given birth control pills without their parents’ permission.,True +"CMV: As long as it doesn't deliberately distress others, no one be judged or feel ashamed for their masturbation habits.",True +CMV: I think supermarkets should start adding a fee for using express lanes if you have more than the stated items.,True +"CMV: To improve fire safety, all buildings should have a real time log of occupants accessible to the fire department",True +CMV: There's no such thing as death with dignity,True +CMV: I don't believe the environment should have to necessarily be preserved.,True +CMV: Homeless people are homeless because they don't try not to be.,True +"CMV:The solstices and equinoxes should mark the MIDDLE of their respective seasons, not the beginning.",True +CMV: I think they United States should pass minimum mandatory leave laws.,True +CMV: A Macbook is a better long term investment than a Windows computer.,True +CMV: The (US) state of New York should be split into two states.,True +CMV: It is easier for women to look hot than it is for men.,True +"CMV:People who correct others for using ""I could care less"" are wasting everyone's time.",True +"CMV: I believe that the song ""ironic"" by Alanis Morissette is unfairly criticized.",True +CMV: Prostitution should be fully legal and regulated. (Perspective of the United States),True +CMV: The Genie's powers in Aladdin don't make logical sense.,True +CMV: Altruism is self-serving.,True +CMV: Hobby Lobby shouldn't have to pay for Emergency Contraceptives.,True +"CMV: I really dislike the criticism ""overrated."" I think it's lazy and discouraging.",True +CMV: Natural Rights do not exist.,True +CMV: Synesthesia is mostly bullshit,True +CMV: I think a guaranteed basic income would lead to massive inflation and exacerbate most of the problems it is intended to solve,True +CMV: The soccer/football time keeping method (counting up to 90 + injury time) is inferior to the counting down and time-stop methods used in other major sports.,True +"CMV: I am going on Birthright soon, and I don't think I should boycott Israel.",True +"CMV: I don't see how /r/MensRights is a harmful subreddit at all, and has been completely misrepresented and given a bad reputation that it doesn't deserve.",True +"CMV: sex should be treated as just an activity that people do, like fishing or watching a movie.",True +CMV: All sports are zero-sum games.,True +"CMV: In order to be convicted of statutory rape, the state should have to prove the defendant had a reason to suspect the victim was over the age of consent.",True +"CMV: If there is ever a major collapse of civilization, millions of people will be dead in weeks",True +"CMV: It's not natural talent, just practise.",True +CMV: I think profanity should not be offensive or taboo.,True +"CMV:I think that a supersoaker full of lighter fluid and a lighter are arguably a better stick up weapon than a pistol, and the poor rate of adoption points to a lack of innovative thinking within the criminal element of society.",True +CMV: Only criminals should be worried about government snooping,True +"CMV: I think that grammar in most, but not all, cases is pointless",True +CMV: I don't understand why so many people like /r/tumblrinaction,True +"CMV: If the middle eastern conflict is really as simple as Israel wanting peace, yet Palestine wanting only to destroy Israel, why is there so much global support for Palestine?",True +"CMV: If I want to wear nothing but a red cape, underwear and cowboy boots to work, I should be able to do so without stigma or harm to my career.",True +CMV: Politicians should post AMA's (or things closely related),True +CMV: I think we should make a return to carrying cutlery on our person,True +CMV: The Israel/Palestine Conflict is a mess and most people supporting either side are ignorant.,True +"CMV: I believe that satire has encouraged a ""cool to hate"" mindset in social media that is damaging society.",True +"CMV: If religious people can opt out of a law due to their views, anyone should be allowed to opt out for any reason.",True +"CMV: Popular US/English pronunciations of foreign words, names, and phrases betray ignorance of the speaker as to the origin and meaning of those words.",True +"CMV: the potential disappearance of polar bears, caused by global warming, would have zero effect on my life.",True +CMV: The New Dr. Who is one of the most overrated shows of all time.,True +"CMV: By having welfare as accessible as it is in the US, we're essentially letting large corporations get away with paying employees below cost of living wages",True +CMV: Pie is significantly better than Cake,True +"CMV: Companies should not separate sick time, vacation time, personal time; it should all come from the same pool of hours.",True +CMV: If you have neck and/or facial tattoos you want to be perceived as dangerous or unapproachable.,True +CMV: In dating it is acceptable and pragmatic to reject people because of their sexual history.,True +CMV: People who are stuck in a minimum wage job and say it is because society is against them are just lazy,True +CMV: I think most people using a /s tag at the end of a post to show sarcasm on the internet are simply unable to adequately express their sarcasm without blatantly pointing it out. This is should be seen as a sign of lazy or bad writing.,True +CMV: Education is the only way to end intolerance,True +CMV: The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Decision was Fine,True +CMV: I think that we are becoming a police state.,True +CMV: People who care about spoilers are selfish.,True +CMV: Politicians should not be allowed to campaign through cold calls,True +"CMV: I want to leave America and move to another country, because I hate the direction I think we're moving in, and I want to get out now.",True +"CMV: Streaming subscription/ad-based services like Netflix or Spotify are below-average in every area except price, and there is no actual reason to preferring them aside from being a cheapskate.",True +CMV: Birthdays are meaningless.,True +CMV:I belive that men over the age of 30 who have sex with a minor should be castrated.,True +"CMV: I believe that when the courts change a law as a result of a court case, the old law should still apply to that case.",True +"CMV: People who play real-life DND and Magic: The Gathering have off-putting personalities. They also have filthy homes and their fathers smell of elderberries, but I'm willing to put those up for debate.",True +"CMV: I believe that the first time you are caught driving drunk you should be fined heavily and have your license revoked for a certain period of time. The second time you are caught, you should lose all driving privileges for life.",True +CMV: teleportation is the best super power. There's no contest when choosing super powers.,True +CMV: I think it would be great if I were a bisexual.,True +"CMV: To reduce distracted driving, listening to music while driving should be technically prohibited",True +CMV: There is no need to worry about the surveillance state.,True +CMV: The 'women deserve equal pay to men' movement is stupid. Women who are underpaid only have themselves to blame.,True +CMV: American White Culture Exists,True +"CMV: much like boxing has weight classes, basketball should have height classes.",True +CMV: Tattoos are ultimately a bad idea.,True +CMV:Getting a divorce while raising kids is extremely selfish and irresponsible in the majority of cases.,True +CMV: Batman could defeat Darth Vader in a street fight,True +CMV: I think most video games are a waste of time,True +"CMV: The Supreme Court made the correct decision about Hobby Lobby. Everyone who disagrees either doesn't know the facts, is too easily sensationalized, or is being hypocritical.",True +CMV: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should be repealed,True +"CMV: I think the recent USA World Cup fandom had (barely) anything to do with soccer, and everything to do with Nationalism/Patriotism. And I find that worrisome.",True +CMV: Publicly stating you aren't interested in hearing from minority groups in online dating profiles is racist.,True +"CMV: Inductive reasoning is the ultimate appeal to authority, and if one rejects any appeal to authority, one is rejecting inductive reasoning",True +"CMV: The sports that are the ""big"" sports in America (NFL & MLB) are the least entertaining sports in the world with major leagues that have any kind of significance",True +CMV: It is hypocritical to criticize the use of burqas in the Muslim religion while ignoring the inability for women to expose their breasts publicly within most countries.,True +CMV: Christianity is all-powerful because they stack the deck in their favor.,True +"CMV:Stay at Home Parents who claim it is a ""hard job"" only find it difficult because they are not very good at it. If they were, it would be an extended vacation.",True +"CMV: The term ""STI"" is misleading and only exists as a way to make sexual transmitted diseases seem less dangerous.",True +CMV: An anti-abortion stance is not incompatible with either atheism or libertarianism.,True +"CMV:Consciousness, whatever else it may be, is interchangeable between/across people, it's what we really are, and it's more accurate to say we're all one consciousness than to say that we're separate.",True +"CMV: Compared to women, men have no/way less safe spaces and everything close to one is labeled as sexist/excluding women and is in the process of being taken away.",True +"CMV: I support the legalization of most drugs, but cigarettes should be banned.",True +CMV: I think that people who have racial fetishes (especially toward Asian or black people) are disturbing. CMV,True +CMV: I think African Americans today should be grateful for the Atlantic Slave Trade of the 18-19th Century,True +CMV: There shouldn't be a separate museum for African American history in the Smithsonian.,True +"CMV: The basis of Christianity is immoral: They tell us that we are flawed, but don't fret, we have the solution.",True +CMV: The human race will never leave the solar system,True +CMV: Humans who will not contribute to humanity in any positive manner should be put to death.,True +CMV: It should be illegal for American companies to outsource to factories with conditions that would be illegal in America,True +"CMV: I believe that blacks are genetically inferior to whites, Asians, and jews as far as intelligence is concerned.",True +"CMV: I don't believe people with severe mental disabilities should graduate. Please, please CMV.",True +"CMV: In many cases, it is morally permissible or possibly obligatory for superheroes to kill or handicap the supervillain they are fighting.",True +CMV: The University of California is the best public university system in the world.,True +CMV: I don't find anthropogenic global warming an interesting issue.,True +CMV: True peace can never exist.,True +"CMV: Calling WWII bomber pilots ""heroes"" is offensive and hypocritical.",True +CMV: Birth control shouldn't be covered by health insurance.,True +CMV: Our culture should consider large furniture and appliances as something that comes with the house and that you leave with the house,True +CMV: I believe that electric vehicles should not be mass produced... yet,True +"CMV: I believe queuing is an important tool, and not queuing is rude.",True +"CMV: ""Boston Strong"" is just a scam to sell T Shirts and bracelets",True +"CMV: Most ""free"" antivirus software are nearly as bad as malware.",True +CMV:Radical SJW-type leftism is damaging to the welfare and happiness of its participants,True +CMV: The world would be better off if everyone in Africa died,True +CMV: Net Neutrality is anti-capitalism.,True +"CMV: If a firm is too big to fail and gets bailed out, its leaders should be executed",True +CMV: Severe depression is incurable,True +CMV - Making our children believe that Santa Claus is real sends our kids the wrong message and teaches them that it's ok to lie.,True +CMV: I believe any ideology is inherently bad,True +CMV: I don't think men should have paid paternity leave.,True +"CMV: it is not sexist to be okay with hitting women, provided you are also okay with hitting a man who is weaker than you in that situation. If you think it is, you are being sexist.",True +CMV: It doesn't bother me that the leaders of charities make tons of money.,True +CMV:women's tennis tournaments are secondary,True +"CMV: Most women, of all ages (not just the young) assign way too much value on physical appearance, which is why so many women ""can't find a man"" as they claim.",True +CMV: Throw pillows are only useful for aesthetic purposes.,True +CMV: I see no reason why men's and women's chess are separate events.,True +CMV: It should be viewed as rude and socially unacceptable for Christians to proselytize to strangers.,True +CMV: I think Communism can be successful with a very democraticly-setup government system.,True +CMV: Talent is a depressing concept.,True +CMV: Christianity is the superior Abrahamic religion.,True +CMV: Supporters of the anti-vaccination movement meet the diagnostic criteria for psychiatric illness and should be treated accordingly,True +CMV: Sub-zero is way better than Scorpion,True +CMV: Arresting an 89 year old former Auschwitz guard is wrong.,True +"CMV: The U.S. is too big for one government, and should be broken up into smaller countries.",True +"CMV:African-Americans who dump Christianity and shack up with Islam seem to think they are flipping the bird at the creed that enslaved their ancestors, but they are only swapping it for a religion that has enslaved their ancestors for far longer",True +"CMV:As a black person, I feel I must tip nearly 40% to make up for the multitude of other black people who don't tip.",True +"CMV: ""Cosmos: a space-time odyssey"" is an elementary school educational show.",True +CMV: All welfare including food stamps and Medicaid should have a five year lifetime limit like TANF,True +"CMV: The ""marriage equality movement"" is dangerous and should be stopped because it destroys Queer Culture and represents the end of Queer History via assimilation.",True +CMV: I think it would be as good experience to at some time in my life try marijuana at least once,True +"CMV: that companies shouldn't do ""corporate social responsibility""",True +"CMV: I think ""live and let live"" and ""mind your own business"" will solve virtually all social issues. As long as no one is being harmed in any way, any individual should be allowed to do whatever he/she wants.",True +CMV: I think that the view of Americans as lazy people who don't want to travel is unfair. I believe that traveling within the USA counts because it is so large and varied.,True +CMV: Using screw lids for wine bottles is in every way better than using corks.,True +CMV:Young Earth Creationism is nonsensical from a strictly theological viewpoint,True +CMV: I don't believe that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt.,True +CMV: Sexual jealousy is manmade.,True +"CMV: In light of all the social justice movements over race, religion, creed, sexuality, etc. etc, I feel Asians deserve more attention than they get.",True +CMV: Special care should not be taken when dealing with introverts.,True +"CMV: Elrond should have pushed Isildur into the fire. In fact, he was morally required to do so.",True +CMV: I think being religious is the equivalent of being insane.,True +CMV: STEM studies are inherently superior to humanities,True +CMV: The best thing for Snowden to do would be to return to the US,True +CMV: Feminist attempts to reclaim words are unlikely to succeed,True +CMV: The Jedi Order deserved to fall,True +CMV: Trying to vote in laws based on religious faith is hypocritical in nature as no religious person follows his/her religion by the letter,True +CMV: Intelligence is the privilege that trumps all other privileges,True +CMV: No country should be a permanent member of the UN security council and no country should have veto power in the UN security council,True +CMV: I believe that woman's nipples should be censored despite men's not being so.,True +"CMV: I believe that it's a good thing that America doesn't take soccer seriously, because it lets the rest of the world have something that they can win at.",True +CMV: The Coors Light advertising focusing on their beer being cold is idiotic.,True +CMV I believe that I should not have to sacrifice my career to be in a long distance relationship with someone by moving to so's country and starting anew,True +"CMV: I believe that no topic of opinion should be taboo to discuss, even in ""polite company"".",True +CMV: I believe that being attractive is the single most important trait in determining how strangers will treat you.,True +"CMV: The Penalty Shootout in Football(soccer) is an anti-climactic cop out, and a horrible way to settle ties.",True +CMV: I think Nintendo should ignore the competitive realm of Smash Bros because they represent a tiny chunk of sales.,True +"CMV:If a woman becomes pregnant, and her partner does not want to keep the child, he should be able to deny any involvement, including child support, on the grounds that he makes his decision during the pregnancy.",True +"CMV: I Believe a Sustainable Market for Video Games Oriented Towards Women Exists, and that Feminism Would Be Better Served to Develop For It Than Merely Complain About It",True +CMV: I dont think that Ontario should allow convenience stores to sell alcohol.,True +CMV: Mental health facilities should resemble those for health care,True +CMV: I should be allowed to play first person shooters when I am 17.,True +CMV: Nothing can replace the social value of smoking tobacco,True +CMV: I think there is no rational moral justification for animal rights as a moral issue,True +"CMV: I am a faithful Catholic who believes that Liberal social policy, such as Gay Marriage, is for the betterment of society",True +CMV: I believe that the benefits that come with marriage is the government's way of telling you to reproduce.,True +CMV: I believe that the majority of examinations used in schools are ineffective at determining knowledge.,True +CMV: I don't think Gotham can be saved.,True +CMV: Removing body hair is painful and pointless.,True +CMV:I believe that you have no rational right to object to being casually or indirectly photographed while in a public setting.,True +CMV:I think by the age of 25 people must have at least one child. Change my view.,True +"CMV: I think it's okay to tell a homeless person that a group of friends brought a lot of cheeseburgers, when giving him some",True +CMV: I think the Fat Acceptance movement is dangerous,True +CMV: Religions only hinder scientific progress.,True +CMV: Amorality is the most harmonious secular viewpoint.,True +"CMV: I feel /r/Atheism is more about embracing hatred towards religion, and less about embracing Atheism",True +CMV: There is no good reason to sit in the front row of a movie theater.,True +"CMV:""soft science"" is no less worthwhile than ""hard science"" and the logic that says otherwise is fallacious",True +CMV: Snowden's leaks did not harm national security.,True +CMV: Waffles are completely superior to pancakes,True +CMV: I believe that all states should compensate wrongly convicted people by a large amount of money and support,True +"CMV: The current structure of the military, where soldiers are unaware of why people deserve being fired upon, is morally indefensible.",True +CMV: Providing a bible in a hotel room is arbitrary,True +"CMV: I am opposed to how PPACA (aka ""Obamacare"") allows children up to age 26 stay on their parent's health insurance.",True +CMV: I believe that teaching abstinence until the age of majority (18) is most responsible.,True +"CMV: I believe that if you are a straight male, being a hipster is the best balance between ""bro"" and ""neckbeard"" ideologies.",True +"CMV: Once basic needs (food, shelter) are met, there is no correlation between more money and more happiness.",True +CMV: People with depression are really just over dramatic and ungrateful,True +CMV: The logical conclusion of feminist reasoning is libertarianism,True +CMV: Sex under the voluntary influence of drugs or alcohol is not rape,True +CMV: A banana is not a good method of portraying scale.,True +CMV: I don't feel the 2000's have been defined by a culture like other generations or decades. (America),True +"CMV: Concerning promotions, pandering to bosses is more effective than being a hard, efficient worker who cares about the job.",True +CMV: The Catholic Church is the one true church,True +CMV:Cancer charities that research cures are a waste of money compared to more cost effective charities.,True +CMV: Wikipedia is the single most impressive collection of data mankind has ever put together.,True +CMV: Philosophy is useless and should not be studied,True +CMV: America would be far better off if Congress was limited to incumbents 25-35 years old.,True +CMV: It's acceptable to refuse to sell my product to somebody based on race.,True +CMV: The purpose of the federal government is to protect our human rights.... that's it.,True +"CMV: I genuinely fail to understand how someone can claim to embrace both the Christian faith and the values of the Republican party of the USA. Being a Christian and a Republican is hypocrisy, and I am shocked by how rarely people seem to point out this hypocrisy.",True +CMV: I think churches should pay taxes.,True +"CMV: I think as long as you have a well paying job, job satisfaction doesn't matter at all.",True +CMV: I don't get the appeal of Google Glass. Please enlighten me as to why it's so awesome.,True +"CMV: Even if the Christian God existed, it would not be worthy of praise and worship",True +CMV : I think it takes less skill and talent to be an EDM artist as compared to other musicians.,True +"CMV: In order to be part of an Authority body, you should renounce your right to privacy and all your activities/communications should be available for everyone to see.",True +CMV:I think society's view on alcohol is toxic and I wish to see alcohol viewed in the same way as any other drug.,True +"CMV: I think Muslims do themselves a disservice by using the word ""Allah"" instead of ""God"" even when speaking in English.",True +CMV: The Volt should replace the Ampere as a base unit in the SI system,True +CMV: The release of is Bowe Bergdahl should be considered a national disgrace.,True +CMV: Canada should cut foreign aid until we've paid off our debt.,True +"CMV - Roman numerals have absolutely no use in modern writing, and there is no good reason to use them any more.",True +"CMV: I am completely unswayed by TV advertisements, and I think that advertisers must only be able to convince children and the unintelligent through ads to buy their products",True +CMV: I feel use of camera equipped drones by law enforcement is perfectly reasonable and does not infringe my freedoms.,True +"CMV: As a 15yr old, I don't see any problem with having sex with much older people",True +CMV: It makes no sense that women are more afraid of walking around alone than men are,True +CMV: White people are mocking black people when they speak ebonics to their black friends.,True +"CMV: I believe that all forms of conception that are not ""natural"" (i.e. IVF) should be used rarely, if not banned.",True +"CMV: I think the first Mass Effect is far superior to either of its sequels gameplay wise, making me hesitant to finish the series. CMV if you could.",True +CMV: I don't think mass media presents an unrealistic/harmful example of body image for people to strive for.,True +CMV: Fashion glasses (non-prescription or lenseless glasses) are pointless and annoying.,True +CMV: The #Yesallwomen is sexism hiding behind statistics,True +"CMV: While it wasn't always, *Contemporary* feminism and the TRP/PUA/MRM demographic are equally mentally ill and divorced from reality.",True +"CMV: Todd Packer from ""The Office"" is not straight.",True +CMV: I believe politicians and business people shouldn't be in charge of running a country,True +"CMV:I believe a $70,000 individual annual salary is more than enough to live damn comfortable anywhere in the US",True +CMV: I don't see the point in self driving cars,True +CMV:I don't think that The Beatles are as big of a deal as they are made out to be.,True +CMV: It is wrong for someone to not date someone simply based on their race,True +"CMV:Richard Martinez, the father of recent shooting victim is a tool.",True +CMV: I believe people who don't walk on the right side of the sidewalk (in America) are either assholes or idiots.,True +CMV:The movie 'Drive' starring Ryan Gosling was horribly boring and supremely overrated,True +CMV: There's nothing wrong with me smoking marijuana at the end of the day,True +"CMV: I don't see why people insist on the term ""feminist"" being used for someone who supports equality, rather than something which actually means ""belief in equality for all people"".",True +CMV: I believe mathematical intelligence is the most superior of all intelligences,True +CMV: All theistic religion is cancer.,True +CMV: veterans & active members of the military do not automatically deserve such a high level of respect,True +CMV: I'm not a misogynist,True +CMV: College gen-ed classes are generally a waste of students' time and money and should not be required,True +"CMV: There is no hope for some people in this world. They are born suffering and they will die suffering, and no one will ever stop that from happening.",True +"CMV: Students with learning disabilities should not be given special accommodations for exams, and doing so does them a disservice, because in the real world employers won't give you special accommodations for things that impact your work",True +CMV: Feminism is not needed *in the USA*,True +CMV:I feel that confidence is a primitive mindset that maintains ignorance.,True +CMV:Blaming the Men's Rights Movement for Elliott Rodger is the equivalent of blaming Islam for suicide bombers,True +CMV: Hashtag/Armchair Activism has nothing more than a self-serving purpose.,True +"CMV: Handguns are for killing people, and no one has a reason to own a handgun unless they intend to kill someone",True +CMV: If you outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. I'm fine with this.,True +CMV: I believe a fetus has rights worth protecting.,True +CMV: As a black man I wish the Confederate States of America woulda won the civil war,True +CMV: A lot of economists are just glorified fortune tellers,True +"CMV: I believe that in order to be a truly great musician, one must be able to read musical notation.",True +CMV: I don't think corporate tax cuts do anything to help create job growth.,True +"CMV: If someone believes that race does not exist, and therefore that racism makes no sense, that person should also consider programs aimed at helping disadvantaged races to be nonsensical, regardless of circumstances.",True +CMV: caffeinated soft drinks are more harmful than e-cigarettes,True +"CMV: Any bartender at a bar that serves cocktails should know how to make a high quality Manhattan, old fashioned or a whiskey sour. If they can't they shouldn't be a bartender.",True +CMV: I am a 16 year old who wants to start smoking.,True +CMV: Education is ineffective at best and indoctrination at worst.,True +CMV: Grades are an accurate reflection of intelligence,True +CMV: All fines should be a percent of personal income instead of flat penalties.,True +CMV: I don't think being a mother is the hardest job in the world.,True +CMV: Honorary degrees should not exist.,True +CMV: I do not believe that schools should be responsible for providing lunch for every child.,True +CMV: Atheism is irrational,True +CMV: I don't think Dogecoin will succeed in the long run.,True +CMV: Illegal drugs should stay illegal.,True +CMV: I believe that the penny should be removed from US circulation,True +CMV: Society's desire for instant gratification will be our downfall,True +CMV: Artists who do not wish their works to be published should have their wishes respected posthumously.,True +CMV: I think the mainstream American Christian culture has an undeserved victim mentality,True +"CMV: If you don't opt-in for organ donating, organs shouldn't be given to you in a time of need",True +CMV:I don't believe in morality,True +CMV: The Caesar's Legion are the superior choice for the Mojave and maybe even the entire Wasteland,True +CMV: I think I might be sex-negative and I am definitely prone to slut shaming but I don't think its a bad thing...,True +"CMV:Pizza should be measured in inches, 8"", 12"" 18"" instead of S, M, L.",True +"CMV: Instead of the Selective Service, 18-year-olds should be required to enlist in the Army Reserves",True +CMV: I should not vote in the European elections,True +"CMV: HItler had the right idea killing people, just not the right ones",True +CMV: I'm a good looking guy who believes that long term relationships is selling myself short,True +CMV: Horoscopes are useless.,True +CMV: Increasing voting turnout while ignoring voter comprehension is more detrimental to society then creating voting requirements.,True +CMV: America imposing sanctions on Russia for their actions in Ukraine is both wrong and useless,True +CMV:I don't think income equality is a problem.,True +CMV: I feel that wealthy should pay a flat tax rather than the current progressive US tax system.,True +CMV: I believe that the use of hops in beer is overrated and is leading to the general populace falsely equating craft beers as being hoppy.,True +CMV: Wikipedia is one of the most reliable sources of information short of peer-reviewed publications.,True +CMV: Javert is not a compelling antagonist.,True +CMV: I believe that people who claim to be afraid of clowns are exaggerating and being over dramatic.,True +"CMV: I accept anthropogenic climate change, but I don't consider it a problem",True +CMV: I believe that people in democracies should have a process to directly vote on legislation.,True +CMV: Scrooge McDuck is ruining Duckburg's and the world's economy.,True +"CMV: I think that expecting people to not downvote based on disagreement is stupid, and if reddit mods really want to enforce it, they should get rid of the downvote button altogether.",True +CMV: Feminism as it exists in the modern era is useless and annoying,True +CMV:There is an ethical limit to the amount of money a person should receive as direct compensation for their work and this number is significantly lower than what executives and athletes are currently paid.,True +"CMV:I believe I could win a fight against any dog, or a wolf for that matter.",True +CMV: This is why Mumford and Sons are a disgrace to tradition and a negative reflection of our society,True +CMV: I think dishwashers are a waste of time and money.,True +CMV: I could probably outmaneuver and evade a velociraptor,True +CMV: Propane is better than Charcoal for grilling.,True +CMV: I believe books should not be banned from public libraries on the basis of content.,True +"CMV: if Michael Sam is on the St Louis Rams roster at the beginning of this NFL season, it will be at least in part due to his being the first openly gay player in the NFL",True +CMV:I am Liberal,True +CMV: Beauty and the Beast is NOT one of the greatest Disney movies.,True +"CMV:I believe that the mens rights movement is just a bunch of over privileged anti-women, sexist white males. Can you convince me its a legitimate movement? I'm also white and male so I have no gender/race bias.",True +CMV:Dating a friend's ex is not wrong,True +CMV: Instruments are stupid and obsolete,True +"CMV:I don't think SRS (/r/ShitRedditSays) is as bad as people make it out to be, and is just pointing out bigotry.",True +CMV: My classmates' cheating devalues my degree,True +CMV: I refuse to jaywalk at an intersection even when I can see no cars are coming.,True +CMV: I think I'd rather adopt kids (when that time comes) because I don't want to perpetuate my bf's or my genes.,True +CMV: I don't believe it's possible for an abusive monopoly to exist over a sustained period of time without being buttressed by the government.,True +CMV: Rotating shifts shouldn't be used.,True +CMV: Imperial Measurements are completely useless,True +CMV:I do not think that all sex offenders are as immoral as the media and our culture paints them.,True +"CMV:I despise ""rappers"" that only rap about money, clubs, guns, etc.",True +"CMV: I believe that unless all the food a person eats is free range or organic, they have no reason to shun halal meat.",True +"CMV: Deliberately increasing your caloric intake to add muscle (""bulking"") leads to obesity later in life.",True +"CMV: A person can retroactively consent to sex they had while drunk, no matter how drunk they got.",True +CMV: Cheesecake is a pie,True +CMV: I believe in the existence of Natural Rights and I can't stand moral relativism,True +CMV: I think spreadsheets should be deprecated and everybody should migrate to embedded databases,True +CMV: The Catholic Church has never reversed her teachings as it relates to faith and morals.,True +CMV: I don't understand why anyone would drink 2% milk.,True +"CMV: The ""check your privilege"" phenomenon is not racist against white people; rather, it calls for an awareness of the cultural and historical reality in which we live.",True +CMV: I think I should learn what I want to learn in high school.,True +"CMV: If we discover a species of aliens that at the time is less advanced than us, but is clearly more intelligent and will surpass us in technology in the future, the correct course of action would be to wipe that species out while we have the chance.",True +"CMV: I believe that the Dark Side of The Force is a corruption and not just ""the other side of the coin"" and that bringing balance to the force involves destroying the Sith.",True +CMV: I believe that religion prevents moral growth/change.,True +CMV - I believe human civilization is doomed. *PLEASE* change my view.,True +CMV: I believe an ethical vegetarian or vegan diet is morally indefensible and delusional.,True +"CMV: I love smartphones, social media and technology, I long for even more.",True +CMV: Reduce use of animals in drug testing and use humans instead,True +"CMV: I believe that, even if God does exist, the human race doesn't need him.",True +CMV. I believe in same sex and traditional marriage but not other types of marriage,True +CMV: I think quantum computing is a bust and will never work.,True +"CMV: Motion pictures as we know them are rapidly on their way out and therefore, there is no point in me becoming a filmmaker, at least not in the traditional sense.",True +I believe the US government has no right to charge me property tax. CMV,True +CMV: It is not okay to drive under the influence of ANY mind altering substance.,True +"CMV: In war, a heroic defeat is better than a blundering victory.",True +CMV: I believe that downvotes are about as useful as upvotes and should generally not be discouraged (for the most part).,True +"CMV: Most gay rights supporters are hypocritical, and think about sexuality the same way as conservative evangelicals do.",True +CMV: I think that piracy/freebooting should be considered acceptable if the pirated version of content is (or at least can be considered) better than the legal version,True +CMV: Change the legal definition of birth to when the birth certificate has been filed,True +CMV: Using Nazi comparisons can be a valid way of discussing a point,True +"CMV: If you support freedom of speech but not freedom from censorship you're a hypocrite, especially where peoples livelihood is threatened (Brendan Eich, Donald Sterling)",True +"CMV: I believe the Xbox One is useless and a poor excuse for a games console, please CMV.",True +CMV: I don't think that banning abortion will actually have any affect on the number of abortions.,True +CMV: I don't believe in anything,True +CMV: Legislators should face punishment for passing unconstitutional laws.,True +"CMV: Conspiracy theorists raise valid points and it's wrong to disregard them all as ""nutjobs"".",True +CMV: I believe the following changes would be good for US politics.,True +CMV: I would enjoy being shipwrecked on an island.,True +CMV: Reddit's reaction to the Donald Sterling incident has been a complete failure.,True +CMV: I believe the idea that healthy food is more expensive than junk is a myth perpetuated by fatties,True +CMV: I don't think major sports athletes should be paid as much as they are.,True +"CMV: I think it's morally ok to kill an animal for food, but I'm a vegan because I hate the way animals are treated, for such food..",True +CMV: I don't believe grandparents deserve any rights when it comes to being able to see their grandchild(ren). I don't understand why US courts grant grandparents visitation rights despite the child(ren)'s parents being deemed fit.,True +"CMV: I think that ""cisgendered"" and ""cissexual"" are unnecessary.",True +"CMV: I believe that the usage of the words ""premium"", ""luxury"", and ""fresh"" should be regulated in advertising.",True +CMV: The vast majority of people who debate online have no interest in what their opposition has to say.,True +"CMV: As a man, I find it odd that ""shaved"" has become the norm for female pubic hair. I don't think it's a fetish that I prefer women with ""hair down there."" [NSFW]",True +CMV: Killing soldiers is equally wrong as killing civilians,True +"CMV: I think that voting third party in a presidential election is, overall, a waste of your vote.",True +CMV: I think moral laws can be established by logic & science and would be preferable than those currently established by faith and cultural norms.,True +"CMV: I believe that if the argument that ""The death penalty cannot be used because we cannot be 100% sure of a person's guilt"" is valid, it can also be applied to imprisoning that person, or to any other form of punishment, thus rendering the entire legal system useless.",True +CMV: Grammar Nazis are pointless and correcting peoples' grammatical and spelling errors (on the internet) is pedantic,True +CMV:I believe that all religion was born out of the fear of death.,True +CMV: I think that gender neutral pronouns such as Ze Zir and Zirs are counter productive and not feasible,True +"CMV: I believe that birth control is not a ""basic human right.""",True +CMV: I don't understand how anyone enjoys night clubs.,True +CMV - The Lion King is hugely overrated,True +CMV: The Humean objection to the argument from miracles is conclusive.,True +CMV: The net neutrality debate is silly.,True +CMV: America will crumble internally like the ancient Romans.,True +"CMV: I think my son's first car should look as much like a police car as possible, within the legal limitations.",True +CMV: Coins are outdated and should be removed as legal tender,True +CMV: I think it's ethical to lie when assessing global warming and potential effects on human civilization,True +CMV: I think we should abolish timezones and have a universal time across the world,True +"CMV: I believe that current political campaign norms are wasteful, pervert the electoral process, and result in the effective disenfranchisement of the average citizen.",True +CMV: Analog clocks are pointless.,True +CMV: I don't understand the ideal search for world peace,True +CMV: I find it difficult to enjoy works of fantasy that incorporate science/technology.,True +CMV: Rich people should not be judged solely because of their wealth. This is ignorant and hateful. Please change my view.,True +CMV: I think the study of business contributes little to nothing to the progression of society.,True +CMV: There's no such thing as a person who's both sex-positive and anti-abortion,True +"CMV: I do not feel sorry for them when a vicious murderer, rapist or child abuser is raped in jail.",True +CMV: I think that rhetoric should take literature's place as a key subject in school.,True +CMV: I belive that every college campus should be forced to allow concealed carry.,True +"CMV: There's nothing wrong with ""cultural appropriation"".",True +CMV: Any law that can be broken peacefully is not a law worth having.,True +CMV: I don't think trading card games are fair at all.,True +"CMV: I am against ObamaCare, and free health care in general.",True +CMV: Women should not be allowed in combat units.,True +CMV: Being somewhat unsanitary helps prevent you from getting sick.,True +"CMV: Religious institutions shouldn't change due to social pressure, such as allowing women into positions of power, or accepting homosexuality.",True +CMV:I think Shakespeare is not as great as people claim.,True +CMV: I believe the United States should spend a great portion of their military expenditures towards other nations solely for goodwill.,True +"CMV: Considering 99.9% of all species that have ever lived on earth have since gone extinct, I do not think there is much significance to an endangered species dying out",True +CMV:Asking for a source to validate the debater in a hot-button topic is pointless.,True +"CMV: If Portland can throw away 38 million gallons of water for no rational purpose, it should be selling water to California.",True +CMV: Current Gen consoles seem like a waste considering they are similar to both each other and PC's.,True +CMV: Dualism is a tenable position in philosophy of mind.,True +"CMV: My girlfriend is an organ donor. While admirable, I want her to opt-back out.",True +CMV:I think that Communism can work in small groups.,True +"CMV: Consciousness is ultimately a ""curse""",True +CMV: Osama bin Laden should've been tried,True +CMV: I think Hatha Yoga is bullshit. And possibly a scam.,True +CMV: I don't believe you should be responsible for the actions of other people who are on your property without your approval.,True +CMV: Children should be raised by both of their biological parents with adoption restricted,True +"CMV: This might sound mean, but I love Asian girls and yet I worry if I have a family with one and have a boy, he may grow up to have a small penis.",True +CMV: I believe tipping + low wages are a perfect acceptable practice,True +"CMV: to promote marriage, government should enact policies that reward marriage",True +CMV: Tort reform and damage caps are unconstitutional and bad policy.,True +CMV: Claiming that people are allowed to hold whatever religious views they want implies correctness is not important or valuable in society,True +"CMV: Self-diagnosing is not only detrimental to yourself, but to the whole mental health community.",True +"CMV: I think the Republicans have repugnant social views, but it doesn't matter because none of them will be enacted",True +CMV: I believe all rapists should get the death penalty,True +"CMV: If a corporation, after doing a cost/benefit analysis, determines that breaking a law/regulation will provide a net gain in shareholder value, it follows they must do so.",True +"CMV: I think it is perfectly legitimate to say you are not racist or classist but generally avoid people who are a part of ""ghetto culture"".",True +CMV: I believe that ideas that are dangerous to human civilization (like inaction on climate change) have no place in a political decision-making context and should be outside the realm of free speech.,True +CMV: It is frustrating to hear people in America blame their failure to succeed on their race/ethnicity/skin color.,True +"CMV: If two drunk people have sex, no rape or sexual assault was committed. Or, alternately, each of them sexually assaulted the other.",True +CMV: Your moral right to the fruits of your labor in excess of your needs does not outweigh your moral obligation to see to health and care of your fellow citizens.,True +CMV: Joining an apprenticeship to become an electrician is better than a CS major,True +"CMV: I believe that there is no moral difference in eating cat, dog or horse than there is in eating other meats.",True +"CMV: I think that unless you have dependents, all ""inheritance"" should go to government services",True +CMV: I believe that nobody has the right to kill another human being.,True +"CMV: I believe anyone who uses ""x privilege"" in a discussion is a horrible person and a parasite on society.",True +CMV: I should expose my classmates and I's cheating during our final semester of university.,True +CMV: Parents should not be given special treatment by employers at the expense of their childless colleagues.,True +"CMV: Tourism is bad, and tourists are ignorant.",True +CMV:Cannabis is a strong psychoactive substance and whether or not it is less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco has no bearing on its legality,True +"CMV: I think full freedom makes us lonely, hostile, weak and unhappy",True +CMV: ASSFAGGOTS is the most fitting acronym for the genre of video games that includes League of Legends and Dota2.,True +CMV: I believe a armed revolution by the citizens of the United States would fail.,True +"CMV: Whether the word ""nigger"" and/or ""nigga"" are offensive or not should be based on intent and context, not the color of your skin.",True +"CMV: I think that much of social construct theory is baseless, as social constructs must ultimately originate from genetic predispositions.",True +"CMV: I think a gun shooting incident is as horrendous as a bomb explosion, if the number of victims is the same [NSFW]",True +CMV:I believe that being too sensitive when faced with questions has caused transsexuals to be considered outcasts.,True +"CMV: I believe ""that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them"". Change my view.",True +CMV: I don't believe an orchestra conductor actually does anything useful during a concert performance,True +CMV: I believe that taking a non-working pet to a vet is a waste of money.,True +"CMV: Hunting is not fair, and there is no point in distinguishing types of hunting that are 'more fair' than others.",True +"CMV: Anything you can say about ""the rich"" or ""the 1%"" can also be said about attractive women of any background.",True +"CMV: Anarchism, while attractive, is inherently unsustainable. It must either allow the formation of a state antithetical to it's ideology, or form a state to prevent such an event.",True +"CMV: A Person with Unchangeable Views Is, in a Way, Godlike",True +CMV: I believe that the Westboro Baptist Church is overall a force of good in this nation.,True +"CMV: I don't believe that tipping servers in America is in any meaningful sense ""mandatory""",True +CMV: I strongly feel that scientists especially Physicists should be allowed to patent their theories,True +CMV: I think everyone on earth should speak the same language.,True +CMV: I believe [US] Republicans are more reliant on personal attacks than Democrats.,True +"CMV: Humanities are important to the development of society, but they do not deserve public funding",True +"CMV: I consider safe shelter , nutritious food, and quality education and healthcare universal human rights.",True +CMV: I don't believe fast foods or Wal-Mart type jobs should pay more than minimum wage.,True +CMV: The USA should enact a one-time mass-redistribution of wealth to correct the 1%/99% imbalance along with a Basic Income and the outlaw of Renting.,True +"CMV: I despise people involved in the military, CMV.",True +CMV: A life with religion is more meaningful and fulfilling than one without.,True +"CMV: If society thinks a 35 year old man is wrong for wanting, and trying, to have sex with a 17 year old girl, society is based on lies",True +CMV: Bitcoin is the future of money,True +CMV: I think that atheists are just as illogical as they think theists are,True +CMV:Men and Women should be held to the same standards when it comes to physical abilities test for employment.,True +CMV: Midget wrestling is more morally repugnant than cock fighting.,True +CMV: Homosexuality is a sin according to the Christian viewpoint.,True +CMV: I believe that a child raised in a same sex marriage will have distorted views on sexuality & family values.,True +CMV: Anarchism is not a respectable political opinion.,True +"CMV: ""Man"" and ""Woman"" apply to definitions of the 23rd Chromosome.",True +CMV: I don't we should make more it more difficult for mentally ill people to own a gun.,True +CMV: I believe voting is pointless and the main parties are the same (in the UK),True +"CMV: I'm not sold on the concept of 'genderfluid', and I think it demeans transgender people",True +CMV: The poor have too much political power,True +CMV:I don't think you need to believe in something(religious) to live happily,True +CMV: Emotionally involved people shouldn't be allowed to vote in the topic they're involved in,True +CMV: Terrorism is a result of people being reasonable.,True +CMV:I think the rich should be taxed more,True +"CMV:If Supreme Court Justices actually did what they were supposed to do, virtually every decision would be a 9-0 vote. The fact that many votes - especially on ""hot button"" issues - are 5-4 votes indicates that the Justices are deciding politically, rather than simply interpreting the Constitution",True +"CMV: I think that the recent Supreme Court decision (McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission) is going to have a myriad of unintended consequences, and will make the US much worse off (than it already is)",True +CMV: Empathy is a weakness.,True +"CMV: I should wait until I have a thorough understanding of politics, issues, etc. before I vote in any election.",True +"Whenever someone mentions microaggressions, I take them and their argument less seriously. CMV",True +"CMV: I believe guns are terrible self defense tools, and the idea that we require guns for self defense is a fallacy.",True +"CMV: No one ""deserves"" respect based upon a position of authority or power",True +"CMV: I think the ""Reaper"" invasion is a bunch of Council propaganda",True +CMV: That Carpenter guy from Jerusalem is pretty cool!,True +CMV: Emotion is more important than Logic,True +CMV: I believe convenience abortion is morally wrong,True +CMV: I believe in astrology.,True +"CMV: It is completely contradictory to say that abortion isn't murder, but at the same time call it murder if a person terminates someone else's fetus.",True +CMV: Intentionally getting oneself intoxicated is completely irresponsible in any and all situations.,True +"I think within the near future, China will surpass the United States as the largest world economy - CMV",True +"I believe Balisongs, or ""Butterfly Knives"", should be legal to carry. CMV.",True +I believe that pokemon gyms should be exceedingly difficult and not able to be destroyed by one move or one pokemon. CMV.,True +"CMV: I believe that, although important and beneficial, reading books is not necessary for life enrichment and fulfillment.",True +CMV: I believe that being pro-Israel (the state) and calling yourself a liberal is inherently contradictory.,True +CMV: Anyone given life in prison should be given the death penalty instead,True +CMV: I think that salesmen are useless middlemen striving for legitimacy in the Information Era,True +CMV: I feel that people who believe in aborting or euthanizing babies that would/were born with mental illness are inherently terrible people.,True +"CMV: Rich people are devoid of any sense of morality. If you are rich and moral, you'd just give away all of your money. Plus they live the most socially irresponsible and destructive lives.",True +"Ebonics is a symbol of the lower class, and if people plan to move up in the world, they need to be able to speak proper English. CMV",True +A vegan diet that requires supplements is neither natural nor healthy. CMV.,True +CMV: I believe that most skeptics are simply jumping on bandwagons.,True +CMV: Smoking bans on college campus are NOT an intrusion upon students' rights.,True +The search for flight 370 is merely a hunt to satisfy the world's morbid curiosity and should be ceased immediately. CMV.,True +CMV: I think it is not in the best interest of healthy and/or young people to buy healthy insurance under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).,True +Bitching about reposts should be banned site-wide. Attempt to CMV.,True +CMV: It doesn't make sense to sort laundry - just wash everything on cold.,True +"CMV: I don't think ""feminism"" is the right word for it anymore, and calling that makes it difficult to achieve the ideology's modern goals.",True +"CMV: Please change my controversial view about animal rights, abortions, killing the mentally handicapped and almost all morality.",True +CMV: I reject Blackstone's formulation,True +CMV: I believe Waluigi to be the worst character Nintendo has ever made.,True +CMV: It is ridiculously harder to socialize in life if you don't drink alcohol,True +CMV: I have this strong belief that communism will only lead to dictatorships,True +"CMV: If you've never considered the notion of (a) god, you're neither agnostic nor an atheist.",True +"CMV: Getting revenge on someone who done you wrong can be healing and beneficial, especially when what they've done has caused you emotional/traumatic harm.",True +CMV: Society should stop protecting children from their parents,True +"CMV: I believe the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center were almost certainly inside jobs, at least in part.",True +"CMV: I believe The 'swastika' deserves respect and clarification as a symbol, as a significant part of the human population, viz the Hindus, hold this symbol sacred. I feel this is essential to prevent misunderstandings and prejudice...CMV, I guess.",True +I believe religion is the single most tragic thing to have happened to the human species. CMV,True +"I believe that in today's digital world, handwriting is of little importance. CMV",True +"I think that it's impossible to be anti-immigration and pro-natal, without also being racist. CMV.",True +I believe that those that choose to be childfree are either evolutionary dead-ends or hypocrites. CMV,True +I would kill you to prevent you burning the Mona Lisa just to keep yourself warm. CMV.,True +CMV that depression is a psychological issue,True +"I believe that there is no value in vinyl as a format and that collecting it is just nostalgia, hording or pretentious CMV",True +I believe that people who ditch their friends when they are in a relationship do not have any reason to be upset if their friends do not welcome them back with open arms after a nasty breakup. CMV,True +"I believe people who use any sort of mind altering substance, i.e. drugs or alcohol or the like, or masturbate at all are not strong enough to handle the difficulties of life. CMV.",True +"I have never, and will never, hire a woman under 50 years old for any position that is even mildly important. CMV.",True +"Gender is unnecessary and inherently oppressive, and its removal from society should be sought. CMV.",True +"""Scared Straight"" does more harm than good. CMV.",True +"I don't think sexual objectification is abnormal or disgusting. I believe that admiration of another person's physique is not hurtful but rather complimentary, and I believe that people who lash out against those who do need a reality check. CMV.",True +I don't agree with the social shield around fat people. They got that way via choices and I don't feel cruel for being disgusted by them. CMV.,True +I believe smokers are a danger to themselves and others and should be treated as such legally. CMV,True +I believe that people who need to drink coffee everyday are no better than smokers CMV,True +"Seeing the Ukraine debacle, I think a nuclear deterrent remains the only way to ensure territorial sovereignty in the modern world CMV.",True +I believe if the state or federal government legally requires you to have something then they should provide it. CMV,True +I think atheists are lazy and close-minded people who have given up on and disregard any search for spirituality - CMV,True +I believe the capital of a nation or state should be the capital of that nation or state. CMV,True +I believe that it is wrong to give money to homeless people and beggars. Please CMV.,True +University system (in the US) is an enormous scam that focuses on separating as much money from you as possible instead of quality education. CMV,True +I believe we should leave the poor parts of Africa to their own devices. CMV,True +"The current political climate of ignoring science and reason, (anti-vaccinators, tea partiers, the disparity between the ""haves"" and ""have nots"", etc) makes me feel like humans will always be miserable, squabbling in the dirt, forever hurting each other and oppressing each other. *PLEASE* CMV.",True +Raising a child in your own religion is wrong and they should be able to pick freely when they are at a proper age. CMV.,True +Yahweh is no more benevolent than Cthulhu or Khorne. CMV.,True +Marriage is bullshit. CMV.,True +"I have ethical concerns regarding gender reassignment surgery because I think gender dysphoria should be treated as a psychological issue, not a physical problem. CMV",True +The Poor Should be Discouraged From Having Kids CMV,True +If hamburgers and hot dogs are American food then pizza is too. CMV,True +I think paternity tests should be a culturally standard part of the birth-giving experience. CMV.,True +I think football is boring and repetitive CMV,True +Single-player games are never worth playing anymore CMV,True +I think the mocking nature of many Atheists does a disservice to the cause. CMV.,True +I believe that taxation is theft. CMV.,True +I believe that being an atheist goes against the scientific method. CMV.,True +There is no compromise with getting an abortion if the woman doesn't want to go through pregnancy CMV,True +I think there is a rape culture and it is self selected by women. CMV,True +"I believe that unless it causes a public disturbance, 2 consenting adults should legally be allowed to fight without weapons. CMV",True +I believe that profits of companies should be limited/regulated. CMV,True +"I believe that in modern Western culture, being religious makes you more moral. CMV",True +"I believe monetary penalties for criminal acts should be a percentage of a person's income, CMV.",True +CMV maternity care should not be covered by Medicaid and optional for private insurance,True +I believe the ISS has been a complete waste of money. CMV,True +I don't view most of the top 50 song performers as 'musicians' CMV.,True +"""There will be Blood"" (Daniel Day Lewis movie) is completely overrated. CMV.",True +"I believe it is impossible for someone to love an adopted child as much as they love their biological child, CMV",True +I believe that the downvoting of comments has no place in subreddits such as this one. CMV.,True +I believe that E-Cigs are just as bad as cigarettes. CMV.,True +"I believe a fetus is at the very least a living but potential human, and at most a complete human deserving all the rights the rest of us deserve. CMV.",True +I think that sorting all political beliefs into two groups is harmful and stupid. CMV,True +Legislating the lives of others based on personally-held religious beliefs is un-American. CMV,True +"I believe all forms of nationalism, patriotism and 'national pride' are inherently racist and so is anyone who believes in any of these things. CMV.",True +I believe that the greatest divide in America is rural vs urban and that a government that's laws are more regionalized is a better way to run a country. CMV.,True +"CMV: I don't see anything ""illegal"" about Crimeans voting to become a part of Russia.",True +"In a case of rape, the victim should be able to determine the punishment for their assaulter. CMV",True +Ideology has no historical explanatory power. All of history can be explained in terms of narrow self-interest. CMV.,True +CMV Extramarital sex should be illegal,True +"On this date 2058 years ago, in an act of shocking betrayal, Brutus and his co-conspirators killed Julius Caesar. However I believe Brutus is more worthy of celebration than Caesar - CMV",True +I think that Malaysian Flight MH300 was interfered with by Aliens. CMV.,True +Telling companies that are losing money because of piracy to find a better business model is like telling rape victims they shouldn't have worn slutty clothing. CMV,True +"We should vote for a minimum wage by plebiscite... you write in your desired annual salary, and the national average becomes the minimum. CMV that my ""Name Your Price"" scheme is a good idea.",True +CMV: I think it is wrong to use China or the USSR as citations of communism as a failed system,True +"Bitcoin (for better or worse) can never operate as a real currency, by its own very design. CMV",True +I believe that it is not morally obligatory to be a vegetarian. CMV.,True +As a marksman I don't feel that more gun control or ammunition control should be considered on a policy level if it effects my enjoyment and use as a responsible gun owner. CMV,True +I believe pants sagging is just a form of fashion and see nothing wrong with it. CMV.,True +"I think the pharmaceutical industry is severely flawed. Drugs should not be as expensive as they are in the US/Canada, whether they are covered by insurance or not. CMV.",True +"Where someone breaks into my house, I believe I have full rights to use lethal force against them. CMV.",True +"One should never expect people to use invented pronouns (xe, xir, etc.) CMV",True +"I don't think that employers should be forced to accommodate religious attire, even in cases where they don't negatively affect job performance. CMV",True +I don't see the joy in raising a mental handicapped child CMV,True +"There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics… CMV",True +Robert E. Lee does not deserve any respect. CMV.,True +I believe children ages 0-4 are better off being cared for by a stay-at-home parent than being put into full-time daycare. Please CMV.,True +"I believe that authoritarianism is preferable to democracy, CMV",True +I believe OSX to be a better operating system than windows CMV.,True +"Lying to our kids about Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy etc. is wrong and creates a false sense of reality. CMV",True +"I believe that hard science majors, especially at top colleges, are far superior to liberal arts majors. CMV",True +"CMV: I believe that the oxford comma helps create a clearer meaning in text, and that it should be the standard for everyone to learn.",True +"I believe that in general, Republicans are hypocrites. CMV!",True +"People who think that English should be the national language of the United States are not racist, CMV?",True +"I believe incestuous, bestial, and polygamous marriage should be legalized as well, if gay marriage is. CMV.",True +Neil deGrasse Tyson's popularity and presence in popular culture is the best thing to happen to science in recent times. CMV?,True +I believe consent has to be positive and verbal to be valid CMV,True +I do not believe that the USA should be considered a Democratic state. CMV,True +I believe the NBA is a very uninteresting sports league to follow. CMV,True +"Killing your own newborn baby (infanticide), while a crime, is distinct from murder and should carry a lesser sentence. CMV",True +"I fold, and I think it is crazy that people bunch toiletpaper when wiping. CMV.",True +I believe that English classes should be removed from English-speaking countries. CMV,True +CMV: People that pay full retail price for clothing are stupid and non-resourceful.,True +I believe that Chinese culture is vastly superior to North American Black culture; CMV!,True +I find it hard to value humans above all other forms of life. CMV.,True +"If pirating is illegal, then so is trying on clothes in a store. CMV",True +"Based on cable news ratings, I believe that informed people prefer Fox news, and uniformed people don't watch the news. CMV.",True +"Profit means you overcharged your customer, or underpaid your staff. CMV",True +"The internet will eventually (next 50 years) cause an end to English spelling and grammar prescriptivism, CMV",True +I believe universal open-access to scientific journals is detrimental overall. CMV,True +"I believe in Crimea really wants to join Russia, then let them join. CMV.",True +"Obesity is not an uncontrollable condition that just strikes people or an ""infectious disease."" CMV",True +"I think that people in the African American community who refer to each other as ""nigger"" are offensive and ignorant. CMV",True +Today there exists the problem of surplus population. Therefore the solution of 'population letting' is needed and those willing to leave should be helped. CMV,True +"[CMV] I think that people that get tattoos will often regret them, and may portray problems in the future, wether it is at work or social relationships ; especially at a young age.",True +"I believe that renewable energy and the push to ""go green"" are a good thing even if climate change is not a real issue. CMV",True +I believe that guns increase violence - CMV,True +The ability to speak English clearly should be an important factor in considering the employment of teachers and professors (in the United States). CMV.,True +Stand your ground laws providing more legal protection to killing than to 'warning shots' or 'wounding/disabling shots' is inherently flawed. CMV.,True +"I think that people complain about the ""fake girl gamer"" shaming trend GREATLY outnumber those who actually participate in it. CMV",True +"I believe that, in the American Civil War (or, ""War Between the States""), the South had a mercenary goal of protecting their right to own slaves, not a noble goal of protecting the precedent of a state's right to secede. cmv",True +I don't think people should have the right to refuse donating their organs once they die. CMV,True +"I hate the idea of, ""tough love"", in every applicable sense, CMV",True +America should abolish the United States Army as a federal force. CMV.,True +I think that beer is generally classless and a poor man's drink. CMV.,True +I believe all broadcast news is bias and those that only point out Fox News are ignorant. CMV,True +Being fat (not caused by diseases) is wrong and should not be torelated.CMV,True +I believe Hearthstone is ultimately a poorly designed card game. CMV,True +I think the minimum wage should be removed to create more incentive for people to get better jobs - CMV,True +I believe that public bathrooms and gym showers should not be seperated by sexes. CMV,True +I believe buttons are superior to zippers and zippers should be abolished. CMV,True +I believe Kanye West is the most influencial artist of the past 10 years. CMV.,True +Most Muffins are just Cupcakes full of lies. CMV,True +Corporations shouldn't exist CMV,True +The Galaxy would have been better off had the Mule been allowed to forge a greater Galactic Empire. CMV,True +"I think, to curb human population growth on planet earth, we need a big ""Plague"". CMV",True +"I think it's absolutely ridiculous to be ""selectively religious"" e.g. be Christian but choose to ignore the ""outdated"" parts of the Bible. CMV.",True +"If given the chance, I would not choose to permanently cure my Anxiety and Depression. CMV",True +"I think ""Is it a person?"" is the only valid question in the abortion debate. CMV.",True +I don't think Reddit should allow subs that are obviously a source of hate speech or hateful intent. CMV?,True +"Our house is littered with mice, but I feel bad for killing them. Please CMV!",True +"I think civilians should be allowed to own explosives, including but not limited to rocket launchers - CMV",True +I believe the 2nd amendment as applied today isn't what the founders wanted. CMV,True +I believe that there should be more restrictions on what can be bought with food stamps. CMV,True +"Seeking ""help"" from any sort of ""mental health"" professional has the potential to cause far more harm than good and should be avoided at all costs. CMV.",True +I don't think that choosing to be childfree is selfish. CMV.,True +I think recycling is the best way to deal with existing waste. CMV.,True +I suspect that elected representatives are more likely to have my interests at heart than corporate executives. CMV,True +"Music is a language perfectly capable of communicating information and ideas, CMV",True +I do not believe there is any problem with the discrimination laws passed in AZ. CMV,True +I believe education should not be mandatory. CMV,True +I think Franz Kafka is not a great writer. Please CMV.,True +"I don't believe a comment I made was misogynistic, but it got me banned in another community, CMV",True +"Arguing that something is ""just semantics"" is a cop out. CMV",True +I can't kill animals. CMV.,True +"I believe exactly one of the following must be true: (a) A non-bigoted person can reasonably use a person's gender to infer things about that person, or (b) gender is a meaningless concept. CMV.",True +"CMV: There is no deep difference between ""natural"" and ""man-made.""",True +The Lego Movie was close to perfection and completely ruined itself. CMV.,True +I believe social media is valid evidence in court. CMV.,True +I believe that Verizon and other ISPs should have the right to charge streaming services like Netflix for using a disproportionate amount of bandwidth. CMV,True +"Reptiles, incapable of understanding human companionship, shouldn't be owned as pets. CMV.",True +I think no one deserves more than $2 million annual income. CMV,True +I feel that if you have to keep an animal caged in order to stop it from running away then the animal in question isn't really a pet. CMV,True +I do not believe democracy inherently protects freedom. CMV.,True +"Since Hitler's actions were the result of his beliefs, he should not be condemned. CMV",True +"I believe that being ""episodic"" generally makes a TV series better, and that shows like *The Wire* suffer by ignoring this. CMV.",True +There is nothing wrong with me being a sociopath. CMV,True +"I think the Confederate flag is racist, and there is a large overlap between people who fly it, and people who are racist. CMV",True +"People found guilty of drunk driving should never be able to drive again, CMV",True +[CMV] I think tattoo artists should not ink drunk people.,True +I believe that being patriotic in the 21st century is damaging to the global community and displays national immaturity. CMV,True +Seat-belt laws are logically indefensible and exist only to impose risk adverse morality CMV,True +I believe animal cruelty laws are ridiculous CMV,True +"Batman would be an astronomically better character if he didn't exist within the context of the DC universe, CMV",True +"I believe society's development of the view ""Don't Judge Others"" is not practical and judging others is unavoidable in real life. CMV",True +I think modern art is terrible CMV,True +"I don't believe subjective sports should be allowed at the Olympics, CMV.",True +"I am a scientist, and I believe a god exists. There is nothing wrong with this position, CMV",True +I think checking should be legal in women's international hockey. CMV,True +I believe that only murderers deserve death. CMV.,True +I think it's okay to litter non-recyclables. CMV,True +I don't think college is worth the time spent to gain a degree when the time could be spent working a full time job. CMV,True +I believe that you should be allowed to drive at whatever speed you wish as long as you aren't driving recklessly or under extenuating circumstances CMV,True +"I believe that the whole uproar over Marius the giraffe, and especially the autopsy and feeding of his body to the lions, only serves to prove how sheltered and mollycoddled a modern child is. CMV!",True +"I believe murder-by-hospice is widespread in the US. We kill off many our sick and elderly, and nobody cares. CMV.",True +I believe that a considerable percentage of Americans are misdiagnosed with mental health disorders due to a growing incentive for medicine to profit. CMV,True +"I believe it is the responsibility of every citizen to have some form of martial skill, CMV.",True +Felons and children should get to vote. CMV.,True +I believe that coming out as gay pales in comparison to coming out as atheist CMV,True +I believe everyone should have to complete a quiz about their chosen candidate/party before their vote is valid. CMV,True +"I believe if it doesn't affect anyone negatively, adults should be allowed to do whatever they choose to. CMV",True +I think that having children today in a developed country is more of a hobby than it is a necessity. CMV,True +"Reading fiction / fantasy novels, comics, manga (etc.) are no more beneficial, cognitively, than watching television. CMV",True +"I believe that sociology is essentially a useless subject. Further, I especially believe it should not be a required elective in certain colleges. CMV",True +I think text editors like vim and emacs are a relic of the past and a waste of time. CMV,True +"CMV. I believe the CBS show ""Elementary"" Is worth more praise and acclaim than the BBC version ""Sherlock""",True +I believe that Snowden staying in Russia is extremely hypocritical and treacherous. CMV.,True +CMV I am pro-abortion and believe that abortion is better than foster care or adoption,True +I believe people should be able to chose an area of focus in their education earlier than college. CMV.,True +1 I believe people who routinely procrastinate cannot be successful at what they choose to do. CMV.,True +"MLB is concerned that only ~10% of their players are African American. If this is a legitimate concern, I believe the NBA should also be concerned that ~17% of their players are white, CMV",True +I believe it is unfair to dogs to primarily feed them kibble. CMV,True +"""None of the above"" should be an option on American ballots. CMV",True +"If I had a prescription for ritalin, adderall, vyvanse, etc. college would be easier. CMV",True +I believe that .9 repeating does NOT equal 1 and is representative of a serious flaw in decimal notation. CMV,True +"I don't see any reason to allow cellphones, laptops, or tablets in my classroom. CMV.",True +I think it is an outdated practice to prohibit alcohol sales on Sunday. CMV,True +"At the age Olympians must start training, it's akin to child abuse. CMV.",True +I believe that arrogance and confidence are the same thing. CMV,True +It is NEVER a good idea to partake in recreational drug use. CMV,True +I don't think standardized tests should allot extra time for students with learning disabilities CMV,True +Star Trek is a show that shouldn't be shared with future generations. CMV,True +I believe abortion is immoral and should only be allowed in cases of rape or danger to the mother. CMV.,True +"I believe people should be able to retire by the time they are 62 years old, and that their employers should be paying them well enough to do so. CMV",True +"In my case, suicide is justifiable--CMV",True +I don't think that being employed makes someone a better person than being unemployed. CMV.,True +I think comic book heroes are childish. CMV.,True +"""Egalitarianism"" is an euphemism for anti-feminism and sexism, the same way ""race realism"" is an euphemism for white supremacism. CMV.",True +I think the mainstream's acceptance of marijuana and rejection of cigarettes is delusional to the degree of insanity. - CMV,True +Social media has made America's generation's Y (1980-2000) and Z (2000's-today) more vain and obsessed with appearance. CMV.,True +I do not think it makes sense to cheat or take adderall to complete a PhD. CMV.,True +"""Sharing the Gospel"" in any religion is cause to question your views. CMV",True +Adoption is usually selfish-CMV,True +"I believe if you are a member of the LGBT community or a feminist, you should detest the ideology and the teachings of Islam. Please, CMV",True +"Altruism does not exist, CMV",True +All religious debate between atheists and theists is pointless. CMV,True +"I think that anyone who says they love animals, and is not a vegan, is a hypocrite. CMV.",True +I believe that all teachers should be encourage to carry a handgun. CMV,True +The term 'Reverse racism' is racist. CMV.,True +Natural rights do not exist. CMV,True +Brony's obsession with a child show is unhealthy and they should seek psychiatric help. Please CMV.,True +"If someone of one gender can ""identify"" with another gender and be legally recognized as such, then the same should hold true if I identify myself as another race, etc. CMV",True +I don't believe that there are any LOGICAL reasons why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. CMV,True +"I believe that individualistic societies worship so-called scientific ""geniuses"" when discoveries are a combined effort. CMV.",True +"I don't trust women, CMV.",True +Neil deGrasse Tyson is not a scientist. CMV.,True +"I believe that the trials of George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony do not show a failure of the American Justice, but a Success. CMV",True +"I believe informing the general public of ""possible"" terrorism threats is useless fear mongering by the government and media. CMV.",True +CMV: I believe homosexuality is a cancer in society.,True +I think that the minimum wage should not be raised and that we should change the tax system from a progressive tax system to a flat tax system. CMV,True +"Evolution has a goal, and that goal is humanity. CMV",True +I don't think I should buy a smartphone. CMV,True +I think the over sexualization of women on Reddit is repulsive and detracts from the quality of Reddit. CMV,True +I think Ken Ham won the debate with Bill Nye. CMV!,True +CMV: I believe that the vast majority of obese people have no right to complain about being obese.,True +I don't think Philip Seymour Hoffman's death is much of a tragedy. CMV,True +CMV parents who deliberately create a disabled child should be denied disability benefits,True +"I'm a meat eater who believes that from a moral point of view, there's no justification for eating animals, and I should become a vegetarian. CMV.",True +I believe Schools do not have the purpose to raise kids. CMV.,True +"I believe that the word ""deserve"" represents an awful concept and should never be used. CMV.",True +I believe the conventional wedding of today's standards is the most harmful way to start a marriage. CMV,True +I believe giving to the homeless occasionally is better for me than it is bad for them. CMV.,True +NOBODY has total freedom of speech... and they shouldn't want to. CMV,True +"I think the Windows key on my keyboard is completely useless, CMV!",True +"I don't think that an individual's assertion of his or her ""gender identity"" warrants any special credence or respect. CMV.",True +"The benefit I get, or might get, from voting is not worth the time it takes me, individually, to do it. CMV",True +I believe Kellogg's should be hated for his founder's actions. CMV,True +I believe that all soldiers are heroes. [CMV],True +Ludology is a useless area of research and anyone who calls themselves a ludologist is either delusional or wasting their time. Please CMV.,True +CMV the purpose of society is not to provide a good quality of life for all individuals,True +"CMV: ""Pride"" (Gay Pride, National Pride, School Pride; take your pick) is detrimental to the betterment of society.",True +CMV: Professional sports are completely trivial and people have no right to get as emotionally invested as they do.,True +"I think that we should teach formal logic to very young kids in elementary schools before any math, or perhaps concurrently with elementary math. CMV.",True +I believe that skepticism is the only reliable way to determine truth. CMV,True +I think people on reddit are unreasonably hostile to business interests. CMV.,True +I think marijuana dealers do not deserve any sympathy or rescinded sentences. CMV,True +I think college is highly overrated and that the people of my country (USA) don't have their priorities in order. CMV,True +I believe that those with mental illnesses should not be allowed to own firearms CMV,True +Humans are at risk for an idiocracy-type future due to inevitable consequences of evolution. CMV,True +Conceiving a child is always unethical because positive and negative morality are asymmetric. CMV.,True +"I think Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, like homosexuality, and should not be subject to forced ""treatment"" when diagnosed. CMV",True +"I think its immoral to be able to let people suffer because they can't afford medical insurance, but I also think its immoral to force people to pay for other's insurance. CMV",True +I think that the Boy Scouts of America contradict their own oath and morals by refusing to tolerate atheists and homosexuals. CMV,True +I think the GOP is stuck on the wrong side of history. CMV.,True +CMV: I think the wage gap is due to each gender's decisions rather than overt sexism.,True +"I genuinely hate America, CMV. (I'll try to keep this as non circle-jerky as possible)",True +"I believe that it is fully possible for me to support womens' right to choose abortion, while at the same time prefering to only have romantic relationships with women who would NOT make that choice. -CMV?",True +"I truly believe that a young child should be cared for by their parent and not a daycare, CMV",True +"I believe that curling is not a legitimate sport, and should be removed from the Olympics. CMV.",True +"Cyclists are fully entitled to share the road with motor vehicles, but they should be held accountable for all traffic violations committed when on public roads. CMV",True +I've suffered from cancer and don't think it's morally right for me to reproduce because of it. CMV.,True +"People who have suffered from CLEARLY treatment-resistant depression for a long period of time should have the right to commit suicide, CMV",True +CMV: We have no free will and everything that happens could be represented by a mathematical function.,True +CMV Why does humane treatment matter for animals destined for slaughter?,True +"Neckbeard is just another way to say ""Nerd"" without losing ""nerd cred."" CMV",True +"If it is acceptable to teach your children to be religious, then it is acceptable to teach them to be racist. CMV",True +i believe that women who would end a relationship if their partner asked for a paternity test are cheaters or potential cheaters. CMV.,True +CMV: I think that transsexuality should be treated as a mental illness.,True +"I think parts of black culture are degenerate and, when taken as a whole, is inferior to mainstream culture. CMV",True +"I think the word ""queer"" should be considered offensive CMV",True +I believe there is no good reason - other than vanity and narcissism - that an infertile couple should opt for IVF over adoption. Please CMV.,True +"I think that current gen/modern consoles and videogames are much better than older (retro) systems, and that anyone who says otherwise is just a hipster. CMV",True +I don't think Israel has any grounds for being a country other than religious reasons. CMV.,True +"I believe that if you don't believe in contraceptives because they are not natural, then you should also not believe in infertility treatments. CMV",True +I love Google. CMV.,True +I believe that drag performers are participating in the equivalent of blackface/minstrel shows for transgender individuals. CMV.,True +I believe that all private insurance is essentially gambling and should be discouraged. CMV,True +"I believe that TRP is the social equivalent of fascism, and that while some TRPers may not be politically far-right, TRP should be regarded as a far-right ideology. CMV.",True +I think that the United States should not have dropped the Atomic Bombs on Japan. CMV.,True +I believe that there should be a form of affirmative action for academics that is based on (conservative) political views CMV,True +"I believe that in order to help combat poor parenting that is raising a generation of self-entitled assholes, a year of mandatory federal service should be imposed on all 18 year olds. CMV",True +I think a woman touching a guy's butt/chest is as inappropriate as it'd be vice versa. CMV.,True +I find the moral questions about eating meat funny. Please CMV.,True +"I went from stocking shelves in a grocery store to programmer in < 1 year, so I believe that the minimum wage is just fine and people would rather complain than put in effort. CMV.",True +I have no faith in humanity and believe it is doomed to destroy itself or bring destruction to the universe. CMV.,True +"Arguments that laws that make people more safe (DUI laws, Statutory Rape etc) also make people more free are intellectually dishonest. CMV.",True +I think political satire is dangerous in that it generalizes politics and arguments instead of actually debating them. CMV.,True +CMV - There is no good reason to use Steam OS.,True +"""Proper grammar"" is unimportant. CMV",True +I don't think that evolution while on earth can explain how we are here now... CMV,True +"Modern society and laws exist without consent because of a lack of alternative scenarios in which one can live self-sufficiently without assimilating, this makes us all at least temporary and limited slaves at one point in our lives, thereby making modern society unjust CMV.",True +"I believe the value of a human life is infinitely higher than that of an animal, and humans and animals ought to be compared. CMV.",True +I think the US should follow the Chinese example and use the military for more public works projects and to build/maintain roads. [CMV],True +I own a male kitten and have yet to get him fixed. CMV,True +"What constitutes cinematography needs to be divided into two categories (""classic"" and ""digital"") for the purposes of competitions/awards. CMV.",True +I believe that there is no logical argument for the protection of endangered species unless they significantly contribute to the ecosystem. CMV,True +"I think that the fake realities within video games, books, and TV shows are more interesting than actual reality CMV",True +I see nothing wrong or immoral with having to pay for healthcare. CMV,True +"The feminist community inflates what I consider to be trivial needs of trans* people, CMV",True +"I believe the firefighting is the manliest, most heroic and most respectable profession, CMV",True +I believe the numbers on the analog clock face are in the wrong positions. CMV.,True +I believe that if the people have a right to privacy so should the government. CMV,True +When watching the paralympics i came to the realisation that a huge amount of people who claim they cannot work because of disability are wrong. CMV,True +Life has no significant meaning. CMV,True +I believe that businesses should never be publicly traded. CMV,True +"I believe, in the right context and with the right audience, anything is OK to joke about. CMV.",True +American football is only as popular as it is because it is in broadcasters' financial interest to keep the sport extremely popular. CMV,True +I believe murder is justifiable if there are no possible negative effects on society. CMV,True +"I am morally unable to accept marijuana, CMV",True +"There is no such thing as a ""waste of time"" - CMV",True +"I believe that we should have a 'Reverse Boot Camp' when veterans return from active duty, in order to better transition them back into society. CMV",True +I think that people who eat Asian food with chopsticks in Western countries do that to show off. CMV,True +I think mothers who intentionally gave birth without drugs did it for ego/bragging rights CMV.,True +"I believe that we can change american school's by allowing students to evaulate their teachers, CMV",True +I think Boba Fett from the Star Wars movies is a talentless hack that doesn't deserve half the praise he gets. CMV,True +"for practical reasons governments can't ban bitcoin, even if they wanted to. CMV",True +I think that banning downvote brigades from ShitRedditSays is actively harmful to this site. CMV,True +Polyglots (people who can masterfully speak multiple languages) are useless and will be completely irrelevant in 20 years CMV,True +"I believe that, in marriage, any arrangement other than 'all money is our money' is completely unfair and unjustified, CMV.",True +"I believe that ""alternative medicines"" and treatments are useless. CMV",True +US Politics: I believe that all the politics that you and I observe is simply kabuki theater. CMV.,True +I do not think trans-sexuality should be part of the gay rights movement. CMV.,True +"I think psychology is not a real science, and there for useless as a specialty, CMV.",True +Smogon should not be considered an official rulebook for Pokemon battling. CMV,True +"In the US today, you cannot protect your rights from being infringed upon by the government with guns. CMV",True +I believe that facilities like Guantanamo Bay should continue to exist and the state should be able to deny terrorists any human rights. CMV,True +Public schools should not offer sports or athletic programs to students at all. CMV,True +"I believe that the term ""Coming Out"" is completely ok to use for any situation where admitting information to people you care about is likely to be met with hostility and anguish, not just homosexuality CMV",True +"I believe colonizing other planets and/or moons is inevitable for the survival of our species, and we should greatly focus on funding this. CMV",True +"I believe that female EMT's, fire fighters, police etc. Should be held to the exact same fitness standards as men. CMV",True +I believe that Communism is not as bad as everyone says. CMV,True +CMV: I feel that an education in the arts prohibits creativity in whatever craft is studied.,True +I think that we should imply 'survival of the fittest' more often. CMV,True +I believe that Dennis Rodman should be labeled an Enemy of the State and potentially be put on trial for treasonous acts. CMV.,True +I think nudity should be more accepted and not as taboo or viewed as negatively as it is . CMV,True +I believe that the price .99 should be eradicated and instead we pay a round value. CMV.,True +People should be permitted to keep any trash they like. CMV.,True +I think the flu shot is a marketing scam and has no basis in science or health. CMV,True +The American Civil war was caused by slavery. CMV,True +I'm scared of the possibility of 3D printed guns becoming something big. CMV.,True +"The oral tradition of mythology, and the surrounding celebrations is something that has no secular equivalent. CMV.",True +I do not believe that pleasing shareholders should be the priority of a company. CMV,True +I believe universal public healthcare (no private health sector) is the only morally justifiable system. CMV,True +I don't think the average person really needs to learn coding despite there is a lot of support/pressure for it. CMV.,True +I believe that everyone is secretly a cyborg other than me CMV,True +"I believe that just because someone ""Can't do better"" does not disallow their right to criticize. CMV",True +"I believe that computer science should replace religious studies in the UK education system, CMV.",True +I believe that equality is an illogical goal for society. CMV,True +People who have a stable lives who have mentally and physically sound children live more fulfilling lives than people who choose material or non-family centric lifestyle CMV (mostly looking for opinions from parents),True +I believe that viewing pornography is unethical and most who view it are hypocritical. CMV,True +The only musical genre that I don't like any examples of that I have heard is dubstep. CMV,True +"I believe that in the 70s and 80s, Apple Computer Co. was revolutionary. However, now they are just overpriced, shiny machines with a few bells and whistles. CMV.",True +"I think its OK to pee in the shower, and should no be discouraged at a young age, CMV.",True +I don't think we should really care what the original writers of a constitution thought. CMV,True +"I think humankind is essentially cancer, and the world would be better off without people. CMV.",True +Twitter is a platform for people who are trying to score shallow social recognition... CMV,True +I feel that the majority of arguments offered by people on CMV and any forum of debate in general exist in an imaginary abstract space with little application to the real world and are thus mostly a waste of time. CMV.,True +"I really don't care for endangered species of animals (Tigers, Condors, etc) CMV",True +"I believe that all relationships stem from social prominence, CMV!",True +I believe there is no aferlife. CMV.,True +"I believe that if the US is justified in placing an excise tax on cigarettes, then there should be an excise tax on high-calorie foods like chocolate cake. CMV",True +I believe that in the USA offering more welfare as a presidential candidate is equate to buying votes and thus people on welfare should not vote. CMV,True +I think that the whole self-driving car technology is overhyped and that there are a number of much more important aspects of automobile innovation that we should be focusing on first. CMV,True +I think infertile parents who use surrogates to have children instead of adopting are selfish and driven by egotism. CMV,True +I'm scared of dying. CMV,True +I believe that the Christian concept of faith or damnation is ignorant and hateful. CMV,True +I believe that cyberbullying isn't a real form of bullying. CMV?,True +I don't have much sympathy for girls (or boys) who decide to go to parties full of strangers and drugs and then are shocked when they are sexually assaulted. I don't like having this opinion - CMV please.,True +I believe that sex with animals is equivalent to the molestation of infants or the profoundly handicapped. Either both are permissible or neither is. CMV,True +I believe gypsies are bad for Europe and should not be welcomed in other countries. CMV,True +I believe the reason for the toxic community of League of Legends is because of the matchmaking system. CMV.,True +I don't believe it is acceptable to attack the person that your SO cheated on you with. CMV,True +[CMV] Killing people based on actions they have done or traits they have,True +I think that videogame piracy (and piracy in general) would be vastly rarer in a society without poverty. CMV.,True +I think there is no such thing as a bad cook. There is only somebody too lazy to read directions. CMV,True +I believe that the rabbit in the Trix commercials should be allowed to eat Trix cereal. CMV.,True +"I believe certain college majors are a waste of time, CMV",True +"I believe crime dramas have been used to normalise mass surveillance, privacy breaches and police acting outside the law. CMV",True +I believe that contemporary pop culture is composed mainly of utter garbage. CMV,True +"Because of its size, the US has the most diverse natural scenery in the world. CMV.",True +Reddit on mobile is far superior to the actual website. CMV.,True +I think obesity is an outward sign of poor self-discipline CMV.,True +I can't think of a good reason why Scotland shouldn't go independent. CMV,True +I think that it's morally wrong for parents to raise their children with their personal religious/philosophical beliefs. CMV.,True +"I don't believe the media shapes culture, i believe our culture shapes media. CMV.",True +"I think property tax should be attached to the owner and not the property, CMV",True +People are plain ignorant and brainwashed if they are not willing to listen to conspiracy theories. CMV,True +Basketball is a poorly designed sport and is not fun to watch. CMV,True +"Same-sex couples discount from a photography place. I call it discrimination, she calls it affirmative action. CMV please.",True +"I believe that crimes that have no victim besides ""society"" or ""increased risk of harming"" are inherently wrong and are part of an oppressive society in which freedom is permissive, instead of assumptively permitted in the absence of an obvious victim CMV",True +I believe humans have no obligation to save endangered animals. CMV,True +"Although I'm an Atheist, I believe religion to be an overall positive thing for a society. CMV",True +I think choosing to be vegetarian or vegan solely for health reasons is not very rational. CMV.,True +I believe vegans and vegetarians who choose their diets for ethical reasons rather than simple taste or health reasons are irrational and misinformed. CMV.,True +"I believe that people who say ""Why don't you just let your child believe in Santa?"" are essentially no different from people who say ""Why don't you just believe in [my deity]?"" CMV.",True +College courses should never include participation or attendance in their grading rubrics. CMV.,True +I believe that all highways should be privatised. CMV,True +I am not interested in dating a girl that is not a virgin. I encourage you to CMV.,True +CMV the societal worth of human life is measured by earned income,True +I believe that Christmas (and other holidays) is a waste of time and money. CMV,True +The founding fathers were libertarians. CMV,True +I believe that uproar against fat shaming encourages an unhealthy lifestyle. CMV.,True +"I believe the American public school system is terrible, CMV.",True +"WIMP was the last big improvement in computers, and we haven't done much since then. CMV",True +All Drugs (even cocaine) should be available without a prescription. CMV,True +Equal Rights groups are self-destructive in nature and typically create more harm than good for their cause. CMV,True +"I believe the most ""scientific"" stance in Religion is agnosticism. CMV",True +"Here's a new one: I think it's possible the Earth was a quarter its current size 200 million years ago, CMV.",True +"I think the ""Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Consequences"" is a strange/poor argument. CMV!",True +CMV: Why should i care if i get tapped by a company such as NSA if i dont have anything to hide?,True +"After reading Phil Robertson's GQ interview, I honestly don't believe his comments were ""anti-gay."" CMV",True +"SRS and the Reddit Fempire cannot possibly be considered a legitimate forum for discussion while banning users based on sex, political views, participation in other subreddits, etc. CMV.",True +I believe that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible. CMV.,True +I believe internet piracy is morally wrong and the reddit hivemind on this issue is ridiculous. CMV,True +I want to be cryopreserved if I die. CMV.,True +"I do NOT want to have a wedding, despite my family's (and his family's) wishes. CMV.",True +CMV I believe organizations like the NSA are a force for good and a major reason why the U.S. has not experienced major terrorist threats since 9/11.,True +I Believe Unions Are Useless CMV,True +"I believe we should come up with an ""abortion device"" so ONLY the pregnant woman can terminate the pregnancy herself. CMV.",True +I believe Computer Science is a poorly named major. CMV,True +Philosophy is an useless field of study and has no bearing in the real world; CMV,True +"I believe that the splintering into special interest groups(Feminism, LGBT etc...) is harmful to the movement for Equality for all. CMV",True +"I find it unethical to shop at thrift shops like Goodwill or the Salvation Army when you aren't in financial need, since they operate on donations. CMV",True +I do not believe complaining about advertisements is justified when free content is provided. CMV,True +Any belief system that includes the fundamental belief that theft is morally wrong is incompatible with a belief that taxes are right. CMV,True +"CMV: In America, ""gay rights"" is a misnomer.",True +I am a latino who looks white and is often more seen as white than hispanic. I do not believe that I experience white privilege because of my latin roots. CMV.,True +"I do not believe that the raising of children should be seen as an innate right, CMV",True +"I don't care that most women find the gaming community to be an ""All boys club"" and think that it's not my problem and women should just grow thicker skin. CMV.",True +I think the only way the United States can survive as a functioning country into the future is through MAJOR reform to almost every aspect. CMV,True +"I believe neoliberalism, as the dominant political economy regime of the last 35 years, is responsible for a great deal of the inequality and decreasing social mobility in the USA and the world today. CMV",True +I think that a simple solution to cyberbullying is blocking bullies or simply powering down the device. CMV,True +I'm scared that technology can kill human nature / I fear the singularity. CMV (help ease my fears),True +I hate the fact I like fanfiction. CMV,True +I believe that most Muslims will always view gay male relationships as immoral. CMV.,True +"I think that the promotion of ""hands on"" learning in science education actually has harmful effects on society as a whole. CMV",True +I don't believe men should have the right to abandon their child. CMV.,True +"I think that after all the innocent killed by US air strikes and other attacks, the most dangerous terrorist group nowadays is the US army themselves. CMV.",True +Schools should implement comprehensive sex education and hand out free condoms. CMV.,True +I believe sports scholarships and exorbitant coach salaries are a complete waste of funds and should be illegal. CMV.,True +I believe that no country should have its own army. Rather there should be an International army. CMV,True +CMV; I think tatto's are rather stupid.,True +I think electric cars are superior to traditional gas-powered vehicles. CMV.,True +CMV I believe affirmative action should be based on wealth not race,True +"I believe we should be governed by specifically trained scientists, CMV",True +"Indian guy here, I feel Gandhi is given too much importance and limelight today, in a systematic attempt to delete historical importances of other freedom fighters, and raise his status to an unnecessarily saintly level for benefits of obviously related people. CMV.",True +The USA should drop the charges against Edward Snowden. CMV,True +I believe that Yoga pants are unattractive because of the lack of effort they exemplify as well as their impracticality. CMV.,True +I think that the social acceptance of alcohol is sickening given the fact that it's more detrimental to your health than marijuana. CMV.,True +I think parents don't love their children equally. CMV,True +I believe that it is selfish to have children when one considers what is in store for the world. CMV.,True +"I believe depression is self-inflicted, you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and need to do exactly that. CMV.",True +"I believe that debate over abortion eventually comes down to whether a fetus is a person or not, cmv.",True +"In a crowded, urban environment, umbrellas are inefficient and rude. Buy a goddamn slicker with a hood. CMV",True +"I think university level testing should not be timed, at penalty to the test taker. CMV",True +I think that presenting gay marriage as a human rights issue is disingenuous. CMV,True +"I don't see the problem with ""cherry-picking"" your views CMV",True +I believe that abortion is only morally permissible if the mother's life is in immediate danger. I believe that it should be criminal in any other circumstance. CMV,True +CMV: I think it is ridiculous for one ethnic group to be indebted to another based on the actions of people who've been dead for hundreds of years.,True +CMV: For all the people that believe in Free Market...how is the end game not a hopelessly deadlocked monopoly.,True +Any argument in favor of space exploration is even more valid for exploring Earth's oceans. CMV,True +"As a woman, I have less respect for women who do not return to work after having a baby than I do for those who do. CMV.",True +"I think religious people are incapable of logical thought, CMV",True +I believe free solo climbing is just incredibly foolish and the people who do it do not appreciate life as much as they should. CMV,True +I think Bitcoins will never be a widespread consumer currency that rivals traditional money. CMV,True +Tacit consent is philosphically illegitimate. CMV,True +"Rape culture doesn't exist, it's just a combination of other bad parts about society. CMV",True +The only people who really understand political decisions are educated economists and political scientists. The rest of us are voting on rhetorics and good looks. CMV,True +"I believe that Paul Walker is being unfairly treated as a really good guy, CMV",True +"I don't care about the environment. The human race is going extinct, it's just a matter of time, and it's not going to happen within my lifetime. CMV",True +"I support abortion rights, but the ""woman's right to her own body"" argument I usually hear is the wrong argument to make. CMV",True +I don't think that certain jokes necessarily trivialize rape and I don't think rape culture exists. CMV.,True +I believe racism is all but dead in modern America CMV,True +If you kill someone you should receive the death penalty. CMV,True +I believe government should force speed limiters on all sold cars. CMV.,True +I am against my SO's use of marijuana. CMV,True +I think a federal postal service is not necessary. CMV,True +I believe the NSA should be abolished. CMV.,True +Anyone who supports drug prohibition has not thought the issue through to its logical conclusion. CMV,True +"I believe water is an ""universal right"" CMV",True +"I believed quotas for more women in higher management are pointless and discriminating, CMV",True +"I believe women are only interested in men for their suitability for support/protection, and nothing else. Please, please, please CMV.",True +CMV: I Love the NSA!,True +"I believe that large families of 4 or more children are the most economical per child, the best for helping to mold children into responsible adults, and endangered because people believe in the debatable concept of over population CMV.",True +I don't think the President of the United States' life is that important. CMV,True +CMV: I believe the best form of argument is the one where opposing sides hold fast until conclusively stopped by firm and unshakable logic.,True +U.S. high school graduates should be required to take a gap year prior to applying to or enrolling in college. CMV,True +I think we will soon reach the limit of what technology can accomplish and cannot invent our way out of our problems anymore. CMV,True +"I believe that the deaths of our loved ones should be celebrated and not mourned, CMV!",True +I believe public welfare does more harm than good. CMV,True +I'm convinced Osama Bin Laden was a paid actor. CMV,True +I believe those sentenced to life in prison should simply be executed. CMV.,True +I believe that pizza is a kind of sandwich. CMV.,True +I believe that the Extensible Markup Language (XML) serves no genuinely useful or beneficial purpose. CMV.,True +[CMV] Penmanship should not be taught/compulsory in school,True +I believe that school zones (specifically around high schools) should be removed because they aren't protecting anyone who needs protecting. CMV,True +"Student loans should have a cap , based on a realistic estimate of near future income . CMV",True +I consider online dating and dating websites to be for quitters and people are taking the easy way out. CMV,True +"I don't see anything wrong with pre-ordering games. In fact, I think it just makes sense for most consumers. CMV.",True +"Given that equality is a fundamental value of society, everyone should receive equal quality of medical treatment even if they cannot afford it. CMV",True +"I feel like Autism is over-diagnosed. My son carries a diagnosis of autism, and I feel like his diagnosis is inappropriate. CMV.",True +I mistrust and don't believe in providing for the homeless. Please CMV,True +"CMV: Tying a max wage to a moving number, like the national avg wage, could create more equality without crippling incentive.",True +"I do not see any artistic value in the work of Mark Rothko, specifically his 'multiforms.' CMV",True +I believe that everyone should be fluent in a language other than their native one. CMV,True +I don't like most vegans CMV.,True +"I think pornography depicting (not real) rape should be legal and accessible, because it would likely lower actual rape rates. CMV",True +"After following all dating advice, I'm starting to think PUA is the only way for me to be successful in dating. Please CMV",True +"There is no reason the words ""heteronormative"" and ""nonheteronormative"" could not be replaced with ""typical"" and ""atypical"" in all contexts. CMV",True +I believe that marriage is an outdated and oppressive tradition. CMV,True +"I oppose same sex marriage , CMV.",True +I think History is a worthless subject. CMV,True +I agree with PETA. CMV.,True +I believe that going to college right after high school is a bad investment. CMV.,True +"CMV. I am insensitive to the Gaming Industry's portrayal of women, minorities, and how it deals with other socially sensitive topics.",True +I believe people who commit suicide are coward and selfish CMV,True +I believe a lot of contemporary art is bullshit. CMV,True +Using cellphone whilst driving is okay. CMV.,True +I think that men who complain about the 'friendzone' or that 'girls don't like nice guys' are unfairly blaming women for their own poor social skills. CMV,True +Labor Unions should be illegal CMV,True +"I can't help but think that some children who are born with terminal birth defects would be better off euthanized, please CMV",True +China's rapid and continuing economic growth demonstrate the clear superiority of the technocratic model. CMV.,True +I believe that students should apply for a specific subject at university. CMV,True +"I feel sorry for most fellow reddit atheists because they are volatile, adamant, rude, elitist, heavily biased, and deaf to counter-views. Kindly CMV",True +I don't see the point of feminism in the West. CMV,True +I think Social Security should by definition be tied to the average age of death. CMV,True +I think video game shops should not be allowed to deny an underage person the sale of a 18/M game if the age rating system is not enforced by the law. CMV,True +I believe that Facebook (and other social media) is detracting from our advancement as human beings. CMV.,True +"I think GoT is badly-written, misogynistic tripe. CMV enough to get through reading the books.",True +I don't believe that the conquest of the Americas by Europe was wrong. CMV,True +I believe gay marriage shouldn't be legalized but I have no problem with civil unions. CMV,True +"I think many Indie games only sell because they appeal to nostalgia, and that this is an overall detriment to the gaming industry. CMV.",True +Homophobes deserve the same respect as anyone else CMV,True +CMV: I think Attention Deficit Disorder isn't real and just a ploy to boost sells in Pharmaceuticals.,True +I think Pope Francis is doing a great job as Pope and is radically transforming the Catholic Church for the better. CMV,True +The path of the intellectual is lonely and self-defeating for those without the means or support to actually change people's minds. CMV,True +"I think several ""academic"" disciplines (such as theology) should not receive funding nor be carried out at universities, CMV.",True +"I believe that ""holidays"" such as Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, etc. should not be considered federal holidays and should not warrant days off from work or school. CMV",True +"Fat people are fat because they eat too much. Its not their metabolism, their genetics or some wrong-tuned glands. CMV",True +"I believe that ""Ghetto"" culture is a toxic drain on society. CMV",True +There should be limits on how much money a family can lose to a Casino within a certain time-period. CMV,True +"I believe that voluntarism is the only moral way to govern a people, and that the tyranny of the democratic majority victimizes the minority. CMV.",True +I believe that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War and that people who try to minimize it's importance are apologists for the South. CMV,True +"I believe that ""fat bashing"" is an extension of class warfare. CMV",True +"I believe that ""Free to play"" games are complete scams and are never justified. CMV.",True +I believe giving men the ability to sign away all financial responsibility after getting a girl pregnant is ridiculous. CMV.,True +CMV: I believe that celebrities that complain about their life being bad are full of shit.,True +"I believe the ""men's rights"" argument holds no water and is mainly championed by those who don't understand feminism, CMV",True +I feel that infinite growth is very much possible. CMV,True +I think there needs to be a cap on how much money an individual can make a year. CMV,True +I believe that the bible is god-breathed and contains no errors. CMV,True +"I believe the distinction that Anarchists place between ""private property"" and ""personal property"" is unjustified, CMV",True +"I'm all for equal rights and opportunities, but have a hard time respecting feminists (I'm a male) because their stance always seem paired with bitterness. CMV",True +"I believe that the human brain is not capable of thinking of random numbers between two set numbers, therefor humans can't think of a random number. CMV.",True +"I feel that pursuing your own self interests is the best way to get ahead, even at the expense of others. CMV",True +"I don't think smoke breaks should be allowed at work, CMV",True +"I support the ACA, but Obama did lie about it - CMV",True +I believe that there is no level of radiation that can be considered safe. CMV,True +"I believe in equal-opportunity meritocracy, but I also think winners use their power to cheat and lock in advantages. The solution is to reset opportunity by seizing and redistributing wealth every 50 years so the winners have to keep proving themselves. CMV",True +I believe that new roads should be built with a bike lane. CMV,True +I don't have a problem with jokes dealing with the topics of rape or suicide. CMV?,True +I think abortion is wrong. CMV,True +"I think that Jewish Americans face little discrimination in today's society, CMV",True +I believe that the UN/Nato should militarily remove the North Korean regime and integrate it with South Korea. CMV,True +I believe oligarchy is a bigger and much more urgent problem than patriarchy. CMV,True +"I believe that it is wrong and untrue to call people who commit suicide by rail ""selfish"". CMV.",True +I don't believe that war is ever justifiable. CMV.,True +"I beleive wealth redistribution is necessary for social stability, as wealth can only exist as a result of society, therefore the society and its constituents has an intrinsic right to a share of the wealth, for without their participation in society, that wealth would not exist. CMV",True +I believe that invading oppressive countries to turn them into democracies is a good thing. CMV,True +In season one of Game of Thrones the Cersei Lannister is the protagonist. CMV,True +"I am typically left-leaning, but I don't think the cut to food stamps (SNAP) is that bad. CMV",True +I think the attitude towards suicide on reddit/society in general is misguided and comes from an unfounded value on human experience. CMV,True +"I think being the president of the US, or any leader of a country, is such an ungrateful and stressful job that I don't see why anybody would want to do it. CMV",True +I am a man who feels uneasy about women pleasuring themselves with dildos and vibrators. CMV.,True +"I think direct democracy would be the greatest form of decision making for the American people if applied now, CMV",True +I believe black history month is unnecessary and should not be officially recognised. CMV,True +"I that if you are sexually assaulted/raped no matter how traumatic it is for you to talk about it, it is your moral obligation to report it to the police ASAP CMV",True +I believe that the existence of the US Senate is unfair and it should be abolished. CMV,True +"As a Canadian, I don't think anyone who is a politician is worth voting for, CMV.",True +I think dressing super sexy is to sexual harassement/ rape what leaving your wallet on your car seat is to car break-in on parking lots. CMV,True +I believe the average young american has a very very dim future ahead of them CMV,True +I think laws like many states’ texting-while-driving laws are detrimental to our legal system and only add needless complexity (and ambiguity) to our legal code. CMV,True +"I believe mandating a shorter workweek at the U.S. federal level is a good idea, CMV",True +"Empathy is an inherently disadvantageous emotion, and I would be better off without it. CMV.",True +"I don't think flu shots are ""worth it"" for me. CMV",True +I think the U.S. should seriously consider breaking apart. - CMV,True +Vaccines should not be supported in all cases. CMV,True +"Christianity is fine, but the modern world would be a be a better place without Islam. CMV",True +We should give the word 'marriage' to religious people. CMV,True +I don't think the media should show names or faces of criminals on television/papers/other news sources. CMV,True +"Disgusted by their antics, I will never vote Republican. CMV",True +I believe the extended video of UC Davis pepper spray incident basically exonerates the officer CMV.,True +"CMV: People who talk like Russel Brand, speaking on how things are bad within the current system, without having any form of solution or clue about the economic impact by these changes should not be the keynote speakers in these debates.",True +I believe that cyberbullying is too broadly attributed and over-blowned in general. CMV,True +I believe modern feminists should refer to themselves as egalitarians. CMV.,True +I believe that investing money is akin to betting on sports. CMV.,True +I believe there's no reason to be concerned with global issues. CMV,True +I think people who blame Obama for the shut down are idiots. CMV,True +I think Election Day should be a federal holiday. CMV,True +I believe we have reached a sort of wall in technological advancements and that every technology that is possible has been achieved. CMV,True +Batman Begins was the best movie of the Batman trilogy CMV,True +"If our (America's) default mindset is that 1 American civilian life is worth >1 foreign civilian lives, I really don't understand why we can't sympathize with terrorists. It seems that we agree at a basic level. CMV",True +I think beards are disgusting. CMV,True +I don't believe that parents should be able to name children whatever they want. CMV.,True +I believe the clash of civilizations is real and happening. CMV.,True +"I think always expecting the worst to happen is a sound philosophy. You will never be disappointed, but will be frequently surprised with good outcomes. CMV",True +I think that all employees should be paid (at least partially) on commission. CMV.,True +Smoking and/or drinking alcohol while pregnant should be illegal. CMV,True +I think Instant run off should be used on every single election. CMV.,True +"I believe the height of music was the 1960's-1980's, and most music made since then is terrible. CMV",True +I believe philosophy as a concept needs to be taught to children in school. CMV.,True +"Being gay is not natural and is not natural, CMV.",True +"I believe it is 100% fine to topple a boulder in a park, regardless of how old it is, as hikers featured on CNN (article in description) did. CMV.",True +"Indoor live music gigs are far too loud, and should be quieter. CMV.",True +I believe the criticism of Twilight is just thinly veiled misogynysm CMV,True +"I think that it is MORE okay for men to have a large number of sexual partners than for women to have a large number of sexual partners, CMV.",True +I believe that allowing people to have as many children as they want while continuing to give more and more assistance is hurting society. CMV.,True +I believe that I am worthless. CMV.,True +I believe being optimistic does more harm than good. CMV,True +"I think that doing any kind of drugs are wrong, because they give only temporary happiness. CMV, please.",True +"I think Weed is toxic to your psyche and it should be kept illegal , CMV",True +I don't respect the mindset of the troops. CMV,True +CMV: I believe arming teachers in the classroom is totally infeasible due to numerous risks.,True +"I think cyberbullying is BS, CMV",True +I'm losing faith in trying to perform well in my sport (cross-country) because I believe that some other competitors have an unfair genetic advantage. CMV,True +The fact that religions rely heavily on indoctrinating children proves they are lies. CMV,True +"I believe we should put a ceiling on the amount of alcohol sold per day in America, if not return to prohibition entirely. CMV.",True +I think that Obama hasn't made any good decisions since he took office. CMV,True +I think Batman's insistence on not killing the Joker is a dangerous self-indulgence. CMV,True +I don't believe that the military should have different fitness standards for men and women. CMV,True +"CMV I don't believe easy access to guns should be considered ""factors"" when someone commits suicide.",True +People react with outrage to being called gay. I believe this is perpetuating homophobia. CMV,True +"I believe that if marijuana were legalized, people in jail for related crimes should have to serve the remainder of their sentences CMV",True +I think sexual exclusivity in the age of birth control is asinine. CMV.,True +CMV:Afterlife is worse than no afterlife,True +I believe the US spends too much money on its military. CMV.,True +I do not believe that anyone can be 100% sure about anything. CMV,True +"I believe the term ""rape survivor"" doesn't make any sense. CMV",True +I implicitly trust the government no matter who is in charge of it. CMV.,True +I believe the Death Star is a space ship and not a space station. CMV,True +"CMV - I believe that the crimes committed by the Nazis, even though they were terrible, are a display of human nature",True +American universities spend too much money on their football teams. CMV,True +I believe that everyone is selfish and there is no true kindness in people. CMV,True +I feel that college-level classes should not count attendance as part of a student's overall grade. CMV,True +I believe men shouldn't be expected to put the toilet seat down for women. CMV,True +"When I hear a friend has an opinion/belief that I don't agree with, I feel it would be a disservice to both of us to not argue about it. CMV",True +I believe that some parts of Islam are extremely dangerous and should be questioned/examined vigorously. CMV.,True +I believe that a website having rules for a password is over complicated and pointless. CMV,True +"I think Kathryn Janeway of *Star Trek: Voyager*, was the worst Trek captain, by a mile. CMV.",True +I believe prostitution should be legal. CMV.,True +I think that GTAV is a shitty game that doesn't add anything new to gaming or innovate anything new. CMV,True +"I think jealousy with regards to significant others is directly related to insecurity and should be seen as a character flaw, not a rational reaction. CMV.",True +I believe hard drug users are unethical for funding systemic violence to sustain their habits. CMV,True +"I don't think killing someone is worse than severely damaging them (physically, emotionally, sexually, etc). CMV",True +"I don't buy the argument that ""you can't consent to being harmed."" CMV.",True +I think abstract art is just an excuse for bad artists to pass off their work as art. CMV.,True +We live in a society that values having children too much and anyone who prefers having children over adoption is selfish. CMV,True +"I believe that most fat people are useless, unattractive, and pathetic, yet I am a fat guy. CMV.",True +I think that the stock market is full of capitalist leeches who produce no value yet siphon off capital from the market. CMV,True +I believe that not covering birth control pills (or other birth control methods) whilst covering erectile dysfunction medication (such as Viagra) is immoral. CMV.,True +I think F2P is a bad business model for gaming CMV,True +I think that KFC's Go-Cup is no more harmful than driving stick/manual. CMV.,True +I believe the attorney-client privilege should be abolished CMV,True +I don't think British people have a right to get angry over US political standoffs. CMV.,True +I believe in the child-told rhetoric that you can be whatever you want to be. CMV,True +I believe that using an Adblocker is morally wrong. CMV.,True +I think the US would benefit from the GOP taking the House again in 2014. CMV,True +I think the Glass Ceiling argument for the lack of women in senior management/board positions in first world countries is a load of crap. CMV,True +I don't think the USA is a great place to live. CMV.,True +I believe in moral absolutes. CMV,True +I don't understand why I need to watch or read the news. CMV,True +Mental Illness Is Used as a Scapegoat for Violent Crimes. CMV.,True +"I don't see what the big deal is with Monsanto, CMV",True +Over-qualification is not a legitimate reason to deny a job applicant a certain position. CMV.,True +"I think an ideal society would be run by technocrats that heavily fund education, healthcare, and science. CMV",True +"I believe news organizations that knowingly lie should not be allowed to label themselves ""News"". CMV.",True +I believe people who complain about spoilers stupid [CMV],True +We should be developing infrastructure for safely jettisoning nuclear waste away from Earth into space. CMV,True +"I believe the Epicurean Paradox (or, Problem of Evil) adequately disproves the existence of a Christian God. CMV (Seriously, please)!",True +I believe using AdBlocker is wrong if a website isn't charging you to view its content. CMV.,True +I am a high school teacher who refuses to watch Breaking Bad because it turns a respectable career into what appears to be unrealistic shock entertainment. CMV,True +I think that expressionism art & similar genres are basically garbage. CMV,True +I can't see any logic in the anarchist ideology. Educate me and CMV,True +"[CMV] I think that life is not a journey, the only thing that matters is how much success you have in your life.",True +"I believe a lot of people will never find ""love"", CMV",True +"I think that twitter is for the most part, useless. CMV",True +"I will be applying for a religious exemption on my taxes for the federally mandated ACA, not for actual religious purposes, but because I feel no need to pay. CMV",True +"If I don't have any morning meetings and I stay at work later than others, I shouldn't be judged in the corporate world for preferring to stay up late and wake up late. CMV.",True +I don't think you can be a legitimate fan of superheroes without having ever read a comicbook. CMV,True +"I believe every healthy American should serve 2 years in the military, starting at age 18. CMV",True +"I believe that when the 'tuition bubble' pops in the United States, nobody should be bailed out, because higher education is not a right, it is a privilege. CMV.",True +I believe unmuffled motorcycles should be banned from the streets. CMV.,True +"I think there are probably artistic and/or philosophical flaws in any activity, belief or work of art which is not equally attractive to men and women. CMV.",True +"[CMV] I believe that Foreign Language should be switched to an elective, and that Comp. Science should take its place in the core curriculum.",True +"The definition of rape should include men ""made to penetrate."" CMV.",True +"I believe Facebook is a medium for sharing information/media and that 'friend-ing' someone gives implicit consent for them to view all your content throughout history. ∴ I believe 'Facebook stalking' is completely acceptable, CMV.",True +"Vaccinations should be compulsory for all persons living in my society (USA, but applicable to all western countries). religious reasons should not be acceptable reasons to get out of it. CMV",True +I Don't Believe Cutting is Bad. Can Someone CMV?,True +I believe people take unnecessary risks and then prefer to be unaccountable for it. CMV,True +"I believe forcing high schoolers to read the ""great works"" of literature is a waste (and only turns them off from reading in general) because they lack the life experience to appreciate them. CMV.",True +"I do not want to be buried when I die, and find burial to be a senseless practice. CMV",True +Vegas or vegetarians who believe meat eaters needless kill animals while the vegan/vegetarian community do not are wrong. CMV,True +"I don't think breakfast is all that important, or necessary. CMV",True +I believe that being well educated on political events is a waste of my time because I have minimal influence on these events. CMV,True +"I think that the ""wage-gap"" between men and women, is a result of men working more hours and being willing to do more labor intensive jobs. CMV",True +I have come to the conclusion that socialism is the best viable form for an economy to take. Does anyone care to CMV?,True +I do not trust veterinarians due to my perceived lack of regulation and the lack of communication possible from pets making it hard to do anything evidence-based. CMV,True +I believe that coffee and products that have a high amount of caffeine should be avoided for its harmful side effects both physically and mentally. CMV.,True +"I believe that 10,000 people making $10,000 a year are far more important to the economy and society than one person with $10,000,000. CMV.",True +People who won't admit to their racism are the worst kind of racists. CMV,True +"I stand against the notion of bullying bullies back, and think that it's wrong to hurt others regardless of their actions. CMV",True +I believe that Miss USA and beauty pageants in general are a joke and basically the human being equivalent of showing your prized chicken at the county fair. CMV,True +"The character of Phoebe adds nothing to the Friends dynamic, and is just unpleasant and rude. CMV.",True +I think Iron Man 2 was the objectively superior movie of the trilogy. CMV,True +"I believe that ""serious"" science fiction writers should never prequel an existing series. - CMV",True +People should not have to follow laws they do not agree with. A system could be designed to make that work. CMV,True +"I think that the Westboro Baptist Church is more intellectually honest than most modern, tolerant Christians. CMV.",True +I think governments should largely subsidize contraception for increases in standard of living. CMV.,True +"I believe that buying books isn't worth it, and piracy is how I read the vast majority of novels CMV",True +"I like the ""fat acceptance"" movement for the most part. Please CMV.",True +"I believe when the accused is found not guilty in a ""my word versus yours"" case, the accuser should be made to stand trial for lying. CMV",True +I don't believe that sexism is the cause of sex discrepancies in the workplace - CMV,True +I don't think talking on the phone in the car is any more dangerous than driving with passengers. CMV,True +"I don't like living in America, and I want to leave. Please CMV.",True +I think it does not matter if I vote in an election or not. CMV,True +I do not believe that Psychology is a valid science. CMV,True +The Koch Brothers seem like decent guys who want to make the world a better place. CMV.,True +"I believe victim's consent should be a valid defense to any crime with a victim, even murder. CMV",True +"I Believe the Grading System we use in schools today (A, B, C, D, and Fail) is complacent on behalf of the teaching community. Allowing a student to proceed to higher material without having earned an “A” is counterproductive to the mission of education. CMV",True +I do not think it is ever appropriate to complain about something that makes you happy. Please try to CMV.,True +[CMV] I believe medicine is ruining humanity,True +People are making excuses or think they are too good for minimum wage jobs when they say they can't find a job CMV.,True +I do not believe trigger warnings are necessary or obligatory.,True +"I think that feminism currently uses hate speech as a way to advance its goals. In fact, this attitude hurts the advancement of women. CMV",True +"I believe that saying ""no offense"" before or after what your going to say should negate much of the offense. Please CMV.",True +"Feminism and Mens Rights Activist are equally discriminatory and should be grouped as ""Human Rights Activists"" CMV",True +I plan on buying an iPhone 5s. CMV.,True +"I believe that pure capitalism, though not perfect, is the best economic system for a nation. CMV",True +"I am a 21 year-old who is rapidly becoming a hermit/recluse. I don't necessarily see anything ""wrong"" with it.",True +I believe that muslim immigration is causing my country's culture to decay. CMV,True +I am scared of dying. CMV,True +I believe men shouldn't cry. CMV,True +I believe that America should be a direct democracy CMV,True +"I don't think bodily functions such as farting should be acceptable to do in front of your SO, CMV",True +I think that copyrights should expire when the creator of an original work is dead. CMV,True +"I believe that the feminism movement has caused a crash in the U.S. education system, and it's a crash that we likely will never recover from. CMV.",True +"If teleportation is ever invented, I wouldn't use it. But I would really want to so CMV.",True +I think we should drastically cut welfare in the US. CMV.,True +"I believe that in general, it's wrong to use adblockers on the Internet. CMV.",True +I disagree with compulsory voting and believe that to have your vote counted you should need to prove you have a reasonable knowledge of each party's policies and ideals. CMV.,True +I don't care about your feelings. CMV,True +I don't believe that solar or wind energy will be viable in any form. CMV,True +I don't believe it is necessary to challenge an elderly person's racist or bigoted views. CMV,True +I don't care that my data is being mined left and right for marketing purposes. CMV,True +I think that ticket scalping should be made illegal. CMV,True +"""Undocumented immigrants"" is a misleading euphemism and they should be called illegal immigrants. CMV.",True +"I think anime and manga are less visually diverse than western comics, CMV",True +"I think classes for ""gifted"" kids (like GATE) meant to provide extra enrichment should instead be offered to struggling students who would benefit more from them. CMV",True +CMV: Intelligence > Persistence/Diligence,True +I don't think Incest is a big deal at all. CMV?,True +I don't think blackface is racist as long as it is not used as a tool to ridicule. CMV.,True +"I think identifying as an ""Atheist"" is slightly oxymoronic and identifying as ""Nonreligious"" is a better term. CMV",True +"I think that we should stop requiring prescriptions for most medications, contact lenses, eye glasses, etc. CMV.",True +"Dignity is toxic. It stops adults playing like children, which is healthier than boring exercise machines. Dignity promotes conformity and is a tool of social stratification. CMV",True +Semantic drift has become a propaganda tool for social engineering shills with a regressive agenda CMV,True +I think professional sports should allow use of steroids and PEDs. CMV,True +I think tax evasion is perfectly moral and acceptable. CMV,True +I think people who post about their dead relatives on Reddit are barbarians. CMV.,True +"I feel that high-end luxury cars (Bentley, Rolls Royce, etc.) are a complete and utter scam. CMV",True +I believe people who choose to become police officers have at least some small desire to commit violence. CMV,True +"I'm convinced Bitcoins are either a delusion, or a long con. Help me CMV.",True +"I don't think adding the word ""culture"" makes views on black people less racist, CMV.",True +I don't see any reason why single use restrooms should be gender oriented. CMV.,True +I believe that religion is detrimental to humanity and should be eliminated CMV,True +"I believe that modern, mass media is biased, corrupt, and is only concerned with getting views. CMV",True +"In a democracy all parties should have the same funds and prefab, standardized election campaigns, CMV",True +"I think that most fashion is arbitrary and people take it far too seriously. I am for people wearing whatever they feel like at home, in almost all workplaces, and in public. CMV.",True +"I've been having a bit of a thought experiment lately - if personal safety can be legislated by requiring seat belts, motorcycles should also be outlawed. CMV",True +"I am a MRA. Please, CMV.",True +"I believe that a statement should be considered independently of the person making it, CMV",True +I believe that reddit (as a collective) hates police officers. [CMV],True +I believe that it is pointless to try and date if you are/seem unfit. CMV,True +"We should close down or stop funding most humanities and soft sciences in colleges, as they are not productive for society. CMV.",True +I believe purposefully loud vehicle exhaust should be made illegal for street legal cars and trucks. CMV,True +I believe the 5th Amendment is illogical and helps criminals to escape justice. CMV.,True +"I believe that in a Groundhog Day scenario, murder is still morally wrong. CMV.",True +"I believe that math best way to measure intelligence, please CMV.",True +The Metric System is an Efficiency Decimating Failure CMV,True +I believe that communism could never possibly work. CMV.,True +"I feel like Superman is the most Mary Sueish hero, and I do not understand his popularity. CMV.",True +CMV - Corporal Punishment should be reintroduced into school,True +I have enough life savings to retire. I should quit my job and play WoW all day. CMV.,True +I believe Batman is a terrible superhero and his praise is unwarranted. CMV,True +"I believe antitheism is ultimately a destructive force and that people should be able to worship any fictional deity they choose. CMV, Reddit.",True +I do not believe on denying someone a job because that person is overqualified. CMV,True +I don't think sex education is necessary beyond the information that protection should be used. CMV,True +"I think Transgenderism is a mental disorder, CMV",True +"There is an objective difference between quality wine and 'plonk', and everyone should acknowledge it. CMV.",True +I believe that states have a moral obligation to intervene in other states affairs on humanitarian grounds. CMV,True +"I think that violent video games, violent music, and other forms of media that glorify violence DO contribute to real world violence. CMV",True +"I think rolling my own cigarettes is healthier than buying cigarettes, CMV",True +"I don't think there should be ""attorney privelege"" and that attorneys should be able to tell the court if their client admits to a charge. CMV",True +"I believe open source software doesn't make sense in our current society, as it is basically giving away work for free. CMV.",True +Alimony is an outdated and unfair legal obligation in today's society of equal gender opportunities. CMV!,True +"I seriously think that people in the Western world really have no right to complain about ""corruption"" and the like in their countries, and doing so is extremly inconsiderate of real problems in the world. CMV",True +Most Charitable Donations in the U.S. are Actually Luxury Spending. CMV.,True +The United States of America has the best justice system in the world. CMV.,True +"I think college is a useless idea created just to make money, and should not exist. CMV",True +TheRedPill theory is just an out for men who have had shitty relationships all their lives. CMV,True +Anybody who has taken up smoking tobacco since the year 1990 has made a proundly stupid decision and has nobody to blame but themselves. CMV.,True +"If a woman dresses like a slut, gets drunk and otherwise knowingly puts herself in a dangerous situation, I believe that if she gets raped she deserves it. Please, CMV.",True +"I see little value in saving endangered species, unless they are clearly connected to human survival. CMV",True +I do not believe William Shakespeare deserves as much time in schools as he gets. CMV,True +"Alcohol is bad, please don't let me grow up boring",True +"I believe people who don't think life exists outside of Earth, and who don't believe in alien UFOs are asinine - CMV!",True +"I think we should be mediocre, so people don't miss us painfully when we're gone. Maybe CMV?",True +I think transsexuality is no different to not liking your body shape or your height CMV,True +I think if you receive a substantial amount of government assistance (forms of welfare) you should not have the right to vote. CMV,True +CMV: The US over funds the military.,True +"I don't believe in any kind of afterlife, CMV",True +Any action performed by a person that reduces the quality of another's life should be illegal. CMV.,True +I believe that the system set up to uphold the British Royal Family is inherently corrupt and should be abolished soley due to its injustice. CMV,True +I believe that hate crimes shouldn't exist. CMV,True +I believe that vaccines are harmful and are directly linked to autism. CMV.,True +"I think that ""bodily autonomy"", by itself, is a horrible reason to justify abortion. CMV.",True +"We are all going to die someday, I might just as well kill myself right now. CMV",True +"I think universities should only teach academic subjects, CMV.",True +I do not believe photography takes a lot of skill. CMV,True +"I think A Feast for Crows was a sub-par novel, CMV",True +I believe that it should never take more than a few hours the night before an exam to study. CMV,True +"I am an atheist, but I don't think there is a good reason to dismiss karma and/or reincarnation. CMV.",True +I believe rape alarmism harms men more than it helps women. CMV,True +I think the United States should be a direct democracy. CMV,True +I believe that the realistic opportunity to mitigate and adapt to human-driven climate change passed us at least 5-10 years ago and that we are now doomed to a long-term worldwide decline and a total collapse of civilization within the next 100-200 years. CMV,True +"I believe religion, no matter which one, has always just been used to oppress people and has nothing good in it CMV",True +I believe Conservative stances and policies are harmful to progress in society. CMV,True +I believe there is no good reason to opt out of post-mortem organ donation - CMV,True +I don't think that dropping my Gifted 10th Grade Literature class for a regular english class is a bad idea. CMV,True +I believe that all schools in all stages of education should be free. CMV,True +I don't think the Beatles were so great. CMV,True +I believe anyone who supports libraries has no grounds to oppose filesharing. CMV,True +CMV: Power is good. Greed is good.,True +I believe 9/11 was an inside job. CMV,True +"I disagree with the concept of inheritance, CMV",True +I believe that mainstream contemporary art since the 1950s is juvenile and shallow; in short it is not art. CMV please,True +I believe that high fructose corn syrup is bad for you. CMV,True +I believe that everyone is bisexual. CMV,True +I don't think polyamoury can lead to stable long-term relationships. CMV!,True +I believe that Marriage as a lifetime commitment is an outdated expectation. CMV,True +I'm more comfortable pirating a famous band's music than I am pirating a small-time musician's. CMV,True +Men's rights advocacy on reddit has lost sight of reality. CMV.,True +CMV: I believe that the fuel economy benefits offered by hybrid cars is a myth due to a basic understanding of physics.,True +Steal from the Rich and give to the Poor. CMV,True +I'm a man who finds men's rights activists condescending. CMV.,True +I believe that a catastrophic event that will change the face of humanity will occur in my lifetime. CMV.,True +I think smartphones and tablets are just glorified gadgets that serve no useful purpose different from their less classy counterparts. CMV,True +I believe bullying should be an expelable offense at first evidence. CMV,True +"I believe that the vast majority of rape is about sex, not power. CMV",True +I believe that almost everyone accepts a higher power. CMV!,True +I believe recreational use of drugs like marijuana in the US is extremely unethical. CMV.,True +CMV-Human morality should not extend to animals.,True +"I believe teaching that ""State's Rights"" were the primary cause the US Civil War should not be allowed in public schools. CMV.",True +"American universities, particularly the arts and humanities, teach young people to be confident, arrogant, and close-minded. CMV",True +I don't believe in God. Please CMV.,True +I believe the concept of morality is abolished in the presence of reason CMV,True +I believe that pornography's overall net impact on society has been negative. CMV,True +I believe that everything is predetermined and humans have no free will. CMV.,True +"I believe that Batman always wins the ""who would win in a fight"" game if he can escape the first fight. CMV.",True +China will be more powerful than the United States within 20 years. Please CMV.,True +"Feminist comic lovers need to calm down and wait for the inevitable change in tone, or stop purchasing disagreeable products from mainstream comic producers. CMV",True +"I believe that Libertarians have no idea how their dogma, especially the ""non-aggression principle"" would actually work in a real society. Please CMV!",True +It's not necessarily misogynistic to portray overly-sexualized women in the media. CMV.,True +"Vaccination should be supplemented with ""Jury Duty""-like deliberate infection with unattenuated germs to force humans to evolve natural defenses. CMV",True +"I believe that parents who hit their children are criminals and should be charged with assault, including the ones who disguise the abuse as ""spanking"". CMV.",True +"I believe The Patriarchy, as a theory, holds no explanatory or predictive power, CMV",True +"I believe love is a choice and that a person does not ""fall"" in and out of love CMV.",True +"I believe that privilege is something that should be used and exploited for maximum benefit, contrary to the ideals of most SJWs. CMV",True +I think thiefs and charlatans are in their right to do what they do and if someone falls for it this person deserved it for being too stupid. Please CMV,True +I believe that both parents need to consent to having a child for one to receive child support from the other - CMV,True +"Gay men are incapable of a committed loving, monogamous relationship. CMV",True +I believe that attractive white women lead easier lives than the rest of society - CMV,True +I think that mental health labels are dangerous and do more harm than good. CMV,True +I don't think children should be exposed to religion until the Formal Operation Stage CMV,True +I believe the Republican Party will die within the next 100 years and will be replaced by the Libertarian Party. CMV,True +"I think living in a city (Chicago, New York) is the worst way to live. Please CMV with personal anecdotes.",True +I believe raped men should ahve the legal power to abort the fetus. CMV?,True +I think we should consider imposing a maximum allowable income. CMV,True +I think the Confederate flag should be banned from flying at any public or school related event. CMV,True +I believe that giving gay marriage an alternate title would solve a few issues on the matter. CMV,True +"I think that for a parent, any reason for owning a handgun is outweighed by the inherent risks of having one in the home. CMV",True +I believe that pop music has never been as bad as it is right now. For god sakes CMV,True +I think Ignorance is Bliss. CMV.,True +I believe dark matter and dark energy are bunk. CMV,True +"[CMV] I believe the reality around me does not exist, and there is no way to prove it does",True +CMV: I think showering daily is a terrible idea and all efforts should be made to reverse this trend where it is common.,True +"[CMV] The quality of Apple's products has peaked, is in decline, and will never recover.",True +I think there is no reason why anabolic steroids should be illegal or banned in professional sports. CMV,True +I hate Libertarianism CMV,True +I'm anti-abortion because I can't draw the line between goo and person. CMV,True +I think bullying is a good thing. CMV.,True +"Gay pride parade does a lot of harm to gays in the public eye, CMV",True +"I'm pro-choice, but I think 20 weeks is not an unreasonable limit on abortions. CMV.",True +Protests in the modern day are a waste of time and does not lead to better change. CMV,True +I believe it is wrong to push your morals on someone else CMV.,True +"I believe that if singers don't write their own songs, they should be considered ""performers"" rather than ""musicians"" or ""artists."" CMV",True +"I believe that the issue of abortion is in no way a women's rights issue, CMV.",True +"I work hard for the income I earn, and shouldn't have to give a higher percentage of it simply because I have more of it. CMV",True +"Steve Jobs is not an innovator but a thief and does not deserve his recognition as a ""genius"". CMV",True +"I believe movies on imdb with more than 20 - 30 years should not be open for rating, CMV",True +"I believe that by moving to the US, I am giving up most of my freedoms enjoyed in the UK, and significantly lowering my standard of living, CMV!",True +I feel like there's no point to voting in America for a 'popular vote' since the only vote that seems to count is the electoral college. CMV.,True +"I believe that, if pulling over vehicles based on the race of the driver is profiling, so is charging more for insurance based on gender. CMV",True +I think Dark Souls is the best game ever made and I cant really enjoy any other new games. Please CMV,True +I don't think downloading songs for free which I wouldn't have bought otherwise hurts artists financially. CMV.,True +I believe that HOAs (Homeowners' Associations) decrease property values by scaring away potential home buyers. CMV,True +"I think the discrepancies between races are not caused by social bias, but the races themselves. Please CMV.",True +Shaking hands is unnecessary/unhygienic and should not be a standard social procedure. CMV,True +"Earth is too environmentally damaged for me to have children. It's wrong to subject children to this planet as it becomes poisoned. Since overpopulation causes environmental problems, it's irresponsible to create more people who will pollute and strain Earth's dwindling resources. CMV.",True +"I think it's ridiculous for a grown adult to cry because they didn't win a sports match, even if they are a professional sportsperson. CMV.",True +"I think women who wear revealing clothing increase their risk for rape CMV (PS: I am NOT advocating rape, please read content)",True +I believe that minimum wage is ineffective in application and should be taken out of practice. CMV,True +I believe that buying a used game is - in most situations - more morally objectionable that pirating that game - Please CMV,True +I think incest is not as big deal as society thinks it is. CMV,True +I think Transvestite (specifically not transsexuals) weaken the LGBTQ community's goals CMV.,True +I believe the death penalty is appropriate. CMV.,True +"I thought the movie Pacific Rim was terrible, CMV",True +I believe that the only way to end world hunger is to allow those suffering to starve. CMV.,True +"I believe that a mandatory minimum wage hurts workers, helps employers, and is a major cause of wage stagnation of unskilled labor in the United States. CMV",True +I believe that online pornography should be an 'opt in' procedure by default. CMV.,True +I believe racial profiling works. CMV,True +I don't think voter apathy is wrong at all CMV,True +I think the concept of everyone getting a job and making money is fucked up and restricts our lives more than we think. CMV,True +I think STEM majors are more valuable to society than humanities. CMV,True +"I believe that the use of the word ""they"" to refer to a singular, gender-neutral person is awkward, uncommon, and improper grammar, regardless of the dictates of the LGBT movement. CMV.",True +I believe brostep ruined any credibility electronic music had. CMV.,True +I find assimilation into the Borg more enticing than membership in the Federation. CMV.,True +I think straight people do not belong in gay bars. CMV,True +I think that all religions are merely theories. CMV,True +I immediately discredit “conspiracy theorists” viewpoints regardless of how valid their ideas might seem on the surface. CMV.,True +I believe a masculine-feminine relationship is the only effective relationship (not homophobic): CMV,True +I believe pluralism should not be imposed on others. CMV,True +I think increases to minimum wage would INCREASE profits for low margin businesses. CMV.,True +"In relation to gun control, I believe since American has no realistic chance to get rid of all guns, the only way to increase public safety is to increase the amount of guns. CMV",True +"I think the Rolling Stone's article and cover story on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a good idea, and more than that, socially responsible. CMV.",True +I believe Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty is the greatest Disney villain of all time. CMV.,True +"I am a compatibilist in the free will debate. This means that I believe in universal determinism and free will simultaneously. In fact, I believe determinism is necessary for free will. CMV.",True +"I think that being moderately rich ($10s of Millions) would tend to lead to more happiness than being middle class, CMV?",True +"I believe GoneWild Plus is wrong because it tells women that it's okay to be fat and unhealthy, and that GoldWild Curvy is just a place for fat women who can't accept that they're overweight. CMV.",True +I believe that in discussions about feminism there are times when a males opinion can be just as valid as a females. CMV.,True +"I think electric cars, at present, do more to make their owners feel good about themselves than actually solve any energy problems. CMV",True +"I believe that everyone's actions are predetermined and so that ideas like meritocracy are redundant, CMV.",True +"I am addicted to video games (such as Dota2, League of Legends, and Heroes of Newerth), and I don't think it's a waste of my time. CMV",True +"I believe Laissez-Faire Capitalism is the ideal economic system, is achievable, and would not lead to out of control monopolies. CMV.",True +I don't believe Obama should have been involved in the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case. CMV.,True +"I believe that, though climate change exists, it is NOT caused by humans. CMV",True +Abortion: I don't believe you can harm someone by failing to cause them to exist CMV.,True +There are no defensible arguments for the existence of a god. CMV,True +"I believe that ""grammar nazis"" are limiting the development and evolution of Language. CMV",True +I don't think there is anything worth dying for. CMV,True +I believe human rights are a lie. CMV,True +I am an antinatalist. (i.e. I believe that having children is unethical.) CMV,True +"I believe that the US education system would be more effective if students were allowed to progress through the ""grades"" as soon as they demonstrated mastery of the course material, instead of the current system in which curricula are forced into year-long chunks. CMV",True +"I don't think Creationism should be taught at all, and even home schooled children (such as I was) should have to learn about the Big Bang Theory and the evolutionary process to get credit for taking science. CMV.",True +I believe allowing unrelated topics to be part of the same bill is damaging to the legislative process. CMV,True +I believe ufos are really aliens on earth CMV,True +I Think Social Programs like Welfare are detrimental to our society because they don't give people incentive to work harder. CMV,True +I see little value in majoring in science/mathematics as compared to other fields of study. CMV,True +"I believe ""we have to teach to the test"" is a lame excuse used by bad teachers. CMV",True +"I believe that kids who are bullied are partially to blame for the bullying and all this new attention placed on ""anti-bullying"" is a little too much. CMV",True +I think reddit should delete subreddits that openly spread disgusting and anti-human-rights messages. CMV,True +I believe Gul Dukat is responsible for losing the war CMV.,True +I believe it is wrong to teach the Pledge of Allegiance in schools (not for religious reasons). CMV.,True +"I don't think that flamboyant, over-the-top behaviour is a real characteristic of homossexuality and people who do that are faking or insecure. CMV",True +I don't approve of gay pride parades. CMV.,True +I think not adopting kids when you want to have kids is a pretty criminal thing to do. CMV,True +I don't believe IQ is important to society's advancement CMV,True +"I think women who refuse to leave their abusers are partially to blame for the abuse. If they have kids, I think they're bad mothers. CMV.",True +I do not believe legal consequences should exist for any other purpose than to influence future behavior. CMV,True +"I believe that when people try to differentiate between 'real' and 'fake' nerds, they are using arbitrary distinctions, being close minded and being hypocritical. CMV.",True +"Being physically abused as a child has caused me to think that all contact sports (Hockey, American Football, Rugby etc...) are immoral and that sports like MMA/UFC/Boxing should be illegal. CMV",True +I believe there is nothing wrong with urinating in public. CMV.,True +"I think that still visual art (photography/painting), on it's own, is a useless art form in this point in time. CMV",True +I think grammar/spelling errors aren't that important as long as the message gets across. CMV,True +"I believe that the ""collapse"" will never happen.... CMV",True +I think suicide only happens to stupid people. CMV,True +"I believe that the logical corollary of being pro-choice for women is that men should be able to ""opt-out"" of fatherhood. CMV.",True +I believe the US Post Office is a drain on the government's resources and does not need to exist anymore- CMV,True +"I believe that the government should either take partial ownership or break-up companies which are ""too-big-to-fail"". Can you CMV?",True +I have no problem with cannibalism or necrophilia CMV,True +I believe a politician who regularly told the truth would be unelectable. CMV,True +"I believe competition is counter-productive and breeds a harmful mindset, particularly among children CMV",True +I think all religions are nothing but evil. CMV?,True +I believe that canned techniques for self-defense won't really help someone in a real life situation. CMV.,True +"I don't understand why rape is as bad as people make it out to be. I feel like a horrible person for this, so please CMV.",True +"I think that the correlation between education and liberal politics, as well as the tendency of society to move leftward, is evidence that liberal politics have more merit than the alternatives. CMV",True +I believe that the band Nickelback gets far too much unwarranted hate. CMV.,True +I believe out-of-school suspension is counterproductive. CMV.,True +CMV I believe women get exactly what they deserve in the current job market CMV,True +I believe that The United States has no right to claim that it's the greatest country in the world. CMV,True +I think spoiled children are less likely to succeed later in life. CMV,True +I think that Obama has very little to do with the NSA/PRISM Scandal and should not be blamed. CMV,True +"I believe that birth control should be mandatory until you can prove that you can support a child, CMV",True +I believe that simple probability essentially proves that we are not alone in the universe. CMV.,True +I believe Utilitarianism is the only valid system of morals. CMV.,True +I believe that the shortcomings and supposed failure of the US academic is not a failure purely of the academic system. CMV,True +CMV George Zimmerman should be found Guilty.,True +I don't think low voter turnout is a problem. CMV.,True +I believe that the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan was justified and was better than the alternatives. CMV,True +"I don't really agree with Richard Dawkins's ""meme theory"". CMV.",True +I believe that organ donation should be mandatory. CMV.,True +I believe that price discrimination is immoral and should be legislated against. CMV.,True +"I believe that the more we highlight racism in our modern society, the more prevalent it becomes. CMV",True +I believe that people who go vegetarian or vegan should actually change the kinds of dishes they eat and not just basically eat the same but cut out meat/animal products CMV,True +"I have tried to like Chipotle, but have come to dislike it. I think the food is overpriced and overhyped from a cult-like following of customers CMV",True +"I believe that there is ultimately little difference between the dangers of government power and the dangers of corporate power, and that both act in the interests of a privileged minority. CMV",True +"I believe ""Feminism"" is outdated, and that all people who fight for gender equality should rebrand their movement to ""Equalism"". CMV",True +I Believe That Personhood is Irrelevant to the Topic of Abortion. CMV,True +I believe *more* socialism is needed for the U.S. to prosper CMV,True +I believe that driving is a right and not a privilege. CMV,True +"I think the decision to allow women to serve in frontline combat is dangerous, foolish, and made for the entirely wrong reasons. CMV.",True +I believe passive voice is better than active. CMV.,True +I believe that eastern healing and alternative healing methods are illegitimate and shouldn't be taken seriously. CMV.,True +Vim is a bad text editor. CMV.,True +I believe Islamic culture is incompatible with modern society. CMV.,True +I believe organic food production is a dangerous fad that has the potential to cause billions to die of starvation. CMV,True +"I believe MENSA is elitist and accomplishes very little, and therefore should not be celebrated as an important or academic society. CMV",True +I belive AA is only a temporary solution for alcholics. Not a healthy long term solution to treat addiction. CMV,True +I believe assisted suicide should be legalized and that the fact it isn't is an infringement on those individuals' free choice. CMV.,True +I believe Microsoft Visual Studio 1998 runs rings around any current open source development environment. CMV.,True +"I believe that while Marijuana has some good effects, it also has many ill effects. Particularly, I believe that anyone who constantly smokes weed is essentially wasting their life. CMV",True +I find the constant updating on Nelson Mandela's condition to be ghoulish and distasteful CMV,True +I believe the Bible should be taught in public schools as a mandatory class. CMV,True +I believe that community service should be a graduation requirement for high school students. CMV,True +I think the DOMA ruling today was badly decided. You cannot draw the connection from equal protection under the law to the unconstitutionality of a uniform definition of marriage. CMV,True +I think the US reaction to Snowden's leaks is far more unsettling than the information those leaks contained. CMV,True +"I don't believe that faith is a virtue, and I believe that anyone who holds a belief or makes a claim based solely on faith deserves to have their beliefs/claims criticized and dismissed, CMV",True +I don't trust insurance companies one bit and thus never plan to get insurance. CMV,True +I believe one of government’s primary functions should be to provide healthcare. CMV,True +"I believe ""utilize"" is a useless word. CMV.",True +I believe abortion is not pro-choice in the sense that the baby itself is not the woman's body. CMV!,True +People who decide to have biological children are selfish CMV,True +"I believe any type of ""radical"" is an idiot and their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. CMV",True +"I believe that the concept of this subreddit has more potential than any other on the entire site, but it is diluted and dragged down by people that respond purely for the sake of debate, rather than any actual interest or vested opinion of the subject at hand. CMV",True +"True atheism, not agnosticism, and Christianity are both equally illogical theories. CMV.",True +I believe that those with extreme mental and physical disabilities are detrimental to society and should not be assisted. CMV.,True +I believe women are more valued than men in western society. CMV!,True +"I believe that a majority of ""Obesity Rights"" groups are perpetuating an unhealthy and dangerous mindset CMV",True +"I think that anyone who uses terms like ""sheeple"", ""libtard"", or others throughout the left-right spectrum has opinions not worth reading or considering. CMV.",True +I belive that everyone is naturally extroverted. CMV,True +"I believe some aspects of the ""rape culture"" ideology in modern feminism are misguided and do more harm than good. CMV.",True +"I think people who complain about ""spoilers"" all the time are shallow and incapable of understanding deeper human relationships through storytelling. CMV.",True +I don't believe having stricter gun control policies will reduce the amount of violent crimes with firearms. CMV.,True +I believe in meritocracy and do not understand our society's obsession with achieving equality beyond legal equality CMV.,True +I don't think there is anything wrong with cursing. CMV.,True +"I do not believe that gay marriage is a problem, and think it should be legalized world wide. CMV",True +I believe the pharmaceutical industry has strong incentives to avoid curing diseases CMV,True +"I believe if an NFL player commits a SERIOUS crime, he should not be let back into the league. CMV",True +"I don't think pickup artist theory is misogynistic/""rapey""--at least not in light of the fact that it is written for and by conscientious people trying to be more assertive; CMV",True +"I think that drinking in high school is ignorant, unnecessary, and not worth the dangers and risks associated with it. CMV",True +"Cartoons for adults like The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, Family Guy, etc. make me feel uncomfortable. I feel the same way about Futurama, Adventure Time, and The Regular Show. CMV",True +"I believe that Linux is fully ready for the desktop, CMV",True +"I believe that mainstream feminism, especially in America, is unimportant and ultimately unnecessary. CMV.",True +I think people who have 4 or more children are somewhat narcissistic. CMV,True +"""The Simpson's"" should be canceled. CMV",True +I don't believe that the anti-vaccination movement should be demonized the way it has been. CMV.,True +I don't think that 9/11 was that big a deal. CMV.,True +I believe in the elimination of the American Republic and the expansion of direct democracy. CMV,True +"I do not believe in the existence of a ""soul"" CMV",True +"I think claiming ""victim blaming"" in a rape case is a copout. CMV.",True +"Pro-lifers should change their name to Pro-birthers. They shouldn't be called pro-lifers until they try just as aggressively to ensure the quality of the life they are ""saving"" from abortion.",True +Lacto-ovo vegetarians are hypocrites. CMV.,True +Philosophical questions become trivial when dissected. CMV.,True +Obese people deserve the same amount of ridicule at the same intensity felt by people who don't shower enough or fail to use deodorant. Obesity shouldn't be defended or have any concessions made for it because it is a failing in one's personal hygiene. CMV.,True +"I believe soldiers are just paid assassins, murderers who don't deserve an ounce of respect. CMV.",True +I believe that everything (except emergency services) should be shut down on one day a week. CMV,True +I believe there is a very real and ongoing class war. CMV.,True +"I believe that there is no good argument for being against gun control laws, and that the best solution is more total than anything we have implemented thus far. -CMV",True +The Prime Directive from Star Trek is Stupid CMV,True +I believe that proof of citizenship should be required to vote in elections. CMV,True +I believe that the rule of law is little more than a standing threat of violence. CMV.,True +I think it's immoral and disgusting to pierce a child's ears. CMV!,True +"I believe that men who date younger women are shallow, CMV.",True +I believe that any proper Muslim must needs be a terrorist. CMV.,True +I believe that murder is ethically wrong. CMV,True +"I believe people should be given psychoactive drugs that increases their productivity, like stimulants (Adderall, etc). CMV",True +"In a week, I turn 22. I don't see any reason to look forward to any particular birthday for the rest of my life. CMV",True +I believe all modern art is trash.,True +I don't mind personalized ads. CMV,True +I don't think that humans have fundamental free will. CMV,True +I think that tax breaks for the wealthy can lead to job creation. CMV.,True +I think that peeing in the sink to save water is acceptable and should even be adopted more. CMV,True +"I think that weddings are a waste of time and money, CMV.",True +I believe people who commited a crime and are guaranteed not to do it again should not be imprisoned. CMV.,True +"In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, I believe that if the father wants an abortion but the mother does not, the father should be exempt from paying child support. CMV",True +I believe all mentally disabled people should be sterilized. CMV,True +"I don't think the ""Founding Fathers"" are the infallible people that many Americans make them out to be. CMV",True +I think that the gender wage gap is due to the majority of women's decisions and not discrimination. CMV,True +(US) I think voting should be compulsory. CMV.,True +I don't believe illegal immigrants should receive services from the US. CMV,True +I don't think religion deserves respect. CMV,True +"I think that the ""classics"" tend to be over-praised. CMV",True +"I don't mind it when kids say things like ""yolo"" and ""swag""; I see it as the language evolving. CMV",True +I believe vegans are an insult to the human evolution. CMV,True +I think homelessness should be illegal. CMV,True +I think that SRS is counterproductive. CMV,True +CMV: I think the reasons why most Americans dislike soccer are bullshit,True +"I believe that the world would be a better place if nobody was allowed to be payed over US$100,000 a year, CMV.",True +"I believe tattoos without personal meaning past ""it looks cool/pretty"" convey a shallow depth of consciousness and creativity. CMV",True +I do not think that gaming qualifies as a form of artistic expression. CVM,True +"I believe that the copyright companies have it right when they talk about ThePirateBay, and it is stealing. CMV",True +I believe animals have the same rights to life as humans and it is morally right to violently free them from farms. CMV,True +I don't hear any musical quality in the screaming vocals found in many genres of metal music. CMV,True +I believe that the media has a liberal bias CMV,True +I believe that torrenting and adblocking should be viewed the same by society and the government as stealing. CMV,True +"I am pro-gun rights because I think people who can't defend themselves against most attackers (me, for example) need to level the playing field. CMV.",True +CMV: The United States is a police state,True +I don't think being vegan helps animals. CMV.,True +I believe nihilism is a fundamentally flawed philosophy. CMV,True +CMV: Being spied upon does not take away your freedoms.,True +I think the federal government should privatize the US Postal Service. CMV,True +I think that charging different demographics different rates on car insurance is unjust. CMV.,True +I believe it is harder to come out and be accepted as bisexual than it is to come out as gay. CMV.,True +I believe a country which has a compulsary military service should also draft women. CMV,True +I am a firm believer in the death penalty. CMV,True +I think anal is extremely nasty and I don't understand why anyone would want to be involved with someone else's pooper. CMV.,True +"Insults should be avoided in a rational discussion, no matter your opponent, CMV.",True +It's not bad if people stop paying for art. CMV,True +I believe that parents making their children have music lessons is a waste of time. CMV,True +I believe that allowing large amounts of assets to be inherited/gifted to one's children ends up in neo-feudalism and is grossly unfair to the rest of society. CMV,True +I think all people are bisexual CMV,True +"I believe homosexuality is not natural, and should be treated as a mental illnrss. CMV.",True +I believe that a truly secular government is the best type of government for ensuring religious freedom for all religions in its population. CMV,True +There is no such thing as a religious Scientist. It is oxymoronic. The scientific method is completely incompatible with evidence-free belief. CMV,True +I think raising a child with bad eating habits should be considered abuse CMV,True +I believe hip-hop has been getting exponentially worse since the mid-'00s. CMV,True +"I believe that businesses should have the right to refuse service based on any condition they wish, including race, nationality or disability. CMV",True +"I believe that most people, unless they're going into a STEM field, have no use for math beyond basic arithmetic. CMV",True +"I believe that Science, Religion, and Philosophy all work together seamlessly and prove an omniscient deity. CMV.",True +I think putting 'CMV' at the end of your post is redundent. CMV,True +I believe that passing your genes to the next generation is important. CMV,True +I believe that party-goers are unintelligent. CMV.,True +I think semi truck drivers should be penalized for leaving tire scraps on roads. CMV.,True +I don't think being white gives me an *unfair* advantage (Or at least I shouldn't feel bad about having an advantage). CMV,True +"I believe that the ""death tax,"" or something like it is a fundamental necessity for a capitalist democracy, and if anything doesn't go anywhere near far enough in its present state, CMV.",True +"I believe that the NoFap movement is harmful to men's health, as well as their relationships with women. CMV.",True +I think being vegan/vegetarian for a cause doesn't make sense. CMV,True +I feel children should be taken away from parents that are racist. CMV,True +I think the US needs an amendment to the constitution that requires an annual balanced budget. CMV please,True +I am a Black Make who does not believe drunk sex is rape. CMV.,True +"I think GMO's are not only safe, but that the controversy surrounding them is largely conspiracy nonsense fueled by anger at Monsanto's business practices. CMV?",True +The ends justify the means. CMV.,True +I believe vaccinations are not good for humans and should not be required for children to take. CMV.,True +"I believe, from a nonreligious and completely logic-based view, that since we respect human life, abortion, until we learn WHEN life begins, should be considered murder and should be handled by the states, to protect the rights of what, at the very least, could be a human life. CMV.",True +I think that many of the major pro-gun arguments are fallacious. CMV.,True +God is not real. He is our ignorance. CMV,True +I believe Occam' s Razor to be an extremely naive concept CMV,True +"I believe in the gender binary and that ""alternative gender identities"" are invalid.",True +"After billions spent on HIV research, it became more profitable to sell meds for the infected than it would be to sell a vaccine to everyone, so we'll only see a vaccine when this scenario invert. CMV.",True +[CMV] I think tragedies such as the Boston Marathon bombings and even school shootings are nothing compared to the death tolls of other things and should not be given so much attention.,True +I believe completing a degree in a STEM major requires more work than completing a degree in a non-STEM major. CMV.,True +"Being willing to change your homophobic, sexist, or racist views doesn't make it right to broadcast those views CMV",True +I believe race based affirmative action should be phased out for 'class' or 'income' based affirmative action. CMV.,True +I don't think that people should get extra time on tests CMV,True +I believe that the human brain is essentially a machine and because of this free will is an illusion CMV,True +"I believe that kids should not be allowed in a movie theater after a certain time, whether it's a kid's movie or otherwise. CMV",True +"As disappointed as I am with current US government, its crime against humanity is nowhere near what Japanese did during WW2. CMV",True +I believe that being an Asian male makes you invisible in the dating or hookup culture CMV,True +I believe that Kantian ethics stands as a good guide to live your life by. CMV.,True +I believe Obama should be impeached and tried in civilian court for the unlawful killing of US Citizens in drone strikes. CMV.,True +"I think finding the ""cause"" of homosexuality is an irrelevant and useless plight. CMV.",True +I believe that mentally handicapped children should not be given a special treatment. CMV,True +I believe perpetration of discrimination based on [insert legally-protected class here] is as deserving of punishment in the private sector as it is in the public sector. CMV,True +Children shouldn't have to get vaccines if their parents don't want them to. CMV,True +The Iraq War was both just and necessary. CMV.,True +I believe that being Pro-Choice makes you Pro-Abortion. CMV,True +"I don't think religious reasons are valid, for anything really, because religions are not based on reason. CMV",True +"I believe that both Feminists and MRAs have valid points, but neither side truly fights for equality.. CMV.",True +I believe I chose my own sexuality. CMV,True +I don't want to have kids when I'm an adult. I think they're useless especially since I am one and know. CMV,True +I think homosexuality actually is a mental disorder. CMV,True +"I believe that most people have negligible influence on the world and therefore their views are meaningless, CMV",True +I don't believe that the research of most English professors in research universities is valuable CMV,True +I think that war is good. CMV,True +"I think that blaming religion for the majority of wars in human history is a case built on extreme ignorance, CMV.",True +I think Atheism is a narrow-minded and arrogant ideology. CMV,True +I'm convinced that Islamic culture and countries are aggressively incompatible with modern society and should be isolated from the rest of the world. CMV.,True +I think all drugs should be leagalised. CMV,True +I've become so jaded from Reddit and other parts of the internet that I truly fear that the vast majority of white people around me either hold racist views or prejudge me/my white girlfriend for dating me. (I'm black) CMV.,True +"I think personal material heritage is evil for society, CMV",True +"When I see someone who is obese, I immediately think of them as stupid or lazy. CMV",True +I believe banning marijuana does more harm than good CMV,True +I don't think it's possible for homosexuality aka gayness to be an evolutionary trait. CMV.,True +"I believe all gun owners should be equally responsible for any crimes committed with that gun, whether or not they actually committed the crime. CMV",True +"I think most ""Modern Art"" is pretentious, takes nearly no skill, and is sub-par compared to art before that period. CMV.",True +"I'm fairly ashamed of this, so please help me CMV. I believe that the vast majority of parents, no matter how tolerant and loving, would not choose to have a gay child.",True +I believe that addiction is just personal weakness. CMV.,True +"I believe that, in the Bible, Satan is a more moral character than God. CMV",True +I believe that an opt-out system of organ donation could only be beneficial CMV,True +"I feel because of the futility of existence, life is not worth living, CMV.",True +"I believe that everything is subjective, contextual, and relativistic. CMV",True +I'm not a feminist simply because I don't see much gender inequality that isn't simply biological differences between men and women. CMV.,True +I think people who think they shouldn't have to watch ads are immature and self-centered. CMV,True +No one should personally own a car or other motor vehicles CMV,True +I believe that grades in school are completely useless. CMV,True +I believe that there is no such thing as a truly selfless act. CMV,True +I believe that the Singularity will lead to the eradication of human life. CMV.,True +I believe that systematic genocide like the holocaust could never happen in a country like the US. CMV,True +"Books (or the written word in general) are not inherently more ""intellectual"" than any other form of media. CMV",True +"I believe that the new ""score hiding"" system is poorly done and only makes viewing comment threads more annoying. CMV",True +I believe the composer/producer of a song deserves more credit for a song than the singer. CMV,True +"I believe there is no place in society for Modern Feminism, CMV",True +CMV: I think most people are vegans/vegetarians because of pop culture. Change My View.,True +I believe that North America is on the verge of systemic collapse. CMV,True +I believe that there are some things that a government simply does better than private groups or companies can. CMV.,True +100% inheritance tax is a good idea. CMV,True +I don't think there is anything wrong with circumcision. CMV,True +"Homosexuals and transexuals suffer from a mental dysfunction, CMV",True +I believe a woman cannot rape a man. CMV!,True +"I believe that no vaccine should be given to any child under one year of age, especially a newborn. CMV",True +I am an existential nihilist. CMV,True +"I believe the government shouldn't cover Birth control, CMV.",True +I believe that we should stop eating beef. CMV,True +I believe that almost all serious or violent criminal behavior should be treated as mental illness. CMV.,True +Christian almost an atheist. Help me CMV to it.,True +"I think people who have murdered others or done so much wrong should be put to death, as long as they are given a fair trial. CMV",True +I am a republican. CMV,True +News is bad for you. CMV,True +The presumption of innocence is rampantly violated when suspects are kept in jail. CMV,True +I believe watching the movie IS a good substitute for reading the book. CMV,True +I think that if you are not informed beyond the basics on a topic your opinion is not valid and should have no weight. CMV,True +"I believe that due to the development of technology, the music industry has become far too congested for any real talent to come and stand out. CMV.",True +CMV I believe that if you honour your personal heritage and familial culture you should only marry and have children with members of your own race and culture,True +"I believe that Polygamy would be a problem due to our economic structure, but that there would otherwise be no problem with allowing it. CMV.",True +"There are no ""nice""feminists on this subreddit CMV",True +I believe that the modern western idea of 'dating' is a terrible way to find a spouse or to prepare a couple for marriage. CMV.,True +"[CMV] I believe adopting a single, unified language would be beneficial to the world",True +"I don't believe that motorcycles should be allowed to lane split or ""white line"". They should act like any other motor vehicle on the road. CMV",True +I believe CPR should never be performed on people over the age of 70. CMV,True +[CMV] Life imprisoned folk should be allowed to euthanize themselves,True +"If men don't want to pay child support, they shouldn't have sex with any woman they don't want to be the mother of their child. CMV",True +"[Meta] CMV posts that are a matter of taste are not disputable, and should be removed by mods. CMV.",True +I think that Daft Punk are one of the most over-rated groups playing today. CMV.,True +I believe circular logic is the equal of classical logic CMV,True +Guns are fetish objects. CMV,True +I don't think there's any reason for the US government to spend more money on NASA or space exploration. CMV.,True +I think abortion isn't a bad thing. CMV,True +I believe attempted murder and murder should be treated as the same crime. CMV,True +"I think drinking is not okay, especially for high school kids.",True +I believe that the concept of national identity is a divisive concept with no real benefit to the average citizen. CMV,True +I think Language/Journalism/Arts majors require less critical thinking than STEM majors. CMV,True +"I think Google is dangerously large and powerful, and should be avoided. CMV",True +I think we should encourage sex-selective abortions. CMV.,True +"I believe teachers should be paid based on performance, and underperforming teachers fired. CMV",True +"Although I am an atheist, I feel as though Hick's response to the problem of evil is adequate. CMV.",True +I think the risk of being raped by random strangers is ridiculously low to the point that I don't understand why anyone would be paranoid about it if they bothered to use any common sense. CMV,True +I think the majority of people who claim to be asexual are so because of emotional/mental health issues and not because they are inherently asexual CMV,True +"I don't believe that having ""In God We Trust"" on American currency is a big deal. CMV",True +I've never seen Communism as a bad thing. CMV,True +"I believe that antidepressants mess you up and addict you in the long term because without them you are back to the ""reality"" goggles. CMV",True +I am troubled by the prospect of China becoming the next superpower. I think this will be bad news for the whole world. CMV.,True +I think that the only thing we can know absolutely is that there is nothing else we can know absolutely. CMV.,True +"I believe scientific reasoning is the best way to collectively know reality, understand the natural world, and gain empirical knowledge.",True +I think Property Rights are the best way to ensure that pollution doesn't get out of hand. CMV.,True +I don't believe we should be concerned about global warming. CMV.,True +I don't think that you should make a post in /r/ChangeMyView unless you intend to actually reply to responses that are made shortly after it's posted. CMV,True +I believe Atheism is more comforting than Christianity. CMV,True +"I think Python is the best first programming language, CMV.",True +"Unless an animal clearly doesn't enjoy what's happening, I believe bestiality should not be morally frowned upon. I've searched and found no good arguments, so CMV (read the first sentence before you downvote)",True +I am not sure if global warming is a real issue. CMV either way.,True +I don't think we should find a cure for cancer. CMV,True +"I think the studying the arts in high school does not help prepare students for the ""real world"" CMV",True +I believe that most of the well upvoted posts on this subreddit receive upvotes simply because they are widely held opinions amongst Redditors. CMV.,True +"I believe Digital Piracy is wrong, and needs to be stopped. CMV.",True +I believe that Technocracy is the perfect form of government CMV,True +Minors should have an opportunity to vote. CMV.,True +The refusal to say 'curse words' is idiotic CMV,True +"I believe that catcalling should be considered flattering, not mysogynistic or rude. CMV.",True +I believe black people are more racist than white people. CMV.,True +I cannot get the idea out of my head that abortion is murder. CMV,True +"I believe a private, market based healthcare system is superior to a tax payer funded one. CMV.",True +I believe that philosophy would improve if it used fewer hypotheticals. CMV.,True +"I believe there should be a rule ix: Posts must be controversial enough to stir adequate discussion, rather than proposing an opinion that little to no users will disagree with.",True +"I believe that people who love old wines, whiskeys and scotches are lying to appear classier. CMV",True +I do not plan on voting. CMV,True +"I feel that people who feel sympathy towards disaster victims are phonies, and they don't feel real pity for them -- CMV",True +"I don't see how God could let so much horrible stuff happen, and the free will argument doesn't make sense to me. CMV",True +I think that research into wind and solar energy sources are a waste of time. Nuclear power is the only way to go. CMV.,True +I do not believe morals are Objective in any way. They are subjective and adjust accordingly nearly in every era of civilized society (and before). CMV?,True +"I am sexist, CMV.",True +I think the boys in that steubenville rape case got way too much crap throughout the whole trial....CMV,True +"I believe all victimless crimes, including prostitution and drug use should be legalized. CMV",True +I think that Northerners are smarter and more educated than Southerners (in the United States). CMV.,True +I think rap/hip-hop music is of extremely low quality and it infuriates me that it has predominantly replaced music that is of higher basic quality. CMV,True +Vegetarians (and the like minded) are being hypocritical if they are Pro-Choice. CMV,True +"I believe people should not be allowed to bring babies in a movie theater except if it's a special ""everybody can bring their babies"" showing/theater. CMV",True +I think it is silly for a vegan to exclude honey from their diet. CMV,True +"I think that according to current standards, homosexuality/Tran sexuality must be considered mental illnesses. Please CMV",True +"I believe that most veganism (as well as raw food enthusiasts, etc) are mentally ill. CMV.",True +I fully believe that people who are offended are the ones to blame for being offended in nearly all instances. This trait of weakness should not be coddled. CMV,True +As a counterpoint to a post from yesterday: I think that colonialism has ruined every society it has come into contact with. CMV,True +[CMV] I don't think hiring a white person over a black person who is equally qualified to be racism.,True +No claim is so harmful or crazy that merely discussing it (at CMV or elsewhere) should be forbidden. CMV,True +"I don't think Golf is a sport, more of a hobby. CMV.",True +I believe the obese aren't entitled to the same accommodations we make for the disabled.,True +"I am extremely pro-gay rights, but I think it's gross. Can you CMV?",True +I have a hard time believing alcoholism is a disease. CMV,True +I don't think that the second amendment protects individual rights to own firearms. CMV,True +I don't believe the obese should receive disability benefits or health care unless they commit to a supervised weight loss program. CMV.,True +I think that an algorithm which assigns downvotes to posts misrepresents the Reddit community and takes away from the quality of the site. CMV,True +I believe that all drugs should be legalized and government regulated and sold to the public. CMV,True +I see no reason for cheating and plagiarizing to be considered wrong in the academic world CMV.,True +I believe the United States should dismantle all of its nuclear weapons. CMV.,True +I think eating meat is worse than bestiality. CMV,True +I think private schools should be abolished. CMV.,True +I think sterilization should be an optional punishment for those found guilty of child negligence/abuse. CMV,True +I think socialism is the best form of government. CMV,True +I don't think that any social drinking (alcohol) is justifiable. CMV,True +"I believe that the fact that Police are allowed to lie to suspects makes them inherently untrustworthy, CMV",True +I don't believe that private gun ownership should be legal. CMV,True +I think Reddit encourages polarization and groupthink. CMV,True +I don't think it's wrong for a girl to be slutty and promiscuous provided that she practises safe sex and birth control. CMV,True +"I don't understand why white people in the US are afraid to use the word nigger out of racist context, as in ""My grandma used say nigger in public"", even when they are not the ones abusing the word. CMV.",True +"I don't see how being drunk and in ""promiscuous"" clothing, doesn't increase the chance of rape",True +"I think the ability to harmlessly acquire digital goods for free through piracy means that movies, music, tv shows, etc. are no longer products that have any monetary value. CMV",True +I think that the death penalty should be abolished. CMV,True +"I think that ""he"" as a default pronoun is completely acceptable and does not pose a threat to women/feminism. CMV",True +I think being a vegan for any other reason than your health is ridiculous. CMV,True +"I believe women just wear makeup to get attention, and that wearing it indicates self-esteem or self-worth issues. Reddit, please CMV!",True +"If you are willing to eat meat, then I don't think you should be grossed out by eating ANY meat, including dog meat, hamster meat, snake meat.. even human meat. CMV",True +"I think networking (think business, not computers) is corruption. CMV",True +I dislike gender identity as a concept. CMV.,True +I think that fraternities and sororities are wastes of time and are full of partiers. CMV,True +I do not believe the second amendment is a useful safeguard in the event that the US becomes a tyranny. CMV,True +I believe clubs that are suppose to celebrate diversity (like the black student union) only cause a more segregated society! CMV,True +I think Bronies are ridiculous. CMV,True +I don't think its a good idea to treat illnesses that are genetic because we are increasing their rate in the human population CMV,True +I think that pre-op transgendered individuals identify as gay. CMV,True +I think transgendered people are morally obliged to tell people they used to be the other gender before engaging in intercourse/a relationship with someone. CMV,True +"I don't agree with transgender people and that you can be ""born in the wrong body""",True +I can't stand flamboyant gay people. CMV,True +I don't believe depression is a real illness.,True +"I don't believe that ""cop killers"" are any worse than regular killers. CMV",True +I believe that drone strikes are at least a neutral if not a positive alternative to standard man-driven bombing runs. CMV.,True +"I don't believe wearing a seat-belt in a privately owned vehicle should be enforced by law, CMV",True +"I don't think ""safe spaces"" are a good idea. CMV",True +"I oppose feminism, and I don't think women are equal to men. CMV. ",True +"I believe that people shouldn't be legally held accountable for their actions when significantly intoxicated, CMV.",True +"I think that couples that do not have kids are selfish, CMV",True +I find teenage dating silly. CMV.,True +I believe no living thing should be subservient to another. CMV.,True +I don't think anyone under ~15 should be using reddit. CMV,True +"I'm very pro personal liberty, very pro gay, very pro trans, but I have a hard time accepting the idea of someone being gender fluid. CMV",True +"I am not an organ donor, CMV.",True +"I believe it is hypocritical to be pro-life, but not a vegetarian. CMV",True +"I believe in a young Earth and a universe that is 6,000 years old rather than 13.8 Billion [CMV]",True +I think pirating movies/TV shows/music/software is theft and should continue to be illegal. CMV.,True +I believe the large majority of people are fundamentally idiots. CMV,True +I believe we put too much emphasis on science and engineering studies.CMV.,True +Anarcho-capitalism or any form of state-less society is a terrible idea. CMV,True +"There Isn't a Good Argument Against Genetic Screening and Eugenics, CMV",True +I don't see the practical purpose of believing in privilege CMV,True +"I believe that personal firearms can do nothing to ""prevent tyranny"" in the modern age. CMV",True +I think incest should be legal. CMV,True +I believe the vast majority of people are bi-amorous and most also bisexual. CMV.,True +I think replacing individual vehicles with mass transit for the majority of people would be a good thing. CMV.,True +I believe that The Problem of Evil is an insurmountable theological problem that effectively disproves Abrahamic faiths. CMV,True +I don't believe men can be raped by women. CMV.,True +I don't see anything wrong with a consenting adult having as many sex partners as they want. CMV.,True +"I think that people who are sexually active at an early age should be looked down on, CMV.",True +"I believe that people outside of my acquaintance are not deserving of any compassion or empathy, CMV.",True +I believe we should cut welfare and let the poor either die or survive by their own means. CMV,True +I believe that cheating is acceptable in the high stress environment that students are placed in today because of higher requirements for entry to college and more and more pressure from society. CMV,True +I don't see anything wrong with drug testing welfare recipients. CMV.,True +"I think the saying ""A good key can open many locks, but a shit lock is opened by many keys"" has some truth to it. CMV.",True +"I don't understand why many Americans deify their founding fathers, and I feel as though I'm missing something obvious. CMV. ",True +I see no logical reason to spend more money on a Mac opposed to a PC unless a college class requires one. CMV.,True +"I dislike almost all of my SO's friends, and I believe this will end our relationship - CMV.",True +I think most atheists are better people than most religious people. CMV,True +I don't believe I have to like or spend time with my family/relatives just because we are related. CMV,True +Two people in a committed monogamous relationship would be happier and more in love than however many people in a polyamorous relationship. CMV,True +The rich have no obligation to help the poor. CMV,True +"I believe that intelligent design (not necessarily the six-day creation as Christians believe), but the idea that the universe did not happen by accident, is a valid theory, and should be taught alongside evolution. CMV",True +I believe there should be no such thing as inheritance. CMV.,True +I believe a government-funded single-payer system is the best way to get universal health care at affordable rates and high quality. CMV,True +I'm offended by proselytization of any sort. CMV,True +I'm an Objectivist. CMV,True +I do not love my parents. CMV,True +I believe those who want power shouldn't have it. CMV.,True +I don't believe porn is detrimental to society. CMV.,True +"While I agree with vegetarianism, I still eat meat because I don't think it will make a difference to the meat industry whether or not one person eats meat. CMV",True +I believe suicide is an unrespectable act of weakness with few exceptions. CMV.,True +"I get internally furious whenever girls/guys in a relationship (including my girlfriend) comment on the attractiveness of anybody else, especially celebrities, simply because I think it's wrong for a significant other to think about that sort of thing. CMV.",True +"I believe there are no valid arguments for eating meat, other than ""I like the taste"" - CMV",True +"I think body wash is a wasteful, environmentally destructive product that should not exist, and everybody should use bar soap instead. CMV!",True +I don't understand what people find wrong with bestiality. CMV.,True +Here's what I would change about American gun regulations. CMV,True +CMV: Venezuela is not a socialist country but a communist country.,True +CMV: Les Miserables is Boring and I Will Gain Nothing From Watching It,True +CMV: Democracies should not prosecute ex-leaders for crimes in office.,True +CMV: People who don't use bookmarks are missing out. [TT],True +CMV: My sister is getting a divorce and breaking up her family for selfish reasons.,True +CMV: Minecraft should not be the best selling PC game of all time,True +"CMV: It is impossible to logically reconcile Marx's Labour Theory of Value with ""social contract"" theory. In defending both theories, the left puts itself in a position of inherent contradiction.",True +CMV: You should not stop people carving into stone,True +CMV: Food companies shouldn't be blamed for the choices people make.,True +"CMV: Choose Satan because he won't judge you, but Jesus will",True +CMV: Fat People Should Buy Two Seats,True +CMV:I believe that when Christians share debunked content on social media that they are bearing 'False Witness',True +"CMV: To post, or not to post one's struggles with mental illness on social media? I say not.",True +CMV: Everything I am and everything I believe in as a young adult is simply a phase.,True +CMV:I am an anarchist,True +CMV: Anti-feminism is not pro-misogyny,True +CMV: Morality is relative not because societies have differing standards but because morality is not completely logical.,True +CMV: The world is better off without Freddie Gray,True +CMV: I'm starting to believe 9/11 may have been at least partially propagated by the U.S. Government.,True +CMV: I have a sense that GMO business practices are harming smaller and poorer farmers,True +CMV:Facebook is not the appropriate platform for remembrance or mourning after someone has passed away,True +"CMV: Terms like ""Rape Culture"" and ""White Privilege"" are completely valid, and generally unhelpful",True +CMV: Minority Groups Are Justified in Believing That African Americans Should Just Work Harder,True +"CMV: As a foreigner, I believe UKIP has some good points and it would not be the end of the world should they win.",True +"CMV: The Federal Reserve doesn't just print money, it steals value from everyone collectively.",True +CMV: I Should Stop Identifying as a Liberal,True +CMV: the ending of Wall-e was tragic [spoilers],True +CMV: I have no sympathy for addicts.,True +"CMV: ""White Privilege"" and other social justice concepts aren't going to convince people who aren't already on board with the left. At worst, it will polarize the issue and inspire resentment.",True +"CMV: I have no sympathy for African-American's who complain about institutional racism, but don't vote.",True +CMV: Police Officers Acting in Their Official Capacity Should Not Be Allowed to Invoke the Fifth Amendment,True +CMV: The violence seen in the Ferguson and Baltimore riots as a response to Police misconduct is an over-reaction and not an appropriate expression of discontent.,True +CMV: Scientology is no more absurd than religions like Christianity and Islam,True +CMV: The existence of government structures are inherently flawed and do not serve the needs of people and are destructive by nature.,True +"CMV: Meghan Trainor's song, Dear Future Husband, is feminist and is not sexist.",True +CMV: Businesses that don't accept credit cards are losing money by doing so.,True +"CMV: No is obligated to be attracted to anyone, and people should not be chastised for their preferences.",True +CMV: Capitalism is a system that penalizes doing things for goodwill and is detrimental to society.,True +CMV: The best video game of all time has already been made.,True +"CMV: When people intentionally engage in risky activities outside of work, like climbing Mount Everest, it shouldn't be considered a tragedy if they are killed in the process.",True +"CMV: People who say ""we don't need any more damn children"" are in the wrong.",True +"CMV: I feel like, with the eventual heat death of the universe, what we do doesn't really matter.",True +CMV: I believe political correctness has gone too far.,True +CMV: Openly bigoted subreddits should be shut down and openly racist Reddit users should be banned,True +"CMV: Defining racism/sexism/anything like that as ""power plus prejudice"" is incorrect.",True +"CMV: Bakeries Should Not Have to Pay $100k+ in ""Emotional Damages"" for Refusing Service to Gays",True +CMV: I believe that monetary compensation for damage to one's car should be used towards repairs.,True +"CMV: If you're dating someone (who is respectful) and don't feel any chemistry with them, it should be customary to let them know you're not interested - instead of fading away.",True +"CMV: In contemporary American society, it is not at all weird to walk down the street while eating a sandwich or similar food item",True +"CMV: I believe the West supports the Armenian Genocide because they stand to lose nothing. Greece claims for the WW2 atrocities are on the same level, but nobody supports their claims.",True +CMV: Reverse Racism and Misandry Don't Exist,True +CMV: Police body cams won't help anything,True +CMV: There is nothing wrong with paid Workshop Mods on Steam.,True +CMV: Cultural appropriation is not bad,True +CMV: Having the age of consent be anything less than eighteen years old is disgusting,True +"CMV: As an environmental engineer, I give up! PLEASE CMV!",True +"CMV: I, for one, welcome our future AI overlords.",True +CMV: Universal suffrage necessarily entails socialism.,True +"CMV: If your people went through genocide a hundred years ago, you have no right to be personally butthurt about it.",True +CMV: We should be taught there are 6 continents instead of 7.,True +"CMV: Saudi Arabia should be removed from the United Nations and stripped of all advantages that come with being part of the UN, due to their sexist governmental policies, harsh laws, and blatant human rights abuses",True +CMV: Requiring that jurors are willing to impose a death sentence creates an inappropriate selection bias on juries,True +CMV: Abortion is a Problem of Philosophical Dualism,True +CMV: Both homosexuality and polyamory should be legalized and accepted by society,True +CMV: Humanity will never make interstellar travel.,True +"CMV: A Mexican Border Fence Would Be an Ineffective Deterrent, and a Colossal Waste of Taxpayer Money and Resources",True +CMV: I don't want to vote in the upcoming UK General Election,True +CMV: The Day of Silence does nothing to further the LGBT* movement,True +CMV: Dashcams should be required on cars. Truth shall set you free.. from insurance scams and indefensible premiums alike. We need better factors than traditional ones such as speed/age/gender.,True +CMV: Social programs are no substitute for a good financial education and throwing money at people who cannot handle money is a waste.,True +"CMV: The Pro and Anti Vax debate is overly passionate and divisive. The dismissiveness of Pro-Vaxxers is encouraging the Anti-Vaxxers' conspiratorial beliefs, and they would be better addressed with point-by-point arguments rather than being called idiots and murderers...even if they are",True +CMV: Lightsabre duels will almost always end with both parties dead (assuming equal skill),True +"CMV: If the Christian God does exist, he should not be worshiped.",True +CMV: Kanye West is overrated and mediocre.,True +CMV: Gun rights are actually a liberal concept,True +"CMV: I was raised agnostic. Sometimes I wish I was Christian, and have attended church but I cannot find it in myself to believe. Appeal to my logical side and CMV.",True +"CMV: The famous Trolley problem and the related Transplant problem are morally equivalent, in their purest forms.",True +CMV: reddit is fertile ground for white supremacist recruitment,True +"CMV: Affirmative action would work best if directed at those in low socioeconomic standing, as opposed to those of minority race status.",True +CMV: Happiness isn't something that should be expected. Life is just full of suffering and ultimately pointless.,True +CMV: Electronic Cigarettes shouldn't be banned from use inside most public buildings,True +CMV: Genocide has only rarely been committed and has not been committed against Armenians or Jews,True +"CMV: I hate anecdote in cultural discussion. I get irritated when, in a debate of some social issue, people chime in with their own stories and experiences. STFU about yourself and let's discuss the ISSUE objectively.",True +CMV: It doesn't matter whether Han shot first,True +"CMV: Asian-Americans don't seem to fit into the ""privilege/oppression""-based model of discussing race in America.",True +CMV: We Should Burn Every Thesaurus,True +"CMV: At offices with a dress code, Casual Monday is better than Casual Friday if you can only choose one.",True +CMV: AMD CPUs and GPUs are less practical and more prone to failure than their Intel/Nvidia counterparts.,True +CMV: Performing under the direction of another with little input (ie playing the viola under a conductor) is neither creative nor expressive,True +"CMV: Making an event to specifically showcase the ""women of"" a field does not help with gender equality issues.",True +CMV: I don't think I should say something unless I feel its really worth saying,True +CMV: We need to make human farms,True +CMV: I think Adblock is just as bad as pirating.,True +CMV: Many buildings that are considered masterpieces are only valued because of their age and would be considered garish eyesores if built today.,True +"CMV: The term ""9/11"" is improper and scornful",True +CMV: Politicians should be unable to change their (public) views while in office.,True +CMV: I believe any potential human cloning is unethical,True +"CMV: it should be way harder to get, and keep, your driver's licence",True +CMV: Help me be pro-choice,True +CMV:I believe that the spouse who cooked the meal should also do the dishes/washing up.,True +CMV:The recent cheating scandal involving teachers Atlanta is not the fault the convicted teachers but instead of high standards placed by standardized testing and thus the teachers should not be convicted,True +CMV: I can't take feminist activists in the west seriously...,True +"CMV: Homosexual relationships inherently offer more freedom to their participants than heterosexual relationships, due to the lack of presumed gender roles.",True +CMV:It's better to let people who are unlikely to be convinced by scientific evidence believe in homeopathy or natural cures because their beliefs will make the placebo effect stronger without the more harmful side effects of drugs or needless antibiotics.,True +"CMV: a divorced mother in Illinois can't move out of state because father has visitation rights. I disagree because she has full custody, and should have just left.",True +CMV: It's more humane to raise animals in (properly designed) artificial habitats than in the wild.,True +CMV: Texans are often unfairly stereotyped in a way that is frequently inaccurate.,True +CMV: familial inheritance should be replaced with societal inheritance,True +CMV: Settlements from lawsuits against police departments should be paid at least partially out of police pension funds.,True +CMV: I should not fly on airplanes.,True +"CMV: Game of Thrones is just boobs, blood, and a lot of sex",True +CMV: Candidates should always be interviewed by a person in their position instead of an HR representative whenever possible,True +CMV: Long-sleeved men's shirts are generally superior to short-sleeved men's shirts,True +CMV: I believe that I don't want a mainstream lifestyle,True +CMV: Lotteries should not be allowed to advertise an annuity prize as the sum of its payments.,True +CMV: I feel that religions that believe in a god of some sort are not ground for debate in any way and that anti theists of any sort should not spend time debating them.,True +"CMV: Just as tablets have killed the netbook, I believe ultrabooks will kill the tablet.",True +CMV: the $29/week budget on food stamps is adequate amount of money to feed yourself nutritiously.,True +CMV: I believe suicide is ok as long as you're not taking anyone out with you,True +"CMV:I feel guilty playing RPGs on ""Casual"" mode",True +CMV: Want a world with more trees? Use more paper. Want to keep endangered animals from going extinct? Turn them into food.,True +"CMV: Overall, Android is the superior phone platform, and phones and tablets running Android tend to perform better compared to Phones and Tablets with similar price points on other OS'.",True +CMV: Property Taxes are Inherently Unjust and Should be Abolished,True +"CMV: I believe that American citizens should demand that banks allow members to transfer money electronically, for free, to any other persons account within the United States. Many countries have already done this and we have no need for a company like PayPal or Google Wallet to leech off us.",True +"CMV: Phrases like ""very unique"" and ""very pregnant"" are not wrong as they reflect concepts that proper English cannot easily describe",True +CMV: I don't think acting's hard. Just hear me out...,True +CMV: It is always a good idea to follow any command a police officer gives you,True +CMV: It's not wrong to point out the biases of a source.,True +"CMV: Fiction that portrays vampires as burdened is off-base. For the most part, being a vampire would be awesome.",True +CMV: The Social Security Trust Fund is an Accounting Fiction.,True +CMV: I think I should not have any more philosophical debate with my YEC mother.,True +CMV: The use of hyperbole in politics ultimately undermines your own side and radicalizes groups you oppose,True +CMV: I want to sell 5-10% of stocks in my retirement investment account and buy physical gold (or some other expensive physical commodity that I can keep in my home).,True +"CMV: I believe Communism has spelled nothing but authoritarian disaster in practice, and anybody seriously endorsing it in the 21st Century should be ridiculed profusely",True +"CMV: We Should Not Have a Death Penalty, even for Monsters like Tsarnaev",True +"CMV: As a high schooler with good grades, a job, good friends, and that's living a happy and safe life, I believe that my parents shouldn't put in an effort to prevent me from smoking weed.",True +CMV: Using a touchscreen interface for a vending machine is a bad design decision,True +"CMV: Submitting a ballot for annual elections should be compulsory, and Election Day should be a federal holiday to facilitate this.",True +CMV: Expecting an average citizen to be knowledgeable about ANY ONE topic is unreasonable.,True +CMV: The human-caused extinction of an endangered species is no less natural than the biological/evolutionary processes that generated that species in the first place.,True +CMV: You owe taxes starting from your first moment of existence; they are a debt you are morally obliged to pay.,True +CMV: I'm not going to vote at the next Canadian federal elections,True +CMV: There's nothing wrong with using the pull-out method of birth control in a monogamous relationship.,True +"CMV: ""Colorblindness"" is the best and only logical way to end racism in the United States",True +CMV: Reddit's policy allowing hate subreddits to remain in order to preserve free speech actually does the opposite in practice.,True +CMV: there is no rational reason to believe in the Christian (or any other religion's) God,True +CMV: Superman is too perfect and because of this his stories aren't compelling,True +CMV: The Death Penalty isn't a harsh enough penalty for many crimes,True +CMV: The Millenials (and their children) are FUCKED,True +CMV: All morality is derivable from economic considerations,True +CMV:Life-long prison sentences should be banned in favor of the death penalty or shorter sentences.,True +CMV: The outrage over Andrew Harrison's use of the n-word is a media lynching.,True +CMV: The use of a comma as a decimal marker and a period as a thousands marker is confusing and destroys clarity.,True +CMV: I believe that delivery driving using your own vehicle (e.g. Pizza) is under-paid.,True +CMV: Cheating is not a bad thing as long as there is absolutely no chance your partner could find out,True +CMV: It's a good idea to get married for a tuition break,True +"CMV: By and large, a disturbing amount of conservatives today are backwards-thinking and bigoted.",True +CMV: Moving to the US feels like the wrong choice,True +CMV: I vote Democrat in Federal elections and Republican in State and Local elections,True +CMV: All crime is directly manufactured by the government,True +CMV:Television are obsolete/very close to obsolete,True +"CMV: Ultimately, no problems will arise from the Indiana Religious Freedom ruling.",True +CMV: The F-35 is the modern day equivalent of the Maginot Line and should be Canceled.,True +CMV: The European economic crisis is the hoax of the century. Most European economies are doing far better than the US where it counts.,True +"CMV: I think literature (and Bible, but that's just my country) should not be taught in high-school. It's a useless subject for a large majority and a completely uninteresting subject for most kids.",True +CMV: I should not recycle because of the NYC bottle tax.,True +CMV: TwoXChromosomes is the worst subreddit of all for people actually wanting to participate in a subreddit because it positions itself as one thing but delivers another in a personally offensive way.,True +CMV: African Americans also benefit from the legacy of slavery,True +CMV: I don't think that one form of Marital Art/Marital Arts Weapons is better than another.,True +CMV: I see no reason for most people to upgrade to the latest models of cell phones.,True +CMV: Listing the weight of unpeeled potatoes in a recipe that calls for those potatoes to be peeled is ridiculous,True +CMV: That we are willing to pay sports persons millions of dollars is a sign that as a society we have got our priorities wrong.,True +CMV: If you are not comfortable having your daughter doing porn you should not watch it.,True +"CMV: I believe that people who try to title themselves with some ""other"" gender simply want attention",True +CMV: When people are overweight there should be much more pressure to change.,True +CMV: Business owners should have the right to refuse service whatever the reason.,True +CMV: We should strengthen the traditional safety net rather than replace it with basic income,True +CMV: Bill O'Reiley is worse than Nancy Grace but the reddit hivemind hates Grace more because she's a woman.,True +CMV: Asking me to leave the toilet seat down for their convenience is no different than me asking someone to leave it up for my convenience.,True +"CMV:Online interactions, relationships and obligations aren't inherently inferior to ""real life"" ones.",True +CMV: Baby formula should only be available with a prescription from an internationally-certified consultant.,True +CMV: Fast food joints should be completely automated,True +CMV: Employers shouldn't pay for employees vacation time or sick days; if you're not at the jobsite working you shouldn't get paid,True +"CMV: The Blair Witch Project isn't even remotely scary, and its current position as the gold standard of the American horror genre is a farce (Warning: Spoilers)",True +CMV: The human race has done such a poor job of maintaining its planet that it would be unethical for us to colonize other planets.,True +CMV: The Android smartphone market at the present time is objectively far superior to any current iteration of Apple devices.,True +CMV: People should dress up a little more when flying.,True +"CMV: Ted Cruz is not a serious candidate, he's just being used by republicans to make the actual candidate seem less extreme",True +CMV: I am a strong believer in eugenics.,True +"CMV: ebooks shouldn't cost more than 5dollars. Anything above just hinders education, culture and technological advance.",True +CMV: $foo is a numbers game is a very disingenuous thing to say.,True +"CMV:I feel like math, philosophy, first and second language and IT should be the only course taught to children until 4th grade.",True +"CMV: Assuming the allegations against him are true, the decision to fire Jeremy Clarkson was the right one",True +CMV: Title IX is unjust.,True +CMV: Transgendar and genderless people are sexist.,True +"CMV: The USA is not a real democracy if the people of Guam, Puerto Rico and other island territories do not have the right to vote for their leader",True +CMV: I think remastered games on PS4/Xbox One are a good thing and I welcome more.,True +CMV: Ted Cruz has 0 chance at winning the presidential election and very little chance to win the Republican Primary,True +"CMV:The electoral college should shift to a percentage-based system, not the winner take all system we have now.",True +CMV: It is impossible to prove or disprove that our universe is deterministic.,True +CMV:Low Military Spending is unwise,True +"CMV: Most people use the word ""humbled"" to mean the opposite of what it actually means, and should stop immediately.",True +CMV: Non-scientists have over-estimated our impact on global climate and under-estimated our ability to cope with minor changes in global temperature and sea levels,True +CMV: There is no unselfish reason to have biological children,True +CMV: Hank should have told Dale about his wife's affair with John Redcorn.,True +"CMV: If you wouldn't tell your roommate ""get out of that chair"" when you want to sit where s/he's sitting, then you shouldn't push your cat off the chair you want to sit in either.",True +"CMV: There is no need to be provident with oil with respect to the climate, as we'll burn up all of it at some point",True +CMV: Bar / Nightclub culture would be more fun / safer for women if there were more gay men harassing straight men.,True +CMV: Well-behaved dogs should be allowed most places that children are.,True +CMV: There's nothing wrong with texting or phoning behind the wheel as long as the car is still,True +"CMV: I believe the Linux community's over-reliance on the command line, coupled with their attitude of teaching it to newbies, is what is preventing Linux from becoming a popular desktop OS.",True +CMV:Voting should require a lincese,True +CMV: Suicide is an act of weakness.,True +CMV: There is no good reason for a no tolerance policy.,True +CMV: The American constitution would benefit from the addition of a notwithstanding clause,True +CMV: Goku is an awful father.,True +"CMV:Why exactly do we have downvotes, if we don't want people to use them?",True +"CMV: A congressional ""re-boot"" would breathe new life into the legislative branch of the federal U.S. government.",True +"CMV: The ""Screen Images Simulated"" on Cell Phone Commercials are False Advertising",True +CMV: Only a virgin girlfriend can make me happy and slut shaming is okay,True +CMV: It is completely acceptable to talk on the phone while a cashier is ringing up your items.,True +CMV:I should stop being a vegan,True +CMV: The behavior 9/10 times from parents in restaurants make me furious,True +"CMV: Escalators are meant to be walked up, not ridden.",True +"CMV: Universities should only and always charge for tuition with a percentage 'tax' on future earnings, which could vary by course.",True +CMV: Sociopathic behavior is caused largely by loneliness.,True +CMV: I find the vocal minority expressing views on gender equality in the work force to be hypocritical,True +"CMV: I think ""Ethnic Studies"" curriculum should be required before high school graduation in all districts that have high concentrations of students of color.",True +"CMV: Religion created a fear of death, and it's time to get rid of both.",True +CMV: It should be required by law that the fine print in commercials stays on the screen long enough for an average reader to complete the text.,True +"CMV: Walmart is an evil corporation, which is bad for the USA and the world",True +CMV: Groups such as WISE (women in science and engineering) are sexist so long as they have no male for female dominated fields of study,True +CMV: There are more important things that need to be made zero-rated than tampons.,True +"CMV: ""Pay-it-forward"" chains are pointless and unnecessary.",True +"CMV: When using the English language, we should refer to ""Mumbai"" as ""Bombay"" for the same reasons that we refer to ""Deutschland"" as ""Germany.""",True +CMV: Muslims are the most discriminated against in general (on Reddit and in the UK),True +CMV: Southern California should not exist as a major settlement,True +CMV: Identifying as a gender you weren't born with should be pointless,True +CMV: Being offended is selfish and harmful to society,True +CMV: the human race is currently at it's greatest and evidence shows that the future will be overwhelmingly positive,True +CMV: Globalism is killing less developed countries.,True +CMV: The primary draw for higher education (college/university) is the party scene.,True +CMV: Emotional Support Animals are BS,True +CMV: Using AdBlock is morally equivalent to piracy.,True +CMV: No CEO should make more than 500x their lowest paid worker.,True +"CMV: The argument abortion should be legal, because a woman has the right over her own body is negated by the reasons women really get abortions.",True +CMV: I feel that fighting for better contraception availability and sex ed in the US is more important than fighting for abortion.,True +CMV: VR is a fad that will suffer the same fate it did in the 90's,True +CMV: That my foot fetish is abnormal.,True +CMV: Inflation is not sound fiscal policy. It's just a regressive tax.,True +"CMV: If a politician and their supporters truly believe that what they preach is correct, then they have a moral obligation to use whatever powers in their means to enforce their policies.",True +CMV: There is no reasonable way for to morally justify meat eating habits - at least as a middle class person in the western world.,True +CMV: Stove-popped popcorn is the perfect at-home junk food.,True +"CMV: In urban environments, cats have the Freedom to Roam.",True +CMV: Terrorists don't deserve a trial,True +"CMV: Foods with recombinant, and especially transgenic, DNA are worthy of concern",True +CMV: People who have done DMT are less sane than the Average Joe,True +"CMV: Too little is being done to save the environment, too late",True +CMV:The general public should be left in the dark about science,True +CMV: Some degree of militarization of our police forces not just in the United States but around the world is necessary to adapt to changing and increasingly real threats to public safety and national security.,True +"CMV: Facebook was wrong to remove the ""feeling fat"" emoticon",True +CMV: Men who complain about having to pay the bill for dates make no sense.,True +"CMV: Capitalism and Consumerism have created a culture of choice that causes people to think in terms of the individual instead of the community, when in fact cooperation with the community is vital to the success of humankind.",True +CMV: I'm a racist I think,True +CMV: There is nothing wrong with using the I-V-vi-IV chord progression,True +CMV: The 'down with gender roles' and 'referring to someone with pronouns other than their biological gender' train of logic makes no sense,True +CMV: I believe that all these Zoolander 2 related posts that make it to the front page today are part of an elaborate marketing plan and were manipulated to the front page.,True +CMV: I don't think my vote is worth anything,True +CMV: Transgender people should NOT be able to use the bathroom of their OPPOSITE BIOLOGICAL sex,True +CMV:Genocide is the most progressive means for the most progressive end--utopia.,True +CMV: Reddit should not have donated 10% of its revenue to charity organizations while its servers consistently fail to support peak use conditions.,True +"CMV: Whatever Hillary Clinton did or did not do regarding Benghazi is not an important issue, and Americans stand to gain nothing by investigating her role in it.",True +CMV: Complimenting women are not sexual harassment,True +"CMV: I think most political arguments that boil down to ""we must protect the children"" are bad arguments.",True +"CMV: I think that accepting transsexualism is actually regressive, in the sense that it actually reinforces gender stereotypes and roles.",True +CMV: We are living in the best generation ever for music.,True +CMV: Right-to-work law is beneficial for workers in the long run.,True +CMV: Teachers should have a comparable salary to doctors,True +CMV: Reddit executives should start a fuss in the media about other websites stealing Reddit user content without permission or adequate citation.,True +CMV: Mars is a poor choice for terraforming.,True +"CMV: I consider myself a feminist and want equal rights for all, but I think campaigns like He For She that seek pledges from people to specifically help women are pointlessly limiting and help to continue the division of the sexes",True +CMV: Washington DC should receive full representation in Congress.,True +CMV: All restaurants should be required to post calorie counts on their menus.,True +CMV:I Think it's Unfair and Unproductive to Hold Protesters and Protest Movements to a High Rhetorical Standard,True +CMV:There is some scientifically valid evidence against compulsory childhood vaccines.,True +"CMV: Education should be based less on learning facts, and more on effective research and use of information",True +CMV: a universe allowing for events having supernatural causes isn't too different from a solipsistic universe,True +CMV:Clickbait isn't that bad. (Reason Number 2 Will Blow You Away!),True +CMV: Pun threads should be actively discouraged in most subreddits.,True +CMV: Abortion Is Far More Than Just Religion VS Science,True +"CMV: On Puerto Rico's Proposed ""Fat Tax""",True +CMV: The Occupy Movement Was Stupid and Protesters Had No Idea What They Actually Wanted,True +"CMV: I belive that hydro power is a lot better than wind power, and that windpower is pretty much useless.",True +CMV: Business school is a perversion of the purpose of universities,True +CMV: It's futile to tackle extremism without fixing or replacing capitalism.,True +CMV: I believe Christians who are not constantly preaching are assholes.,True +CMV: The Anti-Anti-Vaccination brigade on the internet is stupider than the Anti-Vaccination movement.,True +CMV: It's not my job to take care of drunk friends.,True +CMV: Discrimination is discrimination no matter who it's against.,True +CMV: Single Transferrable Vote (STV) is the best voting system.,True +CMV:It's OK not to be in touch with family and friends while expecting the relationship to remain strong in its essence.,True +"CMV: Using ""Gay"" as an Insult is not Inherently Wrong",True +CMV: I don't think people should be able to opt out of being a presidential candidate.,True +CMV: It should be legal to buy and sell raw milk and raw milk products.,True +CMV: The vastness of space does not guarantee the existence of extraterrestrial life.,True +"CMV: Terrorism can be an awful thing, but if it must exist, in our time, it should be used against corporations rather than government and people.",True +CMV: Change my view from seeing this dress as blue and black to seeing it as white and gold.,True +CMV: Games criticism is a joke compared to the criticism of more mature art forms.,True +CMV:People should not spend time/energy/resources trying to prevent suicide.,True +CMV: Consciousness operates under Quantum Mechanics,True +CMV: Kanye West's lyrics are not as clever/deep as his fans make out (but I would love to be proven wrong),True +CMV: It's hypocritical for the government to allow Jewish custom to circumvent laws about pedophilia but allow the publishing of pictures of Mohammed which violate the hadiths of Islam.,True +CMV:Complaining about a big afro isn't racism.,True +"CMV: If the police shoot someone who resisted arrest, it should be nearly impossible to indict the involved officer(s)",True +"CMV: Chris Brown did not commit an ""unforgivable"" act",True +CMV: Beethoven's 9th Symphony has the sickest vocal drop in music history.,True +"CMV: Before being able to vote, everyone should have to take a test to prove basic reasoning.",True +CMV: Children should not be raised religiously,True +CMV: Gender identity should not be a 'thing'.,True +"CMV: Traffic laws should only apply during times when there are a lot of drivers on the road, all other times they should be optional",True +CMV: Transgender individuals have a delusion.,True +CMV: I believe that Generation Z women are becoming men and the social ramifications of this will be widespread.,True +CMV: Private business should have the ability to discriminate against potential customers. And allowing this would be more effective against discrimination than laws against it.,True +"CMV: Within the next 500 years, all life on Earth will be either wiped out completely or to a point where it is nearly impossible to rebuild society.",True +CMV: I would like to get a better paying job in a rewarding career field but I can't help but be dissuaded from going to college because all I read about it is people not being able to find a job in their career field and or having a massive amount of student loan debt.,True +CMV: There is no good reason for a store to ban the concealed carry of firearms unless they have their own armed security (USA),True +"CMV: Football is an institution which causes more problems than it solves, and receives far more money than it deserves.",True +CMV: I don't believe that non-violent drug offenders should get sent to jail.,True +"CMV: It is impossible for prayer to affect the external world, because that is what empirical studies of the matter suggest",True +"CMV: The concept of ""Wavefunction collapse"" violates Occam's Razor.",True +"CMV: The World, particularly the West, was better off when the Soviet Union existed and acted as a counterweight to the U.S. in geopolitics.",True +"CMV. Firing Remus Lupin from Hogwarts was the right thing to do, and hiring him in the first place was irresponsible.",True +CMV: You can discuss one topic without reducing the importance of another.,True +"CMV: I don't feel bad for attractive people who complain about being 'holla'd"" at",True +CMV: There is nothing good about Texas,True +"CMV: All laws could be replaced by one ""You are not allowed to be a dick!""",True +"CMV: People should be allowed to workout nude at indoor sports facilities, and we're better off doing so",True +"CMV: ""If you aren't with us, you're against us"" is an unhealthy and incorrect mentality; passive non-participation is not the same as opposition.",True +CMV: I believe crowdfunding is stupid. It is lazy and a waste of time and money.,True +"CMV: Climbing Mt. Everest is an exercise in arrogance, irresponsibility, and reckless futility.",True +"CMV: Voting in elections is the best way to bring about political change in America, and people that choose not to vote are directly responsible for the current state of affairs in American politics",True +CMV: Women aren't as funny (successful as comedians) because they don't have to use humor to attract a mate.,True +CMV: I feel perfectly fine judging people who use misspelled words or fail to use even the most basic grammar.,True +"CMV: Fukuyama was basically right about the ""End of History""",True +CMV: Diamonds are an inferior gemstone.,True +"CMV: I'm gay but do not attend LGBT events because I don't believe integration is achieved through segregated events, and believe these events only perpetuate the idea that male homosexuals are promiscuous.",True +CMV: Reddit's attitude towards TheRedPill is wrong,True +CMV: Suicide is not any more tragic than other forms of death,True +CMV: Abortion should not be legal,True +CMV:Denying children vaccination is a form a child abuse and should be illegal.,True +CMV: 'Buzzfeed Feminism' does more harm to feminism than good.,True +CMV:Prostitution should NOT be legalized.,True +CMV: A vocalist is the key to a band's success and is therefore the most important member of a band,True +CMV: There are other forms of life in the universe besides human beings,True +CMV: I don't think Louis CK is all that special.,True +"CMV: I'm convinced no one can be completely Athiest, because denying that there MIGHT be something out there is just as ignorant as a lot of Athiests claim religion is.",True +CMV: Homeschooling is in most cases a good idea,True +CMV:Every single thing a person does is for selfish reasons.,True +CMV: I think Racial Equality can be approximated by racial diversity in professional sports,True +"CMV: The ""New Atheism"" is a religious movement.",True +CMV:Toddlers in Tiaras should be banned,True +CMV: I think foreskin is ugly.,True +"CMV: I believe that athletes contribute nothing to society other than entertainment, and therefore should not be paid more than more useful professions.",True +CMV: Religion should not have any legal protection from the government beyond free speech.,True +CMV: Shock Collars should be banned worldwide as they are inhumane and barbaric.,True +CMV: Paralympic Games make no sense since abilities are on a continuum; it's just a big white lie,True +CMV: Am I a hypocrite for watching Fifty Shades?,True +CMV: Capital Punishment should be abolished in the United States,True +"CMV: Some people in life, such as myself, are born to be losers with no motivation to do anything except the basics.",True +"CMV: Unless your country is on the brink of war or your job is political, you shouldn't post politics to Facebook.",True +CMV: We have little idea the ratio of honest rape allegations to dishonest one and it's likely a moving ratio depending on the legal/cultural shifts of presumed honesty,True +CMV: The 'T' in LGBT should separate and become their own community and political entity.,True +CMV: I believe that the past of the other partner is important in relationships,True +CMV: Police revenue raising from fines is perfectly justifiable,True +CMV: I believe that college athletes should be held to the same admissions criteria as all other students.,True +CMV: Entertainment with widespread appeal necessarily forces consumers to compromise their enjoyment.,True +CMV: Division I athletes should be paid minimum wage,True +CMV: I am struggling to accept evolution,True +"CMV: ""Planet"" should not be part of the Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit).",True +CMV: Raising and then killing an animal for food when you have other food available is morally wrong,True +CMV: Religion is evil and causes more problems than it solves,True +"CMV: Scientology is not that bad, and is on par with any other religion more or less",True +CMV: Twitter is nearly unreadable and people mostly only use it for posting,True +CMV: It should be illegal for store credit to expire on a federal level.,True +CMV: Libertarianism Would Lead to a Happier More Equal and Prosperous Society,True +CMV: Noam Chomsky is as bad as the most slanted pundit on Fox News,True +"CMV: The famous punk rock acts (Sex Pistols, Ramones, etc.) from the 70s sound horrible.",True +"CMV: ""Black Face"" isn't Racist",True +CMV: US courts should use professional jurors and the selection process should be blind,True +"CMV: Religious tollerance is pointless, religions are not equal and have no place in modern society",True +"CMV: The US has genuinely been attempting to improve the middle east, and the past 20 years have not been for profit",True +CMV:The media turns us into what we consume,True +"CMV: graffiti vandals should be treated much more harshly and publicly shamed, and if minors their parents should be punished and fined heavily.",True +"CMV: Neil Degrasse Tyson isn't actually as pretentious or as annoying as everyone, all of the sudden, thinks. the internet is simply sick of him the same way they get sick of every person / trend / meme.",True +CMV: Irony and hypocrasy aren't relevant to the argument...any argument.,True +CMV: I should spray pepper spray into my attic to get rid of (what I'm pretty sure are) squirrels.,True +"CMV: There is literally no reason for the distinction between ""AMA"" and ""AMAA""",True +CMV: Schools should not sponsor after-school sports/activities,True +CMV: Sexual education should not be limited to safety. We should also be encouraging sexual experimentation and teaching how to improve one's own sex life.,True +CMV:Humanity will come to ruin before we colonize another planet.,True +CMV: Reddit should allow users to hide their comment history from their profiles.,True +"CMV: Identifying as a ""Pansexual"" is more confusing than its worth, and makes Transgenders more outcast",True +"CMV: Any attempt to re-balance wealth is futile, because even if you reset everyone to exactly $1, some would rise above the rest and eventually become billionaires again, and those billionaires would form corporations and wield superhuman economic and political power",True +CMV: To be vegetarian and participate in modern agriculture is philosophically inconsistent.,True +CMV: We should not have fixed-price fines for unlawful activity,True +"CMV: killing myself and donating my organs would be a heroic act, and useful to humanity",True +"CMV: There is an effective cure for all types of cancer, but the government and health care systems do not use this on the general public.",True +"CMV: Wine glasses are impractical, inconvenient, and should not be used for the purposes of drinking when more convenient glasses/cups are available.",True +CMV: Romantic love isn't a risk worth taking,True +CMV: Fireworks should be socially unacceptable,True +"CMV: Being ""fair and balanced"" isn't necessary--especially when one of the sides is in direct conflict with actual scientific fact.",True +CMV: Pro-life activists/advocates should all sign up to become caretakers/foster parents to the fetuses they fight so hard to protect. Not doing so makes the whole movement the epiphany of hypocrisy.,True +CMV: I don't see marriage or having children as anything but an end to my life as an individual.,True +"CMV: As far as I'm concerned, the QB GOAT question was answered last night. Tom Brady is the undisputed GOAT.",True +CMV: I believe that a person who has not tried drugs (including alcohol) at least once is a person who is significantly missing out on a fundamental human experience. This is barring medical issues (including a family history of addiction),True +CMV: I don't believe that identifying as a gender actually makes you that gender,True +"CMV:RationalWiki is just as bad as Conservapedia, and both are bad for society as a whole",True +CMV: Most of the issues in American politics should be taken care of by the states instead of the federal government.,True +"CMV: Coffee should be default to black, not cream and sugar.",True +CMV:I think Google is the most powerful company in the world.,True +CMV:Selling is the most useful life skill anyone could have,True +CMV: Those cruel ASPCA commercials do more harm than good to their cause,True +"CMV: It's no longer reasonable to expect to raise a family on a single blue collar wage due to all the monthly billed, modern ""necessities"" we have compared to decades past",True +CMV: Consciousness is eternal. Every conscious being will become a god of their universe.,True +"CMV: In peacetime, the military should be used as a government workforce [read details]",True +CMV: The only true way to break the cycle of poverty and crime in the black community is to equally fund all public schools,True +"CMV: Watches today serve no functional purpose other than fashion, and therefore are a waste of money",True +CMV: Online petitions are useless,True +CMV: Super Mario Bros 3 is better than Super Mario World. I cannot see why SMW is loved so much more.,True +"CMV: Saying ""the N word"" when talking about the word itself or its past or recent use is silly",True +CMV: The Columbine massacre was a good thing.,True +CMV:The United States should embargo Japan for its inhumane whaling program,True +CMV: College sports are over-idolized in American society,True +CMV: The Holocaust is not a unique genocide (when compared to other genocides).,True +CMV- The best way to help the longevity of the Rhino/Elephant is to farm them.,True +CMV: French food is overrated and I find it uninspiring,True +CMV: I don't think there's a difference between casting a blank vote and not voting at all.,True +CMV: There is nothing wrong with the use of trigger warnings.,True +"CMV: ""Healthy"" is a borderline meaningless term nowadays and some's obsession with ""healthy"" eating is quite frankly stupid. Exercise is far more important for general health than food.",True +CMV: Future government structures need to include scientists who are not voted in by the general populace,True +CMV: Eateries where everything is take away should call out numbers rather than names.,True +"CMV: Giving beggars or people on the street money is wrong, rather give it to helping institutions.",True +CMV: I should not be prosecuted if I join another country's army.,True +CMV:Bill Nye is not a scientist,True +CMV: I think affirmative action is needed until true racial inequality is achieved.,True +"CMV: LGBT-only schools are not a step in the right direction; they will not help tackle discrimination, only create a sense of ""otherness""",True +CMV: The majority of the world's international issues could be curbed or solved by population control.,True +"CMV: The Media should not be allowed to report on a trial, until the verdict.",True +"CMV: Trying to help society/humanity is a fool's errand, it's better to try and help yourself or those who are close to you.",True +CMV:Private Prisons in the UK are a good idea.,True +"CMV: Institutions of learning, especially colleges, should not hire educators that have accents that make it hard to understand them.",True +"CMV: ""The Hunger Games"" as a story is completely unbelievable",True +CMV: An entire people can never justifiably be punished for crimes committed by their government,True +CMV: Capitalism is the single greatest thing to have ever happened in the history of humanity,True +CMV: I think that the 2 party system in the United States has been largely beneficial to its growth and sustained success. Change my View,True +CMV: Legalizing Marijuana Will Not Help the Economy,True +CMV: The USA spends a ridiculous amount of money on our military.,True +"CMV: The proposed ""Paycheck Fairness Act"" is bad idea because it imposes ridiculous subjective rules on managers.",True +"CMV: Child Protective Services (CPS), while a good concept, is virtually useless in practice",True +CMV: Mark Wahlberg doesn't deserve a pardon.,True +"CMV: If the Jenny and Carly story is fake, it should be praised for reinveting mystification, not condemned as deception",True +"CMV: In a couple, I think cunnilingus is more intimate and more bonding than fellatio",True +"CMV: Holidays should not be named after people, but after the virtue(s) that they represented.",True +CMV: An american style culture of dating makes it harder for men and women to be friends.,True +"CMV: I believe that Palestinians have every right to take up arms against Israel, because their human rights are being violated.",True +CMV: The ongoing TIFU about infidelity should never have been posted and redditors should now downvote it.,True +CMV: We will never travel space in any meaningful way because we'll use up all of our resources long before that,True +"CMV: I have no desire to drink alcohol or partake in its associated culture, even at legal age.",True +"CMV: CGI in movies is not necessarily a bad thing, and the general dislike for it by many Redditors is silly.",True +CMV:Eating animals is morally wrong.,True +CMV: I believe that mainstream Christianity is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus as presented in the bible.,True +"CMV: Had planes never been invented, the world would be a better and safer place in terms of transportation",True +CMV: Abortion should be mandatory if a fetus is found to have a handicap,True +"CMV: Racism is clearly wrong, but criticism of culture is not wrong if done thoughtfully and in good faith. It should not be equated with racism, and does not make one an asshole.",True +CMV: I should quit my job to start a business,True +CMV: World War II Was/Will Be a Good Thing Overall,True +CMV: Nobody can earn a billion dollars,True +CMV: Living with your significant other is not a good idea.,True +CMV: There's no wrong way to eat a Reece's,True +CMV: Over-moderation of online forums is a lot worse than under-moderation,True +CMV: Nintendo is a badly managed company,True +CMV:Using crazy parts of the Bible as an argument as to why it bad is a bad argument,True +CMV: There exists no better form of tea than Indian-style masala chai.,True +CMV: Talent isn't needed to excel at something,True +CMV: The word 'Retard' (when used properly) is not a slur. This is about language.,True +CMV: A human society is a collective organism.,True +CMV: I believe it's wrong to ask someone out if looks/sexual attraction play a bigger role than personality in your desire to date that person.,True +"CMV: There is no benefit to being an at-will, salaried full time employee.",True +CMV: It is offensive to be awarding people for acting disabled.,True +CMV: There is currently no humane form of capital punishment.,True +CMV: A National ID Card is a Good Idea,True +"CMV: A person's citizenship should never be revoked, even if they travel to war zones like Syria.",True +CMV: Multiculturalism is slowly destroying European cultures,True +"CMV: ""Defending freedom of expression in the face of oppression is one thing; insisting on the right to be obnoxious and offensive just because you can is infantile.""",True +CMV: Charlie Hebdo killing is bad but isn't there hypocrisy by some people?,True +"CMV: If religious people truly believed in heaven, they would be happy that they're dying",True +"CMV: If I was about to be put to death by firing squad or some other form of execution I wouldn't just stand there and take it, I would find a way to fight back",True +"CMV: We should mourn those killed in France, but should not be so eager to support Charlie Hebdo",True +CMV:It is better to live forever than to be mortal.,True +"CMV: Inspired by the recent Harry Potter post. I believe that the Harry Potter films are examples of a bad adaptation, and that Harry Potter would have been better served adapted into a TV series.",True +CMV: The term 'African-American' is out of date and it makes more sense to identify simply as 'American'.,True +CMV: You could read and recall every book that has ever been written and still not be considered intelligent.,True +"CMV: People who try to differentiate weeaboo, otaku, japanophile, etc. are insecure about their hobby.",True +CMV: Saying the game isn't worth paying for isn't an excuse for pirating videogames,True +CMV: The pledge of allegiance should be removed from public schools in the US because it violates both freedom *of* and freedom *from* religion.,True +CMV: Pugs,True +CMV: Drawing images of Mohammed and posting them on Reddit (or proliferating them anywhere) is unethical.,True +CMV: The rate at which one's income is taxed should be based upon average hourly income rather than annual income,True +CMV: School hours should be 9am to 5pm to match office hours in order to facilitate working parents.,True +"CMV: In heaven, as long as an individual has free will and eternal life, they will sin an infinite number of times.",True