diff --git a/101/paper.pdf b/101/paper.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b021eec46fb355f2ccd0cf73f9a0a9c58d96232 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/paper.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:0288699f0b4a67532df6cb1a3dd6391f46688831a3b092bea21f0fb35e1889d8 +size 3262536 diff --git a/101/replication_package/.gitignore b/101/replication_package/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5c0a7affc1fd03d029add7a8e9f4393e55d4eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +.Rproj.user +.Rhistory +.RData +.Ruserdata +.DS_Store +*.Rproj + +*.RData +Table_of_Languages.tab +ethnologue_pop_full.tsv +pop.tsv +pop_full.tsv +GB_wide_strict.tsv +*.png +.xlsx +*.jpg +*.svg +*.tiff +*.emf +*.eps +*.ps +*.wmf +*.pptx +*.docx +*.pdf +*.jpeg +*.qs + +#folders +*grambank-analysed* diff --git a/101/replication_package/.gitmodules b/101/replication_package/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/101/replication_package/LICENSE.md b/101/replication_package/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f244ac814036ecd9ba9f69782e89ce6b1dca9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,395 @@ +Attribution 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. 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Blasi, and Hedvig Skirgård + +# Overview of structure +This project contains all data and all scripts for data-wrangling, analysis and plotting. + +## Data sources + +The data that serves as the input for the analysis comes from Grambank, +(v1.0, Skirgård et al (in prep)), AUTOTYP (v1.01, Bickel et al (2022)), Glottolog (v4.5), EDGE-tree (v1.0.0, Bouckaert et al (2023)), Ethnologue (Eberhard et al 2020)), and WALS (Dryer & Haspelmath 2013). + +With the exception of the Ethnologue data, all the data is available +openly via the science archive Zenodo and/or public GitHub repositories. A +modified version of the Ethnologue data is available in this repository, it contains +transformed population numbers that cannot be transformed back into the +raw numbers. The MCCT EDGE-tree is found in a file inside grambank-analysed. + +Zenodo locations: + +* Grambank (v.1.0) +* Grambank-analysed (v1.0) +* Glottolog-cldf (v4.5) +* AUTOTYP (v1.0.1) + +GitHub locations: + +* EDGE-tree (v1.0.0) +* Grambank (v1.0) +* Grambank-analysed (v1.0) +* Glottolog-cldf (v4.5) +* AUTOTYP (v1.01) + +In this project, we fetch the data from the Zenodo locations by downloading a zip file and expanding it. We have also made tables and files available derived from these sources in this repos so that users may run the analysis without engaging with fetching from Zenodo. The scripts that generate these files are also found in this repository and can be run by users if they would like. + +## Running data-wrangling, analysis and plotting scripts +All scripts are written in R. The necessary scripts can be called +one-by-one in order or executed by running the script `all_scripts.R`. + +Running `all_scripts.R` involves the following: + +- downloading, installing and loading necessary packages and create + folders for output (see `requirements.R` & `install_and_load_INLA.R` + for specific packages) +- generating a table of languoids from Glottolog v.4.5 +- calculating metric scores from Grambank v.1.0: fusion metric and + informativity metric; both metrics designed by Hedvig Skirgård and + Hannah J. Haynie. +- generating population table (all sociodemographic variables in one + dataframe): data from Ethnologue e24 (Eberhard et al. 2020) and + Supplementary Materials in `data\lang_endangerment_predictors.xlsx` + from Bromham et al. (2022). Based on data availability, within + `set_up_inla.R`, it is necessary to specify whether `sample` is + `"full"` (full access to both Ethnologue variables in transformed + and non-transformed form and running all models; possible only for + users with their own access to Ethnologue) and `"reduced"` (access + to both Ethnologue variables - the number of L1 speakers and the + proportion of L2 speakers - in transformed form (logged and + standardized number of L1 speakers and the proportion of L2 speakers + than than raw numbers) and running all models except for one + including the interaction between the number of L1 speakers and L2 + proportion; the dataset is already provided within the repository). +- wrangling global phylogeny - EDGE-tree (v1.0.0, Bouckaert et al 2023) +- generating AUTOTYP-areas table (v.1.0.1, Bickel et al. 2020) +- prepare everything for and run INLA analysis, including sensitivity + analyses +- measuring phylogenetic signal in fusion and informativity +- generating tables from INLA analyses, including sensitivity analyses +- make plots +- running additional analyses on WALS-based morphological complexity scores used in Lupyan & Dale's (2010) study (`data/complexity_data_WALS.csv`) (obtained from Gary Lupyan, personal communication 02.06.2023) + +Please note: the necessary files, such as metrics scores obtained from the +Grambank dataset and parameters of metrics (these determine the +inclusion of Grambank into the metrics), are already made available. The +script that generates these `generating_GB_input_file.R` relies on the +folder `grambank_analysed` which incorporates data from +Grambank v.1.0, AUTOTYP (v1.0.1) and Glottolog v.4.5. To run this script, one needs to +first clone the repository and then run the R-script `get_external_data.R`. + +# References + +R. Bouckaert, D. Redding, O. Sheehan, T. Kyritsis, R. Gray, K. E. Jones, Q. Atkinson, Global language diversification is linked to socio-ecology and threat status (2022), , doi:10.31235/osf.io/f8tr6. + +Bickel, Balthasar, Johanna Nichols, Taras Zakharko, Alena +Witzlack-Makarevich, Kristine Hildebrandt, Michael Rießler, Lennart +Bierkandt, Fernando Zúñiga & John B Lowe. 2022. The AUTOTYP database +(v1.1.0). . + +Bromham, Lindell, Russell Dinnage, Hedvig Skirgård, Andrew Ritchie, +Marcel Cardillo, Felicity Meakins, Simon Greenhill & Xia Hua. 2022. +Global predictors of language endangerment and the future of linguistic +diversity. Nature ecology & evolution 6(2). 163--173. + +Dryer, Matthew & Martin Haspelmath (eds.). 2013. The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. http://wals.info. + +Eberhard, David M., Gary F. Simons & Charles D. Fennig (eds.). 2020. +Ethnologue: Languages of the World. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. +www.ethnologue.com. + +Hammarström, Harald & Forkel, Robert & Haspelmath, Martin & Bank, Sebastian. 2021. Glottolog 4.5. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (Available online at https://glottolog.org) + +Skirgård, H., Haynie, H. J., Blasi, D. E., Hammarström, H., Collins, J., Latarche, J., Lesage, J., Weber, T., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Passmore, S., Chira, A., Dinnage, R., Maurits, L., Dinnage, R., Dunn, M., Reesink, G., Singer, R., Bowern, C., Epps, P., Hill, J., Vesakoski, O., Robbeets, M., Abbas, K., Auer, D., Bakker, N., Barbos, G., Borges, R., Danielsen, S., Dorenbusch, L., Dorn, E., Elliott, J., Falcone, G., Fischer, J., Ghanggo Ate, Y., Gibson, H., Göbel, H., Goodall, J., Gruner, V., Harvey, A., Hayes, R., Heer, L., Herrera Miranda, R., Hübler, N., Huntington-Rainey, B., Ivani, J., Johns, M., Just, E., Kashima, E., Kipf, C., Klingenberg, J., König, N., Koti, K., Kowalik, R., Krasnoukhova, O., Lindvall, N., Lorenzen, M., Lutzenberger, H., Martins, T., Mata German, C., Meer, S., Montoya Samamé, J., Müller, M., Muradoglu, S., Neely, K., Nickel, J., Norvik, M., Oluoch, C. A., Peacock, J., Pearey , I., Peck, N., Petit, S., Pieper, S., Poblete, M., Prestipino, D., Raabe, L., Raja, A., Reimringer, J., Rey, S., Rizaew, J., Ruppert, E., Salmon, K., Sammet, J., Schembri, R., Schlabbach, L., Schmidt, F., Skilton, A., Smith, W. D., Sousa, H., Sverredal, K., Valle, D., Vera, J., Voß, J., Witte, T., Wu, H., Yam, S., Ye 葉婧婷, J., Yong, M., Yuditha, T., Zariquiey, R., Forkel, R., Evans, N., Levinson, S. C., Haspelmath, M., Greenhill, S. J., Atkinson, Q. D. and Gray, R. D. (in prep) "Grambank reveals the importance of genealogical constraints on linguistic diversity and highlights the impact of language loss". Science Advances + +Hedvig Skirgård; Hannah J. Haynie; Harald Hammarström; Damián E. Blasi; Jeremy Collins; Jay Latarche; Jakob Lesage; Tobias Weber; Alena Witzlack-Makarevich; Michael Dunn; Ger Reesink; Ruth Singer; Claire Bowern; Patience Epps; Jane Hill; Outi Vesakoski; Noor Karolin Abbas; Sunny Ananth; Daniel Auer; Nancy A. Bakker; Giulia Barbos; Anina Bolls; Robert D. Borges; Mitchell Browen; Lennart Chevallier; Swintha Danielsen; Sinoël Dohlen; Luise Dorenbusch; Ella Dorn; Marie Duhamel; Farah El Haj Ali; John Elliott; Giada Falcone; Anna-Maria Fehn; Jana Fischer; Yustinus Ghanggo Ate; Hannah Gibson; Hans-Philipp Göbel; Jemima A. Goodall; Victoria Gruner; Andrew Harvey; Rebekah Hayes; Leonard Heer; Roberto E. Herrera Miranda; Nataliia Hübler; Biu H. Huntington-Rainey; Guglielmo Inglese; Jessica K. Ivani; Marilen Johns; Erika Just; Ivan Kapitonov; Eri Kashima; Carolina Kipf; Janina V. Klingenberg; Nikita König; Aikaterina Koti; Richard G. A. Kowalik; Olga Krasnoukhova; Kate Lynn Lindsey; Nora L. M. Lindvall; Mandy Lorenzen; Hannah Lutzenberger; Alexandra Marley; Tânia R. A. Martins; Celia Mata German; Suzanne van der Meer; Jaime Montoya; Michael Müller; Saliha Muradoglu; HunterGatherer; David Nash; Kelsey Neely; Johanna Nickel; Miina Norvik; Bruno Olsson; Cheryl Akinyi Oluoch; David Osgarby; Jesse Peacock; India O.C. Pearey; Naomi Peck; Jana Peter; Stephanie Petit; Sören Pieper; Mariana Poblete; Daniel Prestipino; Linda Raabe; Amna Raja; Janis Reimringer; Sydney C. Rey; Julia Rizaew; Eloisa Ruppert; Kim K. Salmon; Jill Sammet; Rhiannon Schembri; Lars Schlabbach; Frederick W. P. Schmidt; Dineke Schokkin; Jeff Siegel; Amalia Skilton; Hilário de Sousa; Kristin Sverredal; Daniel Valle; Javier Vera; Judith Voß; Daniel Wikalier Smith; Tim Witte; Henry Wu; Stephanie Yam; Jingting Ye 葉婧婷; Maisie Yong; Tessa Yuditha; Roberto Zariquiey; Robert Forkel; Nicholas Evans; Stephen C. Levinson; Martin Haspelmath; Simon J. Greenhill; Quentin D. Atkinson; Russell D. Gray (2023) Grambank v1.0 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7740140 + +The Grambank Consortium (eds.). 2022. Grambank 1.0. Leipzig: Max Planck +Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. . diff --git a/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup.R b/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99292f1fde5ca17bcdf39788a896526a0ec39083 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup.R @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +#parameters +kappa = 1 +phi_1 = c(1, 1.25) # "Local" version: (sigma, phi) First value is not used + +WALS <- read_csv("data/complexity_data_WALS.csv") %>% + dplyr::select("Name" = lang, roundComp, logpop2, "ISO_639" = silCode) %>% + dplyr::mutate(ISO_639 = str_to_lower(ISO_639)) + +min_val <- min(WALS$roundComp) +max_val <- max(WALS$roundComp) + +# Perform the rescaling +WALS$roundComp <- (WALS$roundComp - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) + +pop_file_fn <- + "data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv" +L1 <- + read_tsv(pop_file_fn, show_col_types = F) %>% dplyr::select(ISO_639, L1_log10_scaled) + +glottolog_df <- + read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv", col_types = cols()) %>% + dplyr::select( + Glottocode, + Language_ID, + "ISO_639" = ISO639P3code, + Language_level_ID, + level, + Family_ID, + Longitude, + Latitude + ) %>% + mutate(Language_level_ID = if_else(is.na(Language_level_ID), Glottocode, Language_level_ID)) %>% + mutate(Family_ID = ifelse(is.na(Family_ID), Language_level_ID, Family_ID)) %>% + dplyr::select( + Glottocode, + Language_ID, + ISO_639, + Language_level_ID, + level, + Family_ID, + Longitude, + Latitude + ) + +WALS_df <- WALS %>% + inner_join(L1, + by = c("ISO_639")) %>% + inner_join(glottolog_df, by = "ISO_639") %>% + filter(!is.na(Latitude), !is.na(Longitude)) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID = Glottocode, + Name, + roundComp, + ISO_639, + L1_log10_scaled, + Longitude, + Latitude) + + + +tree <- read.tree(file.path("data_wrangling/wrangled.tree")) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +WALS_df <- WALS_df[WALS_df$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, WALS_df$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% WALS_df$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- + tree_scaled$edge.length / typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +WALS_df = WALS_df[order(match(WALS_df$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))), ] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(WALS_df[, c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag( + spatial_covar_mat_1 +)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(WALS_df$Language_ID, WALS_df$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +WALS_df$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +WALS_df$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + + +formula <- as.formula( + paste( + "roundComp ~", + "L1_log10_scaled +", + "f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, + constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper) + +f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, +constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)" + ) +) + +result <- inla( + formula, + family = "gaussian", + data = WALS_df, + control.compute = list(waic = TRUE) +) +summary(result) + +save(result, file = "output_models/model_WALS_controlled.RData") + +social_effects_controlled <- + c("morphological complexity ~ L1 + phylogenetic effect + spatial effect", + round( + c( + result$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, + result$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, + result$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`, + nrow(WALS_df) + ), + 2 + ), "default (~10%)") + +save(social_effects_controlled, file = "output_models/social_effects_controlled.RData") + diff --git a/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup_high_coverage.R b/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup_high_coverage.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddb246555c18be12e5e0a6eea812e39deac30610 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup_high_coverage.R @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +#parameters +kappa = 1 +phi_1 = c(1, 1.25) # "Local" version: (sigma, phi) First value is not used + +WALS <- read_csv("data/complexity_data_WALS.csv") %>% + dplyr::select("Name" = lang, roundComp, logpop2, "ISO_639" = silCode) %>% + dplyr::mutate(ISO_639 = str_to_lower(ISO_639)) %>% + inner_join(read_csv("output_tables/WALS_high_coverage.csv"), + by = c("ISO_639")) + +min_val <- min(WALS$roundComp) +max_val <- max(WALS$roundComp) + +# Perform the rescaling +WALS$roundComp <- (WALS$roundComp - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) + +pop_file_fn <- + "data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv" +L1 <- + read_tsv(pop_file_fn, show_col_types = F) %>% dplyr::select(ISO_639, L1_log10_scaled) + +glottolog_df <- + read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv", col_types = cols()) %>% + dplyr::select( + Glottocode, + Name, + Language_ID, + "ISO_639" = ISO639P3code, + Language_level_ID, + level, + Family_ID, + Longitude, + Latitude + ) %>% + mutate(Language_level_ID = if_else(is.na(Language_level_ID), Glottocode, Language_level_ID)) %>% + mutate(Family_ID = ifelse(is.na(Family_ID), Language_level_ID, Family_ID)) %>% + dplyr::select( + Glottocode, + Name, + Language_ID, + ISO_639, + Language_level_ID, + level, + Family_ID, + Longitude, + Latitude + ) + +WALS_df <- WALS %>% + inner_join(L1, + by = c("ISO_639")) %>% + inner_join(glottolog_df, by = "ISO_639") %>% + filter(!is.na(Latitude),!is.na(Longitude)) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID = Glottocode, + Name, + roundComp, + ISO_639, + L1_log10_scaled, + Longitude, + Latitude) + +# jitter points locations +WALS_df$Latitude <- jitter(WALS_df$Latitude, amount = 0.001) +WALS_df$Longitude <- jitter(WALS_df$Longitude, amount = 0.001) + +tree <- read.tree(file.path("data_wrangling/wrangled.tree")) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +WALS_df <- WALS_df[WALS_df$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +WALS_df <- WALS_df[!duplicated(WALS_df$Language_ID),] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, WALS_df$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% WALS_df$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- + tree_scaled$edge.length / typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +WALS_df = WALS_df[order(match(WALS_df$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(WALS_df[, c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag( + spatial_covar_mat_1 +)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(WALS_df$Language_ID, WALS_df$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id <- match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +if (length(phy_id) != nrow(WALS_df)) { + stop("The number of phylogenetic IDs does not match the number of rows in WALS_df.") +} + +WALS_df$phy_id <- phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +WALS_df$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + + +formula <- as.formula( + paste( + "roundComp ~", + "L1_log10_scaled +", + "f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, + constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper) + +f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, +constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)" + ) +) + +result <- inla( + formula, + family = "gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + data = WALS_df, + control.compute = list(waic = TRUE) +) +summary(result) + +save(result, file = "output_models/model_WALS_high_coverage.RData") + +#mean estimate of L1_Users: with credible intervals not crossing zero () + +social_effects_controlled_coverage <- + c( + "morphological complexity ~ L1 + phylogenetic effect + spatial effect", + round( + c( + result$summary.fixed[2, ]$`0.025quant`, + result$summary.fixed[2, ]$`0.5quant`, + result$summary.fixed[2, ]$`0.975quant`, + nrow(WALS_df) + ), + 2 + ), + "35%" + ) + +save(social_effects_controlled_coverage, file = "output_models/social_effects_controlled.RData") + +load("output_models/social_effects_uncontrolled.RData") +load("output_models/social_effects_controlled.RData") +load("output_models/social_effects_controlled_coverage.RData") + +effects_morph_comp <- + as.data.frame( + rbind( + social_effects_uncontrolled, + social_effects_controlled, + social_effects_controlled_coverage + ) + ) +colnames(effects_morph_comp) <- + c("model", + "2.5%", + "50%", + "97.5%", + "sample size", + "feature coverage threshold") + +rownames(effects_morph_comp) <- NULL + +effects_morph_comp %>% + write_csv("output_tables/WALS_morph_compl_effects.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_setup.R b/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_setup.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b50542eb5ab565fd183c15b060580b9363a3844 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/WALS_reanalysis_setup.R @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +#parameters +kappa = 1 +phi_1 = c(1, 1.25) # "Local" version: (sigma, phi) First value is not used + +WALS <- read_csv("data/complexity_data_WALS.csv") %>% + dplyr::select("Name"=lang, roundComp, logpop2, "ISO_639"=silCode) %>% + dplyr::mutate(ISO_639 = str_to_lower(ISO_639)) + +min_val <- min(WALS$roundComp) +max_val <- max(WALS$roundComp) + +# Perform the rescaling +WALS$roundComp <- (WALS$roundComp - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) + +pop_file_fn <- "data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv" +L1 <- + read_tsv(pop_file_fn, show_col_types = F) %>% dplyr::select(ISO_639, L1_log10_scaled) + +WALS_df <- WALS %>% + inner_join(L1, + by = c("ISO_639")) + +formula <- as.formula(paste("roundComp ~", "L1_log10_scaled")) +result <- inla(formula, family = "gaussian", + data = WALS_df, control.compute = list(waic = TRUE)) +summary(result) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_WALS_uncontrolled.RData") + +social_effects_uncontrolled <- c("morphological complexity ~ L1", + round(c( + result$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, + result$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, + result$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`, nrow(WALS_df)), 2), "default (~10%)") + +save(social_effects_uncontrolled, file = "output_models/social_effects_uncontrolled.RData") + + diff --git a/101/replication_package/WALS_sparseness.R b/101/replication_package/WALS_sparseness.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44a69439aa42b03992d007a9d8a7ce9c10f257df --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/WALS_sparseness.R @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +source("requirements.R") + +library(INLA) +inla.setOption(inla.mode = "experimental") + +wals <- read.delim( + "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cldf-datasets/wals/master/cldf/languages.csv", + sep = "," +) %>% + dplyr::select(ID, ISO_639 = ISO_codes, Name, Glottocode) %>% + rename(Language_ID = ID) %>% #renaming the column to avoid problems + left_join( + read.delim( + "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cldf-datasets/wals/master/cldf/values.csv", + sep = "," + ) %>% dplyr::select(Language_ID, Parameter_ID, Value) + ) %>% + dplyr::select(-Language_ID) %>% + rename(Language_ID = Glottocode) + +wals_selected <- wals %>% + filter( + Parameter_ID == "20A" | + Parameter_ID == "26A" | + Parameter_ID == "49A" | + Parameter_ID == "28A" | + Parameter_ID == "98A" | + Parameter_ID == "22A" | + Parameter_ID == "100A" | + Parameter_ID == "102A" | + Parameter_ID == "48A" | + Parameter_ID == "29A" | + Parameter_ID == "74A" | + Parameter_ID == "75A" | + Parameter_ID == "76A" | + Parameter_ID == "77A" | + Parameter_ID == "112A" | + Parameter_ID == "34A" | + Parameter_ID == "36A" | + Parameter_ID == "92A" | + Parameter_ID == "66A" | + Parameter_ID == "67A" | + Parameter_ID == "65A" | + Parameter_ID == "70A" | + Parameter_ID == "57A" | + Parameter_ID == "59A" | + Parameter_ID == "73A" | + Parameter_ID == "38A" | + Parameter_ID == "39A" | + Parameter_ID == "41A" | + Parameter_ID == "101A" + ) %>% + pivot_wider( + names_from = Parameter_ID, + values_from = Value + ) + +# Specify the range of columns +start_column <- "92A" +end_column <- "76A" + +# Filter and gather the selected columns +wals_selected_na <- wals_selected %>% + rowwise() %>% + mutate(na_proportion = mean(is.na(c_across(starts_with(start_column):starts_with(end_column))))) %>% + filter(na_proportion <= 0.35) + +wals_selected_na %>% + write_csv("output_tables/WALS_high_coverage.csv") + diff --git a/101/replication_package/all_scripts.R b/101/replication_package/all_scripts.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9703c0b84dbc2988e92c419a87400471599b0030 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/all_scripts.R @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +#Running all scripts + +#download packages and create folders +#generate Glottolog table (based on Glottolog 4.4) +#calculate metric scores (based on Grambank 1.0) +#generate population table (all sociodemographic variables in one dataframe) +#wrangling EDGE tree +#generating AUTOTYP areas table +source("get_external_data.R") +source("generating_GB_input_file.R") +source("set_up_general.R") + +#setup for INLA analysis +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") +#choosing whether to use the full dataset (possible only for reviewers and if one has own access to Ethnologue and saved the dataset in the data folder on their own) or to only to the subset of Ethnologue with transformed variables made available in this repostiory after running create_pop_table.R + +#sample <- "full" +sample <- "reduced" #default + +source("make_ethnologue_SM_and_merging_tables.R") +source("create_pop_table.R") +source("set_up_inla.R") + +#run all INLA models + extract main results tables +#Note that previously "fusion" was called "boundness", and this is how it is referenced in all scripts + +#predictors: random effects - phylogenetic and spatial (same scripts for "full" and "reduced" versions) +source("models_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial.R") +source("models_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial.R") + +if(sample == "full"){ + + #predictors: phylogenetic and spatial random effects + sociodemograhic variables as fixed effects + source("models_Boundness_social.R") + source("models_Informativity_social.R") + + #predictors: sociodemographic variables as fixed effects + source("models_Boundness_social_only.R") + source("models_Informativity_social_only.R") + + #conduct sensitivity testing + extract the corresponding table + source("runs_sensitivity.R") + + #extract tables from INLA analyses + source("table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI.R") + source("variance_top_ranking_models.R") + + #plotting main results + source("plot_social_effects_combined.R") +} + +if(sample == "reduced"){ + + #predictors: phylogenetic and spatial random effects + sociodemograhic variables as fixed effects + #(on reduced set of social variables: without log10 transformed L1 speakers) + source("models_Boundness_reduced_social.R") + source("models_Informativity_reduced_social.R") + + #predictors: sociodemographic variables as fixed effects + source("models_Boundness_reduced_social_only.R") + source("models_Informativity_reduced_social_only.R") + + #conduct sensitivity testing + extract the corresponding table + source("runs_sensitivity_on_reduced.R") + + #extract tables from INLA analyses + source("table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI_reduced.R") + source("variance_top_ranking_models_reduced.R") + + #plotting main results + source("plots_social_effects_combined_on_reduced.R") +} + +#measure phylogenetic signal in two fusion and informativity +source("measuring_phylosignal.R") + + +#plotting +source("plot_maps_main.R") #maps of scores +source("plot_heatmap_B_I.R") #phylogenetic tree with a heatmap +source("plot_map_Africa.R") +source("plot_map_Eurasia.R") +source("plot_heatmap_informativity_Uralic.R") #Uralic tree (informativity) + combined plot with two maps from above +source("plot_spatial_parameters_linear_distances.R") #SI figure for visualizing how covariance under different kappa and phi parameters corresponds to spatial distances + +#additional analyses on WALS data +source("make_ethnologue_SM_for_morphological_complexity_reanalysis.R") +source("WALS_sparseness.R") +source("WALS_reanalysis_setup.R") +source("WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup.R") +source("WALS_reanalysis_controlled_setup_high_coverage.R") #analysis + summary table diff --git a/101/replication_package/assigning_AUTOTYP_areas.R b/101/replication_package/assigning_AUTOTYP_areas.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdcd674d5b5887b2f92c7796dc671f6f76e00387 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/assigning_AUTOTYP_areas.R @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +#This script assigns all languages in glottolog_df to their nearest AUTOTYP area + +#Script was written by Hedvig Skirgård + +source("requirements.R") + +OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling <- here("data_wrangling") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling)) { + dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling) +} + +if (!file.exists(here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv"))) { + #GB langs for subsettting + GB_langs <- + read_tsv("data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv", col_types = WIDE_COLSPEC) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID) + + #combining the tables languages and values from glottolog_df-cldf into one wide dataframe. + #this can be replaced with any list of Language_IDs, long and lat + + glottolog_fn <- "data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv" + if (!file.exists(glottolog_fn)) { + source("generating_GB_input_file.R") + } + + glottolog_df <- read.delim(glottolog_fn , sep = "\t") %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, Longitude, Latitude) %>% + inner_join(GB_langs, by = "Language_ID") + + ##Adding in areas of linguistic contact from AUTOTYP + + AUTOTYP <- + read.delim( + "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/autotyp/autotyp-data/master/data/csv/Register.csv", + sep = "," + ) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID = Glottocode, Area, Longitude, Latitude) %>% + group_by(Language_ID, Area) %>% #some lgs are assigned to more than one area, we level that out. + sample_n(1) + + #This next bit where we find the autotyp areas of languages was written by Seán Roberts + # We know the autotyp-area of langauges in autotyp and their long lat. We don't know the autotyp area of languages in Glottolog. We also can't be sure that the long lat of languoids with the same glottoids in autotyp and glottolog_df have the exact identical long lat. First let's make two datasets, one for autotyp languages (hence lgs where we know the area) and those that we wish to know about, the Glottolog ones. + + lgs_with_known_area <- + as.matrix(AUTOTYP[!is.na(AUTOTYP$Area), c("Longitude", "Latitude")]) + rownames(lgs_with_known_area) <- + AUTOTYP[!is.na(AUTOTYP$Area), ]$Language_ID + + known_areas <- AUTOTYP %>% + dplyr::filter(!is.na(Area)) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, Area) %>% + distinct() %>% + dplyr::select(AUTOTYP_Language_ID = Language_ID, everything()) + + rm(AUTOTYP) + + lgs_with_unknown_area <- + as.matrix(glottolog_df[, c("Longitude", "Latitude")]) + rownames(lgs_with_unknown_area) <- glottolog_df$Language_ID + + # For missing, find area of closest langauge + atDist <- + rdist.earth(lgs_with_known_area, lgs_with_unknown_area, miles = F) + + rm(lgs_with_known_area, lgs_with_unknown_area) + + df_matched_up <- + as.data.frame(unlist(apply(atDist, 2, function(x) { + names(which.min(x)) + })), stringsAsFactors = F) %>% + rename(AUTOTYP_Language_ID = `unlist(apply(atDist, 2, function(x) { names(which.min(x)) }))`) + + glottolog_df_with_AUTOTYP <- df_matched_up %>% + tibble::rownames_to_column("Language_ID") %>% + full_join(known_areas, by = "AUTOTYP_Language_ID") %>% + right_join(glottolog_df, by = "Language_ID") %>% + dplyr::select(-AUTOTYP_Language_ID) %>% + group_by(Language_ID) %>% #some lgs are assigned to more than one area, we level that out. + sample_n(1) %>% + rename(AUTOTYP_area = Area) + + glottolog_df_with_AUTOTYP %>% + write_tsv(here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv")) +} diff --git a/101/replication_package/create_pop_table.R b/101/replication_package/create_pop_table.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe7d2f9188a726716d61682516ea4270afbc0e0b --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/create_pop_table.R @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +#create_pop_table + +OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling <- here("data_wrangling") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling)) { + dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling) +} + + +#Glottolog df for ISO_639 merging +glottolog_df <- + read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv", col_types = cols()) %>% + dplyr::select( + Glottocode, + Language_ID, + "ISO_639" = ISO639P3code, + Language_level_ID, + level, + Family_ID, + Longitude, + Latitude + ) %>% + mutate(Language_level_ID = if_else(is.na(Language_level_ID), Glottocode, Language_level_ID)) %>% + mutate(Family_ID = ifelse(is.na(Family_ID), Language_level_ID, Family_ID)) %>% + dplyr::select( + Glottocode, + Language_ID, + ISO_639, + Language_level_ID, + level, + Family_ID, + Longitude, + Latitude + ) + + +if (sample == "full") { + data_ethnologue <- + read_tsv("data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_full.tsv") +} + +if (sample == "reduced") { + #double check if the file below needs to be changed + data_ethnologue <- + read_tsv("data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM.tsv", show_col_types = F) %>% + rename(L1_log10_st = L1_log10_scaled) %>% + dplyr::select(ISO_639, Language_ID, L1_log10_st, L2_prop) +} + +social_vars <- + readxl::read_xlsx( + "data/lang_endangerment_predictors.xlsx", + sheet = "Supplementary data 1", + skip = 1, + col_types = "text", + na = "NA" + ) %>% + left_join(glottolog_df, by = c("ISO" = "ISO_639")) %>% + rename("ISO_639" = "ISO") %>% + dplyr::select( + Language_ID = Glottocode, + ISO_639, + official_status, + language_of_education, + bordering_language_richness + ) %>% + rename(Official = official_status) %>% + # naniar::replace_with_na(replace = list(L1_log10 = -Inf, L2_log10 = -Inf)) #removing for now + dplyr::mutate(neighboring_languages = bordering_language_richness, Education = + language_of_education) %>% + dplyr::mutate(neighboring_languages = as.numeric(neighboring_languages)) %>% + #dplyr::mutate(neighboring_languages_log10 = log10(neighboring_languages+1)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(neighboring_languages_st = scale(neighboring_languages)[, 1]) %>% + #dplyr::mutate(neighboring_languages_log10_st = scale(neighboring_languages_log10)[,1]) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, Education, Official, neighboring_languages_st) + +if (sample == "full") { + social_vars %>% + left_join(data_ethnologue, by = c("Language_ID")) %>% + dplyr::select( + Language_ID, + L1_log10_st, + L1_log10, + L2_prop, + Education, + Official, + neighboring_languages_st + ) %>% + write_tsv(here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "pop_full.tsv")) +} else{ + social_vars %>% + left_join(data_ethnologue, by = c("Language_ID")) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, + L1_log10_st, + L2_prop, + Education, + Official, + neighboring_languages_st) %>% + write_tsv(here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "pop_reduced.tsv")) +} + +glottolog_df_ISO <- glottolog_df %>% +dplyr::select("Language_ID", "ISO_639") + +if (sample == "reduced") { + social_vars %>% + left_join(data_ethnologue, by = c("Language_ID")) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, + L1_log10_st, + L2_prop, + Education, + Official, + neighboring_languages_st) %>% + left_join(glottolog_df_ISO, + by = c("Language_ID")) %>% + write_tsv(here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "pop_reduced_with_ISO.tsv")) +} diff --git a/101/replication_package/creating_boundness_metric.R b/101/replication_package/creating_boundness_metric.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b1a7d38f77fe1f5ad36332ef9df1a57ef3e4dfd --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/creating_boundness_metric.R @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#boundness/fusion + +#Script was written by Hedvig Skirgård + +source("requirements.R") + +OUTPUTDIR1 <- file.path('.', "output", "Bound_morph") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR1)) { + dir.create(OUTPUTDIR1) +} + +if (!file.exists(here(OUTPUTDIR1, "bound_morph_score.tsv"))) { + GB_wide <- + read_tsv(file.path("data", "GB_wide", "GB_wide_strict.tsv"), + col_types = WIDE_COLSPEC) + + #read in sheet with scores for whether a feature denotes fusion + GB_fusion_points <- + data.table::fread( + file.path("data", "GB_wide", "parameters.csv"), + encoding = 'UTF-8', + quote = "\"", + header = TRUE, + sep = "," + ) %>% + dplyr::select(Parameter_ID = ID, Fusion = boundness, informativity) %>% + mutate(Fusion = as.numeric(Fusion)) + + df_morph_count <- GB_wide %>% + filter(na_prop <= 0.25) %>% #exclude languages with more than 25% missing data + dplyr::select(-na_prop) %>% + reshape2::melt(id.vars = "Language_ID") %>% + dplyr::rename(Parameter_ID = variable) %>% + inner_join(GB_fusion_points, by = "Parameter_ID") %>% + filter(Fusion == 1) %>% + filter(!is.na(value)) %>% + group_by(Language_ID) %>% + dplyr::summarise(mean_morph = mean(value)) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, boundness = mean_morph) + + boundness_st = scale(df_morph_count$boundness) + df_morph_count <- cbind(df_morph_count, boundness_st) + + df_morph_count %>% + write_tsv(file.path(OUTPUTDIR1, "bound_morph_score.tsv")) + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/101/replication_package/creating_informativity_score.R b/101/replication_package/creating_informativity_score.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42439324955d9973bd6d579315a00e04b6c8531b --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/creating_informativity_score.R @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#informativity +source("requirements.R") + +#Script was written by Hedvig Skirgård + +OUTPUTDIR2 <- file.path('.', "output", "Informativity") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR2)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR2) } + +if (!file.exists(here(OUTPUTDIR2, "informativity_score.tsv"))) { + +GB_wide <- + read_tsv(file.path("data", "GB_wide", "GB_wide_strict.tsv"), + show_col_types = F) %>% + filter(na_prop <= 0.25) %>% + dplyr::select(-na_prop) + +#read in sheet with scores for whether a feature denotes informativity +GB_informativity_points <- read_csv(file.path("data", "GB_wide", "parameters.csv"), + show_col_types = F) %>% + dplyr::select(Parameter_ID = ID, informativity) %>% + mutate(informativity = replace(informativity, Parameter_ID == "GB177", "argumentanimacy")) %>% #manually adding another parameter: assigning the parameter of GB177 ("Can the verb carry a marker of animacy of argument, unrelated to any gender/noun class of the argument visible in the NP domain?") feature to be informative + filter(!is.na(informativity)) + +GB_long_for_calc <- GB_wide %>% + reshape2::melt(id.vars = "Language_ID") %>% + rename(Parameter_ID = variable) %>% + inner_join(GB_informativity_points , by = "Parameter_ID") + +##informativity score +lg_df_informativity_score <- GB_long_for_calc %>% + mutate(value = if_else(Parameter_ID == "GB140", abs(value - 1), value)) %>% # reversing GB140 because 0 is the informative state + group_by(Language_ID, informativity) %>% #grouping per language and per informativity category + summarise(sum_informativity = sum(value, na.rm = T), + #for each informativity cateogry for each langauge, how many are answered 1 ("yes") + sum_na = sum(is.na(value))) %>% #how many of the values per informativity category are missing + mutate(sum_informativity = ifelse(sum_na >= 1 & + sum_informativity == 0, NA, sum_informativity)) %>% #if there is at least one NA and the sum of values for the entire category is 0, the informativity score should be NA because there could be a 1 hiding under the NA value + mutate(informativity_score = ifelse(sum_informativity >= 1, 1, sum_informativity)) %>% + ungroup() %>% + group_by(Language_ID) %>% + summarise(`Informativity` = mean(informativity_score, na.rm = T, .groups = "drop")) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, `Informativity`) + +informativity_st = scale(lg_df_informativity_score$Informativity) +lg_df_informativity_score <- + cbind(lg_df_informativity_score, informativity_st) + +lg_df_informativity_score %>% + write_tsv(here(OUTPUTDIR2, "informativity_score.tsv")) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/101/replication_package/data/GB_wide/parameters.csv b/101/replication_package/data/GB_wide/parameters.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d311021d77044058e30ba5cfc57f3f5ef7b51008 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data/GB_wide/parameters.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:effcb8e4ae1ef49e5558a828a2efba5b446c9c289e564fabd822e4b3d1739083 +size 955498 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data/complexity_data_WALS.csv b/101/replication_package/data/complexity_data_WALS.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..146e175d9b2543d2c6873f2049291e2fe0a64015 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data/complexity_data_WALS.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:05af559ebdfd0fb8a4a84f0ab525fbce3f2609eb43301fb0edeb310a12b9805a +size 49149 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data/glottolog-cldf_wide_df.tsv b/101/replication_package/data/glottolog-cldf_wide_df.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22b4ee5a25f5e6f9a5d9a0eb3d478fc7a5d04af8 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data/glottolog-cldf_wide_df.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:fa70feae51fe695ae91d4ec29e5f78fb90bc26e507ede909dd3c10d45e14852b +size 10892168 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data/lang_endangerment_predictors.xlsx b/101/replication_package/data/lang_endangerment_predictors.xlsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa75b983916cae66d4c1d09b609b9143781a1083 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data/lang_endangerment_predictors.xlsx @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:65ba3f53b2eb30352d758c326b4889910022adb64b45bdead1d0fbfa00df6e69 +size 5040478 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data/phylogenies/EDGE6635-merged-relabelled.tree b/101/replication_package/data/phylogenies/EDGE6635-merged-relabelled.tree new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a9581f561e2fdee8433dd4487661aa16a2ac966 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data/phylogenies/EDGE6635-merged-relabelled.tree @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:a99c4b3cda474be6091ed433fa3fc5ba50f55082e599319b6a6677b5baacbc7f +size 20461790 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM.tsv b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b623510a75101b48164ebbc0bca54ced77ceadb --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:42cde751f7f3555c3b9fa4b7bf70a5f0e9c5927c9524286834759370e5c82d90 +size 228185 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f0871f4ee07d7a07aaa4dd11b126ffa16c13984 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:bf9d6ae875e98a5bb4cecfcfee4dd69f0f70949205ff6e3b3f3a6df0430d6e25 +size 639778 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0974800d8cd011e709fe3db0d610a5bba809bae6 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:7365af670f13ad1fee3af423a7fb2c1a508c8dcf90ddd086e43571893ee77818 +size 93225 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40b0bd16565c739da52d695d997068f183e026d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:4171fe67d3786919c87dae3a64b85524d6b5c636311d8845e1137e84878f76bc +size 10906052 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/pop_reduced.tsv b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/pop_reduced.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b02e31b944a6553c46b7f23bfa70266594ddcdb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/pop_reduced.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:8ef392e4f37b4afafe44312bd52cbfdb5d182ce23bcdac0d8d036d419b839a29 +size 289960 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/pop_reduced_with_ISO.tsv b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/pop_reduced_with_ISO.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f4357f11ff1cf62b08a513c5ae66bee6a34fcb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/pop_reduced_with_ISO.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:bbd2c0fbc91a2b9bd7b6ae38f259840b0a27173af6d86ac8d163e84adc0ab5ae +size 316008 diff --git a/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/wrangled.tree b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/wrangled.tree new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e61593148fba0266b2e3c0630c737545db24ad27 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/data_wrangling/wrangled.tree @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:f50cb6ea90d4e3edd5aa26127e19ea1f97dc97a4a809994bcd4cece8720bc522 +size 80074 diff --git a/101/replication_package/generating_GB_input_file.R b/101/replication_package/generating_GB_input_file.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7398cb99ae8eedc378cb13703bd993762980b1fa --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/generating_GB_input_file.R @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +source("requirements.R") + +if (!dir.exists("./grambank-analysed/R_grambank/output")) { + dir.create("./grambank-analysed/R_grambank/output") +} + +#creating a full Grambank file: first, within the submodule itself, and next placing it in the data folder within the repository + +setwd("grambank-analysed/R_grambank") + +if (!(file.exists("./../../data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv"))) { + cat("Generating GB_wide_strict.\n") + + source("make_wide.R") + + read_tsv("output/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv", show_col_types = F) %>% + write_tsv(file = "../../data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv") + +} + +#extracting glottolog: first, within the submodule itself, and next placing it in the data folder within the repository + +if (!(file.exists("../../../data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv"))) { + cat("Generating glottolog table.\n") + + source("make_glottolog-cldf_table.R") + + read_tsv("output/non_GB_datasets/glottolog-cldf_wide_df.tsv", + show_col_types = F) %>% + write_tsv(file = "./../../data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv") +} + +if (!(file.exists("./../data/GB_wide/parameters.csv"))) { + cat("Generating parameters table.\n") + + read_csv("../grambank/cldf/parameters.csv", show_col_types = F) %>% + dplyr::select(ID, Name, Description, boundness = Boundness, informativity = Informativity) %>% + write_csv(file = "../../data/GB_wide/parameters.csv") +} + + +setwd("../../") diff --git a/101/replication_package/get_external_data.R b/101/replication_package/get_external_data.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48a5823c06320aa05662bca0791b70d31e3637df --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/get_external_data.R @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#Script was written by Hedvig Skirgård + +source("requirements.R") + +#setting up a tempfile path where we can put the zipped files before unzipped to a specific location +filepath <- file.path(tempfile()) + +##grambank-analysed: downloading, zipping and moving +grambank_analysed_fn <- c("https://zenodo.org/record/7740822/files/grambank/grambank-analysed-v1.0.zip") + +utils::download.file(file.path(grambank_analysed_fn), destfile = filepath) +utils::unzip(zipfile = filepath, exdir = "grambank-analysed") + +#Zenodo locations contain a dir with the name of the repos and the commit in the release. This is not convenient for later scripts, so we move the contents up one level +old_fn <- "grambank-analysed/grambank-grambank-analysed-fcf971a/" +old_fn_files <- list.files(old_fn) +new_fn <- "grambank-analysed/" + +file.copy(from = paste0(old_fn, old_fn_files),to = new_fn, recursive = T, overwrite = T) +#remove old dir +unlink(old_fn, recursive = T) + +## dirs within grambank-analysed +# for the dirs within grambank-analysed we can fetch them with a for loop + +fns_within_grambank_analysed_zip<- c("https://zenodo.org/record/7740140/files/grambank/grambank-v1.0.zip", "https://zenodo.org/record/5772649/files/glottolog/glottolog-cldf-v4.5.zip", "https://zenodo.org/record/6255206/files/autotyp-data-v1.0.1.zip") +exdir_names <- c("grambank-analysed/grambank", "grambank-analysed/glottolog-cldf", "grambank-analysed/autotyp-data") + +commit_dir_names <- c("grambank-analysed/grambank/grambank-grambank-9e0f341/", "grambank-analysed/glottolog-cldf/glottolog-glottolog-cldf-6f1558e/", "grambank-analysed/autotyp-data/autotyp-data-1.0.1/") + + +for(n in 1:3){ + utils::download.file(file.path(fns_within_grambank_analysed_zip[n]), destfile = filepath) + utils::unzip(zipfile = filepath, exdir = exdir_names[n]) + + old_fn <- commit_dir_names[n] + old_fn_files <- list.files(old_fn) + new_fn <- exdir_names[n] + + file.copy(from = paste0(old_fn, old_fn_files),to = new_fn, recursive = T, overwrite = T) + #remove old dir + unlink(old_fn, recursive = T) + +} + + diff --git a/101/replication_package/install_and_load_INLA.R b/101/replication_package/install_and_load_INLA.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1efd81eb2deb0f803203bd04e889e7bcd0c980e --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/install_and_load_INLA.R @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#installing and loading INLA + +# script was written by Hedvig Skirgård and Sam Passmore + +# 1. Install/update and load BiocManager and other necessary packages +source("requirements.R") + +if (!is_installed("INLA")) {message("INLA wasn't installed, it is now being installed.") + +# 2. Install INLA dependencies with BiocManager using: +BiocManager::install(c("grap","Rgraphviz","sf","rgdal","rgl","spdep"), force=TRUE)#, version = '3.15') #version indication is relevant only for R version 4.2.0 +#grap package is not available for Bioconductor 3.16 (latest version) + +# 3. Install INLA using: +# NOTE: This is a big download +install.packages("INLA", repos=c(getOption("repos"), + INLA="https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/testing"), dep=TRUE) + +} + +library(INLA) +inla.setOption(inla.mode="experimental") diff --git a/101/replication_package/make_ethnologue_SM_and_merging_tables.R b/101/replication_package/make_ethnologue_SM_and_merging_tables.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff5ef8f42d98ec31f5c667bf5415381fd1e6fb1a --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/make_ethnologue_SM_and_merging_tables.R @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +source("requirements.R") + +#Script was written by Hedvig Skirgård + +#this script necessitates that grambank and glottolog files exist. if they do not, run generate_GB_input_file.R +#this script generates the Ethnologue file that can be published based on the raw ethnologue file from SIL. The raw file CANNOT be shared publicly, but derived information that cannot be transformed back to the original values can, such as scaled and log-transformed values + +glottolog_df <- read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv", show_col_types = F) %>% + dplyr::select(ISO_639 = ISO639P3code, Glottocode, Language_level_ID) %>% + mutate(Language_level_ID = ifelse(is.na(Language_level_ID), Glottocode, Language_level_ID)) + +GB <- read_tsv("data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv", show_col_types = F) %>% + dplyr::select(Glottocode = "Language_ID") + +#this script needs the Table_of_languages.tab file to exists, which is only available to people with an SIL lisence +data_ethnologue <- read_tsv("data/Table_of_Languages.tab", show_col_types = F) %>% + filter(!is.na("All_Users")) %>% #remove rows with missing data for pop of all users + filter(!is.na("L1_Users")) %>% + left_join(glottolog_df, by = "ISO_639" ) %>% + dplyr::select(-Glottocode) %>% #removing old Glottocode column + rename(Glottocode = Language_level_ID) %>% + group_by(Glottocode) %>% + summarise(All_Users = sum(All_Users, na.rm = T), + L1_Users = sum(L1_Users, na.rm = T), + ISO_639 = paste0(ISO_639, collapse = "; ")) + +#do some the subsettting to GB and log10 and L2 prop +data_ethnologue <- data_ethnologue %>% + inner_join(GB, by = "Glottocode" ) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2 = All_Users - L1_Users, + #calculating the number of L2 users by subtracting the number of L1 from All users + L2_prop = L2/ All_Users, + #calculating the proportion of L2 users out of the entire population + L1_log10 = log10(L1_Users+1), + All_Users_log10 = log10(All_Users+1)) %>% #adding a 1 for cases where pop is 0 + mutate(L2_prop = ifelse(All_Users == 0, 0, L2_prop)) %>% #if All users is 0, L2_prop would be NA if we didn't do this (can't divide by 0). It should be 0 + dplyr::select(Glottocode, ISO_639, L1_log10, L2_prop, L1_Users, All_Users_log10, All_Users) + +#do the scaling +data_ethnologue$L1_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$L1_Users)[,1] +data_ethnologue$L1_log10_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$L1_log10)[,1] + +data_ethnologue$All_Users_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$All_Users)[,1] +data_ethnologue$All_Users_log10_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$All_Users_log10)[,1] + +#write to file: Ethnologue data for supplementary materials and merging into "reduced" version of the final dataset with social variables (excluding L1_log10) +data_ethnologue %>% + dplyr::select(ISO_639, Language_ID=Glottocode, L2_prop, L1_scaled, L1_log10_scaled, All_Users_scaled, All_Users_log10_scaled) %>% + write_tsv("data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM.tsv") + +#write to file: Ethnologue data for merging into "full" version of the final dataset with social variables (including L1_log10) - won't be available to public +data_ethnologue %>% + dplyr::select(ISO_639, Language_ID=Glottocode, L2_prop, L1_st = L1_scaled, L1_log10_st=L1_log10_scaled, L1_log10 ) %>% + write_tsv("data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_full.tsv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/make_ethnologue_SM_for_morphological_complexity_reanalysis.R b/101/replication_package/make_ethnologue_SM_for_morphological_complexity_reanalysis.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bca87b76061488ab8c3a9410d7f3d349a2645f34 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/make_ethnologue_SM_for_morphological_complexity_reanalysis.R @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +source("requirements.R") + +#Script was written by Hedvig Skirgård and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +#this script generates the Ethnologue file that can be published based on the raw ethnologue file from SIL. The raw file CANNOT be shared publicly, but derived information that cannot be transformed back to the original values can, such as scaled and log-transformed values + +#this script needs the Table_of_languages.tab file to exists, which is only available to people with an SIL lisence +data_ethnologue <- read_tsv("data/Table_of_Languages.tab", show_col_types = F) %>% + filter(!is.na("All_Users")) %>% #remove rows with missing data for pop of all users + filter(!is.na("L1_Users")) %>% + dplyr::select(ISO_639, L1_Users, All_Users) + + +#do some the subsettting to GB and log10 and L2 prop +data_ethnologue <- data_ethnologue %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2 = All_Users - L1_Users, + #calculating the number of L2 users by subtracting the number of L1 from All users + L2_prop = L2/ All_Users, + #calculating the proportion of L2 users out of the entire population + L1_log10 = log10(L1_Users+1), + All_Users_log10 = log10(All_Users+1)) %>% #adding a 1 for cases where pop is 0 + mutate(L2_prop = ifelse(All_Users == 0, 0, L2_prop)) %>% #if All users is 0, L2_prop would be NA if we didn't do this (can't divide by 0). It should be 0 + dplyr::select(ISO_639, L1_log10, L2_prop, L1_Users, All_Users_log10, All_Users) + +#do the scaling +data_ethnologue$L1_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$L1_Users)[,1] +data_ethnologue$L1_log10_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$L1_log10)[,1] + +data_ethnologue$All_Users_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$All_Users)[,1] +data_ethnologue$All_Users_log10_scaled <- scale(data_ethnologue$All_Users_log10)[,1] + +#write to file: Ethnologue data for supplementary materials and merging into "reduced" version of the final dataset with social variables (excluding L1_log10) +data_ethnologue_file <- data_ethnologue %>% + dplyr::select(ISO_639, L2_prop, L1_scaled, L1_log10_scaled, All_Users_scaled, All_Users_log10_scaled) + +data_ethnologue_file <- data_ethnologue_file %>% + write_tsv("data_wrangling/ethnologue_pop_SM_morph_compl_reanalysis.tsv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/measuring_phylosignal.R b/101/replication_package/measuring_phylosignal.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb26078e5b6453a283167e844818289c18549b19 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/measuring_phylosignal.R @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#global tree +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +#measuring phylogenetic signal of boundness/fusion +boundness<-setNames(metrics_joined$boundness_st, metrics_joined$Language_ID) +physig_boundness_l <- phytools::phylosig(tree, boundness, method="lambda", test=TRUE) +lambda_boundness_l <- physig_boundness_l[1][["lambda"]] +LR_boundness_l <- 2*(physig_boundness_l$logL-physig_boundness_l$logL0) #performing likelihood ratio test +P_lambda_boundness_l <- physig_boundness_l$P + +#measuring phylogenetic signal of informativity +informativity<-setNames(metrics_joined$informativity_st, metrics_joined$Language_ID) +physig_informativity_l <- phytools::phylosig(tree, informativity, method="lambda", test=TRUE) +lambda_informativity_l <- physig_informativity_l[1][["lambda"]] +LR_informativity_l <- 2*(physig_informativity_l$logL-physig_informativity_l$logL0) #performing likelihood ratio test +P_lambda_informativity_l <- physig_informativity_l$P + +boundness_signal <- c(physig_boundness_l$logL, physig_boundness_l$logL0, LR_boundness_l, lambda_boundness_l, P_lambda_boundness_l) +informativity_signal <- c(physig_informativity_l$logL, physig_informativity_l$logL0, LR_informativity_l, lambda_informativity_l, P_lambda_informativity_l) + + +#Making a table out of two measures of phylogenetic signal +physig <- as.data.frame(rbind(boundness_signal, informativity_signal)) +colnames(physig) <- c("logL", "logL0", "LR (lambda)", "lambda", "p-value") +physig <- round(physig, digits=2) +physig$`p-value` <- ifelse(physig$`p-value` < 0.001, "< 0.001", physig$`p-value`) +features <- as.data.frame(c("fusion", "informativity")) +colnames(features) <- "Feature" +physig <- cbind(features, physig) +write.csv(physig, file=here("output_tables", "Table_phylosig.csv"), row.names = FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial.R b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67009ba8dd66a1fca898e8656f3e2a99281a4d3a --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial.R @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by combinations of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +#"regional" set of parameters +spatial_covar_mat_2 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], cov.pars = phi_2, kappa = kappa)$varcov +typical_variance_spatial_2 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_2)))) +spatial_cov_std_2 = spatial_covar_mat_2 / typical_variance_spatial_2 +spatial_prec_mat_2 = solve(spatial_cov_std_2) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_2) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 7 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list(#phylogenetic and spatial effects in isolation + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_2, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(AUTOTYP_area, model = 'iid', hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + #phylogenetic and distinct spatial effects in combination + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", + "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", + "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_2, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", + "f(AUTOTYP_area, model = 'iid', hyper = pcprior_hyper)")) + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_2, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: regional", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(AUTOTYP_area, model = 'iid', hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Areal", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +areal_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Areal", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +areal_element <- areal_element[areal_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +area_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(area_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 7) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_area <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_area) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 7) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 7) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_area <- vector("list", 7) +names(summary_random_list_area) <- predterms_short + +coefm <- matrix(NA,7,1) +result <- vector("list",7) + +for(i in 1:7){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% areal_element){ + area_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for AUTOTYP_area`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + area_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + area_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% areal_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_area[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for AUTOTYP_area"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_area[[i]]) <- c("x for AUTOTYP_area", "y for AUTOTYP_area") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% areal_element){ + summary_random_list_area[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$AUTOTYP_area) %>% + rename(AUTOTYP_area = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial.RData") + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables/", "fitted_list", "Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +area_effects <- as.data.frame(area_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +area_effects$effect <- "areal SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, area_effects, intercept_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models .csv") + +effs_table_SM <- effs %>% + mutate(effect = + dplyr::recode(effect, + "areal SD" = "spatial SD")) %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundess models with random effects" = effs_table_SM, + path = "output_tables/table_SM_effects_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models.docx") + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = + dplyr::recode(effect, + "areal SD" = "spatial SD")) %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("phylogenetic SD", "spatial SD", "areal SD", "Intercept"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c(cols[c(12, 10)], "gray50") + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of boundness") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output/SP_models_plot_Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 29, width = 33) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_phylogenetic.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: spatial +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: areas +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_area)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_area[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_area)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_area <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_area) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_area, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_areal.csv") + + +#saving summaries of random effects: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_phy)) { + summary_random_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_phy)[i] +} +summary_random_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_phy) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_phy, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_summary_random_phy.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: spatial +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_spa)) { + summary_random_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_spa)[i] +} +summary_random_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_spa) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_spa, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_summary_random_spa.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: areas +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_area)) { + summary_random_list_area[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_area)[i] +} +summary_random_list_area <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_area) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_area, "output_tables/Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models_summary_random_areas.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_reduced_social.R b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_reduced_social.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7770413f35614b6beaf7aeb65ae340b9b4c2a26 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_reduced_social.R @@ -0,0 +1,567 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + #unavailable + # c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +#unnecessary +#L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#unnecessary +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +# interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), +# number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +# interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + +#unavailable + # if(i %in% interaction_element) { + # social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + # social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + # social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + # marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + # colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + # } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Boundness_social.RData") +load("output_models_reduced/models_Boundness_social.RData") + +coefm_copy <- coefm + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "fitted_list", "Boundness_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +#unavailable +#interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +#unavailable +#interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects))#unavailable: , interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Boundness_social_models .csv") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 3, + "97.5%" = 4) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + relocate(effect, .after = model) %>% + flextable() %>% + flextable::bold(~ (`2.5%` > 0 & `97.5%` > 0) | (`2.5%` < 0 & `97.5%` < 0), 2) %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundness models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_Main_effects_Boundness_social_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("phylogenetic SD", "spatial SD", "Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status"))) %>% #unavailable, "L1*L2 proportion"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c(cols[c(12, 10)], "gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of boundness") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output_reduced/SP_models_plot_Boundness_social_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables_reduced/Boundness_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy, "output_tables_reduced/Boundness_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_phylogenetic.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: spatial +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa, "output_tables_reduced/Boundness_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv") + + +#saving summaries of random effects: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_phy)) { + summary_random_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_phy)[i] +} +summary_random_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_phy) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_phy, "output_tables_reduced/Boundness_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: spatial +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_spa)) { + summary_random_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_spa)[i] +} +summary_random_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_spa) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_spa, "output_tables_reduced/Boundness_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_reduced_social_only.R b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_reduced_social_only.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27884257189af1f6012a1024a147ab2af6dbffdf --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_reduced_social_only.R @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("L1_log_st"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L2_prop"), + + c("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("Official"), + + c("Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_social_only.RData") +#load("output_models/models_Boundness_social_only.RData") + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Boundness_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "fitted_list", "Boundness_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Boundness_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Boundness_social_only_models .csv") + +effs_table_SM <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundness models with fixed and random effects (including non-linear implementations of some fixed effects)" = effs_table_SM, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_SM_effects_Boundness_social_only_models.docx") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundness models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_Main_effects_Boundness_social_only_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c("gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of boundness") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output_reduced/SP_models_plot_Boundness_social_only_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables_reduced/Boundness_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_social.R b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_social.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8dbb7127e1f80a7b24c5c74e8237c412c5a8cbd --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_social.R @@ -0,0 +1,560 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_social.RData") +load("output_models/models_Boundness_social.RData") + + + coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) + colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") + coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + + coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) + coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables/", "fitted_list", "Boundness_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_social_models .csv") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 3, + "97.5%" = 4) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + relocate(effect, .after = model) %>% + flextable() %>% + flextable::bold(~ (`2.5%` > 0 & `97.5%` > 0) | (`2.5%` < 0 & `97.5%` < 0), 2) %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundness models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables/table_Main_effects_Boundness_social_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("phylogenetic SD", "spatial SD", "Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status", "L1*L2 proportion"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c(cols[c(12, 10)], "gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of boundness") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output/SP_models_plot_Boundness_social_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables/Boundness_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy, "output_tables/Boundness_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_phylogenetic.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: spatial +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa, "output_tables/Boundness_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv") + + +#saving summaries of random effects: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_phy)) { + summary_random_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_phy)[i] +} +summary_random_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_phy) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_phy, "output_tables/Boundness_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: spatial +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_spa)) { + summary_random_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_spa)[i] +} +summary_random_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_spa) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_spa, "output_tables/Boundness_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_social_only.R b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_social_only.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99b51e059e7d68f3600cbff7ad4d7025084aeb94 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Boundness_social_only.R @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("L1_log_st"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L2_prop"), + + c("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("Official"), + + c("Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_social_only.RData") +#load("output_models/models_Boundness_social_only.RData") + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Boundness_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables/", "fitted_list", "Boundness_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Boundness_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_social_only_models .csv") + +effs_table_SM <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundness models with fixed and random effects (including non-linear implementations of some fixed effects)" = effs_table_SM, + path = "output_tables/table_SM_effects_Boundness_social_only_models.docx") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in boundness models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables/table_Main_effects_Boundness_social_only_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status", "L1*L2 proportion"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c("gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of boundness") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output/SP_models_plot_Boundness_social_only_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables/Boundness_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial.R b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3c670279d1daa75328c55ecffcd56eaf8b738e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial.R @@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by combinations of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +#"regional" set of parameters +spatial_covar_mat_2 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], cov.pars = phi_2, kappa = kappa)$varcov +typical_variance_spatial_2 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_2)))) +spatial_cov_std_2 = spatial_covar_mat_2 / typical_variance_spatial_2 +spatial_prec_mat_2 = solve(spatial_cov_std_2) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_2) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 7 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list(#phylogenetic and spatial effects in isolation + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_2, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(AUTOTYP_area, model = 'iid', hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + #phylogenetic and distinct spatial effects in combination + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", + "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", + "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_2, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)"), + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", + "f(AUTOTYP_area, model = 'iid', hyper = pcprior_hyper)")) + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_2, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: regional", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(AUTOTYP_area, model = 'iid', hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Areal", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +areal_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Areal", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +areal_element <- areal_element[areal_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +area_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(area_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 7, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 7) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_area <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_area) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 7) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 7) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 7) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_area <- vector("list", 7) +names(summary_random_list_area) <- predterms_short + +coefm <- matrix(NA,7,1) +result <- vector("list",7) + +for(i in 1:7){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% areal_element){ + area_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for AUTOTYP_area`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + area_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + area_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% areal_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_area[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for AUTOTYP_area"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_area[[i]]) <- c("x for AUTOTYP_area", "y for AUTOTYP_area") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% areal_element){ + summary_random_list_area[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$AUTOTYP_area) %>% + rename(AUTOTYP_area = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial.RData") + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables/", "fitted_list", "Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +area_effects <- as.data.frame(area_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +area_effects$effect <- "areal SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, area_effects, intercept_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models .csv") + +effs_table_SM <- effs %>% + mutate(effect = + dplyr::recode(effect, + "areal SD" = "spatial SD")) %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with random effects" = effs_table_SM, + path = "output_tables/table_SM_effects_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = + dplyr::recode(effect, + "areal SD" = "spatial SD")) %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("phylogenetic SD", "spatial SD", "areal SD", "Intercept"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c(cols[c(12, 10)], "gray50") + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of informativity") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output/SP_models_plot_Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 29, width = 33) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_phylogenetic.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: spatial +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: areas +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_area)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_area[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_area)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_area <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_area) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_area, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_marginals_hyperpar_areal.csv") + + +#saving summaries of random effects: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_phy)) { + summary_random_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_phy)[i] +} +summary_random_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_phy) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_phy, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_summary_random_phy.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: spatial +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_spa)) { + summary_random_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_spa)[i] +} +summary_random_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_spa) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_spa, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_summary_random_spa.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: areas +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_area)) { + summary_random_list_area[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_area)[i] +} +summary_random_list_area <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_area) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_area, "output_tables/Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models_summary_random_areas.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_reduced_social.R b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_reduced_social.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3ae0b73dc390a31cad33ef29457ac65a0009ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_reduced_social.R @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Informativity_social.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "fitted_list", "Informativity_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Informativity_social_models .csv") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 3, + "97.5%" = 4) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + relocate(effect, .after = model) %>% + flextable() %>% + flextable::bold(~ (`2.5%` > 0 & `97.5%` > 0) | (`2.5%` < 0 & `97.5%` < 0), 2) %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_Main_effects_Informativity_social_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("phylogenetic SD", "spatial SD", "Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c(cols[c(12, 10)], "gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of informativity") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output_reduced/SP_models_plot_Informativity_social_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy, "output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_phylogenetic.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: spatial +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa, "output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv") + + +#saving summaries of random effects: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_phy)) { + summary_random_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_phy)[i] +} +summary_random_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_phy) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_phy, "output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: spatial +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_spa)) { + summary_random_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_spa)[i] +} +summary_random_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_spa) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_spa, "output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_reduced_social_only.R b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_reduced_social_only.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13c2bb8ad8a65b2c3f691a3538c29d6d646dce7f --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_reduced_social_only.R @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("L1_log_st"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L2_prop"), + + c("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("Official"), + + c("Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Informativity_social_only.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Informativity_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "fitted_list", "Informativity_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Informativity_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Informativity_social_only_models .csv") + +effs_table_SM <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with fixed and random effects (including non-linear implementations of some fixed effects)" = effs_table_SM, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_SM_effects_Informativity_social_only_models.docx") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_Main_effects_Informativity_social_only_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c("gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of informativity") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output_reduced/SP_models_plot_Informativity_social_only_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_social.R b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_social.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16ea3d4267bb899ed32a7757a10167c06c1feb13 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_social.R @@ -0,0 +1,556 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Informativity_social.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables/", "fitted_list", "Informativity_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_social_models .csv") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 3, + "97.5%" = 4) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + relocate(effect, .after = model) %>% + flextable() %>% + flextable::bold(~ (`2.5%` > 0 & `97.5%` > 0) | (`2.5%` < 0 & `97.5%` < 0), 2) %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables/table_Main_effects_Informativity_social_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("phylogenetic SD", "spatial SD", "Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status", "L1*L2 proportion"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c(cols[c(12, 10)], "gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of informativity") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output/SP_models_plot_Informativity_social_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy, "output_tables/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_phylogenetic.csv") + +#saving hyperparameters: spatial +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa, "output_tables/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv") + + +#saving summaries of random effects: phylogenetic +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_phy)) { + summary_random_list_phy[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_phy)[i] +} +summary_random_list_phy <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_phy) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_phy, "output_tables/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv") + +#saving summaries of random effects: spatial +for (i in 1:length(summary_random_list_spa)) { + summary_random_list_spa[[i]]$model <- names(summary_random_list_spa)[i] +} +summary_random_list_spa <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary_random_list_spa) + +write.csv(summary_random_list_spa, "output_tables/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv") diff --git a/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_social_only.R b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_social_only.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ad4f28f96a52e735eeec6628c028207d8d1ff34 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/models_Informativity_social_only.R @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +#Script was written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +#We opt for a sparse phylogenetic precision matrix (i.e. it is quantified using all nodes and tips), since sparse matrices make the analysis in INLA less time-intensive +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("L1_log_st"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L2_prop"), + + c("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("Official"), + + c("Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Informativity_social_only.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Informativity_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + +for (i in 1:length(fitted_list)) { + fitted_list[[i]]$model <- names(fitted_list)[i] +} +fitted_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(fitted_list) +fitted_list_path <- paste("output_tables/", "fitted_list", "Informativity_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(fitted_list, fitted_list_path) + +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Informativity_social_only_models", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + +effs <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_social_only_models .csv") + +effs_table_SM <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with fixed and random effects (including non-linear implementations of some fixed effects)" = effs_table_SM, + path = "output_tables/table_SM_effects_Informativity_social_only_models.docx") + +effs_table_Main <- effs %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 4, + "97.5%" = 3) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) + +effs_table_Main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_table_Main$model) + +effs_table_Main <- effs_table_Main %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("model", "WAIC")) %>% + fix_border_issues() %>% + border_inner_h() + +save_as_docx( + "Effects in informativity models with fixed and random effects" = effs_table_Main, + path = "output_tables/table_Main_effects_Informativity_social_only_models.docx") + + +effs_plot <- effs %>% + #filter(WAIC <= top_9) %>% + rename(lower=2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% #mean here refers to 0.5 quantile + #filter(!effect == "Intercept") %>% + mutate(effect = factor(effect, levels=c("Intercept", "social SD:\nL1", "L1", "social SD:\nL2 proportion", "L2 proportion", "Neighbours", "Education", "Official status", "L1*L2 proportion"))) %>% + mutate(WAIC = round(WAIC, 2)) %>% + unite("model", model, WAIC, sep = ",\nWAIC: ", remove=FALSE) %>% + group_by(WAIC) %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + mutate(model = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(model), WAIC)) %>% #reordering levels within model based on WAIC values + mutate(model = factor(model, levels=rev(levels(model)))) #reversing the order + + +#plot modified from function ggregplot::Efxplot +cols = c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")) +cols = c("gray50", cols[c(1:8)]) + +show_col(cols) + +plot_1 <- ggplot(effs_plot, + aes(y = as.factor(model), + x = mean, + group = effect, + colour = effect)) + + geom_pointrangeh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), position = position_dodge(w = 0.9), size = 1.5) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0),lty = 2) + labs(x = NULL) + #coord_flip() + + scale_color_manual(values=cols) + + ylab("Model of informativity") + xlab("Estimate") + labs(color = "Effect") + theme_classic() + + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=50), + legend.text=element_text(size=50), + axis.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.title=element_text(size=50), + legend.spacing.y = unit(1.5, 'cm')) + + guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)) + + + +#plot_1 +ggsave(filename = 'output/SP_models_plot_Informativity_social_only_models.jpg', + plot_1, height = 20, width = 45) + + +#saving hyperparameters: Gaussian observations +for (i in 1:length(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)) { + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]$model <- names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian)[i] +} +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- dplyr::bind_rows(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) + +write.csv(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian, "output_tables/Informativity_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/101/replication_package/output/Bound_morph/bound_morph_score.tsv b/101/replication_package/output/Bound_morph/bound_morph_score.tsv new file mode 100644 index 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b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_marginals_hyperpar_spatial.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:3781d90ef7af2bcc51bad4befb6ed27528d232e11e63da83dbeb4db82481e64e +size 36891 diff --git a/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..018fcca3284e3b5e03b0c9dc8e3ba8969dae7ee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_phy.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:549f305c09ffea3c9a7d47ef1c3cd81d5b76a886ef7c57d17e5b03a26bf87379 +size 2372210 diff --git a/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..759d81b8ab6bf7124b03f8f7675aa240943dedf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_models_summary_random_spa.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:7d1c8c178a47a559aaa731f43a8804e672840c6785b58bca6ea1fd9f23f58b55 +size 1174210 diff --git a/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..221846946ff3c3e2427806d8577b89f5a060e78f --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Informativity_social_only_models_marginals_hyperpar_gaussian.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version 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+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:66247297052be5a9a3b82621e0d45f1d7083b7f4d24e0e7584f8d5722a982dd8 +size 6337 diff --git a/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Table_variance_top_ranking_models.csv b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Table_variance_top_ranking_models.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c40866fc11e1836f8b3501cda9efb22e8512f638 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/output_tables_reduced/Table_variance_top_ranking_models.csv @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:96d7646a4e40bfc66b4464c9dec28abc2eea1395a7bc5052ea840de0ff391e98 +size 402 diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_heatmap_B_I.R b/101/replication_package/plot_heatmap_B_I.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e509037a05115ebd66af49adb5961c63f2ebf30b --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_heatmap_B_I.R @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +#heat map with a tree plot: boundness + informativity +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2_prop = scale(L2_prop)[, 1]) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined %>% mutate(Language_ID_2 = Language_ID) %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Language_ID_2") + +df1 <- + metrics_joined %>% dplyr::select(boundness_st) %>% rename(boundness = boundness_st) +df2 <- + metrics_joined %>% dplyr::select(informativity_st) %>% rename(informativity = informativity_st) + +### Adding colored branches of the biggest families in the dataset + +metrics_joined %>% + group_by(Family_ID) %>% + summarise(n = n()) %>% + mutate(freq = n / sum(n)) %>% + arrange(desc(n)) %>% + filter(!Family_ID == "") %>% + top_n(12, freq) -> table + +biggest_families <- table$Family_ID +metrics_joined$family_status <- NA +metrics_joined$family_status <- + ifelse(metrics_joined$Family_ID %in% biggest_families, + metrics_joined$Family_ID, + "other") + +#double-checking if all families indeed converted to names and none is left with "NA" +unique(metrics_joined$family_status) + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + mutate( + family = + dplyr::recode( + family_status, + "aust1307" = "Austronesian", + "aust1305" = "Austroasiatic", + "indo1319" = "Indo-European", + "atla1278" = "Atlantic-Congo", + "utoa1244" = "Uto-Aztecan", + "sino1245" = "Sino-Tibetan", + "afro1255" = "Afro-Asiatic", + "nucl1709" = "Nuclear Trans New Guinea", + "maya1287" = "Mayan", + "pano1259" = "Pano-Tacanan", + "otom1299" = "Otomanguean", + "chib1249" = "Chibchan ", + "nakh1245" = "Nakh-Daghestanian", + "cent2225" = "Central Sudanic", + "drav1251" = "Dravidian", + "ural1272" = "Uralic", + "pama1250" = "Pama-Nyungan", + "other" = "other" + ) + ) + +#double-checking if all families indeed converted to names and none is left with "NA" +unique(metrics_joined$family) + +#ordering the families in the desired way +#metrics_joined$family <- factor(metrics_joined$family, order = TRUE, levels = c("other", "Austronesian", "Austroasiatic", "Sino-Tibetan", "Indo-European", "Atlantic-Congo", "Afro-Asiatic", "Uto-Aztecan", "Nuclear Trans New Guinea")) + +tips_lists <- vector(mode = "list", length = 12) + +for (f in 1:length(biggest_families)) { + tips_lists[[f]] <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Family_ID == biggest_families[f], ]$Language_ID + tips_lists[[f]] <- na.omit(tips_lists[[f]]) + + } + +#the correct order within biggest families is preserved and the Glottocodes are replaced with suitable family name labels +biggest_families_verbose <- dplyr::recode( + biggest_families, + "aust1307" = "Austronesian", + "aust1305" = "Austroasiatic", + "indo1319" = "Indo-European", + "atla1278" = "Atlantic-Congo", + "utoa1244" = "Uto-Aztecan", + "sino1245" = "Sino-Tibetan", + "afro1255" = "Afro-Asiatic", + "nucl1709" = "Nuclear Trans New Guinea", + "maya1287" = "Mayan", + "pano1259" = "Pano-Tacanan", + "otom1299" = "Otomanguean", + "chib1249" = "Chibchan ", + "nakh1245" = "Nakh-Daghestanian", + "cent2225" = "Central Sudanic", + "drav1251" = "Dravidian", + "ural1272" = "Uralic", + "pama1250" = "Pama-Nyungan", + "other" = "other" +) + +names(tips_lists) <- biggest_families_verbose + +nodes <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(biggest_families)) + +for (tips in 1:length(tips_lists)) { + nodes[tips] <- getMRCA(tree, tips_lists[[tips]]) +} + +#test +#nodes <- vector(mode="character", length=1) +#nodes[1] <- getMRCA(tree, tips_lists[[4]]) + +nodes <- as.numeric(nodes) + +coloured_branches <- groupClade(tree, nodes) +coloured_branches <- + ggtree( + coloured_branches, + layout = 'rect', + branch.length = 'none', + size = 0.5 + ) + +p1 <- + gheatmap( + coloured_branches, + df1, + offset = -1, + width = .1, + colnames_angle = 0, + colnames_offset_y = 25, + colnames_position = "top", + colnames = F, + #removing column names + font.size = 20, + hjust = 0.5, + color = FALSE + ) + ylim(-5, 1480) + #ylim(-5, 1450) + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) + labs(fill = "fusion") + theme(legend.position = "bottom", + legend.key.size = unit(1.4, 'cm')) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[1], + label = biggest_families_verbose[1], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[2], + label = biggest_families_verbose[2], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[3], + label = biggest_families_verbose[3], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[4], + label = biggest_families_verbose[4], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[5], + label = biggest_families_verbose[5], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[6], + label = biggest_families_verbose[6], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[7], + label = biggest_families_verbose[7], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[8], + label = biggest_families_verbose[8], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[9], + label = biggest_families_verbose[9], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[10], + label = biggest_families_verbose[10], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[11], + label = biggest_families_verbose[11], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + + geom_cladelabel( + node = nodes[12], + label = biggest_families_verbose[12], + offset = 6, + align = TRUE, + fontsize = 13 + ) + labs(fill = "fusion") + +p2 <- p1 + new_scale_fill() + +p3 <- gheatmap( + p2, + df2, + offset = 2, + width = .1, + colnames_angle = 0, + colnames_offset_y = 25, + colnames_position = "top", + font.size = 20, + hjust = 0.5, + color = FALSE, + colnames = FALSE +) + ylim(-5, 1400) + + xlim(-1, 55) + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis", direction = -1) + + labs(fill = "informativity") + + theme( + legend.box = "horizontal", + legend.position = "bottom", + text = element_text(size = 55), + legend.key.size = unit(1.6, 'cm') + ) +p3 + +ggsave( + file = "output/plot_heatmap_B_I.svg", + plot = p3, + width = 25, + height = 27, + dpi = 600 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/plot_heatmap_B_I.pdf", + plot = p3, + width = 25, + height = 27, + dpi = 600 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/plot_heatmap_B_I.jpeg", + plot = p3, + width = 25, + height = 27, + dpi = 600 +) diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_heatmap_informativity_Uralic.R b/101/replication_package/plot_heatmap_informativity_Uralic.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4d0580b64aec4dab11bfcc466b5734a8df65ccb --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_heatmap_informativity_Uralic.R @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +#heat map with a tree plot: boundness + +#first, obtaining the actual max and min values of informativity in the entire sample +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2_prop = scale(L2_prop)[, 1]) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] + +max <- max(metrics_joined$informativity_st) +min <- min(metrics_joined$informativity_st) + +#now plotting Uralic languages only +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2_prop = scale(L2_prop)[, 1]) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) %>% + filter(Family_ID == "ural1272") + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined %>% mutate(Language_ID_2 = Language_ID) %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Language_ID_2") + +df1 <- metrics_joined %>% + dplyr::select(informativity_st) %>% + rename(informativity = informativity_st) + +uralic_fam_tree <- + ggtree(tree, layout = 'rect', branch.length = 'none') +uralic_fam_tree <- + uralic_fam_tree %<+% metrics_joined + geom_tiplab(aes(label = Name), size = + 5) + +p1 <- + gheatmap( + uralic_fam_tree, + df1, + offset = 6, + width = .2, + colnames_angle = 0, + colnames_position = "top", + colnames = F, + #removing column names + font.size = 5, + hjust = 0.5, + color = FALSE + ) + #ylim(-5, 27) + #ylim(-5, 1450) + scale_fill_viridis_c( + option = "viridis", + direction = -1, + limits = c(min, max), + guide = "none" + ) + + theme(legend.position = c(1, 1)) + theme( + legend.position = "right", + legend.box = "vertical", + text = element_text(size = 50), + legend.key.size = unit(0.9, 'cm') + ) + +ggsave( + file = "output/heatmap_Uralic_informativity.svg", + plot = p1, + width = 7, + height = 7, + dpi=300 +) + +triple_plot <- + b_labelled / i_labelled | p1 #+ plot_annotation(tag_levels = '1') + +ggsave( + file = "output/triple_plot.svg", + plot = triple_plot, + width = 12, + height = 7, + dpi=300 +) diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_map_Africa.R b/101/replication_package/plot_map_Africa.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9269429008aa6b0c28d429a465aa91f57743b549 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_map_Africa.R @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +#plotting maps +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2_prop = scale(L2_prop)[, 1]) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) %>% + filter( + Macroarea == "Africa" | + Macroarea == "Papunesia" | + Macroarea == "Australia" | Macroarea == "Eurasia" + ) %>% + filter(180 > Longitude & Longitude > -24) %>% + filter(80 > Latitude & Latitude > -45) + +#an overview of area and family coverage +tab_areas <- as.data.frame(table(metrics_joined$AUTOTYP_area)) %>% + arrange(desc(Freq)) + +tab_families <- as.data.frame(table(metrics_joined$Family_ID)) %>% + arrange(desc(Freq)) + + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +lakes <- + map_data( + "lakes", + col = "white", + border = "gray", + margin = T, + ylim = c(-45, 80), + xlim = c(-30, 180), + wrap = c(-25, 335) + ) + +world <- + map_data( + "world", + wrap = c(-25, 335), + ylim = c(-45, 80), + xlim = c(-30, 180), + margin = T + ) + +world <- + subset(world,!( + region %in% c( + "USA", + "Brazil", + "Mexico", + "Colombia", + "Argentina", + "Canada", + "Peru", + "Venezuela", + "Chile", + "Guatemala", + "Ecuador", + "Bolivia", + "Cuba", + "Honduras", + "Paraguay", + "Nicaragua", + "El Salvador", + "Costa Rica", + "Panama", + "Uruguay", + "Jamaica", + "Trinidad and Tobago", + "Guyana", + "Suriname", + "Belize", + "Barbados", + "Saint Lucia", + "Grenada", + "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", + "Antigua and Barbuda", + "Saint Kitts and Nevis", + "Greenland" + ) + )) + +#shifting the longlat of the dataframe to match the pacific centered map +combination <- metrics_joined %>% + mutate(Longitude = if_else(Longitude <= -25, Longitude + 360, Longitude)) + +#duplicates? + +combination %>% + group_by(Language_ID) %>% + mutate(dupe = n() > 1) -> combination_dup +dupes <- combination_dup[combination_dup$dupe == "TRUE", ] + +#Basemap +basemap <- ggplot(combination) + + geom_polygon( + data = world, + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), + colour = "gray87", + fill = "gray87", + size = 0.5 + ) + + geom_polygon( + data = lakes, + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), + colour = "gray87", + fill = "white", + size = 0.3 + ) + + theme( + panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + #all of these lines are just removing default things like grid lines, axises etc + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + axis.title.x = element_blank(), + axis.title.y = element_blank(), + axis.line = element_blank(), + panel.border = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), + axis.text.x = element_blank(), + axis.text.y = element_blank(), + axis.ticks = element_blank() + ) + + coord_map( + projection = "vandergrinten", + ylim = c(-45, 80), + xlim = c(-30, 180) + ) + + +#plotting boundness map with cumstom labels + +#tswa1253 is almost overlapping in the location with hoaa1235; plotting hoaa1235 for the purposes of the plot +combination_ordered_0 <- combination %>% + mutate(plotted_last = case_when(Language_ID == "hoaa1235" ~ 1, + Language_ID != "hoaa1235" ~ 0)) %>% + arrange(plotted_last) %>% + mutate( + langs_of_interest = case_when( + Language_ID == "hoaa1235" | + Language_ID == "huaa1248" | + Language_ID == "tswa1255" | + Language_ID == "tson1249" | + Language_ID == "sout2807" ~ 1, + Language_ID != "hoaa1235" & + Language_ID != "huaa1248" & + Language_ID != "tswa1255" & + Language_ID != "tson1249" & + Language_ID != "sout2807" ~ 0 + ) + ) %>% + mutate(langs_of_interest = as.factor(langs_of_interest)) %>% + filter(langs_of_interest == "0") + +combination_ordered_1 <- combination %>% + mutate(plotted_last = case_when(Language_ID == "hoaa1235" ~ 1, + Language_ID != "hoaa1235" ~ 0)) %>% + arrange(plotted_last) %>% + mutate( + langs_of_interest = case_when( + Language_ID == "hoaa1235" | + Language_ID == "huaa1248" | + Language_ID == "tswa1255" | + Language_ID == "tson1249" | + Language_ID == "sout2807" ~ 1, + Language_ID != "hoaa1235" & + Language_ID != "huaa1248" & + Language_ID != "tswa1255" & + Language_ID != "tson1249" & + Language_ID != "sout2807" ~ 0 + ) + ) %>% + mutate(langs_of_interest = as.factor(langs_of_interest)) %>% + filter(langs_of_interest != "0") + +b_labelled <- + basemap + geom_point( + data = combination_ordered_0, + aes( + x = Longitude, + y = Latitude, + color = boundness_st, + fill = boundness_st + ), + size = 1, + pch = 21, + # stroke=NA, + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + geom_point( + data = combination_ordered_1, + aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, fill = boundness_st), + pch = 21, + size = 2.5, + colour = "black", + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + #scale_fill_gradient2(low = muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = muted("red"), midpoint=0) + + #scale_color_gradient2(low = muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = muted("red"), midpoint=0, guide="none") + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) + + scale_color_viridis_c(option = "magma", + guide = "none", + direction = -1) + + theme( + text = element_text(size = 20), + legend.key.size = unit(0.5, units = "cm"), + legend.position = "right" + ) + + guides(fill = guide_colourbar()) + + labs(fill = "fusion") + + geom_text_repel( + aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, label = Name), + #size=5, + data = subset( + combination, + AUTOTYP_area == "S Africa" & + Latitude < -23 & + boundness_st < 0 | + Language_ID == "sout2807" | Language_ID == "tswa1255" + ), + size = 5, + box.padding = 0.7, + max.overlaps = Inf, + point.padding = 0.1 + ) +b_labelled + +ggsave( + file = "output/map_boundness_labelled.svg", + plot = b_labelled, + width = 10, + height = 9, + dpi=300 +) diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_map_Eurasia.R b/101/replication_package/plot_map_Eurasia.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f19105892f4d881920a3b9ac2ac95379b39c803 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_map_Eurasia.R @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +#plotting maps +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2_prop = scale(L2_prop)[, 1]) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) %>% + filter( + Macroarea == "Africa" | + Macroarea == "Papunesia" | + Macroarea == "Australia" | Macroarea == "Eurasia" + ) %>% + filter(180 > Longitude & Longitude > -24) %>% + filter(80 > Latitude & Latitude > -45) + +#an overview of area and family coverage +tab_areas <- as.data.frame(table(metrics_joined$AUTOTYP_area)) %>% + arrange(desc(Freq)) + +tab_families <- as.data.frame(table(metrics_joined$Family_ID)) %>% + arrange(desc(Freq)) + + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +lakes <- + map_data( + "lakes", + col = "white", + border = "gray", + margin = T, + ylim = c(-45, 80), + xlim = c(-30, 180), + wrap = c(-25, 335) + ) + +world <- + map_data( + "world", + wrap = c(-25, 335), + ylim = c(-45, 80), + xlim = c(-30, 180), + margin = T + ) + +world <- + subset(world,!( + region %in% c( + "USA", + "Brazil", + "Mexico", + "Colombia", + "Argentina", + "Canada", + "Peru", + "Venezuela", + "Chile", + "Guatemala", + "Ecuador", + "Bolivia", + "Cuba", + "Honduras", + "Paraguay", + "Nicaragua", + "El Salvador", + "Costa Rica", + "Panama", + "Uruguay", + "Jamaica", + "Trinidad and Tobago", + "Guyana", + "Suriname", + "Belize", + "Barbados", + "Saint Lucia", + "Grenada", + "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", + "Antigua and Barbuda", + "Saint Kitts and Nevis", + "Greenland" + ) + )) + +#shifting the longlat of the dataframe to match the pacific centered map +combination <- metrics_joined %>% + mutate(Longitude = if_else(Longitude <= -25, Longitude + 360, Longitude)) + +#duplicates? + +combination %>% + group_by(Language_ID) %>% + mutate(dupe = n() > 1) -> combination_dup +dupes <- combination_dup[combination_dup$dupe == "TRUE", ] + +#Basemap +basemap <- ggplot(combination) + + geom_polygon( + data = world, + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), + colour = "gray87", + fill = "gray87", + size = 0.5 + ) + + geom_polygon( + data = lakes, + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), + colour = "gray87", + fill = "white", + size = 0.3 + ) + + theme( + panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + #all of these lines are just removing default things like grid lines, axises etc + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + axis.title.x = element_blank(), + axis.title.y = element_blank(), + axis.line = element_blank(), + panel.border = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), + axis.text.x = element_blank(), + axis.text.y = element_blank(), + axis.ticks = element_blank() + ) + + coord_map( + projection = "vandergrinten", + ylim = c(-45, 80), + xlim = c(-30, 180) + ) + + + + +#plotting informativity map with cumstom labels +combination_shaped_0 <- combination %>% + mutate(Uralic = case_when(Family_ID == "ural1272" ~ "yes", + Family_ID != "ural1272" ~ "no")) %>% + mutate(langs_of_interest = case_when(Family_ID == "ural1272" ~ 1, + Family_ID != "ural1272" ~ 0)) %>% + mutate(langs_of_interest = as.factor(langs_of_interest)) %>% + filter(langs_of_interest == "0") + +combination_shaped_1 <- combination %>% + mutate(Uralic = case_when(Family_ID == "ural1272" ~ "yes", + Family_ID != "ural1272" ~ "no")) %>% + mutate(langs_of_interest = case_when(Family_ID == "ural1272" ~ 1, + Family_ID != "ural1272" ~ 0)) %>% + mutate(langs_of_interest = as.factor(langs_of_interest)) %>% + filter(langs_of_interest == "1") + +i_labelled <- + basemap + geom_point( + data = combination_shaped_0, + aes( + x = Longitude, + y = Latitude, + color = informativity_st, + fill = informativity_st + ), + size = 1, + pch = 21, + # stroke=NA, + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + geom_point( + data = combination_shaped_1, + aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, fill = informativity_st), + pch = 21, + size = 2.5, + colour = "black", + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + #scale_fill_gradient2(low = muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = muted("red"), midpoint=0) + + #scale_color_gradient2(low = muted("blue"), mid = "white", high = muted("red"), midpoint=0, guide="none") + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis", direction = -1) + + scale_color_viridis_c(option = "viridis", + guide = "none", + direction = -1) + + scale_shape_manual(values = c(21, 24)) + + theme( + text = element_text(size = 20), + legend.key.size = unit(0.5, units = "cm"), + legend.position = "right" + ) + + guides(fill = guide_colourbar()) + + labs(fill = "informativity") + + geom_text_repel( + aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, label = Name), + #size=5, + data = subset(combination, ( + Family_ID == "ural1272" & informativity_st > -0.5 + )), + size = 5, + box.padding = 0.7, + max.overlaps = Inf, + point.padding = 0.1 + ) +i_labelled + +ggsave( + file = "output/map_informativity_labelled.svg", + plot = i_labelled, + width = 10, + height = 9, + dpi=300 +) diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_maps_main.R b/101/replication_package/plot_maps_main.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b9c3072b938f47f40225948a26a62aaa6daeb9c --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_maps_main.R @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +#plotting maps +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(L2_prop = scale(L2_prop)[, 1]) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#an overview of area and family coverage +tab_areas <- as.data.frame(table(metrics_joined$AUTOTYP_area)) %>% + arrange(desc(Freq)) + +tab_families <- as.data.frame(table(metrics_joined$Family_ID)) %>% + arrange(desc(Freq)) + + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- + metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label,] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- + assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +world <- + map_data( + 'world', + wrap = c(-25, 335), + ylim = c(-56, 80), + margin = T + ) + +lakes <- + map_data( + "lakes", + wrap = c(-25, 335), + col = "white", + border = "gray", + ylim = c(-55, 65), + margin = T + ) + +#shifting the longlat of the dataframe to match the pacific centered map +combination <- metrics_joined %>% + mutate(Longitude = if_else(Longitude <= -25, Longitude + 360, Longitude)) + +#duplicates? + +combination %>% + group_by(Language_ID) %>% + mutate(dupe = n() > 1) -> combination_dup +dupes <- combination_dup[combination_dup$dupe == "TRUE", ] + + +#Basemap +basemap <- ggplot(combination) + + geom_polygon( + data = world, + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), + colour = "gray87", + fill = "gray87", + size = 0.5 + ) + + geom_polygon( + data = lakes, + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), + colour = "gray87", + fill = "white", + size = 0.3 + ) + + theme( + panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + #all of these lines are just removing default things like grid lines, axises etc + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + axis.title.x = element_blank(), + axis.title.y = element_blank(), + axis.line = element_blank(), + panel.border = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), + axis.text.x = element_blank(), + axis.text.y = element_blank(), + axis.ticks = element_blank() + ) + + coord_map(projection = "vandergrinten", ylim = c(-56, 67)) + +#plotting informativity map +i <- + basemap + geom_point( + data = combination, + aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = informativity_st, fill = informativity_st), + pch = 21, + size = 1.1, + alpha = 1, + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis", direction = -1) + + scale_color_viridis_c(option = "viridis", + guide = "none", + direction = -1) + + theme( + plot.title = element_text(size = 15), + legend.title = element_text(size = 15), + legend.text = element_text(size = 15), + legend.key.size = unit(0.5, units = "cm"), + legend.direction = "horizontal", + legend.position = c(.4, .07) + ) + + guides(fill = guide_colourbar()) + + labs(title = "Informativity", fill = "score") +i + +ggsave( + file = "output/map_informativity.svg", + plot = i, + width = 10, + height = 9, + dpi=300 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/map_informativity.tiff", + plot = i, + width = 10, + height = 9, + dpi=600 +) + + +#plotting boundness map +b <- + basemap + geom_point( + data = combination, + aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = boundness_st, fill = boundness_st), + pch = 21, + size = 1.1, + alpha = 1, + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) + + scale_color_viridis_c(option = "magma", + guide = "none", + direction = -1) + + theme( + plot.title = element_text(size = 15), + legend.title = element_text(size = 15), + legend.text = element_text(size = 15), + legend.key.size = unit(0.5, units = "cm"), + legend.direction = "horizontal", + legend.position = c(.4, .07) + ) + + guides(fill = guide_colourbar()) + + labs(title = "Boundness", fill = "score") + +ggsave( + file = "output/map_boundness.svg", + plot = b, + width = 10, + height = 9, + dpi=300 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/map_boundness.tiff", + plot = b, + width = 10, + height = 9, + dpi=600 +) + + + +i <- + basemap + geom_point( + data = combination, + aes( + x = Longitude, + y = Latitude, + fill = informativity_st, + color = informativity_st + ), + pch = 21, + size = 1.1, + alpha = 1, + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis", direction = -1) + + scale_color_viridis_c(option = "viridis", direction = -1) + + theme( + text = element_text(size = 15), + legend.text = element_text(size = 15), + legend.key.size = unit(0.5, units = "cm"), + legend.direction = "horizontal", + legend.position = c(.4, .07) + ) + + guides(fill = guide_colourbar(), color = "none") + + labs(fill = "informativity") + +b <- + basemap + geom_point( + data = combination, + aes( + x = Longitude, + y = Latitude, + fill = boundness_st, + color = boundness_st + ), + pch = 21, + size = 1.1, + alpha = 1, + position = position_jitter( + width = 1, + height = 1, + seed = 123 + ) + ) + + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) + + scale_color_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) + + theme( + text = element_text(size = 15), + legend.text = element_text(size = 15), + legend.key.size = unit(0.5, units = "cm"), + legend.direction = "horizontal", + legend.position = c(.4, .07) + ) + + guides(fill = guide_colourbar(), color = "none") + + labs(fill = "fusion") + +two_maps <- b / i + +ggsave( + file = "output/maps.tiff", + plot = two_maps, + width = 5, + height = 7, + dpi=800 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/maps.svg", + plot = two_maps, + width = 5, + height = 7, + dpi=600 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/maps.pdf", + plot = two_maps, + width = 5, + height = 7, + dpi=600 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output/maps.jpeg", + plot = two_maps, + width = 5, + height = 7, + dpi=600 +) + + + +#histograms +# hist_b <- ggplot(metrics_joined, aes(x = boundness_st)) + +# geom_histogram(color = "black", aes(fill = ..x..)) + +# scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) + +# labs(x = "fusion", fill = "score") + +# theme_classic(base_size = 22) +# +# hist_i <- ggplot(metrics_joined, aes(x = informativity_st)) + +# geom_histogram(color = "black", aes(fill = ..x..)) + +# scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis", direction = -1) + +# labs(x = "informativity", fill = "score") + +# theme_classic(base_size = 22) +# +# ggsave( +# file = "output/hist_boundness.svg", +# plot = hist_b, +# width = 7, +# height = 5, +# dpi=300 +# ) +# ggsave( +# file = "output/hist_informativity.svg", +# plot = hist_i, +# width = 7, +# height = 5, +# dpi=300 +# ) diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_social_effects_combined.R b/101/replication_package/plot_social_effects_combined.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ffc0147bc23362ebda5c1bf9a99c5723809562e --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_social_effects_combined.R @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +suppressPackageStartupMessages({ + library(dplyr) + library(ggplot2) +}) + +# script was written by Olena Shcherbakova and modified by Sam Passmore + +effs_I <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_social_models .csv") +effs_I$variable <- "informativity" + +effs_B <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_social_models .csv") +effs_B$variable <- "fusion" + +effs_B <- effs_B %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_I <- effs_I %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_1 <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B, effs_I)) + +effs_1$control <- "yes" + +effs_I <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_social_only_models .csv") +effs_I$variable <- "informativity" + +effs_B <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_social_only_models .csv") +effs_B$variable <- "fusion" + +effs_B <- effs_B %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_I <- effs_I %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_2 <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B, effs_I)) +effs_2$control <- "no" + +effs_1 <- effs_1 %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_2 <- effs_2 %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_1, effs_2)) + +effs_main <- effs %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) %>% + filter(!grepl("SD", effect)) %>% + filter(!grepl("Intercept", effect)) + + +#removing "(linear)" part within the model column +effs_main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_main$model) + +#adding "combined" after L1/L1 proportion where applicable +effs_main$effect <- + ifelse( + grepl("L1 speakers\\+", effs_main$model), + paste(effs_main$effect, "(combined)"), + effs_main$effect + ) + +effs_main <- effs_main %>% + mutate( + effect = dplyr::recode( + effect, + "L2 proportion (combined)" = "L2 (combined)", + "L1*L2 proportion" = "L1*L2", + "L2 proportion" = "L2" + ) + ) + +eff_main_plot_df = effs_main %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% + mutate(effect = factor( + effect, + levels = c( + "Education", + "Neighbours", + "Official status", + "L1*L2", + "L2 (combined)", + "L1 (combined)", + "L2", + "L1" + ) + )) %>% + mutate(importance = case_when((lower < 0 & + upper < 0) ~ "negative", + (lower > 0 & + upper > 0) ~ "positive", + (lower < 0 & upper > 0) | + (lower < 0 & + upper == 0) | + (lower == 0 & upper > 0) ~ "no" + )) %>% + mutate(importance = as.factor(importance)) %>% + mutate(importance = factor( + importance, + levels = c("no", "positive", "negative"), + ordered = TRUE + )) %>% + mutate(control = if_else(control == "yes", "control", "no control")) %>% + mutate(control = factor(control, levels = c("control", "no control"), ordered = TRUE)) + +dodge_width <- 0.8 + +effs_main_plot_bw <- ggplot(eff_main_plot_df, + aes( + y = effect, + x = mean, + linetype = control, + color = importance + )) + + geom_errorbar( + aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), + width = 0.5, + linewidth = 3, + position = position_dodge(width = dodge_width) + ) + + geom_point(size = 10, + position = position_dodge(width = dodge_width)) + + geom_line(position = position_dodge(width = dodge_width)) + + geom_vline( + aes(xintercept = 0), + linetype = 2, + linewidth = 1, + alpha = 0.7 + ) + + scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "red3", "steelblue")) + + ylab("") + + xlab("Estimate: 95% credible interval") + +# theme_light() + + theme_minimal() + +facet_grid(. ~ variable, scales = "free_x", space = "free") + + theme( + text = element_text(size = 55), # face = "bold"), +# legend.text = element_text(size = 25), + axis.title = element_text(size = 50), +# legend.title = element_text(size = 25), +# strip.text.x = element_text(size = 25), + legend.spacing.y = unit(2.7, 'cm'), + legend.key.width = unit(2, 'cm'), + legend.direction = "horizontal", + legend.position = "top", + legend.title = element_blank(), + axis.line = element_line(linewidth = 1), + strip.background = element_rect(color = "black", linewidth = 2), + panel.spacing.x = unit(15, "mm"), + panel.grid = element_blank(), + panel.border = element_rect(color = "gray 50", fill = NA) + ) + + guides(color = "none") + + +effs_main_plot_bw + +ggsave( + file = "output/effects_plot.png", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 24, + width = 30, + dpi = 400 +) + + +ggsave( + file = "output/effects_plot.tiff", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 400 +) + +effs_main_plot_bw +ggsave( + file = "output/effects_plot.svg", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 600 +) + +effs_main_plot_bw +ggsave( + file = "output/effects_plot.pdf", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 600 +) + +effs_main_plot_bw +ggsave( + file = "output/effects_plot.jpeg", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 600 +) diff --git a/101/replication_package/plot_spatial_parameters_linear_distances.R b/101/replication_package/plot_spatial_parameters_linear_distances.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..897d48b3120509bd21cb113db9d09fc559d30d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plot_spatial_parameters_linear_distances.R @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +#plotting the assumptions of different versions of spatial control and how their parameters relate to distances in km + +#script written by Sam Passmore and modified by Olena Shcherbakova + +#two sets +cols = c(brewer.pal(6, "Dark2")) + +# Assume these are kilometers +n_points = 2500 #with this many points (233) we achieve roughly the minimal distance that corresponds to the minimal distance in our small sample data +longitude = seq(from = -90, to = 90, length.out = n_points) #with this span we achieve roughly the maximum distance between points that corresponds to the one found in our data +latitude = rep(0, n_points) +df = data.frame(latitude = latitude, + longitude = longitude) + +parameters = data.frame(kappa = c(1, 1), + phi = c(1.25, 17)) + +parameters$name = c(sprintf("phi%.2fkappa%.2f", parameters$phi, parameters$kappa)) + +#parameters <- parameters %>% +# filter(kappa==0.5) + + +## Covariance matrix + +spatial_parameters = map2(parameters$kappa, parameters$phi,function(k, p){ + spatial_covar_mat = varcov.spatial(coords = df, + cov.pars = c(1, p), + kappa = k, + cov.model= "matern")$varcov + spatial_covar_mat +}) + +## Distance matrix (in km - so divide by 1000) +dist_data = as.matrix(df[,c("longitude", "latitude")], ncol = 2) +dist_matrix = distm(dist_data, fun = distHaversine) / 1000 + +euclidean_dist = geosphere::distm(df[,c("longitude", "latitude")], + fun = distHaversine) +dimnames(euclidean_dist) = list(c(1:n_points), c(1:n_points)) +# scale +euclidean_dist = scales::rescale(euclidean_dist) + + +diag(dist_matrix) + +distance = round(dist_matrix[lower.tri(dist_matrix)], 4) +transformed_dist = round(euclidean_dist[lower.tri(euclidean_dist)], 4) + +datafr <- as.data.frame(cbind(distance, transformed_dist)) +datafr$covariance <- rep(0,1) #a scale from 0 to 1 to make sure we have a "y axis" to which spatial parameter lines will later be plotted + +plot_n = 1000 + +sample_idx = ceiling(seq(1, nrow(datafr)-1, length.out = plot_n)) + +plot_ss = datafr[sample_idx,] +plot_ss$index = sample_idx +plot_ss = plot_ss[order(plot_ss$distance),] + +spatialkappa_lines = lapply(spatial_parameters, function(x) { + d = sort(c(x[lower.tri(x)]), decreasing = TRUE) + sample_idx = seq(1, length(d), length.out = plot_n) + d[sample_idx] +}) + +legend_text = c(bquote("local:" ~ kappa == .(parameters[1,1]) ~ "; " ~ phi == .(parameters[1,2])), + bquote("regional:" ~ kappa == .(parameters[2,1]) ~ "; " ~ phi == .(parameters[2,2]))) + +#final version: zoomed in on the distances of up to 10000 km +svg("output/plot_spatial_pars_km_zoomed.svg", width = 8, height = 8, dpi=300) +plot(x = plot_ss$distance, y = plot_ss$covariance, + type = "l", main = "Spatial parameters", col = "white", #not plotting these lines; just keeping to axis + ylim = c(0, 1), + xlim = c(0, 10000), + xlab = "Distance (km)", + ylab = "Covariance", + frame.plot = TRUE, + cex.main=1.7, + axes=FALSE, + cex.lab=1.5 +) +axis(1, at = seq(0,10000,by=2000), labels = seq(0,10000,by=2000), tick = TRUE, cex.axis=1.4) +axis(2, at = seq(0,1,by=0.2), labels = seq(0,1,by=0.2), tick = TRUE, cex.axis=1.4) + +for(i in seq_along(spatialkappa_lines)){ + lines(x = plot_ss$distance, y = spatialkappa_lines[[i]], col = cols[i], lwd = 2) +} + +legend("topright", + legend=legend_text, + col=cols, lty=1, cex=1.5, lwd = 3) +x <- dev.off() + + + +#full version +svg("output/plot_spatial_pars_km.svg", width = 8, height = 8, dpi=300) +plot(x = plot_ss$distance, y = plot_ss$covariance, + type = "l", main = "Spatial parameters", col = "white", #not plotting these lines; just keeping to axis + ylim = c(0, 1), + xlim = c(0, 15000), + xlab = "Distance (km)", + ylab = "Covariance", + frame.plot = TRUE, + cex.main=1.7, + axes=FALSE, + cex.lab=1.5) +axis(1, at = seq(0,15000,by=2500), labels = seq(0,15000,by=2500), tick = TRUE, cex.axis=1.4) +axis(2, at = seq(0,1,by=0.2), labels = seq(0,1,by=0.2), tick = TRUE, cex.axis=1.4) +for(i in seq_along(spatialkappa_lines)){ + lines(x = plot_ss$distance, y = spatialkappa_lines[[i]], col = cols[i], lwd = 2) +} + +legend("topright", + legend=legend_text, + col=cols, lty=1, cex=1.5, lwd = 3) +x <- dev.off() + diff --git a/101/replication_package/plots_social_effects_combined_on_reduced.R b/101/replication_package/plots_social_effects_combined_on_reduced.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f7f40a2b7397771aaafd28bb62b59e0ec06c315 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/plots_social_effects_combined_on_reduced.R @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +suppressPackageStartupMessages({ + library(dplyr) + library(ggplot2) +}) + +# script was written by Olena Shcherbakova and modified by Sam Passmore + +effs_I <- + read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Informativity_social_models .csv") +effs_I$variable <- "informativity" + +effs_B <- + read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Boundness_social_models .csv") +effs_B$variable <- "fusion" + +effs_B <- effs_B %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_I <- effs_I %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_1 <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B, effs_I)) + +effs_1$control <- "yes" + +effs_I <- + read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Informativity_social_only_models .csv") +effs_I$variable <- "informativity" + +effs_B <- + read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Boundness_social_only_models .csv") +effs_B$variable <- "fusion" + +effs_B <- effs_B %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_I <- effs_I %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_2 <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B, effs_I)) +effs_2$control <- "no" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_1, effs_2)) + +effs_main <- effs %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) %>% + filter(!grepl("nonlinear", model)) %>% + filter(!grepl("SD", effect)) %>% + filter(!grepl("Intercept", effect)) + + +#removing "(linear)" part within the model column +effs_main$model <- gsub("(\\s*\\(\\w+\\))", "", effs_main$model) + +#adding "combined" after L1/L1 proportion where applicable +effs_main$effect <- + ifelse( + grepl("L1 speakers\\+", effs_main$model), + paste(effs_main$effect, "(combined)"), + effs_main$effect + ) + +effs_main <- effs_main %>% + mutate(effect = dplyr::recode( + effect, + "L2 proportion (combined)" = "L2 (combined)", + "L2 proportion" = "L2" + )) + +eff_main_plot_df = effs_main %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% + mutate(effect = factor( + effect, + levels = c( + "Education", + "Neighbours", + "Official status", + "L2 (combined)", + "L1 (combined)", + "L2", + "L1" + ) + )) %>% + mutate(importance = case_when((lower < 0 & + upper < 0) ~ "negative", + (lower > 0 & + upper > 0) ~ "positive", + (lower < 0 & upper > 0) | + (lower < 0 & + upper == 0) | (lower == 0 & upper > 0) ~ "no" + )) %>% + mutate(importance = as.factor(importance)) %>% + mutate(importance = factor( + importance, + levels = c("no", "positive", "negative"), + ordered = TRUE + )) %>% + mutate(control = factor(control, levels = c("yes", "no"), ordered = TRUE)) + +effs_main_plot_bw <- ggplot(eff_main_plot_df, + aes( + y = effect, + x = mean, + linetype = control, + color = importance + )) + + geom_errorbar( + aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), + width = 0.6, + size = 2.5, + position = position_dodge(width = 0.8) + ) + + geom_point(size = 10, + position = position_dodge(width = 0.8)) + + geom_line(position = position_dodge(width = 0.8)) + + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), + linetype = 2, size = 1, alpha = 0.7) + + scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "red3", "steelblue")) + + ylab("") + + xlab("Estimate: 95% credible interval") + + theme_classic() + + facet_grid(. ~ variable, scales = "free_x", space = "free") + + theme( + axis.text = element_text(size = 65), + legend.text = element_text(size = 65), + axis.title = element_text(size = 65), + legend.title = element_text(size = 65), + strip.text.x = element_text(size = 65), + legend.spacing.y = unit(2.7, 'cm'), + legend.key.width = unit(2, 'cm'), + legend.direction = "horizontal", + legend.position = "top", + axis.line = element_line(linewidth = 1), + strip.background = element_rect(color = "black", linewidth = 1), + panel.spacing.x = unit(15, "mm") + ) + + guides(color = "none") + + +effs_main_plot_bw +ggsave( + file = "output_reduced/effects_plot.svg", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 300 +) + +effs_main_plot_bw +ggsave( + file = "output_reduced/effects_plot.jpeg", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 300 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output_reduced/effects_plot.tiff", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 400 +) + +ggsave( + file = "output_reduced/effects_plot.pdf", + plot = effs_main_plot_bw, + height = 22, + width = 36, + dpi = 400 +) diff --git a/101/replication_package/requirements.R b/101/replication_package/requirements.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b68fc10e6546ef057ff214d2ff8d8a2a0502a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/requirements.R @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +# Please run this script first to make sure you have all the necessary packages +# installed for running the rest of the scripts in this R project + +.libPaths(c("rlib/", .libPaths())) + +if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("pacman"))) { install.packages("pacman") } + +pacman::p_load( + here, + tidyverse, + reshape2, + broom, + glue, + forcats, + magrittr, + stringr, + purrr, + rcompanion, + naniar, + readr, + tidyr, + dplyr, + openxlsx, + jsonlite, + readxl, + flextable, + officer, + + + #INLA - related + sp, + scico, + BiocManager, + foreach, + + MASS, + matrixStats, + + #brms +# brms, + + # imputation + missForest, + + #plotting graphs + scales, + RColorBrewer, + ggpubr, + ggplot2, + ggrepel, + gplots, + ggtree, + ggridges, + grid, + gridExtra, + scales, + ggmap, + psych, #for scatterplot matrix + viridis, + rlang, + devtools, + patchwork, + ggnewscale, + ggstance, + + #making maps + mapdata, + maptools, + maps, +# geoR, + geosphere, + fields, + + # phylogenetic packages + ape, + phytools, + nlme, + caper, + MCMCglmm, + + + # testing + assertthat, + beepr +) + +# quiet down, tidyverse: +options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) +options(warn.conflicts = FALSE) +options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + +GRAMBANK_LANGUAGES <- file.path("../..", "cldf", "languages.csv") +GRAMBANK_VALUES <- file.path("../..", "cldf", "values.csv") +GRAMBANK_PARAMETERS <- file.path("../..", "cldf", "parameters.csv") +GRAMBANK_CODES <- file.path("../..", "cldf", "codes.csv") + +# The columns specifier for readr to parse ../cldf/values.csv +VALUES_COLSPEC <- c( + ID = col_character(), + Language_ID = col_character(), + Parameter_ID = col_character(), + Value = col_character(), + Code_ID = col_character(), + Comment = col_character(), + Source = col_character() +) + +LANGUAGES_COLSPEC = c( + ID = col_character(), + Name = col_character(), + Macroarea = col_character(), + Latitude = col_double(), + Longitude = col_double(), + Glottocode = col_character(), + ISO639P3code = col_character(), + contributed_datapoints = col_character(), + provenance = col_character(), + Family_name = col_character(), + Family_id = col_character() +) + +PARAMETERS_COLSPEC = c( + ID = col_character(), + Name = col_character(), + Description = col_character(), + patron = col_character(), + name_in_french = col_character(), + Grambank_ID_desc = col_character(), + bound_morphology = col_character() +) + +CODES_COLSPEC = c( + ID = col_character(), + Parameter_ID = col_character(), + Name = col_character(), + Description = col_character() +) + +WIDE_COLSPEC = c( + .default = col_integer(), + Language_ID = col_character(), + na_prop = col_double() +) + +#creating folders +OUTPUTDIR_models <- here("output_models") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_models)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_models) } + +OUTPUTDIR_tables <- here("output_tables") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_tables)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_tables) } + +OUTPUTDIR_output <- here("output") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_output)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_output) } + +OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling<- here("data_wrangling") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling) } + +OUTPUTDIR_models_reduced <- here("output_models_reduced") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_models_reduced)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_models_reduced) } +OUTPUTDIR_tables_reduced <- here("output_tables_reduced") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_tables_reduced)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_tables_reduced) } +OUTPUTDIR_output_reduced <- here("output_reduced") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_output_reduced)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_output_reduced) } + +#source custom functions to have them at hand +source("varcov.spatial_function.R") + +#Adding a prior for modelling with INLA on precision/SD of random effects and likelihood: the probability of SD of each random effect and likelihood being > 1 is equal to 0.1 +pcprior_hyper = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.1))) diff --git a/101/replication_package/runs_sensitivity.R b/101/replication_package/runs_sensitivity.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02393e6eb2ccbf5b7f33b31ba972bb6ce44c046e --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/runs_sensitivity.R @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +source('sensitivity_testing_B_001.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_B_05.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_B_099.R') + +WAIC_0.1 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Boundness_social_models .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.1") + +WAIC_0.01 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Boundness_social_models prior_0.01 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.01") + +WAIC_0.5 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Boundness_social_models prior_0.5 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.5") + +WAIC_0.99 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Boundness_social_models prior_0.99 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.99") + +sensitivity_B <- as.data.frame(rbind(WAIC_0.1, WAIC_0.01, WAIC_0.5, WAIC_0.99)) %>% + mutate(response="fusion") + + +source('sensitivity_testing_I_001.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_I_05.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_I_099.R') + +WAIC_0.1 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Informativity_social_models .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.1") + +WAIC_0.01 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Informativity_social_models prior_0.01 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.01") + +WAIC_0.5 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Informativity_social_models prior_0.5 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.5") + +WAIC_0.99 <- read.csv("output_tables/ waics Informativity_social_models prior_0.99 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.99") + +sensitivity_I <- as.data.frame(rbind(WAIC_0.1, WAIC_0.01, WAIC_0.5, WAIC_0.99)) %>% + mutate(response="informativity") + +sensitivity_all <- as.data.frame(rbind(sensitivity_B, sensitivity_I)) + +write.csv(sensitivity_all, "output_tables/Table_sensitivity.csv") + +sensitivity_all <- sensitivity_all %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("response", "prior")) %>% + fix_border_issues() + +save_as_docx( + "Summary of sensitivity" = sensitivity_all, + path = "output_tables/Table_sensitivity.docx") diff --git a/101/replication_package/runs_sensitivity_on_reduced.R b/101/replication_package/runs_sensitivity_on_reduced.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcde19747a8c0281d6116787264ff161d9418cc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/runs_sensitivity_on_reduced.R @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +source('sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_001.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_05.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_099.R') + +WAIC_0.1 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Boundness_social_models .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.1") + +WAIC_0.01 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Boundness_social_models prior_0.01 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.01") + +WAIC_0.5 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Boundness_social_models prior_0.5 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.5") + +WAIC_0.99 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Boundness_social_models prior_0.99 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.99") + +sensitivity_B <- as.data.frame(rbind(WAIC_0.1, WAIC_0.01, WAIC_0.5, WAIC_0.99)) %>% + mutate(response="fusion") + + +source('sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_001.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_05.R') +source('sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_099.R') + +WAIC_0.1 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Informativity_social_models .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.1") + +WAIC_0.01 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Informativity_social_models prior_0.01 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.01") + +WAIC_0.5 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Informativity_social_models prior_0.5 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.5") + +WAIC_0.99 <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ waics Informativity_social_models prior_0.99 .csv") %>% + mutate(prior = "0.99") + +sensitivity_I <- as.data.frame(rbind(WAIC_0.1, WAIC_0.01, WAIC_0.5, WAIC_0.99)) %>% + mutate(response="informativity") + +sensitivity_all <- as.data.frame(rbind(sensitivity_B, sensitivity_I)) + +write.csv(sensitivity_all, "output_tables_reduced/Table_sensitivity.csv") + +sensitivity_all <- sensitivity_all %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("response", "prior")) %>% + fix_border_issues() + +save_as_docx( + "Summary of sensitivity" = sensitivity_all, + path = "output_tables_reduced/Table_sensitivity.docx") diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_001.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_001.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f385d468b53ccb7a869558c4d56d80e9e0510ffe --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_001.R @@ -0,0 +1,441 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.01 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.01))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_social_0.01.RData") + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_05.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_05.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ec735ceaa83f7ed8099183758a9d2b6e1d4a21b --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_05.R @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.5 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.5))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_social_0.5.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_099.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_099.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..149cd891e8e03e83b80fe2f43b1be4c405f0fe21 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_B_099.R @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.99 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.99))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Boundness_social_0.99.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_001.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_001.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4626a9359c8b846c0e8e29f6fd2e9b554e2c97f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_001.R @@ -0,0 +1,441 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.01 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.01))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Informativity_social_0.01.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_05.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_05.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20f4439043af277ee7656696d8f58be7da415c81 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_05.R @@ -0,0 +1,441 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.5 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.5))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Informativity_social_0.5.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_099.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_099.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0f2112e1421a1d3c90ccf5044d49d5f9bd2addc --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_I_099.R @@ -0,0 +1,441 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.99 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.99))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log10:L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[-length(L2_prop_element)] #making sure that the interaction term (introduced below) is not treated as belonging to this isolated element + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +#can use only part of the interaction term within grepl() function +interaction_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl(":L2 proportion", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +interaction_element <- interaction_element[interaction_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, 10, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", 10) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", 10) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", 10) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,10,1) +result <- vector("list",10) + +for(i in 1:10){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% interaction_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log10:L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log10:L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L1*L2 proportion", "y for L1*L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models/models_Informativity_social_0.99.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) +interaction_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" +interaction_effects$effect <- "L1*L2 proportion" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects, interaction_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_001.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_001.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..044346818712f924c426a1a4f8782341611a42d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_001.R @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.01 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.01))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Boundness_social_0.01.RData") + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_05.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_05.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..130953726bbd8c3901007015f775654fd0d3b10f --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_05.R @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.5 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.5))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Boundness_social_0.5.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_099.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_099.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..949d60a1e2c2545a641470d477f1e93a44b8aae6 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_B_099.R @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +#model fitting: Boundness predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.99 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.99))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("boundness_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Boundness_social_0.99.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Boundness_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_001.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_001.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbb3853ed97d7b711e418d5ae70c6315c0ccd590 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_001.R @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.01 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.01))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.01), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Informativity_social_0.01.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.01", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_05.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_05.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f06fedd710d36a3efebbcc53f6222b9269d2083 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_05.R @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.5 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.5))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.5), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Informativity_social_0.5.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.5", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + diff --git a/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_099.R b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_099.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b7b526eaca46356c96a94d44d7ffa56f4a85c56 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/sensitivity_testing_reduced_I_099.R @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +#model fitting: Informativity predicted by social effects on top of random phylogenetic and spatial factors + +source("requirements.R") + +source("install_and_load_INLA.R") + +source("set_up_inla.R") + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + filter(!is.na(L1_log10_st)) %>% + rename(L1_log_st = L1_log10_st) %>% + mutate(L1_copy = L1_log_st) %>% + filter(!is.na(L2_prop)) %>% + mutate(L2_copy = L2_prop) %>% + filter(!is.na(neighboring_languages_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Official)) %>% + filter(!is.na(Education)) %>% + filter(!is.na(boundness_st)) %>% + filter(!is.na(informativity_st)) + +#dropping tips not in Grambank +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined[metrics_joined$Language_ID %in% tree$tip.label, ] +tree <- keep.tip(tree, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +x <- assert_that(all(tree$tip.label %in% metrics_joined$Language_ID), msg = "The data and phylogeny taxa do not match") + +## Building standardized phylogenetic precision matrix +tree_scaled <- tree + +tree_vcv = vcv.phylo(tree_scaled) +typical_phylogenetic_variance = exp(mean(log(diag(tree_vcv)))) + +tree_scaled$edge.length <- tree_scaled$edge.length/typical_phylogenetic_variance +phylo_prec_mat <- MCMCglmm::inverseA(tree_scaled, + nodes = "ALL", + scale = FALSE)$Ainv + +metrics_joined = metrics_joined[order(match(metrics_joined$Language_ID, rownames(phylo_prec_mat))),] + +#"local" set of parameters +## Create spatial covariance matrix using the matern covariance function +spatial_covar_mat_1 = varcov.spatial(metrics_joined[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")], + cov.pars = phi_1, kappa = kappa)$varcov +# Calculate and standardize by the typical variance +typical_variance_spatial_1 = exp(mean(log(diag(spatial_covar_mat_1)))) +spatial_cov_std_1 = spatial_covar_mat_1 / typical_variance_spatial_1 +spatial_prec_mat_1 = solve(spatial_cov_std_1) +dimnames(spatial_prec_mat_1) = list(metrics_joined$Language_ID, metrics_joined$Language_ID) + +## Since we are using a sparse phylogenetic matrix, we are matching taxa to rows in the matrix +phy_id = match(tree$tip.label, rownames(phylo_prec_mat)) +metrics_joined$phy_id = phy_id + +## Other effects are in the same order they appear in the dataset +metrics_joined$sp_id = 1:nrow(spatial_prec_mat_1) + +pcprior_hyper_0.99 = list(prec =list(prior="pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.99))) + +#Preparing the formulas for 10 competing models to be used in inla() call +listcombo <- list( + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "L1_log_st", "L2_prop"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "neighboring_languages_st"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Official"), + + c("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Education")) + + +predterms <- lapply(listcombo, function(x) paste(x, collapse="+")) + +predterms <- t(as.data.frame(predterms)) + +predterms_short <- predterms +predterms_short <- gsub("f(phy_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = phylo_prec_mat, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Phylogenetic", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(sp_id, model = 'generic0', Cmatrix = spatial_prec_mat_1, constr = TRUE, hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99)", "Spatial: local", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L1_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L1_log_st", "L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("f(inla.group(L2_copy), model='rw2', scale.model = TRUE)", "L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("L2_prop", "L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) +predterms_short <- gsub("neighboring_languages_st", "Neighbours", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE) + + +phylogenetic_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Phylogenetic", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +phylogenetic_element <- phylogenetic_element[phylogenetic_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_local <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("local", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_local <- spatial_element_local[spatial_element_local$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element_regional <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("regional", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +spatial_element_regional <- spatial_element_regional[spatial_element_regional$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +spatial_element <- c(spatial_element_local, spatial_element_regional) + +L1_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_element <- L1_element[L1_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + + +L1_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L1 speakers (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L1_nl_element <- L1_nl_element[L1_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (linear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_element <- L2_prop_element[L2_prop_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +L2_prop_nl_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("L2 proportion (nonlinear)", predterms_short, fixed=TRUE), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +L2_prop_nl_element <- L2_prop_nl_element[L2_prop_nl_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +neighbour_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Neighbours", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +neighbour_element <- neighbour_element[neighbour_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +official_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Official", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +official_element <- official_element[official_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +education_element <- data.frame("judgement" = grepl("Education", predterms_short), + number = 1:length(predterms_short)) +education_element <- education_element[education_element$judgement == TRUE,]$number + +models_number <- length(predterms_short) + +#preparing empty matrices to be filled with effect estimates (quantiles), model name, and WAIC value +phy_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(phy_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +spa_effects_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(spa_effects_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +intercept_matrix <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(intercept_matrix) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +social_effects_matrix_L1 <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_N <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_N) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_O <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_O) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_E <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_E) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") +social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop <- matrix(NA, models_number, 5) +colnames(social_effects_matrix_L1_L2_prop) <- c("2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "model", "WAIC") + +#fitted values +fitted_list <- vector("list", models_number) +names(fitted_list) <- predterms_short + +#marginals of hyperparameters +marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +#marginals of fixed effects +marginals_fixed_list_Intercept <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1 <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_O <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_O) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_N <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_N) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_E <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_E) <- predterms_short + +marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop <- vector("list", models_number) +names(marginals_fixed_list_L1_L2_prop) <- predterms_short + + + + +#summary statistics of random effects +summary_random_list_phy <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_phy) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_spa <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_spa) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L1_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L1_nl) <- predterms_short + +summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl <- vector("list", models_number) +names(summary_random_list_social_L2_prop_nl) <- predterms_short + + +coefm <- matrix(NA,models_number,1) +result <- vector("list",models_number) + +for(i in 1:models_number){ + formula <- as.formula(paste("informativity_st ~ ",predterms[[i]])) + result[[i]] <- inla(formula, family="gaussian", + control.family = list(hyper = pcprior_hyper_0.99), + #control.inla = list(tolerance = 1e-8, h = 0.0001), + #tolerance: the tolerance for the optimisation of the hyperparameters + #h: the step-length for the gradient calculations for the hyperparameters. + data=metrics_joined, control.compute=list(waic=TRUE)) + + coefm[i,1] <- round(result[[i]]$waic$waic, 2) + + intercept_matrix[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[1,]$`0.975quant`) + intercept_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + intercept_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["(Intercept)"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_Intercept[[i]]) <- c("x for Intercept", "y for Intercept") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element) { + phy_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for phy_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + phy_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + phy_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element) { + spa_effects_matrix[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for sp_id`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + spa_effects_matrix[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + spa_effects_matrix[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 1:3] <- inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/sqrt(x), + result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar$`Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)`, + method = "linear") %>% + inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), .) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + } + + if(i %in% L1_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L1_log_st",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L1[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L1_log_st"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L1[[i]]) <- c("x for L1", "y for L1") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_element) { + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed["L2_prop",]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_L2_prop[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][["L2_prop"]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_L2_prop[[i]]) <- c("x for L2 proportion", "y for L2 proportion") + } + + if(i %in% neighbour_element) { + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_N[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_N[[i]]) <- c("x for Neighbours", "y for Neighbours") + } + + if(i %in% official_element) { + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_O[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_O[[i]]) <- c("x for Official", "y for Official") + } + + if(i %in% education_element) { + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 1:3] <- c(result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.025quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.5quant`, result[[i]]$summary.fixed[2,]$`0.975quant`) + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 4] <- predterms_short[[i]] + social_effects_matrix_E[i, 5] <- result[[i]]$waic$waic + + marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]][["marginals.fixed"]][[2]])) + colnames(marginals_fixed_list_E[[i]]) <- c("x for Education", "y for Education") + } + + fitted_list[[i]] <- result[[i]]$summary.fitted.values + fitted_list[[i]] <- fitted_list[[i]] %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + + marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for the Gaussian observations"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_gaussian[[i]]) <- c("x for the Gaussian observations", "y for the Gaussian observations") + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for phy_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_phy[[i]]) <- c("x for phy_id", "y for phy_id") + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for sp_id"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_spa[[i]]) <- c("x for sp_id", "y for sp_id") + } + + if(i %in% L1_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L1_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L1_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L1_copy)", "y for inla.group(L1_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% L2_prop_nl_element){ + marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(result[[i]]$marginals.hyperpar[["Precision for inla.group(L2_copy)"]])) + colnames(marginals_hyperpar_list_social_L2_prop_nl[[i]]) <- c("x for inla.group(L2_copy)", "y for inla.group(L2_copy)") + } + + if(i %in% phylogenetic_element){ + summary_random_list_phy[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$phy_id) %>% + rename(phy_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } + + if(i %in% spatial_element){ + summary_random_list_spa[[i]] <- cbind(result[[i]]$summary.random$sp_id) %>% + rename(sp_id = ID) %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) + } +} + +#beepr::beep(5) + +save(result, file = "output_models_reduced/models_Informativity_social_0.99.RData") + + +coefm <- as.data.frame(cbind(predterms_short, coefm)) +colnames(coefm) <- c("model", "WAIC") +coefm <- coefm %>% + mutate(across(.cols=2, as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + arrange(WAIC) + +coefm$WAIC <- as.numeric(coefm$WAIC) +coefm <- coefm[order(coefm$WAIC),] + +coefm_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "waics", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(coefm, coefm_path, row.names=FALSE) + + +phy_effects<-as.data.frame(phy_effects_matrix) +spa_effects<-as.data.frame(spa_effects_matrix) +intercept_effects <- as.data.frame(intercept_matrix) +L1_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1) +L1_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L1_nl) +L2_prop_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop) +L2_prop_nl_effects <- as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_L2_prop_nl) +N_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_N) +E_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_E) +O_effects<-as.data.frame(social_effects_matrix_O) + +phy_effects$effect <- "phylogenetic SD" +spa_effects$effect <- "spatial SD" +intercept_effects$effect <- "Intercept" +L1_effects$effect <- "L1" +L1_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL1" +L2_prop_effects$effect <- "L2 proportion" +L2_prop_nl_effects$effect <- "social SD:\nL2 proportion" +N_effects$effect <- "Neighbours" +E_effects$effect <- "Education" +O_effects$effect <- "Official status" + +effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(phy_effects, spa_effects, intercept_effects, L1_effects, L1_nl_effects, L2_prop_effects, L2_prop_nl_effects, N_effects, O_effects, E_effects)) +effs <- effs %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(1:3, 5), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + na.omit() %>% + arrange(WAIC) %>% + relocate(model) + +effs_path <- paste("output_tables_reduced/", "effects", "Informativity_social_models", "prior_0.99", ".csv", collapse = "") +write.csv(effs, effs_path, row.names=FALSE) + diff --git a/101/replication_package/set_up_general.R b/101/replication_package/set_up_general.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be92ae079d60d532d6b473e4aac30ad5e05ca3d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/set_up_general.R @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +source("requirements.R") + +#creating basic dfs for general use + +#optional script that generates grambank dataset, parameters file, and glottolog from git submodules -- the files that have already been made available by authors. +#this script is only runnable if the external data are correctly downloaded +#source("get_external_data.R") +#source("generating_GB_input_file.R") + +if(!(file.exists("output/Bound_morph/bound_morph_score.tsv"))){ + cat("Calculating boundness score.\n") + source("creating_boundness_metric.R") +} + +if(!(file.exists("output/Informativity/informativity_score.tsv"))){ + cat("Calculating informativity score.\n") + source("creating_informativity_score.R") +} + +if(!(file.exists("data_wrangling/wrangled.tree"))){ + cat("Pruning EDGE-tree.\n") + source("wrangling_tree.R") +} + +AUTOTYP_areas_fn <- "data_wrangling/glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv" +if(!(file.exists(AUTOTYP_areas_fn))){ + cat("Generating table of AUTOTYP-areas.\n") + source("assigning_AUTOTYP_areas.R") +} + +#GB langs for subsettting +GB_langs <- read_tsv("data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv", col_types = WIDE_COLSPEC) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID) diff --git a/101/replication_package/set_up_inla.R b/101/replication_package/set_up_inla.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e99f252678a3ae7efb86c441f875740705fb72e --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/set_up_inla.R @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +source("requirements.R") + +#parameters +kappa = 1 +phi_1 = c(1, 1.25) # "Local" version: (sigma, phi) First value is not used +phi_2 = c(1, 17) # "Regional" version: (sigma, phi) First value is not used + +#GB langs for subsetting +GB_langs <- read_tsv("data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv", col_types = WIDE_COLSPEC) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID) + +areas <- read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_AUTOTYPE_areas.tsv", show_col_types = F) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, AUTOTYP_area) + +glottolog_df <- read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv", show_col_types = F) %>% + inner_join(GB_langs, by = "Language_ID") %>% + mutate(Family_ID = ifelse(is.na(Family_ID), Language_level_ID, Family_ID)) %>% + mutate(Longitude = round(Longitude, 3)) %>% # let's cut down the precision of the lat/long to make the process go quicker. See stack exchange thread where they say "The third decimal place is worth up to 110 m: it can identify a large agricultural field or institutional campus." https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/8650/measuring-accuracy-of-latitude-and-longitude + mutate(Latitude = round(Latitude, 3)) + + +#taking care of duplicate coordinates by finding them and jittering them +glottolog_df <- glottolog_df %>% + mutate(longlat = paste0(Longitude, " - ", Latitude)) %>% + mutate(longlat = ifelse(longlat == "NA - NA", NA, longlat)) %>% + mutate(dup_longlat = (duplicated(longlat) + duplicated(longlat, fromLast = TRUE))) %>% + mutate(dup_longlat = ifelse(is.na(Longitude), NA, dup_longlat )) %>% + mutate(Longitude = ifelse(dup_longlat >= 1, jitter(Longitude, factor = 1), Longitude)) %>% + mutate(Latitude = ifelse(dup_longlat >= 1, jitter(Latitude, factor = 1), Latitude)) + +# #checking closest languoids +# glottolog_matrix <- glottolog_df %>% +# column_to_rownames("Language_ID") %>% +# dplyr::select(Longitude, Latitude) %>% +# as.matrix() +# +# dists <- rdist.earth(glottolog_matrix, miles = F) +# +# diag(dists) <- NA +# +# dists %>% +# reshape2::melt() %>% +# arrange(value) %>% +# .[1:10,] + +if(sample == "reduced"){ + pop_file_fn <- "data_wrangling/pop_reduced.tsv" +} else { + pop_file_fn <- "data_wrangling/pop_full.tsv" +} + +metrics_joined <- read_tsv(pop_file_fn, show_col_types = F ) %>% + full_join(read_tsv("output/Informativity/informativity_score.tsv", show_col_types = F), by = "Language_ID" ) %>% + full_join(read_tsv("output/Bound_morph/bound_morph_score.tsv", show_col_types = F), by = "Language_ID" ) %>% + full_join(glottolog_df, by = "Language_ID") %>% + #full_join(mean_size, by = "Language_ID") %>% + #full_join(hierarchy, by = "Language_ID") %>% + full_join(areas, by = "Language_ID") + +if(sample == "reduced"){ + metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, Name, Family_ID, Macroarea, Latitude, Longitude, boundness_st, informativity_st, boundness, Informativity, L1_log10_st, L2_prop, Education, Official, neighboring_languages_st, AUTOTYP_area) +} else { + metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID, Name, Family_ID, Macroarea, Latitude, Longitude, boundness_st, informativity_st, boundness, Informativity, L1_log10_st, L1_log10, L2_prop, Education, Official, neighboring_languages_st, AUTOTYP_area) +} + +metrics_joined <- metrics_joined %>% + #discarding languages with no or low numbers of L1 speakers and L2 speakers resulting primarily from language revival efforts + filter(!Language_ID == "gami1243") %>% + filter(!Language_ID == "tuni1252") %>% + filter(!Language_ID == "yuch1247") %>% + filter(!Language_ID == "mari1424") %>% + filter(!Language_ID == "natc1249") %>% + filter(!Language_ID == "poli1260") #removing Polish due to problems with coding + +tree <- read.tree(file.path("data_wrangling/wrangled.tree")) + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/101/replication_package/table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI.R b/101/replication_package/table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63afb9bf94bd58b45a43e842e8538ecaed2eeb47 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI.R @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +#generate summary tables of WAIC values and effects for all boundness and informativity models (including social-only models and models including non-linear effects) + +effs_B_SP <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models .csv") %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) +effs_B_social <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_social_models .csv") %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) +effs_B_social_only <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_social_only_models .csv") %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + + + +effs_B <- + as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B_SP, effs_B_social, effs_B_social_only)) %>% + mutate(response = "fusion") + +effs_I_SP <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models .csv") %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) +effs_I_social <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_social_models .csv") %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) +effs_I_social_only <- + read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_social_only_models .csv") %>% + rename(lower = 2, + upper = 4, + mean = 3) + +effs_I <- + as.data.frame(rbind(effs_I_SP, effs_I_social, effs_I_social_only)) %>% + mutate(response = "informativity") + +all_effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B, effs_I)) %>% + rename("2.5%" = 2, + "50%" = 3, + "97.5%" = 4) %>% + relocate(effect, .after = model) %>% + relocate(response, .after = model) + +write.csv(all_effs, "output_tables/Table_INLA_all_models.csv") + +all_effs <- all_effs %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j = c("response", "model")) %>% + fix_border_issues() + +save_as_docx("Summary of all fitted INLA models" = all_effs, + path = "output_tables/Table_INLA_all_models.docx") diff --git a/101/replication_package/table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI_reduced.R b/101/replication_package/table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI_reduced.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49a5c5b6c893a097c301f1cd38b34bbc7fbd8347 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/table_INLA_summary_all_models_SI_reduced.R @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#generate summary tables of WAIC values and effects for all boundness and informativity models (including social-only models and models including non-linear effects) + +#for random effects only, the access folder is output_tables rather than output_tables_reduced +effs_B_SP <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Boundness_phylogenetic_spatial_models .csv") +effs_B_social <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Boundness_social_models .csv") +effs_B_social_only <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Boundness_social_only_models .csv") + +effs_B <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B_SP, effs_B_social, effs_B_social_only)) %>% + mutate(response="boundness") + +effs_I_SP <- read.csv("output_tables/ effects Informativity_phylogenetic_spatial_models .csv") +effs_I_social <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Informativity_social_models .csv") +effs_I_social_only <- read.csv("output_tables_reduced/ effects Informativity_social_only_models .csv") + +effs_I <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_I_SP, effs_I_social, effs_I_social_only)) %>% + mutate(response="informativity") + +all_effs <- as.data.frame(rbind(effs_B, effs_I)) %>% + rename("2.5%"=2, + "50%" = 3, + "97.5%" = 4) %>% + relocate(effect, .after = model) %>% + relocate(response, .after = model) + +write.csv(all_effs, "output_tables_reduced/Table_INLA_all_models.csv") + +all_effs <- all_effs %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("response", "model")) %>% + fix_border_issues() + +save_as_docx( + "Summary of all fitted INLA models" = all_effs, + path = "output_tables_reduced/Table_INLA_all_models.docx") diff --git a/101/replication_package/varcov.spatial_function.R b/101/replication_package/varcov.spatial_function.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a065b249d15b4f2e2971edbd5aea3ab15f7f1487 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/varcov.spatial_function.R @@ -0,0 +1,611 @@ +#This script contains the code from the package geoR for the particular funciton varcov.spatial. It was not possible to load the package itself due to problems with XQuartz from xquartz.macosforge.org no longer part of OS X, making it cumbersome for many mac-users to run the code. We are grateful to the creators of the package (Paulo J. Ribeiro Jr, Peter J. Diggle, Ole Christensen, Martin Schlather, Roger Bivand and Brian Ripley) for their labour acknowledge that this is their funciton. + +varcov.spatial = function (coords = NULL, dists.lowertri = NULL, cov.model = "matern", + kappa = 0.5, nugget = 0, cov.pars = stop("no cov.pars argument"), + inv = FALSE, det = FALSE, func.inv = c("cholesky", "eigen", + "svd", "solve"), scaled = FALSE, only.decomposition = FALSE, + sqrt.inv = FALSE, try.another.decomposition = TRUE, only.inv.lower.diag = FALSE, + ...) +{ + func.inv <- match.arg(func.inv) + cov.model <- sapply(cov.model, match.arg, choices = .geoR.cov.models) + if (only.inv.lower.diag) + inv <- TRUE + if (is.null(coords) & is.null(dists.lowertri)) + stop("one of the arguments, coords or dists.lowertri must be provided") + if (!is.null(coords) & !is.null(dists.lowertri)) + stop("only ONE argument, either coords or dists.lowertri must be provided") + if (!is.null(coords)) + n <- nrow(coords) + if (!is.null(dists.lowertri)) + n <- as.integer(round(0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(dists.lowertri))))) + tausq <- nugget + if (is.vector(cov.pars)) { + sigmasq <- cov.pars[1] + phi <- cov.pars[2] + } + else { + sigmasq <- cov.pars[, 1] + phi <- cov.pars[, 2] + } + if (!is.null(coords)) + dists.lowertri <- as.vector(dist(coords)) + if (round(1e+12 * min(dists.lowertri)) == 0) + warning("Two or more pairs of data at coincident (or very close) locations. \nThis may cause crashes in some matrices operations.\n") + varcov <- matrix(0, n, n) + if (scaled) { + if (all(phi < 1e-12)) + varcov <- diag(x = (1 + (tausq/sum(sigmasq))), n) + else { + if (is.vector(cov.pars)) + cov.pars.sc <- c(1, phi) + else cov.pars.sc <- cbind(1, phi) + covvec <- cov.spatial(obj = dists.lowertri, cov.model = cov.model, + kappa = kappa, cov.pars = cov.pars.sc) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + varcov <- t(varcov) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + remove("covvec") + if (sum(sigmasq) < 1e-16) + diag(varcov) <- 1 + else diag(varcov) <- 1 + (tausq/sum(sigmasq)) + } + } + else { + if (all(sigmasq < 1e-10) | all(phi < 1e-10)) { + varcov <- diag(x = (tausq + sum(sigmasq)), n) + } + else { + covvec <- cov.spatial(obj = dists.lowertri, cov.model = cov.model, + kappa = kappa, cov.pars = cov.pars) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + varcov <- t(varcov) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + remove("covvec") + diag(varcov) <- tausq + sum(sigmasq) + } + } + if (inv | det | only.decomposition | sqrt.inv | only.inv.lower.diag) { + if (func.inv == "cholesky") { + varcov.sqrt <- try(chol(varcov), silent = TRUE) + if (inherits(varcov.sqrt, "try-error")) { + if (try.another.decomposition) { + cat("trying another decomposition (svd)\n") + func.inv <- "svd" + } + else { + print(varcov.sqrt[1]) + stop() + } + } + else { + if (only.decomposition | inv) + remove("varcov") + if (!only.decomposition) { + if (det) + cov.logdeth <- sum(log(diag(varcov.sqrt))) + if (sqrt.inv) + inverse.sqrt <- solve(varcov.sqrt) + if (inv) { + invcov <- chol2inv(varcov.sqrt) + if (!sqrt.inv) + remove("varcov.sqrt") + } + } + } + } + if (func.inv == "svd") { + varcov.svd <- svd(varcov, nv = 0) + cov.logdeth <- try(sum(log(sqrt(varcov.svd$d))), + silent = TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try-error")) { + if (try.another.decomposition) { + cat("trying another decomposition (eigen)\n") + func.inv <- "eigen" + } + else { + print(cov.logdeth[1]) + stop() + } + } + else { + if (only.decomposition | inv) + remove("varcov") + if (only.decomposition) + varcov.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.svd$u) * + sqrt(sqrt(varcov.svd$d))) + if (inv) { + invcov <- crossprod(t(varcov.svd$u)/sqrt(varcov.svd$d)) + } + if (sqrt.inv) + inverse.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.svd$u)/sqrt(sqrt(varcov.svd$d))) + } + } + if (func.inv == "solve") { + if (det) + stop("the option func.inv == \"solve\" does not allow computation of determinants. \nUse func.inv = \"chol\",\"svd\" or \"eigen\"\n") + invcov <- try(solve(varcov), silent = TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try-error")) { + if (try.another.decomposition) + func.inv <- "eigen" + else { + print(invcov[1]) + stop() + } + } + remove("varcov") + } + if (func.inv == "eigen") { + varcov.eig <- try(eigen(varcov, symmetric = TRUE), + silent = TRUE) + cov.logdeth <- try(sum(log(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))), + silent = TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try.error") | inherits(varcov.eig, + "try-error")) { + diag(varcov) <- 1.0001 * diag(varcov) + varcov.eig <- try(eigen(varcov, symmetric = TRUE), + silent = TRUE) + cov.logdeth <- try(sum(log(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))), + silent = TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try.error") | inherits(varcov.eig, + "try-error")) { + return(list(crash.parms = c(tausq = tausq, + sigmasq = sigmasq, phi = phi, kappa = kappa))) + } + } + else { + if (only.decomposition | inv) + remove("varcov") + if (only.decomposition) + varcov.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.eig$vec) * + sqrt(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))) + if (inv) + invcov <- crossprod(t(varcov.eig$vec)/sqrt(varcov.eig$val)) + if (sqrt.inv) + inverse.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.eig$vec)/sqrt(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))) + } + } + } + if (!only.decomposition) { + if (det) { + if (inv) { + if (only.inv.lower.diag) + result <- list(lower.inverse = invcov[lower.tri(invcov)], + diag.inverse = diag(invcov), log.det.to.half = cov.logdeth) + else result <- list(inverse = invcov, log.det.to.half = cov.logdeth) + } + else { + result <- list(varcov = varcov, log.det.to.half = cov.logdeth) + } + if (sqrt.inv) + result$sqrt.inverse <- inverse.sqrt + } + else { + if (inv) { + if (only.inv.lower.diag) + result <- list(lower.inverse = invcov[lower.tri(invcov)], + diag.inverse = diag(invcov)) + else { + if (sqrt.inv) + result <- list(inverse = invcov, sqrt.inverse = inverse.sqrt) + else result <- list(inverse = invcov) + } + } + else result <- list(varcov = varcov) + } + } + else result <- list(sqrt.varcov = varcov.sqrt) + result$crash.parms <- NULL + return(result) +} + + + + + + + + +".geoR.cov.models" <- + c("matern", "exponential", "gaussian", "spherical", + "circular", "cubic", "wave", "linear", "power", + "powered.exponential", "stable", "cauchy", "gencauchy", + "gneiting", "gneiting.matern", "pure.nugget") + +"geoRCovModels" <- .geoR.cov.models + +"practicalRange" <- + function (cov.model, phi, kappa=0.5, correlation = 0.05, ...) + { + cov.model <- match.arg(cov.model, choices = .geoR.cov.models) + .check.cov.model(cov.model = cov.model, cov.pars=c(1,phi), kappa=kappa, output=FALSE) + if(cov.model %in% c("circular","cubic","spherical")) + return(phi) + if(any(cov.model %in% c("pure.nugget"))) + return(0) + if(any(cov.model %in% c("linear"))) + return(Inf) + if(any(cov.model %in% c("power"))) + return(Inf) + findRange <- function(range, cm, p, k, cor) + cov.spatial(range, cov.model = cm, kappa = k, cov.pars = c(1, p))-cor + pr <- uniroot(findRange, interval = c(0, 50 * phi + 1), + cm = cov.model, p = phi, k = kappa, cor = correlation, + ...)$root + return(pr) + } + +".check.cov.model" <- + function(cov.model, cov.pars, kappa, env=NULL, output=TRUE) + return(list(cov.model=cov.model, sigmasq=sigmasq, phi=phi, kappa=kappa, ns=ns)) + +"matern" <- + function (u, phi, kappa) + { + if(is.vector(u)) names(u) <- NULL + if(is.matrix(u)) dimnames(u) <- list(NULL, NULL) + uphi <- u/phi + uphi <- ifelse(u > 0, + (((2^(-(kappa-1)))/ifelse(0, Inf,gamma(kappa))) * + (uphi^kappa) * + besselK(x=uphi, nu=kappa)), 1) + uphi[u > 600*phi] <- 0 + return(uphi) + } + +".cor.number" <- + function(cov.model= c("exponential", "matern", "gaussian", + "spherical", "circular", "linear", "cubic", "wave", "power", + "powered.exponential", "stable", "cauchy", "gencauchy", "gneiting", + "gneiting.matern", "pure.nugget")) + { + ### WARNING: codes for covariance functions below + ### MUST be the same as in the C code "cor_diag" + cov.model <- match.arg(cov.model) + if(cov.model == "stable") cov.model <- "powered.exponential" + cornumber <- switch(cov.model, + pure.nugget = as.integer(1), + exponential = as.integer(2), + spherical = as.integer(3), + gaussian = as.integer(4), + wave = as.integer(5), + cubic = as.integer(6), + power = as.integer(7), + powered.exponential = as.integer(8), + cauchy = as.integer(9), + gneiting = as.integer(10), + circular = as.integer(11), + matern = as.integer(12), + gneiting.matern = as.integer(13), + gencauchy = as.integer(14), + stop("wrong or no specification of cov.model") + ) + return(cornumber) + } + +".check.cov.model" <- + function(cov.model, cov.pars, kappa, env=NULL, output=TRUE) + { + ## extracting covariance parameters + if(is.vector(cov.pars)) sigmasq <- cov.pars[1] + else sigmasq <- cov.pars[, 1] + if(is.vector(cov.pars)) phi <- cov.pars[2] + else phi <- cov.pars[, 2] + if(missing(kappa) || is.null(kappa)) kappa <- NA + ## checking for nested models + cov.pars <- drop(cov.pars) + if(is.vector(cov.pars)) ns <- 1 + else{ + ns <- nrow(cov.pars) + if(length(cov.model) == 1) cov.model <- rep(cov.model, ns) + if(length(kappa) == 1) kappa <- rep(kappa, ns) + } + if(length(cov.model) != ns) stop("wrong length for cov.model") + ## + cov.model <- sapply(cov.model, match.arg, .geoR.cov.models) + cov.model[cov.model == "stable"] <- "powered.exponential" + if(any(cov.model == c("gneiting.matern", "gencauchy"))){ + if(length(kappa) != 2*ns) + stop(paste("wrong length for kappa, ", cov.model, "model requires two values for the argument kappa")) + } + else{ + if(length(kappa) != ns) stop('wrong length for kappa') + } + ## settings for power model (do not reverse order of the next two lines!) + phi[cov.model == "linear"] <- 1 + cov.model[cov.model == "linear"] <- "power" + ## checking input for cov. models with extra parameter(s) + if(any(cov.model == 'gneiting.matern') && ns > 1) + stop('nested models including the gneiting.matern are not implemented') + for(i in 1:ns){ + if(any(cov.model[i] == c("matern","powered.exponential", "cauchy", + "gneiting.matern", "gencauchy"))){ + if(any(cov.model[i] == c("gneiting.matern", "gencauchy"))){ + if(any(is.na(kappa)) || length(kappa) != 2*ns) + stop(paste(cov.model[i],"correlation function model requires a vector with 2 parameters in the argument kappa")) + } + else{ + if(is.na(kappa[i]) | is.null(kappa[i])) + stop("for matern, powered.exponential and cauchy covariance functions the parameter kappa must be provided") + } + if((cov.model[i] == "matern" | cov.model[i] == "powered.exponential" | + cov.model[i] == "cauchy") & length(kappa) != 1*ns) + stop("kappa must have 1 parameter for this correlation function") + if(cov.model[i] == "matern" & kappa[i] == 0.5) cov.model[i] == "exponential" + } + if(cov.model[i] == "power") + if(any(phi[i] >= 2) | any(phi[i] <= 0)) + stop("for power model the phi parameters must be in the interval ]0,2[") + } + if(!is.null(env)){ + assign("sigmasq", sigmasq, envir=env) + assign("phi", phi, envir=env) + assign("kappa", kappa, envir=env) + assign("ns", ns, envir=env) + assign("cov.model", cov.model, envir=env) + } + if(output) + return(list(cov.model=cov.model, sigmasq=sigmasq, phi=phi, kappa=kappa, ns=ns)) + else return(invisible()) + } + +"cov.spatial" <- + function(obj, cov.model = "matern", + cov.pars = stop("no cov.pars argument provided"), + kappa = 0.5) + { + fn.env <- sys.frame(sys.nframe()) + .check.cov.model(cov.model=cov.model, cov.pars=cov.pars, kappa=kappa, + env=fn.env, output=FALSE) + phi <- get("phi", envir=fn.env) + sigmasq <- get("sigmasq", envir=fn.env) + ## + ## computing correlations/covariances + ## + # covs <- array(0, dim = dim(obj)) + covs <- obj; covs[] <- 0 + for(i in 1:get("ns", envir=fn.env)) { + if(phi[i] < 1e-16) + cov.model[i] <- "pure.nugget" + obj.sc <- obj/phi[i] + cov.values <- switch(cov.model[i], + pure.nugget = rep(0, length(obj)), + wave = (1/obj) * (phi[i] * sin(obj.sc)), + exponential = exp( - (obj.sc)), + matern = { + if(kappa[i] == 0.5) exp( - (obj.sc)) + else matern(u = obj, phi = phi[i], kappa = kappa[i])}, + gaussian = exp( - ((obj.sc)^2)), + spherical = ifelse(obj < phi[i], (1 - 1.5 * (obj.sc) + + 0.5 * (obj.sc)^3), 0), + circular = { + obj.sc[obj.sc > 1] <- 1; + ifelse(obj < phi[i], (1 - (2 * ((obj.sc) * + sqrt(1 - ((obj.sc)^2)) + + asin(obj.sc)))/pi), 0) + }, + cubic = { + ifelse(obj < phi[i], (1 - (7 * (obj.sc^2) - + 8.75 * (obj.sc^3) + + 3.5 * (obj.sc^5) - + 0.75 * (obj.sc^7))), 0) + }, + power = (obj)^phi, + powered.exponential = exp( - ((obj.sc)^kappa[i])), + cauchy = (1 + (obj.sc)^2)^(-kappa[i]), + gneiting = { + obj.sc <- 0.301187465825 * obj.sc; + t2 <- (1 - obj.sc); + t2 <- ifelse(t2 > 0, (t2^8), 0); + (1 + 8 * obj.sc + 25 * (obj.sc^2) + 32 * (obj.sc^3)) * t2 + }, + gencauchy = (1 + (obj.sc)^kappa[2])^(-kappa[1]/kappa[2]), + gneiting.matern = { + obj.sc <- 0.301187465825 * obj.sc/kappa[2] ; + t2 <- (1 - obj.sc); + t2 <- ifelse(t2 > 0, (t2^8), 0); + cov.values <- (1 + 8 * obj.sc + 25 * (obj.sc^2) + 32 * (obj.sc^3)) * t2; + cov.values * matern(u = obj, phi = phi[i], kappa = kappa[1]) + + }, + stop("wrong or no specification of cov.model") + ) + if(cov.model[i] == "power"){ + A <- (max(cov.values)/sqrt(pi))*gamma((1+phi[i])/2)*gamma(1-(phi[i]/2)) + ## 1:2 below ensures valid results for 1 and 2D + A <- A * max(gamma(phi[i]+(1+(1:2))/2)/(gamma(1+phi[i])*gamma((1+(1:2))/2))) + cov.values <- A - cov.values + cov.values <- cov.values/max(cov.values) + } + cov.values <- ifelse(obj < 1e-16, sigmasq[i], sigmasq[i] * cov.values) + covs <- covs + cov.values + } + # if(all(cov.model == "power")) + # covs <- max(covs) - covs + # else covs[obj < 1e-16] <- sum(sigmasq) + if(sum(sigmasq) < 1e-16) covs[obj < 1e-16] <- 1 + if(any(!is.finite(covs))) warning("Infinity value in cov.spatial") + if(any(is.na(covs))) warning("NA value in cov.spatial") + if(any(is.nan(covs))) warning("NaN value in cov.spatial") + return(covs) + } + +"varcov.spatial" <- + function(coords = NULL, dists.lowertri = NULL, cov.model = "matern", + kappa = 0.5, nugget = 0, cov.pars = stop("no cov.pars argument"), + inv = FALSE, det = FALSE, + func.inv = c("cholesky", "eigen", "svd", "solve"), + scaled = FALSE, only.decomposition = FALSE, + sqrt.inv = FALSE, try.another.decomposition = TRUE, + only.inv.lower.diag = FALSE, ...) + { + func.inv <- match.arg(func.inv) + cov.model <- sapply(cov.model, match.arg, choices = .geoR.cov.models) + if(only.inv.lower.diag) inv <- TRUE + if(is.null(coords) & is.null(dists.lowertri)) + stop("one of the arguments, coords or dists.lowertri must be provided") + if (!is.null(coords) & !is.null(dists.lowertri)) + stop("only ONE argument, either coords or dists.lowertri must be provided") + if (!is.null(coords)) n <- nrow(coords) + if (!is.null(dists.lowertri)) + n <- as.integer(round(0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(dists.lowertri))))) + tausq <- nugget + if (is.vector(cov.pars)) { + sigmasq <- cov.pars[1] + phi <- cov.pars[2] + } + else { + sigmasq <- cov.pars[, 1] + phi <- cov.pars[, 2] + } + ## print(c(tausq=tausq, sigmasq=sigmasq, phi=phi, kappa=kappa)) + if (!is.null(coords)) dists.lowertri <- as.vector(dist(coords)) + if (round(1e+12 * min(dists.lowertri)) == 0) + warning("Two or more pairs of data at coincident (or very close) locations. \nThis may cause crashes in some matrices operations.\n") + varcov <- matrix(0, n, n) + if (scaled) { + if (all(phi < 1e-12)) + varcov <- diag(x = (1 + (tausq/sum(sigmasq))), n) + else { + if (is.vector(cov.pars)) cov.pars.sc <- c(1, phi) + else cov.pars.sc <- cbind(1, phi) + covvec <- cov.spatial(obj = dists.lowertri, cov.model = cov.model, + kappa = kappa, cov.pars = cov.pars.sc) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + varcov <- t(varcov) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + remove("covvec") + if(sum(sigmasq) < 1e-16) diag(varcov) <- 1 + else diag(varcov) <- 1 + (tausq/sum(sigmasq)) + } + } + else { + if (all(sigmasq < 1e-10) | all(phi < 1e-10)) { + varcov <- diag(x = (tausq + sum(sigmasq)), n) + } + else { + covvec <- cov.spatial(obj = dists.lowertri, cov.model = cov.model, + kappa = kappa, cov.pars = cov.pars) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + varcov <- t(varcov) + varcov[lower.tri(varcov)] <- covvec + remove("covvec") + diag(varcov) <- tausq + sum(sigmasq) + } + } + if (inv | det | only.decomposition | sqrt.inv | only.inv.lower.diag) { + if (func.inv == "cholesky") { + varcov.sqrt <- try(chol(varcov), silent=TRUE) + if (inherits(varcov.sqrt, "try-error")) { + if (try.another.decomposition){ + cat("trying another decomposition (svd)\n") + func.inv <- "svd" + } + else { + print(varcov.sqrt[1]) + stop() + } + } + else { + if (only.decomposition | inv) remove("varcov") + if (!only.decomposition) { + if (det) cov.logdeth <- sum(log(diag(varcov.sqrt))) + if (sqrt.inv) inverse.sqrt <- solve(varcov.sqrt) + if (inv) { + invcov <- chol2inv(varcov.sqrt) + if (!sqrt.inv) remove("varcov.sqrt") + } + } + } + } + if (func.inv == "svd") { + varcov.svd <- svd(varcov, nv = 0) + cov.logdeth <- try(sum(log(sqrt(varcov.svd$d))), silent=TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try-error")) { + if (try.another.decomposition){ + cat("trying another decomposition (eigen)\n") + func.inv <- "eigen" + } + else { + print(cov.logdeth[1]) + stop() + } + } + else { + if (only.decomposition | inv) remove("varcov") + if (only.decomposition) + varcov.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.svd$u) * sqrt(sqrt(varcov.svd$d))) + if (inv) { + invcov <- crossprod(t(varcov.svd$u)/sqrt(varcov.svd$d)) + } + if (sqrt.inv) + inverse.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.svd$u)/sqrt(sqrt(varcov.svd$d))) + } + } + if (func.inv == "solve") { + if (det) + stop("the option func.inv == \"solve\" does not allow computation of determinants. \nUse func.inv = \"chol\",\"svd\" or \"eigen\"\n") + invcov <- try(solve(varcov), silent=TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try-error")) { + if (try.another.decomposition) + func.inv <- "eigen" + else { + print(invcov[1]) + stop() + } + } + remove("varcov") + } + if (func.inv == "eigen") { + varcov.eig <- try(eigen(varcov, symmetric = TRUE), silent=TRUE) + cov.logdeth <- try(sum(log(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))), silent=TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try.error") | inherits(varcov.eig, "try-error")) { + diag(varcov) <- 1.0001 * diag(varcov) + varcov.eig <- try(eigen(varcov, symmetric = TRUE), silent=TRUE) + cov.logdeth <- try(sum(log(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))), silent=TRUE) + if (inherits(cov.logdeth, "try.error") | inherits(varcov.eig, "try-error")) { + return(list(crash.parms = c(tausq=tausq, sigmasq=sigmasq, phi=phi, kappa=kappa))) + } + } + else { + if (only.decomposition | inv) remove("varcov") + if (only.decomposition) + varcov.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.eig$vec)* sqrt(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))) + if (inv) invcov <- crossprod(t(varcov.eig$vec)/sqrt(varcov.eig$val)) + if (sqrt.inv) + inverse.sqrt <- crossprod(t(varcov.eig$vec)/sqrt(sqrt(varcov.eig$val))) + } + } + } + if (!only.decomposition) { + if (det) { + if (inv) { + if (only.inv.lower.diag) + result <- list(lower.inverse = invcov[lower.tri(invcov)], + diag.inverse = diag(invcov), log.det.to.half = cov.logdeth) + else result <- list(inverse = invcov, log.det.to.half = cov.logdeth) + } + else { + result <- list(varcov = varcov, log.det.to.half = cov.logdeth) + } + if (sqrt.inv) + result$sqrt.inverse <- inverse.sqrt + } + else { + if (inv) { + if (only.inv.lower.diag) + result <- list(lower.inverse = invcov[lower.tri(invcov)], + diag.inverse = diag(invcov)) + else { + if (sqrt.inv) + result <- list(inverse = invcov, sqrt.inverse = inverse.sqrt) + else result <- list(inverse = invcov) + } + } + else result <- list(varcov = varcov) + } + } + else result <- list(sqrt.varcov = varcov.sqrt) + result$crash.parms <- NULL + return(result) + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/101/replication_package/variance_top_ranking_models.R b/101/replication_package/variance_top_ranking_models.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7dd326f240f9cfdafec01a3dbcbc9946fbf5c8de --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/variance_top_ranking_models.R @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#picking the top 2 models of boundness (with social predictors that improve the fit of the random-effects-only model) and top 4 models of informativity (with WAIC difference from the top model no lower than 10) to calculate the percentages of variance of random effects + +# script was written by Sam Passmore and Olena Shcherbakova + +n_samples = 100 + +load("output_models/models_Boundness_social.RData") + +#boundness_st ~ phy+spa+L1 +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[1]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +B_L1 <- c("boundness", "L1 speakers", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[1]]$waic$waic) + + +#boundness_st ~ phy+spa+L1+L1 proportion +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[6]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +B_L1_L2_prop <- c("boundness", "L1 speakers + L2 proportion", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[6]]$waic$waic) + + +load("output_models/models_Informativity_social.RData") + +#informativity_st ~ phy+spa+L1 +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[1]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +I_L1 <- c("informativity", "L1 speakers", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[1]]$waic$waic) + +#informativity_st ~ phy+spa+L1+L1 proportion +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[6]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +I_L1_L2_prop <- c("informativity", "L1 speakers + L2 proportion", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[6]]$waic$waic) + + +variance <- as.data.frame(rbind(B_L1, B_L1_L2_prop, I_L1, I_L1_L2_prop)) +colnames(variance) <- c("response", "sociodemographic predictor(s)", "variance for the Gaussian observations", "variance for phy_id", "variance for sp_id", "WAIC") + +variance_csv <- variance %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:6), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:5), function(x) x*100)) %>% + rename_with(.cols=c(3:5), ~ paste0(.x, " in %")) + + +write.csv(variance_csv, "output_tables/Table_variance_top_ranking_models.csv") + +variance_flextable <- variance %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:6), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:5), function(x) x*100)) %>% + rename_with(.cols=c(3:5), ~ paste0(.x, " in %")) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("response")) %>% + fix_border_issues() + +save_as_docx( + "Variance in top-ranking models of boundness and informativity" = variance_flextable, + path = "output_tables/table_SM_variance_top_ranking_models.docx") + diff --git a/101/replication_package/variance_top_ranking_models_reduced.R b/101/replication_package/variance_top_ranking_models_reduced.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e625b661380e38ad138a6e6a46e099cd2ea270f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/variance_top_ranking_models_reduced.R @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +#picking the top 2 models of boundness (with social predictors that improve the fit of the random-effects-only model) and top 4 models of informativity (with WAIC difference from the top model no lower than 10) to calculate the percentages of variance of random effects + +# script was written by Sam Passmore and Olena Shcherbakova + +n_samples = 100 + +load("output_models_reduced/models_Boundness_social.RData") + +#boundness_st ~ phy+spa+L1 +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[1]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +B_L1 <- c("boundness", "L1 speakers", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[1]]$waic$waic) + + +#boundness_st ~ phy+spa+L1+L1 proportion +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[6]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +B_L1_L2_prop <- c("boundness", "L1 speakers + L2 proportion", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[6]]$waic$waic) + + +load("output_models_reduced/models_Informativity_social.RData") + +#informativity_st ~ phy+spa+L1 +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[1]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +I_L1 <- c("informativity", "L1 speakers", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[1]]$waic$waic) + +#informativity_st ~ phy+spa+L1+L1 proportion +posterior = inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, result[[6]]) +h2 = (1 / posterior) / rowSums(1 / posterior) +h2 <- h2 %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) + +I_L1_L2_prop <- c("informativity", "L1 speakers + L2 proportion", h2[[1]], h2[[2]], h2[[3]], result[[6]]$waic$waic) + + +variance <- as.data.frame(rbind(B_L1, B_L1_L2_prop, I_L1, I_L1_L2_prop)) +colnames(variance) <- c("response", "sociodemographic predictor(s)", "variance for the Gaussian observations", "variance for phy_id", "variance for sp_id", "WAIC") + +variance_csv <- variance %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:6), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:5), function(x) x*100)) %>% + rename_with(.cols=c(3:5), ~ paste0(.x, " in %")) + +write.csv(variance_csv, "output_tables_reduced/Table_variance_top_ranking_models.csv") + +variance_flextable <- variance %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:6), as.numeric)) %>% + mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2)) %>% + mutate(across(.cols=c(3:5), function(x) x*100)) %>% + rename_with(.cols=c(3:5), ~ paste0(.x, " in %")) %>% + flextable() %>% + autofit() %>% + merge_v(j=c("response")) %>% + fix_border_issues() + +save_as_docx( + "Variance in top-ranking models of boundness and informativity" = variance_flextable, + path = "output_tables_reduced/table_SM_variance_top_ranking_models.docx") + diff --git a/101/replication_package/wrangling_tree.R b/101/replication_package/wrangling_tree.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ae3e4c5c20de7db19a6cee287c2febb00260bed --- /dev/null +++ b/101/replication_package/wrangling_tree.R @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# script was written by Hedvig Skirgård + +#Glottolog-cldf table for aggregating dialects +OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling<- here("data_wrangling") +# create output dir if it does not exist. +if (!dir.exists(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling)) { dir.create(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling) } + +if (!file.exists(here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "wrangled.tree"))) { + + glottolog_df <- read_tsv("data_wrangling/glottolog_cldf_wide_df.tsv", col_types = cols()) %>% + dplyr::select(Glottocode, Language_ID, Language_level_ID) %>% + mutate(Language_level_ID = if_else(is.na(Language_level_ID), Glottocode, Language_level_ID)) + + GB_languages <- read_tsv("data/GB_wide/GB_wide_strict.tsv",col_types = cols()) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID) #this column is already aggregated for dialects in make_wide.R + + #reading in tree + EDGE_tree <- ape::read.nexus("data/phylogenies/EDGE6635-merged-relabelled.tree") + + #subsetting the tips to those in Grambank and such that there is only one per language_level_id, i.e. merging dialects and the like. + to_keep <- EDGE_tree$tip.label %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + rename(tip.label = ".") %>% + separate(col = tip.label , into = c("Language_ID", "Name_EDGE"), remove = F, sep = 8) %>% + left_join(glottolog_df, by = "Language_ID") %>% + inner_join(GB_languages, by = "Language_ID") %>% + group_by(Language_level_ID) %>% + sample_n(1) + + #actually pruning the tree itself + pruned_tree <- ape::keep.tip(EDGE_tree, to_keep$tip.label) + + #renaming tip labels to just glottocodes + pruned_tree$tip.label <- pruned_tree$tip.label %>% + as.data.frame() %>% + rename(tip.label = ".") %>% + separate(col = tip.label , into = c("Language_ID", "Name_EDGE"), sep = 8) %>% + dplyr::select(Language_ID) %>% + .[,1] + + pruned_tree %>% + write.tree(file = here(OUTPUTDIR_data_wrangling, "wrangled.tree")) +} diff --git a/101/should_reproduce.txt b/101/should_reproduce.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c476e5c2510d8f716ec0f8f34ee939e61c9ff287 --- /dev/null +++ b/101/should_reproduce.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:baaa5318ff707002eb50cfbd71e39d7f647120f3458fd62ff70735203fc02bd7 +size 42