add 9
Browse files- 9/paper.pdf +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Ado/brain.ado +772 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +139 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +150 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +14 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/NOAA Weather Data (NEW!)/ +587 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/NOAA Weather Data (NEW!)/NOAA_download.R +28 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +325 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +447 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +301 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +393 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +163 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +503 -0
- 9/replication_package/Code/ +436 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/aod_month.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/city_info.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/city_info_rd.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/city_month.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/did_ddl_match.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/mask_filter_search.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/pm10_corrected_reference.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/pollution.csv +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/pollution_1116.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/search_sale.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/station_day_1116.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/station_list.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/station_month.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/weather_1116.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Data/weather_1116_alt.dta +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/README.pdf +3 -0
- 9/replication_package/Readme_new.txt +3 -0
- 9/should_reproduce.txt +3 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:cd9e664c51fc3fb20dfd0ba909c148b3cab68aaaa60c800038ebc3b8b44d79f1
3 |
size 838205
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
1 |
cap program drop brain
2 |
program define brain, rclass
3 |
version 9.0
4 |
syntax anything(id="command") [if] [in], [Hidden(numlist)] [INput(varlist)] [Output(varlist)] [ITer(integer 0)] [Eta(real 0.25)] [Spread(real 0.5)] [RAW] [NOSort]
5 |
token `"`anything'"'
6 |
if length(`"`1'"') < 2 {
7 |
di as error "invalid brain command"
8 |
error 999
9 |
10 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("define",1,length(`"`1'"')) {
11 |
if `"`input'"' == "" {
12 |
di as error "no input variables specified"
13 |
error 999
14 |
15 |
if `"`output'"' == "" {
16 |
di as error "no output variables specified"
17 |
error 999
18 |
19 |
local inp = wordcount(`"`input'"')
20 |
local out = wordcount(`"`output'"')
21 |
local hidden = `"`inp' `hidden' `out'"'
22 |
token `"`hidden'"'
23 |
local layer = ""
24 |
local i = 1
25 |
while "``i''" != "" {
26 |
cap confirm integer number ``i''
27 |
if _rc > 0 {
28 |
di as error "invalid layer number"
29 |
error 999
30 |
31 |
if ``i'' <= 0 {
32 |
di as error "invalid layer definition"
33 |
error 999
34 |
35 |
local layer = `"`layer',``i''"'
36 |
local i = `i' + 1
37 |
38 |
local layer = "("+substr(`"`layer'"',2,.)+")"
39 |
matrix layer = `layer'
40 |
if wordcount(`"`input'"') != layer[1,1] {
41 |
di as error "invalid number of input variables, " layer[1,1] " required"
42 |
matrix drop layer
43 |
error 999
44 |
45 |
if wordcount(`"`output'"') != layer[1,colsof(layer)] {
46 |
di as error "invalid number of output variables, " layer[1,colsof(layer)] " required"
47 |
matrix drop layer
48 |
error 999
49 |
50 |
matrix input = J(4,layer[1,1],0)
51 |
local i = 1
52 |
foreach v of varlist `input' {
53 |
qui sum `v' `if' `in'
54 |
matrix input[1,`i'] = r(min)
55 |
matrix input[2,`i'] = 1 / (r(max) - r(min))
56 |
if input[2,`i'] == . {
57 |
matrix input[2,`i'] = 1
58 |
59 |
local i = `i'+1
60 |
61 |
matrix colnames input = `input'
62 |
matrix rownames input = min norm value signal
63 |
matrix output = J(4,layer[1,colsof(layer)],0)
64 |
local i = 1
65 |
foreach v of varlist `output' {
66 |
qui sum `v' `if' `in'
67 |
matrix output[1,`i'] = r(min)
68 |
matrix output[2,`i'] = 1 / (r(max) - r(min))
69 |
if output[2,`i'] == . {
70 |
matrix output[2,`i'] = 1
71 |
72 |
local i = `i'+1
73 |
74 |
matrix colnames output = `output'
75 |
matrix rownames output = min norm value signal
76 |
77 |
braininit `spread'
78 |
di as text "Defined matrices:"
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("save",1,length("`1'")) {
83 |
if `"`2'"' == "" {
84 |
di as error "no file specified"
85 |
error 999
86 |
87 |
local using = `"`2'"'
88 |
tempname save
89 |
cap local layer = colsof(layer)
90 |
if _rc > 0 {
91 |
di as error "no network defined"
92 |
error 999
93 |
94 |
cap local size = colsof(brain)
95 |
if _rc > 0 {
96 |
di as error "no network defined"
97 |
error 999
98 |
99 |
cap local isize = colsof(input)
100 |
if _rc > 0 {
101 |
di as error "no network defined"
102 |
error 999
103 |
104 |
cap local osize = colsof(output)
105 |
if _rc > 0 {
106 |
di as error "no network defined"
107 |
error 999
108 |
109 |
local using = subinstr(trim(`"`using'"'),"\","/",.)
110 |
if regex(`"`using'?"',"\.[^/]*\?") == 0 {
111 |
local using = `"`using'.brn"'
112 |
113 |
qui file open `save' using `"`using'"', write binary replace
114 |
file write `save' %9s `"braindead"'
115 |
file write `save' %4bu (`layer')
116 |
forvalue i = 1/`layer' {
117 |
file write `save' %4bu (layer[1,`i'])
118 |
119 |
local names : colnames input
120 |
local len = length(`"`names'"')
121 |
file write `save' %4bu (`len')
122 |
file write `save' %`len's `"`names'"'
123 |
local isize = layer[1,1]
124 |
forvalue i = 1/`isize' {
125 |
file write `save' %8z (input[1,`i'])
126 |
file write `save' %8z (input[2,`i'])
127 |
128 |
local names : colnames output
129 |
local len = length(`"`names'"')
130 |
file write `save' %4bu (`len')
131 |
file write `save' %`len's `"`names'"'
132 |
local osize = layer[1,colsof(layer)]
133 |
forvalue i = 1/`osize' {
134 |
file write `save' %8z (output[1,`i'])
135 |
file write `save' %8z (output[2,`i'])
136 |
137 |
forvalue i = 1/`size' {
138 |
file write `save' %8z (brain[1,`i'])
139 |
140 |
file close `save'
141 |
142 |
143 |
if "`1'" == substr("load",1,length("`1'")) {
144 |
if `"`2'"' == "" {
145 |
di as error "no file specified"
146 |
error 999
147 |
148 |
local using = `"`2'"'
149 |
tempname load bin
150 |
local using = subinstr(trim(`"`using'"'),"\","/",.)
151 |
if regex(`"`using'?"',"\.[^/]*\?") == 0 {
152 |
local using = "`using'.brn"
153 |
154 |
file open `load' using `"`using'"', read binary
155 |
file read `load' %9s str
156 |
if `"`str'"' != "braindead" {
157 |
di as error "invalid file format"
158 |
file close `load'
159 |
error 999
160 |
161 |
file read `load' %4bu `bin'
162 |
local layer = `bin'
163 |
matrix layer = J(1,`layer',0)
164 |
forvalue i = 1/`layer' {
165 |
file read `load' %4bu `bin'
166 |
if r(eof) {
167 |
di as error "invalid file format"
168 |
file close `load'
169 |
error 999
170 |
171 |
matrix layer[1,`i'] = `bin'
172 |
173 |
file read `load' %4bu `bin'
174 |
local len = `bin'
175 |
file read `load' %`len's str
176 |
local layer = layer[1,1]
177 |
matrix input = J(4,`layer',0)
178 |
matrix colnames input = `str'
179 |
matrix rownames input = min norm value signal
180 |
forvalue i = 1/`layer' {
181 |
file read `load' %8z `bin'
182 |
matrix input[1,`i'] = `bin'
183 |
file read `load' %8z `bin'
184 |
matrix input[2,`i'] = `bin'
185 |
186 |
file read `load' %4bu `bin'
187 |
local len = `bin'
188 |
file read `load' %`len's str
189 |
local layer = layer[1,colsof(layer)]
190 |
matrix output = J(4,`layer',0)
191 |
matrix colnames output = `str'
192 |
matrix rownames output = min norm value signal
193 |
forvalue i = 1/`layer' {
194 |
file read `load' %8z `bin'
195 |
matrix output[1,`i'] = `bin'
196 |
file read `load' %8z `bin'
197 |
matrix output[2,`i'] = `bin'
198 |
199 |
200 |
local size = colsof(brain)
201 |
local i = 0
202 |
while 1 {
203 |
file read `load' %8z `bin'
204 |
if r(eof) {
205 |
continue, break
206 |
207 |
local i = `i'+1
208 |
if `i' > `size' {
209 |
di as error "invalid file format"
210 |
file close `load'
211 |
error 999
212 |
213 |
matrix brain[1,`i'] = `bin'
214 |
215 |
if `i' < `size' {
216 |
di as error "invalid file format"
217 |
file close `load'
218 |
error 999
219 |
220 |
file close `load'
221 |
di as text "Loaded matrices:"
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("feed",1,length("`1'")) {
226 |
macro shift
227 |
tempname output
228 |
local isize = colsof(input)
229 |
local osize = colsof(output)
230 |
local ostart = colsof(neuron)-`osize'+1
231 |
local wc = wordcount(`"`*'"')
232 |
if `wc' != `isize' {
233 |
di as error "number of values does not match input neurons (`wc' <> `isize')"
234 |
error 999
235 |
236 |
foreach v in `*' {
237 |
cap confirm number `v'
238 |
if _rc != 0 {
239 |
di as error "invalid value: `v'"
240 |
error 999
241 |
242 |
243 |
local i = 1
244 |
if `"`raw'"' == "" {
245 |
while `"``i''"' != "" {
246 |
matrix input[3,`i'] = ``i''
247 |
local i = `i'+1
248 |
249 |
forvalue i = 1/`isize' {
250 |
matrix input[4,`i'] = max(min((input[3,`i']-input[1,`i']) * input[2,`i'],1),0)
251 |
matrix neuron[1,`i'] = input[4,`i']
252 |
253 |
254 |
else {
255 |
while `"``i''"' != "" {
256 |
matrix input[4,`i'] = max(min(``i'',1),0)
257 |
local i = `i'+1
258 |
259 |
forvalue i = 1/`isize' {
260 |
matrix input[3,`i'] = input[4,`i'] / input[2,`i'] + input[1,`i']
261 |
matrix neuron[1,`i'] = input[4,`i']
262 |
263 |
264 |
mata: brainforward()
265 |
mata: brainoutputget(0)
266 |
matrix `output' = output[3..4,1...]
267 |
matrix list `output', noheader format(%18.9f)
268 |
return matrix output = `output'
269 |
270 |
271 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("signal",1,length("`1'")) {
272 |
macro shift
273 |
tempname signal
274 |
local isize = colsof(input)
275 |
local osize = colsof(output)
276 |
local ostart = colsof(neuron)-`osize'+1
277 |
local nsize = colsof(neuron)
278 |
local inames : colnames input
279 |
local onames : colnames output
280 |
matrix `signal' = J(`isize'+1, `osize', 0)
281 |
matrix colnames `signal' = `onames'
282 |
matrix rownames `signal' = `inames' flatline
283 |
matrix neuron[1, 1] = J(1,`isize', 0)
284 |
mata: brainforward()
285 |
mata: brainoutputget(0)
286 |
if "`raw'" == "" {
287 |
matrix `signal'[`isize'+1,1] = output[3,1...]
288 |
289 |
else {
290 |
matrix `signal'[`isize'+1,1] = output[4,1...]
291 |
292 |
forvalue i = 1/`isize' {
293 |
matrix neuron[1, 1] = J(1,`isize', 0)
294 |
matrix neuron[1, `i'] = 1
295 |
mata: brainforward()
296 |
if `"`raw'"' == "" {
297 |
forvalue j = 1/`osize' {
298 |
local k = `ostart'+`j'-1
299 |
matrix `signal'[`i',`j'] = neuron[1,`k'] / output[2,`j'] + output[1,`j']
300 |
matrix `signal'[`i',`j'] = `signal'[`i',`j'] - output[3,`j']
301 |
302 |
303 |
else {
304 |
forvalue j = 1/`osize' {
305 |
local k = `ostart'+`j'-1
306 |
matrix `signal'[`i',`j'] = neuron[1,`k'] - output[4,`j']
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
matrix list `signal', noheader format(%18.9f)
311 |
return matrix signal = `signal'
312 |
313 |
314 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("margin",1,length("`1'")) {
315 |
tempname signal
316 |
tempvar delta nouse
317 |
macro shift
318 |
local inames : colnames input
319 |
local onames : colnames output
320 |
local mnames = "`inames'"
321 |
local osize = colsof(output)
322 |
local isize = colsof(input)
323 |
local msize = `isize'
324 |
if `"`*'"' != "" {
325 |
local mnames = ""
326 |
local msize = 0
327 |
foreach v of varlist `*' {
328 |
if index(" `inames' ", " `v' ") == 0 {
329 |
di as error "invalid input variable `v'"
330 |
error 999
331 |
332 |
if index(" `mnames' "," `v' ") > 0 {
333 |
di as error "input variable `v' already defined"
334 |
error 999
335 |
336 |
local mnames = "`mnames' `v'"
337 |
local msize = `msize'+1
338 |
339 |
340 |
qui des, varlist
341 |
local names = r(varlist)
342 |
qui gen byte `nouse' = 1
343 |
qui replace `nouse' = 0 `in' `if'
344 |
local snames = subinstr(`"`inames',`onames'"'," ",",",.)
345 |
qui replace `nouse' = 1 `in' if `nouse' == 0 & missing(`snames')
346 |
local snames = ""
347 |
local bnames = ""
348 |
forvalue o = 1/`osize' {
349 |
tempvar signal`o' base`o'
350 |
qui gen double `signal`o'' = .
351 |
qui gen double `base`o'' = .
352 |
local snames = "`snames' `signal`o''"
353 |
local bnames = "`bnames' `base`o''"
354 |
355 |
qui gen double `delta' = .
356 |
matrix `signal' = J(`msize',`osize',0)
357 |
matrix rownames `signal' = `mnames'
358 |
local cnames = ""
359 |
forvalue o = 1/`osize' {
360 |
local oname = word("`onames'", `o')
361 |
local cnames = "`cnames' `oname'"
362 |
363 |
di as text "unrestricted " _continue
364 |
matrix colnames `signal' = `cnames'
365 |
order `inames' `bnames' `nouse'
366 |
mata: brainsignal(0)
367 |
order `inames' `snames' `nouse'
368 |
local ind = 0
369 |
foreach v of varlist `mnames' {
370 |
forvalue i = 1/`isize' {
371 |
local iname = word("`inames'", `i')
372 |
if "`v'" == "`iname'" {
373 |
di as result "`iname' " _continue
374 |
mata: brainsignal(`i')
375 |
local ind = `ind' + 1
376 |
forvalue o = 1/`osize' {
377 |
local oname = word("`onames'", `o')
378 |
qui replace `delta' = `base`o''-`signal`o'' if `nouse' == 0
379 |
qui sum `delta' if `nouse' == 0
380 |
matrix `signal'[`ind',`o'] = r(mean)
381 |
382 |
continue, break
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
order `names'
387 |
di ""
388 |
matrix list `signal', noheader format(%18.9f)
389 |
return matrix margin = `signal'
390 |
391 |
392 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("think",1,length("`1'")) {
393 |
tempvar nouse
394 |
macro shift
395 |
local wc = wordcount(`"`*'"')
396 |
local osize = colsof(output)
397 |
if `wc' != `osize' {
398 |
di as error "number of target variables does not match output neurons (`wc' <> `osize')"
399 |
error 999
400 |
401 |
foreach v in `*' {
402 |
cap drop `v'
403 |
qui gen double `v' = .
404 |
405 |
qui des, varlist
406 |
local names = r(varlist)
407 |
qui gen byte `nouse' = 1
408 |
qui replace `nouse' = 0 `in' `if'
409 |
local inames : colnames input
410 |
local mnames = subinstr(`"`inames'"'," ",",",.)
411 |
qui replace `nouse' = 1 `in' if `nouse' == 0 & missing(`mnames')
412 |
local mnames = ""
413 |
order `inames' `*' `nouse'
414 |
mata: brainthink()
415 |
order `names'
416 |
417 |
418 |
if `"`1'"' == substr("train",1,length("`1'")) {
419 |
tempvar nouse rnd
420 |
if `eta' < 0 {
421 |
di as error "eta has to be a number larger equal zero"
422 |
error 999
423 |
424 |
if `iter' < 0 {
425 |
di as error "number of iterations has to be larger equal zero"
426 |
error 999
427 |
428 |
qui des, varlist
429 |
local names = r(varlist)
430 |
qui gen byte `nouse' = 1
431 |
qui replace `nouse' = 0 `in' `if'
432 |
local inames : colnames input
433 |
local onames : colnames output
434 |
local mnames = subinstr(`"`inames',`onames'"'," ",",",.)
435 |
qui replace `nouse' = 1 `in' if `nouse' == 0 & missing(`mnames')
436 |
local mnames = ""
437 |
if `"`nosort'"' != "" {
438 |
sort `nouse'
439 |
440 |
else {
441 |
qui gen double `rnd' = uniform()
442 |
sort `nouse' `rnd'
443 |
444 |
qui count if `nouse' == 0
445 |
local N = r(N)
446 |
order `inames' `onames'
447 |
local err = 0
448 |
local prev = .
449 |
di as text "{hline 40}"
450 |
di as text "Brain{dup 7: }Number of obs = " as result %12.0fc `N'
451 |
di as text "Train{dup 17: }eta = " as result %12.6f `eta'
452 |
di as text "{hline 10}{c TT}{hline 14}{c TT}{hline 14}
453 |
di as text "Iteration {c |} Error {c |} Delta"
454 |
di as text "{hline 10}{c +}{hline 14}{c +}{hline 14}"
455 |
forvalue i = 1/`iter' {
456 |
mata: braintrain(`eta', `N')
457 |
local err = r(error)/`N'/colsof(output)
458 |
local delta = `err'-`prev'
459 |
local prev = `err'
460 |
di as result %9.0f `i' as text " {c |} " as result %12.9f `err' as text " {c |} " as result %12.9f `delta'
461 |
462 |
mata: braintrain(0, `N')
463 |
local err = r(error)/`N'/colsof(output)
464 |
local delta = `err'-`prev'
465 |
if `iter' == 0 {
466 |
di as result " current" as text " {c |} " as result %12.9f `err' as text " {c |} " as result %12.9f `delta'
467 |
468 |
else {
469 |
di as text "{hline 10}{c +}{hline 14}{c +}{hline 14}"
470 |
di as result " final" as text " {c |} " as result %12.9f `err' as text " {c |} " as result %12.9f `delta'
471 |
472 |
order `names'
473 |
di as text "{hline 10}{c BT}{hline 14}{c BT}{hline 14}"
474 |
return scalar N = `N'
475 |
return scalar err = `err'
476 |
477 |
478 |
di as error "invalid brain command"
479 |
error 999
480 |
481 |
482 |
cap program drop braindir
483 |
program define braindir
484 |
di as result " input[" rowsof(input) "," colsof(input) "]"
485 |
di as result " output[" rowsof(output) "," colsof(output) "]"
486 |
di as result " neuron[" rowsof(neuron) "," colsof(neuron) "]"
487 |
di as result " layer[" rowsof(layer) "," colsof(layer) "]"
488 |
di as result " brain[" rowsof(brain) "," colsof(brain) "]"
489 |
490 |
491 |
cap program drop braincreate
492 |
program define braincreate
493 |
local names = ""
494 |
local size = 0
495 |
local layer = colsof(layer)
496 |
forvalue l = 2/`layer' {
497 |
local p = `l'-1
498 |
local neurons = layer[1,`l']
499 |
local weights = layer[1,`p']
500 |
local size = `size' + `neurons' * (`weights'+1)
501 |
if `l' < `layer' {
502 |
local prefix = "h`p'n"
503 |
504 |
else {
505 |
local prefix = "o"
506 |
507 |
forvalue n = 1/`neurons' {
508 |
forvalue w = 1/`weights' {
509 |
local names = "`names' `prefix'`n'w`w'"
510 |
511 |
local names = "`names' `prefix'`n'b"
512 |
513 |
514 |
cap matrix brain = J(1,`size',0)
515 |
if _rc > 0 {
516 |
local matsize = int(`size'*1.1)
517 |
set matsize `matsize'
518 |
matrix brain = J(1,`size',0)
519 |
520 |
matrix colnames brain = `names'
521 |
matrix rownames brain = weight
522 |
local names = "in"
523 |
local layer = `layer'-2
524 |
forvalue l = 1/`layer' {
525 |
local names = "`names' hid`l'"
526 |
527 |
local names = "`names' out"
528 |
matrix colnames layer = `names'
529 |
matrix rownames layer = neurons
530 |
local layer = colsof(layer)
531 |
local names = ""
532 |
local size = 0
533 |
forvalue i = 1/`layer' {
534 |
local neurons = layer[1,`i']
535 |
local size = `size'+`neurons'
536 |
if `i' == 1 {
537 |
local prefix = "in"
538 |
539 |
else if `i' == `layer' {
540 |
local prefix = "out"
541 |
542 |
else {
543 |
local j = `i'-1
544 |
local prefix = "h`j'n"
545 |
546 |
forvalue j = 1/`neurons' {
547 |
local names = "`names' `prefix'`j'"
548 |
549 |
550 |
matrix neuron = J(1,`size',0)
551 |
matrix colnames neuron = `names'
552 |
matrix rownames neuron = signal
553 |
554 |
555 |
cap program drop braininit
556 |
program define braininit
557 |
local spread = abs(`1')
558 |
local range = `spread'*2
559 |
local size = colsof(brain)
560 |
forvalue i = 1/`size' {
561 |
matrix brain[1,`i'] = uniform()*`range'-`spread'
562 |
563 |
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
void braininp(real scalar obs, real matrix input, real matrix neuron)
568 |
{ real matrix inp3, inp4, mm
569 |
real scalar i, icnt, ncnt
570 |
icnt = cols(input)
571 |
ncnt = cols(neuron)
572 |
inp3 = st_data(obs, 1..icnt)
573 |
inp4 = (inp3[1, .] - input[1, .]) :* input[2, .]
574 |
mm = minmax(inp4)
575 |
if (mm[1,1] < 0 | mm[1,2] > 1)
576 |
{ for (i = 1; i <= icnt; i++)
577 |
{ if (inp4[1, i] < 0) inp4[1, i] = 0
578 |
if (inp4[1, i] > 1) inp4[1, i] = 1
579 |
580 |
581 |
neuron = inp4[1,.], neuron[1,icnt+1..ncnt]
582 |
input = input[1::2,.] \ inp3 \ inp4
583 |
584 |
585 |
void brainoutputget(real scalar obs)
586 |
{ real matrix output
587 |
output = st_matrix("output")
588 |
brainoutget(obs, cols(st_matrix("input")), st_matrix("neuron"), output)
589 |
st_replacematrix("output", output)
590 |
591 |
592 |
void brainoutputset(real scalar obs)
593 |
{ real matrix output
594 |
output = st_matrix("output")
595 |
brainoutset(obs, cols(st_matrix("input")), output)
596 |
st_replacematrix("output", output)
597 |
598 |
599 |
void brainoutset(real scalar obs, real scalar icnt, real matrix output)
600 |
{ real matrix out3, out4, mm
601 |
real scalar i, ocnt
602 |
ocnt = cols(output)
603 |
out3 = st_data(obs, icnt+1..icnt+ocnt)
604 |
out4 = (out3[1, .] - output[1, .]) :* output[2, .]
605 |
mm = minmax(out4)
606 |
if (mm[1,1] < 0 | mm[1,2] > 1)
607 |
{ for (i = 1; i <= ocnt; i++)
608 |
{ if (out4[1, i] < 0) out4[1, i] = 0
609 |
if (out4[1, i] > 1) out4[1, i] = 1
610 |
611 |
612 |
output = output[1::2,.] \ out3 \ out4
613 |
614 |
615 |
void brainoutget(real scalar obs, real scalar icnt, real matrix neuron, real matrix output)
616 |
{ real matrix out3, out4
617 |
real scalar i, ocnt, ostart
618 |
ocnt = cols(output)
619 |
ostart = cols(neuron) - ocnt + 1
620 |
out4 = neuron[1, ostart..ostart+ocnt-1]
621 |
out3 = out4[1, .] :/ output[2, .] + output[1, .]
622 |
output = output[1::2,.] \ out3 \ out4
623 |
if (obs > 0) st_store(obs, icnt+1..icnt+ocnt, out3)
624 |
625 |
626 |
void brainforward()
627 |
{ real matrix neuron
628 |
neuron = st_matrix("neuron")
629 |
brainforw(st_matrix("layer"), neuron, st_matrix("brain"))
630 |
st_replacematrix("neuron", neuron)
631 |
632 |
633 |
void brainforw(layer, neuron, brain)
634 |
{ real scalar layers, neurons, npos, wpos
635 |
real scalar l, n, start, weights, net
636 |
real matrix feed
637 |
layers = cols(layer)
638 |
npos = layer[1,1]+1
639 |
wpos = 1
640 |
start = 1
641 |
for (l = 2; l <= layers; l++)
642 |
{ neurons = layer[1,l]
643 |
weights = layer[1,l-1]
644 |
feed = neuron[1, start..start+weights-1], 1
645 |
start = start+weights
646 |
for (n = 1; n <= neurons; n++)
647 |
{ net = sum(feed :* brain[1,wpos..wpos+weights])
648 |
neuron[1,npos] = 1/(1+exp(-net))
649 |
wpos = wpos + weights + 1
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
654 |
655 |
void brainbackward(real scalar eta)
656 |
{ real matrix brain
657 |
real scalar error
658 |
brain = st_matrix("brain")
659 |
error = brainbackw(eta, st_matrix("output"), st_matrix("layer"), st_matrix("neuron"), brain)
660 |
661 |
662 |
st_numscalar("r(error)", error)
663 |
664 |
665 |
void brainsignal(real scalar inp)
666 |
{ real matrix neuron, layer, brain, input, output
667 |
real scalar obs, icnt, ocnt, N
668 |
layer = st_matrix("layer")
669 |
neuron = st_matrix("neuron")
670 |
brain = st_matrix("brain")
671 |
output = st_matrix("output")
672 |
input = st_matrix("input")
673 |
icnt = cols(input)
674 |
ocnt = cols(output)
675 |
ncnt = cols(neuron)
676 |
nouse = icnt+ocnt+1
677 |
N = st_nobs()
678 |
for (obs = 1; obs <= N; obs++)
679 |
{ if (st_data(obs, nouse) == 1)
680 |
{ continue
681 |
682 |
braininp(obs, input, neuron)
683 |
if (inp >= 1 & inp <= icnt)
684 |
{ neuron[1,inp] = 0
685 |
686 |
brainforw(layer, neuron, brain)
687 |
brainoutget(obs, icnt, neuron, output)
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
void brainthink()
692 |
{ brainsignal(0)
693 |
694 |
695 |
real scalar brainbackw(real scalar eta, real matrix output, real matrix layer, real matrix neuron, real matrix brain)
696 |
{ real matrix delta, err, diff, sub
697 |
real scalar dpos, wpos, npos, lay, error
698 |
real scalar n, l
699 |
real scalar ncol, ocol, dcol
700 |
ncol = cols(neuron)
701 |
ocol = cols(output)
702 |
diff = (J(1, ncol-layer[1,1],1) :- neuron[1, layer[1,1]+1..ncol]) :* neuron[1, layer[1,1]+1..ncol]
703 |
err = output[4, .] :- neuron[1, ncol-ocol+1..ncol]
704 |
error = 0
705 |
for (n = 1; n <= ocol; n++) error = error + abs(err[1, n])
706 |
if (eta <= 0)
707 |
{ return(error)
708 |
709 |
dcol = cols(diff)
710 |
delta = err :* diff[1, dcol-ocol+1..dcol]
711 |
wpos = cols(brain)+1
712 |
dpos = dcol-ocol+1
713 |
for (l = cols(layer)-1; l >= 2; l--)
714 |
{ lay = layer[1, l]
715 |
err = J(1, lay, 0)
716 |
dcol = dpos-1
717 |
dpos = dpos-lay
718 |
sub = diff[1, dpos..dcol]
719 |
for (n = layer[1, l+1]; n >= 1; n--)
720 |
{ wpos = wpos - lay - 1
721 |
err = err :+ delta[1, n] :* brain[1, wpos..wpos+lay-1] :* sub
722 |
723 |
delta = err, delta
724 |
725 |
npos = 1
726 |
dpos = 1
727 |
for (l = 2; l <= cols(layer); l++)
728 |
{ lay = layer[1, l-1]
729 |
sub = eta * (neuron[1, npos..npos+lay-1], 1)
730 |
if (l == 2)
731 |
{ err = delta[1, dpos] :* sub
732 |
733 |
for (n = 2; n <= layer[1, l]; n++)
734 |
{ err = err, (delta[1, dpos] :* sub)
735 |
736 |
737 |
738 |
739 |
{ for (n = 1; n <= layer[1, l]; n++)
740 |
{ err = err, (delta[1, dpos] :* sub)
741 |
742 |
743 |
744 |
npos = npos + lay
745 |
746 |
brain = brain :+ err
747 |
748 |
749 |
750 |
void braintrain(real scalar eta, real scalar N)
751 |
{ real matrix neuron, layer, brain, input, output
752 |
real scalar obs, icnt, error
753 |
layer = st_matrix("layer")
754 |
neuron = st_matrix("neuron")
755 |
brain = st_matrix("brain")
756 |
output = st_matrix("output")
757 |
input = st_matrix("input")
758 |
icnt = cols(input)
759 |
error = 0
760 |
for (obs = 1; obs <= N; obs++)
761 |
{ braininp(obs, input, neuron)
762 |
brainoutset(obs, icnt, output)
763 |
brainforw(layer, neuron, brain)
764 |
error = error + brainbackw(eta, output, layer, neuron, brain)
765 |
766 |
if (eta > 0)
767 |
{ st_replacematrix("brain",brain)
768 |
769 |
770 |
st_numscalar("r(error)", error)
771 |
772 |
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
1 |
***This is the main program for appendix figures generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
*Figures A1 and B5 are plotted using ArcGIS 10.2 based on city_info_rd.dta
10 |
11 |
*Figure A3: PM10 and AOD Yearly Trends
12 |
13 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
14 |
bysort year phase: egen pm10_y=mean(pm10)
15 |
bysort year phase: egen aod_y=mean(aod)
16 |
duplicates drop year phase,force
17 |
twoway (line pm10_y year if phase==1) (line aod_y year if phase==1, yaxis(2) lpattern(dash) lcol(black)), xtitle("") ytitle("PM10") ytitle("AOD", axis(2)) ///
18 |
xline(2013, lcol(black)) ylabel(80(20)160) ylabel(0.3(0.1)0.7, axis(2)) legend(pos(6) row(1) label(1 "PM10 in Wave 1") label(2 "AOD in Wave 1")) scheme(plotplainblind)
19 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA3A_aod_pm10_year_1116_wave1.png", as(png) replace
20 |
twoway (line pm10_y year if phase==2, lcol(red)) (line aod_y year if phase==2, yaxis(2) lpattern(dash) lcol(red)), xtitle("") ytitle("PM10") ytitle("AOD", axis(2)) ///
21 |
xline(2014, lcol(red)) ylabel(80(20)160) ylabel(0.3(0.1)0.7, axis(2)) legend(pos(6) row(1) label(1 "PM10 in Wave 2") label(2 "AOD in Wave 2")) scheme(plotplainblind)
22 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA3B_aod_pm10_year_1116_wave2.png", as(png) replace
23 |
24 |
25 |
*Figure A4: Examples of PM10 Time Series
26 |
27 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
28 |
twoway (line pm10 date if pm10_n==1316 & date>=18993), ylabel(0(200)800) xline(19359,lpattern(solid) lcolor(red)) ///
29 |
xlabel(18993 "2012" 19359 "2013" 19724 "2014" 20089 "2015" 20454 "2016" 20820 "2017") legend(pos(6) r(1)) ytitle(PM10(ug/m3)) xtitle("") scheme(plotplainblind)
30 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA4A_Shijiazhuang.png", as(png) replace
31 |
twoway (line pm10 date if pm10_n==541 & date>=18993), ylabel(0(200)800) xline(19478,lpattern(solid) lcolor(red)) ///
32 |
xlabel(18993 "2012" 19359 "2013" 19724 "2014" 20089 "2015" 20454 "2016" 20820 "2017") legend(pos(6) r(1)) ytitle(PM10(ug/m3)) xtitle("") scheme(plotplainblind)
33 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA4B_Zhuzhou.png", as(png) replace
34 |
twoway (line pm10 date if pm10_n==325 & date>=18993), ylabel(0(200)800) xline(19264,lpattern(solid) lcolor(red)) ///
35 |
xlabel(18993 "2012" 19359 "2013" 19724 "2014" 20089 "2015" 20454 "2016" 20820 "2017") legend(pos(6) r(1)) ytitle(PM10(ug/m3)) xtitle("") scheme(plotplainblind)
36 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA4C_Beijing.png", as(png) replace
37 |
twoway (line pm10 date if pm10_n==335 & date>=18993), ylabel(0(200)800) xline(19654,lpattern(solid) lcolor(red)) ///
38 |
xlabel(18993 "2012" 19359 "2013" 19724 "2014" 20089 "2015" 20454 "2016" 20820 "2017") legend(pos(6) r(1)) ytitle(PM10(ug/m3)) xtitle("") scheme(plotplainblind)
39 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA4D_Beihai.png", as(png) replace
40 |
41 |
42 |
*Figure A5: Distribution of Automation Time
43 |
44 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta" ,clear
45 |
duplicates drop pm10_n,force
46 |
hist auto_date, w(20) xlabel(18993 "2012" 19267 "Oct." 19359 "2013" 19479 "May" 19632 "Oct." 19724 "2014") xtitle("") scheme(plotplainblind)
47 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FA5_auto_time.png", as(png) replace
48 |
49 |
50 |
*Figure B1:RD Plots Using Raw Daily PM10 in Wave 1 & 2, Deadline, and Monthly PM10
51 |
52 |
53 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
54 |
gen T=date-auto_date
55 |
rdplot pm10 T if T>=-364 & T<=364 & phase==1, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
56 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) ylabel(0(50)250) legend(off) ytitle(PM10 - Wave 1) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
57 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB1A_rd_pm10_raw_wave1_365d.png", as(png) replace
58 |
rdplot pm10 T if T>=-364 & T<=364 & phase==2, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
59 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) ylabel(0(50)250) legend(off) ytitle(PM10 - Wave 2) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
60 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB1B_rd_pm10_raw_wave2_365d.png", as(png) replace
61 |
rdplot pm10 T if T>=-364 & T<=364 & (auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724), lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
62 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) ylabel(0(50)250) legend(off) ytitle(PM10 - Deadline) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
63 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB1C_rd_pm10_raw_deadline_365d.png", as(png) replace
64 |
65 |
66 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta" ,clear
67 |
rdplot pm10 n_month if n_month>=-12 & n_month<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(2) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
68 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) ylabel(0(50)200) legend(off) ytitle(Monthly PM10) xtitle(Months before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
69 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB1D_rd_pm10_raw_station_12m.png", as(png) replace
70 |
71 |
72 |
*Figure B2: Station-Daily Weather
73 |
74 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
75 |
gen T=date-auto_date
76 |
gen month=month(date)
77 |
foreach v in temp rain rh wind_speed{
78 |
qui reghdfe `v', absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`v'_sm)
79 |
80 |
rdplot resid_temp_sm T if T>=-364 & T<=364, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
81 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - Temperature) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
82 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB2A_rd_temp_sm_365d.png", as(png) replace
83 |
rdplot resid_rain_sm T if T>=-364 & T<=364, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
84 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - Precipitation) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
85 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB2B_rd_rain_sm_365d.png", as(png) replace
86 |
rdplot resid_rh_sm T if T>=-364 & T<=364, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
87 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - Relative Humidity) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
88 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB2C_rd_rh_sm_365d.png", as(png) replace
89 |
rdplot resid_wind_speed_sm T if T>=-364 & T<=364, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
90 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - Wind Speed) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
91 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB2D_rd_wdsp_sm_365d.png", as(png) replace
92 |
93 |
94 |
*Figure B6: RD Plots for PM10 Variability
95 |
96 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
97 |
gen year=year(date)
98 |
gen month=month(date)
99 |
gen T = date - auto_date
100 |
gen n_month=floor(T/30)
101 |
bysort pm10_n n_month: egen sd_pm10=sd(pm10)
102 |
foreach v of var pm10-rh{
103 |
bysort pm10_n n_month: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
104 |
drop `v'
105 |
rename `v'_m `v'
106 |
107 |
duplicates drop pm10_n n_month,force
108 |
qui reghdfe sd_pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_sd_pm10_smw)
109 |
rdplot resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if n_month>=-12 & n_month<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(2) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
110 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) legend(off) ylabel(-20(10)20) ytitle("Residual - PM10 Monthly Standard Deviation") xtitle(Months before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
111 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FB6_rd_sd_PM10_12m.png", as(png) replace
112 |
113 |
114 |
*Figure C: Correction of Pre-Automation PM10 Data
115 |
116 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta" ,clear
117 |
hist pm10 if after==0 & rd==1,fcolor(none) lp("-") lcolor(black) w(20) start(0) addplot(hist pm10_corrected if after==0 & rd==1 & pm10!=., ///
118 |
fcolor(none) lcolor(red) w(20) start(0)) scheme(plotplainblind) ylabel(0(0.005)0.015) xtitle("PM10") legend(pos(6) r(1) label(1 "Reported PM10") label(2 "Corrected PM10"))
119 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FC_hist_pm_corrected.png", as(png) replace
120 |
*su pm10_corrected if after==0 & rd==1 & pm10!=.
121 |
*su pm10 if after==0 & rd==1
122 |
123 |
124 |
*Figure D2: RD Plots for Online Searches: January 1st 2015
125 |
126 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta" ,clear
127 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
128 |
gen n_month2=year_month-49
129 |
130 |
rdplot pmmask n_month2 if n_month2>=-12 & n_month2<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(2) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
131 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) legend(off) ylabel(0(10)80) ytitle(Baidu Search Index: Anti-Haze Face Mask) xtitle("Months before/after January 1st, 2015") scheme(plotplainblind))
132 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FD2A_rd_pmmask_raw_city_month_12m_2015.png", as(png) replace
133 |
rdplot filter n_month2 if n_month2>=-12 & n_month2<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(2) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
134 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) legend(off) ylabel(0(10)80) ytitle(Baidu Search Index: Air Filter) xtitle("Months before/after January 1st, 2015") scheme(plotplainblind))
135 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/FD2B_rd_filter_raw_city_month_12m_2015.png", as(png) replace
136 |
137 |
138 |
***The End
139 |
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
1 |
***This is the main program for Figures 1 and 2 generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
set matsize 5000
7 |
set scheme plotplain
8 |
9 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
10 |
11 |
12 |
*Figure 1: RD Plots for PM10, AOD and Online Search
13 |
14 |
***Figure 1A & 1B: station-daily raw and residual PM10
15 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
16 |
gen T=date-auto_date
17 |
gen month=month(date)
18 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
19 |
rdplot pm10 T if T>=-364 & T<=364, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
20 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) ylabel(0(50)250) legend(off) ytitle(PM10) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
21 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F1A_rd_PM10_raw_station_365d.png", as(png) replace
22 |
rdplot resid_pm10_smw T if T>=-364 & T<=364, lowerend(-364) upperend(364) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(364 364) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
23 |
graph_options(xlabel(-360(60)360) ylabel(-75(25)75) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - PM10) xtitle(Days before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
24 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F1B_rd_PM10_smw_station_365d.png", as(png) replace
25 |
26 |
***Figure 1C & 1D: station-monthly PM10 and AOD
27 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta" ,clear
28 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
29 |
rdplot resid_pm10_smw n_month if n_month>=-12 & n_month<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
30 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - PM10) xtitle(Months before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
31 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F1C_rd_pm10_smw_station_12m.png", as(png) replace
32 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
33 |
rdplot resid_aod_smw n_month if n_month>=-12 & n_month<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(2) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
34 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) ylabel(-0.08(0.02)0.08) legend(off) ytitle(Residual - AOD, margin(none)) xtitle(Months before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
35 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F1D_rd_aod_smw_station_12m.png", as(png) replace
36 |
37 |
***Figure 1E & 1F: city-monthly search for face mask and air filter
38 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
39 |
foreach v in pmmask filter{
40 |
qui reghdfe `v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`v'_smw)
41 |
42 |
rdplot resid_pmmask_smw n_month if n_month>=-12 & n_month<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(4) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
43 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) legend(off) ylabel(-20(10)20) ytitle(Baidu Search Index: Anti-Haze Face Mask) xtitle(Months before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
44 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F1E_rd_pmmask_smw_city_month_12m.png", as(png) replace
45 |
rdplot resid_filter_smw n_month if n_month>=-12 & n_month<=12, lowerend(-12) upperend(12) p(3) kernel(tri) nbins(12 12) ci(95) masspoints(off) ///
46 |
graph_options(xlabel(-12(3)12) legend(off) ylabel(-20(10)20) ytitle(Baidu Search Index: Air Filter) xtitle(Months before/after Automation) scheme(plotplainblind))
47 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F1F_rd_filter_smw_city_month_12m.png", as(png) replace
48 |
49 |
50 |
*Figure 2: City RD for PM10 in 76 Cities
51 |
52 |
use "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",clear
53 |
keep if list_76==1
54 |
sort rd_estimate_1116
55 |
gen city_N=_n
56 |
gen l_95_1116=rd_estimate_1116-1.96*error_1116
57 |
gen h_95_1116=rd_estimate_1116+1.96*error_1116
58 |
59 |
input y1 x1 y2 x2
60 |
-100 13 -30 13
61 |
-100 18 -10 18
62 |
-100 25 -10 25
63 |
-100 29 -10 29
64 |
-100 43 15 43
65 |
-100 53 15 53
66 |
-100 57 25 57
67 |
-100 59 25 59
68 |
-100 63 40 63
69 |
-100 73 70 73
70 |
-100 76 71 76
71 |
72 |
73 |
twoway rspike l_95_1116 h_95_1116 city_N, color(black) || scatter rd_estimate_1116 city_N if l_95_1116 >0, msymbol(square) mcolor(cranberry) msize(0.5) ///
74 |
|| scatter rd_estimate_1116 city_N if l_95_1116 <=0 , mstyle(p1) msize(0.3) color(cranberry) lp(dash) ///
75 |
|| pcarrow y1 x1 y2 x2, mc(ebblue) msize(0.6) lp(shortdash) lc(ebblue) yline(0,lp(solid) lcol(black)) yline(-100 100, lp(dot)) yline(28.2, lp(dash)) ///
76 |
ylabel(-100 "-100" 0 "0" 28.2 "Mean" 100 "100" 200 "200",labsize(small)) ///
77 |
xlabel(13 "Beijing" 18 "Shanghai" 25 "Guangzhou" 29 "Shenzhen" 43 "Chongqing" 53 "Chengdu" 57 "Tianjin" 59 "Shenyang" 63 "Wuhan" 73 "Xi'an" 76 "Shijiazhuang", labsize(tiny) alt) ///
78 |
ytitle(City-Specific RD Estimates) xtitle(City) legend(ring(0) position(11) col(1) order(2 "RD Estimate Positive and Significant at 5%" 3 "RD Estimate" 1 "95% CI" )) ///
79 |
plotregion(lcolor(black) fcolor(white)) scheme(plottig)
80 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F2.png", as(png) replace
81 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F2.pdf", replace
82 |
83 |
84 |
*Figure 3: DiD Plots for PM10 and online searches
85 |
86 |
***Figure 3A: PM10
87 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta",clear
88 |
gen year=year(date)
89 |
gen month=month(date)
90 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
91 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
92 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
93 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
94 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
95 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
96 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
97 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
98 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
99 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
100 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
101 |
102 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
103 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
104 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
105 |
106 |
107 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 ///
108 |
wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
109 |
plotbeta treat_m712_before2 | treat_m56_before2 | treat_m34_before2 | 0 | treat_m12_after2 | treat_m34_after2 | treat_m56_after2 | treat_m712_after2, ///
110 |
vertical level(90) xlab(1 "7-12" 2 "5-6" 3 "3-4" 4 "1-2" 5 "1-2" 6 "3-4" 7 "5-6" 8 "7-12" , labsize(medsmall) labcolor(black) axis(1)) ///
111 |
xlab(none, axis(2)) xtitle("Months before/after Automation", col(black)) ytitle("Estimated Coefficients: Log(PM10)") yline(0, lp(dash)) xline(4.5, lp(dash)) scheme(plotplainblind)
112 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F3A_DiD_pm10.png", as(png) replace
113 |
114 |
***Figure 3B & 3C: searches for masks and air filters
115 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_search.dta" ,clear
116 |
gen year=year(date)
117 |
gen month=month(date)
118 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
119 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
120 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
121 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
122 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
123 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
124 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
125 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
126 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
127 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
128 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
129 |
130 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
131 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
132 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
133 |
134 |
135 |
qui reghdfe filter treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 ///
136 |
wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
137 |
plotbeta treat_m712_before2 | treat_m56_before2 | treat_m34_before2 | 0 | treat_m12_after2 | treat_m34_after2 | treat_m56_after2 | treat_m712_after2, ///
138 |
vertical level(90) xlab(1 "7-12" 2 "5-6" 3 "3-4" 4 "1-2" 5 "1-2" 6 "3-4" 7 "5-6" 8 "7-12" , labsize(medsmall) labcolor(black) axis(1)) ///
139 |
xlab(none, axis(2)) xtitle("Months before/after Automation", col(black)) ytitle("Estimated Coefficients: Air Filter Searches") yline(0, lp(dash)) xline(4.5, lp(dash)) scheme(plotplainblind)
140 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F3B_filter_DiD.png", as(png) replace
141 |
142 |
qui reghdfe pmmask treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 ///
143 |
wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
144 |
plotbeta treat_m712_before2 | treat_m56_before2 | treat_m34_before2 | 0 | treat_m12_after2 | treat_m34_after2 | treat_m56_after2 | treat_m712_after2, ///
145 |
vertical level(90) xlab(1 "7-12" 2 "5-6" 3 "3-4" 4 "1-2" 5 "1-2" 6 "3-4" 7 "5-6" 8 "7-12" , labsize(medsmall) labcolor(black) axis(1)) ///
146 |
xlab(none, axis(2)) xtitle("Months before/after Automation", col(black)) ytitle("Estimated Coefficients: Mask Searches") yline(0, lp(dash)) xline(4.5, lp(dash)) scheme(plotplainblind)
147 |
graph export "$path/Results/figures/F3C_pmmask_DiD.png", as(png) replace
148 |
149 |
150 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 |
*** Master file for China Pollution Monitoring Paper
2 |
*** Instructions: Set path to directory with Codes, Data, and Results folders (including Results/figures folder).
3 |
*** Then run master file to produce all output.
4 |
global path "/Users/garrethgibney/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/Work/PhD Project/Research Projects/OSLO Replication Games/Replication Package/125321-V1/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
5 |
cd "$path/Code"
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
***The End
9/replication_package/Code/NOAA Weather Data (NEW!)/
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
1 |
2 |
*0. Preparation
3 |
4 |
* Weather data downloading in file name
5 |
*Setting a global path & data directory
6 |
7 |
global path "/Volumes/External Drive A/Greenstone et al/NOAA Weather Data/China"
8 |
* Note: Weather Data was downloaded from the NOAA weather station data archive, using NOAA_download.R
9 |
10 |
11 |
*1. Matching weather & pollution stations
12 |
13 |
*Notes: (a) This section takes a very long time to run. One loop can take a couple hours to run. This entire section took 3 days to run over christmas! (b) I had huge issues with the datafile sizes. The output from this section is 25GB. It needs to run in weekly sections, due to hardware limitations!
14 |
timer clear 1
15 |
timer on 1
16 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
17 |
use "$path/pollution_station.dta", clear
18 |
gen year = year(date)
19 |
gen week = week(date)
20 |
keep if year == 2011 & week == `i'
21 |
drop year week
22 |
reshape wide pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(date) j(pm10_n)
23 |
save "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", replace
24 |
25 |
use "$path/china_weather_2011_16_v2.dta", clear
26 |
gen year = year(date)
27 |
gen week = week(date)
28 |
keep if year == 2011 & week == `i'
29 |
drop year week
30 |
save "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta", replace
31 |
32 |
use "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", clear
33 |
merge 1:m date using "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta"
34 |
drop _m
35 |
gen seq=_n
36 |
reshape long pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(seq) j(pm10_n)
37 |
save "$path/pw_station_2011/pw_station_long_`i'_2011.dta", replace
38 |
39 |
timer off 1
40 |
timer list 1
41 |
42 |
43 |
timer on 2
44 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
45 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/pollution_station.dta", clear
46 |
gen year = year(date)
47 |
gen week = week(date)
48 |
keep if year == 2012 & week == `i'
49 |
drop year week
50 |
reshape wide pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(date) j(pm10_n)
51 |
save "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", replace
52 |
53 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/weather_station.dta", clear
54 |
gen year = year(date)
55 |
gen week = week(date)
56 |
keep if year == 2012 & week == `i'
57 |
drop year week
58 |
save "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta", replace
59 |
60 |
use "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", clear
61 |
merge 1:m date using "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta"
62 |
drop _m
63 |
gen seq=_n
64 |
reshape long pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(seq) j(pm10_n)
65 |
save "$path/pw_station_2012/pw_station_long_`i'_2011.dta", replace
66 |
67 |
timer off 2
68 |
timer list 2
69 |
70 |
71 |
timer on 3
72 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
73 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/pollution_station.dta", clear
74 |
gen year = year(date)
75 |
gen week = week(date)
76 |
keep if year == 2013 & week == `i'
77 |
drop year week
78 |
reshape wide pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(date) j(pm10_n)
79 |
save "$path/Raw CSV/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", replace
80 |
81 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/weather_station.dta", clear
82 |
gen year = year(date)
83 |
gen week = week(date)
84 |
keep if year == 2013 & week == `i'
85 |
drop year week
86 |
save "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta", replace
87 |
88 |
use "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", clear
89 |
merge 1:m date using "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta"
90 |
drop _m
91 |
gen seq=_n
92 |
reshape long pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(seq) j(pm10_n)
93 |
save "$path/pw_station_2013/pw_station_long_`i'_2011.dta", replace
94 |
95 |
timer off 3
96 |
timer list 3
97 |
98 |
99 |
timer on 4
100 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
101 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/pollution_station.dta", clear
102 |
gen year = year(date)
103 |
gen week = week(date)
104 |
keep if year == 2014 & week == `i'
105 |
drop year week
106 |
reshape wide pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(date) j(pm10_n)
107 |
save "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", replace
108 |
109 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/weather_station.dta", clear
110 |
gen year = year(date)
111 |
gen week = week(date)
112 |
keep if year == 2014 & week == `i'
113 |
drop year week
114 |
save "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta", replace
115 |
116 |
use "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", clear
117 |
merge 1:m date using "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta"
118 |
drop _m
119 |
gen seq=_n
120 |
reshape long pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(seq) j(pm10_n)
121 |
save "$path/pw_station_2014/pw_station_long_`i'_2011.dta", replace
122 |
123 |
timer off 4
124 |
timer list 4
125 |
126 |
127 |
timer on 5
128 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
129 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/pollution_station.dta", clear
130 |
gen year = year(date)
131 |
gen week = week(date)
132 |
keep if year == 2015 & week == `i'
133 |
drop year week
134 |
reshape wide pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(date) j(pm10_n)
135 |
save "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", replace
136 |
137 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/weather_station.dta", clear
138 |
gen year = year(date)
139 |
gen week = week(date)
140 |
keep if year == 2015 & week == `i'
141 |
drop year week
142 |
save "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta", replace
143 |
144 |
use "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", clear
145 |
merge 1:m date using "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta"
146 |
drop _m
147 |
gen seq=_n
148 |
reshape long pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(seq) j(pm10_n)
149 |
save "$path/pw_station_2015/pw_station_long_`i'_2011.dta", replace
150 |
151 |
timer off 5
152 |
timer list 5
153 |
154 |
timer on 6
155 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
156 |
use "$path/pollution_station.dta", clear
157 |
gen year = year(date)
158 |
gen week = week(date)
159 |
keep if year == 2016 & week == `i'
160 |
drop year week
161 |
reshape wide pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(date) j(pm10_n)
162 |
save "$path/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", replace
163 |
164 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/weather_station.dta", clear
165 |
gen year = year(date)
166 |
gen week = week(date)
167 |
keep if year == 2016 & week == `i'
168 |
drop year week
169 |
save "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta", replace
170 |
171 |
use "$path/Raw CSV/pollution_station_wide_`i'_2011.dta", clear
172 |
merge 1:m date using "$path/weather_station_`i'_2011.dta"
173 |
drop _m
174 |
gen seq=_n
175 |
reshape long pollution_lat pollution_lon, i(seq) j(pm10_n)
176 |
save "$path/pw_station_2016/pw_station_long_`i'_2011.dta", replace
177 |
178 |
timer off 6
179 |
timer list 6
180 |
181 |
182 |
*2. Estimating the distance between each pollution station & ALL weather stations on each day.
183 |
184 |
*Notes: This section takes a couple of hours to run! In case of error, each year is ran seperately.
185 |
* 2011
186 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_2011) pattern(*.dta) norecur
187 |
188 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
189 |
tempfile files
190 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
191 |
drop filename filename2
192 |
rename filename1 filename
193 |
save "files_2011", replace
194 |
195 |
* loop over each file and input each file into temporary datasets.
196 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
197 |
use "files_2011" in `i', clear
198 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
199 |
global d = filename
200 |
201 |
use "$f", clear
202 |
drop seq
203 |
replace wdsp = "" if wdsp == "NA"
204 |
destring wdsp, gen(wind_speed)
205 |
replace prcp = "" if prcp == "NA"
206 |
destring prcp, gen(rain)
207 |
replace rh = "" if rh == "NA"
208 |
rename rh rh_s
209 |
destring rh_s, gen(rh)
210 |
211 |
drop wdsp prcp rh_s
212 |
213 |
sphdist, lat1(pollution_lat) lon1(pollution_lon) lat2(latitude) lon2(longitude) radians units(km) gen(distance)
214 |
215 |
save "$path/pw_station_distances/$d", replace
216 |
217 |
218 |
* 2012
219 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_2012) pattern(*.dta) norecur
220 |
221 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
222 |
tempfile files
223 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
224 |
drop filename filename2
225 |
rename filename1 filename
226 |
save "files_2012", replace
227 |
228 |
* loop over each file and input each file into temporary datasets.
229 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
230 |
use "files_2012" in `i', clear
231 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
232 |
global d = filename
233 |
234 |
use "$f", clear
235 |
drop seq
236 |
replace wdsp = "" if wdsp == "NA"
237 |
destring wdsp, gen(wind_speed)
238 |
replace prcp = "" if prcp == "NA"
239 |
destring prcp, gen(rain)
240 |
replace rh = "" if rh == "NA"
241 |
rename rh rh_s
242 |
destring rh_s, gen(rh)
243 |
244 |
drop wdsp prcp rh_s
245 |
246 |
sphdist, lat1(pollution_lat) lon1(pollution_lon) lat2(latitude) lon2(longitude) radians units(km) gen(distance)
247 |
248 |
save "$path/pw_station_distances/$d", replace
249 |
250 |
251 |
* 2013
252 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_2013) pattern(*.dta) norecur
253 |
254 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
255 |
tempfile files
256 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
257 |
drop filename filename2
258 |
rename filename1 filename
259 |
save "files_2013", replace
260 |
261 |
* loop over each file and input each file into temporary datasets.
262 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
263 |
use "files_2013" in `i', clear
264 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
265 |
global d = filename
266 |
267 |
use "$f", clear
268 |
drop seq
269 |
replace wdsp = "" if wdsp == "NA"
270 |
destring wdsp, gen(wind_speed)
271 |
replace prcp = "" if prcp == "NA"
272 |
destring prcp, gen(rain)
273 |
replace rh = "" if rh == "NA"
274 |
rename rh rh_s
275 |
destring rh_s, gen(rh)
276 |
277 |
278 |
drop wdsp prcp rh_s
279 |
280 |
sphdist, lat1(pollution_lat) lon1(pollution_lon) lat2(latitude) lon2(longitude) radians units(km) gen(distance)
281 |
282 |
save "$path/pw_station_distances/$d", replace
283 |
284 |
285 |
* 2014
286 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_2014) pattern(*.dta) norecur
287 |
288 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
289 |
tempfile files
290 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
291 |
drop filename filename2
292 |
rename filename1 filename
293 |
save "files_2014", replace
294 |
295 |
* loop over each file and input each file into temporary datasets.
296 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
297 |
use "files_2014" in `i', clear
298 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
299 |
global d = filename
300 |
301 |
use "$f", clear
302 |
drop seq
303 |
replace wdsp = "" if wdsp == "NA"
304 |
destring wdsp, gen(wind_speed)
305 |
replace prcp = "" if prcp == "NA"
306 |
destring prcp, gen(rain)
307 |
replace rh = "" if rh == "NA"
308 |
rename rh rh_s
309 |
destring rh_s, gen(rh)
310 |
311 |
312 |
drop wdsp prcp rh_s
313 |
314 |
sphdist, lat1(pollution_lat) lon1(pollution_lon) lat2(latitude) lon2(longitude) radians units(km) gen(distance)
315 |
316 |
save "$path/pw_station_distances/$d", replace
317 |
318 |
319 |
* 2015
320 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_2015) pattern(*.dta) norecur
321 |
322 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
323 |
tempfile files
324 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
325 |
drop filename filename2
326 |
rename filename1 filename
327 |
save "files_2015", replace
328 |
329 |
* loop over each file and input each file into temporary datasets.
330 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
331 |
use "files_2015" in `i', clear
332 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
333 |
global d = filename
334 |
335 |
use "$f", clear
336 |
drop seq
337 |
replace wdsp = "" if wdsp == "NA"
338 |
destring wdsp, gen(wind_speed)
339 |
replace prcp = "" if prcp == "NA"
340 |
destring prcp, gen(rain)
341 |
replace rh = "" if rh == "NA"
342 |
rename rh rh_s
343 |
destring rh_s, gen(rh)
344 |
345 |
346 |
drop wdsp prcp rh_s
347 |
348 |
sphdist, lat1(pollution_lat) lon1(pollution_lon) lat2(latitude) lon2(longitude) radians units(km) gen(distance)
349 |
350 |
save "$path/pw_station_distances/$d", replace
351 |
352 |
353 |
* 2016
354 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_2016) pattern(*.dta) norecur
355 |
356 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
357 |
tempfile files
358 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
359 |
drop filename filename2
360 |
rename filename1 filename
361 |
save "files_2016", replace
362 |
363 |
* loop over each file and input each file into temporary datasets.
364 |
forvalues i = 1/52 {
365 |
use "files_2016" in `i', clear
366 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
367 |
global d = filename
368 |
369 |
use "$f", clear
370 |
drop seq
371 |
replace wdsp = "" if wdsp == "NA"
372 |
destring wdsp, gen(wind_speed)
373 |
replace prcp = "" if prcp == "NA"
374 |
destring prcp, gen(rain)
375 |
replace rh = "" if rh == "NA"
376 |
rename rh rh_s
377 |
destring rh_s, gen(rh)
378 |
379 |
380 |
drop wdsp prcp rh_s
381 |
382 |
sphdist, lat1(pollution_lat) lon1(pollution_lon) lat2(latitude) lon2(longitude) radians units(km) gen(distance)
383 |
384 |
save "$path/pw_station_distances/$d", replace
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
*3. Generation of Alternative weather variables.
389 |
390 |
391 |
** Nearest Station (Conseptual Replication) **
392 |
393 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_distances) pattern(*.dta) norecur
394 |
395 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
396 |
tempfile files
397 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
398 |
drop filename filename2
399 |
rename filename1 filename
400 |
save "files_2011_16", replace
401 |
402 |
* Nearest Station weather measure
403 |
forvalues i = 1/312 {
404 |
use "files_2011_16" in `i', clear
405 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
406 |
global d = filename
407 |
408 |
use "$f", clear
409 |
drop if rain == . | rh == . | temp == . | wind_speed == .
410 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen min_distance = min(distance)
411 |
gen closest =1 if distance == min_distance
412 |
keep if closest == 1
413 |
keep pm10_n date temp wind_speed rain rh
414 |
save "$path/Nearest/$d", replace
415 |
416 |
417 |
cd "$path/Nearest/"
418 |
419 |
append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'
420 |
drop if pm10_n == .
421 |
isid pm10_n date
422 |
rename temp temp_n
423 |
rename rain rain_n
424 |
rename rh rh_n
425 |
rename wind_speed wind_speed_n
426 |
427 |
save "$path/output/nearest.dta", replace
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
** DWA (using all stations) (Robust Replication) **
432 |
433 |
** DWA using all stations
434 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_distances) pattern(*.dta) norecur
435 |
436 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
437 |
tempfile files
438 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
439 |
drop filename filename2
440 |
rename filename1 filename
441 |
save "files_2011_16", replace
442 |
443 |
* DWA (No Limit)
444 |
forvalues i = 1/312 {
445 |
use "files_2011_16" in `i', clear
446 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
447 |
global d = filename
448 |
449 |
use "$f", clear
450 |
451 |
gen distance1 = 1/distance
452 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen total_distance1= total(distance1)
453 |
454 |
455 |
foreach var of varlist temp wind_speed rh rain {
456 |
gen `var'1 = `var'/distance
457 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen total_`var'1 = total(`var'1)
458 |
gen `var'_DWA = total_`var'1 / total_distance1
459 |
460 |
461 |
keep pm10_n date temp_DWA wind_speed_DWA rh_DWA rain_DWA
462 |
463 |
sum temp_DWA wind_speed_DWA rh_DWA rain_DWA
464 |
465 |
bysort pm10_n date: gen seq=_n
466 |
keep if seq == 1
467 |
drop seq
468 |
469 |
save "$path/DWA/$d", replace
470 |
471 |
472 |
cd "$path/DWA/"
473 |
474 |
append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'
475 |
drop if pm10_n == .
476 |
isid pm10_n date
477 |
478 |
479 |
save "$path/output/DWA.dta", replace
480 |
481 |
* DWA (Only stations within 100km)
482 |
forvalues i = 1/312 {
483 |
use "$path/files_2011_16" in `i', clear
484 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
485 |
global d = filename
486 |
487 |
use "$f", clear
488 |
489 |
drop if distance > 100
490 |
491 |
gen distance1 = 1/distance
492 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen total_distance1= total(distance1)
493 |
494 |
495 |
foreach var of varlist temp wind_speed rh rain {
496 |
gen `var'1 = `var'/distance
497 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen total_`var'1 = total(`var'1)
498 |
gen `var'_DWA_100 = total_`var'1 / total_distance1
499 |
500 |
501 |
keep pm10_n date temp_DWA_100 wind_speed_DWA_100 rh_DWA_100 rain_DWA_100
502 |
503 |
sum temp_DWA_100 wind_speed_DWA_100 rh_DWA_100 rain_DWA_100
504 |
505 |
bysort pm10_n date: gen seq=_n
506 |
keep if seq == 1
507 |
drop seq
508 |
509 |
save "$path/DWA_100/$d", replace
510 |
511 |
512 |
cd "$path/DWA_100/"
513 |
514 |
append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'
515 |
isid pm10_n date
516 |
517 |
518 |
save "$path/output/DWA_100.dta", replace
519 |
520 |
** DWA using station only near by stations (500km)
521 |
filelist , dir($path/pw_station_distances) pattern(*.dta) norecur
522 |
523 |
* save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below
524 |
tempfile files
525 |
split filename, parse(".") generate(filename)
526 |
drop filename filename2
527 |
rename filename1 filename
528 |
save "$path/files_2011_16.dta", replace
529 |
530 |
* DWA (Only station within 500km)
531 |
forvalues i = 1/312 {
532 |
use "$path/files_2011_16" in `i', clear
533 |
global f = dirname + "/" + filename + ".dta"
534 |
global d = filename
535 |
536 |
use "$f", clear
537 |
538 |
drop if distance > 500
539 |
540 |
gen distance1 = 1/distance
541 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen total_distance1= total(distance1)
542 |
543 |
544 |
foreach var of varlist temp wind_speed rh rain {
545 |
gen `var'1 = `var'/distance
546 |
bysort pm10_n date: egen total_`var'1 = total(`var'1)
547 |
gen `var'_DWA_500 = total_`var'1 / total_distance1
548 |
549 |
550 |
keep pm10_n date temp_DWA_500 wind_speed_DWA_500 rh_DWA_500 rain_DWA_500
551 |
552 |
sum temp_DWA_500 wind_speed_DWA_500 rh_DWA_500 rain_DWA_500
553 |
554 |
bysort pm10_n date: gen seq=_n
555 |
keep if seq == 1
556 |
drop seq
557 |
558 |
save "$path/DWA_500/$d", replace
559 |
560 |
561 |
cd "$path/DWA_500/"
562 |
563 |
append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'
564 |
isid pm10_n date
565 |
566 |
567 |
save "$path/output/DWA_500.dta", replace
568 |
569 |
570 |
*4. Merging Weather Data files
571 |
572 |
cd "$path/Output"
573 |
574 |
use weather_1116.dta, clear
575 |
rename station_n pm10_n
576 |
merge 1:1 pm10_n date using nearest.dta
577 |
drop _m
578 |
merge 1:1 pm10_n date using DWA.dta
579 |
drop _m
580 |
merge 1:1 pm10_n date using DWA_100.dta
581 |
drop _m
582 |
merge 1:1 pm10_n date using DWA_500.dta
583 |
drop _m
584 |
rename pm10_n station_n
585 |
save "$path/output/weather_1116_alt.dta", replace
586 |
587 |
9/replication_package/Code/NOAA Weather Data (NEW!)/NOAA_download.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 |
# Library
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
#0. Downloading weather station data!
6 |
7 |
# Downloading NOAA weather station Data! (
8 |
9 |
# Downloading & Data Cleaning!
10 |
China_weather_2011_F <- get_GSOD(years = 2011, country = "China")
11 |
China_weather_2011_S <- subset(China_weather_2011_F, select = c("STNID", "NAME", "YEARMODA","YEAR","MONTH","DAY", "TEMP", "WDSP", "PRCP", "RH", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE"))
12 |
China_weather_2012_F <- get_GSOD(years = 2012, country = "China")
13 |
China_weather_2012_S <- subset(China_weather_2012_F, select = c("STNID", "NAME", "YEARMODA","YEAR","MONTH","DAY", "TEMP", "WDSP", "PRCP", "RH", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE"))
14 |
China_weather_2013_F <- get_GSOD(years = 2013, country = "China")
15 |
China_weather_2013_S <- subset(China_weather_2013_F, select = c("STNID", "NAME", "YEARMODA","YEAR","MONTH","DAY", "TEMP", "WDSP", "PRCP", "RH", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE"))
16 |
China_weather_2014_F <- get_GSOD(years = 2014, country = "China")
17 |
China_weather_2014_S <- subset(China_weather_2014_F, select = c("STNID", "NAME", "YEARMODA","YEAR","MONTH","DAY", "TEMP", "WDSP", "PRCP", "RH", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE"))
18 |
China_weather_2015_F <- get_GSOD(years = 2015, country = "China")
19 |
China_weather_2015_S <- subset(China_weather_2015_F, select = c("STNID", "NAME", "YEARMODA","YEAR","MONTH","DAY", "TEMP", "WDSP", "PRCP", "RH", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE"))
20 |
China_weather_2016_F <- get_GSOD(years = 2016, country = "China")
21 |
China_weather_2016_S <- subset(China_weather_2016_F, select = c("STNID", "NAME", "YEARMODA","YEAR","MONTH","DAY", "TEMP", "WDSP", "PRCP", "RH", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE"))
22 |
# Creation of Weather Station Dataset!
23 |
china_weather_2011_16_S <- rbind(China_weather_2011_S, China_weather_2012_S, China_weather_2013_S, China_weather_2014_S, China_weather_2015_S, China_weather_2016_S)
24 |
rm(China_weather_2011_S, China_weather_2011_F, China_weather_2012_S, China_weather_2012_F, China_weather_2013_S, China_weather_2013_F, China_weather_2014_S, China_weather_2014_F, China_weather_2015_S, China_weather_2015_F, China_weather_2016_S, China_weather_2016_F)
25 |
write.csv(china_weather_2011_16_S, "/Volumes/External Drive A/Greenstone et al/NOAA Weather Data/China/china_weather_2011_16_v2.csv", row.names=TRUE)
26 |
27 |
# Checking if the weather data are in the correct units
28 |
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
1 |
***Prepare Data for Tables/Figures Based on Raw Data using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
*0. Set Up
10 |
*The most recent package versions are used as of March 2021.
11 |
*The estimates and output format may change slightly using different package versions.
12 |
13 |
*Manually copy brain.ado from
14 |
net install rdrobust, from("") replace
15 |
net install rddensity, from("") replace
16 |
local ssc_packages "reghdfe ftools sxpose tsspell geonear plotbeta outreg2 estout"
17 |
if !missing("`ssc_packages'") {
18 |
foreach pkg in "`ssc_packages'" {
19 |
* install using ssc, but avoid re-installing if already present
20 |
capture which `pkg'
21 |
if _rc == 111 {
22 |
dis "Installing `pkg'"
23 |
qui ssc install `pkg',replace
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
*1. Generate station_day_1116.dta
30 |
31 |
use "$path/Data/pollution_1116.dta",clear
32 |
merge 1:1 station_n date using "$path/Data/weather_1116.dta",nogen
33 |
rename station_n pm10_n
34 |
merge m:1 pm10_n using "$path/Data/station_list.dta",nogen
35 |
drop station_lat station_lon
36 |
save "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",replace
37 |
38 |
39 |
*2. Generate did_ddl_match.dta: station-daily PM10 data for deadline stations with distance matching (Table 1B, columns 3-5)
40 |
41 |
use "$path/Data/station_list.dta",clear
42 |
keep if auto_date==19359
43 |
rename pm10_n pm10_n1
44 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_1.dta",replace
45 |
46 |
use "$path/Data/station_list.dta",clear
47 |
keep if auto_date==19724
48 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_2.dta",replace
49 |
50 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_1.dta",clear
51 |
geonear pm10_n1 station_lat station_lon using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_2.dta", n(pm10_n station_lat station_lon) long ellipsoid
52 |
keep if km_to_pm10_n<=400
53 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",replace
54 |
55 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",clear
56 |
keep pm10_n1
57 |
rename pm10_n1 pm10_n
58 |
gen treat=1
59 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_treated.dta",replace
60 |
61 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",clear
62 |
keep pm10_n
63 |
gen treat=0
64 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_control.dta",replace
65 |
66 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
67 |
gen year=year(date)
68 |
keep if year==2012 | year==2013
69 |
joinby pm10_n using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_treated.dta"
70 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_treated.dta",replace
71 |
72 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
73 |
gen year=year(date)
74 |
keep if year==2012 | year==2013
75 |
joinby pm10_n using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_control.dta"
76 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_control.dta",replace
77 |
78 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_treated.dta",clear
79 |
append using "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_control.dta"
80 |
drop year so2 no2 phase treat
81 |
gen l_pm10=log(pm10), after(pm10)
82 |
label variable l_pm10 "logarithm of pm10"
83 |
84 |
save "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta",replace
85 |
86 |
87 |
*3. Generate station_month.dta
88 |
89 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
90 |
gen month_date = mofd(date)
91 |
gen month_auto_date = mofd(auto_date)
92 |
format month* %tm
93 |
gen n_month = month_date - month_auto_date
94 |
gen after = (month_date >= month_auto_date)
95 |
drop month_date month_auto_date
96 |
gen year=year(date)
97 |
gen month=month(date)
98 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-rh{
99 |
bysort pm10_n year month: egen `v'_month=mean(`v')
100 |
drop `v'
101 |
rename `v'_month `v'
102 |
103 |
duplicates drop pm10_n year month,force
104 |
drop date
105 |
merge m:1 pm10_n year month using "$path/Data/aod_month.dta", keep(match) nogen
106 |
save "$path/Data/station_month.dta",replace
107 |
108 |
109 |
*4. Generate city_month.dta to be added with corrected PM10 in Section 10
110 |
*for plotting Appendix Figure C
111 |
112 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
113 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-aod{
114 |
bysort code_city year month: egen `v'_month=mean(`v')
115 |
drop `v'
116 |
rename `v'_month `v'
117 |
118 |
gsort code_city year month -auto_date
119 |
duplicates drop code_city year month,force
120 |
drop pm10_n so2 no2
121 |
save "$path/Data/city_month.dta",replace
122 |
123 |
124 |
*5. Compare city PM10 in Jan-June in 2013 vs 2014
125 |
126 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta",clear
127 |
gen period=0 if year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=6
128 |
replace period=1 if year==2014 & month>=1 & month<=6
129 |
drop if period==.
130 |
collapse (mean) pm10, by(code_city period)
131 |
reshape wide pm10, i(code_city) j(period)
132 |
gen diff_period=pm101-pm100
133 |
drop pm100 pm101
134 |
label variable diff_period "Mean Difference in PM10 between 2014 Jan-June and 2013 Jan-June"
135 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_period_compare.dta",replace
136 |
137 |
138 |
*6. Generate RD estimates for each city
139 |
140 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
141 |
levelsof code_city, local (p)
142 |
cap qui erase "$path/Results/rd_pm10_city.txt"
143 |
foreach y of local p{
144 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
145 |
qui gen T=date-auto_date
146 |
qui gen month=month(date)
147 |
keep if code_city==`y'
148 |
cap qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_`y'_smw)
149 |
cap qui rdrobust resid_pm10_`y'_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster pm10_n) masspoints(off)
150 |
cap outreg2 using "$path/Results/rd_pm10_city", excel dec(4) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather, Y) sortvar(RD_Estimate)
151 |
152 |
153 |
***import the city-level RD estimates
154 |
155 |
import delimited "$path/Results/rd_pm10_city.txt", rowrange(2:5) colrange(2)
156 |
drop in 2
157 |
sxpose, clear
158 |
split _var2, parse("*")
159 |
split _var3, parse("(" ")")
160 |
drop _var3 _var22-_var31
161 |
rename _var1 code_city
162 |
rename _var2 rd_estimate_1116_raw
163 |
rename _var21 rd_estimate_1116
164 |
rename _var32 error_1116
165 |
destring code_city rd_estimate_1116 error_1116, replace
166 |
label variable rd_estimate_1116_raw "Raw RD Estimate"
167 |
label variable rd_estimate_1116 "RD_Estimate_1116"
168 |
label variable error_1116 "Standard error of RD estimate"
169 |
/*City 230100 and 510400 have a large number of missing PM10 prior to automation.
170 |
Some Stata/rdrobust version still generate RD estimates for the two cities with a warning:
171 |
"Estimates might be unreliable due to low number of effective observations"
172 |
An earlier Stata 15 MP/rdrobust version (Winter 2020) does not generate RD estimates for the two cities with the following warning:
173 |
"Not enough observations to perform calculations"
174 |
Therefore, we replace the RD estimate for the two cities with missing values for compatibility and consistency.
175 |
176 |
replace rd_estimate_1116_raw="" if rd_estimate_1116_raw!="" & (code_city==230100 | code_city==510400)
177 |
replace rd_estimate_1116=. if rd_estimate_1116!=. & (code_city==230100 | code_city==510400)
178 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_rd_estimate.dta",replace
179 |
180 |
*7. Generate dummy list_76 indicating cities with fewer missing observations prior to automation
181 |
182 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta", clear
183 |
drop no2-rh
184 |
gen T=date-auto_date
185 |
keep if T<0 & T>=-120
186 |
xtset pm10_n date
187 |
tsspell pm10
188 |
keep if pm10==.
189 |
gsort code_city pm10_n -_seq
190 |
duplicates drop pm10_n,force
191 |
sort code_city _seq
192 |
duplicates drop code_city,force
193 |
gen list_76=(_seq<60)
194 |
/*city 650100 has 56 (or 21) missing days pre (or post) automation, with large
195 |
RD estimate and standard error, thus the estimate is unreliable and dropped.
196 |
197 |
replace list_76=0 if code_city==650100
198 |
keep code_city list_76
199 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_list_76.dta",replace
200 |
201 |
*8. Merge city characteristics with city-level RD and differences in PM10
202 |
203 |
use "$path/Data/city_info.dta",clear
204 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_list_76.dta", nogen
205 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_rd_estimate.dta", nogen
206 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_period_compare.dta", nogen
207 |
gen sig=(substr(rd_estimate_1116_raw,-2,2)=="**")
208 |
*define RD dummy: also used for Table 2A columns 3-4
209 |
gen rd=1 if list_76==1 & sig==1 & rd_estimate_1116>0, after(phase)
210 |
replace rd=1 if list_76==0 & diff_period>=35 & diff_period!=.
211 |
replace rd=0 if rd==.
212 |
label variable rd "underreporting dummy"
213 |
drop sig
214 |
save "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",replace
215 |
216 |
217 |
*9. Generate city-daily deadline data and city-monthly search data (Table 2A)
218 |
219 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta", clear
220 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-rh{
221 |
bysort code_city date: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
222 |
drop `v'
223 |
rename `v'_m `v'
224 |
225 |
gsort code_city date -auto_date
226 |
duplicates drop code_city date,force
227 |
drop pm10_n
228 |
merge 1:1 code_city date using "$path/Data/mask_filter_search.dta", keep(match) nogen
229 |
230 |
***add city RD dummy info for Table 2A: column 3-4
231 |
merge m:1 code_city using "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",nogen
232 |
drop list_76 rd_estimate_1116_raw-diff_period
233 |
save "$path/Data/temp/search_city_day.dta",replace
234 |
235 |
***generate city-daily search for deadline cities (Table 2B)
236 |
gen year=year(date)
237 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
238 |
drop year phase pm10-so2 rd
239 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
240 |
save "$path/Data/did_ddl_search.dta",replace
241 |
242 |
***aggregate to city-monthly level (Table 2A)
243 |
use "$path/Data/temp/search_city_day.dta",clear
244 |
gen year=year(date)
245 |
gen month=month(date)
246 |
gen month_date = mofd(date)
247 |
gen month_auto_date = mofd(auto_date)
248 |
format month* %tm
249 |
gen n_month = month_date - month_auto_date
250 |
drop month_date month_auto_date
251 |
252 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-pmmask {
253 |
bysort code_city n_month: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
254 |
drop `v'
255 |
rename `v'_m `v'
256 |
257 |
duplicates drop code_city n_month,force
258 |
drop date so2 no2
259 |
foreach v of varlist pmmask filter{
260 |
gen l_`v'=log(`v'+1)
261 |
262 |
save "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",replace
263 |
264 |
265 |
*10. Correct city-month PM10 using neural network
266 |
267 |
*do "$path/Codes/"
268 |
set seed 123456
269 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta",clear
270 |
foreach v of var aod wind_speed temp rh rain{
271 |
gen `v'2=`v'^2
272 |
gen `v'3=`v'^3
273 |
gen `v'4=`v'^4
274 |
275 |
*** separate into training (70%) and testing (30%) sets within after data
276 |
gen random = runiform()
277 |
sort after random
278 |
bysort after: gen test_set = (_n < 0.3*_N)
279 |
replace test_set = . if after == 0
280 |
*** save sst as local
281 |
summ pm10 if test_set==1
282 |
scalar pm10mean = r(mean)
283 |
egen sst = sum((pm10-pm10mean)^2) if test_set == 1
284 |
summ sst
285 |
local sst = r(mean)
286 |
*** neural net
287 |
xi: brain define, input(aod aod2 aod3 aod4 temp rain rh wind_speed temp2 rain2 rh2 wind_speed2 temp3 rain3 rh3 wind_speed3 temp4 rain4 rh4 wind_speed4 i.month i.code_city) output(pm10) hidden(20 20)
288 |
brain train if test_set == 0, iter(300) eta(.5)
289 |
brain think pm10_ann
290 |
egen rbrain_ann = sum((pm10-pm10_ann)^2) if test_set==1
291 |
summ rbrain_ann
292 |
local rbrain_ann = r(mean)
293 |
di "R-sq. brain: " 1-(`rbrain_ann'/`sst')
294 |
295 |
reghdfe pm10 aod aod2 aod3 aod4 temp rain rh wind_speed temp2 rain2 rh2 wind_speed2 temp3 rain3 rh3 wind_speed3 temp4 rain4 rh4 wind_speed4 if test_set == 0, absorb(month code_city) vce(cl code_city)
296 |
predict pm10_ols, xb
297 |
egen r_ols = sum((pm10-pm10_ols)^2) if test_set==1
298 |
summ r_ols
299 |
local r_ols = r(mean)
300 |
di "R-sq. brain: " 1-`r_ols'/`sst'
301 |
drop _I*
302 |
***Corrected PM10 as appendix data for future use
303 |
gen pm10_corrected=pm10
304 |
replace pm10_corrected=pm10_ann if after==0 & pm10_ann !=.
305 |
drop sst rbrain_ann r_ols
306 |
save "$path/Data/city_month.dta",replace
307 |
308 |
keep code_city year month pm10 pm10_corrected
309 |
sort code_city year month
310 |
format %9.1f pm10 pm10_corrected
311 |
label variable pm10 "Reported PM10 (ug/m3)"
312 |
label variable pm10_corrected "Corrected PM10 (ug/m3)"
313 |
save "$path/Data/pm10_corrected.dta",replace
314 |
315 |
316 |
*11. Add city RD dummy to city_month.dta for plotting Appendix Figure C
317 |
318 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta",clear
319 |
merge m:1 code_city using "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",nogen
320 |
drop list_76 rd_estimate_1116_raw-diff_period
321 |
322 |
save "$path/Data/city_month.dta",replace
323 |
324 |
325 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
1 |
***Prepare Data for Tables/Figures Based on Raw Data using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
*0. Set Up
10 |
*The most recent package versions are used as of March 2021.
11 |
*The estimates and output format may change slightly using different package versions.
12 |
13 |
*Manually copy brain.ado from
14 |
net install rdrobust, from("") replace
15 |
net install rddensity, from("") replace
16 |
local ssc_packages "reghdfe ftools sxpose tsspell geonear plotbeta outreg2 estout"
17 |
if !missing("`ssc_packages'") {
18 |
foreach pkg in "`ssc_packages'" {
19 |
* install using ssc, but avoid re-installing if already present
20 |
capture which `pkg'
21 |
if _rc == 111 {
22 |
dis "Installing `pkg'"
23 |
qui ssc install `pkg',replace
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
/* Original Weather Data
29 |
30 |
*1. Generate station_day_1116.dta
31 |
32 |
use "$path/Data/pollution_1116.dta",clear
33 |
merge 1:1 station_n date using "$path/Data/weather_1116.dta",nogen
34 |
rename station_n pm10_n
35 |
merge m:1 pm10_n using "$path/Data/station_list.dta",nogen
36 |
drop station_lat station_lon
37 |
save "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",replace
38 |
39 |
40 |
*1GG. Generate station_day_1116.dta (New!)
41 |
42 |
use "$path/Data/pollution_1116.dta",clear
43 |
merge 1:1 station_n date using "$path/Data/weather_1116.dta",nogen // Merging Old Data File
44 |
merge 1:1 station_n date using "$path/Data/weather_1116_alt.dta",nogen //Merge with new altertaive weather data, generate in using
45 |
rename station_n pm10_n
46 |
merge m:1 pm10_n using "$path/Data/station_list.dta",nogen
47 |
drop station_lat station_lon
48 |
save "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",replace
49 |
50 |
51 |
*2. Generate did_ddl_match.dta: station-daily PM10 data for deadline stations with distance matching (Table 1B, columns 3-5)
52 |
53 |
use "$path/Data/station_list.dta",clear
54 |
keep if auto_date==19359
55 |
rename pm10_n pm10_n1
56 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_1.dta",replace
57 |
58 |
use "$path/Data/station_list.dta",clear
59 |
keep if auto_date==19724
60 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_2.dta",replace
61 |
62 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_1.dta",clear
63 |
geonear pm10_n1 station_lat station_lon using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_2.dta", n(pm10_n station_lat station_lon) long ellipsoid
64 |
keep if km_to_pm10_n<=400
65 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",replace
66 |
67 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",clear
68 |
keep pm10_n1
69 |
rename pm10_n1 pm10_n
70 |
gen treat=1
71 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_treated.dta",replace
72 |
73 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",clear
74 |
keep pm10_n
75 |
gen treat=0
76 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_control.dta",replace
77 |
78 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
79 |
gen year=year(date)
80 |
keep if year==2012 | year==2013
81 |
joinby pm10_n using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_treated.dta"
82 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_treated.dta",replace
83 |
84 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
85 |
gen year=year(date)
86 |
keep if year==2012 | year==2013
87 |
joinby pm10_n using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_control.dta"
88 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_control.dta",replace
89 |
90 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_treated.dta",clear
91 |
append using "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_control.dta"
92 |
drop year so2 no2 phase treat
93 |
gen l_pm10=log(pm10), after(pm10)
94 |
label variable l_pm10 "logarithm of pm10"
95 |
96 |
save "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta",replace
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
*2. Generate did_ddl_match.dta: station-daily AOD data for deadline stations with distance matching (Table 1B, columns 3-5)
101 |
102 |
use "$path/Data/station_list.dta",clear
103 |
keep if auto_date==19359
104 |
rename pm10_n pm10_n1
105 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_1.dta",replace
106 |
107 |
use "$path/Data/station_list.dta",clear
108 |
keep if auto_date==19724
109 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_2.dta",replace
110 |
111 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_1.dta",clear
112 |
geonear pm10_n1 station_lat station_lon using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_2.dta", n(pm10_n station_lat station_lon) long ellipsoid
113 |
keep if km_to_pm10_n<=400
114 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",replace
115 |
116 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",clear
117 |
keep pm10_n1
118 |
rename pm10_n1 pm10_n
119 |
gen treat=1
120 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_treated.dta",replace
121 |
122 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_match.dta",clear
123 |
keep pm10_n
124 |
gen treat=0
125 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_control.dta",replace
126 |
127 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
128 |
gen year=year(date)
129 |
keep if year==2012 | year==2013
130 |
joinby pm10_n using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_treated.dta"
131 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_treated.dta",replace
132 |
133 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
134 |
gen year=year(date)
135 |
keep if year==2012 | year==2013
136 |
joinby pm10_n using "$path/Data/temp/station_ddl_control.dta"
137 |
save "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_control.dta",replace
138 |
139 |
use "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_treated.dta",clear
140 |
append using "$path/Data/temp/station_day_ddl_control.dta"
141 |
drop year so2 no2 phase treat
142 |
gen l_pm10=log(pm10), after(pm10)
143 |
label variable l_pm10 "logarithm of pm10"
144 |
145 |
save "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta",replace
146 |
147 |
*3. Generate station_month.dta
148 |
149 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
150 |
gen month_date = mofd(date)
151 |
gen month_auto_date = mofd(auto_date)
152 |
format month* %tm
153 |
gen n_month = month_date - month_auto_date
154 |
gen after = (month_date >= month_auto_date)
155 |
drop month_date month_auto_date
156 |
gen year=year(date)
157 |
gen month=month(date)
158 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-rh{
159 |
bysort pm10_n year month: egen `v'_month=mean(`v')
160 |
drop `v'
161 |
rename `v'_month `v'
162 |
163 |
duplicates drop pm10_n year month,force
164 |
drop date
165 |
merge m:1 pm10_n year month using "$path/Data/aod_month.dta", keep(match) nogen
166 |
save "$path/Data/station_month.dta",replace
167 |
168 |
169 |
*4. Generate city_month.dta to be added with corrected PM10 in Section 10
170 |
*for plotting Appendix Figure C
171 |
172 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
173 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-aod{
174 |
bysort code_city year month: egen `v'_month=mean(`v')
175 |
drop `v'
176 |
rename `v'_month `v'
177 |
178 |
gsort code_city year month -auto_date
179 |
duplicates drop code_city year month,force
180 |
drop pm10_n so2 no2
181 |
save "$path/Data/city_month.dta",replace
182 |
183 |
184 |
*5. Compare city PM10 in Jan-June in 2013 vs 2014
185 |
186 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta",clear
187 |
gen period=0 if year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=6
188 |
replace period=1 if year==2014 & month>=1 & month<=6
189 |
drop if period==.
190 |
collapse (mean) pm10, by(code_city period)
191 |
reshape wide pm10, i(code_city) j(period)
192 |
gen diff_period=pm101-pm100
193 |
drop pm100 pm101
194 |
label variable diff_period "Mean Difference in PM10 between 2014 Jan-June and 2013 Jan-June"
195 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_period_compare.dta",replace
196 |
197 |
198 |
*6. Generate RD estimates for each city
199 |
200 |
201 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
202 |
levelsof code_city, local (p)
203 |
cap qui erase "$path/Results/rd_pm10_city.txt"
204 |
foreach y of local p{
205 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
206 |
qui gen T=date-auto_date
207 |
qui gen month=month(date)
208 |
keep if code_city==`y'
209 |
cap qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_`y'_smw)
210 |
cap qui rdrobust resid_pm10_`y'_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster pm10_n) masspoints(off)
211 |
cap outreg2 using "$path/Results/rd_pm10_city", excel dec(4) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather, Y) sortvar(RD_Estimate)
212 |
213 |
***import the city-level RD estimates
214 |
215 |
import delimited "$path/Results/rd_pm10_city.txt", rowrange(2:5) colrange(2)
216 |
drop in 2
217 |
sxpose, clear
218 |
split _var2, parse("*")
219 |
split _var3, parse("(" ")")
220 |
drop _var3 _var22-_var31
221 |
rename _var1 code_city
222 |
rename _var2 rd_estimate_1116_raw
223 |
rename _var21 rd_estimate_1116
224 |
rename _var32 error_1116
225 |
destring code_city rd_estimate_1116 error_1116, replace
226 |
label variable rd_estimate_1116_raw "Raw RD Estimate"
227 |
label variable rd_estimate_1116 "RD_Estimate_1116"
228 |
label variable error_1116 "Standard error of RD estimate"
229 |
/*City 230100 and 510400 have a large number of missing PM10 prior to automation.
230 |
Some Stata/rdrobust version still generate RD estimates for the two cities with a warning:
231 |
"Estimates might be unreliable due to low number of effective observations"
232 |
An earlier Stata 15 MP/rdrobust version (Winter 2020) does not generate RD estimates for the two cities with the following warning:
233 |
"Not enough observations to perform calculations"
234 |
Therefore, we replace the RD estimate for the two cities with missing values for compatibility and consistency.
235 |
236 |
replace rd_estimate_1116_raw="" if rd_estimate_1116_raw!="" & (code_city==230100 | code_city==510400)
237 |
replace rd_estimate_1116=. if rd_estimate_1116!=. & (code_city==230100 | code_city==510400)
238 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_rd_estimate.dta",replace
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
*6b. Generate RD (for AOD) estimates for each city
243 |
244 |
** Original
245 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta" ,clear
246 |
levelsof code_city, local (p)
247 |
cap qui erase "$path/Results/rd_AOD_city.txt"
248 |
foreach y of local p{
249 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
250 |
keep if code_city==`y'
251 |
cap qui reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_`y'_smw)
252 |
rdrobust resid_aod_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
253 |
254 |
255 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/rd_aod_city", excel dec(4) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather, Y) sortvar(RD_Estimate)
256 |
257 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
258 |
keep if code_city==340200
259 |
reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_340200_smw)
260 |
rdrobust resid_aod_340200_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) masspoints(off)
261 |
262 |
***import the city-level RD AOD estimates
263 |
264 |
import delimited "$path/Results/rd_aod_city", rowrange(2:5) colrange(2)
265 |
drop in 2
266 |
sxpose, clear //command sxpose is unrecognized, solution install sxpose
267 |
split _var2, parse("*")
268 |
split _var3, parse("(" ")")
269 |
drop _var3 _var22-_var31
270 |
rename _var1 code_city
271 |
rename _var2 rd_estimate_1116_raw
272 |
rename _var21 rd_estimate_1116
273 |
rename _var32 error_1116
274 |
destring code_city rd_estimate_1116 error_1116, replace
275 |
label variable rd_estimate_1116_raw "Raw RD Estimate"
276 |
label variable rd_estimate_1116 "RD_Estimate_1116"
277 |
label variable error_1116 "Standard error of RD estimate"
278 |
279 |
/*City 230100 and 510400 have a large number of missing PM10 prior to automation.
280 |
Some Stata/rdrobust version still generate RD estimates for the two cities with a warning:
281 |
"Estimates might be unreliable due to low number of effective observations"
282 |
An earlier Stata 15 MP/rdrobust version (Winter 2020) does not generate RD estimates for the two cities with the following warning:
283 |
"Not enough observations to perform calculations"
284 |
Therefore, we replace the RD estimate for the two cities with missing values for compatibility and consistency.
285 |
286 |
replace rd_estimate_1116_raw="" if rd_estimate_1116_raw!="" & (code_city==230100 | code_city==510400)
287 |
replace rd_estimate_1116=. if rd_estimate_1116!=. & (code_city==230100 | code_city==510400)
288 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_rd_aod_estimate.dta",replace
289 |
290 |
291 |
*7. Generate dummy list_76 indicating cities with fewer missing observations prior to automation
292 |
293 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta", clear
294 |
drop no2-rh
295 |
gen T=date-auto_date
296 |
keep if T<0 & T>=-120
297 |
xtset pm10_n date
298 |
tsspell pm10
299 |
keep if pm10==.
300 |
gsort code_city pm10_n -_seq
301 |
duplicates drop pm10_n,force
302 |
sort code_city _seq
303 |
duplicates drop code_city,force
304 |
gen list_76=(_seq<60)
305 |
/*city 650100 has 56 (or 21) missing days pre (or post) automation, with large
306 |
RD estimate and standard error, thus the estimate is unreliable and dropped.
307 |
308 |
replace list_76=0 if code_city==650100
309 |
keep code_city list_76
310 |
save "$path/Data/temp/city_list_76.dta",replace
311 |
312 |
*8. Merge city characteristics with city-level RD and differences in PM10
313 |
314 |
use "$path/Data/city_info.dta",clear
315 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_list_76.dta", nogen
316 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_rd_estimate.dta", nogen
317 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_period_compare.dta", nogen
318 |
gen sig=(substr(rd_estimate_1116_raw,-2,2)=="**")
319 |
*define RD dummy: also used for Table 2A columns 3-4
320 |
gen rd=1 if list_76==1 & sig==1 & rd_estimate_1116>0, after(phase)
321 |
replace rd=1 if list_76==0 & diff_period>=35 & diff_period!=.
322 |
replace rd=0 if rd==.
323 |
label variable rd "underreporting dummy"
324 |
drop sig
325 |
save "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",replace
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
*8b. Merge city characteristics with city-level RD and differences in aod
330 |
331 |
use "$path/Data/city_info.dta",clear
332 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_list_76.dta", nogen
333 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_rd_aod_estimate.dta", nogen
334 |
merge 1:1 code_city using "$path/Data/temp/city_period_compare.dta", nogen
335 |
gen sig=(substr(rd_estimate_1116_raw,-2,2)=="**")
336 |
save "$path/Data/city_info_rd_aod.dta",replace
337 |
338 |
339 |
*9. Generate city-daily deadline data and city-monthly search data (Table 2A)
340 |
341 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta", clear
342 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-rh{
343 |
bysort code_city date: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
344 |
drop `v'
345 |
rename `v'_m `v'
346 |
347 |
gsort code_city date -auto_date
348 |
duplicates drop code_city date,force
349 |
drop pm10_n
350 |
merge 1:1 code_city date using "$path/Data/mask_filter_search.dta", keep(match) nogen
351 |
352 |
***add city RD dummy info for Table 2A: column 3-4
353 |
merge m:1 code_city using "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",nogen
354 |
drop list_76 rd_estimate_1116_raw-diff_period
355 |
save "$path/Data/temp/search_city_day.dta",replace
356 |
357 |
***generate city-daily search for deadline cities (Table 2B)
358 |
gen year=year(date)
359 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
360 |
drop year phase pm10-so2 rd
361 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
362 |
save "$path/Data/did_ddl_search.dta",replace
363 |
364 |
***aggregate to city-monthly level (Table 2A)
365 |
use "$path/Data/temp/search_city_day.dta",clear
366 |
gen year=year(date)
367 |
gen month=month(date)
368 |
gen month_date = mofd(date)
369 |
gen month_auto_date = mofd(auto_date)
370 |
format month* %tm
371 |
gen n_month = month_date - month_auto_date
372 |
drop month_date month_auto_date
373 |
374 |
foreach v of varlist pm10-pmmask {
375 |
bysort code_city n_month: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
376 |
drop `v'
377 |
rename `v'_m `v'
378 |
379 |
duplicates drop code_city n_month,force
380 |
drop date so2 no2
381 |
foreach v of varlist pmmask filter{
382 |
gen l_`v'=log(`v'+1)
383 |
384 |
save "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",replace
385 |
386 |
387 |
*10. Correct city-month PM10 using neural network
388 |
389 |
*do "$path/Codes/"
390 |
set seed 123456
391 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta",clear
392 |
foreach v of var aod wind_speed temp rh rain{
393 |
gen `v'2=`v'^2
394 |
gen `v'3=`v'^3
395 |
gen `v'4=`v'^4
396 |
397 |
*** separate into training (70%) and testing (30%) sets within after data
398 |
gen random = runiform()
399 |
sort after random
400 |
bysort after: gen test_set = (_n < 0.3*_N)
401 |
replace test_set = . if after == 0
402 |
*** save sst as local
403 |
summ pm10 if test_set==1
404 |
scalar pm10mean = r(mean)
405 |
egen sst = sum((pm10-pm10mean)^2) if test_set == 1
406 |
summ sst
407 |
local sst = r(mean)
408 |
*** neural net
409 |
xi: brain define, input(aod aod2 aod3 aod4 temp rain rh wind_speed temp2 rain2 rh2 wind_speed2 temp3 rain3 rh3 wind_speed3 temp4 rain4 rh4 wind_speed4 i.month i.code_city) output(pm10) hidden(20 20)
410 |
brain train if test_set == 0, iter(300) eta(.5)
411 |
brain think pm10_ann
412 |
egen rbrain_ann = sum((pm10-pm10_ann)^2) if test_set==1
413 |
summ rbrain_ann
414 |
local rbrain_ann = r(mean)
415 |
di "R-sq. brain: " 1-(`rbrain_ann'/`sst')
416 |
417 |
reghdfe pm10 aod aod2 aod3 aod4 temp rain rh wind_speed temp2 rain2 rh2 wind_speed2 temp3 rain3 rh3 wind_speed3 temp4 rain4 rh4 wind_speed4 if test_set == 0, absorb(month code_city) vce(cl code_city)
418 |
predict pm10_ols, xb
419 |
egen r_ols = sum((pm10-pm10_ols)^2) if test_set==1
420 |
summ r_ols
421 |
local r_ols = r(mean)
422 |
di "R-sq. brain: " 1-`r_ols'/`sst'
423 |
drop _I*
424 |
***Corrected PM10 as appendix data for future use
425 |
gen pm10_corrected=pm10
426 |
replace pm10_corrected=pm10_ann if after==0 & pm10_ann !=.
427 |
drop sst rbrain_ann r_ols
428 |
save "$path/Data/city_month.dta",replace
429 |
430 |
keep code_city year month pm10 pm10_corrected
431 |
sort code_city year month
432 |
format %9.1f pm10 pm10_corrected
433 |
label variable pm10 "Reported PM10 (ug/m3)"
434 |
label variable pm10_corrected "Corrected PM10 (ug/m3)"
435 |
save "$path/Data/pm10_corrected.dta",replace
436 |
437 |
438 |
*11. Add city RD dummy to city_month.dta for plotting Appendix Figure C
439 |
440 |
use "$path/Data/city_month.dta",clear
441 |
merge m:1 code_city using "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta",nogen
442 |
drop list_76 rd_estimate_1116_raw-diff_period
443 |
444 |
save "$path/Data/city_month.dta",replace
445 |
446 |
447 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
1 |
****This is the main program for appendix tables generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
*Table A2. Summary Statistics by Year
10 |
11 |
12 |
use "$path/Data/station_month",clear
13 |
qui levelsof year, loc(y)
14 |
qui foreach v of loc y {
15 |
estpost summ aod if year==`v'
16 |
est sto y`v'
17 |
18 |
esttab * using "$path/Results/Table_A2.csv", cell(mean(fmt(%9.2f)) sd(par)) mti collabels(none) noobs replace
19 |
20 |
***pollution and weather
21 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
22 |
gen year=year(date)
23 |
qui levelsof year, loc(y)
24 |
qui foreach v of loc y {
25 |
estpost summ pm10 so2 no2 temp rain rh wind_speed if year==`v'
26 |
est sto y`v'
27 |
28 |
esttab * using "$path/Results/Table_A2.csv", cell(mean(fmt(%9.1f)) sd(par)) mti collabels(none) noobs nonum append
29 |
30 |
31 |
*Table B2. Changes in Weather Conditions after Automation
32 |
33 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
34 |
gen T=date-auto_date
35 |
gen month=month(date)
36 |
foreach y in temp rain rh wind_speed{
37 |
qui reghdfe `y', absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`y'_sm)
38 |
*all sample
39 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
40 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
41 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
42 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, Kernel, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
43 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
44 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, Kernel, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
45 |
*no missing PM10
46 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & pm10 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
47 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, No Missing PM10, Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
48 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & pm10 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
49 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, No Missing PM10, Kernel, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
50 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & pm10 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
51 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, No Missing PM10, Kernel, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
*Table B3. RD Estimates Using Alternative Kernel Weightings and Polynomials
56 |
57 |
***Panel A: station-day PM10
58 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
59 |
gen T=date-auto_date
60 |
gen month=month(date)
61 |
gen after=(T>0)
62 |
gen T2=T^2
63 |
gen T3=T^3
64 |
gen T4=T^4
65 |
gen after_T=after*T
66 |
gen after_T2=after*T2
67 |
gen after_T3=after*T3
68 |
gen after_T4=after*T4
69 |
70 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
71 |
72 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
73 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
74 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
75 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
76 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
77 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
78 |
79 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
80 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Linear, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
81 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T T2 after_T2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
82 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quadratic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
83 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T T2 after_T2 T3 after_T3 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
84 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Cubic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
85 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T T2 after_T2 T3 after_T3 T4 after_T4 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
86 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quartic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
87 |
88 |
***Panel B: station-month PM10 and AOD
89 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
90 |
foreach v in pm10 aod{
91 |
qui reghdfe `v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`v'_smw)
92 |
93 |
94 |
gen m2=n_month^2
95 |
gen m3=n_month^3
96 |
gen m4=n_month^4
97 |
gen after_m=after*n_month
98 |
gen after_m2=after*m2
99 |
gen after_m3=after*m3
100 |
gen after_m4=after*m4
101 |
102 |
foreach y of var pm10 aod {
103 |
if "`y'" == "pm10" local dec = 1
104 |
if "`y'" == "aod" local dec = 3
105 |
106 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
107 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y') addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
108 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
109 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y') addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
110 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
111 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y') addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
112 |
113 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
114 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Linear, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
115 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m m2 after_m2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
116 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quadratic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
117 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m m2 after_m2 m3 after_m3 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
118 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Cubic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
119 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m m2 after_m2 m3 after_m3 m4 after_m4 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
120 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quartic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
*Table B4. Automation and Reported PM10 in 76 Cities
125 |
126 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
127 |
merge m:1 code_city using "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta"
128 |
keep if list_76==1
129 |
gen T=date-auto_date
130 |
gen month=month(date)
131 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
132 |
133 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
134 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
135 |
136 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
137 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
138 |
*wave 1
139 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
140 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
141 |
*wave 2
142 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
143 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
144 |
145 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
146 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
147 |
148 |
149 |
*Table B6. Automation and PM10 Variability
150 |
151 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
152 |
gen year=year(date)
153 |
gen month=month(date)
154 |
gen T = date - auto_date
155 |
gen n_month=floor(T/30)
156 |
bysort pm10_n n_month: egen sd_pm10=sd(pm10)
157 |
foreach v of var pm10-rh{
158 |
bysort pm10_n n_month: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
159 |
drop `v'
160 |
rename `v'_m `v'
161 |
162 |
duplicates drop pm10_n n_month,force
163 |
qui reghdfe sd_pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_sd_pm10_smw)
164 |
165 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
166 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(All) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
167 |
168 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
169 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(Wave 1) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
170 |
171 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
172 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(Wave 2) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
173 |
174 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
175 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(Deadline) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
176 |
177 |
178 |
*Table B7. Automation and Reported SO2 and NO2
179 |
180 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
181 |
gen T=date-auto_date
182 |
gen month=month(date)
183 |
foreach y of var so2 no2{
184 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
185 |
186 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
187 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_All) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
188 |
189 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
190 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_Wave 1) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
191 |
192 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
193 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_Wave 2) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
194 |
195 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
196 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_Deadline) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
*Table B8. Change in PM10 Reporting Standard
201 |
202 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
203 |
gen T=date-auto_date
204 |
gen month=month(date)
205 |
gen miss1=1 if pm10==. & T <0 & T>=-365
206 |
gen miss2=1 if pm10==. & T >=0 & T<365
207 |
gen n1=1 if T <0 & T>=-365
208 |
gen n2=1 if T >=0 & T<365
209 |
210 |
bysort pm10_n: egen miss_before_y=sum(miss1)
211 |
bysort pm10_n: egen miss_after_y=sum(miss2)
212 |
bysort pm10_n: egen n_before_y=sum(n1)
213 |
bysort pm10_n: egen n_after_y=sum(n2)
214 |
215 |
gen miss_before_ratio=miss_before_y/n_before_y
216 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
217 |
218 |
foreach v in 10 15 20 25 30{
219 |
220 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if miss_before_ratio<=`v'/100, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
221 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B8_miss_before_ratio_1y", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Pre-Missing PM10, ≤`v'%, Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
*Table B9. RD Density Test at Air Quality Thresholds
226 |
227 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
228 |
gen T=date-auto_date
229 |
log using "$path/Data/temp/temp1.log", replace
230 |
foreach v in 50 150 250 350 420 500 600 {
231 |
rddensity pm10 if T>=0, c(`v') p(1) q(2) kernel(triangular) nomasspoints
232 |
rddensity pm10 if T>=0, c(`v') p(1) q(2) kernel(epanechnikov) nomasspoints
233 |
rddensity pm10 if T>=0, c(`v') p(1) q(2) kernel(uniform) nomasspoints
234 |
235 |
log close
236 |
237 |
238 |
infix str3 cutoff 6-18 str12 kernel 69-80 str6 T 24-30 str6 P_value 37-42 using "$path/Data/temp/temp1.log"
239 |
keep if trim(cutoff)=="c = 50.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 150.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 250.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 350.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 420.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 600.000" |trim(cutoff)=="Robust"| trim(kernel)=="triangular"| trim(kernel)=="epanechnikov"| trim(kernel)=="uniform"
240 |
replace cutoff=cutoff[_n-2] if cutoff=="Robust"
241 |
replace kernel=kernel[_n-1] if kernel==""
242 |
drop if cutoff=="Number of obs" | kernel=="709659"
243 |
export excel using "$path/Results/Table_B9_Threshold", replace firstrow(variables)
244 |
245 |
246 |
*Table B10. Automation and Association between AOD and PM10 (Standardized)
247 |
248 |
249 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
250 |
set matsize 5000
251 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
252 |
253 |
log using "$path/Data/temp/temp2.log", replace
254 |
pwcorr aod pm10 if after==0, sig
255 |
pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed if after==0
256 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month if after==0
257 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month i.pm10_n if after==0
258 |
pwcorr aod pm10 if after==1, sig
259 |
pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed if after==1
260 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month if after==1
261 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month i.pm10_n if after==1
262 |
log close
263 |
264 |
265 |
infix str4 obs 1-4 str12 thecorr 1-12 str6 partcorr 17-23 str6 thesig 73-78 using "$path/Data/temp/temp2.log"
266 |
keep if trim(thecorr)=="pm10" | trim(obs)=="(obs"
267 |
export excel using "$path/Results/Table_B10_PM10_AOD", replace
268 |
269 |
270 |
*Table D1. Association between Baidu Search Index and Taobao Sales Index
271 |
272 |
use "$path/Data/search_sale.dta",clear
273 |
foreach v in mask filter{
274 |
qui reghdfe l_taobao_`v' l_`v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
275 |
qui outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D1_sale_search", excel dec(2) append drop(wind_speed rain temp rh) ctitle(l_taobao_`v') addtext(Weather Controls, Y, City FE, Y)
276 |
qui reghdfe l_taobao_`v' l_`v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) vce(cluster code_city)
277 |
qui outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D1_sale_search", excel dec(2) append drop(wind_speed rain temp rh) ctitle(l_taobao_`v') addtext(Weather Controls, Y, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
*Table D3: City-Month Online Search in Deadline and Non-Deadline Cities
282 |
283 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
284 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
285 |
cap qui reghdfe `y', absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_sm)
286 |
cap qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
287 |
*ddl in normal and manipulated
288 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
289 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, Y, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
290 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
291 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, Y, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
292 |
293 |
*non_ddl in normal and manipulated
294 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm n_month if auto_date!=19359 & auto_date!=19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
295 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, N, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
296 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if auto_date!=19359 & auto_date!=19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
297 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, N, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
1 |
****This is the main program for appendix tables generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
*Table 1. Robustness Test of Table 1 - Panel C - Only Near by stations.
9 |
10 |
** Only Stations within 500km
11 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
12 |
gen T=date-auto_date
13 |
gen month=month(date)
14 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed_DWA_500 rain_DWA_500 temp_DWA_500 rh_DWA_500, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
15 |
16 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp_DWA_500!=. & rain_DWA_500!=. & rh_DWA_500!=. & wind_speed_DWA_500 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
17 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A1", excel replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
18 |
19 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
20 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
21 |
*wave 1
22 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
23 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
24 |
*wave 2
25 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
26 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
27 |
28 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
29 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
30 |
31 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
32 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
33 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed_DWA_500 rain_DWA_500 temp_DWA_500 rh_DWA_500, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
34 |
35 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp_DWA_500!=. & rain_DWA_500!=. & rh_DWA_500!=. & wind_speed_DWA_500 !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
36 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A1", excel replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
37 |
38 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
39 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
40 |
*wave 1
41 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
42 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
43 |
*wave 2
44 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
45 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
46 |
47 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
48 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A1", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
49 |
50 |
51 |
** Only Stations within 100km
52 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
53 |
gen T=date-auto_date
54 |
gen month=month(date)
55 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed_DWA_100 rain_DWA_100 temp_DWA_100 rh_DWA_100, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
56 |
57 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp_DWA_100!=. & rain_DWA_100!=. & rh_DWA_100!=. & wind_speed_DWA_100 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
58 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A2", excel replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
59 |
60 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
61 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
62 |
*wave 1
63 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
64 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
65 |
*wave 2
66 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
67 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
68 |
69 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
70 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A1_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
71 |
72 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
73 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
74 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed_DWA_100 rain_DWA_100 temp_DWA_100 rh_DWA_100, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
75 |
76 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp_DWA_100!=. & rain_DWA_100!=. & rh_DWA_100!=. & wind_speed_DWA_100 !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
77 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A2", excel replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
78 |
79 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
80 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
81 |
*wave 1
82 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
83 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
84 |
*wave 2
85 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
86 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
87 |
88 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
89 |
outreg2 using "$path2/Table1_A2_GG_PC_A2", excel append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex pvalue
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
*Table **. Summary Statistics by weather varibles (NEW)
94 |
95 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
96 |
foreach y in "temp" "rain" "wind_speed" "rh" {
97 |
sum `y' `y'_n `y'_DWA `y'_DWA_500 `y'_DWA_100
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
*Table A2. Summary Statistics by Year
102 |
103 |
104 |
use "$path/Data/station_month",clear
105 |
qui levelsof year, loc(y)
106 |
qui foreach v of loc y {
107 |
estpost summ aod if year==`v'
108 |
est sto y`v'
109 |
110 |
esttab * using "$path/Results/Table_A2.csv", cell(mean(fmt(%9.2f)) sd(par)) mti collabels(none) noobs replace
111 |
112 |
***pollution and weather
113 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
114 |
gen year=year(date)
115 |
qui levelsof year, loc(y)
116 |
qui foreach v of loc y {
117 |
estpost summ pm10 so2 no2 temp rain rh wind_speed if year==`v'
118 |
est sto y`v'
119 |
120 |
esttab * using "$path/Results/Table_A2.csv", cell(mean(fmt(%9.1f)) sd(par)) mti collabels(none) noobs nonum append
121 |
122 |
123 |
*Table B2. Changes in Weather Conditions after Automation
124 |
125 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
126 |
gen T=date-auto_date
127 |
gen month=month(date)
128 |
foreach y in temp rain rh wind_speed{
129 |
qui reghdfe `y', absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`y'_sm)
130 |
*all sample
131 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
132 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
133 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
134 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, Kernel, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
135 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
136 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, Kernel, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
137 |
*no missing PM10
138 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & pm10 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
139 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, No Missing PM10, Kernel, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
140 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & pm10 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
141 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, No Missing PM10, Kernel, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
142 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & pm10 !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
143 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, No Missing PM10, Kernel, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
*Table B3. RD Estimates Using Alternative Kernel Weightings and Polynomials
148 |
149 |
***Panel A: station-day PM10
150 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
151 |
gen T=date-auto_date
152 |
gen month=month(date)
153 |
gen after=(T>0)
154 |
gen T2=T^2
155 |
gen T3=T^3
156 |
gen T4=T^4
157 |
gen after_T=after*T
158 |
gen after_T2=after*T2
159 |
gen after_T3=after*T3
160 |
gen after_T4=after*T4
161 |
162 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
163 |
164 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
165 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
166 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
167 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
168 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
169 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
170 |
171 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
172 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Linear, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
173 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T T2 after_T2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
174 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quadratic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
175 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T T2 after_T2 T3 after_T3 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
176 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Cubic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
177 |
qui reghdfe pm10 after T after_T T2 after_T2 T3 after_T3 T4 after_T4 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
178 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3A_kernel_parametric_day", excel dec(1) append keep (after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quartic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(pm10)
179 |
180 |
***Panel B: station-month PM10 and AOD
181 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
182 |
foreach v in pm10 aod{
183 |
qui reghdfe `v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`v'_smw)
184 |
185 |
186 |
gen m2=n_month^2
187 |
gen m3=n_month^3
188 |
gen m4=n_month^4
189 |
gen after_m=after*n_month
190 |
gen after_m2=after*m2
191 |
gen after_m3=after*m3
192 |
gen after_m4=after*m4
193 |
194 |
foreach y of var pm10 aod {
195 |
if "`y'" == "pm10" local dec = 1
196 |
if "`y'" == "aod" local dec = 3
197 |
198 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
199 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Tri., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y') addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
200 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(epa) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
201 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Epa., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y') addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
202 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(uni) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
203 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Uni., Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y') addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
204 |
205 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
206 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Linear, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
207 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m m2 after_m2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
208 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quadratic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
209 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m m2 after_m2 m3 after_m3 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
210 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Cubic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
211 |
qui reghdfe `y' after n_month after_m m2 after_m2 m3 after_m3 m4 after_m4 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
212 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B3B_kernel_parametric_month", excel dec(`dec') append keep(after) addtext(Kernel/Polynomial, Quartic, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) ctitle(`y')
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
*Table B4. Automation and Reported PM10 in 76 Cities
217 |
218 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
219 |
merge m:1 code_city using "$path/Data/city_info_rd.dta"
220 |
keep if list_76==1
221 |
gen T=date-auto_date
222 |
gen month=month(date)
223 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
224 |
225 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
226 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
227 |
228 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
229 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
230 |
*wave 1
231 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
232 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
233 |
*wave 2
234 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
235 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
236 |
237 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
238 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B4_76", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
239 |
240 |
241 |
*Table B6. Automation and PM10 Variability
242 |
243 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
244 |
gen year=year(date)
245 |
gen month=month(date)
246 |
gen T = date - auto_date
247 |
gen n_month=floor(T/30)
248 |
bysort pm10_n n_month: egen sd_pm10=sd(pm10)
249 |
foreach v of var pm10-rh{
250 |
bysort pm10_n n_month: egen `v'_m=mean(`v')
251 |
drop `v'
252 |
rename `v'_m `v'
253 |
254 |
duplicates drop pm10_n n_month,force
255 |
qui reghdfe sd_pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_sd_pm10_smw)
256 |
257 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
258 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(All) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
259 |
260 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
261 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(Wave 1) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
262 |
263 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
264 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(Wave 2) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
265 |
266 |
qui rdrobust resid_sd_pm10_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
267 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B6_SD", excel dec(1) append ctitle(Deadline) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
268 |
269 |
270 |
*Table B7. Automation and Reported SO2 and NO2
271 |
272 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
273 |
gen T=date-auto_date
274 |
gen month=month(date)
275 |
foreach y of var so2 no2{
276 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
277 |
278 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
279 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_All) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
280 |
281 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
282 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_Wave 1) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
283 |
284 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
285 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_Wave 2) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
286 |
287 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
288 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B7_SO2_NO2", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y'_Deadline) addtext(Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y, Kernel Function, Tri.) addstat(`y' Obs., e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), `y' Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
*Table B8. Change in PM10 Reporting Standard
293 |
294 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
295 |
gen T=date-auto_date
296 |
gen month=month(date)
297 |
gen miss1=1 if pm10==. & T <0 & T>=-365
298 |
gen miss2=1 if pm10==. & T >=0 & T<365
299 |
gen n1=1 if T <0 & T>=-365
300 |
gen n2=1 if T >=0 & T<365
301 |
302 |
bysort pm10_n: egen miss_before_y=sum(miss1)
303 |
bysort pm10_n: egen miss_after_y=sum(miss2)
304 |
bysort pm10_n: egen n_before_y=sum(n1)
305 |
bysort pm10_n: egen n_after_y=sum(n2)
306 |
307 |
gen miss_before_ratio=miss_before_y/n_before_y
308 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
309 |
310 |
foreach v in 10 15 20 25 30{
311 |
312 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if miss_before_ratio<=`v'/100, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
313 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_B8_miss_before_ratio_1y", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Pre-Missing PM10, ≤`v'%, Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
*Table B9. RD Density Test at Air Quality Thresholds
318 |
319 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
320 |
gen T=date-auto_date
321 |
log using "$path/Data/temp/temp1.log", replace
322 |
foreach v in 50 150 250 350 420 500 600 {
323 |
rddensity pm10 if T>=0, c(`v') p(1) q(2) kernel(triangular) nomasspoints
324 |
rddensity pm10 if T>=0, c(`v') p(1) q(2) kernel(epanechnikov) nomasspoints
325 |
rddensity pm10 if T>=0, c(`v') p(1) q(2) kernel(uniform) nomasspoints
326 |
327 |
log close
328 |
329 |
330 |
infix str3 cutoff 6-18 str12 kernel 69-80 str6 T 24-30 str6 P_value 37-42 using "$path/Data/temp/temp1.log"
331 |
keep if trim(cutoff)=="c = 50.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 150.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 250.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 350.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 420.000" |trim(cutoff)=="c = 600.000" |trim(cutoff)=="Robust"| trim(kernel)=="triangular"| trim(kernel)=="epanechnikov"| trim(kernel)=="uniform"
332 |
replace cutoff=cutoff[_n-2] if cutoff=="Robust"
333 |
replace kernel=kernel[_n-1] if kernel==""
334 |
drop if cutoff=="Number of obs" | kernel=="709659"
335 |
export excel using "$path/Results/Table_B9_Threshold", replace firstrow(variables)
336 |
337 |
338 |
*Table B10. Automation and Association between AOD and PM10 (Standardized)
339 |
340 |
341 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
342 |
set matsize 5000
343 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
344 |
345 |
log using "$path/Data/temp/temp2.log", replace
346 |
pwcorr aod pm10 if after==0, sig
347 |
pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed if after==0
348 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month if after==0
349 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month i.pm10_n if after==0
350 |
pwcorr aod pm10 if after==1, sig
351 |
pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed if after==1
352 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month if after==1
353 |
xi: pcorr aod pm10 temp rh rain wind_speed i.year_month i.pm10_n if after==1
354 |
log close
355 |
356 |
357 |
infix str4 obs 1-4 str12 thecorr 1-12 str6 partcorr 17-23 str6 thesig 73-78 using "$path/Data/temp/temp2.log"
358 |
keep if trim(thecorr)=="pm10" | trim(obs)=="(obs"
359 |
export excel using "$path/Results/Table_B10_PM10_AOD", replace
360 |
361 |
362 |
*Table D1. Association between Baidu Search Index and Taobao Sales Index
363 |
364 |
use "$path/Data/search_sale.dta",clear
365 |
foreach v in mask filter{
366 |
qui reghdfe l_taobao_`v' l_`v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
367 |
qui outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D1_sale_search", excel dec(2) append drop(wind_speed rain temp rh) ctitle(l_taobao_`v') addtext(Weather Controls, Y, City FE, Y)
368 |
qui reghdfe l_taobao_`v' l_`v' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) vce(cluster code_city)
369 |
qui outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D1_sale_search", excel dec(2) append drop(wind_speed rain temp rh) ctitle(l_taobao_`v') addtext(Weather Controls, Y, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
*Table D3: City-Month Online Search in Deadline and Non-Deadline Cities
374 |
375 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
376 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
377 |
cap qui reghdfe `y', absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_sm)
378 |
cap qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
379 |
*ddl in normal and manipulated
380 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
381 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, Y, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
382 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
383 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, Y, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
384 |
385 |
*non_ddl in normal and manipulated
386 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_sm n_month if auto_date!=19359 & auto_date!=19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
387 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, N, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
388 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if auto_date!=19359 & auto_date!=19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
389 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_D3_ddl_non_ddl", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Deadline, N, Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
1 |
***This is the main program for Tables 1, 2, 3 generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
*Table 1A: RD
10 |
11 |
***Row 1. Daily PM10
12 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
13 |
gen T=date-auto_date
14 |
gen month=month(date)
15 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
16 |
17 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
18 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
19 |
20 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
21 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
22 |
*wave 1
23 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
24 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
25 |
*wave 2
26 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
27 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
28 |
29 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
30 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l)))
31 |
32 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
33 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
34 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
35 |
36 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
37 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
38 |
39 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
40 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
41 |
*wave 1
42 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
43 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
44 |
*wave 2
45 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
46 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
47 |
48 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
49 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l)))
50 |
51 |
*Table 1B: Event-Study Estimates
52 |
53 |
54 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
55 |
gen year=year(date)
56 |
gen month=month(date)
57 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
58 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
59 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
60 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
61 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
62 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
63 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
64 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
65 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
66 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
67 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
68 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
69 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
70 |
71 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
72 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
73 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
74 |
75 |
76 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
77 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
78 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
79 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y)
80 |
81 |
***nearest matching
82 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta" ,clear
83 |
gen year=year(date)
84 |
gen month=month(date)
85 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
86 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
87 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
88 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
89 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
90 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
91 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
92 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
93 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
94 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
95 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
96 |
97 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
98 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
99 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
100 |
101 |
102 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
103 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y)
104 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
105 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y)
106 |
107 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
108 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y)
109 |
110 |
111 |
*Table 2A: City-Month Online Search
112 |
113 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
114 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
115 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
116 |
117 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
118 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
119 |
120 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
121 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
122 |
123 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
124 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
125 |
126 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
127 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l)))
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
*Table 2B: DID Search for Deadline Cities
132 |
133 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_search.dta" ,clear
134 |
gen year=year(date)
135 |
gen month=month(date)
136 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
137 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
138 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
139 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
140 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
141 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
142 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
143 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
144 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
145 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
146 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
147 |
148 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
149 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
150 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
151 |
152 |
153 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
154 |
*City FE and year-month FE
155 |
qui xi: areg `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
156 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y)
157 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
158 |
qui xi: areg `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
159 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y)
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
1 |
***This is the main program for Tables 1, 2, 3 generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
*Table 1A: RD
11 |
12 |
***Row 1. Daily PM10
13 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
14 |
gen T=date-auto_date
15 |
gen month=month(date)
16 |
17 |
foreach x in wind_speed rain temp rh {
18 |
gen `x'2= `x'*`x'
19 |
gen `x'3= `x'2*`x'
20 |
21 |
22 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
23 |
24 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
25 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) title(Table 1 - original) tex
26 |
27 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
28 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
29 |
*wave 1
30 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
31 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
32 |
*wave 2
33 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
34 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
35 |
36 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
37 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
38 |
39 |
40 |
*** NEW Panel: quadratic polynomial of weather variables
41 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2 , absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw2)
42 |
43 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) covs(wind_speed rain temp rh) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
44 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg0", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
45 |
46 |
47 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw2 T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
48 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg0", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
49 |
*wave 1
50 |
51 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw2 T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
52 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg0", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
53 |
*wave 2
54 |
55 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw2 T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
56 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg0", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
57 |
58 |
59 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw2 T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
60 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg0", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
61 |
62 |
*** NEW Panel2: cubic polynomial of weather variables
63 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed* rain* temp* rh* , absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw3)
64 |
65 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) covs(wind_speed rain temp rh) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
66 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg00", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
67 |
68 |
69 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw3 T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
70 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg00", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
71 |
*wave 1
72 |
73 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw3 T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
74 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg00", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
75 |
*wave 2
76 |
77 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw3 T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
78 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg00", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
79 |
80 |
81 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw3 T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
82 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_cg00", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
87 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
88 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
89 |
90 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
91 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
92 |
93 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
94 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
95 |
*wave 1
96 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
97 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
98 |
*wave 2
99 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
100 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
101 |
102 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
103 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
104 |
105 |
*** NEW panel: quadratic polynomial of weather variables
106 |
foreach x in wind_speed rain temp rh {
107 |
gen `x'2= `x'*`x'
108 |
gen `x'3= `x'2*`x'
109 |
110 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw2)
111 |
112 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & resid_aod_smw2!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) covs(wind_speed rain temp rh) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
113 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg0", excel dec(3) replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
114 |
115 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw2 n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
116 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg0", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
117 |
*wave 1
118 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw2 n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
119 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg0", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
120 |
*wave 2
121 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw2 n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
122 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg0", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
123 |
124 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw2 n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
125 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg0", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
126 |
127 |
* NEW panel2: cubic polynomial of weather variables
128 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed* rain* temp* rh*, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw3)
129 |
130 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & resid_aod_smw3!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) covs(wind_speed rain temp rh) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
131 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg00", excel dec(3) replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
132 |
133 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw3 n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
134 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg00", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
135 |
*wave 1
136 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw3 n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
137 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg00", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
138 |
*wave 2
139 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw3 n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
140 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg00", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
141 |
142 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw3 n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
143 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_cg00", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
*Table 1B: Event-Study Estimates
148 |
149 |
150 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
151 |
gen year=year(date)
152 |
gen month=month(date)
153 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
154 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
155 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
156 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
157 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
158 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
159 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
160 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
161 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
162 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
163 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
164 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
165 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
166 |
167 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
168 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
169 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
170 |
171 |
172 |
foreach x in wind_speed rain temp rh {
173 |
gen `x'2= `x'*`x'
174 |
gen `x'3= `x'2*`x'
175 |
176 |
177 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
178 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
179 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
180 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
181 |
182 |
* NEW panel: quadratic polynomial of weather variables
183 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
184 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg0", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
185 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
186 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg0", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
187 |
* NEW panel2: cubic polynomial of weather variables
188 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed* rain temp* rh* , absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
189 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg00", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
190 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed* rain* temp* rh*, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
191 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg00", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
192 |
193 |
* NEW panel with time trend
194 |
qui egen cityxyear = group(code_city year)
195 |
qui egen cityxmonth = group(code_city year_month)
196 |
197 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.code_city#c.year_month, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
198 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Yearly city trend, Y) tex
199 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh , absorb(pm10_n month cityxyear) vce(cluster code_city)
200 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, City-Year FE, Y) tex
201 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh , absorb(pm10_n cityxmonth) vce(cluster code_city)
202 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, City-Year-Month FE, Y) tex
203 |
204 |
***nearest matching
205 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta" ,clear
206 |
gen year=year(date)
207 |
gen month=month(date)
208 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
209 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
210 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
211 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
212 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
213 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
214 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
215 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
216 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
217 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
218 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
219 |
220 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
221 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
222 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
223 |
224 |
225 |
foreach x in wind_speed rain temp rh {
226 |
gen `x'2= `x'*`x'
227 |
gen `x'3= `x'2*`x'
228 |
229 |
230 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
231 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
232 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
233 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
234 |
235 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
236 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
237 |
238 |
* NEW panel: quadratic polynomial of weather variables
239 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
240 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg0", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
241 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
242 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg0", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
243 |
244 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
245 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg0", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
246 |
247 |
* NEW panel2: cubic polynomial of weather variables
248 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed* rain* temp* rh*, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
249 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg00", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
250 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed* rain* temp* rh*, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
251 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg00", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
252 |
253 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed* rain* temp* rh*, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
254 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg00", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
255 |
256 |
257 |
* NEW panel with time trend
258 |
qui egen cityxyear = group(code_city year)
259 |
qui egen cityxmonth = group(code_city year_month)
260 |
261 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.code_city#c.year_month, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
262 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Yearly city trend, Y) tex
263 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh , absorb(pm10_n month cityxyear) vce(cluster code_city)
264 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, City-Year FE, Y) tex
265 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh , absorb(pm10_n cityxmonth) vce(cluster code_city)
266 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, City-Year-Month FE, Y) tex
267 |
268 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.code_city#c.year_month, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
269 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Yearly city trend) tex
270 |
271 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month cityxyear) vce(cluster code_city)
272 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, City-Year FE, Y) tex
273 |
274 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n cityxmonth) vce(cluster code_city)
275 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_cg1", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, City-Year-Month FE, Y) tex
276 |
277 |
278 |
* NEW nearest neighbor matching
279 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
280 |
gen year=year(date)
281 |
gen month=month(date)
282 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
283 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
284 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
285 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
286 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
287 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
288 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
289 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
290 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
291 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
292 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
293 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
294 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
295 |
296 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
297 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
298 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
299 |
300 |
301 |
merge m:1 pm10_n using "$path/Data/station_list.dta"
302 |
keep if _merge==3
303 |
drop _merge
304 |
collapse year, by(pm10_n treat)
305 |
306 |
*cem station_lat station_lon , treatment(treat)
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
*Table 2A: City-Month Online Search
313 |
314 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
315 |
316 |
foreach x in wind_speed rain temp rh {
317 |
gen `x'2= `x'*`x'
318 |
gen `x'3= `x'2*`x'
319 |
320 |
321 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
322 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
323 |
324 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
325 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'", excel dec(2) replace ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
326 |
327 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
328 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
329 |
330 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
331 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
332 |
333 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
334 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
335 |
336 |
* NEW PANEL: using 1% significance for selecting manipulating cities - variable rd2 defined in section 8. of Prepare_Data_cg0
337 |
338 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd2==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
339 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg3", excel dec(2) replace ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
340 |
341 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd2==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
342 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg3", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
343 |
* NEW 2SD: using above 2SD for selecting manipulating cities - variable rd3 defined in section 8. of Prepare_Data_cg0
344 |
345 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd3==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
346 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg3", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
347 |
348 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd3==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
349 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg3", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
350 |
351 |
* NEW panel: quadratic polynomial of weather variables
352 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw2)
353 |
354 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) covs(wind_speed rain temp rh) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
355 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg0", excel dec(2) replace ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
356 |
357 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw2 n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
358 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg0", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
359 |
360 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw2 n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
361 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg0", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
362 |
363 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw2 n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
364 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg0", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
365 |
366 |
* NEW panel2: cubic polynomial of weather variables
367 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed* rain* temp* rh*, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw3)
368 |
369 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) covs(wind_speed rain temp rh) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
370 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg00", excel dec(2) replace ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
371 |
372 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw3 n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
373 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg00", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
374 |
375 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw3 n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
376 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg00", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
377 |
378 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw3 n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
379 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_A`y'_cg00", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
*Table 2B: DID Search for Deadline Cities
384 |
385 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_search.dta" ,clear
386 |
gen year=year(date)
387 |
gen month=month(date)
388 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
389 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
390 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
391 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
392 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
393 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
394 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
395 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
396 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
397 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
398 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
399 |
400 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
401 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
402 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
403 |
404 |
405 |
qui egen cityxyear = group(code_city year)
406 |
qui egen cityxmonth = group(code_city year_month)
407 |
408 |
foreach x in wind_speed rain temp rh {
409 |
gen `x'2= `x'*`x'
410 |
gen `x'3= `x'2*`x'
411 |
412 |
413 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
414 |
*City FE and year-month FE
415 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
416 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
417 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
418 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
419 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
420 |
421 |
* NEW Panel - City FE and year-month FE +quadratic polynomial of weather variables
422 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh wind_speed2 rain2 temp2 rh2 i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
423 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg0", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
424 |
425 |
* NEW Panel2 - City FE and year-month FE +cubic polynomial of weather variables
426 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed* rain* temp* rh* i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
427 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg0", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
428 |
429 |
430 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
431 |
* NEW city trend - City FE and year-month FE
432 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.code_city#c.year_month, absorb(month ) vce(cluster code_city)
433 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg1", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, Month FE, Y, Yearly city trend, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
434 |
* NEW city year FE and month FE
435 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(cityxyear month) vce(cluster code_city)
436 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg1", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, Month FE, Y, City-Year FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
442 |
*** rd
443 |
* NEW: normal cities
444 |
*City FE and year-month FE
445 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month if rd==0, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
446 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg30", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
447 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
448 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month if rd==0, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
449 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg30", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
450 |
451 |
452 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
453 |
* NEW: manipulating cities
454 |
*City FE and year-month FE
455 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month if rd==1, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
456 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg31", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
457 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
458 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month if rd==1, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
459 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg31", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
460 |
461 |
462 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
463 |
*** rd2: using 1% significance for selecting manipulating cities - variable rd2 defined in section 8. of Prepare_Data_cg0
464 |
* NEW: normal cities
465 |
*City FE and year-month FE
466 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month if rd2==0, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
467 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg32", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
468 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
469 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month if rd2==0, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
470 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg32", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
471 |
472 |
473 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
474 |
* NEW manipulating cities
475 |
*City FE and year-month FE
476 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month if rd2==1, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
477 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg321", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
478 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
479 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month if rd2==1, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
480 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg321", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
481 |
482 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
483 |
*** rd3: using above 2SD for selecting manipulating cities - variable rd3 defined in section 8. of Prepare_Data_cg0
484 |
* NEW normal cities
485 |
*City FE and year-month FE
486 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month if rd3==0, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
487 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg33", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
488 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
489 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month if rd3==0, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
490 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg33", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
491 |
492 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
493 |
* NEW manipulating cities
494 |
*City FE and year-month FE
495 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month if rd3==1, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
496 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg331", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
497 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
498 |
qui reghdfe `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month if rd3==1, absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
499 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B_cg331", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) tex
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
***The End
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
1 |
***This is the main program for Tables 1, 2, 3 generated using Stata 15 MP
2 |
3 |
clear all
4 |
set more off
5 |
6 |
*global path "/Users/`c(username)'/Dropbox/China_Pollution_Monitoring"
7 |
8 |
9 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
10 |
foreach var of varlist temp rain wind_speed rh {
11 |
count if `var' == `var'_n
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
*Table 1A: RD
16 |
17 |
***Row 1. Daily PM10 (Original) - Panel A - Table 1*
18 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
19 |
gen T=date-auto_date
20 |
gen month=month(date)
21 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
22 |
23 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
24 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PA", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
25 |
26 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
27 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
28 |
*wave 1
29 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
30 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
31 |
*wave 2
32 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
33 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
34 |
35 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
36 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
37 |
38 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
39 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
40 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
41 |
42 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
43 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PA", excel dec(3) replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
44 |
45 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
46 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PA", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
47 |
*wave 1
48 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
49 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PA", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
50 |
*wave 2
51 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
52 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PA", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
53 |
54 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
55 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PA", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
56 |
57 |
***Row 1. Daily PM10 (Nearest) - Panel B - Table 1*
58 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
59 |
gen T=date-auto_date
60 |
gen month=month(date)
61 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
62 |
63 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp_n!=. & rain_n!=. & rh_n!=. & wind_speed_n !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
64 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PB", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
65 |
66 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
67 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
68 |
*wave 1
69 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
70 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
71 |
*wave 2
72 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
73 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
74 |
75 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
76 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
77 |
78 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
79 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
80 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
81 |
82 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp_n!=. & rain_n!=. & rh_n!=. & wind_speed_n !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
83 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PB", excel dec(3) replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
84 |
85 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
86 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PB", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
87 |
*wave 1
88 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
89 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PB", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
90 |
*wave 2
91 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
92 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PB", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
93 |
94 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
95 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PB", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
96 |
97 |
***Row 1. Daily PM10 (DWA) - Panel C - Table 1*
98 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116",clear
99 |
gen T=date-auto_date
100 |
gen month=month(date)
101 |
qui reghdfe pm10 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_pm10_smw)
102 |
103 |
qui rdrobust pm10 T if temp_DWA!=. & rain_DWA!=. & rh_DWA!=. & wind_speed_DWA !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
104 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PC", excel dec(1) replace ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
105 |
106 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
107 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
108 |
*wave 1
109 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
110 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
111 |
*wave 2
112 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
113 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
114 |
115 |
qui rdrobust resid_pm10_smw T if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
116 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A1_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append ctitle(pm10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Daily), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Days), floor(e(h_l))) tex
117 |
118 |
***Row 2: Monthly AOD
119 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
120 |
qui reghdfe aod wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n month) res(resid_aod_smw)
121 |
122 |
qui rdrobust aod n_month if temp_DWA!=. & rain_DWA!=. & rh_DWA!=. & wind_speed_DWA !=. & resid_aod_smw!=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
123 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PC", excel dec(3) replace ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
124 |
125 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
126 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PC", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, All, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
127 |
*wave 1
128 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
129 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PC", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 1, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
130 |
*wave 2
131 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if phase==2, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
132 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PC", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Wave 2, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
133 |
134 |
qui rdrobust resid_aod_smw n_month if auto_date==19359 | auto_date==19724, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
135 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_A2_GG_PC", excel dec(3) append ctitle(aod) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Obs.(Monthly), e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth (Months), floor(e(h_l))) tex
136 |
137 |
138 |
*Table 1B: Event-Study Estimates
139 |
140 |
** Original
141 |
142 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
143 |
gen year=year(date)
144 |
gen month=month(date)
145 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
146 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
147 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
148 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
149 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
150 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
151 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
152 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
153 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
154 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
155 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
156 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
157 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
158 |
159 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
160 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
161 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
162 |
163 |
164 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
165 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PA", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
166 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
167 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
168 |
169 |
***nearest matching
170 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta" ,clear
171 |
gen year=year(date)
172 |
gen month=month(date)
173 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
174 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
175 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
176 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
177 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
178 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
179 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
180 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
181 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
182 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
183 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
184 |
185 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
186 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
187 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
188 |
189 |
190 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
191 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
192 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
193 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PA", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
194 |
195 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
196 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PA", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
197 |
198 |
** Nearest (conseptual replication)
199 |
200 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
201 |
gen year=year(date)
202 |
gen month=month(date)
203 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
204 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
205 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
206 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
207 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
208 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
209 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
210 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
211 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
212 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
213 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
214 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
215 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
216 |
217 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
218 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
219 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
220 |
221 |
222 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
223 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PB", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
224 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
225 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
226 |
227 |
***nearest matching
228 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta" ,clear
229 |
gen year=year(date)
230 |
gen month=month(date)
231 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
232 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
233 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
234 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
235 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
236 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
237 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
238 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
239 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
240 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
241 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
242 |
243 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
244 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
245 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
246 |
247 |
248 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
249 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
250 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
251 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PB", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
252 |
253 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
254 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PB", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
255 |
256 |
257 |
** DWA (Robustness Replication)
258 |
259 |
use "$path/Data/station_day_1116.dta",clear
260 |
gen year=year(date)
261 |
gen month=month(date)
262 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
263 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
264 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
265 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
266 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
267 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
268 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
269 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
270 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
271 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
272 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
273 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
274 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
275 |
276 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
277 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
278 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
279 |
280 |
281 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
282 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PC", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
283 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
284 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
285 |
286 |
***nearest matching
287 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_match.dta" ,clear
288 |
gen year=year(date)
289 |
gen month=month(date)
290 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
291 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
292 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
293 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
294 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
295 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
296 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
297 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
298 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
299 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
300 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
301 |
302 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
303 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
304 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
305 |
306 |
307 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
308 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
309 |
qui reghdfe pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
310 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PC", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
311 |
312 |
qui reghdfe l_pm10 treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
313 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table1_B_GG_PC", excel dec(2) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(log_PM10) addtext(Sample, +Matching, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
314 |
315 |
316 |
*Table 1B: Event-Study Estimates for AOD
317 |
318 |
** DWA (Robustness Replication)
319 |
320 |
use "$path/Data/station_month.dta",clear
321 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
322 |
keep if year>=2012 & year<=2013
323 |
keep if auto_date==19724 | auto_date==19359
324 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
325 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
326 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
327 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
328 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
329 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
330 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
331 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
332 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
333 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
334 |
335 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
336 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
337 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
338 |
339 |
340 |
qui reghdfe aod treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n month) vce(cluster code_city)
341 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_DID_aod_GG", excel dec(1) replace keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Month FE, Y) tex
342 |
qui reghdfe aod treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(pm10_n year_month) vce(cluster code_city)
343 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table_DID_aod_GG", excel dec(1) append keep (treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(PM10) addtext(Sample, Deadline, Weather Controls, Y, Station FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y) tex
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
*Table 2A: City-Month Online Search
348 |
349 |
* Original
350 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
351 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
352 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed rain temp rh, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
353 |
354 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp!=. & rain!=. & rh!=. & wind_speed !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
355 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PA", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
356 |
357 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
358 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PA", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
359 |
360 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
361 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PA", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
362 |
363 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
364 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PA", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
365 |
366 |
367 |
* Nearest
368 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
369 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
370 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed_n rain_n temp_n rh_n, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
371 |
372 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp_n!=. & rain_n!=. & rh_n!=. & wind_speed_n !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
373 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PB_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
374 |
375 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
376 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PB_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
377 |
378 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
379 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PB_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
380 |
381 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
382 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PB_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
use "$path/Data/search_city_month.dta",clear
387 |
foreach y in pmmask filter l_pmmask l_filter {
388 |
qui reghdfe `y' wind_speed_DWA rain_DWA temp_DWA rh_DWA, absorb(code_city month) res(resid_`y'_smw)
389 |
390 |
qui rdrobust `y' n_month if temp_DWA!=. & rain_DWA!=. & rh_DWA!=. & wind_speed_DWA !=., c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
391 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PC_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
392 |
393 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
394 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PC_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, All, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
395 |
396 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==0, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
397 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PC_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Normal, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
398 |
399 |
qui rdrobust resid_`y'_smw n_month if rd==1, c(0) p(1) q(2) kernel(tri) vce(cluster code_city) masspoints(off)
400 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_GG_PC_`y'", excel dec(2) append ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Manipulate, City FE, Y, Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y) addstat(Effective Obs, e(N_h_l)+e(N_h_r), Bandwidth, floor(e(h_l))) tex
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
*Table 2B: DID Search for Deadline Cities
405 |
406 |
use "$path/Data/did_ddl_search.dta" ,clear
407 |
gen year=year(date)
408 |
gen month=month(date)
409 |
egen year_month=group(year month)
410 |
gen treat=(auto_date==19359)
411 |
gen after2=(year>=2013)
412 |
gen m12_before2=(year==2012 & month>=11 & month<=12)
413 |
gen m34_before2=(year==2012 & month>=9 & month<=10)
414 |
gen m56_before2=(year==2012 & month>=7 & month<=8)
415 |
gen m712_before2=(year==2012 & month>=1 & month<=6)
416 |
gen m12_after2=(year==2013 & month>=1 & month<=2)
417 |
gen m34_after2=(year==2013 & month>=3 & month<=4)
418 |
gen m56_after2=(year==2013 & month>=5 & month<=6)
419 |
gen m712_after2=(year==2013 & month>=7 & month<=12)
420 |
421 |
foreach v in 12 34 56 712{
422 |
gen treat_m`v'_before2=treat*m`v'_before2
423 |
gen treat_m`v'_after2=treat*m`v'_after2
424 |
425 |
426 |
foreach y of var pmmask filter{
427 |
*City FE and year-month FE
428 |
qui xi: areg `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
429 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y)
430 |
*City FE and year-month FE +weather
431 |
qui xi: areg `y' treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2 wind_speed rain temp rh i.year_month , absorb(code_city) vce(cluster code_city)
432 |
outreg2 using "$path/Results/Table2_B", excel dec(2) append keep(treat_m712_before2 treat_m56_before2 treat_m34_before2 treat_m12_after2 treat_m34_after2 treat_m56_after2 treat_m712_after2) ctitle(`y') addtext(Sample, Deadline, City FE, Y, Year-Month FE, Y, Weather Controls, Y)
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
***The End
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2 |
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oid sha256:c6cb3fc5509898626993764c7fb16804117666a207655a3c8053dd67ab59cf9f
3 |
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oid sha256:37da78fb5a04e005fe8519f76ac5d8a15b428b73fea81ea00702a0c11f4dd5ac
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oid sha256:46ce9fd5b1cf3ffcd84c39c7cb6be0c84dcf47ad66f1fa1457dcdc10c2383e52
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oid sha256:b65db2ec9c3bb14c8c5020cfac9df5e81b8dcd0760f31ce8f3c0b1ff107bdc25
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oid sha256:46d9f767799a1965181ee6515d621dd4f6a592632b7d4ace93b6cd3750162f28
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oid sha256:2252d019a624daaac5732a176855c18a8ade42a17675c94b8149125633b139c6
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