diff --git "a/20/replication_package/Analysis.do" "b/20/replication_package/Analysis.do" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/20/replication_package/Analysis.do" @@ -0,0 +1,1704 @@ +use "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Data\appendedfinal.dta", clear + +**Figure 1 +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom, cluster(resp) +eststo point +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save vmm, replace +graph combine vmm.gph vcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo czint +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save vczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save vczmm, replace +graph combine vczmm.gph vczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save vcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo mxint +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save vmxmm, replace +graph combine vmxmm.gph vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo skint +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save vskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save vskmm, replace +graph combine vskmm.gph vskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save vsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo ukint +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save vukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save vukmm, replace +graph combine vukmm.gph vukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save vuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo usint +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save vuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save vusmm, replace +graph combine vusmm.gph vuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save vus, replace + +graph combine vpo.gph vcz.gph vmx.gph vsk.gph vuk.gph vus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\vcompRR.pdf", replace + +***Appendix A: Table A1-A2 and Documentation of Ordering of Preferences +**Tables +reg support i.candemmg ib3.cancom, cluster(resp) +eststo poavg + +reg support i.candemmg ib3.cancom if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo czavg + +reg support i.candemmg ib3.cancom if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo mxavg + +reg support i.candemmg ib3.cancom if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo skavg + +reg support i.candemmg ib3.cancom if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo ukavg + +reg support i.candemmg ib3.cancom if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo usavg + +esttab poavg czavg mxavg skavg ukavg usavg using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableA1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table A1: Average effects of undemocratic behavior and competence in the Czech Republic, Mexico, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Candidate support is the dependent variable in all models.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US" ) replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +esttab point czint mxint skint ukint usint using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableA2.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table A2: Effects of undemocratic behavior interacted by candidate competence in the Czech Republic, Mexico, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Candidate support is the dependent variable in all models.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +**OOP +*Generate 10-category variable with all possible subgroups across undemocratic behavior and competence +generate comundem = . +replace comundem = 1 if candemmg == 0 & cancom == 1 +replace comundem = 2 if candemmg == 0 & cancom == 2 +replace comundem = 3 if candemmg == 0 & cancom == 3 +replace comundem = 4 if candemmg == 0 & cancom == 4 +replace comundem = 5 if candemmg == 0 & cancom == 5 +replace comundem = 6 if candemmg == 1 & cancom == 1 +replace comundem = 7 if candemmg == 1 & cancom == 2 +replace comundem = 8 if candemmg == 1 & cancom == 3 +replace comundem = 9 if candemmg == 1 & cancom == 4 +replace comundem = 10 if candemmg == 1 & cancom == 5 +label define comundem 1 "Democratic and very incompetent" 2 "Democratic and incompetent" 9 "Undemocratic and competent" 10 "Undemocratic and very competent" +label variable comundem comundem + +*Run tests +reg support i.comundem, cluster(resp) +eststo comundempo +margins comundem if comundem == 1 | comundem == 2 | comundem == 9 | comundem == 10, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) ylabel(1 "D#C2 vs D#C1" 2 "UD#C4 vs D#C1" 3 "UD#C5 vs D#C1" 4 "UD#C4 vs D#C2" 5 "UD#C5 vs D#C2" 6 "UD#C5 vs UD#C4", labsize(small)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("Pooled") fxsize(41) +graph save bpo, replace +margins comundem +marginsplot, recast(scatter) xtitle("") xlabel(1 "D#C1" 2 "#C2" 3 "#C3" 4 "#C4" 5 "#C5" 6 "UD#C1" 7 "#C2" 8 "#C3" 9 "#C4" 10 "#C5", labsize(tiny) alternate) xline(5.5) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5) ytitle("") title("Pooled") fxsize(32) +graph save b2po, replace + +reg support i.comundem if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo comundemcz +margins comundem if comundem == 1 | comundem == 2 | comundem == 9 | comundem == 10, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("Czech Republic") yscale(off) +graph save bcz, replace +margins comundem +marginsplot, recast(scatter) xtitle("") xlabel(1 "D#C1" 2 "#C2" 3 "#C3" 4 "#C4" 5 "#C5" 6 "UD#C1" 7 "#C2" 8 "#C3" 9 "#C4" 10 "#C5", labsize(tiny) alternate) xline(5.5) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5) ytitle("") title("Czech Republic") yscale(off) +graph save b2cz, replace + +reg support i.comundem if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo comundemmx +margins comundem if comundem == 1 | comundem == 2 | comundem == 9 | comundem == 10, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("Mexico") yscale(off) +graph save bmx, replace +margins comundem +marginsplot, recast(scatter) xtitle("") xlabel(1 "D#C1" 2 "#C2" 3 "#C3" 4 "#C4" 5 "#C5" 6 "UD#C1" 7 "#C2" 8 "#C3" 9 "#C4" 10 "#C5", labsize(tiny) alternate) xline(5.5) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5) ytitle("") title("Mexico") yscale(off) +graph save b2mx, replace + +reg support i.comundem if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo comundemsk +margins comundem if comundem == 1 | comundem == 2 | comundem == 9 | comundem == 10, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) ylabel(1 "D#C2 vs D#C1" 2 "UD#C4 vs D#C1" 3 "UD#C5 vs D#C1" 4 "UD#C4 vs D#C2" 5 "UD#C5 vs D#C2" 6 "UD#C5 vs UD#C4", labsize(small)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("South Korea") fxsize(41) +graph save bsk, replace +margins comundem +marginsplot, recast(scatter) xtitle("") xlabel(1 "D#C1" 2 "#C2" 3 "#C3" 4 "#C4" 5 "#C5" 6 "UD#C1" 7 "#C2" 8 "#C3" 9 "#C4" 10 "#C5", labsize(tiny) alternate) xline(5.5) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5) ytitle("") title("South Korea") fxsize(32) +graph save b2sk, replace + +reg support i.comundem if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo comundemuk +margins comundem if comundem == 1 | comundem == 2 | comundem == 9 | comundem == 10, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("United Kingdom") yscale(off) +graph save buk, replace +margins comundem +marginsplot, recast(scatter) xtitle("") xlabel(1 "D#C1" 2 "#C2" 3 "#C3" 4 "#C4" 5 "#C5" 6 "UD#C1" 7 "#C2" 8 "#C3" 9 "#C4" 10 "#C5", labsize(tiny) alternate) xline(5.5) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5) ytitle("") title("United Kingdom") yscale(off) +graph save b2uk, replace + +reg support i.comundem if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo comundemus +margins comundem if comundem == 1 | comundem == 2 | comundem == 9 | comundem == 10, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("United States")yscale(off) +graph save bus, replace +margins comundem +marginsplot, recast(scatter) xtitle("") xlabel(1 "D#C1" 2 "#C2" 3 "#C3" 4 "#C4" 5 "#C5" 6 "UD#C1" 7 "#C2" 8 "#C3" 9 "#C4" 10 "#C5", labsize(tiny) alternate) xline(5.5) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5) ytitle("") title("United States") yscale(off) +graph save b2us, replace + +graph combine bpo.gph bcz.gph bmx.gph bsk.gph buk.gph bus.gph, cols(3) xcommon graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\BcompRR.pdf", replace +graph combine b2po.gph b2cz.gph b2mx.gph b2sk.gph b2uk.gph b2us.gph, cols(3) xcommon graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) b1title("Democratic (Very incompetent to very competent) | Undemocratic (Very incompetent to very competent)", size(vsmall)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\B2compRR.pdf", replace + +esttab comundempo comundemcz comundemmx comundemsk comundemuk comundemus using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.A1-A2.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.A1: Supporting table for Figure A1 showing differences in marginal means between undemocratic but competent and democratic but incompetent candidates.") varlabels(1.comundem "D\#C1 (Reference category)" 2.comundem "D\#C2" 3.comundem "D\#C3" 4.comundem "D\#C4" 5.comundem "D\#C5" 6.comundem "UD\#C1" 7.comundem "UD\#C2" 8.comundem "UD\#C3" 9.comundem "UD\#C4" 10.comundem "UD\#C5" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +*Generate tie-variables to restrict dataset to scenarios where undemocratic competent candidates faced democratic incompetent candidates and run more tests +gen otcandcomundem = . +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+11] if candidate == "_1" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-11] if candidate == "_2" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_3" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_4" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_5" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_6" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_7" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_8" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-18] if candidate == "_9" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+18] if candidate == "_10" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_11" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_12" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_13" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_14" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_15" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_16" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+1] if candidate == "_17" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-1] if candidate == "_18" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n+2] if candidate == "_19" +replace otcandcomundem =comundem[_n-2] if candidate == "_20" +gen dyad = 0 +replace dyad = 1 if otcandcomundem > 8 & comundem < 3 | otcandcomundem < 3 & comundem > 8 +label define dyad 1 "Democratic and incompent vs. Undemocratic and competent" +label values dyad dyad + +reg support i.comundem if dyad == 1, cluster(resp) +eststo A3po +margins comundem, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) ylabel(1 "D#C2 vs D#C1" 2 "UD#C4 vs D#C1" 3 "UD#C5 vs D#C1" 4 "UD#C4 vs D#C2" 5 "UD#C5 vs D#C2" 6 "UD#C5 vs UD#C4", labsize(small)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("Pooled") fxsize(41) +graph save b3po, replace + +reg support i.comundem if dyad == 1 & country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo A3cz +margins comundem, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("Czech Republic") yscale(off) +graph save b3cz, replace + +reg support i.comundem if dyad == 1 & country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo A3mx +margins comundem, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("Mexico") yscale(off) +graph save b3mx, replace + +reg support i.comundem if dyad == 1 & country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo A3sk +margins comundem, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) ylabel(1 "D#C2 vs D#C1" 2 "UD#C4 vs D#C1" 3 "UD#C5 vs D#C1" 4 "UD#C4 vs D#C2" 5 "UD#C5 vs D#C2" 6 "UD#C5 vs UD#C4", labsize(small)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("South Korea") fxsize(41) +graph save b3sk, replace + +reg support i.comundem if dyad == 1 & country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo A3uk +margins comundem, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("United Kingdom") yscale(off) +graph save b3uk, replace + +reg support i.comundem if dyad == 1 & country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo A3us +margins comundem, pwcompare(effects) +marginsplot, horizontal unique recast(scatter) yscale(reverse) xline(0) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("United States")yscale(off) +graph save b3us, replace + +graph combine b3po.gph b3cz.gph b3mx.gph b3sk.gph b3uk.gph b3us.gph, cols(3) xcommon graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\B3compRR.pdf", replace + +esttab A3po A3cz A3mx A3sk A3uk A3us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.A3.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.A3: Supporting table for Figure A3 showing differences in marginal means between undemocratic but competent and democratic but incompetent candidates for restricted sample.") varlabels(1.comundem "D\#C1 (Reference category)" 2.comundem "D\#C2" 3.comundem "D\#C3" 4.comundem "D\#C4" 5.comundem "D\#C5" 6.comundem "UD\#C1" 7.comundem "UD\#C2" 8.comundem "UD\#C3" 9.comundem "UD\#C4" 10.comundem "UD\#C5" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +***Appendix B: Competence and Undemocratic Behavior Split +**Competence +*Fighting corruption +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.cancor, cluster(resp) +eststo b2po +margins candemmg#ib2.cancor, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.8 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #Average") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCvpocamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancor=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) xscale(off) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CCvpomm, replace +graph combine CCvpomm.gph CCvpocamce.gph, commonscheme title("Pooled") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save CCvpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.cancor if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo b2cz +margins candemmg#ib2.cancor, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancor=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCvczmm, replace +graph combine CCvczmm.gph CCvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCvcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.cancor if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo b2mx +margins candemmg#ib2.cancor, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancor=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCvmxmm, replace +graph combine CCvmxmm.gph CCvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCvmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.cancor if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo b2sk +margins candemmg#ib2.cancor, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.8 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancor=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CCvskmm, replace +graph combine CCvskmm.gph CCvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save CCvsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.cancor if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo b2uk +margins candemmg#ib2.cancor, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancor=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCvukmm, replace +graph combine CCvukmm.gph CCvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCvuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.cancor if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo b2us +margins candemmg#ib2.cancor, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancor=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCvusmm, replace +graph combine CCvusmm.gph CCvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCvus, replace + + +graph combine CCvpo.gph CCvcz.gph CCvmx.gph CCvsk.gph CCvuk.gph CCvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("Corruption competence", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\CCvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab b2po b2cz b2mx b2sk b2uk b2us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.B2.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.B2: Supporting table for Figure B2 showing the results when only competence in fighting corruption is included.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.cancor "Low competence" 2.cancor "Average competence (Reference category)" 3.cancor "High competence" 1.candemmg#1.cancor "Undemocratic x Low competence" 1.candemmg#2.cancor "Undemocratic x Average competence" 1.candemmg#3.cancor "Undemocratic x High competence" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +*Handling economic matters +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.caneco, cluster(resp) +eststo b1po +margins candemmg#ib2.caneco, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.8 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #Average") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save ECvpocamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(caneco=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) xscale(off) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save ECvpomm, replace +graph combine ECvpomm.gph ECvpocamce.gph, commonscheme title("Pooled") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save ECvpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.caneco if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo b1cz +margins candemmg#ib2.caneco, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save ECvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(caneco=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save ECvczmm, replace +graph combine ECvczmm.gph ECvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save ECvcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.caneco if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo b1mx +margins candemmg#ib2.caneco, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save ECvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(caneco=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save ECvmxmm, replace +graph combine ECvmxmm.gph ECvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save ECvmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.caneco if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo b1sk +margins candemmg#ib2.caneco, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.8 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save ECvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(caneco=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save ECvskmm, replace +graph combine ECvskmm.gph ECvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save ECvsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.caneco if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo b1uk +margins candemmg#ib2.caneco, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save ECvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(caneco=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save ECvukmm, replace +graph combine ECvukmm.gph ECvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save ECvuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib2.caneco if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo b1us +margins candemmg#ib2.caneco, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "Low" 2 "Average" 3 "High", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save ECvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(caneco=(1(1)3)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save ECvusmm, replace +graph combine ECvusmm.gph ECvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save ECvus, replace + + +graph combine ECvpo.gph ECvcz.gph ECvmx.gph ECvsk.gph ECvuk.gph ECvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("Economic competence", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\ECvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab b1po b1cz b1mx b1sk b1uk b1us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.B1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.B1: Supporting table for Figure B1 showing the results when only competence in handling economic matters is included.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.caneco "Low competence" 2.caneco "Average competence (Reference category)" 3.caneco "High competence" 1.candemmg#1.caneco "Undemocratic x Low competence" 1.candemmg#2.caneco "Undemocratic x Average competence" 1.candemmg#3.caneco "Undemocratic x High competence" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +**Undemocratic Behavior Split +*RoL +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 1 & country == "CZ" | candem == 2 & country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo b4cz +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CROLvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CROLvczmm, replace +graph combine CROLvczmm.gph CROLvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CROLvcz, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 1 & country == "MX" | candem == 2 & country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo b4mx +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") yscale(off) graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CROLvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CROLvmxmm, replace +graph combine CROLvmxmm.gph CROLvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CROLvmx, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 1 & country == "SK" | candem == 2 & country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo b4sk +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CROLvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CROLvskmm, replace +graph combine CROLvskmm.gph CROLvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save CROLvsk, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 1 & country == "UK" | candem == 2 & country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo b4uk +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CROLvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CROLvukmm, replace +graph combine CROLvukmm.gph CROLvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CROLvuk, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 1 & country == "US" | candem == 2 & country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo b4us +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CROLvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CROLvusmm, replace +graph combine CROLvusmm.gph CROLvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CROLvus, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 1 | candem == 2, cluster(resp) +eststo b4po +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save CROLvcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Adhere to judges (MMs)" 4 "Ignore judges (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CROLvmm, replace +graph combine CROLvmm.gph CROLvcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save CROLvpo, replace + + +graph combine CROLvpo.gph CROLvcz.gph CROLvmx.gph CROLvsk.gph CROLvuk.gph CROLvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\CROLvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab b4po b4cz b4mx b4sk b4uk b4us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.B4.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(1.candem*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.B4: Supporting table for Figure B4 showing the results when the only type of undemocratic behavior included is ignoring opposing judges.") varlabels(2.candem "Undemocratic (Ignore judges)" 2.candem#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 2.candem#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 2.candem#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 2.candem#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 2.candem#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +*CL (Journalist harassment) +gen cljh = . +replace cljh = 1 if candem == 3 +replace cljh = 0 if candem == 6 +reg support i.cljh##ib3.cancom if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo b6cz +margins cljh#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLJHvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(cljh) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLJHvczmm, replace +graph combine CCLJHvczmm.gph CCLJHvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLJHvcz, replace + +reg support i.cljh##ib3.cancom if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo b6mx +margins cljh#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLJHvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(cljh) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLJHvmxmm, replace +graph combine CCLJHvmxmm.gph CCLJHvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLJHvmx, replace + +reg support i.cljh##ib3.cancom if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo b6sk +margins cljh#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLJHvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(cljh) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CCLJHvskmm, replace +graph combine CCLJHvskmm.gph CCLJHvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save CCLJHvsk, replace + +reg support i.cljh##ib3.cancom if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo b6uk +margins cljh#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLJHvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(cljh) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLJHvukmm, replace +graph combine CCLJHvukmm.gph CCLJHvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLJHvuk, replace + +reg support i.cljh##ib3.cancom if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo b6us +margins cljh#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLJHvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(cljh) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLJHvusmm, replace +graph combine CCLJHvusmm.gph CCLJHvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLJHvus, replace + +reg support i.cljh##ib3.cancom, cluster(resp) +eststo b6po +margins cljh#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save CCLJHvcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(cljh) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Harassment unacceptable (MMs)" 4 "Harassment acceptable (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CCLJHvmm, replace +graph combine CCLJHvmm.gph CCLJHvcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save CCLJHvpo, replace + + +graph combine CCLJHvpo.gph CCLJHvcz.gph CCLJHvmx.gph CCLJHvsk.gph CCLJHvuk.gph CCLJHvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\CCLJHvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab b6po b6cz b6mx b6sk b6uk b6us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.B6.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.cljh*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.B6: Supporting table for Figure B6 showing the results when the only type of undemocratic behavior included is journalist harassment.") varlabels(1.cljh "Undemocratic (Ignore judges)" 1.cljh#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.cljh#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.cljh#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.cljh#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.cljh#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +*CL (Encourage violence) +gen clev = . +replace clev = 1 if candem == 4 +replace clev = 0 if candem == 5 +reg support i.clev##ib3.cancom if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo b5cz +margins clev#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLEVvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(clev) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLEVvczmm, replace +graph combine CCLEVvczmm.gph CCLEVvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLEVvcz, replace + +reg support i.clev##ib3.cancom if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo b5mx +margins clev#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLEVvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(clev) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLEVvmxmm, replace +graph combine CCLEVvmxmm.gph CCLEVvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLEVvmx, replace + +reg support i.clev##ib3.cancom if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo b5sk +margins clev#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLEVvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(clev) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CCLEVvskmm, replace +graph combine CCLEVvskmm.gph CCLEVvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save CCLEVvsk, replace + +reg support i.clev##ib3.cancom if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo b5uk +margins clev#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLEVvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(clev) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLEVvukmm, replace +graph combine CCLEVvukmm.gph CCLEVvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLEVvuk, replace + +reg support i.clev##ib3.cancom if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo b5us +margins clev#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CCLEVvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(clev) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CCLEVvusmm, replace +graph combine CCLEVvusmm.gph CCLEVvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CCLEVvus, replace + +reg support i.clev##ib3.cancom, cluster(resp) +eststo b5po +margins clev#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save CCLEVvcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(clev) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Discourage violence (MMs)" 4 "Encourage violence (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CCLEVvmm, replace +graph combine CCLEVvmm.gph CCLEVvcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save CCLEVvpo, replace + + +graph combine CCLEVvpo.gph CCLEVvcz.gph CCLEVvmx.gph CCLEVvsk.gph CCLEVvuk.gph CCLEVvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\CCLEVvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab b5po b5cz b5mx b5sk b5uk b5us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.B5.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.clev*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.B5: Supporting table for Figure B5 showing the results when the only type of undemocratic behavior included is encouraging violence.") varlabels(1.clev "Undemocratic (Encourage violence)" 1.clev#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.clev#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.clev#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.clev#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.clev#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +*EF +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 7 & country == "CZ" | candem == 8 & country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo b3cz +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CEFvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CEFvczmm, replace +graph combine CEFvczmm.gph CEFvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CEFvcz, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 7 & country == "MX" | candem == 8 & country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo b3mx +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) yscale(off) +graph save CEFvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CEFvmxmm, replace +graph combine CEFvmxmm.gph CEFvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CEFvmx, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 7 & country == "SK" | candem == 8 & country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo b3sk +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CEFvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CEFvskmm, replace +graph combine CEFvskmm.gph CEFvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save CEFvsk, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 7 & country == "UK" | candem == 8 & country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo b3uk +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CEFvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CEFvukmm, replace +graph combine CEFvukmm.gph CEFvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CEFvuk, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 7 & country == "US" | candem == 8 & country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo b3us +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save CEFvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save CEFvusmm, replace +graph combine CEFvusmm.gph CEFvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save CEFvus, replace + +reg support i.candem##ib3.cancom if candem == 7 | candem == 8, cluster(resp) +eststo b3po +margins candem#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save CEFvcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candem) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Against manipulation (MMs)" 4 "Support manipulation (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save CEFvmm, replace +graph combine CEFvmm.gph CEFvcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save CEFvpo, replace + + +graph combine CEFvpo.gph CEFvcz.gph CEFvmx.gph CEFvsk.gph CEFvuk.gph CEFvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\CEFvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab b3po b3cz b3mx b3sk b3uk b3us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.B3.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(7.candem*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.B3: Supporting table for Figure B3 showing the results when the only type of undemocratic behavior included is supporting electoral manipulation.") varlabels(8.candem "Undemocratic (Support manipulation)" 8.candem#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 8.candem#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 8.candem#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 8.candem#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 8.candem#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +*Testing whether the effects of the different undemocratic behaviors are different from each other +reg support candem if candem == 1 | candem == 2 +eststo rol +reg support clev +eststo clev +reg support cljh +eststo cljh +reg support candem if candem == 7 | candem == 8 +eststo ef +suest rol ef clev cljh, cluster(respondentid) +test [rol_mean]candem-[clev_mean]clev = 0 +test [rol_mean]candem-[cljh_mean]cljh = 0 +test [rol_mean]candem-[ef_mean]candem = 0 +test [ef_mean]candem-[clev_mean]clev = 0 +test [ef_mean]candem-[cljh_mean]cljh = 0 +test [cljh_mean]cljh-[clev_mean]clev = 0 + +*Figure showing average effects of each attribute +recode candem (7 = 0) (8 = 1) (else=.), gen(ef) +recode candem (1 = 0) (2 = 1) (else=.), gen(rol) + +reg support ef, cluster(resp) +eststo efpo +reg support ef if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo efcz +reg support ef if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo efmx +reg support ef if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo efsk +reg support ef if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo efuk +reg support ef if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo efus + +reg support rol, cluster(resp) +eststo rolpo +reg support rol if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo rolcz +reg support rol if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo rolmx +reg support rol if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo rolsk +reg support rol if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo roluk +reg support rol if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo rolus + +reg support clev, cluster(resp) +eststo clevpo +reg support clev if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo clevcz +reg support clev if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo clevmx +reg support clev if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo clevsk +reg support clev if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo clevuk +reg support clev if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo clevus + +reg support cljh, cluster(resp) +eststo cljhpo +reg support cljh if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo cljhcz +reg support cljh if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo cljhmx +reg support cljh if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo cljhsk +reg support cljh if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo cljhuk +reg support cljh if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo cljhus + +coefplot (efpo, label(Electoral manipulation)) (rolpo, label(Ignore opposing judges)) (clevpo, label(Encouraging violence)) (cljhpo, label(Journalist harassment)), drop(_cons) title("Pooled") yscale(off) legend(ring(0) position(2) row(2) size(vsmall)) xline(0) +graph save C7po, replace +coefplot (efcz, label(Electoral manipulation)) (rolcz, label(Ignore opposing judges)) (clevcz, label(Encouraging violence)) (cljhcz, label(Journalist harassment)), drop(_cons) title("Czech Republic") yscale(off) legend(off) xline(0) +graph save C7cz, replace +coefplot (efmx, label(Electoral manipulation)) (rolmx, label(Ignore opposing judges)) (clevmx, label(Encouraging violence)) (cljhmx, label(Journalist harassment)), drop(_cons) title("Mexico") yscale(off) legend(off) xline(0) +graph save C7mx, replace +coefplot (efsk, label(Electoral manipulation)) (rolsk, label(Ignore opposing judges)) (clevsk, label(Encouraging violence)) (cljhsk, label(Journalist harassment)), drop(_cons) title("South Korea") yscale(off) legend(off) xline(0) +graph save C7sk, replace +coefplot (efuk, label(Electoral manipulation)) (roluk, label(Ignore opposing judges)) (clevuk, label(Encouraging violence)) (cljhuk, label(Journalist harassment)), drop(_cons) title("United Kingdom") yscale(off) legend(off) xline(0) +graph save C7uk, replace +coefplot (efus, label(Electoral manipulation)) (rolus, label(Ignore opposing judges)) (clevus, label(Encouraging violence)) (cljhus, label(Journalist harassment)), drop(_cons) title("United States") yscale(off) legend(off) xline(0) +graph save C7us, replace + +grc1leg C7po.gph C7cz.gph C7mx.gph C7sk.gph C7uk.gph C7us.gph, xcommon cols(2) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\C7vcompRR.pdf", replace + +***Appendix C: Including other attributes +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom i.dissumm i.partymmain i.canage i.cangender i.canbackground if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo c1cz +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Dvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Dvczmm, replace +graph combine Dvczmm.gph Dvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Dvcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom i.dissumm i.partymmain i.canage i.cangender i.canbackground if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo c1mx +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Dvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Dvmxmm, replace +graph combine Dvmxmm.gph Dvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Dvmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom i.dissumm i.partymmain i.canage i.cangender i.canbackground if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo c1sk +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Dvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save Dvskmm, replace +graph combine Dvskmm.gph Dvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save Dvsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom i.dissumm i.partymmain i.canage i.cangender i.canbackground if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo c1uk +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Dvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Dvukmm, replace +graph combine Dvukmm.gph Dvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Dvuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom i.dissumm i.partymmain i.canage i.cangender i.canbackground if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo c1us +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Dvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Dvusmm, replace +graph combine Dvusmm.gph Dvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Dvus, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom i.dissumm i.partymmain i.canage i.cangender i.canbackground, cluster(resp) +eststo c1po +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save Dvcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save Dvmm, replace +graph combine Dvmm.gph Dvcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save Dvpo, replace + + +graph combine Dvpo.gph Dvcz.gph Dvmx.gph Dvsk.gph Dvuk.gph Dvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\DvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab c1po c1cz c1mx c1sk c1uk c1us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableC1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg* *dissumm *partymmain *canage *cangender *canbackground) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.C1: Supporting table for Figure C1 showing the results when other candidate attributes (policy distance to the respondent, co-partisanship with the respondent, candidate age, candidate gender, and candidate profession) are included as covariates.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +***Appendix D: Full MM-plots and Benchmarking AMCE-plot +***MM +**CZ +mean support if country == "CZ", over(cangender) cluster(resp) +eststo gencz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(canbackground) cluster(resp) +eststo profcz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo partcz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(canredi) cluster(resp) +eststo redicz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(cansoc) cluster(resp) +eststo soccz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(candem) cluster(resp) +eststo demcz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(caneco) cluster(resp) +eststo ecocz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(cancor) cluster(resp) +eststo corcz +coefplot (gencz, label(Gender)) (profcz, label(Profession)) (partcz, label(Party)) (redicz, label(Redistribution)) (soccz, label(Morality issues)) (demcz, label(Dem/Undem)) (ecocz, label(Economic competence)) (corcz, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(vsmall)) xlabel(,labsize(vsmall)) legend(pos(6) size(vsmall) cols(2)) coeflabels(c.support@1.cangender = "Female" c.support@2.cangender = "Male" c.support@1.canbackground = "Actor/actress" c.support@2.canbackground = "Journalist" c.support@4.canbackground = "Professor" c.support@3.canbackground = "Political career" c.support@1.canparty = "ANO 2011" c.support@2.canparty = "ODS" c.support@3.canparty = "ČSSD" c.support@1.canredi = "Decrease tax" c.support@2.canredi = "Decrease power of unions" c.support@3.canredi = "Decrease welfare spending" c.support@4.canredi = "Increase tax" c.support@5.canredi = "Increase power of unions" c.support@6.canredi = "Increase welfare spending" c.support@1.cansoc = "Illegal immigrants apply for citizenship" c.support@2.cansoc = "Arrest and deport illegal immigrants" c.support@3.cansoc = "Make same sex marriage easier" c.support@4.cansoc = "Make it easier to get an abortion" c.support@5.cansoc = "Make same sex marriage harder" c.support@6.cansoc = "Make it harder to get an abortion" c.support@1.candem = "Adhere to opposing judges" c.support@2.candem = "Ignore opposing judges" c.support@3.candem = "Journalist harassment acceptable" c.support@4.candem = "Encourage violence" c.support@5.candem = "Discourage violence" c.support@6.candem = "Journalist harassment unacceptable" c.support@7.candem = "Against electoral manipulation" c.support@8.candem = "Support electoral manipulation" c.support@1.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Bad" c.support@2.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Neutral" c.support@3.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Good" c.support@1.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Bad" c.support@2.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Neutral" c.support@3.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Good") mcolor(black) ciopts(color(black)) msize(medium) +graph display, ysize(9) xsize(7.5) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\czfullamce.pdf", replace +reg support i.cangender i.canbackground i.canparty i.canredi i.cansoc i.candem i.caneco i.cancor if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo D1cz +esttab D1cz using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.D1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.D1: Supporting table for Figure D1 showing marginal means for all attributes in the Czech Republic.") varlabels(1.cangender "Female (Reference category)" 2.cangender "Male" 1.canbackground "Actor/actress (Reference category)" 2.canbackground "Journalist" 3.canbackground "Political career" 4.canbackground "Professor" 1.canparty "ANO 2011 (Reference category)" 2.canparty "ODS" 3.canparty "ČSSD" 1.canredi "Decrease tax (Reference category)" 2.canredi "Decrease power of unions" 3.canredi "Decrease welfare spending" 4.canredi "Increase tax" 5.canredi "Increase power of unions" 6.canredi "Increase welfare spending" 1.cansoc "Illegal immigrants apply for citizenship (Reference category)" 2.cansoc "Arrest and deport illegal immigrants" 3.cansoc "Make same sex marriage easier" 4.cansoc "Make it easier to get an abortion" 5.cansoc "Make same sex marriage harder" 6.cansoc "Make it harder to get an abortion" 1.candem "Adhere to opposing judges (Reference category)" 2.candem "Ignore opposing judges" 3.candem "Journalist harassment acceptable" 4.candem "Encourage violence" 5.candem "Discourage violence" 6.candem "Journalist harassment unacceptable" 7.candem "Against electoral manipulation" 8.candem "Support electoral manipulation" 1.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Handling economic matters: Neutral" 3.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad" 1.cancor "Fighting corruption: Bad (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Fighting corruption: Neutral" 3.cancor "Fighting corruption: Good" _cons Constant) replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +**US +mean support if country == "US", over(cangender) cluster(resp) +eststo genus +mean support if country == "US", over(canbackground) cluster(resp) +eststo profus +mean support if country == "US", over(canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo partus +mean support if country == "US", over(canredi) cluster(resp) +eststo redius +mean support if country == "US", over(cansoc) cluster(resp) +eststo socus +mean support if country == "US", over(candem) cluster(resp) +eststo demus +mean support if country == "US", over(caneco) cluster(resp) +eststo ecous +mean support if country == "US", over(cancor) cluster(resp) +eststo corus +coefplot (genus, label(Gender)) (profus, label(Profession)) (partus, label(Party)) (redius, label(Redistribution)) (socus, label(Morality issues)) (demus, label(Dem/Undem)) (ecous, label(Economic competence)) (corus, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(vsmall)) xlabel(,labsize(vsmall)) legend(pos(6) size(vsmall) cols(2)) coeflabels(c.support@1.cangender = "Female" c.support@2.cangender = "Male" c.support@2.canbackground = "Company founder/director" c.support@1.canbackground = "Self-employed" c.support@5.canbackground = "Journalist" c.support@3.canbackground = "Lawyer" c.support@4.canbackground = "Political career" c.support@1.canparty = "Democrat" c.support@2.canparty = "Republican" c.support@1.canredi = "Decrease tax" c.support@2.canredi = "Decrease power of unions" c.support@3.canredi = "Decrease welfare spending" c.support@4.canredi = "Increase tax" c.support@5.canredi = "Increase power of unions" c.support@6.canredi = "Increase welfare spending" c.support@1.cansoc = "Illegal immigrants apply for citizenship" c.support@2.cansoc = "Arrest and deport illegal immigrants" c.support@3.cansoc = "Make same sex marriage easier" c.support@4.cansoc = "Make it easier to get an abortion" c.support@5.cansoc = "Make same sex marriage harder" c.support@6.cansoc = "Make it harder to get an abortion" c.support@1.candem = "Adhere to opposing judges" c.support@2.candem = "Ignore opposing judges" c.support@3.candem = "Journalist harassment acceptable" c.support@4.candem = "Encourage violence" c.support@5.candem = "Discourage violence" c.support@6.candem = "Journalist harassment unacceptable" c.support@7.candem = "Against electoral manipulation" c.support@8.candem = "Support electoral manipulation" c.support@1.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Bad" c.support@2.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Neutral" c.support@3.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Good" c.support@1.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Bad" c.support@2.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Neutral" c.support@3.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Good") mcolor(black) ciopts(color(black)) msize(medium) +graph display, ysize(9) xsize(7.5) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\usfullamce.pdf", replace +reg support i.cangender i.canbackground i.canparty i.canredi i.cansoc i.candem i.caneco i.cancor if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo D5us +esttab D5us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.D5.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.D5: Supporting table for Figure D5 showing marginal means for all attributes in the United States.") varlabels(1.cangender "Female (Reference category)" 2.cangender "Male" 1.canbackground "Self-employed (Reference category)" 2.canbackground "Company founder/director" 3.canbackground "Lawyer" 4.canbackground "Political career" 5.canbackground "Journalist" 1.canparty "Democrat (Reference category)" 2.canparty "Republican" 1.canredi "Decrease tax (Reference category)" 2.canredi "Decrease power of unions" 3.canredi "Decrease welfare spending" 4.canredi "Increase tax" 5.canredi "Increase power of unions" 6.canredi "Increase welfare spending" 1.cansoc "Illegal immigrants apply for citizenship (Reference category)" 2.cansoc "Arrest and deport illegal immigrants" 3.cansoc "Make same sex marriage easier" 4.cansoc "Make it easier to get an abortion" 5.cansoc "Make same sex marriage harder" 6.cansoc "Make it harder to get an abortion" 1.candem "Adhere to opposing judges (Reference category)" 2.candem "Ignore opposing judges" 3.candem "Journalist harassment acceptable" 4.candem "Encourage violence" 5.candem "Discourage violence" 6.candem "Journalist harassment unacceptable" 7.candem "Against electoral manipulation" 8.candem "Support electoral manipulation" 1.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Handling economic matters: Neutral" 3.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad" 1.cancor "Fighting corruption: Bad (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Fighting corruption: Neutral" 3.cancor "Fighting corruption: Good" _cons Constant) replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +**UK +mean support if country == "UK", over(cangender) cluster(resp) +eststo genuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(canbackground) cluster(resp) +eststo profuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo partuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(canredi) cluster(resp) +eststo rediuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(cansoc) cluster(resp) +eststo socuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(candem) cluster(resp) +eststo demuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(caneco) cluster(resp) +eststo ecouk +mean support if country == "UK", over(cancor) cluster(resp) +eststo coruk +coefplot (genuk, label(Gender)) (profuk, label(Profession)) (partuk, label(Party)) (rediuk, label(Redistribution)) (socuk, label(Morality issues)) (demuk, label(Dem/Undem)) (ecouk, label(Economic competence)) (coruk, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(vsmall)) xlabel(,labsize(vsmall)) legend(pos(6) size(vsmall) cols(2)) coeflabels(c.support@1.cangender = "Female" c.support@2.cangender = "Male" c.support@1.canbackground = "Banker" c.support@2.canbackground = "Civil servant" c.support@3.canbackground = "Journalist" c.support@4.canbackground = "Lawyer" c.support@5.canbackground = "Political career" c.support@1.canparty = "Conservatives" c.support@2.canparty = "Labour" c.support@1.canredi = "Decrease tax" c.support@2.canredi = "Decrease power of unions" c.support@3.canredi = "Decrease welfare spending" c.support@4.canredi = "Increase tax" c.support@5.canredi = "Increase power of unions" c.support@6.canredi = "Increase welfare spending" c.support@1.cansoc = "Illegal immigrants apply for citizenship" c.support@2.cansoc = "Arrest and deport illegal immigrants" c.support@3.cansoc = "Make same sex marriage easier" c.support@4.cansoc = "Make it easier to get an abortion" c.support@5.cansoc = "Make same sex marriage harder" c.support@6.cansoc = "Make it harder to get an abortion" c.support@1.candem = "Adhere to opposing judges" c.support@2.candem = "Ignore opposing judges" c.support@3.candem = "Journalist harassment acceptable" c.support@4.candem = "Encourage violence" c.support@5.candem = "Discourage violence" c.support@6.candem = "Journalist harassment unacceptable" c.support@7.candem = "Against electoral manipulation" c.support@8.candem = "Support electoral manipulation" c.support@1.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Bad" c.support@2.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Neutral" c.support@3.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Good" c.support@1.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Bad" c.support@2.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Neutral" c.support@3.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Good") mcolor(black) ciopts(color(black)) msize(medium) +graph display, ysize(9) xsize(7.5) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\ukfullamce.pdf", replace +reg support i.cangender i.canbackground i.canparty i.canredi i.cansoc i.candem i.caneco i.cancor if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo D4uk +esttab D4uk using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.D4.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.D4: Supporting table for Figure D4 showing marginal means for all attributes in the United Kingdom.") varlabels(1.cangender "Female (Reference category)" 2.cangender "Male" 1.canbackground "Banker (Reference category)" 2.canbackground "Civil servant" 3.canbackground "Journalist" 4.canbackground "Lawyer" 5.canbackground "Political career" 1.canparty "Conservatives (Reference category)" 2.canparty "Labour" 1.canredi "Decrease tax (Reference category)" 2.canredi "Decrease power of unions" 3.canredi "Decrease welfare spending" 4.canredi "Increase tax" 5.canredi "Increase power of unions" 6.canredi "Increase welfare spending" 1.cansoc "Illegal immigrants apply for citizenship (Reference category)" 2.cansoc "Arrest and deport illegal immigrants" 3.cansoc "Make same sex marriage easier" 4.cansoc "Make it easier to get an abortion" 5.cansoc "Make same sex marriage harder" 6.cansoc "Make it harder to get an abortion" 1.candem "Adhere to opposing judges (Reference category)" 2.candem "Ignore opposing judges" 3.candem "Journalist harassment acceptable" 4.candem "Encourage violence" 5.candem "Discourage violence" 6.candem "Journalist harassment unacceptable" 7.candem "Against electoral manipulation" 8.candem "Support electoral manipulation" 1.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Handling economic matters: Neutral" 3.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad" 1.cancor "Fighting corruption: Bad (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Fighting corruption: Neutral" 3.cancor "Fighting corruption: Good" _cons Constant) replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +**MX +mean support if country == "MX", over(cangender) cluster(resp) +eststo genmx +mean support if country == "MX", over(canbackground) cluster(resp) +eststo profmx +mean support if country == "MX", over(canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo partmx +mean support if country == "MX", over(canredi) cluster(resp) +eststo redimx +mean support if country == "MX", over(cansoc) cluster(resp) +eststo socmx +mean support if country == "MX", over(candem) cluster(resp) +eststo demmx +mean support if country == "MX", over(caneco) cluster(resp) +eststo ecomx +mean support if country == "MX", over(cancor) cluster(resp) +eststo cormx +coefplot (genmx, label(Gender)) (profmx, label(Profession)) (partmx, label(Party)) (redimx, label(Redistribution)) (socmx, label(Morality issues)) (demmx, label(Dem/Undem)) (ecomx, label(Economic competence)) (cormx, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(vsmall)) xlabel(,labsize(vsmall)) legend(pos(6) size(vsmall) cols(2)) coeflabels(c.support@1.cangender = "Female" c.support@2.cangender = "Male" c.support@1.canbackground = "Academic" c.support@4.canbackground = "Civil servant" c.support@6.canbackground = "Journalist" c.support@7.canbackground = "Lawyer" c.support@5.canbackground = "Engineer" c.support@2.canbackground = "Accountant" c.support@3.canbackground = "Business administration" c.support@8.canbackground = "Professional sports" c.support@9.canbackground = "Self-employed" c.support@1.canparty = "MORENA" c.support@2.canparty = "PAN" c.support@3.canparty = "PRD" c.support@4.canparty = "PRI" c.support@1.canredi = "Decrease tax" c.support@6.canredi = "Provide universal access to colleges" c.support@2.canredi = "Decrease welfare spending" c.support@3.canredi = "Increase tax" c.support@5.canredi = "Prevent universal access to colleges" c.support@4.canredi = "Increase welfare spending" c.support@1.cansoc = "Legalize same-sex marriage" c.support@2.cansoc = "Make abortion law more strict" c.support@3.cansoc = "Prohibit same-sex marriage" c.support@4.cansoc = "Provide amnesty to low-level drug offenders" c.support@5.cansoc = "Punish all drug-related crime harsher" c.support@6.cansoc = "Relax abortion law" c.support@1.candem = "Adhere to opposing judges" c.support@2.candem = "Ignore opposing judges" c.support@3.candem = "Journalist harassment acceptable" c.support@4.candem = "Encourage violence" c.support@5.candem = "Discourage violence" c.support@6.candem = "Journalist harassment unacceptable" c.support@7.candem = "Against electoral manipulation" c.support@8.candem = "Support electoral manipulation" c.support@1.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Bad" c.support@2.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Neutral" c.support@3.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Good" c.support@1.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Bad" c.support@2.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Neutral" c.support@3.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Good") mcolor(black) ciopts(color(black)) msize(medium) +graph display, ysize(9) xsize(7.5) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\mxfullamce.pdf", replace +reg support i.cangender i.canbackground i.canparty i.canredi i.cansoc i.candem i.caneco i.cancor if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo D2mx +esttab D2mx using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.D2.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.D2: Supporting table for Figure D2 showing marginal means for all attributes in the Mexico.") varlabels(1.cangender "Female (Reference category)" 2.cangender "Male" 1.canbackground "Academic (Reference category)" 2.canbackground "Accountant" 3.canbackground "Business administration" 4.canbackground "Civil servant" 5.canbackground "Engineer" 6.canbackground "Journalist" 7.canbackground "Lawyer" 8.canbackground "Professional sports" 9.canbackground "Self-employed" 1.canparty "MORENA (Reference category)" 2.canparty "PAN" 3.canparty "PRD" 4.canparty "PRI" 1.canredi "Decrease tax (Reference category)" 2.canredi "Decrease welfare spending" 3.canredi "Increase tax" 4.canredi "Increase welfare spending" 5.canredi "Prevent universal access to colleges" 6.canredi "Provide universal access to colleges" 1.cansoc "Legalize same-sex marriage (Reference category)" 2.cansoc "Make abortion law more strict" 3.cansoc "Prohibit same-sex marriage" 4.cansoc "Provide amnesty to low-level drug offenders" 5.cansoc "Punish all drug-related crime harsher" 6.cansoc "Relax abortion law" 1.candem "Adhere to opposing judges (Reference category)" 2.candem "Ignore opposing judges" 3.candem "Journalist harassment acceptable" 4.candem "Encourage violence" 5.candem "Discourage violence" 6.candem "Journalist harassment unacceptable" 7.candem "Against electoral manipulation" 8.candem "Support electoral manipulation" 1.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Handling economic matters: Neutral" 3.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad" 1.cancor "Fighting corruption: Bad (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Fighting corruption: Neutral" 3.cancor "Fighting corruption: Good" _cons Constant) replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +**SK +mean support if country == "SK", over(cangender) cluster(resp) +eststo gensk +mean support if country == "SK", over(canbackground) cluster(resp) +eststo profsk +mean support if country == "SK", over(canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo partsk +mean support if country == "SK", over(canredi) cluster(resp) +eststo redisk +mean support if country == "SK", over(cansoc) cluster(resp) +eststo socsk +mean support if country == "SK", over(candem) cluster(resp) +eststo demsk +mean support if country == "SK", over(caneco) cluster(resp) +eststo ecosk +mean support if country == "SK", over(cancor) cluster(resp) +eststo corsk +coefplot (gensk, label(Gender)) (profsk, label(Profession)) (partsk, label(Party)) (redisk, label(Redistribution)) (socsk, label(Morality issues)) (demsk, label(Dem/Undem)) (ecosk, label(Economic competence)) (corsk, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(vsmall)) xlabel(,labsize(vsmall)) legend(pos(6) size(vsmall) cols(2)) coeflabels(c.support@1.cangender = "Female" c.support@2.cangender = "Male" c.support@1.canbackground = "Army general" c.support@2.canbackground = "Civil servant" c.support@3.canbackground = "Company director" c.support@4.canbackground = "Engineer" c.support@5.canbackground = "Journalist" c.support@6.canbackground = "Lawyer" c.support@7.canbackground = "Political career" c.support@8.canbackground = "Professor" c.support@9.canbackground = "Self-employed" c.support@1.canparty = "Democratic Party" c.support@2.canparty = "United Future Party" c.support@1.canredi = "Decrease tax" c.support@2.canredi = "Decrease power of unions" c.support@3.canredi = "Decrease welfare spending" c.support@4.canredi = "Increase tax" c.support@5.canredi = "Increase power of unions" c.support@6.canredi = "Increase welfare spending" c.support@1.cansoc = "Decrease funds to the army" c.support@2.cansoc = "Increase funds to the army" c.support@3.cansoc = "Legalize same-sex marriage" c.support@4.cansoc = "Make abortion law more strict" c.support@5.cansoc = "Prohibit same-sex marriage" c.support@6.cansoc = "Relax abortion law" c.support@1.candem = "Adhere to opposing judges" c.support@2.candem = "Ignore opposing judges" c.support@3.candem = "Journalist harassment acceptable" c.support@4.candem = "Encourage violence" c.support@5.candem = "Discourage violence" c.support@6.candem = "Journalist harassment unacceptable" c.support@7.candem = "Against electoral manipulation" c.support@8.candem = "Support electoral manipulation" c.support@1.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Bad" c.support@2.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Neutral" c.support@3.caneco = "Handling economic matters: Good" c.support@1.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Bad" c.support@2.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Neutral" c.support@3.cancor = "Fighting corruption: Good") mcolor(black) ciopts(color(black)) msize(medium) +graph display, ysize(9) xsize(7.5) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\skfullamce.pdf", replace +reg support i.cangender i.canbackground i.canparty i.canredi i.cansoc i.candem i.caneco i.cancor if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo D3sk +esttab D3sk using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.D3.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop() addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.D3: Supporting table for Figure D3 showing marginal means for all attributes in the South Korea.") varlabels(1.cangender "Female (Reference category)" 2.cangender "Male" 1.canbackground "Army general (Reference category)" 2.canbackground "Civil servant" 3.canbackground "Company director" 4.canbackground "Engineer" 5.canbackground "Journalist" 6.canbackground "Lawyer" 7.canbackground "Political career" 8.canbackground "Professor" 9.canbackground "Self-employed" 1.canparty "Democratic Party (Reference category)" 2.canparty "United Future Party" 1.canredi "Decrease tax (Reference category)" 2.canredi "Decrease power of unions" 3.canredi "Decrease welfare spending" 4.canredi "Increase tax" 5.canredi "Increase power of unions" 6.canredi "Increase welfare spending" 1.cansoc "Decrease funds to the army (Reference category)" 2.cansoc "Increase funds to the army" 3.cansoc "Legalize same-sex marriage" 4.cansoc "Make abortion law more strict" 5.cansoc "Prohibit same-sex marriage" 6.cansoc "Relax abortion law" 1.candem "Adhere to opposing judges (Reference category)" 2.candem "Ignore opposing judges" 3.candem "Journalist harassment acceptable" 4.candem "Encourage violence" 5.candem "Discourage violence" 6.candem "Journalist harassment unacceptable" 7.candem "Against electoral manipulation" 8.candem "Support electoral manipulation" 1.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Handling economic matters: Neutral" 3.caneco "Handling economic matters: Bad" 1.cancor "Fighting corruption: Bad (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Fighting corruption: Neutral" 3.cancor "Fighting corruption: Good" _cons Constant) replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +***AMCE +gen canagedecade = canage/10 //rescaling for more sense +generate distance = (dissumm-1)/(7-1)*(5-1)+1 //align distance with other continious measures +reg support candemmg cancom distance partymmain canagedecade cangender if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +coefplot, drop(_cons) coeflabels(candemmg = "Undemocratic" distance = "Policy distance (1-5)" canagedecade = "Age (10 years)" partymmain = "Co-partisanship (1-5)" cangender = "Male" cancom = "Competence (1-5)") xline(0) title("Czech Republic") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcecz", replace + +reg support candemmg cancom distance partymmain canagedecade cangender if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +coefplot, drop(_cons) coeflabels(candemmg = "Undemocratic" distance = "Policy distance (1-5)" canagedecade = "Age (10 years)" partymmain = "Co-partisanship (1-5)" cangender = "Male" cancom = "Competence (1-5)") xline(0) title("Mexico") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcemx", replace + +reg support candemmg cancom distance partymmain canagedecade cangender if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +coefplot, drop(_cons) coeflabels(candemmg = "Undemocratic" distance = "Policy distance (1-5)" canagedecade = "Age (10 years)" partymmain = "Co-partisanship (1-5)" cangender = "Male" cancom = "Competence (1-5)") xline(0) title("South Korea") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcesk", replace + +reg support candemmg cancom distance partymmain canagedecade cangender if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +coefplot, drop(_cons) coeflabels(candemmg = "Undemocratic" distance = "Policy distance (1-5)" canagedecade = "Age (10 years)" partymmain = "Co-partisanship (1-5)" cangender = "Male" cancom = "Competence (1-5)") xline(0) title("United Kingdom") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amceuk", replace + +reg support candemmg cancom distance partymmain canagedecade cangender if country == "US", cluster(resp) +coefplot, drop(_cons) coeflabels(candemmg = "Undemocratic" distance = "Policy distance (1-5)" canagedecade = "Age (10 years)" partymmain = "Co-partisanship (1-5)" cangender = "Male" cancom = "Competence (1-5)") xline(0) title("United States") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amceus", replace + +reg support candemmg cancom distance partymmain canagedecade cangender, cluster(resp) +coefplot, drop(_cons) coeflabels(candemmg = "Undemocratic" distance = "Policy distance (1-5)" canagedecade = "Age (10 years)" partymmain = "Co-partisanship (1-5)" cangender = "Male" cancom = "Competence (1-5)") xline(0) title("Pooled") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcepo", replace + +graph combine "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcepo" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcecz" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcemx" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amcesk" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amceuk" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\amceus", xcommon cols(2) b1title("", size(small)) l1title("", size(small)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\compamce.pdf", replace + +***Appendix E: Using Competence in its Squared Form +reg support i.candemmg##c.cancom##c.cancom if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo E1cz +margins, dydx(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.3 0 0.1, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Fvczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Fvczmm, replace +graph combine Fvczmm.gph Fvczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Fvcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##c.cancom##c.cancom if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo E1mx +margins, dydx(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.3 0 0.1, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Fvmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Fvmxmm, replace +graph combine Fvmxmm.gph Fvmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Fvmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##c.cancom##c.cancom if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo E1sk +margins, dydx(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.3 0 0.1, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Fvskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save Fvskmm, replace +graph combine Fvskmm.gph Fvskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save Fvsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##c.cancom##c.cancom if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo E1uk +margins, dydx(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.3 0 0.1, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Fvukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Fvukmm, replace +graph combine Fvukmm.gph Fvukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Fvuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##c.cancom##c.cancom if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo E1us +margins, dydx(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.3 0 0.1, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Fvuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save Fvusmm, replace +graph combine Fvusmm.gph Fvuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save Fvus, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##c.cancom##c.cancom, cluster(resp) +eststo E1po +margins, dydx(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.3 0 0.1, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") legend(on order(2 "Effects of UB") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save Fvcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save Fvmm, replace +graph combine Fvmm.gph Fvcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save Fvpo, replace + +graph combine Fvpo.gph Fvcz.gph Fvmx.gph Fvsk.gph Fvuk.gph Fvus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\FvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab E1po E1cz E1mx E1sk E1uk E1us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.E1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.E1: Supporting table for Figure E1 showing the results when employing candidate competence in its squared form.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" cancom "Competence" 1.candemmg#c.cancom "Undemocratic x Competence" c.cancom#c.cancom "Competence^2" 1.candemmg#c.cancom#c.cancom "Undemocratic x Competence^2" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +***Appendix F: Robustness of Results Across Partisanship +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain < 3 & country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo F3cz +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G1vczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G1vczmm, replace +graph combine G1vczmm.gph G1vczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G1vcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain < 3 & country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo F3mx +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G1vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G1vmxmm, replace +graph combine G1vmxmm.gph G1vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G1vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain < 3 & country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo F3sk +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G1vskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save G1vskmm, replace +graph combine G1vskmm.gph G1vskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save G1vsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain < 3 & country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo F3uk +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G1vukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G1vukmm, replace +graph combine G1vukmm.gph G1vukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G1vuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain < 3 & country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo F3us +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G1vuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G1vusmm, replace +graph combine G1vusmm.gph G1vuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G1vus, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain < 3, cluster(resp) +eststo F3po +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save G1vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save G1vmm, replace +graph combine G1vmm.gph G1vcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save G1vpo, replace + + +graph combine G1vpo.gph G1vcz.gph G1vmx.gph G1vsk.gph G1vuk.gph G1vus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) title("Out-partisans") +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\G1vcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab F3po F3cz F3mx F3sk F3uk F3us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.F3.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.F3: Supporting table for Figure F3 showing the results when only observations where the respondent is an out-partisan to the candidate are included.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain == 3 & country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo F2cz +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G2vczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G2vczmm, replace +graph combine G2vczmm.gph G2vczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G2vcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain == 3 & country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo F2mx +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G2vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G2vmxmm, replace +graph combine G2vmxmm.gph G2vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G2vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain == 3 & country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo F2sk +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G2vskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save G2vskmm, replace +graph combine G2vskmm.gph G2vskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save G2vsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain == 3 & country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo F2uk +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G2vukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G2vukmm, replace +graph combine G2vukmm.gph G2vukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G2vuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain == 3 & country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo F2us +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G2vuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G2vusmm, replace +graph combine G2vusmm.gph G2vuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G2vus, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain == 3, cluster(resp) +eststo F2po +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save G2vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save G2vmm, replace +graph combine G2vmm.gph G2vcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save G2vpo, replace + + +graph combine G2vpo.gph G2vcz.gph G2vmx.gph G2vsk.gph G2vuk.gph G2vus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) title("Neutrals") +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\G2vcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab F2po F2cz F2mx F2sk F2uk F2us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.F2.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.F2: Supporting table for Figure F2 showing the results when only observations where the respondent holds neutral feelings toward the candidate's party are included.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain > 3 & partymmain != . & country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo F1cz +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G3vczcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G3vczmm, replace +graph combine G3vczmm.gph G3vczcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Czech Republic") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G3vcz, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain > 3 & partymmain != . & country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo F1mx +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G3vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G3vmxmm, replace +graph combine G3vmxmm.gph G3vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G3vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain > 3 & partymmain != . & country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo F1sk +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G3vskcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save G3vskmm, replace +graph combine G3vskmm.gph G3vskcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea") xcommon cols(1) fxsize(33) +graph save G3vsk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain > 3 & partymmain != . & country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo F1uk +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G3vukcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G3vukmm, replace +graph combine G3vukmm.gph G3vukcamce.gph, commonscheme title("United Kingdom") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G3vuk, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain > 3 & partymmain != . & country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo F1us +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save G3vuscamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save G3vusmm, replace +graph combine G3vusmm.gph G3vuscamce.gph, commonscheme title("United States") xcommon cols(1) +graph save G3vus, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if partymmain > 3 & partymmain != ., cluster(resp) +eststo F1po +quietly margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +quietly marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.4 0 0.4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save G3vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +quietly marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(1.5(0.5)4, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(1.5, lpattern(solid)) +graph save G3vmm, replace +graph combine G3vmm.gph G3vcamce.gph, title("Pooled") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save G3vpo, replace + +graph combine G3vpo.gph G3vcz.gph G3vmx.gph G3vsk.gph G3vuk.gph G3vus.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) title("In-partisans") +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\G3vcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab F1po F1cz F1mx F1sk F1uk F1us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.F1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.F1: Supporting table for Figure F1 showing the results when only observations where the respondent is an in-partisan to the candidate are included.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "CZ" "MX" "SK" "UK" "US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +***Appendix G: Believability of Competence Reputations Across Parties +**Criteria-test plots (Figure G1) +*CZ +mean support if country == "CZ", over(caneco canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo ecopartycz +mean support if country == "CZ", over(cancor canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo corpartycz +coefplot (ecopartycz, label(Economic competence)) (corpartycz, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(small)) plotregion(margin(zero)) title("CZ", size(small)) legend(pos(1) ring(0) size(vsmall) cols(1)) nolabels coeflabels(c.support@1.caneco#1.canparty = "ANO: Low" c.support@1.caneco#2.canparty = "ODS: Low" c.support@1.caneco#3.canparty = "ČSSD: Low" c.support@2.caneco#1.canparty = "ANO: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#2.canparty = "ODS: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#3.canparty = "ČSSD: Avg." c.support@3.caneco#1.canparty = "ANO: High" c.support@3.caneco#2.canparty = "ODS: High" c.support@3.caneco#3.canparty = "ČSSD: High" c.support@1.cancor#1.canparty = "ANO: Low" c.support@1.cancor#2.canparty = "ODS: Low" c.support@1.cancor#3.canparty = "ČSSD: Low" c.support@2.cancor#1.canparty = "ANO: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#2.canparty = "ODS: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#3.canparty = "ČSSD: Avg." c.support@3.cancor#1.canparty = "ANO: High" c.support@3.cancor#2.canparty = "ODS: High" c.support@3.cancor#3.canparty = "ČSSD: High") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\czcompparty", replace + +*MX +mean support if country == "MX", over(caneco canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo ecopartymx +mean support if country == "MX", over(cancor canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo corpartymx +coefplot (ecopartymx, label(Economic competence)) (corpartymx, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(small)) plotregion(margin(zero)) title("MX", size(small)) legend(off) nolabels coeflabels(c.support@1.caneco#1.canparty = "MOR: Low" c.support@1.caneco#2.canparty = "PAN: Low" c.support@1.caneco#3.canparty = "PRD: Low" c.support@2.caneco#1.canparty = "MOR: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#2.canparty = "PAN: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#3.canparty = "PRD: Avg." c.support@3.caneco#1.canparty = "MOR: High" c.support@3.caneco#2.canparty = "PAN: High" c.support@3.caneco#3.canparty = "PRD: High" c.support@1.cancor#1.canparty = "MOR: Low" c.support@1.cancor#2.canparty = "PAN: Low" c.support@1.cancor#3.canparty = "PRD: Low" c.support@2.cancor#1.canparty = "MOR: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#2.canparty = "PAN: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#3.canparty = "PRD: Avg." c.support@3.cancor#1.canparty = "MOR: High" c.support@3.cancor#2.canparty = "PAN: High" c.support@3.cancor#3.canparty = "PRD: High" c.support@1.caneco#4.canparty = "PRI: Low" c.support@2.caneco#4.canparty = "PRI: Avg." c.support@3.caneco#4.canparty = "PRI: High" c.support@1.cancor#4.canparty = "PRI: Low" c.support@2.cancor#4.canparty = "PRI: Avg." c.support@3.cancor#4.canparty = "PRI: High") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\mxcompparty", replace + +*SK +mean support if country == "SK", over(caneco canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo ecopartysk +mean support if country == "SK", over(cancor canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo corpartysk +coefplot (ecopartysk, label(Economic competence)) (corpartysk, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(small)) plotregion(margin(zero)) title("SK", size(small)) legend(off) nolabels coeflabels(c.support@1.caneco#1.canparty = "DPK: Low" c.support@1.caneco#2.canparty = "UFP: Low" c.support@2.caneco#1.canparty = "DPK: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#2.canparty = "UFP: Avg." c.support@3.caneco#1.canparty = "DPK: High" c.support@3.caneco#2.canparty = "UFP: High" c.support@1.cancor#1.canparty = "DPK: Low" c.support@1.cancor#2.canparty = "UFP: Low" c.support@2.cancor#1.canparty = "DPK: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#2.canparty = "UFP: Avg." c.support@3.cancor#1.canparty = "DPK: High" c.support@3.cancor#2.canparty = "UFP: High") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\skcompparty", replace + +*UK +mean support if country == "UK", over(caneco canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo ecopartyuk +mean support if country == "UK", over(cancor canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo corpartyuk +coefplot (ecopartyuk, label(Economic competence)) (corpartyuk, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(small)) plotregion(margin(zero)) title("UK", size(small)) legend(off) nolabels coeflabels(c.support@1.caneco#1.canparty = "CON: Low" c.support@1.caneco#2.canparty = "LAB: Low" c.support@2.caneco#1.canparty = "CON: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#2.canparty = "LAB: Avg." c.support@3.caneco#1.canparty = "CON: High" c.support@3.caneco#2.canparty = "LAB: High" c.support@1.cancor#1.canparty = "CON: Low" c.support@1.cancor#2.canparty = "LAB: Low" c.support@2.cancor#1.canparty = "CON: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#2.canparty = "LAB: Avg." c.support@3.cancor#1.canparty = "CON: High" c.support@3.cancor#2.canparty = "LAB: High") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\ukcompparty", replace + +*US +mean support if country == "US", over(caneco canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo ecopartyus +mean support if country == "US", over(cancor canparty) cluster(resp) +eststo corpartyus +coefplot (ecopartyus, label(Economic competence)) (corpartyus, label(Corruption competence)), ylabel(,labsize(small)) plotregion(margin(zero)) title("US", size(small)) legend(off) nolabels coeflabels(c.support@1.caneco#1.canparty = "DEM: Low" c.support@1.caneco#2.canparty = "REP: Low" c.support@2.caneco#1.canparty = "DEM: Avg." c.support@2.caneco#2.canparty = "REP: Avg." c.support@3.caneco#1.canparty = "DEM: High" c.support@3.caneco#2.canparty = "REP: High" c.support@1.cancor#1.canparty = "DEM: Low" c.support@1.cancor#2.canparty = "REP: Low" c.support@2.cancor#1.canparty = "DEM: Avg." c.support@2.cancor#2.canparty = "REP: Avg." c.support@3.cancor#1.canparty = "DEM: High" c.support@3.cancor#2.canparty = "REP: High") +graph save "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\uscompparty", replace + +*Combine +graph combine "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\czcompparty.gph" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\mxcompparty.gph" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\skcompparty.gph" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\ukcompparty.gph" "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\uscompparty.gph", cols(2) xcommon imargin(zero) +graph display, ysize(9.1) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\Hcompparty.pdf", replace + +*Supporting tables +reg support i.caneco##i.canparty i.cancor##i.canparty if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +eststo G1cz +reg support i.caneco##i.canparty i.cancor##i.canparty if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo G1mx +reg support i.caneco##i.canparty i.cancor##i.canparty if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo G1sk +reg support i.caneco##i.canparty i.cancor##i.canparty if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +eststo G1uk +reg support i.caneco##i.canparty i.cancor##i.canparty if country == "US", cluster(resp) +eststo G1us + +esttab G1cz using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.G1cz.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop(1.caneco#* 1.cancor#* *#1.canparty) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.G1A: Supporting table for the cell in Figure G1 showing marginal means for competence reputations — in handling economic matters and in fighting corruption — across parties in the Czech Republic.") varlabels(1.caneco "Low economic competence (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Average economic competence" 3.caneco "High economic competence" 1.cancor "Low corruption competence (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Average corruption competence" 3.cancor "High corruption competence" 1.canparty "ANO 2011 (Reference category)" 2.canparty "ODS" 3.canparty "ČSSD" 2.caneco#2.canparty "Average economic competence x ODS" 2.caneco#3.canparty "Average economic competence x ČSSD" 3.caneco#2.canparty "High economic competence x ODS" 3.caneco#3.canparty "High economic competence x ČSSD" 2.cancor#2.canparty "Average corruption competence x ODS" 2.cancor#3.canparty "Average corruption competence x ČSSD" 3.cancor#2.canparty "High corruption competence x ODS" 3.cancor#3.canparty "High corruption competence x ČSSD" _cons Constant) mti("CZ") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +esttab G1mx using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.G1mx.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop(1.caneco#* 1.cancor#* *#1.canparty) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.G1B: Supporting table for the cell in Figure G1 showing marginal means for competence reputations — in handling economic matters and in fighting corruption — across parties in Mexico.") varlabels(1.caneco "Low economic competence (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Average economic competence" 3.caneco "High economic competence" 1.cancor "Low corruption competence (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Average corruption competence" 3.cancor "High corruption competence" 1.canparty "MORENA (Reference category)" 2.canparty "PAN" 3.canparty "PRD" 4.canparty "PRI" 2.caneco#2.canparty "Average economic competence x PAN" 2.caneco#3.canparty "Average economic competence x PRD" 2.caneco#4.canparty "Average economic competence x PRI" 3.caneco#2.canparty "High economic competence x PAN" 3.caneco#3.canparty "High economic competence x PRD" 3.caneco#4.canparty "High economic competence x PRI" 2.cancor#2.canparty "Average corruption competence x PAN" 2.cancor#3.canparty "Average corruption competence x PRD" 2.cancor#4.canparty "Average corruption competence x PRI" 3.cancor#2.canparty "High corruption competence x PAN" 3.cancor#3.canparty "High corruption competence x PRD" 3.cancor#4.canparty "High corruption competence x PRI" _cons Constant) mti("MX") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +esttab G1sk using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.G1sk.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop(1.caneco#* 1.cancor#* *#1.canparty) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.G1C: Supporting table for the cell in Figure G1 showing marginal means for competence reputations — in handling economic matters and in fighting corruption — across parties in South Korea.") varlabels(1.caneco "Low economic competence (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Average economic competence" 3.caneco "High economic competence" 1.cancor "Low corruption competence (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Average corruption competence" 3.cancor "High corruption competence" 1.canparty "Democratic Party (Reference category)" 2.canparty "United Future Party" 2.caneco#2.canparty "Average economic competence x United Future Party" 3.caneco#2.canparty "High economic competence x United Future Party" 2.cancor#2.canparty "Average corruption competence x United Future Party" 3.cancor#2.canparty "High corruption competence x United Future Party" _cons Constant) mti("SK") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +esttab G1uk using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.G1uk.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop(1.caneco#* 1.cancor#* *#1.canparty) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.G1D: Supporting table for the cell in Figure G1 showing marginal means for competence reputations — in handling economic matters and in fighting corruption — across parties in the United Kingdom.") varlabels(1.caneco "Low economic competence (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Average economic competence" 3.caneco "High economic competence" 1.cancor "Low corruption competence (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Average corruption competence" 3.cancor "High corruption competence" 1.canparty "Conservatives (Reference category)" 2.canparty "Labour" 2.caneco#2.canparty "Average economic competence x Labour" 3.caneco#2.canparty "High economic competence x Labour" 2.cancor#2.canparty "Average corruption competence x Labour" 3.cancor#2.canparty "High corruption competence x Labour" _cons Constant) mti("UK") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +esttab G1us using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.G1us.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes wide se drop(1.caneco#* 1.cancor#* *#1.canparty) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.G1E: Supporting table for the cell in Figure G1 showing marginal means for competence reputations — in handling economic matters and in fighting corruption — across parties in the United States.") varlabels(1.caneco "Low economic competence (Reference category)" 2.caneco "Average economic competence" 3.caneco "High economic competence" 1.cancor "Low corruption competence (Reference category)" 2.cancor "Average corruption competence" 3.cancor "High corruption competence" 1.canparty "Democrat (Reference category)" 2.canparty "Republican" 2.caneco#2.canparty "Average economic competence x Republican" 3.caneco#2.canparty "High economic competence x Republican" 2.cancor#2.canparty "Average corruption competence x Republican" 3.cancor#2.canparty "High corruption competence x Republican" _cons Constant) mti("US") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + + +**Sensitivity analysis excluding UFP, PRI, and PRD (Figure G2) +gen hsample = . +replace hsample = 1 +replace hsample = 0 if country == "MX" & canparty > 2 +replace hsample = 0 if country == "SK" & canparty == 2 + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "MX" & hsample == 1, cluster(resp) +eststo G2mx +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save HMX1vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save HMX1vmxmm, replace +graph combine HMX1vmxmm.gph HMX1vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico without PRI and PRD", size(small)) xcommon cols(1) +graph save HMX1vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "SK" & hsample == 1, cluster(resp) +eststo G2sk +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save HSK1vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save HSK1vmxmm, replace +graph combine HSK1vmxmm.gph HSK1vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea without UFP", size(small)) xcommon cols(1) +graph save HSK1vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if hsample == 1, cluster(resp) +eststo G2po1 +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(10) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save HPO1vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save HPO1vmm, replace +graph combine HPO1vmm.gph HPO1vcamce.gph, title("Pooled without PRI, PRD, and UFP", size(small)) cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save HPO1vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom, cluster(resp) +eststo G2po2 +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") legend(off) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save HPO2vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save HPO2vmm, replace +graph combine HPO2vmm.gph HPO2vcamce.gph, title("Pooled full sample", size(small)) cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save HPO2vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +eststo G2mx2 +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save HMX2vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save HMX2vmxmm, replace +graph combine HMX2vmxmm.gph HMX2vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("Mexico full sample", size(small)) xcommon cols(1) +graph save HMX2vmx, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +eststo G2sk2 +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save HSK2vmxcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save HSK2vmxmm, replace +graph combine HSK2vmxmm.gph HSK2vmxcamce.gph, commonscheme title("South Korea full sample", size(small)) xcommon cols(1) +graph save HSK2vmx, replace + +graph combine HPO1vpo.gph HMX1vmx.gph HSK1vmx.gph HPO2vpo.gph HMX2vmx.gph HSK2vmx.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\H2vcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab G2po1 G2mx G2sk using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.G2.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.G2: Supporting table for Figure G2 showing the results when PRI, PRD, and UFP are excluded. The original estimates for Mexico, South Korea, and the pooled sample, which are also part of Figure G2, are included in Table A2.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Pooled" "MX" "SK") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + +***Appendix H: Description of Lucid Samples +**Summary statistics producing Table H1 (manually written) +bys country: tab genderr +bys country: sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 +bys country: tab urbanr +bys country: tab edurr + +*Testing whether possible lack of representativeness matters +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if edurr == 1, cluster(resp) +eststo H1low +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") plotopts(msymbol(O)) legend(on order(2 "Effects compared to #3") ring (0) position(12) size(small) margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) rowgap(zero)) +graph save I1vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(ring (0) position(10) order(3 "Democratic (MMs)" 4 "Undemocratic (MMs)") margin(zero) symxsize(vsmall) symysize(vsmall) keygap(third_tiny) size(small)) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save I1vmm, replace +graph combine I1vmm.gph I1vcamce.gph, title("Pooled: Low education") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save I1vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if edurr == 2, cluster(resp) +eststo H1mid +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save I2vpocamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save I2vpomm, replace +graph combine I2vpomm.gph I2vpocamce.gph, commonscheme title("Pooled: Medium education") xcommon cols(1) +graph save I2vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if edurr == 3, cluster(resp) +eststo H1high +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save I3vpocamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save I3vpomm, replace +graph combine I3vpomm.gph I3vpocamce.gph, commonscheme title("Pooled: High education") xcommon cols(1) +graph save I3vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if urbanr == 1, cluster(resp) +eststo H1urban +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion(margin(0.65 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) fysize(15) title("") legend(off) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save I4vcamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) +graph save I4vmm, replace +graph combine I4vmm.gph I4vcamce.gph, title("Pooled: Rural") cols(1) xcommon fxsize(33) +graph save I4vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if urbanr == 2, cluster(resp) +eststo H1small +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save I5vpocamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save I5vpomm, replace +graph combine I5vpomm.gph I5vpocamce.gph, commonscheme title("Pooled: Small city") xcommon cols(1) +graph save I5vpo, replace + +reg support i.candemmg##ib3.cancom if urbanr == 3, cluster(resp) +eststo H1metro +margins candemmg#ib3.cancom, contrast(effects) +marginsplot, xlabel(1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5", labsize(medsmall)) xtitle("") ytitle("") title("") graphregion(margin(0 0 1 0)) recast(scatter) yline(0) ylabel(-0.2 0 0.2, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yscale(off) fysize(15) plotopts(msymbol(O)) +graph save I6vpocamce, replace +quietly margins, over(candemmg) at(cancom=(1(1)5)) +marginsplot, title("") ytitle("") xtitle("") graphregion(margin(0 0 2 0)) legend(off) xscale(off) ylabel(2(0.5)3.5, gmax labsize(medsmall)) yline(2, lpattern(solid)) yscale(off) +graph save I6vpomm, replace +graph combine I6vpomm.gph I6vpocamce.gph, commonscheme title("Pooled: Metropolitan") xcommon cols(1) +graph save I6vpo, replace + +graph combine I1vpo.gph I2vpo.gph I3vpo.gph I4vpo.gph I5vpo.gph I6vpo.gph, cols(3) ycommon b1title("1 Very incompetent, 2 Incompetent, 3 Average competence, 4 Competent, 5 Very competent", size(vsmall)) graphregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) +graph display, ysize(8.3) xsize(7) +graph export "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\IvcompRR.pdf", replace + +esttab H1low H1mid H1high H1urban H1small H1metro using "U:\How to Save a Democracy\Competence\Revisions\Results\TableI.H1.tex", obslast gaps ar2 nonumbers nonotes se drop(0.candemmg*) addnotes("Unstandardized regression coefficients." "Respondent clustered standard errors in parentheses." "\sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\).") title("Table I.H1: Supporting table for Figure H1 showing the pooled results across educational (low, medium, and high) and residence (urban, small city, and metropolitan) categories.") varlabels(1.candemmg "Undemocratic behavior" 1.candemmg#2.cancom "Undemocratic x Incompetent" 1.candemmg#1.cancom "Undemocratic x Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#4.cancom "Undemocratic x Competent" 1.candemmg#5.cancom "Undemocratic x Very competent" 1.cancom "Very incompetent" 1.candemmg#3.cancom "Undemocratic x Average competence" 2.cancom "Incompetent" 4.cancom "Competent" 5.cancom "Very competent" 3.cancom "Average competence (Reference category)" _cons Constant) mti("Low" "Medium" "High" "Urban" "Small city" "Metro.") replace b(%7.2f) se(%7.2f) + + +**Balance test +recode partymmain (1 2 = 0 "Out") (3 = 1 "Neutrals") (4 5 = 2 "In"), gen(inoutneu) +bys candemmg: tab genderr if country == "CZ" +bys candemmg: sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "CZ" +bys candemmg: tab urbanr if country == "CZ" +bys candemmg: tab edurr if country == "CZ" +bys candemmg: tab genderr if country == "MX" +bys candemmg: sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "MX" +bys candemmg: tab urbanr if country == "MX" +bys candemmg: tab edurr if country == "MX" +bys candemmg: tab genderr if country == "SK" +bys candemmg: sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "SK" +bys candemmg: tab urbanr if country == "SK" +bys candemmg: tab edurr if country == "SK" +bys candemmg: tab genderr if country == "UK" +bys candemmg: sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "UK" +bys candemmg: tab urbanr if country == "UK" +bys candemmg: tab edurr if country == "UK" +bys candemmg: tab genderr if country == "US" +bys candemmg: sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "US" +bys candemmg: tab urbanr if country == "US" +bys candemmg: tab edurr if country == "US" + +tab genderr if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 +tab genderr if country == "CZ" & cancom == 5 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "CZ" & cancom == 5 +tab urbanr if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 +tab urbanr if country == "CZ" & cancom == 5 +tab edurr if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 +tab edurr if country == "CZ" & cancom == 5 +tab genderr if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 +tab genderr if country == "MX" & cancom == 5 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "MX" & cancom == 1 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "MX" & cancom == 5 +tab urbanr if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 +tab urbanr if country == "MX" & cancom == 5 +tab edurr if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 +tab edurr if country == "MX" & cancom == 5 +tab genderr if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 +tab genderr if country == "SK" & cancom == 5 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "SK" & cancom == 1 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "SK" & cancom == 5 +tab urbanr if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 +tab urbanr if country == "SK" & cancom == 5 +tab edurr if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 +tab edurr if country == "SK" & cancom == 5 +tab genderr if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 +tab genderr if country == "UK" & cancom == 5 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "UK" & cancom == 1 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "UK" & cancom == 5 +tab urbanr if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 +tab urbanr if country == "UK" & cancom == 5 +tab edurr if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 +tab edurr if country == "UK" & cancom == 5 +tab genderr if country == "US" & cancom == 1 +tab genderr if country == "US" & cancom == 5 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "US" & cancom == 1 +sum ageres if ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 & country == "US" & cancom == 5 +tab urbanr if country == "US" & cancom == 1 +tab urbanr if country == "US" & cancom == 5 +tab edurr if country == "US" & cancom == 1 +tab edurr if country == "US" & cancom == 5 + +*Statistical tests +recode genderr (1 = 1) (2 3 4 = 0), gen(dfemale) +recode urbanr (1 = 1) (2 3 = 0), gen(drural) +recode urbanr (2 = 1) (1 3 = 0), gen(dscity) +recode urbanr (3 = 1) (1 2 = 0), gen(dmetro) +recode edurr (1 = 1) (2 3 = 0), gen(dlow) +recode edurr (2 = 1) (1 3 = 0), gen(dmed) +recode edurr (3 = 1) (1 2 = 0), gen(dhigh) + +reg candemmg dfemale if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) //p = 0.032 +reg candemmg ageres if country == "CZ" & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg candemmg drural if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dscity if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmetro if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dlow if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmed if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dhigh if country == "CZ", cluster(resp) +reg cancom dfemale if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) //p < 0.001 +reg cancom ageres if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg cancom drural if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dscity if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmetro if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dlow if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmed if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dhigh if country == "CZ" & cancom == 1 | country == "CZ" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) + +reg candemmg dfemale if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg ageres if country == "MX" & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg candemmg drural if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dscity if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmetro if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dlow if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmed if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dhigh if country == "MX", cluster(resp) +reg cancom dfemale if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom ageres if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg cancom drural if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dscity if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmetro if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dlow if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmed if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dhigh if country == "MX" & cancom == 1 | country == "MX" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) + +reg candemmg dfemale if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg ageres if country == "SK" & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg candemmg drural if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dscity if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmetro if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dlow if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmed if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dhigh if country == "SK", cluster(resp) +reg cancom dfemale if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom ageres if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg cancom drural if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dscity if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmetro if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dlow if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmed if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dhigh if country == "SK" & cancom == 1 | country == "SK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) + +reg candemmg dfemale if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg ageres if country == "UK" & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg candemmg drural if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dscity if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmetro if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dlow if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmed if country == "UK", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dhigh if country == "UK", cluster(resp) //p = 0.047 +reg cancom dfemale if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom ageres if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg cancom drural if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dscity if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmetro if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dlow if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmed if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dhigh if country == "UK" & cancom == 1 | country == "UK" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) + + +reg candemmg dfemale if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg ageres if country == "US" & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg candemmg drural if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dscity if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmetro if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dlow if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dmed if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg candemmg dhigh if country == "US", cluster(resp) +reg cancom dfemale if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom ageres if country == "US" & cancom == 1 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120 | country == "US" & cancom == 5 & ageres > 18 & ageres < 120, cluster(resp) +reg cancom drural if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dscity if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmetro if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dlow if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dmed if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) +reg cancom dhigh if country == "US" & cancom == 1 | country == "US" & cancom == 5, cluster(resp) \ No newline at end of file