add 22
Browse files
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oid sha256:a53345acfa45e09f16fb47b0c7df51b96539c89e1cea688f5b253b32b584109a
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size 186019
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oid sha256:3244d80c15054db3c0f68be60c9bb4d6a2117642593fee1cc4cab8be16a649c0
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size 19719
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***********Does Public Opinion affect the Preferences of Foreign Policy Leaders? Experimental Evidence from the UK Parliament
3 |
***********Journal of Politics
4 |
***********Jonathan A. Chu and Stefano Recchia
5 |
***********Author contact information at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
cd "[insert file location of JOP_ChuRecchia_ReplicationData.dta]"
9 |
10 |
use JOP_ChuRecchia_ReplicationData.dta
11 |
12 |
svyset [pw=weight_pr]
13 |
14 |
**************Main Manuscript: Figure 1
15 |
**************Main Manuscript: Figure 1
16 |
17 |
histogram dv_full [fw=weight_freq] if t_poll==0 , discrete percent fcolor(ebblue*0.6) lcolor(white) ///
18 |
subtitle( , lcolor(white) fcolor(white) size(large) ) ///
19 |
title("Not given polling information (control group)", margin(medium) color(black) pos(6)) ///
20 |
ylab(0(10)70, angle(horizontal) nogmin gmax grid nogextend glcolor(gray*0.3) glwidth(vthin) notick) ///
21 |
ytitle("", size (medlarge) margin(medsmall)) ///
22 |
yscale(lcolor(white) ) xscale(line lcolor(black) ) ///
23 |
xlab(1(1)3 1 "Cease" 2 "Continue" 3 "DK/Other", labsize(medium) notick) ///
24 |
xtitle("", size (medlarge) margin(medsmall)) ///
25 |
graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) bgcolor(white) xsize(10) ysize(8) ///
26 |
legend(off) name (control_weights, replace)
27 |
28 |
histogram dv_full [fw=weight_freq] if t_poll==1 , discrete percent fcolor(ebblue*0.6) lcolor(white) ///
29 |
subtitle( , lcolor(white) fcolor(white) size(large) ) ///
30 |
title("Given polling information (treatment group)", margin(medium) color(black) pos(6)) ///
31 |
ylab(0(10)70, angle(horizontal) nogmin gmax grid nogextend glcolor(gray*0.3) glwidth(vthin) notick) ///
32 |
ytitle("", size (medlarge) margin(medsmall)) ///
33 |
yscale(lcolor(white) ) xscale(line lcolor(black) ) ///
34 |
xlab(1(1)3 1 "Cease" 2 "Continue" 3 "DK/Other", labsize(medium) notick) ///
35 |
xtitle("", size (medlarge) margin(medsmall)) ///
36 |
graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) bgcolor(white) xsize(10) ysize(8) ///
37 |
legend(off) name (treatment_weights, replace)
38 |
39 |
graph combine control_weights treatment_weights, ///
40 |
title("Views on Military Presence in the South China Sea", size(vlarge) margin(small) color(black) pos(11) ) ///
41 |
subtitle("% of MPs who believe that the UK should ____ activity in the South China Sea", size(medium) margin(small) color(black) pos(11) ) ///
42 |
xcommon ycommon ///
43 |
graphregion(fcolor(white) ilcolor(white) lcolor(white)) plotregion(color(white) margin(b = 0)) ///
44 |
xsize(16) ysize(9) name(histograms_compare, replace)
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
**************Appendix: Table A1
49 |
**************Appendix: Table A1
50 |
51 |
tab female t_poll, col
52 |
tab conservative t_poll, col
53 |
tab labour t_poll, col
54 |
tab other_party t_poll, col
55 |
56 |
57 |
*************Appendix: Note at bottom of Table A1: no difference is significant at 0.10 level
58 |
svy: reg female t_poll
59 |
svy: reg conservative t_poll
60 |
svy: reg labour t_poll
61 |
svy: reg other_party t_poll
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
**************Appendix: Table A2
66 |
**************Appendix: Table A2
67 |
68 |
***Column 1
69 |
svy: mean (dv_cease100) if t_poll==1 // dependent variable scaled to be out of 100
70 |
svy: mean (dv_continue100) if t_poll==1
71 |
svy: mean (dv_otherDK100) if t_poll==1
72 |
73 |
***Column 2
74 |
svy: mean (dv_cease100) if t_poll==0
75 |
svy: mean (dv_continue100) if t_poll==0
76 |
svy: mean (dv_otherDK100) if t_poll==0
77 |
78 |
***Column 3
79 |
svy: reg dv_cease100 t_poll
80 |
svy: reg dv_continue100 t_poll
81 |
svy: reg dv_otherDK100 t_poll
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
**************Appendix: Figure A1
86 |
**************Appendix: Figure A1
87 |
88 |
svy: reg dv_continue100 t_poll if female==0
89 |
estimates store poll_male
90 |
svy: reg dv_continue100 t_poll if female ==1
91 |
estimates store poll_female
92 |
svy: reg dv_continue100 t_poll female
93 |
estimates store poll_control
94 |
95 |
coefplot ///
96 |
(poll_male, offset(0.3) label ("Effect among Men") msymbol(square) msize(huge) mfcolor(white) color(black) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(black)) level(90)) ///
97 |
(poll_female, offset(0) label ("Effect among Women") msymbol(square) msize(huge) mfcolor(black*0.5) color(black) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(black)) level(90)) ///
98 |
(poll_control, offset(-0.3) label ("Effect controlling for Gender") msymbol(square) msize(huge) color(black) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(black)) level(90)) ///
99 |
, drop(_cons female) xline(0, lcolor(black*0.7) lp(dash) ) ///
100 |
xtitle( "Percentage Point Effect of Public Opinion", size (large) margin(medlarge)) ///
101 |
graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) bgcolor(white) ///
102 |
yscale(off) xscale (line noextend) xlab(-20(10)60) ///
103 |
legend (region(lcolor(white)) pos (11) col(1) ) xsize(10) ysize(12) name(Poll_Gender, replace)
104 |
105 |
106 |
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oid sha256:0565fceba715022c0e85824b201086ecd54eb9eb38df8778c3686ed57b2148e0
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size 8