from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer import pandas as pd sentences = [ "Last update my swipe lock screen keeps disappearing and I have to put my password back in even though I have it set for the swipe screen", "SureSwipe quit working. I can log in and turn it back on and it will work once, but then the next time I'm forced to use my password.", "It's a decent app, but signing in is a pain sometimes. I chose finger swipe, but it keeps asking for my password every login.", "Great app and bank, can't seem to get it to recognize my Sure Swipe login for the app unless I manually reset it every time I go into the app.", "Recent update has made it all but impossible to use sure swipe to log in. I can still get in with my password, and I can manually reset my log in to sure swipe, but it only works one time afterwards, so I have to constantly reset my security options. Please fix this soon, it is a major hassle in an otherwise good app.", "New review 5/2: Signing in with your pattern or preference no longer works, at a glance no longer works, the card lock seems to show up when it feels like it. The development of this app is so lazy and untested, it's ridiculous.", "Pattern sign-in is deactivating. I have this feature turned on, but whenever I launch the app, it takes me to the username/password screen and doesn't give me the option of singing in with a pattern :(", "App keeps on changing my sign in from sure swipe to password which i dont like..i keep on changing it in d settings but it keeps on changing from d sureswipe to password provision,which is annoying..they should work on it", "Recent changes have broken the Sure Swipe login capability. Entering a very secure password everytime is onerous, and the fingerprint doesn't work on my phone. App is generally fine otherwise, except for the constant upselling messages.", "Always loved this app until recently. I'm not able to open app with security swype any longer. I have to enter my password each time. I go back and forth with another app for work and each time I have to sign in again using pw. Incredibly annoying and disappointing.", "Sureswipe pattern no longer works. Login is no longer easy. Why do I need this app if I have to type my password in every single time ??? The website is way easier to log into because at least my pw is saved. This is my only credit card app that actually makes me type in my password every single time, all the others have some easy form of login method.", "It was great until the latest update. It ruined the ability for the pattern swipe. You can force it to work once if you reset your swipe but then reverts right back to forcing you to use a password", "Great for making payments but I am really disappointed that the pattern swipe option is gone. I am terrible with remembering passwords.", "All of a sudden the app is constantly asking for my password when I have had Swipe set as my login. I never save my passwords and have them written down at home. Meaning I have to go home to find out my password. Please fix!", "The only way it is letting me sign in, is pasword, when i put for a different way yo sign in, also, i had to uninstall and reinstall inorder for the app to work again.", "Since the last update, sure swipe doesn't work to log me in anymore. If I try to reset it, it gives me an error message. It also gives me daily pop ups to download their capital one shopping app... that I already have, and downloaded from a prompt in this app. Otherwise it's user friendly.", "I am happy with the app overall. I do not like that my sureswipe sign in setting keeps changing back to password sign in.", "Recent update disables sureswipe until you manually enable it, and even then after a few hours/1 day it disables sureswipe", "I used to like the app but since the last update i cant use my sign in swipe, it always takes me back to my password. Why???", "No way to unlink old accounts with open accta per c.s., so every time I log in, I get the error message that the app has trouble getting all my acct info, & that error will never go away. I have no way of selecting go paperless on the app, but all my credit cards apps do. I have to use the website for some options which is super hard to do since I only have a phone. Not as convenient as it could be. Otherwise, it is easy to log in and see my current available. *Sureswipe no longer works.*", "Suddenly it isn't using biometric sign-in and not saving it when I try to update. Your app update messes up my access. Very Frustrating.", "Good app. Aggravating the swipe to signin basically quit working and have to manually put in password almost every time.", "Used to love the app, but since switching to a Galaxy s23 Ultra the password swipe works once and then I have to manually log in.", "Why would you get rid of the swipe feature just to force a fingerprint??", "Updated the app. Forced me to sign in with my login instead of my pattern. Even ensuring the SureSwipe is active and resetting the pattern doesn't help.", "Worked great until they took away the sure swipe login. I have to type in my password everytime I go on since my phone doesn't do fingerprints", "Idk what happened maybe during the last couple of updates but now lately I have to continuously put in my physical password because the app forgets I have swipe sign in set up but doesn't let me everytime I load up the app I have to put in my password, please fix this it's very annoying.", "After recent update, is no longer allowing selected sign-in options like sureswype. have to use password every time, unless I've just reset my pattern. app login has become broken.", "I set up my login as the pattern swipe, but every time I open the app, I have to put in my password. I can't even tell you how aggravating that is, when it used to work perfectly every time.", "After update swipe pattern no longer works real pain having to use passwords every single time.", "Why can't i swipe to get in anymore?", "Ok app but the login method I chose keeps switching itself back to typing in my password all of a sudden. It never used to do that.", "To slow, what happened to quick view with sure swipe , somewhere there other time need password, this app really SUCKS, Too many added to check my account.!!!!!", "Lately the sign-in options have stopped working for me. I set it to sureswipe and reset my pattern; now the app only allows me to sign in using my password. This is not only inconvenient but suspicious. I've tried to fix several times but each time I log out I'm prompted for the password. Ridiculous after years off working without a single issue.", "You forced me to update the app, now I can no longer use sure swipe open the app, when I try to report the issue using feedback in the app, I get the message oh sorry looks like we hit a snag try again...every. single. time.", "Update: it used to be awesome. For some idiotic reason, even though I have set up a swipe pattern for easier access, and set that pattern as my preferred method, most of the time when I open the application I have to enter my password for it to open. It is so very stupid. If an IT professional from cap one wants to get back with me about ensuring a guaranteed 100% ability to use my swipe pattern every time I will change my review. Awesome! Love the new graphics and user interface!", "Easy to navigate however ever since the last update I have to sign in with my password instead of my swipe password even though my sipe to sign in is selected. I even reset it multiple times and everytime it'll work once and once I hit sign out its back to using password.. it's quite annoying!", "Since the last update, my sure swipe doesn't work. Grrr!!", "Did not like how last update removed my sign on password and now i have to manually log in like I'm on the website. What's the point? I think i might Uninstall and use the website since I'm stuck putting in a password everytime now! I miss my swipe password option!!", "I'm getting super frustrated with this app. I have it set to use a swipe password and everytime I go to use this app it asks for my password. Even tho I have it set to remember me. Even tho I have the swipe set up. It worked perfectly a month ago. Undo whatever you did and fix it.", "Easy to use and loved the swipe login that doesn't seem to work after the last update unfortunately", "lately my sign in method has not been consistent... requiring password suddenly when all prior use has been with swipe pattern, and even after manually verifying swipe setting was active it went back to asking for password unless i set it to use fingerprint. bizarre, and frustrating.", "There is something wrong with my app. I'm not sure if others are having this same issue ? Every time I go to sign in, it brings me back to the password every time I sign in when I have in the security sign in to use a swipe mode box checked", "Can't do the preview anymore. Pattern log in no longer works", "Have to keep typing in my pass code even though I set up the swipe method very frustrating", "After update I have to login every time I want to use the app. Swipe was taken away, bring it back", "Sure swipe option reverts back to password entry after one try. Motorola moto g power on Android 11.", "The pattern sign in not working properly after the last 2 app updates. It is set on in the app and I reset the pattern as troubleshooting but it still doesn't work. I get it to work when I sign in with the password, turn off the pattern feature and back on, and sign back in. It works that one time and then goes back to password sign in. I am on a Samsung 10 on the latest firmware/OS update.", "Why did you remove the swype option for log in and replace with a fingerprint or password? I am thinking of switching up my accounts...", "Swipe password not allowed anymore?!", "It's been a really good app for the most part. I'm glad that there is very little I actually have to go onto the website for because most everything is in the app. A recent update, causing me inconvenience, is what drops my rating to a 3. My ability to use swipe to access my accounts disappeared with an update a few weeks ago. I confirm it's still set, have reset it, still can't use it. Gotta enter my password now on my Samsung 22 Ultra.", "It used to be 5 star but now it logs me out everytime I'm not using it even though I chose the finger swipe pattern thing, and I hate it. I hate it so much I won't even use my Capital One cards anymore. I use my Verizon Visa, they gave me a 7500 limit unlike Capital One who haven't even got me over 1000 even though I've had these cards for years. Junk.", "The pattern sign-in is broken. Please fix. It won't stay set", "Swipe login has been broken for weeks.", "If I select the sure swipe login in option or works for a short time and constantly reverts back to a password login. Very annoying.", "Keeps making me sign in instead of allowing me to sign in with diagram which is my preferred sign in", "It suddenly stopped using my swipe login, asking me for a password everytime, even though the swipe login is still turned on in the settings", "Used to be great, now it requires my password every time although I have my swipe pattern set & have used it for years. The sign on screen now gives two options, password or fingerprint. But inside the app the function to reset your swipe is still there & functioning. I did not change a thing so why is this happening? From reading other reviews many others are also experiencing this so HELLO app developers! Anyone care to respond or fix this??? I just updated the app, same issue persists!", "Had sure swipe set up. The app for some reason decides it's not my preferred sign in method. This really makes ease of use and accessibility very poor.", "I can no longer log in with gestures", "Used to be able to sign in with swine, now it requires typing a password every time. Not a fan, lol.", "Lately the system is acting crazy. .The swipe method of logging in is not popping up.", "The app itself is fine, but the swipe login is busted, no matter how many times I reset it it just doesn't work", "Even with current app up to date, it's still messing up. It forces me to use finger print or password when I have the sure swipe setup.", "After the last 2 updates, the signi in defaults to password use instead of the sureswipe enabled.", "Swipe not working still!", "Recent update broke swipe sign in. Sometimes even fails to login in with correct password entered. It has been working for years.", "1 star until the sureswipe is fixed. I have it turned on, but it keeps making me sign in with my password instead. Fix and I'll bring my review up to 5 stars.", "use to open my app with a secure it's gone..set it up again..still gone", "Pattern sign on disappeared, not happy", "The app has begun requiring a password on login every single time, even when other options (such as fingerprint or swipe) are selected. It's very frustrating!", "Not happy! I used to be able to use a pattern to sign in, but now it always asks for my password! I have my preference set to pattern, but it won't let me sign in that way!", "Everytime I sign in I have to put my password instead of the method I prefer and it's pissing me off", "Recently this app started asking for my password and will NOT allow me to return to swipe mode, which I really liked. Finger print function on my S22 Ultra I can't use as I am a dishwasher and my fingerprint is basically useless, so I simply can't use that option. PLEASE ADD SWIPE FUNCTION BACK!! THANK YOU", 'The swipe login functionality stopped working, and asks for my password every single time I login. When I go to verify my settings, as soon as I get to the sign in options page, the "use sureswipe" appears unselected, and gets selected automatically in front of my eyes. As soon as I logout and try to login again, it goes back to asking for my password. Please fix this.', "Update: since the last update this app is very glitch and I have become very concerned about the security. The function to sign in with a fingerprint or swipe works only sometimes. The app closes in the middle of transactions periodically and when I try to use or redeem my awards it will deduct my points but not allow the redemption. Going back to the PC and skipping the app.", "I've been having some issues with the app lately. It's asking me to put in my password even though I had selected the swipe setting. It also gives me an error message when I try to log in even though I know the passwprd is right. Please fix this. I've never had any issues before, and I thought it was a different type of issue.", "Even when you set it for swiping log in still keeps asking for password", "Ever since the last update sure swipe doesn't work anymore. I have it turned on but it keeps making me use my password", "Worked ok until recently. Swipe function to log on with pattern is my chosen option yet always seems to ask for password. Log off also functions poorly and is located in an inconvenient place.", "lately I have to keep logging into my account. have swipe setup but every time it wants me to enter my password.", "I hate that they disabled swipe patterns log in. Forcing ppl to use fingerprint biometrics is cruel, your app and website are going to be used less because of this, I will move my funds out of your institution.", "I've been using this app for 6 years, now I can't sign in with the swipe? I have to type my password in each time, and I need access to this multiple times a day to transfer money and deposit checks. What happened to the swipe login ??", "No more swipe security, that's not cool.", "not able to use the pattern swipe to login although it's what I selected to use.", "I'll change the rating once I can use swipe or fingerprint sign-on again... I don't want to type my password every time, it's not efficient and I feel I'm less secure on your app", "It freezes up,and the signing in can't use the pattern after choosing that choice", "Need my swipe back", "Face ID isn’t working. I log in and set it up for next time and it still doesn’t work.", "I enjoy this app, but I feel like I am now being forced to use a fingerprint instead of the swipe to log in. I have been set up with the swipe for years now. All of a sudden, it asked me to put in a password each time. I have to manually select swipe under the security tab before I log out each time in order to get the swipe feature when I try to log in again.", "I had swipe pattern to unlock and after the last update it continues to ask for my password. Fix this please.", "Why does it keep switching back to password from swipe??,", "The app used to keep me signed in and have me swipe in a pattern to get to my account. Now the app signs me out of my account then has me input my password every time I want to use it. Annoying!", "Since last update, I can't sign in with Sure Swipe, even though I have it set as my preferred method of signing in, makes me use password.", "My score used to be a 5 but has gone down to a 3 because the sure swipe logon stopped working. Now I need my password, make sure sure swipe is on, it works once and then disappears when logging off. I tried to write this in the app's feedback, but that doesn't work now either.", "I love the SureSwipe login pattern, but it only works once, then it doesn't appear. If I log in the torturous way (PLEASE give me the option of seeing the password!!!) and check, it's enabled, but it won't appear unless I disable it and enable it again. Pixel 6a.", "Since last update app keeps requiring pw to login instead the swipe pattern. Please fix this.", "Sure swipe not working. Every time I set it. When I go back into the app it reverts to inputting my password. FIX THIS!!!", "Whatever change was recently made no longer recognizes my swipe access and requires a password each time. This just started a few days ago. Each time I've logged in I confirm my pattern and that it's selected, but does not default to that option anymore.", "Frustrating. Keeps asking me to use password instead of the swipe feature saved", "This used to be a good app. Now it won't let me sign in with the swipe pattern. It makes me type my password every single time. Annoying", "Since recent update swipe sign in doesn't work.", "Does what I need but, after update it stops allowing me to use just the swipe method of logging in. It seems to want me to do thumbprint which I don't want. I really don't want to go back to just the website.", "Most recent update affected my sure swipe login and now it won't stay on that option and makes me use password. They need to fix that glitch.", "Can no longer sign-in quickly using pattern!! Just user name/password. And 'yes', I made sure my security sign-in was still set to 'pattern' after update.", 'The most recent update violently broke parts of the app. The swipe access no longer works even after resetting the pattern. I must use a password everytime now. The apps "report a bug" feature and "submit suggestion" no longer work, and so this review appears to be the only way to communicate with capital one. Please undo the last update, or at least fix these bugs.', "Every time I use it now, it asks for a password instead of using the pad lock dots.", "This latest update is horrible. You can't sign in with your pattern, no quick view of your account. Please go back to the last version.", "Good app to see accounts in one place, but recent update no longer allows my swipe option for log in to work. It claims it does and I have that option selected, but it doesn't work. Makes me use my password for log in. Please fix!!", "The last update caused the sign-in setting to no longer save. I use the swipe pattern to sign in. Once I log out the sign-in resets to password.", "Since updating, I've had an issue where Sure Swipe won't stay activated. It'll show in the security menu as active, but it keeps having me sign in using my password. If I turn the feature off and back on it'll work for the next log on, but then it'll stop working again if I don't do this every single time", "I can no longer sign in with the swipe pattern like I've done for years on the app. I sign in with my password and then change the setting to the swipe pattern every single time (it's already on but I turn it off and then back on again to make sure it's selected), but the next time I log in I still have to use my password again. This has been going on for weeks now and it's very annoying...", "The app changed overnight it will no longer allow me to use the finger swipe option to log in. I never asked for this change it. I had to delete the app.", "Too many bugs....swipe to sign in hasn't worked in months.", "can no longer sign in with a pattern. now is just password or fingerprint.", "The order of my accounts keeps changing. I’ve reordered the accounts several times in the preferences. It sometimes works, but then reverts next time I open the app", "Zelle does not work at all and it has not for at least a month. Better yet the only way to access it is by using the support bot to ask for it. It needs its own secion in the app. I Have not been able to send or receive money for weeks. “We’ve hit a snag” every time. And if you try to download the zelle app instead, it literally tells you to use the capital one app and wont let you in. Like what. It’s embarrassing and i am considering switching banks because yall got too much money and customers for this bull. And they dont care either.i have left many notes/asked for help on this matter and have got no response.I wonder how long it will be dysfunctional before one of these dweebs actually starts paying attention and does there job. Its pathetic.", "You Can lock your debit card or credit card. which I love. the quick review it's not working like it should other than that there's no problems.", "Can’t quite search transactions made through zelle. And cant se me the list of contacts added on zelle..!!", "I’ve been trying to enroll, and be able to send and receive with Zelle on the app and it hasn’t worked. I’ve even tried calling but nothing. It’s very annoying and unpleasant having to waste my time like this.", "Every time my son goes to deposit a check it says “hit a snag” I have called the 1-800 number and nothing can ever get done to fix this and now the online platform will not let him deposit his check either. Not sure what to do but this mobile app has been very frustrating..", "Tried adding card to Apple Pay but did now work", "I tried to update zelle settings, I see snag error. I tried to add external account I see a snag error.", "It's been a really good app for the most part. I'm glad that there is very little I actually have to go onto the website for because most everything is in the app. A recent update, causing me inconvenience, is what drops my rating to a 3. My ability to use swipe to access my accounts disappeared with an update a few weeks ago. I confirm it's still set, have reset it, still can't use it. Gotta enter my password now on my Samsung 22 Ultra.", "can't sign up for Zelle. No help from Capital one", "zelle isnt working", "Cannot send money with zelle", "I can't make reccuring Zelle payments", "I don't know if its the app or not but Capitol one bank has been a nightmare for zelle transactions every time I zelle over $500 the bank holds it for 3-5 days and it's not zelle its Capitol one because it doesn't happen anywhere else that I use zelle", "I am having an issue with Zelle I can't add or send anything it's weird thar its not allowing me to use it anymore...", "The app crashes everytime I try to enroll in zelle.", "I've been trying for weeks to get enrolled in Zelle, even gone to my back several times, still unsuccessful", 'Can only "go to my banking app", which I have already linked, but cannot get to any features of the zelle app. It just keeps me in the loop sending me to my banking app which is already linked', "Capital one is unable to solve my issue and they had me called zelle, and zelle said they only serve stand alone account.", "Love how fast and minimal the app is but it has a MAJOR flaw. Accounts don't refresh automatically and there doesn't seem to be a way to force it to refresh.\n\nI should be able to slide down and hold to force it to refresh like you can do with pretty much any other app out there.\n\nRight now the only way to see an updated balance after for example receiving/sending a transfer via Zelle is to quit out of the app and open it again.\n\nHope something like this is easy to implement, other than that everything related to Capital One has been a breeze.", "Trash to start. The app is crashing every time we try to start linking zelle to set up another means of transferring money instantly. Very disappointing.", "They’ve been freezing my account for over 90 days due to a Zelle dispute someone lying saying they didn’t send me money and they still are holding my whole checking account and they claim they don’t know when the fraud investigation will be over, should be illegal they can do this. Do NOT open with them.", "I AM HAVING PROBLEMS WHILE USING ZELLE TO SEND MONEY TO RECEIPTENTS FOR THE PAST THREE WEEKS.OTHER THAN THAT THE APP IS OKAY AND EASY TO USE.", "They use a 3rd party app to verify your number and the process is incompetent. I have 2 registered phone numbers and spent 2days on the phone with capital ones managerS and no one can help me. NO REAL TIME ACCESS TO YOUR MONEY. Customer service for credit & banking are garbage.", "It keeps saying it's not working To try again later I can't get my zelle payment", "Zelle needs to be fixed. Worst experience ever", "Never works", "Can't transfer funds. Can't make recurring payments. Can't use Zelle. This app DOES NOT work like it should. I will send you in circles with no solution.", "Very disappointed with the app. It keeps kicking me out after I put the code and finger print. Tried re installing multiple times and even called customer service for assistance. I waited about 2 weeks to send a review because I wanted to give it chance. Very frustrating.", "Having nothing but troubles. It keep wanting me to sign out and back in when I'm trying to set up Zelle or to transfer funds from one bank to this account.", "Can’t use Zelle but outside of that great", "Zelle not working and customer service is horrible", "Has issues.", "I tried to use Zelle for the first time yesterday. Hard to get it to take the info about senders email. The limit on what I could send was too low. Then it locked up and said there was suspicious activity. I’d rate it negative 5 stars", "Unable to set up zelle account. Error message does not say why or how to resolve.", "It keeps telling me to validate my identity when I try to send through Zelle! I called in and they said it was fixed but it wasn't. Totally frustrating.", "Zelle not working", "I tried to transfer money using zelle it was prompting for secondary verification which is not at all allowing to send code to mobile number.", "Always been a 5 star app, but now the integration with Zelle is causing a lot of problems. Can't accept payment nor can I even access Zelle settings. Please fix, it's a big problem. Logging in always tells me it logged me out even when im just starting my session, too which is annoying, and several bugs have been creeping in of late. Otherwise it's always been great.", "This app is never working fu kin workst app I've ever used like it is never working I can't get my money on zelle bc the damn app never works capital one computer tech guy must really suck at there job", "Latest update broke zelle can't send money anymore.", "Constant error messages. Can't send money with Zelle. Doesn't recognize my mobile number. Customer service is useless.", "Few issues that require attention: 1. No two factor authentication, thus making the app less safe. 2. Need to have pulse check for the session. Currently if I leave the app open more than 5 minutes in the background app stays logged in. 3. Have issues with loading View All Offers on the browser. 4. When adding a secondary email to the account the app doesn't verify if that email is valid and exist or not. Major vulnerability! So, unable add it in Zelle.", "Latest update broke zelle", 'App is nice and easy. I have a question: The description of the app says "pay/ recieve money through Zelle".. I don\'t see the option in the app "send/recieve through Zelle". All I see is that PayPal', "Very glitchy. Crashes when attempting to enroll in Zelle. Doesn't show pending transfers that I know are there. Very shoddy for such a large company.", "First Zelle is probably worse then useless because money never gets received or just always has error saying there’s an issue at this time. \n\nTransactions are inaccurate. \n\nToo many notifications about marketing for Capital One.", "Can not get help, can not use, charge, no help", "There is a little snag with Zelle but Customer service is great and helped me understand.", "Cannot use this app. As the only way I can verify it is with a cell phone. Which I do not have. On my iPad, I can re verify with my email. Edit: 5/1/2023, Years later nothing changed. Still can't use the app.", "Does not open. Manage calls?", "I don't like having to allow phone privileges in order to make payments and use app", "Capital One’s app doesn’t not need access to make phone calls, text messages or GPS tracking and many other permissions. This is an infringement on our rights because of current policies issued by our current federal government traitors.", "Requiring phone permission is overreaching. Your reasoning is weak and doesn't hold water. If it were a legit reason then other banking apps would require the same permission and you would require the same thing when logging in from a web page on my PC.", "I got my card for one reason only - No foreign transaction fees. I am currently abroad and tried using the card to pay for luggage at the airport and it gave the message 'insufficient funds'. Meanwhile I have a low balance on my card and a $35,000 limit. So now I try to contact capital one through the app,and it tells me to call the number at the back of my card. Do you know the cost per minute for that call? Letsay I am put on hold, etc... Now do I get compensated? This really sucks.", "Seems to work. Forces you to allow text or phone calls which I don't like. I only use it to pay my bill and check my balance.", "Installed this app. Went to log in and it asked for call permissions for the phone. Why is an app asking for call permissions? The app said that it would not be making calls but need it for privacy. Really!! Privacy wouldn't the privacy be not to ask for access to parts of the phone that a banking app doesn't need access to!", "Apps is smooth, easy to view feature, and statements. However, the apps require permission to manage and view my calls. HELL NO!", "Permissions this app demands are ridiculous. Uninstalling. App doesn't need permission to make phone calls. I'll just keep using the webpage. Big FU Capital One. This is why Capital One gets hacked all the time, and their user info is stolen, because unethical companies have a lot to offer theives.", "I am required to give permission for Capital one to make and recieve phone calls fro. My phone. In no way will I give that. You do not need to make and receive phone calls from my phone.", "Requiring the phone permission is unnecessary. It's fine to offer additional \"security\" features, but don't require them.", "Got the app because the website said I needed to use that or call to get a new card, got the app, it says I need to call. Basically they tricked me into getting the app because I hate phones calls and now I have to do that anyway, thanks for nothing.", "I stopping using the app! Wants all phone permissions! Now I just use my browser!", "I was so happy when I opened these accounts. I’ve been rebuilding my credit awhile when I got the Platinum card. Everything was great. Upgraded after receiving an offer for the Quicksilver. Loved it and the Cashback incentive at first. With tax time, came extra spending. I paid my plumber and maxed out my card which isn’t the norm for me. However, paying the entire balance off is. I paid it off a few days later and it got locked. I sat on the phone with them for a half hour to verify my info with I assume the fraud department. Transaction 2 to the same place, locked totally after I made the payment. This time, I had to call and verify with the credit card department. Then we had to call my bank I made the payment from to see if that was my account as well. Keeping in mind, they don’t deny the transaction, which would make more sense. They keep locking it after I make a payment. What good does that do?? Add this issue to my deposit issues. I have a paycheck every two weeks. Every single time I deposit it, it’s so called “risky.” The company banks with Bank of America. Definitely a big bank. My first deposit was held an entire week. They’re excuse is I hadn’t deposited one before. I guess them picking up a phone to verify funds doesn’t make sense. Now when I deposit it, they split my check and don’t give it all to me at once. I feel like they’re scamming interest on my funds. Why else would a bank today need to hold funds? This is the electronic age after all…Lastly, the customer service people sound so annoyed when I call in. How do they think I feel having to call in weekly to verify my name, address and social security number??", "Why would you need access to make phone calls but won't make actual calls? Seems sus.", "Why this app needs full permission to my phone?!", "Why should Capital One have access to make and manage phone calls?", 'Rough user interface. App is cluttered with so much junk im convinced its nothing but a marketplace with a side hustle of actual important account info. Extremely invasive as well, why does it need permission to make phone calls? Only downloaded it cuz I got a text saying I could track my new card thru the delivery process but that was a blatant lie...all it says is "shipped". Good job letting me know that the same info I got when I opened the account and later thru text just in app form', "Requires permission to phone records. I like my privacy, I'm not granting access to my phone records to a credit app.", "This app is terrible. It's even worse if you don't want to allow it to make/manage your calls, track your location, or see your contacts. Having been a reluctant customer of theirs over 20 years ago, I can say they are consistently terrible.", "I don't understand why this app need to manage my phone calls for me to use it...", "I dont like all the permissions needed to pay my bill. Why does your app need access to my contacts and need access to manage calls on my device? Too much intrusion for me.", "Why must every app insist access to every single permission. No you don't need to see my location. No you do not need to have access the phone permission.", "It needs phone permissions before working? Get out of here", "Why does this app need to be able to manage phone calls and does not work without that option been enabled ?!", "Because it won't let me sign in . It needs phone permission and doesn't accept what I do", "Why does this app need access to call features?", "This app won't work unless you give CapitalOne permission to make and manage phone calls. It's a little stealthy trick they use to see all your contacts and solicit them accordingly.", "Needs to implant security keys (FIDO) 2FA with only txt message to your phone not secured at all, a hacker can get that code and sign into your account with no problem.", "Can't delete all emails at once", "Years later and still no option to delete multiple emails. Hate having to delete email one by one. Please add option to select all and delete!!!!", "I want to delete my all mails in one click but there is no option to select multiple emails in one click also i am check in my desktop but i can't see any option to select multiple email in one click.Because it's too much time taken to select email clicking one by one .So please help me.", "Are you EVER going to give us the options of adding folders and multi select delete?!", "Very difficult delete multiple mails in one go, you have to select each and everyone even though there are 100s of mail you want to get rid of.", "2023 and this still isn't able to select multiple (I'm not trying to hold select) emails to delete and my previous review was from 2019. And still can't block anything. UPDATE. Why not just let me block right then and there. Why all these extra steps. HELL why do I need to hold select multiple emails. IT CAN BE EASIER. ITS 2023", 'You cannot delete your emails all at once. You have to delete one email at a time. This is ridiculous! They want you to buy more storage, which means "spend more money monthy." I would not recommend this app!', "SHOULD BE ZERO STARS. CONSTANT UNSOLICITED PORNOGRAPHY SENT FROM GOOGLE ACCOUNTS FORWARD THEM TO GOOGLE AND THEY DO NOTHING. 10 DAYS AGO HAD SOME SCAMMING IDIOT THREATEN TO KILL ME IF I DIDNT PAY $ FORWARDED TO GOOGLE AND THEY COULDNT EVEN BE BOTHERED TO SUSPEND THIS SCAMMERS ACCOUNT. EXTREMELY LIMITED CONTROL WHEN USING MOBILE I DONT EVEN HAVE THE ABILITY TO BLOCK SENDERS. CANT DELETE MORE THAN A SINGLE MAIL AT ONE TIME. IF YOU DELETE MULTIPLES THERE'S A VERY GOOD CHANCE THEY COME BACK. IT SUX", "Good but needs a delet all button", "We can not delete whole mail in one click.", "Please add a Select All option on the app for easy deleting of so much junk and old mail.", "For the love of God please make an option to delete all emails in 1 go on mobile (Response to response) this is why I said make it an option via mobile. Not everyone ownsa a computer", "Want to deleted all mails in one time select all mails option", "No option for multiple delete mail like Yahoo mail app , that's really frustrating", "Can you all PLEASE make a SELECT ALL option for CELL PHONE users? You have been asked this for years now. Going into Spam or doing a search for a specific header & wanting to delete ALL at ONCE we should have that option! Also to be able to make our own folders & labels & the constant changing to inbox of important mail constantly stuck in labeled folders. Resolve these & you will be the #1 provider. I myself even have another email provider for my most important matters. Thanks. Misss*D", "Very outdated basic features unavailable. Select all not there. Deleting mails very cumbersome and outdated", "Please provide an option for multiple deletion", "How long Android has been around ? So many years later it's still not possible to select multiple email at once (ie for archive or deletion)... What the heck ?", "I appreciate Gmail but I wish I knew how to delete all my Gmail at one time I've over 9000 of them and it's only allowing me to leave one at a time", "I know that all emails can be selected in pc but you need to add select all option in the app as well", "I love this app, it would be a five star if it had a way to select all instead of have to highlight each individual email.", "Needs to be a select all option, or delete all, or empty folder, something, sheesh", "Why gamail doesn't have a [Delete all emails] option in mobile.", "Fine But here is sent messages double folder, one folder is always empty, need to delete one folder. And need to make to chose many message to be able to delete them together . Possible to delete only by one message what takes a lot of time.", "Cannot delete or read all emails at once. I'm now using k-9 email client to read all Gmail, even it supports delete all mail.", "It takes too long to delete one at a time", "Why isn’t there a way to delete all email on the gmail app that I’m already getting in my inbox. One by one is tedious!", "Excellent, missing only one feature, the select all email to mark the as read or to mass delete as it is on the web version, maybe this would be added soon", "Give the select all option for multiple emails delete. You can achieve this select all option for not more than 20 or 30 emails, then the user takes the action to delete them and again selete all for 20 or 30 emails.", "Gmail is terrible. I hate this app. I get tons of emails, but in order for me to clean up my email, I gotta go through and individually select every email do either delete or move to the spam folder. And if I do or anything in the spam folder, the same sender can resend me more emails and they don't automatically go to the spam folder. I wish Gmail was similar to Yahoo mail because I don't have any problems with Yahoo. Seriously frustrated right now.", "Worst ever. If I need to delete a thousand emails, there is no option of selecting all in this gmail app, nor can I select by clicking. I have to 'hold select' each email until it marks each and then click delete, which takes hours just to delete.", "Why isnt there an option to delete all email on phone ?? It's very irritating to have sooo many emails which have to be deleted one by one", "How to delete all mail at a time , kindly enable that option.", 'Wanted to make this my default email app but there is absolutely no way to make "All inboxes" the default view option, the user is forced every time he opens the app to manually switch to that view and that has been a Google decision for at least 5 years with no sign of ever changing. Back to using the Outlook app which has this insanely basic option for at least 3 years. And before any Google replier asks me to post this in their forum you can give up, many others did it and you ignored them.', 'I just realized, after years of use, that the "archive" function is completely broken and useless. I was looking for the archive folder, only to realize that there\'s no such thing. They\'re basically suspended in the ether and there\'s no convenient way to just batch delete them all or even discriminate them from other messages. Really wondering what the purpose of that is supposed to be Edit: I know of the "all mail" folder, but by definition it contains all conversations, not just archived ones', "Missing key feature like select all to delete, archive or move.", "Can't delete multiple at once which sucks.", "Hate how you can't mass delete email they have to be selected one by one by one by one by one by one by one. How do you not have a mass delete option. It's like not have a lid on milk it just goes bad quicker", 'Why Google cannot add "Select All" mail option in Gmail App? What is a big deal? Not expecting from Google for not having such a basic feature.', "i have been using gmailfor a ling time now but ever since u got my new phone i cant usethe button to select all emails very frustrting especily if it is a lot if spam in my inbox and mt phone is slow so emptying my inbox (and others) itpain without it", "Lacks SELECT ALL options, making it cumbersome to manage a large number of mails. There is no way of sorting emails. Doesn't give notifications on emails received.", "I don't know what on earth is keeping you from implementing the select all feature but my rating would be much higher if you'd hurry up and let us have that already. App is otherwise fine. Sometimes messages take forever to send and stay in outbox forever but that's the only other major issue I've noticed so far", "All delete, mark as all read options not available", "bad i cant delete all my messagea at once , plus i see no options for it", "IT'S FULL OF SPAM WITH NO OPTION TO DELETE EVERYTHING. NEEDS A BOX TO SELECT EVERYTHING THEN DELETE ALL. SO FAR I HAVE TO DELETE ONE MESSAGE AT A TIME AND AFTER DOING IT, NEXT TIME I OPEN EMAIL IS FULL AGAIN WITHIN SECONDS.", "Gmail should have a feature to select all to delete or unsubscribe on Android phones", "Can’t send certain files. Can’t mass delete emails. Can’t display more than 50 emails.Welcome Back to the early 2000’s", 'Missing a ton of basic features. Where is the "Select All" feature? This is an unacceptably bad app.', 'After all this time there is still no "select all" option. How have you not included this in an email program. Seems like it should have been there from the beginning. That is the most aggravating thing about the Gmail app.', "Sitting here clicking 1000 already deleted emails. As far as I have searched no other way to delete bulk emails as they have on the desktop version of Gmail so over it.", "Using Microsoft edge I can delete hundreds of bits of mail in one click and why can't we do this with you and your program.", "Can you just add a delete all button to the app already? I don't want to use desktop just to delete emails in mass.", "No select all function. A common sense feature that exists in almost any app that allows searching through data doesn't exist in one of Google's most popular apps...", "Why can I not just hit a box at the top that says delete all emails rather than doing so 1 by 1, this is a pain in the but especially when I have over 40k emails built up. Plz add a delete all! This should be a common sense automatic option on every email app. So very frustrating, as I have been on my very smart mobile phone for approximately 3 hours deleting emails, unreal!", "Gmail apps is easily organizable,looks very neat and easy to use but able to do more then the usual. I've only rated a 3 star because there is no option to be able to select all mail and delete. I don't usually check my email for old groupon ads that are expired or not interested. So for me I would like to be able to select all and delete. If I had an important email I would have saved it in a different folder. Update changed to 1 star. Can't believe there's no option to select all and delete.", "My reply back to the developer: I’m fully aware I can perform bulk email from the computer, however this is about the APP‼️ I don’t have time to run to my laptop to perform these functions when I can do it from cellphone or iPad! It’s not user friendly whatsoever! Why have an app that cannot emulate what the desktop functions can‼️ Yahoo you can delete bulk emails from their app. iPhone you can delete bulk emails from their app. NOT GMAIL‼️ FIX YOUR SORRY APP‼️", "To much emails and I don't know how to delete in bulk deleting one by one is stressful", "Add an option for deleting all mail please, I have like 100000 unread mail that I want gone, its the year 2023 and we still don't have this option...", "On app no delete all on inbox which is ridiculous! Your too busy stalking people, listening to their conversations to do a simple thing. Maybe you should listen to your customers on the things that matter not what they are purchasing!", "I find Gmail more comfortable since I feel it has more features. The only thing that bothers me it’s the fact that there’s not an option to erase all junk e-mails at once so you have to select one by one to erase them. Other than that it’s a good app and very easy to use", 'The only mail app that does not have a "select all" function. I cannot understand why Gmail will not insert an option to mass select mail\'s to clean inbox. It is the only reason I cannot use this app.', 'Make "mark all" to delete all email you stupid company. I have thousand mail to delete. What a useless app!', "Select all option is not available!! no other option to delete all inbox by single move.", "I have over 32000 emails and no way to mass delete them.", "You must have add option select all option to delete emails in line and so on.", "Should be able to bulk delete emails. A bit annoying that I can't.", "Not user friendly I usually mark monthwise then filter the important and delete in bulk Now tell me how to delete in bulk and let me know I searched but didn't find any tool", "All I gotta say is, make an easier way to delete emails or add a delete all option.", "I only give it 4 stars as it is a great app however there’s no select all button and with the amount of emails I receive In a day I’d like to not have to use my Apple mail app to mark them as read. I’m sure it can’t be that hard to add it either.", "It appears I can't save gmail, or delete all at one time.", 'I literally use this app every day, but those of you who manage the app, please make a "select all" button on the mobile email app so when I have 1762 emails I can just delete all. Pretty please and thank you.', "Why Google is not providing feature of selecting all emails and delete them in one shot. These feature should be added to mobile phone users.", "Email is decent.\n\nEasy to read, write and send emails.\n\nWish you could add the select all options for deleting emails.", "Don't like it can't delete all emails at once", 'This app was released in 2010. It has been 13 years and there\'s still no "select all" button for emails...', "Add all delete option.", "It's good in all but it's really annoying on how I can't delete all of the emails at once. Idk if there is a way, if there is pls let me know and I am getting notifications by twitter but I deleted the app and still it gives me notifications and I can't get rid of it.", "I want select all email and delete all at once option added to Gmail to prevent delay in deleting one after other.", "No option to delete bulk email??? This is what happens when stupid gets to run things... pathetic.", "Needs to be a way to erase a bulk of email at one time on a mobile phone.", "I love my Gmail app but I can't figure out how to delete all deleting one at a time is annoying", "I want an update where I can just choose all the emails that I want to delete, like I just need to glide my fingers on the screen and it will be deleted right away.", "They did something on the update, where you can't even delete all your gmails all at once for some reason. My damned Google storage is getting full, and this app just won't let me.", "Why can't you delete emails all at once instead of going one by one on the mobile app it's ridiculous", "There has got to be an easier way to delete mass email.", "If deleting emails was easier this would be 5 stars feels like Google misses that mark every year. Crazy how that has never been updated. Sucks that you have to click each individual bubble then press delete it takes forever. Update the mobile app please.", "So badly featured. Can't even select all the emails together sharing a common name for batch deletion or for moving to another label", "Need mark all delete options", "I'm tired of deleting 1 email at a time instead of multiple emails. Someone please HELP ME....", 'Love using Gmail. Use it for all my email communications. However, I would like to see an update in the app that allows user to "select all" emails at one time for the purpose of sorting or deleting. Have yet to be able to do this in the app on my Samsung and have been using Gmail for several years. Please make this happen!', "Unable to mass delete all emails, has to be selected one at a time.", "I love my Gmail. I don’t use any other email. But I have over 90,000 emails and I wish you would give me the option to get rid of hundreds and hundreds of emails all at once. Or all the emails by a certain sender. Like other email accounts have a sweep option. And I don’t understand why Gmail doesn’t have this. Please get it.", 'I would have given 5 stars, but the app lacks a "Select All" function, which is a pain when you have to delete lots of unwanted mail one by one. I would have thought Google had the sense to include this function.', "CAN NOT MASS DELETE EMAILS", "App is great, however, it would be awesome if there was an option to “select all” when deleting mail. Having to do it one at a time is frustrating.", "Please make a way for us to be able to do a mass delete.", "Love the ability to be able to add other emails to Gmail to sync but need to add mutli select to delete emails instead of deleting emails one at a time", "There has to be a way online from a computer to delete emails is large quantities instead of page by page.", "Decent. Wish there was a way to easily bulk delete mail.", "Very bad experience . You just click thousand of email to delete please add the delete all button and you can't block a spam email or another email of company", "I hate that you guys took away the delete all emails option. I just went through and had to delete all of my emails one by one because you don't offer that option.", "You can't select all to bulk delete emails. Bad flaw in app. Very inconvenient!", "Confusing and can't delete my 2 million emails unless I do it 5 at a time.", "This app doesn't have the ability to select all emails and Mark all of the same time or delete all at the same time. You can only select one by one which is very time consuming. In my opinion it is necessary for all email applications to have a select all button.", 'My frustration has finally pushed me to post a review! It is 2023...why can I NOT select "all" messages in a given category? I want to delete everything that has been filtered as "updates" but I have to select them one-by-one?!? What first year programmer designed this? Get with the times! Add a "Select All" feature, PLEASE!', "Where did the delete option go? \nNow I have to actually open emails I don’t want to in order to delete them! That’s REALLY annoying! Also where is the archive folder? I’d like to go in there and delete everything I’ve been trying to delete that is in there now? \nWhy do you people constantly change things that DO NOT need to be changed?", "There are so many things I dislike about this app that I can’t remember them all. I hate all the junk and unsolicited mail I get daily. It prevents me from finding and reading important mail I need if a few days goes by. It’s ridiculous to have to delete junk mail one at a time.\nRecently I had to send several photos to an issuance company in reference to a claim and it won’t send the attachments because it’s over the 25mgb limit. That is so not helpful. Using this app for Gmail to accomplish something is worthless and very frustrating. Don’t even mention user friendly cause I’ll go ballistic. You would expect much better from Gmail.", "It would be great if we could mark and delete Emails all at the same time, instead of 1 at a time.", "I love this app sooo much. My favorite part is that there is no option to select all emails in the mobile app so if you want to mass delete emails from months ago, you have to scroll and click EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. The only way to mass delete is to go on a computer. I DONT HAVE A COMPUTER.", "Please provide options to delete all mails at some steps", "Add a delete all or select all option already. It really is that much of an annoyance, hence 1 star. I'll check it again next year...", "Can you please develop a select all when it comes to deleting emails and files it takes me a long long time to delete unnecessary files and emails", "It’s taken me three days to delete my emails and I still haven’t finished. Such an important feature shouldn’t be overlooked.", 'Your next upgrade should focus on the feature "select all" that will allow for multiple selection. Pressing and holding on a lot of mails is stressful. Or if there is the feature, kindly make it very visible. Thank you.', "Gmail is like a dustbin. There are so many messages. I muted notification. I do not use it. So many problems. We cannot unsubscribe in simple way. We can not select all for delete. And so many messages from everywhere. Just a dustbin.", "hopefully next time there will be a delete all because is annoying to delete one by one", "Overall good, but why in the world have you not made an easier way to delete multiple emails within the app? I currently have over 65,000 emails in my inbox and you want me to go through and select them one by one? I'm aware that I can do so from my PC but why not make the capability from the app?", "2020 and gmail still won't let you mass delete unwanted emails with this app. It's 2023! And we still can not select all and delete emails in bulk on the app. I shouldn't have to lug a PC around just to get rid of a bunch of unwanted emails in one go. This is dumb.", "This app is no longer allowing me to reply or forward messages. When using the reply or forward icon, it opens up a blank email with no information auto populated. It then doesn't allow for me to type in any information, instead I have to cut and paste and compose my email separately. It would also be really wonderful to be able to mass delete items by using a filter and then a select all feature.", "Wish there was a bulk dump for email instead of having to delete one at a time", "The inability to bulk delete renders the app useless.", "Very nice email account. Just wished you could delete your emails all at once on your phone instead of tapping on everyone to delete. Please try to see if you can change it. Otherwise, I will be deleting my emails forever.", "Selecting emails is such a hassle on the mobile app. There is no option to select all! I have to long press each and every email that I want to delete, mark as read, etc which is such a waste of time. It's possible on desktop so why not on mobile? Please fix this.", "Unable to select all emails at once. I have thousands of emails that I want Mark as unread, but I have to go through individually to select them. If anybody knows how to resolve this I would appreciate the info", "Dont like .ive never like this app.there isnt a selection to delete all .when you want to delete emails .you have to swipe each one or press and hold individualy to delete. Takes so much time ..dont like how you navigate it in general. Terrible", 'Add option "select all" when deleting emails.', "They should provide select all option for deleting mails in just one click", "This app has a great spam filter but the way they set up message deletion is antiquated. It's like they want you to have 11000 emails so they can brag to investors about what an insane amount of data their app manages or something. My options are buy a computer, tap my screen 12000 times or just let my box continue to fill until it's full then they will try and sell me more space I imagine. Im so aggravated with the inability to mass delete. I indorse everything google except this app.", "It would be -10 if the rating would let me. A real piece of KA KA! No ability to select ALL emails to delete them. Who is the freaking idiot who developed this garbage? If nothing else, Garbage Google is consistent with making changes that don't make sense. All on the fly without notification to any of their users. I am so freaking glad I no longer have to support this garbage as an IT support person.", "Annoyed that I can't select all and delete all emails. What a mess. Gmail all in all us very unorganized", "I wish I could delete all emails at once.", "Needs a delete all button", "Let us select all email! Edit: but why?!", "In mobile gmail, there is no select all feature. If not possible then you can give select 100 at a time in one shot", "There should be an option to delete all email at once its very annoying to delete one at a time", "Can't create new labels in app, must go desktop. Then can't \"select all\" from search results, must check each of dozens individually.", "I use gmail every day. I just wish they brought back the ability to delete multiple emails at once on mobile. I hate having to delete one by one", "Add a select all button. Deleting emails one by one is one of the most annoying things ever. Thanks", "Why isn’t there a better way to delete messages in bulk. This is annoying, especially since most places love to send multiple emails a day", "Impossible to mass delete all that spam on my phone. Literally hundreds of messages.", "Wish there was way that when search that can mark all emails so you can delete them all together instead of Mark in them individually", "I'd give it 5 stars if it wasn't for a couple of issues which makes managing my inbox quite fustrating. The first one is not being able to delete messages nested within an email and anytime I want to delete them I have to go to the desktop website to do it. The other issue I have is being limited to select all emails or having to tap and hold each email which takes too much time. There should be a check box to be able to select individual emails quickly but there isn't.", "fine and need a tool to clean up or to empty my mailbox on single click", "Needs a button to select all mail and delete", "There is no select all emails options available in Android app. If we want to delete bulk mail, then its not possible on mobile...why?", 'I dont have any issues with the app! It\'s timely and comes in handy. However, there needs to be a "delete all" and/or "select all" option to delete multiple emails.', "Please add the bulk removal emails", "On my yahoo account I can delete all email at once…are you all “google” able to make this happen. You are the best so you should be the best!", "The app is good but you need to put select all features in when it comes to the deleting process", "No Select All Option in Android you need unlike other email app", "Needs a select all option.", "I hate hate hate that I spend over an hour reading Google help on how to delete my gmails and absolutely no help at all. It is too complicated for me to figure out how do delete my emails on my phone. Is adding a delete all emails button really that difficult for Google. I worked all day and now 3am. I don't have the brain power to figure this out.", "Really useful app but only one thing if i want to delete a mail is easy... just delete it but when i have to delete many mails i have to delete one by one it's so annoying please add a multiple delete option or something", 'I love anything " google" but i dont like the fact that i recieve hundreds of emails in mere hours but i cant erase but one email at a time!! I need a select all for this!!', "I do not have the time to sit and delete emails one at a time. My promotional emails date back to beginning of last year at this point. And then i get to told i need more storage and pay this much for it.. if it wasn't for needing gmail to access my phone I wouldn't have it at this point.", "OK but one thing is very disappointing why don't you provide a select all option. It's difficult to delete thousand of mail. Please update a select all option.", "My only and consistent worry about Gmail app is inability to select multiple mails in the inbox for either to mark unread or delete . You just have to pick one by one to perform the task even while you are having long list of such messages to work on.. The feature is available on Yahoo and you can select multiple messages after press and holdi down first message ,then tick the boxes of others ..PLS look into it", "The Worst Thing About G mail is You Can't Delete All Email At once you have to patience to DeleteAll those hundreds of emails.", "Yall need a select all button. It's rather annoying to have to click each email to delete them. Pretty sad yall dont, when the others do. No one care about on the computer the app needs it", "I wish it had a select all button. it sucks having to go down each email clicking to delete it.", 'Still no "select all" function. Cmon guys, it\'s been over a decade now. This is a day 1 function.', "Hey nerds. Stop focusing on AI so much and give me a delete or clear all function so I can efficiently delete trash all at once.", "The mobile app needs a select multiple emails to delete, i have to be deleting individually. It's taken hours to delete hundreds of emails.", "Missing simple little features 1 being a big flaw. You can not select all........ Bloody useless especially when they are trying to charge you because your email storage is full. By no means am i going to sit there and delete every email 1 by 1 because google cant simplify and make features more convenient for the consumers.", "Bad needs a way to delete all emails without having to delete them one by one", "Please add a Select All button/option! It's inconvenient to have to login on my PC just to clean up my email. I have yet to see an email app that is missing this option so it'd be great to see it implemented on this app.", "No select all. *Edit. I'm aware it's only available in the desktop version. Hence, 2 stars for not being complete. Rating still stands.", "By the time I left a review for not working with Outlook365 MFA, it started working. So I got rid of outlook client and switched to gmail client again. I now wish for 2 features: 1) get notifications when emails arrive in a subfolder. This is very important as I often miss significant emails because notifications don't pop up. 2) the option to select all emails in a (sub)folder, to mass mark as read/unread or delete.", "Please add select all button to delete all trash, spam, promotional unwanted email for mobile app.", "Why i cant select all email for delete , and i forced to select one of one for delete . if i can select all please say to me how?", "Good but missing the feature to delete an email from the notification. Other email apps allow deleting from notification but this doesn't. I hope that it will be added. I'm thinking of going to an alternative app just for that feature otherwise my emails are overloaded.", "mail's deleting option is not selected to all only single tick selected on mobile app very bad experience of that option & time also lossing please update that option time", "I've waited for long enough for mass deletion of emails to be added as a feature but it has been over a year since I and many others have requested it. Will update rating after it is added. Samsung S21+ with current OS and all application updates.", "I hate Gmail on Android. You still won't make it where I can select ALL and just get rid of the garbage mail. I've got so much garbage in the promotions tab, and I'm not about to sit there for an hour tapping away! Come on! You're a multi-billion dollar company! You can't figure out a way to make it easier for us to just delete mail? Ridiculous.", "Great app I just wish it was easier to delete the emails.then one at a time.", "Why can't you delete multiple emails at once? I have searched and can't find a way to do it.", "No option on the app for mass delete. Or delete all from a sender, ect... would be a great option to have to clear all the junk out. Please add this functionality.", "I need an option from which i can select all my mail in one go, and have options like read all, delete all, move all etc.", "Add an option for mass deleting emails on mobile. It is very difficult to clear out emails on mobile because you have to literally select the emails one by one. Not very efficient at all.", "Why can't I select all and delete? Why do I have to click one by one to delete? This is beyond annoying when you have hundreds of emails.😡😡😡", "You guys should consider following suit with Microsoft Outlook mobile and most other mobile email clients and impliment 'select all' functionality. Seems strange your users deal with large lists of items and no select all functionality. We don't want to log into a computer everytime we have the need to delete masses of emails. A real pain in the a**", "Looking through all reviews within this app, I've agreed to most of the reviews. (1) the app keeps telling me email is out of storage and gives me an option to buy more storage. I believe this to be absolutely ridiculous (2) I need to delete emails in my \"promotional\" folder but I have to check every one in order to delete them. Your response was to delete these on a computer but I don't have a computer. I only use my phone. So what are you going to do in order to fix this problem?", 'There needs to be a "select all" emails button.', "Is there a way to delete 1000 emails at a time on this app without clicking on every dot next to the sender?", "CANNOT DELETE MULTIPLE MAILS AT ONCE", 'please make a "select all" or simply a swipe delete feature (like the swipe archive feature) to easily delete emails. it truly is ridiculously annoying having to manually select each email. If there can be a swipe left or right to archive an email, surely it must be possible to swipe to delete an email. I love my Gmail, but hate manually selecting all the junk mail I receive one by one to delete each one. Thank you for considering this in advance', "Maybe I'm blind! But I don't see a button to erased more than one email at a time!", "Why I'm using this worst app is like me too like waste time Worst app there is no multi option to select all the mails and to delete the all mails at a time haha worst app useless app I never ever see it cannot be used when mail storage is full the mail are not getting to mail when storage is full of store", "Love it. Just make on option to delete all emails at once of you choose to do so. By having to put in your password and also maybe a text message to your phone with a code to do so. Other than that. I use it", "I want to be able to “select all” to delete my emails on my phone using the mobile app just like how I can when I’m using a computer. Can you please add that feature onto the app? it would help SO much and it would be such a good upgrade. omg. i hate having to delete emails one by one. it’s ridiculous.", "There needs to be a delete all mail option instead of deleting one by one", "Why don't you add the ability to select all messages so that both you and us can get rid of advertising messages?", 'HOW IS THERE NO "SELECT ALL" BUTTON?? Have to select emails 1 at a time to delete, come on Google. Do better. Also, when using it with other services like Hotmail or Yahoo it is borderline terrible.', "Please update the app to be able delete mass emails vs. Click on each one to show a check mark many times to delete a few at a time. I have a folder for social media, would like to be able to delete them all at onece.", "The app provides us no way to erase all of our emails at one time. Would you please install a feature into it that does. Would be emotionally grateful.", "Why cant we select all to delete or archive? Ridiculous.", "2 days ago i updated this App liked th new setup. Then there is another update today 21st March reverting to old setup!! I don't like.! Why! If you could add the way for deleting unwanted, old emails where one just touches at the top & a block comes up on the side where one can add a tick then one can hust tick all to be deleted instead of the way You have it. I would also like to have the last version BACK please.", "Add a way on mobile to delete multiple emails at once like a select all button", 'I have no problem with this amazing app but I just want a "mark as all read" option and "delete all option" in the inbox. Because selecting one by one to delete useless mails is irritating.', "If you have a samsung or apple phone just use the mail app built in. Gmail ads is horrible you can't select all mail and then delete, you have to go one by one to delete. I use my Samsung mail it's way better and you can't create email folders on the Gmail app, if you can it ain't easy to do. I use my Samsung mail app, just WAY BETTER!", "I can't mass delete !", "I wish the app had a delete all or select all option. The separation of Promotional emails is great but I want the option to just empty that folder. Not having that option defeats the purpose of the separation because I still have to go through each one.", "Give me a delete all button in the promotions tab since you won't filter it all to spam where it belongs", "Needs a bulk delete feature. It takes forever to delete them by checking each one.", "Application is good for email and other. But i have one bug on this.. in gmail application you don't have mark all mail for delete. Kindly check this and Add this button for Mark all mail for delete", "Can we get a select all tab? Its really stupid that i have to select every email to be able to delete all of them at once. Aol has that option. What's taking google so long to adapt this into the gmail app. And when you delete them on a pc, it still doesn't sync and delete them from the app as well.", "Give a Select all Mails Option and Also analyse Bulk Mails In My Mail and Delete all Daily Bulk Mails", "I have well over 1200 emails and I don’t like that I have to delete them one by one. Very inconvenient!!.", "Can't mark all and delete all emails", "No 'Select All' option Years after release-- why do I have to manually select emails? No Select All function... Which you'll need since the app doesn't really time sync. Unacceptable", 'You need to put a "delete all". So I can just remove every email rather than sit there like a complete sad bastard a do it 1 by 1', "Excellent, but need to mass delete eMAILS", "Please add a 'select all' option, mass deleting of emails is incredibly frustrating", "Can't you add an option like delete all mail at once or make unsubscribing email easier.", "I keep getting emails that my mailbox is almost full and there is no option to mass delete emails?! It’s 2023 why can’t I mass delete emails from my phone with this app?", "Best email app hands down except for 1 thing. There’s no way to empty your inbox without selecting each email individually. Which is time consuming and tedious.", "Only real issue is that we have to select each email to delete as opposed to selecting all, and then manually picking which ones we don't want to delete. This would make it easy and efficient for those wanting to clean their emails.", "I don't like that I can't delete all emails at one. You have to do one at a time. I get alot of emails", "Is there no possible way to remove bulk junk mail, or even the ability to remove ALL mail? It seems that Google can't wait for you to exceed their storage limit, then hold your account hostage until you commit to BUYING more GB from them on a recurring basis. I rarely use my email, and haven't found the time to delete (one by one) all the junk from sites that I never subscribed to. I I could delete them all, the start unsubscribing from these renegade emails every day, I could control them.", "Not sure why but there is no “select all” option on the app. The entire reason to use the app is to conduct email tasks quickly and efficiently. I want to be able to empty 3356 emails in my “promotions” section while I’m line at the post office. Would be a great app if it had that simple life saving feature.", "User friendly, never have issues after an update, for a free app storage is amazing so much so that I had like 2 years of unopened emails that were just advertisements. So I wasted many painful hours deleting one by one bcuz with all their updates they haven't figured out how to add select all and then delete which is my only complaint, but hey what do you expect it's free right! Unless someone knows something I don't.", "Will you mke us available of markall and delete option .. It is very difficult to delete single usless messages in android phone..", "I would love it, if there was a select all button to delete emails, Outlook , yahoo mail have this delete all option , I dont know if this will change I will submit a feedback request.", "when are you going to give us mobile users a delete all mails button I'm sick and tired of doing it by hand.", "It's not possible to mass delete Emails on smartphones. The company tries to make money by selling storage instead.", "when I want to delete all messages at the same time, it doesn’t work, couldn’t they fix this problem", "I’ve been having gmail for over 10 years but I’m seriously about to go back to yahoo if yall dont create a dam delete button this is ridiculous, this is the most common of sensible features you should have for a email app!", "Deleting multiple emails or multiple is made so difficult it makes you wonder what's the point. Google clearly just want you to pay for more storage which is why they make such a simple process so hard. Maybe take some lessons from Outlook.", "For delete unwanted mail there is not seen any option for select all", 'Just a suggestion. The ability to "select all" mail would be nice so one could mass-read or delete mail', "Give us an option to empty out spam, junk, promo, and other folders instantly. Everything is pushed towards using the app, and not going to the website. If that’s the case, give us all website features on the app.", "please add delete option for delete email's in one click", "I use it as my primary source to get sent emails but space runs out a lot; I wish it had a feature where you can delete many Emails at the same time, it’s getting wayyyyyy too annoying. I don’t like to go all the way to the browser, log in, and delete emails every once in a while.", "I love gmail and the iPhone app is fairly user friendly, EXCEPT for the total inability to do a mass delete. Not everyone has ready access to a computer to mass delete emails. WHY does this not exist on the mobile app???\n\nPlease make this feature available. It would be immensely helpful.", "I understand changing your logo or icons once in awhile but this makes them all look one-dimensional. Everything looks the same you might as well just put them all in different shades of black and white. We need ways to mass delete emails. Like a delete all from this company or all not starred or marked important.", "I can't even do something as simple as selecting all messages, I have to do that from desktop. How asinine is that?", "Please provide multiple selection option while deleting mails..", "Quite good but with some functionality missing. Why there is no option to select all unread emails at once and delete them all in one go beyond belief! I had over 1200 emails from my security cameras due to the recent snow, the only way to delete them all easily was to login to Gmail using a Web browser to select all and delete them easily, why can't this be an option in the App?!?!?!?!?!?!?", "This is good for you but email all delete option is not given in it.", "Multiple Email Delete, Yahoo can do it on the app why cant Google. Its annoying having no ability to multiple delete emails. It can be done believe me. Your claim to be the best but have the application characteristics of 2008. If you dont know what that means, its that your email service is PRIMITIVE", "Unfriendly interface. You must add MARK ALL icon to me can easily manage or deleting unnecessary email.", "Needs a better way of deleting emails I have over 10,000+ emails I have been deleting for two weeks because I can’t tap and select i have to tap one by one up to 253 it should be tap and select all up to 253 instead of tap tap tap tap tap tap tap……", "Absolutely impossible to select multiple emails to delete quickly. I have to select each one individually, so I get a tick. And if it's not impossible then the method of deleting is so well hidden it might as well be. And googling doesn't give me any answers that work. AND THATS WHY I STILL THINK AOL IS BETTER!!!!", "Can we make it easier to delete lots of emails by a “select all” or something button please", "Please add a Mark All Or Delete All Mail Option please.cant delete one by one..thanks", "I only put 4 stars because Gmail doesn't give you the option to erase multiple emails with one click. You have to click on each email to delete. It's a little redundant is all. No biggie.", "No Select All button . But excellent otherwise", "Horrendously slow. Give me an option to delete ALL emails in a folder instead of making me delete each 1 separately or a select all option would be just as useful.", "I’ve downloaded this app for one night, and I already hate it. It keeps throwing up error saying I’ve deleted emails that clearly have not been deleted. Also, it keeps telling me that I need Internet connection in order to change certain settings. My Internet is working fine. Also, you’re not able to select all in any given folder. What year is this? You should be better than this by now. Please fix this.", "I will never understand why they can't just make a select all button so I don't have to go and slowly mark ever individually item.", "Yall have got to have the option to delete emails all from the same spam company's instead of me having to go down and click each freaking email! U wanna delete my pictures my large files that I CANNOT lose but God forbid u ask me if I want unread emails from 10 years ago deleted! I purchased 100gigs of storage and it's full bc of damn emails I don't have the patience to click on 100000474020 emails one by one! Cmon time to upgrade some!", "It's okay. I still prefer Yahoo. At least with them, you can click 1 little box that highlights multiple emails & you can delete them all at once. With Gmail, you have to click each & every email to delete them. It takes so long to clean up my inbox.", "Almost a good email app, Gmail has an unfortunate way of screwing up the most basic features. When adding a Microsoft account I will always get two copies of every message along with two notifications. The thing that really ruins it for me is lack of a delete all function. 99% of the time I want the just click delete all but it's simply not a part of email apps, now I get a message that says I am running out of room. Please just let me delete every email in one click if I want.", "I'd give it 5 stars if I could mass delete emails, but I can't and it's a big waste of my time", "Gmail is great. But it will be awesome if I can search->selectall-> delete! Is this possible? Plz suggest", "Too many ads. My emails open up blank. Cannot delete in bulk. Ughhh", "Please add a select all button!!! I have 100's of emails to delete!!!!", "Why isn't there a delete all button of course we're going to get an automated message about have this doesn't sound good but nothing's going to happen just letting you know I dislike going through all that mail", "I really wish it was easier to delete a large amount of your emails all at the same time.", "Can you give select all option in gmail because i want to delete all my mails and when i go delete my mails its take too much hour.", "Would be great to have a 'delete all' feature. And also to be notified of new emails when they come in, my app has stopped doing so.", "It's easy to use but I suggest the option \"select all\" when you are deleting emails of a specific sender. It's frustrating and time consuming to delete them one by one and can't even delete all of them at once. I don't have money to buy the more storage space or whatever you call that and that's why I receive emails late.", "It has been crashing all day every time I go to open up my email it keeps crashing I can't even contact the developer, can we please get an easier way to delete all the mail in the inbox much faster, You can delete spam really fast You can delete junk really fast, But you have to check anything in your inbox one at a time, That's very tedious when you end up with so many spam or junk mails that you're trying to get rid of in your inbox and send them to spam or junk, just want to delete fast!", "Ok email app however wish I could just click a button and all emails in that category would delete... I can only do that from the computer and I don't have a computer.", "I like the idea of gmail on mobile, I just wish there was a way to delete all emails, except selected ones that I want to keep. And no, I don't want to archive unwanted emails when I swipe them, I just want them gone forever. Is that really hard to do, Gmail team?", "How to delete all mails in one click??", "After being in service for many years, Google is unable to provide simple features within the Gmail app to bulk delete emails. Instead you have to manually select every single spam emails to delete too. Having to use desktop for more features is utterly pointless, this needs to change and Google should do something about it.", "Please add a delete all button!", "You need to add the select all feature! I got so many emails. But this is a good app", "This app is quite smooth and easy to work with but the only problem ocuuring with it is that it is a menace for deleting bulk messages.", "They removed the option to select all. Why would you remove that? Who demanded that be removed?", "The app is fine however I feel like we need a “select all” button. I have 6,000 emails from several years piled up from when I wasn’t using the gmail app and was using the iPhone mail app, and a “select all” button to mark them as read or to delete them would be fantastic", "Give us a dang 'Select all' function! I never use this email for this exact reason.", "Needs a way to delete all emails at once instead of having to mark everyone of them.", "I have had enough. I'm up to hear with Gmails lack of moving with the times. My phones soul is owned by Google. So why the heck can't they figure out a way to easily A. Delete emails without having to select every single 1.... 1 by 1 on android B. Ads.... I get it they are part fo the system but yall rich give us a break. C. File sending capability, really Google it's 2023. files are a heck of a lot bigger now. I can't even send 2 pics at a time without getting an error of file too big too buku", 'I would give you 6 stars if you added one simple button: "select all emails" and choose to delete or mark all read. Some of us have tons of newsletters,promotions and subscriptions that need hours to delete one by one .', "I KNOW THAT YOU CAN'T DO IT ON THE APP, THAT'S WHY I'M ASKING YOU TO ADD IT TO THE APP and I'm keeping you at 1 star until yall add the \"Select All\" feature to the app. We're getting so much extra mail now, it's hard to keep up, and having to hard press EACH, INDIVIDUAL email to get rid of it is time consuming and frustrating. Please change this and you'll go back to 5 stars. That should be the only thing for your next update.", "there is no select all to delete", "It's 2023 why is there no select all or delete all button for emails. So annoying", "Act ability to select all to delete all mail without having to select one by one", "Having the option to delete all would've been great", 'I have used Gmail for years. I love the app. I wish that it could be more user friendly on my mobile. I don\'t always have access to a computer. Organizing my emails is nearly impossible. Files, emails and folders cannot be deleted. A "select all" option does not exist. If there is a way to do any of this, I would love to know how.', 'Terrible, impossible to clear out select messages. Needs a "block all,"select all," and "delete all" setting in the mobile app.', "What should i do to delete all the emails at a time? I am facing issue to select each and every mail one by one for removing.", "Awfully inaccessible. After all the years Google and gmail has been around, they still haven't given their users the option to delete multiple e-mails at once unless you exclusively own a desktop computer. This is the worst email app to have ever existed where you are given inconvenience. If I could use hotmail for youtube, I don't think I'd ever have the motive to opt for gmail when there are other actually efficient and working email providers like outlook. Very dissatisfied.", "Unable to select all mail. Unable to select all unread mail", "Easy to use. Wish you guys would add a way to select all emails from a specific email address to delete or at the very least a select all button because having to click on each individual email is a little tedious", "Please select and delete all emails at once. It takes a lot of time to choose each one.", "Decent for normal emails. It DESPERATELY needs a mass delete in the promotional email folder.", "I want all Gmail delete option please provide me", "A fast/intuitive way to delete multiple emails or entire folders!", "Too Many Spammers and hackers on this app!! Too much junk emails that can’t be deleted all at one time!! Just Horrible!! Fix it!!", "All mails are note delete in one click to all select please give option for all select.", "I'd like to have a delete all emails option. The fact that this ap doesn't have that is very counter intuitive.", "What would it take to get a \"select all\" button? It is very annoying to have to select a hundred emails, one at a time, in order to mark them read or to delete them. Just about every other email app I've used has this option. Also, why can't we create and edit filters in the app? I shouldn't have to go to the desktop version to do this simple task.", "I won't give this more than three stars because it's missing a simple, important function: select all. It's impossible to delete a group of emails. It has to be done one by one. What a waste of time.", "Add select all option for delete", "I don't have a laptop. I only use my android mobile. How on earth can I delete all emails in a bulk delete. Please help and how do I stop spam emails. Very annoying.", "It'd be better if you could select all emails when deleting them. Most of my emails aren't important.", "I am unable to delete all my Gmail emails at once. How do I do that to delete it the whole inbox?", "I have always had gmail on problem I can see is not being able to Earse all messages at once", "Rubbish, can't delete emails en-bulk.", "APP (still) HAS NO 'SELECT ALL' option...CANNOT sort/delete emails en masse!!!!! Am uninstalling after *10 years* of waiting patiently for implementation after asking for this feature. Would give ZERO STARS if possible!!", "To delete old message, sellecting each message is to hard, pls add sellecting all button to delete messages", "Need to delete all messages", "Need a way to select all mail at once to move or delete. Yahoo mail can do this! Also can not move mail easily from one folder to another like inbox to spam.", "I need to erase All gmail messages but can’t find a way to erase all at once. I’m forced to delete them one by one! ?", "There is no function or button to select all messages. You have to select letter one by one. For example, I want to make read a lot of letters, so I must select every single letter by myself. I know, that web version have mark all read function, but sometimes I don't have access to computer. So, it will be better, if you add this function to app", "Really need a delete all option.", "OUT OF ALL THE THINGS I NEED, I NEED YOU TO DELETE ALL OF MY EMAILS YET YOU FORCE US TO MANUALLY SELECT EVERY SINGLE ONE AND THEN DELETE. HOW TF?!", "Can't figure out how to delete all my messages, I have over 3,000 emails and have to delete one at a time", "there needs to be like a delete all mail button bc i dont open my emails alot so i just have over 1000 emails and im sick of having to sit there for hours trying to delete them all", "Too many mails to delete and no option to select in group. Also no difference in Inbox related to read mails and unread mails. The read mail should be marked in bold colour and the unread mails should be marked as normal font. There should be an option to group same kind of mails.", 'It\'s app really needs the option to be able to "select all" and completely empty promotion folder like the trash folder. (ON ANDROID!)', "You can't 'select all' to delete, and there's no 'empty mail box ' feature so emptying a mail box is tedious.", "Please add a select all option! We live in 2023! Had select all feature on an old AOL mail account!", "I’m so unsatisfied with this app, first google I find it every basic and I definitely think you can do better. I’m still wondering why I have to tap every email individually to be able to delete the page of emails. Where is my select all option, delete all option? For someone who has over thousands of promotional emails, who wants to sit there and tap everyone. Which brings me to the second, why have you yet to come up with an unsubscribe to all option? I know you are capable of providing a better app, do better please.", "Why on earth can't you mass select emails to delete them????????", "I'm just trying delete everything on my Gmail and what can I do about everything I d got on my Gmail now I d got like 99+on one and 99+on the other one", "It would be nice if there was a select all. Instead of having to touch each individual email for deletion. Like step up your game. It's so annoying. I don't own a computer to delete it that way. Update your app. I know it can be done because you can do it with AOL mail.", "The main problem I have is when deleting will only let me check each email individually. I do not get a select all when deleting.", "Stopped working Description of the problem. Since the memory is out of storage, am not able to send new mails. Secondly I tried to delete some mails, wasn't able to select all (no select all option)", "It would be great to have a button to select all for deleting emails. This is ridiculous that you have to delete one email at a time!", 'I need a "select all" function', "I love my gmail app except for the message count on the app icon Can you please make this go away.. this gives me such anxiety. 20k messages an no mass delete option.", "Piss poor design that doesn't allow you to delete multiple emails at once. Worst email app out there. It's pathetic seeing that it's one of the biggest companies on earth!", "Gmail is my favorite email app, BUT please make a “Select All” button on the app. I hate selecting one by one all spam or promotional emails to delete. It takes longer than it has to be to delete junk/ unimportant stuff. \n\nIs it lazy? Yes it is, but is it convenient? Absolutely! Please, Google! ??‍♀️", "All good but can we get a delete all feature for email.", "Why cant I delete all emails at once. Why can't I add or delete lables", "Hi how to delete the bulk emails on app, pls share the shortcut method.", "Its ok. How do I delete all emails? There's no select all option. Pls help.", "I love my gmail account. I just wish there was an efficient way to bulk delete unwanted, aged, spam related messages?", "It flexible to use But if I want to delete 7000 messages I need to mark one by one instead of marking all Please developer kindly update the app so we can delete messages by marking all", "I need to check one by one to delete many mail from my inbox?", "I'd really like more control in email deletion!! Google please add a delete all button with filters. Ex. Delete all from 'oldnavy' or delete all but 'starred' please make this happen. I have 140k emails to Delete, but can't go thru all that for what's important. Help with narrowing email down!", "GMail needs a option to delete all mail at once instead of 1 by 1. It needs a delete all inbox mail options like YAHOO has.", 'It\'s 2023......why on earth is there not an option to "select all" to delete emails ffs', "Itcs good because, phone needs it but, there is alot of ads and there isn't select all option it would be usefull gmail devs if you hear this please make select all option", "Have had a gmail address for many years. Now, Google says I am out of free storage, and wants money for storage. \nI use an iPad. Much of my mail is promotions I really don’t want to keep. How hard would it be to be able to delete all promotion, or all social, or even primary mail by date or by sender? \nApparently, using the app, or gmail on a browser only allows you to select them one at a time. Two strikes, Google. One star.", "There’s no way to tap on multiple emails and delete them all at once. Instead I have to open them individually to delete them. That’s a waste of time and if it’s spam, it’s really a waste of time and a possibility that I could get a virus on my device.", 'You know what would be cool in the gmail mobile app? A "check all" box after doing a search for emails of the same sender, so you can delete all of them at once, instead of wasting time swiping to delete each individual email at a time. Example, I receive emails from petco for special updates, but I also get some of their junk from the same address, now, if I did an email search to pull all of them up, I can then click a box to check all of them to delete all of them from my inbox at one time.', "I need a delete all option", "It is literally beyond comprehension that they make it so hard to select multiple messages to delete in this day and age of mass emailing and limited mailbox size.", "I want a one click delete all mail feature", "I have a couple of issues with this app I've done everything I can but I have a problem with still receiving too many junk emails I've unsubscribed and I still get them also it would help if I could delete more than 1 email at a time", "No option to select all emails. Each must be selected individually. Very frustrating.", "I want to be able to delete gmail all at once not 1 at a time ,it's a pain", "I’ve used Gmail forever and now there is no possible way for me to delete bulk emails at a time without a computer? I have an iPad I have an iPhone, that’s all I need and why can’t I just delete hundreds of emails at a time? It’s taking up all of my space on my devices. Thank you.\n In addition, it doesn’t appear that my important emails are on the top like it should be so I can see those first.! Suggestions please", "Please add all mail delete opation... Please", "I need to delete all of my Gmail", "Please explain why you can't select all emails. Why tap individually Very unworkable", "Overall I like the app. The only thing I don't like is having to delete emails one by one. There should be a select all option like the desktop one has.", "This would be so much better with a select all feature as opposed to having to scroll down and click each each email individually", "Would be great if it had a delete all emails option", "It's a good app but you need to update with the option to delete all emails at once. I'd give it a 5 star rating then.", "There are way to many emails that pile up over time and it it takes to long to delete them one by one", "We should be able to clear all emails at once", "Emails are being queued and not sent, since this update.", "I wasn't getting my emails with attachment (like pictures, document) sent as they stay on que in the outbox. So frustrated as none of the things I did ever worked. My final step was to go the main app and I upgraded and it worked! That simple! But you may have to go to the outbox section and refresh it to make sure it goes through if didn't the first time! Now I can send anything with attachment and it worked like before!", "Too many times I try to send an email, and it gets stuck in a que for whatever silly AI bot Algorithm reason??? Going to switch to yahoo mail temporarily I reckon. Sincerely. MD", "Email has not updated since Apr 30th. I followed all help instructuons short of removing the app because I don\"t want to lose sll existing emails. I get a message that Sync is not working but should be back shortly. How long is this going to take? Also sent msg are stuck as queued. Your canned response is less than helpful. Will just delete the app and go to Outlook. Aaack Can't remove it... Can't send contact deveoper email Address is no longer valid", "Useless app, all messages goes into queue state", "If I try to send an attachment on my email, it sits in queue in my outbox for 4 days before it finally sends. Even if I connect to Wi-Fi.", "I have connected my company server to Gmail App and whenever i send an email it queed in Outbox. kindly let me know how to solve this issue, plz.", "Attachment take forever to go. Stuck in outbox", "I can't download attachments on my mail and I cannot send out a mail. If I compose a mail and send it out, it will remain in my outbox.", "Why am I not able to receive emails, and why are the emails I send not sending and say queued?", "I'm not getting to send files it keep showing Queued.", "I don't know what on earth is keeping you from implementing the select all feature but my rating would be much higher if you'd hurry up and let us have that already. App is otherwise fine. Sometimes messages take forever to send and stay in outbox forever but that's the only other major issue I've noticed so far", "Not good notification,always says in queue..", "Suddenly all emails I try to send never leave the outbox. I literally can't send emails.", "Email not getting sent all on queued, the steps for processing email stuck done all of that Data storage cleared Uninstall updates of Gmail Again done latest version update and restart mine device But still problem same email are on queued.", "I can't send emails anymore. It keeps going to outbox. After that it says fail. For the past couple of days it's been saying syncing mail and up until now nothing. What is wrong with Gmail?", "msgs are not sending when i sent they are stored in outbox", "It breaks again.... Now all my outgoing emails are stuck on my outbox queuing. ..", "OUTGOING MAIL WON'T LEAVE PHONE (SAMSUNG GALAXY S9) Realne 7 5G WONT OHT OF THE VLUE RECEIVE ANYNORE EMAILS", "Mails can deliver through this app always get stock. It says mail queued. But the same mail reach instantly on desktop.", 'App crashes frequently even with a fresh installation & lots of data storage. App often gets stuck "synchronizing mail" for whatever reason that keeps starting and happening...what\'s happening with that what copies of my emails going to other accounts to look like it\'s coming from those doing robberies and more, various imposters? Instead of coming from me? And it\'s been about three hours now & a email is ongoing stuck in the "outbox" as "queued" unnecessarily & website isn\'t cooperating either.', "It's getting worse. Unable to send mails, always says queued.", "I can't remember the last time I got a notification for an email. All settings in the app and in the phones settings are for email notifications to be switched on... Also some emails I send go into outbox as queued. No idea what they're queuing behind or why they're waiting their turn to be sent.", "Every mail I sent is queued I've been doing everything I suppose to it very frustrating", "Email stuck in outbox", "My email is not sebt and attachments remain in queues. What should I do?", "My emails keep getting queud . Every time I want to send an email I have to uninstall and reinstall the app . PITA", "Every email I send from my phone get stuck in outbox. Usually the ones with attachments. So frustrated with it.", "The mobile is having problems sending an email, most of the emails are being queued I hope Google acknowledges this review and helps me", "I'm generally satisfied with the app with a couple of exceptions. I can't delete email folders I no longer wish to utilize and I often can't send outgoing emails as they get stuck in the queue. Frustrating when you need to send things in a TIMELY fashion. Followed all the troubleshooting tips to no avail.", "Sometimes the email I send gets stuck in queue and stays like that for a very long time, even though I have a good internet connection", 'it suddenly stopped to send email keeping them in the "outbox"', "For months now, when I write a mail and attach a file, the mail gets queued upon clicking send, and never gets sent. But when I write a mail without attaching a file, the mail goes through. Any help?", "mails with attachment are kept in outbox and marked as queued for longer time. Text alone content emails are working fine. Pl. Guide to correct the error FYI, I Cleared cache memory, etc in mobile App. Still same issue", "From this app, I am unable to send mail for last few month. All the mails kept in outbox. I am unable to fix the problem!", "always queued i can't send a files.", "Emails go to out box, won't send !", "My emails with attachments are still stuck in outbox despite following all the instructions listed to fix the problem.", "I can't send my mails it's stucked in outbox and always queued not sending fix this bug please", "App keeps putting my emails in a qued state, but won't send?", "My emails remain in outbox and don't get sent until I refresh the outbox several times. I have to keep checking if the email is sent or not in outbox. Also I don't get notifications for emails received after the update.", "When I send masseges through this app it shows queued and gets stock in drafts. Please fix the problem. Thank you.", "After send mail mail still panding in outbox and after some refresh outbox than mail will be send", "Why my mails are not sending and stay in queue.....", "this happened to me 3rd time, while sending an important mail, as soon as i hit enter/send, the mail goes into queue state and remain there for an indefinite period of time, however my internet connection is stable. please look into it on priority basis. i can share you attachment too which i just tried recently today environment: realme c25s android os 12", "Sent mails are getting queued", "Unsure why all the emails I'm trying to send, end up in the queue (outbox) and takes a very long time to get sent.", "All my emails stay queued", "I cannot send emails. Everytime I send, it goes to outbox. What's the problem with this?", "Worst is not sending documents always say queued I always update still", "Have always used this app but, recently every one of the emails I send gets stuck in my outbox. This only happens from the app. Means that when I'm contacting people and it's important unless I realise they're in outbox they end up getting nothing. I've had emails stuck in outbox for weeks? If I forward the original email again it will send no problem. Very unreliable.", "Can't send mails , showing queued...", "Till now the app was working smoothly but I have been facing this one issue since quite a some time now. Everytime I try to send a new email it gets queued. I have done everything from re-installing to cleaning storage but it has no effect on it. I'm very displeased and disappointed. Plz Google team do something.", "My out box not sending mails. Always on queuing", "The app was the best thing a year back and now it always had some issue or the other. The messages keep on going to outbox(have already tried the troubleshoots)", "Have been trying to send message since But it does send rather it will be in outbox with an inscriptions saying 'queued'.", 'Anytime I send a mail on my mail, they always "Queue" and I don\'t know the problem. Help me out', "I can't received any emails I can't even send them back my emails it's always on the outbox what wrong with this app", "Doesn't work good anymore. Keeps marking sent email queued or drafted on and off. Gets annoying.", "Its been days now , I cant even send my important work emails because this app keeps on saying QUEUED .My job is at Risk now .", "For some reason my mail was in outbox for more than a month, even though I had 5g, 4g and wifi connection available, Wow Great engineering", "I am unable to send emails since the update, everything is going to queued, I've tried forcing stop, disabling and enabling, sending emails with no attachment and still nothing is working. Please help..", "When I try to send a mail it goes in outbox permanently. Why? Resolve this issue.", "My Mails stuck in outbox from last two three days", "I cant send email, it always queued!", "Any email with an attached file gets sent right to my outbox to die! It's been 4 weeks and all the info on how to get it sent doesn't work I don't have those options. This just started 4 weeks ago and is annoying. So FRUSTRATING", "This is very frustrating. I read an article on why my email app won't sync and it suggested updating the app, which I did, but still I can't sync my email in realtime or get 22 sent emails to leave my outbox. I need access to my email inbox in realtime, and when I need to send something I need it to go, not stay. Too bad Gmail sucks so hard.", 'Why is it that everytime I send something it always ends up being "Queued". It\'s starting to get annoying. I always end up late at complying assignments and projects because of this!', "Can't send email...goes Straight to queued, and never sends it", "Sending message alwas stuck in outbox. Already tried to reinstall", 'Suddenly my emails are stuck in the OUTBOX ! Get message "cannot sync". It is so frustrating,nebery time there is an upgrade, something goes wrong. I am getting so tempted to go back to Apple again !', "Bad experience. I don't know why all my mail are being queued and can't be sent .", "Talking hours to send mails with attachments. The mails remain in outbox for hours", "can't see if the attachment is uploaded or not. the new composed w/ attachment email are always on outbox.", "Always been great, but for some reason in the recent months my emails will get Queued. I figured I had to update the app when this would happen - cool. The last few times, even after updating, emails will still be queued.", 'I am finding it hard to send mails with attachments for couple of days now. It\'s "Queuing" in my Outbox. Do you want me to lose my Job?', "I can't sent any mails..all are went to outbox and was in queued state. Every time i need to use laptop to sent mails.very worst experience. After updating the app i got this issue.", 'App doesn\'t know how to send out emails with attachments. Says "Queued" for days before i notice it and send the same email through the website in 5 seconds', "All my emails for the past several days have been stuck in queue, both incoming and outgoing. I've missed several important emails, including an email from my insurance company I was waiting on.", "Whenever I need to send a document from Microsoft Suite phone app, the document get queued on the outbox and I just have to keep refreshing until it the document is sent. With the recent update, now the document just que and after refreshing it fails to send. I think Gmail should work on this, its stressful", 'Messages stuck in outbox constantly sent several days later. "Synching mail" for several hours. Broken app', 'Recently any email I send with an attachment it gets stuck in my outbox with no way to attempt to resend. Gmail has no options for any kind of meaningful support for this app. The only customer posted inquiry on this topic I could find has no responses. There is no way to chat with an agent, and when i called the "Googleplex" they told me about the support webiste (useless) and put me on hold for an 1:15. It seems Google\'s policy is to let unpaid community members handle its customer support.', "Very poor experience. Responsiveness is very low. Every email is going to queue Even with the best connection. Actually Samsung email app is better than Gmail app. But Samsung email has sync issue. However sad to say but Samsung email app better than Gmail.", "Not getting notifications since the last update (my phone, OnePlus 7 also had an update recently) and just not discovered that all the emails with attachments are being queued and not sent", "And now, after an update, the app AND the email just disappear when i hit the send arrow... I have posted 3 x 1star reviews in the last NINE MONTHS since Gmail STILL doesn't despatch emails from the outbox in a reliable manner. I read many others have a similar issue but google seems only to suggest workarounds which don't work. If Google can't produce a reliable email app maybe we shouldn't be surprised that Bard can't get AI right either ...", "Emails don't send they just sit in the outbox", "I hate this app!! I can't send an email no matter what I do . All mails are directly go to outbox and it states queued. It's frustrating.", "Sometime unable to send mails, in queued. Kindly fix this application technical issues.", "I'm done. I can't send emails they are always in outbox", "Awful, terrible, frustrating. It does not send the emails, they get stuck in a queue and never get sent. I have fast internet and the app uploads every garbage email but will not send mine.", "My emails are stuck on queue.", "Every mail with image and pdf settle in queued.and clearing cache can sent few mails", "Mails getting queued in outbox for several days. None of the solutions are helping here.", "Whenever I add attach a file or image with mail it's not sent and stayed in queue. I can't provide you the screenshot because that mail will also will get stuck in outbox and be in queue.", "Horrible each and every update has become worst. We don't get new mails notification at all. Tried reinstalling and all other possible ways. Even when we send mail it's shows sending but will be in outbox untill we refresh it again.", "Mail not sent to sender but stick in outbox and pending...remove this bug", "It's hard to use Gmail . I have been trying to send my documents to other Gmail Accs. But the mail is stuck in outbox and draft . I would be glad if Google would help me out with the sending of the mails. Others mails are correctly recieved in my device nd there is no other problem than the sending of the mails which is always stuck nd shows queued. Thankyou ~", "Hi when ever i am using Gmail mobile application for sending mail others for a long period it's stuck at outbox itself every time needed to be use web browser only to dropping of mail to others", "I am getting horrible with g mail by the queued mail", "I am facing the problem with attached file sending.... always showing queued i am very disappointed...same facing problem my both mail id and i will request to our company to remove mail tie-up with Gmail very bad experience", "Worst mobile email to use. Every time I send a new email with attachments, its always places my emails in Queued. I then have to into the email and forward it, for it to eventually send successfully. Worst experience ever since having Gmail.", "Utter rubbish! Mail always getting queued and it's not good!", "Not able to send mails because they get stuck in the outbox as queued. Uninstalling the app also doesn't help neither does freeing space in the drive. A lot of important mails are stuck due to this. Edit: I have tried the solutions in the reply but I'm still facing the same issue. This is what I've already tried: -my internet is on -restarted my device -uninstalled gmail and tried it again -sync is on -drive still has storage -cleared data on Gmail and restarted the device -posted on the forum", "What happened to GMail? Mails are stuck forever in the outbox, never get sent. This app has been taking me for a ride now. No improvement at all", "I keep having important emails that get 'queued' and remain unsent. I cleaned out my inbox and google still wont send my emails.", "Everything was good but however I'm not able to send any emails they all just go to outbox", "Cant download attachment mainly pdf using cellular data ?", "Another 1 star review for another Google app. Why cant this download attachments? Like ever? Where's the 0 star ratings", "Got a new phone, and for whatever reason I can not download attachments in emails. I keep getting an error and to try again. I have done everything to resolve this issue and nothing fixes it. I have cleared the cache, I installed the app n every time I uninstall it says there's an update even tho I have auto updates set. Same issue,tho. I have even deleted my Gmail account from my phone and re-added it. Still the same issue. At this point I'm just assuming it's an issue with the app itself.", "I can't download any attachment for five days now. I have tried to uninstall and re-install back the app but still problem exists. Fix this, i have many things to do with this account", "I can't download attachments on my mail and I cannot send out a mail. If I compose a mail and send it out, it will remain in my outbox.", "Me too facing the problem. My March payslip isn't downloading for last 3 weeks.", "Serious error as after writing long email, attaching anything deletes everything you have written. Has happened multiple times with different files and image attachments", "Notifications stopped working and attachments don't work.. Need to use the web version on my phone..", "Downloading file not happening, only the loader is moving and moving.", "Since last few days I can download any attachment. I keep getting same email notifications many time. It does not make sense anymore. Finding an email from email thread is almost impossible.", "It should not be mandatory to update the app every time. It is the wrong policy by google. It's only because for the business reason - To visit play Store. Attachments are not downloading, and it doesn't notify also that UPDATE required...", "Unable to download attachment, facing this issue again and again frequently", "Previewing and downloading pdf files crashes the app", "I've been unable to download attachments from my Gmail for some while now Why???", "I am not able to download any video or pdf attachment with mail. Stupid problem and is very annoying.", "Hello! I wasn't having issues with downloading attachment until I updated the app, I have tried all the steps I read online but its still not working, pls help", "All of a sudden , I can't open or download PDF attachments. It's simply gets stuck.", "Nothing to do with this update not download not open any pdf", "I'd have given 5star, but files sent to my mail takes forever to download", "Hi I can't download attachments in both Gmail and googledrive what is the problem?", "Can’t preview attachments unless I’ve opened the email. Tapping the attachment thumbnail from the inbox will show an error.", "Not downloading any attachment", "Not downloading attachments", "I could not download files or attachment I have tried everything by clearing cache .I need assistance please.", "There is an ONGOING issue with not being able to download attachments to my android. It happens VERY frequently and I have to go through a tedious process of restarting my phone, clearing caches, restarting the app, etc. Until I can finally get it to work again. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and a good Internet connection, it's not a problem on my end.", "I am finding it difficult to download attachments", "I am Facing problem with app When i download any pdf or photo but not downloading Fix it soon", "I am unable to download attachments in my mail", "frustating email aplication, always have problem downloading attachments, funny thing is from two attachment sometimes only one can be downloaded, but the rest is stay...thinking about stop using it", "File can't download in Gmail app...", "downloading issue, any documents on gmail app unable to download only rotating.", "Not sure why but I am unable to download or save images pdfs or basically any content from my emails. I've tried everything in the settings I've updated everything I can. Not sure what is going on but I am very disappointed.", "Failed to download attachments", "Ever since the last update I can’t open attachments or use the search feature. The app keeps freezing as soon as search results pop up. If I scroll for the email the app freezes and crashes as soon as I open it. Absolutely worthless to me right now and I can’t get any work done away from my desk.", "Can't download attachments. It's an extremely annoying application.", "I do normally receive nd send emails but downloading attached document.. doesnt work . It keeps showing like its downloading the file but never finishes", "I'm not able to download attachments after the latest update. Please address this issue.", "I'm unable to download or send attachment. It's been this way for months now", "Not receiving mails. Attachment can not download. It became worse for the last one week. Kindly advise and get it normalise. Was having good experience till last week. Thanks", "For the past one week files are not downloading, very exasperating indeed!", 'Terribly disappointing! The app has new bugs all the time. Some time ago it had stopped downloading attachments and thus become useless. Now it is continuously "syncing mail" for 3 days and draining battery. Very unprofessional, low quality product. What once used to be the best app on the market is now an embarrassment.', "Is a good app, but I can't download my attachments-documents", "I am so frustrated, I am using Techno spark 8 and after updating this app I can no longer download attachments the bar just stays on 0% until it fails. Worse of it all, i have all my contacts and photos saved on google and now the feature to sync anything is greyed out. I have no contacts, no photos, no calender, nothing at all......", "Cannot download nor read PDF Documents!!!!", "I can't download any pdf file sent to my mail. Why is it so?", "Can't download any attachments", "Can't even download attachment right away. Very time wasting", "Unable to download attachment ww have to directly drive only what is the reason please resolve the issue.", "I have 4 google email acounts. I can download all of them on my laptop but I cannot donwload the latest one on my phone. I have tried account recovery, rebooting the phone. Anyone know what I can do next.", "Attachment not able to download", "Always amazing but now I am facing issue to downloing files attachment", "0% download attachments", "it canot downlod a pdf file now unlike bfore", "Any PDF attachments is not downloading to the device. Continuous loading. Not able to view any attachments.", "worst experience.... I'm not able to download my documents or images from mail....", "It won't let me download important files I need. This is very inconvenient.", "Doesn't download attachments over sim internet", "I constantly have to delete and reinstall this app for it to func to on otherwise I get a “no connection” memo or just just won’t bother to open anything that isn’t spam. Spam emails open and work fine. When I opt to use the email directly or attempt too is when I fails to ever work. Now it won’t even download anymore. Literally any time I try I get an endless loading. So I have since changed all my primary account away from Google.", "Problems in the app.. The images sent as attachment or in text attachment just won't load and they can't be downloaded either. A long persisting problem causing a lot of incovenience. Kindly look into it...", "I couldn't receive email notifications despise trying everything, then they worked again magically, now I'm all of a sudden back to not getting notifications unless i open the app. Also, i can never open attachments on my Samsung s22 or download them. I have to save it to my google drive or else forward the email to my yahoo account in order to open attachments. Soo annoying.", "Attached files never download", "Good app but I can not preview, download or save to Drive from the app", "I have faced problems in downloading the documents. Evertime I click on download link option not works.", "Any attachments in my mail doesn't download or preview I have tried everything", "Why can't I open/download attachments from Gmail on/to my phone?", "Cant download my attachments on my one account and have to constantly fwd it to another gmail account to download the attachment? Please help!!", "Unable to download documents.on-going ussue", "Won't download attachments. I tried everything. It works fine in the browser, so I uninstalled the app.", "Unable to download attachment in my Pixel 7. Everytime I have to upload in the Drive then check.", "Heloo....this app no longer downloads bored despite trusting it. Nor any attachments.wish I cud share the screenshot.", "After recent update I'm not able to download any attachments from Gmail. Not sure why this is happening", "Unable to download attachments via Gmail App on phone.", "I am unable to download or open any attachment files in this version", "There's always an error downloading the attachments. Attachments cannot be downloaded. You'd have to sign in on gmail on web :( Please fix it.", "Pdf not downloading", "I'm not able to download attachments in the mail", "This app is good, but I can't open my attachments, followed all the steps, but still not working.", "attached files download nahi ho rahi hai", "Can't download email attachments anymore.", "loads slow", "The app is very slow", "WAY too slow. I wonder at times if it even took my screen tap, so I click again and still don't get a response.", "Update 2023 Not much changes. Slow and bugged app. But you need it to manage Alexa devices. It works but I use it as little as possible. --- 2019 App need to evolve a lot. Too many bugs. But Alexa device are very nice and smart. please, do something to make the app better.", "slow app", "Terrible, switching to Google. it constantly lags. Wont do the command I asked it to do until the 10th time I've repeated myself. No longer works very well with Spotify. It's just garbage and more of a hassle over anything else. It's so incredibly frustrating. It used to work well and I don't know what happened but they're terrible now.", "How can a company like Amazon make such a poor app it just doesn't work lags alot hangs ever time takes an eternity to connect still can't digest the fact that a big company like Amazon can't make a good app for their smart devices this sucks alot and they should do about it asap", "It is dreadfully laggy", "Slow, hard to use, frustrating", "It is nice but app is some times not working properly and app is laging. First solve this problem fastly.", "The app hardly loads anything on iPhone 14 and keeps freezing over and over", "extremely sluggish on Samsung A series tablets from 2019 and 2021", "the lists are leggy, borderline unusable, and this app gets worse with every update", "Absolute garbage. It seems to get worse every day. It is either incredibly slow, crashes, doesn't load at all, or freezes.", "Slow, buggy app. Makes zero sense how bad it is for a company like Amazon.", "toooo slow hanging the app", "Incredibly unresponsive when trying to do anything directly through the app", "it is very slow and confusing", "I like the ability to access and view all my devices, set them up accordingly to a variety of routines. BUT I find that the app itself is very slow in response. it could be my phone (Samsung Note 9) but its not that old that it can't process quickly. In addition, other apps seem to work more swiftly.", "They need to revise the coding on the app. it's slow and sluggish... feels useless sometime.", "Flaky as hell. The app always way behind the speaker During set up the speaker says it's set up, the app just keeps spinning.", "No longer working with 1st gen Echo devices. Also, the app is always sluggish.", "App is very slow response", "the app lags and borders on unusable", "Alot better experience than the last app version. Still slow app to work with just like Amazon music app", "I've a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and the app freeze always, just update and is impossible to deal with", "Too poor n too much slow app", "lag", "This app is the laggiest, buggiest app I have ever used. Just simply making an Alexa announcement takes 30+ seconds to open the app and navigate to the announcements page. Then I press make an announcement and it starts recording. At least that part is good. Then I press stop recording and it continues recording for 20 more seconds before it registers and actually stops recording. That's just one example of many poor experiences.", "the app is SLLLLOOOOOWWWW", "This has got to be the worst app on my phone, it's so unresponsive and it's more complicated than it ever needs to be. I've gave up trying to click on things because nothing happens. I know it's not my phone because all my other apps are working perfec. I'm glad I really use this app, had it a few years and it's never improved disgusting considering the developers.", "just too slow", "slow to update, inconsistent control of devices, overall low quality", "slowest app out there.", "The app is so bad it’s so hard to navigate and it lags and it’s so hard to do anything in", "Alexa app settings does response quickly please optimise the app", "This app Sucks, It hangs every time very unresponsive. You can't even do simple tasks. Reinstalled multiple times but no difference", "It's a good app for contacting every thing. it's just this app is obviously not optimised for my phone it takes like 5 seconds just to respond to my input my phone is a budget phone oppo a16 s so I understand why it's bad but not this bad", "I love this app! but it takes awhile to respond unless you open the app will startup ...", "Clunky and slow as molasses", "very buggy and slow app", "it is really sluggish, and becomes unresponsive, despite being updated to the latest version", "Worst app very slow and full of glitches.", "Slowest app ever!!!!", "App feels a bit sluggish", "Worst in app experience it lags so much everything is lagging back button is not working nothing is working properly, things load very slowly nothing is good.", "The app is very slow. Hangs a lot", "This app never seems to properly load.", "sooooo slow and unresponsive. app is awful. devices aren't much better.", "The app is good but slow as hell. Google is way better. If I didnt have to say o.k before google everytime, i would prefer google home", "Pairing through the app takes forever, kicks me out. Sometimes devices are randomly unpaired and I have to start over. My devices are older but I never had a problem until recently. Very frustrating.", '"Always ready, connected and fast" - that\'s just a total lie! Awful app, very slow and very glitchy! The interface is terrible, with things all over the place. Sack your UX and UI team immediately.', "app loads very slowly, echo dots become disconnected from wifi frequently even tho signal is strong, app takes very long to respond to commands. if it was faster and the dots stayed connected to the wifi it would be a lot nicer", "Very slow to load, crashes, camera view does not work", "App is incredibly slow. Optimise it", "very slow application. extremely difficult connect to the wifi router.", "This the slowest app on my phone. Its freezes on all the screens. A Basic screen of receiving and disconnecting alexa call also freezes. U have to swipe 4 5 times to pick the call and while disconnecting it goes on background and u won't be able to disconnect the call", "slow as hell", "Slow to load, difficult to navigate, and battery draining.", 'Though I love the concept of smart home technology, this app does not embrace "smart" App takes encredibly long to load, and with the understanding that it\'s use would generally imply that you wish to control something, the "home" page is filled with a bunch of useless filler requiring several actions to FINALLY get to a useful screen. Where are the easy access (configurable) widgets on the home screen? Where are the android/iOs widgets? Perhaps some UI developers need to be brought in', "so slow and laggy! I am trying to fix the voice responses. alexa used to stop when I said stop. now she lectures me about my wifi connection even though it's fine. how to fix? the app certainly doesn't help. it's not responsive.", "It's soooo slow. For a few years that I've had this app it's the slowest of all my apps. It takes forever to just have it remove a task or thumb down something that the Alexa didnt do correctly. The loading is also very slow.", "Best not to ask for a review (intrusive and annoying) coincident the the system failing (inexplicable and frustrating)", "Horrible response time", "Browsing this app is slow. Specially while browsing the skill page. It takes time for the page to load.", "This app never loads or takes forever to do do", "it's very slow and buggy at times", "slow as hell to load app, but works fine in my simple environment.", "Honestly this app is so laggy. My network is working fine on all other apps. The app shall freeze , not take inputs etc. Feels like Amazon hasnt put enough money into its development.", "it's just a slow app for no apparent reason (on a Pixel 7 so it's not the phone)", "good but lags at times", "So slow and doesn't load properly.", "Extremely slow and sucks up too much storage.", "app is slow to response", "Very very slow app, devices work fine, frustrating though that it takes ages to scroll between tabs/menu just to reduce speaker volume", "Terribly slow", "It's takes longer to uninstall then to install it", "very leggy and slow app", "the app is slow", "sluggish app", "Alexa app is too slow and not at all intuitive. Each page takes a lot of time to load.", "the app is slow and clunky", "Laggy. Poor UI/UX. Terrible and now all notifications have stopped even though they are enabled", "very slow app, sluggish performance", "very slow and useless gui", "Slow but good", "Slower than dial up! With Amazon promoting so many smart features and devices that work with Alexa, maybe Amazon should spend a little money on their app and actually make it functional.", "horribly slow app, it's negatively responsive.", "very very very slow app", "Very slow app", "Not a good app. It has too much lag.", "lags", "the app lags, hangs, does nothing then repeats the command 10 times, the routine function would be amazing if it had a better UX/UI but I have to deal with an app the is slow and hangs.", "app is very slow and inefficient.", "app very slow to respond when using", "Slow app. It take 30 sec after click.", "It's very lagging application", "Slow to load, settings keep getting changed to default on grade", "Absolute trash. It doesn't play any of the songs you ask. It lags and freezes all the time. Can't answer most questions.", "after a while of usage, app becomes extremely slow to respond", "Too slow. Takes too much time to load page after every click.", "lot of lag time", "The app is slow. :(", "Slow slow slow", "Terrible and slow", "Pretty slow at launch. Application UX is average.", "Okay app, terrible communication and slow. Evertime the app updates Alexa gets dumber. Google can do so much more than Alexa now. If I ask alexa to change all lights to 100%, she will say sorry cannon find a name or a group called all lights. Google will immediately do whatever you say and also do colors.For Alexa, you have to manually add everything to a group that takes way too long for a smart home. Go with Google Assistant. Both have bad and good things, but alexa is just terrible now.", "app is VERY slow on my phone", "This app is slow and clunky and now drains my battery ruthlessly. Even when you change the battery settings, they revert to unset.", "extremely slow app. I haven't come across any app which is so slow in taking commands", "One of the slowest and least responsive apps on my S22 Ultra. I hate having to use it instead of the Alexa voice commands.", "The app is really slow.", "Slowest app on my phone. Constantly locks up, freezes and takes forever to achieve simple tasks. If I didn't have to have it to control the 6 Echos I own, I'd delete this app with extreme prejudice! Str8 trash.", "App is not responding it lags too much", "so difficult to connect first time. app is slow", "This app is very slow and laggy . Please fix it as soon as possible . Otherwise every feature is there . Good", "app reaponse is very slow", "app to slow", "Updated the app and now it runs Very very slow", "too much of setup still not working , slowest app", "Slow as hell", "Laggy", "SLOW. Lags a lot even with super fast internet/wifi and new, updated phones.", "Problems with app being slow awful", "Functionality great. Response time of the app much to slow. Not acceptable from a company like Google.", "Sorry, I had to remove three star, the app has been running real bad as of late, a pop up will come and ask me to wait or close app, don't get me wrong, I love the app. I tried to uninstall and reinstall, the problem will work, but then stop.", "Worst apps. Very laggy. If you're not ready don't create any or sell products", "Been waiting for my app to open for several minutes! I keep closing and reopening and still just a black loading screen. None of the skills stick and it keeps telling me to add the skill whenever i tell it to do something. Please update cause it’s driving me crazy", "too many problems, is slow, sometimes get stuck .. awful", "Last update screwed up video calling. All of a sudden video calls no longer allow auto rotate of the screen, portrait view only. And for some reason there's a ridiculous lag in the outgoing video connection.", "I am truly disappointed with the sluggishness and overall slow performance of the Alexa App, especially coming from a reputable company like Amazon. The app's navigation is so unresponsive that I have to close and reopen it five times just to manage a mere five songs. This is not the user experience I anticipated, and I sincerely hope that Amazon address this", "Not working and slow", "this app crashes all the time and is super slow and unresponsive compared to other apps I use.", "the app is super slow but works well", "Not working properly... Very slow!!!!", "App takes awhile to load for me. Also I try to make a blueprint then it never ends up working.", "This app is very slow responding aap ever.", "Horrible app for android. Takes forever to load and then barely functions. Do better Google!", "lags", "App is slow in responding and somtimes hanging", "Why is the App sooooooo slow? Come on Amazon. Do the Development department need a more pay?????? Wow! 2021", "Alexa the smart assistant is great. This app is mostly great but it takes too long to load things (even when my internet is strong)", "So slow would not recommend if you don't like waiting around for stuff to load", "The most aggravatingly slow and buggy app I have used in a very long time. Nothing better than staring at your phone waiting for it to load for over a minute, or having the app freeze entirely after you fought your way though the options all morning just to change the name of a device. It's kind of embarrassing what a mess this app is.", "A little slow and hard to find certain settings", "so so slow on android. unusable", "laggy experience", "This app is painfully slow to respond. if I didn't need it to control Alexa I would get rid if it.", "very slow app and camera streaming from my ech devices is not working at all.", "It is a great app but the only thing is you have to have internet and it lags a little bit but other wise it is great!", "slow and unresponsive", "The app is slow and keeps closing out. I cannot go into the app at All", "Very slow to respond.", "very slow app", "Useless very slow", "Alexa Application is very slow", "The app drives me crazy is really slow.", "slow app and locks up", "App is so slow and glitchy", "Why is this app so slow?", "Man it's been literally 2 years till they've given an update to the app is slow and needed some updates", "very slow app", "slowest app I've ever used", "Too slow and unresponsive", "App responds too slow! Sluggish app!", "Laggy app.... Even on a brand new phone", "slow working this application", "it's slow, sluggish and unresponsive. and do far none of the obvious things like reset or download again works.", "takes forever to load", "UI needs to be improved, using the interface feels clunky and there's delay every time i move to a new tab.", "Too slow. Too damn slow.", "Slow front end to a web interface, that sometimes loses connection and fails to display data/details.", "Satisfied with control and connectivity. Runs slow on my cheap phone but runs fine on my good one.", "Too slow, doesn't respond ..always shows as my Echo dot is disconnected to WiFi. Worst response..I don't see any work done to it to resolve even after so many bad comments..", "Very slow and less responsive.", "Too much slow app.", "Why is it so slow!!!", "the Amazon Alexa app is Soooo slow and often gets stuck", "This app is too slow working and Alexa not working proper", "I have a S10+ and the app takes years to load anything and is stuck every 2 secs Also not user friendly at all Edit: Upgraded to a S23 and it's still laggy and pretty much unusable", "slow and clunky", "App is very slow to react. Constant problems with devices going offline. Granted some of the problems are in the poor quality if the Amazon smart switches and Echo devices themselves. Very difficult to change wifi routers. Dont give up your old fashioned light switches and stereo.", "very slow app", "The app is very sluggish. Sometimes it won't fully open until the app is closed and reopen. Happens on older and newer Android phone models, same behavior. Sometimes I just need to look at the shopping list, it takes a while to get there, after the app fully loads", "for Amazon to be one of the largest and advanced company's, it has the slowest app I've seen. I hit the home button and it takes 5-7 sec for the page to load. there's also a lag when adding or removing items from your lists. it's quicker and easier to talk to alexa than to enter manually. it'll be great if the app was more responsive.", "Very very slow app. The app is so slow for no reason and music control is a nightmare especially devices in a group. Why can't I control the music slider when devices are in groups? Makes no sense at all and group volume is horrible as well. You have to change the volume on devices individually. Why not have a group volume. Like normal with Amazon, they always ruin their products with updates", "The app is slow and very unresponsive. It's a very disappointing app from a company as big as Amazon and given the fact I learned out a lot of money for the devices it controls on my home.", "This app used to open up quickly. Now, it opens but takes about 30 seconds to load the main screen and then there is a delayed response to some actions, by about 10 seconds or so. So you tap the button again and then it finally reacts to your initial click but now it responds to another click on the page that is finally presented. Very frustrating. Please fix these bugs. We love using Alexa for our entire smart home capabilities e.g., lighting, shades, gas fireplace, thermostat and more.", "app is so slow and freezing many times...", "app is nice with good features but most of the times very slow", "slow and laggy app", "The app is lagging a lot, on every tap it just freezes and it also ruins the experience of so many smart alexa devices which it's meant to control, every time I open the app it just irritates me. I would suggest creating a different app for controlling smart iot things, too much of clutter in the app.", "Lag and slow", "It lags alot", "Slow, and finicky. Keeps forgetting skills & devices. Takes forever to activate assistant", "super slow app with 1000s of glitches. why thing's don't work for any Amazon app. be it music, prime video or this Alexa... please please please focus on improving engineering and making basic things faster.", "still can be better, should be fast include more services, I see great potential but I tap and doesnt respond even with fast internet connection, should be snappier, also I get the icon to add amp then tells me I reached the end of Alexa, has been like this for months.", "This definitely has moments where it is great but sometimes it does not work seamlessly with devices. The time to load the app is a bit slow at times. Wifi shouldn't matter but it does play a factor.", "I really don't understand why a corporation like Amazon makes trash like this, provided billions they make in profits. The app is slow and buggy. The UX is illogical and the opposite of convenience. I kinda get it. They have little to no competition, but this is even disrespectful to their users.", "very lagging", "Very buggy and slow / unresponsive. The slider buttons are small and if I touch one pixel too far outside of the slider, it will take a solid 3 seconds to load another screen when I just wanted to turn the slider on or off. This really sucks when I'm trying to turn all my alarms on or off. Also I've noticed that if I unplug my Amazon Device, when I plug it back in and the alarms say that they are on, they actually are not on. They will not go off despite the device connected and alarms on.", "The app could've been a great place to control multi-branded devices, but instead it's very cluttered and slow. Alexa has a better assistant, but Google Home has a better app.", "Too slow to open and takes time to load screens", "Very slow to load and react to what you are trying to do with it.", "This app work slow or doesn't work at all!", "aap is very slow & lagging", "very slow and sometimes unreliable", "This app very slow", "After YEARS this app is still slow an unresponsive. It's the only app I have that acts like this. Amazon has failed this app big time.", "App is incredibly slow. It takes minutes to do what should only require seconds to do.", "slow and limited", "Amazon Alexa app is slow as snails and won’t connect to the network or discover the Ring devices.", "App loads incredibly slow.", "It's pretty slow and the routines function is not very intuitive", "The last few updates to this app have made it super slow to load and to shift to the devices page. Maybe it's all those stupid suggestions it keeps annoying me with, or maybe something else. In any case, it has gotten so slow to come up that it's practically useless. Giving one star cuz I can't give zero to the recent updates.", "is not responsive, pretty slow, need optimization to get better user experience", "it takes forever! why is this such a slow app?", 'Laggy app, keeps loading on every screen. Also the annoying alexa announcements like "Playing from xxx" can\'t be stopped. Penny pathetic app.', "I wish it were instantaneous to switch between tabs and open different devices.", "the android app is extremely slow", "Laggiest App i have ever used", "This APP is poorly written in my opinion. It’s very slow to update changes. You cannot delete settings or groups easily or at all. Very frustrating if you make a mistake or just want to make a change. You can’t just delete the APP and reinstall. It remembers all of your old settings. You can’t deregister components either, because when you reconnect, it remembers the wrong settings you were trying to clear. This is a simple program, why didn’t anyone QC it before release? DANG!", "App lags a lot even after update and reinstall", "The app is too slow. It just freezes for few seconds after touching any action. It's not at all responsive. For example, after clicking Call, it just loads ALL contacts that have Alexa or other compatible options for calling. It happens every single time. Why can't local cache be used? Or just load the most recently used contacts first instead of loading all? Very poor design from the tech giant...", "The app is great when it's actually working. Even with the latest updates, the app lags and takes, in some cases, 3+ minutes to get a button to respond.", "The app is very slow... It needs to be fast and load pages faster.", "super slow app", "What a laggy app - definitely not a native one!", "App is stupidly slow", "Very slow, crashes all the time", "The app becomes slow and unresponsive over time. These problems seem to occur when the app is updated. To minimise issues, It's best to uninstall and reinstall the app. I've found this works with the Amazon music app as well.", "The app is so slow in unusable. I have a new phone, still takes forever.", "the app is sooooooooo slow....", "God this app is slow", "slow, unresponsive and glitchy", "I have a few Alexa’s that I have set up to play music together through the app. The app takes way to long to load and sometimes it just dosnt. Connecting Apple Music or any other services except amazom music is a pain sometimes dosnt even work. Also connecting any 3rd party software through “skills” will randomly stop working and log themselves out. I hate this app but I really do enjoy Amazons services.", "Worst app, not optimised well, laggy everytime, in every little thing", "significant drop in response times. slow screen loading and I'm working on Wi-Fi so there should be no excuse for the lackluster performance of this app. once patched I will patch this sorry review.", "Super slow, and keeps reading the same kindle book section over and over again. Frustrating.", "the app is very slow. one of the slowest I have ever used. can be buggy as well. reminds me of the free games they used to give away with cereal boxes. sure, it sort of works if you are willing to put up with the rushed design and poor quality.", "The app is extraordinarily slow.", "Will not function hands free on my device. What is the point of an assistant on my phone if everything I say requires physical interaction? It slows down every single thing I want to do and defeats the purpose of having this app at all.", "Will not connect to my Xfinity router.", "difficult to setup Alexa on new wifi modem.", "Multi-room music works great for a time, but seems to have connection errors often. I have to reset my 4 devices multiple times a week for them to stay connected. When it works it’s wonderful, but it just doesn’t work consistently.", "I purchased Alexa Dot from Amazon. Have been happy with device until I changed my Wi-Fi password. Now it doesn’t work. Trying to get tech support with a live person is impossible. I’ll never order a device from Amazon again!!!", "While my iPhone has ZERO difficulty in “seeing” my home WiFi, Alexa - quite obviously - lacks this ability’\n\nIt was easy to contact Alexa support through the chatting feature within the application, it was instantly apparent that simultaneously chatting & simultaneously following technical instructions was impossible.\n\nSo, I wasted several hours in my repeatedly unsuccessful attempts to simply connect my Amazon Echo device to the same WiFi network that my iPhone uses & maintained throughout this vain process of connecting Echo to the Internet.\n\nMy WiFi password is incorrect!\n\nReally?\n\nPerhaps it only functions on my router & on my iPhone….", "set up to wifi is not working properly", "Impossible to reset everything. Why does Amazon make this so difficult and time-consuming??", "Impossible to set up with internet or any service", "Having trouble connecting to the internet", "Had Geek Squad program a couple of plugs when I first got Echo Dot a year ago. When there’s a power outage or you hit the wrong link or button… good luck getting back on line. Difficult to add and rename things. \nCan’t seem to find my router as rule. I check my router codes and smart plugs usually can’t connect to the router. Two star rating is generous.", "I have 7 Alexa’s. They stop in the middle of music, disconnect etc. Very difficult to back on Wi-Fi. I have them at two different locations and both locations have different internet and the same problems.", "I had satisfactory results using the echo Dot in the beginning. I have not been able to use it for the last three months because of connectivity issues. Reaching out to customer service is a joke.", "This app generally functions ok, but if it is on it takes over microphone functions and you can't use speech-to-text, and voice search with Google does not work. Older devices are near impossible to connect. The connection process for those devices generally fails and manual installation does not always work. I have many of these speakers and most of them are previous generations the latest generation of the echo dot without a clock sounds horrible it's cheap and junk.", "Looks like it would be great -- IF it worked. I've got 5 Alexa enabled devices: 4 Amazon devices & a Nest thermostat. Only ONE of the 5 are 'found' by this app. The other 4 will not connect despite continued attempts.", "Was unplugged for a day or two now won’t stay connected to the wi fi which is 10 feet away. When I give a command the dot starts to talk then ‘clicks off’.", "Won't connect to wifi. Password is changed on wifi & everything I do....Alexa & app do not connect!!!!", "This app broke all three of my echo devices. As soon as the requirement for this app was instated, all my echoes stopped working. The app just constantly fails to connect, while the network is working fine, and since the app fails, the devices will not respond.", "For some reason, Alexa is telling me there’s no Internet or no Wi-Fi . But there is what do I do next?", "Device constantly having issues with voice commands. Says having trouble with connectivity. Other devices work fine; I have to use phone as a remote to execute demands.", "I can’t find how to connect to the Internet anymore like I used to be able to do. The new updated version has all kinds of information but a lot of it is unnecessary and the pertinent information to making Alexa work is not easily located. I am very frustrated and considering changing to another smart system.", "Alexa has been having issues with connecting to the internet to many times.", "Falls offline, won’t reconnect. GARBAGE.", "I am as annoyed as a hippo with a hernia! Alexa previously worked with my Roku to control my media system. I changed Router’s and now it won’t connect even though it shows the device enabled. I have tried working through the Chat side and they can’t figure it out and every time I call, putting my number in to call me, it says it’s calling and then hangs before I receive the call. So don’t believe the hype, Alex and the Amazon cohorts will let you down.\n\n04/16/2023\nAlexa not working, can’t get a call back, sat on the chat line 30 minutes without at least getting a notification that they really no I’m there. Pay for Prime as many do, don’t feel like I’m being treated as a valuable customer!", "I have a disconnected device next to me and when i look it up on the app it correctly shows me that it is not connected to my wifi for some reason. \n\nMy problem is that knowing it is not connected, the app gives me no ability to try and reconnect - it’s just a ‘dumb monitor’. The app also didn’t warn me of the problem, it just told me when i asked it.", "Why is it so difficult to reconnect AlexaHad Comcast shut of cable ,Wi-Fi on a vacation home. Now trying to reconnect Alexa, without much success.", "I cannot fornthe lofe of me get my device to connect to my new Samsung 23. uggghh!", "Do not know why Echo Show 8 sees the Wi-Fi but still has the “!” Symbol and can not communicate. Any advice?", "Why can’t I get an answer to that problem?", "I have an Echo 4th gen I bought for $99. However, I cannot even fished setting it uo. It keeps searching for wifi. I tried all solutions online and finally I found that I am not the only one. Lots of people had this issue in 2022.", "difficult to set up as far as connection,,,have perfect wifi and the process of setting up a Dot is insane,, between download app, btw which controls your phone,,,,rebooting modem, on and on and still doesnt work", "Echo dot stopped connecting to the WiFi for no reason and no one seems to be of any help for this", "I am going in circles trying to do this now for more than an hour. Alexa app is asking me if I have given permission to it to access local area network. The instructions on web do not work so I will have to spend more time finding the right instructions.", "Been trying to change the wifi in Alexa and it won’t let me and it won’t let me connect to a different wifi", "All of a sudden the unit stopped working and stated the wi fi wasn’t working. Checked the wi fi and found it was working. Attempted to reset with a new account. Did not work. Alexa doesn’t respond at all.", "very difficult to connect dnt accrpt wifi password", "won't work. changed wifi and now it won't talk or answer me. hate it.", "won't connect to WIFI", "not able to connect with wifi", "I move to new place device won’t connect", "I’ve had it with this app and it’s connection issues with smart devices. I’m tired of having to reprogram everything when the router reboots or the power goes out and comes back on. This is crap I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody.", "After 10 attempts it will not connect", "All three of my echo cameras were working fine until a month ago. now all the “live” viewings are all black screens when I use the app to see remotely. When at home can’t get the App to connect to device and the cryptic instructions are useless.. I’ve deleted the app and reinstall.. still useless.", "The overall experience was great but the thing was that my wifi is good but alexa are was not connecting to my Wi-Fi it was again and again saying that it has some disconnecting problem and in my mobile the net is going very good", "won't connect still after I've been using my Alexa for over a year", "For some reason my Dot dropped it's connection to wifi and my app and it now refuses to work anymore. I've tried to set it back up four separate times, twice yesterday and twice yesterday, but to no avail. I guess I have a cute little paperweight with a red light on the bottom now.....", "worlds poorest app, tried 1000 times but never connect to my wifi", "So awhile ago I got logged out of the Alexa app and it wouldent let me log back in I really didt care tho cuz I didt need it to listen to my music,Well recently I got a new wifi box so my wifi had changed and I had to connect it to the Alexa I went to log into the app just now and it still will not let me I tried changing the password I tried deleting and redownloading the app I can’t get it to work at all and all my Alexa keeps saying is it’s not connected to wifi and yes befor I go onto the app I Bluetooth my phone to the Alexa and evreything it still dose not work", "no network found issue", "alexa used to be great. Recently it is a pain in the a**. Echo stopped connecting to my plug. When I try to reset it, it blinks forever and says try again. Amazon music randomly stops playing. Sometimes it gets half way through a song and then skips to another song. I tried all the garbage cures they suggest, reset the router, unplug the device, reset dot to factory settings. It just goes back to being glitch. I'm about ready to ditch the whole mess.", "User unfriendly, Alexa is not anymore connecting to the wifi, it's really a bull product, and is sure not helping, repeating all the same advises which were tried, all the time. It's a disaster!", "Alexa won't switch the wifi connection, I've been trying for a week now, it stops playing in between and never connects to the wifi I set it to", "still carnt connect to the Wi-Fi?", "This is the second alexa and it it now loosing connection to internet. They work fine for 6 months to a year then suddenly cant stay connected. Don't waste your time or money.", "I’ve had 3 Echo devices that have lost connection and unable to connect again. I’m in that position now. I’ve followed all the instructions in the Alexa app. It has said it has connected. However, it doesn’t respond and the light turns red again. I was gifted this device less than two weeks ago.", "My alexa dot still not connected though my phone says it is....have spent hours trying to restart it. Throwing it in the Garbage.", "cant connect to wifi", "Changed wifi password now I can't connect to it. Followed directions on app to reconnect and it still doesn't work with Amazon Echo.", "My main purpose was to use this to easily see my ring doorbell when someone rang the doorbell, but it doesn't show any notifications at all. I made sure to troubleshoot multiple times, reset the devices, and still won't work", "I rebooted my router and now my alexa wont connect at all no matter what i do. Such a poor design for wifi connection", "Can’t get alexa to join wifi network ??", "wont connect to wi-fi", "I upgraded my router and 2 of my 3 Alexa devices cannot be reinstalled after at least an hour of trying and following the directions. Also music was more user friendly before the money grab", "I can't connext my echdot plz fix ot says no internel on all devises", "Cannot get echo devices to see network and even the app no longer connects to wifi.", "After much research, I am unable to reconnect to WiFi, very frustrating to say the least.", "horrible...can't even figure out how to pair to wifi anymore. Absolutely the worst interface on the planet.", "Too slow, doesn't respond ..always shows as my Echo dot is disconnected to WiFi. Worst response..I don't see any work done to it to resolve even after so many bad comments..", "Too complicated", "I’m student living in university dorm and I’m not able to connect to university Wi-Fi eduroam", "Everytime my echo device is unplugged, the wifi code is forgotten and it takes FOREVER to reconnect. FRUSTRATING!!", "MANY issues! Do not purchase any Dot until they fix these issues. I have purchased 2 different generations. None will connect, slow communication with Alexa app. Constantly telling me my WiFi password is incorrect to setup however my Echo Show works just fine!", "device will not change wifi even when option is selected", "Alexa app keeps saying cannot connect to network", "tough to connect with wifi", "Can't connect, not receiving security notification on my mobile to connect it for the first time.", "Very sporadic and reliable.", "I moved and now I’m not able to connect my alexia", 'Will not connect Echo to WiFi network. Recurring false message "incorrect password". Cleared data and cache; signed-in signed-out; deregistered App from Amazon account; uninstalled, reinstalled app; reset device. NOTHING! Have an expensive device that I cannot connect.', "my echo is not connecting to the internet. I was told there are aware of problems working fixing it it has been almost years since I called on this. why should I buy another device because of the glitche? I feel it's very unfair to all other consumers that are having this problem.", "It’s not letting me connect my Alexa to my phone hotspot and every time I unplug it it still doesn’t work with connecting to my hotspot", "God forbid if you change a router/Wi-Fi. Every single Alexa plug/light stopped working when I got a new router box. My new Wi-Fi isn’t listed in the list of scanned Wi-Fis for my devices, even though the app shows my echo is connected to the new Wi-Fi. And now my echo shadow doesn’t work when trying to do a reset. Come on Amazon, I see so many issues from people who swap out their router/Wi-Fi box, yet you don’t provide any solutions to make it work without starting from square one.", "not working correct wont vonnect to wifi evan tho my divice is", "Sometimes my Alexa randomly disconnects from the network.", "so far, im getting absolutely ZERO LUCK in connecting this thing to my wifi.IF i do get it sorted out, i will return & update my rating/review", "Brand new echo dot 5, cannot find network. All other echo devices work fine", "I cant find any wifi trought i cant setup my alexa echo dot", "unable to connect my Alexa tried several times", "Amazon Alexa app is slow as snails and won’t connect to the network or discover the Ring devices.", "I was very excited, especially after hearing the quality of the echo dot speaker, to be able to use my Sirius account. But connection isn’t working. Have disabled and enabled, turned off and on reset, checked the password nothing is working.", "I can't get it to connect with the wifi are my phone", "can't connect with my echo dot", "Will not connect to my home network. I am an engineer and am pretty sure I know what I am doing but this app will not allow me to set up Alexa with a static IP. It has a setting to have you enter in a manually assigned up to Alexa however it still refuses to connect or use it. Every other device i give a manually assigned IP address to has no issue with my network and I'm not changing my entire home network because Amazon doesn't want to let me setup Alexa on my computer the way I would like to.", "Waste of time as not bug free. I've changed my wifi pwd, since then Echo Dot cannot connect to wifi and there is no possibility to reset the old stored pwd - you can reset the device, unistall the app, reboot device, router, try to clear cache, watch instruction videos, it just does not work and videos are useles, as the app has different menu options. Waste of time.", "Setup worked the 1st time my husband tried..his phone broke so he had to get a new one but alexq Wont connect to his new one nor will it connect to mine..tried several times over the past couple weeks and after resetting device...complete waste of time . thought smart devices were supposed to be smart. Setup shouldnt be this difficult.", "can't connect to wifi. app is no help at all. just sends me in circles", "Upgraded to a new verizon router and none of my alexas recognize it. On the meanwhile all the windows and apple devices are ok. Help", "Would not connect to home wifi, tried for 3 days, and no support offered. Would not recommend.", "An excellent device. Alexa at times is frustrating when it just repeats itself and does not offer alternative actions/options. I have several older models and need to figure out how to dispose of them. Still cannot connect my Ring device, and remote lights.", "All devices got disconnected and won't connect after the latest update", "i can not connect this Alexa to my phone trying from last 1 month", "Will not reconnect to WiFi", "I've had nothing but trouble with the app and connection. Says it's connected once in set up mode then tells me to go to the alexa amozaon app which then says there is no connection. It's just going around in circles.", "How in the heck do you turn off a little alarm and completely delete it?? I've tried and tried to turn the stupid thing off!! But it continues to keep playing at 7:00 a.m. and waking me up!!! It's been a year since my daughter's moved out that's the only reason why I turned it on!! And I keep telling Alexa to turn the stupid thing off but it won't turn off!!", "I can’t stand the toggle feature for setting alarms. The toggle is so tiny that EVERY TIME I try to tap it, it brings me to the edit page instead of just turning it on or off as I intended. Please just get rid of the tiny toggle that requires annoying precision and make it a big button instead", "can't turn off notifications,it sucks. amazing fix it", "notifications are annoying and can't turn them off", "I keep getting an annoying notification about it searching for bluetooth echo devices. Fix this and I'll update my rating. Thank you.", "have notification off and still get stuff from Field Level Media", "she gives too many suggestions. I have attended to turn them off repeatedly but she keeps going on and on and on and on and on and on.... you get the point.", "ELIMINATE NOTIFICATIONS\nTURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS", "Alexa looking for devices notification WILL NOT GO AWAY despite settings for Guest Connect being disabled and the app being denied Nearby Devices permission. Came back as a problem with latest update", "yellow notification will not turn off", "I hate notifications and I cannot stop them. They tell me to go to the app and turn off notifications but there look like there are 999 categories of notifications, and you make me turn them off one by one!", "it just keeps going round in circles unless you give the response it wants. I don't want to access Alexa on the go, so I can't use it at all. I don't want push notifications from BBC sounds so can't use that. Currently it's only value is keeping my shopping list up to date", "So I’ve been trying for hours now to get the Alexa screen to stop popping up every 20 seconds cause it just ruins my tv time. Still have no idea how to stop it. Can’t delete app case screen pop up stops process.", "Not very user friendly. Also, I’d like to turn off ads constantly showing on my “shows” units. I should be able to turn off or at least limit what shows there. Won”t purchase any more “show” units until I can control that.", "unethical business practices.. alexa plays songs with xxxxxx rated words thumbs down to never hear song never works... developer response ??? don't bother posted every where before apple deletes.. same unethical business practices..Notifications are never desable Amazon is using unethical business practices...", "I’ve unfollowed EVERYTHING in the Alexa app except a few shopping notifications, but I keep getting annoying notifications for sports teams I used to follow. I don’t care about this stuff, and it’s extremely irritating not to be able to get rid of it.\n\nMaking things MORE annoying, I get EVERY SINGLE NOTIFICATION *TWICE*!!!", "A constant interruption of a glowing yellow light to indicate a notification has become annoying\nI want Alexa to STOP sending notifications.", "Have had notifications dropping in all devices for notifications regarding sports and actors on all devices including phone have turned them off yet they keep coming and I've had a stroke and it's aggravating need an update with this problem and corrected immediately have been calling daily and I'm tired of it will call the FFA regarding it and the a customer service person was supposed to call me back regarding it after talking to IIT but has not done so turn off notifications on devices and", "The echo show is constantly showing ads. I paid for this device, it wasn’t free, so seeing ads on it is bizarre and frustrating. If it was free and then to make up for that they showed ads to offset the cost, I’d understand, but it’s not free. It would be like buying a watch and then every so often your watch shows you an ad for some dumb tv show you’ll never look at. They still show when you shut them off in the settings and they randomly turn on by themselves after you shut them off. At least with the dot I’m not constantly seeing “rings of power” ads, so if you want an Alexa go with that one.", "I’ve unfollowed EVERYTHING in the Alexa app except a few shopping notifications, but I keep getting annoying notifications for sports teams I used to follow. I don’t care about this stuff, and it’s extremely irritating not to be able to get rid of it.", "Not user friendly and difficult to switch things off and unsubscribe.", "Where what ah the heck with it I can’t find anywhere to disable the Reuters updates I get so I just unplugged my echo dot.", "I have been getting updates about celebrities I have never heard of and there is no way in app to disable that. I cannot disable all the Alexa notifications, of course", "Just a horrible experience now. I have five or six Alexa's all over the house. Now they keep on pushing their Amazon music subscription or whatever nonsense over and over again. There is no way to disable all these promotional announcements. Annoying to get them especially when you are requesting other items to be played by the device. I hope the Google devices and the Apple devices will be better than this. Ridiculous Amazon! Don't be Evil!", "You can do 100 amazing things with this app. And honestly, you don't really have a choice not to use it. It's just too hard to disable many features, like notifications.", "I have followed all of the instructions for getting Alexa to stop giving me notifications about some sports teams we used to follow, but we keep getting the notifications, anyway. What’s more, we get the same notification twice. When there’s a game on, or some team has traded somebody, it registers as two notifications, and repeats the same exact notification twice. Annoying!!!", "Can't stop NPR news from playing every single morning. Can't figure out how to cancel it.", "it makes a loud noise, like a gaming nose, every time I ask it to do something or ask it something. I can't find out how to turn it off. also, if it is bumped, it turns off and doesn't want to come back on. it is annoying. I wish I had gone with Google home.", "trash application that won't allow you to turn off any of its annoying features", "Why is is so easy to set up a notification? Such as a traffic notification? Then when said notification is set up via voice through Alexa, it then takes an act of congress to disable it. So frustrating. How the heck do you easily disable the traffic updates?", "cannot access notification settings, doesn't respond to settings when changed.", "Alexa announces annoying notifications and the option to turn it off does not work", "Until Alexa can tell me how to turn off these constant birthday notifications every day I’m turning off all notifications from the Alexa app.", "It keeps giving me all of these stupid weather & amber notifications", "This is probably the worst app I've seen in terms of User Experience. I've tried for months now to turn off sports notifications on my Echos and I still have no clue where they are coming from. I even spent 45 minutes with tech support to solve this, and I thought I did after they found this obscure location where I was following something but no, I'm still getting notifications. Also, after moving to a new phone, every time I launch the app, I have to go through the \"setup\" process.", "Pros: \n-Sound is great for a tiny round speaker\n-Love playing the free versions of Question of the \n Day, and Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader\n-Does So Much. I Love the Find my Phone feature. \n I use it all the time\nCons:\n-Navigating the Alexa App is not as easy as it \n could be. Putting new routines on is easy. Taking\n them off can seem nearly impossible. I still can’t \n figure out how to take a daily news briefing off", "too many notifications and can't turn them off .", "Alexa plays notifications - can’t turn them off. Alexa plays music at 6pm every day. Can’t stop it. Try to follow instructions to make changes - instruction either incomplete or obsolete. Is there a live person who can walk through getting things corrected?", "while I’m not even using the app, and there’s no setting to turn this off. Uninstalling.", "I have been trying to turn off notifications from Alexa about the New England Patriots. \nI have called and worked with Amazon help technicians a few times as well. \nThey made me factory Reset the echo device.\n\nHowever, I still cannot get rid of the notifications. \n\nI am currently not following anything or anyone, nor do I have a Reminders or anything else. \n\nWhy am I getting notifications?", "after years and years of complaints this POS *still* shouts the house down when it decides to randomly reconnect to Bluetooth. with no way of muting the notification. Thanks, Mr Bezos: brilliant!!", "getting too complex - I really don't want Alexa to run the world - but when you cannot figure out what notification to turn off so that she does not flash yellow. well - too much.", "be warned: notifications are either on or off, you cannot make them silent", "lots of smart devices and apps aren't working properly with Alexa for what looks like strange reasons. And I can't modify notifications to only do package delivery notice. I can say I love my echo is still sweet and polite but the echo devices app needs serious updates cause they don't work inside or outside my home half the time.", "Intrusive, won't shut up, keeps giving me SUGGESTIONS (BY THE WAY) I can't stop, I'm about to unplug all my alexa devices and replace them with Google unless this changes! Why can't you permanently disable suggestions. I don't need to be told every time I trigger the speaker of some \"feature\" I should try. It also is extremely easy to trigger the speaker and it always listens after I'm finished my command and is accidentally triggered by followup talking that was not meant for the speaker.", "Used to be a good product, but surreal that I can have my day interrupted with advertisements \n\nStop\nThis\nNow", "All the sudden, Alexa is lighting up with weather notifications. There is no category in settings that I can find to turn off weather notifications. She’s driving me crazy with them.", 'Kindly give the option to disable alexa announcing the song and artist name before playing them. "Turn off Song ID" does nothing.', "Yeah, I can cancel it on my phone or watch but why am I getting it? Can’t find anywhere in the app to stop the notification. And yes, I did go to More>Settings>Notifications", 'App works fine. But the "By The Way" suggestions with my devices are useless and annoying. Give me an easy to find option to completely disable that feature without jerry rigging the damn thing and losing my notifications.', "Very buggy and slow / unresponsive. The slider buttons are small and if I touch one pixel too far outside of the slider, it will take a solid 3 seconds to load another screen when I just wanted to turn the slider on or off. This really sucks when I'm trying to turn all my alarms on or off. Also I've noticed that if I unplug my Amazon Device, when I plug it back in and the alarms say that they are on, they actually are not on. They will not go off despite the device connected and alarms on.", "Overall a decent app however, I keep getting notifications for the Boston Celtics. I am not a fan nor do I live even remotely close to Boston. I have reset the sports notifications to make sure they are not saved but very day I get some update about them. I do not care about the NBA let alone the Celtics. It makes me really dislike this app.", "Alexa has a notification badge lit up. I went through the entire app searching for its cause and eas unable to find it. I had to disable notification badges completely to make it go away.\n\nPlease allow the user to access the notification causes from the home page", 'Every once in a while you break the ability to control my lights. "A few things share the name lights." Really? | Still can\'t set do not update times, it interrupted my sleep again today after midnight. | My FireTv Cube and Echo Dot both updated within the past few days AFTER MIDNIGHT. They illuminated my whole room while I was trying to sleep. Please change the timing for this server-side or at the very least follow Do Not Distrurb or give us Do Not Update Hours.', "Even after turning them off for each device it continues to notify and will r accept “I’m done” response. My son has to unplug his.", "I was very excited, especially after hearing the quality of the echo dot speaker, to be able to use my Sirius account. But connection isn’t working. Have disabled and enabled, turned off and on reset, checked the password nothing is working.", "Trying to turn these notifications off for over two hours now. Still sending to smart phone n watch. Stop it!", "With the latest update my GE Zwave fan switches have lost the ability to have variable speeds. The switches now only allow for an on or off state. I am still able to set variable speeds for the fan in the smartthings app and at the wall switch. Plus my Zwave dimmable light switches still allow for variable brightness in both the smartthings app and the Alexa app. Please fix the bug.", 'Laggy app, keeps loading on every screen. Also the annoying alexa announcements like "Playing from xxx" can\'t be stopped. Penny pathetic app.', "Only momentarily installed it to disable all the intrusive notifications", "I can't cancel sports alerts that I set up via voice command. It directs me to do it from the app and nothing is there. Spent an hour and half with amazon talking to 3 different reps and no one could figure it out or even start a ticket because it's obviously a glitch with their software. Now I'm stuck listening to alerts every day!", "Already removed teams from sports settings and they keep showing up in my notifications. Setting is clear of any team. Opened other settings as well to figure out if I'm missing some hidden setting somewhere, but no.", "I asked how to turn off a specific notification and could not get an answer that worked.", "Since the last update, the lists on the app (to do, shopping) don’t show an updated number of items on the homepage. The to-do list updates to 20 items, but no further. Tried deleting and reinstalling the app, didn’t help. More recently updated lists don’t appear on the homepage, and older lists suddenly pop up. Also, almost every morning, I say good morning to Alexa to get the day’s interesting bit of trivia, but she replies instead with asking to put a name to my voice. If I wanted her/it to use my name, I’d have set that up ages ago. Every time, I have to tell her to stop, then say good morning a second time, to get to content. Make it an option to identify a name to a voice, but don’t nag and hound every morning about it! Please turn off that repetitive, annoying function." ] model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2') # embeddings = model.encode(sentences) output = model.encode(sentences) embeddings = pd.DataFrame(output) print(embeddings) embeddings.to_csv("embeddings.csv", index=False)