facts-grounding-prompts / grounding_nli_json_double_check.yaml
MoritzLaurer's picture
Upload prompt template grounding_nli_json_double_check.yaml
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template: |-
Your task is to verify whether a given sentence is entailed by a given context or not. Answer only in YES or NO without any additional text. Do not try to avoid answering, or apologize, or give any answer that isn't simply YES or NO.
- json_dict
description: "An evaluation prompt from the paper 'The FACTS Grounding Leaderboard: Benchmarking LLMs’ Ability to Ground
Responses to Long-Form Input' by Google DeepMind.\n The prompt was copied from the evaluation_prompts.csv file from
Kaggle.\n This specific prompt elicits a binary entailment/non-entailment classifier. It requires a dict as input"
evaluation_method: json_with_double_check
- fact-checking
version: 1.0.0
author: Google DeepMind
source: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/deepmind/FACTS-grounding-examples?resource=download&select=evaluation_prompts.csv
client_parameters: {}
custom_data: {}